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Sed 482 Final Unit Plan 2

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Grade/Subject: 9th Grade Biology

Unit BIG Idea

Natural selection and change in gene frequency allow species to adapt to

their new existing environment and can potentially lead a species to become
an invasive species.
Example: Asian tiger mosquito

Next Generation Science Standard

HS-LS1-4: Use a model to illustrate the role of

Cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining
complex organisms.
Concept 4: Biological Evolution

Arizona Science Standard(s)

PO 1. Identify the following components of natural selection, which can lead

to speciation:
potential for a species to increase its numbers
genetic variability and inheritance of offspring due to mutation and
recombination of genes
PO 2. Explain how genotypic and phenotypic variation can result in
adaptations that influence an organisms success in an environment.
PO 4. Predict how a change in an environmental factor (e.g., rainfall, habitat
loss, and non-native species) can affect the number and diversity of species
in an ecosystem.
Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Core Standard

Arizona College and Career Readiness

Standards (optional)

910.WHST.7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to

answer a question (including a selfgenerated question) or solve a problem;
narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources
on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under
910.WHST.10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for reflection
and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a
range of disciplinespecific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
910.WHST.9. Draw evidence from informational
texts to support analysis, reflection, and research

Culminating Assessment: How will I

measure mastery of the NGSS?

Students will construct a poster that will demonstrate their knowledge of gene
frequency, natural selection, invasive, native species, biotic and abiotic
factors. The poster will be graded using a rubric that will check for accuracy,
use of scientific practices, and knowledge of how processes work.
Real-Time Calendar

A standard is most likely too complex to be taught in its entirety in one lesson. Therefore, it will be broken down into daily
objectives to scaffold learning for students in order to ensure that they master the entire standard. List the daily lesson objectives
you will teach during a 10 day unit in the calendar below (50 minutes per day). There are those instances where students may not
achieve the daily lesson objective in one day of instruction. You will want to allow time to review the content and practices, as
necessary (factual level reviews, such as Jeopardy are highly discouraged). This section helps you to see the alignment
between the standard, daily lesson objectives, lesson activities, and assessments in real-time. Days can be added if needed.
List an agenda with description of each agenda
Formative Assessment*

SWBAT formulate a
prediction of what
kinds of factors
allowed species like
the Asian tiger
mosquito species to be
able adapt new and
existing environments.

Students will use a prediction graphic

organizer sheet to predict the factors
that allowed species to survive in new
and existing environments.

Teacher will lead a discussion on

factors that affect species ability to
survive in new and existing

SWBAT compare and

contrast a native and
an invasive species.

SWBAT Explain how

natural selection may
lead to an invasive
species taking over an

Students will take notes on a

PowerPoint lecture on Native species
and invasive species.
Students will create a Venn diagram to
compare and contrast a native and
invasive species.
Teacher will give a description of what
a native and invasive species is.
Students will watch a short video on
natural selection.
Students will discuss questions and
information about natural selection

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Students will complete the

prediction graphic organizer
sheet. The graphic organizer
sheet will be asses on students
ability to
1. list factors that allow
species to adapt to new
existing environment.
2. Provide reason to why
those factors are
helping the species
adapt to new existing
3. Include evidence that
supports their reason
for each of the factors.
Completion of the Venn
diagram and on students ability
to find similarities and
differences among native and
invasive species.

Students will turn in an exit

ticket on their way out of class
and that will be used to assess
completion of the objective.

Students will fill in a guided note sheet

on a PowerPoint about natural selection

Teacher will facilitate the natural

selection discussion and will point out
significant part from the natural
selection video during the discussion.
Teacher will provide a brief lesson on
SWBAT create a claim factors that can change gene frequency
of factors that lead to in a species and on why changes in
gene frequency occur.
the change in gene
frequency in the
In groups students will apply their
species .
knowledge of gene frequency to write a
claim of the factors that lead to the
change in gene frequency using the
Asian tiger mosquito as an example.

justify how changes in
gene frequency can
allow populations to
adapt to new exciting

Students will work in pairs to answer a

worksheet that requires them to prove
how gene frequency can allow species
to adapt to new environments.
Teacher will provide a brief review on
gene frequency and the factors that
can change gene frequency . Teacher
will allow pair work for the activity.

SWBAT explain how

change in gene
frequency and natural
selection allow
species to adapt to
new environments and
become invasive

Students will work individually on

worksheet that will allow them apply
their knowledge about gene frequency,
natural selection, and invasive species.
Students will share with their partner
their response and then with the whole
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Students will present and turn

in their claim of the factors that
can lead to a change in gene
frequency in the species of the
Asian tiger mosquito. Students
claims will be asses on student
ability to
1. Write a claim
2. include their evidence
for their claim
3. include their
reasoning/ justification
for their claim.
Students will participate in a
class discussion where they
will share their answers from
the worksheet. Students will
also turn in their worksheet.
The class worksheet will be
asses on students ability to
Prove how gene frequency can
allow species to adapt to new
and existing environments.
Students will turn in the
worksheet they answer during
class. The worksheet will be
asses in students ability to
1. The purpose of natural
2. The purpose of change


SWBAT to create a
graphic organizer that
illustrates how native
species become
invasive species with
the help of natural
selection and gene
SWBAT propose a
solution to rid the
environment of a
invasive species.
SWBAT construct a
poster of the solution
of possible solution to
get rid of invasive

SWBAT critique
classmates solutions
for ridding an
environment of an
invasive species

Teacher will facilitate and assist

students in the creation of a class
explanation of how natural selection
and gene frequency allowed the asian
tiger mosquito species adapt to new
existing environment and become an
invasive species.
Students will create a poster with their
assign groups. In the poster students
will apply their knowledge of gene
frequency, natural selection and
invasive species.
Teacher will assign, monitor and assist
students groups.
Students will work with a partner to
generate a solution.
Teacher will provide leading questions
to help them focus in on their idea.
Students will start formulating concepts
for their poster.
Students will work with their partner to
lay out a solution to the problem that
was identified on day 8.

in gene frequency
3. How natural selection
and gene frequency can
help species become
invasive species.
Students will participate in
gallery walk where their peers
and their teacher will assess
their graphic organizer and
their ability to understand how
a native species can become
invasive species with the help
of natural selection and gene
Completion of the solution
idea paper will assess the
completion of the objective.

Completion of posters will be

required before students exit

Poster will lay out both problem and

Teacher will walk around and check
each student's poster to make sure they
understand the concept and are
correctly representing the data.
Groups will come up to the front of the
class and explain how they found their
invasive species and how it affects the
Students will listen and critique each
students poster with the worksheet they
are given.
Teachers will ask the students who are
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Posters will be turned in for a

grade as well as students
critiques of their classmates.
Students poster will be
assessed using a rubric.

presenting about their poster to make

sure that they understand the objectives
*For formative assessment describe an activity used to elicit PROGRESS toward mastery of the standard (should
align directly with the daily objective). Do not include informal assessments, such as on-the-fly questioning

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