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School: USA K-5 School
Date: ___________
Level of students: Beginning ESL
Number of students: 16
Focus of the Lesson: Asking about and describing weather

Time: 45-60 minutes

Students will be able to write sentences describing the weather and ask questions about the
weather using the vocabulary words: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy, hot, cold, and weather. They
will also be able to use the simple present tense, simple past tense, "it is" statements, how questions, and
"is it" questions.
Students will apply their knowledge of descriptive words learned from the previous lesson.
Terminal Objectives: Students will successfully talk about and describe different types of
weather, and apply their knowledge of descriptive words learned from the previous lesson.
Enabling Objectives:
-Students will be able to use different weather vocabulary (sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy,
snowy, hot, cold, and weather)
-Students will be able to use the simple present and past tense sentences when describing
-Students will be able to use "it is" statements, how questions, and "is it" questions when
describing weather

Pictures of different kinds of weather (with words), flash cards, exit ticket worksheets, boards,
and markers, laptop and projector (for video) (Sesame Street Video)

1. Warm-up Activity (5 minutes): Recalling information from previous lesson about descriptive
words (very, not, a little bit, a lot)
-Students will be asked a question and depending on their answers choose to stand on the
left side of the classroom or the right side of the classroom. Students will also be given opportunities to
make their own questions and ask them.
Instructions: "I'm going to ask you some questions and depending on your
answers you're going to stand on the left side of the classroom or the right side of the classroom. These
questions are going to be using the descriptive words that we used yesterday, like very, not, a little bit, and
a lot." Teachers will gesture to which side of the classroom students will stand on when reading the

questions. Later teachers can see if students are willing to contribute questions to the warm-up activity.
Questions: Who likes ice cream a lot?/Who likes ice cream a little bit? Who is
very hungry?/Who is not hungry? Who is very tired?/Who is not tired? Who likes pizza a lot?/Who likes
pizza a little bit?
2. Presentation (5 minutes):
-Use pictures on the board with the word, and a picture of the word to introduce new
vocabulary. This is to introduce the words, not to introduce sentences.
-Use adjectives to describe the pictures (snowy, windy, sunny, etc).
-Show which words can be grouped together (cold and snowy, hot and sunny, etc).
3. Guided Practice (10 minutes):
-After introducing the new words to the students, have them say what each picture
represents in adjective form (snowy, windy, sunny, etc) as a group. Then ask if anyone can group two
words together.
4. Free Practice (10 minutes):
-Hand out sets of flashcards to each student and have them make as many pairs as they
can (snowy/cold, sunny/hot, cloudy/rainy, etc).
Instructions: "Everyone is going to get a set of flashcards. What you're going to
do is use the cards and make pairs of words that go together. For example, the words snowy and cold
make a pair."
5. Presentation (10 minutes):
-Talk about the weather outside (introducing "it is" sentence structures).
-Teachers ask students, "how's the weather today?" and different follow-up questions
such as: 'is it snowy?', 'is it rainy?', 'is it windy?'
-Teacher will incorporate the descriptive words learned in previous lesson into the
sentences, such as: it is very snowy or it is raining a little bit.
6. Guided Practice (15 minutes):
-After introducing the weather outside, make a list of the weather words from today and
place them where everyone can see them.
-Ask if anyone can describe the weather outside with an "it is" sentence, then write the
sentence on the board and have the students copy it down.
Instructions: "We're going to practice using the 'it is' sentence structure now.
Can anyone give me a sentence describing the weather outside using 'it is'?
-After practicing forming sentences with the students, have them split into pairs and
practice asking each other questions about the weather outside. Give examples such as, "is it
snowy/rainy/windy?" and "how's the weather?".
-Students will respond to questions in the "it is" sentence structure
Instructions: "Im going to split everyone into pairs now. You guys are going to
practice using the sentences we learned today. One person is going to ask their partner a question about
the weather, such as 'how's the weather?' or 'is it rainy?'. And the other student will respond to these

questions using the 'it is' sentences, such as 'it is hot' or 'it is rainy'."
7. Free Practice (5-7 minutes):
-Have the students pick words and have them practice writing 'it is' sentences on their
-Walk around checking their work and help if needed.
Instructions: "We're going to practice writing "it is" sentences in your notebooks
now, just like the ones you copied down earlier. You can write down the sentences you and your partner
8. Evaluation:
-When the pairs are practicing, the teacher will walk around and listening for correct
form of questions and descriptions of what the weather is like today. If the forms are incorrect, the teacher
can help clarify any confusion or correct any incorrect usage of vocabulary.
9. Extension:
-Sesame Street Video: Ask students what type of weather were shown in the video.
Instructions: "We're going to watch a video about the weather now. I want you
guys to pay attention and try to remember the different types of weather that are shown in the video."
-Exit Ticket: Each student will be given a worksheet, and they will need to complete it
and hand it in before they leave. The worksheet will be matching sentences and pictures that they learned
during the lesson. The teacher can walk around and answer any questions or help if needed.
Instructions: "So we're going to do an Exit Ticket today. I'm going to give each
of you a worksheet. You're going to match the picture with the correct sentence by drawing a line
connecting the two. You need to finish the worksheet and hand it in before you leave class today."
10. Follow-Up (Next Lesson):
-Students will review vocabulary words and sentence structures that they learned in
previous lesson
-Students will be introduced to new weather vocabulary, such as: stormy, humid, foggy,
dry, warm, and cool.


Exit Ticket Worksheet

It is cold

It is windy

It is cloudy

It is hot

It is rainy

It is snowy

It is sunny

These will be cut apart and used for flash cards








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