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Module 2: Development Document

Jasmine D. Hill
Walden University
Dr. Ronald Paige
Capstone: Practical Application of Instructional Design
June 2, 2015

Instructional Materials Overview

During Mid-South Urgent Cares (MSUC) development course they will experience on screen text from a Prezi
Presentation including some embedded audio personally created, using the voice of their office manager. They
will engage in several prompt questions from the audio before their activities begin. They will also view two
videos that support the context presented in the conflict resolution and patient relations section.
MSUC will experience a small group format with face to face instructions. They will work together in five
hands on projects. They will discuss, question, pursue problems collectively, and report findings. This will
allow the student to synthesize content and improve communication skills. Although this delivery type may
have some limitations, according to Morrison et al (2011, p. 231) the group activities should be used as a
supplement rather than replace instruction. Failure to get all group members to actively participate can hinder
encouragement for other participants and inexperience in small group activities can hinder the instructor. This
would allow them to fall back into a comfort zone and let the activities take precedence over important content.
However, this is the best format for this professional development. It not only allows the learner to discuss
materials, share ideas and problem solve with each other, it also allows the learner to acquire listening and oral
expression through reacting to others ideas and giving presentations of their own (Morrison et al, 2011). Peer
teaching is very important during this course because it gives the instructor the opportunity to access the
learners awareness, successes and shortcomings at different phases of the course.

Instruction Designer: Jasmine Hill

Client: Angela Williams-Johnson (Operations Manager)
Course Title: Mid-South Urgent Care Professional Development Course

Screen ID and




Onscreen Text


Screen Title: MSUC

Course 2015


Set Background



MSCU staff
will identify
agree upon
roles of shared
leadership for
the critical care
of all patients.


Screen Title: Whats

important for
Points of Discussion:


Team Building
Conflict Resolution

Set Background

Patient Relations

Learner prompt:

User Interaction:
Discussion of leadership roles for

Discussion on how these are


S4-S6 T2

For the Mid-South

Urgent Care
environment to

[Team Building]

identify and
agree upon 3
purposes, 3
shared goals,
and 3 shared

Between each exercise

the learners will listen
to prompt questions
before they start their

Exercise 1: See No Wrong,

Hear No Right
(Instructions in separate


3 Audio Insert &
(in separate document)

Set Background
Exercise 2: Help me!
(Instructions in separate

User Interaction:
Making MSUC list


The MSUC facility

will define and

agree upon 3
team cultures,
3 values and 3
norms of

Exercise 3: Lets Build

(Instructions in separate

S7-S9 T3

The learners

Introduction of

Exercise 1: Scenario 1


Presentation Module

Mid-South Urgent Care (MSUC) professional development course is a face to face small group interacting in
three team building activities, group discussions, two scenario simulations, peer to peer assessments and minor
research on the internet. The content will be presented through a cloud based presentation platform called Prezi.
On screen text helping with topics and bullet points for main discussions will be shown throughout the course.
The team building activities will be displayed within the presentation with on screen text. Learners will receive
a copy of the instructions for themselves, along with some clues/hints on how to accomplish their task (s). In
addition to solving their dilemmas, they will listen to guided prompt questions that will be made from audio
editing software called Audacity. After each activity they will discuss their solutions and determine the best
practices for the overall care of patients.
The learners will then proceed to watch two short videos on resolving patient issues and any conflicts. The
facilitator will briefly discuss instructions for two scenarios the learner will participate in during this course.
The learners will also receive a handout of the instructions along with hints for their characters. After each
activity they will further discuss their solutions and determine the best practices for the overall care of patients
and decide on any major roles and responsibilities for each other. In addition to the previously stated, the
learners will individually research three community resources that are available to enhance patient support and
wellness for the overall care of MSUC; they will also discuss their overall findings. They will focus on the
plagues of the healthcare industry and discuss their findings regarding: insurance fraud, medical liability and
compliant issues for overall patient care.

Assessment Materials

Learning Objectives and Assessment Strategies

MSUC assessment strategies will have the learners construct meaningful relationships between the new
knowledge presented in this course and their existing knowledge. Morrison et al (2013) describe Jonassens
(1988) generative categories: recall, integration, organization and elaboration as giving meaning to the stimuli.
This gives the learner a deeper understanding of what is being processed with higher retention for long term
memory (2013, pg. 139). The assessments will have the learners describe new information and ideas in their
own words, generating questions and interrelating key ideas among their peers. They can further create lists that
facilitate review, repetition, and mnemonics. Below you will find a learning objectives and assessment strategy
table that the staff of MSUC will be assessed on as they move through each objective. You will also see an
example of two instruments to assess the learners' attainment of the instructional objectives.
Learning Objectives

Assessment Strategy

For the Mid-South Urgent Care participants to identify and

unanimously agree upon 3 shared purposes, 3 shared goals,
and 3 shared targets.

Students will construct a list after they have completed their

team building activities. This list will define what things are
important and at the best interest of MSUC and all patient

The MSUC facility participants will define and agree upon 3

team cultures, 3 values and 3 norms of behaviors.

They will have to unanimously agree upon:

The learners will engage in medical issues that plague the

healthcare industry and discuss their existing knowledge
regarding: insurance fraud, medical liability and compliant
issues for overall patient care.

Each learner will research 3 community resources that are

available to enhance patient support and wellness for the
overall care of MSUC; they will also discuss their overall

3 shared purposes
3 goals
3 targets
MSCU staff will identify and unanimously agree upon roles of 3 team cultures
shared leadership for the critical care of all patients.
3 important values
3 norms of behaviors

Learners generate ideas in a 2 person team, on

MSUC staff will discuss how to further practice working
how to properly solve them according to their
relationships between all members to establish agreed shared
previously agreed upon values, norms and
roles and leadership for the care of all patients. They will
practice peer to peer evaluations on each scenario they
The learners will practice effective
communication during 2 scenarios where they will

verbally peer-evaluate on effective

patient/provider relationships according to
previously agreed upon roles and leadership for
the care of all patients.

Example of Two Instruments

Mid-South Urgent Care Check List
Example 1

3 shared purposes for MSUC employees

(What is their main focus for the facility and all critical patient care)
3 Goals to effectively make MSUC a better collaborative working environment that focuses on
overall critical patient care.
3 targets
(How will they try to reach their goals and purpose)
3 team cultures
(What are the most important culture needs?)
3 important values
3 norms of behaviors


Community Resources




Includes contact information for

staff and patients (location, office
numbers, direct person to

Includes supporting
Does not include sufficient or
contact information along reliable contact information
with additional
Contact information and
website does not supply
Website, working
sufficient information.


Supporting website, working

numbers, contact person(s),
supply proper documentations
and accessible when needed (i.e
referral forms, new patient forms).

Appropriate Relates to overall patient care and

Somewhat relates to
concerns regarding community
overall patient care and
resources for the facility or patient. concerns regarding
community resources for
the facility or patient.

Does not relate to overall patient

care or concerns regarding
community resources for the
facility or patient.

Summative of Participation Assessment

Summative assessments are given at the conclusion of a specific instructional period, and they can generally
evaluate, rather than be used as a diagnostic. For an example, they should be used to determine learning
progress and /or achievement, evaluate the effectiveness of course materials, or measure progress toward

improvement goals. Summative assessment results can be scores or graded; however, for the purpose of this
course it will not be graded or scored. The learners will be evaluated on their participation during the course
and how well they contributed overall during team projects. This will be considered as informal observations as
the facilitator will guide each group during their projects. Below is an informal system they will be observed on
for further use in the evaluation reports.

Observation of Participation
Scores 1-4: The learner did minimal work and added input when asked
Score 5: The learner was mutual in all discussions but added valuable contributions to the discussions
Scores: 6-9: The learner was a major contributor during discussions, they added valuable feedback
Score 10 : The learner displayed some form of leadership during team projects and added valuable feedback and
went beyond to help others around them.

Mid-South Urgent Cares (MSUC) face to face development course contains on screen text from a Prezi
Presentation. The learners interaction with five hands on project will engage them through discussions,
questions, pursuing problems collectively and report finding. Allowing the student to synthesize content and
improve communication skills gives the instructor the opportunity to access the learners awareness, successes
and shortcomings at different phases of the course. This courses assessment strategy will be according to
Jonassens (1988) generative categories: recall, integration, organization and elaboration strategies.

Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing effective in struction (7th ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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