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Idiom Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template Abridged

(May be adapted based on instructors needs)

Grade Level
(Plus any others
as may be


Bloom's Taxonomy
Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)

Idioms/figurative language
Michaela Plute
Language Arts


E04.B-K.1.1.1: Refer to details and examples in a text

when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text.
E04.B-V.4.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of
figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings. a. Explain the meaning of similes and
metaphors in context. b. Recognize and explain the
meaning of common idioms, adages, and proverbs. c.
Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them
to their antonyms and synonyms.
Formal Evaluation
Students will create an idiom booklet with at least 15
idioms complete with the idiom, a drawing, and the
meaning of the idiom.
Informal Evaluation

Observation of how students are participating in the

game and helping out their team determine what the
drawing is of and the figurative meaning of the idiom.
How students participate in the practice
activities/examples of determining literal and figurative
meaning from the phrases.

Students in groups will be able to correctly identify the

idioms literal and figurative meaning 80% of the time.
The students will individually be able to identify the
idioms presented in the story 70% of the time.
Students will individually create their own idiom book,
with idioms (literal meaning, figurative meaning, and
illustration) presented in class with 100% accuracy.

Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan
Activating Prior Knowledge
I will start with having a popular idiom written on the
board (something simple like its raining cats and dogs
or its a piece of cake). I will ask the students to take
a minute and think about the literal and non-literal
meaning (figurative meaning of the phrase). We will talk
about the fact that these phrases with two meanings are


Big Ideas

Lesson Procedure
Must include
adaptations &
for students with
special needs

called idioms and that they are popular in society. We

will come up with a class definition for idiom. I will then
ask for 2-3 examples the students can think of.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
I will tell the students we will practice using the skills to
recognize an idiom. I will read an excerpt from a book
called Amelia Bedelia Means Business (which is a book
that has many idioms) and ask the students to write
down on a scratch piece of paper all the idioms they
have heard. We will discuss the figurative and literal
meanings of all the words. Which they will be able to
add to their idiom book during class if we have time or
after class for homework.
Big Idea Statement
Idioms are used often in our daily lives and everyday
language. To be an effective member of society we
need to be able to recognize what a literal/figurative
meaning of phrases are.
Essential Questions
What is an idiom?
What is a literal meaning of a phrase?
What is a figurative meaning of a phrase?
Why do we need to know about idioms?
Key Vocabulary
Figurative meaning
Literal meaning
Pre-Assessment of Students
I would put an easy idiom phrase on the board such as
thats a piece of cake or its raining cats and dogs. I
would ask the students to read to me what the phrase
says and what just by reading it with no other
knowledge what the phrase means. Then I will tell them
to tell me what the phrase actually means in
conversation or the figurative meaning. We will use the
terms figurative and literal meaning during this time. I
will tell the students that these phrases are called idioms
and we would work together as a class to come up with
a class definition for the word for them to add to their
idiom booklet on the first page. I would ask for 2-3
examples the students could come up with.
Modeling of the Concept (lesson sequence)
I will first do my pre-assessment, which will include
asking students for a figurative meaning and literal
meaning of the phrase/phrases I present on the board.
I will inform the students that these phrases are called
idioms and we will work on a class definition for the word
and I will have a student write the word and definition on
the board. (Will later be added to their idiom booklets)

Students as a whole will be asked to think of 2-3 (max)

examples of idioms that they have used or have heard
their families use on a daily basis.
I will inform the students that they will be given practice
on identifying idioms in a story when I read an excerpt
from, Amelia Bedelia Means Business.
The students will write down any idioms they hear or
think are idioms as I am reading.
We will then go over the idioms from the book and write
down the literal and figurative meanings for the phrases.
I will then have a student help me pass out construction
paper to all students and another student to help me
pass out crayons or colored pencils. I will inform the
students that we will be making an idiom book during
the class if time or for homework. Therefore, they
should keep a record of all the words we go over in class
in their meanings.
The students will have the word idiom and the definition
the class came up with on the cover page. They wont be
able to fit all the words into their booklet that we go over
so they will have to pick words they feel are most
The main things I will be looking for are: the idiom, the
literal meaning, the figurative meaning and an
illustration for the phrase/idiom.
Students can take words from anywhere to copy into
their booklet; the idioms we went over at the beginning
during pre- assessment, the idioms presented in the
book, the idioms we do examples of to practice
identifying figurative and literal meanings after the
reading, and the words we use in the Pictionary game
we will play.
We will then go over a few examples of idiom phrases
and practice identifying literal and figurative meanings
of everyday idioms students may encounter the most we
will go over will be 10, less depending on time.
I will give the students an opportunity to write the words
down to later add to their booklets.
While the students do that, I will silently pick straws for
teams for our Pictionary game on idioms. There will be 2
teams. A member from each team (one at a time) will
pick a slip of paper with an idiom phrase written on it
(the decision for which team gets to go first could be
decided in one of two ways 1: if there is an odd number
of students, the team with less students will go first
because they will be at a disadvantage. 2: if there is an
even amount of students, I will think of a number and
the student who gets closer to my number will go first.
The chosen starter (all students will hopefully have an


opportunity to draw a phrase) will pick an idiom phrase

out of a bag and keep it to themselves. They will then
go to the board and draw the best they can the phrase
on their split. Students will not be allowed to write
words or inform anyone of their idiom. Their team will
then try to guess what was drawn. The whole team may
have input but there will be a designated person set at
the beginning who will give the final answer (like in
family feud).
If the team guesses the drawing correctly they will
receive half a point in order to receive the full point they
must also figure out the figurative meaning of the idiom
on the board (ex. A piece of cake is drawn. They must
be able to say that the idiom is, thats a piece of cake
and that the figurative meaning means something is
If the students guess the drawing but dont know the
figurative meaning, the other chance has an opportunity
to steal half a point. If the other team presents the
correct meaning both teams will receive half a point, if
the first team does not answer either part the other
team has an opportunity to steal a whole point, or no
points at all.
We will have a designated score keeper and we will play
until we run out of idioms or we run out of time.
Students can keep track of the idioms and meanings
throughout the game to add to their booklet.
If there is time remaining students can get started on
their booklet. If not it will be for homework.
Guiding the Practice
I will guide the practice by doing examples of idioms
with the students helping them to figure out the
figurative and literal meanings of the phrases.
I will help them to decide on what words to use in their
booklets if they need additional help deciding.
Providing the Independent Practice
The independent practice will be the Pictionary game
where I will provide as little help as possible to the
teams unless I notice a big problem of
Also the students will do the idiom booklet
independently. However, I will provide help if need be
for clarification or questions.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
No accommodations were needed for this lesson when I
taught it.
Construction paper
Crayons/colored pencils

supplies, etc.)


comments and

List of idiom words on slips of paper

A bag to put the idioms in
Student helper(s): passing out materials, writing on the
board, keeping score
Popsicle sticks of student names to pick teams

Summary & Review of the Learning

At the end we will review what idioms mean, and what
the differences are between figurative and literal
meanings of the phrases to check for comprehension.
The idiom booklet will be completed for homework.

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