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Ilidrissi-Tan2019 Article ADeepUnifiedFrameworkForSuspic

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Artificial Life and Robotics (2019) 24:219–224


A deep unified framework for suspicious action recognition

Amine Ilidrissi1 · Joo Kooi Tan1

Received: 10 April 2018 / Accepted: 12 November 2018 / Published online: 19 December 2018
© International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics (ISAROB) 2018

As action recognition undergoes change as a field under influence of the recent deep learning trend, and while research in
areas such as background subtraction, object segmentation and action classification is steadily progressing, experiments
devoted to evaluate a combination of the aforementioned fields, be it from a speed or a performance perspective, are far and
few between. In this paper, we propose a deep, unified framework targeted towards suspicious action recognition that takes
advantage of recent discoveries, fully leverages the power of convolutional neural networks and strikes a balance between
speed and accuracy not accounted for in most research. We carry out performance evaluation on the KTH dataset and attain
a 95.4% accuracy in 200 ms computational time, which compares favorably to other state-of-the-art methods. We also apply
our framework to a video surveillance dataset and obtain 91.9% accuracy for suspicious actions in 205 ms computational time.

Keywords  Suspicious action recognition · Deep learning · Convolutional neural networks · Background subtraction ·
Optical flow estimation · Action classification

1 Introduction state-of-the-art computer vision techniques, focusing on

optical flow estimation, background subtraction and action
The past few years have witnessed significant progress in the classification, propose a unified action recognition method
field of action recognition, with new research in areas such that takes advantage of all these advances and apply it to
as background subtraction, object segmentation and action abnormal scenes.
classification coming out at an increasing pace, and more The paper is structured as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe
and more applications to automatic video classification and prior research on related fields and outline methods relevant
video surveillance being found. Moreover, the recent deep to our research. In Sect. 3, we delve into the framework’s
learning trend has brought about a data-based change in how implementation and provide a step-by-step explanation from
these areas are approached, with a focus on large datasets video input to final action classification. Finally, Sect. 4
and generalization to all kinds of scenes. is devoted to experimenting, complete with background
However, while deep learning has been and is being regarding choice of training and test datasets, as well as
applied to an increasing number of fields, not many attempts interpretation of results.
have been made at combining these efforts into a unified
framework, and practically no evaluations have been recently
carried out to measure both speed and performance of com- 2 Related work
monly used techniques. In this paper, we explore the current
2.1 Background subtraction
This work was presented in part at the 23rd International
Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Beppu, Oita, January Depending on performance needs, one might simply use
18–20, 2018. frame differencing, or a dynamic method [1, 2] to estimate
the background of a given scene. These methods are usu-
* Amine Ilidrissi ally used on a whole frame or two frames at a time and
may require prior knowledge of the processed scene. One
Joo Kooi Tan
technique which does not follow that paradigm is deep
background subtraction [3], which operates by dividing a
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan


220 Artificial Life and Robotics (2019) 24:219–224

frame into small pixel-centered patches and classifying these 3.1 Deep background subtraction
as background or foreground patches. It should be noted
that focusing on these pixel-centered patches instead of the We use the method described in [3] to achieve efficient
whole scene does not hamper performance. Also, contrary to background subtraction with the use of convolutional neu-
expectations, using only a small number of frames (25–50) ral networks. More specifically (assuming we are inputting
is suffice to obtain very good to excellent results and allows a grayscale video):
for camera stabilization and shadow removal among other
benefits. 1. We construct a simple background model of the video
input by computing a temporal average of each pixel.
2. We generate for each input frame a three-channel frame,
2.2 Optical flow where the first channel is the untouched input, the sec-
ond channel is the background model, and the third
Optical flow estimation has traditionally been done using channel is left empty.
differential methods, be they sparse like the Lucas–Kanade 3. We extract for each pixel of the generated frame a square
method [4], or dense like the Farnebäck method [5] and the patch centered around that pixel, and we feed it to the
TV-L1 method [6]. While speed and accuracy vary wildly neural network.
across these kinds of methods, a major drawback com- 4. The neural network, if training, learns from the input
mon to all of them is lack of generalization to large data. patches, given pixel-precise ground truth; if predicting,
One breakthrough in this domain is FlowNet [7], an opti- it classifies each patch as either background or fore-
cal flow estimation method that uses convolutional neural ground.
networks to take advantage of large datasets. FlowNet 2.0 5. We generate the foreground video based on the above
[8], an improved iteration standing as the current state of classification results and pass it on to the optical flow
the art, has also been released, as well as a dataset aimed at estimation part of the framework.
stereo optical flow estimation [9]. It is worth pointing out
that while datasets used for training purposes are artificial Results of the above steps on sample frames can be seen
(with some created with 3D modeling software), the result- in Fig. 1. The background model, while retaining faint
ing models generalize surprisingly well to real-world data. traces of motion, is sufficiently accurate for an uncluttered
scene. The three-channel frame shows the static back-
ground as brown and motion (including removed shad-
2.3 Action classification ows) as red.

Action classification relies mostly on extracting features.

These can either be handcrafted like Motion History Images
[10], Motion History Volumes [11] or Directional Motion
History Images [12–14] and processed using SVMs, for
example, or automatically computed using neural networks
such as two-stream convolutional networks [15], which com-
bine both static features and optical-flow-powered dynamic
features to achieve great video recognition performance.
Temporal segment networks [16] expand on that concept
in an original way, by operating on small snippets instead
of a large, possibly unrepresentative part of the video. This
technique leads to state-of-the-art results on various datasets
and changes the way we are thinking about how to handle
video inputs to a convolutional neural network.

3 The framework

The present research will be focusing on action recognition

using deep background subtraction, deep optical flow esti-
mation, and two-stream convolutional networks. Fig. 1  Deep background subtraction on a sample frame

Artificial Life and Robotics (2019) 24:219–224 221

3.2 Optical flow estimation

We rely on FlowNet 2.0 [8] for deep optical flow estimation.

A variety of pre-trained models were made available by the
University of Freiburg (https​://githu​​urg/flown​
et2), all differing in speed and accuracy. We aim for maximum
accuracy and choose the “FlowNet2” model. The resulting out-
put is usable as-is. However, the raw optical flow for a single
frame pair is over 100 KB, which is inconvenient when train-
ing the action classifier since GPU memory is quite limited.
To work around this, we use post-estimation optical flow
compression inspired by dense_flow (https​://githu​​
ng/dense​_flow) to push file size down to less than 2 KB. Com-
pression here means saving optical flow information to two
grayscale images, each representing an axis, and computed
using the following equation, where x is the estimated optical
flow value for the working axis, f (x) the computed image, and
𝛼 a parameter acting as an optical flow bound:

⎧0 x < −𝛼

f (x) = ⎨ 255 ∗
�x� < 𝛼 (1)
⎪ 255 x > 𝛼.

Example results can be seen in Fig. 2, with the images to

the left representing the horizontal axis, and the images to the
right the vertical axis. We can observe significant improve- Fig. 2  Sample optical flow estimation (left optical flow images repre-
ments when optical flow estimation is preceded by deep back- sent the horizontal axis, right optical flow images represent the verti-
ground subtraction. cal axis)

3.3 Action classification environment we worked under. Section 2 will be about the

datasets used as well as training and test details. Section 3
While action classification can be performed using a variety of is the results section with computational time required and
more or less deep methods, in this paper, we adopt two-stream comparisons to state-of-the-art methods included.
convolutional networks as a simple yet modular way to accu-
rately recognize human actions. To summarize the method 4.1 Working environment
described in [15, 17]:
Our hardware working environment is as follows:
1. We alternately stack a number of optical flow frame
pairs (representing both axes) and feed them into a con- • Processor Intel Core i7-6950 @ 3 GHz, 10 cores, 20 logi-
volutional network for training or classification. cal processors.
2. We augment the optical flow input before the first layer • Physical memory: 128 GB.
for improved training and classification. • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, 1920 CUDA cores,
3. We begin from step 1 again for a number of times (and 8 GB memory.
choosing different optical flow frames) and average the
obtained training losses or predictions. As for software, we use Ubuntu 16.04 as our operating
system, as well as stock and custom versions of Caffe [18].

4 Experiments 4.2 Datasets, training and test details

This section is devoted to testing our action recognition For training and predicting in the case of deep background
framework using multiple sets of networks and param- subtraction, we use the same network as in [3], which is
eters. Section 1 will describe the hardware and software LeNet-5 [19] slightly modified to get better results and


222 Artificial Life and Robotics (2019) 24:219–224

Fig. 3  Example of a suspicious trajectory

Fig. 4  Example of an ordinary trajectory

trained on the 2014 motion detection database available at [20]. More specifically, we use the
shadow detection dataset and focus on shadow removal as Table 1  Results of the experiment on the KTH dataset
it is most relevant to our human action dataset. We use 48 Action VGG-19 network (%) ResNet-18
frames for training and 6 frames for testing. Other motions, network (%)
such as camera jitter and zooming, will be the object of fur-
ther research. We let the training run for 100,000 iterations, Walking 97.9 99.3
Boxing 100 96.5
with a batch size of 20,000 and an initial learning rate of
Running 86.7 86.1
0.01 that decreases asymptotically.
Jogging 95.5 91
As for action classification, we use the VGG-19 network
Handclapping 100 99.3
[21] and the ResNet-18/ResNet-101 networks [22]. We let
Handwaving 92.4 93.7
training run for 90,000 iterations (differing from [17] as we
Total 95.4 94.3
only use one GPU), with an initial learning rate of 0.005 that
is divided by 10 each 30,000 iterations. We use a batch size
of 50 for VGG-19, 88 for ResNet-18 and 15 for ResNet-101.
We first apply the framework to the KTH dataset [23]
and choose the VGG-19 and ResNet-18 networks. We split Table 2  Results of the experiment for the video surveillance dataset
the dataset into a training set comprising two-thirds of the (confusion matrix)
videos, and a test set comprising one-third of the videos. It Real/predicted behavior Ordinary (%) Suspicious (%)
is worth noting that while comparisons to state-of-the-art
methods will be made later in the paper, the way the KTH Ordinary 80.3 19.7
dataset is split can lead to up to a 10% difference in accuracy Suspicious 8.1 91.9
[24], which can make comparisons less reliable that they
We then carry out a second experiment on a video sur-
veillance dataset used in [25], where a camera installed at of 5, striking a balance between small and large motions,
the Grand Central Station of New York captured an hour- a value we kept for the video surveillance dataset as the
long video at 1 frame per second that has been subsequently movements were uniform enough that the parameter value
annotated with trajectories of 12,684 pedestrians. Example did not affect results.
trajectories can be found in Figs. 3 and 4.
We manually annotated each trajectory as either suspi-
cious (940 trajectories) when the pedestrian seemed to fol-
low a non-linear or premeditated path, or ordinary (11,744 5 Results
trajectories) when the pedestrian did not seem to follow any
kind of structured path. To extract the region of interest for Results of the experiment can be found in Tables 1 and 2.
each trajectory, we first applied deep background subtrac- We also include computational time required per frame in
tion to each relevant frame and then cropped the frame to a Table 3, as well as accuracy comparisons to state-of-the-
20 × 60 patch centered around the spatial coordinates of the art methods for the KTH dataset in Table 4.
person of interest. We choose the ResNet-101 network for While the method we propose is not suitable for real-
this experiment to allow for better generalization. time action recognition (5 frames per second against typi-
Finally, the output of the optical flow estimation method cally 30 or 60 frames per second required), we believe it
we used depends on the value of the bound parameter. For could be used for purposes such as video surveillance and
the KTH dataset, experimenting led us to choose a value suspicious action recognition, where a few seconds’ delay
is usually acceptable.

Artificial Life and Robotics (2019) 24:219–224 223

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Acknowledgements  This research was supported by JSPS Kakenhi, works for large-scale image recognition. arXiv​:1409.1556
Grant number 16K01554.


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