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One Sheet Campaign Guide D&D

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Since the dawn of time, the Gods of Light have watched over the world of Krynn from the

They have given us many wondrous gifts, bountiful harvests, moral guidance, and, most amazing of all,
magical healing. But the Gods of Light have always been opposed by the Queen of Darkness, Takhisis,
and her evil allies.
In the First Age, she and her armies of Dragons, Goblins, Ogres, Minotaurs and Gnolls waged a war
to dominate the world, and she was winning. But the peoples of the world, men, elves and dwarves,
united behind the Gods of Light and prayed for help.
In the end, with the help of the Gods of Light and the great hero Huma Dragonbane, the good peoples
of Krynn prevailed, saving the world from the evil reign of Takhisis.
Unfortunately, this victory made the people arrogant. Now believing themselves more powerful than
their protectors, the people began to command the gods to do their bidding. The gods' response was
swift and devastating. The Cataclysm changed the very face of Krynn.
The gods were never heard from again, leaving the people of the world to fight for survival without
their help, without their guidance. Belief in the gods waned, shattering the unity of the races. Elves,
dwarves and men grew to distrust and fight one another.
And so began the Age of Despair. More than three hundred and fifty years have come and gone and
still the gods remain silent in the heavens
Five years ago, six adventurers set out from the Inn of the Last Home in the town of Solace to seek the
forgotten knowledge of the True Gods. They each had great adventures, but they did not find what they
sought. In time, five returned. Of the sixth, nothing has been heard.
A heroic tale about the return of the old gods and the war against Takhisis and her dragon armies.
Based on the Dragonlance modules and novels. Don't read up on it or you will spoil it for yourself.
Each character is a veteran adventurer. After five years of solo-ing dungeons, you are getting back
together with your former adventuring party.

Krynn is somewhat different than a standard D&D setting. The cataclysm of 350 years ago destroyed
civilization and started a dark age of ignorance and suffering. Only the oldest Elves can remember the
age before the Cataclysm. Clerics and divine magic have disappeared, and the Gods no longer answer
prayers or speak to the faithful (hence no Clerics or Paladins). Certain standard D&D races and
creatures are not present in Krynn; there are no Beholders, Orcs, Trolls, Hobgoblins or Drow, but there
are Elves, Dwarves, Giants, Gnolls, Goblins, Ogres, Minotaurs and Dragons. Halflings exist but are
called Kender.
Use Standard Array for Ability Scores: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
Characters start at 4th Level (2,700 XP).
Start with normal amount of Gold, but pick mundane equipment freely (no charge). You may
only have one Silvered weapon (or 10 ammunition) and up to five (total) of Acid, Alchemist's
Fire, Anti-toxin, Healing Potion, Holy Water and Poison. You don't start with a mount or
No Dark Elf (Drow).
Halflings are renamed Kender.
No Dragonborn.
Rock Gnome Only.
No Half-Orc.
No Tiefling.
Humans choose an ethnicity: Abanasianian (borderlanders), Ergothian (romans), Khurish
(Arabian nights), Nordmaarine (jungle tribes), Plainsfolk (injuns), or Solamnic (ancient land of
tight-ass knights).
Use Human Variant Traits: Increase Two Different Ability Scores by 1 each, Choose 1 Skill,
Choose 1 Feat.
Multi-classing is allowed and encouraged!
No Cleric, No Paladin (though you can multi-class to these later: Cleric Wisdom 13, Paladin
Strength and Wisdom 13).
Druids and Monks are allowed, though they do not get their powers through a god.
No Warlock.
You may choose to take a Mystery DM Background Element. This will usually be some complication
involving the setting's various factions or NPC's. The details will be shared with you privately and its
up to you if you want to share this information with other players/characters. If you do choose to take
one, you will start the game with a (useful) mystery item.
This game will use Feats (PHB p. 165): Whenever your class would grant you Ability Score
Improvement feature, you may choose a Feat instead.

Everybody can read and write common, as well as their racial/regional
read/write another language, you must spend an additional language
Common (Abanasinian)

Draconic, Dwarven

Kenderspeak (Halfling)


language. In order to and

choice on that language.

A BRIEF HISTORY (BC = Before Cataclysm, AC = After Cataclysm)

1018 BC: Led by the Solamnic Knight, Huma Dragonbane, united armies of Elves, Dwarves and Men
wage war against Takhisis' armies of Dragons, Goblins, Gnolls, Ogres and Minotaurs. The alliance is
successful, and Takhisis is expelled from Krynn. Dragons dwindle and disappear until the final
sightings around 950 BC.
800 BC: The human merchant empire of Istar becomes the most dominant civilization on Krynn. In
later centuries, it becomes increasing degenerate and corrupt.
280 BC: Istar installs a Kingpriest who rules as a living god.
94 BC: Istar wages campaigns of genocide against non-humans.
80 BC: Istar declares arcane magic unholy; launches inquisition on magicians.
0AC: The Cataclysm! The Kingpriest's mad attempts to become a god anger the real Gods. They cause
an asteroid to collide with Krynn, resulting in a global catastrophe. All true priests leave the world with
their deities and clerical magic disappears from the world.
1 AC (THE AGE OF DESPAIR): The fallout from the Cataclysm lasts for centuries. Plague and
famine wrack the lands. The Solamnic Knights are in disgrace and reviled by people for not stopping
the Cataclysm. The Seeker movement begins, with desperate people searching for a new religion to
replace the Old Gods.
39 AC (Dwarf Gate Wars): Beleaguered dwarves and humans fight for control over the fortress
Thorbardin. Results in much destruction and forever alters relations between the races.
60-250 AC (Reign of Warlords): Petty warlords rise up across Ansalon. Many wars and battles are
fought as small fiefdoms come and go. It is a time of blood and chaos.
346 AC: 6 journeymen heroes meet at the Inn of the Last Home in the village of Solace. They agree to
part ways and search the land for any signs of the Old Gods. They swear an oath to return to the inn
after five years have passed.
351 AC (The Fall): 5 weary heroes make their way to the Inn of the Last Home to fulfill their oath...

Abanasinia is a peninsula covered in tall-grass prairies, mixed forests and low crumbling mountains.
There are two types of men here: civilized Abanasinians and nomadic Plainsfolk.
The Abansians dwell in a loose confederation of several towns and city-states in the west, politically
independent but culturally dominated by the Lord-City of Haven. In the past they were ruled by tyrants,
merchant princes and democratically elected leaders, but recently they have fallen under the sway of
the Seeker Cult based in Haven. On the plains dwell a numerous and powerful race of nomads, called
Plainsfolk or Que-shu. These proud primitives hunt the elusive purple buffalo, and provide security to
the towns and city-states.
The Darken Wood has a reputation as a place of evil. It is a confusing and overgrown, with few paths
but many roundabout valleys and dead end defiles. The eastern portion of the land holds a putrid
swamp and the ruins of an ancient city destroyed by the Cataclysm. The Eastwall mountains separate
the fertile plains from the swampy regions. Crystalmir Lake is deep, blue, and still. It is bordered on the
east, south, and west by Vallenwood forests and on the north by a patchwork of farmers fields.
To the south is the elven realm of Qualinesti. It is fiercely guarded against intruders and non-elves are
rarely welcome.

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