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Answering The Ghulaat

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Rebutting the Salafis who have gone overboard in criticizing the

Salafi scholars for their mistakes

An ILI Publication
 Preface p2

O1. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah speaks of the principle: If you are
not with me you are against me, calling it an evil principle] p7

02. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on criticizing the one who praises
a previously criticized person] p8

03. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on arguing over a specific person]
04. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on throwing out a Salafi ‘Alim for
his Bid’ah] p15

05. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on Salafiyyah] p17

06. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on the way of Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn
Taimiyyah rahimahu Allah in dealing with those who were mistaken in their
Ijtihad] p19

O1. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on who is to be called Salafi] p23

02. [Shaykh Al-Albani Rahimahullah explains that forcing another to adopt your
opinion] p24
03. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on whether a person is obliged to follow an
‘Alim who makes tabdi on another] p25
04. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah warns against a Hizbiyyah disguised as
Salafiyyah] p26
05. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains the principle of taking knowledge
from ESTABLISHED innovators] p27
06. [Shaykh Al Alaani Rahimahullah on advising the person who commits
mistake(s)] p28
07. [Shaykh Al Alaani Rahimahullah on attitude of advising the du’aat] p28
08. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on speaking gently of others in Salafiyyah]
09. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ibn Hajar Asqalaani Rahimahullah] p30
10. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on attitude on deviation in individuals] p31
11. [The Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains how to deal with those whose
sins include the likes of Al-Istighathah] p32
12. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on declaring of Tabdi', calling someone a
Mubtadi', innovator] p34
13. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah excused a scholar for joining the Masons,
since he did so out of mistaken Ijtihad] p35
14. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains the grounds for someone to be
innovator] p36
15. [Advice of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah concerning those who constantly
ask: What do you say about so-and-so?] p37
16. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah advises the people who waste their time
criticizing and talking about each other] p38
17. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ikhwanul Muslimeen] p39
18. [The Manhaj of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah concerning how to view
callers to Islam who deviated from the Sunnah and the Way of the Salaf] p41
19. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on an ‘Alim being absolutely mistake-free]
20. [The Manhaj of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah regarding Takfir, Tafsiq, and
Tabdi’] p42
21. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on allowance of praising the innovators]
22. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on co-operating with mubtadioon] p45
23. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on the principle: ‫أَلحِقهُ به‬, join them along with
him] p46
24. [The Manhaj of the Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah in Tabdi'/calling someone
an innovator thereby excluding them from the circle of Ahl Al-Sunnah] p48
25. [When can you call an 'Aalim an innovator? What are the conditions for doing
so?] p49
26. [The Shaykh on differentiating bid’a into categories like Bid’a in Aqeedah and
Bid’a in Fiqh] p51
27. [The Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah is asked about spreading the books and
tapes of those who are not Salafis] p52
28. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on a Salafi ‘Alim making mistake in following
the manhaj] p56
29. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Imam Nawawi and Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani]
30. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on removing a Salafi ‘Alim from salafiyyah
due to mistakes] p58
31. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on mentioning Good traits of the person
being criticized] p59

32. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on our position with regards to Asha’irah]

33. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ashaa’irah being from Ahlus Sunnah or
not] p61

34. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on The Ikhwan Al-Muslimin and the Jama'at
Al-Tabligh: Do we judge them as whole groups, or do we judge the individuals
that make them up] p62

01. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on making tabdi’] p64

02. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on random Takfir, Tabdi
Tafsiq etc.] p65

03. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on how to deal with the
mistake of So-and-so] p67

04. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on throwing out
someone who disagrees with the Salafis] p71

05. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on boycotting the
ESTABLISHED Mubtadioon] p72

06. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on people slandering
the ‘Ulamah] p73
07. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on forcing others to
accept the tabdi of an ‘Alim] p74

08. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on tasting someone
based on his comments on an ‘Alim] p75
09. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on the statement: So-
and-so is not salafi] p76
10. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on throwing away a
scholar and not taking anything from him based on his ‘MISTAKE’] p77

01. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks of
the beginnings of the small group within Ahl Al-Sunnah who have busied
themselves with criticizing and warning against some of their brothers from Ahl
Al-Sunnah] p81
02. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al hafithahu Allah mentions three of
his former students and says clearly that their Manhaj in refutations is different
from the Manhaj of the Imam Ibn Baz rahimahu Allah] p83
03. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah gives the
reasons for the current ongoing Fitnah between Ahl Al-Sunnah] p84
04. [Al-Sheikh Al-'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks of a
small group within Ahl Al-Sunnah who cause Fitnah with their criticism and Tabdi'
of their brothers] p88
05. [The 'Allamah 'Abd Al-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks on the
students boycotting and testing the people with people] p89
06. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad on what he called: The
Bid'ah (innovation) of testing people with people] p90
07. [Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-’Abbaad on forcing the students to take the stance
that someone is innovator] p91
08. [Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah on the
statement - He who does not make Tabdi' of whom we make Tabdi' of, is a
Mubtadi'] p92
09. [Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah on dealing with
a Scholar who has made mistakes regarding Bid’ah] p93

 Conclusion p95
Rebutting the Salafis who have gone overboard in criticizing the
Salafi scholars for their mistakes


Inna Al-Hamdalillah, wa-Assalatu wa-Assalamu ‘ala Rasoolillah, wa ‘ala aalihi, wa

ashabihi, wa man tabi’aahum bi ihsaani ila yaumi Ad-deen. Wa ba’d.

‫بسم هللا الرحمه الرحيم‬

‫وقل جاء الحق وزهق الباطل إن الباطل كان زهوقا‬

And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by
nature], ever bound to depart.
[Sooratu Al ‘Isra: Ayah 81]

Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala Has blessed the Ummah by establishing the

guideline for them to follow until the Day of Judgment in order to enter Jannah
and be saved from Jahannam. The Qur’an, The Sunnah and the understanding
of the pious predecessors, i.e. As-Salaf As-Swaliheen. For the Prophet ‘Alaihis
Salam verified the correctness and authenticity of the Deen practiced by the
Three generations after him. The Sahaba, the Tabi’een and Atbau-at Tabi’een.

Till today, the guideline is followed by the Ummah and InshaAllah it will be
followed by the saved sect, the victorious group up until the destruction of the

The people who follow this guideline strictly, among them, the closest of the
Sullaf, are the Salafis. The Salafis are the jama’ who have been strict in
following the Sullaf, from the very beginning and InshaAllah, will continue to
follow them until the Day of resurrection.

The Salafi da’wah has been a blessed one for a long time and by the Mercy of
Allah, people are accepting the way of the Salaf as the manhaj of their deen.
Lillahi-Al hamd. From east to west, numerous Masaajid, da’wah centers and
da’wa activists have been developed to spread this blessed da’wah to the


mass. Yet, sadly enough, da’wah can go through various fitnah. People who
oppose the da’watu-as Salafiyyah, have always been harsh critics and anti-
activists of this manhaj and da’wah. Nevertheless, the ‘Ulama have been truly
the torchbearers and protectors of this da’wah and no opposition could harm
this da’wah from spreading among the Ummah, wa Lillahi-Al hamd.

However, the da’watus Salafiyyah has been facing a strange opposition for
quite some times in recent years. This opposition has been developing within
the du’aat of the manhajus Salafiyah. Some of the du’aat have been speaking
on certain issues that somehow misled various du’aat and tullab who have
gone overboard in criticizing, boycotting and refuting other du’aat, tullab and
‘ulamah within the Salafi manhaj and eventually causing severe fitnah inside
the da’wahtus Salafiyyah.

It is not possible to discuss the birth and development of this fitnah in this
compilation and we do not have the ability and knowledge to do so either.
Nonetheless, it is observed that this finah is being developed in different
countries and cities day by day and affecting the da’watus Salafiyyah
tremendously by creating havoc, disagreement, argument, quarrel, animosity,
hatred and other synonyms of these words among the du’aat and tullab of
Salafiyyah. This has hampered the da’wah for the general people and created a
confusing chaos.

So, this issue had to be addressed and solved. Salafi ‘Ulamah of today have
been real vocal on this issue and they have been advising the du’aat and tullab
to stay away from these extremism for quite a long time. Jazahum-Allahu
Khayran. Yet, the advices of the ‘Ulamah may not reach the du’aat and thus the
situation may remain the same for a number of reasons. That is why, we have
been working on compiling some fatawwah, speeches and advices issued by
some of the great Salafi ‘Ulamah of our time. Some of them have left the
earthly life Rahimahullah and some are still alive Hafidhahullah.

After quite a few times, Al-Hamdu Lillah, we roughly managed to compile some
advices from the ‘Ulamah on the issues of boycotting, criticizing and slandering
salafi scholars with mistakes, warning against scholars with mistakes,


preaching against scholars with mistakes that no one should take knowledge
from such and such scholar because they made mistakes etc. Among advices of
several ‘Ulamah, we have compiled in this article the advices of four prominent
Salafi ‘Ulamah, namely Shaykh Salih Ibn Al Uthaymeen Rahimahum-Allah,
Shaykh Naasir Ad Deen Al Albaani Rahimahum-Allah, Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan
Al Fawzaan Hafidhahu-Allah, Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad Hafidhahu-Allah.
The reason for selecting the advices from these Shuyookh is that these
Shuyookh are respected, honored and followed by all the Salafi du’aat and
tullab bi al-Baiyyinat wa az-Zuboor. So we believe by presenting the advices of
these ‘Ulamah will open the door to reconcile the crisis among the Salafi du’aat
and tullab InshaAllah.

We would like to thank brother Abu ‘Abdir Rahmaan from Lebanon for
translating almost ninety percent texts of this compilation and for making this
compilation easy to reach the general people. we believe this compilation
would not have seen the face of light so early and easily if brother Abu ‘Abdir
Rahmaan had not been so sincere in translating the texts into English bi
idhnillah. Jazahu-Allahu khayran.

We pray to Allah that may this compilation become a source of reconciliation

among the Salafis and may this work be a Sadaqatu Al Jaariyah for the people
who contributed to publication of this work.

We would Like to conclude this introduction by narrating an advice from Imam

Ad Dhahabi Rahimahullah from his famous work, Siyar A'lam Al-Nubala' [20/44-

“We love the Sunnah and its people, and we love the 'Aalim due to what he has
of following (the Sunnah) and praiseworthy attributes, and we do not love
what he innovated of a permissible Ta'wil, and the [main point] is in the
abundance of good - i.e. we look to what is overwhelming in a person of

Islamic Learning Initiative



This compilation is ONLY for the reconciliation among the

Salafis and for the mitigation of the fitnah that is going on
among them. This compilation is ABSOLUTELY ACADEMIC
unlike random refutation PDFs that work as a source of
entertainment for some retard people. These advices
SHOULD NOT BE MISUSED to stop the Salafis from warning


Advices from The Imam, The Shaykh

Salih Ibn Al Uthaymeen Rahimahullahu


01. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah speaks of the principle: If

you are not with me you are against me, calling it an evil principle]

The Shaykh rahimahu Allah said,

‫ْ ؽية‬ٛ َ‫ا أؽياثًب ث‬َٞ٤ُ ‫ كبَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬،‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ف‬٬‫ ّي ف‬٫ ‫نا‬ٜ‫ك‬

So this is without doubt in opposition to the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih, for
the Salaf Al-Salih are not Ahzab, rather they are one Hizb.

{And the Imam rahimahu Allah said among the people are those who take the
principle - ٢
ّ ِ‫ػ‬ ٜٞ‫ ك‬٢‫ٌ ٓؼ‬٤ُ ٖٓ (He who is not with me then he is against

Then the Imam rahimahu Allah said about this principle

‫ش‬٤‫نا ٓجلأ فج‬ٛٝ
“And this is an evil principle.”

Then the Imam rahimahu Allah said,

‫ـ‬٤ُْ‫نا ا‬ُٜ ‫٘زٖو‬٣ ،‫ـ‬٣‫ـ ٖٓ أُْب‬٤ّ ‫ٕ ػ٘ل‬ٌٞ٣ ِْ‫ة اُؼ‬٬ٛ ٘‫ُنُي ٗغل ثؼ‬
ُْ‫ اُؼب‬ٞٛ ٚ‫ق‬٤ّ ٕ‫ أ‬ٟ‫و‬٣ٝ ،ٚ‫جلػ‬٣ٝ ِِٚٚ٣ٝ ،ٙ‫ا‬ٍٞ ٖٓ ١‫ؼبك‬٣ٝ َٛ‫اُجب‬ٝ ‫ثبُؾن‬
ٍٞ‫غت أفن ه‬٣ َ‫ ث‬،‫و‬٤‫ ًج‬ِٜ‫نا ؿ‬ٛٝ ،‫ ٓلَل‬ٝ‫َ أ‬ٛ‫ إٓب عب‬ٙ‫ا‬ٍٞ ٖٓٝ ،‫أُِٖؼ‬
ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ٍ إٔؾبة ه‬ٞ‫ه‬ٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ اٌُزبة‬ُٚٞ‫اكن ه‬ٝ ٖٓ
And due to this we find that some of the students will be with a Sheikh from
among the Mashayikh, he is with him whether he is on the Truth or falsehood,
and he is hostile towards anyone other than him, and he deems misguided and
calls an innovator [he who does not stand with his Sheikh], and he sees that his


Sheikh is the reforming 'Aalim, and that those besides him are either ignorant
or those who corrupt, and this is a big mistake, rather it is necessary to take the
statement of he whose statement agrees with the Book and the Sunnah and
the statements of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah sallaa Allahu
'alaihi wa sallam.

Ref: Kitab Al-'Ilm, p. 60

02. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on criticizing the one who
praises a previously criticized person]

‫ٍئِخ‬٧‫ ثؼ٘ ا‬١‫ُل‬ٝ

َ ُ
ٌْ‫رٌِٔذ ٓؼ‬ ‫ اُجبهؽخ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
Questioner: Yesterday I spoke to you, and I have with me some questions

َٚ‫ رل‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: Go on

ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫َ اَُ٘خ ك‬ٛ‫ٖ أ‬٤‫ٕ ِٖٓ كز٘خ ث‬٥‫ ا‬١‫غو‬٣ ‫ـ أٗذ رؼِْ ٓبما‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ :َ‫اَُبئ‬
ٖٓ ‫وا‬٤‫ إٕ ًض‬٠‫ ؽز‬،‫و‬٤‫أٓو فط‬ٍ ٠ُ‫ٍ ػ٘لٗب إ‬َّٞ ‫ٓو رؾ‬٧‫نا ا‬ٛٝ ‫ك فبٕخ‬٬‫اُج‬
‫ إما افزِق‬:‫ـ‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ ٍٝ٧‫ ٍؤاٍ؛ اَُؤاٍ ا‬١َّ ‫ب! كِل‬ٜ٤‫ح ك‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫أَُبعل رلوم ا‬
‫ؼ‬٣‫ رغو‬٢‫ ثؼ٘ اُلػبح ك‬٢‫ثؼ٘ اُؼِٔبء ك‬
Questioner: O Sheikh, you know what goes on now of the Fitnah between Ahl
Al-Sunnah especially in this country, and this issue turned into a dangerous one,
such that many of the brothers in the Masajid split apart due to it! So I have a
question; the first question, O Sheikh: If some of the 'Ulamaa disagreed over
whether some of the Du'aat should be criticized

‫ِ؟‬٣‫ إ‬. . . ِ٣‫ إ‬:‫ؼًب‬ٛ‫ٓوب‬

ِ ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: What . . . what?


٘‫ ثؼ‬:٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ ‫؛‬ِٚ٣‫ رؼل‬ٝ‫ّقٔ أ‬ ٍ ‫ؼ‬٣‫ رغو‬٢‫ إما افزِق ثؼُ٘ اُلػبح ك‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
‫ ُؼ َٖٓ ػ َّلٍ؟‬٣‫ِيّ ٖٓ مُي رغو‬٣ َٛ ،‫فو عوَّػ‬٥‫اُجؼ٘ ا‬ٝ ٍ‫اُلػبح ػ َّل‬
Questioner: If some of the ['Ulamaa] disagreed over whether a person should
be criticized or praised; meaning: Some of the ['Ulamaa] praised the person
while others criticized him, does this necessitate criticizing the one who praised
that person

ّ‫ِي‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬،٫ :ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ ا‬. . .

Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: No, it does not necessitate that

‫ِيّ ٖٓ مُي‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬

Questioner: It does not necessitate that..

ٕ‫ كئ‬،ٙ‫ ؽَت اػزوبك‬٠ِ‫ ػ َّلٍ ػ َّلٍ ػ‬١‫ٕ اُن‬٧ ‫ِيّ؛‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬،٫ :ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ أعو‬ِٚ‫إٕ أفطؤ ك‬ٝ ،ٕ‫ أعوا‬ِٚ‫إٔبة ك‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: No, it does not necessitate that;
because the one who praised that person did so according to what he believed,
so if he is correct then he has two rewards, and if he is incorrect then he has
one reward

‫؟‬ٚ‫ِيّ أَّٗ٘ب ٗغوِّؽ‬٣ ٫ ٍ‫ ػ َّل‬١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ٌُٖٝ ،ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬

Questioner: Yes, however the one who praised that person, this does not mean
we are bound (that it necessitates us to) criticize him?

ّ‫ِي‬٣ ٫ ،٫ :‫ُي‬ ُ :ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

َ ‫هِذ‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: I said to you: No, it does not
necessitate that


‫و ٖٓ أَُبعل‬٤‫ إٔ ًض‬:‫ق٘ب ٗٔو ثٔوؽِخ‬٤ّ ٕ٥‫ت؛ ٗؾٖ ا‬٤ٛ .‫ـ‬٤ّ ،ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
َٖٓ ‫ٗ٘ب ُْ ُٗج ِّلع‬٧ ‫ٍ؛‬٬َُّ ٙ ‫أَّٗ٘ب‬ٝ ‫٘ب أَّٗ٘ب ٓجز ِلػخ‬٤ِ‫ا ػ‬ٞ‫ُطِو‬٣ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ح إٔجؾ‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫ٕ ا‬٥‫ا‬
ٙٞ‫ُغوِّؽ‬٣ ٕ‫ا أ‬ٝ‫ ٗغوِّ ػ ِٖٓ أهاك‬ٝ‫ أ‬،ٙٞ‫ُج ِّلػ‬٣ ٕ‫ا أ‬ٝ‫أهاك‬.
Questioner: Yes, Sheikh. Fine; at this point in time, our Sheikh, we are going
through a stage: Many of the brothers in the Masajid today have labeled us as
Mubtadi'ah (innovators) and saying that we are misguided; because we do not
make Tabdi' of the one they want to make Tabdi' of, or criticize the one they
want to criticize

ْٛ‫اء‬ٞٛ‫ا أ‬ٞ‫ء ارَّجؼ‬٫‫ؤ‬ٜ‫ ك‬:‫ ؽوًب‬َٚ‫ إٕ ًبٕ ٓب هِز‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬.

Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: If what you say is true, then those
people are following their desires

‫ـ‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ ‫ي‬٤‫ ثبهى هللا ك‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬.

Questioner: Barak Allahu feek, O Sheikh

‫ إما فبُق‬٫‫َٗبٕ إ‬٩‫ب ا‬ٜ‫ُغوَّػ ث‬٣ ‫خ ٓب‬٣‫بك‬ٜ‫عز‬٫‫ أَُبئَ ا‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: A person is not criticized for his stance
in the issues of Ijtihad except if he opposes the Salaf

ٚ‫ه رؼوك‬ٖٞ‫أر‬
ِّ -- ٞٛٝ ،‫ـ‬٤ّ ،َ‫ٖ هع‬٤‫ َػ‬٢‫ ُٓزؼِوخ ك‬٢ٛ ‫خ‬٤ٚ‫ اُو‬.ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
ٕ٬‫ـ ك‬٤ُْ‫ ا‬--
Questioner: Yes. The issue is related to a specific man, Sheikh, him being -- and I
think you know him -- the Sheikh so-and-so

َ‫ؾَ ُ٘ب إٔ ٗغؼ‬٣ ٫ :‫ي‬٤‫ ثبهى هللا ك‬،ٍٞ‫ أٗب أه‬.ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ُقطئ‬٣ ٕ‫َٗب‬٩‫ٕ ا‬٧ ‫ْ؛‬ٛ‫ َٖٓ ػبكا‬١‫ُٗؼبك‬ٝ ،ْٛ٫‫ا‬ٝ َٖٓ ٢ُ‫ا‬ٞٗ ‫ ًىا‬ٞٓ‫أّقبًٕب ه‬


Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: Yes. I say, barak Allahu feek: It is not
allowed for us to make a person a symbol by which we associate with who
associates with him, and disassociate with who disassociates with him; because
a person makes mistakes and is correct

ٍ‫ب أٓضب‬ٜ٤‫ ك‬ٞ‫ٗلػ‬ٝ ،‫َّخ‬٤ِٔ‫بًٗب ػ‬٤‫هاد أؽ‬ٝ‫٘ب ك‬ٛ ‫٘ب‬٣‫ـ؛ ٗؾٖ ُل‬٤ّ .ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
‫ٕ؟‬٬‫ـ ك‬٤َّْ ُ‫ ِح ا‬ٞ‫َ رٖ٘ؾ٘ب ثلػ‬ٜ‫ ك‬،ٕ٬‫ـ ك‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Questioner: Yes. Sheikh; we sometimes have here knowledge seminars, and we
invite the likes of Sheikh so-and-so, so do you advise us with inviting Sheikh so-

‫ٕ؟‬٬‫ أعوِّػ ك‬٢ِّٗ‫ُي إ‬

َ ٍ‫ َٖٓ هب‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: Who said to you that I criticize so-and-

ُ ‫ أٗب ٓب‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
‫هِذ أٗي رغوِّ ػ‬
Questioner: I did not say that you criticize

ٕٞ‫ رلػ‬٫ :ً‫ٍ ُِ٘ب‬ٞ‫َ أٗب أه‬ٛ !‫ ٓ٘ي‬ِٜ‫نا ؿ‬ٛ :‫ًؼب‬ٛ‫ٖ ٓوب‬٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ ٓب‬٫ٝ ٕ‫طب‬٤ُْ‫ رؼوف ا‬.ٕ‫طب‬٤ُْ‫ ِٖٓ ا‬ُٞٝ ‫ٕ؟! ا ْهجََ اُؾن‬٬‫ٕ ك‬ٞ‫ رلػ‬٫ٝ ٕ٬‫ك‬
‫طبٕ؟‬٤ُْ‫!رؼوف ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah, interrupting: This is a mistake by you!
Do I say to the people: Do not invite so-and-so and do not invite so-and-so?!
Accept the Truth even if it is from the Shaitain. Do you know the Shaitan or do
you not know the Shaitan?!

ٕ٧ ‫نا اَُؤاٍ؛‬ٛ ٍ‫ـ؛ أٗب أٍؤ‬٤ّ .‫وح‬٣‫و‬ٛ ٢‫ش أث‬٣‫ ؽل‬،ْ‫ ٗؼ‬،‫ـ‬٤ّ ،ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬
ٕٞ‫ رٖ٘ؾ‬٫ٝ ،َ‫اُوع‬
َ ٕٞ‫ا أٌْٗ رُغوِّؽ‬ُٞ‫ هب‬ٟ‫ن أفو‬ٛ‫ ٓ٘ب‬٢‫ح ك‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫ثؼ٘ ا‬
‫ؼ؟‬٤‫نا ٕؾ‬ٛ َٛ ‫ً؛‬ٝ‫كه‬ٝ ‫واد‬ٙ‫ُوبء ٓؾب‬٩ ِٚٓ ‫اٍزولا‬ٝ ٚ‫ثبٍزلػبئ‬


Questioner: Yes, Sheikh, yes, the Hadith of Abu Hurairah [radhi Allahu Ta'aalaa
'anhu]. Sheikh; I ask this question; because some of the brothers from other
areas say that you criticize the man, and that you do not advise with calling that
person and having him give lessons; is this true

‫٘ب‬٤ِ‫ٌُنة ػ‬٣ ‫ٓب أًضو ٓب‬ٝ ،‫٘ب‬٤ِ‫نا ًنة ػ‬ٛ :ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: This is a lie about us, and how many are
the lies about us!

ٌْ‫نا ظ٘٘ب ث‬ٛٝ ‫ـ‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ ‫ي‬٤‫ ثبهى هللا ك‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬.

Questioner: Barak Allahu feek, O Sheikh, and this is what we assumed about

‫ـ‬٤ُْ‫ا‬ٝ ٕ٬‫ـ ك‬٤ُْ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ َٓؤُخ اُزؾب ًُْ ث‬ٞٛٝ ‫ـ؛‬٤ّ ‫اَُؤاٍ اُضبُش‬ٝ :َ‫اَُبئ‬
‫ اُلز٘خ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ٗوربػ‬ٝ ،‫ أَُؤُخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ا أٗزْ ك‬ٌٞٔ‫ـ ٓب رؾ‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ ‫ٕ؛ ُٔبما‬٬‫ك‬
Questioner: And the third question, Sheikh; it is the issue of judging between
the Sheikh so-and-so and the Sheikh so-and-so; why do you not yourself, O
Sheikh, judge in this issue, so that we can relax from this great Fitnah

ََِّٜ٣ ٕ‫َٗؤٍ هللا أ‬ٝ ،‫نا‬ٛ ٢‫ ك‬٠‫ٕ َٗؼ‬٥‫ ٗؾٖ ا‬:ٖ٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬.
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: We are now striving in doing that, and
we ask Allah to make it easy

ِٕٞ‫َوج‬٣ ‫ـ‬٣‫َ أُْب‬ٛٝ ،‫ت‬٤ٛ :َ‫اَُبئ‬

Questioner: Fine, and do the Mashayikh accept
‫َو‬٤٣ ٕ‫أٍؤٍ هللا أ‬ٝ ،‫نا‬ٛ ٢‫ٗب ك‬ٞ‫ كػ‬:‫ؼًب‬ٛ‫ٖ ٓوب‬٤ٔ٤‫ـ اثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah, interrupting: Leave us from this, and
ask Allah to make it easy.


03. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on arguing over a specific


٠ِ‫ هللا رؼ‬ٚٔ‫هبٍ هؽ‬

٫ ،ٖ٤‫ هعَ ٓؼ‬٢‫ٖ اُْجبة أَُِْ ك‬٤‫ٓخ ث‬ٖٞ‫اُق‬ٝ ‫ٕ اُ٘ياع‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٟ‫ أه‬٫
:ً٬‫ كٔض‬،٢‫ اُؾٌْ اُْوػ‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ ثَ اُ٘ياع‬،‫ل هطت‬٤ٍ ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬٫ٝ ،‫ل هطت‬٤ٍ
ٝ‫ٍ ؽن أ‬ٞ‫نا اُو‬ٛ َٛ :ٍٞ‫ٗو‬ٝ ،‫و هطت‬٤‫ ُـ‬ٝ‫ أ‬،‫اٍ ُوطت‬ٞ‫ه‬٧‫ً ٖٓ ا‬٫ٞ‫ٗؼوٗ ه‬
ٌٕٞ‫ أٓب إٔ ر‬،ٙ‫ هككٗب‬:ً٬ٛ‫إٕ ًبٕ ثب‬ٝ ،ٙ‫ هجِ٘ب‬:ً‫ إٕ ًبٕ ؽوّب‬ٖٚ‫َ؟ صْ ٗٔؾ‬ٛ‫ثب‬
،ِٜ‫نا ؿ‬ٜ‫ ك‬:ٖ٤‫ هعَ ٓؼ‬٢‫اُوك ك‬ٝ ‫فن‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ،‫ٖ اُْجبة‬٤‫اُ٘ياع ث‬ٝ ‫ٓخ‬ٖٞ‫اُق‬
ْ٤‫فطؤ ػظ‬ٝ

He rahimahu Allahu Ta'aalaa said,

I do not see that the disagreement and rivalries between the young Muslims
should revolve around a specific person, neither Sayyid Qutb or anyone besides
Sayyid Qutb, rather the disagreement should be concerning the Hukm Shar'i
(the law or judgement in the Shari'ah concerning a matter), so for example: We
present a statement of the statements of Qutb, or other than Qutb, and we
say: Is this statement the Truth or falsehood? Then if it is the Truth, we accept
it, and if it is falsehood, we reject it. As for the rivalry and disagreement
between the young ones, and the giving and refuting in discussions being
centered around a specific man, this is wrong, and is a great mistake.

٠ُ‫ هللا رؼب‬ٚٔ‫هبٍ هؽ‬ٝ

ٔ‫ ّق‬٠ِ‫ْ ػ‬ٜ‫ٓبر‬ٖٞ‫ف‬ٝ ْٜ‫ٕ ٓلاه ٗياػ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ اُْجبة أ‬٠ٜٗ‫كِنُي أٗب أ‬
ْٖ‫ُجْطَ اُق‬٣ ‫ كوثٔب‬:ٞ‫نا اُ٘ؾ‬ٛ ٠ِ‫ٓبد ػ‬ٖٞ‫ إما ًبٗذ اُق‬ٚٗ٧ ‫ّب ً ًبٕ؛‬٣‫ٖ أ‬٤‫ٓؼ‬
‫نا فطو‬ٛٝ ،ٔ‫نا اُْق‬ٛ ُٚ‫ً هب‬٬ٛ‫َ ُْٖ٘و ثب‬٣ ‫هثٔب‬ٝ ،ٔ‫نا اُْق‬ٛ ُٚ‫ؽوّب ً هب‬
‫زؼٖت‬٣ ١‫ كبُن‬،ٙ‫ل‬ٙ ‫رؼٖت آفو‬ٝ ٔ‫َٗبٕ ُِْق‬٩‫ إما رؼٖت ا‬ٚٗ٧ ‫ْ؛‬٤‫ػظ‬


٢ٗ‫اُضب‬ٝ ،‫ مُي‬ٚ‫ ٓب أّج‬ٝ‫ أ‬،ٚٓ٬ً ٍٝ‫ؤ‬٣ ٝ‫ أ‬،ِٚ‫و‬٣ ُْ ‫ ٓب‬ٚ٘‫ٍ ػ‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ‫ف‬ٍٞ ٙ‫ل‬ٙ
َٛ‫ ٖٓ اُجب‬ُٚ‫ ٓب هب‬ٚ‫ع‬ٞ٣ ٝ‫ أ‬،ُٚ‫ ٓب هب‬ٚ٘‫ُ ْ٘ ٌِو ػ‬٣ ‫هثٔب‬

And he rahimahu Allahu Ta'aalaa said,

And due to this, I prohibit the young ones for causing their disagreements and
rivalries to center around a specific person no matter who it is, because if their
rivalries were of this type, then perhaps the one opposing [the person around
whom the argument is centered] will reject a true statement said by this
person, and perhaps [the one in agreement with the person around whom the
argument is centered] will champion a false statement said by this person, and
this is a grave danger, because if a person becomes fanatically biased in favor
of a person while another person became fanatically biased against him, then
the one who is fanatically biased against him will attribute to that person what
he did not say, or misinterpret his words, and what is similar to this, and the
other one might . . . redirect what he said of falsehood.
٠ُ‫ هللا رؼب‬ٚٔ‫هبٍ هؽ‬ٝ
‫فن‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ‫أُقبٕٔخ‬ٝ ‫ش‬٣‫ٕ اُؾل‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣ ٫ٝ ،‫اٗ٘ب‬ٞ‫ف‬٩ ٢‫ؾز‬٤ٖٗ ٙ‫ن‬ٛ
ٚ٘٤‫ ّقٔ ثؼ‬٢‫اُوك ك‬ٝ

And he rahimahu Allahu Ta'aalaa said

This is my advice to our brothers, and it is not befitting that the discussions and
rivalries and the giving and refuting be centered on a specific person.

٠ُ‫ هللا رؼب‬ٚٔ‫هبٍ هؽ‬ٝ

،ٕ‫ َُوك ٖٓ ًَ إَٗب‬٣ َٛ‫اُجب‬ٝ ،ٕ‫ؤفن ٖٓ ًَ إَٗب‬٣ ‫ إٔ اُؾن‬ٟ‫ُنُي أٗب أه‬ٝ
‫اُزلوم‬ٝ ‫اُ٘ياع‬ٝ ‫ٓخ‬ٖٞ‫ى ُ٘ب إٔ ٗغؼَ ٓلاه اُق‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ٝ َ‫ ُ٘ب ث‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫أ‬ٝ
ٍ‫ أٍٔبء اُوعب‬ٞٛ ‫ف‬٬‫ئز‬٫‫ا‬ٝ


And he rahimahu Allahu Ta'aalaa said,

And due to this I see that the Truth is accepted from every person, and that
falsehood is rejected from every person, and that it is not befitting for us nor is
it allowed for us to allow the rivalry and discussion and splitting apart and
alliances to be centered around the names of men.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Liqaa'aat Al-Bab Al-Maftuh, 130

04. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on throwing out a Salafi

‘Alim for his Bid’ah]

The Question:

If one of the 'Ulamaa said something that was a Bid'ah (innovation) or took the
Manhaj (methodology) of a people of Bid'ah in an issue among the issues, is he
to be considered one of them -- i.e. one of the innovators?

٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫اكو‬ٝ ‫ إما‬،ْٜ٤ُ‫َ٘ت إ‬٣ ٫ٝ ْٜ٘ٓ ‫ؼل‬٣ ٫ .٫ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ٖ هؽ‬٤ٔ٤‫ٓبّ اثٖ ػض‬٩‫ا‬
ْٜ٤ُ‫َ٘ت إ‬٣ ٕ‫ٖؼ أ‬٣ ٫ٝ ،‫ أَُؤُخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫اكو‬ٝ ٚٗ‫َٓؤُخ ٖٓ أَُبئَ كئ‬
‫ٓبّ أؽٔل‬٩‫ ا‬ٚ٤ُ‫ت إ‬ٛ‫بر٘ب ٓب م‬٤ٜ‫ كو‬٢‫ٕ ٗزجغ ك‬٥‫ ٗؾٖ ا‬:ً٬‫نا ٓض‬ُٜٝ ،‫َٗجخ ٓطِوخ‬
ٌٕٞٗ ‫ أٗب‬ٙ‫ ٓؼ٘ب‬٢‫ اُْبكؼ‬ٙ‫وا‬٣ ١‫َ إما أفنٗب ثوأ‬ٛ ٌُٖ ،‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ثٖ ؽ٘جَ هؽ‬
،‫خ‬٤‫ٕ ؽ٘ل‬ٌٞٗ ٕ‫لخ أ‬٤٘‫ ؽ‬ٞ‫ أث‬ٙ‫وا‬٣ ٝ‫ أ‬،‫خ‬٤ٌُ‫ٕ ٓب‬ٌٞٗ ٕ‫ ٓبُي أ‬ٙ‫وا‬٣ ٝ‫ً أ‬٬‫خ ٓض‬٤‫ّبكؼ‬
٫ ‫ٕ ؽ٘بثِخ؟‬ٌٞٗٞ٣ َٛ ‫ٓبّ أؽٔل‬٩‫ب ا‬ٜ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ‫ا ثَٔؤُخ‬ٝ‫ب ً إما أفن‬ٚ٣‫ْ أ‬ٛ ‫ًنُي‬.

Al-Imam Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah: No. No he is not considered one of

them nor is he attributed to them. If he agrees with them in an issue among the
issues, then he has agreed with them in that issue, and attributing to him an
absolute attribution of being from the people of innovation is not correct, and
there is an example of this: We now follow in our Fiqh what the Imam Ahmad


Bin Hanbal rahimahu Allah chose in his positions, however does it mean that if
we were to take the opinion of Al-Shafi'i that we become Shafi'is, for example,
or [if we were to take the opinion of the Imam Malik rahimahu Allah in an
issue] that we bcome Malikiyyah, or [if we take the position of the Imam Abu
Hanifah rahimahu Allah in one issue] that we become Hanafiyyah? Just as well,
if they [the followers of the aforementioned Madhahib] were to take the
statement of the Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal in an issue, would they be
Hanabilah? No.
‫ء ٓٔب‬٢ْ‫ؾخ أفن ث‬٤ُٖ٘‫ٖ ثب‬٤‫ك‬ٝ‫ٖ أُؼو‬٣‫٘ب ّقٖب ً ٖٓ اُؼِٔبء أُؼزجو‬٣‫كئما هأ‬
‫نا‬ٛ :ٍٞ‫ ٗو‬،ْٜ‫ج‬ٛ‫ ٓن‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ْٜ٘ٓ ٞٛ :ٍٞ‫ٖؼ إٔ ٗو‬٣ ٫ ‫َ اُجلع‬ٛ‫ أ‬ٚ٤ُ‫ت إ‬ٛ‫م‬
‫ػجبك‬ٝ ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍُٚٞ‫ٍ٘خ ه‬ٝ ‫ؾخ ٌُزبة هللا‬٤ُٖ٘‫ ٖٓ ا‬ُٚ ٟ‫ثٔب ٗو‬
‫ل‬ٜ‫ٖٓ اعز‬ٝ ،‫بك‬ٜ‫ كئٕ مُي اُقطؤ ٕبكه ػٖ اعز‬،‫ أَُؤُخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫هللا إما أفطؤ ك‬
‫غ‬٤ٔ‫ٖٓ ه َّك ع‬ٝ .‫اؽل‬ٝ ‫ أعو‬ِٚ‫إٕ أفطؤ ك‬ٝ ٕ‫ أعوا‬ِٚ‫ٓخ كؤٕبة ك‬٧‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٖٓ
‫نا اُقطؤ‬ٛ ٕ‫ٕب ً إما ًب‬ٖٞ‫ ف‬،ُْ‫ ظب‬ٚٗ‫ب ٖٓ هبٍ ثبُؾن كئ‬ٜ٤‫اُؾن ٌُِٔخ أفطؤ ك‬
‫ فطؤ‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ :ٍ‫ أؽل هب‬ٚ‫ٕ ثؼ٘ اُ٘بً إما فبُل‬٧ ‫ٌ ثقطؤ؛‬٤ُ ً ‫ فطؤ‬ٚ٘‫ ظ‬١‫اُن‬
‫خ‬٣‫ئ ُِـب‬٤ٍ ‫ت‬ٛ‫نا ٓن‬ٛٝ ‫بم ثبهلل‬٤‫اُؼ‬ٝ ٙ‫ هثٔب ًلو‬ٝ‫ أ‬ِِٚٙ ٝ‫ أ‬ٙ‫فطَّؤ‬ٝ.
So if we see a person from among the 'Ulamaa who are respected and well
known for their advice take a position of what one of the people of innovations
took, it would not be correct to say: He is from them and is upon their
Madhhab, [rather] we say: This is what we see to be advice for him for the
Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa
sallam and the slaves of Allah that, if he made a mistake in this issue, then that
mistake came from his Ijtihad, and he from this Ummah who performs Ijtihad
and was correct then he has two rewards, and if he was mistaken then he has
one reward. And he who rejected all of the Truth (that the 'Aalim spoke of) due
to one mistake he spoke of . . . then he is an oppressor; especially if this
mistake that [the one calling this 'Aalim an innovator or saying he is upon their
Madhhab] assumed to be a mistake is in fact not a mistake; because some
people, if someone were to differ with them, they would say: "He is upon
error", and they would call him mistaken, or misguided, or perhaps they would
make Takfir of him, and refuge in Allah is sought; and this is a completely evil
Ref: Al-Liqaa' Al-Shahri Al-Thalith


05. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on Salafiyyah]

The Imam Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah said,

‫ْ ٍِل٘ب‬ٜٗ٧ ‫؛‬ٚ‫إٔؾبث‬ٝ ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٢‫ظ اُ٘ج‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ ارجبع‬٢ٛ ‫َّخ‬٤‫اَُِل‬
ٚ‫٘لوك ث‬٣ ٓ‫ظ فب‬ًٜ٘ٔ ‫َّخ‬٤‫أٓب ارِّقبم اَُِل‬ٝ ‫َّخ‬٤‫ اَُِل‬ٞٛ ْٜ‫ كبرِّجبػ‬،‫٘ب‬٤ِ‫ا ػ‬ٞٓ‫رول‬
‫نا‬ٛ ٕ‫ي أ‬ َّ ّ ٬‫ ك‬:‫ن‬
ٍّ ‫ ؽ‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٞٗ‫ ًب‬ُٞٝ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ ٖٓ ا‬ٚ‫َِ ٖٓ فبُل‬ٚ٣ٝ ٕ‫َٗب‬٩‫ا‬
،ٍٍٞ‫ٍ ٍَّ٘خ اُو‬ٞ‫ُزئبّ ؽ‬٫‫ا‬ٝ ّ٬ٍ٩‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ٕ إ‬ٞ‫ ْلػ‬٣ ًِْٜ ‫ كبَُِق‬،‫َّخ‬٤‫ف اَُِل‬٬‫ف‬
ٖٓ ٕٝ‫و‬٣ ْٜٗ‫ كئ‬،‫ اُؼوبئل‬٢‫ ك‬٫‫ْ إ‬ُِٜ‫ ا‬،َ٣ٝ‫ْ ػٖ رؤ‬ٜ‫ٕ َٖٓ فبُل‬ِِِّٞٚ٣ ٫ٝ
‫نا ٕبه‬ٛ ‫ ػٖوٗب‬٢‫َّخ ك‬٤‫ظ اَُِل‬ٜ‫ ٌُٖ ثؼ٘ ٖٓ اٗز‬.ٍ‫ب‬ٙ ٜٞ‫ب ك‬ٜ٤‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫فبُل‬
ً ‫ّب‬٤‫غب ً ؽيث‬ٜ٘ٓ ْٜٚ‫ب ثؼ‬ٛ‫ارَّقن‬ٝ ،ٚ‫ ًبٕ اُؾن ٓؼ‬ُٞٝ ٚ‫َِِّ ًَ ٖٓ فبُل‬ٚ٣
٫ٝ ‫ُ٘ ٌَو‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ‫نا‬ٛٝ ،ّ٬ٍ٩‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ ر٘زَت إ‬٢‫ اُز‬ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ظ ا‬ًٜ٘ٔ
٢‫ٕ ك‬ِٞ‫لؼ‬٣ ‫ا‬ٞٗ‫ت اَُِق اُٖبُؼ ٓبما ًب‬ٛ‫ ٓن‬٠ُ‫ا إ‬ٝ‫ اٗظو‬:ٍ‫وب‬٣ٝ ،ٙ‫ٌُٖٔ إهواه‬٣
ْٜٗ‫ إ‬٠‫ ؽز‬،‫بك‬ٜ‫عز‬٫‫ ا‬ٚ٤‫ؽ ك‬َٞ٣ ١‫ف اُن‬٬‫ اُق‬٢‫ْ ك‬ٛ‫ه‬ٝ‫ ٍؼخ ٕل‬٢‫ك‬ٝ ْٜ‫وز‬٣‫و‬ٛ
‫ كزغل‬،‫َّخ‬٤ِٔ‫ َٓبئَ ػ‬٢‫ك‬ٝ ،‫َّخ‬٣‫ َٓبئَ ػول‬٢‫ ك‬،‫وح‬٤‫ َٓبئَ ًج‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٞ‫قزِل‬٣ ‫ا‬ٞٗ‫ًب‬
ْٜٚ‫ثؼ‬ٝ ،‫ٍ ثنُي‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ْٜٚ‫ثؼ‬ٝ ،َّٚ‫ هث‬ٟ‫ٍ هأ‬ٍٞ‫ٌُ٘و إٔ اُو‬٣ – ً٬‫ْ – ٓض‬ٜٚ‫ثؼ‬ َ
‫ إٔ ٕؾبئق‬ٟ‫و‬٣ ْٜٚ‫ثؼ‬ٝ ،ٍ‫ػٔب‬٧‫ ا‬٢ٛ ‫بٓخ‬٤‫ّ اُو‬ٞ٣ ٕ‫ى‬ُٞ٣ ١‫ إٕ اُن‬:ٍٞ‫و‬٣
٢‫ ك‬،ٕٞ‫قزِل‬٣ ٚ‫ َٓبئَ اُلو‬٢‫ب ً – ك‬ٚ٣‫ْ – أ‬ٛ‫روا‬ٝ ،ٕ‫ى‬ُٞ‫ ر‬٢‫ اُز‬٢ٛ ٍ‫ػٔب‬٧‫ا‬
َُِِّٚ٣ ٫ ‫ٓغ مُي‬ٝ ،‫ب‬ٛ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬٢‫ ك‬،‫ع‬ٞ٤‫ اُج‬٢‫ ك‬،‫ اُ ِؼ َلك‬٢‫ ك‬،٘‫ اُلوائ‬٢‫ ك‬،‫اٌُ٘بػ‬
ً ‫ب‬ٚ‫ْ ثؼ‬ٜٚ‫ثؼ‬

Al-Salafiyyah is the following of the Manhaj (methodology) of the Prophet

sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions [sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa
sallam, radhi Allahu 'anhum]; because they are our Salaf (predecessors) who
have preceded us, so following them is Al-Salafiyyah. And as for taking Al-
Salafiyyah to be a specific Manhaj that a person singles himself out with and
deems as misguided those among the Muslims who oppose him even if they
were on the Truth; then without a doubt this is in opposition to Al-Salafiyyah;
for the Salaf -- all of them -- call to Al-Islam and to the gathering around the


Sunnah of the Messenger [sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam], and they do not
deem as misguided he who opposes them due to interpretation, except in
'Aqidah, for they (the Salaf, radhi Allahu 'anhum) consider that the one who
opposes them (in 'Aqidah) is the one who is misguided
However some of those who have taken up Al-Salafiyyah as a Manhaj in our
times have begun to deem as misguided everyone who opposed them even if
the Truth was with them, and some have taken [Al-Salafiyyah] as a Hizbi
(partisan) Manhaj like the Manhaj of the other Ahzab (parties) that attribute
themselves to Al-Islam, and this is what is to be rejected, and it cannot ever be
accepted. And it is said: Look to the Madhhab of the Salaf Al-Salih, [look at
what they radhi Allahu 'anhum] used to do in their Way with regards to the
expansion of their chests (i.e. their flexibility and easy way of dealing and
accepting differences) concerning the differences of opinion that have come
about through Ijtihad, such that they used to differ over big issues, in issues of
'Aqidah, in issues of knowledge, so you will find some of them -- for example --
rejecting that the Messenger [of Allah, sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] saw his
Lord, and some of them say [that he sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] did, and
some of them say: That which will be weighed on Yawm Al-Qiyamah will be
one's actions, and some of them are of the view that the sheet/paper on which
the actions are written are what will be weighed. And you find them -- also --
differing in the issues of Fiqh: In Nikahh, the Fara'id, in Al-'Idad, in selling, and in
other things; and yet they do not deem each other misguided.

:ْٛ‫ا‬ٍٞ ٙ‫َِِّ أكواك‬ُٚ٣ٝ ٚ‫يار‬٤ٔٓ ُٚ ً ‫ٕب‬ ّ ‫ٕ ؽيثب ً فب‬ٌٞ‫ إٔ ر‬٠٘‫َّخ ثٔؼ‬٤‫كبَُِل‬

‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ ارجبع‬٢ٛ ٢‫َّخ اُز‬٤‫أٓب اَُِل‬ٝ .‫ء‬٢ّ ٢‫َّخ ك‬٤‫ا ٖٓ اَُِل‬َٞ٤ُ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٜ‫ك‬
٢‫ ًٔب هبٍ اَُّ٘ج‬،ً‫ا ّكا‬ٞ‫ر‬ٝ ،ً‫رواؽٔب‬ٝ ،ً‫ارلبهب‬ٝ ،ً‫كب‬٬‫افز‬ٝ ،ً٬ٔ‫ػ‬ٝ ،ً٫ٞ‫ه‬ٝ ،ً‫لح‬٤‫ػو‬
‫ إما‬،‫اؽل‬ُٞ‫ْ ًٔضََ اُغَل ا‬ٜ‫ل‬ٛ‫رؼب‬ٝ ْٜٔ‫رواؽ‬ٝ ْٛ‫اك‬ٞ‫ ر‬٢‫ٖ ك‬٤٘ٓ‫"ٓضَ أُؤ‬
‫َّخ‬٤‫ اَُِل‬٢ٛ ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ ك‬،"‫و‬َُٜ‫ا‬ٝ ٠َّٔ ‫ ٍبئو اُغَل ثبُؾ‬ُٚ ٠‫ رلاػ‬ٌٞ ٚ‫ ػ‬ٚ٘ٓ ٠ٌ‫اّز‬

So Al-Salafiyyah when it is used to mean a specific Hizb that has its own
distinguishing features where its members deem as misguided anyone besides
them: Then these people are not of Al-Salafiyyah in anything. And as for Al-


Salafiyyah that is the following of the Manhaj of the Salaf in 'Aqidah, speech,
action, differing, agreeing, being merciful to one another, in their mutual love
for one another, as the Prophet [sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] said
(paraphrased): "The example of the Mu'minin in their mutual love, mercy, and
compassion is that of the body; if one part of it complains, the rest of the body
joins it in staying awake and suffering fever." [Bukhari and Muslim], then this is
Al-Salafiyyah truly.

Ref: Liqaa'aat Al-Bab Al-Maftuh, question no. 1322

06. [Shaykh Salih Al Uthaymeen rahimahu Allah on: Students calling those
who performed Ijtihad but were mistaken astray and innovators; and the way
of Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah rahimahu Allah in dealing with those who
were mistaken in their Ijtihad, and his rahimahu Allah extreme fairness and

The Imam Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahu Allah said,

‫نا‬ٛ«:ٍٞ‫و‬٣ ،‫ إٖٗبكب ٖٓ اُؼِٔبء‬ٚ‫ز‬٣‫ هللا أػظْ ٖٓ هأ‬ٚٔ‫ّ هؽ‬٬ٍ٩‫ـ ا‬٤ّ

‫ ػٖوٗب‬٢‫ِجخ اُؼِْ ك‬ٛ ٘‫ؾَٖ فطؤ ٖٓ ثؼ‬٣ ُٞ ‫٘ٔب‬٤‫» ث‬ٚ٤ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٞ‫ضبث‬٣ ‫بك‬ٜ‫اعز‬
ٚٗٞ‫ـزبث‬٣ ‫ا‬ِٞ‫عؼ‬ٝ ...‫ ًنا‬ٚ٤‫نا ك‬ٛ ،‫نا ٓجزلع‬ٛ ،ٍ‫ب‬ٙ ‫نا‬ٛ :‫ا‬ُٞ‫ هب‬ٙ‫بك‬ٜ‫نا ٓغ اعز‬ٛ
٫ ّ٬ً ‫نا‬ٛ :ٍٞ‫و‬٣ٝ ،١ٞ‫ ه‬ٚٓ٬ً ٕ‫ هللا ٓغ أ‬ٚٔ‫ّ هؽ‬٬ٍ٩‫ـ ا‬٤ّٝ ،ٚٗٞ‫َج‬٣ٝ
١ٞ‫ة اُو‬ٍِٞ٧‫نا ا‬ٜ‫ ث‬،ّ‫نا ؽوا‬ٛٝ ،ِْ‫و ػ‬٤‫ هللا ثـ‬٠ِ‫ٍ ػ‬ٞ‫نا ه‬ٛٝ ،‫ى‬ٞ‫غ‬٣
‫٘ظو‬٣ ٕ‫َٗبٕ أ‬٩‫ ا‬٠ِ‫غت ػ‬٣ ‫ٌنا‬ٛٝ ،ٚ٤ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٞ‫ضبث‬٣ ‫بك‬ٜ‫نا اعز‬ٛ ٕ‫ إ‬:ٍٞ‫و‬٣ ،‫ل‬٣‫اُْل‬
ٙ‫و‬٤‫ت؟ إما ؿ‬٤ٖ٣ٝ ‫قطئ‬٣ٝ ‫ل‬ٜ‫غز‬٣ ٞٛ ٌ٤ُ‫ أ‬،َٚ‫ ٗل‬٠ُ‫٘ظو إ‬٣ ‫ ًٔب‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬٠ُ‫إ‬
‫ا‬ُٞ‫ٖ إما اًزب‬٣‫ٖ اُن‬٤‫ٕ ٖٓ أُطلل‬ٌٞ‫ق ر‬٤ٌ‫ ك‬،‫ت‬٤ٖ٣ٝ ‫قطئ‬٣ٝ ‫ل‬ٜ‫غز‬٣ ‫ب‬ٚ٣‫أ‬


‫اعت إٔ ر٘ظو‬ُٞ‫ٕ؟! كب‬ٝ‫قَو‬٣ ْٛٞٗ‫ى‬ٝ ٝ‫ْ أ‬ُٛٞ‫إما ًب‬ٝ ،ٕٞ‫ك‬ٞ‫َز‬٣ ً‫ اُ٘ب‬٠ِ‫ػ‬

‫ كٌنُي أٗذ‬،‫ ظ٘ي‬٢‫قطئ ك‬٣ ‫وى‬٤‫ كٌٔب إٔ ؿ‬،‫ ٗلَي‬٠ُ‫وى ًٔب ر٘ظو إ‬٤‫ ؿ‬٠ُ‫إ‬
ٚ٘‫ ظ‬٢‫ء ك‬٠‫رقط‬

Sheikh Al-Islam rahimahu Allah who is the one with the most fairness I have
ever seen amongst all the 'Ulamaa, says: "This is an Ijtihad that they are
rewarded for" (Note: Sheikh Al-Islam rahimahu Allah said this after mentioning
that some 'Ulamaa mentioned a position that they -- due to their Ijtihad --
thought they were correct in but were actually mistaken), whereas if one of
the students were to make a mistake in his Ijtihad in our time they would say:
He is astray, he is a Mubtadi'/innovator, this person is this...and they would
backbite him and insult him, and Sheikh Al-Islam -- while his words are strong,
[such that] he says: "It is not allowed to say these words, and this is a
statement attributed to Allah without knowledge, and this is Haram", in this
strong and fierce language, [yet] he says: "This is an Ijtihad that they are
rewarded for" and this is how the person should view others, in the same
manner he views himself: Does he himself not perform Ijtihad and his mistaken
and correct? If someone else were to perform Ijtihad and be mistaken and be
correct, then how can you be from Al-Mutaffifin (those who give less in
measure and weight, i.e. decrease the rights of others), those who, when they
have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure, and when they
have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due? So what is
obligatory is to look at others the way you look at yourself, so just as others
make a mistake according to you, so do you make a mistake according to them.

ٍ‫نا اُؼل‬ٜ‫ هللا ث‬ٚٔ‫ّ هؽ‬٬ٍ٩‫ـ ا‬٤ّ ٌَِٚ٣ ١‫نا أَُِي اُن‬ٛ َ‫اُؾبَٕ إٔ ٓض‬ٝ
‫ؼوف‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ،ُٚٞ‫ؤفن ثو‬٣ ٕ‫عت أ‬ٞ٣ٝ ،ٚ٤ِ‫ة ػ‬ِٞ‫ؤُق اُو‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ‫ٖٗبف‬٩‫ا‬ٝ
ٚٔ‫اهؽ‬ٝ ُٚ ‫ْ اؿلو‬ُِٜ‫ كب‬،‫ اُؾن‬٠ُ‫ٍ إ‬ُٕٞٞ‫ ا‬٫‫ل إ‬٣‫و‬٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫أ‬.


And what is concluded from this is that this way which Sheikh Al-Islam
rahimahu Allah takes up with this justice and fairness is what will turn the
hearts towards him, and obligate taking his statement/position, [and it is what
makes known] that he only wants to arrive at the Truth, so O Allah forgive him
and have Mercy on him.



Advices from The Imam, The Shaykh

Naasir Ad Deen Al Albaani
Rahimahullahu ta’ala.


O1. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on who is to be called Salafi]

٠ُ‫ إ‬ٚ‫ن اٗزَبث‬٤‫ رؾو‬٢‫ ك‬ٙ‫ثؼل‬ٝ ٚ‫ َٗجخ هوث‬٠ِ‫ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ ػ‬٠ُ‫ إ‬٢ٔ‫نا أُ٘ز‬ٜ‫ك‬
‫طِن‬٣ ٕ‫ٖؼ أ‬٣ ٬‫ُنُي ك‬ٝ ،‫ ٓغ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٚٗ‫ إ‬ٚ٤‫وبٍ ك‬٣ ‫اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬
ٌ٤ُ ٚٗ‫ٍ أ‬ٞ‫ٖؼ إٔ ٗو‬٣ ٫ ،َ‫ه‬٧‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٚٗ‫ ثَِب‬ُٞٝ ِٖ‫ؼ‬٣ ٕ‫ٍ ثئفواط ٖٓ ًب‬ٞ‫اُو‬
‫ ارجبع‬٠ُ‫ اُ٘بً إ‬ٞ‫لػ‬٣ ّ‫ ٓب كا‬،‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ُ‫ إ‬ٞ‫لػ‬٣ ّ‫ب ٓب كا‬٤‫ٍِل‬
‫زؼٖت‬٣ ٕ‫ ػٖ أ‬٬ٚ‫ ك‬،‫ئٔخ‬٧‫ٓبّ ٖٓ ا‬٩ ‫ػلّ اُزؼٖت‬ٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫اٌُزبة‬
‫ آهاء‬ُٚ ٌُٖ ،‫ؽياة‬٧‫زؼٖت ُؾية ٖٓ ا‬٣ ٕ‫ ػٖ أ‬٬ٚ‫ن ٖٓ اُطوم ك‬٣‫ُطو‬
)‫ٔ٘ب‬ٜ٣ ١‫…ٌُٖ (اُن‬ٚ٘ٓ ‫ثل‬٫ ‫نا‬ٛٝ ،‫خ‬٣‫بك‬ٜ‫عز‬٫‫ ثؼ٘ أَُبئَ ا‬٢‫ب ك‬ٜ٤‫ْن ك‬٣
‫ب؟‬ٜ٤ُ‫ كاع إ‬ٞٛ َٛ ‫ب؟‬ٜ‫ ٓؤٖٓ ث‬ٞٛ َٛ ‫اُوبػلح‬

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

So this [person] who affiliates himself to the Salaf Al-Salih as it relates to how
close or far he is in actualizing his affiliation to the Salaf Al-Salih, it is said about
him "he is with the Salaf Al-Salih", and due to this it is not correct to speak of
his having left [Al-Salafiyyah] he who proclaims even with his tongue at the
very least, it is not correct to say that he is not a Salafi so long as he calls to the
Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih, so long as he calls the people to the following of
the Book and the Sunnah and [calls against] being fanatically biased towards
an Imam from among the Imams, to say nothing of being fanatically biased to a
way from among the ways, to say nothing of being fanatically biased towards a
Hizb from among the Ahzab, however [this person] has some opinions that are
[incorrect] in some of the issues in which there is Ijtihad, and this is bound to
happen (i.e. because everyone makes mistakes)...however [what concerns us
is] the principle: Is he a believer in it? And does he call to it.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 848, the first side


02. [Shaykh Al-Albani Rahimahullah explains that forcing another to adopt

your opinion while he is not convinced of it opposes one of the principles of
Al-Salafiyyah: That judgment is for Allah alone]

ٖٓ ٬ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫٘بك‬٣ ٚ‫و ٓوز٘غ ث‬٤‫ ؿ‬ٞٛٝ ‫ي‬٣‫ هأ‬٠٘‫زج‬٣ ٕ‫وى أ‬٤‫ ؿ‬٠ِ‫ي ػ‬ٙ‫إٕ كو‬
٢‫ ك‬٠ُ‫ رؼب‬ُٚٞ‫ ثو‬ٙ‫مًوٗب‬ٝ .ٙ‫ؽل‬ٝ ‫خ هلل‬٤ًٔ‫ إٔ اُؾب‬ٞٛٝ ،‫خ‬٤‫ح اَُِل‬ٞ‫ٍ اُلػ‬ٕٞ‫أ‬
ِ ‫ُ ْْ أهثَبثًب ِٖٓ ُك‬َٜٗ‫جب‬ْٛ ‫ ُه‬ٝ ْْ ُٛ‫أؽجبه‬
‫ كؾَجي‬:‫نا‬ُٜٝ .}ِ‫ٕ هللا‬ٝ َ ‫ا‬ٝ‫ {ارَّ َق ُن‬:ٟ‫اُٖ٘به‬
٫ٝ ،‫فو‬٥‫ ا‬١‫و٘غ ثوأ‬٣ ُْ ‫ ٓب كاّ إٔ أؽلًٔب‬،ٚ٣‫ظَ ًَ ٌٓ٘ٔب ػ٘ل هأ‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬
‫ٔب‬٤‫ ك‬ٚ‫ٕ ٓؼ‬ٝ‫ اُزؼب‬٢‫ٌٔ٘ي إٔ رَزٔو ك‬٣ ‫ ثنُي‬ٝ ‫ِِي؛‬ٚ٣ ٫ ٞٛ ‫ ًٔب‬،ِِٚٚ‫ر‬
‫ب‬ٜ‫ػ‬ٝ‫ كو‬ٝ ‫ح‬ٞ‫ٍ اُلػ‬ٕٞ‫ ٖٓ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫أٗزٔب ٓزلوبٕ ػ‬

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

Your making obligatory for someone to take up your opinion while he is not
convinced of it negates a principle from among the principles of the Da'wah Al-
Salafiyyah, it being that judgment is for Allah alone. And we have reminded him
with Allah Ta'aalaa's saying concerning the Nasarah (Christians) (paraphrased):
{They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords
besides Allâh}. And due to this: Sufficient for you is that the both of you
remains on his opinion, so long as neither one of you is convinced of the
opinion of the other, and that you do not deem him misguided, just as he does
not deem you misguided; and with this it is possible for you to remain in
cooperating with him in that which you both agree on regarding the principles
of the Da'wah and its branches.

Ref: Al-Silsilah Al-Ahadith Al-Sahihah, volume no. 6, Hadith no. 2507


03. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on whether a person is obliged to

follow an ‘Alim who makes tabdi on another]

The Question:

If an 'Aalim from among the 'Ulamaa of the Muslimin established the proof
against an individual, whether this was in Takfir or Tabdi' or Tafsiq [of that
individual]; is the following of that 'Aalim obligatory upon a person or is it for
him to establish the proof himself?

ٌٕٞ٣ ٕ‫اعت أ‬ُٞ‫إٗٔب ا‬ٝ ‫ب؛‬ٛ‫ٌ ّو‬٤ُ ،‫ب‬ٛ‫ٌ ّو‬٤ُ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ٝ‫ أ‬ٚ‫و‬٤َ‫ رل‬ٝ‫ أ‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫واك رٌل‬٣ ١‫ اُْقٔ اُن‬٠ِ‫ٔخ ػ‬٤‫هل اهز٘غ ثبٕ اُؾغخ هل أه‬
‫ب‬ُٜ ‫خ‬٣‫ب‬ٜٗ ٫ ‫خ رٖجؼ ٍَِِخ‬٤ٚ‫ اُو‬٫‫إ‬ٝ ،ٚ‫ؼ‬٣‫رجل‬

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: It is not a requirement, it is not a

requirement; rather what is obligatory is [for that person] to be convinced that
the proof was established against the individual whose Takfir or Tafsiq or
Tabdi' is sought, otherwise the matter will turn into one of a series [of Takfir or
Tafsiq or Tabdi' by extension] with no end to it

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 778, time: 10 minutes


04. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah warns against a Hizbiyyah disguised as


The Imam rahimahu Allah said,

‫ُلَٖ أَُِْ ػٖ اُغٔبػخ‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫نا اَُؤاٍ ك‬ٛ ٖٓ ٕ٥‫ ا‬ٚ‫أٓب ٓب أٍٔؼ‬

ٖٓ ٫‫ إ‬ٙ‫ كٔب أها‬ٟ‫ أفو‬٢‫ ك‬ٝ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ أفطؤ ك‬ٚٗ‫خ ُٔغوك أ‬٤‫اُغٔبػخ اَُِل‬ٝ
‫خ‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ٗظبّ ثؼ٘ ا‬ٞٛ َٖ‫نا اُل‬ٛ ،ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ا‬ٟٝ‫ػل‬
‫ ؽية‬ٞٛ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،ّ٬ٍ٪ُ ْٜ‫اُل‬ٝ ٚ‫ اُلو‬٢‫غب ك‬ٜ٘ٓ ٢‫ظ اَُِل‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬٠٘‫ رزج‬٫ ٢‫اُز‬
ٖٓ ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬ٚ٤ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ً‫ أٍب‬٠ِ‫اُزغٔغ ػ‬ٝ َ‫اُزٌز‬
- ‫ هثٔب‬- ‫صبُضب‬ٝ ‫ب‬٤ٗ‫صب‬ٝ ٫ٝ‫ب أُٗنه أ‬َٜ٤‫بػخ هئ‬ٛ ٖ‫ُخ أُٖـوح ٖٓ فوط ػ‬ٝ‫اُل‬
‫ ًزبة هللا‬٠ُ‫ٕ ثؾن إ‬ٞٔ‫٘ز‬٣ ‫ عٔبػخ‬ٙ‫زج٘ب‬٣ ٕ‫ى أ‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ‫نا‬ٛ َ‫ ٓض‬،ِٖٚ‫صْ ُؽ ٌِْ ثل‬
‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ]ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ[ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ ٍ٘خ ه‬٠ُ‫إ‬ٝ

As for what I hear now from this question concerning how a Muslim is removed
from the Jama'ah or the Jama'ah Al-Salafiyyah because he made a mistake in
an issue or other, then I do not see that this can be anything but an infection
from the other Ahzab (plural of: Hizb), this removal [of the Salafi from Al-
Salafiyyah due to a mistake he made] is from the practice of some of the
Islamic Ahzab which do not take up the Salafi Manhaj as a Manhaj in Fiqh or in
understanding Al-Islam, rather [this practice is that of] a Hizb, predominate in it
is what is predominate in the other Ahzab, [things like] gathering upon the
basis of a small state: He who leaves the obedience of its leader is warned
once, and twice, and a third time -- perhaps -- then he is judged with his
removal. The likes of this is not allowed to be taken up by a group that belongs
truly to the Book of Allah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah [sallaa
Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] and to the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih.
Then the Imam rahimahu Allah concluded his speech by saying

ٕ‫ ٖٓ ٍِطب‬ٚ‫ٖ ٓب أٗيٍ هللا ث‬٣‫ اُل‬٢‫نا اثزلاع ك‬ٛ


This is an innovation in the Religion for which Allah did not send down

Ref: Fatawa Jeddah, tape no. 13, the second side

05. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains the principle of taking

knowledge from ESTABLISHED innovators]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahulla Said,

ٞ‫ٗؾ‬ٝ ‫اُوواءاد‬ٝ ‫ل‬٣ٞ‫اُزغ‬ٝ ٕ‫ْ ػِْ ثوواءح اُووآ‬ٛ‫ ثؼ٘ أُجزلػخ ػ٘ل‬٬‫ٓض‬
ٚ‫ٍ اُلو‬ٕٞ‫ْ ٓؼوكخ ثؼِْ أ‬ٛ‫ ػ٘ل‬،‫اُٖوف‬ٝ ٞ‫ْ ٓؼوكخ ثؼِْ اُ٘ؾ‬ٛ‫ ػ٘ل‬،‫مُي‬
ٖٔٓ ‫ ارجبع اَُ٘خ‬٠ِ‫ٔ ػ‬٣‫ اُؾو‬٢َُ٘‫ ا‬ٚ٤ُ‫ا‬ٞ‫عل ؽ‬ٞ٣ ٫ٝ…‫ش‬٣‫ٍ اُؾل‬ٕٞ‫أ‬ٝ
ٌُٖ ،ٚ٘ٓ ‫ ماى‬ٝ‫نا اُؼِْ أ‬ٛ ٠‫زِو‬٣ ٕ‫ ٓبٗغ أ‬٬‫ ك‬،ِّٞ‫ اُؼ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٘‫ ثؼ‬ٚ٘ٓ ِْ‫زؼ‬٣
ٚ‫ٕ َؽ ِنها ٖٓ ثلػز‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٛ‫ثْو‬

For example, some of the innovators have knowledge of the recitation of the
Qur'an and Tajwid and the Qira'at and what is similar to this, they have
knowledge of Nahu and Sarf, they have knowledge of Usul Al-Fiqh and Usul Al-
Hadith...and there is not anyone around the Sunni who is eager in following the
Sunnah he from whom he can learn some of the sciences, so there is nothing to
prevent [the Sunni in such a situation] to take this knowledge or that
knowledge from [such an innovator], however with the condition that [the
Sunni] is cautious of his innovation

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 511

And the Sheikh rahimahu Allah also offered the following condition, saying,

٬‫ ك‬٫‫إ‬ٝ ‫لح عبى‬٤‫ اُؼو‬٢‫إٕ ًبٕ ٓزٌٔ٘ب ك‬


If [the Sunni] student was well grounded in 'Aqidah it is allowed, otherwise it is


Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 79

06. [Shaykh Al Alaani Rahimahullah on advising the person who commits


Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah Said,

"And if the Muslim saw in his brother a mistake, rather if he saw in him a sin
then it is not befitting that he be hostile towards him, rather he advises him,
and that his advice to him be one of gentleness and wisdom that which has
been ordered [to be employed in the giving of such advice] in the Book and the
Sunnah (paraphrased): {Call to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and good
speech, and argue with them in a way that is better} (Al-Nahl: 125)"

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 170, the first side

07. [Shaykh Al Alaani Rahimahullah on attitude of advising the du’aat]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

"So we advise those 'Ulamaa or callers to Islam who have differed with each
other to not have preconceptions/prejudice about each other, and to deal with
each other on the basis of [the statement of the Prophet] sallaa Allahu 'alaihi
wa sallam: (paraphrased:) "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the most evil
of false speech" so if Zaid (a general name) made a mistake it is upon us to
make clear to him his mistake with that which is better (of speech, manners,
etc.) and not with that which is worse"


Ref: Al-Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 799, Time: 30:00

08. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on speaking gently of others in


Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

ْٞ َُٝ{
َ :‫ٔب ُ٘ب‬٤ِ‫ٍِْ رؼ‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٚ٤‫ت ٗج‬ٛ‫ فب‬،َ‫ع‬ٝ ‫هل ػِٔ٘ب هللا ػي‬ٝ
ِ ِْ َ‫عَ ْاُو‬٤ِِ‫ذ كَظّب ً َؿ‬
٢‫ر٘ب اُز‬ٞ‫ كلػ‬،)951 :ٕ‫ُِ َي} (آٍ ػٔوا‬ْٞ ‫ا ِٓ ْٖ َؽ‬ٞ َُّٚ‫ ْٗل‬٫َ ‫ت‬ َ ْ٘ ًُ
‫ عٔبػخ‬١‫ رؼبك‬٫ ‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ ارجبع اٌُزبة‬٢‫ر٘ؾٖو ك‬
ٝ‫ب أ‬ٛ‫ ثؼ٘ أكٌبه‬٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫إٗٔب رقبُل‬ٝ ‫ب‬ٜٕ‫ّقب‬٧ ‫خ‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ٖٓ اُغٔبػبد ا‬
‫ا‬ٞ‫ٔب اّزط‬ٜٓ ْٛٞ‫إٔ ٗلػ‬ٝ ْٜ‫٘ب إٔ ٖٗ٘ؾ‬٤ِ‫عت ػ‬ٞ٣ ‫نا ٓٔب‬ٛٝ ،‫ب‬ٜ‫غ‬ٛ‫ٓ٘ب‬
‫َ هث٘ب‬٤‫ ٍج‬ٞٛ ١‫ِ٘ب اُن‬٤‫ا ػٖ ٍج‬ٝ‫ٔب اثزؼل‬ٜٓٝ

And Allah 'Azza wa Jal has taught us, in speaking to His Prophet sallaa Allahu
'alaihi wa sallam, teaching us thereby (paraphrased): {And had you been severe
and harshhearted, they would have broken away from about you} (Aal-'Imran:
159), so our Da'wah which is restricted to following the Book and the Sunnah
upon the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih is not hostile towards a group from
among the Islamic groups due to [these groups'] self (i.e. we are not hostile
towards them just because of who they are), rather we oppose them in some
of their ideas or Manahij (plural of: Manhaj), and this is what is obligatory upon
us, to advise them and give them Da'wah no matter how much they have gone
beyond the limits and no matter how distant they have become from our way
which is the Way of our Lord

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 170, the first side


09. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ibn Hajar Asqalaani Rahimahullah]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

َ‫ ثؼ٘ أَُبئ‬٢‫ا ك‬ٝ‫ ٖٓٔ أفطؤ‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫ؿ‬ٝ ١ُٝٞ٘‫ٓبّ ا‬٩‫كبُؾبكع اثٖ ؽغو ًب‬
‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ْ ٖٓ أ‬ًٜٗٞ ٖ‫ْ ػ‬ٜ‫قوع‬٣ ٫ ‫ كنُي‬،ّٞ٤ُ‫ٕ ا‬ُٞٞ‫و‬٣ ‫خ ًٔب‬٣‫اُؼول‬
َٔ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫ؼ أ‬٤‫َٗبٕ ٖٓ كٌو ٕؾ‬٩‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ‫ٕ اُؼجوح ثٔب‬٧ ،‫اُغٔبػخ‬ٝ
‫وغ‬٣ ٫ ٕ‫ٕ ٕبُؾب أ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫ ك‬ٛ‫ُْزو‬٣ َٛ ‫ٕ أَُِْ ٕبُؾب؟‬ٌٞ٣ ٠‫ ٓز‬،‫ٕبُؼ‬
‫ اُنٗت‬ٚ٘ٓ ‫وغ‬٣ ٕ‫َٗبٕ أ‬٩‫ؼخ ا‬٤‫ج‬ٛ ٖٓ َ‫ ث‬٫ :‫اة‬ٞ‫خ؟ اُغ‬٤ٖ‫ ٓؼ‬ٝ‫ُّ مٗت أ‬١‫ أ‬ٚ٘ٓ
‫رٌواها‬ٝ ‫خ ٓواها‬٤ٖ‫أُؼ‬ٝ

So the Hafidh Ibn Hajar is like the Imam Al-Nawawi and others who made
mistakes in some of the issues of 'Aqidah, as they say today (note: The Sheikh
rahimahu Allah said "as they say today" in reference to the term: Masa'il Al-
'Aqidah, issues of 'Aqidah), so this does not cause them to not be from Ahl Al-
Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, because the main point is in what predominates in a
person of correct thought or righteous action: When does a Muslim become
righteous? Is it a requirement for a Muslim to be righteous that he not fall into
any sin? The answer: No, rather the nature of a person is that he performs sins
،‫ٌنا‬ٛٝ ،ُٚ٬ٙ ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٕٝ ،ٙ‫ ّو‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫ٕ اُؼجل ٕبُؾب؟ إما ؿِت ف‬ٌٞ٣ ٠‫كٔز‬
َ‫خ َٓبئ‬٤ِٔ‫ أَُبئَ اُؼ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫اء ًبٗذ‬ٍٞ ‫خ‬٤ِٔ‫ أَُبئَ اُؼ‬٢‫وبٍ ك‬٣ ‫ًنُي رٔبٓب‬
،٢‫ اُ٘بع‬ٜٞ‫ؼ ك‬٤‫ اُؼِْ اُٖؾ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ُْ‫نا اُؼب‬ٛ ٕ‫ كئما ًب‬،‫خ‬٤ٜ‫ كو‬ٝ‫ أ‬،‫خ‬٣‫ػول‬
ٚ٤ِ‫ ػٔب ؿِت ػ‬ٚ‫قوع‬٣ ٫ ‫نا‬ٜ‫لح ك‬٤‫ اُؼو‬٢‫ ك‬ٝ‫ أ‬ٚ‫ اُلو‬٢‫د ك‬٫‫ ى‬ٝ‫ ىُخ أ‬ُٚ ٕ‫أٓب أ‬
‫ؾخ‬٤‫لح اُٖؾ‬٤‫ٖٓ اُؼو‬.

So when is the slave righteous? If his good is more than his evil, and his
righteousness more than his misguidance, and so on. And this is also said
exactly in issues of knowledge whether these issues of knowledge are in issues
of 'Aqidah or Fiqh, so if the correct knowledge in a 'Aalim/scholar


predominates then he is victorious, as for him having a misstep or missteps in

Fiqh or in 'Aqidah then this does not expel him from what predominated in him
of the correct 'Aqidah
ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫ ٓغ مُي أ‬٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ ٬‫د ك‬٫‫ رِي اُي‬ُٚ ‫ٔب مًود ٓٔب‬ٜٓ ‫كبثٖ ؽغو‬
‫ ىٓوح ػِٔبء‬٢‫ ك‬ٙ‫ ٗؾْو‬٫ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ،ٚ٤ِ‫ ٗزوؽْ ػ‬٫ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ،ٚ‫ل ٖٓ ًزبث‬٤‫َٗزل‬
‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ٖ ثبٌُزبة‬٤ٌَٔ‫ٖ أُز‬٤َُِٔٔ‫ا‬.

So no matter how much you recall of Ibn Hajar's missteps this does not mean
that it is not befitting that you benefit from his books, or that you do not ask
Allah to have Mercy on him, or that we do not include him among the Muslim
'Ulamaa who hold on to the Book and the Sunnah

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 727

10. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on attitude on deviation in individuals]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

ٚٗ‫ ثَ ُٔغوك أ‬،‫ أفطؤ‬:ٍٞ‫ أه‬٫ ٚٗ‫ي أَُِْ ُٔغوك أ‬٤‫ أف‬٠ِ‫ رؾول ػ‬٫ ْ‫ص‬
‫ ٓب‬ٟ‫فو‬٧‫أَُبئ َُ ا‬ٝ ،‫س‬٬‫ ص‬ٝ‫ٖ أ‬٤‫ اص٘ز‬ٝ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ٌُٖ اٗؾوف ك‬ِ ،‫اٗؾوف‬
ٚ٘‫ٕ ػ‬ُٞٞ‫و‬٣ٝ ،ٚ‫ض‬٣‫ٕ ؽل‬ِّٞ‫زوج‬٣ َٖٓ ‫ش‬٣‫ أئٔخ اُؾل‬٢‫ٗؾٖ ٗغل ك‬ٝ...‫ب‬ٜ٤‫اٗؾوف ك‬
، ٌ‫ة‬ٞ٤‫ب ػ‬ًِٜ ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ ك‬.‫إُـ‬...٢‫ ٗبٕج‬ٚٗ‫إ‬ٝ ،٢‫ فبهع‬ٚٗ‫إ‬ٝ ،‫ ٓوعئ‬ٚٗ‫ إ‬:ٚ‫ روعٔز‬٢‫ك‬
‫ئخ‬٤ٍ ‫ٕ ًِلّخ‬ٞ‫ُوعِّؾ‬٣ ٫ٝ ،ٚ‫ٕ ث‬ٌَّٞٔ‫ز‬٣ ٕ‫يا‬٤ٓ ْٛ‫ٌُٖ؛ ػ٘ل‬ ٌ
ْ ،‫د‬٫٬ٙ ‫ب‬ًِٜٝ
:‫ب‬ٜٔ‫ٖٓ أػظ‬ٝ ،‫ عِٔخ ؽَ٘بد‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬،‫س‬٬‫ ص‬ٝ‫ أ‬،ٖ٤‫ّئز‬٤ٍ ٝ‫ أ‬،‫ اُؾَ٘بد‬٠ِ‫ػ‬
‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫إٔ ٓؾٔلاً ه‬ٝ ،‫ هللا‬٫‫ إ‬ُٚ‫ إ‬٫ ٕ‫بكح أ‬ّٜ

Thereafter do not be malicious towards your Muslim brother because of, and I
do not say because he made a mistake, rather because he deviated, however
he deviated in one issue, or two, or three, as for the other issues, then has not
deviated in them...and we find among the Imams of the Hadith whose Hadith is


accepted, yet they say about him in his biography: He is a Murji', and he is a
Khariji, and he is a Nasibi...and so on. So these are all flaws, and they are all
misguidance, however [the Imams of the Hadith rahimahum Allah] have a
means of measuring that they hold on to, and they do not allow a hand's worth
of sin to outweigh good deeds, or two sins, or three, over a majority of good
deeds, and of the greatest of them: The bearing of witness that none has the
right to be worshiped in Truth except Allah, and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.


11. [The Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains how to deal with those
whose sins include the likes of Al-Istighathah through other than Allah or
those who oppose the Book and the Sunnah. How must the follower of the
Sunnah and the Salaf radhi Allahu 'anhum treat and view such people]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

‫ؼ‬٤‫ّ اُٖؾ‬٬ٍ٪ُ ٖ٤َٔ‫اٗ٘ب أُزؾ‬ٞ‫و ٖٓ إف‬٤‫ًض‬: ‫ أُ٘بٍجخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ٍ ث‬ٞ‫أٗب اه‬

‫اَُ٘خ ٗظوح‬ٝ ‫ْ ػٖ اٌُزبة‬ِٜٜ‫ٖ ثغ‬٤‫ٖ أُ٘ؾوك‬٣‫فو‬٥‫ٖ ا‬٤َُِٔٔ‫ ا‬٢ُ‫ٕ إ‬ٝ‫٘ظو‬٣
ٕٝ‫ي‬٤‫غ‬٣ ‫و ٖٓ أُْبئـ‬٤‫ ًض‬٬‫ ٓض‬،ٖ٤‫ثـ٘ كك‬ٝ ‫ؽول‬ٝ ‫اؽزوبه‬ٝ ‫اىكهاء‬
ٍَٞ‫ اُز‬٠ُٝ‫ٕ ماُي ٖٓ ثبة أ‬ٝ‫ٕ ٓب ك‬ٝ‫ي‬٤‫غ‬٣ ٖ٤‫اُٖبُؾ‬ٝ ‫بء‬٤ُٝ٧‫ٍزـبصخ ثب‬٩‫ا‬
ْٜ٤ُ‫بٕ إ‬٤‫ر‬٩‫اُزجوى ثب‬ٝ ْٛ‫ه‬ٞ‫ هج‬٢ُ‫ٕ اُزوكك إ‬ٝ‫ي‬٤‫غ‬٣ ،ٖ٤ُٔ‫ٕ هة اُؼب‬ٝ‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫ث‬
ٙ‫ آفو‬٢ِ‫ ؿ‬ٝٝ.

I say on this occasion: Many of our brothers who are eager/enthusiastic for the
correct Islam look upon the other Muslims who have deviated from the Book
and the Sunnah due to their ignorance with a look of contempt, scorn, malice,
and hate. For example, many of the Mashayikh make permissible Al-Istighathah


by way of the righteous, and they make permissible what is less than that:
From a higher priority (to them) they make permissible Al-Istighathah through
them instead of the Rabb Al-'Aalamin.

‫ٕ اٌُزبة‬ٜٞٔ‫ل‬٣ ٫ ‫اَُ٘خ ثؾغخ إ اُؼبٓخ‬ٝ ‫ٕ ارجبع اٌُزبة‬ٞٓ‫ؾو‬٣ ‫ٕ٘ق آفو‬ٝ

٠ِ‫ْ ٓؼ٘ب ػ‬ٛ ٖ٣‫ٖ اُن‬٣‫فو‬٥‫هق ا‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٤‫ ك‬.‫ل‬٤ِ‫ْ اُزو‬ٜ٤ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٞ‫عج‬ٞ٣ٝ ،‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ
‫ل؛‬٣‫ْ اُجـ٘ اُْل‬ٜٚ‫ثـ‬ٝ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ ٓؼبكاح‬ٜ٘ٓٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫اٌُزبة‬
‫نا فطؤ‬ٛ -- ‫نا‬ٛ ‫نا ٓغ‬ٛ ٢‫ِزو‬٣ ٕ‫ٌٖٔ أ‬٣ ٫ ‫ش‬٤‫ثؾ‬.
And another group make following the Book and the Sunnah Haram, their
evidence being that the common Muslims do not understand the Book and the
Sunnah, and [they instead] make Taqlid obligatory on them. So the position of
the others who are with us on the Book and the Sunnah and the Manhaj of the
Salaf Al-Salih would be one of hostility towards them and to hate them with a
severe hatred; such that [the two] cannot possibly meet -- this is incorrect.

‫ا ًناُي‬ٞٓ‫ ٓب كا‬. . . ُٕٞ‫ب‬ٙ ‫ ّي‬٬‫ْ ث‬ٜ‫اَُ٘خ ك‬ٝ ‫ٕ اٌُزبة‬ٞ‫قبُل‬٣ ٖ٣‫ء اُن‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ

٢‫ْ ًٔب عبء ك‬ٛٞ‫ٗلػ‬ٝ ‫ْ ثبُوكن‬ِٜٓ‫إٔ ٗؼب‬ٝ ْٜ٤ِ‫غت إٔ ْٗلن ػ‬٣ ٠ٙ‫ْ ٓو‬ٜ‫ك‬
٢ِ‫ُ ْْ ثِبَُّز‬ُْٜ ‫ َعب ِك‬َٝ ‫ ِػظَ ِخ ْاُ َؾ َََ٘ ِخ‬ْٞ َٔ ُ‫ ْا‬َٝ ‫ َِ َهث َِّي ثِ ْبُ ِؾ ٌْ َٔ ِخ‬٤ِ‫ ٍَج‬٠َُِ‫ع إ‬
ُ ‫خ اَُبثوخ {ا ْك‬٣٥‫ا‬
‫ ٌٓبثو‬ٚٗ‫ْ أ‬ٛ‫ٖ ُ٘ب ٖٓ أؽل‬٤‫زج‬٣ ٢‫هق ؽز‬ُٞٔ‫نا ا‬ٛ ٢‫ ٗياٍ ك‬٫ٝ }ُٖ ََ ْ‫ أَؽ‬٢َ ِٛ
‫ٍ هث٘ب‬ٞ‫٘ب ه‬ٛ ٢‫ؤر‬٣ ‫٘ناى‬٤‫ئب ؽ‬٤ّ ‫ل‬٤‫ل‬٣ ٫ ٚ‫ٖ ٓؼ‬٤ُِ‫ا‬ٝ ‫إٔ اُوكن‬ٝ ‫غؾل اُؾوبئن‬٣ٝ
ٖ٤ِٛ‫أػوٗ ػٖ اُغب‬ٝ :َ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ػي‬

Those who oppose the Book and the Sunnah then they are without a doubt
astray...And so long as they are like that, then they [are to be thought of as
being] sick, it being necessary for us to feel compassion for them and to deal
with them with gentleness and to call them as mentioned in the previous
Aayah: (paraphrased:) {Call to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and good
speech and argue with them in the way that is better}. And we continue to
remain upon this position until it becomes clear to us that one of them is
arrogant and denies the Truth and that gentleness and leniency with him will
not benefit anything at all, in such a case the statement of our Lord 'Azza wa


Jal is applied: (paraphrased:) and turn away from the foolish.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 735

12. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on declaring of Tabdi', calling someone

a Mubtadi', innovator]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

‫ أُجزلع‬ٜٞ‫ ك‬٫‫إ‬ٝ ‫نا أَُِْ ٓجزلػب‬ٛ ٌٕٞ٣ ٕ‫ٖٓ ثلع َِٓٔب كئٓب أ‬

He who makes Tabdi' of a Muslim (calls a Muslim a Mubtadi', innovator), then it

is either that that Muslim is a Mubtadi', otherwise it is he who is the Mubtadi'.

ّ ،ً‫ ٌُْ آٗلب‬ُٚ‫ هِز‬١‫اهغ اُن‬ُٞ‫ ا‬ٞٛ ‫نا‬ٛٝ

‫ا‬ٞ‫هؼ‬ٝ ٖ٣‫ْ اُن‬ٛٝ ،‫ا اُؼِٔبء‬ٞ‫ِجَ ْلػ‬٣ ‫إٔ ّجبث٘ب‬
‫ب‬ٜٗٞ‫ُؾبهث‬٣ ْٛ َ‫ ث‬،‫ٕ اُجلػخ‬ٝ‫ل‬٣‫و‬٣ ٫ٝ ،ِٕٞٔ‫ؼ‬٣ ٫ ٌُْٜ٘ ،‫ اُجلػخ‬٢‫ك‬

And this is the reality that I spoke of to you previously, that our young ones
make Tabdi' of the 'Ulamaa, and they (the young ones) are the ones who fell
into the Bid'ah, however they do not realize/know, and they do not intend this
Bid'ah, rather they fight it.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 666


13. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah excused a scholar for joining the

Masons, since he did so out of mistaken Ijtihad]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

ّ‫ هل فل‬ٞٛٝ ‫ب‬ٙ‫ل ه‬٤ّ‫ل ه‬٤ٍ ٢‫بك أٗب أظٖ ك‬ٜ‫عز‬٪ُ ‫ه إٔ أَُؤُخ هبثِخ‬ٖٞ‫ٗز‬
‫بك‬ٜ‫خ إٗٔب ًبٕ ثئعز‬٤ٍٗٞ‫ أُب‬٢ُ‫ إ‬ٚٓ‫ٔب‬ٚٗ‫ إٔ ا‬ٚ‫ّ فلٓخ عِخ ٗظٖ ث‬٬ٍ٩‫ا‬
.ُْٜ ‫م‬٬‫ ف‬٫ ٖٔٓ ‫و‬٤‫لؼَ ًض‬٣ ‫خ ًٔب‬٤ٖ‫ٌٖ ُِٖٔؾخ ّق‬٣ ُْٝ ٚ٘ٓ ‫ء‬٢ٛ‫فب‬
٢‫ك ك‬ٞٔ‫و ٓؾ‬٤‫ٍغ ؿ‬ٞ‫نا أظٖ ر‬ٛ ٍ٬ٙٝ ‫ فطؤ‬ٚ٘ٓ ‫ ٕله‬ٚٗ٧ ٍ٬ُِٚ ٚ‫كَ٘جز‬
َٛ‫و ٖٓ أ‬٤‫ ًض‬٢ِ‫ أُ٘خ ػ‬ُٚ ١‫ اػزوبك‬٢‫ ك‬١‫نا اُوعَ أُن‬ٛ ٢ِ‫ٍ ػ‬٬ُٚ‫م ا‬٬ٛ‫إ‬
ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣ ‫ّ ٓب‬٬ٌُ‫ ٖٓ ا‬ِٞ‫ ؿ‬ٚ٤‫نا ك‬ٛ ٕ‫ أ‬ٟ‫ ُناُي أه‬. . . ٕ‫نا اُيٓب‬ٛ ٢‫اَُ٘خ ك‬
‫نا‬ٛ ‫٘ب‬٤‫ٖله ٖٓ ٓضَ أف‬٣

Let us picture that the issue is one of Ijtihad, I assume of Sayyid Rashid Ridaa --
and he serviced Al-Islam a great service -- we assume of him that his joining of
the Masons was out of mistaken Ijtihad by him, and it was not out of self-
interest, as many of those who have no religious good in them do. So
attributing misguidance to him because a mistake and misguidance came from
him -- I believe that this is an unpraiseworthy expansion [in the use of] labeling
this man with misguidance; he who, in my belief, is to be owed gratitude over
many of Ahl Al-Sunnah in this time . . . due to this, I see that this [issue of calling
Sayyid Rashid Ridaa rahimahu Allah misguided] has in it extremism . . . [this
speech] is not befitting of coming from our brother -- i.e. the one who called
Sayyid Rashid Ridaa rahimahu Allah misguided.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 42


14. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah explains the grounds for someone to be


Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

‫جزلع ثلػخ‬٣ ١‫ٌ اُن‬٤ُٝ ،ٖ٣‫ اُل‬٢‫ثزلاع ك‬٫‫ ا‬ٚ‫ ٖٓ ػبكر‬١‫ اُن‬٫ٝ‫ أ‬ٞٛ ‫أُجزلع‬
٫ ‫نا‬ٛ ‫ ٓغ ماُي‬١ٞٛ ٖ‫إٗٔب ػ‬ٝ ‫بك‬ٜ‫ٌ ػٖ اعز‬٤ُ ٬‫ كؼ‬ٞٛ ٕ‫ ًب‬ُٞٝ ‫اؽلح‬ٝ
٢‫ؼلٍ ك‬٣ ‫نا أُضبٍ إٔ اُؾبًْ اُظبُْ هل‬ٛ ‫ت‬٣‫ؼ ٓضبٍ ُزوو‬ٙٝ‫أ‬ٝ .‫ ٓجزلػب‬٢َٔ٣
٬‫ ك‬ٚٓ‫ ثؼ٘ أؽٌب‬٢‫ظِْ ك‬٣ ‫ ػبكٍ ًٔب إٔ اُؼبكٍ هل‬ٚ٤‫وبٍ ك‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬ٚٓ‫ثؼ٘ أؽٌب‬
ٚ٤ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ‫َٗبٕ ثٔب‬٫‫خ إٔ ا‬٤ٜ‫خ اُلو‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٫‫ؤًل اُوبػلح ا‬٣ ‫نا‬ٛٝ .ُْ‫ ظب‬ٚ٤‫وبٍ ك‬٣
٢‫ ك‬ٛ‫ْزو‬٤‫ أُجزلع؛ ك‬ٞٛ ٖٓ ‫وخ ػوك٘ب‬٤‫ اُؾو‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫ إما ػوك٘ب‬.‫ ّو‬ٝ‫و أ‬٤‫ٖٓ ف‬
‫؛‬١ُِٜٞ ‫ٕ ٓزجؼب‬ٌٞ٣ ‫اٗٔب‬ٝ ‫لا‬ٜ‫ٕ ٓغز‬ٌٞ٣ ٫ ٕ‫ٍ أ‬ٝ٫‫بٕ ا‬ٛ‫أُجزلع إمٕ ّو‬
ٚٗ‫ل‬٣‫ك‬ٝ ٚ‫ٕ ماُي ٖٓ ػبكر‬ٌٞ٣ ٢ٗ‫ اُضب‬ٝ‫خ أ‬٤ٗ‫اُضب‬

The Mubtadi' is the one whose habit is innovating in the Religion, and he is not
the one who innovates one Bid'ah (innovation) even if [his act of innovating in
the Religion] was truly not out of Ijtihad (scholarly research and reasoning) but
out of desire, and yet, along with that, this person is not called a Mubtadi'. And
the clearest example to bring closer this [issue] is that the oppressive ruler
might be just/fair in some of his rulings, so it is not said about him that he is
just/fair, just as the just/fair ruler might oppress in some of his rulings, so it is
not said about him [here] that he is an oppressor. And this confirms the Islamic
Fiqhi Qa'idah/principle that the person is [viewed in accordance with] what is
predominant in him of good or evil. If we know this fact, we know who is really
the Mubtadi'; therefore, there are two requirements for considering someone
a Mubtadi'; the first: That he not be a Mujtahid (i.e. that he did not perform an
act of Bid'ah out of Ijtihad), rather he was following his desires; and the
second: That this be of his habit and what he usually does.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 785


15. [Advice of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah concerning those who

constantly ask: What do you say about so-and-so?]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

ٌٕٞ٣ ‫هل‬ٝ .ٚ٤ِ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫ أ‬ُٚ ‫ِّ ٌي‬٤‫ ٓزؾ‬ٚٗ‫ْ أ‬ٜ‫ٕ؟ كؤك‬٬‫ي ثل‬٣‫ ٓب هأ‬:ٍَ‫واً ٓب أٍُْؤ‬٤‫أٗب ًض‬
ٚٗ‫ إ‬:ٚ٘‫وبٍ ػ‬٣ ،٠ٓ‫اٗ٘ب اُولا‬ٞ‫ٕ ٖٓ إف‬ٌٞ٣ ‫هل‬ٝ ،‫اٗ٘ب‬ٞ‫ ٖٓ إف‬ٚ٘‫َؤٍ ػ‬٣ ١‫اُن‬
‫؟ اٍزوْ ًٔب‬ٝ‫ػٔو‬ٝ ‫ثٌو‬ٝ ‫ل‬٣‫ل ثي‬٣‫! ٓبما رو‬٢‫ب أف‬٣ :َ‫ كؤٗب أٖٗؼ اَُبئ‬.‫اٗؾوف‬
ٖٓ ‫أُقطئ‬ٝ ،‫ّي ُي اُٖبُؼ ٖٓ اُطبُؼ‬٤ٔ٤ٍ ِْ‫نا اُؼ‬ٛٝ ،ِْ‫رؼِّْ اُؼ‬ٝ ،‫أٓود‬
،‫ أفطؤ‬:ٍٞ‫ أه‬٫ ٚٗ‫ي أَُِْ ُٔغوك أ‬٤‫ أف‬٠ِ‫ رؾول ػ‬٫ ْ‫ ص‬.‫ إُـ‬. . . ‫ت‬٤ُٖٔ‫ا‬
َُ ‫أَُبئ‬ٝ ،‫س‬٬‫ ص‬ٝ‫ٖ أ‬٤‫ اص٘ز‬ٝ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ٌُٖ اٗؾوف ك‬ ِ ،‫ اٗؾوف‬ٚٗ‫ثَ ُٔغوك أ‬
،ٚ‫ض‬٣‫ٕ ؽل‬ِّٞ‫زوج‬٣ َٖٓ ‫ش‬٣‫ أئٔخ اُؾل‬٢‫ٗؾٖ ٗغل ك‬ٝ . . . ‫ب‬ٜ٤‫ ٓب اٗؾوف ك‬ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ا‬
.‫ إُـ‬. . . ٢‫ ٗبٕج‬ٚٗ‫إ‬ٝ ،٢‫ فبهع‬ٚٗ‫إ‬ٝ ،‫ ٓوعئ‬ٚٗ‫ إ‬:ٚ‫ روعٔز‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ٘‫ٕ ػ‬ُٞٞ‫و‬٣ٝ
٫ٝ ،ٚ‫ٕ ث‬ٌَّٞٔ‫ز‬٣ ٕ‫يا‬٤ٓ ْٛ‫ٌُٖ؛ ػ٘ل‬ ٌ
ْ ،‫د‬٫٬ٙ ‫ب‬ًِٜٝ ، ٌ‫ة‬ٞ٤‫ب ػ‬ًِٜ ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ك‬
،‫ عِٔخ ؽَ٘بد‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬،‫س‬٬‫ ص‬ٝ‫ أ‬،ٖ٤‫ّئز‬٤ٍ ٝ‫ أ‬،‫ اُؾَ٘بد‬٠ِ‫ئخ ػ‬٤ٍ ‫ٕ ًِلّخ‬ٞ‫ُوعِّؾ‬٣
‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫إٔ ٓؾٔلاً ه‬ٝ ،‫ هللا‬٫‫ إ‬ُٚ‫ إ‬٫ ٕ‫بكح أ‬ّٜ :‫ب‬ٜٔ‫ٖٓ أػظ‬ٝ

I am asked many times: What is your opinion of so-and-so? So I understand

from [this question] that [the questioner] is either for [so-and-so] or against
him. And the person about whom the questioner is asking could be one of our
brothers, and he could be one of our brothers of a long time ago, [so] it is said
about him: He is a deviant. So I then advise the questioner: O my brother! What
is it that you want with Zaid, Bakr, and 'Amr? Be firm as you have been ordered,
and learn [the knowledge of this Religion], and this knowledge will distinguish
for you the righteous from the wicked, and the one who is correct from the
one who is mistaken . . . and so on.
Thereafter do not be malicious towards your Muslim brother because of, and I
do not say because he made a mistake, rather because he deviated, however
he deviated in one issue, or two, or three, as for the other issues, then has not
deviated in them . . . and we find among the Imams of the Hadith whose Hadith


is accepted, yet they say about him in his biography: He is a Murji', and he is a
Khariji, and he is a Nasibi . . . and so on. So these are all flaws, and they are all
misguidance, however; [the Imams of the Hadith rahimahum Allah] have a
means of measuring that they hold on to, and they do not allow a hand's worth
of sin to outweigh good deeds, or two sins, or three, over a majority of good
deeds, and of the greatest of them: The bearing of witness that none has the
right to be worshiped in Truth except Allah, and that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.


16. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah advises the people who waste their time
criticizing and talking about each other]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

‫ ٓ٘ؾوف‬ٜ‫ ف‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٞ‫ول‬٣ ٖ٣‫ٖ اُن‬٣‫فو‬٥‫اُْجبة ا‬ٝ ‫ أٗب أٖٗؾي أٗذ‬٢‫ب أف‬٣ ‫اٗظو‬
:‫ا‬ُٞٞ‫رو‬ٝ ،ً‫ب‬ٚ‫ٌْ ثؼ‬ٚ‫ ٗول ثؼ‬٢‫هبرٌْ ك‬ٝ‫ا أ‬ٞ‫ّؼ‬٤ٚ‫ ر‬٫‫ أ‬:ِْ‫هللا أػ‬ٝ ‫ ُ٘ب‬ٝ‫جل‬٣ ‫ٔب‬٤‫ك‬
:ً‫ب‬٤ٗ‫صب‬ٝ .‫ء‬٢ّ ٢‫ٌ ٖٓ اُؼِْ ك‬٤ُ ‫نا‬ٛ :ً٫ٝ‫ أ‬:ٚٗ٧ ‫ٕ هبٍ ًنا؛‬٬‫ك‬ٝ ،‫ٕ هبٍ ًنا‬٬‫ك‬
‫ إٗٔب‬.‫ة‬ِٞ‫ اُو‬٢‫بء ك‬ٚ‫اُجـ‬ٝ ‫ؽوبك‬٧‫ؾون ا‬٣ٝ ،‫ه‬ٝ‫ؿو اُٖل‬ٞ٣ ‫ة‬ٍِٞ٧‫نا ا‬ٛ
ٖٓ )‫ل‬٣‫ ٓلػ (ى‬٢‫ّ ك‬٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ َٛ :‫ٌْق‬٤ٍ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ِْ‫ٌْ ثبُؼِْ؛ كبُؼ‬٤ِ‫ػ‬
)‫ (ٕبؽت ثلػخ‬:ٚ٤َٔٗ ٕ‫ؾن ُ٘ب أ‬٣ ً٬‫َ ٓض‬ٛٝ ‫وح؟‬٤‫ أفطبء ًض‬ُٚ ١‫اُ٘بً اُن‬
‫نا‬ٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ رزؼ ّٔو‬٫ ٕ‫ أٗب أٖٗ ُؼ ثؤ‬.‫ اُزؼ ُّٔوبد‬ٙ‫ن‬ُٜٝ ‫ ٓجزلع؟ ٓب ُ٘ب‬ٞٛ َٛ :٢ُ‫ثبُزب‬ٝ
ٖ٤‫ أُ٘زَج‬٠ِ‫وأد ػ‬ٛ ٢‫ اُلُوهخ اُز‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٕ٥‫ ا‬ٌْٞٗ ‫وخ‬٤‫ اُؾو‬٢‫ٗ٘ب ك‬٧ ‫اُزؼ ّٔن؛‬
ِْ‫هللا أػ‬ٝ ‫ اُلُوهخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫خ؛‬٤‫ح اَُِل‬ٞ‫ ُِلػ‬:ٖ‫ٍ ٗؾ‬ٞ‫ ًٔب ٗو‬ٝ‫اَُ٘خ أ‬ٝ ‫ح اٌُزبة‬ٞ‫ُلػ‬
٢‫ف ك‬٬‫اُق‬
َ ٞٛ ٌ٤ُٝ ،‫ء‬َُٞ‫ ّٓبهح ثب‬٧‫ ؽعّ اُ٘لٌ ا‬:ٞٛ ‫ب‬ٜ٤‫ًج ُو ك‬٧‫اَُجتُ ا‬
٢‫ؾز‬٤ٖٗ ٙ‫ن‬ٛ .‫خ‬٣‫هاء اُلٌو‬٥‫ثؼ٘ ا‬


Look, O my brother, I advise you and the other young ones who have stood
upon a deviated path as it appears to us, wallahu a'lam: To not waste your time
in criticizing each other, and to say: So-and-so said this, and so-and-so said that;
because, firstly: This has nothing to do with 'Ilm/knowledge, and secondly: This
manner [of speaking and dealing with each other] burns the chests, and it
allows for malice and hatred to enter the hearts. Rather what is upon you is
knowledge, for it is knowledge that will reveal: Is this speech in praise of Zaid
(just a general name) who has a lot of mistakes [correct or not?] And is it our
right, for example, to refer to him as a man of innovations? And following from
this: Is he a Mubtadi'/innovator? We do not get deeply involved in these issues.
I advise to not be deeply involved in these issues in such a deep way; because
we, in reality, complain now about this division that has occurred among those
who attribute themselves to the Da'wa of the Book and the Sunnah, or, as we
say: To the Da'wa Al-Salafiyyah. The main reason for this division, wallahu
a'lam, is: The person's self that calls him to evil, and it is not actually
disagreements over some of the opinions. This is my advice.


17. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ikhwanul Muslimeen]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah, upon being asked whether the Ikhwan Al-
Muslimin is more dangerous to Islam than the Jews and the Christians, said,

٘‫اُزجبؿ‬ٝ ‫ل ٖٓ اُزؾية‬٣‫ع عل‬ٞٗٝ ،ِٞ‫ل ٖٓ اُـ‬٣‫ع عل‬ٞٗ ٫‫نا إ‬ٛ ٕ‫ٓب أػزول أ‬
٠ِ‫ كبُؾٌْ ػ‬،‫ب ّو‬ٜ٤‫ك‬ٝ ‫و‬٤‫ب ف‬ٜ٤‫خ ك‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ ًَ اُغٔبػبد ا‬. . . ‫اُزلاثو‬ٝ
‫ اُغٔبػبد‬٠ِ‫ اُؾٌْ ػ‬،‫كواك‬٧‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ ًبُؾٌْ ػ‬-- ‫اٗ٘ب‬ٞ‫ب إف‬٣ -- ‫اُغٔبػبد‬
،‫ب‬ًِٜ ٍ‫٘بى كوك َِْٓ عٔغ فٖبٍ أٌُب‬ٛ ‫عل‬ٞ٣ ٬‫ ك‬،‫كواك‬٧‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ًبُؾٌْ ػ‬
ٖٓ ‫ أًضو‬ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٛ ٝ‫ أ‬،ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ أًضو‬ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٕٝ ،٘‫ٕ ثؼ‬ٝ‫ب ك‬ٚ‫إٗٔب ثؼ‬ٝ
‫) ٓب‬ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٕ ٖٓ ‫ أًضو‬ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٛ( ‫وح‬٤‫ف‬٧‫هح ا‬ُٖٞ‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ ك‬٠‫ؽز‬ٝ ،ٚ‫ؽ‬٬ٕ


‫ؽية‬ٝ َُِٕٞٔٔ‫إ ا‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫ كب‬،ٚ٘ٓ ‫ٖله‬٣ ١‫ػ اُن‬٬ُٖ‫ إٔ ٌٗ٘و ا‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣

ٝ‫ أ‬٬ٜ‫ّ إٓب ع‬٬ٍ٩‫ْ ثُؼ ٌل ػٖ ا‬ٜ٤‫ ٌُٖ ك‬،‫و‬٤‫ْ ف‬ٜ٤‫ؾ ك‬٤ِ‫عٔبػخ اُزج‬ٝ ‫و‬٣‫اُزؾو‬
‫ى إٔ ٗطِن‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬،‫خ علا‬٤ٛ‫هح ٓز٘ب‬ٞ‫ فط‬ٚ٤‫ٍ ك‬ٞ‫نا اُو‬ٛ ٕ‫ُنُي كئ‬ٝ ،٬ٛ‫رغب‬
ّ٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ

I do not believe except that this is a new kind of extremism, and a new kind of
Tahazzub (forming into parties) and hate and splitting . . . all of the Islamic
groups have good and bad, so the ruling on the groups -- O my brothers -- is like
the judgment on the individuals, the judgment on the groups is like the
judgment on the individuals, so there does not exist an individual Muslim who
gathered every good quality, rather he gathers some and not others, [and he is
either someone whose] good is more than his bad, or his bad is more than his
good, and even with this latter picture (one's bad being more than one's good)
it is not befitting that we reject the good that comes from him, so the Ikhwan
Al-Muslimin and the Hizb Al-Tahrir and the Jama'at Al-Tabligh have good in
them, however they have within them a distance from Islam, either due to
ignorance or purposely being ignorant, and due to this, this statement (that
they are worse for Islam than the Jews and Christians) has a very extreme
danger to it, so it is not allowed to say these words.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 752


18. [The Manhaj of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah concerning how to view

callers to Islam who deviated from the Sunnah and the Way of the Salaf radhi
Allahu 'anhum.]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,

‫ا‬ُُٞ‫ رَ ْؼ ِل‬٫َّ َ‫ أ‬٠َِ‫ ٍّ َػ‬ْٞ َ‫إٓ ه‬

ُ ََّ٘ ْْ ٌُ ََّ٘ٓ ‫َغْ ِو‬٣ ٫َٝ :٠ُ‫رؼب‬ٝ ‫ رجبهى‬ُٚٞ‫هب ٖٓ ه‬٬‫ٗؾٖ اٗط‬ٝ
-- َٟٞ ‫ أَ ْه َوةُ ُِِزَّ ْو‬َٞ ُٛ ‫ا‬ُُٞ‫ا ْػ ِل‬

And we, in proceeding from Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'aalaa's saying: (paraphrased)

and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just:
That is nearer to piety.

‫ كؾَٖ اُج٘ب أػزول‬،ٜ٣‫ٕ رلو‬ٝ‫ك‬ٝ ٛ‫ٕ إكوا‬ٝ‫ ك‬ٚ٤‫ٗؼزول ك‬ٝ ٚ‫خ ؽو‬٤‫ ٗجقٌ كاػ‬٫
‫هاء‬ٝ ٖ٤‫بئؼ‬ٙ ‫ا‬ٞٗ‫ٖ ًب‬٣‫ٖ اُن‬٤َُِٔٔ‫و ٖٓ اُْجبة ا‬٤‫ ًض‬٠ِ‫لا ؽَ٘خ ػ‬٣ ُٚ ٕ‫أ‬
ٞٛٝ ،ُٚٞ‫ْ ؽ‬ٜ‫ كغٔؼ‬،‫بد‬٣‫اَُ٘ٔب‬ٝ ٢ٛ٬ُٔ‫خ ًب‬٤‫اُؼبكاد اُـوث‬ٝ ٢ٛ٬ُٔ‫ارجبع ا‬
‫اُزَٔي‬ٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ اٌُزبة‬٠ُ‫ْ إ‬ٛ‫ ٌُٖ هل ًبٕ كػب‬،ٙ‫ب‬ٙ‫ ٗو‬٫ ٢‫رٌزَ ؽيث‬
‫ أهطبه‬٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ر‬ٞ‫اٗزْود كػ‬ٝ ٚ‫ ك٘لغ هللا ث‬ٚ‫ ػِْ ث‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ ٕ‫ ًب‬١‫ّ اُن‬٬ٍ٩‫ثب‬
‫ ًٔب‬ٚ٤‫ ك‬٢ُ‫ ٗـب‬٫ ‫ٌُ٘٘ب‬ٝ ٚ‫ر‬ٞ‫ ثبَُ٘جخ ُلػ‬ٚ‫ٖ هللا ث‬٣‫نا ٓب ٗل‬ٛٝ ،٢ٓ٬ٍ٩‫اُؼبُْ ا‬
ُْٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ ػِْ ثبٌُزبة‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬-- ‫ٍق‬٧‫ ٓغ ا‬-- ٌٖ٣ ُْ ٚٗ‫ كئ‬،ٕٞ‫ٍ أُزؾيث‬ٞ‫و‬٣
‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫اَُ٘خ ػ‬ٝ ‫ اٌُزبة‬٠ُ‫خ إ‬٤‫ٌٖ كاػ‬٣

do not withhold from giving a caller to Islam his rights, and we believe what
should be believed concerning him without going into extremes in favor of him
nor in favor against him, so Hasan Al-Bannaa -- I believe that he had a positive
hand on many of the young Muslims who were lost following amusements and
the Western customs, like the amusements and the cinemas, so he gathered
them around him, and this is a Hizbi grouping that we are not pleased with,
however he called them to the Book and the Sunnah and the holding on to the
Islam that he was knowledgeable of, so Allah caused benefit through him and


his Da'wa spread throughout the Islamic lands. And this is what we worship
Allah with regarding his Da'wa, however we do not go to extremes regarding
him as the Mutahazzibun (those who have taken up parties for themselves)
say, for he was not -- with much regret -- upon knowledge of the Book and the
Sunnah, and he was not a caller to the Book and the Sunnah upon the Manhaj
of the Salaf.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 805

19. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on an ‘Alim being absolutely mistake-


The Question:

Is it a requirement regarding the Mujaddid (the Reviver of Islam) that he be

free of every innovation?
‫َِْ ٖٓ ًَ ثلػخ‬٣ ١‫ٖٓ اُن‬ٝ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ٓبّ ا‬٩‫هبٍ ا‬
Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah: And who is he who is safe from every

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 791

20. [The Manhaj of Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah regarding Takfir, Tafsiq,

and Tabdi'; and his Manhaj rahimahu Allah in whether or not it is binding upon
all to take the opinion of a 'Aalim who has declared a person to be a Kafir,
innovator, or open sinner, and to follow him in that]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah said,


ٚ‫ٕ ًَ اُ٘بً ٓؼ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ اُؾغخ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫أهبّ ػ‬ٝ ‫ب أثلا إٔ ٖٓ ًلَّو ّقٖب‬ٛ‫ٌ ّو‬٤ُ
،ٙ‫و‬٤‫ى رٌل‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫فو أ‬٥‫ اُؼبُْ ا‬ٟ‫و‬٣ٝ ،٫ٝ‫ ٓزؤ‬ٞٛ ٌٕٞ٣ ‫ هل‬ٚٗ٧ ،‫و‬٤‫ اُزٌل‬٢‫ك‬
‫ ِٖٓ رَ ََوُّ ع‬ٝ ‫و‬ٙ‫وخ ٖٓ كزٖ اُؼٖو اُؾب‬٤‫ اُؾو‬ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ ك‬،‫غ‬٣‫اُزجل‬ٝ ‫ن‬٤َ‫ًنُي اُزل‬ٝ
‫و‬٤‫ُياّ ؿ‬٩‫نا ا‬ٛٝ َََِ‫نا اُز‬ٛ ٕ‫ك أ‬ٖٞ‫ أُو‬،ِْ‫ اكػبء اُؼ‬٢‫ثؼ٘ اُْجبة ك‬
،‫ٌ ًنُي‬٤ُ ‫فو‬٥‫ ا‬ٙ‫وا‬٣ٝ ‫اعجب‬ٝ ‫ٓو‬٧‫ ػبُْ ا‬ٟ‫و‬٣ ‫اٍغ هل‬ٝ ‫نا ثبة‬ٛ ،‫ىّ أثلا‬٫
ّ‫ِي‬٣ ٫ ،‫بك‬ٜ‫عز‬٫‫ ٖٓ ثبة ا‬ٚٗ٧ ٫‫ٖٓ ثؼل إ‬ٝ َ‫ٓب افزِق اُؼِٔبء ٖٓ هج‬ٝ
٫ ١‫ أُوِل اُن‬ٞٛ ‫فو إٗٔب‬٥‫ ا‬١‫ِيّ ثؤفن ثوأ‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬،ٚ٣‫ا ثوأ‬ٝ‫ؤفن‬٣ ٕ‫ٖ أ‬٣‫فو‬٥‫ا‬
‫ كَّن‬ٝ‫ ًلّو أ‬١‫ أٓب ٖٓ ًبٕ ػبُٔب كبُن‬،‫وِل‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫غت ػ‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛٝ ٙ‫ػِْ ػ٘ل‬
ُْ‫زبثغ مُي اُؼب‬٣ ٕ‫ أثلا أ‬ٚٓ‫ِي‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬ٚ٣‫ ٓضَ هأ‬ٟ‫و‬٣ ٫ٝ ‫ ث ّلع‬ٝ‫أ‬

It is not a condition ever that he who declares a person to be a Kafir and

established against him the evidence, that all the people should be with him in
his Takfir of that person, because it could be that he (the one who made Takfir
of the other person) has interpreted it so, while another 'Aalim sees that it is
not allowed to make Takfir of that person, and the same applies with Tafsiq
(calling someone a Fasiq, or open sinner) and Tabdi' (calling someone a
Mubtadi', or innovator). So this in reality is of the Fitan of the current times
along with how the young ones hasten to make allegations against a 'Aalim,
the point being that this sequential [occurrence of a 'Aalim calling someone a
Kafir/Fasiq/Mubtadi' and everyone following him in that ruling] and making it
binding [to follow that 'Aalim in his ruling] is not binding ever.

This is a wide door (i.e. there is flexibility in this area), it could be that a 'Aalim
views an issue to be obligatory while another views that it is not, and the
'Ulamaa have not differed with each other before and after except because it is
due to Ijtihad, it is not binding upon others to take his opinion; he for whom it
is binding upon to to take the opinion of another is the Muqallid who does not
posses any knowledge, and it is he for whom it is obligatory to make Taqlid. As
for he who is a 'Aalim, then it is not binding ever for him to follow the 'Aalim
who made Takfir or Tafsiq or Tabdi' of a person so long as he does not hold the
same opinion.
Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 778


21. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on allowance of praising the


The Question:

Is it allowed praise the people of innovations even if they claim to have

serviced Al-Islam and that they seek after that (i.e. that they seek to service Al-
Islam), like Al-Turabi and he who is like him? This is the question, O Sheikh.

ٕ‫ إما ًب‬،ّ‫ف أُوب‬٬‫قزِق ثبفز‬٣ ‫اة‬ٞ‫ اُغ‬،ٍ‫نا ٍؤا‬ٛ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫وح‬ٙ‫ ٓجزلع ثؼل رِي أُؾب‬ٚٗ‫ٍ إ‬ٞ‫ ٗو‬٫ٝ ‫ ٓجزلػب‬ٚ٘‫ ٗظ‬٠ِ‫ك ثبُض٘بء ػ‬ٖٞ‫أُو‬
ٞٛ ٚ٤ِ‫ك ثبُض٘بء ػ‬ٖٞ‫ كئما ًبٕ أُو‬،‫ٖ إٕ ّبء هللا‬٣‫ٓو‬٧‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ ٗلوم ث‬،‫ِخ‬٣ٞ‫اُط‬
ٞٛ ٚ٤ِ‫ك ثبُض٘بء ػ‬ٖٞ‫ أٓب إما ًبٕ أُو‬،‫اعت‬ٝ ‫نا‬ٜ‫ اٌُلبه ك‬ٙ‫ رغب‬ٚ٘‫اُلكبع ػ‬
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.‫ى‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ َ٤ِٚ‫ ر‬ٚ٤‫ كل‬ٚ٤ُ‫ح اُ٘بً إ‬ٞ‫كػ‬ٝ ٚ‫غ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٖ٤٤‫رج‬.

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah: This question, the answer differs according to

the different situations. If the intent in praising he whom we assume is an
innovator, and we do not say that he is an innovator after that long lesson, we
differentiate between the two matters, in shaa' Allah (i.e. he who falls into
innovations, and he who is actually an innovator), so if the intent in praising
him is to defend him against the Kuffar, then this is obligatory, as for if the
intent in praising him is to make clear his Manhaj and call the people to it, then
in this is misguidance (leading the people astray) and it is not allowed. Yes.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 666


22. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on co-operating with mubtadioon]

The Question:

Is it allowed to cooperate with a man of Ash'ari 'Aqidah in the way of calling to

Allah, with the justification that this difference in 'Aqidah does not lead to vice,
rather not cooperating with him could lead to splitting apart the efforts of the

ٚ‫ ث‬١‫ؤك‬٣ ٫ َ‫نا اُوع‬ٛ َ‫ٕ ٓغ ٓض‬ٝ‫ إما ًبٕ اُزؼب‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ ّي ثَ أٗب أػزول‬٬‫ى ث‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ‫ كنُي ٓٔب‬ٚ‫لر‬٤‫ ػو‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٝ‫ب‬ٜ‫ز‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٠ُ‫ إ‬ٚ‫ٕ ٓؼ‬ٝ‫اُزؼب‬
ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ٕ ٓغ ا‬ٝ‫زؼب‬٣ ٕ‫خ أ‬٤٘٣‫ اُل‬ٚ‫ٔبٕ ٖٓ ٖٓبُؾ‬٣٩‫ ا‬١ٞ‫إٔ أُؤٖٓ اُو‬
ٝ‫ٔخ أ‬٣‫ٍجبة اُول‬٧‫خ ثَجت ٖٓ ا‬٤‫لح اَُِل‬٤‫ا ػٖ اُؼو‬ٞ‫ٖ اٗؾوك‬٣‫ٖ اُن‬٣‫فو‬٥‫ا‬
‫غل اُلوٕخ‬٤ٍ ٚٗ٧ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ‫ٕ ٓغ‬ٝ‫زؼب‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫نا أُؤٖٓ اَُِل‬ٜ‫ ث‬٠ُٝ٧‫ ا‬.‫ضخ‬٣‫اُؾل‬
ٕ‫ٗؼوف ٗؾٖ مُي ثبُزغوثخ أ‬ٝ ‫هغ‬ٝ ١‫اُن‬ٝ .ٚ٤ُ‫خ إ‬٤‫ح اَُِل‬ٞ‫ؾ اُلػ‬٤ِ‫أُ٘بٍجخ ُزج‬
:ٖ٣‫ أؽل أٓو‬٢‫نا أُؤٖٓ اُٖبُؼ اَُِل‬ٛ ٖٓ ْٜ‫هل‬ٞٓ ٌٕٞ٤ٍ ٖ٤‫ُئي أُقبُل‬ٝ‫أ‬
ٖ‫ٗؾواف ػ‬٩‫ا‬ٝ ٢‫ت اَُِل‬ٛ‫ روجَ أُن‬٠ُ‫ٕ إ‬ِٞ٤ٔ٤‫ ك‬ٚ‫ر‬ٞ‫ا ُلػ‬ٞ‫ج‬٤‫َزغ‬٣ ٕ‫إٓب أ‬
ٕ‫ْ أ‬ٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ؤث‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ٚ‫ج‬ٛ‫ٓن‬ٝ ٙٞٚ‫وك‬٣ ٕ‫إٓب أ‬ٝ .ً‫وا‬٤‫هغ ًض‬ٝ ‫نا‬ٛٝ ٢‫ْ اُقِل‬ٜ‫ج‬ٛ‫ٓن‬
ْٜ٤ِ‫ٌ ػ‬٤ُٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ٓوػ‬٧‫ك ا‬ٞ‫ؼ‬٣ َ‫ ث‬ِٙٞٓ‫ؼب‬٣

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah: If the cooperating with the likes of this man
does not lead to cooperating with him in being negligent with his 'Aqidah, then
this is from what is allowed without doubt, rather I believe that the Mu'min of
strong Iman, that it is in his religious benefit to cooperate with the other
Muslimin who have deviated from the 'Aqidah Al-Salafiyyah (the Salafi 'Aqidah)
due to a reason among the old or recent reasons. What is of more priority
regarding this Salafi Mu'min is to cooperate with those people because he will
find the appropriate opportunity to convey the Da'wah Al-Salafiyyah (the Salafi
Da'wa) to him. And that which took place and we know this from experience is
that those [who opposed the Salafi 'Aqidah] will take either of two positions
with this righteous Salafi Mu'min: Either they answer his Da'wa so they incline


towards accepting the Salafi Madhhab and moving away from their Khalafi
Madhhab, and this has taken place many times; or they reject his Madhhab and
reject dealing with him, rather the matter returns to him and not to them.

Ref: Al-Fatawa Al-Mutafarriqah, tape no. 6

23. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on the principle: ‫أَلحِقهُ به‬, join them along
with him]

The Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah was informed that these days we hear
some of our brothers who with much regret have become extremely biased
towards the opinions of their Sheikh's position on another Sheikh, say: Join
them along with him, i.e. throw the "followers" (‫ )أتباع‬of the Sheikh whom our
Sheikh called an innovator along with that Sheikh. It is as if they are saying: He
who does not make Tabdi' of whom we make Tabdi' of, then he is a Mubtadi'
as well. When asked about this principle, the Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah
said out of amazement at what he had just heard,

!‫ب؟‬ٛ‫ٖٓ هؼل‬ٝ ‫اػل‬ٞ‫ اُو‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫ ٕبؽت‬ٞٛ ٖٓ

Who is the one who stated these principles (literally: who is the companion of
these principles) and who is the one who came up with them?!

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah then said,

ٚ‫ٕ ًَ اُ٘بً ٓؼ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ اُؾغخ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫أهبّ ػ‬ٝ ‫ب أثلا إٔ ٖٓ ًلَّو ّقٖب‬ٛ‫ٌ ّو‬٤ُ
،ٙ‫و‬٤‫ى رٌل‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫فو أ‬٥‫ اُؼبُْ ا‬ٟ‫و‬٣ٝ ،٫ٝ‫ ٓزؤ‬ٞٛ ٌٕٞ٣ ‫ هل‬ٚٗ٧ ،‫و‬٤‫ اُزٌل‬٢‫ك‬
‫ ِٖٓ رَ ََوُّ ع‬ٝ ‫و‬ٙ‫وخ ٖٓ كزٖ اُؼٖو اُؾب‬٤‫ اُؾو‬ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ ك‬،‫غ‬٣‫اُزجل‬ٝ ‫ن‬٤َ‫ًنُي اُزل‬ٝ


‫و‬٤‫ُياّ ؿ‬٩‫نا ا‬ٛٝ َََِ‫نا اُز‬ٛ ٕ‫ك أ‬ٖٞ‫ أُو‬،ِْ‫ اكػبء اُؼ‬٢‫ثؼ٘ اُْجبة ك‬
،‫ٌ ًنُي‬٤ُ ‫فو‬٥‫ ا‬ٙ‫وا‬٣ٝ ‫اعجب‬ٝ ‫ٓو‬٧‫ ػبُْ ا‬ٟ‫و‬٣ ‫اٍغ هل‬ٝ ‫نا ثبة‬ٛ ،‫ىّ أثلا‬٫
ّ‫ِي‬٣ ٫ ،‫بك‬ٜ‫عز‬٫‫ ٖٓ ثبة ا‬ٚٗ٧ ٫‫ٖٓ ثؼل إ‬ٝ َ‫ٓب افزِق اُؼِٔبء ٖٓ هج‬ٝ
٫ ١‫ أُوِل اُن‬ٞٛ ‫فو إٗٔب‬٥‫ ا‬١‫ِيّ ثؤفن ثوأ‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬،ٚ٣‫ا ثوأ‬ٝ‫ؤفن‬٣ ٕ‫ٖ أ‬٣‫فو‬٥‫ا‬
‫ كَّن‬ٝ‫ ًلّو أ‬١‫ أٓب ٖٓ ًبٕ ػبُٔب كبُن‬،‫وِل‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫غت ػ‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛٝ ٙ‫ػِْ ػ٘ل‬
ُْ‫زبثغ مُي اُؼب‬٣ ٕ‫ أثلا أ‬ٚٓ‫ِي‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬ٚ٣‫ ٓضَ هأ‬ٟ‫و‬٣ ٫ٝ ‫ ث ّلع‬ٝ‫أ‬

It is not a condition ever that he who declares a person to be a Kafir and

established against him the evidence, that all the people should be with him in
his Takfir of that person, because it could be that he (the one who made Takfir
of the other person) has interpreted it so, while another 'Aalim sees that it is
not allowed to make Takfir of that person, and the same applies with Tafsiq
(calling someone a Fasiq, or open sinner) and Tabdi' (calling someone a
Mubtadi', or innovator). So this in reality is of the Fitan of the current times
along with how the young ones hasten to make allegations against a 'Aalim,
the point being that this sequential [occurrence of a 'Aalim calling someone a
Kafir/Fasiq/Mubtadi' and everyone following him in that ruling] and making it
binding [to follow that 'Aalim in his ruling] is not binding ever.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, no. 778

The first quote of the Imam rahimahu Allah was taken from:


24. [The Manhaj of the Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah in Tabdi'/calling

someone an innovator thereby excluding them from the circle of Ahl Al-
Sunnah, and his rahimahu Allah Manhaj in judging modern day groups like the
Ikhwan Al-Muslimin and others]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah then said,

ٚ‫غؼِ٘ب ٗقوع‬٣ ٫ ‫خ ٓب مُي‬٤‫ عيئ‬٢‫ ك‬٬ٔ‫ّ ػ‬٬ٍ٩‫قوط ػٖ ا‬٣ ١‫ٗ٘ب ٗؼزجو اُن‬٧
،ّ٬ٍ٩‫خ فوط ػٖ ؽٌْ ا‬٤‫ اُغيئ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ ك‬ٞٛ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،‫ّ ٓطِوب‬٬ٍ٩‫ٖٓ كائوح ا‬
‫ إما صجذ إٔ ّقٖب ٓب‬،‫خ‬٤‫ح اَُِل‬ٞ‫اُلػ‬ٝ ٢‫ظ اَُِل‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬٢‫ًنُي إما ً٘ب ٗزٌِْ ك‬ٝ
‫ فوط‬ٚٗ‫ ثؤ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ ٗؾٌْ ػ‬٫ ٖ‫ ٗؾ‬،‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٖ‫ َٓؤُخ ٓب فوط ػ‬٢‫ك‬
٢‫ أَُؤُخ فبُق اَُِق ًٔب هِ٘ب ك‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ٍ ك‬ٞ‫ٌُ٘٘ب ٗو‬ٝ ،‫ػٖ كائوح اَُِق‬
٢‫ ك‬ٚ‫ ٗقوع‬٫ ‫ ٌُ٘٘ب‬،ّ٬ٍ٩‫ فبُق ا‬ٚٗ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ّ ك‬٬ٍ٩‫ فبُق ا‬١‫ٍ اُن‬ٝ٧‫ا‬
‫خ‬٤‫ ٖٓ كائوح اَُِل‬ٝ‫ّ أ‬٬ٍ٩‫ٖ ٖٓ كائوح ا‬٤‫ اُؾبُز‬٬ً

Because we consider he who leaves Al-Islam in one aspect; this does not allow
us to exclude him from the circle of Al-Islam absolutely, rather he is in this
aspect excluded from the judgment of Al-Islam, and similarly if we were to talk
about the Salafi Manhaj and the Da'wah Al-Salafiyyah, if it were confirmed that
a person left the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih in one issue, we do not judge him
as having left the circle of the Salaf, however we say: "In this issue he opposed
the Salaf" as we said previously that he who opposes Al-Islam in an issue has
opposed Al-Islam, however we do not exclude him in both cases (opposing Al-
Islam in one issue, and opposing the Salafi Manhaj in one issue) from the circle
of Al-Islam or from the circle of Al-Salafiyyah. End of the words of the Imam
rahimahu Allah.

Then in the same lesson, someone said to the Imam rahimahu Allah

ْ‫خ هِذ ٗؼ‬٤‫ٕ ػٖ اَُِل‬ٞ‫قوع‬٣ َٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ٖ رؾيث‬٣‫ٖ اُن‬٤٤‫ُٔب ٍئِذ ػٖ اَُِل‬

‫خ‬٤‫ا ػٖ اَُِل‬ٞ‫فوع‬


When I was asked about the Salafiyyin who formed a Hizb: "Do they exit from
Al-Salafiyyah?" I said: Yes, they have left Al-Salafiyyah
The Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah then corrected this person's answer, by

‫خ‬٤‫ اُغيئ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ك‬

In this aspect

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 849, the second side

25. [When can you call an 'Aalim an innovator? What are the conditions for
doing so?]

-- ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ أ‬ٚ٤‫ افزِق ك‬١‫نا اُن‬ٛ ُٔ٘‫ي إما ًبٕ ا‬٤‫ـ ثبهى هللا ك‬٤ّ :َ‫اَُبئ‬
ٍ‫فو اٍزل‬٫‫ ا‬ٚ‫ع‬ُٞ‫ ا‬ٝ ٖ٤ٜ‫ع‬ٝ َٔ‫ؾز‬٣ ‫ ٓغ أُجزلػخ‬ٝ‫َ اُجلػخ أ‬ٛ‫ ٓغ أ‬-- ٬‫ٓض‬
‫ٔي‬ٜ‫ ك‬٢‫؟ أٗب ُْ أُٔي ك‬٢ِ٘ٔ‫ كِِ َْ ر‬٢ٜٔ‫نا ك‬ٛ ‫هبٍ أٗب‬ٝ ٚ‫ ثلػز‬٠ِ‫نا أُجزلع ػ‬ٛ ٚ‫ث‬
٬‫ إما ف‬ٝ ٢ٜٔ‫ أٗب ثل‬ٝ ‫ٔي‬ٜ‫كؤٗذ فن ثل‬
‫ب‬٣ ‫ أَُؤُخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ ك‬ٜ‫بث‬ُٚ‫ ا‬ٞٛ ‫ أَُؤُخ كٔب‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ٓب َُِِق ك‬٬ً ‫ ُْ ٗغل‬٢٘‫ؼ‬٣

Sheikh, barak Allahu feek, if the Divine Text (Ayah or Hadith) was such that Ahl
Al-Sunnah and Ahl Al-Bida' disagreed over its meaning, it could be understood
in two ways, and the other way was used by the innovator for his innovation,
and [the innovator] said: "This is my understanding, so why do you blame me? I
do not blame you for your understanding, so you take your understanding, and


I my understanding", so if we do not find statements of the Salaf in this issue,

so what is the principle in this issue, O Sheikh

،ٍٞ‫ ٓب رو‬٢٘‫ إما ً٘ذ رؼ‬،ٗ‫ اػزوا‬ٚ٤ِ‫ٌ ُي ػ‬٤ُ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ٗ‫ اػزوا‬ٚ٤ِ‫ٌ ُي ػ‬٤ُ.

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: You have no point of objection with him, if
you mean what you say, you have no point of objection

‫ـ‬٤ّ ‫ب‬٣ ‫ ٓجزلع‬ٞٛ ٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ :َ‫اَُبئ‬

Questioner: Meaning, he is an innovator, O Sheikh

‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫قبُق‬٣ ‫ٕ ُٔب‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ ٓجزلع‬.‫ُ ٓجزلع‬ٞٓ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

‫ ٓب‬٢٘‫ إٕ ً٘ذ رؼ‬:‫ ُنُي هِذ‬-- ‫ٓي‬٬ً ٢‫ٍ ك‬ٞ‫ أٓب أٗذ ثزو‬،ٚ‫ ػِْ ث‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٞٛٝ
ٌٍ ُٞ‫ ػ٘لى ُٗو‬ٚ٤‫ ٓب ك‬ٚ٘‫ ػ‬٬ٚ‫ ػ٘لى اٗذ ك‬ٚ٤‫ ٓب ك‬٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ ،‫ب كهخ‬ٜ٤‫ٍ؛ أَُؤُخ ك‬ٞ‫رو‬
ٞٛ ٫ ‫ا ٌء‬ٍٞ ٙ‫ّب‬٣‫ إ‬ٝ ‫ ٌْ كؤٗذ‬ْٜ َ‫ ك‬ٙ‫ػ٘ل‬ٝ ٌْ ْٜ َ‫إٗٔب ػ٘لى ك‬ٝ ‫ب‬ٜ‫ ث‬ٜٚ‫اع‬ٞ‫ػٖ اَُِق ر‬
َٛ :ٞٛٝ ٫‫ْ علا أ‬ٜٓ ‫لفَ أٓو‬٣ ‫لفَ؟‬٣ ‫٘ب ٓبما‬ٛ ٌُٖ ‫ أٗذ ٓجزلع‬٫ٝ ‫ٓجزلع‬
ٖٓ ْٜ‫ٍ أٗب أك‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ٠‫َ اُؼِْ ؽز‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أ‬ٞٛ َٛ -- ‫ٍ أٗذ‬ٞ‫ أه‬٫ ٝ -- ٙ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬ٝ‫ أ‬ٞٛ
ٌ٤ُ ٕ‫ إٕ ًب‬ٝ ‫اة ٓب ٍٔؼذ‬ٞ‫َ اُؼِْ كبُغ‬ٛ‫ًنا؟ كئٕ ًبٕ ٖٓ أ‬ٝ ‫اُّ٘ٔ ًنا‬
٫ ْ‫َ اُنًو إٕ ً٘ز‬ٛ‫ا أ‬ُٞ‫ كَؤ‬:ٖ٤ُٔ‫ٍ هة اُؼب‬ٞ‫ ٓب ثو‬ُٚ ٍٞ‫َ اُؼِْ ٗو‬ٛ‫ٖٓ أ‬
‫ؼ؟‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ .ِٕٞٔ‫رؼ‬

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: He is not an innovator. The innovator is he

who opposes the Manhaj of the Salaf while he has knowledge of it, as for what
you are saying -- due to this I say: If you mean what you say, the issue has
precision, meaning you do not have, to say nothing of him, you do not have
something from the Salaf to oppose him with, rather you have an


understanding and he has an understanding, so you and him are equal, neither
is he an innovator nor are you, however what [issue] enters here? A very
important matter enters, and it is: Is he or other than him -- and I do not say you
-- is he from the people of knowledge such that he [can] say: "I understand
from the Divine Text this and this"? For if he is from the people of knowledge,
the answer is what you heard, and if he is not from the people of knowledge,
we say to him what Al-Rabb Al-'Aalamin says (paraphrased): {So ask Ahl Al-
Dhikr if you do not know}. Is it clear?

‫ؼ‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ :َ‫اَُبئ‬

Questioner: Clear

‫ذ؟‬٤ٜ‫ اٗز‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: Are you finished?

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 614

26. [The Shaykh on differentiating bid’a into categories like Bid’a in Aqeedah
and Bid’a in Fiqh]

The Question:

The Bid'ah Al-Mukaffirah (the Bid'ah that causes its perpetrator to fall into
Kufr) such that a person innovates a Bid'ah Kuffriyyah (a Kufri Bid'ah) like the
statement that the Lord Subhanahu wa Ta'aalaa did not ascend His Throne and
negating this; and the Bid'ah Al-Mufassiqah (the Bid'ah that causes its
perpetrator to become a Fasiq) takes place in an innovation among the
innovations of worship, like the Mawlid, for instance.


ِْ‫ ٖٓ ػ‬ٙ‫ّ ْٓ٘ؤ‬٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ ،‫ؼ‬٤‫و ٕؾ‬٤‫ّ ؿ‬٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
٢‫ اُجلػخ ك‬ٝ‫ أ‬،‫ع‬ٝ‫ اُلو‬٢‫اُجلػخ ك‬ٝ ٍٕٞ٧‫ ا‬٢‫ٖ اُجلػخ ك‬٤‫ن ث‬٣‫ اُزلو‬،ّ٬ٌُ‫ا‬
‫اُـ‬...‫ ثلػخ‬ٞٛ ‫ن‬٣‫نا اُزلو‬ٛ ،‫ اُؼجبكاد‬٢‫اُجلػخ ك‬ٝ ّ‫ؽٌب‬٧‫ا‬

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: This speech is not correct; this speech
originated from 'Ilm Al-Kalam; the differentiating between an innovation in
Usul (the principles of the Religion) and an innovation in Furu' (the "branches"
of the Religion), or an innovation in Al-Ahkam (the rulings) and an innovation in
Al-'Ibadat (acts of worship) is itself an innovation.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no.666

27. [The Imam Al-Albani rahimahu Allah is asked about spreading the books
and tapes of those who are not Salafis]

The Questioner:

The responsibility of spreading the tapes of those who do not take up the
Manhaj of the Salaf; they belong, for instance, to some of the Jama'at (groups)
that we know of, like the Ikhwan Al-Muslimin or the Tabligh or others, so some
[of the 'Ulamaa] gave a Fatwa saying that I should not record nor spread the
likes of these tapes, and some of them said: We choose what we see in them to
be correct and what is not overtly in opposition to the Manhaj of the Salaf. So
confusion continues to remain with me even now, and I ask Allah 'Azza wa Jal
to remove this confusion with what you view and with what is made easy for us
in this discussion, jazakum Allahu khairaa.

ٖ‫ ػ‬ٚ‫ز‬٤ٌ‫ ؽ‬١‫ اُن‬٢ٗ‫ اُضب‬١‫ إٔ اُوأ‬١‫ّي ػ٘ل‬٫ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

‫ب‬ٜ‫ٖ ٍٔؼ‬٣‫بُّخ أُؤٖٓ ٖٓ أ‬ٙ ‫ٕ اُؾٌٔخ‬٧ ،‫اة‬ُٖٞ‫ ا‬ٞٛ ِْ‫َ اُؼ‬ٛ‫ثؼ٘ أ‬


ً‫ ثؼ٘ اُّ٘ب‬ٚ‫ُِغ ث‬ٝٝ ،‫ٖؼ‬٣ ٫ ‫لب‬٤‫ؼ‬ٙ ‫ضب‬٣‫إٕ ًبٕ ؽل‬ٝ ‫ش‬٣‫نا اُؾل‬ٛ ،‫ب‬ٜ‫اُِزوط‬
ّٚٗ‫ أ‬٠ِ‫ه أُغبٌُ ػ‬ٝ‫ ٕل‬٢‫ ك‬ٙٞ‫ػِّو‬ٝ ،‫ؽبد‬ُِّٞ‫ ا‬٢‫ ك‬ٙٞ‫ًزج‬ٝ ،‫ك‬٬‫ ثؼ٘ اُج‬٢‫ك‬
‫ٌُٖ ؽَجُ٘ب‬ٝ .‫ٌ ثبُضّبثذ‬٤ُٝ ،ٍِْٝ ُٚ‫آ‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٢‫ش صبثذ ػٖ اُ٘ج‬٣‫ؽل‬
‫ج٘ب اػزجبهًا‬ٛ‫ ٗزؼّٖت ُٔن‬٫ٝ ،‫ب‬ٜ‫٘ئ ٍن ٗؼَٔ ث‬٤‫ كؾ‬٬‫ٕ ؽٌٔخً كؼ‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٚ٘ٓ
‫نا اُؾن‬ٛ ٕ‫ش ٓب ًب‬٤‫ؽ‬ ِّ ‫ ك٘ؾٖ أرجبع اُؾ‬،ٟ‫ُفو‬٧‫ت ا‬ٛ‫ثزؼُّٖ ت إٔؾبة أُنا‬
‫ب‬ٜ‫ب اُِزوط‬ٛ‫عل‬َٝ ٖ٣‫بُّخ أُؤٖٓ أ‬ٙ ‫ كبُؾٌٔخ‬،‫ش ٓب عبء‬٤‫ٖٓ ؽ‬ٝ.

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: Without a doubt with me is that the second
opinion that you mentioned in reference to some of the people of knowledge
is what is correct, because wisdom is the lost property of the believer:
Wherever he hears [this wisdom], he picks it up. This Hadith (wisdom is the lost
property of the believer); even if it is a weak Hadith that is not authentic, [a
Hadith] that some of the people in some of the lands took a liking to, and have
written on tablets, and have hung in the place of gatherings with the
understanding that it is a Hadith established upon the Prophet sallaa Allahu
'alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallam, and it is not established; however sufficient for us is
that [what is mentioned in the weak Hadith] is truly wisdom, and henceforth
we act on it, and we do not become extremely biased towards our Madhhab as
the followers of the other Madhahib do, for we are followers of the Truth
wherever this Truth may be and from wherever it may have come from, so
wisdom is the lost property of the believer: Wherever he finds it he picks it up.

٢‫ اُز‬،‫ ُغٔبػخ ٖٓ رِي اُغٔبػبد‬٢ِٔ‫ش ػ‬ ٍ ‫ ثؾ‬ٝ‫ٓوبٍ أ‬

ٍ ٠ِ‫هلذ ػ‬َٝ ٝ‫كئما عبء أ‬
٘‫ ثجؼ‬،‫بد هللا‬٣‫و ثآ‬٤ً‫ب رن‬ٜ٤‫ ٌُٖ ًبٕ ك‬،‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ظ‬ٜ٘‫ ر‬٫ ‫ٍق‬٧‫ٓغ ا‬
ٖٓ ‫ٔ٘غ‬٣ ‫٘بى ٓب‬ٛ ٌ٤ُ ،‫ؾخ‬٤‫ٍِْ اُٖؾ‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ش ه‬٣‫أؽبك‬
‫ُقبُق اٌُزبة‬٣ ‫ب ٓب‬ٜ٤‫عل ك‬ٞ٣ ٫ ٚٗ‫ ٓبكاّ أ‬،َ٤‫وخ اُزَغ‬٣‫س ثطو‬ٞ‫ اُجؾ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫ْٗو‬
َ٤‫ ر٘ؾٖو ثبُزَغ‬٫ ‫اهغ‬ُٞ‫ ا‬٢‫ أٌُِْخ ك‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛٝ .‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ
َٜ‫ ك‬،ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫د‬٬ّ‫ أًض ُو اٗزْبهًا ٖٓ أَُغ‬٢ٛٝ ،‫ أُؤُلبد‬٠ُ‫ إ‬٠‫ ؽز‬ٙ‫ثَ رزؼ ّلا‬
‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫ٌ ػ‬٤ُ ‫طجغ ٓب‬٣ ٕ‫ ثبئغ اٌُزت أ‬ٝ‫ٖؼ ُ٘ب ِّو اٌُزت أ‬٣
‫ اٌُزت؟‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ َ‫غ ٓض‬٤‫ج‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ،‫اُٖبُؼ‬


So if you happen upon an article or knowledge-based research that belongs to

a group from among these groups, those which -- with much regret -- do not
adopt the Manhaj of the Salaf, however in them are what remind us of Allah
with the Aayat of Allah, and with some of the authentic Ahadith of the
Messenger of Allah sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam, there is nothing that
prevents the spreading of these researches by way of recordings, so long as
there are not found in them what opposes the Book and the Sunnah and the
Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih. And this is the problem in reality which is not
restricted to recordings rather it has extended to books, and [books] are more
widespread than these recordings, so is it right for a book publisher or book
seller to print what is not on the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih, or to sell the likes
of these books?

ٖ٤‫ئ‬٤ّ ‫ؽظخ‬٬ٔ‫إٗٔب اُؼجوح ث‬ٝ ،‫ ًزبةٌ ٓب ٖٓ ٓقبُل ٍخ ٓب‬ِٞ‫ق‬٣ ٫ ‫هل‬:‫اة‬ٞ‫اُغ‬

‫ظ‬ُٜ٘ٔ ً‫خ‬٤‫َ كاػ‬٤‫ مُي اُزَغ‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ‫ٕ اٌُزبة‬ٌٞ٣ ٫ ٕ‫ أ‬:ٍٝ٧‫ء ا‬٢ُْ‫ ا‬:ٖ٤٘‫اص‬
‫ًٔب‬...‫نا‬ٛٝ ،ٙ‫ـِتُ فطؤ‬٣ ُٚ‫اث‬ٕٞ ٌٕٞ٣ ٕ‫ أ‬:‫ب‬٤ٗ‫ صب‬.‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫قبُق‬٣
‫نا‬ٛ ‫ ٕبؽت‬٫‫ إ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ ٌه َّك ػ‬ٝ ‫ّ ه َّك‬٫‫ ٓب ٓ٘ب ّ أؽل إ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ٓبّ ٓبُي هؽ‬٩‫هبٍ ا‬
ٕ‫برب‬ٛ ٚ٤‫ ك‬٠‫ُواػ‬٣ ٕ‫غت أ‬٣ ‫ب‬ُٜ‫ؼ‬٤‫ث‬ٝ ‫جغ اٌُزت‬ٛٝ َ٤‫ُنُي اُزَغ‬ٝ ،‫اُوجو‬

The answer: No one book may be free of something that opposes [the Manhaj
of the Salaf Al-Salih radhi Allahu 'anhum], yet the issue is in observing two
things: The first thing: That this book and this recording not be [a means of]
calling to a Manhaj that opposes the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih. Secondly:
That what is correct in them is more than what is incorrect, and the
Imam Malik rahimahu Allah said: There is not one of us except that he refutes
and is refuted, except the companion of this grave (i.e. the Prophet sallaa
Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam), and due to this the recordings and publishing of books
must be done with these two principles [in mind], i.e. with these two


‫ ٓبٗؼًب أثلا‬ٟ‫ أه‬٫ ‫ كؤٗب‬،٢‫ظ اَُِل‬ُِٜ٘ٔ ‫ ٓقبُلخ‬ٚ٤‫ٌ ك‬٤ُ َ٤‫إم ٍؤُذ ػٖ رَغ‬ٝ
،‫ظ‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬٢ّ ‫ٌ ٍِل‬٤ُ ٚ٤‫زؾلس ك‬٣ ّ ‫َ ُٔغوّك‬٤‫نا اُزَغ‬ٛ َ‫ْٗو ٓض‬
١‫إٔ اُن‬ ِ ٖٓ
ُْ ِ‫ اُؼ‬ٚ٤ٚ‫وز‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ‫نا‬ٛ ،‫ مُي‬ٚ‫ ٓب ّبث‬ٝ‫ أ‬٢ّ ‫ ؽيث‬ٝ‫ أ‬٢‫فِل‬
ٌّ ٞٛ ‫إّٗٔب‬ٝ
ّٞ٤ُ‫كبد اُوبئٔخ ا‬٬‫فز‬٫‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ت ث‬٣‫ُخ اُزوو‬ٝ‫ ٓؾب‬ٚ٤ٚ‫وز‬٣ٝ ،‫ٖٗبف‬٩‫ ا‬ٚ٤ٚ‫وز‬٣ٝ
‫ٍق‬٧‫خ ٓغ ا‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ٖ اُغٔبػبد ا‬٤‫ث‬.

And if you ask about a recording that does not have in it anything that opposes
the Salafi Manhaj, then I do not see anything ever that would prevent
spreading the likes of this recording just because the one who is speaking in it
is not of the Salafi Manhaj, rather he is a Khalafi or Hizbi or what is similar to
this. This is what knowledge requires, and what Al-Insaf (justice, fairness,
equity) requires, and what the attempt to bring closer the differences that are
ongoing between the Islamic groups today with much regret requires.

ّ ُٕٞٞ‫و‬٣ ،‫ٓو‬٧‫نا ا‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ٖ ثبُٔ٘غ‬٤ِ‫ ثؼ٘ اُوبئ‬،‫ٓو‬٧‫نا ا‬ُٜ ً٫‫ إًٔب‬:َ‫اَُبئ‬

٢‫إٕ ك‬
‫ًب ثٌَ ٓب‬ٙ‫ ه‬ٚٗ‫ًؤ‬ٝ ،ْٜ‫غ‬ُٜ٘ٔ ‫خ‬٤ً‫ ري‬ٚ٤‫ء ك‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ َ‫ ُٔض‬ٜ٣‫ّو‬
ٍ ٝ‫ش أ‬
ٍ ٣‫ْٗو ؽل‬

The Questioner: In completing this issue, some of those who are of the view of
preventing this, say that in spreading a tape of the likes of these people is an
appraisal for their Manhaj, and it is as if [the one spreading them] is pleased
with what they say.

‫ً أُّق هٍبُخً عٔغ‬٬‫٘ب هع‬ٙ‫ كو‬ُٞ ،‫ ٓجبُـخ‬ٚ٤‫نا ك‬ٛ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ق‬٤ً ،‫ظ‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬٢‫ٌ ٍِل‬٤ُ ٞٛٝ ،١‫ؼ اُجقبه‬٤‫مًبه ٖٓ ٕؾ‬٧‫ش ا‬٣‫ب أؽبك‬ٜ٤‫ك‬
،٫ ‫؟‬ٚ‫غ‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ل‬٤٣‫ اُوٍبُخ ثزؤ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ َ‫ كٔب ِٕخ ْٗو ٓض‬،ٚ٤ِ‫ّ ػ‬٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ ‫ٖلم‬٣
ٖ‫به ٓب ٕ ّؼ ػ‬٤‫ افز‬٢‫وز٘ب ك‬٣‫و‬ٛ ‫ ٍِي‬ّٚٗ٧ ٚ‫ثْ٘و هٍبُز‬ ِ ‫غ٘ب‬ٜ٘ٓ ٖ٤‫ٗؾٖ ُٗؼ‬
ِْ‫هللا أػ‬ٝ ‫ ٓجبُـخ‬ٚ٤‫ كؤٗب أػزول إٔ ك‬،ٍِْٝ ُٚ‫آ‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ّ٘ب‬٤‫ٗج‬.


Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: This is an exaggeration; if we were to

assume that a man authored a treatise and gathered in it the Ahadith of the
Adhkar (remembrances) from Sahih Al-Bukhari, and he is not of the Salafi
Manhaj, how is this speech (that the one spreading this treatise is pleased with
this man's non-Salafi Manhaj) to be believed? So what is the connection with
spreading the likes of this treatise with aiding his Manhaj? No, we aid our
(Salafi) Manhaj with spreading his treatise because he took our way in
choosing that which has been established upon our Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi
wa Aalihi wa sallam, so I believe that [this speech] has in it exaggeration,
wallahu a'lam.

Ref: Fatawa Jeddah, tape no. 9

28. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on a Salafi ‘Alim making mistake in

following the manhaj]

The Question:

A man whose Usul is that of Ahl Al-Sunnah and he walks upon its Manhaj (i.e.
the Manhaj of Ahl Al-Sunnah), and he is known for his defense of it, and his
service to it, and sometimes he makes some mistakes in his Manhaj; so is he
warned against by name or by making clear his mistakes?
٠ُٝ٧‫َذ ا‬٤ُٝ ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ ا‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: The second and not the first

Ref: Jami' Turath Al-'Allamah Al-Albani rahimahu Allah Fi Al-Manhaj Wal-Ahdath

Al-Kubraa, by the Dr. Shadi Aal-Nu'man hafithahu Allah.
Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, 8/751


29. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Imam Nawawi and Ibn Hajar Al


Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah then said,

ْٜٗ‫ إ‬:ْٜ٘‫وبٍ ػ‬٣ ٕ‫ ٖٓ اُظِْ أ‬،ُْٜ‫أٓضب‬ٝ ،٢ٗ٬‫اثٖ ؽغو اُؼَو‬ٝ ،١ُٝٞ٘‫ٓضَ ا‬

‫ا ٓقبُلخ‬ٝ‫ٔب ٓب هٖل‬ٌُٜ٘ ،‫ّبػوح‬٧ ٖٓ ‫ٔب‬ٜٗ‫ أٗب أػوف أ‬،‫َ اُجلع‬ٛ‫ٖٓ أ‬
-- ‫خ‬٣‫ّؼو‬٧‫لح ا‬٤‫ ٖٓ اُؼو‬ٙٞ‫هص‬ٝ ‫ا أٗٔب‬ُّٞ٘‫ظ‬ٝ ،‫ا‬ِٞٔٛ ٝ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،‫اََُّ٘خ‬ٝ ‫اٌُزبة‬
ٖ٤٘‫ٖ اص‬٤‫ئ‬٤ّ ‫ا‬ٞ٘‫ظ‬:

Like Al-Nawawi, and Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani, and their likes, it is oppression to
say about them: They are from the people of innovation. I know that they are
from the Asha'irah, however they did not intend to oppose the Book and the
Sunnah, rather they [were mistaken], and assumed that what they inherited
from the Ash'ari 'Aqidah -- they assumed two things.

‫ هعغ‬ٚٗ٧ ‫ٔبً؛‬٣‫َّ هل‬٫‫ٍ مُي إ‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ٫ ٞٛٝ ،‫ٍ مُي‬ٞ‫و‬٣ ١‫ّؼو‬٧‫ٓبّ ا‬٩‫ إٔ ا‬:ً٫ٝ‫أ‬
‫اة‬ٖٞ‫ٌ ث‬٤ُٝ ،ً‫اثب‬ٕٞ ٙٞٔٛٞ‫ ر‬:ً‫ب‬٤ٗ‫صب‬ٝ .ٚ٘‫ػ‬.

Firstly: That the Imam [Abu Al-Hasan] Al-Ash'ari was of this position, whereas
he was not of this position except previously; because he recanted from it. And
secondly: They were deluded into thinking it was correct, and it is not correct.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, 666


30. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on removing a Salafi ‘Alim from

salafiyyah due to mistakes]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah then said,

‫ُلَٖ أَُِْ ػٖ اُغٔبػخ‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬٢‫نا اَُؤاٍ ك‬ٛ ٖٓ ٕ٥‫ ا‬ٚ‫أٓب ٓب أٍٔؼ‬

ٖٓ ٫‫ إ‬ٙ‫ كٔب أها‬ٟ‫ أفو‬٢‫ ك‬ٝ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ أفطؤ ك‬ٚٗ‫خ ُٔغوك أ‬٤‫اُغٔبػخ اَُِل‬ٝ
‫خ‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ٗظبّ ثؼ٘ ا‬ٞٛ َٖ‫نا اُل‬ٛ ،ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ا‬ٟٝ‫ػل‬
‫ ؽية‬ٞٛ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،ّ٬ٍ٪ُ ْٜ‫اُل‬ٝ ٚ‫ اُلو‬٢‫غب ك‬ٜ٘ٓ ٢‫ظ اَُِل‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬٠٘‫ رزج‬٫ ٢‫اُز‬
ً‫ أٍب‬٠ِ‫اُزغٔغ ػ‬ٝ َ‫ ٖٓ اُزٌز‬ٟ‫فو‬٧‫ؽياة ا‬٧‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬ٚ٤ِ‫ـِت ػ‬٣
- ‫ هثٔب‬- ‫صبُضب‬ٝ ‫ب‬٤ٗ‫صب‬ٝ ٫ٝ‫ب أُٗنه أ‬َٜ٤‫بػخ هئ‬ٛ ٖ‫ُخ أُٖـوح ٖٓ فوط ػ‬ٝ‫اُل‬
‫ ًزبة هللا‬٠ُ‫ٕ ثؾن إ‬ٞٔ‫٘ز‬٣ ‫ عٔبػخ‬ٙ‫زج٘ب‬٣ ٕ‫ى أ‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ‫نا‬ٛ َ‫ ٓض‬،ِٖٚ‫صْ ُؽ ٌِْ ثل‬
‫ظ اَُِق اُٖبُؼ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ]ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ[ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ ٍ٘خ ه‬٠ُ‫إ‬ٝ

As for what I hear now from this question concerning how a Muslim is removed
from the Jama'ah or the Jama'ah Al-Salafiyyah because he made a mistake in
an issue or other, then I do not see that this can be anything but an infection
from the other Ahzab (plural of: Hizb), this removal [of the Salafi from Al-
Salafiyyah due to a mistake he made] is from the practice of some of the
Islamic Ahzab which do not take up the Salafi Manhaj as a Manhaj in Fiqh or in
understanding Al-Islam, rather [this practice is that of] a Hizb, predominate in it
is what is predominate in the other Ahzab, [things like] gathering upon the
basis of a small state: He who leaves the obedience of its leader is warned
once, and twice, and a third time -- perhaps -- then he is judged with his
removal. The likes of this is not allowed to be taken up by a group that belongs
truly to the Book of Allah and to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah [sallaa
Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] and to the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih.
Then the Imam rahimahu Allah concluded his speech by saying

ٕ‫ ٖٓ ٍِطب‬ٚ‫ٖ ٓب أٗيٍ هللا ث‬٣‫ اُل‬٢‫نا اثزلاع ك‬ٛ


This is an innovation in the Religion for which Allah did not send down

Ref: Fatawa Jeddah, tape no. 13, the second side.

31. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on mentioning Good traits of the person

being criticized]

Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah then said,

‫٘ب‬ٜ‫خ ك‬٤‫ق‬٣‫ روعٔخ اُْقٔ أُ٘زول روعٔخ ربه‬٢‫ٕ ك‬ٌٞ٣ ٕ‫ اُ٘ول إٓب أ‬:ٍٞ‫أٗب أه‬
‫ أٓب‬،ٙ‫ٖٓ ّو‬ٝ ٙ‫و‬٤‫زؼِن ثبُٔزوعْ ٖٓ ف‬٣ ‫وجؼ ثٔب‬٣ ‫ٓب‬ٝ َٖ‫ؾ‬٣ ‫ ثل ٖٓ مًو ٓب‬٫
ٖ٣‫ْ اُن‬ٜ‫ثقبٕخ ػبٓز‬ٝ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫و ا‬٣‫ رؾن‬ٞٛ َ‫ك ثزوعٔخ اُوع‬ٖٞ‫إما ًبٕ أُو‬
ٌٕٞ٣ ‫ٓضبُت اُوعبٍ؛ ثَ هل‬ٝ ٍ‫ٓ٘بهت اُوعب‬ٝ ٍ‫اٍ اُوعب‬ٞ‫ْ ثؤؽ‬ٛ‫ ػِْ ػ٘ل‬٫
‫ئخ‬٤ٍ ‫لح‬٤‫ ػو‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬١ٞ‫٘ط‬٣ ٞٛ ٌُٖٝ ،‫ُخ ػ٘ل اُؼبٓخ‬ٞ‫ٓوج‬ٝ ‫لح‬٤‫ع‬ٝ ‫ ٍٔؼخ ؽَ٘خ‬ُٚ
‫نا‬ٛ ٖ‫ئب ً ٖٓ مُي ػ‬٤ّ ٕٞ‫ؼوك‬٣ ٫ ‫ء اُؼبٓخ‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ،‫ئ‬٤ٍ ‫ فِن‬٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫أ‬
ٕ٧ ‫اىٗخ) مُي‬ُٞٔ‫ّ ثـ (ا‬ٞ٤ُ‫ذ ا‬٤ٍٔ ٢‫ اُجلػخ اُز‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٢‫ رؤر‬٫ ‫ٖ ماى‬٤‫ؽ‬...َ‫اُوع‬
‫خ اٌُبِٓخ‬٤‫اك‬ُٞ‫ اُزوعٔخ ا‬ٞٛ ٌ٤ُٝ ‫ؾخ‬٤ُٖ٘‫ٖ ماى ا‬٤‫ك ؽ‬ٖٞ‫أُو‬

I say: The critique [of the innovator or one who went astray] is either in the
biography of the individual who is being critiqued -- a historical biography -- so
here it is necessary to mention what he had of good and what he had of bad as
regards to the one having his biography for if the intention in writing
the biography of the man is to warn the Muslimin and especially the
commoners among them who do not have knowledge of the condition of the
man and his merits and negative aspects; rather it could be that he has a good
and accepted reputation among the common Muslims, however he takes up an
evil 'Aqidah or evil manners. These common Muslims do not know anything
about that concerning this this case you do not come with this


innovation which has been called to day "Al-Muwazanah", that is because the
intention in this case is the giving of advice (i.e. to the people about the evil of
this man) and it is not to give a complete biography.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, tape no. 850

32. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on our position with regards to


Questioner: The next question says, are the Asha'irah (Ash'aris) from Ahl Al-
Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah? And what is our position with regards to the current

ٕ‫ضب ثؤ‬٣‫ؽل‬ٝ ‫ٔب‬٣‫َ ٖٓ اُؼِٔبء هل‬ٙ‫كب‬٧‫ َُذ أّبهى ثؼ٘ ا‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ـ هؽ‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫َ اَُ٘خ ثَجت‬ٛ‫َذ ٖٓ أ‬٤ُ ‫ب‬ٜٗ‫خ أ‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ائق ا‬ٞ‫بئلخ ٖٓ اُط‬ٛ ٖ‫ٍ ػ‬ٞ‫ٗو‬
ٍ‫وب‬٣ ‫نا‬ٛ ٕ‫ إما ًب‬ٚ‫ ث‬٠ُ‫رؼب‬ٝ ‫ٖ هللا رجبهى‬٣‫ ػٔب ٗل‬ٟ‫ أفو‬ٝ‫ َٓؤُخ أ‬٢‫ب ك‬ٜ‫اٗؾواك‬
‫ اُغٔبػبد‬ٝ‫ ػٖ اُغٔبػخ أ‬١‫اثب ػٖ اَُؤاٍ اَُبثن أ‬ٞ‫َ رٔبٓب ع‬٤‫ًٔب ه‬
‫ظ اَُِق‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ اُزَٔي ثبٌُزبة‬ٞٛ ‫ب‬ٜ‫غ‬ٜ٘ٓ ٕ‫خ إما ًب‬٤ٓ٬ٍ٩‫ا‬
ٖ‫ب ػ‬ٜ٤‫ا ك‬ٞ‫ ثؼ٘ أَُبئَ كقوع‬٢‫ اُوِْ ك‬ٝ‫ْ اُلٌو أ‬ٜ‫ ث‬ٜ‫ٌُٖ اّز‬ٝ ‫اُٖبُؼ‬
ٖٓ ْٜٗ‫ٍ إ‬ٞ‫ْ إما ًبٕ ًنُي؛ ك٘ؾٖ ٗو‬ٜ‫لر‬٤‫ُؼو‬ٝ ْٜ٘٣‫ ُل‬ٙٞٚ‫ اهر‬١‫ظ اُن‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫نا ا‬ٛ
ٖٓ ٖ٣‫ّبػوح أُزؤفو‬٧‫ْ ًٔب َٗٔغ ػٖ ثؼ٘ ا‬ٜ٘ٓ ِٖ‫ؼ‬٣ ٖٓ ‫َ اَُ٘خ؛ أٓب‬ٛ‫أ‬
ُْٜٞ‫ٍ فوط "ه‬ٞ‫٘ئن ٗو‬٤‫أؽٌْ" ؽ‬ٝ ِْ‫ت اُقِق أػ‬ٛ‫ٓن‬ٝ ٍِْ‫ت اَُِق أ‬ٛ‫ٓن‬
‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ػٖ كائوح أ‬
Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: I do not take part with some of the noble
ones among the 'Ulamaa from the past and the present in saying that a group
from among the Islamic groups is not from Ahl Al-Sunnah due to its deviation in
an issue or another which we take as a Religion in the worship of Allah
Tabaraka wa Ta'aalaa with...if [the Manhaj of the Islamic group or groups] is to
hold on to the Book and the Sunnah and the Manhaj of the Salaf Al-Salih,
however [they moved beyond the limits in their thought or pen] in some of the


issues, so in doing so they exited this Manhaj which they were pleased with for
their Religion and 'Aqidah, if [the matter] is like this; then we say that they are
from Ahl Al-Sunnah. As for he among them who declares as we hear from some
of the later Ashai'rah in their saying: "The Madhhab of the Salaf is safer, and
the Madhhab of the Khalaf is more knowledgeable and wiser", in such a case
we say they have left the circle of Ahl Al-Sunnah.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda wal-Nur, tape no. 305

33. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on Ashaa’irah being from Ahlus Sunnah

or not]

The Question:

Here is an issue that, truly, you might be surprised by its existence there, the
matter of the Asha'irah (Ash'aries), is it possible for us to say that the Asha'irah
are from Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah?

،‫و‬٤‫ ًض‬٢‫اُغٔبػخ ك‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ْ ٖٓ أ‬ٛ ٍ‫اة اُؼل‬ٞ‫ اُغ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ـ هؽ‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
َ٤ِ‫ ه‬٢‫اُغٔبػخ ك‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ا ٖٓ ا‬َٞ٤ُٝ
Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: The just answer is that they are from Ahl Al-
Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah in a lot [of issues], and are not from Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-
Jama'ah in a few.

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda wal-Nur, tape no. 327


34. [Shaykh Al Albaani Rahimahullah on The Ikhwan Al-Muslimin and the

Jama'at Al-Tabligh: Do we judge them as whole groups, or do we judge the
individuals that make them up]

The Question:

Are the Ikhwan and Al-Tabligh from the sects that the Prophet sallaa Allahu
'alaihi wa sallam informed us of?

‫غ‬٤ٔ‫ْ ٖٓ ع‬ٜ٤‫ٕ ك‬َُِٞٔٔ‫إ ا‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫؛ ا‬٫ ،٫ :‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ هؽ‬٢ٗ‫ُجب‬٧‫ـ ا‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

ٕ‫ٖؼ أ‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬،‫ًنا‬ٝ ‫ْ ًنا‬ٜ٤‫ؼخ ك‬٤ّ ْٜ٤‫ ك‬،ٕٞ٤‫ْ فِل‬ٜ٤‫ ك‬،ٕٞ٤‫ْ ٍِل‬ٜ٤‫ ك‬،‫ائق‬ٞ‫اُط‬
‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ف اٌُزبة‬٬‫بعب ً ف‬ٜ٘ٓ ٠٘‫ ٖٓ رج‬:ٍٞ‫إٗٔب ٗو‬ٝ ،‫اؽلح‬ٝ ‫ْ ٕلخ‬ٜ٤ِ‫طِن ػ‬٣
‫ أٓب‬،‫بٌُخ‬ُٜ‫ ٖٓ اُلوهخ ا‬ٞٛ َ‫خ ث‬٤‫ٌ ٖٓ اُلوهخ اُ٘بع‬٤ُ ٜٞ‫ْ ك‬ٛ‫ٖٓ أكواك‬
،‫خ‬٤‫ْ ٖٓ اُلوهخ اُ٘بع‬ٜٗ‫ْ أ‬ٜ٘‫ٍ ػ‬ٞ‫ٖ أٗب ٓب ثو‬٤٤‫ٍ اَُِل‬ٞ‫هللا أٗب ثؤه‬ٝ ‫عٔبػخ؛‬
ٌْ٣‫ ٓب هأ‬،ٖ٤٤‫اَُِل‬

Al-Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah: No, no; the Ikhwan Al-Muslimun have
among them all of the groups, they have Salafiyyun, they have Khalafiyyun
(followers of a Manhaj that opposed the Manhaj of the Salaf radhi Allahu
'anhum that came after theirs), they have Shi'ah they have this and this, so it is
not correct to label them with one description, rather we say: He from among
their individuals who takes up a Manhaj that opposes the Book and the Sunnah
then he is not from the Firqah Al-Najiyah (the Victorious Group) rather he is
from the Firqah Al-Halikah (the Destroyed Group), as for the group [itself];
wallah I say that the Salafiyyin I do not say about them that they are from the
Firqah Al-Najiyah, the Salafiyyin, what is your opinion on this?

Ref: Silsilah Al-Huda Wal-Nur, 48/66


Advices from The Shaykh Salih Ibn

Fawzaan Al Fawzaan Hafidhahu-Allahu


01. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on making


The Question:

It has become problematic for us, or it has become problematic for many of
the young men in this time, the issue of making Tabdi' of some of the
individuals, such that the people and young men have divided into two
categories: One who takes the position of the 'Aalim in Tabdi' when it is issued,
so he forces others [to take the position of that 'Aalim] because [he says doing
so is in compliance with the principle of] accepting the news of a trustworthy
narrator, and others who say that the issue of Tabdi' is one of the issues of
Ijtihad, and therefore he who has the ability looks into [the issue]...and this
issue has become problematic for us, so what is your advice to us?

ْٜ٤ِ‫اُؾٌْ ػ‬ٝ ،ً‫غ اُ٘ب‬٣‫ ٓب ًِلٌْ هللا ثزجل‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ْ‫ ػِوكز‬،ِْ‫ِجزْ اُؼ‬ٛ ‫ إما‬.ٕ٥‫ا اُؼِْ ا‬ٞ‫ِج‬ٛ‫ ا‬.‫نا‬ٜ‫ ٓب ًِلٌْ هللا ث‬،)‫ة(ٓجزلع‬
َ‫ًَ ٖٓ كؼ‬ٝ ٌْ‫ ًَ ٖٓ فبُل‬٠ِ‫ٕ اَُ٘زٌْ ػ‬ٞ‫ أٓب أٌْٗ رطِو‬.‫أُجزلع‬ٝ ‫اُجلػخ‬
.ٌْ٤ِ‫نا ػ‬ٛ ْ‫وعغ إص‬٣ ،ْ‫ٌْ إص‬٤ِ‫وعغ ػ‬٣ ‫نا‬ٛ ،‫نا ٓجزلع‬ٛ ٍٞ‫ رو‬ٚٗٝ‫ئب ر٘زول‬٤ّ
َ‫ْزـ‬٣ ،ِْ‫طِت اُؼ‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬ٝ ،‫ه‬ٞٓ٧‫نا ا‬ٛ ٖ‫ ػ‬ٚٗ‫ٌق َُب‬٣ ٕ‫َٗب‬٩‫اعت إٔ ا‬ُٞ‫ا‬
‫نا‬ٛٝ ‫نا كبٍن‬ٛٝ ‫نا ٓجزلع‬ٛ ٍٞ‫و‬٣ٝ ،ً‫ززجغ اُ٘ب‬٣ ٕ‫ هللا أ‬ٚ‫ ٓب ًِل‬.ِْ‫ثطِت اُؼ‬
٢‫ هللا ك‬٢‫٘ب إٔ ٗزو‬٤ِ‫ ػ‬.‫ أّل ٖٓ أُ٘زول‬ٙ‫ ػ٘ل‬ٞٛ ٌٖٔ٣ .ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.ٚ٤‫نا ك‬ٛٝ ٚ٤‫ك‬
ُٚ‫ آ‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ،‫٘ب ٓؾٔل‬٤‫ ٗج‬٠ِ‫ٍِْ ػ‬ٝ ‫ هللا‬٠ِٕٝ ،ِْ‫ أػ‬٠ُ‫هللا رؼب‬ٝ .ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.‫أٗلَ٘ب‬
ٖ٤‫ أعٔؼ‬ٚ‫ٕؾج‬ٝ
Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: Allah has not burdened you with
making Tabdi' of the people, and to judge them as being "innovator(s)", Allah
has not burdened you with this. Seek knowledge now. If you seek knowledge,
you will know the innovation and the innovator (note: See Link 1 to read the
statement of the Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah, wherein he rahimahu Allah


says the same thing). As for you setting lose your tongue on everyone who
opposes you and everyone who does something, you criticize him and say he is
an innovator, the returns to you as sin (note: See Link 2 to read the statement
of the Sheikh Al-Albani rahimahu Allah wherein he says something similar), this
returns to you as sin. What is obligatory is that the person holds his tongue
from these issues, and seeks knowledge, busies himself with seeking
knowledge. Allah did not burden you with following up on the people, [and
saying]: He is an innovator, he is a Fasiq, he has this, he has that. Yes. Perhaps
[the one saying these things] has [something in him] worse than the one being
criticized. Upon us is to fear Allah with regards to ourselves. Yes. Wallahu
Ta'aalaa a'lam, wa sallaa Allahu wa sallam 'alaa Nabiyyinaa Muhammad, wa
'alaa Aalihi wa Sahbihi ajma'in.


02. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on random Takfir,
Tabdi Tafsiq etc.]

The question:

Noble Sheikh, what is your position on the one who makes Takfir of some of
the rulers after they died, their evidence being that they did not rule with the
Shari'ah and oppressed [and this being something known of them]; so is this

٠ُ‫ هللا رؼب‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ٓخ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٬‫ـ اُؼ‬٤ُْ‫هبٍ ا‬:


ٚ٤‫ٖ ك‬٤‫و أُؼ‬٤‫اَُ٘خ؛ صْ رٌل‬ٝ ‫َ ٖٓ اٌُزبة‬٤ُ‫ ثل‬٫‫ٖ؛ إ‬٤َُِٔٔ‫و ا‬٤‫ى رٌل‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫

‫ئًب ٖٓ اُ ٌُٔلِّواد ٓب‬٤ّ ٚٗ‫ صجذ أ‬ُٞ ٠‫؛ ؽز‬ٚ٤ِ‫ ٓبما ٓبد ػ‬١‫ رله‬٫ٝ ،‫ف‬٬‫افز‬
‫ عي ًٓب ثبٌُلو‬ٚ٤ِ‫ رؾٌْ ػ‬٬‫ ك‬،‫ ٓب ربة‬٫ٝ ‫ ربة‬ٞٛ ١‫رله‬.

The Sheikh the 'Allamah Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahullah:

It is not allowed to make Takfir of the Muslims; except with evidence from the
Book and the Sunnah; thereafter making Takfir of a specific person [who died]
is something the scholars have differed over, and you do not know about what
he died upon; even if it was established that he committed an act of Kufr, you
do not know if he repented or did not repent, so do not judge with Takfir with

ٖٔ‫ أٓب إٔ رق‬،‫ ًبكو‬ٜٞ‫ّ؛ ك‬ٞٔ‫ ٖٓ ثبة اُؼ‬،‫ًنا‬ٝ ‫ ٖٓ ػَٔ ًنا‬:ٍٞ‫ٌُٖ رو‬
‫ى‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ‫نا‬ٛ ‫كبح؛‬ُٞ‫ْ ػ٘ل ا‬ٜ‫ٕ إٔ رؼِْ ػٖ ؽبُز‬ٝ‫أُٗبًٍب ثل‬.

However you say: He who has done this and that, generally speaking; then he is
a Kafir, as for specifying people without knowing their state [of Iman] at the
moment of death; this is not allowed.

ٚ‫ ٓب ًِل‬،‫غ‬٣‫اُزجل‬ٝ ،‫ن‬٤َ‫اُزل‬ٝ ،‫و‬٤‫ ػٖ اُزٌل‬ٚٗ‫ؾلع َُب‬٣ ٕ‫َٗب‬٩‫ ًَ ؽبٍ ا‬٠ِ‫ػ‬

،‫ة‬ِٞ‫ٖ اُو‬٤‫ؤُق ث‬٣ٝ ،‫ هللا‬٠ُ‫ إ‬ٞ‫لػ‬٣ ،َِّْ‫زؼ‬٣ ،ٞٛ َٚ‫ِٖؼ ٗل‬٣ ٕ‫ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ ػ‬،‫نا‬ٜ‫هللا ث‬
ٕ‫ أ‬٫‫ إ‬ِٚ‫ ّـ‬٢ِ‫ق‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬ٚٗ‫ أٓب أ‬.ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ْ٘و أُؾجخ ث‬٣ٝ ،‫غٔغ أٌُِخ‬٣ٝ
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.‫جخ‬٤ٖٓ ٙ‫ن‬ٜ‫ٕ؛ ك‬٬‫ك‬ٝ ،ٕ٬‫ك‬ٝ ،‫ٕ ٓجزلع‬٬‫ك‬ٝ ،‫ٕ ًبكو‬٬‫ك‬.
In any case, a person should withhold his tongue from Takfir, and Tafsiq (calling
someone a Fasiq, or open sinner), and Tabdi' (calling someone a Mubtadi', or
innovator); Allah did not assign you with this. Upon the person is to rectify
himself, to learn, to call people to Allah, and to enjoin people with each other,
and to unite the word, and to spread the love between the Muslims. As for him
only being busy with: so-and-so is a Kafir, and so-and-so is a Mubtadi', and so-


and-so, and so-and so: Then this is a calamity. Yes.

١‫ٍ اُن‬٬ُٚ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ٍ؛ كؤٗذ رج‬٬ٙ ‫ب‬ٜ٤‫ْ ًزجًب ك‬ُٜ ‫فِق‬ٝ ،ً‫ إَٗبٕ أؿ َّو اُ٘ب‬٫‫إ‬
،‫ ًنا‬ٚ٤‫ ك‬٢ٗ٬‫ اُل‬ٚ‫ ًزبث‬:َ‫؛ ٌُٖ ه‬ٚ٘‫ ػ‬١‫ ٓب رله‬،ٚ٤ِ‫ رؾٌْ ػ‬٫ ٞٛ ‫ أٓب‬.ٚ‫ ًزج‬٢‫ك‬
‫نا‬ٛ ،ٙ‫ آفو‬٠ُ‫ إ‬.‫نا‬ٜ‫ؿزواه ث‬٫‫ا ٖٓ ا‬ٝ‫ؾنه‬٣ ٕ‫ٖ أ‬٤َُِٔٔ‫ ا‬٠ِ‫غت ػ‬٣ٝ ،‫ ًنا‬ٚ٤‫ك‬ٝ
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.-ََّ ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ هللا –ػ َّي‬٠ُ‫ْ إ‬ٜ‫ كػ‬،ْٜ‫ كػ‬،)..( ‫ّقبٓ ٓب‬٧‫ أٓب ا‬.ً‫ ثؤ‬٫.
Except if a person (i.e. a person who died) enticed the people, and left behind
for them books that have misguidance; then you clarify the misguidance that is
in his books. As for him (i.e. the person who died), then do not judge him, you
do not know about him; rather, say: His book such-and-such has within it this,
and it has that, and it is upon the Muslims to warn against being deceived by
this . . . there is nothing wrong with this

As for individuals . . . leave them, leave them to Allah 'Azza wa Jal. Yes.


03. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on how to deal
with the mistake of So-and-so]

The Question:

Ahsan Allah elaykum, we conclude with this question: Would you offer a
blessed word that you would direct to your sons and brothers from among the
students in the Islamic Ummah?


ِْ‫ِت اُؼ‬ٛ ‫إِخ‬ٞٓٝ ‫ هللا‬ٟٞ‫ ثزو‬:ٌْ٤ٕٞٗ .‫ ٗؼْ ًِٔخ‬ٚ٣‫ أ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫كؤعبة ؽلظ‬
ْ٤ِ‫رؼ‬ٝ َ‫ع‬ٝ ‫ هللا ػي‬٠ُ‫ح إ‬ٞ‫اُلػ‬ٝ ‫اُؼَٔ ثٔب ػٌِْٔ هللا‬ٝ ‫ مُي‬٠ِ‫اُؾوٓ ػ‬ٝ
ٖ‫ اُزْبؽ‬.ِْ‫ِجخ اُؼ‬ٛ ٖ٤‫ٕ ؽَٖ ث‬٥‫ ا‬٢ُ‫روى اُزْبؽٖ إ‬ٝ ْ‫اُ٘بً ٓب رؼِٔز‬
ٖٓ ‫ا‬ٝ‫ إؽنه‬:ِْ‫ِجخ اُؼ‬ٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫كوه‬ٝ ‫ٓخ‬٧‫ا ا‬ٞ‫ كوه‬٠‫ْ ؽز‬ٜ٘٤‫ِ ث‬٣‫اُزؾو‬ٝ ‫اَُجبة‬ٝ
ٕ٬‫ى! إما ًبٕ ك‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ‫نا ٓب‬ٛ .ٕ٬‫ ك‬٠ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٝ‫ رووأ‬٫ ٕ٬‫ٕ ٓغ ك‬َِٞ‫ رغ‬٫ ٕ٬‫ك‬
ٚ٘٤‫ث‬ٝ ‫٘ي‬٤‫ ث‬ٚ‫ ر٘بٕؾ‬:‫ فطؤ‬ٙ‫ػ٘ل‬
Sheikh Salih Al Fawzaan hafithahullah: Yes, a word. We advise you: With having
Taqwa of Allah, and continuing in seeking knowledge, and being eager in doing
so, and acting upon what Allah taught you, and calling to Allah 'Azza wa Jal,
and teaching the people what you have learned, and abandoning the bickering
that is taking place among the students. The bickering, insulting, and the
sowing of seeds of discord, such that they split apart the Ummah and split
apart the students: [Saying:] "Beware of so-and-so, do not sit with so-and-so,
do not read to so-and-so". This is not allowed! If so-and-so has made a mistake,
you advise him privately.

َ‫ هع‬ٝ‫بُت ِػِْ أ‬ٛ ٝ‫ ػبُِْ أ‬ٞٛٝ ٚ٘ٓ ‫رؾنه‬ٝ ً‫ٖ اُ٘ب‬٤‫نا ث‬ٛ ‫أٓب إٗي رْ٘و‬
‫غ اُلبؽْخ‬٤ْ‫ٕ إٔ ر‬ٞ‫ؾج‬٣ ٖ٣‫نا ْٗو! {إٕ اُن‬ٛ ‫عت‬ٞ٣ ٬‫ ك‬:‫ٕبُؼ ٌُٖ أفطؤ‬
}ِٕٞٔ‫ رؼ‬٫ ْ‫أٗز‬ٝ ِْ‫ؼ‬٣ ‫هللا‬ٝ ‫فوح‬٥‫ا‬ٝ ‫ب‬٤ٗ‫ اُل‬٢‫ْ ك‬٤ُ‫ْ ػناة أ‬ُٜ ‫ا‬ٞ٘ٓ‫ٖ آ‬٣‫ اُن‬٢‫ك‬
‫ِجخ‬ٛ ‫َّٔب‬٤ٍ ٫ٝ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫كح ث‬ُٞٔ‫اعت ا‬ُٞ‫ٖ ا‬٤َُِٔٔ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫اعت اُز٘بٕؼ ث‬ُٞ‫ا‬
‫َّٔب ٓغ اُؼِٔبء‬٤ٍ ٫ ِْ‫اُ ِؼ‬

As for spreading [this mistake of his] among the people, and to warn against
him, while he is a 'Aalim, or a student, or a righteous man, though he has made
a mistake, then this spreading [of the mistake] is not required! [The statement
of Allah, paraphrased:] {Verily, those who like that (the crime of) illegal sexual
intercourse should be propagated among those who believe, they will have a
painful torment in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you
know not} What is obligatory is for the Muslims to advise each other, what is
obligatory is mutual love between the Muslims, and especially the students,
and especially with the 'Ulamaa.


‫نا ٍجت‬ٛ :ْٜٚ‫و ٖٓ ثؼ‬٣‫اُزؾن‬ٝ ْٜٚ‫خ ٖٓ ثؼ‬٤ٕٞ‫ػلّ اُز‬ٝ ‫اؽزواّ اُؼِٔبء‬

‫ه‬ٞٓ٧‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ رغ٘ج‬. . . ‫ٍجت كز٘خ‬ٝ ‫ب‬ٚ‫رجبؿ‬ٝ ‫ٍجت رْبؽ٘ب‬ٝ ‫وح‬٤‫أّواها ًض‬
،}‫اؽلح‬ٝ ‫ أٓزٌْ أٓخ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٕ‫ {إ‬:ٚٗ‫ا ًٔب أهاك هللا ٍجؾب‬ًٞٗٞٝ .‫وا‬٤‫عياًْ هللا ف‬
ُْٜ ‫ُئي‬ٝ‫أ‬ٝ ‫٘بد‬٤‫ْ اُج‬ٛ‫ا ٖٓ ثؼل ٓب عبء‬ٞ‫افزِل‬ٝ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ٖ رلوه‬٣‫ا ًبُن‬ٌٞٗٞ‫ ر‬٫ٝ{
ْ٤‫}ػناة ػظ‬

Respecting the 'Ulamaa (i.e. that this should be done), not recommending
some of them, and warning against some of them: This is a reason for much
evil, and a reason for bickering, and hating, and a reason for Fitnah . . . avoid
these matters, jazakum Allahu khairan. And be as Allah Subhanah wants: [The
saying of Allah, paraphrased:] {And verily! This your religion is one religion},
[the statement of Allah, paraphrased:] And do not be like those who split apart
and differed after the clear signs came to them, and it is they who have a
painful torment.

ٕٝ‫ اُزؼب‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٕٞ‫ اؽو‬.ٌْ٘٤‫ اُز٘بٕؼ ث‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٕٞ‫ اؽو‬.‫ اُزآُق‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٕٞ‫اؽو‬
‫نا‬ٛ ٢‫ٕب ك‬ٖٞ‫ ف‬.ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ٖ ا‬٤‫ُلوم ث‬٣ ‫ا ٓب‬ٝ‫اؽنه‬ٝ ٟٞ‫اُزو‬ٝ ‫ اُجو‬٠ِ‫ػ‬
،ْٜ٘٤‫ هطغ اُ٘ياع ث‬٠ُ‫ ثؾبعخ إ‬،‫عزٔبع‬٩‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ ثؾبعخ إ‬:ٕ٥‫ٕ ا‬َُِٞٔٔ‫ ا‬.ٕ‫اُيٓب‬
‫ذ‬٤‫ رْز‬:٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٝ‫ٗب ُِؼل‬ٞ‫ٕ ػ‬ٝ‫و‬٤ٖ‫ ر‬٫ ،ٟٞ‫اُزو‬ٝ ‫ اُجو‬٠ِ‫ٕ ػ‬ٝ‫ اُزؼب‬٠ُ‫ثؾبعخ إ‬
ٖٓ :ِْ‫ِجخ اُؼ‬ٛٝ ‫ٖ اُؼِٔبء‬٤‫ إما ؽِٖذ اُلوهخ ث‬.ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ن ا‬٣‫رلو‬ٝ ،ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ا‬
‫ٓخ؟‬٨ُ ٠‫جو‬٣!

Be eager towards achieving harmony. Be eager towards advising one another.

Be eager towards cooperating upon righteousness and Taqwaa, and beware of
what will split apart the Muslims. Especially in this time. The Muslims now are in
need of coming together, are in need of cutting off argumentation between
them, are in need of cooperating upon righteousness and Taqwaa, and do not
be helpers of the enemy in dispersing the Muslims, and dividing the Muslims. If


splitting takes place with the 'Ulamaa and the students, who will be left for the

٢ُ‫ٖ اُ٘بً إ‬٤‫ٕ ث‬ٞ‫ِٖؾ‬٣ ٢ُ‫ِجخ اُؼِْ إ‬ٛ ٠ِ‫ ػ‬ٙ‫ اُْو‬. . .ٙ‫ْ ّو‬ٜ٤ِ‫اّ ٓب ػ‬ٞ‫اُؼ‬
ٙ‫ن‬ٛٝ ،‫برواد‬ُٜٔ‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛٝ ،‫ اُزْبؽ٘بد‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛٝ ،‫ه‬ٞٓ٧‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ‫ا‬ًٞ‫ ارو‬.ً‫ٕ اُ٘ب‬ِٞٔ‫ؼ‬٣
ٚ٤‫ؤًَ ُؾْ أف‬٣ ٕ‫ؾت أؽلًْ أ‬٣‫ب أ‬ٚ‫ٌْ ثؼ‬ٚ‫ـزت ثؼ‬٣ ٫ٝ{ ‫ٔخ‬٤ٓ‫اُقِٖخ اُن‬
}ْ٤‫و ٓؼزل أص‬٤‫ ٓ٘بع ُِق‬،ْ٤ٔ٘‫ٔبى ْٓبء ث‬ٛ ،ٖ٤ٜٓ ‫ف‬٬‫ رطغ ًَ ؽ‬٫ٝ{ ،}‫زب‬٤ٓ
‫ؼبف‬ٙ‫ إ‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ‫ٓخ‬٧‫ن ا‬٣‫ رلو‬٠ِ‫طبٕ ػ‬٤ُِْ ‫ٗب‬ٞ‫ا ػ‬ٌٞٗٞ‫ء! ر‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ‫ا‬ٞ‫ؼ‬٤‫ رط‬٫
‫ رٖلم اُْبئؼبد‬٫ !‫نا‬ٛ ‫ إما صجذ‬- - ٙٞ‫ ك٘بٕؾ‬:٬ِ‫ ف‬ٚ٤ِ‫ ٖٓ أكهًزْ ػ‬.‫ٓخ‬٧‫ا‬

The common Muslims [are not active] . . .[being active] is for the students who
make right what is between the people, who teach the people. Leave these
matters, and this bickering, and these altercations, and this reprehensible trait.
[Allah said, paraphrased:] {And do not backbite one another, would one of you
like to eat the flesh of his dead brother}, [And Allah said, paraphrased:] {And
obey not everyone who swears much, and is considered worthless, a slanderer,
going about with calumnies, hinderer of the good, transgressor, sinful}. Do not
obey these people! You will then be helpers to the Shaitan in dividing the
Ummah and in weaking the Ummah. He whom you have found to have a fault,
then advise him -- if such a fault is actually established! Do not believe in
‫بُخ‬ٜ‫ٓب ثغ‬ٞ‫ا ه‬ٞ‫ج‬٤ٖ‫ا إٔ ر‬ٞ٘٤‫ا إٕ عبءًْ كبٍن ث٘جؤ كزج‬ٞ٘ٓ‫ٖ آ‬٣‫ب اُن‬ٜ٣‫ب أ‬٣
ْ‫وثز‬ٙ ‫ا إما‬ٞ٘ٓ‫ٖ آ‬٣‫ب اُن‬ٜ٣‫ب أ‬٣ ]٠ُ‫هبٍ رؼب‬ٝ[ ،ٖ٤ٓ‫ ٓب كؼِزْ ٗبك‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٞ‫كزٖجؾ‬
‫ّ َُذ ٓؤٓ٘ب‬٬َُ‫ٌْ ا‬٤ُ‫ إ‬٠‫ا ُٖٔ أُو‬ُٞٞ‫ رو‬٫ٝ ‫ا‬ٞ٘٤‫َ هللا كزج‬٤‫ ٍج‬٢‫ك‬

Allah said, paraphrased: O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to
you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards
you become regretful to what you have done. [Allah said, paraphrased:] O you
who believe! When you go (to fight) in the Cause of Allah, verify (the truth),
and say not to anyone who greets you (by embracing Islam): You are not a


٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ؽلح ًِٔخ ا‬ٝ ٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ اعزٔبع ا‬٠ِ‫ ؽش ػ‬:٬‫ػ‬ٝ ‫هللا ػي‬
.‫ا اُقطؤ‬ٞ‫ إِٔؾ‬. . . ٫ ،‫ا اُقطؤ‬ًٞ‫ٍ ارو‬ٞ‫ ٓب ٗو‬.‫ اُز٘بٕؼ‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ٕٝ‫اُزؼب‬
.‫خ‬٤‫ ثبُطوم اُْوػ‬ٚٗٞ‫ٕ اُقطؤ ٌُٖ رِٖؾ‬ًٞ‫ ٓب رزو‬.‫ا اُقطؤ‬ٞ‫ إِٔؾ‬:ٍٞ‫ٗو‬
٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ‫٘ب ٓؾٔل‬٤‫ ٗج‬٠ِ‫ٍِْ ػ‬ٝ ‫ هللا‬٠ِٕٝ ،٠ٙ‫و‬٣ٝ ‫ؾت‬٣ ‫غ ُٔب‬٤ٔ‫كن هللاُ اُغ‬ٝ
ٖ٤‫ أعٔؼ‬ٚ‫إٔؾبث‬ٝ ُٚ‫آ‬.

Allah 'Azza wa 'Ulaa urgerd us with uniting the Muslims, and with uniting the
word of the Muslims, and with cooperating, and with advising. We do not say
leave the mistake, no . . . correct the mistake. We say: Correct the mistake. You
do not leave the mistake, however you correct it in the legislated way. May
Allah grant everyone success by guiding them to what He loves and is pleased
with, wa sallaa Allah wa sallam wa barak 'alaa Nabiyyinaa muhammad, wa 'alaa
Aalihi wa Ashabihi ajma'in

Ref: The end of: Sharh Kitab Al-Siyam (the explanation of the Book of Fasting)
min Kitab: Dalil Al-Talib, from the book: Dalil Al-Talib, Sha'ban 24, 1434

04. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on throwing out
someone who disagrees with the Salafis]

The Question:

Does he who opposes the Firqah Al-Najiyyah (the Saved Sect) Al-Ta'ifah Al-
Mansurah (the Victorious Group) in the issue of Wala' wal-Bara' (association
and disassociation), or in the issue of hearing and obeying the rulers, the
righteous of them and the evil of them, so long as they do not order with sin;
exit from [the Firqah Al-Najiyyah Al-Ta'ifah Al-Mansurah], [while he agrees]
with them in the rest of the issues of 'Aqidah?

ٚٗ‫ كئ‬،‫ء‬٢ّ ٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫اكو‬ٝٝ ‫ء‬٢ّ ٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫ إما فبُل‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬


ٚ٤ِ‫ا ػ‬ٞ‫اكو‬ٝ ‫ٔب‬٤‫ْ ك‬ٜ٘ٓٝ ،ٚ٤‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫ٔب فبُل‬٤‫ْ ك‬ٜ٘ٓ ٌٕٞ٣ ٫

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahulla: If he opposes them in something and

agrees with them in something, then he is not of (or among) them in that thing
he has opposed them in, and he is with them in that which he agrees (i.e. does
not oppose) them in.

Ref: Al-Ajwibah Al-Mufidah 'An As'ilah Al-Manahij Al-Jadidah, p. 121

05. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on boycotting the

The Question:
What is the position of the Muslim with regards to those who believe in the
'Aqidah of some of the groups; like the Asha'irah and Al-Sufiyyah, and those
like them? Are they boycotted after advising them? And do we give them the

ٕ‫ؾخ؛ كئ‬٤‫لح اُٖؾ‬٤‫ْ اُؼو‬ُٜ ٖ٤‫ج‬٣ٝ ٕٞ‫ٖ٘ؾ‬٣ :‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
‫ْ؛‬ٜ‫ثز‬ٞ‫كاع ُز‬ٝ ُْٜ ‫ْ هكع‬ٛ‫غو‬ٛ ٢‫ًبٕ ك‬ٝ ،ٖ٤‫لح أُقبُل‬٤‫ ػو‬٠ِ‫ا ػ‬ٝ‫إٔو‬
ٖ٤‫ج‬٣ ٌُٖٝ ،ٕٝ‫غو‬ٜ٣ ٫ ْٜٗ‫ ّواً؛ كئ‬٫‫ْ إ‬ٛ‫ل‬٣‫ي‬٣ ٫ ْٛ‫غو‬ٛ ‫ أٓب‬.ٕٝ‫غو‬ٜ٣ ْٜٗ‫كئ‬
ْٜ٣‫ل‬ٜ٣ ‫ْ ُؼَ هللا‬ٜ‫ؾز‬٤ٖٗ ٢‫َزٔو ك‬٣ٝ ،ٕٞ‫ٖ٘ؾ‬٣ٝ ُْٜ٬ٙٝ ْٛ‫فطؤ‬

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: They are advised and the correct
'Aqidah is made clear to them; and if they continue upon the 'Aqidah of the
opposers, and in their boycotting was a deterrence for them and...[a means to]
their repentance; then they are boycotted. As for if their boycotting does not
increase them except in evil; then they are not boycotted, however their
mistakes and misguidance are made clear to them and they are advised, and
[you] continue in advising them, perhaps Allah will guide them

Ref: Al-Ta'liqat Al-Mukhtasirah 'Alaa Al-Qasidah Al-Nuniyyah Li Ibn Al-Qayyim, p.



06. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on people

slandering the ‘Ulamah]

The Question:

There are those who attack some of the Mashayikh, like the Sheikh 'Abdullah
Bin Jibrin rahimahu Allah, and they describe him with some descriptions that
are not appropriate; so what is your guidance towards the likes of them? And
what is your advice to those who have made the Jarh/criticism of the 'Ulamaa
and Du'aat that which busies them?

ٕٝ‫و‬ٚ٣ ٫ٝ ،َْٜ‫ أٗل‬٫‫ٕ إ‬ٝ‫و‬ٚ٣ ٫ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ :‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

٘‫ ثؼ‬ٙ‫ـ ػ٘ل‬٣‫٘ب إٔ ثؼ٘ أُْب‬ٙ‫ كو‬ُٞٝ ،َْٜ‫ أٗل‬٫‫ٕ إ‬ٝ‫و‬ٚ٣٫ ‫ـ؛‬٣‫أُْب‬
‫ رَزـلو‬،‫ى‬ٞ‫ أف‬ٚٗ٧ ،ُٚ ‫َزـلو‬٣ ً ‫زب‬٤ٓ ٕ‫إٕ ًب‬ٝ ،‫٘بٕؼ‬٣ ً ‫ب‬٤‫ كئٕ ًبٕ ؽ‬،‫اُقطؤ‬
ٖ٣‫اٗ٘ب اُن‬ٞ‫ف‬٩ٝ ‫ هث٘ب اؿلو ُ٘ب‬:‫عو‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ‫اة‬ٞ‫اُض‬ٝ ‫ أُـلوح‬ُٚ ‫رَؤٍ هللا‬ٝ ،ُٚ
ٕ‫ٔب‬٣٩‫ٗب ثب‬ٞ‫ٍجو‬
Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: They do not harm anyone except
themselves, and they do not harm the Mashayikh; they do not harm anyone
except themselves, and if we were to assume that some of the Mashayikh have
some mistakes, then if he is alive we advise him, and if he is dead we seek
Allah's Forgiveness for him (nastaghfir lahu), because he is your brother, we
seek Allah's Forgiveness for him, and we ask Allah to grant him His Forgiveness
and Reward and good deeds: Our Lord forgive us and our brothers who have
preceded us in Iman.



07. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on forcing others
to accept the tabdi of an ‘Alim]

The Question:

What is the ruling on those who force the people on accepting the ruling of
Tabdi' on some of the Du'aat and basing their Wala' wa Bara' (their association
and disassociation) on that, and boycotting the one who does not make Tabdi'
of that person?

‫ هَ أٗب‬،‫نا‬ٛ ٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫ؼ‬٤‫ رط‬٫ٝ ‫نا‬ٜ‫ رِزيّ ث‬٫ :‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬،‫ء‬٢ّ ٚ٘‫ أػوف ػ‬٫ٝ ٚ٤‫ أكفَ ك‬٫ٝ ‫نا‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ هللا‬٢٘٤‫ٓؼبك‬ٝ ‫نا‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ء‬١‫ثو‬

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: He is not to be forced with this (or
such rulings are not to be imposed on others) nor are you to obey them in this,
say: "I am free of this, and Allah has granted me well-being (by protecting me,
or keeping me away) from this, nor do I involve myself in it, nor do I know
anything of it". Yes.

Ref: From the lesson on Tafsir in the Haram, 14th of Rajab, the year 1433 Hijri


08. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on tasting

someone based on his comments on an ‘Alim]

The Question:

Virtuous Sheikh -- may Allah grant you success -- there is a phenomenon among
the young ones and it is the testing of people with individuals, so if you agree
with the one testing you are from Ahl Al-Sunnah, and if you oppose him, then
you are an innovator. So what is your advice concerning this?

‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫اكن اٌُزبة‬ٝ ٖٓ ٍٞ‫ؾخ إٔ ٗو‬٤ُٖ٘‫ ا‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ ٓؾٔلا‬٫‫ إ‬،ٓ‫ّقب‬٧‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ٕ ٗظو إ‬ٝ‫ ك‬،‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أ‬ٜٞ‫ك‬
٢‫ {ُول ًبٕ ٌُْ ك‬.ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ ه‬٫‫ ٗزجغ إ‬٫ ٖ‫ ك٘ؾ‬.ٍِْٝ
‫٘ب‬٣‫ اهزل‬ٚ‫ كٖٔ ارجؼ‬،]ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ[ ٙ‫و‬٤‫أٓب ؿ‬ٝ .}‫ح ؽَ٘خ‬ٍٞ‫ٍ هللا أ‬ٍٞ‫ه‬
‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ ه‬ٞٛ ‫ كبُٔزجغ‬.ٚ‫ٍِْ] كئٗ٘ب ٗقبُل‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ[ ٚ‫ٖٓ فبُل‬ٝ ٚ‫ث‬
ٕ‫ "ٖٓ ىػْ أ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫ّ هؽ‬٬ٍ٩‫ـ ا‬٤ّ ٍٞ‫و‬٣ ‫نا‬ُٜٝ .ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ
‫َززبة كئٕ ربة‬٣ ٚٗ‫ٍِْ كئ‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍٍٞ‫و اُو‬٤‫ ؿ‬ٚ‫غت ارجبػ‬٣ ‫ّقٖب‬
٬‫ ك‬.ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍٍٞ‫و اُو‬٤‫زجغ ؿ‬٣ ٖٓ ‫٘بى‬ٛ ٕ‫ أصجذ أ‬ٚٗ٧..."٫‫إ‬ٝ
ٓ‫ّقب‬٧‫ ٗٔزؾٖ اُ٘بً ثب‬٫ٝ .ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍٍٞ‫ ٖٓ ارجغ اُو‬٫‫زجغ إ‬٣
‫ إما‬.ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍٍٞ‫ارجبع اُو‬ٝ ،‫اَُ٘خ‬ٝ ‫ْ ثبٌُزبة‬ٜ٘‫إٗٔب ٗٔزؾ‬ٝ
‫غت‬٣ ١‫ اُن‬ٞٛ ٕ٧ .ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ٍٍٞ‫ْ ثبُو‬ٜ٘‫ آزؾ‬،ٔ‫ا ّق‬ٞ٘‫رٔزؾ‬
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.]ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ[ ٚ‫هزلاء ث‬٫‫ا‬ٝ ٚ‫ارجبػ‬

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: The advice is that he who agrees
with the Book and the Sunnah then he is from Ahl Al-Sunnah, without looking
at individuals, except Muhammad sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So we do not
follow anyone except the Messenger sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam. {There was
for you in the Messenger of Allah a good example}. And as for other than [the
Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam], then he who follows [the Prophet
sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] then we be like him, and he who opposes [the
Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] then we oppose [that person]. So the


one who is to be followed is the Messenger of Allah sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa

sallam. And due to this Sheikh Al-Islam [Ibn Taimiyyah] rahimahu Allah said: "He
who alleges that it is obligatory to follow a person other than the Messenger
sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam, then he is made to repent, and if he does not..."
This is because he has affirmed that there is a person other than the Messenger
sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam who is to be followed. And we do not test the
people with individuals, rather we test them with the Book and the Sunnah,
[and with] following the Messenger sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam. If you test
someone, test them with the Messenger sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Because it is he [sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam] whom it is obligatory to follow
and be like. Yes.


09. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on the statement:
So-and-so is not salafi]

The Question:

In recent times there has been an increase in insults by saying "so-and-so is not
a Salafi, or is not of the Salafiyyin", so is this statement considered one of
Tabdi', and if so, is establishing the proof against [the one being insulted this
way] necessary?

،‫ اُؾٔلهلل‬.‫نا‬ٜ‫هللا أٗب أؽنه ٖٓ اُز٘بثن ث‬ٝ :‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬

٠ِ‫ْ ػ‬ًِٜ ،‫و‬٤‫ ف‬٠ِ‫ْ إٕ ّبء هللا ػ‬ًِٜ ،ِْ‫ة اُؼ‬٬‫ء اُط‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ،ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ء ا‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ
،‫خ‬٤‫قوط ٖٓ اَُِل‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬،َٜ‫ ع‬ٝ‫و أ‬٤ٖ‫ْ رو‬ٜٚ‫إٕ ًبٕ ػ٘ل ثؼ‬ٝ ،‫لح اَُِق‬٤‫ػو‬
‫ك‬٫ٝ‫أ‬ٝ ٕ‫ا‬ٞ‫ف‬٩‫ا‬ٝ ِْ‫ٖ اُطِجخ اُؼ‬٤‫ى ث‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ّ٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ .ّ٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ ‫ى‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ٝ
‫غت اُز٘بٕؼ؛ إما‬٣ .ّ٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ ‫ى‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫ ،ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ك ا‬٬‫ اُج‬٢‫ك‬ٝ ،ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ا‬


ٖٓ ٌ٤ُ ٚٗ‫ؼ) أ‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ ‫و‬٤‫ّ ؿ‬٬ٌُ‫ أٓب (ا‬.ٚ‫ ر٘بٕؾ‬،‫ؽظخ‬٬ٓ ‫ي‬٤‫ أف‬٠ِ‫ذ ػ‬٣‫هأ‬
‫خ‬٤‫ اَُِل‬٢‫لػ‬٣ ْٜٚ‫ثؼ‬...‫خ‬٤‫ٌٖٔ أٗذ ٓب رؼوف اَُِل‬٣ ،‫خ‬٤‫ ٖٓ اَُِل‬٫ٝ ،‫اَُِق‬
ّ٬ٌُ‫ب (ا‬ٛ‫ِ ٓؼ٘ب‬٣ٝ ‫خ‬٤‫ ػٖ اَُِل‬ُٚ‫ؼ) إما رَؤ‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ ‫و‬٤‫ّ ؿ‬٬ٌُ‫ (ا‬.‫ب‬ٜ‫ؼوك‬٣ ‫ٓب‬
ْ‫ٗؼ‬...)‫ؼ‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ ‫و‬٤‫ؿ‬

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: By Allah, I warn against this insult.
Alhamdulillah, those Muslimin, those students, all of them in shaa' Allah are
upon goodness, all of them are upon the 'Aqidah of the Salaf, even if some of
them have some shortcomings or ignorance, so he does not leave Al-Salafiyyah
(due to such shortcomings or ignorance), and these words are not allowed.
These words are not allowed [to be said] between the students and the
brothers and the children of the Muslimin, and in the lands of the Muslimin,
these words are not allowed. What is obligatory is giving advice; if you notice
something from your brother, you advise him. As for (words are unclear) that
he is not from the Salaf, nor from Al-Salafiyyah, maybe you don't know what Al-
Salafiyyah is...some of them claim Al-Salafiyyah yet they do not know it. (Words
are unclear) if you were to ask him about Al-Salafiyyah and what it means
(words are unclear)...yes


10. [Shaykh Salih Ibn Fawzaan Al Fawzaan hafithahu Allah on throwing away
a scholar and not taking anything from him based on his ‘MISTAKE’]

The Question:

A difference in opinion has taken place between the students on the definition
of the Mubtadi' (innovator), so some of them said: He is the one who said or
committed (by an action) an innovation, even if the proof has not been


established against him (i.e. even if he has not been told of the proof of why
this is an innovation); and some of them said: It is necessary to establish the
proof against him [first]; and some of them differentiated between the 'Aalim
Mujtahid and those whose principles oppose the Manhaj of Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-
Jama'ah, and there appeared from some of these positions the Tabdi' of Ibn
Hajar and Al-Nawawi, and [the position of] not asking for Allah's Mercy for
them. We seek from your eminence the shedding of light on this issue which
much has been said regarding it. Jazakum Allahu khairaa.

ٖٓ ْٛ‫و‬٤‫ؿ‬ٝ ٖ٤‫ ُِطِجخ أُجزلئ‬٢‫٘جـ‬٣ ٫ :ً٫ٝ‫ أ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ىإ ؽلظ‬ٞ‫ـ ٕبُؼ اُل‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ْٛ‫ٌ ػ٘ل‬٤ُ ْٛٝ ‫و‬٤‫ٕ مُي أٓو فط‬٧ ‫ن؛‬٤َ‫اُزل‬ٝ ‫غ‬٣‫ا ثبُزجل‬ِٞ‫ْزـ‬٣ ٕ‫اُؼبٓخ أ‬
،ْٜ٘٤‫بء ث‬ٚ‫اُجـ‬ٝ ‫ح‬ٝ‫ُؾلس اُؼلا‬٣ ‫نا‬ٛ ً ‫ب‬ٚ٣‫أ‬ٝ ،‫ع‬ُٞٙٞٔ‫نا ا‬ٛ ٢‫خ ك‬٣‫كها‬ٝ ِْ‫ػ‬
ٚ٤‫ ثَ ك‬،ٚ٤‫ كبئلح ك‬٫ ‫ْ ػٔب‬ٜ‫ًق أَُ٘ز‬ٝ ،ِْ‫ّزـبٍ ثطِت اُؼ‬٫‫ْ ا‬ٜ٤ِ‫اعت ػ‬ُٞ‫كب‬
ْٛ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ،ْٜ٤ِ‫وح ػ‬ٚٓ.

Al-Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan hafithahu Allah: First of all: It is not befitting for the
beginning students and others from among the common Muslims to busy
themselves with Tabdi' and Tafsiq (calling someone a Fasiq, open sinner);
because this is a dangerous matter, and they do not have knowledge and
awareness of this issue, and this causes enmity and hatred between them, so
what is obligatory upon them is to be busy with seeking knowledge, and
holding their tongues from what there is no benefit in, rather from what is
harmful to them, and to others
:ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ُٚٞ‫؛ ُو‬ٚ٘ٓ ٌ٤ُ ‫ٖ ٓٔب‬٣‫ اُل‬٢‫ ٓب أؽلس ك‬:‫ اُجلػخ‬:ً‫ب‬٤ٗ‫صب‬
‫ء أُقبُق‬٢ُْ‫إما كؼَ ا‬ٝ ،"‫ هك‬ٜٞ‫ ك‬ٚ٘ٓ ٌ٤ُ ‫نا ٓب‬ٛ ‫ أٓوٗب‬٢‫"ٖٓ أؽلس ك‬
‫ؼزجو‬٣ ِٚٔ‫ ٌُٖ ٓب ػ‬،‫ ٓجزلع‬ٚٗ‫ ثؤ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ؾٌْ ػ‬٣ ٫ٝ ،ِٜٚ‫ؼنه ثغ‬٣ ٚٗ‫ كئ‬:ً٬ٛ‫عب‬

Secondly: The innovation: What was newly introduced in the Din while it is not
from it; due to the statement [of the Prophet] sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam
(paraphrased): "He who newly introduced in this matter of ours what is not
from it, then it is rejected", and if [a person] did something that opposes [the


Shari'ah] out of ignorance: His ignorance is excused, and he is not judged to be

an innovator, however his action is considered an innovation
،١ُٝٞ٘‫ا‬ٝ ،‫ ًبثٖ ؽغو‬،ٙ‫و‬٤‫ب ؿ‬ٜ٤‫ٍ ك‬َّٝ ‫خ رؤ‬٣‫بك‬ٜ‫ أفطبء اعز‬ٙ‫ ٖٓ ًبٕ ػ٘ل‬:ً‫صبُضب‬
ٌُٖٝ ،‫ ٓجزلع‬ٚٗ‫ ثؤ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ُؾٌْ ػ‬٣ ٫ :‫َ ثؼ٘ اُٖلبد‬٣ٝ‫ٔب ٖٓ رؤ‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫وغ‬٣ ‫ٓب هل‬ٝ
‫ ٖٓ فلٓخ‬ٙ‫ٔب أُـلوح ثٔب هلٓب‬ُٜ ٠‫وع‬٣ٝ ،‫ٔب فطؤ‬ٜ٘ٓ َٖ‫ ؽ‬١‫نا اُن‬ٛ :ٍ‫ُوب‬٣
ٕ‫هب‬ٞ‫ص‬ٞٓ ،ٕ٬٤ِ‫ٔب إٓبٓبٕ ع‬ٜ‫ ك‬،ٍِْٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ هللا ػ‬٠ِٕ ‫ٍ هللا‬ٍٞ‫ٔخ ََُّ٘خ ه‬٤‫ػظ‬
ِْ‫َ اُؼ‬ٛ‫ػ٘ل أ‬.

Thirdly: He who has mistakes [committed out of Ijtihad] Ibn Hajr, and Al-
Nawawi, and what could have been committed by them by (mis)interpreting
some of the Sifat: He is not judged to be an innovator, however it is said: This
which took place from him is wrong, and forgiveness is hoped for him because
of what he put forward of a great service to the Sunnah of the Messenger of
Allah sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam, so they are two dignified Imams,
considered trustworthy by Ahl Al-'Ilm.

Ref: Al-Muntaqa Min Fatawa Al-Fawzan, 2 / 211-212


Advices from The Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin

Al Abbad Hafidhahu-Allahu ta’ala


01. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks
of the beginnings of the small group within Ahl Al-Sunnah who have busied
themselves with criticizing and warning against some of their brothers from
Ahl Al-Sunnah, and mentions the difference between their way and the way
of the Imam Ibn Baz and the Imam Ibn 'Utheimin rahimahumaa Allah]

The Sheikh hafithahu Allah said.

ٕ‫ ٓب ًب‬٠ِ‫ٖ ػ‬٣‫اُغٔبػخ اَُبئو‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أ‬٢‫ٖ ثبُؼِْ اُْوػ‬٤ِ‫كئٕ أُْزـ‬

،ْٜ٘٤‫ٔب ث‬٤‫اُز٘بٕؼ ك‬ٝ ‫ اُزآُق‬٠ُ‫نا اُؼٖو إ‬ٛ ٢‫ط ك‬ٞ‫ْ أؽ‬ٛ ‫ٓخ‬٧‫ ٍِق ا‬ٚ٤ِ‫ػ‬
‫ ٍِق‬ٚ٤ِ‫ؽياة أُ٘ؾوكخ ػٔب ًبٕ ػ‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ‫ِخ ثبَُ٘جخ ُِلوم‬٤ِ‫ْ هِخ ه‬ٛٝ ‫ٔب‬٤ٍ٫
:ٖ٤ِ٤ِ‫ٖ اُغ‬٤‫ق‬٤ُْ‫افو ىٖٓ ا‬ٝ‫ أ‬٢‫ك‬ٝ ‫اد‬ٍٞ٘ ‫هجَ أًضو ٖٓ ػْو‬ٝ ،‫ٓخ‬٧‫ا‬
‫ٔب هللا‬ٜٔ‫ٖ هؽ‬٤ٔ٤‫ـ ٓؾٔل ثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬ٝ ‫ي ثٖ ثبى‬٣‫ـ ػجل اُؼي‬٤ُْ‫ق٘ب ا‬٤ّ
٘‫و ٖٓ ثؼ‬٣‫ّزـبٍ ثبُزؾن‬٫‫ ا‬٠ُ‫َ اَُ٘خ إ‬ٛ‫ِخ علاً ٖٓ أ‬٤ِ‫ذ كئخ ه‬ٜ‫ارغ‬
‫ه‬ٌْٞٓٝ ‫ك‬ٞٔ‫ ػَٔ ٓؾ‬ٞٛٝ ،‫ٓخ‬٧‫ ٍِق ا‬ٚ٤ِ‫ؽياة أُقبُلخ ُٔب ًبٕ ػ‬٧‫ا‬

For indeed those from Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah who walk upon what the
Salaf of the Ummah were upon, [those] who busy themselves with the
knowledge of the Shari'ah, are the most in need in this time of harmony and
the giving of advice between them, especially since they are few with regards
to the sects and the Ahzab (plural of: Hizb) who have deviated from what the
Salaf of the Ummah were upon, and more than ten years ago and during the
last period of the era of the two great Sheikhs: Our Sheikh 'Abdul-'Aziz Bin Baz
and the Sheikh Muhammad Bin 'Utheimin rahimahumaa Allah, a very small
group from Ahl Al-Sunnah moved towards being busy with warning against
some of the Ahzab who opposed what the Salaf of the Ummah were upon, and
this is an act that is praised and [one they are] thanked for.

٘‫َ ٖٓ ثؼ‬٤ُ٘‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ اُلئخ إ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٘‫ ثؼ‬ٚ‫ٖ ارغ‬٤‫ق‬٤ُْ‫كبح ا‬ٝ ‫ ثؼل‬ٚٗ‫ٌُٖ أُؤٍق أ‬ٝ
ٖٓ ‫ٓخ‬٧‫ ٍِق ا‬ٚ٤ِ‫ اُزَٔي ثٔب ًبٕ ػ‬٠ُ‫ٖ إ‬٤‫َ اَُ٘خ اُلاػ‬ٛ‫ْ ٖٓ أ‬ٜٗ‫ا‬ٞ‫إف‬


‫ا‬ٝ‫ْل‬٣ٝ ْٜٗ‫ا إؽَب‬ِٞ‫وج‬٣ ٕ‫ْ أ‬ٜ٤ِ‫ْ ػ‬ٜ‫ًبٕ ٖٓ ؽو‬ٝ ،‫ب‬ٜ‫فبهع‬ٝ ‫ك‬٬‫كافَ اُج‬
٫ ْ‫ ص‬،‫ فطؤ‬ٚٗ‫ْ ٖٓ فطؤ إما صجذ أ‬ٜ٘ٓ َٖ‫ٔب ؽ‬٤‫ْ ك‬ٛٝ‫َلك‬٣ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ْ ػ‬ٛ‫أىه‬
ِْ‫ٕ ثبُؼ‬ِٞ‫ْزـ‬٣ َ‫ ث‬،ْٜ٘ٓ ‫و‬٣‫اُزؾن‬ٝ ْٛ‫ْ ثنًو‬َُٜ‫ْ ثؼٔبهح ٓغب‬َٜ‫ٕ أٗل‬ِٞ‫ْـ‬٣
‫ح‬ٞ‫كػ‬ٝ ً ‫ٔب‬٤ِ‫رؼ‬ٝ ً ‫ػب‬٬ٛ‫ا‬

However what is regretful is that after the deaths of the two Sheikhs some of
this group moved towards gaining the best of some of their brothers from Ahl
Al-Sunnah who call towards the holding onto what the Salaf of the Ummah
were upon, those who were in [Saudi Arabia] and outside of it, and what was
upon [some of this small group within Ahl Al-Sunnah] was to accept their good
and strive in that and to correct what took place with them of mistakes if it was
estalished that it was a mistake, thereafter [they should not] busy themselves
with [filling] their sittings with mentioning [their brothers from Ahl Al-Sunnah]
and warning against them, rather [they should] busy themselves with
knowledge -- looking into it, teaching it, and calling to it.

‫ـ ػجل‬٤ُْ‫ق٘ب ا‬٤ّ ٚ٤ِ‫ ًبٕ ػ‬١‫ػ اُن‬٬ٕ٩‫ا‬ٝ ‫ػ‬٬ُِٖ ْ٣ٞ‫ظ اُو‬ُٜ٘ٔ‫ ا‬ٞٛ ‫نا‬ٛٝ
،‫ هللا‬ٚٔ‫نا اُؼٖو هؽ‬ٛ ٢‫اُغٔبػخ ك‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ي ثٖ ثبى إٓبّ أ‬٣‫اُؼي‬
٠ُ‫ْ ثؾبعخ إ‬ٛٝ ِٕٞ٤ِ‫نا اُؼٖو ه‬ٛ ٢‫َ اَُ٘خ ك‬ٛ‫ٕ ثبُؼِْ ٖٓ أ‬ِٞ‫أُْزـ‬ٝ
‫غ‬ٛ‫ اُزوب‬٠ُ‫ إ‬٫ ‫ اُزآُق‬٠ُ‫إ‬ٝ ٔ‫ اُز٘به‬٠ُ‫ إ‬٫ ‫بك‬٣‫ىك‬٫‫ا‬

And this is the true Manhaj for righteousness and reforming that our Sheikh
the Sheikh 'Abdul-'Aziz Bin Baz the Imam of Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah in this
time rahimahu Allah was upon, and those from Ahl Al-Sunnah who busy
themselves with knowledge in this time are few, and they are in need of
increasing, not in decreasing; and [they are in need of] harmony, not of being
cut off of one another.

Ref: ‫ رفقاُ أهل السنة بأهل السنة‬:‫ومرة أخرى‬


02. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al hafithahu Allah mentions

three of his former students and says clearly that their Manhaj in refutations
is different from the Manhaj of the Imam Ibn Baz rahimahu Allah]

The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah said,

‫ن اُغبهػ‬٤ِٔ‫ظ اُز‬ٜ٘ٓ ٖ‫قزِق ػ‬٣ ‫ هللا ـ‬ٚٔ‫ي ثٖ ثبى ـ هؽ‬٣‫ـ ػجل اُؼي‬٤ُْ‫ظ ا‬ٜ٘ٓ
‫ اٍزلبكح‬٠ِ‫اُؾوٓ ػ‬ٝ ٖ٤ُِِّ‫ا‬ٝ ‫زََّْ ثبُوِّكن‬٣ ‫ـ‬٤ُْ‫ظ ا‬ٜ٘ٓ ٕ٧ َّ ‫؛‬ٜٚ‫ْج‬٣ َٖٓ ٝ
ُْ ََّ‫ز‬٤‫ ك‬ٜٚ‫ْج‬٣ َٖٓ ٝ ‫أ َّٓب اُغبه ُػ‬ٝ ،‫ٓخ‬٬َُ‫ن ا‬٣‫و‬ٛ ٠ُ‫ إ‬ٙ‫ل‬٤‫فن ث‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ‫ػ‬ُٖٞ٘ٔ‫ا‬
٢٘‫ُض‬٣ ٕ‫ ًب‬ٚ‫ز‬ٛ‫ أّو‬٢‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫ٖ عوؽ‬٣‫ٕ ِٖٓ اُن‬ٝ‫و‬٤‫ًض‬ٝ ،‫و‬٣‫اُزؾن‬ٝ ‫و‬٤‫اُز٘ل‬ٝ ‫ثبُْ َّلح‬
،ً‫ْ اُ٘ب‬٤ِ‫رؼ‬ٝ ‫ح‬ٞ‫ اُلػ‬٠ِ‫ْ ػ‬ُّٜ‫ؾض‬٣ٝ ُْٜ ٞ‫لػ‬٣ٝ ‫ي‬٣‫ـ ػجل اُؼي‬٤ُْ‫ْ ا‬ٜ٤ِ‫ػ‬
ْٜ٘‫فن ػ‬٧‫ا‬ٝ ْٜ٘ٓ ‫ٍزلبكح‬٫‫ ا‬٠ِ‫ؾش ػ‬ ُّ َ٣ٝ

The Manhaj of the Sheikh 'Abdul-'Aziz Bin Baz rahimahu Allah differs from the
Manhaj of the student who criticizes and those who are like him; because the
Manhaj of the Sheikh [Ibn Baz rahimahu Allah] is characterized by gentleness
and leniency and being eager for the [one being advised] to benefit and [by]
taking him by the hand to the safe way, and as for the [student who criticizes]
and those like him then [his Manhaj] is characterized with harshness and
driving the people away and warning against people, and many of the people
whom he has criticized in his tapes were those whom the Sheikh 'Abdul-'Aziz
[Bin Baz rahimahu Allah] used to praise and supplicate for and motivate to
engage in Da'wah and teach the people, and [the Sheikh Ibn Baz rahimahu
Allah] used to urge [the people] to benefit from them and take [knowledge]
from them.

Ref: Al-Hathh 'Alaa Ittiba' Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Tahthir Min Al-Bida' Wa Bayan

Khatarihaa, p. 68


03. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah gives
the reasons for the current ongoing Fitnah between Ahl Al-Sunnah]

The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah said,

،ً‫وا‬٣‫رؾن‬ٝ ً ‫ؾب‬٣‫َ اَُ٘خ ثجؼ٘ رغو‬ٛ‫نا اُيٓبٕ اْٗـبٍ ثؼ٘ أ‬ٛ ٢‫ؽَٖ ك‬
ٖ٤‫ئن ثَ أُزؼ‬٬ُ‫ًبٕ ا‬ٝ ،‫بعو‬ٜ‫اُز‬ٝ ‫ف‬٬‫فز‬٫‫ا‬ٝ ‫ مُي اُزلوم‬٠ِ‫رورت ػ‬ٝ
‫اء‬ٞٛ٧‫ا‬ٝ ‫َ اُجلع‬ٛ‫ أ‬ٚ‫ع‬ٝ ٢‫اؽلاً ك‬ٝ ً ‫ْ ٕلب‬ٜ‫ك‬ٞ‫ه‬ٝٝ ،ْٜ٘٤‫اُزواؽْ ث‬ٝ ‫اك‬ٞ‫اُز‬
ٖ٤‫ ٍجج‬٠ُ‫وعغ مُي إ‬٣ٝ ،‫اُغٔبػخ‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ٧ ٖ٤‫أُقبُل‬

That which has taken place in this time is some of Ahl Al-Sunnah busying
themselves with criticizing and boycotting some [of Ahl Al-Sunnah], and that
which follows from this is splitting apart, differing, and abandoning, and what
was more appropriate rather [what was necessary] was mutual affection and
showing mercy to each other, and standing together in one line in the face of
the people of innovations and desires, and those who differ with Ahl Al-Sunnah
wal-Jama'ah, and there are two reasons for this -- i.e. for this Fitnah as
described between Ahl Al-Sunnah.

َ‫ اُْبؿ‬ِٚ‫ّـ‬ٝ ٚٗ‫ل‬٣‫ٕ ك‬ٌٞ٣ ٖٓ ‫نا اُؼٖو‬ٛ ٢‫َ اَُ٘خ ك‬ٛ‫ إٔ ٖٓ أ‬:‫ٔب‬ٛ‫أؽل‬

ْ‫ ص‬،‫خ‬ٛ‫ّو‬٧‫ ا‬ٝ‫ أُؤُلبد أ‬٢‫اء ًبٗذ ك‬ٍٞ ،‫ب‬ٜ٘‫اُجؾش ػ‬ٝ ‫فطبء‬٧‫رزجغ ا‬
٢‫فطبء اُز‬٧‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٖٓٝ ،‫فطبء‬٧‫ ا‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ ٌء‬٢ّ ٚ٘ٓ َٖ‫و ٖٓٔ ؽ‬٣‫اُزؾن‬
‫بد ثئُوبء‬٤‫ اُغٔؼ‬ٟ‫ً ٓغ إؽل‬٬‫ ٓض‬ٚٗٝ‫ب رؼب‬ٜ‫ ثَجج‬ٚ٘ٓ ‫ؾنه‬٣ٝ ٔ‫ب اُْق‬ٜ‫ُغوػ ث‬٣
‫ـ ػجل‬٤ُْ‫خ هل ًبٕ ا‬٤‫ اُغٔؼ‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛٝ ،‫اد‬ٝ‫ اُ٘ل‬٢‫ أُْبهًخ ك‬ٝ‫واد أ‬ٙ‫أُؾب‬
‫ب‬ٜ٤ِ‫بٕ ػ‬٤‫ُِو‬٣ ‫ٔب هللا‬ٜٔ‫ٖ هؽ‬٤ٔ٤‫ـ ٓؾٔل ثٖ ػض‬٤ُْ‫ا‬ٝ ‫ي ثٖ ثبى‬٣‫اُؼي‬
ٚ‫ب ث‬ٛ‫ أٓو هل أكزب‬٢‫ب ك‬ُٜٞ‫ب كف‬ٜ٤ِ‫ؼبة ػ‬٣ٝ ،‫برق‬ُٜ‫ن ا‬٣‫و‬ٛ ٖ‫واد ػ‬ٙ‫أُؾب‬
٫ٝ ،ٙ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬١‫ هأ‬ٚٓ‫ب‬ٜ‫ ٖٓ ار‬٠ُٝ‫ أ‬ٚ٣‫بّ أُوء هأ‬ٜ‫ار‬ٝ ،ٕ٬٤ِ‫نإ اُؼبُٔبٕ اُغ‬ٛ
‫ هللا‬٠ِٕ ٢‫ًبٕ ثؼ٘ إٔؾبة اُ٘ج‬ٝ ،‫ ًجبه اُؼِٔبء‬ٚ‫ ث‬٠‫ب ً أكز‬٣‫ٔب إما ًبٕ هأ‬٤ٍ


١‫ا اُوأ‬ٜٞٔ‫ب اُ٘بً! ار‬ٜ٣‫ب أ‬٣ :ٍٞ‫و‬٣ ‫خ‬٤‫ج‬٣‫ ِٕؼ اُؾل‬٢‫ ك‬ٟ‫ٍِْ ثؼلٓب عو‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫ػ‬
ٖ٣‫ اُل‬٢‫ك‬.

The first: That among Ahl Al-Sunnah in this time is he whose main concern and
business is following up on the mistakes [of his brothers] and searching for
them, whether [these mistakes] are in the books or tapes, then warning
against what took place with some of these mistakes, and some of these
mistakes which the person who committed them is criticized for and warned
against for [include the likes of the person] cooperating, for instance, with one
of the Jam'iyyat (cooperative groups or societies working in the field of Da'wa)
by giving lessons in them or taking part in seminars in them, and this Jam'iyyah
was one that Al-Sheikh 'Abdul-'Aziz Bin Baz and Al-Sheikh Muhammad Bin
'Utheimin rahimahumaa Allah would give lessons in via telephone; and [the
person criticized for taking part in them] is criticized for taking part [in the
Jam'iyyah] in a matter that these two noble 'Ulamaa gave a Fatwah [for the
permissibility of doing so]. And it is of more priority for a person to denounce
his opinion than the opinion of others, and especially if this opinion [which he is
denouncing] is one that the Kibar 'Ulamaa gave a Fatwah [for its correctness],
and some of the Companions of the Prophet sallaa Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam
would say after the Reconciliation of Hudaibiyyah said: Denounce your
opinions with regards to the Religion.

ٝ‫ً أ‬ٝ‫ن اُله‬٣‫و‬ٛ ٖ‫اء ػ‬ٍٞ ،ً‫ٔب‬٤‫ ػظ‬ٚ‫ٕ ٗلؼ‬ٌٞ٣ ٖٓ ٖ٤‫ؽ‬ٝ‫ٖٓ أُغو‬ٝ
ٝ‫ٕ أ‬٬‫ ك‬٢‫ّ ك‬٬ٌُ‫ ا‬ٚ٘‫ؼوف ػ‬٣ ٫ ٌُٚٗٞ ٚ٘ٓ ‫ُؾنه‬٣ٝ ،‫ اُقطت‬ٝ‫ق أ‬٤ُ‫اُزؤ‬
٢‫خ ك‬٤‫خ اُجبه‬٤‫ اُجو‬٠ُ‫و إ‬٣‫اُزؾن‬ٝ ‫ؼ‬٣‫َٕ اُزغو‬ٝ ‫ ثَ ُول‬،ً٬‫خ ٓض‬٤ٗ٬‫اُغٔبػخ اُل‬
‫به اَُ٘خ‬ٜ‫ إظ‬٢‫ٔخ ك‬٤‫ْ ػظ‬ٛ‫ك‬ٜٞ‫ع‬ٝ ْ٤ٔ‫ْ ػ‬ٜ‫ ٖٓٔ ٗلؼ‬،‫خ‬٤‫ٍ اُؼوث‬ٝ‫ثؼ٘ اُل‬
‫ن‬٣‫ هطغ اُطو‬ٚ٤‫ء ك‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ َ‫و ٖٓ ٓض‬٣‫ ّي إٔ اُزؾن‬٫ٝ ،‫ب‬ٜ٤ُ‫ح إ‬ٞ‫اُلػ‬ٝ ‫ب‬ٛ‫ْٗو‬ٝ
ً ‫فِوب‬ٝ ً ‫ْ ػِٔب‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫ٍزلبكح‬٫‫ْ ا‬ٌٜ٘ٔ٣ ٖٓٝ ِْ‫ِجخ اُؼ‬ٛ ٖ٤‫ث‬.

And of those who have been criticized is he whose benefit is great, whether
that be through giving lessons or writing or speeches, and he is warned against
because of the fact that he is not known for speaking about a specific


individual or a group, for example, rather the matter of criticism and warning
against people has reached the last remaining of the few [people] in some of
the Arab states, they whose benefit is much and efforts are great in making
apparent the Sunnah and spreading it and calling to it, and without doubt
warning against the likes of these [people] involves cutting off the means [of
benefit] between the students and he from whom it is possible to benefit in
knowledge and manners.

٢‫َ اَُ٘خ ًزت ك‬ٛ‫ؽل ٖٓ أ‬٧ ‫ أفطبء‬ٟ‫َ اَُ٘خ ٖٓ إما هأ‬ٛ‫ إٔ ٖٓ أ‬:٢ٗ‫اُضب‬ٝ
‫ٔب ثوواءح ٓب‬ٜ٘ٓ ًَ َ‫ْزـ‬٣ ْ‫ ص‬،‫وبثَ اُوك ثوك‬٣ ٚ٤ِ‫ك ػ‬ٝ‫ صْ إٕ أُوك‬،ٚ٤ِ‫اُوك ػ‬
‫خ ًنُي؛‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أّو‬ُٚ ٕ‫أَُبع ُٔب ًب‬ٝ ‫ضخ‬٣‫ ؽل‬ٝ‫ٔخ أ‬٣‫فو ٖٓ ًزبثبد هل‬٦ُ
،ٕ‫َ ٍجن اَُِب‬٤‫ب ٖٓ هج‬ٜٚ‫ٕ ثؼ‬ٌٞ٣ ‫هل‬ٝ ،‫ل أُضبُت‬٤ٖ‫ر‬ٝ ‫فطبء‬٧‫ ا‬ٛ‫ُزوب‬٫
ٖٓ ‫ٍزٌضبه‬٫‫ ا‬٠ُ‫ٔب إ‬ٜ٘ٓ ًَ ٠‫َؼ‬٣ ْ‫ ص‬،ٚ‫ ث‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬ُٚ ّٞ‫و‬٣ ٝ‫ أ‬،َٚ‫ مُي ث٘ل‬٠ُٞ‫ز‬٣
‫ّبكح‬٩‫ٔب ثب‬ٜ٘ٓ ‫اؽل‬ٝ ٌَُ ٕٝ‫ل‬٣‫ل أُؤ‬ٜ‫غز‬٣ ْ‫ ص‬،‫فو‬٦ُ ٖ٤٘٣‫ أُل‬ُٚ ٖ٣‫ل‬٣‫أُؤ‬
،ٙ‫ل‬٣‫ؤ‬٣ ٫ ٖٔٓ ‫هق‬ٞٓ ُٚ ٌٕٞ٣ ٕ‫ ثؤ‬ٙ‫ِوب‬٣ ٖٓ ّ‫إُيا‬ٝ ،ٙ‫و‬٤‫صْ ؿ‬ٝ ٙ‫ل‬٣‫ؤ‬٣ ٖٓ ٍٞ‫ثو‬
‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ َٔ‫ػ‬ٝ ،ٙ‫غو‬ٜ‫أرجغ مُي ث‬ٝ ،‫فو‬٥‫غ اُطوف ا‬٣‫ رجؼب ً ُزجل‬ٚ‫لؼَ ثلػ‬٣ ُْ ٕ‫كئ‬
‫به‬ٜ‫ إظ‬٢‫ٍجبة ك‬٧‫فو ٖٓ أػظْ ا‬٥‫ٖ ُِطوف ا‬٤ٓ‫ٖ اُنا‬٤‫ؽل اُطوك‬٧ ٖ٣‫ل‬٣‫أُؤ‬
‫اٍغ‬ٝ ‫ ٗطبم‬٠ِ‫ب ػ‬ٛ‫ْٗو‬ٝ ‫اُلز٘خ‬

And the second: Is that of Ahl Al-Sunnah is he who if he saw a mistake in a

person from Ahl Al-Sunnah, would write a refutation of him, then he who has
been refuted writes a refutation in return, then both of them busy themselves
in reading what the other has of old writings or speech, and listening to what
he has of tapes as well; to pick up on his errors and to catch his flaws, and it
could be that some of [these mistakes] are due to the preceding of the tongue
(i.e. he said something without meaning to or realizing it), [this task of
gathering the mistakes of the other] he takes up for himself, or another does it
for him, then both of them seek to gathering more helpers for him...then the
helpers of both of them exert effort in commending he who helps him, and [he
will force] the one he meets to take a position on the one who does not help
him, and if [he does not take a position] he is made Tabdi' of...and following
that is his boycotting, and the actions of these helpers to one of the sides, they


who condemn the other side, is one of the greatest reasons for the appearance
of this Fitnah and it spreading widely.

ٚ‫ُنّ ث‬٣ ‫ٔب ثْ٘و ٓب‬ُٜ ٖ٣‫ل‬٣‫أُؤ‬ٝ ٖ٤‫ءاً إما هبّ ًَ ٖٓ اُطوك‬ٍٞ ‫ٓو‬٧‫يكاك ا‬٣ٝ
٢‫َ اَُ٘خ ك‬ٛ‫ْ٘ـَ اُْجبة ٖٓ أ‬٣ ْ‫ ص‬،)‫ٗزوٗذ‬٫‫ٓبد (ا‬ِٞ‫ ّجٌخ أُؼ‬٢‫فو ك‬٥‫ا‬
٢‫اهغ اُز‬ُٞٔ‫ْ٘و ثب‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬٠ِ‫ع ػ‬٬ٛ٫‫ اُوبهاد ثٔزبثؼخ ا‬٢‫ك ثَ ك‬٬‫ٓقزِق اُج‬
‫وه‬ُٚ‫ ثب‬٢‫ؤر‬٣ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،‫و‬٤‫ ثق‬٢‫ؤر‬٣ ٫ ١‫اُوبٍ اُن‬ٝ َ٤‫ء ٖٓ اُو‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛٝ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ُٜ ‫رْ٘و‬
ٕٜٞ‫ْج‬٣ ٖ٤‫ٖ ٌَُ ٖٓ اُطوك‬٣‫ل‬٣‫ء أُؤ‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛٝ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ َ‫ ٓٔب عؼ‬،‫اُزلوم‬ٝ
ٕٜٞ‫ْج‬٣ٝ ،‫ب‬ٜ٤‫ ك‬ٙ‫غل ْٗو‬٣ ‫ ٓب‬٠ِ‫ف ػ‬ٞ‫ه‬ُِٞ ‫ٗبد‬٬‫ػ‬٩‫ؽبد ا‬ُٞ ٠ِ‫ٖ ػ‬٣‫أُزوكك‬
ْٜ٘٤‫ؾَٖ ث‬٤‫ ك‬،ً‫وب‬٣‫ْ كو‬ٜ٘ٓ ًَ ‫ْغغ‬٣ ٖ٣‫خ اُن‬٤ٙ‫ب‬٣‫خ اُو‬٣‫ٗل‬٧‫ٖ ثب‬٤ٗٞ‫ب ً أُلز‬ٚ٣‫أ‬
‫غخ ُنُي‬٤‫اُز٘بىع ٗز‬ٝ ‫ؽْخ‬ُٞ‫ا‬ٝ ّ‫اُقٖب‬

And the matter is made worse if every one of the sides and their helpers spread
what they condemn the other with on the Internet, then the young men from
Ahl Al-Sunnah in the different lands rather in [the different] continents busy
themselves with following up on looking at what is spread on the Internet
sites, what [the aforementioned people who took sides] spread of "he said,
they said", that which does not bring goodness, rather it brings harm and the
splitting apart [of Ahl Al-Sunnah], that which has caused those people and their
helpers to seem like...those who have been put to trial in the sports clubs, each
of whom supports a team, so disputes, alienation, and conflicts take place
between them as a result of that.

Ref: Rifqan Ahl Al-Sunnah Bi Ahl Al-Sunnah (Be gentle Ahl Al-Sunnah with Ahl Al-
Sunnah, p. 44


04. [Al-Sheikh Al-'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks

of a small group within Ahl Al-Sunnah who cause Fitnah with their criticism
and Tabdi' of their brothers]

The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah said,

ٖٓ ٕ‫نا اُيٓب‬ٛ ٢‫ّقبٓ ٓب ؽَٖ ك‬٧‫تٌ ٖٓ ثلػخ آزؾبٕ اُ٘بً ثب‬٣‫هو‬ٝ

‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ْ ٖٓ أ‬ٜٗ‫ا‬ٞ‫ؼ ثؼ٘ إف‬٣‫َ اََُّ٘خ ثزغو‬ٛ‫ِخ ٖٓ أ‬٤ِ‫اكززبٕ كئخ ه‬
‫كبكح‬٩‫ن ا‬٣‫هطغ ُطو‬ٝ ْٜ٘٤‫غ ث‬ٛ‫روب‬ٝ ‫غو‬ٛ ٖٓ ‫ مُي‬٠ِ‫ٓب رورَّت ػ‬ٝ ،ْٜ‫ؼ‬٣‫رجل‬ٝ
ِّ ٠ِ‫ًّب ػ‬٤٘‫ٕ ٓج‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ ٓب‬ٚ٘ٓ ‫غ‬٣‫اُزجل‬ٝ ‫ؼ‬٣‫مُي اُزغو‬ٝ ،ْٜ٘ٓ
‫ٌ ثجلػخ‬٤ُ ‫ظٖ ٓب‬

And what is similar to the Bid'ah of testing people with individuals is what took
place in this time of the Fitnah of a small group of Ahl Al-Sunnah [who took to]
criticizing some of their brothers from Ahl Al-Sunnah and making Tabdi' of
them, and what follows from that of boycotting and the cutting off of ties
between them, and preventing [others] from benefiting from them, and some
of this criticism and Tabdi' is based on assumption, and is not actually a Bid'ah

Ref: Al-Hath 'Alaa Ittiba' Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Tahthir Min Al-Bida' Wa Bayan

Khatarihaa, p. 63


05. [The 'Allamah 'Abd Al-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah speaks on the
students boycotting and testing the people with people]

٠ُ‫ هللا رؼب‬ٚ‫ٓخ ػجل أُؾَٖ اُؼجبك ؽلظ‬٬‫ـ اُؼ‬٤ُْ‫هبٍ ا‬:

‫ك‬ٝ‫ٕ أُوك‬٬‫هق ٖٓ ك‬ٞٓ ُٚ ٌٕٞ٣ ٕ‫ ثؤ‬ٙ‫و‬٤‫بُت ػِْ ؿ‬ٛ ١‫ٔزؾٖ أ‬٣ ٕ‫ى أ‬ٞ‫غ‬٣ ٫
ٕ‫ؽل أ‬٧ ٌ٤ُٝ ،‫غو‬ٛٝ ‫اكن ثلع‬ٞ٣ ُْ ٕ‫إ‬ٝ ،ٍِْ ‫اكن‬ٝ ٕ‫ كئ‬،‫ اُواك‬ٝ‫ أ‬ٚ٤ِ‫ػ‬
ً ‫ب‬ٚ٣‫ؽل أ‬٧ ٌ٤ُٝ ،‫غو‬ُٜ‫ا‬ٝ ‫غ‬٣‫ اُزجل‬٢‫ ك‬٠ٙٞ‫ اُل‬ٙ‫ن‬ٛ َ‫َ اَُ٘خ ٓض‬ٛ‫ أ‬٠ُ‫َ٘ت إ‬٣
،‫ظ اَُِق‬ُٜ٘ٔ ‫غ‬٤ٔٓ ٚٗ‫ ثؤ‬١ٞٙٞ‫نا أَُِي اُل‬ٛ ‫َِي‬٣ ٫ ٖٓ ‫ٖق‬٣ ٕ‫أ‬
،ٙ‫ُل‬ٝ ‫اُل‬ُٞ‫غو ا‬ًٜ ،‫ه‬ٞ‫غ‬ُِٜٔ ً ‫َ اَُ٘خ ٓب ًبٕ ٗبكؼب‬ٛ‫ٖ أ‬٤‫ل ث‬٤‫غو أُل‬ُٜ‫ا‬ٝ
،‫خ‬٤ُ‫ٌٓبٗخ ػب‬ٝ ‫ؼخ‬٤‫ ٓ٘يُخ هك‬ُٚ ٌٕٞ٣ ٖٔٓ ‫غو‬ُٜ‫ه ا‬ٝ‫ًنا ٕل‬ٝ ،ٙ‫ن‬٤ِٔ‫ـ ر‬٤ُْ‫ا‬ٝ
٘‫غو ٖٓ ثؼ‬ُٜ‫أٓب إما ٕله ا‬ٝ ،‫ه‬ٞ‫غ‬ُِٜٔ ً‫لا‬٤‫ٕ ٓل‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ َ‫غو ٓض‬ٛ ٕ‫كئ‬
‫ل‬٤‫ل‬٣ ٫ ‫ كنُي‬،‫ب‬ٜ‫غو ثَجج‬ُٜ‫ؽ ا‬َٞ٣ ٫ ‫ه‬ٞٓ‫ أ‬٢‫ٔب إما ًبٕ ك‬٤ٍ ٫ ،ْٛ‫و‬٤‫اُطِجخ ُـ‬
‫غ‬ٛ‫اُزوب‬ٝ ‫اُزلاثو‬ٝ ‫ؽْخ‬ُٞ‫ك ا‬ٞ‫ع‬ٝ ٚ٤ِ‫زورت ػ‬٣ َ‫ ث‬،ً‫ئب‬٤ّ ‫ه‬ٞ‫غ‬ُٜٔ‫ا‬

The Sheikh the 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allahu Ta'aalaa


It is not allowed for a student to test others such that he should have a position
on the one who is being refuted or the one who is refuting, that if he agrees
with you (upon being tested) he is safe, and if he does not agree he is made
out to be an innovator and is boycotted, and it is not for anyone to attribute to
Ahl Al-Sunnah the likes of this chaos in Tabdi' and boycotting, and it is not for
anyone to describe the one who does not take up this way (of boycotting and
Tabdi' and so on) as being someone who softens the Manhaj of the Salaf
(Mumayyi'). And the beneficial boycotting with Ahl Al-Sunnah is that which is
beneficial to the one being boycotted, like the boycotting of a father of his son,
the Sheikh of his student, as well as the boycotting performed by someone
who is of an elevated status and high position, so if the likes of these
boycotted it would be beneficial to the one being boycotted. And as for the act
of boycotting coming from some of the students with others like them,
especially if it was concerning matters that are not befitting of being the


reason for boycotting, then this does not benefit the one being boycotted at
all, rather what follows from this is loneliness . . . and splitting apart.

Ref: From his book hafithahu Allah: Rifqan Ahl Al-Sunnah

06. [The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad on what he called:

The Bid'ah (innovation) of testing people with people]

The Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allahu Ta'aalaa


‫َ اََُّ٘خ‬ٛ‫نا اُيٓبٕ ٖٓ آزؾبٕ ثؼ٘ ٖٓ أ‬ٛ ٢‫ٖٓ اُجلع أٌُ٘وح ٓب ؽلس ك‬ٝ
ِ ٙ‫اكوخ ُِ َٔب أهاك‬ُٞٔ‫ٓزؾبٕ ا‬٫‫غخ ا‬٤‫إما ًبٗذ ٗز‬ٝ ...ٓ‫ب ً ثؤّقب‬ٚ‫ثؼ‬
‫غو‬ُٜ‫ا‬ٝ ‫غ‬٣‫اُزجل‬ٝ ‫ؼ‬٣‫ اُزغو‬ّٚ‫َّ ًبٕ ؽظ‬٫‫إ‬ٝ ،‫اُض٘بء‬ٝ ‫أُلػ‬ٝ ‫ت‬٤‫ظلو ثبُزوؽ‬

And among the rejected Bida' (innovations) is what occurred in this time of
some of Ahl Al-Sunnah testing some of Ahl Al-Sunnah with individuals . . .And if
the result of the test was in accordance with what the one testing the other
wanted, he greets him, praises him, and compliments him; and [if the answer
of the one being tested is not in accordance with what the one testing
believes] then[:] Criticism, Tabdi' (calling someone an innovator),
abandonment, and being warned against

Ref: The treatise: Al-Hathh 'Alaa Ittiba' Al-Sunnah


07. [Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin Al-’Abbaad on forcing the students to take the

stance that someone is innovator]

The Question:

If one of the Shaikhs said about someone, ‘He is an innovator,’ is the student
obliged to adopt this stance of calling that person an innovator? Or must he
know why the person was called an innovator? Because this declaration of a
person to be an innovator may have been applied to someone who is on the

Shaykh Al-’Abbaad: Not everyone’s statements in this issue are accepted, if it

comes from someone like Shaikh Ibn Baaz or like Shaikh Ibn ’Uthaimeen then it
is possible that his statement is relied on, as for anyone and everyone, then
such statements are not taken from them.

[Shaykh was asked about people asking ‘What do you say about so and so?]
Al-’Abbaad: Such things are not allowed, this is from the Devil’s manipulation of
the people. It is a mistake for them to busy themselves with asking people
questions about a person and then to [either] throw away that person who
was being tested by that question or bring him close according to the answer
that he gives. It is obligatory on everyone person who is sincere to himself to
busy himself with seeking knowledge and with that which will benefit him, and
not to busy himself with what will harm and not benefit him.

Ref: Baab maa Jaa’a fi Miqdaar Diyyatidh-Dhimmi min Sharh Sunan Abi Dawud.


08. [Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah on the

statement - He who does not make Tabdi' of whom we make Tabdi' of, is a

The Question:

Our Sheikh, you mentioned yesterday that he who does not make Tabdi' of a
Mubtadi' is not joined along with him (the Mubtadi'), and some of the people
of knowledge mentioned that he who does not make Tabdi' of the Mubtadi' is
joined with him, so is the disagreement one over a choice of words?
،ْٛ‫ؼ أٓو‬ٙ‫ا‬ٝ ‫َ ثلع‬ٛ‫٘بى أ‬ٛ ْ‫ ٗؼ‬:‫ هللا‬ٚ‫ـ ػجلأُؾَٖ اُؼجبك ؽلظ‬٤ُْ‫ا‬
ْٛٝ ‫اك‬ٝ ٢‫اَُ٘خ ك‬ٝ ،‫َِِٗ٘خ‬ٞ‫ٓؾبهث‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أ‬َٞ٤ُٝ ‫ٕ ػٖ اَُ٘خ‬ٝ‫ل‬٤‫ثؼ‬
ْٛ‫ؾَٖ ػ٘ل‬٣ ً‫ أ ّٓب أٗب‬،‫ ٓجزلع‬ٚٗ‫ ّي أ‬٫ ْٜ‫جلػ‬٣ ٫ ٖٓ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٛ ،‫اك آفو‬ٝ ٢‫ك‬
٫ ‫ء‬٫‫ؤ‬ٜ‫ ك‬،‫ئ‬ٛ‫ْ فب‬ٜ‫ ك‬ٝ‫ء ٖٓ اُقطؤ أ‬٢ّ ْٛ‫ؾَٖ ػ٘ل‬٣ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫فطؤ ٖٓ أ‬
ْ‫ ٗؼ‬.‫ ٓجزلع‬ٜٞ‫ْ ك‬ٜ‫جلػ‬٣ ُْ ٖٓ ٍ‫وب‬٣ ٫ٝ ،‫ُئي‬ٝ‫ْ ٓضَ أ‬ٜٗ‫وبٍ أ‬٣

Al-Sheikh 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah: Yes, there are Ahl Al-Bida'
(people of innovations) whose conditions are clear, [they are] far from the
Sunnah and they are not from Ahl Al-Sunnah and they fight the Sunnah, and
the Sunnah is in a valley and they are in another valley, [these people], he who
does not make Tabdi' of them [then] no doubt he is a Mubtadi', as for people
from Ahl Al-Sunnah who make a mistake and something of a mistake happens
from them or a mistaken understanding, then it is not said that they are like
[Ahl Al-Bida'] (the kind mentioned by the Sheikh hafithahu Allah in the
beginning), and it is not said that he who does not make Tabdi' of them is a
Mubtadi'. Yes.



09. [Sheikh and 'Allamah 'Abdul-Muhsin Al-'Abbad hafithahu Allah on

dealing with a Scholar who has made mistakes regarding Bid’ah]

The Question:

We hope for the meaning of the words of Al-Shatibi rahimahu Allah in Al-
Muwafaqat to be clarified, where he said: It is necessary to not specify he who
committed an innovation in the Din, [an innovation] less than the great
innovation like the Khawarij, and this is to maintain the unity and rapport and
affection between the general Muslimin.

٫ ٚٗ‫ كئ‬،‫ء ٖٓ اُجلػخ‬٢ّ ٚ٤‫ًبٕ ك‬ٝ ‫زؼِن ثبُؼبُْ إما أفطؤ‬٣ ّ٬ٌُ‫نا ا‬ٛ :‫اة‬ٞ‫اُغ‬
‫اُغٔبػخ‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ٧ ٕٞ‫ْ ٓغبٗج‬ٛ ٖ٣‫ؼبَٓ ٓؼبِٓخ إٔؾبة اُجلع اُن‬٣
ٚٗ‫ء ٖٓ مُي كئ‬٢ّ ٚ٘ٓ َٖ‫ إٔ ٖٓ ؽ‬:٢٘‫ؼ‬٣ .‫اُغٔبػخ‬ٝ ‫َ اَُ٘خ‬ٛ٧ ٕٞ‫ٓقبُل‬ٝ
ٚ٘ٓ َٖ‫ ٖٓ اُؾن ثَجت ٓب ؽ‬ٙ‫زوى ٓب ػ٘ل‬٣ ٫ٝ ‫غو‬ٜ٣ ٫ٝ ‫جلع‬٣ ٬‫ ك‬،‫ؼنه‬٣
‫ٖٓ اُقطؤ‬.

Answer: These words relate to the 'Aalim if he made a mistake and he had
something of an innovation, [in such a case] he is not dealt with the way the
people of innovations are dealt with, they who have nothing to do with Ahl Al-
Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah, and are in opposition to Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah.
Meaning: That he who committed something of this is to be excused, so he is
not declared an innovator, nor is what he has of the Truth abandoned because
of what he committed of a mistake.

‫ٓغ‬ٝ ،ِْٜٔ‫ِجخ اُؼِْ ػٖ ػ‬ٛٝ ‫ اُؼِٔبء‬٢٘‫َزـ‬٣ ٫ ٖٓ ٖ٤َُِٔٔ‫ًْ ٖٓ ػِٔبء ا‬ٝ

ٍٞ‫ؼ‬٣ ُْ ‫َ اُجلع؛‬ٛ‫ا ٓؼبِٓخ أ‬ِٞٓٞ‫ْ ػ‬ٜٗ‫ أ‬ِٞ‫ ك‬،‫ء ٖٓ اُجلػخ‬٢ّ ٢‫ا ك‬ٞ‫هؼ‬ٝ ‫مُي‬
ٖٓ ٕ‫ّ أ‬ِٞ‫ٖٓ أُؼ‬ٝ .ِْ‫ْ ٖٓ اُؼ‬ٛ‫ ٓب ػ٘ل‬٠ِ‫ػ‬ٝ ٚ‫ا ث‬ٝ‫ء ٓٔب عبء‬٢ّ ٠ِ‫ػ‬
ٕ‫ ًؤ‬،‫لح‬٤‫زؼِن ثبُؼو‬٣ ‫ٔب‬٤‫ه ٌٓ٘وح ك‬ٞٓ‫ أ‬ٙ‫ػ٘ل‬ٝ ‫ش‬٣‫َ اُؾل‬ٛ‫ ٖٓ أ‬ٞٛ ٖٓ ‫اُؼِٔبء‬


‫وه‬ُٚ‫ٕ ا‬ٌٞ٣ ‫ؿبُجب ً ٓب‬ٝ ،ٚ‫ق‬٣‫ ثجؼ٘ ْٓب‬٢ِ‫ٕ اثز‬ٌٞ٣ ‫هل‬ٝ ،ٜ٤ِ‫ رق‬ٙ‫ٕ ػ٘ل‬ٌٞ٣
ٖ٤‫ا ٓ٘ؾوك‬ٞٗ‫ؿ إما ًب‬ٞ٤ُْ‫ن ٖٓ ا‬٤ٓ٬‫ اُز‬٠ِ‫ء ػ‬٬‫اُج‬ٝ.

And how many are the 'Ulamaa of the Muslims whose knowledge the 'Ulamaa
and students cannot do without, and yet they committed something of an
innovation, so if they were to be dealt with the way the people of innovations
are dealt with; nothing of what they came with and what they had of
knowledge would be relied on. And what is known is that of the 'Ulamaa is he
who is from Ahl Al-Hadith and he has matters that relate to 'Aqidah which are
reprehensible, as if he has something mixed (i.e. of his 'Aqidah), and it could be
that he has been put to trial by some of his Mashayikh, and the harm and trial
of the student is usually from his Shuyukh if they were deviated.

‫و‬٤‫ ؿ‬ٝ‫لح أ‬٤‫ اُؼو‬٢‫ء ٖٓ اُقطؤ ك‬٢ّ ٚ٘ٓ َٖ‫ؽ‬ٝ ‫َ اُؼِْ ثبَُ٘خ‬ٛ‫كٖٔ ًبٕ ٖٓ أ‬
‫خ‬ٚ‫اُواك‬ٝ ،‫أُؼزيُخ‬ٝ ‫خ‬٣‫َ اُجلع ًبُوله‬ٛ‫ؼبَٓ ٓؼبِٓخ أ‬٣ ٫ ‫لح‬٤‫اُؼو‬
٠ٜ‫ اٗز‬. ٚ‫ فطئ‬٠ِ‫زبثغ ػ‬٣ ٫ٝ ،ُٚ ٠‫لػ‬٣ٝ ِٚٔ‫ؤفن ٖٓ ػ‬٣ ‫إٗٔب‬ٝ ،‫اهط‬ٞ‫اُق‬ٝ

So he who is from Ahl Al-'Ilm (the people of knowledge) with the Sunnah and
he committed something of a mistake in 'Aqidah or other than 'Aqidah [then]
he is not dealt with the way the people of innovations like the Qadariyyah and
the Mu'tazilah, and the Rafidah and the Khawarij are dealt with, rather his
knowledge is benefited from and he is supplicated for, and he is not followed
in his mistake.

Ref: From the Shaykh’s explanations of Al-Arba'in Al-Nawawiyyah



Alhamdu Li-Allah. With this we conclude this compilation and pray to Allah that
He makes us among the saved sect and victorious group.

Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an-La ilaha illa anta, wa

astaghfiruka wa toobu ilaika.

Wa As-Salamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatu-Allahi Wa barakatuhu.


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