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Madinah To Karbala Part 2

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Holy Blood on Unholy Hands
Volume Two
The Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah

Chishti Sufi Perspective

Holy Blood on Unholy Hands
Volume Two
The Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah

Chishti Sufi Perspective
Irshad Soofi Siddiqui


Abd al-Qadir Soofi Publications

South Africa
2010 Abd al-Qadir Soofi Publications

All Rights Reserved including that of translation

into other languages. No part of this book may
be re-produced or transmitted into in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photo-copying, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the
publisher. Any queries, comments or
suggestions may be directed to

First Publication
December 2010


Almighty and Glorious
In Your Name Dedicated Most Respectfully

The Holy Prophet Muhammad 

The Cause of Creation and Beloved of Allah 

The Righteous Caliphs

al-Khulafu r-Rshidn

The Spiritual Dispensers, Purified under the Blessed Cloak

Ahl al-Kis

The Noble Household

Ahl al-Bayt

All the Noble Companions


Hazrath Imam Husayn ibn Ali 

The Saviour of Pure Islam, dearly beloved of the Holy Prophet 

The Martyrs of Karbala

Who taught the Community of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  not to submit to a
tyrant and tyranny and, if need be, to offer ones life for truth.
My Master

Hazrath Soofie Saheb 

The Sufi Masters
Of the

Qadri, Chishti, Suharwardi and Naqshbandi Sufi Orders

Who have not strayed from the original teachings of
Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamah due to ignorance or religious/political/
economic convenience and for the perpetual blessings all the deceased of the
Community of Lovers
Especially my grandparents

Hazrath Abd Al-Qaadir Soofi Siddiqui 

Sayyida Khatun Bibi Soofi 
My father

Ghulam Muhayuddeen Soofi Siddiqui


Mrs. Sabera Bibi Khan of Rustenburg

Daughter of Mr. Ghulam Hussain Nassir

Say (O My Beloved Holy Prophet

Muhammad ), 'I ask no other reward of
you except love of my family
[Holy Quraan 42nd Sura, ash-Shr (the Consultation)
Verse 23]

I swear by Him in whose Grasp of Power
my life is (Allah )! Faith (Imaan) will
never enter the hearts of any person who
does not love my relatives for the sake of
Allah  and their being my family

Dedicated to my beloved Mother and Father who

Descended from two different oceans of spirituality
Yet, showered me with love, despite their separation
To my two sisters, Irma and Sherbanu
To my beloved wife Rooksana,
My dearly loved son Kamil Ahmad
My adorable daughters, Fatimah Zahra and Rifat

O my Lord, expand my Centre of Perception
[Holy Qur'aan, 20th Sura, Th : Verse 25]

No one gets to heaven by following the

rules or breaking them.
Heaven must burst forth from your
centre of perception; the sadr

.................................. 19

Birth and Titles......................................................... 20

Four Superior Women of the Universe .................. 22
Proximity to the Holy Prophet  ............................ 23
Marriage under Divine Command .......................... 25
The most beloved of the Holy Prophet  ............... 25
The leader of the women of all the worlds .............. 28
Part of the Holy Prophet ...................................... 30
Leading personality of the Day of Judgment ........... 31
Resembled the Holy Prophet  Most ..................... 33
Holy Prophet  used to stand to welcome
Fatimah  ................................................................. 34
Passing away and Burial ........................................... 35
Birth .......................................................................... 37
Names given by Allah  .......................................... 37
Most Excellent Lineage ............................................ 39
Leaders of the Youth of Paradise ............................. 39
Love for Hasan  and Husayn  is love for
the Holy Prophet .................................................. 40
Blessed Five and their Lovers will be given
Preferential Treatment ............................................. 41
Allah  loves Hasan  and Husayn  .................. 41
Husayn s crying hurts the Holy Prophet
 ............................................................................... 42
Holy Prophet  extends his prostration for
his grandsons ............................................................ 42

Illumination from Allah  in the night ................. 43

I am from Husayn  ................................................ 44
Ahl for salvation Companions for guidance ............ 44
.................................. 47

Imam Hasan  resigned from the Caliphate.......... 47

Muawiyah  as Caliph............................................. 48
Martyrdom of Imam Hasan  ................................. 48
Propaganda against Imam Hasan  ........................ 49
Yazid nominated for Caliphate ................................ 50
Muawiyah  canvasses support for Yazid in
Madinah .................................................................... 51
Muawiyah in Makkah ............................................... 52

Yazid Becomes Caliph .............................................. 52

Forcing the Pledge of Allegiance .............................. 53
Tearing the mask of Islam from the face of
un-Islamic rulers ....................................................... 54
At Makkah ................................................................ 55
Letters from Kufa ..................................................... 56
Muslim bin Aqeel  leaves for Kufa ....................... 59
TO KUFA................ 60

Imam Husayn  summoned to Kufa ...................... 60

Orders to kill Imam Muslim bin Aqeel 
and the Kufan Betrayal............................................. 60
Imam Muslim  left alone ...................................... 62
Arrest of Imam Muslim  ....................................... 63
The Kufans Threatened ........................................... 65
Betrayal ..................................................................... 66

The Martyrdom had been Prophesised ................... 66

Imam Husayn  Leaves For Kufa ........................... 69
The connection between the sacrifice of
Ismail  and Husayn  ......................................... 69
Journey to Kufa the first Protest March in
History ...................................................................... 70
Husayn  approaches Kufa ..................................... 71
KARBALA .............. 74

2 Muharram 61 AH.................................................. 74
3 Muharram .............................................................. 75
7th Muharram .......................................................... 75
9th of Muharram- Attack Begins ............................... 77
Hur bin Yazid ....................................................... 79

Friday the 10th Muharram 61 AH .......................... 81

Fifty Followers Martyred .......................................... 81
The First Martyr........................................................ 81
Hur bin Yazid ........................................................... 81
Hazrath Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn  ........................ 82
Imam Qaasim  ....................................................... 83
Hazrath Ali Asghar  .............................................. 85
Hazrath Aqeel , the Brother of Hazrath
Muslim Bin Aqeel  ................................................ 85
Imam Husayn s Brothers ..................................... 86
The Sons of Imam Hasan  .................................... 86
Hazrath Imam Hasan Muthanna  ........................ 86
Hazrath Zaynabs  Sons ......................................... 87
Hazrath Abbas  the Flag Bearer (Alamdar) ........... 88
Faith of the Women of Karbala ............................... 89


Imam Zain al-Aberdeen  ....................................... 90



Parting from the Family ........................................... 91

Facing the Enemy ..................................................... 92
Martyrdom ................................................................ 93
The Noble Zaynab  ................................................ 96
Eulogy to Husayn by prominent
Personalities .............................................................. 98
TO KUFA ............. 103

Light emanates from the Blessed Head ................. 103

At the Court of ibne Ziyaad ................................... 103
Blessed Heads paraded in Kufa.............................. 105
TO DAMASCUS .... 105

Christian Priest accepts Islam ................................ 105

Hazrath Fatimah  comforts her granddaughter .................................................................. 107
AT DAMASCUS .... 108

Two Compassionate Ladies ................................... 108

The Unholy Court of Yazid ................................... 109
A Christian Ambassador ........................................ 112
The Blessed head speaks ........................................ 112

Return to Karbala ................................................... 113

Bodies Buried, Fatiha and Kitchra Niaz ................. 114

Sad Welcome .......................................................... 115

Zain ul Aberdeen  presents himself at the
Sacred Burial Chamber (Roza Mubaarak) .............. 115
Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen  ..................................... 116




The Yazidis In Madinah ........................................ 117

The Yazidis In Makkah.......................................... 118
Yazid, the cursed Dies ............................................ 118
The State of the Caliphate ..................................... 118
Ibne Ziyaad and the Betrayers Killed ..................... 119
10th Muharram, six years after Karbala .................. 119

Buried in Ascalon in Palestine from 61 AH

to 548 AH ............................................................... 119
Re-buried in Cairo in 548 AH ............................... 120
HOUSEHOLD ...... 121

Mutual respect and love between the

Sahaba, and Hazrath Ali  .................................... 130
Hazrath Umar  Marries Ali s
Daughter ................................................................. 133
Marrying a young woman ....................................... 136
How the companions revered the Holy
Household .............................................................. 138
The saluting of the Holy Family is in Salaah ......... 140

Allegation of Umar  reprimanding the

Holy Prophet  ...................................................... 150


Who are the Ahl al-Bayt .......................................... 153

Pure condition ........................................................ 154
Infallible (masum) or Protected (Mahfuz) .............. 155


Allah  Cleansed the Pure Household As

He Cleanses ............................................................ 156
Who are people of the household (ghar)? .............. 156
What Does One Obtain From Blood
Relationship............................................................ 157
Sadaat -Descendants of the Holy Prophet  ........ 160
Deeds or Family Relation ....................................... 161
Adam  prayed for mercy using the names
of the Panj-Tan ....................................................... 166
Mubaahila ............................................................... 169
Feeding, For the Love of Allah , the
Destitute, the Orphan, And the Captive ............... 176
................................ 179

Khwaja Gesu Daraz Banda Nawaaz  ................... 179

Abu Talib  ........................................................... 180
Invitation to Islam .................................................. 181
This first house of dawah ....................................... 183
Imam Abu Hanafi  .............................................. 184
Use the term Imam for Ahl al-Bayt......................... 185
Hazrath Abu Talib  prays through the
means of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  .......... 186
Abu Talib  wrote poetry praising the Holy
Prophet  ............................................................... 188
Khalifat-Allah actualized .......................................... 193
Buhaira recognizes the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  ........................................................ 195
The Sahih Bukhari Hadith .................................... 197
Hazrath Abu Talib s Service to Islam .............. 202
Boycott .................................................................... 202


The Holy Prophet  made a spring of water

gush forth for Abu Talib ........................................ 205
Abu Talib  performed the nikah of the
Holy Prophet  ...................................................... 205
Parting advice of Abu Talib to his family .............. 206

Ahl al-Bayt , the noble Blessed Wives

and the Sahabah ............................................ 212
Using Alaihis-Salam for Ahl al-Bayt ......................... 212


Fatwa ....................................................................... 217

Tazia (Model of the Mazaar of Imam
Husayn) ................................................................... 218
Hazrath Sarkaar Waaris Ali Shah Chishti
Nizami  ................................................................. 220
Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  ................................ 220
Hazrath Soofie Saheb ......................................... 222
Symbolic Red and Green Garments ...................... 223
Panja or Symbols of the Hand ............................... 224
Majalis ..................................................................... 225
Hazrath Sayed Pir Meher Ali Shah  ................... 226

Attachment to the Intimates of Allah  is

not severed even after the life of this world........... 229
Establishing spiritual contact ................................. 230
What does -Shaheed Mean? ............................. 232
ASHURA ............... 234


Sacred Month ......................................................... 234

Significant Events ................................................... 234
Cosmic Birth .......................................................... 235
Martyrs of Karbala .................................................. 235

The Caliphs and Hazrath Ali ibn Abu Talib

 ............................................................................. 246
ENDNOTES .......... 254




Allah  Blessed Name I begin with, the Most Compassionate the Ever Merciful. O
Allah , send benediction upon Our Master Muhammad , his Blessed Family,
Noble Companions and Gracious Wives just as You love and You desire for them.
Allah  be praised, Lord of the Worlds, Who has guided us to a faith of boundless
compassion and love, Islam! Made us follow the way of His Beloved Holy Prophet
Muhammad , the single Source of Being, Source of the Intricate Evolution of an
ever expanding Universe. May the love dispensed by the Intimates of Allah , guide
us upon the Path of Return to the Source, transform us into Beacons of Light that
guide others, who wander among shadows, back to the Source of Light, the exalted
Muhammad  of Light, upon whom was revealed the Light of Divine Guidance.
Light upon Light is the Illumined Quraan, May this Light of Guidance stream into
every human heart, making it conscious of His living presence in human affairs. So
that with every breath we take refuge in The Living Truth alone released from
bondage, truly following the First Light, Beloved of Allah , Perfect Soul, Moon of
Tenderness, Forever Resplendent, Sun of Knowledge, Guide of Guides, the Most
Beloved of Allah  , Muhammad of Light .

Kisses of Loving Respect to the hands and feet of all the Holy Prophets of Allah ; to
the Holy Household and the Companions of our Master, Muhammad , The
Intimates and the Awliya Allah , who inherit the spiritual wealth of the Prophets.

Blessings and peace be upon you O Messenger of Allah,
Blessings and peace be upon you O Beloved of Allah,
Heartfelt and Profound greetings to your Sublime Soul, O Incomparable
Prophet and Uniquely Beloved one of Allah 

These writings flow through the Blessings of the Cupbearer of Divine Love, My
Master, Hazrath Sufi Sahib , lovingly transmitted on the Initiatory Line of the
Chishti Sufi Order, into this lowly slaves essence, by my Spiritual Guide, The
Dispenser of Divine Wine; Hazrath Ghulam Muhayuddin Kazi Chishti Nizami Habibi
Irshad Soofi Siddiqui 10th Muharram 1432 / 16 December 2010



O Allah  for the sake of the honour the Holy Prophet Muhammad , the
Splendour of Allah , the Cause of Creation; Hazrath Fatima Zahra , the Mother
of Her Father, the First Pole (Qutb) in Islam, the Imam of her Age, who is the origin
(umm) of the Two Divine Lights , Imam al-Hasan  and Imam al-Husayn  and the
Lion of Allah  and Door to the City of All-Knowledge, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib I
ask You to grant us immense love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and acquaint
us with his reality and rank, make us fit to follow him and uphold his manners and
his way, join us with him and allow us a vision of him, and encourage us with his
conversation free off all hindrances, attachments, means and veils, pleasing our ears
with the delights of his addressing us. Prepare us to meet him and make us fit for his
Make my request for Your blessings him a perfect and absolutely pure and purified
shining light which dispels all darkness and gloom, all doubt and association, all
unbelief all falsehood and all iniquity and make it a means of my increasing in
sincerity and a way of obtaining the Highest Station of Sincerity and Distinction so
that there remains for me no Lord but You and so that I am fit for Your Presence and
I am one of Your Distinguished People holding firm to his manners and his way,
Allah  s blessings and peace be upon him, his family, his Companions and all the
People of his House at every moment and on every occasion.
I wrote my first book Islam the Sunni Way; then the brief version of Madinah to
Karbala, thereafter the lectures of Maulana Shafi Okarvi  translated from the Urdu
recordings into English in a book named Discourses of Love. In 2010
I wrote Attack on the Spiritual Heart of Islam. I now present to you the revised
comprehensive version of Madinah to Karbala, in two volumes after eight years,
hopefully wiser and able to present it with more research. The first volume covered
the period from the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to the Caliphate of Hazrath Ali
 whilst this second volume covers from Imam Hasan  to Karbala and beyond. I
would like to express my gratitude to Azam Paruk for assistance in the formatting.
Some people, under the impact of present day Protestant Islam, disguised in the garb
of Salafi, do not accept the authenticity of a hadith unless it is accepted by particular
scholars. Therefore, I have taken Ahadith from the Sihah Sittah2 The six major Hadith
collections ; al-Kutub al-Sittah printed by Darussalam Publications, having their
headquarters in occupied so-called Saudi Arabia. I have quoted books from Hafiz
Ismail ibn Kathir3 , Hafiz Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah4 , Hafiz Ibn
Qayyim Al-Jawziyya5, Qadi ash-Shawkani6, Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Wahab7 which,
ironically, are also in original books of Hadith, which the present day Wahabis and
Salafis dismiss as unauthentic. Imam Ibn Qudamah [ 1147CE/541AH to 1223


AD / 620 AH] was a noted Islamic scholar of the Hanbali Madhhab, author of many
treatises of Hanbali jurisprudence and doctrine, including al-Mughni (the most widely
known textbook of Hanbali fiqh and Al-Ruqqah wal-Bukaa (a treatise on Sufism). He
met Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir Jilaani  stayed at his school, learned from him, became
his murid and was granted the khirqa of Khilafat from him. Readers will be surprised to
know that he is the grand-Shaykh of Hafiz Taqi ad-Din Ahmad ibn Taymiyyah, the
guru of the Saudis.
This is not my work but a transmission from my Murshid, Hazrath Ghulam
Muhayuddin Qazi Chishti Nizami Habibi Soofie.
All praise is due to Allah  and all shortcomings are mine.
Irshad Soofi Siddiqui
10th Muharram 1432
16th December 2010


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 


Prior to proceeding with the history, as it unfolded after the passing of

Hazrath Ali  into the realm of Divine Beauty, it is imperative that I
expound further on the innumerable virtues of Hazrath Fatimah  and
her two blessed sons.
Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 3rd Sura, Aal Imraan (the Family
of Imraan) in verse 42:

And when the angels said: O Maryam (Mary), surely Allah 
has chosen you and has blessed you with purity and has exalted
you today over all the women of the world.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal8


[  November 9, 1877 Sialkot- April 21, 1938


a h:  


a h: a
Maryam ab yak nisbate Esa Azeez; az seh nisbat Hazrate Zahra
Maryam  attained her distinction through the sole
connection of being the mother of Jesus 
Whilst Hazrath Fatimah  has attained distinction through
three unique connections
+- ./012"#@) '(&

+4 5 +8
Nure chasme Rahmatullillaalamien, aa immaame awalien wa


Madinah to Karbala
She is (first) the light of the eye of the Holy Prophet , Mercy
to the Universe, the leader of the first (those who preceded
him) to the last (those who will come after him) in creation


?@ AB / @) /
 % %

Baanue aa taajidare hal atta; Murtaza Mushkil ku Shah,

Shere Khuda,
She is (secondly) the wife of Hazrath Ali , who wears the
Crown of Hal Atta, the Dispeller of Troubles, and the Lion of
(Her father being the Leader of all Prophets, and husband
being the Leader of All the Awliya)

RS /4 'a: /:

RS /W /5 /:
Maadare aa markaze parkaar ishq aur Maadare aa kaarwan
saalare Ishq
She is (thirdly) the mother of the Leader of All Martyrs, the
Centre of the axis of Ishq, and the Leader of the Caravan of

Birth and Titles

Fatimah  [ ;605 or 615/632 CE] was a daughter of the Holy Prophet

Muhammad  from his first wife Khadijah bint Khuwaylid . There are
differences of opinion on the exact date of her birth, but the widely
accepted view is that she was born five years before the first Quraanic
revelations, during the time of the rebuilding of the Kaaba in 605 CE.
She is the fourth daughter of the Holy Prophet  and Hazrath Khadijah
 after Zainab , Ruqayyah , and Umm Kulthum . The status of
Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  amongst the four is the highest. There are
many reasons for this. Firstly, the first three daughters were born prior to
the announcement of Prophethood. Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  was born
a year after the announcement of Prophethood. She was born and reared
in the full light of Prophethood. Secondly, The Holy Prophet s
progeny was to continue via her. Thirdly, Hazrath Fatimah Zahra ,s
youth was spent in purity. Her mother Hazrath Khadijah  was her


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

teacher and she grew up in the blessed company of the Holy Prophet ,
whilst revelation descended. The 3rd of Ramadaan is the date that Sayyidae
Kainaat (The Leader of the Women of the World); Sayyidae Nisaae
Aalamien (the superior-most woman in the universe); Sayyidae Nisaae ahle
Jannah (The Leader of the Women of Paradise); al-Batul (the spotless and
pure one); Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  was ushered into the Realm of
Divine Beauty. Sayyida Fatimah  has many names. According to Imam
Jaafar as-Sadiq :
Fatimah  has nine names with Allah . They are: Fatimah,
as-Siddiqua (the Champion of the Truth), al-Mubarakah (the
Blessed), at-Tahirah (the Pure), az-Zakiyyah (the Unblemished),
ar-Radiyah (the one content with Allah 's pleasure), alMardiyyah (the one pleasing to Allah ), al-Muhaddathah (the
one spoken to by angels) and az-Zahirah (the Luminous).

Sayyidina Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida  reports that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  declared:
I named my daughter Fatimah (the Weaned One) because
Allah  weaned her and those who love her from the Fire.

The Holy Prophet  also called her al-Batul (the spotless and pure one),
and said to Ayesha :
O Humayra (fair one), Fatimah is not like the women of
human kind, nor does she suffer the illness you (women)

This is explained in another hadith which asserts that she never

menstruated. It is likewise reported on the authority of Anas bin Malik
, who heard Umm Sulaym , the wife of Abu Talhah al-Ansari , say:
Fatimah never experienced the blood of menstruation or postbirth bleeding, for she was created from the waters of Paradise.

This is because when the Messenger of Allah  was transported to

heaven, he entered Paradise, where he ate of its fruits and drank its water.
In the collection of Imam Haakim9 in Mustadrak10 it is mentioned through
a narration by Hazrath Ali  that she was named Fatimah, which is
derived from fatmun which means to be withheld or preserved from. It has
been narrated in hadith that she and her true lovers are withheld or


Madinah to Karbala
preserved from the fire of hell. Her title Batool is derived from batala
which means one annihilated in the service (ibadah) of Allah , thus being
pure and unblemished. Her title Zahra means flower since she was the
Garden of Holy Prophet  from which emanated all the flowers of his
household. az-Zahra also means the shining manifest one since all the
illuminated personalities, the lineage of the Holy Prophet , was ushered
through her.
Four Superior Women of the Universe

I quoted the 42nd verse of the Holy Quraan from the 3rd Sura, Aal
Imraan (the Family of Imraan) in which Allah  speaks of
Hazrath Maryam . The angels addressed the blessed mother of Hazrath
Isa , Hazrath Maryam  and told her:

Surely Allah  has chosen you and has blessed you with
purity and has exalted you today over all the women of the

Imam al-Qurtubi11 ( 1214 1273 CE) and many other commentators of

the Holy Quraan have stated, regarding this verse referring to many
ahadith. Hazrath Abu Hurraira ; Hazrath Abdullah bin Abbas  and
Hazrath Salih  narrate that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  has stated
that four women are superior to all the women of the universe.12

: .
. :
: :

Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet  drew
four lines on the ground and asked, Do you know what this


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

is? The companions replied, Allah  and His Messenger 
know better. Then the Holy Prophet  said, From the
women of Paradise four are superior to others: Khadijah the
daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad,
Asiyah the daughter of Mazahim the wife of Pharaoh and
Maryam the daughter of Imran.

: :

Salih  narrates that Ayesha  said to Fatimah , Shall I not
tell you some good news? I have heard the Holy Prophet  say
that only four women are the leaders of the women of Paradise:
Maryam daughter of Imran, Fatimah daughter of the
Messenger of Allah , Khadijah daughter of Khuwaylid and
Pharaohs wife, Asiyah.13

These four are Hazrath Maryam  the mother of Isa ; Hazrath Asiyah
 the wife of Pharaoh who reared the great prophet Hazrath Musa ;
Hazrath Khadijah , the wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , who is
also given the title Muhsina-e-Islam (The Charitable One for Islam) and
Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  .

Proximity to the Holy Prophet 

Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  was born a year after the announcement of
Prophethood. This is based on multiply transmitted hadith or maroof
narration. This tells us that she was five years old, being in a blessed
house when Divine Revelation (Wahi) began descending. Thus she was
witness to the descent of wahi from childhood. She also witnessed every
atrocity committed upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad  when he
began calling towards Islam. In this connection let me recall some


Madinah to Karbala
The Holy Prophet Muhammad  is standing in the vicinity of the Holy
Kaaba and the disbelievers (kuffaar) and polytheists (mushrikeen) attacked
him. Whilst the Holy Prophet  was in the position of prostration (sajda)
they threw the intestines of a camel on his blessed back; they attempted to
choke his blessed neck and then they ran away. Hazrath Abu Bakr
Siddique  was nearby and he began pursuing the perpetrators to defend
the Holy Prophet Muhammad . The blessed infant Hazrath Fatimah
Zahra  embraces the Holy Prophet , begins crying and with her little
hands removes the intestines from the blessed clothing and body of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  whilst cursing those that perpetrated this
act of cruelty on her father.
When she was ten years old she was part of the three year boycott
instituted upon the Holy Prophet  and his family and followers. She
also has the unique status that on the night when the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  was taken on the Miraaj she was alone present in that
house with her beloved father. When Hazrath Jibraeel  came for the
Holy Prophet ; Hazrath Fatimah  received him. This point needs
special attention. Hazrath Jibraeel , who is not restricted by any
physical barriers used to knock on the door and seek permission to enter
into the presence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , because, Hazrath
Fatimah  was present. The nine year old Hazrath Fatimah  received
Hazrath Jibraeel  who was waiting outside the house, and asked him ,
who was in a human form:
Sir, who do you want to meet?

Hazrath Jibraeel  replied:

I want to meet the Holy Prophet Muhammad .

She goes inside alone and reports to the Holy Prophet  that a man of a
certain description wants to meet him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad 
then grants permission for Hazrath Jibraeel  to come in.
On the night of the migration (hijrah) Hazrath Fatimah , the other
daughters, the blessed wives and family members were with the Holy
Prophet Muhammad . The family (ahl al-Bayt) were left behind, due to
the intensity of the situation, when the Holy Prophet Muhammad  left


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

the house. They migrated later with camels and provisions provided by
Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  in a convoy.
Marriage under Divine Command

In Madinah Shareef on the return from the Battle of Badr, after about 5
to 6 months, Hazrath Anas  narrates that whilst the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  was sitting in the gathering of his Companions wahi
descended on the Holy Prophet . When the Holy Prophet  came out
of the state of the descent of wahi he asked the companions:
Do you know who visited me now?

The companions answered:

Allah  and His Messenger  know best

The Holy Prophet  said:

Hazrath Jibraeel  came to me and Allah  sent a message
with him that I should marry Hazrath Fatimah  to Hazrath
Ali .

The marriage has been discussed in volume one.

The most beloved of the Holy Prophet 

There is a narration in the collection of Tirmidhi14, narrated by Jumai bin
Umair Taymi :


: : :

Jumai bin Umair Taymi  narrates that he visited Ayesha  in
the company of his paternal aunt and asked her, Who was the
most beloved to the Holy Prophet ? The Mother of the
Believers  replied, Fatimah. And who from among the
men? again she was asked. She replied, Her husband. As far
as I know he fasts a great deal and he often stays awake at
length during nights in order to worship Allah .15


Madinah to Karbala
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on al-Manaqib, Chapter 60: About
what has been related about the virtues of Fatimah bint Muhammad, Page
490, Hadith Number 3874]

Ponder on this hadith. When Hazrath Aisha Siddiqua  was asked as to

whom the Holy Prophet  loved most of all, she said that from the
women Hazrath Fatimah  and from the males Hazrath Ali . On the
other hand, when Hazrath Fatimah  was asked as to whom the Holy
Prophet  loved most of all, she said it was Hazrath Aisha Siddiqua  as
to whom the Holy Prophet  loved most of all from the males she said
Abu Bakr Siddique  . These two great women gave different answers
due to the fact that these people of Allah , are so humble that they will
always give others precedence over themselves. Allah  says in 59th Sura,
al-Hashr (the Gathering) , verse 9:

(They) give others preference over themselves

This is the recognizing feature of the People of Allah . Hazrath Ayesha

 asked Hazrath Fatimah  once as to who was more meritorious
between both of them. Hazrath Fatimah  replied that since she was
loved by the Holy Prophet , who said that she was a part of him, this
gave her greater merit than Hazrath Ayesha . So the fact that the Holy
Prophet  is the most meritorious, a piece of him is also most
meritorious. Hazrath Aisha  replied that Hazrath Fatimah  did
indeed excel her on those grounds but if one looks at destiny then the
fact that every woman will be with her husband in the next world, made
her more meritorious since she will be with the Holy Prophet  and
Hazrath Fatimah  will be with Hazrath Ali . Hazrath Fatimah 
became silent. Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  stood up and kissed Hazrath
Fatimah  on the forehead and said:
O Fatimah! If only I could have been a strand of hair on your
head. You surely are the beloved of the Holy Prophet .

It is the majority view that from his entire household (ahl) the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  loved Fatimah  the most:


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

! :
! :
: :
: !
Abu Salamah bin Abd-ur-Rahman  narrates that Usamah bin
Zayd  told him, I was sitting when Ali  and Abbas  came
to seek permission and said, Usama, request permission from
the Holy Prophet  for us to enter. I said, O Messenger of
Allah ! Ali and Abbas request permission to enter. The Holy
Prophet  said, Do you know why they have come? No, I
replied. He  said, But I know. Let them in. They entered
and they said, Oh Messenger of Allah ! We have come to
you to ask you that who from the people of your house is
most beloved to you. The Holy Prophet  replied, Fatimah
daughter of Muhammad.16

This love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  directed towards Hazrath

Fatimah  enhanced her status and state beyond our limited
understanding. Hazrath Umar Farouk  narrates that he went to Hazrath
Fatimah  and expressed:

! ! :


Madinah to Karbala

Umar bin Khattab  says that he went to the house of Fatimah
 the daughter of the Messenger of Allah  and said, Oh
Fatimah! I swear by Allah that I have not seen anyone who is
dearer to the Messenger of Allah  than you. I swear by Allah
 that nobody is dearer to me than you after your father

Is it not logical that such a devoted household should bear children that
would preserve the deen of Islam by sacrificing their lives?
The leader of the women of all the worlds

There is a Mutafak Alai (Agreed upon by Imam Bukhari and Muslim)18

Hadith, and reported in many other books of hadith, narrated by Hazrath
Fatimah  herself that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:

O Fatimah! Are you not pleased with the fact that you are the
leader of the women of all the worlds?

This is also reported by Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  and Hazrath Abu

Hurraira 19. The occasion of this statement was when Bibi Fatimah 
was pained on receiving the indication that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  was going to leave this physical world for the Realm of
Divine Beauty. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  made this statement in
the presence of all his wives, The Mothers of the Faithful. He asked
Hazrath Fatimah  to sit and he whispered into her ear. When the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  whispered the first statement she cried and after
the second statement she smiled. Later on Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua 
asked Hazrath Fatimah  as to the reason for her crying and thereafter
smiling. The Hadith is as follows:


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 


: :

: .

Ayesha  narrates, Fatimah  came and her way of walking
was just like that of the Holy Prophet . The Holy Prophet 
welcomed his beloved daughter and seated her on his right
hand side or on the left hand side. Then he whispered
something to her which made her cry. So I asked her why she
was crying. Then the Holy Prophet  whispered something to
her and she laughed. So I said, I have never seen happiness so
close to sadness as I have seen today. I asked (Fatimah ),
What did the Holy Prophet  say? She replied, I cannot
disclose the secret of the Messenger of Allah  When the
Holy Prophet  passed away I asked her again (about this
incident) and she replied, The Holy Prophet  whispered to
me, Every year Jibraeel recites the whole of the Quraan with
me once but this year he has recited it twice. I am sure that the
end of my time in this world has come and indeed you are the
first from my family (ahl al-Bayt) who will come to me. This
made me cry. Then the Holy Prophet  whispered, Are you
not happy with the fact that you are the leader of the women of
Paradise or the leader of all Muslim women. To this I
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol 8, The Book of Asking Permission Chapter 43; Page
170, Hadith Number 6285;6286 see also Vol 4, pages 495 and 496 hadith
3623 to 3626]


Madinah to Karbala
Part of the Holy Prophet 
It is recorded by Imam Bukhari21, Imam Tirmidhi and Imam Haakim in
Mustadrak narrates from ibn Zubayr :

Miswar bin Makhramah  narrates that the Messenger of
Allah  said, Fatimah is a part of me. Therefore, whosoever
angers her angers me.22
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol 5, The Virtues of the Companions of the Prophet,
Chapter 29; Page 74, Hadith Number 3767]

As regards the words

the scholars have generally translated as a
part of my blessed body. But what is the uniqueness of this expression of
love by a unique father for his unique daughter? The word has two
usages in the Arabic language one is with regard to numbers which I will
not expound now but the second meaning of
means innermost piece
of my heart. She is spiritually the inner recess of the Soul of the
Universe. In Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 23 Al-Tabarani24 [(260 AH (821 CE) 360 AH (918
CE)] records a hadith with a sound chain:

Ali  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said to Fatimah ,
Indeed Allah  becomes angry when you are angry and He
is pleased when you are pleased.25

Imam al-Hakim al-Nishaburi26 (d. 403 AH) and Al-Tabarani27 [(260 AH (821 CE)
360 AH (918 CE)] have recorded a hadith with the words:



The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

Miswar  narrates that the Messenger of Allah  said,
Fatimah is my fruitful branch (shujnatan), I am pleased with
what pleases her and I am troubled by whatever troubles her.28

Undoubtedly she was the fruitful branch that produced Imam Hasan 
and Imam Husayn . If one wants a taste of the fruit of the branch of
Mustafa  (Shajrae Mustafa) then it is found in these two Imams. He also
said in this hadith:
Whosoever troubles Fatimah  has troubled me

Leading personality of the Day of Judgment

In the collection of Imam Haakim29in Mustadrak30and in the collection of

Imam Hamnbal31 in a Book written on the virtues of the companions,
Kitaab al-Fada'il as-Sahaba a hadith is recorded wherein Hazrath Ali 

! :

Ali  narrates: I heard the Holy Prophet  say, On the Day
of Judgment an announcer will announce from behind a veil,
Oh people of mahshar! Lower your gazes until Fatimah the
daughter of Muhammad  passes.32

It is also reported she will pass by wearing two red garments and in
another it states two green garments.

! : :



Madinah to Karbala
. :
Ali  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said, On the Day
of Judgment it will be said, Oh people of mahshar! Lower your
gazes so that the daughter of the Messenger of Allah  may
pass. She will pass through wearing two green garments. Abu
Muslim said that when Abd-ul-Hameed was with us, Qalabah
told me that the Holy Prophet  said, (Fatimah will pass
wearing) two red garments.33

This hadith compels us to conclude besides being the Leading women of

the world she will be the leading personality of the Day of Judgment
after the Holy Prophet Muhammad  ; for this command will not be
given for any other personality. It is also mentioned in hadith that she
will pass by, surrounded by seventy thousand servants from al-hur-ul-ain
( superior female servants in Paradise)34 who will appear as flashes
of lightning . These hadith have also been reported by Hazrath
Abu Hurraira , Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  and Hazrath Ayesha
Siddiqua . I mention this because the religio-Political circles portray an
enmity between the Household of the Holy Prophet  (Ahl al-Bayt), The
Rightly guided Caliphs (Khulafae Rashidun) and Pure wives of the Holy
Prophet  (Azwaje Mutaharaat). Will those that have a rivalry narrate
virtues of their enemies? These falsehoods were introduced later when
Muslims became divided into sects, during the Umayyad and Abbasid
Caliphates, and false hadith were introduced into Islamic literature to
divide Muslims further by so-called scholars having sectarian bias.
The relationship and intercession of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s
family will be operational even on the Day of Judgment.



The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

Umar  reports, I heard the Messenger of Allah  say,
Except for my family and my relationship, every family and
relationship will be broken on the Day of Judgment.35
The same has been reported by Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubayr  and
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas . Every other family relationship will be
annihilated (fana) except the family relationship of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  it will remain (baqa).

Resembled the Holy Prophet  Most

A Hadith has been reported by many companions including Hazrath
Ayesha Siddiqua :


The Mother of the Believers Ayesha  narrates:
I have not seen anyone who resembled the Holy Prophet 
more in manners, habits, character and in the method of
sitting and standing than Fatimah the daughter of the
Messenger of Allah .36

This is the fatwa of the Mother of the Believers, that the greatest
personality after the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was Hazrath Fatimah
. It is these qualities that were passed on by this blessed mother to her
two sons:


Madinah to Karbala

Hazrath Ali  narrates that:
Hasan  looked exactly like the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
from the chest to the head whilst Husayn  looked exactly like
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  from the chest to the feet37

After the passing from this physical realm of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , if anyone desired to see the Holy Prophet  the
companions called at the House of Hazrath Ali , just to see Imam
Hasan  and Husayn .

Holy Prophet  used to stand to welcome Fatimah 

Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  reports that the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
used to stand to welcome Hazrath Fatimah :



The Mother of the Believers Ayesha  narrates that when the
Holy Prophet  used to see Fatimah coming he would
welcome her, then he  would stand up for her, kiss her, bring
her inside by holding her hand and seat her in his own place.
Whenever Fatimah  saw the Holy Prophet  arrive, she used
to welcome him, stand up for him and kiss the Holy Prophet

Two points are to be noted in this Hadith. The Holy Prophet  used to
stand on the arrival of Hazrath Fatimah . The Holy Prophet  stood
out of love (shafqat), for he is of a higher status than Hazrath Fatimah .


The Virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra 

Hazrath Fatimah  standing for the Holy Prophet  is out of respect and
reverence (tazeem). He used to kiss her on the forehead and she used to
kiss his blessed hand. All the companions used to stand when the Holy
Prophet  stood and left a gathering. They remained standing until he 
was out of view.
Passing away and Burial

Hazrath Fatimah  on her deathbed requested from Hazrath Ali  that

her funeral bier (janaza) should not be carried as per the usual practice.
At that time the body used to be carried on a wooden stretcher, the body
being shrouded only or with a sheet over. Since the body shape could be
seen, Hazrath Fatimah  requested that a screen be placed around the
stretcher. Hazrath Asma  the wife of Hazrath Abu Bakr  told Fatimah
 that she saw in Abyssinia, that they veiled the female janaaza and
whether she should show her how? Hazrath Fatimah  replied, yes.
Hazrath Asma  brought big date palm leaves, tied it on the wooden
stretcher and tied the tips to form a dome. She then covered it with a
cloth. Hazrath Fatimah  liked this and she asked Hazrath Ali  to use
the same method to carry her janaza. Hazrath Ali  told her that no one
had done this before. Hazrath Fatimah  replied that since the divine
command of veiling for women was revealed no male stranger has even
seen her scarf and she did not want anyone to see her after death. She
also requested that her funeral be held at night. Here again ponder that
Hazrath Ali  never used the word innovation (bidah). After the Holy
Prophet s death Hazrath Fatimah  lived for six months. She never
smiled or laughed in those six months. After six months they saw that she
laughed. When the members of her household asked her reason for
laughing she said that it was the day she was going to meet her father. It
was the 3rd of Ramadaan, she performed ghusl wore clean clothing, offered
salaah, recited the Holy Qur'aan and on the prayer mat she placed her
right palm on her right cheek and lay down. She said that there was no
need to bathe her, she was leaving and she passed away. As per he dictates
of the law, the wife of Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique , Hazrath Asma 
bathed her. If there were any enmity with the Siddique household would
Hazrath Asma have bathed her? Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique 
performed her janaza salaah. It was the Caliph of the time whose duty it


Madinah to Karbala
was to perform the janaza salaah. She was buried in The Baqi Graveyard.
A great status she holds. The Mother of all Sayyids39!


Imam Hassan  and Husayn 


Imam Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib [ born March 1, 625 CE
/Ramadaan 15th, 3 AH . 669CE / 7th or 28th Safar, 50 AH aged 47] and his younger
brother Imam Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib [ born 8
January 626 CE/3rd Shabaan 4 AH- 10 October 680 CE/ 10th Muharram 61 AH; AD] are
the sons of Fatimah , the daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
and of Ali , the Imam of Awliya and Spiritual Guide (Mawla) and door
to knowledge and wisdom of every believer till Qiyamah. They are
members of Ahl al-Bayt who fall under the special category of Ahl
al-Kisa 40 [those purified by Allah  under the cloak of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad ]. Imam Hasan  is regarded as the fifth of the al-KhulafaaurRaashiduun (The Righteous Caliphs) by Imams Suyuti , Ibn
al-Arabi, and Ibn Kathir.

Names given by Allah 

It has been narrated that upon the birth of his grandsons in 3rd and 4th
AH, the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was ordered by Allah  through
the archangel Gabriel  to name one Hasan and the other Husayn names that had not yet been utilised in the pre-Islamic period. According
to a hadith (159 :1 ) in the collection of Ahmad ibn Hanbal
41 and in many other books42 when Hazrath Hasan ibn Ali  was
born Hazrath Ali  kept his name Hamza and when Hazrath Husayn
ibn Ali  was born Hazrath Ali  kept his name Jafar . The Holy
Prophet Muhammad  summoned Hazrath Ali  and informed him the
he  was ordered by Allah  to name them Hasan  and Husayn .
The hadith43 is as follows:

: .


: . :

Hazrath Ali  narrates that when Hasan  was born we
named him Hamza and when Husayn  was born we gave him
the name of his uncle Jafar. The Holy Prophet  called me
(Ali) and said:
I have been instructed to change their names
Ali  says I replied that Allah  and His Messenger  know
best. Then the Holy Prophet  named them Hasan and

Imam Al-Tabarani44 [(260 AH (821 CE) 360 AH (918 CE)] and many others
records that these names were kept in a veil of beauty by Allah :

Mufaddal narrates that Allah  kept the names of Hasan and
Husayn in a veil (of beauty) until the Holy Prophet  utilized it
for his sons45

In another Hadith that I quoted in volume one, three sons are

mentioned. Imam Ibn al-Athir46 also narrates the incident in his book,
Usud al-Ghabah fi Ma'rifah al-Sahabah (The Lions of the Forest and the
knowledge about the Companions). Imams Hasan , Husayn  and
Muhsin  were three brothers. Imam Muhsin  passed away in his
infancy. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also honoured his grandsons
by reciting the Adhaan and the Iqaamah in their ears, shaved their head,
and sacrificed rams as aqiqa as per Islamic Law. Hazrath Abdullah ibn
Masood  narrates that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  held the hands
of Hasan  and Husayn  and said:

These are my sons47


Imam Hassan  and Husayn 

Most Excellent Lineage

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also said as reported by Hazrath Umar


The family tree of the children of every woman is attributed to
their father except for Fatimahs children. I am their lineage
and I am their father


In other ahadith the Holy Prophet Muhammad  said that these two
sons of his have the best lineage and are two flowers from his garden from
whom he gets the fragrance of flowers. Hazrath Hasan  was an exact
perfect physical copy of the Holy Prophet  from chest to head whilst
Hazrath Husayn  was the exact perfect copy of the Holy Prophet 
from chest to feet. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also said that Hasan
 is the inheritor of his leadership and steadfastness whilst Husayn  is
the inheritor of his strength and generosity.
Leaders of the Youth of Paradise

The Holy Prophet  declared that these two sons of his where the leaders
of the youth of paradise:


Abu Saeed Khudri  narrates that the Messenger of Allah 
Al-Hasan  and al-Husayn  are the leaders of the Youth of
[Narrated by Huzaifa  in Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on alManaaqib, Page 432, Hadith number 3781]

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also forbade any man in a state of

ritual impurity and menstruating women from entering the Masjid. He


said that the only exceptions were him, Ali , Fatimah , Hasan  and
Husayn .

Love for Hasan  and Husayn  is love for the Holy Prophet 
The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also declared that love for Hasan 
and Husayn  is love for him whilst enmity to Hasan  and Husayn 
is enmity to him.

Hazrath Abu Hurraira  narrates that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  said, He who loves Hasan  and Husayn  ,
both of them, has shown love to me and he who shows enmity
to both of them has shown enmity to me.
[Musnad Ahmad bin Hamnbal]

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  ordered us to love Allah , the Holy

Prophet  and his family.

. .
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  said:
Love Allah  for the grace (an-nimah) he has bestowed upon
you; and love me for the sake of Allah ; and love my Ahl alBayt for the sake of the love you have for me.50

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also said:

Hazrath Ali ibn Abu Taalib  reports that the Holy Prophet 
held the hands of Hasan and Husayn and said:


Imam Hassan  and Husayn 

He who loves me, these two and their father and mother, will
be with me on my level on the Day of Judgment.51
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on al-Manaaqib, Page 401, Hadith
number 3733]

Blessed Five and their Lovers will be given Preferential Treatment

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also said:

Hazrath Ali  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said,
I, Ali , Fatimah , Hasan  and Husayn  and all those
who hold love for us will be together at one place on the Day of
Judgment. We will eat and drink together until people will be

Alhamdulillah, The lovers of the Blessed Five Beings (Panjatan) will have
niaz on the Day of Judgment. Also:

Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
 said: I am the tree, Fatimah  is the trunk; Ali  is the
branch; Hasan  and Husayn  the fruit and the lovers of ahl
al-Bayt are the leaves. They will all go to Heaven. This is the
truth! This is the truth! 53

Allah  loves Hasan  and Husayn 

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  supplicated to Allah  to love Hasan
 and Husayn :

. ! :
Hazrath Baraa bin Aazib  narrates that the Holy Prophet 
cast his benevolent loving gaze on Hasan  and Husayn  and


O Allah ! I love them so You love them also54

Husayn s crying hurts the Holy Prophet 

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  could not bear to see Husayn crying:

The Holy Prophet  left the house of Hazrath Ayesha  and
as he was passing the house of Sayyida Fatimah  he heard
Husayn  crying. He exclaimed:
Dont you know that I am troubled when he (Husayn ) cries?

Holy Prophet  extends his prostration for his grandsons

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  extended his prostration for his

: ! :

Hazrath Anas bin Malik  narrates that when the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  used to be prostrate in prayer the (the
infant) Hasan  or Husayn  would climb onto his blessed
back, and the Holy Prophet  would extend his prostration
for them. On one occasion the Holy Prophet  was asked:
O Messenger of Allah ! Has the duration of the prostration
been lengthened?
The Holy Prophet  replied:
My son was on my back therefore I didnt make haste in getting
up from prostration. 56

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  thinks of the safety of his grandson in

salaah and juristically speaking he is thinking of his Ummati in salaah and


Imam Hassan  and Husayn 

yet the salaah is not rendered invalid, yet misguided individuals preach
that to think of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  in salaah renders an
ummatis salaah invalid. Thus we learn that to think of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  or his family is ibadah. The Holy Prophet Muhammad 
loved his grandsons so much that many companions report seeing him
smell their fragrant bodies and holding them close to his blessed chest.
The Holy Prophet  also said that Ali  and his two sons will be the first
males admitted to paradise.

Illumination from Allah  in the night


: : ! :
. :
Hazrath Abu Hurraira  narrates that:
We were performing the isha salaah with the Holy Prophet 
and when he  went into prostration Hazrath Hasan  and
Husayn  climbed on his blessed back. When the Holy
Prophet  got up from the prostration he gently held them
and placed them on the ground. When the Holy Prophet 
went for the second prostration then Hazrath Hasan  and
Husayn  did the same. After the salaah the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  seated them on his blessed thighs. I humbly
asked him :
O Messenger of Allah  I will take them home.
Suddenly a light shone in the night sky and the Holy Prophet
 told them (Hasan  and Husayn ):
Go home to your mother
Hazrath Abu Hurraira  says the light shone until they entered
their home.57


The Holy Prophet Muhammad  often hugged and kissed his two

I am from Husayn 

Hazrath Yala bin Murra  narrates that the Messenger of Allah
 says, Husayn  is from me and I am from Husayn . Allah
 loves that person who loves Husayn . He is a grandson
amongst grandsons.

Everyone can understand:

Husayn is from me

For a branch stems from the tree and the son is from the father.
However, very few have really understood:

I am from Husayn

Until the fateful day of Karbala in 61 AH, Hazrath Husayn , was from
the Holy Prophet Muhammad , but after Karbala the Holy Prophet 
was from Husayn . Up to the age of 56 Hazrath Husayn , was from
the Holy Prophet Muhammad , but after Karbala the Holy Prophet 
was from Husayn . I am from in this statement symbolizes Islam. So
what is said here is:
O Imam Husayn , your being (wujood) is from me and the
continuation of my deen is from you.

Ahl for salvation Companions for guidance

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  stated:


Imam Hassan  and Husayn 


Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
The similitude of my family Ahl al-Bayt is like the ark of
Noah (Nuh) . He whoever boards it will attain salvation, and
whoever deserts it will perish. 58

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  also stated:

My Companions are like stars. Whosoever of them you use as a
guide, you will be rightly guided.59

So the Holy Prophet  likened the Ahl al-Bayt to the Ark of Noah 
and likened his Sahaba to the stars. In that age when the Holy Prophet 
had drawn these comparisons, at night when the people on board an ark
or ship used to sail, they reached their destination by being guided by the
stars. Modern navigation equipment of today was not available at that
time. Even modern navigation devices have to contact with a satellite high
up in the heavens, to function effectively. Those that get on board the
ship and refuse to be guided by the stars will not reach their destination.
Those that dont board the ship and stand on the shore looking at the
stars will also never reach their destination. Only those that board the
ship and attain guidance from the stars will reach their goal. So to love
the family of the Holy Prophet  is not only an aspect of faith but it is
the essence of faith and a means of salvation. The Ahl as-Sunnah walJamaah are saved because they have boarded the ship of love
for Ahl al-Bayt
and they have accepted the companions as stars of guidance.
Remember, this is my claim, that Wali, Qutb, Ghaws and Abdaal and
various grades of awliya have only been produced by the Ahl as-Sunnah
wal-Jamaah . No other sect has produced Friends of Allah
. They may have produced Scholars (ulama), Scholars That Deduce
(Mujtahid), Logicians (Mantaqi) and Philosophers (Falsafi) but not a single
Supreme Divine Helper of all Supreme Divine Helpers (Ghaws al-Azam


Madinah to Karbala
). They could not produce a Khwaja Gharib Nawaaz , Ganj Baksh 
or Ganje Shakar . The Awliya will only be found in the Ahl as-Sunnah
wal-Jamaah for we are fortunate that we accept all those
connected with love to the Holy Prophet Muhammad .


The Umayyad Dynasty

THE U M M AYA D DY NA S T Y 6 61-7 50 CE /4 1-13 2 AH


After the martyrdom of Hazrath Ali  his supporters swore an oath of
allegiance to his son Hazrath Imam Hasan . Muawiyah  in an attempt
to negotiate with Hasan , sent him letters asking him to give up his
caliphate, believing he could thus avoid the innumerable killing of
Muslims by Muslims that began since the martyrdom of Hazrath Uthman
. Muawiyah  also knew that if Imam Hasan  submitted it would
give his caliphate legitimacy. Hasan  specified that Muawiyah  should
allow a parliament of Muslims to consult (Shura) as regards the caliphate
after his death and gave his choice of his younger brother Imam Husayn
 in advance. He also that asked that Muawiyah  stop the Syrian
legislated public cursing of Ali  during the Jumuah prayers and refrain
from revenge on followers of Hasan . Muawiyah  accepted the
conditions attached to the peace treaty.

Imam Hasan  resigned from the Caliphate

In a few months on the 15th Jamaadi al-Ulaa in the year 41 AH Imam
Hasan  resigned in favour of Hazrath Muawiyah , to avoid further
spilling of blood as predicted by the Holy Prophet Muhammad .

Al-Hasan (Al-Basri) said: I heard Abu Bakr saying: ''I saw Allah's
Apostle on the pulpit and Al-Hasan bin Ali was by his side.


The Prophet was looking once at the people and once at AlHasan bin Ali saying, This son of mine is a Sayyid and may
Allah  make peace between two big groups of Muslims
through him.''
[Sahih Bukhari; Volume 3, Hadith No. 2704, page 510]

Imam Hasan  lived a life of prayer and solitude in Madinah. His home
became a Khanqah for spiritual enlightenment. The treaty brought a
period of peace to the Muslim Empire in years to come. Hasan  has
been quoted as commenting:
If Muawiyah was the rightful successor to the caliphate, he has
received it. And if I had that right, I, too, have passed it on to
him; so the matter ends there.

Muawiyah  as Caliph
Hazrath Muawiyah  became the Caliph of the Muslim world. The
Muslim World was now governed from Damascus in Syria. The Caliphate
no more carried the same solemnity of the al-Khulafaau r-Raashiduun (The
Righteous Caliphs) because unfortunately the seeds of
persecution and irreverence of the family of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  had been planted. Hazrath Muawiyah  was an able
organizer, fighter and administrator. Under him the world of Islam was
united again and enjoyed peace and prosperity. Hazrath Muawiyah 
ruled as caliph for about nineteen years (41- 60 AH). During this period
Hazrath Muawiyah  made arrangements for his step-son Yazid to be
Caliph after him. Muawiyah  carried out his ambition of keeping the
power in his family by nominating his Yazid as caliph after him. This
decision was met with disturbance, particularly among prominent
personalities such as Husayn , Abdul-Rahman ibn Abu Bakr ,
Abdullah ibn Umar , Abdullah ibn Al-Zubayr  and others.
Martyrdom of Imam Hasan 
The dagger had been thrust into the political stability of Islam. The
Kharijites, the enemy of Ahl al-Bayt and Islam induced Yazid to offer
marriage to the woman who will poison Hazrath Imam Hasan . Hazrath
Imam Hasan 's wife, Jada bint al-Ashath ibn Qays, poisoned him. Imam
Hasan  was 47 years old. Hasan ibn Ali  was ushered, as a martyr,
into the realm of Divine Beauty in Madinah either on Safar 7th or 28th, 50


The Umayyad Dynasty

AH. He is buried at the blessed Jannatul Baqi cemetery across from the alMasjid al-Nabawi.

Propaganda against Imam Hasan 

Hazrath Imam Hasan  has been a victim of malicious propaganda since
his martyrdom. I would like to emphatically state that he was a saintly
man who preferred solitude, and the accusation of him marrying and
divorcing, had been spread by mischief monger historians. Imam Hasan
 has been the victim of a most malicious propaganda for the last 1,300
years. The fact is that it was impossible for Imam Hasan  to marry so
many wives even if he wanted to. All the narrations imply that he started
this alleged pursuit of pleasure during the Khilafat of his father in Kufa.
Hazrath Ali  came to Kufa in 37 AH. Imam Hasan  had four wives
in Kufa.
1. Umm Bashir bint Abu Masood Uqba, who was the mother of a
son Zayd and two daughters Umm al-Hasan and Umm al-Husayn
2. Khawla bint Manzoor Fazari, who was the mother of Hasan
Muthanna (the second). She survived Imam Hasan . This
marriage had taken place in Madinah.
3. Umm Ishaq bint Talha ibn Ubaydullah. She was the mother of
Husayn, called Athram, Talha and Fatimah. This marriage also
had taken place in Madinah. She survived Imam Hasan ; and
was later married to Imam Husayn .
4. Juda bint al-Ashath ibn Qays. This marriage took place in Kufa
and she also survived Imam Hasan . (She poisoned him on instigation
of the Kharijites and Yazid.)

Islam allows a man to marry up to four women at any given time. As

Imam Hasan  already had four wives, who were with him up to the last
day of his life, he could marry only one more woman at any time.
Suppose that he married a woman. As divorce cannot be given in a
month in which co-habitation has taken place, the earliest that that wife
could be divorced was in next month; her 'idda continued for 3 months.
Thus, four months passed before Imam Hasan  could be free to marry
another wife. One wife in four months gives us a maximum of 3 wives in
a year. Supposing that Imam Hasan  had no other work except
marrying and divorcing, as is alleged, and if we count from 37 AH up to
his martyrdom at the beginning of 51 AH it is 14 years, this will give us a


maximum number of 42 possible marriages. The minimum alleged by

these scholars is 70 wives! After this clarification, there is no need for
further comment upon these reports.
Yazid nominated for Caliphate

According to ibn Kathir in his book The Beginning and the End (Al
Bidayah wa-Nihayah or Tarikh ibn Kathir) 60 in the Biography of Yazid bin
Some consider Yazid bin Muawiyah to be actually the son of
Amir, who was the companion of our Holy Prophet
Muhammad . He was born in either 26th or the 27th year of
the Hijrah. His mother, Maysun, was divorced from Amir but
Yazid lived with his father. Yazid was a very clever, witty and
intelligent boy. Yazid had a passion for music and alcohol. He
always had a hangover in the morning due to his heavy
drinking from the night before. When he hunted, he traveled
with many dogs and enjoyed watching animals fighting one
another. His fondness of his pets went to such extremes that
his pets even traveled on horses laden with gold, and when a
pet died, he would mourn for it. Some historians claim that he
died due to one of his pets actually biting him while he was
playing with it. However, there are many versions as to how he
actually died, and Allah  knows best.

It is also recorded that:

Sayyidina Amir Muawiyah  could do nothing but reprimand
his son for his ways, and offer him advice. He advised him
repeatedly, O my son, why do you indulge yourself in these
evil things? Your enemies will triumph at your actions, while
your friends will never respect you. As time progressed, so did
the habits; all the father could do was to advise him, while the
son ignored the advice his father gave.
One day, Yazid asked his father if after his earthly departure, he
would be made the King. Yazid promised that he would do
nothing but righteous deeds and rule like Umar Ibn al-Khattab
. Amir (Sayyidina Amir Muawiyah ) was so surprised that
he responded by saying, Subhan Allah! How can this be
possible? I swear by Allah , the Most High, that I have tried
my very best to even come near to what Umar  used to do,


The Umayyad Dynasty

and I have not been able to do that! History proves that Yazid
did not in fact implement the Islamic political, social and
economic system like Umar Ibn al- Khattab .62

The following advice of Hazrath Muawiyah  to Yazid is written in

page321 of the book Jila-uluyun, which was written by Muhammad Baqir
bin Murtaza Fayzi Khorasani, a Shiite leader, who is better known with
his nickname Mullah Muhsin. He died in 1091 AH [1679 CE].
You know what relation Imam Husayn  is to the Messenger
of Allah . He is a part from the beloved Prophet s blessed
body. He is an offspring from the flesh and blood of that most
honorable person. I understand that the inhabitants of Iraq
invited him to go there and be with them. But they will not
help him; they will leave him alone. If he should fall into your
hands, behave in appreciation of his value! Remember the
closeness and affection of the Messenger of Allah  to him!
Do not get back at him for his behavior! Mind you dont break
the substantial ties I have established between him and us! Be
extra careful lest you should hurt or offend him!

Muawiyah  canvasses support for Yazid in Madinah

Muawiyah  knew that his son could not inherit the caliphate since shura
and elections should appoint the caliph as per Islamic Law. When the
news of his desire to make Yazid succeed him reached the Hijaaz, Abd arRahman ibn Abu Bakr  in Madinah, condemned the decision as
sowing the seeds of Monarchical Rule. In 51 AH Muawiyah himself
travelled to Madinah and the scholars asked him to withdraw his
nomination of Yazid. The Mother of the Faithful, Hazrath Ayesha
Siddiqua  advised Muawiyah  to reconsider his decision and not to be
blinded to the extent of forcing the divines of Madinah to give the pledge
of allegiance to his unworthy son. He promised her that he would heed
her advice. Imam Husayn  and Hazrath Abdullah ibn Zubayr  left
with their families for Makkah to avoid a confrontation with Muawiyah
 whilst he was in Madinah. Many other Sahaba, like Abd ar-Rahman
ibn Abu Bakr  and Abdullah ibn Umar  went to Makkah to perform


Muawiyah in Makkah

Muawiyah  left Madinah and went to perform Hajj. Here he met Abd
ar-Rahman ibn Abu Bakr , Abdullah ibn Umar  and Abdullah ibn
Zubayr  and individually tried to get them to endorse his nomination of
Yazid. They all refused. Thereafter Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abu Bakr ,
Abdullah ibn Umar  and Abdullah ibn Zubayr  met with Imam
Husayn  and told him what had transpired. They decided to meet with
him and they advised him to follow the practice of the Holy Prophet 
by not naming a successor or that of Abu Bakr , who did not nominate
a relative or of Umar  who gave a choice of six persons. Muawiyah 
had become inebriated with ambition and he refused to heed the advice
of these saintly personalities. He managed to get the pledge of allegiance
for Yazid from Syria and Iraq and many simple minded Muslims pledged
allegiance. Abdullah ibn Umar , Abdullah ibn Zubayr  and Imam
Husayn  and the people of Madinah protested against the state of
affairs. It is the duty of true Muslims whom Allah  has blessed with
knowledge and spiritual intuitive insight (firasa) to swim against the tide,
despite the odds, and stand for the truth.
Yazid Becomes Caliph

Muawiyah  passed away in 680 CE/60 A.H in Damascus at the age of

75, after ruling for about nineteen years. He allegedly died from a stroke
brought on by his weight. He was succeeded, at the beginning of the
month of Rajab in the year 60 AH (April 8, 680 CE), by his son Yazid.
This was the beginning of hereditary rule going against Selection by Shura
(consultation). Hazrath Imam Husayn  was now 56 years old. Kufa and
Basra in Iraq, had become the main political centres, and the spiritual
headquarters was, and will always remain, Madinah the Illuminated. The
learned and pious all settled in Madinah. All-important spiritual matters
were referred to them. The Muslims of Madinah refused to accept Yazid's
nomination. In spite of this Hazrath Muawiyah  persisted. The people
of Hijaaz (The Holy Province, housing the cities of Makkah and Madinah) favoured
Imam Husayn . Most of the people of Syria, Iraq, Kufa and Basra had
already given the pledge of allegiance to Yazid during Muawiyahs
lifetime. However Yazid knew he will never be truly recognised until he
gets the pledge of allegiance from the saintly personalities of the Hijaaz.


The Umayyad Dynasty

The elite and general population of the Hijaaz were in favour of Imam
Husayn  to become Caliph and return prestige to the Caliphate.
Yazid was a disgrace to the Umayads in particular, and Islam in general.
He was 35 years of age, on his ascension to the Holy Seat of Caliph.
During his four-year reign (60 AH -64AH) he abused power, oppressed
the pious and spilled the holy blood of the Ahl al-Bayt and many
companions. This impious tyrant sent his emissaries to force people
throughout the Muslim world to swear allegiance to him. He used all
means possible, like bribery, coercion, pressure, threats and force to get
people to accept him. He married women that Islam has prohibited and
he legalized interest.
Forcing the Pledge of Allegiance

As soon as he took office as Caliph, Yazid sent the governor of Madinah,

Walid ibn Utbah ibn Abu Sufyaan to demand allegiance from Imam
Husayn  and the prominent Sahaba who opposed him. Imam Husayn
 voiced his protest, and he spoke on behalf of all the pious, saying that
Yazid was a sinner, impious and worthless, undeserving of any form of
allegiance. Marwan the previous governor of Madinah, who was advising
Walid ibn Utbah, reproached him for letting Imam Husayn  leave alive.
Walid replied that he would not purchase hell by being responsible for
killing Imam Husayn .
Imam Husayn  made a strong statement by his actions that the pledge
of allegiance could not be given to one unworthy of it. Even the threat of
death did not swerve Imam Husayn  from the path of truth. He was
the Spiritual Pivot (Ghaws), inheritor of the spiritual legacy of the Holy
Prophet , known as wilaya (spiritual sovereignty) and imamah (spiritual
leadership). If he gave his hand he would still be revered by the entire
Muslim World. How beautifully Sultan-ul-Hind, Hazrath Shaykh Khwaja
Sayed Muhammad Muinuddin Chishti al-Ajmeri expressed this stance of
his noble ancestor:
a   a

    6 C


Sacrificed his blessed head and but gave not his blessed
hand to Yazid.
Truly, the fountain of Tauhid is Husayn

This is the role of the true servants of Allah .

Tearing the mask of Islam from the face of un-Islamic rulers

Not only was Imam Husayn  fighting state power but he was awakening
the sensitivities of a population that did not want to see the truth. It is
easy to go along with the dominant opinion but to stand against
falsehood as a minority is a daunting challenge. This was a proof of the
resolve of Hazrath Imam Husayn . It was important to tear the mask of
cosmetic Islam from the face of un-Islamic rulers, and to distance the
Muslims from misguided rulers. It was also incumbent to uphold the
banner of Islam and defend the fundamental principles of the Islamic
Political System. Imam Husayn s allegiance would have become the
proof of the legality of swearing allegiance to every sinful transgressor who
assumes leadership. Imam Husayn s refusal sent a message for all time
that Husayn  can bear many tribulations and see his family being
martyred in front of his eyes but he cannot bear to witness the
organizational system of Islam being disrupted and the Divine system
instituted by his grandfather, the Holy Prophet  being changed. Imam
Husayn , the Imam of Magnificence presented proof by his action and
character and made it apparent to the world that this is the state of a Man
of Allah , he would rather sacrifice his life and the lives of those he
loves but he would never submit to falsehood. Through his actions he,
proved the loftiness of his character and made apparent his condition. Its
sad that in modern society the only people who speak the truth are
comedians, because they trivialise important issues.
Emigration to Makkah
Yazid had given the order of execution for Imam Husayn  and the
prominent companions. The governor sent his people a number of times
to call Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubair . In the end they surrounded his
house and called out that if he did not come out they would come to see
him the next morning. During the night Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubair 
came out very upset and told the people to tell the governor that he
would come the next morning to see him. During the night Hazrath
Abdullah bin Zubair  and his brother, Jafar , left for Makkah through


The Umayyad Dynasty

a road which was not very well known to the travellers. When the
governor found out that he had been tricked, he sent his men to find
them, but by that time they had gone. Imam Husayn  and many
prominent companions, with their families, left for Makkah. Here one
should ponder as to what political turmoil had dawned upon them that
Imam Husayn  had to leave Madinah, where his beloved maternal
grandfather, the Holy Prophet  laid buried. How heavy hearted he must
have felt to leave that city for whose visitation people come from far and
wide, spending vast sums of money, leaving behind loved ones and
closing businesses. It is that city for whose vision every eye desires. He
who was the Spiritual Governor (wali) of the city had been forced to leave
it. He was the apple of the Holy Prophet s blessed eye. However with
eyes full of tears he approaches the Sacred Burial Chamber of the Holy
Prophet  presents his greeting (salaam) and takes permission to leave the
City. Crying accompanied by his family and companions he left Madinah
and arrived in Makkah. Why did he go to Makkah, the Ennobled city?
Allah  says in the 3rd Sura al-i-Imraan [ The Family of Imraan]:
Verse 97 of the Holy Quraan:

Whoever enters it (The sacred land of Makkah) attains security

It is forbidden to fight, quarrel or kill somebody within the Sacred

Boundaries of the Haram. It is even forbidden to kill lice in the Sacred
Precincts. Even animals that dont endanger lives are not to be killed in
the Haram. In Islam a Mumin has a very great status. The dignity afforded
to a Mumin in Islam is tremendous. Therefore in order to avoid fighting,
quarrelling and bloodshed Imam Husayn  sought refuge in The Noble
Sacred Sanctuary. Yazid on receiving the news of their departure
dismissed Walid ibn Utbah as governor and replaced him with Amr ibn
Said Ashdaq. Amr ibn Zubayr, the brother of Abdullah ibn Zubayr  was
made the chief of police because he had enmity towards his brother. Amr
ibn Zubayr led an army of two thousand to Makkah to search for Imam
Husayn  and Abdullah ibn Zubayr .
At Makkah

When Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubair  reached Makkah, some of his

supporters were already there. Amr ibn Zubayr and his army camped


outside Makkah and sent a message to his brother Abdullah bin Zubair 
that he should surrender. Abdullah bin Zubair  sent some of his
followers to fight them and they were defeated. His brother Amr sought
refuge in the house of ibn Alqamah. The governor of Makkah, Umar bin
Said, used to come to the Kaaba to pray and circumbulate it (do Tawaaf).
He would also lead the prayers. Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubair  and his
supporters refused to join them in prayers for they were the Imams of
an oppressive regime in the absence of a legitimate Caliphate.
Imam Husayn  entered Makkah on the night of Friday (i.e. Thursday),
3rd Shabaan. Is it co-incidence that his noble grandfather entered
Madinah on his birthday, the 12th Rabi al-Awwal and his beloved
grandson enters Makkah on his birthday the 3rd Shabaan? The citizens of
the Holy City of Makkah, the Ennobled, welcomed the 56 years old
Imam Husayn , with overflowing love. The grandson of the Holy
Prophet , the coolness of his blessed eye, the leader of the youths of
paradise, had come to live in their midst. He was in every respect pleasing
to Allah , courageous and bold, learned and pious, eloquent, fluent
and concise, a fine and moving speaker, above all so dearly loved by the
Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad . They had heard the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  say:
Those who love Hasan  and Husayn , love me, he who
loves me loves Allah  and he who loves Allah  , Allah 
has admitted him in paradise.

So they knew it was part of the creed (aqida) of Islam to love Imam
Husayn , and not words printed in a book to be ceremoniously read.
Imam Husayn  spent the months of Shabaan to Zil Qadh in Makkah.
The people were spiritually uplifted with his blessed presence. The
inhabitants began to visit him frequently, as did those who had some to
make the lesser pilgrimage and other people from far and wide. Abdullah
ibn al Zubayr  came to visit Husayn  at intervals of two consecutive
days, and sometimes between the two day intervals.
Letters from Kufa

The people of Kufa, who were supporters of Hazrath Ali , got to know
of the death of Hazrath Muawiyah . They also heard that Imam Husayn
 had refused to swear allegiance to Yazid. They decided to call upon


The Umayyad Dynasty

Imam Husayn  to take his rightful place as Caliph. Imam Husayn 
received an abundance of letters and personal summoning inviting him
to Kufa. When the Shiatu Ali
, meaning the followers of Ali of Kufa heard that Imam Husayn
 had migrated to Makkah, they gathered at Sulaiman ibn Surad
Khuzais house and wrote a letter to Imam Husayn  inviting him to
come to Kufa from Makkah. In the letter they pledged their full support
for him and promise to die in his defence. They wrote:
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate To al
Husayn bin Ali, from Sulayman b. Surad, al Musayyib bin
Najaba, Rifaa bin Shaddad al Bajali, Habib bin Muzahir and
the believers and Muslims of his (Ali s) Shia among the
Kufans. Greetings, we praise God before you, other than
Whom there is no deity. Praise be to God, Who has broken
your enemy, the obstinate tyrant, who had leapt upon this
community, stripped it of its authority, plundered its unity and
seized control of it without its consent. Then he had killed
the choice members of it and
had preserved the wicked
members of it. He made the property of God a state (divided)
among its tyrants and wealthy. He was destroyed as Thamud
were destroyed. (Now) there is no Imam over us. Therefore
come; through you, may your God unite us under truth. Al
Numan bin Bashir is in the governors palace and we do not
gather with him for the Jumuah (service). Nor do we
accompany him (out of the mosque) for the Eid prayer. If we
learn that you will come to us, we will drive him away until we
pursue him to Syria, if God the Exalted, wills.

Signatures of many people supported the letter. Within two days of

sending this letter another letter was sent again with similar contents to
Imam Husayn  and this time backed by 150 signatures. After that a
third letter then a fourth, and so on; every two days a letter was received
by Imam Husayn . Some people even went to invite Imam Husayn 
to Kufa in person. On receiving all the letters and personal invitations,
Imam Husayn s opinion of the people of Kufa began to change. Imam
Husayn  consulted with his companions. Abdullah ibn Zubayr 
advised that he should go, but ibn Abbas  warned him to beware of the
Kufans who had betrayed both Imam Ali  and Imam Hasan . He
received over 150 letters from Kufa. Some scholars have documented


that 1200 letters were sent, however very authentic scholars have agreed
on 150 letters. In that age when letters were sent over long distances via a
messenger on horseback, it was a matter of urgency to have received 150
letters. The gist of the contents of the letters was as follows:
O Imam Husayn , we are followers of your father (Hazrath
Ali ); we are the lovers of Hazrath Ali  and ahl al-Bayt. We
did not accept Muawiyah and we will not accept his son Yazid.
We are the followers of the Commander of the Faithful, your
father, Hazrath Ali  and your brother Imam Hasan . We
have refused to accept Yazid as the Caliph and we accept you
the rightful Caliph. So please come to Kufa so that we may
pledge allegiance on your blessed hand. We will defend your
Caliphate with our lives and property and spend our lives
serving you. So please come over and bless us with your
esteemed presence.

Letters were received from noble families and clans. Some had even
written that if Imam Husayn  did not come to Kufa then they would
have to pledge allegiance to Yazid out of desperation and neglect, since
they did not have the power to challenge the ruling power. They said that
on the Day of Reckoning when Allah , would question them as to what
made them swear allegiance to an unfit ruler like Yazid, they would say
that they wrote letters and sent messengers, to the grandson of the Holy
Prophet , pledging their lives and property, but he did not come. When
he did not accept our invitation, being unable to challenge authority, we
pledged allegiance out of desperation. They stressed to Imam Husayn 
that he would carry the responsibility of their actions. These types of
statements made Imam Husayn  think seriously as to what action
should be taken according to Islamic Law (Shariah).
Imam Husayn  wrote a letter to the people of Kufa, stating that he
appreciated the situation in Kufa and was sending one of his cousins,
Muslim bin Aqeel , to them, to assess the situation of Kufa and inform
him. He further added that he would himself come to Kufa soon because
only he who follows the Holy Quraan, follows the Sunnah of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and establishes justice in the country could be
the leader of the Muslims.


The Umayyad Dynasty

Muslim bin Aqeel  leaves for Kufa
Muslim bin Aqeel  left for Kufa with the letter. He stopped at
Madinah. He prayed salaah in the Holy Prophet Muhammad s Masjid
and then supplicated at the Roza Mubarak [the Blessed Grave of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad ] in Madinah. Then he took leave from his family and friends.
It was 1st of Zil-Hijjah 60 AH when he reached Kufa.
On arriving in Kufa, Imam Muslim  went to the house of a person by
the name of Mukhtar bin Ubaida, a lover of ahl al-Bayt, the people of
Kufa flocked to the house in large numbers to swear allegiance to Imam
Husayn  on Imam Muslim s hands. About 40 000 swore allegiance,
showering him with much love and reverence. Some kissed his hands;
some his shoes and many invited him to their homes. He settled in Kufa
and the Supporters of Hazrath Ali  ( Shiatun Ali) used to come and
visit him. Muslim bin Aqeel  used to read the letters from Imam
Husayn  to them. When the people would hear these letters, they
would weep and pledge to support Imam Husayn  to their last breath.
The number of supporters increased daily. When he was certain that the
whole of Iraq was behind Imam Husayn , he sent a letter to Imam
Husayn  and invited him to come to Kufa. He was certain that the true
Caliphate would be re-established and they would be rid of Yazid. He
wrote saying that these people possessed great love and respect, therefore
Imam Husayn  should come over to Kufa. As soon as the letter carrier
was dispatched the situation changed.



Imam Husayn  summoned to Kufa

Imam Muslim bin Aqeel  had assessed the situation in Iraq and advised
Imam Husayn  to come to Kufa. Yazid's spies had informed him of
Imam Muslim bin Aqeel 's welcome in Kufa, his support there and the
hospitality he received. Yazid's supporters advised him to replace Numan
bin Bashir, the governor of Kufa who was sympathetic towards the family
of the Holy Prophet . He acted in accordance with his ministers' advice
and dismissed ibn Bashir, and placed Ubaydullah ibn Ziyaad in his place,
as both heads of Kufa and Basra. Ubaydullah ibn Ziyaad appointed his
brother, Uthman, as deputy governor of Basra whilst he based himself in
Orders to kill Imam Muslim bin Aqeel  and the Kufan Betrayal
Yazid instructed ibn Ziyaad, to banish or kill Imam Muslim bin Aqeel .
Ubaidullah ibn Ziyaad arrived near Kufa at a time when the Kufans were
anxiously awaiting the arrival of Imam Husayn . Ibn Ziyaad took
advantage of the situation and pretended to be Imam Husayn . Ibn
Ziyaad departed for his journey to Kufa with some of his family members
and servants. When they had almost reached Kufa he separated from
them and told them to remain at the outskirts of Kufa, as he wanted to
enter the city by himself. When the people of Kufa saw Ubaydullah ibn
Ziyaad approaching the city they immediately thought that it was Imam
Husayn , and started to sing a song welcoming him into their city:
Welcome, son of our Prophet, welcome son of our Prophet.

Ibn Ziyaad realized that the people were in favour of Imam Husayn
. He called a meeting at the Main Congregational Mosque (Jaame
Masjid), disclosed his true identity, and warned the people that any
opposition to him would be severely dealt with. The first thing he did
was to arrest and jail at the city governing offices, all influential persons
who had given allegiance to Imam Husayn . The news of these arrests
quickly spread around Kufa. People became afraid that if such influential
people had been jailed what would be their fate. Ibn Ziyaad in the
meantime was thinking of ways to arrest Imam Muslim . When Imam
Muslim  realized what was happening he called a meeting, and gathered


The Umayyad Dynasty

all his followers. The 40 000 plus gathered around him and they went to
the city governing offices. Imam Muslim  could have ordered an attack
on these offices but he did not. The governing authorities did not have
power or an army at that stage, to crush such a large number. What Allah
 had planned had to transpire. Seeing the march on the government
offices ibn Ziyaad became very afraid, and he acted very cunningly. He
gathered all the influential persons whom he had arrested and said to
them that if they wanted their families to be safe then they should do as
ordered. When they asked him what he wanted, he said that every one of
them has a relative in this crowd around the governing offices, so they
should stand on the roof and explain to them to leave the side of Imam
Muslim . He threatened them that if they did not act as he orders then
they would be killed and the approaching army of Yazid would destroy
Kufa, their houses would be burnt and children killed. So he threatened
them to act as he orders if they cherished their safety and the safety of
their families. They climbed onto the roof and called out to their dear
ones. They said that power and rule was in Yazids hand and although
Imam Husayn  was the grandson of the Holy Prophet  he could not
stop the Yazidi administration. They warned them that if they did not
leave the side of Imam Muslim  and withdraw their support for Imam
Husayn  then they would all be killed. People began leaving the side of
Imam Muslim  in groups. Initially he had surrounded the government
offices with 40 000 persons. Between Asr and Maghrib Salaah only 500
followers were left with Imam Muslim . Imam Muslim  felt depleted
seeing that he was left with 500 followers only. He summoned them to
accompany him to the Jaame Masjid to perform Maghrib salaah and decide
on what action to take. They reached the Masjid, the call to prayer was
given, and they stood for prayer behind the Imam. Five hundred had
commenced the salaah with Imam Muslim  but when he made the final
salaam of the 3 cycles of Maghrib prayer he found that the 500 had
deserted. He was left alone. These were the very people who claimed to be
lovers of the Household of the Prophet and called themselves Lovers of
Ali . They had written letters to Imam Husayn  promising to sacrifice
life and property. They had sworn allegiance on the hand of Imam
Muslim  making big promises. They became so afraid of ibn Ziyaads
threats that they betrayed Imam Muslim . After the salaah Imam


Muslim  began to ponder as to what he should do since he had already

sent word to Imam Husayn  that he should come to Kufa. He left the
Masjid and went to the houses of his disciples but found every house
locked from the inside.

Imam Muslim  left alone

Imam Muslim  was now walking the streets at night distressed and
alone. He saw a lady, Touah, the wife of Kindah, in a house and asked for
some water. The lady gave him some water and asked as to who he was,
where he came from and where he was going. He replied:
O sister! I am Muslim bin Aqeel  that came to Kufa as the
deputy of Imam Husayn bin Ali .

She exclaimed:
You are Muslim bin Aqeel  and you are wandering around
in this state? I heard that over 40 000 people had pledged
allegiance on your hand, prepared to sacrifice life and property.

Imam Muslim  explained how the people of Kufa had deserted him and
how they had all shut their doors in his time of desperation. The lady said
that her humble abode was open for him, and she considered it her great
fortune that a member of the Holy Prophet s family was her guest.
That lady gave shelter to Imam Muslim . He spent the evening at the
ladies home. The son of this noble lady, named Bilaal, was an evil person.
This is Allah s will that in the home of the good he can bestow an evil
offspring, whilst in the home of the evil he can give a good child. Allah
: says in the 3rd Sura, aal-i- Imraan [ The Family of Imraan] Verse
27 of the Holy Quraan:

and You bring the living out of the dead and You bring the
dead out of the living

Allah  can cause a believer be born in the house of an unbeliever and

cause an unbeliever to be born in the house of a believer. He can cause
Hazrath Ibrahim, Khalilullah  to be born in the house of idol-worshippers
and in the house of Hazrath Nuh , cause this great prophets son to be
an unbeliever. The wife of Pharaoh can become the leader of the ladies of
paradise, whilst the wife of Hazrath Lut  becomes an unbeliever. So


The Umayyad Dynasty

this ladys son came home that evening and found his mother very sad.
On enquiring as to why she was sad, she explained how Imam Muslim ,
a descendant of the Holy Prophet  had been betrayed by the people of
Kufa and she was fortunate to give him shelter in their home. She said
they are fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to serve him whilst, on
the other hand she was sad that the people of Kufa had betrayed him.

Arrest of Imam Muslim 

On hearing this, the son thought that fortune was smiling on him, since
his mother in her humility does not know that Ibn Ziyaad has offered a
reward for the capture of Imam Muslim . He now planned to inform
the authorities that they could capture Imam Muslim  in his house and
he would claim the reward. He did not inform his mother of his evil plan
and he became impatient to claim his reward. Together with a few friends
of his he went and informed ibn Ziyaad. Ibn Ziyaad promised him the
reward if he himself went and captured Imam Muslim . Seventy police
were sent with him to go and capture Imam Muslim . They surrounded
the house, abused Imam Muslim  verbally and forced him to come out
of the house with his sword drawn. He came out with his sword drawn
because he could not bear to hear the terrible language used against
Imam Husayn  and the fact that he was being accused of treason, whilst
the tyrant Yazid was being praised. Imam Muslim  said something in
defence of Imam Husayn  and they rained their arrows in his direction.
He addressed them saying that it would be better if they verbally argued
with him, but if they were shooting arrows to show strength, then he has
the capability to reply in kind. They then challenged him to fight and he
came out to face them, sword drawn. He came to face the seventy police
and they realized that they made a mistake to enrage a lion. He slew many
of them and injured many. Imam Muslim  himself was injured in the
encounter and an arrow broke his front teeth. He was bleeding from the
mouth and requested a glass of water from the lady of the house. The lady
respectfully handed him the glass of water and as he drank, his blood
colored the water and it became red. He placed the water on one side and
remarked that it seemed as if it was not in his fate to drink the water of
this world and he would quench his thirst in heaven.


Imam Muslim  managed to dispatch a letter to Imam Husayn . Ibn

Ziyaad sent Muhammad bin Asad to bring Imam Muslim  to him using
deceit and pretence. He came to Imam Muslim  and said that the
police had acted wrongly since ibn Ziyaad had not sent them to fight but
to call him. Muhammad bin Asad asked Imam Muslim  to accompany
him to the Government Office, so as to discuss with the Governor as to
what settlement could be reached since Imam Husayn  was on his way
also. Muhammad bin Asad assured him that Ibn Ziyaad was seeking a
peaceful solution to this difference. Imam Muslim  said he also sought
a peaceful solution, or else he could have crushed the authorities, at that
stage, when 40 000 were prepared to die for the cause. Imam Muslim 
entered the government building whilst reciting the Holy Qur'aan, the 7th
Sura, al-Araaf (the Heights) , Verse 89:

O our Lord, judge between us and our (hostile) people with
Truth and You are the Best of judges.

As he entered the building, Ibn Ziyaads police were waiting on both sides
sword drawn. They had been ordered to kill him. As he entered the
building they assassinated him and he drank the nectar of martyrdom.
Some ulama have written that he spoke to ibn Ziyaad before being
assassinated. Ibn Ziyaad told him that he was a criminal but he would
release him on condition that he swears allegiance to Yazid and promise
to secure the pledge of allegiance from Imam Husayn . He replied that
neither he nor Imam Husayn  could swear allegiance to Yazid and he
should do with him as he wills. Ibn Ziyaad replied that he will slay him,
and Imam Muslim  replied that he should do as he wills. The police
were ordered to take Imam Muslim  to the roof of the Government
Building and slay him. He ordered that the head of the Imam be sent to
him and his body be thrown on the road so as to be crushed. When the
police came forward to seize him, Imam Muslim  noticed that the
building was full of people who came to witness what was transpiring.
Those who had called them to Kufa via letter, and had sworn allegiance
were also among them. Imam Muslim  addressed them saying:
O residents of Kufa! You have betrayed us, but I order you to
do three things if you can:


The Umayyad Dynasty


Sell my weapons and pay off my debts, since I owe so and so in Kufa
700 Dirhams.
When my head is severed and sent to ibn Ziyaad and my body is thrown
on the street, then lift up my body and give me a proper burial.
If you have an atom of faith left in your hearts, and an atom of love for
the Ahl al-Bayt, then in whatever way possible send a message to Husayn
 that he should not come to Kufa.

Ibn Ziyaad threatened the people that they should take care not to act
upon what Imam Muslim  had requested or they would be killed and
their childrens bodies would be raised on spears. He said to Imam
Muslim  that he would distribute his weapons amongst his men, would
not bury his body but would do with it as they please and parade it as an
example to the people of Kufa. He asked as to why Imam Husayn 
should be stopped from coming since they wanted to show him what
happens to rebels. Imam Muslim  began crying thinking of Imam
Husayn  and the betrayal at Kufa. He was dragged to the roof. Imam
Muslim  requested that he be given an opportunity to read two cycles of
salaah and this was refused. He looked towards the province of Hijaaz,
containing Makkah and Madinah, and said:
O my master Husayn , may you be informed of what has
happened to me. If only I had not written to you saying that all
was well in Kufa. These people have betrayed us and I dont
know what will happen when you arrive here.

Whilst in this state Imam Muslim  was dropped down and beheaded.
The date was 9th Zil-Hijjah 60 AH, the blessed Day of Arafat.
The Kufans Threatened

Imam Muslim s body was hung in public to serve as a warning to those

who dare to challenge the regime. After this his body was pierced on to a
lance and paraded through the streets. The heartless villains, reciters of
the Kalimah (testifying faith) then killed Imam Muslim 's children.
According to some biographers when Imam Muslim bin Aqeel  went to
Kufa he took his two sons, who were five and seven year old, with him.
After their fathers death, the two sons attempted to escape to Madinah.
But they were captured by the governor of Kufa, and martyred. However
some biographers record that Muslim bin Aqeel s two sons were not of
that age, nor did they accompany their father but they went to Karbala
with Imam Husayn  and they were martyred there.



Imam Husayn  on receiving the letter from Imam Muslim bin Aqeel ,
firmly decided to leave for Kufa. The people again tried to dissuade him,
reminding that the Kufans could not be trusted and would turn against
him at any time. Hazrath Abdullah bin Umar  came to Imam Husayn
 and said,
It is not in your character to seek power. Also remember that
Allah  asked our Holy Prophet  whether he would choose
worldly possession or the Hereafter, and the Holy Prophet 
replied that he preferred the hereafter. You are also a part of
the Holy Prophet s family; therefore you should not get so
involved in the material aspect of this world.

After saying this he started to cry. After listening to Hazrath Abdullah bin
Umar , Imam Husayn  also had tears in his eyes, and said that
although his advice had been sound, it had been prophesised he had to
go to Kufa and eventually to Karbala.
The Martyrdom had been Prophesised

In spite of the fact that many companions were martyred but none of the
martyrdoms attained the popularity of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn
. Therefore all martyrdoms were related after the incident whilst Imam
Husayn s Martyrdom was revealed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
himself. Whilst watching Imam Husayn  playing the Holy Prophet 
was tearing. On enquiry as to why he was crying he said that Hazrath
Jibraeel  had informed him that people from his Ummah will martyr
Imam Husayn  at a place called Karbala and thereafter Jibraeel  gave
him some sand of Karbala. Umm Salama  the only wife of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  who was alive during the tragedy of Karbala

The mother of the believers, Umm Salama  narrates that The
Holy Prophet  (who was asleep at her house), woke up during
the night being visibly disturbed and informed her:


The Umayyad Dynasty

Jibraeel  had visited me and informed me that my beloved
son Husayn would be martyred in Iraq. I asked him to bring
me some sand of the place where he was martyred and he
brought it to me"63

In another similar hadith he  asked Ummi Salama  to keep the sand

with her and when she notices it has turned to blood she should know
that Husayn  has been martyred.

O Ummi Salama, when this sand turns into blood then you
must know this son of mine has been martyred; Ummi Salama
had kept that sand in a bottle and everyday when she looked at
it she exclaimed:
O sand! The day you become blood will be an earth-shattering

Also, Hazrath Ummi Salama  narrates that:

Tears were flowing from the blessed eyes of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and when I asked him as to why
he was crying he told me:
Jibraeel  has just informed me:

Your Ummah will martyr your son Husayn  at a place called

This reflects the knowledge of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  for he

knew Umm Salama  will be the only surviving wife during the event of
Imam Ismail ibn Kathir66 (701AH/774AH) records a hadith in his book alBidayah wa'an-Nihayah (The Beginning and the End) or Tarikh ibn Kathir
(The history book of Ibn Kathir) 67that Abu Hurraira  reported that he
heard the Holy Prophet  warn:


O People! Supplicate to Allah ! Save you from the time of

the end of 60 A.H. when young fools will sit on the throne of

Hazrath Abu Hurraira  used to supplicate thereafter:

O Allah ! I seek your refuge from the beginning of the 60th
year of the Hijrah and the rule of foolish youngsters68

When Hazrath Abu Hurraira  saw that Yazid was pressurizing Imam
Husayn  he realized this was the period prophesized by the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  so he prayed to Allah  to take his life before he
witnesses the full scale oppression. Thus he passed away before witnessing
Karbala, in the 59th year of the Hijrah at the age of 78.
Hazrath Ali  once while travelling through Iraq stopped at Karbala and

Hazrath Asbag bin Banaan  reports that we travelled with

Hazrath Ali  and we reached the spot where the Blessed grave
of Imam Husayn  would be then he said:
The Holy Prophet  informed me that this is the place where
their camels would sit; this is where their weapons would be
kept and here their blood will be spilt. One group of the family
of Muhammad  will be slain here which will cause the earth
and sky to weep.69

The Holy Prophet  used to kiss Imam Hasan  on his lips and Imam
Husayn  on his neck. The Urafa have stated this was to give them a
greater measure of patience and was an indication of their martyrdom.
From these incidents many points should be noted. It is sunnah to


The Umayyad Dynasty

remember, make mention of and cry over the martyrdom of Imam
Husayn .

Imam Husayn  Leaves For Kufa

It was divinely ordained that on the very day if the martyrdom of Imam
Muslim , the 9th Zil-Hijjah 60 Hijrah, Imam Husayn  was leaving
Makkah with his family and well-wishers. It was the Day of Arafat, he had
the spiritual recognition (irfaan) that the time had come for the
fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad . The next
day was to be the commemoration of the sacrifice of Hazrath Ismail .
The connection between the sacrifice of Ismail  and Husayn 
Allama Muhammad Iqbal [ ; November 9, 1877 Sialkot- April 21, 1938
Lahore] had rightly stated:

 % &'  ) 6*+
 " !6 #$
Gharib-o-sada- o-rangi'n hay dastan-e-Haram
Nihayat iski Husayn ibtida hay Ismail
The incident of the haram is unfortunate, simple and colourful.
It began with Ismail and ended with Husayn

Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 37th Sura, as-Saffat (Those
ranged in ranks) in verse 107:

And We replaced him with a momentous sacrifice

In verse 107 the sacrifice with which Ismail  was replaced is described
as great by Allah , therefore it must be great in an absolute degree. An
ordinary ram by no means, in any sense whatsoever, can be termed as
great; moreover under no circumstances a ram can be greater than
Hazrath Ismail  son of Hazrath Ibrahim , both the most
distinguished prophets of Allah , in whose progeny Allah  had
appointed His Imams. The ransom, therefore, is essentially a great
sacrifice Allah  had kept in store for future when the religion of Allah
 would be purified after the advent of the Holy Prophet . It was
indeed a great and momentous occasion when two men of Allah  stood


ready to offer to Allah  their lives to seek His pleasure. Allah 

postponed this great manifestation of devotion and surrender to His will
which was the real purpose of the trial to a future date, so that the
devotion and surrender to Allah s will should be demonstrated in a
greater method and degree than what Hazrath Ibrahim  and Hazrath
Ismail  could. This type of service Imam Husayn  performed, many
ages later, in 61 AH, and as he was a descendant of Hazrath Ibrahim 
and Hazrath Ismail  the credit of the great sacrifice goes to them also.
Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703 - August 20, 1762)70
, in Sirrush Shahadaytan, and many other well known authors of traditions
and history have accepted the fact that ( zibhe azeem) refers to the
sacrifice of Imam Husayn .
The blessed verse refers to the willingness of Hazrath Ibrahim  to
sacrifice his son, the attempted sacrifice of Hazrath Ismail  and the
replacement in the sacrifice. Allah  says He compensated the
willingness of Hazrath Ibrahim  to sacrifice the willingness of Hazrath
Ismail  to be sacrificed with a ( zibhe azeem).
Journey to Kufa the first Protest March in History

Hazrath Imam Husayn  left for Kufa with his family and followers,
accompanied by their wives, daughters, sisters and breast-feeding children.
This should be borne in mind, that Imam Husayn  did not leave
Makkah with the intention to fight or go to war. He knew that this was
his last journey. Who could know the prophecy of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  better than his grandson? He who goes to war does not
take wives, daughters, sisters and breast-feeding children with him. The
fact that he had with him his wives, daughters, sisters and breast-feeding
children is proof of his intention. This was the first protest march in the
history of mankind.
On the way to Kufa he received news of Imam Muslim s fate. They
were surprised and shocked to hear this, but decided to go on to Kufa
and see for themselves as to how the situation took such a drastic turn.
Imam Husayn  made a stop and dispatched a messenger with a letter
to the Kufans stating that he was on his way. The messenger was captured
and put to death by ibn Ziyaad. Imam Muslim s brothers wanted to


The Umayyad Dynasty

avenge their brother's death. Those who had joined on the way thinking
of glory in Iraq became afraid. The sincere waited for Imam Husayn s
decision. He explained the situation and said those who wish to leave
may do so. Many left and only a few of the sincere ones, who had
travelled with him from Makkah, remained. Imam Husayn  arrived in

Husayn  approaches Kufa

Ibne Ziyaad received the news of Imam Husayn 's arrival. He assigned
Hur bin Yazid and 500 soldiers (some reports say 1000 soldiers) to keep a
watch on Imam Husayn . They were two hours away from Kufa and
they met Hur bin Yazid Riyahi. When Hur reached Imam Husayn  he
told his men to surround him and his followers. Imam Husayn 
instructed his people to set up camp there, and upon noticing this Hur
also commanded his army to camp in the area and keep Imam Husayn 
and his followers surrounded so that they could not escape. Both groups
stayed in their respective camps. The time for Zuhr Salaat (mid afternoon
prayer) prayer approached, and a member of Imam Husayn s group
gave the call for prayer. Imam Husayn  asked Hur if they would pray
separately or together. Hur replied that they will all read salaat behind
Imam Husayn . Imam Husayn  lead the Zuhr prayer and Hur and
his army also performed the prayer behind Imam Husayn . Imam
Husayn  tried to speak sense into Hur and his army but they refused
to listen. After the prayer Imam Husayn  and Hur returned to their
respective camps. Similarly, when the time for Asr prayer arrived, Imam
Husayn  led Hur and his army as well as his own followers in prayer.
Imam Husayn  confronted Hur and enquired who he was. He replied
that he was ordered to keep an eye on him and deliver him to Ibne
Ziyaad. Imam Husayn  replied that they, the Kufans, had invited him.
Hur denied having any knowledge of such an invitation, so Imam Husayn
 showed him the letters.
Imam Husayn  addressed the congregation, saying:
O People! Fear Allah  and recognise the rights of the people
who have rights, so that Allah  will be pleased with you. At
the moment, power lies in the hands of Yazid and his
governors, but they are cruel people who lie to you, and they


have no right to rule over you. We the Ahl al-Bayt are more
entitled to the caliphate than those who are making a claim to
it against the truth. They are oppressive rulers. If you dislike us,
are unaware of our rights, and have changed your opinion you
held of us in your letters, then I will go back.
[al-Kamil of ibn-Athir]

The conversation continued with arguments from both sides. Hur had
love for Ahl al-Bayt and was torn between political loyalty and spiritual
integrity. Hur replied that he would request Ibne Ziyaad to permit them
to move to another place outside Madinah or Kufa. Ibne Ziyaads reply
was that Imam Husayn  should not be allowed to take refuge at any
fort or fertile ground.
Hur himself was surprised at the turn of events. He told Imam Husayn 
that if he let him go his soldiers would complain to ibn Ziyaad and he will
be in trouble. So he advised the Imam to continue discussions with him
till night falls. He told him to leave quietly at night when the soldiers
were asleep. Imam Husayn  agreed. When darkness overtook them and
the soldiers were asleep the group of Imam Husayn  left. They travelled
the whole night and Allah  willed that they went in a complete circle
finding them back at the same spot the following morning. Some were
surprised as to how this happened. Imam Husayn  however knew that
the prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was to be fulfilled. Hur
himself was surprised but he planned that the negotiations continue and
at night they would execute the plan once more. Again they travelled the
whole night and Allah  willed that they went in a complete circle
returning to the same spot the following morning. This occurred for three
nights and on the fourth day; they asked a traveller as to what was the
name of the place that they were at. The stranger said that this was a place
called Karbala in Iraq. As soon as Imam Husayn  heard the word
Karbala, he said:
My maternal grandfather [The Holy Prophet ] had
prophesized that I would be martyred in Karbala. This is the
place therefore it is impossible to leave here. The fact that we
departed from here for three consecutive nights and returned is
proof that this is the place of our martyrdom.


The Umayyad Dynasty

He ordered all his followers to get of their mounts and to set up camp at
that place.


Madinah to Karbala
2 Muharram 61 AH

It was Thursday, 2 Muharram 61 AH; Imam Husayn  and his

followers pitched camp at a place between the Euphrates River and a hill.
Some of his followers pleaded with him to leave the place. Imam Husayn
We have to sip the nectar of martyrdom and shed our blood
here. The blood of the Holy Prophet s family was destined to
colour this ground. The flowers of the garden of the Holy
Prophet  are destined to fall here and colour the ground with
their blood. So all of you dismount and display your patience
and perseverance since we have to be martyred.

The people of Madinah had come to Karbala via Makkah. Fate had
brought them here since till The Day of Judgment they will be known as
the people of Karbala.
As soon as Imam Husayn  and his followers settled down army units
being sent by Ibn Ziyaad and Yazid came to meet them and each one
brought the same message, that Husayn  should pledge allegiance to
Yazid and if he does then he should be brought alive to Yazid and on
refusal, his severed head should be brought to Yazid. Imam Husayn 
replied that it was impossible that he pledge allegiance. He said it was
strange that he was called to offer his hand so that people would pledge
allegiance to him and now his hand was being forced into Yazids hand.
He said that he left Madinah to avoid pledging allegiance to Yazid and he
would never do so now. The enemy asked him to be ready for war. He
replied that he did not come with the intention of fighting. They said
that he could not avoid both either he pledge allegiance or fight.
Although Imam Husayn  knew that this was the place of his
martyrdom he had to act in accordance with the Shariah and had to set an
example for future generations not to deviate from the Shariah despite
their personal spiritual condition. So he told them since the letters of the
Kufans forced him to come on Legal Grounds (Shariah) and now that


they have betrayed him, so he places before them three conditions and
whichever they agree to they must act on:
1. Allow us to return to Makkah and we will remain in The Noble Sacred
Sanctuary or Haram ash-Sharif and spend the rest of our lives in worship.
Some historians say two more conditions were put forward; whilst, many
others reject them saying they were not presented by Imam Husayn . I
personally also believe that Imam Husayn  could never have stated the
next two for he knew this was the place of martyrdom.


let us go to a country where unbelievers and polytheists live, so that we

may spend our lives in the propagation of Islam and concentrate our
efforts on making them Muslims
Finally, if you dont agree to the other two requests take me to Yazid so
that I may speak to him. Probably we can reach a mutual understanding
and prevent bloodshed.

The request was sent to the governor of Kufa, ibn Ziyaad and he became
enraged and wrote to his chief army commander, Amr bin Saad that:
I did not send you to find grounds for peace between us and
Imam Husayn , but to secure his allegiance and on refusal to
send his severed head to me. My final order is this that you
must fight Husayn  and decapitate him.

When Imam Husayn  heard this reply was:

Do as you wish, we will never swear allegiance to Yazid.

3 Muharram

Ibne Ziyaad was informed of Imam Husayn 's whereabouts and on the
3 Muharram he reinforced Hurs troops with, 4000 soldiers under Amr
bin Saad. They were ordered to confront Imam Husayn . Imam
Husayn  warned Hur about the spiritual consequences of taking up
arms against the family of the Holy Prophet . The material promises
and greed for wealth and power had blinded Hur and he paid no heed to
the advice given.
7th Muharram

As a strategy of war, on the 7th Muharram 61 AH, they prevented Imam

Husayn  and his followers from taking water from the Euphrates River.
Seven thousand soldiers comprising, two thousand on mounts and five
thousand on foot were ordered to guard the river. The order was that not
a drop must be given to the Imam Husayn  and his followers. The camp


Madinah to Karbala
of Imam Husayn  had women and children in it, so they were surprised
that thousands of soldiers had come to confront them. The surprising
aspect of this strategy was that water was being denied to the grandson of
the owner of the Fount of Kauthar (Maalik-e Kauthar) in paradise and the
son of the water bearer at Kauthar (Saqi-e-Kauthar).
Imam Husayn  mounted his horse rode to face the enemy forces and
delivered a brief sermon. He explained to them to stop groping in the
darkness and not to stain their hands with his blood, since deliberately
killing somebody was purchasing hell. He further explained that he was
the grandson of their Holy Prophet Muhammad , upon whom they
testify faith, and at this moment in time there was no other grandson of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  on earth. He said that he was that same
Husayn  about whom the Holy Prophet  said:

Hasan  and Husayn  are the leaders of the youth of

He also explained that when he used to cry whilst his mother cared for
him then the Holy Prophet  said:

(O Fatimah!) Dont you know that when Husayn  cries I get

He told them:
Think if the Holy Prophet  could not bear me crying in the
care of my loving mother, then if you trouble me in this far off
land, stain your hands with my blood and trouble my children
then try and fathom how aggrieved the Holy Prophet  will be.

He read out to them the verse in the Holy Qur'aan in the 33rd Sura alAhzab ( the Confederates) in verse 57:


Surely those who offend Allah  and His Prophet , Allah
 curse them in the world and in the Hereafter and He has
prepared for them a disgraceful torment.

Imam Husayn  presented these proofs and tried to reason with them
since he was the Pivotal Spiritual Guide (Ghaus) of the era and he tried to
secure their place in heaven by making them realise their fault. They had
become hardhearted and stubborn since hell was their fate so the Imams
sermon had no effect on them. They shouted that they had not come to
listen to a lecture but to secure his allegiance and since he had refused he
must get ready to fight. He said that he had done his duty so that none of
them could complain on the Day of Judgment that they were unaware
and none had explained to them. He said:
Now the proof and advice has been presented to you do as you

Allah  says in the Holy Qur'aan, the 17th Sura, al-Isra (the Night
journey), / , verse 15:

And We do not torment (any people) at all until We send a
Messenger (to them)

9th of Muharram- Attack Begins

It was the 9th of Muharram, the Yazidi force were impatient to fight.
Imam Husayn  sent Hazrath Abbas  asking for a days grace so that he
could supplicate and read salaah before the confrontation. They granted a
stay of one night. Imam Husayn  addressed his supporters. He told
them that those that wanted to leave might do so, because his fate has
been divinely decreed. All his supporters assured him of their
wholehearted support. Imam Husayn  gathered his followers and said
to them, that he was pleased with them and happily gives them
permission to leave in whatever way they could. He said that these people
were thirsty for his blood and he would quench their thirst. He advised
his followers to leave and save their lives. He said he would put out the
campfire at night, so that those that change their mind may leave in the
dark of night, and he would not hold any enmity towards them. The
entire night was spent offering prayers, invoking forgiveness from Allah
, weeping and crying. Not one of them was prepared to leave saying:


Madinah to Karbala
O our beloved Imam, if we leave your side at this critical
moment, with what face will we face the Holy Prophet  on
the Day of Judgment. The Holy Prophet  will ask us if we
valued our lives more than his grandsons life and hence we left
him in the clutches of the enemy and left? No! We can never
leave you at this critical time. We will remain with you and give
our lives for you.

When none were prepared to leave then Imam Husayn  told them that
if they are remaining then they should become fortresses of patience and
perseverance. He urged them to become so firm that no amount of force
and oppression could shake them since this was a stand against falsehood
and a great test. He told them that Allah  always tests his true servants.
Mountains of problems will be unleashed on them but they would have
to be sure footed in the path of Allah . They would have to drink from
the nectar of martyrdom and become shining examples of truth for all the
future generations. The Imam instilled such patience and perseverance in
his followers that they were soaked in the desire to be martyred. He
asked them to rest for the night and leave the events of the next morning
to the will of Allah . Each one left the gathering and went to their
resting places. Imam Husayn  entered his tent and started reciting the
Holy Quraan. Whilst reciting the Holy Quraan, Imam Husayn  fell off
to sleep. In his dream he sees the Leader of all creation, the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  approaching him and taking him in his hands. The Holy
Prophet  placed his blessed hands on the chest of Imam Husayn  and
Allahumma aatil Husayna sabraw wa ajra
O Allah! Grant my Husayn , patience and reward him

The Holy Prophet  then said to him:

My son Husayn , whatever is happening to you, remember I
am not unaware on the contrary I am witnessing everything. All
those that have armed against you, will be deprived of my

Saying these words, the blessing of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s

blessed hand transformed Imam Husayn s chest into a treasure house
of patient perseverance, the Holy Prophet  left. Imam Husayn  awoke
and related his dream to his followers.


Sayed Shah Muhammad Kabir of Danapur writes 72 that upon hearing
this dream everyone in Imam Husayn s camp sat up and prayed with
him. In the morning they put on itr (fragrance), their best clothing, went
to their womenfolk and took their leave and blessings. The blessed
women were told that they should be patient and not mourn. They then
recited the verses of the Holy Qur'aan in which it is stated that martyrs
are not dead.73 They then went out bravely to earn eternal life.
The fajr prayer was performed and thereafter Imam Husayn 
supplicated to Allah  to keep them sure footed on the path of truth;
grant them patience and not to let the forces of oppression to swerve
them from the true path. He prayed and his followers said, May it be so
(ameen). When these thirsty followers and princes had completed their
supplication and were still seated then all hell broke loose. The Yazidi
force mounted their horses and surrounded Imam Husayn s camp.

Hur bin Yazid 

Imam Husayn  mounted his horse and faced the Yazidi army and said:
Is there any one who would assist the Family of the Holy
Prophet , and thereby be assured of paradise?

This statement invoked a change in the attitude and destiny of Hur bin
Yazid . He became restless on his horse to the extent that one of his
associates enquired as to why he had become so restless:
I have seen you in great battles and campaigns and you never
were so unsettled. What is the matter?

Hur bin Yazid  said:

How can I explain, I am standing in between heaven and hell.
A force is pulling me to hell whilst an inner strength is pulling
me towards heaven.

Saying this he whipped his horse and rode away from the Yazidi camp
If I can help it I must go to heaven.

Hur  left the Yazidi army, but the reality was this that his coming over
did not strengthen Imam Husayn s army, since there were thousands
on the opposing side but he was meant to be an inmate of heaven and he


Madinah to Karbala
had been with the inmates of hell. He was a good man amongst the
corrupt and Imam Husayn s insight of reality (basirah) called out to
create a reason for him to leave and come over. The call lit up the road to
heaven for Hur . Hur  left the Yazidi camp and came face to face with
Imam Husayn . He said to Imam Husayn :
O son of the Messenger! You asked if anyone at this critical
juncture would help the children of the Holy Prophet  and
enter heaven. I am at your service, O grandson of the
messenger! If I give my life for you will I attain the intercession
of the Holy Prophet ?

Imam Husayn  replied:

If Allah  wills (Inshallah)

Hur  said:
O Imam Husayn , supplicate that Allah  forgive my earlier
transgression, for now I am going to give my life in defence of

It is recorded that later Hurs two sons and six others defected from the
Yazidi army and joined Imam Husayn .


Friday the 10th Muharram 61 AH

Imam Husayn s army consisted of 72 men; 32 horsemen and 40 foot

soldiers. The flag was carried by Hazrath Abbas ibn Ali , the brother of
Imam Husayn .
Fifty Followers Martyred

Arrogantly the Yazidi force called out for someone to come and challenge
them and shot a few arrows towards Imam Husayn s tent. Imam
Husayn s followers sought his permission to reply to those taunts. He
granted them permission and his followers showed their bravery on the
plains of Karbala. Being hungry and thirsty for three days they displayed
such bravery that they troubled the Yazidi force. Every one of them took
on ten of the enemy. The fighting was so fierce that fifty of Imam Husayn
s followers were martyred but also killed many Yazidis before being
martyred. Imam Husayn  witnessed his fifty followers martyred. He saw
arrows in the chests of his friends and loved ones. Seeing this he kept on
O Allah ! I am resigned to Your will

The First Martyr

As per the strategy of war at that time men from each side fought man to
man and every single combatant from the Yazidi side was killed by the
army personnel of Imam Husayn . Then the Yazidis started a general
mass attack. When there was a pause in the fighting the Husaynis saw
Muslim Bin Ausaja al-Asadi  of the Banu Asad (sons of the lion) an
Arab tribe in Iraq, was mortally wounded lying on the ground covered in
blood and sand. Imam Husayn  ran to him and Muslim bin Ausja 
died in the blessed hands of Imam Husayn , becoming the first martyr
of Karbala.
Hur bin Yazid

Hur unsheathed his sword and faced the Yazidi army. Amr bin Saad said:
Look at this situation. A commander of our army has defected
to the enemy. This is treason. Teach him such a lesson that it
serves as a lesson for generations to come.


The Yazidis attacked him and he fought bravely, suffering many wounds
until he was martyred. Thereafter many of the supporters of Imam
Husayn  were martyred. One of them was Abdullah ibn al Umair al
Kalbi . His wife Umm Wahab  was wiping the dust of her martyred
husbands face saying repeatedly:
Compliments to you for attaining an abode in paradise

Shimr killed her whilst she was at her husband side. Eventually every
companion of Imam Husayn  was martyred and only his family
remained. These fortunate souls had seen their place in paradise before
their blood reached the ground. They were martyred defending the family
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad . Now the ahl Al-Bayt took to the
battlefield. Seventeen of them, including Imam Husayn  were martyred.

Hazrath Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn 

The 16 year old son of Imam Husayn  and Umm-e-Laila  Hazrath Ali
al-Akbar ibn Hussain  [5th Shabaan, 44 AH 10th Muharram, 61 AH] sought his
blessed fathers blessing and to go out into the battlefield. Hazrath Ali
Akbar  was the look alike of the Holy Prophet . He said to Imam
Husayn :
O My father! Let me go out into the battlefield for I dont want
to live if you are slain.

Imam Husayn  said:

O my son! You are the mirror image physically of the Holy
Prophet . We look at you and satisfy our desire to see the
Holy Prophet . By sending you I am sending image of the
Holy Prophet  out of my home. Dont go they are after my

But Hazrath Ali Akbar  insisted and Imam Husayn  conceded. His
Uncle Abbas ibn Ali  had taught him fencing and archery. He had a
powerful and beautiful voice and on the morning of the day of Ashura he
had given the call to prayer (azaan). Husayn  and many men and
women, in their tents, began to weep knowing that it maybe the last time
they are hearing Ali Akbar s azaan. He killed many well-known
warriors while a few soldiers attacked him. Murrah ibn Munqad threw a
spear through Ali Akbar s chest. As Ali Akbar  fell from his horse, he


O Father, my last salaams to you! Here is my grandfather, the
Messenger of Allah, giving me my water. He says yours is here
waiting for you.

Hazrath Imam Husayn  stood crying at his sons body and then he
carried the body to the tents. Hazrath Zainab  came out of the tent
looked at the body and said:
These tyrants have obliterated the resemblance of the Holy

Imam Husayn  took his sister by the hand and led her into the tent. He
asked her to be patient for everything that is happening is happening with
the will of Allah . He said:
We have got to pass this test of patience and endurance for it is
from Allah .

Ibn Asaakir , the great muhaddith, reports that when the 56 year old
Imam Husayn  went to Hazrath Ali Akbar , not one hair on his body
was white but when he carried the body of his son into the tent not one
black hair remained on his body. Thereafter many other sons of the Ahl
al-Bayt came out and drank the nectar of martyrdom.

Imam Qaasim 
Now that nephew of Imam Husayn  stepped forward, the 14-year-old
(according to some reports he was 19 years old) Al-Qasim ibn Hasan .
He was the youngest son of Imam Hasan  born in 47 AH, three years
before his father was martyred. He was proposed to Imam Husayn s
daughter, Hazrath Sakina . When Imam Husayn  saw this young
nephew of his, his future son-in-law, he began sobbing loudly. He said:
My son, how can I permit you to go out on the battlefield?
Must I permit you to take arrows and sword wounds on your
body? My son, listen to me. It was the desire of my brother,
Imam Hasan  that you be married to my daughter Sakina ,
so when you reach Madinah, marry my daughter and fulfil your
fathers wish.

Hazrath Qaasim  said:

My beloved uncle, my father had another desire also. He had
put an amulet (tawiz) on my neck and said that I should open it
and read its contents during my most difficult time. I have
opened it and it says:


O my son Qaasim! A time will come when the enemy at

Karbala who will be after his life will surround my brother
Husayn . So my son, when this occurs, sacrifice your life for
your uncle, for Allah  will give anyone who does so a high
In view of this my dear uncle, allow me to go out into the
battlefield so that I may go to heaven, quench my thirst and fall
on my fathers feet and tell him that I fulfilled his wish for I
sacrificed my temporal life for my uncle.

Imam Husayn  embraced his young nephew and said:

O my brother's son, how can I stop you from doing what your
father wanted you to do? Bismillah, go. Allah  be with you

Imam Husayn  tied Imam Hasan 's turban on the head of Hazrath
Qaasim  and helped him mount his horse. This was an extremely
significant act and a point to note was that the relics (tabarruk) of the
saints carry barakah in it. Therefore Imam Husayn  carried Imam
Hasan 's turban with him. Hazrath Qaasim  said:
O my uncle - Do not be upset. I do not fear death. Death for
Islam will be sweeter for me than honey

Hazrath Qaasim  came to the battle field. He was an extremely

handsome boy. When the enemy saw him, they began to murmur:
How can we kill someone whose face is shining like the full

In a loud and a clear voice Hazrath Qaasim  introduced himself and

called for single combat. He killed several competent warriors who came
forward. Every time he felled an enemy Hazrath Qaasim  would stand
on his stirrups, look behind and wave to Hazrath Abbas ibn Ali , his
uncle, who had trained him for combat, just as a pupil would seek
approval of his teacher on any assignment, Hazrath Al-Abbas ibn Ali 
would proudly wave back. When the enemy saw his bravery and realized
that they could not possibly over power him in single combats, they came
from behind and one of them hit Hazrath Qaasim  on the head with a
sword. Hazrath Qaasim  tried to go on fighting but alas he was so young
and he was so very thirsty! He fell from his horse crying out:
O uncle, Accept My Last Salaam.


Imam Husayn  and Hazrath Abbas  rode out. The soldiers tried to
stop them, when finally they came to where Hazrath Qaasim  had fallen
they saw a dreadful sight! Hazrath Qaasim 's body had been trampled by
the horses of the soldiers. Hazrath Abbas  was so angry when he saw
this that he began to shake with fury. He took out his sword and wanted
to attack the enemy. Imam Husayn  restrained him saying:
Abbas have patience, dear brother. Do not give them an excuse
for saying that we attacked them first

Was Imam Qaasim s body was carried to the camp to his mother? This
is not very clear. Imam Qaasim  massacred brave warriors of the enemy,
although he was hungry and thirsty for three days he displayed such
bravery that he confounded the enemy. Eventually this young man
reached paradise. Imam Husayn s brothers youngest sons had been

Hazrath Ali Asghar 

After the martyrdom of his brothers son, Imam Husayn  went to the
tent where the women were. In the tent he sees his little baby, some
reports say he was born on that day whilst others say he was six months
old, Hazrath Ali Asghar , a child who was still on the breast milk, had
his tongue hanging out of his mouth due to thirst. The mother of the
child Layla tells Imam Husayn  that she cannot bear to see this child
thirsty for when he cries his voice is not audible. She begs him to get
water by any means to quench the childs thirst. As Imam Husayn stepped
out of the tent an arrow struck the baby on its neck and Ali Asghar  was
martyred. There are other reports that say Ali Asghar  was the six year
old martyr whilst, another son, the newborn Abdullah  was born at
Karbala and martyred the same day.
Hazrath Aqeel , the Brother of Hazrath Muslim Bin Aqeel 
The son of Hazrath Aqeel , the brother of Hazrath Muslim bin Aqeel
 sought permission to go out and fight. Imam Husayn  embraced
him. Kissed his forehead and permitted him to go out into the battlefield.
He went out, displayed his bravery and killed many Yazidis and
eventually he too was martyred.


Imam Husayn s Brothers

Now was the turn of Imam Husayn s brother, Hazrath Umar ibn Ali
, a half-brother of Husayn , who sought permission and went out.
The son of the Lion of Allah showed that he had the fathers blood in
him. The children of Hazrath Ali  showed such bravery that one after
the other they were martyred.
The Sons of Imam Hasan 
Imam Abu Bakr ibn Hasan ,  and Imam Abdullah ibn Hasan  came
to Imam Husayn  to seek permission. When Imam Husayn  saw his
nephews, tears swelled in his eyes and he addressed them saying:
My beloved nephews, you set out with your uncle, thinking you
are heading towards people who love us and believe in us, my
disciples so you accompanied me. My children I did not bring
you with me to face swords and arrows. Listen to me, for these
people want my blood and not yours. I cannot give you
permission. You all go back into the tents and return with the
ladies to Madinah.

The nephews said to their uncle:

O beloved uncle! Send us out into the battlefield with your
blessed hands for we are also impatient to go to paradise. O
beloved uncle! The thirst of three days has taken its toll so let
us go to paradise and quench our thirst with the water of
Kauthar borne by our grandfather and father.

These young men who were inspired by the want of martyrdom were
ushered onto the battlefield, after being kissed on the forehead by a
tearful Imam Husayn . They shone like stars of guidance on the
battlefield of Karbala. They also killed many Yazidis and eventually were

Hazrath Imam Hasan Muthanna 

Imam Hasan  (Hasan Muthana) (ancestor of Jilaani Sayeds) was second
eldest son of Imam Hasan . He was born to Khaula bint Mathur-ulFrazia  at Madinah. His name was Hasan and title was Muthana (the
second). He was greatly esteemed personality of his family blessed with
the honourable qualities of his illustrious father. The majority of
historians state Sayed Hasan Muthana  remained at Madinah with his


wife Fatima Sughra  daughter of Imam Husayn  and never came to
Karbala but some historians have written that he was present at Karbala
and was severely wounded and he fell to the ground. He was mistaken for
dead and subsequently saved. He was brought to Damascus as a prisoner
but set free by Umru bin Saad on recommendations of Isma binnat AlHakam Al-Frazia. (Allah  knows best) The Great Ghawth, Hazrath Abu
Muhammad Sayyiduna Shaykh Abd al-Qaadir Jilaani  is his descendant.

Hazrath Zaynabs  Sons

Imam Husayn 's sister Hazrath Zainab  stood in front of him with her
two sons, Hazrath Aun  and Hazrath Muhammad  the sons of
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Jaafar , the son of Hazrath Jaafar ibn Abu Talib
. [Some sources say Hazrath Muhammad , son of Hazrath Abdullah ibn Jaafar  was not
the biological son of Hazrath Zainab . He was the son of al-Khawsa  the other wife of Hazrath
Abdullah ibn Jaafar ].

Hazrath Zainab  said:

O Husayn ! Your sisters sons are also impatient to give their
lives for you.

He replied:
Please dont put me in such a difficult position, I did not bring
these children along to take arrows and sword wounds on their
bodies. Please take them away to the tents.

His sister said:

It can never happen that my sons dont defend you. I also want
to go to heaven and tell my mother, Bibi Fatimah  that I also
sacrificed my two sons for your beloved son. My sons also want
to quench their thirst in paradise. Embrace them and let them

Imam Husayn , who was prepared to sacrifice all for upholding the
truth, embraced his nephews and sent them out. The apples of Bibi
Zainab s eye, the tranquillity of her heart, her sons were going towards
the battlefield and with tears in her eyes, she hid her face behind her scarf
and said:
My sons I entrust youll to Allah .


The children were martyred in no time. Imam Husayn  went running

and lifted up their bodies and brought them to the tent of Bibi Zainab 
and said:
Here you are Zainab, my sister, your desire has been fulfilled
and your sons are quenching their thirst in heaven.

Bibi Zainab  went to the bodies and stroking their blessed hair, she said:
O my children, You have made your mother happy.

Hazrath Abbas  the Flag Bearer (Alamdar)

Al-Abbas ibn Ali [ 4th Shabaan 26 AH 10 Muharram 61 AH] is the son
of Ali ibn Abu Talib  and Fatimah bint Hizam al-Kilabiyyah . He was
known as the greatest warrior in Arabia and mirrored the strength of his
father. The Euphrates River was occupied by Yazid's Army to prevent the
camp of Husayn  from getting water. The children in the tent could not
bear the thirst of so many days. When Hazrath Abbas 74 The Flag Bearer
(Alamdar)  heard this he became restless, and requested permission
from Imam Husayn  to go and fetch water from the river. Imam
Husayn  asked Hazrath Abbas  to be patient. Hazrath Abbas 
Alamdar said that it was a tragedy that he was here and children should go
thirsty. Imam Husayn  permitted him to go. He went to the river to get
water for the children especially his niece, Husayn 's 4 year old
daughter Sakina bint Husayn  who was very attached to her uncle, who
loved her greatly. He said:
I am the son of the Lion of Allah , who had lifted the mighty
door of the Jewish Fort of Khyber, I am going to bring water
and quench the thirst of these children.

Hazrath Abbas  Alamdar draped the leather water container on his

shoulders, took his sword in his hand and mounted his horse riding to
the river. He rode the horse into the river filled the leather water
container, tied the opening spout, and placed the leather water container
on his shoulders. Hazrath Abbas  took some water to his mouth, but
when he brought the water to his lips, he thought of Hazrath Sakina 
and he said to himself:
O Abbas ! It is not fitting for you to quench your thirst
before the children. First quench their and then only will you
earn the right to drink water.


He then threw the water back in the river, secured the leather water
container and untied his horse. As he did this he saw that the enemy
surrounded him. He rode through their ranks fighting, but after passing
many, the son of the Lion of Allah  was overpowered. He was alone
and they were four thousand. Arrows were raining upon him from all
sides, and when he had bled so much that he became physically
weakened, they approached him. The ones from the back cut the right
arm securing the leather water container on his shoulders and it fell to
the ground. Hazrath Abbas  The Flag Bearer (Alamdar) picked it up
onto his left arm and those merciless enemies cut of that arm also. As the
leather water container was falling Hazrath Abbas  Alamdar caught it
with his teeth. His both arms being cut he could not wield a sword or
hold the reigns of the horse and the leather water container was being
gripped by his teeth. As the enemy fired a few arrows, they pierced the
leather water container and the water flowed onto the ground. He let go
of the leather water container and sighed and said:
O Sakina  if only I could have quenched, your thirst today, I
failed but have a look at my condition.

The enemy dropped him of his horse with spears. They surrounded him
and struck him with their swords. Imam Husayn  saw his brothers
condition and he cried and said:
Now my back has been broken, all my companions are slain
and my right hand, Hazrath Abbas  Alamdar has been cut off.
I am left supporter less in a strange country.

He ran to the body of Hazrath Abbas  whose both arms had been cut
off and body riddled with arrows. The enemy had cut off his head and
had taken it with them. When he reached this blood-drenched body he
cried with loud wails and said:
O my brother! You left me also. We had still so much to talk

Faith of the Women of Karbala

Umar bin Janada-e-Ansari  was the son of a saintly lady who came to
the Imam Husayn  and implored for his permission for her son Umar
to be martyred. When her son was martyred, the Yazidis severed his head
and threw it towards the Husayni camp. His mother picked up the


severed head of her son and threw it back into the ranks of the Yazidis
That which has been given away in the way of Allah  we
dont take back

She picked up a stick from the camp and rushed to attack the enemy.
Husayn  held her back and pacified her.

Imam Zain al-Aberdeen 

Imam Husayn  went into the tent to his ailing son, the 22 year old
Hazrath Imam Ali ibn Husayn  [5 Shabaan 38 A.H. to 14 Muharram
94 AH] known as Imam Zayn al-Abidin (Beauty of the Worshippers). He is
also referred to as Imam al-Sajjad (the successor to the spiritual prayer
carpet). His mother was Sherbanu . Imam Zayn al-Abidin got out of bed,
burning with fever and said to his father:
O my beloved father! Allow me to go out and be martyred

Imam Husayn  embraced his son and said:

Zayn al-Abidin , if I allow you to go out then from whom will
my progeny continue, I pray that Allah  spare you, to
continue my progeny and the spiritual legacy.

Imam Husayn  then bestowed him with Khilafath and Imamat75, then
embraced him and spiritually gifted him. Therefore he is also called Imam
al-Sajjad for he was the Sajjada Nashin of Imam Husayn . Zayn al-Abidin
 dedicated his life to learning and became an authority on spirituality
and Shariah. From him continues the lineage of the Husayni Sayyids. The
Great Khwaja-e-Khwajagaan Sayyiduna Muinuddin Gharib Nawaaz  is his
paternal descendant.
Imam Husayn  then told him that after undergoing all these difficulties
then as soon as he reaches Madinah, he must go to the Sacred and
Blessed Burial Chamber (Roza Mubarak) of the Holy Prophet  and
present his fathers salutations to the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and
inform him of what transpired. After giving his son this advice Imam
Husayn  gets ready to go out into the battlefield.


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 


Allah  says in the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow) in verse 154 of the
Holy Qur'aan:

And say not of those who are slain in the way of Allah :
They are dead. No, they are alive, though you do not perceive
(their life).

Many were martyred in the Community of the Holy Prophet . Allah 

blessed and rewarded many with this great status. Amongst them Hazrath
Umar , Hazrath Uthman , Hazrath Ali  and Hazrath Hamza 
received this honour. In the Battles of Badr, Uhad and Khyber many
Companions of the Holy Prophet were blessed with this great status of
being martyred. However the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain  is so
unique that neither in previous times nor in the latter times can we find
another martyrdom to compare with it.
Parting from the Family

Imam Husayn  ties the blessed turban of the Holy Prophet  on his
head, and the cloth-belt (Tahband) of his brother Imam Hasan  on his
waist. He took his blessed father, Hazrath Ali s sword, Zulfikaar, in his
hands and advanced to the battlefield. He gave one look at the veiled
women, every one of them a shining example of patience and endurance.
They had reached a stage beyond tears in their eyes for their hearts were
crying tears of blood since they had lost their entire family. They watched
as their last source of comfort, Imam Husayn  was also going out. He
said to his wives:
Sherbanu , I salute you for the last time. O Rhubarb !
Look at me one time for you may not get this opportunity
again. O Zaynab ! Your brother is leaving; you are the
daughter of the Conqueror of Khyber, Hazrath Ali , and the
patient Lady Fatimah  so never stop being patient and
perform any deed that disappoints Allah  and His Holy
Prophet . O Zaynab ! Please never let my beloved daughter


Sakina  cry. She is very dear to me, shower her with love and
embrace her. I am now leaving and leaving you all in the hands
of Allah .

As he said this innocent Sakina  came running and wrapped her arms
around her fathers legs. Hazrath Rhubarb  came running placing her
head on his shoulders and cried asking why he was leaving them. She
What will be our faith in the hands of these criminals?

Imam Husayn  said:

Allah  is with you. You are His Prophet s children, from
the Prophet s Household. Allah  will protect your dignity.

Imam Husayn  went out and untied his horse, Zuljanan, and was about
to mount it. Bibi Zaynab  came out and said:
My brother I have come to see you off since, I will hold the
reins while you mount for you had seen everyone else off, I will
see you off.

Facing the Enemy

The crown off Fatimah Zahra  was going to be martyred. The grandson
of the Holy Prophet  who had sacrificed his whole family in the path of
Allah  was himself going out to be sacrificed. He faced the enemy and
Look at me, you know who I am. I am the leader of the youths
of paradise, that grandson of the Holy Prophet  whom he
carried on his blessed shoulders, kissed my neck and cheeks
often and proclaimed this is my blood. My mother is Fatimah
, the Flower (Zahra) and my father is Ali , the Elect
(Murtaza), my maternal grandfather is the Prophet of Allah ,
the seal of Prophets, Muhammad, the Chosen (Mustafa) . I
am him for whom the Holy Prophet  prolonged his
prostration, when as a child I climbed on his back.

He then said:
Come forth you who want to obliterate the household of your
Prophet ; you who have cut the flowers of the Garden of
Fatimah  and scattered them on the plains of Karbala. Come
and have my blood on your hands also. I am the last remaining


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 

The tyrants advanced, unsheathed their swords and straightened their
spears. Imam Husayn  unsheathed his sword and attacked them and
they retreated like a flock of sheep or goats. He beheaded many and their
severed heads were falling everywhere. He killed many despite being
wounded and thirsty for three days. His sword, the Zulfikaar, displayed
that same precision that it displayed at the Battle of Badr, in the hands of
the Lion of Allah, Hazrath Ali . At Badr whilst fighting in the hands
of Hazrath Ali , a recitation could be heard from the unseen saying:

La fattah illa Ali, la saif illa Zulfikaar
There is none brave like Ali  and there is no sword like

That sword showed the same spiritual strength that it showed at Badr.
Imam Husayn  slew many and took multiple wounds to his blessed
body. Amr bin Saad ordered a combined volley of arrows to be shot at
Imam Husayn . Arrows fired from four sides were shot and it pierced
the body of Imam Husayn . Some arrows also pierced his horse. Being
pierced by a multitude of arrows, he wiped his mouth and said:
O heartless tyrants! You have no pity for your Prophet s


He looked up and he saw the Holy Prophet  standing in front of him

with a bottle in his hand together with Hazrath Ali , Bibi Fatimah 
and Imam Hasan . They said:
O Husayn ! Look we have come to take you.

The Holy Prophet  was collecting drops of Imam Husayn s blood in

the bottle and he was reciting:
Allah humma atil Husayna sabrow wa ajra
O Allah  grant my Husayn  patience and reward him

Those who doubt this should consider that these are reports taken from
Hazrath Zaynab bint Ali  and Imam Zayn al-Abidin  the members of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad s household who genetically had nur in
their hearts. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  had said in the hadith:


Beware the penetrating, intuitive, insight of a Mumin, for he
sees with the light of Allah  76

Allah  says in the Holy Qur'aan in the 89th Sura, al-Fajr (the Dawn) ,
verse 27 to 30:


O contented (pleased) self! Return to your Lord in such a state

that you are both the aspirant to and the aspired of His
pleasure (i.e. you seek His pleasure and He seeks yours). So join
My (perfect) servants. And enter Paradise (of my nearness and

Also reflect on this narration in Tirmidhi in the Chapter of Manaqib:

[Hazrath Salmi  reports] I went to ummi Salama and
found her crying. I asked her why she was crying and she
replied, I saw the Messenger of Allah  in a dream and his
blessed head and blessed beard was ruffled and full of sand. I
asked him, O Messenger of Allah ! What is the matter? (or
why are you in this condition). He replied, I have just
witnessed the martyrdom of Husayn  77
The grandson of the Holy Prophet  was drenched in blood and his
blessed body was ripped. He fell from the horse the Throne of Allah 
(arsh) shook and Hazrath Fatimah Zahra s blessed soul was disturbed.
Imam Husayn , the apple of the Holy Prophet s blessed eye fell off
his horse and Hazrath Ali  sighed. Him whom the Holy Prophet 
used to mount on his blessed back fell off his mount. As he fell Shimr


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 

and his heartless group approached him and put their feet on his blessed,
blood drenched body. Shimr sat on his blessed chest and Imam Husayn
My grandfather had prophesized that only the heartless tyrants
will spill the blood of his Household. You are that individual
who is my murderer. O Shimr! Today is Friday (Yaum alJumuah) all true believers prostrate to Allah , today, so please
severe my head when I am in prostration.

Even at that critical moment Imam Husayn  did not desire quenching
his thirst or to see his children but to ensure that his head is subservient
to Allah  in prostration. His submission was for Allah , he never
submitted to the forces of falsehood. His attackers surrounded him and
he addressed them saying,
You made me and my children wander thirsty in these desert
wastes. You gave me no water and I know better than to expect
any from you. But at least give my children a drop to drink, so
that I may forgive you for the great wrong you have done.

They replied that they would not give a single drop. He then kicked the
ground, from which a crystal spring burst forth. Their eyes opened wide
in amazement. He said:
Now you see the quality of our patience. We have only suffered
like this in order to teach the community and make them
understand that they must be prepared to sacrifice everything
they have, when they engage in necessary struggle against the
tyrannical and the corrupt. Otherwise water was at our
command. If we had wished, we would have drawn it up and
drunk it before now. We refrained from doing so however, in
order to set the community of Muhammad  an example of

He prostrated and performed his prayer and left a lesson for all mankind,
for all times that the example of Husayn  is this that although he is
wounded and drenched in blood he does not forsake his prayer (salaah).
So with his actions he proclaimed that if you truly love me take a lesson
from my life. He placed his head on the ground in prostration and read:
Glorious is Allah , Most High! O Allah ! If you accept my
sacrifice then forgive the Community (Ummah) of my


The Noble Zaynab 

At the moment of decapitation, Imam Husayn s horse rubbed its
forehead in his blood and ran. The horse attacked those that tried to stop
it kicking and biting them to death. The horse ran to the tent of Imam
Husayn  and began wailing and crying. When Bibi Zaynab  heard the
horse she said to Sakina :
Let me go and check, probably your father has come back.

She came outside and saw the empty saddle and blood soaked forehead of
the horse and it was the sign that told her brother had been martyred.
She cried as was the Arab custom:
Wa Husayna, Wa ghariba

When the ladies in the tent heard her cry they began crying. She said:
O Sherbanu  take care of Sakina  whilst I check the
whereabouts of my brother.

The daughter of Fatimah Zahra , whose uncovered head had not been
seen by any strange man, who never left her home unnecessarily, was
running to and fro in a strange land, on the plains of Karbala, looking for
her brothers blessed body. She said:
O unreligious tyrants! Move aside let me see my brother, for
one last time.

They replied:
Whom would you see, for he has been decapitated?

Hazrath Zaynab  went and saw and she saw, her brothers headless body
lying on the plains of Karbala. She sat at the body crying:
O my brother! You have left us, leaving us to these oppressors.

The blessed body was drenched in blood carrying multiple wounds.

Hazrath Zaynab  lay by her brothers blessed body. Hazrath Sakina 
freed her self from the comforting embrace of Hazrath Sherbanu  and
ran on the plains of Karbala looking for her father. Her aunt called out to
her saying:
Come to me I am sitting by your father.

Hazrath Sakina  saw her fathers decapitated, blood drenched body and
she fainted falling on her fathers body. Hazrath Zaynab  lifted her niece
up and carried her to the tent. The bodies of Imam Husayn  and his


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 

companions lay scattered on the plains of Karbala. The Yazidis buried
their own dead, but did not bury the Household of the Holy Prophet .
They spent the night there intending to leave the next day. At night
Hazrath Zaynab  left the tents and looked at the scattered flowers of
the garden of Bibi Fatimah  on the plains of Karbala. She began crying
loudly and sat next to Imam Husayn s blessed body saying:
O My brother! I am your sister alone in a strange land.
Madinah is so far away, how I will bury you.

She looked towards Madinah cried and said:

O Messenger of Allah ! Here lies your grandson Husayn 
blood drenched, beheaded and without a burial shroud.

They spent the night there and were escorted to Kufa the following day.
Scholars have written that at the time of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn
, the sky darkened and stars could be seen and clouds gathered. The
jinn wept and many unusual things occurred. The martyrdom of Imam
Husayn  is difficult to express.
O beloved grandson of my Beloved Prophet ! That blessed
spot where you shed your blood, and fell off your horse lifting
the falling community (Ummah), I pray that Allah  shower
His mercy and blessings on that sacred ground, and your lovers
will cry on that spot till Judgment Day.

The Martyrdom of Karbala took place in 61 AH some 49 years after the

passing of Holy Prophet Muhammad . The protest to death of the Ahl
al-Bayt is a symbol of the unity of all Muslims. It is for the sake of this
unity in faith and commitment to Allah  and truth (which is Islam),
that Imam Husayn  , eighteen direct descendants of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  , and 53 followers drank the nectar of Martyrdom at
Karbala thus earning everlasting life. Imam Husayn  took a stand
against tyranny at the age of 56 years. He gave the ultimate sacrifice of
position, family and life for the restoration of justice. He refused a
partisan Islam, and leadership devoid of morality (Adab) and love (ishq).
Since March 3, 1924, Monday the 27 Rajab 1342, the day of the
commemoration of Ascension of the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
(eighty six years) we are Muslims without a Caliphate, in which Allah 
is Sovereign. The descent of the Muslims was plotted on the Day of
Ascension. To accept the monarchs and presidents as sovereign is an act


of shirk. If such a great sacrifice was given to weed out corruption in the
Caliphate how much more must we struggle and sacrifice for its
Ibne Aseer records in Tareekh Kamil that one of those who fought the
battle of Karbala against Imam Husayn  reported:
I have never seen a person bereaved of his sons, men folk and
his companions more Lion-hearted than him. The foot soldiers
were scattering to his right and left like goats when a lion
comes upon them.

Eulogy to Husayn by prominent Personalities

Karbala drew the attention of quiet a few Western writers and Charles
Dickens is reported to have said that said:
If Husayn fought to quench his worldly desires, then I do not
understand why his sisters, wives and children accompanied
him. It stands to reason therefore that he sacrificed purely for

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the famous English translator of the Holy Quraan,
has beautifully summed up the whole essence of this epic battle.
There is of course the physical suffering in martyrdom, and all
sorrow and suffering claim our sympathy, the dearest, and
purest, most out flowing sympathy that we can give. But there
is a greater suffering than physical suffering. That is when a
valiant soul seems to stand against the world; when the noblest
motives are reviled and mocked; when truth seems to suffer an
eclipse. It may even seem that the martyr has but to say a word
of compliance, do a little deed of non-resistance; and much
sorrow and suffering would be saved; and the insidious whisper
comes: Truth after all can never die. That is perfectly true.
Abstract truth can never die. It is independent of mans
cognition. But the whole battle is for mans keeping hold of
truth and righteousness. And that can only be done by the
highest examples of mans conduct spiritual striving and
suffering enduring firmness of faith and purpose, patience and
courage where ordinary mortals would give in or be cowed
down, the sacrifice of ordinary motives to supreme truth in
scorn of consequence. The martyr bears witness, and the
witness redeems what would otherwise be called failure. It so


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 

happened with Husayn. For all were touched by the story of his
martyrdom, and it gave the deathblow to the politics of
Damascus and all it stood for.

Mahatma Gandhi said:

I learned from Husayn how to achieve victory while being

My faith is that the progress of Islam does not depend on the
use of sword by its believers, but the result of the supreme
sacrifice of Husayn, the great saint.

Thomas Carlyle (Scottish historian and essayist):

The best lesson which we get from the tragedy of Karbala is
that Husayn and his companions were rigid believers in God.
They illustrated that the numerical superiority does not count
when it comes to the truth and the falsehood. The victory of
Husayn, despite his minority, marvels me!

Edward Gibbon (English historian and Member of Parliament):

In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of
Husayn will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.
(The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, 1911, volume 5, p.

Antoine Bara (Lebanese writer):

No battle in the modern and past history of mankind has
earned more sympathy and admiration as well as provided
more lessons than the martyrdom of Husayn in the battle of
(Husayn in Christian Ideology)

Dr. K. Sheldrake:
Of that gallant band, male and female knew that the enemy
forces around were implacable, and were not only ready to
fight, but to kill. Denied even water for the children, they
remained parched under the burning sun and scorching sands,
yet not one faltered for a moment. Husayn marched with his
little company, not to glory, not to power of wealth, but to a
supreme sacrifice, and every member bravely faced the greatest
odds without flinching.

Edward G. Brown (Professor at the University of Cambridge):


a reminder of that blood-stained field of Karbala, where the

grandson of the Apostle of God fell, at length, tortured by
thirst, and surround by the bodies of his murdered kinsmen,
has been at anytime since then, sufficient to evoke, even in the
most lukewarm and the heedless, the deepest emotion, the
most frantic grief, and an exaltation of spirit before which pain,
danger, and death shrink to unconsidered trifles.
(A Literary History of Persia, London, 1919, p.227)

Sir William Muir (Scottish orientalist):

The tragedy of Karbala decided not only the fate of the
Caliphate, but also of Mohammadan kingdoms long after the
Caliphate had waned and disappeared.
(Annals of the Early Caliphate, London, 1883, p.441-442)

Dr. Radha Krishnan:

Though Imam Husayn gave his life years ago, but his
indestructible soul rules the hearts of people even today.

Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru:

Imam Husayns sacrifice is for all groups and communities, an
example of the path of righteousness.

Reynold Alleyne Nicholson

Husayn fell, pierced by an arrow, and his brave followers were
cut down beside him to the last man. Muhammadan tradition,
which with rare exceptions is uniformly hostile to the Umayyad
dynasty, regards Husayn as a martyr and Yazid as his murderer.
[A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, 1930, p197]

Rabindranath Tagore:
In order to keep alive justice and truth, instead of an army or
weapons, success can be achieved by sacrificing lives, exactly
what Imam Husayn did.

Dr. Rajendra Prasad

The sacrifice of Imam Husayn is not limited to one country, or
nation, but it is the hereditary state of the brotherhood of all

Swami Shankaracharya
It is Husayns sacrifice that has kept Islam alive or else in this
world there would be no one left to take Islams name.


Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 

Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
I congratulate Muslims that from among them, Husayn, a great
human being was born who is revered and honored totally by
all communities.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal  said:

Imam Husayn uprooted despotism forever till the Day of
Resurrection. He watered the dry garden of freedom with the
surging wave of his blood, and indeed he awakened the
sleeping Muslim nation. Husayn weltered in blood and dust for
the sake of truth. Verily he, therefore, became the bed-rock
(foundation) of the Muslim creed; la ilaha illa Allah (There is
none worthy of submission to but Allah ).

Our Master, the Leader of all Awliya, Sayyiduna Shaykh Sayed Abd alQaadir al-Jilaani al-Ghawth al-Azam 79 says that Hazrath Jafar ibn
Muhammad  said:
Seventy thousand angels alighted on the grave of al-Husayn ibn
Ali on the day when he was mortally wounded, and will
continue to weep over him until Yawm al-Qiyaamah (the Day of

Sayyid Jalil Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Rifai  the founder of the Rifai
Sufi order said:
Heaven and earth wept for the martyr cruelly wronged, as he
lay with his radiant countenance all stained with blood. The
blessed hands of Imam Husayn, so thirsty when he fell, a
martyr by the sword, were powerful enough to make the oceans

Our Master Sultan-ul-Hind, Hazrath Shaykh Khwaja Sayed Muhammad

Muinuddin Chishti  said:








    6 C &'
Shah hast Husayn, Badshah hast Husayn
Deen hast Husayn, Deen Panah hast Husayn
Sardad na dad dast, dar dast-e-Yazid,
Haqaa key binaey La ila ast Husayn
The ruler over his ego and lovers hearts is Husayn; The True
Leader (Imam of Imams) is Husayn,
The way of life (Islam) is Husayn; The guardian of Imaan is
Sacrificed his blessed head and but gave not his blessed hand to
Truly, the fountain of Tauhid is Husayn

I prefer translating Shah as Imam; for there is no King and Monarchy in



The Aftermath

After the martyrdom, the Yazidis spent a night at Karbala burying their
dead, but left the bodies of the martyrs unattended to. The next morning,
they imprisoned the surviving members of the Ahl al-Bayt ,
mounted them on the camels and started their journey to Kufa.
Travelling on horse and camel they reached Kufa at night. The Yazidis
did not want to disturb, ibne Ziyaad, the governor of Kufa, so the
residents went home and the supporters from different areas camped near
the government offices.
Light emanates from the Blessed Head

The blessed head of Imam Husayn  was with Kola bin Yazid. He took
it home with him and placed it under a clay pot. His wife asked him as to
what he had brought with him and he replied that it is the head of Imam
Husayn , the son of Imam Ali . She rebuked him for this dreadful act
and for placing the blessed head on the ground. She threatened to leave
him for his participation in such a vile deed and his disrespect for the Ahl
al-Bayt. She reports that as soon as Kola fell of to sleep, she kept the
blessed head on a high place and she was full of fear that the wrath of
Allah  must not descend on their home. She says that she saw little
white birds descending from the sky, flying around the blessed head and
returning to the skies. This occurrence continued the whole night. She
also saw such light emanating from the blessed head that it lit up the
At the Court of ibne Ziyaad

The Yazidi Commander took the blessed head to Kufa and handed it
over to his commander ibn Ziyaad. The next morning the Yazidis
gathered at the court of ibne Ziyaad, detailed all the occurrences of
Karbala and listening to them he became happy. The blessed head of
Imam Husayn , which was on a tray, was placed before him. He hit the
blessed lips of Imam Husayn  with a wooden cane. Hazrath Zayd ibn
Arqam  a very old companion of the Holy Prophet , one of whom
had reported the hadith of the declaration of the Wilaayate Ali, on
hearing of the martyrdom came to see what had transpired. On


witnessing the disrespect of ibne Ziyaad, Zayd ibn Arqam  could not
control his emotions any longer and he said:
O ibn Ziyaad! Those lips that you disrespectfully strike, I swear
by Allah , I saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad  kiss them.

Ibne Ziyaad felt insulted and he ordered that Hazrath Zayd ibn Arqam 
be removed from his court. Ibne Ziyaad then said to Hazrath Zayd ibn
Arqam  that he had not decapitated him out of respect for his age.
Hazrath Zayd ibn Arqam  remarked,
What a pity that you respect my age but you have no respect for
the family of the Holy Prophet .

The court attendants removed Hazrath Zayd ibn Arqam  from the
court. Ibne Ziyaad stood up and proudly said:
All praise is due to Allah , who destroyed the enemy and
gave victory to Yazid.

He continued in the same vane and Hazrath Zaynab , the daughter of

Hazrath Ali , present in the court as a prisoner spoke out. She said:
All praise is for Allah , who exalted us because we are the
children of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and revealed the
Verse of Purity81 in reference to us, announcing our purity.

Ibne Ziyaad warned her to keep quiet and asked her; if she had not seen
what happened to her brother Imam Husayn ? Hazrath Zaynab 
began crying and she said:
Wait for that day, ibn Ziyaad when on the Day of Reckoning
you will be standing on one side of the Holy Prophet  and
Imam Husayn  on the other. Then you will know the fate of
vile oppressors. That day is not far when it will be decided
between us and you in the presence of Allah 

Ibne Ziyaad then noticed Imam Zaynul Aberdeen  and enquired who he
was? He was told that he was the son of Hazrath Husayn . He asked his
soldiers as to why he was spared and they explained that he was sick and
had not fought against them. He ordered that Imam Zaynul Aberdeen 
be killed. Hazrath Zaynab  put Imam Zaynul Aberdeen  into her lap
and said that he was their male escort, so she would not allow them to kill
him until they kill her. She asked them that from whom the progeny of
the Holy Prophet would continue if they killed Imam Zaynul Aberdeen .


The Aftermath
Allah  caused ibne Ziyaad to reverse his vile decision, so that the
Husayni Sayed lineage may continue.
Blessed Heads paraded in Kufa

Thereafter ibne Ziyaad spoke to the citizens of the city and instilled fear
into them telling them to witness the fate of those who go against Yazid.
He then ordered that the heads of the martyrs be hoisted on spears, the
surviving members of ahl al-Bayt be mounted on camels and be paraded
in the streets of Kufa to serve as a warning against rebellion. The blessed
head of Imam Husayn  was paraded on a spear through the streets of
Kufa. The pure women of ahl al-Bayt who were never seen by strange men
were paraded in the streets. The people of Kufa who had written letters
and called Imam Husayn  and had pledged allegiance to him on the
hands of Imam Muslim  and later deserted; now stood on the roof of
their houses and began weeping loudly. Seeing this weeping and crying,
Hazrath Zaynab  stopped the procession and addressed them saying:
O people of Kufa! Today you weep and lament. You are the
same people that called Imam Husayn , broke your promises
and deserted him. These tears cannot wash the blood of your
hands. I curse you people that you will cry and hit yourselves
till the Day of Judgment.

The heads were paraded for three days in the streets of Kufa and then
ibne Ziyaad ordered that the blessed heads and the surviving members of
ahl al-Bayt be taken to the tyrannical illegitimate Caliph Yazid at
The blessed heads and the surviving members of ahl al-Bayt were being
taken to Damascus with the order that they should be paraded in every
city and village on the way to Damascus.
Christian Priest accepts Islam

On the way they passed a Christian Church and the attendant priest
came out and saw the procession. The priest enquired as to who they
were, whose heads were hoisted on spears and who were the people being
paraded? When he was informed of the events then the priest requested
that they rest for the night and he be given the opportunity to keep the
blessed head of Imam Husayn  with him for one night and be allowed


to serve the blessed women of ahl al-Bayt. When they refused his request
he offered his life savings to them and they accepted. The priest offered a
clean room to the ahl al-Bayt to rest and left servants to attend to them.
The ladies of ahl al-Bayt asked the priest as to how he knew of their
coming? He told them that as the procession were nearing his complex;
the walls of the buildings and trees began weeping. He says this is the first
time in his life that he experienced such an occurrence. He said:
When I heard what had happened I was astounded but now I
understand. This occurred since a great injustice has been
inflicted on the grandson of your Holy Prophet ?

He then comforted them by saying that all the righteous people have been
tested with calamity and they should be patient for Allah  will reward
them tremendously. The priest took the blessed head of Imam Husayn
 into his prayer room. He wiped of the blood from the blessed face put
fragrance (itr) on the blessed hair and placed the blessed head on a velvet
cloth placed on a high shelf. He then stood in front of the blessed head
the whole night crying. Allah  loved this act of reverence so much that
he rewarded the priest by making him read the Islamic Testification of
Faith (Kalimah) by the morning. Allah  in effect told him:
You sacrificed your worldly wealth to bring comfort to My
beloveds so I give you the wealth of faith.

He sacrificed his temporal wealth and Allah  rewarded him with

permanent wealth. The next morning when the procession continued on
the way to Damascus, the soldiers decided to divide the money among
them. When they emptied the moneybag, they found that the money
had transformed into copper coins. Each coin had the following verses of
the Holy Qur'aan written on either side. On one side was the 26th Sura
ash-Shuara (the Poets) in verse 227:

And those who do wrong will soon come to know to what
place of turning they shall turn back (after death)

And on the other side was the 14th Sura Ibrahim (Abraham) verse


The Aftermath

And never think of Allah  to be unaware of the works the
wrongdoers are doing.

Those who leave the Islamic Way of Life and run behind wealth of the
world are doomed, whilst those that adhere to an Islamic Way of Life
find that the world runs behind them. The intimates of Allah  (awliya),
the personification of adhering to an Islamic Way of Life, it is recorded in
history that kings used to serve them and carry their shoes. The Mughal
Emperors used to carry the shoes of awliya and respectfully walk behind
them. So those that run behind the glamour of this world lose their faith
and even the wealth of the world, whilst those that leave the world and
walk on the way of deen find that the world runs behind them. Worldly
wealth lies at their feet and they disregard it not even glancing at it.

Hazrath Fatimah  comforts her grand-daughter

On the way the Army of Yazid ran out of water and they camped at a
place until water could be fetched for them from a very far off place. It
was a very hot day and the army pinched tents for them to be shaded but
left the members of ahl al-Bayt in the hot sun. The beloved daughter of
Imam Husayn  Sayyida Sukayna , who is popularly referred to as
Sakina  sought shelter under a little shrub and slouched on the ground
and fell asleep. In the meantime the water arrived. The Yazidis quenched
their thirst and began proceeding to Damascus leaving Sakina  behind.
As the entourage proceeded a little further, the person who was carrying
the blessed head of Imam Husayn  on the lance saw that the lance fell
of his hand and embedded itself in the ground. Many tried to pull it out
of the ground but failed. They were confounded and approached Hazrath
Zayn al-Abidin  to enquire as to why this was occurring. He approached
Bibi Zaynab  to count the children on the camels. They realised that
Sayyida Sakina  was missing. It was night and she retraced her steps to
where they were camped earlier. She saw a veiled woman carrying Sayyida
Sakina  in her lap caressing and comforting the blessed infant. Sayyida
Sakina  was relating the incident of Karbala to this woman. The veiled
woman was comforting her and crying. Bibi Zaynab  reached them and


My Lady, Allah  bless you for taking care of our child. Please
reveal your identity to me.

The lady removed her veil and replied:

Zaynab have you forgotten your mother Fatimah.

Hazrath Fatimah  then disappeared. Bibi Zaynab  rejoined the

caravan and every village that they passed through was celebrating the
victory of Yazid against whom they were led to believe were ordinary
rebels against the government. The ladies were chained and their heads
lowered as prisoners and they eventually reached the city of Damascus.
Here also the population were misled into believing that these were
ordinary rebels that had been defeated. They did not realise that this was
that blessed household that had given this Ummah the religion and faith
and the intercessors of the Day of Judgment. The procession stopped in a
busy bazaar and there were crowds of onlookers gazing at them.
Two Compassionate Ladies

The ladies of Damascus where on the rooftops looking at the spectacle

and when they stopped in front of one ladies home she sent her servants
to ask, the prisoners, whom she assumed to be ordinary prisoners, if they
need anything. Some asked for water and some for food and she sent
whatever she had in her home to them including clothing and head
covers. Bibi Zaynab  distributed what was sent to them and called out
to the benevolent women to come down so that she may thank her. The
lady came down and when Bibi Zaynab  asked her the reason for her
generosity she said:
I dont know who you are but many years back, in my youth, I
worked for Hazrath Bibi Fatimah Zahra  in Madinah. When
I left her home to return to Damascus I sought her blessed
supplications and advice for my well being and she told me to
live in peace in Damascus and if ever I see prisoners being led
through the city I must take care of them. I know you are some
rebels but I had to fulfill the advice of that blessed women.

Sayyida Zaynab  began crying and remained silent for a long while then


The Aftermath
You have fulfilled your duty by taking care of us prisoners.
What can we prisoners do for you to repay your generosity?

She replied:
Pray for me. I have heard that my mistress Bibi Fatimah  and
her eldest son Hasan  have passed into the Realm of Divine
Beauty, but she also had another son Husayn  and daughter
Zaynab . Pray that I get to see Husayn  and Zaynab  one

Bibi Zaynab  replied:

Kind hearted soul, your prayer has been answered on that lance
is the head of Husayn and I am Zaynab.

Another lady from the rooftop of her house threw down some dates and
Here you are prisoners have some dates

Bibi Zaynab  thanked her and the lady said it was okay since she was
distributing her Zakaat. Immediately Bibi Zaynab , called out to the ahlal-Bayt:
Dont consume these dates for Zakaat is unlawful for us

This is the condition of the ahl al-Bayt even in the face of adversity.
The Unholy Court of Yazid

The procession reached the unholy court of Yazid in Damascus and the
events of Karbala and the subsequent actions were related to Yazid. Yazid
remarked that ibne Ziyaad over stepped the bounds. Some historians
record that he cursed ibne Ziyaad for his actions saying that he did not
want to slay Imam Husayn , only to force him to submit. Remember
these utterances do not free Yazid of the crime perpetrated, for he had
ordered ibne Ziyaad to crush by any means, what he concocted as a
rebellion. The regret that Yazid displayed after the crime was political
strategy, so as not to loose any more support. Some people, due to this
regret that Yazid displayed say that he was not in favour of the martyrdom
and hence is innocent of the crime and ibne Ziyaad is the guilty one.
However in a book of our creed, the creed of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah,
Kitaab Al-Aqaaid, a famous book on belief (aqaaid) by Imam Sayed Husayn
Sharfuddin Shah Wilaayat Naqvi82  , it is written that Allah  curses
Yazid, ibne Ziyaad and the perpetrators of the crime at Karbala. I have


presented both points of view to you. In another version it is reported

that the very sight of the blessed head brought to Yazid an exuberance of
joy, and he treated the blessed head spitefully, giving vent to all his evil
utterances, passing his days with great displays of ostentation. Imam
Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164 - 241 AH) 83 was asked by his son:
A group of people (qawm) attribute us to (be with) Yazid

The great Imam replied:

O Son! Whoever believes in Allah , how can they have any
association with Yazid? And why should he (Yazid) not be
cursed (laanat) when Allah  sends laanat on him in His

The son asked:

Where did Allah  curse (laanat) him in His Book.

The Imam replied:

It is in Holy Quraan in the 47th Sura, Muhammad verses
22 and 23:

So, what is expected of you is that if you attain to power, you

will spread only mischief in the land and break your ties of

It is they whom Allah  has cursed and made deaf and
blinded their eyes

Then Imam Hamnbal  said:

Is there any greater fasad ( tribulation) than the assassination
of Husayn ?

The above is mentioned in multiple sources such as Ibn Hajar Haythami

al-Makki84 in al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah (Loud/Frightening Lightning), Tafsir alMazhari85 ,Imam al-Barzanji86 [1128 AH/1716 CE] in Al-Ishaat


The Aftermath
ul Ishraat us Saaat (Portents of the Judgment Day), ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH597 AH)87 and many others.
Wahabis and Salafis quote a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, the Book of Jihad
in which the Holy Prophet Muhammad  said that:

The Holy Prophet  then said:
The first army amongst my followers who will invade Caesar's
City (Istanbul) will be forgiven their sins.
I asked:
Will I be one of them, O Messenger of Allah !?
He replied in the negative.
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol 4, The Book of Jihaad, Chapter 93, Page 113, Hadith
Number 2924.]

Salafis and their like minded groups say that Yazid was commander of
that army. But historians have recorded that, though Yazid was scheduled
to fight in that Army, he stayed somewhere else in his pursuit of worldly
desires. Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti  mentions in his book Taarikh ul
Khulafa al-Raashideen (The History of the Rightly Guided Caliphs) that:
Nawfal bin Abi al-Faraat said that once I was with Umar bin
Abdul Aziz  when a man said in his presence:
Yazid, Ameer ul Mumineen
Umar bin Abdul Aziz said [in shock]:
Did you call Yazid the Leader of the Believers?
Umar then ordered for the man to be lashed 20 times.

Great scholars; Imam Hamnbal  and Imam Suyuti , curse Yazid on

the strength of Quraanic commandment and Ahadith, yet Zakir Naik a
Salafi sponsored stooge and like minded groups are literally finding faults
with Imam Husayn . Wake up and smell the coffee. Satan has more
knowledge than Zakir Naik.


A Christian Ambassador

In the court of Yazid was a Christian ambassador who queried the reason
for his celebration, and the identity of that blessed head which was
surrounded by a halo of light. The reply was that it was the head of a
famous man who was known as Imam Husayn , the son of Imam Ali
, who had refused to acknowledge Yazid as Caliph. On hearing this
renowned name, the Christian was taken aback. He lost the equilibrium
of his brain and in rage that knew no bounds, forgot his position as
ambassador called out:
You great tyrant and vile criminal! This is the head of that great
man whose maternal grandfather is your Prophet, on whose
intercession you hope to be redeemed on the Day of Judgment.
This is that same great man whose maternal grandfather did
not raise his blessed prostrated head while in prayer, out of
love for him, when this same great man, as a child, had
climbed on his grandfathers back. This is that same great man
whom the Holy Prophet  lovingly carried on his shoulders
and carried him around the locality. You butchered him, his
family and followers and drenched the throat of his thirsty
baby with blood. You paraded his head in the streets and ran
your horses on their blessed bodies. You forced their ladies to
walk without covering, bare-faced. You have perpetrated such
tyranny and crimes that have no parallel in the history of any
country in the world. We Christians respect even the ass on
which Christ rode and preserved it in a building and today, we
revere that building.

Yazid ordered that the ambassador be killed and his body be thrown out
of the city.
The Blessed head speaks

Yazid now ordered that the blessed heads of the martyrs be hung on the
door of the government building at night and be paraded in the streets
during the day. Hazrath Minhaaj bin Amr , a prominent Follower of
the Companions (Tabieen) says that he witnessed that whilst the blessed
head of Imam Husayn  hoisted on the spear, was being paraded, there
was a person in front of the procession reciting the Holy Qur'aan. Whilst
reciting, he recited the 18th Sura, al-Kahf (the Cave) in Verse 9
wherein Allah  says:


The Aftermath

Do you think that (the incident of) The Companions of the

Cave and (their devotion to) the scriptures could be deemed
more wondrous than any of our messages?

As soon as this verse was recited Imam Husayn s blessed head,

separated from his body over a week said from atop the spear, said:

Verily the story of the Companions of the Cave is a strange
sign but my martyrdom is more astonishing than that

His severed blessed head speaking is proof that martyrs are alive. Few
heads were severed in Karbala but a multitude of heads now took notice
of the injustice being perpetuated.
Yazid summoned the previously dismissed governor of Kufa, al-Numan
Ibn Bashir  a companion of the Holy Prophet  to take thirty soldiers
with him and escort the surviving members of ahl al-Bayt to Madinah.
Hazrath Numan Ibn Bashir  accepted this task and felt honoured to
perform this service for the noble ahl al-Bayt. Numan Ibn Bashir 
accompanied ahl al-Bayt from Syria to Madinah along with thirty other
men and served them throughout the journey. He treated them so
respectfully that Hazrath Fatimah , the daughter of Imam Ali  who
was one of the ladies who had been made prisoners said to her sister lady
Zaynab :
This man has behaved towards us very gently and it is proper
that we may give him a reward.

However, Numan Ibn Bashir  did not accept the reward and said:
If I have rendered any service it has been for the sake of Allah
 and on account of your relationship with the Prophet of

Return to Karbala

Hazrath Zaynab  requested that they go via Karbala to check if the

bodies of the martyrs have been buried. She said that if they have been


buried then they would be at peace knowing this and if not they would
bury the bodies themselves. Hazrath Numan accepted and they reached
Karbala once more. Seeing the place where her family were martyred,
Hazrath Zaynab  began weeping. She pointed to the spots were her
family members bodies had laid.

Bodies Buried, Fatiha and Kitchra Niaz

Near Karbala there is a village called Amria, which is now a city in
modern Iraq. The residents of this village on hearing what had transpired
at Karbala came there and buried the bodies of the martyrs. A group from
Madinah, under the leadership of Hazrath Jaabir ibn Abdullah ibn Amr
ibn Haram Al-Ansari  who was 76 years old at this time, also arrived at
Karbala after hearing of the tragic events. Both these delegations, from
Amria and Madinah were present at Karbala when the group from
Damascus arrived. The people from Amria and Madinah were busy
reciting the Holy Qur'aan and they had cooked a meal of dry grains which
was convenient food to carry in hot, desert climate. Thus what we call
today haleem or kitchra was cooked as niaz. The haleem or kitchra that we
cook in Muharram is an emulation of their actions. Thus it is the Sunnah
of the companions to prepare this niaz on the Day of Ashura.
To prepare kitchra on Ashura day is also a Sunnah of Hazrath Nuh . It
is recorded that when the great flood stopped and the ark stopped at
Mount Judi, it was the Day of Ashura. Hazrath Nuh  prepared a meal
consisting of seven varieties of grains and fed the people.88
Hazrath Soofie Saheb  initiated this practice in South Africa as a means
of honouring the Day of Ashura and Esale sawaab (recurring benefit) in
the name of the martyrs of Karbala. The author on a visit to Egypt in
1998 also witnessed this being practiced there on the 10th Muharram.
Hazrath Zaynab  and her group remained for one day at Karbala and
proceeded to and eventually reached Madinah.


The Aftermath
Sad Welcome

Hazrath Imam Husayn s eldest daughter Hazrath Fatimah Sughra 

who had married Hazrath Imam Hasan s son Hazrath Imam Hasan
Muthanna , Hazrath Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah  (15 AH80 or 81
AH) the brother of Imam Husayn , Hazrath Muslim bin Aqeel s
sisters and daughters, Hazrath Umme Salama , the wife of the Holy
Prophet  were all in Madinah. These members of ahl al-Bayt and the
ladies and men of Madinah came out of the city to receive the caravan
that had arrived. Hazrath Imam Husayn s eldest daughter Hazrath
Fatimah Sughra  on seeing the entourage began weeping and saying
that the flowers of Bibi Fatimah s garden had been uprooted. The
condition of the ladies was such that they embraced each other, cried and
fell down unconscious. The surviving members of ahl al-Bayt from Karbala
eventually entered the city of Madinah.
Zain ul Aberdeen  presents himself at the Sacred Burial
Chamber (Roza Mubaarak)

Hazrath Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen , physically weakened and grief stricken,

went to the Sacred Burial Chamber (Roza Mubaarak) of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , presented his salutations, began crying profusely and
related what transpired at Karbala. Crying could be heard from all
directions, the Sacred Burial Chamber (Roza Mubaarak) shook and the
voice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  could be heard saying that he
had witnessed everything. The people of Madinah asked Hazrath Sajjad
Zaynul Aberdeen  to be patient and not to relate the incident, for they
could not contain their grief. Weeping and sighs could be heard from
everywhere. The people became delirious with grief.
Bibi Zaynab  went to the Sacred Burial Chamber (Roza Mubaarak) and
Salutations upon you, my beloved grand father. Your family
has been massacred. The readers of your Kalimah (testification
of faith) have made us widows. Your children were tortured
and killed without any water to drink. Your grandson Husayn
 gave his life for justice.


Hazrath Umme Salama , the wife of the Holy Prophet  stated the
state of affairs in Madinah was similar to the scenario on the day of the
Holy Prophet s passing away and voices could be heard from the
unseen. The people gathered at the Sacred Burial Chamber (Roza
Mubaarak) eventually went home and patiently lived their lives in
Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen 

Imam Hazrath Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen  cried every time he saw water
thinking of those who were thirsty at Karbala. He ate very little, lived in
seclusion and all his life he never laughed. His son Imam Muhammad
Baqir  asked him as to why he had never seen his esteemed father
laugh. He said that what he had witnessed in Karbala had taken his
happiness away and if his son had also witnessed it, he too would be grief
stricken all his life. Accomplished Islamic Scholars (Ulama) have written
that in history five personalities have cried the most profusely:
1. Hazrath Adam  on being expelled from paradise.
2. Hazrath Yahya89  out of the fear of Allah . He used to cry so
much that his cheeks became furrowed.
3. Hazrath Yacub90  on being separated from his son Hazrath
4. Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  who cried on the passing away of the
Holy Prophet , and
5. Imam Hazrath Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen  who cried profusely
daily after the incident of Karbala.
The news of the excesses of Yazid had reached far and wide and the
citizens of Makkah and Madinah were especially opposed to him and
openly spoke out against him. Yazid sent some of his men to quell the
uproar against his rule in Makkah and Madinah by speaking to those
against him. The opposition to Yazid refused to be silenced, saying he was
an unworthy leader. The people of Madinah sent a delegation to
Damascus to assess the situation there under the rule of Yazid and report
on it. The report received was that whatever is happening in Damascus,
never ever happened under Muslim rule before. Madinah was now
unanimous against Yazid.


The Aftermath
The Yazidis In Madinah

Yazid sent an army, in 62 AH to try and subdue the people of

Madinah by reason or terrorize them. The invasion lasted three days.
The youth of Madinah were prepared to fight. Some people of
Madinah fled to the mountains whilst some stayed in their homes
thinking they would be safe. The young men tackled the Yazidi Army,
but they were martyred. Over 10 000 companions of the Holy Prophet
 and their children were martyred. The army entered the city and
performed such excesses that it is too painful to record. The Masjid of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was used as a stable for their horses.
The soldiers urinated and answered the call of nature in the sacred
mosque. It was covered with urine and filth from their horses.92 Ladies
were abused and childrens bodies were carried on spears. Hazrath Said
bin Musayyab  reports that the streets and markets of Madinah were
full of dead bodies. Every house had corpses in them. He says that he
reached a condition of loss of senses, due to grief, and hid in the Masjid
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad . When the soldiers saw him they
wanted to attack him but left him taking him to be a mad man. Hazrath
Said  says that for three days no Call to Prayer (azaan) or
Congregational Prayer took place93. He says however, that at the time of
prayer the sound of the Call to Prayer (azaan) could be heard coming
from the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet . He says that he prayed
fifteen congregational prayers in three days following the azaan and
commands of the prayer postures, coming from the Blessed Grave. After
three days, those that fled to the mountains returned to Madinah, buried
the dead and cleaned the houses. This was the disrespect shown in
Madinah by the Yazidis. The Holy Prophet  has said:
Allah , His angels and all mankind curse whosoever frightens
the residents of Madinah

If this is the destiny of the one who frightens the people of Madinah,
then what about one who slays them? When the Yazidi army left, they
took many prisoners with them. There was a lady who had one son and
he was also taken captive. The lady pleaded with them to release her son
but they decapitated the boy and placed his head in her hand. This is an
example of their atrocities. The army now proceeded to Makkah.


The Yazidis In Makkah

Hazrath Abdullah ibn Zubayr , a prominent companion of the Holy
Prophet lived in Makkah and the people there looked up at him as their
leader. He had made preparations to oppose the advancing army for he
had received news of the carnage in Madinah. The army of Hazrath
Abdullah ibn Zubayr  tackled the Yazidi army and they could not do
what they had done in Madinah. However the Yazidi Army laid siege the
Sacred Mosque (Haram Shareef) wherein Hazrath Abdullah ibn Zubayr 
and his army were stationed. The Yazidis catapulted the Haram Shareef
with stones. So many stones were fired in the vicinity of the Holy Kaaba
that its surrounding areas were full of stones. The area (mataaf) of
circumbulation (tawaaf) was littered with rocks. The avalanche of stones
fired at the Kaaba caused sparks when it collided with the walls and the
cloth covering (gilaaf or kiswa) of the Kaaba was set alight. The roof of the
Kaaba at that stage was made of wood and it also caught on fire. The
horn of the ram from paradise that was sent to be sacrificed in place of
Hazrath Ismail  was on the roof and it also burnt.
Yazid, the cursed Dies
That very day, Yazid contracted a fatal illness in Damascus and died.
When the news of his death was received his army was shaken. They fled
from Makkah. The attack on Makkah the Ennobled lasted for over two
months. The people of Makkah and Madinah now pledged allegiance on
the hands of Hazrath Abdullah ibn Zubayr . People also wanted to
pledge allegiance on the hands of Yazids son Muawiyah Asghar, a pious,
God fearing person. He refused saying that he was not capable. He
conceded that his father Yazid had no right to the Caliphate, which was
rightfully Imam Husayn s and his father wrongfully martyred Imam
Husayn . He asked the people to give the pledge allegiance on the
hands of Hazrath Sajjad Zaynul Aberdeen . People pestered Muawiyah
Asghar, but he locked himself in his home and eventually died after forty
The State of the Caliphate
The situation was such in Damascus and surrounding areas that Marwan
now announced he was a candidate for the Caliphate. Ibn Ziyaad joined
him and Syria accepted him as Caliph. Ibn Ziyaad became his Chief


The Aftermath
Minister. The citizens of Makkah and Madinah had pledged allegiance on
the hands of Hazrath Abdullah ibn Zubayr .
Ibne Ziyaad and the Betrayers Killed

At Kufa, Mukhtar bin Ubaida, at whose home Hazrath Muslim bin Aqeel
, had stayed, urged the people of Kufa to make amends for their
betrayal of Imam Husayn , and he gathered seventy thousand followers
including those of surrounding areas. He now went from home to home
pulling out those that betrayed Imam Husayn  or took part at Karbala,
against ahl al-Bayt and began to beat them. He even beat those that
expressed happiness on hearing what transpired at Karbala. Ulama have
written that he took such revenge that some report he killed 40 000
whilst others have put the figure at 70 000. Mukhtar Ibn Abu Ubaidah
now wanted the main culprit ibne Ziyaad. He sent a message to ibne
Ziyaad challenging him to face him. Ibne Ziyaad came with an army to
face him and in the ensuing battle ibne Ziyaad was defeated. He was
captured and taken to Kufa. Mukhtar bin Ubaida mercilessly killed him
at Kufa and ordered that his head be severed and placed on the same tray
that Imam Husayns head was placed in.
10th Muharram, six years after Karbala

It was the tenth of Muharram, six years after Karbala, that the head of
ibne Ziyaad was placed in front of Mukhtar bin Ubaida. People praised
Mukhtar bin Ubaida for avenging the martyrdom of the ahl al-Bayt.
Eventually Mukhtar bin Ubaida became so swollen headed that he
eventually proclaimed that he was a prophet and revelation comes to him
from Allah . Thereby he annulled all his good deeds. Hazrath Abdullah
bin Zubayr  sent an army under the command of his brother Musab
Ibn Al-Zubayr  to defeat and kill Mukhtar bin Ubaida. Musab Ibn AlZubayr  eventually married Hazrath Sakina  the daughter of Imam
Husayn . The head of Mukhtar bin Ubaida was now presented to
Musab Ibn Al-Zubayr . The Caliphate of Hazrath Abdullah bin Zubayr
 now included the entire Iraq.

Buried in Ascalon in Palestine from 61 AH to 548 AH

The blessed head of the venerable Imam Husayn  was sent to Ascalon
in Palestine were the local governor, a God-fearing and pious man,


showed great respect to the blessed head and had it buried in a large
building where it remained until 491 AH. Historians record when al-Afzal
ibn Amir al-Juyushi marched towards and conquered Jerusalem, the
month of Shabaan 491 AH [1098 CE] from there he proceeded to
Ascalon, where he was informed of the burial site of the blessed head of
Imam Husayn , he found the building not befitting to contain the
blessed head, so he built a grand mazaar in which to re-bury the blessed
head. When the blessed head was exhumed it looked as fresh and
illuminate as if it had just been severed. Fragrance was applied to the
blessed head of Imam Husayn  and it was reburied.
Re-buried in Cairo in 548 AH

When the Crusaders captured Ascolan, in about 1153 CE / 548 AH,

about 487 years later, a Fatimid named Salih paid a lot of money to
acquire the priceless, blessed head from them. He received it with parade
and honor. He carried it upon his own head, placed it upon an ebony
throne and wrapped it in green silk. He had a casket made of solid gold
and lined with musk. The blessed head was placed in this casket. It was
laid to rest, in a special Mazaar (Blessed grave) in the Al-Husayn Masjid
which Salih had built in 548 AH/ 1153 CE in Cairo, Egypt,
near the Khan El-Khalili bazaar. Other historians report that the bearing
of the blessed head to Cairo form Ascalon and its arrival there was on
Sunday, the 8th Jumada as-Saani 548 AH/1153 CE and Amir Sayf alMamlakah Tamim brought the head from Ascalon. The judge alMutamin ibn Miskin oversaw this. The receiving in the palace was on
Tuesday, the 10th Jumada as-Saani 548 AH. Despite the inevitable
differences of opinion about what did actual become of the blessed head,
the great saints and most Sufis maintain that it is at Masjid al-Husayn in
Cairo, where it is visited everyday by the Qutb (Cardinal Saint) of our


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household


Allah in the Holy Quraan enjoins love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad
s family in 42nd Sura, ash-Shr (the Consultation) Verse 23:

Say, 'I ask no other reward of you save love of my family

I want to expound the love, relationship and respect shown by the alKhulafu r-Rshidn95 (The Righteous Caliphs) and companions
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  towards the Family of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  or Ahl al-Bayt96 . All those that had
companionship (suhba97) and proximity (qurb98) with the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  had extreme love and reverence towards the Family of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  or Ahl al-Bayt especially for Imam Hasan 
and Imam Husayn  because the Holy Prophet Muhammad  had
proclaimed that love for them is a part of and condition of faith (Imaan)
and a condition of loving him. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  himself
proclaimed that they are a part of him, thus inseparable from his holy
being. Thus to love Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn ; is to love the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  himself. The Companions (Sahaba) were
those blessed beings who witnessed the ( 33:21) most perfect and
beautiful model (of life) and were blessed to hear the words of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad . There is a book on this very topic called
Mukhtasar Kitaab al-Muafaqa bain ahlal-bait wa Sahabah; this is the
abridged version and the original in the realm of books of Hadith is
called Kitaab al-Muafaqa by Imam Ismail bin Ali bin Hasan ar-Razi, asSamaani written around 400 AH. The abridged version and commentary
was done by Allama al-Zamakhshari99 ( 1074 or 1075 1143 or 1144
Note: al-Zamakhshari was a great rhetorician of Islam, and
accepted by the Ulama as being the pinnacle in
understanding and presenting Quraanic Eloquence
(Balaagha) despite the fact that his Commentary of the Holy


Qur'aan, Al-Kashshaaf , (the Revealer) has been

rejected for centuries by the Muslims because he was of the
Mutazilite school 100 . Yet there is not a single scholar of
any worth that does not have his book in their library.

In Mukhtasar Kitaab al-Muafaqa, Allama al-Zamakhshari refers to a hadith,

that is also in the compilations of Imam Jalaluddeen Al-Suyuti101 (849 AH
/14451505 CE) and many other authentic compilations of Hadith.
Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  says I noticed my father, Hazrath Abu Bakr
Siddique  gazing intensely in many gatherings, at Hazrath Ali  so I
questioned him about his behaviour. Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua 

Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  used to gaze intensely at the
blessed face of Hazrath Ali . When Hazrath Ayesha  asked
him why he does this and Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique 
replied: I heard the Holy Prophet Muhammad  say that to
look at the face of Ali  is ibaadat.

A point to note is that if Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  knew about this

virtuous act she would not have questioned her esteemed father. So it was
a virtue that was discussed within the household of Hazrath Abu Bakr
Siddique  and was not widely known. So this disclosure was through
Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua . No other
companion has reported this. Due to this disclosure from the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  to Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  and through
him to Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  that:

To look at the face of Hazrath Ali  is ibaadat

A special saying is used after taking the name of Hazrath Ali  is:


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

Karamallaahu wajhahu
Allah  ushers His generosity on one who gazes at his blessed

If someone is sceptical as to how looking at the blessed face of Hazrath

Ali is ibaadat, then I would like to clarify this point. There is a

: :
Hazrath Asma bint Yazid  narrates that I heard the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  say, Should I not inform you who the
best people amongst you are? The Companions replied, Why
not! O Messenger of Allah ! The Holy Prophet  replied.
The best people are those that when you see them then you
remember Allah .103

So the best people in the Community of the Holy Prophet Muhammad

 are those who you see then the remembrance Allah  is ushered into
the hearts. What must be the condition ushered into the heart when
Hazrath Ali  is seen? In another hadith it is stated:

. .
. :
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
 was asked as to who were the Intimates of Allah  (Awliya
Allah). The Holy Prophet  said, those people are the


Intimates of Allah  (Awliya Allah) whom when you see them

you remember Allah .104

So if the remembrance of Allah , which is ibaadat is ushered into the

heart, when one sees an Intimate of Allah  (Awliya), what must be the
condition ushered into the heart when one sees Hazrath Ali , who is
second only to the Holy Prophet Muhammad  in the hierarchy of
Intimacy to Allah , and is the leader of all who are blessed with
Intimacy of Allah  (Awliya). Again some may pose the question. Is not
looking at the blessed face of Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  and Hazrath
Umar Faruq  ibaadat? Yes it is! If looking at the blessed face of Awliya is
ibaadat then naturally looking at the face of any one of the Companions
(Sahaba) is ibaadat. But, the Holy Prophet Muhammad  took the name
of Hazrath Ali  and certified looking at his blessed face as being ibaadat.
There is another Hadith in Mukhtasar Kitaab al-Muafaqa, Allama alZamakhshari refers to a report by Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  that he
saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad  point to Imam Hasan  and
Husayn  and said:

These two youth are the leaders of the youth of paradise

This Hadith is reported in the Sihah Sittah: The six major Hadith
collections ; al-Kutub al-Sittah by Hazrath Abu Said Khudri :

Hasan  and Husayn  are the leaders of the youth of

It is also reported in many other books of hadith but I have presented the
report of Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  to emphasise the love and
reverence displayed by him for the Ahl al-Bayt and Imam Hasan 
and Husayn  in particular. Hazrath Umar bin al-Khattab  also


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

Hasan  and Husayn  are the leaders of the youth of

Again in the Mukhtasar Kitaab al-Muafaqa of Ismail bin Ali bin Hasan arRaazi, as-Samaani it is recorded in a hadith reported by Hazrath Abu
Saeed Khudri  that he saw Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  carrying
either Imam Hasan  or Imam Husayn  on his shoulders. Another
narration specifies that he saw Imam Hasan  on the shoulders of
Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  and walking in the streets of Madinah.
This was in keeping with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
which was showing affection for Imam Hasan  or Imam Husayn .
Hazrath Uqbah bin Harith  narrates that he prayed the Asr Salaah
behind Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  and when he left the Masjid
Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  was walking on one side of him and
Hazrath Ali  was on the other. As they walked through the alleys of
Madinah they saw children playing and Imam Hasan  was among them.
Hazrath Uqbah bin Harith  said that he saw Hazrath Abu Bakr
Siddique  sit down and carry Imam Hasan  onto his shoulders and in
the presence of Hazrath Ali  he was saying in a raised voice:
I swear by Allah  he resembles the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  not Ali .
He kept on repeating this statement and Hazrath Ali  listened to him
and smiled and thereby certified that Imam Hasan  resembled the
Holy Prophet Muhammad . This has been certified by many Sahaba
including Hazrath Ali  in many other books of ahadith including Sahih
Bukhari as follows:

Narrated Uqba bin Al-Harith : (Once) Abu Bakr  offered
the Asr prayer and then went out walking and saw Al-Hasan 
playing with the boys. He lifted him on to his shoulders and


said, Let my parents be sacrificed for your sake! (You)

resemble the Holy Prophet  and not Ali , while Ali  was
[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, The Book of Virtues, p.457, Hadith No: 3542]

You must have heard or read the famous hadith from Majma' al-Zawa'id
wa Manba' al-Fawa'id107 about the Holy Prophet Muhammad  carrying
Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  on his blessed shoulders:

Hazrath Umar bin Khattab  narrates that I saw Imam Hasan
 and Imam Husayn  being carried on the blessed
shoulders of the Holy Prophet . He (Hazrath Umar ) says I
remarked, what a beautiful conveyance, you (Imam Hasan 
and Imam Husayn ) have beneath you. The Holy Prophet
 replied, What beautiful riders.108

Many Sahaba must have witnessed this loving gesture of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  towards his blessed grandsons and every one of them
must have desired to emulate this action of the Holy Prophet Muhammad




Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  reports that I saw the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  standing in a tent leaning against an
arch and with him were Ali , Fatimah , Hasan  and
Husayn . He (The Blessed Prophet ) said: O gathering of
Muslims! Those who have a peaceful relationship with the
inhabitants of this tent will have a peaceful relationship with
me. Whosoever fights against them then I will also fight them.
Those who befriend them I will also befriend them. Only the
fortunate and blessed befriend them and the unfortunate and
doomed have enmity towards them.109

There is another incident recorded in Mukhtasar Kitaab al-Muafaqa by

Allama al-Zamakhshari:

Once Hazrath Abu Bakr  was addressing the congregation in
the Masjid of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  from the
pulpit when Imam Hasan , the son of Hazrath Ali  came to
the pulpit and addressing Hazrath Abu Bakr  said:
"Come down from the seat of my father."
Hazrath Abu Bakr  said:
"You speak the truth; this is your father's seat".
He put up the child on his lap and wept. Hazrath Ali 
intervened to say:
This was not said at my instance"
Hazrath Abu Bakr  said:
"I know that".110

At this juncture I would like to point out that when Imam Hasan  said,
my father, by this he meant the Holy Prophet Muhammad . Also
Imam Hasan  was born on the Ramadaan 15th, 3 AH and this incident
occurred in just after the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was ushered into
the Realm of Divine Beauty on Monday, 12th Rabi al-Awwal 11 AH so
Imam Hasan  was about 7 years old at this stage. So he was accustomed


to see, his blessed grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad , on the

pulpit and he thus honestly expressed his feelings. He had been
accustomed to seeing the Holy Prophet Muhammad  on this pulpit for
he sat on it with the Holy Prophet Muhammad . It is reported:


): :

Hazrath Abu Burayda  narrates that the Holy Prophet  was
delivering a sermon when both Hazrath Imam Hasan  and
Hazrath Imam Husayn  arrived and both were wearing red
garments. Due to the unbearable heat they were limping. On
seeing them the Holy Prophet  descended from the pulpit
(minbar) carried them and seated them in front of him and
said. Undoubtedly, The words of Allah  are true that
( your riches and your children are nothing but a trial).
I could not stand to see these children limping therefore I left
the sermon and carried them. 111
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6; Page 428, Hadith number 3774]

In another long hadith in Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Hadith No. 2704,

page 510 which I quoted earlier, mentions how the infant Imam Hassan
 used to sit next to the Holy Prophet Muhammad  on the minbar.
Thus one can see that the Holy Prophet Muhammad s grandsons had
the habit of seeing the Holy Prophet Muhammad  on the pulpit and
they sought his attention for they knew how much he loved them. It has
also been recorded that:


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

! :
Hazrath Umar  was once preaching from the pulpit when
Imam Husayn , who was then a young boy, stood up and told
Come down from the pulpit of my father
Hazrath Umar  replied:
It is the pulpit of your father, not the pulpit of my father, but
who told you to say this?
Imam Ali , who was present, rose and said:
By Allah , No one told him what to say so112

This statement was again made by a very young, Imam Husayn  who
was born on 3rd Shabaan 4 AH and the caliphate of Hazrath Umar 
was in the 13th year A.H. to the 24th year A.H. so if Imam Husayn  was
seeing Hazrath Umar  for the first time on the pulpit he (Imam Husayn
) was about 9 years old. Also, keep in mind that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  called both Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Hazrath Imam
Husayn  his sons and they referred to him as their father.
Imam Haakim (d.403AH)113 in his Mustadrak and Imam ash-Shawkani in
his Darr-us-sahabah fi manaqib al-qarabah was-sahabah records a hadith
elucidating the virtues of Hazrath Fatimah Zahra  narrated by Hazrath
Umar ibn al-Khattab . Ibn Hibban114  in his Sahih Ibn Hibban 115
records the same, narrated by Hazrath Abdullah ibn Umar . It is the
same Hadith since Hazrath Abdullah ibn Umar  narrates on the
authority of Hazrath Umar ibn al-Khattab .


. :
Hazrath Abdullah bin Umar  narrates that when the Holy
Prophet  set out on a journey, the last person he would speak


to from his family before setting off would be Fatimah . Once

he  returned from a journey, the first person the Holy
Prophet  would come to would be Fatimah and he 
would say to her, (Oh Fatimah!) My mother and father are
sacrificed for you.116

This is the condition of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s love for

Hazrath Fatimah .
Hazrath Umar  was asked as to where Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah
, and Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  will be stationed. He stated:

: :

Umar bin Khattab  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said:
Indeed, Fatima , Ali , Hasan  and Husayn  will
live in a white dome in Paradise. The Throne of Rahman will be
its roof.117

So the roof of their residence in paradise will be the Throne of Allah .

Can you imagine the status given to them! Allah  will be at His alKursi118 and the Holy Prophet Muhammad  will be at his Station of
Great Glory (al-maqaam al-mahmud)119. Thus it is only the foolish that can
doubt the status of the Blessed Five (Panj-tan:120).
Mutual respect and love between the Sahaba, and Hazrath Ali 

I would like to expound on the mutual respect and love between the
Sahaba, especially the al-Khulafu r-Rshidn (The Righteous Caliphs)
and Hazrath Ali . Hazrath Ali  says that I heard the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  pray, prior to Hazrath Umar  accepting Islam:

O Allah ! Strengthen Islam with Umar bin al-Khattab

Allama al-Zamakhshari through the authority of Kitaab al-Muafaqa by

Imam Ismail bin Ali bin Hasan ar-Razi, as-Samaani presented this hadith
through the report of Hazrath Ali .


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

Hazrath Abdullah Ibn Abbas121  says that after the Conquest of AlMada'in 122 (a Persian city (636 CE/16 AH) the booty was placed in the
Masjid of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  in Madinah. The Caliph,
Hazrath Umar , began distributing the booty. First he called Imam
Hasan  and presented 1000 Dirham to him. Thereafter he respectfully
called Imam Husayn  and also presented 1000 Dirham to him.
Thereafter he called his son Hazrath Abdullah ibn Umar  and gave him
500 Dirham. There were other much senior companions in age present
also. Keep in mind that this conquest took place in 16 AH, so Imam
Hasan  was 13 years old and Imam Husayn  was 12 years old.
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Umar  was born about 9 to 10 years before
Hijrah so he was about 26 years old. So he objected to his father that
despite the fact that he participated in many battles including this
Conquest of Al-Mada'in yet the young Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn
 who did not participate were given more than him. On hearing this
from his son, Hazrath Umar  became furious and said:
My son Abdullah, you are comparing yourself to Hasan and
Husayn! Produce a father like their father, a mother like their
mother, a maternal grandfather like their grandfather, a
maternal grandmother like their grandmother, a paternal uncle
like their uncle, a paternal aunt like their aunt, a maternal
uncle like their uncle and a maternal aunt like their aunt. I
swear by Allah  you can never bring a relative to compare
with their relatives.

Allama al-Zamakhshari through the authority of Kitaab al-Muafaqa by

Imam Ismail bin Ali bin Hasan ar-Razi, as-Samaani say that the reason was
that their father was Hazrath Ali . There is another hadith that adds
credibility to this statement of Hazrath Umar :

! :


Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
Should I not inform you of those persons who are most
superior in the estimation of their grandfather; your Prophet?
Should I not inform you of those persons who are most
superior due to their paternal uncle and aunt? Should I not
inform you of those persons who are most superior due to their
maternal uncle and aunt? Should I not inform you of those
persons who are most superior due to their father and mother?
They are Hasan  and Husayn . Their maternal
grandfather is the Messenger of Allah , their maternal
grandmother is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid , their mother is
Fatimah  the daughter of the Messenger of Allah , their
father is Ali ibn Abu Talib , their paternal uncle is Jafar ibn
Abu Talib , their paternal aunt is Ummi Hani  daughter
of Abu Talib , their maternal uncle is Qaasim  son of
the Messenger of Allah , their maternal aunts are the
daughters of the Messenger of Allah , Zaynab , Ruqayyah
 and Ummi Kulthum . Their maternal grandfather,
father, mother, paternal uncle and aunts, maternal uncle and
aunts will all be in paradise. Both of them (Hasan  and
Husayn ) will also be in paradise. 123

Imam Zamakhshari continues that when the previously mentioned

altercation between Hazrath Umar  and his son was related to Hazrath


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

Ali , he got onto the pulpit and announced that he takes an oath by
Allah  that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:

Umar bin al-Khattab  is a shining lamp of the inmates of


Hazrath Umar al-Faruq  heard about this response from Hazrath Ali
 and in an ecstatic condition he approached Hazrath Ali  and he
said please write this proclamation, that you heard from the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  on a document with your blessed hands. Hazrath Ali 
wrote this on a document starting with:

Allah , name I begin with, The Most Compassionate, EverMerciful
I have heard from the Holy Prophet Muhammad , who
heard from Hazrath Jibraeel , who heard from Allah :

Umar bin al-Khattab  is a shining lamp of the inmates of


Hazrath Umar bin al-Khattab  bequeathed this written document

containing the blessed hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  in the
blessed handwriting of Hazrath Ali  to his children and requested that
when he dies it should be placed within his burial shroud. He stated that
this would serve as a guarantee of his salvation. Accordingly he was buried
with this document.

Hazrath Umar  Marries Ali s Daughter

According to al-Kamil fi al-Tareek The Complete History a
classic Islamic history book written by Ali ibn al-Athir124 (1160-1233CE/ 630
AH) in 1231 CE, one of the most important Islamic historical works,
Hazrath Umm Kulthum al-Hashimiyya bint Ali  (6 49 AH) the second
daughter of Hazrath Ali  and Hazrath Fatimah  married Hazrath
Umar  in the year 17 Hijrah and they bore a son named him Hazrath
Zayd ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab  [famously known as the son of the two


Caliphs (Ibnul Khalifatayn); i.e. Hazrath Umar  and Hazrath Ali ],
and a daughter named Hazrath Ruqayyah bint Umar . Hazrath Umar
 was 58 years old when he married Umm Kulthum, who was roughly 11
years old at that time. [See next chapter explaining girls marrying at a
young age]. The Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah record that Hazrath Ali 
requested Hazrath Umar  to marry his daughter. Hazrath Umar  said:
Marry her to me for I swear I have toward her more dedication
to excellent companionship than any man on the face of the

This is also recorded by Ibn Saad125 [168AH/784CE/ 230AH/845CE] in

his work at-Tabaqat al-Kubra126 (The Book of The Major Classes) (vol. 8 p.
338, ed. Muhammad 'Ab al-Qadir Ata, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut
1990) as follows:
I was informed by Anas ibn Iyad al-Laythi, who reports on the
authority of Imam Jaafar ibn Muhammad  [as-Saadiq], and he
from his father [Imam Muhammad al-Baqir ] that Umar ibn alKhattab  asked Ali ibn Abi Talib  for the hand of Umm
Kulthum in marriage. Ali said, "I had kept my daughters for the
sons of Jaafar." Umar said, "Marry her to me, O Abul Hasan, for
by Allah , there is no man on the face of the earth who seeks to
achieve through her good companionship that which I seek to
achieve." Ali said, "I have done so."

It is recorded that Hazrath Umar  came to the Immigrants from

Makkah (Muhaajiruun) between the blessed grave of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  and the blessed pulpit. They i.e. Hazrath Ali , Hazrath
Uthman , Hazrath Zubayr , Hazrath Talhah  and Hazrath
Abd ar-Rahman  used to sit there, and whenever a matter used to
arrive from the frontiers, Hazrath Umar  used to come to them there
and consult with them. He came to them and said:
"Congratulate me."
They congratulated him, and asked:
"With whom are we congratulating you, O Amir al-Mumineen?"

He replied:
"With the daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib"

Then he related to them what the Holy Prophet

Muhammad  said:


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household


Hazrath Umar bin Khattab  said, I heard the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  say that all family ties and relationships will be
severed on the Day of Judgment except mine. Every son carries
the lineage of his father except for the children of Fatimah . I
am their father and they carry my lineage127.
Hazrath Umar  then said:
"I have had the companionship of the Messenger of Allah ; I
would like also to have this lineage."

In another Hadith it is stated:

Jaabir  said he heard Umar ibn al-Khattab  say on the
pulpit after he married Umm Kulthum , the daughter of
`Ali and Fatima :
"Do not disparage me [for marrying a young girl], for I heard
the Holy Prophet  say, upon him blessings and peace: 'On
the Judgment Day every means will be cut off and every lineage
severed except my lineage.'"
[Narrated by al-Tabarani. Al-Haythami said its narrators are those of alBukhari and Muslim]

After the death of Hazrath Umar , Hazrath Umm Kulthum alHashimiyya bint Ali  married her cousin Hazrath Awn ibn Jafar , and
after his death she married his brother Hazrath Muhammad ibn Jafar .
Ultimately she died whilst married to a third of the sons of Hazrath Jafar
ibn Abu Talib , namely Hazrath Abdullah  during the first half of the
fourth decade after the Hijrah. Her son Hazrath Zayd ibn Umar ibn alKhattab  died on the same day as his mother, and the funeral prayer for
mother and son were performed together.
The Shia


dispute this marriage, due to obvious reasons, for as

history unfolded much propaganda has been hurled from both sides, the


Shia and the Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah129

. The writer,

being a Sunni, a follower of Imam Abu Hanifa in Fiqh and a Chishti in

the Sufi Order, feels sad that a political difference between a ruling party
and an opposition party has been exploited to divide the Muslim Ummah
to such an extent, that we have lost sight of whom the real enemy is. I
know I will become the victim of much criticism for this statement but I
have the right to express my view on this delicate matter. There are many
different sects amongst the Shias. Some sects, like the Tafdheeli are
considered as Muslims as they differ only on the issue of khilafah i.e. they
consider Hazrath Ali  more deserving to be the first leader and not
Hazrath Abu Bakr . It is stated in Khayr al-Fatawa, A collection of the
Religious Edicts (Fatawa) issued by the Muftis of Khayr al-Madaris, a
Madrasah in Multan, Pakistan, belonging to the Deobandi School of
thought say:
Some sects, like the Tafdheeli are considered as Muslims as
they differ only on the issue of khilafah i.e. they consider
Hazrath Ali  more deserving to be the first leader and not
Hazrath Abu Bakr .They also revere and honor all the
Sahabah. However the majority of present-day Shia (Ithna
ashra/Jafaries/Imamiyyias) hold such beliefs which render
them out of the fold of Islam.130

The Shia say that that Hazrath Umm Kulthum al-Hashimiyya bint Ali 
married only one occasion and that was to Hazrath Awn ibn Jafar .
They say that the Umm Kulthum that married Hazrath Umar ibn al
Khattab  in 17 AH was Umme Kalthum binte Jarweela Khuzeema131.
Allah  and His Beloved Messenger  know best.
Marrying a young woman

At this juncture I would like to clarify an important misconception,

which also arises when we mention the marriage of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  to Hazrath Ayesha . A narration has to be transmitted
with critical remarks. The age of the wife of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  is mentioned but it has to be looked at critically with the
different opinions existing amongst Muslim Scholars about the age of
Hazrath Ayesha . There is a confirmed hadith in Sahih Bukhari
reported by Hazrath Ayesha  that she was 6 years old when she married


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and 9 years old when the marriage was
consummated. The Hadith is not multiply transmitted (mutawatir), and
there is a difference of opinion about it. According to the Oxford
dictionary of the Bible, Hazrath Maryam (Mary)  was 12 years old
when she conceived Hazrath Isa (Jesus) . At that time, in those
cultures, it was normal for somebody to be married at a young age. In oral
cultures, according to Neil Postman in his book The Disappearance of
Childhood, seven years was considered the entrance into adulthood.
Islam actually delayed it. In Islam if a woman has menstrual blood before
9 years of age it is not considered menstrual blood. So the age of 9 was an
accepted entrance into adulthood. Shariah considers menstrual blood to
be a sign of adulthood. That was very common at that time and still is in
many cultures. Modern universal culture considers 18 or 21 years to be
adulthood. The question is who decided that? Now modern law is trying
to get it changed because they are finding so many 14 to 15 year olds
killing people and by law they cannot be jailed but kept in juvenile
detention centers. We accept the Holy Prophet Muhammad s marriage
to Hazrath Ayesha  even if we accept the view that she was 12 years old
because we believe every action of his was commissioned by Allah .
There is an Arabic saying:
Every container will spill out what it has in it

Sick people will always interpret things through their own diseases. Pure
people interpret things through purity. Thats the condition of diseased
hearts. A person afflicted with Hepatitis sees everything having a yellow
tint. The problem is the eyes. The contextualization about the age of a
woman within that society has to be looked at and what that meant in
terms of marrying older men. If one looks for instance at Washington
Irving (April 3, 1783 November 28, 1859)132 in the 19th century, who
wrote Mahomet and His Successors mentions the marriage of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and Hazrath Ayesha Siddiqua  and doesnt bat
an eye-lid. He mentions how precocious or mature Arabian girls were. In
Early 19th century America it was very common that a girl would marry at
12 year old or even earlier. In Jewish tradition according to the Talmud,
the collection of ancient Jewish writings that forms the basis of Jewish
religious law, consisting of the early scriptural interpretations Mishnah
and the later commentaries on them Gemara, one will find that Rabbis


sanctioned girls marriage at 7 and 9 years of age with adult males. This is
in accepted Rabbinical Tradition but when modern people look at these
things they will highlight and accentuate those things that they want to
and ignore entirely those things that they dont. This is a selectiveness
that unfortunately exists within the Muslim world as well.
How the companions revered the Holy Household

Ibn Saad narrated from al-Shabi and al-Hasan that Hazrath Abbas  had
some need of Hazrath Umar  one day and said to him:
Commander of the Believers, suppose the uncle of Hazrath
Musa , came to you as a Muslim, how would you treat him?
He replied:
"I swear by Allah  that I would treat him well!"
Hazrath Abbas  said:
Well, I am the uncle of Muhammad  the Prophet!
Hazrath Umar  said:
Abu al-Fadl and what do you suppose? By Allah , your father
[Abd al-Muttalib] is certainly dearer to me than my own father!
Hazrath Abbas  said:
By Allah ?
Hazrath Umar  said:
By Allah , yes, because I know that he [Abd al-Muttalib] is
dearer to the Messenger of Allah  than my own father,
therefore I prefer the love of the Messenger of Allah  to my
[Ibn Sad narrated from al-Shabi and al-Hasan]

Imam Ahmad ibn Hamnbal (164 - 241 AH) narrates with a good
chain in Kitaab al-Fada'il Sahaba: (Virtues of the Companions) that a man
disrespected Hazrath Ali ibn Abi Talib  in the presence of Hazrath
Umar , upon which the latter said:
Do you know the dweller of this grave? He is Muhammad ibn
Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib  and Ali  is the son of Abu
Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib. Therefore, do not mention Ali 
except in a good way for if you dislike him you will harm this
one in his grave."
[Narrated by Ahmad with a good chain in Fada'il al-Sahaba (2:641 #1089)]

It has been narrated by Ibn Saad, Ishaq ibn Rahuyah133 [161 AH/ 238 H],
and Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi134 (392 AH-463 AH).


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

When Hazrath Umar  saw Imam Husayn  waiting at his
door he said to him (he placed his hand on his head as he
"You are more deserving of permission to enter than [my son]
Abd Allah ibn Umar! You see the goodness that was placed on
our head; first Allah  then you [the Prophetic Household]"
[Narrated by Ibn Sad, Ibn Rahuyah, and al-Khatib]

Hazrath Umar  distributed garments to the Companions but found

nothing appropriate for Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  so he
sent a message to Yemen and had a cloak (kiswa) sent, which he offered
them. Then he said:
"Now I am content."

The Sahaba were aware of the reverence and love due to the Ahl al-Bayt135

! : .
. :
Jaabir bin Abdullah narrates that the Holy Prophet  delivered
a sermon to us during which he  was saying, Whoever holds
enmity against us the people of the house, on the Day of
Judgment his fate will be that of the Jews. I asked, O
Messenger of Allah , even if he fasts and performs prayer?
The Holy Prophet  replied, Yes! Even if he fasts and
performs prayer (because he is the enemy of the people of the
house, Allah  will reject his worship and raise him on the
Day of Judgment with the Jews)136

So the Sahaba were aware were aware that the reverence and love due to
the Ahl al-Bayt were a precondition of the retention of faith and
acceptance of deeds.


The saluting of the Holy Family is in Salaah

Allah  has stated that when one performs salaah, the greatest amaal
which is exclusively for the remembrance of Allah , one must cut of all
relationship with every other (ghair). If one is performing salaah and any
very important person, even of a high spiritual station, approaches one
and one greets him whilst one is in salaah, then ones salaah is broken.
Yet, Allah  has ordered that when one sits in qaida in salaah for the
acceptance of this salaah, offer two greetings (salaam). First convey a
salaam to His beloved, the chosen Holy Prophet Muhammad 

Peace be upon you! O Esteemed Prophet 137

And then convey salaams to the Holy Prophet Muhammad s family

O Allah ! Send your salutations on Muhammad  and his

Hujjat al-Islam, Imam al-Ghazali138 , (450-505 AH/10581111 CE), referring to the position of Tashahudd (sitting), during Salaah
and reciting "At -Tahiyyaatu", says that on reciting the words
"Ayyuhannabi" (Oh Prophet !) one must have conviction that the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  is Haazir (Present). He says:
Wayzur fi qalbika fi shakhsi qareeb
"And believe in your hearts that the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 is present (haazir) and then say Assalaamu 'Alaika
(Ihya ul Uloom, Vol. 1, Section 3)

One should believe that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  is present and
near (wayzur fi qalbika fi shakhsi qareeb). Therefore those who have aqidah
that the Holy Prophet  is Haazir and Naazir (present and seeing) will be
certain of a reply to this greeting. This actually is the point of acceptance
of Salaah. That which is acceptable to the Holy Prophet  is acceptable to
Allah . This method of asking Allah , by praising and greeting His
beloved, ensures the flow of Allah 's mercy on the worshipper.


Love of the Caliphs for the Pure Household

If Allah  doesnt accept salaah until one performs salaam on the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and his family then ponder upon the acceptance
of all other deeds. means Ya Nabi salamu alaika . There is a
slight difference in the choice of words but the meaning is exactly the
same. For the acceptance of the greatest deed of worship, salaah; salaam
must be sent on the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and for the acceptance
of salaam the salaam must also be sent on the family of Holy Prophet .
If salaam is offered to any other (ghair) whilst one is in salaah it invalidates
the salaah and if salaam is not sent on the Holy Prophet  and his family
whilst one is in salaah the salaah is not accepted. Ibn Hajar Haytami139 in
his book al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah (Loud, Frightening Lightning), quotes a
poem composed by Imam al-Shafii (150 AH- 204 AH) 140 :

Oh loving you Ahl al- Bayt is such
That it is a duty the Holy Quraan had established
Adequate it that so privileged your merit is
That Salaat becomes invalid if Salutations is not invoked for




Some Rafidi Shias criticise Hazrath Abu Bakr  and Hazrath Umar  of
forsaking the funeral of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to attend the
political gathering. This is totally unfounded for the closest companions,
left the funeral preparations to attend to an emergency political situation
to maintain unity within Muslim ranks while the immediate family,
including Hazrath Ali  attended to the funeral preparation. Allah 
says in the Holy Qur'aan, in the 9th Sura, at-Tawbah (Repentance) ,
Verse 40:

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  said to his Sahaba

The Holy Qur'aan is for all time and this verse is related about Hazrath
Abu Bakr Siddique  accompanying the Holy Prophet Muhammad  in
the cave during the migration to Madinah. The Holy Qur'aan has thus
given the title of Sahaba (companion) to Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique .
No other companion can claim to be called Sahaba (companion) by the
Holy Qur'aan. In the Holy Quraan the only companion, from the
12400+ to be referred to as Sahaba by Allah , being Divine certification,
is Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique . There is no, disagreement in any school
of thought, that two personalities ( the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
and Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique ), were in the Cave of Thawr. Both the
Sunni and Shia commentators of the Holy Quraan, and scholars, agree
that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique 
were in the cave. I will not go into the commentaries of the Mufassireen of
ahle Sunnah but lets see what the Mufassireen of Shia say. Shaykh Abul
Futuh ar-Raazi, a renowned commentator of the Holy Quraan of the
sixth century after hijrah says in his commentary Tafsir-i- Rauh -ul-Jinaan141:

 @  @ @ C  C   

Khilaaf nehst keh an doh kas keh dar gaar buuz dam Rasul
bu wa Abu Bakr


Countering Rafidi Shia Allegations

There is no difference of opinion that the Holy Prophet  and
Abu Bakr  were in the cave

We know the others to be Sahaba through the sayings of the Holy

Prophet Muhammad , through the history books that document the
era, but within the Holy Quraan the unique status is given to Hazrath
Abu Bakr Siddique  that Allah  says he is the Sahabi of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad . His being a companion (Sahaba) is certified
through the text (nas) of the Holy Quraan. So if anyone doubts that
Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  is a companion, he will be rejecting the
Holy Quraan and become a Kaafir. Here we understand that Hazrath
Abu Bakr Siddique  wasnt merely the Holy Prophet Muhammad s
companion in the cave; rather he was the Holy Prophet Muhammad s
companion, period.-having helped him and made sacrifices for the safety
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  more so than any other person. The
Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:

Hazrath ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said,
If I were to take a Khalil (confidante), I would have taken Abu
Bakr  but he is my brother and intimate companion 142
[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, The Virtues of the Companions of the Holy
Prophet  ; Page 16; Chapter 5; Hadith number 3656;]

In this Hadith the Holy Prophet Muhammad  calls Hazrath Abu Bakr
Siddique  his Sahaba (companion). This is narrated by Sayyiduna
Hazrath ibn Abbas , the first cousin of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
. As for the events straight after the passing away of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  it is reported Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique  was in his
home when he heard of the Holy Prophet s death, and immediately
upon hearing this tragic news, he headed towards the Holy Prophet
Muhammad s Mosque in haste. We read:


Narrated Ayesha : Abu Bakr  came riding his horse from

his dwelling place in As-Sunh. He got down from it, entered the
Masjid and did not speak with anybody till he came to me and
went directly to the Holy Prophet , who was covered with a
blanket with markings on it. Abu Bakr  uncovered his face.
He knelt down and kissed him and then started weeping and
"Let my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, O Allah
's Prophet! Allah will not combine two deaths on you. You
have died the death which was written for you."
[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, The Book of Funerals ; Page 198; Chapter 3;
Hadith number 1242]

This is again proof that the Sahaba believed that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  is alive and he had to taste death as a human being.
And in another Hadith, we read:

Narrated Ayesha  and Ibn Abbas : Abu Bakr  kissed the
Holy Prophet  after his death
[Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, The Book of Al-Maghazi ; Page 449; Chapter 84;
Hadith number 4455-4457]

So quite contrary to the view that the Rafidi Shia are propagating,
Hazrath Abu Bakr s first action, on hearing of the passing of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad , into the realm of Divine Beauty was not at all to
rush for the Caliphate, but rather he made haste to visit the Holy Prophet
Muhammad s. Hazrath Abu Bakr  was deeply affected by the Holy


Countering Rafidi Shia Allegations

Prophet s veiling himself from this physical realm, was so much so that
he broke down in tears whilst kissing the Holy Prophet .
Hazrath Abu Bakr  and Hazrath Umar  stayed by the Holy Prophet
s blessed body. After some time, however, a man by the name of
Mughirah bin Shubah  called out to Hazrath Umar  and notified him
of an impending emergency.
It is related by Hazrath Umar  that as they were seated in the
Holy Prophet s house, a man cried out all of a sudden from
O Son of Khattab (i.e. Umar), pray step out for a moment.

Hazrath Umar  told him to leave them alone and go away

as they were busy in making arrangements for the burial of
the Holy Prophet . The man replied that an incident had
occurred: the Ansaar were gathering in force at Saqifah Bani
Saidah, andas the situation was graveit was necessary that
he (Umar) should go and look into the matter lest the
Ansaar should do something which would lead to a (civil)
war. On this, Hazrath Umar  said to Hazrath Abu Bakr
Let us go.
(Al Faruq, by Allama Shibli Numani, Vol 1, p.87)

So the Rafidi Shias criticisms of Hazrath Abu Bakr  and Hazrath Umar
 forsaking the funeral of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to attend the
political gathering is totally unfounded for the closest companions
attended to the political situation to maintain unity within Muslim ranks
while the immediate family, including Hazrath Ali  attended to the
funeral preparation. Hazrath Abu Bakr  and Hazrath Umar  not only
saved Muslims from becoming warring factions but expanded the Islamic
world far and wide, ensuring a unified and stable Muslim empire, an
accomplishment which all Muslims worldwide should thank them for.
What the Rafidi Shia criticize Hazrath Abu Bakr  and Hazrath Umar
 for is actually something these two noble men should be praised for.
They were showing softness and sensitivity towards Hazrath Ali ,
allowing him to arrange the funeral without having to worry about the
fate of the Muslim Ummah. An analogy of this is a man whose father dies


and so his employee/colleague shoulders his work load for a time so that
the man can go to his fathers funeral without any other extra worries or
burdens to think about. Indeed, these two men single-handedly save Islam
and prevented a great Fitna.
Although the Shia imply that Hazrath Abu Bakr  missed out on the
Holy Prophet Muhammad s funeral, this is actually not true at all.
After the incident at Saqifah had been resolved, Hazrath Abu Bakr 
rushed back to help with the Holy Prophet s funeral. In fact, the only
thing that Hazrath Abu Bakr  missed out on was washing the blessed
body, something which is anyways done by the near relatives according to
Islamic Law.
Hazrath Abu Bakr  was actually the one who is credited with deciding
where the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was to be buried. We read in
Tarikh al-Islam al-Kabir (Major History of Islam); by Imam Dhahabi143 :
The task of washing the body being over, the Companions were
divided over the place of burial. Hazrath Abu Bakr  then
said: I have heard from the Messenger of Allah  that every
Prophet is buried at the spot where he has breathed his last.
The Holy Prophet s bedding was accordingly removed from
the place and a grave was dug for him at the spot.
(Tarikh al-Islam, Vol.1, p.246)

[More on this can be read in volume one under the section on Abu Bakr .]

Hazrath Ali  gave Bayah to Hazrath Abu Bakr  twice, once on the
second day and the other six months later. The tradition of the Muslims
was to renew ones Bayah periodically, since the Sahaba renewed their
Bayah on the blessed hand of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  on
numerous occasions. Whatever the case, whether it was two days or six
months the fact is that Hazrath Ali  did in fact pledge his Bayah to
Hazrath Abu Bakr . Another point to ponder upon is that the Ahl alBayt , including Hazrath Ali  performed salaah behind the three
caliphs that preceded Hazrath Ali . If the Shia claim that Hazrath Ali 
accepted the three Caliphs hiding his true feelings in fear of persecution
and oppressions (takkiyah) is true, then this is an insult to Hazrath Ali .


Countering Rafidi Shia Allegations

When Hazrath Ali  saw anything wrong he corrected it. When Hazrath
Ali  felt Muawiyah  was wrong he took up arms.
Shaykh Tabarsi144 or Fadhl ibn Hasan al-Tabarsi a
respected Shia scholar wrote in his al-Ihtejaj the following:
Tabrasi narrates from (Imam) Muhammad Baqir  that when
Usamah  had left for Jihad when the Messenger of Allah 
passed away, the news reached Usamah  (and) he returned
with his army to Madinah. He (Usamah) saw a great number of
people surrounding Abu Bakr ; on seeing this, he went to
question Ali ibn Abi Talib  and asked:
What is this? Ali ibn Abi Talib  replied: It is exactly what
you are seeing! Usamah  asked: Have you (also) given
Bayah to him? Ali ibn Abi Talib  replied: Yes.
[Al-Ihtejaj, p.50: Printed Mashad, Iran]

There is a book called Nahj al-Balagha145 . It is considered as second

only to the Quraan and Prophetic narrations by the Shia, whilst some
Sunni scholars do not regard the book as a totally authentic work, since
many high ranking scholars and jurists do attest to the authenticity of
some of the sermons included in the book. Political bias has introduced
into this book slander against the companions of the Messenger of Allah
. We read the following in a commentary of this book, a Shia book
called Sharh Nahj al-Balagha (Comments on the Peak of Eloquence) by Imam alHadid146 (d. 656 AH/1258 CE):
Ali ibn Abi Talib  said to Zubair : (Although) we got
angry momentarily at the time of consultation (i.e. Saqifah), we
can now see that Abu Bakr  is the most deserving of the
Caliphate: He was the companion of the Messenger of Allah 
in the cave. We know of his life and we know that the
Messenger of Allah  had ordered him to lead the prayers.
And then he (Ali ) gave his Bayah (to Abu Bakr ).
[Sharh Nahjul-Balagha; Ibn Abi Al-Hadeed; Vol.1, p.132]

In the Sharh Nahj al-Balagha (Comments on the Peak of Eloquence) by

Imam al-Hadid (d. 656 AH/1258 CE) he has written, regarding the
fabrications of Ahadith by some Shia:


Lies were introduced in Hadith on merits originally by Shia.

They in the beginning fabricated many Hadith in favor of their
man (Ali ) motivated by enmity towards their opponents.
[Shahr Najh ul Balagha by Izz al-Din Abd al-Hamid ibn Hibat-Allah ibn Abi
al-Hadid, Dar al Kutub al Arabiyya al-Kubra, Cairo]

Regarding the early Caliphate, in the Shahr Najh ul Balagha Al-Hadid

explains to the Shia about Hazrath Ali 's position during the Caliphate
of his predecessors:
...We found out however, that Ali approved of their
leadership and said his prayers behind them. We, therefore,
follow him and do not go beyond what he said or did. Have
you not seen that we repudiated Muawiyah when Ali did so?
When Ali cursed Muawiyah we did the same?

Let me clarify that Hazrath Ali  had many supporters who were
originally called Shiatu Ali , meaning The Party Ali. They were
not a group, who belittled the companions (Sahaba) or the Noble Wives
of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , as most Shia, not all, do in the
present era. They originally were persons who had a certain political
preference as we have in government in the modern age. If the above
quoted gives the impression that there was a dispute, in the Sunni
sources, we read:
Ali  came to Abu Bakr  and said:
I dont refuse to admit that your virtues entitle you to the
Caliphate. My sole complaint is that we are the close relatives
of the Holy Prophet , (so) why did you then take Bayah at
Saqifah Banu Saidah without consulting us? Had you called us
there, we would have taken Bayah at your hand ahead of
Abu Bakr  said in reply:
To treat the relatives of the Holy Prophet  well is dearer and
more desirable to me than to do so for my own relatives. I went
to Saqifah Banu Saidah not for the taking of Bayah but for
putting an end to the disputeI did not seek their support (for
Caliphate). Rather, they took their oath of allegiance to me on
their ownHad I delayed the matter; it would have posed a
greater danger to the unity, integrity, and solidarity of Islam.
How could I send for you when there was no time?


Countering Rafidi Shia Allegations

Ali  listened with rapt attention to what Abu Bakr Siddique
 said and withdrew his complaint gracefully. The next day, he
(Ali ) pronounced his allegiance to Abu Bakr  before a
large congregation in the Prophets Mosque.
(Tarikh al-Islam, Vol.1, pp.275-276)

In another account, recorded in the earliest and one of the most reliable
Sira of the Madinan Period by Musa ibn Uqba al-Asadi (d. 141AH),
praised by Imam Malik and used by Ibn Saad and others. Hazrath Abu
Bakr Siddique  said:
Never for a moment was I eager for authority nor did I want it
or pray to Allah  for it secretly or publicly, but I was afraid
of disorder. I take no pleasure in authority. I have been
invested with a grave matter for which I have not the strength
and can only hope (to) cope with it if Allah  gives me the
strength; I would (only wish) that he who has the most strength
for it were in my place.
To which Hazrath Ali  said:
We were angry only because we were not at the council and we
think that Abu Bakr  is the most worthy of supreme
authority now that the apostle is dead. He was the one with the
apostle in the cave and we recognize his dignity and seniority;
and the apostle put him in charge of the prayers while he was
still with us.
(Sirah of Musa ibn Uqba)

Hazrath Ali reports that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  told him:

These two (Abu Bakr  and Umar ) are the masters of the
elder people among the inhabitants of paradise, from the first
ones and the last ones, not including the Prophets and
Messengers. But do not inform them, O Ali
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on al-Manaqib, page 350, Hadith
Number 3665 and 3666]

Hazrath Jaabir narrates:



A deceased mans body was brought to the Holy Prophet  to
perform the funeral prayer for him, but he  did not pray his
funeral prayer. He  was asked:
O Messenger of Allah ! We have not witnessed you refusing
tom pray a funeral prayer before this?
He  said:
He used to hate Uthman  so Allah  hates him
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on al-Manaqib, page 383, Hadith Number 3709]

Allegation of Umar  reprimanding the Holy Prophet 

There is a hadith in Sahih Bukhari used by many Shia to misguide
innocent Muslims and smear the blessed personality of Hazrath Umar .
The Hadith is as follows:

Narrated Ubaidullah bin Abdullah:
Ibn 'Abbas said, "When the ailment of the Holy Prophet 
became worse, he said, 'Bring for me paper and I will write for
you a statement after which you will not go astray.' But Umar
said, 'The Holy Prophet  is seriously ill, and we have got
Allah 's Book with us and that is sufficient for us.' But the
companions of the Holy Prophet  differed about this and
there was a hue and cry. On that the Prophet said to them, 'Go


Countering Rafidi Shia Allegations

away (and leave me alone). It is not right that you should
quarrel in front of me." Ibn 'Abbas came out saying, "It was
most unfortunate (a great disaster) that Allah's Apostle was
prevented from writing that statement for them because of
their disagreement and noise. (Note: It is apparent from this
Hadith that Ibn 'Abbes had witnessed the event and came out
saying this statement. The truth is not so, for Ibn 'Abbas used
to say this statement on narrating the Hadith and he had not
witnessed the event personally).

The Shia maliciously utilise this Hadith and many others on this topic,
and use them to degrade Hazrath Umar ibn al-Khattab . The Holy
Prophet s illness before he was ushered into the Realm of Divine
Beauty made him experience fever, severe headaches, and even fainting,
slipping into and out of consciousness. The incident of the pen and
paper occurred on a Thursday, a few days before the Holy Prophet 
passed away. The Holy Prophet  asked for a pen and paper in order to
write down some advice and thereafter was slipping into a state between
consciousness and unconsciousness. Hazrath Umar  felt that the Holy
Prophet  should not be troubled and it was wrong to quarrel in his holy
presence. It was then that the Holy Prophet  awoke from his state of
unconsciousness and told those in the room to go away and to leave him
alone. Umar was concerned about the Holy Prophet Muhammad s well
being. The point that most Shia propagandists never wish to mention is
the fact that the Prophet fainted immediately after making his request.
Perhaps some of them would try to deny this, but we find that it is
written in their own books. Shaykh Mufid, the Shia scholar writes:
He (the Prophet) fainted from the fatigue which had come
upon him and the sorrow which possessed him. He remained
unconscious for a short time while the Muslims wept and his
wives and the women and the children of the Muslims and all
of those present raised great cries of lamentation. The Apostle
of Allah recovered consciousness and looked at them. Then he
said: Bring me ink and parchment so that I may write for you,
after which you will never go astray.
Again he fainted and one of those present rose to look for ink
and parchment.


Go back, Umar ordered him.

(Kitaab Al-Irshad, by Shaykh Mufid, p.130)

The Shias claim that Umar  said that the Holy Prophet  was delirious.
In absolutely no Hadith did Umar  say these words. The event is
narrated in multiple Hadith, including in Sahih Bukhari (4.52.288,
5.59.716, 4.53.393, 7.70.573, 1.3.114) and Sahih Muslim (13.4014,
13.4015, and 13.4016). Not in a single version are any such words
ascribed to Umar .
We ask the Shia if Umar  did not bring the pen and paper then why
did Ibn Abbas , a member of Ahl al-Bayt, the narrator of the hadith not
bring the pen and paper. The word Hajara used in most of these hadith
does not mean delirious and it was never used by Umar . Those who
quarrelled said to Umar  that how can he say the Holy Prophet  was
ahajara. The word is from the same root as Hijrah, so it means that the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  was being ushered from this world to the
I repeat what I said earlier:
Never give one whose heart is deviant access to your two ears,
for surely you never know what may find fixity in you.

The moment you listen, the deviator has left some impression on you. A
drop wont leave traces on a rock but if it continues dropping on the
same spot it leaves an impression. All they need is for you to listen. Even
Islamic Radio and Television Stations on popular media are there to
brainwash you.


The Pure Household


Who are the Ahl al-Bayt

Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 33rd Sura al-Ahzaab ( the
Confederates) in verse 33:

Allah 's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O

Members of the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough

This is the literal translation of this verse. This verse contains two aspects
that should be pondered upon. The first aspect is:
1. Who are the Household of the Holy Prophet  Ahl al-Bayt?

The second aspect is what is meant by

So keeping the Holy Qur'aan and Hadith in view then the result is that
the Ahl al-Bayt refers to the Holy Prophet s pure wives, Hazrath
Ali , Hazrath Fatimah, Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Husayn . In this
connection, keep in mind that the Kharijites147 or those that broke away
from the mainstream Islam say that household of the Holy Prophet 
Ahl al-Bayt in this verse only refers to the pure wives of the Holy
Prophet . The Rafidi or Shia say that the Household of the Holy
Prophet  Ahl al-Bayt refers to the Holy Prophet  Hazrath Ali
, Hazrath Fatimah , Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Husayn  and the
pure wives are not included in the Household of the Holy Prophet .
On the other hand we The People who follow the Prophets Sunnah and
the love for him as expounded by his Community Ahl as-Sunnah walJamaah148 believe that the Household of the Holy Prophet 
is comprised of the pure wives and the Holy Prophet  Hazrath
Ali , Hazrath Fatimah, Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Husayn . This is
the true composition of the Household of the Holy Prophet  .
Allah  says:


O Members of the Household of the Holy Prophet , Allah

 desires to keep all impurities away from you and He desires
to keep you pure as He purifies

Hazrath Imam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi149  in his world-renowned

commentary of the Holy Quraan called Tafsir-e Kabir150 (The Great
Commentary) has stated:
ikhtalafal akhwaal fi ahlil Bayt
There is difference of opinion as regards the composition of
( ahl al-Bayt)

Some state it refers only to the Pure Wives of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad . Some say it only refers to those whom we call The
Purified Five or Panjattan Paak i.e. the Holy Prophet  Hazrath Ali ,
Hazrath Fatimah Zahra , Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn .
Others have stated it refers to the Pure Wives, The Purified Five or
Panjattan Paak; and all children that are born of the Panjattan Paak till
the Day of Reckoning (Qiyaamah). Imam Razi favoured this last
description of ( ahl al-Bayt). He said:
Al awla hum azwajahu wa awladuhu wal Hasan wal Husayn
minhum wa Ali minhu
The Pure Wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , all their
children including Imam Hasan  and Imam  Husayn 
including Hazrath Ali 
Li annahu kana min ahle baytihi, be sababe muaashiratihi,
be binti Nabi, wa mulaazimatihi lin Nabi
Hazrath Ali  is also included in ahl al-Bayt because he was
brought up and educated (tarbiyyah) by the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  (within his blessed home).

Pure condition
tathir is purity in character, purity in actions and external and

internal purification; that lofty states of purification for which great and
holy people pray to Allah  that they may be granted that condition.
Allah  out of his Benevolence (fazl) and Generosity (karam) has
bestowed this state upon the Household of the Holy Prophet . Because
in the beginning of the Verse Allah  says innama these are words of
intent (hasr) yuridullah (Allah  intends to). We all know that


The Pure Household

Allah s intention is eternal (qadim). It is not the result of someones
supplication or someones efforts or a reward for slavery but it is Allah
s eternal intention that the Household of the Holy Prophet  may
attain this state and spiritual station. This is a great gift of Compassion
and Love (fazl) from Allah  that He has granted this State of Purity
(Shaan e paakizigi) to the Household of the Holy Prophet  . Their
exterior (zaahir) and interior (baatin) is purified. Their character (akhlaq)
and behaviour (kirdaar) is pure. Their bodies (jism) and their souls (ruh)
are purified.

Infallible (masum) or Protected (Mahfuz)

Allah  has given the Pure Household that status. Through attaining
this status they have not become infallible and preserved (masum) like
the Messengers of Allah  but they are protected and guarded (mahfuz).
This must be remembered The Shia hold this belief (aqida) that the
Household of the Holy Prophet  are infallible and preserved
(masum). They regard the Imams of the Household of the Holy Prophet
 ( Ahl al-Bayt) as being infallible (masum). We the Ahl as-Sunnah
wal-Jamaah hold this belief (aqida) that the Prophets  are
infallible (masum) whilst the Imams of the Household of the Holy
Prophet  are not infallible (masum) but they are protected and
guarded (mahfuz). What is the difference between infallible (masum) and
protected and guarded (mahfuz)? Infallible (masum) is he who can never
commit sin, whilst protected and guarded (mahfuz) is he who can
commit sin but never do since Allah  has protected them and saves
them from committing sin. So our belief (aqida) is that Prophets are
infallible (masum). After the Prophets the Companions of the Holy
Prophet  (Sahaba) and the Household of the Holy Prophet 
were not infallible (masum) but they were protected and guarded
(mahfuz). They were under the protection of Allah  and saved from all
sin. It is our belief that besides Prophets and Angels, no Wali is infallible
(masum) or sinless even though he may be elevated to the higher stations
of Wilaayat, e.g. Qutb or Ghaus, so much so that not even the noble
Sahaba and Ahl al-Bayt are infallible (masum) or sinless. But all these


personalities are regarded as protected , i.e. Allah , divinely

protects them from sinning.

Allah  Cleansed the Pure Household As He Cleanses

There is no ambiguity in this clear statement of Allah :
O Household of My Prophet! Allah  intends to keep far
away from all ( rijs) and thoroughly cleanse you as He

This famous verse of the Holy Quraan that is called Ayat al-Tathir or
"The Verse of Purification" and I have given a simple translation. If one
ventures into the field of verification then many words need
verification. Hazrath Ali  was brought up under the guardianship and
in the house of the Holy Prophet .

Who are people of the household (ghar)?

They are those who can walk into and leave the house without seeking
permission. Those who need permission to enter are people of the
Prophets Holy Court (dar) not the Prophets Holy Home (ghar). The law
has been fixed for Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 33rd Sura alAhzaab ( the Confederates) in verse 53:

O you who believe! Do not enter the houses of the Prophet
unless permission is given to you

This law is not for the members of the Holy Prophet s Holy Home
(ghar) but it is for people of the Holy Prophet s Holy Court (dar). For
Hazrath Ali , Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  there is no
restricted entry they may enter and leave repeatedly without permission.
Ponder, even Hazrath Uthman  was the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  but he also needed permission to enter and leave the
house of the Holy Prophet Muhammad . The reason is that if Hazrath
Uthman  had to enter the blessed house then Hazrath Fatimah Zahra
 would have to wear her veil (pardah)151. So those are the members of the
Holy Prophet s Holy Home (ghar) whom, if they enter then the females
dont have to observe pardah. So right unto the time of Imam Mahdi ,
and beyond, all the Sayyids or the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet


The Pure Household

Muhammad  are allowed to enter the blessed household without
permission for Bibi Fatimah  is their grandmother. So do understand
that the Holy Household ( ahl al-Bayt) refers to the Pure Wives,
The Purified Five or Panjattan Paak; and all children that are born of
the Panjattan Paak till the Day of Reckoning (Qiyaamah).
What Does One Obtain From Blood Relationship

Some people when we speak of members of Holy Prophet s Holy

Home (ghar) and of people of the Holy Prophet s Holy Court (dar) say:
Well it is fine that you have a genetic and blood link with the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  respect is obtained. What else
does one obtain from blood relationship (nasab)?

On the contrary blood relationship brings those benefits that cannot be

obtained from any virtuous deeds (amaal). If one says that no benefit is
received from blood relationship (nasab) then one is rejecting the Holy
In the famous incident of Hazrath Khidr  and Hazrath Musa ,
mentioned in the Holy Qur'aan and Ahadith it is stated that Hazrath
Khidr  had rebuilt a dilapidated wall that concealed the fortune of two
orphans buried in its foundation. Hazrath Musa  had objected to this
favour to a people that had been inhospitable to them. Hazrath Khidr 
later explained that the fortune of two orphans buried in its foundation
and the poor orphans could have lost it if the wall fell. Allah  had
willed that he save the fortune of the orphans. This act of grace (fazl)
from Allah upon these two orphans was not because of any deeds
(amaal) they had performed or lived a life of taqwa but because as the
Holy Quraan states in the 18th Sura al-Kahf
( the Cave) in verse 82:

Their father had been a righteous man

Tafsir al-Jalalayn152


Their father had been a righteous man, and so because of his

righteousness they were protected both in [terms of] their souls
and their possessions,
Tanwr al-Miqbs min Tafsr Ibn Abbs153
(and their father had been righteous) he was a trustworthy man
called Kashih

Their father was a righteous person. He performed deeds of righteousness

and the children are benefiting. This father that is mentioned here is a
great-grandfather from six generations back. So those who say blood
relationship (nasab) does not benefit should rectify their thoughts. Again
Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 52nd Sura, at-Tur
(Mount Sinai) in verse 21:

And those who believe and whose families follow them in

To them shall We join their families: Nor shall We deprive
them (of the fruit) of aught of their works

Tafsir al-Jalalayn
We will make their, mentioned, descendants join them, in
Paradise, so that they are in the same degree [of reward], even
though they might not have performed the same [meritorious]
deeds as them [to deserve this equal status], a way of honoring
the parents by having their children join them [again]; and We
will not deprive them ( read alatnhum or alitnhum), [We
will not] diminish [them], of anything min shay'in (min is
extra) of their deeds, in order to add it to the deeds of their
Tanwr al-Miqbs min Tafsr Ibn Abbs
It is also said that this means: We make the offspring attain to
the same rank as that of the fathers, if the ranks of the fathers
are higher, (and We deprive them of naught of their (life's)
work) He says: We do not diminish the reward of the fathers at
all upon making their offspring join them. (Every man is a
pledge) such that Allah  does with him as He will (for that
which he hath earned) of sins.


The Pure Household

So children of pious forefathers who follow their forefathers in faith will
join their forefathers in jannah. Not because of their deeds but simply for
the happiness of their forefathers. Commentators have stated that if any
righteous, pious person has children who lack in deeds to earn him the
level in heaven that his pious predecessor attained, he will be admitted to
that high level of heaven due to his predecessors deeds and for his
happiness. So congratulations to all Sayyids, who lovingly follow the
beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad  they will be with the Holy Prophet
, on his level of paradise. The most pious person (muttaqi)154 cannot
attain this highest level of paradise. The blood-relations of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  will reside with him in the mansion prepared for
him in paradise. Can any deed (amaal) ensure one this highest level of
paradise in the greatest house of paradise? So this attainment is due to
blood relationship not deeds. So how can people say blood relationship
(nasab) does not benefit one?
It is a fact, verified from the Holy Qur'aan, that being the blood relative
of a pious person benefits ones children. The Holy Prophet Muhammad
s family has a unique status. Let us refocus upon "Ayat al-Tathir" or
"The Verse of Purification" and in the light of the clarification of who
constitutes the Holy Prophet s Pure Household ( ahl al-Bayt).
Some translate it as:
O Members of the Household Allah 's wish is but that you
remain pure; do good deeds and keep yourself clean and pure;
be Allah  Conscious

If translated in this way there is no special distinction given to the

members of the Holy Prophet s Household. This translation implies
that Allah  addresses the Members of the Pure Household specifically
and He is asking them to do what He exhorts every person, Muslim or
non-Muslim in His universal message to adopt. This does not merit the
specific addressing of the members Holy Prophets Pure Household.
In the Ayat al-Tathir or "The Verse of Purification" Allah  did not tell
the members Holy Prophets Pure Household ( ahl al-Bayt) to
cleanse themselves of ( rijs) but He said:


Allah  intends to remove ( rijs) from you

Does Allah  not possess the means and resources to fulfil His
intention? So dont focus on the members Holy Prophet s Pure
Household ( ahl al-Bayt) but focus on Allah  who wishes to
purify them. This is an important aspect to ponder upon for those
who regard the members Holy Prophets Pure Household to be
like them. So that which is received through the grace (fazl) of Allah  is
different from that which is acquired through effort.
Ponder! A high status is attained through knowledge (ilm), deeds (amaal),
Allah Consciousness (taqwa) and purity (tahaarat). A possessor of all these
qualities worshipping for 6 million years, Iblis, who had reached the
spiritual status of teacher of angels, lost his high status due to his
arrogance. The Angels acquire their status due to the fazl of Allah  and
Iblis acquired his status due to his efforts. The one reaching high status
due to effort can falter but not the one who has been blessed with grace
(fazl) from Allah . The Family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad 
have been blessed with unique nobility by Allah  due to their ancestry
(nasab) and link to the Holy Prophet . It is the fazl of Allah  that
they were born in this pure, noble family.
Sadaat -Descendants of the Holy Prophet 

There are two views amongst the Ulama regarding the Sadaat
[descendants of the Holy Prophet ] as to the meaning of ( rijs) in
"Ayat al-Tathir" or "The Verse of Purification".
A point to ponder upon, as also mentioned by Imam Razi is that if
somebody is kept far from ( rijs), by Allah , is not that person
purified? So what is the meaning of purifying the purified? ( rijs)
means sin in . So they have been divinely purified then
what is the implication of:


The Pure Household

Keep you purified with a thorough purification

What purification do the pure undergo?

So purification from sin and the bestowal of honour (izzat) and
inexplicable gifts (karamat) are all due to ancestry (nasab). People of
Noble Pious Ancestry attain this personal (zaati) excellence (fazilat). If a
Sayyid becomes guilty of disobedience (faasiq)155 it obligatory (waajib) to
respect him, on condition he does not reach disbelief (kufr). This respect
(tazeem) is due to his relationship (nisba) with the Holy Prophet
Muhammad .
Deeds or Family Relation

The Holy Quraan says in the 49th Sura, al-Hujuraat ( The

Apartments) in verse 13:

This verse is popularly translated as:
The most honoured of you in the sight of Allah  is he who is
the most righteous amongst you

On the basis of this translation it is said that the criteria for honour is
piety or righteousness (taqwa). So piety or righteousness (taqwa) is a
prerequisite for being honoured and the prerequisite for piety or
righteousness (taqwa) is knowledge (ilm) and deeds (amaal). Can one
attain taqwa without following (itaat) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
? To follow or imitate (itaat) the Holy Prophet Muhammad  it is
necessary to love him. Loving him necessitates loving his family (ahl).
How can one claim to love him and possess taqwa but not love his family?
Let me give you a verified (tehqiqi) translation of the verse under
discussion. In Tafsir-e-Kabir, Tafsir Abu Saud156, Ruh al-Ma'ani 157 this verse
has been expounded with two meanings (tarjuma). One translation that is
very popular (ashhar) and the other being on the basis of technicality,
(azhar) and thus, acceptable. I have expounded the popular translation
but allow me to expound the verse on the basis of technicality. I would
have to explain some grammatical rules to you for the benefit of the


if you ask a scholar of Arabic as to what in this verse means they

will tell you Assimilated verb or harfe-mushabba-bil fel . It is a verb form

wherein the first tells you the type and the second gives you the meaning.
E.g., if I tell you:
Inna Zaydun qaimun
Undoubtedly, Zayd is standing

So Zayd is mentioned first and then the action of standing. This means
that the act of standing is emanating due to Zayd being there. Not that
Zayd is there due to the action of standing. So lets translate this blessed
verse keeping this rule in mind:

Undoubtedly, in the sight of Allah , he who is blessed by
Allah  (mukarram) is the most righteous (muttaqi)

This means that it is not due to taqwa that you receive inexplicable gifts
(karamat); but due to inexplicable gifts (karamat) one attains taqwa. He
who has the gift of fazl from Allah  is the muttaqi. Hazrath Ghaus alAzam  was gifted with wilaayat and was born a wali. Thus he was born
as a muttaqi. So deeds (amaal) does not make one a muttaqi but the grace
(fazl) of Allah  makes one a muttaqi.
Hazrath Abul Hasan Ali al-Kharqani158  didnt attend Madrasah. He was
the Ghaus of his time not through knowledge (ilm) but through the grace
(fazl) of Allah . So the people of noble lineage (nasab) are recipients of
Allah s grace (fazl). So understand the "Ayat al-Tathir" or "The Verse of
Purification" properly:

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  used to repeat this often. Naturally,

the blessed wives are part of the Noble household of the Holy Prophet ,
but does ones son-in-law necessary belong to the household? Are


The Pure Household

grandsons also part of the household? For the home of ones daughter,
son-in-law and grandsons are usually another home. So how do we know
that the daughter, son-in-law and grandsons are included in the Noble
household of the Holy Prophet ? The Holy Prophet Muhammad 
clarified it for us. In the Hadith159, an important event symbolizes the
spiritual dimension of their relation to the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
This is the Tradition of the Cloak in which it is stated that the Holy
Prophet  spread his blessed cloak over himself and Hazrath Ali ,
Hazrath Fatimah  and their two sons Hazrath Hasan  and Hazrath
Husayn .The circumstances of the Tradition (Hadith) is as follows:



! :

Umar bin Abi Salamah  who was brought up by the Holy
Prophet  narrates that when the verse:

was revealed to the Holy Prophet  at the home of Umm
Salama , he  called Fatimah , Hasan  and Husayn
 and covered them with a cloak. Ali  was behind him 
and the Holy Prophet  also covered him under the same
cloak and then said:
Oh Allah , these are my ahl al-Bayt (people of the house) so
keep impurity away from them and totally purify them. 160

So the Holy Prophet Muhammad  himself included his daughter, sonin-law and grandsons as part of his household. So on what authority we
reject it. He said:


O Allah ! They are my Family

Hazrath Abu Hurraira  says that he noticed that for a period of six
months, when the Holy Prophet Muhammad  arose to perform his fajr
salaah he used to go to the door of the house of Hazrath Fatimah  and
As-Salawaat! Ya ahl al-Bayt
The prayer! O My family

And then he used to read the Ayat al-Tathir or The Verse of


So that none can deny that Bibi Fatimah  Hazrath Ali , Imam
Hasan  and Imam Husayn  are his household .
Hazrath Abu Hamra  says:161
I was blessed with the company of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  for eight months and every time of his fajr
salaah he used to go to the door of the house of Hazrath
Fatimah  and say:

O My household, Allah  has been merciful to you!
Then he used to read the "Ayat al-Tathir" or "The Verse of

The above has also been narrated by different companions with a slight
variation in words. In Sahih Muslim and Sunan al-Tirmidhi, and
Mustadrak al-Hakim three of the blessed wives of the Holy Prophet 
narrate that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  referred to his daughter
Fatimah , her husband Ali  and their two sons: al-Hasan , and
al-Husayn  as his household.


The Pure Household

:( )
Abu Saeed Khudri  has said about the verse:

That it was revealed in honour of the following five
personalities: the Messenger of Allah , Ali , Fatimah ,
Hasan  and Husayn 

It is stated regarding the Tradition of the Cloak that the blessed wife of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  Ummi Salama  wanted to go under
the cloak, but the Holy Prophet  stopped her saying:
Antum alal-Khayr
You are a member of Ahle Bayt

He was stating in effect that:

it is clear in the verse and the words preceding it that my wives
are part of my household and now I am clarifying the verse as
to who else is part of my household.

Every person who was blessed with the physical or spiritual

companionship of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  has his or her
condition enhanced. However, none can reach the condition of the
blood family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , amongst the Ahl al-Bayt,
the highest status in the hierarchy is accorded to Hazrath Ali , Hazrath
Fatimah , Hazrath Hasan and Hazrath Husayn  who are known as
the Blessed Pure Five (Panjattan Paak). In the Hadith162, an important
event symbolizes the spiritual dimension of their relation to the Holy
Prophet Muhammad . This is the Tradition or Hadith of the Cloak,
which the Holy Prophet  spread his blessed cloak (rida) over himself and
Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah  and their two sons Hazrath Hasan 
and Hazrath Husayn . I have clarified previously in this book as who are
the Ahl al-Kisa 163


Adam  prayed for mercy using the names of the Panj-Tan

The Holy Qur'aan tells us in the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow) Verse
37 that Hazrath Adam  received certain words from Allah , which
earned him forgiveness for his transgression.

Then Adam  learnt some words from his Lord. So Allah 
accepted his repentance. Surely He is the One Who is Most
Relenting, Ever-Merciful.

Imam Jalaluddeen Al-Suyuti  (c. 1445-1505 AD) 164 reports

that Hazrath ibn Abbas , the famous traditionalist and authority on the
Holy Quraan, asked the Holy Prophet Muhammad  about the words
which Hazrath Adam  received. The Holy Prophet Muhammad 
He prayed saying, "O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad, Ali,
Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn, do forgive my transgression.
Allah  forgave him.165

In another version of this Hadith, Hazrath Adam  is taught the words

as the only means by which Allah  would accept his repentance and
forgive him. Hazrath Ali , we are told, enquired of the Holy Prophet 
concerning the verse under discussion. The Holy Prophet  told him
that when Hazrath Adam  and his wife were expelled from Paradise,
Hazrath Adam  wept bitterly over his transgression for a hundred
years. Hazrath Jibraeel  came to him and spoke thus on Allah 's
O Adam ! Did I not create you with my own hand? Did I
not breathe into you of my spirit? Did I not command my
angels to bow down before you? Did I not provide you with Eve
my servant?' 'Yes', Adam answered. Gabriel asked: What then
is the cause of this weeping? Adam replied, 'Why should I not
weep when I have been expelled from the proximity of the AllMerciful?' The angel then said: 'You must pray fervently with
these words, and Allah  will accept your repentance and
forgive your sin. Say:
O Allah , I do not beseech you for the sake of Muhammad
 and the people of the household of Muhammad; nor is


The Pure Household

there any god but you. I have transgressed, and have wronged
my soul. Turn towards me for you are relenting,

The following Hadith which I quoted in my first brief version of the book
Madinah to Karbala raised some criticism since I could not find a
reference. I quoted since it is recorded by Hajee Mahboob Kassim
Chishti167 in his book Destruction or Peace168 I heeded the advice of Shah
Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi  (February 21, 1703 - August 20, 1762)169
If a Hadith is quoted by the Chishtia Shaykhs and according to
traditionalists it is poor, and not authentic but the high regard
which is due to the Saints of Chisht demands that we should
not consider it unauthentic; for according to Imam Abu
Hanifa  and Imam Maalik  even a hadith-e-mursal, if its
narrators are reliable is regarded as true.170

In the light of the above I am compelled to quote it. The Hadith is as

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  has stated that when Allah
 created Hazrath Adam . Hazrath Adam  lifted his
eyes and looked towards the right side of the Garden of Eden.
He saw five shining faces prostrating themselves before Allah
. Hazrath Adam  asked Allah  who they were and
Allah  said that they will be from Hazrath Adam s
descendants, but they will not be created of clay. They will be
created out of light (nur). Allah said, The whole universe has
been created by Me for their sake. Their names have been
derived from My names; I am Mahmud (The Praised one) and
he is Muhammad (The Praised one); I am Aali (The Supreme)
and he is Ali; I am Faatir (creator) and she is Fatimah; I am
Ihsaan (Beneficent) and he is Hasan; I am Muhsin (Generous)
and he is Husayn. I swear by My Honour that if anybody comes
before Me with the least disrespect or hatred for any of them, I
shall cast them into hell without any consideration. O Adam!
These are my five chosen and blessed and for their sake I will
forgive and bless unlimited numbers. If you or your progeny
have any difficulties approach Me in the name of the Blessed


Also Hajjah Amina Adil wife of Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani

Naqshbandi writes in The Fall of Man and The First Repentance is the
Key to Uplifting: Lore of Light:
When Adam was in paradise, the Lord ordered Gabriel to take
Adam on a tour through the whole of paradise's gardens. They
toured the Jannah and Adam espied a great Castle of Light
whose walls were made of gold and silver, of topaz and ruby
and most precious materials. Inside the castle was a throne of
light underneath a dome of light. Upon the throne sat a person
of amazingly beautiful aspect who made Adam forget all the
beauty of Eve in an instant. There was a crown of light set
upon her head; she was adorned with pearls and a girdle of
light. Adam gazed at her intensely and he asked:
"Oh Lord! Who is this person?
The Lord answered him:
This is the form of Fatimah Zahra , and the crown upon her
head is Muhammad ; the jewels in her hand are Hasan 
and Husayn ; the girdle of light around her waist, that is Ali
There were also five gates to the palace of light and an
inscription above each of these.
Above the first was written:
I am The Praiseworthy, and this is Muhammad.
Above the second:
"I am The Highest of the High and this is Ali.
Above the third:
I am the Creator, and this is Fatimah.
On the fourth:
I am the beneficent, and this is Hasan.
And above the fifth gate:
I am the Bestower of Charity, and this is Husayn.
Gabriel said to Adam:
Mark well these names, oh Adam, there will come a day when
you will have need of them.
Now, when Adam descended upon the earth he wept for
threehundred years. Then he heard a voice, calling to him:
Adam, look upon the Bait al-Mamur (up in the heavens.) Adam
directed his gaze upwards, and then he prostrated himself and


The Pure Household

Bismi Allah Al Rahman Al Raheem Ya Al-Hamid bi Haqq
Muhammad, Ya Al-Ala bi Haqq Ali, Ya Al Khaliq bi Haqq
Fatima Zahra, Ya Al Rahman bi Haqq Imam Hasan, Ya al
Raheem bi Haqq Imam Husayn.
Oh Praiseworthy One, for the sake of Muhammad, oh Highest
of the High, for the sake of Ali, oh Creator, for the sake of
Fatima Zahra, oh Beneficent One, for the sake of Hasan, oh
Bestower of Charity, for the sake of Husayn, forgive me, O my
Lord, and accept my repentance.

The Lord then spoke:

Oh Adam, had you asked forgiveness by these names for every
single one of your descendants from now until the Day of
Judgment, I would have forgiven them all and placed not one
of them in hell.

Further Maulana Nazir Ahmad Sinab171 records the following hadith in

his book Asadullah172that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  stated:
If anyone wants their safety they must establish friendship with
us five as one single unit and pray through our names (i.e.
Panjattan or Pure Five).

The spiritual guide of Hazrath Maulana Shafee Okarvi  Hazrath Mia

Shermuhammad Sahib Sharafpuri  used to say Panj- Teen-PaakReferring to the Blessed Five and teen or three referring to Hazrath Abu
Bakr Siddique , Hazrath Umar Faruq , and Hazrath Uthman .
Meaning the five and these three are pure. Five and three equals eight,
and the doors of paradise are eight. Those who accept these eight will
find the eight doors of paradise open for them.

Twelve Christians led by their priest, who were residents of Najran, a city
in south-western Arabia near the border with Yemen, came to see the
Holy Prophet . They held a conversation with the Holy Prophet  and
during the conversation they asked as to what belief he  held regarding
Jesus or Isa . The Holy Prophet  replied:
Huwa Abdullahi wa Rasulullahi wa Kalimatullahi, alkaha illa
He is the slave of Allah , Messenger of Allah  and the
word of Allah , which He bestowed on Mary 


The priests interjected that Isa  is also the son of Allah  (wa huwa
ibnullah). The Holy Prophet  replied:
Subhanahu ayyakunalahu walad
Allah  is Pure, and no children can be attributed to Him

They asked:
Have you encountered a being born without a father? Since
Jesus has no father, then Allah  is his father.

The Holy Prophet  replied that they produced a strange proof for their
claim, since if Jesus has to be accepted as the son of God because he had
no father, then what would be Prophet Adam s status since he had
neither father nor mother? The Holy Prophet  then recited 3rd Sura,
Aal-i- Imraan [ The Family of Imraan] Verse 59:

Surely the example of Isa (Jesus) in the sight of Allah  is the
same as that of Adam whom He formed from clay, then said
(to him): Be. He became.

They had no answer to this and other proofs presented by the Holy
Prophet . They aimlessly furthered the debate but were able to present
no flawless proof for their claim.
When they continued arguing and refused to accept the truth then Allah
 revealed the 3rd Sura, Aal Imraan (the Family of Imraan) :
Verse 61: 173

Come! Let us gather together - our sons and your sons, our
women and your women, ourselves and yourselves - then let us
humbly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah  on those who

When two opposing schools of thought differ on an issue and when

dialogue and debate fails to resolve the dispute, then the solution is a


The Pure Household

Mubaahila or a gathering where the opposing groups supplicate to Allah
 as follows:
O Lord of the Universe! In this dispute give honour to the
proper in this matter and disgrace those that are incorrect

The term Mubaahila is derived from its Arabic root Bahlah meaning
curse. Thus the word Mubaahila literally means cursing each other.
Through the intervention of the Power of Allah  truth and falsehood
are made clear. In fact Allah  tells His beloved Prophet  that he
should not engage these Christians who are stubborn, in dialogue or
debate, since they are not accepting the truth but he must invite them to
a Mubaahila to let Allah  decide between them. They should come to
the open field, with their lives, their women and children and he 
would do likewise. They would then supplicate that Allah  give honour
to the proper in this matter and disgrace those that are incorrect. When
the Holy Prophet  invited them, as per the command of Allah  to a
Mubaahila, they asked for a delay of three days. They said that they would
bring their senior priests and their Pope to participate in this Mubaahila.
The Holy Prophet  gave them permission. Originally they were a
delegation of 12 persons but returned with a delegation of 70 persons.
They dressed with very expensive clothing and externally painted a picture
of authority, so as to create an external impression of authority to the
Muslims. On 24th of Dhul-Hijjah 9 AH, corresponding to Wednesday,
6th of April 631 CE, the Christians, led by Abd al-Masih and 70
Christians, amongst them their highest priests, including the Pope were
present. The Holy Prophet  arrived accompanied by Hazrath Ali  and
Hazrath Fatimah Zahra . The Holy Prophet  was carrying Hazrath
Imam Husayn  in one arm and Hazrath Imam Hasan  was holding
the other hand of the Holy Prophet  and walking alongside him. The
Pure Five (Panjattan Paak) i.e. the Holy Prophet , Hazrath Ali  and
Hazrath Fatimah Zahra , Hazrath Imam Husayn  and Hazrath Imam
Hasan  arrived for the Mubaahila174.
When the Pure Five (Panjattan Paak) arrived for the Mubaahila the Holy
Prophet  prayed:
Allahumma ha ulahe ahle baitihi
O Allah ! They are my Family


He  then said to Hazrath Ali  and Hazrath Fatimah Zahra , Hazrath

Imam Husayn  and Hazrath Imam Hasan :
When I supplicate to Allah  against this opposition you all
should say, May it be so (ameen)

The Holy Prophet  told those priests that they should also supplicate.
When the Holy Prophet  said this, the Pope, Abdul Haris lbne Alqama,
the greatest scholar among them, addressed his people: exclaimed and
told his followers:
La tu baahilu fatah le ku
Dont partake in this Mubaahila or all of us will be destroyed

Surprised at his remarks they asked him as to what had happened to him,
since he was in high spirits and confident of defeating the Muslims. He
Verily I see a divine light on the face of our combatants; I am
beholding such faces among them as can make the mountains
move from their spots if they pray to God. So beware! Never try
to contest with them, otherwise you will perish and the entire
nation of Christians will succumb to extinction!

He then said to his followers that it would be better to surrender to them

and admit defeat. They requested that they be allowed to pay the tax
imposed on non-Muslims living in a Muslim land (jizyah), obey the law of
the Muslim State and be allowed to live in the Muslim controlled
territories in their homes subject to the Muslims in full obedience. This
request was granted by the Holy Prophet  since this was to be made law
in the future. The Holy Prophet  said:
If the Mubaahila took place, and I had to supplicate to Allah
 and if my Family had said, may it be so in response to my
supplication then all that had come to contest me would have
been transformed into monkeys and pigs and their homes and
properties would have been destroyed.

This incident also highlights the status of the ahl al-Bayt and the
acceptance of their supplication by Allah .
At this juncture I would like to make a point, read with circumspection.
Some people say that the Holy Prophet  did not take his Companions
(sahaaba) to the Mubaahila including Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique ,


The Pure Household

Hazrath Umar Faruq , and Hazrath Uthman  whereas he took
Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah , Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn
 with. So the anti-Companions group makes some slanderous
statements, going to the extent of saying that the Companions were not
taken with since they possessed no merit. In this connection I would like
to answer these allegations. Does the Holy Prophet  act according to the
orders of Allah  or does he act according to our wishes and
conclusions. Allah  ordered in 3rd Sura, l Imrn (the Family of
Imrn) : Verse 61:

"Come! Let us gather together - our sons and your sons, our
women and your women, ourselves and yourselves - then let us
humbly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah  on those who lie
"Come! Let us gather together - our sons and your sons, our
women and your women, ourselves and yourselves - then let us
humbly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah  on those who

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  was ordered to ask them to call their
sons and he would call his sons and to call their daughters and he would
call his daughters. Here some might think, that the word Nisaa
means women so how am I translating as daughters. Nisaa means
women as well as daughters. When Allah  speaks of Pharaoh and the
Children of Israel, in the Holy Qur'aan in the 2nd Sura, al-Baqarah
(the Cow) in Verse 49, He says,

(The people of Pharaoh) slaughtered your sons and let your
daughters live;

Here the word Nisaa is used for daughters. Pharaoh used leave alive
the newborn daughters of the Children of Israel (Israel is another name
for the Prophet Jacob ), but he slaughtered their newborn sons. So in
the 3rd Sura al-i-Imraan: Verse 61, Nisaa should be translated as
daughters because, like in the 2nd Sura, al-Baqarah: Verse 49, it is


preceded by, abnaaakum that means sons. Those that are against certain
companions are of the view that the Holy Prophet  had only one
daughter, Hazrath Fatimah . They dont accept that the Holy Prophet
 had four daughters. This displays their ignorance, for it is written in
very prominent books, from their school of thought, that the Holy
Prophet  had four daughters. They also say that there were four
daughters, but four were not conceived from the Holy Prophet , but
were from the first husband of Hazrath Khadijah . This is also a false
statement; a display of ignorance for it is written in famous books of their
school of thought that after the Holy Prophet  married Hazrath
Khadijah  six children were born of this marriage, four daughters and
two sons. One son was also born of Hazrath Maria  the Copt, the other
wife of the Holy Prophet . So our belief is that the Holy Prophet  had
four daughters. This can also be verified from the Holy Qur'aan, Ahadith,
historical records and also the books of those who dont accept. The
principal proof for us is the Holy Qur'aan. Allah  says in the 33rd Sura,
al-Ahzaab (the Confederates) , Verse 59 of the Holy Quraan:

O My Beloved Prophet ! Tell your wives and your daughters,
and the believing women,

If the Holy Prophet  only had one daughter then the word banaat
would not be used in this verse, for banaat (daughters) is the jama
plural of bint (daughter). In Arabic the jama plural is used for three
or more. So the word banaat proves that the Holy Prophet  had
four daughters. They, who subscribe to the view that the view that the
Holy Prophet  had only one daughter, are in the habit of rejecting four
and accepting one. We say the Holy Prophet  had four caliphs, Hazrath
Abu Bakr Siddique , Hazrath Umar Faruq , Hazrath Uthman Gani
 and Hazrath Ali , the Lion of Allah , but they only accept Hazrath
Ali . They say that if the Holy Prophet  had four daughters, then why
he did not take all of them to the Mubaahila, only taking Hazrath Fatimah
. They, who pose such objections, are ignorant because the Mubaahila
took place in 9 A.H., shortly before the passing of the Holy Prophet ,


The Pure Household

and at that stage, three of the daughters of the Holy Prophet  had
passed away.
Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  were the sons of the Holy
Prophet  for ones grandsons are ones sons. On many occasions the
Holy Prophet  referred to them as his sons and I have quoted the
hadith in this book. The son-in-law is also in the category of son. So
Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  satisfy the
condition of bringing ones sons (abnaa). Hazrath Fatimah  satisfies
the condition of bringing ones daughter (Nisaa) and the Holy Prophet 
presence satisfied the condition of bringing ones self (wa anfusana).
Those that oppose certain companions say that the Holy Prophet  did
not take his Companions (sahaaba) to the Mubaahila including Hazrath
Abu Bakr Siddique , Hazrath Umar Faruq , Hazrath Uthman Gani
, presenting a blasphemous argument, that they possessed no merit.
Hazrath Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti  has written in the commentary of the
Holy Qur'aan (tafsir Durre Mansoor) transmitting the narration of the
Imam of The Household of the Holy Prophet , (ahl al-Bayt) Hazrath
Imam Muhammad Baqir , the son of Imam Zain ul-Aberdeen ,
grandson of Imam Husayn , that Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique ,
Hazrath Umar Faruq , Hazrath Uthman Gani  and their sons 
accompanied the Holy Prophet  to the Mubaahila. However if anyone
does not respect this narration, then I say that if Allah  said:
O My Beloved! Bring your sons, daughters and yourself

Then how could the Holy Prophet  take any other in defiance of the
Divine Order?
Also, one may ask as to why Allah  did not order that the companions
be taken to the Mubaahila? There was great wisdom in this. Those who
pose objections dont pay attention to this. I will explain this wisdom
using a parable. If I had to enter into a contest of Mubaahila with
someone and I take a few friends with me, disciples, friends, etc. and I
pray to Allah  that if I am on falsehood, then they must be killed and if
they do die what personal loss is it to me? I am capable of befriending
others and initiating more disciples. On the other hand, if I am to lose
my daughter, son and son-in-law through whom my progeny is to


continue, then I would only take them if I were sure of my being on the
true path. Therefore the order of Allah  sets a precedent for any future
Mubaahila ensuring that only the truthful would partake in one.
In the ten years that the Holy Prophet  spent in Madinah, about eighty
battles were fought. The Holy Prophet  took his companions to all
these battles and only Hazrath Ali , from the Ahl al--Kisa for, when the
Holy Prophet  passed away Hazrath Imam Hasan  was just over 7
years old and Imam Husayn  was just over 6 years old. They were
children and they never fought in any battle alongside the Holy Prophet
. Just as their not accompanying the Holy Prophet  in any battle is not
grounds for disgrace or condemnation, so are the companions not
accompanying the Holy Prophet  to the Mubaahila not grounds for
disgrace or condemnation.

Feeding, For the Love of Allah , the Destitute, the Orphan,

And the Captive
One day the Holy Prophet  visited his daughter, Bibi Fatimah  and
found that both Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  were sick
and running a high temperature. Whenever the Holy Prophet  visited
he called for his two grandsons. He used to take both of them in his lap,
embrace them and shower great love on them. On this occasion he was
told that they had a high fever and were unwell. A companion advised
Hazrath Ali  to take some vow (mannat) that Allah  should cure them,
and ensure that the vow was fulfilled. Hazrath Ali  explained to the
Holy Prophet  that his sons were sick for three days and if Allah 
would cure them then he would keep three fasts to fulfil his vow. Hazrath
Fatimah  said that she too would keep three fasts. Both of them had
vowed to keep three fasts. Through the grace of Allah , by nightfall
both children recovered. Hazrath Ali  reminded Hazrath Fatimah 
that they should fulfil their vow. Seeing both parents preparing to fast,
the cured blessed children, Hazrath Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn
 said they would also keep the fast.
Hazrath Ali  went out looking for some work to earn his living, but
could not acquire any. Hazrath Ali  obtained some barley on credit
from a Jew, Shamoon, who lived in Madinah. Hazrath Fatimah 


The Pure Household

prepared a third of the food for breaking their fast. A few minutes before,
the time of breaking the fast (iftaar), a destitute (miskeen), greeted from the
door way:
Peace be upon you O Members of the Household of
Muhammad! (As-Salaamu alaikum, Ya ahle baite Muhammad), I
am in need, feed me from the provision provided by Allah ,
so that Allah  may feed you of the provisions of Heaven.

Hazrath Fatimah  told Hazrath Ali  that they had only not eaten since
sunrise and only Allah  knows how long this poor soul had not eaten.
She took all the food and gave it to the destitute (miskeen). The blessed
Members of the Household of the Holy Prophet  broke their fast with
dates and water. The next day, the family kept the second fast and again
Hazrath Fatimah  prepared the second third portion of the barley.
Again, a few minutes before, the time of breaking the fast (iftaar), an
orphan (yateem), greeted from the door way:
Peace be upon you O Members of the Household of
Muhammad! (As-Salaamu alaikum, Ya ahle baite Muhammad), I
am an orphan, feed me from the provision provided by Allah
, so that Allah  may feed you of the provisions of Heaven.

Hazrath Fatimah , hearing the word orphan, was so touched, that she
asked Hazrath Imam Hasan , to give all the food to the orphan. Once
again, the family broke their fast with dates and water. The next day, the
family kept the third fast and again Hazrath Fatimah  prepared the last
portion of the barley. Once again a few minutes before, the time of
breaking the fast (iftaar), a slave (aseer), greeted from the door way:
Peace be upon you O Members of the Household of
Muhammad! (As-Salaamu alaikum, Ya ahle baite Muhammad), I
am a slave, feed me from the provision provided by Allah , so
that Allah  may feed you of the provisions of Heaven.

The food was given to the slave and the family broke their fast with dates
and water. The next day, the Holy Prophet  visited them after the early
Morning Prayer (salaat ul fajr) and enquired as to their well being from his
daughter Bibi Fatimah . She replied that they were well with the grace
of Allah . The Holy Prophet  said to his beloved daughter that she
was looking pale, and her speech was slurred. He wanted to know what


the matter was. She explained the circumstances of the previous three
days and said that it was the fourth day that they were hungry. The Holy
Prophet  said that those that forsake their hunger and feed others were
blessed by Allah  and are of a high status. As the Holy Prophet  was
saying this, the angel Hazrath Jibraeel  appeared and transmitted
verses of the Holy Qur'aan that illustrated the virtues of the Household of
the Holy Prophet .
Allah  says in the 76th Sura, al-Insn (Man), / verses 7 and 8:

They fulfil their vows, and they fear a Day whose evil flies far
and wide. And they feed, for the love of Allah , the destitute,
the orphan, and the captive,

And after feeding the destitute, the orphan, and the captive, they say as
mentioned in the next verse, verse 9:

We feed you for the sake of Allah  alone: no reward do we
desire from you, nor thanks.

These verses were revealed in the praise of the Household of the Holy
Prophet . Some saints have written that on those three days it was
Hazrath Jibraeel  who came to the door of Bibi Fatimah  as the
destitute, the orphan, and the slave. Here we learn an important lesson
that at the door of Hazrath Fatimah , even Hazrath Jibraeel  comes
as a destitute. Ponder as to what a status the Purified Household of the
Holy Prophet  occupies.


Abu Talib 

There is a difference of opinion within the Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah

whether Abu Talib accepted Islam or not. The majority of
the scholars say that he did not, whilst there are also a minority who say
that he accepted Islam. Other scholars and Sufis say that the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  was blessed to bring him into the fold of Islam
after his death.

Khwaja Gesu Daraz Banda Nawaaz 

Hazrath Khwaja Banda Nawaaz    @

  (July 13, 1321 -November
1, 1422)175 of the Chishti Nizami Sufi Order is recorded to have said
during a discourse on companionship (suhba) in one of his discourses
recorded in Jawami al-Kalam:
The same questioner asked:
If there is effect in companionship, (suhba) then Abu Jahal
should have been affected?
Hazrath Makhdoom [Banda Nawaaz] replied:
When did Abu Jahl ever keep company with the Prophet of
Then the questioner asked if Abu Talib was affected by the
companionship of the Holy Prophet .
Hazrath answered:
Yes! Hazrath Abu Talib was affected to such an extent that we
cannot even estimate the effect. He affirmed the truth of Holy
Prophet  and the deen of Islam, he even wrote poetry on this
aspect. He helped the Holy Prophet  in dawah. On his
strength and support the Holy Prophet  gave the call to Islam
in Makkah for thirteen years. As long as Abu Talib was alive,
not one of the kufaar of Quraysh had the courage to openly
trouble the Holy Prophet . In Tafsir umm al Maani, it is
written that on the occasion of the farewell pilgrimage, the
Holy Prophet  sent Ali  on an errand and when Ali
returned the Holy Prophet  asked him if he had heard about
how charismatically generous (karamat) Allah  had been
with him [the Holy Prophet ] last night. Hazrath Ali 
replied that he had not heard anything. The Holy Prophet 


said, Last night I asked Allah to forgive any transgression of

my mother, father and Abu Talib. Allah  ordered that it was
His decision that whosoever dies without affirming His
oneness, my prophethood and did not reject idolatry cannot be
allowed to enter paradise and thus cannot be freed from hell.
He then ordered me to go to a certain high place and call my
mother, father and Abu Talib and they would be brought to
life and come to me. He asked me to invite them to the deen of
Islam and they will accept and thus He will forgive them. I did
as He had ordered, went to that high place and called out, O
Mother, O Father, and O Uncle. The Three of them came to
me and I told them, Now I am sure that you know the reality
that I am the Prophet of Allah and Allah  is one and
idolatry is falsehood. They affirmed that they are aware of the
reality and it has become manifestly clear to them that Allah 
is one, idolatry is falsehood and I am the Messenger of Allah.
Allah  forgave them and in a state if elation they went back
to their graves. Hazrath continued, I only read of this incident
in this book and no other, this forgiveness is exclusively for
these people, it alludes to the lofty status of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad .

Abu Talib 
Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib ( 549 619 CE) was the
head of the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , the Banu
Hashim. He was married to Hazrath Fatima bint Asad  and was an
uncle of the Holy Prophet . He is known as Abu Talib  because he
had a son named Talib. Abu Talib  raised and supported the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  since the Holy Prophet  was eight years old,
after his parents and grandfather had died. Abu Talib  is the son of
Abdul Muttalib and Fatimah bint Amr, one of many children of Abdul
Muttalib but a full brother of the Holy Prophet s father, Abdullah ibn
Abdul Muttalib, who became severely ill and died before the Holy
Prophet Muhammad 's birth. He was a young rich and important family
member of the noble Banu Hashim. As such, he had a high status and
much respect among the Makkans. He owned a prosperous trading
business. After the death of the Holy Prophet 's mother Amina bint
Wahab , Muhammad  was taken into the care of Abdul Muttalib
(father to Abu Talib, grandfather to Muhammad ). When Muhammad


Abu Talib 
 reached 8 years of age, he went under the care of Abu Talib  as a
result of the death of Abdul Muttalib. When Muhammad  grew older,
he began to work for his uncle, and he took responsibility for Abu Talib
s son Ali ibn Abu Talib . When an economic crisis struck Makkah,
Abu Talib  was heavily affected, and so the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 asked his uncles Hamza  and Al-Abbas  to help Abu Talib  by
taking care of some of his children. They discussed this matter with Abu
Talib , who said to them:
Leave Aqeel to me and take whoever you want!

Abu Talib  loved Aqeel greatly. Al-Abbas  chose Talib and Hamza 
chose Jaafar and the Holy Prophet Muhammad  chose Ali . The Holy
Prophet Muhammad  then said to them:
I have chosen who Allah  has chosen

Invitation to Islam

Three years had passed since the Holy Prophet Muhammad  received
the first revelation before Allah  ordered him to publicize it by
revealing to him the verse of the Holy Qur'aan in the 26th Sura ashShuara (the Poets) in verse 214:

And, (O Esteemed Beloved,) warn your close relatives

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  was ordered by Allah  to announce

his being a prophet and Islam at the age of forty. This does not mean he
was not a prophet before he was ordered to announce his being a
prophet. At this point I would like to clear the misconception in this age
of mischief that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  only became a Prophet
at the age of forty. It is stated in hadith:

: :
. :
Hazrath Abu Hurraira  narrates that the companions asked.
O Messenger of Allah ! When was Prophethood bestowed
on you? The Holy Prophet Muhammad  replied, (I was a
prophet) when the creation of Adam was still between spirit


and body (meaning before his soul and body was even
[Al-Mubaarakpuri the commentary of At-Tirmidhi chapter: 'The virtues of the Prophet , vol.

Hazrath Maisarah  narrates: I asked the Holy Prophet 
since when were you a prophet? He  replied: " (I was a
Prophet) When Adam s creation was still passing through
the stage of being between the soul and sand " i.e. I was already
a Prophet before Hazrath Adam  was even created.
[This Hadith has been recorded by Imam Bukhari  in his book al-Tarikh.]
[Insha-Allah , this topic will be dealt with in detail in my forthcoming
book on the Holy Prophet Muhammad ]

So, the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was ordered by Allah  to

announce his Islam to his household. Allah  says in the Holy Qur'aan
in the 26th Sura ash-Shuar (the Poets) in verse 214:

And, (O Esteemed Beloved,) warn your close relatives

The word close relatives is also used in the in the 42nd Sura, ash-Shr
(the Consultation) in verse 23.

Say: I do not ask for any recompense for this (preaching the
faith in Allah  and His Messenger  but love for my) family
and (thereby you will attain Allah s and my love and

So when Allah  gave the order to announce that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  is a prophet and to call his near relatives to Islam and
Tauhid he assembled the chiefs of Quraysh, his tribe, at Mount Safa. He
had asked them if he informs them that an army is approaching from
behind the mountain will they believe him. The replied in the affirmative
saying that he was the most honest and truthful man they knew thus they
would believe him without seeing. This is also a lesson for those having
the zeal to propagate Islam, that the pre-requisite is honesty and
truthfulness. So when he called them to worship the One Unseen God,


Abu Talib 
it caused uproar. Those who were blessed accepted but many rejected.
Amongst the rejecters and objectors was his uncle, Abu Lahab. After the
people dispersed the Holy Prophet Muhammad  went home.
In the Blessed Household was his cousin, the young Ali ibn Abu Talib
. There is a difference of opinion regarding Hazrath Ali s age at
that stage. It is recorded that he was between 9 to 12 years old. Hazrath
Ali , naturally at this young age lived with his father Hazrath Abu
Talib . The Holy Prophet Muhammad  ordered Hazrath Ali  to
invite the chiefs of Quraysh to his Hazrath Abu Talib s home for a
meal so that he may once more invite them to Islam and Tauhid. Imam
Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (224AH/310AH)177 ;
Imam al-Bayhaqi178, [ 384 AH/994 CE to 458 AH/1066 CE]; Imam
Ibn al-Athr al-Jazari 179( 1233/1160 CE-606 A.H) ; Imam
Ismail ibn Kathir (701AH/774AH); Imam Ibn Asakir180 ( 499571A.H / 1175-1106 CE) and many other Muhaddithin181 have narrated
this incident.

This first house of dawah

Hazrath Ali  arranged a banquet and invited all the chiefs of Quraysh
to his father Hazrath Abu Talib s home for a meal. There were about
forty men invited including Hamza, al-`Abbas and Abu-Lahab. The point
to ponder upon is: This was the home of Hazrath Abu Talib  and he
was the first host to prepare a gathering to invite to Islam and Tauhid.
This first house of dawah is the home of Hazrath Abu Talib , who
prepared the meal and made all the arrangements at his own expense.
Has a special importance and unique grace in the history of Islam. Dar-eAbu Talib was the first centre to call people to Islam. Dar-e-Arqam later
became the educational institute of the Muslim Society as the basic
school of Islamic thought, established at the residence of Hazrath Zayd
Bin Arqam  where lessons were given secretly, with a view to build the
character of the people coming into the circle of Islam.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad  went to the gathering, Hazrath Abu
Talib , respectfully seated his guests, laid out the meal and requested
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to give his message. The Holy Prophet


Muhammad  gave an entire lecture calling the people to Islam and

Tauhid, under the patronage of Hazrath Abu Talib . This gathering
took place over three nights. Imam Ibn al-Athr Jazaree (606 A.H) in alKamil fi at-tarikh The Complete History - and Imam
Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (224AH/310AH) record that at the end of
the three day session Hazrath Abu Talib  stood up and addressing the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:
My beloved nephew Muhammad  after listening to you for
three days, I have accepted your advice and I would love to
assist you and herby announce my acceptance. Go on what
Allah s ordered you. By Allah , I'll support and protect

Our Master and the Master of the Universe the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  looked at his uncle respectfully. He felt strong as long as
the apparent Master of Makkah was with him. Is this not proof of the
acceptance of Hazrath Abu Talib s invite to Islam and Tauhid? Thus
some adherents to the School of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah accept
Hazrath Abu Talib  is the first adult male to accept Islam whilst others
dispute he ever converted.

Imam Abu Hanafi 

In Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) personally I follow the School of Imam
Abu Hanafi . Love compels me to believe that Imam Abu Hanifa182 
( 80 AH 148 AH) is known as Imaam-e-Aazam- the greatest Imam
of all the Imams of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) in the School of Ahl asSunnah wal-Jamaah because he is the student of the lineage of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad , Imam Ali ibn Husayn a.k.a Imam
Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir183  ( 676-743 CE / 1 Rajab
57 AH 7 Dhul al-Hijjah 114 AH) and his illustrious son Imam Jafar alSadiq ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayn184  ( 702-765 CE/
83148 AH). This fact has been confirmed by Ibn Hajar al Makki  in
his Sawaiq al Muhriqa, Allamah Shiblinji  in his Nur al Absar, Abdul
Haleem Jindi  and Muhaqiq Abu Zohra  and various other
Muhaddithin and Ulama. According to Abdul Haleem Jindi, Imam Abu
Hanafi  stated:


Abu Talib 

If I had not sat at the feet of Imam Muhammad ibn Al alBaqir  and his illustrious son Imam Jaafar al-Sdiq for two
years I would have been spiritually dead185

Allama Shibli Numani in his book Sirat un Numan, states:

Abu Hanifa sat for a long time at Imam Baqar's feet and
acquired from him much valuable knowledge of Fiqh and
Hadith not available anywhere else. Shia and Sunnis are agreed
that Abu Hanifa derived much of his learning from Baqar. He
learned a great deal from the Imam's son, Jaafar al-Sadiq also,
which fact is generally mentioned in the history books. Ibn
Taymiyyah, however, denies this on the ground that Abu
Hanifa and Jaafar al-Sadiq were contemporaries and equals,
which ruled out the probability of the former being the latter's
pupil. But I consider this sheer imprudence and lack of
comprehension on Ibn Tamiyah's part. For all his greatness as
an original thinker and master of fiqh, Abu Hanifa could not
compare in learning with Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq. The Ahl al-Bayt
were the fountainhead of Fiqh and Hadith and, in fact, all
religious learning to quote a well-known Arabic saying":
"The master of the house knows best what is in it"

Use the term Imam for Ahl al-Bayt

The Imams of Ahl al-Bayt belong to that Household that distributes
bounties and leadership in all fields of knowledge. Are we the Ahl asSunnah wal-Jamaah afraid to use the term Imam for the Ahl al-Bayt fearing
our contemporaries will brand us Shia? There are also some so-called
Sunni Scholars, tilting towards Wahabism because of getting
misinformed through media and some freely distributed literature in
their territories. However, true Sunnis, which are much more in number,
love Ahl al- Bayt and the twelve Imams of Muslims. My great-grandfather,
Hazrath Soofie Sahib  advocated this love of the twelve Imams (Bara
Imam). The older generation will remember that in every Muharram
commemoration we used the means (wasila) of these Imams in our
supplications and we still do. It is reported that Imam al-Shafii  (150
AH- 204 AH) 186 was accused of being a Rafidi187


Shia. Outraged by such a cheap accusation, he defiantly read a verse of

poetry which is paraphrased as follows:

If being Rafidi is love for the Household of Muhammad ,
then let all mankind and jinn testify that I am Rafidi

This Elegy (Marthiya) of Imam al-Shafi'i introduces his declaration of love

for the House of the Prophet overall. Imam Shafi'i said:
My heart sighed, for my innermost being was in dejection;
Sleep no longer came, and sleeplessness was bewildering.
O who shall be the bearer of a message from me to Husayn?
(Though the hearts and minds of some may disapprove!)
Slaughtered, though without sin himself,
His shirt as if dyed through with crimson.
Now the sword itself wails, and the spear shrieks,
And the horse which once only whinnied, laments.
The world quaked for the sake of the Family of Muhammad;
For their sake, the solid mountains might have melted away.
Heavenly bodies sunk, the stars trembled,
Oh veils were torn, and breasts were rent!
He who asks blessing for the one sent from the Tribe of
But attacks his sons; truly, that is strange!
And if my sin is love of the Family of Muhammad:
Then that is a sin which I do not repent.188

Hazrath Abu Talib  prays through the means of the Holy

Prophet Muhammad 
The first two personalities to bear witness to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad s Prophethood in his infancy were his grandfather
Hazrath Abdul Mutallib  and his Uncle Hazrath Abu Talib .
Jalaluddeen Al-Suyuti189 ( 849 AH /14451505 CE) in


Abu Talib 
Khasais al-Kubra190; Imam Al- Qastallani 191 (851 AH/ 1448
CE|923AH/1517 CE) in his famous commentary of Sahih Bukhari, Fath
ul-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari or Fathul Bari [Grant of the Creator]192,
Imam Ali ibn Burhanuddin al-Halabi as-Shafei193 and many of the great
Muhaddithin, Imams, Ulama and historians have recorded the following
There was a drought in Makkah, for two years, when the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  was an infant (in his human status). It
was as if the earth and the heavens withheld their blessings
from them. The narrator says that when he reached the Holy
Kaaba the people of Makkah were praying for rain and he
joined the prayer. The people were invoking their idols to assist
them. Their prayers were of no avail and somebody suggested
that they go to Hazrath Abu Talib . The narrator and the
nobles of Makkah went to Hazrath Abu Talib  to request
him to pray. They came to Abu Talib  with tears in their
eyes and requested him earnestly to pray to Allah  for rains.
Abu Talib  asked them to wait for the sun to set and the
wind to subside. When the sun set and the wind to subsided;
Hazrath Abu Talib  held the hand of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , who was then a young boy, and leaned on the
wall of the Kaaba and raising his head towards the sky, said:
"O Lord! Send rains for the sake of this young boy (pointing
towards the Holy Prophet ) and favor us with your unlimited

Abu Talib  believed so much in the spirituality and purity of the Holy
Prophet  that at the time of drought he took him to invoke Allah 
in the name of his proximity to Him and requested for rains for the
afflicted people, and his prayer was granted by the Almighty.
A point to note is that people were invoking their idols but Hazrath Abu
Talib  took the Holy Prophet Muhammad  with him. So Hazrath Abu
Talib  must have had a motive to take the Holy Prophet Muhammad
, who was about two years old at the time with him. If Hazrath Abu
Talib  recognised the status of the Holy Prophet  in two years, how
much more must he have known when the Holy Prophet  announced
Prophethood at the age of forty?


The historians write unanimously that Hazrath Abu Talib 

carried the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and leaned against the
wall of the Holy Kaaba. He prayed to Allah  for rains when
there was not a single patch of cloud on the sky, but a cloud
then appeared immediately from the horizon. Hazrath Abu
Talib  then raised his hands and prayed three times as
"O Lord! Send rains for the sake of this young boy (pointing
towards the Holy Prophet ) and favor us with your unlimited
It is stated that before Hazrath Abu Talib  could lower his
hands, a part of the cloud spread in the sky above Makkah and
the places round it. Thunder and lightening created great
noise. All the places were flooded with water and everyone was
happy. It rained so much that the Sahaba narrated they were
afraid that the houses may collapse. "194

Abu Talib  wrote poetry praising the Holy Prophet 

Hazrath Abu Talib , who was also a poet, on seeing this great blessing
and miracle (ilhaas), recited two couplets in praise of the infant Holy
Prophet Muhammad . These poetic verses have been recorded by Imam
Bukhari in his Sahih Bukhari:

Volume 2, Book 17, Number 122:
(By Dr. Muhammad Mushin Khan):

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Dinar:

My father said, "I heard Ibn 'Umar reciting the poetic verses of
Abu Talib: And a white (person) (i.e. the Holy Prophet
Muhammad ) who is requested to pray for rain and who
takes care of the orphans and is the guardian of widows."
Salim's father (Ibn 'Umar) said, "The following poetic verse


Abu Talib 
occurred to my mind while I was looking at the face of the
Prophet  while he was praying for rain. He did not get down
till the rain water flowed profusely from every roof and gutter:
And a white (person) who is requested to pray for rain and who
takes care of the orphans and is the guardian of widows . . .
And these were the words of Abu Talib


[Bukhari, Volume 2, The Book of Al-Istisqaa Invoking Allah for

Rain (Istisqaa), p.84, Hadith No: 1008 and 1009]


Narrated 'Abdullah bin Dinar 
My father said, "I heard Ibn 'Umar reciting the poetic verses of
Abu Talib:
A Fair-skinned (i.e. white or illumined) one by whose face rainclouds are sought; a caretaker of orphans and protector of
"Salim's father (Ibn 'Umar) said, "The following poetic verse
occurred to my mind while I was looking at the face of the
Holy Prophet  while he was praying for rain. He did not get
down till the rain water flowed profusely from every roof
gutter: And a white (i.e. white or illumined) by whose face rain
is sought and who takes care of the orphans and is the guardian
of widows.

Note that in his translation of this hadith in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad

Muhsin Khan alters the wording of the hadith to read:

"A white person who is requested to pray for rain"

In place of
"by whose illumined face rain is sought."

This is tahrif i.e. textual and semantic manipulation of the most

important source in Islam after the Quraan. It is clear from the bold
Arabic that is translated as "by whose face". But Muhsin Khan has
failed to translate the word altogether. May Allah  protect the Ummah
from this fitna and protect us from that which your beloved Holy Prophet
Muhammad  feared for his Ummah.


Thereafter an entire Poem called Qasida Laamia was composed by

Hazrath Abu Talib , which has over one hundred verses in praise of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  and also contains these verses which are
mentioned in Sahih Bukhari. Hazrath Abu Talib s poetry is collated in
a book called Diwaan-e-Abu Talib. These are some of the

O Beautiful illumined fair one! Your countenance and being is

so blessed that we receive rain from the clouds due to its
You are the one that (unique pearl) that takes care of the
orphans and widows needs

The hungry, thirsty tormented children of Hashim always keep
you close because you are the possessor of Benevolence and
bounty and gift (fadl), and The Grace and Mercy of Allah 

And a few verses were said after the announcement of Prophethood since
this Qasida Laamia was composed over a long period of time:

Those who deny my beloved Muhammad ,
I swear by the Blessed House of Allah 
You have erred by choosing to oppose us;
Thinking we will abandon him.
No! Up to now we have used our tongues,
Wait till we use arms to protect out son


Abu Talib 
Hazrath Abu Talib  is using the means (tawassul) of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , to invoke Allah , whilst standing next to the Holy
Kaaba filled with 360 idols. This is proof of him being a Unitarian and
his acknowledgment of the status of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
There is another Hadith in Sahih Bukhari which speaks of a drought in
Madinah that occurred long after the passing away of Hazrath Abu Talib
 which has an extensive commentary by Imam al-Asqalani195 [773 AH/
852 AH] in his famous commentary of Sahih Bukhari, Fath ul-Bari fi Sharh
Sahih al-Bukhari or Fathul Bari [Grant of the Creator]; Imam ibn Abd alBarr196 ( 978 CE in 1071CE) in his Al-Tamhd lim fl-Muwatta' min
al-Ma`n wal-Asnd (The Facilitation to the Meanings and Chains of
Transmission Found in Mlik's Muwatta) and also by many other

." "

Narrated Sharik: Anas bin Malik  said:
A person entered the Masjid on a Friday through the gate
facing the Daril-Qada and the Messenger of Allah  was
standing delivering the Khutbah (sermon). The man stood in
front of the Messenger of Allah  and said, 'O Messenger of


Allah , livestock are dying and the roads are cut off; please
pray to Allah  for rain.' So the Messenger of Allah raised
both his hands and said:
O Allah! Bless us with rain. O Allah! Bless us with rain. O
Allah! Bless us with rain!
Anas added:
"By Allah , there were no clouds in the sky and there was no
house or building between us and the mountain of Silas'. Then
a big cloud like a shield appeared from behind it (i.e. Silas
Mountain) and when it came in the middle of the sky, it spread
and then rained. By Allah ! We could not see the sun for a
week. The next Friday, a person entered through the same gate
and the Messenger of Allah  was delivering the Friday
Khutbah and the man stood in front of him and said, 'O
Messenger of Allah ! The livestock are dying and the roads
are cut off; please pray to Allah  to withhold rain. Anas
added, the Messenger of Allah raised both his hands and
O Allah ! Round about us and not on us. O Allah ! On
the plateaus, on the mountains, on the hills, in the valleys and
on the places where trees grow.
Anas added:
The rain stopped and we came out, walking in the sun.
Sharik asked Anas whether it was the same person who had
asked for rain the previous Friday. Anas replied that he did not
[Bukhari, Volume 2, The Book of Al-Istisqaa Invoking Allah for
Rain (Istisqaa), p.88, Hadith No: 1015]

Through the supplication of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , it rained

continuously for eight days, that the following Jumuah they had to
request the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to pray to Allah  to stop the
rain. In another version it says the Holy Prophet Muhammad  pointed
to the clouds and said:

O Allah ! (Let it rain) Round about us and not on us


Abu Talib 
The entire creation is under his subjugation. The Sahaba reported that as
his finger moved the clouds moved away and within the city the rain
stopped. Imam Al-Tabarani197 [(260 AH (821 CE) 360 AH (918 CE)] and
Imam al-Asqalani[ 773 AH/ 852 AH] commenting on this
hadith by quoting another hadith, say that after the clouds moved away,
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  became jubilant. Remember that this
incident occurred in Madinah long after the passing away of Hazrath Abu
Talib . The Holy Prophet Muhammad  in his elation smiled so
profusely that his beautiful teeth could be seen and he said:
If my uncle Abu Talib was alive today, this scene would have
brought coolness to his eyes

Ponder who does one think of on such a happy occasion? Does one think
of a disbeliever? He could have mentioned his parents or his wife Hazrath
Khadijah . My love compels me to believe that he remembered the
occasion when his uncle Hazrath Abu Talib  took him to the Holy
Kaaba and used the means of his (the Holy Prophet s) beautiful,
illumined face to invoke Allah  for rain. Thereafter the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  asked if there was anyone present who could recite the
poetic verses of Hazrath Abu Talib  that he had recited during his
childhood. Hazrath Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib  and many other
companions stood up. Hazrath Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib  said:
O Master! It seems as if you want to hear that poetic verse that
he recited during the drought in Makkah:

O Beautiful illumined fair one! Your countenance and being is
so blessed that we receive rain from the clouds due to its

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  replied in the affirmative and Hazrath

Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib  recited those verses.
Khalifat-Allah actualized

Some may think that these are fictitious stories. No! This is Islam and this
is the Holy Prophet Muhammad  acting in his capacity as KhalifatAllah198 actualised par-excellence. This ability is passed onto the Noble


Household and the Intimates of Allah . The goal of Islam is not to

grope in the dark. The Holy Quraan describes the function of man in
45th Sura, al-Jthiyah (the Kneeling) in verse 13:

Allah  has made subservient to you whatever is in the
heavens and the earth

The goal is to imbue ourselves with Divine Attributes- to become KhalifatAllah actualized then the natural function is interference. This
interference by man is possible on the lower level of physical science and
at the higher level of spiritual science or spirituality. The Khalifat-Allah as
one totally submitted to Allah  can do greater wonders than the
physical scientist. Thus one who doubts that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , the Noble Household and the Intimates of Allah  can
intercede on our behalf to Allah  and assist us should carefully rethink
their belief?
Many of these incidents occurred in this era by humble followers of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad . In 1970 Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur
Rahman Ansari 199 (1914-1974 CE) in a lecture delivered in South
Africa mentioned about his Spiritual Guide Maulana Abd al-Aleem
Siddiqui :
[Quote]We may think that these are stories of the past. If these
facts of history are fiction then all history is fiction. Let me tell
you about Maulana Abd al-Aleem Siddique . I was with him
on our world tour during 1950 and we visited the capital of the
Philippines, Qutabatu. A function was to be held on an open
square scheduled to begin after Maghrib. After Dhuhr, dark
clouds appeared and by Asr, conditions worsened with signs of
a big storm. After Asr, I mentioned to my teacher about the
dark clouds and the rolling thunder and the pending storm,
and he replied: "My dear son, why are you worried? We have
come here to deliver the message of God - the rain is sent by
God, the earth belongs to God and the human beings are
creatures of God, and if He wants me to deliver the message it
will be done." After Maghrib we went to the open plain, where a
huge crowd was waiting. The governor was the chairman and


Abu Talib 
the chief justice (a Roman Catholic) was also there. His
Eminence, Maulana, just began to deliver his talk when huge
drops of rain started to fall. The huge crowd started to get up
in order to flee to their homes, when Maulana 'Abd al-'Aleem
Siddique  said: "My dear friends don't be worried, the rain is
going to stop right now." The rain stopped. Maulana 'Abd al'Aleem Siddique  reassured them that "It will not rain for as
long as this function is on." However, after the function is over
you will have ten minutes to get to your homes, and then a very
big storm will come." Not one drop of rain fell after the
announcement and Maulana delivered one of his finest
lectures - in an utmost carefree manner and spoke for about
one and half hours. The rumbling and thunder was there all
the time. Then the chairman gave the vote of thanks. When
the function was over, the people rushed to the platform in
order to shake hands with Maulana, who again and said: My
dear friends, you were running away from here earlier and
don't you see what is happening in the sky? Please, for God's
sake, you have ten minutes to get to your homes and I am
going to my hotel. Exactly ten minutes later the storm came
and the following morning, the water in the roads was about
two metres high. Thousands of those who were Catholics
became Muslim. This happened in 1950! This is Khalifat-Allah
and this is Islam! [Unquote]

So Hazrath Abu Talib  uses the means (tawassul) of the, two year old,
Holy Prophet Muhammad , to invoke Allah , whilst standing next to
the Holy Kaaba filled with 360 idols. Can there be any greater proof that
Hazrath Abu Talib  believed in the spirituality and purity of the Holy
Prophet ?

Buhaira recognizes the Holy Prophet Muhammad 

At a later stage when the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was between 9 to
12 years old, the Holy Prophet Muhammad s, grandfather Abdul
Mutallib had passed away, and Hazrath Abu Talib  held the prestigious
position in the society of being the caretaker (mutawalli) of the Holy
Kaaba. Hazrath Abu Talib  was leading a trade caravan to Syria
accompanied by the Holy Prophet Muhammad . The incident is
recorded in the collection of Imam Tirmidhi200 (209 AH - 279 AH), Jaami
al-Tirmidhi201 , popularly called Sunan al-Tirmidhi . When


the caravan reached Busra in Syria, it broke the journey for a short stay
and while there, they met a monk by the name of Buhaira202 who lived in
his cell. Hazrath Salman Farsi  had been a student of Buhaira. Having
heard from his teacher of the coming of the final prophet, the Beloved of
Allah , Hazrath Salman Farsi  had become a lover of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  before his conversion. Thus he migrated to
Madinah to await the arrival of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
Buhaira came out against his practice, to welcome the merchants and
took hold of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s hand and said:
This is the leader of the Universe, the Messenger of the Lord of
the Universe who has been sent as a Mercy to the Universe

Hazrath Abu Talib  listens to all this together with other chiefs of the
Quraysh Tribe. They asked Buhaira that on what grounds he is making
these statements and what is the source of his information. Buhaira said:
I have seen (through my al-firasat al-imaniyya203) that every stone
and tree he passed by prostrated out of reverence to him. It is
reported in Divinely Revealed scriptures that stones and trees
dont prostrate out of reverence for any created being except a
Prophet. This is the lat Prophet, as prophesized in the Divinely
Revealed scriptures.

Bahira then advised Abu Talib :

Return to your home with this youth and guard him from the
Jews; for great dignity awaits your nephew.

It is recorded that as he said this eight Jews appeared. Buhaira asked them
as to why they had come? They said that their great scholars and divines
had told them that Muhammad  had been born and he is at this time
on a journey to Syria and we have come out to search for him and arrest
him. Again Buhaira advised Abu Talib :
Return to your home, dont go to Syria, with this youth and
guard him from the Jews; for great dignity awaits your nephew.

Buhaira made a great feast for them. It is recorded by numerous

historians that after the feast Hazrath Abu Talib  called Hazrath Abu
Bakr Siddique  and Hazrath Bilaal  and asked them to take the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  back to Makkah. So through the actions of
Hazrath Abu Talib  one can see that he had accepted the statement of
Buhaira that the Holy Prophet Muhammad  is the Leader of the


Abu Talib 
Universe, the Messenger of the Lord of the Universe who has been sent
as a Mercy to the Universe. Is this not proof of Hazrath Abu Talib 
being a believer?
Both Ibn Saad204 [168AH/784CE/ 230AH/845CE] and Imam
Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (224AH/310AH) write that Buhaira
found the announcement of the coming of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 in the original, unadulterated gospels, which he possessed; the
standard Islamic view is that Christians corrupted the gospels, in part by
erasing any references to the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
The Sahih Bukhari Hadith

Narrated Said bin Al-Musaiyab from his father: When the time
of the death of Abu Talib approached, the Messenger of Allah
 went to him and found Abu Jahl bin Hisham and 'Abdullah
bin Abi Umaiya bin Al-Mughira by his side. The Messenger of
Allah  said to Abu Talib:


"O uncle! Say: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
, a sentence with which I shall be a witness for you before
. Abu Jahl and 'Abdullah bin Abi Umaiya said:
"O Abu Talib! Are you going to denounce the religion of
Abdul Muttalib?"
The Messenger of Allah  kept on inviting Abu Talib to say it
(i.e. 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah ') while
they (Abu Jahl and Abdullah) kept on repeating their statement
till Abu Talib said as his last statement that he was on the
religion of Abdul Muttalib and refused to say:
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah .
(Then the Messenger of Allah  said:
"I will keep on asking Allah 's forgiveness for you unless I am
forbidden (by Allah ) to do so."
So Allah  revealed (the verse) concerning him (i.e. It is not
fitting for the Prophet and those who believe that they should
invoke (Allah ) for forgiveness for pagans even though they
be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are
companions of the fire
[Sahih Bukhari; Volume 2; The Book of Funerals; Chapter 80; Page 254;
Hadith number 1360]

Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari  (1914-1974) says in

his book The Quraanic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society
Volume One:
[Quote]:It is the Quraan which forms the Criterion of
Judgment in respect of Islama status explicitly given to it by
itselfand not the Hadith literature; and the Quraan is
absolutely authentic, while even the best Hadith literature is
only relatively authenticnamely, authentic only in a qualified
manner. And, of course, every student of Islam knows all the
mischief in the field of Hadith perpetrated by the forces of
counter-revolution in the very early period of Muslim history,
a mischief which emerged in the form of sects and schisms, and
which forged the Traditions relating to certain aspects of
Islamic life and history to an extent that the confusion created
thereby has continued to plague the Muslim society up to the
present day. In fine, it is the function of the Quraan to sit in
judgment on the Hadith, and not vice versa; and, thus, a basic


Abu Talib 
study of Islam in the perspective of the Quraan emerges as the
fundamental necessity. [Unquote]

Verse 113, of 9th Sura, at-Tawbah (Repentance) :

It is not the glory of the Messenger  and the dignity of the

believers that they pray for forgiveness of the polytheists, even
though they are kindred, after it has become clear to them that
they are the inmates of Hell.

This verse mentioned in this hadith was revealed in Madinah in the 9th
year of Hijrah. Hazrath Abu Talib  passed away in Makkah before
Hijrah. The long gap between the passing away of Hazrath Abu Talib 
and the revelation of this verse shows that there is no connection between
them. The entire Sura was revealed in Madinah except the last two verses,
128 and 129 were revealed in Makkah. According to narrations, some
Muslims came to the Holy Prophet  and said:
Why dont you pray to Allah  to forgive our fathers and
forefathers who died during the days of paganism?

This verse was revealed and the Muslims were informed that they had no
right to pray for the forgiveness of such pagans.
Imam al-Wahidi (d. 468 AH/1075 CE), who was hailed as a great
Qur'aanic commentator in his Asbab al-Nuzul , [an Arabic term
meaning occasions/circumstances of revelation], says that when the
Companions and in particular Hazrath Umar bin al-Khattab  found the
Holy Prophet  shedding tears at the graveyard. The Holy Prophet
Muhammad  told him that he had visited his mother's grave and that
he had asked his Lord's permission to visit it which had been granted to
him and that he had also asked his Lord's permission to pray for her
forgiveness which had not been granted to him and the above verse was
revealed. Qazi Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi205  one of the greatest scholars in


the history of Islam, considered authoritative about his opinions about

the Holy Quraan, by consensus of the People of Sunnah was asked:
What do you say about somebody who says that the Holy
Prophet Muhammad s parents are in the fire?

He answered:
Haza Maloon
He is cursed

Maloon is one cut of from the Mercy of Allah . When he was asked as
to why he passed this verdict. He said because Allah  said in the 33rd
Sura al-Ahzaab ( the Confederates) in verse

Those who annoy Allah  and His Messenger , Allah 
has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has
prepared for them a humiliating Punishment

What greater offence can one do to another than to say to one:

Your parents are in the hell-fire.

Even out of adab one doesnt say this to anyone. Some of the Ulama say
they reject such narrations, even if it is in Sihah Sittah206: The six major
Hadith collections ; al-Kutub al-Sittah, because its ahad (solitary
narration) and it goes against a verse of the Holy Quraan. Some say that
they accept the matan (text). There are two types of criticism in the
Science of Hadith; criticism of the sanad (chain of transmission) and
criticism of the text. The sanad can be absolutely sound yet the text can be
absolutely rejected. In other cases the sanad can be considered unsound
and yet the text considered sound. This is well known in the Ulama
tradition, where they would say:
Sanadahu daifun walakin manahu sahih
The chain is weak but the meaning of the hadith is absolutely

Hazrath Fakhruddin ar-Razi207  one of the greatest commentators of the

Holy Quraan said that the Holy Prophet s parents are absolutely


Abu Talib 
najiani (saved) and there should not be any debate about that and
nobody should mention otherwise. Even if it was mentioned by Ulama
who followed that opinion look at how they mentioned it. Ibn Abbas 
said about the 93rd Sura, ad-Duh (the Forenoon) in verse 5:

Allah  will give you (O Holy Prophet Muhammad ) until
you are content

Hazrath Abdullah Ibn Abbas  said it meant, your intercession in your

family. The Holy Prophet Muhammad  says:
Who amongst you is claiming that my intercession does not
benefit my family?

In another narration the Holy Prophet  said:

Who is claiming that my relationship to people does not
benefit them?

We know from a mujma alai (agreed upon hadith) that even Abu Lahab,
the condemned, as mentioned in the Holy Quraan 111th Sura, al-Lahab
or al-Masad (the Twisted strands) / :

Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab and be he perished
himself, (he has pointed his finger to Our Beloved)

According to the hadith Abu Lahab gets relief from the hell fire because
he freed a slave the day, his nephew, the Holy Prophet  was born. Just
because he was happy that the Holy Prophet  was born! Despite the fact
that he spent the Holy Prophet Muhammad s prophetic career
harming him. This courtesy (adab) was known to the people. Nobody
would listen to such things, or talk in such a way, a hundred years ago.
Verse 113, of 9th Sura, at-Tawbah (Repentance) mentioned in the
previously quoted hadith was revealed in Madinah in the 9th year of
Hijrah. Hazrath Abu Talib  passed away in Makkah before Hijrah. The
long gap between the passing away of Hazrath Abu Talib  and the
revelation of this verse shows that there is no connection between them.
The entire Sura was revealed in Madinah except the last two verses, 128


and 129 were revealed in Makkah. According to other narrations, some

Muslims came to the Holy Prophet  and said:
Why dont you pray to Allah  to forgive our fathers and
forefathers who died during the days of paganism?

This verse was revealed and the Muslims were informed that they had no
right to pray for the forgiveness of such pagans.

Hazrath Abu Talib s Service to Islam

We have to look at the behaviour of Hazrath Abu Talib  towards the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  before we can pass judgment on his belief.
Hazrath Abu Talib  was not an ordinary person in the history of Islam.
He made tremendous sacrifices during his lifetime to protect the Holy
Prophet . When the leaders, and influential people of the Quraysh
tribe openly declared their hostility and enmity to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  and Islam. Hazrath Abu Talib  told the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  that he wishes to post a permanent bodyguard to protect
him from his enemies. This protection of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 arranged by Hazrath Abu Talib  was even extended after the passing
Hazrath Abu Talib  into the Madinah phase of the Holy Prophet s
life. Even when the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was leading the prayer a
guard was posted to protect him. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib  even
performed this duty as the bodyguard of Holy Prophet Muhammad 
when he was just a boy of 13 or 14 years of age. Hazrath Saad bin
Muadh  was also the Holy Prophet Muhammad 's personal body
guard in the Battle of Badr208. The guarding of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  instituted by Hazrath Abu Talib  continued till the 5th
Sura, al-Midah ( the Table spread) verse 67 was revealed:

And Allah  will protect you from the people

Now with Allah  protecting His beloved, there was no need for a

In the year 616 CE (6 BH) the predatory elite of Makkah felt threatened
by the ideological foundations of Islam. It was anti-systemic since it is
based on non-secular foundations and it challenged the secular model of


Abu Talib 
society and the political and economic world order of the age. One of the
essential characteristics of the religion of Islam is its insistence that when
a people recognize Allah  as sovereign (al-Malik) then they must
ensure that the State and all its institutions submit to Allah s supreme
authority and supreme law. If the State, rather than Allah , is
recognized as sovereign, and that is the essence of the secularism, Islam
declares such to be Shirk (blasphemy) and that is the greatest sin possible.
Four events of special significance occurred within less than four weeks
the conversion of Hazrath Hamza , the conversion of Hazrath Umar ,
the Holy Prophet Muhammad s refusal to negotiate any sort of
compromise and then the pact drawn up between Banu Muttalib and
Bani Hashim to immunize the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and protect
him against any treacherous attempt to kill him. The polytheists were
baffled and at a loss as to what course they would follow to rid themselves
of this obstinate and relentless obstacle that had appeared to shatter to
pieces their whole tradition of life. They had already been aware that if
they killed the Holy Prophet Muhammad  their blood would surely
flow in the valleys of Makkah and they would certainly be exterminated.
Taking this dreadful prospect into consideration, they grudgingly resorted
to a different immoral course that would not imply murder.
The pagans of Makkah held a meeting in a place called Wadi Al-Muhassab,
and formed a confederation hostile to both Bani Hashim and Bani AlMuttalib. They decided not to have any business dealings with them nor
any sort of inter-marriage. Social relations, visits and even verbal contacts
with the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and his supporters would
discontinue until the Holy Prophet  was given up to them to be killed.
The articles of their proclamation, which had provided for merciless
measures against Bani Hashim, were committed to writing by an idolater,
Bagheed bin Amir bin Hashim and then hung up in the Kaaba. The Holy
Prophet  invoked Allah s curse upon Bagheed, whose hand was
later paralysed.
Hazrath Abu Talib  decided to withdraw to a valley on the eastern
outskirts of Makkah. Banu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib, who followed
suit, were thus confined within a narrow pass (Shib of Abu Talib), from


the beginning of Muharram, the seventh year of the Holy Prophet

Muhammad s mission till the tenth year, viz., a period of three years.
The supply of food was stopped and the people in confinement faced
great hardships. The idolaters used to buy whatever food commodities
entered Makkah lest they should leak to the people in Ash-Shib. They had
to eat leaves of trees and skins of animals. Cries of little children suffering
from hunger used to be heard clearly. Nothing to eat reached them
except, on few occasions; some meagre quantities of food were smuggled
by some compassionate Makkans. During the prohibited months
when hostilities traditionally ceased, they would leave their confinement
and buy food coming from outside Makkah. Even then, the food stuff
was unjustly overpriced so that their financial situation would fall short of
finding access to it.
Imam Abu Nuaim Isfahani209  (334-430 AH) records in Dalail anNabuwwat, Ismail ibn Kathir210 (701AH/774AH) in al-Bidayah wa'anNihayah (The Beginning and the End) or Tarikh ibn Kathir (The history
book of Ibn Kathir)211; Imam al-Bayhaqi212, [ 384 AH/994 CE to 458
AH/1066 CE] in Dalail an-Nabuwwat and many other great scholars have
recorded that at night, during these three years of the boycott, when
everyone went to sleep, Hazrath Abu Talib  used to put the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  to sleep on one side of him and Hazrath Ali  to
sleep on the other side, exchanging their beds. He himself leaned against
a support, sword in hand to protect them from any enemy attempt at
assassination. Some may say that this was due to intense love for his son
and nephew, but does any person endanger the life of his son at the
expense of his nephew? For three years he kept on changing the bed of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  making one of his sons or relatives sleep
on the Holy Prophet Muhammad s bed. This was the extent of the
protection he offered the Holy Prophet Muhammad  to the extent of
endangering the lives of his own children to protect him. Our faith
(Imaan) is sacrificed on these three years of Hazrath Abu Talib s
display of love of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .


Abu Talib 
The Holy Prophet  made a spring of water gush forth for Abu
The infant Hazrath Ismail  lay thirsty in the desert of Arabia, thirsty
and dehydrated, whilst his mother Hazrath Hajra  runs between the
mountains of Safa and Marwa seeking water. Hazrath Ismail  due to
the effect of thirst thumps his heel on the ground and a spring of water
gushed forth. This is the spring of Zamzam 213 which is flowing for the
last 4000 years. Ibn Sad [168AH/784CE/ 230AH/845CE] in his
Tabaqat214 The book of The Major Classes (Kitaab Tabaqat Al-Kubra);
Imam al-Asqalani [ 773 AH/ 852 AH] in his al-Isaba fi tamyiz alSahaba (the most comprehensive dictionary of the Companions); Ibn alJawzi215 (508 AH-597 AH) in his Safwat al-Safwa, 5 parts, abridgment of
Hilyat-ul Awliya Wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya216 (The Beauty of the Righteous and
Ranks of the Elite) by Imam Abu Nuaim Isfahani  (334-430 AH); Ibn
Asakir217 ( 499-571A.H / 1175-1106) in Tarikh Dimashiq218 (History
of Damascus) and many scholars have reported from Hazrath Amr bin
Saeed  reported from Hazrath Abu Talib . Remember this hadith is
in the books of some of the greatest Imams of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah219
including Imam al-Asqalani [ 773 AH/ 852
AH]. A point to ponder is that can a disbeliever be on a chain of
narration of Hadith? So Hazrath Amr bin Saeed  reports from Hazrath
Abu Talib :
I (Abu Talib) was in a valley (Wadi-e- Dhul-Majaz) with the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and I was extremely thirsty. I told this
to the Holy Prophet  and we looked for water to no avail.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad  kicked a rock with his leg
and water began to flow and a spring of water gushed forth. He
said, This is for you my Uncle.

Abu Talib  performed the nikah of the Holy Prophet 

Ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH-597 AH); Imam Ali ibn Burhanuddin al-Halabi asShafei220 in Sirat Al-Halabi; Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi221
[ 1551 CE / 958 AH- 1642 CE/1052 AH)] and many
other scholars of repute have recorded that the marriage of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and Hazrath Khadijah al-Kubra  was performed


by Hazrath Abu Talib . At that time the Holy Prophet Muhammad 

had not announced his Prophethood. The dowry for the wedding was 20
camels according to the majority scholarship although there are different
opinions. So remember the Khutbah of nikah was read by Hazrath Abu
Talib  and Hazrath Abu Talib , from his wealth gave the dowry.
Hazrath Adam  and Hazrath Hawa s dowry was salutations on the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  (durood-o-salaam) read jointly by them but
the virtues (sawaab) was given to Hazrath Hawa . This was the bond
from which all mankind were born including the Prophets. So, think
carefully! Will the bond from which the pure household would be born,
be consummated from a dowry paid by a disbeliever? Hazrath Khadijah alKubra  is the mother of Hazrath Bibi Fatimah ; the maternal grandmother of Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn  and the most beloved
wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , whom he remembered his
entire physical lifetime. Allah  chose the first invitation of Islam to be
given from the home of Hazrath Abu Talib  and the preservation of
Islam from corruption from Hazrath Abu Talib s grandson, Hazrath
Imam Husayn . This is the pure household that should serve as a
model for every household.
Parting advice of Abu Talib to his family

Imam Ali ibn Burhanuddin al-Halabi as-Shafei in his Al-Sirah Al-Halabia

says that at the time of his passing away Abu Talib  said to his
I recommend Muhammad to you, because he is the trusted one
of Quraysh and the truthful one of Arabia and possesses all the
virtues. He has brought a religion, which has been accepted by
the hearts, but the tongues have chosen to deny it on account
of fear of taunts. I can see that the weak and the helpless of
Arabia have got up to support Muhammad and believe in him,
and he has also risen to help them breaking the ranks of
Quraysh. He has humiliated the chiefs of Quraysh and
devastated their homes and has made the helpless strong and
given them status.

He concluded his remarks with these words:

O my kinsmen! Become the friends and supporters of his faith
(Islam). Whoever follows him becomes prosperous. If death


Abu Talib 
had given me some more time, I would have warded off all the
dangers that came to him.222

Allah  says in the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow) in verse 62:

Verily, those who have believed, and (those who were) Jews and
Christians and Sabians, those (of them) who believe in Allah
 and the Last Day and act piously, there is for them their
reward with their Lord. Neither shall any fear grip them, nor
shall they grieve.

Ponder! Will Allah  put such a defender of the Holy Prophet

Muhammad  in hell? Imam Zayn al-Abidin , is reported to have said:
I wonder why people doubt the faith of Abu Talib , when a
woman cannot continue her matrimonial alliance with a nonMuslim husband after she has embraced Islam, and Fatimah
bint Asad  was amongst those women who embraced Islam at
a very early stage and still remained his wife till he breathed his

Anas bin Malik  reports:

When the mother of Hazrath Ali bin Abu Talib , Fatimah
bint Asad bin Hashim, died, Allahs Messenger  called on her
and sat down by the head of the bed and said,
O dear mother, may Allah  have mercy on you. After my
mother, you were the one I regarded as my mother. When I
was hungry you fed me to the point of saturation while you
yourself remained hungry. Then you helped me put on clothes
and instead of eating yourself, you gave me nice things to eat.
You did all this for Allah s pleasure and for a good reward
in the Hereafter.
Then he (the Holy Prophet ) ordered to bathe her three
times. When camphor water was brought, Allahs Messenger 
poured some water on to his blessed hands. Then the Holy
Prophet  took off his shirt and clothed her with it and used
his own sheet of cloth as her coffin. Then Allah s Messenger


 sent for Usamah bin Zayd , Abu Ayyub al-Ansari  and

Umar bin al-Khattab  and another person to dig up the
grave. So they dug her grave. When they reached near the lahd
(bottom), the Holy Prophet Muhammad  dug it up and drew
the soil out with his hands. When he finished, the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  entered and lay down in (the grave),
and said:
It is Allah , Who controls life and death, and He is ever
living and will never die. (O Allah ,) forgive my mother,
Fatimah bint Asad, and help her answer properly at the time of
questioning and through the mediation of Your Prophet
(Muhammad ) and the former prophets, make her grave
spacious. Surely You are infinitely Merciful.
Then he repeated, Allah  is the Greatest four times (i.e. led
the funeral prayer). Then he , Abbas  and Abe Bakr asSiddique  lowered her into the grave.223

The above is a photo of the Holy Kaaba taken in 1880. The gateway to the
Tawaaf area (mataaf) was named the Baab Abu Talib.

Mazaar of Abu Talib  before Wahabbi destruction


Symbolism and Rituals



in the Holy Quraan enjoins love for the Holy Prophet
Muhammad s family in the 42nd Sura, ash-Shura (the Consultation)
in verse 23.

Say: I do not ask for any recompense for this
(preaching the faith in Allah  and His Messenger
 but love for my) family and (thereby you will
attain Allah s and my love and nearness).

Qur'aan commentators are unanimous that ' the next of kin' here
intended are Ahl al-Bayt.224 Al-Tabarani225 [(260 AH (821 CE) 360 AH (918
CE)] has recorded this hadith:

) :
: (


. :

Hazrath Abdullah Ibn Abbas226  narrates that when this

verse was revealed then the
Companions asked the Holy Prophet ,
O Messenger of Allah ! Who are your next of kin (qurba)
whose love is incumbent (waajib) upon us?
The Holy Prophet  replied:
Ali, Fatimah and their two sons227



. .
Hazrath Abdullah ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  said:
Love Allah  for the grace (an-nimah) he has bestowed upon
you; and love me for the sake of Allah ; and love my Ahl alBayt for the sake of the love you have for me.228

Ahl al-Kisa amongst the Ahl al-Bayt

In the Hadith229, an important event symbolizes the spiritual dimension of
their relation to the Holy Prophet Muhammad . This is the Tradition
or Hadith of the Cloak, which the Holy Prophet  spread his blessed
cloak (kambli mubarak) over himself and Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah
 and their two sons Hazrath Hassan  and Hazrath Hussain . The
circumstances of the Tradition (Hadith) are as follows:



! :

Umar bin Abi Salamah  who was brought up by the Holy

Prophet  narrates this verse:


Symbolism and Rituals

Allah only desires to keep away (all kinds of) impurity from
you, O people of the house! and to totally purify you, (alAhzab 33:33), was revealed to the Holy Prophet  at the home
of Umm Salamah  when he called Fatimah , Hasan  and
Husayn  and covered them with a cloak. Ali  was behind
him ; the Holy Prophet  also covered him (Ali) under the
same cloak and then said, Oh Allah ! These are my ahl alBayt (people of the house) so keep impurity away from them
and totally purify them. 230

Thus the five under the Blessed Shawl are called Panj- tan in Persian.
From amongst the Ahl al-Bayt four personalities have been given a
special distinction due to Allah 's, response to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad s prayer that was answered with a Quraanic verse. The
family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , amongst the Ahl al-Bayt from
whom his lineage continues Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah , Hazrath
Hassan  and Hazrath Husayn  , together with the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  are known as the Blessed Pure Five (Panjattan Paak). Thus
amongst the Ahl al-Bayt which included the Blessed Five and all
the wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , these five became known
as Ahl al-Kisa ( People of the Cloak) The cloak or frock of the
Master (kisa or khirqa) is given by the Sufi Master to the disciple as a sign
of his investiture and incorporation into the Master's spiritual chain of
transmission. Spiritual transmission is like turning on an electric light, its
instantaneous. This spiritual illumination has been raining down into
human hearts. The blessings flow from the Ahl al-Kisa as well as
the twelve noble descendants from the line of the Radiant Fatimah ,
through the four central poles of Sufism, Sayyiduna Abd al-Qaadir Jilaani
, Sayyiduna Muinuddin Chishti , Sayyiduna Muhammad Bahauddin
an-Naqshabandi  and Sayyiduna Shahabuddin Umar Suharwardi .


Ahl al-Bayt , the noble Blessed Wives and the Sahabah

Indeed, the role of the Ahl al-Bayt in shaping Islamic political

history, the monumental contributions of the noble blessed wives to the
intellectual tradition, and love for Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn ,
Hazrath Ali  and Hazrath Fatimah  -in particular- as a means of
spiritual elevation are perpetuating legacies within Dynamic Orthodox
Islam as opposed to Conservatism and Modernism. The extreme love of
the Sahabah for the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and his family are
well documented.

Using Alaihis-Salam for Ahl al-Bayt

There is a great misconception amongst some of our Ahl as-Sunnah walJamaah adherents that if someone uses the term alaihis
salaam or may Allah  bestow them peace for the family members of
the Holy Prophet Muhammad  then one is a Shia.
Keep in mind that all the original books of the Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah,
be it hadith or commentaries of Holy Qur'aan and hadith; Fiqh or
Tasawwuf going back 1200 years, written by our Imams of Fiqh, Hadith or
Tasawwuf, always wrote alaihis salaam next to the names of the Ahl al-Bayt
. It is only in this age of being politically and socially correct that
we also have stopped this practice. Remember the latest books of Tafsir
and Hadith come from the publishing houses purchased by a certain sect
in Islam, thus they have streamlined the books in accordance with their
defective belief system lacking in respect and reverence (Adab). Thus no
true adherent to the school of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaah should object to
using alaihis salaam next to the names of the Ahl al-Bayt but on the
contrary should be doing so because it is the respect and reverence taught
by our predecessors. Look at Qadi Thanaullah Panipati231s
(d. 1225 AH) Tafsir al-Mazhari232 and check after the names of the
family members of theHoly Prophet Muhammad  whathe has written.
Check the books ofShah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703
- August 20, 1762)233 ; Imam-e-Rabbani, Mujaddid Alf Saani, Shaykh Ahmad
al-Farooqi Sirhindi (15641624) commonly renowned as Mujaddid Alf


Symbolism and Rituals

Saani (the reviver of the second millennium); Imam Jalaluddeen alSuyuti234 (1445CE-849AH/1505CE/911H) 235 ; Imam Fakhr
al-Din al-Razi236  (543AH/606AH); Muhammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari
(224AH/310AH) all have written alai his salaam after
the names of the family members of theHoly Prophet Muhammad .
This has never been a problem for years in the circles of knowledge but
unfortunately after 1400+ years it has become a subject of debate again
due to the effect of the petro-dollar sanitized version of Islam disseminated
in a post-Caliphate era and fear of being branded Shia.

On the basis of common sense no Muslim can object to saying  for

the esteemed Hazrath Ali , Bibi Fatimah , Hazrath Hassan 
and Hazrath Husayn . Daily on meeting each other, irrespective of
the condition of the persons character or faith one Muslim greets
another by supplicating As-salamu alaikum (May the peace of Allah 
be upon you) and receives the reply wa alaikum us salaam (May the
peace descend upon you also). So sending salutations of peace upon
every Muslim is permissible but to send it on the purified household is
impermissible? Also in Shariah if somebody conveys the salaam of
somebody who is absent from you then one replies wa alaika wa
alaihis salaam [peace be upon you and him (the absent) also]. Ask any
Alim belonging to any school of thought in the Islamic world how
does one respond to the salutations of one presented in ones absence
and all will have to confer that it is wa alaika wa alaihis salaam. So
the one sending salutations from another location or city is blessed by
a Muslim saying alaihis salaam but it becomes problematic when we
send it upon the children of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
Every person who performs salaah says whilst in the attahiyat position;
Assalaamu alaika ayyuhannabi u warahmatullahi wabarka'tuhu assalamu
alaina wa'ala'ibadillahis saa'liheen (Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet,
and Allah 's mercy and blessings. Peace be on us and on all
righteous slaves of Allah ). To send salutations upon oneself is
permissible for every performer of salaah. When one greets a gathering


of a mixture of Muslims and non-Muslims one says Assalaamu ala man

ittabaa al-huda (may peace be upon the guided ones). So salutations
can be sent to those inclined to guidance bit not to the household
whose every child was a beacon of guidance.


Symbolism and Rituals


For centuries, Islamic civilization aligned local forms of cultural

expression with the universal model of its Sacred Law. The classical Sufi
Masters where brilliant psychologists, masters in the knowledge of the
nafs (ilm un-Nafs). Islamic jurisprudence helped them facilitate their
genius in formulating rituals to mobilise the heart to love Allah  and
His beloveds. From the time of the physical presence of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad , Islam showed itself to be culturally friendly and, in that
regard, has been likened to a crystal clear river, possessing, sweet, and
lifegiving water that has no colour of its own but reflecting the bedrock
(local culture) over which it flows. The message of the Holy Prophet 
was, from the outset, based on the distinction between what was good,
beneficial, and authentically human in other cultures, while seeking to
alter only what was clearly detrimental. It also took into account people
have diverse intellectual levels. Thus an open methodology was given to
implement and develop the deep love for Allah  and His beloveds in
peoples hearts.
The Holy Qur'aan says about implementing Shariah in the 5th Sura, alMaidah ( the Table spread) in verse 48:

We have given you the Shariah (law) and an all-embracing
methodology (to implement the law)

This explains Islam's long success as a global civilization. The religion

became not only functional and familiar at the level of the Arabs but it
enhanced home-grown culture in keeping with a Muslim identity. The
incident, in the Hadith of the sons of Arfida or Bani Arfida; a familiar
Arabian linguistic reference to Ethiopians, provides an illustration of the
place of culture (here, of course, Black African culture) within the
Prophetic dispensation. When this tolerance and width existed within
Islam Muslims made lasting contributions and mobilised the hearts of


people, ingraining in it a deep love for Allah  and the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  wherever it went.
By contrast, much present-day Islamist preaching falls far short of Islam's
ancient cultural wisdom. In the confusion of our times, the wisdom of
the Sufis of the past is not always understood and many of their
established customs and cultural patterns no longer appear relevant to
Muslims or they are viewed with scepticism.
Much of what is the Holy Prophet Muhammad s Sunnah (Prophetic
model) and Obligatory Actions (Farz) was made up of acceptable preIslamic Arab cultural norms, and the principle of tolerating and
accommodating such practices, among Arabs and non-Arabs alike in all
their diversity. This may be termed a supreme, overriding Prophetic
Sunnah. Imagery is forbidden in Islam but symbols that induce
remembrance of Allah  and his beloveds are not.
The Holy Qur'aan the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow) in verse 158 says:

Behold! Safa and Marwa are indeed among the Symbols of

Safa and Marwa are mountains that have been declared as Divine
Symbols of Allah  because walking between them reminds us of Bibi
Hajra, a saint of Allah  and Hazrath Ismail  a Prophet of Allah .
Those that respect these signs are people of Taqwa according to Holy
Quraan, 22nd Sura, al-Hajj (the Pilgrimage) , in Verse 32:

And whoever venerates the Symbols of Allah 
honouring those living beings, shrines, monumental sites,
commands and performing those prescribed rituals known and
recognized due to some pious association or link with Allah 
or Allah  s devoted servants), this (veneration) comes from
Taqwa in their hearts (only those venerate whose hearts have
been blessed with fear of Allah  ).


Symbolism and Rituals

Seeing the Blessed Holy Kaaba itself, picture or model of it induces the
remembrance of Allah  and seeing the Blessed Green Dome itself,
picture or model of it induces the remembrance of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad . Similarly seeing the Tazia induces remembrance of Imam
Husayn , the Panjattan and the Martyrs of Karbala and reminds us that
the Caliphate the ruling system of Islam. It is also a statement against
monarchies. The one who equates this procession with the followers of
Yazid is utter stupidity since it is done out of love for the Martyrs of
Karbala. The Pagan Arabs also performed Hajj and although in design it
looks similar to our Hajj the intention is very different. So should we
abandon Hajj because it is similar to the Pagan Hajj at a glance? On a
negative note even Satan, is symbolised by a symbol in the Hajj.

Imam Ali ibn Abdul-Salam al-Tusuli from Fez (1258 AH/1842 AH), in
his al-Bahjafi Sharhal-Tuhfa, asserted:
Allowing the people to follow their customs, usages, and
general aspirations in life is obligatory. To hand down rulings
(fatwa) in opposition to this is gross deviation and tyranny.

The eminent nineteenth-century Syrian legal scholar Ibn Abidin237 warned

that any jurist who held rigidly to the standard legal decisions of his
school without regard to changing times and circumstances would
necessarily obliterate fundamental rights and extensive benefits, bringing
about harm far exceeding any good he might possibly achieve. Ibn Abidin
asserted further that such blindness constituted nothing less than
oppression and gross injustice.
Al-Qarafi238, a renowned thirteenth-century jurist, declared in his al-ahkam
wa tasarrufat al-qadi wa'l-imam (The Book of Perfecting the Distinction
Between Legal Opinions, Judicial Decisions, and the Discretionary
Actions of Judges and Caliphs) said similarly:
Persons handing down legal judgments (fatwa) while adhering
blindly to the texts in their books without regard for the
cultural realities of their people are in gross error. They act in
contradiction to established legal consensus and are guilty of
iniquity and disobedience before God, having no excuse
despite their ignorance; for they have taken upon themselves


the art of issuing legal rulings without being worthy of that

practice.... Their blind adherence to what is written down in
the legal compendia is misguidance in the religion of Islam and
utter ignorance of the ultimate objectives behind the rulings of
the earlier scholars and great personages of the past whom they
claim to be imitating.

These words resounded well in the ears of Ibn al-Qayyim239 , a jurisconsult

and scholar of the following century, who commended al-Qarafi by
This is pure understanding of the law. Whoever issues legal
rulings to the people merely on the basis of what is transmitted
in the compendia despite differences in their customs, usages,
times, places, conditions, and the special circumstances of their
situations has gone astray and leads others astray. His crime
against the religion is greater than the crime of a physician who
gives people medical prescriptions without regard to the
differences of their climes, norms, the times they live in, and
their physical natures but merely in accord with what he finds
written down in some medical book about people with similar
anatomies. He is an ignorant physician, but the other is an
ignorant jurisconsult but much more detrimental. 240

This is very important because many of the Sahaba were not scholars but
very simple people who because their faith (imaan) and love for the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  and his family, was so strong and their
knowledge of Allah  was so powerful, that they were ulama with deep
knowledge of Allah . They were not people of memorizing the whole
Holy Quraan or knowing many hadith. Many present day scholars make
the masses believe, if you are not a scholar you are finished. On the
contrary there are very simple Muslims with such strong imaan, that they
are in a much better state than people who know many hadith and
narration (riwayah) and things like that and it doesnt benefit them.
Tazia (Model of the Mazaar of Imam Husayn)

The appearance of the characteristic dramatic form (of remembering the

Martyrs of Karbala) in Persia known as the Tazia, according to Ibn Kathir,
appeared in the reign of Ahmad (died 7 Jamad al-Awwal 357 A.H. / April
8, 967), who took charge of the administration of the Caliphate by taking
the position of amir al-umara'. He was the first of the Buwayhid241 amirs of


Symbolism and Rituals

Iraq, holding this position from 945 C.E. / 333 A.H. until his death. He
was the son of Buya. The Caliph Al-Mustakfi gave him the honorific title
of "Mu'izz al-Daula". Although the senior amir was the formal head of the
Buyids, he did not usually have any significant control outside of his own
personal emirate; each amir enjoyed a high degree of autonomy within his
own territories. Some of the stronger amirs used the Sassanid title of
King of Kings (Shahanshah). Succession of power was hereditary, with
fathers dividing their land among their sons. "Mu'izz al-Daula" started
Tazia to remind people of the struggle of Imam Husayn  against
Monarchical and hereditary rule and to counter the Kharijite, today
called Wahabbi Salafi, attempt to diminish the spiritual sovereignty and
love for ahl al-Bayt in the hearts of the Muslim masses.
The practice of Tazia (model of the mazaar of Imam Husayn) in the
Indo/Pak subcontinent was started by Amir Timur In 1398 C.E. when he
invaded India. He was a 14th-century conqueror of much of western and
central Asia, the founder of the Timurid Empire (13701405 C.E.) in
Central Asia, which survived until 1857 as the Mughal Empire of India.
He built the first Tazia after he returned to Samarqand from a pilgrimage
to Karbala. The word Tazia is a Persian word, which means, expressing
sorrow with passion. Especially the Shia community adopted this
practice, hence some of the Sunni Ulama, who mean well and have a lot
of love in their hearts, had passed fatwa (religious decree) against this
practice in India die to the Shia going to extremes.
There were fatwas passed in India against Tazia by very prominent Ulama
whom I have the highest respect and love for. I follow the Hanafi School
of Jurisprudence and Chishti Sufi Order and I have the highest respect
for the other Schools of Jurisprudence and Sufi Orders although I dont
follow their schools. So remember not following does not mean not
loving or respecting. No religious leader, however great, can possess any
absolute authority over the Muslims, because absolute authority resides,
among human beings, only in the person of the Holy Prophet , who
alone is the absolute Leader of the Muslims for all time, and no one else;
so there is no room in Islam for the creation of sects around personalities.


The practice of making Tazia and commemorating the Martyrdom of

Imam Husayn  was also done by the Sunnis in India due to the
Wahabbi indoctrination of branding those who remember the Martyrdom
of Imam Husayn  as Shia. This is still practiced by Sunnis in India and
Pakistan and can be seen until this day in Ajmer Sharif, at the Mazaar of
the Great Khwaja-e-Khwajagaan Sayyiduna Muinuddin Gharib Nawaaz .

Hazrath Sarkaar Waaris Ali Shah Chishti Nizami 

Hazrath Sarkaar Waaris Ali Shah Chishti Nizami  of Dewa Shareef 242
observed unusual silence during the first ten days of Muharram. He
accompanied the Tazias sometimes and always stood up when a Tazia
passed by his own house.
Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi 
Hazrath Qibla Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi 243 had great love and respect
for Ahl al-Bayt. He was the disciple of Hazrath Sayed Fakhruddin
Muhammad Dehlavi  who is famous by the name Maulana Fakhr- paak/Fakhr-e-Jahaan, thus he is the spiritual brother of Hazrath Khwaja
Sulaiman Taunswi  of our Sufi Order. Hazrath Qibla Shah Niyaz
Ahmed Barelvi  was given khilafath by Hazrath Sayed Fakhruddin
Muhammad Dehlavi  and deputed to Barelvi Shareef in Uttar Pradesh,
India to carry out the work of the Silsila. He wrote on the glory of Hazrath
Ali .
Zahay izzo jalaale Bu Turaabe fakhre insaane
Ali al-Murtaza mushkil kushaye shere Yazdane
The honour and valour of Abu Turab  is the pride of
No doubt Ali al-Murtaza  helper in the time of need, is the
Lion of God

On the night of Ashura (10th of Muharram) he, accompanied by his

disciples, used to go to pay his respect at the Tazias. Once Maulana Akbar
Ali Sahib from Surat was staying in the Khanqah of Hazrath Qibla Shah
Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi , during Muharram and he accompanied Hazrath
Qibla Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  on Ashura night and found that Qibla
Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  kissed the wooden platform on which the
Tazia was placed. Maulana Akbar Ali Sahib in his heart thought that this


Symbolism and Rituals

amounted to Shirk. Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  through his intuitive
insight (firasa) read his thoughts and asked him to look at the Tazia.
When Maulana Akbar Ali Sahib looked at the Tazia he screamed and fell
unconscious. Hazrath Qibla Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  moved ahead.
When Maulana Akbar Ali Sahib regained consciousness people asked
him as to what had happened to him. Maulana Akbar Ali Sahib replied
that he had seen Hazrath Imam Hasan  in green clothing on the one
side of the Tazia and Hazrath Imam Husayn  in red clothing on the
other side.
Maulana Akbar Ali Sahib had certain doubts which were clarified by
Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi . He put the questions regarding Tazias and
Yazid. Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  replied on the question on Tazias
that he would not have allowed anybody to build Tazia as it was not
possible to give full respect but once the Tazia is built, he respects the
same with all respect at his command. About Yazid he said he would not
pollute his tongue with Yazids name and instead sweeten his tongue with
the name of Imam Husayn .
When Hazrath Shah Niyaz Ahmed Barelvi  was unable to walk due to a
paralysis attack he did not visit the Tazia on Ashura night. In his
meditation (muraqiba) he saw Hazrath Bibi Fatimah  saying that he had
not come to visit her children. With tears in his eyes, Huzoor Qibla asked
his disciples to carry him to the Tazias. The disciples thought he was to be
carried lying on the bed but he refused and desired that he be taken on
foot and he visited five Tazias as per his usual practice. On 12th of
Muharram a cauldron of Kitchra (mixture of wheat, dal, mutton and
other cereals) was cooked for distribution among the people. The practice
continues till date in Khanqae-e-Niyazia.
In glory of Hazrath Imam Husayn  he wrote:
Ae dilbigeer daaman-e-sultaane-Aulia,
Yaani Husayn ibn-e-Ali jaan-e-Aulia
Daarad Niyaz hashr khud ummeed ba Husayn,
Ba Aulia-e-hashr muhibbaan-e-Aulia
O heart be attached to the garment of the King of Aulias


That means Husayn , who is the essence of Aulias.

Niyaz has put judgment days decision in hope of Husayn ,
The faith of Lover of Aulia will be similar to that of the Aulia

Hazrath Soofie Saheb 

In the South African context however Hazrath Soofie Saheb 
introduced Tazia as a Tariqa (methodology) in the Chishti Nizami Habibi
Sufi order to mobilize the hearts in the love of the Martyrs of Karbala and
the Blessed Five (Panjattan Paak). He brought three Tazias from India.
This practice continues upto this day at his khanqahs in Riverside,
Durban; Pietermaritzburg and Cape Town.
I must however stress here that this practice is not for all and sundry to
copy. It is for those duly authorized by Khulafa (Spiritual Masters) of the
spiritual order. The adoption of this practice by laymen has opened the
door to criticism. Many Ulama having their roots and training in the
Indo-Pak subcontinent however have difficulty in accepting this act of
love, in the Sunni context. I humbly remind them that different views
exist on many practices in Islam. Respecting different views is Islam and
imposing ones view on the other is forbidden. The noble work of the Sufi
saints cannot be deleted like a temporary file. Its eternal in shaping the
spiritual and emotional aspect of mans personality.
Imam Maalik  said:

Real knowledge, is not knowing many, many narrations (hadith
and knowing all of the Holy Quraan and these things)

(The real knowledge) is a light that Allah  puts into the
hearts of the mumineen

The attack of the west extends beyond the intellectual to include the
moral and spiritual dimensions of the Muslim personality. Many Muslims
are in a condition that can be called a crisis of character that is a deadly
poison that paralyzes and kills human society. We need to truly reflect the
Quraanic moral code and its metaphysical foundation as a remedy for


Symbolism and Rituals

this crisis. We need leaders that are reflectors of the Holy Prophet s
personality, and as such should be spiritually, morally and intellectually
illumined persons. Wherever Islam went it did not divorce the people
from their land, culture and traditions as long as it did not go against the
creed of Islam.
Symbolic Red and Green Garments

Yunus Emre, the popular Turkish Sufi Poet, composed some Sufi songs,
in the late 13th Or 14th Century, wherein the Prophets grandsons played a
central role. He also makes reference to a well known legend, according
to which the Holy Prophet Muhammad  saw Jibraeel  bring a red
and green garment for his grandsons, and was informed that these
garments pointed to their future deaths through the sword and poison
It is stated in hadith that Hazrath Fatimah  will be wearing two red
garments and in another it states two green garments on the Day of

! : :

. :
Ali  narrates that the Holy Prophet  said, On the Day of
Judgment it will be said, Oh people of mahshar! Lower your
gazes so that the daughter of the Messenger of Allah  may
pass. She will pass through wearing two green garments. Abu
Muslim said that when Abd-ul-Hameed was with us, Qalabah
told me that the Holy Prophet  said, (Fatimah  will pass
wearing) two red garments.245


My love compels me to say she will be symbolically honouring her two

sons on the Day of Judgment. Thus the colour red and green feature
much in the symbolic remembrance commemoration of Karbala.
Panja or Symbols of the Hand

Much evidence suggests that Muslims from Spain and West Africa arrived
in the Americas at least five hundred before Co1umbus. It is recorded,
for example that:
In the mid-tenth century during the rule of the Umayyad
Caliph Abdul-Rahman III (929-961), Muslims of African origin
sailed westward from the Spanish port of Delba (Palos) into the
Ocean of darkness and fog. They returned after a long
absence with much booty from a strange and curious land. It
is evident that people of Muslim origin are known to have
accompanied Columbus and subsequent Spanish explorers to
the New World. A Muslim historian and geographer AbulHasan Ali Ibn Al-Husayn Al-Masudi (871 - 957 CE) wrote in
his book Muruj Adh-dhahab wa Maadin al-Jawhar (The
Meadows of Gold and Quarries of Jewels) that during the rule
of the Muslim Caliph of Spain Abdullah Ibn Muhammad (888
- 912 CE), a Muslim navigator Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad
of Cordoba, Spain sailed from Delba (Palos) in 889 CE,
crossed the Atlantic, reached an unknown territory (Ard
Majhoola) and returned with fabulous treasures. In Al-Masudi's
map of the world there is a large area in the ocean of darkness
and fog (the Atlantic Ocean) which he referred to as the
unknown territory (the Americas).246

We need to research this. We need to find out why the Seminole

American Indians247, Cherokees248 and Ute Southern Indians249 wear
turbans on their heads and why their clothing is West African? In the
context of our book we find that a symbol called, The Eye of Fatima or
the Hand of Fatima was found in Pre-Columbian Southern United States
caves. The Hand of Fatimah is a Muslim Symbol that is well known,
found all over Andalusia (Al-Andalus) in Muslim Spain. The Muslims to
protect themselves from the evil eye used to say upon you is five (alayka
khams) and they threw out their hands palms open, some say representing
Sura Naas of the Holy Qur'aan which has five ayahs, like they were
throwing those five ayahs at them to protect them. Some say it was the


Symbolism and Rituals

names of the Panjatan, since it was called Hand of Fatimah Shaykh
Hamza Yusuf speaks about this in a lecture called Forgotten Roots. We
need to ponder before we throw around words like shirk and kufr. The
Khamsa in Arabic means five. See the photo of this amulet (tawiz) worn
as jewellery. Muslims believed that the image of the hand with an eye in
the centre will protect them from the "evil eye."

Its amazing that this has become a latest fashion accessory in the Modern
West. Probably its mercy from Allah . We need it more than ever in
this age. This hand also symbolizes the blessed hand of Imam Husayn 
and reminds us to be careful where we submit.

The Majalis (gathering in which the events of Karbala are related) is said
to be a practice of Zaynab bint Ali  , Hazrath Imam Ali ibn alHusayn a.k.a. as Zayn al-Abidin  and Imam al-Hasan alMuthanna  (the second) who gathered around the inquirers on their
return to Madinah the Illuminated, and related the events that transpired
at Karbala to them. There is a well-known Hadith in which it is stated

Mercy of Allah  descends where the pious are remembered

The Holy Qur'aan places the status of the martyrs above the righteous in
the 4th Sura, an-Nisaa (Women) in Verse 69:


The Martyrs and the Righteous

So, how much more mercy must descend when the martyrs of Karbala are
remembered. The startling event of Karbala shook the very foundation of
Muslims. The consciousness of Muslims was stirred, to always practice
Islam honestly and sincerely, and stand for the truth irrespective of the
consequences. The Majalis (gathering in which the events of Karbala are
related) is a constant reminder of these events.

Hazrath Sayed Pir Meher Ali Shah 

An American clergyman on a visit to Golra Sharif, a town situated near
the Margalla Hills, in the Islamabad, Pakistan, once raised this objection
in Hazrath Sayed Pir Meher Ali Shah s presence:
The Muslims claim that the Holy Quraan contains a
reference to everything in the universe. Yet it makes no
reference to Imam Husayn , even though it kept being
continuously revealed during the first six ...years of the Imams
life. This is a surprising omission, considering the supreme
sacrifice that the Imam offered in the cause of Islam. Hazrath
asked the clergyman to quote any part of the Holy Quraan so
that his objection could be responded to. When the latter
recited Holy Quraans opening verse:

before reading a substantive portion of the Quraan, Hazrath
asked him to stop there. He then drew the clerics attention to
the fact that from the point of view of The Abjad250, the
number of the various letters of the words totals to 786.
Thereafter, he asked the cleric to note down the number of
Imam Husayn s name and related episodes of his life as
follows: The name, Imam Husayn 210 Imam Husayn 's Year
of Birth 4 A.H Imam Husayn 's Year of Martyrdom 61 A.H
The words "Karb-o-Bala" 261 The name Imam Hasan 200 Year
of his Martyrdom 50 AH- TOTAL: 786. 786 also totals In the
name of Allah  , the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Hazrath thus demonstrated that a reference to Imam Husayn
, his brother Imam Hasan , the years of their martyrdom
etc. appeared in the very first verse of the Holy Quraan . This
discourse of Hazrath left the American clergyman amazed at
the depth and breadth of the research that Muslim scholars
and Sufis had carried out over the centuries into various


Symbolism and Rituals

aspects of their Holy book which they staunchly believed to be
the Word of Allah  Himself.




Allah  says in the 4th Sura, an-Nis (Women) , Verse 69:

And whoever obeys Allah  and His Messenger  they are the
people who shall be in the company of those whom Allah 
has blessed with His favour: the Prophets, the Truthful, the
Martyrs and the Most Pious. And how excellent these
companions are!

Who are the recipients of Allahs blessings? There are four categories,
The Prophets, The Siddiqs - the embodiment of Truth, The
Martyrs and Saliheen or righteous who have attained the status of
being Intimates of Allah  (Aulia Allah ). The companionship and
attachment to the Intimates of Allah  is not severed even after the life
of this world. Therefore we pray daily in the 1st Sura al-Ftihah (the
Opening) , verse Verses 5 to 7:

Guide us on the straight way

The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your favours

Not of those who have been afflicted with wrath and nor of
those who have gone astray

So Allah  has not only given an abstract idea but has personified the
path. Thus we come to the significance of personage in Islam. The ideas


Status of a Martyr
have been personified in a form that can be perceived and Allah  says
in the 4th Sura, an-Nis (Women) , Verse 69:

They are the Intimates of Allah  (spiritual dignitaries) whom
Allah  has blessed with His (special) favour: the Prophets,
the Truthful, the Martyrs and the Most Pious.

Attachment to the Intimates of Allah  is not severed even after

the life of this world
To befriend them is proclaimed by Allah  as:

The most beautiful (spiritually beneficial) friendship

The reason being that the companionship and attachment to the

Intimates of Allah  is not severed even after the life of this world, for
Allah  says in the 43rd Sura az-Zukhruf ( Ornaments of gold) in
verse 67:

On that Day, all friends and acquaintances (from a worldly
perspective) will become enemies to one another except the
pious. (Only their friendship (with you) and their nearness (to
Allah  [wilaya] will prove fruitful)

This means that the nisba251 with the Intimates of Allah  extends
beyond this world and is transcendental in nature. Allah  has replaced
their will, with His will. Allah  radiates upon his Intimates His
attribute of Al-Waliyy (The Protecting Friend, Patron and Helper) and
thus their help and protection is actually the help and protection of Allah
. They become the means through whom Allah  activates His
attribute of protective friendship. When we have a physical ailment we go
to a physician upon whom Allah  radiates his attribute of al-Shafi
(The Healer). I have to emphasize here that faith in Allah , the
Messenger of Allah , and His Intimates is to be lived and not merely


held. This Imaan (faith) should be a living, dynamic and consequential

faith. The Holy Prophet  has been appointed by Allah  as the
Divine Instrument of Tazkiyah (purification of the personality) for all
time. (62: 2-4 etc.).
Those that have been blessed, to be in this Blessed Fellowship, among
them the central luminary being the Holy Prophet Muhammad  , the
most excellent, Beloved of Allah , (in whom Allah s choicest
blessings abide in abounding measure), they also become Allah  s
Beloved, and acquire new properties (qualities). Their attitude in the
transcendental realm of existence is one of compassion, sympathy and
kindness towards those that remember them. To receive these blessings
however, it is necessary to rise up to the spiritual level, where contact
becomes possible. Associations with spiritualized personalities who are
physically present in this world and with those on the transcendental
dimension assist man in attaining heights of spirituality. The
companionships analogous meaning is: if a piece of iron stays in the
company of a magnet, it becomes magnetized. It acquires new properties
(qualities). Similarly if a gardener stays in the company of fragrant flowers,
he himself attains fragrance by being in touch with the flowers. We pray
to Allah  daily for this spiritual companionship in 1st Sura al-Ftihah
(the Opening) , verse Verses 5 to 7.

Establishing spiritual contact

Keeping this perspective in mind the question often emerges: Allah  is
Ever- Living, Eternal and Omnipresent; hence communion with Him is
possible. But the Messenger of God and those categories mentioned were
human beings who died a long time ago. How can communication and
establishment of intimate spiritual relation with them be possible?
The Holy Quraan answers this misgiving very clearly:
1. The human personality is not annihilated at death; it is
transferred from one level of existence to another with its
identity intact, -the life after death being a new life.
2. Secondly, the levels of existence after death are of a different
quality, in the case of each category of human beings, including


Status of a Martyr
Muslims. Thus about the martyrs it has been said in the 2nd Sura
al-Baqarah (the Cow) in verse154:

And do not say about those who are slain in the cause of Allah
 that they are dead. (They are not dead.) They are rather
alive but you have no perception (of their life).

And again:
Allah  says in the 3rd Sura, Aal-i- Imraan [ The Family of Imraan]
in Verse 169 to 172

And do not (ever) think that those who are slain in the way of
Allah are dead. They are rather alive in the Presence of their
Lord. They are served with sustenance (comprising bounties of

They rejoice in these (blessings of eternal life) which Allah has
conferred on them of His Bounty and also feel pleased (on
finding) their successors (on the path of faith and obedience),
who have not (yet) joined them, for they shall also have neither
any fear nor any grief.

They are filled with joy owing to the blessing (of divine
disclosures of the nearness) of Allah  and His Bounty (of
pleasures of Union with Him) and (also) because Allah 
does not waste the reward of the believers


Hence the difference in quality of the life of the ordinary Muslim and the
life of the Martyr, after death is very clear. The Martyrs life after death is
full of enjoyment and activity and of attachment to those Muslims whom
are left behind in their earthly existence.

What does -Shaheed Mean?

The word for martyr in Arabic is -Shaheed, which is from the root sh; - ha; da. Many shades of meaning can be inferred from this root:
Mushahada: which means to witness or to receive something? The martyr,
according to prophetic reports (Ahadith) receives many bounties from
Allah .
Jaabir bin Abdullah  says that when Abdullah bin Amr Ibn
Haraam was martyred, the Messenger of Allah  stated:
O Jaabir! Shall I inform you of how Allah  honored your
He answered,
Please do.
The Messenger of Allah  said:
Allah does not talk to anybody but behind the veil but he gave
an audience to your father directly (without the veil).
(Tirmidhi; at Targheeb Tarheeb, 2/437)

Ubada Bin Samit  narrates, that the Messenger of Allah 

said: "The Shaheed is granted seven gifts from Allah :
1. He is forgiven at the first drop of his blood.
2. He sees his abode in Paradise.
3. He is dressed in the clothes of Imaan.
4. He is safe from the punishment of the grave.
5. He will be safe from the great fear of the Day of
6. A crown of honour will be placed on his head.
7. He will intercede on behalf of 70 members of his
(Ahmad, Musnad; Tabrani; at Targheeb Wat Tarheeb, 2/443)

The Ruh (essential being) of the Martyr is taken to the presence of Allah
 and angels bear witness his martyrdom (mashud bin malaik). Thus the
martyr sees (mashud) Allah .


Status of a Martyr
It is recorded in the Tirmidhi Shareef that the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 had witnessed the Shahaadat of Imam Husayn .

. :
[Hazrath Salmi  reports] I went to ummi Salama  and
found her crying. I asked her why she was crying and she
I saw the Messenger of Allah  in a dream and his blessed
head and blessed beard was ruffled and full of sand. I asked
him, O Messenger of Allah ! What is the matter? (why are
you in this condition) . He replied, I have just witnessed the
martyrdom of Husayn  252

Thus the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn  is above all martyrdom since

our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad  had witnessed it. (Mashud bir
Rasul). Love tells me that whilst other martyrs will intercede on behalf of
70 members of their own family, Imam Husayn  will intercede for the
entire community of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .


Madinah to Karbala

Allah  says in the 9th Sura, at-Tawbah (Repentance) in verse 36:

Indeed the number of months with Allah  has been twelve in
the Book of Allah  since the Day He created the heavens and
the earth. Of these four months (Rajab, Dhul-Qada, DhulHijja and Muharram) are sacred. This is the right Deen. So do
not wrong your souls during these months and fight against all
the idolaters (in retaliation) the same way as they all fight
against you (allied), and bear in mind that Allah  is surely
with the God-fearing

Sacred Month

Muharram is one of the four sacred months. The 10th day is the Day of
Ashura, and Allah  enormously enhances the recompense of those who
worship him on that day. Fasting, caring for the orphans and needy and
providing a meal to a fasting person on this day carries great spiritual
rewards. Fast should be kept on the ninth and tenth of Muharram.
Significant Events

The Holy Prophet  has enumerated the significance of this day in

ahadith. He has stated that


Allah created the heavens, mountains, oceans, pen (qalam) and

tablet (lawh) on this day.
Hazrath Ibrahim  was born, and Allah  saved him from
the furnace on this day.
Pharaoh was drowned,
Allah  forgave the transgression Adam  ,
Isa  was born on this day
The day of Reckoning will occur on this day.

In another tradition it is stated that

Heaven, earth, stars, arsh, (heavenly throne), kursi (pedestal),

tablet and pen were created on this day.
Gabriel (Alai' his salaam) all angels and, Adam (Alai' his
salaam) were created on Ashura.
The first rains and the first gift of mercy (rahma) descended on
this day.

Cosmic Birth
There is a lack of unanimity amongst the scholars as to why the day of
Ashura came to be so called. Without going into the various opinions I
mention just one. Shaykh Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaani  says that it was also
on this day the essence of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  was brought
into existence. It is unanimously accepted that the physical birth of the
Holy Prophet Muhammad  took place in Rabi ul-Awwal. Therefore
many Urafa (people of insight) has stated that this could be a reference to
the cosmic birth of the entire universe from the Light of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad  (Nur e Muhammadi) who is the essence of all
Martyrs of Karbala
It is therefore evident that the tenth day of Muharram is a special chosen
day of Allah  therefore He effected many events on this particular
day. The martyrdom of al-Husayn ibn Ali  and the members of the Ahl
al-Bayt on the Day of Ashura in 61 AH have a great significance. The
Umayads usurped the temporal power, planted the seeds of Monarchy
and paved the way for the modem so called Islamic Nation States and
the external (zahiri) brand of Islam, as followed by these leaders. Those
who could see the reality however, continued to flock around the ahl alBayt to drink from the fountain of knowledge and reality. Under the
Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphs these expounders of the internal true
Islam, or the Sufi Dervishes, were persecuted and that is why these
spiritual lessons were given secretly. The analysis of the events after
Karbala shows clearly how wealth and power corrupted the morals and
respect for ahl al-Bayt. How deep this rot has set in today. Fortunate are
those that are attached to Sufi Orders that have devised effective


mechanisms to keep the love of ahl al-Bayt, and thus the soul of true
Islam, alive in the heart of its adherents.


Allah  says in the Holy Quraan in the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow)
: Verses 154 to 157:


And say not of those who are slain in Allah s cause, They
are dead. No they are alive but you perceive it not. And most
certainly We shall try you by means of danger, and hunger, and
loss of worldly goods, of lives and of (labours) fruits. But give
glad tidings to those who are patient in adversity, Who, when
calamity befalls them, say, "Verily to Allah  we belong and
verily, to Him we shall return". It is they upon whom their
Sustainers blessings and grace are bestowed, and it is they who
are guided.

We remember the martyrs of Karbala. We recount their lives and pray for
their blessed souls and commemorate their sacrifice and struggle. This
gives us a spiritual bond with them that is important for our salvation.
We should by now have knowledge of their great sacrifice to ensure the
survival and purity of the Theocentric Islamic Public Order and of Pax
Islamica [The Islamic Caliphate based on The Law of Allah  and His
Beloved Messenger 's exposition].
Knowledge is a living dynamic thing that by its nature, must constantly
deal with the creative tensions that arise out of intellectual confrontation.


Karbala Today
We are being confronted intellectually and at every level in our age. If we
do not have individuals who are willing to rise up to the level of this deen
and be willing to think deeply about the profound issues of our age,
which includes theology, then who are going to guide the masses. We
cannot be content with stories about the greatness of our past, but we
should be nourished by it and recognize that we come from a proud and
great tradition. I use pride in the context of dignity or izzah, which means
we are proud to be the slaves of Allah  in a state of slavehood or
Recently the world population census revealed that there are
approximately five billion plus, people in the world. Europe and America
constitute 20% of the world population but they are holding on to, by
any means, fair or foul, 80% of the world's natural resources. The west
wishes to hold mankind in the grip of its power, by imposing upon the
rest of mankind its values, culture and economy. The sensate culture of
the West is in conflict with the God rooted culture of the divinely
revealed religions of the World, especially Islam. Until the 1980s the
world was divided into two, people were either communist or capitalist.
The communist model failed economically, we all realized that, but the
capitalist model in the modern world is in ruins. People continue to
accept that fifty people in the world own forty per cent of the wealth. Is
that defendable humanly? Can you accept that when two billion people
have two dollars to live per day? I dont believe that will be accepted for
much longer. We have seen the first signs in America, during the
economic crisis, of people revolting against the bonuses, and Barrack
Obama said it cannot be acceptable to pay such a huge amount of money
anymore. It is the first sign. Even in America, a pure capitalistic country,
it is not accepted. It is the first time a president of the United States has
said something like that.
The Global political presence of Muslims that have strong Islamic values
that transcend artificial borders and the retention of a global culture and
political identity are seen as a threat by the ruthless, Capitalist/Zionist
alliance, which today also includes Russia. In Muslim majority countries,
that are rich in natural resources, any attempts to establish an Islamic


value system, are termed as fundamentalist and terrorist and crushed by

any means. The reigning governments in the 50+ Muslim majority
countries of the world have to be western puppet governments or the
prevalent authorities will be directly opposed, or elements within that
country will be funded, to keep the country in the grip of instability and
poverty. Recent history, the genocide's and massacres in Bosnia, Kosovo,
Chechnya and the continuing occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq has
made the fact, universally accepted to all sober thinkers, that the west is
determined to eradicate all remaining traces of Genuine Islam, that
threatens its unholy grip of Muslim Wealth and lands. The
metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making.
The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the
oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile,
for the creation of Greater Israel.

Greater Israel and Pakistan

Transcribed from my Shaykh, who taught me to see with two

eyes- Imran Husayn - Gog & Magog, 2012 and the Significance
of Pakistan
Richard Friedman an eminent American scholar of the Bible
in his book Who Wrote the Bible? confirms in his book
what Allah  has said in the Holy Quraan. Whoever rewrote
the Torah decided that the Holy Land extends from the River
of Egypt to the River Euphrates. Why? He says that, (Whoever
rewrote the Torah) says wherever the Jews lived in exile at that
time is a part of the Holy Land. Since The Prophet Yusuf 
took the Jews to Misr. Al-Misr is not the whole of Egypt- Today
Al-Misr is the whole of Egypt. At that time Misr was the Eastern
Delta, between the Red Sea and the River Nile. The fertile
Eastern Delta, thats where the Jews lived, so he says from the
river of Egypt, where the Israelite people lived for three to four
hundred years; to the River Euphrates- because they were taken
to exile in Babylon, where they were enslaved. Remember the
Jews also went and lived in Madinah. So it is likely that when
Israel makes the effort to extend territorial frontiers of the
state, to encompass the Biblical frontiers, it is possible that
there will be an attack on Madinah in addition to Egypt. So
they will control the Suez Canal and the oil of the Gulf. I want
to suggest to you that Israel is planning that big war. They will


Karbala Today
use weapons of war never used before in history. Israel cannot
make that move while a significant military threat still remains
in the hands of Muslims. So the Pakistani Nuclear Weapons
and Nuclear Plants have to be destroyed by hook or by crook.
The invasion of Afghanistan from 9/11 is part and parcel of a
big plan to eventually destroy Pakistan Nuclear Weapons. All
the maneuvering is taking place now. That is the target. In
December 2001, two to three months after 9/11; I (Imran
Hosein) published a booklet A Muslim Response to the Attack
on America. In that booklet I argued that the target is
Pakistans Nuclear Plants and Weapons. I also argued that in
order for them to move in and destroy Pakistans Nuclear
Plants and Weapons they will have to provoke civil war in
Pakistan. That is what they are trying to do know. If elements
within the Pakistan armed forces were to rebel against the
military command in Pakistan then the government and
fighting where to break out within the Pakistan armed forces
that would be the que for them to move in to save the world
from a Nuclear threat. Once they dispose of Pakistans Nuclear
Plants and Weapons and to an extent Irans missile capacity
then 2012 all the hype about 2012- is meant to prepare the
world for something big. Everybody is waiting for something
big. So lets not disappoint them. 2012 perhaps can witness
Israels big war. The use of Nuclear weapons in Israels war and
eventually it will then become clear- that Israel has replaced the
USA as the ruling state in the World. A defining moment in
history, for the transfer of power from the USA, for Israel to be
recognized by the rest of mankind. [Unquote]

They have even created or invented and popularized, due to their grip on
the Media and thus the mindset of the world, so-called resistance groups
like al-Qaeda and the Taliban as being the representatives of True Islam,
which gives the masses a false perception that Islam is wicked, backward,
oppressive and violent. They will soon occupy Pakistan, to gain control of
the Port City of Karachi, which will give them a port to ship the Natural
Resources of the Eurasian geographic region for their own consumption.
Islam is viewed as being the only source of challenge to the western
Capitalist/Zionist domination of the world. This challenge indeed exists
as in the form of a widespread realization amongst Muslims everywhere


that they have to free themselves from the stronghold that the western
Capitalist/Zionist alliance has acquired over them and Islam. A dynamic,
vibrant, living Islam left in peace will offer the world peace, security,
morality and economic and social justice. Bombs and technology will not
decide who wins, but the emergence of a superior civilization will
determine this.
It has become even more necessary, in these turbulent times to relate to
our children and youth born and being raised in the west, or in western
influenced environments, the events of one of the greatest sacrifices in
the history of mankind. The Martyrdom of Imam Husayn , so lessons
may be learned from it.
Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Calendar, marks the concept of
emigration (Hijrah) in the cause of Allah . It is also sacred for many
other reasons. Jews used to fast on this day but Prophet Muhammad 
advised Muslims to fast both ninth and tenth of Muharram. The Holy
Prophet  has enumerated the significance of this day in many
Traditions (Hadith). However, it is the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn 
and seventy-one members of his family and associates which took place
on this day at Karbala, in 61 AH that we Muslims, who love the Holy
Prophet  remember most. He gave the ultimate sacrifice of position,
family and life for the restoration of justice. It is a Day of triumph over
falsehood and a Day of the reaffirmation of a true Muslims determination
to make Jihad or strive against corrupt and un-Islamic forces within or
without its ranks as a first duty. The problem of the Muslim Ummah on a
global level is a real and living problem- it is our Karbala today. Since
March 3, 1924 (eighty years) we are Muslims without a Caliphate, in
which Allah  is Sovereign. To accept the monarchs and presidents as
sovereign is an act of shirk. The huge oil wealth of Arabia belongs to the
world of Islam. The handing over of the effective control of this oil
wealth to the Americans is an act of treason. Volumes can be written on
the economic subordination of the Muslim world.
Imam Jafar Saadiq  rightly proclaimed,


Karbala Today

Every day is Ashura and every land is Karbala

We need to find and enforce a solution to our present degradation and

decline whether we are from Africa, The Indo-Pak Subcontinent, or the
Arab World. We have a population of over 1.2 Billion in the world and
yet we have no say in the International Affairs. The propaganda
machinery of the west has misrepresented Islam on a global level. We
need to enforce ways and means to counter this propaganda. One
method that can be enforced is to adapt and modify existing functions
and observances to serve the original spirit of mobilizing the spirit and
educating society as to how we can gain the pleasure of Allah  and serve
the cause of Islam.
Islam has produced numerous stars within the Galaxy of Prophets,
truthful, martyrs, and saints who illuminated the world when the forces
of darkness threatened. We have to reattach ourselves to this fellowship
and seek their guidance if we want success. Allah  says in the 4th Sura,
an-Nis (Women) , Verse 69:

And whoever obeys Allah  and His Messenger  they are the
people who shall be in the company of those whom Allah 
has blessed with His favour: the Prophets, the Truthful, the
Martyrs and the Most Pious. And how excellent these
companions are!

Who are the recipients of Allahs blessings? There are four categories,
The Prophets, The Siddiqs - the embodiment of Truth, The
Martyrs and Saliheen or righteous who have attained the status of
being Intimates of Allah  (Aulia Allah ). In the Islamic concept of
Democracy the majority is not necessarily right. We do not count heads
but look at competency and proximity to Allah  and his Beloved Holy


Prophet Muhammad . Equality does not mean physical sameness. A

thousand fools cannot be equal to a beloved of Allah . Islam insists on
duty and competency Imam Husayn  represented truth, justice, purity,
love, service and sacrifice. Islamic democracy relies on the strength of
argument whilst western democracy is based on the argument of strength.
The Holy Qur'aan says in the 6th Sura al- Ana>m [The Cattle] Verse

Say: My Prayer, my Hajj (Pilgrimage) and sacrifice (together
with the entire worship and servitude) and my life and my
death are for Allah  alone, Who is the Lord of the entire

A leader must have complete mastery over his animal self, seeking
neither, power, position nor pleasure. Under the rule of the Yazidi brand
of Islam, enforcing a spiritless brand of Islam, devoid of love and respect,
the blood of a Husayn  has to purify the Ummah. The
Capitalist/Zionist/Wahabbi alliances are bedfellows. When it is clear that
the rulers are not really functioning as servants of humanity as they were
supposed to; how does one to deal with the flagrant breach of the divine
The answer to this question is to be found in the Qur'aan which lays
down the ground rules of a clear-cut policy 4th Sura, an-Nisa (Women) :
Verse 135:

O you who have committed to Allah ! Become tenaciously
firm on justice, bearing witness for the sake of Allah .
Even if is against your own selves or parents or relatives.
Whether the person is rich or poor, Allah  is a greater
Well-Wisher of them both (than you are).


Karbala Today
The Holy Quraan clearly declares in the 2nd Sura al-Baqarah (the Cow)
: Verse 191 that:

And rousing mischief and disruption (fitna) is a severer (crime)
than killing.

The tragic events of Karbala is an annual reminder to practice Islam

honestly and sincerely, to do what is right irrespective of consequences,
and fear none but Allah. To stand for the truth and fight to the death is
more honourable than submitting to the wrongful. As Khwaja
Muinuddin Chishti  reminded us:

The ruler over his ego and lovers hearts is Husayn . The true
Leader is Husayn .
The way of life (al-Islam) is Husayn . The guardian of Imaan
is Husayn .
He sacrificed his blessed head and but gave not his blessed
hand to Yazid.
Truly, the fountain of Tauhid is Husayn .

As the Rites and Rituals of Hajj keep alive the remembrance of true
Tauhid258 i.e. Allah  is the Sovereign, whose rule is maintained within
the institution of the Caliphate, the Rites and Rituals introduced in Islam
by the Sufis to remember Imam Husayn  keeps the spirit of resistance
alive in the hearts of sincere believers who have not given in to the
corrupt man-made systems that exploit in the name of democracy. Critical
attention needs to be given to sectarian rivalry in Islam with the
emergence of many rival sects amongst Muslims themselves, many of
which dogmatically lay claim to the true Islam while demonizing all rivals
as misguided. Among the strange and misguided sects is one that as per
the prophecy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  emerged out of the
region of Najd in Arabia to declare all its rivals to be Mushrikeen (i.e., a


people who blaspheme against the one God), and to further declare it
obligatory to kill all such rivals. Members of that Najdi Wahabi sect
entered into an alliance with the Saudi clan in order to win control over
the Hijaazi Arabian heartland of Islam. They sought this control over the
Hijaaz in order to cleanse it of what they considered to be Shirk
(blasphemy), and to thus restore the true faith. When they succeeded in
winning that control they proceeded to slaughter thousands of innocent
Muslims. They subsequently further exposed the hollowness of their faith
in Islam when they aided and abetted in the creation and preservation in
Arabia of a Saudi-American client-State that they named Saudi Arabia. In
doing so they presided over the destruction of Dar al-Islam and the
Khilafah State that the blessed Holy Prophet  had established. They also
chose friendship and alliance with Europes mysterious Judeo-Christian
alliance in preference to fraternal solidarity with those believers who
proclaimed their faith in Islam.
So long as the Saudi-Wahabi alliance maintains its client-State
relationship with the European Zionist-Christian alliance which rules the
world, it remains impossible for any Muslim, or combination of Muslims,
to dislodge them from control over the Hijaaz, the Haramain and the
Hajj. This upstart sect with a claim to represent the true Islam actually
presides over the monstrous betrayal of Islam while aiding and abetting in
the destruction of the Islamic Caliphate. They played a crucial role in
delivering to the Jewish-Christian alliance the capacity to eventually rule
over the entire world of Islam.
Yet another strange and mysterious but very attractive Indian sect
declaring those within its fold to be a people of Tabligh (i.e., missionary
preaching). Their methodology of reaching out to Muslims and gently
leading them back to the non-strategic Sunnah of the blessed Holy
Prophet  is indeed impressive. Many of its members are very sincere
Muslims who do live lives of great piety. Hence it is quite mysterious that
members of this sect would oft-times rather shy away from the
remembrance of Imam Husayn , which delivers knowledge of the
strategic Sunnah. They would act in this strange way even when they have
no knowledge of the subject. They would rather close their ears than join


Karbala Today
in a conversation or discussion that questions the validity of the Saudi
Occupation of the Hijaaz or the Zionist control of al-Aqsa.
Most of the Ulama of this age, even in the Dar al-Ulum or institutions of
higher Islamic learning, seem to neglect the inner dimension of the
Quraanic Revelation. The Sufis, except for a handful, are busy with
mystifying the Science of Spirituality and have themselves abandoned the
Sufi epistemology that recognizes the validity of internal intuitive spiritual
insight as a source of knowledge. Hence they are unable to read and
understand the movement of history and respond, as Imam Husayn 
did to challenge those forces which move history. Thus the forces against
the Islamic Ideology will allow the Ijtima (gathering); the gathering of dhikr
in the Sufi Khanqah or the breast beating and wailing of the Shia but they
will never allow meddling in politics and economics. Our Karbala Today
is an all out struggle against economic corruption and political slavery
enshrined in their system of production and consumption.
The French have a proverb: plus a change, plus c'est la meme chose, i.e. the
more it (appears to) change - the more it is (in fact) the same thing.
Muslims are being slaughtered in Afghanistan, North-West Pakistan, Iraq,
Somalia and elsewhere, and we anticipate more of the same from the
river of Egypt to the great River Euphrates as well as in Venezuela,
Bolivia, Iran and elsewhere. Yet many still do not recognize the falsehood
of the claim that all the intimidation, bloodshed and mass slaughter is
being perpetrated in the name of establishing democracy. In fact the
substance of the Judeo-Christian European alliance which drives the
current barbaric Anglo-American-Israeli world-order does not appear to
have changed in the last 150 years. Read the speech of Chief See-at-hl,
delivered in a speech directed at the President of America in 1855. This
same address could have been delivered by Malcolm X 100 years later in
1955. And if we had the eloquence of those two men we could speak the
same words today, 150 years later, in a world now ruled by the same white
slave-master who now hides behind a deceptively innocent black face.


The Caliphs and Hazrath Ali ibn Abu Talib 

In the 3rd Sura, aal-i- Imraan [ The Family of Imran] Verse 33 Allah
 speaks of His choice:

Verily, Allah  chose Adam, and Nuh (Noah), and the family
of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the family of Imran (in dignity)
above all the people of the world.

Allah  speaks of this chosen family and says that they are descendants
of each other. So and so is the descendant of so and so is said to
expound connection (taalluq) and relationship (nisba). The Holy
Prophet Muhammad  also expounded his connection to Hazrath Ali .
Hazrath Imran bin Husayn  narrates that the Holy Prophet
Muhammad said:

Undoubtedly Ali is from me and I am from Ali. After me Ali is
the wali (protector and guide) of every believer 
This Hadith also appears in Tirmidhi, Volume 6, page 392 with slight
different wording]

In the history of Islamic Rhetoric ( )this is only one instance where a

single thread ( iktarfi) of connection has a double thread .This blessed
unique rhetoric quoted above, when he  said:

Ali is from me and I am from Ali

emanated from the blessed lips of the Holy Prophet

Muhammad , expounding the status and relationship to him of
Hazrath Ali . If the Holy Prophet Muhammad  had only said, Ali is
of me (Aliyu minni) I would have understood for he had said He who
follows me is of me for Hazrath Ali  is in the category of excellent


Karbala Today
An Ummah that was literally addicted to discovery and the pursuit of
knowledge suddenly becomes an Ummah completely divorced from the
pursuit of knowledge and were literally left with a blind imitation with
very little reflection except for a few great scholars that have maintained
the traditions of Islam. The greatest tragedy of that is when we have
begun studying and learning Muslims have gone to western methodology
and have abandoned this incredible tradition that we have. Which is not
to say that theres not benefit in much of the development and
knowledges that have taken place in the west. At the same time we
should recognize that we have an extraordinary tradition. The
abandonment of this tradition is one of the most detrimental things to
the condition of the Muslims in our present time. We have to seriously
look at the impact and effect of this.
The Imams of the early communities were brilliant human beings whom
Allah  gave intellect. They were literally containers. Why is it that we
cannot contain the knowledge that people had before. The early Muslims
were huge containers and unfortunately we have become very narrow
containers. In order to pour anything in a container it has to be empty.
So people who come, who think they know everything and you try and
pour knowledge into them it spills out. Imam Shafi  said:

Faqihan wa Sufian fa kun laysa waahida
fa inni wa haqqillahi iyyaka ansahu
Fadhalika qasin lam yadhuq qalbuhu tuqan
Wahadha jahulun kayfa dhul-jahli yasluhu
[al-Shafii, Diwan, (Beirut and Damascus: Dar al-fikr) p. 47]
Be at the same time a Faqh and a Sufi.
(Be both) a Faqih and a Sufi: do not be only one of them,
Verily, by Allah s truth, I am advising you sincerely.


For the former is hardened, his heart tastes no Allah 

While the latter is ignorant - of what use is the ignorant?

The faqih is somebody who hasnt tasted taqwa in their heart if they
dont have, a technical term called, tasawwuf. And if a Sufi is ignorant,
how can he be someone balanced: i.e. the inward and outward have to be
in entrainment. The real mumin is he whose outward Islam is intact,
Imaan is intact and Ihsaan is manifesting. This is a whole and complete
human being. Some off us have become so focused on the outward that
we have literally forgotten the inward experience of Islam. We have lost
the true spirit and lost the goal.
The spirit of Islam is based on learning the deen acting on it and taking
it out to people in a state of humility and submission; not in a state of
arrogance and self righteousness. The sahaba were not arrogant people.
They went to the corners of the earth in deep humility. They had izza-tulnufuus. They were not humble in a meek sense but they were like lions;
humble in a sense that they realized the rest of the world were in the state
they were in because they were not given Islam and they (the sahaba) were
blessed with Islam. Set aside the luxury of having differences for a better
time and this does not mean compromising the deen but we must realize
that this universal deen encompasses many different types of people, with
different types of understanding. The sahaba also manifested differences
in understanding. By this ummahs deviation from this nisbah from Allah
, and the Islamic Epistemology or method of acquisition of knowledge
is why we see the tribulation and division in this Ummah. There were
many amongst the Sahaba and even in simple people in this age that
dont have much external knowledge but their awareness of Allah  and
emotional love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad  impacts their heart.
This is very important because many of the Sahaba were not scholars but
very simple people who because their faith (imaan) was so strong and their
knowledge of Allah  was so powerful, that they were ulama with deep
knowledge of Allah . They were not people of memorizing the whole
Holy Quraan or knowing many hadith. So I hope we dont envision that
if you are not a scholar you are finished. On the contrary there are very
simple Muslims with such strong imaan, that they are in a much better


Karbala Today
state than people who know many hadith and narration (riwayah) and
things like that and it doesnt benefit them.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:

Hazrath ibn Abbas  narrates that the Holy Prophet

Muhammad  said, I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its
door; whosoever wants to attain knowledge must come to the
door. 260

Also the Holy Prophet Muhammad  said:

Hazrath Ali  reports that the Messenger of Allah  said, I
am the house of wisdom and Ali  is its door261
[Jaami at-Tirmidhi, Volume 6, Chapters on al-Manaaqib, Page 394, Hadith
Number 3722]

There is a difference between knowledge, which is the acquisition of

information, and wisdom, which is the application of the information
obtained to benefit or heal oneself and others, thus both should
compliment each other. The word wisdom or hikmah in Arabic is derived
from the same root as the word hakim which literally means doctor.
So a knowledgeable scholar should wisely dispense to heal him and others
spiritually. There are many so-called Ulama have simply become like
information recorders, that memorise many things and can quote them
like playback. They have even become arrogant despite their knowledge
of servitude. That is not an Alim. The true Ulama are humble, before
Allah  and the slaves of Allah . A beautiful example of a humble
Alim is related by Mohammed ibn Hajj al-Abdari al-Fasi 262 from
Morocco the author of Madkhal Ash-Shara Ash-Shareef Ala Al-Mathahib
(Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence According to Schools of Thought)


who relates the incident when he went to his teacher Shaykh As-Salih
Abdullah Ibn Sad a.k.a. Ibn Abi Jamrah , one of the greatest scholars
of hadith from al-Andalus who wrote the famous book Bahjat al-nufus (joy
of the souls), a commentary of Sahih Bukhari. He says that when I went to
him and said:
I want to learn from you O Shaykh!

He replied:
We are both students and Allah  is the Teacher; so if you want to sit with me,
then welcome

That is humility. That inspires love in the student. The great Imams
students differed with them and yet they never denied their teacher.
Imam Shafi  was the student of Imam Maalik  and yet Imam Shafi 
I am just a boy from the use of Maalik

That did not stop him from going against his teachers judgments and
opinions and formulating his own Madhab.
We live in an age where Muftis and Shuyukh have set themselves up as
demi-gods. Allah  speaks of such scholars who are so full of themselves
and proud of their knowledge in the 62nd Sura al-Jumuah ( Friday,
the Congregation) in verse 4:

Like that of a donkey loaded with heavy books on its back

Knowledge is a living dynamic thing that by its nature, must constantly

deal with the creative tensions that arise out of intellectual confrontation.
We are being confronted intellectually and at every level in our age. If we
do not have individuals who are willing to rise up to the level of this deen
and be willing to think deeply about the profound issues of our age,
which includes theology, then who are going to guide the masses. We
cannot be content with stories about the greatness of our past, but we
should be nourished by it and recognise that we come from a proud and
great tradition. I use pride in the context of dignity or izzah, which means
we are proud to be the slaves of Allah  in a state of slavehood or
ubudiyya263. This knowledge and wisdom makes us realise what Allah 


Karbala Today
says in the Holy Qur'aan in the 12th Sura, Yusuf (Joseph) in verse

And above every possessor of knowledge is (also) one;
possessing greater knowledge.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad  was taught by Allah  and he pointed

to the door to get an atom of his knowledge.



Maulana Jalaluddin Muhammad Rumi  wrote a beautiful Qasida on

Hazrath Ali ibn Abu Talib :

Saki e ba wafa manam, dam hame dam Ali Ali

A humble poet, I am, Let me make you ponder drink
from me
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Sufi e ba safa manam, dam hame dam Ali Ali
A Sufi, I am, Pure of heart
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Ashike Murtaza manam, dam hame dam Ali Ali
A lover, I am, of Murtaza (The elected Spiritual Guide)
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Mutribe khushnava manam, dam hame dam Ali Ali
My joy uncontained, I am in song
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Adam ba safa tueen, Yusufe mah laka tueen
Adam the Pure be you, Yusuf the Beautiful too
Khidhre rahe khuda tueen, dam hame dam Ali Ali
You are the Khidr (the evergreen guide) to Allah 
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Shahe shariyatam tueen, pire tariqotam tueen
The inheritor of Shariah is you,
The true guide on the path to Allah  (tariqah) is you
Haq ba hakikatam tueen, dam hame dam Ali Ali

Qasida by Rumi  on Ali 

I swear by The Truth, you are the Truth (Haqiqah)

In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Ham dame sayeedul basher, raj-e-shamshul qamar
Faithful Companion of the Leader of Mankind
In whose company pales even the Sun, the moon
Babe shabirro ham shabbar, dam hame dam Ali Ali
Oh, Father of Hasan and Husayn
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Sayeede sarware karam, goft bato ay ibne am
The Bestower of karm inexplicit gifts- in his
generosity (Muhammad ), said
My cousin, the son of my uncle
Lahamak lahmi dammak dammi, dam hame dam Ali
My flesh is your flesh, my blood your blood
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali
Ayah e Innama barat, taje la fata sarat
That the Holy Quraan makes clear in the Verses of
You are the Guardian, the Master of believers, Garbed,
Crowned, Invincible, and Unvanquished
Shamsh gulame Kambarat, dam hame dam Ali Ali
Shams, your humble servant, your lowly servant, am I
In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali

17658 17657 17656 1777 1772 : 207 / 1 : 10 1
131 / 6 8176 : 51 / 5 2960 5433 : 376 / 3
.7037 : 361 / 4 1501 : 188 / 2 2175 :
Sihah Sittah: The six major Hadith collections ; al-Kutub al-Sittah are collections of
hadith by Islamic scholars who, approximately 200 years after the Holy Prophet Muhammad s
death and by their own initiative, collected hadith. They are sometimes referred to as Al-Sihah alSittah (The Authentic Six). They are Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, al-Nasai, Abu Dawud, Jaami
al-Tirmidhi, Sunan ibn Majah.
Ismail ibn Kathir was an Islamic scholar. His full name is Abu Al-Fida, 'Imad Ad-Din
Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi. He was born in 1301 in Busra, Syria (hence
Al-Busrawi). He was taught by Ibn Taymiyya (expounder of Wahabbism) in Damascus, Syria.
Taqi ad-Din Abu 'l Abbas Ahmad ibn 'Abd al-Halim ibn 'Abd as-Salam Ibn Taymiya al-Harrani
a Kurdish Salafi scholar born in Harran, located
in what is now Turkey, close to the Syrian border. There is probably no other theologian,
medieval or otherwise, who has had as much influence on the modern radical Islamist
movement. His teachings, first followed by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (d. 1792), became
the basis of the Wahabi movement in the nineteenth century and the guiding principles of the
Wahabi state of Saudi Arabia. Again, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, through
Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida, they influenced the modernist Salafiyah movement. He
was also a staunch critic of veneration of tombs and treating them as place of acceptance of
worship and supplication. He stated that when a Muslim says "La Ilaha Illa Allah", he/she
testifies that he/she will worship Allah and Allah alone. Therefore, going through
intermediaries, invoking them, and seeking their assistance is an act of shirk (associating partners
in the worship of Allah). He influenced an 18th century Arabian scholar named Muhammad ibn
Abd al-Wahab, who studied the works of ibn Taymiyyah and aimed to revive his teachings and
founded Wahabism.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (1292-1350CE / 691 AH- 751 AH) was a Sunni Islamic jurist,
commentator on the Quraan, astronomer, chemist, philosopher, psychologist, scientist and
theologian. Although he is commonly referred to as "the scholar of the heart," given his extensive
works pertaining to human behaviour and ethics, Ibn al-Qaayim's scholarship focused in the
sciences of Hadith and Fiqh. Ibn al-Qayyim ultimately joined the study circle of Ibn Taymiyah,
661H - 728H (1263-1328), who kept him in his company as his closest student, disciple and his
successor. He defended Ibn Taymiyahs religious opinions and approaches, and he compiled and
edited most of his works, and taught the same. He eventually accepted the Sufi way when he met
the grit Sufi Abdullah al Ansari of Heart, Afghanistan. He wrote Madaarij Saalikeen
(The Steps of the Spiritual Traveller) which is a commentary of the book by Shaikh Abdullah alAnsari, Manazil-u Sa'ireen (Stations of the Seekers);
Imam ash-Shawkani: Muhammad ash-Shawkani (1759-1834 C.E. ) was a Yemeni scholar of
Islam. Born into a Zaydi Shi'a Muslim family, ash-Shawkani later on adopted the Salafi ideology
within Sunni Islam and called for a return to the textual sources of the Quran and hadith. He


viewed himself as a mujtahid, or authority to whom others in the Muslim community had to
defer in details of religious law.
Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhab ibn Sulaiman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn
Rashid Al-Tamimi (17031792 C.E.) was an Islamic scholar born in Najd, in
present-day Saudi Arabia. It is from ibn Abd-al Wahhab that the term Wahabism derives. He
branded Sufis and Shia Islam, are on Kufr (infidels). He was instrumental in destroyed the
shrines that were erected over graves and was also considering destroying the dome above the
grave of the Prophet Muhammad, out of fear that it might be worshipped.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal [ ; November 9, 1877 Sialkot- April 21, 1938 Lahore] was a
Persian and Urdu poet, philosopher and politician. Iqbal was a strong proponent of the political
and spiritual revival of Islamic Civilization across the world. He is known as Muffakishy-e-Pakistan
(The Thinker of Pakistan), Shair-e-Mashriq (The Poet of the East), and Hakeem-ul-Ummat (The
Healer the of Ummah). He is officially recognized as the national poet of Pakistan.
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH [2]) was a Sunni
scholar and the leading traditionist of his age, frequently referred to as the "Imam of the
Muhaddithin" or the "Muhaddith of Khorasan."
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH) gained
substantial reputation for writing Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain and Mustadrak al-Hakim AlHaakim started writing 'Mustadrak' when he was 72 years old. Al-Hakim is quoted to have said: "I
drank water from Zamzam and asked Allah  for excellence in writing books".
Imam Abu 'Abdullah Al-Qurtubi or Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Abu Bakr alAnsari al-Qurtubi d( 1214 - 1273) was a famous classical Sunni Maliki scholar.
1. Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (1:293,316)
2. Nasai, as-Sunan-ul-kubra (5:93,94#8355,8364)
3. Nasai, Fadail-us-sahabah (p.74,76#250,259)
4. Ibn Hibban, as-Sahih (15:470#7010)
5. Hakim, al-Mustadrak, (2:539#3836)
6. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:174,205#4754,4852)
7. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:760,761# 1339)
8. Abu Yala, al-Musnad (5:110#2722)
9. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:364#2962)
10. Abd bin Humayd, al-Musnad (1:205#597)
Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:760#1336
Ab s Muhammad ibn s ibn Surat ibn Ms ibn ad-Dahhk as-Sulam at-Tirmidh (824892, i.e. 209 AH - 13 Rajab 279 AH) was a collector of hadith. He wrote the Sunan al-Tirmidhi,
one of the six canonical hadith compilations used in Sunni Islam. Starting at the age of twenty,
he travelled widely, to Kufa, Basra and the Hijaaz, seeking out knowledge from, among others,
Qurtubi ibn Said, Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Abu Dawud.
1. Tirmidhi, al-Jami-us-sahih (5:701#3874)
2. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:403,404#1008, 1009)
3. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:171#4744)
4. Muhibb Tabari, Dhakhair-ul-uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.77)
5. Ibn Athir, Usad-ul-ghabah fi marifah as-sahabah (7:219)
6. Dhahabi, Siyar alam an-nubala (2:125)
7. Mizzi, Tahdhib-ul-kamal (4:512)


8. Shawkani, Darr-us-sahabah fi manaqib al-qarabah was-sahabah (p.273)

1. Tirmidhi, al-Jami-us-sahih (5:678##3819)
2. Bazzar, al-Musnad (7:71#2620)
3. Tayalisi, al-Musnad (p.88#633)
4. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:403#1007)
5. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (2:452#3526)
6. Maqdasi, al-Ahadith-ul-mukhtarah (4:160,162#1379,1380)
7. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir-ul-Quran al-azim (3:489,490)
8. Muhibb Tabari, Dhakhair-ul-uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.78)
* This tradition is hasan (fair).
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:168#4736)
2. Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf (7:432#37045)
3. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:360#2952)
4. Ahmad bin Hamnbal, Fadail-us-sahabah (1:364#532)
5. Khatib Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad (4:401)
A hadith which appears both in the collection of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim
1. Muslim, as-Sahih (4:1883#2424)
2. Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf (6:370#36102)
3. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:672#1149)
4. Ibn Rahawayh, al-Musnad (3:678#1271)
5. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:159#4705)
6. Bayhaqi, as-Sunan-ul-kubra (2:149)
7. Tabari, Jami-ul-bayan fi tafsir al-Quran (22:6,7)
8. Baghawi, Maalim-ut-tanzil (3:529)
9. Ibn Kathir, Tafsir-ul-Quran al-azim (3:485)
10. Suyuti, ad-Durr-ul-manthur fit-tafsir-bil-mathur (6:605)
1. Bukhari, as-Sahih (3:1326,1327#3426,3427)
2. Muslim, as-Sahih (4:1904#2450)
3. Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (6:282)
* The narrator is unsure of the exact words of the Prophet (A).
Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, popularly known as Al-Bukhari ( )or Imam Bukhari
(810-870 ce), was a famous Sunni Islamic scholar of Persian ancestry, most known for authoring
the hadith collection named Sahih Bukhari, a collection which Sunnis regard as the most
authentic (Sahih) of all hadith compilations and it is the most authoritative book after the
1. Bukhari, as-Sahih (3:1361#3510)
2. Bukhari, as-Sahih (3:1374#3556)
3. Muslim, as-Sahih (4:1903#2449)
4. Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated it in al-Musannaf (6:388# 32269) through Ali ()
5. Abu Awanah, al-Musnad (3:70#4233)
6. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:361#2954)
7. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:404#1013)
8. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:172#4747)
9. Bayhaqi, as-Sunan-ul-kubra (10:201)
10. Daylami, al-Firdaws bi mathur al-khitab (3:145#4389)


Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer is a known Hadith collection, written by Sunni Islamic scholar al-Tabarani
(or At-Tabarani). The complete work is comprised of 25 volumes containing 7800 pages of
Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn Al-Tabarani born 260 AH (821 CE) and lived,
according to the sources, until 360 AH (918 CE). He narrated numerous ahadith. Amongst his
students Ahmad bin 'Amr bin 'Abdul-Khaliq Al-Basri or Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar.
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:167#4730)
2. Abu Yala, al-Mujam (p.190#220)
3. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:363#2959)
4. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (1:108#182)
5. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:401#1001)
6. Dawlabi, az-Zurriyah at-tahirah (p.120#235)
7. Qazwini, at-Tadwin fi akhbar qazwin (3:11)
8. Haythami said in Majma-uz-zawaid (9:203) Tabarani has narrated this tradition with a hasan
(fair) chain of narrators.
9. Ibn Jawzi, Tadhkirat-ul-khawass (p.279)
10. Ibn Athir, Usad-ul-ghabah fi marifah as-sahabah (7:219)
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH) was a Sunni
scholar and the leading traditionist of his age, frequently referred to as the "Imam of the
Muhaddithin" or the "Muhaddith of Khorasan."
Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn Al-Tabarani born 260 AH (821 CE) and lived,
according to the sources, until 360 AH (918 CE). He narrated numerous ahadeeth. Amongst his
students Ahmad bin 'Amr bin 'Abdul-Khaliq Al-Basri or Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar.
1. Ahmad bin Hamnbal, al-Musnad (4:332)
2. Ahmad bin Hamnbal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:765#1347)
3. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:168#4734)
4. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:362#2956)
5. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (20:25#30)
6. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:405#1014)
7. Haythami said in Majma-uz-zawaid (9:203) Tabarani has related it. Umm Bakr bint Miswar
has been neither criticised nor declared reliable. The rest of the narrators of the tradition have
been declared thiqah (trustworthy).
8. Dhahabi, Siyar alam an-nubala (2:132)
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH [2]) was a Sunni
scholar and the leading traditionist of his age, frequently referred to as the "Imam of the
Muhaddithin" or the "Muhaddith of Khorasan."
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH) gained
substantial reputation for writing Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain and Mustadrak al-Hakim. AlHaakim started writing 'Mustadrak' in the year when he was 72 years old. Al-Hakim is quoted to
have said: "I drank water from Zamzam and asked Allah  for excellence in writing books".
Ahmed ibn Hanbal ' ' Ahmad bin Hanbal) (780 - 855 CE, 164 - 241 AH) was an
important Muslim scholar and theologian born in Khorassan to a family of
Arab origin. He
is considered the founder of the Hanbali School of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). His full name
was Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Abu `Abd Allah al-Shaybani. Shayban or Banu
Shaybah is Ibn Hanbal's tribe. It is an Arabic tribe located in Arabia and it still exists in
Arabia.() .



1.Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:166#4728)

2. Muhibb Tabari, Dhakhair-ul-uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.94)
3. Ibn Athir, Usad-ul-ghabah fi-marifah as-sahabah (7:220)
4. Ajlawni, Kashf-ul-khifa wa muzil-ul-ilbas (1:101#263)
1.Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:175#4757)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:763#1344)
3. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (1:108#180)
4. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:400#999)
5. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (3:35#2386)
6. Haythami, Majma-uz-zawaid (9:212)
1. Muhibb Tabari said in Dhakhair-ul-uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.94) Abu Said Naqqash
related this tradition in Fawaid-ul-Iraqiyyin.
2. Hindi, Kanz-ul-ummal (12:105,106#34209, 34210)
3. Ibn Jawzi related it in Tadhkirat-ul-khawass (p.279) with slightly different words through
Abdullah bin Umar.
4. Haytami said in as-Sawaiq-ul-muhriqah (2:257) Abu Bakr narrated it in al-Gilaniyat.
5. Manawi, Fayd-ul-qadir (1:420,429)
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:153#4684)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:625,626# 1069,1070)
3. Ahmad bin Hambal narrated it in Fadail-us-sahabah (2:758#1333) through Miswar bin
Makhramah as well.
4. Bazzar, al-Musnad (1:397#274)
5. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (3:44,45#2633, 2634)
6. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (5:376#5606)
7. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (6:357#6609)
8. Daylami, al-Firdaus bi mathur al-khitab (3:255#4755)
9. Maqdasi, al-Ahadith-ul-mukhtarah (1:198#102)
10. Haythami said in Majma-uz-zawaid (9:173) Tabarani narrated it in al-Awsat and al-Kabir and
its chain of transmitters is thiqah (trustworthy).
1. Tirmidhi, al-Jami-us-sahih (5:700#3872)
2. Abu Dawud, as-Sunan (4:355#5217)
3. Nasai, Fadail-us-sahabah (p.77,78#264)
4. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (4:303#7715)
5. Bayhaqi, as-Sunan-ul-kubra (5:96)
6. Ibn Sad narrated this tradition in at-Tabaqat-ul-kubra (2:248) through Umm Salmah with
slightly different words.
7. Ibn Jawzi, Sifat-us-safwah (2:6,7)
8. Muhibb Tabari, Dhakhair-ul-uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.84,85)
5779 : 660 : 5 .137
774 : 99 : 1 .2
6974 : : 430 : 15 .3
130 : 91 : 1 .4
1366 : 774 : 2 .5
781 780 : 394 : 2 .6


2235 : 553 : 1 .7
763 : 1 .8
250 : 3 .9

1. Nasai, as-Sunan-ul-kubra (5:391,392#9236,9237)

2. Ibn Hibban, as-Sahih (15:403#6953)
3. Shaybani, al-Aahad wal-mathani (5:367#2967)
4. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (4:242#4089)
5. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (4:303#7715)
6. Bukhari, al-Adab-ul-mufrad (p.326#947)
7. Dawlabi, az-Zurriyah at-tahira (p.100#184)
Sayyid: descendants of the Holy Prophet  through Fatimah.
Ahl al-Kisa People of the Blessed Shawl refers to Holy Prophet Muhammad , his
daughter Fatimah , his cousin and son-in-law Ali , and his two grandsons Hasan t and
Husayn . They are also referred to as Panj-tan ( the five purified personalities), Purified by
Allah  as a response to a supplication of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
Ahmed ibn Hanbal ' ' Ahmad bin Hanbal) (780 - 855 CE, 164 - 241 AH) was an
important Muslim scholar and theologian born in Khorassan to a family of Arab origin. He is
considered the founder of the Hanbali school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). His full name was
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Abu `Abd Allah al-Shaybani. Shayban or Banu Shaybah is
Ibn Hanbal's tribe. It is an Arabic tribe located in Arabia and it still exists in Arabia.
498 : 384 : 1 .1 42
7734 : 308 : 4 .2
734 : 352 : 2 .3
52 : 8 .4
116 : 7 .6
247 : 3 .7
1323 : 399 : 6 .8
159 : 1 .143
498 : 384 : 1 .2
7734 : 308 : 4 .3
734 : 352 : 2 .4
52 : 8 .5
116 : 7 .6
247 : 3 .7
1323 : 399 : 6 .8
Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn Al-Tabarani born 260 AH (821 CE) and lived,
according to the sources, until 360 AH (918 CE). He narrated numerous ahadith. Amongst his
students is Ahmad bin 'Amr bin 'Abdul-Khaliq Al-Basri or Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar.
424 : .1 45
118 : 162 : 1 .2
13 : 2 .3


Imam Ibn al-Athir: Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad, better known as Ali
'Izz al-Din Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari (1160 1233 C.E.) was an Arab Muslim historian born in Cizre,
a town in present-day Srnak province in south-eastern Turkey, He is from from the Ibn Athir
family. He spent a scholarly life in Mosul, but often visited Baghdad. For a time he was with
Saladin's army in Syria and later lived in Aleppo and Damascus. His chief work was a history of
the world, al-Kamil fi at-Tarikh (The Complete History).
. 147 284 : 3
.2 336 : 4 6973 :
.3 763 : 1
.4 124 : 1
.1 48 44 : 3 2631 :
.2 224 : 4
.3 139 : 6
.4 99 : 4
1. 49 656 : 5 3768 :
2. 50 : 5 8169 :
3. 412 : 15 6959 :
4. 3 : 3 11012 :
5. 378 : 6 32176 :
6. 347 : 2 2190 :
7. 10 : 6 5644 :
8. 182 : 3 4778 :
9. 551 : 1 2228 :

50 : 8 : : 664 / 5 :
3789 162 / 3 4716 : 366 / 1 .408 :
151 641 : 5 3733 :
2. 77 : 1 576 :
3. 693 : 2 1185 :
4. 50 : 3 2654 :
5. 45 : 2 421 :
6. 287 : 13 7255 :
7. 120 : 1 234 :
8. 228 : 6
9. 258 : 2 528 :
1. Haythami said in Majma-uz-zawaid (9:174) that he did not know its narrators. Tabarani has
also narrated it.
)2. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (3:41#2623


135 : 52 : 1 53
3782 : 661 : 5 . .154
252 : 3 .2
140 : 6 .3
2847 : 116 : 3 .1 55
201 : 9 .2
284 : 3 .3
3428 : 150 : 6 .1 56
181 : 9 .2
10669 : 513 : 2 .1 57
2659 : 51 : 3 .2
4782 : 183 : 3 .3
181 : 9 .4
1615 : 81 : 6 .5
256 : 3 .6
258 : 2 .7
124 : 2 .8
10 / 4 2636 2638 2638 2388 : 34 / 12 : 23 58
: 84 / 2 : 391 : 240 / 1 5870 : 85 / 6 : 5536 : 355 / 5 : 3478 :
/ 1 3900 : 343 / 9 4720 : 163 / 3 825
.916 : 238
Suyuti said in Manahil al-safa: `Abd ibn Humayd narrates it from Ibn `Umar, and in al-Jami`
al-saghir (#4603): da`if. al-Bajawi said in his edition of al-Shifa (2:613): "al-Daraqutni narrated it,
and Ibn `Abd al-Barr in al-`Ilm, through chains that are all weak. Ibn Hazm even said: It is
forged. The hadith master al-`Iraqi said: The author (`Iyad) should not have cited it as if it were
definitely a hadith of the Prophet." However, al-Qari said in his commentary on al-Shifa' (2:91):
The Prophet said it, as narrated by `Abd ibn Humayd from Ibn `Umar; "My Companions are
like the stars" refers to the totality of the guidance of the stars, for by the stars is one guided in
the darkest nights, and by the Companions is one guided to the beauties and the highest levels
of the lights of the Shari`a. The hadith may be deduced from Allah's saying: "Ask the People of
dhikr" (16:43) and it is strengthened by the Prophet's saying: "The Scholars of knowledge are the
inheritors of Prophets." [see below] But you must know that "My Companions are like the stars"
is another hadith narrated by al-Daraqutni in the Fada'il and Ibn `Abd al-Barr through his chain
from Jabir, and he said: "This is a chain through which no proof can be established firmly." alBazzar said of `Abd ibn Humayd's narration: "It is denounced (munkar) and unsound." Ibn `Adi
narrated it in al-Kamil from Nafi` from Ibn `Umar with a weak chain. Bayhaqi narrated
something similar in al-Madkhal from `Umar and Ibn `Abbas and he said: "Its matn is wellknown (mashhur) and its chains are weak." al-Halabi said: "The author should not have cited it as
if it were definitely a hadith of the Prophet due to what is known about it among the scholars of
this science, and he has done the same thing several times before." I say: It is possible that he had


established a chain for it, or that he considered the multiplicity of its chains to raise its grade
from da`if to that of hasan, due to his good opinion of it, although the weak hadith may be put
into practice for meritorious acts (fada'il al-a`mal), and Allah knows best.
al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah (The Beginning and the End) or Tarikh ibn Kathir (The history of
Ibn Kathir) is a classic work by Ibn Kathir. It is considered to be one of the most authoritative
sources on Islamic history, especially by Salafis and Wahabbis.
al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah vol.8
200 - 196 : 8 1. 63
34313 : 126 : 12 2.
125 : 2 64
108 : 3
(2819 : 109 : 3 65
Ismail ibn Kathir was an Islamic scholar. His full name is Abu Al-Fida, 'Imad Ad-Din
Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi. He was born in 1301 CE in Busra, Syria
(hence Al-Busrawi). He was taught by Ibn Taymiyya (expounder of Wahabism) in Damascus,
al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah is a classic work by the Sunni scholar Ibn Kathir. It is considered to be
one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history. A unique aspect of the book is that it
not only deals with past events, but also speculates about future events mentioned by Hazrath
Muhammad . The different volumes of the book deal with the beginning of creation and the
sending of man upon the earth according to Islam, the lives of the Prophets of Islam, and the
times of the Sahaba to the 8th century. The last volume records predictions of future events such
as signs of the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah).
221 : 68
126 : 2 69
13 :
Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703 - August 20, 1762) was an Islamic
scholar and reformer. He worked for the revival of Muslim rule and intellectual learning in
South Asia, during a time of waning Muslim power. Shah Waliullah urged Muslim rulers to a
jihad against the enemies of Islam and hoped to restore the Ulama's former power and influence.
He despised the divisions and deviations within Islam and its practice in India and hoped to
"purify" the religion and unify all Indian Muslims under the "banner of truth". He is also thought
to have anticipated a number of progressive, social, economic, and political ideas of the modern
era such as social reform, equal rights, labour protection, welfare entitlement of all to food,
clothing, housing, etc.
218 : 2 71
Tazkira al-Karam Tariqh Khulafa-e-Arab wa Islam. P.293.
73 Qur'aan. 2:153-157.
This is the great son of Hazrathh Ali Ibne Abi Talib, from the noble lady Hazrathh Umm ulBaneen, who was brought into this world to fulfill the desire of Hazrathh Ali to have his own
representative, on his behalf to be martyred with Husayn in Karbala.
Khilafath and Imaamat. Commissioned him as a spiritual guide and leader.


: 189 / 1 : 31 76
3127 : 298 / 5 : :
.663 : 387 / 1 7843 : 23 / 8
Irshad. Wisdom of a Sufi Master. Sheik Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi.
Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq. 11th Discourse. Vol.3. Al-Baz publishing.
Irshad. Sheik Muzaffer al-Jerrahi.
Sura 33; Verse 33
Sayed Husayn Sharfuddin Shah Wilayat Naqvi  was a ninth descendant of Imam Ali al-Hadi
an- Naqi . He was from the town of Wasit in present Iraq, however he migrated to Amroha in
IndiaHe is the ancestor of Mir Adal, the Chief justice of Akbars court. The Naqvi's lineage of
Sayeds in Amroha are his descendants
Ahmed ibn Hanbal ' ' Ahmad bin Hanbal) (780 - 855 CE, 164 - 241 AH) was an
important Muslim scholar and theologian he was born in Baghdad. He is considered the founder
of the Hanbali School of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). His full name was Ahmad bin Muhammad
bin Hanbal Abu `Abd Allah al-Shaybani. Shayban or Banu Shaybah is Ibn Hanbal's tribe. It is an
Arabic tribe located in Arabia and it still exists in Arabia.
Ibn Hajar Haythami al-Makki was a Sunni Muslim Shafii scholar, born in 909 AH (1503CE).
A brilliant scholar of in-depth applications of Sacred Law, and with al-Imam Ahmad al-Ramli,
represents the foremost resource for fatawa (legal opinion) for the entire late Shafii School. He
authored major works in Shafii jurisprudence, hadith, tenets of faith, education, hadith
commentary, and formal legal opinion. His most famous works include Tuhfah al-muhtaj bi sharh
al-Minhaj, a commentary on al-Imam al-Nawawis Minhaj al-talibin whose ten volumes represent a
high point in Shafii scholarship; the four volume al-Fatawa al-kubra al-fiqhiyyah; and al-Zawajir an
iqtiraf al-kabair, which with its detailed presentation of Quran and Hadith evidence and masterful
legal inferences, remains unique among Muslim works dealing with Taqwa (God-fearingness) and
is even recognized by Hanafi scholars like al-Imam Ibn Abidin as a source of authoritative legal
texts valid in their own school. After a lifetime of outstanding scholarship, the Imam died and
was buried in Makkah in 974 AH.
Qadi Thanaullah Panipati ( d. 1225 AH) was a great Hanafi Scholar,
Naqshbandi Shaykh who authored Tafsir al-Mazhari is a 13th century AH tafsir of the
Quraan, written by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati. He has named this tafseer as 'Al-Tafseer alMazhari, after the name of his spiritual master, Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Janan Dehlavi. This tafseer of
his is very simple and clear, and extremely useful to locate brief explanations of Qur'anic verses.
Along with the elucidation of Qur'anic words, he has also taken up related narration's in ample
details, and in doing so, he has made an effort to accept narration's after much more scrutiny as
compared with other commentaries.
Jafar bin Hasan bin Abd al-Karm b. al-Sayyid Muhammad bin Abd al-Rasul al-Barzanji, alHusaynI al-MadanI al-Shafii born in the Shaabaan 1128 AH/1716 CE in the city of Madinah,
Arabia. His father was the lecturer of the Al-Siddique Masjid in Madinah.
Abu'l-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH-597 AH) was an Islamic scholar whose family traces their
lineage back to that of Abu Bakr, the famous companion of the Holy Prophet  and first
caliph. He belonged to the Hanbali school of jurisprudential thought. His full name was Abd alRahman ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ( ) ibn `Ubayd Allah ibn `Abd Allah ibn
Hammadi ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ja`far ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Qasim ibn al-Nadr ibn


al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Faqih `Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Faqih al-Qasim
ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr. He was known for his works in exegesis of the Qur'an as well as
his numerous hadith writings.
Shahab al-Din Qalyubi. Al-Qalyubi.
Prophet John the Baptist
Prophet Jacob
Prophet Joseph
Maraj al-Bahrain fi Dhikr e Shahadat al-Hassnain. Muhammad Abd ar-Rab Qadri Dehlavi. P.
Mishkat al-Masabih, Miracles of Prophets Companions Hadith 721
IRSHAD. Wisdom of a Sufi Master. Sheik Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi.(Radiallahu anhu)
al-Khulafu r-Rshidn (The Righteous Caliphs) is a term used in Sunni Islam to
refer to the first four Caliphs who formulated the Rashidun Caliphate. The concept of "Rightly
Guided Caliphs" originated with the Abbasid Dynasty. It is a reference to the Sunni tradition,
"Hold firmly to my example (sunnah) and that of the Rightly Guided Caliphs" (Ibn Majah, Abu
Family of the Blessed House of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , which included the Blessed
Five and all the wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  .
suhba: Companionship. This applies specifically to the spiritual relationship which exists
between Shaykh and murid. It is a profound mutual love based on pure love of Allah .
qurb: Proximity or nearness to Allah . Qurb is the reality of the Station of Perfection "Two
Bows' Length" (qaba qausayn). It is the limit of man's ascent before annihilation in Allah . Almuqarrabun are those men who have attained such proximity. Proximity to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  is proximity to Allah .
al-Zamakhshari 1074) or 1075 1143 or 1144 CE) Abu al-Qasim Mahmud ibn
Umar al-Zamakhshari:. Also called Jar Allah (God's neighbour) because For many years he stayed
in Makkah. He was a medieval Muslim scholar of Persian origin who subscribed to the Mutazilite
theological doctrine, born in Khwarezmia, but lived most of his life in Bukhara, Samarkand, and
Mutazilite Mutazilah al-mutazila is a distinct Islamic school of speculative theology that
flourished in the cities of Basra and Baghdad during the 8th10th centuries AD. It is still
adopted by a distinct amount of Muslim intellectuals today. Adherents are usually not accepted
by a certain branch of Sunni scholars due to the Mu'tazili belief that human reason is more
reliable than tradition. Because of this belief, Mu'tazilis tend to interpret passages of the Quraan
in a highly metaphorical matter, a practice frowned upon by Zahiri (literalist) groups such as
Salafi. Some claim the theology of the Mu'tazilis concerning the nature of God has been
influenced by Shia Islam, while the fact is the contrary.
Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti ( 849 AH /14451505 CE) also known as Ibn al-Kutub (son
of books) was an Egyptian writer, religious scholar, juristic expert and teacher whose works deal
with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. He was gifted and was already a teacher in
1462. In 1486, he was appointed to a chair in the mosque of Baybars in Cairo. He adhered to
the Shafi'i Madhab and is one of the latter-day authorities of the Shafi'i School, considered to be
one of the Ashabun-Nazzar (Assessors) whose degree of Ijtihad is agreed upon.
177 ) 102


Al-Muhibb At-Tabari, Muhibbu 'd-Din, Abu '1- 'Abbas, Ahmad ibn 'Abdillah ash-Shafi'I
(615/1218694/1295): Dhakha'iru 'l-'uqba (fi manaqibi dhawi 'l-qurba), Beirut, 1974 .
4119 : 1379 / 2 : : : 84 .103
: 167 / 24 323 : 119 / 1 27640 : 459 / 6
72 / 1 11235 : 362 / 6 : 85 .104
39 / 2 105 : 108 / 10 217 :
.78 / 10
218 : 2 .105
2598 : 35 : 3 .1 .106
( 5208 : 243 : 5)
132 : 14 .2
182 : 9 .3
Majma' al-Zawa'id wa Manba' al-Fawa'id is a secondary hadith collection by Ali ibn Abu Bakr alHaythami (13351404 CE/735807 AH). It compiles the 'unique' hadith of earlier primary
collections. As the centuries passed, some authors began to compile secondary collections of
hadith derived from the primary collections those with isnads connecting those hadith they
contain to their sources. One method of composition of these works was al-zawa'id, the
extraction of any 'unique' hadith found in one collection but not in another. Most commonly,
the hadith of one collection would be extracted that were not found in six canonical hadith
collections. Majma al-Zawa'id is a prominent example of the al-zawa'id method. It contains
hadith extracted from Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, the Musnad by Abu Ya'la al-Mawsili, the
Musnad of Abu Bakr al-Bazzar, and three of al-Tabarani's collections: Al-Mu'jam al-Kabir, AlMu'jam Al-Awsat and Al-Mu'jam As-Saghir. The hadith gathered by al-Haythami are those not
found in the six canonical hadith collections.
182 : 9 108
154 : 3 109
( ) 110
3774 : 658 : 5 .1111
1885 : 192 : 3 .2
345 : 5 .3
1358 : 770 : 2 .4
6039 : 403 : 13 .5
5610 : 218 : 3 .6
2230 : 552 : 1 .7
143 : 18 .8
377 : 4 .9
403 : 6 .10


805 : 505 : 1 .11

424 " 11 " : 112
Abu Abd-Allah Muhammad ibn Abd-Allah al-Hakim al-Nishaburi (d. 403 AH) was a Sunni
scholar and the leading traditionist of his age, frequently referred to as the "Imam of the
Muhaddithin" or the "Muhaddith of Khorasan."
ibn Hibban  - Abu Hatim Muhammad ibn Hibban ibn Ahmad al-Tamimi al-Busti, from
Bust in Khorasan. He was a prominent Shafi'i hadith specialist and prolific author who died in
the year 965 C.E/354 AH. Sahih Ibn Hibban is a collection of hadith by him. It has the
distinction of being one of small number of collections intended by the respected author to
contain only authentic hadith.
Sahih Ibn Hibban is a collection of hadith by Sunni scholar Ibn Hibban. The actual name of
this collection is al-Taqasim wa al-Anwa`, however, it is commonly referred to as Sahih ibn
Hibban. It has the distinction of being one of small number of collections intended by the
respective authors to contain only authentic hadith. The author of this Sahih is Abu Hatim
Muhammad ibn Hibban ibn Ahmad al-Tamimi al-Busti, from Bust in Khorasan. He was a
prominent Shafi'i hadith specialist and prolific author who died in the year 965 C.E. Some
authorities in the field of Hadith consider it to be the most authentic hadith collection, after
Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim
1 . Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:169,170#4739,4740)
2. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (1:664#1798)
3. Hakim also narrated it in al-Mustadrak (3:169#4737) through Abu Thalbah Khashny with
different words.
4. Ibn Hibban, as-Sahih (2:470,471#696)
5. Haythami, Mawarid-uz-zaman (p.631#2540)
6. Ibn Asakir narrated this tradition in Tarikh Dimashq al-kabir (43:141) through Abu
Thalbah Khashny.
1. Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Dimishq al-kabir (14:61)
2. Hindi, Kanz-ul-ummal (12:98#34167)
Al-kursi: The Footstool. In the Descent from the Absolute the Footstool is situated under the
Throne (al-'arsh). It is the place from which the command to good and the prohibition from evil
issues. Cosmologically it is the heaven of the fixed stars. The Divine Word (al-kalimat al-ilahiyya)
which descends from Allah  contains the Sacred Law within which is all knowledge. The
of the Unity of the Word of Allah  is Allah's Throne (al-'arsh). The Divine Word of
Allah s Sacred Law becomes differentiated into rulings (hukm) and reports (khabar) at Allah
's Footstool (al-kursi).
Al-maqam al-mahmud: "The Station of Great Glory." This station is also referred to as "Union
of union" (jam' al-jam') and "Two Bows' Length" ('qaba qausayn"). This Station of Great Glory is
the Paradise of the Essence which has been promised to the Prophet Muhammad .
Panj-tan: This literally means the five Holy Persons i.e. The Holy Prophet Muhammad ,
Hazrath Ali , Hazrath Fatimah , Imam Hasan  and Imam Husayn .
Ibn Abbas  was born in 3 BH (618-619 CE) and his mother took him to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  before he had begun to suckle. Muhammad  put some of his blessed saliva
on the newborn's tongue, and that was the gifting of his extensive knowledge. He attained that
stature in virtue of the Holy Prophet s prayer: "O Allah! Give him knowledge of Islam and
teach him the meaning of the Quraan." [Ahmad, Musnad, Vol. 1: 266]



the Persian capital of Ctesiphon (also called Al-Mada'in in Arabic)

2682 : 66 : 3 .1123
6462 : 298 : 6 .2
229 : 13 .3
184 : 9 .4
34278 : 118 : 12 .5
130 : 1 .6
Ali ibn al-Athir (1160-1233CE/ 630 AH) - Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn
Muhammad better known as Ali 'Izz al-Din Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari was a Muslim historian born in
Cizre, a town in present-day south-eastern Turkey. He spent a scholarly life in Mosul, but often
visited Baghdad. He was a Kurd therefore for a time he was with Saladin's army in Syria and later
lived in Aleppo and Damascus. His chief work was a history of the world, al-Kamil fi at-Tarikh
(The Complete History).
Ibn Sa'd [168AH/784CE/ 230AH/845CE] He was a Sunni Muslim scholar of Islam and an
Arabian biographer, received his training in the tradition from Al-Waqidi and other celebrated
teachers. He lived for the most part in Baghdad, and had the reputation of being both
trustworthy and accurate in his writings, which, in consequence, were much used by later writers.
He was from Basra, Iraq but then lived in Baghdad in the 9th century. He is said to have died at
the age of 62 in Baghdad and was buried in the cemetery of the Syrian gate.
at-Tabaqat al-Kubra (The Book of The Major Classes) is a compendium of biographical
information about famous Islamic personalities. It is eight volumes long. This work contains the
lives of Mohammed, his Companions and Helpers, including those who fought at the Battle of
Badr as a special class, and of the following generation, the Followers, who received their
traditions from the Companions. Ibn Saad's authorship of this work is attested in a postscript to
the book added by a later writer.
1070 : 626 : 2 .127
1316 : 145 : 2 .2
169 : 1 .3

10354 : 164 : 6 .4
13172 : 64 : 7
6609 : 357 : 6 .6
2633 : 44 : 3 .7
272 : 4 .8
Shia is the second largest denomination of Islam, after Sunni Islam. The followers of Shia
Islam are called Shi'as which is the short form of the historic phrase Shatu Al , meaning
"the followers of Ali" or "The Party". Similar to other schools of thought in Islam, Shia Islam is
based on the teachings of the Holy Quraan and the message of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
. In contrast to other schools of thought, Shia Islam holds that the Holy Prophet Muhammad
s family, the Ahl al-Bayt ("the People of the House"), and certain individuals among his
descendants, who are known as Imams, have special spiritual and political authority over the


community. Shia Muslims further believe that Hazrath Ali , the Holy Prophet Muhammad 's
cousin and son-in-law was the rightful successor to the Holy Prophet Muhammad  and thus
reject the legitimacy of the first three caliphs. Subsequently, the Shia have their own collection of
hadith which leans towards narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt.
People who follow the inner and outer dimensions of the tradition of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  and the obedience and love of his Companions for him
Khairul fatawa 1/374 Shirkat printing press, Kifaayatul mufti 1/289 Darul ishaat
From:Tareekh al Qum Shaykh Saduq, by Muhammad Nishapur page 193, published in
Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 November 28, 1859) an American author, essayist,
biographer and historian of the early 19th century. He was best known for his short stories "The
Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle", both of which appear in his book The Sketch
Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. His historical works include biographies of George
Washington, Oliver Goldsmith and Muhammad, and several histories of 15th-century Spain
dealing with subjects such as Christopher Columbus, the Moors, and the Alhambra. Irving also
served as the U.S. minister to Spain from 1842 to 1846.
ibn Rahuyah[ 161 AH/ 238 H] Abu Yaqub Is-haq bin Ibrahim bin Mukhalad known as Ibn
Rahawaih He has a well-known Musnad. He reported from Sufyan Ibn Uyaina and others of the
same period. Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and at- Tirmidhi heard from him.
Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (392 AH-463 AH): Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn `Ali ibn Thabit ibn Ahmad
ibn Mahdi al-Shafii, known as al-Khatib al-Baghdadi or the lecturer from Baghdad,
was a Sunni Muslim scholar and historian. He began studying at an early age with his father and
other Shuyook. Over time he studied other sciences but his primary interest was hadith. Ibn Hajar
declared his works influential in the field of the Science of hadith and Hadith terminology
saying, "Scarce is the discipline from the disciplines of the science of hadith that he has not
written an individual book regarding." He then quoted Abu Bakr ibn Nuqtah, a Hanbali scholar,
as saying, Every objective person knows that the scholars of hadith coming after al-Khatib are
indebted to his works.
Family of the Blessed House of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , which included the Blessed
Five and all the wives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:162#4717)
2. .Ibn Hibban, as-Sahih (15:435#6978)
3 .Dhahabi, Siyar alam an-nubala (2:123)
4 .Hakim graded it sahih (sound) according to the conditions of Imam Bukhari and Imam
Hujjat al-Islam, Imam Ghazaali (rahmat allahi 'alaih), referring to the position of Tashahudd
(sitting), during Salaah and reciting "At -Tahiyyaatu", says that on reciting the words
"Ayyuhannabi" (Oh Prophet !) the reciter must behold the Holy Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi
wasallam) as Haazir (Present). He says, "And believe in your hearts that the Holy Prophet
(sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) is present (haazir) and then say Assalaamu 'Alaika Ayyuhannabi"
(Ihya ul Uloom, Vol. 1, Section 3)
Ab mid Muammad ibn Muammad al-Ghazl or , known as Algazel to
the western medieval world, was born and died in Tus, in the Khorasan province of Persia
(modern day Iran). He was a Muslim theologian, jurist, philosopher, cosmologist, physician,
psychologist and Sufi of Persian origin, and remains one of the most celebrated scholars in the


history of Sufi Islamic thought. He is considered a pioneer of the methods of doubt and
skepticism, and in one of his major works, The Incoherence of the Philosophers, he changed the
course of early Islamic philosophy, shifting it away from the influence of ancient Greek and
Hellenistic philosophy, and towards cause-and-effect that were determined by God or
intermediate angels
Ibn Hajar Haytham al-Makki was a Sunni Muslim Shafii scholar, born in 909 AH (1503CE).
A brilliant scholar of in-depth applications of Sacred Law, and with al-Imm Ahmad al-Raml,
represents the foremost resource for fatawa (legal opinion) for the entire late Shfi School. He
authored major works in Shfi jurisprudence, hadth, tenets of faith, education, hadth
commentary, and formal legal opinion. His most famous works include Tuhfah al-muhtj bi sharh
al-Minhj, a commentary on al-Imm al-Nawaws Minhj al-tlibn whose ten volumes represent
a high point in Shfi scholarship; the four volume al-Fatw al-kubr al-fiqhiyyah; and al-Zawjir
an iqtirf al-kabir, which with its detailed presentation of Qurn and Hadth evidence and
masterful legal inferences, remains unique among Muslim works dealing with taqwa (Godfearingness) and is even recognized by Hanafi scholars like al-Imm Ibn bidn as a source of
authoritative legal texts valid in their own school. After a lifetime of outstanding scholarship, the
Imm died and was buried in Makkah in 974 AH.
Al-Shafi'i, Arabic jurist (150 AH/767 AD - 204 AH/820 AD). He was born in 150 AH (760
CE) in Gaza, part of Egypt. He was active in juridical matters and his teaching eventually led to
the Shafi'i school of fiqh (or Madh'hab) named after him. Hence he is often called Imam alShafi'i.
Tafsir-i-Rauh-ul-Jinan by Jamal-ud-Din Abul-Futuh Razi, Dar-ul-Kutub-il-Islamiyyah, Tehran,
1973/1393 AH.
456 : 1338 : 3 .1142
2383: 1855 : 4 .2
4161 : 437 : 1 .3
2072 : 4 : 5 .4
Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn `Uthman ibn Qaymaz ibn `Abd Allah, Shams al-Din Abu `Abd
Allah al-Turkmani al-Diyarbakri al-Fariqi al-Dimashqi al-Dhahabi al-Shafi`i, known as Al-Dhahabi
(1274-1348 C.E.) a Shafi'i Muhaddith and historian. He was born in Damascus in 1274 CE/673
AH. He lost his sight two years before he died, leaving three children: his eldest daughter Amat
al-`Aziz and his two sons `Abd Allah and Abu Hurayra `Abd al-Rahman. The latter taught the
hadith masters Ibn Nasir al-Din al-Dimashqi and Ibn Hajar, to whom he transmitted several works
authored or narrated by his father.
Shaykh Tabarsi or Fadhl ibn Hasan al-Tabarsi known as, was a 12th century
Persian Shia scholar who died in 548 AH. His main work is Majma al-bayn, a commentary
(tafsir) of Quraan.
Nahj al-Balagha is the most famous collections of sermons, letters and narrations,
attributed to Imam Hazrath Ali ibn Abi Talib . It was collected by Al-Sharif al-Radi (359-406
AH/970-1015 CE), a Shia scholar in the 1st century. It is considered to be the epitome of
eloquence, the greatest masterpiece of Arab literature and, for Shi'a Muslims, is second only to
the Quraan and Prophetic narrations. Nahj means open way, road, course, method or manner.
Balaghah means eloquence, art of good style and communication, rhetoric etc. it is a collections
of 241 sermons, 79 letters, and 489 utterances attributed to Hazrath Ali .


Imam al-Hadid (d. 656 AH/1258 CE) Izz al-Din Abu Hamid abd al-Hamid bin Hibat'Allah
ibn Abi al-Hadid al Mutazili al-Mada'ini was an eminent Mutazili Shia scholar of his era and a
writer. Among his books is the famed commentary on the Nahj al-Balagha, Shahr Nahj al-Balagha.
The Kharijites or the Rebels because of their rebellion against Hazrath Ali .They broke
away from the mainstream during the leadership dispute between Hazrath Ali and Hazrath
Muawiyah . They claimed that the Holy Qur'aan was enough to lead them.
People who follow the inner and outer dimensions of the tradition of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  and the obedience and love of his Companions for him
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Umar ibn al-Husayn al-Taymi al-Bakri al-Tabaristani Fakhr alDin al-Razi or Fakhruddin Razi was a well-known Persian Sunni Muslim theologian and
philosopher.. He was born in 1149/ 543AH in Ray of Persia (today located in Iran) to a family
tracing its lineage to the first Muslim Caliph, Abu Bakr , and died in 1209/ 606AH in Herat
(today located in Afghanistan). He also wrote on medicines, physics, astrology, literature, history
and law.
Tafsir-e Kabir (The Great Commentary) by Fakhruddin Razi, his exegesis (Tafsir) on the
Quraan), also named as Mafatih al-ghayb (The Keys to the Unknown)
Pardah: The Islamic Hijaab or seclusion of women from observation by unrelated males or
covering herself with her veil)
Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) was an Egyptian writer and teacher whose
works deal with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. Tafsir al-Jalalayn (Tafsir of the twin
Jalaals) is a classical Sunni tafsir of the Quraan, composed first by Jalal ad-Din al-Mahalli d.
864H and then completed by his student Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti d. 911H, thus its name. It is
recognized as one of the most popular exegeses of the Quraan today, due to its simple style and
its conciseness: It being only one volume in length
Ibn Abbas was born in 3 BH (618-619 CE) and his mother took him to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad before he had began to suckle. Muhammad put some of his blessed saliva on
the newborn's tongue, and that was the gifting of his extensive knowledge. He attained that
stature in virtue of the Prophets prayer: "O Allah! Give him knowledge of Islam and teach him
the meaning of the Quraan." [Ahmad, Musnad, Vol. 1: 266,
muttaqi: The one with fear of Allah. "To fear Allah is the highest Wisdom" (Hadith). There are
many levels of fear, the lower being closely related to the fear of punishment and Hellfire. The
higher degrees of fear include the fear of "losing" Allah after having "found" Allah, as happens to
the ecstatic after his ecstasy has subsided, and the tear of committing even the slightest lapse of
courtesy towards Allah, the Beloved, and the fear of ever wanting there to appear in a given
moment anything other than what Allah has made manifest within that moment. But, these
higher degrees of fear ensure that the slave clings to his slavehood.
"Faasiq" is the subject or the nominative form from the root "Fa-Seen-Qaaf" (). The basic
verb derived from the referred root means "he disobeyed".

Qazi Abu Sa`ud al-`Imadi, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Mustafa al-Hanafi (d. 972),: "Irshad
ul Aql as-Saleem ila Mazaya al-Qur'an al-Kareem" also known as "Tafsir Abu Saud".
Ruh al-Ma'ani fi Tafseer al-Quran al-'Azim wa al-Sab al-Mathan is a thirty-volume tafsir of the
Quraan, authored by "Allama Mahmd Alusi al-Hanafi"
Abul Hasan Ali al-Kharqani: He was the Ghawth (Arch-Intercessor) of his time and unique in
his station. He was the Qiblah (focus of attention) of his people and an Ocean of Knowledge
from which saints still receive waves of light and spiritual knowledge. Died on Tuesday, 10th of


Muharram in 425 H. (1033 CE). He was buried in Kharqan, a village of the city of Bistam in
Ahmad narrated it in his Musnad with six chains, also Tirmidhi with several chains and he
said Hasan sahih, al-Hakim, and Tabrani.
3205 : 351 : 5 .1160
8 : 22 .2
17 : 2 .3
21 : 1 .4
Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthoor, by al-Suyuti, v5, pp 198-199
Tafsir Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, v22, p6
Tafsir Ibn Kathir, v3, p483
Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by Muhibbuddin al-Tabari, p24 on the authority of Anas Ibn Malik
Isti'ab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v5, p637
Usdul Ghabah, by Ibn al-Athir, v5, p146
Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, pp 121,168
Mushkil al-Athar, by al-Tahawi, p338
Ahmad narrated it in his Musnad with six chains, also Tirmidhi with several chains and he
said Hasan sahih, al-Hakim, and Tabrani.
Ahl al-Kisa People of the Blessed Shawl refers to Holy Prophet Muhammad , his
daughter Fatimah , his cousin and son-in-law Ali , and his two grandsons Hasan t and
Husayn t. They are also referred to as Panj-tan ( the five purified personalities). Purified by
Allah  as a response to a supplication of the Holy Prophet Muhammad .
Imam Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) ( ) also known as Ibn al-Kutb (son
of books) was an Egyptian writer, religious scholar, juristic expert and teacher whose works deal
with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. He was precocious and was already a teacher
in 1462. In 1486, he was appointed to a chair in the mosque of Baybars in Cairo. He adhered to
the Shafi'ie Madhab and is one of the latter-day authorities of the Shafi'ie School, considered to be
one of the Ashabun-Nazzar (Assessors) whose degree of Ijtihad is agreed upon. Tafsir al-Jalalayn
(Tafsir of the twin Jalaals) is a classical Sunni tafsir of the Quraan, composed first by Jalal ad-Din
al-Mahalli d. 864H and then completed by his student Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti d. 911H, thus its
name. It is recognized as one of the most popular exegeses of the Quraan today, due to its
simple style and its conciseness: It being only one volume in length
See the commentary on 2:37 in al-Suyuti
Al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, I, 234.
Hajee Mahboob Kassim  met a Chishti Saint, Khwaja Hajee Syed Musharafali Chishti, at
Cuttack. He accepted him as his spiritual guide in March 1958. Six weeks later, Khwaja
Musharafali introduced him to his spiritual guide, His Holiness Khwaja Diwan Syed Enayat
Husayn Ali Khan Moini Chishti Tausi, a descendant of the Saint of Ajmer, who ordained
Mahboob Kassim in 1958 as the Khalifa or "Spiritual Master" of the following Sufi schools:
Chishti Nizami Tausi; Qadri Razaki Barkati; Chishti Sabri Mujaddadi; . Suharwardi and
Destruction or Peace. Hajee Mahboob Kassim, published in 1971 by Chishtiya Publications:
page 603.
Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703 - August 20, 1762) was an Islamic
scholar and reformer. He worked for the revival of Muslim rule and intellectual learning in


South Asia, during a time of waning Muslim power. Shah Waliullah urged Muslim rulers to a
jihad against the enemies of Islam and hoped to restore the Ulama's former power and influence.
He despised the divisions and deviations within Islam and its practice in India and hoped to
"purify" the religion and unify all Indian Muslims under the "banner of truth". He is also thought
to have anticipated a number of progressive, social, economic, and political ideas of the modern
era such as social reform, equal rights, labour protection, welfare entitlement of all to food,
clothing, housing, etc.
Shifa al-Alil The translation into Urdu of Shah Waliullahs work Qaul al-Jami: Nizami Press .
Kawnpur 1291 A.H. P 44-45
Islamic scholar Maulana Nazir Ahmad Simab came from Lahore, India, in 1935. In the
History of the El Socorro Jamaat, Muzaffar reports that In 1934 the association delegated
Syed Mohammed Hosein to India in search of a qualified Moulvi. At the end of 1935 Syed
Hosien arrived with Nazir Ahmed Simab Munshi Fazli. At the end of 1936, the excutive of
ASJA held a meeting at the residence of Mr. S. M. Mustapha, El Socorro Road, San Juan,
Trinidad and decided that the services of Moulana Nazir Ahmad Simab be dispensed with, no
just cause being given for his dismissal. The Mowlana sailed from Trinidad in the middle of
1937 for his homeland. (Muzaffar 1967 Pgs 61-63). In 1939 Maulana Nazir Ahmad return to
Trinidad was arranged by some of his dedicated students,
Asadullah by Nazir Ahmad Sinab published by Shaik Barkatali Mohsinali pages 4-5
Narrated by Muslim, Tirmidhi (Hasan, sahih, gharib), al-Hakim.
On the 24th of Zil Hajj 9 A.H
Hazrath Khwaja Banda Nawaaz  (July 13, 1321 -November 1, 1422), or Sayed Muhammad
Hussaini is a famous Sufi saint from India of the Chishti Order,. He was a murid and Khalifa of
Hazrath Nasiruddin Chiragh Dehlavi. He settled down in Gulbarga, India and is buried there.
. 176
. :
. :
Abi J'afar Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (838-923CE/ 224 310AH) was one of the earliest,
most prominent and famous Persian historians and exegetes of the Quraan, most famous for his
Tarikh al-Tabari (History of the Prophets and Kings) and Tafsir al-Tabari The commentary on the
Quraan - (al-musamma Jami al-bayan fi ta'wil al-Qur'an or Tafsir al-Tabari).
Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Husayn al-Bayhaqi, also known as Imam Al-Bayhaqi was born
384AH (994 CE) in the small town of Khusraugird near Bayhaq in Khurasan. During his
lifetime, he became a famous Sunni hadith expert, following the Shafi'i school in Fiqh.
Imam Ibn al-Athir: Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad, better known as Ali
'Izz al-Din Ibn al-Athir al-Jazari (1160 1233 C.E.) was an Arab Muslim historian born in Cizre, a
town in present-day Srnak province in south-eastern Turkey, He is from from the Ibn Athir
family. He spent a scholarly life in Mosul, but often visited Baghdad. For a time he was with
Saladin's army in Syria and later lived in Aleppo and Damascus. His chief work was a history of
the world, al-Kamil fi at-Tarikh (The Complete History) .He is recognised even today not only for
narrator of Ahadith (traditions) but also as a lexigolist of great eminence. His book "Nehaya", is a
study of the history and meanings of difficult words of Holy Quraan and the traditions.

Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Hibat Allah ibn `Abd Allah, Thiqat al-Din, Abu al-Qasim, known as Ibn
`Asakir al-Dimashqi al-Shafi`i al-Ash`ari was a Sunni Islamic scholar. He is the Imam of hadith


masters in his time and historian of Damascus. By the time Ibn `Asakir reached puberty he
already possessed hadith certifications from the scholars of Damascus, Baghdad, and Khurasan.
Muhaddith refers to a specialist who profoundly knows and narrates hadith, the chains of
their narration isnad, and the original and famous narrators. According to the 8th century Imam,
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi`i, a muhaddith is someone who has memorized at least
400,000 narrations along with the chain of narrators for each narration. In describing the
muhaddith, Al-Dhahabi raised the question, "Where is the knowledge of hadith, and where are
its people?" Answering his own question, he said, "I am on the verge of not seeing them except
engrossed in a book or under the soil.
Imam Abu Hanifa  :Numaan ibn Thaabit ibn Zuta ibn Marzubaan
, known as Abu Hanifah or Imaam Al-azam Abu Hanifa (The Great Imam Abu Hanifa), (
( )699 765 CE / 80 148 AH) He was born in Kufa, Iraq . His father, Thabit bin Zuta was
a trader from Kabul, part of Khorasan in Persia He was the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school
of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence). Imam Abu Hanifa was a Tabiun, the generation after the
companions (Sahaba), because he met the Sahabi Anas ibn Malik , and transmitted hadith
from him and other Sahaba.
Imam Al ibn Husayn aka Imam Muhammad ibn Al al-Baqir 
(676-743 CE / 1 Rajab 57 AH 7 Dhu al-Hijjah 114 AH). He is known as al-Baqir al-Ulum
(splitting open knowledge). His father was Imm, Al ibn al-Husayn  and his mother was
Sayyida Ftimah bint Hasan ibn Al . He is highly respected by Sunni Muslims for his
religious knowledge and Islamic scholarship.
Imam Jafar al-Sdiq ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayn  (702-765 CE/ 83148 AH)
Imam Jaafar al-Saadiq is highly respected by Sunni Muslims for his great Islamic
scholarship, pious character, and academic contributions. His presence also graces the
Naqshbandi Sufi chain. He was a polymath (someone who has a lot of knowledge about many
different subjects) an astronomer, alchemist, Imam, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian, writer,
philosopher, physician, physicist and scientist. He was also the teacher of the famous chemist,
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), and of Imam Abu Hanifa .
Al-Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq, page 162
Al-Shafi'i, Arabic jurist (150 AH/767 AD - 204 AH/820 AD). He was born in 150 AH (760
CE) in Gaza, part of Egypt. He was active in juridical matters and his teaching eventually led to
the Shafi'i school of fiqh (or Madh'hab) named after him. Hence he is often called Imam alShafi'i.
Rfiah is a collective noun which means "rejectors" or "deserters". The word is derived
from the Arabic verb root , rafada, which translates to, "to desert". The Arabic noncollective singular form is rafidi . This is an Islamic term which refers to those Shia who
reject legitimate Islamic authority and leadership. Thus blaspheme the first three Caliphs.
Adab al-Taff, I, 214.
Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti ( 849 AH /14451505 CE) also known as Ibn al-Kutub (son
of books) was an Egyptian writer, religious scholar, juristic expert and teacher whose works deal
with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. He was gifted and was already a teacher in
1462. In 1486, he was appointed to a chair in the mosque of Baybars in Cairo. He adhered to


the Shafi'i Madhab and is one of the latter-day authorities of the Shafi'i School, considered to be
one of the Ashabun-Nazzar (Assessors) whose degree of Ijtihad is agreed upon.
Imam Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) (Arabic: ) also known as Ibn alKutb (son of books) was an Egyptian writer and teacher whose works deal with a wide variety of
subjects in Islamic theology. On the characteristics and miracles of the Noble Prophet (sallal
laahu alaihi wasallam), his work entitled "al-Kasa'is al-Kubra" has the distinction of being the
foremost on this topic and excerpts from it are to be found in the works on Sirah by eminent
Imams and Ulama.
Imam Shihab al-Din Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, al-Qastallani alQutaybi al-Shafi'i also renowned as Qutb al-din al-Qastallani.
Fath ul-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari or Fathul Bari [Grant of the Creator] is the most valued
Sunni commentary of Sahih Bukhari, written by Ibn Hajr Asqalani in 18 volumes. It is reported
that it took Asqalani 25 years to finish his work.
Al-Halabi is a known historian died in 1044 H.
Seerah-i Halabi, vol. I, page 125
Al-Haafidh Shihabuddin Abu'l-Fadl Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Muhammad"', better known as Ibn
Hajar due to a fame of his forefathers, al-Asqalani due to his origin ( 1372 CE- d.
1448CE/ 852 AH), was a medieval Shafi Sunni scholar of Islam who represents the entire realm
of Sunni world in the field of Hadith
ibn Abd al-Barr ( 978 CE in 1071CE) Yusuf ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abd alBarr, Abu Umar al-Namari al-Andalusi al-Qurtubi al-Maliki, commonly known as Ibn Abd-al-Barr
was a famous Sunni Maliki Islamic Scholar. He was born in 978 and died in 1071 in Shatiba in
Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn Al-Tabarani born 260 AH (821 CE) and lived,
according to the sources, until 360 AH (918 CE). He narrated numerous ahadeeth. Amongst his
students Ahmad bin 'Amr bin 'Abdul-Khaliq Al-Basri or Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar.
The God given innate ability to man to imbue himself with Divine Attributes
Maulana Dr. Muhammad Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari  (1914-1974) was undoubtedly one of the
great Sufi Masters of the twentieth century. He is descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammad
 companion, Khalid Abu Ayyub Ansari , and a Sufi Master of both the Qadiri and Chishti
Sabri Sufi Orders. He was an accomplished Aalim, Hafiz, held a Doctorate in Philosophy and as
a Professor he taught Philosophy of Religion, Comparative religion and Islamic Studies to
Ulama. He reminded us of the sacred journey into the infinite undertaken by every human
being, consciously and unconsciously. He was able to explain, in the language of the
contemporary age, the fundamental Truth that in our beginning lays our end and in our end lays
the secret of our beginning. Thus he was able to demonstrate with a mastery of cosmology, not
only from the perspective of the Holy Quraan and hadith, but also from his knowledge the
scientific findings of the contemporary age that all creation would ultimately return to the state
before creation when the secret of our souls would be made manifest.
Ab s Muhammad ibn s ibn Surat ibn Ms ibn ad-Dahhk as-Sulam at-Tirmidh (824892, i.e. 209 AH - 13 Rajab 279 AH) was a collector of hadith. He was born and died in Bgh
(meaning 'Garden'), a suburb of Termez (Tirmidh), Khurasan - Persia, in present day
Uzbekistan.He wrote the Sunan al-Tirmidhi, one of the six canonical hadith compilations used
in Sunni Islam. Starting at the age of twenty, he traveled widely, to Kufa, Basra and the Hijaz,
seeking out knowledge from, among others, Qutaiba ibn Said, Bukhari, Imam Muslim and Abu


Dawud. Tirmidh was blind in the last two years of his life. Tirmidhi is buried in Sherobod, 60
kilometers north of Termez. He is locally know as Iso At Termizi or Termiz Ota (Father of
Termez City).
Jaami al-Tirmidhi , popularly called Sunan al-Tirmidhi is one of the
Sunni Six major Hadith collections. It was collected by Imam Abu Isa Muhammad ibn Isa alTirmidhi (209 AH - 279 AH). Al-Hafidh Abu Al-Fadl Al-Maqdisi said: "I heard Al-Imam Abu
Isma'il Abdullah bin Muhammad Al-Ansari in Harrah - when Abu Isa Al-Tirmidhi and his book
was mentioned before him - saying: "To me, his book is more useful than the books of AlBukhari and that of Muslim. This is because only an expert can arrive at the benefit of the books
of Al-Bukhari and Muslim, whereas in the case of the book of Abu Isa, every one of the people
can attain its benefit.
Buhaira or Bahira known as "Sergius the Monk" to the Latin West, was a Nestorian Christian
monk who foretold to the people the adolescent Muhammad s future prophetic career. The
story of Muhammad 's encounter with Bahira is found in the works of the early Muslim
historians Ibn Hisham, Ibn Sa'd al-Baghdadi, and Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, whose versions
differ in some details.
al-firasat al-imaniyya: Perspicacity through faith. This is a divine light that Allah  gives to
the person of faith in his inner eye (basirah). Perspicacity through faith is gained through
assuming the noble character traits in perfect harmony, balance and equilibrium. The Prophet
Muhammad  said, "Be wary of the firasa of a man of faith for he sees with the Light of Allah
Ibn Sa'd [168AH/784CE/ 230AH/845CE] He was a Sunni Muslim scholar of Islam and an
Arabian biographer, received his training in the tradition from Al-Waqidi and other celebrated
teachers. He lived for the most part in Baghdad, and had the reputation of being both
trustworthy and accurate in his writings, which, in consequence, were much used by later writers.
He was from Basra, Iraq but then lived in Baghdad in the 9th century. He is said to have died at
the age of 62 in Baghdad and was buried in the cemetery of the Syrian gate.
Ibn al-Arabi (Arabic: ) is not the famous Sufi Ibn Arabi, although the name
sounds similar. He was an Islamic scholar from Spain. It is reported that he was a student of AlGhazali for some time. He was a master of Al-Maliki Jurisprudence. He also contributed to the
spread of Ash'ari theology in Spain.
Sihah Sittah: The six major Hadith collections ; al-Kutub al-Sittah are collections of
hadith by Islamic scholars who, approximately 200 years after the Holy Prophet Muhammad s
death and by their own initiative, collected hadith. They are sometimes referred to as Al-Sihah alSittah (The Authentic Six). They are Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, al-Nasa'I, Abu Dawud, Jami
al-Tirmidhi, Sunan ibn Majah.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Umar ibn al-Husayn al-Taymi al-Bakri al-Tabaristani Fakhr alDin al-Razi  or Fakhruddin Razi was a well-known
Persian Sunni Muslim theologian and philosopher.. He was born in 1149/ 543AH in Ray of
Persia (today located in Iran) to a family tracing its lineage to the first Muslim Caliph, Abu Bakr
, and died in 1209/ 606AH in Herat (today located in Afghanistan). He also wrote on
medicines, physics, astrology, literature, history and law.
Sirat Rasul Allah by Ibn Ishaq
Abu Nuaim Isfahani (334-430 AH). He is the author of Hilyat al-Awliya. He passed away in
Baghdad at the age of 80. He did a lot of work on the critical study of Muslim Traditions.


Ismail ibn Kathir was an Islamic scholar. His full name is Abu Al-Fida, 'Imad Ad-Din
Isma'il bin 'Umar bin Kathir Al-Qurashi Al-Busrawi. He was born in 1301 CE in Busra, Syria
(hence Al-Busrawi). He was taught by Ibn Taymiyya (expounder of Wahabism) in Damascus,
al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah is a classic work by the Sunni scholar Ibn Kathir. It is considered to be
one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history. A unique aspect of the book is that it
not only deals with past events, but also speculates about future events mentioned by Hazrath
Muhammad . The different volumes of the book deal with the beginning of creation and the
sending of man upon the earth according to Islam, the lives of the Prophets of Islam, and the
times of the Sahaba to the 8th century. The last volume records predictions of future events such
as signs of the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah).
Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Husayn al-Bayhaqi, also known as Imam Al-Bayhaqi was born
384AH (994) in the small town of Khusraugird near Bayhaq in Khurasan. During his lifetime, he
became a famous Sunni hadith expert, following the Shafi'i school in Fiqh.
Zamzam is a well located within the Masjid al-Haraam in Makkah, the holiest place in
Islam in Arabia. The well is 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba,. According to Islamic belief, it was a
miraculously-generated source of water from God, which began thousands of years ago when
Abraham's (Ibrhm) infant son Ishmael was thirsty and kept crying for water and was kicking at
the ground when water gushed out. Millions of pilgrims visit the well each year while performing
the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water.


Tabaqat The book of The Major Classes (Kitab Tabaqat Al-Kubra) is a compendium of
biographical information about famous Islamic personalities. It is eight volumes long. This work
contains the lives of the Holy Prophet Muhammad  , his Companions and Helpers, including
those who fought at the Battle of Badr as a special class, and of the following generation, the
Followers, who received their traditions from the Companions. Ibn Saad's authorship of this
work is attested in a postscript to the book added by a later writer. In this notice he is described
as a "client of al-Husayn ibn `Abdullah of the `Abbasid family".


Ibn al-Jawzi (508 AH-597 AH) Abul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi was an Islamic scholar whose family
traces their lineage back to that of Hazrath Abu Bakr Siddique . He belonged to the Hanbali
School of jurisprudential thought. He was known for his works in exegesis of the Quraan as well
as his numerous hadith writings. One of the more famous of the latter is his "Tahqiq", a
compendium of both the hadith evidences used by the Hanbali school of jurisprudential thought
and a work of comparative law ( Fiqh). He is said to have been a precocious child who allegedly
made his first speech at the age of ten (attended by a crowd of 50,000), and authored his first
book at the age of thirteen.

Al Haafiz Abu Naim al-Isfahaani (336-430 A.H./ 948-1038 C.E.) is the author of this
renowned book)
Ali ibn al-Hasan ibn Hibat Allah ibn `Abd Allah, Thiqat al-Din, Abu al-Qasim, known as Ibn
`Asakir al-Dimashqi al-Shafi`i al-Ash`ari was a Sunni Islamic scholar. He is the Imam of hadith
masters in his time and historian of Damascus. By the time Ibn `Asakir reached puberty he
already possessed hadith certifications from the scholars of Damascus, Baghdad, and Khurasan



Tarikh Dimashiq (History of Damascus) is one of most important books about the Islamic
history of Syria, covering the life of important figures who resided in or visited Damascus. That is
not limited to the assessment of narrators of hadith, Ilm ar-Rijal, but also includes historical and
political figures. When it comes to Islamic figures, Ibn Asakir tried to collect everything that has
been said about that figure, true or false, with full chain of narration. It also contains a huge
collection of Arabic poems. It was printed recently in seventy two volumes.
People who follow the inner and outer dimensions of the tradition of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  and the obedience and love of his Companions for him
Al-Halabi is a renowned historian died in 1044 H.
Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi 1551] CE / 958 AH- 1642 CE/1052
AH)] or Al Muhaddith Shaykh Abdul Haqq Dehlavi is a noted writer in Arabic and Persian and
a respected scholar on Islam. In 996 AH, 1587 CE, he made the pilgrimage to Makkah, where he
stayed remained for the next two years studying the Hadith and Sufism under various noted
scholars. Upon his return to Delhi, he taught for half a century, and authored more than 100
works, noted among them a history of Madinah, a biography of Holy Prophet Muhammad , and
a work on the lives of saints. He passed into the realm of divine beauty in Delhi, in 1642 (1052
AH) and has over 40 works to his name.
Seerah-i Halabi, vol. I, page 390.
Tabarn related it in al-Mujam-ul-kabr (24:351-2#871) and al-Mujam-ul-awsat (1:152-3#191)
and its men are those of sound hadith except Rawh bin Salh who is daf (weak), while Ibn
Hibbn and Hkim declared him thiqah (trustworthy). Haytham also cites it in Majma-uz-zaw
id (9:256-7); Ibn-ul-Jawz in al-Ilal-ul-mutanhiyyah (1:268-9#433); Ab Nuaym in Hilyat-ulawliy wa tabaqt-ul-asfiy (3:121); and Mahmd Sad Mamdh graded it hasan (fair) in his
Raf-ul-minrah (pp.147-8).
See commentaries in al-Zamakhshari, al-Tabari, and al-Suyuti.
Abu al-Qasim Sulaiman ibn Ahmad ibn Al-Tabarani born 260 AH (821 CE) and lived,
according to the sources, until 360 AH (918 CE). He narrated numerous ahadeeth. Amongst his
students Ahmad bin 'Amr bin 'Abdul-Khaliq Al-Basri or Abu Bakr Al-Bazzar.
Ibn Abbas  was born in 3 BH (618-619 CE) and his mother took him to the Holy Prophet
Muhammad  before he had begun to suckle. Muhammad  put some of his blessed saliva
on the newborn's tongue, and that was the gifting of his extensive knowledge. He attained that
stature in virtue of the Holy Prophet s prayer: "O Allah! Give him knowledge of Islam and
teach him the meaning of the Quraan." [Ahmad, Musnad, Vol. 1: 266]

.168 / 9 2641 : 47 / 3 : 5 227

: 664 / 5 : : : 8 228
.408 : 366 / 1 4716 : 162 / 3 3789
Ahmad narrated it in his Musnad with six chains, also Tirmidhi with several chains and he
said hassan sahih, al-Hakim, and Tabrani.
1. Tirmidhi, al-Jami-us-sahih (5:351,663#3205,3787)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, al-Musnad (6:292)
3. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:587#994)
4. Bayhaqi related it with slightly different words in as-sunan-ul-kubra (2:150).
5. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (2:451#3558)
6. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:158#4705)


7. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (3:54#2662)

8. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (9:25#8295)
9. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (4:134#3799)
10. Baihaqi, al-Itiqad (p.327) and also in Muslim, as-Sahih (4:1883#2424) narrated by Ayesha 
The great Shaykh, the Imam, the Allama, the Muhaddith Thanaullah Uthmani Panipati was
one of the greatest scholars [of undivided India]. He was from the progeny of Shaykh Jalal al-Din
Uthmani, through whom his family tree reaches Hazrath Uthman ibn Affan . He was born,
and grew up, in the town of Panipat where he memorized the Holy Quraan and studied Arabic
for a while with the teachers of the town. In Delhi he studied under Shaykh Wali Allah ibn Abd
al-Rahim Umari Dehlawi, [Shah Waliullah,] from whom he acquired the science of hadith. He
completed his formal education in the sciences of the Din at the young age of eighteen years.
Thereafter he adopted the company of Shaykh Muhammad Abid SunnAmi, from whom he
received training in tarIqah. Through the training imparted by the latter Shaykh, Qadi
Thanaullah Uthmani Panipati reached the level known in tariqa as the annihilation of the
heart (fana al-qalb). He then turned to the great shaykh [Mirza Mazhar] Jaan-e-Janhan Alawi
Dehlawi, who trained him to the final stage in the Naqshbandi Mujaddidiyyah tariqah. Shaykh
Jaan-e-Janhan had tremendous affection toward, and love for, Qadi Thanaullah Uthmani
Panipati and gave him the title of Alam al-Huda (the flag of guidance).
Qadi Thanaullah Panipati ( d. 1225 AH) was a great Hanafi Scholar,
Naqshbandi Shaykh who authored Tafsir al-Mazhari is a 13th century AH tafsir of the
Qur'an, written by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati.A Sunni site,, explains:
This was written by Qadi Thanaullah Panipati (died 1225 Hijrah). He has named this tafseer as
'Al-Tafseer al-Mazhari, after the name of his spiritual master, Mirza Mazhar Jan-e-Janan Dehlavi. This
tafseer of his is very simple and clear, and extremely useful to locate brief explanations of
Qur'anic verses. Along with the elucidation of Qur'anic words, he has also taken up related
narration's in ample details, and in doing so, he has made an effort to accept narration's after
much more scrutiny as compared with other commentaries.
Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi (February 21, 1703 - August 20, 1762) was an Islamic
scholar and reformer. He worked for the revival of Muslim rule and intellectual learning in
South Asia, during a time of waning Muslim power. Shah Waliullah urged Muslim rulers to a
jihad against the enemies of Islam and hoped to restore the Ulama's former power and influence.
He despised the divisions and deviations within Islam and its practice in India and hoped to
"purify" the religion and unify all Indian Muslims under the "banner of truth". He is also thought
to have anticipated a number of progressive, social, economic, and political ideas of the modern
era such as social reform, equal rights, labour protection, welfare entitlement of all to food,
clothing, housing, etc.
Imam Jalaluddin al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) was an Egyptian writer and teacher whose
works deal with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. Tafsir al-Jalalayn (Tafsir of the twin
Jalaals) is a classical Sunni tafsir of the Quraan, composed first by Jalal ad-Din al-Mahalli d.
864H and then completed by his student Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti d. 911H, thus its name. It is
recognized as one of the most popular exegeses of the Quraan today, due to its simple style and
its conciseness: It being only one volume in length
Imam Jalaluddin Al-Suyuti (c. 1445-1505 AD) ( ) also known as Ibn al-Kutb (son
of books) was an Egyptian writer, religious scholar, juristic expert and teacher whose works deal
with a wide variety of subjects in Islamic theology. He was precocious and was already a teacher
in 1462. In 1486, he was appointed to a chair in the mosque of Baybars in Cairo. He adhered to


the Shafi'ie Madhab and is one of the latter-day authorities of the Shafi'ie School, considered to be
one of the Ashabun-Nazzar (Assessors) whose degree of Ijtihad is agreed upon. Tafsir al-Jalalayn
(Tafsir of the twin Jalaals) is a classical Sunni tafsir of the Quraan, composed first by Jalal ad-Din
al-Mahalli d. 864H and then completed by his student Jalal ad-Din as-Suyuti d. 911H, thus its
name. It is recognized as one of the most popular exegeses of the Quraan today, due to its
simple style and its conciseness: It being only one volume in length
Imaam Fakhr al-Din al-Razi Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Umar ibn al-Husayn al-Taymi alBakri al-Tabaristani Fakhr al-Din al-Razi or Fakhruddin
Razi was a well-known Persian Sunni Muslim theologian and philosopher.. He was born in
1149/ 543AH in Ray of Persia (today located in Iran) to a family tracing its lineage to the first
Muslim Caliph, Abu Bakr , and died in 1209/ 606AH in Herat (today located in Afghanistan).
He also wrote on medicines, physics, astrology, literature, history and law.
Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin, honored as Allama Ibn Abidin (1198 - 1252 AH.) is a well
known Hanafi Sunni Islamic scholar, who was born in Damascus . He is known as Imam Shami
in the Indian Subcontinent
Ahmad ibn Idris Shihabudin as-Sanhaji al-Qarafi al-Maliki (1228 1285/ 684 A.H.), was born
in Egypt in the seventh Century, and died there in the year 684. He was one of the greatest
Maliki scholars who ever lived and is especially known for his work in methodology and law
(usul al-fiqh). He was a master of the Arabic language and has remarkable works in grammar.
The most important of his many works are Al-Dhakhirah (The Stored Treasure), a magisterial 14
volume work recently published in the Emirates, that looks at Maliki fiqh with proofs from usuli
sources, Al-furuq (Differences), Nafais al usul (Gems of Legal Theory), and Kitab al-ihkam fi
tamyiz al-fatawa and al-ahkam wa tasarrufat al-qadi wa'l-imam (The Book of Perfecting the
Distinction Between Legal Opinions, Judicial Decisions, and the Discretionary Actions of Judges
and Caliphs).is He is buried in Qarafi in Egypt near Imam as-Shafii. May Allah have mercy on
them both.
Ibn al-Qayyim (1292-1350CE / 691 AH- 751 AH) was a famous Sunni Islamic jurist,
commentator on the Quraan, astronomer, chemist, philosopher, psychologist, scientist and
theologian. Although he is commonly referred to as "the scholar of the heart," given his extensive
works pertaining to human behavior and ethics, Ibn al-Qaayim's scholarship focused in the
sciences of Hadith and Fiqh.
Both quotations are from Adil Quta, Al-Urf, 1:64-65
Buyid dynasty, also known as the Buyid Empireor the Buyids ( l-e Buye) also known as
Buwaihids, Buyahids, or Buyyids, were a Sha Persiandynasty that originated from Daylaman.
They founded a confederation that controlled most of modern-day Iran and Iraq in the 10th and
11th centuries.
Hazrathh Sarkaar Waaris Ali Shah of Dewa Shareef, 40 odd Kilometers from Lucknow Uttar
Pradesh in India is a great Shaykh of the Chishti Nizami He descended from a family of
Hussayni Syeds distinguished for piety and learning. His genealogy shows that he was born in the
26th generation descending from Hazrathh Imam Husayn . The date of his birth is disputed
varying from 1233 A.H. to 1238 A.H. The author of Maarif Warisya has put the date of his birth
as 1234 A.H. passed away for his heavenly abode on April 7th, 1905/13 Safar 1324, after a brief


Hazrath Qibla Shah Niyaz Ahmed Alvi Barelvi , known as Qutb-e-Aalam, Niyaz be Niyaz of
Barelvi, India. He was a Khalifa in the Qadri, Chishti, Suharwardi, Naqshbandi, Nizami Sabri
Faqri orders of Sufism. He was born on 6th Jumada al-Thani 1155 Hijri (7 August 1742 C.E.)
and died on 6th Jumada al-Thani 1250 Hijri (9 October 1834).

Yunus Emre. Divan.

1.Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:175#4757)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail-us-sahabah (2:763#1344)
3. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (1:108#180)
4. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-kabir (22:400#999)
5. Tabarani, al-Mujam-ul-awsat (3:35#2386)
6. Haythami, Majma-uz-zawaid (9:212)
Muslims In The Americas Before Columbus by
Dr. Youssef Mroueh
The Seminoles are a Native American tribe originally of Florida, who now reside primarily in
that state and Oklahoma. The Seminole nation was formed in the 18th century in a process of
ethnogenesis. It was composed of Native Americans from Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama,
most significantly the Creek people, as well as African Americans who escaped to Florida from
slavery in South Carolina and Georgia.
The Cherokee are a Native American people historically settled in the South Eastern United
States (principally Georgia, the Carolinas and Eastern Tennessee). Linguistically, they are
connected to speakers of the Iroquoian-language family. In the 19th century, their oral tradition
told of their having migrated south from the Great Lakes region in ancient times
The Ute (pronounced "yewt") are an ethnically related group of American Indians now living
primarily in Utah and Colorado. The name of the state of Utah was derived from the name Ute.
The Abjad numerals are a decimal numeral system in which the 28 letters of the Arabic
alphabet are assigned numerical values. They have been used in the Arabic-speaking world since
before the 8th century Arabic numerals. In modern Arabic, the word Aabjadiyyah means
"alphabet" in general.

Nisba: Relationship. Lordship is the relationship (nisba) of the "He-ness" to the entity. The
"He-ness" (huwiyyah) in itself does not require such a relationship but the entities demand it.
Allah  has placed the Divine Names between Himself and the cosmos and from this
connection relationships are formed. Each Name is a relationship not an entity. Each existent
thing has a specific relationship with one particular Divine Name. That Name will exert a
stronger effect and power over the exist thing than any of the other Names. Allah  radiates His
attribute of Al-Waliyy (The Protecting Friend, Patron and Helper) upon his Intimates.
Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq. Shaik 'abd al-Qadir al-Jilani. 1997. AL BAZ
Destruction or Peace. Hajee Mahboob Kassim. 1971. Chistiya Publications. P132.
'Ubudiyya: Slavehood. This is the state of the slave who is drawing near to Allah  through
acts of devotion. 'Ubudiyya is "the Nearness of Surplus Works" (qurb al-nawafil) which is the lowest
of the four stations of Perfection. The lover-knower-slave of Allah  becomes adorned with the
attributes of slavehood ('ubudiyya) and bondage ('ubuda) after having lost himself in annihilation


in Allah  (fana' fillah). In becoming "no thing" (la shay) the slave is returned to the creation
with the Perfection of Bondage ('ubuda).
Richard Elliott Friedman is a biblical scholar and the Ann and Jay Davis Professor of Jewish
Studies at the University of Georgia. He joined the faculty of the UGA Religion Department in
2006. Prior to his appointment there, he was the Katzin Professor of Jewish Civilization: Hebrew
Bible; Near Eastern Languages and Literature at UCSD from 1984 until 2006. Dr. Friedman
received his Th.D. in Hebrew Bible and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard
University in 1978; Hebrew Bible from Harvard University in 1974; M.H.L., Jewish
Theological Seminary in 1971, and B.A., University of Miami in 1968. He is a winner of
numerous awards and honors, including American Council of Learned Societies Fellow. He was
a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford; and a Senior
Fellow of the American Schools of Oriental Research in Jerusalem. He participated in the City of
David Project archaeological excavations of biblical Jerusalem.
Who Wrote the Bible? (1987) is a book by biblical scholar Richard Elliott Friedman. The
book is a general audience explanation of the Documentary Hypothesis of the composition of
the Old Testament. In it, Friedman expands upon Julius Wellhausen's model, theorizing that the
P (Priestly) source was written earlier than commonly accepted, during the reign of King
Hezekiah (715-687 BCE).
Tauhid: Allahs Unity. The declaration of Allah s Unity, There is no god (sovereignty),
only Allah  (La ilaha illallah) is the very pivot of Islam. Knowledge of the Declaration of Allah
s unity is a Light. Yet Allah  Himself is the affirmation of His Unity. Within Tasawwuf all
existence is One (tawhid-e-wujudi). The Sufis and the Verifiers (al-muhaqqiqin) have realized
Allah s Unity within themselves.

3712 : 78 : 6 1 .259
86 65 : 92 77 : .2
8484 : 132 : 5
: : ( 438 437 : 4) 4
) ( ) ( :
( 458 : 5) 5
1060 : 620 : 2 .6
12170 : 80 : 12 .7
( 4579 : 111 110 : 3) 8

( 6929 : 374 373 : 15) 9
( 355 : 293 : 1) 10

( 829 : 111 : )11
( ) :


294 : 6 .12
129 : 3 .13
2203 : 543 .14
36444 : 142 : 13 .15
55 : 11 .260 1
11061 : 127 - 126 : 3 .2
114 : 9 .3
21 637 : 5 .261 1
36462 : 147 13 .2
Mohammed ibn Hajj al-Abdari al-Fasi from Morocco the author of Madkhal Ash-Shara AshShareef Ala Al-Mathahib (Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence According to Schools of
Thought). The book was published in 4 volumes of over 300 large pages each. It treats many
different subjects. His views are very much influenced by al-Ghazali's Ihya Ulum al-Din. He
spent much of his life in Tunis and Egypt and, for some time, taught at the University of Fes, AlQarawiyyin. He was buried in Qarafa (Egypt).
'Ubudiyya: Slavehood. This is the state of the slave who is drawing near to Allah through
acts of devotion. 'Ubudiyya is "the Nearness of Surplus Works" (qurb al-nawafil) which is the
lowest of the four stations of Perfection. The lover-knower-slave of Allah
becomes adorned
with the attributes of slavehood ('ubudiyya) and bondage ('ubuda) after having lost himself in
annihilation in Allah (fana' fillah). In becoming "no thing" (la shay) the slave is returned to the
creation with the Perfection of Bondage ('ubuda).


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