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Mock Proposal2

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Complete this proposal prior to your experiences start date and upload it in the UHP Database
( Create an experience (Add a new record) in the Tracking Project
tab and upload your proposal document as an attachment. The deadline for submitting proposals is the 5th of
each month (excluding July).
Proposals are intended to be well developed plans for your experience. However, experiences are exploratory in
nature, and we are flexible with changes throughout the experience. If your experience changes after receiving
approval on your proposal, contact your honors advisor to verify the changes still satisfy the requirements of an
honors experience.

Basic Information
Full Name: Hannah Schyllander
Title of Project: Crocheting my Way
Thematic Area(s): Creativity
Expected Start Date: June 1, 2018
Expected End Date: August 1, 2018

1. Proposal submission timeline: Proposals should be submitted at least one month prior to the expected
start date of the experience. International experiences require at least two months notice. Contact your
honors advisor immediately for any exceptions.
2. Proposal length: While the quality of the proposal is most important, strong proposals are typically 3-4
pages single-spaced.
3. Proposal format: Please maintain the proposal format (e.g. headers, layout)
4. Time commitment: Experiences should consist of at least 75-90 hours of preparation, execution, and
reflection. This is approximately equivalent to the commitment of honors seminars and pre-approved


All self-designed international travel experiences require two months notice and must be at least one week in
length. You will need to provide a detailed itinerary (dates, locations and activities). If participating in
independent travel (not with UC faculty, staff or student group), you must also fill out a Worldwide: Honors
Experience application via UC International.
Additionally, the Student Travel Policy restricts UC-sponsored travel to countries under a U.S. Department of
State Travel Warning. Those who wish to visit a country with a travel warning must seek an exemption through
UC International. Students traveling without a faculty or staff leader must individually request an exemption.
We cannot allow you to count this travel as an honors experience nor can we give you a grant without an
approved exemption.

1. Abstract
Briefly describe the experience. What makes this experience personally meaningful? What goals do you have for this
experience? What is your timeline for this experience?
*If you are proposing an international experience, provide an itinerary.
**If you are developing this experience from an existing opportunity (class with a study tour, campus organization, co-op,
etc.) that is not already an honors seminar or pre-approved experience, how will you differentiate your experience from
what is already required of other students?
When coming up with an idea for a proposal, I found myself a little unsure. I knew that I wanted my first
proposal to fit into the Creativity thematic area in some sort of way. One day, while I was crocheting a hat before
my Gateway to Honors class, the instructor said, Hey, you can make that into Honors proposal! Then I thought,
Okay, easier said than done. How could I possibly make crocheting into a proposal? Through inner thoughts, I
realized that the only things than I ever make are mostly for myself, so I want a way to turn my hobby into a way
to in order to help and inspire others.
By the end of this experience, I would want to have at least enough hand-made hats, gloves, and scarves to
warm 20 people in need. This would almost be impossible all by myselfseeing that one hat could take up to three
Whenever I crochet in public, someone will almost always ask me what I am making, and who I am making
it for. If this happens I plan on telling them something along the lines of: I am making hats, gloves, and scarves
for people in need this winter. Not only do I want to keep them warm, but also to give hope that someone out there
cares enough to spend the time making a hat for a stranger. I hope by saying this, some friends and family will
gain interest in what I am doing, and maybe want to help. Crocheting is a simple enough hobby to grasp, and it can
be very relaxing. Not only would it be rewarding to them to give back to the community, but I hope that this
experience would also help my peers gain a new, constructive hobby.
What makes this experience so special for is the time and effort that goes into every stitch of a project. I
realize that for some people, it seems as though they are all alone in their struggles. When a person receives a
crocheted hat, they not only gain warmth through the winter, but also a sense that a person out there took their
time and thought to make it. In hopes to establish this, I plan on putting a personal, positive note in every item
donated. I personally feel for women who have recently escaped abusive and dangerous situations, so the items will
be donated to a center designed for these women and their families.
For myself personally, this experience will hopefully show me a way in which I can use my crocheting to
benefit people other than myself. This experience also holds great meaning to me because it could possibly give me
a reason to spread my love of crocheting to my friends and family.

Advisor Feedback
Must Include:
Brief description of the experience
Personal connection to the experience
Identified goals for the experience
Timeline from start to finish
*Itinerary (international experiences only)
**Explanation of differentiated experience
from what is required of other students

2. Experience Advisor

Required Revisions:


Identify an experience advisor and provide their contact information. Explain why you chose this person and how you
plan to utilize your advisor for this experience.
Note: Advisor(s) should have knowledge or expertise in an area related to the experience. Honors advisors, undergraduate
students, and family members cannot be experience advisors.
Rhonda Oertli
Rhonda has been a woman that I have respected for a large majority of my life, and I would love to have
the chance to work with her. I chose this woman particularly because she knows quite a bit more about crocheting
than I do, and if I were to have a question on a pattern, I would feel very confident in asking her for any help. I
know for a fact that she would also help teach me new stitches and patterns that I have never used before, and that
I would gain a further knowledge.
Jane Doe
Ms. Doe works for the homeless shelter in which I plan on donating to. Along the way, I will check in with
the shelter to monitor what sort of supplies are needed.

Advisor Feedback
Must Include:

Required Revisions:


Experience advisor name and contact

Description of why advisor was selected
Specific plans to engage with advisor

3. Connection to Learning Outcomes

List 3 learning outcomes from any thematic area(s). Provide specific activities you plan to engage in to help you make
progress towards the chosen learning outcomes. Describe how you expect each activity to help your progress. Include an
estimated time commitment for those activities.
1. Discover new techniques to gain knowledge, consider options, make new connections, and ask questions
a. Never in my crocheting career have I ever made gloves, so a decent amount of time will be spent
figuring out the logistics behind making gloves. I will also try to not only crochet, but also knit
some of these items; I have never successfully knitted something before in my life, so I will also
spend time learning the very basics to knitting.
b. Through this experience, I will also try to complete new patterns with unique stitches, which
will hopefully expand my options in making various crochet projects.
c. I expect learning all of these new techniques will take close to 25 hours of this experience (4
hours for each new glove pattern, 10 hours to learn knitting, a half hour for every new stitch,
and 2 hours for each new scarf or hat pattern).
2. Motivate and collaborate effectively with others towards completion of shared projects or goals
a. As mentioned before, this project will be very difficult to complete alone. I will put time into
this experience to try to motivate people to join me in this project. In order to do this, I will talk

to multiple friends a family members about said experience. If they take an interest in this
project, I will teach them the basics of an easy pattern. Teaching a person to crochet could
potentially eat up a great deal of time, but it could pay off for them in the future.
b. I predict that this will take about 15 hours of time because I anticipate teaching around 5 peers
how to crochet, and each person should take around 3 hours to teach a basic pattern.
3. Understand and optimize the use of people, technology, physical resources or community in a creative
process (CREATIVITY).
a. Up until this point, the only experience I have crocheting is been almost strictly alone. My
mother is the only other person I have ever crocheted with before. Everything that I have
made, I have just kept for myself; it is time for this to change. This experience will teach me to
use my love of crocheting for the betterment of the community by helping those in need, and
also by teaching others a skill that has interested me for this past year.
b. This learning outcome will encompass the entire experience. Every minute of this experience
will help me learn and understand how to include other people and the community into my
personal hobby.
Advisor Feedback
Must Include:
Required Revisions:
3 learning outcomes explicitly identified
from any thematic area(s)
Examples of activities and explanation of
how each will assist the progress towards
the chosen learning outcome
Estimated time commitment for each

4. Academic Resources Connected to the Learning Outcomes

List 1-2 academic resources you plan to use to enhance your understanding of the learning outcomes. Explain how each
resource connects to your learning outcome(s) and helps you execute your experience. Please include the title and
author/creator for each resource.
Note: Academic resources are professional works that can be used to assist your understanding of the topic. Some
examples are books, documentaries, videos, or research journals.

Homeless Hearts: Life Stories of Women in a Homeless Shelter

by: Dr. Jean A. Newsome
This is a book which includes twelve interviews of homeless women, all of who were living in shelters. I
believe this book will give me insight to the backgrounds of the women in whom my items will be donated. I feel it
is highly important to gain a better understanding of the community of people I am helping.
Advisor Feedback
Must Include:
1-2 academic resources connected to the
learning outcomes
Title and author of each resource
Description of how resources will help
make progress towards learning outcomes
and execution of experience

5. On-going Reflection

Required Revisions:


The on-going reflection should help you process the experience and progress toward your chosen learning outcomes.
Describe your method for reflecting throughout the experience. Indicate specific reflection questions/topics you plan to
use to guide your reflective process.
Note: A variety of methods can be used for on-going reflection. Some examples are videos, drawings, blogs, songs, and
journals. Reflection topics to consider include your ideas/insights about the experience, connection to other areas of
involvement, and your progress towards the learning outcomes.
In order to reflect upon everything that I learn, I plan on posting a collage on my learning portfolio. The
pictures in the collage will of: every peer taught how to crochet, every new technique or stitch learned, every new
pattern tackled, and the total haul of items donated. Every picture in the collage will be clickable, which will then
lead to a page with a word description or a short video related to the picture. I believe this will help me reflect on
everything learned and everyone involved by visualizing every small detail in one large combination of pictures.

Advisor Feedback
Must Include:

Required Revisions:


Method for ongoing reflection

Reflection questions/topics clearly

6. Sharing Your Learning

Describe how you plan to actively share what youve taken away from this experience with a targeted audience. Explain
why you chose this specific audience.
Note: While social media can be an effective platform for sharing, only posting on your personal learning portfolio or
social media account(s) does not reach a targeted audience.
In order to relay what Ive taken from this experience to my targeted audience, my peers, I plan on having an
article of my experience published in my old high schools newspaper. This would hopefully encourage some students a
little younger than me to pursue unique service activities similar to my experience. I would also plan on presenting my
experience to the National Honors Society chapter at my old high school, to not only demonstrate my personal experience,
but also the experiences the high school students could pursue in college.

Advisor Feedback
Must Include:

Required Revisions:


At least one method to actively share takeaways/learning from the experience

A specific audience and why the audience
was selected

7. Budget (if applicable)

Provide an itemized budget and indicate your source for cost information.
*If you are engaged in an unpaid internship or research, please indicate the number of weeks and hours per week you
plan to participate.

To make one hat, about two skeins of yarn are required. Two and a half skeins are needed to make one
scarf. One and a half skeins are needed for a pair of gloves.
20 Hats*1 skein=20
20 Scarves*2.5 skeins=50
+ 20 Pairs of gloves*1.5 skeins=30
100 skeins of yarn* $5.00 per skein= $500.00 for yarn
I already own hooks, and if people want me to teach them, they can either borrow my hooks, or buy their own. The
only cost would then be yarn, which would come out to be around $500.00.

Advisor Feedback
Detailed budget of expenditures with
sources to justify budget estimates
*Indicates the number of hours per week
and number of weeks of participation

Required Revisions:


Learning Outcomes for the Community Engagement Thematic Area:
By engaging in this thematic area, you will make progress towards learning how to

Identify and differentiate multiple ways to contribute towards the development or achievement of the
communitys goals.
Develop a thorough understanding of the world view, beliefs, experiences, self-consciousness, or history of
community members through collaboration.
Articulate the purpose of service on a social issue or public policy and how service mutually enhances individual
growth and the common good.
Explain how education, advocacy, mobilization, or public policy can influence social issues and transform

Learning Outcomes for the Creativity Thematic Area:

By engaging in this thematic area, you will make progress towards learning how to

Discover new techniques to gain knowledge, consider options, make new connections, and ask questions.
Explore a new creative competency/medium or seek new ways to engage an existing competency/medium.
Understand and optimize the use of people, technology, physical resources or community in a creative process.
Articulate the broader significance of a creative project and the value of its contributions.

Learning Outcomes for the Global Studies Thematic Area:

By engaging in this thematic area, you will make progress towards learning how to

Develop practical travel skills that promote safe, stimulating, and productive travel throughout your life.
Summarize the interconnectedness of geography, history, cultural traits and world issues.
Articulate the interdependence of professional fields to address current and impending global issues such as
technology, the environment, human rights, or politics.
Demonstrate an understanding of cultural diversity by acknowledging the impact of their own identity and the
experience of social norms, customs, or beliefs that are different from their own.
Demonstrate a sense of empathy, respect, and appreciation for others to build meaningful cross-cultural
collaborations toward mutual growth and prosperity.

Learning Outcomes for the Leadership Thematic Area:

By engaging in this thematic area, you will make progress towards learning how to

Formulate and manage a shared vision and develop goals towards its achievement.
Motivate and collaborate effectively with others towards completion of shared projects or goals.
Develop strategies to identify and respond to challenges and obstacles.
Identify personal strengths and areas of growth and evaluate opportunities to maximize skills and abilities.
Synthesize the current trends related to a specific issue or field and evaluate how thought-leaders are currently
addressing them.

Learning Outcomes for the Research Thematic Area:

By engaging in this thematic area, you will make progress towards learning how to

Demonstrate the ability to locate, interpret, and critically evaluate primary sources appropriate to field.
Identify and apply appropriate methods to collect and organize data for analysis.
Analyze and interpret the meaning of results.
Produce dissemination appropriate to the field in order to share the results or impact of the research.

Articulate the broader significance of the research project and its relationship to other fields, research and

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