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Character Analysis Questionnaire

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Some of the key characters introduced are Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Dallas, and Johnny. The document also provides questions to help analyze each character.

Ponyboy's perspective as the protagonist and a younger greaser offers insight into the social dynamics between the greaser and Soc groups from his point of view. His relationship with his brothers also shapes his character.

As the middle brother, Sodapop takes on more of a caring role compared to Darry. He cares deeply for his animal Mickey Mouse and brings Ponyboy along despite his friend's dislike. However, he also dropped out of school early to help provide for his brothers.

Character Analysis Questionnaire


Intro ideas: What does Ponyboys perspective (point of

view) offer? Why was he chosen as the novels
protagonist (main character)?
What kind of lessons is Ponyboy likely to learn from a
novel about social classes fighting?
Is Ponyboy likable right away? In other words, is it
likely that the reader is going to root for Ponyboy to
overcome the conflict? If not, why isnt Ponyboy
What kinds of unique dialect (vocabulary) or habits
does Ponyboy display? Are these habits from his own
choices or did he pick them up from his friends and
How is Ponyboy affected by the loss of his parents?
Does he talk about their absence a lot? Does he
remember them as good parents?
How does his relationship with his siblings shape his
character? In other words, is he more like Sodapop or
Darry? Or is he an even mixture of both?
Valuable quotes: I know (8)
Im okay (11)
I just stared (12)
How come you dropped out? (16)
Im not. I got put up a year in grade school (21).
Sure. Were young and innocent (24).
Well, we dont (37).
It aint fair! (38)


Intro ideas: How is Sodapop different from his brothers?

How does Sodas handsomeness affect the way girls act

around him? How does his handsomeness affect the way

girls treat his younger brother?
Which animal did Soda love passionately? [Look on page 34]
Why did he love this animal so much? Did his brothers have
similar bonds with this animal? How did Sodapop react
when Mickey Mouse was sold? Why didnt he have his own
animal? Why would a young man like Sodapop have such
an affinity (love) for this species?
Why did Sodapop drop out of school? What effects did his
dropping out have on his siblings? What did he gain from
dropping out of school? What opportunities did he lose by
dropping out of school? How does Ponyboy react to his
dropping out? Should Sodapop go back to school?
Why didnt Sodapops best friend Steve like Ponyboy? [Look
on page 9] Why does Soda bring Pony along with him even
though Steve detests (hates) Ponys presence when they go
Soda intends to marry Sandy. Is he ready for marriage?
Should s young man who dropped out of high school get
married at such an early age?
Valuable quotes: Easy, Ponyboy, they aint gonna hurt you no
more (8).
It seems to run in this family (9).
Leave my kid brother alone 12.
A little (15)
Cause Im dumb (16).
Yeah, its me (30).
Darry (40)


Intro ideas: How does Responsibro care for his

younger brothers? What role does he fulfill by working so

much and providing for his younger brothers? Is this his
responsibility in the first place? Should he take the easy
route and just put Ponyboy in a foster home to alleviate
(make easier) his own life?
Why does Darry act so harsh towards Ponyboy? Is his
anger towards Ponyboys air headed choices justified?
Darry earned an athletic scholarship and was voted
Boy of the Year (15). Needless to say, he had the
potential to pursue an athletic career or a college
degree. However, he chose to return home to work to
make Ponyboys life easier. Why didnt he take the
selfish route and go as far as he possibly could with a
single college life? Will his investment in Ponyboy and
Sodapop ever provide him with a better life? In other
words, was it worth maintaining a close relationship
with his brothers?
Valuable Quotes: I didnt mean to! (44)
Im sorry (6).
Youre both nuts (9).
You dont ever think (12).
When I want my kid brother to tell me what to do with
my other kid brother (12)
Yeah, since it aint a school night (13).


Intro ideas: Why does Two-Bit feel the need to have the

last word? Do you know anybody like this? What kinds

of trouble do these people get in when they run their
How would you describe the way Two-Bit interacts
with women? Is he a positive role model for boys who
want to engage with women? If youre a female,
would you talk to Two-Bit? If youre a male, would
you want Two-Bit as a wingman? Why or why not?
Do people like Two-Bit usually succeed as employees
of big companies? In other words, do people who talk
back keep their jobs for long?
Why does Two-Bit like school? How would the
presence of a Super Senior, somebody who failed
their junior or senior year, affect the classroom
atmosphere? Would you become friends with
somebody who stayed in school past their scheduled
graduation date?
Valuable Quotes: Nup. They got away this time (11)
I was plannin on getting boozed up (13)
A fair fight isnt rough. (27)
You [two] must make such interesting
conversation (34)
Who's acting? (36)
Marcias number (41)


Intro ideas: Why is Dally such a brutal Greaser? What

environmental factors led to him seek a life of crime and
violence? How does he justify being such a terrible person?
If you were a greaser, would you befriend Dallas Winston?
Why or why not?
How do Dallys friends justify his radical (intense) behavior?
In other words, how do the greasers explain Dallys behavior
to people who ask, Whats up with that guy? Do you have
any friends that you keep around even though you have to
explain or apologize for their behavior?
How does Dallys past life in New York affect his new life in
the setting of the Outsiders? (10) Do most people who move
from a big city to a suburban town display similar attitudes?
Other characters talk about Dally a lot. Why is he such an
interesting person to discuss? Does he know that his friends
discuss his lifestyle choices while hes not there? Does he
What are some reasons that Dally would slash another
Greasers tires (26)? What would he have to gain? What rule
did he break when he slashed the tires? Should he have
known better?
Valuable Quotes: Good behavior. Got off early (11).
come and hunt some action? (13)
Whos gonna make me? (19)
You ought to see my record some time (20)
*As you can see, Dallas Winston doesnt actually talk that much.
However, his name arises frequently. A good character analysis of
Dally would go a long way with one or two quotes spoken by Dally
and then go the extra mile by using other characters quotes about
Dally. After all, greasers talk about Dally in almost every scene.


Intro ideas: Why is Johnny the gangs pet? (11) Why would the


greaser gang care for a guy who is so nervous and shy? Why do
people take abused people like Johnny under their wing?
How does Johnnys past abuse affect his present behavior? Does
he frequently admit that his home life stinks? Do people with
bad home lives tend to seek a close-knot social group like the
Johnny smokes like a chimney. Does he smoke so much because
he is stressed or is he stressed because he smokes so much?
Does he even know that his addiction is unhealthy? Do you
think he even cares about his health?
Is Johnny capable of murder? Why might he be more likely to kill
someone with his switchblade than other members of the gang?
Does he talk about his desire for revenge often?
What happened to Johnny after he was jumped by the Socs?
(29) Does he openly talk about the psychological damage of
getting jumped? What are some of the effects of getting jumped?
Valuable Quotes: Gee (37)
Managed a shy hi, (22)
Leave her alone (22).
How come yall aint scared (24)
I cant take much moreIll kill myself or something (42).
I think I like it better when the old mans hittin me (45).
Yeah (50).
Well need money. And maybe a gun. And a plan (50).
Wish I had me a weed (53).
At the word murder (54)
I couldnt shoot anybody (54).


Intro ideas: Cherry is the only intellectually developed character in this

novel so far. She is unique. Why arent there many characters like her?
Why doesnt she hang out with a group of other intelligent females? Are
there many girls like Cherry Valance?
Cherry is attractive. What effects does her beauty have on the
different boys and men around her? Does she use her beauty to her
advantage? Does she know that shes attractive? If so, how does she
show it? How does her body language display her emotions? How
does her body language manipulate those around her?
When the Socs approach the greasers on the street, Cherry alleviates
(relieves) much stress for the greaser and the Socs by leaving with
her boyfriend even though hes drunk. Why did she make this
choice? Why would she want to alleviate the stress between the two
Do you think Cherry has the power to change the mind of the two
fighting groups? Will the Socs ever listen to her? Does her opinion
matter to her boyfriend?
Why doesnt Cherry like when her boyfriend drinks? What character
traits can you use to describe a girl who avoids alcohol? What would
she be like if she enjoyed alcohol?
Why did Cherry splash Dallys coke in his face? Why didnt she drink
it? It was a free coke after all!
What are the main differences between Cherry and Marcia? How is
Cherry a positive example for women? How is Marcia a negative
example for women?
Why in the world would Cherry fall in love with Dallas
Winston (40)?
How could such a brutal greaser like Dally
appeal to a clean girl like Cherry? Would she ever date him and bring
him home to her family? Why did she admit that she could fall in love
with him to Ponyboy? Is she smart for avoiding a man that could
capture her heart? Would Dally love her back?
Valuable Quotes: No. Its not just money (33)
She kind of shrugged (35)
Its me or the booze (39).
I cant stand fights (40).

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