Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics
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Caesium-137 is a by-product of nuclear fission within a nuclear reactor. Complete the two boxes in the nuclear
equation below which describes the production of 137
55 Cs
U 01n137
55 Cs +
Rb +
The half-life of caesium-137 is 30 years. When the fuel rods are removed from a nuclear reactor core, the total
activity of the caesium-137 is 5.8 1015 Bq. After how many years will this activity have fallen to 1.6
106 Bq?
Number of years = ......................................................... (12)
(Total 24 marks)
Use your value of half-life to calculate the decay constant of this radionuclide.
Decay constant = ............................
Use the graph to determine the rate of decay dN/dt when N = 3.0 10 20.
Rate of decay = ..............................
Use your value of the rate of decay to calculate the decay constant of this radionuclide.
Decay constant = ............................
Explain which method of determining the decay constant you consider to be more reliable.
(Total 27 marks)
3. Protactinium, Pa, decays to uranium U by emitting a beta-minus particle. The uranium produced is itself
radioactive and decays by alpha emission to thorium, 234
92 Th.
U. Draw lines on the grid showing both the beta-minus and the alpha decays.
(Total 12marks)
4. Indium-115 (symbol In, proton number 49) decays by beta-minus emission to tin (symbol Sn). Write down a
nuclear equation representing this decay.
Indium-115 has a half-life of 4.4 1014 years. Calculate its decay constant.
Decay constant = ................................................
A radioactive source contains 2.3 1021 nuclei of indium-115. Calculate the activity of this source in
Activity = ...................................................... Bq
State how this activity compares with a normal background count rate.
(Total 21 marks)
5. (a) Use the data below to calculate the binding energy in MeV of a nucleus of oxygen,
Data: mass of proton = 1.007 276 u mass of neutron = 1.008 665 u mass of
oxygen nucleus = 15.990 527 u
Binding energy = ............................................ MeV (4)
Calculate the binding energy per nucleon of . O168
Binding energy per nucleon = .................................. (1)
On the axes below sketch a graph of binding energy per nucleon against nucleon
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