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Survival in Southern Sudan

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Over the past few weeks, weve been analyzing A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, collecting background knowledge on the Sudanese Civil War and analyzing the development of theme throughout the story.

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What will we do? Now we will get a chance to build on this knowledge and deepen our understanding of the ways Linda Sue Park develops the theme in A Long Walk to Water. How will we do this? We will read and watch various historical accounts of the Sudanese Civil War, analyzing them to determine how Linda Sue Park alters history in Salvas story to convey theme.
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You will work with your partner to create a poster in which you demonstrate how Linda Sue Park alters history to convey the theme of survival.

You will do this by comparing and contrasting the portrayal of historical events in the book and a non-fiction article related to survival.
See how youll be graded What should my poster include?

Your poster should include

1) A T-chart in which you compare historical

accounts in the article with the portrayal in A Long Walk to Water. 2) A paragraph in which you describe how this portrayal helps Park emphasize the theme of survival. 3) One or more images that demonstrate the challenges to survival portrayed in the article and the novel.
Lets get started!

The theme we are analyzing A Long Walk to Water for is How do Nya and Salva survive in a challenging environment? In order to determine how Park alters history to convey this theme, we must compare and contrast historical accounts with Parks portrayal of those historical events, related to the theme of survival. To accomplish this task, you will follow 3 steps: choose your sources, compare and contrast them, and finally prepare your poster!
Back to Task Step 1: Choose Your Sources

Step 1: Choose a Source

Read or watch three of the non-fiction articles or documentaries below. Each depicts the experience of the Sudanese refugees during the Civil War.
God Grew Tired of Us Life and Death In Darfur Time Trip: Sudans Civil War Water is Life One Day I had to Run The Lost Boys of Sudan

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Step 2: Ready to Compare?

Step 2: Compare and Contrast

Re-read or re-watch each source and record evidence in this graphic organizer that answers the question Why was Sudan a challenging place to survive during the Second Sudanese Civil War?
Back to Task Step 3: Ready to Prepare your poster?

Step 3: Prepare your poster!

Now that you have done your research, you are finally ready to begin working on creating the poster you will present!
On your poster A. For each source, write the quote you found from the historical account and the similar account from A Long Walk to Water. B. Under the quotes, describe how this portrayal helps her emphasize the theme of survival more than a completely accurate portrayal of the historical event, (1 paragraph or bullet points). C. Include one or more images that demonstrate the challenges to survival portrayed in the article and the novel.

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Congratulations, you have completed the Survival in Southern Sudan Webquest! As skilled readers, we should always consider the authors purpose as well as their motivations for including or altering history In historical fiction. By building background knowledge and learning about the historical background a book is based on, we can more deeply understand the themes conveyed and the authors intentions for writing the book.

A Long Walk to Water has inspired people to learn more about the Sudan and to do what they can to help the Sudanese people.
What will you do?

I hope that because of this book more people will learn about the Lost Boys and the Country of Sudan. - Slava Dut, A message from Salva Dut


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ISTE Standards 1: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. 3: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. 6: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. CCLS Analyze the development of a theme throughout a literary text. (RL.7.2) Compare and contrast a fictional and historical account of a time, place, or character. (RL.7.9) Cite several pieces of evidence to support an analysis of informational text. (RI.7.1) Use technology, including the internet to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. (W6) W7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question. R7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media in order to address a question or solve a problem.

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This webquest was created by Ms. Stephanie for use with her 7th grade ELA classes. If you have any questions or concerns, email her at:
Back to Task Credits

First Person: One Day I had to Run John Deng Langbany (PBS POV Documentaries) God Grew Tired of Us National Geographic Education Programs Life and Death in Darfur: Sudan's Refugee Crisis Continues - Weekly Reader Corporation (General OneFile from Gale-Cengage Learning) The Lost Boys of Sudan-Great African Leaders by Amaka Okechukwu (Afrimind) "Time Trip: Sudan's Civil War" - Weekly Reader Corporation (General OneFile from Gale-Cengage Learning) Water is Life - Barbara Kingsolver (National Geographic from General OneFile)

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Grading Rubric
Criteria Completion of Task 4- Exemplary
Students complete all portions of task and includes additional information. The information is accurate, detailed, and flows in a logical manner. Students integrate text, visuals, and colors in a way that is attractive and neat. Students paraphrase the their findings without reading off their poster. They elaborate on their findings.

3- Proficient
Students complete all portions of the task.

2- Needs Improvement
Students complete most aspects of the task but may be missing one requirement. The facts and information are accurate but lack detail. Students include visual elements, but they do not increase understanding. Students read directly off the poster.

1- Unsatisfactory
Students are missing two or more required elements. The information is the presentation is often inaccurate. Students do not include pictures or they are randomly inserted with little thought. Students do not present all of the information on their poster.


The facts and information are accurate and detailed. Students include pictures and visuals to enhance the meaning of the presentation. Students paraphrase their findings but do not explain or elaborate on their findings.



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