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Edtpa Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy - Rl.4.6

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The key takeaways are that students will read a chapter from the book 'A Long Walk to Water' and write from the perspective of one of the characters, Nya or Salva, to understand their feelings.

Students might feel scared, confused, or in pain if they were in Salva or Nya's position based on the events described in the chapter.

Students may find it difficult to put themselves in the place of characters who have very different life experiences. It also requires imagining how someone else feels rather than just stating facts.

edTPA Lesson Plan Template

Subject: Fourth Grade Language Arts/Reading

Central Focus: Taking on a character from a story and

writing from their point of view.

Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:

Compare and contrast the point of view from which
different stories are narrated, including the
difference between first- and third-person
Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a
point of view with reasons and information.

Date submitted: Date taught: 3/17/15 10:15 AM

Daily Lesson Objective:

5 points (must have all three parts)
Performance- The students will be able to pick a character from the story A long walk to water and write an opinion
piece like they are this character. They will be able to write how they would feel as that specific person, and why they
would feel this way. This writing will be taken up, and checked to be sure they chose a character from the story and
chose logical feelings from the chapter.
Conditions- I will read the chapter out loud to students and we will discuss it as we read both as a class and in partners.
They will have a chance to ask any questions at this time before they complete the assignment.
Criteria It should not take the students more than twenty minutes to write at least a paragraph from this characters
point of view. This should be plausible and go along with the chapter that we read the same day, they should also use
specific facts from the text and site these.

21st Century Skills:

Reason Effectively
Develop, implement and communicate new
ideas to others effectively.
Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in
work and understand the real world limits to
adopting ideas.
Interpret information and draw conclusions
based on the best analysis.

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Listening- and understanding the story being
read to them
Writing- taking on the point of view of a
character and writing their opinion from this point
of view.
Speaking- talking to both their classmates and
myself about the opinions they decide on.

Prior Knowledge:
Students will need to understand how to listen to and comprehend a story without physically reading the story. They will
also need to understand how to pick a specific character from the book to write about.

1. Focus and Review
10 points


Before I begin reading chapter nine I will ask the students to

recap what we read about in chapter eight.
What did we read about yesterday? Where did we leave
Right now Salva is heading down the river, and all he knows
is there water will be scarce for a long time and they are going
to a desert.
You all should have written about how you would feel in
Salvas position, can some of you share that with the class?

2. Statement of Objective
for Student
10 points

3. Teacher Input
10 points

I will be able to take on a character from the book and write from this
persons point of view. I will do this by writing at least a paragraph on how I
would feel as this character, and state specific facts from the chapter that we
will read together.
I will now begin reading chapter ten of A Long Walk to Water to the
I will stop periodically through the chapter and have them answer
questions and collaborate with their partners.
I will begin with Nyas section.
How would you feel if strange men came to your house to talk to
someone in your family?
What do you think those men wanted, or what they were talking
about with the chief?
I will then model the strategy by acting like Nyas character and
stating how I would feel in this situation
I would be very scared if I were Nya and strange men came to my
It seems like they may have been discussing the water, because
Nyas sister got so sick not so long ago from the water; maybe they
are trying to find a solution to the problem.
Now lets read about Salva.

4. Guided Practice
10 points

5. Independent Practice
10 points

I will then let three to five people share what they wrote, and
begin reading the chapter.

I will now begin Salvas section of this chapter.

As I am reading I will continue to ask the students questions,
and have them turn to their partners to discuss the book.
Has anyone ever been to a desert, or seen pictures of it
What did you think of it? And how would you feel if you had to
walk through one barefoot?
Have you ever stubbed your toe?
Now imagine that times ten, that is probably how Salva felt
when his entire toe nail came off.
Can you imagine how painful that would be?
Write down how you think he feels right now in your
I will then ask for some of the students to talk to their partners
about how they would feel, and share with the class if they
wish to.
What do you think Salvas uncle is doing when he keeps
telling him to walk to the rocks, or the bushes?
Have you ever set yourself goals like this to finish a specific
task? Maybe homework?
What do you think is keeping Salva going?
What do you think those people are doing in the desert?
They will turn to their partner and discuss this for a moment
and then share with the class.
What would be your first thought if you were Salva?
Would you give the men your water? Or save it to save your
own life?
Now that we have finished that chapter we will move on to the

6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills:
10 points

7. Closure
10 points

Students will now have the chance to pick a specific character

from the book, Nya or Salva and write from that characters
point of view.
They will sit at their desks and write at least a paragraph for
this assignment.
They will use specific events that we talked about in class to
write about.
They should be very descriptive when explaining their

As the students are working on this I will be walking around the

room and conferencing with the student who seem to be struggling.
I will also look over those who are finished to be sure they
completed the task correctly and appropriately.
After the students have finished their writings and I have taken up their
papers, we will meet again on the carpet. We will discuss again what it
means to take on the point of view of someone in a story. When we are
acting like one of the characters in a story we take on their feelings, and it is
our job to try to understand these feelings. This is not always easy to do,
especially when these characters are so different from us, but it can make us
appreciate what we have.

This section is not completed unless the lesson plan has been

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
10 points

Overall, I felt like this lesson was a success; besides a few errors it went
well. Some of the students were a little confused with the assignment they
were given, when I realized this I redirected and re-explained what they were
supposed to be doing. This experience showed me that this is not an
uncommon thing, students can become easily confused and it is not strange
to have to re-teach them. After this, all of the students wrote very
meaningful and deep things on their index cards. They completely
exceeded my expectations, by going back over things that they have learned
since they began reading this book. This shows me that they were all truly
paying attention and listening while both their teacher and I was reading to
them. They also seemed to understand how to put themselves in someone
elses shoes and try to understand how that person is feeling. If I were to do
this lesson again, I would have the students take more notes while they were
reading, and allow them to use this in the assignment. I will also be sure
that all of the students understand the assignment before I send them off on
their own to do it.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations

If students have any hearing or seeing disabilities I will

have them sit closer to the front. If students have any
problem staying focused or on task I will be checking
occasionally to be sure they are doing what they should
be doing at all times. For any ESL students I will have the
text translated to them, or if possible give it to them in
their native language. If any students finish early they will
have the chance to read silently at their desks.

If students still seem to be confused after this

lesson, I will pull them into a small group and work
individually with each. I will do a short reteach of the
lesson and give them a chance to re-write this

A Long Walk to Water by: Linda Sue Park.
Paper to write down their narratives.
CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ___________________Date: ____

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