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The purpose of this letter is to assist cadets and parents in preparing for and excelling in the JROTC program. Included
in this letter is information concerning the training, grading policy, required supplies, co-curricular teams, activities and
Army JROTC is a voluntary program that is available for 9th-12th grade students. The mission of JROTC is To Motivate
Young People To Be Better Citizens. One of the primary sub-goals is to help cadets graduate from high school, by
providing opportunities to acquire the knowledge, discipline and sense of responsibility to take charge of their future.
Cadets who enroll in the program must agree to abide by the standards governing conduct, appearance, and participation.
Failure to comply with these standards may result in removal from the program.
JROTC courses consist of classroom instruction and activities outside of the classroom. The grading scale is the same as
other classes at Kenwood. ( 93-100 A 85-92 B 75-84 C 70-74 D 69 Below F) Graded topics include, but are not limited
to the following:
A. Physical Training (PT) : All cadets are required to participate in PT. Part of the grade is earned for dressing out
(see PT uniform requirements at #6) the other part is for participation and effort. PT will normally be conducted on
Mondays and Fridays. After the Cadet Challenge in Nov, Monday PT may be replaced by classroom training until
spring. It will be extremely difficult for cadets to pass if they fail to participate in PT.
1). Cadets who are absent on PT days will be required to make up the PT after school, within three days of the
absence unless they bring a note from their parent/guardian or doctor verifying that they have a serious illness or
injury precluding them from participating in PT. Doctors notes are required for extended illness or injury. Alternate
assignments may be given to cadets with extended periods of illness or injury. Cadets who are present on PT days
with a note for illness or injury must dress out to receive credit.
2). Cadets who fail to dress out, yet choose to participate will earn partial credit.
B. Uniform wear/ Inspection: Each cadet will be issued a complete uniform and will be responsible to ensure the
uniform and accessories are properly maintained and accounted for. Cadets who lose or fail to properly maintain the
uniform will be required to pay for the damaged or missing item(s). Cadets will wear their uniform weekly, normally on
Wednesday. To receive credit for uniform day, cadets will correctly wear their uniform the entire day (7:25-2:25) and
participate in the inspection. If a cadet is absent on uniform day, the uniform will be worn on the next non-PT day to
receive credit. If a cadet is in school on uniform day but fails to wear the uniform, they will receive a zero for the
uniform inspection. Upon making up the uniform wear, their inspection grade will be automatically be reduced by 10%.
Hair and grooming standards for JROTC cadets are modified from U.S. Army regulations. Your attention is
directed to the following key points:
1) Male Cadets: Will be clean-shaven at all times. Hair will be neatly trimmed (blocked or tapered) at all times
and must not present a bulky appearance. Hair must be off the ears and collar. Fad hairstyles such as corn
rows Mohawks and dread locks are not permitted. Hair may not be dyed in a manner which does not
complement the uniform. In all cases the style of haircut must allow military headgear to be properly worn.

2) Female Cadets: Female hair must be worn in a style as to be above the lower edge of the collar. Hair
ornaments such as
berets must be either black or match the natural color of their hair. Hairstyles and hair color must complement
the uniform and
allow for proper wear of military headgear. Makeup to include nail polish must be conservative and compliment
the uniform.
3) Body Piercings: When in uniform all cadets will observe the following restrictions. Male cadets may not
wear any form of piercing including earrings. Female cadets may not wear any form of piercing except earrings,

which is limited to one set of studs (no larger than inch) in the following colors: silver, gold, pearl, or
diamonds (no figures such as hearts, butterflies or others shapes, STUDS ONLY).
4) Failure to comply with the above mentioned Army Uniform Standards will result in actions ranging from
on the spot corrections and loss of points from their weekly uniform grade for minor infractions to
confiscation of the uniform, loss of cadet privileges, placement on the JROTC non-return list, and the cadets
status changing from cadet to student.
C. Leadership is a large portion of a cadet's grade. It covers many areas including; Setting Appropriate Examples,
Attitude, Military Bearing, Initiative, Adaptability, Preparedness, Personal Conduct (in all school activities), Grooming
and appearance standards and class participation. Poor examples of leadership, such as infractions of the topics listed
above, improper behavior in any class, being assigned to ISS, detention or suspension will affect grades, promotions and
cadets return to JROTC in the future.
D. Academic subjects include six units, Citizenship in Action, Leadership Theory and Application, Foundations for
Success, Wellness, Fitness and First Aid, Geography and Earth Science and Citizenship in American History and
Government, along with additional materials. Assignments including authentic assessments, exercises, quizzes and tests
will be used throughout the year to enhance and assess the cadets academic progress. Presentations, research papers
essays and reports will be assigned to enhance cadets' research, reading, presentation and writing skills.
4. Co-curricular activities (Teams): Our program offers Raiders, Armed and Unarmed Drill, Color Guard, Saber,
Flag Detail and Air Rifle teams that compete and perform locally and across the country throughout the school year. Cadets
are strongly encouraged to participate on these teams, however participation is not mandatory. To be eligible to participate
on these teams, cadets must have parental approval, an athletic physical (Raiders), maintain appropriate passing grades, and
remain free from negative disciplinary actions.
5. Activities and events. Each year the Battalion marches in a parade, normally the Clarksville veterans day parade in
November. There are numerous Volunteer opportunities for community service/support activities. Cadets who present
positive attributes are highly encouraged to participate in these activities. Fundraising opportunities will be available for
cadets wishing to support the program. Each spring, the Battalion hosts a Military Ball for all cadets in good standing.
6. Required Items:
A. Two pocket folder, loose leaf paper, a black pen and pencil.
B. PT Uniform consisting of: Black or dark Blue sweats or athletic shorts. (Blue jeans, dress shorts, Spandex or
shorts above mid thigh are NOT allowed). Plain white T-Shirt, JROTC, Kenwood School, or Army PT shirt.
White socks, non-scuff gym shoes and a combination or key lock. Note: Many students have lost valuables because
they failed to secure their gym lockers with a lock.
7. Remember, JROTC is an elective course. Enrollment in JROTC signifies that you will comply with the policies
and procedures established for this course. Cadets who fail to comply with the established standards may be:
Removed from the program, restricted from returning in future years, reduced from cadet to student status, and/or
denied recommendation for advanced status should they apply for ROTC scholarships or entry into the military.
8. Thank you for entering the JROTC program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your students
instructors at 905-7900(plus their room extension) or email,, .
CW3 Edward Coleman, First Sergeant Mitchell Ketchens and Sergeant First Class Stephone Duncan
I _____________________________ (Cadet Name) understand the information provided in this letter
_______________________________(Cadet Signature)

I ______________________________(Parent Name) understand the information provided in this letter

_______________________________(Parent Signature)

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