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Encyclopedia of

Artificial Intelligence
Juan Ramn Rabual Dopico
University of A Corua, Spain
Julin Dorado de la Calle
University of A Corua, Spain
Alejandro Pazos Sierra
University of A Corua, Spain

Information Sci

Hershey New York

Director of Editorial Content: Kristin Klinger

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Assistant Managing Editor:
Carole Coulson
Jennifer Neidig, Amanda Appicello, Cindy Consonery
Cover Design:
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Encyclopedia of artificial intelligence / Juan Ramon Rabunal Dopico, Julian Dorado de la Calle, and Alejandro Pazos Sierra, editors.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: "This book is a comprehensive and in-depth reference to the most recent developments in the field covering theoretical developments, techniques, technologies, among others"--Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-1-59904-849-9 (hardcover) -- ISBN 978-1-59904-850-5 (ebook)
1. Artificial intelligence--Encyclopedias. I. Rabunal, Juan Ramon, 1973- II. Dorado, Julian, 1970- III. Pazos Sierra, Alejandro.
Q334.2.E63 2008

British Cataloguing in Publication Data

A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Editorial Advisory Board

Juan Ros Carrin

Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain

Peter Smith
University of Sunderland, UK

Anselmo del Moral

University of Deusto, Spain

Paul M. Chapman
University of Hull, UK

Daniel Manrique Gamo

Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain

Ana Beln Porto Pazos

University of A Corua, Spain

Juan Pazos Sierra

Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain

Javier Pereira
University of A Corua, Spain

Jose Crespo del Arco

Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain

Stefano Cagnoni
Universit degli Studi de Parma, Italy

Norberto Ezquerra
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Jose Mara Barreiro Sorrivas

Polytechnical University of Madrid, Spain

Llus Jofre
Polytechnical University of Catalunya, Spain

List of Contributors

Adorni, Giovanni / Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy...................................................................840, 848

Akkaladevi, Somasheker / Virginia State University, USA..........................................................940, 945, 1330
Al-Ahmadi, Mohammad Saad / King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM),
Saudi Arabia..............................................................................................................................................1323
Aliaga, Ramn J. / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain..................................................................1576
Alas, Francesc / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain...................................................................................541, 788
Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................................632
Alonso Hernndez, Jess Bernardino / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain............1266, 1439
Alonso-Weber, Juan Manuel / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.....................................................554
Alsina Pags, Rosa Maria / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain..........................................................................719
Alvarellos Gonzlez, Alberto / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................167
Amarger, Vronique / University of Paris, France........................................................................................131
Amari, Shun-ichi / Brain Science Institute, Japan..........................................................................................318
Ambrsio, Paulo Eduardo / Santa Cruz State University, Brazil..................................................................157
Anagnostou, Miltiades / National Technical University of Athens, Greece........................................1429, 1524
Andrade, Javier / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................................................975
Andrade, Jos Manuel / University of A Corua, Spain................................................................................581
Ang, Kai Keng / Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore......................................................................1396
Ang Jr., Marcelo H. / National University of Singapore, Singapore..................................................1072, 1080
Angulo, Cecilio / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain................................................................1095, 1518
Anselma, Luca / Universit di Torino, Italy....................................................................................................396
Arcay, Bernardino / University of A Corua, Spain.......................................................................................710
Ares, Juan / University of A Corua, Spain.....................................................................................................982
Armstrong, Alice J. / The George Washington University, USA.......................................................................65
Arquero, gueda / Technical University of Madrid, Spain............................................................................781
Aunet, Snorre / University of Oslo, Norway & Centers for Neural Inspired Nano Architectures,
Norway.............................................................................................................................................1474, 1555
Azzini, Antonia / University of Milan, Italy....................................................................................................575
Badidi, Elarbi / United Arab Emirates University, UAE...................................................................................31
Bagchi, Kallol / University of Texas at El Paso, USA.......................................................................................51
Bajo, Javier / Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain..........................................................................1327
Barajas, Sandra E. / Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico...................................867
Barron, Lucia / Instituto Tecnologico de Culiacan, Mexico...........................................................................860
Bartk, Roman / Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic...................................................................404
Barton, Alan J. / National Research Council Canada, Canada..........................................................1205, 1589
Becerra, J. A. / University of A Corua, Spain................................................................................................603
Bedia, Manuel G. / University of Zaraogoza, Spain.......................................................................................256

Beiu, Valeriu / United Arab Emirates University, UAE...................................................................................471

Bel Enguix, Gemma / Rovira i Virgili University, Spain...............................................................................1173
Belanche Muoz, Llus A. / Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain................................639, 1004, 1012
Berge, Hans Kristian Otnes / University of Oslo, Norway..........................................................................1485
Bernier, Joel / SAGEM REOSC, France..........................................................................................................131
Berrones, Arturo / Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico............................................................1462
Bershtein, Leonid S. / Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Russia................704
Bessalah, Hamid / Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie..........................831
Beynon, Malcolm J. / Cardiff University, UK.........................................................................................443, 696
Bhatnagar, Vasudha / University of Delhi, India......................................................................................76, 172
Blanco, ngela / Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain.......................................................................561
Blanco, Francisco J. / Juan Canalejo Hospital, Spain..................................................................................1583
Blasco, X. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain..................................................................................1296
Boonthum, Chutima / Hampton University, USA.........................................................................................1253
Bouridene, Ahmed. / Queens University of Belfast, Ireland...........................................................................831
Boyer-Xambeu, Marie-Thrse / Universit de Paris VII LED, France...................................................996
Bozhenyuk, Alexander V. / Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Russia........704
Brest, Janez / University of Maribor, Slovenia................................................................................................488
Bueno, Ral Vicen / University of Alcal, Spain....................................................................................933, 956
Bueno Garca, Gloria / University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.......................................................367, 547
Buruncuk, Kadri / Near East University, Turkey.........................................................................................1596
Cadenas, Jos M. / Universidad de Murcia, Spain.........................................................................................480
Cagnoni, Stefano / Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy............................................................840, 848, 1303
akc, Ruket / ICCS School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK...................................................449
Canto, Rosalba Cuapa / Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico.............................1370, 1426
Carballo, Rodrigo / University of Santiago de Conpatela, Spain.................................................................1603
Carbonero, M. / INSA ETEA, Spain...........................................................................................................1136
Cardot, Hubert / University Franois-Rabelais of Tours, France..................................................................520
Castillo, Luis F. / National University, Colombia...........................................................................................256
Castro Ponte, Alberte / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain..................................................144, 759
Castro, Alfonso / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................................710
Castro-Bleda, Mara Jos / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain......................................................231
Cepero, M. / University of Granada, Spain.....................................................................................................910
Chapman, Paul M. / University of Hull, UK..................................................................................................536
Charrier, Christophe / University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France..........................................................520
Chen, Qiyang / Montclair State University, USA..........................................................................418, 963, 1036
Chen, Guanrong / City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China..................................................688, 734
Chen, Sherry Y. / Brunel University, UK........................................................................................................437
Chikhi, Nassim / Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie............................831
Chiong, Raymond / Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia.............................1562
Chrysostomou, Kyriacos / Brunel University, UK.........................................................................................437
Colomo, Ricardo / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.......................................................................1064
Corchado, Juan M. / University of Salamanca, Spain..........................................................................256, 1316
Coupland, Sarah / Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK........................................................................390
Crespo, Jose / Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain............................................................................1102
Cruz-Corona, Carlos / Universidad de Granada, Spain................................................................................480
Cullar, M. P. / Universidad de Granada, Spain...........................................................................................1152
Culhane, Aedn C. / Harvard School of Public Health, USA............................................................................65

Curra, Alberto / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................................110

Damato, Bertil / Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK............................................................................390
Danciu, Daniela / University of Craiova, Romania.......................................................................................1212
Danielson, Mats / Stockholm University, Sweden & Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden..........................431
Das, Sanjoy / Kansas State University, USA........................................................................................1145, 1191
Davis, Darryl N. / University of Hull, UK.......................................................................................................536
de la Mata Moya, David / University of Alcal, Spain...................................................................................933
de la Rosa Turbides, Toms / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.....................................................1024
Deleplace, Ghislain / Universit de Paris VIII LED, France.......................................................................996
Delgado, M. / Universidad de Granada, Spain..............................................................................................1152
Delgado, Soledad / Technical University of Madrid, Spain.............................................................................781
Del-Moral-Hernandez, Emilio / University of So Paulo, Brazil..................................................................275
Deng, Pi-Sheng / California State University at Stanislaus, USA.........................................................748, 1504
Dniz Surez, Oscar / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.....................................................367
Dhurandher, Sanjay Kumar / University of Delhi, India....................................................................589, 1530
di Pierro, Francesco / University of Exeter, UK............................................................................................1042
Daz Martn, Jos Fernando / University of Deusto, Spain...........................................................................344
Daz Pernas, F. J. / University of Valladolid, Spain...........................................................................1490, 1497
Dez Higuera, J. F. / University of Valladolid, Spain.........................................................................1490, 1497
Diuk, Carlos / Rutgers University, USA..........................................................................................................825
Djebbari, Amira / National Research Council Canada, Canada.....................................................................65
Dorado de la Calle, Julin / University of A Corua, Spain................................................................377, 1273
Dornaika, Fadi / Institut Gographique National, France.............................................................................625
Douglas, Angela / Liverpool Womens Hospital, UK.......................................................................................390
Duro, R. J. / University of A Corua, Spain....................................................................................................603
Edelkamp, Stefan / University of Dortmund, Germany........................................................................501, 1549
Ein-Dor, Phillip / Tel-Aviv University, Israel...........................................................................................327, 334
Ekenberg, Love / Stockholm University, Sweden & Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden..........................431
Eleuteri, Antonio / Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK........................................................................390
Encheva, Sylvia / Haugesund University College, Norway..........................................................................1610
Erdogmus, Deniz / Northeastern University, USA..........................................................................................902
Esmahi, Larbi / Athabasca University, Canada................................................................................................31
Espaa-Boquera, Salvador / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain....................................................231
Ezquerra, Norberto / Georgia Institute of Technology, USA........................................................................1290
Fan, Liwei / National University of Singapore, Singapore..............................................................................879
Farah, Ahcene / Ajman University, UAE.........................................................................................................831
Faundez-Zanuy, Marcos / Escola Universitria Politcnica de Matar, Spain............................................262
Fernndez, J. lvaro / University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain.........................................................45, 218
Fernandez-Blanco, Enrique / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................377, 744, 1583
Ferrer, Miguel A. / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain................................................270, 1232
Figueiredo, Karla / UERJ, Brazil............................................................................................................808, 817
Flauzino, Rogerio A. / University of So Paulo, Brazil................................................................................1121
Flores, Dionicio Zacaras / Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico.........................1370, 1426
Flores, Fernando Zacaras / Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mxico.......................1370, 1426
Flores-Badillo, Marina / CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico..........................................................1615
Flrez-Revuelta, Francisco / University of Alicante, Spain.........................................................................1363
Fontenla-Romero, Oscar / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................667
Formiga, Llus / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain............................................................................................788
Fornarelli, Girolamo / Politecnico di Bari, Italy....................................................................................206, 211

Fuster-Garcia, E. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.....................................................................1296

Gadea, Rafael / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain........................................................................1576
Garanina, Natalia / Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia........................1089
Garca, ngel / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain............................................................................1064
Garca, Rafael / University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................................................982
Garca Gonzlez, Antonio / University of Alcal, Spain................................................................................956
Garca-Chamizo, Juan Manuel / University of Alicante, Spain..................................................................1363
Garca-Crdova, Francisco / Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain...................................1197
Garcia-Raffi, L. M. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain..................................................................1296
Garca-Rodrguez, Jos / University of Alicante, Spain...............................................................................1363
Garrido, M Carmen / Universidad de Murcia, Spain...................................................................................480
Garro, Alfredo / University of Calabria, Italy..............................................................................................1018
Gaubert, Patrice / Universit de Paris 12 ERUDITE, France....................................................................996
Gavrilova, M. L. / University of Calgary, Canada..............................................................................................9
Geem, Zong Woo / Johns Hopkins University, USA.......................................................................................803
Gelbard, Roy / Bar-Ilan University, Israel......................................................................................................796
George, E. Olusegun / University of Memphis, USA..............................................................................304, 312
Gerek, mer Nezih / Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey.........................................................................1433
Gestal, Marcos / University of A Corua, Spain.....................................................................................581, 647
Giaquinto, Antonio / Politecnico di Bari, Italy.......................................................................................206, 211
Gil Pita, Roberto / University of Alcal, Spain.......................................................................................933, 956
Gillard, Lucien / CNRS LED, France..........................................................................................................996
Giret, Jean-Francois / CEREQ, France........................................................................................................1029
Gmez, Gabriel / University of Zurich, Switzerland.......................................................................................464
Gmez, Juan M. / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain........................................................................1064
Gmez-Carracedo, Mari Paz / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................647
Gonzlez-Fonteboa, Beln / University of A Corua, Spain..........................................................................526
Gonzlez, Evelio J. / University of La Laguna, Spain.....................................................................................917
Gonzlez, Roberto / University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain....................................................................547
Gonzalez-Abril, Luis / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain................................................................1518
Gonzlez Bedia-Fonteboa, Manuel / University of Zaragoza, Spain............................................................256
Gonzlez-Castolo, Juan Carlos / CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico..............................................677
Gonzlez de la Rosa, Juan J. / Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain.......................................................1226
Gonzlez Ortega, D. / University of Valladolid, Spain.......................................................................1490, 1497
Gonzalo, Consuelo / Technical University of Madrid, Spain..........................................................................781
Graesser, Art / The University of Memphis, USA..........................................................................................1179
Groek, Otokar / Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia.................................................................179, 186
Guerin-Dugue, Anne / GIPSA-lab, France...................................................................................................1244
Guerrero-Gonzlez, Antonio / Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain.................................1197
Guijarro-Berdias, Bertha / University of A Corua, Spain.........................................................................667
Guillen, A. / University of Granada, Spain......................................................................................................910
Gupta, Anamika / University of Delhi, India....................................................................................................76
Gutirrez, P.A. / University of Crdoba, Spain.............................................................................................1136
Gutirrez Snchez, Germn / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain......................................................554
Halang, Wolfgang A. / Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, Germany.......................................................................1049
Hammer, Barbara / Technical University of Clausthal, Germany...............................................................1337
Hee, Lee Gim / DSO National Laboratories, Singapore.....................................................................1072, 1080
Herrador, Manuel F. / University of A Corua, Spain....................................................................................118

Herrera, Carlos / Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, North Ireland.............................1376
Herrera, L. J. / University of Granada, Spain................................................................................................910
Herrero, J. M. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain..........................................................................1296
Hervs, C. / University of Crdoba, Spain....................................................................................................1136
Hocaolu, Fatih Onur / Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey....................................................................1433
Hong, Wei-Chiang / Oriental Institute of Technology, Taiwan.......................................................................410
Hopgood, Adrian A. / De Montfort University, UK........................................................................................989
Ho-Phuoc, Tien / GIPSA-lab, France............................................................................................................1244
Huang, Xiaoyu / University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China.....................................................51
Huber, Franz / California Institute of Technology, USA...............................................................................1351
Ibez, scar / University of A Corua, Spain.......................................................................................383, 759
Ibrahim, Walid / United Arab Emirates University, UAE...............................................................................471
Iftekharuddin, Khan M. / University of Memphis, USA........................................................................304, 312
Ingber, Lester / Lester Ingber Research, USA...................................................................................................58
Iglesias, Gergorio / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain...............................................................1603
Ionescu, Laureniu / University of Pitesti, Romania.......................................................................................609
Ip, Horace H. S. / City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong...........................................................................1
Iriondo, Ignasi / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain............................................................................................541
Islam, Atiq / University of Memphis, USA...............................................................................................304, 312
Izeboudjen, Nouma / Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie.....................831
Jabbar, Shahid / University of Dortmund, Germany......................................................................................501
Jabr, Samir / Near East University, Turkey...................................................................................................1596
Jankovi-Romano, Mario / University of Belgrade, Serbia...........................................................................950
Jarabo Amores, Mara Pilar / University of Alcal, Spain............................................................................933
Jaspe, Alberto / University of A Corua, Spain...............................................................................................873
Jiang, Jun / City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.....................................................................................1
Jimnez Celorrio, Sergio / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain..........................................................1024
Jimnez Lpez, M. Dolores / Rovira i Virgili University, Spain...................................................................1173
Joo, Young Hoon / Kunsan National University, Korea..........................................................................688, 734
Kaburlasos, Vassilis G. / Technological Educational Institution of Kavala, Greece....................................1238
Kai, Zdravko / University of Maribor, Slovenia........................................................................................1467
Krn, Tuomas / Helsinki University of Technology, Finland........................................................................661
Katangur, Ajay K. / Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, USA............................................................1330
Khashman, Adnan / Near East University, Turkey.......................................................................................1596
Khu, Soon-Thiam / University of Exeter, UK...............................................................................................1042
Kleinschmidt, Joo H. / State University of Campinas, Brazil.......................................................................755
Klimanek, David / Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic...................................................567
Kochhar, Sarabjeet / University of Delhi, India.............................................................................................172
Kovcs, Szilveszter / University of Miskolc, Hungary....................................................................................728
Kovcs, Lszl / University of Miskolc, Hungary.................................................................................654, 1130
Kradinac, Uro / University of Belgrade, Serbia..........................................................................................950
Kroc, Ji / Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.......................353
Kumar, Naveen / University of Delhi, India......................................................................................................76
Kurban, Mehmet / Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey............................................................................1433
Lama, Manuel / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain............................................................138, 1278
Law, Ngai-Fong / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.........................................................289
Lazarova-Molnar, Sanja / United Arab Emirates University, UAE...............................................................471
Lebrun, Gilles / University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France.....................................................................520
Ledezma Espino, Agapito / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain..........................................................554

Lee, Man Wai / Brunel University, UK...........................................................................................................437

Lendasse, Amaury / Helsinki University of Technology, Finland...................................................................661
Leung, C. W. / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong............................................................1568
Levinstein, Irwin B. / Old Dominion University, USA..................................................................................1253
Levy, Simon D. / Washington and Lee University, USA..................................................................................514
Lezoray, Olivier / University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France..................................................................520
Liang, Faming / Texas A&M University, USA...............................................................................................1482
Liew, Alan Wee-Chung / Griffith University, Australia..................................................................................289
Lisboa, Paulo J.G. / Liverpool John Moores University, UK............................................................................71
Littman, Michael / Rutgers University, USA..................................................................................................825
Liu, Xiaohui / Brunel University, UK..............................................................................................................437
Lopes, Heitor Silvrio / Federal University of Technology, Brazil.................................................................596
Lpez, M. Gloria / University of A Corua, Spain..........................................................................................110
Lpez-Mellado, Ernesto / CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico................................................677, 1615
Lpez-Rodrguez, Domingo / University of Mlaga, Spain.........................................................................1112
Losada Rodriguez, Miguel ngel / University of Granada, Spain................................................................144
Loula, Angelo / State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil & State University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Loureiro, Javier Pereira / University of A Corua, Spain..................................................................1283, 1290
Lukomski, Robert / Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland..................................................................1356
Lungarella, Max / University of Zurich, Switzerland.....................................................................................464
Luo, Xin / The University of New Mexico, USA............................................................................940, 945, 1330
Madani, Kurosh / University of Paris, France...............................................................................................131
Madureira, Ana Marie / Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal.................................................................853
Magliano, Joseph P. / Northern Illinois University, USA..............................................................................1253
Magoulas, George D. / University of London, UK........................................................................................1411
Magro, Diego / Universit di Torino, Italy......................................................................................................396
Maitra, Anutosh / Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India........494
Mandl, Thomas / University of Hildesheim, Germany...................................................................................151
Manrique, Daniel / Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain........................................767
Marichal, G. Nicols / University of La Laguna, Spain..................................................................................917
Marn-Garca, Fulgencio / Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain.......................................1197
Martnez, Antonio / University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain....................................................................547
Martnez, Elisa / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain...........................................................................................541
Martnez, Estbaliz / Technical University of Madrid, Spain.........................................................................781
Martnez, Jorge D. / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain................................................................1576
Martnez, M Isabel / University of A Corua, Spain.....................................................................................118
Martnez-Abella, Fernando / University of A Corua, Spain........................................................................526
Martnez Carballo, Manuel / University of A Corua, Spain........................................................................532
Martnez-Estudillo, F.J. / INSA ETEA, Spain............................................................................................1136
Martnez-Feijo, Diego / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................1583
Martnez Romero, Marcos / University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................1283, 1290
Martnez-Zarzuela, M. / University of Valladolid, Spain...................................................................1490, 1497
Martn-Guerrero, Jos D. / University of Valencia, Spain...............................................................................71
Martn-Merino, Manuel / Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain.......................................................561
Mateo, Fernando / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain..................................................................1576
Mateo Segura, Cludia / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain..............................................................................719
Mato, Virginia / University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................................................110
Mauec, Mirjam Sepesy / University of Maribor, Slovenia..........................................................................1467

Mazare, Alin / University of Pitesti, Romania.................................................................................................609

McCarthy, Philip / The University of Memphis, USA...................................................................................1179
McGinnity, Thomas M. / Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, North Ireland................1376
McNamara, Danielle S. / The University of Memphis, USA.........................................................................1253
Meged, Avichai / Bar-Ilan University, Israel...................................................................................................796
Mndez Salgueiro, Jos Ramn / University of A Corua, Spain..................................................................532
Meng, Hai-Dong / Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China.........................................297
Mrida-Casermeiro, Enrique / University of Mlaga, Spain......................................................................1112
Mesejo, Pablo / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................................1583
Michalewicz, Zbigniew / The University of Adelaide, Australia......................................................................16
Migulez Rico, Mnica / University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................236, 241, 1273
Millis, Keith K. / The University of Memphis, USA......................................................................................1253
Misra, Sudip / Yale University, USA......................................................................................................589, 1530
Mohammadian, M. / University of Canberra, Australia......................................................................456, 1510
Monz, Jos M / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain.....................................................................1576
Morales Moreno, Aythami / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain........................................1259
Mordonini, Monica / Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy........................................................840, 848, 1303
Moreno-Muoz, A. / Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain.........................................................................1226
Muoz, Enrique / Universidad de Murcia, Spain...........................................................................................480
Muoz, Luis Miguel Guzmn / Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico..................1370, 1426
Mussi, Luca / Universit degli Studi di Perugia, Italy...........................................................................840, 848
Mutihac, Radu / University of Bucharest, Romania.......................................................................22, 223, 1056
Narula, Prayag / University of Delhi, India..........................................................................................589, 1530
Neto, Joo Jos / Universidade de So Paulo, Brazil.......................................................................................37
Nitta, Tohru / AIST, Japan...............................................................................................................................361
Nvoa, Francisco J. / University of A Corua, Spain.....................................................................................110
Oja, Erkki / Helsinki University of Technology, Finland..............................................................................1343
Olteanu, Madalina / Universit de Paris I CES SAMOS, France...............................................................996
Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato, Juan M. / University of Mlaga, Spain............................................................1112
Pacheco, Marco / PUC-Rio, Brazil.........................................................................................................808, 817
Panigrahi, Bijaya K. / Indian Institute of Technology, India........................................................................1145
Papaioannou, Ioannis / National Technical University of Athens, Greece.........................................1418, 1524
Pazos Montas, Flix / University of A Corua, Spain.................................................................................167
Pazos Sierra, Alejandro / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................1283
Pedreira, Nieves / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................................................532
Pegalajar, M. C. / University of Granada, Spain..........................................................................................1152
Pelta, David A. / Universidad de Granada, Spain...........................................................................................480
Pea, Dexmont / Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico...............................................................1462
Peng, Chun-Cheng / University of London, UK...........................................................................................1411
Prez, Juan L. / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................................118, 526
Prez, scar / Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain................................................................................282
Prez-Snchez, Beatriz / University of A Corua, Spain................................................................................667
Periscal, David / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................................618
Perl, Juergen / University of Mainz, Germany..............................................................................................1212
Peters, Georg / Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany.................................................................774
Piana, Michele / Universita di Verona, Italy...................................................................................................372
Planet, Santiago / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain..........................................................................................541
Poggi, Agostino / Universit di Parma, Italy.................................................................................................1404
Poh, Kim Leng / National University of Singapore, Singapore......................................................................879

Porto Pazos, Ana Beln / University of A Corua, Spain...............................................................................167

Principe, Jose C. / University of Florida, USA...............................................................................................902
Putonet, Carlos G. / University of Granada, Spain......................................................................................1226
Quackenbush, John / Harvard School of Public Health, USA.........................................................................65
Queiroz, Joo / State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), & Federal University of Bahia, Brazil..........1543
Quek, Chai / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore........................................................................1396
Rabual Dopico, Juan Ramn / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................125, 383
Raducanu, Bogdan / Computer Vision Center, Spain.....................................................................................625
Ramos, Carlos / Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal...............................................................................................92
Rashid, Shaista / University of Bradford, UK.................................................................................................337
Rsvan, Vladimir / University of Craiova, Romania....................................................................................1212
Reyes-Galaviz, Orion Fausto / Universidad Autnoma de Tlaxcala, Mexico.......................................860, 867
Reyes-Garca, Carlos Alberto / Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico.........860, 867
Riao Sierra, Jess M. / University of Deusto, Spain...................................................................................344
Rigas, Dimitris / University of Bradford, UK..................................................................................................337
Ros, Juan / Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain....................................................767
Rivero, Daniel / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................................125, 618
Rodrigues, Ernesto / Federal University of Technology, Brazil.....................................................................596
Rodriquez, Gregorio Iglesias / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain....................................144, 1614
Rodrguez, M. Antn / University of Valladolid, Spain......................................................................1490, 1497
Rodrguez, Patricia Henrquez / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.......................1266, 1439
Rodrguez, Santiago / University of A Corua, Spain....................................................................................975
Rodrguez, Sara / Universidad de Salamanca, Spain...................................................................................1316
Rodrguez-Patn, Alfonso / Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain..........................767
Rojas, F. / University of Granada, Spain.........................................................................................................910
Rojas, F. J. / University of Granada, Spain.....................................................................................................910
Rojas, I. / University of Granada, Spain..........................................................................................................910
Rokach, Lior / Ben Gurion University, Israel.................................................................................................884
Romero, Carlos F. / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain......................................................1447
Romero, Enrique / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain......................................................................1205
Romero-Garca, V. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain...................................................................1296
Rosa Zurera, Manuel / University of Alcal, Spain...............................................................................933, 956
Roussaki, Ioanna / National Technical University of Athens, Greece................................................1418, 1524
Rousset, Patrick / CEREQ, France...............................................................................................................1029
Roy, Shourya / IBM Research, India Research Lab, India........................................................................99, 105
Ruano, Marcos / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain..........................................................................1064
Rus, Vasile / The University of Memphis, USA..............................................................................................1179
Rusiecki, Andrzej / Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland..................................................................1389
Russomanno, David J. / University of Memphis, USA...........................................................................304, 312
Sadri, Fariba / Imperial College London, UK..................................................................................................85
Salazar, Addisson / iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.................................................192, 199
Sanchez, Rodrigo Carballo / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.......................................144, 1614
Snchez, Eduardo / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain......................................................138, 1278
Snchez, Ricardo / Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico............................................................1462
Snchez-Maroo, Noelia / University of A Corua, Spain.............................................................................632
Snchez-Montas, Manuel / Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain..............................................282, 561
Snchez-Prez, J. V. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.................................................................1296
Sanchis, J. / Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.................................................................................1296
Sanchis de Miguel, Araceli / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.........................................................554

Sarathy, Rathindra / Oklahoma State University, USA................................................................................1323

Savi, Dragan A. / University of Exeter, UK.................................................................................................1042
Schleif, Frank-M. / University of Leipzig, Germany.....................................................................................1337
Seoane, Antonio / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................................................873
Seoane, Mara / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................................975, 982
Seoane Fernndez, Jos Antonio / University of A Corua, Spain......................................236, 241, 744, 1273
Serantes, J. Andrs / University of A Corua, Spain......................................................................................744
erban, Gheorghe / University of Pitesti, Romania........................................................................................609
Sergiadis, George D. / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece..............................................................967
Serrano, Arturo / iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain....................................................192, 199
Serrano-Lpez, Antonio J. / University of Valencia, Spain..............................................................................71
Sesmero Lorente, M. Paz / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain...........................................................554
Shambaugh, Neal / West Virginia University, USA.......................................................................................1310
Sharkey, Amanda J.C. / University of Sheffield, UK............................................................................161, 1537
Shilov, Nikolay V. / Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia.........................1089
Sieber, Tanja / University of Miskolc, Hungary............................................................................................1130
Silaghi, Marius C. / Florida Insitute of Technology, USA...............................................................................507
Silva, Ivan N. / University of So Paulo, Brazil............................................................................................1121
Sloot, Peter M.A. / Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands...........353
Socor Carri, Joan-Claudi / Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain..............................................................541, 719
Sofron, Emil / University of Pitesti, Romania.................................................................................................609
Song, Yu-Chen / Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China............................................297
Sorathia, Vikram / Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India......494
Soria-Olivas, Emilio / University of Valencia, Spain........................................................................................71
Sossa, Humberto / Center for Computing Research, IPN, Mexico.................................................................248
Souza, Flavio / UERJ, Brazil...................................................................................................................808, 817
Stankovi, Milan / University of Belgrade, Serbia.........................................................................................950
Stathis, Kostas / Royal Holloway, University of London, UK...........................................................................85
Surez, Sonia / University of A Corua, Spain........................................................................................975, 982
Subramaniam, L. Venkata / IBM Research, India Research Lab, India..................................................99, 105
Sulc, Bohumil / Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic........................................................567
Szenher, Matthew / University of Edinburgh, UK........................................................................................1185
Taktak, Azzam / Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK............................................................................390
Tang, Zaiyong / Salem State College, USA.......................................................................................................51
Tapia, Dante I. / Universidad de Salamanca, Spain......................................................................................1316
Taveira Pinto, Francisco / University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain....................................................1603
Tejera Santana, Aday / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain..................................................270
Tllez, Ricardo / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain..........................................................................1095
Tettamanzi, Andrea G. B. / University of Milan, Italy...................................................................................575
Tikk, Domonkos / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.........................................654
Tlelo-Cuautle, Esteban / Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico............................867
Tomaiuolo, Michele / Universit di Parma, Italy..........................................................................................1404
Torijano Gordo, Elena / University of Alcal, Spain.....................................................................................956
Torres, Manuel / University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.........................................................................547
Travieso Gonzlez, Carlos M. / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.........................1259, 1447
Tumin, Sharil / University of Bergen, Norway..............................................................................................1610
Turgay, Safiye / Abant zzet Baysal University, Turkey...................................................................................924
Valds, Julio J. / National Research Council Canada, Canada..........................................................1205, 1589
Valenzuela, O. / University of Granada, Spain...............................................................................................910

Vargas, J. Francisco / University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain & Universidad de Antioquia,
Vazquez, Roberto A. / Center for Computing Research, IPN, Mexico...........................................................248
Vzquez Naya, Jos Manuel / University of A Corua, Spain...........................................................1283, 1290
Vellasco, Marley / PUC-Rio, Brazil........................................................................................................808, 817
Verdegay, Jos L. / Universidad de Granada, Spain......................................................................................480
Villmann, Thomas / University of Leipzig, Germany...................................................................................1337
Vlachos, Ioannis K. / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece................................................................967
Voiry, Matthieu / University of Paris, France & SAGEM REOSC, France...................................................131
Wang, John / Montclair State University, USA.............................................................418, 424, 974, 963, 1036
Wilkosz, Kazimierz / Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland...............................................................1356
Williamson, Kristian / Statistics Canada, Canada...........................................................................................31
Wong, T. T. / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong..............................................................1568
Xu, Lei / Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & Peking University, China.................318, 892, 1343
Yaman, Fahrettin / Abant zzet Baysal University, Turkey.............................................................................924
Yan, Hong / City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & University of Sydney, Australia..........................289
Yan, Yan / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.............................................................................................1455
Yao, James / Montclair State University, USA.........................................................................................418, 424
Yokoo, Makoto / Kyushu University, Japan....................................................................................................507
Yousuf, Muhammad Ali / Tecnologico de Monterrey Santa Fe Campus, Mxico....................................1383
Zajac, Pavol / Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia.......................................................................179, 186
Zamora-Martnez, Francisco / Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain................................................231
Zarri, Gian Piero / LaLIC, University Paris 4-Sorbonne, France......................................................1159, 1167
Zatarain, Ramon / Instituto Tecnologico de Culiacan, Mexico......................................................................860
Zhang, Yu-Jin / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China....................................................................................1455
Zhao, Yi / Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, Germany...........................................................................................1079
Ziemke, Tom / University of Skovde, Sweden................................................................................................1376

by Volume

Volume I
Active Learning with SVM / Jun Jiang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; and
Horace H. S. Ip, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong...............................................................................1
Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing / M. L. Gavrilova, University of Calgary,
Adaptive Business Intelligence / Zbigniew Michalewicz, The University of Adelaide, Australia......................16
Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA / Radu Mutihac, University of Bucharest, Romania................22
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems / Larbi Esmahi, Athabasca University, Canada; Kristian Williamson,
Statistics Canada, Canada; and Elarbi Badidi, United Arab Emirates University, UAE..................................31
Adaptive Technology and Its Applications / Joo Jos Neto, Universidade de So Paulo, Brazil....................37
Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing / J. lvaro Fernndez, University of
Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain.............................................................................................................................45
Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling / Zaiyong Tang, Salem State College, USA; Xiaoyu Huang,
University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China; and Kallol Bagchi, University of Texas
at El Paso, USA...................................................................................................................................................51
AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics / Lester Ingber, Lester Ingber Research, USA.......................................58
AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data / Amira Djebbari, National Research Council Canada,
Canada; Aedn C. Culhane, Harvard School of Public Health, USA; Alice J. Armstrong,
The George Washington University, USA; and John Quackenbush, Harvard School of Public Health,
AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to Marketing, An / Jos D. Martn-Guerrero, University of Valencia,
Spain; Emilio Soria-Olivas, University of Valencia, Spain; Paulo J.G. Lisboa, Liverpool John Moores
University, UK; and Antonio J. Serrano-Lpez, University of Valencia, Spain.................................................71
Algorithms for Association Rule Mining / Vasudha Bhatnagar, University of Delhi, India;
Anamika Gupta, University of Delhi, India; and Naveen Kumar, University of Delhi, India............................76

Ambient Intelligence / Fariba Sadri, Imperial College London, UK; and Kostas Stathis,
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.......................................................................................................85
Ambient Intelligence Environments / Carlos Ramos, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal......................................92
Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I / Shourya Roy, IBM Research, India Research Lab, India;
and L. Venkata Subramaniam, IBM Research, India Research Lab, India........................................................99
Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data II / L. Venkata Subramaniam, IBM Research, India Research
Lab, India; and Shourya Roy, IBM Research, India Research Lab, India.......................................................105
Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques / Francisco J. Nvoa, University of A Corua, Spain;
Alberto Curra, University of A Corua, Spain; M. Gloria Lpez, University of A Corua, Spain; and
Virginia Mato, University of A Corua, Spain.................................................................................................. 110
ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete / Juan L. Prez, University of A Corua, Spain;
M Isabel Martnez, University of A Corua, Spain; and Manuel F. Herrador, University of A
Corua, Spain................................................................................................................................................... 118
ANN Development with EC Tools: An Overview / Daniel Rivero, University of A Corua, Spain;
and Juan Ramn Rabual Dopico, University of A Corua, Spain..................................................................125
ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices / Matthieu Voiry, University of Paris,
France & SAGEM REOSC, France; Vronique Amarger, University of Paris, France; Joel Bernier,
SAGEM REOSC, France; and Kurosh Madani, University of Paris, France..................................................131
Artificial Intelligence and Education / Eduardo Snchez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
and Manuel Lama, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain...................................................................138
Artificial Intelligence and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability / Gregorio Iglesias Rodriquez, University of
Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Alberte Castro Ponte, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
Rodrigo Carballo Sanchez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; and Miguel ngel Losada
Rodriguez, University of Granada, Spain.........................................................................................................144
Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval / Thomas Mandl, University of Hildesheim, Germany.........151
Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Aided Diagnosis / Paulo Eduardo Ambrsio, Santa Cruz State
University, Brazil..............................................................................................................................................157
Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling / Amanda J.C. Sharkey, University of Sheffield, UK....161
Artificial NeuroGlial Networks / Ana Beln Porto Pazos, University of A Corua, Spain; Alberto Alvarellos
Gonzlez, University of A Corua, Spain; and Flix Montas Pazos, University of A Corua, Spain..........167
Association Rule Mining / Vasudha Bhatnagar, University of Delhi, India; and Sarabjeet Kochhar,
University of Delhi, India.................................................................................................................................172
Automated Cryptanalysis / Otokar Groek, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia; and
Pavol Zajac, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia..................................................................................179

Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers / Otokar Groek, Slovak University of Technology,

Slovakia; and Pavol Zajac, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia...........................................................186
Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I / Addisson Salazar, iTEAM, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, Spain; and Arturo Serrano, iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain .......192
Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II / Addisson Salazar, iTEAM, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, Spain; and Arturo Serrano, iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain........199
AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I / Girolamo Fornarelli, Politecnico di Bari, Italy;
and Antonio Giaquinto, Politecnico di Bari, Italy............................................................................................206
AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II / Girolamo Fornarelli, Politecnico di Bari, Italy;
and Antonio Giaquinto, Politecnico di Bari, Italy............................................................................................ 211
Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing / J. lvaro Fernndez,
University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain......................................................................................................218
Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration / Radu Mutihac, University of Bucharest,
Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks / Mara Jos Castro-Bleda, Universidad
Politcnica de Valencia, Spain; Salvador Espaa-Boquera, Universidad Politcnica de
Valencia, Spain; and Francisco Zamora-Martnez, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia,
Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I / Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez, University of
A Corua, Spain; and Mnica Migulez Rico, University of A Corua, Spain................................................236
Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics II / Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez, University
of A Corua, Spain; and Mnica Migulez Rico, University of A Corua, Spain............................................241
Bioinspired Associative Memories / Roberto A. Vazquez, Center for Computing Research, IPN,
Mexico; and Humberto Sossa, Center for Computing Research, IPN, Mexico................................................248
Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools for Analyzing Cognition / Manuel G. Bedia, University of
Zaragoza, Spain; Juan M. Corchado, University of Salamanca, Spain; and Luis F. Castillo,
National University, Colombia.........................................................................................................................256
Biometric Security Technology / Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Escola Universitria Politcnica de
Matar, Spain...................................................................................................................................................262
Blind Source Separation by ICA / Miguel A. Ferrer, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain;
and Aday Tejera Santana, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain................................................270
Chaotic Neural Networks / Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandez, University of So Paulo, Brazil...........................275
Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions / scar Prez, Universidad Autnoma
de Madrid, Spain; and Manuel Snchez-Montas, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain......................282

Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data / Alan Wee-Chung Liew, Griffith University, Australia;
Ngai-Fong Law, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; and Hong Yan, City University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & University of Sydney, Australia........................................................................289
Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets / Yu-Chen Song, Inner Mongolia University of Science
and Technology, China; and Hai-Dong Meng, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology,
CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I / Atiq Islam, University of Memphis, USA;
Khan M. Iftekharuddin, University of Memphis, USA; E. Olusegun George, University of Memphis, USA;
and David J. Russomanno, University of Memphis, USA.................................................................................304
CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II / Atiq Islam, University of Memphis, USA;
Khan M. Iftekharuddin, University of Memphis, USA; E. Olusegun George, University of Memphis, USA;
and David J. Russomanno, University of Memphis, USA.................................................................................312
Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts / Lei Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong & Peking University, China; and Shun-ichi Amari, Brain Science Institute, Japan.....................318
Commonsense Knowledge Representation I / Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.............................327
Commonsense Knowledge Representation II / Phillip Ein-Dor, Tel-Aviv University, Israel...........................334
Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking, A / Shaista Rashid, University of Bradford, UK;
and Dimitris Rigas, University of Bradford, UK..............................................................................................337
Comparison of Cooling Schedules for Simulated Annealing, A / Jos Fernando Daz Martn,
University of Deusto, Spain; and Jess M. Riao Sierra, University of Deusto, Spain...................................344
Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata / Ji Kroc, Section Computational Science,
The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and Peter M.A. Sloot, Section Computational Science,
The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands...............................................................................................353
Complex-Valued Neural Networks / Tohru Nitta, AIST, Japan........................................................................361
Component Analysis in Artificial Vision / Oscar Dniz Surez, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Spain; and Gloria Bueno Garca, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain...................................................367
Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging / Michele Piana, Universita di Verona, Italy......................372
Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures / Enrique Fernndez-Blanco,
University of A Corua, Spain; and Julin Dorado, University of A Corua, Spain.......................................377
Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments / scar Ibez, University of A Corua, Spain;
and Juan Rabual Dopico, University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................................383
Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks / Antonio Eleuteri, Royal Liverpool University Hospital,
UK; Azzam Taktak, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK; Bertil Damato, Royal Liverpool University
Hospital, UK; Angela Douglas, Liverpool Womens Hospital, UK; and Sarah Coupland, Royal Liverpool
University Hospital, UK....................................................................................................................................390

Configuration / Luca Anselma, Universit di Torino, Italy; and Diego Magro,

Universit di Torino, Italy.................................................................................................................................396
Constraint Processing / Roman Bartk, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.................................404
Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model / Wei-Chiang Hong, Oriental Institute
of Technology, Taiwan.......................................................................................................................................410
Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues / John Wang, Montclair State University, USA;
Qiyang Chen, Montclair State University, USA; and James Yao, Montclair State University, USA................418
Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies / James Yao, Montclair State University,
USA; and John Wang, Montclair State University, USA..................................................................................424
Decision Making in Intelligent Agents / Mats Danielson, Stockholm University, Sweden &
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; and Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University, Sweden &
Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden..............................................................................................................431
Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling / Man Wai Lee, Brunel University, UK;
Kyriacos Chrysostomou, Brunel University, UK; Sherry Y. Chen, Brunel University, UK; and
Xiaohui Liu, Brunel University, UK..................................................................................................................437
Dempster-Shafer Theory, The / Malcolm J. Beynon, Cardiff University, UK..................................................443
Dependency Parsing: Recent Advances / Ruket akc, University of Edinburgh, UK....................................449
Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems / M. Mohammadian,
University of Canberra, Australia....................................................................................................................456
Developmental Robotics / Max Lungarella, University of Zurich, Switzerland; and Gabriel Gmez,
University of Zurich, Switzerland.....................................................................................................................464
Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing / Valeriu Beiu, United Arab Emirates University,
UAE; Walid Ibrahim, United Arab Emirates University, UAE; and Sanja Lazarova-Molnar, United Arab
Emirates University, UAE.................................................................................................................................471
Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics / Jos M. Cadenas, Universidad de
Murcia, Spain; M Carmen Garrido, Universidad de Murcia, Spain; Enrique Muoz, Universidad
de Murcia, Spain; Carlos Cruz-Corona, Universidad de Granada, Spain; David A. Pelta,
Universidad de Granada, Spain; and Jos L. Verdegay, Universidad de Granada, Spain..............................480
Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation / Janez Brest, University of Maribor, Slovenia..........................488
Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies / Vikram Sorathia, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of
Information and Communication Technology, India; and Anutosh Maitra, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute
of Information and Communication Technology, India....................................................................................494
Disk-Based Search / Stefan Edelkamp, University of Dortmund, Germany; and Shahid Jabbar,
University of Dortmund, Germany...................................................................................................................501

Distributed Constraint Reasoning / Marius C. Silaghi, Florida Insitute of Technology, USA;

and Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University, Japan.................................................................................................507
Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure / Simon D. Levy, Washington and Lee
University, USA.................................................................................................................................................514
EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM / Gilles Lebrun, University of Caen Basse-Normandie,
France; Olivier Lezoray, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France; Christophe Charrier,
University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France; and Hubert Cardot, University Franois-Rabelais
of Tours, France................................................................................................................................................520
EC Techniques in the Structural Concrete Field / Juan L. Prez, University of A Corua, Spain; Beln
Gonzlez-Fonteboa, University of A Corua, Spain; and Fernando Martnez Abella,
University of A Corua, Spain..........................................................................................................................526
E-Learning in New Technologies / Nieves Pedreira, University of A Corua, Spain;
Jos Ramn Mndez Salgueiro, University of A Corua, Spain; and Manuel Martnez Carballo,
University of A Corua, Spain..........................................................................................................................532
Emerging Applications in Immersive Technologies / Darryl N. Davis, University of Hull, UK;
and Paul M. Chapman, University of Hull, UK................................................................................................536
Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation / Ignasi Iriondo, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain;
Santiago Planet, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain; Francesc Alas, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain;
Joan-Claudi Socor, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain; and Elisa Martnez, Universitat Ramon Llull,

Volume II
Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision / Gloria Bueno Garca, University of
Castilla La Mancha, Spain; Antonio Martnez, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain;
Roberto Gonzlez, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain; and Manuel Torres,
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain.......................................................................................................547
Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition / M. Paz Sesmero Lorente, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid, Spain; Juan Manuel Alonso-Weber, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain;
Germn Gutirrez Snchez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; Agapito Ledezma Espino,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; and Araceli Sanchis de Miguel, Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid, Spain..........................................................................................................................................554
Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam Filtering / ngela Blanco, Universidad Pontificia de
Salamanca, Spain; and Manuel Martn-Merino, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain......................561
Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection / Bohumil Sulc, Czech Technical University
in Prague, Czech Republic; and David Klimanek, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic..................................................................................................................................................567
Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design / Antonia Azzini, University of Milan, Italy; and
Andrea G.B. Tettamanzi, University of Milan, Italy.........................................................................................575

Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection / Marcos Gestal, University of A Corua, Spain;

and Jos Manuel Andrade, University of A Corua, Spain..............................................................................581
Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks / Prayag Narula, University of Delhi,
India; Sudip Misra, Yale University, USA; and Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, University of Delhi,
Evolutionary Grammatical Inference / Ernesto Rodrigues, Federal University of Technology,
Brazil; and Heitor Silvrio Lopes, Federal University of Technology, Brazil..................................................596
Evolutionary Robotics / J. A. Becerra, University of A Corua, Spain; and R. J. Duro, University of
A Corua, Spain................................................................................................................................................603
Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits / Laureniu Ionescu, University of Pitesti, Romania; Alin Mazare,
University of Pitesti, Romania; Gheorghe erban, University of Pitesti, Romania; and Emil Sofron,
University of Pitesti, Romania..........................................................................................................................609
Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification / Daniel Rivero, University of
A Corua, Spain; and David Periscal, University of A Corua, Spain............................................................618
Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications / Fadi Dornaika, Institut Gographique National,
France; and Bogdan Raducanu, Computer Vision Center, Spain....................................................................625
Feature Selection / Noelia Snchez-Maroo, University of A Corua, Spain; and
Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, University of A Corua, Spain................................................................................632
Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics / Llus A. Belanche Muoz, Universitat
Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain.......................................................................................................................639
Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems / Marcos Gestal, University of
A Corua, Spain; and Mari Paz Gmez-Carracedo, University of A Corua, Spain......................................647
Full-Text Search Engines for Databases / Lszl Kovcs, University of Miskolc, Hungary;
and Domonkos Tikk, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.......................................654
Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics / Tuomas Krn, Helsinki University of
Technology, Finland; and Amaury Lendasse, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.............................661
Functional Networks / Oscar Fontenla-Romero, University of A Corua, Spain;
Bertha Guijarro-Berdias, University of A Corua, Spain; and Beatriz Prez-Snchez,
University of A Corua, Spain..........................................................................................................................667
Fuzzy Approximation of DES State / Juan Carlos Gonzlez-Castolo, CINVESTAV Unidad
Guadalajara, Mexico; and Ernesto Lpez-Mellado, CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico .................677
Fuzzy Control Systems: An Introduction / Guanrong Chen, City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong; and Young Hoon Joo, Kunsan National University, Korea..........................................................688
Fuzzy Decision Trees / Malcolm J. Beynon, Cardiff University, UK...............................................................696

Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs / Leonid S. Bershtein, Taganrog Technological Institute
of Southern Federal University, Russia; and Alexander V. Bozhenyuk, Taganrog Technological
Institute of Southern Federal University, Russia..............................................................................................704
Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis / Alfonso Castro, University of A Corua,
Spain; and Bernardino Arcay, University of A Corua, Spain.........................................................................710
Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments / Rosa Maria Alsina Pags, Universitat Ramon
Llull, Spain; Cludia Mateo Segura, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain; and Joan-Claudi Socor Carri,
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain........................................................................................................................719
Fuzzy Rule Interpolation / Szilveszter Kovcs, University of Miskolc, Hungary.............................................728
Fuzzy Systems Modeling: An Introduction / Young Hoon Joo, Kunsan National University, Korea;
and Guanrong Chen, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.......................................................734
Gene Regulation Network Use for Information Processing / Enrique Fernandez-Blanco, University of
A Corua, Spain; and J.Andrs Serantes, University of A Corua, Spain.......................................................744
Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling / Pi-Sheng Deng, California State University
at Stanislaus, USA.............................................................................................................................................748
Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks / Joo H. Kleinschmidt, State University of Campinas,
Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering / scar Ibez, University of
A Corua, Spain; and Alberte Castro Ponte, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain...........................759
Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming / Daniel Manrique, Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de
Informatica, UPM, Spain; Juan Ros, Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain;
and Alfonso Rodrguez-Patn, Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain........................767
Granular Computing / Georg Peters, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany................................774
Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis / Soledad Delgado, Technical University of Madrid,
Spain; Consuelo Gonzalo, Technical University of Madrid, Spain; Estbaliz Martnez, Technical
University of Madrid, Spain; and gueda Arquero, Technical University of Madrid, Spain...........................781
GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis / Llus Formiga, Universitat Ramon Llull,
Spain; and Francesc Alas, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain............................................................................788
Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification / Roy Gelbard, Bar-Ilan University, Israel;
and Avichai Meged, Bar-Ilan University, Israel...............................................................................................796
Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling / Zong Woo Geem, Johns Hopkins University, USA.............803
Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I / Marley Vellasco, PUC-Rio, Brazil; Marco Pacheco,
PUC-Rio, Brazil; Karla Figueiredo, UERJ, Brazil; and Flavio Souza, UERJ, Brazil.....................................808

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II / Marley Vellasco, PUC-Rio, Brazil; Marco Pacheco,
PUC-Rio, Brazil; Karla Figueiredo, UERJ, Brazil; and Flavio Souza, UERJ, Brazil.....................................817
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning / Carlos Diuk, Rutgers University, USA; and
Michael Littman, Rutgers University, USA.......................................................................................................825
High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs / Nouma Izeboudjen, Center de
Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie; Ahcene Farah, Ajman University,
UAE; Hamid Bessalah, Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie;
Ahmed. Bouridene, Queens University of Belfast, Ireland; and Nassim Chikhi,
Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie..........................................................831
HOPS: A Hybrid Dual Camera Vision System / Stefano Cagnoni, Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy;
Monica Mordonini, Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy; Luca Mussi, Universit degli Studi di
Perugia, Italy; and Giovanni Adorni, Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy................................................840
Hybrid Dual Camera Vision System / Stefano Cagnoni, Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy;
Monica Mordonini, Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy; Luca Mussi, Universit degli Studi di
Perugia, Italy; and Giovanni Adorni, Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy................................................848
Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling / Ana Maria Madureira,
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal...........................................................................................................853
Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I, A / Carlos Alberto Reyes-Garca, Instituto
Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico; Ramon Zatarain, Instituto Tecnologico de
Culiacan, Mexico; Lucia Barron, Instituto Tecnologico de Culiacan, Mexico; and
Orion Fausto Reyes-Galaviz, Universidad Autnoma de Tlaxcala, Mexico....................................................860
Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II, A / Carlos Alberto Reyes-Garca,
Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico; Sandra E. Barajas, Instituto Nacional
de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico; Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica
ptica y Electrnica, Mexico; and Orion Fausto Reyes-Galaviz, Universidad Autnoma de Tlaxcala,
IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs / Antonio Seoane, University of A Corua, Spain; and
Alberto Jaspe, University of A Corua, Spain..................................................................................................873
Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier / Liwei Fan, National University of Singapore, Singapore;
and Kim Leng Poh, National University of Singapore, Singapore...................................................................879
Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks / Lior Rokach, Ben Gurion University, Israel....................884
Independent Subspaces / Lei Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & Peking University,
Information Theoretic Learning / Deniz Erdogmus, Northeastern University, USA; and
Jose C. Principe, University of Florida, USA...................................................................................................902

Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG) / O.Valenzuela, University of Granada, Spain;
I.Rojas, University of Granada, Spain; F.Rojas, University of Granada, Spain; A.Guillen,
University of Granada, Spain; L.J Herrera, University of Granada, Spain; F.J.Rojas, University of
Granada, Spain; and M.Cepero, University of Granada, Spain......................................................................910
Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics / G. Nicols Marichal, University of La Laguna,
Spain; and Evelio J. Gonzlez, University of La Laguna, Spain......................................................................917
Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems / Safiye Turgay, Abant zzet Baysal
University, Turkey; and Fahrettin Yaman, Abant zzet Baysal University, Turkey...........................................924
Intelligent Radar Detectors / Ral Vicen Bueno, University of Alcal, Spain; Manuel Rosa Zurera,
University of Alcal, Spain; Mara Pilar Jarabo Amores, University of Alcal, Spain;
Roberto Gil Pita, University of Alcal, Spain; and David de la Mata Moya, University of Alcal,
Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce I / Xin Luo, The University of New Mexico, USA;
and Somasheker Akkaladevi, Virginia State University, USA...........................................................................940
Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce II / Xin Luo, The University of New Mexico, USA;
and Somasheker Akkaladevi, Virginia State University, USA...........................................................................945
Intelligent Software Agents with Applications in Focus / Mario Jankovi-Romano, University of
Belgrade, Serbia; Milan Stankovi, University of Belgrade, Serbia; and Uro Kradinac, University
of Belgrade, Serbia...........................................................................................................................................950
Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers / Ral Vicen Bueno, University of Alcal, Spain; Elena Torijano
Gordo, University of Alcal, Spain; Antonio Garca Gonzlez, University of Alcal, Spain;
Manuel Rosa Zurera, University of Alcal, Spain; and Roberto Gil Pita, University of Alcal, Spain...........956
Interactive Systems and Sources of Uncertainties / Qiyang Chen, Montclair State University, USA;
and John Wang, Montclair State University, USA............................................................................................963
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing / Ioannis K. Vlachos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece;
and George D. Sergiadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece...........................................................967
Knowledge Management Systems Procedural Development / Javier Andrade, University of
A Corua, Spain; Santiago Rodrguez, University of A Corua, Spain; Mara Seoane, University of
A Corua, Spain; and Sonia Surez, University of A Corua, Spain...............................................................975
Knowledge Management Tools and Their Desirable Characteristics / Juan Ares, University of A Corua,
Spain; Rafael Garca, University of A Corua, Spain; Mara Seoane, University of A Corua, Spain;
and Sonia Surez, University of A Corua, Spain............................................................................................982
Knowledge-Based Systems / Adrian A. Hopgood, De Montfort University, UK.............................................989
Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms / Marie-Thrse Boyer-Xambeu, Universit de Paris VII LED,
France; Ghislain Deleplace, Universit de Paris VIII LED, France; Patrice Gaubert,
Universit de Paris 12 ERUDITE, France; Lucien Gillard, CNRS LED, France; and
Madalina Olteanu, Universit de Paris I CES SAMOS, France...................................................................996

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I / Llus A. Belanche Muoz, Universitat

Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain.....................................................................................................................1004
Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II / Llus A. Belanche Muoz, Universitat
Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain.....................................................................................................................1012
Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games / Alfredo Garro, University of Calabria, Italy.........1018
Learning-Based Planning / Sergio Jimnez Celorrio, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain;
and Toms de la Rosa Turbides, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain...................................................1024
Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM, A / Patrick Rousset, CEREQ, France;
and Jean-Francois Giret, CEREQ, France....................................................................................................1029
Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems / Qiyang Chen, Montclair State University, USA;
and John Wang, Montclair State University, USA..........................................................................................1036
Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation / Francesco di Pierro, University of Exeter, UK;
Soon-Thiam Khu, University of Exeter, UK; and Dragan A. Savi, University of Exeter, UK.......................1042
Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure / Yi Zhao, Fernuniversitaet in Hagen,
Germany; and Wolfgang A. Halang, Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, Germany..................................................1049
Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks / Radu Mutihac, University of Bucharest,
Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI / Juan M. Gmez, Universidad Carlos III
de Madrid, Spain; Ricardo Colomo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; Marcos Ruano,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; and ngel Garca, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.....1064
Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization Part I / Lee Gim Hee, DSO National
Laboratories, Singapore; and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., National University of Singapore, Singapore................1072
Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization Part II / Lee Gim Hee, DSO National
Laboratories, Singapore; and Marcelo H. Ang Jr., National University of Singapore, Singapore................1080
Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems / Nikolay V. Shilov, Russian Academy
of Science, Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia; and Natalia Garanina, Russian Academy of Science,
Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia..........................................................................................................1089
Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks / Ricardo Tllez, Technical University of Catalonia,
Spain; and Cecilio Angulo, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain...........................................................1095
Morphological Filtering Principles / Jose Crespo, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain.................... 1102
MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization / Enrique Mrida-Casermeiro,
University of Mlaga, Spain; Domingo Lpez-Rodrguez, University of Mlaga, Spain; and
Juan M. Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato, University of Mlaga, Spain.................................................................. 1112

Volume III
Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems / Ivan N. Silva, University of So Paulo, Brazil;
and Rogerio A. Flauzino, University of So Paulo, Brazil............................................................................. 1121
Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models / Lszl Kovcs, University of Miskolc, Hungary; and
Tanja Sieber, University of Miskolc, Hungary................................................................................................ 1130
Multilogistic Regression by Product Units / P.A. Gutirrez, University of Crdoba, Spain; C. Hervs,
University of Crdoba, Spain; F.J. Martnez-Estudillo, INSA ETEA, Spain; and M. Carbonero,
INSA ETEA, Spain....................................................................................................................................... 1136
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms / Sanjoy Das, Kansas State University, USA; and
Bijaya K. Panigrahi, Indian Institute of Technology, India............................................................................ 1145
Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks / M. P. Cullar, Universidad de Granada, Spain;
M. Delgado, Universidad de Granada, Spain; and M. C. Pegalajar, University of Granada, Spain............ 1152
Narrative Information and the NKRL Solution / Gian Piero Zarri, LaLIC, University Paris 4-Sorbonne,
France ............................................................................................................................................................ 1159
Narrative Information Problems / Gian Piero Zarri, LaLIC, University Paris 4-Sorbonne, France......... 1167
Natural Language Processing and Biological Methods / Gemma Bel Enguix, Rovira i
Virgili University, Spain; and M. Dolores Jimnez Lpez, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain........................ 1173
Natural Language Understanding and Assessment / Vasile Rus, The University of Memphis, USA;
Philip McCarthy, University of Memphis, USA; Danielle S. McNamara, The University of Memphis,
USA; and Art Graesser, University of Memphis, USA.................................................................................... 1179
Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing / Matthew Szenher, University of Edinburgh, UK.................... 1185
Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms / Sanjoy Das, Kansas State University, USA....................... 1191
Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles / Francisco Garca-Crdova, Polytechnic University
of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain; Antonio Guerrero-Gonzlez, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT),
Spain; and Fulgencio Marn-Garca, Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain......................... 1197
Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data / Enrique Romero, Technical University of
Catalonia, Spain; Julio J. Valds,National Research Council Canada, Canada; and Alan J. Barton,
National Research Council Canada, Canada.................................................................................................1205
Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport / Juergen Perl, University of Mainz, Germany...............1212
Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags / Daniela Danciu, University
of Craiova, Romania; and Vladimir Rsvan, University of Craiova, Romania.............................................1219

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation / Juan J. Gonzlez De la Rosa,
Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain; Carlos G. Puntonet, University of Granada, Spain;
and A. Moreno-Muoz, Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain......................................................................1226
Neural Networks on Handwritten Signature Verification / J. Francisco Vargas, University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain & Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia; and Miguel A. Ferrer,
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain........................................................................................1232
Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice Theory / Vassilis G. Kaburlasos, Technological
Educational Institution of Kavala, Greece.....................................................................................................1238
New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data, A / Tien Ho-Phuoc, GIPSA-lab, France;
and Anne Guerin-Dugue, GIPSA-lab, France................................................................................................1244
NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems / Chutima Boonthum, Hampton University, USA;
Irwin B. Levinstein, Old Dominion University, USA; Danielle S. McNamara, The University of Memphis,
USA; Joseph P. Magliano, Northern Illinois University, USA; and Keith K. Millis,
The University of Memphis, USA....................................................................................................................1253
Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems / Carlos M. Travieso Gonzlez, University
of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; and Aythami Morales Moreno, University of Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria, Spain..................................................................................................................................1259
Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization / Jess Bernardino Alonso Hernndez, University
of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; and Patricia Henrquez Rodrguez, University of Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria, Spain..................................................................................................................................1266
Ontologies and Processing Patterns for Microarrays / Mnica Migulez Rico, University of A Corua,
Spain; Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez, University of A Corua, Spain; and Julin Dorado de la Calle,
University of A Corua, Spain........................................................................................................................1273
Ontologies for Education and Learning Design / Manuel Lama, University of Santiago de Compostela,
Spain; and Eduardo Snchez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain................................................1278
Ontology Alignment Overview / Jos Manuel Vzquez Naya, University of A Corua, Spain;
Marcos Martnez Romero, University of A Corua, Spain; Javier Pereira Loureiro, University of
A Corua, Spain; and Alejandro Pazos Sierra, University of A Corua, Spain.............................................1283
Ontology Alignment Techniques / Marcos Martnez Romero, University of A Corua, Spain;
Jos Manuel Vzquez Naya, University of A Corua, Spain; Javier Pereira Loureiro,
University of A Corua, Spain; and Norberto Ezquerra, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA..................1290
Optimization of the Acoustic Systems / V. Romero-Garca, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain;
E. Fuster-Garcia, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain; J. V. Snchez-Prez, Polytechnic
University of Valencia, Spain; L. M. Garcia-Raffi, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain;
X. Blasco, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain; J. M. Herrero, Polytechnic University of
Valencia, Spain; and J. Sanchis, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain..................................................1296

Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis / Stefano Cagnoni, Universit degli Studi di Parma,
Italy; and Monica Mordonini, Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy...........................................................1303
Personalized Decision Support Systems / Neal Shambaugh, West Virginia University, USA........................1310
Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences / Javier Bajo, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain;
Dante I. Tapia, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; Sara Rodrguez, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain;
and Juan M. Corchado, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain...........................................................................1316
Privacy-Preserving Estimation / Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi, King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia; and Rathindra Sarathy, Oklahoma State University, USA....................1323
Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods / Somasheker Akkaladevi,
Virginia State University, USA; Ajay K. Katangur, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, USA;
and Xin Luo, The University of New Mexico, USA.........................................................................................1330
Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics / Frank-M. Schleif, University of Leipzig, Germany;
Thomas Villmann, University of Leipzig, Germany; and Barbara Hammer, Technical University of
Clausthal, Germany........................................................................................................................................1337
Randomized Hough Transform / Lei Xu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & Peking
University, China; and Erkki Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland............................................1343
Ranking Functions / Franz Huber, California Institute of Technology, USA.................................................1351
RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification / Robert Lukomski, Wroclaw University of
Technology, Poland; and Kazimierz Wilkosz, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland............................1356
Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks / Jos Garca-Rodrguez, University of
Alicante, Spain; Francisco Flrez-Revuelta, University of Alicante, Spain; and Juan Manuel
Garca-Chamizo, University of Alicante, Spain..............................................................................................1363
Roadmap on Updates, A / Fernando Zacaras Flores, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla,
Mxico; Dionicio Zacaras Flores, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico;
Rosalba Cuapa Canto, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico; and
Luis Miguel Guzmn Muoz, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico..................................1370
Robot Model of Dynamic Appraisal and Response, A / Carlos Herrera, Intelligent Systems Research
Centre University of Ulster, North Ireland; Tom Ziemke, University of Skovde, Sweden; and
Thomas M. McGinnity, Intelligent Systems Research Centre University of Ulster, University of Ulster,
North Ireland...................................................................................................................................................1376
Robots in Education / Muhammad Ali Yousuf, Tecnologico de Monterrey Santa Fe Campus, Mxico......1383
Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function / Andrzej Rusiecki, Wroclaw University of
Technology, Poland.........................................................................................................................................1389
Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System / Kai Keng Ang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore;
and Chai Quek, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.....................................................................1396

Rule Engines and Agent-Based Systems / Agostino Poggi, Universit di Parma, Italy; and
Michele Tomaiuolo, Universit di Parma, Italy.............................................................................................1404
Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks / Chun-Cheng Peng, University of London, UK;
and George D. Magoulas, University of London, UK.................................................................................... 1411
Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets / Ioanna Roussaki, National Technical
University of Athens, Greece; Ioannis Papaioannou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
and Miltiades Anagnostou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece...............................................1418
Signed Formulae as a New Update Process / Fernando Zacaras Flores, Benemrita Universidad
Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico; Dionicio Zacaras Flores, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla,
Mexico; Rosalba Cuapa Canto, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico; and
Luis Miguel Guzmn Muoz, Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico..................................1426
Solar Radiation Forecasting Model / Fatih Onur Hocaolu, Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey;
mer Nezih Gerek, Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey; and Mehmet Kurban, Anadolu University
Eskisehir, Turkey.............................................................................................................................................1433
Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems / Jess Bernardino Alonso Hernndez, University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; and Patricia Henrquez Rodrguez, University of Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria, Spain..................................................................................................................................1439
State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification / Carlos M. Travieso Gonzlez, University of
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; and Carlos F. Romero, University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain................................................................................................................................................1447
State-of-the-Art on Video-Based Face Recognition / Yan Yan, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China;
and Yu-Jin Zhang, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.................................................................................1455
Stationary Density of Stochastic Search Processes / Arturo Berrones, Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo
Len, Mxico; Dexmont Pea, Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico; and
Ricardo Snchez, Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico................................................................1462
Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages / Mirjam Sepesy Mauec, University of
Maribor, Slovenia; and Zdravko Kai, University of Maribor, Slovenia......................................................1467
Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders / Snorre Aunet, University of Oslo, Norway &
Centers for Neural Inspired Nano Architectures, Norway; and Hans Kristian Otnes Berge,
University of Oslo, Norway.............................................................................................................................1474
Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning / Faming Liang, Texas A&M
University, USA...............................................................................................................................................1482
Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I / M. Martnez-Zarzuela, University of Valladolid, Spain;
F. J. Daz Pernas, University of Valladolid, Spain; D. Gonzlez Ortega, University of Valladolid, Spain;
J. F. Dez Higuera, University of Valladolid, Spain; and M. Antn Rodrguez, University of Valladolid,

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II / M. Martnez-Zarzuela, University of Valladolid, Spain;

F. J. Daz Pernas, University of Valladolid, Spain; D. Gonzlez Ortega, University of Valladolid, Spain;
J. F. Dez Higuera, University of Valladolid, Spain; and M. Antn Rodrguez, University of Valladolid,
Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators, A / Pi-Sheng Deng, California State University
at Stanislaus, USA...........................................................................................................................................1504
Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems / M. Mohammadian, University of Canberra, Australia.......1510
Support Vector Machines / Cecilio Angulo, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain; and
Luis Gonzalez-Abril, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain.....................................................................1518
Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations, A / Ioannis Papaioannou, National Technical
University of Athens, Greece; Ioanna Roussaki, National Technical University of Athens, Greece;
and Miltiades Anagnostou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece...............................................1524
Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks / Prayag Narula, University of Delhi, India;
Sudip Misra, Yale University, USA; and Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher, University of Delhi, India..................1530
Swarm Robotics / Amanda J.C. Sharkey, University of Sheffield, UK...........................................................1537
Symbol Grounding Problem / Angelo Loula, State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil & State
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil; and Joo Queiroz, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP),
Brazil & Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.................................................................................................1543
Symbolic Search / Stefan Edelkamp, University of Dortmund, Germany......................................................1549
Synthetic Neuron Implementations / Snorre Aunet, University of Oslo, Norway & Centers for
Neural Inspired Nano Architectures, Norway.................................................................................................1555
Teaching Machines to Find Names / Raymond Chiong, Swinburne University of Technology,
Sarawak Campus, Malaysia...........................................................................................................................1562
Thermal Design of Gas-Fired Cooktop Burners Through ANN / T.T. Wong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong; and C.W. Leung, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong..................1568
2D Positioning Application in PET Using ANNs, A / Fernando Mateo, Universidad Politcnica de
Valencia, Spain; Ramn J. Aliaga, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain; Jorge D. Martnez,
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain; Jos M Monz, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain;
and Rafael Gadea, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain....................................................................1576
2D-PAGE Analysis Using Evolutionary Computation / Pablo Mesejo, University of A Corua, Spain;
Enrique Fernndez-Blanco, University of A Corua, Spain; Diego Martnez-Feijo, University of A
Corua, Spain; and Francisco J. Blanco, Juan Canalejo Hospital, Spain....................................................1583
Visualizing Cancer Databases Using Hybrid Spaces / Julio J. Valds, National Research Council Canada,
Canada; and Alan J. Barton, National Research Council Canada, Canada.................................................1589

Voltage Instability Detection Using Neural Networks / Adnan Khashman, Near East University,
Turkey; Kadri Buruncuk, Near East University, Turkey; and Samir Jabr, Near East University,
Wave Reflection at Submerged Breakwaters / Alberte Castro Ponte, University of Santiago de
Compostela, Spain; Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain;
Francisco Taveira Pinto, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; and Rodrigo Carballo Sanchez,
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.................................................................................................1603
Web-Based Assessment System Applying Many-Valued Logic / Sylvia Encheva, Haugesund
University College, Norway; and Sharil Tumin, University of Bergen, Norway............................................1610
Workflow Management Based on Mobile Agent Technology / Marina Flores-Badillo, CINVESTAV
Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico; and Ernesto Lpez-Mellado, CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico....1615



Through the history the man has always hoped the boost of three main characteristics: physical, metaphysical
and intellectual.
From the physical viewpoint he invented and developed all kind of tools: levers, wheels, cams, pistons, etc.,
until achieving the sophisticated machines existing nowadays.
Regarding the metaphysical aspect, the initial celebration of magical-animistic rituals led to attempts, either
real or literary, for creating ex nihilo life: life from inert substance. The most actual approaches involve the
cryoconservation of deceased people for them to be returned to life in the future; the generation of life at the
laboratories by means of cells, tissues, organs, systems or individuals created from previously frozen stem cells
is also currently aimed.
The third aspect considered, the intellectual one, is the most interesting here. There have been multiple
contributions, since devices that increased the calculi ability as the abacus appeared, until the later theoretical proposals for trying to solve problems, as the Ars Magna by Ramn Lull. The first written reference of the
Artificial Intelligence that is known is The Iliad, where Homer describes the visit of the goddess Thetis and her
son Achilles to the workshop of Hephaestus, god of smiths: At once he was helped along by female servants
made of gold, who moved to him. They look like living servant girls, possessing minds, hearts with intelligence,
vocal chords, and strength.
However, the first reference of Artificial Intelligence, as it is currently understood, can be found in the proposal
made by J. McCarthy to the Rockefeller Foundation in 1956; this proposal hoped for funds that might support
a month-lasting meeting of twelve researchers of the Dartmouth Summer Research Project in order to establish
the basis of the, McCarthy-named, Artificial Intelligence.
Although the precursors of the Artificial Intelligence (S. Ramn y Cajal, N. Wienner, D. Hebb, C. Shannon and
J. McCulloch, among many others), come from multiple science disciplines, the true driving forces (A. Turing,
J. von Neumann, M. Minsky, T. Gdell,) emerge in the second third of the XX century with the apparition of
certain tools, the computers, capable of handling fairly complex problems. Some other scientists, as J. Hopfield
or J. Holland, proposed at the last third of the century some biology-inspired approaches that enabled the treatment of complex problems of the real world that even might require certain adaptive ability.
All this long and productive trend of the history of the Artificial Intelligence demanded an encyclopaedia that
might give expression to the current situation of this multidisciplinary topic, where researches from multiple
fields as neuroscience, computing science, cognitive sciences, exact sciences and different engineering areas
This work intends to provide a wide and well balanced coverage of all the points of interest that currently
exist in the field of Artificial Intelligence, from the most theoretical fundamentals to the most recent industrial
Multiple researches have been contacted and several notifications have been performed in different forums
of the scientific field dealt here.
All the proposals have been carefully revised by the editors for balancing, as far as possible, the contributions,
with the intention of achieving an accurately wide document that might exemplify this field.


A first selection was performed after the reception of all the proposals and it was later sent to three external
expert reviewers in order to carry out a double-blind revision based on a peer review. As a result of this strict
and complex process, and before the final acceptance, a high number of contributions (80% approximately) were
rejected or required to be modified.
The effort of the last two years is now believed to be worthwhile; at least this is the belief of the editors
who, with the invaluable help of a high number of people mentioned in the acknowledgements, have managed
to get this complete encyclopaedia off the ground. The numbers speak for themselves: 233 articles published
that have been carried out by 442 authors from 38 different countries and also revised by 238 scientific reviewers. The diverse and comprehensive coverage of the disciplines directly related with the Artificial Intelligence
is also believed to contribute to a better understanding of all the researching related to this important field of
study. It was also intended that the contributions compiled in this work might have a considerable impact on
the expansion and the development of the body of knowledge related to this wide field, for it to be an important
reference source used by researchers and system developers of this area. It was hoped that the encyclopaedia
might be an effective help in order to achieve a better understanding of concepts, problems, trends, challenges
and opportunities related to this field of study; it should be useful for the research colleagues, for the teaching
personnel, for the students, etc. The editors will be happy to know that this work could inspire the readers for
contributing to new advances and discoveries in this fantastic work area that might themselves also contribute
to a better life quality of different society aspects: productive processes, health care or any other area where a
system or product developed by techniques and procedures of Artificial Intelligence might be used.


About the Editors

Juan Ramn Rabual Dopico is associate professor in the Department of Information and Communications
Technologies, University of A Corua (Spain). He finished his graduate in computer science in 1996, and in
2002, he became a PhD in computer science with his thesis Methodology for the Development of Knowledge
Extraction Systems in ANNs and he became a PhD in civil engineering in 2008. He has worked on several
Spanish and European projects and has published many books and papers in several international journals. He
is currently working in the areas of evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, and knowledge extraction systems.
Julian Dorado is associate professor in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Corua (Spain). He
finished his graduate in computer science in 1994. In 1999, he became a PhD, with a special mention of European doctor. In 2004, he finished his graduate in biology. He has worked as a teacher of the university for more
than 8 years. He has published many books and papers in several journals and international conferences. He is
presently working on bioinformatics, evolutionary computing, artificial neural networks, computer graphics,
and data mining.
Alejandro Pazos is professor in computer science, University of A Corua (Spain). He was born in Padron in
1959. He is MD by Faculty of Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela in 1987. He obtained a Master
of Knowledge Engerineering in 1989 and a PhD in computer science in 1990 from the Polytechnique University
of Madrid. He also archives the PhD grade in Medicine in 1996 by the University Complutese of Madrid. He has
worked with research groups at Georgia Institute of Technology, Havard Medical School, Stanford University,
Politechnique University of Madrid, etc. He funded and is the director of the research laboratory Artificial Neural
Networks and Adaptative Systems in Computer science Faculty and is co-director of the Medical Informatics
and Radiology Diagnostic Center at the University of A Corua.

Active Learning with SVM

Jun Jiang
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Horace H. S. Ip
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

With the increasing demand of multimedia information
retrieval, such as image and video retrieval from the
Web, there is a need to find ways to train a classifier when
the training dataset is combined with a small number of
labelled data and a large number of unlabeled one. Traditional supervised or unsupervised learning methods are
not suited to solving such problems particularly when
the problem is associated with data in a high-dimension space. In recent years, many methods have been
proposed that can be broadly divided into two groups:
semi-supervised and active learning (AL). Support
Vector Machine (SVM) has been recognized as an efficient tool to deal with high-dimensionality problems,
a number of researchers have proposed algorithms of
Active Learning with SVM (ALSVM) since the turn of
the Century. Considering their rapid development, we
review, in this chapter, the state-of-the-art of ALSVM
for solving classification problems.

The general framework of AL can be described as in
Figure 1. It can be seen clearly that its name active
learning comes from the fact that the learner can
improve the classifier by actively choosing the optimal data from the potential query set Q and adding it
into the current labeled training set L after getting its
label during the processes. The key point of AL is its
sample selection criteria.
AL in the past was mainly used together with neural network algorithm and other learning algorithms.
Statistical AL is one classical method, in which the
sample minimizing either the variance (D. A. Cohn,
Ghahramani, & Jordan, 1996), bias (D. A. Cohn, 1997)
or generalisation error (Roy & McCallum, 2001) is
queried to the oracle. Although these methods have

strong theoretical foundation, there are two common

problems limiting their application: one is how to
estimate the posterior distribution of the samples, and
the other is its prohibitively high computation cost. To
deal with the above two problems, a series of version
space based AL methods, which are based on the
assumption that the target function can be perfectly
expressed by one hypothesis in the version space and
in which the sample that can reduce the volume of the
version space is chosen, have been proposed. Examples
are query by committee (Freund, Seung, Shamir, &
Tishby, 1997), and SG AL (D. Cohn, Atlas, & Ladner,
1994). However the complexity of version space made
them intractable until the version space based ALSVMs
have emerged.
The success of SVM in the 90s has prompted researchers to combine AL with SVM to deal with the
semi-supervised learning problems, such as distancebased (Tong & Koller, 2001), RETIN (Gosselin & Cord,
2004) and Multi-view (Cheng & Wang, 2007) based
ALSVMs. In the following sections, we summarize
existing well-known ALSVMs under the framework
of version space theory, and then briefly describe
some mixed strategies. Lastly, we will discuss the
research trends for ALSVM and give conclusions for
the chapter.


The idea of almost all existing heuristic ALSVMs is
explicitly or implicitly to find the sample which can
reduce the volume of the version space. In this section,
we first introduce their theoretical foundation and then
review some typical ALSVMs.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Active Learning with SVM

Figure 1. Framework of active learning

Initialize Step: An classifier h is trained on the initial labeled training set L
step 1:
The learner evaluates each data x in potential query set Q (subset of or whole
unlabeled data set U) and query the sample x* which has lowest EvalFun(x, L,
h, H) to the oracle and get its label y*;
step 2:
The learner update the classifier h with the enlarged training set {L + ( x*,
step 3:
Repeat step 1 and 2 until stopping training;

EvalFun(x, L, h, H): the function of evaluating potential query x (the lowest

value is the best here)
L: the current labeled training set
H: the hypothesis space

Version Space Theory

Based on the Probability Approximation Correct learning model, the goal of machine learning is to find a
consistent classifier which has the lowest generalization error bound. The Gibbs generalization error bound
(McAllester, 1998) is defined as

(m, PH , z, ) =

em 2

m PH (V (z ))

where PH denotes a prior distribution over hypothesis

space H, V(z) denotes the version space of the training
set z, m is the number of z and d is a constant in [0, 1].
It follows that the generalization error bound of the
consistent classifiers is controlled by the volume of the
version space if the distribution of the version space
is uniform. This provides a theoretical justification for
version space based ALSVMs.

Query by Committee with SVM

This algorithm was proposed by (Freund et al., 1997)
in which 2k classifiers were randomly sampled and
the sample on which these classifiers have maximal
disagreement can approximately halve the version
space and then will be queried to the oracle. However,
the complexity of the structure of the version space
leads to the difficulty of random sampling within it.

(Warmuth, Ratsch, Mathieson, Liao, & Lemmem, 2003)

successfully applied the algorithm of playing billiard
to randomly sample the classifiers in the SVM version
space and the experiments showed that its performance
was comparable to the performance of standard distance-based ALSVM (SD-ALSVM) which will be
introduced later. The deficiency is that the processes
are time-consuming.

Standard Distance Based Active

Learning with SVM
For SVM, the version space can be defined as:
V = {w W | w = 1, yi ( w ( xi ) > 0, i = 1,..., m}

where (.) denotes the function which map the original

input space X into a high-dimensional space ( X ) , and
W denotes the parameter space. SVM has two properties which lead to its tractability with AL. The first is
its duality property that each point w in V corresponds
to one hyperplane in ( X ) which divides ( X ) into
two parts and vice versa. The other property is that
the solution of SVM w* is the center of the version
space when the version space is symmetric or near to
its center when it is asymmetric.
Based on the above two properties, (Tong & Koller,
2001) inferred a lemma that the sample nearest to the

Active Learning with SVM

Figure 2. Illustration of standard distance-based ALSVM

H y perplane i nduc ed by
S upport V ec tor
H y perplane i nduc ed by
the c andidate s am ple


T he s olution of S V M

T he larges t ins c ribed
hy pers phere

V ers ion S pac e

Figure 2a. The projection of the parameter space around the Version Space
S upport V ec tors


+ +

- 1 C las s


+ 1 C las s
C andidate U nlabeled
S am ples

Figure 2b. In the induced feature space

decision boundary can make the expected size of the

version space decrease fastest. Thus the sample nearest
to the decision boundary will be queried to the oracle
(Figure 2). This is the so-called SD-ALSVM which has
low additional computations for selecting the queried
sample and fine performance in real applications.

Batch Running Mode Distance Based

Active Learning with SVM
When utilizing batch query, (Tong & Koller, 2001)
simply selected multiple samples which are nearest to
the decision boundary. However, adding a batch of such
samples cannot ensure the largest reduction of the size
of version space, such as an example shown in figure
3. Although every sample can nearly halve the version
space, three samples together can still reduce about 1/2,

instead of 7/8, of the size of the version space. It can

be observed that this was ascribed to the small angles
between their induced hyperplanes.
To overcome this problem, (Brinker, 2003) proposed
a new selection strategy by incorporating diversity
measure that considers the angles between the induced
hyperplanes. Let the labeled set be L and the pool query
set be Q in the current round, then based on the diversity
criterion the further added sample xq should be
x q = min max
x j Q

xi L

k ( x j , xi )
k ( x j , x j ) k ( xi , xi )

k ( x j , xi )
k ( x j , x j )k ( xi , xi )

Active Learning with SVM

Figure 3. One example of simple batch querying with a, b and c samples with pure SD-ALSVM

H y perplane i nduc ed by
S upport V ec tor
H y perplane i nduc ed by
the c andidate s am ple

T he s olution of S V M

T he larges t ins c ribed
hy pers phere
V ers ion S pac e

Figure 4. One example of batch querying with a, b and c samples by incorporating diversity into SDALSVM

H y perplane i nduc ed by
S upport V ec tor
H y perplane i nduc ed by
the c andidate s am ple

T he s olution of S V M

T he larges t i ns c ribed
hy pers phere
V ers ion S pac e

where denotes the cosine value of the angle between

two hyperplanes induced by xj and xi, thus it is known
as angle diversity criterion. It can be observed that
the reduced volume of the version space in figure 4 is
larger than that in Figure 3.

RETIN Active Learning

Let ( I j ) j[1...n ] be the samples in a potential query set
Q, and r(i, k) be the function that, at iteration i, codes
the position k in the relevance ranking according to
the distance to the current decision boundary, then a
sequence can be obtained as follows:

, I r ( i , 2 ) ,..., I r ( i ,s ( i ) ,..., I r ( i ,s ( i )+m1 ,..., I r ( i ,n )
r ( i ,1)

most relevant

queried data

least relevant

In SD-ALSVM, s(i) is such as I r ( i ,s ( i ) ,..., I r ( i ,s ( i )+m 1

are the m closest samples to the SVM boundary. This
strategy implicitly relies on a strong assumption: an
accurate estimation of SVM boundary. However, the
decision boundary is usually unstable at the initial
iterations. (Gosselin & Cord, 2004) noticed that, even
if the decision boundary may change a lot during the
earlier iterations, the ranking function r() is quite stable.
Thus they proposed a balanced selection criterion that

Active Learning with SVM

is independent on the frontier and in which an adaptive

method was designed to tune s during the feedback
iterations. It was expressed by

uncorrelated. It is difficult to ensure this condition in

real applications.

s(i + 1) = s(i ) + h( rrel (i ), rirr (i )


where h( x, y ) = k ( x y ) which characterizes the

system dynamics (k is a positive constant), rrel(i) and
rirrl(i) denote the number of relevant and irrelevant
samples in the queried set in the ith iteration. This way,
the number of relevant and irrelavant samples in the
queried set will be roughly equal.

Mean Version Space Criterion

(He, Li, Zhang, Tong, & Zhang, 2004) proposed a
selection criterion by minimizing the mean version
space which is defined as
C MVS ( xk ) = Vol (Vi + ( xk ) P( y k = 1 | xk ) + Vol (Vi ( xk ) P( y k = 1 | xk )

where Vol (Vi + ( xk ) ( Vol (Vi ( xk ) ) denotes the volume of

the version space after adding an unlabelled sample xk
into the ith round training set. The mean version space
includes both the volume of the version space and the
posterior probabilities. Thus they considered that the
criterion is better than the SD-ALSVM. However, the
computation of this method is time-consuming.

Multi-View Based Active Learning

Different from the algorithms which are based only on
one whole feature set, multi-view methods are based
on multiple sub-feature ones. Several classifiers are
first trained on different sub-feature sets. Then the
samples on which the classifiers have the largest disagreements comprise the contention set from which
queried samples are selected. first (I. Muslea, Minton,
& Knoblock, 2000) applied in AL and (Cheng & Wang,
2007) implemented it with ALSVM to produce a CoSVM algorithm which was reported to have better
performance than the SD-ALSVM.
Multiple classifiers can find the rare samples because they observe the samples with different views.
Such property is very useful to find the diverse parts
belonging to the same category. However, multi-view
based methods demand that the relevant classifier can
classify the samples well and that all feature sets are

Instead of single AL strategies in the former sections,

we will discuss two mixed AL modes in this section:
one is combining different selection criteria and another
is incorporating semi-supervised learning into AL.

Hybrid Active Learning

Contrast to developing a new AL algorithm that
works well for all situations, some researchers argued
that combining different methods, which are usually
complementary, is a better way, for each method has its
advantages and disadvantages. The intuitive structure of
the hybrid strategy is parallel mode. The key point here
is how to set the weights of different AL methods.
The simplest way is to set fixed weights according
to experience and it was used by most existing methods. The Most Relevant/Irrelevant (L. Zhang, Lin, &
Zhang, 2001) strategies can help to stabilize the decision
boundary, but have low learning rates; while standard
distance-based methods have high learning rates, but
have unstable frontiers at the initial feedbacks. Considering this, (Xu, Xu, Yu, & Tresp, 2003) combined these
two strategies to achieve better performance than only
using a single strategy. As stated before, the diversity
and distance-based strategies are also complementary
and (Brinker, 2003), (Ferecatu, Crucianu, & Boujemaa,
2004) and (Dagli, Rajaram, & Huang, 2006) combined
angle, inner product and entropy diversity strategy with
standard distance-based one respectively.
However, the strategy of the fixed weights can not fit
well into all datasets and all learning iterations. So the
weights should be set dynamically. In (Baram, El-Yaniv,
& Luz, 2004), all the weights were initialized with the
same value, and were modified in the later iterations
by using EXP4 algorithm. In this way, the resulting AL
algorithm is empirically shown to consistently perform
almost as well as and sometimes outperform the best
algorithm in the ensemble.

Active Learning with SVM

Semi-Supervised Active Learning

Feature-Based Active Learning


In AL, the feedback from the oracle can also help to

identify the important features, and (Raghavan, Madani,
& Jones, 2006) showed that such works can improve the
performance of the final classifier significantly. In (Su,
Li, & Zhang, 2001), Principal Components Analysis was
used to identify important features. To our knowledge,
there are few reports addressing the issue.

Active Learning with Transductive SVM

In the first stages of SD-ALSVM, a few labeled data

may lead to great deviation of the current solution
from the true solution; while if unlabeled samples are
considered, the solution may be closer to the true solution. (Wang, Chan, & Zhang, 2003) showed that the
closer the current solution is to the true one, the larger
the size of the version space will be reduced. They
incorporated Transductive SVM (TSVM) to produce
more accurate intermediate solutions. However, several studies (T. Zhang & Oles, 2000) challenged that
TSVM might not be so helpful from unlabeled data
in theory and in practice. (Hoi & Lyu, 2005) applied
the semi-supervised learning techniques based on the
Gaussian fields and Harmonic functions instead and the
improvements were reported to be significant.

The Scaling of Active Learning

The scaling of AL to very large database has not been
extensively studied yet. However, it is an important
issue for many real applications. Some approaches
have been proposed on how to index database (Lai,
Goh, & Chang, 2004) and how to overcome the concept
complexities accompanied with the scalability of the
dataset (Panda, Goh, & Chang, 2006).

Incorporating EM into Active Learning

(McCallum & Nigam, 1998) combined Expectation

Maximization (EM) with the strategy of querying by
committee. And (Ion Muslea, Minton, & Knoblock,
2002) integrated Multi-view AL algorithm with EM
to get the Co-EMT algorithm which can work well
in the situation where the views are incompatible and


In this chapter, we summarize the techniques of ALSVM
which have been an area of active research since 2000.
We first focus on the descriptions of heuristic ALSVM
approaches within the framework of the theory of version space minimization. Then mixed methods which
can complement the deficiencies of single ones are
introduced and finally future research trends focus on
techniques for selecting the initial labeled training set,
feature-based AL and the scaling of AL to very large

How to Start the Active Learning

AL can be regarded as the problem of searching target
function in the version space, so a good initial classifier
is important. When the objective category is diverse,
the initial classifier becomes more important, for bad
one may result in converging to a local optimal solution, i.e., some parts of the objective category may not
be correctly covered by the final classifier. Two-stage
(Cord, Gosselin, & Philipp-Foliguet, 2007), long-term
learning (Yin, Bhanu, Chang, & Dong, 2005), and
pre-cluster (Engelbrecht & BRITS, 2002) strategies
are promising.

Baram, Y., El-Yaniv, R., & Luz, K. (2004). Online
Choice of Active Learning Algorithms. Journal of
Machine Learning Research, 5, 255-291.
Brinker, K. (2003). Incorporating Diversity in Active Learning with Support Vector Machines. Paper
presented at the International Conference on Machine
Cheng, J., & Wang, K. (2007). Active learning for
image retrieval with Co-SVM. Pattern Recognition,
40(1), 330-334.

Active Learning with SVM

Cohn, D., Atlas, L., & Ladner, R. (1994). Improving

Generalization with Active Learning. Machine Learning, 15, 201-221.
Cohn, D. A. (1997). Minimizing Statistical Bias with
Queries. In Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 9, Also appears as AI Lab Memo 1552, CBCL
Paper 124. M. Mozer et al, eds.
Cohn, D. A., Ghahramani, Z., & Jordan, M. I. (1996).
Active Learning with Statistical Models. Journal of
Artificial Intelligence Research, 4, 129-145.
Cord, M., Gosselin, P. H., & Philipp-Foliguet, S. (2007).
Stochastic exploration and active learning for image
retrieval. Image and Vision Computing, 25(1), 14-23.
Dagli, C. K., Rajaram, S., & Huang, T. S. (2006). Utilizing Information Theoretic Theoretic Diversity for SVM
Active Learning. Paper presented at the International
Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong.
Engelbrecht, A. P., & BRITS, R. (2002). Supervised
Training Using an Unsuerpvised Approach to Active
Learning. Neural Processing Letters, 15, 14.
Ferecatu, M., Crucianu, M., & Boujemaa, N. (2004).
Reducing the redundancy in the selection of samples
for SVM-based relevance feedback
Freund, Y., Seung, H. S., Shamir, E., & Tishby, N.
(1997). Selective Sampling Using the Query by Committee Algorithm. Machine Learning, 28, 133-168.
Gosselin, P. H., & Cord, M. (2004). RETIN AL: an
active learning strategy for image category retrieval.
Paper presented at the International Conference on
Image Processing.
He, J., Li, M., Zhang, H.-J., Tong, H., & Zhang, C.
(2004). Mean version space: a new active learning
method for content-based image retrieval. Paper
presented at the International Multimedia Conference
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGMM International
Workshop on Mulitimedia Information Retrieval.
Hoi, S. C. H., & Lyu, M. R. (2005). A semi-supervised
active learning framework for image retrieval. Paper
presented at the IEEE Computer Society Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Lai, W.-C., Goh, K., & Chang, E. Y. (2004, June). On
Scalability of Active Learning for Formulating Query
Concepts (long version of the ICME invited paper).

Paper presented at the Workshop on Computer Vision

Meets Databases (CVDB) in cooperation with ACM
International Conference on Management of Data
(SIGMOD), Paris.
McAllester, D. A. (1998). Some PAC Bayesian Theorems. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 11th
Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory,
Madison, Wisconsin.
McCallum, A. K., & Nigam, K. (1998). Employing EM
and Pool-Based Active Learning for Text Classification.
Paper presented at the Proceedings of 15th International
Conference on Machine Learning.
Muslea, I., Minton, S., & Knoblock, C. A. (2000). Selective Sampling with Redundant Views. Paper presented
at the Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence.
Muslea, I., Minton, S., & Knoblock, C. A. (2002).
Active+Semi-Supervised Learning = Robust Multi-View
Learning. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 19th
International Conference on Machine Learning.
Panda, N., Goh, K., & Chang, E. Y. (2006). Active
Learning in Very Large Image Databases Journal of
Multimedia Tools and Applications Special Issue on
Computer Vision Meets Databases.
Raghavan, H., Madani, O., & Jones, R. (2006). Active Learning with Feedback on Both Features and
Instances. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 7,
Roy, N., & McCallum, A. (2001). Toward Optimal Active Learning Through Sampling Estimation of Error
Reduction. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 18th
International Conference on Machine Learning.
Su, Z., Li, S., & Zhang, H. (2001). Extraction of Feature Subspaces for Content-based Retrieval Using
Relevance Feedback. Paper presented at the ACM
Multimedia, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Tong, S., & Koller, D. (2001). Support Vector Machine
Active Learning with Application to Text Classification.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 45-66.
Wang, L., Chan, K. L., & Zhang, Z. (2003). Bootstrapping SVM active learning by incorporating unlabelled
images for image retrieval. Paper presented at the
Proceeding of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern

Active Learning with SVM

Warmuth, M. K., Ratsch, G., Mathieson, M., Liao, J.,

& Lemmem, C. (2003). Active Learning in the Drug
Discovery Process. Journal of Chemical Information
Sciences, 43(2), 667-673.
Xu, Z., Xu, X., Yu, K., & Tresp, V. (2003). A Hybrid
Relevance-feedback Approach to Text Retrieval. Paper
presented at the Proceedings of the 25th European
Conference on Information Retrieval Research, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science.
Yin, P., Bhanu, B., Chang, K., & Dong, A. (2005).
Integrating Relevance Feedback Techniques for Image
Retrieval Using Reinforcement Learning IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
27(10), 1536-1551.
Zhang, L., Lin, F., & Zhang, B. (2001). Support Vector
Machine Learning for Image Retrieval. Paper presented
at the International Conference on Image Processing.
Zhang, T., & Oles, F. (2000). A Probability Analysis
on The Value of Unlabeled Data for Classification
Problems. Paper presented at the Proceeding of 17th
International Conference of Machine Learning, San
Francisco, CA.

Heuristic Active Learning: The set of active
learning algorithms in which the sample selection
criteria is based on some heuristic objective function.
For example, version space based active learning is
to select the sample which can reduce the size of the
version space.
Hypothesis Space: The set of all hypotheses
in which the objective hypothesis is assumed to be
Semi-Supervised Learning: The set of learning
algorithms in which both labelled and unlabelled data
in the training dataset are directly used to train the
Statistical Active Learning: The set of active
learning algorithms in which the sample selection
criteria is based on some statistical objective function,
such as minimization of generalisation error, bias and
variance. Statistical active learning is usually statistically optimal.
Supervised Learning: The set of learning algorithms in which the samples in the training dataset are
all labelled.
Unsupervised Learning: The set of learning algorithms in which the samples in training dataset are
all unlabelled.
Version Space: The subset of the hypothesis space
which is consistent with the training set.

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric

M. L. Gavrilova
University of Calgary, Canada

This chapter spans topics from such important areas
as Artificial Intelligence, Computational Geometry
and Biometric Technologies. The primary focus is on
the proposed Adaptive Computation Paradigm and
its applications to surface modeling and biometric
Availability of much more affordable storage and
high resolution image capturing devices have contributed significantly over the past few years to accumulating very large datasets of collected data (such as GIS
maps, biometric samples, videos etc.). On the other
hand, it also created significant challenges driven by
the higher than ever volumes and the complexity of the
data, that can no longer be resolved through acquisition
of more memory, faster processors or optimization of
existing algorithms. These developments justified the
need for radically new concepts for massive data storage, processing and visualization. To address this need,
the current chapter presents the original methodology
based on the paradigm of the Adaptive Geometric
Computing. The methodology enables storing complex
data in a compact form, providing efficient access to it,
preserving high level of details and visualizing dynamic
changes in a smooth and continuous manner.
The first part of the chapter discusses adaptive algorithms in real-time visualization, specifically in GIS
(Geographic Information Systems) applications. Data
structures such as Real-time Optimally Adaptive Mesh
(ROAM) and Progressive Mesh (PM) are briefly surveyed. The adaptive method Adaptive Spatial Memory
(ASM), developed by R. Apu and M. Gavrilova, is
then introduced. This method allows fast and efficient
visualization of complex data sets representing terrains,
landscapes and Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Its
advantages are briefly discussed.
The second part of the chapter presents application
of adaptive computation paradigm and evolutionary
computing to missile simulation. As a result, patterns
of complex behavior can be developed and analyzed.

The final part of the chapter marries a concept of

adaptive computation and topology-based techniques
and discusses their application to challenging area of
biometric computing.

For a long time, researchers were pressed with questions
on how to model real-world objects (such as terrain,
facial structure or particle system) realistically, while at
the same time preserving rendering efficiency and space.
As a solution, grid, mesh, TIN, Delaunay triangulationbased and other methods for model representation were
developed over the last two decades. Most of these
are static methods, not suitable for rendering dynamic
scenes or preserving higher level of details.
In 1997, first methods for dynamic model representation: Real-time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM)
(Duchaineauy et. al., 1997, Lindstrom and Koller,
1996) and Progressive Mesh (PM) (Hoppe, 1997) were
developed. Various methods have been proposed to
reduce a fine mesh into an optimized representation so
that the optimized mesh contains less primitives and
yields maximum detail. However, this approach had
two major limitations. Firstly, the cost of optimization
is very expensive (several minutes to optimize one
medium sized mesh). Secondly, the generated nonuniform mesh is still static. As a result, it yields poor
quality when only a small part of the mesh is being
observed. Thus, even with the further improvements,
these methods were not capable of dealing with large
amount of complex data or significantly varied level
of details. They have soon were replaced by a different
computational model for rendering geometric meshes
(Li Sheng et. al. 2003, Shafae and Pajarola, 2003). The
model employs a continuous refinement criteria based
on an error metric to optimally adapt to a more accurate
representation. Therefore, given a mesh representation
and a small change in the viewpoint, the optimized mesh

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

for the next viewpoint can be computed by refining the

existing mesh.


This chapter presents Adaptive Multi-Resolution
Technique for real-time terrain visualization utilizing a clever way of optimizing mesh dynamically for
smooth and continuous visualization with a very high
efficiency (frame rate) (Apu and Gavrilova (2005)
(2007)). Our method is characterized by the efficient
representation of massive underlying terrain, utilizes
efficient transition between detail levels, and achieves
frame rate constancy ensuring visual continuity. At the
core of the method is adaptive processing: a formalized
hierarchical representation that exploits the subsequent
refinement principal. This allows us a full control over
the complexity of the feature space. An error metric is
assigned by a higher level process where objects (or features) are initially classified into different labels. Thus,
this adaptive method is highly useful for feature space
representation. In 2006, Gavrilova and Apu showed
that such methods can act as a powerful tool not only
for terrain rendering, but also for motion planning and
adaptive simulations (Apu and Gavrilova, 2006). They
introduced Adaptive Spatial Memory (ASM) model
that utilizes adaptive approach for real-time online
algorithm for multi-agent collaborative motion planning. They have demonstrate that the powerful notion
of adaptive computation can be applied to perception
and understanding of space. Extension of this method
for 3D motion planning as part of collaborative research
with Prof. I. Kolingerova group has been reported to be

Figure 1. Split and merge operations in ASM model


significantly more efficient than conventional methods

(Broz, 2007).
We first move to discuss evolutionary computing.
We demonstrate the power of adaptive computation by
developing and applying adaptive computational model
to missile simulation (Apu and Gavrilova, 2006). The
developed adaptive algorithms described above have a
property that spatial memory units can form, refine and
collapse to simulate learning, adapting and responding
to stimuli. The result is a complex multi-agent learning
algorithm that clearly demonstrates organic behaviors
such as sense of territory, trails, tracks etc. observed in
flocks/herds of wild animals and insects. This gives a
motivation to explore the mechanism in application to
swarm behavior modeling.
Swarm Intelligence (SI) is the property of a system
whereby the collective behaviors of unsophisticated
agents interacting locally with their environment cause
coherent functional global patterns to emerge (Bonabeau, 1999). Swarm intelligence provides a basis
for exploration of a collective (distributed) behavior
of a group of agents without centralized control or the
provision of a global model. Agents in such system
have limited perception (or intelligence) and cannot
individually carry out the complex tasks. According
to Bonebeau, by regulating the behavior of the agents
in the swarm, one can demonstrate emergent behavior
and intelligence as a collective phenomenon. Although
the swarming phenomenon is largely observed in
biological organisms such as an ant colony or a flock
of birds, it is recently being used to simulate complex
dynamic systems focused towards accomplishing a
well-defined objective (Kennedy, 2001, Raupp ans
Thalmann, 2001).

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

Let us now investigate application of the adaptive

computational paradigm and swarm intelligence concept to missile behavior simulation (Apu and Gavrilova,
2006). First of all, let us note that complex strategic
behavior can be observed by means of a task oriented
artificial evolutionary process in which behaviors of
individual missiles are described in surprising simplicity. Secondly, the global effectiveness and behavior of
the missile swarm is relatively unaffected by disruption
or destruction of individual units. From a strategic point
of view, this adaptive behavior is a strongly desired
property in military applications, which motivates
our interest in applying it to missile simulation. Note
that this problem was chosen as it presents a complex
challenge for which an optimum solution is very hard
to obtain using traditional methods. The dynamic and
competitive relationship between missiles and turrets
makes it extremely difficult to model using a deterministic approach. It should also be noted that the problem
has an easy evaluation metric that allows determining
fitness values precisely.
Now, let us summarize the idea of evolutionary
optimization by applying genetic algorithm to evolve
the missile genotype. We are particularly interested in
observing the evolution of complex 3D formations and
tactical strategies that the swarm learns to maximize
their effectiveness during an attack simulation run. The
simulation is based on attack, evasion and defense.
While the missile sets strategy to strike the target, the
battle ship prepares to shoot down as many missiles
as possible (Figure 2 illustrates the basic missile ma-

Figure 2. Basic maneuvers for a missile using the

Gene String

neuvers). Each attempt to destroy the target is called

an attack simulation run. Its effectiveness equals to
the number of missiles hitting the target. Therefore the
outcome of the simulation is easily quantifiable. On the
other hand, the interaction between missiles and the
battleship is complex and nontrivial. As a result, war
strategies may emerge in which a local penalty (i.e.
sacrificing a missile) can optimize global efficiency (i.e.
deception strategy). The simplest form of information
known to each missile is its position and orientation
and the location of the target. This information is augmented with information about missile neighborhood
and environment, which influences missile navigation
pattern. For actual missile behavior simulation, we
use strategy based on the modified version of Boids
flocking technique.
We have just outlined the necessary set of actions
to reach the target or interact with the environment.
This is the basic building block of missile navigation.
The gene string is another important part that reflects
the complexity with which such courses of action
could be chosen. It contains a unique combination of
maneuvers (such as attack, evasion, etc.) that evolve
to create complex combined intelligence. We describe
the fitness of the missile gene in terms of collective
performance. After investigating various possibilities,
we developed and used a two dimensional adaptive
fitness function to evolve the missile strains in one
evolutionary system. Details on this approach can be
found in (Apu and Gavrilova, 2006).
After extensive experimentation, we have found
many interesting characteristics, such as geometric attack formation and organic behaviors observed among
swarms in addition to the highly anticipated strategies
such as simultaneous attack, deception, retreat and
other strategies (see Figure 3). We also examined the
adaptability by randomizing the simulation coordinates,
distance, initial formation, attack rate, and other parameters of missiles and measured the mean and variance
of the fitness function. Results have shown that many
of the genotypes that evolved are highly adaptive to
the environment.
We have just reviewed the application of the adaptive computational paradigm to swarm intelligence and
briefly described the efficient tactical swarm simulation
method (Apu and Gavrilova 2006). The results clearly
demonstrate that the swarm is able to develop complex
strategy through the evolutionary process of genotype
mutation. This contribution among other works on

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

adaptive computational intelligence will be profiled in

detail in the upcoming book as part of Springer-Verlag
book series on Computational Intelligence (Gavrilova,
As stated in the introduction, adaptive computation
is based on a variable complexity level of detail paradigm, where a physical phenomenon can be simulated
by the continuous process of local adaptation of spatial
complexity. As presented by M. Gavrilova in Plenary
Lecture at 3IA Eurographics Conference, France in
2006, the adaptive paradigm is a powerful computational model that can also be applied to vast area
of biometric research. This section therefore reviews
methods and techniques based on adaptive geometric methods in application to biometric problems. It
emphasizes advantages that intelligent approach to
geometric computing brings to the area of complex
biometric data processing (Gavrilova 2007).
In information technology, biometrics refers to a
study of physical and behavioral characteristics with
the purpose of person identification (Yanushkevich,
Gavrilova, Wang and Srihari, 2007). In recent years, the
area of biometrics has witnessed a tremendous growth,
partly as a result of a pressing need for increased security, and partly as a response to the new technological
advances that are literally changing the way we live.
Availability of much more affordable storage and the
high resolution image biometric capturing devices
have contributed to accumulating very large datasets of
biometric data. In the earlier sections, we have studied
the background of the adaptive mesh generation. Let
us now look at the background research in topologybased data structures, and its application to biometric
research. This information is highly relevant to goals of
modeling and visualizing complex biometric data. At

the same time as adaptive methodology was developing

in GIS, interest to topology-based data structures, such
as Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations,
has grown significantly. Some preliminary results on
utilization of these topology-based data structures in
biometric began to appear. For instance, research on
image processing using Voronoi diagrams was presented
in (Liang and Asano, 2004, Asano, 2006), studies of
utilizing Voronoi diagram for fingerprint synthesis
were conducted by (Bebis et. al., 1999, Capelli et. al.
2002), and various surveys of methods for modeling
of human faces using triangular mesh appeared in
(Wen and Huang, 2004, Li and Jain, 2005, Wayman
et. al. 2005). Some interesting results were recently
obtained in the BTLab, University of Calgary, through
the development of topology-based feature extraction algorithms for fingerprint matching (Wang et. al.
2006, 2007, illustration is found in Figure 4), 3D facial
expression modeling (Luo et. al. 2006) and iris synthesis (Wecker et. al. 2005). A comprehensive review
of topology-based approaches in biometric modeling
and synthesis can be found in recent book chapter on
the subject (Gavrilova, 2007).
In this chapter, we propose to manage the challenges
arising from large volumes of complex biometric data
through the innovative utilization of the adaptive paradigm. We suggest combination of topology-based and
hierarchy based methodology to store and search for
biometric data, as well as to optimize such representation
based on the data access and usage. Namely, retrieval
of the data, or creating real-time visualization can be
based on the dynamic patter of data usage (how often,
what type of data, how much details, etc.), recorded
and analyzed in the process of the biometric system
being used for recognition and identification purposes.

Figure 3. Complex formation and attack patterns evolved

(a) Deception pattern

(b) Distraction pattern

(c) Organic motion pattern

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

Figure 4. Delaunay triangulation based technique for fingerprint matching

In addition to using this information for optimized

data representation and retrieval, we also propose to
incorporate intelligent learning techniques to predict
most likely patters of the system usage and to represent
and organize data accordingly.
On a practical side, to achieve our goal, we propose a
novel way to represent complex biometric data through
the organization of the data in a hierarchical tree-like
structure. Such organization is similar in principle to
the Adaptive Memory Subdivision (AMS), capable of
representing and retrieving varies amount of information and level of detail that needs to be represented.
Spatial quad-tree is used to hold the information about
the system, as well as the instructions on how to process
this information. Expansion is realized through the
spatial subdivision technique that refines the data and
increases level of details, and the collapsing is realized through the merge operation that simplifies the
data representation and makes it more compact. The
greedy strategy is used to optimally adapt to the best
representation based on the user requirements, amount
of available data and resources, required resolution and
so on. This powerful technique enables us to achieve
the goal of compact biometric data representation, that
allows for instance to efficiently store minor details
of the modeled face (e.g. scars, wrinkles) or detailed
patterns of the iris.

In addition to data representation, adaptive technique
can be highly useful in biometric feature extraction with
the purpose of fast and reliable retrieval and matching
of the biometric data, and in implementing dynamic

changes to the model. The methodology has a high

potential of becoming one of the key approaches in
biometric data modeling and synthesis.

The chapter reviewed the adaptive computational
paradigm in application to surface modeling, evolutionary computing and biometric research. Some of the
key future developments in the upcoming years will
undoubtedly highlight the area, inspiring new generations of intelligent biometric systems with adaptive

Apu R. & Gavrilova M (2005) Geo-Mass: Modeling
Massive Terrain in Real-Time, GEOMATICA J. 59(3),
Apu R. & Gavrilova M. (2006) Battle Swarm: An Evolutionary Approach to Complex Swarm Intelligence,
3IA Int. C. Comp. Graphics and AI, Limoges, France,
Apu, R & Gavrilova, M. (2007) Fast and Efficient
Rendering System for Real-Time Terrain Visualization,
IJCSE Journal, 2(2), 5/6.
Apu, R. & Gavrilova, M. (2006) An Efficient Swarm
Neighborhood Management for a 3D Tactical Simulator,
IEEE-CS proceedings, ISVD 2006, 85- 93

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

Asano, T. (2006) Aspect-Ratio Voronoi Diagram with

Applications, ISVD 2006, IEEE-CS proceedings, 3239

Li Sheng, Liu Xuehui & Wu Enhau, (2003) FeatureBased Visibility-Driven CLOD for Terrain, In Proc.
Pacific Graphics 2003, 313-322, IEEE Press

Bebis G., Deaconu T & Georiopoulous, M. (1999)

Fingerprint Identification using Delaunay Triangulation, ICIIS 99, Maryland, 452-459

Li, S. & Jain, A. (2005) Handbook of Face Recognition. Springer-Verlag

Bonabeau, E., Dorigo, M. & Theraulaz, G. (1999)

Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems,
NY: Oxford Univ. Press
Broz, P., Kolingerova, I, Zitka, P., Apu R. & Gavrilova
M. (2007) Path planning in dynamic environment using
an adaptive mesh, SCCG 2007, Spring Conference on
Computer Graphics 2007, ACM SIGGRAPH
Capelli R, Maio, D, Maltoni D. (2002) Synthetic Fingerprint-Database Generation, ICPR 2002, Canada,
vol 3, 369-376
Duchaineauy, M. et. al. (1997) ROAMing Terrain:
Real-Time Optimally Adapting Meshes, IEEE Visualization 97, 81-88
Gavrilova M.L. (2007) Computational Geometry and
Image Processing in Biometrics: on the Path to Convergence, in Book Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis
and Analysis in Biometrics, Book Chapter 4, 103-133,
World Scientific Publishers
Gavrilova M.L. Computational Intelligence: A Geometry-Based Approach, in book series Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Ed. Janusz
Kacprzyk, to appear.
Gavrilova, M.L. (2006) IEEE_CS Book of the 3rd
International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in
Science and Engineering, IEEE-CS, Softcover, 2006,
270 pages.
Gavrilova, M.L. (2006) Geometric Algorithms in 3D
Real-Time Rendering and Facial Expression Modeling,
3IA2006 Plenary Lecture, Eurographics, Limoges,
France, 5-18
Hoppe, H. (1997) View-Dependent Refinement of
Progressive Meshes, SIGGRAPH 97 Proceedings,
Kennedy, J., Eberhart, R. C., & Shi, Y. (2001) Swarm
Intelligence, San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Liang X.F. & Asano T. (2004) A fast denoising method

for binary fingerprint image, IASTED, Spain, 309313
Lindstrom, P. & Koller, D. (1996) Real-time continuous
level of detail rendering of height fields, SIGGRAPH
1996 Proceedings, 109-118
Luo, Y, Gavrilova, M. & Sousa M.C. (2006) NPAR by
Example: line drawing facial animation from photographs, CGIV06, IEEE, Computer Graphics, Imaging
and Visualization, 514-521
Raupp S. & Thalmann D. (2001) Hierarchical Model
for Real Time Simulation of Virtual Human Crowds,
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
7(2), 152-164
Shafae, M. & Pajarola, R. (2003) Dstrips: Dynamic
Triangle Strips for Real-Time Mesh Simplification and
Rendering, Pacific Graphics 2003, 271-280
Wang, C, Luo, Y, Gavrilova M & Rokne J. (2007)
Fingerprint Image Matching Using a Hierarchical
Approach, in Book Computational Intelligence in
Information Assurance and Security, Springer SCI
Series, 175-198
Wang, H, Gavrilova, M, Luo Y. & J. Rokne (2006) An
Efficient Algorithm for Fingerprint Matching, ICPR
2006, Int. C. on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong,
IEEE-CS, 1034-1037
Wayman J, Jain A, Maltoni D & Maio D. (2005) Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance
Evaluation, Book, Springer
Wecker L, Samavati, F & Gavrilova M (2005) Iris
Synthesis: A Multi-Resolution Approach, GRAPHITE
2005, ACM Press. 121-125
Wen, Z. & Huang, T. (2004) 3D Face Processing:
Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis, Kluwer
Yanushkevich, S, Gavrilova M., Wang, P & Srihari
S. (2007) Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and
Analysis in Biometrics, Book World Scientific

Adaptive Algorithms for Intelligent Geometric Computing

Adaptive Geometric Model (AGM): A new approach to geometric computing utilizing adaptive computation paradigm. The model employs a continuous
refinement criteria based on an error metric to optimally
adapt to a more accurate representation.
Adaptive Multi-Resolution Technique (AMRT):
For real-time terrain visualization is a method that
utilizes a clever way of optimizing mesh dynamically
for smooth and continuous visualization with a high
Adaptive Spatial Memory (ASM): A hybrid
method based on the combination of traditional hierarchical tree structure with the concept of expanding
or collapsing tree nodes.
Biometric Technology (BT): An area of study of
physical and behavioral characteristics with the purpose
of person authentication and identification.

Delaunay Triangulation (DT): A computational

geometry data structure dual to Voronoi diagram.
Evolutionary Paradigm (EP): The collective
name for a number of problem solving methods utilizing principles of biological evolution, such as natural
selection and genetic inheritance.
Swarm Intelligence (SI): The property of a system
whereby the collective behaviors of unsophisticated
agents interacting locally with their environment cause
coherent functional global patterns to emerge.
Topology-Based Techniques (TBT): A group of
methods using geometric properties of a set of objects
in the space and their proximity
Voronoi Diagram (VD): A fundamental computational geometry data structure that stores topological
information for a set of objects.

Adaptive Business Intelligence

Zbigniew Michalewicz
The University of Adelaide, Australia

Since the computer age dawned on mankind, one of
the most important areas in information technology
has been that of decision support. Today, this area
is more important than ever. Working in dynamic and
ever-changing environments, modern-day managers
are responsible for an assortment of far reaching decisions: Should the company increase or decrease its
workforce? Enter new markets? Develop new products?
Invest in research and development? The list goes on.
But despite the inherent complexity of these issues and
the ever-increasing load of information that business
managers must deal with, all these decisions boil down
to two fundamental questions:

What is likely to happen in the future?

What is the best decision right now?

Whether we realize it or not, these two questions

pervade our everyday lives both on a personal and
professional level. When driving to work, for instance,
we have to make a traffic prediction before we can
choose the quickest driving route. At work, we need
to predict the demand for our product before we can
decide how much to produce. And before investing in
a foreign market, we need to predict future exchange
rates and economic variables. It seems that regardless
of the decision being made or its complexity, we first
need to make a prediction of what is likely to happen
in the future, and then make the best decision based on
that prediction. This fundamental process underpins the
basic premise of Adaptive Business Intelligence.

Simply put, Adaptive Business Intelligence is the
discipline of combining prediction, optimization, and
adaptability into a system capable of answering these
two fundamental questions: What is likely to happen
in the future? and What is the best decision right now?

(Michalewicz et al. 2007). To build such a system, we

first need to understand the methods and techniques that
enable prediction, optimization, and adaptability (Dhar
and Stein, 1997). At first blush, this subject matter is
nothing new, as hundreds of books and articles have
already been written on business intelligence (Vitt et
al., 2002; Loshin, 2003), data mining and prediction
methods (Weiss and Indurkhya, 1998; Witten and
Frank, 2005), forecasting methods (Makridakis et al.,
1988), optimization techniques (Deb 2001; Coello et
al. 2002; Michalewicz and Fogel, 2004), and so forth.
However, none of these has explained how to combine
these various technologies into a software system that is
capable of predicting, optimizing, and adapting. Adaptive Business Intelligence addresses this very issue.
Clearly, the future of the business intelligence industry lies in systems that can make decisions, rather
than tools that produce detailed reports (Loshin 2003).
As most business managers now realize, there is a
world of difference between having good knowledge
and detailed reports, and making smart decisions.
Michael Kahn, a technology reporter for Reuters in
San Francisco, makes a valid point in the January 16,
2006 story entitled Business intelligence software
looks to future:
But analysts say applications that actually answer
questions rather than just present mounds of data is
the key driver of a market set to grow 10 per cent in
2006 or about twice the rate of the business software
industry in general.
Increasingly you are seeing applications being developed that will result in some sort of action, said
Brendan Barnacle, an analyst at Pacific Crest Equities. It is a relatively small part now, but it is clearly
where the future is. That is the next stage of business

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Adaptive Business Intelligence


The answer to my problem is hidden in my data but
I cannot dig it up! This popular statement has been
around for years as business managers gathered and
stored massive amounts of data in the belief that they
contain some valuable insight. But business managers eventually discovered that raw data are rarely of
any benefit, and that their real value depends on an
organizations ability to analyze them. Hence, the need
emerged for software systems capable of retrieving,
summarizing, and interpreting data for end-users (Moss
and Atre, 2003).
This need fueled the emergence of hundreds of
business intelligence companies that specialized in
providing software systems and services for extracting knowledge from raw data. These software systems
would analyze a companys operational data and provide
knowledge in the form of tables, graphs, pies, charts,
and other statistics. For example, a business intelligence
report may state that 57% of customers are between the
ages of 40 and 50, or that product X sells much better
in Florida than in Georgia.1
Consequently, the general goal of most business
intelligence systems was to: (1) access data from a
variety of different sources; (2) transform these data
into information, and then into knowledge; and (3)
provide an easy-to-use graphical interface to display
this knowledge. In other words, a business intelligence
system was responsible for collecting and digesting data,
and presenting knowledge in a friendly way (thus enhancing the end-users ability to make good decisions).
The diagram in Figure 1 illustrates the processes that
underpin a traditional business intelligence system.
Although different texts have illustrated the relationship between data and knowledge in different ways (e.g.,

Davenport and Prusak, 2006; Prusak, 1997; Shortliffe

and Cimino, 2006), the commonly accepted distinction
between data, information, and knowledge is:

Data are collected on a daily basis in the form of

bits, numbers, symbols, and objects.
Information is organized data, which are preprocessed, cleaned, arranged into structures, and
stripped of redundancy.
Knowledge is integrated information, which
includes facts and relationships that have been
perceived, discovered, or learned.

Because knowledge is such an essential component

of any decision-making process (as the old saying
goes, Knowledge is power!), many businesses have
viewed knowledge as the final objective. But it seems
that knowledge is no longer enough. A business may
know a lot about its customers it may have hundreds of charts and graphs that organize its customers
by age, preferences, geographical location, and sales
history but management may still be unsure of
what decision to make! And here lies the difference
between decision support and decision making:
all the knowledge in the world will not guarantee the
right or best decision.
Moreover, recent research in psychology indicates
that widely held beliefs can actually hamper the decision-making process. For example, common beliefs like
the more knowledge we have, the better our decisions
will be, or we can distinguish between useful and
irrelevant knowledge, are not supported by empirical
evidence. Having more knowledge merely increases
our confidence, but it does not improve the accuracy of
our decisions. Similarly, people supplied with good
and bad knowledge often have trouble distinguishing

Figure 1. The processes that underpin a traditional business intelligence system






Adaptive Business Intelligence

between the two, proving that irrelevant knowledge

decreases our decision-making effectiveness.
Today, most business managers realize that a
gap exists between having the right knowledge and
making the right decision. Because this gap affects
managements ability to answer fundamental business
questions (such as What should be done to increase
profits? Reduce costs? Or increase market share?),
the future of business intelligence lies in systems that
can provide answers and recommendations, rather than
mounds of knowledge in the form of reports. The future
of business intelligence lies in systems that can make
decisions! As a result, there is a new trend emerging in
the marketplace called Adaptive Business Intelligence.
In addition to performing the role of traditional business intelligence (transforming data into knowledge),
Adaptive Business Intelligence also includes the decision-making process, which is based on prediction and
optimization as shown in Figure 2.
While business intelligence is often defined as a
broad category of application programs and technologies for gathering, storing, analyzing, and providing
access to data, the term Adaptive Business Intelligence
can be defined as the discipline of using prediction and
optimization techniques to build self-learning decisioning systems (as the above diagram shows). Adaptive
Business Intelligence systems include elements of data
mining, predictive modeling, forecasting, optimization,
and adaptability, and are used by business managers to
make better decisions.
This relatively new approach to business intelligence
is capable of recommending the best course of action

(based on past data), but it does so in a very special way:

An Adaptive Business Intelligence system incorporates
prediction and optimization modules to recommend
near-optimal decisions, and an adaptability module
for improving future recommendations. Such systems
can help business managers make decisions that increase efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness.
Furthermore, the importance of adaptability cannot be
overemphasized. After all, what is the point of using a
software system that produces sub par schedules, inaccurate demand forecasts, and inferior logistic plans, time
after time? Would it not be wonderful to use a software
system that could adapt to changes in the marketplace?
A software system that could improve with time?

The concept of adaptability is certainly gaining popularity, and not just in the software sector. Adaptability
has already been introduced in everything from automatic car transmissions (which adapt their gear-change
patterns to a drivers driving style), to running shoes
(which adapt their cushioning level to a runners size
and stride), to Internet search engines (which adapt
their search results to a users preferences and prior
search history). These products are very appealing for
individual consumers, because, despite their mass production, they are capable of adapting to the preferences
of each unique owner after some period of time.
The growing popularity of adaptability is also
underscored by a recent publication of the US De-

Figure 2. Adaptive business intelligence system










Adaptive Business Intelligence

partment of Defense. This lists 19 important research

topics for the next decade and many of them include
the term adaptive: Adaptive Coordinated Control in
the Multi-agent 3D Dynamic Battlefield, Control for
Adaptive and Cooperative Systems, Adaptive System
Interoperability, Adaptive Materials for Energy-Absorbing Structures, and Complex Adaptive Networks for
Cooperative Control.
For sure, adaptability was recognized as important
component of intelligence quite some time ago: Alfred
Binet (born 1857), French psychologist and inventor
of the first usable intelligence test, defined intelligence
as ... judgment, otherwise called good sense, practical sense, initiative, the faculty of adapting ones self
to circumstances. Adaptability is a vital component
of any intelligent system, as it is hard to argue that a
system is intelligent if it does not have the capacity
to adapt. For humans, the importance of adaptability
is obvious: our ability to adapt was a key element in
the evolutionary process. In psychology, a behavior or
trait is adaptive when it helps an individual adjust and
function well within a changing social environment.
In the case of artificial intelligence, consider a chess
program capable of beating the world chess master:
Should we call this program intelligent? Probably
not. We can attribute the programs performance to its
ability to evaluate the current board situation against a
multitude of possible future boards before selecting
the best move. However, because the program cannot
learn or adapt to new rules, the program will lose its
effectiveness if the rules of the game are changed or
modified. Consequently, because the program is incapable of learning or adapting to new rules, the program
is not intelligent.
The same holds true for any expert system. No one
questions the usefulness of expert systems in some environments (which are usually well defined and static),
but expert systems that are incapable of learning and
adapting should not be called intelligent. Some expert
knowledge was programmed in, that is all.
So, what are the future trends for Adaptive Business
Intelligence? In words of Jim Goodnight, the CEO of
SAS Institute (Collins et al. 2007):
Until recently, business intelligence was limited to
basic query and reporting, and it never really provided
that much intelligence .

However, this is about to change. Keith Collins, the

Chief Technology Officer of SAS Institute (Collins et
al. 2007) believes that:
A new platform definition is emerging for business
intelligence, where BI is no longer defined as simple
query and reporting. [] In the next five years, well
also see a shift in performance management to what
were calling predictive performance management,
where analytics play a huge role in moving us beyond
just simple metrics to more powerful measures.
Further, Jim Davis, the VP Marketing of SAS
Institute (Collins et al. 2007) stated:
In the next three to five years, well reach a tipping
point where more organizations will be using BI to
focus on how to optimize processes and influence the
bottom line .
Finally, it would be important to incorporate adaptability in prediction and optimization components of
the future Adaptive Business Intelligence systems.
There are some recent, successful implementations
of Adaptive Business Intelligence systems reported
(e.g., Michalewicz et al. 2005), which provide daily
decision support for large corporations and result in
multi-million dollars return on investment. There are
also companies (e.g., which
specialize in development of Adaptive Business Intelligence tools. However, further research effort is required.
For example, most of the research in machine learning
has focused on using historical data to build prediction
models. Once the model is built and evaluated, the goal
is accomplished. However, because new data arrive at
regular intervals, building and evaluating a model is just
the first step in Adaptive Business Intelligence. Because
these models need to be updated regularly (something
that the adaptability module is responsible for), we
expect to see more emphasis on this updating process
in machine learning research. Also, the frequency of
updating the prediction module, which can vary from
seconds (e.g., in real-time currency trading systems),
to weeks and months (e.g., in fraud detection systems)
may require different techniques and methodologies.
In general, Adaptive Business Intelligence systems
would include the research results from control theory,
statistics, operations research, machine learning, and
modern heuristic methods, to name a few. We also

Adaptive Business Intelligence

expect that major advances will continue to be made in

modern optimization techniques. In the years to come,
more and more research papers will be published on
constrained and multi-objective optimization problems,
and on optimization problems set in dynamic environments. This is essential, as most real-world business
problems are constrained, multi-objective, and set in
a time-changing environment.

Intelligence is all about. Systems based on Adaptive

Business Intelligence aim at solving real-world business problems that have complex constraints, are set
in time-changing environments, have several (possibly
conflicting) objectives, and where the number of possible solutions is too large to enumerate. Solving these
problems requires a system that incorporates modules
for prediction, optimization, and adaptability.



It is not surprising that the fundamental components of

Adaptive Business Intelligence are already emerging
in other areas of business. For example, the Six Sigma
methodology is a great example of a well-structured,
data-driven methodology for eliminating defects, waste,
and quality-control problems in many industries. This
methodology recommends the sequence of steps shown
in Figure 3.
Note that the above sequence is very close in
spirit to part of the previous diagram, as it describes
(in more detail) the adaptability control loop. Clearly,
we have to measure, analyze, and improve, as
we operate in a dynamic environment, so the process of
improvement is continuous. The SAS Institute proposes
another methodology, which is more oriented towards
data mining activities. Their methodology recommends
the sequence of steps shown in Figure 4.
Again, note that the above sequence is very close
to another part of our diagram, as it describes (in more
detail) the transformation from data to knowledge. It
is not surprising that businesses are placing considerable emphasis on these areas, because better decisions
usually translate into better financial performance. And
better financial performance is what Adaptive Business

Coello, C.A.C., Van Veldhuizen, A.A., and Lamont,

G.B. (2002). Evolutionary algorithms for solving multiobjective problems. Kluwer Academic.
Collins, K., Goodnight, J., Hagstrm, M., Davis, J.
(2007). The future of business intelligence: Four questions, four views. SASCOM, First quarter, 2007.
Davenport, T.H. and Prusak, L. (2006). Working knowledge. Academic Internet Publishers.
Deb, K. (2001). Multi-objective optimization using
evolutionary algorithms.Wiley.
Dhar, V. and Stein, R., (1997). Seven methods for
transforming corporate data into business intelligence.
Prentice Hall.
Loshin, D. (2003). Business intelligence: The savvy
managers guide. Margan Kaufmann.
Makridakis, S., Wheelwright, S.C., and Hyndman,
R.J. (1998). Forecasting: Methods and applications.
Michalewicz, Z. and Fogel, D.B. (2004). How to solve
it: Modern heuristics, 2nd edition. Springer.

Figure 3. Six Sigma methodology sequence








Figure 4. SAS Institute recommended methodolgy sequence





Adaptive Business Intelligence

Michalewicz, Z., Schmidt, M., Michalewicz, M., and

Chiriac, C. (2005). A decision-support system based
on computational intelligence: A case study. IEEE
Intelligent Systems, 20(4), 44-49.
Michalewicz, Z., Schmidt, M., Michalewicz, M., and
Chiriac, C. (2007). Adaptive business intelligence.
Moss, L. T. and Atre, S. (2003). Business intelligence
roadmap. Addison Wesley.
Prusak, L. (1997). Knowledge in organizations. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Shortliffe, E. H. and Cimino, J. J. Eds (2006). Biomedical informatics: Computer applications in health care
and biomedicine. Springer.
Vitt, E., Luckevich, M., and Misner, S. (2002). Business
intelligence: Making better decisions faster. Microsoft
Weiss, S. M. and Indurkhya, N., (1998). Predictive
data mining. Morgan Kaufmann.
Witten, I. H. and Frank, E. (2005). Data mining:
Practical machine learning tools and techniques, 2nd
edition. Morgan Kaufmann.


Adaptive Business Intelligence: The discipline of
using prediction and optimization techniques to build
self-learning decisioning systems.
Business Intelligence: A collection of tools,
methods, technologies, and processes needed to
transform data into actionable knowledge.
Data: Pieces collected on a daily basis in the form
of bits, numbers, symbols, and objects.
Data Mining: The application of analytical methods
and tools to data for the purpose of identifying patterns,
relationships, or obtaining systems that perform useful
tasks such as classification, prediction, estimation, or
affinity grouping.
Information: Organized data, which are preprocessed, cleaned, arranged into structures, and stripped
of redundancy.
Knowledge: Integrated information, which includes facts and relationships that have been perceived,
discovered, or learned.
Optimization: Process of finding the solution that
is the best fit to the available resources.
Prediction: A statement or claim that a particular
event will occur in the future.


Note that business intelligence can be defined both

as a state (a report that contains knowledge) and
a process (software responsible for converting
data into knowledge).

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

Radu Mutihac
University of Bucharest, Romania



Artificial neural networks (ANNs) (McCulloch & Pitts,

1943) (Haykin, 1999) were developed as models of their
biological counterparts aiming to emulate the real neural
systems and mimic the structural organization and function of the human brain. Their applications were based
on the ability of self-designing to solve a problem by
learning the solution from data. A comparative study of
neural implementations running principal component
analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis
(ICA) was carried out. Artificially generated data additively corrupted with white noise in order to enforce
randomness were employed to critically evaluate and
assess the reliability of data projections. Analysis in both
time and frequency domains showed the superiority of
the estimated independent components (ICs) relative
to principal components (PCs) in faithful retrieval of
the genuine (latent) source signals.
Neural computation belongs to information processing dealing with adaptive, parallel, and distributed
(localized) signal processing. In data analysis, a common task consists in finding an adequate subspace of
multivariate data for subsequent processing and interpretation. Linear transforms are frequently employed
in data model selection due to their computational and
conceptual simplicity. Some common linear transforms
are PCA, factor analysis (FA), projection pursuit (PP),
and, more recently, ICA (Comon, 1994). The latter
emerged as an extension of nonlinear PCA (Hotelling,
1993) and developed in the context of blind source
separation (BSS) (Cardoso, 1998) in signal and array
processing. ICA is also related to recent theories of
the visual brain (Barlow, 1991), which assume that
consecutive processing steps lead to a progressive reduction in the redundancy of representation (Olshausen
and Field, 1996).
This contribution is an overview of the PCA and
ICA neuromorphic architectures and their associated
algorithmic implementations increasingly used as exploratory techniques. The discussion is conducted on
artificially generated sub- and super-Gaussian source

In neural computation, transforming methods amount

to unsupervised learning, since the representation is
only learned from data without any external control.
Irrespective of the nature of learning, the neural adaptation may be formally conceived as an optimization
problem: an objective function describes the task to be
performed by the network and a numerical optimization
procedure allows adapting network parameters (e.g.,
connection weights, biases, internal parameters). This
process amounts to search or nonlinear programming
in a quite large parameter space. However, any prior
knowledge available on the solution might be efficiently
exploited to narrow the search space. In supervised
learning, the additional knowledge is incorporated in
the net architecture or learning rules (Gold, 1996). A
less extensive research was focused on unsupervised
learning. In this respect, the mathematical methods
usually employed are drawn from classical constrained
multivariate nonlinear optimization and rely on the
Lagrange multipliers method, the penalty or barrier
techniques, and the classical numerical algebra techniques, such as deflation/renormalization (Fiori, 2000),
the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, or the
projection over the orthogonal group (Yang, 1995).

PCA and ICA Models

Mathematically, the linear stationary PCA and ICA models can be defined on the basis of a common data model.
Suppose that some stochastic processes are represented
by three random (column) vectors x (t ), n (t ) N
and s (t ) M with zero mean and finite covariance,

with the components of s (t ) = {s1 (t ), s2 (t ),..., sM (t )}

being statistically independent and at most one Gaussian. Let A be a rectangular constant full column rank
N M matrix with at least as many rows as columns
( N M ), and denote by t the sample index (i.e., time
or sample point) taking the discrete values t = 1, 2, ...,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

T. We postulate the existence of a linear relationship

among these variables like:

{x (t )}and the eigenvectors c , j = 1, 2,..., L of the input

i =1

covariance matrix Cx . The subspace spanned by the

x (t ) = As (t ) + n (t ) = si (t ) ai + n (t ) (1)

Here s (t ) , x (t ), n (t ) , and A are the sources,

the observed data, the (unknown) noise in data, and
the (unknown) mixing matrix, respectively, whereas
ai , i = 1, 2,..., M are the columns of A. Mixing is supposed to be instantaneous, so there is no time delay

between a (latent) source variable si (t ) mixing into

an observable (data) variable x j (t ) , with i = 1, 2, ...,
M and j = 1, 2, ..., N.
Consider that the stochastic vector process

{x (t )}

has the mean E {x (t )}= 0 and the covari-

} A

to minimize the error function J = E x (t ) x (t ) .

The rows in W are the PCs of the stochastic process

ance matrix Cx = E x (t ) x (t ) . The goal of PCA is

to identify the dependence structure in each dimension
and to come out with an orthogonal transform matrix
W of size L N from N to L , L < N , such that

the L-dimensional output vector y (t ) = W x (t ) sufficiently represents the intrinsic features of the input

principal eigenvectors {c1 , c 2 ,..., c L } with L < N , is

called the PCA subspace of dimensionality L.
The ICA problem can be formulated as following:
given T realizations of x (t ), estimate both the matrix
A and the corresponding realizations of s (t ) . In BSS
the task is somewhat relaxed to finding the waveforms

{s (t )} of the sources knowing only the (observed)


mixtures {x j (t )}. If no suppositions are made about

the noise, the additive noise term is omitted in (1). A
practical strategy is to include noise in the signals as
supplementary term(s): hence the ICA model (Fig. 2)

x (t ) = As (t ) = ai si (t )


i =1

The source separation consists in updating an unmixing matrix B (t ) , without resorting to any information
about the spatial mixing matrix A, so that the output vec-

data, and where the covariance matrix Cy of {y (t )}

is a diagonal matrix D with the diagonal elements ar-

tor y (t ) = B (t ) x (t ) becomes an estimate y (t ) = s (t )

ranged in descending order, di ,i di +1,i +1 . The restoration

of the original independent source signals s (t ) . The

of {x (t )} from {y (t )}, say {x (t )}, is consequently

given by x (t ) = W W x (t ) (Figure 1). For a given
L, PCA aims to find an optimal value of W, such as

separating matrix B (t ) is divided in two parts dealing with dependencies in the first two moments, i.e.,
the whitening matrix V (t ), and the dependencies in

Figure 1. Schematic of the PCA model

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

Figure 2. Schematic of the ICA model

Figure 3. A simple feed-forward ANN performing PCA and ICA

higher-order statistics, i.e., the orthogonal separating

matrix W (t ) in the whitened space (Fig. 2). If we assume zero-mean observed data x (t ), then we get by
whitening a vector v (t ) = V (t ) x (t ) with decorrelated
components. The subsequent linear transform W (t )
seeks the solution by an adequate rotation in the space
of component densities and yields y (t ) = W (t ) v (t )
(Fig. 2). The total separation matrix between the input
and the output layer turns to be B (t ) = W (t ) V (t )
. In the standard stationary case, the whitening and
the orthogonal separating matrices converge to some
constant values after a finite number of iterations during learning, that is, B (t ) B = W V .

A neural approach to BSS entails a network that has
mixtures of the source signals as input and produces
approximations of the source signals as output (Figure
3). As a prerequisite, the input signals must be mutually uncorrelated, a requirement usually fulfilled by
PCA. The output signals must nevertheless be mutually
independent, which leads in a natural way from PCA
to ICA. The higher order statistics required by source
separation can be incorporated into computations either
explicitly or by using suitable nonlinearities. ANNs
better fit the latter approach (Karhunen, 1996).
The core of the large class of neural adaptive algorithms consists in a learning rule and its associated
optimization criterion (objective function). These two
items differentiate the algorithms, which are actually
families of algorithms parameterized by the nonlinear

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

function used. An update rule is specified by the iterative incremental change W of the rotation matrix W,
which gives the general form of the learning rule:
W W + W


Due to the instability of the above nonlinear Hebbian learning rule for the multi-unit case, a different
approach based on optimizing two criteria simultaneously was introduced (Oja, 1982):
W (t + 1) = W (t ) +

(t ) x (t ) g (y (t )


(t )

(I W (t ) W (t ) )


Neural PCA
First, consider a single artificial neuron receiving an
M-dimensional input vector x. It gradually adapts its

weight vector w so that the function E f (w T x ) is

maximized, where E is the expectation with respect to
the (unknown) probability density of x and f is a continuous objective function. The function f is bounded by
setting constant the Euclidian norm of w. A constrained
gradient ascent learning rule based on a sequence of
sample functions for relatively small learning rates
(t ) is then (Oja, 1995):

w (t + 1) = w (t ) + a (t ) I w (t ) w (t ) x (t ) g w (t ) w (t )

where g = f . Any PCA learning rules tend to find that
direction in the input space along which the data has
maximal variance. If all directions in the input space
have equal variance, the one-unit case with a suitable
nonlinearity is approximately minimizing the kurtosis
of the neuron input. It means that the weight vector of
the unit will be determined by the direction in the input
space on which the projection of the input data is mostly
clustered and deviates significantly from normality. This
task is essentially the goal in the PP technique.
In the case of single layer ANNs consisting of L
parallel units, with each unit i having the same Melement input vector x and its own weight vector
w i that together comprise an M L weight matrix
W = [w1 ,w 2 ,... ,w L ] the following training rule obtained from (4) is a generalization of the linear PCA
learning rule (in matrix form):

W (t + 1) = W (t ) + a (t ) I W (t ) W (t )

) x (t ) g (x (t ) W (t ))


Here (t ) is chosen positive or negative depending

on our interest in maximizing or minimizing, respec-

tively, the objective function J1 (w i ) = E f (xT w i )

. Similarly, (t ) is another gain parameter that is
always positive and constrains the weight vectors to
orthonormality, which is imposed by an appropriate
penalty function such as:

J 2 (w i ) =

1 w Ti w i ) +


j =1, j i


wj) .

This is the bigradient algorithm, which is iterated until

the weight vectors have converged with the desired
accuracy. This algorithm can use normalized Hebbian
or anti-Hebbian learning in a unified formula. Starting
from one-unit rule, the multi-unit bigradient algorithm
can simultaneously extract several robust counterparts
of the principal or minor eigenvectors of the data covariance matrix (Wang, 1996).
In the case of multilayered ANNs, the transfer
functions of the hidden nodes can be expressed by
radial basis functions (RBF), whose parameters could
be learnt by a two-stage gradient descent strategy. A
new growing RBF-node insertion strategy with different
RBF is used in order to improve the net performances.
The learning strategy is reported to save computational
time and memory space in approximation of continuous
and discontinuous mappings (Esposito et al., 2000).

Neural ICA
Various forms of unsupervised learning have been
implemented in ANNs beyond standard PCA like nonlinear PCA and ICA. Data whitening can be neurally
emulated by PCA with a simple iterative algorithm that
updates the sphering matrix V (t ):

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

V (t + 1) = V (t )

(t )(vvT I )


After getting the decorrelation matrix V (t ), the basic task for ICA algorithms remains to come out with an
orthogonal matrix W (t ) , which is equivalent to a suitable rotation of the decorrelated data v (t ) = V (t )x (t )
aiming to maximize the product of the marginal densities
of its components. There are various neural approaches
to estimate the rotation matrix W (t ) . An important class
of algorithms is based on maximization of network
entropy (Bell, 1995). The BS nonlinear information
maximization (infomax) algorithm performs online
stochastic gradient ascent in mutual information (MI)
between outputs and inputs of a network. By minimizing the MI between outputs, the network factorizes
the inputs into independent components. Considering
a network with the input vector x (t ), a weight matrix
W (t ) , and a monotonically transformed output vector
y = g (Wx + w 0 ) , then the resulting learning rule for
the weights and bias-weights, respectively, are:

W = WT + x (1 2y )


w 0 = 1 2y


oped from the infomax principle satisfying a general

stability criterion and preserving the simple initial
architecture of the network. Applying either natural
or relative gradient (Cardoso, 1996) for optimization,
their learning rule yields results that compete with
fixed-point batch computations.
The equivariant adaptive separation via independence (EASI) algorithm introduced by Cardoso and
Laheld (1996) is a nonlinear decorrelation method. The
objective function J (W ) = E {f (Wx )} is subject to
minimization with the orthogonal constraint imposed
on W and the nonlinearity g = f chosen according to
data kurtosis. Its basic update rule equates to:
W =


I + g (y )y T yg (y T ) W

Fixed-point (FP) algorithms are searching the
ICA solution by minimizing mutual information (MI)
among the estimated components (Hyvrinen, 1997).
The FastICA learning rule finds a direction w so that
the projection of w T x maximizes a contrast function

of the form J G (w ) = E f (w x ) E {f (v )} with
v standing for the standardized Gaussian variable. The
learning rule is basically a Gram-Schmidt-like decorrelation method.

In the case of bounded variables, the interplay

between the anti-Hebbian term x (1 2y ) and the

antidecay term WT produces an output density

that is close to the flat constant distribution, which corresponds to the maximum entropy distribution. Amari,
Cichocki, and Yang (Amari, 1996) altered the BS infomax algorithm by using the natural gradient instead
of the stochastic gradient to reduce the complexity of
neural computations and significantly improving the
speed of convergence. The update rule proposed for
the separating matrix is:
W = I g (Wx ) (Wx ) W


Lee et al. (Lee, 2000) extended to both sub-and

super-Gaussian distributions the learning rule devel

We comparatively run both PCA and ICA neural
algorithms using synthetically generated time series
additively corrupted with some white noise to alleviate
strict determinism (Table 1 and Fig. 4.). Neural PCA
was implemented using the bigradient algorithm since
it works for both minimization and maximization of
the criterion J1 under the normality constraints enforced
by the penalty function J2.
The neural ICA algorithms were the extended infomax of Bell and Sejnowski, a semi-adaptive fixed-point
fast ICA algorithm (Hyvrinen & Oja, 1997), an adapted
variant of EASI algorithm optimized for real data, and
the extended generalized lambda distribution (EGLD)
maximum likelihood-based algorithm.
In the case of artificially generated sources, the accuracy of separating the latent sources by an algorithm

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

Table 1. The analytical form of the signals sources

Signal sources

S (1) = 2 sin (t 149 ) cos (t 8 )

Modulated sinusoid:
Square waves:

S (2 ) = sign sin (12 t + 9 cos (2 29 ))


S (3) = (rem (t , 79 ) 17 ) 23
Impulsive curve:

S (4 ) = (rem (t , 23) 11) 9

Exponential decay:

S (5 ) = 5 exp (t 121) cos (37 t )

Spiky noise:

S (6 ) = (rand (1, T ) < .5 ) 2 1 log (rand (1, T ))

Figure 4. Sub-Gaussian (left) and super-Gaussian (right) source signals and their corresponding histograms

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

performing ICA can be measured by means of some

quantitative indexes. The first we used was defined as
the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR):


10 log
i =1


signals, times the number of time samples,

and times the module of the source signals:

max (Qi )


xi (t ) yi (t )
i =1 t =1

QiT Qi max (Qi )





xi (t )
i =1 t =1

, t = 1, 2,..., T

where Q = BA is the overall transforming matrix of
the latent source components, Qi is the i-th column
of Q, max (Qi ) is the maximum element of Qi , and
N is the number of the source signals. The higher the
SIR is, the better the separation performance of the
A secondly employed index was the distance between the overall transforming matrix Q and an ideal
permutation matrix, which is interpreted as the crosstalking error (CTE):

1 +
j =1 i =1 max Q j

i =1 j =1 max Qi

Above, Qij is the ij-th element of Q, max Qi is
the maximum absolute valued element of the row i
in Q, and max Q j is the maximum absolute valued
element of the column j in Q. A permutation matrix is
defined so that on each of its rows and columns, only
one of the elements equals to unity while all the other
elements are zero. It means that the CTE attains its
minimum value zero for an exact permutation matrix
(i.e., perfect decomposition) and goes positively higher
the more Q deviates from a permutation matrix (i.e.,
decomposition of lower accuracy).
We defined the relative signal retrieval error (SRE) as the Euclidian distance between the
source signals and their best matching estimated
components normalized to the number of source

The lower the SRE is, the better the estimates approximate the latent source signals.
The stabilized version of FastICA algorithm is attractive by its fast and reliable convergence, and by the
lack of parameters to be tuned. The natural gradient
incorporated in the BS extended infomax performs
better than the original gradient ascent and is computationally less demanding. Though the BS algorithm
is theoretically optimal in the sense of dealing with
mutual information as objective function, like all neural unsupervised algorithms, its performance heavily
depends on the learning rates and its convergence is
rather slow. The EGLD algorithm separates skewed
distributions, even for zero kurtosis. In terms of computational time, the BS extended infomax algorithm
was the fastest, FastICA more faithfully retrieved the
sources among all algorithms under test, while the
EASI algorithm came out with a full transform matrix
Q that is the closest to unity.

Neuromorphic methods in exploratory analysis and
data mining are rapidly emerging applications of unsupervised neural training. In recent years, new learning
algorithms have been proposed, yet their theoretical
properties, range of optimal applicability, and comparative assessment have remained largely unexplored. No
convergence theorems are associated with the training
algorithms in use. Moreover, algorithm convergence
heavily depends on the proper choice of the learning
rate(s) and, even when convergence is accomplished,
the neural algorithms are relatively slow compared with
batch-type computations. Nonlinear and nonstationary
neural ICA is expected to be developed due to ANNs

Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

nonalgorithmic processing and their ability to learn

nonanalytical relationships if adequately trained.

Both PCA and ICA share some common features like
aiming at building generative models that are likely
to have produced the observed data and performing
information preservation and redundancy reduction.
In a neuromorphic approach, the model parameters
are treated as network weights that are changed during
the learning process. The main difficulty in function
approximation stems from choosing the network parameters that have to be fixed a priori, and those that
must be learnt by means of an adequate training rule.
PCA and ICA have major applications in data
mining and exploratory data analysis, such as signal
characterization, optimal feature extraction, and data
compression, as well as the basis of subspace classifiers in pattern recognition. ICA is much better suited
than PCA to perform BSS, blind deconvolution, and

Amari, S., Cichocki, A., & Yang, H. (1996). A new
learning algorithm for blind source aeparation. In D.
S. Touretzky, M. C. Mozer, & M. E. Hasselmo (Eds.),
Advances in neural information processing, 8. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Esposito, A., Marinaro, M., & Scarpetta, S. (2000). Approximation of continuous and discontinuous mappings
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Adaptive Neural Algorithms for PCA and ICA

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43, 1247-1252.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): An approach

based on allowing the data itself to reveal its underlying structure and model heavily using the collection of
techniques known as statistical graphics.


Independent Component Analysis (ICA): An

exploratory method for separating a linear mixture of
latent signal sources into independent components as
optimal estimates of the original sources on the basis
of their mutual statistical independence and non-Gaussianity.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): An information-processing synthetic system made up of several

simple nonlinear processing units connected by elements that have information storage and programming
functions adapting and learning from patterns, which
mimics a biological neural network.
Blind Source Separation (BSS): Separation of
latent nonredundant (e.g., mutually statistically independent or decorrelated) source signals from a set of
linear mixtures, such that the regularity of each resulting signal is maximized, and the regularity between
the signals is minimized (i.e. statistical independence
is maximized) without (almost) any information on
the sources.
Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA): An approach
which, subsequent to data acquisition, proceeds with
the imposition of a prior model and analysis, estimation, and testing model parameters.


Learning Rule: Weight change strategy in a connectionist system aiming to optimize a certain objective
function. Learning rules are iteratively applied to the
training set inputs with error gradually reduced as the
weights are adapting.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): An orthogonal linear transform based on singular value
decomposition that projects data to a subspace that
preserves maximum variance.

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Larbi Esmahi
Athabasca University, Canada
Kristian Williamson
Statistics Canada, Canada
Elarbi Badidi
United Arab Emirates University, UAE

Fuzzy logic became the core of a different approach
to computing. Whereas traditional approaches to
computing were precise, or hard edged, fuzzy logic
allowed for the possibility of a less precise or softer
approach (Klir et al., 1995, pp. 212-242). An approach
where precision is not paramount is not only closer to
the way humans thought, but may be in fact easier to
create as well (Jin, 2000). Thus was born the field of
soft computing (Zadeh, 1994). Other techniques were
added to this field, such as Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN), and genetic algorithms, both modeled on biological systems. Soon it was realized that these tools
could be combined, and by mixing them together, they
could cover their respective weaknesses while at the
same time generate something that is greater than its
parts, or in short, creating synergy.
Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy is perhaps the most prominent
of these admixtures of soft computing technologies
(Mitra et al., 2000). The technique was first created
when artificial neural networks were modified to work
with fuzzy logic, hence the Neuro-fuzzy name (Jang
et al., 1997, pp. 1-7). This combination provides fuzzy
systems with adaptability and the ability to learn. It
was later shown that adaptive fuzzy systems could be
created with other soft computing techniques, such
as genetic algorithms (Yen et al., 1998, pp. 469-490),
Rough sets (Pal et al., 2003; Jensen et al., 2004, Ang
et al., 2005) and Bayesian networks (Muller et al.,
1995), but the Neuro-fuzzy name was widely used, so
it stayed. In this chapter we are using the most widely
used terminology in the field.
Neuro-fuzzy is a blanket description of a wide
variety of tools and techniques used to combine any
aspect of fuzzy logic with any aspect of artificial neural

networks. For the most part, these combinations are

just extensions of one technology or the other. For
example, neural networks usually take binary inputs,
but use weights that vary in value from 0 to 1. Adding
fuzzy sets to ANN to convert a range of input values
into values that can be used as weights is considered a
Neuro-fuzzy solution. This chapter will pay particular
interest to the sub-field where the fuzzy logic rules are
modified by the adaptive aspect of the system.
The next part of this chapter will be organized as
follows: in section 1 we examine models and techniques
used to combine fuzzy logic and neural networks
together to create Neuro-fuzzy systems. Section 2
provides an overview of the main steps involved in the
development of adaptive Neuro-fuzzy systems. Section
3 concludes this chapter with some recommendations
and future developments.

Neuro-fuzzy Technology is a broad term used to describe
a field of techniques and methods used to combine
fuzzy logic and neural networks together (Jin, 2003,
pp. 111-140). Fuzzy logic and neural networks each
have their own sets of strengths and weaknesses, and
most attempts to combine these two technologies have
the goal of using each techniques strengths to cover
the others weaknesses.
Neural networks are capable of self-learning, classification and associating inputs with outputs. Neural
networks can also become a universal function approximator (Kosko, 1997, pp. 299; Nauck et al., 1998,
Nauck et al. 1999). Given enough information about
an unknown continuous function, such as its inputs

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Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

and outputs, the neural network can be trained to approximate it. The disadvantages of neural networks are
they are not guaranteed to converge, that is to be trained
properly, and after they have been trained they cannot
give any information about why they take a particular
course of action when given a particular input.
Fuzzy logic Inference systems can give human
readable and understandable information about why
a particular course of action was taken because it is
governed by a series of IF THEN rules. Fuzzy logic
systems can adapt in a way that their rules and the parameters of the fuzzy sets associated with those rules
can be changed to meet some criteria. However fuzzy
logic systems lack the capability for self-learning,
and must be modified by an external entity. Another
salient feature of fuzzy logic systems is that they are,
like artificial neural networks, capable of acting as
universal approximators.
The common feature of being able to act as a universal approximator is the basis of most attempts to
merge these two technologies. Not only it can be used
to approximate a function but it can also be used by both
neural networks, and fuzzy logic systems to approximate
each other as well. (Pal et al., 1999, pp. 66)
Universal approximation is the ability of a system
to replicate a function to some degree. Both neural
networks and fuzzy logic systems do this by using a
non-mathematical model of the system (Jang et al.,
1997, pp. 238; Pal et al., 1999, pp. 19). The term approximate is used as the model does not have to match
the simulated function exactly, although it is sometime
possible to do so if enough information about the function is available. In most cases it is not necessary or
even desirable to perfectly simulate a function as this
takes time and resources that may not be available and
close is often good enough.

Neural-Fuzzy Systems (NFS): are fuzzy systems

augmented by neural networks (Jin, 2003,

There also four main architectures used for implementing neuro-fuzzy systems:

Fuzzy Multi-layer networks (Jang, 1993; Mitra et

al., 1995; Mitra et al., 2000; Mamdani et al., 1999;
Sugeno et al., 1988, Takagi et al., 1985).
Fuzzy Self-Organizing Map networks (Drobics
et al., 2000; Kosko, 1997, pp. 98; Haykin, 1999,
pp. 443)
Black-Box Fuzzy ANN (Bellazzi et al., 1999; Qiu,
2000; Monti, 1996)
Hybrid Architectures (Zatwarnicki, 2005; Borzemski et al., 2003; Marichal et al., 2001; Rahmoun et
al., 2001; Koprinska et al., 2000; Wang et al. 1999;
Whitfort et al., 1995).


Efforts to combine fuzzy logic and neural networks have

been underway for several years and many methods
have been attempted and implemented. These methods
are of two major categories:

Developing an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy system is a process that is similar to the procedures used to create fuzzy
logic systems, and neural networks. One advantage of
this combined approach is that it is usually no more
complicated than either approach taken individually.
As noted above, there are two methods of creating
a Neuro-fuzzy system; integrating fuzzy logic into a
neural network framework (FNN), and implementing
neural networks into a fuzzy logic system (NFS). A
fuzzy neural network is just a neural network with some
fuzzy logic components; hence is generally trained like
a normal neural network is.
Training Process: The training regimen for a NFS
differs slightly from that used to create a neural network
and a fuzzy logic system in some key ways, while at
the same time incorporating many improvements over
those training methods.
The training process of a Neuro-fuzzy system has
five main steps: (Von Altrock, 1995, pp. 71-75)

Categories of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNN): are neural networks

that can use fuzzy data, such as fuzzy rules, sets
and values (Jin, 2003, pp.205-220).

Obtain Training Data: The data must cover all

possible inputs and output, and all the critical
regions of the function if it is to model it in an
appropriate manner.

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

Create a Fuzzy Logic System: The fuzzy system

may be an existing system which is known to work,
such as one that has been in production for some
time or one that has been created by following
expert system development methodologies.
Define the Neural Fuzzy Learning: This phase
deals with defining what you want the system to
learn. This allows greater control over the learning
process while still allowing for rule knowledge
Training Phase: To run the training algorithm.
The algorithm may have parameters that can be
adjusted to modify how the system is to be modified during training.
Optimization and Verification: Validation can
take many forms, but will usually involve feeding
the system a series of known inputs to determine
if the system generates the desired output, and or
is within acceptable parameters. Furthermore, the
rules and membership functions may be extracted
so they can be examined by human experts for


Advantages of ANF systems: Although there are many
ways to implement a Neuro-fuzzy system, the advantages described for these systems are remarkably uniform across the literature. The advantages attributed to
Neuro-fuzzy systems as compared to ANNs are usually
related to the following aspects:

Faster to train: This is due to the massive number of connections present in the ANN, and the
non-trivial number of calculations associated with
each. As well, most neural fuzzy systems can be
trained by going through the data once, whereas a
neural network may need to be exposed to the same
training data many times before it converges.
Less computational resources: Neural fuzzy system is smaller in size and contains fewer internal
connections than a comparable ANN, hence it is
faster and use significantly less resources.
Offer the possibility to extract the rules: This
is a major advantage over ANNs in that the rules
governing a system can be communicated to the
human users in an easily understandable form.

Limitation of ANF systems: The greatest limitation

in creating adaptive systems is known as the Curse of
Dimensionality, which is named after the exponential growth in the number of features that the model
has to keep track of as the number of input attributes
increases. Each attribute in the model is a variable in
the system, which corresponds to an axis in a multidimensional graph that the function is mapped into. The
connections between different attributes correspond to
the number of potential rules in the system as given
by the formula:
Nrules = (Llingustic_terms)variables (Gorrostieta et al., 2006)
This formula becomes more complicated if there are
different numbers of linguistic variables (fuzzy sets)
covering each attribute dimension. Fortunately there are
ways around this problem. As the neural fuzzy system
is only approximating the function being modeled, the
system may not need all the attributes to achieve the
desired results.
Another area of criticism in the Neuro-fuzzy field is
related to aspects that cant be learned or approximated.
One of the most known aspects here is the caveat attached to the universal approximation. In fact, the
function being approximated has to be continuous; a
continuous function is a function that does not have
a singularity, a point where it goes to infinity. Other
functions that Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy systems may have
problems learning are things like encryption algorithms,
which are purposely designed to be resistant to this
type of analysis.
Future developments: Predicting the future has
always been hard; however for ANF technology the
future expansion has been made easy because of the
widespread use of its basis technology (neural networks
and fuzzy logic). Mixing of these technologies creates
synergies as they remediate to each other weaknesses.
ANF technology allows complex system to be grown
instead of someone having to build them.
One of the most promising areas for ANF systems
is System Mining. There exist many cases where we
wish to automate a system that cannot be systematically
described in a mathematical manner. This means there is
no way of creating a system using classical development
methodologies (i.e. Programming a simulation.). If we
have an adequately large set of examples of inputs and
their corresponding outputs, ANF can be used to get
a model of the system. The rules and their associated

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

fuzzy sets can then be extracted from this system and

examined for details about how the system works. This
knowledge can be used to build the system directly.
One interesting application of this technology is to audit
existing complex systems. The extracted rules could
be used to determine if the rules match the exceptions
of what the system is supposed to do, and even detect
fraud actions. Alternatively, the extracted model may
show an alternative, and or more efficient manner of
implementing the system.

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Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): An artificial
neural network, often just called a neural network
(NN), is an interconnected group of artificial neurons
that uses a mathematical model or computational model
for information processing based on a connectionist
approach to computation. Knowledge is acquired by
the network from its environment through a learning
process, and interneuron connection strengths (synaptic
weighs) are used to store the acquired knowledge.
Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN): An
Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network is a dynamic architecture where the rule nodes grow if needed and shrink
by aggregation. New rule units and connections can
be added easily without disrupting existing nodes.

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Systems

The learning scheme is often based on the concept of

winning rule node.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic is an application area of
fuzzy set theory dealing with uncertainty in reasoning.
It utilizes concepts, principles, and methods developed
within fuzzy set theory for formulating various forms
of sound approximate reasoning. Fuzzy logic allows for
set membership values to range (inclusively) between
0 and 1, and in its linguistic form, imprecise concepts
like slightly, quite and very. Specifically, it allows partial membership in a set.
Fuzzy Neural Networks (FNN): are Neural Networks that are enhanced with fuzzy logic capability such
as using fuzzy data, fuzzy rules, sets and values.
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS): A neuro-fuzzy system is a fuzzy system that uses a learning algorithm
derived from or inspired by neural network theory to
determine its parameters (fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules)
by processing data samples.
Self-Organizing Map (SOM): The self-organizing map is a subtype of artificial neural networks. It

is trained using unsupervised learning to produce low

dimensional representation of the training samples while
preserving the topological properties of the input space.
The self-organizing map is a single layer feed-forward
network where the output syntaxes are arranged in low
dimensional (usually 2D or 3D) grid. Each input is connected to all output neurons. Attached to every neuron
there is a weight vector with the same dimensionality
as the input vectors. The number of input dimensions
is usually a lot higher than the output grid dimension.
SOMs are mainly used for dimensionality reduction
rather than expansion.
Soft Computing: Soft Computing refers to a
partnership of computational techniques in computer
science, artificial intelligence, machine learning and
some engineering disciplines, which attempt to study,
model, and analyze complex phenomena. The principle
partners at this juncture are fuzzy logic, neuron-computing, probabilistic reasoning, and genetic algorithms.
Thus the principle of soft computing is to exploit the
tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty, and partial truth
to achieve tractability, robustness, low cost solution,
and better rapport with reality.

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

Joo Jos Neto
Universidade de So Paulo, Brazil

Before the advent of software engineering, the lack
of memory space in computers and the absence of
established programming methodologies led early
programmers to use self-modification as a regular
coding strategy.
Although unavoidable and valuable for that class
of software, solutions using self-modification proved
inadequate while programs grew in size and complexity, and security and reliability became major requirements.
Software engineering, in the 70s, almost led to the
vanishing of self-modifying software, whose occurrence
was afterwards limited to small low-level machinelanguage programs with very special requirements.
Nevertheless, recent research developed in this area,
and the modern needs for powerful and effective ways
to represent and handle complex phenomena in hightechnology computers are leading self-modification
to be considered again as an implementation choice
in several situations.
Artificial intelligence strongly contributed for this
scenario by developing and applying non-conventional
approaches, e.g. heuristics, knowledge representation
and handling, inference methods, evolving software/
hardware, genetic algorithms, neural networks, fuzzy
systems, expert systems, machine learning, etc.
In this publication, another alternative is proposed
for developing Artificial Intelligence applications: the
use of adaptive devices, a special class of abstractions
whose practical application in the solution of current
problems is called Adaptive Technology.
The behavior of adaptive devices is defined by a
dynamic set of rules. In this case, knowledge may be
represented, stored and handled within that set of rules
by adding and removing rules that represent the addition
or elimination of the information they represent.
Because of the explicit way adopted for representing
and acquiring knowledge, adaptivity provides a very
simple abstraction for the implementation of artificial
learning mechanisms: knowledge may be comfortably

gathered by inserting and removing rules, and handled

by tracking the evolution of the set of rules and by interpreting the collected information as the representation
of the knowledge encoded in the rule set.


This article provides concepts and foundations on
adaptivity and adaptive technology, gives a general
formulation for adaptive abstractions in use and indicates their main applications.
It shows how rule-driven devices may turn into
adaptive devices to be applied in learning systems
modeling, and introduces a recently formulated kind of
adaptive abstractions having adaptive subjacent devices.
This novel feature may be valuable for implementing
meta-learning, since it enables adaptive devices to
change dynamically the way they modify their own
set of defining rules.
A significant amount of information concerning
adaptivity and related subjects may be found at the
(LTA Web site).

This section summarizes the foundations of adaptivity
and establishes a general formulation for adaptive ruledriven devices (Neto, 2001), non-adaptivity being the
only restriction imposed to the subjacent device.
Some theoretical background is desirable for
the study and research on adaptivity and Adaptive
Technology: formal languages, grammars, automata,
computation models, rule-driven abstractions and
related subjects.
Nevertheless, either for programming purposes or
for an initial contact with the theme, it may be unproblematic to catch the basics of adaptivity even having no
prior expertise with computer-theoretical subjects.
In adaptive abstractions, adaptivity may be achieved
by attaching adaptive actions to selected rules chosen

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Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

from the rule set defining some subjacent non-adaptive device.

Adaptive actions enable adaptive devices to dynamically change their behavior without external help, by
modifying their own set of defining rules whenever
their subjacent rule is executed.
For practical reasons, up to two adaptive actions are
allowed: one to be performed prior to the execution of
its underlying rule, and the other, after it.
An adaptive device behaves just as it were piecewise
non-adaptive: starting with the configuration of its initial
underlying device, it iterates the following two steps,
until reaching some well-defined final configuration:

While no adaptive action is executed, run the

underlying device;
Modify the set of rules defining the device by
executing an adaptive action.

configuration ci in response to some input stimulus

s S { }, yielding its next configuration ci +1 .

Successive applications of rules in response to a
stream w S * of input stimuli, starting from the initial
configuration c0 and leading to some final configuration

c A is denoted c0 *w c (The star postfix operator in

the formulae denotes the Kleene closure: its preceding
element may be re-instantiated or reapplied an arbitrary
number of times).
We say that D defines a sentence w if, and only if,

c0 *w c holds for some c A . The collection L(D) of all

such sentences is called the language defined by D:

L(D ) = w S * | c0 *w c, c A .

Adaptive (Rule-Driven) Devices

Rule-Driven Devices
A rule-driven device is any formal abstraction whose
behavior is described by a rule set that maps each possible configuration of the device into a corresponding
next one.
A device is deterministic when, for any configuration
and any input, a single next configuration is possible.
Otherwise, it is said non-deterministic.
Non-deterministic devices allow multiple valid
possibilities for each move, and require backtracking,
so deterministic equivalents are usually preferable in
Assume that:

D is some rule-driven device, defined as

D = (C , R, S , c0 , A).
C is its set of possible configurations.

R C (S { }) C is the set of rules describing its behavior, where e denotes empty stimulus,
representing no events at all.
S is its set of valid input stimuli.

c0 C is its initial configuration.

A C is its set of final configurations.

Let c i ( r ) ci +1 (for short, c i ci +1 ) denote the ap-

plication of some rule r = (ci , s, ci +1 ) R to the current

An adaptive rule-driven device AD = (ND0 , AM )

associates an initial subjacent rule-driven device
ND0 = (C , NR0 , S , c0 , A), to some adaptive mechanism
AM, that can dynamically change its behavior by modifying its defining rules.
That is accomplished by executing non-null adaptive actions chosen from a set AA of adaptive actions,
which includes the null adaptive action a0.
A built-in counter t starts at 0 and is self-incremented upon any adaptive actions execution. Let Xj
denote the value of X after j executions of adaptive
actions by AD.
Adaptive actions in AA call functions that map AD
current set ARt of adaptive rules into ARt+1 by inserting
to and removing adaptive rules ar from AM.
Let AR be the set of all possible sets of adaptive
rules for AD. Any a k A maps the current set of rules
AR t AR into AR t +1AR:
a k : AR AR

AM associates to each rule nr p NR of AD underlying

device ND a pair of adaptive actions ba p , aa p AA:

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications



When writing elementary adaptive actions, ?[ar ], + [ar ]

Apply aap, yielding the next (stable) configuration

for AD; go to 2


If some ct +1 F was reached, then AD accepts

w, otherwise AD rejects w; stop.

and [ar ]respectively denote searching, inserting and

eliminating adaptive rules that follow template ar.
Note that ar may contain references to parameters,
variables and generators, in order to allow cross-referencing among elementary adaptive actions inside an
adaptive function.
Given an underlying rule nr p NR, we define an
adaptive rule ar p AM as:

ar p = ba p , nr p , aa p

For each AD move, AM applies some arp in three


execution of adaptive action bap before applying

the subjacent rule nrp;
application of the underlying non-adaptive rule
execution of adaptive action aap.

The following algorithm sketches the overall operation of AD:


Initialize c0, w;
If w is exhausted, go to 7 else get next event st;
For the current configuration ct, determine the set
CR of ct-compatible rules;


if CR = , reject w.


if CR
R = {( ct , s, c )}, apply (ct , s, c) as in steps


4-6, leading AD to ct +1 = c .
if CR = {r k = (ct , s, c k )| c k C , k = 1,, n, n > 1 },
apply all rules rk in parallel, as in steps 4-6, leading



Hierarchical Multi-Level Adaptive

Let us define a more elaborated adaptive device by
generalizing the definition above. Call non-adaptive
devices level-0 devices; define level-1 devices those
having subjacent level-0 devices, to each of whose rules
a pair of level-1 adaptive actions are attached.
Let the subjacent device be some level-k adaptive
device. One may construct a level-(k+1) device attaching a pair of level-(k+1) adaptive actions to each of its
rules. This is the induction step for the definition of hierarchically structured multi-level adaptive devices.
Besides the set of rules defining the subjacent level-k
device, for k > 0, adaptive functions subjacent device
performs at its own level, which may use level-(k+1)
adaptive actions to modify the behavior of level-k
adaptive functions.
So, for k > 0, level-(k+1) devices can change the way
their subjacent level-k devices modify themselves. That
also holds for k = 1, since even for k = 0 the (empty)
set of adaptive functions still exists.

The absence of adaptive actions in non-adaptive rules
nr is explicitly expressed by stating all level-0 rules r0 in
the form (a 0 nr a 0 ). Therefore, level-k rules rk take the

general format ( bk rk 1 ak ), with both bk and ak level-k

adaptive actions for any adaptive level k 0 .
So, level-k adaptive devices have all their defining
rules stated in the standard form

AD to c1 , c 2 ,, c n , respectively.

(b (b ( (b (a ( c,

If ba = a , go to 2, else apply first bap. If rule arp
were removed by bap, go to 3 aborting arp, else
AD reached an intermediate configuration, then
go to 2.
Apply nrp to the current (intermediate) configuration, yielding a new intermediate configuration;


k 1

(b ( (b (a ( c,
k 1

) ) ) ) )

, c)a 0 a1 ak 1 ak ,

) ) )

, c )a 0 a1 ak 1

representing one of the rules defining the subjacent

level-(k 1) adaptive device.

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

Hence, level-i adaptive actions can modify both the

set of level-i adaptive rules and the set of elementary
adaptive actions defining level-(i 1) adaptive functions.


Append a sequence with three transitions consuming c,

ending at y.

In the following example, graphical notation is used

for clarity and conciseness. When drawing automata,
(as usual) circles represent states; double-line circles
indicate final states; arrows indicate transitions; labels
on the arrows indicate tokens consumed by the transition
and (optionally) an associated adaptive action. When
representing adaptive functions, automata fragments in
brackets stand for a group of transitions to be added (+)
or removed (-) when the adaptive action is applied.
Figure 1 shows the starting shape of an adaptive
automaton that accepts anb2nc3n, n0. At state 1, it
includes a transition consuming a, which performs

Figure 3 shows the first two shape changes of this

automaton after consuming the two first symbols a
(at state 1) in sentence a2b4c6. In its last shape, the
automaton trivially consumes the remaining b4c6, and
does not change any more.
There are many other examples of adaptive devices
in the references. This almost trivial and intuitive case
was shown here for illustration purposes only.

Knowledge Representation
The preceding example illustrates how adaptive devices
use the set of rules as their only element for representing and handling knowledge.
A rule (here, a transition) may handle parametric
information in its components (here, the transitions
origin and destination states, the token labeling the
transition, the adaptive function it calls, etc.).
Rules may be combined together in order to represent
some non-elementary information (here, the sequences
of transitions consuming tokens b and c keep track
of the value of n in each particular sentence). This way,
rules and their components may work and may be interpreted as low-level elements of knowledge.
Although being impossible to impose rules on how
to represent and handle knowledge in systems repre-

adaptive action A( ).

Figure 2 defines how A( ) operate:

Figure 1. Initial configuration of the illustrative adaptive automaton


Using state 2 as reference, eliminate empty transitions using states x and y

Add a sequence starting at x, with two transitions
consuming b
Append the sequence of two empty transitions
sharing state 2

a /A ()

Figure 2. Adaptive function A ( )

A () =

?[ x
?[ 2

[ x
+[ x

2 ]

y ]

y ]

y ]

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

Figure 3. Configurations of the adaptive automaton after executing A ( ) once and twice

a /A ()

a /A ()

sented with adaptive devices, the details of the learning

process may be chosen according to the particular needs
of each system being modeled.
In practice, the learning behavior of an adaptive
device may be identified and measured by tracking
the progress of the set of rules during its operation and
interpreting the dynamics of its changes.
In the above example, when transitions are added to
the automaton by executing adaptive action A ( ), one
may interpret the length of the sequence of transitions
consuming b (or c) as a manifestation of the knowledge that is being gathered by the adaptive automaton
on the value of n (its exact value becomes available
after the sub-string of tokens a is consumed).

All those features are vital for conceiving, modeling,

designing and implementing applications in Artificial
Intelligence, which benefits from adaptivity while
expressing traditionally difficult-to-describe Artificial
Intelligence facts.
Listed below are features Adaptive Technology
offers to several fields of Computation, especially to
Artificial Intelligence-related ones, indicating their
main impacts and applications.

Adaptive abstractions represent a significant theoretical advance in Computer Science, by introducing and
exploring powerful non-classical concepts such as:
time-varying behavior, autonomously dynamic rule
sets, multi-level hierarchy, static and dynamic adaptive actions.
Those concepts allow establishing a modeling style,
proper for describing complex learning systems, for
efficiently solving traditionally hard problems, for
dealing with self-modifying learning methods, and
for providing computer languages and environments
for comfortable elaboration of quality programs with
dynamically-variant behavior.

Adaptive Technology provides a true computation

model, constructed around formal foundations.
Most Artificial Intelligence techniques in use
are very hard to express and follow since the
connection between elements of the models and
information they represent is often implicit, so
their operation reasoning is difficult for a human
to track and plan. Adaptive rule-driven devices
concentrate all stored knowledge in their rules,
and the whole logic that handles such information,
in their adaptive actions. Such properties open for
Artificial Intelligence the possibility to observe,
understand and control adaptive-device-modeled
phenomena. By following and interpreting how
and why changes occur in the device set of rules,
and by tracking semantics of adaptive actions, one
can infer the reasoning of the model reactions to
its input.
Adaptive devices have enough processing power
to model complex computations. In (Neto, 2000)
some well-succeeded use cases are shown with

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

simple and efficient adaptive devices used instead

of complex traditional formulations.
Adaptive Devices are Turing Machine-equivalent computation models that may be used in the
construction of single-notation full specifications
of programming languages, including lexical,
syntactical, context-dependent static-semantic issues, language built-in features such as arithmetic
operations, libraries, semantics, code generation
and optimization, run-time code interpreting,
Adaptive devices are well suited for representing
complex languages, including idioms. Natural
language particularly require several features to
be expressed and handled, as word inflexions, orthography, multiple syntax forms, phrase ordering,
ellipsis, permutation, ambiguities, anaphora and
others. A few simple techniques allow adaptive
devices to deal with such elements, strongly simplifying the effort of representing and processing
them. Applications are wide, including machine
translation, data mining, text-voice and voice-text
conversion, etc.
Computer art is another fascinating potential
application of adaptive devices. Music and other
artistic expressions are forms of human language.
Given some language descriptions, computers can
capture human skills and automatically generate
interesting outputs. Well-succeeded experiments
were carried out in the field of music, with excellent results (Basseto, 1999).
Decision-taking systems may use Adaptive Decision Tables and Trees for constructing intelligent
systems that accept training patterns, learn how
to classify them, and therefore, classify unknown
patterns. Well-succeeded experiments include:
classifying geometric patterns, decoding sign
languages, locating patterns in images, generating diagnoses from symptoms and medical data,
Language inference uses Adaptive Devices to
generate formal descriptions of languages from
samples, by identifying and collecting structural
information and generalizing on the evidence
of repetitive or recursive constructs (Matsuno,
Adaptive Devices can be used for learning purposes by storing as rules the gathered information
on some monitored phenomenon. In educational

systems, the behavior of both students and trainers can be inferred and used to decide how to
One can construct Adaptive Devices whose
underlying abstraction is a computer language.
Statements in such languages may be considered
as rules defining behavior of a program. By attaching adaptive rules to statements, the program
becomes self-modifiable. Adaptive languages are
needed for adaptive applications to be expressed
naturally. For adaptivity to become a true programming style, techniques and methods must be
developed to construct good adaptive software,
since adaptive applications developed so far were
usually produced in strict ad-hoc way.

Adaptive Technology concerns techniques, methods and
subjects referring to actual application of adaptivity.
Adaptive automata (Neto, 1994) were first proposed
for practical representation of context-sensitive languages (Rubinstein, 1995). Adaptive grammars (Iwai,
2000) were employed as its generative counterpart
(Burshteyn, 1990), (Christiansen, 1990), (Cabasino,
1992), (Shutt, 1993), (Jackson, 2006).
For specification and analysis of real time reactive
systems, works were developed based on adaptive
versions of statecharts (Almeida Jr., 1995), (Santos,
1997). An interesting confirmation of power and
usability of adaptive devices for modeling complex
systems (Neto, 2000) was the successful use of Adaptive Markov Chains in a computer music-generating
device (Basseto, 1999).
Adaptive Decision Tables (Neto, 2001) and Adaptive Decision Trees (Pistori, 2006) are nowadays being
experimented in decision-taking applications.
Experiments have been reported that explore the
potential of adaptive devices for constructing language
inference systems (Neto, 1998), (Matsuno, 2006).
An important area in which adaptive devices shows
its strength is the specification and processing of natural
languages (Neto, 2003). Many other results are being
achieved while representing syntactical context-dependencies of natural language.
Simulation and modeling of intelligent systems are
other concrete applications of adaptive formalisms, as
illustrated in the description of the control mechanism

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

of an intelligent autonomous vehicle which collects

information from its environment and builds maps
for navigation.
Many other applications for adaptive devices are
possible in several fields.

(* or ** - downloadable from LTA Website; ** - in
Portuguese only)
Almeida Jr., J.R. (1995)**. STAD - Uma ferramenta
para representao e simulao de sistemas atravs de
statecharts adaptativos. So Paulo, 202p. Doctoral Thesis. Escola Politcnica, Universidade de So Paulo.
Basseto, B.A., Neto, J.J. (1999)*. A stochastic musical composer based on adaptive algorithms. Anais do
XIX Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de
Computao. SBC-99, Vol. 3, pp. 105-13.
Burshteyn, B. (1990). Generation and recognition
of formal languages by modifiable grammars. ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, v.25, n.12, p.45-53, 1990.
Cabasino, S.; Paolucci, P.S.; Todesco, G.M. (1992).
Dynamic parsers and evolving grammars. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.27, n.11, p.39-48, 1992.

PROPOR 2003, LNAI Volume 2721, Faro, Portugal,

June 26-27, Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp 94-97.
Neto, J. J. (2001)*. Adaptive Rule-Driven Devices General Formulation and Case Study. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. Watson, B.W. and Wood, D.
(Eds.): Implementation and Application of Automata
- 6th International Conference, CIAA 2001, Vol.2494,
Pretoria, South Africa, July 23-25, Springer-Verlag,
2001, pp. 234-250.
Neto, J.J. (1994)*. Adaptive automata for contextdependent languages. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.29,
n.9, p.115-24, 1994.
Neto, J.J. (2000)*. Solving Complex Problems Efficiently with Adaptive Automata. CIAA 2000 - Fifth
International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata - London, Ontario, Canada.
Neto, J.J., Iwai, M.K. (1998)*. Adaptive automata for
syntax learning. XXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana
de Informtica CLEI98, Quito - Ecuador, tomo 1,
Pistori, H.; Neto, J.J.; Pereira, M.C. (2006)* Adaptive
Non-Deterministic Decision Trees: General Formulation and Case Study. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer
Science, Lavras, MG.

Christiansen, H. (1990). A survey of adaptable grammars. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, v.25, n.11, p.33-44.

Rubinstein, R.S.; Shutt. J.N. (1995). Self-modifying

finite automata: An introduction, Information processing letters, v.56, n.4, 24, p.185-90.

Iwai, M.K. (2000)**. Um formalismo gramatical adaptativo para linguagens dependentes de contexto. So
Paulo 2000, 191p. Doctoral Thesis. Escola Politcnica,
Universidade de So Paulo.

Santos, J.M.N. (1997)**. Um formalismo adaptativo

com mecanismos de sincronizao para aplicaes
concorrentes. So Paulo, 98p. M.Sc. Dissertation.
Escola Politcnica, Universidade de So Paulo.

Jackson, Q.T. (2006). Adapting to Babel Adaptivity

and context-sensitivity parsing: from anbncn to RNA A
Thotic Technology Partners Research Monograph.

Shutt, J.N. (1993). Recursive adaptable grammar.

M.S. Thesis, Computer Science Department, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA.

LTA Website:

Matsuno, I.P. (2006)**. Um Estudo do Processo de Inferncia de Gramticas Regulares e Livres de Contexto
Baseados em Modelos Adaptativos. M.Sc. Dissertation,
Escola Politcnica, Universidade de So Paulo.
Neto, J.J.; Moraes, (2003)* Using Adaptive
Formalisms to Describe Context-Dependencies in
Natural Language. Computational Processing of the
Portuguese Language 6th International Workshop,

Adaptivity: Property exhibited by structures that
dynamically and autonomously change their own behavior in response to input stimuli.
Adaptive Computation Model: Turing-powerful
abstraction that mimic the behavior of potentially selfmodifying complex systems.

Adaptive Technology and Its Applications

Adaptive Device: Structure with dynamic behavior, with some subjacent device and an adaptive
Adaptive Functions and Adaptive Actions: Adaptive actions are calls to adaptive functions, which can
determine changes to perform on its layers rule set
and on their immediately subjacent layers adaptive
Adaptive Mechanism: Alteration discipline associated to an adaptive devices rule set that change
the behavior of its subjacent device by performing
adaptive actions.
Adaptive Rule-Driven Device: Adaptive device
whose behavior is defined by a dynamically changing
set of rules, e.g. adaptive automata, adaptive grammars, etc.
Context-Dependency: Reinterpretation of terms,
due to conditions occurring elsewhere in a sentence, e.g.
agreement rules in English, type-checking in Pascal.

Context-Sensitive (-Dependent) Formalism:

Abstraction capable of representing Chomsky type-1
or type-0 languages. Adaptive Automata and Adaptive
Context-free Grammars are well suited to express such
Hierarchical (Multilevel) Adaptive Device:
Stratified adaptive structures whose involving layers
adaptive actions can modify both its own layers rules
and its underlying layers adaptive functions.
Subjacent (or Underlying) Device: Any device
used as basis to formulate adaptive devices. The innermost of a multilevel subjacent device must be

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image

J. lvaro Fernndez
University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Since its introduction to the research community in
1988, the Cellular Neural Network (CNN) (Chua
& Yang, 1988) paradigm has become a fruitful soil
for engineers and physicists, producing over 1,000
published scientific papers and books in less than 20
years (Chua & Roska, 2002), mostly related to Digital
Image Processing (DIP). This Artificial Neural Network (ANN) offers a remarkable ability of integrating
complex computing processes into compact, real-time
programmable analogic VLSI circuits as the ACE16k
(Rodrguez et al., 2004) and, more recently, into FPGA
devices (Perko et al., 2000).
CNN is the core of the revolutionary Analogic
Cellular Computer (Roska et al., 1999), a programmable system based on the so-called CNN Universal
Machine (CNN-UM) (Roska & Chua, 1993). Analogic
CNN computers mimic the anatomy and physiology of
many sensory and processing biological organs (Chua
& Roska, 2002).
This article continues the review started in this
Encyclopaedia under the title Basic Cellular Neural
Network Image Processing.

The standard CNN architecture consists of an M N
rectangular array of cells C(i,j) with Cartesian coordinates (i,j), i = 1, 2, , M, j = 1, 2, , N. Each cell or
neuron C(i,j) is bounded to a sphere of influence Sr(i,j)
of positive integer radius r, defined by:

S r (i, j ) = C (k , l ) max { k i , l j } r
1 k M ,1l N

This set is referred as a (2r +1) (2r +1) neighbourhood. The parameter r controls the connectivity

of a cell. When r > N /2 and M = N, a fully connected

CNN is obtained, a case that corresponds to the classic
Hopfield ANN model.
The state equation of any cell C(i,j) in the M N
array structure of the standard CNN may be described

dzij (t )

zij (t ) +
[A(i, j; k , l ) ykl (t ) + B(i, j; k , l ) xkl ]+ Iij
C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )

where C and R are values that control the transient
response of the neuron circuit (just like an RC filter), I
is generally a constant value that biases the state matrix
Z = {zij}, and Sr is the local neighbourhood defined in
(1), which controls the influence of the input data X =
{xij} and the network output Y = {yij} for time t.
This means that both input and output planes interact
with the state of a cell through the definition of a set of
real-valued weights, A(i, j; k, l) and B(i, j; k, l), whose
size is determined by r. The cloning templates A and
B are called the feedback and feed-forward operators,
An isotropic CNN is typically defined with constant
values for r, I, A and B, implying that for an input image
X, a neuron C(i, j) is provided for each pixel (i, j), with
constant weighted circuits defined by the feedback and
feed-forward templates A and B. The neuron state value
zij is adjusted with the bias parameter I, and passed as
input to an output function of the form:

yij =

zij (t ) + 1 zij (t ) 1


The vast majority of the templates defined in the

CNN-UM template compendium of (Chua & Roska,
2002) are based on this isotropic scheme, using r = 1
and binary images in the input plane. If no feedback
(i.e. A = 0) is used, then the CNN behaves as a convolution network, using B as a spatial filter, I as a threshold
and the piecewise linear output (3) as a limiter. Thus,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

virtually any spatial filter from DIP theory can be

implemented on such a feed-forward CNN, ensuring
binary output stability via the definition of a central
feedback absolute value greater than 1.


In this section, a description of more complex CNN
models is performed in order to provide a deeper insight
into CNN design, including multi-layer structures and
nonlinear templates, and also to illustrate its powerful
DIP capabilities.

Nonlinear Templates
A problem often addressed in DIP edge detection is the
robustness against noise (Jain, 1989). In this sense, the
EDGE CNN detector for grey-scale images given by

A = 2, BEDGE

1 1 1
= 1 8 1 , I = -0.5
1 1 1

is a typical example of a weak-against-noise filter, as a

result of fixed linear feed-forward template combined
with excitatory feedback. One way to provide the
detector with more robustness against noise is via the
definition of a nonlinear B template of the form:


b b b
= b 0 b where b =
b b b

xij xkl > th

xij xkl th

This nonlinear template actually defines different
coefficients for the surrounding pixels prior to perform
the spatial filtering of the input image X. Thus, a CNN
defined with nonlinear templates is generally dependent
of X, and can not be treated as an isotropic model.
Just two values for the surrounding coefficients of B
are allowed: one excitatory for greater than a threshold
th luminance differences with the central pixel (i.e. edge
pixels), and the other inhibitory, doubled in absolute
value, for similar pixels, where th is usually set around

0.5. The feedback template A = 2 remains unchanged,

but the value for the bias I must be chosen from the
following analysis:
For a given state zij element, the contribution wij
of the feed-forward nonlinear filter of (5) may be
expressed as:

wij = 1.0 ps + 0.5 pe

= (8 pe ) + 0.5 pe
= 8 + 1.5 pe


where ps is the number of similar pixels in the 3 3

neighbourhood and pe the rest of edge pixels. E.g. if
the central pixel has 8 edge neighbours, wij = 12 8 =
4, whereas if all its neighbours are similar to it, then
wij = 8. Thus, a pixel will be selected as edge depending on the number of its edge neighbours, providing
the possibility of noise reduction. For instance, edge
detection for pixels with at least 3 edge neighbours
forces that I (4, 5).
The main result is that the inclusion of nonlinearities
in the definition of B coefficients and, by extension,
the pixel-wise definition of the main CNN parameters
gives rise to more powerful and complex DIP filters
(Chua & Roska, 1993).

Morphologic Operators
Mathematical Morphology is an important contributor
to the DIP field. In the classic approach, every morphologic operator is based on a series of simple concepts
from Set Theory. Moreover, all of them can be divided
into combinations of two basic operators: erosion and
dilation (Serra, 1982). Both operators take two pieces of
data as input: the binary input image and the so-called
structuring element, which is usually represented by
a 33 template.
A pixel belongs to an object if it is active (i.e. its
value is 1 or black), whereas the rest of pixels are
classified as background, zero-valued elements. Basic
morphologic operators are defined using only object
pixels, marked as 1 in the structuring element. If a
pixel is not used in the match, it is left blank. Both
dilation and erosion operators may be defined by the
structuring elements

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

1 1 1

1 1 1
1 1 1

1 1 1


Dynamic Range Control CNN and

Piecewise Linear Mappings

for 8 or 4-neighbour connectivity, respectively. In

dilation, the structuring element is placed over each
input pixel. If any of the 9 (or 5) pixels considered in
(7) is active, then the output pixel will be also active
(Jain, 1989). The erosion operator can be defined as
the dual of dilation, i.e. a dilation performed over the
More complex morphologic operators are based
on structuring elements that also contains background
pixels. This is the case of the Hit and Miss Transform
(HMT), a generalized morphologic operator used to
identify certain local pixel configurations. For instance,
the structuring elements defined by
0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0


0 1 0
0 0 0


are used to find 90 convex corner object pixels within

the image. A pixel will be selected as active in the output
image if its local neighbourhood exactly matches with
that defined by the structuring element. However, in
order to calculate a full, non-orientated corner detector
it will be necessary to perform 8 HMT, one for each
rotated version of (8), OR-ing the 8 intermediate output
images to obtain the final image (Fisher et al., 2004).
In the CNN context, the HMT may be obtained in
a straightforward manner by:
sij = 1
A = 2, BHMT : bij =
, I = 0.5 ps
0 otherwise

where S = {sij} is the structuring element and ps is the

total number of active pixels in it.
Since the input template B of the HTM CNN is
defined via the structuring element S, and given that
there are 29 = 512 distinct 3 3 possible structuring
elements, there will also be 512 different hit-and-miss
erosions. For achieving the opposite result, i.e. hit-andmiss dilation, the threshold must be the opposite of that
in (9) (Chua & Roska, 2002).

DIP techniques can be classified by the domain where

they operate: the image or spatial domain or the
transform domain (e.g. the Fourier domain). Spatial
domain techniques are those who operate directly over
the pixels within an image (e.g. its intensity level). A
generic spatial operator can be defined by
Y (i, j ) = T [X (i, j ) ]S


where X and Y are the input and output images, respectively, and T is a spatial operator defined over a
neighbourhood Sr around each pixel X(i, j), as defined
in (1). Based on this neighbourhood, spatial operators
can be grouped into two types: Single Point Processing Operators, also known as Mapping Operators, and
Local Processing Operators, which can be defined by
a spatial filter (i.e. 2D-discrete convolution) mask
(Jain, 1989).
The simplest form of T is obtained when Sr is 1 pixel
size. In this case, Y only depends of the intensity value
of X for every pixel and T becomes an intensity level
transformation function, or mapping, of the form
s = T(r)


where r and s are variables that represent grey

level in X and Y, respectively.

According to this formulation, mappings can be

achieved by direct application of a function over a
range of input intensity levels. By properly choosing
the form of T, a number of effects can be obtained, as
the grey-level inversion, dynamic range compression
or expansion (i.e. contrast enhancement), and threshold
binarization for obtaining binary masks used in analysis
and morphologic DIP.
A mapping is linear if its function T is also linear.
Otherwise, T is not linear and the mapping is also nonlinear. An example of nonlinear mapping is the CNN
output function (3). It consists of three linear segments:
two saturated levels, 1 and +1, and the central linear
segment with unitary slope that connects them. This
function is said to be piecewise linear and is closely
related to the well-known sigmoid function utilized in
the Hopfield ANN (Chua & Roska, 1993). It performs
a mapping of intensity values stored in Z in the [1,

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

+1] range. The bias I controls the average point of the

input range, where the output function gives a zerovalued outcome.
Starting from the original CNN cell or neuron
(1)-(3), a brief review of the Dynamic Range Control
(DRC) CNN model first defined in (Fernndez et al.,
2006) follows. This network is designed to perform a
piecewise linear mapping T over X, with input range
[md, m+d] and output range [a, b]. Thus,

b a
T X (i, j ) =
(X (i, j ) m )+ b +2 a

< X (i, j ) m d
m d < X (i, j ) m + d


The DRC network can be easily applied to a first

order piecewise polynomial approximation of nonlinear,
continuous mappings. One of the valid possibilities is
the multi-layer DRC CNN implementation of errorcontrolled Chebyshev polynomials, as described in
(Fernndez et al., 2006). The possible mappings include,
among many others, the absolute value, logarithmic,
exponential, radial basis and integer and real-valued
power functions.

m + d < X (i, j ) < +

In order to be able to implement this function in
a multi-layer CNN, the following constraints must
be met:
b a 2 and d 1


A CNN cell which controls the desired input range

can be defined with the following parameters:
A1 = 0, B1 = 1/d, I1 = -m/d


This network performs a linear mapping between

[md, m+d] and [1,+1]. Its output is the input of a
second CNN whose parameters are:
A2 = 0, B2 = (b a)/2, I2 = (b + a)/2


The output of this second network is exactly the

mapping T defined in (12) bounded by the constraints
of (13).
One of the simplest techniques used in grey-scale
image contrast enhancement is contrast stretching or
normalization. This technique maximizes the dynamic
range of the intensity levels within the image from
suitable estimates of the maximum and minimum intensity values (Fisher et al., 2004). Thus, in the case
of normalized grey-scale images, where the minimum
(i.e. black) and maximum (i.e. white) intensity levels
are represented by 0 and 1 values, respectively; if such
an image with dynamic intensity range [f, g] [0, +1]
is fed in the input of the 2-layer CNN defined by (14)
and (15), the following parameters will achieve the
desired linear dynamic range maximization:

a = 0, b = 1, m = (g + f)/2, d = (g f)/2

There is a continuous quest by engineers and specialists: compete with and imitate nature, especially some
smart animals. Vision is one particular area which
computer engineers are interested in. In this context, the
so-called Bionic Eye (Werblin et al., 1995) embedded
in the CNN-UM architecture is ideal for implementing
many spatio-temporal neuromorphic models.
With its powerful image processing toolbox and
a compact VLSI implementation (Rodrguez et al.,
2004), the CNN-UM can be used to program or mimic
different models of retinas and even combinations of
them. Moreover, it can combine biologically based
models, biologically inspired models, and analogic
artificial image processing algorithms. This combination will surely bring a broader kind of applications
and developments.

A number of other advances in the definition and
characterization of CNN have been researched in the
past decade. This includes the definition of methods
for designing and implementing larger than 33 neighbourhoods in the CNN-UM (Kk & Zarndy, 1998),
the CNN implementation of some image compression
techniques (Venetianer et al., 1995) or the design of
a CNN-based Fast Fourier Transform algorithm over
analogic signals (Perko et al., 1998), between many
In this article, a general review of the main properties
and features of the Cellular Neural Network model has
been addressed focusing on its DIP applications. The

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

CNN is now a fundamental and powerful toolkit for

real-time nonlinear image processing tasks, mainly due
to its versatile programmability, which has powered its
hardware development for visual sensing applications
(Roska et al., 1999).

Chua, L.O., & Roska, T. (2002). Cellular Neural
Networks and Visual Computing. Foundations and
Applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Chua, L.O., & Roska, T. (1993). The CNN Paradigm.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 40, 147156.
Chua, L.O., & Yang, L. (1988). Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems, 35, 12571290.
Fernndez, J.A., Preciado, V.M., & Jaramillo, M.A.
(2006). Nonlinear Mappings with Cellular Neural
Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4177,
Fisher, R., Perkins, S., Walker, A., & Wolfart, E. (2004).
Hypermedia Image Processing Reference (HIPR2).
University of Edinburgh, UK.
Jain, A.K. (1989). Fundamentals of Digital Image
Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: PrenticeHall.
Kk, L., & Zarndy, A. (1998). Implementation of Large
Neighborhood Non-Linear Templates on the CNN
Universal Machine. International Journal of Circuit
Theory and Applications, 26, 551-566.
Perko, M., Fajfar, I., Tuma, T., & Puhan, J. (1998).
Fast Fourier Transform Computation Using a Digital
CNN Simulator. 5th IEEE International Workshop
on Cellular Neural Network and Their Applications
Proceedings, 230-236.
Perko, M., Fajfar, I., Tuma, T., & Puhan, J. (2000).
Low-Cost, High-Performance CNN Simulator Implemented in FPGA. 6th IEEE International Workshop
on Cellular Neural Network and Their Applications
Proceedings, 277-282.

Rodrguez, A., Lin, G., Carranza, L., Roca, E.,

Carmona, R., Jimnez, F., Domnguez, R., & Espejo,
S. (2004). ACE16k: The Third Generation of MixedSignal SIMD-CNN ACE Chips Toward VSoCs. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,
51, 851863.
Roska, T., & Chua, L.O. (1993). The CNN Universal
Machine: An Analogic Array Computer. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital
Processing, 40, 163173.
Roska, T., Zarndy, ., Zld, S., Fldesy, P., & Szolgay,
P. (1999). The Computational Infrastructure of Analogic CNN Computing Part I: The CNN-UM Chip
Prototyping System. IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications,
46, 261268.
Serra, J. (1982). Image Analysis and Mathematical
Morphology. London, UK: Academic Press.
Venetianer, P.L., Werblin, F., Roska, T., & Chua, L.O.
(1995). Analogic CNN Algorithms for Some Image
Compression and Restoration Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory
and Applications, 42, 278-284.
Werblin, F., Roska, T., & Chua, L.O. (1995). The
Analogic Cellular Neural Network as a Bionic Eye.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 23, 541-569.

Bionics: The application of methods and systems
found in nature to the study and design of engineering
systems. The word seems to have been formed from
biology and electronics and was first used by J.
E. Steele in 1958.
Chebyshev Polynomial: An important type of
polynomials used in data interpolation, providing the
best approximation of a continuous function under the
maximum norm.
Dynamic Range: A term used to describe the ratio
between the smallest and largest possible values of a
variable quantity.
FPGA: Acronym that stands for Field-Programmable Gate Array, a semiconductor device invented

Advanced Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

in 1984 by R. Freeman that contains programmable

interfaces and logic components called logic blocks
used to perform the function of basic logic gates (e.g.
XOR) or more complex combination functions such
as decoders.
Piecewise Linear Function: A function f(x) that
can be split into a number of linear segments, each of
which is defined for a non-overlapping interval of x.
Spatial Convolution: A term used to identify the
linear combination of a series of discrete 2D data (a
digital image) with a few coefficients or weights. In
the Fourier theory, a convolution in space is equivalent
to (spatial) frequency filtering.
Template: Also known as kernel, or convolution
kernel, is the set of coefficients used to perform a spatial filter operation over a digital image via the spatial
convolution operator.
VLSI: Acronym that stands for Very Large Scale
Integration. It is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands (nowadays hundreds of
millions) of transistor-based circuits into a single chip.
A typical VLSI device is the microprocessor.


Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

Zaiyong Tang
Salem State College, USA
Xiaoyu Huang
University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, China
Kallol Bagchi
University of Texas at El Paso, USA

An intelligent system is a system that has, similar to
a living organism, a coherent set of components and
subsystems working together to engage in goal-driven
activities. In general, an intelligent system is able to
sense and respond to the changing environment; gather
and store information in its memory; learn from earlier
experiences; adapt its behaviors to meet new challenges;
and achieve its pre-determined or evolving objectives.
The system may start with a set of predefined stimulusresponse rules. Those rules may be revised and improved
through learning. Anytime the system encounters a
situation, it evaluates and selects the most appropriate
rules from its memory to act upon.
Most human organizations such as nations,
governments, universities, and business firms, can
be considered as intelligent systems. In recent years,
researchers have developed frameworks for building
organizations around intelligence, as opposed
to traditional approaches that focus on products,
processes, or functions (e.g., Liang, 2002; Gupta and
Sharma, 2004). Todays organizations must go beyond
traditional goals of efficiency and effectiveness; they
need to have organizational intelligence in order to adapt
and survive in a continuously changing environment
(Liebowitz, 1999). The intelligent behaviors of those
organizations include monitoring of operations,
listening and responding to stakeholders, watching
the markets, gathering and analyzing data, creating
and disseminating knowledge, learning, and effective
decision making.
Modeling intelligent systems has been a challenge
for researchers. Intelligent systems, in particular,
those involve multiple intelligent players, are complex

systems where system dynamics does not follow

clearly defined rules. Traditional system dynamics
approaches or statistical modeling approaches rely on
rather restrictive assumptions such as homogeneity of
individuals in the system. Many complex systems have
components or units which are also complex systems.
This fact has significantly increased the difficulty of
modeling intelligent systems. Agent-based modeling
of complex systems such as ecological systems, stock
market, and disaster recovery has recently garnered
significant research interest from a wide spectrum of
fields from politics, economics, sociology, mathematics,
computer science, management, to information systems.
Agent-based modeling is well suited for intelligent
systems research as it offers a platform to study systems
behavior based on individual actions and interactions. In
the following, we present the concepts and illustrate how
intelligent agents can be used in modeling intelligent
We start with basic concepts of intelligent agents.
Then we define agent-based modeling (ABM) and
discuss strengths and weaknesses of ABM. The next
section applies ABM to intelligent system modeling. We
use an example of technology diffusion for illustration.
Research issues and directions are discussed next,
followed by conclusions.

Intelligent agents, also known as software agents, are
computer applications that autonomously sense and
respond to environment in the pursuit of certain designed
objectives (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995). Intelligent
agents exhibit some level of intelligence. They can be

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Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

used to assist the user in performing non-repetitive tasks,

such as seeking information, shopping, scheduling,
monitoring, control, negotiation, and bargaining.
Intelligent agents may come in various shapes and
forms such as knowbots, softbots, taskbots, personal
agents, shopbots, information agents, etc. No matter
what shape or form they have, intelligent agents exhibit
one or more of the following characteristics:

Autonomous: Being able to exercise control over

their own actions.
Adaptive/Learning: Being able to learn and
adapt to their external environment.
Social: Being able to communicate, bargain,
collaborate, and compete with other agents on
behalf of their masters (users).
Mobile: Being able to migrate themselves from
one machine/system to another in a network, such
as the Web.
Goal-oriented: Being able to act in accordance
with built-in goals and objectives.
Communicative: Being able to communicate
with people or other agents thought protocols
such as agent communication language (ACL).
Intelligent: Being able to exhibit intelligent
behavior such as reasoning, generalizing, learning,
dealing with uncertainty, using heuristics, and
natural language processing.

Using intelligent agents and their actions and
interactions in a given environment to simulate the
complex dynamics of a system is referred to as agentbased modeling. ABM research is closely related to the
research in complex systems, emergence, computational
sociology, multi agent systems, evolutionary
programming, and intelligent organizations. In ABM,
system behavior results from individual behaviors and
collective behaviors of the agents. Researchers of ABM
are interested in how macro phenomena are emerging
from micro level behaviors among a heterogeneous
set of interacting agents (Holland, 1992). Every agent
has its attributes and its behavior rules. When agents
encounter in the agent society, each agent individually
assesses the situation and makes decisions on the basis
of its behavior rules. In general, individual agents do

not have global awareness in the multi-agent system.

Agent-based modeling allows a researcher to set
different parameters and behavior rules of individual
agents. The modeler makes assumptions that are most
relevant to the situation at hand, and then watches
phenomena emerge from the interactions of the agents.
Various hypotheses can be tested by changing agent
parameters and rules. The emergent collective pattern
of the agent society often leads to results that may not
have been predicated.
One of the main advantages of ABM over traditional
mathematical equation based modeling is the ability
to model individual styles and attributes, rather than
assuming homogeneity of the whole population.
Traditional models based on analytical techniques often
become intractable as the systems reach real-world level
of complexity. ABM is particularly suitable for studying
system dynamics that are generated from interactions
of heterogeneous individuals. In recent years, ABM has
been used in studying many real world systems, such
as stock markets (Castiglione 2000), group selection
(Pepper 2000), and workflow and information diffusion
(Neri 2004). Bonabeau (2002) presents a good summary
of ABM methodology and the scenarios where ABM
is appropriate.
ABM is, however, not immune from criticism. Per
Bonabeau (2002), an agent-based model will only
be as accurate as the assumptions and data that went
into it, but even approximate simulations can be very
valuable. It has also been observed that ABM relies on
simplified models of rule-based human behavior that
often fail to take into consideration the complexity of
human cognition. Besides, it suffers from unwrapping
problem as the solution is built into the program and
thus prevents occurrence of new or unexpected events
(Macy, 2002).


An intelligent system is a system that can sense and
respond to its environment in pursuing its goals
and objectives. It can learn and adapt based on past
experience. Examples of intelligent systems include,
but not limited to, the following: biological life such
as human beings, artificial intelligence applications,
robots, organizations, nations, projects, and social

Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

Walter Fritz (1997) suggests that the key components

of an intelligent system include objectives, senses,
concepts, growth of a concept, present situation,
response rules, mental methods, selection, actions,
reinforcement, memory and forgetting, sleeping,
and patterns (high level concepts). It is apparent that
traditional analytical modeling techniques are not
able to model many of the components of intelligent
systems, let alone the complete system dynamics.
However, ABM lends itself well to such a task. All
those components can be models as agents (albeit
some in abstract sense). An intelligent system is thus
made of inter-related and interactive agents. ABM is
especially suitable for intelligent systems consist of a
large number of heterogeneous participants, such as a
human organization.

designed or empirically grounded. In practice, a study

may start with simple models, often with designed
agents and environments, to explore certain specific
dynamics of the system.
The design model is refined through the calibration
process, in which design parameters are modified to
improve the desired characteristics of the model. The
final step in the modeling process is validation where
we check the agent individual behavior, interactions,
and emergent properties of the system against expected
design features. Validation usually involves comparison
of model outcomes, often at the macro-level, with
comparable outcomes in the real world (Midgley, el
at., 2007). Figure 1 shows the complete modeling
process. A general tutorial on ABM is given by Macal
and North (2005).

Modeling Processes

ABM for Innovation Diffusion

Agent-based modeling for intelligent systems starts with

a thorough analysis of the intelligent systems. Since
the system under consideration may exhibit complex
behaviors, we need to identify one or a few key features
to focus on. Given a scenario of the target intelligent
system, we first establish a set of objectives that we
aim to achieve via the simulation of the agent-based
representation of the intelligent system. The objectives
of the research can be expressed as a set of questions
to which we seek answers (Doran, 2006).
A conceptual model is created to lay out the
requirements for achieving the objectives. This includes
defining the entities, such as agents, environment,
resources, processes, and relationships. The conceptual
modeling phase answers the question of whatwhat
are needed. The design model determines how the
requirements can be implemented, including defining
the features and relevant behaviors of the agents
(Brown, 2006).
Depending on the goals of a particular research, a
model may involve the use of designed or empirically
grounded agents. Designed agents are those endowed
with characteristics and behaviors that represent
conditions for testing specific hypotheses about the
intelligent systems. When the agents are empirically
grounded, they are used to represent real world entities,
such as individuals or processes in an organization.
Empirically grounded agents are feasible only when
data about the real world entities are available. Similarly,
the environment within which the agents act can be

We present an example of using agent-based intelligent

system modeling for studying the acceptance and
diffusion of innovative ideas or technology. Diffusion
of innovation has been studied extensively over the
last few decades (Rogers, 1995). However, traditional
research in innovation diffusion has been grounded on
case based analysis and analytical systems modeling

Figure 1. Agent-based modeling process


Set Obje ctives

Conce ptual Mode l

De sign Mode l




Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

(e.g., using differential and difference equations).

Agent-based modeling for diffusion of innovation is
relatively new. Our example is adopted from a model
created by Michael Samuels (2007), implemented with
a popular agent modeling systemNetLogo.
The objective of innovation diffusion modeling is
to answer questions such as how an idea or technology
is adopted in a population, how different people (e.g.,
innovators, early adopters, and change agents) influence
each other, and under what condition an innovation
will be accepted or rejected by the population. In the
conceptual modeling, we identify various factors that
influence an individuals propensity for adopting the
innovation. Those factors are broadly divided into to two
categories: internal influences (e.g., word-of-mouth)
and external influences (e.g. mass media). Any factor
that exerts its influence through individual contact is
considered internal influence.
Individuals in the target population are divided
into four groups: adopter, potential (adopter), change
agent, and disrupter. Adopters are those who have
adopted the innovation, while potentials are those
who have certain likelihood to adopt the innovation.
Change agents are the champions of the innovation.
They are very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the
innovation, and often play a critical role in facilitating
its- diffusion. Disrupters are those who play an opposite
role of change agents. They are against the current
innovation, oftentimes because they favor an even

Figure 2. Agents and influences

newer and perceived better innovation. The four groups

of agents and their relationships are depicted in Figure
2. It is common, although not necessary, to assume that
those four groups make up the entire population.
In a traditional diffusion model, such as the Bass
model (Bass, 1996), the diffusion rate depends only
on the number of adopters (and potential adopters,
given fixed population size). Characteristics of
individuals in the population are ignored. Even in those
models where it is assumed that potential adopters
have varying threshold for adopting an innovation
(Abrahamson and Rosenkopf, 1997), the individuality
is very limited. However, in agent-based modeling, the
types of individuals and individual characteristics are
essentially unbounded. For example, we can divide
easily adopters into innovators, early adopters, and
late adopters, etc. If necessary, various demographic
and social-economic features can be bestowed to
individual agents. Furthermore, both internal influence
and external influence can be further attributed to more
specific causes. For example, internal influence through
social networks can be divided into traditional social
networks that consists friends and acquaintances and
virtual social networks formed online. Table 1 lists
typical factors that affect the propensity of adopting
an innovation.
An initial study of innovation diffusion, such as the
one in Michael Samuels (2007), can simply aggregate
all internal influences into word-of-month and all
external influences into mass media. Each potential
adopters tendency of converting to an adopter is
influenced by chance encounter with other agents. If a
potential adopter meets a change agent, who is an avid
promoter of the innovation, he would become more
knowledgeable about the advantages of the innovation,
and more likely to adopt. An encounter with a disrupter

Change Agent

Table1. Typical internal and external influences




Dotted line:External influence

Solid line: Internal influence


Internal influence

External influence




Laws, policies and


Instant message

Online communities

Social networks (online/



Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

creates the opposite effect, as a disrupter favors a

different type of innovation.
In order for the simulated model to accurately reflect
a real-world situation, the model structure and parameter
values should be carefully selected. For example, we
need to decide how much influence each encounter
will result; what is the probability of encountering a
change agent or a disrupter; how much influence is
coming from the mass media, etc. We can get these
values through surveys, statistical analysis of empirical
data, or experiments specifically designed to elicit data
from real world situations.


As illustrated through the example of modeling the
diffusion of innovation in an organization, industry, or
society, agent-based modeling can be used to model
the adaptation of intelligent systems that consist of
intelligent individuals. As most intelligent systems
are complex in both structure and system dynamics,
traditional modeling tools that require too many
unrealistic assumptions have become less effective
in modeling intelligent systems. In recent years,
agent-based modeling has found a wide spectrum of
applications such as in business strategic solutions,
supply chain management, stock markets, power
economy, social evolution, military operations, security,
and ecology (North and Macal, 2007). As ABM tools
and resources become more accessible, research and
applications of agent-based intelligent system modeling
are expected to increase in the near future.
Some challenges remain, though. Using ABM
to model intelligent systems is a research area that
draws theories from other fields, such as economics,
psychology, sociology, etc., but without its own well
established theoretic foundation. ABM has four key
assumptions (Macy and Willer, 2002): Agents act
locally with little or no central authority; agents are
interdependent; agents follow simple rules, and agents
are adaptive. However, some of those assumptions may
not be applicable to intelligent system modeling. Central
authorities, or central authoritative information such as
mass media in the innovation diffusion example, may
play an important role in intelligent organizations. Not
all agents are alike in an intelligent system. Some may
be independent, non-adaptive, or following complex
behavior rules.

ABM uses a bottom-up approach, creating

emergent behaviors of an intelligent system through
actors rather than factors. However, macro-level
factors have direct impact on macro behaviors of the
system. Macy and Willer (2002) suggest that bringing
those macro-level factors back will make agent-based
modeling more effective, especially in intelligent
systems such as social organizations.
Recent intelligent systems research has developed the
concept of integrating human and machine-based data,
knowledge, and intelligence. Kirn (1996) postulates
that the organization of the 21st century will involve
artificial agents based system highly intertwined with
human intelligence of the organization. Thus, a new
challenge for agent-based intelligent system modeling
is to develop models that account for interaction,
aggregation, and coordination of intelligent agent and
human agents. The ABM will represent not only the
human players in an intelligent system, but also the
intelligent agents that are developed in real-world
applications in those systems.

Modeling intelligent systems involving multiple
intelligent players has been difficult using traditional
approaches. We have reviewed recent development
in agent-based modeling and suggest agent-based
modeling is well suited for studying intelligent
systems, especially those systems with sophisticated
and heterogeneous participants. Agent-based modeling
allows us to model system behaviors based on the
actions and interactions of individuals in the system.
Although most ABM research focuses on local rules
and behaviors, it is possible that we integrate global
influences in the models. ABM represents a novel
approach to model intelligent systems. Combined with
traditional modeling approaches (for example, microlevel simulation as proposed in MoSeS), ABM offers
researchers a promising tool to solve complex and
practical problems and to broaden research endeavors
(Wu, 2007).

Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

Abrahamson, E. and L. Rosenkopf ( 1997). Social
Network Effects on the Extent of Innovation Diffusion:
A Computer Simulation. Organization Science. 8(3),
Bass, F. M. (1969). A New Product Growth Model
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Bonabeau, E. (2002). Agent-based modeling: Methods
and techniques for simulating human systems. PNAS
May 14, 2002. 99, suppl. 3, 7280-7287.
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Ed. The Earths Changing Land: An Encyclopedia
of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change. Westport CT:
Greenwood Publishing Group. 7-13.
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Modeling. In Agent Based Computational Modelling:
Applications in Demography, Social, Economic and
Environmental Sciences, eds. F. C. Billari, T. Fent, A.
Prskawetz, and J.Scheffran. Physica-Verlag (Springer).
Filippo Castiglione (2000), Diffusion and aggregation
in an agent based model of stock market fluctuations,
International Journal of Modern Physics C. 11(5),
Fritz, Walter (1997).Intelligent Systems and their
Societies. First version: Jan 27, 1997 http://www.
Gupta, J. N. D. and S. K. Sharma (2004). Editors.
Intelligent Enterprises for the 21st Century. Hershey,
PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Holland, J.H. (1992). Complex adaptive systems.
Daedalus. 121(1), 17-30.
Kirn, S. 1996. Organizational intelligence and
distributed artificial intelligence. In Foundations of
Distributed Artificial intelligence, G. M. OHare and
N. R. Jennings, Eds. John Wiley Sixth-Generation
Computer Technology Series. John Wiley & Sons,
New York, NY. 505-526.
Liang, T. Y. (2002). The Inherent Structure and Dynamic
of Intelligent Human Organizations, Human Systems
Management. 21(1), 9-19.

Liebowitz, J. (1999). Building Organizational

Intelligence: A Knowledge Primer, New York: CRC
Macal, C. M. and North, M. J. (2005). Tutorial on
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings
of the 37th Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando,
Florida. 2-15.
Macy, M. W. (2002). Social Simulation, In N. Smelser
and P. Baltes, eds., International Encyclopedia of
the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, The
Macy, M.W, and Willer, R. (2002). From Factors to
Actors: Computational Sociology and Agent-Based
Modeling. Annual Review of Sociology. 28, 143166.
McMaster, M. D. (1996). The Intelligence Advantage:
Organizing for Complexity. Burlington MA:
Midgley, D.F., Marks R.E., and Kunchamwar D. (2007).
The Building and Assurance of Agent-Based Models:
An Example and Challenge to the Field. Journal of
Business Research. 60(8), 884-893.
Neri, F. (2004). Agent Based Simulation of Information
Diffusion in a Virtual Market Place. IEEE/WIC/
ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent
Technology (IAT'04). 333-336.
North, M. J. and C. M. Macal, (2007). Managing
Business Complexity: Discovering Strategic Solutions
with Agent-based Modeling and Simulation. Oxford
University Press, New York.
Pepper, J. W. (2000) An Agent-Based Model of Group
Selection, Santa Fe Institute. Retrieved June 16, 2007
Rogers, E.M. (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. The
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Samuels, M.L. (2007). Innovation model. Last updated:
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Agents: Theory and Practice, Knowledge Engineering
Review. 10(2), 115-152.

Agent-Based Intelligent System Modeling

Wu, B. (2007). A Hybrid Approach for Spatial MSM.

NSF/ESRC Agenda Setting Workshop on Agent-Based
Modeling of Complex Spatial Systems: April 14-16,

Agent Based Modeling: Using intelligent agents
and their actions and interactions in a given environment
to simulate the complex dynamics of a system.
Diffusion of Innovation: Popularized by Everett
Rogers, it is the study of the process by which an
innovation is communicated and adopted over time
among the members of a social system.
Intelligent Agent: An autonomous software
program that is able to learn and adapt to its environment
in order to perform certain tasks delegated to it by its

Intelligent System: A system that has a coherent

set of components and subsystems working together
to engage in goal-driven activities.
Intelligent System Modeling: The process of
construction, calibration, and validation of models of
intelligent systems.
Multi-Agent System: A distributed system with a
group of intelligent agents that communicate, bargain,
compete, and cooperate with other agents and the
environment to achieve goals designated by their
Organizational Intelligence: The ability of an
organization to perceive, interpret, and select the most
appropriate response to the environment in order to
advance its goals.

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

Lester Ingber
Lester Ingber Research, USA

A briefing (Allen, 2004) demonstrates the breadth and
depth complexity required to address real diplomatic,
information, military, economic (DIME) factors for the
propagation/evolution of ideas through defined populations. An open mind would conclude that it is possible
that multiple approaches may be required for multiple
decision makers in multiple scenarios. However, it is
in the interests of multiple decision-makers to as much
as possible rely on the same generic model for actual
computations. Many users would have to trust that the
coded model is faithful to process their inputs.
Similar to DIME scenarios, sophisticated competitive marketing requires assessments of responses of
populations to new products.
Many large financial institutions are now trading at
speeds barely limited by the speed of light. They colocate their servers close to exchange floors to be able
to turn quotes into orders to be executed within msecs.
Clearly, trading at these speeds require automated algorithms for processing and making decisions. These
algorithms are based on "technical" information derived
from price, volume and quote (Level II) information.
The next big hurdle to automated trading is to turn
"fundamental" information into technical indicators,
e.g., to include new political and economic news into
such algorithms.

The concept of memes is an example of an approach
to deal with DIME factors (Situngkir, 2004). The meme
approach, using a reductionist philosophy of evolution
among genes, is reasonably contrasted to approaches
emphasizing the need to include relatively global influences of evolution (Thurtle, 2006).
There are multiple other alternative works being
conducted world-wide that must be at least kept in
mind while developing and testing models of evolution/propagation of ideas in defined populations: A

study on a simple algebraic model of opinion formation

concluded that the only final opinions are extremal
ones (Aletti et al., 2006). A study of the influence on
chaos on opinion formation, using a simple algebraic
model, concluded that contrarian opinion could persist
and be crucial in close elections, albeit the authors
were careful to note that most real populations probably do not support chaos (Borghesi & Galam, 2006).
A limited review of work in social networks illustrates
that there are about as many phenomena to be explored
as there are disciplines ready to apply their network
models (Sen, 2006).

Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical

Interactions (SMNI)
A class of AI algorithms that has not yet been developed
in this context takes advantage of information known
about real neocortex. It seems appropriate to base an
approach for propagation of ideas on the only system
so far demonstrated to develop and nurture ideas, i.e.,
the neocortical brain. A statistical mechanical model of
neocortical interactions, developed by the author and
tested successfully in describing short-term memory
(STM) and electroencephalography (EEG) indicators,
is the proposed bottom-up model. Ideas by Statistical
Mechanics (ISM) is a generic program to model evolution and propagation of ideas/patterns throughout
populations subjected to endogenous and exogenous
interactions (Ingber, 2006). ISM develops subsets of
macrocolumnar activity of multivariate stochastic descriptions of defined populations, with macrocolumns
defined by their local parameters within specific regions
and with parameterized endogenous inter-regional
and exogenous external connectivities. Parameters of
subsets of macrocolumns will be fit to patterns representing ideas. Parameters of external and inter-regional
interactions will be determined that promote or inhibit
the spread of these ideas. Fitting such nonlinear systems
requires the use of sampling techniques.
The author's approach uses guidance from his statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI),

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

developed in a series of about 30 published papers

from 1981-2001 (Ingber, 1983; Ingber, 1985; Ingber,
1992; Ingber, 1994; Ingber, 1995; Ingber, 1997). These
papers also address long-standing issues of information measured by electroencephalography (EEG) as
arising from bottom-up local interactions of clusters
of thousands to tens of thousands of neurons interacting via short-ranged fibers), or top-down influences of
global interactions (mediated by long-ranged myelinated fibers). SMNI does this by including both local
and global interactions as being necessary to develop
neocortical circuitry.

Statistical Mechanics of Financial

Markets (SMFM)
Tools of financial risk management, developed to
process correlated multivariate systems with differing non-Gaussian distributions using modern copula
analysis enables bona fide correlations and uncertainties of success and failure to be calculated. Since 1984,
the author has published about 20 papers developing a
Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets (SMFM),
many available at These are
relevant to ISM, to properly deal with real-world distributions that arise in such varied contexts.
Gaussian copulas are developed in a project Trading in Risk Dimensions (TRD) (Ingber, 2006). Other
copula distributions are possible, e.g., Student-t distributions. These alternative distributions can be quite
slow because inverse transformations typically are not
as quick as for the present distribution. Copulas are
cited as an important component of risk management
not yet widely used by risk management practitioners
(Blanco, 2005).

Sampling Tools
Computational approaches developed to process different approaches to modeling phenomena must not
be confused with the models of these phenomena. For
example, the meme approach lends it self well to a
computational scheme in the spirit of genetic algorithms
(GA). The cost/objective function that describes the
phenomena of course could be processed by any other
sampling technique such as simulated annealing (SA).
One comparison (Ingber & Rosen, 1992) demonstrated
the superiority of SA over GA on cost/objective functions used in a GA database. That study used Very Fast

Simulated Annealing (VFSR), created by the author

for military simulation studies (Ingber, 1989), which
has evolved into Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
(Ingber, 1993). However, it is the author's experience
that the Art and Science of sampling complex systems
requires tuning expertise of the researcher as well as
good codes, and GA or SA likely would do as well on
cost functions for this study.
If there are not analytic or relatively standard math
functions for the transformations required, then these
transformations must be performed explicitly numerically in code such as TRD. Then, the ASA_PARALLEL
OPTIONS already existing in ASA (developed as part of
the1994 National Science Foundation Parallelizing ASA
and PATHINT Project (PAPP)) would be very useful to
speed up real time calculations (Ingber, 1993). Below,
only a few topics relevant to ISM are discussed. More
details are in a previous report (Ingber, 2006).


Neocortex has evolved to use minicolumns of neurons
interacting via short-ranged interactions in macrocolumns, and interacting via long-ranged interactions
across regions of macrocolumns. This common architecture processes patterns of information within
and among different regions of sensory, motor, associative cortex, etc. Therefore, the premise of this
approach is that this is a good model to describe and
analyze evolution/propagation of ideas among defined
Relevant to this study is that a spatial-temporal
lattice-field short-time conditional multiplicativenoise (nonlinear in drifts and diffusions) multivariate
Gaussian-Markovian probability distribution is developed faithful to neocortical function/physiology.
Such probability distributions are a basic input into
the approach used here. The SMNI model was the first
physical application of a nonlinear multivariate calculus
developed by other mathematical physicists in the late
1970s to define a statistical mechanics of multivariate
nonlinear nonequilibrium systems (Graham, 1977;
Langouche et al., 1982).

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

SMNI Tests on STM and EEG

SMNI Description of STM

SMNI builds from synaptic interactions to minicolumnar, macrocolumnar, and regional interactions in neocortex. Since 1981, a series of SMNI papers has been
developed model columns and regions of neocortex,
spanning mm to cm of tissue. Most of these papers
have dealt explicitly with calculating properties of STM
and scalp EEG in order to test the basic formulation
of this approach (Ingber, 1983; Ingber, 1985; Ingber
& Nunez, 1995).
The SMNI modeling of local mesocolumnar
interactions (convergence and divergence between
minicolumnar and macrocolumnar interactions) was
tested on STM phenomena. The SMNI modeling of
macrocolumnar interactions across regions was tested
on EEG phenomena.

SMNI studies have detailed that maximal numbers of

attractors lie within the physical firing space of both
excitatory and inhibitory minicolumnar firings, consistent with experimentally observed capacities of auditory and visual STM, when a "centering" mechanism
is enforced by shifting background noise in synaptic
interactions, consistent with experimental observations
under conditions of selective attention (Ingber, 1985;
Ingber, 1994).
These calculations were further supported by highresolution evolution of the short-time conditional-probability propagator using PATHINT (Ingber & Nunez,
1995). SMNI correctly calculated the stability and
duration of STM, the primacy versus recency rule,

Figure 1. Illustrated are three biophysical scales of neocortical interactions: (a)-(a*)-(a') microscopic neurons;
(b)-(b') mesocolumnar domains; (c)-(c') macroscopic regions (Ingber, 1983). SMNI has developed appropriate
conditional probability distributions at each level, aggregating up from the smallest levels of interactions. In
(a*) synaptic inter-neuronal interactions, averaged over by mesocolumns, are phenomenologically described by
the mean and variance of a distribution . Similarly, in (a) intraneuronal transmissions are phenomenologically
described by the mean and variance of . Mesocolumnar averaged excitatory (E) and inhibitory (I) neuronal
firings M are represented in (a'). In (b) the vertical organization of minicolumns is sketched together with their
horizontal stratification, yielding a physiological entity, the mesocolumn. In (b') the overlap of interacting
mesocolumns at locations r and r from times t and t + t is sketched. In (c) macroscopic regions of neocortex
are depicted as arising from many mesocolumnar domains. (c') sketches how regions may be coupled by longranged interactions.


AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

random access to memories within tenths of a second

as observed, and the observed 72 capacity rule of
auditory memory and the observed 42 capacity rule
of visual memory.
SMNI also calculates how STM patterns (e.g.,
from a given region or even aggregated from multiple
regions) may be encoded by dynamic modification of
synaptic parameters (within experimentally observed
ranges) into long-term memory patterns (LTM) (Ingber, 1983).

SMNI Description of EEG

Using the power of this formal structure, sets of EEG
and evoked potential data from a separate NIH study,
collected to investigate genetic predispositions to alcoholism, were fitted to an SMNI model on a lattice
of regional electrodes to extract brain "signatures"
of STM (Ingber, 1997). Each electrode site was
represented by an SMNI distribution of independent
stochastic macrocolumnar-scaled firing variables,
interconnected by long-ranged circuitry with delays
appropriate to long-fiber communication in neocortex. The global optimization algorithm ASA was used
to perform maximum likelihood fits of Lagrangians
defined by path integrals of multivariate conditional
probabilities. Canonical momenta indicators (CMI)
were thereby derived for individual's EEG data. The
CMI give better signal recognition than the raw data,
and were used to advantage as correlates of behavioral
states. In-sample data was used for training (Ingber,
1997), and out-of-sample data was used for testing
these fits. The architecture of ISM is modeled using
scales similar to those used for local STM and global
EEG connectivity.

Generic Mesoscopic Neural Networks

SMNI was applied to a parallelized generic mesoscopic
neural networks (MNN) (Ingber, 1992), adding computational power to a similar paradigm proposed for
target recognition.
"Learning" takes place by presenting the MNN with
data, and parametrizing the data in terms of the firings,
or multivariate firings. The "weights," or coefficients
of functions of firings appearing in the drifts and diffusions, are fit to incoming data, considering the joint
"effective" Lagrangian (including the logarithm of the
prefactor in the probability distribution) as a dynamic

Figure 2. Scales of interactions among minicolumns

are represented, within macrocolumns, across macrocolumns, and across regions of macrocolumns

cost function. This program of fitting coefficients in

Lagrangian uses methods of ASA. "Prediction" takes
advantage of a mathematically equivalent representation of the Lagrangian path-integral algorithm, i.e.,
a set of coupled Langevin rate-equations. A coarse
deterministic estimate to "predict" the evolution can
be applied using the most probable path, but PATHINT
has been used. PATHINT, even when parallelized,
typically can be too slow for "predicting" evolution of
these systems. However, PATHTREE is much faster.

Architecture for Selected ISM Model

The primary objective is to deliver a computer model
that contains the following features: (1) A multivariable
space will be defined to accommodate populations.
(2) A cost function over the population variables in
(1) will be defined to explicitly define a pattern that
can be identified as an Idea. A very important issue is
for this project is to develop cost functions, not only
how to fit or process them. (3) Subsets of the population will be used to fit parameters e.g, coefficients
of variables, connectivities to patterns, etc. to an
Idea, using the cost function in (2). (4) Connectivity
of the population in (3) will be made to the rest of the
population. Investigations will be made to determine
what endogenous connectivity is required to stop or
promote the propagation of the Idea into other regions
of the population. (5) External forces, e.g., acting only
on specific regions of the population, will be introduced,
to determine how these exogenous forces may stop or
promote the propagation of an Idea.

Application of SMNI Model

The approach is to develop subsets of Ideas/macrocolumnar activity of multivariate stochastic descriptions of

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

defined populations (of a reasonable but small population samples, e.g., of 100-1000), with macrocolumns
defined by their local parameters within specific regions
(larger samples of populations) and with parameterized
long-ranged inter-regional and external connectivities.
Parameters of a given subset of macrocolumns will
be fit using ASA to patterns representing Ideas, akin
to acquiring hard-wired long-term (LTM) patterns.
Parameters of external and inter-regional interactions
will be determined that promote or inhibit the spread
of these Ideas, by determining the degree of fits and
overlaps of probability distributions relative to the
seeded macrocolumns.
That is, the same Ideas/patterns may be represented
in other than the seeded macrocolumns by local confluence of macrocolumnar and long-ranged firings, akin
to STM, or by different hard-wired parameter LTM
sets that can support the same local firings in other
regions (possible in nonlinear systems). SMNI also
calculates how STM can be dynamically encoded into
LTM (Ingber, 1983).
Small populations in regions will be sampled to
determine if the propagated Idea(s) exists in its pattern
space where it did exist prior to its interactions with the
seeded population. SMNI derives nonlinear functions
as arguments of probability distributions, leading to
multiple STM, e.g., 72 for auditory memory capacity. Some investigation will be made into nonlinear
functional forms other than those derived for SMNI,
e.g., to have capacities of tens or hundreds of patterns
for ISM.

Application of TRD Analysis

This approach includes application of methods of portfolio risk analysis to such statistical systems, correcting two kinds of errors committed in multivariate risk
analyses: (E1) Although the distributions of variables
being considered are not Gaussian (or not tested to see
how close they are to Gaussian), standard statistical
calculations appropriate only to Gaussian distributions are employed. (E2) Either correlations among
the variables are ignored, or the mistakes committed
in (E1) incorrectly assuming variables are Gaussian
are compounded by calculating correlations as if all
variables were Gaussian.
It should be understood that any sampling algorithm
processing a huge number of states can find many
multiple optima. ASA's MULTI_MIN OPTIONS are

used to save multiple optima during sampling. Some

algorithms might label these states as "mutations" of
optimal states. It is important to be able to include them
in final decisions, e.g., to apply additional metrics of
performance specific to applications. Experience with
risk-managing portfolios shows that all criteria are
not best considered by lumping them all into one cost
function, but rather good judgment should be applied to
multiple stages of pre-processing and post-processing
when performing such sampling, e.g., adding additional
metrics of performance.

Given financial and political motivations to merge information discussed in the Introduction, it is inevitable
that many AI algorithms will be developed, and many
current AI algorithms will be enhanced, to address
these issues.

It seems appropriate to base an approach for propagation of generic ideas on the only system so far
demonstrated to develop and nurture ideas, i.e., the
neocortical brain. A statistical mechanical model of
neocortical interactions, developed by the author and
tested successfully in describing short-term memory and
EEG indicators, Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)
(Ingber, 2006) is the proposed model. ISM develops
subsets of macrocolumnar activity of multivariate
stochastic descriptions of defined populations, with
macrocolumns defined by their local parameters within
specific regions and with parameterized endogenous
inter-regional and exogenous external connectivities.
Tools of financial risk management, developed to
process correlated multivariate systems with differing non-Gaussian distributions using modern copula
analysis, importance-sampled using ASA, will enable
bona fide correlations and uncertainties of success and
failure to be calculated.

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

Aletti, G., Naldi, G. & Toscani, G. (2006) First-order
continuous models of opinion formation.
Report. U Milano. [Url]
Allen, J. (2004) Commander's automated decision
support tools. Report. DARPA. [URL http://www.]
Blanco, C. (2005) Financial Risk Management: Beyond
Normality, Volatility and Correlations.
Financial Economics Network, Waltham, MA. [URL
Borghesi, C. & Galam, S. (2006) Chaotic, staggered and
polarized dynamics in opinion forming: the contrarian
effect. Report. Service de Physique de l'Etat Condens.
Graham, R. (1977) Covariant formulation of nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics. Zeitschrift
fur Physik. B26, 397-405.
Ingber, L. (1983) Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Dynamics of synaptic modification.
Physical Review A. 28, 395-416. [URL http://www.]
Ingber, L. (1985) Statistical mechanics of neocortical
interactions: Stability and duration of the 7+-2 rule of
short-term-memory capacity. Physical Review A. 31,
1183-1186. [URL
Ingber, L. (1989) Very fast simulated re-annealing.
Mathematical Computer Modelling. 12(8), 967-973.
Ingber, L. (1992) Generic mesoscopic neural networks
based on statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Physical Review A. 45(4), R2183-R2186. [URL]
Ingber, L. (1993) Adaptive Simulated Annealing
(ASA). Global optimization C-code. Caltech Alumni
Association. [URL]

memory. Physical Review E. 49(5B), 4652-4664.

Ingber, L. (1995) Statistical mechanics of multiple
scales of neocortical interactions, In: Neocortical
Dynamics and Human EEG Rhythms, ed. P.L. Nunez.
Oxford University
Press, 628-681. [ISBN 0-19-505728-7. URL http://]
Ingber, L. (1997) Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Applications of canonical momenta
indicators to electroencephalography. Physical Review E. 55(4), 4578-4593. [URL http://www.ingber.
Ingber, L. (2006) Ideas by statistical mechanics (ISM).
Report 2006:ISM. Lester Ingber Research. [URL]
Ingber, L. & Nunez, P.L. (1995) Statistical mechanics of
neocortical interactions: High resolution path-integral
calculation of short-term memory. Physical Review
E. 51(5), 5074-5083. [URL
Ingber, L. & Rosen, B. (1992) Genetic algorithms
and very fast simulated reannealing: A comparison.
Mathematical Computer Modelling. 16(11), 87-100.
Langouche, F., Roekaerts, D. & Tirapegui, E. (1982)
Functional Integration and Semiclassical Expansions.
Reidel, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
Sen, P. (2006) Complexities of social networks: A
physicist's perspective. Report. U Calcutta. [Url]
Situngkir, H. (2004) On selfish memes: Culture as
complex adaptive system. Journal Social Complexity.
2(1), 20-32. [URL]
Thurtle, P.S. (2006) "The G Files": Linking "The Selfish Gene" And "The Thinking Reed".
Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the
Humanities and Arts. Standford U. [URL

Ingber, L. (1994) Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Path-integral evolution of short-term

AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics

Copula Analysis: This transforms non-Gaussian
probability distributions to a common appropriate
space (usually a Gaussian space) where it makes sense
to calculate correlations as second moments.
DIME: Represents diplomatic, information, military, and economic aspects of information that must
be merged into coherent pattern.
Global Optimization: Refers to a collection of
algorithms used to statistically sample a space of
parameters or variables to optimize a system, but also
often used to sample a huge space for information.
There are many variants, including simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization,
hill-climbing, etc.
ISM: An anacronym for Ideas by Statistical Mechanics in the context of the noun defined as: A belief
(or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some
group or school. A doctrine or theory; especially, a wild
or visionary theory. A distinctive doctrine, theory,
system, or practice.

Meme: Alludes to a technology originally defined

to explain social evolution, which has been refined
to mean a gene-like analytic tool to study cultural
Memory: This may have many forms and mechanisms. Here, two major processes of neocortical memory
are used for AI technologies, short-term memory (STM)
and long-term memory (LTM).
Simulated Annealing (SA): A class of algorithms
for sampling a huge space, which has a mathematical
proof of convergence to global optimal minima. Most
SA algorithms applied to most systems do not fully take
advantage of this proof, but the proof often is useful
to give confidence that the system will avoid getting
stuck for a long time in local optimal regions.
Statistical Mechanics: A branch of mathematical
physics dealing with systems with a large number of
states. Applications of nonequilibrium nonlinear statistical mechanics are now common in many fields, ranging
from physical and biological sciences, to finance, to
computer science, etc.

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

Amira Djebbari
National Research Council Canada, Canada
Aedn C. Culhane
Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Alice J. Armstrong
The George Washington University, USA
John Quackenbush
Harvard School of Public Health, USA

Biological systems can be viewed as information management systems, with a basic instruction set stored
in each cells DNA as genes. For most genes, their
information is enabled when they are transcribed into
RNA which is subsequently translated into the proteins
that form much of a cells machinery. Although details
of the process for individual genes are known, more
complex interactions between elements are yet to be
discovered. What we do know is that diseases can result
if there are changes in the genes themselves, in the
proteins they encode, or if RNAs or proteins are made
at the wrong time or in the wrong quantities.
Recent advances in biotechnology led to the development of DNA microarrays, which quantitatively
measure the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously and provide a snapshot of a cells response
to a particular condition. Finding patterns of gene expression that provide insight into biological endpoints
offers great opportunities for revolutionizing diagnostic
and prognostic medicine and providing mechanistic
insight in data-driven research in the life sciences, an
area with a great need for advances, given the urgency
associated with diseases. However, microarray data
analysis presents a number of challenges, from noisy
data to the curse of dimensionality (large number of
features, small number of instances) to problems with
no clear solutions (e.g. real world mappings of genes
to traits or diseases that are not yet known).
Finding patterns of gene expression in microarray
data poses problems of class discovery, comparison,
prediction, and network analysis which are often approached with AI methods. Many of these methods have

been successfully applied to microarray data analysis

in a variety of applications ranging from clustering of
yeast gene expression patterns (Eisen et al., 1998) to
classification of different types of leukemia (Golub et al.,
1999). Unsupervised learning methods (e.g. hierarchical
clustering) explore clusters in data and have been used
for class discovery of distinct forms of diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (Alizadeh et al., 2000). Supervised
learning methods (e.g. artificial neural networks) utilize
a previously determined mapping between biological
samples and classes (i.e. labels) to generate models for
class prediction. A k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) approach
was used to train a gene expression classifier of different forms of brain tumors and its predictions were able
to distinguish biopsy samples with different prognosis
suggesting that microarray profiles can predict clinical outcome and direct treatment (Nutt et al., 2003).
Bayesian networks constructed from microarray data
hold promise for elucidating the underlying biological
mechanisms of disease (Friedman et al., 2000).

Cells dynamically respond to their environment by
changing the set and concentrations of active genes by
altering the associated RNA expression. Thus gene
expression is one of the main determinants of a cells
state, or phenotype. For example, we can investigate the
differences between a normal cell and a cancer cell by
examining their relative gene expression profiles.
Microarrays quantify gene expression levels in various conditions (such as disease vs. normal) or across
time points. For n genes and m instances (biological

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

Table 1. Some public online repositories of microarray data

Name of the repository


ArrayExpress at the European Bioinformatics Institute

Gene Expression Omnibus at the National Institutes of


Stanford microarray database


samples), microarray measurements are stored in an

n by m matrix where each row is a gene, each column
is a sample and each element in the matrix is the expression level of a gene in a biological sample, where
samples are instances and genes are features describing
those instances. Microarray data is available through
many public online repositories (Table 1). In addition,
the Kent-Ridge repository (
sg/rp/) contains pre-formatted data ready to use with
the well-known machine learning tool Weka (Witten
& Frank, 2000).
Microarray data presents some unique challenges for
AI such as a severe case of the curse of dimensionality
due to the scarcity of biological samples (instances).
Microarray studies typically measure tens of thousands
of genes in only tens of samples. This low case to
variable ratio increases the risk of detecting spurious
relationships. This problem is exacerbated because
microarray data contains multiple sources of withinclass variability, both technical and biological. The high
levels of variance and low sample size make feature
selection difficult. Testing thousands of genes creates
a multiple testing problem, which can result in underestimating the number of false positives. Given data
with these limitations, constructing models becomes
under-determined and therefore prone to over-fitting.
From biology, it is also clear that genes do not act
independently. Genes interact in the form of pathways
or gene regulatory networks. For this reason, we need
models that can be interpreted in the context of pathways. Researchers have successfully applied AI methods to microarray data preprocessing, clustering, feature
selection, classification, and network analysis.


Data Preprocessing
After obtaining microarray data, normalization is performed to account for systematic measurement biases
and to facilitate between-sample comparisons (Quackenbush, 2002). Microarray data may contain missing
values that may be replaced by mean replacement or
k-NN imputation (Troyanskaya et al., 2001).

Feature Selection
The goal of feature selection is to find genes (features)
that best distinguish groups of instances (e.g. disease
vs. normal) to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset.
Several statistical methods including t-test, significance
analysis of microarrays (SAM) (Tusher et al., 2001),
and analysis of variance (ANOVA) have been applied
to select features from microarray data.
In classification experiments, feature selection
methods generally aim to identify relevant gene subsets
to construct a classifier with good performance (Inza
et al., 2004). Features are considered to be relevant
when they can affect the class; the strongly relevant
are indispensable to prediction and the weakly relevant
may only sometimes contribute to prediction.
Filter methods evaluate feature subsets regardless
of the specific learning algorithm used. The statistical
methods for feature selection discussed above as well
as rankers like information gain rankers are filters for
the features to be included. These methods ignore the
fact that there may be redundant features (features that
are highly correlated with each other and as such one
can be used to replace the other) and so do not seek
to find a set of features which could perform similarly

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

with fewer variables while retaining the same predictive power (Guyon & Elisseeff, 2003). For this reason
multivariate methods are more appropriate.
As an alternative, wrappers consider the learning
algorithm as a black-box and use prediction accuracy to
evaluate feature subsets (Kohavi & John, 1997). Wrappers are more direct than filter methods but depend on the
particular learning algorithm used. The computational
complexity associated with wrappers is prohibitive
due to curse of dimensionality, so typically filters are
used with forward selection (starting with an empty set
and adding features one by one) instead of backward
elimination (starting with all features and removing
them one by one). Dimension reduction approaches
are also used for multivariate feature selection.

Dimension Reduction Approaches

Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely used for
dimension reduction in machine learning (Wall et al.,
2003). The idea behind PCA is quite intuitive: correlated
objects can be combined to reduce data dimensionality. Relationships between gene expression profiles in
a data matrix can be expressed as a linear combination
such that colinear variables are regressed onto a new
set of coordinates. PCA, its underlying method Single
Value Decomposition (SVD), related approaches such as
correspondence analysis (COA), and multidimensional
scaling (MDS) have been applied to microarray data
and are reviewed by Brazma & Culhane (2005). Studies
have reported that COA or other dual scaling dimension
reduction approaches such as spectral map analysis may
be more appropriate than PCA for decomposition of
microarray data (Wouters et al., 2003).
While PCA considers the variance of the whole
dataset, clustering approaches examine the pairwise
distance between instances or features. Therefore, these
methods are complementary and are often both used
in exploratory data analysis. However, difficulties in
interpreting the results in terms of discrete genes limit
the application of these methods.

What we see as one disease is often a collection of
disease subtypes. Class discovery aims to discover
these subtypes by finding groups of instances with
similar expression patterns. Hierarchical clustering is
an agglomerative method which starts with a singleton

and groups similar data points using some distance

measure such that two data points that are most similar are grouped together in a cluster by making them
children of a parent node in the tree. This process is
repeated in a bottom-up fashion until all data points
belong to a single cluster (corresponding to the root
of the tree).
Hierarchical and other clustering approaches,
including K-means, have been applied to microarray
data (Causton et al., 2003). Hierarchical clustering
was applied to study gene expression in samples from
patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
resulting in the discovery of two subtypes of the disease. These groups were found by analyzing microarray data from biopsy samples of patients who had not
been previously treated. These patients continued to
be studied after chemotherapy, and researchers found
that the two newly discovered disease subtypes had
different survival rates, confirming the hypothesis that
the subtypes had significantly different pathologies
(Alizadeh et al., 2000).
While clustering simply groups the given data based
on pair-wise distances, when information is known a
priori about some or all of the data i.e. labels, a supervised approach can be used to obtain a classifier that
can predict the label of new instances.

Classification (Supervised Learning)

The large dimensionality of microarray data means that
all classification methods are susceptible to over-fitting.
Several supervised approaches have been applied to
microarray data including Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs), Support Vector Machines (SVMs), and k-NNs
among others (Hastie et al., 2001).
A very challenging and clinically relevant problem is the accurate diagnosis of the primary origin of
metastatic tumors. Bloom et al. (2004) applied ANNs
to the microarray data of 21 tumor types with 88%
accuracy to predict the primary site of origin of metastatic cancers with unknown origin. A classification
of 84% was obtained on an independent test set with
important implications for diagnosing cancer origin
and directing therapy.
In a comparison of different SVM approaches,
multicategory SVMs were reported to outperform other
popular machine learning algorithms such as k-NNs
and ANNs (Statnikov et al., 2005) when applied to 11
publicly available microarray datasets related to cancer.

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

It is worth noting that feature selection can significantly

improve classification performance.

Cross-validation (CV) is appropriate in microarray studies which are often limited by the number of instances
(e.g. patient samples). In k-fold CV, the training set is
divided into k subsets of equal size. In each iteration
k-1 subsets are used for training and one subset is
used for testing. This process is repeated k times and
the mean accuracy is reported. Unfortunately, some
published studies have applied CV only partially, by
applying CV on the creation of the prediction rule
while excluding feature selection. This introduces a
bias in the estimated error rates and over-estimates
the classification accuracy (Simon et al., 2003). As a
consequence, results from many studies are controversial due to methodological flaws (Dupuy & Simon,
2007). Therefore, models must be evaluated carefully
to prevent selection bias (Ambroise & McLachlan,
2002). Nested CV is recommended, with an inner CV
loop to perform the tuning of the parameters and an
outer CV to compute an estimate of the error (Varma
& Simon, 2006).
Several studies which have examined similar biological problems have reported poor overlap in gene
expression signatures. Brenton et al. (2005) compared
two gene lists predictive of breast cancer prognosis
and found only 3 genes in common. Even though the
intersection of specific gene lists is poor, the highly
correlated nature of microarray data means that many
gene lists may have similar prediction accuracy (EinDor et al., 2004). Gene signatures identified from different breast cancer studies with few genes in common
were shown to have comparable success in predicting
patient survival (Buyse et al., 2006).
Commonly used supervised learning algorithms
yield black box models prompting the need for interpretable models that provide insights about the underlying
biological mechanism that produced the data.

Network Analysis
Bayesian networks (BNs), derived from an alliance
between graph theory and probability theory, can
capture dependencies among many variables (Pearl,
1988, Heckerman, 1996).

Friedman et al. (2000) introduced a multinomial

model framework for BNs to reverse-engineer networks
and showed that this method differs from clustering in
that it can discover gene interactions other than correlation when applied to yeast gene expression data.
Spirtes et al. (2002) highlight some of the difficulties of
applying this approach to microarray data. Nevertheless,
many extensions of this research direction have been
explored. Correlation is not necessarily a good predictor
of interactions, and weak interactions are essential to
understand disease progression. Identifying the biologically meaningful interactions from the spurious ones is
challenging, and BNs are particularly well-suited for
modeling stochastic biological processes.
The exponential growth of data produced by microarray technology as well as other high-throughput
data (e.g. protein-protein interactions) call for novel AI
approaches as the paradigm shifts from a reductionist
to a mechanistic systems view in the life sciences.

Uncovering the underlying biological mechanisms
that generate these data is harder than prediction and
has the potential to have far reaching implications for
understanding disease etiologies. Time series analysis
(Bar-Joseph, 2004) is a first step to understanding the
dynamics of gene regulation, but, eventually, we need to
use the technology not only to observe gene expression
data but also to direct intervention experiments (Peer
et al., 2001, Yoo et al., 2002) and develop methods to
investigate the fundamental problem of distinguishing
correlation from causation.

We have reviewed AI methods for pre-processing,
clustering, feature selection, classification and mechanistic analysis of microarray data. The clusters, gene
lists, molecular fingerprints and network hypotheses
produced by these approaches have already shown
impact; from discovering new disease subtypes and
biological markers, predicting clinical outcome for
directing treatment as well as unraveling gene networks.
From the AI perspective, this field offers challenging
problems and may have a tremendous impact on biology and medicine.

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

Alizadeh A.A., Eisen M.B., Davis R.E., Ma C., Lossos
I.S., Rosenwald A., et al. (2000). Distinct types of diffuse
large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression
profiling. Nature, 403(6769), 503-11.
Ambroise C., & McLachlan G.J. (2002). Selection bias
in gene extraction on the basis of microarray gene-expression data. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, 99(10), 6562-6.
Bar-Joseph Z. (2004). Analyzing time series gene expression data. Bioinformatics, 20(16), 2493-503.
Bloom G., Yang I.V., Boulware D., Kwong K.Y., Coppola D., Eschrich S., et al. (2004). Multi-platform,
multi-site, microarray-based human tumor classification. American Journal of Pathology, 164(1), 9-16.
Brenton J.D., Carey L.A., Ahmed A.A., & Caldas C.
(2005). Molecular classification and molecular forecasting of breast cancer: ready for clinical application?
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23(29), 7350-60.
Brazma A., & Culhane AC. (2005). Algorithms for
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Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics.,
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Buyse, M., Loi S., Vant Veer L., Viale G., Delorenzi
M., Glas A.M., et al. (2006). Validation and clinical
utility of a 70-gene prognostic signature for women with
node-negative breast cancer. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, 98, 1183-92.
Causton H.C., Quackenbush J., & Brazma A. (2003) Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis: A Beginners
Guide. Oxford: Blackwell Science Limited.
Dupuy A., & Simon RM. (2007). Critical review of
published microarray studies for cancer outcome and
guidelines on statistical analysis and reporting. Journal
of the National Cancer Institute, 99(2), 147-57.
Ein-Dor L., Kela I., Getz G., Givol D., & Domany E.
(2004). Outcome signature genes in breast cancer: is
there a unique set? Bioinformatics, 21(2), 171-8.
Eisen M.B., Spellman P.T., Brown P.O., & Botstein
D. (1998). Cluster analysis and display of genomewide expression patterns. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 95, 14863-14868.

Friedman N., Linial M., Nachman I., & Peer D. (2000).

Using Bayesian networks to analyze expression data.
Journal of Computational Biology, 7(3-4), 601-20.
Golub T. R., Slonim D. K., Tamayo P., Huard C.,
Gaasenbeek M., Mesirov J. P., et al. (1999). Molecular
Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery and Class
Prediction by Gene Expression Monitoring. Science,
286 (5439), 531.
Guyon, I., & Elisseff, A. (2003). An introduction to
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Heckerman D. (1996). A Tutorial on Learning with
Bayesian Networks. Technical Report MSR-TR-95-06.
Microsoft Research.
Inza I., Larraaga P., Blanco R., & Cerrolaza A.J.
(2004). Filter versus wrapper gene selection approaches
in DNA microarray domains. Artificial Intelligence in
Medicine, special issue in Data mining in genomics
and proteomics, 31(2), 91-103.
Kohavi R., & John G.H. (1997). Wrappers for feature
subset selection, Artificial Intelligence, 97(1-2), 273324.
Nutt C.L., Mani D.R., Betensky R.A., Tamayo P.,
Cairncross J.G., Ladd C., et al. (2003). Gene Expressionbased Classification of Malignant Gliomas Correlates
Better with Survival than Histological Classification.
Cancer Research, 63, 1602-1607.
Peer D, Regev A, Elidan G, & Friedman N. (2001).
Inferring subnetworks from perturbed expression profiles. Bioinformatics, 17 S1, S215-24.
Pearl J. (1988). Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent
Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference, San Mateo:
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Quackenbush J. (2002). Microarray data normalization
and transformation, Nature Genetics, 32, 496501.
Quackenbush J. (2006). Microarray Analysis and Tumor
Classification. The New England Journal of Medicine,
354(23), 2463-72.

AI Methods for Analyzing Microarray Data

Simon R., Radmacher M.D., Dobbin K., & McShane

L.M. (2003). Pitfalls in the use of DNA microarray data
for diagnostic and prognostic classification. Journal of
the National Cancer Institute, 95(1), 14-8.
Spirtes, P., Glymour, C., Scheines, R. Kauffman, S.,
Aimale, V., & Wimberly, F. (2001). Constructing Bayesian Network Models of Gene Expression Networks
from Microarray Data. Proceedings of the Atlantic
Symposium on Computational Biology, Genome Information Systems and Technology.
Statnikov A., Aliferis C.F., Tsamardinos I., Hardin
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multicategory classification methodsfor microarray
gene expression cancer diagnosis. Bioinformatics,
21(5), 631-643

Yoo C., Thorsson V., & Cooper G.F. (2002). Discovery

of causal relationships in a gene-regulation pathway
from a mixture of experimental and observational
DNA microarray data. Biocomputing: Proceedings of
the Pacific Symposium, 7, 498-509

Curse of Dimensionality: A situation where the
number of features (genes) is much larger than the
number of instances (biological samples) which is
known in statistics as p >> n problem.
Feature Selection: A problem of finding a subset (or
subsets) of features so as to improve the performance
of learning algorithms.

Troyanskaya O., Cantor M., Sherlock G., Brown P.,

Hastie T., Tibshirani R., et al. (2001). Missing value
estimation methods for DNA microarrays. Bioinformatics, 17(6), 520-5.

Microarray: A microarray is an experimental assay

which measures the abundances of mRNA (intermediary between DNA and proteins) corresponding to gene
expression levels in biological samples.

Tusher V.G., Tibshirani R., & Chu G. (2001). Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing
radiation response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 98(9), 5116-5121.

Multiple testing problem: A problem that occurs

when a large number of hypotheses are tested simultaneously using a user-defined cut off p-value which
may lead to rejecting a non-negligible number of null
hypotheses by chance.

Varma, S., & Simon, R. (2006). Bias in error estimation

when using cross-validation for model selection. BMC
Bioinformatics, 7, 91
Witten, I. H. & Frank, E. (2000). Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java
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Wall, M., Rechtsteiner, A., & Rocha, L. (2003). Singular
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A Practical Approach to Microarray Data Analysis.
(91-109). Norwell: Kluwer.
Wouters, L., Gohlmann, H.W., Bijnens, L., Kass,
S.U., Molenberghs, G., & Lewi, P.J. (2003). Graphical exploration of gene expression data: a comparative
study of three multivariate methods. Biometrics, 59,


Over-Fitting: A situation where a model learns

spurious relationships and as a result can predict training
data labels but not generalize to predict future data.
Supervised Learning: A learning algorithm that
is given a training set consisting of feature vectors associated with class labels and whose goal is to learn
a classifier that can predict the class labels of future
Unsupervised Learning: A learning algorithm that
tries to identify clusters based on similarity between
features or between instances or both but without taking into account any prior knowledge.

An AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to

Jos D. Martn-Guerrero
University of Valencia, Spain
Emilio Soria-Olivas
University of Valencia, Spain
Paulo J.G. Lisboa
Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Antonio J. Serrano-Lpez
University of Valencia, Spain


This work is intended for providing a review of reallife practical applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
methods. We focus on the use of Machine Learning (ML)
methods applied to rather real problems than synthetic
problems with standard and controlled environment.
In particular, we will describe the following problems
in next sections:

Optimization of Erythropoietin (EPO) dosages

in anaemic patients undergoing Chronic Renal
Failure (CRF).
Optimization of a recommender system for citizen
web portal users.
Optimization of a marketing campaign.

The choice of these problems is due to their

relevance and their heterogeneity. This heterogeneity
shows the capabilities and versatility of ML methods
to solve real-life problems in very different fields of
knowledge. The following methods will be mentioned
during this work:

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): Multilayer

Perceptron (MLP), Finite Impulse Response (FIR)
Neural Network, Elman Network, Self-Oganizing
Maps (SOMs) and Adaptive Resonance Theory
Other clustering algorithms: K-Means, Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, Fuzzy
C-Means (FCM), Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms (HCA).

Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH).

Support Vector Regression (SVR).
Collaborative filtering techniques.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods.

The aim of this communication is to emphasize the
capabilities of ML methods to deliver practical and
effective solutions in difficult real-world applications. In
order to make the work easy to read we focus on each of
the three separate domains, namely, Pharmacokinetics
(PK), Web Recommender Systems and Marketing.

Clinical decision-making support systems have used
Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods since the end of
the fifties. Nevertheless, it was only during the nineties
that decision support systems were routinely used in
clinical practice on a significant scale. In particular,
ANNs have been widely used in medical applications
the last two decades (Lisboa, 2002). One of the first
relevant studies involving ANNs and Therapeutic Drug
Monitoring was (Gray, Ash, Jacobi, & Michel, 1991).
In this work, an ANN-based drug interaction warning
system was developed with a computerized real-time
entry medical records system. A reference work in this
field is found in (Brier, Zurada, & Aronoff, 1995), in
which the capabilities of ANNs and NONMEN are

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

An AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to Marketing

Focusing on problems that are closer to the reallife application that will be described in next section,
there are also a number of recent works involving the
use of ML for drug delivery in kidney disease. For
instance, a comparison of renal-related adverse drug
reactions between rofecoxib and celecoxib, based on
the WHO/Uppsala Monitoring Centre safety database,
was carried out by (Zhao, Reynolds, Lejkowith,
Whelton, & Arellano, 2001). Disproportionality in the
association between a particular drug and renal-related
adverse drug reactions was evaluated using a Bayesian
confidence propagation neural network method. A
study of prediction of cyclosporine dosage in patients
after kidney transplantation using neural networks and
kernel-based methods was carried out in (Camps et al.,
2003). In (Gaweda, Jacobs, Brier, & Zurada, 2003), a
pharmacodynamic population analysis in CRF patients
using ANNs was performed. Such models allow for
adjusting the dosing regime. Finally, in (Martn et al.,
2003) , the use of neural networks was proposed for
the optimization of EPO dosage in patients undergoing
anaemia connected with CRF.

Web Recommender Systems

Recommender systems are widely used in web sites
including Google. The main goal of these systems is to
recommend objects which a user might be interested in.
Two main approaches have been used: content-based
and collaborative filtering (Zukerman & Albrecht,
2001), although other kinds of techniques have also
been proposed (Burke, 2002).
Collaborative recommenders aggregate ratings
of recommendations of objects, find user similarities
based on their ratings, and finally provide new
recommendations based on inter-user comparisons.
Some of the most relevant systems using this technique
are GroupLens/NetPerceptions and Recommender.
The main advantage of collaborative techniques is
that they are independent from any machine-readable
representation of the objects, and that they work well
for complex objects where subjective judgements are
responsible for much of the variation in preferences.
Content-based learning is used when a users past
behaviour is a reliable indicator of his/her future
behaviour. It is particularly suitable for situations in
which users tend to exhibit idiosyncratic behaviour.
However, this approach requires a system to collect
relatively large amounts of data from each user in order

to enable the formulation of a statistical model. Examples

of systems of this kind are text recommendation systems
like the newsgroup filtering system, NewsWeeder,
which uses words from its texts as features.

The latest marketing trends are more concerned about
maintaining current customers and optimizing their
behaviour than getting new ones. For this reason,
relational marketing focuses on what a company must
do to achieve this objective. The relationships between a
company and its costumers follow a sequence of actionresponse system, where the customers can modify their
behaviour in accordance with the marketing actions
developed by the company.
The development of a good and individualized
policy is not easy because there are many variables
to take into account. Applications of this kind can
be viewed as a Markov chain problem, in which a
company decides what action to take once the customer
properties in the current state (time t), are known.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) can be used to solve this
task since previous applications have demonstrated its
suitability in this area. In (Sun, 2003), RL was applied
to analyse mailing by studying how an action in time
t influences actions in following times. In (Abe et al.,
2002) and (Pednault, Abe & Zadrozny., 2002), several
RL algorithms were benchmarked in mailing problems.
In (Abe, 2004), RL was used to optimize cross channel

Previous section showed a review of related work.
In this section, we will focus on showing authors
experience in using AI to solve real-life problems. In
order to show up the versatility of AI methods, we will
focus on particular applications from three different
fields of knowledge, the same that were reviewed in
previous section.

Although we have also worked with other
pharmacokinetic problems, in this work, we focus
on maybe the most relevant problem, which is the

An AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to Marketing

optimization of EPO dosages in patients within a

haemodialysis program. Patients who suffer from
CRF tend to suffer from an associated anaemia, as
well. EPO is the treatment of choice for this kind of
anaemia. The use of this drug has greatly reduced
cardiovascular problems and the necessity of multiple
transfusions. However, EPO is expensive, making the
already costly CRF program even more so. Moreover,
there are significant risks associated with EPO such
as thrombo-embolisms and vascular problems, if
Haemoglobin (Hb) levels are too high or they increase
too fast. Consequently, optimizing dosage is critical
to ensure adequate pharmacotherapy as well as a
reasonable treatment cost.
Population models, widely used by Pharmacokinetics researchers, are not suitable for this problem
since the response to the treatment with EPO is highly
dependent on the patient. The same dosages may have
very different responses in different patients, most
notably the so-called EPO-resistant patients, who do
not respond to EPO treatment, even after receiving
high dosages. Therefore, it is preferable to focus on
an individualized treatment.
Our first approach to this problem was based on
predicting the Hb level given a certain administered
dose of EPO. Although the final goal is to individualize
EPO doses, we did not predict EPO dose but Hb
level. The reason is that EPO predictors would model
physicians protocol whereas Hb predictors model
bodys response to the treatment, hence being a more
objective approach. In particular, the following
models were used: GARCH (Hamilton, 1994), MLP,
FIR neural network, Elmans recurrent neural network
and SVR (Haykin, 1999). Accurate prediction models
were obtained, especially when using ANNs and SVR.
Dynamic neural networks (i.e., FIR and recurrent) did
not outperform notably the static MLP probably due to
the short length of the time series (Martn et al., 2003).
An easy-to-use software application was developed to
be used by clinicians, in which after filling in patients
data and a certain EPO dose, the predicted Hb level for
next month was shown.
Although prediction models were accurate, we
realized that this prediction approach had a major
flaw. Despite obtaining accurate models, we had not
yet achieved a straightforward way to transfer the
extracted knowledge to daily clinical practice, because
clinicians had to play with different doses to analyse
the best solution to attain a certain Hb level. It would

be better to have an automatic model that suggests

the actions to be made in order to attain the targeted
range of Hb, rather than this indirect approach. This
reflection made us research on new models, and we
came up with the use of RL (Sutton & Barto, 1998).
We are currently working on this topic but we have
already achieved promising results, finding policies
(sequence of actions) that appear to be better than those
followed in the hospital, i.e., there are a higher number
of patients within the desired target of Hb at the end
of the treatment (Martn et al., 2006a).

Web Recommender Systems

A completely different application is described in
this subsection, namely, the development of web
recommender systems. The authors proposed a new
approach to develop recommender systems based on
collaborative filtering, but also including an analysis of
the feasibility of the recommender by using a prediction
stage (Martn et al., 2006b).
The very basic idea was to use clustering algorithms
in order to find groups of similar users. The following
clustering algorithms were taken into account: KMeans, FCM, HCA, EM algorithm, SOMs and ART.
New users were assigned to one of the groups found
by these clustering algorithms, and then they were
recommended with web services that were usually
accessed by other users of his/her same group, but
had not yet been accessed by these new users (in order
to maximize the usefulness of the approach). Using
controlled data sets, the study concluded that ART and
SOMs showed a very good behaviour with data sets
of very different characteristics, whereas HCA and
EM showed an acceptable behaviour provided that
the dimensionality of the data set was not too high and
the overlap was slight. Algorithms based on K-Means
achieved the most limited success in the acceptance of
offered recommendations.
Even though the use of RL was only slightly
studied, it seems to be a suitable choice for this
problem, since the internal dynamics of the problem
is easily tackled by RL, and moreover the interference
between the recommendation interface and the user can
be minimized with an adequate definition of the rewards
(Hernndez, Gaudioso, & Boticario, 2004).

An AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to Marketing

The last application that will be mentioned in this
communication is related to marketing. One way to
increase the loyalty of customers is by offering them
the opportunity to obtain some gifts as the result of
their purchases from a certain company. The company
can give virtual credits to anyone who buys certain
articles, typically those that the company is interested
in promoting. After a certain number of purchases, the
customers can exchange their virtual credits for the gifts
offered by the company. The problem is to establish the
appropriate number of virtual credits for each promoted
item. In accordance with the company policy, it is
expected that the higher the credit assignment, the higher
the amount of purchases. However, the companys
profits are lower since the marketing campaign adds
an extra cost to the company. The goal is to achieve a
trade-off by establishing an optimal policy.
We proposed a RL approach to optimize this
marketing campaign. This particular application, whose
characteristics are described below, is much more
difficult than the other RL approaches to marketing
mentioned in the Background Section. This is basically
because there are many more different actions that can
be taken. The information used for the study corresponds
to five months of the campaign, involving 1,264,862
transactions, 1,004 articles and 3,573 customers.
RL can deal with intrinsic dynamics, and besides, it
has the attractive advantage that is able to maximize the
so-called long-term reward. This is especially relevant
in this application since the company is interested in
maximizing the profits at the end of the campaign,
and a customer who do not produce much profits in
the first months of the campaign, may however make
many profitable transactions in the future.
Our first results showed that profits using a policy
based on RL instead of the policy followed by the
company so far, could even double long-term profits
at the end of the campaign (Gmez et al., 2005).


This paper has shown the capabilities and versatility
of different AI methods to be applied to real-life
problems, illustrated with three specific applications
in different domains. Clearly, the methodology is
generic and applies equally well to many other fields,

provided that the information contained in the data is

sufficiently rich to require non-linear modelling and is
capable of supporting a predictive performance that is
of practical value.
As a next future trend, it should be emphasized
that AI methods are increasingly popular for business
applications in recent years, challenging classical
business models.
In the particular case of RL, the commercial potential
of this powerful methodology has been significantly
underestimated, as it is applied almost exclusively to
Robotics. We feel that it is a methodology still to be
exploited in many real applications, as we have shown
in this paper.

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An AI Walk from Pharmacokinetics to Marketing

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with erythropoietic stimulating factors. Proceedings
of the Workshop Planning, Learning and Monitoring
with uncertainty and dynamic worlds, European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006, 19-24.
Martn, J. D., Palomares, A., Balaguer, E., Soria,
E., Gmez, J., & Soriano, A. (2006b) Studying the
feasibility of a recommender in a citizen web portal
based on user modeling and clustering algorithms.
Expert Systems with Aplications, 30 (2), 299-312.
Pednault, E., Abe, N., & Zadrozny, B. (2002). Sequential
cost-sensitive decision making with reinforcement
learning. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM SIGKDD
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining 2002, 259-268.

Zukerman, I., & Albrecht, D. (2001). Predictive

statistical models for user modeling. User Modeling
and User-Adapted Interaction, 11, 5-18.

Agent: In RL terms, it is the responsible of
making decisions according to observations of its
Environment: In RL terms, it is every external
condition to the agent.
Exploration-Explotation Dilemma: It is a classical
RL dilemma, in which a trade-off solution must be
achieved. Exploration means random search of new
actions in order to achieve a likely (but yet unknown)
better reward than all the known ones, while explotation
is focused on exploiting the current knowledge for the
maximization of the reward (greedy approach).
Life-Time Value: It is a measure widely used in
marketing applications that offers the long-term result
that has to be maximized.
Reward: In RL terms, the immediate reward is
the value returned by the environment to the agent
depending on the taken action. The long-term reward
is the sum of all the immediate rewards throughout a
complete decision process.
Sensitivity: Similar measure that offers the ratio
of positives that are correctly classified by the model.
(Refer to Specificity.)
Specificity: Success rate measure in a classification
problem. If there are two classes (namely, positive and
negative), specificity measures the ratio of negatives
that are correctly classified by the model.

Sun, P. (2003). Constructing learning models from

data: The dynamic catalog mailing problem. Ph. D.
Dissertation, Tsinghua University, China.

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Vasudha Bhatnagar
University of Delhi, India
Anamika Gupta
University of Delhi, India
Naveen Kumar
University of Delhi, India

Association Rule Mining (ARM) is one of the important
data mining tasks that has been extensively researched
by data-mining community and has found wide applications in industry. An Association Rule is a pattern that
implies co-occurrence of events or items in a database.
Knowledge of such relationships in a database can be
employed in strategic decision making in both commercial and scientific domains.
A typical application of ARM is market basket
analysis where associations between the different items
are discovered to analyze the customers buying habits.
The discovery of such associations can help to develop
better marketing strategies. ARM has been extensively
used in other applications like spatial-temporal, health
care, bioinformatics, web data etc (Hipp J., Gntzer U.,
Nakhaeizadeh G. 2000).
An association rule is an implication of the form
X Y where X and Y are independent sets of attributes/items. An association rule indicates that if a set
of items X occurs in a transaction record then the set of
items Y also occurs in the same record. X is called the
antecedent of the rule and Y is called the consequent of
the rule. Processing massive datasets for discovering
co-occurring items and generating interesting rules in
reasonable time is the objective of all ARM algorithms.
The task of discovering co-occurring sets of items
cannot be easily accomplished using SQL, as a little
reflection will reveal. Use of Count aggregate query
requires the condition to be specified in the where
clause, which finds the frequency of only one set of
items at a time. In order to find out all sets of co-occurring items in a database with n items, the number
of queries that need to be written is exponential in n.
This is the prime motivation for designing algorithms

for efficient discovery of co-occurring sets of items,

which are required to find the association rules.
In this article we focus on the algorithms for association rule mining (ARM) and the scalability issues
in ARM. We assume familiarity of the reader with
the motivation and applications of association rule

Let I = {i1, i2,, in} denote a set of items and D denote
a database of N transactions. A typical transaction TD
may contain a subset X of the entire set of items I and
is associated with a unique identifier TID. An item-set
is a set of one or more items i.e. X is an item-set if
X I. A k-item-set is an item-set of cardinality k. A
transaction is said to contain an item-set X if X T.
Support of an item set X, also called Coverage is the
fraction of transactions that contain X. It denotes the
probability that a transaction contains X.
Support ( X ) = P( X ) =

No. of transactions containing X


An item-set having support greater than the user

specified support threshold (ms) is known as frequent
An association rule is an implication of the form X
Y [Support, Confidence] where X I, Y I and XY
=, where Support and Confidence are rule evaluation
metrics. Support of a rule X Y in D is S' if S% of
transactions in D contain X Y. It is computed as:
Support ( X Y ) = P ( X Y ) =

No. of transaction containing X Y


Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Support indicates the prevalence of a rule. In a

typical market basket analysis application, rules with
very low support values represent rare events and are
likely to be uninteresting or unprofitable. Confidence
of a rule measures its strength and provides an indication of the reliability of prediction made by the rule.
A rule X Y has a confidence C' in D if C % of
transactions in D that contain X, also contain Y. Confidence is computed, as the conditional probability of
Y occuring in a transaction, given X is present in the
same transaction, i.e.
Confidence( X Y ) = P(Y


P( X Y ) Support ( X Y )
P( X )
Support ( X )

A rule generated from frequent item-sets is strong

if its confidence is greater than the user specified
confidence threshold (mc). Fig. 1 shows an example
database of five transactions and shows the computation of support and confidence of a rule.
The objective of Association Rule Mining algorithms is to discover the set of strong rules from a given
database as per the user specified ms and mc thresholds.
Algorithms for ARM essentially perform two distinct
tasks: (1) Discover frequent item-sets. (2) Generate
strong rules from frequent item-sets.
The first task requires counting of item-sets in
the database and filtering against the user specified
threshold (ms). The second task of generating rules
from frequent item-sets is a straightforward process
of generating subsets and checking for the strength.
We describe below the general approaches for finding
frequent item-sets in association rule mining algorithms.
The second task is trivial as explained in the last section of the article.



If we apply a brute force approach to discover frequent

item-sets, the algorithm needs to maintain counters for
all 2n - 1 item-sets. For large values of n that are common
in the datasets being targeted for mining, maintaining
such large number of counters is a daunting task. Even if
we assume availability of such large memory, indexing
of these counters also presents a challenge. Data mining
researchers have developed numerous algorithms for
efficient discovery of frequent item-sets.
The earlier algorithms for ARM discovered all
frequent item-sets. Later it was shown by three independent groups of researchers (Pasquier N., Bastide
Y., Taouil R. & Lakhal L. 1999), (Zaki M.J. 2000),
(Stumme G., 1999), that it is sufficient to discover
frequent closed item-sets (FCI) instead of all frequent
item-sets (FI). FCI are the item-sets whose support is
not equal to the support of any of its proper superset.
FCI is a reduced, complete and loss less representation of frequent item-sets. Since FCI are much less in
number than FI, computational expense for ARM is
drastically reduced.
Figure 2 summarizes different approaches used for
ARM. We briefly describe these approaches.

Discovery of Frequent Item-Sets

Level-Wise Approach
Level wise algorithms start with finding the item-sets of
cardinality one and gradually work up to the frequent
item-sets of higher cardinality. These algorithms use
anti-monotonic property of frequent item-sets accord-

Figure 1. Computation of support and confidence of a rule in an example database



Let ms=40%, mc=70%

Consider the association rule B
support (
) = 3/5 = 60%
) = support(B D)/support(B)
= 3/4 = 75%
The rule
is a strong rule.

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Figure 2. Approaches for ARM algorithms

ARM Algorithms
Frequent Closed Item-sets

Frequent Item-sets


Tree Based


ing to which, no superset of an infrequent item-set can

be frequent.
Agarwal et al. (Agarwal, R., Imielinski T., & Swami
A. 1993), (Agarwal, R., & Swami A., 1994) proposed
Apriori algorithm, which is the most popular iterative
algorithm in this category. It starts, with finding the
frequent item-sets of size one and goes up level by
level, finding candidate item-sets of size k by joining
item-sets of size k-1. Two item-sets, each of size k-1
join to form an item-set of size k if and only if they have
first k-2 items common. At each level the algorithm
prunes the candidate item-sets using anti-monotonic
property and subsequently scans the database to find
the support of pruned candidate item-sets. The process
continues till the set of frequent item-sets is nonempty. Since each iteration requires a database scan,
maximum number of database scans required is same
as the size of maximal item-set. Fig. 3 and Fig 4 gives
the pseudo code of Apriori algorithm and a running
example respectively.
Two of the major bottlenecks in Apriori algorithm
are i) number of passes and ii) number of candidates
generated. The first is likely to cause I/O bottleneck
and the second causes heavy load on memory and CPU
usage. Researchers have proposed solutions to these
problems with considerable success. Although detailed
discussion of these solutions is beyond the scope of
this article, a brief mention is necessary.
Hash techniques reduce the number of candidates
by making a hash table and discarding a bucket if it has
support less than the ms. Thus at each level memory
requirement is reduced because of smaller candidate
set. The reduction is most significant at lower levels.
Maintaining a list of transaction ids for each candidate
set reduces the database access. Dynamic Item-set
Counting algorithm reduces the number of scans by

Tree Based


counting candidate sets of different cardinality in a

single scan (Brin S., Motwani R., Ullman J.D., & Tsur
S. 1997). Pincer Search algorithm uses a bi-directional
strategy to prune the candidate set from top (maximal)
and bottom (1-itemset) (Lin D. & Kedem Z.M. 1998).
Partitioning and Sampling strategies have also been
proposed to speed up the counting task. An excellent
comparison of Apriori algorithm and its variants has
been given in (Hipp J., Gntzer U., Nakhaeizadeh G.

Tree Based Algorithms

Tree based algorithms have been proposed to overcome
the problem of multiple database scans. These algorithms compress (sometimes lossy) the database into a
tree data structure and reduce the number of database
scans appreciably. Subsequently the tree is used to mine
for support of all frequent item-sets.
Set-Enumeration tree used in Max Miner algorithm
(Bayardo R.J. 1998) orders the candidate sets while
searching for maximal frequent item-sets. The data
structure facilitates quick identification of long frequent
item-sets based on the information gathered during each
pass. The algorithm is particularly suitable for dense
databases with maximal item-sets of high cardinality.
Han et. al. (Han, J., Pei, J., & Yin, Y. 2000) proposed Frequent Pattern (FP)-growth algorithm which
performs a database scan and finds frequent item-sets
of cardinality one. It arranges all frequent item-sets in
a table (header) in the descending order of their supports. During the second database scan, the algorithm
constructs in-memory data structure called FP-Tree
by inserting each transaction after rearranging it in
descending order of the support. A node in FP-Tree
stores a single attribute so that each path in the tree

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Figure 3. Apriori algorithm

represents and counts the corresponding record in the

database. A link from the header connects all the nodes
of an item. This structural information is used while
mining the FP-Tree. FP-Growth algorithm recursively
generates sub-trees from FP-Trees corresponding to
each frequent item-set.
Coenen et. al. (Coenen F., Leng P., & Ahmed
S. 2004) proposed Total Support Tree (T-Tree) and
Partial Support Tree (P-Tree) data structures which
offer significant advantage in terms of storage and
execution. These data structures are compressed set
enumeration trees and are constructed after one scan
of the database and stores all the item-sets as distinct
records in database.

Discovery of Frequent Closed Item-Sets

Level Wise Approach
Pasquier et. al. (Pasquier N., Bastide Y., Taouil R.
& Lakhal L. 1999) proposed Close method to find

Frequent Closed Item-sets (FCI). This method finds

closures based on Galois closure operators and computes the generators. Galois closure operator h(X) for
some X I is defined as the intersection of transactions
in D containing item-set X. An item-set X is a closed
item-set if and only if h(X) = X. One of the smallest
arbitrarily chosen item-set p, such that h(p) = X is
known as generator of X.
Close method is based on Apriori algorithm. It
starts from 1- item-sets, finds the closure based on
Galois closure operator, goes up level by level computing generators and their closures (i.e. FCI) at each
level. At each level, candidate generator item-sets of
size k are found by joining generator item-sets of size
k-1 using the combinatorial procedure used in Apriori
algorithm. The candidate generators are pruned using
two strategies i) remove candidate generators whose
all subsets are not frequent ii) remove the candidate
generators if closure of one of its subsets is superset of
the generator. Subsequently algorithm finds the support
of pruned candidate generator. Each iteration requires

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Figure 4. Running example of apriori algorithm for finding frequent itemsets (ms = 40%)

one pass over the database to construct the set of FCI

and count their support.

Tree Based Approach

Wang et. al. (Wang J., Han J. & Pei J. 2003) proposed
Closet+ algorithm to compute FCI and their supports
using FP-tree structure. The algorithm is based on divide
and conquers strategy and computes the local frequent
items of a certain prefix by building and scanning its
projected database.


Concept Lattice Based Approach

Concept lattice is a core structure of Formal Concept
Analysis (FCA). FCA is a branch of mathematics based
on Concept and Concept hierarchies. Concept (A,B) is
defined as a pair of set of objects A (known as extent)
and set of attributes B (known as intent) such that set
of all attributes belonging to extent A is same as B
and set of all objects containing attributes of intent
B is same as A. In other words, no object other than
objects of set A contains all attributes of B and no attribute other than attributes in set B is contained in all
objects of set A. Concept lattice is a complete lattice of
all Concepts. Stumme G., (1999) discovered that intent

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Exhibit A.

add extent {all transactions} in the list of extents

For each item i I
for each set X in the list of extents
find X {set of transactions containing i}
include in the list of extents if not included earlier

B of the Concept (A,B) represents the closed item-set,

which implies that all algorithms for finding Concepts
can be used to find closed item-sets. Kuznetsov S.O.,
& Obiedkov S.A. (2002) provides a comparison of
performance of various algorithms for concepts. The
nave method to compute Concepts, proposed by Ganter
is given in Exhibit A.
This method generates all the Concepts i.e. all closed
item-sets. Closed item-sets generated using this method
in example 1 are {A},{B} ,{C},{A,B},{A,C},{B,D},{B,
C,D}, {B,D,E}, {B,C,D,E}. Frequent Closed item-sets
are {A} ,{B},{C},{B,D},{B,C,D},{B,D,E}.
Concept lattice for frequent closed item-sets is
given in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Concept lattice

Generating Association Rules

Once all frequent item-sets are known, association rules
can be generated in a straightforward manner by finding all subsets of an item-sets and testing the strength
(Han J., & Kamber M., 2006). The pseudo code for
this algorithm is given in Exhibit B.
Based on the above algorithm, strong rules generated
from frequent item-set BCD in Example 1 are:
BC D, conf=100%
CD B, conf=100%
where mc = 70%
There are two ways to find association rules from
frequent closed item-sets:

compute frequent item-sets from FCI and then

find the association rules
generate rules directly using FCI.

Close method uses the first approach, which generates lot of redundant rules while method proposed
by Zaki (Zaki M.J., 2000), (Zaki, M.J., & Hsiao C.,
J., 2005) uses the second approach and derives rules

directly from the Concept lattice. The association rules

thus derived are non-redundant rules. For example, set
of strong rules generated using Close method in Example 1 is {BC D,CD B,D B,E B,E D,E
BD, BE D,DE B}. For the same example, set
of non-redundant strong rules generated using Concept
Lattice approach is {D B, E BD, BC D, CD
B}. We can observe here that all rules can be derived
from the reduced non-redundant set of rules.
Scalability issues in Association Rule Mining
Scalability issues in ARM have motivated development of incremental and parallel algorithms.
Incremental algorithms for ARM preserve the counts
of selective item-sets and reuse this knowledge later to
discover frequent item-sets from augmented database.
Fast update algorithm (FUP) is the earliest algorithm
based on this idea. Later different algorithms are
presented based on sampling (Hipp J., Guntzer U., &
Nakhaeizadeh G., 2000).
Parallel algorithms partition either the dataset for
counting or the set of counters, across different ma

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Exhibit B.
For each frequent item-set I,
generate all non-empty subsets of I
For every non-empty subset s of I,
Output the rule s (I-s) if support(I) / support (s) >= mc

chines to achieve scalability (Hipp J., Guntzer U., &

Nakhaeizadeh G., 2000). Algorithms, which partition
the dataset exchange counters while the algorithms,
which partition the counters, exchange datasets incurring high communication cost.

Discovery of Frequent Closed Item-sets (FCI) is a
big lead in ARM algorithms. With the current growth
rate of databases and increasing applications of ARM
in various scientific and commercial applications we
envisage tremendous scope for research in parallel,
incremental and distributed algorithms for FCI. Use of
lattice structure for FCI offers promise of scalability. On
line mining on streaming datasets using FCI approach
is an interesting direction to work on.

The article presents the basic approach for Association
Rule Mining, focusing on some common algorithms
for finding frequent item-sets and frequent closed
item-sets. Various approaches have been discussed to
find such item-sets. Formal Concept Analysis approach
for finding frequent closed item-sets is also discussed.
Generation of rules from frequent items-sets and frequent closed item-sets is briefly discussed. The article
addresses the scalability issues involved in various

Databases, Proceedings of the 1993 ACM International

Conference on Management of Data, 207-216, Washington, D.C.
Agrawal R., & Srikant R., (1994), Fast Algorithms
for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases,
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference
on VLDB, pp. 487-499, Santiago, Chile
Bayardo R.J. (1998), Efficiently Mining Long Patterns
From Databases, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Management of Data.
Brin S., Motwani R., Ullman J. D., & Tsur S., (1997),
Dynamic Item-set Counting and Implication Rules for
Market Basket Data. ACM Special Interest Group on
Management of Data, 26(2):255
Coenen F., Leng P., & Ahmed S., (2004) Data Structure
for Association Rule Mining: T-Trees and P-Trees,
IEEE TKDE, Vol. 16, No. 6
Han, J., Pei, J., & Yin, Y., (2000), Mining Frequent
Patterns Without Candidate Generation, Proceedings
of the ACM International Conference on Management
of Data, ACM Press, 1-12.
Han, J., & Kamber, M., (2006), Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2nd ed. Morgan Kaufmann
Hipp, J., Gntzer, U., & Nakhaeizadeh, G., (2000),
Algorithms for Association Rule Mining: A General
Survey and Comparison, SIGKDD Explorations.


Kuznetsov, S.O., & Obiedkov, S.A., (2002), Comparing

Performance of Algorithms For Generating Concept
Lattices, Journal of Experimentation and Theoretical
Artificial Intelligence.

Agarwal, R., Imielinski T., & Swami A., (1993), Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large

Lin, D., & Kedem, Z. M., (1998), Pincer Search: A New

Algorithm for Discovering the Maximum Frequent

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

Sets. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference

on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Valencia,
Pasquier, N., Bastide, Y., Taouil, R., & Lakhal, L.,
(1999), Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Closed Item-set Lattices, Information Systems,

B = {geG | gIm for all meB} (the set of objects common to the attributes in B).
A formal concept of the context (G,M,I) is a pair (A,B)
with AG,BM,
A=B and B=A

Stumme, G., (1999), Conceptual Knowledge Discovery

with Frequent Concept Lattices, FB4-Preprint 2043,
TU Darmstadt

A is called the extent and B is the intent of the concept


Wang, J., Han, J., & Pei, J., (2003), Closet+: Searching
for the Best Strategies for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets, Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGKDD International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,
Pages 236-245, New York, USA, ACM Press.

Frequent Closed Item-Set: An item-set X is a closed

item-set if there exists no item-set X such that:

X is a proper superset of X,
Every transaction containing X also contains

Zaki, M. J., (2000), Generating Non-Redundant Association Rules, Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.

A closed item-set X is frequent if its support exceeds

the given support threshold.

Zaki, M.J., & Hsiao C.,J.,(2005), Efficient algorithms

for mining closed item-sets and their lattice structure.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(4): 462-478.

Galois Connection: Let D = (O,I,R) be a data

mining context where O and I are finite sets of objects
(transactions) and items respectively. R O x I is a
binary relation between objects and items. For O O,
and I I, we define as shown in Exhibit C.

Association Rule: An Association rule is an implication of the form XY where X I, Y I and XY
=, I denotes the set of items.

f(O) associates with O the items common to all

objects o O and g(I) associates with I the objects
related to all items i I. The couple of applications
(f,g) is a Galois connection between the power set of
O (i.e. 2O) and the power set of I (i.e. 2I).

Data Mining: Extraction of interesting, non-trivial,

implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful
information or patterns from data in large databases.

The operators h = f o g in 2I and h = g o f in 2o are

Galois closure operators. An item-set C I from D is
a closed item-set iff h(C) = C.

Formal Concept: A formal context K = (G,M,I)

consists of two sets G (objects) and M (attributes)
and a relation I between G and M. For a set AG of

Generator Item-Set: A generator p of a closed

item-set c is one of the smallest item-sets such that
h(p) = c.

A={meM | gIm for all geA} (the set of all attributes

common to the objects in A). Correspondingly, for a
set B of attributes we define

Non-Redundant Association Rules: Let Ri denote

the rule X1iX2i, where X1,X2 I. Rule R1 is more general
than rule R2 provided R2 can be generated by adding
additional items to either the antecedent or consequent
of R1. Rules having the same support and confidence as

Exhibit C.
f(O): 2O 2I

g(I): 2I 2O

f(O) = (i I | o O, (o,i) R}

g( I) = (o O | i I, (o,i) R}

Algorithms for Association Rule Mining

more general rules are the redundant association rules.

Remaining rules are non-redundant rules.

Ambient Intelligence

Fariba Sadri
Imperial College London, UK
Kostas Stathis
Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

In recent years much research and development effort
has been directed towards the broad field of ambient
intelligence (AmI), and this trend is set to continue for
the foreseeable future. AmI aims at seamlessly integrating services within smart infrastructures to be used at
home, at work, in the car, on the move, and generally in
most environments inhabited by people. It is a relatively
new paradigm rooted in ubiquitous computing, which
calls for the integration and convergence of multiple
disciplines, such as sensor networks, portable devices,
intelligent systems, human-computer and social interactions, as well as many techniques within artificial intelligence, such as planning, contextual reasoning, speech
recognition, language translation, learning, adaptability,
and temporal and hypothetical reasoning.
The term AmI was coined by the European Commission, when in 2001 one of its Programme Advisory
Groups launched the AmI challenge (Ducatel et al.,
2001), later updated in 2003 (Ducatel et al., 2003). But
although the term AmI originated from Europe, the goals
of the work have been adopted worldwide, see for example (The Aware Home, 2007), (The Oxygen Project,
2007), and (The Sony Interaction Lab, 2007).
The foundations of AmI infrastructures are based on
the impressive progress we are witnessing in wireless
technologies, sensor networks, display capabilities,
processing speeds and mobile services. These developments help provide much useful (row) information
for AmI applications. Further progress is needed in
taking full advantage of such information in order
to provide the degree of intelligence, flexibility and
naturalness envisaged. This is where artificial intelligence and multi-agent techniques have important
roles to play.
In this paper we will review the progress that has
been made in intelligent systems, discuss the role of

artificial intelligence and agent technologies and focus

on the application of AmI for independent living.

Ambient intelligence is a vision of the information
society where normal working and living environments
are surrounded by embedded intelligent devices that
can merge unobtrusively into the background and
work through intuitive interfaces. Such devices, each
specialised in one or more capabilities, are intended to
work together within an infrastructure of intelligent
systems, to provide a multitude of services aimed at
generally improving safety and security and improving
quality of life in ordinary living, travelling and working environments.
The European Commission identified four AmI scenarios (Ducatel et al. 2001, 2003) in order to stimulate
imagination and initiate and structure research in this
area. We summarise two of these to provide the flavour
of AmI visions.

AmI Scenarios:
1. Dimitrios is taking a coffee break and prefers not to
be disturbed. He is wearing on his clothes or body a
voice activated digital avatar of himself, known as
Digital Me (D-Me). D-Me is both a learning device,
learning about Dimitrios and his environment, and
an acting device offering communication, processing and decision-making functionalities. During
the coffee break D-Me answers the incoming calls
and emails of Dimitrios. It does so smoothly in
the necessary languages, with a re-production of
Dimitrios voice and accent. Then D-Me receives
a call from Dimitrios wife, recognises its urgency
and passes it on to Demetrios. At the same time it
catches a message from an older persons D-Me,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ambient Intelligence

located nearby. This person has left home without

his medication and would like to find out where
to access similar drugs. He has asked his D-Me,
in natural language, to investigate this. Dimitrios
happens to suffer from a similar health problem
and uses the same drugs. His D-Me processes the
incoming request for information, and decides
neither to reveal Dimitrios identity nor offer direct
help, but to provide the elderly persons D-Me with
a list of the closest medicine shops and potential
contact with a self-help group.
2. Carmen plans her journey to work. It asks AmI, by
voice command, to find her someone with whom
she can share a lift to work in half an hour. She then
plans the dinner party she is to give that evening.
She wishes to bake a cake, and her e-fridge flashes
a recipe on the e-fridge screen and highlights the
ingredients that are missing. Carmen completes
her shopping list on the screen and asks for it to
be delivered to the nearest distribution point in her
neighbourhood. All goods are smart tagged, so she
can check the progress of her virtual shopping from
any enabled device anywhere, and make alterations.
Carmen makes her journey to work, in a car with
dynamic traffic guidance facilities and traffic systems that dynamically adjust speed limits depending on congestion and pollution levels. When she
returns home the AmI welcomes her and suggests
that on the next day she should telework, as a big
demonstration is planned in downtown.

The demands that drive AmI and provide opportunities are for improvement of safety and quality of life,
enhancements of productivity and quality of products
and services, including public services such as hospitals,
schools, military and police, and industrial innovation.
AmI is intended to facilitate human contact and community and cultural enhancement, and ultimately it
should inspire trust and confidence.
Some of the technologies required for AmI are
summarised in Figure 1.
AmI work builds on ubiquitous computing and sensor network and mobile technologies. To provide the
intelligence and naturalness required, it is our view that
significant contributions can come from advances in
artificial intelligence and agent technologies. Artificial
intelligence has a long history of research on planning, scheduling, temporal reasoning, fault diagnosis,
hypothetical reasoning, and reasoning with incomplete
and uncertain information. All of these are techniques
that can contribute to AmI where actions and decisions
have to be taken in real time, often with dynamic and
uncertain knowledge about the environment and the
user. Agent technology research has concentrated on
agent architectures that combine several, often cognitive, capabilities, including reactivity and adaptability,
as well as the formation of agent societies through
communication, norms and protocols.
Recent work has attempted to exploit these techniques for AmI. In (Augusto and Nugent 2004) the
use of temporal reasoning combined with active data-

Figure 1. Components of Ambient Intelligence




Very unobtrusive hardw are

E m bedded system s
D ynam ic distributed netw orks
S eam less m obile/fixed ubiquitous
com m unication
S ensor t echnology
I/O devices
A daptive s oftw are

C om putational intelligence
C ontextual a w areness
N atural interaction
A daptability
R obustness
S ecurity
F ault tolerance


Ambient Intelligence

bases are explored in the context of smart homes. In

(Sadri 2007) the use of temporal reasoning together
with agents is explored to deal with similar scenarios,
where information observed in a home environment is
evaluated, deviations from normal behaviour and risky
situations are recognised and compensating actions are
The relationship of AmI to cognitive agents is
motivated by (Stathis and Toni 2004) who argue that
computational logic elevates the level of the system to
that of a user. They advocate the KGP agent model
(Kakas, et al 2004) to investigate how to assist a traveller to act independently and safely in an unknown
environment using a personal communicator. (Augusto
et al 2006) address the process of taking decisions in
the presence of conflicting options. (Li and Ji 2005)
offer a new probabilistic framework based on Bayesian
Networks for dealing with ambiguous and uncertain
sensory observations and users changing states, in
order to provide correct assistance.
(Amigoni et al 2005) address the goal-oriented aspect of AmI applications, and in particular the planning
problem within AmI. They conclude that a combination
of centralised and distributed planning capabilities are
required, due to the distributed nature of AmI and the
participation of heterogeneous agents, with different
capabilities. They offer an approach based on the Hierarchical Task Networks taking the perspective of a
multi-agent paradigm for AmI.
The paradigm of embedded agents for AmI environments with a focus on developing learning and
adaptation techniques for the agents is discussed in
(Hagras et al 2004, and Hagras and Callaghan 2005).
Each agent is equipped with sensors and effectors and
uses a learning system based on fuzzy logic. A real AmI
environment in the form of an intelligent dormitory
is used for experimentation.
Privacy and security in the context of AmI applications at home, at work, and in the health, shopping
and mobility domains are discussed in (Friedewald et
al 2007). For such applications they consider security
threats such as surveillance of users, identity theft and
malicious attacks, as well as the potential of the digital
divide amongst communities and social pressures.



One major use of AmI is to support services for independent living, to prolong the time people can
live decently in their own homes by increasing their
autonomy and self-confidence. This may involve the
elimination of monotonous everyday activities, monitoring and caring for the elderly, provision of security,
or saving resources. The aim of such AmI applications
is to help:

maintain safety of a person by monitoring his environment and recognizing and anticipating risks,
and taking appropriate actions,
provide assistance in daily activities and requirements, for example, by reminding and advising
about medication and nutrition, and
improve quality of life, for example by providing
personalized information about entertainment and
social activities.

This area has attracted a great deal of attention in

recent years, because of increased longevity and the
aging population in many parts of the world. For such
an AmI system to be useful and accepted it needs to be
versatile, adaptable, capable of dealing with changing
environments and situations, transparent and easy, and
even pleasant, to interact with.
We believe that it would be promising to explore
an approach based on providing an agent architecture consisting of a society of heterogeneous, intelligent, embedded agents, each specialised in one or
more functionalities. The agents should be capable
of sharing information through communication, and
their dialogues and behaviour should be governed by
context-dependent and dynamic norms.
The basic capabilities for intelligent agents include:

Sensing: to allow the agent observe the environment

Reactivity: to provide context-dependent dynamic
behaviour and the ability to adapt to changes in
the environment
Planning: to provide goal-directed behaviour
Goal Decision: to allow dynamic decisions about
which goals have higher priorities

Ambient Intelligence

Action execution: to allow the agent to affect the


All of these functionalities also require reasoning

about spatio-temporal constraints reflecting the environment in which an AmI system operates.
Most of these functionalities have been integrated
in the KGP model (Kakas et al, 2004), whose architecture is shown in Figure 2 and implemented in the
PROSOCS system (Bracciali et al, 2006). The use of
reactivity for communication and dialogue policies
has also been discussed in, for example, (Sadri et al,
2003). The inclusion of normative behaviour has been
discussed in (Sadri et al, 2006) where we also consider
how to choose amongst different types of goals, depending on the governing norms. For a general discussion
on the importance of norms in artificial societies see
(Pitt, 2005).
KGP agents are situated in the environment via
their physical capabilities. Information received from
the environment (including other agents) updates the
agents state and provides input to its dynamic cycle
theory, which, in turn, determines the next steps in terms
of its transitions, using its reasoning capabilities.

As most other information and communication technologies, AmI is not likely to be good or bad on its
own, but its value will be judged from the different

Figure 2. The architecture of a KGP agent

ways the technology will be used to improve peoples

lives. In this section we discuss new opportunities and
challenges for the integration of AmI with what people
do in ordinary settings. We abstract away from hardware
trends and we focus on areas that are software related
and are likely to play an important role in the adoption
of AmI technologies.
A focal point is the observation that people discover
and understand the world through visual and conversational interactions. As a result, in the coming years
we expect to see the design of AmI systems to focus in
ways that will allow humans to interact in natural ways,
using their common skills such as speaking, gesturing,
glancing. This kind of natural interaction (Leibe et al
2000) will complement existing interfaces and will
require that AmI systems be capable of representing
virtual objects, possibly in 3D, as well as capture
peoples moves in the environment and identify which
of these moves are directed to virtual objects.
We also expect to see new research directed towards
processing of sensor data with different information
(Massaro and Friedman 1990) and different kind of
formats such as audio, video, and RFID. Efficient
techniques to index, search, and structure these data
and ways to transform them to the higher-level semantic
information required by cognitive agents will be an
important area for future work. Similarly, the reverse
of this process is likely to be of equal importance,
namely, how to translate high-level information to
the lower-level signals required by actuators that are
situated in the environment.
Given that sensors and actuators will provide the
link with the physical environment, we also anticipate
further research to address the general linking of AmI
systems to already existing computing infrastructures
such as the semantic web. This work will create hybrid
environments that will need to combine useful information from existing wired technologies with information
from wireless ones (Stathis et al 2007). To enable the
creation of such environments we imagine the need
to build new frameworks and middleware to facilitate
integration of heterogeneous AmI systems and make
the interoperation more flexible.
Another important issue is how the human experience in AmI will be managed in a way that will be as
unobtrusive as possible. In this we foresee that developments in cognitive systems will play a very important
role. Although there will be many areas of cognitive
system behaviour that will need to be addressed, we

Ambient Intelligence

anticipate that development of agent models that adapt

and learn (Sutton and Barto 1998), to be of great importance. The challenge here will be how to integrate
the output of these adaptive and learning capabilities
to the reasoning and decision processes of the agent.
The resulting cognitive behaviour must differentiate
between newly learned concepts and existing ones, as
well as discriminate between normal behaviour and
We expect that AmI will emerge with the formation
of user communities who live and work in a particular
locality (Stathis et al 2006). The issue then becomes
how to manage all the information that is provided and
captured as the system evolves. We foresee research to
address issues such as semantic annotations of content,
and partitioning and ownership of information.
Linking in local communities with smart homes,
e-healthcare, mobile commerce, and transportation
systems will eventually give rise to a global AmI system. For applications in such a system to be embraced
by people we will need to see specific human factors
studies to decide how unobtrusive, acceptable and
desirable the actions of the AmI environment seem
to people who use them. Some human factors studies
should focus on issues of presentation of objects and
agents in a 3D setting, as well as on the important issues of privacy, trust and security.
To make possible the customization of system interactions to different classes of users, it is required to
acquire and store information about these users. Thus
for people to trust AmI interactions in the future we
must ensure that the omnipresent intelligent environment maintains privacy in an ethical manner. Ethical
or, better, normative behaviour cannot only be ensured
at the cognitive level (Sadri et al 2006), but also at the
lower, implementation level of the AmI platform. In
this context, ensuring that communicated information
is encrypted, certified, and follows transparent security
policies will be required to build systems less vulnerable to malicious attacks. Finally, we also envisage
changes to business models that would characterise
AmI interactions (Hax and Wielde 2001).

applications that can test such a combination is AmI

supporting independent living. For such applications
we have identified the trends that are likely to play an
important role in the future.


Hagras, H. and Callaghan, V. (2005). An intelligent

fuzzy agent approach for realizing ambient intelligence
in intelligent inhabited environments. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A:
Systems and Humans, 35(1), 55-65.

The successful adoption of AmI is predicated on the

suitable combination of ubiquitous computing, artificial
intelligence and agent technologies. A useful class of

Augusto, J.C., Liu, J., Chen L. (2006). Using ambient
intelligence for disaster management. In the Proceedings
of the 10th International Conference on Knowledgebased Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
(KES 2006), Springer Verlag.
Augusto, J.C., Nugent, C. D. (2004). The use of temporal
reasoning and management of complex events in smart
homes. In Proceedings of the European Conference on
Artificial Systems (ECAI), 778-782.
Bracciali, A., Endriss, U., Demetriou, N., Kakas,
A.C., Lu, L., Stathis, K. (2006). Crafting the mind
of PROSOCS agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence
20(2-4), 105-131.
Ducatel, K., Bogdanowicz, M., Scapolo, F., Leijten,
J., Burgelman J.-C. (2001). Scenarios for ambient intelligence in 2010. IST Advisory Group Final Report,
European Commission.
Ducatel, K., Bogdanowicz, M., Scapolo, F., Leijten, J.,
Burgelman J.-C. (2003). Ambient intelligence : from
vision to reality. IST Advisory Group Draft Report,
European Commission.
Dutton, W. H. (1999). Society on the line: information
politics in the digital age, Oxford, Oxford University
Friedewald M., Vildijiounaite, E., Punie, Y. Wright,
D. (2007). Privacy, identity and security in ambient
intelligence: a scenario analysis. Telematics and Informatics, 24, 15-29.
Hagras, H., Callaghan, V., Colley, M., Clarke, G.,
Pounds-Cornish, A., Duman, H. (2004). Creating an
ambient intelligence environment using embedded
agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 19(6), 12-20.

Ambient Intelligence

Hax, A., and Wilde, D, II. (2001). The Delta Model

discovering new sources of profitability in a networked economy. European Management Journal.
9, 379-391.
Kakas, A., Mancarella, P., Sadri, F. Stathis, K. Toni,
F. (2004). The KGP model of agency. In Proceedings
of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
Li, X. and Ji, Q. (2005). Active affective state detection and user assistance with dynamic bayesian
networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Special Issue on Ambient Intelligence,
35(1), 93-105.
Leibe, B., Starner, T., Ribarsky, W., Wartell, Z., Krum,
D., Singletary, B., and Hodges, L. (2000). The Perceptive Workbench: towards spontaneous and natural
interaction in semi-immersive virtual environments.
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR2000). 13-20.
Massaro, D. W., and D. Friedman. (1990). Models
of integration given multiple sources of information.
Psychological Review. 97, 225-252.
Pitt, J. (2005) The open agent society as a platform for
the user-friendly information society. AI Soc. 19(2),
Sadri, F., Stathis, K., and Toni, F. (2006). Normative
KGP agents. Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory. 12(2-3), 101-126.
Sadri, F. (2007). Ambient intelligence for care of the
elderly in their homes. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligent Techniques for Ambient
Intelligence (AITAmI 07), 62-67.
Sadri, F., Toni, F., Torroni, P. (2003). Minimally intrusive
negotiating agents for resource sharing. In Proceedings
of the 8th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI 03), 796-801.
Stathis, K., de Bruijn, O., Spence, R. and Purcell, P.
(2006) Ambient intelligence: human-agent interactions
in a networked community. In Purcell, P. (ed) Networked
Neighbourhoods: The Connected Community in Context (Springer), 279-304.


Stathis, K., Kafetzoglou, S., Papavasiliou, S., and Bromuri, S. (2007). Sensor network grids: agent environments combined with QoS in wireless sensor networks.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, IEEE. 47-52.
Stathis, K. And Toni, F. (2004). Ambient intelligence
using KGP agents. Workshop at the Second European
Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, Lecture Notes
in Compuer Science 3295, 351-362.
Sutton, R. S. and Barto, G. A. (1998). Reinforcement
learning: an introduction. MIT Press.
The Aware Home Initiative (2007), http://www.
The Oxygen Project (2007), http://www.oxygen.lcs.
The Sony Interaction Lab (2007), http://www.sonycsl.


Artificial Societies: Complex systems consisting
of a, possibly large, set of agents whose interaction
are constrained by norms and the roles the agents are
responsible to play.
Cognitive Agents: Software agents endowed with
high-level mental attitudes, such as beliefs, goals and
Context Awareness: Refers to the idea that computers can both sense and react according to the state of
the environment they are situated. Devices may have
information about the circumstances under which they
are able to operate and react accordingly.
Natural Interaction: The investigation of the relationships between humans and machines aiming to
create interactive artifacts that respect and exploit the
natural dynamics through which people communicate
and discover the real world.
Smart Homes: Homes equipped with intelligent
sensors and devices within a communications infrastructure that allows the various systems and devices
to communicate with each other for monitoring and
maintenance purposes.

Ambient Intelligence

Ubiquitous Computing: A model of human-computer interaction in which information processing is

integrated into everyday objects and activities. Unlike
the desktop paradigm, in which a single user chooses to
interact with a single device for a specialized purpose,
with ubiquitous computing a user interacts with many
computational devices and systems simultaneously, in
the course of ordinary activities, and may not necessarily even be aware that is doing so.

Wireless Sensor Networks: Wireless networks

consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices
using sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or
environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound,
vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different

Ambient Intelligence Environments

Carlos Ramos
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

The trend in the direction of hardware cost reduction
and miniaturization allows including computing devices in several objects and environments (embedded
systems). Ambient Intelligence (AmI) deals with a new
world where computing devices are spread everywhere
(ubiquity), allowing the human being to interact in
physical world environments in an intelligent and unobtrusive way. These environments should be aware
of the needs of people, customizing requirements and
forecasting behaviours.
AmI environments may be so diverse, such as
homes, offices, meeting rooms, schools, hospitals,
control centers, transports, touristic attractions, stores,
sport installations, and music devices.
Ambient Intelligence involves many different disciplines, like automation (sensors, control, and actuators),
human-machine interaction and computer graphics,
communication, ubiquitous computing, embedded
systems, and, obviously, Artificial Intelligence. In the
aims of Artificial Intelligence, research envisages to
include more intelligence in the AmI environments,
allowing a better support to the human being and the
access to the essential knowledge to make better decisions when interacting with these environments.

Ambient Intelligence (AmI) is a concept developed
by the European Commissions IST Advisory Group
ISTAG (ISTAG, 2001)(ISTAG, 2002). ISTAG believes
that it is necessary to take a holistic view of Ambient
Intelligence, considering not just the technology, but
the whole of the innovation supply-chain from science to end-user, and also the various features of the
academic, industrial and administrative environment
that facilitate or hinder realisation of the AmI vision
(ISTAG, 2003). Due to the great amount of technologies involved in the Ambient Intelligence concept we

may find several works that appeared even before the

ISTAG vision pointing in the direction of Ambient
Intelligence trends.
In what concerns Artificial Intelligence (AI), Ambient Intelligence is a new meaningful step in the evolution
of AI (Ramos, 2007). AI has closely walked side-by-side
with the evolution of Computer Science and Engineering. The building of the first artificial neural models and
hardware, with the Walter Pitts and Warren McCullock
work (Pitts & McCullock, 1943) and Marvin Minsky
and Dean Edmonds SNARC system correspond to the
first step. Computer-based Intelligent Systems, like the
MYCIN Expert System (Shortliffe, 1976) or networkbased Intelligent Systems, like AUTHORIZERs ASSISTANT (Rothi, 1990) used by American Express for
authorizing transactions consulting several Data Bases
are the kind of systems of the second step of AI. From
the 80s Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
have established the third step, leading more recently
to Ontologies and Semantic Web. From hardware to
the computer, from the computer to the local network,
from the local network to the Internet, and from the
Internet to the Web, Artificial Intelligence was on the
state of the art of computing, most of times a little bit
ahead of the technology limits.
Now the centre is no more in the hardware, or in
the computer, or even in the network. Intelligence must
be provided to our daily-used environments. We are
aware of the push in the direction of Intelligent Homes,
Intelligent Vehicles, Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, even Intelligent
Cities. This is the reason why Ambient Intelligence
concept is so important nowadays (Ramos, 2007).
Ambient Intelligence is not possible without Artificial Intelligence. On the other hand, AI researchers must
be aware of the need to integrate their techniques with
other scientific communities techniques (e.g. Automation, Computer Graphics, Communications). Ambient
Intelligence is a tremendous challenge, needing the
better effort of different scientific communities.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ambient Intelligence Environments

There is a miscellaneous of concepts and technologies related with Ambient Intelligence. Ubiquitous
Computing, Pervasive Computing, Embedded Systems, and Context Awareness are the most common.
However these concepts are different from Ambient
The concept of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp)
was introduced by Mark Weiser during his tenure as
Chief Technologist of the Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) (Weiser, 1991). Ubiquitous Computing means
that we have access to computing devices anywhere in
an integrated and coherent way. Ubiquitous Computing
was mainly driven by Communications and Computing devices scientific communities but now is involving other research areas. Ambient Intelligence differs
from Ubiquitous Computing because sometimes the
environment where Ambient Intelligence is considered
is simply local. Another difference is that Ambient
Intelligence makes more emphasis on intelligence
than Ubiquitous Computing. However, ubiquity is a
real need today and Ambient Intelligence systems are
considering this feature.
A concept that sometimes is seen as a synonymous
of Ubiquitous Computing is Pervasive Computing.
According to Teresa Dillon, Ubiquitous Computing
is best considered as the underlying framework, the
embedded systems, networks and displays which are
invisible and everywhere, allowing us to plug-andplay devices and tools, On the other hand, Pervasive
Computing, is related with all the physical parts of
our lives; mobile phone, hand-held computer or smart
jacket (Dillon, 2006).
Embedded Systems mean that electronic and
computing devices are embedded in current objects or
goods. Today goods like cars are equipped with microprocessors; the same is true for washing machines,
refrigerators, and toys. Embedded Systems community
is more driven by electronics and automation scientific
communities. Current efforts go in the direction to include electronic and computing devices in the most usual
and simple objects we use, like furniture or mirrors.
Ambient Intelligence differs from Embedded Systems
since computing devices may be clearly visible in AmI
scenarios. However, there is a clear trend to involve
more embedded systems in Ambient Intelligence.
Context Awareness means that the system is aware
of the current situation we are dealing with. An example
is the automatic detection of the current situation in a
Control Centre. Are we in presence of a normal situation

or are we dealing with a critical situation, or even an

emergency? In this Control Centre the intelligent alarm
processor will exhibit different outputs according to the
identified situation (Vale, Moura, Fernandes, Marques,
Rosado, Ramos, 1997). Automobile Industry is also
investing in Context Aware systems, like near-accident
detection. Human-Computer Interaction scientific community is paying lots of attention to Context Awareness.
Context Awareness is one of the most desired concepts
to include in Ambient Intelligence, the identification
of the context is important for deciding to act in an
intelligent way.
There are different views of the importance of other
concepts and technologies in the Ambient Intelligence
field. Usually these differences are derived from the
basic scientific community of the authors. ISTAG see
the technology research requirements from different
points of view (Components, Integration, System, and
User/Person). In (ISTAG, 2003) the following ambient
components are mentioned: smart materials; MEMS
and sensor technologies; embedded systems; ubiquitous
communications; I/O device technology; adaptive software. In the same document ISTAG refers the following
intelligence components: media management and handling; natural interaction; computational intelligence;
context awareness; and emotional computing.
Recently Ambient Intelligence is receiving a
significant attention from Artificial Intelligence Community. We may refer the Ambient Intelligence Workshops organized by Juan Augusto and Daniel Shapiro
at ECAI2006 (European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence) and IJCAI2007 (International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence) and the Special
Issue on Ambient Intelligence, coordinated by Carlos
Ramos, Juan Augusto and Daniel Shapiro to appear
in the March/April2008 issue of the IEEE Intelligent
Systems magazine.


Here we will analyse some examples of Ambient Intelligence prototypes and systems, divided by the area of

Ambient Intelligence Environments

AmI at Home
Domotics is a consolidated area of activity. After the
first experiences using Domotics at homes there was a
trend to refer the Intelligent Home concept. However,
Domotics is too centred in the automation, giving to the
user the capability to control the house devices from
everywhere. We are still far from the real Ambient
Intelligence in homes, at least at the commercial level.
In (Wichert, Hellschimidt, 2006) there is an interesting
example in the aims of EMBASSI project, by gesture a
woman is commanding the TV to be brighter, however
the TV is already at the brightest level, so the lights
reduce the level and the windows close, showing an
example of context awareness in the environment.
Several organizations are doing experiments to
achieve the Intelligent Home concept. Some examples
are HomeLab from Philips, MIT House_n, Georgia
Tech Aware Home, Microsoft Concept Home, and e2
Home from Electrolux and Ericsson.

AmI in Vehicles and Transports

problems. The percentage of population with health

problems will increase and it will be very difficult to
Hospitals to maintain all patients. Our society is faced
with the responsibility to care for these people in the
best possible social and economical ways. So, there is
a clear interest to create Ambient Intelligence devices
and environments allowing the patients to be followed
in their own homes or during their day-by-day life.
The medical control support devices may be embedded in clothes, like T-shirts, collecting vital-sign
information from sensors (e. g. blood pressure, temperature). Patients will be monitored at long distance.
The surrounding environment, for example the patient
home, may be aware of the results from the clinical
data and even perform emergency calls to order an
ambulance service.
For instance, we may refer the IST Vivago system
(IST International Security Technology Oy, Helsinki,
Finland), an active social alarm system, which combines
intelligent social alarms with continuous remote monitoring of the users activity profile (Srel, Korhonen,
Ltjnen, Sola, Myllymki, 2003).

Since the first experiences with NAVLAB 1 (Thorpe,

Herbert, Kanade, Shafer, 1988) Carnegie Mellon University has developed several prototypes for Autonomous Vehicle Driving and Assistance. The last one,
NAVLAB 11, is an autonomous Jeep. Most of the car
industry companies are doing research in the area of
Intelligent Vehicles for several tasks like car parking
assistance or pre-collision detection.
Another example of AmI application is related
with Transports, namely in connection with Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS). The ITS Joint Program of
the US Department of Transportation identified several
areas of applications, namely: arterial management;
freeway management; transit management; incident
management; emergence management; electronic payment; traveller information; information management;
crash prevention and safety; roadway operations and
management; road weather management; commercial
vehicle operations; and intermodal freight. In all these
application areas Ambient Intelligence can be used.

AmI in Tourism and Cultural Heritage

AmI in Elderly and Health Care

AmI at Work

Several studies point to the aging of population during the next decades. While being a good result of
increasing of life expectation, this also implies some

The human being spends considerable time in working places like offices, meeting rooms, manufacturing
plants, control centres.

Tourism and Cultural Heritage are good application

areas for Ambient Intelligence. Tourism is a growing industry. In the past tourists were satisfied with
pre-defined tours, equal for all the people. However
there is a trend in the customization and the same tour
can be conceived to adapt to tourists according their
Immersive tour post is an example of such experience (Park, Nam, Shi, Golub, Van Loan, 2006). MEGA
is an user-friend virtual-guide to assist visitors in the
Parco Archeologico della Valle del Temple in Agrigento,
an archaeological area with ancient Greek temples in
Agrigento, located in Sicily, Italy (Pilato, Augello,
Santangelo, Gentile, Gaglio, 2006). DALICA has been
used for constructing and updating the user profile of
visitors of Villa Adriana in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy
(Constantini, Inverardi, Mostarda, Tocchio, Tsintza,

Ambient Intelligence Environments

SPARSE is a project initially created for helping

Power Systems Control Centre Operators in the diagnosis and restoration of incidents (Vale, Moura, Fernandes,
Marques, Rosado, Ramos, 1997). It is a good example
of context awareness since the developed system is
aware of the on-going situation, acting in different
ways according the normal or critical situation of the
power system. This system is evolving for an Ambient
Intelligence framework applied to Control Centres.
Decision Making is one of the most important
activities of the human being. Nowadays decisions
imply to consider many different points of view, so
decisions are commonly taken by formal or informal
groups of persons. Groups exchange ideas or engage
in a process of argumentation and counter-argumentation, negotiate, cooperate, collaborate or even discuss
techniques and/or methodologies for problem solving.
Group Decision Making is a social activity in which
the discussion and results consider a combination of
rational and emotional aspects. ArgEmotionAgents
is a project in the area of the application of Ambient
Intelligence in the group argumentation and decision
support considering emotional aspects and running in
the Laboratory of Ambient Intelligence for Decision
Support (LAID), seen in Figure 1 (Marreiros, Santos,
Ramos, Neves, Novais, Machado, Bulas-Cruz, 2007),
a kind of an Intelligent Decision Room. This work has
also a part involving ubiquity support.

AmI in Sports
Sports involve high-level athletes and many more practitioners. Many sports are done without any help of the
associated devices, opening here a clear opportunity
for Ambient Intelligence to create sports assistance
devices and environments.

FlyMaster NAV+ is a free-flight on-board pilot Assistant (e.g. gliding, paragliding), using the FlyMaster
F1 module with access to GPS and sensorial information. FlyMaster Avionics S.A., a spin-off, was created
to commercialize these products (see figure 2).


Some companies and academic institutions are investing in the creation of Ambient Intelligence generation
The Endeavour project is developed by the California
University in Berkeley (http://endeavour.cs.berkeley.
edu/). The project aims to specify, design, and implement prototypes at a planet scale, self organized and
involving an adaptive Information Utility.
Oxygen enables pervasive human centred computing through a combination of specific user and system
technologies ( This
project provides speech and vision technologies enabling us to communicate with Oxygen as if we were
interacting with another person, saving much time and
effort (Rudolph, 2001).
The Portolano project was developed in the University of Washington and seeks to create a testbed for
research into the emerging field of invisible computing
( The invisible
computing is possible with devices so highly optimized
to particular tasks that they bend into the world and
require little technical knowledge from the users (Esler,
Hightower, Anderson, Borrielo, 1999).
The EasyLiving project of Microsoft Research
Vision Group corresponds to a prototype architecture
and associated technologies for building intelligent
environments (Brumitt, Meyers, Krumm, Kern, Shafer,

Figure 1. Ambient Intelligence for decision support, LAID Laboratory

Ambient Intelligence Environments

Figure 2. FlyMaster Pilot Assistant device, from FlyMaster Avionics S.A.

2000). EasyLiving goal is to facilitate the interaction

of people with other people, with computer, and with
devices (

Ambient Intelligence deals with a futuristic notion for
our lives. Most of the practical experiences concerning
Ambient Intelligence are still in a very incipient phase,
due to the recent existence of this concept. Today, it is
not clear the separation between the computer and the
environments. However, for new generations things will
be more transparent, and environments with Ambient
Intelligence will be more widely accepted.
In the area of transport, AmI will cover several
aspects. The first will be related with the vehicle itself.
Several performances start to be available, like the automatic identification of the situation (e.g. pre-collision
identification, identification of the driver conditions).
Other aspects will be related with the traffic information.
Today, GPS devices are generalized, but they deal with
static information. Joining on-line traffic conditions
will enable the driver to avoid roads with accidents.
Technology is giving good steps in the direction of
automatic vehicle driving. But in the near future the
developed systems will be seen more like driver assistants in spite of autonomous driving systems.
Another area where AmI will experience a strong
development will be the area of Health Care, especially

in the Elderly Care. Patients will receive this support to

allow a more autonomous life in their homes. However
automatic acquisition of vital signals (e.g. blood pressure, temperature) will allow to do automatic emergency
calls when the patient health is in significant trouble.
The person monitoring will also be done in his/her
home, trying to detect differences in expected situations and habits.
The home support will achieve the normal personal
and family life. Intelligent Homes will be a reality. The
home residents will pay less attention to normal home
management aspects, for example, how many bottles
of red wine are available for the week meals or if the
specific ingredients for a cake are all available.
AmI for job support are also expected. Decision
Support Systems will be oriented to on-the-job environments. This will be clear in offices, meeting rooms,
call centres, control centres, and plants.

This article presents the state of the art in which concerns Ambient Intelligence field. After the history of
the concept, we established some related concepts
definitions and illustrated with some examples. There
is a long way to follow in order to achieve the Ambient Intelligence concept, however in the future, this
concept will be referred as one of the landmarks in the
Artificial Intelligence development.

Ambient Intelligence Environments

Brumitt, B., Meyers, B., Krumm, J., Kern, A., Shafer,
S. (2000). EasyLiving: Technologies for Intelligent
Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 1927, pp. 97-119.
Constantini, S., Inverardi, P., Mostarda, L., Tocchio,
A., Tsintza, P. (2007). User Profile Agents for Cultural
Heritage fruition. Artificial and Ambient Intelligence.
Proc. of the Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of
Behaviour Annual Convention, pp. 30-33.
Dillon, T. (2006). Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Futurelab. Available at
ISTAG (2001), Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence in
2010, European Commission Report.
ISTAG (2002). Strategic Orientations & Priorities for
IST in FP6, European Commission Report.
ISTAG (2003). Ambient Intelligence: from vision to
reality, European Commission Report.
Marreiros, G., Santos, R., Ramos, C., Neves, J., Novais, P., Machado, J., Bulas-Cruz, J. (2007). Ambient
Intelligence in Emotion Based Ubiquitous Decision
Making. Proc. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for
Ambient Intelligence, IJCAI07 Twentieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Hyderabad, India.
McCulloch, W.S., & Pitts, W. (1943). A Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity. Bulletin
of Mathematical Biophysics. (5) 115-133.
Park, D., Nam, T., Shi, C., Golub, G., Van Loan, C.
(2006). Designing an immersive tour experience system
for cultural tour sites. ACM Press. New York, NY. pp.
Pilato, G., Augello, A., Santangelo, A., Gentile, A.,
Gaglio S. (2006). An intelligent multimodal site-guide
for the Parco Archeologico della Valle del Temple in
Agrigento. Proc. of the First Workshop in Intelligent
Technologies for Cultural HeritageExploitation. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Esler, M., Hightower, J., Anderson, T., Borrielo, J.

(1999). Next century challenges: data-centric networking for invisible computing: the Portolano project at
the University of Washington. Proceedings of the 5th
annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Mobile
computing and networking, pp. 256-262.
Ramos, C. (2007). Ambient Intelligence a State of
the Art from Artificial Intelligence perspective. Proceedings of EPIA2007 the Portuguese Conference
on Artificial Intelligence.
Rothi J., Yen D.(1990). Why American Express Gambled on an Expert Data Base. Information Strategy:
The Executives Journal, 6(3), pp. 16-22.
Rudolph, L. (2001). Project Oxygen: Pervasive, HumanCentric Computing - An Initial Experience. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2068.
Srel A., Korhonen I., Ltjnen L., Sola M., Myllymki M. (2003), IST Vivago - an intelligent social
and remote wellness monitoring system for the elderly.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual IEEE EMBS Special
Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, pp. 362-365.
Shortliffe, E. (1976). Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN; Elsevier - North Holland.
Thorpe, C., Hebert, M.H., Kanade, T., Shafer, S.A.
(1988), Vision and navigation for the Carnegie-Mellon
Navlab, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 10(3), 362-373.
Vale, Z., Moura, A., Fernandes, M., Marques, A., Rosado, A., Ramos, C. (1997). SPARSE: An Intelligent
Alarm Processor and Operator Assistant, IEEE ExpertSpecial Track on AI Applications in the Electric Power
Industry, 12(3), pp. 86- 93, 1997.
Weiser, M. (1991), The Computer for the TwentyFirst Century. Scientific American. September 1991.
pp. 94-104.
Wichert R., Hellenschmidt M. (2006). Intelligent
Systems. Ambient Intelligence solutions for Intelligent
Envioronments. Thematic Brochure of INI-GraphicsNet, pp. 12-13, n.1, 2006.

Ambient Intelligence Environments


Ambient Intelligence: Ambient Intelligence (AmI)
deals with a new world where computing devices are
spread everywhere, allowing the human being to interact
in physical world environments in an intelligent and
unobtrusive way. These environments should be aware
of the needs of people, customizing requirements and
forecasting behaviours.
Context Awareness: Context Awareness means
that the system is aware of the current situation we
are dealing with.
Embedded Systems: Embedded Systems means
that electronic and computing devices are embedded
in current objects or goods.
Intelligent Decision Room: A decision-making
space, eg a meeting room or a control center, equipped
with intelligent devices and/or systems to support decision-making processes.
Intelligent Home: A home equipped with several
electronic and interactive devices to help residents to
manage conventional home decisions.
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Intelligent
Systems applied to the area of Transports, namely to
traffic and travelling issues.
Intelligent Vehicles: A vehicle equipped with sensors and decision support components.
Pervasive Computing: Pervasive Computing is
related with all the physical parts of our lives, the user
may have not notion of the computing devices and
details related with these physical parts.
Ubiquitous Computing: Ubiquitous Computing
means that we have access to computing devices anywhere in an integrated and coherent way.

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

Shourya Roy
IBM Research, India Research Lab, India
L. Venkata Subramaniam
IBM Research, India Research Lab, India

Accdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
deosnt mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,
the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer
be at the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the human mnid
deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a
Unfortunately computing systems are not yet as
smart as the human mind. Over the last couple of years
a significant number of researchers have been focussing on noisy text analytics. Noisy text data is found in
informal settings (online chat, SMS, e-mails, message
boards, among others) and in text produced through
automated speech recognition or optical character
recognition systems. Noise can possibly degrade the
performance of other information processing algorithms such as classification, clustering, summarization
and information extraction. We will identify some of
the key research areas for noisy text and give a brief
overview of the state of the art. These areas will be, (i)
classification of noisy text, (ii) correcting noisy text,
(iii) information extraction from noisy text. We will
cover the first one in this chapter and the later two in
the next chapter.
We define noise in text as any kind of difference
in the surface form of an electronic text from the intended, correct or original text. We see such noisy text
everyday in various forms. Each of them has unique
characteristics and hence requires special handling.
We introduce some such forms of noisy textual data
in this section.
Online Noisy Documents: E-mails, chat logs, scrapbook entries, newsgroup postings, threads in discussion
fora, blogs, etc., fall under this category. People are
typically less careful about the sanity of written content
in such informal modes of communication. These are
characterized by frequent misspellings, commonly

and not so commonly used abbreviations, incomplete

sentences, missing punctuations and so on. Almost
always noisy documents are human interpretable, if
not by everyone, at least by intended readers.
SMS: Short Message Services are becoming more
and more common. Language usage over SMS text significantly differs from the standard form of the language.
An urge towards shorter message length facilitating
faster typing and the need for semantic clarity, shape
the structure of this non-standard form known as the
texting language (Choudhury et. al., 2007).
Text Generated by ASR Devices: ASR is the
process of converting a speech signal to a sequence
of words. An ASR system takes speech signal such
as monologs, discussions between people, telephonic
conversations, etc. as input and produces a string a
words, typically not demarcated by punctuations as
transcripts. An ASR system consists of an acoustic
model, a language model and a decoding algorithm.
The acoustic model is trained on speech data and their
corresponding manual transcripts. The language model
is trained on a large monolingual corpus. ASR convert
audio into text by searching the acoustic model and
language model space using the decoding algorithm.
Most conversations at contact centers today between
agents and customers are recorded. To do any processing of this data to obtain customer intelligence it is
necessary to convert the audio into text.
Text Generated by OCR Devices: Optical character
recognition, or OCR, is a technology that allows digital
images of typed or handwritten text to be transferred
into an editable text document. It takes the picture of
text and translates the text into Unicode or ASCII. . For
handwritten optical character recognition, the rate of
recognition is 80% to 90% with clean handwriting.
Call Logs in Contact Centers: Todays contact centers (also known as call centers, BPOs, KPOs) produce
huge amounts of unstructured data in the form of call
logs apart from emails, call transcriptions, SMS, chat

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

transcripts etc. Agents are expected to summarize an

interaction as soon as they are done with it and before
picking up the next one. As the agents work under immense time pressure hence the summary logs are very
poorly written and sometimes even difficult for human
interpretation. Analysis of such call logs are important
to identify problem areas, agent performance, evolving
problems etc.
In this chapter we will be focussing on automatic
classification of noisy text. Automatic text classification refers to segregating documents into different
topics depending on content. For example, categorizing
customer emails according to topics such as billing
problem, address change, product enquiry etc. It has
important applications in the field of email categorization, building and maintaining web directories e.g.
DMoz, spam filter, automatic call and email routing
in contact center, pornographic material filter and so

from documents, each document is converted into a

document vector. Documents are represented in a vector space; each dimension of this space represents a
single feature and the importance of that feature in that
document gives the exact distance from the origin. The
simplest representation of document vectors uses the
binary event model, where if a feature j V appears in
document di, then the jth component of di is 1 otherwise
it is 0. One of the most popular statistical classification
techniques is naive Bayes (McCallum, 1998). In the
naive Bayes technique the probability of a document
di belonging to class c is computed as:
Pr( c, d )
Pr( d )

Pr( c | d ) =

= Pr( c ) Pr( d | c )
Pr( d )
Pr( c ) Pr( d | c )


The text classification task is one of the learning
models for a given set of classes and applying these
models to new unseen documents for class assignment.
This is an important component in many knowledge
extraction tasks; real time sorting of email or files
into folder hierarchies, topic identification to support
topic-specific processing operations, structured search
and/or browsing, or finding documents corresponding
to long-term standing interests or more dynamic taskbased interests. Two types of classifiers are generally
commonly found viz. statistical classifiers and rule
based classifiers.
In statistical techniques a model is typically trained
on a corpus of labelled data and once trained the system
can be used for automatic assignment of unseen data. A
survey of text classification can be found in the work
by Aas & Eikvil (Aas & Eikvil, 1999). Given a training document collection D ={d1, d2, .., dM} with true
classes {y1, y2, .., yM} the task is to learn a model.
This model is used for categorizing a new unlabelled
document du. Typically words appearing in the text are
used as features. Other applications including search
rely heavily on taking the markup or link structure of
documents into account but classifiers only depend on
the content of the documents or the collection of words
present in the documents. Once features are extracted


| c)

The final approximation of the above equation refers

to the naive part of such a model, i.e., the assumption
of word independence which means the features are
assumed to be conditionally independent, given the
class variable.
Rule-based learning systems have been adopted in
the document classification problem since it has considerable appeal. They perform well at finding simple
axis-parallel frontiers. A typical rule-based classification scheme for a category, say C, has the form:
Assign category C if antecedent or
Do no assign category C if antecedent or
The antecedent in the premise of a rule usually
involves some kind of feature value comparison. A
rule is said to cover a document or a document is said
to satisfy a rule if all the feature value comparisons in
the antecedent of the rule are true for the document.
One of the well known works in the rule based text
classification domain is RIPPER. Like a standard
separate-and-conquer algorithm, it builds a rule set
incrementally. When a rule is found, all documents
covered by the rule are discarded including positive

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

and negative documents. The rule is then added to the

rule set. The remaining documents are used to build
other rules in the next iteration.
In both statistical as well as rule based text classification techniques, the content of the text is the sole
determiner of the category to be assigned. However
noise in the text distorts the content and hence readers can expect the categorization performance to get
affected by noise in the text. Classifiers are essentially
trained to identify correlation between extracted features
(words) with different categories which can be later
utilized to categorize new documents. For example,
words like exciting offer get a free laptop might have
stronger correlation with category spam emails than
non-spam emails. Noise in text distorts this feature
space excitinng ofer get frree lap top will be new set
of features and the categorizer will not be able to relate it to the spam emails category. The feature space
explodes as the same feature can appear in different
forms due to spelling errors, poor recognition, wrong
transcription, etc. In the remaining part of this section
we will give an overview how people have approached
the problem of categorizing noisy text.

Categorization of OCRed Documents

Electronically recognized handwritten documents and
documents generated from OCR process are typical
examples of noisy text because of the errors introduced
by the recognition process. Vinciarelli (Vinciarelli,
2004) has studied the characteristics of noise present
in such data and its effects on categorization accuracy.
A subset of documents from the Reuters-21578 text
classification dataset were taken and noise was introduced using two methods: first a subset of documents
were manually written and recognized using an offline
handwriting recognition system. In the second the OCR
based extraction process was simulated by randomly
changing a certain percentage of characters. According
to them for recall values up to 60-70 percent depending
on the sources, the categorization system is robust to
noise even when the Term Error Rate is higher than
40 percent. It was also observed that the results from
the handwritten data appeared to be lower than those
obtained from OCR simulations. Generic systems
for text categorization based on statistical analysis of
representative text corpora have been proposed (Bayer
et. al., 1998). Features are extracted from training texts
by selecting substrings from actual word forms and

applying statistical information and general linguistic

knowledge followed by dimensionality reduction
by linear transformation. The actual categorization
system is based on minimum least-squares approach.
The system is evaluated on the tasks of categorizing
abstracts of paper-based German technical reports and
business letters concerning complaints. Approximately
80% classification accuracy is obtained and it is seen
that the system is very robust against recognition or
typing errors.
Issues with categorizing OCRed documents are also
discussed by many other authors (Brooks & Teahan,
2007), (Hoch, 1994) and (Taghva et. al., 2001).

Categorization of ASRed Documents

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is simply the
process of converting an acoustic signal to a sequence of
words. Researchers have proposed different techniques
for speech recognition tasks based on Hidden Markov
model (HMM), neural networks, Dynamic time warping (DTW) (Trentin & Gori, 2001). The performance
of an ASR system is typically measured in terms of
Word Error Rate (WER), which is derived from the
Levenshtein distance, working at word level instead
of character. WER can be computed as



where S is the number of substitutions, D is the number

of the deletions, I is the number of the insertions, and
N is the number of words in the reference. Bahl
(Bahl et. al. 1995) have built an ASR system and demonstrated its capability on benchmark datasets.
ASR systems give rise to word substitutions, deletions and insertions, while OCR systems produce essentially word substitutions. Moreover, ASR systems
are constrained by a lexicon and can give as output only
words belonging to it, while OCR systems can work
without a lexicon (this corresponds to the possibility
of transcribing any character string) and can output
sequences of symbols not necessarily corresponding
to actual words. Such differences are expected to have
strong influence on performance of systems designed
for categorizing ASRed documents in comparison to
categorization of OCRed documents. A lot of work on
automatic call type classification for the purpose of

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

categorizing calls (Tang et al., 2003), call routing (Kuo

and Lee, 2003; Haffner et al., 2003), obtaining call log
summaries (Douglas et al., 2005), agent assisting and
monitoring (Mishne et al., 2005) has appeared in the
past.Here calls are classified based on the transcription
from an ASR system. One interesting work on seeing
effect of ASR noise on text classification was done on
a subset of benchmark text classification dataset Reuters-215782 (Agarwal et. al., 2007). They read out and
automatically transcribed 200 documents and applied a
text classifier trained on clean Reuters-21578 training
corpus3. Surprisingly, in spite of high degree of noise,
they did not observe much degradation in accuracy.

Effect of Spelling Errors on

Spelling errors are an integral part of written textelectronic as well as non-electronic. Every reader reading
this book must have been scolded by their teacher
in school for spelling words wrongly! In this era of
electronic text people have become less careful while
writing resulting poorly written text containing abbreviations, short forms, acronyms, wrong spellings.
Such electronic text documents including email, chat
log, postings, SMSs are sometimes difficult to interpret
even for human beings. It goes without saying that text
analytics on such noisy data is a non trivial task.
Wrong spellings can affect automatic classification
performance in multiple ways depending on the nature
of the classification technique being used. In the case
of statistical techniques, spelling differences distort the
feature space. If training as well as the test data corpus
are noisy, while learning the model the classifier will
treat variants of the same words as different features.
As a result the observed joint probability distribution
will be different from the actual distribution. If the
proportion of wrongly spelt words is high then the
distortion can be significant and will hurt the accuracy
of the resultant classifier. However, if the classifier
is trained on a clean corpus and the test documents
are noisy, then wrongly spelt words will be treated as
unseen words and will not help in classification. In an
unlikely situation a wrongly spelt word present in a
test document may become a different valid feature
and worse, may become a valid indicative feature of
a different class. A standard technique in the text classification process is feature selection which happens
after feature extraction and before training. Feature

selection typically employs some statistical measures

over the training corpus and ranks features in order of
the amount of information (correlation) they have with
respect to the class labels of the classification task at
hand. After the feature set has been ranked, the top
few features are retained (typically order of hundreds
or a few thousand) and the others are discarded. Feature
selection should be able to eliminate wrongly spelt
words present in the training data provided (i) the
proportion of wrongly spelt words is not very large
and (ii) there is no regular pattern in spelling errors4.
However it has been observed, even at high degree
of spelling errors the classification accuracy does not
suffer much (Agarwal et al., 2007).
Rule based classification techniques also get negatively affected by spelling errors. If the training data
contains spelling errors then some of the rules may
not get the required statistical significance. Due to
spelling errors present in the test data a valid rule may
not fire and worse, an invalid rule may fire leading to
a wrong categorization. Suppose RIPPER has learnt
a rule set like:
Assign category sports IF
(the document contains {\it sports}) OR
(the document contains {\it exercise} AND {\it outdoor}) OR
(the document contains {\it exercise} but not {\it homework} {\it exam}) OR
(the document contains {\it play} AND {\it rule}) OR

A hypothetical test document containing repeated

occurrences of exercise, but each time wrongly spelt as
exarcise, will not be categorized to the sports category
and hence lead to misclassification.

In this chapter we have looked at noisy text analytics.
This topic is gaining in importance as more and more
noisy data gets generated and needs processing. In
particular we have looked at techniques for correcting
noisy text and for doing classification. We have presented a survey of existing techniques in the area and
have shown that even though it is a difficult problem
it is possible to address it with a combination of new
and existing techniques.

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

K. Aas & L. Eikvil (1999). Text Categorisation: A Survey. Technical report, Norwegian Computing Center.
S. Agarwal, S. Godbole, D. Punjani & S. Roy (2007).
How Much Noise is too Much: A Study in Automatic
Text Classification. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining series (ICDM),
Nebraska, Omaha (To Appear).
L. R. Bahl, S. Balakrishnan-Aiyer, J. Bellegarda, M.
Franz, P. Gopalakrishnan, D. Nahamoo, M. Novak, M.
Padmanabhan, M. Picheny, and S. Roukos. Performance
of the IBM large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system on the ARPA wall street journal task. In
Proc. ICASSP 95, pages 4144, Detroit, MI, 1995.

G. Mishne, D. Carmel, R. Hoory, A. Roytman and

A. Soffer. 2005. Automatic Analysis of Call-center
Conversations. Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. October 31-November 5, Bremen,
K. Taghva, T. Narkter, J. Borsack, Lumos. S., A. Condit,
& Young (2001). Evaluating Text Categorization in
the Presence of OCR Errors. In Proceedings of IS&T
SPIE 2001 International Symposium on Electronic
Imaging Science and Technology, (68-74).
M. Tang, B. Pellom and K. Hacioglu. 2003. Calltype
Classification and Unsupervised Training for the Call
Center Domain. Automatic Speech Recognition and
UnderstandingWorkshop. November 30-December 4,
St. Thomas, U S Virgin Islands.

T. Bayer, U. Kressel, H. Mogg-Schneider, & Renz

(1998). Categorizing Paper Documents. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding, 70(3) (299-306).

E. Trentin & M. Gori (2001). A Survey of Hybrid

ANN/HMM Models for Automatic Speech Recognition. Neurocomputing journal. Volume 37. (91-126)

R. Brooks & L. J. Teahan (2007). A Practical Implementation of Automatic Text Categorization and Correction
of the Conversion of Noisy OCR Documents into
Braille and Large Print. Proceedings of Workshop on
Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (at IJCAI
2007). Jan, Hyderabad, India.

A. Vinciarelli (2005). Noisy Text Categorization. IEEE

Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 27, no. 12. (1882 1295).

S. Douglas, D. Agarwal, T. Alonso, R. M. Bell, M.

Gilbert, D. F. Swayne and C. Volinsky. 2005. Mining
Customer Care Dialogs for Daily News. IEEE Trans.
on Speech and Audio Processing, 13(5):652660.
P. Haffner, G. Tur & J. H. Wright (2003). Optimizing
SVMs for Complex Call Classification. In Proceedings
of the IEEE Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing.
R. Hoch (1994). Using IR Techniques for Text Classification in Document Analysis. In Proceedings of 17th
ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development
in Information Retrieval, (31-40).
H.-K J. Kuo and C.-H. Lee. 2003. Discriminative Training of Natural Language Call Routers. IEEE Trans.
on Speech and Audio Processing, 11(1):2435.
A. McCallum and K. Nigam. A comparison of event
models for naive Bayes text classification. In AAAI/
ICML-98 Workshop on Learning for Text Categorization, 1998.

Vlachos (2006). Active Annotation. In Proceedings of

the EACL 2006 Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction
and Mining, Trento, Italy.

Automatic Speech Recognition: Machine recognition and conversion of spoken words into text.
Data Mining: The application of analytical methods
and tools to data for the purpose of identifying patterns,
relationships or obtaining systems that perform useful
tasks such as classification, prediction, estimation, or
affinity grouping.
Information Extraction: Automatic extraction of
structured knowledge from unstructured documents.
Noisy Text: Text with any kind of difference in the
surface form, from the intended, correct or original
Optical Character Recognition: Translation of
images of handwritten or typewritten text (usually
captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text.


Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data I

Rule Induction: Process of learning, from cases

or instances, if-then rule relationships that consist of
an antecedent (if-part, defining the preconditions or
coverage of the rule) and a consequent (then-part,
stating a classification, prediction, or other expression of a property that holds for cases defined in the
Text Analytics: The process of extracting useful and
structured knowledge from unstructured documents to
find useful associations and insights.
Text Classification (or Text Categorization): Is
the task of learning models for a given set of classes
and applying these models to new unseen documents
for class assignment.



According to
%7Emattd/Cmabrigde/, this is an internet hoax.
However we found it interesting and hence included here.
This dataset is available from http://kdd.ics.uci.
Note: this assumption may not hold true in the
case of cognitive errors


Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text

Data II
L. Venkata Subramaniam
IBM Research, India Research Lab, India
Shourya Roy
IBM Research, India Research Lab, India

The importance of text mining applications is growing
proportionally with the exponential growth of electronic
text. Along with the growth of internet many other
sources of electronic text have become really popular.
With increasing penetration of internet, many forms
of communication and interaction such as email, chat,
newsgroups, blogs, discussion groups, scraps etc. have
become increasingly popular. These generate huge
amount of noisy text data everyday. Apart from these
the other big contributors in the pool of electronic text
documents are call centres and customer relationship
management organizations in the form of call logs,
call transcriptions, problem tickets, complaint emails
etc., electronic text generated by Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) process from hand written and
printed documents and mobile text such as Short Message Service (SMS). Though the nature of each of these
documents is different but there is a common thread
between all of thesepresence of noise.
An example of information extraction is the extraction of instances of corporate mergers, more formally
MergerBetween(company1,company2,date), from an
online news sentence such as: Yesterday, New-York
based Foo Inc. announced their acquisition of Bar
Corp. Opinion(product1,good), from a blog post such
as: I absolutely liked the texture of SheetK quilts.
At superficial level, there are two ways for information extraction from noisy text. The first one is cleaning
text by removing noise and then applying existing state
of the art techniques for information extraction. There
in lies the importance of techniques for automatically
correcting noisy text. In this chapter, first we will review
some work in the area of noisy text correction. The second approach is to devise extraction techniques which
are robust with respect to noise. Later in this chapter,

we will see how the task of information extraction is

affected by noise.


Before moving on to techniques for processing noisy
text we will briefly introduce methods for correcting
noisy text. One of the most common forms of noise in
text is wrong spelling. Kukich provides a comprehensive survey of techniques pertaining to detecting and
correcting spelling errors (Kukich, 1992). According
to this survey, three types of nonword misspellings are
typically found viz. typographic such as teh, speel,
cognitive such as recieve, conspeeracy and phonetic
such as abiss, nacherly. A distinction must be made
between automatically detecting such errors and automatically correcting those errors. The latter is a much
harder problem. Most of the recent work in this area
is about correcting spelling mistakes automatically.
Golding and Roth (Golding & Roth, 1999) proposed
a combination of a variant of Winnow, a multiplicative
weight-update algorithm and weighted majority voting
for context sensitive spelling correction. Mangu and
Brill (Mangu & Brill, 1997) have shown that a small
set of human understandable rules is more meaningful
than a large set of opaque features and weights. Hybrid
methods capturing the context using trigrams of the
parts-of-speech tags and a feature based method have
also been proposed to handle context sensitive spelling
correction (Golding & Schabes, 1996). There is a lot of
work related to automatic correction of spelling errors
(Agirre et. al., 1998), (Zamora et. al., 1983), (Golding,
1995). A complete bibliography of all the work related
to spelling error detection and correction can be found
in (Beebe, 2005). On a related note, automatic spelling
error correction techniques have been applied for other

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data II

applications such as semantic role labelling (Sang et.

al., 2005).
There is also recent work on correcting the output of
SMS text (Aw et. al., 2006) (Choudhury et. al., 2007),
OCR errors (Nartker et. al., 2003) and ASR errors
(Sarma & Palmer, 2004).


The goal of Information Extraction (IE) is to automatically extract structured information from the unstructured documents. The extracted structured information
has to be contextually and semantically well-defined
data from a given domain. A typical application of IE is
to scan a set of documents written in natural language
and populate a database with the information extracted.
The MUC (Message Understanding Conference) conference was one effort at codifying the IE task and
expanding it (Chinchor, 1998).
There are two basic approaches to the design of IE
systems. One comprises the knowledge engineering
approach where a domain expert writes a set of rules
to extract the sought after information. Typically the
process of building the system is iterative whereby a
set of rules is written, the system is run and the output
examined to see how the system is performing. The
domain expert then modifies the rules to overcome any
under- or over-generation in the output. The second
is the automatic training approach. This approach is
similar to classification where the texts are appropriately
annotated with the information being extracted. For
example, if we would like to build a city name extractor,
then the training set would include documents with all
the city names marked. An IE system would be trained
on this annotated corpus to learn the patterns that would
help in extracting the necessary entities.
An information extraction system typically consists
of natural language processing steps such as morphological processing, lexical processing and syntactic
analysis. These include stemming to reduce inflected
forms of words to their stem, parts of speech tagging
to assign labels such as noun, verb, etc. to each word
and parsing to determine the grammatical structure of


Named Entity Annotation of Web Posts

Extraction of named entities is a key IE task. It seeks
to locate and classify atomic elements in the text into
predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities,
monetary values, percentages, etc. Entity recognition
systems either use rule based techniques or statistical
models. Typically a parser or a parts of speech tagger
identifies elements such as nouns, noun phrases, or
pronouns. These elements along with surface forms
of the text are used to define templates for extracting the named entities. For example, to tag company
names it would be desirable to look at noun phrases
that contain the words company or incorporated in
them. These rules can be automatically learnt using
a tagged corpus or could be defined manually. Most
known approaches do this on clean well formed text.
However, named entity annotation of web posts such
as online classifieds, product listings etc. is harder because these texts are not grammatical or well written.
In such cases reference sets have been used to annotate
parts of the posts (Michelson & Knoblock, 2005). The
reference set is thought of as a relational set of data
with a defined schema and consistent attribute values.
Posts are now matched to their nearest records in the
reference set. In the biological domain gene name annotation, even though it is performed on well written
scientific articles, can be thought of in the context of
noise, because many gene names overlap with common
English words or biomedical terms. There have been
studies on the performance of the gene name annotator
when trained on noisy data (Vlachos, 2006).

Information Extraction from OCRed

Documents obtained from OCR may have not only
unknown words and compound words, but also incorrect words due to OCR errors. In their work Miller
et. al. (Miller et. al., 2000) have measured the effect
of OCR noise on IE performance. Many IE methods
work directly on the document image to avoid errors
resulting from converting to text. They adopt keyword
matching by searching for string patterns and then use
global document models consisting of keyword models
and their logical relationships to achieve robustness
in matching (Lu & Tan, 2004). The presence of OCR
errors has a detrimental effect on information access

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data II

from these documents (Taghva et. al., 2004). However, post processing of these documents to correct
these errors exist and have been shown to give large

Information Extraction from ASRed

The output of an ASR system does not contain case
information and punctuations. It has been shown that
in the absence of punctuations extraction of different
syntactic entities like parts of speech and noun phrases
is not accurate (Nasukawa et. al., 2007). So IE from
ASRed documents becomes harder. Miller et. al. (Miller
et. al., 2000) have shown how IE performance varies
with ASR noise. It has been shown that it is possible
to build aggregate models from ASR data (Roy &
Subramaniam, 2006). In this work topical models are
constructed by utilizing inter document redundancy
to overcome the noise. In this work only a few natural
language processing steps have been used. Phrases
have been aggregated over the noisy collection to get
to the clean underlying text.

More and more data from sources like chat, conversations, blogs, discussion groups need to be mined
to capture opinions, trends, issues and opportunities.
These forms of communication encourage informal
language which can be considered noisy due to spelling errors, grammatical errors and informal writing
styles. Companies are interested in mining such data
to observe customer preferences and improve customer
satisfaction. Online agents need to be able to understand
web posts to take actions and communicate with other
agents. Customers are interested in collated product
reviews from web posts of other users. The nature
of the noisy text warrants moving beyond traditional
text analytics techniques. There is need for developing
natural language processing techniques that are robust
to noise. Also techniques that implicitly and explicitly
tackle textual noise need to be developed.

In this chapter we have looked at information extraction
from noisy text. This topic is gaining in importance as
more and more noisy data gets generated and useful
information needs to be obtained from this. We have
presented a survey of existing techniques information
extraction techniques. We have also presented some of
the future trends in noisy text analytics.

E. Agirre, K. Gojenola, K. Sarasola & A. Voutilainen
(1998). Towards a Single Proposal in Spelling Correction. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting
of the Association for Computational Linguistics and
Seventeenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics (22-28).
Aw, M. Zhang, J. Xiao & J. Su (2006). A Phrase-Based
Statistical Model for SMS Text Normalization. In Proceedings of the Joint conference of the Association for
Computational Linguistics and the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ACL-COLING
2006), Sydney, Australia.
N. H. F. Beebe (2005). A Bibliography of Publications
on Computer Based Spelling Error Detection and Correction.
M. Choudhury, R. Saraf, V. Jain, S. Sarkar & A. Basu
(2007). Investigation and Modeling of the Structure of
Texting Language. In Proceedings of the IJCAI 2007
Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text
Data (AND 2007), Hyderabad, India.
N. Chinchor (1998). Overview of MUC-7. http://
R. Golding (1995). A Bayesian Hybrid Method for Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction. Proceedings of the
Third Workshop on Very Large Corpora (3953).
R. Golding & D. Roth (1999). A Winnow-Based Approach to Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction. Journal
of Machine Learning. Volume 34 (1-3) (107-130)


Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data II

R. Golding & Y. Schabes (1996). Combining Trigram-Based and Feature-Based Methods for ContextSensitive Spelling Correction. Proceedings of the
Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics (7178).

Sarma & D. Palmer (2004). Context-based Speech Recognition Error Detection and Correction. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: HLT-NAACL 2004.

K. Kukich (1992). Technique for Automatically Correcting Words in Text. ACM Computing Survey. Volume
24 (4) (377439).

K. Taghva, T. Narkter & J. Borsack (2004). Information

Access in the Presence of OCR Errors. ACM Hardcopy
Document Processing Workshop, Washington, DC,
USA. (1-8)

Y. Lu & C. L. Tan (2004). Information Retrieval in

Document Image Databases. IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering. Vol 16, No. 11.
L. Mangu & E. Brill (1997). Automatic Rule Acquisition for Spelling Correction. Proc. 14th International
Conference on Machine Learning. (187194).
M. Michelson & C. A. Knoblock (2005). Semantic
Annotation of Unstructured and Ungrammatical Text.
In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence.
D. Miller, S. Boisen, R. Schwartz, R. Stone & R. Weischedel (2000). Named Entity Extraction from Noisy
Input: Speech and OCR. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing.
T. Nartker, K. Taghva, R. Young, J. Borsack, and A.
Condit (2003). OCR Correction Based On Document
Level Knowledge. In Proc. IS&T/SPIE 2003 Intl. Symp.
on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, volume
5010, Santa Clara, CA.
T. Nasukawa, D. Punjani, S. Roy, L. V. Subramaniam
& H. Takeuchi (2007). Adding Sentence Boundaries to
Conversational Speech Transcriptions Using Noisily
Labeled Examples. In Proceedings of the IJCAI 2007
Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text
Data (AND 2007), Hyderabad, India.
S. Roy & L. V. Subramaniam (2006). Automatic Generation of Domain Models for Call-Centers from Noisy
Transcriptions. In Proceedings of the Joint conference of
the Association for Computational Linguistics and the
International Committee on Computational Linguistics
(ACL-COLING 2006), Sydney, Australia.
E. T. K. Sang, S. Canisius, A. van den Bosch & T.
Bogers (2005). Applying Spelling Error Correction
Techniques for Improving Semantic Role Labelling.
In Proceedings of CoNLL.

K. Taghva, T. Narkter, J. Borsack, Lumos. S., A. Condit,

& Young (2001). Evaluating Text Categorization in
the Presence of OCR Errors. In Proceedings of IS&T
SPIE 2001 International Symposium on Electronic
Imaging Science and Technology, (68-74).
E. M. Zamora, J. J. Pollock, & A. Zamora (1983).
The Use of Trigram Analysis for Spelling Error Detection. Information Processing and Management 17.

Automatic Speech Recognition: Machine recognition and conversion of spoken words into text.
Data Mining: The application of analytical methods
and tools to data for the purpose of identifying patterns,
relationships or obtaining systems that perform useful
tasks such as classification, prediction, estimation, or
affinity grouping.
Information Extraction: Automatic extraction of
structured knowledge from unstructured documents.
Knowledge Extraction: Explicitation of the internal
knowledge of a system or set of data in a way that is
easily interpretable by the user.
Noisy Text: Text with any kind of difference in the
surface form, from the intended, correct or original
Optical Character Recognition: Translation of
images of handwritten or typewritten text (usually
captured by a scanner) into machine-editable text.
Rule Induction: Process of learning, from cases
or instances, if-then rule relationships that consist of
an antecedent (if-part, defining the preconditions or

Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data II

coverage of the rule) and a consequent (then-part,

stating a classification, prediction, or other expression of a property that holds for cases defined in the

Text Analytics: The process of extracting useful and

structured knowledge from unstructured documents to
find useful associations and insights.



Angiographic Images Segmentation

Francisco J. Nvoa
University of A Corua, Spain
Alberto Curra
University of A Corua, Spain
M. Gloria Lpez
University of A Corua, Spain
Virginia Mato
University of A Corua, Spain

Heart-related pathologies are among the most frequent
health problems in western society. Symptoms that point
towards cardiovascular diseases are usually diagnosed
with angiographies, which allow the medical expert
to observe the bloodflow in the coronary arteries and
detect severe narrowing (stenosis). According to the
severity, extension, and location of these narrowings,
the expert pronounces a diagnosis, defines a treatment,
and establishes a prognosis.
The current modus operandi is for clinical experts to
observe the image sequences and take decisions on the
basis of their empirical knowledge. Various techniques
and segmentation strategies now aim at objectivizing
this process by extracting quantitative and qualitative
information from the angiographies.

Segmentation is the process that divides an image in
its constituting parts or objects. In the present context, it
consists in separating the pixels that compose the coronary tree from the remaining background pixels.
None of the currently applied segmentation methods
is able to completely and perfectly extract the vasculature of the heart, because the images present complex
morphologies and their background is inhomogeneous
due to the presence of other anatomic elements and
artifacts such as catheters.
The literature presents a wide array of coronary tree
extraction methods: some apply pattern recognition

techniques based on pure intensity, such as thresholding followed by an analysis of connected components,
whereas others apply explicit vessel models to extract
the vessel contours.
Depending on the quality and noise of the image,
some segmentation methods may require image preprocessing prior to the segmentation algorithm; others
may need postprocessing operations to eliminate the
effects of a possible oversegmentation.
The techniques and algorithms for vascular segmentation could be categorized as follows (Kirbas,
Quek, 2004):

Techniques for pattern-matching or pattern

Techniques based on models
Techniques based on tracking
Techniques based on artificial intelligence
Main Focus

This section describes the main features of the

most commonly accepted coronary tree segmentation
techniques. These techniques automatically detect
objects and their characteristics, which is an easy and
immediate task for humans, but an extremely complex
process for artificial computational systems.

Techniques Based on Pattern

The pattern recognition approaches can be classified
into four major categories:

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Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

Figure 1. Regions growth applied to an angiography

Multiscale Methods
The multiscale method extracts the vessel method by
means of images of varying resolutions. The main
advantage of this technique resides in its high speed.
Larger structures such as main arteries are extracted
by segmenting low resolution images, whereas smaller
structures are obtained through high resolution images.

Methods Based on Skeletons

The purpose of these methods is to obtain a skeleton
of the coronary tree: a structure of smaller dimensions than the original that preserves the topological
properties and the general shape of the detected object.
Skeletons based on curves are generally used to reconstruct vascular structures (Nystrm, Sanniti di Baja &
Svensson, 2001). Skeletonizing algorithms are also
called thinning algorithms.
The first step of the process is to detect the central
axis of the vessels or centerline. This axis is an
imaginary line that follows each vessel in its central
axis, i.e. two normal segments that cross the axis in
opposite sense should present the same distance from
the vessels edges. The total of these lines constitutes
the skeleton of the coronary tree. The methods that are
used to detect the central axes can be classified into
three categories:
Methods Based on Crests
One of the first methods to segment angiographic images on the basis of crests was proposed by Guo and

Richardson (Guo & Ritchardson, 1998). This method

treats angiographies as topographic maps in which
the detected crests constitute the central axes of the
The image is preprocessed by means of a median
filter and smoothened with non-linear diffusion. The
region of interest is then selected through thresholding,
a process that eliminates the crests that do not correspond
with the central axes. Finally, the candidate central axes
are joined with curve relaxation techniques.
Methods Based on Regions Growth
Taking a known point as seed point, these techniques
segment images through the incremental inclusion of
pixels in a region on the basis of an a priori established
criterion. There are two especially important criteria:
similitude in the value, and spatial proximity (Jain,
Kasturi & Schunck, 1995). It is established that pixels
that are sufficiently near others with similar grey levels
belong to the same object. The main disadvantage of
this method is that it requires the intervention of the
user to determine the seed points.
OBrien and Ezquerra (OBrien & Ezquerra, 1994)
propose the automatic extraction of the coronary vessels in angiograms on the basis of temporary, spatial,
and structural restrictions. The algorithm starts with
a low-pass filter and the users definition of a seed
point. The system then starts to extract the central axes
by means of the globe test mechanism, after which
the detected regions are entangled through the graph
theory. The applied test also allows us to discard the
regions that are detected incorrectly and do not belong
to the vascular tree.

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

Methods Based on Differential Geometry

The methods that are based on differential geometry
treat images as hypersurfaces and extract their features using curvature and surface crests. The points of
hypersurfaces crest correspond to the central axis of
the structure of a vessel. This method can be applied
to bidimensional as well as tridimensional images;
angiograms are bidimensional images and are therefore
modelled as tridimensional hypersurfaces.
Examples of reconstructions can be found in Prinet
et al (Prinet, Mona & Rocchisani, 1995), who treat the
images as parametric surfaces and extract their features
by means of surfaces and crests.

Correspondence Filters Methods

The correspondence filter approach convolutes the
image with multiple correspondence filters so as to
extract the regions of interest. The filters are designed
to detect different sizes and orientations.
Poli and Valli (Poli, R & Valli, 1997) apply this
technique with an algorithm that details a series of
multiorientation linear filters that are obtained as linear
combinations of Gaussian kernels. These filters are
sensitive to different vessel widths and orientations.
Mao et al (Mao, Ruan, Bruno, Toumoulin, Collorec & Haigron, 1992) also use this type of filters in
an algorithm based on visual perception models that
affirm that the relevant parts of the objects in images
with noise appear normally grouped.

their morphological features can be preserved and irrelevant elements eliminated. The main morphological
operations are the following:

Dilatation: Expands objects, fills up empty spaces,

and connects disjunct regions.
Erosion: Contracts objects, separates regions.
Closure: Dilatation + Erosion.
Opening: Erosion + Dilatation.
"Top hat" transformation: Extracts the structures with a linear shape
"Watershed transformation: "Inundates the
image that is taken as a topographic map , and
extracts the parts that are not "flooded".

Eiho and Qian (Eiho & Qian, 1997) use a purely

morphological approach to define an algorithm that
consists of the following steps:

Application of the top hat operator to emphasize

the vessels
Erosion to eliminate the areas that do not correspond to vessels
Extraction of the tree from a point provided by
the user and on the basis of grey levels.
Slimming down of the tree
Extraction of edges through watershed transformation

Morphological Mathematical Methods
Mathematical morphology defines a series of operators
that apply structural elements to the images so that

These approaches use explicit vessel models to extract

the vascular tree. They can be divided into four catego-

Figure 2. Morphological operators applied to an angiography

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

ries: deformable models, parametric models, template

correspondence models, and generalized cylinders.

Deformable Models
Strategies based on deformable models can be classified
in terms of the work by McInerney and Terzopoulos
(McInerney & Terzopoulos, 1997).
Algorithms that use deformable models (Merle,
Finet, Lienard, & Magnin, 1997) are based on the
progressive refining of an initial skeleton built with
curves from a series of reference points:

Root points: Starting points for the coronary

Bifurcation points: Points where a main branch
divides into a secundary branch.
End points: Points where a tree branch ends.
These points have to be marked manually.

Deformable Parametric Models:

Active Contours
These models use a set of parametric curves that
adjust to the objects edges and are modified by both
external forces, that foment deformation, and internal
forces that resist change. The active contour models
or snakes in particular are a special case of a more
general technique that pretends to adjust deformable
models by minimizing energy.
Klein et al. (Klein, Lee & Amini, 1997) propose
an algorithm that uses snakes for 4D reconstruction:
they trace the position of each point of the central axis
of a skeleton in a sequence of angiograms.

Deformable Geometric Models

These models are based on topographic models that are
adapted for shape recognition. Malladi et al. (Malladi,
Sethian & Vemuri, 1995) for instance adapt the Level
Set Method (LSM) by representing an edge as a level
zero set of a hypersurface of a superior order; the model
evolves to reduce a metric defined by the restrictions of
edges and curvature, but less rigidly than in the case of
the snakes. This edge, which constitutes the zero level
of the hypersurface, evolves by adjusting to the edges
of the vessels, which is what we want to detect.

Propagation Methods
Quek and Kirbas (Quek & Kirbas, 2001) developed
a system of wave propagation combined with a backtracking mechanism to extract the vessels from angiographic images. This method basically labels each
pixel according to its likeliness to belong to a vessel
and then propagates a wave through the pixels that are
labeled as belonging to the vessel; it is this wave that
definitively extracts the vessels according to the local
features it encounters.
Approaches based on the correspondence of deformable templates:
This approach tries to recognize structural models
(templates) in an image by using a template as context,
i.e. as a priori model. This template is generally represented as a set of nodes connected by a segment. The
initial structure is deformed until it adjusts optimally
to the structures that were observed in the image.
Petrocelli et al. (Petrocelli, Manbeck, & Elion, 1993)
describe a method based on deformable templates that
also incorporates additional previous knowledge into
the deformation process.

Parametric Models
These models are based on the a priori knowledge
of the arterys shape and are used to build models
whose parameters depend on the profiles of the entire
vessel; as such, they consider the global information
of the artery instead of merely the local information.
The value of these parameters is established after a
learning process.
The literature shows the use of models with circular sections (Shmueli, Brody, & Macovski, 1983) and
spiral sections (Pappas, & Lim, 1984), because various
studies by Brown, B. G., (Bolson, Frimer, & Dodge,
1977) (Brown, Bolson, Frimer & Dodge, 1982) show
that sections of healthy arteries tend to be circular and
sections with stenosis are usually elliptical. However,
both circular and elliptical shapes fail to approach irregular shapes caused by pathologies or bifurcations.
This model has been applied to the reconstruction
of vascular structures with two angiograms (Pellot,
Herment, Sigelle, Horain, Maitre & Peronneau, 1994),
which is why both healthy and stenotic sections are modeled by means of ellipses. This model is subsequently
deformed until it corresponds to the shape associated
to the birth of a new branch or pathology.

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

Figure 3. Snakes applied to a blood vessel.

Generalized Cylinder Models


A generalized cylinder (GC) is a solid whose central

axis is a 3D curve. Each point of that axis has a limited
and closed section that is perpendicular to it. A CG is
therefore defined in space by a spatial curve or axis
and a function that defines the section in that axis. The
section is usually an ellipse. Tecnically, GCs should
be included in the parametric methods section, but the
work that has been done in this field is so extense that
it deserves its own category.
The construction of the coronary tree model requires
one single view to build the 2D tree and estimate the
sections. However, there is no information on the depth
or the area of the sections, so a second projection will
be required.

Contrary to the approaches based on pattern recognition,

where local operators are applied to the entire image,
techniques based on arterial follow-up are based on the
application of local operators in an area that presumibly
belongs to a vessel and that cover its length. From a
given point of departure the operators detect the central
axis and, by analyzing the pixels that are orthogonal
to the tracking direction, the vessels edges. There are
various methods to determine the central axis and the
edges: some methods carry out a sequential tracking and incorporate connectivity information after a
simple edge detection operation, other methods use
this information to sequentially track the contours.
There are also approaches based on the intensity of
the crests, on fuzzy sets, or on the representation of

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

Figure 4. Tracking applied to an angiography

graphs, where the purpose lies in finding the optimal

road in the graph that represents the image.
Lu and Eiho (Lu, Eiho, 1993) have described a
follow-up algorithm for the vascular edges in angiographies that considers the inclusion of branches and
consists of three steps:

Edge detection
Branch search
Tracking of sequential contours

The user must provide the point of departure, the

direction, and the search range. The edge points are
evaluated with a differential smoothening operator in a
line that is perpendicular to the direction of the vessel.
This operator also serves to detect the branches.

are then used to formulate a hierarchy with which to

create the model. This type of system does not offer
any good results in arterial bifurcations or in arteries
with occlusions.
Another approach (Stansfield, 1986) consists in
formulating a rules-based Expert System to identify
the arteries. During the first phase, the image is processed without making use of domain knowledge to
extract segments of the vessels. It is only in the second
phase that domain knowledge on cardiac anatomy and
physiology is applied.
The latter approach is more robust than the former;
but it presents the inconvencience of not combining all
the segments into one vascular structure.

Approaches based on Artificial Intelligence use highlevel knowledge to guide the segmentation and delineation of vascular structures and sometimes use different
types of knowledge from various sources.
One possibility (Smets, Verbeeck, Suetens, &
Oosterlinck, 1988) is to use rules that codify knowledge on the morphology of blood vessels; these rules

It cannot be said that one technique has a more promising

future than another, but the current tendency is to move
away from the abovementioned classical segmentation
algorithms towards 3D and even 4D reconstructions
of the coronary tree.
Other lines of research focus on obtaining angiograph images by means of new acquisition technologies
such as Magnetic Resonance, Computarized High
Speed Tomography, or two-armed angiograph devices that achieve two simultaneous projections in

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

combination with the use of ultrasound intravascular

devices. This type of acquisition simplifies the creation
of tridimensional structures, either directly from the
acquisition or after a simple processing of the bidimensional images.

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Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 13:48-60.

Kirbas, C. & Quek, F. (2004). A review of vessel

extraction techniques and algorithms. ACM Comput.
Surv., 36(2),81-121.
Klein, A. K., Lee, F., & Amini, A. A. (1997). Quantitative coronary angiography with deformable spline
models. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Lu, S., & Eiho, S. (1993). Automatic detection of the
coronary arterial contours with sub-branches from an
x-ray angiogram.In Computers in Cardiology 1993.
Proceedings., 575-578.
Nystrm, I., Sanniti di Baja, G., & Svensson, S. (2001).
Representing volumetric vascular structures using curve

Petrocelli, R. R., Manbeck, K. M., & Elion, J. L. (1993).

Three dimensional structure recognition in digital angiograms using gauss-markov methods. In Computers
in Cardiology 1993. Proceedings., 101-104.
Poli, R., & Valli, G. (1997). An algorithm for real-time
vessel enhancement and detection. Computer Methods
and Programs in Biomedicine, 52:1-22.
Prinet, V., Mona, O., & Rocchisani, J. M. (1995).
Multi-dimensional vessels extraction using crest lines.
In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1995.
IEEE 17th Annual Conference, 1:393-394.

Angiographic Images Segmentation Techniques

Quek, F. H. K., & Kirbas, C. (2001). Simulated wave

propagation and traceback in vascular extraction. In
Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality, 2001. Proceedings. International Worksho, 229-234.
Shmueli, K., Brody, W. R., & Macovski, A. (1983).
Estimation of blood vessel boundaries in x-ray images.
Opt. Eng., 22:110-116.
Smets, C., Verbeeck, G., Suetens, P., & Oosterlinck, A.
(1988). A knowledge-based system for the delineation
of blood vessels on subtraction angiograms. Pattern
Recogn. Lett., 8(2):113-121.
Stansfield, S. A. (1986). Angy: A rule-based expert
system for automatic segmentation of coronary vessels
from digital subtracted angiograms. PAMI, 8(3):188199.

Angiography: Image of blood vessels obtained by
any possible procedure.
Artery: Each of the vessels that take the blood from
the heart to the other bodyparts.
Computerized Tomography: Exploration of Xrays that produces detailed images of axial cuts of the

body. A CT obtains many images by rotating around

the body. A computer combines all these images into a
final image that represents the bodycut like a slice.
Expert System: Computer or computer program
that can give responses that are similar to those of an
Segmentation: In computer vision, segmentation
refers to the process of partitioning a digital image into
multiple regions. The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into
something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze.
Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects
and boundaries (structures) in images, in this case, the
coronary tree in digital angiography frames.
Stenosis: A stenosis is an abnormal narrowing
in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure.
A coronary artery thats constricted or narrowed is
called stenosed. Buildup of fat, cholesterol and other
substances over time may clog the artery. Many heart
attacks are caused by a complete blockage of a vessel
in the heart, called a coronary artery.
Thresholding: A technique for the processing of
digital images that consists in applying a certain property or operation to those pixels whose intensity value
exceeds a defined threshold.

ANN Application in the Field of Structural

Juan L. Prez
University of A Corua, Spain
M Isabel Martnez
University of A Corua, Spain
Manuel F. Herrador
University of A Corua, Spain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) mechanisms are more
and more frequently applied to all sorts of civil
engineering problems. New methods and algorithms
which allow civil engineers to use these techniques
in a different way on diverse problems are available
or being made available. One AI techniques stands
out over the rest: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN).
Their most remarkable traits are their ability to learn,
the possibility of generalization and their tolerance
towards mistakes. These characteristics make their
use viable and cost-efficient in any field in general,
and in Structural Engineering in particular. The most
extended construction material nowadays is concrete,
mainly because of its high resistance and its adaptability
to formwork during its fabrication process. Along this
chapter we will find different applications of ANNs to
structural concrete.

Artificial Neural Networks

Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts are credited for the
origin of Artificial Networks in the 1940s, since they
were the first to design an artificial neuron (McCulloch
& Pitts, 1943). They proposed the binary mode (active
or inactive) neuron model with a fixed threshold which
must be surpassed for it to change state. Some of the
concepts they introduced still hold useful today.
Artificial Neural Networks intend to simulate
the properties found in biological neural systems
through mathematical models by the way of artificial
mechanisms. A neuron is considered a formal element,
or module, or basic network unit which receives

information from other modules or the environment; it

then integrates and computes this information to emit
a single output which will be identically transmitted to
subsequent multiple neurons (Wasserman, 1989).
The output of an artificial neuron is determined by
its propagation or excitation, activation and transfer
The propagation function is generally the
summation of each input multiplied by the weight of
its interconnection (net value):
N 1

ni = [Wij p j ]
j =0


The activation function modifies the latter, relating

the neural input to the next activation state.

ai (t ) = FA[ai (t 1), ni (t 1)]


The transfer function is applied to the result of the

activation function. It is used to bound the neurons
output and is generally given by the interpretation
intended for the output. Some of the most commonly
used transfer functions are the sigmoid (to obtain values
in the [0,1] interval) and the hyperbolic tangent (to
obtain values in the [-1,1] interval).

outi = FT (ai (t ) )


Once each element in the process is defined, the type

of network (network topology) to use must be designed.
These can be divided in forward-feed networks, where

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

information moves in one direction only (from input

to output), and networks with partial or total feedback,
where information can flow in any direction.
Finally, learning rules and training type must be
defined. Learning rules are divided in supervised and
non-supervised (Brown & Harris, 1994) (Lin & Lee,
1996) and within the latter, self-organizing learning
and reinforcement learning (Hoskins & Himmelblau,
1992). The type of training will be determined by the
type of learning chosen.

An Introduction to Concrete (Material

and Structure)
Structural concrete is a construction material created
from the mixture of cement, water, aggregates and
additions or admixtures with diverse functions. The goal
is to create a material with rock-like appearance, with
sufficient compressive strength and the ability to adopt
adequate structural shapes. Concrete is moldable during
its preparation phase, once the components have mixed
together go produce a fluid mass which conveniently
occupies the cavities in a mould named formwork. After
a few hours, concrete hardens thanks to the chemical
hydration reaction experimented by cement, generating
a paste which envelops the aggregates and gives the
ensemble the appearance of an artificial rock somewhat
similar to a conglomerate.
Hardened concrete offers good compressive
strength, but very low tensile strength. This is why
structures created with this material must be reinforced
by use of steel rebars, configured by rods which are
placed (before pouring the concrete) along the lines
where calculation predicts the highest tensile stresses.
Cracking, which reduces the durability of the structure,
is thus hindered, and sufficient resistance is guaranteed
with a very low probability of failure. The entirety
formed by concrete and rebar is referred to as Structural
Concrete (Shah, 1993).
Two phases thus characterize the evolution of
concrete in time. In the first phase, concrete must be
fluid enough to ensure ease of placement, and a time
to initial set long enough to allow transportation from
plant to worksite. Flowability depends basically on
the type and quantity of the ingredients in the mixture.
Special chemical admixtures (such as plasticizers and
superplasticizers) guarantee flowability without grossly
increasing the amount of water, whose ratio relative to
the amount of cement (or water/cement ratio, w/c) is on

reverse proportion to strength attained. The science of

rheology deals with the study of the behavior of fresh
concrete. A variety of tests can be used to determine
flowability of fresh concrete, the most popular amongst
them being the Abrams cone (Abrams, 1922) or slump
cone test (Domone, 1998).
The second phase (and longest over time) is the
hardened phase of concrete, which determines the
behavior of the structure it gives shape to, from the point
of view of serviceability (by imposing limitations on
cracking and compliance) and resistance to failure (by
imposing limitations on the minimal loads that can be
resisted, as compared to the internal forces produced by
external loading), always within the frame of sufficient
durability for the service life foreseen.
The study of structural concrete from every
point of view has been undertaken following many
different optics. The experimental path has been very
productive, generating along the past 50 years a database
(with a tendency to scatter) which has been used to
sanction studies carried along the second and third
path that follow. The analytical path also constitutes
a fundamental tool to approach concrete behavior,
both from the material and structural point of view.
Development of theoretical behavior models goes back
to the early 20th century, and theoretical equations
developed since have been corrected through testing
(as mentioned above) before becoming a part of codes
and specifications. This method of analysis has been
reinforced with the development of numerical methods
and computational systems, capable of solving a great
number of simultaneous equations. In particular, the
Finite Element Method (and other methods in the same
family) and optimization techniques have brought
a remarkable capacity to approximate behavior of
structural concrete, having their results benchmarked in
may applications by the aforementioned experimental
Three basic lines of study are thus available. Being
complementary between them, they have played
a decisive role in the production of national and
international codes and rules which guide or legislate
the project, execution and maintenance of structural
concrete works. Concrete is a complex material, which
presents a number of problems for analytical study, and
so is an adequate field for the development of analysis
techniques based on neural networks (Gonzalez,
Martnez and Carro, 2006)

ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

Application of Artificial Neural Networks to

problems in the field of structural concrete has unfolded
in the past few years in two ways. On one hand,
analytical and structural optimization systems faster
than traditional (usually iterative) methods have been
generated starting with expressions and calculation
rules. On the other, the numerous databases created
form the large amount of tests published in the scientific
community have allowed for the development of very
powerful ANN which have thrown light on various
complex phenomena. In a few cases, specific designed
codes have been improved through the use of these
techniques; some examples follow.

Application of Artificial Neural Networks

to Optimization Problems
Design of concrete structures is based on the
determination of two basic parameters: member
thickness (effective depth d, depth of a beam or slab
section measured from the compression face to the
centroid of reinforcement) and amount of reinforcement
(established as the total area As of steel in a section,
materialized as rebars, or the reinforcement ratio,
the ratio between steel area and concrete area in the
section). Calculation methods are iterative, since a
large number of conditions must be verified in the
structure, and the aforementioned parameters are
fixed as a function of three basic conditions which are
sequentially followed: structural safety, maximum
ductility at failure and minimal cost. Design rules,
expressed through equations, allow for a first solution
which is corrected to meet all calculation scenarios,
finally converging when the difference between input
and output parameters are negligible.
In some cases it is possible to develop optimization
algorithms, whose analytical formulation opens the way
to the generation of a database. Hadi (Hadi, 2003) has
performed this work for simply supported reinforced
concrete beams, and the expressions obtained after
the optimization process determine the parameters
specified above, while simultaneously assigning the cost
associated to the optimal solution (related to the cost
of materials and formwork). With these expressions,
Hadi develops a database with the following variables:
applied flexural moment (M), compressive strength
of concrete (fc), steel strength (fy), section width (b),
section depth (h), and unit costs of concrete (Cc), steel
(Cs) and formwork (Cf).

Network parameters used are as follows. The number

of training samples is 550; number of input layer neurons
is 8; number of hidden layer neurons is 10; number of
output layer neurons is 4; type of backpropagation is
LevenbergMarquardt backpropagation; activation
function is sigmoidal function; learning rate; 0.01;
number of epochs is 3000; sum-square error achieved
is 0.08. The network had been tested with 50 samples
and yielded the average error of 6.1%.
Hadi studies various factors when choosing network
architecture and backpropagation algorithm type. When
two layers of hidden neurons are used, precision is not
improved while computation time is increased. The
number of samples depends on the complexity of the
problem and the number of input and output parameters.
If a value is fixed for the input costs, there are no
noticeable precision improvements between training
the network with 200 or 1000 samples. When costs are
introduced as input parameters, 100 samples are not
enough to achieve convergence in training. Finally, the
training algorithm is also checked, studying the range
between pure backpropagation (too slow for training),
backpropagation with momentum and with adaptive
learning, backpropagation with LevenbergMarquardt
updating rule and fast learning backpropagation. The
latter is finally retained since it requires less time to
get the network to converge while providing very good
results (Demuth, H. & Beale, M.,1995)

Application of Artificial Neural Networks

to Prediction of Concrete Physical
Parameters Measurable Through
Testing: Concrete Strength and
Other neural network applications are supported by
large experimental databases, created through years of
research, which allow for the prediction of phenomena
with complex analytical formulation.
One of these cases is the determination of two basic
concrete parameters: its workability when mixed,
necessary for ease of placement in concrete, and its
compressive strength once hardened, which is basic
to the evaluation of the capacity of the structure.
The variables that necessarily determine these two
parameters are the components of concrete: amounts of
cement, water, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate
(small gravel and large gravel), and other components
such as pozzolanic additions (which bring soundness

ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

and delayed strength increase, especially in the case of

fly ash and silica fume) and admixtures (which fluidify
the fresh mixture allowing the use of reduced amounts of
water). There are still no analytical or numerical models
that faithfully predict fresh concrete consistency (related
to flowability, and usually evaluated by the slump
of a molded concrete cone) or compressive strength
(determined by crushing of prismatic specimens in a
zta et al. (zta, Pala, zbay, Kanca, alar &
Bat, 2006) have developed a neural network from 187
concrete mixes, for which all parameters are know, using
169 of them for training and 18, randomly selected, for
verification. Database variables are sometimes taken as
a ratio between them, since there is available knowledge
about the dependency of slump and strength on such
parameters. The established range for the 7 parameter
set is shown in Table 1.
Network architecture, as determined by 7 input
neurons and two hidden layers of 5 and 3 neurons
The back-propagation learning algorithm has been
used in feed-forward two hidden-layers. The learning
algorithm used in the study is scaled conjugate gradients
algorithm (SCGA), activation function is sigmoidal
function, and number of epochs is 10,000. The prediction
capacity of the network is better in the Compressive
Strength output (maximum error of 6%) than in the

Table 1. Input parameter range

Input parameters



W/B (ratio, %)a

W (kg/m)b


s/a (ratio, %)c

FA (ratio, %)


AE (kg/m)e



SF (ratio, %)f
SP (kg/m)g



(a) [Water]/[binder] ratio, considering binder as the lump sum of

cement, fly ash and silica fume
(b) Amount of water
(c) [Amount of sand]/[Total aggregate (sand+small gravel+large
(d) Percentage of cement substituted by fly ash
(e) Amount of air-entraining agent
(f) Percentage of cement substituted by silica fume
(g) Amount of superplasticizer

Slump output (errors up to 25%). This is due to the

fact that the relation between the chosen variables and
strength is much stronger than in the case of slump,
which is influenced by other non-contemplated variables
(e. g. type and power of concrete mixer, mixing order
of components, aggregate moisture) and the method
for measurement of consistency, whose adequacy for
the particular type of concrete used in the database is
questioned by some authors.

Application of Artificial Neural Networks

to the Development of Design Formulae
and Codes
The last application presented in this paper is the
response analysis to shear forces in concrete beams.
These forces generate transverse tensile stresses in
concrete beams which require placement of rebars
perpendicular to the beam axis, known as hoops or
ties. Analytical determination of failure load from the
variables that intervene in this problem is very complex,
and in general most of the formulae used today are based
on experimental interpolations with no dimensional
consistency. Cladera and Mar (Cladera & Mar, 2004)
have studied the problem through laboratory testing,
developing a neural network for the strength analysis
of beams with no shear reinforcement. They rely on a
database compiled by Bentz (Bentz, 2000) and Kuchma
(Kuchma, 2002), where the variables are effective depth
(d), beam width (b, though introduced as d/b), shear
span (a/d, see Figure 1), longitudinal reinforcement
ratio (l = As/bd) and compressive strength of concrete
(fc). Of course, failure load is provided for each of
the 177 tests found in the database. They use 147
tests to train the network and 30 for verification, on
a one layer architecture with 10 hidden neurons and
a retropropagation learning mechanism. The ranges

Table 2 Input parameter ranges






ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

Figure 1. Span loading a of a beam. (Gonzlez, 2002)

Table 3. Comparison between available codes and proposed equations for shear strength.
S t a n d a r d
CoV (%)






















for the variables are shown on Table 2. Almost 8000

iterations were required to attain best results.
The adjustment provided by training presents an
average ratio Vtest/Vpred of 0.99, and 1.02 in validation.
The authors have effectively created a laboratory
with a neural network, in which they test (within
parameter range) new beams by changing exclusively
one parameter each time. Finally, they come up with
two alternative design formulae that improve noticeably
any given formula developed up to that moment. Table
3 presents a comparison between those two expressions
(named Eq. 7 and Eq. 8) and others found in a series
of international codes.


The field of structural concrete shows great

potential for the application of neural networks.
Successful approaches to optimization, prediction
of complex physical parameters and design
formulae development have been presented.
The network topology used in most cases for
structural concrete is forward-feed, multilayer with
backpropagation, typically with one or two hidden

layers. The most commonly used training algorithms

are descent gradient with momentum and adaptive
learning, and Levenberg-Marquardt.
The biggest potential of ANNs is their capacity
to generate virtual testing laboratories which
substitute with precision expensive real laboratory
tests within the proper range of values. A methodical
testing program throws light on the influence of
the different variables in complex phenomena at
reduced cost.
The field of structural concrete counts upon
extensive databases, generated through the years,
that can be analyzed with this technique. An
effort should be made to compile and homogenize
these databases to extract the maximum possible
knowledge, which has great influence on structural

This work was partially supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science (Ministerio de
Educacin y Ciencia) (Ref BIA2005-09412-C03-01),
grants (Ref. 111/2006/2-3.2) funded by the Spanish

ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

Ministry of Enviroment ( Ministerio de Medio ambiente)

and grants from the General Directorate of Research,
Development and Innovation (Direccin Xeral de
Investigacin, Desenvolvemento e Innovacin) of the
Xunta de Galicia (Ref. PGIDT06PXIC118137PN).
The work of Juan L. Prez is supported by an FPI grant
(Ref. BES-2006-13535) from the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science (Ministerio de Educacin
y Ciencia).

learning. Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol.

16(4). 241-251.
Kuchma D. (1999-2002) Shear data bank. University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Lin, C.T. & Lee, C.S.(1996). Neural Fuzzy Systems:
A neuro-fuzzy synergism to intelligent systems.


McCulloch, W. S. & Pitts, W. (1943). A Logical Calculus

of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biophysics. (5). 115-133.

Abrams, D.A. (1922). Proportion Concrete Mixtures.

Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute, 174181.

zta, A. Pala, M. zbay E. Kanca E. alar N. & Bhatti

M.A. (2006) Predicting the compressive strength and
slump of high strength concrete using neural network.
Construction and Building Materials. (20). 769775.

Bentz, EC. (2000). Sectional analysis of reinforced

concrete members. PhD thesis, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Toronto.
Brown, M. & Harris, C. (1994). Neurofuzzy adaptive
modelling and control. Prentice-Hall.
Cladera, A. & Mar, A.R. (2004). Shear design procedure
for reinforced normal and high-strength concrete beams
using artificial neural networks. Part I: beams without
stirrups. Engineering Structures (26) 917926
Demuth, H. & Beale, M. (1995). Neural network toolbox
for use with MATLAB. MA: The Mathworks, Inc.
Domone, P.(1998). The Slump Flow Test for HighWorkability Concrete. Cement and Concrete Research
(28-2), 177-182.
Gonzlez B. (2002). Hormigones con ridos reciclados
procedentes de demoliciones: dosificaciones,
propiedades mecnicas y comportamiento estructural
a cortante. PhD thesis, Department of Construction
Technology, University of A Corua.
Gonzlez, B. Martnez, I. and Carro, D. (2006).
Prediction of the consistency of concrete by means of
the use of ANN. Artificial Neural Networks in Real-Life
Applications.Ed. Idea Group Inc. 188-200

Shah, SP. (1993). Recent trends in the science and

technology of concrete, concrete technology, new
trends, industrial applications. Proceedings of the
international RILEM workshop, London, E & FN
Spon. 118.
Wasserman, P. (1989) Neural Computing, Ed. Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York.

Compression: Stress generated by pressing or
Consistency: The relative mobility or ability of
freshly mixed concrete or mortar to flow; the usual
measurement for concrete is slump, equal to the
subsidence measured to the nearest 1/4 in. (6 mm) of
a molded specimen immediately after removal of the
slump cone.
Ductility: That property of a material by virtue of
which it may undergo large permanent deformation
without rupture.

Hadi, M (2003). Neural networks applications in

concrete structures. Computers and Structures (81)

Formwork: Total system of support for freshly

placed concrete including the mold or sheathing that
contacts the concrete as well as supporting members,
hardware, and necessary bracing; sometimes called
shuttering in the UK.

Hoskins, J.C. & Himmelblau, D.M.(1992). Process

control via artificial neural networks and reinforcement

Shear Span: Distance between a reaction and the

nearest load point.

ANN Application in the Field of Structural Concrete

Structural Safety: Structural response stronger than

the internal forces produced by external loading.
Tension: Stress generated by stretching.

ANN Development with EC Tools:

An Overview
Daniel Rivero
University of A Corua, Spain
Juan Rabual
University of A Corua, Spain

Among all of the Artificial Intelligence techniques,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have shown to be a
very powerful tool (McCulloch & Pitts, 1943) (Haykin,
1999). This technique is very versatile and therefore has
been succesfully applied to many different disciplines
(classification, clustering, regression, modellization,
etc.) (Rabual & Dorado, 2005).
However, one of the greatest problems when using
ANNs is the great manual effort that has to be done in
their development. A big myth of ANNs is that they
are easy to work with and their development is almost
automatically done. This development process can be
divided into two parts: architecture development and
training and validation. As the network architecture is
problem-dependant, the design process of this architecture used to be manually performed, meaning that the
expert had to test different architectures and train them
until finding the one that achieved best results after the
training process. The manual nature of the described
process determines its slow performance although the
training part is completely automated due to the existence of several algorithms that perform this part.
With the creation of Evolutionary Computation
(EC) tools, researchers have worked on the application
of these techniques to the development of algorithms
for automatically creating and training ANNs so the
whole process (or, at least, a great part of it) can be
automatically performed by computers and therefore
few human efforts has to be done in this process.

EC is called Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), which are

based on natural evolution and its implementation on
computers. All of these tools work with the same basis:
a population of solutions to that particular problem is
randomly created and an evolutionary process is applied
to it. From this initial random population, the evolution is
done by means of selection and combination of the best
individuals (although the worst ones also have a small
probability of being chosen) to create new solutions.
This process is carried out by selection, crossover, and
mutation operators. These operators are typically used
in biology in its evolution for adaptation and survival.
After several generations, it is hoped that the population
contains a good solution to the problem.
The first EA to appear was Genetic Algorithms
(GAs), in 1975 (Holland, 1975). With the working
explained above, GAs use a binary codification (i.e.,
each solution is codified into a string of bits). Later, in
the early 90s a new technique appeared, called Genetic
Programming (GP). This one is based ob the evolution
of trees, i.e., each individual is codified as a tree instead
of a binary string. This allows its application to a wider
set of environments.
Although GAs and GP are the two most used techniques in EAs, more tools can be classified as part
of this world, such as Evolutionary Programming or
Evolution Strategies, all of them with the same basis:
the evolution of a population following the natural
evolution rules.


EC is a set of tools based on the imitation of the natural
behaviour of the living beings for solving optimization
problems. One of the most typical subset of tools inside

The development of ANNs is a topic that has been

extensively dealt with very diverse techniques. The
world of evolutionary algorithms is not an exception,
and proof of that is the great amount of works that have

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

ANN Development with EC Tools

been published about different techniques in this area

(Cant-Paz & Kamath, 2005). These techniques follow
the general strategy of an evolutionary algorithm: an
initial population consisting of different genotypes, each
one of them codifying different parameters (typically,
the weight of the connections and / or the architecture
of the network and / or the learning rules), and is randomly created. This population is evaluated in order to
determine the fitness of each individual. Afterwards,
this population is repeatedly made to evolve by means
of different genetic operators (replication, crossover,
mutation, etc.) until a determined termination criteria
is fulfilled (for example, a sufficiently good individual
is obtained, or a predetermined maximum number of
generations is achieved).
Essentially, the ANN generation process by means
of evolutionary algorithms is divided into three main
groups: evolution of the weights, architectures, and
learning rules.

Evolution of Weights
The evolution of the weights begins with a network with
a predetermined topology. In this case, the problem is to
establish, by means of training, the values of the network
connection weights. This is generally conceived as a
problem of minimization of the network error, taken,
for example, as the result of the Mean Square Error of
the network between the desired outputs and the ones
achieved by the network. Most the training algorithms,
such as the backpropagation algorithm (BP) (Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, 1986), are based on gradient
minimization. This has several drawbacks (Whitley,
Starkweather & Bogart, 1990), the most important is
that quite frequently the algorithm becomes stuck in
a local minimum of the error function and is unable
of finding the global minimum, especially if the error
function is multimodal and / or non-differentiable.
One way of overcoming these problems is to carry out
the training by means of an Evolutionary Algorithm
(Whitley, Starkweather & Bogart, 1990); i.e., formulate
the training process as the evolution of the weights in
an environment defined by the network architecture
and the task to be done (the problem to be solved).
In these cases, the weights can be represented in the
individuals genetic material as a string of binary values
(Whitley, Starkweather & Bogart, 1990) or a string of
real numbers (Greenwood, 1997). Traditional genetic
algorithms (Holland, 1975) use a genotypic codification

method with the shape of binary strings. In this way,

much work has emerged that codifies the values of the
weights by means of a concatenation of the binary values
which represent them (Whitley, Starkweather & Bogart,
1990). The big advantage of these approximations is
their generality and that they are very simple to apply,
i.e., it is very easy and quick to apply the operators of
uniform crossover and mutation on a binary string.
The disadvantage of using this type of codification is
the problem of permutation. This problem was raised
upon considering that the order in which the weights
are taken in the string causes equivalent networks to
possibly correspond with totally different individuals.
This leads the crossing operator to become very inefficient. Logically, the weight value codification has
also emerged in the form of real number concatenation,
each one of them associated with a determined weight
(Greenwood 1997). By means of genetic operators
designed to work with this type of codification, and
given that the existing ones for bit string cannot be
used here, several studies (Montana & Davis, 1989)
showed that this type of codification produces better
results and with more efficiency and scalability than
the BP algorithm.

Evolution of the Architectures

The evolution of the architectures includes the generation of the topological structure; i.e., the topology and
connectivity of the neurons, and the transfer function
of each neuron of the network. The architecture of a
network has a great importance in order to successfully apply the ANNs, as the architecture has a very
significant impact on the process capacity of the network. In this way, on one hand, a network with few
connections and a lineal transfer function may not be
able to resolve a problem that another network having other characteristics (distinct number of neurons,
connections or types of functions) would be able to
resolve. On the other hand, a network having a high
number of non-lineal connections and nodes could be
overfitted and learn the noise which is present in the
training as an inherent part of it, without being able to
discriminate between them, and in the end, not have a
good generalization capacity. Therefore, the design of
a network is crucial, and this task is classically carried
out by human experts using their own experience, based
on trial and error, experimenting with a different set
of architectures. The evolution of architectures has

ANN Development with EC Tools

been possible thanks to the appearance of constructive

and destructive algorithms (Sietsma & Dow, 1991). In
general terms, a constructive algorithm begins with
a minimum network (with a small number of layers,
neurons and connections) and successively adds new
layers, nodes and connections, if they are necessary,
during the training. A destructive algorithm carries out
the opposite operation, i.e., it begins with a maximum
network and eliminates unnecessary nodes and connections during the training. However, the methods
based on Hill Climbing algorithms are quite susceptible
into falling to a local minimum (Angeline, Suders &
Pollack, 1994).
In order to develop ANN architectures by means
of an evolutionary algorithm, it is necessary to decide
how to codify a network inside the genotype so it can
be used by the genetic operators. For this, different
types of network codifications have emerged.
In the first codification method, direct codification,
there is a one-to-one correspondence between the genes
and the phenotypic representation (Miller, Todd &
Hedge, 1989). The most typical codification method
consists of a matrix C=(cij) of NxN size which represents an architecture of N nodes, where cij indicates the
presence or absence of a connection between the i and
j nodes. It is possible to use cij=1 to indicate a connection and cij=0 to indicate an absence of connection. In
fact, cij could take real values instead of Booleans to
represent the value of the connection weight between
neuron i and j, and in this way, architecture and
connections can be developed simultaneously (Alba,
Aldana & Troya, 1993). The restrictions which are
required in the architectures can easily be incorporated
into this representational scheme. For example, a feedforward network would have non-zero coefficients
only in the upper right hand triangle of the matrix.
These types of codification are generally very simple
and easy to implement. However, they have a lot of
disadvantages, such as scalability, the impossibility
of codifying repeated structures, or permutation (i.e.,
different networks which are functionally equivalent
can correspond with different genotypes) (Yao & Liu,
As a counterproposal to this type of direct codification method, there are also the indirect codification
types in existence. With the objective of reducing the
length of the genotypes, only some of the characteristics
of the architecture are codified into the chromosome.
Within this type of codification, there are various types
of representation.

First, the parametric representations have to be

mentioned. The network can be represented by a set
of parameters such as the number of hidden layers,
the number of connections between two layers, etc.
There are several ways of codifying these parameters
inside the chromosome (Harp, Samad & Guha, 1989).
Although the parametric representations can reduce the
length of the chromosome, the evolutionary algorithm
makes a search in a limited space within the possible
searchable space that represents all the possible architectures. Another type of non-direct codification is
based on a representational system with the shape of
grammatical rules (Yao & Shi, 1995). In this system,
the network is represented by a set of rules, with shape
of production rules, which will build a matrix that
represents the network.
Other types of codification, more inspired in the
world of biology, are the ones known as growing
methods. With them, the genotype does not codify
the network any longer, but instead it contains a set of
instructions. The decodification of the genotype consists of the execution of these instructions, which will
provoke the construction of the phenotype (Husbands,
Harvey, Cliff & Miller, 1994). These instructions usually include neural migrations, neuronal duplication or
transformation, and neuronal differentiation.
Finally, and within the indirect codification methods, there are other methods which are very different
from the ones already described. Andersen describes
a technique in which each individual of a population
represents a hidden node instead of the architecture
(Andersen & Tsoi, 1993). Each hidden layer is constructed automatically by means of an evolutionary
process which uses a genetic algorithm. This method
has the limitation that only feed-forward networks can
be constructed and there is also a tendency for various
nodes with a similar functionality to emerge, which
inserts some redundancy inside the network that must
be eliminated.
One important characteristic is that, in general,
these methods only develop architectures, which is
the most common, or else architectures and weights
together. The transfer function of each architecture
node is assumed to have been previously determined
by a human expert, and that it is the same for all of
the network nodes (at least, for all of the nodes of the
same layer), although the transfer function has been
shown to have a great importance on the behaviour of
the network (Lovell & Tsoi, 1992). Few methods have

ANN Development with EC Tools

been developed which cause the transfer function to

evolve, and, therefore, had little repercussion in the
world of ANNs with EC.

Evolution of the Learning Rule

Another interesting approximation to the development
of ANNs by means of EC is the evolution of the learning
rule. This idea emerges because a training algorithm
works differently when it is applied to networks with
different architectures. In fact, and given that a priori,
the expert usually has very few knowledge about a
network, it is preferable to develop an automatic system
to adapt the learning rule to the architecture and the
problem to be resolved.
There are several approximations to the evolution
of the learning rule (Crosher, 1993) (Turney, Whitley
& Anderson, 1996), although most of them are based
only on how the learning can modify or guide the evolution, and in the relation between the architecture and
the connection weights. Actually, there are few works
that focus on the evolution of the learning rule in itself
(Bengio & Bengio, Cloutier & Gecsei, 1992) (Ribert,
Stocker, Lecourtier & Ennaji, 1994).
One of the most common approaches is based on
setting the parameters of the BP algorithm: learning
rate and momentum. Some authors propose methods
in which an evolutionary process is used to find these
parameters while leaving the architecture constant
(Kim, Jung, Kim & Park, 1996). Other authors, on
the other hand, propose codifying these BP algorithm
parameters together with the network architecture inside
of the individuals of the population (Harp, Samad &
Guha, 1989).

The evolution of ANNs has been a research topic
since some decades ago. The creation of new EC and,
in general, new AI techniques and the evolution and
improvement of the existing ones allow the development of new methods of automatically developing of
ANNs. Although there are methods that (more or less)
automatically develop ANNs, they are usually not very
efficient, since evolution of architectures, weights and
learning rules at once leads to having a very big search
space, so this feature definitely has to be improved.

The world of EC has provided a set of tools that can
be applied to optimization problems. In this case, the
problem is to find an optimal architecture and/or weight
value set and/or learning rule. Therefore, the development of ANNs was converted into an optimization
problem. As the described techniques show, the use of
EC techniques has made possible the development of
ANNs without human intervention, or, at least, minimising the participation of the expert in this task.
As has been explained, these techniques have
some problems. One of them is the already explained
permutation problem. Another problem is the loss of
efficiency: the more complicated the structure to evolve
is (weigths, learning rule, architecture), less efficient
the system will be, because the search space becomes
much bigger. If the system has to evolve several things
at a time (for example, architecture and weights so the
ANN development is completely automated), this loss
of efficiency increases. However, these systems still
work faster than the whole manual process of designing
and training several times an ANN.

Alba E., Aldana J.F. & Troya J.M. (1993) Fully automatic ANN design: A genetic approach. Proc. Int.
Workshop Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN93),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (686) 399-404.
Andersen H.C. & Tsoi A.C. (1993) A constructive
algorithm for the training of a multilayer perceptron
based on the genetic algorithm. Complex systems 7
(4) 249-268.
Angeline P.J., Suders G.M. & Pollack J.B. (1994) An
evolutionary algorithm that constructs recurrent neural
networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks. (5) 54-65.
Bengio S., Bengio Y., Cloutier J. & Gecsei J. (1992)
On the optimization of a synaptic learning rule. Preprints of the Conference on Optimality in Artificial and
Biological Neural Networks.
Cant-Paz E. & Kamath C. (2005) An Empirical Comparison of Combinatios of Evolutionary Algorithms and
Neural Networks for Classification Problems. IEEE
Transactions on systems, Man and Cybernetics Part
B: Cybernetics. 915-927.

ANN Development with EC Tools

Crosher D. (1993) The artificial evolution of a generalized class of adaptive processes. Preprints of AI93
Workshop on Evolutionary Computation. 18-36.
Greenwood G.W. (1997) Training partially recurrent
neural networks using evolutionary strategies. IEEE
Trans. Speech Audio Processing. (5) 192-194.
Harp S.A., Samad T. & Guha A. (1989) Toward the
genetic synthesis of neural networks. Proc. 3rd Int.
Conf. Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Holland, J.J. (1975) Adaptation in natural and artificial systems. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Husbands P., Harvey I., Cliff D. & Miller G. (1994)
The use of genetic algorithms for the development of
sensorimotor control systems. From Perception to Action. (P. Gaussier and JD Nicoud, eds.). Los alamitos
CA: IEEE Press.
Kim H., Jung S., Kim T. & Park K. (1996) Fast learning
method for backpropagation neural network by evolutionary adaptation of learning rates. Neurocomputing,
11(1) 101-106.
Lovell D.R. & Tsoi A.C. (2002) The Performance of the
Neocognitron with various S-Cell and C-Cell Transfer
Functions, Intell. Machines Lab., Dep. Elect. Eng.,
Univ. Queensland, Tech. Rep.
McCulloch W.S., & Pitts, W. (1943) A Logical Calculus
of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biophysics. (5) 115-133.
Miller G.F., Todd P.M. & Hedge S.U. (1989) Designing
neural networks using genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic
algorithms. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann. 379384.
Montana D. & David L. (1989) Training feed-forward
neural networks using genetic algorithms. Proc. 11th
Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence. San Mateo, CA:
Morgan Kaufmann. 762-767.
Rabual, J.R. & Dorado J. (2005) Artificial Neural
Networks in Real-Life Applications. Idea Group Inc.

Ribert A., Stocker E., Lecourtier Y. & Ennaji A. (1994)

Optimizing a Neural Network Architecture with an
Adaptive Parameter Genetic Algorithm. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag. (1240)
Rumelhart D.E., Hinton G.E. & Williams R.J. (1986)
Learning internal representations by error propagation. Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations
in the Microstructures of Cognition. D. E. Rumelhart
& J.L. McClelland, Eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(1) 318-362.
Sietsma J. & Dow R. J. F. (1991) Creating Artificial
Neural Networks that generalize. Neural Networks.
(4) 1: 67-79.
Turney P., Whitley D. & Anderson R. (1996) Special
issue on the baldwinian effect. Evolutionary Computation. 4(3) 213-329.
Whitley D., Starkweather T. & Bogart C. (1990)
Genetic algorithms and neural networks: Optimizing
connections and connectivity. Parallel Comput., Vol.
14, No 3. 347-361.
Yao X. & Shi Y. (1995) A preliminary study on designing artificial neural networks using co-evolution. Proc.
IEEE Singapore Int. Conf. Intelligence Control and
Instrumentation. 149-154.
Yao X. & Liu Y. (1998) Toward designing artificial
neural networks by evolution. Appl. Math. Computation. vol. 91, no. 1, 83-90.

Artificial Neural Networks: Interconnected set
of many simple processing units, commonly called
neurons, that use a mathematical model, that represents
an input/output relation,
Back-Propagation Algorithm: Supervised learning technique used by ANNs, that iteratively modifies
the weights of the connections of the network so the
error given by the network after the comparison of the
outputs with the desired one decreases.
Evolutionary Computation: Set of Artificial Intelligence techniques used in optimization problems,
which are inspired in biologic mechanisms such as
natural evolution.

ANN Development with EC Tools

Genetic Programming: Machine learning technique that uses an evolutionary algorithm in order to
optimise the population of computer programs according to a fitness function which determines the capability
of a program for performing a given task.
Genotype: The representation of an individual on
an entire collection of genes which the crossover and
mutation operators are applied to.
Phenotype: Expression of the properties coded by
the individuals genotype.
Population: Pool of individuals exhibiting equal or
similar genome structures, which allows the application
of genetic operators.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in.


ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial

Optical Devices
Matthieu Voiry
University of Paris, France
Vronique Amarger
University of Paris, France
Joel Bernier
Kurosh Madani
University of Paris, France

A major step for high-quality optical devices faults
diagnosis concerns scratches and digs defects detection and characterization in products. These kinds of
aesthetic flaws, shaped during different manufacturing
steps, could provoke harmful effects on optical devices
functional specificities, as well as on their optical performances by generating undesirable scatter light, which
could seriously damage the expected optical features.
A reliable diagnosis of these defects becomes therefore
a crucial task to ensure products nominal specification. Moreover, such diagnosis is strongly motivated
by manufacturing process correction requirements in
order to guarantee mass production quality with the
aim of maintaining acceptable production yield.
Unfortunately, detecting and measuring such defects
is still a challenging problem in production conditions
and the few available automatic control solutions remain
ineffective. Thats why, in most of cases, the diagnosis
is performed on the basis of a human expert based
visual inspection of the whole production. However,
this conventionally used solution suffers from several
acute restrictions related to human operators intrinsic
limitations (reduced sensitivity for very small defects,
detection exhaustiveness alteration due to attentiveness
shrinkage, operators tiredness and weariness due to
repetitive nature of fault detection and fault diagnosis
To construct an effective automatic diagnosis
system, we propose an approach based on four main

operations: defect detection, data extraction, dimensionality reduction and neural classification. The first
operation is based on Nomarski microscopy issued
imaging. These issued images contain several items
which have to be detected and then classified in order
to discriminate between false defects (correctable
defects) and abiding (permanent) ones. Indeed,
because of industrial environment, a number of correctable defects (like dusts or cleaning marks) are
usually present beside the potential abiding defects.
Relevant features extraction is a key issue to ensure
accuracy of neural classification system; first because
raw data (images) cannot be exploited and, moreover,
because dealing with high dimensional data could affect
learning performances of neural network. This article
presents the automatic diagnosis system, describing the
operations of the different phases. An implementation
on real industrial optical devices is carried out and an
experiment investigates a MLP artificial neural network
based items classification.

Today, the only solution which exists to detect and
classify optical surfaces defects is a visual one, carried
out by a human expert. The first originality of this work
is in the sensor used: Normarski microscopy. Three
main advantages distinguishing Nomarski microscopy
(known also as Differential Interference Contrast
microscopy (Bouchareine, 1999) (Chatterjee, 2003))

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

from other microscopy techniques, have motivated our

preference for this imaging technique. The first of them
is related to the higher sensitivity of this technique
comparing to the other classical microscopy techniques
(Dark Field, Bright Field) (Flewitt & Wild, 1994).
Furthermore, the DIC microscopy is robust regarding
lighting non-homogeneity. Finally, this technology
provides information relative to depth (3-th dimension) which could be exploited to typify roughness or
defects depth. This last advantage offers precious additional potentiality to characterize scratches and digs
flaws in high-tech optical devices. Therefore, Nomarski
microscopy seems to be a suitable technique to detect
surface imperfections.
On the other hand, since they have shown many
attractive features in complex pattern recognition and
classification tasks (Zhang, 2000) (Egmont-Petersen,
de Ridder, & Handels, 2002), artificial neural network
based techniques are used to solve difficult problems.
In our particular case, the problem is related to the
classification of small defects on a great observations
surface. These promising techniques could however
encounter difficulties when dealing with high dimensional data. Thats why we are also interested in data
dimensionality reducing methods.


The suggested diagnosis process is described in broad
outline in the diagram of Figure 1. Every step is presented, first detection and data extraction phases and
then classification phase coupled with dimensionality
reduction. In a second part, some investigations on real
industrial data are carried out and the obtained results
are presented.

Detection and Data Extraction

proposed method (Voiry, Houbre, Amarger, & Madani,

2005) includes four phases:

Pre-processing: DIC issued digital image transformation in order to reduce lighting heterogeneity influence and to enhance the aimed defects
Adaptive matching: adaptive process to match
Filtering and segmentation: noise removal and
defects outlines characterization.
Defect image extraction: correct defect representation construction.

Finally, the image associated to a given detected

gives an isolated (from other items) representation
of the defect (e.g. depicts the defect in its immediate
environment), like depicted in Figure 2.
But, information contained in such generated
images is highly redundant and these images dont
have necessarily the same dimension (typically this
dimension can turn out to be hundred times as high).
That is why this raw data (images) can not be directly
processed and has first to be appropriately encoded,
using some transformations. Such ones must naturally
be invariant with regard to geometric transformations
(translation, rotation and scaling) and robust regarding
different perturbations (noise, luminance variation and
background variation). Fourier-Mellin transformation
is used as it provides invariant descriptors, which are
considered to have good coding capacity in classification tasks (Choksuriwong, Laurent, & Emile, 2005)
(Derrode, 1999) (Ghorbel, 1994). Finally, the processed
features have to be normalized, using the centring-reducing transformation. Providing a set of 13 features
using such transform, is a first acceptable compromise
between industrial environment real-time processing
constraints and defect image representation quality
(Voiry, Madani, Amarger, & Houbre, 2006).

The aim of defects detection stage is to extract defects

images from DIC detector issued digital image. The

Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed defect diagnosis system

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

Figure 2. Images of characteristic items: (a) Scratch; (b) dig; (c) dust; (d) cleaning marks



Dimensionality Reduction
To obtain a correct description of defects, we must
consider more or less important number of Fourier-Mellin invariants. But dealing with high-dimensional data
poses problems, known as curse of dimensionality
(Verleysen, 2001). First, sample number required to
reach a predefined level of precision in approximation
tasks increases exponentially with dimension. Thus,
intuitively, the sample number needed to properly
learn problem becomes quickly much too large to be
collected by real systems, when dimension of data
increases. Moreover surprising phenomena appear
when working in high dimension (Demartines, 1994):
for example, variance of distances between vectors
remains fixed while its average increases with the space
dimension, and Gaussian kernel local properties are
also lost. These last points explain that behaviour of a
number of artificial neural network algorithms could
be affected while dealing with high-dimensional data.
Fortunately, most real-world problem data are located
in a manifold of dimension p (the data intrinsic dimension) much smaller than its raw dimension. Reducing
data dimensionality to this smaller value can therefore
decrease the problems related to high dimension.
In order to reduce the problem dimensionality, we
use Curvilinear Distance Analysis (CDA). This technique is related to Curvilinear Component Analysis
(CCA), whose goal is to reproduce the topology of a
n-dimension original space in a new p-dimension space
(where p<n) without fixing any configuration of the
topology (Demartines & Hrault, 1993). To do so, a
criterion characterizing the differences between original
and projected space topologies is processed:




(d ijn d ijp ) 2 F (d ijp )
2 i j i


Where dijn (respectively d ijp ) is the Euclidean distance

between vectors xi and xj of considered distribution in
original space (resp. in projected space), and F is a
decreasing function which favours local topology with
respect to the global topology. This energy function is
minimized by stochastic gradient descent (Demartines
& Hrault, 1995):
i j , xip = (t )

d ijn d ijp


u ( (t ) d ijp )( xip x jp ),

Where : + [0;1] and : + + are two decreasing functions representing respectively a learning
parameter and a neighbourhood factor. CCA provides
also a similar method to project, in continuous way, new
points in the original space onto the projected space,
using the knowledge of already projected vectors.
But, since CCA encounters difficulties with unfolding of very non-linear manifolds, an evolution called
CDA has been proposed (Lee, Lendasse, Donckers,
& Verleysen, 2000). It involves curvilinear distances
(in order to better approximate geodesic distances on
the considered manifold) instead of Euclidean ones.
Curvilinear distances are processed in two steps way.
First is built a graph between vectors by considering k-NN, e, or other neighbourhood, weighted by
Euclidean distance between adjacent nodes. Then the
curvilinear distance between two vectors is computed
as the minimal distance between these vectors in the
graph using Dijkstras algorithm. Finally the original
CCA algorithm is applied using processed curvilinear

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

distances. This algorithm allows dealing with very

non-linear manifolds and is much more robust against
the choices of a and l functions.
It has been successfully used as a preliminary step
before maximum likelihood classification in (Lennon,
Mercier, Mouchot, & Hubert-Moy, 2001) and we have
also showed its positive impact on neural network
technique based classification performance (Voiry,
Madani, Amarger, & Bernier, 2007). In this last paper,
we have first demonstrated that a synthetic problem
(nevertheless defined from our real industrial data)
whose intrinsic dimensionality is two, is better treated
by MLP after 2D dimension reduction than in its raw
expression. We have also showed that CDA performs
better for this problem than CCA and Self Organizing
Map pre-processing.

Implementation on Industrial Optical

In order to validate the above-presented concepts and
to provide an industrial prototype, an automatic control
system has been realized. It involves an Olympus B52
microscope combined with a Corvus stage, which allows scanning an entire optical component (presented
in Figure 3). 50x magnification is used, that leads to
microscopic 1.77 mm x 1.33 mm fields and 1.28 m x
1.28 m sized pixels. The proposed image processing
method is applied on-line. A post-processing software
enables to collect pieces of a defect that are detected in
different microscopic fields (for example pieces of a
long scratch) to form only one defect, and to compute
an overall cartography of checked device (Figure 3).
These facilities were used to acquire a great number
of Nomarski images, from which were extracted defects images using aforementioned technique. Two

experiments called A and B were carried out, using two

different optical devices. Table 1 shows the different
parameters corresponding to these experiments. Its
important to note that, in order to avoid false classes
learning, items images depicting microscopic field
boundaries or two (or more) different defects were
discarded from used database. Furthermore, studied
optical devices were not specially cleaned, what accounts for the presence of some dusts and cleaning
marks. Items of these two databases were labelled by
an expert with two different labels: dust (class1) and
other defects (class -1). Table 1 shows also items
repartition between the two defined classes.
Using this experimental set-up, classification experiment was performed. It involved a multilayer perceptron
with n input neurons, 35 neurons in one hidden layer,
and 2 output neurons (n-35-2) MLP. First this artificial
neural network was trained for discrimination task between classes 1 and -1, using database B. This training
phase used BFGS (Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and
Shanno) with Bayesian regularization algorithm, and
was achieved 5 times. Subsequently, the generalization ability of obtained neural network was processed
using database A. Since database A and B issued from
different optical devices, such generalization results
are significant. Following this procedure, 14 different
experiments were conducted with the aim of studying
the global classification performance and the impact
of CDA dimensionality reduction on this performance.
First experiment used original Fourrier-Mellin issued
features (13-dimensional), the others used the same
features after CDA n-dimensional space reduction
(with n varying between 2 and 13). Figure 4 depicts
global classification performances (calculated by averaging percentage of well-classified items for the 5
trainings) for the 14 different experiments, as well as

Figure 3. Automatic control system and cartography of a 100mm x 65mm optical device

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

Table 1. Description of the two databases used for validation experiments



Number of


28 cm





14 cm





Total items

Class 1 items

Class -1 items

Figure 4. Classification performances for different CDA issued data dimensionality. Classification performances
using raw data (13-dimensional) are also depicted as dotted lines.

% of classifier correct answers


C las s -1 c las s ific ation pe rform anc e


C las s 1 c las s ific ation per form anc e

G lobal c las s ific ation per form anc e






Data Dimensionality

class 1 classification and class -1 classification performances. It shows first that equivalent performances can
be obtained using only 5-dimensional data instead of
unprocessed defects representations (13-dimensional).
As a consequence neural architecture complexity and
therefore processing time can be saved using CDA
dimensionality reduction, while keeping performance
level. Moreover, obtained scores are satisfactory: about
70% of dust defects are well-recognized (this can be
enough for aimed application) as well as about 97%
of other defects (the few 3% errors can however pose
problems because every permanent defect has to be
reported). Furthermore, we think that this significant
performances difference between class 1 and class -1
recognition is due to the fact that class 1 is underrepresented in learning database.

Next phase of this work will deal with classification
tasks involving more classes. We want also use much
more Fourier-Mellin invariants, because we think
that it would improve classification performance by
supplying additional information. In this case, CDA
based dimensionality reduction technique would be a
foremost step to keep reasonable classification systems
complexity and processing time.

A reliable diagnosis of aesthetic flaws in high-quality
optical devices is a crucial task to ensure products
nominal specification and to enhance the production
quality by studying the impact of the process on such
defects. To ensure a reliable diagnosis, an automatic
system is needed to detect defects and secondly dis

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

criminate the false defects (correctable defects) from

abiding (permanent) ones. In this paper is described
a complete framework, which allows detecting all defects present in a raw Nomarski image and extracting
pertinent features for classification of these defects.
Obtained proper performances for dust versus other
defects classification task with MLP neural network has
demonstrated the pertinence of proposed approach. In
addition, data dimensionality reduction permits to use
low complexity classifier (while keeping performance
level) and therefore to save processing time.

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Lennon, M., Mercier, G., Mouchot, M. C., & HubertMoy, L. (2001). Curvilinear Component Analysis for
Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral
Images. Proceedings of SPIE, 4541, 157-168.
Verleysen, M. (2001). Learning high-dimensional
data. In LFTNC2001 - NATO Advanced Research
Workshop on Limitations and Future Trends in Neural
Voiry, M., Houbre, F., Amarger, V., & Madani, K. (2005).
Toward Surface Imperfections Diagnosis Using Optical
Microscopy Imaging in Industrial Environment. IAR &
ACD Workshop 2005 Proceedings, 139-144.
Voiry, M., Madani, K., Amarger, V., & Bernier, J. (2007).
Impact of Data Dimensionality Reduction on Neural
Based Classification: Application to Industrial Defects
Classification. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent
Information Processing - ANNIIP 2007, 56-65.
Voiry, M., Madani, K., Amarger, V., & Houbre, F. (2006).
Toward Automatic Defects Clustering in Industrial
Production Process Combining Optical Detection and
Unsupervised Artificial Neural Network Techniques.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on
Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information
Processing - ANNIIP 2006, 25-34.
Zhang, G. P. (2000). Neural Networks for Classification: A Survey. IEEE Trans.on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics - Part C: Applications and Reviews, 30,

Artificial Neural Networks: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used

ANN-Based Defects Diagnosis of Industrial Optical Devices

in applications such as robotics, speech recognition,

signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Backpropagation algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimising the error obtained from
the comparison between the outputs that the network
gives after the application of a set of network inputs
and the outputs it should give (the desired outputs).
Classification: Affectation of a phenomenon to a
predefined class or category by studying its characteristic features. In our work it consists in determining the
nature of detected optical devices surface defects (for
example dust or other type of defects).

Data Raw Dimension: When data is described

by vectors (sets of characteristic values), data raw
dimension is simply the number of components of
these vectors.
Detection: Identification of a phenomenon among
others from a number of characteristic features or
symptoms. In our work, it consists in identifying
surface irregularities on optical devices.
MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron): This widely
used artificial neural network employs the perceptron
as simple processor. The model of the perceptron,
proposed by Rosenblatt is as follows:

Data Dimensionality Reduction: Data dimensionality reduction is the transformation of high-dimensional

data into a meaningful representation of reduced dimensionality. The goal is to find the important relationships
between parameters and reproduce those relationships
in a lower dimensionality space. Ideally, the obtained
representation has a dimensionality that corresponds to
the intrinsic dimensionality of the data. Dimensionality reduction is important in many domains, since it
facilitates classification, visualization, and compression
of high-dimensional data. In our work its performed
using Curvilinear Distance Analysis.
Data Intrinsic Dimension: When data is described
by vectors (sets of characteristic values), data intrinsic
dimension is the effective number of degrees of freedom of the vectors set. Generally, this dimension is
smaller than the data raw dimension because it may
exist linear and/or non-linear relations between the
different components of the vectors.

In this diagram, the X represent the inputs and

Y the output of the neuron. Each input is multiplied
by the weight w, a threshold b is subtracted from the
result and finally Y is processed by the application of
an activation function f. The weights of the connection
are adjusted during a learning phase using backpropagation algorithm.

Artificial Intelligence and Education

Eduardo Snchez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Manuel Lama
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Governments and institutions are facing the new demands of a rapidly changing society. Among many
significant trends, some facts should be considered
(Silverstein, 2006): (1) the increment of number and
type of students; and (2) the limitations imposed by
educational costs and course schedules. About the former, the need of a continuous update of knowledge and
competences in an evolving work environment requires
life-long learning solutions. An increasing number of
young adults are returning to classrooms in order to
finish their graduate degrees or attend postgraduate
programs to achieve an specialization on a certain
domain. About the later, due to the emergence of new
types of students, budget constraints and schedule
conflicts appear. Workers and immigrants, for instance,
are relevant groups for which educational costs and
job incompatible schedules could be the key factor
to register into a course or to give up a program after
investing time and effort on it. In order to solve the
needs derived from this social context, new educational
approaches should be proposed: (1) to improve and
extend the online learning courses, which would reduce
student costs and allows to cover the educational needs
of a higher number of students, and (2) to automate
learning processes, then reducing teacher costs and
providing a more personalized educational experience
anytime, anywhere.
As a result of this context, in the last decade an
increasing interest on applying computer technologies
in the field of Education has been observed. On this
regard, the paradigms of the Artificial Intelligence
(AI) field are attracting an special attention to solve
the issues derived from the introduction of computers
as supporting resources of different learning strategies.
In this paper we review the state-of-art of the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the field of
Education, focusing on (1) the most popular educa-

tional tools based on AI, and (2) the most relevant AI

techniques applied on the development of intelligent
educational systems.


The field of Artificial Intelligence can contribute with
interesting solutions to the needs of the educational
domain (Kennedy, 2002). In what follows, the type
of systems that can be built based on AI techniques
are outlined.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

The Intelligent Tutoring Systems are applications
that provide personalized/adaptive learning without
the intervention of human teachers (VanLehn, 2006).
They are constituted by three main components: (1)
knowledge of the educational contents, (2) knowledge
of the student, and (3) knowledge of the learning procedures and methodologies. These systems promise to
radically transform our vision of online learning. As
opposed to the hypertext-based e-learning applications,
which provide the students with a certain number of
opportunities to search for the correct answer before
showing it, the intelligent tutoring systems perform
like coaches not only after the introduction of the response, but also offering suggestions when the students
doubt or are blocked during the process of solving the
problem. In this way, the assistance guide the learning
process rather than merely saying what is correct or
what is wrong.
There exist numerous examples of intelligent tutoring systems, some of them developed at universities
as research projects while others created with business
goals. Among the first ones, the Andes systems (VanLehn, Lynch, Schulze, Shapiro, Shelby, Taylor, Treacy,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AI and Education

Weinstein & Wintersgill, 2005), developed under the

guidance of Kurt VanLehn of the University of Pittsburg,
is a popular example. The system is in charge of guiding the students while they try to solve different sets of
problems and exercises. When the student ask for help
in the middle of an activity, the system either provides
hints in order to step further towards the solution or
points out what was wrong in some earlier step. Andes
was successfully evaluated during 5 years in the Naval
Academy of the United States and can be downloaded
for free. Another relevant system is Cognitive Tutor
(Koedinger, Anderson, Hadley & Mark, 1997), is a
comprehensive secondary mathematics curricula and
computer-based tutoring program developed by John R.
Anderson, professor at the Carnegie Mellon University.
The Cognitive Tutor is an example of how research
prototypes can be evolved into commercial solutions,
as it is nowadays used in 1,500 schools in the United
States. On the business side, Read-On! is presented as
a product that teaches reading comprehension skills
for adults. It analyzes and diagnoses the specific deficiencies and problems of each student and then adapts
the learning process based on that features (Read On,
2007). It includes an authoring tool that allows course
designers to adapt course contents to different student
profiles in a fast and flexible way.

Automatic Evaluation Systems

Automatic Evaluation Systems are mainly focused on
evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of students in
different learning activities through assessment tests
(Conejo, Guzmn, Millan, Trella, Perez-de-la-Cruz.
& Rios, 2004). In this way, these systems not only
perform the automatic correction of the test, but also
derive automatically useful information about the
competences and skills obtained by the students during
the educational process.
Among the automatic evaluation systems, we could
highlight ToL (Test On Line) (Tartaglia & Tresso, 2002),
which have been used by Physics students in the Polytechnic University of Milano. The system is composed
of a database of tests, an algorithm for question selection, and a mechanism for the automatic evaluation
of tests, which can be additionally configured by the
teachers. CELLA (Comprehensive English Language
Learning Assesment) (Cella, 2007) is another system
that evaluates the student competence on using and
understanding the English language. The application

shows the progress carried out by the students and

determines their proficiency and degree of competence
on the use of foreign languages. As for commercial
applications, Intellimetric is a Web-based system that
lets students to submit their work online (Intellimetric,
2007). In a few seconds, the AI-supported grading
engine automatically provides the score of the work.
The company claims a reliability of 99%, meaning that
99 percent of the time the engines scores match those
provided by human teachers.

Computer Supported Collaborative

The environments of computer supported collaborative
learning are aimed at facilitating the learning process
providing the students both the context and tools to
interact and work in a collaborative way with their classmates (Soller, Martinez, Jermann & Muehlenbrock,
2005). In intelligent-based systems, the collaboration is
usually carried out with the help of software agents in
charge of mediating and supporting student interaction
to achieve the proposed learning objectives.
The research prototypes are the suitable test-beds
to prove new ideas and concepts, to provide the best
collaborative strategies. The DEGREE system, for
instance, allows the characterization of group behaviours as well as the individual behaviours of the people
constituting them, on the basis of a set of attributes
or tags. The mediator agent utilizes those attributes,
which are introduced by students, in order to provide
recommendations and suggestions to improve the interaction inside each group (Barros & Verdejo, 2000).
In the business domain there exist multiple solutions
although they do not offer intelligent mediation to
facilitate the collaborative interactions. The DEBBIE
system (DePauw Electronic Blackboard for Interactive
Education) is one of the most popular (Berque, Johnson, Hutcheson, Jovanovic, Moore, Singer & Slattery,
2000). It was originally developed at the beginning of
year 2000 at the University of Depauw, and managed
later by the DyKnow company, which was specifically
created to make profit with DEBBIE (Schnitzler, 2004).
The technology that currently offers DyKnow allows
both teachers and students to instantaneously share
information and ideas. The final goal is to support
student tasks in the classroom by eliminating the need
of performing simple tasks, as for instance backing up
the teachers presentations. The students could therefore

AI and Education

be more focused on understanding as well as analyzing

the concepts presented by the teacher.

Game-Based Learning
Learning based on serious games, a term coined to
distinguish between learning-oriented games used in
education and purely entertaining-oriented games, deal
with the utilization of the motivational power and attractiveness of games in the educational domain in order
to improve the satisfaction and performance of students
when acquiring new knowledge and skills. This type
of learning allows to carry out activities in complex
educational environments that would be impossible to
implement, because of budget, time, infrastructure and
security limitations, with traditional resources (Michael
& Chen, 2005; Corti, 2006).
NetAids is an institution that develop games to
teach concepts of global citizenship and to sensitize to
fight against poverty. One of its first games, released
in 2002, called NetAid World Class, consists on taking
the identity of a real child living in India and to resolve
the real problems that confront the poor children in this
region (Stokes, 2005). In 2003 the game was used by
40.000 students in different Schools across the United
States. In the business and entertainment arena, many
games exist that can be resorted to reach educational
goals. Among the most popular ones, Brain Training of
Nintendo (Brain Training, 2007) challenges the user to
improve her mental shape by doing memory, reasoning
and mathematical exercises. The final goal is to reach
an optimal cerebral age after some regular training.

The intelligent educational systems reviewed above are
based on a diversity of artificial intelligence techniques
(Brusilovsky & Peylo, 2003). The most frequently
used in the field of education are: (1) personalization
mechanisms based on student and group models, (2)
intelligent agents and agent-based systems, and (3)
ontologies and semantic web techniques.

Personalization Mechanisms
The personalization techniques, which are the basis of
intelligent tutoring systems, involve the creation and

use of student models. Broadly speaking, these models

imply the construction of a qualitative representation
of student behavior in terms of existing background
knowledge about a domain (McCalla, 1992). These
representations can be further used in intelligent tutoring systems, intelligent learning environments, and
to develop autonomous intelligent agents that may
collaborate with human students during the learning
process. The introduction of machine learning techniques facilitates to update and extend the first versions
of student models in order to adapt to the evolution
of each student as well as the possible changes and
modifications of contents and learning activities (Sison
& Shimura, 1998). The most popular student modeling techniques are (Beck, Stern, & Haugsjaa, 1996):
overlay models and bayesian network models. The first
method consists on considering the student model as a
subset of the knowledge of an expert in the domain on
which the learning is taking place. In fact, the degree
of learning is measured in terms of the comparison
between the knowledge acquired and represented in
the student model with the background initially stored
in the expert model. The second method deals with the
representation of the learning process as a network
of knowledge states. Once defined, the model should
infer, from the tutor-student interaction, the probability
of the student on being in a certain state.

Intelligent Agents and Agent-Based

Software agents are considered software entities, such as
software programs or robots, that present, with different
degree, three main attributes: autonomy, cooperation
and learning (Nwana, 1996). Autonomy refers to the
principle that an agent can operate on their own (acting and deciding upon its own representation of the
world). Cooperation refers to the ability to interact
with other agents via some communication language.
Finally, learning is essential to react or interact with
the external environment. Teams of intelligent agents
build up MultiAgent Systems (MAS). In this type of
systems each agent has either incomplete information
or limited capabilities for solving the problem at hand.
Other important aspect concerns with the lack of centralized global control; therefore, data is distributed
all over the system and computation is asynchronous
(Sycara, 1998). Many important tasks can be carried
out by intelligent agents in the context of learning and

AI and Education

educational systems (Jafari, 2002, Snchez, Lama,

Amorim, Riera, Vila & Barro, 2003): the monitoring
of inputs, outputs, and the activity outcomes produced
by the students; the verification of deadlines during
homework and exercise submission; automatic answering of student questions; and the automatic grading of
tests and surveys.

Research in this field is very active and faces ambitious goals. In some decades it could be possible to
dream about sci-fi environments in which the students
would have brain interfaces to directly interact with an
intelligent assistant (Koch, 2006), which would play
the role of a tutor with a direct connection with learning areas of the brain.

Ontologies and Semantic Web



Ontologies aim to capture and represent consensual

knowledge in a generic way, and that they may be reused
and shared across software applications (Gmez-Prez,
Fernndez-Lpez & Corcho, 2004). An ontology is
composed of concepts or classes and their attributes,
the relationships between concepts, the properties of
these relationships, and the axioms and rules that explicitly represents the knowledge of a certain domain.
In the educational domain, several ontologies have
been proposed: (1) to describe the learning contents
of technical documents (Kabel, Wielinga, & de How,
1999), (2) to model the elements required for the
design, analysis, and evaluation of the interaction
between learners in computer supported cooperative
learning (Inaba, Tamura, Ohkubo, Ikeda, Mizoguchi
& Toyoda, 2001), (3) to specify the knowledge needed
to define new collaborative learning scenarios (Barros,
Verdejo, Read & Mizoguchi, 2002), (4) to formalize the
semantics of learning objects that are based on metadata
standards (Brase & Nejdl, 2004), and (5) to describe
the semantics of learning design languages (Amorim,
Lama, Snchez, Riera & Vila, 2006).

The next generation of adaptive environments will integrate pedagogical agents, enriched with data mining
and machine learning techniques, capable of providing
cognitive diagnosis of the learners that will help to
determine the state of the learning process and then
optimize the selection of personalized learning designs.
Moreover, improved models of learners, facilitators,
tasks and problem-solving processes, combined with the
use of Ontologies and reasoning engines, will facilitate
the execution of learning activities on either online
platforms or traditional classroom settings.

In this paper we have reviewed the state-of-art of the

application of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the
field of Education. AI approaches seem promising to
improve the quality of the learning process and then
to satisfy the new requirements of a rapidly changing
society. Current AI-based systems such as intelligent
tutoring systems, computer supported collaborative
learning and educational games have already proved
the possibilities of applying AI techniques. Future
applications will both facilitate personalized learning
styles and help the tasks of teachers and students in
traditional classroom settings.

Silverstein, S. (2006) Colleges see the future in technology, Los Angeles Times.
Kennedy, K. (2002) Top 10 Smart technologies for
Schools: Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from: http://
VanLehn, K. (2006) The Behavior of Tutoring Systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
in Education, 16:227-265.
VanLehn, K., Lynch, C., Schulze, K., Shapiro, J.A.,
Shelby, R., Taylor L., Treacy D., Weinstein A. & Wintersgill M. (2005) The Andes Physics Tutoring System:
Lessons Learned. International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education, 15:147-204.
Koedinger K., Anderson J.R., Hadley, W.H. & Mark
M.A. (1997) Intelligent tutoring goes to school in the
big city. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
in Education, 8: 30-43.

AI and Education

Read On! (2007). Retrieved from:

Conejo, R., Guzmn, E., Millan, E., Trella, M., Perezde-la-Cruz, J.L. & Rios, A. (2004) SIETTE: A WebBased Tool for Adaptive Testing. International Journal
of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 14:29-61.
Tartaglia A. & Tresso E. (2002) An Automatic Evaluation System for Technical Education at the University
Level. IEEE Transactions on Education, 45(3):268275.

Brain Training (2007) Retrieved from: http://
Brusilovsky, P. & Peylo, C. (2003) Adaptive and
Intelligent Web-based Educational Systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education,
McCalla, G. (1992) The central importance of student
modeling to intelligent tutoring. En: New Directions for
Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Springer Verlag.

CELLA Comprehensive English Language Learning Assessment (2007) Retrieved from: http://www.

Sison, R. & Shimura, M. (1998) Student modeling and

machine learning. International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education, 9:128-158.

Intellimetric (2007) Retrieved from:

Beck, J., Stern, M. & Haugsjaa, E. (1996) Applications

of AI in Education. Crossroads, 3(1):11-15.

Soller, A., Martinez, A., Jermann, P., & Muehlenbrock,

M. (2005) From Mirroring to Guiding: A Review of
State of the Art Technology for Supporting Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education, 15:261-290.

Nwana, H.S. (1996) Software Agents: An Overview.

Knowledge Engineering Review. 11(2): 205-244.

Barros, B. & Verdejo, M.F. (2000) Analysing student

interaction processes in order to improve collaboration: the DEGREE approach. International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence in Education, 11:221-241.
Berque, D., Johnson, D., Hutcheson, A., Jovanovic,
L., Moore, K., Singer, C. & Slattery, K. (2000) The
design of an interface for student note annotation in a
networked electronic classroom. Journal of Network
and Computer Applications, 23(2):77-91.
Schnitzler, P. (2004) Becker bets on education software
startup. The Indianapolis Business Journal, 24(44).
Retrieved from:
Michael, D. & Chen, S. (2005) Serious Games: Games
That Educate, Train, and Inform. Course Technology
Corti, K. (2006) Gamesbased Learning: a serious business application. Report on PixelLearning. Retrieved
Stokes, B. (2005) Videogames have changed: time to
consider Serious Games? The Development Education
Journal, 11(2).

Sycara, K.P. (1998) Multiagent Systems. AI Magazine,

19(2): 79-92.
Jafari, A. (2002) Conceptualizing intelligent agents for
teaching and learning. Educause Quaterly, 25(3):2834.
Snchez, E., Lama, M., Amorim, R., Riera, A., Vila, J &
Barro, S. (2003) A multi-tiered agent-based architecture
for a cooperative learning environment. Proceedings
of IEEE Euromicro Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing (PDP 2003), 2003.
Gmez-Prez, A., Fernndez-Lpez, M. & Corcho, O.
(2004) Ontological Engineering, Springer Verlag.
Kabel, S., Wielinga, B. & de How, R. (1999) Ontologies for indexing Technical Manuals for Instruction.
Proceedings of the AIED-Workshop on Ontologies
for Intelligent Educational Systems, LeMans, France,
Inaba, A., Tamura, T., Ohkubo, R., Ikeda, M., Mizoguchi, R. & Toyoda, J. (2001) Design and Analysis of
Learners Interaction based on Collaborative Learning
Ontology. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(Euro-CSCL2001), 308-315.
Barros, B., Verdejo, M.F., Read, T. & Mizoguchi, R.
(2002) Applications of a Collaborative Learning Ontol-

AI and Education

ogy. Proceedings of the Second Mexican International

Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2002),
Brase, J. & Nejdl, W. (2004) Ontologies and Metadata
for eLearning. Handbook on Ontologies, SpringerVerlag.
Amorim, R., Lama, M., Snchez, E., Riera, A. & Vila,
X.A. (2006) A Learning Design Ontology based on the
IMS Specification. Journal of Educational Technology
& Society, 9(1):38-57.
Koch, C. (2006) Christof Koch forecast the future. New
Scientist. Retrieved from: http://www.newscientist.

Automatic Evaluation Systems: Applications
focused on evaluating the strengths and weaknesses
of students in different learning activities through assessment tests.

Game-Based Learning: A new type of learning that

combines educational content and computer games in
order to improve the satisfaction and performance of
students when acquiring new knowledge and skills.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A computer program
that provides personalized/adaptive instruction to students without the intervention of human beings.
Ontologies: A set of concepts within a domain
that capture and represent consensual knowledge in a
generic way, and that they may be reused and shared
across software applications.
Software Agents: Software entities, such as
software programs or robots, characterized by their
autonomy, cooperation and learning capabilities.
Student Models: Representation of student behavior and degree of competence in terms of existing
background knowledge about a domain.

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

(CSCL): A research topic on supporting collaborative
learning methodologies with the help of computers and
collaborative tools.

Artificial Intelligence and Rubble-Mound

Breakwater Stability
Gregorio Iglesias Rodriguez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Alberte Castro Ponte
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Rodrigo Carballo Sanchez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Miguel ngel Losada Rodriguez
University of Granada, Spain

Breakwaters are coastal structures constructed to shelter
a harbour basin from waves. There are two main types:
rubble-mound breakwaters, consisting of various layers
of stones or concrete pieces of different sizes (weights),
making up a porous mound; and vertical breakwaters,
impermeable and monolythic, habitually composed of
concrete caissons. This article deals with rubble-mound
A typical rubble-mound breakwater consists of an
armour layer, a filter layer and a core. For the breakwater
to be stable, the armour layer units (stones or concrete
pieces) must not be removed by wave action. Stability
is basically achieved by weight. Certain types of concrete pieces are capable of achieving a high degree of
interlocking, which contributes to stability by impeding
the removal of a single unit.
The forces that an armour unit must withstand under wave action depend on the hydrodynamics on the
breakwater slope, which are extremely complex due
to wave breaking and the porous nature of the structure. A detailed description of the flow has not been
achieved until now, and it is unclear whether it will
be in the future in view of the turbulent phenomena
involved. Therefore the instantaneous force exerted
on an armour unit is not, at least for the time being,
amenable to determination by means of a numerical
model of the flow. For this reason, empirical formulations are used in rubble-mound design, calibrated
on the basis of laboratory tests of model structures.
However, these formulations cannot take into account

all the aspects affecting the stability, mainly because

the inherent complexity of the problem does not lend
itself to a simple treatment. Consequently the empirical
formulations are used as a predesign tool, and physical
model tests in a wave flume of the particular design in
question under the pertinent sea climate conditions are
de rigueur, except for minor structures. The physical
model tests naturally integrate all the complexity of the
problem. Their drawback lies in that they are expensive
and time consuming.
In this article, Artificial Neural Networks are trained
and tested with the results of stability tests carried out
on a model breakwater. They are shown to reproduce
very closely the behaviour of the physical model in
the wave flume. Thus an ANN model, if trained and
tested with sufficient data, may be used in lieu of the
physical model tests. A virtual laboratory of this kind
will save time and money with respect to the conventional procedure.

Artificial Neural Networks have been used in civil
engineering applications for some time, especially in
Hydrology (Ranjithan et al., 1993; Fernando and Jayawardena, 1998; Govindaraju and Rao, 2000; Maier
and Dandy, 2000; Dawson and Wilby, 2001; Cigizoglu,
2004); some Ocean Engineering issues have also been
tackled (Mase et al., 1995; Tsai et al., 2002; Lee and
Jeng, 2002; Medina et al., 2003; Kim and Park, 2005;
Yagci et al., 2005). Rubble-mound breakwater stabil-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

ity is studied in Mase et al.s (1995) pioneering work,

focusing on a particular stability formula. Medina et
al. (2003) train and test an Artificial Neural Network
with stability data from six laboratories. The inputs
are the relative wave height, the Iribarren number and
a variable representing the laboratory. Kim and Park
(2005) compare different ANN models on an analysis
revolving around one empirical stability formula, as did
Mase et al.s (1995). Yagci et al. (2005) apply different
kinds of neural networks and fuzzy logic, characterising
the waves by their height, period and steepness.


The Artificial Neural Networks were trained and tested
on the basis of laboratory tests carried out in a wave
flume of the CITEEC Laboratory, University of La
Corua. The flume section is 4 m wide and 0.8 m high,
with a length of 33 m (Figure 1). Waves are generated
by means of a piston-type paddle, controlled by an
Active Absorption System (AWACS) which ensures
that the waves reflected by the model are absorbed at
the paddle.
The model represents a typical three-layer rubblemound breakwater in 15 m of water, crowned at +9.00
m, at a 1:30 scale. Its slopes are 1:1.50 and 1:1.25

on the seaward and leeward sides, respectively. The

armour layer consists in turn of two layers of stones
with a weight W=69 g 10%; those in the upper layer
are painted in blue, red and black following horizontal
bands, while those in the lower layer are painted in
white, in order to easily identify after a test the damaged areas, i.e., the areas where the upper layer has
been removed. The filter layer is made up of a gravel
with a median size D50 = 15.11 mm and a thickness of
4 cm. Finally, the core consists of a finer gravel, with
D50 = 6.95 mm, D15 = 5.45 mm, and D85 = 8.73 mm,
and a porosity n = 42%. The density of the stones and
gravel is r = 2700 kg/m3.
Waves were measured at six different stations along
the longitudinal, or x-axis, of the flume. With the origin
of x located at the rest position of the wave paddle, the
first wave gauge, S1, was located at x=7.98 m. A group
of three sensors, S2, S3 and S4, was used to separate
the incident and the reflected waves. The central wave
gauge, S3, was placed at x=12.28 m, while the position
of the others, S2 and S4, was varied according to the
wave generation period of each test (Table 1). Another
wave gauge, S5, was located 25 cm in front of the model
breakwater toe, at x=13.47 m, and 16 cm to the right
(as seen from the wave paddle) of the flume centreline,
so as not to interfere with the video recording of the

Figure 1. Experimental set-up

Table 1. Relative water depth (kh), wave period (T), and separation between sensors S2, S3 and S4 in the stability tests
Test key


T (s)

S2-S3 (cm)

S3-S4 (cm)

T10, T20





T11, T21





T12, T22





T13, T23





AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

tests. Finally, a wave gauge (S6) was placed to the lee

of the model breakwater, at x=18.09 m.
Both regular and irregular waves were used in the
stability tests. This article is concerned with the eight
regular wave tests, carried out with four different wave
periods. The water depth in the flume was kept constant
throughout the tests (h=0.5 m). Each test consisted of a
number of wave runs with a constant value of the wave
period T, related to the wavenumber k by
T =2

[gk tanh(kh)] 2,

where g is the gravitational acceleration. The wave

periods and relative water depths (kh) of the tests are
shown in Table 1.
Each wave run consisted of 200 waves. In the first
run of each test, the generated waves had a model
height H=6 cm (corresponding to a wave height in the
prototype Hp=1.80 m); in the subsequent runs, the wave
height was increased in steps of 1 cm (7 cm, 8 cm, 9
cm, etc.), so that the model breakwater was subject to
ever more energetic waves.
Four damage levels (Losada et al., 1986) were
used to characterize the stability situation of the model
breakwater after each wave run:
(0) No damage. No armour units have been moved
from their positions.
(1) Initiation of damage. Five or more armour units
have been displaced.
(2) Iribarren damage. The displaced units of the
armours first (outer) layer have left uncovered
an area of the second layer large enough for a
stone to be removed by waves.
(3) Initiation of destruction. The first unit of the
armours second layer has been removed by wave
As the wave height was increased through a test,
the damage level also augmented from the initial no
damage to initiation of damage, Iribarren damage,
and eventually initiation of destruction, at which
point the test was terminated and the model rebuilt for
the following test. The number of wave runs in a test
varied from 10 to 14.
The foregoing damage levels provide a good semiquantitative assessment of the breakwater stability
condition. However, the following nondimensional

damage parameter is more adequate for the Artificial

Neural Network model:

(1 p )b

where D50 is the median size of the armour stones, p

is the porosity of the armour layer, b is the width of
the model breakwater, and n is the number of units
displaced after each wave run. In this case, D50 = 2.95
cm, p = 0.40, and b = 50 cm.
The incident wave height was nondimensionalized
by means of the zero-damage wave height of the SPM
(1984) formulation,


H0 =


1 cot

where KD=4 is the stability coefficient, w=1000 kg/m3

is the water density (freshwater used in the laboratory
tests), and a is the breakwater slope. With these values, H0 = 9.1 cm. The nondimensional incident wave
height is given by
H* =


where H stands for the incident wave height.

Most of the previous applications of Artificial
Neural Networks in Civil Engineering use multilayer
feedforward networks trained with the backpropagation
algorithm (Freeman and Skapura, 1991; Johansson et
al., 1992), which will also be employed in this study;
their main advantage lies in their generalisation capabilities. Thus this kind of network may be used, for
instance, to predict the armour damage that a model
breakwater will sustain under certain conditions, even
if these conditions were not exactly part of the data set
with which the network was trained. However, the parameters describing the conditions (e. gr., wave height
and period) must be within the parameter ranges of the
stability tests with which the ANN was trained.

AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

In this case, the results from the stability tests of the

model rubble-mound breakwater described above were
used to train and test the Artificial Neural Network. The
eight stability tests comprised 96 wave runs. The input
to the network was the nondimensional wave height
(H*) and the relative water depth (kh) of a wave run,
and the output, the resulting nondimensional damage
parameter (S). Data from 49 wave runs, corresponding
to the four stability tests T20, T21, T22, and T23, were
used for training the network; while data from 46 wave
runs, pertaining to the remaining four tests (T10, T11,
T12, and T13) were used for testing it. This distribution
of data made sure that each of the four wave generation
periods (Table 1) was present in both the training and
the testing data sets.
First, an Artificial Neural Network with 10 sigmoid
neurons in the hidden layer and a linear output layer was
trained and tested 10 times. The ANN was trained by
means of the Bayesian Regularisation method (MacKay,
1992), known to be effective in avoiding overfitting.
The average MSE values were 0.2880 considering all
the data, 0.2224 for the training data set, and 0.3593
for the testing data set. The standard deviations of
the MSE values were 5.9651x10-10, 9.0962x10-10, and
7.7356x10-10, for the complete data set, the training
and the testing data sets, respectively. Increasing the
number of neural units in the hidden layer to 15 did
not produce any significant improvement in the average MSE values (0.2879, 0.2222 and 0.3593 for all
the data, the training data set and the testing data set,
respectively), so the former Artificial Neural Network,
with 10 neurons in the hidden layer, was retained.
The following results correspond to a training and
testing run of this ANN with a global MSE of 0.2513.
The linear regression analysis indicates that the ANN
data fit very well to the experimental data over the whole
range of the nondimensional damage parameter S. In
effect, the correlation coefficient is 0.983, and the equation of the best linear fit, y = 0.938 x 0.00229 , is very
close to that of the diagonal line y = x (Figure 2).
The results obtained with the training data set (stability tests T20, T21, T22 and T23) show an excellent
agreement between the ANN model and the physical
model (Figure 3). In three of the four tests (T20, T22
and T23) the ANN data mimic the measurements on the
model breakwater almost to perfection. In test T21, the
physical model experiences a brusque increase in the
damage level at H* =1.65, which is slightly softened
by the ANN model. The MSE value is 0.1441.

Figure 2. Regression analysis. Complete data set.

The testing data set comprised also four stability

tests (T10, T11, T12 and T13). The inherent difficulty
of the problem is apparent in test T11 (Figure 4), in
which the nondimensional damage parameter (S) does
not increase in the wave run at H* =1.54, but suddenly soars by about 100% in the next wave run, at
H* =1.65. Such differences from one wave run to the
next are practically impossible to capture by the ANN
model, given that the inputs to the ANN model either
vary only slightly, by less than 7% in this case (the
nondimensional wave height, H*) or do not vary at all
(the relative water depth, kh). It should be remembered
that, when computing the damage after a given wave
run, the ANN does not have any information about the
damage level before that wave run, unlike the physical
model. Yet the ANN performs well, yielding an MSE
value of 0.3678 with the testing data set.

In this study, results from stability tests carried out with
regular waves were used. Irregular wave tests should
also be analyzed by means of Artificial Intelligence,
and it is the authors intention to do so in the future.
Breakwater characteristics are another important aspect
of the problem. The ANN cannot extrapolate beyond
the ranges of wave and breakwater characteristics on
which it was trained. The stability tests used for this

AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

Figure 3. ANN () and physical model results () for the stability tests T20, T21, T22 and T23 (training data

Figure 4. ANN () and physical model results () for the stability tests T10, T11, T12 and T13 (testing data

AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

study considered one model breakwater; further tests

involving physical models with other geometries and
materials should be undertaken. Once the potential of
Artificial Neural Networks to model the behaviour of
a rubble-mound breakwater subject to wave action has
been proven, a virtual laboratory could be constructed
with the results from these tests.



Fernando, D.A.K., Jayawardena, A.W., 1998. Runoff

forecasting using RBF networks with OLS algorithm.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 3(3), 203-209.

This article shows that Artificial Neural Networks are

capable of modelling the behaviour of a model rubblemound breakwater in the face of energetic waves. This
is a very complex problem for a number of reasons.
In the first place, the hydrodynamics of waves breaking on a slope are not well known, so much so that a
detailed characterization of the motions of the water
particles is not possible for the time being, and may
remain so in the future due to the chaotic nature of the
processes involved. Second, in the case of a rubblemound breakwater the problem is further compounded
by the porous nature of the structure, which brings about
a complex wave-structure interaction in which the flux
of energy carried by the incident wave is distributed
into the following processes: (i) wave reflection; (ii)
wave breaking on the slope; (iii) wave transmission
through the porous medium; and (iv) dissipation. The
subtle interplay between all these processes means that
it is not possible to study one of them without taking
the others into account. Third, the porous medium itself
is of a stochastic nature: no two rubble-mound breakwaters can be said to be identical. This complexity has
precluded up to now the development of a numerical
model which can reliably analyse the forces acting on
the armour layer units and hence the stability situation
of the breakwater. As a consequence, physical model
tests are a necessity whenever a major rubble-mound
structure is envisaged.
Notwithstanding the difficulty of the problem, the
Artificial Neural Network used in this work has been
shown to reproduce very closely the physical model
results. Thus, an Artificial Neural Network can constitute, once properly trained and validated, a virtual
laboratory. Testing a breakwater in this virtual laboratory is much quicker and far less expensive that testing
a physical model of the same structure in a laboratory
wave flume.

Cigizoglu, H.K., 2004. Estimation and forecasting of

daily suspended sediment data by multilayer perceptrons. Advances in Water Resources 27,185-195.
Dawson, C.W., Wilby, R.L., 2001. Hydrological modeling using artificial neural networks. Progress in Physical
Geography 25 (1), 80-108. 20

Freeman, J. A., Skapura, D. M., 1991. Neural Networks. Algorithms, Applications, and Programming
Techniques. Addison-Wesley.
Govindaraju, R.S., Rao, A.R., 2000. Artificial neural
networks in hydrology. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecth Boston, MA, p. 329.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Johansson, E. M., Dowla, F. U., Goodman, D. M., 1992.
Backpropagation learning for multi-layer feed-forward
neural networks using the conjugate gradient method.
Int. J. of Neural Systems, 2(4), 291-301.
Kim, D.H., Park, W.S., 2005. Neural network for design
and reliability analysis of rubble mound breakwaters.
Ocean Engineering 32 (11-12), 1332-1349. 21
Lee, T.L., Jeng, D.S., 2002. Application of artificial
neural networks in tideforecasting. Ocean Engineering
29 (9), 10031022.
Lippmann, R. P., 1987. An Introduction to Computing
with Neural Nets, IEEE, ASSP Magazine.
Losada, M. A., Desir, J. M., Alejo, L. M., 1986. Stability of blocks as breakwater armor units. J. Struc.
Engrg., ASCE, 112(11), 2392-2401.
MacKay, D. J. C., 1992, Bayesian interpolation, Neural
Computation, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 415-447.
Maier, H.R., Dandy, G.C., 2000. Neural network for
the prediction and forecasting of water resources variables: a review of modeling issues and applications.
Environmental Modeling and Software 15, 101124.
Mase, H., Sakamoto, M., Sakai, T., 1995. Neural
network for stability analysis of rubble mound break

AI and Rubble-Mound Breakwater Stability

waters. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean

Engineering, ASCE 121 (6), 294299.
Medina, J. R., Garrido, J., Gmez-Martn, M.E., Vidal, C., 2003. Armour damage analysis using Neural
Networks. Proc. Coastal Structures 03, Portland,
Oregon (USA).
Ranjithan, S., Eheart, J. W., Garrett, J.H., 1993. Neural
network-based screening for groundwater reclamation
under uncertainty. Water Resources Research 29 (3),
SPM, 1984. Shore Protection Manual. Dept. of the
Army, Coast. Engrg. Res. Ctr., Wtrwy. Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, Miss. (USA).
Tsai, C.P., Lin, C., Shen, J.N., 2002. Neural network
for wave forecasting among multi-stations. Ocean
Engineering 29 (13), 16831695.
Yagci, O., Mercan, D.E., Cigizoglu, H.K., Kabdasli,
M.S., 2005. Artificial intelligence methods in breakwater damage ratio estimation. Ocean Engineering 32
(17-18), 2088-2106.

Armour Damage: Extraction of stones or concrete
units from the armour layer by wave action.
Armour Layer: Outer layer of a rubble-mound
breakwater, consisting of heavy stones or concrete
Artificial Neural Networks: Interconnected set
of many simple processing units, commonly called
neurons, that use a mathematical model representing
an input/output relation.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Supervised learning technique used by ANNs that iteratively modifies
the weights of the connections of the network so the
error given by the network after the comparison of the
outputs with the desired one decreases.
Breakwater: Coastal structure built for sheltering
an area from waves, usually for loading or unloading
Reflection: The process by which the energy of the
incoming waves is returned seaward.
Significant Wave Height: In wave record analysis,
the average height of the highest one-third of a selected
number of waves.


Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

Thomas Mandl
University of Hildesheim, Germany

This article describes the most prominent approaches
to apply artificial intelligence technologies to information retrieval (IR). Information retrieval is a
key technology for knowledge management. It deals
with the search for information and the representation,
storage and organization of knowledge. Information
retrieval is concerned with search processes in which a
user needs to identify a subset of information which is
relevant for his information need within a large amount
of knowledge. The information seeker formulates a
query trying to describe his information need. The query
is compared to document representations which were
extracted during an indexing phase. The representations
of documents and queries are typically matched by a
similarity function such as the Cosine. The most similar
documents are presented to the users who can evaluate
the relevance with respect to their problem (Belkin,
2000). The problem to properly represent documents
and to match imprecise representations has soon led to
the application of techniques developed within Artificial
Intelligence to information retrieval.

In the early days of computer science, information
retrieval (IR) and artificial intelligence (AI) developed
in parallel. In the 1980s, they started to cooperate and
the term intelligent information retrieval was coined
for AI applications in IR. In the 1990s, information
retrieval has seen a shift from set based Boolean
retrieval models to ranking systems like the vector
space model and probabilistic approaches. These
approximate reasoning systems opened the door for
more intelligent value added components. The large
amount of text documents available in professional
databases and on the internet has led to a demand for
intelligent methods in text retrieval and to considerable
research in this area. The need for better preprocessing
to extract more knowledge from data has become an

important way to improve systems. Off the shelf approaches promise worse results than systems adapted
to users, domain and information needs. Today, most
techniques developed in AI have been applied to retrieval systems with more or less success. When data
from users is available, systems use often machine
learning to optimize their results.

Artificial Intelligence Methods in

Information Retrieval
Artificial intelligence methods are employed throughout
the standard information retrieval process and for
novel value added services. The first section gives a
brief overview of information retrieval. The subsequent
sections are organized along the steps in the retrieval
process and give examples for applications.

Information Retrieval
Information retrieval deals with the storage and
representation of knowledge and the retrieval of
information relevant for a specific user problem. The
information seeker formulates a query trying to describe his information need. The query is compared
to document representations. The representations
of documents and queries are typically matched by a
similarity function such as the Cosine or the Dice coefficient. The most similar documents are presented to
the users who can evaluate the relevance with respect
to their problem.
Indexing usually consists of the several phases.
After word segmentation, stopwords are removed.
These common words like articles or prepositions
contain little meaning by themselves and are ignored
in the document representation. Second, word forms
are transformed into their basic form, the stem. During
the stemming phase, e.g. houses would be transformed
into house. For the document representation, different
word forms are usually not necessary. The importance
of a word for a document can be different. Some words
better describe the content of a document than others.

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Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

This weight is determined by the frequency of a stem

within the text of a document (Savoy, 2003).
In multimedia retrieval, the context is essential
for the selection of a form of query and document
representation. Different media representations may
be matched against each other or transformations may
become necessary (e.g. to match terms against pictures
or spoken language utterances against documents in
written text).
As information retrieval needs to deal with
vague knowledge, exact processing methods are
not appropriate. Vague retrieval models like the
probabilistic model are more suitable. Within these
models, terms are provided with weights corresponding
to their importance for a document. These weights
mirror different levels of relevance.
The result of current information retrieval systems
are usually sorted lists of documents where the top
results are more likely to be relevant according to the
system. In some approaches, the user can judge the
documents returned to him and tell the systems which
ones are relevant for him. The system then resorts
the result set. Documents which contain many of the
words present in the relevant documents are ranked
higher. This relevance feedback process is known to
greatly improve the performance. Relevance feedback
is also an interesting application for machine learning.
Based on a human decisions, the optimization step can
be modeled with several approaches, e.g. with rough
sets (Singh & Dey 2005). In Web environments, a click
is often interpreted as an implicit positive relevance
judgment (Joachims & Radlinski, 2007).

Advanced Representation Models

In order to represent documents in natural language, the
content of these documents needs to be analyzed. This
is a hard task for computer systems. Robust semantic
analysis for large text collections or even multimedia objects has yet to be developed. Therefore, text
documents are represented by natural language terms
mostly without syntactic or semantic context. This is
often referred to as the bag-of-words approach. These
keywords or terms can only imperfectly represent an
object because their context and relations to other
terms are lost.
However, great progress has been made and systems
for semantic analysis are getting competitive. Advanced
syntactic and semantic parsing for robust processing

of mass data has been derived from computational

linguistics (Hartrumpf, 2006).
For application and domain specific knowledge,
another approach is taken to improve the representation
of documents. The representation scheme is enriched
by exploiting knowledge about concepts of the domain
(Lin & Demner-Fushman, 2006).

Match Between Query and Document

Once the representation has been derived, a crucial
aspect of an information retrieval system is the
similarity calculation between query and document
representation. Most systems use mathematical similarity functions such as the Cosine. The decision for
a specific function is based on heuristics or empirical
evaluations. Several approaches use machine learning
for long term optimization of the matching between
term and document. E.g. one approach applies genetic
algorithm to adapt a weighting function to a collection
(Almeida et al., 2007).
Neural networks have been applied widely in IR.
Several network architectures have been applied for
retrieval tasks, most often the so-called spreading activation networks are used. Spreading activation networks
are simple Hopfield-style networks, however, they do
not use the learning rule of Hopfield networks. They
typically consist of two layers representing terms and
documents. The weights of connections between the
layers are bi-directional and initially set according to
the results of the traditional indexing and weighting
algorithms (Belkin, 2000). The neurons corresponding
to the terms of the users query are activated in the term
layer and activation spreads along the weights into
the document layer and back. Activation represents
relevance or interest and reaches potentially relevant
terms and documents. The most highly activated documents are presented to the user as result. A closer look
at the models reveals that they very much resemble
the traditional vector space model of Information
Retrieval (Mandl, 2000). It is not until after the second
step that associative nature of the spreading activation
process leads to results different from a vector space
model. The spreading activation networks successfully
tested with mass data do not take advantage of this
associative property. In some systems the process is
halted after only one step from the term layer into the
document layer, whereas others make one more step

Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

back to the term layer to facilitate learning (Kwok &

Grunfeld, 1996).
Queries in information retrieval systems are
usually short and contain few words. Longer queries
have a higher probability to achieve good results. As a
consequence, systems try to add good terms to a query
entered by a user. Several techniques have been applied.
Either these terms are taken from top ranked documents
or terms similar to the original ones are used. Another
technique is to use terms from documents from the same
category. For this task, classification algorithms from
machine learning are used (Sebastiani, 2002).
Link analysis applies well known measures from
bibliometric analysis to the Web. The number links
pointing to a Web page is used as an indicator for its
quality (Borodin et al., 2005). PageRank assigns an
authority value to each Web page which is primarily a
function of its back links. Additionally, it assumes that
links from pages with high authority should be weighed
higher and should result in a higher authority for the
receiving page. To account for the different values
each page has to distribute, the algorithm is carried
out iteratively until the result converges (Borodin et
al., 2005). Machine Learning approaches complement
link analysis. Decisions of humans about the quality
of Web pages are used to determine design features of
these pages which are good indicators of their quality.
Machine learning models are applied to determine the
quality of pages not judged yet (Mandl, 2006, Marti
& Hearst, 2002).
Learning from users has been an important strategy
to improve systems. In addition to the content, artificial
intelligence methods have been used to improve the
user interface.

Value Added Components for User

Several Researchers have implemented information
retrieval systems based on the Kohonen self organizing map (SOM), a neural network model for unsupervised classification. They provide an associative user
interface where neighborhood of documents expresses
a semantic relation. Implementations for large collections can be tested on the internet (Kohonen, 1998).
The SOM consists of a usually two-dimensional grid
of neurons, each associated with a weight vector. Input
documents are classified according to the similarity
between the input pattern and the weight vectors, and,

the algorithm adapts the weights of the winning neuron

and its neighbor. In that way, neighboring clusters have
a high similarity.
The information retrieval applications of SOMs
classify documents and assign the dominant term as
name for the cluster. For real world large scale collections, one two-dimensional grid is not sufficient. It
would be either too big or each node would contain
too many documents consequently. Neither would be
helpful for users, therefore, a layered architecture is
adopted. The highest layer consists of nodes which
represent clusters of documents. The documents of
these nodes are again analyzed by a SOM. For the
user, the system consists of several two-dimensional
maps of terms where similar terms are close to each
other. After choosing one node, he may reach another
two-dimensional SOM.
The information retrieval paradigm for the SOM is
browsing and navigating between layers of maps. The
SOM seems to be a very natural visualization. However,
the SOM approach has some serious drawbacks.

The interface for interacting with several layers

of maps makes the system difficult to browse.
Users of large text collections need primarily
search mechanisms which the SOM itself does
not offer.
The similarity of the document collection is
reduced to two dimensions omitting many potentially interesting aspects.
The SOM unfolds its advantages for humancomputer-interaction better for a small number
of documents. A very encouraging application
would be the clustering of the result set. The
neurons would fit on one screen, the number of
terms would be limited and therefore, the reduction to two dimensions would not omit so many

User Classification and Personalization

Adaptive information retrieval approaches intend to
tailor the results of a system to one user and his interests and preferences. The most popular representation
scheme relies on the representation scheme used in
information retrieval where a document-term-matrix
stores the importance or weight of each term for each
document. When a term appears in a document, this
weight should be different form zero. User interest can

Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

also be stored like a document. Then the interest is a

vector of terms. These terms can be ones that a user
has entered or selected in a user interface or which the
system has extracted from documents for which the
user has shown interest by viewing or downloading
them (Agichtein et al., 2006).
An example for such a system is UCAIR which
can be installed as a browser plugin. UCAIR relies
on a standard web search engine to obtain a search
result and a primary ranking. This ranking is now
being modified by re-ranking the documents based
on implicit feedback and a stored user interest profile
(Shen et al., 2005).
Most systems use this method of storing the user
interest in a term vector. However, this method has
several drawbacks. The interest profile may not be stable
and the user may have a variety of diverging interests
for work and leisure which are mixed in one profile.
Advanced individualization techniques personalize the underlying system functions. The results of
empirical studies have shown that relevance feedback
is an effective technique to improve retrieval quality.
Learning methods for information retrieval need to
extend the range of relevance feedback effects beyond
the modification of the query in order to achieve longterm adaptation to the subjective point of view of the
user. The mere change of the query often results in
improved quality; however, the information is lost after
the current session.
Some systems change the document representation
according to the relevance feedback information. In
a vector space metaphor, the relevant documents are
moved toward the query representation. This approach
also comprises some problems. Because only a fraction
of the documents are affected by the modifications, the
basic data from the indexing process is changed to a
somewhat heterogeneous state. The original indexing
result is not available anymore.
Certainly, this technique is inadequate for fusion
approaches where several retrieval methods are combined. In this case, several basic representations would
need to be changed according to the influence of the
corresponding methods on the relevant documents.
The indexes are usually heterogeneous, which is often
considered an advantage of fusion approaches. A high
computational overload would be the consequence.
The MIMOR (Multiple Indexing and Method-Object
Relations) approach does not rely on changes to the
document or the query representation when processing

relevance feedback information for personalization.

Instead, it focuses on the central aspect of a retrieval
function, the calculation of the similarity between document and query. Like other fusion methods, MIMOR
accepts the result of individual retrieval systems like
from a black box. These results are fused by a linear
combination which is stored during many sessions. The
weights for the systems experience a change through
learning. They adapt according to relevance feedback
information provided by users and create a long-term
model for future use. That way, MIMOR learns which
systems were successful in the past (Mandl & WomserHacker, 2004).

Information retrieval systems are applied in more and
more complex and diverse environments. Searching
e-mail, social computing collections and other specific
domains pose new challenges which lead to innovative
systems. These retrieval applications require thorough
and user oriented evaluation. New evaluation measures
and standardized test collections are necessary to
achieve reliable evaluation results.
In user adaptation, recommendation systems are an
important trend for future improvement. Recommendation systems need to be seen in the context of social
computing applications. System developers face the
growth of user generated content which allows new
reasoning methods.
New application like question answering relying on
more intelligent processing can be expected to gain more
market share in the near future (Hartrumpf, 2006)

Knowledge management is of main importance for
the information society. Documents written in natural
language contain an important share of the knowledge available. Consequently, retrieval is crucial for
the success of knowledge management systems. AI
technologies have been widely applied in retrieval
systems. Exploiting knowledge more efficiently is a
major research field. In addition, user oriented value
added systems require intelligent processing and machine learning in many forms.
An important future trend for AI methods in IR will
be the context specific adaptation of retrieval methods.

Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

Machine learning can be applied to find optimized

functions for collections or queries.

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Calado, P. (2007). A combined component approach
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on genetic programming. Annual International ACM
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The adaptive Web: Methods and strategies of Web
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(2005). Link analysis ranking: algorithms, theory, and
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Mandl, T. (2000). Tolerant Information Retrieval with
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Mandl, T., & Womser-Hacker, C. (2004). A Framework
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Annual International ACM Conference on Research
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Seattle. ACM Press. 266-273.

Artificial Intelligence for Information Retrieval

Adaptation: Adaptation is a process of modification
based on input or observation. An information system
should adapt itself to the specific needs of individual
users in order to produce optimized results.
Indexing: Indexing means the assignment of terms
(words) which represent a document in an index. Indexing can be carried out manually or automatically.
Automatic indexing requires the elimination of stopwords and stemming.
Information Retrieval: Information retrieval is
concerned with the representation and knowledge and
subsequent search for relevant information within these
knowledge sources. Information retrieval provides the
technology behind search engines.
Link Analysis: The links between pages on the web
are a large knowledge source which is exploited by link
analysis algorithms for many ends. Many algorithms

similar to PageRank determine a quality or authority

score based on the number of in-coming links of a
page. Furthermore, link analysis is applied to identify
thematically similar pages, web communities and other
social structures.
Recommendation Systems: Actions or content is
suggested to the user based on past experience collected
from other users. Very often, documents are recommended based on similarity profiles between users.
Term Expansion: Terms not present in the original
query to an information retrieval system entered by the
user are added automatically. The expanded query is
then sent to the system again.
Weighting: Weighting determines the importance
of a term for a document. Weights are calculated using
many different formulas which consider the frequency
of each term in a document and in the collection as
well as the length of the document and the average or
maximum length of any document in the collection.

Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Aided

Paulo Eduardo Ambrsio
Santa Cruz State University, Brazil

Professionals of the medical radiology area depend
directly on the process of decision making in their
daily activities. This process is mainly based on the
analysis of a great amount of information obtained for
the evaluation of radiographic images.
Some studies demonstrate the great capacity of
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in support systems
for diagnosis, mainly in applications as pattern classification.
The objective of this article is to present the development of an ANN-based system, verifying its
behavior as a feature extraction and dimensionality
reduction tool, for recognition and characterization
of patterns, for posterior classification in normal and
abnormal patterns.

The computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) is considered one
of the main areas of research of the medical images
and radiological diagnosis (Doi, 2005).
According to Giger (2002) In the future, is probable
that all the medical images have some form of executed
CAD to benefit to the results and the patient cares.
The diagnosis of the radiologist is normally based
on qualitative interpretation of the analyzed data, that
can be influenced and be harmed by many factors, as
low quality of the image, visual fatigue, distraction,
overlapping of structures, amongst others (AzevedoMarques, 2001). Moreover, the human beings possess
limitations in its visual ability, which can harm the
analysis of a medical image, mainly in the detection
of determined presented patterns (Giger, 2002).
Research demonstrates that when the analysis is
carried out by two radiologists, the diagnosis sensitivity
is significantly increases (Thurfjell et al., 1994). In this
direction, the CAD can be used as a second specialist,

when providing the computer reply as a second opinion

(Doi, 2005).
Many works analyze the radiologist performance
front the use of a CAD systems, of which we detach
the research of Jiang et al. (2001) and Fenton et al.
In the development of CAD systems, techniques
from two computational areas are normally used:
Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.
From the area of Computer Vision, techniques
of image processing for enhancement, segmentation
and feature extraction are used (Azevedo-Marques,
The enhancement objectives to improve an image
to make it more appropriate for a specific application
(Gonzalez & Woods, 2001). In applications with digital
medical images, the enhancement is important to facilitate the visual analysis on the part of the specialist.
The segmentation is the stage where the image is
subdivided in parts or constituent objects (Gonzalez
& Woods, 2001). The result of the segmentation is
a set of objects that can be analyzed and quantified
individually, representing determined characteristic
of the original image.
The final stage involved in image processing is the
feature extraction, that it basically involves the quantification of elements that compose segmented objects of
the original image, such as size, contrast and form.
After concluded this first part, the quantified attributes are used for the classification of the structures
identified in the image, normally using methods of
Artificial Intelligence. According to Kononenko (2001),
the use of Artificial Intelligence in the support to the
diagnosis is efficient, for allowing a complex data
analysis of simple and direct form.
Many methods and techniques of Artificial Intelligence can be applied in this stage, normally with the
objective to identify and to separate the patterns in
distinct groups (Theodorides & Koutroumbas, 2003),
for example, normal and abnormal patterns. According
to Kahn Jr (1994), among the main techniques, can be

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AI in Computer-Aided Diagnosis

cited: rule-based reasoning, artificial neural networks,

bayesian networks, case-based reasoning. To these,
the statistical methods, the genetic algorithms and the
decision trees can be added.
A problem that reaches most of the applications
of pattern recognition is the data dimensionality. The
dimensionality is associated with the number of attributes that represent a pattern, that is, the dimension
of the search space. When this space contains only the
most relevant attributes, the classification process is
faster and consumes little processing resources (Jain
et al., 2000), and also allows for greater precision of
the classifier.
In the problems of medical image processing, the
importance of the dimensionality reduction is accentuated; therefore normally the images to be processed
are composed of a very great number of pixels, used
as basic attributes in the classification.
The feature extraction is a common boarding to effect the dimensionality reduction. Of general form, an
extraction algorithm creates a new set of attributes from
transformations or combinations of the original set.
Some methods are studied with the intention to
promote the feature extraction and, consequently, the
dimensionality reduction, such as statistical methods,
methods based on the signal theory, and artificial neural
networks (Verikas & Bacauskiene, 2002).
As example of the use of artificial neural networks
in the support to the medical diagnosis, we can cite
the research of Papadopoulos et al. (2005) and Andr
& Rangayan (2006).


In this paper, we also present a proposal of use of
Artificial Intelligence in the stage of feature extraction, substituting the traditional techniques of image
Traditionally, the feature extraction is carried out on
the basis of statistical or spectral techniques, which result in, for example, texture or geometric attributes.
After these attributes are obtained, techniques of
Artificial Intelligence are applied in the pattern classification.
Our proposal is the use of ANN also for feature

Feature Extraction with ANNs

The feature extraction with the use of Artificial Neural
Networks functions basically as a selection of characteristics that represent the original data set.
This selection of characteristics is related to a process in which a data set is transformed into a space
of characteristics that, in theory, accurately describes
the same information as the original space of the data.
However, the transformation is projected in such a way
that the data set is represented by a reduced effective
characteristic, keeping most of the intrinsic information to the data, that is, the original data set suffers a
significant dimensionality reduction (Haykin, 1999).
The dimensionality reduction is extremely useful
in applications that involve digital image processing,
which normally depend on a very high number of data
points to be manipulated.
In summary, the feature extraction with ANNs transforms the original set of pixels into a map, of reduced
dimensions, that represents the original image without
a significant loss of information.
For this function, self-organizing neural networks
are normally used, as for example, the Kohonens SelfOrganizing Map (SOM).
The self-organizing map searches ways to transform
one determined pattern into a bi-dimensional map,
following a certain topological order (Haykin, 1999).
The elements that compose the map are distributed in
an only layer, having formed a grid (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Illustrative representation of a Kohonens

self-organizing map


AI in Computer-Aided Diagnosis

All the elements of the grid receive the input signal

of all variables, associated to its respective weights.
The calculation of its value of exit is carried through
by one determined function, on the basis of the weights
of the connections, and it is used to identify the winning element.
Mathematically, each element of the grid is represented by a vector composed of the weights of connection, with the same dimension of the input space,
that is, the amount of elements that compose the vector
corresponds to the amount of input variables of the
problem (Haykin, 1999).

It can be evidenced that the technique of artificial

neural networks highlights its great versatility and
robustness, providing sufficiently satisfactory results,
when used and implemented well.
The use of an automatic system of image analysis
can assist the radiologist, when used as a tool of second
opinion, or second reading, in the analysis of possible
inexact cases.
It is also observed that the use of the proposed
methodology represents a significant profit in the image processing of chest radiographs, for its peculiar

As application example, a self-organizing neural
network for the feature extraction of images of chest
radiographs was developed, objectifying the characterization of normal and abnormal patterns.
Each original image was divided in 12 parts, having as base the anatomical division normally used in
the diagnosis of the radiologist. Each part is formed
by approximately 250,000 pixels.
With the use of the proposal self-organizing network,
a reduction for only 240 representative elements was
obtained, with satisfactory results in the final pattern
A detailed description of the methodology can be
found in (Ambrsio, 2007; Azevedo-Marques et al.,

The developed study shows the possibilities of application of the self-organizing networks in the feature
extraction and dimensionality reduction; however,
other types of neural networks can also be used for this
purpose. New studies need to be carried out to compare
the results and adequacy of the methodology.

The contribution of the Information Technology is
undeniable as support tool to the medical decision
making. The Artificial Intelligence presents itself as
a great source of important techniques to be used in
this direction.

Ambrsio, P.E. (2007). Self-Organizing Neural Networks in the Characterization of Interstitial Lung
Diseases in Chest Radiographs. Thesis. Ribeiro Preto:
School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto, University of
Sao Paulo. [In Portuguese]
Andr, T. C. S. S.; Rangayan, R. M. (2006). Classification of breast masses in mammograms using neural
networks with shape, edge-sharpness and texture features. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 15(1).
Azevedo-Marques, P.M. (2001). Diagnstico Auxiliado
por Computador na Radiologia. Radiologia Brasileira.
34(5), 285-293. [In Portuguese]
Azevedo-Marques, P.M., Ambrsio, P.E., PereiraJunior, R.R., Valini, R.A. & Salomo, S.C. (2007).
Characterization of Interstitial Lung Disease in Chest
Radiographs using SOM Artificial Neural Network.
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology
and Surgery. 2 (suppl. 1), 368-370.
Doi, K. (2005). Current Status and Future Potential
of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging.
The British Journal of Radiology. 78(special issue),
Fenton, J. J.; Taplin, S. H.; Carney, P. A.; Abraham,
L.; Sickles, E. A.; DOrsi, C.; Berns, E. A.; Cutter, G.;
Hendrick, R. E.; Barlow, W. E.; Elmore, J. G. (2007).
Influence of computer-aided detection on performance
of screening mammography. New England Journal of
Medicine. 356 (14), 1399-1409.
Giger, M.L. (2002). Computer-Aided Diagnosis in
Radiology. Academic Radiology. 9, 1-3.

AI in Computer-Aided Diagnosis

Gonzalez, R.C. & Woods, R.E. (2001). Digital Image

Processing (2nd ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Jain, A.K., Duin, R.P.W. & Mao, J. (2000). Statistical
Pattern Recognition: A Review. IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 22(1),
Jiang, Y.; Nishikawa, R. M.; Schimidt, R. A.; Toledano,
A. Y.; Doi, K. (2001) Potential of computer-aided
diagnosis to reduce variability in radiologists interpretations of mammograms depicting microcalcification.
Radiology. 220(3), 787-794.
Kahn-Jr, C.E. (1994). Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Decision Support Systems. RadioGraphics.
14(4), 849-861.
Kononenko, I. (2001). Machine Learning for Medical
Diagnosis: History, State of the Art and Perspective.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 23, 89-109.
Papadopoulos, A; Fotiadis, D. I.; Likas, A. (2005).
Characterization of clustered microcalcifications in
digitized mammograms using neural networks and
support vector machines. Artificial Intelligence in
Medicine. 34(2), 141-150.
Theodoridis, S. & Koutroumbas, K. (2003). Pattern
Recognition (2nd ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Thurfjell, E.L., Lernevall, K.A. & Taube, A.A.S.
(1994). Benefit of Independent Double Reading in a
Population-Based Mammography Screening Program.
Radiology. 191, 241-244.
Verikas, A. & Bacauskienes, M. (2003). Feature Selection with Neural Networks. Pattern Recognition Letters.
23(11), 1323-1335.


Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Research area that enclose the development of computational techniques and
procedures for aid to the health professionals in process
of decision making for the medical diagnosis.
Dimensionality Reduction: Finding a reduced data
set, with the capacity of mapping a bigger set.
Feature Extraction: Finding of representative
features of a determined problem from samples with
different characteristics.
Medical Images: Images generated in special
equipment, used for aid to the medical diagnosis. Ex.:
X-Ray images, Computer Tomography, Magnetic
Resonance Images.
Pattern Recognition: Research area that enclose
the development of methods and automatized techniques for identification and classification of samples
in specific groups, in accordance with representative
Radiological Diagnosis: Medical diagnosis based
in analysis and interpretation of patterns observed in
medical images.
Self-Organizing Maps: Category of algorithms
based on artificial neural networks that searches, by
means of self-organization, to create a map of characteristics that represents the involved samples in a
determined problem.

Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive

Amanda J.C. Sharkey
University of Sheffield, UK

In their heyday, artificial neural networks promised a
radically new approach to cognitive modelling. The
connectionist approach spawned a number of influential,
and controversial, cognitive models. In this article, we
consider the main characteristics of the approach, look
at the factors leading to its enthusiastic adoption, and
discuss the extent to which it differs from earlier computational models. Connectionist cognitive models
have made a significant impact on the study of mind.
However connectionism is no longer in its prime.
Possible reasons for the diminution in its popularity
will be identified, together with an attempt to identify
its likely future.
The rise of connectionist models dates from the
publication in 1986 by Rumelhart and McClelland,
of an edited work containing a collection of connectionist models of cognition, each trained by exposure
to samples of the required tasks. These volumes set
the agenda for connectionist cognitive modellers and
offered a methodology that subsequently became the
standard. Connectionist cognitive models have since
been produced in domains including memory retrieval
and category formation, and (in language) phoneme
recognition, word recognition, speech perception, acquired dyslexia, language acquisition, and (in vision)
edge detection, object and shape recognition. More
than twenty years later the impact of this work is still

Seidenberg and McClellands (1989) model of word
pronunciation is a well-known connectionist example.
They used backpropagation to train a three-layer
network to map an orthographic representation of
words and non-words onto a distributed phonological
representation, and an orthographic output representation. The model is claimed to provide a good fit to

experimental data from human subjects. Humans can

make rapid decisions about whether a string of letters
is a word or not, (in a lexical decision task), and can
readily pronounce both words and non-words. The
time they take to do both is affected by a number of
factors, including the frequency with which words
occur in language, and the regularity of their spelling.
The trained artificial neural network outputs both a
phonological and an orthographic representation of
its input. The phonological representation is taken as
the equivalent to pronouncing the word or non-word.
The orthographic representation, and the extent to
which it duplicates the original input, is taken to be
the equivalent of the lexical decision task
The past tense model (McClelland & Rumelhart,
1986) has also been very influential. The model mirrors
several aspects of human learning of verb endings. It
was trained on examples of the root form of the word
as input, and of the past-tense form as output. Each
input and output was represented as a set of contextsensitive phonological features, coded and decoded by
means of a fixed encoder/decoder network. A goal of
the model was to simulate the stage-like sequences of
past tense learning shown by humans. Young children
first correctly learn the past tense of a few verbs, both
regular (e.g. looked) and irregular (e.g. went, or came).
In stage 2 they often behave as though they have inferred
a general rule for creating the past tense, (adding ed to
the verb stem). But they often over-generalise this rule,
and add ed to irregular verbs (e.g comed). There is a
gradual transition to the final stage in which they learn
to produce the correct past tense form of both regular
and exception words. Thus their performance exhibits
a U-shaped function for irregular verbs (initially correct, then often wrong, then correct again).
The model was trained in stages on 506 English
verbs. First, it was trained on 10 high frequency verbs
(regular, and irregular). Then medium frequency verbs
(mostly regular) were introduced and trained for a
number of epochs. A dip in performance on the irregular verbs occurred shortly after the introduction

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Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling

of the medium frequency verbs a dip followed by

a gradual improvement that resembled the U-shaped
curve found in human performance.


The models outlined above exhibit five typical features
of connectionist models of cognition: (i) They provide
an account that is related to and inspired by the operations of the brain; (ii) They can be used both to model
mental processes, and to simulate the actual behaviour
involved; (iii) They can provide a good fit to the data
from psychology experiments; (iv) The model, and its
fit to the data, is achieved without explicit programming
and (v) They often provide new accounts of the data.
We discuss these features in turn.
First there is the idea that a connectionist cognitive
model is inspired by, and related to, the way in which
brains work. Connectionism is based on both the alleged operation of the nervous system and on distributed computation. Neuron-like units are connected by
means of weighted links, in a manner that resembles
the synaptic connections between neurons in the brain.
These weighted links capture the knowledge of the
system; they may be arrived at either analytically or
by training the system with repeated presentations of
input-output training examples. Much of the interest in
connectionist models of cognition was that they offered
a new account of the way in which knowledge was
represented in the brain. For instance, the behaviour
of the past tense learning model can be described in
terms of rule following but its underlying mechanism
does not contain any explicit rules. Knowledge about
the formation of the past tense is distributed across the
weights in the network.
Interest in brain-like computing was fuelled by a
growing dissatisfaction with the classical symbolic
processing approach to modelling mind and its relationship to the brain. Even though theories of symbol
manipulation could account for many aspects of human cognition, there was concern about how such
symbols might be learnt and represented in the brain.
Functionalism (Putnam, 1975) explicitly insisted that
details about how intelligence and reasoning were actually implemented were irrelevant. Concern about the

manipulation of meaningless, ungrounded symbols is

exemplified by Searles Chinese Room thought-experiment (1980). Connectionism, by contrast, offered an
approach that was based on learning, made little use
of symbols, and was related to the way in which the
brain worked. Arguably, one of the main contributions
that connectionism has made to the study and understanding of mind has been the development of a shared
vocabulary between those interested in cognition, and
those interested in studying the brain.
The second and third features relate to the way in
which artificial neural nets can both provide a model
of a cognitive process and simulate a task, and provide
a good fit to the empirical data. In Cognitive Psychology, the emphasis had been on building models that
could account for the empirical results from human
subjects, but which did not incorporate simulations of
experimental tasks. Alternatively, in Artificial Intelligence, models were developed that performed tasks
in ways that resembled human behaviour, but which
took little account of detailed psychological evidence.
However, as in the two models described here, connectionist models both simulated the performance of
the human tasks, and were able to fit the data from
psychological investigations.
The fourth feature is that of achieving the model and
the fit to the data without explicit handwiring. It can
be favourably contrasted to the symbolic programming
methodology of Artificial Intelligence, where the model
is programmed step by step, leaving room for ad hoc
modifications and kludges. The fifth characteristic is the
possibility of providing a novel explanation of the data.
In their model of word pronunciation, Seidenberg and
McClelland showed that their artificial neural network
provided an integrated (single mechanism) account of
data on both regular and exception words where previously the old cognitive modelling conventions had
forced an explanation in terms of a dual route. Similarly,
the past-tense model was formulated as a challenge to
rule-based accounts: although childrens performance
can be described in terms of rules, it was claimed that
the model showed that the same behaviour could be
accounted for by means of an underlying mechanism
that does not use explicit rules.
In its glory days, connectionisms claims about
novel explanations of stimulated much debate. There
was also much discussion of the extent to which connectionism could provide an adequate account of
higher mental processes. Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988)

Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling

mounted an attack on the representational adequacy

of connectionism. Connectionists retaliated, and in
papers such as van Gelders (1990) the argument was
made that not only could they provide an account of
the structure sensitive processes underlying human
language, but that connectionism did so in a novel
manner: the eliminative connectionist position.
Now the dust has subsided, connectionist models
do not seem as radically different to other modelling
approaches as was once supposed. It was held that
one of their strengths was their ability to model mental
processes, simulate behaviour, and provide a good fit
to data from psychology experiments without being
explicitly programmed to do so. However, there is
now greater awareness that decisions about factors such
as the architecture of the net, the form its representations will take, and even the interpretation of its input
and output, are tantamount to a form of indirect, or
extensional programming.
Controlling the content, and presentation of the
training sample, is an important aspect of extensional
programming. When Pinker and Prince (1988) criticised
the past tense model, an important element of their
criticisms was that the experimenters had unrealistically tailored the environment to produce the required
results, and that the results were an artifact of the training data. Although the results indicated a U-shaped
curve in the rate of acquisition, as occurs with children,
Pinker and Prince argued that this curve occurred only
because the net was exposed to the verbs in an unrealistically structured order. Further research has largely
answered these criticisms, but it remains the case that
selection of the input, and control of the way that it
is presented to the net, affects what the net learns. A
similar argument can be made about the selection of
input representations.
In summary: there has been debate about the novelty
of connectionism, and its ability to account for higher
level cognitive processing. There is however general
acknowledgement that the approach made a lasting contribution by indicating how cognitive processes could
be implemented at the level of neurons. Despite this,
the connectionist approach to cognitive modelling is
no longer as popular as it once was. Possible reasons
are considered below:

Difficult challenges: A possible reason for the

diminished popularity of artificial neural nets is
that as Elman (2005) suggests, we have arrived

at the point where the easy targets have been

identified but the tougher problems remain.
Difficult challenges to be met include the idea of
scaling up models to account for wider ranges of
phenomena, and building models that can account
for more than one behaviour.
Greater understanding: As a result of our greater
understanding of the operation and inherent
limitations of artificial neural nets, some of their
attraction has faded with their mystery. They
have become part of the arsenal of statistical
methods for pattern recognition, and much recent
research on artificial neural networks has focused
more on questions about whether the best level
of generalisation has been efficiently achieved,
than on modelling cognition.

Also there is greater knowledge of the limitations of

artificial neural nets, such as the problem of the catastrophic interference associated with backpropagation.
Backpropagation performs impressively when all of the
training data are presented to the net on each training
cycle, but its results are less impressive when such
training is carried out sequentially and a net is fully
trained on one set of items before being trained on a
new set. The newly learned information often interferes
with, and overwrites, previously learned information.
For instance, McCloskey and Cohen (1989) used backpropagation to train a net on the arithmetic problem of
+ 1 addition (e.g. 1+1, 2+1, , 9+1). They found that
when they proceeded to train the same net to add 2 to
a given number, it forgot how to add 1. Sequential
training of this form results in catastrophic interference. Sharkey and Sharkey (1995) demonstrated that
it is possible to avoid the problem if the training set is
sufficiently representative of the underlying function, or
there are enough sequential training sets. In terms of this
example, if the function to be learned is both + 1 and +
2, then training sets that incorporate enough examples
of each could lead to the net learning to add either 1 or
2 to a given number. However, this is at the expense
of being able to discriminate between those items that
have been learned from those that have not.
This example is related to another limitation of artificial neural nets: their inability to extrapolate beyond
their training set. Although humans can readily grasp
the idea of adding one to any given number, it is not so
straightforward to train the net to extrapolate beyond
the data on which it is trained. It has been argued

Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling

(Marcus, 1998) that this inability of artificial neural

nets trained using backpropagation to generalise beyond
their training space provides a major limitation to the
power of connectionist nets: an important one, since
humans can readily generalise universal relationships to
unfamiliar instances. Clearly there are certain aspects
of cognition, particularly those to do with higher level
human abilities, such as their reasoning and planning
abilities, that are more difficult to capture within connectionist models.

Changing zeitgest: There is now an increased

interest in more detailed modelling of brain function, and a concomitant dissatisfaction with the
simplicity of cognitive models that often consisted
of a small number of neurons connected in three
rows (Hawkins, 2004). Similarly, there is greater
impatience with the emphasis in connectionism
on the biologically implausible backpropagation learning algorithm. At the same time, there
is greater awareness of the role the body plays
in cognition, and the relationships between the
body, the brain, and the environment (e.g. Clark,
1999). Traditional connectionist models do not
fit easily with the new emphasis on embodied
cognition (e.g. Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999).

used as the basis for robotic controllers (e.g. Nolfi and

Floreano, 2000). Such changes will ensure a future
for connectionist modeling, and stimulate a new set of
questions about the emergence of cognition in response
to an organisms interaction with the environment.

In this article we have described two landmark connectionist cognitive models, and considered their characteristic features. We outlined the debates over the
novelty and sufficiency of connectionism for modelling
cognition, and argued that in some respects the approach
shares features with the modelling approaches that
preceded it. Reasons for a gradual waning of interest
in connectionism were identified, and possible futures
were discussed. Connectionism has had a strong impact
on cognitive modelling, and although its relationship to
the brain is no longer seen as a strong one, it provided
an indication of the way in which cognitive processes
could be accounted for in the brain. It is argued here
that although the approach is no longer ubiquitous, it
will continue to form an important component of future
cognitive models, as they take account of the interactions
between thought, brains and the environment.



One expected future trend will be to focus on the difficult

challenges. It is likely that investigations will explore
how models of isolated processes, such as learning the
past tense of verbs, might fit into more general accounts
of language learning, and of cognition. There are further questions to be addressed about the developmental
origin of many aspects of cognition, and the origin and
progression of developmental disorders.
Connectionist cognitive modelling is likely to
change in response to the new zeitgest. A likely scenario
is that artificial neural nets will continue to be used for
cognitive modeling, but not exclusively as they were
before. They will continue to form part of hybrid approaches to cognition (Sun, 2003), in combination with
symbolic methods. Similarly, artificial neural nets can
be used in combination with evolutionary algorithms
to form the basis of adaptive responses to the environment. Rather than training artificial neural nets, they
can be adapted by means of evolutionary methods, and

Clark, A. (1997) Being there: Putting brain, body and

world together again. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Elman, J.L.. (2005) Connectionist models of cognitive development: Where next? Trends in Cognitive
Sciences, 9, 111-11
Fodor, J.A. & Pylyshyn, Z. (1988) Connectionism and
cognitive architecture: A critical analysis. Cognition,
28, 3-71.
Hawkins, J. (2004) On intelligence. New York: Henry
Holt and Company, Owl Books.
Marcus, G.F. (1998) Rethinking eliminative connectionism. Cognitive Psychology, 37, 243-282.
McClelland, J.L. & Rumelhart, D.E. & the PDP Research Group Parallel Distributed Processing Vol 2:
Psychological and Biological Models. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press. (1986)

Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling

McCloskey, M. & Cohen, N.J. (1989) Catastrophic

interference in connectionist networks: The sequential
learning problem. The Psychology of Learning and
Motivation, Vol 24, 109-165.

van Gelder, T. (1990) Compositionality: A Connectionist variation on a classical theme. Cognitive Science,
14, pp 355-364.

Nolfi, S. and Floreano, D. (2004) Evolutionary robotics:

The biology, intelligence and technology of self-organising machines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press


Pinker, S. & Prince,A. (1988) On language and connectionism: Analysis of a parallel distributed processing
model of language acquisition. In Connections and
symbols (S., Pinker and J. Mehler, Eds), Cambridge,
MA: Bradford/MIT Press pp 73-194
Pfeifer, R. and Scheier, C. (1999) Understanding intelligence. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Putnam, H. (1975) Philosophy and our mental life. In
H. Putnam (Ed.) Mind, language and reality: Philosophical papers (vol 2) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, pp 48-73
Rumelhart, D.E. and McClelland, J.L. (1986) On
learning the past tenses of English verbs. In Parallel
Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, Vol 2. Psychological and Biological
Models. (Rumelhart, D.E. and McClelland, J.L., eds)
pp 216-271, MIT Press
Seidenberg, M.S. and McClelland, J.L. (1989) A distributed developmental model of visual word recognition
and naming. Psychological Review, 96, 523-568.
Searle, J.R. (1980) Minds, brains and programs. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 3: 417-424. Reprinted
in J. Haugeland. Ed. Mind design. Montgomery, VT:
Bradford Books, 1981.
Sharkey, N.E. & Sharkey, A.J.C. (1995) An Analysis
of Catastrophic Interference, Connection Science, 7,
3/4, 313-341.
Sharkey, A.J.C. and Sharkey, N. (2003) Cognitive
Modelling: Psychology and Connectionism. In M.A.
Arbib (Ed) The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural
Networks, A Bradford Book: MIT Press
Sun, R. (2003) Hybrid Connectionist/Symbolic Systems. In M.A. Arbib (Ed) The Handbook of Brain
Theory and Neural Networks, A Bradford Book: MIT
Press pp 543-547

Chinese Room: In Searles thought experiment,

he asks us to imagine a man sitting in a room with a
number of rule books. A set of symbols is passed into
the room. The man processes the symbols according
to the rule books, and passes a new set of symbols
out of the room. The symbols posted into the room
correspond to a Chinese question, and the symbols he
passes out are the answer to the question, in Chinese.
However, the man following the rules has no knowledge of Chinese. The example suggests a computer
program could similarly follow rules in order to answer
a question without any understanding.
Classical Symbol Processing: The classical view
of cognition was that it was analogous to symbolic
computation in digital computers. Information is represented as strings of symbols, and cognitive processing
involves the manipulation of these strings by means
of a set of rules. Under this view, the details of how
such computation is implemented are not considered
Connectionism: Connectionism is the term used to
describe the application of artificial neural networks to
the study of mind. In connectionist accounts, knowledge
is represented in the strength of connections between
a set of artificial neurons.
Eliminative Connectionism: The eliminative
connectionist is concerned to provide an account of
cognition that eschews symbols, and operates at the
subsymbolic level. For instance, the concept of dog
could be captured in a distributed representation as a
number of input features (e.g. four-footed, furry, barks
etc) and would then exist in the net in the form of the
weighted links between its neuron like units.
Generalisation: Artificial neural networks, once
trained, are able to generalise beyond the items on
which they were trained and to produce a similar
output in response to inputs that are similar to those
encountered in training
Implementational Connectionism: In this less
extreme version of connectionism, the goal is to find

Artificial Neural Networks and Cognitive Modelling

a means of implementing classical symbol processing

using artificial networks and to find a way of accounting for symbol processing at the level of neurons.
Lexical Decision: Lexical decision tasks are a
measure devised to look at the processes involved in
word recognition. A word or pseudoword (a meaningless string of letters, conforming to spelling rules) is
presented, and the reader is asked to press a button to
indicate whether the display was a word or not. The
time taken to make the decision is recorded in milliseconds. The measure can provide an indication of
various aspects of word processing for instance how
familiar the word is to the reader.

Artificial NeuroGlial Networks

Ana Beln Porto Pazos
University of A Corua, Spain
Alberto Alvarellos Gonzlez
University of A Corua, Spain
Flix Montas Pazos
University of A Corua, Spain



More than 50 years ago connectionist systems (CSs)

were created with the purpose to process information
in the computers like the human brain (McCulloch
& Pitts, 1943). Since that time these systems have
advanced considerably and nowadays they allow us to
resolve complex problems in many disciplines (classification, clustering, regression, etc.). But this advance
is not enough. There are still a lot of limitations when
these systems are used (Dorado, 1999). Mostly the
improvements were obtained following two different
ways. Many researchers have preferred the construction of artificial neural networks (ANNs) based in
mathematic models with diverse equations which lead
its functioning (Cortes & Vapnik, 1995; Haykin, 1999).
Otherwise other researchers have pretended the most
possibly to make alike these systems to human brain
(Rabual, 1999; Porto, 2004).
The systems included in this article have emerged
following the second way of investigation. CSs which
pretend to imitate the neuroglial nets of the brain are
introduced. These systems are named Artificial NeuroGlial Networks (ANGNs) (Porto, 2004). These CSs
are not only made of neuron, but also from elements
which imitate glial neurons named astrocytes (Araque,
1999). These systems, which have hybrid training, have
demonstrated efficacy when resolving classification
problems with totally connected feed-forward multilayer networks, without backpropagation and lateral

The ANNs or CSs emulate the biological neural networks in that they do not require the programming of
tasks but generalise and learn from experience. Current
ANNs are composed by a set of very simple processing
elements (PEs) that emulate the biological neurons and
by a certain number of connections between them.
Until now, researchers that pretend to emulate the
brain, have tried to represent in ANNs the importance
the neurons have in the Nervous System (NS). However, during the last decades research has advanced
remarkably in the Neuroscience field, and increasingly
complex neural circuits, as well as the Glial System
(GS), are being observed closely. The importance of
the functions of the GS leads researchers to think that
their participation in the processing of information in the
NS is much more relevant than previously assumed. In
that case, it may be useful to integrate into the artificial
models other elements that are not neurons.
Since the late 80s, the application of innovative and
carefully developed cellular and physiological techniques (such as patch-clamp, fluorescent ion-sensible
images, confocal microscopy and molecular biology)
to glial studies has defied the classic idea that astrocytes merely provide a structural and trophic support
to neurons and suggests that these elements play more
active roles in the physiology of the Central Nervous
New discoveries are now unveiling that the glia
is intimately linked to the active control of neural
activity and takes part in the regulation of synaptic
neurotransmission (Perea & Araque, 2007). Abundant
evidence has suggested the existence of bidirectional
communication between astrocytes and neurons, and
the important active role of the astrocytes in the NSs

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Artificial NeuroGlial Networks

physiology (Araque et al., 2001; Perea & Araque, 2005).

This evidence has led to the proposal of a new concept
in synaptic physiology, the tripartite synapse, which
consists of three functional elements: the presynaptic
and postsynaptic elements and the surrounding astrocytes (Araque et al., 1999). The communication between
these three elements has highly complex characteristics,
which seem to reflect more reliably the complexity of
the information processing between the elements of
the NS (Martin & Araque, 2005).
So there is no question about the existence of communication between astrocytes and neurons (Perea &
Araque, 2002). In order to understand the motives of
this reciprocated signalling, we must know the differences and similarities that exist between their properties. Only a decade ago, it would have been absurd
to suggest that these two cell types have very similar
functions; now we realise that the similarities are
striking from the perspective of chemical signalling.
Both cell types receive chemical inputs that have an
impact on the ionotropic and metabotropic receptors.
Following this integration, both cell types send signals
to their neighbours through the release of chemical
transmittors. Both the neuron-to-neuron signalling
and the neuron-to-astrocyte signalling show plastic
properties that depend on the activity (Pasti et al.,
1997). The main difference between astrocytes and
neurons is that many neurons extend their axons over
large distances and conduct action potentials of short
duration at high speed, whereas the astrocytes do not
exhibit any electric excitability but conduct calcium
spikes of long duration (tens of seconds) over short
distances and at low speed. The fast signalling, and the
input/output functions in the central NS that require
speed, seem to belong to the neural domain. But what
happens with slower events, such as the induction of
memories, and other abstract processes such as thought
processes? Does the signalling between astrocytes contribute to their control? As long as there is no answer
to these questions, research must continue; the present
work offers new ways to advance through the use of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques.
Therefore not only it is pretended to improve the
CSs incorporating elements imitating astrocytes, but it
is also intended to benefit Neuroscience with the study
of brain circuits since other point of view, the AI.
The most recent works in this area are presented
by Porto et al (Porto et al., 2007; Porto et al., 2005;
Porto, 2004).


All the design possibilities, for the architecture as well
as for the training process of an ANN, are basically
oriented towards minimising the error level or reducing
the systems learning time. As such, it is in the optimisation process of a mechanism, in case the ANN, that
we must find the solution for the many parameters of
the elements and the connections between them.
Considering possible future improvements that
optimize an ANN with respect to minimal error and
minimal training time, our models will be the brain
circuits, in which the participation of elements of the
GS is crucial to process the information. In order to
design the integration of these elements into the ANN
and elaborate a learning method for the resulting
ANGN that allows us to check whether there is an
improvement in these systems, we have analysed the
main existing training methods that will be used for
the elaboration. We have analysed Non-Supervised
and Supervised Training methods, and other methods
that use or combine some of their characteristics and
complete the analysis: Training by Reinforcement,
Hybrid Training and Evolutionary Training.

Observed Limitations
Several experiments with ANNs have shown the existence of conflicts between the functioning of the CS and
biological neuron networks, due to the use of methods
that did not reflect reality. For instance, in the case of a
multilayer perceptron, which is a simple CS, the synaptic
connections between the PEs have weights that can be
excitatory or inhibitory, whereas in the natural NS, are
the neurons that seem to represent these functions, not
the connections; recent research (Perea & Araque, 2007)
indicates that the cells of the GS, more concretely the
astrocytes, also play an important role.
Another limitation concerns the learning algorithm
known as Backpropagation, which implies that the
change of the connections value requires the backwards transmission of the error signal in the ANN.
It was traditionally assumed that this behaviour was
impossible in a natural neuron, which, according to
the dynamic polarisation theory of Ramn y Cajal
(1911), is unable to efficiently transmit information
inversely through the axon until reaching the cellular soma; new research however has discovered that
neurons can send information to presynaptic neurons

Artificial NeuroGlial Networks

under certain conditions, either by means of existing

mechanisms in the dendrites or else through various
interventions of glial cells such as astrocytes.
If the learning is supervised, it implies the existence
of an instructor, which in the context of the brain
means a set of neurons that behave differently from
the rest in order to guide the process. At present, the
existence of this type of neurons is biologically indemonstrable, but the GS seems to be strongly implied in
this orientation and may be the element that configures
an instructor that until now had not been considered.
It is in this context that the present study analyses
to what extent the latest discoveries in Neuroscience
(Araque et al., 2001; Perea & Araque, 2002) contribute
to these networks: discoveries that proceed from cerebral activity in areas that are believed to be involved
in the learning and processing of information (Porto
et al., 2007).

Artificial Neuroglial Networks

Many researchers have used the current potential of
computers and the efficiency of computational models to
elaborate biological computational models and reach
a better understanding of the structure and behaviour
of both pyramidal neurons, which are believed to be
involved in learning and memory processes (LeRay
et al., 2004, Fernndez et al., 2007), and astrocytes
(Porto, 2004; Perea & Araque, 2002). These models
have provided a better understanding of the causes and
factors that are involved in the specific functioning of
biological circuits. The present work will use these new
insights to progress in the field of Computer Sciences
and more concretely in AI.

Figure 1. Artificial NeuroGlial network scheme

N e uro n
N e u ro n
N e uro n
N eu r o n

We present ANGNs (figure 1) that include both

artificial neurons and processing control elements
that represent the astrocytes, and whose functioning
follows the steps that were successfully applied in the
construction and use of CS: design, training, testing
and execution.
Also, since the computational studies of the learning with ANNs are beginning to converge towards
evolutionary computation methods (Dorado, 1999), we
will combine the optimisation in the modification of
the weights (according to the results of the biological
models) with the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) in
order to find the best solution for a given problem. This
evolutionary technique was found to be very efficient in
the training phase of the CS (Rabual, 1998), because it
helps to adapt the CS to the optimal solution according
to the inputs that enter the system and the outputs that
must be produced by the system. This adaptation phenomenon takes place in the brain thanks to the plasticity
of its elements and may be partly controlled by the GS;
it is for this reason that we consider the GA as a part
of the artificial glia. The result of this combination
is a hybrid learning method (Porto, 2004).
The design of the ANGNs is oriented towards classification problems that are solved by means of simple
networks, i.e. multilayer networks, although future
research may lead to the design of models in more
complex networks. It seems a logical approach to start
the design of these new models with simple ANNs, and
to orientate the latest discoveries on astrocytes and
pyramidal neurons in information processing towards
their use in classification networks, since the control
of the reinforcement or weakening of the connections
in the brain is related to the adaptation or plasticity
of the connections, which lead to the generation of
activation ways. This process can therefore improve
the classification of the patterns and their recognition
by the ANGN.
A detailed description of the functioning of the
ANGNs and results with these systems can be found
in Porto et al (Porto, 2004; Porto et al., 2005; Porto
et al., 2007).

N euro n

N e uro n
N eu r o n

A strocyte

N e uro n
A s t r o cy t e
A s tro c y te

We keep on analysing other synaptic modification
possibilities based on brain behaviour to apply them

Artificial NeuroGlial Networks

to new CSs which can solve simple problems with

simple architectures.
Moreover, given that it has been proved that the glia
acts upon complex brain circuits, and that the more an
individuals brain has developed, the more glia he has
in his nervous system (following what Cajal said one
hundred years ago (Ramn y Cajal, 1911), we are applying the observed brain behaviour to more complex
network architectures. Particularly after having checked
that a more complex network architecture achieved
better results in the problem presented here.
For the same reason, we intend to analyse how the
new CSs solve complex problems, for instance time
processing ones where totally or partially recurrent
networks would play a role. These networks could
combine their functioning with this new behaviour.

This article presents CSs composed by artificial neurons and artificial glial cells. The design of artificial
models did not aim at obtaining a perfect copy of the
natural model but a series of behaviours whose final
functioning is approached to it as much as possible.
Nevertheless, a close similarity between both is indispensable to improve the output, and may result in more
intelligent behaviours.
The synaptic modifications introduced in the CSs,
and based on the modelled brain processes enhance
the training of multilayer architectures.
We must remember that the innovation of the existing ANNs models towards the development of new
architectures is conditioned by the need to integrate the
new parameters into the learning algorithms so that they
can adjust their values. New parameters, that provide
the process element models of the ANNs with new
functionalities, are harder to come by than optimizations
of the most frequently used algorithms that increase the
calculations and basically work on the computational
side of the algorithm. The ANGNs integrate new elements and thanks to a hybrid method this approach did
not complicate the training process.
The research with these ANGNs benefits AI because
it can improve information processing capabilities
which would allow us to deal with a wider range of
problems. Moreover, this has indirectly benefited
Neuroscience since experiments with computational
models that simulate brain circuits pave the way for

difficult experiments carried out in laboratories, as well

as providing new ideas for research.

Araque, A., Prpura, V., Sanzgiri, R., & Haydon, P. G.
(1999). Tripartite synapses: glia, the unacknowledged
partner. Trends in Neuroscience, 22(5).
Araque, A., Carmignoto, G., & Haydon, P. G. (2001):
Dynamic Signaling Between Astrocytes and Neurons.
Annu. Rev. Physiol, 63, 795-813.
Cortes, C., & Vapnik, V. (1995). Support-Vector Networks. Machine Learning, 20.
Dorado, J. (1999). Modelo de un Sistema para la Seleccin Automtica en Dominios Complejos, con una
Estrategia Cooperativa, de Conjuntos de Entrenamiento
y Arquitecturas Ideales de Redes de Neuronas Artificiales Utilizando Algoritmos Genticos. Tesis Doctoral.
Facultad de Informtica. Universidade da Corua.
Fernndez, D., Fuenzalida, M., Porto, A., & Buo, W.
(2007). Selective shunting of NMDA EPSP component
by the slow after hyperpolarization regulates synaptic
integration at apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 97, 3242-3255.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks. 2nd Edition,
Prentice Hall.
LeRay, D., Fernndez, D., Porto, A., Fuenzalida, M., &
Buo, W. (2004). Heterosynaptic Metaplastic Regulation of Synaptic Efficacy in CA1 Pyramidal Neurons of
Rat Hippocampus. Hippocampus 14, 1011-1025.
Martn, E.D., & Araque, A. (2005). Astrocytes and
The Biological Neural Networks. Artificial Neural
Networks in Real-Life Applications. Hershey PA, USA:
Idea Group Inc.
McCulloch, W.S., & Pitts, W. (1943). A Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity. Bulletin
of Mathematical Biophysics, 5, 115-133.
Pasti, L., Volterra, A., Pozzan, R., & Carmignoto, G.
(1997). Intracellular calcium oscillations in astrocytes:
a highly plastic, bidirectional form of communication
between neurons and astrocytes in situ. Journal of
Neuroscience, 17, 7817-7830.

Artificial NeuroGlial Networks

Perea, G., & Araque, A. (2002). Communication betwen

astrocytes and neurons: a complex language. Journal
of Physiology. Paris: Elsevier Science.
Perea, G., & Araque, A. (2005). Properties of synaptically evoked astrocyte calcium signal reveal synaptic
information processing by astrocytes. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 25(9), 2192-2203.
Perea, G., & Araque, A. (2007). Astrocytes Potentiate
Transmitter Release at Single Hippocampal Synapses.
Science, 317(5841), 1083 1086.
Porto, A. (2004). Computational Models for optimizing the Learning and the Information Processing in
Adaptive Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Computer
Science, University of A Corua.
Porto, A., Araque, A., & Pazos, A. (2005). Artificial
Neural Networks based on Brain Circuits Behaviour
and Genetic Algorithms. LNCS. 3512, 99-106.
Porto, A., Araque, A., Rabual, J., Dorado, J., & Pazos,
A. (2007). A New Hybrid Evolutionary Mechanism
Based on Unsupervised Learning for Connectionist
Systems. Neurocomputing, 70(16-18), 2799-2808.
Rabual, J. (1998). Entrenamiento de Redes de Neuronas Artificiales con Algoritmos Genticos. Tesis de
Licenciatura. Dep. Computacin. Facultad de Informtica. Universidade da Corua.
Ramn y Cajal, S. (1911). Histologie du sisteme nerveux
de I`homme et des vertebres. Maloine, Paris.

Artificial Neural Network: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used
in applications such as robotics, speech recognition,
signal processing or medical diagnosis.

recently their crucial role in the information processing was discovered.

Backpropagation Algorithm: A supervised
learning technique used for training ANNs, based on
minimising the error obtained from the comparison
between the outputs that the network gives after the
application of a set of network inputs and the outputs
it should give (the desired outputs).
Evolutionary Computation: Solution approach
guided by biological evolution, which begins with
potential solution models, then iteratively applies algorithms to find the fittest models from the set to serve
as inputs to the next iteration, ultimately leading to a
model that best represents the data.
Genetic Algorithms: Genetic algorithms (GAs) are
adaptive heuristic search algorithm premised on the
evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The
basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes
in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically
those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles
Darwin of survival of the fittest. As such they represent
an intelligent exploitation of a random search within a
defined search space to solve a problem.
Glial Sytem: Commonly called glia (greek for
glue), are non-neuronal cells that provide support
and nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin,
and participate in signal transmission in the nervous
system. In the human brain, glia cells are estimated to
outnumber neurons by about 10 to 1.
Hybrid Training: :earning method that combines
the supervised and unsupervised training of Connectionist Systems.
Synapse: Specialized junctions through which
the cells of the nervous system signal to each other
and to non-neuronal cells such as those in muscles or

Astrocytes: Astrocytes are a sub-type of the glial

cells in the brain. They perform many functions, including the formation of the blood-brain barrier, the
provision of nutrients to the nervous tissue, and play a
principal role in the repair and scarring process in the
brain. They modulate the synaptic transmission and

Association Rule Mining

Vasudha Bhatnagar
University of Delhi, India
Sarabjeet Kochhar
University of Delhi, India

Data mining is a field encompassing study of the tools
and techniques to assist humans in intelligently analyzing (mining) mountains of data. Data mining has found
successful applications in many fields including sales
and marketing, financial crime identification, portfolio
management, medical diagnosis, manufacturing process
management and health care improvement etc..
Data mining techniques can be classified as either
descriptive or predictive techniques. Descriptive
techniques summarize / characterize general properties of data, while predictive techniques construct a
model from the historical data and use it to predict
some characteristics of the future data. Association
rule mining, sequence analysis and clustering are key
descriptive data mining techniques, while classification
and regression are predictive techniques.
The objective of this article is to introduce the
problem of association rule mining and describe some
approaches to solve the problem.

Association rule mining, one of the fundamental techniques of data mining, aims to extract interesting correlations, frequent patterns or causal structures among
sets of items in data.
An association rule is of the form X Y and indicates that the presence of items in the antecedent of rule
(X) implies the presence of items in the consequent of
rule (Y). For example, the rule {PC, Color Printer}
{computer table} implies that people who purchase a
PC (personal computer) and a color printer also tend to
purchase a computer table. These associations, however,
are not based on the inherent characteristics of a domain
(as in a functional dependency) but on the co-occur-

rence of data items in the dataset. Thus, association

rule mining is a totally data driven technique.
Association rules have been successfully employed
in numerous applications, some of which are listed



Retail market analysis: Discovery of association

rules in retail data has been applied in departmental
stores for floor planning, stock planning, focused
marketing campaigns for product awareness,
product promotion and customer retention.
Web association analysis: Association rules in
web usage mining have been used to recommend
related pages, discover web pages with common
references, web pages with majority of same links
(mirrors) and predictive caching. The knowledge
is applied to improve web site design and speed
up searches.
Discovery of linked concepts: Words or sentences
that appear frequently together in documents are
called linked concepts. Association rules can be
used to discover linked concepts which further
lead to the discovery of plagiarized text and the
development of ontologies etc..

The problem of association rule mining (ARM) was

introduced by Agrawal et al. (1993). Large databases of
retail transactions called the market basket databases,
which accumulate in departmental stores provided
the motivation of ARM. The basket corresponds to a
physical retail transaction in a departmental store and
consists of the set of items a customer buys. These
transactions are recorded in a database called the
transaction database. The goal is to analyze the buying
habits of customers by finding associations between the
different items that customers place in their shopping
baskets. The discovered association rules can also be
used by management to increase the effectiveness of

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Association Rule Mining

Figure 1. Boolean database and corresponding transaction database






A, B,C



A, C



A, C, D



B, C, E



A, C, E

advertising, marketing, inventory management and

reduce the associated costs.
The authors in (Agrawal et al., 1993) worked on
a boolean database of transactions. Each record corresponds to a customer basket and contains transaction identifier (TID), transaction details and a list of
items bought in the transaction. The list of items is
represented by a boolean vector with a one denoting
presence of corresponding item in the transaction and
zero marking the absence. Figure 1 shows the boolean
database of five transactions and the corresponding
transaction database.
The problem of finding association rules is to find
the columns with frequently co-occurring ones in the
boolean database. However, most of the algorithms
for ARM use the form of transaction database shown
on the right. We give the mathematical formulation of
the problem below.

Let I = {i1, i2, , in} denote a set of items and D designate a database of N transactions. A transaction T
D is a subset of I i.e. T I and is associated with a
unique identifier TID.
An itemset is a collection of one or more items. X
is an itemset if X I. A transaction is said to contain
an itemset X if X T. A k-itemset is an itemset that
contains k items.
An association rule is of the form X Y [Support,
Confidence] where X I, Y I, X Y =, and Support
and Confidence are rule evaluation metrics.
Support of an itemset X is the fraction of transactions that contain X. It denotes the probability that a
transaction contains X.

Support (X) = P(X) =


Support of a rule X Y in D is s if s% of transactions in D contain X Y, and is computed as:

Support (X Y) = P(X Y) =
ainin X Y

Support indicates the extent of prevalence of a rule. A

rule with low support value represents a rare event.
Confidence of a rule measures its strength and
provides an indication of the reliability of prediction
made by the rule. A rule X Y has a confidence c in
D if c% of transactions in D that contain X also contain
Y. It is computed as the conditional probability that Y
occurs in a transaction, given X is present in the same
transaction, i.e.
Confidence (X Y) = P(Y/X) =
P(X U Y)

Example 1: Consider the example database shown

in Figure 2 (a). Here, I = {A, B, C, D, E}. Figures 2
(b) and 2 (c) show the computation of support and
confidence for a rule.

Association Rule Mining

Figure 2(a). Example of database transactions




A, B,C


A, C


A, C, D


B, C, E


A, C, E

Figure 2(b). Itemsets of size one and two

Itemset AC

Item A

Item C

Figure 2(c). Computation of support and confidence

Sup(A): 4 (80%),
Supp(C): 5 (100%)
Sup (AB): 1 (20%)
Sup(AC): 4 (80%),
Sup (ABC): 1 (20%),
Sup (ABCD): 0 (0%)
Sup(ABCDE): 0 (0%)
Confidence (A C) = 4/4 (100%)
Confidence (C A) = 4/5 (80%)

With n items in I, the total number of possible

association rules is very large (O(3n)). However, the
majority of these rules (associations) existing in D are
not interesting for the user. Interestingness measures
are employed to reduce the number of rules discovered
by the algorithms. Foremost criterion of interestingness
is the high prevalence of both the item-sets and rules,
which is specified by the user as minimum support
value. An itemset (rule) whose support is greater than
or equal to a user specified minimum support (minsup)
threshold is called a Frequent Itemset (rule).

The second criterion of interestingness is the strength

of the rule. A rule which has confidence greater than the
user specified minimum confidence threshold (minconf)
is interesting to the user.
Confidence, however, can sometimes be misleading.
For instance, the confidence of a rule can be high even if
antecedent and consequent of the rule are independent.
Lift (also called Interest) and Conviction of a rule are
other commonly used measures for rule interestingness
(Dunham, 2002). A suitable measure of rule strength
needs to be identified for an application.


Since an association rule is an implication among
itemsets, the brute-force approach to association rule
generation requires examining relationships between
all possible item-sets. Such a process would typically
involve counting the co-occurrence of all itemsets in
D and subsequently generating rules from them.
For n items, there are 2n possible itemsets that need
to be counted. This may require not only prohibitive
amount of memory, but also complex indexing of
counters. Since the user is interested only in frequent
rules, one needs to count only the frequent itemsets
before generating association rules. Thus, the problem
of mining association rules is decomposed into two
Phase I: Discovery of frequent itemsets
Phase II: Generation of rules from the frequent itemsets
discovered in phase I.
Various algorithms for ARM differ in their approaches to optimize the time and storage requirement
for counting in the first phase. Despite reducing the
search space by imposing minsup constraint, frequent
itemset generation is still a computationally expensive
process. The Anti-monotone property of support is an
important tool to further reduce the search space and
is used in most association rule algorithms (Agrawal
et al., 1994). According to this property, support of an
itemset never exceeds the support of any of its subsets i.e. if X is an itemset, then for each of its subsets
Y, sup(X) <= sup(Y). This property makes the set of
frequent itemsets downward closed. The task of rule

Association Rule Mining

Figure 3. Generation of association rules from frequent

itemsets (Adapted from Dunham, 2002)
Algorithm: Gen-Rules
Input: F Set of frequent itemsets
minconf Minimum confidence threshold
Output: R set of strong association rules
For each f F do
For each x
If sup(f)/sup(x) >= minconf
R = R {x (f - x)}

generation is trivial once the set of frequent itemsets

has been discovered.
Apriori algorithm uses a level-wise approach for
discovering frequent itemsets (Agrawal et al., 1994).
This algorithm makes multiple scans of the data. In
each scan the algorithm generates and counts potential
frequent itemsets (candidates). Candidate itemsets of
size k+1 are generated by joining the frequent itemsets
of size k, and are pruned exploiting the anti-monotonic
property. At the end of the scan the set of frequent
itemsets is confirmed. The strategy incurs massive
I/O costs and has motivated a number of variants
which reduce the number of counters (candidates)
and the scans (Brin et al., 1997; Lin et al., 1998). The
FP-growth algorithm (Han et al., 2000) uses a pattern
growth method to avoid the costly process of candidate
generation and testing, and therefore is considered as
a major milestone. The algorithm uses an in-memory,
tree based data structure called FP-Tree to store the
database in a compressed form. Two passes are made
over the database to construct the prefix tree, which is
then used to generate frequent patterns. Lattice based
approaches have also been proposed for efficient discovery of frequent itemsets (Zaki et al., 1998).
The task of generating rules (Phase II) from a given
frequent itemsets is rather straight forward (Figure 3).
It boils down to enumerating all subsets of a frequent
itemset and finding the ratio of support of each itemset
w.r.t. the support of each of its subsets. The subsets,
whose ratio is more than the minconf, qualify as strong
rules and are reported to the user.


Popularity of ARM has led to its application on many
types of data and application domains. Some specialized
kinds of association rules have been reported in data
mining literature (Han & Kamber 2006). We describe
here some of the important types:


Quantitative Association Rules: Quantitative

association rules introduced the notion of mining
associations between numeric attributes in addition to the categorical ones (Srikant et al., 1996).
The quantitative association rules can be derived
by either mapping the attribute values to a set of
consecutive integers or partitioning them into
intervals. Example of a quantitative association

Age (x, 30...39) ^ salary (x, 42...48K) buys(x,

car) [1%, 75%]

Multilevel Association Rules: Many applications

have an inherent taxonomy (concept hierarchy)
among items (Figure 4). In such scenarios, association rules can be generated at different levels
of the taxonomy, to capture knowledge at different levels of abstraction. As we move down the
hierarchy (from generalized towards specialized
values), the support of rules decreases and some
rules may become uninteresting. However while
climbing up the hierarchy some new rules may
become interesting.
This gives rise to multilevel association rules
(Han et al., 1999), which capture linkages between
items or attributes at different levels of abstraction, i.e. at different levels of concept hierarchy.
For example, the rule {Brown Bread} {Coke}
captures linkages between items at different levels of concept hierarchy. Multilevel rules can be
mined either using the same support thresholds
or different thresholds at different levels.
Selecting an appropriate level of abstraction can
have a significant impact on the usefulness of the
knowledge generated. Mining at a very high level
of abstraction is likely to generate over-generalized rules, which may not be interesting, while
mining at too low an abstraction level may lead
to generation of highly specific rules.

Association Rule Mining

Figure 4. Concept hierarchy for food


(Support = 48%)

(Support = 14%)


(Support = 6%)


(Support = 8%)


(Support = 34%)


Cold Drinks

(Support = 14%)

(Support = 20%)


(Support = 6%)


Multidimensional Association Rules: Association rules essentially expose intra-record linkages.

If links exist between different values of the same
attribute (dimension), the association is called
single-dimensional association rule, while if linkages span multiple dimensions, the associations
are called multi-dimensional association rules
(Kamber et al., 1997). For example the following
single dimensional rule contains conjuncts in both
antecedent and consequent from a single attribute

Buys (X, milk) and Buys(X, butter) Buys(X,

Multidimensional associations contain two or
more predicates, for example
Age (X,19-25) and Occupation(X, student)
Buys(X, coke)

Association Rules in Streaming Data: The

aforementioned types of rules pertain to static
data repositories. Mining rules from data streams,
however, is far more complex (Hidber, 1999).
The field is relatively recent and poses additional
challenges such as one-look characteristics of




(Support = 12%)

data, limited main memory, continual updating

of data and online processing so as to be able to
make decisions on the fly (Cheng et al. 2007).
Association Rule Mining with Multiple Minimum Supports: In large departmental stores
where the number of items is very large, using
single support threshold sometimes does not yield
interesting rules. Since buying trends for different
items often vary vastly, the use of different support
thresholds for different items is recommended
(Liu et al., 1999).
Negative Association Rules: Typical association rules discover correlations between items
that are bought during the transactions and are
called positive association rules. Negative association rules discover implications in all the
items, irrespective of whether they were bought
or not. Negative association rules are useful in
market-basket analysis to identify products that
conflict with each other or complement each
other. The importance of negative association
rules was highlighted in (Brin et al., 1997; Wu
et al. 2004).

Association Rule Mining

Though association analysis will continue to impact
various scientific and business spheres through healthcare databases, financial databases, spatial databases,
multimedia databases and time series databases etc.,
we investigate the role of association rule mining in
some promising applications.
Business Intelligence (BI): BI converts raw data
into personalized intelligence with the goal of increasing customer satisfaction, loyalty and product profitability. It integrates data from multiple sources across
company, analyzes it and acts promptly on the results
leading to competitive advantage and timely deployment of solutions.
Association analysis is one of the core tools that
support BI. In the retail sector association analysis
provides basis for point-of-sale data analysis, market
basket analysis, resources and space management optimization. In the banking realm, BI exploits the study
of associations to perform credit risk analysis, fraud
detection, and customer retention. The credit companies
benefit by fraud detection, monitoring buying patterns,
scoring customer reliability and analyzing cross-sell.
Stream data mining: In contrast to the data in
traditional static databases, a data stream is an ordered
sequence of items that is continuous, unbounded, usually comes with high speed and has a data distribution
that changes with time. As the number of applications
on mining data streams grows rapidly, there is an increasing need to perform association rule mining on
stream data.
Association rules are employed in the estimation of
missing data in streams of data generated by sensors
and frequency estimation of internet packet streams.
Association rule mining is also useful for monitoring
manufacturing flows to predict failure or generate
reports based on web log streams.
Bioinformatics: Associations are employed in
bioinformatics databases for identification of co-occurring gene sequences. They are also used to detect gene
mutations. A gene is a segment of a DNA molecule that
contains all the information required for the synthesis
of a product. Any change in the DNA sequence of a
gene (For example: Insertion, Deletion, Insertion/Deletion, Complex and Multiple Substitution) is termed
gene mutation. The discovery of interesting association
relationships among huge amount of gene mutations is

important because it can help in determining the cause

of mutation in tumours and diseases.

Association rule mining is an important data mining
technique that was introduced to describe the intra
record links in transactional databases. However, both
academia and industry have seen the technology spell
profitability and success due to its simplicity, ease of
understanding and wide applicability. More than a
decade later, the technology still promises to be the
driving force for some new, challenging applications.
No doubt that association rule mining has been regarded
as one of the most significant contribution from the
database community in KDD.
In this article, we introduced the notion of association
rules, their applications and presented the mathematical
formulation for the same. We also presented the major
milestones in the development history of association
rules. The general mining strategy, the related problems
such as vastness of search space and the interestingness
measures were also discussed. Finally, different types
of association rules were described.

Agrawal R., Imielinski T., & Swami A. (1993), Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large
Databases, Proceedings of the 1993 ACM SIGMOD
International Conference on Management of Data, pp.
207-216, Washington, D.C.
Agrawal R., & Srikant R. (1994), Fast Algorithms for
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases, Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Very
Large Databases, pp. 487-499, Santiago, Chile
Hidber C. (1999), Online Association Rule Mining, in
proceedings of ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Philadephia, Pennsylvania, pp.145-156
Han, J., Pei, J., & Yin, Y. (2000), Mining frequent
patterns without candidate generation, Proceedings of
2000 ACM SIGMOD Intl. Conference on Management
of Data, W. Chen, J. Naughton, & P. A. Bernstein, Eds.
ACM Press, 1-12.

Association Rule Mining

Savasere A., Omiecinski E., & Navathe S. (1995), An

efficient algorithm for mining association rules in large
databases. In Proceedings of the 21st VLDB Conference, pages 432-443, Zurich, Switzerland.

Cheng J., Ke Y., Ng W. (2007), A Survey on Algorithms

for Mining Frequent Itemsets Over Data Streams, in
international journal of Knowledge and Information

Srikant R. & Agrawal, R. (1996), Mining quantitative

association rules in large relational tables, Proceedings
of the ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of
Data, Montreal, Canada.

Wu X., Zhang C., and Zhang S. (2004), Efficient mining

of both positive and negative association rules. ACM
Trans. Inf. Syst. 22, 3 (Jul. 2004), 381-405.

Srikant R. & Agrawal R (1995), Mining Generalized

Association Rules, Proceedings of. the 21st Intl Conference on Very Large Databases, Zurich, Switzerland.


Brin S., Motwani R. & Silverstein C (1997), Beyond

market basket: Generalizing association rules to correlations, Proceedings of SIGMOD.
Dunham M.(2002), Data Mining: Introductory and
Advanced Topics, Prentice Hall.
Brin S., Motwani R., Ullman J. D., & Tsur S. (1997),
Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for
market basket data. SIGMOD Record (ACM Special
Interest Group on Management of Data), 26(2):255.
Lin D. & Kedem Z. M. (1998), Pincer search: A new
algorithm for discovering the maximum frequent sets,
Proceedings of the 6th Intl Conference on Extending
Database Technology (EDBT), Valencia, Spain.
Zaki M. J. & Ogihara M. (1998), Theoretical foundations of association rules, Proceedings of 3rd SIGMOD
Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery (DMKD98), Seattle, Washington, USA.
Han J. & Kamber M. (2006), Data Mining: Concepts and
Techniques, 2nd ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Han J. & Fu Y. (1999), Mining Multiple-Level Association Rules in Large Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl.
Data Eng. 11(5): 798-804.
Kamber M., Han J. & Chiang J., (1997), MetaruleGuided Mining of Multi-Dimensional Association
Rules Using Data Cubes. KDD 1997: 207-210.
Liu B., Hsu W., Ma Y., (1999) Mining Association Rules
with Multiple Minimum Supports, Proceedings of the
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge
Discovery & Data Mining, San Diego, CA, USA.

Association Rule: An implication of the form X

Y, in a transactional data base with parameters support
(s) and confidence (c). X and Y are set of items, s is
the fraction of transactions containing XY and c%
of transactions containing X also contain Y.
Classification: Data mining technique that constructs a model (classifier) from historical data (training data) and uses it to predict the category of unseen
Clustering: Data mining technique to partition data
objects into a set of groups such that the intra group
similarity is maximized and inter group similarity is
Data Mining: Extraction of interesting, non-trivial,
implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful
information or patterns from data in large databases.
Data Stream: A continuous flow of data from a
data source, e.g., a sensor, stock ticker, monitoring
device, etc. A data stream is characterized by its unbounded size.
Descriptive Mining Technique: Data mining technique that induces a model describing the characteristics
of data. These techniques are usually unsupervised and
totally data driven.
Predictive Mining Technique: Data mining
technique that induces a model from historical data in
supervised manner, and uses the model to predict some
characteristic of new data.

Automated Cryptanalysis
Otokar Groek
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
Pavol Zajac
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia

Classical ciphers are used to encrypt plaintext messages
written in a natural language in such a way that they are
readable for sender or intended recipient only. Many
classical ciphers can be broken by brute-force search
through the key-space. One of the pertinent problems
arising in automated cryptanalysis is the plaintext recognition. A computer should be able to decide which
of many possible decrypts are meaningful. This can
be accomplished by means of a text scoring function,
based, e.g. on n-grams or other text statistics. A scoring function can also be used in conjunction with AI
methods to speedup cryptanalysis.

Language recognition is a field of artificial intelligence studying how to employ computers to recognize language of a text. This is a simple task when
we have enough amount of text with accents since
they characterize used language with very high accuracy. Nowadays there are plenty of toolkits which
automatically check/correct often both spelling and
grammatical mistakes and errors. In connection with
this we recall also the NIST Language Recognition
Evaluation (LRE-05, LRE-07) as a part of an ongoing
series of evaluations of language recognition technology. McMahon & Smith (1998) present an overview
of natural language processing techniques based on
statistical models.
We recall some basic notions from cryptography (see
the article automated cryptanalysis of classical ciphers
for more details). There is a reversible encryption rule
(algorithm) how to transform plaintext to the ciphertext,
and vice-versa. These algorithms depend on a secret
parameter K called the key. The set of possible keys K
is called the key-space. Input and output of these algo-

rithms is a string of letters from plaintext, or ciphertext

alphabet respectively. Both, sender as well as receiver,
uses the same secret key, and the same encryption and
decryption algorithms.
Cryptanalysis is a process of key recovery, or plaintext recovery without the knowledge of the key. In both
cases we need a plaintext recognition subroutine which
evaluates (with some probability) every candidate
substring, whether it is a valid plaintext or not. Such
automated text recognition requires an adequate model
of a used language.


In the process of automated cryptanalysis we decrypt
the ciphertext with many possible keys to obtain
candidate plaintexts. Most of the candidates are incorrect, having no meaning in a natural language. On the
other hand, even the correct plaintext can be hard to
recognize and with the wrong recognition routine can
be missed altogether.
The basic type of algorithm suitable for automated
cryptanalysis is a brute force attack. This attack is only
feasible when key-space is searchable on computational
resources available to an attacker. The average time
needed to verify a candidate strongly influences the size
of searchable key-space. Thus, the plaintext recognition is the most critical part of the algorithm from the
performance point of view. On the other hand, only the
most complex algorithms achieve really high accuracy
of the plaintext recognition. Thus the complexity and
accuracy of plaintext recognition algorithms must be
carefully balanced.
A generic brute force algorithm with plaintext
recognition can be described by the pseudo-code in
Exhibit A.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Automated Cryptanalysis

Exhibit A.



INPUT: ciphertext string Y = y0 y1 y2yn

OUTPUT: ordered sequence S of possible plaintexts with their scores
Let S = { }
For each key K K do
2.1. Let X = dK( Y) be a candidate plaintext.
2.2. Compute negative test predicate filter(X). If predicate is true, continue with step 2.
2.3. Compute f ast scoring function fastScore(X). If fastScore(X) < L IMITF, continue w ith
step 2.
2.4. Compute precise scoring function score(X). If score(X) < LIMIT, continue with step 2.
2.5. Let S = S {<score(X), X> }
Sort S by key score(X) descending.
Return S.

Table 1. Performance of the three-layer decryption of a table-transposition cipher using a brute-force search.
First filter was negative predicate-based, removing all decrypts with first 4 letters not forming a valid n-gram
(about 90 % of texts were removed). Score was then computed as the count of valid tetragrams in the whole text.
If this count was lower then given threshold (12), then the text was removed in the score-based filter. Finally,
remaining texts were scored using the dictionary words.
Key-space Size

Negative filter

Score-based filter


Total time





















Algorithm integrates the three layers of plaintext

recognition, namely negative test predicate, fast scoring function and precise scoring function, as a threelayer filter. The final scoring function is also used to
sort the outputs. First filter should be very fast, with
very low error probability. Fast score should be easy
to compute, but it is not required to precisely identify
the correct plaintext. Correct plaintext recognition is
the role of precise scoring function. In the algorithm,
the best score is the highest one. If the score is computed in the opposite meaning, the algorithm must be
rewritten accordingly.
In some cases, we can integrate a fast scoring function within the negative test or with the precise scoring,
leading to two-layer filters, as in (Zajac, 2006a). It
is also possible to use even more steps of predicatebased and score-based filtering, respectively. However,
experiments show that the proposed architecture of

three-layers is the most flexible, and more layers can

even lead to performance decrease. Experimental results
are shown in Table 1.

Negative Filtering
The goal of the negative test predicate is to identify
candidate texts that are NOT plaintext (with very high
probability, ideally with certainty). People can clearly
recognize the wrong text just by looking at it. It is in the
area of artificial intelligence to implement this ability in
computers. However, most nowadays AI methods (e.g.
neural networks) seem to be too slow, to be applicable
in this stage of a brute-force algorithm, as every text
must be evaluated with this predicate.
Most of the methods for fast negative text filtering are based on prohibited n-grams. As an n-gram

Automated Cryptanalysis

we would only consider a sequence of n consecutive

letters. If the alphabet size is N, then it is possible to

create N possible n-grams. For higher n, only a small

fraction of them can appear in valid text in a given
language (Zajac, 2006b). By using a lexical tree or
lookup table, it is easy (and fast) to verify, whether a
given n-gram is valid or not. Thus a natural test is to
check every n-gram in the text, whether it is valid or
not. There are two basic problems arising with this approach the real plaintext can contain (intentionally)
misspelled, uncommon or foreign words, and thus
our n-gram database can be incomplete. We can limit
our test to some specific patterns, e.g. too long run of
consecutive vowels/consonants. These patterns can be
checked in time dependent on the plaintext candidate
length. A filter can also be based on checking only a
few n-grams on a fixed or random position in the text,
e.g. the first four letters.
The rule for rejecting texts should be based on
the exact type of the cipher we are trying to decipher.
For example, if the first four letters of the decrypted
plaintext does not depend on some part of the key, the
filter based only on their validity would not be effective. An interesting question is, whether it is possible
to create a system which can effectively learn its filter
rules from existing decrypted texts, even in the process
of decryption.

two scoring functions: one that is fast but less precise,

with lower threshold value, and one that is very precise,
but harder to compute.
An example of scoring function distributions can be
found in Figures 1 and 2. Scoring function in Figure 1 is
much more precise than in Figure 2, but computational
time required for evaluation is doubled. Moreover, scoring function in Figure 1 was created from a reduced
dictionary fitted to a given ciphertext. Evaluation based
on a complete dictionary is slower, more difficult to
implement, and can even be less precise.
Scoring functions can be based on dictionary words,
n-grams statistics, or other specific statistics. It is
difficult to provide a one-fits-all scoring function, as
decryption process for different cipher types has impact
on actual scoring function results. E.g. when trying
to decrypt a transposition cipher, we already know
which letters appear with which frequency, and thus
letter frequency based statistics do not play any role in
scoring. On the other hand they are quite significant for
substitution ciphers. Most common universal scoring
functions are (see also Ganesan & Sherman, 1993):

Scoring Functions
With the negative filter step we can eliminate around
90% of candidate texts or more. The number of texts to
be verified is still very huge, and thus we need to apply
more precise methods of plaintext recognition. We use
a scoring function that assigns a quantity score to
every text that has survived elimination in previous
steps. Here the higher score means higher likeness that
a given text is a valid plaintext. For each scoring function we can assign a threshold, and it should be very
improbable that a valid plaintext have score under this
threshold. Actual threshold value can either be found
experimentally (by evaluating large number of real
texts), or can be based on a statistical analysis. Speed
of the scoring function can be determined by using
classical algorithm complexity estimates. Precision
of the scoring can be defined by means of separation
of valid and invalid plaintexts, respectively. There is
a trade-off involved in scoring, as faster scoring functions are less precise and vice-versa. Thus we apply


Number of dictionary words in the text / fraction of meaningful text

Scoring based on dictionary words is very precise,
if we have a large enough dictionary. Even if not
every word in the hidden message is in our dictionary, it is very improbable that some incorrect
decryption contains some larger fraction of a text
composed of dictionary words. Removing short
words from dictionary can increase the precision.
Another possibility is to use weights based on word
length as in (Russell, Clark & Stepney, 2003).
Dictionary words can be found using lexical trees.
In some languages, we should use dictionary of
word stems, instead of the whole words. Speed
of evaluation depends on the length of the text
and the average length of words in dictionary,
Rank distance of n-grams
Rank of the n-gram is its position depending on
order based n-gram frequencies (merged for all n
up to given bound dependent on language). This
method is used (Cavnar & Trenkle, 1994) in fast
automated language recognition: compute ranks
of n-grams of given text and compare it with ranks
of significant n-grams obtained from large corpus
of different languages. Correct language should

Automated Cryptanalysis

Figure 1. Distribution of score among 9! possible decrypts (table transposition cipher with key given by a permutation of 9 columns), ciphertext size is 90 characters. Score was computed as a weighted sum of lengths of
(reduced) dictionary words found in the text. Single highest score belongs to the correct plaintext.


0 - 46 47 - 9 2



93 138



139 184

185 230

231 276

277 322

323 368

369 414

415 464

have the smallest distance. Even if this method

can be adapted for plaintext recognition, e.g. by
creating random corpus, or encrypted corpus,
it does not seem practical.
Frequency distance of n-gram statistics
Score of the text can be estimated from the difference of measured frequency of n-grams and
estimated frequencies from large corpus (Clark,
1998; Spillman, Janssen, Nelson & Kepner, 1993).
We suppose that correct plaintext would have the
smallest distance from corpus statistics. However
due to statistical properties of the text, this is not
always true for short or specific texts. Thus the
precision of this scoring function is higher for
longer texts. Speed of the evaluation depends on
the text size and size of n.
Scoring tables for n-grams
If we consider the statistics of all n-grams, we
will see that most n-grams contribute a very
small value to the final score. We can consider
contribution of only the most common n-grams.
For a given language (and a given ciphertext) we
can prepare a table of n-gram scores with fixed
number of entries. Score is evaluated as the sum
of scores assigned to n-grams in a given candidate
text (Clark & Dawson, 1998). We can assign both
positive scores for common valid n-grams, and
negative scores for common invalid/supposedly
rare n-grams. However, precision of this method


is very low especially for transposition ciphers. In

our experiments the scores have normal distribution, and usually the correct plaintext does not
have highest possible values. On the other hand,
this scoring function is easy to evaluate, and can
be customized for a given ciphertext. Thus it can
be used as a fast scoring function fastScore(X).
Index of coincidence (and other similar statistics)
Index of coincidence (Friedman 1920), denoted
by IC, is a suitable and fast statistics applicable
for ciphers that modify the letter frequency. The
notion comes from probability of the same letter
occurring in two different texts at the same position. Encrypted texts are considered random, and
have (normalized) index of coincidence near to
the 1.0. On the other hand, a plaintext has much
higher IC near the value expected for a given
language and alphabet. For English language the
expected value is 1.73. As with all statistics based
on scoring function, its precision is influenced
by the length of the text. Index of coincidence is
most suitable for polyalphabetic ciphers, where
encryption depends on the position of the letter in
the text (e.g. Vigenre cipher). It can be adapted
to other cipher types (Bagnall, McKeown & Rayward-Smith, 1997), e.g. for transposition ciphers
when considering that alphabet is created by all
possible n-grams with some n > 1.

Automated Cryptanalysis

Figure 2. Distribution of score among 9! possible decrypts (table transposition cipher with key given by a permutation of 9 columns), ciphertext size is 90 characters. Score is the count of digrams with frequency higher
than 1% (in Slovak language) in a given text. The correct plaintext has scored 73.










Language processing and recognition have applications
in various areas outside cryptanalysis (OCR, automatic
translation...). Some cryptanalytic techniques can be
generalized for these fields. E.g. some letters or groups
of letters are often replaced by another in scanned documents. Thus correcting these documents is similar to
cryptanalysis of randomized substitution ciphers. With
Artificial Intelligence research new insights can be
gained into a structure of natural language that can help
further in cryptanalysis. Cryptanalysis is also strongly
related to automatic translation efforts.
Some open problems that need to be addressed
by language recognition suitable for cryptanalysis of
classical ciphers are the following:

How the text recognition should be integrated

with decryption process to give feedback, e.g.
on partially decrypted words, to estimate a new
key, etc. This is especially true, if we use more
advanced search heuristic than brute-force search
through the key-space. This can also be viewed as
a generalization of results of Peleg & Rosenfeld
How the syntax and semantics of the language
can help in text recognition and key search, respectively.








How various encodings and writing systems influence cryptanalysis. Specific issues arise when
dealing with different writing systems (Atkinson
1985; August 1989 and 1990).
How to correctly recognize text with intentional
misspellings and special code words.

Another set of problems arises when different natural languages are used, like the language recognition,
specific alphabets, impact of diacritical marks, etc.
Our research shows that the language of the message
encrypted by substitution cipher can be recognized even
without decryption (Zajac, 2006b). It is even possible to
use dictionary of a different (although similar) language
in decryption process. It is an interesting research question whether it is possible to create completely general
language recognition function (or restricted to some
family of languages) usable for cryptanalysis.
Plaintext recognition in cryptanalysis can be also
seen as a specific information retrieval problem (Manning, Raghavan & Schtze 2008). Multilanguage information retrieval is targeting similar problems to the
problems presented above (see e.g. McNamee, 2006).
The research in these areas can clearly influence each
other in the future.

Automated Cryptanalysis

This article summarizes the usage and restrictions for
language processing in the context of cryptanalysis of
classical ciphers. Their application usually differs according to a character of the analyzed cipher systems,
although we have presented some common techniques
that can be easily adapted for a specific situation. Most
cryptanalytic attacks require very fast language recognition, but on the other hand, great speed often causes
inaccurate results, up to the point of unrecognizable
decrypts. The role of the Artificial Intelligence research
is to find faster and more precise language predicates
and combine them to a useful plaintext recognition

Atkinson, R. (1985). Ciphers in Oriental Languages.
Cryptologia, 9(4), 373-380.
August, D. A. (1989). Cryptography and Exploitation of
Chinese Manual Cryptosystems - Part I: The Encoding
Problem. Cryptologia, 13(4), 289-302.
August, D. A. (1990). Cryptography and Exploitation
of Chinese Manual Cryptosystems - Part II: The Encrypting Problem. Cryptologia, 14(1), 61-78.
Bagnall,T. & McKeown, G. P. & Rayward-Smith, V.
J. (1997). The cryptanalysis of a three rotor machine
using a genetic algorithm. In Thomas Back, editor,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference
on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA97), San Francisco, CA.
Morgan Kaufmann.
Cavnar, W.B., & Trenkle, J.M. (1994). N-gram-based
text categorization. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Document Analysis and Info, 161-175.
Clark, A. J. (1998). Optimisation Heuristics for Cryptology. PhD thesis, Information Security Research
Center, Faculty of Information Technology, Queensland
University of Technology.
Clark, A. & Dawson, E. (1998). Optimisation Heuristics for the Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical
Ciphers. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing, vol. 28, 63-86.

Friedman, W. F. (1920). The Index of Coincidence and

Its Applications in Cryptography, Riverbank Publication No. 22, Riverbank Labs., Geneva, Ill..
Ganesan, R. & Sherman, A. (1993). Statistical techniques for language recognition: An introduction and
guide for cryptanalysts, Cryptologia,17(4), 321-366.
Manning, C.D. & Raghavan P. & Schtze, H. (2008)
Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge
University Press.
McMahon, J. & Smith, F.J. (1998). A Review of Statistical Language Processing Techniques. Artificial
Intelligence Review 12 (5), 347-391.
McNamee, P. (2006). Why You Should Use N-grams for
Multilingual Information Retrieval. UMBC eBiquity
Peleg, S. & Rosenfeld, A. (1979). Breaking Substitution
Ciphers Using a Relaxation Algorithm. Communications of the ACM 22(11), 598--605.
Russell, M. D. & Clark, J. A. & Stepney, S. (2003).
Making the most of two heuristics: Breaking transposition ciphers with ants. Proceedings of IEEE Congress
on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2003). IEEE Press,
Spillman, R. & Janssen, M. & Nelson, B. & Kepner,
M. (1993). Use of a genetic algorithm in the cryptanalysis of simple substitution ciphers. Cryptologia,
17(1), pp. 31-44.
Zajac, P. (2006a). Automated Attacks on Transposition Ciphers. Begabtenfrderung im MINT Bereich
14, 61-76.
Zajac, P. (2006b). Ciphertext language identification.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 57 (7/s), 26--29.

Brute-Force Attack: Exhaustive cryptanalytic
technique that searches the whole key-space to find
the correct key.
Candidate Text: The text that was obtained by application of decryption algorithm on ciphertext using
some key k K. If k is the correct key (or the equiva-

Automated Cryptanalysis

lent key to) K, then candidate text is a valid plaintext

x, otherwise it is a text encrypted by concatenation of
dk (eK(x)).

Ciphertext: The encrypted text, a string of letters

from alphabet C of a given cryptosystem by a given
key K K..
Classical Cipher: A classical cipher system is a
five-tuple (P,C,K,E,D), where P, C, define plaintext and
ciphertext alphabet, K is the set of possible keys, and
for each K K, there exists an encryption algorithm
eK E, and a corresponding decryption algorithm dK
D such that dK (eK(x)) = x for every input xP
and K K..
Cryptanalysis: Is a process of trying to decrypt
given ciphertext and/or find the key without, or with
only partial knowledge of the key. It is also a research
area studying techniques of cryptanalysis.
Key-Space: Set of all possible keys for a given
ciphertext. Key-space can be limited to a subspace of
the whole K by some prior knowledge.
Plaintext: The unencrypted text, a string of letters
from alphabet P of a given cryptosystem.
Plaintexts Filter: An algorithm, or predicate, used
to determine, which texts are not valid plaintexts. Ideal
plaintexts filter never produces answer INVALID for
a correct plaintext.
Scoring Function: Scoring function is used to
evaluate fitness of a candidate text for a key k K..
Ideal scoring function has global extreme in the correct
plaintext, i.e. when k = K.

Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers

Otokar Groek
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia
Pavol Zajac
Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia

Classical ciphers are used to encrypt plaintext messages written in a natural language in such a way that
they are readable for sender or intended recipient only.
Many classical ciphers can be broken by brute-force
search through the key-space. Methods of artificial
intelligence, such as optimization heuristics, can be
used to narrow the search space, to speed-up text
processing and text recognition in the cryptanalytic
process. Here we present a broad overview of different AI techniques usable in cryptanalysis of classical
ciphers. Specific methods to effectively recognize the
correctly decrypted text among many possible decrypts
are discussed in the next part Automated cryptanalysis
Language processing.

Cryptanalysis can be seen as an effort to translate a
ciphertext (an encrypted text) to a human language.
Cryptanalysis can thus be related to the computational
linguistics. This area originated with efforts in the United
States in the 1950s to have computers automatically
translate texts from foreign languages into English,
particularly Russian scientific journals. Nowadays it is
a field of study devoted to developing algorithms and
software for intelligently processing language data.
Systematic (public) efforts to automate cryptanalysis
using computers can be traced to first papers written
in late 70s (see e.g. Schatz, 1977). However, the
research area has still many open problems, closely
connected to an area of Artificial Intelligence. It can
be concluded from the current state-of-the-art, that although computers are very useful in many cryptanalytic
tasks, a human intelligence is still essential in complete

For convenience of a reader we recall some basic

notions from cryptography. Very thorough survey of
classical ciphers is written by Kahn (1974). A message
to be encrypted (plaintext) is written in the lowercase
alphabet P = {a, b, c x, y, z}. The encrypted message
(ciphertext) is written in uppercase alphabet C = {A, B,
C X, Y, Z}. Different alphabets are used in order to
better distinguish plaintext and ciphertext, respectively.
In fact these alphabets are the same.
There is a reversible encryption rule (algorithm) how
to transform the plaintext to the ciphertext, and viceversa. These algorithms depend on a secret parameter
K called the key. The set of possible keys K is called
the key-space. Input and output of these algorithms is
a string of letters from respective alphabets, P* and
C*. Both, sender as well as receiver, uses the same
secret key, and the same encryption and decryption
There are three basic classical systems to encrypt a
message, namely a substitution, a transposition, and a
running key. In a substitution cipher a string of letters
is replaced by another string of letters using prescribed
substitution of single letters, e.g. left a to A, replacing letter b by letter N, letter c by letter G, etc. A
transposition cipher rearranges order of letters according
to a secret key K. Unlike substitution ciphers the frequency of letters in the plaintext and ciphertext remains
the same. This characteristic is used in recognizing that
the text was encrypted by some transposition cipher.
A typical running key cipher is to derive from a main
key K the running key K0 K1 K2Kn. If P = C = K is a
group, then simply yi = eK( xi) = xi + Ki .
Thus it is convenient to define a ciphering algorithm
for classical ciphers as follows:
Definition 1: A classical cipher system is a fivetuple (P,C,K,E,D), where the following conditions are

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Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers



P is a finite set of a plaintext alphabet, and P*

the set of all finite strings of symbols from P.
C is a finite set of a ciphertext alphabet, and C*
the set of all finite strings of symbols from C..
K is a finite set of possible keys.
For each K K , there is an encryption algorithm
eK E, and a corresponding decryption algorithm
dK D such that dK (eK(x)) = x for every input
x P and K K..
The ciphering algorithm assigns to any finite string
x0 x1 x2xn from P* the resulting ciphertext string
y0 y1 y2yn from C*, where yi = eK( xi) . The actual
key may, or need not depend on the index i.

Another typical case for P, and C, are r-tuples of

the Latin alphabet. For transposition ciphers, the key
is periodically repeated for r-tuples. For substitution
ciphers of r-tuples, the key is an r-tuple of keys. In the
case of running keys, there is another key stream generator g: K P K which generates from the initial
key K, and possibly from the plaintext x0 x1 x2xn-1 the
actual key Kn .
For classical ciphers, there are two typical situations
when we try to recover the plaintext:


Let the input to decryption algorithm dK D with

unknown key K be a ciphertext string y0 y1 y2yn
from C*, where yi = eK( xi). Our aim is to find
the plaintext string x0 x1 x2xn from P*. Thus in
each execution an algorithm is searching through
Key-space K.
The decryption algorithm dK D and key K are
unknown. Our aim is to find for the ciphertext
string y0 y1 y2yn from C*, where yi = eK( xi), the
plaintext string x0 x1 x2xn from P*. This requires
a different algorithm than the actual dK D, as
well as some additional information. Usually there
is available another ciphertext, say z0 z1 z2zn
from C*. Thus in each execution an algorithm is
searching through possible substitutions which
are suitable for both ciphertexts.

In both cases we need a plaintext recognition subroutine which evaluates a candidate substring of length
v for a possible plaintext, say ct c1+t c2+tcv+t := xt
x1+t x2+txv+t . Such automated text recognition needs
an adequate model of a used language.

There are two straightforward methods for automated
cryptanalysis. Unfortunately none of them is for longer strings applicable in practice. The first one is for
transposition ciphers. When no other information about
the cipher is known, we can use a general method,
called anagramming, to decipher the message. In this
method we are trying to assemble the meaningful string
(anagram) from the ciphertext. This is accomplished
by arranging the letters to words from the dictionary.
When we find the meaningful word we process the rest
of the message in the same way. When we are not able
to create more meaningful words, we retrace our steps,
and try other possible words until the whole meaningful
anagram is found.
The second, and very similar, is for the substitution
ciphers. Here we are trying to assemble the meaningful string (anagram) from the ciphertext by searching
through all possible substitutions of letters to get words
from dictionary of the used language. Although the size
of the key-space is large, automated cryptanalysis uses
many other methods based, e.g. on frequency distribution of letters. Automated cryptanalysis of simple
substitution ciphers can decrypt most of the messages
both with known word boundaries (Carrol & Martin,
1986), and without this information (Ramesh, Athithan
& Thiruvengadam, 1993; Jakobsen, 1995). There are
other classical ciphers, where transposition or substitution depends not only on the actual key, but also on a
position within a block of letters of the string.
For effective automated cryptanalysis at least two
layers of plaintext candidate processing, filtering and
scoring, are required. Better results are achieved by
additional filtering layers. This of course increases
computational complexity. Bellow we give an overview
of these filtering layers.

Automated Brute Force Attacks

The basic type of algorithm suitable for automated
cryptanalysis is a brute force attack. As we have to
search the whole key-space, this attack is only feasible
when key-space is not too large. Exact quantification
of the searchable key-space depends on computational
resources available to an attacker, and the average
time needed to verify a candidate for decrypted text.
Thus, the plaintext recognition is the most critical part
of the algorithm from the performance point of view.

Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers

On the other hand, only the most complex algorithms

achieve really high accuracy of plaintext recognition.
Thus the careful balance of the complexity of plaintext
recognition algorithms and its accuracy is required. It
is unlikely that automated cryptanalysis produces only
one possible result, but it is possible to limit the set
of possible decrypts to a manageable size. Reported
results should be sorted according to their probability
of being the true plaintext.
A generic brute force algorithm with plaintext
recognition can be described by the pseudo-code in
Exhibit A.
We have identified three layers of plaintext recognition, namely negative test predicate, fast scoring function and precise scoring function. All three functions
are used as a three-layer filter, and final scoring function
is also used to sort the outputs. First filter should be
very fast, and should have very low error probability.
Fast score should be easy to compute, but it is not
required to precisely identify the correct plaintext. Correct plaintext recognition is the role of precise scoring
function. In the algorithm, the best score is the highest
one. If the score is computed in the opposite meaning,
the algorithm must be rewritten accordingly.
In some cases, we can integrate a fast scoring function within negative test or with the precise scoring,
leading to two-layer filters, as in (Zajac, 2006a). It
is also possible to use even more steps of predicatebased and score-based filtering, respectively. However,
experiments show that the proposed architecture of
three-layers is the most flexible, and more layers can
even lead to performance decrease. Scoring and fil-

tering is described in-depth in the article Automated

cryptanalysis Language processing.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods can be used in four
main areas of the automated cryptanalysis:




Plaintext recognition: The goal of the AI is to

supply negative predicates that filter out wrong
decrypts, and scoring functions that assess the
texts likeness to natural language.
Key-search heuristics: The goal of the AI is to
provide heuristics to speed-up the decryption
process either by constraining the key-space, or
by guiding the selection of next keys to be tried in
the decryption. This area is most often researched,
as it can provide clear experimental results, and
meaningful evaluation.
Plaintext estimation: The goal of the AI is to
estimate the meaning of the plaintext from the
partial decryption, or to estimate some parts of
the plaintext based on external data (e.g. a sender
of a ciphertext, historical and geographic context,
specific grammatical rules etc.) Estimated parts of
the plaintext can then lead to much easier complete decryption. This area of research is mainly
unexplored, and plaintext estimation is done by
the cryptanalyst.
Automatic security evaluation: The goal of the
cryptanalysis is not only to break ciphers and to

Exhibit A.



INPUT: ciphertext string Y = y0 y1 y2yn

OUTPUT: ordered sequence S of possible plaintexts with their scores
Let S = { }
For each key K K do
2.1. Let X = dK( Y) be a candidate plaintext.
2.2. Compute n egative test p redicate filter(X). If predicate is true, continue w ith
step 2.
2.3. Compute fast scoring function fastScore(X). If fastScore(X) < LIMITF, continue
with step 2.
2.4. Compute precise scoring function score(X). If score(X) < LIMIT, continue with
step 2.
2.5. Let S = S {<score(X), X> }
Sort S by key score(X) descending.
Return S.

Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers

learn secrets, but it is also used when creating

new ciphers to evaluate their security. Although
most classical ciphers are already outdated, their
cryptanalysis is still important, e.g. in teaching
the modern computer security principles. When
teaching classical ciphers, it is useful to have an
AI tool (e.g. an expert system), that can automate
the evaluation of cipher security (at least under
some weaker assumptions). Although much work
is done in automatic evaluation of modern security protocols, we are unaware of some tools to
evaluate classical cipher designs.
Area that is best researched is the area of Key-search
heuristics. It immediately follows from the fact that
brute force search through the whole key-space can
be considered as a very crude method of decryption.
Most classical ciphers were not designed with careful
consideration of the text statistics. We can assign score
for each key in the key-space that is correlated with the
probability that text decrypted by given key is the plaintext. The score, when considered over the key-space,
certainly have some local maxima, which can lead either
immediately to a meaningful plaintext, or a text from
which plaintext is easily guessed. Thus it can be useful to consider various relaxation techniques to search
through the key-space with the goal of maximizing
scoring function. One of the earliest demonstrations of
relaxation techniques for breaking substitution ciphers
are presented by Peleg & Rosenfeld (1979) and Hunter
& McKenzie (1983). Successful attacks applicable for
many classical ciphers can be implemented using basic
hill climbing, through tabu search, simulated annealing
and applications of genetic/evolution algorithms (Clark
& Dawson, 1998). Genetic algorithms have achieved
many successes in breaking classical ciphers as demonstrated by Mathews (1993), or Clark (1994), and
can even break a rotor machine (Bagnall, McKeown
& Rayward-Smith, 1997). Russell, Clark & Stepney
(1998) present anagramming attack using a solver based
on an ant colony optimisation algorithm.
These types of attack try to converge to the correct
key by small changes of the actual key. Success rate of
the attacks is usually measured by the fraction of the
reconstructed key and/or text. Relaxation methods can
find with a high probability the keys, or the plaintext
approximations, even if it is not feasible to search the
whole key-space. The success mainly depends on the
ciphertext size, since the scoring is usually statistics-

based. One of the unexplored challenges is to consider

application of multiple relaxation techniques. First
heuristic can be used to shrink the key-space, and then
either the brute-force search or another heuristic is used
with more precision to finish the decryption.

The results obtained strongly depend on the size of the
ciphertext, and decryptions are usually only partial.
Techniques of the automated cryptanalysis also need
to be fitted to a given problem. E.g. attacks on substitution ciphers can use individual letter statistics, but for
attacks intended for transposition ciphers these statistics
are invariant and make no sense in using. Automated
cryptanalysis is usually studied only in context of these
two main types of ciphers, but there is a broad area of
unexplored problems concerning different classical
cipher types, such as running key type ciphers. Specific
uses of AI techniques can fail for some cryptosystems
as pointed by Wagner, S., Affenzeller, M. & Schragl,
D. (2004). Cryptanalysis also depends on the language
(Zajac, 2006b), although there are some notable exceptions when considering similar languages.
As the computational power increases, even just
recently used ciphers, like Data Encryption Standard
(DES), are becoming subject of automated cryptanalysis
(e.g. Nalini & Raghavendra Rao, 2007). Beside application of heuristics to cryptanalysis, a lot of further
research is required in areas of plaintext estimation
and automatic security evaluation. An expert system
that would cover these areas and connect them with
AI for plaintext recognition and search heuristics
can be a strong tool to teach computer security or to
help forensic analysis or historical studies involving
encrypted materials.

This article is concerned with an automated cryptanalysis of classical ciphers, where classical ciphers are
considered as a cipher from before WW2, or penciland-paper ciphers. Optimization heuristics are quite
successful in attacks targeted to these ciphers, but
they usually cannot be made fully-automatic. Their
application usually differs according to a character of
the analysed cipher systems. An important research

Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers

direction is extending the techniques from classical

cryptanalysis to automated decryption of modern digital
cryptosystems. Another important problem is to create
set of fully-automatic cryptanalytic tools or a complete
expert system that can be adapted to various types of
ciphers and languages.

Bagnall,T. & McKeown, G. P. & Rayward-Smith, V.
J. (1997). The cryptanalysis of a three rotor machine
using a genetic algorithm. In Thomas Back, editor,
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference
on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA97), San Francisco, CA.
Morgan Kaufmann.
Carrol, J. & Martin, S. (1986). The automated cryptanalysis of substitution ciphers. Cryptologia, 10(4).
Clark, A. (1994). Modern optimisation algorithms
for cryptanalysis. In Proceedings of the 1994 Second
Australian and New Zealand Conference on Intelligent
Information Systems, November 29 - December 2,
Clark, A. & Dawson, E. (1998). Optimisation Heuristics for the Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical
Ciphers. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and
Combinatorial Computing, vol. 28, 63-86.
Hunter, D.G.N. & McKenzie, A. R. (1983). Experiments with Relaxation Algorithms for Breaking Simple
Substitution Ciphers. Comput. J. 26(1), 68-71
Jakobsen, T. (1995). A fast method for cryptanalysis
of substitution ciphers. Cryptologia, 19(3). pp. 265274.

Ramesh, R.S. & Athithan, G. & Thiruvengadam, K.

(1993). An automated approach to solve simple substitution ciphers. Cryptologia, 17(2), 202-218.
Russell, M. D. & Clark, J. A. & Stepney, S. (2003).
Making the most of two heuristics: Breaking transposition ciphers with ants. Proceedings of IEEE Congress
on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2003). IEEE Press,
Schatz, B. (1977). Automated analysis of cryptograms.
Cryptologia, 1(2), 265-274. Also in: Cryptology:
yesterday, today, and tomorrow, Artech House 1987,
ISBN: 0-89006-253-6.
Wagner, S. & Affenzeller, M. & Schragl, D. (2004).
Traps and Dangers when Modelling Problems for
Genetic Algorithms. Cybernetics and Systems, pp.
Zajac, P. (2006a). Automated Attacks on Transposition Ciphers. Begabtenfrderung im MINT Bereich
14, 61-76.
Zajac, P. (2006b). Ciphertext language identification.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, 57 (7/s), 26--29.

Brute-Force Attack: Exhaustive cryptanalytic
technique that searches the whole key-space to find
the correct key.
Ciphertext: The encrypted text, a string of letters
from alphabet C of a given cryptosystem by a given
key K K..

Matthews, R.A.J. (1993). The use of genetic algorithms

in cryptanalysis. Cryptologia, 17(4), 187-201.

Classical Cipher: A classical cipher system is a

five-tuple (P,C,K,E,D), where P, C, define plaintext and
ciphertext alphabet, K is the set of possible keys, and
for each K K, there exists an encryption algorithm
eK E, and a corresponding decryption algorithm dK
D such that dK (eK(x)) = x for every input x P
and K K..

Nalini, N. & Raghavendra Rao, A. (2007). Attacks

of simple block ciphers via efficient heuristics. Information Sciences: an International Journal 177 (12),

Cryptanalysis: Is a process of trying to decrypt

given ciphertext and/or find the key without, or with
only partial knowledge of the key. It is also a research
area studying techniques of cryptanalysis.

Peleg, S. & Rosenfeld, A. (1979). Breaking Substitution

Ciphers Using a Relaxation Algorithm. Communications of the ACM 22(11), 598--605.

Key-Space: Set of all possible keys for a given

ciphertext. Key-space can be limited to a subspace of
the whole K by some prior knowledge.

Kahn, D. (1974): The codebreakers. Wiedenfeld and

Nicolson, London.


Automated Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers

Plaintext: The unencrypted text, a string of letters

from alphabet P of a given cryptosystem.

Relaxation Attack: Cryptanalytic technique that

searches the key-space by incremental updates of the
candidate key(s). It usually applies the knowledge of
previous trial decryption(s) to change some parts of
the key.

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo

Spectra I
Addisson Salazar
iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Arturo Serrano
iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

We investigate the application of artificial neural
networks (ANNs) to the classification of spectra from
impact-echo signals. In this paper we provide analyses
from simulated signals and the second part paper details
results of lab experiments.
The data set for this research consists of sonic and
ultrasonic impact-echo signal spectra obtained from 100
3D-finite element models. These spectra, along with a
categorization of the materials among homogeneous
and defective classes depending on the kind of material defects, were used to develop supervised neural
network classifiers. Four levels of complexity were
proposed for classification of materials as: material
condition, kind of defect, defect orientation and defect
dimension. Results from Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks with
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and k-Nearest
Neighbours (kNN) algorithms (Duda, Hart, & Stork,
2000), (Bishop C.M., 2004) are compared. Suitable
results for LDA and RBF were obtained.
The impact-echo is a technique for non-destructive
evaluation based on monitoring the surface motion resulting from a short-duration mechanical impact. It has
been widely used in applications of concrete structures
in civil engineering. Cross-sectional resonant modes in
impact-echo signals have been analyzed in elements of
different shapes, such as, circular and square beams,
beams with empty ducts or cement fillings, etc. In addition, frequency analyses of the displacement of the
fundamental frequency to lower values for detection of
cracks have been studied (Sansalone & Street, 1997),
(Carino, 2001).
The impact-echo wave propagation can be analyzed
from transient and stationary behaviour. The excitation
signal (the impact) produces a short transient stage
where the first P (normal stress), S (shear stress) and

Rayleigh (superficial) waves arrive to the sensors; afterward the wave propagation phenomenon becomes
stationary and a manifold of different mixtures of
waves including various changes of S-wave to P-wave
propagation mode and viceversa arrive to the sensors.
Patterns of waveform displacements in this latter stage
are known as the resonant modes of the material. The
spectra of impact-echo signals provide of information
for classification based on resonant modes the inspected
materials. The classification tree approached in this
paper has four levels from global to detailed classes
with up to 12 classes in the lowest level. The levels
are: (i) Material condition: homogeneous, one defect,
multiple defects, (ii) Kind of defect: homogeneous,
hole, crack, multiple defects, (iii) Defect orientation:
homogeneous, hole in axis X or axis Y, crack in planes
XY, ZY, or XZ, multiple defects, and (iv) Defect
dimension: homogeneous, passing through and half
passing through types of holes and cracks of level iii,
multiple defects. Some examples of defective models
are in Figure 1.

Neural networks applications in impact-echo testing
include: detect flaws on concrete slabs, combining
spectra of numerical simulations and real signals for
network training (Pratt & Sansalone, 1992), identification of unilaterally working sublayer cracks using
numerically generated waveforms as network inputs
(Stavroulakis, 1999), classification of concrete slabs in
solid and defective (containing void or delamination),
use of training features extracted from many repetitions of impact-echo experiments on three specimens
to be classified in three classes (Xiang & Tso, 2002),
and to predict shallow crack depths in asphalt pavements using features from an extensive real signal

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

dataset (Mei, 2004). All these studies used multilayer

perceptron neural network and monosensor impactecho systems.
In a recent work, we classified impact-echo data
by neural networks using temporal and frequency
features extracted from the signals, finding that the
better features were frequency features (Salazar, Uni,
Serrano, & Gosalbez, 2007). Thus the present work
is focused in exploiting only spectra information of
the impact-echo signals. These spectra contain a large
amount of redundant information. We applied Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) to spectra for compressing and removing noise. The proposed classification
problem and the use of spectra PCA components as
classification features are a new proposal in application
of neural networks to impact-echo testing.
There is evidence that the first components of PCA
retain essentially all of the useful information and this
compression optimally removes noise and can be used
to identify unusual spectra (Bailer-Jones, 1996), (BailerJones, Irwin, & Hippel, 1998), (Xu et al., 2004). The
principal components represent sources of variance in
the data. The projection of the pth spectrum onto the
kth principal component is known as the admixture
coefficient ak,p. The most significant principal components contain those features which are most strongly
correlated in many of the spectra. It follows that noise
(which is uncorrelated with any other features by
definition) will be represented in the less significant
components. Thus by retaining only the more significant components to represent the spectra we achieve
a data compression that preferentially remove noise.
The reduced reconstruction, yp of the pth spectrum xp, is
obtained by using only the first r principal components
to reconstruct the spectrum, i.e.
k =r

y p = x + ak , p u k ,
k =1

r < N,


where x is the mean spectrum which is subtracted

from the spectra before the eigenvectors are calculated, and uk is the kth principal component. x can
be considered as the zeroth eigenvector, although the
degree of variance it explains depends on the specific
data set and may be much less than that explained by
the first eigenvectors.

Let ep be the error incurred in using this reduced

reconstruction. By definition xp = yp + ep, so

k =N

k = r +1


uk .



Impact-Echo Signals
Simulated signals came from full transient dynamic
analysis of 100 3D finite element models of simulated
parallelepiped-shape material of 0.07x0.05x0.22m.
(width, height and length) supported to one third and
two thirds of the block length (direction z). Figure 1
shows different examples of the models of defective
pieces. From the transient analysis the dynamic response
of the material structure (time-varying displacements
in the structure) under the action of a transient load is
estimated. The transient load, i.e. the hammer impact,
was simulated by applying a force-time history of a half
sine wave with a period of 64s as a uniform pressure
load on two elements at the centre of the model front
face. The elastic material constants for the simulated
material were: density 2700 kg/m3, elasticity modulus
69500 Mpa. and Poissons ratio 0.22.
Elements having dimensions of about 0.01 m. were
used in the models. These elements can accurately
capture the frequency response up to 40 kHz. Surface
displacement waveforms were taken from the simulation results at 7 nodes in different locations on the
material surface, see Figure 1a. Signals consisted of
5000 samples recorded at a sampling frequency of 100
kHz. To make possible to compare simulations with
experiments, the second derivative of the displacement
was calculated to work with accelerations, since the
sensors available for experiments were mono-axial
accelerometers. These accelerations were measured
in the normal direction to the plane of the material
surface accordingly to the configuration of the sensors
in Figure 1a.

Feature Extraction and Selection

We investigate if the changes in the spectra, particularly
in the zones of the fundamental frequencies, are related

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

Figure 1. Finite element models with different defects and 7-sensor configuration

1a. Half-passing through crack oriented in plane ZY

1b. passing through hole oriented in axis Y

with the shape, orientation and dimension of the defects. The information of the spectra for each channel
consists of n/2 values as half of the number of points
used to calculate the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Due to the 7-channel impact-echo system setup applied,
the number of data available for each impact-echo test
was 7*n/2, e.g. for a FFT calculated with 256 points,
896 values would be available as entries for classifiers. This high number of entries could be unsuitable
for the training stage of neural networks. Considering
impact-echo signal spectra redundancy, PCA was applied in two steps. At first step, PCA was applied to the
spectra of each channel as a feature extraction method.
At second step, PCA was applied to the component set
(spectra compressed) obtained in the first step for all
the channels and records as dimensionality reduction
and feature selection method. Thus, a compressed and
representative pattern of the spectra for the multichannel impact-echo inspection was obtained.
The size of the FFT employed was 1024 points since
using less points the resolution was not good enough
for classifications. Once the spectra were estimated for
all the models they were grouped and normalized by
maximum per channel. There were considered three
options to establish the number of components at the
first PCA step: select a number of components that
explain a minimum of the variance in the data, or a
number of components such the variance increment
is minimum, or a fixed number of components. The

first two options could estimate a variable number of

components per channel, and they could select more
components for the channels with worst signals, i.e.
signals with low signal to noise relation (SNR), due to
problems in measuring (e.g. bad contact in the interface
sensor and material). Thus we select a fixed number
of components=20 per channel, that explained more
than 95% of the data variance for each of the channels,
so the total number of components was 7*20=140 for
one model.
The initial entries for the classification stage were
then 140 features (spectra components) for the 100
simulation models. For simulations 20 replicates for
each model were added that corresponded to the repetitions performed in the experiments. The replicates
were generated using random Gaussian noise with
0.1-standard deviation of the original signals; then total
of records for simulations was 2000 with 140 spectra
PCA was applied again to reduce the dimensionality
of the classification space and to select the best spectra
features for classification. After some preliminary tests,
50 was set as a number of components for classification.
Using this number of components, the explained variance was 98%. With the 50 sorted components obtained,
an iterative process of classification varying the number
of components was applied using LDA and kNN as
classifiers. The curve described by the set of classification error and number of components (5,10,15,,50)

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

values has an inflection point where the information

provided for the components perform the best classification. Following this feature selection process, a
reduced set of features (better spectra components)
was obtained. Those features were used as entries for
ANNs, improving the performance of the classification, instead of using all the spectra components. The
number of selected components for ANN classification
varied from 20 to 30, depending on classification level
(material condition, kind of defect, defect orientation,
defect dimension).
The classification proceeded applying the LeaveOne-Out method, avoiding records of replicas or
repetitions of a test piece were in the training stage of
that piece, so generalization of pattern learning was
forced. Thus some of the records used in training and
test corresponded to models or specimens with the
same kind of defect but located in different positions,
and the rest of records corresponded to others kind of
defective pieces. Results presented in next sections are
referring to mean error in testing stage.

Simulation Results
Figure 2a shows the results of classification by kNN and
LDA with linear, Mahalanobis, and quadratic distances
for simulations at level 4 of the classification tree. The
best percentage of classification success (75.9) is obtained by LDA-quadratic and LDA-Mahalanobis with
25 components. Those components were selected and
used as inputs for the input layer of the networks. One
hidden layer was used (different number of neurons
were tried to obtain the best configuration of the neuron number at this layer), and the number of neurons
at the output layer was set as the number of classes,
depending on the classification level. A validation
stage and resilient propagation training method were
used in classifications with MLP. The spread parameter
was tuned for RBF, Figure 2b shows how the spread
affects the classification results in the defect dimension level, and in this case the minimum error (0.31)
is for spread value 1.6.
Summarised general results by different classification methods for simulations are showed in Table 1.
The best classification performance is obtained by LDA
with quadratic distance, but results of RBF are fairly
comparable. Due to classes are not equally-probable
at each level, general results are weighted by class
probability, see Figure 3. Homogeneous class was

completely distinguishable and multiple-defects class

was the worst classified at every classification levels.
The percentage of success could be very much higher
by increasing classification success for multiple-defect
class. This fact was caused because the multiple-defects
models consisted in models with various cracks, and it
yield confusion between the crack and multiple-defect
classes. The percentage of success decreases for more
complex classifications, with RBF lowest performance
of 69% for 12 classes.

The proposed methodology was tested with particular kind of material and defects and configuration of
multichannel testing. It could be tested using models
and specimens of different materials, sizes, sensor
configurations, and signal processing parameters.
There exist several techniques and algorithms of
classification that can be explored for the proposed
problem. Recently a model of independent component
analysis (ICA) was proposed for impact-echo (Salazar, Vergara, Igual, Gosalbez, & Miralles, 2004), and
new classifiers based on mixtures of ICAs have been
proposed (Salazar, Vergara, Igual, & Gosalbez, 2005),
(Salazar, Vergara, Igual, & Serrano, 2007), that include
issues as semisupervision in training stage. The use
of prior knowledge in the training stage is critical in
order to obtain suitable models for different kind of
classifications. Those kind of techniques could give
more understating on how labelled and labelled data
change model learned by the classifier. In addition
more research is needed on the shape of the classification space (impact-echo signal spectra), outlier
probability, and decision region of the classes for the
proposed problem.

We demonstrate the feasibility of using neural networks
to extract patterns of different kinds of defects from
impact-echo signal spectra in simulations. The methodology used was very restricted because there was
only one piece for a defect in certain localization in the
bulk and it was not in the training stage, so classifier
had to assign the right class with the patterns of pieces
of the same class in other localizations. Results could

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

Figure 2. LDA, kNN results and tuning of RBF parameter at Simulations, level 4 of classification

2b. RBF spread tuning for simulations at fourth level of classification

2a. LDA, kNN results for simulations at fourth level of classification


Table 1. Summarised classification results for simulations

Error (%)

Level 1
(3 classes)

Level 2
(4 classes)

Level 3
(7 classes)
























be used to implement the proposed method in real applications of quality evaluation of materials; in those
applications the database collected during reasonable
time could have samples similar to the tested piece,
making easier the classification process.

Bailer-Jones, C. (1996). Neural Network Classifiation
of Stellar Spectra. University of Cambridge.
Bailer-Jones, C., Irwin, M., & Hippel, T. (1998).
Automated classification of stellar spectra - II. Twodimensional classification with neural networks and
principal components analysis. Monthly Notices of the
Royal Astronomical Society, 298, 361-377.

Level 4
(12 classes)

Bishop C.M. (2004). Neural newtworks for pattern

recognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carino, N. J. (2001). The impact-echo method: an
overview. In Structures Congress and Exposition (Ed.),
(pp. 1-18).
Duda, R., Hart, P. E., & Stork, D. G. (2000). Pattern
classification. (2 ed.) New York: Wiley-Interscience .
Mei, X. (2004). Neural network for rapid depth
evaluation of shallow cracks in asphalt pavements.
Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering,
19, 223-230.
Pratt, D. & Sansalone, M. (1992). Impact-echo signal
interpretation using artificial intelligence. ACI Materials Journal, 89, 178-187.

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

Figure 3. Percentages of success in classifications by RBF

Quality of material




(96 .9)




(79 .2)














Salazar, A., Uni, J., Serrano, A., & Gosalbez, J. (2007).

Neural Networks for Defect Detection in Non-Destructive Evaluation by Sonic Signals. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 4507, 638-645.
Salazar, A., Vergara, L., Igual, J., & Gosalbez, J. (2005).
Blind source separation for classification and detection
of flaws in impact-echo testing. Mechanical Systems
and Signal Processing, 19, 1312-1325.
Salazar, A., Vergara, L., Igual, J., Gosalbez, J., & Miralles, R. (2004). ICA Model Applied to Multichannel
Non-destructive Evaluation by Impact-echo. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 3195, 470-477.
Salazar, A., Vergara, L., Igual, J., & Serrano, A. (2007).
Learning Hierarchies from ICA Mixtures. In I. 2. 20th
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Sansalone, M. & Street, W. (1997). Impact-echo: Nondestructive evaluation of concrete and masonry. New
York: Bullbrier Press.
Stavroulakis, G. E. (1999). Impact-echo from a unilateral interlayer crack. LCP-BEM modelling and neural
identification. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 62,
Xiang, Y. & Tso, S. K. (2002). Detection and classification of flaws in concrete structure using bispectra and
neural networks. NDT&E International, 35, 19-27.


Level 1


Level 2

Kind of




( 62.5) (62.5) (37.5) (75)

( 75)

General results



(87 .5)












Level 3



H Multiple Level 4 Defect

P defects

Xu, R., Nguyen, H., Sobol, P., Wang, S. L., Wu, A., &
Johnson, K. E. (2004). Application of Principal Component Analysis to the FTIR Spectra of Disk Lubricant
to Study LubeCarbon Interactions. IEEE Transactions
on Magnetics, 40, 3186-3189.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN): A mathematical
model inspired in biological neural networks. The units
are called neurons connected in various input, hidden
and output layers. For a specific stimulus (numerical
data at the input layer) some neurons are activated
following an activation function and producing numerical output. Thus ANN is trained, storing the learned
model in weight matrices of the neurons. This kind
of processing has demonstrated to be suitable to find
nonlinear relationships in data, being more flexible
in some applications than models extracted by linear
decomposition techniques.
Finite Element Method (FEM): It is a numerical
analysis technique to obtain solutions to the differential
equations that describe, or approximately describe a
wide variety of problems. The underlying premise of
FEM states that a complicated domain can be sub-divided into a series of smaller regions (the finite elements)
in which the differential equations are approximately

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra I

solved. By assembling the set of equations for each

region, the behavior over the entire problem domain
is determined.
Impact-Echo Testing: A non-destructive evaluation procedure based on monitoring the surface motion
resulting from a short-duration mechanical impact.
From analyses of the vibrations measured by sensors, a
diagnosis of the material condition can be obtained.
Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE): NDE, ND
Testing or ND Inspection techniques are used in quality
control of materials. Those techniques do not destroy
the test object and extract information on the internal
structure of the object. To detect different defects such
as cracking and corrosion, there are different methods
of testing available, such as X-ray (where cracks show
up on the film), ultrasound (where cracks show up as
an echo blip on the screen) and impact-echo (cracks
are detected by changes in the resonance modes of
the object).
Pattern Recognition: An important area of research
concerned to discover or identify automatically figures,
characters, shapes, forms, and patterns without active
human participation in the decision process. It is also

related with classify data in categories. Classification

consists in learning a model for separating the data
categories, that kind of machine learning can be approached using statistical (parametric or no-parametric
models) or heuristic techniques. If some prior information is given in learning process, it is called supervised
or semi-supervised, else it is called unsupervised.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): A method
for achieving a dimensionality reduction. It represents
a set of N-dimensional data by means of their projections onto a set of r optimally defined axes (principal
components). As these axes form an orthogonal set,
PCA yields a data linear transformation. Principal
components represent sources of variance in the data.
Thus the most significant principal components show
those data features which vary the most.
Signal Spectra: Set of frequency components
decomposed from an original signal in time domain.
There exist several techniques to map a function in time
domain to frequency domain as Fourier and Wavelet
transforms, and its inverse transforms that allow reconstructing the original signal.

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo

Spectra II
Addisson Salazar
iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Arturo Serrano
iTEAM, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

We study the application of artificial neural networks
(ANNs) to the classification of spectra from impact-echo
signals. In this paper we focus on analyses from experiments. Simulation results are covered in paper I.
Impact-echo is a procedure from Non-Destructive
Evaluation where a material is excited by a hammer
impact which produces a response from the material
microstructure. This response is sensed by a set of
transducers located on material surface. Measured
signals contain backscattering from grain microstructure and information of flaws in the material inspected
(Sansalone & Street, 1997). The physical phenomenon
of impact-echo corresponds to wave propagation in
solids. When a disturbance (stress or displacement) is
applied suddenly at a point on the surface of a solid, such
as by impact, the disturbance propagates through the
solid as three different types of stress waves: a P-wave,
an S-wave, and an R-wave. The P-wave is associated
with the propagation of normal stress and the S-wave
is associated with shear stress, both of them propagate
into the solid along spherical wave fronts. In addition,
a surface wave, or Rayleigh wave (R-wave) travels
throughout a circular wave front along the material
surface (Carino, 2001).
After a transient period where the first waves arrive, wave propagation becomes stationary in resonant
modes of the material that vary depending on the defects
inside the material. In defective materials propagated
waves have to surround the defects and their energy
decreases, and multiple reflections and diffraction with
the defect borders become reflected waves (Sansalone,
Carino, & Hsu, 1998). Depending on the observation
time and the sampling frequency used in the experiments we may be interested in analyzing the transient
or the stationary stage of the wave propagation in im-

pact-echo tests. Usually with high resolution in time,

analyzes of wave propagation velocity can give useful
information, for instance, to build a tomography of a
material inspected from different locations. Considering
the sampling frequency that we used in the experiments
(100 kHz), a feature extracted from the signal as the
wave propagation velocity is not accurate enough to
discern between homogeneous and different kind of
defective materials.
The data set for this research consists of sonic and
ultrasonic impact-echo signal (1-27 kHz) spectra obtained from 84 parallelepiped-shape (7x5x22cm. width,
height and length) lab specimens of aluminium alloy
series 2000. These spectra, along with a categorization of the quality of materials among homogeneous,
one-defect and multiple-defect classes were used to
develop supervised neural network classifiers. We
show that neural networks yield good classifications
(<15% error) of the materials in four levels of classification detail as material condition, kind of defect,
defect orientation and defect dimension. Results for
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function
(RBF) neural networks, Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA), and k-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) algorithms
(Duda, Hart, & Stork, 2000), (Bishop C.M., 2004) are
presented. Figure 1 shows the scheme of categories
proposed as a hierarchical layout with different levels
of knowledge on the material defects (the percentage
of success in classification is explained in Experimental
Result section).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

Figure 1. Classification tree with percentages of success in classification by RBF network. Numbers in brackets are results
for simulations (paper I). General results are weighted by class probability since classes are not equally-probable.
Quality of material



(96 .9)




94 .5
(79 .2)




64 .2

36 .9



( 75)


x j



= cijkl S kl



x j

Material density.
Length elongation with respect to starting
point in force direction.
: Force variation in i direction due to deforma-

tions in j directions.
cijkl: Elastic constant tensor (Hookes law).
Skl: Strain or relative volume change under deformation in face l in direction k in unitary
cube that represents a material element.
Thus force variation in the direction i due to face
stresses in j directions of the material elementary cube,
is equal to the mass per volume (density) times the strain
acceleration (Newtons third law in tensorial form). To

98.25 / ( 92)

Level 1


Level 2

Kind of

89.12 / (83)





The phenomenon of volumetric wave propagation in

impact-eco can be modelled by means of the following
two equations (Cheeke J.D., 2002),



78.8 88.1
83.8 94.4
( 62.5) (62.5) (37.5) (75)


General results



48 .8
(87 .5)













Level 3

89.01 / (74)

88.07 / (69)

H Multiple Level 4 Defect

P defects

derive an analytical solution to problems that involve

stress wave propagation in delimited solids is very
complicated, so bibliography on this subject is not very
extensive. Numeric models such as the Finite Element
Method (FEM) can be used to obtain an approximation to the material theoretical response (Abraham O,
Leonard C., Cote P., & Piwakowski B., 2000).
There are several studies that used the impact-echo
signals in frequency domain to detect the existence
of defects in materials (Sansalone et al., 1997), (Hill,
McHung, & Turner, 2000), (Sansalone, Lin, & Street,
1998). It has been demonstrated that a sequence of
tones and harmonics appears in the spectra, they are
fundamental modes of propagation that travel inside
the material (block-shape material) and its frequencies
depend on the shape and size of the material inspected
by impact-echo. According to the block face where a
sensor is located, some or others fundamental modes
are captured. However, other tones are formed by the
reflections of the waves with the defects in the material,
and their frequencies are related with the deepness of
the flaws. In addition, the presence of defects causes
shifting of the fundamental mode frequencies due to
MLP neural network has been applied to impactecho in mono-sensor configurations (using only one
accelerometer) to detect flaws on concrete slabs (Pratt
& Sansalone, 1992), identification of unilaterally working sublayer cracks (Stavroulakis, 1999), classification
of concrete slabs in solid and defective (Xiang & Tso,
2002). Those applications used a few number of ex-

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

periments and many repetitions or combined simulated

with experimental signals, so its results may be verified
because of probable overfitting. Other application is
to predict shallow crack depths in asphalt pavements
using features from an extensive real signal dataset
(Mei, 2004). Recently, we provided an application of
MLP, RBF and LVQ to classification tree proposed
here using temporal and frequency features extracted
from the signals, finding that the better features were
frequency features (Salazar, Uni, Serrano, & Gosalbez, 2007).
In this paper we demonstrate the suitability of PCA
application on the impact-echo signal spectra to obtain
complex classifications in real experiments. The first
components of PCA retain essentially all of the useful
information and this compression optimally removes
noise. The principal components represent sources of
variance in the data. Thus the most significant spectra
principal components show those features which vary
the most between the spectra: it is important to realise
that the principal components do not simply represent
strong features. The principal components are eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix; they are simple rotations
in the N-dimensional data space of the original axes
on which the spectra are defined, thus they resemble
the spectra (Bailer-Jones, 1996), (Bailer-Jones, Irwin,
& Hippel, 1998), (Xu et al., 2004).


Impact-Echo Signals
The equipment used in experiments was composed
of: an instrumented hammer 084A14 PCB, 7 monoaxial accelerometers 353B17 PCB, a data acquisition
module NI 6067E, a ICP signal conditioner F482A18
and a notebook for signal processing and control. The
sample frequency in signal acquisition was 100,000
kHz, and observation time recorded was 30 ms. Figure
2a shows a photograph of the equipment employed in
experiments, note that a 7x5x22cm. specimen with
sensors positioned is being tested. Figure 2b shows
a layout of the sensor locations on the surface of the
piece (1 sensor at the back face, 4 sensors at the side
faces, and 2 sensors at the top face), supports, and
place of the impact. Sensors S4, S6, S8 are located at
one third and S3, S5, S7 are located at two thirds of
the piece length trough axis Z. S2 are in the middle of
the opposite face to the impact.
The defects consisted in holes in the form of 10 mm.
cylinders, and cracks in the form of 5 mm. parallelepipeds with different orientations through the axes
(X, Y) and planes (XY, ZY, XZ) of the material block.
The dimensions of the defects were two: passing and
half-passing through. Figure 2b shows a diagram of a
defect of the class half-passing trough crack oriented
in plane ZY. The complete set of defective materials
analyzed is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Experimental setup and sensor configuration

(accelerometers) y









impact excitation

2a. Equipment

2b. Sensor configuration layout


Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

Feature Extraction and Selection

The methodology followed for feature extraction,
feature selection, reduction of dimensionality and
classification in the impact-echo signal spectra was
the applied in Paper I. After signal acquisition a fourstage procedure was followed: feature extraction,
dimensionality reduction, feature selection, and classification with ANNs.
In the feature extraction stage, a 1024-points
FFT was applied to the measured signals and these
spectra were compressed by PCA, selecting the first
20 components per each channel. Thus entries for the
dimensionality reduction stage were 140 components
(7channelsx20) for the 84 lab specimens. For each
experiment (specimen) were performed around 22
repetitions, so the total of records was 1881 for experiments each one with 140 spectra components. In the
dimensionality reduction stage PCA reduced the 140
spectra components to 50 spectra components with a
92% explained variance. This matrix of 50 selected
components by 1881 records was the input for a feature
selection process which objective was to found the
best number of components for classification. Then
various tests of classification using LDA and kNN varying the number of components from 5 to 50 by increments of 5 were applied. The components corresponding
to the best percentage of success in classification with
kNN and LDA were selected as entries for the stage
of classification with MLP and RBF. The number of
spectra components varied from 10 to 30 depending
on the classification level. Parameters as spread for
RBF, and the number of neurons in the hidden layer
for MLP were tuned to obtain the best classification
percentage of success of the ANNs.

All the classification used Leave-One-Out method.

Repetitions of a piece in testing were not used in its
training stage to avoid classifier to memorize the
pieces instead of to generalize patterns. Table 1 shows
summarised results for all the classifiers applied at the
different levels of classification, these results refer to
mean error in testing stage.

Experimental Results
General results of classifications for experiments in
Table 1 show the RBF as the best classifier, improving
its performance near to 20% with regard to simulation
results in paper I at the more complex level of classification (12 classes). The percentage of classification
success improved for every class at each level, particularly for multiple-defect class from 25% up to 92.6%
at first level and 89.1% at fourth level, see Figure 1.
In experiments, specimens with multiple-defects were
prepared combining cracks and holes, so there was not
much confusion with multiple-defect and one-defect
Real experiments of impact-echo involved random
variables in its execution, as the force injected in the
impact excitation, and the position of the sensors that
can vary from piece to piece due to they are manually
controlled. Those variables yield repetitions of the
experiments with its corresponding signal spectra that
separate better class regions than Gaussian noise used
to obtain replicates of the simulated model signals.
The results of experiment classifications confirm the
feasibility of using neural networks for pattern recognition of defects in impact-echo signals. Table 2 contains
the confusion matrix at level defect orientation. Homogeneous class is perfectly classified, and all the rest


Table 1. Summarised classification results for experiments


Error (%)

Level 1
(3 classes)

Level 2
(4 classes)

Level 3
(7 classes)

Level 4
(12 classes)































Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

Table 2. Confusion matrix obtained by RBF at experiments, level 3 of classification



Hole Crack Crack Crack Multiple




0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000


Hole X


0,914 0,000 0,000 0,048 0,000


Hole Y


0,000 0,488 0,107 0,298 0,107


Crack XY


0,000 0,022 0,909 0,009 0,025


Crack ZY


0,009 0,049 0,003 0,930 0,009


Crack XZ


0,000 0,005 0,003 0,044 0,949




0,065 0,000 0,034 0,000 0,013


of six classes are well classified, except the hole Y

class (48.8% success). This class is frequently confused
with all the classes of cracks; it could be due to defect
geometry does not allow produce a discernible wave
pattern from propagation wave phenomena. In addition
multiple-defect class is sometimes confused with cracks
and hole X. It is due to particular patterns of one of
the defects inside some multiple-defect specimens are
more dominant in the spectra, causing multiple-defect
spectra be alike to crack or hole Y spectra.

(Salazar, Vergara, Igual, & Serrano, 2007). That kind

of modelling and learning procedure could be suitable
for the classification of materials tested by impactecho. Training stage and percentage of supervision is
a critical subject in order to develop a suitable model
from the data for classification. Thus depending on the
kind of defective materials used in training a better
adapted model for a specific classification would be
defined. Then a decision fusion made by various classifiers could be more suitable than the decision made
by one classifier.

The problem of material evaluation defined different
levels of classification in a hierarchical outline with different kind of insight on quality of the tested material.
It could be considered restate the problem to classify
defects by ranges of defect size, independently of its
shape or orientation, this kind of classification is very
useful in industries as marble factories. The applicability of the proposed methodology has to be confirmed
with application on different materials.
RBF neural network yielded good results for all
levels of classification, but more algorithms have to be
tested, taking into account the feasibility of its implementation in a real-time application and the improvement of the classification percentage of success. For
instance, new algorithms of classification exploit linear
dependencies in the data, and allow semi-supervised
learning (Salazar, Vergara, Igual, Gosalbez, & Miralles,
2004), (Salazar, Vergara, Igual, & Gosalbez, 2005),

We demonstrate the feasibility of using neural networks
to extract patterns of different kinds of defects from
impact-echo signal spectra in lab experiments. General
results of the applied neural networks show RBF as the
more suitable technique for the impact-echo problem
even in complex levels of classifications, discerning
up to 12 classes of homogeneous, one-defective and
multiple-defect materials.
The proposed methodology has yield encouraging
results with controlled lab experiments (same dimensions of the specimens, good-wave propagation material, and well-defined defects). The procedure has to
be tested for processing real industry materials with
a range of different dimensions, kind of defects and
microstructures for which impact-echo signal spectra
define fuzzy regions for classification.


Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

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Accelerometer: A device that measures acceleration which is converted into an electrical signal that
is transmitted to signal acquisition equipment. In
impact-echo testing, the measured acceleration refers
to vibration displacements caused by the excitation of
the short impact.
Dimensionality Reduction: A process to reduce
the number of variables of a problem. Dimension of a
problem is given by the number of variables (features
or parameters) that represent the data. After signal feature extraction (that reduce the original signal sample

Automatic Classification of Impact-Echo Spectra II

space), the dimensionality may be reduced more by

feature selection methods.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): A class of algorithms used in digital signal processing to compute the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its inverse. It has
the capability of taking functions from the time domain
to the frequency domain. The frequency components
obtained are the spectra of the signal.
Feature Extraction (FE): A process to map a
multidimensional space into a space of fewer dimensions. In signal processing, instead of processing raw
signals with thousands of samples is more efficient
to process features extracted from the signals, such
as, signal power, principal frequency, and attenuation
Feature Selection (FS): A technique that selects
a subset of features from a given set of features that
represent the relevant properties of the data. FS also
may be define as the task of choosing a small subset of
features which is sufficient to predict the target labels
well, is crucial for efficient learning. There are several
FS methods based on margins (e.g., relief, simba) or
information theory (e.g., infogain). Supervised FS
methods use a priori knowledge on a classification
variable, to select variables high correlated with the
known variable.
Leave-One-Out: A method used in classification
with the following steps: i.) Label the database cases
with the known classes. ii.) Select a case of the database. iii.) Estimate the class for selected case by a
classifier using the remaining cases as training data.
iv.) Repeat steps ii and iii until the end of the cases.
v.) Calculate the mean percentage of success for classification results.
Signal Conditioner (SC): A device that converts
one type of electronic signal into another type of signal. Its primary use is to convert a signal that may be
difficult to read by conventional instrumentation into
a more easily read format. Typical SC functions are
amplification, electrical isolation, and linearization.



AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I

Girolamo Fornarelli
Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Antonio Giaquinto
Politecnico di Bari, Italy

The defect detection on manufactures is of utmost
importance in the optimization of industrial processes
(Garcia 2005). In fact, the industrial inspection of
engineering materials and products tends to the detection, localization and classification of flaws as quickly
and as accurately as possible in order to improve the
production quality. In this field a relevant area is
constituted by visual inspection. Nowadays, this task
is often carried out by a human expert. Nevertheless,
such kind of inspection could reveal time-consuming
and suffer of low repeatability because the judgment
criteria can differ from operator to operator. Furthermore, visual fatigue or loss of concentration inevitably
lead to missed defects (Han, Yue & Yu 1999, Kwak,
Ventura & Tofang-Sazi 2000, Y.A. Karayiannis, R.
Stojanovic, P. Mitropoulos, C.Koulamas, T. Stouraitis,
S. Koubias & G. Papadopoulos 1999, Patil, Biradar &
Jadhav 2005).
In order to reduce the burden of human testers and
improve the detection of faulty products, recently many
researchers have been engaged in developing systems
in Automated Visual Inspection (AVI) of manufactures
(Chang, Lin & Jeng 2005, Lei 2004, Yang, Pang &
Yung 2004). These systems reveal easily reliable from
technical point of view and mimic the experts in the
evaluation process of defects appropriately (Bahlmann,
Heidemann & Ritter 1999), even if defect detection in
visual inspection can become a hard task. In fact, in
industrial processes a large amount of data has to be
handled and flaws belong to a great number of classes
with dynamic defect populations, because defects
could present similar characteristics among different
classes and different interclass features (R. Stojanovic,
P. Mitropulos, C.Koullamas, Y. Karayiannis, S. Koubias
& G. Papadopoulos 2001). Therefore, it is needed that
visual inspection systems are able to adapt to dynamic
operating conditions. To this purpose soft computing

techniques based on the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have already been proposed in several
different areas of industrial production. In fact, neural
networks are often exploited for their ability to recognize a wide spread of different defects (Kumar 2003,
Chang, Lin & Jeng 2005, Garcia 2005, Graham, Maas,
Donaldson & Carr 2004, Acciani, Brunetti & Fornarelli
2006). Although adequate in many instances, in other
cases Neural Networks cannot represent the most suitable solution. In fact, the design of ANNs often requires
the extraction of parameters and features, during a
preprocessing stage, from a suitable data set, in which
the most possible defects are recognized (Bahlmann,
Heidemann & Ritter 1999, Karras 2003, Rimac-Drlje,
Keller & Hocenski 2005). Therefore, methods based
on neural networks could be time expensive for inline applications because such preliminary steps and
could reveal complex (Kumar 2003, Kwak, Ventura
& Tofang-Sazi 2000, Patil, Biradar & Jadhav 2005, R.
Stojanovic, P. Mitropulos, C.Koullamas, Y. Karayiannis, S. Koubias & G .Papadopoulos 2001). For this
reason, when in an industrial process time constraints
play an important role, a hardware solution of the
abovementioned methods can be proposed (R. Stojanovic, P. Mitropulos, C.Koullamas, Y. Karayiannis,
S. Koubias & G .Papadopoulos 2001), but such kind
of solution implies a further design effort which can
be avoided by considering Cellular Neural Networks
(CNNs) (Chua & Roska 2002).
Cellular Neural Networks have good potentiality to
overcome this problem, in fact their hardware implementation and massive parallelism can satisfy urgent
time constrains of some industrial processes, allowing
the inclusion of the diagnosis inside the production
process. In this way the defect detection method could
enable to work in real time according to the specific
industrial process.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I

Cellular Neural Networks consist of processing units
C(i, j), which are arranged in an MN grid, as shown
in Figure 1.
The generic basic unit C(i, j) is called cell: it corresponds to a first-order nonlinear circuit, electrically
connected to the cells, which belong to the set Sr(i, j),
named sphere of influence of the radius r of C(i, j).
Such set Sr(i, j) is defined as:

S r ( i, j ) = C ( k , l )


1 k M ,1 l N

( k i , l j ) r

An MN Cellular Neural Network is defined by

an MN rectangular array of cells C(i, j) located at
site (i, j), i =1, 2, .., M, j = 1, 2, , N. Each cell C(i, j)
is defined mathematically by the following state and
output equations:
= xij +

A(i, j; k , l ) ykl + B(i, j; k , l )ukl + zij

C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )
C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )

yij = 2 | xij + 1| | xij 1|

where xij , yij and zij are state, output and

threshold of cell C(i, j), ykl , and ukl are output
and input of cell C(k, l), respectively. A(i, j; k, l) and

Figure 1. Standard CNN architecture


B(i, j; k, l) are called the feedback and the input synaptic

operators and uniquely identify the network.
The reported circuit model constitutes a hardware
paradigm which allows fast processing of signals.
For this reason, in the past CNNs were considered
as an useful framework for defect detection in industrial applications (Roska 1992). Successively different
CNN-based contributions working in real time and
aiming at the defect detection in the industrial field
have been proposed (Bertucco, Fargione, Nunnari
& Risitano 2000), (Occhipinti, Spoto, Branciforte &
Doddo 2001), (Guinea, Gordaliza, Vicente & GarcaAlegre 2000), (Perfetti & Terzoli 2000). In (Bertucco,
Fargione, Nunnari & Risitano 2000) and (Occhipinti,
Spoto, Branciforte & Doddo 2001) non-destructive
control of mechanical parts in aeronautical industrial
production is carried out defining an algorithm which
is implemented by means of CNNs entirely. These
methods reveal effective, but a complex acquisition
system is required to provide information about the
defectiveness. In (Guinea, Gordaliza, Vicente & GarcaAlegre 2000) CNNs constitute the core processors of
a system which realizes an automatic inspection of
metal laminates, whereas in (Perfetti & Terzoli 2000)
two CNN-based algorithms are proposed in order to
detect stains and irregularities in a textile application.
In both works real-time is guaranteed, but in (Guinea,
Gordaliza, Vicente & Garca-Alegre 2000) synthesis
criteria of CNN circuit parameters could reveal difficult
to satisfy, whereas in (Perfetti & Terzoli 2000) such
criteria are not defined.
In the following section a CNN-based method, that
enables to overcome the most of drawbacks which arise
in the reported approaches, is proposed.





In this section an automatic method for the visual inspection of surface flaws of manufactures is proposed.
This method is realized by means of a CNN-based
architecture, which will be accurately described in the
companion chapter (Fornarelli & Giaquinto 2007).
The suggested approach consists of three steps. The
first one realizes a preprocessing stage which enables
to identify eventual defected areas; in the second stage
the matching between such pre-processed image and
a reference image is performed; finally, in the third

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I

step an output binary image, in which only defects are

represented, is yielded.
The proposed solution needs nor complex acquisition system neither feature extraction, in fact the image
is directly processed and the synthesis parameters of the
system are evaluated from the statistical image properties automatically. Furthermore, the proposed system
is well suited for single board implementation.
The scheme that represents the proposed method
is shown in Figure 2.
As it can be observed, it is formed by three modules:
a Preprocessing module, an Image Matching module
and a Defect Detection one. The input images, named
O and R, are acquired by means of a camera, which
yields 256-gray levels images, whose dimensions are
m n. The image O represents the manufacture under
test or a part of it. Such image contains the Region of
Interest (ROI), that is the specific region of an object,
in which defects are to be detected.
The image R constitutes a reference image, in which
a product without defects (or its part) is depicted. Such
image is stored in a memory and acquired off-line
during the phase of system calibration. It is used to
detect possible variations caused by the presence of
dents, scratches or breakings on an observed surface.
In order to allow a good match between the reference
image and the under test one, the preprocessing blocks
realize a contrast enhancement, providing images OF
and RF, that constitute the inputs for the subsequent

Figure 2. Block diagram of the proposed CNN-based





Image Matching
Defect Detection


Image Matching module. The target of this block is

finding the minimum difference between the two images OF and RF. In fact, during the production process,
the acquiring system could give images in which the
manufacture is shifted according the four cardinal
directions. This implies that the difference between
OF and RF could lead to the detection of false defects.
The Image Matching Module minimizes such effects,
looking for the best matching between the image to
be processed and the reference one. Successively the
difference image D feeds the Defect Detection module.
This part aims at the detection of the presence of flaws
on the product under test and gives an output image
containing only the defects. The output image allows
to activate alarming systems able to detect the presence
of flaws, making this industrial task easier, in fact it
could support experts in their diagnoses. The detailed
implementation of each module will be illustrated in
the second part of this contribution.

In order to provide the most information related to
defects detected by the proposed approach in industrial
processes, features of flaws should be identified. For this
reason, future works will be devoted to the evaluation of
different characteristics like dimension of defects, kind
of damage and its degree. Moreover, the advantages
by applying the proposed method in various industrial
fields will be investigated and techniques minimizing
eventual misclassifications in particular applications,
will be developed.

In this chapter a CNN-based method for the visual
inspection of surface flaws of manufactures has been
proposed. The approach consists of three modules:
a Preprocessing Module provides images, in which
contrast is enhanced. An Image Matching Module allows to make up for eventual misalignment between
the manufacture under test and the acquisition system.
Finally, the Defect Detection Module enables to extract
images which contain defects of manufactures.
The suggested method offers attractive advantages.
It reveals general, therefore it can be introduced in
different industrial fields, in which the identification

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I

of superficial anomalies like dents, corrosions or spots

on manufactures is a fundamental task.
Moreover, the suggested method is finalized to the
implementation by means of an architecture, entirely
formed by Cellular Neural Networks, exploiting the potentialities that this kind of network offers in processing
signals. Therefore, the proposed approach enables to
automate in line diagnosis processes reducing operators
burden in identifying production defects.

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June 2004, Hangzhou P.R. China, pp. 3904-3906.


AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures I

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Artificial Neural Networks: A set of basic processing units which communicate to each other by weighted
connections. These units give rise a parallel processing
with particular properties such as the ability to adapt
or learn, to generalise, to cluster or organise data, to
approximate non-linear functions. Each unit receives
an input from neighbours or external sources and uses it
to compute an output signal. Such signal is propagated
to other units or is a component of the network output.
In order to map an input set into an output one a neural
network is trained by teaching patterns, changing its
weights according to proper learning rules.

Automated Visual Inspection: An automatic form

of quality control normally achieved using one or more
cameras connected to a processing unit. Automated
Visual Inspection has been applied to a wide range of
products. Its target consists of minimizing the effects
of visual fatigue of human operators who perform the
defect detection in a production line environment.
Cellular Neural Networks: A particular circuit
architecture which possesses some key features of
Artificial Neural Networks. Its processing units are
arranged in an MN grid. The basic unit of Cellular
Neural Networks is called cell and contains linear and
non linear circuit elements. Each cell is connected only
to its neighbour cells. The adjacent cells can interact
directly with each other, whereas cells not directly
connected together may affect each other indirectly
because of the propagation effects of the continuous
time dynamics.
Defect Detection: Extraction of information about
the presence of an instance in which a requirement is not
satisfied in industrial processes. The aim of Defect Detection consists of highlighting manufactures which are
incorrect or missing functionality or specifications.
Image Matching: Establishment of the correspondence between each pair of visible homologous
image points on a given pair of images, aiming at the
evaluation of novelties.
Industrial Inspection: Analysis pursuing the
prevention of unsatisfactory industrial products from
reaching the customer, particularly in situations where
failed manufactures can cause injury or even endanger
Region of Interest: A selected subset of samples
within a dataset identified for a particular purpose. In
image processing, the Region of Interest is identified by
the boundaries of an object. The encoding of a Region
of Interest can be achieved by basing its choice on:
(a) a value that may or may not be outside the normal
range of occurring values; (b) purely separated graphic
information, like drawing elements; (c) separated
semantic information, such as a set of spatial and/or
temporal coordinates.

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

Girolamo Fornarelli
Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Antonio Giaquinto
Politecnico di Bari, Italy



Automatic visual inspection takes a relevant place in

defect detection of industrial production. In this field a
fundamental role is played by methods for the detection
of superficial anomalies on manufactures.
In particular, several systems have been proposed in
order to reduce the burden of human operators, avoiding the drawbacks due to the subjectivity of judgement
criteria (Kwak, Ventura & Tofang-Sazi 2000, Patil,
Biradar & Jadhav 2005).
Proposed solutions are required to be able to handle
and process a large amount of data. For this reason,
neural networks-based methods have been suggested
for their ability to deal with a wide spread of data
(Kumar 2003, Chang, Lin & Jeng 2005, Garcia 2005,
Graham, Maas, Donaldson & Carr 2004, Acciani,
Brunetti & Fornarelli 2006). Moreover, in many cases
these methods must satisfy time constrains of industrial
processes, because the inclusion of the diagnosis inside
the production process is needed.
To this purpose, architectures, based on Cellular
Neural Networks (CNNs), revealed successful in the
field of real time defect detection, due to the fact that
these networks guarantee a hardware implementation
and massive parallelism (Bertucco, Fargione, Nunnari
& Risitano 2000), (Occhipinti, Spoto, Branciforte &
Doddo 2001), (Perfetti & Terzoli 2000). On the basis
of these considerations, a method to identify superficial damages and anomalies in manufactures has been
given in (Fornarelli & Giaquinto 2007). This method
is aimed at the implementation by means of an architecture entirely formed by Cellular Neural Networks,
whose synthesis is illustrated in the present work. The
suggested solution reveals effective for the detection
of defects, as shown by two test cases carried out on
an injection pump and a sample textile.

In the companion paper an approach for defect detection of surface flaws on manufactures is proposed: this
approach can be divided into three modules, named
Preprocessing module, Image Matching module and
Defect Detection module, respectively. The first one
realizes a pre-processing stage which enables to identify
eventual defected areas; in the second stage the matching between such pre-processed image and a reference
one is performed; finally, in the third step an output
binary image, in which only defects are represented,
is yielded.
The proposed solution needs nor complex acquisition system neither feature extraction, in fact the image
is directly processed and the synthesis parameters of the
networks are evaluated from the statistical image properties automatically. Furthermore, the proposed system
is well suited for a single board implementation.

The detailed implementation of each module will be
illustrated in the following. Successively the results
obtained by testing the suggested architecture on two
real cases are shown and a discussion of numerical
outcomes is reported.

Preprocessing Module
The Preprocessing is realized by a Fuzzy Contrast
Enhancement block. This block consists of a Fuzzy
Associative Memory (FAM), developed as the preprocessing stage of the CNN-based system considered in
(Carnimeo & Giaquinto 2002). The proposed circuit
enables to transform 256-gray levels images into fuzzified ones, whose contrast is enhanced, due to the fact

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

that their histograms are stretched. To this purpose a

proper fuzzification procedure is developed to define
two fuzzy subsets adequate to describe the semantic
content of patterns such as images of industrial objects,
which can be classified as belonging to the Object/
Background class.
In an analogous way, the domain of output values
has been characterized by means of two output fuzzy
subsets defined as Dark and Light. In particular, the
fuzzy rules which provide the mapping from original
images (O/R) into fuzzified ones (OF/RF) can be expressed as:
IF O(i, j) Object
THEN OF(i, j) Dark
IF O(i, j) Background THEN OF(i, j) Light
where O(i, j) and OF(i, j) denote the gray level value
of the (i, j)-th pixel in the original image and in the
fuzzified one, respectively. As showed in (Carnimeo
& Giaquinto 2002), the reported fuzzy rules can be
encoded into a single FAM.
Then, a Cellular Neural Network is synthesized to
behave as the codified FAM by adopting the synthesis
procedure developed in (Carnimeo & Giaquinto 2002),
where the synthesis of a CNN-based memory, which
contains the abovementioned fuzzification rules is accurately formulated.
Contrasted images present a stretched histogram.
This implies that such operation minimizes the effects
of image noise, caused by environmental problems
like dust or dirtiness of camera lenses. Moreover, it
reduces the undesired information due to the combination between the non uniformity of the illumination in
the image and the texture of the manufacture (Jamil,
Bakar, Mohd, & Sembok 2004).

Image Matching Module

In Figure 1 the block diagram corresponding to the
Image Matching module is reported. The target of this
module consists of finding the best matching between
the images yielded by processing the acquired image
and the reference one. To this purpose the image OF
is shifted by one pixel into the four cardinal directions
(NORTH; SOUTH, EAST and WEST), using four
space-invariant CNNs (T. Roska, L. Kek, L. Nemes,
A. Zarandy & P. Szolgay 1999) and obtaining the images OFN, OFS, OFE and OFW. Successively the switch

S1 changes its position, excluding the image OF. The

reference image RF is subtracted by the images OFN,
OFS, OFE OFW and OF, then the number bN, bS, bE, bW
and b0 of black pixels in the resulting images DN, DS,
DE, DW and D0 are computed. The image, which best
matches with the reference one, presents the maximum
numbers of black pixels. Therefore, such value drives
the switch S2, which allows to feedback the image
that best matches with the reference one. In this way
the image which presents the minimum difference
becomes the input for a successive computational step.
The processing is repeated until D0 presents the best
matching. When this condition is satisfied, the difference
image D between D0 and RF is computed. As it can
be noticed the operations needed for each directional
shift can be carried on simultaneously, reducing the
computational time at each step.

Defect Detection Module

The third part of the suggested architecture is a Defect
Detection module. The subsystem is synthesized with
the aim of computing the output binary image F, in
which only the defects are present. Such module is
composed by the sequence of a Major Voting circuit,
a CNN associative memory for contrast enhancement
and a Threshold circuit. The corresponding CNN-based
implementation is obtained by considering space invariant networks.
In detail the Major Voting circuit minimizes the
number of false detections caused by the presence of
noise, highlighting the dents or those flaws which lead
to a changing in the reflectance of light in the original
image. The output of the Major Voting block DM feeds
a CNN working as the associative memory described
in the previous Preprocessing module subsection.
This operation provides an output image DMF whose
histogram is bimodal. In this kind of image the selection of a threshold, which highlights the defects, results
feasible. In fact, a proper value is given by the mean
of the modes of the histogram. Then, this image is
segmented by means of the corresponding space-invariant CNN (T. Roska, L. Kek, L. Nemes, A. Zarandy &
P. Szolgay 1999), obtaining the corresponding binary
image F. In this way errors corresponding to incorrect
identification of defects are minimized because only
flaws are visible after the segmentation.

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

Figure 1. Block diagram corresponding to the Image Matching module

Shift N

Shift S


Shift E


Shift W





Black pixel



Black pixel


Black pixel



Black pixel

Black pixel

Maximum selector

Numerical Examples
The capabilities of the designed CNN-based architecture have been investigated on images representing the
central part of injection pumps containing the Region
of Interest (ROI), that is the flange, like the reported in
Figure 2(a), whose histogram is shown in Figure 2(b).
As it can be observed, this image presents two dents on
the left and the bottom of the observed region. Dents
are due to the collisions that can occur when pumps
are moved among the different production locations
during the various stages of the mounting. This image
and the reference one are firstly processed by a circuit
based on two (44)-cell CNNs described in the previous subsection. In Figures 3(a-b) the corresponding
output image yielded by the synthesized CNNs and its
histogram are shown. It can be noticed that contrast is
highly enhanced and the histogram is stretched.
In figure 4(a) the output D of the Image Matching
module is reported: impulsive-like noise due to the
shifting or the imperfect lighting of the image or the
reflection due to dirtiness is still present at this step.
Finally, D feeds the Defect Detection module: in
Figures 4(b) and 4(c) the output of Major Voting block
DM and the final image F are shown, respectively. As
it can be observed in image DM, the effects of irregular
lighting or changing in reflections due to the dust or

dirtiness are minimized. The results are encouraging,

in fact the designed cellular system provides an output image (see Figure 4(c)), in which the areas of the
manufacture with defects are well visible and detected
by white pixels.
Performances of the proposed system have been
tested by means of a second experiment carried out on a
sample textile. This industrial field has been investigated
because time constraints of an automated defect detection system in the textile industry are of crucial importance (R. Stojanovic, P. Mitropulos, C.Koullamas, Y.
Karayiannis, S. Koubias & G.Papadopoulos 2001).
In Figure 5 (a) the acquired image of the textile is
reported. In this case the whole image of the manufacture coincides with the ROI. It can be noted that a
bright vertical thin bar compares in the middle of the
image. It corresponds to a lacked stamp. In the reported
example the identification of defects constitutes a non
trivial problem. In fact, the stamped areas have variegated geometric shapes, which can be depicted with
a great number of different gray levels. The previously
reported method has been applied to detect such kind
of defects, yielding an image in which the only defect
(the thin bar) is represented, similarly to the test case
reporting dents of injection pumps. In Figure 5(b)(c)-(d) the corresponding outputs of the Preprocessing
module, the Image Matching module and the Defect

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

Figure 2. (a) Acquired Image containing the ROI (the flange of injection pump) with two dents; (b) gray-scale
histogram of the image in Figure 2(a)



Figure 3. (a) Output image of the Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement module fed by the image in Figure 2(a); (b)
gray-scale histogram of the image in Figure 3(a)



Detection one are shown, respectively. It can be noticed

that the central defect has been isolated effectively,
even if a percentage of the areas to be identified is
missed. This is due to the fact that, when details need
to be detected, it is required that contrast is maximum.
Nevertheless, as the contrast is increased, the histogram
of the resulting image is emphasized toward extreme
values of gray levels with respect to the acquired image. This implies that, due to a saturation phenomenon,

an information loss about details takes place. (Brendel

& Roska 2002).
Finally, in the output image small white areas are
misclassified as defects. This problem rises from the
shift of the manufacture respect to the acquisition system. The Image Matching module minimizes the effects
of such problem, but it can not delete them completely
when mechanical deformations of the manufacture occur as in the textile field. As it is shown in Figure 5(d),

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

Figure 4. (a) Output of the image matching module; (b) output of the major voting block in the defect detection
module; (c) output image containing the detected defects, represented by white pixels




Figure 5. (a) Acquired image of a textile containing a thin bar, (b) corresponding output of the fuzzy contrast
enhancement module; (c) output of the image matching module, (d) final output image



this implies the presence of false positives, which will

be investigated subsequently.

As it can be argued from an observation of obtained
numerical results, future works will be devoted to a more
detailed analysis of misclassifications. In particular,



false positives could be analyzed by means of further

techniques which relate the characteristics of the possible defected zones and the ones containing effective
defects according to the constraints of the application.
For instance, in the reported numerical examples the
false positives have geometric sizes which are negligible
if compared to the areas of eventual flaws. Therefore, a
control of area dimensions could enable to discriminate
the two kinds of regions.

AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

In this paper a CNN-based architecture for the visual inspection of surface flaws of manufactures has
been proposed. The architecture consists of modules,
which are entirely realized by well-established circuit networks. The reported design approach offers
some interesting advantages. The proposed solution
needs nor complex acquisition system neither feature
extraction, in fact images are directly processed and
the synthesis parameters, like thresholds for image
segmentation, are evaluated from the statistical image
properties automatically. Furthermore, due to the possible hardware implementation of CNNs the resulting
system can satisfy urgent time constrains relating to
the in-line detection of some industrial productive processes, allowing the inclusion of the diagnosis inside
the production steps.

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Rabual, J. Dorado & A. Pazos, Information Science
Reference, 2007.
C. Garcia (2005), Artificial intelligence applied to automatic supervision, diagnosis and control in sheet metal
stamping processes, Journal of Material Processing
Technology, vol. 164-165, pp. 1351-1357.
D. Graham, P. Maas, G.B. Donaldson & C. Carr (2004),
Impact damage detection in carbon fibre composites
using HTS SQUIDs and neural networks, NDT&E
International, vol 37, pp. 565-570.
A. Kumar (2003), Neural network based detection
of local textile defects , Pattern Recognition, vol. 36,
pp. 1645-1659.
C. Kwak, J.A. Ventura & K. Tofang-Sazi (2000), A
neural network approach for defect identification and
classification on leather fabric, Journal of Intelligent
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N. Jamil, Z. A. Bakar, T. Mohd & T. Sembok (2004),
A Comparison of Noise Removal Techniques in
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Malaysia, pp. 139-143.
L. Occhipinti, G. Spoto, M. Branciforte & F. Doddo
(2001), Defects Detection and Characterization by
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pp. 2001-2005.
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(1999), CSL CNN Software Library (Templates and
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AVI of Surface Flaws on Manufactures II

R. Stojanovic, P. Mitropulos, C.Koullamas, Y. Karayiannis, S. Koubias, G .Papadopoulos (2001), Real-Time

Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspection,
Real-Time Imaging, vol. 7, pp. 507-518.

redistribute the information of the histogram toward

the extremes of a grey level range. The target of this
operation consists of enhancing the contrast of digital


Image Matching: Establishment of the correspondence between each pair of visible homologous
image points on a given pair of images, aiming at the
evaluation of novelties.

Automated Visual Inspection: An automatic form

of quality control normally achieved using one or more
cameras connected to a processing unit. Automated
Visual Inspection has been applied to a wide range of
products. Its target consists of minimizing the effects
of visual fatigue of human operators who perform the
defect detection in a production line environment.
Cellular Neural Networks: A particular circuit
architecture which possesses some key features of
Artificial Neural Networks. Its processing units are
arranged in an MN grid. The basic unit of Cellular
Neural Networks is called cell and contains linear and
non linear circuit elements. Each cell is connected only
to its neighbour cells. The adjacent cells can interact
directly with each other, whereas cells not directly
connected together may affect each other indirectly
because of the propagation effects of the continuous
time dynamics.
Fuzzy Associative Memory: A kind of content-addressable memory in which the recall occurs correctly
if input data fall within a specified window consisting
of an upper bound and a lower bound of the stored
patterns. A Fuzzy Associative Memory is identified
by a matrix of fuzzy values. It allows to map an input
fuzzy set into an output fuzzy one.
Histogram Stretching: A point process that involves the application of an appropriate transformation
function to every pixel of a digital image in order to

Major Voting: An operation aiming at deciding

whether the neighbourhood of a pixel in a digital
image contains more black or white pixels, or their
number is equal. This effect is realized in two steps.
The first one gives rise to an image, where the sign
of the rightmost pixel corresponds to the dominant
colour. During the second step the grey levels of the
rightmost pixels are driven into black or white values,
depending on the dominant colour, or they are left
unchanged otherwise.
Real Time System: A system that must satisfy
explicit bounded response time constraints to avoid
failure. Equivalently, a real-time system is one whose
logical correctness is based both on the correctness of
the outputs and its timeliness. The timeliness constraints
or deadlines are generally a reflection of the underlying
physical process being controlled.
Region of Interest: A selected subset of samples
within a dataset identified for a particular purpose. In
image processing, the Region of Interest is identified by
the boundaries of an object. The encoding of a Region
of Interest can be achieved by basing its choice on:
(a) a value that may or may not be outside the normal
range of occurring values; (b) purely separated graphic
information, like drawing elements; (c) separated
semantic information, such as a set of spatial and/or
temporal coordinates.

Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image

J. lvaro Fernndez
University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain

Since its seminal publication in 1988, the Cellular
Neural Network (CNN) (Chua & Yang, 1988) paradigm
have attracted research communitys attention, mainly
because of its ability for integrating complex computing processes into compact, real-time programmable
analogic VLSI circuits (Rodrguez et al., 2004).
Unlike cellular automata, the CNN model hosts
nonlinear processors which, from analogic array
inputs, in continuous time, generate analogic array
outputs using a simple, repetitive scheme controlled
by just a few real-valued parameters. CNN is the core
of the revolutionary Analogic Cellular Computer, a
programmable system whose structure is the so-called
CNN Universal Machine (CNN-UM) (Roska & Chua,
1993). Analogic CNN computers mimic the anatomy
and physiology of many sensory and processing organs
with the additional capability of data and program storing (Chua & Roska, 2002).
This article reviews the main features of this Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model and focuses on its
outstanding and more exploited engineering application: Digital Image Processing (DIP).

In the following paragraphs, a definition of the parameters and structure of the CNN is performed in order to
clarify the practical usage of the model in DIP.
The standard CNN architecture consists of an M
N rectangular array of cells C(i,j) with Cartesian coordinates (i,j), i = 1, 2, , M, j = 1, 2, , N. Each cell or
neuron C(i,j) is bounded to a connected neighbourhood
or sphere of influence Sr(i,j) of positive integer radius
r, which is the set of all neighbouring cells satisfying
the following property:

S r (i, j ) = C (k , l ) max { k i , l j } r
1 k M ,1l N

This set is sometimes referred as a (2r +1) (2r +1)
neighbourhood, e.g., for a 3 3 neighbourhood, r should
be 1. Thus, the parameter r controls the connectivity of
a cell, i.e. the number of active synapses that connects
the cell with its immediate neighbours.
When r > N /2 and M = N, a fully connected CNN
is obtained, where every neuron is connected to every
other cell in the network and Sr(i,j) is the entire array.
This extreme case corresponds to the classic Hopfield
ANN model (Chua & Roska, 2002).
The state equation of any cell C(i,j) in the M N
array structure of the standard CNN may be described
mathematically by:

dzij (t )

zij (t ) +
[A(i, j; k , l ) ykl (t ) + B(i, j; k , l ) xkl ]+ Iij
C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )

where C and R are values that control the transient
response of the neuron circuit (just like an RC filter,
typically set to unity for the sake of simplicity), I is
generally a constant value that biases or thresholds the
state matrix Z = {zij}, and Sr is the local neighbourhood
of cell C(i, j) defined in (1), which controls the influence of the input data X = {xij} and the network output
Y = {yij} for time t.
This means that both input and output planes interact with the state of a cell through the definition
of a set of real-valued weights, A(i, j; k, l) and B(i, j;
k, l), whose size is determined by the neighbourhood
radius r. The matrices or cloning templates A and B
are called the feedback and feed-forward (or control)
operators, respectively.
A standard CNN is typically defined with constant
values for r, I, A and B, thus implying that for a fixed
input image X, a neuron C(i, j) is provided for each

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

pixel (i, j), with constant weighted circuits defined by

the feedback template A that connects the cell with the
output plane Y, and by the control template B, which
connects the neuron to the neighbouring pixels of
input xij X. The value of the neuron state zij is then
adjusted with the bias parameter I, and passed as input
to a piecewise-linear function in order to determine the
output value yij. This function may be expressed as
yij =

zij (t ) + 1 zij (t ) 1

In other words,

A(i, j; k , l ) ykl =

B(i, j; k , l ) xkl =

C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )

C ( k ,l )Sr ( i , j )

and Iij = I.

In the Image Processing context, a grey-scale

image input X can be represented pixel-wise using a
linear map between a pixel value (e.g. a 8-bit integer
luminance matrix with 256 grey-scale levels) and the
CNN input interval [1, +1], where the lower limit is
used to implement full luminance (i.e. white) and the
upper for black pixels (Chua & Yang, 1988).


The main application of the CNN model, due to its
convolution-like scheme, has been DIP modelling and
design. In the next subsections a number of basic DIP
approaches are introduced, underlining the importance
of the network parameters by giving illustrative examples of application. Starting from the standard model
described in the previous section, the definition of the
standard isotropic CNN follows. Then, an example of
application in logic DIP processing is performed in
order to introduce the nonlinear effects that implies
the using a non-zero feedback template.

The Isotropic CNN Model

For a still image, X will be invariant with time, and
for video, X = X(t). In the most general case, r, A, B
and I may vary with position and time, and the cloning
templates are defined as nonlinear, with the possibility
of integrating inhibitory signals for the state matrix
and even nonlinear templates that interact with mixed
input-output-state data (Chua & Roska, 2002).
These possible extensions raise the definition of a
special (and simpler) class of CNN, called isotropic
or space-invariant, in which r, A, B and I are fixed for
the whole network and where linear synaptic operators
are utilized.

A(i k , j l ) ykl

B(i k , j l ) xkl

k i r l j r

k i r l j r


The vast majority of the templates defined in the

template compendium of (Chua & Roska, 2002) for the
CNN-UM are based on this isotropic scheme, using r
= 1, and binary images in the input plane.
If no feedback (i.e. A = 0) is used, then the CNN
behaves as a convolution network, using B as a spatial
filter, I as a threshold and the piecewise linear output
(3) as a limiter or saturated output filter. In this way,
virtually any spatial filter from DIP theory (Jain, 1989)
can be implemented on such a feed-forward driven
CNN, which ensures its output stability.
For instance, the EDGE template defined by

A = 0, BEDGE

1 1 1
= 1 8 1 , I = 1
1 1 1

is designed to work correctly for binary inputs, giving

black (+1) output pixels in the input locations where a
black edge pixel exists (i.e. if a black pixel has 1 white
neighbour), and white (1) pixels elsewhere.
However, when a grey-scale input image is fed to
this CNN, the output may not be a binary image. To
solve this potential problem, the following modification
is performed over the EDGE CNN:
A = 2, B = BEDGE, I = 0.5


The definition of a centre feedback absolute value

greater than 1 in (6) ensures a binary output and thus
output network stability. The B template used in these
CNN is of the Laplacian type, having the important
property that all surrounding input synaptic weights are
inhibitory (i.e. negative) and identical, but the centre
synaptic weight is excitatory, and the average of all
input synaptic weights is zero.

Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

Apart from edges, convex corners (i.e. black pixels

with at least five white neighbours) may also be detected
with the following modification of its parameters:
A = 2, B = BEDGE, I = 8.5


This example illustrates the important role played

by the threshold parameter I. This parameter may be
viewed as a bias index that reallocates the origin z0 of
the output function (3) (Fernndez et al., 2006).

Basic Logic Operators

In order to perform pixel-wise logic operations between
two binary images X1 and X2, the initial state Z(0) of the
network is also utilized as a variable (Chua & Roska,
2002). In standard feed-forward driven CNN, this variable Z(0) is usually set to zero but it can also be used
in order to obtain results valid for another applications,
such as motion detection and estimation (Torralba &
Hrault, 1999).
For example, for a binary set union (logic OR), the
following templates are defined:
X = X1, B1, Z(0) = X2, A = 3, B = 3, I = 2 (8)
whereas for set intersection (logic AND), these variables are defined as
X = X1, Z(0) = X2, A = 1.5, B = 1.5, I = 1.5
Once again, the usage of excitatory feedback ensures
output stability through the saturation output function
(3), and the threshold properly biases the final result.

Feedback-Driven Standard CNN

The feedback templates used in all the previously exemplified CNN utilize (if any) only the central element of
the template. A standard CNN with off-centre nonzero
feedback elements is a special class that exhibits more
complex dynamics than those treated so far (Chua &
Roska, 1993).
The use of a centre element in A, a00 > 1, means
that the output will be binary, i.e. network output will
never be stable in the linear region of the saturation
function (3) (Chua & Roska, 2002). With this restriction, if another element is set in the feedback template,

then two possible situations may occur: the activation

of cells in the opposite part of only one of the saturation regions (partial inversion), or wave propagating
cell inversions in both binary states.
The first kind of these feedback-driven CNN is
said to have the mono-activation property if cells in
only one saturated region can enter the linear region.
Thus, if cells can enter the linear region from the positive saturation region, then those cells saturated in the
negative part must fulfil that the overall contribution
of A, B and I in its sphere of influence Sr must be less
than 1. That is,

wij (t ) =


Sr ( i , j )


ykl (t ) + bkl xkl ]+ I ij < 1


On the other hand, if cells enter the linear region only

from the negative saturation region, then the contribution for positive stable cells must be wij(t) > 1. It can
be demonstrated that in a mono-activated CNN with
positive A coefficients, with a00 > 1 and saturated initial
values, all the cells that enter the linear region change
monotonically their state from (only) one saturated
area to the other, and therefore it is a stable nonlinear
network (Chua & Roska, 2002).
If, for instance, one element in A is negative,
the transient will not be monotonic, which does not
necessarily imply network instability. An example of
a non-monotonic but stable CNN is the Connected
Component Detector (CCD) (Matsumoto et al., 1990
a) whose templates (for the horizontal case) are the


0 0 0
= 1 2 1 , B = 0, I = 0
0 0 0


For designing a unidirectional wave propagating

mono-activated CNN, a binary activation pattern is
defined, which will trigger the transient until output
stability is reached (Chua & Roska, 2002). An example of this type of stable feedback-driven CNN is
the (horizontal) Shadow Detector (Matsumoto et al.,
1990 b) whose parameters are:

Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing


0 0 0
= 1 2 0 , B = 0, I = 0
0 0 0


There is a continuous quest by engineers and specialists: compete with and imitate nature, especially some
smart animals. Vision is one particular area which
computer engineers are interested in. In this context, the
so-called Bionic Eye (Werblin et al., 1995) embedded
in the CNN-UM architecture is ideal for implementing
many spatio-temporal neuromorphic models.
With its powerful image processing toolbox and
a compact VLSI implementation (Rodrguez et al.,
2004), the CNN-UM can be used to program or mimic
different models of retinas and even combinations of
them (Lzr et al., 2004). Moreover, it can combine
biologically based models, biologically inspired models, and analogic artificial image processing algorithms.
This combination will surely bring a broader kind of
applications and developments.

A number of other advances in the definition and characterization of CNN have been researched in the past
decade. This includes the definition of methods for
designing and implementing larger than 3 3 neighbourhoods in the CNN-UM (Kk & Zarndy, 1998),
the efficient implementation of halftoning techniques
(Crounse et al., 1993), the CNN implementation of some
image compression techniques (Venetianer et al., 1995)
or the design of a CNN-based Fast Fourier Transform
algorithm over analogic signals (Perko et al., 1998),
between many others. Some of them have also been
described in this book in the article entitled Advanced
Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing.
In this article, a general review of the main properties and features of the Cellular Neural Network model
has been addressed, focusing on its DIP capabilities
from a basic viewpoint. CNN is now a fundamental
and powerful toolkit for real-time nonlinear image
processing tasks, mainly due to its versatile programmability, which has powered its hardware development
for visual sensing applications.

Chua, L.O., & Roska, T. (2002). Cellular Neural

Networks and Visual Computing. Foundations and
Applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University
Chua, L.O., & Roska, T. (1993). The CNN Paradigm.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 40, 147156.
Chua, L.O., & Yang, L. (1988). Cellular Neural Networks: Theory and Applications. IEEE Transactions
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Crounse, K.R., Roska, T., & Chua, L.O. (1993). Image Halftoning with Cellular Neural Networks. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and
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(2006). Nonlinear Mappings with Cellular Neural
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on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications
CNNA 2004, 333-338.
Matsumoto, T., Chua, L.O., & Suzuki, H. (1990 a).
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Fast Fourier Transform Computation Using a Digital
CNN Simulator. Fifth IEEE International Workshop
on Cellular Neural Network and Their Applications
Proceedings, 230-236.

Basic Cellular Neural Networks Image Processing

Rodrguez, A., Lin, G., Carranza, L., Roca, E.,

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Roska, T., & Chua, L.O. (1993). The CNN Universal
Machine: An Analogic Array Computer. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital
Processing, 40, 163173.
Torralba, A.B., & Hrault, J. (1999). An Efficient Neuromorphic Analog Network for Motion Estimation. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental
Theory and Applications, 46, 269-280.
Venetianer, P.L., Werblin, F., Roska, T., & Chua, L.O.
(1995). Analogic CNN Algorithms for Some Image
Compression and Restoration Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory
and Applications, 42, 278-284.
Werblin, F., Roska, T., & Chua, L.O. (1995). The
Analogic Cellular Neural Network as a Bionic Eye.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 23, 541-569.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN): A system made
up of interconnecting artificial neurons or nodes (usually
simplified neurons) which may share some properties
of biological neural networks. They may either be used
to gain an understanding of biological neural networks,
or for solving traditional artificial intelligence tasks
without necessarily attempting to model a real biological
system. Well known examples of ANN are the Hopfield,
Kohonen and Cellular (CNN) models.
Feedback: The signal that is looped back to control
a system within itself. When the output of the system
is fed back as a part of the system input, it is called
a feedback loop. A simple electronic device which
is based on feedback is the electronic oscillator. The
Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is an example of complex
feedback system.

Neuromorphic: A term coined by Carver Mead

in the late 1980s to describe VLSI systems containing
electronic analogue circuits that mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. More
recently, its definition has been extended to include both
analogue, digital and mixed mode A/D VLSI systems
that implements models of neural systems as well as
software algorithms.
Piecewise Linear Function: A function f(x) that
can be split into a number of linear segments, each of
which is defined for a non-overlapping interval of x.
Spatial Convolution: A term used to identify the
linear combination of a series of discrete 2D data (a
digital image) with a few coefficients or weights. In
the Fourier theory, a convolution in space is equivalent
to (spatial) frequency filtering.
Template: Also known as kernel, or convolution
kernel, is the set of coefficients used to perform a spatial filter operation over a digital image via the spatial
convolution operator.
Transient: In electronics, a transient system is a
short life oscillation in a system caused by a sudden
change of voltage, current, or load. They are mostly
found as the result of the operation of switches. The
signal produced by the transient process is called the
transient signal or simply the transient. Also, the transient of a dynamic system can be viewed as its path to
a stable final output.
VLSI: Acronym that stands for Very Large Scale
Integration. It is the process of creating integrated circuits by combining thousands (nowadays hundreds of
millions) of transistor-based circuits into a single chip.
A typical VLSI device is the microprocessor.

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image

Radu Mutihac
University of Bucharest, Romania

Numerical methods commonly employed to convert
experimental data into interpretable images and spectra
commonly rely on straightforward transforms, such as
the Fourier transform (FT), or quite elaborated emerging classes of transforms, like wavelets (Meyer, 1993;
Mallat, 2000), wedgelets (Donoho, 1996), ridgelets
(Candes, 1998), and so forth. Yet experimental data are
incomplete and noisy due to the limiting constraints of
digital data recording and the finite acquisition time.
The pitfall of most transforms is that imperfect data
are directly transferred into the transform domain along
with the signals of interest. The traditional approach to
data processing in the transform domain is to ignore any
imperfections in data, set to zero any unmeasured data
points, and then proceed as if data were perfect.
Contrarily, the maximum entropy (ME) principle
needs to proceed from frequency domain to space (time)
domain. The ME techniques are used in data analysis
mostly to reconstruct positive distributions, such as images and spectra, from blurred, noisy, and/or corrupted
data. The ME methods may be developed on axiomatic
foundations based on the probability calculus that has a
special status as the only internally consistent language
of inference (Skilling 1989; Daniell 1994). Within its
framework, positive distributions ought to be assigned
probabilities derived from their entropy.
Bayesian statistics provides a unifying and selfconsistent framework for data modeling. Bayesian
modeling deals naturally with uncertainty in data
explained by marginalization in predictions of other
variables. Data overfitting and poor generalization are
alleviated by incorporating the principle of Occams
razor, which controls model complexity and set the
preference for simple models (MacKay, 1992). Bayesian inference satisfies the likelihood principle (Berger,
1985) in the sense that inferences depend only on the
probabilities assigned to data that were measured and
not on the properties of some admissible data that had
never been acquired.

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be conceptualized as highly flexible multivariate regression and
multiclass classification non-linear models. However,
over-flexible ANNs may discover non-existent correlations in data. Bayesian decision theory provides means
to infer how flexible a model is warranted by data and
suppresses the tendency to assess spurious structure in
data. Any probabilistic treatment of images depends on
the knowledge of the point spread function (PSF) of
the imaging equipment, and the assumptions on noise,
image statistics, and prior knowledge. Contrarily, the
neural approach only requires relevant training examples where true scenes are known, irrespective of our
inability or bias to express prior distributions. Trained
ANNs are much faster image restoration means, especially in the case of strong implicit priors in the data,
nonlinearity, and nonstationarity. The most remarkable
work in Bayesian neural modeling was carried out by
MacKay (1992, 2003) and Neal (1994, 1996), who
theoretically set up the framework of Bayesian learning
for adaptive models.

Bayesian approach to image restoration is based on the
assumption that all of the relevant image information
may be stated in probabilistic terms and prior probabilities are known. The ME principle is optimally setting
prior probabilities for positive additive distributions.
Yet Bayes theorem and the ME principle share one
common future: the updating of a state of knowledge. In
some cases, running Bayes theorem in one hypothesis
space and applying the ME principle in another lead
to similar calculations.
Neuromorphic and Bayesian modeling may apparently look like extremes of the data modeling spectrum.
ANNs are non-linear parallel computational devices
endowed with gradient descent algorithms trained by
example to solve prediction and classification problems.
In contrast, Bayesian statistics is based on coherent

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Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

inference and clear axioms. Yet both approaches aim to

create models in agreement with data. Bayesian decision theory provides intrinsic means to model ranking.
Bayesian inference for ANNs can be implemented numerically by deterministic methods involving Gaussian
approximations (MacKay, 1992), or by Monte-Carlo
methods (Neal, 1996). Two features distinguish the
Bayesian approach to learning models from data. First,
beliefs derived from background knowledge are used to
select a prior probability distribution for model parameters. Secondly, predictions of future observations are
performed by integrating the models predictions with
respect to the posterior parameter distribution obtained
by updating this prior with new data. Both aspects are
difficult in neural modeling: the prior over network
parameters has no obvious relation to prior knowledge,
and integration over the posterior is computationally
demanding. The properties of priors can be elucidated
by defining classes of prior distributions for net parameters that reach sensible limits as the net size goes to
infinity (Neal, 1994). The problem of integrating over
the posterior can be solved using Markov chain Monte
Carlo (Neal 1996).

of a positive, additive probability density function.

Likewise, the measured data g = {g1 , g 2 , ...g M } are
expressed in the form of a probability distribution (Fig.
1). Further assumption refers to image data as a linear
function of physical intensity, and that the errors (noise)
b is data independent, additive, and Gaussian with zero
mean and known standard deviation m , m = 1 , 2 , ...,M
in each pixel. The concept of image entropy and the
entropy alternative expressions used in image restoration are discussed by Gull and Skilling (1985). A brief
review of different approaches based on ME principle,
as well as a full Bayesian approach for solving inverse
problems are due to Djafari (1995).
Image models are derived on the basis of intuitive ideas and observations of real images, and have
to comply with certain criteria of invariance, that is,
operations on images should not affect their likelihood.
Each model comprises a hypothesis H with some free
parameters w = ( , , ...) that assign a probability
density P ( f | w, H ) over the entire image space and
normalized to integrate to unity. Prior beliefs about the
validity of H before data acquisition are embedded in
P(H). Extreme choices for P(H) only may exceed the

Bayesian Image Modeling

evidence P ( f | H ) , thus the plausibility P (H | f ) of

The fundamental concept of Bayesian analysis is that

H is given essentially by the evidence P ( f | H ) of the

image f. Consequently, objective means for comparing
various hypotheses exist.
Initially, the free parameters w are either unknown
or they are assigned very wide prior distributions. The
task is to search for the best fit parameter set wMP, which
has the largest likelihood given the image. Following
Bayes theorem:

the plausibility of alternative hypotheses {H i }i is

represented by probabilities {Pi }i , and inference is
performed by evaluating these probabilities. Inference
may opperate on various propositions related in neural
modeling to different paradigms. Bayes theorem makes
no reference to any sample or hypothesis space, neither
it determines the numerical value of any probability
directly from available information. As a prerequisite
to apply Bayes theorem, a principle to cast available
information into numerical values is needed.
In statistical restoration of gray-level digital images, the basic assumption is that there exists a scene
adequately represented by an orderly array of N pixels.
The task is to infer reliable statistical descriptions of images, which are gray-scale digitized pictures and stored
as an array of integers representing the intensity of gray
level in each pixel. Then the shape of any positive, additive image can be directly identified with a probability
distribution. The image is conceived as an outcome of
a random vector f = {f1 , f 2 , ..., f N }, given in the form

P (w | f, H ) =

P ( f | w, H ) P (w | H )
P( f | H )


where P ( f | w, H ) is the likelihood of the image f

given w, P (w | H ) is the prior distribution of w, and

P ( f | H ) is the evidence for H. A prior P (w | H )

has to be assigned quite subjectively based on our

beliefs about images. Since P (w | f, H ) is normalized to 1, then the denominator in (1) ought to satisfy
P ( f | H ) = P ( f | w, H ) P (w | H ) d w . The intew

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

Figure 1. Flowchart summarizing the forward and inverse problems

grant is often dominated by the likelihood in wMP, so

that the evidence of H is approximated by the best fit

P (H | f ) P ( f | H ) P (H )

likelihood P ( f | wMP , H ) times the Occams factor

(MacKay, 1992):

Maximum Entropy Methods

P ( f | H ) P ( f | w MP , H ) P (wMP | H ) w

Assuming uniform prior parameter distributions

P (w | H ) over all admissible parameter sets, then
P (w MP ) =

1 , and the evidence becomes:

0 w

P ( f | H ) P ( f | w MP , H )

0 w


The ratio

0 w
between the posterior accessible volume of the
models parameter space and the prior accessible
volume prevents data overfitting by favoring simpler
models. Further, Bayes theorem gives the probability
of H up to a constant:


Applying the ME principle amounts to assigning a

distribution {P1 , P2 , ..., Pn } on some hypothesis space
by the criterion that it shall maximize some form of
entropy subject to constraints that express properties
we wish the distribution to have, but are not sufficient
to determine it. The ME methods require specifying in
advance a definite hypothesis space which sets down
the possibilities to be taken into consideration. They
come out with a probability distribution, rather than a
probability. The ME probability of a single hypothesis
H that is not embedded in a space of alternative hypotheses does not make any sense. The ME methods
do not require for input the numerical values of any
probabilities on that space, rather they assign numerical values to available information as expressed by the
choice of hypothesis space and constraints.


In the widely spread linear case, where the N-dimensional image vector f consists of the pixel values of an
unobserved image, and the M-dimensional data vector
g is made of the pixel values of an observed image
supposed to be a degraded version of f, and assuming
zero-mean Gaussian additive errors:

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration


g =R f+b

where the M N matrix R stands for the PSF (transfer

function or instrumetal response) of the imaging system;
then the likelihood of data is:
P (g | f, C , H ) =

det 2


(2 )


exp (g f ) C1 (g f )

where C is the covariance matrix of the error vector
b. If there is no correlation among the pixels and each
pixel has the standard deviation m , m = 1 , 2 , ..., M , then
the symmetric full rank covariance matrix becomes
diagonal with the elements Cmm = m , m = 1 , 2 , ..., M .
Hence the probability of the data g given the image f
may be written as:

P (g | f, C , H ) =


(2 ) 2

m =1


1 M
n =1


2 m =1

The full joint posterior P ( f, | g, H ) of the image f
and the unknown PSF parameters denoted generically
by should be evaluated. Then the required inference

If the evidence P (g | , H ) is sharply peaked around

some value and the prior P ( | H ) is fairly flat in that
region, then P ( f | g, H ) P f | , g, H . Otherwise, if
the marginal integrant is not well approximated at the
modal value of the evidence, then misleading narrow
posterior probability densities may result.
If the errors have uniform standard deviation b, then
the symmetric covariance matrix has full rank M with


b I,

and the probability of data (7) becomes:

P (g | f, , H ) =



Eb (g | f, H ) =

exp Eb (g | f, H )


Zb (


is a measure of the noise in each

1 bT b 1 M

2 b2 2 m=1

g m Rmn f n
n =1


is the error function, and is the noise partition function.

More complex models use the intrinsic correlation

about the posterior probability P ( f | g, H ) is obtained

as a marginal integral of this joint posterior over the
uncertainties in the PSF:

function C = GGT , where G is a convolution from

an imaginary hidden image, which is uncorrelated, to

the real correlated image.
If the prior probability of the image f is also Gaussian:

P ( f | g, H ) = P ( f, | g, H ) d = P ( f | , g, H ) P ( | g, H ) d

P ( f | F0 , H ) =



(2 )

det 2



Now applying Bayes theorem for the parameters

P ( | g, H ) =

P (g | , H ) P ( | H )
P (g | H )


exp f T F01 f

where is the prior covariance matrix of f, and assuming a uniform standard deviation of the image, then
its prior probability distribution becomes:

and substituting in (8)

P( f | ,H )=

P ( f,

where the parameter = 1 2f measures the expected
N 2
smoothness of f, Z f ( ) = (2
) is the partition

| g, H ) d P ( f | , g, H ) P (g | , H ) P ( | H ) d



( )

exp E f ( f | F0 )

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

function of f, and


E f ( f | F 0 ) = f T F01 f .

The posterior probability of image f given data g is

derived from Bayes theorem:
P ( f | g, , , H ) =

P (g | f, , H ) P ( f | , H )
P (g | , , H )


exp E f Eb

) = exp (M ( f ))


with the integral covering the space of all admissible images in the partition function. Therefore, minimizing the
objective function M(f) corresponds to finding the most
probable image f MP , which is the mean value of the
Gaussian posterior distribution. Its covariance matrix
A 1 that defines the joint error bars on f can be obtained
from the Hessian matrix A = log P ( f | g, , , H )
evaluated at f MP. The image f MP is obtained by differentiating log P ( f | g, , , H ) and solving for the
derivative being zero:
f MP



The term

Invoking the ME principle requires that the prior

knowledge to be stated as a set of constraints on f,
though affecting the amount by which the image reconstruction is offset from reality. The prior information
about f may be expressed as a probability distribution
(Djafari, 1995):
P( f | ,H )=


exp ( ( f )) (17)

( f ) = fn ln



where U is the total number of quanta in the image f

(Mutihac et al., 1997).
The posterior probability of an image f drawn from
some measured data g is given by Bayes theorem:

P ( f | g, , C , H ) exp

n =1

f n ln n

g R f

M m mn n

n =1

exp 2

m =1


C RT f


R R b2 C RT

equates to the pseudoinverse R 1 = RT R RT .

where a is generally a positive parameter and Z(a) is

the normalizing factor. The entropic prior in the discrete
case may correspond to potential functions like:

M ( f ) = E f + Eb
and Z M ( , ) = f exp ( M ( f )) d f

= RT R

is negligible, the optimal linear filter

Entropic Prior of Images

where the evidence P (g | , , H ) is the normalizing

factor. Since the denominator in (14) is a product of
Gaussian functions of f, we may rewrite:
P ( f | g, , , H ) =

regularizes the ill-conditioned inversability. When

the term

An estimation rule, such as posterior mean or

maximum a posteriori (MAP), is needed in order to
choose an optimal, unique, and stable solution f
for the estimated image. The posterior probability is
assumed to summarize the full state of knowledge on
a given scene. Producing a single image as the best
restoration naturally leads to the most likely one which
maximizes the posterior probability P ( f | g, , C , H ),

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

along with some statement of reliability derived from

the spread of all admissible images.
In variational problems with linear constraints,
Agmon et al. (1979) showed that the potential function associated to a positive, additive image is always
concave for any set of Lagrange multipliers, and it
possesses an unique minimum which coincides with
the solution of the nonlinear system of constraints. As a
prerequisite, the linear independence of the constraints
is checked and then the necessary and sufficient conditions for a feasible solution are formulated. Wilczek
and Drapatz (1985) suggested the Newton-Raphsons
iteration method as offering high accuracy results.
Ortega and Rheinboldt (1970) adopted a continuation
technique for the very few cases where the Newtons
method fails to converge. These techniques are nevertheless successful in practice for relatively small data
sets only and assume a symmetric positive definite
Hessian matrix of the potential function.

Quality Assessment of Image

In all digital imaging systems, quality degradation is
inevitably due to various sources like photon shot noise,
finite acquisition time, readout noise, dark current noise,
and quantization noise. Some noise sources can be effectively suppressed yet some cannot. The combined
effect of these degradation sources is often modeled by
Gaussian additive noise (Pham et al. 2005).
In order to quantitatively estimate the restoration
quality in the case of similar size (M = N) for both the
measured g and the restored image f , the mean energy
of restoration error:



gn fn


n =1

may be used as a merit factor. Yet too high a value

for D may set the restored image quite away from
the original scene and raise questions on introducing
spurious features for which there is no clear evidence
in measurements and complicating the subsequent
inference and plausibility.
A more realistic degradation measure of image blurring by additive noise is referred to in terms of a metric

called blurred signal-to-noise ratio redefined here by

using the noise variance in each pixel such as:
BSNR = 10 lg


[yn yn ]2

n =1



where y = g b is the difference between the measured

data g and the noise b.
In simulations, where the original image f of the
measured data g is available, the objectivity of testing
the performance of image restoration algorithms may
be assessed by the improvement of signal-to-noise ratio
metric defined as:

ISNR = 10 lg

[ fn gn ]
n =1

f n fn
n =1


where f is the best statistical estimation of the correct solution f.
While mean squared error metrics like ISNR do not
always reflect the perceptual properties of the human
visual system, they may provide an objective standard by which to compare different image processing
techniques. Nevertheless, it is of major significance
that various algorithms behavior be analyzed from
the point of view of ringing and noise amplification,
which can be a key indicator of improvement in quality
for subjective comparisons of restoration algorithms
(Banham and Katsaggelos, 1997).

A practical Bayesian framework for neural-inspired
modeling aims to develop probabilistic models that fit
data and perform optimal predictions. The link between
Bayesian inference and neural models gives new perspectives to the assumptions and approximations made
on ANNs when used as associative memories. Evolutionary optimization algorithms capable to discover
absolute function minimum (maximum) are needed.
A statistically biased redefinition of the concept
of pattern existence used in a quantitative manner to
assess the overall quality of digital images with domain-specific relevance would increase the accuracy
of ranking the image restoration methods.

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

An efficient MAP procedure has to be implemented

in a recursive supervised trained neural net to get restored (reconstructed) the best image in compliance
with the existing constraints, measuring and modeling

A major intrinsic difficulty in Bayesian image restoration resides in determination of a prior law for images.
The ME principle solves this problem in a self-consistent
way. The ME model for image deconvolution enforces
the restored image to be positive. The spurious negative
areas and complementary spurious positive areas are
wiped off and the dynamic range of the restored image
is substantially enhanced.
Image restoration based on image entropy is effective even in the presence of significant noise, missing
or corrupted data. This is due to the appropriate regularization of the inverse problem of image restoration
introduced in a coherent way by the ME principle. It
satisfies all consistency requirements when combining
the prior knowledge and the information contained in
experimental data. A major result is that no artifacts
are added since no structure is enforced by entropic
Bayesian ME approach is a statistical method which
directly operates in spatial domain, thus eliminating
the inherent errors coming out from numerical Fourier direct and inverse transformations and from the
truncation of signals.


Daniell, G. J. (1994). Of maps and monkeys: An introduction to the maximum entropy method. In B. Buck
& V. A. Macaulay (Eds.), Maximum entropy in action
(pp. 1-18). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Djafari, A. M.- (1995). A full Bayesian approach for
inverse problems. In K. M. Hanson & R. N. Silver
(Eds.), Maximum entropy and bayesian methods (pp.
Donoho, D. L. (1996). Unconditional bases and bit-level
compression. Applied and Computational Harmonic
Analysis, 1(1), 100-105.
Gull, S. F. & Skilling, J. (1985). The entropy of an image. In C. R. Smith & W. T. Grandy Jr. (Eds), Maximum
entropy and Bayesian methods in inverse problems (pp.
287-302), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
MacKay, D. J. K. (1992). A practical Bayesian framework for backpropagation networks, Neural Computation, 4, 448-472.
MacKay, D. J. K. (2003). Information theory, inference, and learning algorithms. Cambridge: University
Mallat, S. (2000). Une exploration des signaux en
ondelettes, Editions de lEcole Polytechnique.
Mayers, K. J. & Hanson, K. M. (1990). Comparison of
the algebraic reconstruction technique with the maximum entropy reconstruction technique for a variety of
detection tasks. Proceedings of SPIE, 1231, 176-187.
Meyer, Y. (1993). Review of An introduction to
wavelets and ten lectures on wavelets. Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, 28, 350-359.

Agmon, N., Alhassid, Y., & Levine, R. D. (1979). An algorithm for finding the distribution of maximal entropy.
Journal of Computational Physics, 30, 250-258.

Mutihac, R., Colavita A.A., Cicuttin, A. & Cerdeira, A.

E. (1997). Bayesian modeling of feed-forward neural
networks. Fuzzy Systems & Artificial Intelligence,
6(1-3), 31-40.

Banham, M. R. & Katsaggelos, A. K. (1997, March).

Digital image restoration, IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, 24-41.

Neal, R.M. (1994). Priors for infinite networks. Technical Report CRG-TR-94-1, Department of Computer
Science, University of Toronto.

Berger, J. (1985). Statistical decision theory and Bayesian analysis. Springer-Verlag.

Neal, R. M. (1996). Bayesian learning for neural networks. In Lecture Notes in Statistics, 118, New York:

Candes, E. J. (1993). Ridgelets: Theory and applications. PhD Thesis. Department of Statistics, Standford
University, 1998.

Ortega, J. M. & Rheinboldt, W. B. (1970). Iterative

solution of nonlinear equations in several variables.
New York: Academic Press.

Bayesian Neural Networks for Image Restoration

Pham, T. Q., van Vliet, L. J., & Schutte K. (2005).

Influence of SNR and PSF on limits of super-resolution. Proceedings of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging,
5672, 169-180.

Deconvolution: An algorithmic method for eliminating noise and improving the resolution of digital
data by reversing the effects of convolution on recorded

Skilling, J. (1989). Classic maximum entropy. In J. Skilling (Ed.), Maximum entropy and Bayesian methods (pp.
45-52), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Digital Image: A representation of a 2D/3D image

as a finite set of digital values called pixels/voxels
typically stored in computer memory as a raster image
or raster map.

Wilczek, R. & Drapatz, S. (1985). A high accuracy

algorithm for maximum entropy image restoration in
the case of small data sets. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 142, 9-12.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): Highly
parallel nets of interconnected simple computational
elements, which perform elementary operations like
summing the incoming inputs (afferent signals) and
amplifying/thresholding the sum.
Bayesian Inference: An approach to statistics in
which all forms of uncertainty are expressed in terms
of probability.


Entropy: A measure of the uncertainty associated

with a random variable. Entropy quantifies information
in a piece of data.
Image Restoration: A blurred image can be significantly improved by deconvolving its PSF in such a way
that the result is a sharper and more detailed image.
Point Spread Function (PSF): The output of the
imaging system for an input point source.
Probabilistic Inference: An effective approach to
approximate reasoning and empirical learning in AI.

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural

Mara Jos Castro-Bleda
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain
Slavador Espaa-Boquera
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain
Francisco Zamora-Martnez
Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Spain



The field of off-line optical character recognition (OCR)

has been a topic of intensive research for many years
(Bozinovic, 1989; Bunke, 2003; Plamondon, 2000;
Toselli, 2004). One of the first steps in the classical
architecture of a text recognizer is preprocessing,
where noise reduction and normalization take place.
Many systems do not require a binarization step, so the
images are maintained in gray-level quality. Document
enhancement not only influences the overall performance of OCR systems, but it can also significantly
improve document readability for human readers. In
many cases, the noise of document images is heterogeneous, and a technique fitted for one type of noise
may not be valid for the overall set of documents. One
possible solution to this problem is to use several filters
or techniques and to provide a classifier to select the
appropriate one.
Neural networks have been used for document
enhancement (see (Egmont-Petersen, 2002) for a review of image processing with neural networks). One
advantage of neural network filters for image enhancement and denoising is that a different neural filter can
be automatically trained for each type of noise.
This work proposes the clustering of neural network
filters to avoid having to label training data and to
reduce the number of filters needed by the enhancement system. An agglomerative hierarchical clustering
algorithm of supervised classifiers is proposed to do
this. The technique has been applied to filter out the
background noise from an office (coffee stains and
footprints on documents, folded sheets with degraded
printed text, etc.).

Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) have been used in previous works for image restoration: the input to the MLP
is the pixels in a moving window, and the output is the
restored value of the current pixel (Egmont-Petersen,
2000; Hidalgo, 2005; Stubberud, 1995; Suzuki, 2003).
We have also used neural network filters to estimate
the gray level of one pixel at a time (Hidalgo, 2005):
the input to the MLP consisted of a square of pixels
that was centered at the pixel to be cleaned, and there
were four output units to gain resolution (see Figure
1). Given a set of noisy images and their corresponding
clean counterparts, a neural network was trained. With
the trained network, the entire image was cleaned by
scanning all the pixels with the MLP. The MLP, therefore, functions like a nonlinear convolution kernel. The
universal approximation property of a MLP guarantees
the capability of the neural network to approximate any
continuous mapping (Bishop, 1996).
This approach clearly outperforms other classic
spatial filters for reducing or eliminating noise from
images (the mean filter, the median filter, and the closing/opening filter (Gonzalez, 1993)) when applied to
enhance and clean a homogeneous background noise
(Hidalgo, 2005).

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering is considered to
be a more convenient approach than other clustering

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks

Figure 1. An example of document enhancement with an artificial neural network. A cleaned image (right) is
obtained by scanning the entire noisy image (left) with the neural network.

algorithms, mainly because it makes very few assumptions about the data (Jain, 1999; Mollineda, 2000). Instead of looking for a single partition (based on finding
a local minimum), this clustering algorithm constructs
a hierarchical structure by iteratively merging clusters
according to certain dissimilarity measure, starting from
singletons until no further merging is possible (one
general cluster). The hierarchical clustering process
can be illustrated with a tree that is called dendogram,
which shows how the samples are merged and the
degree of dissimilarity of each union (see Figure 2).
The dendogram can be easily broken at a given level
to obtain clusters of the desired cardinality or with a
specific dissimilarity measure. A general hierarchical
clustering algorithm can be informally described as

Initialization: M singletons as M clusters.

Compute the dissimilarity distances between
every pair of clusters.
Iterative process:


Select the number N of clusters for a given criterion.

Behaviour-Based Clustering of
Supervised Classifiers
When the points of the set to be clustered are supervised
classifiers, both a dissimilarity distance and the way to
merge two classifiers must be defined (see Figure 2):


Determine the closest pair of clusters i and j.

Merge the two closest clusters into a new cluster
Update the dissimilarity distances from the new
cluster i+j to all the other clusters.
If more than one cluster remains, go to step a).

The dissimilarity distance between two clusters

can be based on the behaviour of the classifiers
with respect to a validation dataset. The more
similar the output of two classifiers is, the closer
they are.
To merge the closest pair of clusters, a new classifier is trained with the associated training data

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks

Figure 2. Behaviour-based clustering of supervised classifiers. An example of the dendogram obtained for M=5
points: A, B, C, D, E. If N=3, three clusters are selected: A+B, C, D+E. In this work, to merge two clusters, a new
classifiers is trained. For example, cluster D+E is trained with the data used to train the classifiers D and E.

of both clusters. Another possibility is to build

an ensemble of the two classifiers.
An Application of Behaviour-based Clustering of
MLPs to Document Enhancement
In this work, MLPs are used as supervised classifiers. When two clusters are merged, a new MLP is
trained with the associated training data of the two
merged MLPs.
This behaviour-based clustering algorithm has been
applied to enhance printed documents with typical
noises from an office (folded sheets, wrinkled sheets,
coffee stains, ...). Figure 1 shows an example of a noisy
printed document (wrinkled sheet) from the corpus.
A set of MLPs is trained as neural filters for different types of noise and then clustered into groups
to obtain a reduced set of neural clustered filters. In
order to automatically determine which clustered filter
is the most suitable to clean and enhance a real noisy
image, an image classifier is also trained using MLPs.
Experimental results using this enhancement system
show excellent results in cleaning noisy documents
(Zamora-Martnez, 2007).

Document enhancement is becoming more and more
relevant due to the huge amount of scanned documents.
Besides, it not only influences the overall performance
of OCR systems, but it can also significantly improve
document readability for human readers.

The method proposed in this work can be improved

twofold: by using ensembles of MLPs when two MLPs
are merged, and by improving the method to select
the neural clustered filter that is the most suitable to
enhance a given noisy image.

An agglomerative hierarchical clustering of supervisedlearning classifiers that uses a measure of similarity
among classifiers based on their behaviour on a validation dataset has been proposed. As an application
of this clustering procedure, we have designed an
enhancement system for document images using neural
network filters. Both objective and subjective evaluations of the cleaning method show excellent results
in cleaning noisy documents. This method could also
be used to clean and restore other types of images,
such as noisy backgrounds in scanned documents,
stained paper of historical documents, vehicle license
recognition, etc.

Bishop, C.M. (1996). Neural Networks for Pattern
Recognition. Oxford University Press.
Bozinovic, R.M., & Srihari, S.N. (1989). Off-Line
Cursive Script Word Recognition. IEEE Trans. on
PAMI, 11(1), 6883.

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks

Bunke, H. (2003). Recognition of Cursive Roman

Handwriting Past, Present and Future. In: Proc.
ICDAR. 448461.
Egmont-Petersen, M., de Ridder, D., & Handels, H.
(2002). Image processing with neural networks a
review. Pattern Recognition 35(10). 22792301.
Gonzalez, R., & Woods, R. (1993). Digital Image
Processing. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Hidalgo, J.L., Espaa, S., Castro, M.J., & Prez, J.A.
(2005). Enhancement and cleaning of handwritten data
by using neural networks. In: Pattern Recognition and
Image Analysis. Volume 3522 of LNCS. SpringerVerlag. 376383
Jain, A.K., Murty, M.N., & Flynn, P.J. (1999). Data
clustering: a review. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(3).
Kanungo, T., & Zheng, Q. (2004). Estimating Degradation Model Parameters Using Neighborhood Pattern
Distributions: An Optimization Approach. IEEE Trans.
on PAMI 26(4). 520524.
Mollineda, R.A., & Vidal, E. (2000). A relative approach
to hierarchical clustering. In: Pattern Recognition and
Applications. Volume 56. IOS Press. 1928.
Plamondon, R., & Srihari, S.N. (2000). On-line and
off-line handwriting recognition: A comprehensive
survey. IEEE Trans. on PAMI 22(1). 6384.
Stubberud, P., Kanai, J., & Kalluri, V. (1995). Adaptive Image Restoration of Text Images that Contain
Touching or Broken Characters. In: Proc. ICDAR.
Volume 2. 778781.
Suzuki, K., Horiba, I., & Sugie, N. (2003). Neural
Edge Enhancer for Supervised Edge Enhancement
from Noisy Images. IEEE Trans. on PAMI 25(12).
Toselli, A.H., Juan, A., Gonzlez, J., Salvador, I., Vidal,
E., Casacuberta, F., Keysers, D., & Ney, H. (2004).
Integrated Handwriting Recognition and Interpretation
using Finite-State Models. Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 18(4). 519-539.
F. Zamora-Martnez, S. Espaa-Boquera, & M.J.
Castro-Bleda. (2007). Behaviour-based Clustering of
Neural Networks applied to Document Enhancement.

In: Computational and Ambient Intelligence. Volume

4507 of LNCS. Springer-Verlag. 144-151.

Artificial Neural Network: An artificial neural
network (ANN), often just called a neural network
(NN), is an interconnected group of artificial neurons
that uses a mathematical model or computational model
for information processing based on a connectionist
approach to computation.
Backpropagation Algorithm: A supervised
learning technique used for training artificial neural
networks. It was first described by Paul Werbos in
1974, and further developed by David E. Rumelhart,
Geoffrey E. Hinton and Ronald J. Williams in 1986.
It is most useful for feed-forward networks (networks
that have no feedback, or simply, that have no connections that loop).
Clustering: The classification of objects into different groups, or more precisely, the partitioning of
a data set into subsets (clusters), so that the data in
each subset (ideally) share some common trait - often
proximity according to some defined distance measure.
Data clustering is a common technique for statistical
data analysis, which is used in many fields, including
machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition,
image analysis and bioinformatics.
Document Enhancement: Accentuation of certain
desired features, which may facilitate later processing
steps such as segmentation or object recognition.
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering algorithms find successive clusters
using previously established clusters. Agglomerative
algorithms begin with each element as a separate cluster
and merge them into successively larger clusters.
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): This class of artificial neural networks consists of multiple layers of
computational units, usually interconnected in a feedforward way. Each neuron in one layer has directed
connections to the neurons of the subsequent layer. In
many applications the units of these networks apply a
sigmoid function as an activation function.

Behaviour-Based Clustering of Neural Networks

Optical Character Recognition (OCR): A type

of computer software designed to translate images of
handwritten or typewritten text (usually captured by
a scanner) into machine-editable text, or to translate
pictures of characters into a standard encoding scheme
representing them (e.g. ASCII or Unicode). OCR began
as a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial
intelligence and machine vision.

Supervised Learning: A machine learning technique for creating a function from training data. The
training data consist of pairs of input objects (typically
vectors), and desired outputs. The output of the function can be a continuous value (called regression), or
can predict a class label of the input object (called
classification). The task of the supervised learner is
to predict the value of the function for any valid input
object after having seen a number of training examples
(i.e. pairs of input and target output).

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I

Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez
University of A Corua, Spain
Mnica Migulez Rico
University of A Corua, Spain



Large worldwide projects like the Human Genome

Project, which in 2003 successfully concluded the
sequencing of the human genome, and the recently
terminated Hapmap Project, have opened new perspectives in the study of complex multigene illnesses: they
have provided us with new information to tackle the
complex mechanisms and relationships between genes
and environmental factors that generate complex illnesses (Lopez, 2004; Dominguez, 2006).
Thanks to these new genomic and proteomic data,
it becomes increasingly possible to develop new medicines and therapies, establish early diagnoses, and even
discover new solutions for old problems. These tasks
however inevitably require the analysis, filtration, and
comparison of a large amount of data generated in a
laboratory with an enormous amount of data stored in
public databases, such as the NCBI and the EBI.
Computer sciences equip biomedicine with an
environment that simplifies our understanding of the
biological processes that take place in each and every
organizational level of live matter (molecular level,
genetic level, cell, tissue, organ, individual, and population) and the intrinsic relationships between them.
Bioinformatics can be described as the application
of computational methods to biological discoveries
(Baldi, 1998). It is a multidisciplinary area that includes
computer sciences, biology, chemistry, mathematics,
and statistics. The three main tasks of bioinformatics
are the following: develop algorithms and mathematical
models to test the relationships between the members
of large biological datasets, analyze and interpret heterogeneous data types, and implement tools that allow
the storage, retrieve, and management of large amounts
of biological data.

The following section describes some of the problems

that are most commonly found in bioinformatics.

Interpretation of Gene Expression

The expression of genes is the process by which the
codified information of a gene is transformed into the
necessary proteins for the development and functioning of the cell. In the course of this process, small
sequences of ARN, also called ARN messengers, are
formed by transcription and subsequently translated
into proteins.
The amount of expressed mARN can be measured
with various methods, such as gel electrophoresis, but
large numbers of simultaneous expression analyses are
usually carried out with microarrays (Quackenbush,
2001), which make it possible to obtain the simultaneous expression of tens of thousands of genes; such an
amount of data can only be analyzed with the help of
an informatic process.
Among the most common tasks in this type of
analysis is the task to find the differences between, for
instance, a patient and a test that determines whether
a gene is expressed or not. These tasks can be divided
into classical problems of classification and clustering. Clustering is used not only in experiments of
microarrays (to identify groups of genes with similar
expressions), but also suggests functional relationships
between the members of the cluster.

Alignment of ADN, ARN, and Protein

Sequences alignment consists in superposing two or
more sequences of both nucleotides (ADN and ARN)
and amino acids (proteins) in order to compare them and
analyze the sequence parts that are alike and unalike.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I

The optimal alignment is that which mainly shows correspondences between the nucleotides or amino acids
and is therefore said to have the highest score. This
alignment may or may not have a biological meaning.
There are two types of alignment: the global alignment,
which maximizes the number of coincidences in the
entire sequence, and the local alignment, which looks
for similar regions in large sequences that are normally
highly divergent. The most commonly used technique
to implement alignments is dynamic programming
by means of the Smith-Waterman algorithm (Smith,
1981), which explores all the possible comparisons in
the sequences.
Another problem in sequences alignment is multiple
alignment (Wallace, 2005), which consists in aligning
three or more sequences of ADN, ARN, or proteins, and
is generally used to search for evolutive relationships
between these sequences. The problem is equivalent
to that of simple sequences alignment, but takes into
consideration the n sequences that are to be compared.
The complexity of the algorithm increases exponentially
with the number of sequences to compare.

Identification of the Gene Regulatory

All the information of a living organisms genome is
stored in each and every one of its cells. Whereas the
genome is used to synthesize information on all the
body cells, the regulating network is in charge of guiding the expression of a given set of genes in one cell
rather than another so as to form certain types of cells
(cellular differentiation) or carry out specific functions
related to spatial and temporal localization; in other
words, it makes the genes express themselves when
and where necessary. The role of a gene regulatory
network therefore consists in integrating the dynamic
behaviour of the cell and the external signals with the
environment of the cell, and to guide the interaction
of all the cells so as to control the process of cellular
differentiation (Geard, 2004). Inferring this regulating
network from the cellular expression data is considered
to be one of the most complex problems in bioinformatics (Akustsu, 1999).

Construction of Phylogenetic Trees

A phylogenetic tree (Setbal, 1999) is a tree that shows
the evolutionary relationships between various spe-

cies of individuals that are believed to have common

descendence. Whereas traditionally morphological
characteristics are used to carry out such analyses, in
the present case we will study molecular phylogenetic
trees, which use sequences of nucleotides or amino
acids for classification. The construction of these trees
is initially based on algorithms for multiple sequences
alignment, which allows us to classify the evolutive
relationships between homologue genes present in
various species. In a second phase, we must calculate
the genetic distance between each pair of sequences in
order to represent them correctly in the tree.

Gene Finding and Mapping

Gene finding (Fickett, 1996) basically consists in
identifying genes in an ADN chain by recognizing the
sequence that initiates the codification of the gene or
gene promoter. When the protein that will interpret the
gene finds the sequence of that promoter, we know that
the next step is the recognition of the gene.
Gene mapping (Setbal, 1999) consists in creating
a genetic map by assigning genes to a position inside
the chromosome and by indicating the relative distance
between them. There are two types of mapping. Physical
or cytogenetic mapping, on the one hand, consists in
dividing the chromosome into small labelled fragments.
Once divided, they must be ordered and situated in their
correct position in the chromosome. Link mapping, on
the other hand, shows the position of some genes with
respect to others. The latter mapping type has two inconveniences: it does not provide the distance between
the genes, and it is unable to provide the correct order
if the genes are very close to each other.

Prediction of DNA, RNA, and Protein

The DNA and RNA sequences are folded into a tridimensional structure that is determined by the order of
the nucleotides within the sequence. Under the same
environmental conditions, the tridimensional structure
of these sequences implies a diverging behaviour. Since
the secondary structure of the nucleic acids is a factor
that affects the link of both DNA molecules and RNA
molecules, it is essential to know these structures in
order to analyze a sequence.
The prediction of the folds that determine the RNA
structure is an important factor in the understanding of

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I

many biological processes, such as translation in the

RNA Messenger, replication of RNA chains in viruses,
and the function of structural RNA and RNA/proteins
The tridimensional structure of proteins is extremely
diverse, going from completely fibrous to nodular.
Predicting the folds of proteins is important, because a
proteins structure is closely related to its function. The
experimental determination of the proteinic structure
as such helps us to find the proteinic function and allows us to design synthetic proteins that can be used
as medicines.

The basic principle of bio-inspired algorithms is to
use analogies with natural systems in order to solve
problems. By simulating the behaviour of natural
systems, these algorithms design heuristic, non-deterministic methods for searching, learning, behaviour,
etc. (Forbes, 2004).

Artificial Neural Networks

Artificial neural networks (McCulloch, 1943)(Hertz,
1991)(Bishop, 1995) (Rumelhart, 1986) (ANNs) are
computational models inspired on the behaviour of
the nervous system. Even though their development is
based on the modelling of biological processes in the
brain, there are considerable differences between the
processing elements of ANNs and actual neurons.
ANNs consist of unit networks that are interconnected and organized in layers that evolve in the course
of time. The main features of these systems are the
following:Self-Organization and Adaptability: Allow
robust and adaptive processing, adaptive training,
and self-organizing networks; Non-linear processing:
Increase the networks capacity to approach, classify,
and be immune to noise;Parallel processing: use a
large number of processing units with a high level of
ANNs can be classified according to their learning type: Supervised learning neural networks: the
network learns relationships between the input and
output data. The input data are passed on to the input
layer and propagate through the network architecture
until they reach the output layer. The output obtained
in this output layer is compared to the expected output,

and subsequently the weights of the interconnections

are modified so as to minimize the error between the
obtained and the expected output; Non-supervised
learning networks: In this type of learning, none of the
expected output types is passed on to the network, but
the network itself searches for the differences between
the inputs and separates the data accordingly.

Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary computation (Rechenberg, 1971)(Holland, 1975) is a technique that is inspired on evolutive
biological strategies: genetic algorithms, for example,
use biological techniques of cross-over, mutation, and
selection to solve searching and optimization problems.
Each of these operators has an impact on one or more
chromosomes, i.e. possible solutions to the problem,
and generates another series of chromosomes, i.e. the
following generation of solutions. The algorithm is
executed iteratively and as such takes the population
through the generations until it finds an optimal solution. Another strategy of evolutionary computation
is genetic programming (Koza 1990), which uses the
same operators as the genetic algorithms to develop
the optimal program to solve a problem.

Swarm Intelligence
Swarm intelligence (Beni, 1989)(Bonabeau, 2001)(Engelbrench, 2005) is a recent family of bio-inspired
techniques based on the social or collective behaviour
of groups such as ants, bees, etc., insects which have
very limited capacities as individuals, but form groups
to carry out complex tasks.

Immune Artificial System

The immune artificial system (Farmer, 1986)(Dasgupta,
1999) is a new computational paradigm that has appeared in recent years and is based on the immune
system of vertebrates. The biological immune system
is a parallel and distributed adaptive system that uses
learning, memory, and associative recuperation to
solve problems of recognition and classification. It
particularly learns to recognize patterns, remember
them, and use their combinations to build efficient
pattern detectors. From the point of view of information processing, these interesting features are used

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I

in the artificial immune system to successfully solve

complex problems.

This article describes the main problems that are
presently found in the field of bio-informatics. It also
presents some of the bio-inspired computation techniques that provide solutions for problems related to
classification, clustering, minimization, modelling, etc.
The following article will describe a series of techniques
that allow researchers to solve the above problems with
bio-inspired models.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Culture (Ref TIN200613274) and the European Regional Development Funds
(ERDF), grant (Ref. PIO61524) funded by the Carlos III
Health Institute, grant (Ref. PGIDIT 05 SIN 10501PR)
from the General Directorate of Research of the Xunta
de Galicia and grants (File 2006/60, 2007/127 and
2007/144) from the General Directorate of Scientific
and Technologic Promotion of the Galician University
System of the Xunta de Galicia.

Akatsu T, Miyano S and Kuhara S. (1999). Identification of genetic networks from a small number of gene
expression patterns under the boolean network model.
Proceedings of Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing

Bonabeau E, Dorigo M, Theraulaz G. (2001). Swarm

intelligence: From natural to artificial systems. Journal
of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 4(1).
Dasgupta D. (1999). Artificial immune system an their
applications. Springer-Verlang Berlin.
Domnguez E, Loza MI, Padn JF, Gesteira A, Paz E,
Pramo M, Brenlla J, Pumar E, Iglesias F, Cibeira A,
Castro M, Caruncho H, Carracedo A, Costas J. (2006).
Extensive linkage disequilibrium mapping at HTR2A
and DRD3 for schizophrenia susceptibility genes in
Galician population. Schizophrenia Research, 2006.
Engelbrencht AP. (2005). Fundamentals of computation
swarm intelligence. Wiley.
Farmer J, Pachard N and Parelson A. (1986). The immune system, adaption and machine learning. Physica
D 2:189-204.
Fickett JW. (1996). Finding genes by computer: The
state of art. Trends in Genetics 12(8):316:320.
Forbes N. (2004). Imitation of Life. How Biology Is
Inspiring Computing. MIT Press.
Geard N. (2004). Modelling Gene Regulatory Networks:
Systems Biology to Complex Systems. ACCS Draft
Technical Report. ITEE Universisty of Queensland.
Holland J. (1975). Adaption in Natual and Artificial
Systems. University of Michigan Press.
Hertz J., Krogh A. & Palmer RG. (1991). Introduction
to the theory of neural computation. Addison-Wesley,
Redwood City.
Koza J. (1990). Genetic Programming: A paradigm for
genetically breeding populations of computer programs
to solve problems. Stanford University Computer Science Department Technical Report.

Baldi P and Brunak S. (1998). Bioinformatics: The

machine Learning Approach. MIT Press.

Korf I, Yendel M and Bedell J.(2003). Blast.


Beni G and Wang U. (1989). Swarm Intelligence in

cellular robotic systems. NATO Advanced workshop
on robots and biological systems. Il Ciocco Tuscany,

Lopez-Bigas, N. & Ouzounis, C.A. (2004). Genomewide identification of genes likely to be involved in
human genetic disease. Nucleic Acids Res. 32, 310814.

Bishop C.M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern

Recognition. Clarendon Press, Oxford.

McCullock WS, Pitts W. (1943). A Logical Calculus of

Ideas Imminet in Nervous Activity. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysiscs 5:226-33.

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics I

Mullins, K.(1990). The unusual origin of the polymerase

chain reaction. Scientific American 262(4):56-61.
Quackenbush J. (2001). Computational Analysis of microarray data. Nature Review Genetics 2:418-427.
Rechenberg I. (1973). Evolutionsstrategie Optimierung technischer Systeme nach Prinzipien der
biologischen Evolution. PhD Thesis.
Rumelhart DE, Hinton GE & Williams RJ. (1986).
Learning Internal Representation by Backpropagation
Errors. Nature 323(99):533-6.
Setubal J and Meidanis J. (1999). Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology. PWS Publishing.
Smith TF and Waterman MS.(1981). Identification of
common molecular sequences. Journal of Molecular
Biology. 24(8):195-197.
Wallace IM, Blacshields G and Higgins DG. (2005).
Multiple sequence alignments. Current Opinion in
Structural Biology. 15(3):231-267.

Electroforesis: The use of an external electric

field to separate large biomolecules on the basis of
their charge by running them through acrylamide or
agarose gel.
Messenger RNA: The complementary copy of DNA
formed from a single-stranded DNA template during
the transcription that migrates from the nucleus to the
cytoplasm where it is processed into a sequence carrying
the information to code for a polypeptide domain.
Microarray: A 2D array, typically on a glass, filter,
or silicon wafer, upon which genes or gene fragments
are deposited or synthesized in a predetermined spatial
order allowing them to be made available as probes in
a high-throughput, parallel manner.
Nucleotid: A nucleic acid unit composed of a
five carbon sugar joined to a phosphate group and a
nitrogen base.
Swarm Intelligence: An artificial intelligence
technique based on the study of collective behaviour
in decentralised, self-organised systems.


Transcription: The assembly of complementary

single-stranded RNA on a DNA template.

Amino Acid: One of the 20 chemical building

blocks that are joined by amide (peptide) linkages to
form a polypeptide chain of a protein.

Translation: The process of converting RNA to

protein by the assembly of a polypeptide chain from
an mRNA molecule at the ribosome.

Artificial Immune System: Biologically inspired

computer algorithms that can be applied to various
domains, including fault detection, function optimization, and intrusion detection. Also called computer
immune system.


Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics II

Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez
University of A Corua, Spain
Mnica Migulez Rico
University of A Corua, Spain

Our previous article presented several computational
models inspired on biological models, such as neural
networks, evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, and the artificial immune system. It also explained the most common problems in bioinformatics
to which these models can be applied.
The present article presents a series of approaches
to bioinformatics tasks that were developed by means
of artificial intelligence techniques and focus on bioinspired algorithms such as artificial neural networks
and evolutionary computation.

Previous publications have focused on the use of bioinspired and other artificial intelligence techniques.
Keedwell (2005) has summarized the foundations of
molecular biology, the main problems in bioinformatics, and the existing solutions based on artificial
intelligence. Baldi (Baldi, 2001) also describes various techniques for problem-solving in bioinformatics.
Other generalizing works on this subject can be found
in (Larraaga, 2006), whereas more specialized works
focus on solutions based on evolutionary computation
(Pal, 2006) or artificial life (Das, 2007).

Bio-Inspired Techniques
The following section describes how the techniques that
were mentioned in our article Bio-inspired Algorithms
in Bioinformatics I have been used to solve the main
problems in bioinformatics.

Gene Expression
We start by describing how artificial intelligence
techniques have contributed to the interpretation of

genes expression. Artificial neural networks (ANNs)

have been applied extensively to the classification of
genetic data. One of the most commonly used architectures for the classification of this type of data is the
multilayer perceptron. Many works use this architecture
for diagnosis (Wang, 2006) (Wei, 2005) (Narayanan,
2004) and obtain very good results; most of these
approaches use artificial neural networks to discover
and classify interactions between variables (genes
expression values).
Statnikov (2005) and Lee (2005) compare several
classification techniques, such as ANNs using backpropagation, probabilistic ANNs, Support Vector
Machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), and
other statistical methods for the classification of data
that issue from microarrays expression tests. In this type
of genetic expression data classification, we can also
find a combination of ANNs and genetic programming:
Ritchie (Ritchie, 2004) codifies into each individual of
the genetic algorithm (GA) the architecture and weights
of the network, so that the genetic programming optimizes the network to minimize the error between the
output layer and the expected output, or the hybrids
between the ANNs and the genetic algorithms of Kim
(Kim, 2004) and Keedwell (Keedwell, 2005).
Genetic programming (GP) as such has also been
used (Gilbert, 2000; Hong, 2004; Langdon, 2004; Hong,
2006) to classify the results of an expression analysis.
The advantage of GP is that it classifies the genes while
selecting the relevant ones (Muni, 2006). The training
set of the expression data patients and control are the
input for the GP algorithm, which evaluates whether or
not the example is a control. The result is one or a set of
classification rules. The advantage of using GP instead
of other techniques such as SVM is that it is transparent: the mechanism used to classify the examples of
the patients can be evaluated (Driscoll, 2003).
Whereas the above studies all classify by means
of supervised learning, the following section presents
various expression analysis methods for clustering that

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Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics II

use non-supervised learning. This type of analysis is

very useful to discover gene groups that are potentially
related or associated to the illness. A comparison between the most commonly applied methods, using both
real and simulated data, can be found in the works of
Thalamuthu (2006), Handl (2005), and Sheng (2005).
Even though these methods have provided good results
in certain cases (Spellman, 1998; Tamayo, 1999; Mavroudi, 2002), some of their inherent problems, such as
the identification of the number of clusters, the clustering of the outliers, and the complexity associated to
the large amount of data that are being analysed, often
complicate their use for expression analysis (Sherlock,
2001). These deficiencies were tackled in a series of
second generation clustering algorithms, among which
the self-organising trees (Herrero, 2001; Hsu, 2003).
Another interesting approach for expression analysis
is the use of the artificial immune system, which can
be observed in the works of Ando (Ando 2003), who
applies immune recognition to classification by making the system select the most significant genes and
optimize their weights in order to obtain classification
rules. Finally, de Sousa, de Castro, and Bezerra apply
this technique to clustering (de Sousa, 2004)(de Castro,
2001)(Bezerra, 2003).

Sequence Alignment
Solutions based on genetic algorithms, such as the
SAGA (Notredame, 1996), the RAGA, the PRAGA
(Notredame, 1997, 2002), and others (OSullivan,
2004; Nguyen, 2002; Yokohama, 2001), have been applied to sequence alignment since the very beginning.
The most common method consists in codifying the
alignments as individuals inside the genetic algorithm.
There are also hybrid solutions that use not only GA
but also dynamic programming (Zhang, 1997, 1998);
and finally, there is the application of artificial life algorithms, in particular the ant colony algorithm (Chen,
2006; Moss, 2003).

Genetic Networks
In order to correct the problem of the inference of genetic
networks, the structure of the regulating network and
the interactions between the participating genes must
be predicted. The expression of the genes is regulated
by transitions of states in which the levels of expression
of the involved genes are updated simultaneously.

ANNs have been used to model these networks.

Examples of such approaches can be found in the
works of Krishna, Keedwell, and Narayanan (Keedwell,
2003)(Krishna, 2005).
Genetic algorithms (Ando, 2001)(Tominaga, 2001)
and hybrid RNA-genetic approaches (Keedwell, 2005)
have also been used for the same purpose.

Phylogenetic Trees
Normally, exhaustive search techniques for the creation
of phylogenetic trees are computationally unfeasible
for more than 10 comparisons, because the number
of possible solutions increases exponentially with the
number of objects in the comparisons. In order to optimize these searches, researchers have used heuristics
based on genetic algorithms (Skourikhine, 2000)(Katoh,
2001)(Lemmon, 2002) that allow the reconstruction of
the optimal trees with less computational load. Other
techniques, such as the ant colony algorithm, have also
been used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees (Ando,
2002)(Kummorkaew, 2004) (Perretto, 2005).

Gene Finding and Mapping

Gene mapping has been approached by methods that use
only genetic algorithm (Fickett, 1996)(Murao, 2002)
as well as by hybrid methods that combine genetic
algorithms and statistical techniques (Gaspin, 1997).
The problem of gene searching and in particular
promoter searching has been approached by means of
neural networks (Liu, 2006), neural networks optimized
with genetic algorithms (Knudsen, 1999), conventional
genetic algorithms (Kel, 1998)(Levitsky, 2003),and
fuzzy genetic algorithms (Jacob, 2005).

Structure Prediction
The tridimensional structure of DNA was predicted
with genetic algorithms (Beckers, 1997) by codifying
the torsional angles between the atoms of the DNA
molecule as solutions of the genetic algorithm. Another
approach was the development of hybrid strategies of
ANNs and GAs (Parbhane, 2000), in which the network
approaches the non-linear relations between the inputs
and outputs of the data set, and the genetic algorithm
searches within the network inputs space to optimize
the output. In order to predict the secondary structure
of the RNA, the system calculates the minimum free

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics II

energy of the structure for all the different combinations

of the hydrogene links. There are approaches that use
genetic algorithms (Shapiro, 2001)(Wiese, 2003) and
artificial neural networks (Steeg, 1997).
Artificial neural networks have been applied to the
prediction of protein structures (Qian, 1988)(Sasagawa,
1992), and so have genetic algorithms. A compilation of
the application of evolutionary computation in protein
structures prediction can be found in (Schulze-Kremer,
2000). Swarm intelligence, and optimization by ant
colony in particular, have been applied to structures
prediction (Shmygelska, 2005)(Chu, 2005) and artificial
immune system (Nicosia, 2004)(Cutello, 2007).

This article presents a compendium of the most recent
references on the application of bio-inspired solutions
such as evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, swarm intelligence, and artificial immune system
to the most common problems in bioinformatics.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Culture (Ref TIN200613274) and the European Regional Development Funds
(ERDF), grant (Ref. PIO61524) funded by the Carlos III
Health Institute, grant (Ref. PGIDIT 05 SIN 10501PR)
from the General Directorate of Research of the Xunta
de Galicia and grants (File 2006/60, 2007/127 and
2007/144) from the General Directorate of Scientific
and Technologic Promotion of the Galician University
System of the Xunta de Galicia.

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Ando S. and Iba H. (2003). Artificial Immune System
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and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2003). LNCS

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Bioinformatics: The use of applied mathematics,
informatics, statistics, and computer science to study
biological systems.
Gene Expression: The conversion of information
from gene to protein via transcription and translation.
Gene Mapping: Any method used for determining
the location of a relative distance between genes on a
Gene Regulatory Network: Genes that regulate or
circumscribe the activity of other genes; specifically,
genes with a code for proteins (repressors or activators)
that regulate the genetic transcription of the structural
genes and/or regulatory genes.
Phylogeny: The evolutionary relationships among
organisms. The patterns of lineage branching produced
by the true evolutionary history of the organism that
is being considered.
Sequence Alignment: The result of comparing two
or more gene or protein sequences in order to determine

Bio-Inspired Algorithms in Bioinformatics II

their degree of base or amino acid similarity. Sequence

alignments are used to determine the similarity, homology, function, or other degrees of relatedness between
two or more genes or gene products.

Structure Prediction: Algorithms that predict the

2d or 3D structure of proteins or DNA molecules from
their sequences.

Bioinspired Associative Memories

Roberto A. Vazquez
Center for Computing Research, IPN, Mexico
Humberto Sossa
Center for Computing Research, IPN, Mexico

An associative memory AM is a special kind of neural
network that allows recalling one output pattern given
an input pattern as a key that might be altered by
some kind of noise (additive, subtractive or mixed).
Most of these models have several constraints that
limit their applicability in complex problems such
as face recognition (FR) and 3D object recognition
Despite of the power of these approaches, they cannot
reach their full power without applying new mechanisms
based on current and future study of biological neural
networks. In this direction, we would like to present
a brief summary concerning a new associative model
based on some neurobiological aspects of human brain.
In addition, we would like to describe how this dynamic
associative memory (DAM), combined with some
aspects of infant vision system, could be applied to
solve some of the most important problems of pattern
recognition: FR and 3DOR.

Humans possess several capabilities such as learning,
recognition and memorization. In the last 60 years,
scientists of different communities have been trying
to implement these capabilities into a computer. Along
these years, several approaches have emerged, one
common example are neural networks (McCulloch &
Pitts, 1943) (Hebb, 1949) (Rosenblatt, 1958). Since the
rebirth of neural networks, several models inspired in
the neurobiological process have emerged. Among these
models, perhaps the most popular is the feed-forward
multilayer perceptron trained with the back-propagation algorithm (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986). Other
neural models are associative memories, for example
(Anderson, 1972) (Hopfield, 1982) (Sussner, 2003)
(Sossa, Barron & Vazquez, 2004). On the other hand,

the brain is not a huge fixed neural network as had been

previously thought, but a dynamic, changing neural
network. In this direction, several models have emerged
for example (Grossberg, 1967) (Hopfield, 1982).
In most of these classical neural networks
approaches, synapses are only adjusted during the
training phase. After this phase, synapses are no longer
adjusted. Modern brain theory uses continuous-time
model based on current study of biological neural
networks (Hecht-Nielse, 2003). In this direction, the
next section described a new dynamic model based on
some aspects of biological neural networks.

Dynamic Associative Memories (DAMs)

The dynamic associative model is not an iterative model
as Hopfields model. It emerges as an improvement of
the model and results presented in (Sossa, Barron &
Vazquez, 2007).
Let x R n and y R m an input and output pattern,
respectively. An association between input pattern x
and output pattern y is denoted as (xk, yk), where k is
the corresponding association. Associative memory:
W is represented by a matrix whose components wij
can be seen as the synapses of the neural network.
If x k = y k k = 1, , p then W is auto-associative,
otherwise it is hetero-associative. A distorted version
of a pattern x to be recalled will be denoted as x . If an
associative memory W is fed with a distorted version
of xk and the output obtained is exactly yk, we say that
recalling is robust.
Because of several regions of the brain interact
together in the process of learning and recognition
(Laughlin & Sejnowski, 2003), in the dynamic model
there are defined several interacting areas; also it
integrated the capability to adjust synapses in response
to an input stimulus. Before the brain processes an input
pattern, it is hypothesized that pattern is transformed
and codified by the brain. This process is simulated

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Bioinspired Associative Memories

using the procedure introduced in (Sossa, Barron &

Vazquez, 2004).
This procedure allows computing coded patterns
and de-coding patterns from input and output patterns
allocated in different interacting areas of the model.
In addition a simplified version of xk denoted by sk is
obtained as:
sk = s (x k ) = mid x k


where mid operator is defined as mid x = x(n +1)/ 2 .

When the brain is stimulated by an input pattern,
some regions of the brain (interacting areas) are
stimulated and synapses belonging to these regions are
modified. In this model, the most excited interacting
area is call active region (AR) and could be estimated
as follows:

ar = r (x ) = arg min s (x ) si
i =1


Once computed the coded patterns, the de-coding

patterns and sk we can build the associative memory.

L e t (x , y ) k = 1, , p , x k R n , y k R m a
fundamental set of associations (coded patterns).
Synapses of associative memory W are defined as:

wij = yi x j


Let K W R n the kernel of an associative memory

W. A component of vector KW is defined as:
kwi = mid (wij ), j = 1, , m


Synapses that belong to KW are modified as a

response to an input stimulus. Input patterns stimulate
some ARs, interact with these regions and then,
according to those interactions, the corresponding
synapses are modified. An adjusting factor denoted by
w can be computed as:
w = (x ) = s (x ar ) s (x )


where ar is the index of the AR.

Finally, synapses belonging to KW are modified
K W = K W (w wold )







x e = xi + e i = 1, , m .
Once synapses of the associative memory have
been modified in response to an input pattern, every
component of vector y can be recalled by using its
corresponding input vector x as:

yi = mid (wij + x j ), j = 1, , n


In short, building of the associative memory can be

performed in three stages as:

In short, pattern y can be recalled by using its

corresponding key vector x or x in six stages:


Transform the fundamental set of association into

coded and de-coding patterns.
Compute simplified versions of input patterns by
using equation 1.
Build W in terms of coded patterns by using
equation 3.


There are synapses that can be drastically modified

and they do not alter the behavior of the associative
memory. On the contrary, there are synapses that can
only be slightly modified to do not alter the behavior
of the associative memory; we call this set of synapses
the kernel of the associative memory and it is denoted
by KW.





Obtain index of the active region ar by using

equation 2.
Transform x k using de-coding pattern x ar by apply
ing the following transformation: x k = x k + x ar .

Compute adjust factor w = (x ) by using equation 5.

Modify synapses of associative memory W that
belong to KW by using equation 6.

Recall pattern y k by using equation 7.

Obtain y k by transforming y k using de-coding pattern

y ar by applying transformation: y k = y k y ar .

Bioinspired Associative Memories

The formal set of propositions that support the

correct functioning of this dynamic model, the main
advantages against other classical models and some
interesting applications of this model are described
in (Vazquez, Sossa & Garro, 2006) and (Vazquez &
Sossa, 2007).
In general, we distinguish two main parts in this
model: a part concerning to the determination of the
AR (PAR) and a part concerning to pattern recall (PPR).
PAR (first step during recall procedure) sends a signal to
PPR (remaining steps for recall procedure) and indicates
the region activated by the input pattern.


Several statistical computationally expensive techniques (dimension reduction techniques) such as principal component analysis and factor analysis have been
proposed, for solving the FR and 3DOR problem.
Instead of using the complete version of the
describing pattern X of any face or object, a simplified
version from describing pattern X could be used to
recognize a face or an object. In many papers, authors
have used PCA to perform FR and other tasks, refer
for example to (Turk & Pentland, 1991).
During early developmental stages, there are
communication pathways between the visual and
other sensory areas of the cortex, showing how the
biological network is self-organizing. Within a few
months of birth, the baby is able to differentiate one
face or objects (toys) from others. Barlow hypothesized
that for a neural system one possible way of capturing
the statistical structure was to remove the redundancy
in the sensory outputs (Barlow, 2001).
By taking into account the theory of Barlow, we
propose a novel method for FR and 3DOR based on
some biological aspects of infant vision. The biological
hypotheses of this proposal are based on the role of
the response to low frequencies at early stages, and
some conjectures concerning how an infant detects
subtle features (stimulating points (SP)) in a face
or object (Mondloch et al., 1999; Acerra, Burnod, &
Schonen, 2002).
The proposal consists on several DAMs used to
recognize different images of faces and objects. As the
infant vision responds to low frequencies of the signal,

a low-pass filter is first used to remove high frequency

components from the image. After that, we divide the
image in different parts (sub-patterns). Then, over each
sub-pattern, we detect subtle features by means of a
random selection of SPs. Preprocessing images used
to remove high frequencies and random selection of
SPs contribute to eliminating redundant information
and help the DAMs to learn efficiently the faces or
the objects. At last, each DAM is fed with these subpatterns for training and recognition.

Response to Low Frequencies

Instead of using a filter that exactly simulates the infant
vision system behavior at any stage, we use a low-pass
filter to remove high frequency. This kind of filter could
be seen as a slight approximation of the infant vision
system due to it eliminates high frequency components
from the pattern, see Figure 1.

Random Selection
In the DAM model, the simplified version of an input
pattern is the middle value of input pattern. In order
to simulate the random selection of the infant vision
system we have substituted mid operator with rand
operator defined as follows:

rand x = xsp


where sp = random(n) is a random number between

zero and the length of input pattern. sp is a constant
value computed at the beginning of the building phase
and represents a SP. During recalling phase sp takes
the same value.
rand operator uses a uniform random generator to
select a component over each part of the pattern. We
adopt this operator based on the hypothetical idea about
infants are interested into sets of features where each
set is different with some intersection among them. By
selecting features at random, we conjecture that at least
we select a feature belonging to these sets.

Implementation of the Proposal

During recalling, each DAM recovers a part of the image based on the AR of each DAM. However, a part
of the image could be wrongly recalled because its

Bioinspired Associative Memories

Figure 1. Images filtered with masks of different size. Each group could be associated with different stages of
infant vision system.

corresponding AR could be wrongly determined due to

some patterns do not satisfy the prepositions that guarantee perfect recall. To avoid this, we use an integrator.
Each DAM determines an AR, the index of the AR is
sent to the integrator, the integrator determines which
was the most voted region and sends to the DAMs the
index of the most voted region (the new AR).
Let I x ab and I y cd an association of images
and r be the number of DAMs. Building of the nDAMs
is done as follows:


Select filter size and apply it to the images.


Transform the images into a vector ( x k , y k ) by

means of the standard image scan method where
vectors are of size a b and c d respectively.


Decompose x and y in r sub-patterns of the

same size.
Take each sub-pattern (from the first one to the last
one (r)), then take at random a SP spi , i = 1, , r
and extract the value at that position.
Train r DAMS as in building procedure taking
each sub-pattern (from the first one to the last one
(r)) using rand operator.



Pattern I ky can be recalled by using its corresponding

key image I k or I k as follows:



Select filter size and apply to the images.

Transform the images into a vector by means of
the standard image scan method and decompose
x k in r sub-patterns of the same size.
Use the SP, spi , i = 1, , r computed during the
building phase and extract the value of each subpattern.
Determine the most voted active region using the
Substitute mid with rand operator in recalling
procedure and apply steps from two to six as
described in recalling procedure on each DAM.
Finally, put together recalled sub-patterns to form
the output pattern.

A schematic representation of the building and

recalling phases is shown in Figure 2.

Some Experimental Results

To test the accuracy of the proposal, we performed two
experiments. In experiment 1, we used a benchmark
(Spacek, 1996) of faces of 15 different people. In experiment 2, we use a benchmark (Nene, 1996) of 100
objects. During the training process in both experiments,
the DAM performed with 100% accuracy using only
one image of each person and object. During testing,
the DAM performed in average with 99% accuracy
for the remaining 285 images of faces (experiment 1)
and 95% accuracy for the remaining 1900 images of

Bioinspired Associative Memories

Figure 2. (a) Schematic representation of building phase. (b) Schematic representation of the recalling phase.
I kx

I kx

f I kx

f I kx

x k R ab

x k R ab

x1k R ab r x k2 R ab r x kr R ab r

x1k R ab r x k2 R ab r x kr R ab r







y1k R cd r y k2 R cd r y 3k R cd r

y k R c d

f I ky
cu d







y1k R cd r y k2 R cd r y 3k R cd r

y k R c d

I ky

I ky

objects (experiment 2) by using different sized-filter

and SPs.
Through several experiments we have tested the
accuracy and stability of the proposal using different
number of stimulation points, see Figure 3 and Figure
4. Because of SPs (pixels) were randomly selected, we
decided to test the stability of proposal with the same
configuration 20 times.
An extra experiment was performed with images
partially occluded. In average, the accuracy of the
proposal diminished to 80%.
While PCA dimension reduction techniques require
the covariance matrix to build an Eigenspace, then to
project patterns using this space to eliminate redundant
information, our proposal only requires removing high
frequencies by using a filter and a random selection of
stimulating points.
This approach contributes to eliminating redundant
information; it is less computationally expensive than
PCA, and helps the DAMs or other classification tools
to learn efficiently the faces or objects.


Preprocessing images used to remove high frequencies
and random selection of SPs contribute eliminating
unnecessary information and help the DAM to learn
efficiently faces and objects. Now we need to study
new mechanisms based on evolutionary techniques in
order to select the most important SPs. In addition, we
need to test different types of filters that really simulate
the behavior of the infant vision system.
In a near future, we pretend to use this proposal
as a biological model to explain the learning process
in infants brain for FR and 3DOR. One step in this
direction can be found in (Vazquez & Sossa, 2007).

In this paper, we have proposed a novel method for FR
and 3DOR based on some biological aspects of infant
vision. We have shown that by applying some aspects
of the infant vision system it is possible to enhance
the performance of an associative memory (or other

Bioinspired Associative Memories

Figure 3. Accuracy of the proposal using different filter size. The reader can verify the accuracy of the proposal
diminish after apply a filter of size greater than 25.

Figure 4. Average accuracy of the proposal. Maximum, average and minimum accuracy are sketched.

distance classifiers) and make possible its application

to complex problems such as FR and 3DOR.
In order to recognize different images of face or
objects we have used several DAMs. As the infant vision
responds to low frequencies of the signal, a low-filter
is first used to remove high frequency components
from the image. Then we detected subtle features in the
image by means of a random selection of SPs. At last,
each DAM was fed with this information for training
and recognition.

Through several experiments, we have shown the

accuracy and the stability of the proposal even under
occlusions. In average, the accuracy of the proposal
oscillates between 95% and 99%.
The results obtained with the proposal were
comparable with those obtained by means of a PCAbased method (99%). Although PCA is a powerful
technique it consumes a lot of time to reduce the
dimensionality of the data. Our proposal, because of
its simplicity in operations, is not a computationally

Bioinspired Associative Memories

expensive technique and the results obtained are

comparable to those provided by PCA.

Rosenblatt, F. (1958). The perceptron: A probabilistic

model for information storage and organization in the
brain. Psychological Review, 65(6), 386-408.


Rumelhart, D. & McClelland, J. (1986). Parallel distributed processing group. MIT Press.

Acerra, F., Burnod, Y. & Schonen, S. (2002). Modelling

aspects of face processing in early infancy. Developmental science, 5(1), 98-117.

Sossa, H., Barron, R. & Vazquez, R. A. (2004). Transforming fundamental set of patterns to a canonical form
to improve pattern recall. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence 3315, 687-696.

Anderson, J. A. (1972). A simple neural network generating an interactive memory. Mathematical Biosciences,
14(3-4), 197-220.
Barlow, H. B. (2001). Redundancy Reduction Revisited. Network: Computation in Neural Systems,
Grossberg, S. (1967). Nonlinear difference-differential
equations in prediction and learning theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 58(4),
Hebb, D. O. (1949). The Organization of Behavior,
New York: Wiley.
Hecht-Nielse, et al. (2003). A theory of the thalamocortex. Computational models for neuroscience, pp
85-124, Springer-Verlag, London.
Hopfield, J. J. (1982). Neural networks and physical
systems with emergent collective computational abilities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
79(8), 2554-2558.
Laughlin, S. B. & Sejnowski, T. J. (2003). Communication in neuronal networks. Science, 301(5641),
McCulloch, W.S. & Pitts, W.H. (1943). A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. Bulletin
of Mathematical biophysics, 5(1-2), 115133.
Mondloch, C. J. et al. (1999). Face perception during
early infancy. Psychological Science, 10(5), 419422.
Nene, S. A. et. al. (1996). Columbia Object Image
Library (COIL 100). Technical Report No. CUCS006-96. Department of Computer Science, Columbia

Sossa, H., Barron, R. & Vazquez, R. A. (2007). Study

of the influence of noise in the values of a median
associative memory. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 4432, 55-62.
Spacek, L. (1996). Collection of facial images: Grimace. Available from
Sussner, P. (2003). Generalizing operations of binary
auto-associative morphological memories using fuzzy
set theory. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 19(2), 81-93.
Turk, M. & Pentland, A. (1991). Eigenfaces for recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(1), 71-86.
Vazquez, R. A., Sossa, H. & Garro, B. A. (2006). A
new bi-directional associative memory. Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence, 4293, 367-380.
Vazquez, R. A. & Sossa H. (2007). A computational
approach for modeling the infant vision system in object and face recognition. Journal BMC Neuroscience
8(suppl 2), P204.

Associative Memory: Mathematical device specially designed to recall output patterns from input
patterns that might be altered by noise.
Dynamic Associative Memory: A special type of
associative memory composed by dynamical synapses.
This memory adjusts the values of their synapses during
recalling phase in response to input stimuli.
Dynamical Synapses: Synapses that modified their
values in response to an input stimulus also during
recalling phases.

Bioinspired Associative Memories

Low-Pass Filter: Filter which removes high frequencies from an image or signal. This type of filters
is used to simulate the infant vision system at early
stages. Examples of these filters are the average filter
or the median filter.
PCA: Principal component analysis is a technique
used to reduce multidimensional data sets to lower
dimensions for analysis. PCA involves the computation
of the eigenvalue decomposition of a data set, usually
after mean centering the data for each attribute.

Random Selection: Selection of one or more components of a vector at randomly manner. Random selection techniques are used to reduce multidimensional
data sets to lower dimensions for analysis.
Stimulating Points: Characteristic points of an
object in an image used during learning and recognition, which capture the attention of a child. These
stimulating points are used to train the dynamic associative memory.

Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools for Analyzing

Manuel G. Bedia
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Juan M. Corchado
University of Salamanca, Spain
Luis F. Castillo
National University, Colombia

The knowledge about higher brain centres in insects
and how they affect the insects behaviour has increased significantly in recent years by theoretical
and experimental investigations. Nowadays, a large
body of evidence suggests that higher brain centres of
insects are important for learning, short-term, longterm memory and play an important role for context
generalisation (Bazhenof et al., 2001). Related to these
subjects, one of the most interesting goals to achieve
would be to understand the relationship between sequential memory encoding processes and the higher
brain centres in insects in order to develop a general
insect-brain control architecture to be implemented
on simple robots. In this contribution, it is showed a
review of the most important and recent results related
to spatio-temporal coding and it is suggested the possibility to use continuous recurrent neural networks
(CRNNs) (that can be used to model non-linear systems,
in particular Lotka-Volterra systems) in order to find
out a way to model simple cognitive systems from
an abstract viewpoint. After showing the typical and
interesting behaviors that emerge in appropriate LotkaVolterra systems (in particular, winnerless competition
processes) next sections deal with a brief discussion
about the intelligent systems inspired in studies coming
from the biology.

What do we name computation? Let us say a system shows the capability to compute if it has memory
(or some form of internal plasticity) and it is able to

determine the appropriate decision (or behavior, or

action) given a criteria and making calculations using
what it senses from the outside world. Some biological
systems, like several insects, have brains that show a
type of computation that may be described functionally by a specific type of non-linear dynamical systems
called Lotka-Volterra systems (Rabinovich et al., 2000).
According to our objectives, one of the first interests
focuses on how an artificial recurrent neural network
could model a non-linear system, in particular, a LotkaVolterra system (Afraimovich et al., 2004) and what
are the typical processes that emerge in Lotka-Volterra
systems (Rabinovich et al., 2000). If it could be understood, then it would be clearer how the relationships
between sequential memory encoding processes and
the higher brain centres in insects are.
About higher brain centers (and how they aect an
insects behaviour) it is possible to stop the functioning
of particular neurons under investigation during phases
of experiments and gradually reestablish the functioning
of the neural circuit (Gerber et al., 2004). At the present, it is known that higher brain centers in insects are
related on autonomous navigation, multi-modal sensory
integration, and to an insects behavioral complexity
generally; evidence also suggests an important role
for context generalization, short-term and long-term
memory (McGuire et al., 2001). For a long time, insects
have inspired robotic research in a qualitative way but
insect nervous systems have been under-exploited as
a source for potential robot control architectures. In
particular it often seems to be assumed that insects only
perform reactive behavior, and more complex control
will need to be modeled on higher animals.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools


The ability to process sequential information has long
been seen as one of the most important functions of
intelligent systems (Huerta et al., 2004). As it will
be shown afterwards, winnerless competition principle
appears as a major type of mechanism of sequential
memory processing. The underlying concept is that
sequential memory can be encoded in a (multidimensional) dynamical system by means of heteroclinic
trajectories connecting several saddle points. Each
of the saddle points is assumed to be remembered for
further action (Afraimovich et al., 2004).

Computation over Neural Networks

Digital computers are considered universal in the sense
of capability to implement any symbolic algorithm. If
artificial neural networks, that have a great influence on
the field of computation, are considered as a paradigm
of computation, one may ask how the relation between
neural networks and the classical computing paradigm
is. For this question it is needed to consider, on the one
hand, discrete computation (digital) and on the other
hand, nondiscrete computation (analog). In terms of the
first, the traditional paradigm is the Turing Machine
with the Von Neumann architecture. A decade ago it was
shown that artificial neural networks of analog neurons
and rational weights are computationally equivalent to
Turing machines. In terms of analog computation, it
was also showed that three-layer feedforward nets can
approximate any smooth function with arbitrary precision (Hornik et al., 1990). This result was extended to
show how continuous recurrent neural nets (CRNN)
can approximate an arbitrary dynamical system as
given by a system of n coupled first-order differential
equations (Tsung, 1994; Chow and Li, 2000).

Neural Network Computation from a

Dynamical-System Viewpoint
Modern dynamical systems theory is concerned with
the qualitative understanding of asymptotic behaviors of systems that evolve in time. With complex
non-linear systems, defined by coupled differential,
difference or functional equations, it is often impossible to obtain closed-form (or asymptotically closed
form) solutions. Even if such solutions are obtained,

their functional forms are usually too complicated to

give an understanding of the overall behavior of the
system. In such situations qualitative analysis of the
limit sets (fixed points, cycles or chaos) of the system
can often offer better insights. Qualitative means that
this type of analysis is not concerned with the quantitative changes but rather what the limiting behavior will
be (Tsung, 1994).

Spatio-Temporal Neural Coding and

Winnerless Competition Networks
It is important to understand how the information is
processed by computation from a dynamical viewpoint
(in terms of steady states, limit cycles and strange attractors) because it gives us the possibility of manage
sequential processes (Freeman, 1990). In this section
it is showed a new direction in information dynamics
namely the Winnerless Competition (WLC) behavior.
The main point of this principle is the transformation
of the incoming spatial inputs into identity-temporal
output based on the intrinsic switching dynamics of
a dynamical system. In the presence of stimuli the
sequence of the switching, whose geometrical image
in the phase space is a heteroclinic contour, uniquely
depends on the incoming information.
Consider the generalized Lotka-Volterra system
a1 = a1 [1 (a1 +
a 2 = a 2 [1 (a 2 +
a 3 = a3 [1 (a3 +

a2 +
21 a1 +
31 a 2 +


a )]
23 a 3 )]
32 a 2 )]

13 3

If the following matrix and parameter conditions

are satisfied,

ij )= 2





When the coefficients fulfill that 1 =

and 1 = 2 = 3 > 1, we have three cases:


Stable equilibrium with all three components

simultaneously present/working.
Three equilibria (1,0,0), (0,1,0) and (0,0,1) all
stable, each one attainable depending on initial

Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools

Figure. 1. Topology of the behavior in the phase space of WLC neurons net in a 3D. The axes represent the addresses of the oscillatory connections between the processing units (a = 0.5, b = 1.8, x(0) = 1.01, y(0) = 1.01,
z(0) = 0.01).


Neither equilibrium points nor periodic solutions

are asymptotically stable and we have wandering trajectories defining Winnerless Competition
(WLC) behaviour

The advantages of dealing with Lotka-Volterra

systems are important. It has been shown above how
a Winnerless competition process can emerge in a
generalized Lotka-Volterra system. Also it is known
that this type of process is generalizable to any dynamical system and that any dynamical system can
be represented by using recurrent neural networks
(Hornik et al., 1990). From this point of view, winnerless
competition processes can be obtained whenever that
exits a boundary condition: the Lotka-Volterra system
must be of any dimension n greater than three to find
Winnerless competition behavior. In the following, it
is assumed that Lotka-Volterra systems approximate
arbitrarily closely the dynamics of any finite-dimensional dynamical system for any finite time and we will
assume and concentrate in showing them as a type of
neural nets with great interest for applications (Hopfield,
2001). Various attempts at modeling the complex dynamics in insect brains have been made (Nowotny et
al., 2004; Rabinovich et al. 2001), and it is suggested
that simple CRNN systems (Continuous and recurrent
neural network) could be an alternative framework to
implement competing processes between neurons that
generate spatio-temporal patterns to codify memory in
a similar way simplest living systems do (Rabinovich
et al. 2006). Recurrent neural networks of competing
neuron (inspired in how higher brain centres in insects

work) would allow to explore how building sequential

memory and might suggest control architectures of
insect-inspired robotic systems.

Winnerless Competition Systems

Generate Adaptive Behavior
Some features of the winnerless competition systems
seem to be very promising to use these systems to model
the activity and the design of intelligent artefacts. It is
focused on some of the results of previous theoretical
studies of some authors on systems of n elements coordinated with excitement-inhibition relations (Rabinovich
et al., 2001). These systems show:

Large Capacity: A heteroclinic (spatiotemporal)

representation provides greatly increased capacity
to the system. Because sequences of activity are
combinatorial across elements and time, overlap
between representations can be reduced, and the
distance in phase space between orbits can be
Sensitivity (to similar stimulus) and, simultaneously, capacity for categorization: This
is because the heteroclinic linking of a specific
set of saddle points is always unique. Two like
stimuli, activating greatly overlapping subsets of
a network, may become easily separated because
small initial differences will become amplified in
Robustness: In the following sense, the attractor
of a perturbed system remains in a small neighbor-

Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools

hood of the unperturbed attractor (robustness as

topological similarity of the perturbed pattern).
All these important features emerge from the dynamic of the Lotka-Volterra system. There are more
examples: in [Nepomnyashchikh et al, 2003] is described a simple chaotic system of coupled oscillators
that shows a complex and fruitful adaptive behaviour;
the interaction among the activity of elements in the
model and external inputs give rise to an emergence
of searching rules from basic properties of nonlinear
systems (rules which have not been pre-programmed
explicitly) and with obvious adaptive value. More in
detail: the adaptive rules are autonomous (the system
selects an appropriate rule with no instructions from
outside), and they are the result of interaction between
intrinsic dynamics of the system and dynamics of the
environment. These rules emerge, in a spontaneous way,
because of the non-linearity in the simple system.

Winnerless Competition for Computing

and Interests in Robotics
The suggestion of using heteroclinic trajectories with
computing purposes shows advantages for robotics
interests. It is known that very simple dynamical systems are equivalent to Turing machines and also that
computing with heteroclinic orbits adds to the classical computing the feature of high sensitivity to initial
conditions increasing. If we consider artefacts with
computation processes ordered by winnerless competition behaviour, the artefacts will have great ability to
process, manage and store sequential information. In
spite of the history of studies of sequential learning and
memory, little is known about dynamical principles of
storing and remembering of multiple events and their
temporal order by neural networks. This principle called
winnerless competition can be a very useful mechanism to explore and model sequential and scheduled
processes in industrial and robotic problems.

cal phenomena as the basis of the adaptive behaviour

patterns of the living organisms and these systems show,
in one hand, the coexistence of sensitivity (ability to
distinguish distinct, albeit similar, inputs) and robustness (ability to classify similar signals receptions as
the same one). If we are able to reproduce the same
characteristics in artificial intelligent architectures, will
make it easier to go beyond the actual limitations into
the intelligent systems applied to the real problems.

It has been summarized how a system architecture
whose stimulus-dependent dynamics reproduces
spatio-temporal features could be able to code and
build a memory inspired in the higher brain centres of
insects (Nowotny et al., 2004). Beyond the biological
observations which suggested these investigations,
recurrent neural networks where winnerless competition processes can emerge, provide an attractive model
for computation because of their large capacity as well
as their robustness to noise contamination. It has been
showed an interesting tool (using control and synchronization of spatio-temporal patterns) to transfer and
process information between different neural assemblies
for classification problems in, eventually, several industrial environments. For example, winnerless competition processes could be able to solve the fundamental
contradiction between sensitivity and generalizing of
the recognition, multistability and robustness to the
noise in real processes (Rabinovich et al., 2000). For
classification tasks, is useful to get models that could
be reproducible. In the language of non-linearity, this
is possible only if the system is strongly dissipative
(in other words, if it can rapidly forget its initial state).
On the other hand, a useful classificator system should
be sensitive to small variations in the inputs, so that
fine discriminations between similar but not identical
stimuli are possible. Winnerless competition principle
shows both features.

Computation by heteroclinic orbits provides new
perspectives to traditional computing. Because of its
features, it could be interesting building such a kind of
bio-inspired systems based in Winnerless competition
processes. Evolution has chosen the nonlinear dynami-

Afraimovich, V.S., Rabinovich, M.I. and Varona, P.

(2004). Heteroclinic contours in neural ensembles and
the winnerless competition principle. International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 14: p. 1195-1208.

Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools

Bazhenof, M., Stopfer, M., Rabinovich, M., Abarbanel,

H., Sejnowski, T. J. and Laurent, G. (2001) Model of
cellular and network mechanisms for odor-evoked
temporal patterning in the locust antennal lobe. Neuron
30, 569-581 (2001)
Chow T.M., Ho, J.K.L and Li, X.D. (2005). Approximation of dynamical time-variant systems by continuous-time recurrent neural networks. IEEE Transactions
on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal
Processing, Vol. 52, No. 10, pp. 656 - 660.
Freeman, W.J. and Holmes, M.D. (2005). Metastabili
ty,instability,and state transition in neocortex. Neural
Networks 18(5-6): pp. 497-504
Gerber, B., Tanimoto, H., and Heisenberg, M. (2004). An
engram found? Evaluating the evidence from fruities.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 14:737-768.
Hopfield, J. J. and Brody, C. D. (2001). What is a
moment? Transient synchrony as a collective mechanism for spatio-temporal integration. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Science, vol. 98, Issue 3,
Hornik, K., Stinchcombe, M. and White, H. (1990)
Universal approximation of an unknown mapping and
its derivates using multilayer feedforward networks.
Neural Networks, 3:551-560 (1990).
Huerta, R. and Rabinovich, M. (2004). Reproducible
sequence generation in random neural ensembles.
Physical Review Letters, 93 (23), 238104-1-4
Tsung, Fu-Sheng (1994). Modeling Dynamical Systems
with Recurrent Neural Networks. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science. University of California,
San Diego, 1994
Nowotny, T., Huerta, R., Abarbanel, H. D. I. and
Rabinovich, M. I. (2004). Learning classification and
association inthe olfactory system of insects. Neural
Computation Vol. 16, Issue 8 - pp. 1601 - 1640

Rabinovich, M.I., Varona, P. and Abarbanel, H. (2000).

Nonlinear cooperative dynamics of living neurons. Int.
J. .Bifurcation Chaos 10 (5), 913-933
Rabinovich, M.I., Volkovskii, A., Lecanda, P., Huerta,
R., Abarbanel, H., and Laurent, G. (2001). Dynamical
encoding by networks of competing neuron groups:
winnerless competition. Physical Review Letters,
Rabinovich M.I., Huerta R., Afraimovich V.(2006).
Dynamics of sequential decision making. Physical
Review Letters, 97(18): 188103.

Adaptive Behaviour: Type of behavior that allows an individual to substitute a disruptive behavior
to something more constructive and able to adapt to a
given situation.
Bio-Inspired Techniques: Bio-inspired systems
and tools are able to bring together results from different areas of knowledge, including biology, engineering
and other physical sciences, interested in studying and
using models and techniques inspired from or applied
to biological systems.
Computational System: Computation is a general
term for any type of information processing that can be
represented mathematically. This includes phenomena
ranging from simple calculations to human thinking.
A device able to make computations is called computational system.
Dynamical Recurrent Networks: Complex nonlinear dynamic system described by a set of nonlinear
differential or difference equations with extensive
connection weights.

McGuire, S., Le, P., and Davis, R. (2001). The role

of Drosophila mushroom body signaling in olfactory
memory. Science, 293:1330-1333.

Heteroclinic Orbits: In the phase portrait of a

dynamical system, a heteroclinic orbit (sometimes
called a heteroclinic connection) is a path in phase
space which joins two different equilibrium points. If
the equilibrium points at the start and end of the orbit
are the same, the orbit is a homoclinic orbit.

Nepomnyashchikh, V., Podgornyj K. (2003) Emergence

of Adaptive Searching Rules from the Dynamics of a
Simple Nonlinear System. Adaptive Behavior, 11(4):

Stability-Plasticity Dilemma: It explores how a

learning system remains adaptive (plastic) in response
to significant input, yet remains stable in response to
irrelevant input.


Bio-Inspired Dynamical Tools

Winnerless Competition Process: Dynamical

process whose main point is the transformation of the
incoming identity or spatial inputs into identity-temporal output based on the intrinsic switching dynamics
of the neural system.


Biometric Security Technology

Marcos Faundez-Zanuy
Escola Universitria Politcnica de Matar, Spain

The word biometrics comes from the Greek words
bios (life) and metrikos (measure). Strictly speaking, it refers to a science involving the statistical analysis
of biological characteristics. Thus, we should refer
to biometric recognition of people, as those security
applications that analyze human characteristics for
identity verification or identification. However, we will
use the short term biometrics to refer to biometric
recognition of people.
Biometric recognition offers a promising approach
for security applications, with some advantages over
the classical methods, which depend on something
you have (key, card, etc.), or something you know
(password, PIN, etc.). A nice property of biometric
traits is that they are based on something you are or
something you do, so you do not need to remember
anything neither to hold any token.

Authentication methods by means of biometrics are

a particular portion of security systems, with a good
number of advantages over classical methods. However,
there are also drawbacks (see Table 1).
Depending on the application, one of the previous
methods, or a combination of them, will be the most
appropriate. This article describes the main issues to
be known for decision making, when trying to adopt
a biometric security technology solution.


This article presents an overview of the main topics
related to biometric security technology, with the central
purpose to provide a primer on this subject.
Biometrics can offer greater security and convenience than traditional methods for people recognition.
Even if we do not want to replace a classic method

Table 1. Advantages and drawbacks of the three main authentication method approaches



Handheld tokens (card,

ID, passport, etc.)

A new one can be issued.

It is quite standard, although moving to
a different country, facility, etc.

It can be stolen.
A fake one can be issued.
It can be shared.
One person can be registered with
different identities.

(password, PIN, etc.)

It is a simple and economical method.

If there are problems, it can be replaced
by a new one quite easily.

It can be guessed or cracked.

Good passwords are difficult to
It can be shared.
One person can be registered with
different identities.


It cannot be lost, forgotten, guessed,

stolen, shared, etc.
It is quite easy to check if one person
has several identities.
It can provide a greater degree of
security than the other ones.

In some cases a fake one can be issued.

It is neither replaceable nor secret.
If a persons biometric data is stolen, it
is not possible to replace it.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Biometric Security Technology

(password or handheld token) by a biometric one, for

sure, we are potential users of these systems, which
will even be mandatory for new passport models. For
this reason, it is useful to be familiarized with the possibilities of biometric security technology.

The first question is: Which characteristic can be used
for biometric recognition? As common sense says, a
good biometric trait must accomplish a set of properties. Mainly they are (Clarke, 1994), (Mansfield &
Wayman, 2002):
Universality: Every person should have the characteristic.
Distinctiveness: Any two persons should be different enough to distinguish each other based on
this characteristic.
Permanence: the characteristic should be stable
enough (with respect to the matching criterion)
along time, different environment conditions,
Collectability: the characteristic should be acquirable and quantitatively measurable.
Acceptability: people should be willing to accept
the biometric system, and do not feel that it is
annoying, invasive, etc.
Performance: the identification accuracy and
required time for a successful recognition must
be reasonably good.
Circumvention: the ability of fraudulent people
and techniques to fool the biometric system should
be negligible.
Biometric traits can be split into two main categories:

Physiological biometrics: it is based on direct

measurements of a part of the human body.
Fingerprint (Maltoni et al., 2003), face, iris and
hand-scan (Faundez-Zanuy, Navarro-Mrida,
2005) recognition belong to this group.
Behavioral biometrics: it is based on measurements and data derived from an action performed
by the user, and thus indirectly measures some
characteristics of the human body. Signature

(Faundez-Zanuy, 2005c) , gait, gesture and key

stroking recognition belong to this group.
However, this classification is quite artificial. For
instance, the speech signal (Faundez-Zanuy and Monte,
2005) depends on behavioral traits such as semantics,
diction, pronunciation, idiosyncrasy, etc. (related to
socio-economic status, education, place of birth, etc.)
(Furui, 1989). However, it also depends on the speakers
physiology, such as the shape of the vocal tract. On
the other hand, physiological traits are also influenced
by user behavior, such as the manner in which a user
presents a finger, looks at a camera, etc.

Verification and Identification

Biometric systems can be operated in two modes,
named identification and verification. We will refer to
recognition for the general case, when we do not want
to differentiate between them. However, some authors
consider recognition and identification synonymous.

Identification: In this approach no identity is

claimed from the user. The automatic system must
determine who the user is. If he/ she belongs to a
predefined set of known users, it is referred to as
closed-set identification. However, for sure the
set of users known (learnt) by the system is much
smaller than the potential number of people that
can attempt to enter. The more general situation
where the system has to manage with users that
perhaps are not modeled inside the database is
referred to as open-set identification. Adding a
none-of-the-above option to closed-set identification gives open-set identification. The system
performance can be evaluated using an identification rate.
Verification: In this approach the goal of the system is to determine whether the person is the one
that claims to be. This implies that the user must
provide an identity and the system just accepts
or rejects the users according to a successful or
unsuccessful verification. Sometimes this operation mode is named authentication or detection.
The system performance can be evaluated using
the False Acceptance Rate (FAR, those situations
where an impostor is accepted) and the False Rejection Rate (FRR, those situations where a user
is incorrectly rejected), also known in detection

Biometric Security Technology

Figure 1. On the left: example of a DET plot for a user verification system (dotted line). The Equal Error Rate
(EER) line shows the situation where False Alarm equals Miss Probability (balanced performance). Of course
one of both errors rates can be more important (high security application versus those where we do not want to
annoy the user with a high rejection/ miss rate). If the system curve is moved towards the origin, smaller error
rates are achieved (better performance). If the decision threshold is reduced, higher False Acceptance/Alarm rates
are achieved. On the right: Example of a ROC plot for a user verification system (dotted line). The Equal Error
Rate (EER) line shows the situation where False Alarm equals Miss Probability (balanced performance).

User comfort





True positive

Miss probability (in %)




High security





0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2

False Alarm probability (in %)


theory as False Alarm and Miss, respectively.

There is a trade-off between both errors, which has
to be usually established by adjusting a decision
threshold. The performance can be plotted in a
ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) or in a
DET (Detection error trade-off) plot (Martin et
al., 1989). DET curve gives uniform treatment to
both types of error, and uses a logarithmic scale
for both axes, which spreads out the plot and better
distinguishes different well performing systems
and usually produces plots that are close to linear.
Note also that the ROC curve has symmetry with
respect to the DET, i.e. plots the hit rate instead of
the miss probability. DET plot uses a logarithmic
scale that expands the extreme parts of the curve,
which are the parts that give the most information
about the system performance. Figure 1, on the
left shows an example of DET of plot, and on the
right shows a classical ROC plot.
For systems working in verification mode, the evolution of FAR and FRR versus the threshold setting is an
interesting plot. Using a high threshold, no impostor
can fool the system, but a lot of genuine users will be
rejected. Contrarily, using a low threshold, there would






False positive


not be inconveniences for the genuine users, but it will

be reasonably easy for a hacker to crack the system.
According to security requirements, one of both taxes
will be more important than the other one.

Is Identification Mode More Appropriate

Than Verification Mode?
Certain applications lend themselves to verification,
such as PC and network security, where, for instance,
you replace your password by your fingerprint, but
you still use your login. However, in forensic applications it is mandatory to use identification, because, for
instance, latent prints lifted from crime scenes never
provide their claimed identity.
In some cases, such as room access (Faundez-Zanuy,
2004c), (Faundez-Zanuy & Fabregas 2005), it can be
more convenient for the user to operate on identification
mode. However, verification systems are faster because
they just require one-to-one comparison (identification
requires one to N, where N is the number of users in the
database). In addition, verification systems also provide
higher accuracies. For instance, a hacker has almost
N times (Maltoni & al., 2003) more chance to fool an

Biometric Security Technology

Figure 2. General scheme of a biometric recognition system





d igital in p u t
sig n al

identification system than a verification one, because

in identification he/she just needs to match one of the
N genuine users. For this reason, commercial applications operating on identification mode are restricted to
small-scale (at most, a few hundred users). Forensic
systems (Faundez-Zanuy, 2005a), (Faundez-Zanuy,
2005b) operate in a different mode, because they
provide a list of candidates, and a human supervisor
checks the automatic result provided by the machine.
This is related to the following classification, which is
also associated to the application.

Several biometric traits have been proven useful for
biometric recognition. Nevertheless, the general scheme
of a biometric recognition system is similar, in all the
cases, to that shown in figure 2.
The scheme shown in figure 2 is also interesting
for vulnerability study (Faundez-Zanuy, 2004b) and
improvements by means of data fusion (Faundez-Zanuy, 2004d) analysis. In this paper, we will restrict to
block number one, the other ones being related to signal
processing and pattern recognition. Although common
sense points out that good acquisition is enough for
performing good recognition, at least for humans, this is
not true. It must be taken into account that next blocks,
numbered 2 to 4 in figure 2, are indeed fundamental.
A good image or audio recording is not enough. Even
for human beings, a rare disorder named agnosia exists. Those individuals suffering agnosia are unable
to recognize and identify objects or persons despite
having knowledge of the characteristics of the objects
or persons. People with agnosia may have difficulty
recognizing the geometric features of an object or face

fe a tu re s

(M O D E L S )

O p inion
(sco re )

d e cision

or may be able to perceive the geometric features but

do not know what the object is used for or whether a
face is familiar or not. Agnosia can be limited to one
sensory modality such as vision or hearing. A particular case is named face blindness or prosopagnosia
( ). Prosopagnosics
often have difficulty recognizing family members,
close friends, and even themselves. Agnosia can result
from strokes, dementia, or other neurological disorders.
More information about agnosia can be obtained from
the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD
Table 2 summarizes some possibilities for different biometric traits acquisition. Obviously, properly
speaking, some sensors require a digitizer connected
at its output, which is beyond the scope of this paper.
We will consider that block number one produces a
digital signal which can be processed by a Digital Signal
Processor (DSP) or Personal Computer (PC).
Figure 3 shows some biometric traits and their corresponding biometric scanners.

Security and Privacy

A nice property of biometric security systems is that
security level is almost equal for all users in a system.
This is not true for other security technologies. For
instance, in an access control based on password, a
hacker just needs to break only one password among
those of all employees to gain access. In this case, a
weak password compromises the overall security of
every system that user has access to. Thus, the entire systems security is only as good as the weakest
password (Prabhakar, Pankanti & Jain, 2003). This
is especially important because good passwords are
nonsense combinations of characters and letters, which

Biometric Security Technology

Table 2. Some biometric traits and possible acquisition sensors

Biometric trait

Ink+ paper + scanner










It is the most widely used and easy-to-operate technology. It can acquire

larger surfaces than the capacitive ones.
They are easy to integrate into small, low-power and, low-cost devices.
However, they are more difficult to operate than the optical ones (wet and/
or warm fingers).
They are not ready for mass-market applications yet. However, they are
more capable of penetrating dirt than the other ones, and are not subject to
some of the image-dissolution problems found in larger optical devices.


Nowadays almost all the mobile phones have a photo-camera, enabling face
recognition applications.


A sequence of images alleviates some problems, such as face detection and

offers more possibilities.


The telephone system provides a ubiquitous network of sensors for acquiring

speech signals.

Kiosk-based systems

The camera searches for eye position. They are the most expensive ones and
the easier to operate.

Physical access devices

The device requires some user effort: a camera is mounted behind a mirror.
The user must locate the image of his eye within a 1-inch by 1-inch square
surface on the mirror.

Desktop cameras

The user must look into a hole and look at a ring illuminated inside.


A relative large and specialized device is required. It must be specifically

designed for retina imaging. Image acquisition is not a trivial matter.

Ball pen + paper + scanner/


The system recognizes the signature analyzing its shape. This kind of
recognition is known as off-line, while the other ones are on-line.

Graphics tablet

It acquires the signature in real time. Some devices can acquire: position in
x and y-axis, pressure applied by the pen, azimuth and altitude angles of the
pen with respect to the tablet.


Stylus operated PDAs are also possible. They are becoming more popular,
so there are some potential applications.

Hand-scanning device

Commercial devices consist of a covered metal surface, with some pegs

for ensuring the correct hand position. A series of cameras acquire three
dimensional (3D) images of the back and the sides of the hand.

Conventional scanner

Some research groups at universities have developed systems based on

images acquired by a conventional document scanner. Thus, the cost is
reduced, but the acquisition time is at least 15 seconds per image.

Conventional camera

Some research groups at universities have developed systems based on

images acquired by conventional cameras. Using some bricolage it is
possible to obtain a 3D image.



Classical method is becoming old-fashion, because the ink is annoying.
However, it can acquire from nail to nail borders, and the other methods
provide a limited portion of the fingerprint.

Document scanner

Although there are not commercial applications, some research groups

at universities have developed systems based on images acquired by a
conventional document scanner.
Although not used habitually, standard keyboards can measure how long
keys are held down and duration between key instances, which is enough
for recognition.

Biometric Security Technology

Figure 3. Examples of biometric traits and an examples of commercial scanners

Face acquired with digital camera

2D hand geometry acquired with a document scanner and a 3D

hand-geometry scanner

Fingerprint acquired with optical sensor

Iris and Iris desktop camera

0.9112 C anada w as e stablished o nly in 1869






T im e ( s)



acquired with a microphone











acquired with a graphics tablet


Biometric Security Technology

are difficult to remember (for instance, Jh2pz6R+).

Unfortunately, some users still use passwords such as
password, Homer Simpson or their own name.

Although biometrics offers a good set of advantages, it
has not been massively adopted yet (Faundez-Zanuy,
2005d). One of its main drawbacks is that biometric
data is not secret and cannot be replaced after being
compromised by a third party. For those applications
with a human supervisor (such as border entrance
control), this can be a minor problem, because the
operator can check if the presented biometric trait is
original or fake. However, for remote applications
such as internet, some kind of liveliness detection and
anti-replay attack mechanisms should be provided.
This is an emerging research topic. As a general rule,
concerning security matters, a constant update is necessary in order to keep on being protected. A suitable
system for the present time can become obsolete if it
is not periodically improved. For this reason, nobody
can claim that he/ she has a perfect security system,
and even less that it will last forever.
Another interesting topic is privacy, which is beyond
the scope of this article. It has been recently discussed
in (Faundez-Zanuy, 2005a).

Clarke R. (1994) Human identification in information
systems: management challenges and public information issues. December. Available in http://www.anu.

Faundez-Zanuy M. (2004d)Data fusion in biometrics.

IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine.
Vol. 20 n 1, pp.34-38, January.
Faundez-Zanuy M. (2005a) Privacy issues on biometric systems. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Magazine. Vol. 20 n 2, pp13-15, February.
Faundez-Zanuy M. (2005b)Technological evaluation
of two AFIS systems IEEE Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Magazine. Vol.20 n 4, pp13-17, April.
Faundez-Zanuy M., Monte E. (2005) State-of-the-art
in speaker recognition. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Magazine. Vol.20 n 5, pp 7-12 May.
Faundez-Zanuy M., Fabregas J, (2005)Testing report
of a fingerprint-based door-opening system. IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. June.
Faundez-Zanuy M. (2005c) State-of-the-art in signature recognition. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Magazine. July.
Faundez-Zanuy M. (2005d) Biometric recognition:
why not massively adopted yet?. IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 n 8, pp.25-28,
August 2005
Faundez-Zanuy M., Navarro-Mrida G. M. (2005)
Biometric identification by means of hand geometry
and a neural net classifier Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3512, pp. 1172-1179, IWANN05
Furui S. (1989) Digital Speech Processing, synthesis,
and recognition., Marcel Dekker.
Li Stan Z. , Jain A. K. (2003) Handbook of Face Recognition Ed. Springer

Faundez-Zanuy M. (2004a) Are Inkless fingerprint

sensors suitable for mobile use? IEEE Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine, pp.17-21, April.

Maltoni D., Maio D., Jain A. K., Prabhakar S. (2003)

Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition Springer professional computing. 2003

Faundez-Zanuy M. (2004b) On the vulnerability of

biometric security systems IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine Vol.19 n 6, pp.3-8, June.

Mansfield A. J., Wayman J. L., (2002) Best Practices

in Testing and Reporting Performance of Biometric
Devices. Version 2.01. National Physical Laboratory
Report CMSC 14/02. August.

Faundez-Zanuy M. (2004c) Door-opening system

using a low-cost fingerprint scanner and a PC. IEEE
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol. 19
n 8, pp.23-26. August.


Martin A., Doddington G., Kamm T., Ordowski M., and

Przybocki M., (1997) The DET curve in assessment of
detection performance, V. 4, pp.1895-1898, European
speech Processing Conference Eurospeech 1997

Biometric Security Technology

Prabhakar S., Pankanti S., Jain A. K. (2003) Biometric recognition: security and privacy concerns IEEE
Security and Privacy, pp. 33-42, March/April

Automatic Identification: The system must determine who the user is.
Automatic Verification: The system must determine whether the person is the one that claims to be.
Behavioral Biometrics: Based on measurements
and data derived from an action performed by the user,
and thus indirectly measures some characteristics of the
human body. Signature, gait, gesture and key stroking
recognition belong to this group.
Equal Error Rate: System performance when False
Acceptance Rate is identical to False Rejection Rate.
False Acceptance Rate: Ratio of impostors whose
access is incorrectly permitted.
False Rejection Rate: Ratio of genuine users whose
access is incorrectly denied.
Physiological Biometrics: Based on direct measurements of a part of the human body. Fingerprint, face,
iris and hand-scan recognition belong to this group.



Blind Source Separation by ICA

Miguel A. Ferrer
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Aday Tejera Santana
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

This work presents a brief introduction to the blind
source separation using independent component
analysis (ICA) techniques. The main objective of the
blind source separation (BSS) is to obtain, from observations composed by different mixed signals, those
different signals that compose them. This objective
can be reached using two different techniques, the
spatial and the statistical one. The first one is based on
a microphone array and depends on the position and
separation of them. It also uses the directions of arrival
(DOA) from the different audio signals.
On the other hand, the statistical separation supposes that the signals are statistically independent, that
they are mixed in a linear way and that it is possible
to get the mixtures with the right sensors (Hyvrinen,
Karhunen & Oja, 2001) (Parra, 2002).
The last technique is the one that is going to be
studied in this work. It is due to this technique is the
newest and is in a continuous development. It is used
in different fields such as natural language processing
(Murata, Ikeda & Ziehe, 2001) (Saruwatari, Kawamura
& Shikano, 2001), bioinformatics, image processing
(Cichocki & Amari, 2002) and in different real life applications such as mobile communications (Saruwatari,
Sawai, Lee, Kawamura, Sakata & Shikano, 2003).
Specifically, the technique that is going to be used
is the Independent Component Analysis (ICA). ICA
comes from an old technique called PCA (Principal
Component Analysis) (Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja,
2001) (Smith, 2006). PCA is used in a wide range of
scopes such as face recognition or image compression,
being a very common technique to find patterns in high
dimension data.
The BSS problem can be of two different ways; the
first one is when the mixtures are linear. It means that the
data are mixed without echoes or reverberations, while
the second one, due to these conditions, the mixtures
are convolutive and they are not totally independent

because of the signal propagation through dynamic

environments. It is the Cocktail party problem. Depending on the mixtures, there are several methods to
solve the BSS problem. The first case can be seen as
a simplification of the second one.
The blind source separation based on ICA is also
divided into three groups; the first one are those methods
that works in the time domain, the second are those
who works in the frequency domain and the last group
are those methods that combine frequency and time
domain methods. A revision of the technique state of
these methods is proposed in this work.

The problem consists in several sources that are mixed
in a system, these mixtures are recorded and then
they have to be separated to obtain the estimations of
the original sources. As was mentioned above, BSS
problems can be of two different types; the first one,
when the mixtures are linear, see equation 3, and the
second one, when the mixtures are convolutive, see
equation 5.
In the first case each source signal is multiplied by
a constant which depends on the environment, and then
they are added. Convolutive mixtures are not totally
independent due to the signal propagation through
dynamic environments. This makes that the signals are
not simply added. The first case is the ideal one, and
the second is the most common case, because in real
room recordings the mixing systems are of this type.
The following figure shows the mixing system in the
case of two sources two mixtures:
Where X1 and X2 are the independent signals, Y1

and Y2 are the mixing of the different Xj, and H is the

mixing system that can be seen in a general form as:

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Blind Source Separation by ICA

Figure 1. 2 sources 2 mixtures system.


H = ...

... h1 j

... ...
... hj

where X (t ) contains the estimations of the original

source signals, and W is the inverse mixing matrix.
Now we have defined the simplest case, it is time to
explain the general case that involves convolutive
The whole process, which includes mixing and
separation process, and that has been described before
for linear mixtures, is defined as in Figure 2.
The process will be the following; first a set of source

The hij are FIR filters, each one represents an acoustic

transference multipath function from source, i, to sensor,
j. i and j represent the number of sources and sensors.
Now it is necessary to remember the first condition that
makes possible the blind source separation:
The number of sensors must be greater than or equal
to the number of sources.
Taking this into account, the problem for two sensors, in a general form, can be represented as:
Y1 = X 1 * h1 + X 2 * h21


Y2 = X 1 * h12 + X 2 * h2


Generally, there are n source signals statistically

signals (X) pass through an unknown system H . The

output (Y) contains all the mixtures. Y is equalized with
an inverse estimated system W , which has to give an
estimation of the original source signals ( X ).
Given access to N sensors with a number of sources
less than or equal to N, all with unknown direct and cross
channels, the objective is to recover all the unknown
sources. Here arises the second condition to obtain the
source separation:
In blind source separation using ICA, it is assumed
that we only know the probability density functions of
the non-Gaussian and independent sources.
So we have to obtain W , and it must be that:

X = W * Y


Here, as it was mentioned above, X are the estimations of the original source signals, Y are the observa-

independent X (t ) = [ X 1 (t ),..., X n(t )] , and m observed

mixtures that are linear and instantaneous combina-

tions, and W is the inverse mixing filter.

tions of the previous signals Y (t ) = [Y1 (t ),..., Yn (t )] .

Beginning with the linear case, the simplest case, the
mixtures are:


Yi (t ) = hij X j (t )


j =1

Now, we need to recover X(t) from Y(t). It is necessary to estimate the inverse matrix of H, where hij are
contained. Once we have this matrix:

X (t ) = W Y (t )


This article presents different methods to solve the blind

source separation, more exactly those that are based on
independent component analysis (ICA). First, methods
for the linear mixtures are going to be described, and
then we are going to divide the methods for convolutive mixtures in three groups depending on the domain;
frequency domain, time domain or both.

Blind Source Separation for Linear

The blind source separation for linear mixtures is a
particular case of the convolutive one. So methods

Blind Source Separation by ICA

Figure 2. BSS general problem

designed for convolutive mixtures must solve the

problem of the linear mixtures in theory. In this case,
we have decided to describe some linear methods
separately due to there being some important methods
specialized in this case.
There are different methods such as Infomax, which
is based on the maximization of the information (Bell
& Sejnowski, 1995), the one based on minimization of
the mutual information (Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja,
2001), or methods which use tensors. The methods that
are going to be described in this paper are FastICA and
JADE, they have been selected due to they are two of
the most famous methods for the linear case of BSS,
and because they are a right first step into the BSS.
The first one, and maybe the most known, is FastICA (Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja, 2001). The FastICA algorithm is a computationally highly efficient
method for performing the estimation of ICA. It uses
a fixed-point iteration scheme that has been found in
independent experiments to be 10-100 times faster
than conventional gradient descent methods for ICA.
Another advantage of the FastICA algorithm is that
it can be used to perform projection pursuit as well,
thus providing a general-purpose data analysis method
that can be used both in an exploratory fashion and for
estimation of independent components (or sources)
(Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja, 2001) (Parra, 2002). This
algorithm is available in a toolbox that is very easy to
use (Helsinki University of Technology, 2006).
Another method that is very common in blind
source separation of linear mixtures is JADE (Cardoso,
1993) (Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja, 2001). JADE
(Join approximate diagonalization of eigenmatrices)
refers to one principle of solving the problem of equal
eigenvalues of the cumulant tensor. In this algorithm,
the tensor EVD is considered more as a preprocessing
step. A method closely related to JADE is given by the
eigenvalue descomposition of the weighted correlation

matrix. For historical reasons, the basic method is

simply called fourth-order blind identification (FOBI)
(Hyvrinen, Karhunen & Oja, 2001).

Blind Source Separation for Convolutive

Once the linear problem has been described, it is time
to explain how to solve the problem with convolutive
mixtures. This case is more complex than the linear
one, as was presented in the Background. When the
mixtures are convolutive the problem is also called
blind deconvolution.
To solve this problem, several methods have been
designed. They can be divided into three groups
depending on the domain: time domain, frequency
domain or both.
When the algorithm works in the frequency domain,
the convolutive mixtures can be simplified into simultaneous ones by means of the frequency transform. This
makes easier the convergence of the separation filter
(Choi, Cichocki, Park & Lee, 2005). So these algorithms
can increase the speed of convergence and reduce
the computational load. But it has a cost; to maintain
the computational efficiency these algorithms need
to increase the length of the frame when the window
frame increases. The data is reduced and can provoke
insufficiency of the learning data. So the efficiency of
the algorithm is degraded.
Some examples of these algorithms are: blind source
separation in the wavelet domain, recursive method
(Ding, Hikichi, Niitsuma, Hamatsu & Sugai, 2003),
time delay decorrelation (Lee, Ziehe, Orglmeister &
Sejnowski, 1998), ICA algorithm and beamforming
(Saruwatari, Kawamura & Shikano, 2001) or the FIR
matrix toolbox 5.0 (Lambert, 1996).
If the algorithm works in the time domain, we can
work with wide band audio signals, where the assump-

Blind Source Separation by ICA

tion of independence is kept. The disadvantages are that

they produce a high computational load when they work
with huge separation matrixes, and the convergence is
slow, overall when the signals are voices.
Some algorithms that work in time domain are
SIMO ICA (Saruwatari, Sawai, Lee, Kawamura,
Sakata & Shikano, 2003), filter banks (Choi, Cichocki,
Park & Lee, 2005) or time-domain fast fixed-point
algorithms for convolutive ICA (Thomas, Deville &
Hosseini, 2006).
But we can also combine the two previous methods
to compensate the advantages and disadvantages of
each other, for example in Multistage ICA (Nishikawa,
Saruwatari, Shikano, Araki & Makino, 2003); FDICA
(frequency domain ICA) and TDICA (time domain
ICA) are combined with the objective of attaining better
efficiency that is possible. This algorithm has a stable
behaviour, but the computational load is high.

Blind source separation has wide scope that is in continuous development and several authors are working
on the design or modification of different methods. In
this work, different algorithms have been presented to
solve the blind source separation problem.
Future trends will be the design of on line methods
that allow the implementation of these algorithms in
real life applications such as voice recognition or free
hand devices. The algorithms can also be improved
with the aim of reaching more efficient and accurate
separation of the mixtures, linear or convolutive. It will
help in different systems as a first step for identifying
speakers, for example in conferences, videoconferences or similar.

This article shows different ways to solve blind source
separation. It also illustrates that the problem can be of
two forms depending on the mixtures. If we have linear
mixtures the system will have a different behaviour
that if we have convolutive ones.
As has been described above, the methods can be
also divided into two types, the frequency domain
and the time domain algorithms. The first type has
a faster convergence than the time domain type, but

it can work incorrectly if data are insufficient. Time

domain methods have more stable behaviour than the
frequency algorithms, but a higher computational load.
To trade off the advantages with the disadvantages of
each type of method, multistage algorithms have been

Cardoso, JF. (1999) High-Order Contrasts for Independent Component Analysis. Neural Computation,
11, 157-192.
Choi, S., Cichocki, A., Park, HM., Lee, SY. (2005).
Blind Source Separation and Independent Component
Analysis: A review. Neural Information Processing
Letters and Reviews. Volume 6, number 1.
Cichocki, A., Amari, S. I., (2002). Adaptive Blind Signal
and Image Processing. John Wiley & Sons.
Ding, S., Hikichi, T., Niitsuma, T., Hamatsu, M.,
Sugai, K. (2003). Recursive method for Blind Source
Separation and its applications to real-time separations
of acoustic signals. Research group, Advanced Technology Development Department, R & D Division,
Clarion Co., LTD.
Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of
Computer and Information Science. http://www.cis. , (last update 2006, last visit
Hyvrinen, A., Karhunen, J., Oja, E. (2001). Independent Component Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
Lambert, R.H. (1996). Multichannel blind deconvolution: FIR matrix algebra and separation of multipath
mixture. Thesis, University of Sourthern California,
Department of Electrical Engineering.
Lee, TW., Ziehe, A., Orglmeister, R., Sejnowski, T.
(1998). Combining Time-Delayed Decorrelation and
ICA: towards solving the Cocktail Party Problem. In
proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. Volume 2, 1249
Murata, N., Ikeda, S., Ziehe, A. (2001). An approach
to blind source separation based on temporal structure
of speech signals. Neurocomputational, volume 41, 1

Blind Source Separation by ICA

Nishikawa, T., Saruwatari, H., Shikano, K., Araki, S.,

Makino, S. (2003). Multistage ICA for blind source
separation of real acoustic convolutive mixture. In
proceedings of International Conference on ICA and
BSS. 523 528.


Parra, L. (2002). Tutorial on Blind Source Separation

and Independent Component Analysis. Adaptive Image
& Signal Processing Group, Sarnoff Corporation.

Cocktail Party Problem: A particular case of

blind source separation where the mixtures are convolutive.

Saruwatari, H., Sawai, K., Lee A., Kawamura T., Sakata

M., Shikano, K. (2003). Speech enhancement and recognition in car environment using Blind Source Separation
and subband elimination processing. In proceedings
International Workshop on Independent Component
Analysis and Signal Separation, 367 372.

Convolutive Mixtures: Mixtures that are not linear

due to echoes and reverberations, they are not totally
independent because of the signal propagation through
dynamic environments.

Saruwatari, H., Kawamura T., Shikano, K. (2001). Blind

Source Separation for speech based on fast convergence
algorithm with ICA and beamforming. In oroceedings
EUROSPEECH2001, 2603 2606.
Smith, L. I. (2006). A tutorial on Principal Component
Thomas, J., Deville, Y., Hosseini, S. (2006). Time-domain fast fixed-point algorithms for convolutive ICA.
Signal processing letters, IEEE. Volume 13, Issue 4,
228 231.
Bell A.J., Sejnowski T.J. (1995). An information maximization approach to blind separation and blind deconvolution, Neural Computation, 7, 6, 1129 1159.


Blind Source Separation: The problem of separating from mixtures, the source signals that compose

HOS (High Order Statistics): Higher order statistics is a field of statistical signal processing that uses
more information than autocorrelation functions and
spectrum. It uses moments, cumulants and polyspectra.
They can be used to get better estimates of parameters
in noisy situations, or to detect nonlinearities in the
ICA (Independent Component Analysis): Techniques based on statistical concepts such as high order
Linear mixtures: Mixtures that are linear combinations of the different sources that compose them.
Statistically Independent: Given two events, the
occurrence of one event makes it neither more nor less
probable that the other occurs.


Chaotic Neural Networks

Emilio Del-Moral-Hernandez
University of So Paulo, Brazil

Artificial Neural Networks have proven, along the last
four decades, to be an important tool for modelling of
the functional structures of the nervous system, as well
as for the modelling of non-linear and adaptive systems
in general, both biological and non biological (Haykin,
1999). They also became a powerful biologically
inspired general computing framework, particularly
important for solving non-linear problems with reduced
formalization and structure. At the same time, methods
from the area of complex systems and non-linear dynamics have shown to be useful in the understanding
of phenomena in brain activity and nervous system
activity in general (Freeman, 1992; Kelso, 1995).
Joining these two areas, the development of artificial
neural networks employing rich dynamics is a growing
subject in both arenas, theory and practice. In particular, model neurons with rich bifurcation and chaotic
dynamics have been developed in recent decades, for
the modelling of complex phenomena in biology as
well as for the application in neuro-like computing.
Some models that deserve attention in this context are
those developed by Kazuyuki Aihara (1990), Nagumo
and Sato (1972), Walter Freeman (1992), K. Kaneko
(2001), and Nabil Farhat (1994), among others. The
following topics develop the subject of Chaotic Neural
Networks, presenting several of the important models
of this class and briefly discussing associated tools of
analysis and typical target applications.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is one of the important frameworks for biologically inspired computing.
A central characteristic in this paradigm is the desire
to bring to computing models some of the interesting
properties of the nervous system such as adaptation,
robustness, non-linearity, and the learning through

When we focus on biology (real neural networks),

we see that the signals generated in real neurons
are used in different ways by the nervous system to
code information, according to the context and the
functionality (Freeman, 1992). Because of that, in ANNs
we have distinct model neurons, such as models with
graded activity based on frequency coding, models with
binary outputs, and spiking models (or pulsed models),
among others, each one giving emphasis to different
aspects of neural coding and neural processing. Under
this scenario, the role of neurodynamics is one of the
target aspects in neural modelling and neuro-inspired
computing; some model neurons include aspects of
neurodynamics, which are mathematically represented
through differential equations in continuous time, or
difference equations in discrete time. As described in
the following topic, dynamic phenomena happen at
several levels in neural activity and neural assembly
activity (in internal neural structures, in simple networks
of interacting neurons, and in large populations of
neurons). The model neurons particularly important for
our discussion are those that emphasize the relationship
between neurocomputing and non-linear dynamical
systems with bifurcation and rich dynamic behaviour,
including chaotic dynamics.


The presence of dynamics in neural functionality happens even at the more detailed cellular level: the well
known Hodgkin and Huxley model for the generation
and propagation of action potentials in the active membrane of real neurons is an example; time dependent
processes related to synaptic activity and the post
synaptic signals is another example. Dynamics also
appears when we consider the oscillatory behaviour in
real neurons under consistent stimulation. Additionally,
when we consider neural assemblies, we also observe
the emergence of important global dynamic behaviour
for the production of complex functions.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Chaotic Neural Networks

As discussed ahead, non-linearity is an essential

ingredient for complex functionality and for complex
dynamics; there is a clear contrast between linear
dynamic systems and non-linear dynamic systems, in
what respect their potential for the production of rich
and diverse behaviour.

Role of Non-Linear Dynamics in the

Production of Rich Behaviour
In linear dynamical systems, both in continuous time
and in discrete time, the autonomous dynamical behaviour is completely characterized through the systems
natural modes, either the harmonic oscillatory modes,
or the exponentially decaying modes (in the theory
of linear dynamical systems, these are represented by
frequencies and complex frequencies). The possible
dynamic outcomes in linear systems are thus limited
to the universe of linear combinations of these natural
modes. These modes can have their properties of amplitudes and frequencies controlled through parameters of
the system, but not their central properties such as the
nature of the produced waveforms. Since the number
of natural modes of linear systems is closely related
to the number of state variables, we have that small
networks (of linear dynamic elements) can produce
only limited diversity of dynamical behaviour.
The scenario becomes completely different in nonlinear systems. Non-linearity promotes rich dynamic
behaviour, obtained by changing the stability and
instability of different attractors. These changes give
place to bifurcation phenomena (transitions between
dynamic modalities with distinct characteristics)
and therefore to diversity of dynamic behaviour. In
non-linear systems, we can have a large diversity of
dynamical behaviours, with the potential production
of infinite number of distinct waveforms (or time
series, for discrete time systems). This can happen for
systems with very reduced number of state variables:
just three in continuous time, or just one state variable
in discrete time, are enough to allow bifurcation among
different attractors and potential cascades of infinite
bifurcations leading to chaos. In our context, this
means obtaining rich attractor behaviour even from
very simple neural networks (i.e., networks with a
small number of neurons).
In summary, the operation of chaotic neural
networks explores the concepts of attractors, repellers,
limit cycles, and stability (see the topic Terms and

Definitions for details on these concepts) of trajectories

in the multidimensional state space of the neural
network, and more specifically, the dense production
of destabilization of cyclic trajectories with cascading
to chaotic behaviour. This scenario allows for the blend
of ordered behaviour and chaotic dynamics, and the
presence of fractal structure and self-similarity in the
rich landscape of dynamic attractors.


We can look at chaotic elements that compose neuro-like
architectures from several different perspectives. They
can be looked at as emergent units with rich dynamics
that are produced by the interaction of classical model
neurons, such as the sigmoidal model neurons based
on frequency coding (Haykin, 1999), or the integrate
and fire spiking model neurons (Farhat, 1994). They
can also correspond to the modelling of dynamical
behaviour of neural assemblies, approached as a unity
(Freeman, 1992). Finally, they can be tools for approximate representation of aspects of complex dynamics
in the nervous system, paying attention mainly to the
richness of attractors and blend of ordered and erratic
dynamics, and not exactly to the details of the biological
dynamics (DelMoral, 2005; Kaneko, 2001). Ahead we
describe briefly some of the relevant model neurons in
the context of chaotic neural networks.
Aiharas Chaotic Model Neuron. One important
work in the context of chaotic neural networks is the
model neuron proposed by Kazuyuki Aihara and collaborators (1990). In it, we have self-feedback of the
neurons state variable, for representing the refractory period in real neurons. This makes possible rich
bifurcation and cascading to chaos. His work extends
previous models in which some elements of dynamics
were already present. In particular, we have to mention the work by Caianiello (1961), in which the past
inputs have impact on the value of the present state of
the neuron, and the work by Nagumo and Sato (1972),
which incorporates an exponential decay memory.
Aiharas model included memory for the inputs of the
model neuron as well as for its internal state. It also
included continuous transfer functions, an essential
ingredient for rich bifurcation, fractal structure and
cascading to chaos. Equation 1 shows a simplified form

Chaotic Neural Networks

of this model: xi is the node state, while the xj regard

neighboring nodes, t is discrete time, f a continuous
function, kf and kr decay constants, and wij generic
coupling strengths:
xi (t + 1) = f wij k df x j (t d )
j =1 d =0

xi (t d )
d =0



Adachis Associative Memory. Another proposal

that can be mentioned here is that of Adachi, coauthored with Aihara. It uses Aiharas chaotic neuron
for the implementation of associative memories, with
coupling strengths among nodes, wij, given by Hebbianlike correlation measures (Adachi, 1997). Equation
2 defines wij for this model, in a memory storing M
binary strings xp.

wij = ( xip x)( x jp x)


p =1

Nabil Farhats Bifurcating Neuron. Nabil Farhat

and collaborators introduced the Bifurcation Neuron,
in which the phenomena of bifurcation and cascade
to chaotic dynamics emerge from a pulsed model of
type Integrate and Fire (Farhat, 1994). This work
and some of its following developments have direct
relationship to a class of association and pattern
recovery architectures developed by the author of this

article: chaotic neural networks based on Recursive

Processing Elements, or RPEs (DelMoral, 2005 ;
DelMoral, 2007). RPEs are parametric recursions that
are coupled through modulation of their bifurcation
parameters (we say we have parametric coupling),
for the formation of meaningful collective patterns.
Node dynamics is mathematically defined through a
first order parametric recursion:

x(t + 1) = R p ( x(t )
example: x(t + 1) = p. [x(t).(1-x(t))]



This recursion Rp (parameterized by the bifurcation

parameter p) links consecutive values of the state
variable x, which evolves in discrete time t. It is
interesting to comment that first order non-linear
recursions are very simple mathematical systems
with very rich dynamical behavior (Fig.1 shows an
illustrative bifurcation diagram).
Kunihiko Kanekos Coupled Map Lattices CMLs. These structures, initially conceived for the
modelling of spatio-temporal physical systems, employ
the idea of chaotic recursive maps (similar to the RPEs
above described) that interact through diffusive-like
coupling (Kaneko, 2001). Equation 4 represents a
CML: i identifies a node of a linear lattice, and the
amount of coupling.

Figure 1. Bifurcation diagram for the logistic recursion, where Rp(x) = p.x.(1-x)


Chaotic Neural Networks

xi (t + 1) = (1 ).R p ( xi (t )) + .R p ( xi 1 (t )) + .R p ( xi +1 (t ))


Non-Linear Dynamics Tools

The classical tools developed for the study of non-linear
dynamic systems with bifurcation and diverse behaviour
(Hilborn, 1994) are important elements in the study and
characterization of chaotic neural networks (Kaneko,
2001 ; DelMoral, 2007). Among the important ones,
we can mention the Bifurcation Diagrams (see Fig.1),
which are useful for the representation of the long-term
behavior in parametric non-linear dynamical systems,
as well as for the representation of their bifurcations
and their parameter ranges for ordered behavior and
chaotic behavior. We can also mention the Lyapunov
exponents, for the quantitative evaluation of sensibility to initial conditions, the Entropy measures, for the
quantification of trajectory complexity, the Return
Maps, for the characterization of recursive rules, and
the Web Diagrams, for the illustration of attractor and
repeller trajectories (Hilborn, 1994 ; Devaney, 1989 ;
Kaneko, 2001).


A more complex and richer scenario can be created
through the coupling of several units having rich dynamic behavior at the single node level. The following paragraphs detail some of the emergent collective
phenomena that appear in networks of coupled chaotic
elements and are explored for information coding and


Multidimensional attractors. In the multidimensional attractor behavior, similarly to attractors at

the single node level (see entry in the topic Terms
and Definitions, at the end of this article), we have
the evolution in time of the network state towards
a limited repertoire of preferential collective
trajectories, which emerge in the long-term. The
concept of Multidimensional Attractors is central
to the Attractor Networks paradigm: high dimen-

sional dynamical systems whose long-term states

represent relevant information. In the particular
case of chaotic neural networks, the evolution
of the network state is usually composed by an
initial chaotic phase and a gradual approximation
to ordered limit cycles (Kaneko, 2001 ; DelMoral,
2005 ; Freeman, 1992).
Clustering of nodes activities. Here we have,
due to coupling and network self organization,
the formation of groups of nodes exhibiting
activities which are identical or similar in some
sense (Kaneko, 2001).
Synchronization of the nodes cycling (or phase
locking). In this type of collective phenomena,
which is a particular case of clustering, the cyclic
activities of nodes belonging to a cluster have
the same period, and they operate with constant
relative phases (DelMoral, 2005 ; DelMoral,

With collective structures (multiple coupled

neurons), complex functionalities can potentially
be implemented, through the exploration of the
multidimensional nature of the state variables:
image understanding, processing of multiple sensory
information, multidimensional logical reasoning,
complex motor control, memory, association, heteroassociation, decision making and pattern recognition
(DelMoral, 2007). In networks of coupled elements
with rich dynamics, the above collective phenomena
are explored for the representation and processing
of meaningful information. A stored memory, in
association and pattern recovery tasks, or a class
label, in pattern recognition tasks, for example, can be
represented through the specific collective attractors
of the network (DelMoral, 2005). Concretely, the
representation of information can happen through
different quantitative features of the relevant attractors.
We can have the coding of analog information through
the amplitude of oscillations of the state variables, or
even through the sequences of values visited by the state
variables in limit cycles. We can also have the coding of
class labels through the periods of closed trajectories,
through the phase of cycling of closed trajectories,
or even through mixed forms involving several of
these coding modalities. In addition, clustering and
synchronization can be used for spatial segmentation
of information.

Chaotic Neural Networks

Blend of Order and Complex Dynamics


A macroscopic phenomenon that relates to the global

behavior of a coupled structure composed of several
neurons with rich dynamics (as the models described
in previous topics) is the interplay between ordered
behavior and disordered behavior. In many circumstances, we can look at the networks state evolution
as switching between situations of ordered behavior
and situations of apparently erratic behavior. The blend
of ordered and erratic behaviour is explored for the
representation of meaningful information (order) and
the rich search in the state space for stored patterns
(chaotic search).
This blend of ordered and erratic behaviour
appears in many different classes of model neurons
and associated architectures, such as for example,
the Bifurcation Neuron, K Sets structures, RPEs
architectures and many others.

Chaotic Neural Networks and the associated chaotic

model neurons discussed here are part of a current
trend in neural modelling and artificial neurocomputing
that moves the emphasis of artificial model neurons,
from functional analysis and functional synthesis,
particularly evident in neural architectures such as the
MLPs, to a more balanced blend which involves also
elements of neurodynamics and explores extensively
the paradigm of attractor networks. With this ongoing
move, the tendency is to have more powerful modelling tools for the study of the nervous system and more
powerful elements for the development of neuro-like
computing environments.

Since chaotic neural networks are a relatively recent
subject of research, there are many different directions
in which the field can potentially progress. We will just
mention some of these directions.
An important possibility that we can identify is
the exploration of rich dynamics, fractal structure and
diversity of dynamical behaviour, in the modelling
and emulation of higher cognitive functions. We can
mention for example that part of the current research
on consciousness and cognition addresses the possible
roles of complex dynamics on these high level functions
(Perlovsky & Kozma, 2007).
We also see spiking model neurons, a fast growing
research area, and neural oscillators as natural scenarios
for the emergence of rich dynamic phenomena and as
potential substrates for computing with rich dynamics
(Gerstner, 2002). We add that there are several efforts
for the implementation of spiking models in electronic
form (DelMoral, 2003); these efforts can also have
an important role in the context of brain-computer
interfaces based on microelectrode arrays and associated
electronics, another fast growing research area.

Aihara, K., Takabe, T., & Toyoda, M. (1990). Chaotic
neural networks. Physica Letters A, 144(6,7), 333340.
Adachi, M., & Aihara, K. (1997). Associative dynamics in a chaotic neural network. Neural Networks, 10,
Caianiello, E. R. (1961). Outline of a theory of thoughtprocesses and thinking machines. Journal on Theoretical
Biology, 2, 204-235.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E., Gee-Hyuk Lee, & Farhat,
N. (2003). Analog realization of arbitrary one dimensional maps. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 50,
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. (2005). Non-homogenous
neural networks with chaotic recursive nodes: Connectivity and multi-assemblies structures in recursive
processing elements architectures, Neural Networks,
18(5,6), 532-540.
Del-Moral-Hernandez, E. (2007). Recursive nodes
with rich dynamics as modelling tools for cognitive functions. Chapter in L. Perlovsky & R. Kozma
(Eds.), Neurodynamics of higher level cognition
and consciousness. New York - Berlin - Heidelberg:


Chaotic Neural Networks

Devaney, R. L. (1989). An introduction to chaotic

dynamical systems (2nd ed.). Redwood City, CA:
Farhat, N. H., S-Y Lin, & Eldelfrawy, M. (1994).
Complexity and chaotic dynamics in spiking neuron
embodiment. SPIE Critical Review, CR55, 77-88.
Freeman, W. J. (1992). Tutorial on neurobiology: From
single neuron to brain chaos. International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos, 2(3), 451-482.
Gerstner, W., Kistler, & W. M. (2002). Spiking neuron
models: Single neurons, populations, plasticity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural networks: A comprehensive
foundation (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hilborn, R.C. (1994). Chaos and nonlinear dynamics:
An introduction for scientists and engineers. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Ishii, S. et al. (1993). Associative memory using spatiotemporal chaos. In International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks 1993 (Nagoya), 3, 2638-2641.
Kaneko, K., & Tsuda, I. (2001) Complex systems: Chaos
and beyond: A constructive approach with applications
in life sciences. Springer-Verlag.
Kelso, J. A. S. (1995). Dynamic patterns - The selforganization of brain and behaviour. Cambridge, MA:
The MIT Press.
Kozma, R., & Freeman, W. J. (2001). Control of Mesoscopic / Intermediate-Range Spatio-Temporal Chaos
in the Cortex. In American Control Conference 2001,
1, 263-268.
Nagumo, J., & Sato, S. (1972). On a response characteristic of a mathematical neuron model. Kybernetic,
10, 155-164.
Perlovsky, L., & Kozma, R. (Eds.) (2007). Neurodynamics of higher level cognition and consciousness. New
York - Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Siegelmann, H. T. (1995). Computation beyond the
Turing limit. Science, 268, 545-548.


Artificial Neurons / Model Neurons: Mathematical
description of the biological neuron, in what respects
representation and processing of information. These
models are the processing elements that compose an
artificial neural network. In the context of chaotic neural
networks, these models include the representation of
aspects of complex neurodynamics.
Attractors, Repellers and Limit Cycles: These
three concepts are related to the concept of dynamic
modality and they regard the long-term behaviour of
a dynamical system. Attractors are trajectories of the
system state variable that emerge in the long-term,
with relative independence with respect to the exact
values of the initial conditions. These long-term trajectories can be either a point in the state space (a static
asymptotic behaviour), named fixed-point, a cyclic
pattern (named limit cycle), or even a chaotic trajectory. Repellers correspond, qualitatively speaking, to
the opposite behaviour of attractors: given a fixed-point
or a cyclic trajectory of a dynamic system, they are
called repeller-type trajectories if small perturbations
can make the system evolve to trajectories that are far
from the original one.
Bifurcation and Diverse Dynamics: The concept
of bifurcation, present in the context of non-linear
dynamic systems and theory of chaos, refers to the
transition between two dynamic modalities qualitatively
distinct; both of them are exhibited by the same dynamic
system, and the transition (bifurcation) is promoted by
the change in value of a relevant numeric parameter
of such system. Such parameter is named bifurcation
parameter, and in highly non-linear dynamic systems,
its change can produce a large number of bifurcations
between distinct dynamic modalities, with self-similarity and fractal structure. In many of these systems, we
have a cascade of numberless bifurcations, culminating
with the production of chaotic dynamics.
Chaotic Dynamics: Dynamics with specific features indicating complex behaviour, only produced in
highly non-linear systems. These indicative features,
formalized by the discipline of Theory of Chaos,
are high sensibility to initial conditions, non-periodic
behaviour, and production of a large number of different
trajectories in the state space, according to the change
of some meaningful parameter of the dynamical system

Chaotic Neural Networks

(see bifurcation and diverse dynamics ahead). For some

of the tools related to chaotic dynamics, see the related
topic in the main text: Non-linear dynamics tools.
Chaotic Model Neurons: Model neurons that incorporate aspects of complex dynamics observed either
in the isolated biological neuron or in assemblies of
several biological neurons. Some of the models with
complex dynamics, mentioned in the main text of this
article, are the Aiharas model neuron, the Bifurcation
Neuron proposed by Nabil Farhat, RPEs networks,
Kanekos CMLs, and Walter Freemans K Sets.

Spatio-Temporal Collective Patterns: The observed dynamic configurations of the collective state
variable in a multi neuron arrangement (network). The
temporal aspect comes from the fact that in chaotic
neural networks the model neurons states evolve in
time. The spatial aspect comes from the fact that the
neurons that compose the network can be viewed as
sites of a discrete (grid-like) spatial structure.
Stability: The study of repellers and attractors
is done through stability analysis, which quantifies
how infinitesimal perturbations in a given trajectory
performed by the system are either attenuated or amplified with time.



Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted

scar Prez
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain
Manuel Snchez-Montas
Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Spain

Machine learning has provided powerful algorithms
that automatically generate predictive models from
experience. One specific technique is supervised learning, where the machine is trained to predict a desired
output for each input pattern x. This chapter will focus
on classification, that is, supervised learning when the
output to predict is a class label. For instance predicting whether a patient in a hospital will develop cancer
or not. In this example, the class label c is a variable
having two possible values, cancer or no cancer,
and the input pattern x is a vector containing patient
data (e.g. age, gender, diet, smoking habits, etc.). In
order to construct a proper predictive model, supervised
learning methods require a set of examples xi together
with their respective labels ci. This dataset is called
the training set. The constructed model is then used
to predict the labels of a set of new cases xj called the
test set. In the cancer prediction example, this is
the phase when the model is used to predict cancer in
new patients.
One common assumption in supervised learning
algorithms is that the statistical structure of the training and test datasets are the same (Hastie, Tibshirani
& Friedman, 2001). That is, the test set is assumed
to have the same attribute distribution p(x) and same
class distribution p(c|x) as the training set. However,
this is not usually the case in real applications due to
different reasons. For instance, in many problems the
training dataset is obtained in a specific manner that
differs from the way the test dataset will be generated
later. Moreover, the nature of the problem may evolve
in time. These phenomena cause pTr(x, c) pTest(x,
c), which can degrade the performance of the model
constructed in training.
Here we present a new algorithm that allows to
re-estimate a model constructed in training using the

unlabelled test patterns. We show the convergence

properties of the algorithm and illustrate its performance
with an artificial problem. Finally we demonstrate its
strengths in a heart disease diagnosis problem where
the training set is taken from a different hospital than
the test set.

In practical problems, the statistical structure of training
and test sets can be different, that is, pTr(x, c) pTest(x,
c). This effect can be caused by different reasons. For
instance, due to biases in the sampling selection of
the training set (Heckman, 1979; Salganicoff, 1997).
Other possible cause is that training and test sets can
be related to different contexts. For instance, a heart
disease diagnosis model that is used in a hospital which
is different from the hospital where the training dataset
was collected. Then, if the hospitals are located in cities where people have different habits, average age,
etc., this will cause a test set with a different statistical
structure than the training set.
The special case pTr(x) pTest(x) and pTr(c | x) = pTest(c
| x) is known in the literature as covariate shift (Shimodaira, 2000). In the context of machine learning, the
covariate shift can degrade the performance of standard
machine learning algorithms. Different techniques have
been proposed to deal with this problem, see for example
(Heckman, 1979; Salganicoff, 1997; Shimodaira, 2000;
Sugiyama, Krauledat & Mller, 2007). Transductive
learning has also been suggested as another way to
improve performance when the statistical structure of
the test set is shifted with respect to the training set
(Vapnik, 1998; Chen, Wang & Dong, 2003; Wu, Bennett, Cristianini & Shawe-Taylor, 1999).
The statistics of the patterns x can also change in
time, for example in a company that has a continuous

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Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions

Figure 1. Changes across time of the statistics of clients in a car insurance company. The histograms of two different variables (a, b) related to the clients use of their insurance are shown. Dash: data collected four months
later than data shown in solid.

flow of new and leaving clients (figure 1). If we are

interested in constructing a model for prediction, the
statistics of the clients when the model is exploited will
differ from the statistics in training. Finally, often the
concept to be learned is not static but evolves in time
(for example, predicting which emails are spam or not),
causing pTr(x, c) pTest(x, c). This problem is known
as concept drift and different algorithms have been
proposed to cope with it (Black & Hickey, 1999; Wang,
Fan, Yu, & Han, 2003; Widmer & Kubat, 1996).


Here we present a new learning strategy for problems
where the statistical distributions of the training and

test sets are different. This technique can be used in

problems where concept drift, sampling biases, or
any other phenomena exist that cause the statistical
structure of the training and test sets to be different.
On the other hand, our strategy constructs an explicit
estimation of the statistical structure of the problem in
the test data set. This allows us to construct a classifier
that is optimized with respect to the new test statistics,
and provides the user with relevant information about
which aspects of the problem have changed.

Construct a statistical model { P~ ( x | c) , P~ (c) } for

the training set using a standard procedure (for
example, using the standard EM algorithm).
Re-estimate this statistical model using the nonlabelled patterns x of the test set. For this purpose,
we have developed a semi-supervised extension
of EM.

Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions


Use this re-estimated statistical model { P~ ' ( x | c) ,

P ' (c) } to construct a classifier optimized to the test


Model Re-Estimation:
A Semi-Supervised Extension of EM
The standard EM algorithm (Dempster, Laird & Rubin,
1977) is an iterative procedure designed to find the
optimal parameters of a statistical model in a maximum
likelihood sense. Here we present an extension of the
EM algorithm that re-estimates the statistical model
learned in training using the unlabelled test set, under
the assumption that it should resemble the statistical
model learned at training. That is, the algorithm finds
the minimum amount of change that one has to assume
for the model constructed in training (where we know
the pattern classes) to explain the global distribution
of attributes x in the test set.
Let us call the set of different parameters in the
statistical model of our problem. For example, if we
model P (x c = 1) and P (x c = 2) by a mixture of
two and three Gaussians respectively, then would
be composed by the averages, covariance matrices and
likelihoods of the 2+3 different Gaussians in the model.
An estimation Tr should be first made in the training
set using a standard technique such as applying EM
for each individual class. Then, we should recalculate
it as Te using the unlabelled test set by optimizing the
likelihood P ( Te DTe, Tr ) where DTe is the unlabelled
test set (test patterns without the class information).
The maximization of this quantity respect to Te is
equivalent to maximizing the quantity
L' ln P ( DTe


) + ln P (



ln P (



) = ln P (



) + ln P (



We are now in a position to develop the semi-supervised extension of EM. Following the same scheme of
reasoning as in exercise 44 of chapter 3 in (Duda, Hart
& Stork, 2001) we arrive at the following algorithm:

Initialize ' Te Tr and ' Te Tr

(E step): Compute for all h and xi:
P ( h xi, ' Te, ' Te ) =

P ( xi h, ' Te ) P ( h ' Te )
P ( xi h', ' Te ) P ( h' ' Te )


(M step):
Calculate the * Te that maximizes the following
quantity (fixing ' Te and ' Te):

ln P ( *Te


) + P (h xi , 'Te, 'Te ) ln P (h

* Te )

h, xi

Calculate the * Te that maximizes the following

quantity (fixing ' Te and ' Te):
ln P ( *Te


) + P (h xi , ' Te, ' Te ) ln P (xi h, *Te )
h, xi

which we will call the extended log-likelihood.

The term P ( Te Tr ) implements the bias in the reestimation of the parameters, which in our case is a
preference for small changes. Using this extended
log-likelihood it is possible to derive a new version of
EM that maximizes L' .
To achieve it we consider, as in standard EM applications, the existence of additional but latent (or
hidden) variables h in the problem (Dempster, Laird
& Rubin, 1977). For example, in case we model the
statistics as a mixture of Gaussians, the latent variable

indicates which of the Gaussians actually generated

the pattern. The parameters of our statistical model
are then of two types: those a affecting the probability
distributions of the hidden variables h, and those b affecting the rest of parameters of the model. Therefore,
= {a, b}. For instance, if the statistical model is a
mixture of Gaussians, a contains the prior probabilities
of the different Gaussians, and b is composed by the
averages and covariance matrices. Finally, we assume
that the penalization term can be written as:


Update the parameters: ' Te *Te and

' Te * Te
Go to step 2 until convergence of L

In this derivation it is also guaranteed that L does

not decrease at each step, so our algorithm will find
at least a local optimum of L. On the other hand, the
penalization term will ensure the stability of the algorithm (small changes in test data lead to small changes
in the re-estimation), and will allow to associate the
correct class to the different clusters. Our algorithm
contains as a special case the standard EM algorithm

Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions

when the distribution P ( Te Tr ) is not considered or
is assumed to be homogeneous.
In the examples we will show in this chapter we
use a simple case of this algorithm where the statistical model consists in one Gaussian per class, and only
the averages of the Gaussians are re-estimated. The
penalization term ln P ( Te Tr ) used in these examples
is proportional to the Mahalanobis distance (Duda,
Hart & Stork, 2001) between the averages estimated
in training and those re-estimated in test (we will refer
to the proportional factor as g). Then we arrive at the
following simplified algorithm:


Initialize '1, Te 1, Tr and ' 2, Te 2, Tr

(E step): Compute for c=1,2 and all xi in the test

~ ( xi ' c, Te, M c )
P( c ) p
P ( c xi ) = ~
~ ( xi '1, Te, M 1) + P~ ( 2) p
~ ( xi
P (1) p


' 2, Te, M 2 )

(M step):
' c, Te

c, Tr

P ( c xi ) xi

P ( c xi )

NTe xi

+ d) +

and go to step 2 until convergence of L.

where c {1, 2} is the class of the pattern; P (c) is the
prior probability of class c estimated in the training
set; c, Tr and c, Te are the averages of the patterns of
class c in training and test sets respectively; Mc is the
covariance matrix of class c estimated in the training
p (x , M ) is the probability density function of
set; ~
x given that it has been generated by a Gaussian process of average m and covariance matrix M; d is the
substraction of the global average of the attributes in
test to the global average of the attributes in training;
and NTe is the number of patterns in test.

Application to a Synthetic Problem

First we will illustrate our algorithm using a simple
synthetic problem with two classes (figure 2). In training,
class grey was generated from a Gaussian distribution
with average [1.0 ; 1.0] and covariance matrix [0.5, 0.0

; 0.0, 0.5]; class black was generated from a Gaussian distribution with average [1.0 ; 1.5] and covariance
matrix [0.5, 0.4 ; 0.4, 0.5]. The statistical structure of
the test set is different than in training due to a shift
of class black (figure 2a and 2b), now with average
[2.0 ; 1.0]. The minimum Bayes errors of training and
test sets are 27.7% and 18.8% respectively.
First we construct a statistical model of the training
set consisting in one Gaussian for each class (figure
2c). This statistical model is then used to construct a
classifier based on Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).
The error of this classifier in training is 34.1%. When
applied to test set, the error of this classifier increases
to 66.0%. Our algorithm was then used to re-estimate
the statistical model constructed in training using the
unlabelled test set patterns (figure 2d). We can observe
that our algorithm finds the appropriate statistical model
for the test set (figure 2e). In fact, when we recalculated
the LDA classifier using the re-estimated statistical
model, the error in test decreased to 20.5%.

Application to Heart Disease Diagnosis

when the Training and Test Hospitals are
We tested our algorithm using the Heart disease database
from the UCI machine learning repository (Asuncion
& Newman, 2007). The goal is to predict whether a
patient has a heart disease or not, given some personal
data (age, sex, smoking habits, etc.) and the results of
several medical examinations such as blood pressure
and electro cardiograms. The Heart disease database
is in fact the union of four datasets, each one obtained
at a different hospital. One would expect that the statistical structure of the problem is different in different
hospitals since the patients live in different cities (and
thus the environmental factors can be different), the
measurement devices are not exactly the same, etc.
Thus we expect that our algorithm will improve the
classification performance of a model constructed in
a different hospital.
We have checked this hypothesis using the data from
the Cleveland Clinic Foundation as training, and the data
from the Hungarian Institute of Cardiology as test. In
both cases we removed the attributes in columns 12 and
13 since they are frequently missing in the Hungarian
dataset, and performed a normalization in each set so
the attributes have zero mean and unit variance. The
result is 297 examples from the Cleveland Clinic (149

Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions

Figure 2. Re-estimation of the statistical model of the problem in a synthetic example. The two different classes
are shown as two different clouds (grey and black). a, b: the statistical structure of the problem in training is
different than in test. c: statistical model constructed from the training set (dashed: model for class grey;
solid: model for class black). d: recalculation of the statistical model using the unlabelled test set (note that
we have drawn all patterns in grey since the re-estimation algorithm does not have access to the classes of the
test patterns). e: Re-estimated statistical model superposed with the labelled test set (dashed: model for class
grey; solid: model for class black).

of class 1, 148 of class 2), and 294 from the Hungarian

Institute of Cardiology (188 of class 1, 106 of class 2).
First, we use PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the
problem in the training set. Therefore the statistical
model of our problem now consists of the average and
covariance matrix of each class in the principal axes.
Then, a simple classifier that assigns to pattern x the
class with nearest center is considered. The number of

principal components is automatically selected on the

basis of the performance of the classifier in a random
subset of the training dataset which was reserved for
this task. Once the statistical model of the training set is
constructed, we evaluated the performance of the classifier in the test set obtaining an error rate of 18.7%.
In a second step we used our algorithm for re-estimating the statistical model using =0.01, and then

Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions

classified the test patterns using the same procedure as

before, that is, assigning to each test pattern the class
with nearest center. The error was reduced in this case
to 15.3 %. If we repeat the same strategy using a more
elaborated classifier such as one based on Linear Discriminant Analysis, we observe a reduction in the error
from 17.0% to 13.9% after using our algorithm.

In the examples we have presented here we have used
a simplified version of our algorithm that assumes a
statistical model consisting of one Gaussian for each
class, and that only the averages need to be re-estimated
with test. However, our semi-supervised extension
of EM is a general algorithm that is applicable with
arbitrary parametric statistical models (e.g. mixtures
of an arbitrary number of non Gaussian models), and
allows to re-estimate any parameter of the model.
Future work will include the study of the performance
and robustness of different types of statistical models
in practical problems. On the other hand, since our
approach is based on an extension of the extensively
studied standard EM algorithm, we expect that analytical results such as generalization error bounds can be
derived, making the algorithm attractive also from a
theoretical perspective.

We have presented a new learning strategy for classification problems where the statistical structure
of training and test sets are different. In this kind of
problems, the performance of traditional machine
learning algorithms can be severely degraded. Different techniques have been proposed to cope with
different aspects of the problem, such as strategies for
addressing the sample selection bias (Heckman, 1979;
Salganicoff, 1997; Shimodaira, 2000; Zadrozny, 2004;
Sugiyama, Krauledat & Mller, 2007), strategies for
addressing the concept drift (Black & Hickey, 1999;
Wang, Fan, Yu & Han, 2003; Widmer & Kubat, 1996)
and transductive learning (Vapnik, 1998; Wu, Bennett,
Cristianini & Shawe-Taylor, 1999).
The learning strategy we have presented allows to
address all these different aspects, so that it can be used
in problems where concept drift, sampling biases, or any

other phenomena exist that cause the statistical structure

of training and test sets to be different. Moreover, our
algorithm constructs an explicit statistical model of
the new structure in the test dataset, which is of great
value for understanding the dynamics of the problem
and exploiting this knowledge in practical applications.
To achieve this we have extended the EM algorithm
obtaining a semi-supervised version that allows to reestimate the statistical model constructed in training
using the attribute distribution of the unlabelled test
set patterns.

Asuncion, A., & Newman, D.J. (2007). UCI Machine
Learning Repository. [
MLRepository.html]. Irvine, CA: University of
California, Department of Information and Computer
Black, M.M., & Hickey, R.J. (1999). Maintaining the
Performance of a Learned Classifier under Concept
Drift. Intelligent Data Analysis. (3) 453-474.
Chen, Y., Wang, G., & Dong, S. (2003). Learning with
Progressive Transductive Support Vector Machine.
Pattern Recognition Letters. (24) 1845-1855.
Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M., & Rubin, D.B. (1977).
Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM
Algorithm. J. Royal Statist. Soc. Ser. B. (39) 1-38.
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E., & Stork, D.G. (2001). Pattern
Classification (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R., & Friedman, J. (2001). The
Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction. Springer.
Heckman, J.J. (1979). Sample Selection Bias as a
Specification Error. Econometrica. (47) 153-161.
Salganicoff, M. (1997). Tolerating Concept and Sampling Shift in Lazy Learning Using Prediction Error
Context Switching. Artificial Intelligence Review. (11)
Shimodaira, H. (2000). Improving Predictive Inference
under Covariate Shift by Weighting the Log-Likelihood
Function. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
(90) 227-244.

Class Prediction in Test Sets with Shifted Distributions

Sugiyama, M., Krauledat, M., Mller, K.-R. (2007).

Covariate Shift Adaptation by Importance Weighted
Cross Validation. Journal of Machine Learning Research. (8) 985-1005.
Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. Wiley.
Wang, H., Fan, W., Yu, P.S., & Han, J. (2003). Mining
Concept-Drifting Data Streams Using Ensemble Classifiers. In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery
and Data Mining KDD-2003.

EM (Expectation-Maximization Algorithm):
standard iterative algorithm for estimating the parameters of a parametric statistical model. EM finds the
specific parameter values that maximize the likelihood
of the observed data D given the statistical model,
P ( D | ). The algorithm alternates between the Expectation step and the Maximization step, finishing when
P ( D | ) meets some convergence criterium.

Missing Value: Special value of an attribute that

denotes that it is not known or can not be measured.

Widmer, G., & Kubat, M. (1996). Learning in the Presence of Concept Drift and Hidden Contexts. Machine
Learning. (23) 69-101.

Semi-Supervised Learning: Machine learning

technique that uses both labelled and unlabelled data
for constructing the model.

Wu, D., Bennett, K., Cristianini, N., & Shawe-Taylor,

J. (1999). Large Margin Trees for Induction and Transduction. In Proc. 16th International Conf. on Machine

Statistical Model: Mathematical function that models the statistical structure of the problem. For classifica-

Zadrozny, B. (2004). Learning and Evaluating Classifiers under Sample Selection Bias. In Proc. 21st
International Conference on Machine Learning.

Attribute: Each of the components that constitute
an input pattern.
Classifier: Function that associates a class c to each
input pattern x of interest. A classifier can be directly
constructed from a set of pattern examples with their
respective classes, or indirectly from a statistical model
P (x, c) .


tion problems, the statistical model is P~ (x, c) or equivalently { P~ (x | c) , P~ (c) } since P~ (x, c) = P~ (x | c) P~ (c) .

Supervised Learning: Type of learning where the

objective is to learn a function that associates a desired
output (label) to each input pattern. Supervised learning techniques require a training dataset of examples
with their respective desired outputs. Supervised learning is traditionally divided into regression (the desired
output is a continuous variable) and classification (the
desired output is a class label).
Training/Test Sets: In the context of this chapter,
the training set is composed by all labelled examples
that are provided for constructing a classifier. The test
set is composed by the new unlabelled patterns whose
classes should be predicted by the classifier.


Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

Alan Wee-Chung Liew
Griffith University, Australia
Ngai-Fong Law
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Hong Yan
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
University of Sydney, Australia

Important insights into gene function can be gained by
gene expression analysis. For example, some genes are
turned on (expressed) or turned off (repressed) when
there is a change in external conditions or stimuli.
The expression of one gene is often regulated by the
expression of other genes. A detail analysis of gene
expression information will provide an understanding
about the inter-networking of different genes and their
functional roles.
DNA microarray technology allows massively
parallel, high throughput genome-wide profiling of
gene expression in a single hybridization experiment
[Lockhart & Winzeler, 2000]. It has been widely used
in numerous studies over a broad range of biological
disciplines, such as cancer classification (Armstrong et
al., 2002), identification of genes relevant to a certain
diagnosis or therapy (Muro et al., 2003), investigation
of the mechanism of drug action and cancer prognosis
(Kim et al., 2000; Duggan et al., 1999). Due to the large
number of genes involved in microarray experiment
study and the complexity of biological networks, clustering is an important exploratory technique for gene
expression data analysis. In this article, we present a
succinct review of some of our work in cluster analysis
of gene expression data.

Cluster analysis is a fundamental technique in exploratory data analysis (Jain & Dubes, 1988). It aims at
finding groups in a given data set such that objects in
the same group are similar to each other while objects in
different groups are dissimilar. It aids in the discovery of

gene function because genes with similar gene expression profiles can be an indicator that they participate
in related cellular processes. Clustering of genes may
suggest possible roles for genes with unknown functions
based on the known functions of some other genes in
the same cluster. Clustering of gene expression data
has been applied to, for example, the study of temporal
expression of yeast genes in sporulation (Chu et al.,
1998), the identification of gene regulatory networks
(Chen, Filkov, & Skiena, 1999), and the study of cancer
(Tamayo et al., 1999).
Many clustering algorithms have been applied to
the analysis of gene expression data (Sharan, Elkon,
& Shamir, 2002). They can be broadly classified as
either hierarchical or partition-based depending on how
they group the data. Hierarchical clustering is further
subdivided into agglomerative methods and divisive
methods. The former proceed by successive merging
of the N objects into larger groups, whereas the latter
divide a larger group successively into finer groupings. Agglomerative techniques are more common in
hierarchical clustering.
Hierarchical clustering is among the first clustering technique being applied to gene expression data
(Eisen et al., 1998). In hierarchical clustering, each
of the gene expression profile is considered as a cluster initially. Then, pairs of clusters with the smallest
distance between them, are merged together to form
a single cluster. This process is repeated until there
is only one cluster left. The hierarchical clustering
algorithm arranges the gene expression data into a
hierarchical tree structure known as a dendrogram,
which allows easy visualization and interpretation of
results. However, the hierarchical tree cannot indicate
the optimal number of clusters in the data. The user
has to interpret the tree topologies and identify branch

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

points that segregate clusters of biological relevance. In

addition, once a data is assigned to a node in the tree,
it cannot be reassigned to a different node even though
it is later found to be closer to that node.
In partition-based clustering algorithms, such as
K-means clustering (Jain & Dubes, 1988), the number
of clusters is arbitrarily fixed by the users at start. Setting the correct number of clusters can be a difficult
problem and many heuristics are used. The basic idea
of K-means clustering is to partition the data into a
predefined number of clusters such that the variability of
the data within each cluster is minimized. Clustering is
achieved by first generating K random cluster centroids,
then alternatingly updating the cluster assignment of
each data vector and the cluster centroids. The Euclidean
distance is usually employed in K-means clustering to
measure the closeness of a data vector to the cluster
centroids. However, such distance metric inevitably
imposes an ellipsoidal structure on the resulting clusters.
Hence, data that do not conform to this structure are
poorly clustered by the K-means algorithm.
Other approach to clustering includes model-based
approach. In contrast to model-free partition-based
algorithms, model-based clustering uses certain dis-

tribution models for clusters and attempts to optimize

the fit between the data and the model. Each cluster is
represented by a parametric distribution, like a Gaussian,
and the entire data set is modeled by a mixture of these
distributions. The most widely used clustering method
of this kind is the one based on a mixture of Gaussians
(McLachlan & Basford, 1988; Yeung et al., 2001).


Binary Hierarchical Clustering (BHC): In Szeto et al.
(2003), we proposed the BHC algorithm for clustering
gene expression data based on the hierarchical binary
subdivision framework of Clausi (2002). Consider the
dataset with three distinct classes as shown in Fig.1.
The algorithm starts by assuming that the data consists
of one class. The first application of binary subdivision
generates two clusters A and BC. As the projection of
class A and class BC have a large enough Fisher criterion on the A-BC discriminant line, the algorithm splits
the original dataset into two clusters. Then, the binary
subdivision is applied onto each of the two clusters. The

Figure 1. The binary subdivision framework. (a) Original data treated as one class, (b) Partition into two clusters, A and BC. (c) Cluster A cannot be split further, but cluster BC is split into two clusters, B and C. (d) Both
cluster B and C cannot be split any more, and we have three clusters A, B, and C. (Figure adopted from Clausi


Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

BC cluster is separated into B and C clusters because its

Fisher criterion is large. However, the Fisher criterion
of cluster A is too small to allow further division, so it
remains as a single cluster. Such subdivision process
is repeated until all clusters have Fisher criterion too
low for further splitting and the process stops.
The BHC algorithm proceeds in two steps: (1) binary
partition using a mixed FCM-HC algorithm to partition
the data into two classes, (2) Fisher discriminant analysis
on the two classes, where if the Fisher criterion exceeds
a set threshold, we accept the partition; otherwise do
not subdivide the data any further.
A novel aspect of the BHC algorithm is the use of
the FCM-HC algorithm to partition the data. The idea
is illustrated in Fig.2a-2c. In Fig.2a, there are three
clusters. The desirable two-class partition would be for
the two closer clusters to be classified as one partition
and the remaining cluster as the second partition. However, a K-means partitioning of the data would favor
the split of the middle cluster into two classes. With
this wrong partition, subsequent Fisher discriminant
analysis would conclude that the splitting is not valid
and the data should be considered as just one class. To
overcome this problem, we first over-cluster the data
into several clusters by the Fuzzy C-means (FCM)
algorithm. Then, the clusters are merged together
by the average linkage hierarchical clustering (HC)
algorithm until only two classes are left. In Fig.2a,
the data is over-clustered into six clusters by the FCM
algorithm. A hierarchical tree constructed from the six
clusters using the average linkage clustering algorithm
is constructed as in Fig.2b. Using the cutoff as shown in

Fig.2b, a final partitioning of the data into two classes is

shown in Fig.2c. We can see that A, B are merged into
one class, and C, E, F, D are merged into the second
class. FCM-HC also allows non-ellipsoidal clusters to
be partitioned correctly. Fig.2d shows a dataset containing two non-ellipsoidal clusters that is over-clustered
into six clusters. After merging, we obtain the correct
two-class partitions as shown in Fig.2e.
The BHC algorithm makes no assumption about
the class distributions and the number of clusters
is determined automatically. The only parameter
required is the Fisher threshold. The binary hierarchical
framework naturally leads to a tree structure
representation where similar clusters are placed adjacent
to each other in the tree. Near the root of the tree, only
gross structures in the data are shown, whereas near the
end branches, fine details in the data can be visualized.
Figure 3 shows the BHC clustering results on Spellmans
yeast dataset ( The
dataset contains expression profiles for 6178 genes
under different experimental conditions, i.e., cdc15,
and cdc28, alpha factor and elutriation experiments.
Self-Splitting and Merging Competitive Learning
(SSMCL) Clustering: In Wu, Liew, & Yan (2004),
we proposed a new clustering framework based on
the one-prototype-take-one-cluster (OPTOC) learning paradigm (Zhang & Liu, 2002) for clustering
gene expression data. The new algorithm is able to
identify natural clusters in the data as well as provide
a reliable estimate of the number of distinct clusters in
the data. In conventional clustering, if the number of

Figure 2. Partition of the data into two classes, where the original data is clustered into six clusters (a) with the
resulting hierarchical tree (b), and finally the two-class partition after merging (c). For two non-ellipsoidal clusters, FCM-HC over-clusters them into 6 classes (d), and the resulting two-class partition after merging (e).


Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

Figure 3. BHC clustering of (a) alpha factor experiment dataset, (b) cdc15 experiment dataset, (c) elutriation
experiment dataset, and (d) cdc28 experiment dataset.

prototypes is less than that of the natural clusters in the

data, then at least one prototype will win patterns from
more than two clusters. In contrast, the OPTOC idea
allows one prototype to characterize only one natural
cluster in the data, regardless of the actual number of
clusters in the data. This is achieved by constructing
a dynamic neighborhood such that patterns inside the
neighborhood contribute more to its learning than those
outside. Eventually, the prototype settles at the center
of a natural cluster, while ignoring competitions from
other clusters as shown in Fig. 4b.
The SSMCL algorithm starts with a single cluster.
If the actual number of clusters in the data is more than
one, additional prototypes are generated to search for
the remaining clusters. Let Ci denotes the center of all
the patterns that Pi wins according to the minimum

distance rule. The distortion |Pi-Ci| measures the discrepancy between the prototype Pi found by OPTOC
learning and the actual cluster structure in the data.
For example, in Fig. 4b, C1 would be located at the
center of the three clusters S1, S2 and S3 (since there
is only one prototype, it wins all input patterns), while
P1 eventually settled at the center of S3. After the prototypes have all settled down, a large |Pi-Ci| indicates
the presence of other natural clusters in the data. A
new prototype would be generated from the prototype
with the largest distortion when this distortion exceeds
a certain threshold .
Ideally, with a suitable threshold, the algorithm will
find all natural clusters in the data. Unfortunately, the
complex structure exhibited by gene expression data
makes setting an appropriate threshold difficult. Instead,

Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

Figure 4. Two learning methods: conventional versus OPTOC. (a) One prototype takes the arithmetic center of
three clusters (conventional learning). (b) One prototype takes one cluster (OPTOC learning) and ignores the
other two clusters.



Figure 5. (a) The 22 distinct clusters found by SSMCL for the yeast cell cycle data. (b) Five patterns that correspond to the five cell cycle phases. The genes presented here are only those that belong to these clusters and
are biologically characterized to a specific cell cycle phase.




Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

we proposed an over-clustering and merging strategy.

The over-clustering step minimizes the chance of missing any natural clusters in the data, while the merging
step ensures that the final clusters are all visually distinct
from each other. In over-clustering, a natural cluster
might be split into more than one cluster. However,
no one cluster may contain data from several natural
clusters, since the OPTOC paradigm discourages a
cluster from winning data from more than one natural
cluster. The clusters that are visually similar would
be merged during the merging step. Together with the
OPTOC framework, the over-clustering and merging
framework allows a systematic estimation of the correct number of natural clusters in the data.
Fig.5a shows the SSMCL clustering result for
the yeast cell cycle expression data (http://genomics. We observe that the 22 clusters found
have no apparent visual similarity. We checked the 22
clusters with the study of Cho et al. (1998), where 416
genes have been interpreted biologically. Those gene
expression profiles include five fundamental patterns
that correspond to five cell cycles phases: early G1, late
G1, S, G2, and M phase. Fig.5b shows the five clusters
that contain most of the genes belonging to these five
different patterns. It is obvious that these five clusters
correspond to the five cell cycle phases.

Microarray data is usually represented as a matrix with
rows and columns correspond to genes and conditions
respectively. Conventional clustering algorithms can
be applied to either rows or columns but not simultaneously. However, an interesting cellular process is often
active only in a subset of conditions, or a single gene
may participate in multiple pathways that may not be
co-active under all conditions. Biclustering methods
allow the clustering of rows and columns simultaneously. Existing biclustering algorithms often iteratively
search for the best possible sub-grouping of the data
by permuting rows and columns of the data matrix
such that an appropriate merit function is improved
(Madeira & Oliveira, 2004). When different bicluster
patterns co-exist in the data, no single merit function
can adequately cater for all possible patterns. Although
recent approach such as geometric biclustering (Gan,
Liew & Yan, 2008) has shown great potential, much
work is still needed here. It is also important to de294

velop visualizing tools for the high dimensional gene

expression clusters. The parallel coordinate plot is a
well-known visualization technique for high dimension
data and we are currently investigating it for bicluster
visualization (Cheng et al., 2007).

Cluster analysis is an important exploratory tool for
gene expression data analysis. This article describes
two recently proposed clustering algorithms for gene
expression data. In the BHC algorithm, the data are
successively partitioned into two classes using the
Fisher criterion. The binary partitioning leads to a
tree structure representation which facilitates easy
visualization. In the SSMCL algorithm, the OPTOC
learning framework allows the detection of natural
clusters. The subsequent over-clustering and merging
step then allows a systematic estimation of the correct
number of clusters in the data. Finally, we discuss
some possible avenues of future research in this area.
The problem of biclustering of gene expression data
is a particularly interesting topic that warrants further

This work is supported by the Hong Kong Research
Grant Council (Projects CityU 122506).

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BHC Clustering: A clustering algorithm based on

the hierarchical binary subdivision framework. The
algorithm proceeds by partitioning a cluster into two
classes, and then check for the validity of the partition by
Fisher discriminant analysis. The algorithm terminates
when no further valid subdivision is possible.

Madeira, S.C. & Oliveira, A.L. (2004). Biclustering

algorithms for biological data analysis: a survey.

Biclustering: Also called two-way clustering or

co-clustering. In biclustering, not only the objects but

Cluster Analysis of Gene Expression Data

also the features of the objects are clustered. If the data

is represented in a data matrix, the rows and columns
are clustered simultaneously.

and merge them into successively larger clusters. Divisive algorithms begin with the whole set and proceed
to divide it into successively smaller clusters.

Cluster Analysis: An exploratory data analysis

technique that aims at finding groups in a data such
that objects in the same group are similar to each other
while objects in different groups are dissimilar.

K-Means Clustering: K-means clustering is the

most well-known partition-based clustering algorithm.
The algorithm starts by choosing k initial centroids,
usually at random. Then the algorithm alternates
between updating the cluster assignment of each data
point by associating with the closest centroid and
updating the centroids based on the new clusters until

DNA Microarray technology: A technology that allows massively parallel, high throughput genome-wide
profiling of gene expression in a single hybridization
experiment. The method is based on the complementary
hybridization of DNA sequence.
Gene Expression: Gene expression is the process by
which a genes DNA sequence is converted into functional proteins. Some genes are turned on (expressed)
or turned off (repressed) when there is a change in
external conditions or stimuli.
Hierarchical Clustering: A clustering method that
finds successive clusters using previously established
clusters. Hierarchical algorithms can be agglomerative
(bottom-up) or divisive (top-down). Agglomerative algorithms begin with each element as a separate cluster


SSMCL Clustering: A partition-based clustering

algorithm that is based on the one-prototype-take-onecluster (OPTOC) learning paradigm. OPTOC learning is
achieved by constructing a dynamic neighborhood that
favors patterns inside the neighborhood. Eventually, the
prototype settles at the center of a natural cluster, while
ignoring competitions from other clusters. Together
with the over-clustering and merging process, SSMCL
is able to find all natural clusters in the data.


Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

Yu-Chen Song
Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China
Hai-Dong Meng
Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, China

Clustering analysis is an intrinsic component of
numerous applications, including pattern recognition,
life sciences, image processing, web data analysis,
earth sciences, and climate research. As an example,
consider the biology domain. In any living cell that
undergoes a biological process, different subsets
of its genes are expressed in different stages of the
process. To facilitate a deeper understanding of these
processes, a clustering algorithm was developed (BenDor, Shamir, & Yakhini, 1999) that enabled detailed
analysis of gene expression data. Recent advances in
proteomics technologies, such as two-hybrid, phage
display and mass spectrometry, have enabled the
creation of detailed maps of biomolecular interaction
networks. To further understanding in this area, a
clustering mechanism that detects densely connected
regions in large protein-protein interaction networks that
may represent molecular complexes was constructed
(Bader & Hogue, 2003). In the interpretation of remote
sensing images, clustering algorithms (Sander, Ester,
Kriegel, & Xu, 1998) have been employed to recognize
and understand the content of such images. In the
management of web directories, document annotation
is an important task. Given a predefined taxonomy,
the objective is to identify a category related to the
content of an unclassified document. Self-Organizing
Maps have been harnessed to influence the learning
process with knowledge encoded within a taxonomy
(Adami, Avesani, & Sona, 2005). Earth scientists are
interested in discovering areas of the ocean that have a
demonstrable effect on climatic events on land, and the
SNN clustering technique (Ertz, Steinbach, & Kumar,
2002) is one example of a technique that has been
adopted in this domain. Also, scientists have developed
climate indices, which are time series that summarize
the behavior of selected regions of the Earths oceans
and atmosphere. Clustering techniques have proved

crucial in the production of climate indices (Steinbach,

Tan, Kumar, Klooster, & Potter, 2003).
In many application domains, clusters of data are
of arbitrary shape, size and density, and the number
of clusters is unknown. In such scenarios, traditional
clustering algorithms, including partitioning methods,
hierarchical methods, density-based methods and gridbased methods, cannot identify clusters efficiently or
accurately. Obviously, this is a critical limitation. In
the following sections, a number of clustering methods
are presented and discussed, after which the design of
an algorithm based on Density and Density-reachable
(CADD) is presented. CADD seeks to remedy some of
the deficiencies of classical clustering approaches by
robustly clustering data that is of arbitrary shape, size,
and density in an effective and efficient manner.

Clustering aims to identify groups of objects (clusters)
that satisfy some specific criteria, or share some common attribute. Clustering is a rich and diverse domain,
and many concepts have been developed as the understanding of clustering develops and matures (Tan,
Steinbach, & Kumar, 2006). As an example, consider
spatial distribution. A typology of clusters based on
this includes: Well-separated clusters, Center-based
clusters, Contiguity-based clusters, and Density-based
clusters. Given the diversity of domains in which clustering can be applied, and the diverse characteristic and
requirements of each, it is not surprising that numerous clustering algorithms have been developed. The
interested reader is referred to the academic literature
(Qiu, Zhang, & Shen, 2005), (Ertz, Steinbach, & Kumar, 2003), (Zhao, Song, Xie, & Song, 2003), (Ayad
& Kamel, 2003), (Karypis, Han, & Kumar, 1999) for
further information.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

Though the range of clustering algorithms that have

been developed is broad, it is posisble to classify them
according the broad approach or method adopted by

A partitioning method creates an initial set of k

partitions, where the parameter k is the number
of partitions to be constructed. Then it uses an
iterative relocation technique that attempts to
improve the partitioning by moving objects from
one group to another. Typical partitioning methods
include K-means , K-medoids, CLARANS, and
their derivatives.
A hierarchical method creates a hierarchical decomposition of the given set of data objects. The
method can be classified as being either agglomerative (bottom-up) or divisive (top-down), based
on how the hierarchical decomposition is formed.
To compensate for the rigidity of the merge or
split, the quality of hierarchical agglomeration
can be improved by analyzing object linkages at
each hierarchical partition - an approach adopted
by the CURE and Chameleon algorithms, or by
integrating other clustering techniques such as
iterative relocation an approach adopted by
A density-based method clusters objects based on
the concept of density. It either grows the cluster
according to the density of the neighborhood
objects (an approach adopted by DBSCAN), or
according to some density function (such that
used by DENCLUE).
A grid-based method first quantizes the object
space into a finite number of cells thus forming
a grid structure, and then performs clustering on
the grid structure. STING is a typical example of a
grid-based method based on statistical information
stored in grid cells. CLIQUE and Wave Cluster
are examples of two clustering algorithms that
are both grid-based and density-based.
A model-based method hypothesizes a model for
each of the clusters and finds the best fit of the
data to that model. Typical model-based methods
involve statistical approaches (such as COBWER,
CLASSIT, and AutoClass).

In essence, practically all clustering algorithms

attempt to cluster data by trying to optimize some
objective function.

Before the development of a clustering algorithm can
be considered, it is necessary to consider some problems intrinsic to clustering. In data mining, efforts
have focused on finding methods for efficient and
effective cluster analysis in large databases. Active
themes of research focus on the effectiveness of methods for clustering complex shapes and types of data,
high-dimensional clustering techniques, scalability of
clustering methods, and methods for clustering mixed
numerical and categorical data in large databases. When
clustering algorithms are analyzed, it is obvious that
there are some intrinsic weaknesses that affect their

Reliability to parameter selection - for partitioning

methods and hierarchical methods, it is necessary
to input parameters both for the number of clusters
and the initial centroids of the clusters. This is
difficult for unsupervised data mining when there
is lack of relevant domain knowledge (Song &
Meng, 2005 July), (Song & Meng, 2005 June).
At the same time, different random initializations
for number of clusters and centroids of clusters
produce diverse clustering results, indicating
a lack of stability on the part of the clustering
Sensitivity to noise and outliers - noise and outliers can unduly influence the clusters derived
by partitioning methods, hierarchical methods,
grid-based methods, and model-based methods;
however partitioning methods and hierarchical
methods are particularly susceptible.
Selectivity to cluster shapes - partitioning methods,
hierarchical methods, and grid-based methods are
not suitable for all types of data distribution, and
cannot handle non-globular clusters of different
shapes, sizes and densities.
Ability to detect outliers - density-based methods
are relatively resistant to noise and can handle
clusters of arbitrary shapes and sizes, but can not
detect outliers effectively.

Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

In order to visually illustrate the clustering results, twodimensional data sets as experimental data are used.
However, it should be noted that the analysis results
are also suitable for higher dimensional data.

respective centres). During this hierarchical clustering

process, CURE eliminates outliers by eliminating small,
slowly growing clusters. Although the concept of representative points does allow CURE to find clusters of
different sizes and shapes in some data sets, CURE is
still biased towards finding globular clusters, as it still
incorporates the notion of a cluster centre.

Partitioning Method

Density-Based Methods

K-means, a partitioning method, is one of the most

commonly used clustering algorithms, but it does not
perform well on data with outliers or with clusters of
different sizes or non-globular shapes. This clustering
method is the most suitable for capturing clusters with
globular shapes, but this approach is very sensitive to
noise and cannot handle clusters of varying density.

Density-based clustering locates regions of high density

that are separated from one another by regions of low
density. DBSCAN is a typical and effective densitybased clustering algorithm which can find different
types of clusters, identify outliers and noise, but it can
not handle clusters of varying density. DBSCAN can
have difficulty with density if the density of clusters
and noise varies widely. Consider Figure 1, which illustrates three clusters embedded in noises of unequal
densities. The noise around the clusters A and B has the
same density as cluster C. If the Eps threshold is high
enough such that DBSCAN finds A and B as separate
clusters, and the points surrounding them are marked
as noise, then C and the points surrounding it will also
be marked as noise.

Experimental Analysis of Traditional

Clustering Agorithms

Hierarchical Method
Hierarchical clustering techniques are a second important category of clustering methods, but the most
commonly used methods are agglomerative hierarchical
algorithms. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithms are
expensive in terms of their computational and storage
requirements. The space and time complexity of such
algorithms severely restricts the size of the data sets
that can be used. Agglomerative hierarchical algorithms
identify globular clusters but cannot find non-globular
clusters, and also cannot identify any outliers or noise
points. CURE relies on an agglomerative hierarchical
scheme to perform the actual clustering. The distance
between two clusters is defined as the minimum distance between any two of their representative points
(after the representative points are shrunk toward their

An Algorithm Based on Density and

Based on the notions of density and density reachable
(Meng & Zhang, 2006), (Meng & Song, 2005), a clustering algorithm that can find clusters of arbitrary shapes
and sizes, handle clusters and noises of varying density,
minimize the reliability of domain knowledge, and identify outliers efficiently, can be designed. A prerequisite
to this is the provision of some key definitions:

Figure 1. Clusters embedded in noise points of unequal


The density of the data points is defined as the

sum of the influence functions associated with
each point:


density(xi ) = e

d xi , x j


j =1

where the Gaussian influence function






d xi x j


indicates the density influence

of each data points on the density of point xi;
and is the density adjustment parameter which
f Guass

(x , x )= e


Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets


is analogous to be the standard deviation, and

governs how quickly the influence of a point
drops off.
Density-reachable distance is used to determine
a circular area of data point x, labeled as
= { x | 0 < d(x i , x j ) R }, the data points of
which all belong the same cluster. The formula



mean( D )
n coefR

where mean(D) is the mean distance between all

data points in data set, and coefR is the adjustment
coefficient of the density-reachable distance.
Local density attractors are the data points at
which the value of the density function is a local
Density-reachable is defined as follows: if there
is an objects chain p1 , p 2 , p n , p n = qq is
a local density attractor, and p n 1 is densityreachable from q, then for p i D, (1 i < n 1)
and d (pi , pi +1 ) < R , we define that object
pi ,(1 i < n 1) as being density-reachable from



See Exhibit A.

Experimental Results
The clustering algorithm was developed using C++. In
order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, a large
number of experiments were carried out with different
data sets which contain clusters of different shape, size,
and density. The results are now considered.

Clusters of Complex Shapes

The clustering results of clusters of arbitrary shapes
and sizes are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, the data
set being taken from (Karypis et al., 1999).
In contrast to partitioning and hierarchical methods,
the clustering algorithm CADD identified the clusters
of arbitrary shapes and sizes, and identified the outliers

Clusters of Varying Density

Density-based methods can perform poorly when
clusters have widely differing densities. The clustering
algorithm CADD assign each object to a cluster accord-

Exhibit A.
Algorithm Clustering algorithm based on density and densityreachableCADD
InputData set, adjustment coefficient of densityreachable distance.
OutputNumber of clusters, the members of each cluster, outliers or noise points.
1Compute the densities of each data points and construct original data chain table of clustering
4 Seek the maximum density attractor ODensityMaxi in the original data chain table of clustering
objects as the first cluster center of Ci.
5 Assign the objects in the data chain which are density reachable from ODensityMaxi to cluster &Land
at the same time delete the clustered objects form original data chain table.
6 ii+1


Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

Figure 2. Clustering result of winded clusters






2 Cl


Figure 3. Clustering result of complex clusters














storage, and 80GB hard disk. All objects in the data

set possessed 117 attributes.
The basic time complexity of DBSCAN is O(n
time to find objects in the Eps-neighborhood, where
n is the number of data objects). In the worst case, this
complexity is O(n2). However, in low-dimensional
spaces, there are data structures, such as kd-trees, that
allow efficient retrieval of all objects within a given
distance of a specified point, and the time complexity
can be as low as O(n log n). The space complexity
resu t of comp
uste s
is O(n).
The basic time complexity of
CADD is O(kn), where k is the number of clusters. This
is because it is only necessary to search the densityreachable objects in the data set once for each cluster,
and in the worst case, the time complexity will be O(n2).
The space requirement of CADD is O(n).









ing to density-reachable. When managing clusters of

varying density, it is important to adjust the distance
of density-reachable. This adjustment is carried out by
multiplying the original density-reachable distance by
the ratio of the density of the first density attractor to
the density of the second density attractor, so as to succeed in identifying clusters of varying density. This is
because when the density of the local density attractor
of a cluster is larger, the distance between objects in
the cluster is smaller, and conversely, when the density
of the local density attractor of a cluster is smaller, the
distance between objects in the cluster is larger.
Figure 4 demonstrates that CADD identifies three
clusters C1, C2, and C3 of varying density and which are
embedded in outliers or noise points of unequal density.
The clustering result reflects the characteristics of data
distribution, and is not affected by varying density.

As many different clustering algorithms have been

developed in a variety of domains for different types of
applications, details of experimental clustering results

Figure 4. The result of clusters embedded in noises of

unequal density










Figure 5. Run times of DBSCAN and CADD

Experimental Analysis of Computational

After increasing the size of the experimental data set,
the run times of DBSCAN and CADD were recorded, as
shown in Figure 5. The workstation used to perform the
experiment was equipped with 1.6GHz CPU, 512MB

Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

are discussed in many academic texts and research

papers. None of these algorithms are suitable for
every kind of data, clusters, and applications, and so
there is significant scope for developing new clustering algorithms that are more efficient or better suited
to a particular type of data, cluster, or application. This
trend is likely to continue, as new sources of data are
becoming increasingly available. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are an example of a new technology that
can be deployed in a multitude of domains; and such
networks will almost invariably give rise to significant
quantities of data that will require sophisticated analysis
if meaningful interpretations are to be attained.

Clustering forms an important component in many
applications, and the need for sophisticated, robust
clustering algorithms is likely to increase over time.
One example of such an algorithm is CADD. Based
on the concepts of density and density-reachable,
it is overcomes some of the intrinsic limitations of
traditional clustering mechanisms, and its improved
computational efficiency and scalability have been
verified experimentally.


protein interaction networks. BMC Bioinformatics, 4.
Ben-Dor, A., Shamir, R., & Yakhini, Z. (1999). Clustering gene expression patterns. Journal of computational
Biology, 6, 281-297.
Ertz, L., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2003). Finding Clusters of Different Size, Shapes and Densities
in Noisy High Dimensional Data. In Proc. of the 3rd
SIAM International Conference on Data mining.
Ertz, L., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2002). A New
Shared Nearest Neighbor Clustering Algorithm and
its Applications. In: Proceedings of the Work-shop on
Clustering High Dimensional Data and its Applications,
Second SIAM International Conference on data mining,
Arlington, VA, USA.
Karypis, G., Han, E-H., & Kumar,V. (1999), CHAMELEON: A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm Using
Dynamic Modeling. IEEE Computer 32(8), 68-75.
Meng, H-D., & Zhang, Y-Y. (2006). Improved Clustering Algorithm Based on Density and Direction.
Computer Engineering and Applications, 42(20),
Meng, H-D., & Song, Y-C. (2005). The implementation and application of data mining system based on
campus network. Journal on communications, 26(1A),

This material is based upon works supported by The

National Funded Project of China (No. 06XTQ011),
and the China Scholarship Council.

Qiu, B.Z., Zhang, X-Z., & Shen, J-Y. (2005). Gridbased clustering algorithm for multi-density. In: Proceedings of 2005 International Conference on Machine
Learning and Cybernetics, 3, 1509- 1512.


Sander, J. O., Ester, M., Kriegel, H-P., & Xu, X. W.

(1998). Density-Based Clustering in Spatial Data sets:
The Algorithm GDBSCAN and Its Applications. Data
mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2, 169194.

Adami, G., Avesani, P., & Sona, D. (2005). Clustering

documents into a web directory for bootstrapping a
supervised classification. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 54, 301-325.

Song, Y-C., & Meng, H-D. (2005, July). The design of

expert system of market basket analysis based on data
mining. Market modernization, 7,184-185.

Ayad, H., Kamel, M. (2003). Finding Natural Clusters

Using Multi-clusterer Combiner Based on Shared Nearest Neighbors. Springer Berlin, 2709, 159-175.

Song, Y-C., & Meng, H-D. (2005, June). The construction of knowledge base based on data mining for market
basket analysis. Market modernization, 6,152-153.

Bader, G. D. & Hogue, C. W. (2003). An automated

method for finding molecular complexes in large

Steinbach, M., Tan, P-N., Kumar, V., Klooster, S., &

Potter, C. (2003) Discovery of climate indices using
clustering. Proceedings of the ninth ACM SIGKDD


Clustering Algorithm for Arbitrary Data Sets

international conference on Knowledge discovery and

data mining, Washington, D.C., 446--455
Tan, P-N., Steinbach, M., & Kumar, V. (2006). Introduction to Data mining. Post & Telecom Press of
P.R.China (Chinese Edition), 359-371.
Zhao, Y-C., Song, M., Xie, F., & Song, J-D. (2003).
Clustering Datasets Containing Clusters of Various
Densities. Journal of Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, 26, 42-47.

Cluster Analysis: Cluster analysis groups data
objects based only on information found in the data
that describes the objects and their relationships.
CADD: A clustering algorithm based on the concepts of Density and Density-reachable.

Centre-Based Clusters: Each object in a centrebased cluster is closer to the centre of the cluster than
to the centres of any other clusters.
Contiguity-Based Clusters: Each object in a contiguity-based cluster is closer to some other object in
the cluster than to any point in a different cluster.
Density-Based Clusters: Each object in a densitybased cluster is closer to some other object within its
Eps neighbourhood than to any object not in the cluster,
resulting in dense regions of objects being surrounded
by regions of lower density.
Eps: Maximum radius of the neighbourhood.
Well-Separated Cluster: A cluster is a set of objects
in which each object is significantly closer (or more
similar) to every other object in the cluster than to any
object not in the cluster.



CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression

Data Part I
Atiq Islam
University of Memphis, USA
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
University of Memphis, USA
E. Olusegun George
University of Memphis, USA
David J. Russomanno
University of Memphis, USA

Automated diagnosis and prognosis of tumors of the
central nervous system (CNS) offer overwhelming
challenges because of heterogeneous phenotype and
genotype behavior of tumor cells (Yang et al. 2003,
Pomeroy et al. 2002). Unambiguous characterization
of these tumors is essential for accurate prognosis and
therapy. Although the present imaging techniques help
to explore the anatomical features of brain tumors, they
do not provide an effective means of early detection.
Currently, the histological examination of brain tumors
is widely used for an accurate diagnosis; however, the
tumor classification and grading based on histological
appearance does not always guarantee absolute accuracy
(Yang et al., 2003, Pomeroy et al., 2002). In many cases,
it may not be sufficient to detect the detailed changes
in the molecular level using a histological examination (Yang et al. 2003) since such examination may
not allow accurate prediction of therapeutic responses
or prognosis. If the biopsy sample is too small, the
problems are aggravated further.
Toward achieving a more reliable diagnosis and
prognosis of brain tumors, gene expression measures
from microarrays are the center of attention to many
researchers who are working on tumor prediction
schemes. Our proposed tumor prediction scheme is
discussed in two chapters in this volume. In part I (this
chapter), we use an analysis of variance (ANOVA)
model for characterizing the Affymetrix gene expression data from CNS tumor samples (Pomeroy et al.
2002) while in part II we discuss the prediction of

tumor classes based on marker genes selected using the

techniques developed in this chapter. In this chapter,
we estimate the tumor-specific gene expression measures based on the ANOVA model and exploit them to
locate the significantly differentially expressed marker
genes among different types of tumor samples. We also
provide a novel visualization method to validate the
marker gene selection process.

Numerous statistical methods have evolved that are
focused on the problem of finding the marker genes
that are differentially expressed among tumor samples
(Pomeroy et al., 2002, Islam et al., 2005, Dettling et
al., 2002, Boom et al., 2003, Park et al., 2001). For
example, Pomeroy et al. (2002) uses student t-test to
identify such genes in embryonal CNS tumor samples.
Because of the non-normality of gene expression
measurements, several investigators have adopted the
use of nonparametric methods, such as the Wilcoxon
Sum Rank Test (Wilcoxon, 1945) as a robust alternative to the parametric procedures. In this chapter, we
investigate a Wilcoxon-type approach and adapt the
resulting procedures for locating marker genes.
Typically, statistical procedures for microarray data
analysis involve performing gene specific tests. Since
the number of genes under consideration is usually
large, it is common practice to control the potentially
large number of false-positive conclusions and family-wise error rates (the probability of at least one

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I

false positive statement) through the use of P-value

adjustments. Pollard et al. (2003) and Van der Laan
et al. (2004a, 2004b, 2005c) proposed methods to
control family-wise error rates based on the bootstrap
resampling technique of Westfall & Young (1993).
Benjamini & Hochberg (1995), Efron et al. (2001) and
Storey et al. (2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2004) introduced
various techniques for controlling the false discovery
rate (FDR), which is defined as the expected rate of
falsely rejecting the null hypotheses of no differential
gene expression. These adjustment techniques have
gained prominence in statistical research relating to
microarray data analysis. Here, we use FDR control
because it is less conservative than family-wise error
rates for adjusting the observed P-values for false discovery. In addition, we propose a novel marker gene
visualization technique to explore appropriate cutoff
selection in the marker gene selection process.
Before performing formal analysis, one should
identify the actual gene expression levels associated
with different tissue groups and discard or minimize
other sources of variations. Such an approach has been
proposed by Townsend & Hartl (2002) who use a Bayesian model with both multiplicative and additive small
error terms to detect small, but significant differences
in gene expressions. As an alternative, an ANOVA
model appears to be a natural choice for estimating
true gene expression (Kerr et al., 2000, Pavlidis et al.,
2001, Wolfinger et al. 2001). In the context of cDNA
microarray data, the ANOVA model was first proposed
by Kerr et al. (2000).


To illustrate our procedure, we use the a microarray
data set by Pomeroy et al. (2002) of patients with different types of embryonal tumors. The patients include
60 children with medulloblastomas, 10 young adults
with malignant gliomas, 5 children with AT/RTs, 5 with
renal/extra-renal rhabdoid tumors, and 8 children with
supratentorial PNETs. First, we preprocess the data
to remove extraneous background noise and array effects. To facilitate our analysis, we divide the dataset
into groups as shown in Fig. 1. We rescale the raw
expression data obtained from Affymetrixs GeneChip
to account for different chip intensities.
Microarray data typically suffer from unwanted
sources of variation, such as large-and-small-scale
intensity fluctuations within spots, non-additive
background, fabrication artifacts, probe coupling and
processing procedures, target and array preparation in
the hybridization process, background and over-shining
effects, and scanner settings (McLachlan & Ambroise,
2005). To model these variations, a number of methods
have been reported in the literature (Kerr et al., 2000,
Lee et al., 2000, Pavlidis, 2001, Wolfinger et al., 2001,
Ranz et al., 2003, Townsend, 2004, Tadesse et al., 2005).
An ANOVA model similar to the one used by Kerr el
al. (2000) is adopted in our current work and facilitates
obtaining the tumor-specific gene expression measures
from the preprocessed microarray data. Our two-way
ANOVA model is given as:
y jgk =




Figure 1. Dataset grouping

Data Set
Group (II)
Dataset A

Dataset B
Two types of


Dataset C


Samples of multiple tumor types



CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I

where, yjgk denotes the log of the gene expression

measure for the kth replicate of the gth gene in the jth
tumor group (k = 1,, Kj; g = 1,, G; j = 1,, J); m,
ag, bj, gjg refer to the overall effect, the gth gene main
effect, the jth tumor-group main effect, and the gth
gene - jth tumor group interaction effect, respectively,
and jgk is a random error with zero mean and constant
variance. We assume that these terms are independent;
however, we do not make any assumption about their
This model assumes that background noise and array
effects have been eliminated at previous preprocessing
steps. This assumption fits well with our preprocessed
data. A reason for selecting the model is that it fits well
with our goal to build the suitable tumor prototypes for
prediction. We believe that tumor prototypes should be
built based only on the tumor-specific gene expression
measures. In this model, the interaction term gjg constitutes the actual gene expression of gene g attributed
to the tumor type j (McLachlan & Ambroise, 2005).
Hence, the value of the contribution to the tumor specific gene expression value by the kth replication of the
measurement on gene g in tissue j may be written as
given in (McLachlan & Ambroise, 2005), as:
jgk = y jgk g j


and the tumor specific expression is estimated by

Equation (3):



k =1


(Wilcoxon, 1945), for the two categories problem and

the Kruskal-Wallis (NIST, 2007) for the five categories
problem in our dataset to identify significantly differentially expressed genes among the tissue sample
types. We adjust for multiplicity of the tests involved
by controlling the False Discovery Rate (FDR) using
q-values as proposed by Storey et al. (2004).
In the selection of differentially expressed genes,
a tight cutoff may miss some of the important marker
genes, while a generous threshold increases the number
of false positives. To address this issue, we use the
parallel coordinate plot (Inselberg et al., 1990) of the
group-wise average genes expressions. In this plot, the
parallel and equally spaced axes represent individual
genes. Separate polylines are drawn for each group of
tumor samples. The more the average gene expression
levels differ between groups, the more space appears
among the polylines in the plot. To effectively visualize
the differentially expressed genes, we first obtain the
average of the tumor-specific gene expression values
within any specific tissue sample type jg as specified in Equation (3). We then standardize the average
gene expression values jg obtained in Equation (3)
as follows:

S g2
=y y
j ..
... are the







where, = y..., g = y. g . y... and

least square estimates of the gth gene and jth tumorgroup main effects based on replications (Lee et al.,
2000, McLachlan & Ambroise, 2005). Here, we regard
these estimates as fixed-effects estimates. In a Bayesian analysis, all of the parameters could be treated as
random effects. The jgk values are considered in our
subsequent steps of the contribution of replicate k to
the gene expression of gene g for a patient in the j-th
tumor group.
Using several different procedures, such as Shapiro-Wilks test (Shapiro & Wilk, 1965) and normal
probability plots, we observe that the gene expression
levels in our dataset are not normally distributed. Hence,
we choose a nonparametric test, such as Wilcoxon


( K 1)S
( K 1)





k =1


K j 1




Next, we divide the genes into two groups. The first

group consists of the genes where 1g 2 g and the

remainder of the genes are kept in the second group.
We group such that the tumor-type representing lines
in our plot do not cross. Now, within each gene group,
we again partition the genes into subgroups so that
similarly expressed genes are grouped together. The

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I

Self-Organizing Map (SOM) (Kohonen, 1987) analysis

of variance approach is exploited for this partitioning.
Then, within each of the subgroups, genes are ordered

according to 1g 2 g . This further partitioning and

ordering method confers suitable shapes to the tumortype representing lines such that the user can quickly
visualize the tumor-type discriminating power of the
selected genes. Before generating the final plot we
the standardized average expression values

jg as follows:

~ =

min ( jg )

max( jg ) min ( jg )




Finally, the normalized expression values ~jg are

plotted using parallel coordinates, where each parallel
axis corresponds to a specific gene and each polyline
corresponds to a specific tumor type. Each genes
subgroups are plotted in separate plots. Algorithm 1
specifies our formalized approach to gene visualization.
The purpose of such plots is to qualitatively measure
the performance of the gene selection process and to
find the appropriate cutoff that reduces the number
of false positives while keeping the number of true
positives high.
The following results illustrate the usefulness of
our visualization method provided in Algorithm 1. The

expression patterns of the marker genes associated with

medulloblastoma survivor and failure groups is shown
in Figs. 2 and 3. The solid and dotted lines represent the
failure (death) and survivor (alive) groups, respectively.
Genes are selected using the Wilcoxon method, which
was previously described, wherein depending on the
q-values, different numbers of genes are selected. In
both Figs. 2 and 3, each individual graph represents a
group of similarly expressed genes clustered together
as specified in step 5 of Algorithm 1. Figs. 2 and 3
show 280 and 54 selected marker genes, respectively.
We observe that within 280 selected genes in Fig. 2,
many show similar expression patterns in both failure
and survivor sample groups indicating that two sample
groups are close to one another on the parallel axes.
Since each axis represents a different gene, we conclude
that many of the genes in Fig. 2 are falsely identified
as marker genes (false positives). In comparison, the
solid and dotted lines are far apart on most of the parallel axes in Fig. 3. This indicates that the average gene
expression values of the selected 54 genes are quite
different between the two groups of tissue samples.
Thus, this visualization aids in selecting the correct
threshold in the marker gene selection process.

Algorithm 1 (DATA) to visualize the expression pattern of the selected marker genes
DATA contains the expression levels of the marker genes for all the patient samples; where each row represents different gene
expression values and each column represents different patient samples.

Sort the genes in descending order according to the values of q-values and select the top G genes from the sorted list.


Estimate the average of the tumor-specific gene expression values


Obtain the standardized average gene expression values


Partition the genes into two groups: (i) C1 where


Within each group Cc (c=1, 2), again partition the gene expression values


jg within any specific tissue sample type using Eq. (3)

jg using Eq. (4).

2 g and (ii) C2 where



2g .

jg into P clusters {Cc1 Ccp} (c=1, 2) exploiting SOM , where

each cluster consists of a group of similarly expressed genes.


For each of the clusters obtained in the previous step:

a. Order the genes according to
b. Obtain


2g .

jg by normalizing the standardized average expression values

c. Plot the normalized average expression values

jg using Eq. (7).

jg using parallel coordinates, where each parallel axes corresponds to a specific gene

and each polyline corresponds to a specific tissue sample type.


CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I















G enes






G enes

G enes

G enes





G enes







Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

G enes


G enes

G enes

Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

G enes




Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.


G enes


G enes

Avg. G ene E xp.


Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

Figure 2. Expression patterns of the marker genes associated with medulloblastoma survivor and failure groups.
Genes are selected using Wilcoxon method and FDR is controlled using q-values, where depending on the qvalues, different numbers of genes are selected 280 genes.







G enes





Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

Figure 3. Expression patterns of the marker genes associated with medulloblastoma survivor and failure groups.
Genes are selected using Wilcoxon method and FDR is controlled using q-values, where depending on the qvalues, different numbers of genes are selected 54 genes.

G enes



G enes



In this chapter, we estimate the tumor-specific gene
expression measure exploiting an ANOVA model. We
specify the model parameters as fixed effects; however,
such specification may not be always appropriate.
Rather, considering the model parameters as random

Avg. G ene E xp.

Avg. G ene E xp.

G enes







G enes

effects may be more appropriate for microarray dataset

(Kerr et al., 2000). Thus, one possible improvement
may consider all of the effects in our ANOVA model as
random. Further, specifying the random effect parameters in a Bayesian framework provides a formal way
of exploiting any prior knowledge about the parameter
distribution, if available. We are currently in the process

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I

of adopting a hierarchical Bayesian approach to our

work following a few more recent relevant works by
(Ibrahim et al., 2002, Lewin et al., 2006).

We attempted to estimate tumor-specific gene expression measures using an ANOVA model. These estimates
are then used to identify differentially expressed marker
genes. For evaluating the marker gene identification,
we proposed a novel approach to visualize the average
genes expression values for a specific tissue type. The
proposed visualization plot is useful to qualitatively
evaluate the performance of marker gene selection
methods, as well as to locate the appropriate cutoffs in
the selection process. The research in this chapter was
supported in part through research grants [RG-01-0125,
TG-04-0026] provided by the Whitaker Foundation with
Khan M. Iftekharuddin as the principal investigator.

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Statistical Society, Series B, 57(1), 289-300.
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Type I Error and Applications to Gene Expression
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the Proportion of False Positives. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 3(1), 15.
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DNA Microarray: A collection of microscopic
DNA spots, commonly representing single genes,
arrayed on a solid surface by covalent attachment to
chemically suitable matrices.
False Discovery Rate (FDR): Controls the expected
proportion of false positives instead of controlling
the chance of any false positives. An FDR threshold
is determined from the observed p-value distribution
from multiple single hypothesis tests.
Histologic Examination: The examination of tissue
specimens under a microscope.
Kruskal-Wallis Test: A nonparametric mean test
which can be applied if the number of sample groups is
more than two,unlike the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I

Parallel Coordinates: A data visualization scheme

that exploits 2D pattern recognition capabilities of
humans. In this plot, the axes are equally spaced and
are arranged parallel to one another rather than being
arranged mutually perpendicular as in the Cartesian

q-values: A means to measure the proportion of

FDR when any particular test is called significant.
Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test: A nonparametric
alternative to the two sample t-test which is based
on the order in which the observations from the two
samples fall.



CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression

Data Part II
Atiq Islam
University of Memphis, USA
Khan M. Iftekharuddin
University of Memphis, USA
E. Olusegun George
University of Memphis, USA
David J. Russomanno
University of Memphis, USA

In this chapter, we propose a novel algorithm for
characterizing a variety of CNS tumors. The proposed
algorithm is illustrated with an analysis of an Affymetrix gene expression data from CNS tumor samples
(Pomeroy et al., 2002). As discussed in the previous
chapter entitled: CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene
Expression Data Part I, we used an ANOVA model to
normalize the microarray gene expression measurements. In this chapter, we introduce a systemic way
of building tumor prototypes to facilitate automatic
prediction of CNS tumors.

DNA microarrays, also known as genome or DNA
chips, have become an important tool for predicting
CNS tumor types (Pomeroy et al., 2002, Islam et al.,
2005, Dettling et al., 2002). Several researchers have
shown that cluster analysis of DNA microarray gene
expression data is helpful in finding the functionally
similar genes and also to predict different cancer types.
Eisen et al. (1998) used average linkage hierarchical
clustering with correlation coefficient as the similarity
measure in organizing gene expression values from
microarray data. They showed that functionally similar genes group into the same cluster. Herwig et al.
(1999) proposed a variant of the K-means algorithm
to cluster genes of cDNA clones. Tomayo et al. (1999)
used self-organized feature maps (SOFMs) to organize

genes into biologically relevant groups. They found

that SOFMs reveal true cluster structure compared
to the rigid structure of hierarchical clustering and
the structureless K-means approach. Considering the
many-to-many relationships between genes and their
functions, Dembele et al. (2003) proposed a fuzzy Cmeans clustering technique. The central goal of these
clustering procedures (Eisen et al., 1998, Herwig et al.,
1999, Tomayo et al., 1999, Dembele et al., 2003) was
to group genes based on their functionality. However,
none of these works provide any systematic way of
discovering or predicting tissue sample groups as we
propose in our current work.
To identify tissue sample groups, Alon et al. (1999)
proposed a clustering algorithm that uses a deterministic-annealing algorithm to organize the data in a binary
tree. Alizadeh et al. (2000) demonstrated a successful
molecular classification scheme for cancers from gene
expression patterns by using an average linkage hierarchical clustering algorithm with Pearsons correlation
as the similarity measure. However, no formal way of
predicting the category of a new tissue sample is reported
in (Alon et al., 1999, Alizadeh et al., 2000). Such class
prediction problems were addressed by Golub et al.
(1999) who used SOFMs to successfully discriminate
between two types of human acute leukemia. Dettling
et al. (2002) incorporated the response variables into
gene clustering and located differentially expressed
groups of genes from the clustering result. These gene
groups were then used to predict the categories of new
samples. However, none of the above-mentioned works
(Dettling et al., 2002, Golub et al., 1999, Alon et al.,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II

1999, Alizadeh et al., 2000) considered the correlation

among the genes in classifying and/or predicting tissue
samples. Moreover, none of these provided any systematic way of handling the probable subgroups within
the known groups. In this chapter, we consider both
correlations among the genes and probable subgroups
within the known groups by forming appropriate tumor
prototypes. Further, a major drawback of these analyses
(Dettling et al., 2002, Eisen et al., 1998, Herwig et al.,
1999, Tomayo et al., 1999, Dembele et al., 2003, Golub
et al., 1999, Alon et al., 1999, Alizadeh et al., 2000)
is insufficient normalization. Although, most of these
methods normalize the dataset to remove the array effects; they do not concentrate on removing other sources
of variations present in the microarray data.
Our primary objective in this chapter is to develop
an automated prediction scheme for CNS tumors,
based on DNA microarray gene expressions of tissue
samples. We propose a novel algorithm for deriving
prototypes for different CNS tumor types, based on Affymetrix HuGeneFL microarray gene expression data
from Pomeroy et al. (2002). In classifying the CNS
tumor samples based on gene expression, we consider
molecular information, such as the correlations among
gene expressions and probable subgroupings within the
known histological tumor types. We demonstrate how
the model can be utilized in CNS tumor prediction.


The workflow to build the tumor prototypes is shown
in Fig. 1. In the first step, we obtain the tumor-typespecific gene expression measures. Then, we identify
the marker genes that are significantly differentially
expressed among tissue types. Next, a visualization
technique is used to analyze the appropriateness of
the marker gene selection process. We organize the
marker genes in groups so that highly correlated genes
are grouped together. In this clustering process, genes
are grouped based on their tumor-type-specific gene

expression measures. Then, we obtain eigengene expressions measures from each individual gene group by
projection of gene expressions into the first few principal
components. At the end of this step, we replace the
gene expression measurements with eigengene expression values that conserve correlations between strongly
correlated genes. We then divide the tissue samples of
known tumor types into subgroups. The centroids of
these subgroups of tissue samples with eigengene expressions represent the prototype of the corresponding
tumor type. Finally, any new tissue sample is predicted
as the tumor type of the closest centroid. This proposed
novel prediction scheme considers both the correlation
among the highly correlated genes and the probable
phenotypic subgrouping within the known tumor
types. These issues are often ignored in the literature
for predicting tumor categories. The detail of the steps
up to the identification of marker genes are provided in
the previous chapter entitled: CNS Tumor Prediction
Using Gene Expression Data Part I. In this section, we
provide the details of the subsequent steps.
Now, we discuss the creation of the tumor prototypes using the tumor-specific expression values of
our significantly differentially expressed marker genes
identified in the previous step. Many of the marker
genes are likely to be highly correlated. Such correlations of the genes affect successful tumor classification.
However, this gene-to-gene correlation may provide
important biological information. Hence, the inclusion
of the appropriate gene-to-gene correlations in the
tumor model may help to obtain a more biologically
meaningful tumor prediction. To address this non-trivial
need, we first group the highly correlated genes using
the complete linkage hierarchical approach wherein
correlation coefficient is considered as the pair-wise
similarity measure of the genes. Next, for each of the
clusters, we compute the principal components (PCs)
and project the genes of the corresponding cluster onto
the first 3 PCs to obtain eigengene expressions (Speed,
2003). Note that the PCs and the eigengene expressions are computed separately for each cluster. Such
eigengenes encode the correlation information among

Figure 1. Simplified workflow to build the tumor prototypes

P re proce ssin g,
R e sca lin g , &
F ilte ring

E stim a tio n o f T um or
S pe cific
G en e E xp re ssio n

Ide n tifica tion o f

M a rke r G e n es

C o rrelate d G e n e
C luste rin g

D e rivatio n o f
E ig en g en e
E xp re ssio ns
fro m C luste rs

C luste rin g w ith in

the sam e H isto lo gic
T u m o r T ype

B uild T u m o r
P ro to type s


CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II

the highly correlated genes that are clustered together.

Recently, molecularly distinct sub-grouping within the
same histological tumor type has been reported (Taylor
et al., 2005). To find a subgrouping within the same
histological tumor type, we again use self-organizing
maps (SOMs) (Kohonen, 1987) to cluster the tissue
samples within each tumor group. This subgrouping
within each group captures the possible genotypic
variations within the same histological tumor type.
Now, the prototype of any specific histological tumor
type is composed of the centroid obtained from the
corresponding SOM grid. Algorithm 1 shows our steps
for building the tumor prototype.
To predict the tumor category of any new sample,
we calculate the distances between the new sample
and each of the prototype subgroups obtained using
Algorithm 1. The category of the sample is predicted
as that of the closest subgroup. The distance between
the new sample and the xth subgroup, dx, is calculated
based on Euclidean distance as follows:
dx =

k =1

gk )2


where g xk is the center value of kth eigengene in the xth

subgroup, gk is the expression measure of kth eigengene
of the new sample, and N is the total number of eigengenes. This distance measure deliberately ignores the
non-representative correlations among the eigengene
expressions since they are not natural and hence difficult to interpret.
Table 1 shows the efficacy of our model in classifying five categories of tissues simultaneously. Table
2 shows the performance comparison between our

proposed prediction scheme and the method adopted in

(Pomeroy et al., 2002). We observe that our prediction
scheme outperforms the other prediction method in all
three cases. The most noticeable difference is with data
group C where we obtain 100% prediction accuracy
compared with 78% accuracy. More detailed results
and discussion can be found in (Islam et al., 2006a,
2006b, 2006c).

In this work, we estimated the tumor-specific gene
expression measure exploiting an ANOVA model
with the parameters as fixed effects. As discussed in
the future trends section of the chapter entitled: CNS
Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part I,
we may consider all of the effects in our ANOVA model
as random and specify the random effect parameters
in a Bayesian framework. Once the distributions of
tumor-specific gene expression measures are obtained
with satisfactory confidence, more representative tumor
prototypes may be obtained and a more accurate tumor
prediction scheme can be formalized. Representing the
tumor prototypes with a mixture of Gaussian models
may provide a better representation. In that case, finding
the number of components in the mixture is another
research question left for future work.

For automatic tumor prediction, we have proposed a
novel algorithm for building CNS tumor prototypes

Algorithm 1 (DATA) to build tumor prototype

DATA contains the expression levels of the marker genes for all the patient samples; where each row represents different gene expression values
and each column represents different patient samples.
1. Cluster genes into K partitions, C= {C1, C2,,Ck}, using Complete Linkage Hierarchical approach and correlation coefficient as the pair
wise similarity measure.

For each cluster Ci

Compute the principal components (PCs).
b. If the cluster cardinality is greater than 3, project the genes onto the first 3 PCs else project the genes onto the first PC.
Note: the projected vectors are considered as eigengene expressions.


Considering the eigengene expressions as feature vectors, cluster each histological tumor group into subgroups exploiting SOM.


The set of centroid of the corresponding SOM grid is designated as the tumor prototype of that particular histological tumor type.


CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II

Table 1. Confusion matrix for five categories of tumor samples
























Overall Classification Accuracy: 90%

Table 2. Comparison table


Number of

Number of Samples

Classification Accuracy
(our method)

Classification Accuracy
(Pomeroy et al., 2002)










based on Affymetrix microarray gene expression values.

We derived prototypes for different histological tumor
types considering their genotype heterogeneity within
groups. The eigengenes encode the correlations among
gene expressions into the prototypes. Also, the eigengene expression measures are derived from estimated
tumor-specific gene expression measures that are free
from other unwanted sources of variations. We proposed
a novel, seamless procedure that integrates normalization and tumor prediction considering both probable
subgroupings within known tumor types and probable
correlations among genes. The strong compliance of
our results with the current molecular classification of
the available tumor types suggests that our proposed
model and its unique solution have significant practical
value for automatic CNS tumor detection.
The research in this chapter was supported in part
through research grants [RG-01-0125, TG-04-0026]
provided by the Whitaker Foundation with Khan M.
Iftekharuddin as the principal investigator.

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CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II

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(1998). Cluster Analysis and Display of Genome-Wide
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Molecular Classification of Cancer: Class Discovery
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Islam, A., & Iftekharuddin, K. (2005). Identification
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DNA Microarray: Also known as a DNA chip, it
is a collection of microscopic DNA spots, commonly
representing single genes, arrayed on a solid surface by
covalent attachment to chemically suitable matrices.
False Discovery Rate (FDR): FDR controls the
expected proportion of false positives instead of controlling the chance of any false positives. A FDR threshold
is determined from the observed p-value distribution
from multiple single hypothesis tests.
Histologic Examination: The examination of tissue
specimens under a microscope.
Kruskal-Wallis Test: This test is a nonparametric mean test which can be applied if the number of
sample group is more than two, unlike the Wilcoxon
Rank Sum Test.
Parallel Coordinates: A multidimensional data
visualization scheme that exploits 2D pattern recognition capabilities of humans. In this plot, the axes are
equally spaced and are arranged parallel to one another
rather than being arranged mutually perpendicular as
in the Cartesian scenario.
q-Values: A means to measure the proportion of
FDR when any particular test is called significant.
Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs): A method to
learn to cluster input vectors according to how they
are naturally grouped in the input space. In its simplest
form, the map consists of a regular grid of units and
the units learn to represent statistical data described by
model vectors. Each map unit contains a vector used
to represent the data. During the training process, the

CNS Tumor Prediction Using Gene Expression Data Part II

model vectors are changed gradually and then the map

forms an ordered non-linear regression of the model
vectors into the data space.

Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test: A nonparametric

alternative to the two sample t-test which is based
on the order in which the observations from the two
samples fall.



Combining Classifiers and Learning

Lei Xu
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong & Peking University, China
Shun-ichi Amari
Brain Science Institute, Japan

Expert combination is a classic strategy that has been
widely used in various problem solving tasks. A team
of individuals with diverse and complementary skills
tackle a task jointly such that a performance better
than any single individual can make is achieved via
integrating the strengths of individuals. Started from
the late 1980 in the handwritten character recognition literature, studies have been made on combining
multiple classifiers. Also from the early 1990 in the
fields of neural networks and machine learning, efforts
have been made under the name of ensemble learning or
mixture of experts on how to learn jointly a mixture of
experts (parametric models) and a combining strategy
for integrating them in an optimal sense.
The article aims at a general sketch of two streams
of studies, not only with a re-elaboration of essential
tasks, basic ingredients, and typical combining rules,
but also with a general combination framework (especially one concise and more useful one-parameter
modulated special case, called a-integration) suggested
to unify a number of typical classifier combination
rules and several mixture based learning models, as
well as max rule and min rule used in the literature on
fuzzy system.

Both streams of studies are featured by two periods of
developments. The first period is roughly from the late
1980s to the early 1990s. In the handwritten character
recognition literature, various classifiers have been
developed from different methodologies and different
features, which motivate studies on combining multiple
classifiers for a better performance. A systematical
effort on the early stage of studies was made in (Xu,

Krzyzak & Suen, 1992), with an attempt of setting up

a general framework for classifier combination. As reelaborated in Tab.1, not only two essential tasks were
identified and a framework of three level combination
was presented for the second task to cope with different
types of classifiers output information, but also several
rules have been investigated towards two of the three
levels, especially with Bayes voting rule, product rule,
and Dempster-Shafer rule proposed. Subsequently,
the rest one (i.e., rank level) was soon studied in (Ho,
Hull, & Srihari, 1994) via Borda count.
Interestingly and complementarily, almost in the
same period the first task happens to be the focus of
studies in the neural networks learning literature. Encountering the problems that there are different choices
for the same type of neural net by varying its scale
(e.g., the number of hidden units in a three layer net),
different local optimal results on the same neural net
due to different initializations, studies have been made
on how to train an ensemble of diverse and complementary networks via cross-validation- partitioning,
correlation reduction pruning, performance guided
re-sampling, etc, such that the resulted combination
produces a better generalization performance (Hansen &
Salamon, 1990; Xu, Krzyzak, & Suen, 1991; Wolpert,
1992; Baxt, 1992, Breiman, 1992&94; Drucker, et al,
1994). In addition to classification, this stream also
handles function regression via integrating individual
estimators by a linear combination (Perrone & Cooper,
1993). Furthermore, this stream progresses to consider
the performance of two tasks in Tab.1 jointly in help
of the mixture-of-expert (ME) models (Jacobs, et al,
1991; Jordan & Jacobs, 1994; Xu & Jordan, 1993;
Xu, Jordan & Hinton, 1994), which can learn either
or both of the combining mechanism and individual
experts in a maximum likelihood sense.
Two stream studies in the first period jointly set
up a landscape of this emerging research area, together

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Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

Table 1. Essential tasks and their implementations

with a number of typical topics or directions. Thereafter,

further studies have been further conducted on each
of these typical directions. First, theoretical analyses have been made for deep insights and improved
performances. For examples, convergence analysis
on the EM algorithm for the mixture based learning
are conducted in (Jordan & Xu, 1995; Xu & Jordan,
1996). In Tumer & Ghosh (1996), the additive errors
of posteriori probabilities by classifiers or experts are
considered, with variances and correlations of these
errors investigated for improving the performance of
a sum based combination. In Kittler, et al (1998), the
effect of these errors on the sensitivity of sum rule vs
product rule are further investigated, with a conclusion
that summation is much preferred. Also, a theoretical
framework is suggested for taking several combining
rules as special cases (Kittler, 1998) , being unaware
of that this framework is actually the mixture-of-experts model that was proposed firstly for combining
multiple function regressions in (Jacobs, et al, 1991)
and then for combining multiple classifiers in (Xu &
Jordan, 1993). In addition, another theoretical study is
made on six classifier fusion strategies in (Kuncheva,
2002). Second, there are further studies on DempsterShafer rule (Al-Ania, 2002) and other combing methods
such as rank based, boosting based, as well as local

accuracy estimates (Woods, Kegelmeyer, & Bowyer,

1997). Third, there are a large number of applications.
Due to space limit, details are referred to Ranawana &
Palade (2006) and Sharkey & Sharkey (1999).


We consider a general architecture shown in Fig.1.
There are {e j ( x)}kj =1 experts with each ej(x) as either a
classifier or an estimator. As shown in Tab.2, a classifier outputs one of three types of information, on which
we have three levels of combination. The first two
can be regarded as special cases of the third one that
outputs a vector of measurements. A typical example

is [ p j (1 | x), , p j (m | x)] with each 1 p j ( | x) 0

expressing a posteriori probability that x is classified to
the -th class. Also, p j ( | x) = p j ( y = | x) can be further
extended to p j ( y | x) that describes a distribution for a
regression x y R m . In Figure 1, there is also a gatk
ing net that generates signals { j ( x)} j =1 to modulate
experts by a combining mechanism M(x).


Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

Figure 1. A general architecture for expert combination

Table 2. Three levels of combination

Based on this architecture, two essential tasks of

expert combination could be still quoted from (Xu,
Krzyzak & Suen, 1992) with a slight modification on
Task 1, as shown in Tab.1, that the phrase `for a specific
application? should be deleted in consideration of the
previously introduced studies (Hansen & Salamon,
1990; Xu, Krzyzak, & Suen, 1991; Wolpert, 1992;
Baxt, 1992, Breiman, 1992&94; Drucker, et al, 1994;
Tumer & Ghosh, 1996).
Insights can be obtained by considering three basic
ingredients of two streams of studies, as shown in Fig.2.
Combinatorial choices of different ingredients lead to
different specific models for expert combination, and
differences in the roles by each ingredient highlight
the different focuses of two streams. In the stream

of neural networks and machine learning, provided

with a structure for each ej(x), a gating structure, and
a combining structure M(x), all the rest unknowns are
determined under guidance of a learning theory in term
of minimizing an error cost. Such a minimization is
implemented via an optimizing procedure by a learnN

ing algorithm, based on a training set {xt , yt }t =1 that

teaches a target yt for each mapping xt R m . While in
the stream of combing classifiers, all { p j ( y | x)}kj =1 are
known without unknowns left to be specified. Also, M
is designed according to certain heuristics or principles,
with or without help of a training set, and studies are
mainly placed on developing and analyzing different
combining mechanisms, for which we will further dis-

Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

cuss subsequently. The final combining performance

is empirically evaluated by the misclassification rate,
but there is no effort yet on developing a theory for one
M that minimizes the misclassification rate or a cost
function, though there are some investigations on how
estimated posteriori probabilities can be improved by
a sum rule and on error sensitivity of estimated posteriori probabilities (Tumer & Ghosh, 1996; Kittler, et
al, 1998). This under-explored direction also motivate
future studies subsequently.

The arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic mean of nonnegative number b j 0, j = 1, , k has been further
extended into one called:

f-mean m f = f 1 (
j =1

f (b j )),

where f(r) is a monotonic scalar function, and

aj > 0 j =1


(Hardy, Littlewood, & Polya, 1952).

We can further generalize this f-mean to the general
architecture shown in Fig.1, resulting in the following

M ( x) = f 1 (

j =1

f ( M ( x)) =

j =1

( x) f ( p j ( y | x))), or

( x) f ( p j ( y | x))

aj > 0 j =1

( x) = 1.

In the following, we discuss to use it as a general

framework to unify not only typical classifier combining rules but also mixture-of-expert learning and RBF
net learning, as shown in Tab.3.
We observe the three columns for three special cases
of f(r). The first column is the case f(r) = r, we return
to the ME model:

M ( x) =
j =1

( x) p j ( y | x),

which was proposed firstly for combining multiple

regressions in (Jacobs, et al, 1991) and then for combining classifiers in (Xu & Jordan, 1993). For different
special cases of aj(x), we are lead to a number of existing
typical examples. As already pointed out in (Kittler, et
al, 1998), the first three rows are four typical classifier
combining rules (the 2nd row directly applies to the
min-rule too). The next three rows are three types of
ME learning models, and a rather systematic summary

Figure 2. Three basic ingredients


Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

Table 3. Typical examples (including several existing rules and potential topics)

is referred to Sec. 4.3 in (Xu, 2001). The last row is a

recent development of the 3rd row.
The 2nd row of the 2nd column is the geometric

M ( x) =
j =1

( x) p j ( y | x)

is just a marginal probability


M ( x) = k

j =1

( y | x) ,

which is equal to the product rule (Xu, Krzyzak and

Suen, 1992; Kittler, et al, 1998, Hinton, 2002) if each
a priori is equal, i.e., aj(x) = 1/m. Generally if aj(x)
1/m, there is a difference by a scaling factor aj(x)1/k1.
The product rule works in a probability theory sense
under a condition that classifiers are mutually independent. In (Kittler, et al, 1998) , attempting to discuss a
number of rules under a unified system, the sum rule
is approximately derived from the product rule, under
an extra condition that is usually difficult to satisfy.
Actually, such an imposed link between the product
rule and the sum rule is unnecessary, the sum:


p ( y, j | x) ,
j =1

which is already in the framework of probability theory.

That is, both the sum rule and the product rule already
coexist in the framework of probability theory.
On the other hand, it can be observed that the

j =1

( x) ln p j ( y | x)

is dominated by a p j ( y | x) if it is close to 0. That is,

this combination expects that every expert should cast
enough votes, otherwise the combined votes will be
still very low just because there is only one that casts
a very low vote. In other words, this combination can

Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

be regarded as a relaxed logical AND that is beyond

the framework of probability theory when aj(x) 1/m.
However, staying within the framework of probability
theory does not mean that it is better, not only because
it requires that classifiers are mutually independent,
but also because there lacks theoretical analysis on
both rules in a sense of classification errors, for which
further investigations are needed.
In Tab.2, the 2nd row of the third column is the
harmonic mean. It can be observed that the problem
of combining the degrees of support is changed into
a problem of combining the degrees of disagree. This
is interesting. Unfortunately, efforts of this kind are
seldom found yet. Exceptionally, there are also examples that can not be included in the f-combination,
such as Dempster-Shafer rule (Xu, Krzyzak and Suen,
1992; Al-Ania, 2002) and rank based rule (Ho, Hull,
Srihari, 1994).

Thus, the discussions on the examples in Tab.2 are

applicable to this fa(r). Moreover, the first row in Tab.2
holds when = and = + for whatever a gating
net, which thus includes two typical operators of the fuzzy
system as special case too.Also, the family is systematically
modulated by a parameter +, which provides
not only a spectrum from the most optimistic integration
to the most pessimistic integration as varying from
= to = + but also a possibility of adapting a
for a best combining performance.
Furthermore, Amari (2007) also provides a theoretical justification that a-integration is optimal in a sense
of minimizing a weighted average of a-divergence.
Moreover, it provides a potential road for studies on
combining classifiers and learning mixture models from
the perspective of information geometry.


Further studies are expected along several directions

as follows:

After completed the above f-combination, the first

author becomes aware of the work by (Hardy, Littlewood, & Polya, 1952) through one coming paper
(Amari, 2007) that studies a much concise and more
useful one-parameter modulated special case called
a-integration. With help of a concrete mathematical
foundation from an information geometry perspective.
Imposing an additional but reasonable nature that the
f-mean should be linear scale-free, i.e.:

cmf = f 1 (
j =1


aj(x) > 0, j =1

f (cbj ))

( x) = 1,

e.g., removing non-negative requirement and to

for any scale c, alternative choices of f(r) reduces into

the following only one:

r 0.5(1 ) ,
f (r ) =
ln r ,

= 1.

It is not difficult to check that

r ,
f (r ) = ln r ,

1 / r ,

Empirical and analytical comparisons on performance are needed for those unexplored or less
explored items in Tab.2.
Is there a best structure for aj(x)? comparisons need
to be made on different types of aj(x), especially
the ones by the MUV type in the last row and the
ME types from the 4th to the 7th rows,
Is it necessary to relax the constraint:

= 1,
= 1,
= 3.

relax the distribution p j ( y | x) to other types of

functions ?
How weights aj(x) can be learned under a generalization error bound.
As discussed in Fig.2, classifier combination and
mixture based learning are two aspects with different features. How to let each part to take their
best roles in an integrated system?

Updating the purpose of (Xu, Krzyzak & Suen, 1992),
the article provides not only a general sketch of studies

Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

on combining classifiers and learning mixture models,

but also a general combination framework to unify a
number of classifier combination rules and mixture
based learning models, as well as a number of directions for further investigations.

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Conditional Distribution p(y|x): Describes the
uncertainty that an input x is mapped into an output y
that simply takes one of several labels. In this case,
x is classified into the class label y with a probability
p(y|x). Also, y can be a real-valued vector, for which x is
mapped into y according density distribution p(y|x).
Classifier Combination: Given a number of classifiers, each classifies a same input x into a class label,
and the labels maybe different for different classifiers.
We seek a rule M(x) that combines these classifiers as a
new one that performs better than anyone of them.
Sum Rule (Bayes Voting): A classifier classifies
x to a label y can be regarded as casting one vote to
this label, a simplest combination is to count the votes
received by every candidate label. The j-th classifier
classifies x to a label y with a probability p j ( y | x)
means that one vote is divided to different candidates
in fractions. We can sum up:

p j ( y | x)

to count the votes on a candidate label y , which is

called Bayes voting since p(y|x) is usually called
Bayes posteriori probability.

Product Rule: When k classifiers {e j ( x)}kj =1 are

mutually independent, a combination is given by

p( x C y | x) = p( x C y )

p( x C
j =1

| e j ( x)

p( x C
j =1

Xu, L., Krzyzak, A. & Sun, C.Y., (1991), Associative

Switch for Combining Multiple Classifiers, Proc. of
IJCNN91, July 8-12. Seattle, WA, (I) 43-48.


Combining Classifiers and Learning Mixture-of-Experts

or concisely

f-Mean: Given a set of non-negative numbers

b j 0, j = 1, , k , the f-mean is given by:

p( y | x) = p1 k ( y ) p j ( y | x)
j =1

m f = f 1 (

which is also called product rule.

by a conditional distribution p j ( y | x) either with

y taking one of several labels for a classification

problem or with y being a real-valued vector for
a regression problem. A combination of experts
is given by:

M ( x) =
j =1

( x) p j ( y | x),

(x) = p(j|x)> 0,

j =1

= 1.

Particularly, one most interesting special case is that

f(r) satisfies

j =1

( x) = 1,

f (cbj ))

for any scale c, which is called fa-mean.

Performance Evaluation Approach: It usually
works in the literature on classifier. Combination, with

a chart flow that considering a set of classifiers

j =1

aj > 0 j =1

cmf = f 1 (

which is called a mixture-of-experts model. Particularly,

for y in a real-valued vector, its regression form is
E ( y | x) =

f (b j )),

where f(r) is a monotonic scalar function and

Mixture of Experts: Each expert is described

j =1

( x) f j ( x), f j ( y ) = yp j ( y | x)dy.

designing a combining mechanism

M(x) according to certain principles evaluating performances of combination empirically via
misclassification rates, in help of samples with
known correct labels.
{e j ( x)}

j =1

Error-Reduction Approach: It usually works in

the literature on mixture based learning, where what
needs to be pre-designed is the structures of classifiers
or experts, as well as the combining structure M(x) with
unknown parameters. A cost or error measure is evaluated via a set of training samples, and then minimized
through learning all the unknown parameters.



Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

Phillip Ein-Dor
Tel-Aviv University, Israel


Defining Commonsense

Significant advances in artificial intelligence, including

machines that play master level chess, or make medical diagnoses, highlight an intriguing paradox. While
systems can compete with highly qualified experts in
many fields, there has been much less progress in constructing machines that exhibit simple commonsense,
the kind expected of any normally intelligent child. As
a result, commonsense has been identified as one of the
most difficult and important problems in AI (Doyle,
1984; Waltz, 1982).

No attempt will be made here to define commonsense

rigorously. Intuitively, however, commonsense is
generally meant to include the following capabilities,
as defined for any given culture:

The Importance of Commonsense

It may be useful to begin by listing a number of reasons

why Commonsense is so important:



Any general natural language processor must

possess the commonsense that is assumed in the
In building computerized systems, many assumptions are made about the way in which they will be
used and the users background knowledge. The
more commonsense that can explicitly be built
into systems, the less will depend on the implicit
concurrence of the designers commonsense with
that of the user.
Many expert systems have some commonsense
knowledge built into them, much of it reformulated
time and again for similar systems. It would be
advantageous if commonsense knowledge could
be standardized for use in different systems.
Commonsense has a large element that is environment and culture specific. A study and formalization of commonsense knowledge may permit
people of different cultures to better understand
one anothers assumptions.


knowing the generally known facts about the

knowing, and being able to perform, generally
performed behaviors, and to predict their outcomes,
being able to interpret or identify commonly occurring situations in terms of the generally known
facts i.e. to understand what happens,
the ability to relate causes and effects,
the ability to recognize inconsistencies in descriptions of common situations and behaviors and between behaviors and their situational contexts,
the ability to solve everyday problems.

In summary, commonsense is the knowledge that

any participant in a culture expects any other participant
in that culture to possess, as distinct from specialized
knowledge that is possessed only by specialists.
The necessary conditions for a formalization to lay
claim to representing commonsense are implicit in the
above definition; a formalism must exhibit at least one
of the attributes listed there. Virtually all work in the
field has attempted to satisfy only some subset of the
commonsense criteria.

In AI research, work on common sense is generally
subsumed under the heading of Knowledge Representation. The objective of this article is to survey the various
formalisms that have been suggested for representing
commonsense knowledge.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

Four major knowledge representation schemes are

discussed in the literature - production rules, semantic
nets, frames, and logic. Production systems are frequently adopted in building expert systems. Virtually
all the discussions of commonsense representations,
however, are in terms of semantic net, frame-like, or
logic systems. These schemes are applied within three
main paradigms for commonsense representation
propositional, truth maintenance, and dispositional
(see Figure 1). Very briefly, propositional models are
descriptions of representations of things or concrete
facts. When the knowledge represented is imprecise
or variable, propositional formalisms are no longer
sufficient and one needs to consider the beliefs about
the world engendered by the systems current state of
knowledge, and to allow for changes in those beliefs
as circumstances dictate; this is the nature of belief or
truth maintenance systems. Finally, when the knowledge
is both imprecise and not factual, but relates rather to
feelings, insights and understandings, the dispositional
representations are evoked.
Within each representational paradigm, there are a
number of specific formalisms. Figure 1 indicates the
existence of eight different knowledge representation
formalisms. Each of these formalisms is presented via
discussion of one or more representatives.
The need for different types of formalisms, the
difficulty in representing multiple domain knowledge,
psychological theories of various levels of conscious-

ness, the physiological evidence of different levels of

the brain and their association with specific functions,
the functional specialization of specific areas of the
brain, and similar evidence concerning the two sides
of the brain all support the view of the mind, or self,
as composed of a considerable number of cooperating
subagents, to which Minsky (1981) refers as a society
of mind. It is useful to keep this concept in mind while
studying the variety of representation schemes; it suggests that a number of such formalisms may coexist in
any rational agent and little can be gained by attempts
to choose the right formalism in any general sense.

Virtually all the propositional models of commonsense
knowledge are perceived as consisting of nodes that are
associated with words or tokens representing concepts.
The nodes are hierarchically structured, with lower
level nodes elaborating or representing instantiations of
higher-level nodes; the higher-level nodes impart their
properties to those below them, which are said to inherit
those properties. Thus, all the propositional models
are hierarchically structured networks consisting of
nodes and arcs joining the nodes. From this point, the
representational structures begin to diverge according
to the distribution of information between the arcs and
the nodes. At one extreme, nodes are self-contained

Figure 1. Commonsense knowledge representation formalisms

knowledge representation







expert and other

knowledge systems

belief maintenance

fuzzy non-monotonic


types of

levels of


Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

descriptions of concepts with only hierarchical relations between concepts expressed in the arcs; frames
and scripts are of this nature. At the other extreme,
nodes contain only names and the descriptive content
resides in a multiplicity of types of relations, which
give meaning to the names. This last form is generally
referred to as a semantic net. Between the extremes lie
representations in which the descriptive knowledge is
distributed between nodes and relations.
The representations described may be discussed as
theoretical models or as computer implementations,
which generally derive from one of the theoretical
models (see Commonsense Knowledge Representation
II - Implementation).

Semantic Nets
Semantic nets were developed to represent propositions
and their syntactic structure rather than the knowledge
contained in the propositions. A semantic net consists
of triples of nodes, arcs joining nodes, and labels (Rich,
1983). The words of a proposition are contained in the
nodes while its syntactic structure is captured by the
labeled arcs.

Within the community utilizing frames (or schema),
it seems to be universally agreed that frames define
concepts via the contents of slots, which specify components of the concepts. The content of a slot may be an
instantiation, a default or usual value, a condition, or a
sub-schema. The last of these slot contents generates
the generally accepted hierarchical nature of concept

In his seminal paper on frames, Minsky (1975) suggests
that frames are not exactly the same as Schanks (1981)
scripts. The major difference is in the concepts represented. Scripts describe temporal sequences of events
represented by the sequence of slots in a script. Here
the slot structure is significant. For frames describing
objects the exact order of slots is probably not significant. The temporal ordering of slots is necessary in
many other representations, including those for most

In summary, frames, scripts, and semantic nets are

logically equivalent. All three are hierarchies consisting of nodes and relations; they are differentiated by
the location of information in the network. Scripts
are further differentiated by the temporal and causal
ordering of slots within nodes.

Predicate Calculus
The first order predicate calculus is a method for
representing and processing propositional knowledge
and was designed expressly for that purpose. There
are many workers in the field who view this formalism
as the most appropriate for commonsense knowledge
In discussing logic as a vehicle for knowledge representation, one should distinguish between the use
of logic as the representational formalism, and the use
of logistic languages for implementation. Logistic languages can implement any representational formalism,
logistic or other. Another distinction that needs to be
made is between the use of logic for inference and its
use for representation (Hayes, 1979). Thus, one might
apply logical inference to any knowledge representation,
provided that it is amenable to that kind of manipulation; knowledge expressed in predicate calculus is the
most amenable to such manipulation.
A vigorous debates in AI centered on the choice of
frames or logic for commonsense knowledge representation. In favor of frames were those who attempted
to implement knowledge representation schemes (cf.
Hayes, 1979). The argument is twofold: first, logistic
formalisms do not have sufficient expressive power
to adequately represent commonsense knowledge.
This applies particularly to the dynamic adjustment of
what is held to be true as new information is acquired.
Classical logic does not allow for reinterpretation as
new facts are learned - it is monotonic. Secondly, this
argument posits that human knowledge representation
does not follow the rules of formal logic, so that logic
is psychologically inadequate in addition to being
expressively inadequate.
The logicians reply to the first argument is that anything can be expressed in logic, but this may sometimes
be difficult; this school does not agree to the claim
of greater expressive power for the frame paradigm.
Hayes (1979) claimed that most of frames is just
a new syntax for parts of first-order logic. Thus, all
the representational formalisms seem to have much in

Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

common, even if they are not completely equivalent.

The reply to the second argument is that the object of
study is Artificial Intelligence so that the formalisms
adopted need not resemble human mechanisms.
One point of agreement that seems to have emerged
between the two sides is that the classical predicate
calculus indeed lacks sufficient expressive power.
Evidence of this is a number of attempts to expand
the logical formalisms in order to provide sufficient
expressiveness, especially by alleviating some of the
restrictions of monotonicity.
The essence of monotonicity is that if a theory A
is expanded by additional axioms to become B, then
all the theorems of A are still theorems of B. Thus,
conclusions in monotonic logic are irreversible and
this constraint must be relaxed if a logical inference
system is to be able to reevaluate its conclusions on
learning new facts. The conclusions of a non-monotonic
logic are regarded as beliefs or dispositions based on
what is currently known, and amenable to change if
The attempts to overcome the limitations of monotonicity include non-monotonic reasoning McCarthy
(1980), non-monotonic logics (McDermott and Doyle,
1980; Reiter 1980), fuzzy logic (Zadeh, 1983), and a
functional approach (Levesque, 1984) represented by
the KL-One (Woods, 1983) and KRYPTON languages
(Brachman et al., 1983). It should be noted that nonmonotonic logic proceeds not by changing the logic
representation, but rather by strengthening the reasoning
by which representations are evaluated.



Default Reasoning (Reiter, 1980)

Fuzzy Logic (Zadeh, 1983)

The extensive work by Zadeh in applying fuzzy logic
to knowledge representation is based on the premise
that predicate calculus is inadequate for commonsense
knowledge representation because it does not allow for
fuzzy predicates (e.g. small, cheap) or fuzzy quantifiers (e.g. many, most) as in the phrase most small
birds fly.
Fuzzy logic proceeds in the representation of dispositions by the following steps:



A proposition is regarded as a collection of (usually implicit) fuzzy constraints.

An explanatory database contains lists of samples
of the subject of the proposition together with
the degree to which each predicate or constraint
is fulfilled. These data are used to compute test
scores of the degree to which each constraint is
met. These test-scores then become the meaning
of the fuzzy constraints.

Circumscription (McCarthy, 1980)

Circumscription is a form of non-monotonic reasoning
(as distinct from non-monotonic logic) which reduces
the context of a sentence to anything that is deducible from the sentence itself, and no more. Without
such a mechanism, any statement may invoke all the
knowledge the system possesses that is associated with
whatever the topic of the statement is, much of which
would probably be irrelevant. The question
Crows and canaries are both birds; why is Tweetie
afraid of crows?
could give rise to consideration of the facts that ostriches
and penguins are also birds and that ostriches dont fly
and put their heads in the sand while penguins swim
and eat fish, all of which is irrelevant to the problem
in hand. The purpose of circumscription is to limit
evaluation of problem statements to the facts of the
statement - what McCarthy describes as the ability to
jump to conclusions.

Reiters Default Reasoning is based on the first order

predicate calculus and attempts to solve a particular problem that arises in expressing commonsense
knowledge in the classical formalism. The problem is
that of drawing conclusions on the basis of incomplete
knowledge when the missing information can be assumed, provided there is no evidence to the contrary.
Such assumptions are possible because much real world
knowledge about classes of objects is almost always
true. Thus, most birds are capable of flight with a few
exceptions such as penguins, ostriches, and kiwis, and
provided they do not suffer from specific inabilities
such as death or feet embedded in concrete.

Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

Non-Monotonic Logic (McDermott &

Doyle, 1980)
Non-monotonic logic attempts to formalize the representation of knowledge in such a way that the models
maintained on the basis of the premises supplied can
change, if necessary, as new premises are added. Thus,
rather than determining the truth or falsity of statements
as in classical logic, non-monotonic logics hold beliefs
based on their current level of knowledge.

Dispositional models attempt to establish the relationship between knowledge representation and memory.
To paraphrase Schank (1981), understanding sentences
involves adding information, generally commonsense,
not explicit in the original sentence. Thus, a memory
full of facts about the commonsense world is necessary
in order to understand language. Furthermore, a model,
or set of beliefs is necessary to provide expectations
or explanations of an actors behavior. Adding beliefs
to a representation changes the idea of inference from
simply adding information to permit parsing sentences
to integrating data with a given memory model; this
leads to the study of facts and beliefs in memory.

K-Lines (Minsky, 1981)

Minskys major thesis is that the function of memory
is to recreate a state of mind. Each memory must embody information that can later serve to reassemble
the mechanisms that were active when the memory
was formed.
Memory is posited to consist, at the highest level, of a
number of loosely interconnected specialists - a society
of mind. Each of the specialists, in turn, comprises
three lattices with connections between them.
The most basic lattice comprises mental agents
or P-nodes. Some of these agents participate in any
memorable event - an experience, an idea, or a problem
solution - and become associated with that event. Reactivation of some of those agents recreates a partial
mental state resembling the original.
Reactivation of P-nodes and consequent recreation
of partial mental states is performed by K-Lines attached to nodes. The K-Lines originate in K-nodes
embedded in a second lattice, the K-Pyramid. The

establishment of a K-Line between a K-node and some

P-nodes occurs when a memorable mental event takes
place. Information in the K-Pyramid flows downward,
but not upward.
The third structure in Minskys model is the N-Pyramid. Its function is to permit learning to take place, and
it does so by constructing new K-nodes for P.
It may be useful to think of this structure as analogous
to an ivory mandarin ball - spheres within spheres.

Memory Organization Packets: MOPS

(Schank, 1981)
While Minsky presents a general theory of memory
without reference to the representation of concepts,
Schanks model is highly dependent on the interrelationship of representations and memory. This is,
perhaps, the result of the particular domain explored
by Schanktemporal sequences of events.
The scripts, plans, goals, and themes of Schanks
model are reminiscent of Minskys P, K, and N pyramids,
although including an additional level. An attempt to
specify the relationship more precisely suggests the
equivalence of scripts with the P-Pyramid, of plans
with the K-Pyramid, and of goals with the N-Pyramid.
The level of themes does not seem to be included in
Minskys model, although this may be a reflection of
the society of mind, with each theme representing a
member of the society.
In addition to differentiating levels of description,
Schanks model distinguishes four levels of memory
by the degree of detail represented. These levels are:



Event Memory (EM) - specific remembrances of

particular situations. After a while, the less salient
aspects of an event fade away leaving generalized
events plus the unusual or interesting parts of the
original event.
Generalized Event Memory (GEM) - collocations
of events whose common features have been
abstracted. This is where general information is
held about situations that have been experienced
numerous times - e.g. dentists waiting rooms.
Situational Memory (SM) - contains information
about specific situations - e.g. going to medical
practitioners offices.
Intentional Memory (IM) - remembrances of
generalizations at a higher level than SM - e.g.


Commonsense Knowledge Representation I

getting a problem taken care of by an organization.

Scripts of particular situations do not exist as permanent memory structures but are reconstructed from more
general, higher level structures, to aid in interpreting
events as they unfold. The parts of scripts necessary for
interpreting an event are retrieved from situational level
memory structures referred to as Memory Organization Packets - MOPs. MOPs are collections of events
that have become generalized (mushed together in
Schanks words) and stored under them. MOPs are the
means by which an appropriate episode in memory
can be retrieved to aid in interpreting a specific event.
Thus, connections must be established in memory
from MOPs to the specific events that they are invoked
to help process. These connections are evocative of
Minskys K-Lines.
A MOP aids in processing an event by virtue of
the fact that it contains abstractions of similar previous events and, together with particularly memorable
exceptions stored in EM, provides expectations about
the development of events. Thus, a MOP is a high level
script and is related to even higher-level MOPs. In
Schanks example, a restaurant script is a lower level
MOP with connections to more general MOPs such
as social situations, contracts, and obtaining services.
Like MOPs, scripts are subject to temporal precedence
search, produce conceptual dependencies, and contain
memories, so they may be thought of as sub-MOPs.


Although considerable effort has been spent on attempts
to formalize commonsense knowledge representation,
none of these has yet produced an entirely satisfactory
result. Thus, there is still considerable room for work
in this area
Furthermore, there has been little theoretical
work on commonsense representation formalisms in
recent years. The bulk of the efforts have shifted to
projects utilizing various formalisms to implement
commonsense knowledge bases. See Commonsense
Knowledge Representation II - Implementation in
this Encyclopedia.


Brachman, R.J., Fikes, R.E. & Levesque, H.J. (1983).
Krypton: a functional approach to knowledge representation. Computer 16(10),67-73.
Doyle, J. (1984). Expert systems without computers,
or trust in artificial intelligence. AI Magazine 5(2),5963.
Hayes, P. J. (1979). The logic of frames. in D. Metzing
(ed.) Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding. de
Levesque, H.J. (1984). Foundations of a functional
approach to knowledge representation. Artificial Intelligence 23,155-212.
McCarthy, J. (1980). Circumscription: a form of nonmonotonic reasoning. Artificial Intelligence 13,2739.
McDermott, D. & Doyle, J. (1980). Non-monotonic
logic I. Artificial Intelligence 13(1,2),41-72.
Minsky, M. (1975). A Framework for Representing
Knowledge. In P.H. Winston (Ed.) The Psychology of
Computer Vision (pp.211-277). New York: McGrawHill.
Minsky, M. (1981). K-Lines: A Theory of Memory. In
D.A. Norman (Ed.) Perspectives on Cognitive Science
(pp.37-85). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Reiter, R. (1980). A Logic For Default Reasoning.
Artificial Intelligence (13),81-132.
Rich, E. (1983). Artificial Intelligence. New York:
Schank, R.C. (1981). Language and Memory. In D.A.
Norman (Ed.) Perspectives on Cognitive Science
(pp.105-146). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Waltz, D.L. (1982). Artificial Intelligence. AI Magazine
Woods, W.A. (1983). Whats Important About Knowledge Representation? Computer 16(10),22-27.
Zadeh, L.A. (1983). Commonsense knowledge representation based on fuzzy logic. Computer 16(10),6165.

Commonsense Knowledge Representation I



Belief Maintenance Systems: Systems of logic

that permit theorems to be updated as new knowledge
becomes available.

Commonsense Knowledge: Knowledge of the

basic facts and behaviors of the everyday world.
Dispositional Models: Representations of things
or facts.

In this article, commonsense is written as

one word, to distinguish such knowledge from
the more usual common sense defined in the
Oxford English Dictionary as Good sound
practical sense; combined tact and readiness in
dealing with the every-day affairs of life; general
sagacity. Others use commonsense only as an

Logistic Models: Modified logics that attempt to

overcome the problems of representing commonsense
knowledge in the classic predicate calculus.
Monotonicity: A characteristic of logic that prevents
changes to existing theorems, when new information
becomes available.
Non-Monotonic Logic: A logic that attempts to
overcome the restrictions of monotonicity.
Propositional Models: Descriptions of representations of things or concrete facts.
Representation Formalisms: Theoretical frameworks for representing commonsense knowledge.



Commonsense Knowledge Representation II

Phillip Ein-Dor
Tel-Aviv University, Israel

Early attempts to implement systems that understand
commonsense knowledge did so for very restricted
domains. For example, the Planes system [Waltz, 1978]
knew real world facts about a fleet of airplanes and
could answer questions about them put to it in English.
It had, however, no behaviors, could not interpret the
facts, draw inferences from them or solve problems,
other than those that have to do with understanding the
questions. At the other extreme, SHRDLU (Winograd,
1973) understood situations in its domain of discourse
(which it perceived visually), accepted commands in
natural language to perform behaviors in that domain
and solved problems arising in execution of the commands; all these capabilities were restricted, however,
to SHRDLUs artificial world of colored toy blocks.
Thus, in implemented systems it appears that there
may be a trade off between the degree of realism of
the domain and the number of capabilities that can be
In the frames versus logic debate (see Commonsense Knowledge Representation I - Formalisms in
this Encyclopedia), the real problem, in Israels (1983)
opinion, is not the representation formalism itself, but
rather that the facts of the commonsense world have
not been formulated, and this is more critical than
choice of a particular formalism. A notable attempt to
formulate the facts of the commonsense world is that
of Hayes [1978a, 1978b, 1979] under the heading of
nave physics. This work employs first-order predicate calculus to represent commonsense knowledge
of the everyday physical world. The author of this
survey has undertaken a similar effort with respect to
commonsense business knowledge (Ein-Dor and
Ginzberg 1989). Some broader attempts to formulate
commonsense knowledge bases are cited in the section
Commonsense Knowledge Bases.


The perception that expert systems are not currently sufficient for commonsense representation is
strengthened by the conscious avoidance in that field
of commonsense problems. An excellent example is the
following maxim for expert system construction:
Focus on a narrow specialty area that does not involve
a lot of commonsense knowledge. ... to build a system
with expertise in several domains is extremely difficult,
since this is likely to involve different paradigms and
formalisms. (Buchanan et al., 1983)
In this sense, much of the practical work on expert
systems has deviated from the tradition in Artificial
Intelligence research of striving for generality, an effort well exemplified by the General Problem Solver
(Ernst and Newell, 1969) and by work in natural
language processing. Common sense research, on the
other hand, seems to fit squarely into the AI tradition
for, to the attributes of common sense (Commonsense
Knowledge Representation I), it is necessary to add one
more implicit attribute, namely the ability to apply any
commonsense knowledge in ANY relevant domain. This
need for generality appears to be one of the greatest
difficulties in representing common sense.
Consider, for example, commonsense information
about measurement; knowledge of appropriate measures, conversions between them, and the duration of
their applicability are necessary in fields as diverse as
medicine, business, and physics. However, each expert
system represents knowledge, including the necessary
knowledge about measuring scales, in the manner most
convenient for its specific purposes. No such representation is likely to be very useful in any other system
in the same domain, and certainly not for systems in
other domains. Thus, it appears that the reason for the
inability of expert systems as currently developed to

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Commonsense Knowledge Representation II

represent general purpose common sense is primarily

a function of the generality of commonsense versus
the specificity of expert systems.
From a positive point of view, one of the major
aims of commonsense systems must be to represent
knowledge in such a way that it can be useful in any
domain; i.e. when storage strategies cannot be based on
prior information about the uses to which the knowledge will be put.
This, then, is the major difference between expert
systems and commonsense systems; while the former
deal mainly with the particular knowledge and behaviors of a strictly bounded activity, common sense
must deal with all areas of knowledge and behavior not
specifically claimed by a body of experts. An expert
system that knows about internal medicine does not
know about skin diseases or toxicology and certainly
not about drilling rigs or coal mining. Common sense
systems, on the other hand, should know about colds and
headaches and cars and the weather and supermarkets
and restaurants and chalk and cheese and sealing wax
and cabbages and kings (Carroll, 1872).


Given the importance of commonsense knowledge,
and because such knowledge is necessary for a wide
range of applications, a number of efforts have been
made to construct universally applicable commonsense
knowledge bases. Three of the most prominent are Cyc,
ConceptNet, and WordNet.

The Cyc project (Lenat et al. 1990; Lenat, 2006) was
initiated in 1984 by Douglas Lenat who has been at
its head ever since. The objective of the project was
to build a knowledge base of all the commonsense
knowledge necessary to understand the set of articles
in an encyclopedia. As of 2005, the knowledge base
contained about 15,000 predicates, 300,000 concepts,
and 3,200,000 assertions facts, rules of thumb and
heuristics for reasoning about everyday objects and
events. The project is still active and the knowledge
base continues to grow.
The formalism employed in Cyc is the predicate
calculus and assertions are entered manually. (Cycorp,

2007). OpenCyc, a freely available version of Cyc may

be downloaded from

ConceptNet (Liu and Singh, 2004) is a commonsense
knowledge base and natural-language-processing toolkit that supports many practical textual-reasoning tasks.
Rather than assertions being registered manually as in
Cyc, in ConceptNet they are generated automatically
from 700,000 sentences of the Open Mind Common
Sense Project (Singh, 2002) provided by over 14,000
authors., There is a concise version with 200,000 assertions and a full version of 1.6 million assertions.

ConceptNet is constructed as a semantic net.

A freely available version of the system may be
downloaded at

WordNet (Felbaum, 1998) is described as follows

(WordNet, 2007): Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms
(synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. Synsets
are interlinked by means of conceptual-semantic and
lexical relations. The resulting network of meaningfully related words and concepts can be navigated
with the browser. WordNets structure makes it a
useful tool for computational linguistics and natural
language processing.
WordNet contains about 155,000 words, 118,000
synsets, and 207,000 word-sense pairs.
WordNet is available for free download at http://


Any system designed to process natural language must
contain commonsense knowledge as do many other
types of systems. Thus, the development of commonsense knowledge bases is sure to continue.
As a complete commonsense knowledge base must
contain very large quantities of knowledge, the development of such a base is a very lengthy process that
must be cumulative if it is to achieve its goal. Thus,
commonsense knowledge base implementations will
expand and improve over a lengthy period of time.

Commonsense Knowledge Representation II

Buchanan, B.G., Barstow, D., Bechtel, R., Bennet, J.,
Clancey, W., Kulikowski, C., Mitchell, T., & Waterman, D.A. (1983). Constructing an Expert System. in
F. Hayes-Roth, D.A.Waterman,and D.B. Lenat (Eds).
Building Expert Systems. Reading, Mass.: AddisonWesley.
Cycorp. Whats in Cyc? Retrieved May 30, 2007 from
Carroll, L. (1872). The Walrus and The Carpenter in
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found
There. London: Macmillan
Ein-Dor, P. and Ginzberg, Y. (1989). Representing Commonsense Business Knowledge: An Initial
Implementation. in L. F. Pau, J. Motiwalla, Y. H. Pao,
& H. H. Teh (Eds.). Expert Systems in Economics,
Banking, and Management (pp.417-426). Amsterdam:
Ernst, G. & Newell, A. GPS: A Case Study in Generality and Problem Solving. (1969). New York: Academic
Fellbaum, C. (Ed.). (1998). WordNet: An Electronic
Lexical Database. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press
Hayes, P.J. (1978a). Naive Physics 1: Ontology for
Liquids. University of Essex, Working Paper.
Hayes, P.J. (1978b) Naive Physics 2: Histories. Geneva: Institute for Semantic and Cognitive Studies,
Working Paper.
Hayes, P.J. (1979). The Naive Physics Manifesto. in D.
Michie (Ed.) Expert Systems in the Micro Electronic
Age (pp.242-270). Edinburgh:Edinburgh University
Israel, D.J. (1983) The Role of Logic in Knowledge
Representation. Computer 16, 1,37-41.
Lenat, D. (May 30, 2006) Computers versus Common Sense. Google TechTalks. Retrieved May 30,
2007 from
Lenat, D., Guha, R.V., Pittman, K., Pratt, D. & Shepherd, M. (1990). CYC: Toward Programs with Common
Sense. Communications of The ACM. 33,8, 30-49.

Liu, H. & Singh, P. (2004) ConceptNet: A Practical

Commonsense Reasoning Toolkit. BT Technology
Journal 22, 4, 211-226.
Singh, P. (2002) The Open Mind Common Sense
Project. Retrieved on May 30,
2007 from
Waltz, D.L. (1978). An English Language Question
Answering System for A Large Relational Database.
Communications of the ACM 21,7, 526-539.
Winograd, T. (1973). A Procedural Model of Language
Understanding. in R.C. Schank & K.M. Colby (Eds)
Computer Models of Thought and Language (pp. 152186). San Francisco: W.H. Freeman
WordNet. About WordNet. Retrieved June 2, 2007

Commonsense Knowledge: Knowledge of the
basic facts of the everyday world; the knowledge that
any participant in a culture expects any other participant
in that culture to possess.
Commonsense Knowledge Base: A knowledge
base containing commonsense knowledge and mechanisms for drawing inferences or processing natural
language on the basis of that knowledge.
ConceptNet: A commonsense knowledge base
implementation structured as a semantic net.
Cyc: A large commonsense knowledge base implementation utilizing predicate calculus as the representation mechanism.
Expert Knowledge: Knowledge possessed by
experts in a particular domain. Systems representing
expert knowledge are generally rule-based.
Implementation: The construction of a computerized system to represent and manipulate commonsense
WordNet: Acommonsense knowledge base implementation based on a semantic net structure.


A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

Shaista Rashid
University of Bradford, UK
Dimitris Rigas
University of Bradford, UK



In all walks of life individuals are involved in a cumulative and incremental process of knowledge acquisition.
This involves the accessing, processing and understanding of information which can be gained through many
different forms. These include, deliberate means by
picking up a book or passive by listening to someone.
The content of knowledge is translated by individuals
and often recorded by the skill of note-taking, which
differs in method from one person to another. This
article presents an investigation into the techniques to
take notes including the most popular Cornell method.
A comparative analysis with the Outlining and Mapping methods are carried out stating strengths and
weaknesses of each in terms of simplicity, usefulness
and effectiveness. The processes of developing such
skills are not easy or straightforward and performance
is much influenced by cognition. Therefore, such associations regarding cognitive conceptions involve
the exploration into note-taking processes encoding
and storage, attention and concentration, memory and
other stimuli factors such as multimedia.
The social changes within education from the traditional manner of study to electronic are being adapted
by institutes. This change varies from computerising
a sub-component of learning to simulating an entire
lecture environment. This has enabled students to
explore academia more conveniently however, is still
arguable about its feasibility. The article discusses the
underlying pedagogical principles, deriving instructions
for the development of an e-learning environment.
Furthermore, embarking on Tablet PCs to replace the
blackboard in combination with annotation applications
is investigated. Semantic analysis into the paradigm
shift in e-learning and knowledge management replacing classroom interaction presents its potential in the
learning domain. The article concludes with ideas for
the design and development of an electronic note-taking platform.

Over the years, research into note-taking has been carried out intensively. The paper aims to comparatively
analyse the various note-taking techniques, providing
an explanation into the effectiveness and simplicity.
The relationship between cognition and note-taking
is studied presenting a breakdown into the processes
involved. Due to the vast amount of research into
cognition its relevance is imperative. Although, great
research within both areas has been undertaken to design
an electronic note-taking tool, an analysis into existing
applications has also been conducted, with Microsoft
OneNote being the most favourable. This is an annotation application that has no predefined technique to
record notes or annotations and saves handwriting as an
image. Throughout the literature many authors work
contributing to this study will be presented.

This article presents an insight into note-taking, the various methods, cognitive psychology and the paradigm
shift from traditional manner of study to electronic.

Note-Taking Techniques
Theoretically, note-taking is perceived as the transfer
of information from one mind to the other. Today,
the most popular note-taking technique is the Cornell
note-taking method, also referred to as Do-it-rightin-the-first-place. This note-taking method was developed over 40 years ago by Professor Walter Pauk
at the Cornell University (Pauk & Owens, 2005). The
main purpose of developing this method was to assist
students to organise their notes in a meaningful manner. This technique involves a systematic approach
for arranging and condensing notes without the need
to do multiple recopying. The method is simple and

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

effective specifying three areas only. Area A keywords,

Area B notes-taking and Area C summary.
Area A is assigned to keywords or phrases, which
are formed by students towards the end of the lecture.
Over the years an alternative has been questions aiding
recall over recognition. These cues are known to assist
memory and pose as a reminder alongside helping to
identify relationships, also referred as the Q-System
(Pauk & Owens, 2005). Area B remains for the recording of notes during lecture. Here the student attempts
to capture as much information as possible. Finally,
Area C is left for the student to summarise the notes
and reflect upon the main ideas of the lecture (Pauk
& Owens, 2005).
The main advantage of this technique is its clear-cut
and organised structure. This technique is also suitable for technical modules including Mathematics and
Physics and non-technical modules such as English and
History. During an engineering and applied sciences

Figure 1. The Cornell note-taking method (adapted

from Pauk & Owens, 2005)

Figure 2. An example of the outlining note-taking



workshop, experiments involving 70 student participants revealed this note-taking method is straightforward (Anderson-Rowland, Aroz, Blaisdell, Cosgrove,
Fussell, McCartney & Reyes, 1996). The authors
Anderson-Rowland et al. (1996), state this method
enables the organisation of notes, entails interaction
and concentration therefore; a scheduled review can
be conducted immediately highlighting keywords.
Moreover, as the students can summarise content this
facilitates learning by increasing understanding. Additionally, the strength of the technique is the ability
to take notes instantaneously, saving time and effort
due to its systematic structure.
In comparison, the Outlining method (see Figure
2) has a more spatial and meaningful layout, implicitly
encoding conceptual relations. For example, indentation may imply grouping and proximity conceptual
closeness (Ward & Tatsukawa, 2003).
The method consists of dashes or indentation and is
not suitable for technical modules such as Mathematics
or Physics. This technique requires indentation with
spaces towards the right for specific facts. Relationships
are represented through indentation. Note-takers are
required to specify points in an organised format arranging a pattern and sequence built by space indentation.
Important points are separated and kept furthest to the
left, bringing in more specific points towards the right.
Distance from the major point indicates the level of
importance. The main advantage of this technique is
the neatly organised structure allowing reviewing to be
conducted without any difficulty. However, the Outlining method requires the students full concentration to
achieve maximum organisation of notes. Consequently,
the technique is not appropriate if the lecturer is going
at a fast pace. The method has also been disapproved
by Fox (1959) because of its confusing organisational
structure. This is mainly due to the arrangement of
numerals, capitalised letters and so forth.
In contrast to the Cornell and Outlining methods,
the Mapping method (see Figure 3) is a graphical
representation of the lecture content. Students are
stimulated to visually determine links illustrating relationships between facts and concepts. Concept maps
enable brainstorming, breakdown and representation of
complex scenarios, identifying and providing solutions
for flaws and summarising information. To enhance
accuracy students must actively participate and initiate
critical thinking. However, a drawback arguably, has
been the structural organisation and relationship of

A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

nodes especially, questioning the hierarchical structure

(Hibberd, Jones, & Morris, 2002). Alternative structures
have been discussed including chain, spider maps and
networks (Derbentseva & Safayeni, 2004).

E-learning, also known as distance education employs
numerous technological devices. Today, educational
institutes are well-known to deliver academia over the
Internet. The growth of the internet is ever-increasing
with great potential for not only learning material but
also as a collaborative learning environment. The major
difference between traditional learning and electronic
learning is the mode of instruction by which information is communicated.
To have a successful e-learning system all sub-components and interrelated processes must be considered,
because if one process fails then the entire system fails.
Therefore, it is necessary to derive a series of pedagogical principles. Underlying pedagogical principles
include considering the users behaviour towards the
system, as it is an isolated activity resulting in users
becoming frustrated. As the internet has a great deal of
knowledge it can be presented in a bias manner providing users with partial information. Considerations for
the environment and the user actions to be performed
to achieve a specific goal must be outlined. Moreover,
users interpersonal skills including their attitudes,
perceptions and behaviour are central to influencing
the effectiveness of the system. It has been learned

e-learning reduces teaching time, increase proficiency

and improves retention. However, this is not always
correct, as in one study, results of online lecture notes
showed students performed weaker (Barnett, 2003).
From students perspective, they continuously pursue
communication and support to influence their learning.
They also welcome constructive feedback (Mason,
The major challenges faced by the e-learning society
are the culture clash and lack of motivation towards
an electronic learning environment. People are just
not prepared to accept the change. A major factor
determining successful outcomes of such systems is
the level of interactivity provided. Other significant
pedagogical principles include the level of control
users feel, in comparison to traditional manner of
learning where the lecturer has full control over the
lecture environment. Moreover, the development of
a suitable interface is necessary considering usability
factors such as efficiency, error rates, memoryability,
learnability and subject satisfaction. As a tutor, the planning behind the course structure is important, paying
close attention towards the structure of content. Tutors
must ensure students receive feedback in an appropriate
time maintaining time management. Overall, before
considering the design and development of an e-learning environment the main factors to consider include
the learners, content, technology, teaching techniques,
and so forth (Hamid, 2002).
Technologies associated with e-learning have
increased usage of bandwidth and internet access.
Presently, there are two key technologies used to de-

Figure 3. Example of the mapping method


A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

liver e-learning, scheduled delivery platforms and

on-demand delivery platforms. Scheduled delivery
platforms include multicasts, virtual libraries and remote
laboratories, yet the constraints of these include time
and area restraints. To further improve these systems,
on-demand delivery platforms provide 24 hour support
maintaining flexibility of learning (Hamilton, Richards
& Sharp, 2001).
The efficacy of electronic notes in one particular
study showed improvement in students understanding
of lecture content, resulting in an overwhelming 96%
users feeling e-notes are an effective tool (Wirth, 2003).
Users are able to annotate, collaborate and discuss
subject content. This increases learning efficiency by
allowing the user to engage into the text, improving
their comprehension and supporting memorisation.
Recall of specific details is also enhanced (Wolfe,
2000). Numerous annotation applications have been
introduced including Microsoft Word and OneNote
primarily concerned with annotation. SharePoint
allows manipulation editing and annotation simultaneously as well as Re:Mark. Microsoft OneNote as an
annotation tool is more popular however, the end-user
is required to possess a copy of it in order to use it,
unlike Microsoft Journal which can be exported as a
.mhtml file (Cicchino, 2003). Additionally, handwriting
is translated as an image rather then text that can be
explored (McCall, 2005). The benefits include ability
to record a lecture and annotate, referencing to specific
points within the recording. These can then be used
later (McCall, 2005).
Tablet PCs are being used to replace the blackboard
presenting course material through a data projector.
Many academic institutes are adopting these as a teaching tool (Clark, 2004) or are providing students with
them as teaching devices (Lowe, 2004). The major
strength of a Tablet PC is its interactivity between
face-to-face instructions (Cicchino, 2003). However, a
study that provided students with pen-based computers
for the purpose of taking notes presented the project
as unsuccessful because the devices where unsuitable
in terms of performance, poor resolution, and network
factors (Truong, Abowd & Brotherton, 1999).

The most common mode of instruction in higher education is lectures where attending students take notes
based on the lecture content (Tran & Lawson, 2001). In

class, students spend approximately 80% of their time

listening to the lecture (Armbruster, 2000) and the reason
students take notes is because of their usefulness towards
learning and due to social pressures (Tran & Lawson,
2001). Students vary their note-taking technique according to personal experience, existing knowledge, and
appropriateness to the lecture format. Problems within
the classroom are caused due to students inability to
copy information presented by the lecturer (Komagata,
Ohira, Kurakawa & Nakakoji, 2001). Whilst engaging
in reading or listening metacognition, the human mind
has a tendency to wander off thinking about thoughts
other than what is being taught or learnt.
During the learning process, effects on learning
occur during the encoding and storage processes.
The encoding stage is when students attend lecture
and record lecture notes whereas, the storage phase is
when students review their notes. To achieve optimum
performance, both the encoding and storage processes
should be combined. The reviewing of lecture notes
is significantly important especially when conducted
in close proximity to an exam. Additionally, students
should also monitor their individual progress and understanding of information before an exam. This can be
achieved by carrying out self-testing. This method can
also be encouraged by the lecturer providing relevant
material for example, past exam papers.
Students with greater memory-ability benefit from
note-taking with studies finding students with lower
memory-ability record a lower number of words and
complete ideas (Kiewra & Benton, 1988). This is due
to variations within the working memory as information
is stored and manipulated there. Therefore, the ability
of note-takers to pick out relevant details, maintain
knowledge and combine new knowledge to existing
knowledge are essential factors. Human memory can
be broken down into three types; Short-term; long-term
and sensory memory. Short-term memory allows information to be stored for a short period before being
forgotten or transferred to long-term memory. Longterm memory endures information for a longer period
into the memory circuit. The brain circuit includes the
cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Finally, the sensory
memory is the initial storage of information lasting an
instant, consisting of visual and auditory memories.
Information here is typically gathered through the sight
and sound senses.
The incorporation of multimedia within education
can enhance the learning experience in a number of

A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

ways. Significant sensory aids can be provided, interactivity can be increased and a richer learning experience
can be initiated. The presentation of learning material
and the manner in which content is captured is important. This is because if during a lecture organisational
cues are explicitly defined the organisational process
is guided (Titsworth & Kiewra, 2004). Moreover,
the use of non-speech audio amalgamated within
user-interfaces is becoming increasingly popular. If
complimented with visual output it can increase the
amount of information communicated to the user. A
typical student captures 29% visual, 34% auditory and
37% haptic metaphors (Dryden & Vos, 1999). Sound
provides greater flexibility as it can be heard 360
without having to concentrate; this is in comparison to
visual output where the retina subtends an angle of 2
around the point of fixation. Consequently sound is a
superb way of capturing user attention. Furthermore,
graphical displays including icons, menu graphics and
so forth can be used as an iconic representation of a
users action.

The increase in electronic learning tools and e-learning
environments within education are ever-increasing and
so the necessity to derive a flexible learning structure
with interactivity is paramount. Studies relating to
the computerisation of note-taking tools are not so
prominent. Nonetheless, the comparative study does
demonstrate the effectiveness of using a note-taking
method, especially the Cornell method which is most
popular. Additionally, a popularity trend amongst
multi-modality including audio sounds in particular
earcons have shown, there is potential to combine these
within learning to benefit from the experience and enhance interactivity. Moreover, in-depth research into
psychological learning parameters especially encoding
and storage processes have demonstrated the need to
combine the two together to optimise performance. The
introduction of annotation applications has instigated a
trend towards electronic learning platforms although,
usability issues to personalise the student experience
must be further studied.

This article provides a comparative study into note-taking techniques, the processes involved and the effects
of cognition upon learning. The literature suggests
current electronic learning tools amalgamate many
learning functions, including lecture notes, handouts,
discussions and so forth into one application. Integration issues including cost factors, hardware deficiencies
and malfunctions in subcomponents leading to system
failures are major issues brought to light. Moreover,
the primary focus into the skill and technique of notetaking have been analysed with no such technique
provided as an electronic tool. Therefore, the design
and development of a sub-component of e-learning,
a note-taking tool is being considered based upon the
studied research. The Cornell note-taking method has
been arguably more effective with regards to simplicity, ability to deploy it within any subject area and
appropriateness. Therefore future work will consider
the influences of multimedia upon this technique, including earcons, visual structure, layout, and possibly
the incorporation of speech.

Anderson-Rowland, M. R., Aroz, M., Blaisdell, S.,
Cosgrove, C. R., Fussell, P., McCartney, M. A., &
Reyes, M. (1996). Off to a Good Start: A Short,
Comprehensive Orientation Program. ASEE Annual
Conference Proceedings.
Armbruster, B.B. (2000). Taking notes from lectures.
In R.F. Flippo & D.C Caverly (Eds.), Handbook of
college reading and study strategy research, 175-199.
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Barnett, J. E. (2003). Do Instructor-Provided Online
Notes Facilitate Student Learning?, Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 2, No.2.
Cicchino, R. M., & Mirliss, D. S. (2003). Tablet PCs:
A Powerful Teaching Tool.
Clark, C. & Keating, B. (2004). Notre Dame Tablet PC
Initiative. Presented to Teaching and Learning with
Technology Conference, Purdue.
Derbentseva, N., & Safayeni, F. (2004). Experiments
on the effects of map structure and concept quantifica341

A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

tion during concept map construction. Concept Maps:

Theory, Methodology, Technology, Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Concept Mapping,
Dryden, G., & Vos, J. (1999). The Learning Revolution,
The Learning Web, Torrance, CA, USA.
Edward W. Fox. (1959). Syllabus for History, Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press.
Hamid, A. A. (2002). e-Learning Is it the e or the
learning that matters?. Internet and Higher Education,
4, 311-316
Hamilton, R., Richards, C., & Sharp, C. (2001). An
Examination of E-Learning and E-Books. available
Hibberd, R., Jones, A., & Morris, E. (2002). The use
of Concept Mapping as a Means to Promote & Assess
Knowledge Acquisition, CALRG Report No. 202.
Kiewra, K. A., & Benton, S. L. (1988). The relationship
between information-processing ability and notetaking.
Contemporary Educational Psychology, 13, 33-44.
Komagata, N., Ohira, M., Kurakawa, K., Nakakoji, K.
(2001). A cognitive system that supports note-taking
in a real time class lecture. In 9th Human Interface
Workshop Notes (SIG-HI-94-7). Information Processing Society of Japan, 35-40.
Lowe, P. (March 2004). Bentley College students
evaluate Tablet PCs. Retrieved 3/10/2004 from http://
Mason, R. (2001). Time is the New Distance? An Inaugural Lecture, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
McCall, K. (2005). Digital Tools for the Digital
Classroom: Digital Pens, Tablet Mice, and Tablet
PCs. 20th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching
and Learning.

facilitators of student learner. Contemporary Educational Psychology 29, 447-461.

Tran, T. A. T., & Lawson, M. (2001). Students perception for reviewing lecture notes, International Education
Journal, 2. No.4. Educational Research Conference
2001 Special Issue.
Truong, K. N., Abowd, G. D., & Brotherton, J.A. (1999).
Personalizing the capture of public experiences. In:
UIST, Ashville, NC, 121-130.
Van Meter, P., Yokoi, L., & Pressley, M. (1994). College Students theory of note-taking derived from their
perceptions of note-taking. Journal of Educational
Psychology 86, 323-338.
Ward, N., Tatsukawa, H. (2003). A tool for taking class
notes, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Wirth, M. A. (2003). E-notes: Using Electronic Lecture
Notes to Support Active Learning in Computer Science.
The SIGCSE Bulletin, 35, No.2, 57-60.
Wolfe, J. L. (2000). Effects of Annotations on Student
Readers and Writers, Digital Libraries, San Antonio,

Annotation: The activity of briefly describing or
explaining information. It can also involve summarising or evaluating content.
Cognitive Psychology: A study into cognition such
as mental processes describing human behaviour, understanding perceptions, examining memory, attention
span, concentration, and forgetfulness. The purpose
of understanding humans and the way they mentally

Monty, M.L. (1990). Issues for Supporting notetaking

and note using in the computer environment. Ph.D.
Thesis, University of California, San Diego.

Information Processing: The ability to capture,

store and manipulate information. This consists of
two main processes; encoding and storage. Students
record notes during the encoding stage and conduct
reviewing thereafter, in the storage phase.

Pauk, W., & Ross, O. (2005). How to study in college.

Eighth Ed. Houghton Mifflin, 208.

Metacognition: The ability and skills of learners to

be aware of and monitor their learning processes.

Titsworth, S. B., & Kiewra, A. A. (2004). Spoken

organizational lecture cues and student notetaking as

Multimodality: An electronic system that enhances

interactivity by amalgamating audio, visual and speech


A Comparative Study on E-Note-Taking

Pedagogical Principles: Key issues to instruct

the design and development of an electronic learning

Platform: Computer framework allowing software

to run for a specific purpose.
Traditional Manner of Study: Typically a classroom environment with the tutor writing content on a
blackboard and students using pen and paper to record
the content as their own notes. The tutor dominates the
classroom environment unlike in electronic learning
where, the user has a sense of control due to flexibility
in learning.



A Comparison of Cooling Schedules for

Simulated Annealing
Jos Fernando Daz Martn
University of Deusto, Spain
Jess M. Riao Sierra
University of Deusto, Spain

Simulated annealing is one of the most important
metaheuristics or general-purpose algorithms of combinatorial optimization, whose properties of convergence towards high quality solutions are well known,
although with a high computational cost. Due to that,
it has been produced a quite number of research works
on the convergence speed of the algorithm, especially
on the treatment of the temperature parameter, which is
known as cooling schedule or strategy. In this article
we make a comparative study of the performance of
simulated annealing using the most important cooling
strategies (Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D. & Vecchi, M.P.,
1983), (Dowsland, K.A., 2001), (Luke, B.T., 1995),
(Locatelli, M., 2000). Two classical problems of combinatorial optimization are used in the practical analysis
of the algorithm: the travelling salesman problem and
the quadratic assignment problem.

The main aim of combinatorial optimization is the
analysis and the algorithmic solving of constrained
optimization problems with discrete variables. Problems that require algorithms of non-polynomial time
complexity with respect to the problem size, called
NP-complete problems, are the most important ones.
The general solving techniques of this type of
problems belong to three different, but related, research fields. First, we can mention heuristic search
algorithms, such as the deterministic algorithms of
local search (Johnson, D.S., Papadimitriou, C.H. &
Yannakakis, M., 1985), (Aarts, E.H.L. & Lenstra, J.,
1997), the stochastic algorithm of simulated annealing
(Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D. & Vecchi, M.P., 1983),
and the taboo search (Glover, F., 1986). A second

kind of solving techniques are algorithms inspired in

genetics and the evolution theory, such as genetic and
evolutionary algorithms (Holland, J.H., 1973), (Goldberg, D.E., 1989), and memetic algorithms (Moscato,
P., 1999). Finally, due to the collective computation
properties of some neural models, the area of artificial
neural networks has contributed a third approach, although possibly not so relevant as the former ones, to
the combinatorial optimization problem solving with
the Hopfield nets (Hopfield, J.J. & Tank, D., 1985), the
Boltzmann machine (Aarts, E.H.L. & Korst, J., 1989),
and the self-organizing map (Kohonen, T., 1988).

Simulated Annealing Algorithm

The simulated annealing is a stochastic variant of the
local search that incorporates a stochastic criterion
of acceptance of worse quality solutions, in order to
prevent the algorithm from being prematurely trapped
in local optima. This acceptance criterion is based on
the Metropolis algorithm for simulation of physical systems subject to a heat source (Metropolis, N.,
Rosenbluth, A., Rosenbluth, M., Teller, A. & Teller,
E., 1953).
Algorithm (simulated annealing). Be a combinatorial optimization problem (X,S,f,R), with generator
function of random k-neighbour feasible solutions
g : S [0,1[ S . Supposing, without loss of generality,
that f must be minimized, the simulated annealing
algorithm can be described in the following way:


Set an initial random feasible solution as current

solution, si = s0.
Set initial temperature or control parameter T =
Obtain a new solution that differs from the current
one in the value of k variables using the generator

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Comparison of Cooling Schedules


function of random k-neighbour feasible solutions,

sj = g(si, random[0,1[).
If the new solution sj is better than the current
one, f(sj) < f(si), then sj is set as current solution,
si = sj. Otherwise, if



f (s i ) f s j

> random[0,1[

sj is equally accepted as current solution, si = sj.

If the number of executed state transitions (steps
3 and 4) for the current value of temperature is
equal to L, then the temperature T is decreased.
If there are some k-neighbour feasible solutions
near to the current one that have not been processed
yet, steps 3 to 5 must be repeated. The algorithm
ends in case the set of k-neighbour solutions near
to the current one has been processed completely
with a probability close to 1 without obtaining any
improvement in the quality of the solutions.

The most important feature of the simulated annealing algorithm is that, besides accepting transitions
that imply an improvement in the solution cost, it also
allows to accept a decreasing number of transitions
that mean a quality loss of the solution.
The simulated annealing algorithm converges
asymptotically towards the set of global optimal solutions of the problem. E. Aarts and J. Korst provide
a complete proof in their book Simulated Annealing
and Boltzmann Machines: A Stochastic Approach to
Combinatorial Optimization and Neural Computing
(1989). Essentially, the convergence condition towards
global optimum sets that temperature T of the system
must be decreased logarithmically according to the
Tk =

1 + Log(1 + k )

values of temperature T, and a finite number L of state

transitions for each temperature value. To achieve this
aim, a cooling schedule must be specified.
The following cooling schedule, frequently used in
the literature, was proposed by Kirkpatrick, Gelatt and
Vecchi (1983), and it consists of three parameters:


where k = 0,1,...,n indicates the temperature cycle.

However, this function of system cooling requires a
prohibitive computing time, so it is necessary to consider faster methods of temperature decrease.

Cooling Schedules
A practical simulated annealing implementation
requires generating a finite sequence of decreasing

Initial temperature, T0. The initial value of temperature must be high enough so that any new
solution generated in a state transition should be
accepted with a certain probability close to 1.
Temperature decrease function. Generally, an
exponential decrease function is used, such as
Tk = T0 a k , where a is a constant smaller than
the unit. Usual values of a fluctuate between 0.8
and 0.99.
Number of state transitions, L, for each temperature value. Intuitively, the number of transitions
for each temperature must be high enough so that,
if no solution changes were accepted, the whole
set of k-neighbour feasible solutions near to the
current one could be gone round with a probability
close to 1.

The initial temperature, T0, and the number of state

transitions, L, can be easily obtained. On the other hand,
the temperature decrease function has been studied in
numerous research works (Laarhoven, P.J.M. Van &
Aarts, E.H.L., 1987), (Dowsland, K.A., 2001), (Luke,
B.T., 2005), (Locatelli, M., 2000).


In this section nine different cooling schedules used in
the comparison of the simulated annealing algorithm
are described. They all consist of, at least, three parameters: initial temperature T0, temperature decrease
function, and number of state transitions L for each

Multiplicative Monotonic Cooling

In the multiplicative monotonic cooling, the system
temperature T at cycle k is computed multiplying the
initial temperature T0 by a factor that decreases with
respect to cycle k. Four variants are considered:


A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

Exponential multiplicative cooling (Figure 1A), proposed by Kirkpatrick, Gelatt and Vecchi
(1983), and used as reference in the comparison
among the different cooling criteria. The temperature decrease is made multiplying the initial
temperature T0 by a factor that decreases exponentially with respect to temperature cycle k:
Tk = T0 a k

( 0.8 a 0.9 )

Tk =

1 + ak

(a > 0)


Quadratic multiplicative cooling (Figure 1-D).

The temperature decrease is made multiplying the
initial temperature T0 by a factor that decreases in
inverse proportion to the square of temperature
cycle k:


Logarithmical multiplicative cooling (figure 1-B),

based on the asymptotical convergence condition
of simulated annealing (Aarts, E.H.L. & Korst,
J., 1989), but incorporating a factor a of cooling
speeding-up that makes possible its use in practice.
The temperature decrease is made multiplying the
initial temperature T0 by a factor that decreases
in inverse proportion to the natural logarithm of
temperature cycle k:
Tk =
1 + aLog(1 + k )

Linear multiplicative cooling (Figure 1-C). The

temperature decrease is made multiplying the
initial temperature T0 by a factor that decreases in
inverse proportion to the temperature cycle k:

Tk =


(a > 0)

1 + ak 2


Additive Monotonic Cooling

In the additive monotonic cooling, we must take into
account two additional parameters: the number n of
cooling cycles, and the final temperature Tn of the system. In this type of cooling, the system temperature T
at cycle k is computed adding to the final temperature

( a > 1 ) (3)

Figure 1. Multiplicative cooling curves: (A) Exponential, (B) logarithmical, (C) linear, (D) quadratic










A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

Tn a term that decreases with respect to cycle k. Four

variants based on the formulae proposed by B. T. Luke
(2005) are considered:

Linear additive cooling (Figure 2-A). The temperature decrease is computed adding to the final
temperature Tn a term that decreases linearly with
respect to temperature cycle k:

Trigonometric additive cooling (Figure 2-D).

The temperature decrease is computed adding to
the final temperature Tn a term that decreases in
proportion to the cosine of temperature cycle k:

Quadratic additive cooling (Figure 2-B). The
temperature decrease is computed adding to
the final temperature Tn a term that decreases in
proportion to the square of temperature cycle k:

Tk = Tn + (T0 Tn )

Tk = Tn + 1 (T0 Tn )1 + cos


Non-Monotonic Adaptive Cooling


Tk = Tn +( T0 Tn)
2 Ln (T0 Tn )
(k 2 n )

1+ e

Tk = Tn + (T0 Tn )

final temperature Tn a term that decreases in

inverse proportion to the e number raised to the
power of temperature cycle k:

Exponential additive cooling (Figure 2-C). The

temperature decrease is computed adding to the

In the non-monotonic adaptive cooling, the system

temperature T at each state transition is computed
multiplying the temperature value Tk, obtained by any
of the former criteria, by an adaptive factor m based on
the difference between the current solution objective,

Figure 2: Additive cooling curves: (A) linear, (B) quadratic, (C) exponential, (D) trigonometric.










A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

Figure 3. Curve of non-monotonic adaptive cooling




f(si), and the best objective achieved until that moment

by the algorithm, noted f*:

f (s ) f
T = mTk = 1 + i
f (si )



Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Used in the Comparison
Travelling Salesman Problem. The Travelling Salesman Problem, TSP, consists of finding the shortest
cyclic path to travel round n cities so that each city is
visited only once. The objective function f to minimize
is given by the expression:

f (s) = d x i , x (i mod n )+1 ,

i =1

where each variable xi means the city that is visited at

position i of the tour, and d(xi,xj) is the distance between
the cities xi and xj. The tests have been made using two

Quadratic Assignment Problem. The Quadratic

Assignment Problem, QAP, consists of finding the
optimal location of n workshops in p available places
( p n ), considering that between each two shops a
specific amount of goods must be transported with a
cost per unit that is different depending on where the
shops are. The objective is minimizing the total cost of
goods transport among the workshops. The objective
function f to minimize is given by the expression:
f (s) =

Note that the inequality 1 m < 2 is verified. This

factor m means that the greater the distance between
current solution and best achieved solution is, the greater
the temperature is, and consequently the allowed energy
hops. This criterion is a variant of the one proposed by
M. Locatelli (2000), and it can be used in combination
with any of the former criteria to compute Tk. In the
comparison, the standard exponential multiplicative
cooling has been used for this purpose. So the cooling
curve is characterized by a fluctuant random behaviour
comprised between the exponential curve defined by
Tk and its double value 2Tk (Figure 3).

different instances of the euclidean TSP. The first one

obtains a tour of 47 European cities and the second
one a tour of 80 cities.

n 1

c(x i , x j ) q(i, j),

i =1 j = i +1

where each variable xi means the place in which

workshop i is located, c(xi,xj) is the cost per unit of
goods transport between the places where shops i and
j are, and q(i,j) is the amount of goods that must be
transported between these shops. The tests have been
made using two different instances of the QAP: The
first one with 47 workshops to be located in 47 European cities, and the second one with 80 workshops to
be located in 80 cities.
Selection of parameters
For each problem instance, all variants of the algorithm use the same values of initial temperature T0 and
number L of state transitions for each temperature. The
initial temperature T0 must be high enough to accept
any state transition to a worse solution. The number L
of state transitions must guarantee with a probability
close to 1 that, if no solution changes are accepted,
any k-neighbour solution near to the current one could
be process.
In order to determine the other temperature decrease
parameters of each cooling schedule under similar
conditions of execution time, we consider the mean
final temperature T and the temperature standard
error of the exponential multiplicative cooling of
Kirkpatrick, Gelatt and Vecchi with decreasing factor
a = 0.95. The objective is to determine the temperature
decrease parameters in such a way that a temperature
in the interval [T , T + ] is reached in the same
number of cycles as the exponential multiplicative
cooling. We distinguish three cases:

A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

Multiplicative monotonic cooling. The decrease

factor a that appears in the temperature decrease
equations must allow to reach the temperature
T + , or highest temperature from which the
end of the algorithm is very probable, in the same
number n of cycles as the exponential multiplicative cooling. Knowing that for this cooling the
number n of cycles is:
T +


T + = T0 (0.95) n =
Log (0.95)

it results for the logarithmic multiplicative cooling:

a = T+
1 + aLog(1 + n )
Log(1 + n )


Non-monotonic adaptive cooling. As the adaptive cooling is combined in the tests with the
exponential multiplicative cooling, the decrease
factor a that appears in the temperature decrease
equation must be also a = 0.95.

Analysis of Results
Table 1 shows the cooling parameters used on each
instance of the TSP and QAP problems.
For each instance of the problems 100 runs have
been made with the nine cooling schedules, computing
minimum, maximum and average values, and standard
error both of the objective function and of the number
of iterations. For limited space reasons we only provide
results for the QAP 80-workshops instance (Table 2).
Local search results are also included as reference.
Considering both objective quality and number of iterations, we can conclude that the best cooling schedule
we have studied is the non-monotonic adaptive cooling
schedule based on the one proposed by M. Locatelli
(2000), although without significant differences with
respect to the exponential multiplicative and quadratic
multiplicative cooling schedules.

for the linear multiplicative cooling:


a = T+
1 + an

and for the quadratic multiplicative cooling:

Complying with the former results we propose some

research continuation lines on simulated annealing
cooling schedules:

a = T+
1 + an 2

Additive monotonic cooling. Final temperature is

Tn = T , and number n of temperature cycles

is equal to the corresponding number of cycles
of the exponential multiplicative cooling for that
final temperature, that is:


T = T0 (0.95) n =
Log (0.95)

Analyse the influence of the initial temperature in

the performance of the algorithm. An interesting
idea could be valuing the algorithm behaviour
when the temperature is initialized with a percentage between 10% and 90% of the usual estimated
value for T0.
Determine an optimal monotonic temperature
decrease curve, based on the exponential multiplicative cooling. A possibility could be changing the
parameter a dynamically in the temperature decrease
equation, with lower initial values ( a = 0.8 ) and
final values closer to 1 ( a = 0.9 ), but achieving an
average number of temperature cycles equal to the
standard case with constant parameter a = 0.95.
Study new non-monotonic temperature decrease
methods, combined with the exponential multiplicative cooling. These methods could be

A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

Table 1. Parameters of the cooling schedules

TSP 47
T0 = 18000
L = 3384

TSP 80
T0 = 110000
L = 9720

QAP 47
T0 = 3000000
L = 3384

QAP 80
T0 = 25000000
L = 9720

Exp M SA

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

Log M SA

a = 267.24

a = 2307.6

a = 657.19

a = 1576.64

Lin M SA

a = 9.45

a = 65.76

a = 21.08

a = 46.37

Qua M SA

a = 0.0675

a = 0.3593

a = 0.13344

a = 0.2635


n = 156
Tn = 6.06

n = 209
Tn = 2.46

n = 181
Tn = 276.5

n = 197
Tn = 1023

Adapt SA

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

a = 0.95

Table 2. Results for QAP 80

Exp M SA
Log M SA
Lin M SA
Qua M SA
Lin A SA
Qua A SA
Exp A SA
Trig A SA
Adapt SA





Std. Error





































































































A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

based, as the Locatellis one in the comparison,

on modifying the temperature according to the
distance from the current objective to a reference
best objective.
Although these three lines of work are independent,
it seems to be clear that the ultimate objective would
be integrating the results achieved with these lines, in
order to build a high quality combinatorial optimization
metaheuristic based on simulated annealing.

The main conclusions that can be drawn from the comparison among the cooling schedules of the simulated
annealing algorithm are:

Considering objective quality related to the shape

of the temperature decrease curve, we can affirm
that simulated annealing works properly with
respect to the ability of escape from local minima
when the curve has a moderate slope at the initial
and central parts of the processing, and softer at
the final part of it, just as it occurs in the standard
exponential multiplicative cooling. The specific
shape (convex, sigmoid) of the curve in the initial
and central parts does not seem outstanding.
Considering execution time, the standard error
of the number of iterations seems to be related
to the temperature decrease curve tail at the final
part of the algorithm. An inversely logarithmic
tail produces a softer final temperature fall and a
higher standard error, while inversely quadratic
and exponential tails cancel out faster, providing
the best standard error values of the algorithm.
Considering the use of a non-monotonic temperature decrease method, we can affirm that not
only the utilized criterion does not make worse
the general performance of the algorithm but it
seems to have a favourable effect that deserves
to be taken into account and studied in greater

Aarts, E.H.L. & Korst, J. (1989): Simulated Annealing
and Boltmann Machines: A Stochastic Approach to
Combinatorial Optimization and Neural Computing.
Wiley, Chichester.
Aarts, E.H.L. & Lenstra, J. (1997): Local Search in
Combinatorial Optimisation. Wiley, Chichester.
Dowsland, K.A.: & Daz, A. (2001): Diseo de Heursticas y Fundamentos del Recocido Simulado. Revista
Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, 20: 34-52.
Glover, F. (1986): Future Paths for Integer Programming and Links to Artificial Intelligence. Computers
and Operations Research, 5: 533-549.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989): Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA.
Holland, J.H. (1973): Genetic Algorithms and the
Optimal Allocation of Trials. SIAM Journal of Computing, 2: 88-105.
Hopfield, J.J. & Tank, D. (1985): Neural Computation
of Decisions in Optimization Problems. Biological
Cybernetics, 52: 141-152.
Johnson, D.S., Papadimitriou, C.H. & Yannakakis, M.
(1985): How Easy is Local Search? Proceedings of
the Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer
Science, 39-42. Los Angeles, CA.
Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D. & Vecchi, M.P. (1983):
Optimization by Simulating Annealing. Science, 220:
Kohonen, T. (1988):
Self-organization andAssociative Memory. Springer Verlag, New York.
Laarhoven, P.J.M. Van & Aarts, E.H.L. (1987): Simulated Annealing: Theory and Applications. Reidel,
Locatelli, M.: (2000) Convergence of a Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Continuous Global Optimization.
Journal of Global Optimization, 18: 219-234.
Luke, B.T. (2005): Simulated Annealing. Technical Report.
Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A., Rosenbluth, M., Teller,
A. & Teller, E. (1953): Equation of State Calculations

A Comparison of Cooling Schedules

by Fast Computing Machines. Journal of Chemical

Physics, 21: 1087-1092.
Moscato, P. (1999): Memetic Algorithms: A Short Introduction. In D. Corne, M. Dorigo & F. Glover (eds.),
New Ideas in Optimization, 219-234. McGraw-Hill,
Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, UK.
Toda, M., Kubo, R. & Sait, N. (1983): Statistical
Physics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1983.

Combinatorial Optimization: Area of the optimization theory whose main aim is the analysis and
the algorithmic solving of constrained optimization
problems with discrete variables.
Cooling Schedule: Temperature control method in
the simulated annealing algorithm. It must specify the
initial temperature T0, the finite sequence of decreasing
values of temperature, and the finite number L of state
transitions for each temperature value.
Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms: Genetic
Algorithms (GAs) are approximate optimization algorithms inspired on genetics and the evolution
theory. The search space of solutions is seen as a set


of organisms grouped into populations that evolve in

time by means of two basic techniques: crossover and
mutation. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are especial
genetic algorithms that only use mutation as organism
generation technique.
Local Search: Local search (LS) is a metaheuristic
or general class of approximate optimization algorithms,
based on the deterministic heuristic search technique
called hill-climbing.
Memetic Algorithms: Memetic Algorithms (MAs)
are optimization techniques based on the synergistic
combination of ideas taken from other two metaheuristics: genetic algorithms and local search.
Simulated Annealing: Simulated Annealing (SA)
is a variant of the metaheuristic of local search that incorporates a stochastic criterion of acceptance of worse
quality solutions, in order to prevent the algorithm from
being prematurely trapped in local optima.
Taboo Search: Taboo Search (TS) is a metaheuristic
superimposed on another heuristic (usually local search
or simulated annealing) whose aim is to avoid search
cycles by forbidding or penalizing moves which take
the solution to points previously visited in the solution space.


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular

Ji Kroc
Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Peter M. A. Sloot
Section Computational Science, The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Complex Systems

In recent years, the notion of complex systems proved

to be a very useful concept to define, describe, and
study various natural phenomena observed in a vast
number of scientific disciplines. Examples of scientific
disciplines that highly benefit from this concept range
from physics, mathematics, and computer science
through biology and medicine as well as economy, to
social sciences and psychology. Various techniques were
developed to describe natural phenomena observed in
these complex systems. Among these are artificial life,
evolutionary computation, swarm intelligence, neural
networks, parallel computing, cellular automata, and
many others. In this text, we focus our attention to one
of them, i.e. cellular automata.
We present a truly discrete modelling universe,
discrete in time, space, and state: Cellular Automata
(CAs) (Sloot & Hoekstra, 2007, Kroc, 2007, Sloot,
Chopard & Hoekstra, 2004). It is good to emphasize
the importance of CAs in solving certain classes of
problems, which are not tractable by other techniques.
CAs, despite theirs simplicity, are able to describe and
reproduce many complex phenomena that are closely
related to processes such as self-organization and
emergence, which are often observed within the above
mentioned scientific disciplines.

The concept of complex systems (CSs) emerged simultaneously and often independently in various scientific
disciplines (Fishwick, 2007, Bak, 1996, Resnick, 1997).
This could be interpreted as an indication of their universality. Despite the diversity of those fields, there
exist a number of common features within all complex
systems. Typically a complex system consist of a vast
number of simple and locally operating parts, which are
mutually interacting and producing a global complex
response. Self-organization (Bak, 1996) and emergence,
often observed within complex systems, are driven by
dissipation of energy and/or information.
Self-organization can be easily explained with antcolony behavior studies where a vast number of identical processes, called ants, locally interact by physical
contact or by using pheromone marked traces. There
is no leader providing every ant with information or
instructions what it should do. Despite the lack of such
a leader or a hierarchy of leaders, ants are able to build
complicated ant-colonies, feed their larvae, protect the
colony, fight against other colonies, etc. All this is done
automatically through a set of simple local interactions
among the ants. It is well known that ants are responding on each stimuli by one out of 20 to 40 (depending
on ant species) reactions, these are enough to produce
the observed complexity.
Emergence is defined as the occurrence of new
processes operating at a higher level of abstraction then
is the level at which the local rules operate. Each level
usually has its own local rules different from rules operating at other levels. An emergent, like an ant-colony,
is a product of the process of emergence. There can
be a whole hierarchy of emergents, e.g. as in the hu-

We briefly explain the idea of complex systems and
cellular automata and provide references to a number
of essential publications in the field.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

man body, that consists of chemicals and DNA, going

through polypeptides, proteins, cellular infrastructures
and cycles, further on to cells and tissues, organs, and
bodies. We see that self-organization and emergence
are often closely linked to one another.

Cellular Automata
Early development of CAs dates back to A. Turing,
S. Ulam, and J. von Neumann. We can define CAs
by four mutually interdependent parts: the lattice and
its variables, the neighbourhood, and the local rules
(Toffoli & Margolus, 1987, Toffoli, 1984, Vichniac,
1984, Ilachinski, 2001, Wolfram, 2002, Wolfram 1994,
Sloot & Hoekstra, 2007, Kroc, 2007). This is briefly
explained below.

Lattices and Networks

A lattice is created by a grid of elements, for historical
reasons called cells, which can be composed in one,
two, three, or higher dimensional space. The lattice is
typically composed of uniform cells such as, for instance
squares, hexagons or triangles in two dimensions.
CAs operating on networks and graphs represent a
generalization of classical CAs, which are working on
regular lattices. Networks can be random or regular.
Networks can have various topologies, which are classified by the degree of regularity and randomness. A
lattice of cells can be interpreted as a regular network
of vertices interconnected by edges. When we leave
this regularity and allow some random neighbours,
more precisely, if a major part of a network is regular
and a smaller fraction of it is random, then we enter the
domain of small-world networks. The idea of smallworld networks provides a unique tool, which allows
us to capture many essential properties of naturally
observed phenomena especially those linked to social
networks and surprisingly to (metabolic and other)
networks operating within living cells. Whereas smallworld networks are a mixture of regular and random
networks, pure random networks have a completely
different scope of use. It is worth to mention the concept
of scale-free networks, which have a connectivity that
does not depend on scale anymore (Kroc, 2007, Sloot,
Chopard & Hoekstra, 2004).

A CA contains an arbitrary number of discrete variables. The number and range of them are dictated by
the phenomenon under study. The simplest CAs are
built using only one Boolean variable in one dimension
(1D), see e.g. (Wolfram, 2002). Some of such simple
1D CAs express even high complexity and are shown
to be capable of the universal computation.

The neighbourhood, which is used to evaluate a local
rule, is defined by a set of neighbouring cells including
the updated cell itself in the case of regular lattices,
Figure 1. Neighbours with relative coordinates [i, j+1],
[i-1,j], [i, j-1], [i+1, j] of the updated cell [i, j] and
located on North, West, South, and East, respectively,
define the so called the von Neumann neighbourhood
with radius r =1. The Moore neighbourhood with radius r =1 contains the same cells as the von Neumann
neighbourhood plus diagonal cells located at relative
positions [i-1, j+1], [i-1, j-1], [i+1, j-1], [i+1, j+1], i.e.
North-west, South-west, South-east, and North-east,
There are many other types of neighbourhoods
possible; neighbourhoods can even be spatially or
temporally non-uniform. One example is the Margolus
neighbourhood, used in diffusion modelling.
The boundaries for each CA can be fixed, reflecting
or periodic. Periodic boundary conditions represent
infinite lattices. Periodic means that, e.g. in one dimension, the most right cell of a lattice is connected to the
most left lattice cell. Fixed boundary cells are kept at
predefined values. Reflecting boundary cells reflect
values back to the bulk of the lattice.

Local Rules
A local rule defines the evolution of each CA. Usually; it is realized by taking all variables from all cells
within the neighbourhood and by evaluation of a set
of logical and/or arithmetical operations written in the
form of an algorithm. The vector s of those variables
is updated according to the following local rule in the
case of the von Neumann neighbourhood
s[i,j] = f(s[i,j+1], s[i-1,j], s[i,j-1], s[i+1,j]),


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

Figure 1. Four types of neighbourhood is shown on the lattice of 5 x 5 cells: ( from left) the von Neumann with
r =1, and r =2, the Moore with r =1, and finally a random one

where i represents the x coordinate, j represents y coordinate of the cell, and f the local rule. The updated
cell has coordinates [i,j]. Figure 1 shows a 5x5 twodimensional CA with neighbourhoods having various

Computational modeling is defined as a mathematical,
numerical and/or computational description of a naturally observed phenomenon. It is essential in situations
where the observed phenomena are not tractable by
analytical means. Results are often validated against
analytical solutions in special or simplified cases. Its
importance has been shown in physics and chemistry
and is continuously increasing in new fields such as
biology, medicine, sociology, and psychology.


There is a constant influx of new ideas and approaches
enriching the CA method. Within CA modelling of
complex systems, there are distinct streams of research
and their applications in various disciplines, these are
briefly discussed in this section.
Classical cellular automata, with a regular lattice
of cells, are used to model ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic materials, solidification, static and dynamic

recrystallization, laser dynamics, traffic flow, escape

and pedestrian behaviour, voting processes, self-replication, self-organization, earthquakes, volcano activity, secure coding of information and cryptography,
immune systems, living cells and tissue behaviour,
morphological development, ecosystems, and many
other natural phenomena (Sloot, Chopard & Hoekstra,
2004, Kroc, 2007, Illachinski, 2001). CAs were first
used in the modelling of excitable media, such as heart
tissue. CAs often outperforms other methods as, e.g.,
the Monte-Carlo method, especially for highly dissipative systems. The main reason why CAs represents the
best choice in modelling of many naturally observed
complex phenomena is because CAs are defined above
truly spatio-temporally discretized worlds. The inherent CA properties brings new qualities in models that
are not principally achievable by other computational
An example of an advanced CA method is the
Lattice Boltzmann method consisting of a triangular
network of vertices interconnected by edges where
generalized liquid particles move and undergo collisions according a collision table. A model of a gas is
created where conservation of mass, momentum and
energy during collisions are enforced, which produce
a fully discrete and simplified, yet physically correct
micro dynamics. When operated in the right limits, they
reproduce the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
and therefore are a model for fluid dynamics. Averaged
quantities resulting from such simulations correspond


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

to solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations (Sloot &

Hoekstra, 2007, Rivet & Boon, 2001).
Classical CAs, using lattices, have many advantages
over other approaches but some known disadvantages
have to be mentioned. One of the disadvantages of CAs
could be in the use of discrete variables. This restriction is by some authors removed by use of continuous
variables, leading to generalized CAs. The biggest
disadvantage of classical CAs is often found in the
restricted topology of the lattice. Classical regular
lattices fail to reproduce properties of many naturally
observed phenomena. What led to the following development in CAs.
Generalized cellular automata, Darabos, Giacobini
& Tomassini in (Kroc, 2007), are built on general
networks, which are represented by regular, random,
scale-free networks or small-world networks. A regular network can be created from a classical CA and
its lattice where each cell represents a node and each
neighbour is linked by an edge. A random graph is
made from nodes that have randomly chosen nodes as
neighbours. Within scale-free networks, some nodes are
highly connected to other points whereas other nodes
are less connected. Their properties are independent
of their size. The distribution of degree of links at a
node follow a power law relationship P(k) = k g, where
P(k) is the probability that a node is connect to k other
nodes. The coefficient g is in most cases between 2 and
3. Those networks occur for instance in the Internet,
in social networks, and in biologically produced networks such as gene regulatory networks within living
cells or food chains within ecosystems (Sloot, Ivanov,
Boukhanovsky, van de Vijver & Boucher, 2007).
In general, the behaviour of a given CA is unpredictable what is often used in cryptography. There exist
a number of mostly statistical techniques enabling to
study the behaviour of given CA but none of them is
exact. The easiest way, and often the only one, to find
out the state of a CA is its execution.

Understanding morphological growth and branching of
stony corals with the lattice Boltzmann method is a good
example of studying natural complex system with CAs
(Kaandorp, Lowe, Frenkel & Sloot, 1996, Kaandorp,
Sloot, Merks, Bak, Vermeij, & Maier, 2005). A deep
insight into those processes is important to assess the

role of corals in marine ecosystems and, e.g., its relation

to global climate changes. Simulation of growth and
branching of a coral involves multiphysics processes
such as, nutrient diffusion, fluid flow, light absorption
by the zooxanthele that live in symbiosis with the coral
polyps, as well as mechanical stress.
It is demonstrated that nutrient gradients determine
the morphogenesis of branching of phototropic corals.
In this specific case, we deal with diffusion-limited
processes fully determining the morphological shape of
the growing corals. It is known from tank experiments
and simulation studies that those diffusion dominant
regions operate for relatively high flow velocities. It has
been demonstrated that simulated coral morphologies
are indistinguishable from real corals (Kaandorp, Sloot,
Merks, Bak, Vermeij, & Maier, 2005), Figure 3.
Modelling of dynamic recrystallization represents
another living application of CAs within the field of
solid state physics (Kroc, 2002). Metals having polycrystalline form, composed from many single crystals,
are deformed at elevated temperatures. The stored
energy is increasing due to deformation, which is in
turn released by recrystallization, where nuclei grow
and form new grains. Growth is driven by the release
of stored energy. The response of deformed polycrystalline material is reflected by complex changes within
the microstructure and deformation curve.
Stress-strain curves measured during deformation of metallic samples exhibits either single peak
or multiple peak behaviour. This complex response
of deformed material is a direct result of concurrent
processes operating within deformed material. CAs, so
far, represents the only computational technique, which
is able to describe such complex material behaviour
(Kroc, 2002), Figure 3.

There is a number of distinct tracks within CAs research with a constant flux of new discoveries (Kroc,
2007, Sloot & Hoekstra, 2007). CAs are used to model
physical phenomena but they are increasingly used
to model biological, medical and social phenomena.
Most CAs are designed by hand but the future requires
development of automatic and self-adjusting optimization techniques to design local rules according to the
needs of the described natural phenomena.

Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

Figure 2. Morphological growth of coral Mandracis mirabilis obtained through 3D visualization of a CT-scan
of the coral (top) and two simulated growth forms (bottom) with different morphological shapes are depicted
(Kaandorp, Sloot, Merks, Bak, Vermeij, & Maier, 2005). Simulated structures are indistinguishable from real

It is important to stress that the CA technique is

bringing a cross-fertilization among many scientific
disciplines. It happened many times in past that two
or more very similar techniques were developed in
distinct scientific fields such as, e.g. physics and social
The spatial structure of CAs is evolving from
regular lattices to networked CAs Darabos, Giacobini,
Tomassini in (Kroc, 2007), and to multilevel CAs (Hoekstra, Lorentz, Fakone & Chopard, 2007). Updating
schemes of CAs will address in the future two regimes:
synchronous (the classical one), and asynchronous
(Sloot, Overeinder & Schoneveld, 2001).

We briefly discussed complex systems and demonstrate
the usefulness of cellular automata in modelling those
systems. It has been shown that cellular automata
provide a simple but an extremely efficient numerical
technique, which is able to describe and simulate such
complicated behaviour as self-organization and emergence. This extraordinary combination of simplicity and
expressivity brings a constant flux of new discoveries
in description of many naturally observed phenomena
in almost all scientific fields.


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

Figure 3. Simulation of dynamic recrystallization is represented by: stressstrain curves (top-left), relevant mean
grain size Dstrain curves (top-right), an abrupt change loading strain rate (bottom-left), and relevant D-strain
curves (bottom-right). Strain is represented by the number of CA steps (Kroc, 2002).

Finally, it is good to emphasize that CAs represent

a generic method often used in the development of
prototypes of completely new numerical methods describing naturally observed phenomena. We believe that
CAs have a great potential for the future development
of computational modelling and the understanding of
the dynamics of complex systems.

Bak, P. (1996) How nature works: the science of self-organized criticality. New York: Springer-Verlag Inc.
Fishwick, A. (Editor) (2007) Handbook of Dynamical
System Modeling. Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and
Information Science Series, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hoekstra, A., Lorentz, E., Fakone, J.-L. & Chopard,
B. (2007) Towards a Complex Automata Framework


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

for Multi-scale Modelling: Formalism and the Scale

Separation Map, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(4487) 922-930.
Illachinski, A. (2001). Cellular Automata: A Discrete
Universe. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Kaandorp, J.A., Lowe, C.P., Frenkel D. & Sloot
P.M.A. (1996) Effect of Nutrient Diffusion and Flow
on Coral Morphology, Physical Review Letters, 77,
Kaandorp, J.A., Sloot, P.M.A., Merks, M.H., Bak,
R.P.M., Vermeij, M.J.A. & Maier, C. (2005) Morphogenesis of the branching reef coral Madracis mirabilis,
Proc. R. Soc. B, 272, 127-133.
Kroc, J. (2002) Application of cellular automata simulations to modeling of dynamic recrystallization, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 2329, 773-782.
Kroc, J. (Editor) (2007) Advances in Complex Systems,
10, 1 supp. issue, 1-213.
Resnick, M. (1997) Turtles, termites, and traffic jams:
explorations in massively parallel microworlds. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: A Bradford
Book, The MIT Press.
Rivet, J-P. & Boon, J.P. (2001) Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics. Cambridge University Press.
Sloot, P.M.A., Chopard, B. & Hoekstra, A.G. (Editors) (2004) Cellular Automata: 6th nternational
Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and
Industry, ACRI 2004. Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
LectureNotes in Computer Science (3305) Heidelberg:
Springer Verlag.
Sloot, P.M.A. & Hoekstra, A.G. (2007) Modeling
Dynamic Systems with Cellular Automata, Handbook
of Dynamic System Modeling, P.A. Fishwick editor,
Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information
Science, Taylor & Francis Group.
Sloot, P.M.A., Ivanov, S.V., Boukhanovsky, A.V., van
de Vijver, D. & Boucher, C. (2007) Stochastic Simulation of HIV Population Dynamics through Complex
network Modeling. International Journal of Computer
Mathematics. accepted.
Sloot, P.M.A., Overeinder, B.J. & Schoneveld, A.
(2001) Self-organized criticality in simulated cor-

related systems. Computer Physics Communications,

142, 76-81.
Toffoli, T. (1984) Cellular automata as an alternative to
(rather than an approximation of) differential equations
in modelling physics. Physica D, 10, 117-127.
Toffoli, T. & Margolus, N. (1987) Cellular Automata
Theory. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England:
The MIT Press.
Vichniac G.Y. (1984) Simulation physics with cellular
automata. Physica D, 10, 96-116.
von Neumann, J. (1951) The general and logical theory
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von Neumann, J. (1966) Theory of Self-Reproducing
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Wolfram, S. (2002). A New Kind of Science. Champaign: Wolfram Media Inc.
Wolfram, S. (1994) Cellular Automata and Complexity. Collected Papers. New York: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company.

Cellular Automaton: (plural: cellular automata.) A
cellular automaton is defined as a lattice (network) of
cells (automata) where each automaton contains a set
of discrete variables, which are updated according to
a local rule operating above neighbours of given cell
in discrete time steps. Cellular automata are typically
used as simplified but not simple models of complex
Generalized Cellular Automaton: It is based on
use of networks instead of regular lattices.
Complex Network: Most of biological and social
networks reflect topological properties not observed
within simple networks (regular, random). Two examples are small-world and scale-free networks.
Complex System: A typical complex system consists of a vast number of identical copies of several
generic processes, which are operating and interacting
only locally or with a limited number of not necessary


Complex Systems Modeling by Cellular Automata

close neighbours. There is no global leader or controller

associated to such systems and the resulting behaviour
is usually very complex.

Regular Lattice: A perfectly regular and uniform

neighbourhood for each lattice element called cell
characterizes such lattices.

Emergence: Emergence is defined as the occurrence

of new processes operating at a higher level of abstraction then is the level at which the local rules operate.
A typical example is an ant colony where this large
complex structure emerges through local interactions
of ants. For example, a whole hierarchy of emergents
exists and operates in a human body. An emergent is
the product of an emergence process.

Self-Organization: Self-organization is a process

typically occurring within complex systems where a
system is continuously fed by energy, which is transformed into a new system state or operational mode by
a dissipation of energy and/or information.

Lattice Gas Automata: Typically, it is a triangular

network of vertices interconnected by edges where
generalized liquid particles move and undergo collisions. Averaged quantities resulting from such simulations correspond to solutions of the Navier-Stokes
Modelling: It is a description of naturally observed
phenomena using analytical, numerical, and/or computational methods. Computational modelling is classically used in such fields as, e.g. physics, engineering.
Its importance is increasing in other fields such as
biology, medicine, sociology, and psychology.
Random Network: A neighbourhood of a vertex is
created by a set of randomly chosen links to neighbouring vertices (elements) within a network of vertices.


Self-Organized Criticality: A complex system

expressing SOC is continuously fed by energy where
release of it is discrete and typically occurs in the form of
avalanches. Most of its time, SOC operates at a critical
point where avalanches occur. Earthquakes and volcano
eruptions represent prototypical examples of SOC observed in many naturally observed phenomena.
Small-World Network: A mixture of two different types of connections within each neighbourhood
characterizes small-worlds. Typically, a neighbourhood
of given vertex is composed of a greater fraction of
neighbours having regular short-range connectivity
(regular network) and a smaller fraction of random
connections (random network). Such type of neighbourhood provides unique properties to each model
built on the top of it.


Complex-Valued Neural Networks

Tohru Nitta
AIST, Japan

The usual real-valued artificial neural networks
have been applied to various fields such as
telecommunications, robotics, bioinformatics, image
processing and speech recognition, in which complex
numbers (two dimensions) are often used with the
Fourier transformation. This indicates the usefulness
of complex-valued neural networks whose input and
output signals and parameters such as weights and
thresholds are all complex numbers, which are an
extension of the usual real-valued neural networks.
In addition, in the human brain, an action potential
may have different pulse patterns, and the distance
between pulses may be different. This suggests that it is
appropriate to introduce complex numbers representing
phase and amplitude into neural networks.
Aizenberg, Ivaskiv, Pospelov and Hudiakov (1971)
(former Soviet Union) proposed a complex-valued neuron model for the first time, and although it was only
available in Russian literature, their work can now be
read in English (Aizenberg, Aizenberg & Vandewalle,
2000). Prior to that time, most researchers other than
Russians had assumed that the first persons to propose
a complex-valued neuron were Widrow, McCool and
Ball (1975). Interest in the field of neural networks
started to grow around 1990, and various types of complex-valued neural network models were subsequently
proposed. Since then, their characteristics have been
researched, making it possible to solve some problems
which could not be solved with the real-valued neuron,
and to solve many complicated problems more simply
and efficiently.

The generic definition of a complex-valued neuron is
as follows. The input signals, weights, thresholds and

output signals are all complex numbers. The net input

Un to a complex-valued neuron n is defined as:

U n = W nm X m +V n


where Wnm is the complex-valued weight connecting

complex-valued neurons n and m, Xm is the complexvalued input signal from the complex-valued neuron m,
and Vn is the complex-valued threshold of the neuron

n. The output value of the neuron n is given by fC (Un)

where fC : C C is called activation function (C denotes
the set of complex numbers). Various types of activation
functions used in the complex-valued neuron have
been proposed, which influence the properties of the
complex-valued neuron, and a complex-valued neural
network consists of such complex-valued neurons.
For example, the component-wise activation
function or real-imaginary type activation function is
often used (Nitta & Furuya, 1991; Benvenuto & Piazza,
1992; Nitta, 1997), which is defined as follows:

f C (z )= f R (x )+ i f R (y )


where fR(u) = 1/(1+exp(-u)), u R (R denotes the set

of real numbers), i denotes 1 , and the net input Un
is converted into its real and imaginary parts as follows:

U n = x + iy = z.


That is, the real and imaginary parts of an output of

a neuron mean the sigmoid functions of the real part x
and imaginary part y of the net input z to the neuron,
Note that the component-wise activation function
(eqn (2)) is bounded but non-regular as a complexvalued function because the Cauchy-Riemann equations
do not hold. Here, as several researchers have pointed
out (Georgiou & Koutsougeras, 1992; Nitta, 1997) in
the complex region, we should recall the Liouville's

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Complex-Valued Neural Networks

theorem, which states that if a function g is regular at

all z C and bounded, then g is a constant function. That
is, we need to choose either regularity or boundedness
for an activation function of complex-valued neurons.
In addition, it has been proved that the complex-valued
neural network with the component-wise activation
function (eqn (2)) can approximate any continuous
complex-valued function, whereas a network with
a regular activation function (for example, fC(z) =
1/(1+exp(-z)) (Kim & Guest, 1990), and fC(z) = tanh
(z) (Kim & Adali, 2003)) cannot approximate any nonregular complex-valued function (Arena, Fortuna, Re
& Xibilia, 1993; Arena, Fortuna, Muscato & Xibilia,
1998). That is, the complex-valued neural network
with the non-regular activation function (eqn (2)) is a
universal approximator, but a network with a regular
activation function is not. It should be noted here that
the complex-valued neural network with a regular
complex-valued activation function such as fC(z) =
tanh (z) with the poles can be a universal approximator
on the compact subsets of the deleted neighbourhood
of the poles (Kim & Adali, 2003). This fact is very
important theoretically, however, unfortunately the
complex-valued neural network for the analysis is not
usual, that is, the output of the hidden neuron is defined
as the product of several activation functions. Thus, the
statement seems to be insufficient to compare with the
case of component-wise complex-valued activation
function. Thus, the ability of complex-valued neural
networks to approximate complex-valued functions
depends heavily on the regularity of activation functions used.
On the other hand, several complex-valued activation functions based on polar coordinates have been
proposed. For example, Hirose (1992) proposed the
following amplitude-phase type activation function:

( z ) = tanh exp(i ), z =



where m is a constant. Although this amplitude-phase

activation function is not regular, Hirose noted that the
non-regularity did not cause serious problems in real
applications and that the amplitude-phase framework
is suitable for applications in many engineering fields
such as optical information processing systems, and
amplitude modulation, phase modulation and frequency
modulation in electromagnetic wave communications

and radar. Aizenberg et al. (2000) proposed the

following activation function:
2 j 2 j
2 ( j + 1) ,
( z ) = exp i
, if

z = exp(i ), j = 0, 1, , k1


where k is a constant. Eqn (5) can be regarded as a type

of amplitude-phase activation functions. Only phase
information is used and the amplitude information is
discarded, however, many successful applications show
that the activation function is sufficient.


This article presents the essential differences between
multi-layered type real-valued neural networks and
multi-layered type complex-valued neural networks,
which are very important because they expand the real
application fields of the multi-layered type complexvalued neural networks. To the authors knowledge,
the inherent properties of complex-valued neural
networks with regular complex-valued activation
functions have not been revealed except their learning
performance so far. Thus, only the inherent properties
of the complex-valued neural network with the nonregular complex-valued activation function (eqn (2))
are mainly described: (a) the learning performance, (b)
the ability to transform geometric figures, and (c) the
orthogonal decision boundary.

Learning Performance
In the applications of multi-layered type real-valued
neural networks, the error back-propagation learning
algorithm (called here, Real-BP) (Rumelhart, Hinton
& Williams, 1986) has often been used. Naturally, the
complex-valued version of the Real-BP (called here,
Complex-BP) can be considered, and was actually proposed by several researchers (Kim & Guest, 1990; Nitta
& Furuya, 1991; Benvenuto & Piazza, 1992; Georgiou
& Koutsougeras, 1992; Nitta, 1993, 1997; Kim & Adali,
2003). This algorithm enables the network to learn
complex-valued patterns naturally.

Complex-Valued Neural Networks

It is known that the learning speed of the ComplexBP algorithm is faster than that of the Real-BP algorithm.
Nitta (1991, 1997) showed in some experiments on
learning complex-valued patterns that the learning speed
is several times faster than that of the conventional
technique, while the space complexity (i.e., the number
of learnable parameters needed) is only about half that
of Real-BP. Furthermore, De Azevedo, Travessa and
Argoud (2005) applied the Complex-BP algorithm
of the literature (Nitta, 1997) to the recognition and
classification of epileptiform patterns in EEG, in particular, dealing with spike and eye-blink patterns, and
reconfirmed the superiority of the learning speed of
the Complex-BP described above. As for the regular
complex-valued activation function, Kim and Adali
(2003) compared the learning speed of the Complex-BP
using nine regular complex-valued activation functions
with those of the Complex-BP using three non-regular
complex-valued activation functions (including eqn (4))
through a computer simulation for a simple nonlinear
system identification example. The experimental
results suggested that the Complex-BP with the regular
activation function
among them.

( z ) = arcsin h( z ) was the fastest

Ability to Transform Geometric Figures

The Complex-BP with the non-regular complex-valued
activation function (eqn (2)) can transform geometric
figures, e.g. rotation, similarity transformation and
parallel displacement of straight lines, circles, etc.,
whereas the Real-BP cannot (Nitta, 1991, 1993, 1997).
Numerical experiments suggested that the behaviour
of a Complex-BP network which learned the transformation of geometric figures was related to the Identity
Theorem in complex analysis.
Only an illustrative example on a rotation is given
below. In the computer simulation, a 1-6-1 three-layered complex-valued neural network was used, which
transformed a point (x, y) into (x, y) in the complex
plane. Although the Complex-BP network generates
a value z within the range 0 < Re[z], Im[z] < 1 due to
the activation function used (eqn (2)), for the sake of
convenience it is presented in the figure given below
as having a transformed value within the range 1 <
Re[z], Im[z] < 1. The learning rate used in the experiment was 0.5. The initial real and imaginary components
of the weights and the thresholds were chosen to be

random real numbers between 0 and 1. The experiment

consisted of two parts: a training step, followed by a
test step. The training step consisted of learning a set
of (complex-valued) weights and thresholds, such that
the input set of (straight line) points (indicated by black
circles in Fig. 1) gave as output, the (straight line) points
(indicated by white circles) rotated counterclockwise
over p/2 radians. Input and output pairs were presented
1,000 times in the training step. These complex-valued weights and thresholds were then used in a test
step, in which the input points lying on a straight line
(indicated by black triangles in Fig. 1) would hopefully be mapped to an output set of points lying on
the straight line (indicated by white triangles) rotated
counterclockwise over p/2 radians. The actual output
test points for the Complex-BP did, indeed, lie on the
straight line (indicated by white squares). It appears that
the complex-valued network has learned to generalize
the transformation of each point Zk (= r k exp[i k ]) into
Z k exp[i ](= r k exp[i ( k + )]), i.e., the angle of each
complex-valued point is updated by a complex-valued
factor exp[ia], however, the absolute length of each
input point is preserved. In the above experiment, the
11 training input points lay on the line y = x + 1 (0
x 1) and the 11 training output points lay on the line
y = x + 1 ( 1 x 0). The seven test input points lay
on the line y=0.2 ( 0.9 x 0.3). The desired output
test points should lie on the line x = 0.2.
Watanabe, Yazawa, Miyauchi and Miyauchi (1994)
applied the Complex-BP in the field of computer
vision. They successfully used the ability to transform
geometric figures of the Complex-BP network to
complement the 2D velocity vector field on an image,
which was derived from a set of images and called an
optical flow. The ability to transform the geometric
figure of the Complex-BP can also be used to generate
fractal images. Actually, Miura and Aiyoshi (2003)
applied the Complex-BP to the generation of fractal
images and showed in computer simulations that some
fractal images such as snow crystals could be obtained
with high accuracy where the iterated function systems
(IFS) were constructed using the ability to transform
geometric figure of the Complex-BP.

Orthogonal Decision Boundary

The decision boundary of the complex-valued neuron with the non-regular complex-valued activation
function (eqn (2)) has a different structure from that

Complex-Valued Neural Networks

of the real-valued neuron. Consider a complex-valued

neuron with M input neurons. Let the weights denote
w = t[w1 ... wM] = w r+ i wi, w r= t[w1r ... wMr], w i= t[w1i
wMi] and let the threshold denote = r+ i i. Then,
for M input signals (complex numbers) z = t[z1 ... zM]
= x + iy, x = t[x1 ... xM], y = t[y1 ... yM], the complexvalued neuron generates
X + iY =

t r
[ w

t w i ] +


t i
[ w

w r ] +

as an output. Here, for any two constants CR, CI (0,
1), let
X (x, y ) =

t r
[ w

Y ( x, y ) =

t i
[ w

t w i ] +

w r ] +

= CR,


= CI.


Note here that eqn (7) is the decision boundary for

the real part of an output of the complex-valued neuron with M inputs. That is, input signals (x, y) R2M
are classified into two decision regions {(x, y) R2M |
X(x, y) CR} and {(x, y) R2M | X(x, y) < CR} by the
hypersurface given by eqn (7). Similarly, eqn (8) is the
decision boundary for the imaginary part. Noting that
the inner product of the normal vectors of the decision
boundaries (eqns (7) and (8)) is zero, we find that the
decision boundary for the real part of an output of a
complex-valued neuron and that for the imaginary part
intersect orthogonally.
As is well known, the XOR problem and the detection
of symmetry problem cannot be solved with a single
real-valued neuron (Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams,
1986). Contrary to expectation, it was proved that such
problems could be solved by a single complex-valued
neuron with the orthogonal decision boundary, which
revealed the potent computational power of complexvalued neural networks (Nitta, 2004a).

Many application results (Hirose, 2003) such as associative memories, adaptive filters, multi-user communication and radar image processing suggest directions for
future research on complex-valued neural networks.
It is natural that the inherent properties of the
multi-layered type complex-valued neural network
with non-regular complex-valued activation function
(eqn (2)) are not limited to the ones described above.
Furthermore, to the authors knowledge, the inherent
properties except the learning performance of recurrent
type complex-valued neural networks have not been
reported. The same is also true of the complex-valued
neural network with regular complex-valued activation
functions. Such exploration will expand the application
fields of complex-valued neural networks.
In the meantime, efforts have already been made
to increase the dimensionality of neural networks, for
example, three dimensions (Nitta, 2006), quaternions
(Arena, Fortuna, Muscato & Xibilia, 1998; Isokawa,
Kusakabe, Matsui & Peper, 2003; Nitta, 2004b),
Clifford algebras (Pearson & Bisset, 1992; Buchholz
& Sommer, 2001), and N dimensions (Nitta, 2007),
which is a new direction for enhancing the ability of
neural networks.

This article outlined the inherent properties of complexvalued neural networks, especially those of the case
with non-regular complex-valued activation functions,
that is, (a) the learning performance, (b) the ability to
transform geometric figures, and (c) the orthogonal
decision boundary. Successful applications of such
networks were also described.

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functions, boolean complex-threshold functions and


Complex-Valued Neural Networks

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Quaternion neural network and its application. In Palade,
V., Howlett, R. J., & Jain, L. C. (Ed.), Lecture notes
in artificial intelligence, 2774 (KES2003) (pp. 318-324),
Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
Kim, T., & Adali, T. (2003). Approximation by fully
complex multilayer perceptrons. Neural Computation,
15(7), 1641-1666.
Kim, M. S., & Guest, C. C. (1990). Modification of
backpropagation networks for complex-valued signal
processing in frequency domain. Proc. Int. Joint Conf.
on Neural Networks, 3, 27-31.

Nitta, T. (2004b). A Solution to the 4-bit parity problem

with a single quaternary neuron. Neural Information
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Nitta, T. (2006). Three-dimensional vector valued
neural network and its generalization ability. Neural
Information Processing Letters and Reviews, 10(10),
Nitta, T. (2007). N-dimensional vector neuron.
Proc. IJCAI Workshop on Complex Valued Neural
Networks and Neuro-Computing: Novel Methods, Applications and Implementations, 2-7.
Pearson, J., & Bisset, D. (1992). Back propagation in
a Clifford algebra. Proc. International Conference on
Artificial Neural Networks, Brighton.
Rumelhart, D. E., Hinton, G. E., & Williams, R. J.
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Watanabe, A., Yazawa, N., Miyauchi, A., & Miyauchi,
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Widrow, B., McCool, J., & Ball, M. (1975). The complex
LMS algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE. 63(4), 719720.


Complex-Valued Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Network: A network composed
of artificial neurons. Artificial neural networks can be
trained to find nonlinear relationships in data.
Back-Propagation Algorithm: A supervised learning technique used for training neural networks, based
on minimizing the error between the actual outputs and
the desired outputs.
Clifford Algebras: An associative algebra, which
can be thought of as one of the possible generalizations of complex numbers and quaternions.
Complex Number: A number of the form a + ib
where a and b are real numbers, and i is the imaginary
unit such that i2 = 1. a is called the real part, and b
the imaginary part.

Decision Boundary: A boundary which pattern

classifiers such as the real-valued neural network use
to classify input patterns into several classes. It generally
consists of hypersurfaces.
Identity Theorem: A theorem for regular complex
functions: given two regular functions f and g on a
connected open set D, if f = g on some neighborhood
of z that is in D, then f = g on D.
Quaternion: A four-dimensional number which is
a non-commutative extension of complex numbers.
Regular Complex Function: A complex function
that is complex-differentiable at every point.

Figure 1. Rotation of a straight line. A black circle denotes an input training point, a white circle an output training point, a black triangle an input test point, a white triangle a desired output test point, and a white square an
output test point generated by the Complex-BP network.



Component Analysis in Artificial Vision

Oscar Dniz Surez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Gloria Bueno Garca
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain



The typical recognition/classification framework in

Artificial Vision uses a set of object features for discrimination. Features can be either numerical measures
or nominal values. Once obtained, these feature values
are used to classify the object. The output of the classification is a label for the object (Mitchell, 1997).
The classifier is usually built from a set of training
samples. This is a set of examples that comprise feature
values and their corresponding labels. Once trained,
the classifier can produce labels for new samples that
are not in the training set.
Obviously, the extracted features must be discriminative. Finding a good set of features, however, may
not be an easy task. Consider for example, the face
recognition problem: recognize a person using the
image of his/her face. This is currently a hot topic of
research within the Artificial Vision community, see
the surveys (Chellappa et al, 1995), (Samal & Iyengar,
1992) and (Chellappa & Zhao, 2005). In this problem,
the available features are all of the pixels in the image.
However, only a number of these pixels are normally
useful for discrimination. Some pixels are background,
hair, shoulders, etc. Even inside the head zone of the
image some pixels are less useful than others. The eye
zone, for example, is known to be more informative
than the forehead or cheeks (Wallraven et al, 2005).
This means that some features (pixels) may actually
increase recognition error, for they may confuse the
Apart from performance, from a computational cost
point of view it is desirable to use a minimum number
of features. If fed with a large number of features, the
classifier will take too long to train or classify.

Feature Selection aims at identifying the most informative features. Once we have a measure of informativeness for each feature, a subset of them can be used for
classifying. In this case, the features remain the same,
only a selection is made. The topic of feature selection has been extensively studied within the Machine
Learning community (Duda et al, 2000). Alternatively,
in Feature Extraction a new set of features is created
from the original set. In both cases the objective is both
reducing the number of available features and using
the most discriminative ones.
The following sections describe two techniques
for Feature Extraction: Principal Component Analysis
and Independent Component Analysis. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is a similar dimensionality
reduction technique that will not be covered here for
space reasons, we refer the reader to the classical text
(Duda et al., 2000).

Figure 1.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Component Analysis in Artificial Vision

As an example problem we will consider face recognition. The face recognition problem is particularly
interesting here because of a number of reasons. First,
it is a topic of increasingly active research in Artificial
Vision, with potential applications in many domains.
Second, it has images as input, see Figure 1 from the
Yale Face Database (Belhumeur et al, 1997), which
means that some kind of feature processing/selection
must be done previous to classification.


Principal Component Analysis (PCA), see (Turk &
Pentland, 1991), is an orthogonal linear transformation
of the input feature space. PCA transforms the data to
a new coordinate system in which the data variances
in the new dimensions is maximized. Figure 2 shows a
2-class set of samples in a 2-feature space. These data
have a certain variance along the horizontal and vertical axes. PCA maps the samples to a new orthogonal
coordinate system, shown in bold, in which the sample
variances are maximized. The new coordinate system
is centered on the data mean.
The new set of features (note that the coordinate
axes are features) is better from a discrimination point

Figure 2.


of view, for samples of the two classes can be readily

separated. Besides, the PCA transform provides an
ordering of features, from the most discriminative (in
terms of variance) to the least. This means that we can
select and use only a subset of them. In the figure above,
for example, the coordinate with the largest axis is the
most discriminative.
When the input space is an image, as in face recognition, training images are stored in a matrix T. Each row
of T contains a training image (the image rows are laid
consecutively, forming a vector). Thus, each image pixel
is considered a feature. Let there be n training images.
PCA can then be done in the following steps:

Subtract the mean image vector m from T,



Calculate the covariance matrix C:



n i

( xi m)( xi m)
n i

Perform Singular Value Decomposition over C,

which gives an orthogonal transform matrix W

Component Analysis in Artificial Vision

Figure 3.


Choose a set of eigenfaces (see below)

The new feature axes are the columns of W. These

features can be considered as images (i.e. by arranging each vector as a matrix), and are commonly called
basis images or eigenfaces within the face recognition
community. The intensity of the pixels of these images
represents their weight or contribution in the axis. Figure
3 shows the typical aspect of eigenfaces.
Normally, in step 4 above only the best K eigenvectors are selected and used in the classifier. That is
achieved by discarding a number of columns in W.
Once we have the appropriate transform matrix, any
set X of images can be transformed to this new space
simply by:

1991, Comon, 1994). ICA has been successfully applied to many different problems such as MEG and
EEG data analysis, blind source separation (i.e.
separating mixtures of sound signals simultaneously
picked up by several microphones), finding hidden
factors in financial data and face recognition, see (Bell
& Sejnowski, 1995).
The ICA technique aims at finding a linear transform for the input data so that the transformed data
is as statistically independent as possible. Statistical
independence implies decorrelation (but note that the
opposite is not true). Therefore, ICA can be considered
a generalization of PCA.
The basis images obtained with ICA are more local
than those obtained with PCA, which suggests that they
can lead to more precise representations. Figure 4 shows
the typical basis images obtained with ICA.
ICA routines are available in a number of different
implementations, particularly for Matlab. ICA has a
higher computational cost than PCA. FastICA is the
most efficient implementation to date, see (Gvert et
al, 2005).
As opposed to PCA, ICA does not provide an intrinsic order for the representation coefficients of the
face images, which does not help when extracting a
subset of K features. In (Bartlett & Sejnowski, 1997)
the best results were obtained with an order based on
the ratio of between-class to within-class variance for
each coefficient:
Figure 4.

Subtract the mean m from the images in X

Calculate Y = X W

The transformed image vectors Y are the new feature

vectors that the classifier will use for training and/or


Independent Component Analysis is a feature extraction
technique based in extracting statistically independent
variables from a mixture of them (Jutten & Hrault,

Component Analysis in Artificial Vision

rj = =

( x x)
( x x)

where V is the variance of the j class mean and v is the

sum of the variances within each class.

tionally more demanding, however its efficiency over

PCA has not yet been established in the context of face
recognition. Thus, it is foreseeable that the eigenfaces
technique introduced by Turk and Pentland remains as
a face recognition baseline in the near future.

PCA has been shown to be an invaluable tool in
Artificial Vision. Since the seminal work of (Turk &
Pentland, 1991) PCA-based methods are considered
standard baselines in the problem of face recognition.
Many other techniques have evolved from it: robust
PCA, nonlinear PCA, incremental PCA, kernel PCA,
probabilistic PCA, etc.
As mentioned above, ICA can be considered an
extension of PCA. Some authors have shown that in
certain cases the ICA transformation does not provide
performance gain over PCA when a good classifier is
used (like Support Vector Machines), see (Dniz et al,
2003). This may be of practical significance, since PCA
is faster than ICA. ICA is not being used as extensively
within the Artificial Vision community as it is in other
disciplines like signal processing, especially where the
problem of interest is signal separation.
On the other hand, Graph Embedding (Yan et al,
2005) is a framework recently proposed that constitutes
an elegant generalization of PCA, LDA (Linear Discriminat Analysis), LPP (Locality Preserving Projections)
and other dimensionality reduction techniques. As well
as providing a common formulation, it facilitates the
designing of new dimensionality reduction algorithms
based on new criteria.

Component analysis is a useful tool for Artificial Vision
Researchers. PCA, in particular, can now be considered
indispensable to reduce the high dimensionality of images. Both computation time and error ratios can be
reduced. This article has described both PCA and the
related technique ICA, focusing on their application
to the face recognition problem.
Both PCA and ICA act as a feature extraction stage,
previous to training and classification. ICA is computa370

Bartlett, M.S. & Sejnowski, T.J. (1997). Independent

components of face images: a representation for face
recognition. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Joint
Symposium on Neural Computation, Pasadena, CA.
Belhumeur, P.N., Hespanha, J.P. & Kriegman, D.J.
(1997). Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: recognition using
class specific linear projection. IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Anaysis and Machine Intelligence. 19 (7),
Bell, A. & Sejnowski, T. (1995). An information
maximization approach to blind separation and blind
deconvolution. Neural Computation. 7, 11291159.
Chellappa, R., Wilson, C. & Sirohey, S. (1995). Human
and machine recognition of faces a survey. Proceedings
IEEE, vol. 83, n. 5, pp. 705740.
Chellappa, R. & Zhao, W., Eds. (2005). Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods. Elsevier.
Comon, P. (1994). Independent component analysisa
new concept?. Signal Processing, 36:287314.
Dniz, O., Castrilln, M. & Hernndez, M. (2003). Face
Recognition using Independent Component Analysis
and Support Vector Machines. Pattern Recognition
Letters, vol 24, issue 13, Pages 2153-2157.
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E. & Stork, D.G. (2000). Pattern
Classification (2nd Edition). Wiley.
Gvert, H., Hurri, J., Srel, J. & Hyvrinen, A. (2005).
The FastICA MATLAB package. Available from http://
Jutten, C. & Hrault, J. (1991). Blind separation of
sources, part I: An adaptive algorithm based on neuromimetic architecture. Signal Processing, 24:110.
Mitchell, T. (1997). Machine Learning. McGraw

Component Analysis in Artificial Vision

Samal, A. & Iyengar, P.A. (1992). Automatic recognition

and analysis of human faces and facial expressions: A
survey. Pattern Recognition, vol. 25, no. 1.
Turk, M.A. & Pentland, A. (1991). Eigenfaces for
Recognition. Cognitive Neuroscience, vol. 3, no. 1,
pp. 7186.
van der Heijden, F., Duin, R.P.W, de Ridder, D. & Tax,
D.M.J. (2004). Classification, parameter estimation
and state estimation - an engineering approach using
Matlab. John Wiley & Sons. PRTools available from
Wallraven, C., Schwaninger, A. & Blthoff, H.H.
(2005). Learning from Humans: Computational Modeling of Face Recognition. Network: Computation in
Neural Systems 16(4), 401-418.
Yan, S., Xu, D., Zhang, B., Zhang, H. (2005). Graph
Embedding : A General Framework for Dimensionality
Reduction. Procs. of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR05).

Classifier: Algorithm that produces class labels
as output, from a set of features of an object. A classifier, for example, is used to classify certain features
extracted from a face image and provide a label (an
identity of the individual).
Eigenface: A basis vector of the PCA transform,
when applied to face images.
Face Recognition: The AV problem of recognizing an individual from one or more images of his/her
Feature Extraction: The process by which a new
set of discriminative features is obtained from those
available. Classification is performed using the new
set of features.
Feature Selection: The process by which a subset
of the available features (usually the most discriminative ones) is selected for classification.
Independent Component Analysis: Feature extraction technique in which the statistical independence of
the data is maximized.
Principal Component Analysis: Feature extraction
technique in which the variance of the data is maximized. It provides a new feature space in which the
dimensions are ordered by sample correlation. Thus,
a subset of these dimensions can be chosen in which
samples are minimally correlated.



Computational Methods in Biomedical

Michele Piana
Universita di Verona, Italy

Biomedical imaging represents a practical and conceptual revolution in the applied sciences of the last thirty
years. Two basic ingredients permitted such a breakthrough: the technological development of hardware
for the collection of detailed information on the organ
under investigation in a less and less invasive fashion;
the formulation and application of sophisticated mathematical tools for signal processing within a methodological setting of truly interdisciplinary flavor.
A typical acquisition procedure in biomedical imaging requires the probing of the biological tissue by means
of some emitted, reflected or transmitted radiation. Then
a mathematical model describing the image formation
process is introduced and computational methods for
the numerical solution of the model equations are
formulated. Finally, methods based on or inspired by
Artificial Intelligence (AI) frameworks like machine
learning are applied to the reconstructed images in order
to extract clinically helpful information.
Important issues in this research activity are the
intrinsic numerical instability of the reconstruction
problem, the convergence properties and the computational complexity of the image processing algorithms.
Such issues will be discussed in the following with the
help of several examples of notable significance in the
biomedical practice.

this revolutionary diagnostic tool the signals[...]are

stored and mathematically analyzed in a computer. The
computer is programmed to reconstruct an image of
the examined cross-section by solving a large number
of equations including a corresponding number of
unknowns. Starting from this crucial milestone, biomedical imaging has represented a lively melting pot
of clinical practice, experimental physics, computer
science and applied mathematics, providing mankind
of numerous non-invasive and effective instruments for
early detection of diseases, and scientist of a prolific
and exciting area for research activity.
The main imaging modalities in biomedicine can
be grouped into two families according to the kind of
information content they provide.

The first breakthrough in the theory and practice of
recent biomedical imaging is represented by X-ray
Computerized Tomography (CT) (Hounsfield, 1973).
On October 11 1979 Allan Cormack and Godfrey
Hounsfield gained the Nobel Prize in medicine for
the development of computer assisted tomography.
In the press release motivating the award, the Nobel
Assembly of the Karolinska Institut wrote that in

Structural imaging: the image provides information on the anatomical features of the tissue
without investigating the organic metabolism.
Structural modalities are typically characterized
by a notable spatial resolution but are ineffective
in reconstructing the dynamical evolution of the
imaging parameters. Further to X-ray CT, other
examples of such approach are Fluorescence
Microscopy (Rost & Oldfield, 2000), Ultrasound
Tomography (Greenleaf, Gisvold & Bahn, 1982),
structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
(Haacke, Brown, Venkatesan & Thompson, 1999)
and some kinds of prototypal non-linear tomographies like Microwave Tomography (Boulyshev,
Souvorov, Semenov, Posukh & Sizov, 2004),
Diffraction Tomography (Guo & Devaney, 2005),
Electrical Impedance Tomography (Cheney, Isaacson & Newell, 1999) and Optical Tomography
(Arridge, 1999).
Functional imaging: during the acquisition many
different sets of signals are recorded according
to a precisely established temporal paradigm.
The resulting images can provide information
on metabolic deficiencies and functional diseases

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging

but are typically characterized by a spatial resolution which is lower (sometimes much lower)
than the one of anatomical imaging. Emission
tomographies like Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) (Duncan, 1997)
or Positron Emission Tomography (PET) (Valk,
Bailey, Townsend & Maisey, 2004) and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging in its functional setup (fMRI)
(Huettel, Song & McCarthy, 2004) are examples of
these dynamical techniques together with Electroand Magnetoencephalography (EEG and MEG)
(Zschocke & Speckmann, 1993; Hamalainen,
Hari, Ilmoniemi, Knuutila & Lounasmaa, 1993),
which reproduce the neural activity at a millisecond time scale and in a completely non-invasive
In all these imaging modalities the correct mathematical modeling of the imaging problem, the formulation of computational algorithms for the solution
of the model equations and the application of image
processing algorithms for data interpretation are the
crucial steps which allow the exploitness of the visual
information from the measured raw data.

From a mathematical viewpoint the inverse problem
of synthesizing the biological information in a visual
form from the collected radiation is characterized by
a peculiar pathology.
The concept of ill-posedness has been introduced
by Jules Hadamard (Hadamard, 1923) to indicate mathematical problems whose solution does not exist for
all data, or is not unique or does not depend uniquely
on the data. In biomedical imaging this last feature has
particularly deleterious consequences: indeed, the presence of measurement noise in the raw data may produce
notable numerical instabilities in the reconstruction
when naive approaches are applied.
Most (if not all) biomedical imaging problems are
ill-posed inverse problems (Bertero & Boccacci, 1998)
whose solution is a difficult mathematical task and often
requires a notable computational effort. The first step
toward the solution is represented by an accurate modeling of the mathematical relation between the biological
organ to be imaged and the data provided by the imaging

device. Under the most general assumptions the model

equation is a non-linear integral equation, although, for
several devices, the non-linear imaging equation can
be reliably approximated by a linear model where the
integral kernel encodes the impulse response of the
instrument. Such linearization can be either performed
through a precise technological realization, like in MRI,
where acquisition is designed in such a way that the
data are just the Fourier Transform of the object to be
imaged; or obtained mathematically, by applying a sort
of perturbation theory to the non-linear equation, like
in diffraction tomography whose model comes from
the linearization of the scattering equation.
The second step toward image reconstruction is
given by the formulation of computational methods
for the reduction of the model equation. In the case of
linear ill-posed inverse problems, a well-established
regularization theory exists which attenuates the numerical instability related to ill-posedness maintaining
the biological reliability of the reconstructed image.
Regularization theory is at the basis of most linear
imaging modalities and regularization methods can be
formulated in both a probabilistic and a deterministic
setting. Unfortunately an analogously well- established
theory does not exist in the case of non-linear imaging
problems which therefore are often addressed by means
of ad hoc techniques.
Once an image has been reconstructed from the data,
a third step has to be considered, i.e. the processing of
the reconstructed images for the extraction and interpretation of their information content. Three different
problems are typically addressed at this stage:

Edge detection (Trucco & Verri, 1998). Computer

vision techniques are applied in order to enhance
the regions of the image where the luminous
intensity changes sharply.
Image integration (Maintz & Viergever, 1998). In
the clinical workflow several images of a patient
are taken with different modalities and geometries.
These images can be fused in an integrated model
by recovering changes in their geometry.
Image segmentation (Acton & Ray, 2007). Partial
volume effects make the interfaces between the
different tissues extremely fuzzy, thus complicating the clinical interpretation of the restored images. An automatic procedure for the partitioning
of the image in homogeneous pixel sets and for


Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging

the classification of the segmented regions is at

the basis of any Computed Aided Diagnosis and
therapy (CAD) software.
AI algorithms and, above all, machine learning play
a crucial role in addressing these image processing issues. In particular, as a subfield of machine learning,
pattern recognition provides a sophisticated description of the data which, in medical imaging, allows to
locate tumors and other pathologies, measure tissue
dimensions, favor computer-aided surgery and study
anatomical structures. For example, supervised approaches like backpropagation (Freeman & Skapura,
1991) or boosting (Shapire, 2003) accomplish classification tasks of the different tissues from the knowledge
of previously interpreted images; while unsupervised
methods like Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) (Kohonen,
2001), fuzzy clustering (De Oliveira & Pedrycz, 2007)
and Expectation-Maximization (EM) (McLachlan &
Krishnan, 1996) infer probabilistic information or
identify clustering structures in sets of unlabeled images. From a mathematical viewpoint, several of these
methods correspond more to heuristic recipes than
to rigorously formulated and motivated procedures.
However, since the last decade the theory of statistical learning (Vapnik, 1998) has appeared as the best
candidate for a rigorous description of machine learning
within a functional analysis framework.

Among the main goals of recent biomedical imaging
we point out the realization of

microimaging techniques which allow the investigation of biological tissues of micrometric size
for both diagnostic and research purposes;
hybrid systems combining information from
different modalities, possibly anatomical and
highly non-invasive diagnostic tools, where even
a modest discomfort is avoided.

These goals can be accomplished only by means

of an effective interplaying of hardware development
and application of innovative image processing algorithms. For example, microtomography for biological
samples requires the introduction of both new X-ray

tubes for data acquisition and computational methods

for the reduction of beam hardening effects; electrophysiological and structural information on the brain
can be collected by performing an EEG recording
inside an MRI scanning but also using the structural
information from MRI as a prior information in the
analysis of the EEG signal accomplished in a Bayesian
setting; finally, non- invasivity in colonoscopy can be
obtained by utilizing the most recent acquisition design in X-ray tomography together with sophisticated
softwares which allow virtual navigation within the
bowel, electronic cleansing and automatic classification
of cancerous and healthy tissues.
From a purely computational viewpoint, two important goals in machine learning applied to medical
imaging are the development of algorithms for semisupervised learning and for the automatic integration
of genetic data with information coming from the
acquired imagery.

Some aspects of recent biomedical imaging have been
described from a computational science perspective.
The biomedical image reconstruction problem has been
discussed as an ill-posed inverse problem where the
intrinsic numerical instability producing image artifacts
can be reduced by applying sophisticated regularization methods. The role of image processing based
on machine learning techniques has been described
together with the main goals of recent biomedical
imaging applications.

Acton, S. T & Ray, N. (2007). Biomedical Image Analysis: Segmentation. Princeton: Morgan and Claypool.
Arridge, S. R. (1999). Optical Tomography in Medical
Imaging. Inverse Problems. 15, R41-R93. Evolutionary
Programming, Genetic Algorithms. Oxford University
Bertero, M. & Boccacci, P. (1998). Introduction to
Inverse Problems in Imaging. Bristol: IOP.
Boulyshev, A. E., Souvorov, A. E., Semenov, S. Y.,
Posukh, V. G. & Sizov, Y. E. (2004). Three-dimen-

Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging

sional Vector Microwave Tomography: Theory and

Computational Experiments. Inverse Problem. 20,

Maintz, J. & Viergever, M. (1998). A Survey of Medical Imaging Registration. Medical Imaging Analysis,
2, 1-36.

Cheney, M., Isaacson, D. & Newell, J. C. (1999).

Electrical Impedance Tomography. SIAM Review.
41, 85-101.

McLachlan, G. & Krishnan, T. (1996). The EM Algorithm and Extensions. San Francisco: John Wiley.

De Oliveira, J. V. & Pedrycz, W (2007). Advances in

Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications. San Francisco:
Duncan, R. (1997). SPECT Imaging of the Brain.
Amsterdam: Kluwer.
Freeman, J. A. & Skapura, D. M. (1991). Neural
Network Algorithms: Applications and Programming
Techniques. Redwood City: Addison-Wesley.
Greenleaf, J., Gisvold, J. J. & Bahn, R. (1982). Computed Transmission Ultrasound Tomography. Medical
Progress Through Technology. 9, 165-170.
Guo, P. & Devaney, A. J. (2005). Comparison of
Reconstruction Algorithms for Optical Diffraction
Tomography. Journal of the Optical Society of America
A. 22, 2338-2347.
Haacke, E. M., Brown, R. W., Venkatesan, R. &
Thompson, M. R. (1999). Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design. San
Francisco: John Wiley.
Hadamard, J. (1923). Lectures on Cauchys Problem
in Partial Differential Equations. Yale: Yale University
Hamalainen, M., Hari, R., Ilmoniemi, R. J., Knuutila, J.
& Lounasmaa, O.V. (1993). Magnetoencephalography:
theory, instrumentation and applications to non-invasive studies of the working human brain. Reviews of
Modern Physics. 65, 413-497.
Hounsfield, G. N. (1973). Computerised Transverse
Axial Scanning (Tomography). I: Description of System. British Journal of Radiology. 46, 1016-1022.
Huettel, S. A., Song, A. W. and McCarthy, G. (2004).
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Sunderland:
Sinauer Associates.
Kohonen, T. (2001). Self-Organizing Maps. Berlin:

Rost, F. & Oldfield R. (2000). Fluorescence Microscopy: Photography with a Microscope. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Shapire, R. E. (2003). The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning: an Overview. Nonlinear Estimation and
Classification, Denison, D. D., Hansen, M. H., Holmes,
C., Mallik, B. & Yu, B. editors. Berlin: Springer.
Trucco, E. & Verri, A. (1998). Introductory Techniques
for 3D Computer Vision. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice
Valk, P. E, Bailey, D. L., Townsend, D. W. & Maisey,
M. N. (2004). Positron Emission Tomography. Basic
Science and Clinical Practice. Berlin: Springer.
Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. San
Francisco: John Wiley.
Zschocke, S. & Speckmann, E. J. (1993). Basic Mechanisms of the EEG. Boston: Birkhaeuser.

Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD): The use of
computers for the interpretation of medical images.
Automatic segmentation is one of the crucial task of
any CAD product.
Edge Detection: Image processing technique for
enhancing the points of an image at which the luminous
intensity changes sharply.
Electroencephalography (EEG): Non-invasive
diagnostic tool which records the cerebral electrical
activity by means of surface electrodes placed on the
Ill-Posedness: Mathematical pathology of differential or integral problems, whereby the solution of the
problem does not exist for all data, or is not unique or
does not depend continuously on the data. In computation, the numerical effects of ill-posedness are reduced
by means of regularization methods.

Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging

Image Integration: In medical imaging, combination of different images of the same patient acquired
with different modalities and/or according to different
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): Imaging
modality based on the principles of nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR), a spectroscopic technique used to
obtain microscopic chemical and physical information
about molecules. MRI can be applied in both functional
and anatomical settings.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG): Non-invasive
diagnostic tool which records the cerebral magnetic
activity by means of superconducting sensors placed
on a helmet surrounding the brain.


Segmentation: Image processing technique for

distinguishing the different homogeneous regions in
an image.
Statistical Learning: Mathematical framework
which utilizes functional analysis and optimazion tools
for studying the problem of inference.
Tomography: Imaging technique providing twodimensional views of an object. The method is used
in many disciplines and may utilize input radiation of
different nature and wavelength. There exist X-ray,
optical, microwave, diffraction and electrical impedance tomographies.


Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing

Enrique Fernndez-Blanco
University of A Corua, Spain
Julin Dorado de la Calle
University of A Corua, Spain

Applying biological concepts to create new models
in the computational field is not a revolutionary idea:
science has already been the basis for the famous
artificial neuron models, the genetic algorithms, etc.
The cells of a biological organism are able to compose
very complex structures from a unique cell, the zygote,
with no need for centralized control (Watson J.D. &
Crick F. H. 1953). The cells can perform such process
thanks to the existence of a general plan, encoded in
the DNA for the development and functioning of the
system. Another interesting characteristic of natural
cells is that they form systems that are tolerant to partial
failures: small errors do not induce a global collapse of
the system. Finally, the tissues that are composed by
biological cells present parallel information processing
for the coordination of tissue functioning in each and
every cell that composes this tissue.
All the above characteristics are very interesting
from a computational viewpoint. This paper presents
the development of a model that tries to emulate the
biological cells and to take advantage of some of their
characteristics by trying to adapt them to artificial cells.
The model is based on a set of techniques known as
Artificial Embryology (Stanley K. & Miikkulainen
R. 2003) or Embryology Computation (Kumar S. &
Bentley P.J 2003).

The Evoluationary Computation (EC) field has given
rise to a set of models that are grouped under the name
of Artificial Embryology (AE), first introduced by Stanley and Miikkulainnen (Stanley K. & Miikkulainen R.
2003). This group refers to all the models that try to apply
certain characteristics of biological embryonic cells to

computer problem solving, i.c. self-organisation, failure

tolerance, and parallel information processing.
The work on AE has two points of view. On the one
hand can be found the grammatical models based on
L-systems (Lindenmayer A. 1968) which do a top-down
approach to the problem. On the other hand can be
found the chemical models based on the Turings ideas
(Turing A. 1952) which do a down-top approach.
On the last one, the starting point of this field can
be found in the modelling of gene regulatory networks,
performed by Kauffmann in 1969 (Kauffman S.A.
1969). After that, several works were carried out on
subjects such as the complex behaviour generated by
the fact that the differential expression of certain genes
has a cascade influence on the expressions of others
(Mjolsness E., Sharp D.H., & Reinitz J. 1995).
The work performed by the scientific community can
be divided into two main branches. The more theoretical branch uses the emulation of cell capabilities such
as cellular differentiation and metabolism (Kitano H.
1994; Kaneko K. 2006) to create a model that functions
as a natural cell. The purpose of this work is to do an
in-depth study of the biological model.
The more practical branch mainly focuses on the
development of a cell inspired-model that might be
applicable to other problems (Bentley, P.J., Kumar,
S. 1999; Kumar, S. 2004). According to this model,
every cell would not only have genetic information
that encodes the general performance of the system, it
would also act as a processor that communicates with
the other cells. This model is mainly applied to the
solution of simple 3D spatial problems, robot control,
generative encoding for the construction of artificial
organisms in simulated physical environments and real
robots, or to the development of the evolutionary design
of hardware and circuits (Endo K., Maeno T. & Kitano
H 2003; Tufte G. & Haddow P. C. 2005).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures

Considering the gene regulatory networks works, the

most relevant models are the following: the Kumar and
Bentley model (Kumar S. & Bentley P.J 2003), which
uses the Bentleys theory of fractal proteins (Bentley,
P.J. 1999); for the calculation of protein concentration; the Eggenberger model (Eggenberger P. 1996),
which uses the concepts of cellular differentiation and
cellular movement to determine cell connections; and
the work of Dellaert and Beer (Dellaert F. & Beer R.D.
1996), who propose a model that incorporates the idea
of biological operons to control the model expression,
where the function assumes the mathematical meaning
of a Boolean function.
All these models can be regarded as special cellular automata. In cellular automata, a starting cell set
in a certain state will turn into a different set of cells
in different states when the same transition function
(Conway J.H. 1971) is applied to all the cells during a
determined lapse of time in order to control the message
concurrence among them. The best known example of
cellular automats is Conways Game of Life, where
this behaviour can be observed perfectly. Whereas the
classical conception specifies the behaviour rules, the
evolutionary models establish the rules by searching
for a specific behaviour. This difference comes from the
mathematical origin of the cellular automats, whereas
the here presented models are based on biology and
These models should not be confused with other
concepts that might seem similar, such as Gene Expression Programming (GEP) (Ferreira C. 2006). Although
GEP codifies the solution in a string, similarly as how
it is done in the present work, the solution program
is developed in a tree shape, as in classical genetic
programming (Koza, J. et. al.1999) which has little or
nothing in common with the presented models.

promoter, which identifies the proteins that are needed

for gene transcription.
Another remarkable aspect of biological genes is the
difference between constitutive genes and regulating
genes. The latter are transcribed only when the proteins
identified in the promoter part are present. The constitutive genes are always transcribed, unless inhibited by
the presence of the proteins identified in the promoter
part, acting then as gene oppressors.
The present work has tried to partially model this
structure with the aim of fitting some of its abilities into
a computational model; in this way, the system would
have a structure similar that is similar to the above and
will be detailed in the next section.


Figure 1. Structure of a system gene

The cells of a biological system are mainly determined

by the DNA strand, the genes, and the proteins contained
by the cytoplasm. The DNA is the structure that holds
the gene-encoded information that is needed for the
development of the system. The genes are activated or
transcribed thanks to the protein shaped-information
that exists in the cytoplasm, and consist of two main
parts: the sequence, which identifies the protein that
will be generated if the gene is transcribed, and the

Proposed Model
Various model variants were developed on the basis
of biological concepts. The proposed artificial cellular
system is based on the interaction of artificial cells
by means of messages that are called proteins. These
cells can divide themselves, die, or generate proteins
that will act as messages for themselves as well as for
neighbour cells.
The system is supposed to express a global behaviour towards the generation of structures in 2D. Such
behaviour would emerge from the information encoded
in a set of variables of the cell that, in analogy with the
biological cells, will be named genes.
One promising application, in which we are working, could be the compact encoding of adaptive shapes,
similar to the functioning of fractal growth or the fractal
image compression.




C ons tituent


P rom oters


A c tiv ation P roteins

S equenc e



Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures

The central element of our model is the artificial cell.

Every cell has a binary string-encoded information for
the regulation of its functioning. Following the biological analogy, this string will be called DNA. The cell also
has a structure for the storage and management of the
proteins generated by the own cell and those received
from neighbourhood cells; following the biological
model, this structure is called cytoplasm.
The DNA of the artificial cell consists of functional
units that are called genes. Each gene encodes a protein
or message (produced by the gene). The structure of a
gene has four parts (see Figure 1):

Sequence: the binary string that corresponds to

the protein that encodes the gene
Promoters: is the gene area that indicates the
proteins that are needed for the genes transcription.
Constituent: this bit identifies if the gene is
constituent or regulating
Activation percentage (binary value): the percentage of minimal concentration of promoters
proteins inside the cell that causes the transcription
of the gene.

The other fundamental element for keeping and

managing the proteins that are received or produced by
the artificial cell is the cytoplasm. The stored proteins
have a certain life time before they are erased. The
cytoplasm checks which and how many proteins are
needed for the cell to activate the DNA genes, and as
such responds to all the cellular requirements for the
concentration of a given type of protein. The cytoplasm
also extracts the proteins from the structure in case they
are needed for a gene transcription.

Model Functioning
The functioning of genes is determined by their type,
which can be constituent or regulating. The transcription of the encoded protein occurs when the promoters
of the non-constituent genes appear in a certain rate at
the cellular cytoplasm. On the other hand, the constituent genes are expressed during all the cycles until
such expression is inhibited by the present rate of the
promoter genes.
Protein Concentration Percent>=
(Distance+1 * Activation Percent


The activation of the regulating genes or the inhibition of the constituent genes is achieved if the condition
expressed by Eq.1 is fulfilled, where Protein Concentration Percentage represents the cytoplasm concentration
of the protein that is being considered; Distance stands
for the Hamming distance between one promoter and
the considered protein; and Activation Percentage is the
minimal percentage needed for the gene activation that
is encoded in the gene. This equation is tested on each
promoter and each protein. If the condition is fulfilled
for all the promoters, that gene is transcribed. According
to this, if gene-like promoters exist in a concentration
higher than the encoded concentration, they can also
induce its transcription, similarly to what happens in
biology and therefore providing the model with higher
flexibility. If the condition is fulfilled for each promoter,
the gene is activated and therefore transcribed.
After the activation of one of the genes, three things
can happen: the generated protein may be stored in the
cell cytoplasm, it may be communicated to the neighbour cells, or it may induce cellular division (mitosis)
and/or death (apoptosis). The different events of a
tissue are managed in the cellular model by means of
cellular cycles. Such cycles will contain all the
actions that can be carried out by the cells, restricting
sometimes their occurrence. The cellular cycles can
be described as follows:

Actualisation of the life time of proteins in the

Verification of the life status of the cell (cellular
Calculation of the genes that react and perform
the special behaviour that may be associated to
Communication between proteins

Solution Search
A classical approach of EC proposes the use of Genetic
Algorithms (GA) (Fogel L.J., Owens A. J. & Walsh
M.A. 1966; Goldberg D.E. 1989; Holland J.H. 1975)
for the optimisation, in this case, of the values of the
DNA genes (binary strands). Each individual of the
GA population will represent a possible DNA strand
for problem solving.
In order to calculate the fitness value for every individual in the GA or the DNA, the strand is introduced
into an initial cell or zygote. After simulating during a

Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures

Figure 2. (Above) Three promoters and a PCS structure (Below); Example of GA genes association for the
encoding of cellular genes
P ro m o te r

P ro m o te r

P ro m o te r

A ctiva tio n
C o n stitu e n t
P e rce n ta g e


P ro m o te r

S e q u e n ce



P ro m o te r

P ro m o te r

P ro m o te r


certain number of cycles, the contained information is

expressed and the characteristics of the resulting tissue
are evaluated by means of various criteria, according
to the goal that is to be achieved.
The encoding of the individual genes follows a
structure that is similar to the one described in Figure
2 (Above), where the number of promoters of each
gene may, vary but the white and indivisible section
Activation Percentage Constituent Sequence
(PCS) must always be present. The PCS sections determine the genes of the individual, and the promoter
sections are associated to the PCS sections, as shown
in Figure 2(Below).
The search of a set of structures similar to those
shown in Figure 2 required the adaptation of the
crossover and mutation GA operations to this specific
problem. Since the length of the individuals is variable,
the crossover had to be performed according to these
lengths. When an individual is selected, a random percentage is generated to determine the crossover point
of that individual. After selecting the section in that
position, a crossover point is chosen for the section
selected in the other parent. Once this has been done,
the crossover point selection process is repeated in the
second selected parent in the same position as in the
previous individual. From this stage on, the descendants are composed in the traditional way, since they
are two strings of bits. We could execute a normal bit
strings crossover, but the previously mentioned steps
guarantee that the descendants are valid solutions for
the DNA strands transformation.
With regards to mutation, it should be mentioned
that the types of the promoter or PCS sections are
identified according to the value of the first string bit.
Bearing that in mind, together with the variable length
of individuals, the mutation operation had to be adapted

so that it could modify not only the number of these

sections, but also the value of a given section.
The probability of executing the mutation is usually low, but this time it even had to be divided into
the three possible mutation operations that the system
contemplates. Various tests proved that the most suitable values for the distribution of the different mutation
operations, after the selection of a position for mutation,
were the following: for 20% of the opportunities, a section (either a promoter or a PCS) is added; for another
20%, the existing section is removed; and finally, for the
remaining 60% of the opportunities, the value of one of
the bits of the section is randomly changed. The latter
may provoke not only the change of one of the values,
but also the change of the section type: if the bit that
identifies the section type is changed, the information
of that section varies. For instance, if a promoter section
turns into a PCS section, the promoter sequence turns
into the gene sequence, and constitutive and activation
percentage values are generated.
After reaching this development level and presenting
the test set in (Fernndez-Blanco E., Dorado J., Rabual
J.R., Gestal M. & Pedreira N. 2007), the authors concluded that the bottleneck of the model turned out to
be the development of the evaluation functions, since
in every new figure the development of the function
was time-consuming and not reusable.
In order to solve this problem, the evaluation function
was developed according to the concept of a correction template. From the tissue that is developed by the
DNA that is being evaluated, the centroid is calculated.
This point would be the center of the solution template,
which is merely a matrix of Boolean values representing
the figure that is aimed at. The template could be (and
usually is) smaller than the development environment
of the tissue, which means that every cell that may not
be covered by the template will contribute to the tissue
error with 1.0. The remaining tissue, covered by the

Figure 3. Tissue + Template. Example of Template


Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures

template, will execute the NEXOR Boolean operation

in order to obtain the number of differences between
the template and the tissue. Each difference contributes
with a value of 1.0. to tissue error.
Figure 3 illustrates the use of this method. We can
observe that the error of this tissue with regard to the
template is 2, since we generated a cell that is not contemplated by the template, whereas another cell that is
present in the template is really missing.

The model could also include new characteristics such
as the displacement of cells around their environment,
or a specialisation operator that blocks pieces of DNA
during the expression of its descendants, as happens
in the natural model.
Finally, this group is currently working in one of the
possible applications of this model: its use for image
compression similarly as fractal compression works.
The fractal compression searches the parameters of a
fractal formula that encodes itself the starting image.
The present model searches the gene sequence that
might result in the starting image. In this way, the
method based on template that has been presented in
this paper can be used for performing that search, using
the starting image as template.

Taking into account the here developed model, we
can say that the use of certain properties of biological
cellular systems is feasible for the creation of artificial
structures that might be used in order to solve certain
computational problems.
Some behaviours of the biological model have been
also observed in the artificial model: information redundancy in DNA, stability after achieving the desired
shape, or variability in gene behaviour.

Bentley, P.J., Kumar, S. (1999) Three ways to grow
designs: A comparation of three embryogenies for an
evolutionary design problem. In Proceedings of Genetic
and Evolutionay Computation.

Conway J.H. (1971) Regular Algebra and Finite Machines. Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London
Dellaert F. & Beer R.D. (1996) A Developmental Model
for the Evolution of Complete Autonomous Agent In
From animals to animats: Proceedings of the Forth
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior, Massachusetts, September 9-13, pp. 394401, MIT Press.
Eggenberger P. (1996) Cell Interactions as a Control
Tool of Developmental Processes for Evolutionary
Robotics. In From animals to animats: Proceedings of
the Forth International Conference on Simulation of
Adaptive Behavior, Massachusetts, September 9-13,
pp. 440-448, MIT Press.
Endo K., Maeno T. & Kitano H. (2003): Co-evolution
of morphology and walking pattern of biped humanoid
robot using evolutionary computation -designing the
real robot. ICRA 2003: 1362-1367
Fernndez-Blanco E., Dorado J., Rabual J.R., Gestal
M. & Pedreira N. (2007) A New Evolutionary Computation Technique for 2D Morphogenesis and Information Processing. WSEAS Transactions on Information
Science & Applications vol. 4(3) pp.600-607, WSEAS
Ferreira C. (2006) Gene Expression Programming:
Mathematical Modeling by an Artificial Intelligence
Springer, Berlin.
Fogel, L.J., Owens, A. J. & Walsh, M.A. (1966) Artificial Intelligence through Simulated Evolution. Wiley,
New York.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetics Algorithms in Search.
Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley.
Holland, J.H. (1975) Adaptation in natural and artificial systems. University of Michigan Press, Ann
Arbor, MA, USA.
Kaneko K. (2006) Life: An Introduction to Complex
Systems Biology. Springer Complexity: Understanding
Complex Systems, Springer Press.
Kauffman, S.A. (1969) Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets. Journal
of Theoretical Biology 22 pp. 437-467.


Computer Morphogenesis in Self-Organizing Structures

Kitano, H. (1994). Evolution of Metabolism for Morphogenesis. In Artificial Life IV, Proceedings of the
Fourth International Workshop on the Synthesis and
Simulation of Living Systems, edited by Brooks, R.
and Maes, P. MIT Press, Cambridge,MA.
Koza, J. et. al.(1999). Genetic Programming III:
Darwin Invention and Problem Solving. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.
Kumar, S. & Bentley P.J. (editors) (2003). On Growth,
Form and Computers. Academic Press. London UK.
Kumar, S. (2004). Investigating Computational Models of Development for the Construction of Shape and
Form. PhD Thesis. Department of Computer Science,
University Collage London.
Lindenmayer, A. (1968) Mathematical models for
cellular interaction in development: Part I and II.
Journal of Theorical Biology. Vol. 18 pp. 280-299,
pp. 300-315.
Mjolsness, E., Sharp, D.H., & Reinitz, J. (1995) A Connectionist Model of Development. Journal of Theoretical
Biology 176: 291-300.
Stanley, K. & Miikkulainen, R. (2003) A Taxonomy for
Artificial Embryogeny. In Proceedings Artificial Life
9, pp. 93-130. MIT Press.
Tufte, G. & Haddow, P. C. (2005) Towards Development on a Silicon-based Cellular Computing Machine.
Natural Computing 4 vol. 4: pp.387-416.


Turing, A.(1952) The chemical basis of morphogenesis. Philosofical Transactions of the Royal Society B,
vol.237, pp. 37-72
Watson J.D. & Crick. F. H. (1953) Molecular structure
of Nucleic Acids. Nature vol. 171, pp. 737738.

Artificial Cell: Each of the elements that process
the orders codified into the DNA.
Artificial Embryogeny: The term overlaps all the
processing models which use biological development
ideas as inspiration for its functioning.
Cellular Cycle: Cellular development time unit
which limits the ocurrents number of certain cellular
development actions.
Cytoplasm: Part of an artificial cell which is responsible of management the protein-shaped messages.
DNA: Set of rules which are responsible of the
cell behaviour.
Gene: Each of the rules which codifies one action
of the cell.
Protein: This term identifies every kind of the messages that receives an artificial cell.
Zygote: The initial cell from where a tissue is
generated using the DNA information.


Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

scar Ibez
University of A Corua, Spain
Juan Ramn Rabual Dopico
University of A Corua, Spain

During the past several decades, a number of attempts
have been made to contain oil slicks (or any surface
contaminants) in the open sea by means of a floating
barrier. Many of those attempts were not very successful
especially in the presence of waves and currents. The
relative capabilities of these booms have not been properly quantified for lack of standard analysis or testing
procedure (Hudon, 1992). In this regard, more analysis
and experimental programs to identify important boom
effectiveness parameters are needed.
To achieve the desirable performance of floating
booms in the open sea, it is necessary to investigate
the static and dynamic responses of individual boom
sections under the action of waves; this kind of test is
usually carried out in a wave flume, where open sea
conditions can be reproduced at a scale.
Traditional methods use capacitance or conductivity gauges (Hughes, 1993) to measure the waves. One
of these gauges only provides the measurement at
one point; further, it isnt able to detect the interphase
between two or more fluids, such as water and a hydrocarbon. An additional drawback of conventional
wave gauges is their cost.
Other experiments such as velocity measurements,
sand concentration measurements, bed level measurements, breakwaters behaviour, etc and the set
of traditional methods or instruments used in those
experiments which goes from EMF, ADV for velocity measurements to pressure sensors, capacity wires,
acoustic sensors, echo soundings for measuring wave
height and sand concentration, are common used in
wave flume experiments. All instruments have an associate error (Van Rijn, Grasmeijer & Ruessink, 2000),
and an associate cost (most of them are too expensive
for a lot of laboratories that can not afford pay those
amount of money), certain limitations and some of
them need a large term of calibration.

This paper presents another possibility for wave

flume experiments, computer vision, which used a
cheap and affordable technology (common video cameras and pcs), it is calibrated automatically (once we
have developed the calibration task), is a non-intrusive
technology and its potential uses could takes up all kind
experiments developed in wave flumes. Are artificial
visions programmers who can give computer vision
systems all possibilities inside the visual field of a
video camera. Most experiments conducted in wave
flumes and new ones can be carried out programming
computer vision systems. In fact, in this paper, a new
kind of wave flume experiment is presented, a kind of
experiment that without artificial vision technology it
couldnt be done.

Wave flume experiments are highly sensitive to whatever perturbation; therefore, the use of non-invasive
measurement methodologies is mandatory if meaningful measures are desired. In fact, theoretical and
experimental efforts whose results have been proposed
in the literature have been mainly conducted focusing
on the equilibrium conditions of the system (Niederoda
and Dalton, 1982), (Kawata and Tsuchiya, 1988).
In contrast with most traditional methods used in
wave flume experiments computer vision systems are
non-invasive ones since the camera is situated outside
the tank and in addition provide better accuracy than
most traditional instruments.
The present work is part of a European Commission
research project, Advanced tools to protect the Galician and Northern Portuguese coast against oil spills
at sea, in which a number of measurements in a wave
flume must be conducted, such as the instantaneous
position of the water surface or the motions (Milgran,
1971) of a floating containment boom to achieve these

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Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

objectives, a non-intrusive method is necessary (due to

the presence of objects inside the tank) and the method
has to be able to differentiate between at least two different fluids, with the oil slick in view.
Others works using image analysis to measure surface wave profile, have been developed over the past
ten years (e.g., Erikson and Hanson, 2005; Garca, Herranz, Negro, Varela & Flores, 2003; Javidi and Psaltis,
1999; Bonmarin, Rochefort & Bourguel, 1989; Zhang,
1996), but they were developed neither with a realtime approach nor as non-intrusive methods. In some
of these techniques it is necessary to colour the water
with a fluorescent dye (Erikson and Hanson, 2005),
which is not convenient in most cases, and especially
when two fluids must be used (Flores, Andreatta, Llona
& Saavedra, 1998).


Following is presented an artificial vision system
(Ibez, Rabual, Castro, Dorado, Iglesias & Pazos,
2007) which obtains the free surface position in all
points of the image, from which the wave heights can
be computed. For this aim we have to record a wave
tank (see laboratory set-up in section 2) while it is generating waves and currents (a scale work frame), and
after that we have to use the frames which make up the
image to obtain the crest of the water (using computer
vision techniques described in section 3) and translate
the distances in the image to real distances (taking into
account image rectification, see section 1).

Image Rectification
Lens distortion is an optical error in the lens that causes
differences in magnification of the object at different
points on the image; straight lines in the real world
may appear curved on the image plane (Tsai, 1987).
Since each lens element is radially symmetric, and the
elements are typically placed with high precision on the
same optical axis, this distortion is almost always radially symmetric and is referred to as radial lens distortion
(Ojanen, 1999). There are two kinds of lens distortion:
barrel distortion and pincushion distortion. Most lenses
exhibit both properties at different scales.


Figure 1. Template to image rectification. Crosses are

equidistant with a 4cm separation.

To avoid lens distortion error and to provide a tool

for transforming image distances (number of pixels)
to real distances (mm) it is necessary to follow a rectification procedure.
Most image rectification procedures involve a two
step process (Ojanen, 1991). (Holland, Holman & Sallenger, 1991): calibration of intrinsic camera parameters, and correction for a cameras extrinsic parameters
(i.e., the location and rotation in space).
However, in our case we are only interested in
transforming pixel measurements into real distances
(mm). Transforming points from a real world surface
to a non-coplanar image plane would imply an operator
which, when applied to all frames, would considerably
slow down the total process, which is not appropriate
for our real-time approach.
So a .NET routine was developed to create a map
with the corresponding factor (between pixel and
real distances) for each group of pixels (four nearest
control points on the target). Inputs to the model are a
photographed image of the target sheet (see fig.1), and
target dimensions (spacing between control points in
the x- and y-directions).

Laboratory Set-Up and Procedure

The experiment was conduced in a 17.29-m long wave
flume at the Centre of Technological Innovation in

Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

Figure 2. Laboratory set-up diagram

Construction and Civil Engineering (CITEEC), in the

University of A Corua, Spain. The flume section is
77 cm (height) x 59.6 cm (width). Wave generation is
conducted by means of a piston-type paddle. A wave
absorber is located near its end wall to prevent wave
reflection. It consists of a perforated plate with a length
of 3.04 m, which can be placed at different slopes. The
experimental set-up is shown in fig. 2.
With the aim of validating the system, solitary waves
were generated and measured on the base of images
recorded by a video camera mounted laterally, which
captured a flume length of 1 m. The waves were also
measured with one conductivity wave gauge located
within the flume area recorded by the video camera.
These gauges provide an accuracy of 1 mm at a
maximum sampling frequency of 30 Hz.
A video camera, Sony DCR-HC35E, was used in
turn to record the waves; it worked on the PAL Western
Europe standard, with a resolution of 720 x 576 pixels,
recording 25 frames per second.
The camera was mounted on a standard tripod and
positioned approximately 2 m from the sidewall of
the tank (see fig. 2). It remained fixed throughout the
duration of a test. The procedure is as follows:

Video Image Post-Processing

Place one mark on the glass sidewall of the flume,

on the bottom of the filmed area (see fig. 2);
Place a template with equidistant marks (crosses)
in a vertical plane parallel to the flume sidewall
(see fig 1).
Position the camera at a distance from the target
plane (i.e., tank sidewall) depending on desired

Adjust the camera taking into account the templates marks.

Provide uniform and frontal lighting for the template.
Film the template.
Provide uniform lighting on the target plane and
a uniformly colored background on the opposite
sidewall (to block any unwanted objects from the
field of view);
Start filming.

The mark was placed horizontally on the glass

sidewall of the flume, on the bottom of the filmed
area in order to know a real distance between the bed
of the tank and this mark, to avoid filming the bed of
the tank and thus to film a smaller area (leading to a
better resolution).
With regard to the lighting of the laboratory it is
necessary to avoid direct lighting and consequently we
can work without gleam and glints.
To achieve this kind of lighting, all lights in the
laboratory were turned off and two halogen lamps of
200W were placed on both sides of the filmed area,
one in front the other (see fig. 2).

Image capture was carried out on a PC, Pentium 4, 3.00

GHz and 1.00 GB de RAM memory with the Windows
XP platform. Filmed with the Sony DCR-HC35E1, a
high-speed interface card, IEEE 1394 FireWireTM,
was used to transfer digital data from the camcorder
to the computer, and the still images were kept in the

Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

uncompressed bitmap format so that information would

not be lost. De-interlacing was not necessary because
of the quality of the obtained images and everything
was done on a real-time approach.
An automatic tool for measuring waves from
consecutive images was developed. The tool was developed under .NET framework, using C++ language
and OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library,
developed by Intel2) library. The computer vision procedure is as follows:

Extract a frame from the video.

Using different computer vision algorithms get
the constant pixel to mm for each pixel.
Using different computer vision algorithms, the
crest of the wave is obtained.
Work out the corresponding height, for all the
pixels in the crest of the wave.
Supply results.
Repeat the process until the video finish.

With regard to get the constant pixel to mm, a

template with equidistant marks (crosses) is placed right
up the glass sidewall of the tank and is filmed. Then a
C++ routine recognize de centre of the crosses.

A comparison of data extracted from video images
with data measured by conventional instruments was

done. The comparisons are not necessarily meant to

validate the procedure as there are inherent errors
with conventional instruments, as well; rather, the
comparisons aim to justify the use of video images as
an alternative method for measuring wave and profile
change data.
Different isolated measurements with conductivity
gauge were done at the same time the video camera
was recording. Then results from both methods were
The process followed to measure with conductivity
gauge and the artificial vision system at the same time
involves recognizing one point in x-axis (in the record
video) where the gauge is situated (one color mark
was pasted around the gauge to make easier this task)
and after knowing the measure point of the gauge we
create a file with the height of the wave in this x point
for each image in the video. While the video-camera is
recording one file with gauge measure is created. Once
we have both measure files we have two determine
manually the same time point in both files (due to the
difficulty to initialize both systems at the same time).
Now, we can compare both measurements.
A lot of tests were done with different wave parameters for wave period, wave height and using regular
(sine form) and irregular waves. Test with waves between 40mm and 200mm of height were done.
Using the camera DCR-HC35E, figure 3 shows
one example of a test done, where the used wave was
an irregular one, with a maximum period of 1s and a

Figure 3. Temporal sequence of measurement by sensor and image analysis


Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

maximum value for wave amplitude of 70mm, excellent results were obtained as it can be seen in figure
4, where both measurements (conductivity sensor and
video analysis) are quite similar.
The correlation between sensor and video image
analysis measurements has an associated mean square
error of 0.9948.
In spite of these sources of error, after several tests,
the average error between conductivity sensor measurements and video analysis is 0.8 mm with camera
DCR-HC35E, a lot better compared with the 5 mm
average error obtained in the best work done until
this moment (Erikson and Hanson, 2005). But it isnt
an indicative error because of the commented source
of errors taken into account in this study, however the
estimated real error from this video analysis system is
1 mm, that is to say, the equivalence between one pixel
and a real distance, and in our case (with the commented
video camera and distance from the tank) one pixel is
equivalent to nearly 1mm. This error could be improvable with a camera which allows a better resolution or
focusing a smaller area.

This is the first part of a bigger system which is capable
of measuring the motions of a containment boom section
in the vertical axis and its slope angle (Kim, Muralidharan, Kee, Jonson, & Seymour, 1998). Furthermore
the system would be capable of making a distinction
between the water and a contaminant, and thus would
identify the area occupied by each fluid.
Another challenge is to test this system in other
work spaces with different light conditions (i.e., in a
different wave flume).

An artificial vision system was developed for these
targets because these systems are non-intrusive and can
separate a lot of different objects or fluids (anything
that a human eye can differentiate) in the image and a
non-intrusive method is necessary.
Other interesting aspects that these systems provide

Cheaper price than traditional systems of measurement.

Easier and faster to calibrate.
It is unnecessary to mount an infrastructure to
know what happens at different points of the
tank (only one camera instead of an array of sensors).
As the system is a non-intrusive one, it doesnt distort the experiments and their measurements.
Provide high accuracy.
Finally, this system is an innovation idea of applying computer vision techniques to civil engineering area and specifically in ports and coasts
field. No similar works have been developed.

Baglio, S. & Foti, E., 2003. Non-invasive measurements
to analyze sandy bed evolution under sea waves action.
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions
on. Vol. 52, Issue: 3, pp. 762-770.
Bonmarin P., Rochefort R. & Bourguel M., 1989.
Surface wave profile measurement by image analysis,
Experiments in Fluids, Vol.7, No.1, Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, pp. 17-24.
Erikson, L. H. & Hanson, H., 2005. A method to extract
wave tank data using video imagery and its comparison
to conventional data collection technique, Computers
& Geosciences, Vol.31, pp. 371-384.
Flores, H., Andreatta, A., Llona & G., Saavedra, I., 1998.
Measurements of oil spill spreading in a wave tank using
digital image processing, The 1998 1st International
Conference on Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills, Modelling,
Analysis and Control, Oil Spill, pp. 165-173.
Garca, J., Herranz, D., Negro, V., Varela & O., Flores,
J., 2003. Tratamiento por color y video. VII Jornadas
Espaolas de Costas y Puertos.
Haralick, R. & Shapiro L., 1992. Computer and Robot
Vision.Vol 1, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Chap 5, pp 174-185.
Harris, C. & Stephens, M. J., 1988. A combined corner
and edge detector. In Alvey Vision Conference, pages


Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

Holland, K.T., Holman, R.A. & Sallenger, A.H., 1991.

Estimation of overwash bore velocities using video
techniques. In: Proceedings of the Third International
Symposium on Coastal Engineering and the Science
of Coastal Sediment Processes, Seattle, WA, pp.
Hu, M. K., 1962. Visual pattern recognition by moment invariants, IRE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 8,
pp. 179187.
Hudon, T., 1992. Wave tank testing of small scale boom
sections. Private communication.
Hughes, 1993. Laboratory wave reflection analysis
using co-located gages. Coastal Engineering. Vol. 20,
no. 3-4, pp. 223-247.
Ibez O., Rabual J., Castro A., Dorado J., Iglesias
G, Pazos A., 2007. A framework for measuring waves
level in a wave tank with artificial vision techniques.
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing Editorial:
WSEAS Press Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 17-24.
Javidi, B. & Psaltis, D., 1999. Image sequence analysis
of water surface waves in a hydraulic wind wave tank,
Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.3804, Psaltis, pp. 148-158.
Kawata Y. & Tsuchiya Y., 1988. Local scour around
cylindrical piles due to waves and currents. Proc.
21st Coast. Eng. Conf., Vol. 2, ASCE, New York, pp.
Kim, M. H., Muralidharan, S., Kee, S. T., Jonson, R. P.
& Seymour, R. J., 1998. Seakeeping performance of a
containment boom section in random waves and currents. Ocean Engng, Vol 25, Nos. 2-3, pp. 143-172.
Konstantinos N. Plataniotis & Anastasios N Venetsanopoulos, 2000. Color Image Processing and Applications. Springer.
Milgran, J. H., 1971. Forces and motions of a flexible
floating barrier. Journal of Hydronautics 5, 41-51.
Mukundan, R. & Ramakrishman K. R., 1998. Moment
Functions in Image Analysis: Theory and Application,
Singapore: World Scientific.
Niederoda, A. W., & Dalton C., 1982. A review of the
fluid mechanics of ocean scour. Ocean Eng., Vol. 9,
pp. 159-170.


Ojanen, H., 1999. Automatic correction of lens distortion by using digital image processing. http://www.
Schmid, C., Mohr, R. & Bauckhage., 2000. C. Evaluation of interest point detectors. International Journal
of Computer Vision, 37(2):151-172
Tsai, R.Y., 1987. A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology
using off-theshelf TV cameras and lenses. Journal of
Robotics and Automation RA (3), 323344.
Van Rijn, Grasmeijer & Ruessink, 2000. Measurement
errors of instruments for velocity, wave height, sand
concentration and bed levels in field conditions. Coast
3D, November.
Vernon D., 1991. Machine Vision. Prentice-Hall, pp
Zhang, X., 1996. An algorithm for calculating water
surface elevations from surface gradient image data,
Experiments in Fluids, Vol.21, No.1, Springer Berlin
/ Heidelberg, pp. 43-48.

Color Spaces: (Konstantinos & Anastasios, 2000)
supply a method to specify, sort and handle colors.
These representations match n-dimensional sorts of
the color feelings (n-components vector). Colors are
represented by means of points in these spaces. There
are lots of colors spaces and all of them start from the
same concept, the Tri-chromatic theory of primary
colors, red, green and blue.
Dilation: The dilation of an image by a structuring
element Y is defined as the maximum value of all the
pixels situated under the structuring element

( f )( x, y ) = min f ( x + s, y + t ).
( s ,t )Y

The basic effect of this morphological operator the

operator on a binary image is to gradually enlarge the
boundaries of regions of foreground pixels (i.e. white
pixels, typically). Thus areas of foreground pixels

Computer Vision for Wave Flume Experiments

grow in size while holes within those regions become

Erosion: The basic effect of the operator on a binary image is to reduce the definition of the objects.
The erosion in the point (x,y) is the minimum value
of all the points situated under the window, which is
defined by the structuring element Y that travels
around the image:

( f )( x, y ) = max f ( x + s, y + t ).
( s ,t )Y

Harris Corner Detector: A popular interest point

detector (Harris and Stephens, 1988) due to its strong
invariance to (Schmid, Mohr, & Bauckhage, 2000):
rotation, scale, illumination variation and image
noise. The Harris corner detector is based on the local
auto-correlation function of a signal; where the local
auto-correlation function measures the local changes
of the signal with patches shifted by a small amount
in different directions.
Image Moments: (Hu, 1963; Mukundan and Ramakrishman, 1998) they are certain particular weighted
averages (moments) of the image pixels intensities,

or functions of those moments, usually chosen to have

some attractive property or interpretation. They are
useful to describe objects after segmentation. Simple
properties of the image which are found via image
moments include area (or total intensity), its centroid,
and information about its orientation.
Morphological Operators: (Haralick and Shapiro,
1992; Vernon, 1991) Mathematical morphology is a
set-theoretical approach to multi-dimensional digital
signal or image analysis, based on shape. The signals
are locally compared with so-called structuring elements
of arbitrary shape with a reference point.
Videometrics: (Tsai, 1987) can loosely be defined
as the use of imaging technology to perform precise
and reliable measurements of the environment.




Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural

Antonio Eleuteri
Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
Azzam Taktak
Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
Bertil Damato
Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
Angela Douglas
Liverpool Womens Hospital, UK
Sarah Coupland
Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK

Survival analysis is used when we wish to study the
occurrence of some event in a population of subjects
and the time until the event of interest. This time is
called survival time or failure time. Survival analysis
is often used in industrial life-testing experiments and
in clinical follow-up studies. Examples of application
include: time until failure of a light bulb, time until
occurrence of an anomaly in an electronic circuit, time
until relapse of cancer, time until pregnancy.
In the literature we find many different modeling
approaches to survival analysis. Conventional parametric models may involve too strict assumptions on
the distributions of failure times and on the form of
the influence of the system features on the survival
time, assumptions which usually extremely simplify
the experimental evidence, particularly in the case of
medical data (Cox & Oakes, 1984). In contrast, semiparametric models do not make assumptions on the
distributions of failures, but instead make assumptions
on how the system features influence the survival time
(the usual assumption is the proportionality of hazards);
furthermore, these models do not usually allow for direct
estimation of survival times. Finally, non-parametric
models usually only allow for a qualitative description
of the data on the population level.
Neural networks have recently been used for survival
analysis; for a survey on the current use of neural networks, and some previous attempts at neural network

survival modeling we refer to (Bakker & Heskes, 1999),

(Biganzoli et al., 1998), (Eleuteri et al., 2003), (Lisboa
et al., 2003), (Neal, 2001), (Ripley & Ripley, 1998),
(Schwarzer et al. 2000).
Neural networks provide efficient parametric estimates of survival functions, and, in principle, the
capability to give personalised survival predictions. In
a medical context, such information is valuable both
to clinicians and patients. It helps clinicians to choose
appropriate treatment and plan follow-up efficiently.
Patients at high risk could be followed up more frequently than those at lower risk in order to channel
valuable resources to those who need them most. For
patients, obtaining information about their prognosis
is also extremely valuable in terms of planning their
lives and providing care for their dependents.
In this article we describe a novel neural network
model aimed at solving the survival analysis problem
in a continuous time setting; we provide details about
the Bayesian approach to modeling, and a sample application on real data is shown.

Let T denote an absolutely continuous positive random
variable, with distribution function P, representing the
time of occurrence of an event. The survival function,
S(t), is defined as:

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks


a (t , x ; w) = b0 + vk g (ukT x + u0t + bk )

that is, the probability of surviving beyond time t. We

shall generally assume that the survival function also
depends on a set of covariates, represented by the vector
x (which can itself be assumed to be a random variable).
An important function related to the survival function
is the hazard rate (Cox & Oakes, 1984), defined as:

where g() is a sigmoid function, and w={b0, v, u, u0,

b} is the set of network parameters. The MLP output
defines an analytical model for the logarithm of the
hazard rate function:
a (t , x; w) log hr (t , x)

hr (t) = P(t)/S(t)
where P is the density associated to P. The hazard
rate can be interpreted as the instantaneous force of
In many survival analysis applications we do not
directly observe realisations of the random variable T;
therefore we must deal with a missing data problem. The
most common form of missingness is right censoring,
i.e., we observe realisations of the random variable:
where C is a random variable whose distribution is usually unknown. We shall use a censoring indicator d to
denote whether we have observed an event (d=1) or not
(d=0). It can be shown that inference does not depend
on the distribution of C (Cox & Oakes, 1984).
With the above definitions in mind we can now
formulate the log-likelihood function necessary for
statistical inference. We shall omit the details, and only
report the analytical form:

L = di log hr (ti , xi ) hr (u , xi )du .


For further details, we refer the reader to (Cox &

Oakes, 1984).


Neural Network Model
The neural network model we used is the Multi-Layer
Perceptron (MLP) (Bishop, 1995):

We refer to this continuous time model as Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Network (CHENN).

Bayesian Learning of the Network

The Bayesian learning framework offers several
advantages over maximum likelihood methods commonly used in neural network learning (Bishop, 1995),
(MacKay, 1992), among which the most important are
automatic regularization and estimation of error bars
on predictions.
In the conventional maximum likelihood approach
to training, a single weight vector is found, which
minimizes the error function; in contrast, the Bayesian
scheme considers a probability distribution over weights
w. This is described by a prior distribution p(w) which
is modified when we observe a dataset D. This process
can be expressed by Bayes theorem:
p( w | D) =

p ( D | w) p ( w)
p( D)

To evaluate the posterior distribution, we need

expressions for the likelihood p(D|w) (which we have
already shown) and for the prior p(w).
The prior over weights should reflect the knowledge,
if any, we have about the mapping we want to build.
In our case, we expect the function to be very smooth,
so an appropriate prior might be:
p ( w) exp
2 k

wkT wk

which is a multivariate normal density with zero mean and

diagonal covariance matrix with elements 1/ k. In this
way, weights centered on zero have higher probability,
a fact which encourages very smooth functions.

Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks

Note that the prior is parametric, and the regularization parameters ak (which are inverse variances)
are called hyperparameters, because they control the
distribution of the network parameters.
Note also that the prior is specialized for different
groups of weights by using different regularization
parameters for each group; this is done to preserve
the scaling properties of network mappings (Bishop,
1995), (MacKay, 1992). This prior is called Automatic
Relevance Determination (ARD). This scheme defines
a model whose prior over the parameters embodies the
concept of relevance, so that the model is effectively
able to infer which parameters are relevant based on the
training data and then switch the others off (or at least
reduce their influence on the overall mapping).
The ARD modeling scheme in the case of the
CHENN model defines weight groups for the inputs,
the output layer weights, and the biases.
Once the expressions for the prior and the noise
model are given, we can evaluate the posterior:

p ( w | D) = exp L
2 k

k wk wk .

This distribution is usually very complex and multimodal (reflecting the nature of the underlying error
function, the term -L); and the determination of the
normalization factor (also called the evidence) is very
difficult. Furthermore, the hyperparameters must be
integrated out, since they are only used to determine
the form of the distributions.
A solution is to integrate out the parameters separately from the hyperparameters, by making a Gaussian
approximation; then, searching for the mode with respect to the hyperparameters (Bishop, 1995), (MacKay,
1992). This procedure gives a good estimation of the
probability mass attached to the posterior, in particular
for distributions over high-dimensional spaces, which
is the case for large networks.
The Gaussian approximation is in practice derived
by finding a maximum of the posterior distribution,
and then evaluating the curvature of the distribution
around the maximum:
wMP = arg max L

2 k

A = w L +
2 k


wkT wk,

wkT wk
w= wMP.

The approximation thus is:

p( w | D)


exp ( w wMP )T A1 ( w wMP )


where the normalisation constant is simply evaluated

from usual multivariate normal formulas.
The hyperparameters are calculated by finding the
maximum of the approximate evidence ZMP. Alternate
maximization (by using a nonlinear optimization algorithm) of the posterior and evidence is repeated until a
self consistent solution {wMP, ak} is found.
The full Bayesian treatment of inference implies that
we do not simply get a pointwise prediction for functions f(x,t;w) of a model output, but a full distribution.
Such predictive distributions have the form:
p( f ( x, t | D)) = f ( x, t | w) p ( w | D)dw .

The above integrals are in general not analytically

tractable, even when the posterior distribution over the
parameters is Gaussian. However, it is usually enough
to find the moments of the predictive distribution, in
particular its mean and variance. A useful approximation
is given by the delta method. Let f(w) be the function
(of w) we wish to approximate. By Taylor expanding
to first order around wMP, we can write:
f ( w) f ( wMP ) + ( w wMP )T w f ( w) w= wMP .

Since this is a linear function of w, it will still be

normally distributed under the Gaussian posterior, with
mean and variance:
E[ f ( w)] = f ( wMP )
Var[ f ( w)] = Tw f A1 f w .

Error bars are simply obtained by taking the square

root of the variance. We emphasize that it is important to evaluate first and second order information
to understand the overall quality and reliability of a
models predictions. Error bars also provide hints on
the distribution of the patterns (Williams et al., 1995)
and can therefore be useful to understand whether a
model is extrapolating its predictions. Furthermore,
they can offer suggestions for the collection of future
data (Williams et al., 1995; MacKay, 1992).

Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks

A Case Study: Ocular Melanoma

We show now an application of the CHENN model to the
prognosis of all-cause mortality in ocular melanoma.
Intraocular melanoma occurs in a pigmented tissue called the uvea, with more than 90% of tumours
involving the choroid, beneath the retina. About 50%
of patients die of metastatic disease, which usually
involves the liver.
Estimates for survival after treatment of uveal
melanoma are mostly derived and reported using Cox
analysis and Kaplan-Meier (KM) survival curves (Cox
& Oakes). As a semiparametric model, the Cox method,
however, usually utilizes linear relationships between
variables, and the proportionality of risks is always assumed. It is therefore worth exploring the capability of
nonlinear models, which do not make any assumptions
about the proportionality of risks.
The data used to test the model were selected from
the database of the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre
(Taktak et al., 2004). The dataset was split into two parts,
one for training (1823 patterns), the other one for test
(781 patterns). Nine prognostic factors were used: Sex,
Tumour margin, Largest Ultrasound Basal Diameter,
Extraocular extension, Presence of epithelioid cells,
Presence of closed loops, Mitotic rate, Monosomy of
chromosome 3.
The performance of survival analysis models can in
general be assessed according to their discrimination
and calibration aspects. Discrimination is the ability of
the model to separate correctly the subjects into different groups. Calibration is the degree of correspondence
between the estimated probability produced by the
model and the actual observed probability (Dreiseitl &
Ohno-Machado, 2002). One of the most widely used
methods for assessing discrimination in survival analysis is Harrells C index (Dreiseitl & Ohno-Machado,
2002), (Harrell et al. 1982), an extension to survival
analysis of the Area Under the Receiver Operator
Characteristic (AUROC). Calibration is assessed by a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-fit test with
corrections for censoring (Koziol, 1980).
The C index was evaluated for a set of years that are
of interest to applications, from 1 to 7. The minimum
was achieved at 7 years (0.75), the maximum at 1
year (0.8). The KS test with corrections for censoring
was applied for the above set of years, and up to the
maximum uncensored time (16.8 years); the confidence
level was set as usual at 0.05. The null hypothesis that

the modeled distributions follow the empirical estimate

cannot be rejected for years 1 to 7, whereas it is rejected
if we compare the distributions up to 16.8 years; the
null hypothesis is always rejected for the Cox model.

Neural networks are very flexible modelling tools,
and in the context of survival analysis they can offer
advantages with respect to the (usually linear) modelling approaches commonly found in literature. This
flexibility, however, comes at a cost: computational
time and difficulty of interpretation of the model. The
first aspect is due to the typically large number of
parameters which characterise moderately complex
networks, and the fact that the learning process results
in a nonconvex, nonlinear optimization problem.
The second aspect is in some way a result of the
nonlinearity and nonconvexity of the model. Addressing the issue of nonconvexity may be the first step to
obtain models which can be easily interpreted in terms
of their parameters, and easier to train; and in this respect, kernel machines (like Support Vector Machines)
might be considered as the next step in flexible nonlinear modelling, although the formulation of learning
algorithms for these models follows a paradigm which
is not based on likelihood functions, and therefore their
application to survival data is not immediate.

This article proposes a new neural network model for
survival analysis in a continuous time setting, which
approximates the logarithm of the hazard rate function.
The model formulation allows an easy derivation of error
bars on both hazard rate and survival predictions. The
model is trained in the Bayesian framework to increase
its robustness and to reduce the risk of overfitting. The
model has been tested on real data, to predict survival
from intraocular melanoma.
Formal discrimination and calibration tests have
been performed, and the model shows good performance
within a time horizon of 7 years, which is found useful
for the application at hand.
This project has been funded by the Biopattern
Network of Excellence FP6/2002/IST/1; proposal N.
IST-2002-508803; Project full title: Computational

Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks

Intelligence for Biopattern Analysis is Support of


Bakker, B., Heskes, T. (1999). A neural-Bayesian approach to survival analysis. Proceedings IEE Artificial
Neural Networks, pp. 832-837.
Biganzoli, E., Boracchi, P., Mariani, L., Marubini, E.
(1998). Feed forward neural networks for the analysis
of censored survival data: a partial logistic regression
approach. Statistics in Medicine. 17, pp. 1169-86.
Bishop, C. M. (1995). Neural networks for pattern
recognition. Oxford University Press Inc. New York.
Cox, D. R., Oakes, D. (1984). Analysis of Survival
Data. Chapman and Hall.
Dreiseitl, S., Ohno-Machado, L. (2002). Logistic
regression and artificial neural network classification
models: a methodology review. Journal of Biomedical
Informatics, vol. 35, no. 5-6, pp. 352-359.
Eleuteri, A. , Tagliaferri, R. , Milano, L. , De Placido,
S. , De Laurentiis, M. (2003). A novel neural networkbased survival analysis model, Neural Networks, 16,
pp. 855-864.
Harrell Jr., F. E. , Califf, R. M. , Pryor, D. B. , Lee, K.
L. and Rosati, R. A. (1982). Evaluating the yield of
medical tests. Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 247, no. 18, pp. 2543-2546.
Koziol, J. (1980). Goodness-of-fit tests for randomly
censored data. Biometrika 67 (3), pp. 693-696.
Lisboa, P. J. G. , Wong, H. , Harris, P. , Swindell, R.
(2003). A Bayesian neural network approach for modelling censored data with an application to prognosis
after surgery for breast cancer. Artificial intelligence
in medicine, 28, pp. 1-25.
MacKay, D. J. C. (1992). The evidence framework
applied to classification networks. Neural Computation, 4 (5), pp. 720-36.
Neal, R. M. (2001). Survival Analysis Using a Bayesian Neural Network. Joint Statistical Meetings report,


Ripley, B. D. , Ripley, R. M. (1998). Neural Networks as Statistical Methods in Survival Analysis.

Artificial Neural Networks: Prospects for Medicine
(R. Dybowsky and V. Gant eds.), Landes Biosciences
Schwarzer, G. , Vach, W. , Schumacher, M. (2000). On
the misuses of artificial neural networks for prognostic
and diagnostic classification in oncology. Statistics in
medicine 19, pp. 541-561.
Taktak, A. F. G. , Fisher, A. C. , Damato, B. (2004).
Modelling survival after treatment of intraocular
melanoma using artificial neural networks and Bayes
theorem. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 49, pp.
Williams, C. K. I. , Qazaz, C. , Bishop, C. M. , Zhu,
H. (1995). On the relationship between Bayesian
error bars and the input data density. Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks, pp. 160-165, Cambridge (UK).

Bayesian Inference: Inference rules which are
based on application of Bayes theorem and the basic
laws of probability calculus.
Censoring: Mechanism which precludes observation of an event. A form of missing data.
Hyperparameter: Parameter in a hierarchical
problem formulation. In Bayesian inference, the parameters of a prior.
Neural Networks: A graphical representation of a
nonlinear function. Usually represented as a directed
acyclic graph. Neural networks can be trained to find
nonlinear relationships in data, and are used in applications such as robotics, speech recognition, signal
processing or medical diagnosis.
Posterior Distribution: Probabilistic representation of knowledge, resulting from combination of prior
knowledge and observation of data.
Prior Distribution: Probabilistic representation of
prior knowledge.
Random Variable: Measurable function from
a sample space to the measurable space of possible
values of the variable.

Conditional Hazard Estimating Neural Networks

Survival Analysis: Statistical analysis of data

represented in terms of realisation of point events. In
medical applications usually the point event is the death
of an individual, or recurrence of a disease.



Luca Anselma
Universit di Torino, Italy
Diego Magro
Universit di Torino, Italy

Configuring means selecting and bringing together a
set of given components to produce an aggregate (or
a set of aggregates) satisfying some requirements.
All the component types are predefined and no new
component type may be created during the configuration process.
The result of the configuration can be physical objects (such as cars or elevators), non-physical entities
(such as compound services or processes) or heterogeneous wholes made of both physical and non-physical
parts (such as computer systems with their hardware
and software components).
The configuration process has to take into consideration both endogenous and exogenous constraints: the
former pertain to the type of the assembled object(s)
(therefore they hold for all the individuals of that
type) and mainly come from the interactions among
components, whereas the latter usually represent requirements that the final aggregate(s) should satisfy.
All these constraints can be very complex and make
the manual solution of configuration problems a very
hard task in many cases.
The complexity of configuration and its relevance
in several application domains have stimulated the interest in its automation. Since the beginning, Artificial
Intelligence has provided various effective techniques
to achieve this goal. One of the first configurators was
also one of the first commercially successful expert
systems: a production rule-based system called R1
(McDermott, 1982, 1993). R1 was developed in the
early Eighties to configure VAX computer systems, and
it has been used for several years by Digital Equipment
Since then, configuration has gained importance
both in industry and in marketing, also due to both the
support that it offers to the mass customization business strategy and the new commercial opportunities

provided by the Web. Configuration is currently an

important application field for many Artificial Intelligence techniques and it is still posing many interesting
problems to scientific research.

The increasing complexity and size of configurable
products made it clear that production-rule-based
configurators such as R1 are not effective, particularly
in the phase of maintenance of knowledge bases. In
fact, changing a rule may require, as a side effect,
changing several other rules and so on, and, actually,
for some products, the component library may change
To partly address this problem, in current configurator systems, domain knowledge and control knowledge
for problem solving are separate. The domain knowledge is represented in a declarative language, and the
control knowledge (i.e., inferential mechanisms) is
general (i.e., not depending on the particular problem
to be solved). This is a common approach in modern
knowledge-based systems. A configurator is based on
an explicit representation of the general model of the
configurable entities, which implicitly represents all the
valid product individuals. The reasoning mechanisms
implement the control knowledge and they use the
domain knowledge to draw inferences and to compute
Regarding domain knowledge, there is a general
agreement about what the concepts to represent are. In
(Soininen, Tiihonen, Mnnist & Sulonen, 1998) the
authors introduce a widely accepted conceptualization
for configuration problems. This conceptualization
includes the concepts of

components, which are the constituents of configurations;

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


parts to describe the compositional structure;

ports to model connections and compatibilities
between components;
resources that are produced, used or consumed
by components;
functions to represent functionalities;
attributes used to describe components, ports,
resources and functions;

taxonomies in which component, port, resource

and function types may be organized in;
constraints to specify conditions that configurations must satisfy.

Figure 1 depicts a simplified fragment of the domain

knowledge for PC configuration. It describes all the
PC variants valid for the domain. Has-part relations

Figure 1. A fragment of a PC configuration knowledge base



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model the compositional structure of PCs (e.g., each

PC has one or two monitors, a motherboard, etc.).
Each component of a PC can be either of a basic (non
configurable) type (e.g., the monitor) or of an aggregate
(possibly configurable) type (e.g., the motherboard).
Some relevant taxonomic relations are reported (e.g.,
the hard disks are either SCSI or EIDE). The basic
components can be connected through ports (only
few ports are reported): each port connects with at
most one other port; for some ports the connection is

optional (e.g., for eide_port), for others it is mandatory

(e.g., for device_eide_port). Some attributes (e.g., the
price) describe the components. A set of constraints
model the interactions among the components: e.g.,
the third constraint specifies that hard disks must provide enough space, which is a resource consumed by
operating systems.
Figure 3 describes a particular PC variant, meeting
the requirements stated in Figure 2 (containing also an
optimization criterion on price).

Figure 2. An example of user requirements for a PC

TWO 3 # 3 ) (ARD $IS KS AND AT LEAS T  ' " OF (ARD $IS K

Figure 3. A configured PC, compliant with the domain knowledge in Figure 1 and meeting the requirements in
Figure 2


























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Despite the consensus over the conceptualization of
the problem, there is a wide range of approaches to
configuration, with reference to different paradigms
of Artificial Intelligence. It is possible to identify two
mainstreams in current approaches to configuration:
namely, constraint-based frameworks and logic-based
frameworks. Constraint-based frameworks emphasize
combinatorial aspects of configuration problems which
have large search spaces and few solutions, while logicbased frameworks, in general, stress the description of
the compositional structure of the product.
As regards constraint-based frameworks, approaches based on Constraint Satisfaction Problem
(CSP) (Dechter, 2003) and its extensions are widely
adopted. In particular, the classical CSP paradigm has
been extended to overcome some of its limitations. In
fact, on the one hand, in classical CSP, the set of variables is fixed and they will all be assigned values in
every solution. On the other hand, in the configuration
task the number and the types of the components that
will be part of the final valid configuration are usually
not known in advance, since they are selected by the
configurator during the configuration process.
This fact motivated the introduction of Dynamic CSP
(DCSP) (Mittal & Falkenhainer, 1990) (Gelle & Sabin,
2006) (also known as Conditional CSP) paradigm. A
DCSP is defined as classical CSP on a fixed set of
variables, but differently from classical CSP during
the problem solving phase, it only takes into account
the subset of variables relevant to the solution (i.e.,
the active variables). DCSP formalizes the notion of a
particular type of constraint, i.e., activity constraints,
which can add or remove variables from a potential
solution depending on conditions imposed on already
active variables. The search process starts with an initial set of active variables, and additional variables are
introduced (or explicitly left out) as search progresses,
depending on satisfied activity constraints.
A generalization of the original DCSP proposal, as
well as some results on complexity and expressiveness,
are presented in (Soininen, Gelle & Niemel, 1999).
Several solving methods for DCSP are described and
discussed in (Gelle & Sabin, 2003).
In (Stumptner & Haselbck, 1993) the authors
further extend DCSP by introducing the Generative
CSP. In Generative CSP the types of the components
may be compactly described and managed; moreover,

generic constraints are defined: these are constraint

schemata which can be instantiated on the specific
variables activated at a particular point in the configuration process.
In (Sabin & Freuder, 1996) the authors overcome
a second major limitation of CSP with regard to configuration problems: in fact, CSP is flat, i.e., it does
not allow to represent the structure of a configuration
product in a straightforward way. To overcome this
limitation, Sabin and Freuder propose Composite CSP,
an extension to CSP which allows one to take into account not only changing sets of components, but also
the hierarchical structure of the final configurations.
In Composite CSP variables take not only atomic values but also values representing entire subproblems.
Whenever a variable is assigned with a subproblem
value, the subproblem is expanded and the problem
is dynamically modified: specifically, it is refined by
considering also the variables and the constraints in the
subproblem. In such a way, it is easy to adapt the CSPs
inferential mechanisms to Composite CSP.
Also classical CSP itself plays an important role
in configuration. In fact, in (Aldanondo, Moynard &
Hamou, 2000) an approach is presented that uses standard CSP techniques to solve configuration problems.
Moreover, several results in the configuration research
field somehow refer to standard CSP framework. For
example, in (Freuder, Likitvivatanavong & Wallace,
2001) the authors explore the problem of generating
explanations for configuration problems expressed
as CSP. In (Freuder & OSullivan, 2001) the authors
propose an approach for dealing with configuration
problems expressed as CSP where it is not possible to
satisfy all user requirements at the same time, and it is
necessary to establish a satisfactory trade-off between
them. (Amilhastre, Fargier & Marquis, 2002) extends
CSP to offer support for interactive problem solving as
in the case of interactive product configuration, where
the interactivity refers to the user making choices during
the configuration process. Specifically, the approach
provides the user with features such as consistency
maintenance (i.e., inconsistencies are discovered as soon
as possible), consistency restoration (i.e., guidance for
relaxing inconsistent choices) and explanations (i.e.,
minimal sets of inconsistent choices are identified).
Finally, (Freuder, Carchrae & Beck, 2003) describes
an approach for removing values of variables in a CSP
that would lead to a dead-end in solving the CSP.



As regards logic-based frameworks, (McGuinness,

2002) analyzes Description Logics (DL) (Baader,
Calvanese, McGuinness, Nardi & Patel-Schneider,
2003) as a convenient modeling tool for configurable
products. DL make possible a description of the configuration knowledge by means of expressive conceptual
languages with a rigorous semantics, thus enhancing
knowledge comprehensibility and facilitating knowledge re-use. Furthermore, the powerful inference
mechanisms currently available can be exploited both
off-line by the knowledge engineers and on-line by the
configuration system. Moreover, the paper describes a
commercial DL-based family of configurators developed by AT&T.
(Soininen, Niemel, Tiihonen & Sulonen, 2000)
describes an approach in which the domain knowledge
is represented with a high-level language and then
mapped to a set of weight constraint rules, a form of
logic programs offering support for expressing choices
and both cardinality and resource constraints. Configurations are computed by finding stable Herbrand
models of such a logic program.
(Sinz, Kaiser & Kchlin, 2003) presents an approach
particularly geared to industrial context (in fact, it has
been developed to be used by DaimlerChrysler for
the configuration of their Mercedes lines). In Sinz et
al.s approach the domain knowledge is expressed as
formulae in propositional logic; then, it is validated by
running a satisfiability checker, which can also provide
explanations in case of failure. However, this work aims
at validating the knowledge base, rather than solving
configuration problems.
There are also hybrid approaches that reconcile constraint-based frameworks and logic-based
frameworks. For example, both (Magro & Torasso,
2003) and (Junker & Mailharro, 2003) describe hybrid
frameworks based on a logic-based description of the
structure of the configurable product (taking inspiration from logical languages derived from frame-based
languages such as the DL) and on a constraint-based
description of the possible ways of interaction between
In (Junker & Mailharro, 2003) constructs of DL are
translated into concepts of constraint programming in
order to solve a configuration problem. On the contrary, (Magro & Torasso, 2003) adopts an inference
mechanism specific for configuration, which, basically,
searches for tree-structured models on finite domains


for conceptual descriptions, and adapts some constraintpropagation techniques to the logical framework.
In most formalizations, the configuration task is
theoretically intractable (at least NP-hard, in the worst
case) and in some cases the intractability does appear
also in practice and solving configuration problems
can require a huge amount of CPU time. There are
several ways that can be explored to cope with these
situations: providing the configurator with a set of
domain-specific heuristics, defining general focusing
mechanisms (Magro & Torasso, 2001), making use of
compilation techniques (Sinz, 2002) (Narodytska &
Walsh, 2006), re-using past solutions (Geneste & Ruet,
2002), defining techniques to decompose a problem
into a set of simpler subproblems (Magro, Torasso &
Anselma, 2002) (Anselma & Magro, 2003).
Configuration has a growing commercial market. In
fact, several configurator systems have been developed
and some commercial tools are currently available (e.g.,
ILOG (Junker & Mailharro, 2003), Koalog, OfferIt!
(Bergenti, 2004), Oracle, SAP (Haag, 2005), TACTON
(Orsvarn, 2005)).
Furthermore, some Web sites have been equipped
with configuration capabilities to support customers in selecting a suitable product in a wide range of
domains such as cars (e.g., Porsche, Renault, Volvo),
bikes (e.g., Pro-M Bike Configurator) and computers
(e.g., Dell, Cisco).

Many current configuration approaches and software
configuration systems concern the configuration of
mechanical or electronic devices/products and are
conceived in order to be employed by domain experts,
such as production or sales engineers.
Nowadays, the scope of configuration is growing and
the application of automatic configuration techniques
to non-physical entities is gaining more and more
importance. The configuration of software products
and complex services built on simpler ones are two
research areas and application domains that are currently attracting the attention of researchers.
The capability of producing understandable explanations for their choices or for the inconsistencies that they
encounter and of suggesting consistency restorations
are some needs that configuration systems share with
many knowledge-based or expert systems. However,


the aim of making configuration systems profitably

used by non-expert users too and the deployment of
configurators on the Web all contribute to strengthen
the importance of these issues.
Explanations and restorations are also related to the
topic of interactive configuration, which is still posing
some challenging problems to researchers. Indeed,
besides these capabilities, interactive configuration
requires also effective mechanisms to deal with incomplete and/or incremental requirements specification
(and with their retraction) and it is also demanding in
terms of efficiency of the algorithms.
Real-world configuration knowledge bases can be
very large and they usually are continually modified during their life cycle. Some research efforts are currently
devoted to define powerful techniques and to design and
implement tools that support knowledge acquisition,
knowledge-base verification and maintenance.
Furthermore, a closer integration of configuration
into the business models and of configurators into
enterprise software systems is an important goal for
several companies (as well as for enterprise software
Distributed configuration is another important topic,
especially in an environment where a specific complex
product/service is provided by different suppliers that
have to cooperate in order to produce it.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the reconfiguration
of existing systems, which is still mainly an open

Configuration has been a prominent area of Artificial
Intelligence since the early Eighties, when it started to
arouse interest among researchers working in academia
and industry.
This article provides a general overview of the area
of configuration by introducing the problem of configuration, briefly presenting a general conceptualization
of configuration tasks, and succinctly describing some
representative proposals in literature to deal with configuration problems.
As we have illustrated, during the last few years
several approaches involving configuration techniques
have been successfully applied in order to deal with
issues pertaining to a wide range of real-world applica-

tion domains, ranging from cars to computer systems,

from software to travel plans.
Theoretical results achieved by the academic environment have found effective, tangible applications
in industrial settings, thus contributing to the diffusion
of both industrial and commercial configurators. Such
applications in their turn gave rise to new challenges,
engendering a significant cross-fertilization of ideas
among researchers in academia and in industry.

Aldanondo, M., Moynard, G., & Hamou, K. H. (2000).
General configurator requirements and modeling
elements, Proc. ECAI 2000 Configuration Workshop,
Amilhastre, J., Fargier, H., & Marquis, P. (2002). Consistency restoration and explanations in dynamic CSPs
Application to configuration, Artificial Intelligence
135(1-2), 199-234.
Anselma, L., & Magro, D. (2003). Dynamic problem
decomposition in configuration, Proc. IJCAI 2003
Configuration Workshop, 21-26.
Baader, F., Calvanese, D., McGuinness, D., Nardi, D.,
& Patel-Schneider, P. (Editors) (2003). The Description
Logic Handbook. Cambridge University Press.
Bergenti, F. (2004). Product and Servive Configuration for the Masses. Proc. ECAI 2004 Configuration
Workshop, 7/1-7/6.
Dechter, R. (2003). Constraint Processing, Morgan
Freuder, E., Carchrae, T., & Beck, J.C. (2003). Satisfaction Guaranteed. Proc. IJCAI-03 Configuration
Workshop, 1-6.
Freuder, E., Likitvivatanavong, C., & Wallace, R.
(2001). Explanation and implication for configuration
problems, Proc. IJCAI-01 Configuration Workshop,
Freuder, E., & OSullivan, B. (2001). Modeling and Generating Tradeoffs for Constraint-Based Configuration.
Proc. IJCAI-01 Configuration Workshop, 38-44.
Gelle, E., & Sabin, M. (2003). Solving Methods for
Conditional Constraint Satisfaction, Proc. IJCAI-03
Configuration Workshop, 7-12.


Gelle, E., & Sabin, M. (2006). Direct and Reformulation Solving of Conditional Constraint Satisfaction
Problems . Proc. ECAI-06 Configuration Workshop,

Orsvarn, K. (2005). Tacton Configurator Research

directions, Proc. IJCAI 2005 Configuration Workshop,

Geneste, L., & Ruet, M. (2002), Fuzzy Case Based Configuration, Proc. ECAI 2002 Configuration
Workshop, 71-76.

Sabin, D., & Freuder, E.C. (1996). Configuration as

Composite Constraint Satisfaction, Proc. Artificial
Intelligence and Manufacturing. Research Planning
Workshop, 153-161.

Haag, A. (2005). Dealing with Configurable Products

in the SAP Business Suite. Proc. IJCAI-05 Configuration Workshop, 68-71.

Sinz, C. (2002). Knowledge Compilation for Product Configuration, Proc. ECAI 2002 Configuration
Workshop, 23-26.

Junker, U., & Mailharro, D. (2003). The Logic of ILOG

(J)Configurator: Combining Constraint Programming
with a Description Logic. Proc. IJCAI-03 Configuration
Workshop, 13-20.

Sinz, C., Kaiser, A., & Kchlin, W. (2003). Formal

methods for the validation of automotive product configuration data, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering
Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, Special Issue on
Configuration 17(1), 75-97.

Magro, D., & Torasso, P. (2001). Interactive Configuration Capability in a Sale Support System: Laziness and
Focusing Mechanisms, Proc. IJCAI-01 Configuration
Workshop, 57-63.
Magro, D., Torasso, P., & Anselma, L. (2002). Problem
Decomposition in Configuration, Proc. ECAI 2002
Configuration Workshop, 50-55.
Magro, D., & Torasso, P. (2003). Decomposition Strategies for Configuration Problems, Artificial Intelligence
for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing,
Special Issue on Configuration 17(1), 51-73.
McDermott, J. (1982). R1: A Rule-Based Configurer of
Computer Systems. Artificial Intelligence 19, 39-88.
McDermott, J. (1993). R1 (XCON) at age 12: lessons from an elementary school achiever. Artificial
Intelligence 59, 241-247.
McGuinness, D.L. (2002). Configuration. In Baader,
F., McGuinness, D.L., Nardi, D. & Patel-Schneider,
P.F. (Editors). The Description Logic Handbook.
Theory, implementation, and applications. Cambridge
University Press.
Mittal, S., & Falkenhainer, B. (1990). Dynamic
Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Proc. of the AAAI
90, 25-32.
Narodytska, N., & Walsh, T. (2006). Constraint and
Variable Ordering Heuristics for Compiling Configuration Problems, Proc. ECAI 2006 Configuration
Workshop, 2-7.


Soininen, T., Gelle, E., & Niemel, I. (1999). A Fixpoint

Definition of Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1713, 419-433.
Soininen, T., Niemel, I., Tiihonen, J., & Sulonen, R.
(2000). Unified Configuration Knowledge Representation Using Weight Constraint Rules, Proc. ECAI 2000
Configuration Workshop, 79-84.
Soininen, T., Tiihonen, J., Mnnist, T., & Sulonen, R.
(1998). Towards a General Ontology of Configuration,
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis
and Manufacturing 12(4), 383-397.
Stumptner, M., & Haselbck, A. (1993). A Generative
Constraint Formalism for Configuration Problems.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 728, 302-313.

Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP): A CSP is
defined by a finite set of variables, where each variable is
associated with a domain, and a set of constraints over a
subset of variables, restricting the possible combinations
of values that the variables in the subset may assume.
A solution of a CSP is an assignment of a value to each
variable that is consistent with the constraints.
Description Logics (DL): Logics that are designed
to describe concepts and individuals in knowledge
bases. They were initially developed to provide a precise
semantics for the frame systems and the semantic net-


works. The typical inference for concepts is checking if

a concept is more general than (i.e., subsumes) another
one. The typical inference for individuals is checking
if an individual is an instance of a concept. Many DL
are fragments of first-order logic, while some of them
go beyond first order.
Logic Program: A logic theory (possibly containing some extra-logic operators) that can be given a
procedural meaning such that the process of checking
if a formula is derivable in the theory can be viewed
as a program execution.
Mass Customization: A business strategy that
combines the mass production paradigm with product
personalization. It is closely related to the modularity
in product design. This design strategy makes it possible to adopt the mass production model for standard
modules, facilitates the management of product families
and variants and it leaves room for (various kinds and
degrees of) personalization.

Propositional Logic Formula Satisfiability: The

task of checking whether it is possible to assign a truth
value to every variable that occurs in a propositional
formula, such that the truth value of the whole formula
equals true.
Stable Herbrand Model: A minimal set of facts
satisfying a logic program (theory). Each fact in the
model is a variable-free atom whose arguments are
terms exclusively built through function and constant
symbols occurring in the program and whose predicate
symbols occur in the program as well. Facts not appearing in the model are regarded as false.

Production-Rule-Based System: A system where

knowledge is represented by means of production rules.
A production rule is a statement composed of conditions and actions. If data in working memory satisfy
the conditions, the related actions can be executed,
resulting in an update of the working memory.



Constraint Processing
Roman Bartk
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Constraints appear in many areas of human endeavour
starting from puzzles like crosswords (the words can
only overlap at the same letter) and recently popular
Sudoku (no number appears twice in a row) through
everyday problems such as planning a meeting (the
meeting room must accommodate all participants) till
solving hard optimization problems for example in
manufacturing scheduling (a job must finish before
another job). Though all these problems look like being
from completely different worlds, they all share a similar
base the task is to find values of decision variables,
such as the start time of the job or the position of the
number at a board, respecting given constraints. This
problem is called a Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Constraint processing emerged from AI research
in 1970s (Montanary, 1974) when problems such as
scene labelling were studied (Waltz, 1975). The goal
of scene labelling was to recognize a type of line (and
then a type of object) in the 2D picture of a 3D scene.
The possible types were convex, concave, and occluding lines and the combination of types was restricted
at junctions of lines to be physically feasible. This
scene labelling problem is probably the first problem
formalised as a CSP and some techniques developed
for solving this problem, namely arc consistency, are
still in the core of constraint processing. Systematic
use of constraints in programming systems has started
in 1980s when researchers identified a similarity between unification in logic programming and constraint
satisfaction (Gallaire, 1985) (Jaffar & Lassez, 1987).
Constraint Logic Programming was born. Today Constraint Programming is a separate subject independent
of the underlying programming language, though
constraint logic programming still plays a prominent
role thanks to natural integration of constraints into a
logic programming framework.
This article presents mainstream techniques for
solving constraint satisfaction problems. These tech-

niques stay behind the existing constraint solvers and

their understanding is important to exploit fully the
available technology.

Constraint Satisfaction Problem is formally defined as
a triple: a finite set of decision variables, a domain of
possible values, and a finite set of constraints restricting possible combinations of values to be assigned
to variables. Although the domain can be infinite, for
example real numbers, frequently, a finite domain is
assumed. Without lost of generality, the finite domain
can be mapped to a set of integers which is the usual
case in constraint solvers. This article covers finite
domains only. In many problems, each variable has
its own domain which is a subset of the domain from
the problem definition. Such domain can be formally
defined by a unary constraint. We already mentioned
that constraints restrict possible combinations of
values that the decision variables can take. Typically,
the constraint is defined over a subset of variables, its
scope, and it is specified either extensionally, as a set of
value tuples satisfying the constraint, or intentionally,
using a logical or arithmetical formula. This formula,
for example A < B, then describes which value tuples
satisfy the constraint. A small example of a CSP is ({A,
B, C}, {1, 2, 3}, {A < B, B < C}).
The task of constraint processing is to instantiate
each decision variable by a value from the domain in
such a way that all constraints are satisfied. This instantiation is called a feasible assignment. Clearly, the
problem whether there exists a feasible assignment for
a CSP is NP-complete problems like 3SAT or knapsack problem (Garey & Johnson, 1979) can be directly
encoded as CSPs. Sometimes, the core constraint satisfaction problem is accompanied by a so called objective
function defined over (some) decision variables and we
get a Constrained Optimisation Problem. Then the task
is to select among the feasible assignments the assign-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Constraint Processing

ment that minimizes (or maximizes) the value of the

objective function. This article focuses on techniques
for finding a feasible assignment but these techniques
can be naturally extended to optimization problems
via a well-known branch-and-bound technique (Van
Hentenryck, 1989).
There are several comprehensive sources of information about constraint satisfaction starting from journal
surveys (Kumar, 1992) (Jaffar & Maher, 1996) through
on-line tutorials (Bartk, 1998) till several books. Van
Hentenrycks book (1989) was a pioneering work
showing constraint satisfaction in the context of logic
programming. Later Tsangs book (1993) focuses on
constraint satisfaction techniques independently of the
programming framework and it provides full technical
details of most algorithms described later in this article.
Recent books cover both theoretical (Apt, 2003) and
practical aspects (Marriott & Stuckey, 1998), provide
good teaching material (Dechter, 2003) or in-depth
surveys of individual topics (Rossi et al., 2006). We
should not forget about books showing how constraint
satisfaction technology is applied in particular areas;
scheduling problems play a prominent role here
(Baptiste et al., 2001) because constraint processing
is exceptionally successful in this area.

Constraint satisfaction problems over finite domains
are basically combinatorial problems so they can be
solved by exploring the space of possible (partial or
complete) instantiations of decision variables. Later in
this section we will present the typical search algorithms
used in constraint processing. However, it should be
highlighted that constraint processing is not simple
enumeration and we will also show how so called
consistency techniques contribute to solving CSPs.

Systematic Search
Search is a core technology of artificial intelligence and
many search algorithms have been developed to solve
various problems. In case of constraint processing we
are searching for a feasible assignment of values to variables where the feasibility is defined by the constraints.
This can be done in a backtracking manner where we
assign a value to a selected variable and check whether

the constraints whose scope is already instantiated are

satisfied. In the positive case, we proceed to the next
variable. In the negative case, we try another value
for the current variable or if there are no more values
we backtrack to the last instantiated variable and try
alternative values there. The following code shows the
skeleton of this procedure called historically labelling
(Waltz, 1975). Notice that the consistency check may
prune domains of individual variables, which will be
discussed in the next section.
procedure labelling(V,D,C)
if all variables from V are assigned then return V
select not-yet assigned variable x from V
for each value v from Dx do

(TestOK,D) consistent(V,D,C{x=v})
if TestOK=true then
R labelling(V,D,C)
if R fail then return R
end for
return fail
end labelling

The above backtracking mechanism is parameterized by variable and value selection heuristics that
decide about the order of variables for instantiation
and about the order in which the values are tried.
While value ordering is usually problem dependent
and problem-independent heuristics are not frequently
used due to their computational complexity, there are
popular problem-independent variable ordering heuristics. Variable ordering is based on a so called first-fail
principle formulated by Haralick and Eliot (1980)
which says that the variable whose instantiation will
lead to a failure with the highest probability should
be tried first. A typical instance of this principle is a
dom heuristic which prefers variables with the smallest domain for instantiation. There exist other popular
variable ordering heuristics (Rossi et al., 2006) such
as dom+deg or dom/deg, but their detail description is
out scope of this short article.
Though the heuristics influence (positively) efficiency of search they cannot resolve all drawbacks of
backtracking. Probably the main drawback is ignoring
the information about the reason of constraint infeasibility. If the algorithm discovers that no value can be
assigned to a variable, it blindly backtracks to the last
instantiated variable though the reason of the conflict
may be elsewhere. There exist techniques like backjumping that can detect the variable whose instantiation
caused the problem and backtrack (backjump) to this

Constraint Processing

variable (Dechter, 2003). These techniques belong to

a broader class of intelligent backtracking that shares
the idea of intelligent recovery from the infeasibility.
Though these techniques are interesting and far beyond simple enumeration, it seems better to prevent
infeasibility rather than to recover from it (even in an
intelligent way).

Domain Filtering and Maintaining

Assume variables A and B with domain {1, 2, 3} and
a simple constraint A < B. Clearly, value 3 can never
be assigned to A because there is no way to satisfy the
constraint A < B if this value is used for A. Hence,
this value can be safely removed from the domain of
variable A and it does not need to be assumed during
search. Similarly, value 1 can be removed from the
domain of B. This process is called domain filtering
and it is realised by a special procedure assigned to
each constraint. Domain filtering is closely related to
consistency of the constraint. We say that constraint C
is (arc) consistent if for any value x in the domain of
any variable in the scope of C there exist values in the
domains of other variables in the scope of C such that
the value tuple satisfies C. Such value tuple is called
a support for x. Domain filtering attempts to make the
constraint consistent by removing values which have
no support.
Domain filtering can be applied to all constraints
in the problem to remove unsupported values from the
domains of variables and to make the whole problem
consistent. Because the constraints are interconnected,
it may be necessary to repeat the domain filtering of a
constraint C if another constraint pruned the domain of
variable in the scope of C. Basically the domain filtering
is repeated until a fixed point is reached which removes
the largest number of unsupported values. There exist
several procedures to realise this idea (Mackworth,
1977), AC-3 schema is the most popular one:
procedure AC-3(V,D,C)
while non-empty Q do
select c from Q
if any domain in D is empty then return (fail,D)
Q Q {cC | xvar(c) DxDx} {c}
end while
return (true,D)
end AC-3

We did not cover the details of the filtering procedure

here. In the simplest way, it may explore the consistent
tuples in the constraint to find a support for each value.
There exist more advanced techniques that keep some
information between the repeated calls to the filter and
hence achieve better time efficiency (Bessiere, 1994).
Frequently, the filtering procedure exploits semantics
of the constraint to realise filtering faster. For example,
filtering for constraint A < B can be realised by removing from the domain of A all values greater than the
maximal value of B (and similarly for B).
Let us return our attention back to search. Even if
we make all the constraints consistent, it does not mean
that we obtained a solution. For example, the problem
({A, B, C}, {1, 2, 3}, {A B, B C}) is consistent
in the above-described sense, but it has no solution.
Hence consistency techniques need to be combined
with backtracking search to obtain a complete constraint
solver. First, we make the constraints consistent. Then
we start the backtracking search as described in the
previous section and after each variable instantiation,
we make the constraints consistent again. It may happen that during the consistency procedure some domain
becomes empty. This indicates inconsistency and we
can backtrack immediately. Because the consistency
procedure removes inconsistencies from the not yet
instantiated variables, it prevents future conflicts during search. Hence this principle is called look ahead
opposite to look back techniques that focus on recovery
from discovered conflicts. The whole process is also
called maintaining consistency during search and it
can be realised by substituting the consistent procedure
in labelling by the procedure AC-3. Figure 1 shows
a difference between simple backtracking (top) and
the look-ahead technique (bottom) when solving a
well known 4-queens problem. The task is to allocate
a queen to each column of the chessboard in such a
way that no two queens attack each other. Notice that
the look-ahead solved the method after four attempts
while the simple backtracking is still allocating the
first two queens.
Clearly, the more inconsistencies one can remove,
the smaller search tree needs to be explored. There exist
stronger consistency techniques that assume several
constraints together (rather that filtering each constraint
separately, as we described above), but they are usually
too computationally expensive and hence they are not
used in each node of the search tree. Nevertheless, there
also exists a compromise between stronger and efficient

Constraint Processing

Figure 1. Solving 4-queens problem using backtracking (top) and look-ahead (bottom) techniques; the crosses
indicate positions forbidden by the current allocation of queens in the look-ahead method (values pruned by

domain filtering called a global constraint. The idea is

to encapsulate some well defined sub-problem into a
single constraint (rather than a set of constraints) and
then design a fast filtering algorithm for this constraint.
A typical example of such global constraint is all-different that encapsulates a set of binary inequalities
between all pairs of variables and by using filtering
based on matching in bipartite graphs, it achieves
stronger pruning (Rgin, 1994). Figure 2 demonstrates
how a CSP with binary inequalities is converted into a
bipartite graph, where matching indicates a consistent
instantiation of variables.
Global constraints represent a powerful mechanism
how to integrate efficient solving algorithms into general
framework of constraint satisfaction. There exist dozens
of global constraints designed for particular application
areas (Baptiste et al., 2001) as well as general global
constraints (Beldiceanu et al., 2005).

Constraint processing is a mature technology that
goes beyond artificial intelligence and co-operates
(and competes) with techniques from areas such as
operations research and discrete mathematics. Many
constraint satisfaction techniques including dozens of
specialized as well as generic global constraints have
been developed in recent years (Beldiceanu et al., 2005)
and new techniques are coming. The technology trend
is to integrate the techniques from different areas for
co-operative and hybrid problem solving. Constraint
processing may serve as a good base for such integration
(as global constraints showed) but it can also provide
solving techniques to be integrated in other frameworks
such as SAT (satisfaction of logical formulas in a conjunctive normal form). This hybridization and integration trend is reflected in new conferences, for example

Figure 2. A graph representation of a constraint satisfaction problem with binary inequalities (left) and a bipartite
graph representing the same problem in the all-different constraint (right).
X1 in [5,6]
X2 in [5,6]

X3 in [5,6,7]





Constraint Processing

CP-AI-OR (International Conference on Integration of

AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems).
The paradox of fast technology development is
that the technology is harder to use by non-expert users. There always exists several ways how to model
a problem using constraints and though the models
are equivalent concerning their soundness, they are
frequently not equivalent concerning their efficiency.
Although there are several rules of good constraint
modelling (Marriott & Stuckey, 1998) (Bartk, 2005)
there do not exist generally applicable guidelines for
constraint modelling. Hence it is sometimes not that
easy to design a model that is solvable (in a reasonable time) by available constraint solvers. So one of
the most important challenges of constraint processing
for upcoming years is to bring the technology back to
masses by providing automated modelling and problem
reformulation tools that will form a middleware between
the constraint solvers and non-expert users and make
the holly grail of programming the user states the
problem and the computer solves it a reality.

This article surveyed mainstream constraint satisfaction
techniques with the goal to give a compact background
of the technology to people who would like to use these
techniques for solving combinatorial optimisation
problems. We simplified the techniques and terminology a bit to fit the scope of the article while keeping
the core principles. It is important to understand that
the presented techniques (and even more) are already
available in existing constraint solvers such us ILOG CP
library (, SICStus Prolog
(, ECLiPSe (eclipse.crosscoreop.
com), Mozart (, Choco ( and other systems so the users are not
required to program them from scratch. Nevertheless,
understanding the underlying principles is important
for design of efficient constraint models that can be
solved by these systems. Constraint processing did not
reach the holy grail of programming yet but it is going
fast towards this goal.

Apt, K. R. (2003). Principles of Constraint Programming. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Baptiste, P.; Le Pape, C.; Nuijten, W. (2001). Constraintbased Scheduling: Applying Constraints to Scheduling
Problems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Bartk, R. (1998). On-line Guide to Constraint Programming. Retrieved from the WWW: http://kti.mff.
Bartk, R. (2005). Effective Modeling with Constraints.
In Applications of Declarative Programming and
Knowledge Management. LNAI 3392, Springer Verlag,
Berlin pp. 149165.
Beldiceanu, N.; Carlsson, M.; Rampon, J.X. (2005).
Global constraint catalogue. Technical Report T200506, SICS, Uppsala.
Bessiere, C. (1994). Arc-consistency and arc-consistency again. Artificial Intelligence 65:179190.
Dechter, R. (2003). Constraint Processing. Morgan
Kaufmann, San Francisco.
Gallaire, H. (1985). Logic Programming: Further Developments. In IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming,
IEEE, Boston, pp. 8896.
Garey, M. R. & Johnson, D. S. (1979) Computers and
Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco.
Haralick, R. M. & Elliot, G.L. (1980). Increasing tree
search efficiency for constraint satisfaction problems.
Artificial Intelligence 14:263314.
Jaffar, J. & Lassez, J.L. (1987). Constraint Logic
Programming. In Proc. The ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, ACM, Munich,
pp. 111119.
Jaffar, J. & Maher, M.J. (1996). Constraint Logic Programming A Survey. Journal of Logic Programming,
Kumar, V. (1992). Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Survey. AI Magazine 13(1): 3244.
Mackworth, A.K. (1977). Consistency in networks of
relations. Artificial Intelligence 8:99118.


Constraint Processing

Marriott, K. & Stuckey, P.J. (1998). Programming

with Constraints: An Introduction. The MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA.
Mohr, R. & Henderson, T.C. (1986). Arc and path consistency revised. Artificial Intelligence 28:225233.
Montanari, U. (1974). Networks of constraints: Fundamental properties and applications to picture processing.
Information Sciences 7:95132.
Rgin, J.-C. (1994). A filtering algorithm for constraints
of difference in CSPs. In Proceedings of the National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94). AAAI
Press, pp. 362367.
Rossi, F.; Van Beek, P.; Walsh, T. (2006). Handbook of
Constraint Programming. Elsevier, Oxford.
Tsang, E. (1993). Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction. Academic Press, London.
Van Hentenryck, P. (1989). Constraint Satisfaction
in Logic Programming. The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Waltz, D.L. (1975). Understanding line drawings of
scenes with shadows. In Psychology of Computer Vision, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 1991.

Constrained Optimisation Problem (COP): A
Constraint Satisfaction Problem extended by an objective function over the (subset of) decision variables. The
task is to find a solution to the CSP which minimizes
or maximizes the value of the objective function.
Constraint: Any relation between a subset of decision variables. Can be expressed extensionally, as a set
of value tuples satisfying the constraint, or intentionally,
using an arithmetical or logical formula between the
variables, for example A+B < C.

Consistency Techniques: Techniques that remove

inconsistent values (from variables domains) or value
tuples, that is, the values that cannot be assigned to a
given variable in any solution. Arc consistency is the
most widely used consistency technique.
Decision Variable: A variable modelling some
feature of the problem, for example a start time of
activity, whose value we are looking for in such a way
that specified constraints are satisfied.
Domain of Variable: A set of possible values that
can be assigned to a decision variable, for example a
set of times when some activity can start. Constraint
processing usually assumes finite domains only.
Domain Pruning (Filtering): A process of removing values from domains of variables that cannot take
part in any solution. Usually, due to efficiency issues
only the values locally violating some constraint are
pruned. It is the most common type of consistency
Global Constraint: An n-ary constraint modelling a subset of simpler constraints by providing a
dedicated filtering algorithm that achieves stronger or
faster domain pruning in comparison to making the
simpler constraints (locally) consistent. All-different
is an example of a global constraint.
Look Ahead: The most common technique for integrating depth-first search with maintaining consistency.
Each time a search decision is done, it is propagated in
the problem model by making the model consistent.
Search Algorithms: Algorithms that explore the
space of possible (partial or complete) instantiations
of decision variables with the goal to find an instantiation satisfying all the constraints (and optimizing the
objective function in case of COP).

Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP): A problem formulated using a set of decision variables, their
domains, and constraints between the variables. The
task is to find an instantiation of decision variables by
values from their domains in such a way that all the
constraints are satisfied.



Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting

Wei-Chiang Hong
Oriental Institute of Technology, Taiwan



The effective capacity of inter-urban motorway networks is an essential component of traffic control and
information systems, particularly during periods of
daily peak flow. However, slightly inaccurate capacity
predictions can lead to congestion that has huge social
costs in terms of travel time, fuel costs and environment
pollution. Therefore, accurate forecasting of the traffic
flow during peak periods could possibly avoid or at
least reduce congestion. Additionally, accurate traffic
forecasting can prevent the traffic congestion as well
as reduce travel time, fuel costs and pollution.
However, the information of inter-urban traffic presents a challenging situation; thus, the traffic flow forecasting involves a rather complex nonlinear data pattern
and unforeseen physical factors associated with road
traffic situations. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are
attracting attention to forecast traffic flow due to their
general nonlinear mapping capabilities of forecasting.
Unlike most conventional neural network models,
which are based on the empirical risk minimization
principle, support vector regression (SVR) applies the
structural risk minimization principle to minimize an
upper bound of the generalization error, rather than
minimizing the training errors. SVR has been used to
deal with nonlinear regression and time series problems. This investigation presents a short-term traffic
forecasting model which combines SVR model with
continuous ant colony optimization (SVRCACO), to
forecast inter-urban traffic flow. A numerical example of
traffic flow values from northern Taiwan is employed to
elucidate the forecasting performance of the proposed
model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed
model yields more accurate forecasting results than
the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average
(SARIMA) time-series model.

Traditionally, there has been a wide variety of forecasting approaches applied to forecast the traffic flow
of inter-urban motorway networks. Those approaches
could be classified according to the type of data, forecast horizon, and potential end-use (Dougherty, 1996);
including historical profiling (Okutani & Stephanedes,
1984), state space models (Stathopoulos & Karlafits,
2003), Kalman filters (Whittaker, Garside & Lindveld,
1994), and system identification models (Vythoulkas,
1993). However, traffic flow data are in the form of
spatial time series and are collected at specific locations
at constant intervals of time. The above-mentioned
studies and their empirical results have indicated that
the problem of forecasting inter-urban motorway traffic flow is multi-dimensional, including relationships
among measurements made at different times and
geographical sites. In addition, these methods have
difficultly coping with observation noise and missing
values while modeling. Therefore, Danech-Pajouh and
Aron (1991) employed a layered statistical approach
with a mathematical clustering technique to group the
traffic flow data and a separately tuned linear regression
model for each cluster. Based on the multi-dimensional
pattern recognition requests, such as intervals of time
and geographical sites, non-parametric regression
models (Smith, Williams & Oswald, 2002) have also
successfully been employed to forecast motorway traffic flow. The ARIMA model and extended models are
the most popular approaches in traffic flow forecasting
(Kamarianakis & Prastacos, 2005) (Smith et al., 2002).
Due to the stochastic nature and the strongly nonlinear
characteristics of inter-urban traffic flow data, the artificial neural networks (ANNs) models have received
much attention and been considered as alternatives for
traffic flow forecasting models (Ledoux, 1997) (Yin,
Wong, Xu & Wong, 2002). However, the training procedure of ANNs models is not only time consuming
but also possible to get trapped in local minima and
subjectively in selecting the model architecture.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

Thus, SVR have been successfully employed to

solve forecasting problems in many fields. Such as
financial time series (stocks index and exchange rate)
forecasting (Pai & Lin, 2005) (Pai, Lin, Hong & Chen,
2006), engineering and software field (production values
and reliability) forecasting (Hong & Pai, 2006) (Pai &
Hong, 2006), atmospheric science forecasting (Hong &
Pai, 2007) (Mohandes, Halawani, Rehman & Hussain,
2004), and so on. Meanwhile, SVR model had also
been successfully applied to forecast electric load (Pai
& Hong, 2005a) (Pai & Hong, 2005b). The practical
results indicated that poor forecasting accuracy is suffered from the lack of knowledge of the selection of the
three parameters (, C, and ) in a SVR model.
In this investigation, one of evolutionary algorithms,
the ant colony optimization (ACO), is tried to determine
the values of three parameters in a SVR traffic flow
model in Panchiao city of Taipei County, Taiwan. In
addition, as being developed for discrete optimization,
the application of ACO to continuous optimization
problems requires the transformation of a continuous
search space to a discrete one by discretization of the
continuous decision variables, which procedure is socalled CACO.


In this article, two models, the seasonal ARIMA
(SARIMA) model and the SVRCACO model, are
used to compare the forecasting performance of traffic flow.

Support Vector Regression (SVR) Model

The basic concept of the SVR is to map nonlinearly
the original data x into a higher dimensional feature
space. Hence, given a set of data G = {( xi , a i )}iN=1 (where
xi is the input vector; ai is the actual value, and N is
the total number of data patterns), the SVM regression
function is:
f = g ( x) = w T ( xi ) + b


where f(xi) is the feature of inputs (to map the input

data into a so-called high dimensional feature space, see
Fig. 1 (a) and (b)), and both w and b are coefficients.
The coefficients (w and b) are estimated by minimizing
the following regularized risk function


R( f ) = C

e (ai , f i ) +

i =1



L ( a, f ) =
a f

a f

In addition, L (a, f ) is employed to find out an
optimum hyper plane on the high dimensional feature
space to maximize the distance separating the training
data into two subsets. Thus, the SVR focuses on finding
the optimum hyper plane and minimizing the training
error between the training data and the -insensitive
loss function (as thick line in Fig. 1(c)).
R( w, ,


1 2
w + C (
i =1



with the constraints,

w ( xi ) + b ai


ai w ( xi ) b


i = 1,2,,N
The first term of Eq. (5), employed the concept of
maximizing the distance of two separated training data,
is used to regularize weight sizes, to penalize large
weights, and to maintain regression function flatness.
The second term penalizes training errors of forecasting
values and actual values by using the -insensitive loss
function. C is a parameter to trade off these two terms.
Training errors above are denoted as i , whereas
training errors below are denoted as i.
After the quadratic optimization problem with
inequality constraints is solved, the weight w in Eq.
(2) is obtained,

w* = (
i =1


) K ( x, x i )


Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

Figure 1. Transformation process illustration of a SVR model








Hyper plane

-insensitive loss function

Feature space

Input space

Hence, the regression function is Eq. (6):

g ( x, ,

) = (
i =1


) K ( x, x i ) + b


Here, K(xi, xj) is called the Kernel function. The

value of the Kernel equals the inner product of two
vectors, xi and xj, in the feature space f(xi) and f(xj);
that is, K(xi, xj) = f(xi) * f(xj). The Gaussian RBF kernel is not only easier to implement, but also capable
to nonlinearly map the training data into an infinite
dimensional space, thus, it is suitable to deal with
nonlinear relationship problems. In this work, the
Gaussian function, exp(- x - xi 2 2 ), is used in the
SVR model.

CACO in Selecting Parameters of the

SVR Model
Ant colony optimization algorithms (Dorigo, 1992)
have been successfully used to dealing with combinatorial optimization problems such as job-shop scheduling
(Colorni, Dorigo, Maniezzo & Trubian, 1994), traveling salesman problem (Dorigo & Gambardella, 1997),
space-planning (Bland, 1999), quadratic assignment
problems (Maniezzo & Colorni, 1999), and data mining
(Parpinelli, Lopes & Freitas, 2002). ACO imitates the
behaviors of real ant colonies as they forage for food,
wherein each ant lays down the pheromone on the path
to the food sources or back to the nest. The paths with
more pheromone are more likely to be selected by
other ants. Over time, a colony of ants will select the
shortest path to the food source and back to the nest.
Therefore, a pheromone trail is the most important
process for individual ant to smell and select its route.

The probability, Pk(i,j), that an ant k moves from city

i to city j is expressed as Eq. (7),

arg max [ (i, S )] [ (i, S )]

S M k
Pk (i, j ) =


if q q 0

, otherwise

[ (i, j )]
Pk (i, j ) =

[ (i, j )] [ (i, S )] [ (i, S )]

S M k


, otherwise

where t(i,j) is the pheromone level between city i and
city j, (i,j) is the inverse of the distance between cities
i and j. In this study, the forecasting error represents
the distance between cities. The a and b are parameters
determining the relative importance of pheromone level
and Mk is a set of cities in the next column of the city
matrix for ant k. q is a random uniform variable [0,1]
and the value q0 is a parameter. The values of a, b and
q0 are set to be 8, 5 and 0.2 respectively.
Once ants have completed their tours, the most
pheromone deposited by ants on the visited paths
is considered as the information regarding the best
paths from the nest to the food sources. Therefore, the
pheromone dynamic updating plays the main role in
real ant colonies searching behaviors. The local and
global updating rules of pheromone are expressed as
Eq.(9) and Eq(10) respectively.
(i, j ) = (1 - ) (i, j ) + 0
(i, j ) = (1 - ) (i, j ) + (i, j )


Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

where r is the local evaporation rate of pheromone, 0 <

r < 1; t0 is the initial amount of pheromone deposited
on each of the paths. In this work, the values of r and t0
are set to be 0.01 and 1 correspondingly. In addition, the
approach proposed by Dorigo and Gambardella (1994)
was employed here for generating the initial amount
of pheromone. Global trail updating is accomplished
according Eq.(10). The d is the global pheromone decay
parameter, 0 < d < 1, and set to be 0.2 for this study.
The (i, j ), expressed as Eq.(11), is used to increase
the pheromone on the path of the solution.
1 L , if (i, j ) global best route
(i, j ) =
0 ,

where L is the length of the shortest route.

A Numerical Example and Experimental

The traffic flow data sets were originated from three
Civil Motorway detector sites. The Civil Motorway is
the busiest inter-urban motorway networks in Panchiao
city, the capital of Taipei County, Taiwan. The major
site was located at the center of Panchiao City, where
the flow intersects an urban local street system, and
it provided one way traffic volume for each hour in
weekdays. Therefore, one way flow data for peak traffic
are employed in this investigation, which includes the
morning peak period (MPP; from 6:00 to 10:00) and
the evening peak period (EPP; from 16:00 to 20:00).
The data collection is conducted from February 2005 to
March 2005, the number of traffic flow data available
for MPP and EPP are 45 and 90 hours, respectively.
For convenience, the traffic flow data are converted to
equivalent of passengers (EOP), and both of these two
peak periods show the seasonality of traffic data. In
addition, traffic flow data are divided into three parts:
training data (MPP 25 hours; EPP 60 hours), validation data (MPP 10 hours; EPP 15 hours) and testing
data (MPP 10 hours; EPP 15 hours). The accuracy of
forecasting models is measured by the normalized root
mean square error (NRMSE), as given by Eq.(12).

i =1

fi )2

i =1



where n is the number of forecasting periods; ai is the

actual traffic flow value at period i; and fi is the forecasting traffic flow value at period i.
The parameter selection of forecasting models is
important for obtaining good forecasting performance.
For the SARIMA model, the parameters are determined
by taking the first-order regular difference and first
seasonal difference to remove non-stationary and seasonality characteristics. Using statistical packages, with
no residuals autocorrelated and approximately white
noise residuals, the most suitable models for these two
morning/evening peak periods for the traffic data are

SARIMA(1,0,1) (0,1,1) 5 with non-constant item and

SARIMA(1,0,1) (1,1,1) 5 with constant item, respectively. The equations used for the SARIMA models
are presented as Eqs. (13) and (14), respectively.

(1 0.5167 B)(1 B 5 ) X t = (1 + 0.3306 B)(1 0.9359 B 5 )

(1 0.5918 B)(1 B 5 ) X t = 2.305 + (1 0.9003B 5 )

For the SVRCACO model, a rolling-based forecasting procedure was conducted and a one-hour-ahead
forecasting policy adopted. Then, several types of
data-rolling are considered to forecast traffic flow
in the next hour. In this investigation, the CACO is
employed to determine suitable combination of the
three parameters in a SVR model. Parameters of the
SVRCACO models with the minimum testing NRMSE
values were selected as the most suitable model for this
investigation. Table 1 indicates that SVRCACO models
perform the best when 15 and 35 input data are used for
morning/evening traffic forecast respectively. Table 2
compares the forecasting accuracy of the SARIMA and
SVRCACO models in terms of NRMSE. It is illustrated
that SVRCACO models have better forecasting results
than the SARIMA models.

In this investigation, the SVRCACO model provides
a convenient and valid alternative for traffic flow forecasting. The SVRCACO model directly uses historical
observations from traffic control systems and then
determines suitable parameters by efficient optimiza413

Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

Table 1. Forecasting results and associated parameters of the SVRCACO models

Morning peak period
Nos. of


Evening peak period

of testing

Nos. of


of testing

0.7286 2149.2









0.7138 1199.0









0.7561 2036.5









0.6858 2141.6























Table 2. Forecasting results (unit: EOP)

Morning peak period

Evening peak period

















































































































*: 031106 denotes the 6 oclock on 11 March 2005, and so on.


Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

tion algorithms. In future research, other factors and

meteorological control variables during peak periods,
such as driving speed limitation, important social
events, the percentage of heavy vehicles, bottleneck
service level and waiting time during intersection
traffic signals can be included in the traffic forecasting
model. In addition, some other advanced optimization
algorithms for parameters selection can be applied for
the SVR model to satisfy the requirement of real-time
traffic control systems.

Accurate traffic forecast is crucial for the inter-urban
traffic control system, particularly for avoiding congestion and for increasing efficiency of limited traffic
resources during peak periods. The historical traffic data
of Panchiao City in northern Taiwan shows a seasonal
fluctuation trend which occurs in many inter-urban
traffic systems. Therefore, over-prediction or under-prediction of traffic flow influences the transportation capability of an inter-urban system. This study introduces
the application of forecasting techniques, SVRCACO,
to investigate its feasibility for forecasting inter-urban
motorway traffic. This article indicates that the SVRCACO model has better forecasting performance than
the SARIMA model. The superior performance of the
SVRCACO model is due to the generalization ability
of SVR model for forecasting and the proper selection
of SVR parameters by CACO.

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Performance Prediction Literature Review. Technical
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8. Hong, W. C., & Pai, P. F. (2006). Predicting engine
reliability by support vector machines. International
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9. Hong, W. C., & Pai, P. F. (2007). Potential assessment of the support vector regression technique in
rainfall forecasting. Water Resources Management.
(21) 495-513.
10. Kamarianakis, Y., & Prastacos, P. (2005). SpaceTime Modeling of Traffic Flow. Computers & Geosciences. (31) 119-133.
11. Ledoux, C. (1997). An Urban Traffic Flow Model
Integrating Neural Networks. Transportation Research
Part C. (5) 287-300.
12. Maniezzo, V., & Colorni, A. (1999). The Ant System
Applied to The Quadratic Assignment Problem. IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
(11) 769-778.
13. Mohandes, M. A., Halawani, T. O., Rehman, S., &
Hussain, A. A. (2004). Support vector machines for wind
speed prediction. Renewable Energy. (29) 939-947.
14. Okutani, I., & Stephanedes, Y. J. (1984). Dynamic
Prediction of Traffic Volume Through Kalman Filtering
Theory. Transportation Research Part B. (18) 1-11.
15. Pai, P. F., & Lin, C. S. (2005). A hybrid ARIMA
and support vector machines model in stock price
forecasting. Omega. (33) 497-505.
16. Pai, P. F., Lin, C. S., Hong, W. C., & Chen, C. T.
(2006). A hybrid support vector machine regression

Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

for exchange rate prediction. International Journal of

Information and Management Sciences. (17) 19-32.
17. Pai, P. F., & Hong, W. C. (2006). Software reliability forecasting by support vector machines with
simulated annealing algorithms. Journal of Systems
and Software. (79) 747-755.
18. Pai, P. F., & Hong, W. C. (2005a). Forecasting
regional electric load based on recurrent support vector machines with genetic algorithms. Electric Power
Systems Research. (74) 417-425.
19. Pai, P. F., & Hong, W. C. (2005b). Support vector machines with simulated annealing algorithms in
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Management. (46) 2669-2688.
20. Parpinelli, R. S., Lopes, H. S., & Freitas, A. A.
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22. Stathopoulos, A., & Karlafits, G. M. (2003). A Multivariate State Space Approach for Urban Traffic Flow
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23. Vythoulkas, P. C. (1993). Alternative Approaches
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Urban Traffic Flow Prediction Using A Fuzzy-Neural
Approach. Transportation Research Part C. (10) 8598.

Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm (ACO):
inspired by the behavior of ants in finding paths from
the colony to food, is a probabilistic technique for solving computational problems which can be reduced to


finding good paths through graphs. A short path gets

marched over faster, and thus the pheromone density
remains high as it is laid on the path as fast as it can
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): A network
of many simple processors (units or neurons) that
imitates a biological neural network. The units are
connected by unidirectional communication channels,
which carry numeric data.
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
(ARIMA): A generalization of an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. These models are fitted
to time series data either to better understand the data
or to predict future points in the series. The model is
generally referred to as an ARIMA(p,d,q) model where
p, d, and q are integers greater than or equal to zero and
refer to the order of the autoregressive, integrated, and
moving average parts of the model respectively.
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA): is a generic population-based meta-heuristic optimization algorithm.
An EA uses some mechanisms inspired by biological
evolution: reproduction, mutation, recombination,
natural selection and survival of the fittest. Evolutionary
algorithms consistently perform well approximating
solutions to all types of problems because they do not
make any assumption about the underlying fitness
Pheromone: A pheromone is a chemical that triggers an innate behavioral response in another member
of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food
trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others
that affect behavior or physiology. In this article, food
trail pheromones are employed, which are common in
social insects.
Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving
Average (SARIMA): A kind of ARIMA model to
conduct forecasting problem while seasonal effect
is suspected. For example, consider a model of daily
road traffic volumes. Weekends clearly exhibit different behavior from weekdays. In this case it is often
considered better to use a SARIMA (seasonal ARIMA)
model than to increase the order of the AR or MA parts
of the model.
Support Vector Machines (SVMs): Support vector
machines (SVMs) were originally developed to solve
pattern recognition and classification problems. With

Continuous ACO in a SVR Traffic Forecasting Model

the introduction of Vapniks -insensitive loss function,

SVMs have been extended to solve nonlinear regression
estimation problems which are so-called support vector regression (SVR). SVR applies the structural risk
minimization principle to minimize an upper bound of
the generalization error. SVR has been used to deal with
nonlinear regression and time series problems.



Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and

Critical Issues
John Wang
Montclair State University, USA
Qiyang Chen
Montclair State University, USA
James Yao
Montclair State University, USA

Data mining is the process of extracting previously
unknown information from large databases or data
warehouses and using it to make crucial business decisions. Data mining tools find patterns in the data and
infer rules from them. The extracted information can
be used to form a prediction or classification model,
identify relations between database records, or provide a
summary of the databases being mined. Those patterns
and rules can be used to guide decision making and
forecast the effect of those decisions, and data mining
can speed analysis by focusing attention on the most
important variables.

We are drowning in data, but starving for knowledge.
In recent years the amount or the volume of information
has increased significantly. Some researchers suggest
that the volume of information stored doubles every
year. Disk storage per person (DSP) is a way to measure
the growth in personal data. Edelstein (2003) estimated
that the number has dramatically grown from 28MB
in 1996 to 472MB in 2000.
Data mining seems to be the most promising solution
for the dilemma of dealing with too much data having
very little knowledge. By using pattern recognition technologies and statistical and mathematical techniques
to sift through warehoused information, data mining
helps analysts recognize significant facts, relationships, trend, patterns, exceptions and anomalies. The
use of data mining can advance a companys position
by creating a sustainable competitive advantage. Data

warehousing and mining is the science of managing

and analyzing large datasets and discovering novel
patterns (Davenport & Harris, 2007; Wang, 2006;
Olafsson, 2006).
Data mining is taking off for several reasons: organizations are gathering more data about their businesses,
the enormous drop in storage costs, competitive business pressures, a desire to leverage existing information
technology investments, and the dramatic drop in the
cost/performance ratio of computer systems. Another
reason is the rise of data warehousing. In the past, it
was often necessary to gather the data, cleanse it, and
merge it. Now, in many cases, the data are already
sitting in a data warehouse ready to be used.
Over the last 40 years, the tools and techniques to
process data and information have continued to evolve
from data bases to data warehousing and further to data
mining. Data warehousing applications have become
business-critical. Data mining can compress even more
value out of these huge repositories of information.
Data mining is a multidisciplinary field covering a lot
of disciplines such as databases, statistics, artificial
intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning,
information theory, control theory, operations research,
information retrieval, data visualization, high-performance computing or parallel and distributed computing,
etc (Zhou, 2003; (Hand, Mannila, & Smyth, 2001).
Certainly, many statistical models had emerged a
long time ago. Machine learning has marked a milestone in the evolution of computer science. Although
data mining is still in its infancy, it is now being used
in a wide range of industries and for a range of tasks in
a variety of contexts (Wang, 2003; Lavoie, Dempsey,
& Connaway, 2006). Data mining is synonymous with
knowledge discovery in databases, knowledge extrac-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues

tion, data/pattern analysis, data archeology, data dredging, data snooping, data fishing, information harvesting,
and business intelligence (Han and Kamber, 2001).

Functionalities and Tasks
The common types of information that can be derived from data mining operations are associations,
sequences, classifications, clusters, and forecasting.
Associations happen when occurrences are linked in
a single event. One of the most popular association
applications deals with market basket analysis. This
technique incorporates the use of frequency and probability functions to estimate the percentage chance of
occurrences. Business strategists can leverage off of
market basket analysis by applying such techniques
as cross-selling and up-selling. In sequences, events
are linked over time. This is particularly applicable
in e-business for Website analysis.
Classification is probably the most common data
mining activity today. It recognizes patterns that
describe the group to which an item belongs. It does
this by examining existing items that already have
been classified and inferring a set of rules from them.
Clustering is related to classification, but differs in that
no groups have yet been defined. Using clustering,
the data-mining tool discovers different groupings
within the data. The resulting groups or clusters help
the end user make some sense out of vast amounts of
data (Kudyba, & Hoptroff, 2001). All of these applications may involve predictions. The fifth application
type, forecasting, is a different form of prediction. It
estimates the future value of continuous variables based
on patterns within the data.

Algorithms and Methodologies

Neural Networks
Also referred to as artificial intelligence (AI), neural
networks utilize predictive algorithms. This technology
has many similar characteristics to that of regression
because the application generally examines historical
data, and utilizes a functional form that best equates
explanatory variables and the target variable in a man-

ner that minimizes the error between what the model

had produced and what actually occurred in the past,
and then applies this function to future data. Neural
networks are a bit more complex as they incorporate
intensive program architectures in attempting to identify linear, non-linear and patterned relationships in
historical data.

Decision Trees
Megaputer (2006) mentioned that this method can be
applied for solution of classification tasks only. As
a result of applying this method to a training set, a
hierarchical structure of classifying rules of the type
ifthen is created. This structure has a form of
a tree. In order to decide to which class an object or a
situation should be assigned one has to answer questions located at the tree nodes, starting from the root.
Following this procedure one eventually comes to one
of the final nodes (called leaves), where the analyst
finds a conclusion to which class the considered object
should be assigned.

Genetic Algorithms (or Evolutionary

Genetic algorithms, biologically inspired search
method, borrow mechanisms of inheritance to find
solutions. Biological systems demonstrated flexibility,
robustness and efficiency. Many biological systems are
good at adapting to their environments. Some biological
methods (such as reproduction, crossover and mutation) can be used as an approach to computer-based
problem solving. An initial population of solutions is
created randomly. Only a fixed number of candidate
solutions are kept from one generation to the next. Those
solutions that are less fit tend to die off, similar to the
biological notion of survival of the fittest.

Regression Analysis
This technique involves specifying a functional form
that best describes the relationship between explanatory, driving or independent variables and the target
or dependent variable the decision maker is looking to
explain. Business analysts typically utilize regression to
identify the quantitative relationships that exist between
variables and enable them to forecast into the future.


Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues

Regression models also enable analysts to perform

what if or sensitivity analysis. Some examples include
how response rates change if a particular marketing
or promotional campaign is launched, or how certain
compensation policies affect employee performance
and many more.

Logistics Regression
Logistic regression should be used when you want to
predict the outcome of a dichotomous (e.g., yes/no)
variable. This method is used for data that is not normally distributed (bell-shaped curve) i.e., categorical
(coded) data. When a dependent variable can only have
one of two answers, such as will graduate or will
not graduate, you cannot get a normal distribution as
previously discussed.

Memory Based Reasoning (MBR) or the

Nearest Neighbor Method
To forecast a future situation, or to make a correct
decision, such systems find the closest past analogs
of the present situation and choose the same solution
which was the right one in those past situations. The
drawback of this application is that there is no guarantee
that resulting clusters provide any value to the end user.
Resulting clusters may just not make any sense with
regards to the overall business environment. Because
of limitations of this technique, no predictive, what if
or variable/target connection can be implemented.
The key differentiator between classification and
segmentation with that of regression and neural network
technology mentioned above is the inability of the former to perform sensitivity analysis or forecasting.

Applications and Benefits

Data mining can be used widely in science and business areas for analyzing databases, gathering data and
solving problems. In line with Berry and Linoff (2004),
the benefits data mining can provide for businesses are
limitless. Here are just a few examples:


Identify best prospects and then retain them as

By concentrating marketing efforts only on the best
prospects, companies will save time and money,

thus increasing effectiveness of their marketing

Predict cross-sell opportunities and make recommendations.
Both traditional and Web-based operations can
help customers quickly locate products of interest
to them and simultaneously increase the value of
each communication with the customers.
Learn parameters influencing trends in sales and
In the majority of cases we have no clue on what
combination of parameters influences operation
(black box). In these situations data mining is
the only real option.
Segment markets and personalize communications.
There might be distinct groups of customers,
patients, or natural phenomena that require different approaches in their handling.

The importance of collecting data that reflect specific

business or scientific activities to achieve competitive
advantage is widely recognized. Powerful systems for
collecting data and managing it in large databases are in
place in all large and mid-range companies. However,
the bottleneck of turning this data into information is
the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system
being studied from the collected data. Human analysts
without special tools can no longer make sense of
enormous volumes of data that require processing in
order to make informed business decisions (Kudyba
& Hoptroff, 2001).
The applications of data mining are everywhere:
from biomedical data (Hu and Xu, 2005) to mobile user
data (Goh and Taniar, 2005); from data warehousing
(Tjioe and Taniar, 2005) to intelligent web personalization (Zhou, Cheung, & Fong, 2005); from analyzing clinical outcome (Hu, Song, Han, Yoo, Prestrud,
Brennan, & Brooks, 2005) to mining crime patterns
(Bagui, 2006).

Potential Pitfalls
Data Quality
Data quality means the accuracy and completeness of
the data. Data quality is a versatile issue that represents one of the biggest challenges for data mining.

Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues

Data quality problem is of great importance due to

the emergence of large volumes of data. Many business and industrial applications critically rely on the
quality of information stored in diverse databases
and data warehouses. As Seifert (2004) emphasized
that data quality can be affected by the structure and
consistency of the data being analyzed. Other factors
like the presence of duplicate records, the lack of data
standards, the timeliness of updates and human errors
can significantly impact the effectiveness of complex
data mining techniques, which are sensitive to subtle
differences in data. To improve the quality of data it
is sometimes necessary to clean data by removing the
duplicate records, standardizing the values or symbols
used in the database to represent certain information,
accounting for missing data points, removing unneeded
data fields, identifying abnormal data points.

Interoperability refers to the ability of computer system
and/or data to work with other systems or data using
common standards or process. Until recently, some
government agencies elected not to gamble with any
level of open access and operated isolated information systems. But isolated data is in many ways useless data; bits of valuable information on the Sept.
11, 2001 hijackers activities may have been stored
in a variety of databases at the federal, state, and local government levels, but that information was not
colleted and available to those who needed to see it
to glimpse a complete picture of the growing threat.
So Seifert (2004) suggested that it is a critical part of
the larger efforts to improve interagency collaboration and information sharing. For public data mining,
interoperability of databases and software is important
to enable the search and analysis of multiple databases
simultaneously. This also ensures the compatibility of
data mining activities of different agencies.

This allows you to arrange customer information in
a consistent format. Among the biggest challenges
are inconsistent abbreviations, and misspellings and
variant spellings. Among the types of data that can be

appended are demographic, geographic, psychographic,

behavioristic, event-driven and computed. Matching
allows you to identify similar data within and across
your data sources. One of the greatest challenges of
matching is creating a system that incorporates your
business rules, or criteria for determining what
constitutes a match.

Preventing Decay
The worst enemy of information is time. And information decays at different rates (Berry & Linoff, 2004).
Cleaning your database is a large accomplishment, but
it will be short-lived if you fail to implement procedures
for keeping it clean at the source. According to the
second law of thermodynamics, ordered systems tend
to disorder, and a database is a very ordered system.
Contacts move. Companies grow. Knowledge workers
enter new customer information incorrectly.
Some information simply starts out wrong, result
of data input errors such as typos, transpositions,
omissions and other mistakes. These are often easy to
avoid. Finding ways to successfully implement these
new technologies into a comprehensive data quality
program not only increases the quality of your customer
information, but also saves time, reduces frustration,
improves customer relations, and ultimately increases
revenue. Without constant attention to quality, your
information quality will disintegrate.

No Generalizations to a Population
In statistics a population is defined, and then a sample
is collected to make inferences about the population.
This means that data cannot be re-used. They define a
model before looking at the data. Data mining does not
attempt generalizations to a population. The database
is considered as the population. With the computing
power of modern computers data miners can use the
whole database, making sampling redundant. Data can
be re-used. In data mining it is a common practice to
try hundreds of models and find the one that fits best.
This makes the interpretation of the significance difficult. Machine learning is the data mining equivalent
to regression. In machine learning we use a training set
to train the system to find the dependent variable.


Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues

Predictive Analysis
Augusta (2004) suggested that predictive analysis is one
of the major future trends for data mining. Rather than
being just about mining large amounts of data, predictive
analytics looks to actually understand the data content.
They hope to forecast based on the contents of the data.
However this requires complex programming and a
great amount of business acumen. They are looking to
do more than simply archive data, which is what data
mining is currently known for. They want to not just
process it, but understand it more clearly which will
in turn allow them to make better predictions about
future behavior. With predictive analytics you have the
program scour the data and try to form, or help form,
new hypotheses itself. This shows great promise, and
would be a boon for industries everywhere.

Diversity of Application Domains

Data mining and X phenomenon, as Tuzhilin (2006)
coined, where X constitutes a broad range of fields in
which data mining is used for analyzing the data. This
has resulted in a process of cross-fertilization of ideas
generated within this diverse population of researchers
interacting across the traditional boundaries of their
disciplines. The next generation of data mining applications covers a large number of different fields from
traditional businesses to advance scientific research.
Kantardzic & Zurada (2005) observed that with new
tools, methodologies, and infrastructure, this trend of
diversification will continue each year.

The emergence of new information technologies has
given us much more data and many more options how
to use it. Yet managing that flood of data, and making
it useful and available to decision makers has been a
major organizational challenge. Data mining allows
the extraction of diamonds of knowledge from huge
historical mines of data. It helps to predict outcomes
of future situations, to optimize business decisions, to
increase the value of each customer and communication, and to improve customer satisfaction.


The management of data requires understanding and

a skill set far beyond mere programming. Managing
data mining is a new revelation as analysts will have to
sift through more and more information daily due to the
ever increasing size of the Web and consumer purchases.
Data mining can have enormous rewards if properly
used. We have an unprecedented opportunity for the
future is we could avoid data minings pitfalls.

Augusta, L. (2004, August). The future of data mining predictive analytics. DM Review, 14 (8), 16-20, 37.
Bagui, S. (2006). An approach to mining crime patterns, International Journal of Data Warehousing and
Mining, Idea Group Inc., 2(1), 50-80.
Berry, M. J. A, & Linoff, G. S. (2004). Data mining
techniques: for marketing, sales, and customer relationship management. Wiley Publishers.
Davenport, T., & Harris, J. G. (2007). Competing on
analytics: The new science of winning. Harvard Business School Press.
Edelstein, H., & Millenson, J. (2003, December).
Data mining in depth: data mining and privacy. DM
Review. Retrieved September 27, 2007, from http://
Goh, J., and Taniar, D. (2005). Mining parallel patterns
from mobile users, International Journal of Business
Data Communications and Networking, 1(1), 50-76.
Han J, and Kamber, M. (2001). Data mining: concepts
and techniques. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann
Hand, D. J., Mannila, H. & Smyth, P. (2001, August).
Principles of data mining. The MIT Press.
Hu, X., Song, I-Y., Han, H., Yoo, I., Prestrud, A. A.,
Brennan, M.F., & Brooks, A. D. (2005). Temporal rule
induction for clinical outcome analysis, International
Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining,
Inderscience Publishers, 1(1), 122-136.
Hu, X., Xu, X (2005). Mining novel connections from
online biomedical text databases using semantic query
expansion and semantic-relationship pruning, Interna-

Data Mining Fundamental Concepts and Critical Issues

tional Journal of Web and Grid Services, Inderscience

Publishers, 1(2), 222-239.
Kantardzic, M. M., & Zurada, J. (Ed.) (2005). Next
generation of data-mining applications, IEEE Press,
Kudyba, S., & Hoptroff, R. (2001). Data mining and
business intelligence: a guide to productivity. Ideal
Group Publishing.
Lavoie, B., Dempsey, L., & Connaway, L. S. (2006).
Making data work harder. Library Journal, 131
(1), 40-43.
Megaputer. (2006). Data mining. Retrieved Sept. 27,
2007, from
Olafsson, S. (2006). Introduction to operations research
and data mining. Computers & Operations Research,
33 (11), 3067-3069.
Seiftert, J. (2004, December 16). Data mining: an overview. CRS Report for Congress. Retrieved September
27, 2007, from
Tjioe, H.C. and Taniar, D. (2005). Mining association
rules in data warehouses, International Journal of Data
Warehousing and Mining, 1(3), 28-62.
Tuzhilin, A. (2006). Foreword. In Wang, J. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of data warehousing and mining (2 Volumes),
First Edition. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Reference.
Wang, J. (Ed.) (2006). Encyclopedia of data warehousing and mining (2 Volumes), First Edition. Hershey,
PA: Idea Group Reference.
Wang, J. (2003). Data mining: opportunities and challenges, Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Zhou, B., Cheung, S., and Fong, A. C. M. (2005). A Web
usage lattice based mining approach for intelligent Web
personalization, International Journal of Web Information Systems, Troubador Publishing, UK, 1(3).
Zhou, Z. (2003). Three perspectives of data mining.
Artificial Intelligence, 14, 139-146.

Data Mining: The process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns. Data mining is a
fairly recent and contemporary topic in computing.
Data Visualization: A technology for helping users
to see patterns and relationships in large amounts of
data by presenting the data in graphical form.
Explanatory Variables: Used interchangeably
and refer to those variables that explain the variation
of a particular target variable. Also called driving, or
descriptive, or independent variables.
Information Quality Decay: Quality of some
data goes down when facts about real world objects
change over time, but those facts are not updated in
the database.
Information Retrieval: The art and science of
searching for information in documents, searching for
documents themselves, searching for metadata which
describe documents, or searching within databases,
whether relational stand-alone databases or hypertext
networked databases such as the Internet or intranets,
for text, sound, images or data.
Machine Learning: Concerned with the development of algorithms and techniques, which allow
computers to learn.
Neural Networks: Also referred to as artificial intelligence (AI), which utilizes predictive algorithms.
Pattern Recognition: The act of taking in raw data
and taking an action based on the category of the data.
It is a field within the area of machine learning.
Predictive Analysis: Use of data mining techniques,
historical data, and assumptions about future conditions
to predict outcomes of events.
Segmentation: Another major group that comprises
the world of data mining involving technology that
identifies not only statistically significant relationships between explanatory and target variables, but
determines noteworthy segments within variable categories that illustrate prevalent impacts on the target



Data Warehousing Development and Design

James Yao
Montclair State University, USA
John Wang
Montclair State University, USA

Information systems were developed in early 1960s to
process orders, billings, inventory controls, payrolls,
and accounts payables. Soon information systems
research began. Harry Stern started the Information
Systems in Management Science column in Management Science journal to provide a forum for discussion
beyond just research papers (Banker & Kauffman,
2004). Ackoff (1967) led the earliest research on management information systems for decision-making purposes and published it in Management Science. Gorry
and Scott Morton (1971) first used the term decision
support systems (DSS) in a paper and constructed a
framework for improving management information
systems. The topics on information systems and DSS
research diversifies. One of the major topics has been
on how to get systems design right.
As an active component of DSS, which is part of
todays business intelligence systems, data warehousing became one of the most important developments
in the information systems field during the mid-to-late
1990s. Since business environment has become more
global, competitive, complex, and volatile, customer
relationship management (CRM) and e-commerce initiatives are creating requirements for large, integrated
data repositories and advanced analytical capabilities. By using a data warehouse, companies can make
decisions about customer-specific strategies such as
customer profiling, customer segmentation, and crossselling analysis (Cunningham et al., 2006). Thus how
to design and develop a data warehouse have become
important issues for information systems designers
and developers.
This paper presents some of the currently discussed development and design methodologies in data
warehousing, such as the multidimensional model vs.
relational ER model, CIF vs. multidimensional meth-

odologies, data-driven vs. metric-driven approaches,

top-down vs. bottom-up design approaches, data partitioning and parallel processing.

Data warehouse design is a lengthy, time-consuming,
and costly process. Any wrongly calculated step can
lead to a failure. Therefore, researchers have placed
important efforts to the study of design and development related issues and methodologies.
Data modeling for a data warehouse is different from
operational database data modeling. An operational
system, e.g., online transaction processing (OLTP), is a
system that is used to run a business in real time, based
on current data. An OLTP system usually adopts Entityrelationship (ER) modeling and application-oriented
database design (Han & Kamber, 2006). An information
system, like a data warehouse, is designed to support
decision making based on historical point-in-time and
prediction data for complex queries or data mining
applications (Hoffer, et al., 2007). A data warehouse
schema is viewed as a dimensional model (Ahmad et
al., 2004, Han & Kamber, 2006; Levene & Loizou,
2003). It typically adopts either a star or snowflake
schema and a subject-oriented database design (Han &
Kamber, 2006). The schema design is the most critical
to the design of a data warehouse.
Many approaches and methodologies have been
proposed in the design and development of data
warehouses. Two major data warehouse design methodologies have been paid more attention. Inmon et al.
(2000) proposed the Corporate Information Factory
(CIF) architecture. This architecture, in the design of
the atomic-level data marts, uses denormalized entityrelationship diagram (ERD) schema. Kimball (1996,
1997) proposed multidimensional (MD) architecture.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

This architecture uses star schema at atomic-level data

marts. Which architecture should an enterprise follow?
Is one better than the other?
Currently, the most popular data model for data
warehouse design is the dimensional model (Han &
Kamber, 2006; Bellatreche, 2006). Some researchers
call this model the data-driven design model. Artz
(2006), nevertheless, advocates the metric-driven
model, which, as another view of data warehouse
design, begins by identifying key business processes
that need to be measured and tracked over time in order
for the organization to function more efficiently. There
has always been the issue of top-down vs. bottom-up
approaches in the design of information systems. The
same is with a data warehouse design. These have been
puzzling questions for business intelligent architects and
data warehouse designers and developers. The next section will extend the discussion on issues related to data
warehouse design and development methodologies.


Data Warehouse Data Modeling
Database design is typically divided into a four-stage
process (Raisinghani, 2000). After requirements are
collected, conceptual design, logical design, and physical design follow. Of the four stages, logical design
is the key focal point of the database design process
and most critical to the design of a database. In terms
of an OLTP system design, it usually adopts an ER
data model and an application-oriented database design (Han & Kamber, 2006). The majority of modern
enterprise information systems are built using the ER
model (Raisinghani, 2000). The ER data model is
commonly used in relational database design, where
a database schema consists of a set of entities and the
relationship between them. The ER model is used to
demonstrate detailed relationships between the data
elements. It focuses on removing redundancy of data
elements in the database. The schema is a database
design containing the logic and showing relationships
between the data organized in different relations (Ahmad
et al., 2004). Conversely, a data warehouse requires a
concise, subject-oriented schema that facilitates online
data analysis. A data warehouse schema is viewed as a
dimensional model which is composed of a central fact

table and a set of surrounding dimension tables, each

corresponding to one of the components or dimensions
of the fact table (Levene & Loizou, 2003). Dimensional
models are oriented toward a specific business process
or subject. This approach keeps the data elements associated with the business process only one join away.
The most popular data model for a data warehouse is
multidimensional model. Such a model can exist in
the form of a star schema, a snowflake schema, or a
starflake schema.
The star schema (see Figure 1) is the simplest database structure containing a fact table in the center, no
redundancy, which is surrounded by a set of smaller
dimension tables (Ahmad et al., 2004; Han & Kamber,
2006). The fact table is connected with the dimension
tables using many-to-one relationships to ensure their
hierarchy. The star schema can provide fast response
time allowing database optimizers to work with simple
database structures in order to yield better execution
The snowflake schema (see Figure 2) is a variation
of the star schema model, in which all dimensional
information is stored in the third normal form, thereby
further splitting the data into additional tables, while
keeping fact table structure the same. To take care of
hierarchy, the dimension tables are connected with
sub-dimension tables using many-to-one relationships.
The resulting schema graph forms a shape similar to a
snowflake (Ahmad et al., 2004; Han & Kamber, 2006).
The snowflake schema can reduce redundancy and save
storage space. However, it can also reduce the effectiveness of browsing and the system performance may be
adversely impacted. Hence, the snowflake schema is
not as popular as star schema in data warehouse design
(Han & Kamber, 2006). In general, the star schema
requires greater storage, but it is faster to process than
the snowflake schema (Kroenke, 2004).
The starflake schema (Ahmad et al., 2004), also
called galaxy schema or fact constellation schema
(Han & Kamber, 2006), is a combination of the denormalized star schema and the normalized snowflake
schema (see Figure 3). The starflake schema is used in
situations where it is difficult to restructure all entities
into a set of distinct dimensions. It allows a degree
of crossover between dimensions to answer distinct
queries (Ahmad et al., 2004). Figure 3 illustrates the
starflake schema.
What needs to be differentiated is that the three
schemas are normally adopted according to the differ425

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

Figure 1. Example of a star schema (adapted from Kroenke, 2004)



C us tom erID
N am e
A reaC ode
Loc alN um ber
S treet
C ity
S tate
Z ip

S ales pers onID

N am e
P hone
H ireD ate


P urc has eD ate
S ales P ric e
C us tom erID
A s k ingP ric e
S ales pers onID
A rtD ealerID

A rtdealerID
C om pany N am e
C ity
S tate
C ountry

W ork ID
A rtis tID
T itle
C opy
D es c ription

Figure 2. Example of a snowflake schema (adapted from Kroenke, 2004)



C us tom erID
N am e
A reaC ode
Loc alN um ber
S treet
C ity
S tate
Z ip

S ales pers onID

N am e
P hone
H ireD ate

A rtdealerID
C om pany N am e
C ity
S tate
C ountry

P urc has eD ate
S ales P ric e
C us tom erID
A s k ingP ric e
S ales pers onID
A rtD ealerID

G enreID
G enre
D es c ription
E ra

ences of design requirements. A data warehouse collects

information about subjects that span the entire organization, such as customers, items, sales, etc. Its scope
is enterprise-wide (Han & Kamber, 2006). Starflake
schema can model multiple and interrelated subjects.
Therefore, it is usually used to model an enterprisewide data warehouse. A data mart, on the other hand,
is similar to a data warehouse but limits its focus to



A rtis tID
A rtis tN am e
N ationality
B irthdate
D ec eas eddate

W ork ID
A rtis tID
T itle
C opy
D es c ription

a department subject of the data warehouse. Its scope

is department-wide. The star schema and snowflake
schema are geared towards modeling single subjects.
Consequently, the star schema or snowflake schema
is commonly used for a data mart modeling, although
the star schema is more popular and efficient (Han &
Kamber, 2006).

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

Figure 3. Example of a starflake schema (galaxy schema or fact constellation) (adapted from Han & Kamber,





T im e _k ey
D ay
D ay _of_ w eek
M onth
Q uarter
Y ear

T im e_ k ey
Item _k ey
B ranc h _k ey
Loc ation _ k ey
D ollars _ s old
U nits_ s old

Item _ k ey
Item _ nam e
B rand
T y pe
S upplier _ ty pe

Item _k ey
T im e _k ey
S hipper _k ey
F rom _ loc ation
T o _loc ation
D ollars _c os t
U nits_ s hipped

S hipper _k ey
S hipper _nam e
Loc ation _k ey
S hipper _ty pe



B ranc h _k ey
B ranc h _nam e
B ranc h _ty pe

Loc ation _k ey
S treet
C ity
P rov inc e _ or _s tate
C ountry

CIF vs. Multidimensional

Two major design methodologies have been paid
more attention in the design and development of data
warehouses. Kimball (1996, 1997) proposed multidimensional (MD) architecture. Inmon, Galemmco, and
Geiger (2000) proposed the Corporate Information
Factory (CIF) architecture. Imhoff et al. (2004) made a
comparison between the two by using important criteria,
such as scope, perspective, data flow, etc. One of the
most significant differences between the CIF and MD
architectures is the definition of data mart. For MD
architecture, the design of the atomic-level data marts
is significantly different from the design of the CIF data
warehouse, while its aggregated data mart schema is
approximately the same as the data mart in the CIF architecture. MD architecture uses star schemas, whereas
CIF architecture uses denormalized ERD schema. This
data modeling difference constitutes the main design
difference in the two architectures (Imhoff et al., 2004).
A data warehouse may need both types of data marts
in the data warehouse bus architecture depending on
the business requirements. Unlike the CIF architecture,
there is no physical repository equivalent to the data
warehouse in the MD architecture.
The design of the two data marts is predominately
multidimensional for both architecture, but the CIF
architecture is not limited to just this design and can support a much broader set of data mart design techniques.
In terms of scope, both architectures deal with enterprise
scope and business unit scope, with CIF architecture
putting a higher priority on enterprise scope and MD

architecture placing a higher priority on business unit

scope. Imhoff et al. (2004) encourage the application
of a combination of the data modeling techniques in
the two architectural approaches, namely, the ERD or
normalization techniques for the data warehouse and
the star schema data model for multidimensional data
marts. A CIF architecture with only a data warehouse
and no multidimensional marts is almost useless and
a multidimensional data-mart-only environment risks
the lack of an enterprise integration and support for
other forms of business intelligence analyses.

Data-Driven vs. Metric-Driven

Currently, the most popular data model for data warehouse design is the dimensional model (Han & Kamber,
2006; Bellatreche, 2006). In this model, data from
OLTP systems are collected to populated dimensional
model. Researchers term a data warehouse design
based on this model as a data-driven design model
since the information acquisition processes in the data
warehouse are driven by the data made available in the
underlying operational information systems. Another
view of data warehouse design is called the metricdriven view (Artz, 2006), which begins by identifying key business processes that need to be measured
and tracked over time in order for the organization to
function more efficiently. Advantages of data-driven
model include that it is more concrete, evolutionary,
and uses derived summary data. Yet the information
generated from the data warehouse may be meaningless to the user owing to the fact that the nature of the

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

derived summary data from OLTP systems may not be

clear. The metric-driven design approach, on the other
hand, begins first by defining key business processes
that need to be measured and tracked over time. After
these key business processed are identified, then they are
modeled in a dimensional data model. Further analysis
follows to determine how the dimensional model will
be populated (Artz, 2006).
According to Artz (2006), data-driven model to a
data warehouse design has little future since information derived from a data-driven model is information
about the data set. Metric-driven model, conversely,
is possibly to have some key impacts and implications
because information derived from a metric-driven
model is information about the organization. Datadriven approach is dominating data warehouse design
in organizations at present. Metric-driven, on the other
hand, is at its research stage, needing practical application testimony of its speculated potentially dramatic

Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up

There are two approaches in general to building a data
warehouse prior to the data warehouse construction
commencement, including data marts: the top-down
approach and bottom-up approach (Han & Kamber,
2006; Imhoff et al., 2004; Marakas, 2003). Top-down
approach starts with a big picture of the overall, enterprise-wide design. The data warehouse to be built
is large and integrated, with a focus on integrating the
enterprise data for usage in any data mart from the very
first project (Imhoff et al., 2004). It implies a strategic
rather than an operational perspective of the data. It
serves as the proper alignment of an organizations
information systems with its business goals and objectives (Marakas, 2003). However, this approach is risky
(Ponniah, 2001). In contrast, a bottom-up approach is
to design the warehouse with business-unit needs for
operational systems. It starts with experiments and
prototypes (Han & Kamber, 2006). With bottom-up,
departmental data marts are built first one by one. It
offers faster and easier implementation, favorable return on investment, and less risk of failure, but with a
drawback of data fragmentation and redundancy. The
focus of bottom-up approach is to meet unit-specific
needs with minimum regards to the overall enterprisewide data requirements (Imhoff et al, 2004).


An alternative to the above-discussed two approaches is to use a combined approached (Han &
Kamber, 2006), with which an organization can exploit
the planned and strategic nature of the top-down approach while retaining the rapid implementation and
opportunistic application of the bottom-up approach
(p. 129), when such an approach is necessitated in the
undergoing organizational and business scenarios.

Data Partitioning and Parallel

Data partitioning is the process of decomposing large
tables (fact tables, materialized views, indexes) into
multiple small tables by applying the selection operators (Bellatreche, 2006). A good partitioning scheme
is an essential part of designing a database that will
benefit from parallelism (Singh, 1998). With a well
performed partitioning, significant improvements in
availability, administration, and table scan performance
can be achieved.
Parallel processing is based on a parallel database,
in which multiprocessors are in place. Parallel databases link multiple smaller machines to achieve the
same throughput as a single, larger machine, often with
greater scalability and reliability than single processor databases (Singh, 1998). In a context of relational
online analytical processing (ROLAP), by partitioning
data of ROLAP schema (star schema or snowflake
schema) among a set of processors, OLAP queries
can be executed in a parallel, potentially achieving a
linear speedup and thus significantly improving query
response time (Datta et al., 1998; Tan, 2006). Given the
size of contemporary data warehousing repositories,
multiprocessor solutions are crucial for the massive
computational demands for current and future OLAP
system (Dehne et al., 2006). The assumption of most of
the fast computation algorithms is that their algorithms
can be applied into the parallel processing system
(Dehne, 2006; Tan, 2006). As a result, it is sometimes
necessary to use parallel processing for data mining
because large amounts of data and massive search efforts are involved in data mining (Turban et al., 2005).
Therefore, data partitioning and parallel processing are
two complementary techniques to achieve the reduction
of query processing cost in data warehousing design
and development (Bellatreche, 2006).

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

Currently, data warehousing is largely applied in customer relationship management (CRM). However, there
are up to date no agreed upon standardized rules for
how to design a data warehouse to support CRM and a
taxonomy of CRM analyses needs to be developed to
determine factors that affect design decisions for CRM
data warehouse (Cunningham et al., 2006).
In data modeling area, to develop a more general
solution for modeling data warehouse current ER model
and dimensional model need to be extended to the next
level to combine the simplicity of the dimensional model
and the efficiency of the ER model with the support of
object oriented concepts.

Several data warehousing development and design
methodologies have been reviewed and discussed.
Data warehouse data model differentiates itself from
ER model with an orientation toward specific business purposes. It benefits an enterprise greater if the
CIF and MD architectures are both considered in the
design of a data warehouse. Some of the methodologies
have been practiced in the real world and accepted by
todays businesses. Yet new challenging methodologies,
particularly in data modeling and models for physical
data warehousing design, such as the metric-driven
methodology, need to be further researched and developed.


Banker, R.D., & Kauffman, R.J. (2004, March). The

evolution of research on information systems: A fiftiethyear survey of the literature in Management Science.
Management Science, 50(3), 281-298.
Bellatreche, L., & Mohania, M. (2006). Physical data
warehousing design. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Data Warehousing and Mining (Vol. 2, pp. 906-911).
Hershey, PA: Idea Group References.
Bellatreche, L., Schneider, M., Mohania, M., & Bhargava, B. (2002). PartJoin: An efficient storage and query
execution for data warehouses. Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Data Warehousing and
Knowledge Discovery (DAWAK02), 109-132.
Cunningham, C., Song, I., & Chen, P.P. (2006, AprilJune). Data warehouse design to support customer
relationship management analyses. Journal of Database
Management, 17(2), 62-84.
Datta, A., Moon, B., & Thomas, H. (1998). A case for
parallelism in data warehousing and OLAP. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Database and
Expert Systems Applications (DEXA98), 226-231.
Dehne, F., Eavis, T., & Rau-Chaplin, A. (2006). The
cgmCUBE project: Optimizing parallel data cube
generation for ROLAP. Distrib. Parallel Databases,
19, 29-62.
Gorry, G.A., & Scott Morton, M.S. (1971). A framework
for management information systems. Sloan Management Review, 13(1), 1-22.
Han, J., & Kamber, M. (2006). Data mining: Concepts
and techniques (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Morgan
Kaufmann Publisher.

Ackoff, R.I. (1967). Management misinformation

systems. Management Science, 14(4), 147-156.

Hand, D., Mannila, H., & Smyth, P. (2001). Principles

of data mining. Cambridge Massachusetts: The MIT

Ahmad, I., Azhar, S., & Lukauskis, P. (2004). Development of a decision support system using data warehousing to assist builders/developers in site selection.
Automation in Construction, 13, 525-542.

Hoffer, J.A., Prescott, M.B., & McFadden, F.R. (2007).

Modern database management (8th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Artz, J. M. (2006). Data driven vs. metric driven data

warehouse design. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Data Warehousing and Mining (Vol. 1, pp. 223-227).
Hershey, PA: Idea Group References.

Imhoff, C., Galemmco, M., & Geiger, J.G. (2004).

Comparing two data warehouse methodologies. (Database and network intelligence). Database and Network
Journal, 34(3), 3-9.
Inmon, W.H., Terdeman, R.H., & Imhoff, C. (2000).
Exploration warehousing: Turning business informa429

Data Warehousing Development and Design Methodologies

tion into business opportunity. NY: John Wiley &

Sons, Inc.
Kimball, R. (1996). The data warehouse toolkit:
Practical techniques for building dimensional data
warehouses. NY: John Wiley & Sons.
Kimball, R. (1997, August). A dimensional modeling
manifesto. DBMS, 10(9), 58-70.
Kroenke, D.M. (2004). Database processing: Fundamentals, design and implementation (9th ed.). Saddle
River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Levene, M., & Loizou, G. (2003). Why is the snowflake
schema a good data warehouse design? Information
Systems, 28(3), 225-240.
Marakas, G.M. (2003). Modern data warehousing,
mining, and visualization: Core concepts. Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
Ponniah, P. (2001). Data warehousing fundamentals: A
comprehensive guide for IT professionals. New York:
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Raisinghani, M.S. (2000). Adapting data modeling
techniques for data warehouse design. Journal of
Computer Information Systems, 4(3), 73-77.
Singh, H.S. (1998). Data warehousing: Concepts,
technologies, implementations, and management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.S
Tan, R.B. (2006). Online analytical processing systems.
In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing
and Mining (Vol. 2, pp. 876-884). Hershey, PA: Idea
Group References.


Dimensions: They are the perspectives or entities
with respect to which an organization wants to keep
records (Han & Kamber, 2006, p. 110).
Dimensional Model: A model containing a central
fact table and a set of surrounding dimension tables,
each corresponding to one of the components or dimensions of the fact table.
Entity-Relationship Data Model: A model that
represents database schema as a set of entities and the
relationships among them.
Fact Table: The central table in a star schema,
containing the names of the facts, or measures, as well
as keys to each of the related dimension tables.
Metric-Drive Design: A data warehousing design
approach which begins by defining key business processes that need to be measured and tracked over time.
Then they are modeled in a dimensional model.
Parallel Processing: The allocation of the operating systems processing load across several processors
(Singh, 1998, p. 209).
Star Schema: A modeling diagram which contains
a large central table (fact table) and a set of smaller
attendant tables (dimension tables) each represented
by only one table with a set of attributes.


Decision Making in Intelligent Agents

Mats Danielson
Stockholm University, Sweden & Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Love Ekenberg
Stockholm University, Sweden & Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden



There are several ways of building complex distributed

software systems, for example in the form of software
agents. But regardless of the form, there are some common problems having to do with specification contra
execution. One of the problems is the inherent dynamics in the environment many systems are exposed to.
The properties of the environment are not known with
any precision at the time of construction. This renders
a specification of the system incomplete by definition. A traditional software agent is only prepared
to handle situations conceived of and implemented at
compile-time. Even though it can operate in varying
contexts, its decision making abilities are static. One
remedy is to prepare the distributed components for a
truly dynamic environment, i.e. an environment with
changing and somewhat unpredictable conditions. A
rational software agent needs both a representation
of a decision problem at hand and means for evaluation. AI has traditionally addressed some parts of this
problem such as representation and reasoning, but
has hitherto to a lesser degree addressed the decision
making abilities of independent distributed software
components (Ekenberg, 2000a, 2000b). Such decision
making often has to be carried out under severe uncertainty regarding several parameters. Thus, methods
for independent decision making components should
be able to handle uncertainties on the probabilities and
utilities involved. They have mostly been studied as
means of representation, but are now being developed
into functional theories of decision making suitable for
dynamic use by software agents and other dynamic
distributed components. Such a functional theory will
also benefit analytical decision support systems intended
to aid humans in their decision making. Thus, the generic term agent below stands for a dynamic software
component as well as a human or a group of humans
assisted by intelligent software.

Ramsey (1926/78) was the first to suggest a theory that

integrated ideas on subjective probability and utility
in presenting (informally) a general set of axioms for
preference comparisons between acts with uncertain
outcomes (probabilistic decisions). von Neumann and
Morgenstern (1947) established the foundations for a
modern theory of utility. They stated a set of axioms
that they deemed reasonable to a rational decisionmaker (such as an agent), and demonstrated that the
agent should prefer the alternative with the highest
expected utility, given that she acted in accordance
with the axioms. This is the principle of maximizing
the expected utility. Savage (1954/72) published a
thorough treatment of a complete theory of subjective
expected utility. Savage, von Neumann, and others
structured decision analysis by proposing reasonable
principles governing decisions and by constructing a
theory out of them. In other words, they (and later many
others) formulated a set of axioms meant to justify their
particular attitude towards the utility principle, cf., e.g.,
Herstein and Milnor (1953), Suppes (1956), Jeffrey
(1965/83), and Luce and Krantz (1971). In classical
decision analysis, of the types suggested by Savage
and others, a widespread opinion is that utility theory
captures the concept of rationality.
After Raiffa (1968), probabilistic decision models
are nowadays often given a tree representation (see Fig.
1). A decision tree consists of a root, representing a
decision, a set of event nodes, representing some kind
of uncertainty and consequence nodes, representing
possible final outcomes. In the figure, the decision is
a square, the events are circles, and final consequences
are triangles. Events unfold from left to right, until final
consequences are reached. There may also be more than
one decision to make, in which case the sub-decisions
are made before the main decision.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Decision Making in Intelligent Agents

Figure 1. Decision tree

In decision trees, probability distributions are assigned in the form of weights (numbers) in the probability nodes as measures of the uncertainties involved.
Obviously, such a numerically precise approach puts
heavy demands on the input capability of the agent.
The shortcomings of this representation are many,
and have to be compensated for, see, e.g., (Ekenberg,
2000a). Among other things, the question has been
raised whether people are capable of providing the
input information that utility theory requires (cf., e.g.,
(Fischhoff et al., 1983)). For instance, most people
cannot clearly distinguish between probabilities ranging roughly from 0.3 to 0.7 (Shapira, 1995). Similar
problems arise in the case of artificial agents, since
utility-based artificial agents usually base their reasoning on human assessments, for instance in the form of
induced preference functions. The so-called reactive
agents, for which this does not hold true, have not been
put to use in dynamic domains involving uncertainty
(cf., e.g., (Russell & Norvig, 1995)). Furthermore,
even if an agent would be able to discriminate between
different probabilities, very often complete, adequate,
and precise information is missing.
Consequently, during recent years of rather intense
research activities several alternative approaches have
emerged. In particular, first-order approaches, i.e., based
on sets of probability measures, upper and lower probabilities, and interval probabilities, have prevailed.
A main class of such models has been focused on
expressing probabilities in terms of intervals. In 1953,
the concept of capacities was introduced (Choquet,
1953/54). This representation approach was further

developed in (Huber, 1973, Huber & Strassen, 1973).

Capacities have subsequently been used for modelling
imprecise probabilities as intervals (capacities of order
2 (Denneberg, 1994)). Since the beginning of the 1960s
the use of first-order (interval-valued) probability functions, by means of classes of probability measures, has
been integrated in classical probability theory by, e.g.,
Smith (1961) and Good (1962). Similarly, Dempster
(1967) investigated a framework for modelling upper
and lower probabilities, which was further developed
by Shafer (1976), where a representation of belief in
states or events was provided. Within the AI community
the Dempster-Shafer approach has received a good
deal of attention. However, their formalism seems to
be too strong to be an adequate representation of belief
(Weichselberger & Phlman, 1990).
Other representations in terms of upper and lower
probabilities have been proposed by, i.a., Hodges and
Lehmann (1952), Hurwicz (1951), Wald (1950), Kyburg
(1961), Levi (1974, 1980), Walley (1991), Danielson
and Ekenberg (1998, 2007), and Ekenberg et al. (2001).
Upper and lower previsions have also been investigated
by various authors. For instance, Shafer et al. (2003)
suggests a theory for how to understand subjective
probability estimates based on Walley (1991). A few
approaches have also been based on logic, e.g., Nilsson
(1986). He develops methods for dealing with sentences
involving upper and lower probabilities. This kind of
approaches has been pursued further by, among others,
Wilson (1999).

Decision Making in Intelligent Agents

A common characteristic of the first-order representations above is that they typically do not include all of
the strong axioms of probability theory and thus they do
not require an agent to model and evaluate a decision
situation using precise probability (and, in some cases,
value) estimates. An advantage of representations using
upper and lower probabilities is that they do not require
taking probability distributions into consideration.
On the other hand, it is then often difficult to devise a
reasonable decision rule that finds an admissible alternative out of a set of alternatives and at the same time
fully reflects the intensions of an agent (or its owner).
Since the probabilities and values are represented by
intervals, the expected value range of an alternative will
also be an interval. In effect, the procedure retains all
alternatives with overlapping expected utility intervals,
even if the overlap is very small. Furthermore, they do
not admit for discrimination between different beliefs
in different values within the intervals.
All of these representations face the same tradeoff. Zero-order approaches (i.e. fixed numbers representing probability and utility assessments) require
unreasonable precision in the representation of input
data. Even though the evaluation and discrimination
between alternatives becomes simple, the results are
often not a good representative of the problem and
sensitivity analyses are hard to carry out for more than
a few parameters at a time. First-order approaches
(e.g. intervals) offer a remedy to the representation
problem by allowing imprecision in the representation
of probability and utility assessments such as intervals,
reflecting the uncertainty inherent in most real-life decision problems faced by agents. But this permissibility
opens up a can of worms in the sense that evaluation
and discrimination becomes much harder because of
overlap in the evaluation results of different options
for the agent, i.e. the worst case for one alternative is
no better than the best case for another alternative or
vice versa, rendering a total ranking order between the
alternatives impossible to achieve. The trade-off between realistic representation and discriminative power
has not been solved within the above paradigms. For
a solution, one must look at second-order approaches
allowing both imprecision in representation and power
of admissible discrimination.
Approaches for extending the interval representation using distributions over classes of probability

and value measures have been developed into various

hierarchical models, such as second-order probability
theory (Grdenfors & Sahlin, 1982, 1983, Ekenberg &
Thorbirnson, 2001, Ekenberg et al., 2005). Grdenfors
and Sahlin consider global distributions of beliefs,
but restrict themselves to interval representations and
only to probabilities, not utilities. Other limitations
are that they neither investigate the relation between
global and local distributions, nor do they introduce
methods for determining the consistency of user-asserted sentences. The same applies to Hodges and
Lehmann (1952), Hurwicz (1951), and Wald (1950).
Some more specialized approaches have recently been
suggested, such as (Jaffray, 1999), (Nau, 2002), and
(Utkin & Augustin, 2003). In general, very few have
addressed the problems of computational complexity when solving decision problems involving such
estimates. Needless to say, it is important in dynamic
agents to be able to determine, in a reasonably short
time, how various evaluative principles rank the given
options in a decision situation.
Ekenberg et al. (2006) and Danielson et al. (2007)
provide a framework for how second-order representation can be systematically utilized to put belief
information into use in order to efficiently discriminate
between alternatives that evaluate into overlapping
expected utility intervals when using first-order interval
evaluations. The belief information is in the form of
a joint belief distribution, specified as marginal belief
distributions projected on each parameter. It is shown
that regardless of the form of belief distributions over
the originating intervals, the distributions resulting
from multiplications and additions have forms very
different from their components. This warp of resulting belief demonstrates that analyses using only firstorder information such as upper and lower bounds are
not taking all available information into account. The
method is based on the agents belief in different parts
of the intervals, expressed or implied, being taken into
consideration. It can be said to represent the beliefs in
various sub-parts of the feasible intervals. As a result,
total lack of overlap is not required for successful discrimination between alternatives. Rather, an overlap by
interval parts carrying little belief mass, i.e. representing
a small part of the agents belief, is allowed. Then, the
non-overlapping parts can be thought of as being the
core of the agents appreciation of the decision situation, thus allowing discrimination.


Decision Making in Intelligent Agents

There are essentially three ways of evaluating (i.e.

making a decision in) a second-order agent decision
problem. The first way (centroid analysis) is to use
the centroid as the best single-point representative of
the distributions. The centroid is additive and multiplicative. Thus, the centroid of the distribution of
expected utility is the expected utility of the centroids
of the projections. A centroid analysis gives a good
overview of a decision situation. The second way
(contraction analysis) is to use the centroid as a focal
point (contraction point) towards which the intervals
are decreased while studying the overlap in first-order
expected utility intervals. The third way (distribution
analysis) is more elaborated, involving the analysis
of the resulting distributions of expected utility and
calculating the fraction of belief overlapping between
alternatives being evaluated.

Second-order methods are not just nice theories, but

should be taken into account to provide efficient decision methods for agents, in particular when handling
aggregations of imprecise representations as is the case
in decision trees or probabilistic networks.


Danielson, M., Ekenberg, L., & Larsson, A. (2007).

Belief Distribution in Decision Trees, to appear in
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, DOI

During recent years, the activities within the area of

imprecise probabilities have increased substantially
(IPP) and special conferences (ISIPTA) and journals
(IJAR) are now dedicated to this theme. Second-order
theories will in the future be fully developed into functional theories of decision making suitable for dynamic
use by distributed software components. Algorithms for
the efficient evaluation by agents using at least the first
two ways of analyses above will be developed.

In this article, we discuss various approaches to probabilistic decision making in agents. We point out that
theories incorporating second-order belief can provide
more powerful discrimination to the agent (software
agent or human being) when handling aggregations of
interval representations, such as in decision trees or
probabilistic networks, and that interval estimates (upper and lower bounds) in themselves are not complete.
This applies to all kinds of decision trees and probabilistic networks since they all use multiplications for
the evaluations. The key idea is to use the information
available in efficient evaluation of decision structures.
Using only interval estimates often does not provide
enough discrimination power for the agent to generate a preference order among alternatives considered.

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outcomes. Usually, probability distributions are assigned in the form of weights in the probability nodes
as measures of the uncertainties involved.
Expected Value: Given a decision tree with r alternatives Ai for i = 1,,r, the expression
E(Ai) =


p p
i1 =1

ii 1

ii 1 i 2

i2 =1



im1 =1

im =1

... pii 1 i 2 ...i m2 i m1 pii 1 i 2 ...i m2 i m1 i m vii 1 i 2 ...i m2 i m1 i m 1

where p...i ... , j (1,,m), denote probability variables

and v...i ...1 denote value variables, is the expected value
of alternative Ai.

Joint Belief Distribution: Let a unit cube be represented by B = (b1 ,..., bk ) . By a joint belief distribution
over B, we mean a positive distribution F defined on
the unit cube B such that

Wilson, N. (1999). A Logic of Extended Probability,

Proceedings of ISIPTA99.

F ( x)dV


where VB is some k-dimensional Lebesque measure

on B.

Admissible Alternative: Given a decision tree and

two alternatives Ai and Aj, Ai is at least as good as Aj iff
E(Ai) E(Aj) > 0, where E(Ai) is the expected value of
Ai, for all consistent variable assignments for the probabilities and values. Ai is better than Aj iff Ai is at least
as good as Aj and E(Ai) E(Aj) > 0 for some consistent
variable assignments for the probabilities and values.
Ai is admissible iff no other Aj is better.
Centroid: Given a belief distribution F over a cube
B, the centroid Fc of F is

Fc = xF ( x)dVB ( x),

B ( x)

= 1,

Marginal Belief Distribution: Let a unit cube:

B = (b1,...,bk) and F BD(B) be given. Furthermore,

let Bi = (b1 ,..., bi 1 , bi +1 ,..., bk ) . Then

fi ( xi ) =

F ( x)dV



( x)

is a marginal belief distribution over the axis bi.

Projection: Let B = (b1,...,bk) and A = (bi ,...,bi ):

ij {1,...k} be unit cubes. Furthermore, let F BD(B),

and let

where VB is some k-dimensional Lebesque measure

on B.
Decision Tree: A decision tree consists of a root
node, representing a decision, a set of intermediate
(event) nodes, representing some kind of uncertainty
and consequence nodes, representing possible final

f A ( x) =

F ( x)dVB A ( x) .


Then fA is the projection of F on A. A projection of a

belief distribution is also a belief distribution.


Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling

Man Wai Lee
Brunel University, UK
Kyriacos Chrysostomou
Brunel University, UK
Sherry Y. Chen1
Brunel University, UK
Xiaohui Liu
Brunel University, UK

Many organisations, nowadays, have developed their
own databases, in which a large amount of valuable
information, e.g., customers personal profiles, is
stored. Such information plays an important role in
organisations development processes as it can help
them gain a better understanding of customers needs.
To effectively extract such information and identify
hidden relationships, there is a need to employ intelligent techniques, for example, data mining.
Data mining is a process of knowledge discovery
(Roiger & Geatz, 2003). There are a wide range of
data mining techniques, one of which is decision trees.
Decision trees, which can be used for the purposes of
classifications and predictions, are a tool to support
decision making (Lee et al., 2007). As a decision
tree can accurately classify data and make effective
predictions, it has already been employed for data
analyses in many application domains. In this paper,
we attempt to provide an overview of the applications
that decision trees can support. In particular, we focus
on business management, engineering, and health-care
The structure of the paper is as follows. Firstly, Section 2 provides the theoretical background of decision
trees. Section 3 then moves to discuss the applications
that decision trees can support, with an emphasis on
business management, engineering, and health-care
management. For each application, how decision trees
can help identify hidden relationships is described.
Subsequently, Section 4 provides a critical discussion

of limitations and identifies potential directions for

future research. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions of the paper.

Decision trees are one of the most widely used classification and prediction tools. This is probably because the
knowledge discovered by a decision tree is illustrated
in a hierarchical structure, with which the discovered
knowledge can easily be understood by individuals
even though they are not experts in data mining (Chang
et al., 2007). A decision tree model can be created in
several ways using existing decision tree algorithms.
In order to effectively adopt such algorithms, there is a
need to have a solid understanding of the processes of
creating a decision tree model and to identify suitability
of the decision tree algorithms used. These issues are
described in subsections below.

Processes of Model Development

A common way to create a decision tree model is to
employ a top-down, recursive, and divide-and-conquer
approach (Greene & Smith, 1993). Such a modelling
approach enables the most significant attribute to be
located at the top level as a root node and the least
significant attributes to be located at the bottom level
as leave nodes (Chien et al., 2007). Each path between
the root node and the leave node can be interpreted as
an if-then rule, which can be used for making predications (Chien et al., 2007; Kumar & Ravi, 2007).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling

To create a decision tree model on the basis of the

above-mentioned approach, the modelling processes
can be divided into three stages, which are: (1) tree
growing, (2) tree pruning, and (3) tree selection.

Tree Growing
The initial stage of creating a decision tree model is
tree growing, which includes two steps: tree merging
and tree splitting. At the beginning, the non-significant
predictor categorises and the significant categories
within a dataset are grouped together (tree merging).
As the tree grows, impurities within the model will
increase. Since the existence of impurities may result
in reducing the accuracy of the model, there is a need to
purify the tree. One possible way to do it is to remove
the impurities into different leaves and ramifications
(tree splitting) (Chang, 2007).

Tree Pruning
Tree pruning, which is the key elements of the second
stage, is to remove irrelevant splitting nodes (Kirkos
et al., 2007). The removal of irrelevant nodes can help
reduce the chance of creating an over-fitting tree. Such
a procedure is particularly useful because an over-fitting tree model may result in misclassifying data in real
world applications (Breiman et al., 1984).

Tree Selection
The final stage of developing a decision tree model is
tree selection. At this stage, the created decision tree
model will be evaluated by either using cross-validation
or a testing dataset (Breiman et al., 1984). This stage
is essential as it can reduce the chances of misclassifying data in real world applications, and consequently,
minimise the cost of developing further applications.

Suitability of Decision Tree Algorithms

A review of existing literature shows that the most widely used decision tree algorithms include the Iterative
Dichotomiser 3 (ID3) algorithm, the C4.5 algorithm, the
Chi-squared Automatic Interactive Detector (CHAID)
algorithm, and the Classification and Regression Tree
(CART) algorithm. Amongst these algorithms, there
are some differences, one of which is the capability of

modelling different types of data. As a dataset may be

constructed by different types of data, e.g., categorical data, numerical data, or the combination of both,
there is a need to use a suitable decision tree algorithm
which can support the particular type of data used in
the dataset. All of the above-mentioned algorithms can
support the modelling of categorical data whilst only
the C4.5 algorithm and the CART algorithm can be
used for the modelling of numerical data (see Table
1). This difference can also be used as a guideline for
the selection of a suitable decision tree algorithm. The
other difference amongst these algorithms is the process of model development, especially at the stages of
tree growing and tree pruning. In terms of the former,
the ID3 and C4.5 algorithms split a tree model into as
many ramifications as necessary whereas the CART
algorithm can only support binary splits. Regarding
the latter, the pruning mechanisms located within the
C4.5 and CART algorithms support the removal of
insignificant nodes and ramifications but the CHAID
algorithm hinders the tree growing process before the
training data is being overused (see Table 1).


Business Management
In the past decades, many organizations had created
their own databases to enhance their customer services.
Decision trees are a possible way to extract useful
information from databases and they have already
been employed in many applications in the domain
of business and management. In particular, decision
tree modelling is widely used in customer relationship
management and fraud detection, which are presented
in subsections below.

Customer Relationship Management

A frequently used approach to manage customers
relationships is to investigate how individuals access online services. Such an investigation is mainly
performed by collecting and analyzing individuals
usage data and then providing recommendations based
on the extracted information. Lee et al. (2007) apply
decision trees to investigate the relationships between
the customers needs and preferences and the success
of online shopping. In their study, the frequency of us-

Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling

ing online shopping is used as a label to classify users

into two categories: (a) users who rarely used online
shopping and (b) users who frequently used online
shopping. In terms of the former, the model suggests
that the time customers need to spend in a transaction
and how urgent customers need to purchase a product
are the most important factors which need to be considered. With respect to the latter, the created model
indicates that price and the degree of human resources
involved (e.g. the requirements of contacts with the
employees of the company in having services) are the
most important factors. The created decision trees also
suggest that the success of an online shopping highly
depends on the frequency of customers purchases and
the price of the products. Findings discovered by decision trees are useful for understanding their customers
needs and preferences.

Fraudulent Statement Detection

Another widely used business application is the detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements (FFS). Such
an application is particularly important because the
existence of FFS may result in reducing the governments tax income (Spathis et al., 2003). A traditional
way to identify FFS is to employ statistical methods.
However, it is difficult to discover all hidden information due to the necessity of making a huge number of
assumptions and predefining the relationships among
the large number of variables in a financial statement.

Previous research has proved that creating a decision

tree is a possible way to address this issue as it can
consider all variables during the model development
process. Kirkos et al. (2007) have created a decision
tree model to identify and detect FFS. In their study,
76 Greek manufacturing firms have been selected and
their published financial statements, including balance
sheets and income statements, have been collected for
modelling purposes. The created tree model shows that
all non-fraud cases and 92% of the fraud cases have
been correctly classified. Such a finding indicates that
decision trees can make a significant contribution for
the detection of FFS due to a highly accurate rate.

The other important application domain that decision
trees can support is engineering. In particular, decision
trees are widely used in energy consumption and fault
diagnosis, which are described in subsections below.

Energy Consumption
Energy consumption concerns how much electricity
has been used by individuals. The investigation of
energy consumption becomes an important issue as it
helps utility companies identify the amount of energy
needed. Although many existing methods can be used
for the investigation of energy consumption, decision
trees appear to be preferred. This is due to the fact that

Table 1. Characteristics of different decision tree algorithms

Data types

Numerical data splitting


Possible tool

CHAID (Kass, 1980)



SPSS Answer Tree (SPSS

Inc, 2007)

ID3 (Quinlan, 1986)


No restrictions

WEKA (Ian and Eibe,


C4.5 (Quinlan, 1993)

Categorical, numerical

No restrictions

WEKA (Ian and Eibe,


CART (Breiman et al., 1984)

Categorical, numerical

Binary splits

CART 5.0 (Salford

Systems, 2004)

Decision tree algorithms


Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling

a hierarchical structure provided by decision trees is

useful to present the deep level of information and
insight. For instance, Tso and Yau (2007) create a decision tree model to identify the relationships between
a household and its electricity consumptions in Hong
Kong. Findings from their tree model illustrate that the
number of household members are the most determinant
factor of energy consumption in summer, and both
the number of air-conditioner and the size of a flat are
the second most important factors. In addition to such
findings, their tree model identifies that a household
with four or more members with a flat size larger than
817ft2 is the highest electricity consumption group. On
the other hand, households which have less than four
family members and without air-conditioners are the
smallest electricity consumption group. Such findings
from decision trees not only provide a deeper insight
of the electricity consumptions within an area but also
give guidelines to electricity companies about the right
time they need to generate more electricity.

Fault Diagnosis
Another widely used application in the engineering
domain is the detection of faults, especially in the
identification of a faulty bearing in rotary machineries.
This is probably because a bearing is one of the most
important components that directly influences the operation of a rotary machine. To detect the existence of a
faulty bearing, engineers tend to measure the vibration
and acoustic emission (AE) signals emanated from the
rotary machine. However, the measurement involves
a number of variables, some of which may be less relevant to the investigation. Decision trees are a possible
tool to remove such irrelevant variables as they can be
used for the purposes of feature selection. Sugumaran
and Ramachandran (2007) create a decision tree model
to identify the features that may significantly affect
the investigation of a faulty bearing. Through feature
selection, three attributes were chosen to discriminate
the faulty conditions of a bearing, i.e., the minimum
value of the vibration signal, the standard deviation of
the vibration signal, and kurtosis. The chosen attributes,
subsequently, were used for creating another decision
tree model. Evaluations from this model show that
more than 95% of the testing dataset has been correctly
classified. Such a highly accurate rate suggests that the
removal of insignificant attributes within a dataset is
another contribution of decision trees.

Healthcare Management
As decision tree modelling can be used for making
predictions, there are an increasing number of studies
that investigate to use decision trees in health-care management. For instance, Chang (2007) has developed a
decision tree model on the basis of 516 pieces of data to
explore the hidden knowledge located within the medical history of developmentally-delayed children. The
created model identifies that the majority of illnesses
will result in delays in cognitive development, language
development, and motor development, of which accuracies are 77.3%, 97.8%, and 88.6% respectively. Such
findings can result in assisting healthcare professional to
have an early intervention on developmentally-delayed
children so as to help them catch up their normal peers
in their development and growth. Another example
of health-care management can be found in Delen et
al.(2005). In their study, a decision tree is created to
predict the survivability of breast cancer patients. The
classification accuracy is 93.6% in their decision tree.
This classification rate indicates that the created tree
is highly accurate for predicting the survivability of
breast cancer patients. These studies suggest that decision tree is a useful tool to discover and explore hidden
information in health-care management.

The applications domains mentioned above demonstrate
that decision tree is a very useful tool for data analyses.
However, there are still many limitations which we need
to be aware of and addressed in future works.

Reliability of Findings
Although decision tree is a powerful tool for data
analyses, it seems that some data are misclassified in
the decision tree models. A possible way to address
this issue is to exploit the extracted knowledge by human-computer collaboration. In other words, experts
from different domains use their domain knowledge
to filter findings from the created model. By doing
so, the irrelevant findings can manually be removed.
However, the drawback of employing such a method
is the necessity of large investment as it involves the
cost and time of experts from different domains.

Decision Tree Applications for Data Modelling

Suitability of Algorithms


As described in Section 2.2, the development of a decision tree model involves the selection of an appropriate
decision tree algorithm. In addition to taking into account the type of data being modelled, there is a need
to consider the effectiveness of the algorithms. Another
possible direction for future research is to compare
the effectiveness of various algorithms and identify
the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm for
different types of applications. In addition, it would be
interesting for future research to conduct comparisons
between decision tree algorithms and other types of
classification algorithms. By doing so, guidelines for
the selection of suitable decision tree algorithms for
different types of applications can be generated.

Bevilacqua, M., Braglia, M., & Montanari, R. (2003).

The Classification and Regression Tree Approach to
Pump Failure Rate Analysis. Reliability Engineering
and System Safety , 79 (1), 59-67.

The main objective of this paper is to help readers
get an overall picture of decision trees by introducing
its applications in different domains. To achieve this
objective, this paper has provided an overview of the
applications of decision tree modelling in business
management, engineering, and health-care management domains. In each application domain, the benefits
of creating a decision tree model for the purposes of
analyzing data and making predictions have been
identified. Such benefits include: (1) the capability
to accurately discover hidden relationships between
variables, (2) the presentation of knowledge in a deep
level of understanding and insight on the basis of its
hierarchical structure, and (3) the capability of removing insignificant attributes within a dataset.
Three application domains have been studied in
this paper, but it ought to be noted that decision trees
can also be applied in other application domains, e.g.
bioinformatics and psychology. These application domains should also be examined. The findings of such
studies can subsequently be integrated into those of this
study so that a complete framework for implementing
decision trees models can be created. Such a framework
would be useful to enhance the depth and breadth of
the knowledge of decision tree models.

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Systems and Signal Processing , 21 (5), 2237-2247.
Sun, W., Chen, J., & Li, J. (2007). Decision Tree and
PCA-based Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing , 21 (3),
Tso, G. K., & Yau, K. K. (2007). Predicting Electricity Energy Consumption: A Comparison of Regression Analysis, Decision Tree and Neural Networks.


Attributes: Pre-defined variables in a dataset.
Classification: An allocation of items or objects to
classes or categories according to their features.
Customer Relationship Management: A dynamic
process to manage the relationships between a company
and her customers, including collecting, storing and
analysing customers information.
Data Mining: Also known as knowledge discovery
in database (KDD), which is a process of knowledge
discovery by analysing data and extracting information
from a dataset using machine learning techniques.
Decision Tree: A predictive model which can be
visualized in a hierarchical structure using leaves and
Decision Tree Modelling: The process of creating
a decision tree model.
Fault Diagnosis: An action of identifying a malfunctioning system based on observing its behaviour.
Fraud Detection Management: The detection of
frauds, especially in those existing in financial statements or business transactions so as to reduce the risk
of loss.
Healthcare Management: The act of preventing,
treating and managing illness, including the preservation
of mental and physical problems through the services
provided by health professionals.
Prediction: A statement or a claim that a particular
event will happen in the future.


The Dempster-Shafer Theory

Malcolm J. Beynon
Cardiff University, UK

The initial work introducing Dempster-Shafer (D-S)
theory is found in Dempster (1967) and Shafer (1976).
Since its introduction the very name causes confusion,
a more general term often used is belief functions
(both used intermittently here). Nguyen (1978) points
out, soon after its introduction, that the rudiments of
D-S theory can be considered through distributions of
random sets. More furtive comparison has been with
the traditional Bayesian theory, where D-S theory
has been considered a generalisation of it (Schubert,
1994). Cobb and Shenoy (2003) direct its attention to
the comparison of D-S theory and the Bayesian formulisation. Their conclusions are that they have the
same expressive power, but that one technique cannot
simply take the role of the other.
The association with artificial intelligence (AI)
is clearly outlined in Smets (1990), who at the time,
acknowledged the AI community has started to show
interest for what they call the Dempster-Shafer model.
It is of interest that even then, they highlight that there
is confusion on what type of version of D-S theory
is considered. D-S theory was employed in an event
driven integration reasoning scheme in Xia et al. (1997),
associated with automated route planning, which they
view as a very important branch in applications of AI.
Liu (1999) investigated Gaussian belief functions and
specifically considered their proposed computation
scheme and its potential usage in AI and statistics.
Huang and Lees (2005) apply a D-S theory model in
natural-resource classification, comparing with it with
two other AI models.
Wadsworth and Hall (2007) considered D-S theory
in a combination with other techniques to investigate
site-specific critical loads for conservation agencies.
Pertinently, they outline its positioning with respect
to AI (p. 400);
The approach was developed in the AI (artificial intelligence) community in an attempt to develop systems
that could reason in a more human manner and par-

ticularly the ability of human experts to diagnose

situations with limited information.
This statement is pertinent here, since emphasis
within the examples later given is more towards the
general human decision making problem and the handling of ignorance in AI. Dempster and Kong (1988)
investigated how D-S theory fits in with being an artificial analogy for human reasoning under uncertainty.
An example problem is considered, the murder of
Mr. White, where witness evidence is used to classify
the belief in the identification of an assassin from
considered suspects. The numerical analyses presented
exposit a role played by D-S theory, including the different ways it can act on incomplete knowledge.

The background section to this article covers the basic
formulisations of D-S theory, as well as certain developments. Formally, D-S theory is based on a finite
set of p elements = {s1, s2, ..., sp}, called a frame of
discernment. A mass value is a function m: 2 [0,
1] such that m() = 0 ( - the empty set) and:

m( s )



(2 - the power set of ). Any proper subset s of the

frame of discernment , for which m(s) is non-zero,
is called a focal element and represents the exact belief in the proposition depicted by s. The notion of a
proposition here being the collection of the hypotheses
represented by the elements in a focal element.
In the original formulisation of D-S theory, from
a single piece of evidence all assigned mass values
sum to unity and there is no belief in the empty set. In
the case of the Transferable Belief Model (TBM), a
fundamental development on the original D-S theory
(see Smets and Kennes, 1994), a non-zero mass value

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

The Dempster-Shafer Theory

can be assigned to the empty set allowing m() 0.

The set of mass values associated with a single piece
of evidence is called a body of evidence (BOE), often
denoted m(). The mass value m() assigned to the
frame of discernment is considered the amount of
ignorance within the BOE, since it represents the level
of exact belief that cannot be discerned to any proper
subsets of .
D-S theory also provides a method to combine the
BOE from different pieces of evidence, using Dempsters rule of combination. This rule assumes these
pieces of evidence are independent, then the function
(m1 m2): 2 [0, 1], defined by:

final results. Moreover, partial answers are present in

the final BOE produced (through the combination of
evidence), including focal elements with more than one
element, unlike the Bayesian approach where probabilities on only individual elements would be accrued.
This restriction of the Bayesian approach to consider
singleton elements is clearly understood through the
Principle of insufficient Reason, see Beynon et al.
(2000) and Beynon (2002, 2005).
To enable final results to be created with D-S theory,
a number of concomitant functions exist with D-S
theory, including;

(m1 m2)(x) =

m1 ( s1 )m2 ( s2 )
s1 s 2 = x
1 m1 ( s1 )m2 ( s2 )
s1 s 2 =

The Belief function,

Bel(si) =


is a mass value, where s1 and s2 are focal elements from

the BOEs, m1() and m2(), respectively. The denominator
part of the combination expression includes:

for all si , representing the confidence that a

proposition y lies in si or any subset of si,
The Plausibility function,
Pls(si) =


m( s )

s j si

m( s )

s j si

for all si , represents the extent to which we

fail to disbelieve si,
iii) The Pignistic function (see Smets and Kennes,

m ( s1 )m2 ( s2 )

s1 s 2 =

that measures the level of conflict in the combination

process (Murphy, 2000). It is the existence of the denominator part in this combination rule that separates
D-S theory (includes it) from TBM (excludes it).
Benouhiba and Nigro (2006) view this difference as
whether considering the conflict mass:

m ( s1 )m2 ( s2 ) )

s1 s 2 =

as a further form of ignorance mass is an acceptable

point of view.
D-S theory, along with TBM, also differs to the
Bayesian approach in that it does not necessarily produce

BetP(si) =

s j , s j

m( s j )

| si s j |
| sj |

for all si , represents the extent to which we

fail to disbelieve si.
From the definitions given above, the Belief function
is cautious of the ignorance incumbent in the evidence,
where as the Plausibility function is more inclusive of
its presence. The Pignistic function acts more like a
probability function, partitioning levels of exact belief
(mass) amongst the elements of the focal element it is
associated with.

The Dempster-Shafer Theory

A non-specificity measure N(m()) within D-S

theory was introduced by Dubois and Prade (1985),
the formula is defined as,

N(m()) =

s j 2

m( s j ) log 2 | s j | ,

where |sj| is the number of elements in the focal element sj. Hence, N(m()) is considered the weighted
average of the focal elements, with m() the degree
of evidence focusing on sj, while log2|sj| indicates the
lack of specificity of this evidential claim. The general
range of this measure is [0, log2||] (given in Klir and
Wierman, 1998), where || is the number of elements
in the frame of discernment .

Table 1. Intermediate combination of BOEs, m1() and

m1() \ m2()

{Tom, Sarah}, 0.6

, 0.4

{Henry, Tom}, 0.8

{Tom}, 0.48

{Henry, Tom},

, 0.2

{Tom, Sarah},

, 0.08

multiplication of the focal elements and mass values

from the BOEs, m1() and m2(), see Table 1.
In Table 1, the intersection and multiplication of the
focal elements and mass values from the BOEs, m1()
and m2() are presented. The new focal elements found
are all non-empty, it follows, the level of conflict

Main Thrust
The main thrust of this article is an exposition of the
utilisation of D-S theory. The small example problem
considered here relates to the assassination of Mr White,
many derivatives of this example exist. An adaptation
of a version of this problem given in Smets (1990) is
discussed, more numerical based here, which allows
interpretation with D-S theory and its development
TBM to be made.
There are three individuals who are suspects for
the murder of Mr. White, namely, Henry, Tom and
Sarah, within D-S theory they make up the frame of
discernment, = {Henry, Tom, Sarah}. There are two
witnesses who have information regarding the murder
of Mr. White;
Witness 1, is 80% sure that the murderer was a man,
it follows, the concomitant body of evidence (BOE),
defined m1(), includes m1({Henry, Tom}) = 0.8. Since
we know nothing about the remaining mass value it
is considered ignorance, and allocated to , hence
m1({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.2 (= m1()).
Witness 2, is 60% confident that Henry was leaving
on a jet plane when the murder occurred, so a BOE
defined m2() includes, m2({Tom, Sarah}) = 0.6 and
m2({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.4.
The aggregation of these two sources of information
(evidence from the two witnesses), using Dempsters
combination rule (1), is based on the intersection and

m ( s )m ( s )

s1s2 =

= 0,

then the resultant BOE, defined m3(), can be taken

directly from the results in Table 1;
m3({Tom}) = 0.48, m3({Henry, Tom}) = 0.32,
m3({Tom, Sarah}) = 0.12
and m3({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.08.
Amongst this combination of evidence (m3()),
the mass value assigned to ignorance (m3({Henry,
Tom, Sarah}) = 0.08) is less than that present in the
original constituent BOEs, as expected when combining evidence using D-S theory. To further exposit the
effect of the combination of evidence, the respective
non-specificity values associated with BOEs shown
here are calculated. For the two witnesses, with their
BOEs, m1() and m2();
N(m1()) =

m1 ( s j ) log 2 | s j |

s j 2

= m1({Henry, Tom})log2|{Henry, Tom}|

+ m1({Henry, Tom, Sarah})log2|{Henry, Tom, Sarah}|,
= 0.8 log22 + 0.2 log23 = 1.117,

and N(m2()) = 1.234. The non-specificity associated

with the combined is similarly calculated, found to be
N(m3()) = 0.567. The values further demonstrate the

The Dempster-Shafer Theory

effect of the combination process, namely a level of

concomitant non-specificity associated with the BOE
m3(), found from the combination of the other two
BOEs m1() and m2().
To allow a comparison of this combination process,
D-S theory is used with the situation for TBM, the evidence from witness 2 is changed slightly, becoming;
Witness 2, is 60% confident that Henry and Tom were
leaving on a jet plane when the murder occurred, so
a BOE defined m2() includes, m2({Sarah}) = 0.6 and
m2({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.4.
The difference between the two Witness 2 statements is that, in the second statement, now Tom is also
considered to be leaving on the jet plane with Henry.
The new intermediate calculations when combining the
evidence from the two witnesses is shown in Table 2.
In the intermediate results in Table 2, there is an
occasion where the intersection of two focal elements
from m1() and m2() results in an empty set (). It

m ( s )m ( s )

s1s2 =

= 0.48,

giving the value, 1 0.48 = 0.52, forms the denominator

in the expression for the combination of this evidence
(see (1)), so the resultant BOE, here defined m4(), is;
m4({Henry, Tom}) = 0.32/0.52 = 0.615, m4({Sarah}) = 0.231
and m4({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.154.

Comparison with the results in the BOEs, m3()

and m4(), show how the mass value associated with
m3({Tom}) = 0.48 has been spread across the three
focal elements which make up the m4() BOE.

This approach to counter the conflict possibly present when combining evidence is often viewed as not
appropriate, with TBM introduced to offer a solution,
hence using the second Witness 2 statement, the resultant combined BOE, defined m5(), is taken directly
from Table 2;
m5() = 0.48, m5({Henry, Tom}) = 0.32,
m5({Sarah}) = 0.12 and m5({Henry, Tom, Sarah}) = 0.08.

The difference between the BOEs, m4() and m5(),

is in the inclusion of the focal element m5() = 0.48,
allowed when employing TBM. Beyond the difference in the calculations made between D-S theory and
TBM, the important point is what is the interpretation
to the m5() expression in TBM. Put succinctly, following Smets (1990), m5() = 0.48 corresponds to
that amount of belief allocated to none of the three
suspects, taken further it is the proposition that none
of the three suspects is the murderer. Since the three
individuals are only suspects, the murderer might be
someone else, if the initial problem has said that one
of the three individuals is the murderer then the D-S
theory approach should be adhered to.
Returning to the analysis of the original witness
statements, the partial results presented so far do not
identify explicitly which suspect is most likely to have
undertaken the murder of Mr. White. To achieve explicit
results, the three measures, Bel(si), Pls(si) and BetP(si)
previously defined, are considered on singleton focal
elements (si are individual suspects);
Bel({Henry}) =

m (s j ) = 0.00,

s j {Henry}

similarly Bel({Tom}) = 0.48 and Bel({Sarah}) = 0.00.

Pls({Henry}) =

m (s

s j {Henry}

= 0.32 + 0.08 = 0.40,

Table 2. Intermediate combination of BOEs, m1() and

m2(), with the new Witness 2 evidence
m1() \ m2()

{Sarah}, 0.6

, 0.4

{Henry, Tom}, 0.8

, 0.48

{Henry, Tom},

, 0.2


, 0.08


) = m3({Henry, Tom}) +

m3({Henry, Tom, Sarah}),

similarly, Pls({Tom}) = 1.00 and Pls({Sarah}) = 0.20.

BetP({Henry}) =

s j , s j

m3 ({Henry, Tom})

m3 ( s j )

| {Henry} s j |
| sj |

| {Henry} {Henry, Tom} |

| {Henry, Tom} |

The Dempster-Shafer Theory

+ m () | {Henry} | ,



= 0.16 + 0.027 = 0.187,

similarly, BetP({Tom}) = 0.727 and BetP({Sarah})
= 0.087.

Benouhiba, T., & Nigro, J.-M. (2006). An evidential

cooperative multi-agent system, Expert Systems with
Applications. 30, 255-264.

In this small example, all three measures identify the

suspect Tom as having the most evidence purporting
to them being the murderer of Mr. White.

Beynon, M.J. (2002). DS/AHP method: A mathematical analysis, including an understanding of uncertainty.
European Journal of Operational Research, 140(1),

Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory is a methodology that
offers an alternative, possibly developed generality,
to the assignment of frequency-based probability to
events, in its case levels of subjective belief. However,
the issues surrounding its position with respect to other
methodologies such as the more well known Bayesian
approach could be viewed as stifling it utilisation. The
important point to remember when considering D-S
theory is that it is a general methodology that requires
subsequent pertinent utilisation when deriving nascent
Future work needs to aid in finding the position of
D-S theory relative to the other methodologies. That
is, unlike methodologies like fuzzy set theory, D-S
theory is not able to be employed straight on top of
existing techniques, to create a D-S type derivative of
the technique. Such derivatives, for example, could
operate on incomplete data, including when there are
missing values, their reason for missing possibly due
to ignorance etc.

Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory, and its general developments, continues to form the underlying structure
to an increasing number of specific techniques that
attempt to solve certain problems within the context of
uncertain reasoning. As mentioned in the future trends
section, the difficulty with D-S theory is that it needs
to be considered at the start of work at creating a new
technique for analysis. It follows, articles like this
which show the rudimentary workings of D-S theory
allow researchers the opportunity to see its operation,
and so may contribute to its further utilisation.

Beynon, M.J. (2005). Understanding Local Ignorance and Non-specificity in the DS/AHP Method of
Multi-criteria Decision Making. European Journal of
Operational Research, 163, 403-417.
Beynon, M., Curry, B., & Morgan, P. (2000). The
Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence: An Alternative
Approach to Multicriteria Decision Modelling. OMEGA
- International Journal of Management Science, 28(1),
Cobb, B.R., & Shenoy, P.P. (2003). A Comparison of
Bayesian and Belief Function Reasoning. Information
Systems Frontiers, 5(4), 345-358.
Dempster, A.P. (1967). Upper and lower probabilities
induced by a multi-valued mapping. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 38, 325-339.
Dempster, A.P., & Kong, A. (1988). Uncertain evidence
and artificial analysis. Journal of Statistical Planning
and Inference, 1, 355-368.
Dubois, D., & Prade, H. (1985). A note on measures
of specificity for fuzzy sets. International Journal of
General Systems, 10, 279-283.
Huang, Z., & Lees, B. (2005). Representing and reducing error in natural-resource classification using model
combination. International Journal of Geographical
Information Science, 19(5), 603-621.
Klir, G.J., & Wierman, M.J. (1998). Uncertainty-Based
Information: Elements of Generalized Information
Theory. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Liu, L. (1999). Local computation of Gaussian belief
functions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 22, 217-248.
Murphy, C.K. (2000). Combining belief functions
when evidence conflicts. Decision Support Systems,
29, 1-9.

The Dempster-Shafer Theory

Nguyen, H.T. (1978). On random sets and belief functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications,
65, 531-542.
Schubert, J. (1994). Cluster-based specification techniques in Dempster-Shafer theory for an evidential
intelligence analysis of multiple target tracks. Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science
Royal Institute of technology, S-100 44 Stockholm,
Shafer, G.A. (1976). Mathematical Theory of Evidence.
Princeton University Press, Princeton.
Smets, P. (1990). The Combination of Evidence in
the Transferable belief Model. IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(5),
Smets, P., & Kennes, R. (1994). The transferable belief
model. Artificial Intelligence, 66(2), 191-243.
Xia, Y., Iyengar, S.S., & Brener, N.E. (1997). An event
driven integration reasoning scheme for handling dynamic threats in an unstructured environment. Artificial
Intelligence, 95, 169-186.
Wadsworth, R.A., & Hall, J.R. (2007). Setting Site
Specific Critical Loads: An Approach using Endorsement Theory and DempsterShafer. Water Air Soil
Pollution: Focus, 7, 399-405.

Belief: In Dempster-Shafer theory, the level of
representing the confidence that a proposition lies in
a focal element or any subset of it.
Body of Evidence: In Dempster-Shafer theory, a
series of focal elements and associated mass values.
Focal Element: In Dempster-Shafer theory, a set
of hypotheses with positive mass value in a body of
Frame of Discernment: In Dempster-Shafer theory,
the set of all hypotheses considered.
Dempster-Shafer Theory: General methodology, also known as the theory of belief functions,
its rudiments are closely associated with uncertain
Ignorance: In Dempster-Shafer theory, the level of
mass value not discernible among the hypotheses.
Mass Value: In Dempster-Shafer theory, the level
of exact belief in a focal element.
Non-Specificity: In Dempster-Shafer theory, the
weighted average of the focal elements mass values in
a body of evidence, viewed as a species of a higher uncertainty type, encapsulated by the term ambiguity.
Plausibility: In Dempster-Shafer theory, the extent
to which we fail to disbelieve a proposition lies in a
focal element.



Dependency Parsing: Recent Advances

Ruket akc
ICCS School of Informatics,University of Edinburgh, UK

Annotated data have recently become more important,
and thus more abundant, in computational linguistics .
They are used as training material for machine learning
systems for a wide variety of applications from Parsing
to Machine Translation (Quirk et al., 2005). Dependency representation is preferred for many languages
because linguistic and semantic information is easier to
retrieve from the more direct dependency representation. Dependencies are relations that are defined on
words or smaller units where the sentences are divided
into its elements called heads and their arguments, e.g.
verbs and objects. Dependency parsing aims to predict
these dependency relations between lexical units to
retrieve information, mostly in the form of semantic
interpretation or syntactic structure.
Parsing is usually considered as the first step of
Natural Language Processing (NLP). To train statistical parsers, a sample of data annotated with necessary
information is required. There are different views
on how informative or functional representation of
natural language sentences should be. There are different constraints on the design process such as: 1)
how intuitive (natural) it is, 2) how easy to extract
information from it is, and 3) how appropriately and
unambiguously it represents the phenomena that occur
in natural languages.
In this article, a review of statistical dependency
parsing for different languages will be made and current challenges of designing dependency treebanks and
dependency parsing will be discussed.

The concept of dependency grammar is usually attributed to Tesnire (1959) and Hays (1964). The
dependency theory has since developed, especially
with the works of Gross (1964), Gaiffman (1965),
Robinson (1970), Meluk (1988), Starosta (1988),
Hudson (1984, 1990), Sgall et al. (1986), Barbero et al.

(1998), Duchier (2001), Menzel and Schrder (1998),

Kruijff (2001).
Dependencies are defined as links between lexical
entities (words or morphemes) that connect heads and
their dependants. Dependencies may have labels, such
as subject, object, and determiner or they can be unlabelled. A dependency tree is often defined as a directed,
acyclic graph of links that are defined between words
in a sentence. Dependencies are usually represented
as trees where the root of the tree is a distinct node.
Sometimes dependency links cross. Dependency graphs
of this type are non-projective. Projectivity means that
in surface structure a head and its dependants can only
be separated by other dependants of the same head
(and dependants of these dependants). Non-projective dependency trees cannot be translated to phrase
structure trees unless treated specially. We can see
in Table 1 that the notion of non-projectivity is very
common across languages although distribution of it
is usually rare in any given language. The fact that it
is rare does not make it less important because it is
this kind of phenomena that makes natural languages
more interesting and that makes all the difference in
the generative capacity of a grammar that is suggested
to explain natural languages.
An example dependency tree is in Figure 1. The
corresponding phrase structure tree is shown in Figure
2. The ROOT of this tree is hit.
Given the basic concept of dependency, different
theories of dependency grammar exist. Among many
well known are: Functional Generative Description
(Sgall et al., 1969, 1986), (Petkevi, 1987, 1995), Dependency Unification Grammar (DUG) Hellwig (1986,
2003), Meaning Text Theory (Gladkij and Meluk,
1975), (Meluk, 1988) and Lexicase (Starosta, 1988),
Topological Dependency Grammar (Gerdes and Kahane, 2001). Kruijff (2001) also suggests a type of logic
for dependency grammar, Dependency Grammar
Logic which aims transparent semantic interpretation
during parsing.
There are many open issues regarding the representation of dependency structure. Hays (1964)

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Dependency Parsing

Figure1. Dependency Tree for the sentence The red car hit the big motorcycle

Figure 2. Phrase Structure Tree for the sentence in Figure 1

and Gaifman (1965) take dependency grammars as

special cases of phrase structure grammars whereas
Barbero et al. (1998), Menzel and Schrder (1998),
Eisner (2000), Samuelsson (2000), Duchier (2001),
Gerdes and Kahane (2001), Kruijff (2001) think they
are completely different.
Generative capacity of dependency grammars
has long been discussed (Gross, 1964), (Hays, 1964),
(Gaifman, 1965), (Robinson, 1970). Dependency
grammars were proved to be context-free (Gaiffman,
1965). When natural languages were proved to be not
context-free, but in a class called Mildly ContextSensitive (Joshi, 1985) they were abandoned until
90s, when Vijayashanker and Weir (1994) showed
that Head Grammars -an extension of CFGs- (Pollard,
1984) are mildly context-sensitive like Tree Adjoining
Grammar (TAG), (Joshi et al., 1975) and Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), (Steedman,2000).
Recently, Kuhlmann and Mhl (2007) defined regular
dependency languages and showed that applying different combinations of gap-degree and well-nestedness
restrictions on non-projectivity in these languages gave
a class of mildly context-sensitive grammars.


Why Dependency Trees?
Many new corpora have been designed and created
in the past few years. Dependency representation is
preferred when these corpora are designed. This can
be argued by the following properties of dependency


They are easier to annotate than some other representation types like phrase structure trees (PST).
There are fewer tags and labels (only as many
as words in a sentence) and no internal nodes to
name the phrases as in PSTs.
Some information such as predicate-argument
structure can be extracted trivially from them
which is not the case for PSTs.
Another interesting result is that some dependency
parsers run much faster than PST parsers. Computational complexity of a standard PST parser
is O(n5) whereas a non-projective DT parser runs
in O(n2).

Dependency Parsing

morphological, grammatical and tecto-grammatical

layers. Morphology-syntax interface in Turkish makes
word-based dependencies inappropriate (akc, 2008).
Therefore, dependencies are between morphological
sub-groups called inflectional groups (IG) rather than
words. These are two arguments among many on why
it is very important to make a good feasibility study
when designing a dependency treebank as different
aspects of languages require different treatment.

Dependency Treebanks
Table 1 compares dependency corpora of 19 languages1.
This information is gathered from CoNLL-X and
CoNNL 2007 shared tasks on dependency parsing. The
reader is referred to Buchholz and Marsi (2006) and
Nivre et al. (2007) for more information on dependency
treebanks included in the tasks. Although, the underlying theory is the same in all of these treebanks there are
major differences in the outcome that originate from the
questions like 1) how much information is needed to put
in the dependency trees, 2) how strongly interlaced the
different modules such as morphology syntax are in a
language. For instance, Czech treebank (Bhmov et al.,
2003) has 3 different levels of representation, namely,

Statistical or data-driven parsing methods have gained
more focus with the continuous introduction of new

Table 1. Treebank information; #T = number of tokens * 1000, #S = number of sentences * 1000, #T/#S = tokens
per sentence, %NST = % of non-scoring tokens (only in CoNLL-X), %NPR = % of non-projective relations,
%NPS = % of non-projective sentences, IR = has informative root labels




















































































































































Dependency Parsing

linguistic data. Parsing was more focused on training

and parsing with phrase structure trees and specifically
English language because the Penn Treebank (Marcus
et al., 1993) was the only available source for a long
time. With the introduction of treebanks of different
languages it is now possible to explore the bounds of
multilingual parsing.
The early efforts of data-driven dependency parsing
were focused on translating dependency structures to
phrase structure trees for which the parsers already
existed. But it was realised quickly that doing this was
not as trivial as previously thought. It is much more
trivial and more intuitive to represent some phenomena
with dependency trees rather than phrase structure trees
such as local and global scrambling, in other words
free word-order. Thus the incompatible translations of
dependency structures to phrase structure trees resulted
in varying degrees of loss of information.
Collins et al. (1999) reports results on Czech. He
translates the dependency trees to phrase structure
trees in the flattest way possible and names the internal nodes after part of speech tag of the head word of
that node. He uses Model 2 in Collins (1999) and then
evaluates the attachment score on the dependencies
extracted from the resulting phrase structure trees of
his parser. However, crossing dependencies cannot
be translated into phrase structure trees (akc and
Baldridge, 2006) unless surface order of the words is
changed. But Collins et al. (1999) does not mention
crossing dependencies, therefore, we do not know how
he handled non-projectivity.
One of the earliest statistical systems that aims
parsing dependency structures directly without an internal representation of translation is Eisner (1996). He
proposes 3 different generative models. He evaluates
them on the dependencies derived from the Wall Street
Journal part of the Penn Treebank. Eisner reports 90
percent for probabilistic parsing of English samples
from WSJ. He reports 93 percent attachment score
when gold standard tags were used, which means 93
percent of all the dependencies are correct regardless
of the percentage of the dependencies in each sentence.
Eisners parser is a projective parser thus it cannot
inherently predict crossing dependencies.
Discriminative dependency parsers such as Kudo and
Matsumoto (2000, 2002), and Yamada and Matsumoto
(2003) were also developed. They use support vector
machines to predict the next action of a deterministic


parser. Nivre et al. (2004) does this by memory-based

learning. They are all deterministic parsers.
McDonald et al. (2005b) tried something new and
applied graph spanning algorithms to dependency
parsing. They formalise dependency parsing as the
problem of finding a maximum spanning tree in a directed graph. MIRA is used to determine the weights
of dependency links as part of this computation. This
algorithm has two major advantages: it runs in O(n2)
time and it can handle non-projective dependencies
directly. They show that this algorithm significantly
improves performance on dependency parsing for
Czech, especially on sentences which contain at least
one crossed dependency. Variations of this parser has
been used in CoNLL-X shared task and received the
highest ranking among the participants averaged over
the results of all of the 13 languages (Buchholz and
Marsi, 2006). However, when no linguistic or global
constraints are applied it may yield absurd dependency
sequences such as assigning two subjects to a verb
(Riedel et al., 2006). McDonald (2005a) uses MIRA
learning algorithm with Eisners parser and reports
results for projective parsing.

There is growing body of work on creating new treebanks for different languages. Requirements for the
design of these treebanks are at least as diverse as these
natural languages themselves. For instance, some languages have a much more strong morphological component or freer word order than others. Understanding
and modelling these in the form of annotated linguistic
data will guide the understanding of natural language,
and technological advancement will hopefully make it
easier to understand the inner workings of the language
faculty of humans. There are challenges both for dependency parsing and for the dependency theory. For
instance, modelling long-distance dependencies and,
multiple head dependencies are still awaiting attention
and there is much to do on morphemic dependency approach where heads of phrases can be morphemes rather
than words in a sentence for morphologically complex
languages. Although these constitute a fraction of all the
phenomena in natural languages, they are the tricky
part of the NLP systems that will never be perfect as
long as these natural phenomena are ignored.

Dependency Parsing

This article has reviewed dependency grammar theory
together with recent advances in statistical dependency
parsing for different languages. Some current challenges
in building dependency treebanks and dependency
parsing have also been discussed. Dependency theory
and practical applications of dependency representations have advantages and disadvantages. The fact that
dependency parsing is easy to adapt to new languages,
and is well-adapted to representing free word-order,
makes it the preferred representation for many new
linguistic corpora. Dependency parsing is also developing in the direction of multi-lingual parsing where
a single system is required to be successful with different languages. This research may bring us closer to
understanding the linguistic capacity of human brain,
and thus to building better NLP systems.

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Dependency Parsing

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Dependency Parsing

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Tesnire, L. (1959). Elments de syntaxe structurale.
Klinsieck, Paris, France.

Morpheme: The smallest unit of meaning.

A word may consist of one morpheme (need),
two morphemes (need/less, need/ing) or more
Phrase Structure Tree: A structural representation of a sentence in the form of an inverted tree,
with each node of the tree labelled according to
the phrasal constituent it represents.

Tapanainen, P. and Jarvinen, T. (1997). A Non-projective

Dependency Parser. Proceedings of the 5thConference
on Applied Natural Language Processing, pp. 64-71.

Rule-Based Parser: A parser that uses hand

written (designed) rules as opposed to rules that
are derived from the data.

Vijay-Shanker,K. and Weir, D. (1994). The Equivalence of Four Extensions of Context-free Grammar.
Mathematical Systems Theory, 27:511-546.

Statistical Parser: A group of parsing methods

within NLP. The methods have in common that they
associate grammar rules with a probability.

Yamada, H. and Matsumoto, Y. (2003). Statistical

Dependency Analysis with Support Vector
Machines. In Van Noord, G. (ed.), Proceedings of the
8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
(IWPT), pp. 195-206.

Corpus (corpora plural): A collection of
written or spoken material in machine-readable
Machine Translation (MT): The act of translating something by means of a machine, especially
a computer.

Treebank: A text-corpus in which each

sentence is annotated with syntactic structure.
Syntactic structure is commonly represented as a
tree structure. Treebanks can be used in corpus
linguistics for studying syntactic phenomena or
in computational linguistics for training or testing

Some languages are not included in both tasks.

The information in the first and second columns
of each set belong to CoNLL 2006 and 2007
training data respectively.



Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy

Logic Systems
M. Mohammadian
University of Canberra, Australia

Systems such as robotic systems and systems with large
input-output data tend to be difficult to model using
mathematical techniques. These systems have typically
high dimensionality and have degrees of uncertainty in
many parameters. Artificial intelligence techniques such
as neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and
evolutionary algorithms have created new opportunities
to solve complex systems. Application of fuzzy logic
[Bai, Y., Zhuang H. and Wang, D. (2006)] in particular,
to model and solve industrial problems is now wide
spread and has universal acceptance. Fuzzy modelling or
fuzzy identification has numerous practical applications
in control, prediction and inference. It has been found
useful when the system is either difficult to predict and
or difficult to model by conventional methods. Fuzzy set
theory provides a means for representing uncertainties.
The underlying power of fuzzy logic is its ability to
represent imprecise values in an understandable form.
The majority of fuzzy logic systems to date have been
static and based upon knowledge derived from imprecise heuristic knowledge of experienced operators, and
where applicable also upon physical laws that governs
the dynamics of the process.
Although its application to industrial problems has
often produced results superior to classical control, the
design procedures are limited by the heuristic rules of
the system. It is simply assumed that the rules for the
system are readily available or can be obtained. This
implicit assumption limits the application of fuzzy logic
to the cases of the system with a few parameters. The
number of parameters of a system could be large. The
number of fuzzy rules of a system is directly dependent
on these parameters. As the number of parameters increase, the number of fuzzy rules of the system grows
Genetic Algorithms can be used as a tool for the
generation of fuzzy rules for a fuzzy logic system. This
automatic generation of fuzzy rules, via genetic algo-

rithms, can be categorised into two learning techniques,

supervised and unsupervised. In this paper unsupervised
learning of fuzzy rules of hierarchical and multi-layer
fuzzy logic control systems are considered. In unsupervised learning there is no external teacher or critic to
oversee the learning process. In other words, there are
no specific examples of the function to be learned by the
system. Rather, provision is made for a task-independent
measure of the quality or representation that the system
is required to learn. That is the system learns statistical
regularities of the input data and it develops the ability
to learn the feature of the input data and thereby create
new classes automatically [Mohammadian, M., Nainar,
I. and Kingham, M. (1997)].
To perform unsupervised learning, a competitive
learning strategy may be used. The individual strings
of genetic algorithms compete with each other for the
opportunity to respond to features contained in the
input data. In its simplest form, the system operates
in accordance with the strategy that the fittest wins
and survives. That is the individual chromosome in a
population with greatest fitness wins the competition
and gets selected for the genetic algorithms operations
(cross-over and mutation). The other individuals in the
population then have to compete with fit individual to
The diversity of the learning tasks shown in this
paper indicates genetic algorithms universality for
concept learning in unsupervised manner. A hybrid
integrated architecture incorporating fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm can generate fuzzy rules for problems
requiring supervised or unsupervised learning. In this
paper only unsupervised learning of fuzzy logic systems
is considered. The learning of fuzzy rules and internal
parameters in an unsupervised manner is performed
using genetic algorithms. Simulations results have
shown that the proposed system is capable of learning the control rules for hierarchical and multi-layer
fuzzy logic systems. Application areas considered are,
hierarchical control of a network of traffic light control
and robotic systems.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

A first step in the construction of a fuzzy logic system is to determine which variables are fundamentally
important. Any number of these decision variables may
appear, but the more that are used, the larger the rule set
that must be found. It is known [Raju, S., Zhou J. and
Kisner, R. A. (1990), Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993),
Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R. J.
(1998)], that the total number of rules in a system is an
exponential function of the number of system variables.
In order to design a fuzzy system with the required
accuracy, the number of rules increases exponentially
with the number of input variables and its associated
fuzzy sets for the fuzzy logic system. A way to avoid the
explosion of fuzzy rule bases in fuzzy logic systems is
to consider Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Control (HFLC)
[Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993)]. A learning approach
based on genetic algorithms [Goldberg, D. (1989)] is
discussed in this paper for the determination of the rule
bases of hierarchical fuzzy logic systems.


In this section we show how to learn the fuzzy rules
in a fuzzy logic rule base using a genetic algorithm.
The full set of fuzzy rules is encoded as a single string
in the genetic algorithm population. To facilitate this
we develop the genetic fuzzy rule generator whose
architecture consists of five basic steps

Divide the input and output spaces of the system

to be controlled into fuzzy sets (regions),


Encode the fuzzy rules into bit-string of 0 and

Use a genetic algorithm as a learning procedure
to generate set of fuzzy rules,
Use a fuzzy logic controller to assess the set of
fuzzy rules and assign a value to each generated
set of fuzzy rules,
Stop generating new sets of fuzzy rules once some
performance criteria is met,

Figure 1 shows the genetic fuzzy rule generator

architecture graphically. Suppose we wish to produce
fuzzy rules for a fuzzy logic control with two inputs and
single output. This simple two-input u1, u2 single-output
y case is chosen in order to clarify the basic ideas of
our new approach. Extensions to multi-output cases are
straightforward. For more information on multi-output
cases refer to Mohammadian et al [Mohammadian, M.
and Stonier, R J., (1998)].
As a first step we divide the domain intervals of
u1, u2 and y into different fuzzy sets. The number of
the fuzzy sets is application dependent. Assume that
we divide the interval for u1, u2 and y into 5, 7 and 7
fuzzy sets respectively. For each fuzzy set we assign
a fuzzy membership function. Therefore a maximum
of 35 fuzzy rules can be constructed for this system.
Now the fuzzy rule base can be formed as a 57 table
with cells to hold the corresponding actions that must
be taken given the condition corresponding to u1, u2
are satisfied.
In step 2 we encode the input and output fuzzy sets
into bit-strings (of 0 and 1). Each complete bit-string
consists of 35 fuzzy rules for this example and each

Figure 1. Genetic fuzzy rule generator architecture

F u zzy in p u t
r e g io n s

G A f u zzy r u le
g e n e r a to r b lo c k

F u zzy o u tp u t
F L C e v a lu a to r

r e g io n s
R u le b a s e

b lo c k

A set of
f u zzy r u le s


Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

fuzzy rule base has the same input conditions but

may have different output control signal assigned to
it. Therefore we need only to encode the output signal
of the fuzzy rule bit-strings into a complete bit-string.
This will save the processing time for encoding and
decoding of genetic algorithms strings. In this case the
length of an individual string has been reduced from
665 bits (i.e. 1935) to 245 bits (i.e. 735). The choice
of output control signal to be set for each fuzzy rule is
made by the genetic algorithm. It initialises randomly
a population of complete bit-strings. Each of these bitstrings is then decoded into fuzzy rules and evaluated
by fuzzy logic controller to determine the fitness value
for that bit-string. Application of proportional selection
and mutation and one-point crossover operations can
now proceed. Selection and crossover are the same as
in simple genetic algorithms while the mutation operation is modified. Crossover and mutation take place
based on the probability of crossover and mutation
respectively. The mutation operator is changed to suit
this problem, namely, an allele is selected at random
and it is replaced by a random number ranging from 1

Figure 2. Three adjacent intersections

1350 veh/hr

1000 veh/hr

1100 veh/hr
100 metres

1000 veh/hr

1000 veh/hr

900 veh/hr

850 veh/hr
100 metres

1300 veh/hr

to 7 which represents in this example the five output

fuzzy sets. The genetic algorithm process performs
a self-directed search according to fitness value. In
all applications in this paper we seek to minimise the
fitness function. The process can be terminated after
a desired number of generations or when the fitness
value of the best string in a generation is less than
some prescribed level.


Traffic Light Control
Traffic light control is widely used to resolve conflicts among vehicle movements at intersections. The
control system at each signalised intersection consists
of the following three control elements, cycle time,
phase splits and offset. Cycle time is the duration of
completing all phases of a signal; phase split is the
division of the cycle time into periods of green phase
for competing approaches; and offset is the time difference in the starting times of the green phases of
adjacent intersections.
In [Nainar, I., Mohammadian, M., Stonier, R. J.
and Millar, J. (1996)] a fuzzy logic control scheme is
proposed to overcome the lack of interactions between
the neighbouring intersections. First, a traffic model is
developed and a fuzzy control scheme for regulating
the traffic flow approaching a single traffic intersection
is proposed. A new fuzzy control scheme employing
a supervisory fuzzy logic controller is then proposed
to coordinate the three intersections based on the
traffic conditions at all three intersections. Simulation results established the effectiveness of proposed
scheme. Figure 2 shows the three intersections used
in the simulation.
A supervisory fuzzy logic control system is then
developed to coordinate the three intersections far
more effectively than the three local fuzzy logic control systems. This is because using supervisory fuzzy
logic controller each intersection is coordinated with
all its neighbouring intersections [Nainar, I., Mohammadian, M., Stonier, R. J. and Millar, J. (1996)]. The
fuzzy knowledge base of the supervisory fuzzy logic
controller was learnt using genetic algorithms. The
supervisory fuzzy logic controller developed to coordinate the three intersections coordinated the traffic

Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

signals far more effectively than the three local fuzzy

logic controllers. This is because using supervisory
fuzzy logic controller each intersection is coordinated
with all its neighbouring intersections. This proposed
fuzzy logic control scheme can be effectively applied to on-line traffic control because of its ability to
handle extensive traffic situations. Simulations results
have shown that the multi-layer fuzzy logic system
consisting of three local fuzzy logic controllers and
the supervisory fuzzy logic controller is capable of
reducing the waiting time on the network of the traffic
intersections [Nainar, I., Mohammadian, M., Stonier,
R. J. and Millar, J. (1996)].

Collision-Avoidance in a Robot System

Consider the following collision-avoidance problem in
a simulated, point mass, two robot system. A three-level
hierarchical, fuzzy logic system was proposed to solve
the problem, full details can be found in [Mohammadian,
M. and Stonier, R. J. (1998)], see also [Mohammadian,
M. and Stonier, R. J. (1995)]. In the first layer, two
knowledge bases, one for each robot, are developed
to find the steering angle to control each robot to its
target. In the second layer two new knowledge bases
are developed using the knowledge in the first layer
to control the speed of each robot so that each robot
approaches its target with near zero speed. Finally in
the third layer, a single knowledge base is developed
to modify the controls of each robot to avoid collision
in a restricted common workspace, see Figure 3.

In Figure 3, x; y gives the physical position of the

robot on the plane, is the directional heading of the
robot, q is the steering angle, D1 and D2 are the distances
of the two robots from there respective targets, S1 and
S2 are the speeds of the two robots, D is the distance
between the two robots and q1 , q 2' , q1 , q 2'' , s1' and s 2'
are the updates of variable outputs for the last two layers.
An important issue in this example is that of learning
knowledge in a given layer sufficient for use in higher
layers. In the first layer of the hierarchical fuzzy logic
system, ignoring the possibility of collision, steering
angles for the control of each robot to their associated
target were determined by genetic algorithms. In the
second layer genetic algorithm was used to determine
adjustments to steering angle and speed of each robot
to control the speed of the robot when arriving to its
target. Next another layer is developed to adjust the
speed and steering angle of the robots to avoid collision of the robots. Consider the knowledge base of a
single robot in layer one. It is not sufficient to learn a
fuzzy knowledge base from an initial configuration and
use this knowledge base for information on the steering angle of the robot to learn fuzzy controllers in the
second layer. Quite clearly this knowledge base is only
guaranteed to be effective from this initial configuration as not all the fuzzy rules will have fired in taking
the robot to its target. We have to find a knowledge
base that is effective to some acceptable measure, in
controlling the robot to its target from any initial
configuration. One way is to first learn a set of local
fuzzy controllers, each knowledge base learnt by an

Figure 3. Hierarchical structure for collision-avoidance


Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

genetic algorithms from a given initial configuration

within a set of initial configurations spread uniformly
over the configuration space. These knowledge bases
can then be fused through a fuzzy amalgamation process
[Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1995)] into the
global (final), fuzzy control knowledge base. An alternative approach [Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J.
(1996), Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1998)],
is to develop an genetic algorithms to learn directly
the final knowledge base by itself over the region of
initial configurations.
In conclusion the proposed hierarchical fuzzy logic
system is capable of controlling the multi-robot system
successfully. By using hierarchical fuzzy logic system
the number of control laws is reduced. In the first layer
of hierarchical fuzzy logic system ignoring the possibility of collision, steering angles for the control of
each robot to their associated target were determined
by genetic algorithms. In the second layer genetic algorithm was used to determine adjustments to steering
angle and speed of each robot to control the speed of
the robot when arriving to its target. Next another layer
is developed to adjust the speed and steering angle of
the robots to avoid collision of the robots. If only one
fuzzy logic system was used to solve this problem with
the inputs x, y, f of each robot and D each with the
same fuzzy sets described in this paper then there would
be 153125 fuzzy rule needed for its fuzzy knowledge
base. Using a hierarchical fuzzy logic system there
is a total number of 1645 fuzzy rules for this system.
The hierarchical concept learning using the proposed
method makes easier the development of fuzzy logic
control systems, by encouraging the development of
fuzzy logic controllers where the large number of
systems parameters inhibits the construction of such
controllers. For more details, we refer the reader to
the cited papers.


Research into this area has been described as genetic
fuzzy systems using the classical genetic algorithm
has been surveyed by Cordon [Cordon, O., Herrera,
F. and Zwir, I. (2002)], see also [Cordon, O., Herrera,
F., Hoffmann, F. and Magdalena, L. (2001)]. Genetic
algorithms is employed to learn or tune different components of a fuzzy logic system such as the fuzzy

knowledge base and the membership functions in the

inference process. This is usually accomplished by using
a genetic algorithms to produce the best fuzzy rules
and membership functions/parameters with respect
to an optimisation criterion. There are three main approaches in the literature for learning the rules in a fuzzy
knowledge base. They are, the Pittsburgh approach,
the Michigan approach and the iterative rule-learning
approach [Cordon, O., Herrera, F., Hoffmann, F. and
Magdalena, L. (2001)]. The Pittsburgh and Michigan
approaches are the most commonly used methods in
the area.
Research by the authors, colleagues and postgraduate students has predominately used the Pittsburgh
approach with success in learning the fuzzy rules
in complex systems, across hierarchical and multilayered structures in problems [Stonier, R. J. and
Zajaczkowski, J. (2003), Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R. J. (1998), Mohammadian, M.
and Kingham, M. (2004), Mohammadian, M. (2002),
Nainar, I., Mohammadian, M., Stonier, R. J. and Millar, J. (1996), Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J.
(1998), Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1995),
Thomas, P. J. and Stonier, R. J. (2003), Thomas, P. J.
and Stonier, R. J. (2003a)].

In using the Pittsburgh approach the coding of the
fuzzy rule base as a linear string in an evolutionary
algorithm has its drawbacks other than the string may
even be relatively large in length under decomposition into multi-layer and hierarchical structures. One
is that this is a specific linear encoding of a nonlinear
structure and typical one-point crossover when implemented introduces bias when reversing the coding to
obtain the fuzzy logic rule base. Using co-evolutionary
algorithms is also another option that needs further

This paper described the issues in the construction of
a hierarchical fuzzy logic system to model a complex
(nonlinear) system. The learning of fuzzy rules in such
systems using genetic algorithms was proposed and it
was shown to be feasible. Whilst the decomposition

Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

into hierarchical/multi-layered fuzzy logic sub-systems reduces greatly the number of fuzzy rules to be
defined and to be learnt, other issues arise such as the
decomposition is not unique and that it may give rise
to variables with no physical significance. This can
raise then major difficulties in obtaining a complete
class of rules from experts even when the number of
variables is small.

The authors wish to thank those colleagues and students who have helped in this research and associated

Bai, Y., Zhuang H. and Wang, D. (2006), Advanced
Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications,
Springer Verlag, USA, ISBN 1-84628-468-6.
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2-20, USA.
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L. (2001), Genetic Fuzzy Systems Evolutionary Tuning
and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases (Advances
in Fuzzy SystemsApplications and Theory Vol. 19),
World Scientific Publishing, USA, ISBN 981-024017-1.
Goldberg, D. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimisation and Machine Learning, AddisonWesley, USA.
Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R.
J. (1998), Prediction of Interest Rate using Neural
Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Proceedings of ISCA 7th
International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Melun,
Paris, France.
Magdalena, L. (1998), Hierarchical Fuzzy Control of
a Complex System using Metaknowledge, Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-based Systems, Paris, France.

Mohammadian, M. (2002), Designing customised hierarchical fuzzy systems for modelling and prediction,
Proceedings of the International Conference on sinulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL02), Singapore,
ISBN 9810475233.
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financial systems, Journal of Intelligent Systems in
Accounting, Finance and Management, Wiley Interscience, Vol. 12, 61-82.
Mohammadian, M. and Kingham, M. (2005), Intelligent Data Analysis, Decision Making and Modelling
Adaptive Financial Systems Using Hierarchical Neural
Networks, Knowledge-Base Intelligent Information
and Engineering Systems, KES2005, Springer Verlag,
Australia, ISBN 3540288953.
Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J. (1995), Adaptive
Two Layer Fuzzy Logic Control of a Mobile Robot
System, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computing, Perth, Australia.
Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J. (1996), Fuzzy Rule
Generation by Genetic Learning for Target Tracking,
Proceedingsof the 5th International Intelligent Systems
Conference, Reno, Nevada.
Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J. (1998), Hierarchical Fuzzy Control, Proceedings of the 7th International
conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems,
Paris, France.
Mohammadian, M., Nainar, I. and Kingham, M. (1997),
Supervised and Unsupervised Concept Learning by
Genetic Algorithms, Second International ICSC Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications ISFL97,
Zurich, Switzerland.
Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R J., (1998), Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Control , The Seventh Conference on Information Processing and Management of
Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems - IPMU98,
Nainar, I., Mohammadian, M., Stonier, R. J. and Millar,
J. (1996), An adaptive fuzzy logic controller for control
fo traffic signals, Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and
Computer Vision (ICARCV96), Singapore.


Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems

Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993), Adaptive Hierarchical

Fuzzy Controller, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics, Vol. 23, No. 4, 973-980, 1993.
Raju, S., Zhou J. and Kisner, R. A. (1990), Fuzzy logic
control for steam generator feedwater control, Proceedings of American Control Conference, San Diego, CA,
USA, ISBN 1491-1493.
Stonier, R. J. and Zajaczkowski, J. (2003), Hierarchical fuzzy controllers for the inverted pendulum,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (CIRAS 2003), Singapore, ISSN 0219-613,
Stonier, R. J. (1999), Evolutionary learning of fuzzy
logic controllers over a region of initial states, Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington, Vol. 2, 2131-2138, 1999.
Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1995), Self
Learning Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Controller in MultiRobot Systems, Proceedings of the IEA Conference
Control95, Melbourne Australia.
Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1996), Intelligent Hierarchical Control for Obstacle- Avoidance,
Computational Techniques and Applications - CTAC95,
World Scientific, 733-740, 1996.
Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1998), Knowledge Acquisition for Target Capture, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Evolutionary Computing
ICEC98, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Thomas, P. J. and Stonier, R. J. (2003a), Evolutionary
Learning of a 5I2O Fuzzy Controller Including Wheel
Lift Constraint, Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics
and Autonomous Systems (CIRAS2003), Singapore,
Australia, ISSN 0219-613, PS04-4-01.
Thomas, P. J. and Stonier, R. J. (2003), Hierarchical
Fuzzy Control in Robot Soccer using Evolving Algorithms, Proceedings of the International Congress
on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), Canberra,


Fusing Variables: Fusing variables is a method for
reducing the number of rules in a fuzzy rule base. The
variables are fused (combined) together before input
into the inference engine, thereby reducing the number
of rules in the knowledge base.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic were
introduced in 1965 by Lotfi Zadeh as a new way to
represent vagueness in applications. They are a generalisation of sets in conventional set theory. Fuzzy Logic
(FL) aims at modelling imprecise models of reasoning,
such as common sense reasoning for uncertain complex
processes. A system for representing the meaning of
lexically imprecise proposition in natural language
structure through the proposition being represented
as fuzzy constraints on a variable is provided. Fuzzy
logic controllers have been applied to many nonlinear
control systems successfully. Linguistic rather than crisp
numerical rules are used to control the processes.
Fuzzy Rule Base (Fuzzy If-Then rules): Fuzzy
If-Then or fuzzy conditional statements are expressions
of the form If A Then B, where A and B are labels
of fuzzy sets characterised by appropriate membership
functions. Due to their concise form, fuzzy If-Then
rules are often employed to capture the imprecise
modes of reasoning that play an essential role in the
human ability to make decision in an environment of
uncertainty and imprecision. The set of If-Then rules
relate to a fuzzy logic system that are stored together
is called a Fuzzy Rule Base.
Genetic Algorithms: Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are
algorithms that use operations found in natural genetics
to guide their way through a search space and are increasingly being used in the field of optimisation. The robust
nature and simple mechanics of genetic algorithms make
them inviting tools for search, learning and optimization. Genetic algorithms are based on computational
models of fundamental evolutionary processes such as
selection, recombination and mutation.
Genetic Algorithms Components: In its simplest
form, a genetic algorithm has the following components:

Designing Unsupervised Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems





Fitness - A positive measure of utility, called fitness, is determined for individuals in a population.
This fitness value is a quantitative measure of how
well a given individual compares to others in the
Selection - Population individuals are assigned a
number of copies in a mating pool that is used to
construct a new population. The higher a population individuals fitness, the more copies in the
mating pool it receives.
Recombination - Individuals from the mating pool
are recombined to form new individuals, called
children. A common recombination method is
one-point crossover.
Mutation - Each individual is mutated with some
small probability << 1.0. Mutation is a mechanism
for maintaining diversity in the population.

Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems: The idea of

hierarchical fuzzy logic control systems is to put the
input variables into a collection of low-dimensional
fuzzy logic control systems, instead of creating a single
high dimensional rule base for a fuzzy logic control
system. Each low-dimensional fuzzy logic control
system constitutes a level in the hierarchical fuzzy
logic control system. Hierarchical fuzzy logic control
is one approach to avoid rule explosion problem. It
has the property that the number of rules needed to
construct the fuzzy system increases only linearly with
the number of variables in the system
Unsupervised Learning: In unsupervised learning there is no external teacher or critic to oversee the
learning process. In other words, there are no specific
examples of the function to be learned by the system.
Rather, provision is made for a task-independent measure of the quality or representation that the system is
required to learn. That is the system learns statistical
regularities of the input data and it develops the ability
to learn the feature of the input data and thereby create
new classes automatically.



Developmental Robotics
Max Lungarella
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Gabriel Gmez
University of Zurich, Switzerland

Human intelligence is acquired through a prolonged
period of maturation and growth during which a single
fertilized egg first turns into an embryo, then grows
into a newborn baby, and eventually becomes an adult
individualwhich, typically before growing old and
dying, reproduces. The developmental process is
inherently robust and flexible, and biological organisms
show an amazing ability during their development to
devise adaptive strategies and solutions to cope with
environmental changes and guarantee their survival.
Because evolution has selected development as the
process through which to realize some of the highest
known forms of intelligence, it is plausible to assume
that development is mechanistically crucial to emulate
such intelligence in human-made artifacts.

The idea that development might be a good avenue
to understand and construct cognition is not new.
Already Turing (1950) suggested that using some kind
of developmental approach might be a good strategy.
In the context of robotics, many of the original ideas
can be traced back to embodied artificial intelligence
(embodied AI), a movement started by Rodney
Brooks at the beginning of the 1980s (Brooks et al.,
1998), and the notion of enaction (Varela et al., 1991)
according to which cognitive structures emerge from
recurrent sensorimotor patterns that enable action
to be perceptually guided. Researchers of embodied
AI believe that intelligence can only come from the
reciprocal interaction across multiple time scales
between brain and body of an agent, and its environment.
In a sense, throughout life, experience is learned and
common sense is acquired, which then supports more
complex reasoning. This general bootstrapping of

intelligence has been called cognitive incrementalism

(Clark, 2001).

Developmental robotics (also known as epigenetic
or ontogenetic robotics) is a highly interdisciplinary
subfield of robotics in which ideas from artificial
intelligence, developmental psychology, neuroscience,
and dynamical systems theory play a pivotal role in
motivating the research (Asada et al., 2001; Lungarella
et al., 2003; Weng et al., 2001; Zlatev & Balkenius,
2001). Developmental robotics aims to model the
development of increasingly complex cognitive
processes in natural and artificial systems and to
understand how such processes emerge through physical
and social interaction. The idea is to realize artificial
cognitive systems not by simply programming them
to solve a specific task, but rather by initiating and
maintaining a developmental process during which
the systems interact with their physical environments
(i.e. through their bodies or tools), as well as with their
social environments (i.e. with people or other robots).
Cognition, after all, is the result of a process of selforganization (spontaneous emergence of order) and
co-development between a developing organism and its
surrounding environment. Although some researchers
use simulated environments and computational
models (e.g. Mareschal et al., 2007), often robots
are employed as testing platforms for theoretical
models of the development of cognitive abilities
the rationale being that if a model is instantiated in
a system interacting with the real world, a great deal
can be learned about its strengths and potential flaws
(Fig. 1). Unlike evolutionary robotics which operates
on phylogenetic time scales and populations of many
individuals, developmental robotics capitalizes on

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Developmental Robotics

Figure 1. Developmental robots. (a) iCub ( (b) Babybot (

(c) Infanoid (

short (ontogenetic) time scales and single individuals

(or small groups of individuals).

The spectrum of developmental robotics research
can be roughly segmented into four primary areas of
interest. Although instances may exist that fall into
multiple categories, the suggested grouping should
provide at least some order in the large spectrum of
issues addressed by developmental roboticists.
Socially oriented interaction: This category includes
research on robots that communicate or learn particular
skills via social interaction with humans or other robots.
Examples are imitation learning, communication and
language acquisition, attention sharing, turn-taking
behavior, and social regulation (Dautenhahn, 2007;
Steels, 2006).
Non-social interaction: Studies on robots
characterized by a direct and strong coupling between
sensorimotor processes and the local environment
(e.g. inanimate objects), but which do not interact

with other robots or humans. Examples are visuallyguided grasping and manipulation, tool-use, perceptual
categorization, and navigation (Fitzpatrick et al., 2007;
Nabeshima et al., 2006).
Agent-centered sensorimotor control: In these
studies, robots are used to investigate the exploration of
bodily capabilities, the effect of morphological changes
on motor skill acquisition, as well as self-supervised
learning schemes not linked to any functional goal.
Examples include self-exploration, categorization of
motor patterns, motor babbling, and learning to walk or
crawl (Demiris & Meltzoff, 2007; Lungarella, 2004).
Mechanisms and principles: This category embraces
research on principles, mechanisms or processes
thought to increase the adaptivity of a behaving system.
Examples are: developmental and neural plasticity,
mirror neurons, motivation, freezing and freeing of
degrees of freedom, and synergies; characterization
of complexity and emergence, study of the effects of
adaptation and growth, and practical work on body
construction or development (Arbib et al., 2007;
Oudeyer et al., 2007; Lungarella & Sporns, 2006).


Developmental Robotics


By contrast to traditional disciplines such as physics
or mathematics, which are described by well-known
basic principles, the fundamental principles governing
the dynamics of developmental systems are unknown.
Could there be laws governing developmental systems
or a theory? Although various attempts have been
initiated (Asada et al., 2001; Brooks et al., 1998;
Weng et al., 2001), it is fair to say that to date no such
theory has emerged. Here, en route to such a theory,
we point out a set of candidate principles. An approach
based on principles is preferable for constructing
intelligent autonomous systems, because it allows
capturing design ideas and heuristics in a concise and
pertinent way, avoiding blind trial-and-error. Principles
can be abstracted from biological systems, and their
inspiration can take place at several levels, ranging from
a faithful replication of biological mechanisms to a
rather generic implementation of biological principles
leaving room for dynamics intrinsic to artifacts but
not found in natural systems. In what follows we
summarize five key principles revealed by observations
of human development which may be used to construct
developmental robots.

The Value Principle

Observations: Value systems are neural structures
that mediate value and saliency and are found in
virtually all vertebrate species. They are necessary
for an organisms behavioral adaptation to salient
(meaningful) environmental cues. By linking behavior
and neuroplasticity, value systems are essential for
deciding what to do in a particular situation (Sporns,
Lessons for robotics: The action of value systems
through adaptive changes in sensorimotor connections
and inputs enables an embodied agent to learn action
strategies without external supervision by increasing the
likelihood that a good movement pattern can recur in
the same behavioral context. Value systems may also be
used to guide an exploratory process and hence allow a
system to learn sensorimotor patterns more efficiently
compared to a pure random or a systematic exploration
(Gmez & Eggenberger, 2007). By imposing constraints
through value-dependent modulation of saliency, the


search space can be considerably reduced. Examples

of value systems in the brain include the dopaminergic,
cho-linergic, and noradrenergic systems; based on them,
several models have been implemented and embedded
in developmental robots (Sporns, 2007).

The Principle of Information

Observations: Infants frequently engage in repetitive
(seemingly dull) behavioral patterns: they look at
objects, grasp them, stick them into their mouths,
bang them on the floor, and so on. It is through such
interactions that intelligence in humans develops as
children grow up interacting with their environment
(Smith & Breazeal, 2007; Smith & Gasser, 2005).
Lessons for robotics: The first important lesson is
that information processing (neural coding) needs to
be considered in the context of the embeddedness of
the organism within its eco-niche. That is, robots and
organisms are exposed to a barrage of sensory data
shaped by sensorimotor interactions and morphology
(Lungarella & Sporns, 2006). Information is not
passively absorbed from the surrounding environment
but is selected and shaped by actions on the environment.
Second, information structure does not exist before
the interaction occurs, but emerges only while the
interaction is taking place. The absence of interaction
would lead to a large amount of unstructured data
and consequently to stronger requirements on neural
coding, and in the worst case to the inability to
learn. It follows that embodied interaction lies at the
root of a powerful learning mechanism as it enables the
creation of time-locked correlations and the discovery
of higher-order regularities that transcend the individual
sensory modalities. [Lungarella (2004; principle of
information self-structuring)].

The Principle of Incremental Complexity

Observations: Infants early experiences are strongly
constrained by the immaturity of their sensory, motor,
and neural systems. Such early constraints, which at first
appear to be an inadequacy, are in fact of advantage,
because they effectively decrease the information
overload that otherwise would overwhelm the infant
(Bjorklund & Green, 1992).
Lessons for robotics: In order for an organism
natural or artificial to learn to control its own

Developmental Robotics

complex brain-body system, it might be a good strategy

to start simple and gradually build on top of acquired
abilities. The well-timed and gradual co-development
of body morphology and neural system provides an
incremental approach to deal with a complex and
unpredictable world. Early morphological constraints
and cognitive limitations can lead to more adaptive
systems as they allow exploiting the role that experience
plays in shaping the cognitive architecture. If an
organism was to begin by using its full complexity, it
would never be able to learn anything (Gmez et al.,
2004). It follows that designers should not try to code
a full-fledged ready-to-be-used intelligence module
directly into an artificial system. Instead, the system
should be able to discover on its own the most effective
ways of assembling low-level components into novel
solutions [Lungarella (2004; starting simple); Pfeifer
& Bongard (2007; incremental process principle)].

The Principle of Interactive Emergence

Observations: Development is not determined by innate
mechanisms alone (in other words: not everything
should be pre-programmed). Cognitive structure, for
instance, is largely dependent on the interaction history
of the developing system with the environment in which
it is embedded (Hendriks-Jansen, 1996).
Lessons for robotics: In traditional engineering
the designer of the system imposes (hard-wires) the
structure of the controller and the controlled system.
Designers of adaptive robots, however, should avoid
implementing the robots control structure according
to their understanding of the robots physics, but
should endow the robot with means to acquire its
own understanding through self-exploration and
interaction with the environment. Systems designed
for emergence tend to be more adaptive with respect to
uncertainties and perturbations. The ability to maintain
performance in the face of changes (such as growth or
task modifications) is a long-recognized property of
living systems. Such robustness is achieved through a
host of mechanisms: feedback, modularity, redundancy,
structural stability, and plasticity [Dautenhahn (2007;
interactive emergence); Hendriks-Jansen (1996;
interactive emergence); Prince et al. (2005; ongoing

The Principle of Cognitive Scaffolding

Observations: Development takes place among
conspecifics with similar internal systems and similar
external bodies (Smith & Breazeal, 2007). Human
infants, for instance, are endowed from an early age
with the means to engage in simple, but nevertheless
crucial social interactions, e.g. they show preferences
for human faces, smell, and speech, and they imitate
protruding tongues, smiles, and other facial expressions
(Demiris & Meltzoff, 2007).
Lessons for robotics: Social interaction bears
many potential advantages for developmental robots:
(a) it increases the systems behavioral diversity
through mimicry and imitation (Demiris & Meltzoff,
2007); (b) it supports the emergence of language and
communication, and symbol grounding (Steels, 2006);
and (c) it helps structure the robots environment by
simplifying and speeding up the learning of tasks and the
acquisition of skills. Scaffolding is often employed by
parents and caretakers (intentionally or not) to support,
shape, and guide the development of infants. Similarly,
the social world of the robot should be prepared to teach
the robot progressively novel and more complex tasks
without overwhelming its artificial cognitive structure
[Lungarella (2004; social interaction principle);
Mareschal et al. (2007; ensocialment); Smith &
Breazeal (2007; coupling to intelligent others)].

The further success of developmental robotics
will depend on the extent to which theorists and
experimentalists will be able to identify universal
principles spanning the multiple levels at which
developmental systems operate. Here, we briefly
indicate some hot issues that need to be tackled en
route to a theory of developmental systems.
Semiotics: It is necessary to address the issue of how
developmental robots (and embodied agents in general)
can attribute meaning to symbols and construct semiotic
systems. A promising approach, explored under the
label of semiotic dynamics, is that such semiotic
systems and the associated information structure are
continuously invented and negotiated by groups of
people or agents, and are used for communication and
information organization (Steels, 2006).


Developmental Robotics

Core knowledge: An organism cannot develop

without some built-in ability. If all abilities are built
in, however, the organism does not develop either. It
will therefore be important to understand with what
sort of core knowledge and explorative behaviors a
developmental system has to be endowed, so that it
can autonomously develop novel skills. One of the
greatest challenges will be to identify core abilities
and how they interact during development in building
basic skills (Spelke, 2000).
Core motives: It is necessary to conduct research
on general capacities such as creativity, curiosity,
motivations, action selection, and prediction (i.e. the
ability to foresee consequence of actions). Ideally, no
tasks should be pre-specified to the robot, which should
only be provided with an internal abstract reward
function and a set of basic motivational (or emotional)
drives that could push it to continuously master new
know-how and skills (Lewis, 2000; Oudeyer et al.,
Self-exploration: Another important challenge
is the one of self-exploration or self-programming
(Bongard et al., 2006). Control theory assumes that
target values and states are initially provided by the
systems designer, whereas in biology, such targets
are created and revised continuously by the system
itself. Such spontaneous self-determined evolution
or autonomous development is beyond the scope of
current control theory and needs to be addressed in
future research.
Learning causality: In a natural setting, no teacher
can possibly provide a detailed learning signal and
sufficient training data. Mechanisms will have to
be created to characterize learning in an ecological
context and for the developing agent to collect relevant
learning material on its own. One significant future
avenue will be to endow systems with the possibility
to recognize progressively longer chains of cause and
effect (Chater et al., 2006).
Growth: As mentioned in the introduction,
intelligence is acquired through a process of selfassembly, growth, and maturation. It will be important
to study how physical growth, change of shape and
body composition, as well as material properties of
sensors and actuators affect and guide the emergence
of cognition. This will allow connecting developmental
robotics to computational developmental biology
(Gmez & Eggenberger, 2007; Kumar & Bentley,

The study of intelligent systems raises many
fundamental, but also very difficult questions. Can
machines think or feel? Can they autonomously acquire
novel skills? Can the interaction of the body, brain, and
environment be exploited to discover novel and creative
solutions to problems? Developmental robotics may be
an approach to explore such long standing issues. At this
point, the field is bubbling with activity. Its popularity
is partly due to recent technological advances which
have allowed the design of robots whose kinematic
complexity is comparable to that of humans (Fig. 1).
The success of developmental robotics will ultimately
depend on whether it will be possible to crystallize its
central assumptions into a theory. While much additional
work is surely needed to arrive at or even approach a
general theory of intelligence, the beginnings of a new
synthesis are on the horizon. Perhaps, finally, we will
come closer to understanding and building (growing)
human-like intelligence. Exciting times are ahead of

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development. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation,
Pfeifer, R. & Bongard, J.C. (2007). How the Body Shapes
the Way we Think. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Prince, C.G., Helder, N.A., & Hollich, G.J. (2005).
Ongoing emergence: A core concept in epigenetic
robotics. Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on Epigenetic
Smith, L.B. & Gasser, M. (2005). The development of
embodied cognition: Six lessons from babies. Artificial
Life, 11:1330.
Smith, L.B. & Breazeal, C. (2007). The dynamic lift
of developmental process. Developmental Science,
Spelke, E. (2000). Core knowledge. American
Psychologist, 55:12331243.
Sporns, O. (2007). What neuro-robotic models can
teach us about neural and cognitive development.
In: D. Mareschal et al., (eds.) Neuroconstructivism:
Perspectives and Prospects, Vol.2, pp. 179204.
Steels, L. (2006). Semiotic dynamics for embodied
agents. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21(3):3238.
Turing, A.M. (1950). Computing machinery and
intelligence. Mind, LIX(236):433460.
Varela, F.J., Thompson, E., & Rosch, E. (1991). The
Embodied Mind. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.
Weng, J.J., McClelland, J., Pentland, A., Sporns, O.,
Stockman, I., Sur, M., & Thelen, E. (2001). Autonomous
mental development by robots and animals. Science,
Zlatev, J. & Balkenius, C. (2001). Introduction: why
epigenetic robotics? In: C. Balkenius et al., (eds.) Proc.
1st Int. Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics, pp. 14.

Developmental Robotics

Adaptation: Refers to particular adjustments that
organisms undergo to cope with environmental and
morphological changes. In biology one can distinguish
four types of adaptation: evolutionary, physiological,
sensory, and learning.
Bootstrapping: Designates the process of starting
with a minimal set of functions and building increasingly
more functionality in a step by step manner on top of
structures already present in the system.
Degrees of freedom problem: The problem
of learning how to control a system with a very
large number of degrees of freedom (also known as
Bernsteins problem).
Embodiment: Refers to the fact that intelligence
requires a body, and cannot merely exist in the form
of an abstract algorithm.


Emergence: A process where phenomena at a certain

level arise from interactions at lower levels. The term
is sometimes used to denote a property of a system not
contained in any one of its parts.
Scaffolding: Encompasses all kinds of external
support and aids that simplify the learning of tasks and
the acquisition of new skills.
Semiotic Dynamics: Field that studies how
meaningful symbolic structures originates, spreads,
and evolve over time within populations, by combining
linguistics and cognitive science with theoretical tools
from complex systems and computer science.


Device-Level Majority von Neumann

Valeriu Beiu
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Walid Ibrahim
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
United Arab Emirates University, UAE

This chapter starts from an exact gate-level reliability
analysis of von Neumann multiplexing using majority
gates of increasing fan-ins ( = 3, 5, 7, 9, 11) at the
smallest redundancy factors (RF = 2), and details an
accurate device-level analysis. The analysis complements well-known theoretical and simulation results.
The gate-level analysis is exact as obtained using exhaustive counting. The extension (of the exact gate-level
analysis) to device-level errors will allow us to analyze
von Neumann majority multiplexing with respect to
device malfunctions. These results explain abnormal
behaviors of von Neumann multiplexing reported based
on Monte Carlo simulations. These analyses show that
device-level reliability results are quite different from
the gate-level ones, and could have profound implications for future (nano)circuit designs.
SIA (2005) predicts that the semiconductor industry
will continue its success in scaling CMOS for a few
more generations. This scaling should become very
difficult when approaching 16 nm. Scaling might
continue further, but alternative nanodevices might be
integrated with CMOS on the same platform. Besides
the higher sensitivities of future ultra-small devices,
the simultaneous increase of their numbers will create
the ripe conditions for an inflection point in the way
we deal with reliability.
With geometries shrinking the available reliability
margins of the future nano(devices) are considerably
being reduced (Constantinescu, 2003), (Beiu et al.,
2004). From the chip designers perspective, reliability
currently manifests itself as time-dependent uncertainties and variations of electrical parameters. In the
nano-era, these device-level parametric uncertainties

are becoming too high to handle with prevailing worstcase design techniqueswithout incurring significant
penalty in terms of area, delay, and power/energy. The
global picture is that reliability looks like one of the
greatest threats to the design of future ICs. For emerging nanodevices and their associated interconnects
the anticipated probabilities of failures, could make
future nano-ICs prohibitively unreliable. The present
design approach based on the conventional zero-defect
foundation is seriously being challenged. Therefore,
fault- and defect-tolerance techniques will have to be
considered from the early design phases.
Reliability for beyond CMOS technologies
(Hutchby et al., 2002) (Waser, 2005) is expected to
get even worse, as device failure rates are predicted
to be as high as 10% for single electron technology,
or SET (Likharev, 1999), going up to 30% for self-assembled DNA (Feldkamp & Niemeyer, 2006) (Lin et
al., 2006). Additionally, a comprehensive analysis of
carbon nano tubes for future interconnects (Massoud
& Nieuwoudt, 2006) estimated the variations in delay
at about 60% from the nominal value. Recently, defect
rates of 60% were reported for a 160 Kbit molecular
electronic memory (Green et al., 2007). Achieving
100% correctness with 1012 nanodevices will be not
only outrageously expensive, but plainly impossible!
Relaxing the requirement of 100% correctness should
reduce manufacturing, verification, and test costs, while
leading to more transient and permanent errors. It follows that most (if not all) of these errors will have to
be compensated by architectural techniques (Nikoli
et al., 2001) (Constantinescu, 2003) (Beiu et al., 2004)
(Beiu & Rckert, 2009).
From the system design perspective errors fall
into: permanent (defects), intermittent, and transient

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

(faults). The origins of these errors can be found in the

manufacturing process, the physical changes appearing
during operation, as well as sensitivity to internal and
external noises and variations. It is not clear if emerging
nanotechnologies will not require new fault models,
or if multiple errors might have to be dealt with. Kuo
(2006) even mentioned that: we are unsure as to
whether much of the knowledge that is based on past
technologies is still valid for reliability analysis. The
well-known approach for fighting against errors is to
incorporate redundancy: either static (in space, time,
or information) or dynamic (requiring fault detection,
location, containment, and recovery). Space (hardware)
redundancy relies on voters (generic, inexact, midvalue, median, weighted average, analog, hybrid, etc.)
and includes: modular redundancy, cascaded modular
redundancy, and multiplexing like von Neumann multiplexing vN-MUX (von Neumann, 1952), enhanced
vN-MUX (Roy & Beiu, 2004), and parallel restitution
(Sadek et al., 2004). Time redundancy is trading space
for time, while information redundancy is based on
error detection and error correction codes.
This chapter explores the performance of vN-MUX
when using majority gates of fan-in (MAJ-). The
aim is to get a clear understanding of the trade-offs
between the reliability enhancements obtained when
using MAJ- vN-MUX at the smallest redundancy
factors RF = 2 (see Fig. 1) on one side, versus both
the fan-ins and the unreliable nanodevices on the other
side. We shall start by reviewing some theoretical and
simulation results for vN-MUX in Background section.

Exact gate-level simulations (as based on an exhaustive counting algorithm) and accurate device-level
estimates, including details of the effects played by
nanodevices on MAJ- vN-MUX, are introduced in
the Main Focus of the Chapter section. Finally, implications and future trends are discussed in Future Trends,
and conclusions and further directions of research are
ending this chapter.

Multiplexing was introduced by von Neumann as
a scheme for reliable computations (von Neumann,
1952). vN-MUX is based on successive computing
stages alternating with random interconnection stages.
Each computing stage contains a set of redundant
gates. Although vN-MUX was originally exemplified
for NAND-2 it can be implemented using any type of
gate, and could be applied to any level of abstraction
(subcircuits, gates, or devices). The multiplexing of
each computation tries to reduce the likelihood of errors propagating further, by selecting the more-likely
result(s) at each stage. Redundancy is quantified by a
redundancy factor RF, which indicates the multiplicative
increase in the number of gates (subcircuits, or devices).
In his original study, von Neumann (1952) assumed
independent (un-correlated) gate failures pfGATE and
very large RF. The performance of NAND-2 vN-MUX
was compared with other fault-tolerant techniques in
(Forshaw et al., 2001), and it was analyzed at lower

Figure 1. Minimum redundancy MAJ- vN-MUX: (a) MAJ-3 (RF = 6); and (b) MAJ-5 (RF = 10)



































Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

RF (30 to 3,000) in (Han & Jonker, 2002), while the

first exact analysis at very low RF (3 to 100) for MAJ-3
vN-MUX was done in (Roy & Beiu, 2004).
The issue of which gate should one use is debatable
(Ibrahim & Beiu, 2007). It was proven that using MAJ-3
could lead to improved vN-MUX computations only for
pfMAJ-3 < 0.0197 (von Neumann, 1952), (Roy & Beiu,
2004). This outperforms the NAND-2 error threshold
pfNAND-2 < 0.0107 (von Neumann, 1952), (Sadek et al.,
2004). Several other studies have shown that the error
thresholds of MAJ are higher than those of NAND when
used in vN-MUX. Evans (1994) proved that:

The results based on exhaustive counting when

varying pfMAJ- have confirmed both the theoretical and
the simulation ones. MAJ- vN-MUX at the minimum
redundancy factor RF = 2 improves the reliability
over MAJ- when pfMAJ- 10%, and increasing
increases the reliability. When pfMAJ- 10%, using vNMUX increases the reliability over that of MAJ- as
long as pfMAJ- is lower than a certain error threshold. If
pfMAJ- is above the error threshold, the use of vN-MUX
is detrimental, as the reliability of the system is lower
than that of MAJ-. Still, these do not explain the Monte
Carlo simulation results mentioned earlier.

2 2
pf MAJ 1
2 C(11)/ 2



while the error threshold for NAND- was determined

in (Gao et al., 2005) by solving:


1 +
(1 2 pf NAND )

1/( 1)

= 1 pf NAND.


An approach for getting a better understanding of

vN-MUX at very small RF is to use Monte Carlo simulations (Beiu, 2005), (Beiu & Sulieman, 2006), (Beiu
et al., 2006). These have revealed that the reliability of
NAND-2 vN-MUX is in fact better than that of MAJ-3
vN-MUX (at RF = 6) for small geometrical variations
. As opposed to the theoretical resultswhere the
reliability of MAJ-3 vN-MUX is always better than
NAND-2 vN-MUXthe Monte Carlo simulations
showed that MAJ-3 vN-MUX is better than NAND-2
vN-MUX, but only for > 3.4%. Such results were
neither predicted (by theory) nor suggested by (gatelevel) simulations.
It is to be highlighted here that all the theoretical
publications discuss unreliable organs, gates, nodes,
circuits, or formulas, but very few mention devices. For
getting a clear picture we have started by developing an
exhaustive counting algorithm which exactly calculates
the reliability of MAJ- vN-MUX (Beiu et al., 2007).
The probability of failure of MAJ- vN-MUX is:

k =0

(#vNfaults ik pf MAJ 1 pf
i =1

) 2 k
. (3)

Both the original vN-MUX study and the subsequent

theoretical ones have considered unreliable gates. They
did not consider the elementary devices, and assumed
that the gates have a fixed (bounding) pfGATE. This assumption ignores the fact that different gates are built
using different (numbers of) devices, logic styles, or
(novel) technological principles. While a standard
CMOS inverter has 2 transistors, NAND-2 and MAJ-3
have 4 and respectively 10 transistors. Forshaw et al.
(2001) suggested that pfGATE could be estimated as:
pfGATE = 1 (1 )n,


where denotes the probability of failure of a nanodevice (e.g., transistor, junction, capacitor, molecule,
quantum dot, etc.), and n is the number of nanodevices
a gate has.
Using eq. 4 as pfMAJ- = 1 (1 )2 the reliabilities
have been estimated by modifying the exact counting
results reported in (Beiu et al., 2007). The device-level
estimates can be seen in Fig. 2. They show that increasing will not necessarily increase the reliability of MAJ vN-MUX (over MAJ-). This is happening because
MAJ- with larger require more nanodevices. In
particular, while MAJ-11 vN-MUX is the best solution
for 1 (Fig. 2(a)), it becomes the worst for > 2%
(Fig. 2(b)). Hence, larger fan-ins are advantageous for
lower ( 1), while small fan-ins perform better for
larger (> 1%). Obviously, there is a swapping region
where the ranking is being reversed. We detail Fig. 2(b)
for > 1% (Fig. 2(c)) and for the swapping region
1 < < 2% (Fig. 2(d), where marks show the
envelope). These results imply that increasing and/or

Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

Fig. 2. Probability of failure of MAJ- vN-MUX plotted versus the probability of failure of the elementary
(nano)device : (a) small (< 1); (b) large (> 1%); (c) detail for in between 1% and 10%; (d) detailed
view of the swapping region ( in between 1 and 2%)





RF does not necessarily improve the overall systems

reliability. This is because increasing and/or RF leads
to increasing the number of nanodevices:
NMAJ- vN-MUX = RMAJ- vN-MUX nMAJ- = 22 = 42.
This quadratic dependence on has to be accounted
for. Basically, it is and the number of devices N, and
not (only) RF and pfGATE, which should be used when
trying to accurately predict the advantages of vNMUXor of any other redundancy scheme.

The next step we took was to compare the devicelevel estimates of MAJ- vN-MUX (Fig. 3(a)), with
the Monte Carlo simulation ones (Fig. 3(b), adapted
from (Beiu, 2005) (Beiu & Sulieman, 2006)). The two
plots in Fig. 3 have the same vertical scale and exhibit
similar shapes. Still, a direct comparison is not trivial
as these are mapped against different variables ( and
respectively ). This similarity makes us confident that
the estimated results are accurate and supporting the
claim that a simple estimate for pfGATE leads to good
approximations at the system level. For other insights
the interested reader should consult (Anghel & Nicolaidis, 2007) and (Martorell et al., 2007).

Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

Figure 3. Probability of failure of MAJ-3 vN-MUX: (a) using device-level estimates and exact counting results;
(b) C-SET Monte Carlo simulations for MAJ-3 vN-MUX


In a first set of experiments, we compared the reliability
of MAJ- with the reliability of MAJ- vN-MUX at
RF = 2. For device-level analyses this is not obvious
anymore as MAJ- are not on a 45 line, which makes
it hard to understand where and by how much vN-MUX
improves over MAJ-. The results of these simulations
can be seen in Fig. 4, where we have used the same
interval [0, 0.11] on the horizontal axis. Here again
it looks like the smallest fan-in is the best.
A second set of experiments has studied the effect
of changing on the error threshold of MAJ- vNMUX. Fig. 5(a) shows the theoretical gate-level error
thresholds (using eq. (1)), as well as the achievable
gate-level error thresholds evaluated based on simulations using the exhaustive counting algorithm. Fig.
5(a) shows that the exact gate-level error thresholds are
higher than the theoretical gate-level error threshold
values (by about 33%). It would appear that one could
always enhance reliability by going for a larger fan-in.
The extension to device-level estimates can be seen in
Fig. 5(b), which reveals a completely different picture.
These results imply that:

device-level error thresholds are about 10 less

than the gate-level error thresholds;


device-level error thresholds are decreasing with

increasing to fan-ins (exactly the opposite of gatelevel error thresholds);
for vN-MUX, the highest device-level error
threshold of about 4% is achieved when using

This chapter has presented a detailed analysis of MAJ-
vN-MUX for very small fan-ins: exact for the gate-level
and estimated but accurate for the device-level. The
main conclusions are as follows.

Exact gate-level error thresholds for MAJ- vNMUX are about 33% better than the theoretical
ones and increase with increasing fan-in.
Estimated device-level error thresholds are about
10 lower than gate-level error thresholds and
are decreasing with increasing fan-insmaking
smaller fan-ins better (Beiu & Makaruk, 1998),
(Ibrahim & Beiu, 2007).
The abnormal (nonlinear) behavior of vN-MUX
(Beiu, 2005), (Beiu & Sulieman, 2006) is due
to the fact that the elementary gates are made

Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

Figure 4. Probability of failure of MAJ- and MAJ- vN-MUX plotted versus the device probability of failure
: (a) = 3; (b) = 5; (c) = 7; (d) = 9. For uniformity, the same interval [0, 0.11] was used for all
the plots






of unreliable nanodevices (implicitly accounted

for by Monte Carlo simulations, but neglected
by theoretical approaches and gate-level simulations).
Extending the exact gate-level simulations to
device-level estimates using 1 (1 )n, leads
to quite accurate approximations (as compared
to Monte Carlo simulations).

Device-level estimates show much more complex behaviors than those revealed by gate-level
analyses (nonlinear for large , leading to multiple
and intricate crossings).
Device-level estimates suggest that reliability optimizations for large will be more difficult than
what was expected from gate-level analyses.
One way to maximize reliability when is large
and unknown (e.g., time varying (Srinivasan

Device-Level Majority von Neumann Multiplexing

Figure 5. Error thresholds for MAJ- vN-MUX versus fan-in : (a) gate-level error threshold, both theoretical
(red) and exact (yellow) as obtained through exhaustive counting; (b) device-level error threshold


et al., 2005)) is to rely on adaptive gates, so

neural-inspiration should play a(n important)
role in future nano-IC designs (Beiu & Ibrahim,
Finally, precision is very important as small errors
... have a huge impact in estimating the required level
of redundancy for achieving a specified/target reliability (Roelke et al., 2007). It seems that the current
gate-level models tend to underestimate reliability,
while we do not do a good job at the device-level, with
Monte Carlo simulation the only widely used method.
More precise estimates than the ones presented in this
chapter are possible using Monte Carlo simulations
in combination with gate-level reliability algorithms.
These are clearly needed and have just started to be
investigated (Lazarova-Molnar et al., 2007).

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Circuit: Network of devices.
Counting (Exhaustive): The mathematical action
of repeated addition (exhaustive considers all possible

Device: Any physical entity deliberately affecting

the information carrying particle (or their associated
fields) in a desired manner, consistent with the intended
function of the circuit.
Error Threshold: The probability of failure of a
component (gate, device) above which the multiplexed
scheme is not able to improve over the component
Fan-In: Number of inputs (to a gate).
Fault-Tolerant: The ability of a system (circuit)
to continue to operate rather than failing completely
(possibly at a reduced performance level) in the event
of the failure of some of its components.
Gate (Logic): Functional building block (in digital
logic a gate performs a logical operation on its logic
Majority (Gate): A logic gate of odd fan-in which
outputs a logic value equal to that of the majority of
its inputs.
Monte Carlo: A class of stochastic (by using
pseudorandom numbers) computational algorithms for
simulating the behaviour of physical and mathematical systems.
Multiplexing (von Neumann): A scheme for
reliable computations based on successive computing
stages alternating with random interconnection stages
(introduced by von Neumann in 1952).
Redundancy (Factor): Multiplicative increase in
the number of (identical) components (subsystems,
blocks, gates, devices), which can (automatically)
replace (or augment) failing component(s).
Reliability: The ability of a circuit (system, gate,
device) to perform and maintain its function(s) under
given (as well as hostile or unexpected) conditions, for
a certain period of time.



Different Approaches for Cooperation with

Jos M. Cadenas
Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Ma Carmen Garrido
Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Enrique Muoz
Universidad de Murcia, Spain
Carlos Cruz-Corona
Universidad de Granada, Spain
David A. Pelta
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Jos L. Verdegay
Universidad de Granada, Spain

Working on artificial intelligence, one of the tasks we
can carry on is optimization of the possible solutions
of a problem. Optimization problems appear. In optimization problems we search for the best solution,
or one good enough, to a problem among a lot of
Problems we try to solve are usual in daily living.
Every person constantly works out optimization problems, e.g. finding the quickest way from home to work
taking into account traffic restrictions. Humans can find
efficiently solutions to these problems because these
are easy enough. Nevertheless, problems can be more
complex, for example reducing fuel consumption of a
fleet of plains. Computational algorithms are required
to tackle this kind of problems. A first approach to solve
them is using an exhaustive search. Theoretically, this
method always finds the solution, but is not efficient
as its execution time grows exponentially.
In order to improve this method heuristics were
proposed. Heuristics are intelligent techniques, methods or procedures that use expert knowledge to solve
tasks; they try to obtain a high performance referring
to solution quality and used resources.
Metaheuristics, term first used by Fred Glover in
1986 (Glover, 1986), arise to improve heuristics, and

can be defined as (Melin, Moreno & Moreno, 2003)

intelligent strategies for designing and improving very
general heuristic procedures with a high performance.
Since Glover the field has been extensively developed.
The current trend is designing new metaheuristics that
improve the solution to given problems. However,
another line, very interesting, is reuse existing metaheuristics in a coordinated system. In this article we
present two different methods following this line.

Several studies have shown that heuristics and metaheuristics are successful tools for providing reasonably
good solutions (excellent in some cases) using a moderate number of resources. A brief look at recent literature
(Glover & Kochenberger, 2003), (Hart, Krasnogor &
Smith, 2004), (Pardalos & Resende, 2002) reveals
the wide variety of problems and methods which appear under the overall topic of heuristic optimization.
Within this, obtaining strategies which cooperate in
a parallel way is an interesting trend. The interest is
on account of two reasons: larger problem instances
may be solved, and robust tools, that offer high quality
solutions despite variations in the characteristics of the
instances, may be obtained.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

There are different ways of obtaining this cooperation. One way are ant colony systems (Dorigo &
Sttzle, 2003) and swarm based methods (Eberhart &
Kennedy, 2001) appear as one of the first cooperative
mechanisms inspired by nature. Nevertheless, the cooperation principle they have presented to date is too
rigid for a general purpose model (Crainic & Toulouse,
2003). Another way are parallel metaheuristics, where
very interesting perspectives appear. This is the line
we will follow.
There have been huge efforts to parallelize different
metaheuristics. Thus we may find synchronic implementations of these methods where the information is shared
at regular intervals, (Crainic, Toulouse & Gendreau,
1997) using Tabu Search and (Lee & Lee, 1992) using
Simulated Annealing. More recently there have been
multi-thread asynchronic cooperative implementations
(Crainic, Gendreau, Hansen & Mladenovic, 2004) or
multilevel cooperative searches (Baos, Gil, Ortega
& Montoya, 2004) which, according to the reports in
(Crainic & Toulouse, 2003) provide better results than
the synchronic implementations.
However, it seems that a cooperative strategy
based on a single metaheuristic does not cover all the
possibilities and the use of strategies which combine
different metaheuristics is recommended. The paper
(Le Bouthillier & Crainic, 2005) is a good example. A
whole new area of research opens up. Questions such as,
what will be the role of each metaheuristic? or What
cooperation mechanisms should be used? arise.
Within parallel metaheuristics, we will focus
following the classification of (Crainic & Toulouse,
2003) on Multi-search metaheuristics, where several
concurrent strategies search the solution space. Among
them, we concentrate on those techniques, known as
Cooperative multi-search metaheuristics, where each
strategy exchanges information with the others during
the execution.
Cooperative multi-search metaheuristics obtain
better quality solutions than independent methods. But
previous studies (Crainic & Toulouse, 2002), (Crainic,
Toulouse & Sans, 2004) demonstrate that cooperative methods with a non-restrictive access to shared
information may experiment problems of premature
convergence. This seems to be due to the stabilization
of the shared information, stabilization caused by the
intense exchange of the better solutions. So it would
be interesting to find a way of controlling this information exchange.

In this context we propose two approaches in order to control the exchange of information, one using
memory to cope with this problem, and the other using
a process of knowledge extraction.
The first approach (Pelta, Cruz, Sancho-Royo &
Verdegay, 2006) proposes a cooperative strategy where
a coordinating agent, modelled by a set of ad hoc fuzzy
rules, receives information from a set of solver agents
and sends instructions to each of them telling how to
continue. Each solver agent implements the Fuzzy
Adaptive Neighbourhood Search (FANS) metaheuristic
(Blanco, Pelta & Verdegay, 2002) as a clone. FANS is
conceived as an adaptive fuzzy neighbourhood based
metaheuristic. Its own characteristics allow FANS to
capture the qualitative behaviour of several metaheuristics, and thus, can be considered as a framework
of metaheuristics.
The second approach (Cadenas, Garrido, Liern,
Muoz & Serrano, 2007) uses the same structure
but combines a set of different metaheuristics which
cooperate within a single coordinated schema, where
a coordinating agent modelled by a set of fuzzy rules
receives information from the different metaheuristics
and sends instructions to each of them. The difference
with the previous system lies on the way the rules are
obtained. Here, as a result of a knowledge extraction
process (Cadenas, Garrido, Hernndez & Muoz,
2006), (Cadenas, Daz-Valladares, Garrido, Hernndez
& Serrano, 2006).


A Cooperative Multi-Search
Metaheuristic Using Memory and
Fuzzy Rules
The idea of the first strategy can be explained with the
help of the diagram in Fig. 1. Given a concrete problem to solve, we have a set of solvers to deal with it.
Each solver develops a particular strategy to solve the
problem independently, and the whole set of solvers
works simultaneously without direct interaction. In
order to coordinate the solvers there is a coordinator
which knows all the general aspects of the problem
concerned and the particular solver features. The
coordinator receives reports from the solvers with the
obtained results, and returns orders to them.

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

Figure 1. Diagram of the first strategy

The inner workings of the strategy are quite simple.

In the first step, the co-ordinator determines the initial
behaviour (set of parameters) for each solver, which
models a particular optimization strategy. This behaviour is passed to each solver, which is then executed.
For each solver, the co-ordinator keeps the last two
reports containing their times, and the corresponding
solutions at such times. From the solver information
set, the co-ordinator calculates performance measures
that will be used to adapt the fuzzy rule base. This
fuzzy rule base is generated manually following the
principle that If a solver is working well, keep it; but
if a solver seems to be trapped, do something to alter
its behaviour.
Solvers execute asynchronously by sending and
receiving information. The co-ordinator checks which
solver provided new information and decides whether
its behaviour needs to be adapted using the fuzzy rule
base. If this is the case, it will obtain a new behaviour and
send it to the solvers. Solver operation is quite simple:
once execution has begun, performance information
is sent and adaptation orders from the coordinator are
received alternately.
Each solver thread is implemented by means of
the FANS metaheuristic. We use this metaheuristic
following three main reasons:

FANS is essentially a threshold-acceptance local

search technique and is therefore easy to understand and implement, and does not require many
computational resources.
FANS can be used as a heuristic template. Each
set of parameters implies a different behaviour
of the method, and therefore, the qualitative behaviour of other local search techniques can be
simulated (Blanco, Pelta & Verdegay, 2002).
The previous point enables different search
schemes to be built, and diversification and
intensification procedures to be driven easily.
We therefore do not need to implement different
algorithms but merely use FANS as a template.

A Cooperative Multi-Search
Metaheuristic Using Data Mining to
Obtain Fuzzy Rules
The idea of the second strategy is very similar to the
first one, and can be seen on Fig. 2. Given a concrete
problem to solve, we have a set of solvers to deal with
it. Each solver implements a different metaheuristic,
and has to solve the problem while coordinates itself
with the rest of metaheuristics. In order to perform the
cooperation we use a coordinating agent which will con-

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

Figure 2. Diagram of the second strategy

Figure 3. The knowledge extraction process

trol and modify the behaviour of the agents. To perform

the communication among the different metaheuristics
an adapted blackboard model is used. In this model
each agent controls a part of the blackboard where
writes its performance information, and periodically
updates the solution found. The coordinator consults
the blackboard in order to monitor the behaviour of

each metaheuristic and to decide how their behaviour

has to be modified.
To give intelligence to the coordinator we propose
the use of a set of fuzzy rules obtained as a result of
the methodological process proposed on (Cadenas,
Garrido, Hernndez & Muoz, 2006), (Cadenas, DazValladares, Garrido, Hernndez & Serrano, 2006), and
based on a process of knowledge extraction.

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

The process of knowledge extraction is shown in

(Fig. 3) and divided in the following phases:

max p j x j


s.t. w j x j C , x j {0,1}, j=1,,n



Preparation of data. In this phase we try to obtain

a database containing useful information so that
Data Mining could be applied. The metaheuristics that are going to be used in the system are
chosen and applied to solve sets of instances of
the problem, extracting from these executions
interesting data such as the parameters of each
metaheuristic or the solutions obtained. After
that, it is advisable to apply a preprocess to the
database in order to obtain those attributes and
instances more relevant
Data mining. In the second phase, Data Mining
techniques are applied to the information obtained
in the previous phase in order to get the model
of the system coordinator. Firstly a Data Mining
technique is chosen, then is applied to the database and finally using the models obtained, a set
of fuzzy rules is deduced.
Evaluation. In this phase we test the efficiency of
the model of the coordinator, and if it is performing efficiently with regard to computational cost
and the solutions obtained.

In this paper we present a synchronous implementation of this model where three metaheuristics are used:
a genetic algorithm, a tabu search and a simulated
The system finally obtained, operates as follows:
first, the coordinator sets the initial set of parameters
for each metaheuristic, according to the knowledge
previously extracted. After that each solver starts its
search, periodically all the solvers stop and write their
solutions, then the coordinator evaluates them and,
using the fuzzy rule base, decides how has to change
the solutions and parameters of each metaheuristic. To
formulate the rule base we used the knowledge extraction process previously defined whose data mining phase
was performed using fuzzy decision trees.

Results Obtained by These Approaches

Once we have studied both systems let us show the
results obtained by them. Both strategies were tested
solving the knapsack problem, whose mathematical
formulation is


j =1

j =1

where n is the number of items, xj indicates whether

the item j is included in the knapsack or not, pj is
the profit associated with item j, wj [0, , r] is the
weight of the item j, and C is the knapsack capacity.
We also assume that wj < C, j (every item fits in the
knapsack), and

j =1


(the whole set of items does not fit).

We chose knapsack problem because of the fact
that we can construct test instances varying hardness
according to three characteristics: instance size, type
of correlation between weights and profits, and range
of the values available for the weights.
We finally carried out the tests with an implementation of each system. The implementation of the memory
based system used six solvers, each one implementing
FANS with different parameters, and being executed for
30 seconds (Memory based in table 1). The implementation of the data mining based system, as said before,
used three solvers, each one implementing a different
metaheuristic (a genetic algorithm, a tabu search and a
simulated annealing), and being executed for 60 seconds
(DM based in table 1). In order to test the performance
of the systems we also executed each metaheuristic
individually (FANS, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm) for 180 seconds.
In table 1 we show the average error obtained for
different types and sizes of instances, comparing the
Memory based approach with individual FANS, and
the DM based with the average results of the three
metaheuristics that compose it. As we can see each
strategy outperforms its components.

After this work several lines of research arise. Related
to first strategy, the topic of what kind of information

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

Table 1. Average error for knapsack problem




is stored in the coordinator memory and how this is

used to control the global search behavior of the strategy. Related to the second, the knowledge extraction
process needs to be improved and tested with different
data mining techniques. And to both strategies, the
improvement of the fuzzy rule base is another topic
to be addressed.
One last consideration is the application field. The
knapsack problem is considered one of the easiest
NP-hard problems, so it would be interesting to apply
these strategies to more complex problems such as
the p-median, p-hub median or the protein structure

This paper proposes two strategies to cope with
convergence problems showed by cooperative multisearch metaheuristics. The first strategy suggests the
use of memory in order to define a set of fuzzy rules
which control the exchanges of solutions associated
to a coordinated schema where similar metaheuristics
cooperate. The second strategy proposes the use of a
knowledge extraction process to obtain a set of fuzzy
rules which control the exchanges of solutions of a
coordinated system where different metaheuristics
cooperate. Both approaches have been tested and have
shown their good performance.

The authors thank the Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia of Spain and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo


DM based




Regional (FEDER) for the support given to develop

this work under the projects TIN2005-08404-C04-01
and TIN2005-08404-C04-02. The three first authors
also thank the ``Fundacin Sneca, Agencia de Ciencia
y Tecnologa de la Regin de Murcia, which support
this research under the Programa Sneca. The three
second authors also carried out this research in part
under project MINAS (TIC-00129).

Baos, R., &. Gil, C, & Ortega, J., & Montoya, F.G.
(2004). A Parallel Multilevel Metaheuristic for Graph
Partitioning. Journal of Heuristics, 10(3), 315336.
Blanco, A., & Pelta, D., & Verdegay, J.L. (2002). A
fuzzy valuation-based local search framework for combinatorial problems. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision
Making, 1(2), 177193.
Cadenas, J.M., & Garrido, M.C., & Hernndez, L.D.,
& Muoz, E. (2006). Towards the definition of a Data
Mining process based in Fuzzy Sets for Cooperative
Metaheuristic systems. In Proceedings from IPMU2006:
The 11th Information Processing and Management of
Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based systems International
Conference (pp. 28282835). Paris, France.
Cadenas, J.M., & Daz-Valladares, R.A., & Garrido,
M.C., & Hernndez, L.D., & Serrano E. (2006). Modelado del Coordinador de un sistema Meta-Heurstico
Cooperativo mediante SoftComputing. In Proceedings from CMPI2006: Campus Multidisciplinar en
Percepcin e Inteligencia (pp. 679689). Albacete,


Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

Cadenas, J.M., & Garrido, M.C., & Liern, V. & Muoz,

E., & Serrano E. (2007). Un prototipo del coordinador de un Sistema Metaheurstico Cooperativo para
el Problema de la Mochila. In Proceedings from
MAEB07: V congreso espaol sobre Metaheursticas,
Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (pp. 811818).
Tenerife, Spain.
Crainic, T.G., & Toulouse, M., & Gendreau, M. (1997).
Towards a taxonomy of parallel tabu search algorithms.
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 9(1), 6172.
Crainic, T.G., & Toulouse, M. (2002). Cooperative
parallel tabu search for capacitated network design.
Journal of Heuristics, 8(6), 601627.
Crainic, T.G., & Toulouse, M. (2003). Parallel Strategies for Metaheuristics. In F. Glover & G.A. Kochenberger (Eds.), Handbook of Metaheuristics (pp.
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Parallel Computing, 30(1), 5779.
Crainic, T.G., & Gendreau, M., & Hansen, P., & Mladenovic, N. (2004). Cooperative parallel variable
neighborhood search for the p-median. Journal of
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Dorigo, M., & Sttzle, T. (2003). Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic. In F. Glover & G.A. Kochenberger
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Eberhart, R., & Kennedy, J. (Eds.) (2001). Swarm
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Glover, F. (1986). Future paths for integer programming and links to artificial intelligence. Computers and
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Glover, F., & Kochenberger G.A. (Eds.) (2003). Handbook of Metaheuristics. London: Kluwer Academic
Hart, W., & Krasnogor, N., & Smith, J. (Eds.) (2004).
Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms. Studies
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Le Bouthillier, A., & Crainic, T.G. (2005). A cooperative parallel meta-heuristic for the vehicle routing
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Lee, K., & Lee, S. (1992). Efficient parallelization of

simulated annealing using multiple markov chains:
an application to graph partitioning. In Proceedings
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Melin, B., & Moreno, J.A., & Moreno, J.M. (2003).
Metaheursticas: una visin global. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, 19, 728.
Pardalos, P., & Resende, M. (Eds.) (2002). Handbook
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Pelta, D., & Cruz, C., & Sancho-Royo, A., & Verdegay, J.L. (2006). Using memory and fuzzy rules in a
cooperative multi-thread strategy for optimization.
Information Sciences, 176(13), 18491868.

Blackboard: A shared repository of problems, partial solutions, suggestions, and contributed information.
The blackboard can be seen as a dynamic library of
contributions to the current problem that have been
recently published by other knowledge sources.
Cooperative Multi-Search Metaheuristics: A
parallelization strategy for metaheuristics in which
parallelism is obtained from multiple concurrent explorations of the solution space and where metaheuristics
exchange information during their execution in order
to cooperate.
Data Mining: The most characteristic stage of the
Knowledge Extraction process, where the aim is to
produce new useful knowledge by constructing a model
from the data gathered for this purpose.
Fuzzy Rules: Linguistic if-then constructions that
have the general form if A then B where A and B
are collections of propositions containing linguistic
variables (A is called the premise and B is the consequence). The use of linguistic variables and fuzzy
if-then rules exploits the tolerance for imprecision
and uncertainty.
Heuristic: A method or approach that tries to apply
expert knowledge in the resolution of a problem with
the aim of increasing the probability of solving it.

Different Approaches for Cooperation with Metaheuristics

Knowledge Extraction/Discovery: The non-trivial

process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful
and ultimately understandable patterns from large
data collections. The overall process and discipline of
extracting useful knowledge and includes data warehousing, data cleansing and data manipulation tasks
right through to the interpretation and exploitation of
Metaheuristic: A high-level strategy for solving
a very general class of computational problems by
combining user given black-box procedures usually
heuristics in a hopefully efficient way.

Parallel Metaheuristics: Metaheuristics in which

different threads search concurrently the solution space.
They appear naturally in develop of metaheuristics as a
way of improving the acceleration factor in the search
of solutions.
Problem Instance: A concrete representation of a
problem with characteristics that distinguish it from
the rest.

Optimization Problem: A computational problem whose object is to find the best from all feasible



Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

Janez Brest
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Many practical engineering applications can be formulated as a global optimization problem, in which objective function has many local minima, and derivatives
of the objective function are unavailable. Differential
Evolution (DE) is a floating-point encoding evolutionary algorithm for global optimization over continuous
spaces (Storn & Price, 1997) (Liu & Lampinen, 2005)
(Price, Storn & Lampinen, 2005) (Feoktistov, 2006).
Nowadays it is used as a powerful global optimization
method within a wide range of research areas.
Recent researches indicate that self-adaptive DE
algorithms are considerably better than the original DE
algorithm. The necessity of changing control parameters during the optimization process is also confirmed
based on the experiments in (Brest, Greiner, Bokovi,
Mernik, umer, 2006a). DE with self-adaptive control
parameters has already been presented in (Brest et al.,
This chapter presents self-adaptive approaches that
were recently proposed for control parameters in DE

Differential Evolution
DE creates new candidate solutions by combining the
parent individual and several other individuals of the
same population. A candidate replaces the parent only
if it has better fitness value.
The population of the original DE algorithm (Storn
& Price, 1995) (Storn & Price, 1997) contains NP Ddimensional vectors: xi,G, i = 1, 2, , NP. G denotes
the generation. The initial population is usually selected
uniform randomly between the lower and upper bounds.
The bounds are specified by the user according to the
nature of the problem. After initialization DE performs
several vector transforms (operations): mutation, crossover, and selection.

Mutant vector vi,G can be created by using one of

the mutation strategies (Price et al., 2005). The most
useful strategy is rand/1: vi,G = xr1,G + F (xr2,G - xr3,G),
where F is the mutation scale factor within range [0,
2], usually less than 1. Indexes r1, r2, r3 represent the
random and distinct integers generated within range
[1, NP], and also different from index i.
After mutation, a binary crossover operation forms
the trial vector ui,G, according to the ith population vector
and its corresponding mutant vector vi,G:
if (rand CR or j = jrand) then ui,j,G = vi,j,G else ui,j,G =
xi,j,G ,
where i = 1, 2, , NP and j = 1, 2, , D. CR is the
crossover parameter or factor within the range [0,1]
and presents the probability of creating parameters
for the trial vector from the mutant vector. Uniform
random value rand is within [0, 1]. Index jrand [1,
NP] is a randomly chosen index and is responsible for
the trial vector containing at least one parameter from
the mutant vector.
The selection operation selects, according to the
objective fitness value of the population vector xi,G and
its corresponding trial vector ui,G, which vector will
survive to be a member of the next generation.
The original DE has more strategies and Feoktistov
(Feoktistov, 2006) proposed some general extensions
to DE strategies. The question is which strategy is the
most suitable to solve a particular problem. Recently
some researchers used various combinations of two,
three or even more strategies during the evolutionary

Parameter Tuning and Parameter Control

Globally, we distinguish between two major forms of
setting parameter values: parameter tuning and parameter control (Eiben, Hinterding & Michalewicz, 1999).
The former means the commonly practiced approach
that tries to find good values for the parameters before
running the algorithm, then tuning the algorithm using

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

these values, which remain fixed during the run. The

latter means that values for the parameters are changed
during the run. According to Eiben et al. (Eiben et
al., 1999) (Eiben & Smith, 2003), the change can be
categorized into three classes:


Deterministic parameter control takes place

when the value of a parameter is altered by some
deterministic rule.
Adaptive parameter control is used when there is
some form of feedback from the search that is used
to determine the direction and/or the magnitude
of the change to the parameter.
Self-adaptive parameter control is the idea that
evolution of the evolution can be used to implement the self-adaptation of parameters. Here,
the parameters to be adapted are encoded into
the chromosome (individuals) and undergo the
actions of genetic operators. The better values of
these encoded parameters lead to better individuals which, in turn, are more likely to survive and
produce offspring and, hence, propagate these
better parameter values.

DE has three control parameters: amplification

factor of the difference vector - F, crossover control
parameter - CR, and population size - NP. The original
DE algorithm keeps all three control parameters fixed
during the optimization process. However, there still
exists a lack of knowledge about how to find reasonably good values for the control parameters of DE, for
a given function (Liu & Lampinen, 2005).
Although the DE algorithm has been shown to
be a simple, yet powerful, evolutionary algorithm
for optimizing continuous functions, users are still
faced with the problem of preliminary testing and
hand-tuning of its control parameters prior to commencing the actual optimization process (Teo, 2006).
As a solution, self-adaptation has proved to be highly
beneficial for automatically and dynamically adjusting
control parameters. Self-adaptation allows an evolutionary strategy to adapt itself to any general class of
problem, by reconfiguring itself accordingly, and does
this without any user interaction (Bck, 2002) (Bck,
Fogel & Michalewicz, 1997) (Eiben, Hinterding &
Michalewicz, 2003).


Work Releted to Differential Evolution

The DE (Storn & Price, 1995) (Storn & Price, 1997)
algorithm was proposed by Storn and Price, and since
then it has been used in many practical cases. The
original DE was modified and many new versions
have been proposed. Ali and Trn (Ali & Trn, 2004)
proposed new versions of the DE algorithm, and also
suggested some modifications to the classical DE, in
order to improve its efficiency and robustness. They
introduced an auxiliary population of NP individuals
alongside the original population (noted in (Ali, 2004),
a notation using sets is used). Next they proposed a rule
for calculating the control parameter F, automatically.
Jiao et al. (Jiao, Dang, Leung & Hao, 2006) proposed a
modification of the DE algorithm, applying a numbertheoretical method for generating the initial population,
and using simplified quadratic approximation with the
three best points. Mezura-Montes et al. (Mezura-Montes, Velzquez-Reyes & Coello Coello, 2006) conducted
a comparative study of DE variants. They proposed a
rule for changing control parameter F at random from
interval [0.4, 1.0] at generation level. They used different values of control parameter CR for each problem.
The best CR value for each problem was obtained by
additional experimentation. Tvrdik in (Tvrdik, 2006)
proposed a DE algorithm using competition between
different control parameter settings. The prominence
of the DE algorithm and its applications is shown in
recently published books (Price et al., 2005), (Feoktistov, 2006). Feoktistov in his book (Feoktistov, 2006, p.
18) says, that the concept of differential evolution is a
spontaneous self-adaptability to the function.

Work Releted to Adaptive or

Self-Adaptive DE
Liu and Lampinen (Liu & Lampinen, 2005) proposed
a version of DE, where the mutation control parameter and the crossover control parameter are adaptive.
A self-adaptive DE (SDE) is proposed by Omran et
al. (Omran, Salman & Engelbrecht, 2005) (Salman,
Engelbrecht & Omran, 2007), where parameter tuning
is not required. Self-adapting was applied for control


Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

parameters F and CR. Teo (Teo, 2006) made an attempt at

self-adapting the population size parameter, in addition
to self-adapting crossover and mutation rates. Brest et
al. (Brest et al., 2006a) proposed a DE algorithm, using
a self-adapting mechanism on the control parameters
F and CR. The performance of the self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm was evaluated using a
set of benchmark functions provided for constrained
real parameter optimization (Brest, umer & Sepesy
Mauec, 2006b). Qin and Suganthan (Qin & Suganthan,
2005) proposed the Self-adaptive Differential Evolution algorithm (SaDE), where the choice of learning
strategy and the two control parameters F and CR do
not require pre-defining. During evolution, suitable
learning strategy and parameter settings are gradually
self-adapted, according to the learning experience.
Brest et al. (Brest, Bokovi, Greiner, umer & Sepesy
Mauec, 2007) reported performance comparison of
certain selected DE algorithms, which use different selfadaptive or adaptive control parameter mechanisms. In
this paper the DE algorithms used more than one of the
DE strategies (Price et al., 2005), (Feoktistov, 2006).
Self-adaptation has been used extensively in evolutionary programming (Fogel, 1995) and evolution strategies
(ES) (Bck & Schwefel, 1993) to adjust the search step
size for each objective variable (Liang, Yao & Newton,
2001). Abbass (Abbass, 2002) proposed self-adaptive
DE for multi-objective optimization problems.

This section presents three Self-Adaptive DE approaches, which has been applied to the control parameters F and CR.

The Self-Adaptive Control Parameters

Using Uniform Distribution
The Self-Adaptive DE refers to the self-adapting
mechanism on the control parameters, proposed by
Brest et al. (Brest et al., 2006a). This self-adapting
mechanism used rand/1/bin strategy. Each individual
in the population was extended using the values of
two control parameters: (xi,G, Fi,G, CRi,G), i 1, 2, ...,


NP. Both of the control parameters were applied at

individual level.
Brest et al. (Brest et al., 2006a) proposed a selfadaptive DE where new control parameters Fi,G+1 and
CRi,G+1 are calculated as follows:
if rand1 < t1 then Fi,G+1 = Fl + rand2 Fu else Fi,G+1
= Fi,G ,
if rand3 < t2 then CRi,G+1 = rand4 else CRi,G+1 =
CRi,G ,
and they produce control parameters F and CR in a
new vector. The quantities randj, j {1, 2, 3, 4} are
uniform random values [0, 1]. The quantities t1
and t2 represent the probabilities of adjusting control
parameters F and CR, respectively. The parameters t1,
t2, Fl, Fu were taken as fixed values 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.9,
respectively. The new F takes a value from [0.1,1.0]
in a random manner. The new CR takes a value from
[0,1]. The new Fi,G+1 and CRi,G+1 are obtained before
the mutation is performed. So they influence the mutation, crossover and selection operations of the new
vector xi,G+1.
In (Brest et al., 2006a) a self-adaptive control
mechanism was used to change the control parameters
F and CR during the evolutionary process. The third
control parameter NP was kept unchanged.

Abbasss Approach
Abbass (Abbass, 2002) proposed Self-adaptive Pareto
Differential Evolution (SPDE) algorithm. The SPDE
was used for multi-objective optimization problems.
New control parameters Fi,G+1 and CRi,G+1 are calculated
as follows:
Fi,G+1 = N(0,1),
CRi,G+1 = CRr1,G + N(0,1) (CRr2,G - CRr3,G) ,
where N(0,1) is Gaussian distribution. If Fi,G+1 value
is not in [0,1] then simple rule is used to repair it. And
similar for CRi,G+1 value. Then mutant vector vi,G is
vi,G = xr1,G + Fi,G+1 (xr2,G - xr3,G)

Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

and crossover operation is performed:

if (rand CRi,G+1 or j = jrand) then ui,j,G = vi,j,G else
ui,j,G = xi,j,G ,
The control parameter CR is self-adapted, by encoding it into each individual.

Approach Proposed by Omran, Salman

and Engelbrecht
Due to the success achieved in SPDE by self-adapting CR, Omran et al. (Omran, Salman & Engelbrecht,
2005) (Salman, Engelbrecht & Omran, 2007) proposed
a self-adaptive DE (SDE), where the same mechanism
is applied to self-adapt the control parameter F. The
control parameter CR is generated for each individual
from a normal distribution (CR ~ N(0.5,0.15)) in SDE
and the mutation operation changes as follows:
vi,G = xr1,G + Fi,G+1 (xr2,G - xr3,G),
Fi,G+1 = Fr4,G + N(0,0.5) (Fr5,G - Fr6,G).
Indexes r4, r5, r6 represent the random and distinct
integers generated within range [1, NP]. Thus, each
individual i has its own control parameter Fi which
is calculated as a stochastic linear combination of the
control parameters of randomly selected individuals.
The presented self-adapting mechanisms on the
control parameters F and CR, use rand/1/bin strategy.
Both of the control parameters are applied at individual
level. The third control parameter NP remains fixed
during the evolutionary process.

The behaviour of DE is influenced by values of its
parameters (F, CR, NP). During last two decades a
lot of papers addressed the problem of finding insight
concerning the behaviour of the algorithm (Zaharie,
2002). The theory of DE is still behind the empirical
studies. The theoretical studies of DE are highly desirable as future researches.
It is not an easy task for one optimization algorithm
to be both fast (e.g. it needs a small number of function

evaluations) and robust (e.g. it does not get trapped in

local optimum) at the same time. Based on our experiences (other authors reported similar observations) with
the DE algorithm, we can conclude that DE provides
more robustness if the population size is higher. If the
population size is increased, on the other hand, more
computational power (on average) is needed. The
population size is an important control parameter, and
thus adaptive and/or self-adaptive approaches on this
parameter are expected in the future.
In this chapter only the rand/1/bin DE strategy is
used, but the DE algorithm has more strategies (Price
et al., 2005), (Feoktistov, 2006). Which combination of
(self-adaptive) DE strategies should someone use to get
the best performances. One can use the involved strategy
with the same probability, or with different probability,
or even use a self-adaptation to choose the most suitable
strategy during the optimization process.
Future work may also be directed towards testing the
proposed self-adaptive versions of the DE algorithm,
especially on constrained optimization problems.
Multi-objective optimization is also a challenge for
future work.

This chapter carried out differential evolution (DE)
algorithm with focus on the self-adaptive control
parameters. Three self-adaptive approaches, which
were recently proposed in literature, are described in
the chapter. The presented approaches have control
parameters applied at individual level. If we look in
literature, the self-adaptive versions of the DE algorithm
usually gave better performance results in comparison
to the original DE algorithm. We can conclude that
self-adaptation can improve the performance of the
DE algorithm and this powerful global optimization
algorithm could be used over a wide-range of research
areas in the future.

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Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

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Differential Evolution with Self-Adaptation

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Area of the Search Space: Set of specific ranges
or values of the input variables that constitute a subset
of the search space.
Control Parameter: Control parameter determines
behaviour of evolutionary program (e.g. population
Differential Evolution: An evolutionary algorithm
for global optimization, which realized the evolution
of a population of individuals in a manner that uses of
differences between individuals.
Evolutionary Computation: Solution approach
guided by biological evolution, which begins with
potential solution models, then iteratively applies algorithms to find the fittest models from the set to serve
as inputs to the next iteration, ultimately leading to a
model that best represents the data.
Individual: An individual represents a candidate
solution. During the optimization process an evolutionary algorithm usually uses a population of individuals
to solve a particular problem.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
optimization problem that we want to solve.
Self-Adaptation: The ability that allows an evolutionary algorithm to adapt itself to any general class
of problems, by reconfiguring itself accordingly, and
do this without and user interaction.



Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

Vikram Sorathia
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India
Anutosh Maitra
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India

Knowledge Representation is important part of AI. The
purpose is to reveal best possible representation of the
Universe of Discourse (UoD) by capturing entities,
concepts and relations among them. With increased
understanding of various scientific and technological
disciplines, it is possible to derive rules that governs
the behaviour and outcome of the entities in the UoD.
In certain cases, it is not possible to establish any explicit rule, yet through experience or observation, some
experts can define rules from their tacit knowledge in
specific domain.
Knowledge representation techniques are focused on
techniques that allows externalization of implicit and
explicit knowledge of expert(s) with a goal of reuse
in absence of physical presence of such expertise. To
ease this task, two parallel dimensions have developed over period of time. One dimension is focused
on investigating more efficient methods that best suit
the knowledge representation requirement resulting
in theories and tools that allows capturing the domain
knowledge (Brachman & Levesque, 2004). Another
development has taken place in harmonization of tools
and techniques that allows standard based representation
of knowledge (Davies, Studer, & Warren, 2006).
Various languages are proposed for representation of
the knowledge. Reasoning and classification algorithms
are also realized. As an outcome of standardization
process, standards like DAML-OIL (Horrocks & PatelSchneider, 2001), RDF (Manola & Miller, 2004) and
OWL(Antoniou & Harmelen, 2004) are introduced.
Capturing the benefit of both developments, the tooling is also came in to existence that allows creation of
As a result of these developments, the amount of
publicly shared knowledge is continuously increasing.
At the time of this writing, a search engine like Swoogle
(Ding et al., 2004)-developed to index publicly available

Ontologies, is handling over 2,173,724 semantic web

documents containing 431,467,096 triples.
While the developments are yielding positive results
by such a huge amount of knowledge available for reuse,
it have become difficult to select and reuse required
knowledge from this vast pool. The concepts and their
relations that are important to the given problem could
have already been defined in multiple Ontologies with
different perspectives with specific level of details. It
is very likely that to get complete representation of the
knowledge, multiple Ontologies must be utilized. This
requirement has introduced a new discipline within the
domain of knowledge representation that is focused
on investigation of techniques and tools that allows
integration of multiple shared Ontologies.

The problem of Ontology integration is not completely
new. Schema Matching is a similar problem being addressed in the context of enterprise integration. But, in
Ontology matching, the scale and complexity is much
higher and requires special considerations. (Shvaiko
& Euzenat, 2006) highlights the key similarities and
differences between both the techniques. In schema
matching, the semantics of the given term is guessed
whereas the ontology matching methods relies on
deriving the semantics from explicit representation of
concepts and relations in given Ontology. Numerous
methods and approaches have been proposed that attempt to solve the problem targeting specific aspects
of the represented knowledge(Ehring, 2007).
Apart from standards that guide the languages used
for the development of Ontology, some standard Ontologies have also been defined. The role of these Ontologies is to provide framework of vary basic elements
and their relations, based on which complex domain
knowledge can be developed. SUO(Niles & Pease,

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Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

2001), SUMA(Niles & Pease, 2003), OpenCyc(Sicilia

et al., 2004) are examples of the same. SWEET (Raskin,
2003) provides standard Ontologies in environmental
science domain. Hence, the levels in Ontology also
address important dimension in knowledge engineering
through integrating available Ontologies.


Research in integration of multiple Ontologies have
resulted in various techniques and tools that have successfully demonstrated capabilities in producing the
required results(Noy, 2004b). The ontology integration
is addressed as Ontology mapping, matching, merging,
transforming and other such activities. The integration
is achieved by focusing on finding similarities among
the concepts of separate Ontologies. The similarity
or nearness can be established by employing various
techniques, and numerous such approaches have been
published demonstrating the suitability of single or
hybrid approaches. The taxonomic overview of existing methodology is provided in many survey papers
that provides a reasonable entry in to the domain of
Ontology integration. (Kalfoglou et al., 2005) provides
comprehensive survey of Ontology mapping approach
and classify them on Semantic Intensity Spectrum. (Noy,
2004a) (Kalfoglou & Schorlemmer, 2005)and (Predoiu
et al., 2006) provides comprehensive survey discussing
state-of-the-art of present research efforts.
Ontologies consists of concepts and elements.
The integration process that establishes the similarity
among concepts consists of three dimensions (Shvaiko
& Euzenat, 2006). The input dimension is related to
underlying data model and can operate at schema level
or instance level. Second is the process dimension that
classifies approach as exact or approximate determination. Third dimension deals with output in the form of
Cardinality, type of relation and the confidence. Integration can be done by identification of Alignment.

Concept Level Approaches

Concept level approaches are restricted only to the
name of the concept and employ various methods to
match whole or part of the concept names that belong
to different Ontologies. Though these syntax oriented
approaches proves to be less efficient when applied in
isolation, they are generally employed in pre-integra-

tion preparation phase (or normalization phase) of more

complex semantic oriented approaches. Many of the
Schema Matching techniques are directly applicable
for concept level approaches.

String Level Concept Matching

It is based on the simple assumption that concept having
similarity is represented with same name in different
Ontologies. Upon identification of such string level
similarity the source Ontologies can either mapped
or merged. PROMPT(Noy & Musen, 2000) Ontology
Merging tool employs string level concept matching

Sub-String Level Concept Matching

Approaches that brakes the input concepts in to smaller
segments on the basis of prefix, suffix and other structures. Another approach establishes the similarity by
identifying the Edit Distance. For example if Nikon
and NKN are under consideration, the Edit Distance
is a number of insertion, deletion and substitution of
characters that will be required in Nikon and NKN
to transform one into the other. N-gram technique is
employed for deriving a set of substrings by selecting
n number of characters from input string. For example
trigram of NIKON results in NIK, IKO and KON. The
derived set can further be subjected to simple string
matcher for finding similarities.

Lexical Matching
Lexical approaches are employed to identify and extract
tokens from the input string. This is particularly useful
when concept name are created using mix of alphanumeric characters that can be processed to separate
operators, numbers, punctuations and other types of token to reveal processable substrings. LOM(Li, 2004)- a
Lexicon based Ontology Mapping tool employs strategy
to determine similarity by matching the whole term,
word constituent, synset, and type matching (Choi et al.,
2006). OLA(Euzenat et al., 2005) and Cupid(Madhavan
et al., 2001) also employs lexical techniques for finding
similarity among concepts.


Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

Linguistic Similarity Approach

Structure Level Approaches

Natural Language Processing domain offers various text

processing techniques such as stemming, tokenization,
tagging, elimination, expansion etc. that can improve
result of similarity finding effort. Usage and grammar
of language may result in mismatch for example, like
Product and Products, in such cases Lemmatization
can be used. Tokenization that can remove grammatical elements from concept name can be utilized. Unnecessary articles, Preposition, conjunction and other
features can be removed using Elimination technique.
Lexical relation can be also identified using sense based
approach by exploring Hypernyms, hyponyms etc. in
WordNet(Miller, 1995). HCONE-Merge(Kotis et al.,
2006) is a Ontology merging approach that uses Latent
Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique and carryout lookup
WordNet and by expanding word sense by hyponymy.
Domain or Application specific terminology can also
be integrated for disambiguation. Cupid - a schema
matching approach-employs linguistic matching in
its initial phase. Quick Ontology Mapping (Ehrig &
Sure, 2005) employs finding of linguistic similarity of
concepts. ASCO(Le et al., 2004) technique calculate
linguistic similarity as a linear combination of name,
label and description similarity of concepts.

Approaches that considers the ontology in graph

structure and consider upper and lower levels of the
given concepts to find out similarity among concepts
of different Ontologies.

Semantic Concept Matching Approach


iMAP(Dhamankar et al., 2004) employs semantic

matching for integration of heterogeneous data sources.
It addresses 1-1 and complex matches among concepts.
The multiple search approach toward identification of
matches, utilizes domain knowledge for improving
schema matching accuracy. S-Match (Giunchiglia et al.,
2005) derives semantic matching between two graph
structures. MAFRA (Maedche et al., 2002) (MApping
FRAmework) employs Semantic Bridge and Service
Centric approach.

FCA-Merge(Stumme, 2005) incorporates machine

learning Technique to derive a lattice which is then
used to derive merged Ontology. Documents are accepted as inputs that provides the concepts to build
the Ontology.

By transforming the input Ontologies into directed
labelled graph, the Similarity Flooding techniques
generates Pair-wise Connectivity Graphs (PCG) where
a node consists of a pair or matching elements from
the sources. The technique further assigns weights to
the edges indicating how well the similarity of given
pair propagates to the neighbours.

Structural Similarity
COMA(Aumueller et al., 2005) system employs path
similarity as a basis for calculating similarity among
concept. SMART tool employs algorithm that considers
structure of the relation in the vicinity of the concept
being processed. It is implemented with PROMPT
system that can be plugged in with Protg-a widely
accepted open-source knowledge engineering tool.
Anchor-PROMPT(Noy & Musen, 2001) extends the
simple PROMPT by calculating similarity measures
based on ontology structure.

Semantic Matching
S-Match focuses on computing semantic matching between graph structures extracted from separate Ontologies. With this technique it is possible to differentiate the
meaning of Concept of node and Concept at node.

Machine Learning and Statistics Based

While determination of exact mapping achieved by
establishing string and structure level similarities,
the performance can be further improved by employing methods to approximate the nearness. Machine
learning, probability and statistics techniques can be
incorporating in mapping techniques to improve the
performance and achieving automation in matching
process. GLUE(Doan et al., 2002) employs an instance
based machine learning technique to semi-automatically create mappings for input Ontologies. Concept

Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

Similarity in terms of joint probability distribution of

instances of given concept. Ontology Mapping Enhancer (OMEN) (Mitra et al., 2005) adopts generation of
Bayesian Net on the basis of mappings defined a priori.
ITTalk (Cost et al., 2002) adopts Bayesian reasoning
along with text based classification technology that
collects similarity information in source Ontologies.
The discovered semantic similarity is codified as labels
and arcs of a graph.

Community Oriented Approach

CAIMAN(Lacher & Groh, 2001) proposed a scenario
where member of communities want to express their
viewpoints on categorization in community repository.
COMA++(Aumueller et al., 2005) offers community
driven ontology mapping by providing support for web
based acquisition and sharing of ontology mapping.

Logic Based Approach

Description Logic (DL) is widely accepted for knowledge representation task. It is observed that Ontology
creation is commonly carried out with commonly used
tools that supports OWL-DL representation and reasoning. The mapping language that is selected to represent

mapping can also benefit from the representation and

reasoning capability of DL. MAFRA(Maedche et al.,
2002) uses DL for representing Semantic Bridge Ontology (SBO). OntoMapO uses DL for creating a Meta
Ontology for consistent representation of Ontologies
and mapping among them. CTXMatch and S-Match
employs satisfiability techniques that is achieved using DL. ConcepTool(Compatangelo & Meisel, 2003)
system uses DL in formalizing class-centered enhanced
entity relationship model.

Organizations are increasingly adopting knowledgebased approaches in building systems. The Ontology
mapping techniques discussed here provides overview
of efforts that enables integration of multiple Ontologies in the context of targeted application. Along with
the syntax and standardized content, it will become
necessary to consider Ontologies with various levels of
detail to be mapped for complete and accurate coverage. Extending the current approaches that take a few
Ontologies as input selected from vast pool based on
the availability of required elements or structures, it
will be necessary to consider specific types of Ontol-

Figure 1. Ontology mediation requirement in future applications


Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

ogy. Figure 1 indicates one of the challenging open

problems of investigating appropriate methods that
allows integration of Ontologies defining Domain Independent, Domain Specific, Local Specific and Application Specific concepts to provide complete coverage of
knowledge representation. This approach ensures that
knowledge engineers can reuse the integrated part of
Domain Independent and Domain Specific concepts
and focus on only local specific concept to suitably
integrate with application being built. For explaining
a example scenario Figure 1 indicates the Ontology
integration required for Disaster Management Agencies
across the world. The Domain Specific and Domain
Independent concepts are required by every agency
and can be directly integrated with local specific and
application specific concepts that can be unique to each
implementing agency.

With proliferation of knowledge representation and
reasoning techniques and standard based tools, domain knowledge captured in the form of Ontology is
increasingly being available for reuse. The quality and
quantity and level of detail with which domain concepts
are defined differ considerably based on the discretion
of knowledge engineer. The reuse requires concepts
defined in multiple such Ontologies to be extracted or
mapped to a resulting comprehensive representation that
suits the requirement of problem on hand. This in-turn
introduce the problem of syntactic and semantic heterogeneity. This article provided state-of-the-art in present
techniques targeted at resolving heterogeneity.

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mapping: The state of the art. In Y. Kalfoglou et al.
(Eds.), Semantic interoperability and integration (Vol.
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automatic merging of domain ontologies: The hconemerge approach. J. Web Sem., 4 (1), 60-79.
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perspectives on heterogeneous information spaces.
wetice, 00, 285.
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ontology matching problems - for building a corporate
semantic web in a multi-communities organization. In
Iceis (4) (p. 236-243).
Li, J. (2004). Lom: A lexicon-based ontology mapping
tool. Teknowledge Corporation, Palo Alto, CA.
Madhavan, J., Bernstein, P. A., & Rahm, E. (2001).
Generic schema matching with cupid. In P. M. G. Apers
et al. (Eds.), Vldb (p. 49-58). Morgan Kaufmann.
Maedche, A., Motik, B., Silva, N., & Volz, R. (2002).
Mafra - a mapping framework for distributed ontologies. In A. Gomez-Perez & V. R. Benjamins (Eds.),
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Mitra, P., Noy, N. F., & Jaiswal, A. (2005). Omen:
A probabilistic ontology mapping tool. In Y. Gil, et
al. (Eds.), International semantic web conference
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Niles, I., & Pease, A. (2001). Towards a standard upper
ontology. In Fois 01: Proceedings of the international

Noy, N., & Musen, M. (2000). Prompt: Algorithm and

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Predoiu, L., Feier, C., Scharffe, F., Bruijn, J. de, MartinRecuerda, F., Manov, D., et al. (2006). State-of-the-art
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interoperability and integration (Vol. 04391). IBFI,

Articulation Ontology: Articulation ontology
consists of concepts and relations that are identified


Discovering Mappings Between Ontologies

as link among the concepts defined in two separate

Ontologies also known as articulation rules.
Context Aware Techniques: Techniques that are
focused on nearness of weight assigned to specific relations among concepts considering application context
as basis for mapping.
Extension Aware Techniques: Techniques that
are focused on finding nearness among features of
available instances of different Ontologies to form
basis for mapping.
Intension Aware Techniques: Based on the Information flow theory, techniques that are focused on
finding two different tokens (instances) belonging to
separate Ontologies that maps to single type (concept)
as a basis for mapping.
Linguistic Similarity Techniques: Set of techniques that refer linguistic nearness of concepts in
the form of synonyms, hypernyms, and hyponyms by
referring to related entries in the thesaurus as basis
for mapping.
Ontology Alignment: Ontology Alignment is a
process to articulate similarity in the form of one-toone equality relation between every elements of two
separate Ontologies.
Ontology Integration: Ontology Integration is a
process that results in generation of a new ontology
derived as a union of two or more source Ontologies
of different but related subject domain.


Ontology Mapping: Ontology Mapping is a process

to articulate similarities among the concepts belonging
to separate source Ontologies.
Ontology Mediation: Ontology mediation is a
process that reconciles difference between separate
Ontologies to achieve semantic interoperability by
performing alignment, mapping, merging and other
required operations.
Ontology Merging: Ontology Mapping is a process
that results in generation of a new ontology derived
as a union of two or more source Ontologies of same
subject domain.
Semantic Similarity Techniques: Techniques
that are focused on logic satisfiability as basis of
String Similarity Techniques: Set of techniques
that uses syntactic similarity of concepts as basis of
Structure Aware Techniques: Techniques that
also consider structural hierarchy of concepts as basis
of mapping.


Disk-Based Search

Stefan Edelkamp
University of Dortmund, Germany
Shahid Jabbar
University of Dortmund, Germany

The need to deal with large data sets is at the heart of
many real-world problems. In many organizations the
data size has already surpassed Petabytes (1015). It is
clear that to process such an enormous amount of data,
the physical limitations of RAM is a major hurdle. However, the media that can hold huge data sets, i.e., hard
disks, are about a 10,000 to 1,000,000 times slower to
access than RAM. On the other hand, the costs for large
amounts of disk space have considerably decreased.
This growing disparity has led to a rising attention to
the design of external memory algorithms (Sanders et
al., 2003) in recent years.
In a hard disk, random disk accesses are slow due
to disk latency in moving the head on top of the data.
But once the head is at its proper position, data can be
read very rapidly. External memory algorithms exploit
this fact by processing the data in the form of blocks.
They are more informed about the future accesses to the
data and can organize their execution to have minimum
number of block accesses.
Traditional graph search algorithms perform well
as long as the graph can fit into the RAM. But for large
graphs these algorithms are destined to fail. In the following, we will review some of the advances in the field
of search algorithms designed for large graphs.

Most modern operating systems provide a generalpurpose memory management scheme called Virtual Memory to compensate for the limited RAM.
Unfortunately, such schemes pay off only when the
algorithms memory accesses are local, i.e., it works on
a particular memory address range for a while, before
switching the attention to another range. Search algorithms, especially those that order the nodes on some

particular node property, do not show such behaviour.

They jump back and forth to pick the best node, in a
spatially unrelated way for only marginal differences
in the node property.
External memory algorithms are designed with a
hierarchy of memories in mind. They are analyzed on an
external memory model as opposed to the traditional von
Neumann RAM model. We use the two-level memory
model by Vitter and Shriver (1994) to describe the search
algorithms. The model provides the necessary tools to
analyze the asymptotic number of block accesses (I/O
operations) as the input size grows. It consists of

M: Size of the internal memory in terms of the

number of elements,
N >>M: Size of the input in terms of the number
of elements, and
B: Size of the data block that can be transferred
between the internal memory and the hard disk;
transferring one such block is called as a single
I/O operation.

The complexity of external memory algorithms

is conveniently expressed in terms of predefined I/O
operations, such as, scan(N) for scanning a file of size
N with a complexity of (N/B) I/Os, and sort(N) for
external sorting a file of size N with a complexity of
(N/B logM/B (N/B)) I/Os. With additional parameters
the model can accommodate multiple disks and multiple
processors too.
In the following, we assume a graph as a tuple (V, E,
c), where V is the set of nodes, E the set of edges, and
c the weight function that assigns a non-zero positive
integer to each edge. If all edges have the same weight,
the component c can be dropped and the graphs are
called as unweighted. Given a start node s and a goal
node g, we require the search algorithm to return an
optimal path wrt. the weight function.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Disk-Based Search


External Memory Breadth-First Search
Breadth-first search (BFS) is one of the basic search
algorithms. It explores a graph by first expanding the
nodes that are closest to the start node. BFS for external memory has been proposed by Munagala and
Ranade (1999). It only considers undirected and explicit
(provided beforehand in the form of adjacency lists)
graphs. The working of the algorithm is illustrated on a
graph in Fig. 1. Let Open(i) be the set of nodes at BFS
level i residing on disk. The algorithm builds Open(i)
from Open(i-1) as follows. Let Succ(Open(i-1)) be the
multi-set of successors of nodes in Open(i-1); this set
is created by concatenating all adjacency lists of nodes
in Open(i-1). As there can be multiple copies of the
same node in this set the next step is to remove these
duplicate nodes. In an internal memory setting this
can be done easily using a hash table. Unfortunately,
in an external setting a hash-table is not affordable due
to random accesses to its contents. Therefore, we rely
on alternative methods of duplicates removal that are
well-suited for large data on disk. The first step is to
sort the successor set using external sorting algorithms
resulting in duplicate nodes lying adjacent to each

other. By an external scanning of this sorted set, all

duplicates are removed. Still, there can be nodes in
this set that have already been expanded in the previous layers. Munagala and Ranade proved that for
undirected graphs, it is sufficient to subtract only two
layers, Open(i1) and Open(i2), from Open(i). Since
all three lists are sorted, this can be done by a parallel
external scanning. The accumulated I/O complexity of
this algorithm is O(|V| + sort(|E|)) I/Os, where |V| is
for the unstructured access to the adjacency lists, and
sort(|E|) for duplicates removal.
An implicit graph variant of the above algorithm has been proposed by Korf (2003). It applies
O(sort(|Succ(Open(i1))|) +scan(|Open(i1)| +
|Open(i2)|))) I/Os in each iteration. Since no explicit
access to the adjacency list is needed (as the state space
is generated on-the-fly), by using i |Succ(Open(i))| =
O(|E|) and i |Open(i)| = O(|V|), the total execution time
is bounded by O(sort(|E|)+ scan(|V|)) I/Os.
To reconstruct a solution path, we may store predecessor information with each node on disk (thus
doubling the state vector size). Starting from the goal
node, we recursively search for its predecessor in the
previous layer through external scanning. The process
continues until the first layer containing the start node
is reached. Since the Breadth-first search preserves
the shortest paths in a uniformly weighted graph, the

Figure 1. An example graph (left); Stages of External Breadth-First Search (right). Each horizontal bar corresponds to a file. The grey-shaded A(2) and A(2) are temporary files.


Disk-Based Search

constructed path is the optimal one. The complexity

is bounded by the scanning time of all layers in consideration, i.e., by O(scan(|V|)) I/Os.

External Memory Heuristic Search

Heuristic search algorithms utilize some form of guidance; be it user-provided or automatically inferred
from the problem structure, to hone in on the goal.
In practice, such algorithms are very effective when
compared with the blind search algorithms like BFS.
A* (Hart et al., 1968) is one such algorithm that prioritizes the nodes based on their actual distance from
the start node along with their heuristic estimate to the
goal state. Formally, if g(n) represents the path cost for
reaching a node n, and h(n) the heuristic estimate of
reaching the goal starting from n, then A* orders the
nodes based on their f-value defined as f(n)=g(n)+h(n).
For an efficient implementation of A*, a priority queue
data structure is required that allows us to remove the
node with the minimum f-value for expansion. If the
heuristic function h is consistent, then on each search
path, no successor will have a smaller f-value than the
predecessor. Therefore, A* traversing the node set in
f-order expands each node at most once.
External A* by Edelkamp et al. (2004) maintains the
search frontier on disk as files. Each file corresponds
to an external representation of a bucket-based priority
queue data structure. A bucket is a set of nodes sharing
common properties. In a 1-level bucket implementation
of A* by Dial (1969) each bucket addressed with index
i contains all nodes u that have priority f(n)=i. A refinement proposed by Jensen et al. (2002) distinguishes
between nodes with different g-values, and designates
bucket Open(i,j) to all nodes n with path length g(n)=i
and heuristic estimate h(n)=j. An external memory representation of this data structure memorizes each bucket
in a different file. During the exploration process, only
nodes from Open(i,j) with i+j=f are expanded, up to its
exhaustion. Buckets are selected in lexicographic order
for (i,j). By that time, the buckets Open(i,j) with i<i
and i+j=f are closed, whereas the buckets Open(i,j)
with i+j>f or with i>i and i+j=f are open. Depending
on the expansion progress, nodes in the active bucket
are either open or closed.
It is practical to pre-sort buffers in one bucket immediately by an efficient internal sorting algorithm to
ease merging. Duplicates within an active bucket are
eliminated by merging all the pre-sorted buffers cor-

responding to the same bucket, resulting in one sorted

file. This file can then be scanned to remove the duplicate
nodes from it. In fact, both the merging and removal
of duplicates can be done simultaneously. Another
case of the duplicate nodes appears, when the nodes
that have already been evaluated in the upper layers
are generated again. As in the algorithm of Munagala
and Ranade, External A* exploits the observation that,
in an undirected problem graph, duplicates of a node
with BFS-level i can at most occur in levels i, i1 and
i2. In addition, since h is a total function, we have
h(n) = h(n), if n = n. These duplicate nodes can be
removed by file subtraction for the next active bucket
Open(g+1,h1). We remove any node that has appeared
in buckets Open(g,h1) and Open(g1,h1). This file
subtraction can be done by a mere parallel scan of the
pre-sorted files and by using a temporary file in which
the intermediate result is stored. It suffices to perform
the duplicate removal only for the bucket that is to be
expanded next.

Duplicate Detection Scope

The number of previous layers that are sufficient for full
duplicate detection in directed graphs, is dependent on
a property of the search graph called locality (Zhou and
Hansen, 2006). In the following, we generalize their
concept to weighted and directed search graphs. For a
problem graph with node set V, discrete cost function
c, successor set Succ, initial state s, and being defined
as the minimal cost between two states, the shortestpath locality is defined as L = max{(s,n) (s,n) +
c(n,n) | n, nV, n Succ(n)}. In unweighted graphs,
we have c(n,n)=1 for all n, n. Moreover, (s,n) and
(s,n) differ by at most 1, so that the locality is 2,
which is consistent with the observation of Munagala
and Ranade.
The locality determines the thickness of the search
frontier needed to prevent duplicates from appearing
in the search. While the locality is dependent on the
graph, the duplicate detection scope also depends on
the search algorithm applied. For BFS, the search tree
is generated with increasing path lengths (number of
edges), while for weighted graphs the search tree is
generated with increasing path cost (this corresponds
to Dijkstras algorithm in the one-level bucket priority
queue data structure).
In a positively weighted search graph, the number
of buckets that need to be retained to prevent duplicate

Disk-Based Search

search effort is equal to the shortest-path locality of

the search graph. Let us consider two nodes n and n,
with n Succ(n). Assume that n has been expanded
for the first time, generating the successor n which has
already appeared in the layers 0, ..., (s,n)L implying
(s,n) (s,n) L. We have, L (s,n) (s,n) +
c(n,n) (s,n) ((s,n) L) + c(n,n) = L + c(n,n),
in contradiction to c(n,n) > 0.

Improvements of Munagala and Ranades algorithm
for explicit undirected graphs have been proposed by
Mehlhorn and Meyer (2002), where a more structured
access to the adjacency lists has been proposed. Ajwani
et al. (2007) present an extensive empirical comparison
of these approaches on different kinds of graphs.
Hash-based delayed duplicate detection (Korf and
Schultze, 2005) is designed to avoid the complexity of
sorting. It is based on two orthogonal hash functions.
The primary hash function distributes the nodes to
different files. Once a file of successors has been generated, duplicates are eliminated. The assumption is that
all nodes with the same primary hash address fit into
main memory. The secondary hash function maps all
duplicates to the same hash address.
Structured duplicate detection (Zhou and Hansen,
2004) builds up an abstract graph on top of the problem
graph through a disjoint partitioning. For expansion,
all states that are mapped to the same abstract node
are loaded into the memory along with the nodes that
are mapped to the neighbouring abstract nodes. The
partition is defined in such a way that any two adjacent nodes in the graph are mapped either to the same
partition or to a neighbouring abstract partition. The
successor nodes are checked against the neighbouring
partitions and are removed if found as duplicates, as
soon as they are generated.

Implementations for external model checking algorithms
have been proposed by Kristensen and Mailund (2003),
who suggested a sweep-line technique for scanning the
search space according to a given partial order. For
general LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) model checking,
Edelkamp and Jabbar (2006) have extended External
A* for safety and liveness checking and integrated it
into the state-of-the-art model checker, SPIN.

It is often the case that external memory algorithms
can be lifted to parallel algorithms. With the advent of
multi-core processors and affordable PC clusters, parallel algorithms become more and more important. Jabbar
and Edelkamp (2006) provide a parallel implementation
of the External A* for model checking safety properties.
For probabilistic and non-deterministic models value
iteration (VI) has been extended by Edelkamp et al.
(2007) to work on large state spaces that cannot fit into
the RAM. Instead of working on states, it works on
edges (n,n,a,h(n)), where n is called the predecessor
state, n the stored state, a the action that transforms n
into n, and h(n) is the current value for n. Similarly
to the internal version of VI, the external version of
VI works in two phases. A forward phase, where the
state space is generated, and a backward phase, where
the heuristic values are repeatedly updated until an optimal policy is computed, or a maximum iterations
are performed.

We have presented a brief overview of disk-based search
algorithms. These algorithms are especially designed
for large graphs that cannot fit into the RAM. An external variant of one of the basic search algorithms,
i.e., Breadth-first search has been introduced. For the
domains where a search algorithm can be equipped
with some form of guidance to reduce the search efforts, External A* provides a complete and I/O efficient
extension of the famous A* search algorithm. The whole
paradigm of disk-based search is largely dependant on
alternate forms of duplicate detection schemes. The
most general one is sorting-based delayed duplicate
detection. For special problems where a good disjoint
partitioning of the graph is possible, hash-based duplicate detection and structured duplicated detection are
feasible choices. We have also presented a generalization of the duplicate detection scope that dictates the
number of previous layers that have to be checked to
guarantee that no node will be expanded twice. Finally,
we saw some future trends directed towards an efficient
utilization of modern multi-core hardware and to policy
search methods.
STXXL (Dementiev et al., 2005) provides an efficient library for external memory data structures and

Disk-Based Search

Aggarwal, A., & Vitter, J.C. (1988). The input/output
complexity of sorting and related problems. Journal of
the ACM, 31(9):11161127.
Dial, R.B. (1969). Shortest-path forest with topological
ordering. Communications of the ACM, 12(11):632
Dementiev, R., Kettner, L., & Sanders, P. (2005).
STXXL: Standard template library for XXL data sets.
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), LNCS,
Ajwani, D., Meyer, U., & Osipov, V. (2007). Improved
External Memory BFS Implementation. SIAM Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments
(ALENEX), 312.
Edelkamp, S., Jabbar, S., & Schrdl, S. (2004). External
A*. German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI),
LNAI, 3238:233250.
Edelkamp, S., & Jabbar, S. (2005). Large-scale directed
model checking LTL. Model Checking Software (SPIN),
LNCS, 3925:118.
Edelkamp, S., Jabbar, S., & Bonet, B. (2007). External
Memory Value Iteration. International Conference on
Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), To
Hart, P.E., Nilsson, N.J., & Raphael, B. (1968). A
formal basis for heuristic determination of minimum
path cost. IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and
Cybernetics, 4:100107.
Jabbar, S. & Edelkamp, S. (2006). Parallel external
directed model checking with linear I/O. Conference on
Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI), LNCS, 3855:237252.
Jensen, R.M., Bryant, R.E., & Veloso, M.M. (2002).
SetA*: An efficient BDD-based heuristic search algorithm. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI), 668673.
Korf, R.E. (2003). Breadth-first frontier search with
delayed duplicate detection. Model Checking and
Artificial Intelligence (MOCHART), 8792.

Korf, R.E., & Schultze, T. (2005) Large-scale parallel

breadth-first search. National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), 13801385.
Kristensen, L., & Mailund, T. (2003). Path finding with
the sweep-line method using external storage. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
(ICFEM), LNCS, 2885:319337.
Mehlhorn, K., & Meyer, U. (2002). External-memory
breadth-first search with sub-linear I/O. European
Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), LNCS, 2461:723
Munagala, K., & Ranade, A. (1999). I/O-complexity of
graph algorithms. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(SODA), 687694.
Sanders, P., Meyer, U., & Sibeyn, J.F. (2003), Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies. Springer, LNCS,
Vitter, J.S., and Shriver, E.A.M. (1994). Algorithms for
Parallel Memory I: Two-Level Memories. Algorithmica,
Zhou, R. & Hansen, E. (2004). Structured duplicate
detection in external-memory graph search. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI),
Zhou, R. & Hansen, E. (2006). Breadth-First Heuristic
Search. Artificial Intelligence, 170(45):385408.

Delayed Duplicate Detection: In difference to hash
tables that eliminate duplicate states on-the-fly during
the exploration, the process of duplicate detection can
be delayed until a large set of states is available. It is
very effective in external search, where it is efficiently
achieved by external sorting and scanning.
Graph: A set of nodes connected through edges. The
node at the head of an edge is called as the target and
at the tail as the source. A graph can be undirected, i.e.,
it is always possible to return to the source through the
same edge the converse is a directed graph. If given
beforehand in the form of adjacency lists (e.g., a road
network), we call it an explicit graph. Implicit graphs
another name for state spaces are generated on505

Disk-Based Search

the-fly from a start node and a set of rules/actions to

generate the new states (e.g., a checkers game).
Heuristic Function: A function that assigns a node,
an estimated distance to the goal node. For example, in
route-planning, the Euclidean distance can be used as
a heuristic function. A heuristic function is admissible,
if it never overestimates the shortest path distance. It is
also consistent, if it never decreases on any edge more
than the edge weight, i.e., for a node n and its successor
n, h(n) h(n) c(n,n).
Memory Hierarchy: Modern hardware has a
hierarchy of storage mediums: starting from the fast
registers, the L1 and L2 caches, moving towards RAM
and all the way to the slow hard disks and tapes. The
latency timings on different levels differ considerably,
e.g., registers: 2ns, cache: 20ns, hard disk: 10ms, tape:
Model Checking: It is an automated process that
when given a model of a system and a property specification, checks if the property is satisfied by the system
or not. The properties requiring that something bad will
never happen are referred as safety properties, while
the ones requiring that something good will eventually
happen are referred as liveness properties.


Search Algorithm: An algorithm that when given

two graph nodes, start and goal, returns a sequence
of nodes that constitutes a path from start to the goal,
if such a sequence exists. A search algorithm generates the successors of a node through an expansion
process, after which, the node is termed as a closed
node. The newly generated successors are checked for
duplicates, and when found as unique, are added to the
set of open nodes.
Value Iteration: Procedure that computes a policy
(mapping from states to action) for a probabilistic or
non-deterministic search problem most frequently in
form of a Markov Decision Problem (MDP).


Distributed Constraint Reasoning

Marius C. Silaghi
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Makoto Yokoo
Kyushu University, Japan

Distributed constraint reasoning is concerned with
modeling and solving naturally distributed problems.
It has application to the coordination and negotiation
between semi-cooperative agents, namely agents that
want to achieve a common goal but would not give
up private information over secret constraints. When
compared to centralized constraint satisfaction (CSP)
and constraint optimization (COP), one of the most
expensive operations is communication. Other differences stem from new coherence and privacy needs. We
review approaches based on asynchronous backtracking
and depth-first search spanning trees.
Distributed constraint reasoning started as an
outgrowth of research in constraints and multi-agent
systems. Take the sensors network problem in Figure
1, defined by a set of geographically distributed sensors that have to track a set of mobile nodes. Each
sensor can watch only a subset of its neighborhood

Figure 1. Sensor network

at a given time. Three sensors need to simultaneously

focus on the same mobile node in order to locate it.
Approaches modeling and solving this problem with
distributed constraint reasoning are described in (Bejar,
Domshlak, Fernandez, Gomes, Krishnamachari, Selman, &Valls, 2005).
There are two large classes of distributed constraint
problems. The first class is described by a set of Boolean
relations (aka constraints) on possible assignments of
variables, where the relations are distributed among
agents. They are called distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs). The challenge is to find
assignments of variables to values such that all these
relations are satisfied. However, the reasoning process
has to be performed by collaboration among the agents.
There exist several solutions to a problem, and ties have
to be broken by some priority scheme. Such priorities
may be imposed from the problem description where
some agents, such as government agencies, are more
important than others. In other problems it is important
to ensure that different solutions or participants have
equal chances, and this property is called uniformity.
When no solution exists, one may still want to find an
assignment of the variables that conflict as few constraints as possible. The second class of problems refers
to numerical optimization described by a set of functions (weighted constraints) defined on assignments of
variables and returning positive numerical values. The
goal is to find assignments that minimize the objective
function defined by the sum of these functions. The
problems obtained in this way are called distributed
constraint optimization problems (DisCOPs). Some
problems require a fair distribution of the amount of
dissatisfaction among agents, minimizing the dissatisfaction of the most unsatisfied agent.
There are also two different ways of distributing
a problem. The first way consists of distributing the
data associated with it. It is defined in terms of which
agents know which constraints. It can be shown that any

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Distributed Constraint Reasoning

such problem can be translated into problems where all

non-shared constraints are unary (constraints involving only one variable), also called domain constraints.
Here one can assume that there exists a single unary
constraint for each variable. It is due to the fact that any
second unary constraint can be reformulated on a new
variable, required to be equal to the original variable.
The agent holding the unique domain constraint of a
variable is called the owner of that variable. Due to
the availability of this transformation many solutions
focus on the case where only the unary constraints are
not shared by everybody (also said to be private to the
agents that know them). Another common simplification
consists in assuming that each agent has a single unary
constraint (i.e., a single variable). This simplification
does not reduce the generality of the addressable problems since an agent can participate in a computation
under several names, e.g., one instance for each unary
constraint of the original agent. Such false identities
for an agent are called pseudo-agents (Modi, Shen,
Tambe, & Yokoo, 2005), or abstract agents (Silaghi
& Faltings, 2005).
The second way of distributing a problem is in terms
of who may propose instantiations of a variable. In such
an approach each variable may be assigned a value
solely by a subset of the agents while the other agents
are only allowed to reject the proposed assignment.
This distribution is similar to restrictions seen in some
societies where only the parliament may propose a referendum while the rest of the citizens can only approve
or reject it. Approaches often assume the simultaneous
presence of both ways of distributing the problem. They
commonly assume that the only agent that can make
a proposal on a variable is the agent holding the sole
unary constraint on that variable, namely its owner
(Yokoo, Durfee, Ishida, & Kuwabara, 1998). When
several agents are allowed to propose assignments of
a variable, these authorized agents are called modifiers
of that variable. An example is where each holder of a
constraint on a variable is a legitimate modifier of that
variable (Silaghi & Faltings, 2005).

The first challenge addressed was the development of
asynchronous algorithms for solving distributed problems. Synchronization forces distributed processes to
run at the speed of the slowest link. Algorithms that do

not use synchronizations, namely where participants

are at no point aware of the current state of other participants, are flexible but more difficult to design. With
the exception of a few solution detection techniques
(Yokoo & Hirayama, 2005), (Silaghi & Faltings, 2005),
most approaches gather the answer to the problem by
reading the state of agents after the system becomes
idle and reaches the so called quiescence state (Yokoo
et al., 1998). Algorithms that eventually reach quiescence are also called self-stabilizing (Collin, Dechter,
& Katz, 1991). A complete algorithm is an algorithm
that guarantees not to miss any existing solution. A
sound algorithm is a technique that never terminates
in a suboptimal state.
Another challenge picked by distributed constraint
reasoning research consists of providing privacy for the
sub-problems known by agents (Yokoo et al., 1998).
The object of privacy can be of different types. The
existence of a constraint between two variables may
be secret as well as the existence of a variable itself.
Many approaches only try to ensure the secrecy of
the constraints, i.e., the hiding of the identity of the
valuations that are penalized by that constraint. For
optimization problems one also assumes a need to
keep secret the amount of the penalty induced by the
constraint. As mentioned previously, it is possible to
model such problems in a way where all secret constraints are unary (approach known as having private
domains). Some problems may have both secret and
public constraints. Such public constraints may be used
for an efficient preprocessing prior to the expensive
negotiation implied by secret constraints. Solvers
that support guarantees of privacy at any cost employ
cryptographic multi-party computations (Yao 1982).
There exist several cryptographic technologies for such
computations, and some of them can be used interchangeably by distributed problem solvers. However,
some of them offer information theoretical security
guarantees (Shamir, 1979) being resistant to any amount
of computation, while others offer only cryptographic
security (Cramer, Damgaard, & Nielsen, 2000) and
can be broken using large amounts of computation or
quantum computers. The result of a computation may
reveal secrets itself and its damages can be reduced by
being careful in formulating the query to the solver.
For example, less information is lost by requesting
the solution to be picked randomly than by requesting the first solution. The computations can be done
cryptographically by a group of semi-trusted servers,

Distributed Constraint Reasoning

or they can be performed by participants themselves.

A third issue in solving distributed problems is raised
by the size and the dynamism of the system.

A common definition of a distributed constraint optimization problem (DisCOP) (Modi et al., 2005)
consists of a set of variables X={x1, ..., xn} and a set
of agents A={A1, ..., An}, each agent Ai holding a set
of constraints. Each variable xi can be assigned only
with those values which are allowed by a domain
constraint Di. A constraint j on a set of variables Xj
is a function associating a positive numerical value to
each combination of assignments to the variables Xj.
The typical challenge is to find an assignment to the
variables in X such that the sum of the values returned
by the constraints of the agents is minimized.
A tuple of assignments is also called a partial solution. A restriction often used with DisCOPs requires
that each agent Ai holds only constraints between xi
and a subset of the previous variables, {x1,...,xi-1}.
Also, for any agent Ai, the agents {A1, ..., Ai-1} are the

predecessors of Ai and the agents {Ai+1, ..., An}, are its

To understand the generality and limitations of this
restriction, consider a conference organization problem
with 3 variables x1 (time), x2 (place), and x3 (general
chair) and 3 constraints 12 (between x1 and x2), 23
(between x2 and x3), and 13 (between x1 and x3), where
Alice has 12, Bob enforces 23, and Carol is interested
in 13, Figure 3.
This problem can be modeled as a DisCOP with 4
agents. Alice uses two agents, A1 and A2. The original
participant is called physical agent and the agents of
the model are called pseudo-agents. Bob uses the agent
A3 and Carol uses an agent A4. The new variable x4 of
the agent A4 is involved in a ternary constraint 134
with x1 and x3. The constraint 134 is constructed such
that its projection on x1 and x2 is 13.
However the restricted framework cannot help general purpose algorithms to learn and exploit the fact that
agents A1 and A2 know each others constraints. It also
requires finding an optimal value for the variable x4,
which is irrelevant to the query. To avoid aforementioned
limitations some approaches remove the restriction on
which variables can be involved in the constraints of
an agent and can obtain some improvements in speed

Figure 2. Translating between DisCOP frameworks


Distributed Constraint Reasoning

(Silaghi & Faltings, 2005). Other frameworks typically used with hill-climbing solvers, with solvers that
reorder agents, and with arc consistency, assume that
each agent Ai knows all the constraints that involve the
variable xi. This implies that any constraint between
two variables xi and xj is known by both agents Ai and
Aj. In general, a problem modeled as a DisCOP where
any private constraint may be hold by any agent can
be converted to its dual representation in order to
obtain a model with this framework. When penalties
for constraint violation can only take values in {0,},
corresponding to {true, false}, one obtains distributed
constraint satisfaction problems.
A protocol is a set of rules about what messages may
be exchanged by agents, when they may be sent, and
what may be contained in their payload. A distributed
algorithm is an implementation of a protocol as it specifies an exact sequence of operations to be performed as
a response to each event, such as start of computation
or receipt of a message. Autonomous self-interested
agents are more realistically expected to implement
protocols rather than to strictly adhere to algorithms.
Protocols can be theoretically proved correct. However
experimental validation and efficiency evaluation of a
protocol is done by assuming that agents strictly follow
some algorithm implementing that protocol.

Efficiency Metrics
The simplest metric for evaluating DisCOP solvers uses
the time from the beginning of a distributed computation to its end. It is possible only with a real distributed
system (or a very realistic simulation). The network
load for benchmarks is evaluated by counting the total
number of messages exchanged or the total number of
bytes exchanged. The total time taken by a simulator
yields the efficiency of a DisCOP solver when used as a
weighted CSP solver. Another common metric is given
by the highest logic clocks (Lamport, 1978) occurring
during the computation. Lamports logic clocks associate a cost with each message and another cost with
each local computation. When the cost assigned to each
message is 1 and the cost for local computations is 0,
the obtained value gives the longest sequential chain of
causally ordered messages (Silaghi & Faltings, 2005).
When all message latencies are identical, this metric
is equivalent to the number of rounds of a simulator
where at each round an agent handles all messages
received in the previous round (Yokoo et al., 1998).

If the cost assigned to each message is 0 and the cost

of a constraint check is 1, the obtained value gives the
number of non-concurrent constraint checks (NCCC)
(Meisels, Kaplansky, Razgon, & Zivan, 2002). When
a constraint check is assumed to cost a fraction of a
message then the obtained value gives the equivalent
NCCCs (ENCCCs). One can evaluate the actual fraction
between message latencies and constraint checks in the
operating point (OP) of the target application (Silaghi
& Yokoo, 2007). However many distributed solvers
do not check constraints directly but via nogoods and
there is no standardized way of accounting the handling
of the latter ones.

Solving algorithms span the range between full centralization, where all constraints are submitted to a
central server that returns a solution, through incremental centralization (Mailler & Lesser, 2004), to very
decentralized approaches (Walsh, Yokoo, Hirayama,
& Wellman, 2003).
The Depth-First Search (DFS) spanning trees of
the constraint graph proves useful for distributed
DisCOP solvers. When used as a basis for ordering
agents, the assignment of any node of the tree makes
its subtrees independent (Collin, Dechter, & Katz,
2000). Such independence increases parallelism and
decreases the complexity of the problem. The structure can be exploited in three ways. Subtrees can be
explored in parallel for an opportunistic evaluation of
the best branch, reminding of iterative A* (Modi et
al., 2005). Alternatively a branch and bound approach
can systematically evaluate different values of the root
for each subtree (Chechetka & Sycara, 2006). A third
approach uses dynamic programming to evaluate the
DFS trees from leaves towards the root (Petcu & Faltings, 2006).
Asynchronous usage of lookahead techniques based
on maintenance of arc consistency and bound consistency require handling of interacting data structures
corresponding to different concurrent computations.
Concurrent consistency achievement processes at different depths in the search tree have to be coordinated
giving priority to computations at low depths in the
tree (Silaghi & Faltings, 2005).
The concept at the basis of many asynchronous
algorithms is the nogood, namely a self contained
statement about a restriction to the valuations of the

Distributed Constraint Reasoning

variables, inferred from the problem. A generalized

valued nogood has the form [R,c,T] where T specifies
a set of partial solutions {N1,...,Nk} for which the set of
constraints R specifies a penalty of at least c. A common
simplification, called valued nogood (Dago & Verfaille,
1996), refers to a single partial solution, [R,c,N]. Priority
induced vector clock timestamps called signatures can
be used to arbitrate between conflicting assignments
concurrently proposed by several modifiers (Silaghi &
Faltings, 2005). They can also handle other types of
conflicting proposals, such as new ordering.
ADOPT-ing is an illustrative algorithm unifying
the basic DisCSP and DisCOP solvers ABT (Yokoo et
al., 1998) and ADOPT (Modi et al., 2005). It works by
having each agent concurrently chose for its variable the
best value given known assignments of predecessors
and cost estimations received from successors (Silaghi
& Yokoo 2007). Each agent announces its assignments
to interested successors using ok? messages. Agents are
interested in variables involved in their constraints or
nogoods. When a nogood is received, agents announce
new interests using add-link messages. A forest of
DFS trees is dynamically built. Initially each agent is
a tree, having no ancestors. When a constraint is first
used, the agent adds its variables to his ancestors
list and defines his parent in the DFS tree as the closest ancestor. Ancestors are announced of their own
new ancestors. Nogoods inferred by an agent using
resolution on its nogoods and constraints are sent to
targeted predecessors and to its parent in the DFS
tree using nogood messages, to guarantee optimality.
Known costs of DFS subtrees for some values can be
announced to those subtrees using threshold nogoods
attached to ok? messages.

An asynchronous algorithm could solve the problem in
Figure 2 using the trace in Figure 3. In the messages of
Figure 3. The constraint graph of a DisCOP. The fact
that the penalty associated with not satisfying the constraint x1x2 is 4, is denoted by the notation (#4).

Figure 3, constraints are represented as Boolean values

in an array. The ith value in this array set to T signifies that the constraints of Ai are used in the inference
of that nogood. The agents start selecting values for
their variables and announce them to interested lower
priority agents. The first exchanged messages are ok?
messages sent by A1 to both successors A2 and A3 and
proposing the assignment x1=1. A2 sends an ok? message to A3 proposing x2=2.
A3 detects a conflict with x1, inserts A1 in its DFS
tree ancestors list, and sends a nogood with cost 2 to
A1 (message 3). A1 answers the received nogood by
switching its assignment to a value with lower current estimated value, x1=2 (message 4). A2 reacts by
switching x2 to its lowest cost value, x2=1 (message 5).
A3 detects a conflict with x2 and inserts A2 in its ancestors list, which becomes {A1, A2}. A3 also announces
the conflict to A2 using the nogood message 6. This
nogood received by A2 is combined with the nogood
locally inferred by A2 for its value 2 due to the constraint
x1x2(#4). That inference also prompts the insertion of
A1 in the ancestors list of A2. The obtained nogood is
therefore sent to A1 using message 7. A1 and later A2
switch their assignments to the values with the lowest
cost, attaching the latest nogoods received for those
values as threshold nogoods (messages 8, 9 and 10).
At this moment the system reaches quiescence.

The main remaining challenges with distributed constraint reasoning are related to efficient ways of achieving privacy and with handling very large problems.

The distributed constraint reasoning paradigms allow
easy specification of new problems. The notion varies
largely between almost any two researchers. It can
refer to the distribution of subproblems or it can refer
to the distribution of authority in assigning variables.
The reason and goals of the distribution vary as well,
where either privacy of constraints, parallelism in
computation, or size of data are cited as major concern.
Most algorithms can be easily translated from one
framework to the other, but they may not be appropriate for a new goal.

Distributed Constraint Reasoning

Figure 4. Simplified trace of an asynchronous solver (ADOPT-ing (Silaghi & Yokoo, 2007)) on the problem in
Figure 3

Bejar, R., Domshlak, C., Fernandez, C., Gomes, C.,
Krishnamachari, B., Selman, B., &Valls, M. (2005).
Sensor networks and distributed CSP: communication,
computation and complexity. Artificial Intelligence,
Chechetka, A., & Sycara, K. (2006). No-commitment
branch and bound search for distributed constraint
optimization. In AAMAS, 1427-1429.
Cramer, R., Damgaard, I., & Nielsen, J.B. (2000).
Multi-party Computation from Threshold Homomorphic Encryption. BRICS RS-00-14.
Collin, Z.; and Dechter, R.; and Katz,S. (1991). On
the feasibility of distributed constraint satisfaction.
IJCAI, 318-324.
Collin, Z., Dechter, R., & Katz,S. (2000). Self-Stabilizing Distributed Constraint Satisfaction. Chicago
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, 3(4).
Dago, P., & Verfaillie, G. (1996). Nogood recording
for valued constraint satisfaction problems. In ICTAI,
Lamport, L. (1978). Time, Clocks and the Ordering
of Events in a Distributed System. Communications
of the ACM. 21(7):558-565.
Mailler, R., & Lesser, V. (2004). Solving distributed
constraint optimization problems using cooperative
mediation. In AAMAS, 438-445.


Meisels, A., Kaplansky, E., Razgon, I., & Zivan, R.

(2002). Comparing Performance of Distributed Constraints Processing Algorithms. DCR, 86-93.
Modi, P. J., Shen, W.-M., Tambe, M., & Yokoo, M.
(2005). ADOPT: Asynchronous Distributed Constraint
Optimization with Quality Guarantees. Artificial Intelligence Journal 161(1-2).
Petcu, A., & Faltings, B. (2006). ODPOP: an algorithm for open/distributed constraint optimization. In
Shamir, A. (1979). How to share a secret. Communications of the ACM. 22:612-613.
Silaghi, M.-C., & Faltings, B. (2005). Asynchronous
aggregation and consistency in distributed constraint
satisfaction. Artificial Intelligence Journal 161(12):25-53.
Silaghi, M.-C., & Yokoo, M. (2007). Dynamic DFS
Tree in ADOPT-ing. AAAI.
Walsh, W.E., M. Yokoo,M., K. Hirayama, K., & M.P.
Wellman, M.P. (2003). On market-inspired approaches
to propositional satisfiability. Artificial Intelligence.
144: 125-156.
Walsh, T. (2007). Traffic light scheduling: a challenging
distributed constraint optimization problem. In DCR.
Yao, A. (1982). Protocols for secure computations.
FOCS. 160-164.
Yokoo, M., Durfee, E. H., Ishida, T., & Kuwabara, K.
(1998). The Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Prob-

Distributed Constraint Reasoning

lem: Formalization and Algorithms. In IEEE TKDE,

10(5) 673-685.

DisCOP: Distributed Constraint Optimization

Problem framework (also DCOP).

Yokoo, M., & Hiramaya, K. (2005). The Distributed

Breakout Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence Journal.
161(1-2), 229-246.

DisCSP: Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem framework (also DCSP).

Agent: A participant in a distributed computation,
having its own constraints.
Constraint: A relation between variables specifying
a subset of their Cartesian product that is not permitted. Optionally it can also specify numeric penalties
for those tuples.

Nogood: A logic statement about combinations of assignments that are penalized due to some constraints.
Optimality: The quality of an algorithm of returning only solutions that are at least as good as any other
Quiescence: The state of being inactive. The system
will not change without an external stimulus.



Distributed Representation of Compositional

Simon D. Levy
Washington and Lee University, USA



AI models are often categorized in terms of the connectionist vs. symbolic distinction. In addition to being
descriptively unhelpful, these terms are also typically
conflated with a host of issues that may have nothing
to do with the commitments entailed by a particular
model. A more useful distinction among cognitive representations asks whether they are local or distributed
(van Gelder 1999).
Traditional symbol systems (grammar, predicate
calculus) use local representations: a given symbol has
no internal content and is located at a particular address
in memory. Although well understood and successful in
a number of domains, traditional representations suffer
from brittleness. The number of possible items to be
represented is fixed at some arbitrary hard limit, and a
single corrupt memory location or broken pointer can
wreck an entire structure.
In a distributed representation, on the other hand,
each entity is represented by a pattern of activity
distributed over many computing elements, and each
computing element is involved in representing many
different entities (Hinton 1984). Such representations have a number of properties that make them
attractive for knowledge representation (McClelland,
Rumelhart, & Hinton 1986): they are robust to noise,
degrade gracefully, and support graded comparison
through distance metrics. These properties enable fast
associative memory and efficient comparison of entire
structures without unpacking the structures into their
component parts.
This article provides an overview of distributed
representations, setting the approach in its historical
context. The two essential operations necessary for
building distributed representation of structures binding and bundling are described. We present example
applications of each model, and conclude by discussing
the current state of the art.

The invention of the backpropagation algorithm (Rumelhart, Hinton, & Williams 1986) led to a flurry of
research in which neurally inspired models were applied to tasks for which the use of traditional AI data
structures and algorithms were commonly assumed to
be the only viable approach. A compelling feature of
these new models was that they could discover the
representations best suited to the modelling domain,
unlike the manmade representations used in traditional
AI. These discovered or learned representations were
typically vectors of numbers in a fixed interval like [0,
1], representing the values of the hidden variables. A
statistical technique like principal component analysis
could be applied to such representations, revealing interesting regularities in the training data (Elman 1990).
Issues concerning the nature of the representations learned by backpropagation led to criticisms of
this work. The most serious of these held that neural
networks could not arrive at or exploit systematic,
compositional representations of the sort used in traditional cognitive science and AI (Fodor & Pylyshyn
1988). A minimum requirement noted by critics was
that a model that could represent e.g. the idea John loves
Mary should also be able to represent Mary loves John
(systematicity) and to represent John, Mary, and loves
individually in the same way in both (compositionality).
Critics claimed that neural networks are in principle
unable to meet this requirement.
Systematicity and compositionality can be thought
of as the outcome of two essential operations: binding
and bundling. Binding associates fillers (John, Mary)
with roles (lover, beloved). Bundling combines role/
filler bindings to produce larger structures. Crucially,
representations produced by binding and bundling
must support an operation to recover the fillers of
roles: it must be possible to ask Who did what to
whom? questions and get the right answer. Starting

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure

around 1990, several researchers began to focus their

attention on building models that could perform these
operations reliably.

This article describes the various approaches found in
the recent neural network literature to implementing
the binding and bundling operations. Although several
different models have been developed, they fall into
one of two broad categories, based on the way that
roles are represented and how binding and bundling
are performed.

Recursive Auto-Associative Memory

In Recursive Auto-Associative Memory, or RAAM
(Pollack 1990), fillers are represented as relatively
small vectors (N=10-50 elements) of zeros and ones.
Roles are represented as N N matrices of real values,
and role/filler binding as the vector/matrix product.
Bundling is performed by element-wise addition of
the resulting vectors. There are typically two or three
role matrices, representing general role categories like
agent and patient, plus another N N matrix must to
represent the predicate (loves, sees, knows, etc.). Because all vectors are the same size N, vectors containing
bindings can be used as fillers, supporting structures of
potentially unlimited complexity (Bill knows Fred said
John loves Mary.) The goal is to learn a set of matrix
values (weights) to encode a set of such structures.

In order to recover the fillers, a corresponding set

of matrices must be trained to decode the vectors produced by the encoder matrices. Together, the encoder
and decoder matrices form an autoassociator network
(Ackley, Hinton, & Sejnowski 1985) that can be trained
with backpropagation. The only additional constraint
needed for backprop is that the vector/matrix products
be passed through a limiting function, like the sigmoidal
squashing function f(x) = 1 / (1 + e-x), whose output
falls in the interval (0,1). Figure 1 shows an example
of autoassociative learning for a simple hypothetical
structure, using three roles, with N = 4. The same network is shown at different stages of training (sub-tree
and full tree) during a single backprop epoch. Note that
the network devises its own compositional representations on its intermediate (hidden) layer, based on
arbitrary binary vectors chosen by the experimenter.
Unlike these binary vectors (black and white units), the
intermediate representations can have values between
zero and one (greyscale).
Once the RAAM network has learned a set of
structures, the decoder sub-network should be able to
recursively unpack each learned representation into its
constituent elements. As shown in Figure 2, decoding is
a recursive process that terminates when the decoders
output is similar enough to a binary string and continues
otherwise. In the original RAAM formulation, similar
enough was determined by thresholds: if a units value
was above 0.8, it was considered to be on, and if it was
below 0.2 it was considered to be off.
RAAM answered the challenge of showing how neural networks could represent compositional structures
in a systematic way. The representations discovered by
RAAM could be compared directly via distance metrics,

Figure 1. Learning the structure (knows bill (loves john mary))) with RAAM


Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure

and transformed in a rule-like way, without having to

recursively decompose the structure elements as in traditional localist models (Chalmers 1990). Nevertheless,
the model failed to scale up reliably to data sets of more
than a few dozen different structures. This limitation
arose from the termination test, which created a variety
of halting problem: decoding often terminated too
soon or continued indefinitely. In addition, encodings
of novel structures were typically decoded to alreadylearned structures, a failure in generalization.
A number of solutions were developed to deal
with this problem. One solution (Levy and Pollack
2001) built on the insight that the RAAM decoder is
essentially an iterated function system, or IFS (Barnsley
1993). Use of the sigmoidal squashing function ensures that this IFS has an attractor, which is the infinite
set (Cantor dust) of vectors reachable on an infinite
number of feedback iterations from any initial vector
input to the decoder. A more natural termination
test is to check whether the output is a member of the
set of vectors that make up this attractor. Fixing the
numerical precision of the decoder results in a finite
number of representable vectors, and a finite time to
reach the attractor, so that membership in the attractor
can be determined efficiently.
This approach to the termination test produced a
RAAM decoder that could store a provably infinite
number of related structures (Melnik, Levy, & Pollack
2001). Because the RAAM network was no longer an
autoassociator, however, it was not clear what sort of
algorithm could replace backpropagation for learning
a specific, finite set of structures.
The other solution to the RAAM scaling problem
discarded the nonlinear sigmoidal squashing function
and replaced backprop with principal components

Figure 2. Decoding a structure to its constituents


analysis (PCA) as a means of learning internal representations (Callan 1996). This approach yielded
the ability to learn a much larger set of structures in
many fewer iterations (Voegtlin & Dominey 2005),
and showed generalization similar in some respects to
what has been observed for children acquiring a first
language (Tomasello 1992).

Vector Symbolic Architectures

Vector Symbolic Architectures is a term coined by Gayler
(2003) for a general class of distributed representation
models that implement binding and bundling directly,
without an iterative learning algorithm of the sort used
by RAAM. These models can trace their origin to
the Tensor Product model of Smolensky (1990). Tensor-product models represent both fillers and roles as
vectors of binary or real-valued numbers. Binding is
implemented by taking the tensor (outer) product of a
role vector and a filler vector, resulting in a mathematical object (matrix) having one more dimension than the
filler. Given vectors of sufficient length, each tensor
product will be unique. As with RAAM, bundling can
then be implemented as element-wise addition (Figure
3), and bundled structures can be used as roles, opening
the door to recursion. To recover a filler (role) from a
bundled tensor product representation, the product is
simply divided by the role (filler) vector.
Because the dimension of the tensor product
increases with each binding operation, this method
suffers from the well-known curse of dimensionality (Bellman 1961). As more recursive embedding
is performed, the size of the representation grows
exponentially. The solution is to collapse the N N
role/filler matrix back into a length-N vector. As shown

Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure

in Figure 4, there are two ways of doing this. In Binary

Spatter Coding, or BSC (Kanerva 1994), only the elements along the main diagonal are kept, and the rest
are discarded. If bit vectors are used, this operation is
the same as taking the exclusive or (XOR) of the two
vectors. In Holographic Reduced Representations, or
HRR (Plate 1991), the sum of each diagonal is taken,
with wraparound (circular convolution) keeping the
length of all diagonals equal. Both approaches use very
large (N > 1000 elements) vectors of random values
drawn from a fixed set or interval.
Despite the size of the vectors, VSA approaches
are computationally efficient, requiring no costly
backpropagation or other iterative algorithm, and can
be done in parallel. Even in a serial implementation,
the BSC approach is O(N) for a vector of length N, and
the HRR approach can be implemented using the Fast

Fourier Transform, which is O(N log N). The price

paid is that most of the crucial operations (circular
convolution, vector addition) are a form of lossy compression that introduces noise into the representations.
The introduction of noise requires that the unbinding
process employ a cleanup memory to restore the
fillers to their original form. The cleanup memory can
be implemented using Hebbian auto-association, like
a Hopfield Network (Hopfield 1982) or Brain-Statein-a-Box model (Anderson, Silverstein, Ritz, & Jones
1977). In such models the original fillers are attractor
basins in the networks dynamical state space. These
methods can be simulated by using a table that stores
the original vectors and returns the one closest to the
noisy version.

Figure 3. Building a tensor product representation of John loves Mary

Figure 4. Methods for keeping fixed dimensionality in tensor-product representations


Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure



Both the RAAM and VSA approaches have provided

a basis for a significant amount of research in AI and
cognitive science. The invention of the simplified linear
RAAM, trained by relatively fast iterative method using principal components (Voegtlin & Dominey 2005)
makes RAAM a practical approach to representing
structure in distributed representation. Recent work
in modelling language acquisition (Dominey, Hoen,
& Inui 2006) hints at the possibility that RAAM may
continue to thrive in its linear incarnation.
On the other hand, the simplicity of the VSA approach, using vector arithmetic operations available
as primitives in many programming environments,
has made it increasingly popular for modelling a variety of cognitive tasks especially those requiring
the integration of different types of information. For
example, the DRAMA analogy model of Eliasmith &
Thagard (2001) shows how HRR be used to integrate
semantic and structural information in a way that
closely parallels results seen in analogy experiments
with human subjects. HRR has also been successfully
applied to representing word order and meaning in a
unified way, based on exposure to language data (Jones
& Mewhort 2007).

Ackley, D. H, Hinton, G., & Sejnowski, T. (1985) A

Learning Algorithm For Boltzmann Machines. Cognitive Science 9, 147169.

This article has presented two popular methods for
representing structured information in a distributed
way: Recursive Auto-Associative Memory (RAAM)
and Vector Symbolic Architectures (VSA). The main
difference between the two approaches lies in the
way that representations are learned: RAAM uses
an iterative algorithm to converge on a single stable
representation for a set of structures, whereas VSA
assembles structures in a one-shot learning stage,
but the representation of each such structure must be
stored separately. While no single approach is likely to
solve all or even most of the challenges of AI, there is
little doubt that the advantages provided by distributed
representations robustness to noise, fast comparison
without decomposition, and other psychologically realistic features will continue to make them attractive
to anyone interested in how the mind works.


Anderson, J., Silverstein, J., Ritz, S., & Jones, R. (1977)

Distinctive Features, Categorical Perception, and Probability Learning: Some Applications of a Neural Model.
Psychological Review 84 (5), 413451.
Barnsley, M. F. (1993) Fractals Everywhere. New
York: Academic Press.
Bellman, R. (1961) Adaptive Control Processes. Princeton University Press.
Callan, R. E. (1996) Netting the Symbol: Analytically
Deriving Recursive Connectionist Representations of
Symbol Structures. Ph.D. Dissertation, Systems Engineering Faculty, Southampton Institute, England.
Chalmers, D. (1990). Syntactic Transformations On
Distributed Representations. Connection Science 2,
Dominey P.F., Hoen, M., Inui, T. (2006) A Neurolinguistic Model of Grammatical Construction Processing.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 18, 2088-2107.
Eliasmith, C. & Thagard, P. (2001) Integrating Structure and Meaning: A Distributed Model of Analogical
Mapping. Cognitive Science 25(2), 245286.
Elman, J. (1990) Finding Structure in Time. Cognitive
Science 14, 179211.
Fodor, J. & Pylyshyn, Z. (1988) Connectionism and
Cognitive Architecture: A Critical Analysis. Cognition
28, 371.
Gayler, R.(2003) Vector Symbolic Architectures Answer
Jackendoffs Challenges for Cognitive Neuroscience. In
Slezak, P., ed.: ICCS/ASCS International Conference
on Cognitive Science. CogPrints, Sydney, Australia,
University of New South Wales, 133138.
Hinton, G. (1984) Distributed Representations. Technical Report CMU-CS-84-157, Computer Science
Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Hopfield, J. (1982) Neural Networks And Physical
Systems with Emergent Collective Computational

Distributed Representation of Compositional Structure

Abilities. Proceedings of the National Academy of

Sciences 79, 25542558.
Jones, M.N. & Mewhort, D.J.K. (2007) Representing
Word Meaning and Order Information in a Composite
Holographic Lexicon. Psychological Review 114 (1),
Kanerva, P. (1994) The Binary Spatter Code for Encoding Concepts at Many Levels. In Marinaro, M.
& Morasso, P., eds.: ICANN 94: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks,
Volume 1. London: Springer-Verlag, 226229.
Levy, S. & Pollack, J. (2001). Infinite RAAM: A
Principled Connectionist Substrate for Cognitive Modeling. Proceedings of ICCM2001. Lawrence Erlbaum
McClelland, J., Rumelhart, D., & Hinton, G.: (1986)
The Appeal of Parallel Distributed Processing. In Rumelhart, D., McClelland, J., eds.: Parallel Distributed
Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of
Cognition, Volume 1. MIT Press, 3-44.
Melnik, O., Levy, S. & Pollack, J.B. (2000). RAAM
for Infinite Context-Free Languages. Proceedings of
IJCNN 2000, IEEE press.
Plate, T. (1991) Holographic Reduced Representations. Technical Report CRG-TR-91-1, Department of
Computer Science, University of Toronto.
Rumelhart, D.E., Hinton, G., & Williams, R.J. (1986)
Learning Internal Representations by Error Propagation.
. In Rumelhart, D., McClelland, J., eds.: Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure
of Cognition. Volume 1. MIT Press, 318-362.
Pollack, J. (1990). Recursive distributed representations. Artificial Intelligence 36, 77105.
Smolensky, P. (1990) Tensor Product Variable Binding and the Representation of Symbolic Structures
in Connectionist Systems. Artificial Intelligence 46,
Tomasello, M. (1992). First Verbs: A Case Study In
Early Grammatical Development. Cambridge University Press.
vanGelder, T. (1999) Distributed Versus Local Representation. In: The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive
Sciences. MIT Press, 236238.

Voegtlin, T. & Dominey, P.F. (2005) Linear Recursive

Distributed Representations. Neural Networks 18,

Binary Spatter Codes (BSC): VSA using bit vectors
and element-wise exclusive-or (XOR) or multiplication
for role/filler binding.
Binding: In its most general sense, a term used to
describe the association of values with variables. In
AI and cognitive science, the variables are usually a
closed set of roles (AGENT, PATIENT, INSTRUMENT)
and the values an open set of fillers (entities).
Bundling: VSA operation for combining several
items into a single item, through vector addition.
Cleanup Memory: Mechanism required to compensate for noise introduced by lossy compression in
Distributed Representation: A general method
of representing and storing information in which the
representation of each item is spread across the entire
memory, each memory element simultaneously stores
the components of more than one item, and items are
retrieved by their content rather than their address.
Holographic Reduced Representation (HRR):
The most popular variety of VSA, uses circular convolution to bind fillers to roles and circular correlation
to recover the fillers or roles from the bindings.
Recursive Auto-Associative Memory (RAAM):
Neural network architecture that uses vector/matrix
multiplication for binding and iterative learning to
encode structures.
Tensor Products: Early form of VSA that uses the
outer (tensor) product as the binding
thereby increasing the dimensionality of the representations without bound.
Vector Symbolic Architecture (VSA): General
term for representations that use large vectors of random
numbers for roles and fillers, and fast, lossy compression operations to bind fillers to roles.



EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

Gilles Lebrun
University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France
Olivier Lezoray
University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France
Christophe Charrier
University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France
Hubert Cardot
University Franois-Rabelais of Tours, France

Evolutionary algorithms (EA) (Rechenberg, 1965) belong to a family of stochastic search algorithms inspired
by natural evolution. In the last years, EA were used
successfully to produce efficient solutions for a great
number of hard optimization problems (Beasley, 1997).
These algorithms operate on a population of potential
solutions and apply a survival principle according to a
fitness measure associated to each solution to produce
better approximations of the optimal solution. At each
iteration, a new set of solutions is created by selecting
individuals according to their level of fitness and by
applying to them several operators. These operators
model natural processes, such as selection, recombination, mutation, migration, locality and neighborhood.
Although the basic idea of EA is straightforward,
solutions coding, size of population, fitness function
and operators must be defined in compliance with the
kind of problem to optimize.
Multi-class problems with binary SVM (Support
Vector Machine) classifiers are commonly treated as a
decomposition in several binary sub-problems. An open
question is how to properly choose all models for these
sub-problems in order to have the lowest error rate for
a specific SVM multi-class scheme. In this paper, we
propose a new approach to optimize the generalization capacity of such SVM multi-class schemes. This
approach consists in a global selection of models for
sub-problems altogether and is denoted as multi-model
selection. A multi-model selection can outperform the
classical individual model selection used until now in
the literature, but this type of selection defines a hard
optimisation problem, because it corresponds to a search

a efficient solution into a huge space. Therefore, we

propose an adapted EA to achieve that multi-model
selection by defining specific fitness function and
recombination operator.

The multi-class classification problem refers to assigning a class to a feature vector in a set of possible
ones. Among all the possible inducers, Support Vector
Machine (SVM) have particular high generalization
abilities (Vapnik, 1998) and have become very popular in the last few years. However, SVM are binary
classifiers and several combination schemes were
developed to extend SVM for problems with more
two classes (Rifkin & Klautau, 2005). These schemes
are based on different principles: probabilities (Price,
Knerr, Personnaz & Dreyfus, 1994), error correcting
codes (Dietterich, & Bakiri, 1995), correcting classifiers (Moreira, & Mayoraz, 1998) and evidence
theory (Quost, Denoeux & Masson, 2006). All these
combination schemes involve the following three
steps: 1) decomposition of a multi-class problem into
several binary sub-problems, 2) SVM training on all
sub-problems to produce the corresponding binary
decision functions and 3) decoding strategy to take
a final decision from all binary decisions. Difficulties
rely on the choice of the combination scheme (Duan
& Keerthi, 2005) and how to optimize it (Lebrun,
Charrier, Lezoray & Cardot, 2005).
In this paper, we focus on step 2) when steps 1) and
3) are fixed. For that step, each binary problem needs
to properly tune the SVM hyper-parameters (model) in

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

order to have a global low multi-class error rate with the

combination of all binary decision functions involved
in. The search for efficient values of hyper-parameters
is commonly designed by the term of model selection.
The classical way to achieve optimization of multi-class
schemes is an individual model selection for each related binary sub-problem. This methodology overtones
that a multi-class scheme based on SVM combination
is optimal when each binary classifier involved in
that combination scheme is optimal on the dedicated
binary problem. But, if it is supposed that a decoding
strategy can more or less easily correct binary classifiers errors, then individual binary model selection on
each binary sub-problem cannot take into account error
correcting possibilities. For this main reason, we are
thinking that another way to achieve optimization of
multi-class schemes is a global multi-model selection
for binary problems altogether. In fact, the goal is to
have a minimum of errors on a muti-class problem.
The selection of all sub-problem models (multi-model
selection) has to be globally performed to achieve that
goal, even if that means that error rates are not optimal
on all binary sub-problems when they are observed
individually. EA is an efficient meta-heuristic approach
to realize that multi-model selection.

i and is characterized by the expected error rate ei for

new datasets with the same binary decomposition.
Each model i contains all hyper-parameters values
for training a SVM on dedicated binary sub-problem.
Expected error rate ei associated to a model i is commonly determined by cross-validation techniques. All
the i models constitute the multi-model = (1,..., k).
The expected error rate e of a SVM multi-class combination scheme is directly dependent on the selected
multi-model . Let denote the multi-model space
for a multi-class problem (i.e. : ) and i the
model space for the ith binary sub-problem. The best
* multi-model is the one for which expected error e is
minimum and corresponds to the following optimization problem:

= arg min e( )

where e() denotes the expected error e of a multi-class

combination scheme with the multi-model . The huge
size of the multi-model space ( = i[1,k] i) makes
the optimization problem (0.1) very hard. To reduce
the optimization problem complexity, it is classic to
use the following approximation:

= {arg min e( ) | i [1, k ]}


This section is decomposed in 3 subsections. In the first
section, the multi-model optimization problem for muticlass combination schemes is exposed. More details
than in previous section and useful notations for next
subsections are introduced. In the second section, our
EA multi-model selection is exposed. Details on fitness
estimation of multi-model and crossover operator over
them are described. In the third section, experimental
protocol and results with our EA multi-model selection are provided.

Multi-Model Optimization Problem

A multi-class combination scheme induces several
binary sub-problems. The number k and the nature
of binary sub-problems depend on the decomposition
involved in the combination scheme. For each binary
sub-problem, a SVM must be trained to produce an
appropriate binary decision function hi (1 < i < k). The
quality of hi is greatly dependent on the selected model



Hypothesis is made that


e e(


This hypothesis also supposes that

( )

e i e (


If it is evident that each individual model i in the best

multi-model * must correspond to efficient SVM (i.e.
low value of ei) on the corresponding ith binary subproblem, all best individual models (1*,,k*) do not
necessarily define the best multi-model *. The first
reason is that all error rates ei are estimated with some
tolerance and combination of all these deviations can
have a great impact on the final multi-class error rate
e. The second reason is that even if all the binary classifiers of a combination scheme have identical ei error
rates for different multi-models, these binary classifiers
can have different binary class predictions for a same

EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

example according to the used multi-model. Indeed

multi-class predictions by combining these binary
classifiers could be different for a same feature vector
example since the correction involved in a given decoding strategy depends on the nature of the internal
errors of the binary classifiers (mainly, the number of
errors). Then, multi-class classification schemes with
the same internal-errors ei, but different multi-models
, can have different capacities of generalization. For
all these reasons, we claim that multi-model optimization problem (0.1) can outperform individual model
optimization (0.2).

Evolutionary Optimization Method

Within our AE multi-model selection method, a fitness
measure f is associated to a multi-model which is all
the more large as the error e associated to is small; this
enables to solve (0.1) optimization problem. Fitness
value is normalized in order to have f=1 when error e
is zero and f=0 when error e corresponds to a random
draw. Moreover, the number of examples in each class
are not always well balanced for many multi-class
datasets; to overcome this, the error e corresponds to a
Balanced Error Rate (BER). As regards these two key
points, the proposed fitness formulation is:

f =

1 e

1 nc


with nc denoting the number of classes in a multi-class

problem. In the same way, the internal-fitness fi is
defined as fi = 1 2ei for the ith binary classifier with
corresponding BER ei.
The EA crossover operator for the combination of
two multi-models 1 and 2 must favor the selection
of most efficient models in these two multi-models.
It is worth noting that one should not systematically
select all the best models to produce an efficiency child
multi-model as explained in previous sub-section. For
each sub-problem, internal-fitness fi1 and fi2 are used to
determine the probability


(f )
(f ) + (f )


1 2

1 2

2 2


to select the ith model in 1 as the ith model in the

child multi-model . fij denotes the internal fitness
of the ith binary classifier with the multi-model
j. For the child multi-models generated by the
crossover operator, an important advantage is
that no new SVM training is necessary if all the
related binary classifiers were already trained.
In contrast, only the BER error rates of all child
multi-models have to be evaluated. SVM Training
is only necessary for the first step of the EA and
when models go through a mutation operator.

The rest of our EA for multi-model selection is

similar to other EA approaches. First, at initialization
step, a population of multi-models is generated at
random. Each model ij (1 i , 1 j k) corresponds
to an uniform random within all possible values of SVM
hyper-parameters. New multi-models are produced
by combination of multi-models couples selected by a
Stochastic Universal Sampling (SUS) strategy. A fixed
selective pressure ps is used for the SUS selection. Each
model ij has a probability of pm/k to mutate (uniform
random as for the initialization step of EA). Fitness f
of all child multi-models are then evaluated. A second
selection step is used to define the population of the
next iteration of our EA. individuals are selected by
a SUS strategy (same selective pressure ps is used)
from both the parents and the children. Its become
the multi-models population in the next iteration. The
number of iterations of EA is fixed to nmax. At the end
of the EA, the multi-model with the best fitness f from
all these iterations is selected as *.

Experimental Results
In this section, three well known multi-class datasets
are used: Satimage (nc = 6), Letter (nc = 26) from the
Statlog collection (Blacke & Merz, 1998), and USPS
(nc = 10) dataset (Vapnik, 1998). In (Wu, Lin & Weng,
2004), two sampling sizes of 300/500 and 800/1000
are used to constitute training/testing datasets. For
each sampling sizes, 20 random splits are generated.
We have used the same sampling sizes and the same
split for the 3 datasets: Satimage, Letter and USPS.
Two optimization methods are used for the selection
of the best multi-model * for each training datasets.
The first one is the classical individual model selection
and the second one is our EA multi-model selection.
For both methods, two combination schemes are used:

EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

Table 1. Average BER with individual model selection (column classic) and our EA multi-model selection (column
EA). Negative values in column ( = EA classic) correspond to an improvement of the performance of a multiclass combination scheme when our EA multi-model selection method is used.



14.7 1.8 %
12.8 1.2 %
40.5 3.0 %


14.6 1.7 %
11.9 1.3 %
41.9 3.3 %


-0.2 %
-1.8 %
-4.6 %
14.5 2.0 %
-0.1 %
11.2 1.5 %
-0.7 %
36.3 3.3 %
-5.6 %
14.5 2.1 %
11.0 1.8 %
35.9 2.9 %

one-versus-one and one-versus-all (Rifkin & Klautau,

2004)1. For each binary problem, a SVM with Gaussian kernel K(u,v) = exp(||u v||2) is trained (Vapnik,
1998). Possible values of SVM hyper-parameters for
a model are C trade-off SVM constant (Vapnik, 1998)
and widthband g of gaussian kernel function (i (Ci,
gi)). For all binary problems: i i = [25, 23,...,215]
[25, 23,...,215]. Individual space model i is based
on grid search techniques (Chang & Lin, 2001). BER
e on a multi-class problem and BER ei on binary subproblems are estimated by five-fold cross-validation
(CV). These BER values are used by our EA for the
multi-model selection. Final BER e of a selected
multi-model by our EA is estimated on a test datasets
not used during the multi-model selection process.
Our EA has several constants that must be fixed and
we have made the following choices: ps = 2, =50,
nmax = 100, pm = 0.01.
Table 1 gives average BER under all 20 split sets of
previously mentioned datasets for each training set size
(row size of table 1). This is done for the two combination
schemes (one-versus-one and one-versus-all), and for
the two above mentioned selection methods (columns
classic and EA). Column provides the average variation of BER between our multi-model selection and
classical one. Results of that column are particularly
important. For two datasets (USPS and Letter) our



11.8 0.9 %
8.9 0.9 %
21.4 1.7 %

11.8 1.0 %
8.4 1.6 %
18.6 2.1 %

-0.0 %
-0.5 %
- 2.8 %

11.5 0.8 %
8.8 1.3 %
22.1 1.3 %

11.6 1.0 %
8.5 1.6 %
19.7 1.8 %

+0.1 %
-0.3 %
-2.4 %

optimization method produces SVM combination

schemes with best generalization capacities than the
classical one. That effect appears to be more marked
when number of classes in the multi-class problem
increases. A reason is that the multi-model space search
size exponentially increases with the number k of binary
problems involved in a combination scheme (121k for
those experiments). This effect is directly linked to the
number of classes nc and could explain why improvements are not measurable with Satimage dataset. In
some way, a classical optimization method explores the
multi-model space in blink mode, because cumulate
effect of the combination of k SVM decision functions
could not be determined without estimation of e. That
effect is emphasized when estimated BER ei are poor
(i.e. training and testing data size are low). Comparison
of values when training/testing dataset size change
in table 1 illustrates this one.

The proposed EA multi-model selection method has
to be tested with other combination schemes (Rifkin
& Klautau, 2004), like error-correcting output codes
in order to measure their influence. Effect with others
datasets, which have a great range in number of classes,

EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

must also be tested. Adding feature selection (Frhlich,

Chapelle & Schlkopf, 2004) abilities to our AE mutimodel selection is also of importance.
Another key point to take into account is the reduction of the learning time of our EA method which is
actually expensive. One way to explore this is to use
fast CV error estimation technique (Lebrun, Charrier,
Lezoray & Cardot, 2006) for the estimation of BER.

Lebrun, G., Charrier, C., Lezoray, O., & Cardot, H.

(2005). Fast Pixel Classification by SVM Using Vector
Quantization, Tabu Search and Hybrid Color Space.
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. (LNCS,
Vol. 3691) 685-692.


Lebrun, G., Charrier, C., Lezoray, O., & Cardot, H.

(2007). An EA multi-model selection for SVM multiclass
schemes. Computational and Ambient Intelligence.
260-267 (LNCS, Vol. 4507).

In this paper, a new EA multi-model selection method

is proposed to optimize the generalization capacities
of SVM combination schemes. The definition of a
cross-over operator based on internal fitness of SVM
on each binary problem is the core of our EA method.
Experimental results show that our method increases
the generalization capacities of one-versus-one and
one-versus-all combination schemes when compared
with individual model selection method.

Beasley, D. (1997). Possible applications of evolutionary computation. Handbook of Evolutionary Computation. 97/1, A1.2. IOP Publishing Ltd. And Oxford
University Press.
Blacke, C., & Merz, C., (1998). UCI repository of machine learning databases. Advances in Kernel Methods,
Support Vector Learning. University of California,
Irvine, Dept. of Information and Computer Sciences.
Chang, C.-C., & Lin, C.-J. (2001). LIBSVM: a library
for support vector machines. Software available at\~cjlin/libsvm.
Dietterich, T. G., & Bakiri, G. (1995). Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via Error-Correcting Output
Codes. Journal of AI Research. (2) 263-286.
Duan, K.-B., & Keerthi, S. S. (2005). Which Is the Best
Multiclass SVM Method? An Empirical Study. Multiple
Classifier Systems. 278-285.
Frhlich, F., Chapelle, O., & Schlkopf, B. (2004).
Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines Using
Genetic Algorithms. International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools. 13(4) 791-800.

Lebrun, G., Charrier, C., Lezoray, O., & Cardot, H.

(2006). Speed-up LOO CV with SVM classifier. Intelligence Data Engineering and Automated Learning.
(LNCS, Vol. 4224) 108-115.

Moreira, M., & Mayoraz, E. (1998). Improved Pairwise

Coupling Classification with Correcting Classifiers. European Conference on Machine Learning. 160-171.
Price, D., Knerr, S., Personnaz, L., & Dreyfus, G.
(1994). Pairwise Neural Network Classifiers with
Probabilistic Outputs. Neural Information Processing
Systems. 1109-1116.
Quost, B., Denoeux, T., & Masson, M. (2006). Oneagainst-all classifier combination in the framework of
belief functions. Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems.
(1) 356-363.
Rechenberg, I. (1965). Cybernetic Solution Path of an
Experimental Problem. Royal Aircraft Establishment
Library Translation.
Rifkin, R., & Klautau, A. (2004). In Defense of OneVs-All Classification. Journal of Machine Learning
Research. (5) 101-141.
Vapnik, V.N. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory.
Wiley Edition.
Wu, T.-F., Lin, C.-J., & Weng, R. C., (2004). Probability
Estimates for Multi-class Classification by Pairwise
Coupling. Journal of Machine Learning Research. (5)

Cross-Validation: A method of estimating predictive error of inducers. Cross-validation procedure splits

EA Multi-Model Selection for SVM

that dataset into k equal-sized pieces called folds. k

predictive function are built, each tested on a distinct
fold after being trained on the remaining folds.
Evolutionary Algorithm (EA): Meta-heuristic
optimization approach inspired by natural evolution,
which begins with potential solution models, then iteratively applies algorithms to find the fittest models
from the set to serve as inputs to the next iteration,
ultimately leading to a sub-optimal solution which is
close to the optimal one.
Model Selection: Model Selection for Support
Vector Machines concerns the tuning of SVM hyperparameters as C trade-off constant and the kernel
Multi-Class Combination Scheme: A combination
of several binary classifiers to solve a given multiclas
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in.

Support Vector Machine (SVM): SVM maps input

data in a higher dimensional feature space by using a
non linear function and finds in that feature space the
optimal separating hyperplane maximizing the margin
(that is the distance between the hyperplane and the
closest points of the training set) and minimizing the
number of misclassified patterns.
Trade-Off Constant of SVM: The trade-off constant, noted C, permit to fix the importance to increase
the margin for the selection of optimal hyper-plan
in comparison with reducing predictive errors (i.e.
examples which not respect margin distance from
hyper-plan separator).


More details on used combinations schemes are

given in (Lebrun, Lezoray, Charrier & Cardot,



EC Techniques in the Structural Concrete

Juan L. Prez
University of A Coroa, Spain
Beln Gonzlez-Fonteboa
University of A Coroa, Spain
Fernando Martnez-Abella
University of A Coroa, Spain

Throughout the last decades, one of societys concerns
has been the development of new tools to optimize
every aspect of daily life. One of the mechanisms that
can be applied to this effect is what is nowadays called
Artificial Intelligence (AI). This branch of science
enables the design of intelligent systems, meaning that
they display features that can be associated to human
intelligence, search methods being one of the most
remarkable. Amongst these, Evolutionary Computation
(EC) stands out. This technique is based on the modelling of certain traits of nature, especially the capacity
shown by living beings to adapt to their environment,
using as a starting point Darwins Theory of Evolution
following the principle of natural selection (Darwin,
1859). These models search for solutions in an automatized way. As a result, a series of search techniques
which solve problems in an automatized and parallel
way has arisen. The most successful amongst these are
Genetic Algorithms (GA) and, more recently, Genetic
Programming (GP). The main difference between them
is rooted on the way solutions are coded, which implies
certain changes in their processing, even though the
operation in both systems is similar.
Like most disciplines, the field of Civil Engineering is no stranger to optimization methods, which are
applied especially to construction, maintenance or
rehabilitation processes (Arciszewski and De Jong,
2001) (Shaw, Miles and Gray, 2003) (Kicinger, Arciszewski and De Jong, 2005). For instance, in Structural
Engineering in general and in Structural Concrete in
particular, there are a number of problems which are
solved simultaneously through theoretical studies,
based on physical models, and experimental bench-

marks which sanction and adjust the former, where

a large amount of factors intervene. In these cases,
techniques based on Evolutionary Computation are
capable of optimizing constructive processes while
accounting for structural safety levels. In this way,
for each particular case, the type of materials, their
amount, their usage, etc. can be determined, leading
to an optimal development of the structure and thus
minimizing manufacturing costs (Rabual , Varela,
Dorado, Gonzlez and Martnez, 2005).

At the origin of what is now known as Genetic Algorithms are the works of John Holland at the end of
the 1960s. He initially named them Reproductive
Genetic Planning, and it wasnt until the 70s that
they received the name under which they are known
today (Holland, 1975).
GA is a search algorithm inspired on the biological
functioning of living beings. It is based upon reproductive processes and the principle which determines that
better environmetally adapted individuals have more
chances of surviving (Goldberg, 1989).
Like living beings, GAs use the basic heritage unit,
the gene, to obtain a solution to a problem. The full
set of genes (parameters characterizing the problem) is
chromosome, and the expression of the chromosome
is an individual in particular.
In Computer Science terms, the representation of
each individual is a chain, usually binary, assigning
a certain number of bits to each parameter. For each
variable represented a conversion to discrete valued has
to be performed. Obviously, not all parameters have

Copyright 2008, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

EC Techniques

to be coded with the same number of bits. Each one

of the bits in a gene is usually called allele. Once the
individuals genotype (the structure for the creation of
an individual in particular) is defined, we are ready to
carry out the evolutionary process that will reach the
solution to the problem posed.
We start with a random set of individuals, called
a population. Each of these individuals is a potential
solution to the problem. This would be the initial population or zero generation, and successive generations
will be created from it until the solution is reached.
The mechanisms used in the individuals evolution are
analogous to the functioning of living beings:

Selection of individuals for reproduction. All

selection algorithms are based on the choice of
individuals by giving higher survival probabilities to those which offer a better solution to the
problem, but allowing worse individuals to be
also selected so genetic diversity will not be lost.
Unselected individuals will be copied through to
the following generation.
Once the individuals have been selected, crossover is performed. Typically, two individuals
(parents) are crossed to produce two new ones. A
position is established before which the bits will
correspond to one parent, with the rest belonging
to the other. This crossover is named single point
crossover, but a number of points could be used,
where bit subchains separated by points would
belong alternatively to one or the other parent.
Once the new individuals have been obtained,
small variations in a low percentage of them are
performed. This is called mutation, and its goal
is to carry out an exploration in the state space.

Once the process is over, the new individuals will

be inserted in the new population, constituting the next
New generations will be produced until the population has created a sufficiently adequate solution, the
maximum number of generations has been reached,
or the population has converged and all individuals
are equal.

Genetic Programming (GP), like GAs, is a search
mechanism inspired on the functioning of living beings.
The greater difference between both methods consists
in the way solutions are coded. In this case, it is carried
out as a tree structure (Koza, 1990) (Koza, 1992). The
main goal of GP is to produce solutions to problems
through program and algorithm induction.
The general functioning is similar to that of the GAs.
Nevertheless, due to the difference in solution coding,
great variations exist in the genetic operations of initial
solution generation, crossover and mutation. The rest
of operations, selection and replacement algorithms,
remain the same, as do the metrics used to evaluate
individuals (fitness).
We will now describe two cases where both techniques have been applied. They refer to questions
related to Structural Concrete, approached to as both
a material and a structure.
EXAMPLE 1: Procedure to determine optimal mixture
proportion in High Performance Concrete.
High Performance Concrete (HPC) is a type of concrete
designed to attain greater durability together with high
resistance and good properties in its fresh state to allow ease of mixing, placing and curing (Forster, 1994)
(Neville and Aitcin, 1998) . Its basic components are
the same of ordinary concrete, with the intervention in
diverse quantities of additions (fly ash or silica fume,
byproducts of other industries that display pozzolanic
resistance capacities) plus air-entraining and/or fluidifying admixtures. Indeed, an adequate proportion
of these components with quality cement, water and
aggregates produces concrete with excellent behavior,
generally after an experimental process to adjust the
optimal content in each material. When very high resistance is not a requirement, the addition introduced is
fly ash (FA) ; air-entraining admixtures (AE) are used
to improve behavior in frost/defrost situations. When
high resistance is needed, FA is substituted by a silica
fume (SF) addition, eliminating AE altogether. In every
case high cement contents and low water/binder (W/B)
ratios are used (both cement and pozzolanic additions
are considered binders).
A number of mixture proportioning methods exist,
based on experimental approaches and developed by
different authors. The product of such mixtures can

EC Techniques

be controlled through various tests, two of which are

particularly representative of the fresh and hardened
states of concrete: the measurement of workability and
evaluation of compressive strength, respectively. The
first one is carried out through the slump test, where
the subsidence of a molded specimen after removal of
the mold is measured. A high value ensures adequate
placing of concrete. The second test consists on the
compression of hardened concrete until failure is
produced; HPC can resist compressive stresses in the
range of 40 to 120 MPa.
The goal of mixture proportioning methods is to
adjust the amount of each component to obtain slump
and strength values within a chosen range. There is a
large body of experience, and basic mixtures which
require some experimental adjustment are available.
It is difficult to develop a theoretical model to predict
slump and resistance of a particular specimen, though
roughly adequate fitted curves do exist (Neville, 1981).
It is even harder to approach theoretically the reverse
problem, that is, to unveil mixture proportioning starting
from the goal results (slump and strength).
Chul-Hyun Lim et al. (Chul-Hyun, Young-Soo and
Joong-Hoon, 2004) have developed a GA based application to determine the relationship between different
parameters used to characterize a HPC mixture. Two
types of mixture are considered regarding their goal
strength: mixtures that reach values between 40 and
80 MPa and mixtures that reach between 80 and 120
MPa. If a good database is available, it is not hard to
obtain correlations between different variables to predict
slump and strength values for a particular specimen.
Nevertheless, the authors use GAs to solve the reverse
problem, that is, to obtain mixture parameters when
input data are slump and strength.
To that effect they use a database with 104 mixtures
in the 40 to 80 MPa range and 77 in the 80 to 120 MPa
range. In the first group, essential parameters are, according to prior knowledge, W/B ratio (%), amount of
water (W, kg/m3), fine aggregate to total aggregate ratio
(s/a, %), amount of AE admixture (kg/m3), amount of
cement replaced by FA (%), and amount of high-range
water-reducing admixture (superplasticizer, SP, kg/m3).
Tests on the different mixtures give slump values (between 0 and 300 mm) and compressive strength. In the
second group, essential parameters are W/B, W, s/a,
amount of cement replaced by silica fume (SF, %) and
SP. Tests give out slump and resistance values.


Using multiple regression techniques, the authors

firstly obtain for each group two fitted curves group
that predict slump and strength from starting variables.
GAs are used to solve the reverse problem. For each
group, they first reach an individual which determines
optimal W/B, W, s/a, FA and AE, or W/B, W, s/a and
SF for a specific compressive strength. From these
parameters, using the prediction curve previously
obtained, the optimal SP value for a particular slump
is calculated.
The development of genetic algorithms used is
based on programs by Houck et al. (Houck, Joines,
and Kay 1996) In this case, ranking selection based
on normalized geometric distribution has been used
for individual selection. One-point, two-point, and uniform crossover algorithms are used. Different strategies
are used for mutation operations: boundary mutation,
multi-nonuniform mutation, nonuniform mutation, and
uniform mutation. The first trials were carried out with
an initial population consisting of only 15 individuals,
which lead to local minima only. Optimal results are
obtained increasing population to 75 individuals.
It should be pointed out that the reverse problem is
thus solved in two phases. In the first phase all component amounts are fixed except for SP, with compressive
strength as a target; following this, SP is fixed to attain
the desired slump. Initial fitting functions are used as
a simple but accurate approach to the real database, to
avoid using it directly, which would make solving the
reverse problem a more difficult task.
For the first group, highest errors correspond to
AE and SP determination, up to 12.5% and 15% respectively. Errors committed in the second group are
smaller. In any case, errors are relatively minor since
these materials are included as admixtures in very small
amounts. As a conclusion for this example, it is interesting to point out that the procedure is not only a useful
application of GAs to concrete mixture proportioning,
but also constitutes by itself a new mixture proportioning method that requires GAs for its application.
EXAMPLE 2: Determination of shear strength in reinforced concrete deep beams
Deep beams are those that can be considered short (span,
L) in relation to their depth (h). There is no consensus
in international codes as to what is the span-to-depth
threshold value dividing conventional and deep beams.
In the example shown here, L/h ratios between 0.9 and

EC Techniques

Figure 1. Deep beam parameters







4.14 are considered for simply supported elements

working under two point loads as shown in Figure
1. Shear failure is a beam collapse mode produced
by the generation of excesssive shear stresses in the
vicinity of the supports. Its value depends on various
parameters commonly used for beam design (see Figure 1): a/h, L/h, section area (Asv and Ash), strength (fyv
and fyh) and distances between vertical and horizontal
steel rebars (sv y sh) placed in the failure zone, which
will be respectively called vertical and horizontal
transverse reinforcement; section area (Asb and Ast)
and strength (fyb and fyt) of longitudinal rebars placed
in the lower and higher zones of the beam, which will
be respectively called bottom and top reinforcement;
compressive strength of concrete used in the beam,
and width (b) of the latter.
The dependence of shear strength on these parameters is known through multiple studies (Leonhardt and
Walther, 1970) and it can be presented in a normalized
form through simple relationships. Relevant parameters
are reduced to the following:


Normalized shear strength can be written as R=P/

(bhfc), where P is failure load (Figure 1).
Ashour et al. (Ashour, Alvarez and Toropov, 2003)
undertake the task of finding an expression that can
predict shear strength from these variables. It is not easy
to develop an accurate mathematical model capable of
predicting shear strength. Usual curve fitting techniques
do not produce good results either, though they have
been the base of diverse international codes that include
design prescriptions for these structural elements. GP
appears to be a tool that can reach consistent results.
The authors develop various expressions with different complexity levels, obtaining different degrees of
accuracy. A database of 141 tests available in scientific
literature is used.
A remarkable feature of GP techniques is that if the
possibility of using complex operators is introduced,
fitting capacity is impressive when variables are well
distributed and their range is wide. Notwithstanding, if
the goal of the process is to obtain an expression that
can be used by engineers, one of its requirements is
simplicity. The authors of this study take into account
this premise and only choose as operators addition,
multiplication, division and squaring. A first application
leads to a complex expression that reveals the very low
influence of parameter X2, which is thus eliminated.
With the 5 remaining variables, a simple and accurate
expression is obtained (root mean square RMS- training error equal to 0.033; average ratio between predicted
and real R equal to 1.008 and standard deviation equal

EC Techniques

to 0.23). Validation of this expression is performed

whit 15 new tests and also found to be accurate: RMS
error equal to 0.035; average ratio between predicted
and real R values equal to 1.11 and standard deviation
equal to 0.21.
As a conclusion to this example, it can be pointed
out that expressions obtained through GP bring as an
added value that they can become virtual laboratories.
Indeed, by fixing one or multiple variables, the influence on the response of the variation of a specific one,
and also determine which variables are most important
in the studied phenomenon (in this case, X1 and X5).
Finally, GP techniques prove to be a powerful tool
for the development and improvement of codes that
regulate concrete structure design. Even when the
precise physical mechanism is unknown, GP allows for
the development of accurate expressions that can be
factored a posteriori to reach safety levels associated
to an acceptable failure probability.

Evolutionary Computation is a valid technique for
optimization and regression problems in the fields
of Structural Engineering in general and Structural
Concrete in particular.
In the first of the two examples analyzed, GAs have
been used to determine optimal mixture proportion
for High Performance Concrete, using as target data
its compressive stregth and workability. In this case,
evolutionary techniques show their power by solving
the reverse problem, producing a new mixture proportioning method for concrete.
In the second example, GP techniques were used
to accurately predict structural response of concrete
beams from benchmark experimental data series. The
advantage brought forth by Evolutionary Computation
is the capacity to analyze physically complex phenomena, by creating a virtual laboratory. The line
of work opened towards the improvement of design
codes and rules sometimes purely based on testing is
also of great importance.
Application of EC techniques is growing exponentially in this field thanks to fruitful collaboration
between EC and Structural Engineering experts.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science (Ministerio de
Educacin y Ciencia) (Ref BIA2005-09412-C03-01),
grants (Ref. 111/2006/2-3.2) funded by the Spanish
Ministry of Enviroment ( Ministerio de Medio ambiente)
and grants from the General Directorate of Research,
Development and Innovation (Direccin Xeral de
Investigacin, Desenvolvemento e Innovacin) of the
Xunta de Galicia (Ref. PGIDT06PXIC118137PN).
The work of Juan L. Prez is supported by an FPI grant
(Ref. BES-2006-13535) from the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science (Ministerio de Educacin
y Ciencia).

Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. (2001). Evolutionary computation in civil engineering: research frontiers.
In B. H. V. Topping (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eight
International Conference on Civil and Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt, Vienna, Austria.
Ashour, A.F. Alvarez, L.F. and Toropov V.V. (2003)
Empirical modelling of shear strength of RC deep beams
by genetic programming. Computers and Structures
81, 331338.
Chul-Hyun, L. Young-Soo, Y. and Joong-Hoon, K.
(2004) Genetic algorithm in mix proportioning of
high-performance concrete. Cement and Concrete
Research 34. 409420
Darwin, C.R. (1859) On the origin of species by means
of natural selection or the preservation of favoured
races in the struggle for life. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK, sixth edition, 1864, originally
published in 1859.
Forster, SW. (1994) High-performance concrete Stretching the paradigm, Concrete International. 16
(10), 3334.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989) Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley
Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.
Holland, J. H. (1975) Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan


EC Techniques

Houck, C.R. Joines, J. and Kay M. (1996) A genetic

algorithm for function optimization: a MATLAB implementation, ACM Trans. Math. Softw.
Kicinger, R., Arciszewski, T., and De Jong, K. A. (2005).
Evolutionary computation and structural design: a
survey of the state of the art, Computers & Structures,
83(23-24), 1943-1978.
Koza J. (1990). Genetic Programming: A paradigm for
genetically breeding populations of computer programs
to solve problems. Stanford University Computer Science Department Technical Report.
Koza, J. (1992) Genetic Programming. On the Programming of Computers by means of Natural Selection. The
Mit Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992.
Leonhardt, F. and Walther, R. (1970) Deep beams.
Deutscher Ausschuss Fr Stahlbeton Bulletin 178,
Wilhelm Ernst and Sohn (Berlin), CIRIA English
Neville, A.M. (1981) Properties of Concrete, 3rd ed.,
Pitman, London. 203 207.
Neville, A.M. and Aitcin, P.C. (1998) High-performance
concrete - An overview, Materials and Structures. 31
(3), 111 117.
Rabual, J.R. Varela, M. Dorado, J. Gonzlez, B. and
Martnez, I. (2005). Aplicacin de la Programacin
Gentica para determiner la adherencia en hormign
armado. Proceedings of MAEB2005. 76-84
Shaw, D. Miles, J. C. & Gray, A. (2003). Genetic
programming within civil engineering: a review. In
O. Ciftcioglu & E. Dado (Eds.), Proceedings of the
10th International Workshop of the European Group
for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE),
Delft, The Netherlands, 29-39.

Compressive Strength: The measured maximum
resistance of a concrete or mortar specimen to axial
compressive loading; expressed as force per unit crosssectional area; or the specified resistance used in design
Deep Beam: A flexural member whose span-todepth ratio is too low to accurately apply the principles
of sectional design through sectional properties and
internal forces shear strength the maximum shearing
stress a flexural member can support at a specific location as controlled by the combined effects of shear
forces and bending moment
High Performance Concrete: Concrete meeting
special combinations of performance and uniformity
requirements that cannot always be achieved routinely
using conventional constituents and normal mixing,
placing, and curing practices.
Mixture Proportion: The proportions of ingredients that make the most economical use of available
materials to produce mortar or concrete of the required
Slump: A measure of consistency of freshly mixed
concrete, mortar, or stucco equal to the subsidence
measured to the nearest 1/4 in. (6 mm) of the molded
specimen immediately after removal of the slump
Superplasticizer or High-Range Water-Reducing
Admixture: A water-reducing admixture capable of
producing large water reduction or great flowability
without causing undue set retardation or entrainment
of air in mortar or concrete.
Workability: That property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar that determines the ease with which it
can be mixed, placed, consolidated, and finished to a
homogenous condition.



E-Learning in New Technologies

Nieves Pedreira
University of A Corua, Spain
Jos Ramn Mndez Salgueiro
University of A Corua, Spain
Manuel Martnez Carballo
University of A Corua, Spain

E-learning and the impact of new technologies across
contemporary life is a very significant field to education. The challenge of the technology to conventional
learning patterns cannot be ignored and in itself raises
a host of questions: can online learning facilitate deep
learning? How well does video conferencing alleviate
the challenge of distance? In what ways can collaborative learning communities be developed and sustained
using current and new technologies? At the same time,
new communications technologies are impacting on the
ways in which we understand ourselves and the worlds
in which we live. Relating to this, the aim of todays
education is not to learn certain contents, but rather
learn to learn in the course of a whole lifetime.
The study of the learning process can help us to find
the relevant points to set up some interesting characteristics of a really functional e-learning system.


The learning process consists of a modification of our
conduct that, by extracting knowledge from acquired
experience, enables us to tackle problems (Pedreira,
2004a). This definition highlights the two basic aspects
of all learning processes: knowledge acquisition, and
the experience that leads to it.
Most studies on the nature of knowledge agree on
the fact that knowledge is at the top of the hierarchical
structure called information. According to this vision,
data represent facts or concepts in a formalised way that
allows their communication, interpretation or elaboration by human beings or by automatic means (syntactic
level of the information). The so-called news is the

meaning that an intelligent being attaches to data based

on the conventional rules used for their representation
(semantic level). Knowledge implies the judgement of
facts and situations, and consists of inferred data and
news, tacit relations between objects, concepts, events
and situations, and of the necessary control actions to
manage all these elements in an effective way. As such,
knowledge concerns the pragmatic aspect of information because it combines the received news with the
knowledge that the observer already possesses.


In recent years, so many changes have affected education
that education itself needs to be updated. The amount
of knowledge that we deal with is much bigger than
before, the interrelations between different forms of
information are much more complex, and the sources
are dispersed. Such being the case, the linear model,
in which each question has a place and a moment, is
no longer adequate for todays information. Logical
hierarchies are replaced by multiple and simultaneous
media that respond to the needs of the knowledge process. The inevitable increase in complexity and quantity
of the information that is available and necessary has
led to a need for continuous learning.
Furthermore, in modern society, knowledge is not
exclusively related to education. We live in what is
called the information or knowledge society, where
the possession of knowledge is a determining factor.
Knowledge handling requires a profound transformation of learning and teaching methods: from a model
in which the teacher is the monopolising agent and
the authorised representative of knowledge, we must
move towards a model that offers the student room for

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E-Learning in New Technologies

individual exploration and self-learning. The student

needs to build relations, discover the process from
within, and feel stimulated to draw his own roadmap
(Piaget, 1999).
This kind of learning can only be obtained through
action strategies that are not perceived as restricting
obligations but rather as interesting learning options.
Contents, for instance, should be represented not as
an object of study but rather as necessary elements
towards a series of objectives that will be discovered in
the course of various tests. Computer games apply the
same strategy by making their users learn to proceed
from one phase to another based on obtained experience and improved dexterity. This way they keep users
entertained for hours in a row by trial and error.
Besides, students come from different environments
and have different ages and education backgrounds,
which make it more complicated to integrate them
into one single group. Real personalised attention
would require many more teachers and much more
time. Add to that the increasing demand for continuous education, with flexible timetables and subjects,
and it becomes clear that the current programmes are
much too rigid.
The advantages of e-learning include convenience
and portability (physical and temporal flexibility), cost
and selection (wide range of courses and prices, different levels), individualisation and a higher level of
student implication (WorldWideLearn, 2007).
However, if the contents of the learning platforms
remain the same as those of traditional systems, even
if their presentation format is adapted, they do not
substantially contribute to the improvement of the
learning process (Martnez, 2002). The same happens
with the use of computational systems that support ex
cathedra teaching and improve the acquisition of certain
skills, such as simulators and games. Simulators can
only be used when certain concepts are already clearly
understood, and in most cases, their interface is quite
complicated. Computer games are mostly used for
concrete aspects and in elementary courses.
Instructional Design for e-Learning has been perfected and refined over many years using established
teaching principles, with many benefits to students, but
it is necessary to go on with the studies on this area
because the results are still not as good as desired.


Even so, current communication technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, allow the implementation of
learning strategies based on action (e.g. videogames),
the incorporation of systems that improve knowledge
management (Wiig, 1995), the recuperation of the
one-to-one learning model (master-apprentice becomes
teacher-student), and the implementation of a new
learning model (many teachers for one student). A
computer model including all these characteristics can
be a solid basis for the improvement of the learning
process and the existing e-learning systems. It could
teach the students more than just certain contents: it
could teach them how to learn, by selecting and sharing
the adequate information in each moment.
In this point, we will remark some pedagogical
characteristics of e-learning computer models which
are known to improve the learning process. For each
of these characteristics we propose a feature that can
be implemented by using New Technologies.

Pedagogical Characteristic 1
Dealing with information of different sources will allow the students seeing different points of view of the
same realities, making easy its understanding and its
conservation in mind.

New Technologies Feature 1

In the Institutional Memory of a Knowledge Management System, we will find all the information concerning
every thematic unit, different levels and its associated
tasks. The fact of being able to solve different tasks
and having the access into information of different
sources allows the learner to acquire the information
by different means, so that his knowledge will be more
complete and everlasting.

Pedagogical Characteristic 2
An e-learning model should provide an individual attention, taking into account the students preferences
about learning strategies, different kind of materials,
their previous knowledge, etc.


E-Learning in New Technologies

New Technologies Feature 2

In order to get it, some intelligent agents can take
charge of selecting and showing, in any case, the suitable information (from the information repository)
according to the preferences and level of each student.
These agents can perform different tasks, and divide
them between the users computers and the server where
the Institutional Memory is stored.

Pedagogical Characteristic 3
An e-learning model must facilitate the students all the
available information, in different formats and coming
from different sources, for the students to learn how to
choose the most relevant elements for their learning.

New Technologies Feature 3

To reach this, it can be used a global ontology, establishing a classification in levels and the relationships
between the available information, managed trough
the Knowledge Management System.

Pedagogical Characteristic 4
Computer e-learning models ought to propose this
apprenticeship by means of works and problems to
solve, so that the students knowledge grows as they
go on with the resolution of their works.

the same or related subjects and using the computer

games strategies that give rise to investigate.

New Technologies Feature 5

When the contents of the course are part of an Institutional Memory, the existence of a global ontology can
facilitate the display of the elements remarking the connections between them. Besides, as alleged previously,
the use of intelligent agents allows us to show these
connections according to the individual preferences.
The strategies utilized in computer games, including
the apprenticeship trough the action will help to attract
and maintain the students interest.

Some prototypes for the aspects mentioned in the previous point have been developed in our research laboratory for testing the proposed features (Pedreira, 2004a,
2004b, 2005a, 2005b). Each of them has reached quite
good results. These approximations show that the use of
New Technologies on education allows the students to
extend or improve their problem-solving methods and
their abilities to transfer knowledge (Friss de Kereki,
2004). After these first approaches, we are working on
the joint of the prototypes and their enlargement with
some characteristics that have not still been tested.

New Technologies Feature 4


It is necessary to establish much different kind of

works, at different levels, for each unit the student
must prepare. The tasks and the available information
as well, will be founded in the Institutional Memory
organized under ontology, making easy the access to
the relevant information at any moment. Carrying out
the tasks, the learner will build his own knowledge
(Nonaka, 1995).

In this article we suggest several features that e-learning

systems should have in order to improve online learning, which can be achieved by using New Technologies. In short, we propose a computer model based on
a Knowledge Management System which, by using
a global ontology, maintains the highest quantity of
relationships between the available information and
its classification at different levels. By means of this
support of knowledge, apprenticeship can be established
by means of task proposal, based on computer game
strategies. Using the philosophy of intelligent agents,
these systems can interact with the students showing
them the information according to their preferences, in
order to motivate them and to stimulate their capacity
of raising questions.

Pedagogical Characteristic 5
An e-learning model should join strategies to get
and raise the students motivation and encourage its
inquisitiveness, relating the available information with
its interest, proposing the possibility of explore deeper

E-Learning in New Technologies

Friss de Kereki, I. (2004). Modelo para la creacin de
entornos de aprendizaje basados en tcnicas de Gestin
de Conocimiento. Doctoral Thesis. Politechnical University of Madrid.
Martnez, J. (2002). Contenidos en e-learning: el rey sin
corona. Retrieved february 13, 2003, from http://www.
Nonaka, I.& Takeuchi, H. (1995). The Knowledge
Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Pedreira, N., Rabual, J. (2005a) La Gestin del
Conocimiento como Instrumento de e-Learning. EWorld, 129-141. Fundacin Alfredo Braas. Santiago
de Compostela.
Pedreira, N., Dorado, J., Rabual, J., Pazos, A. (2005b)
Knowledge Management as the Future of E-learning.
Encyclopedia of Distance Learning. Vol 1 - Distance
Learning Technologies and Applications, 1189-1194.
Idea Group Reference.
Pedreira, N., Dorado, J., Rabual, J., Pazos, A., Silva,
A. (2004a). A Model of Virtual Learning to Learn.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT04),
838-839. IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC,
Pedreira, N., Dorado, J., Rabual, J., Pazos, A., Silva,
A. (2004b). Knowledge Management and Interactive
Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol
3257, 481-482. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg
Piaget, J.(1999). De la pedagoga. Buenos Aires:
Wiig, K. M. (1995). Knowledge Management Methods.

Arlington: Schema Press, Ltd.

WorldWideLearn (2007). Benefits of E-Learning. World
Wide Learn, The Worlds Premier Online Directory
of Education. Retrieved march 11, 2007, from http://

Best Practice: A management idea which asserts
that there is a technique, method, process, activity,
incentive or reward that is more effective at delivering
a particular outcome than any other technique, method
or process.
Computer Game: A video game played on a personal computer, rather than on a video game console
or arcade machine.
Computer Model: A computer program that attempts to simulate an abstract model of a particular
E-Learning: Learning that is accomplished over the
Internet, a computer network, via CD-ROM, interactive
TV, or satellite broadcast
Intelligent Agent: A real time software system that
interacts with its environment to perform non-repetitive
computer-related tasks.
Knowledge Management: The collection, organization, analysis, and sharing of information held by
workers and groups within an organization.
Learn to Learn: In this context, learn to manage
(select, extract, classify) the great amount of information existing in actual society, in order to identify real
and significant knowledge.
New Technologies: In this context, Computer,
Information and Communication Technologies.
Virtual: Not physical.



Emerging Applications in Immersive

Darryl N. Davis
University of Hull, UK
Paul M. Chapman
University of Hull, UK

The world of Virtual Environments and Immersive
Technologies (Sutherland, 1965) (Kalawsky, 1993)
are evolving quite rapidly. As the range and complexity of applications increases, so does the requirement
for intelligent interaction. The now relatively simple
environments of the OZ project (Bates, Loyall & Reilly,
1992) have been superseded by Virtual Theatres (Doyle
& Hayes-Roth, 1997) (Giannachi, 2004), Tactical Combat Air (Jones, Tambe, Laird & Rosenbloom, 1993)
training prototypes and Air Flight Control Simulators
(Wangermann & Stengel, 1998).
This article presents a brief summary of present
and future technologies and emerging applications
that require the use of AI expertise in the area of
immersive technologies and virtual environments.
The applications are placed within a context of prior
research projects.

Visualisation is defined as the use of computer-based,
interactive visual representations of data to amplify
cognition. The much cited process driven visualisation
pipeline proposed by Upson et al (1989) is shown in
Figure 1. Upson and his colleagues define three processes consisting of filtering, mapping and rendering
the data. The image presented allows the user to draw
some inference and gain insight into the data.

The Filter process is when data of interest are derived

from the raw input data; for example, an interpolation
of scattered data onto a regular grid. This data is then
Mapped into geometric primitives that can be then be
Rendered and displayed as an image to the user. The
user may then gain an improved understanding and
greater insight into the original raw data. The type of
data and application area heavily influence the nature
of the mapping process. That is, choosing the actual
visualisation technique that we are going to use. For
example, if the data consisted of 1D scalar data, then a
simple line graph can be used to represent the data. If
the filtered data consists of 3D scalar data, then some
form of 3D isosurfaces or direct volume rendering
technique would be more appropriate. Through the
various specifications and conceptualisations of the
filter-map pipeline above, we would propose an ontology that describes the relationships between data type
and mapping processes that facilitates the automatic
selection of visualisation techniques based on the raw
data type. As the applications become more sophisticated the visualisation process can make use of the data
ontology to drive AI controlled characters and agents
appropriate for the application and data.
A starting place for this can be seen in the area
of believable agents (Bates, Loyall & Reilly, 1992)
where the research ranges from animation issues to
models of emotion and cognition, annotated environments. Innovative learning environments and Animated
Pedagogical Agents (Johnson, Rickel & Lester, 2000)
provide further areas for development, as do industrial

Figure 1. Upson et als visualisation pipeline

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Emerging Applications in Immersive Technologies

applications, for example Computer Numerical Control

(CNC) milling operations virtual training prototype
system (Lina, Yeb, Duffy & Suc, 2002). Teaching environments using multiple interface devices in virtual
reality include Steve (Soar Training Expert for Virtual Environments) that supports the learning process
(Rickel & Johnson, 1999) with collaborators including
Lockheed Martin AI Center. SOAR (Laird, Hucka &
Huffman, 1991) has also been used for training simulation in air combat (TacAir-Soar) (Jones, Tambe, Laird
& Rosenbloom, 1993). This autonomous system for
modelling the tactical air domain brings together areas
of AI research covering cognitive architectures Human
Behavior Representation (HBR) / Computer Generated
Forces (CGF). SOF-Soar: (Special Operations Forces
Modeling) (Tambe, Johnson, Jones, Koss, Laird, Rosenbloom and Schwamb, 1995) uses the same underlying
framework and methods for behavior generation based
on the Soar model of human cognition, each entity is
capable of autonomous, goal-directed decision-making, planning, and reactive, real-time behavior. As the
world of digital media expands emerging applications
will draw on the worlds of Virtual Theatres (Giannachi,
2004), interactive storyline games and others forms of
entertainment (Wardrip-Fruin & Harrigan, 2004) to
enhance the visualisation experience, especially where
virtual worlds involving human artifacts and past and
current civilisations are involved.



Understanding the behaviour of biological agents

in their natural environment is of great importance
to ethologists and biologists. Where these creatures
move in large numbers is a challenge for orthodox
Working with marine biologists, a 3D model of large
numbers of swarming krill (Figure 2) has been created.
The model augments the classic swarming functions of
separation, alignment and cohesion outlined by Reynolds (1987). The generated 3D model allows cameras
to be placed on individual krill in order to generate an
in-swarm perspective. New research on Antarctic krill
(Tarling & Johnson, 2006) reveals that they absorb and
transfer more carbon from the Earths surface than
was previously understood. Scientists from the British
Antarctic Survey (BAS) and Scarborough Centre of
Coastal Studies at the University of Hull discovered
that rather than doing so once per 24 hours, Antarctic
krill parachute from the ocean surface to deeper layers several times during the night. In the process they
inject more carbon into the deep sea when they excrete
their waste than had previously been understood. Our
objective has been to provide marine biologists with
a visualisation and statistical tool that permits them to
change a number of parameters within the krill marine
environment and examine the effects of those changes
over time. The software can also be used as a teaching
tool for the classroom at varying academic levels.

Figure 2. 3D krill and sample 3D swarm


Emerging Applications in Immersive Technologies

The marine biologist may modify parameters relating to an individual krills field of view, foraging
speed, collision avoidance, exhaustion speed, desire
for food etc. The researcher may also modify more
global parameters relating to sea currents, temperature
and quantity and density of algae (food) etc.
Upon execution, the biologist may interact with the
model by changing the 3D viewpoint and modifying the
time-step which controls the run speed of the model.
Krill states are represented using different colours.
For example, a red krill represents a starved unhealthy
krill, green means active and healthy, blue represents
a digestion period where krill activity is at a minimal.
Recent advances in processor and graphics technology
means that these sorts of simulations are possible using
high specification desktop computers. Marine biologists have been very interested in seeing how making
minor changes to certain variables, such as field of view
for krill, can have major consequences to the flocking
behaviour over time of the entire swarm.

Figure 3. VR paragliding simulator

The Department of Computer Science at the University
of Hull have recently developed the worlds first ever
paragliding simulator (SimVis, 2007). The system
provides a paragliding pilot with a virtual reality immersive flying experience (Figure 3). As far as the user
is concerned, they are flying a real paraglider. They sit
in a real harness and all physical user inputs are the
same as real life. Visuals are controlled via a computer
and displayed to the user via a head-tracked helmet
mounted display. The simulator accurately models
winds (including thermals and updrafts), photorealistic
terrain and other computer controlled AI pilots.
Figure 4 shows a typical view from the paragliding
simulator. To the right of the image, the user can see
four paragliding pilots circling a thermal. It is in the
users interests to fly to this region to share in the uplift,
gaining altitude and therefore flight time.
This prototype is being developed along the lines
of SOF-Soar: (Special Operations Forces Modeling)
(Tambe, Johnson, Jones, Koss, Laird, Rosenbloom and
Schwamb, 1995). It requires an expert tutoring system
encompassing the knowledge of expert pilots. Like
some virtual learning environments it needs to build
a trainee profile from a default and adapt to the needs


of the novice flyer. For example the system can create

an AI Pilot flying directly at the user forcing the user
to practise collision avoidance rules. If pilots collide
in the simulator, both pilots will become wrapped in
each others canopies and they will plummet down to
the earth and die. As virtual fly-time accumulates the
system needs to adapt to the changing profile of the
user. An expert system could be used to force the user
to make certain flight manoeuvres that test the users
knowledge of CAA air laws. For example, the AI
system may decide that the user is an advanced pilot
due to their excellent use of thermal updrafts etc. The
system therefore works out how to put our pilot into
a compromising situation that would test their skills
and ability such as plotting a collision course with our
pilot when they are flying alongside a cliff edge. If our
pilot is a novice, then the system would present simpler
challenges such as basic collision avoidance. This is an
advanced knowledge engineering project that blends
traditional AI areas such as knowledge engineering with
more nouvelle fields such as agent based reactive and
cognitive architectures and state of the art visualisation
and immersive technologies.

Emerging Applications in Immersive Technologies

Figure 4. Real-time pilots view from the paragliding simulator including other AI controlled pilots

This article suggests that cognitive science and artificial
intelligence have a major role to play in emerging interface devices that require believable agents. As virtual
environments and immersive technologies become ever
more sophisticated, the capabilities of the interacting
components will need to become smarter, making use
of artificial-life, artificial intelligence and cognitive
science. This will include the simulation of human
behaviour in interactive worlds whether in the modelling of the way data and information is manipulated or
in the use of hardware devices (such as the paraglider)
within a virtual environment.

Bates, J., Loyall, A.B. & Reilly, W.S. (1992). An Architecture for Action, Emotion, and Social Behavior.
Tech. Report CMU-CS-92-142, School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
Doyle, P. & Hayes-Roth, B. (1997). Guided exploration of virtual worlds. In Network and Netplay: Virtual
Groups on the Internet. F. Sudweeks, Ed. MIT Press:
Cambridge, MA.
Giannachi, G. (2004). Virtual Theatres: An Introduction. London: Routledge Press.

Hayes-Roth, B., Brownston, L. & van Gent, R. (1995).

Multiagent collaboration in directed improvisation.
Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Multi-Agent Systems, San Francisco; Reprinted in Readings in Agents, M. Huhns and
M. Singh, Eds. Morgan-Kaufmann: San Francisco.
Johnson, W.L, Rickel, J.W. & Lester, J.C. (2000). Animated Pedagogical Agents: Face-to-Face Interaction in
Interactive Learning Environments. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 11, 47-78.
Jones, R. Tambe, M., Laird, J. & Rosenbloom, P. (1993).
Intelligent automated agents for flight training simulators. Proceedings of the Third Conference on Computer
Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation.
University of Central Florida. IST-TR-93-07.
Kalawsky, R. S. (1993). The Science of Virtual Reality
and Virtual Environments: A Technical, Scientific and
Engineering Reference on Virtual Environments. Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, England ; Reading, Mass.
Laird, J., Hucka, M. & Huffman, S. (1991). An analysis
of Soar as an integrated architecture. SIGART Bulletin,
2, 85-90.
Lina, F., Yeb, L., Duffy, V.G. and Suc, C.-J. (2002).
Developing virtual environments for industrial training.
Information Sciences, 140(1-2), 153-170.
Reynolds, C. W. (1987). Flocks, Herds, and Schools:
A Distributed Behavioral Model. Computer Graphics,
21(4), 25-34.

Emerging Applications in Immersive Technologies

Rickel, J. & Johnson, W.L. (1999). Animated Agents

for Procedural Training in Virtual Reality: Perception,
Cognition, and Motor Control. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 13, 343-382.
SimVis (2007) Virtual Paragliding Project, SimVis
Research Group. Web:
Sutherland, I. E. (1965). The Ultimate Display. Proceedings of IFIP 65, (2), 506-508
Tambe, M., Johnson, W. L., Jones, R. M., Koss, F.,
Laird, J. E., Rosenbloom, P. S. & Schwamb, K. (1995).
Intelligent Agents for Interactive Simulation Environments. AI Magazine, 16(1).
Tarling, G. & Johnson, M. (1996). Satiation gives krill
that sinking feeling. Current Biology, 16(3), 83-84.
Upson, C., Jr, T. F., Kamins, D., Laidlaw, D., Schlegel,
D., Vroom, J., Gurwitz, R. & van Dam, A. (1989).
The Application Visualisation System: A Computational Environment for Scientific Visualisation. IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications 9(4), 30-42.
Wangermann, J.P. & R. F. Stengel, R.F. (1998). Principled Negotiation Between Intelligent Agents: A Model
for Air Traffic Management. Artificial Intelligence in
Engineering, 12(3), 177-187.
Wardrip-Fruin, N. & Harrigan, P. (Eds.) (2004). First
Person: New Media as Story, Performance, and Game.
MIT Press.

Air Flight Control: A service provided by groundbased controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in
the air. A controllers primary task is to separate certain
aircraft to prevent them from coming too close to
each other by use of lateral, vertical and longitudinal
separation. Secondary tasks include ensuring orderly
and expeditious flow of traffic and providing information to pilots, such as weather, navigation information
and NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen)
Flocking: A computer model of coordinated animal
motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. Typically
based on three dimensional computational geometry
of the sort normally used in computer animation or
computer aided design.
Knowledge Engineering: Knowledge engineering
is a field within artificial intelligence that develops
knowledge-based systems. Such systems are computer
programs that contain large amounts of knowledge,
rules and reasoning mechanisms to provide solutions to
real-world problems. A major form of knowledge-based
system is an expert system, one designed to emulate
the reasoning processes of an expert practitioner (i.e.
one having performed in a professional role for very
many years).
Virtual and Immersive Environments: Virtual
environments coupled with immersive technologies
provide the sensory experience of being in a computer
generated, simulated space. They have potential uses
in applications ranging from education and training to
design and prototyping.
Virtual Theatres: The concept of Virtual Theatre
is vague and there seems to be no commonly accepted
definition of the term. It can be defined as a virtual world
inhabited by autonomous agents that are acting and
interacting in an independent way. These agents may
follow a predetermined manuscript, or act completely
on their own initiative.



Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus

Ignasi Iriondo
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Santiago Planet
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Francesc Alas
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Joan-Claudi Socor
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Elisa Martnez
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain

The use of speech in human-machine interaction is increasing as the computer interfaces are becoming more
complex but also more useable. These interfaces make
use of the information obtained from the user through
the analysis of different modalities and show a specific
answer by means of different media. The origin of the
multimodal systems can be found in its precursor, the
Put-That-There system (Bolt, 1980), an application
operated by speech and gesture recognition.
The use of speech as one of these modalities to get
orders from users and to provide some oral information makes the human-machine communication more
natural. There is a growing number of applications that
use speech-to-text conversion and animated characters
with speech synthesis.
One way to improve the naturalness of these interfaces is the incorporation of the recognition of users
emotional states (Campbell, 2000). This point generally requires the creation of speech databases showing
authentic emotional content allowing robust analysis.
Cowie, Douglas-Cowie & Cox (2005) present some
databases showing an increase in multimodal databases, and Ververidis & Kotropoulos (2006) describe
64 databases and their application. When creating
this kind of databases the main arising problem is the
naturalness of the locutions, which directly depends on
the method used in the recordings, assuming that they
must be controlled without interfering the authenticity

of the locutions. Campbell (2000) and Schrder (2004)

propose four different sources for obtaining emotional
speech, ordered from less control but more authenticity to more control but less authenticity: i) natural
occurrences, ii) provocation of authentic emotions
in laboratory conditions, iii) stimulated emotions by
means of prepared texts, and iv) acted speech reading
the same texts with different emotional states, usually
performed by actors.
On the one hand, corpora designed to synthesize
emotional speech are based on studies centred on the
listener, following the distinction made by Schrder
(2004), because they model the speech parameters
in order to transmit a specific emotion. On the other
hand, emotion recognition implies studies centred on
the speaker, because they are related to the speaker
emotional state and the parameters of the speech. The
validation of a corpus used for synthesis involves both
kinds of studies: the former since it will be used for
synthesis and the latter since recognition is needed to
evaluate its content. The best validation system is the
selection of the valid utterances1 of the corpus by human listeners. However, the big size of a corpus makes
this process unaffordable.

Emotion recognition has been an interesting research
field in human-machine interaction for long, as can be

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation

observed in Cowie et al. (2001). Some studies have

been carried out to observe the influence of emotion in
speech signals like the work presented by Rodrguez et
al. (1999), but more recently, due the increasing power
of modern computers that allows the analysis of huge
amount of data in relatively small time lapses, machine
learning techniques have been used to recognise emotions automatically by using labelled expressive speech
corpora. Most of these studies have been centred on
few algorithms and little sets of parameters.
However, recent works have performed more
exhaustive experiments testing different machine
learning techniques and datasets, as the described by
Oudeyer (2003). All this kind of studies had the goal
of achieving the best possible recognition rate obtaining, in many cases, better results than those obtained
in subjective tests ((Oudeyer, 2003), (Planet, Morn
& Formiga, 2006), (Iriondo, Planet, Socor & Alas,
2007)). Nevertheless, many differences can be found
when analyzing the results obtained from objective
and subjective classifications and, to our knowledge,
there are not studies with the goal of emulating these
subjective criteria before those carried out by Iriondo,
Planet, Alas, Socor & Martnez (2007).

The creation of a speech corpus with authentic emotional content is one of the most important challenges
in the study of expressive speech. Once the corpus is
recorded, a validation process is required to prune those
utterances that show distinct emotion to their label.
This article is based on the work exposed by Iriondo,
Planet, Alas, Socor & Martnez (2007) and presents
the production of an expressive speech corpus in Spanish with the goal of being used in a synthesis system,
validating it by pruning automatically bad utterances
emulating the criteria of human listeners.

The Production of the Corpus

The recording of the corpus has been carried out by a
female professional speaker. There is a high consensus
in the scientific community for obtaining emotional


speech by means of this strategy for synthesis purposes

(Cowie et al., 2005), although other authors argue in
favor of constructing enormous corpora gathered from
recordings of the daily life (Campbell, 2005). For the
design of texts semantically related to different expressive styles, we have made use of an existing textual
database of advertisements extracted from newspapers
and magazines. Based on a study of the voice in the
audio-visual publicity (Montoya, 1998), five categories
of the textual corpus have been chosen and the most
suitable emotion/style has been assigned to them:
New technologies (neutral-mature), education (joyelation), cosmetic (style sensual-sweet), automobiles
(aggressive-hard) and trips (sad-melancholic). The
recorded database has 4638 sentences and it is 5 hours
12 minutes long.
From these categories, a set of sentences has been
chosen by means of a greedy algorithm (Franois &
Boffard, 2002) that has allowed us to select phonetically balanced sentences. In addition to looking for a
phonetic balance, phrases that contain foreign words
and abbreviations have been discarded because they
difficult the automatic process of phonetic transcription and labeling.
The corpus has been segmented in phrases and then
in phonemes by means of a semiautomatic process based
on a forced alignment with Hidden Markov Models.

Acoustic Analysis
Cowie et al. (2001) show how prosodic features of
speech (fundamental frequency (F0), energy, duration
of phones, and frequency of pauses) are related to vocal
expression of emotion. The analysis of F0 performed
in this work is based on the result of the pitch marks
algorithm described by Alas, Monzo & Socor (2006).
This system can assign marks over the whole signal,
interpolating values from the neighbour phonemes in
unvoiced segments and silences. Energy is measured
with 20 ms rectangular windows and 50% of overlap,
computing the mean energy in decibels (dB) every 10
ms. Also, rhythm parameters have been incorporated
using the z-score as a means to analyze the temporal
structure of speech (Schweitzer & Mbius, 2003).
Moreover, for each utterance two parameters relating
the number of pauses per time unit and the percentage
of silence respect to the total time are considered.

Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation

Subjective Test
A subjective test allows validating the expressiveness of a corpus of acted speech from a users point
of view. Nevertheless, an extensive evaluation of the
complete corpus would be very tedious due the big
amount of elements in it. For this reason, only a 10
percent of the corpus utterances have been selected
for this test. A forced answer test has been designed
using the TRUE platform (Planet, Iriondo, Martnez,
& Montero, 2008) with the question: What emotional
state do you recognize from the voice of the speaker in
this phrase? The possible answers are the 5 emotional
styles of the corpus and one more option Dont know /
Another (Dk/A) in order to minimize biasing the results
due to confusing cases. The addition of this option has
the risk of allowing some users to use excessively this
answer to accelerate the end of the test (Navas, Hernez
& Luengo, 2006). However, this effect has not been
observed in this experiment. The evaluators were 30
volunteers with a quite heterogeneous profile.
The achieved average classification accuracy in the
subjective test is 87%. The test also reveals that sad
style (SAD) is the best rated (98.5% in average). The
second and third best rated styles are sensual (SEN)
(87.2%) and neutral (NEU) (86.1%), followed by happy
(HAP) (81.9%) and aggressive (AGR) (81.6%). Aggressive and happy styles are often confused between
them. Moreover, sensual is slightly misclassified as sad
or neutral. The Dk/A option is hardly used, although
it is more present in neutral and sensual than in the
rest of styles.
To decide if utterances are not optimally performed
by the speaker, two simple rules have been created
from the subjective test results by empirically adjusting
two thresholds. These rules remove utterances whose
identification percentage is lower than 50% or with a
Dk/A percentage larger than 12%. There are 33 out of
the 480 utterances of the subjective test that satisfy at
least one rule.

Statistical Analysis, Datasets and

Supervised Classification
Iriondo, Planet, Socor & Alas (2007) present an
experiment of emotion recognition covering different datasets and algorithms. The experiment is done

with the same corpus that is being considered in this

article. Each utterance is defined by 464 attributes
representing the speech signal characteristics but this
first dataset is divided into different subsets to reduce
its dimensionality. The experiments show almost the
same results in the full dataset and in a dataset reduced
to 68 parameters, so the reduced dataset is being used
in this work. In this dataset, the prosody of an utterance
is represented by the vectors of logarithmic F0, energy
in dB and normalized durations. For each sequence,
the first derivative is also calculated. Some statistics
are obtained from these sequences: mean, variance,
maximum, minimum, range, skewness, kurtosis, quartiles, and interquartilic range. Thus, 68 parameters by
utterance are computed, considering both parameters
related to the pausing previously described.
In the referenced work, twelve machine learning
algorithms are tested considering different datasets. All
the experiments are carried out using Weka software
(Witten & Frank, 2005) by means of ten-fold crossvalidation. Very high recognition rates are achieved as
in other previously referenced works: SMO (SVM of
Weka) obtained the best results (~97%) followed by
Nave-Bayes (NB) with 94.6% and J48 (Weka Decision Tree based on C4.5) with 93.5%, considering
the average of all the results. The conclusion is that,
in general, the styles of the developed speech corpus
can be clearly differentiated. Moreover, the results of
the subjective test showed a good authenticity of the
expressive speech content. However, going one step
further by developing a method to validate each utterance of the corpus following subjective criteria and
not only the automatic classification from the space
of attributes is considered necessary.

Subjective Based Attribute Selection

The proposed approach to find the optimum classifier
schema able to follow the subjective criteria consists
on the development of an attribute selection method
guided by the results obtained in the subjective test.
Once the best schema is found it will be applied to the
whole corpus in order to generate a list of candidate
utterances to be pruned. Two methods for attribute
selection have been developed in order to determine
the subset of attributes that allows a better mapping of
the subjective test results. As previously mentioned,


Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation

the original set has 68 attributes per utterance, so an

exhaustive exploration of subsets is not viable and
greedy search procedures will be used. On the one
hand, a Forward Selection (FW) process is chosen,
which starts without any attribute and adds one at a
time and, on the other hand, the Backward Elimination (BW) technique is considered, which starts from
the full set and deletes one attribute at a time. At each
step, the classifier is tested with the 480 utterances that
are considered in the subjective test, being previously
trained with the 4158 remaining utterances. The wrong
classified cases take part on the evaluation process of
the involved subset of attributes. The novelty of this
process is to use a subjective-based measure to evaluate
the expected performance of the subset at each iteration.
The used measure is the F1-score computed from the
precision and the recall of the wrong classified utterances compared with the 33 utterances rejected by the
subjective test.

The process consists of six iterations: one per algorithm
(SMO, NB and J48) and attribute selection technique
(FW and BW). SMO algorithm obtains practically the
same F1-score (~ 0.50) in both FW and BW attribute
selection techniques. The results for both NB are also
similar between them (F1 0.43). The main difference
is for J48 that obtains better F1 with FW (0.45) than
with BW (0.37) process. Moreover, SMO-FW seems to
be the most stable configuration as it achieves almost
the same result (F1 = 0.49) with a broad range of attribute subsets (the results are very similar with a range
of attributes between 18 and 35). Results show that
J48-FW has the best recall (18/33), which implies the
highest number of coincidences; however the precision
measure is quite low (18/51), indicating an excessive
number of general misclassifications.

Future work will consist on applying this automatic
process over the full corpus. For instance, a ten-fold
cross validation would be a good technique to cover
the whole corpus. The misclassified utterances would
be candidate to be pruned. A first approach would
consist on running different classifiers and selecting


the final candidates by a stacking technique (Witten &

Frank, 2005). Also, we will evaluate the suitability of
the proposed method by performing acoustic modeling
of the resulting emotional speech after pruning with
respect to the results obtained with the whole corpus.
A lower error on the prosodic estimation could confirm
the hypothesis that it is advisable to eliminate the bad
utterances of the corpus previously.

This article exposes the need of an automatic validation
of an expressive speech corpus due to the impossibility
of carrying out a subjective test in a large corpus. Also,
an approach to achieve this goal has been presented,
performing a subjective test with 30 subjects and 10
percent of the utterances, approximately. The result of
this test has shown that some utterances are perceived
with a dissimilar or poor expressive content with respect
to their labeling. The proposed automatic classification
tries to learn from the result of the subjective test in
order to generalize the solution to the rest of the corpus, by means of a suitable attribute selection carried
out by two different strategies (Forward Selection and
Backward Elimination) using the F1-measure computed
taking into account the misclassifications resulting from
the subjective test as a reference.

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Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation

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of emotions in speech: features and algorithms. Special
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Human Computer Interaction , 59 (1-2), 157-183.
Planet, S., Iriondo, I., Martnez, E. & Montero, J. A.
(2008). TRUE: an online testing platform for multimedia
evaluation. In Proceedings of the Second International
Workshop on EMOTION: Corpora for Research and
Affect at the 6th Conference on Language Resources &
Evaluation (LREC 2008). Marrakech, Morocco.
Planet, S., Morn, J. A. & Formiga, L. (2006). Reconocimiento de emociones basado en el anlisis de la
seal de voz parametrizada. Sistemas e Tecnologias

de Informao no Espao Ibrico, II, pp. 837-854.

Esposende, Portugal.
Rodrguez, A., Lzaro, P., Montoya, N., Blanco, J. M.,
Bernadas, D., Oliver, J. M., et al. (1999). Modelizacin
acstica de la expresin emocional en el espaol. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (25), 152-159.
Schrder, M. (2004). Speech and emotion research: An
overview of research frameworks and a dimensional
approach to emotional speech synthesis. PhD thesis,
Saarland University.
Schweitzer, A. & Mbius, B. (2003). On the structure
of internal prosodic models. Proceedings of the 15th
ICPhS, pp. 1301-1304. Barcelona.
Ververidis, D. & Kotropoulos, C. (2006). Emotional
speech recognition: Resources, features and methods.
Speech Communication , 48 (9), 1162-1181.
Witten, I. & Frank, E. (2005). Data Mining: Practical
Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (2nd ed.). San
Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Backward Elimination Strategy: Greedy attribute
selection method that evaluates the effect of removing
one attribute from a dataset. The attribute that improves
the performance of the dataset when it is deleted is
chosen to be removed for the next iteration. Process
begins with the full set of attributes and stops when no
attribute removing improves performance.
Decision Trees: Classifier consisting on an arboreal
structure. A test sample is classified by evaluating it
in each node, starting at the top one and choosing a
specific branch depending on this evaluation. The
classification of the sample is the class assigned in
the bottom node.
F1-Measure: The F1-measure is an approach of
combining the precision and recall measures of a classifier by means of an evenly harmonic mean of both them.
Its expression is F1-measure = (2precisionrecall) /
Forward Selection Strategy: Greedy attribute
selection method that evaluates the effect of adding
one attribute to a dataset. The attribute that improves

Emulating Subjective Criteria in Corpus Validation

the performance of the dataset is chosen to be added to

the dataset for the next iteration. Process begins with
no attributes and stops when adding new attributes
provides no performance improvement.
Greedy Algorithm: Algorithm -usually applied to
optimization problems- based on the idea of finding a
global solution for a problem (despite of not being the
optimal one) by choosing locally optimal solutions in
different iterations.
Nave-Bayes: Probabilistic classifier based on
Bayes rule that assumes that all the pairs parametervalue that define a case are independent.
Precision: Measure that indicates the percentage
of correctly classified cases of one class with regard
to the number of cases that are classified (correctly or
not) as members of that class. This measure says if the
classifier is assuming as members of one specific class
cases from other different classes.


Recall: Measure that indicates the percentage of

correctly classified cases of one class with regard to the
total number of cases that actually belong to this class.
This measure says if the classifier is ignoring cases that
should be classified as members of one specific class
when doing a classification.
SVM: Acronym of Support Vector Machines. SVM
are models able to distinguish members of classes
whose limits are not lineal. This is possible by a nonlinear transformation of input data mapping it into a
higher-dimensionality space where data can be easily
divided by a maximum margin hyperplane.


Considering as valid utterances those with the

adequate expressiveness.


Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial

Gloria Bueno Garca
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
Antonio Martnez
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
Roberto Gonzlez
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain
Manuel Torres
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Deformable models are well known examples of artificially intelligent system (AIS). They have played an
important role in the challenging problem of extracting
useful information about regions and areas of interest
(ROIs) imaged through different modalities. The challenge is also in extracting boundary elements belonging
to the same ROI and integrate them into a coherent and
consistent model of the structure. Traditional low-level
image processing techniques that consider only local
information can make incorrect assumptions during
this integration process and generate unfeasible object
boundaries. To solve this problem, deformable models
were introduced (Ivins, 1994), (McInerney, 1996),
(Wang, 2000). These AI models are currently important
tools in many scientific disciplines and engineering
applications (Duncan, 2000).
Deformable models offer a powerful approach to
accommodate the significant variability of structures
within a ROI over time and across different individuals. Therefore, they are able to segment, match and
track images of structures by exploiting (bottom-up)
constraints derived from the image data together with
(top-down) a priori knowledge about the location, size,
and shape of these structures.
The mathematical foundations of deformable models represent the confluence of geometry, physics and
approximation theory. Geometry serves to represent
object shape, physics imposes constraints on how the
shape may vary over space and time, and optimal approximation theory provides the formal mechanisms

for fitting the models to data. The physical interpretation views deformable models as elastic bodies which
respond to applied force and constraints.

The deformable model that has attracted the most attention to date is the active contour model (ACM),
well-known as snakes, presented by Kass et al. (Kass,
1987), (Cootes & Taylor, 1992). The mathematical
basis present in snake models is similar to all deformable models, which are based on energy minimizing
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in
level set or geodesic segmentation methods, introduced
in (Osher & Sethian, 1988), (Malladi, 1995) and (Caselles, 1997). Level set approach involves solving the
ACM minimization problem by the computation of
minimal distances curve. This method allows topological changes within the ROIs and extension to 3D.
Therefore, for some applications it is an improvement
on classical ACM.
Other approaches to deformable model are those
based on dynamic models or physically based techniques, for example superquadrics (Terzopoulos, 1991)
and the finite element model (FEM) (Pentland, 1991).
The FEM accurately describes changes in position,
orientation and shape. The FEM can be used to solve
fitting, interpolation or correspondence problems. In
the FEM, interpolation functions are developed that
allow continuous material properties, such as mass

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision

and stiffness, to be integrated across the ROIs. This

last property makes them different from the previous
models and therefore more suitable for some artificial
vision applications.
The next sections contain a brief introduction to the
mathematical foundations of deformable models.

energy). Therefore, it can be expressed as a weighted

combination of energy function.
To apply snakes to images, external potentials are
designed whose local minima coincides with intensity
extrema, edges and other image features of interest.
For example, the contour will be attracted to intensity
edges in an image by choosing a potential



P (v( s, t )) = c [GS I ( x, y )]

Geometrically, an active contour model is a parametric

contour embedded in the image plane (x, y) R2. The
dynamic contour is represented as a time-varying curve,
v(s,t) =(x(s,t), y(s,t)), where x and y are the coordinate
functions and s [0, 1] is the parametric domain. The
curve evolves until the ROI, subject to constraints
from a given image I(x, y), reaches an equilibrium.
Thus, initially a curve is set around the ROI that, via
minimization of an energy functional, moves normal to
itself and stops at the boundary of the ROI. The energy
functional is defined as:

E snake ( s, t ) = Eint ernal (v( s, t )) + E ext _ potential (v( s, t )) ds


The first term, Einternal, represents the internal energy
of the spline curve due to mechanical properties of
the contour, stretching and bending. It is a sum of two
components, the elasticity and rigidity energy:
B ( s, t )
A ( s, t )
Eint ernal ( s, t ) =
v s ( s, t ) +
v ss ( s, t )

where controls the tension of the contour, while

controls its rigidity. Thus, this functions determinate
how the snake can stretch or bend at any point s of the
spline curve. The second terms couples the snake to
the image:
E ext _ potential ( s, t ) = P(v( s, t ))

where P(v(s,t)) denotes a scalar potential function defined on the image plane. It is responsible for attracting
the contour towards the object in the image (external


where c controls the magnitude of the potential, is

the gradient operator and G*I(x,y), denotes the image
convolved with a Gaussian smoothing filter.
In accordance with the calculus of variations, the
contour v(s,t) that minimizes the energy of (1) must
satisfy the Euler-Lagrange equation. Moreover, the Lagrange equation of motion for a snake with the internal
and external energy given by equation (1) is:

v A ( s )
v s ( s, t ) +

t s 2

2 B ( s)
v ss ( s ) + P (v( s, t )) = 0
s 2

with a mass density and a damping density . This

leads to dynamic deformable models that unify the
description of shape and motion, making it possible
to quantify not just static shape, but also shape evolution through time. The first two terms of this partial
differential equation represent inertial and damping
forces. The remaining terms represent the internal
stretching, the bending forces and the external forces.
Equilibrium is achieved when the internal and external forces balance and the contour comes to rest, i.e.,
inertial and damping forces are zero, which yields the
equilibrium condition.
Traditional snake models are known to be limited
in several aspects, such as their sensitivity to the initial
contours. These are non-free parameters and do not
handle changes in the topology of the shape. That is,
when considering more than one object in the image,
for instance for an initial prediction of v(s,t) surrounding
all of them, it is not possible to detect all the objects.
Special topology-handling procedures must be added.
Some techniques have been proposed to solve these
drawbacks. These techniques are based on information

Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision

fusion, dealing with ACM in addition to curvature driven

flows and geometrical distance conditions (Solaiman,
1999), (Caselles, 1997).


The geodesic active contour model is based on the computation of a minimal distances curve. Thereby, the AC
evolves following the geometric heat flow equation. Let
us consider a particular class of snake models in which
the rigidity coefficient is set to zero, that is = 0. Two
main reasons motivate this selection: i) this will allow
us to derive the relation between these energy-based
active contours and geometric curve evolution ones, ii)
the regularization effect on the geodesic active contours
comes from curvature-based curve flows, obtained only
from the other terms in equation (1). This will allow
to achieve smooth curves in the proposed approach
without having the high-order smoothness given by
0 in energy-based approaches.
Moreover, this smoothness component in equation
(1) appears in order to minimize the total squared curvature. It is possible to prove that the curvature flow used
in the geodesic model decreases the total curvature. The
use of the curvature-driven curve motions as smoothing
terms was proven to be very efficient. Therefore, curve
smoothing will be obtained also with = 0, having only
the first regularization term. Assuming this, equation
(1) may be reduced to:

A ( s, t )
E geo ( s, t ) =
v s ( s, t ) ds c I [v( s, t )]ds


Observe that, by minimizing the functional of equation (2), we are trying to locate the curve at the points
of maxima |I| (acting as edge detector) while keeping
a certain smoothness in the curve (object boundary).
This is actually the goal in the general formulation
(equation 1) as well.
It is possible to extend equation (2), generalizing
the edge detector part in the following way: let {g: [0,
[ R+} be a strictly decreasing function, which acts
as a function of the image gradient used for the stopping criterion. Hence we can replace -|I| with g(|I|)2,
obtaining a general energy function:

A ( s, t )
E geo ( s, t ) =
v s ( s, t ) ds cg ( I [v( s, t )]) 2 ds


The solution of the particular energy snake model of
equation (3) is given by a geodesic curve in a Riemann
space induced from the image I(x,y), where a geodesic
curve is a local minimal distance path between given
points. To show this, the classical Maupertuis principle
from dynamical systems together with the Fermats
principle is used.
By assuming Einternal = Eext_potential, it is possible to
reduce the minimization of equation (1) to the following form:

min v ( s ) = g ( I ( x, y ) (v( s )) v s ( s ) ds

This is done by using Euler-Lagrange, and defining

an embedding function of the set of curves v(s), (s,
t). That is an implicit representation of v(s), assuming
that v(s) is a level set of a function (s,t):[0,a] *[0,b]
R, the following equation for curve/surface evolution is derived:
= g (I )(C + K ) Y

where C is a positive real constant and K is the Euclidean

curvature in the direction of the normal.
To summarize the force (C+K) acts as the internal force in the classical energy-based snake model,
smoothness being provided by the curvature part of the
flow. The heat-flow K is the regularization curvature
flow that replaces the second order smoothness term
in equation (1). The external-image dependent force
is given by the stopping function, g(I). Thus this
function stops the evolving curve when it arrives at
the objects boundaries.
The advantage of using a level set is that one can
perform numerical computations involving curves and
surfaces on a fixed Cartesian grid without having to
parameterize these objects (this is called the Eulerian
approach). Moreover, level set representation can
handle topological shape changes as the surface evolves
and it is less sensitive to initialisation. Figure 1 shows


Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision

the results of the level set approach applied to a biomedical colour image. Figure 1.a) shows the original
image, b) show the initialization, which is composed
by multiple curves. This is also an advantage over the
classical ACM. Figure 1.c) shows the results after 50
iterations and d) show the final ROI detection.
Figure 2 shows different results for ROI detection
in biomedical images with the geodesic active contour
model. Column (a) and (c) show the original image and
(b) and (d) the final segmentation result.
The model is efficient in time and accuracy. However, there are also some drawbacks in terms of effi-

ciency and convergence. It has non-free parameters,

is dependent of the time step, t, and the spatial one.


A powerful approach to computing the local minima
of a functional such as equation (1) is to construct
a dynamical system that is governed by the energy
minimization function and allows the system to evolve
to equilibrium.

Figure 1. Geodesic active contour model with multiple initializations





Figure 2. Results of ROI detection with the geodesic active contour model





Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision

In order to compute a minimum energy solution

numerically, it is necessary to discretize the energy (1).
Thus, the continuous model, v is represented in discrete
form by a vector U of shape parameters associated
with the local-support basis functions. The discretized
version of the Lagrangian dynamics equation may be
written as a set of second-order ordinary differential
equations for the discrete nodal points displacements
U, that is a vector of the (x, y, z) displacements of
the n nodal points that represents the ROI, thus:

MU + CU + KU = F


That is the governing equation of the physical

model, which is characterized by its mass matrix M,
its stiffness matrix K and its dumping matrix C and
the vector on the right hand side is describing the x, y,
and z components of the forces acting on the nodes.
Equation (4) is known as the governing equation in the
FEM method, and may be interpreted as assigning a
certain mass to each nodal point and a certain material
stiffness and damping between nodal points.
The main drawback of the FEM is the large computational expense. Another important problem when using
the FEM for vision is that all the degrees of freedom
are coupled. Therefore, closed-form solutions are not
possible. In order to solve the problem the system may
be diagonalized by means of a linear transform into
the vibration modal space of the mesh modelling the
ROI (Pentland, 1991). Thus, vector U is transformed
by a matrix P derived from the free vibrations modes
of the equilibrium equation. Therefore, an eigenvalue
problem can be derived with the basis set of eigensolutions composed by {wi, i}. The eigenvector i is called

the ith modes shape vector and wi is the corresponding

frequency of vibration. Each eigenvector i consists of
the (x, y, z) displacement for each mode that parameterize the ROI. Usually the basis set is reduced by its
Karhunen-Loeve (KL) expansion.
The model maybe also extended to contain a set of
ROIs. Thus, for a given image in a training set, a vector containing the largest vibration modes describing
the different deformable ROI surfaces is created. This
random vector may be statistically constrained by retaining the most significant variation modes of its KL
expansion on the image data set. By these means, the
conjunction of ROI surfaces may be deformed according
to the variability observed in the training set.
Figure 3 shows the results of the FEM model applied to a brain magnetic resonance image and a lung
computed tomography image. Figure 3.a) shows the
original structure inside the initial mesh surface and
b) show the model obtained after evolve the spherical
mesh by means of equation (3). Figure 3. c) shows the
original lung structure and d) the final model when using also a spherical mesh as initial surface.

Deformable models are suitable for different applications and domains such as computer vision, computational fluid dynamics, computer graphics and biomechanics. However, each model usually is application
dependent and further improvements and processing
of the model should be done to achieve satisfactory
results. Techniques based on region properties, fuzzy
logic theory and combination of different models have

Figure 3. Results of the FEM model





Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision

already been suggested (Ray, 2001), (Bueno, 2004),

(Yu, 2002), (Bridson, 2005).
Moreover, these techniques have been broadly used
to model real life phenomena, like fire, water, cloth,
fracturing materials, etc. Results and models from these
research areas may be of practical significance if they
are applied in Artificial Vision.

Energy minimizing active models has been shown to be a
powerful technique to detect, track and model interfaces
and shapes of ROIs. Since the work on ACM by (Kass,
1987) energy minimizing active models have been applied and improved by using different mathematical and
physical techniques. The most promising models are
those presented here: the geodesic and the FEM one
for ROI tracking and modeling respectively.
The models are suitable for color and 3D images.
The geodesic model may handle topological changes
on the ROI surface and in not sensitive to initialization.
The FEM model may represent the relative location of
different ROI surfaces and it is able to accommodate
their significant variability across different images of
the ROI. The surfaces of each ROI are parameterized by
the amplitudes of the vibration modes of a deformable
geometrical mesh, which can handle small rotations and
translations. However, as mentioned before there is still
room for further improvements within these models.

Bridson, R. Teran, J. Molino, N. and Fedkiw, R. (2005).
Adaptative Physics Based Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Using Level Sets, Engineering with Computers
21, 2-18.
Bueno G., Martnez A. (2004). Fuzzy-Snake Segmentation of Anatomical Structures Applied to CT Images.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3212, pp.
Caselles V., Kimmel R., and Sapiro G. (1997). Geodesic Active Contours, Int. J. Computer Vision, vol.
22(1), pp. 61-79.
Cootes T.F., Cooper D., Taylor C. and Graham J. (1992).
A Trainable Method of Parametric Shape Description.
Image and Vision Computing, vol. 10, pp.289-294.

Duncan J.S. and Ayache N. (2000). Medical Image

Analysis: Progress over Two Decades and the Challenges Ahead. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol. 22, pp.
Ivins J., Porrill J. (1994). Active Region Models for
Segmenting Medical Images. IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, pp. 227-231.
Kass M., Witkin A., Terzopoulos D. (1987). Snakes:
Active Contour Models. Int. J. of Computer Vision,
pp. 321331.
Malladi R., Sethian J. A. and Vemuri B.C. (1995). Shape
Modelling with Front Propagation: A Level Set Approach. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, vol. 17, pp. 158-175.
McInerney T. and Terzopoulos D. (1996). Deformable
models in medical image analysis: A survey. Medical
Image Analysis, vol. 2(1), pp. 91-108.
Osher, S. and Sethian, J. A. (1988). Fronts propagating
with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on
Hamilton-Jacobi formulations. Journal of Computation
Physics, vol. 79, pp. 1249.
Pentland A. and Sclaro. S. (1991). Closed-form solutions for physically based shape modelling and recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intelligence,
vol. 13, pp. 730-742.
Ray N., Havlicek J., Acton S. T., Pattichis M. (2001).
Active Contour Segmentation Guided by AM-FM
Dominant Component Analysis. IEEE Int. Conference
on Image Processing pp. 78-81.
Solaiman B., Debon R. Pipelier F., Cauvin J.-M., and
Roux C. (1999). Information Fusion: Application to
Data and Model Fusion for Ultrasound Image Segmentation. IEEE Trans. on BioMedical Engineering,
vol. 46(10), pp. 1171-1175.
Terzopoulos D. and Metaxas D. (1991) Dynamic 3D
Models with Local and Global Deformations:Deformable Superquadrics. IEEE Transactions on PAMI, vol.
13(7), pp. 703 714.
Wang H., Ghosh B. (2000) Geometric Active Deformable Models in Shape Modelling. IEEE Transactions
on Image Processing, vol. 9(2), pp. 302-308.
Yu Z. and Bajaj C. (2002). Image Segmentation Using Gradient Vector Diffusion and Region Merging.

Energy Minimizing Active Models in Artificial Vision


Geodesic Curve: In presence of a metric, geodesics

are defined to be (locally) the shortest path between
points on the space. In the presence of an affine connection, geodesics are defined to be curves whose tangent
vectors remain parallel if they are transported along it.
Geodesics describe the motion of point particles.

Active Model: It is a numerical technique for tracking interfaces and shapes based on partial differential
equations. The model is a curve or surface which iteratively deforms to fit to an object in an image.

Karhunen-Loeve: Mathematical techniques

equivalent to Principal Component Analysis transform
aiming to reduce multidimensional data sets to lower
dimensions for analysis of their variance.

Conventional Mathematical Modeling: The applied science of creating computerized models. That is a
theoretical construct that represents a system composed
by set of region of interest, with a set of parameters,
both variables together with logical and quantitative
relationships between them, by means of mathematical language to describe the behavior of the system.
Parameters are determined by finding a curve in 2D or
a surface in 3D, each patch of which is defined by a net
of curves in two parametric directions, which matches
a series of data points and possibly other constraints.

Modal Analysis: Study of the dynamic properties

and response of structures and or fluids under vibrational
excitation. Typical excitation signals can be classed as
impulse, broadband, swept sine, chirp, and possibly
others. The resulting response will show one or more
resonances, whose characteristic mass, frequency and
damping can be estimated from the measurements.

IEEE Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, vol. 2,

pp. 20941.

Finite Element Method: Numerical technique used

for finding approximate solution of partial differential
equations (PDE) as well as of integral equations. The
solution approach is based either on eliminating the differential equation completely (steady state problems),
or rendering the PDE into an equivalent ordinary differential equation, which is then solved using standard
techniques such as finite differences.

Tracking: Tracking is the process of locating a

moving object (or several ones) in time. An algorithm
analyses the image sequence and outputs the location
of moving targets within the image. There are two
major components of a visual tracking system; Target
Representation and Localization and Filtering and
Data Association. The 1st one is mostly a bottom-up
process which involve segmentation and matching. The
2nd one is mostly a top-down process, which involves
incorporating prior information about the scene or
object, dealing with object dynamics, and evaluation
of different hypotheses.



Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

M. Paz Sesmero Lorente
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Juan Manuel Alonso-Weber
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Germn Gutirrez Snchez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Agapito Ledezma Espino
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Araceli Sanchis de Miguel
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Machine Learning (ML) is the subfield of Artificial
Intelligence conceived with the bold objective to develop computational methods that would implement
various forms of learning, in particular mechanisms
capable of inducing knowledge form examples or data
(Kubat, Bratko & Michalski, 1998, p. 3).
The simplest and best-understood ML task is known
as supervised learning. In supervised learning, each
example consists of a vector of features (x) and a class
(y). The goal of the learning algorithm is, given a set of
examples and their classes, find a function, f, that can
be applied to assign the correct class to new examples.
When the function f takes values from a discrete set
of classes {C1, .., CK,}, f is called a classifier (Dietterich, 2002).
In the last decades it has been proved that learning
tasks in which the unknown function f takes more than
two values (multi-class learning problems) the better
approach is to decompose the problem into multiple
two-class classification problems (Ou & Murphey,
2007) (Dietterich, & Bakiri, 1995) (Massulli & Valentini, 2000).
This article describes the implementation of a system
whose main task is to classify prohibition road signs
into several categories. In order to reduce the learning
problem complexity and to improve the classification
performance, the system is composed by a collection
(ensemble) of independent binary classifiers. In the
proposed approach, each binary classifier is a single-

output neural network (NN) trained to distinguish a

particular road sign kind from the others.
The proposed system is a part of a Driver Support
System (DSS) supported by the Spanish Government
under project TRA2004-07441-C03-C02. For this
reason, one of the main system requirements is that it
should be implemented in hardware in order to use it
aboard a vehicle for real time categorization. In order
to fulfill this constraint, a reduction in the number of
features that describe the instances must be performed.
As consequence if we have k generic road sign types
we will use k binary NN and k feature selection process
will be executed.

It is known that road signs carry essential information
for safe driving. Among other things, they permit or
prohibit certain maneuvers, warn about risk factors, set
speed limits and provide information about directions,
destinations, etc. Therefore, road sign recognition is an
essential task for the development of an autonomous
Driver Support System.
In spite of the increasing interest in the last years,
traffic sign recognition is one of the less studied
subjects in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems.
Approaches in this area have been mainly focused on
the resolution of other problems, such as road border
detection (Dickmanns & Zapp, 1986) (Pomerlau &
Jochem, 1996) or the recognition of obstacles in the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

vehicles path such as pedestrians (Franke, Gavrilla,

Grxig, Lindner, Paetzold & Whler, 1998) (Handmann,
Kalinke, Tzomakas, Werner & Seelen, 1999) or other
vehicles (Bertozzy & Broggi, 1998).
When the number of road sign types is large, road
sign recognition task is separated in two processes:
detection and classification. Detection process is
responsible for the localization and extraction of the
potential signs from images captured by cameras. Only
when the potential signs have been detected they can
be classified as one of the available road sign-types.
In the published researches, detection is based on
color and/or shape of traffic signs (Lalonde & Li, 1995).
On the other hand, to solve the classification task several ML algorithms have been used. Among the used
techniques it is worth mentioning: The Markov Model
(Hsien & Chen, 2003), Artificial Neural Networks (Escalera, Moreno, Salich & Armingol, 1997) (Yang, Liu
& Huang, 2003), Ring Partitioned Method (Soetedjo &
Yammada 2005), the Matching Pursuit Filter (Hsu &
Huang 2001) or the Laplace Kernel classifier (Paclk,
Novovicov, Pudil, & Somol, 1999).


In this work, we present the architecture of a system
whose task is to classify prohibition road signs into
several categories. This task can be described as a
supervised learning problem in which the input information comes from a set of road signs arranged in a
fixed number of categories (classes) and the goal is to
extract, from the input data, the real knowledge needed
to classify correctly new signs.
The proposed system is a Multilayer Perceptron
(MLP) based classifier trained with the Back-Propagation algorithm. In order to integrate this classification
system into a DSS capable to perform real-time traffic
sign categorization, a hardware implementation on Field
Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is necessary.
With the aim of reducing the problem complexity,
an ensemble of specialized neural networks is proposed.
In addition and due to the strict size limitations of ANN
implementation on FPGAs (Zhu & Sutton, 2003) the
construction of each specialized MLP is combined
with a specific reduction in the number of features that
describes the examples.

Traffic Sign Pre-Processing

Since the signs to be classified are embodied in images
acquired by a camera attached to a moving vehicle, it can
be assumed that the signs have a varying size (signs get
bigger as the vehicle moves toward them). Therefore,
once the traffic signs have been detected, the first step
is to normalize them to a specific size. The aim of this
process is to ensure that all the signs (examples) are
described by the same number of pixels (features). In
our approach we have used 32x32 pixel signs.
Once the signs have been normalized, a grayscale
conversion is performed. Since the original images are
represented in the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) color
space, this conversion is done by adding the red, green
and blue values for each pixel and dividing by three. As
result of both processes, each road sign is transformed
into a 1024 element vector in which each pixel is represented by a real number in the range [0.0, 1.0].

System Architecture
The general framework of the proposed system (Figure
1) is composed of two modules: the Data Preprocessing
Module (DPM) and the Classification Module (CLM).
The DPMs function is to select from among the 1024
attributes that describe a sign the subset that each specialized neural network inside the CLM must receive.
On the other hand, the CLMs function is to classify
each input data set as one of the available prohibition
road sign-types. Since this module is composed of
several independent classifiers, in order to obtain the
final classification, an integration of the individual
predictions is required.
To build both, the DPM and the CLM, a new data
encoding schema is necessary. In particular, the multiclass problem has to be decomposed into a set of binary

Data Preprocessing Module

Practical experience shows that using as much as possible input information (features) does not imply higher
output accuracy. Feature subset selection (Witten &
Frank, 2005) (Hall, 1998) is the procedure of selecting
just the relevant information, avoiding irrelevant and
redundant information and reducing the learning task


Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

Figure 1. General framework of the proposed architecture







The proposed architecture adopts a model in which

the feature subset that describes an example is not
unique but depends on the task associated to each classifier. In other words, since the classification problem
is divided in k binary sub-problems, k feature selection
procedures are necessary.
In this work, the feature selection module has been
built using the Weka tool (Witten & Frank, 2005). At
first, several feature selection algorithms from those
included in Weka were considered (Sesmero, AlonsoWeber, Gutirrez, Ledezma & Sanchis, 2007). After
analyzing both, the feature set size and the experimental
results, combination of Best First (Russell & Norvig,
2003) and Correlation-based Feature Selection (Hall,
1998) was selected as base for the DPM construction.

Classification Module
The Classification Module is based on an One Against
All (OAA) model. In this modeling, the final classifier
is composed of a collection of binary classifiers where
each of them is specialized in discriminating a specific
road sign type from the others. Therefore, for a classification problem where k road sign types have to be
separated, this approach results in a system in which
for each existing class a different NN is used.
Decomposing the global classifier into a set of independent NN not only reduces the complexity problem
but also permits that the DPM is able to select the most
significant attribute set for each binary classification


Decision Module





task. In addition, each NN can have its own architecture

(number of hidden nodes, activation function, learning
rate, etc) and since there is no connection between the
individual networks, the training can be performed
distributing the work on several processors.

ANNs Output Combination

Once the binary NNs have been trained the global
classifier system can be generated. However, since each
classifier makes its own prediction, a decision module
that integrates the results from the set of classifiers and
produces a unique final classification is required. Experimentally it is found that, for the proposed classification
task, the most efficient decision criterion is selecting
the NN with the highest output value. Therefore, the
formula used in the decision module is:
f ( x , f1 , f 2 ,........ f k ) = arg max( f i ),
i =1,..., k


where fi is the output value of the neural network associated to the i-th class.

Classification Process
When the system receives an unlabeled road sign to be
classified in some of the fixed categories, such sign is
sent to each classifiers input module. The DPM selects
the pixel subset according to its relevant attribute list.
The chosen pixels are used as the input for the asso-

Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

ciated ANN, which applies its knowledge to make a

prediction. The individual predictions are sent to the
decision module that carries out an integration of the
received information and produces a unique final classification. This process is shown is Figure 2.

MLP with 1024 input nodes, 36 hidden nodes and 1

output node.
Finally, in the OAA approach with Feature Selection
(experiment 3), the problem is solved with an ensemble
containing 10 binary MLP with 36 hidden nodes in
each. The number of input units and, therefore, the
feature space used by each ANN is determined by the
DPM. This number is shown in Table1.
In order to build the binary classifiers used in the
last two experiments, a new class encoding schema is
necessary. In both cases, the class associated with each
patter is encoded using a bit. Since in both experiments,
the i-th binary classifier is trained to distinguish the
class i from all the other class, the new encoding is
equivalent to select the ci component from the previous codification.
In Table 2 we show the estimate classification accuracy for the described experiments when a 10-fold
cross validation process is used.
The experimental evaluation reflects that splitting
the classification task into binary subtasks (experiment
2) increases the classification accuracy.
On the other hand, the loss of classification accuracy when the feature selection process is performed
(experiment 3) is not very significant compared with
the benefits of the drastic input data reduction.

Empirical Evaluation
The proposed system has been validated over 5000
examples arranged in ten generic kinds of prohibition
road signs: no pedestrians, no left/right turn ahead, no
stopping and no parking, no overtaking, and 20-30-4050-60 and 100 km speed limits.
In order to evaluate our approach, three classification methods have been compared:

The direct multi-class approach,

The OAA approach with the full feature space
The OAA approach with feature selection.

In the direct multi-class approach (experiment 1),

the classification problem has been solved with a MLP
with 1024 (32 32) input nodes, one hidden layer with
50 neurons and one output layer with 10 neurons. In
this approach the class associated to each learning pattern is encoded using a vector C, which has as many
components ci as existing class (10). The component
value ci will be 1 if the sign belongs to class i, and 0
in any other case.
In the OAA approach with the full feature space
(experiment 2) the previous net is split into ten binary
ANN. In other words, this approach uses 10 binary

The future work will be mainly focused on extending
the system in order to cope with regulatory, warning,
indication, etc, signs, i.e, with a bigger number of
classes. This task will allow us to investigate and de-

Figure 2. Classification process

road sign


Decision Module


f = arg max ( f i )
i =1,... k



Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

Table 1. Number of selected features; in the first column appears the label of each class

Prohibition road sign

Number of selected

no pedestrians
no (left, right) turn ahead
stopping and no parking
no passing
60 km speed limit
50 km speed limit
40 km speed limit
30 km speed limit
20 km speed limit
100 km speed limit

Table 2. Summary of estimate classification accuracy (percentage)







velop new procedures that will contribute to the design

of a more versatile system.
In the design of this new system, other multi-class approach such as the One Against Higher Order Modeling
(Lu & Ito, 1999) and the Error-Correction Output Code
(Dietterich & Bakiri, 1995) would be analyzed.

In this work, an architecture for traffic sign classification has been described. The software implementation
shows very high recognition rates. For this reason this
architecture can be considered as a good solution for
the traffic sign classification problem.
Moreover, the features of this architecture make
it possible to implement this system on FPGAs and,
therefore, to use it in real-time applications.







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Dietterich, T.G. & Bakiri, G. (1995). Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via Error-Correcting Output
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Escalera, A., Moreno, L.E., Salich, M.A. & Armingol,
J.M. (1997). Road Traffic Sign Detection and Classi-


Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

fication. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,

(44) 6, 848-859.
Franke, U., Gavrila D., Grxig, S., Lindner, F., Paetzold,
F. & Whler, C. (1998). Autonomous Driving Goes
Downtown. IEEE Intelligent Systems, (13) 6, 40-48.
Hall, M.A. Correlation-based Feature Selection for
Machine Learning. Ph.D diss. Hamilton, NZ: Waikato
University Department of Computer Science (1998)
Handmann, U., Kalinke, T., Tzomakas, C., Werner,
M. & Seelen, W. (1999). An Image Processing System
for Driver Assistance. Image and Vision Computing,
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Hsien, J.C. & Chen, S.Y. (2003). Road Sign Detection
and Recognition Using Markov Model. 14th Workshop
on Object-Orient Technology and Applications, 529536.
Hsu S.H. & Huang, C.L. (2001). Road sign detection
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Kubat, M., Bratko, I. & Michalski, R. (1998). A Review
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Artificial Neural Network: Structure composes
of a group of interconnected artificial neurons or units.
The objective of a NN is to transform the inputs into
meaningful outputs.
Correlation-based Feature Selection: Feature
Selection(*) algorithm which heuristic measures the
correlation between attributes and rewards those feature
subsets in which each feature is highly correlated with
the class and uncorrelated with other subset features.
Feature Selection: Process, commonly used
in machine learning, of identifying and removing as
much of the irrelevant and redundant information as


Ensemble of ANN for Traffic Sign Recognition

Feature Space: n-dimensional space where each

example (pattern) is represented as a point. The dimension of this space is equal to the number of features
used to describe the patterns.
Field Programmable Array (FPGA): A FPGA
is an integrated circuit that can be programmed in the
field after manufacture.
K-Cross-Validation: Method to estimate the accuracy of a classifier system. In this approach, the dataset,
D, is randomly split into K mutually exclusive subsets
(folds) of equal size (D1, D2, , Dk) and K classifiers
are built. The i-th classifier is trained on the union of
all Dj ji and tested on Di. The estimate accuracy is
the overall number of correct classifications divided
by the number of instances in the dataset.


Machine Learning: Computer Scientific field

focused on the design, analysis and implementation,
of algorithms that learn from experience.
One Against All: Approach to solve multi-class
classification problems which creates one binary problem for each of the K classes. The classifier for class
i is trained to distinguish examples in class i from all
other examples.
Weka: Collection of machine learning algorithms
for solving data mining problems implemented in Java
and open sourced under the GPL.


Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam

ngela Blanco
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain
Manuel Martn-Merino
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Spain

Unsolicited commercial email also known as Spam
is becoming a serious problem for Internet users and
providers (Fawcett, 2003). Several researchers have applied machine learning techniques in order to improve
the detection of spam messages. Naive Bayes models
are the most popular (Androutsopoulos, 2000) but
other authors have applied Support Vector Machines
(SVM) (Drucker, 1999), boosting and decision trees
(Carreras, 2001) with remarkable results. SVM has
revealed particularly attractive in this application because it is robust against noise and is able to handle a
large number of features (Vapnik, 1998).
Errors in anti-spam email filtering are strongly asymmetric. Thus, false positive errors or valid messages
that are blocked, are prohibitively expensive. Several
authors have proposed new versions of the original
SVM algorithm that help to reduce the false positive
errors (Kolz, 2001, Valentini, 2004 & Kittler, 1998).
In particular, it has been suggested that combining
non-optimal classifiers can help to reduce particularly
the variance of the predictor (Valentini, 2004 & Kittler,
1998) and consequently the misclassification errors.
In order to achieve this goal, different versions of the
classifier are usually built by sampling the patterns
or the features (Breiman, 1996). However, in our application it is expected that the aggregation of strong
classifiers will help to reduce more the false positive
errors (Provost, 2001 & Hershop, 2005).
In this paper, we address the problem of reducing
the false positive errors by combining classifiers based
on multiple dissimilarities. To this aim, a diversity of
classifiers is built considering dissimilarities that reflect
different features of the data.
The dissimilarities are first embedded into an
Euclidean space where a SVM is adjusted for each
measure. Next, the classifiers are aggregated using a

voting strategy (Kittler, 1998). The method proposed

has been applied to the Spam UCI machine learning
database (Hastie, 2001) with remarkable results.


An important step in the design of a classifier is the
choice of the proper dissimilarity that reflects the
proximities among the objects. However, the choice
of a good dissimilarity for the problem at hand is not
an easy task. Each measure reflects different features
of the dataset and no dissimilarity outperforms the
others in a wide range of problems. In this section, we
comment shortly the main differences among several
dissimilarities that can be applied to model the proximities among emails. For a deeper description and
definitions see for instance (Cox, 2001).
The Euclidean distance evaluates if the features
that codify the spam differ significantly among the
messages. This measure is sensible to the size of the
emails. The cosine dissimilarity reflects the angle between the spam messages. The value is independent
of the message length. It differs significantly from the
Euclidean distance when the data is not normalized. The
correlation measure checks if the features that codify
the spam change in the same way in different emails.
Correlation based measures tend to group together
samples whose features are linearly related. The correlation differs significantly from the cosine if the mean
of the vectors that represents the emails are not zero.
This measure is distorted by outliers. The Spearman
rank correlation avoids this problem by computing a
correlation between the ranks of the features. Another
kind of correlation measure that helps to overcome the
problem of outliers is the kendall-t index which is related
to the Mutual Information probabilistic measure.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam Filtering

When the emails are codified in high dimensional

and noisy spaces, the dissimilarities mentioned above
are affected by the `curse of dimensionality' (Aggarwal, 2001 & Martn-Merino, 2004). Hence, most
of the dissimilarities become almost constant and the
differences among dissimilarities are lost (Hinneburg,
2000 & Martn-Merino, 2005). This problem can be
avoided selecting a small number of features before
the dissimilarities are computed.


In this section, we explain how the SVM can be extended to work directly from a dissimilarity measure.
Next, the ensemble of classifiers based on multiple
dissimilarities is presented. Finally we comment briefly
the related work.
The SVM is a powerful machine learning technique
that is able to deal with high dimensional and noisy
data (Vapnik, 1998). In spite of this, the original SVM
algorithm is not able to work directly from a dissimilarity matrix. To overcome this problem, we follow the
approach of (Pekalska, 2001). First, the dissimilarities are embedded into an Euclidean space such that
the inter-pattern distances reflect approximately the
original dissimilarity matrix. Next, the test points are
embedded via a linear algebra operation and finally the
SVM is trained and evaluated. We comment briefly the
mathematical details.
Let D Rnxn be the dissimilarity matrix made up of
the object proximities for the training set. A configuration in a low dimensional Euclidean space can be found
via a metric multidimensional scaling algorithm (MDS)
(Cox, 2001) such that the original dissimilarities are
approximately preserved. Let X= [x1,,xn]T Rnxp
be the matrix of the object coordinates for the training patterns. Define B = X XT as the matrix of inner
products which is related to the dissimilarity matrix
via the following equation:
B = -1/2 J D(2) J


where J= I - 1/n 1 1T Rnxn is the centering matrix, I is

the identity matrix and D(2) = (dij2) is the matrix of the
square dissimilarities for the training patterns. If B is
positive semi-definite, the object coordinates in the low
dimensional Euclidean space Rk can be found through

a singular value decomposition (Golub, 1996):

Xk = Vk k 1/2,


where Vk Rnxk is an orthogonal matrix with columns

the first k eigen vectors of X XT and k = diag(1 k)
Rkxk is a diagonal matrix with i the i-th eigenvalue.
Several dissimilarities introduced in section 2 generate
inner product matrices B non semi-definite positive.
Fortunately, the negative values are small in our
application and therefore can be neglected without
losing relevant information about the data (Pekalska,
Once the training patterns have been embedded into
a low dimensional Euclidean space, the test pattern can
be added to this space via a linear projection (Pekalska,
2001). Next we comment briefly the derivation.
Let Xk Rnxk be the object configuration for the
training patterns in Rk and Xn = [x1,.., xs]T Rsxk the
matrix of the object coordinates sought for the test
patterns. Let Dn(2) Rsxn be the matrix of the square
dissimilarities between the s test patterns and the n
training patterns that have been already projected. The
matrix Bn Rsxn of inner products among the test and
training patterns can be found as:
Bn = - (Dn(2) J - U D(2) J)


where J Rnxn is the centering matrix and U = 1/n

1T 1 Rsxn. The derivation of equation is detailed in
(Pekalska, 2001). Since the matrix of inner products
Bn = Xn XkT,


then, Xn can be found as the least mean-square error

solution to (4), that is:
Xn = Bn Xk (XkT Xk)-1


Given that XkT Xk = k and considering that Xk

= Vk k1/2 the coordinates for the test points can be
obtained as:
Xn = Bn Vk k -1/2,


which can be easily evaluated through simple linear

algebraic operations.

Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam Filtering

Figure 1. Aggregation of classifiers using a voting

strategy. Bold patterns are missclassified by a single
hyperplane but not by the combination.

First, our method generates the diversity of classifiers by considering different dissimilarities and thus
will induce a stronger diversity among classifiers.
A second advantage of our method is that it is able
to work directly with a dissimilarity matrix. Finally,
the combination of several dissimilarities avoids the
problem of choosing a particular dissimilarity for the
application we are dealing with. This is a difficult and
time consuming task.
Notice that the algorithm proposed earlier can be
easily applied to other classifiers such as the k-nearest
neighbor algorithm that are based on distances.


The combination strategy proposed here is based on

the evidence that different dissimilarities reflect different features of the dataset (see section 2). Therefore,
classifiers based on different measures will missclassify
a different set of patterns.
Figure 1 shows for instance that bold patterns are
assigned to the wrong class by only one classifier but
using a voting strategy the patterns will be assigned
to the right class.
Hence, our combination algorithm proceeds as follows: First, the dissimilarities introduced in section 2
are computed. Each dissimilarity is embedded into an
Euclidean space, training and test pattern coordinates
are obtained using equations (2) and (6) respectively. To
increase the diversity of classifiers, once the dissimilarities are embedded a bootstrap sample of the patterns is
drawn. Next, we train a SVM for each dissimilarity and
bootstrap sample. Thus, it is expected that misclassification errors will change from one classifier to another.
So the combination of classifiers by a voting strategy
will help to reduce the misclassification errors.
A related technique to combine classifiers is the
Bagging (Breiman, 1996 & Bauer, 1999). This method
generates a diversity of classifiers that are trained using several bootstrap samples. Next, the classifiers are
aggregated using a voting strategy. Nevertheless there
are three important differences between bagging and
the method proposed in this section.

In this section, the ensemble of classifiers proposed is

applied to the identification of spam messages.
The spam collection considered is available from
the UCI Machine learning database (Hastie, 2001). The
corpus is made up of 4601 emails from which 39.4 %
are spam and 60.6 % legitimate messages. The number
of features considered to codify the emails is 57 and
they are described in (Hastie, 2001).

Figure 2. Eigenvalues for the multidimensional scaling

algorithm with the cosine dissimilarity


Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam Filtering

The dissimilarities have been computed without

normalizing the variables because this may increase
the correlation among them. Once the dissimilarities
have been embedded in a Euclidean space, the variables
are normalized to unit variance and zero mean. This
preprocessing improves the SVM accuracy and the
speed of convergence.
Regarding the ensemble of classifiers, an important
issue is the dimensionality in which the dissimilarity
matrix is embedded. To this aim, a metric Multidimensional Scaling algorithm is first run. The number
of eigenvectors considered is determined by the curve
induced by the eigenvalues. For the dataset considered,

figure 2 shows that the first twenty eigenvalues preserve

the main structure of the dataset.
The combination strategy proposed in this paper
has been also applied to the k-nearest neighbor classifier. An important parameter in this algorithm is the
number of neighbors which has been estimated using
20 % of the patterns as a validation set.
The classifiers have been evaluated from two different points of view: on the one hand we have computed
the misclassification errors. But in our application,
false positives errors are very expensive and should
be avoided. Therefore false positive errors are also

Table 1. Experimental results for the ensemble of SVM classifiers. Classifiers based solely on a single dissimilarity and Bagging have been taken as reference

Bagging Euclidean


Linear Kernel
False positive

Polynomial Kernel
False positive

Parameters: Linear kernel: C=0.1, m=20; Polynomial kernel:Degree=2, C=5, m=20

Table 2. Experimental results for the ensemble of k-NN classifiers. Classifiers based solely on a single dissimilarity and Bagging have been taken as reference
Parameters: k=2


False positive

Ensemble of SVM Classifiers for Spam Filtering

Finally the errors have been evaluated considering a

subset of 20 % of the patterns drawn randomly without
replacement from the original dataset.
Table 1 shows the experimental results for the
ensemble of classifiers using the SVM. The method
proposed has been compared with bagging introduced
in section 3 and with classifiers based on a single dissimilarity.
From the analysis of table 1 the following conclusions can be drawn:

The combination strategy improves significantly

the Euclidean distance which is usually considered
by most SVM algorithms.
The combination strategy with polynomial kernel
reduces significantly the false positive errors of the
best single classifier. The improvement is smaller
for the linear kernel. This can be explained because
the non-linear kernel allow us to build classifiers
with larger variance and therefore the combination strategy can achieve a larger improvement
of the false positive errors. We also report that
for the combination strategy as the C parameter
increases the false positive errors converge to 0
although the false negative errors increase.
The combination strategy proposed outperforms
a widely used aggregation method such as Bagging. The improvement is particularly important
for the polynomial kernel.

Table 2 shows the experimental results for the ensemble of k-NNs classifiers. As in the previous case,
the combination strategy proposed improves particularly the false positive errors of classifiers based on
a single distance. We also report that Bagging is not
able to reduce the false positive errors of the Euclidean
distance. Besides, our combination strategy improves
significantly the Bagging algorithm. Finally, we observe
that the misclassification errors are larger for k-NN
than for the SVM. This can be explained because the
SVM has a higher generalization ability.

errors of classifiers based solely on a single distance.

Besides, the algorithm is able to work directly from a
dissimilarity matrix. The algorithm has been applied
to the identification of spam messages.
The experimental results suggest that the method
proposed help to improve both, misclassification errors and false positive errors. We also report that our
algorithm outperforms classifiers based on a single
dissimilarity and other combination strategies such
as bagging.
As future research trends, we will try to apply other
combination strategies that assign different weight to
each classifier.

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International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT).
Cairo, Egypt: Morgan Kaufmann, September 2000,
pp. 506-515.


Kittler, J., Hatef, M., Duin, R., Matas, J. On combining

classifiers, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 228-239, March 1998.
Kolcz, A., Alspector, J. SVM-based filtering of E-mail
Spam with content-specific misclassification costs.
Workshop on Text Mining (TextDM2001), 1-14, San
Jose, California, 2001.

Bootstrap: Resampling technique based on several

random samples drawn with replacement.
Dissimilarity: It is a measure of proximity that does
not obey the triangle inequality.
Kernel: Non-linear transformation to a high dimensional feature space.
K-NN: K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm for classication purposes.
MDS: Multidimensional Scaling Algorithm applied
for the visualization of high dimensional data.

Martn-Merino, M., Muoz, A. A new Sammon algorithm for sparse data visualization. International
Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), vol.1.
Cambridge (UK): IEEE Press, August 2004, pp. 477481.

SVD: Singular Value Decomposition. Linear

algebra operation that is used by many optimization

Martn-Merino, M., Muoz, A. Self organizing map

and Sammon mapping for asymmetric proximities.
Neurocomputing, vol. 63, pp. 171-192, 2005.

UCE: Unsolicited Commercial Email, also known

as Spam.


SVM: Support Vector Machines classifier.


Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility


Bohumil Sulc
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
David Klimanek
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Evolutionary algorithms are well known optimization techniques suitable for solving various kinds
of problems (Ruano, 2005). The new application of
evolutionary algorithms represents their use in the
detection of biased control loop functions caused by
controlled variable sensor discredibility (Klimanek,
Sulc, 2005). Sensor discredibility occurs when a sensor
transmitting values of the controlled variable provides
inexact information, however the information is not
absolutely faulty yet. Use of discredible sensors in
control circuits may cause the real values of controlled
variables to exceed the range of tolerated differences,
whereas zero control error is being displayed. However,
this is not the only negative consequence. Sometimes,
sensor discredibility is accompanied with undesirable
and hardly recognizable side effects. Most typical is an
increase of harmful emission production in the case of
combustion control (Sulc, Klimanek, 2005).
We have found that evolutionary algorithms are
useful tools for solving the particular problem of
finding a software-based way (co-called software redundancy) of sensor discredibility detection. Software
redundancy is a more economic way than the usual
hardware redundancy, which is otherwise necessary
in control loop protection against this small, invisible
control error occurrence.
Namely, the standard genetic algorithm and the
simulated annealing algorithm have been successfully
applied and tested to minimize the given cost function; by means of these algorithms newly developed
method is able to detect controlled variable sensor
discredibility. When applied to combustion processes,
production of harmful emissions can be kept within
accepted limits.
Used application of evolutionary algorithms inclusive terminology transfer reflecting this application area

can serve as an explanatory case study helping readers

in better understanding the way how the evolutionary
algorithms operate.

The above-mentioned controlled variable sensor discredibility detection represents a specific part of the
fault detection field in control engineering. According to
some authors (Venkatasubramanian, Rengaswamy, 200
3, Korbic, 2004), fault detection methods are classified
into three general categories: quantitative model-based
methods, qualitative model-based methods, and process
history based methods. In contrast to the mentioned approaches, where priori knowledge about the process is
needed, for the controlled variable sensor discredibility
detection it is useful to employ methods of evolutionary algorithms. The main advantage of such a solution
is that necessary information about the changes in
controlled variable sensor properties can be obtained
with the help of evolutionary algorithms based on the
standard process data this is, in any case, acquired
and recorded for the sake of process control.
In order to apply evolutionary algorithms to controlled variable sensor discredibility detection, a cost
function was designed as a residual function e defined
by the absolute value of difference between the sensor
model output (ym) and the real sensor output (yreal),
e =|yreal ym|


The design of residual function e has been explained

in detail (e.g. in Sulc, Klimanek, 2005).
In most sensor models it is assumed that the sensor
output is proportional only to one input (Koushanfar,
2003), so that the sensor model equation is

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Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection

ym = km xest + qm,


where parameter km represents the gain of the sensor

model, parameter qm expresses the shift factor, and xest
is the estimated sensor model input, which represents
the physical (real) value of the control variable. The
physical value of the control variable is not available
for us because we expect that the sensor is not reliable
and we want to detect this stage. However, we can
estimate this value from the other process data that are
acquired usually for the purposes of the information
system. This estimation is usually based on steady-state
data, so that it is important to detect the steady state
of the process.
Basically, the underlying idea of applying the evolutionary algorithm is then based on finding a vector
of the sensor model parameter for which the value of
residual function e is minimal.

Advantages of the Evolutionary

Algorithm Applied to Discredibility
In principle, any optimization method could be used
for the mentioned optimization task. The problem is
that the sensor model input is an unknown, dynamically-changing variable. Therefore, the choice and
the parameter selection must include certain element
of a random selection from many alternatives, which
is fulfilled in the case of evolutionary algorithms.
The higher computational time requirements do not
matter in the case of sensor discredibility detection,
because the loss of credibility is the result of a gradual

Problem Statement
A particular task of evolutionary algorithms in the
solved problem is e.g. a finding extreme of a given cost
function. We have utilized the evolutionary algorithms
to minimize the given cost function (in fault detection terminology a residual function). Based on this
minimization, it is possible to detect that the control
variable sensor is providing biased data.



Both methods have been tested and proved to be legitimate for use. Unlike general genetic presentations of the
methods, we will present the methods in a transformed
way, based on the use of terms from the field of fault
detection. From the engineering view point this should
facilitate understanding of both procedures (Klimanek,
Sulc, 2005). In our text, the terms introduced in the
theory of evolutionary algorithms are indicated by the
abbreviation ET.

The Standard Genetic Algorithm

In controlled variable sensor discredibility detection
that uses genetic algorithm methods, the following
steps are required (procedure by Fleming & Purshouse,
1995) (Figure 1):

Initialization during initialization, the evolutionary time is set to zero and an initial set of
vectors containing the sensor model parameters
(called population in ET) is randomly generated
within an expected range of reasonable values for
each of the parameters. For each of the parameter
vectors of the sensor model (in ET, individuals of
the population), the value of the residual function

Figure 1 A flow chart of the standard genetic algorithm

applied for discredibility detection

Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection




(1) is evaluated. Also, the average value of the

residual function values is computed.
New set of parameter vectors after starting the
iteration process, a new set of parameter vectors
is generated (in ET, new population) when the
selection operator is employed. Selecting a set of
the new parameter vectors, the following algorithm is used: the parameter vector of the sensor
model that provides residual values lower than
the average value is replicated into the next subset
for generating new parameter candidates in more
copies than in the original set, and the individuals
with below-average residual values are rejected
(Witczak, Obuchowicz, Korbicz, 2002).
Crossover and mutation (ET) next comes the
crossover operation over the randomly selected
pairs of the parameter vector of the sensor model
of the topical set. In the presenting application of
the standard genetic algorithm, the selected sensor
model parameters are coded into binary strings
and the standard one point crossover operator
is used. The mutation operator mimics random
mutations (Fleming, Purshouse, 1995). The newly
created parameters are coded into binary strings
and one bit of each string is switched with random
probability. The value of the residual function
(1) for the current run is evaluated. Also, the
average value of the residual function values is
Stopping-criterion decision if the stopping
criterion is not met, a return to step 2 repeats the
process. The stopping criterion is met, e.g. when
the size of the difference between the average of
the residual values from the current run and the
average of the residual values from the previous
run is lower then the given size (Fleming, Purshouse, 2002).



in step 3. A vector of random values of the sensor

model parameters is selected and the value of the
residual function is computed.
New set of parameter vectors the iteration index
is increased and, using a stochastic strategy, a new
vector of the sensor model parameters is randomly
generated (in ET it is spoken about generating
new individuals) and the corresponding value of
the residual variable is obtained (in ET, value of
the cost function).
Boltzmann criterion computation the difference
between the residual value obtained in step 2 and
the residual value from the previous iteration is
evaluated. If the difference is negative, then the
new parameter vector is accepted automatically.
Otherwise, the algorithm may accept the new parameter vector based on the Boltzmann criterion.
The control parameter is weighted with a coefficient (in ET, gradual temperature reduction).
If the control parameter is less than or equal to
the given final control parameter, then the stop
criterion is met and the current vector of the sensor
model parameters is accepted. Otherwise, returning to step 3 repeats the process of optimizing

Comparison of Usability of the

Algorithms for Discredibility Detection
The comparison of both evolutionary algorithms applied
to controlled variable sensor discredibility detection

Figure 2. A flow chart of the simulated annealing algorithm applied for dis-credibility detection

Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Controlled variable sensor discredibility detection via
simulated annealing can be described by the following
steps (Figure 2):

Initialization an initial control parameter is set

(in ET, initial annealing temperature). The control
parameter is used to evaluate the Boltzmann criterion (King, 1999), which affects the acceptance of
the current parameter vector of the sensor model

Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection

is shown by Figure 5. This comparison represents a

part of results form paper Sulc, Klimanek. (2006).
It is evident, that the simulated annealing algorithm
needs more evaluation time for one evaluation period
a period for simulated annealing required 80 iterations, while genetic algorithm needed 40 iterations.
This difference is because genetic algorithm works
with a group of potential solutions, while simulated
annealing compares only two potential solutions and
accepts better one.
No difference was found between the two evolutionary algorithms used here; their good convergence
depends mainly on the algorithm settings. Although
evolutionary algorithms are generally much more
time consuming than other optimizing procedures, this
consideration does not matter in control variable sensor
discredibility detection. This is because control variable

sensor discredibility has no conclusive impacts on the

control results and the time needed for the detection
does not affect the control process.

Testing Model-Based Sensor

Discredibility Detection Method
The model-based control variable sensor discredibility
detection method using evolutionary algorithms was
tested to find whether the method is able to detect the
control variable sensor properties changes via presented
evolutionary algorithms. The simulation experiments
are more described in (Klimanek, Sulc 2006a, Klimanek, Sulc 2006b). Results from the simulated experiments were summarized and they can be graphically
demonstrated in the next paragraph.

Figure 3. Detection of gradual changes of the level sensor gain via genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing algorithm


Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection

Results and Findings from the Tests

Figure 4 depicts a simulation run during which the
sensor gain has been gradually decreased from a starting (correct) value. It can be seen that after the sensor
properties has been changed, the measured value of

the controlled variable (in this case the water level) is

different from the correct value.
It is apparent that the algorithm used for sensor model
parameter detection (in this case the genetic algorithm)
is able to find the sensor model gain km, because the
sensor model parameter development corresponds to
the simulated real sensor parameter changing.

Figure 4. Detection of gradual changes of the level sensor gain via genetic algorithm


Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection

The sensor level discredibility detection results

obtained using the simulated annealing algorithm,
were similar. Figure 5 shows results obtained when
the model-based method using the simulated annealing
algorithm was tested. A step change of sensor gain was
simulated and it is obvious that the algorithm was able
to capture the change.

By this method the operator is informed about the

estimated time remaining before sensor discredibility
occurs. If the time is critical, the operator also receives
timely a warning about the situation.

Figure 5. Detection of the step change of the level sensor gain via simulated annealing method


Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection



It can be expected in future that tools for the controlled

variable discredibility detection will be a standard accessory of any standard PID controller. On the present from
economic reasons, the cases, when the described method
using evolutionary algorithms is mostly justified to be
implemented, are linked to revelation of undesirable
side effects (increased production of harmful emissions
CO, NOx, or, in the case of bioenergetic processes,
increase of unwanted production of CO2). Except use
for a standard detection of the changes in the controlled
variable sensor, the discredibility detection provides
possibilities to warn operator against occurrence of the
control loop inaccuracy, or even to forecast it.

Chen Z., He, Y., Chu F., Huang J. (2003). Evolutionary

Strategy for Classification Problems and its Application in Fault Diagnosis. Engineering Application of
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 1, 3138.


Klimanek D., Sulc B. (2006a). Improvement of Control

Loop Function by Control Variable Sensor Discredibility Detection, Transactions of the VSBTechnical
University of Ostrava. Vol. 2, 120126.

Implementation feasibility of the evolutionary algorithms in a model-based controlled variable sensor

discredibility has been demonstrated here. In two
variations of the standard evolutionary algorithms
- the genetic algorithm and the simulated annealing
algorithm, designed procedure of sensor discredibility
detection was presented.
In both cases, the time needed for the evaluation
was several minutes. In the case of the application for
discredibility detection, this time demand does not
matter because such small malfunctions do not lead to
fatal errors in control loop operation and discredibility
is usually a long developing process.
Evolutionary algorithms have become a useful tool
in discovering hidden inaccuracy in the control loops.
Discredibility detection saves costs on redundant
controlled variable sensors, which are required if the
controlled variable sensor discredibility is detected via
hardware redundancy on the assumption that the costs
for additional sensors are not negligible, of course.
The importance of discredibility detection using
evolutionary algorithms can be found, e.g. in biomass
combustion processes (due to the penalties for overstepped limits in harmful emissions), and also in the
food-processing industry, where side effects may not
be harmful, but rather unpleasant (i.e. bad odors).

Fleming P., Purshouse C. (1995). The Matlab Genetic

Algorithm Toolbox. IEE Colloquium on Applied Control
Technology Using Matlab. England, Sheffield.
Fleming P., Purshouse C (2002). Evolutionary Algorithms in Control Systems Engineering: A survey. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 10, No. 11,
King R. (1999). Computational Methods in Control
Engineering. Kluwer, Academic Publishers.

Klimanek D., Sulc B. (2006b). Sensor Discredibility

Detection by Means of Software Redundancy. Proceedings of the 7th International Carpathian Control
Conference, 249252.
Klimanek D., Sulc,B. (2005). Evolutionary Detection
of Sensor Discredibility in Control Loops, Proceedings
of the 31st Annual Conference IEEE. 136141.
Korbic J. (2004). Fault Diagnosis: Models, Artificial
Intelligence, Applications. Berlin, Springer.
Koushanfar R. (2003). On-line fault detection of sensor measurements. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2003,
Vol. 2, No. 8, 974979.
Ruano A.E. (Ed.) (2005): Intelligent Control Systems
Using Computational Intelligence Techniques. London:
The IEE Press.
Sulc B., Klimanek D. (2005). Sensor Discredibility
Detection via Computational Intelligence, WSEAS
Transactions on Systems. Vol. 4, No. 11, 19061915.
Sulc B., Klimanek D. (2006). Enhanced Function of
Standard Controller by Control Variable Sensor Discredibility Detection, Proceedings of the WSEAS International Conferences: ACS06, EDU06, REMOTE06,
POWER06, ICOSSSE06, 119124.


Evolutionary Algorithms in Discredibility Detection

Venkatasubramanian V., Rengaswamy R. (2003). A

Review of Process Fault Detection and Diagnosis.
Quantitative Model-based Methods. Computers &
Chemical Engineering. Vol. 27, No 3, 293311.
Witczak M. (2003). Identification and Fault Detection
of Non-Linear Dynamic Systems. Poland, University
of Zielona Gora Press.
Witczak M., Obuchowicz A., Korbicz J. (2002). Genetic Programming Based Approaches to Identification
and Fault Diagnosis of Non-linear Dynamic Systems.
International Journal of Control, Vol. 75, No. 13,

The following terms and definitions introduce a fault
detection engineering interpretation of the terms usual
in the evolutionary algorithm vocabulary. This should
facilitate orientation in the presented engineering
Chromosome: A particular sensor model parameter
vector (a term for individuals used in evolutionary
Cost Function: A criterion evaluating level of the
congruence between the sensor model output and the


real sensor output. In the fault detection terminology,

the cost function corresponds to the term residuum (or
residual function).
Evolutionary Time: The number assigned to steps
in the sequence of iteration performed during a search
for sensor model parameters based on evolutionary
Individual: A vector of the sensor model parameters
in a set of possible values (see population).
Initial Annealing Temperature: An initial algorithm parameter. Annealing temperature is used as a
measure of evolutionary progress during the simulated
annealing algorithm run.
Population: A set of the vectors of the sensor model
parameters with which the sensor model has a chance
to approach the minimum of the residual function.
Population Size: The number of the sensor model
parameter vectors taken into the consideration in
Sensor Discredibility: A stage of the controlled
variable sensor at which the sensor is not completely
out of function yet, but its properties have gradually
changed to the extend that the data provided by the
sensor are so biased that the tolerated inaccuracy of the
controlled variable is over-ranged and usually linked
with possible side effects.


Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

Antonia Azzini
University of Milan, Italy
Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi
University of Milan, Italy

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are computational
models, loosely inspired by biological neural networks,
consisting of interconnected groups of artificial neurons which process information using a connectionist
ANNs are widely applied to problems like pattern
recognition, classification, and time series analysis. The
success of an ANN application usually requires a high
number of experiments. Moreover, several parameters
of an ANN can affect the accuracy of solutions. A particular type of evolving system, namely neuro-genetic
systems, have become a very important research topic in
ANN design. They make up the so-called Evolutionary
Artificial Neural Networks (EANNs), i.e., biologicallyinspired computational models that use evolutionary
algorithms (EAs) in conjunction with ANNs.
Evolutionary algorithms and state-of-the-art design
of EANN were introduced first in the milestone survey
by Xin Yao (1999), and, more recently, by Abraham
(2004), by Cantu-Paz and Kamath (2005), and then by
Castellani (2006).
The aim of this article is to present the main evolutionary techniques used to optimize the ANN design,
providing a description of the topics related to neural
network design and corresponding issues, and then,
some of the most recent developments of EANNs found
in the literature. Finally a brief summary is given, with
a few concluding remarks.


In ANN design, the successful application of an ANN
usually demands much experimentation. There are
many parameters to set. Some of them involve ANN
type, others the number of layers and nodes defining

the architecture and the connection weights. Also the

training data are an important factor, and a great deal
of attention must be paid to the test data to make sure
that the network will generalize correctly on data which
has not been trained on.
Feature selection, structure design, and weight
training can be regarded as three search problems in
the discrete space of subsets of data attributes, the
discrete space of the possible ANN configurations,
and the continuous space of the ANN parameters,
Architecture design is crucial in the successful application of ANNs because it has a significant impact on
their information-processing capabilities. Indeed, given
a learning task, an ANN with only a few connections
and linear nodes may not be able to perform the task at
all, while an ANN with a large number of connections
and nonlinear nodes may overfit noise in the training
data and lack generalization. The main problem is
that there is no systematic way to design an optimal
architecture for a given task automatically.
Several methods have been proposed to overcome
these shortcomings. This chapter focuses on one of
them, namely EANNs. One distinct feature of EANNs
is their adaptability to a dynamic environment. EANNs
can be regarded as a general framework for adaptive
systems, i.e., systems that can change their architectures and learning rules appropriately without human
In order to improve the performance of EAs, different selection schemes and genetic operators have been
proposed in the literature. This kind of evolutionary
learning for ANNs has also been introduced to reduce
and, if possible, to avoid the problems of traditional
gradient descent techniques, such as Backpropagation
(BP), that lie in the trapping in local minima. EAs are
known to be little sensitive to initial training conditions, due to their being global optimization methods,
while a gradient descent algorithm can only find a local

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Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

optimum in a neighbourhood of the initial solution.

EANNs provide a solution to these problems and an
alternative for controlling network complexity.
ANN design can be regarded as an optimization
problem. Tettamanzi and Tomassini (2001) presented a
discussion about evolutionary systems and their interaction with neural and fuzzy systems, and Cantu-Paz and
Kamath (2005) also described an empirical comparison
of EAs and ANNs for classification problems.


There are several approaches to evolve ANNs, that usually fall into two broad categories: problem-independent
and problem-dependent representation of EAs. The former are based on a general representation, independent
of the type and structure of the ANN sought for, and
require the definition of an encoding scheme suitable
for Genetic Algorithms (GAs). They can include mapping between ANNs and binary representation, taking
care of decoders or repair algorithms, but this task is
not usually easy.
The latter are EAs where chromosome representation is a specific data structure that naturally maps to an
ANN, to which appropriate genetic operators apply.
EAs are used to perform various tasks, such as connection weight training, architecture design, learning
rule adaptation, input feature selection, connection
weight initialization, rule extraction from ANNs, etc.
Three of them are considered as the most popular at
the following levels:


Connection weights concentrates just on weights

optimization, assuming that the architecture of
the network is given. The evolution of weights
introduces an adaptive and global approach to
training, especially in the reinforcement learning
and recurrent network learning paradigm, where
gradient-based training algorithms often experience great difficulties.
Learning rules can be regarded as a process
of learning how to learn in ANNs where the
adaptation of learning rules is achieved through
evolution. It can also be regarded as an adaptive
process of automatic discovery of novel learning

Architecture enables ANNs to adapt their topologies to different tasks without human intervention.
It also provides an approach to automatic ANN
design as both weights and structures can be
evolved. In this case a further subdivision can be
made by defining a pure architecture evolution
and a simultaneous evolution of both architecture
and weights.

Other approaches consider the evolution of transfer

functions of an ANN and input feature selection, but
they are usually applied in conjunction with one of the
three methods above in order to obtain better results.
The use of evolutionary learning for ANNs design
is no more than two decades old. However, substantial work has been made in these years, whose main
outcomes are presented below.

Weight Optimization
Evolution of weights may be regarded as an alternative training algorithm. The primary motivation for
using evolutionary techniques instead of traditional
gradient-descent techniques such as BP, as reported
by Rumelhart et al. (1986), lies in avoiding trapping
in local minima and the requirement that the activation function be differentiable. For this reason, rather
than adapting weights based on local improvement
only, EAs evolve weights based on the fitness of the
whole network.
Some approaches use GAs with real encodings
for biases and weights, like in the work presented by
Montana and Davis (1989); others used binary weights
encoding at first, and then implemented a modified
version with real encodings as Whitley et al. (1990).
Mordaunt and Zalzala (2002) implemented a real number representation to evolve weights, analyzing evolution with mutation and a multi-point crossover, while
Seiffert (2001) described an approach to completely
substitute a traditional gradient descent algorithm by
a GA in the training phase.
Often, during the application of GAs, some problems, e.g., premature convergence and stagnation of
solution can occur as reported by Goldberg (1992). In
order to solve this problem, an improved algorithm
was proposed by Yang et al. (2002), where a genetic
algorithm, based on evolutionary stable strategy, was
implemented to keep the balance between population
diversity and convergence speed during evolution.

Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

Recently, a new GA was proposed by Pai (2004),

where a genetic inheritance operator was implemented
to determine the weights of EANN, without considering
mutation operators, but only two-point crossover for
reproduction, applying it to decimal chromosomes.

Learning Rule Optimization

In supervised learning algorithms, standard BP is the
most popular method for training multilayer networks.
The design of training algorithms, in particular the
learning rules used to adjust connection weights,
depends on the type of ANN architecture considered.
Several standard learning rules have been proposed,
but designing an optimal learning rule becomes very
difficult when there is little prior knowledge about the
network topology, producing a very complex relationship between evolution and learning. The evolutionary
approach becomes important in modelling the creative
process since newly evolved learning rules can deal
with a complex and dynamic environment.
The first kind of optimization considers the adjustment of learning parameters and can be seen as the
first attempt to evolve learning rules. They comprise
BP parameters, like the learning rate and momentum,
and genetic parameters, like mutation and crossover
probabilities. Some works have been carried out by
Merelo et al. (2002), that presented several solutions
for the optimal learning parameters of multilayer competitive-learning neural networks.
Considering learning-rule optimization, one of the
first studies was conducted by Chalmers (1990). He also
noticed that discovering complex learning rules using
GAs is not easy, due to the highly complex genetic
coding used, making the search space large and hard to
explore, while GAs used a simpler coding which allows
known learning rules as a possibility, making the search
very biased. In order to overcome these limitations,
Chalmers suggested to apply GP, a particular kind of
GA. Several studies have been carried out in this direction and some of them are described, along with a new
approach presented by Poli and Radi (2002).

Architecture Optimization
The design of an optimal architecture can be formulated
as a search problem in the architecture space, where
each point represents an ANN topology. As pointed out
by Yao (1999), given some performance (optimality)

criteria, e.g., minimum error, learning speed, lower

complexity, etc., about architectures, the performance
level of all these forms a surface in the design space.
Several approaches have been carried out in this direction. A neuro-evolutionary approach was presented by
Miikkulainen and Stanley (2002), using augmenting
topologies. It has been designed specifically to outperform the solutions that employ a principled method of
crossover of different topologies, to protect structural
innovation using speciation, and to incrementally grow
from minimal structure.
Another work carried out by Wang et al. (2002),
considered the definition of an optimal network that
was based on the combination of constructing and
pruning by GAs, while, more recently, Bevilacqua et
al. (2006) presented a multi-objective GA approach to
optimize the search for the optimal topology, based on
Schema Theory.
One of the most important forms of deception in
ANNs structure optimization arises from the manyto-one and from one-to-many mapping from genotypes in the representation space to phenotypes in the
evaluation space. The existence of networks functionally equivalent and with different encodings makes
evolution inefficient. This problem is termed as the
competing convention problem. Other important issues
involve representation and the definition of the EA. In
the encoding phase, an important aspect is to decide
how much information about architecture should be
encoded into the genotype. Then, the performance of
ANNs strongly depends on their topology, considering size and structure, and, consequently, its definition characterizes networks features like its learning
process speed, learning precision, noise tolerance, and
generalization capability.

Transfer Function Optimization

Transfer function perturbations can begin with a fixed
function, as linear, sigmoidal or gaussian, and allow
the GA to adapt to a useful combination according to
the situation. Some work has been carried out by Yao
and Liu (1996) in order to apply a transfer function
adaptation over generations, and by Figueira and Poli
(1999), with a GP algorithm evolving functions.
To improve solutions, often, this kind of evolution
is carried out together with the other kinds of ANNs
optimizations, here described.


Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

Input Data Selection


One of the most important factors for training neural

networks is the availability and the integrity of data.
They should represent all possible states of the problem
considered, and they should have enough patterns for
building also the test and validation set.
The consistency of all data has to be guaranteed, and
the training data must be representative of the problem,

There are still several open issues in EANNs research.

Regarding connection weights, a critical aspect is
that the structure has to be predetermined, giving some
problems when such a topology is difficult to define
in the first place.
Also in learning rule evolution, the design of training algorithms, in particular the learning rules, depends
on the type of the network architecture. Therefore, the
design of such rules can become very difficult when
there is little prior knowledge about the network topology, giving a complex relationship between evolution
and learning.
The architecture evolution has an important impact
on the neural network evolution, and the evolution of
pure architecture presents difficulties in evaluating
fitness accurately.
The simultaneous evolution of architecture and
weights is one of the most interesting evolutionary
ANNs techniques, and nowadays it concerns useful
solutions for ANN design. Different works are carried
out in these directions and are still open issues. Some
of them concern about the application of cooperative or
competitive co-evolutionary approaches, some others
regarding the design of NN ensembles.

in order to avoid overfitting.

Input data selection can be regarded as a search
problem in the discrete space of the subsets of data
attributes. The solution requires the removal of unnecessary, conflicting, overlapping and redundant
features in order to maximize the classifier accuracy,
compactness, and learning capabilities.
Input data reduction has been approached by Reeves
and Taylor (1998), who applied genetic algorithms to
select training sets for a kind of ANNs, and by Castellani
(2006), embedding the search for the optimal feature
set into the training phase.

Joint Evolution of Architecture and

The drawbacks related to individual architecture and
weights evolutionary techniques can be overcome with
approaches that consider their conjunction.
The advantage of combining these two basic elements of an ANN is that a completely functioning
network can be evolved without any intervention by
an expert.
Several methods that evolve both the network
structure and the connection weights were proposed
in the literature.
Castillo et al. (1999) presented a method to search
for the optimal set of weights, the optimal topology
and learning parameters using a GA for the network
evolution and BP for network training, while Yao et
al. (1997, 2003) implemented, respectively, an evolutionary system for evolving feedforward ANNs based
on evolutionary programming, and, more recently, a
novel constructive algorithm for training cooperative
NN ensembles. Azzini and Tettamanzi (2006) presented
a neuro-genetic approach for the joint optimization of
network structures and weights, taking advantage of
BP as a specialized decoder, and Pedrajas et al. (2003)
proposed a cooperative co-evolutionary method for
ANN design.

This work present a survey of the state of the art of
evolutionary systems investigated in these decades
and presented in the literature. In particular, this work
focuses on the application of evolutionary algorithms
to neural network design optimization.
Several approaches for NN evolution are presented,
together with some related works, and for each method
the most important features are presented together with
their main advantages and shortcomings.

Abraham, A. (2004). Meta learning evolutionary artificial neural networks. Neurocomputing, 56, 1-38.
Azzini, A. & Tettamanzi, A.G.B. (2006). A neural evolutionary approach to financial modeling. In Maarten

Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

Keijzer et al. editor, Proceedings of the Genetic and

Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2006.
ACM Press, New York, NY.
Bevilacqua, V. & Mastronardi, G. & Menolascina, F.
& Pannarale, P. & Pedone, A. (2006). A Novel MultiObjective Algorithm Approach to Artificial Neural
Network Topology Optimisation: The Breast Cancer
Classification Problem. Proceedings of the International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN06,
1958-1965, Vancourver, Canada, IEEE Press.
Cantu-Paz, E & Kamath, C. (2005). An empirical comparison of combinations of evolutionary algorithms
and neural networks for classification problems. IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Management and Cybernetic,
part B, 35 (5), 915-927.
Castellani, M. (2006). ANNE - A New Algorithm for
Evolution of Artificial Neural Network Classifier Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation - CEC 2006, 3294-3301, Vancouver,
Castillo, P.A. & Rivas, V. & Merelo, J.J. & Gonzalez,
J. & Prieto, A. & Romero, G. (1999). G-PropIII: global
optimization of multilayer perceptrons using an evolutionary algorithm. Proceedings of the Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1, 942.6
Chalmers, D.J. (1990). The evolution of learning: An
experiment in genetic connectionism. Proceedings of
the Connectionist Models Summer School, 81-90.
Figueira, J.C. & Poli, R. (1999). Evolution of neural
networks using weight mapping. Proceedings of the
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
2, 1170-1177.
Goldberg, D.E. (1992). Genetic Algorithms in Search
Optimization & Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley.
Merelo, J.J & Castillo, P.A. & Prieto, A. & Rojas, I. &
Romero, G. (2002). Statistical analysis of the parameters of a neuro-genetic algorithm. IEEE Transactions
on Neural Networks, 13(6), 1374 - 1394.
Miikkulainen, R. & Stanley, K. (2002). Evolving neural
networks through augmenting topologies. Evolutionary
Computation, 10(2), 99-127.
Montana, D. & Davis, L. (1989). Training feedforward
neural networks using genetic algorithms. Proceedin-

gs of the 11th International Conference on Artificial

Intelligence, 762-767.
Mordaunt, P. & Zalzala, A.M.S. (2002). Towards an
evolutionary neural network for gait analysis. Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
2, 1238-1243.
Pai, G.A. (2004). A fast converging evolutionary neural
network for the prediction of uplift capacity of suction
caissons. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, 654-659.
Pedrajas, N.G. & Martinez, C.H. & Prez, J.M. (2003).
Covnet: A cooperative coevolutionary model for evolving artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, 14(3), 575-596.
Poli, R. & Radi, A. (2002). Discovering efficient learning rules for feedforward neural networks using
genetic programming. Technical Report, University
of Essex.
Reeves, C.R. & Taylor, S.J. (1998). Selection of training data for neural networks by a genetic algorithm.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, 1498, 633-642.
Rumelhart, D.E. & McClelland, J.L. & Williams, R.J.
(1986). Learning representations by back-propagating
errors. Nature, 323, 533-536.
Seiffert, U. (2001). Multiple layer perceptron training using genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
ESANN2001, 159-164.
Tettamanzi, A.G.B. & Tomassini, M. (2001). Soft
computing: integrating evolutionary, neural, and fuzzy
systems. Springer-Verlag.
Wang, W. & Lu, W. & Leung, A.Y.T. & Lo, S. & Xu,
Z. & Wang, X. (2002). Optimal feed-forward neural
networks based on the combination of constructing
and pruning by genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
Whitley, D. & Starkweather, T. & Bogart, C. (1990).
Genetic algorithms and neural networks: Optimizing
connections and connectivity. Parallel computing, 14,


Evolutionary Approaches for ANNs Design

Yang, B. & Su, X.H. & Wang, Y.D. (2002). Bp neural

network optimization based on an improved genetic
algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE First International
Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,

Error Backpropagation: Essentially a search

procedure that attempts to minimize a whole network
error function such as the sum of the squared error of
the network output over a set of training input/output

Yao, X. & Liu, Y. (1996). Evolving artificial neural

networks through evolutionary programming. Evolutionary Programming V: Proceedings of the Conference
on Evolutionary Programming, MIT Press, 257-266.

Evolutionary Algorithms: Algorithms based on

models that consider artificial or simulated genetic
evolution of individuals in a defined environment. They
are a broad class of stochastic optimization algorithms,
inspired by biology and in particular by those biological
processes that allow populations of organisms to adapt
to their surrounding environment: genetic inheritance
and survival of the fittest.

Yao, X. & Liu, Y. (1997). A new evolutionary system for

evolving artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions
on Neural Networks, 8(3), 694-713.
Yao, X. (1999). Evolving artificial neural networks.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 87, 1423-1447.
Yao, X. & Murase, K. & Islam, M.M. (2003). A constructive algorithm for training cooperative neural
network ensembles. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, 14(4), 820-834.

Adaptive System: System able to adapt its behavior
according to changes in its environment or in parts of
the system itself.
Artificial Neural Networks: Models inspired by
the working of the brain, considered as a combination
of neurons and synaptic connections, which are capable
of transmitting data through multiple layers, giving a
system able to solve different problems like pattern
recognition and classification.
Backpropagation Algorithm: A supervised learning technique used for training ANNs. It is based on a
set of recursive formulas for computing the gradient
vector of the error function, that can be used in a firstorder method like gradient descent.


Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks: Special

class of artificial neural networks in which evolution
is another fundamental form of adaptation in addition to learning. They are represented by biologically
inspired computational models that use evolutionary
algorithms in conjunction with neural networks to
solve problems.
Evolutionary Computation: In computer science it
is a subfield of artificial intelligence (more particularly
computational intelligence) involving combinatorial
optimization problems. Evolutionary computation
defines the quite young field of the study of computational systems based on the idea of natural evolution
and adaptation.
Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs): Class of neural
networks that consists of a feed-forward fully connected
network with an input layer of neurons, one or more
hidden layers and an output layer. The output value is
obtained through the sequence of activation functions
defined in each hidden layer. Usually, in this kind of
network, the supervised learning process is the backpropagation algorithm.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in.


Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

Marcos Gestal
University of A Corua, Spain
Jos Manuel Andrade
University of A Corua, Spain

The importance of juice beverages in daily food habits makes juice authentication an important issue, for
example, to avoid fraudulent practices.
A successful classification model should address two
important cornerstones of the quality control of juicebased beverages: to monitor the amount of juice and
to monitor the amount (and nature) of other substances
added to the beverages. Particularly, sugar addition is
a common and simple adulteration, though difficult to
characterize. Other adulteration methods, either alone
or combined, include addition of water, pulp wash,
cheaper juices, colorants, and other undeclared additives
(intended to mimic the compositional profiles of pure
juices) (Saavedra, Garca, & Barbas, 2000).


This chapter presents several approaches to address the
variable selection problem. All of them are based on
evolutionary techniques. They can be divided into two
groups. First group of techniques are based on different
codifications of a traditional Genetic Algorithm (GA)
population and different specifications for the evaluation function. Second group shows a modification
in the traditional Genetic Algorithm to improve the
generalization capability by adding a new population
and an approach based on the evolution of subspecies
into the genetic population.

A range of analytical techniques have been used to
deal with authentication problems. These include high
performance liquid chromatography (Yuan & Chen,

1999), gas chromatography (Stber, Martin & Peppard, 1998) and isotopic methods (Jamin, Gonzlez,
Remaud, Naulet & Martin, 1997). Unfortunately, they
are expensive and slow.
Infrared Spectrometry (IR) (Rodriguez-Saona, Fry,
McLaughlin, & Calvey, 2001) is a fast and convenient
technique to perform screening studies in order to assess
the quantity of pure juice in commercial beverages.
The interest lies in developing, from the spectroscopy
data, classification methods that might enable the determination of the amount of natural juice contained
in a sample.
However, the information gathered from the IR
analyses has some fuzzy characteristics (random
noise, unclear chemical assignment, etc.), so analytical
chemists tend to use techniques like Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) (Haykin, 1999) or develop ad-hoc
classification models. Previous studies (Gestal, GmezCarracedo, Andrade, Dorado, Fernndez, Prada, &
Pazos, 2005) showed that ANN classified apple juice
beverages according to the concentration of natural
juice they contained and that ANN had advantages over
classical statistical methods, such as robust models and
easy application of the methodology on R&D laboratories. Disappointingly, the large number of variables
derived from IR spectrometry makes ANNs time-consuming during training and, most important, makes it
very difficult to establish relationships between these
variables and the analytical knowledge.
Several approaches were used to reduce the number
of variables to a small subset, which should retain the
classification capabilities of the overall dataset. Hence,
the ANN training process and the interpretation of the
results would be highly improved.
Furthermore, previous variable selection would
yield other advantages: cost reduction (if the classification model requires a reduced set of data, the time
needed to obtain them will be shorter; increased efficiency (if the system processes less information, less

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Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

time for processing it will be required); understanding

improvement (if two models resolve the same task,
but one of them uses less information this would be
more thoroughly interpreted. Therefore, the simpler
the model, the easier the knowledge extraction and the
easier the understanding, the easier the validation).
In addition, it was proved the analysis of IR data
involved a highly multimodal problem, as many combinations of variables each (obtained using a different
method) led to similar results when the samples were

A GA (Holland, 1975)(Goldberg, 1989) is a recurrent
and stochastic process that operates with a group of
potential solutions to a problem, known as genetic
population, based on one of the Darwins principles:
the survival of the best individuals (Darwin, 1859).
Briefly a GA works as follows. Initially, a population
of solutions is generated randomly and the solutions
evolve continuously after consecutive stages of crossovers and mutations. Every individual at the population
has an associated value that quantifies associated its
usefulness (adjustment or fitness), in accordance to its
adequacy to solve the problem. This value has to be
obtained for each potential solution and constitutes the
quantitative information the evolutionary algorithm
will use to guide the search. The process will continue
until a predetermined stopping criterion is reached. This
might be a particular threshold error for the solution or
a certain number of generations (populations).

Therefore, different basic steps will be required to

implement a GA: codification of the problem, which
results in a population structure, initialisation of the first
population, defining a fitness function to evaluate how
good is each individual to solve the problem and, finally,
a cyclic procedure of reproductions and replacements
(Michalewicz, 1999; Goldberg, 2002).

In the present practical application, the spectral range
measured by IR spectrometry (wavenumbers from 1250
cm-1 to 900 cm-1) provided 176 absorbances (which
measured light absorption)(Gmez-Carracedo, Gestal,
Dorado & Andrade, 2007).
The main goal of the application consisted on the
prediction of the amount of pure juice on a sample
using absorbance values returned for the IR measurements. But the amount of data obtained for a sample
by IR spectrometry is huge, so the direct application
of mathematical and/or computational methods (although possible) requires a lot of time. Accordingly, it
is important to establish whether all raw data provided
relevant information for sample differentiation. Hence,
the problem was an appropriate case for the use of
variable selection techniques.
Previous to variable selection construction of data
sets for both model development and validation was
required. Thus, samples with different amounts of pure
apple juice were prepared at the laboratory. Besides,
23 apple juice-based beverages sold in Spain were
analysed (the declared amount of juice printed out on

Table 1. Low and high concentrations dataset


Juice Concentration






















Juice Concentration




















Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

their labels was used as input data). The samples were

distributed in 2 ranges: samples containing less than
20% of pure juice and samples with more than 20%
of pure apple juice (Table 1). IR spectra were obtained
for all the samples.
This data was split in two datasets to extract the rules
(ANN training) and to validate them. The commercial
samples were used to further check the performance of
the model. It is worth noting that whenever a predicted
value does not match that given on the labels of the
commercial products it might be owing to either a true
wrong performance of the model (classification error) or
an inaccurate labelling of the commercial beverage.

set of samples with low (2-20%) percentages of juice

was far more complex and difficult to classify than the
samples with higher percentages (25-100%). Indeed,
the number of errors was usually higher for the 2-20%
range both in calibration and validation. Classification
of the commercial samples agreed quite fine with the
percentages of juice declared into the labels, but for
a particular sample. When that sample was studied in
detail it was observed that its spectrum was slightly
different from the usual ones. This suggested that the
juice contained an unusually high amount of added

Classification Test Considering all the

Original Variables


First test involved all variables given by IR spectroscopy. A dedicated ANN used all the absorbances of the
training data to obtain a classification model. Later, the
classification results obtained with this model will be
used as a reference to compare the performance of the
proposals over the same data.
Different parametric classification techniques (PLS,
SIMCA, Potential Curves, etc.) were used too (Gestal, Gmez-Carracedo, Andrade, Dorado, Fernndez,
Prada, & Pazos, 2004), with very similar results. But
the best results were achieved using ANN, which will
be very useful to address the variable selection issue
employing GA with fitness functions based on ANN.
The accuracy of the reference method is shown in
Table 2.
An exhaustive study of the results of the different
classification models allowed us to conclude that the

Variable selection processes were performed to optimize

the ANN classifications.
First, two simple approaches will be briefly described: Pruned and Fixed Search. Both approaches are
based on a traditional GA and both use ANN to evaluate fitness. As the results will show, both techniques
offer good solutions but present a common problem:
an execution of each method provides only a solution
(discarding any other possible optimal one). This was
addressed with the two more advanced approaches
described in the next sections.
Regardless of the variable selection approach, a
GA will guide the search by evaluating the prediction
capabilities of each ANN model developed employing
different sets of IR variables. The problem that has
to be solved is to find out a small set of IR variables
that, when combined with an ANN model, classifies

Table 2. Classification with ANNs using all the variables

Low Concentrations

Training (134)
134 (100%)

Validation (39)
35 (89.74%)

Comercial (2)
2 (100%)

ANN Configuration for low concentrations

Topology: 176 / 50 / 80 / 5
learning rate: 0.0005 stop criterion: mse=5 or epochs=500.000
High Concentrations
ANN Configuration
Topology: 176 / 8 / 5 / 5

Training (86)
86 (100%)

learning rate: 0.0005

Validation (44)
43 (97.72%)

Commercial (21)
21 (100%)

stop criterion: mse=1 or epochs=500.000


Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

apple juice-based beverages properly (according to the

amount of pure apple juice they contain).
Any time a subset of IR variables is proposed, the
associated absorbance values are used as input patterns
to the ANN. So, ANN will consider as much input
processing elements (PEs) as variables. The output
layer has one PE per category (6 for the lower range
and 5 for the high ones). After several previous trials
considering several hidden layers (from 1 to 4), each
with different PEs (from 1 to 50), a compromise was
established between the final fitness level reached by
the ANN and the time required to its training. This
compromise was essential because although better
results were obtained with more hidden layers the time
required for training was much higher as well. Then,
it was decided not to extensively train the net but to
get a good approximation to its real performance and
elucidate whether the input variables are really suitable
to accurately classify the samples.
The goal is to determine which solutions, among
those provided by the GA, represent good starting
points to perform more exhaustive training. Therefore,
it would be enough to extend the ANN learning up to
the point where it starts to converge. For this particular
problem, convergence started after 800 cycles; to warrant it, 1000 iterations were fixed.
Next, each of the most promising solutions are used
as inputs to an external ANN intended to provide the
final classification results.

Pruned Search
This approach starts by considering all variables where
from groups of variables are gradually discarded.
The GA will steadily reduce the amount of variables
that characterise the objects, until an optimal subset
that allows for an overall satisfactory classification is
obtained. This is used to classify the samples, and the
results are used to determine how relevant the discarded
wavenumbers were for the classification. This process
can be continued as long as the classification results are
equal, or at least similar, to those obtained using the
overall set of variables. Therefore, the GA determines
how many and which wavenumbers will be selected
for the classification.
In this approach, each individual in the genetic
population is described by n genes, each representing
one variable. With a binary encoding each gene might
be either 0 or 1, indicating whether the gene is active or

not and, therefore, if the variable should be considered

for classification.
The evaluation function has to guide the pruning
process on getting individuals with a low number of
variables. To achieve this, the function should help
those individuals that, besides classifying accurately,
make use of fewer variables. In this particular case a
factor proportional to the percentage of active genes
was defined to multiply the MSE obtained by the
ANN, so that individuals with less active genes and
with a similar classification performance will have
a higher fitness and consequently a higher probability
of survival.
Table 3 shows the results of several runs of Pruned
Search approach. It is worth noting that each solution
was extracted from a different execution and that, within
the same execution, only one solution provided valid
classification rates. As it can be noted, classification
results were very similar although the variables used
to perform the classifications were different.
These ANN models were obtained are slightly worse
than those obtained using 176 wavenumbers, although
the generalization capabilities of the best ANNs model
were quite satisfactory as there was only one error when
the commercial beverages were classified.

Fixed Search
This approach uses a real codification in the chromosome of the genetic individuals. The genetic population consists of individuals with n genes, where n
is the amount of wavenumbers that are considered
sufficient for the classification according to some
external criterion. Each gene represents one of the
176 wavenumbers considered in the IR spectra. The
GA will find out the n-variables subsets yielding the
best classification models. The number of variables is
predefined in the genotype.
As the final number of variables has to be decided
in advance, some external criterion is needed. In order
to simplify comparison of the results, the final number
of variables was defined by the minimum number of
principal components which can describe our data set,
they were two.
Since the amount of wavenumbers remains constant
in the course of the selection process, this approach
defines the fitness of each genetic individual as the
mean square error reached by the ANN at the end of
the training process.

Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

Table 3. Classification with pruned search

Low Concentrations

Training (134)

Validation (39)

Comercial (2)

Run1: Selected Variables

[42 77]

129 (96.27%)

23 (58.97%)

1 (50%)

Run2: Selected Variables

[52 141]

115 (85.82%)

22 (56.41%)

0 (0%)

Run3: Selected Variables

[102 129]

124 (92.54%)

25 (64.10%)

0 (0%)

ANN Configuration for low concentrations

Topology: 2/ 10 / 60 / 7
learning rate: 0.0001 stop criterion: mse=5 or epochs=500.000



Run1: Selected Variables

[42 77]

83 (96.51%)

34 (79.07%)

21 (100%)

Run2: Selected Variables

[52 141]

82 (95,35%)

35 (81.40%)

20 (95.24%)

Run3: Selected Variables

[102 129]

83 (96.51%)

33 (76.74%)

21 (100%)

High Concentrations

ANN Configuration
Topology: 2 / 10 / 60 / 5

learning rate: 0.0001

Table 4 shows the results of several runs of Pruned

Search approach. Again, note that each run provides
only a solution.
A problem was that the genetic individuals contains
only two genes. Hence, any crossover operator will use
the unique available crossing point (between the genes)
and only half of the information from each parent will
be transmitted to its offspring. This converts the Fixed
Search approach into a random search when only
two genes constituted the chromosome.

Hybrid Two-Population Genetic

The main disadvantage of non-multimodal approaches
is that they discard local optimal solutions because
a final or global solution is preferred. But there are
situations where the final model has to be extracted

stop criterion: mse=1 or epochs=500.000

after analysing different similar solutions of the same

For example, after analysing the different solutions
provided by one execution of the classification task with
Hybrid Two-Population Genetic Algorithm (Rabual,
Dorado, Gestal & Pedreira, 2005) it was obtained three
valid (and similar) models (Table 5). Furthermore the
results were clearly superior to those obtained with the
previous alternatives. But, the most important, it was
observed that the solutions concentrated along specific
spectral areas (around the 88 wavenumber). It would not
be possible with the previous approaches. This approach
will be studied deeply on a dedicated chapter (Finding
multiple solutions with GA in multimodal problems)
and no more details will be presented here.


Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

Table 4. Classification with fixed search

Low Concentrations

Training (134)

Validation (39)

Comercial (2)

Run1: Selected Variables

[12 159]

125 (93.28%)

23 (58.97%)

0 (0%)

Run2: Selected Variables

[23 67]

129 (96.27%)

26 (66.66%)

1 (50%)

Run3: Selected Variables

[102 129]

129 (96.27%)

25 (64.10%)

0 (0%)

ANN Configuration for low concentrations

Topology: 2/ 10 / 60 / 7
learning rate: 0.0001 stop criterion: mse=5 or epochs=500.000



Run1: Selected Variables

[12 159]

82 (95.35%)

31 (72.09%)

19 (90.47%)

Run2: Selected Variables

[23 67]

81 (94.18%)

31 (72.09%)

19 (90.47%)

Run3: Selected Variables

[102 129]

81 (94.18%)

33 (76.74%)

21 (100%)

High Concentrations

ANN Configuration
Topology: 2 / 10 / 60 / 5

learning rate: 0.0001

stop criterion: mse=1 or epochs=500.000



A next natural stage should be to consider multimodal

approaches. Evolutionary Computation provides useful
tools like fitness sharing, crowding which should
be compared to the hybrid two populations approach.
Research is needed to implement criteria to allow the
GA to stop when a satisfactory low number of variables
is found.
Another suitable option should be include more
scientific information within the system to guide the
search. For example, a final user would provide a description of the ideal solution in terms of efficiency, data
acquisition cost, simplicity, etc. All these parameters
may be used as targets in a multiobjective Genetic
Algorithm intended to provide the best variable subset
complying with all the requirements.

Several conclusions can be drawn for variable selection tasks:

First, satisfactory classification results can be obtained from reduced sets of variables extracted using
quite different techniques, all based on the combination
of GA and ANN.
Best results were obtained using a multimodal GA
(the hybrid two population approach), as it was expected,
based on its ability to maintain the genetic individuals
homogeneously distributed over the search space. Such
diversity not only induces the appearance of optimal
solutions, but also avoids the search to stop on a local
minimum. This option does not provide only a solution
but a group of them, with similar fitness. This allows
scientists to select a solution with a sound chemical
background and extract additional information.


Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

Table 5. Classification with hybrid two-population genetic algorithm

Low Concentrations

Training (134)

Validation (39)

Comercial (2)

Run1: Selected Variables

[89 102]

127 (95.77%)

29 (74.36%)

0 (0%)

Run1: Selected Variables

[87 102]

130 (97.01%)

28 (71.79%)

0 (0%)

Run1: Selected Variables

[88 89]

120 (89.55%)

29 (74.36%)

0 (0%)

ANN Configuration for low concentrations

Topology: 2/ 10 / 60 / 7
learning rate: 0.001

stop criterion: mse=2 or epochs=500.000




Run1: Selected Variables

[89 102]

83 (96.51%)

35 (81.39%)

21 (100%)

Run1: Selected Variables

[87 102]

83 (96.51%)

36 (83.72%)

21 (100%)

Run1: Selected Variables

[88 89]

82 (95.35%)

39 (90.69%)

21 (100%)

High Concentrations

ANN Configuration
Topology: 2 / 10 / 60 / 5

learning rate: 0.001

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Neural Networks with Previous Variable selection.
Analytica Chimica Acta. 225-234.
Goldberg, D. (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search,
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Evolutionary Approaches to Variable Selection

Michalewicz, Z. (1999). Genetic Algorithms + Data

Structures = Evolution Programs. Springer-Verlag.
Rabual, J.R., Dorado, J., Gestal, M., & Pedreira, N.
(2005). Diversity and Multimodal Search with a Hybrid
Two-Population GA: an Application to ANN Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 382-390.
Rodriguez-Saona, L.E, Fry, F.S., McLaughlin, M.A.,
& Calvey, E.M. (2001). Rapid analysis of sugars in
fruit juices by FT-NIR spectroscopy. Carbohydrate
Research. (336) 63-74.
Saavedra, L., Garca, A., Barbas, C. (2000). Development and validation of a capillary electrophoresis method for direct measurement of isocitric, citric, tartaric
and malic acids as adulteration markers in orange juice.
Journal of Chromatography. (881)1-2, 395-401.
Stber, P., Martin, G.G., & Peppard, T.L. (1998).
Quantitation of the undeclared addition of industrially
produced sugar syrups to fruit by juices capillary gas
chromatography. Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau.
(94) 309-316.

Artificial Neural Network: Interconnected group

of artificial neurons that uses a mathematical or computational model for information processing. They are
based on the function of biologic neurons. It involves
a group of simple processing elements (the neurons)
which can exhibit complex global behaviour, as result
of the connections between the neurons.
Evolutionary Technique: Technique which provides solutions for a problem guided by biological
principles such as the survival of the fittest. These
techniques start from a randomly generated population
which evolves by means of crossover and mutation
operations to provide the final solution.
Knowledge Extraction: Explicitation of the internal
knowledge of a system or set of data in a way that is
easily interpretable by the user.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in. Combination of all the possible values for all the variables
related with the problem.

Yuan, J.P. & Chen, F. (1999). Simultaneous separation

and determination of sugars, ascorbic acid and furanic
compounds by HPLC-dual detection. Food Chemistry.
(64) 423427.

Spectroscopy (Spectrometry): Production, measurement and analysis of electromagnetic spectra

produced as a result of the interactions between electromagnetic radiation and matter, such as emission or
absorption of energy.


Spectrum: Intensity of a electromagnetic radiation

across a range of wavelengths. It represents the intensity
of emitted or transmitted energy versus the energy of
the received light.

Absorbance: Function (usually logarithmic) of the

percentage of transmission of a wavelength of light
through a liquid.


Variable Selection: Selection of a subset of relevant

variables (features) which can describe a set of data.


Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc E

Prayag Narula
University of Delhi, India
Sudip Misra
Yale University, USA
Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher
University of Delhi, India

Wireless ad-hoc networks are infrastructureless networks in which heterogeneous capable nodes assemble
together and start communicating without any backbone
support. These networks can be made truly dynamic
and the nodes in these networks can move about freely
while connecting and disconnecting with other nodes
in the network. This property of ad-hoc networks to
self-organize and communicate without any extrinsic
support gives them tremendous flexibility and makes
them perfect for applications such as emergencies,
crisis-management, military and healthcare.
For example, in case of emergencies such as earthquakes, often most of the existing wired network
infrastructure gets destroyed. In addition, since most
of the wireless networks such as GSM and IEEE
802.11 wireless LAN use wired infrastructure as their
backbone, often they are also rendered useless. In such
scenarios, ad-hoc networks can be deployed swiftly
and used for coordinating relief and rescue operations.
Ad-hoc networks can be used for communication between various stations in the battle-field, where setting
up a wired or an infrastructure-based network is often
considered impractical.
Though a lot of research has been done on ad-hoc
networks, a lot of problems such as security, qualityof-service (QoS) and multicasting need to be addressed
satisfactorily before ad-hoc networks can move out of
the labs and provide a flexible and cheap networking
Evolutionary computing algorithms are a class of
bio-inspired computing algorithms. Bio-inspired computing refers to the collection of algorithms that use
techniques learnt from natural biological phenomena

and implement them to solve a mathematical problem

(Olario & Zomaya, 2006). Natural phenomena such as
evolution, genetics, and collective behavior of social
organisms and functioning of a mammalian brain teach
us a variety of techniques that can be effectively employed to solve problems in computer science which
are inherently tough.
In this Chapter and the chapter entitled, Swarm
Intelligence Approach for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
of this book, we present some of the currently available
important implementations of bio-inspired computing
in the field of ad-hoc networks. This chapter looks at
the problem of optimal clustering in ad-hoc networks
and its solution using Genetic Programming (GP)
approach. The chapter entitled, Swarm Intelligence
Approaches for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks of this
book, continues the same spirit and explains the use
of the principles underlying Ant Colony Optimization
(ACO) for routing in ad-hoc networks.

The first infrastructureless network was implemented
as packet radio (Toh, 2002). It was initiated by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
in 1970s. By this time the ALOHA project (McQuillan & Walden, 1977) at the University of Hawaii had
demonstrated the feasibility of using broadcasting
for sending / receiving the data packets in single-hop
radio networks. ALOHA later led to the development of Packet Radio Network (PRNET), which
was a multi-hop multiple-access network, under the
sponsorship of Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA). PRNET had the design objectives similar to

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

the current day ad-hoc networks such as flow and error

control over multi-hop communication route, deriving
and maintaining network topology information and
mechanism to handle router mobility and power and
size requirements, among others. However, since the
electronic devices were huge then, the packet radios
were not easily movable, leading to limited mobility.
In addition, the network coverage was slow and since
Bellman-Fords shortest path algorithm was used for
routing, transient loops were present. Since then, a lot
of research has been done on ad-hoc networks and a
number of routing algorithms have been developed
which provide far greater performances and are loop
free. The rapid development of silicon technology
has also led to ever shrinking devices with increasing
computation power. Ad-hoc networks are deliberated
for use in medical, relief-and-rescue, office environments, personal networking, and many other daily life
Bio-inspired algorithms, to which the evolutionary computing approaches such as genetic algorithms
belong, have been around for more than past 50 years.
In fact, there have been evidences that suggest that the
Artificial Neural Networks are rooted in the unpublished works of A. Turing (related to the popular Turing
Machine) (Paun, 2004). Finite Automata Theory was
developed about a decade after that based on the neural
modeling. This ultimately led to the area that is currently
known as Neural Computing. This can effectively be
called as the initiation of bio-inspired computing. Since
then, techniques such as GP, Swarm Intelligence and
Ant Colony Optimization and DNA computing have
been researched and developed as nature continues to
inspire us and show us the way for solving the most
complex problems known to man.


This chapter and the the chapter entitled, Swarm Intelligence Approaches for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
of this book, in combination, present an introduction
to various bio-inspired algorithms and describe their
implementation in the area of wireless ad-hoc networks.
This chapter primarily presents the GP approach to adhoc networks. We first give a general introduction to GP
and explain the concepts of genes and chromosomes.
We also explain the stochastic nature of GP and the
process of mutation and crossover to provide optimal

solution to the problem using the GP approach. We

then present the Weighted Clustering Algorithm given
by (Chatterjee, Das & Turgut, 2002) that are used for
clustering of nodes in mobile ad-hoc networks, as an
instantiation of this approach.

GP is a popular bio-inspired computing method. The
concepts in genetic algorithms are inspired by the
phenomenon of life and evolution itself. Life is a
problem whose solution includes retaining those who
have strong enough characteristics to survive in the
environment and discarding the others. This exquisite
process can provide solutions to complex analytical
problems awaiting the most fitting result.
The basics include the role of chromosomes and
genes. Chromosomes carry the genes which contain the
parameters/characteristics that need to be optimized.
Hence, GP starts with declaration of data structures that
form the digital chromosomes. These digital chromosomes contain genetic information where each gene
represents a parameter to be optimized. The gene could
be represented as a single bit, which could be 1 (ON)
or 0 (OFF). So, a chromosome is a sequence of 1s and
0s and a parameter is either totally present or totally
absent. Other abstractions could represent the presence
of a parameter in relative levels. For instance, a gene
could be represented using 5 bits where the magnitude
of the binary number tells about the magnitude of the
presence of a parameter in the range 0 (00000) to
31 (11111).
First, these digital chromosomes are created using
stochastic means. Then their fitness is tested either
by static calculation of fitness using some method or
dynamically by modelling fights between the chromosomes. The chromosomes with a set level of fitness
are retained and allowed to produce a new generation
of chromosomes. This can be done either by genetic
recombination that is new chromosomes are produced
with combination of present chromosomes, or by
mutation, that is new chromosomes are produced by
randomly producing changes in present chromosomes.
This process of testing for fitness and creating new
generations is repeated until the fittest chromosomes
are deemed as optimized enough for the task, which
the genetic algorithm was created for. The process is
described in Figure 1.

Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

Figure 1. Genetic algorithm

Genetic algorithms begin with a stochastic process

and arrive at an optimized solution and are time consuming.. Hence, they are generally used for solving
complex problems. As mentioned by Ashby (1962), self
organization is one of these complex problems. Self
organization is the problem where the components of
a multi-component system achieve (or try to achieve)
a common goal without any centralized or distributed
control. The organization is generally done by changing the direct environment which can be adapted by
the various system components and hence affect the
behaviour of these components.
As has been mentioned, Self-organization is especially important in ad-hoc networking because of
the spontaneous interaction of multiple heterogeneous
components over wireless radio connections without
human interaction (Murthy & S., 2004).

Dressler (2006) gives the following list of self

organization capabilities:

Self-healing: The system should be able to detect

and repair the failures cause by overloading, component malfunctioning or system breakdown.
Self-configuration: The system should be able
to generate adequate configurations including
connectivity, quality of service etc. as required
in the existing scenario
Self-management: The system should be able to
maintain devices and in turn the network depending on the set configuration parameters.
Self-optimization: The system should be to make
an optimal choice of methods depending on the
system behaviour .


Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

Adaptation: The system should dynamically

adapt to the changing environment conditions,
for example, change in node positions, change
in number of nodes in the network etc.

Genetic algorithms have been used extensively in

robotics, electronic circuit design, natural language
processing, game theory, multi-model search, computer network topology design among many other
In the context of wireless ad-hoc networks, genetic
algorithms have been used in solving shortest path
routing problem (Ahn & Ramakrishna, 2002), QoS
path discovery (Fu, Li & Zhang, 2005), developing
broadcasting strategy (Alba, Dorronsoro, Luna, Nebro
& Bouvry, 2005), QoS routing (Barolli, Koyama &
Shiratori, 2003), among others. In the interest of brevity,
we present below only one representative application
of the use of genetic algorithms to solve problems in
ad-hoc networks.

Weighted Clustering Using Genetic

Nodes in ad-hoc networks are sometimes grouped into
various clusters with each cluster having a cluster-head.
Clustering aims at introducing a kind of organisation
in ad-hoc networks. This leads to better scalability of
networks resulting in better utilisation of resources in
larger networks. A cluster-head is responsible for the
formation of clusters and maintenance of clusters in
ad-hoc networks. Several clustering mechanisms have
been proposed for ad-hoc networks, like Lowest-ID
(Ephremides, Wieselthier & Baker, 1987), Highest
Connectivity (Gerla & Tsai, 1995) Distributed Mobility-Adaptive Clustering (DMAC) (Basagni, 1999),
Distributed Dynamic Clustering Algorithm (McDonald
& Znati, 1999) and Weight-Based Adaptive Clustering
Algorithm (WBACA) (Dhurandher & Singh, 2007).
Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) (Chatterjee, Das and Turgut, 2002) is a popular clustering
algorithm which selects a cluster-head on the basis of
node mobility, battery-power, connectivity, distance
from neighbour and degree of connectivity. Weights are
assigned to each parameter and a combined weighted
metric Wv is calculated as shown by Equation (1)
(Chatterjee, Das and Turgut, 2002). Within certain
constraints, nodes with minimum Wv are selected as
the cluster-head.

Wv = w1v + w2Dv + w3Mv + w4Pv


In Equation (1),
v signifies the difference between optimal and actual
connectivity of a node.
Dv signifies the sum of distances with all the neighbouring nodes.
Mv is the running average of the speed of the node.
Pv signifies the time that the node has acted as a cluster-head.
w1, w2, w3 and w4 are relative weights given to different
It should be noted that (Chatterjee, Das and Turgut,
w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 = 1


A genetic algorithm-based approach was presented

by the designers of WCA (Chatterjee, Das, & Turgut,
2002). The sub-optimal solutions are mapped to chromosomes and given as input to produce best solutions
using genetic techniques. This leads to better performance and more evenly balanced load sharing. The basic
building blocks of the algorithm are given below:
Initial Population: A candidate solution which acts
as a chromosome can be represented as shown
in Figure 6. This initial population set is generated randomly by arranging the nodes in strings
and then traversing this string. A node which
is not a cluster-head and is not a neighbour of
a cluster-head (and hence, part of an existing
cluster) is chosen as a cluster head if it has less
than (a pre-defined constant) neighbours. is
chosen such as to prevent a cluster-head with more
than optimal neighbour causing over-loading at
Objective Fitness Function: Fitness value of a chromosome can be calculated as the sum of Wv of the
contained genes. All nodes present at a gene [1]
are analysed. If a node is not a cluster-head or a
member of a cluster-head and has a node degree
less than MAX_DEGREE, it is added to the cluster-head list and its Wv value is added to the total
sum. For remaining nodes in the network, if the
node is not a cluster-head or a member of other
cluster-head, its Wv value is added to the sum and

Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

the node is added to the cluster-head list. Lesser

the sum of the Wv values of the genes, the higher
is the fitness value of the chromosome.
Crossover: The crossover rate is 80 %. The authors
used a technique called X_Over1 (Chatterjee,

Das, & Turgut, 2002) as the crossover technique

for the genetic implementation.
Mutation: Mutation introduces randomness into the
solution space. If mutation rate is low, there is a
chance of the solution converging to a non-optimal

Figure 2. Candidate solution as chromosome and its single gene ( Based On: Turgut, Das, Elmasri, & Turgut,
2002, Fig. 3)

Neighboring Nodes of Cluster-

Single Gene on

Figure 3. Genetic algorithm for weighted clustering in ad-hoc networks1

Generate initial population randomly, with population size = number of
while(new_pool_size < old_pool_size){
select chromosomes using Roulette wheel
apply crossover using X_Over1;
apply mutation by swapping genes;
find fitness value of all the chromosomes;
replace through appending;


Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

solution space. Hence, mutation is a very important step in genetic computations. In the stated
algorithm, the inventors used swapping for the
process of mutation. Two genes of a chromosome
were selected randomly and swapped. Mutation
rate used is 10%.
Selection Criteria: As mentioned earlier, chromosomes with lower values of Wv are considered
fitter. Roulette wheel method is used for selection
in accordance with the fitness values of these
Elitism: If the new generation produced has fitness value
better than the best fitness value of the previous
generation, than the best solution is replaced by
the new generation. Since the best solutions of
a generation are replaced, this step helps avoid
the local maxima of the solution space and move
towards the global maxima.
Replacement: This method states that, during replacement, the best solution of a generation is appended
to the solution set of the next generation. This
step helps in preserving the best solution during
genetic operations.
Using these building functions, the genetic algorithm
for the weighted clustering algorithm was given. This
algorithm is given in Figure 3.

This article presented an overview of an evolutionary
computing approach using GP and their application to
wireless ad-hoc networks, both of which are currently
hot topics amongst the computer science and networking research community. The intention of writing this
article was to show how one could marry together
concepts from GP with ad-hoc networks to arrive at
interesting results. In particular we reviewed the WCA
algorithm (Chatterjee, Das and Turgut, 2002) which
uses GP for clustering of nodes in ad-hoc networks.

Ahn, C. W., & Ramakrishna, R. S. (2002). A Genetic
Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing and the sizing of
population. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 6, No. 6,. IEEE Computer Society.

Alba, E., Dorronsoro, B., Luna, F., Nebro, A. J., &

Bouvry, P. (2005). A Cellular Multi-Objective Genetic
Algorithm for Optimal Broadcasting Strategy in Metropolitan MANETs. 19th IEEE International Parallel
and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS05),
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Ashby, W. R. (1962). Principles of the Self-organizing
system. In H. V. Foerster, & G. W. Zopf, Principles
of Self-Organization (pp. 255278). Eds. Pergamon
Barolli, L., Koyama, A., & Shiratori, N. (2003). A
QoS Routing Method for Ad-Hoc Networks Based on
Genetic Algorithm. 14th International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA) (pp.
175-179). Prague: IEEE Computer Society.
Basagni, S. (1999), Distributed Clustering for ad hoc
networks, in Proceedings of International Symposium
on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks
(IS-PAN), Perth/Fremantle, Australia.
Chatterjee, M., Das, S., & Turgut, D. (2002). WCA:
A Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks. Cluster Computing , 193-204
Dhurandher S. K., and Singh G.V. (2007), Stable
Clustering with Efficient Routing in Wireless Ad
Hoc Networks, in Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and
MiddlewaRE (IEEE COMSWARE 2007).
Dressler, F. (2006). Self-Organization in Ad Hoc Networks: Overview and Classification. University of
Erlangen, Dept. of Computer Science.
Ephremides, A., Wieselthier, J. E. and Baker, D. J.
(1987), A Design Concept of Reliable Mobile Radio
Networks with Frequency Hopping Signaling, in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 75, No.1, pp. 56-73.
Ephremides, A., Wieselthier, J. E. and Baker, D. J.
(1987), A Design Concept of Reliable Mobile Radio
Networks with Frequency Hopping Signaling, in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 75, No.1, pp. 56-73.
Fu, P., Li, J., & Zhang, D. (2005). Heuristic and Distributed QoS Route Discovery for Mobile Ad hoc
Networks. The Fifth International Conference on
Computer and Information Technology (CIT05). IEEE
Computer Society.

Evolutionary Computing Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

McDonald, A. B., and Znati, T. F. (1999), A mobilitybased framework for adaptive clustering in wireless
ad hoc networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1466-1487.
McQuillan, J. M., & Walden, D. C. (1977). The ARPA
Network Design Decisions. Computer Networks , I,
Murthy, C. S., & S., M. B. (2004). Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Olario, S., & Zomaya, A. Y. (2006). Handbook of
Bioinspired Algorithms and Applications. Chapman
and Hall / CRC Press.
Paun, G. (2004). Bio-Inspired Computing Paradigms
(Natural Computing). Pre-Proc. Unconventional
Programming Paradigms (pp. 155-160). Berlin:
Toh, C. K. (2002). Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Systems.
Prentice Hall PTR.
Turgut, D., Das, S., Elmasri, R., & Turgut, B. (2002).
Optimizing parameters of a mobile ad hoc network
protocol with a genetic algorithm. Global Telecommunications Conference (pp. 62 - 66). IEEE Computer

Bio-Inspired Algorithms: Group of algorithms
modelled on the observed natural phenomena which
are employed to solve mathematical problems.
Chromosome: A proposed solution to a problem
which is represented as a string of bits and can mutate
and cross-over to create a new solution.
Clustering: Grouping the nodes of an ad hoc network such that each group is a self-organized entity

having a cluster-head which is responsible for formation

and management of its cluster.
Cross-Over: Genetic operation which produces a
new chromosome by combining the genes of two or
more parent chromosome.
Fitness Function: A function which maps the subjective property of a fitness of a solution to an objective
value which can be used to arrange different solutions
in the order of their suitability as final or intermediate
Genes: Genes are building blocks of chromosomes and represent the parameters that need to be
Genetic Algorithms: The algorithms that are
modelled on the natural process of evolution. These
algorithms employ methods such as crossover, mutation and natural selection and provide the best possible
solutions after analyzing a group of sub-optimal solutions which are provided as inputs.
Initial Population: Set of sub-optimal solutions
which are provided as inputs to a genetic algorithm
and from which an optimal solution evolves.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network: A multi-hop network
formed by a group of mobile nodes which co-operate
among each other to achieve communication, without
requiring any supporting infrastructure.
Mutation: Genetic operation which randomly alters
a chromosome to produce a new chromosome adding
new solution to the solution-set.


Based on Chatterjee, Das and Turgut, 2002



Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

Ernesto Rodrigues
Federal University of Technology, Brazil
Heitor Silvrio Lopes
Federal University of Technology, Brazil

Grammatical Inference (also known as grammar
induction) is the problem of learning a grammar for
a language from a set of examples. In a broad sense,
some data is presented to the learner that should return
a grammar capable of explaining to some extent the
input data. The grammar inferred from data can then
be used to classify unseen data or provide some suitable model for it.
The classical formalization of Grammatical Inference (GI) is known as Language Identification in the
Limit (Gold, 1967). Here, there are a finite set S+ of
strings known to belong to the language L (the positive examples) and another finite set S- of strings not
belonging to L (the negative examples). The language
L is said to be identifiable in the limit if there exists a
procedure to find a grammar G such that S+ L(G),
S- L(G) and, in the limit, for sufficiently large S+
and S-, L = L(G). The disjoint sets S+ and S- are given
to provide clues for the inference of the production
rules P of the unknown grammar G used to generate
the language L.
Grammatical inference include such diverse fields
as speech and natural language processing, gene analysis, pattern recognition, image processing, sequence
prediction, information retrieval, cryptography, and
many more. An excellent source for a state-of-the art
overview of the subject is provided in (de la Higuera,
Traditionally, most work in GI has been focused
on the inference of regular grammars trying to induce
finite-state automata, which can be efficiently learned.
For context free languages some recent approaches have
shown limited success (Starckie, Costie & Zaanen,
2004), because the search space of possible grammars
is infinite. Basically, the parenthesis and palindrome
languages are common test cases for the effectiveness
of grammatical inference methods. Both languages are

context-free. The parenthesis language is deterministic

but the palindrome language is nondeterministic (de
la Higuera, 2005).
The use of evolutionary methods for context-free
grammatical inference are not new, but only a few attempts have been successful.
Wyard (1991) used Genetic Algorithm (GA) to
infer grammars for the language of correctly balanced
and nested parentheses with success, but fails on the
language of sentences containing the same number of
as and bs (anbn language). In another attempt (Wyard,
1994), he obtained positive results on the inference
of two classes of context-free grammars: the class of
n-symbol palindromes with 2 n 4 and a class of
small natural language grammars.
Sen and Janakiraman (1992) applied a GA using a
pushdown automata to the inference and successfully
learned the anbn language and the parentheses balancing
problem. But their approach does not scale well.
Huijsen (1994) applied GA to infer context-free
grammars for the parentheses balancing problem, the language of equal numbers of as and bs and the even-length
2-symbol palindromes. Huijsen uses a markerbased
encoding scheme with has the main advantage of allowing variable length chromosomes. The inference
of regular grammars was successful but the inference
of context-free grammars failed.
Those results obtained in earlier attempts using GA
to context-free grammatical inference were limited.
The first attempt to use Genetic Programming (GP)
for grammatical inference used a pushdown automata
(Dunay, 1994) and successfully learned the parenthesis
language, but failed for the anbn language.
Korkmaz and Ucoluk (2001) also presented a GP
approach using a prototype theory, which provides a
way to recognize similarity between the grammars in
the population. With this representation, it is possible to
recognize the so-called building blocks but the results
are preliminary.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

Javed and his colleagues (2004) proposed a Genetic

Programming (GP) approach with grammar-specific
heuristic operators with non-random construction of the
initial grammar population. Their approach succeeded
in inducing small context-free grammars.
More recently, Rodrigues and Lopes (2006) proposed a hybrid GP approach that uses a confusion
matrix to compute the fitness. They also proposed a
local search mechanism that uses information obtained
from the sentence parsing to generate a set of useful
productions. The system was used for the parenthesis
and palindromes languages with success.

More details about formal languages and grammars can be found in textbooks such as Hopcroft et
al (2001).

The Chomsky Hierarchy

Grammars are classified according to the form of the
production rules used. They are commonly grouped
into a hierarchy of four classes, known as the Chomsky
hierarchy (Chomsky, 1957).

A formal language is usually defined as follows. Given
a finite alphabet of symbols, we define the set of all
strings (including the empty string ) over as *.
Thus, we want to learn a language L *. The alphabet
could be a set of characters or a set of words. The
most common way to define a language is based on
grammars which gives rules for combining symbols
and to produce the all sentences of a language.
A grammar is defined by a quadruple G = (N, , P,
S), where N is an alphabet of nonterminal symbols,
is an alphabet of terminal symbols such that N =
f, P is a finite set of production rules of the form a
b for a, b ( N )* where * represents the set of
symbols that can be formed by taking any number of
them, possibly with repetitions. S is a special nonterminal symbol called the start symbol.
The language L(G) produced from grammar G
is the set of all strings consisting only of terminal
symbols that can be derived from the start symbol S
by the application of production rules. The process of
deriving strings by applying productions requires the
definition of a new relation symbol . Let aXb be a
string of terminals and nonterminals, where X is a nonterminal. That is, a and b are strings in ( N )*, and
X N. If X is a production of G, we can say aXb
ab. It is important to say that one derivation step
can replace any nonterminal anywhere in the string.
We may extend the relationship to represent one
or many derivation steps. We use a * to denote more
steps. Therefore, we formally define the language
L(G) produced from grammar G as L(G) = { w | w
*, S * w }.

Recursively enumerable languages: a grammar

is unrestricted, and its productions may replace
any number of grammar symbols by any other
number of grammar symbols. The productions
are of the form a b with a, b ( ).
Context-sensitive languages: they have grammars
with productions that replace a single nonterminal
by a string of symbols, whenever the nonterminal
occurs in a specific context, i.e., has certain left
and right neighbors. These productions are of the
form aAg abg, with A N and a, b, g (
). A is replaced by b if it occurs between a
and g .
Context-free languages: in this type, grammars
have productions that replace a single nonterminal
by a string of symbols, regardless of this nonterminals context. The productions are of the form
A a for A N and a ( N )*; thus A has
no context.
Regular languages: they have grammars in which
a production may only replace a single nonterminal by another nonterminal and a terminal. The
productions are of the form A Ba or A a
for A, B N and a *.

It is sometimes useful to write a grammar in a

particular form. The most commonly used in grammatical inference is the Chomsky Normal Form. A
CFG G is in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) if all
production rules are of the form A BC or A a for
A, B, C N and a .

The Cocke-Younger-Kasami Algorithm

To determine whether a string can be generated by
a given context-free grammar in CNF, the CockeYounger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm can be used. This


Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

algorithm is efficient and it has complexity O(n3) where

n is the sentence length .
In the CYK algorithm, first a triangular table that tells
whether the string w is in L(G) is constructed. The horizontal line corresponds to the positions of the string w =
a1 a2 .. an. The table entry Vrs is the set of variables A
P such that A ar ar+1 ... as. We are interested in
whether the start symbol S is in the set V1n because
that is the same as saying S a1 a2 ... an or S w,
i. e., w L(G).
To fill the table, we work row-by-row upwards. Each
row corresponds to one length of substrings; the bottom
row is for strings of length 1, the second-from-bottom
row for strings of length 2 and so on, until the top row
corresponds to the one substring of length n which is
w itself. The pseudocode is in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The CYK algorithm

Figure 2. The GP algorithm


Genetic Programming
Genetic Programming (GP) is an evolutionary technique
used to search over a huge state space of structured
representations (computer programs). Each program
represents a possible solution written in some language.
The GP algorithm can be summarized in Figure 2
(Koza, 1992).
The evaluation of a solution is accomplished by
using a set of training examples known as fitness cases
which, in turn, is composed by sets of input and output
data. Usually, the fitness is a measure of the deviation
between the expected output for each input and the
computed value given by GP (Banzhaf, Nordin, Keller
& Francone, 2001).

Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

There are two main selection methods used in GP:

fitness proportionate and tournament selection. In the
fitness proportionate selection, programs are selected
randomly with probability proportional to its fitness. In
the tournament selection, a fixed number of programs
are taken randomly from the population and the one
with the best fitness in this group is chosen. In this
work, we use the tournament selection.
Reproduction is a genetic operator that simply
copies a program to the next generation. Crossover,
on the other hand, combines parts of two individuals
to create two new ones. Mutation changes randomly
a small part of an individual.
Each run of the main loop of GP creates a new
generation of computer programs that substitutes the
previous one. The evolution is stopped when a satisfactory solution is achieved or a predefined maximum
number of generations is reached.

We present how a GP approach can be applied to the
inference of context-free grammars. First, we discuss
the representation of the grammars. The modification
needed in the genetic operators are also presented. In the
last section, the grammar evaluation are discussed.

Initial Population
It is possible to represent a CFG as a list of structured trees. Each tree represents a production with its

left-hand side as a root and the derivations as leaves.

Figure 3 shows the grammar G = ( N, , P, S ) with
= {a, b} , N = {S, A} and P = {S AS ; S b;
A SA ; A a }.
The initial population can be created with random
productions, provided that all the productions are reachable direct or indirectly starting with S.

Genetic Operators
The crossover operator is applied over a pair of grammars and works as follows. First, a production is chosen
using a tournament selection. If the second grammar
has no production with the same left-hand side of the
production chosen, crossover is rejected. Otherwise,
the productions are swapped.
The mutation operation is applied to a single selected
grammar. A production is then chosen using the same
mechanism of crossover. A new production, with the
same left-hand side and with a randomly right-side,
replaces the production chosen.
The crossover probability is usually high (90%)
and the mutation probability is usually low (10%).
Unfortunately, using only the genetic operators
mentioned, the convergence of the algorithm is not
guaranteed. In our recently work, we demonstrated
that the use of two local search operators is needed:
an incremental learning operator (Rodrigues & Lopes,
2006) and an expansion operator (Rodrigues & Lopes,
2007). The first uses the information obtained from a
CYK table to discover which production is missing
to cover the sentence. The latter can expand the set of
productions dynamically providing diversity.

Figure 3. An example of a CFG represented as a list of structured trees


Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

The Incremental Learning Operator

Grammar Evaluation

This operator is applied before the evaluation of each

grammar in the population. It uses the CYK table
obtained from the parsing of positive examples to
allow the creation of an useful new production. The
pseudocode is in Figure 4.
Once this process is completed with success, hopefully, there will be a set of positive examples (possible
all) recognized by the grammar. Although, there is no
warranty that some negative examples will still remain
being rejected by the grammar.

In grammatical inference, we need to train the system

with both positive and negative examples to avoid
overgeneralization. Usually the evaluation is done
counting the positive examples covered by a grammar
in proportion to the total of positive examples. If the
grammar cover some negative examples, it is penalized in some way.
In our recently work, we use a confusion matrix
that is typically used in supervised learning (Witten &
Frank, 2005). Each column of the matrix represents
the number of instances predicted either positively or
negatively, while each row represents real classification
of the instances. The entries in the confusion matrix have
the following meaning in the context of our study:

The Expansion Operator

This operator adds a new nonterminal to the grammar
and generates a new production with this new nonterminal as a left-side. This new approach allows grammars
to grow dynamically in size. To avoid a new useless
production, a production with another non-terminal in
the left-side and the new non-terminal in the right-side
is generated. It is important to emphasize that the new
operator adds two productions to the grammar.
This operator promotes diversity in the population
that is required in the beginning of the evolutionary

Figure 4. The incremental learning operator pseudocode


TP is the number of positive instances recognized

by the grammar.
TN is the number of negative instances rejected
by the grammar.
FP is the number of negative instances recognized
by the grammar.
FN is the number of positive instances rejected
by the grammar.

Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

There are a several measures that can be obtained

from the confusion matrix. The most common is total
accuracy that is obtained from the total of correct
classified examples divided by the total number of
instances. In this paper we used two other measures:
specificity (Equation 1) and sensitivity (Equation 2).
These measures evaluate how positive and negative
examples are correctly recognized by the classifier.
specificity =



sensitivity =



The fitness is computed by the product of these

measures leading to a balanced heuristic. This fitness measure was proposed by (Lopes, Coutinho &
Lima, 1998) and widely used in many classification
The use of confusion matrix provides a better
evaluation of the grammars in the population, because
grammars with the same accuracy rate usually has different values for specificity and sensitivity.

The GP approach for the grammatical inference is based
on the CYK algorithm and the confusion matrix. The
preliminary results are promising but there are two
problems that must be addressed.
The first is the that the solution found is not necessarily the smallest one. Depending on the run, the
grammar inferred varies in size and, sometimes, it
can be difficult to understand and may have useless
or redundant production rules. Further work will focus
on devising a mechanism able to favor shorter partial
The second is called bloat, the uncontrolled growth
of the size of an individual in the population (Monsieurs
& Flerackers, 2001). The use of an expansion operator
may cause this undesirable behavior. Nevertheless, this
behavior was not detected in the experiments because all
useless productions are eliminated during the search.

This article proposes a GP approach for context-free
grammar inference. In this approach, an individual is
a list of structured trees representing their productions
with their left-hand side as the root and the derivations
as leaves. It uses a local search operator, named Incremental Learning, capable of adjusting each grammar
according to the positive examples. It also uses an
expansion operator which adds a new production to
the grammar allowing the grammars to grow in size.
This operator promotes diversity in the population that
is required in the earlier generations.
The use of a local search mechanism that is capable
of learning from examples promotes a fast convergence.
The preliminary results demonstrated that the approach
is promising.

Banzhaf, W., Nordin, P., Keller, R.E. & Francone, F.D.
(2001) Genetic Programming: an introduction. San
Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Chomsky, N. (1957) Syntactic Structures. Paris:
de la Higuera, C. (2005) A bibliographical study of
grammatical inference. Pattern Recognition. 38(9),
Dunay, B.D. (1994) Context free language induction
with genetic programming. Sixth International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 94),
IEEE Computer Society, 828-831.
Gold, E. M. (1967). Language identification in the limit.
Information and Control. 10(5), 447-474.
Hopcroft, J. E., Motwani, R. & Ullman, J. D. (2001)
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and
Computation. Addison-Wesley.
Huijsen, W. O. (1994) Genetic grammatical inference.
CLIN IV. Papers from the Fourth CLIN Meeting,
Javed, F. Bryant, B., Crepinsek, M., Mernik, M. &
Sprague, A. (2004) Context-free grammar induction


Evolutionary Grammatical Inference

using genetic programming. Proceedings of the 42nd.

Annual ACM Southeast Conference 04, 404-405.
Korkmaz, E.E. & Ucoluk, G. (2001) Genetic programming for grammar induction. Proceedings of 2001
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
Late Breaking Papers, 245-251.
Koza, J.R. (1992) Genetic Programming: On the
Programming of Computers by Natural Selection.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
Lopes, H.S., Coutinho, M.S. & Lima, W.C. (1998) An
evolutionary approach to simulate cognitive feedback
learning in medical domain. Proceedings of the Genetic
Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic Systems: Soft Computing
Perspectives, 193-207.
Monsieurs, P. & Flerackers, E. (2001) Reducing bloat
in genetic programming. Proceedings of the International Conference, 7th Fuzzy Days on Computational
Intelligence, Theory and Application, LNCS v. 2206,
Springer-Verlaq, 471-478.
Rodrigues, E. & Lopes, H.S. (2007) Genetic Programming for induction of context-free grammars. Proceedings of the 7th. International Conference on Intelligent
Systems Design and Applications (ISDA07) (to be
Rodrigues, E. & Lopes, H.S. (2006) Genetic programming with incremental learning for grammatical inference. Proceedings of the 6th. International Conference
on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS06), IEEE Press,
Auckland, 47.
Sen, S. & Janakiraman, J. (1992) Learning to construct
pushdown automata for accepting deterministic context-free languages. Proceedings of the Applications of
Artificial Intelligence X: Knowledge-Based Systems,
SPIE v. 1707, 207213.
Starckie, B,. Costie, F. & van Zaanen, M. (2004) The
Omphalos context-free grammar learning competition.
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Grammatical Inference, 16-27.
Witten, I. H. & Frank, E. (2005) Data Mining. San
Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Wyard, P. (1994) Representational issues for context
free grammar induction using genetic algorithms.


Proceedings of the Second International Colloquium

in Grammatical Inference (ICGI-94). LNAI n 862.
Springer-Verlag, 222235.
Wyard, P. (1991) Context free grammar induction using
genetic algorithms. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA91).
Morgan Kaufmann, 514-518.

CYK: A Cocke-Younger-Kasami algorithm used
to determine whether the sentence can be generated
by the grammar.
Evolutionary Computation: Large and diverse
class of population-based search algorithms that is
inspired by the process of biological evolution through
selection, mutation and recombination. They are iterative algorithms that start with an initial population of
candidate solutions and then repeatedly apply a series
of the genetic operators.
Finite Automata: A model of behavior composed
of a finite number of states, transitions between those
states, and actions. They are used to recognize regular
Genetic Algorithm: A type of evolutionary computation algorithm in which candidate solutions are
represented typically by vectors of integers or bit strings,
that is, by vectors of binary values 0 and 1.
Heuristic: Function used for making certain decisions within an algorithm; in the context of search algorithms, typically used for guiding the search process.
Local Search: A type of search method that starts at
some point in search space and iteratively moves from
position to neighbouring position using heuristics.
Pushdown Automata: A finite automaton that can
make use of a stack containing data. They are used to
recognize context-free language.
Search Space: Set of all candidate solutions of a
given problem instance.


Evolutionary Robotics

J. A. Becerra
Universidade da Corua, Spain
R. J. Duro
Universidade da Corua, Spain

Evolutionary Robotics is a field of Autonomous
Robotics where the controllers that implement behaviours are obtained through some kind of Evolutionary
Algorithm. The aim behind this technique is to obtain
controllers minimizing human intervention. This is
very interesting in order to achieve complex behaviours
without introducing a human bias. Sensors, body
and actuators are usually different for a human being
and for a robot, so it is reasonable to think that the best
strategy obtained by the human designer is not necessarily the best one for the robot. This article will briefly
describe Evolutionary Robotics and its advantages over
other approaches to Autonomous Robotics as well as
its problems and drawbacks.

The firsts modern attempts to obtain a robot that could
be called autonomous, that is, with the ability of
adapting to a non predefined environment and perform
its tasks adequately, are from the late sixties and they
basically tried to reproduce human reasoning in the
robot. The reasoning process was divided into several
steps (input data interpretation, environment modelling,
planning and execution) that were performed sequentially. As time passed, robots were getting better thanks
to better design and construction, more computational
capabilities and improvements in the Artificial Intelligence techniques employed. But also some problems
appeared and remained there: lack of reaction in real
time, inability to handle dynamic environments and
unmanaged complexity as desired behaviours become
more complex.
In the late eighties a new approach, called Behaviour Based Robotics, was introduced. It emphasized
the behaviour, no matter how it was obtained, as op-

posed to traditional (knowledge based) Autonomous

Robotics where the emphasis was on modelling the
knowledge needed to perform the behaviour. This new
approach proposes a direct connection between sensors
and actuators with no explicit environment modelling.
Behaviour Based Robotics has proven to be very useful
when implementing low level behaviours, but it has
also shown problems when scaling to more complex
behaviours. Phil Husbands (Phil Husbands et al., 1994)
and Dave Cliff (Cliff et al., 1993a) have shown that
it is not easy to design a system that connects sensors
and actuators in order to achieve complex behaviours.
Regardless of whether the system is monolithic (to
design a complex system in just one step is never easy)
or modular the design problem is difficult basically
due to the fact that the possible interactions between
modules grow exponentially. An additional problem is
that human designed controllers for autonomous robots
are not necessarily the best choice, sometimes they are
simply not a good choice. A human designer cannot
avoid perceiving the world with its own sensors and
developing solutions for problems taking into account
the perceptions and the actuations he / she can perform.
Furthermore, humans tend to simplify and modularize
problems and this is not always possible in complex
Due to these drawbacks, in the early nineties some
researchers started to use Evolutionary Algorithms in
order to automatically obtain controllers for autonomous
robots leading to a new robotics field: Evolutionary
Robotics. Some examples of these research line are
the papers by Irman Harvey (Harvey et al., 1993), Phil
Husbands (Husbands et al, 1994), Dave Cliff (Cliff
et al., 1993a) and Randall Beer and John Gallagher
(Randall Beer and John Gallagher, 1992). The idea is
very simple and very promising and, again, has shown
it is very effective with simple behaviours. But, even if
it solves some problems, it also has its own problems
when dealing with complex behaviours. In the next sec-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Evolutionary Robotics

tion we will talk about those problems and, in general,

about the main aspects to take into account when using
evolution in Autonomous Robotics.

The basis of Evolutionary Robotics is to use evolutionary algorithms to automatically obtain robot controllers. In order to do that, there are many decisions to
be made. First of all, one must decide what to evolve
(controllers, morphology, both?). Then, whatever is
to be evolved has to be encoded in chromosomes. An
evolutionary algorithm must be chosen. It has to be
decided where and how to evaluate each individual,
etc. These issues will be addressed in the following

What to Evolve
The first decision to be made is what to evolve. The most
common choice is to evolve controllers for a given robot,
but we can also evolve the morphology or both things
together. If we choose to evolve only the controllers,
we also have to decide how they will be implemented.
The most usual choices are artificial neural networks,
fuzzy logic systems and classifier systems.
Classifier systems are made up of rules (the classifier set). Each rule consists of a set of conditions
and a message. If the conditions are accomplished, a
message can produce an action on an actuator and is
stored in a message list. Sensor values are also stored
in this message list. Messages in the message list may
change the state of conditions, leading to a different set
of activated rules. There is an apportionment of credit
system that changes the strength for each rule and a rule
discovery system, where a genetic algorithm generates
new rules using existing rules in the classifier set and
their strength. An example of classifier systems is the
work of Dorigo and Colombetti (Colombetti et al, 1996),
(Dorigo and Colombetti, 1993, 1995, 1998).
Fuzzy logic has also been used to encode controllers. Possible sensed values and acting values are
encoded into predefined fuzzy sets and the rules that
relate both things can be evolved. Examples: (Cooper,
1995), (Hoffmann and Pfister, 1994), (Vicente Matelln et al, 1998).
Artificial neural networks are the most common way
of implementing controllers in evolutionary robotics.

On one hand, they are noise and failure tolerant and,

on the other, they can be used as universal function
approximators and can be easily integrated with an
evolutionary algorithm to obtain a controller from
scratch. Many researchers have used ANNs, just to mention some of them: (Beer and Gallagher, 1992), (Cliff
et al, 1992), (Floreano and Mondada, 1998), (Harvey
et al, 1993), (Kodjabachian and Meyer, 1995), (Lund
and Hallam, 1996), (Nolfi et al, 1994) and (Santos and
Duro, 1998).

How to Encode What We are Evolving

When encoding a controller into the chromosome, the
most obvious choice, and the most common one, is to
make a direct encoding. That is, each controller parameter becomes a gene in the chromosome. For instance,
if the controller is an ANN, each synaptic weight as
well as the biases and other possible parameters that
describe the ANN topology correspond to a gene, (Mataric and Cliff, 1996), (Miglino et al, 1995a). This can
lead to very large chromosomes, as the chromosome
size grows proportional to the square of the network
size (in case of feedforward networks), increasing
the dimensionality of the search space and making it
more difficult to obtain a solution in reasonable time.
Another problem is that the designer has to predefine
the full topology (size, number of neurons, etc.) of
the ANN, which is, in general, not obvious usually
leading to a trial and error procedure. To address this
problem, some researchers employ encoding schemes
where the chromosome length may vary in time (Cliff
et al., 1993b).
Another possibility is to encode elements that,
following a set of rules, encode the development of
the individual (Guillot and Meyer, 1997), (Angelo
Cangelosi et al, 1994), (Kodjabachian and Meyer,
1998). Some authors even simultaneously evolve with
this system both the controller and the morphology,
but mostly for virtual organisms (Sims, 1994) or very
simplified real robots.

Where to Carry Out the Evolution

To determine how good an individual is, it is necessary
to evaluate this individual in an environment during a
given time interval. This evaluation has to be performed
more than once in order to make the process indepen-

Evolutionary Robotics

dent from the initial conditions. The more complex the

behaviour is the more time that is required to evaluate
an individual. The evaluation of the individual is usually
the most time consuming phase, by far, in the whole
evolutionary process for evolutionary robotics. The
evaluation can be carried out in a real environment, in
a simulated environment or both.
Evaluation in a real environment has the obvious
advantage that the controllers obtained will work without problems in the real robot. But it is much slower
than evaluation in simulated environments, it presents
the danger of harming the robot and many limitations
on the evaluation functions that may be used. These
is why researchers that consider evaluation in a real
environment mostly use small robots in controlled environments (Dario Floreano and Francesco Mondada,
1995, 1996, 1998).
The alternative is to perform the evaluation in a
simulated environment (Beer and Gallagher, 1992),
(Cliff et al, 1993a), (Meeden, 1996), (Miglino et al,
1995a, b). This is faster and it permits parallelizing the
algorithm and using fitness functions that are impossible
in a real environment. Nevertheless, it has the additional
problem of how to carry out this simulation in order to
obtain controllers that work in the real world. Jakobi
(Jakobi 1997) formalized this problem and established
the conditions to be taken into account in order to successfully transfer the controllers obtained in simulation
to the real robot.
Some researchers choose to perform a simulated
evaluation for the different generations of the evolutionary process except in the last generations where
a real evaluation is performed to make sure that the
controllers work in the real robot. Nevertheless, this approach presents the same problems, although somehow
reduced, as the case of evolution in a real environment
(Miglino et al, 1995a).

it is very difficult to decide beforehand the fitness of

each action towards a final objective. Sometimes the
same action may be good or bad depending on what
happened before or after in the context. In addition, this
approach implies an external determination of goodness as it is the designer who is imposing through these
action-fitness pairs how the robot must act.
The global approach, on the other hand, implies
defining a fitness criteria based on how good the robot
was at achieving its final goal. The designer does not
specify how good each action is in order to maximize
fitness, and the evolutionary algorithm has a lot more
freedom for discovering the best final controller. The
main problem here is that there is a lot less knowledge
injected in the evolutionary process, and thus the evolution may find loopholes in the problem specification
and thus maximize fitness without really achieving the
function we seek.
There are two main ways in which global fitness
can be obtained: external and internal. By external we
mean a fitness assigned by someone or some process
outside the robot. An extreme example of external
global evaluation of the robot behaviour is presented
in (Lund et al,1998).
The other possible approach is to employ an internal representation of fitness. This is, employ clues
in the environment the robot is conscious of and that
it can use in order to judge its level of fitness without
the help from any external evaluator (apart from the
environment itself). A concept often used in order to
implement this approach is that of internal energy.
The robot has an internal energy level and this energy
level increases or decreases according to a set of rules
or functions related to robot perceptions. The final
fitness of the robot is given by the level of energy at
the end of its life.

How to Evaluate


Once the previous choices have been made, it is necessary to decide how the fitness will be calculated.
There are two different perspectives for doing this: a
local perspective or a global perspective (Mondada and
Floreano, 1995). The first one consists in establishing
for each step of the robot life a fitness of its actions in
relation to its goal. The final fitness will be the sum of the
fitness values corresponding to each step. This strategy
presents two main drawbacks. Except in toy problems,

The main problem of the evolutionary approach to

robotics is that, although it is easy to obtain simple
behaviours, it does not scale well to really complex
behaviours without introducing some human knowledge
in the system. An obvious solution to this problem is the
reduction of evaluation time, which is slowly happening thanks to the increasing computational capabilities.
Another way of controlling this problem is to try to
obtain a better encoding scheme using development.

Evolutionary Robotics

Another problem that arises when trying to minimize

human intervention is that the evolutionary algorithm
can lead to a behaviour that optimizes the defined fitness
function but the result does not correspond with the
desired behaviour due to an incomplete or inadequate
fitness function. This problem must be addressed from
a theoretical and formal point of view so that the appropriate fitness functions can be methodologically
Finally, there is a problem in common with Autonomous Robotics: benchmarking. It is not easy to
compare different approaches and usually we can only
say if a behaviour is satisfactory or not. It is hard to
compare it with other similar behaviours or to know
if the results would be better by changing something
in the approach followed.


Cliff, D., Harvey, I., and Husbands, P. (1992), Incremental Evolution of Neural Network Architectures
for Adaptive Behaviour, Tech. Rep. No. CSRP256,
Brighton, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex, UK.
Cliff, D., Harvey, I., and Husbands, P. (1993a), Explorations in Evolutionary Robotics, Adaptive Behavior,
Vol. 2, pp. 73110.
Cliff, D., Husbands, P. and Harvey, I. (1993b), Evolving
Visually Guided Robots, From Animals to Animats
2, Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour (SAP 92), JA.
Meyer, H. Roitblat and S. Wilson (Eds.), MIT Press
Bradford Books, Cambridge, MA, pp. 374383.
Colombetti, M., Dorigo, M., and Borghi, G. (1996),
Behavior Analysis and Training A Methodology for
Behavior Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 365380.

Evolutionary Robotics has quickly developed from

its birth in the beginning of the nineties as the most
common way of obtaining behaviours in Behaviour
Based Robotics. It has shown that it is the easiest way
to automatically obtain controllers for autonomous
robots while trying to minimize the human factor, at
least when the behaviours are not too complex, due
to the fact that it is easy to encode every tool used to
implement controllers and obtain a solution by just defining a fitness function. Inside Evolutionary Robotics,
simulated evaluation is the preferred way of evaluating
how good a candidate solution is and Artificial Neural
Networks are the preferred tool to implement controllers due to their noise and failure tolerance and their
nature as a universal function approximator. Due to the
time required to evaluate individuals and the number of
individuals that must be evaluated, the selection of the
correct evolutionary algorithm and its parallelization
are critical factors.

Cooper, M.G. (1995), Evolving a RuleBased Fuzzy

Controller, Simulation, Vol. 65, No. 1.


Guillot, A. and Meyer, JA. (1997), Synthetic Animals in Synthetic Worlds, In Kunii et Luciani (Eds),
Synthetic Worlds, John Wiley and Sons.

Beer, R.D. and Gallagher, J.C. (1992), Evolving

Dynamical Neural Networks for Adaptive Behavior,
Adaptive Behavior, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 91122.
Cangelosi, A., Parisi, D., and Nolfi, S. (1994), Cell
Division and Migration in a Genotype for Neural Networks, Network, Vol. 5, pp. 497515.

Dorigo, M. and Colombetti, M. (1993), Robot Shaping:

Developing Autonomous Agents through Learning,
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 71, pp. 321370.
Dorigo, M. (1995), ALECSYS and the AutonoMouse:
Learning to Control a Real Robot by Distributed Classifier Systems, Machine Learning Journal, Vol. 19,
No. 3, pp. 209240.
Dorigo, M. and Colombetti, M. (1998), Robot Shaping:
An Experiment in Behavior Engineering, MIT Press.
Floreano, D. and Mondada, F. (1996), Evolution of
Homing Navigation in a Real Mobile Robot, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
PartB, Vol. 26, pp. 396407.
Floreano, D. and Mondada, F. (1998), Evolutionary
Neurocontrollers for Autonomous Mobile Robots,
Neural Networks, Vol. 11, pp. 14611478.

Harvey, I., Husbands, P., and Cliff, D. (1993), Issues

in Evolutionary Robotics, From Animals to Animats
2. Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB92), JA.

Evolutionary Robotics

Meyer, H. Roitblat, and S. Wilson (Eds.), MIT Press,

Cambridge, MA, pp. 364373.
Hoffmann, F. and Pfister, G. (1994), Automatic
Design of Hierarchical Fuzzy Controllers Using Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of EUFIT 94, Aachen,
Husbands, P., Harvey, I., Cliff, D. and Miller, G. (1994),
The Use of Genetic Algorithms for the Development of Sensorimotor Control Systems, P. Gaussier
and JD. Nicoud (Eds.), From Perception to Action,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos CA, pp.
Jakobi, N., (1997), HalfBaked, AdHoc and Noisy Minimal Simulations for Evolutionary Robotics, Fourth
European Conference on Artificial Life, P. Husbands
and I. Harvey (Eds.), MIT Press, pp. 247269.
Kodjabachian, J. and Meyer, JA (1995), Evolution
and Development of Control Architectures in Animats, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 16,
pp. 161182.
Kodjabachian, J. and Meyer, JA (1998), Evolution
and Development of Modular Control Architectures for
1D Locomotion in SixLegged Animats, Connection
Science, Vol. 10, No. 34, pp. 21137.
Lund, H.H. and Hallam, J.C. (1996), Sufficient Neurocontrollers can Be Surprisingly Simple, Research
Paper 824, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburg.
Lund, H.H., Miglino, O., Pagliarini, L., Billard, A.,
and Ijspeert, A. (1998), Evolutionary Robotics A
Childrens Game, Proceedings of IEEE 5th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation.
Mataric, M.J. and Cliff, D. (1996), Challenges in
Evolving Controllers for Physical Robots, Robotics
and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 6783.
Matelln, V., Fernndez, C., and Molina, J.M. (1998),
Genetic Learning of Fuzzy Reactive Controllers, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 25, pp. 3341.
Meeden, L. (1996), An Incremental Approach to
Developing Intelligent Neural Network Controllers
for Robots, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics Part. B: Cybernetics, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.

Miglino, O., Lund, H.H., and Nolfi, S. (1995a), Evolving Mobile Robots in Simulated and Real Environments, Artificial Life, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 417434.
Miglino, O., Nafasi, K., and Taylor, C. (1995b), Selection for Wandering Behavior in a Small Robot,
Artificial Life, Vol. 2, pp. 101116.
Mondada, F. and Floreano, D. (1995), Evolution
of Neural Control Structures: Some Experiments on
Mobile Robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems,
Vol. 16, pp. 183-195.
Nolfi, S., Elman, J., and Parisi, D. (1994), Learning
and Evolution in Neural Networks, Adaptive Behavior,
Vol. 1, pp. 528.
Santos, J. and Duro, R.J. (1998), Evolving Neural
Controllers for Temporally Dependent Behaviors in
Autonomous Robots, Tasks and Methods in Applied
Artificial Intelligence, A.P. del Pobil, J. Mira and M.
Ale (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.
1416, SpringerVerlag, Berln, pp. 319328.
Sims, K. (1994), Evolving 3D Morphology and Behavior by Competition, R. Brooks and P. Maes (Eds.),
Alife IV, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 2839.

Artificial Neural Network: An interconnected
group of artificial neurons, which are elements that use
a mathematical model that reproduce, through a great
simplification, the behaviour of a real neuron, used for
distributed information processing. They are inspired
by nature in order to achieve some characteristics presented in the real neural networks, such as error and
noise tolerance, generalization capabilities, etc.
Autonomous Robotics: The field of Robotics that
tries to obtain controllers for robots so that they are tolerant and may adapt to changes in the environment.
Behaviour Based Robotics: The field of Autonomous Robotics that proposes not to pay attention to
the knowledge that leads to behaviours, but just to
implement them somehow. It also proposes a direct
connection between effectors and actuators for every
controller running in the robot, eliminating the typical
sensor interpretation, world modelling and planning

Evolutionary Robotics

Evolutionary Algorithm: Stochastic population

based search algorithm inspired on natural evolution.
The problem is encoded in an n-dimensional search
space where individuals represent candidate solutions.
Better individuals have higher reproduction probabilities than worse individuals, thus allowing the fitness of
the population to increase through the generations.
Evolutionary Robotics: The field of Autonomous
Robotics, usually also considered as a field of Behaviour
Based Robotics, that obtains the controllers using some
kind of evolutionary algorithm.


Knowledge Based Robotics: The field of Autonomous Robotics that tries to achieve intelligent behaviours through the modelling of the environment and a
process of planning over that model, that is, modelling
the knowledge that generates the behaviour.
MacroEvolutionary Algorithm: Evolutionary
algorithm using the concept of species instead of individuals. Thus, low fitness species become extinct and
new species appear to fill their place. Its evolution is
smoother, slower but less inclined to fall into local optima as compared to other evolutionary algorithms.


Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

Laureniu Ionescu
University of Pitesti, Romania
Alin Mazare
University of Pitesti, Romania
Gheorghe erban
University of Pitesti, Romania
Emil Sofron
University of Pitesti, Romania

Traditionally physical systems have been designed
by engineers using complex collections of rules and
principles. The design process is top-down in nature
and begins with a precise specification. This contrasts
very strongly with the mechanisms which have produced the extraordinary diversity and sophistication of
living creatures. In this case the designs are evolved
by a process of natural selection. The design starts as
a set of instructions encoded in the DNA whose coding regions are first transcribed into RNA in the cell
nucleus and then later translated into proteins in the
cell cytoplasm. The DNA carries the instructions for
building molecules using sequences of amino acids.
Eventually after a number of extraordinarily complex
and subtle biochemical reactions an entire living organism is created. The survivability of the organism
can be seen as a process of assembling a larger system
from a number of component parts and then testing the
organism in the environment in which it finds itself
(Miller, 2000).
The main target of the evolvable hardware is to build
a digital circuit using bio inspired methods like genetic
algorithms. Here the potential solutions are coded like
configuration vectors which command interconnection
between logical cells inside the reconfigurable circuit.
All configuration vectors represent the genotype and
one single configuration vector is the individual with
its own characteristics (like chromosome).
The individuals are generated by genetic operators
like crossover or mutation. One individual give one
solution circuit which is tested in evaluation module.
The circuit obtained from the individual consist the

phenotype. The circuit behavior is compared with target

functions, which we desire to implement. The result is
fitness: if the circuit approximates the behavior of the
target function, we have a good fitness for the individual
which generate the circuit. Then each individual whit
its fitness gets into selection module where the future
parents in crossover and mutation are decided. Finally
we have a circuit solution which implements the target
function. We have an evolved synthesis of digital circuit
a method like assemble and test.
This method can be useful because explore the design
space beyond the limits imposed by traditional design
methods. Two research directions are developed in
evolvable hardware. In extrinsic evolvable hardware the
individuals are obtained from software implementation
on computer and phenotype consist in high level abstract
circuits like SPICE object files or FPGA configuration
files (.bit). The intrinsic evolution, on the other hand,
supposes that entire evolution process is inside one or
more chips (FPGA): the hardware implementation of
evolved hardware.
The challenge is to design an intrinsic evolution
because can be used for applications like robots control system. But this involves implementation of the
software based algorithms in hardware modules.

The dynamic reconfigurable hardware area and
evolvable hardware knows, in the last years, a fast
evolution. Ten years ago the digital circuit implementation, with high degree of complexity involve more
problems caused specially by technologies limits. The

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

market was up most by complex programmable gates

array or by the low grains field programmable gates
array where upon the main problems are the number
of Boolean cells available on chip and the delay time.
The fast evolution of the technologies increases in our
day the performance of programmable circuits. Thus,
today is possible to implement a high speed central
processing units core which is comparable with the
application specific integrated circuit implementations.
Therewith the low product costs make that a modern
programmable digital circuit can be purchased by end
users like students and researchers. Thus an evolution
in designing, synthesis and implementation techniques
with programmable logic circuits is required. One very
attractive direction of research is implementation of
hardware bio-inspired systems on programmable logic
circuits like neural networks or evolutionary algorithms
(e.g. genetic algorithms).
The first research direction in this area is to find solutions for improve the genetic algorithm performance by
hardware implementation. Software implementations
have the advantage of flexibility and easily configuration. However, the convergence speed is slow because
the serial execution of the steps whiles the algorithm
run. To increase the speed a parallel implementation of
the modules is required (Goldberg, 1995). This is done
by hardware implementation on programmable logic
circuits. More investigations are done in this area.
The second research direction is to join the concept
of assemble-and-test together with an evolutionary
algorithm to gradually improve the quality of a design
has largely been adopted in the nascent field of evolvable hardware where the task is to build an electronic
Thompson (Thompson, 1999) makes the first research, uses a reconfigurable platform and showed that
is possible to evolve a circuit which could discriminate
between two square wave signals. He demonstrates
that is possible to design digital circuit using evolved
algorithm. The evolutionary process had utilized physical proprieties of the underlying silicon substrate to
produce an efficient circuit. He argued that artificial
evolution can produce design for electronics circuit
which lies outside the scope of conventional methods. Koza (Koza, 1997) have pioneered the extrinsic
evolution of analogue circuit using SPICE and have
automatically generated circuit which are competitive
with human designer.


Most workers are content with the extrinsic evolution

because the evolutionary algorithm is software based.
But Scott and others achieve different solutions for
hardware implementation of evolutionary algorithms. In
(Scott, 1997) is design a hardware genetic algorithm
implemented as pipe line hardware structure in FPGA.
His work is a demonstration that full integrated evolved
hardware (intrinsic) solution can be implemented. To
design hardware modules for crossover, selection and
mutation are used combinational networks such as
systolic arrays presented by (Bland2001).
Miller et al. (Miller,2000) give a reference with
his work concerned of the evolution of combinational
digital circuit to implement arithmetic functions. First
he uses the gates networks which evolve in arithmetic
circuit but demonstrate that is possible to use evolution of some sub-circuits to achieve more complex
Another example of extrinsic evolved synthesis
is give by Martins work (Martin 2001). Here the
phenotype is give by a hardware description language
(HandleC) sequences.
But utilization of genetic algorithm in hardware
design is in any more areas. In (Shaaban 2001) is used
in integrated circuit design in semiconductor detectors.
Yasunaga (Yasunaga 2001) use a hardware synthesis
of digital circuit in reconfigurable programmable logic
array structure to implement speach recognition system.
Recently evovable synthesis is used for sequential
circuit design(Ali 2004) or in digital filters design
The evolved combinational and sequential synthesis
for digital circuits is included as control module for
self-contained mobile system to execute more tasks
like obstacle avoidance and target hit in (Sharabi2006).
In fact the solving of the multi objective (multi task)
problems in hardware system by evolutionary is treated
by Coello (Collelo 2002) and used in more recent works
(Zhao 2006).
The question is: is possible to design digital circuits
using an evolutionary algorithm like genetic algorithm
To answer of this question, first, the design of a
reconfigurable circuit which can be programmed by
evolutionary algorithm is required. A solution can be
reconfigurable multilayer gates network. Each gate in
layer x can be connected or not whit a gate in layer

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

In figure 1 is presented the cell of reconfigurable

hardware: the generic digital gate.
Each generic gate can be configured with a local
elementary Boolean function and more switch connections with another gates. Thus, the first coding schema
for genetic algorithm is conceived: the individual is
a string of connections status and Boolean functions
code like Fig1.b.
Each algorithm contains functions which can be
executed by central processing unit. To the compute
systems with single processor one single function can
be executed at time. In hardware structure, each function can be implemented in combinational network.
There are two main kind of combinational networks:
the sorting network composes by min/max elementary
circuits and the permutation network composes by
permutation elementary circuit. In figure 2 are presented the recursive sorting circuit and the recursive
permutation circuit.


Models Used
This section is dedicated to elaborate models for the two
components of the evolvable hardware microstructures: hardware genetic algorithm and dynamically
reconfigurable circuit.
In this section is presented first the concept of
generic dynamically reconfigurable structures. Here
each cell of the network is give by computing units
and configurable network unit. To run the algorithm
a local computation is perform - arithmetic and logic
operation by each cell, and a network computation
each cell can configure the connection with the others
cell in the network.
This concept can be extended to multilayer gates
network by replace the local computations cell with elementary gates and network connections with switches
commands by genetic algorithm (Ionescu2004). In this
particularly case dynamically reconfigurable structure
became a hardware reconfigurable structure.

Figure 1. a) The generic gate cell of the hardware reconfigurable structure, b) gates network coded as configuration vector
y i1
y o1

y op
y bar o 1

y in

y bar op



i n- 1




o1 op

op + 1 on



Gate 1



Gate 2




Gate n



Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

Figure 2. The recursive sorting and permutation circuit used for hardware implementation of the genetic algorithm modules


Xn 3

Xn 2

Xn 1






RS n

pn -1


R Pn

R Pn/2

R Pn /2

RS n 1



yn 2

yn 1



qn -1



Design of Hardware Genetic Algorithm,

Dynamic Reconfigurable Circuit and
Application Description
This section gets into the techniques used for evolvable
hardware microstructures design. First it presents
the design of hardware genetic algorithm by using the
models from the preceding section. Each module are
designed individually, describe with combinational
networks. The hardware genetic algorithm is a circuit
which connect all modules in a fully hardware solution. The block diagram of HGA (hardware genetic
algorithm) is presented in figure below (fig.3).
The main issue of this solution is that the modules
can be used in another algorithm and can be interconnected in another way without to be redesigned. Each
module can work individual, therefore the structure
can process more generation in the same time. On the
other side, each module was designed as networks of
elementary functions like min/max or permutation.
Thus any new change claimed like increasing the size
or number of individuals is very easily to made by
adding the elementary functions blocks. In the selection module individual (bits string) does, with fitness
computed, enter in the left side of the array. Each cell
collates fitness values from two inputs xin and yin. The
output xout get the individual with the smallest fitness
value from the inputs and the output yout individual with


the biggest one. So, the individuals with poor (small

value) fitness will cross array on horizontal, from the
left to right and individuals with good fitness will cross
array from top to bottom on vertical. Finally, we have
in the left side outputs with the best fitness.
The same concept are used to crossover circuit.
Some individual sorted by selection module enter in
crossover module. Operator is applied on a certain
number of pair of individuals. Usually, individuals
with the best fitness are parents for generation 1 of
offspring which result from this module.
For mutation module we use one single column
of logical structures (mutation cells) too. Array is
design with follow restriction: mutation must affect
only one single bit from an individual and one single
individual from generation (all individuals from one
iteration step). Structure can be easily changed if we
want another behavior.
Evaluation is done by comparing response of partial
solutions provide by each individual and the desirable
response. Here is defining a target Boolean function,
function which must be implemented in hardware.
Another evaluation criterion is give by minimization
of digital resources used to implement target function.
The fitness value is compute consulting both evaluation criterions.

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

Figure 3. Hardware genetic algorithm




Input strings (ind.)


x out


y , x > y in
= in in
x in , x in y in

Individuals and fitness

y in , x in y in
y out =
x in , x in > y in
Output strings (ind.)


Output string (offspring)

Inputs strings (parents)





xout1 =

xin1 , y in < p
xin 2 , y in p

xout 2 =

xin 2 , y in < p
xin1 , y in p

yout = f(yin)




Output strings (offspring)

Inputs strings (parents)





B zin ( xout ) =


Bzin ( xin ), yin n

Generation with new


B zin ( xin ), yin = n

y out = f ( yin )
z out = g ( z in )



Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

f total = 0.9 f eval .corect + 0.1 f min im

Three dynamic reconfigurable circuits are designed and tested. All are based on hardware reconfigurable structure presented in figure 1. First schema,
min-max terms reconfigurable circuit, use the same
principles as programmable logic array. The scheme is
composed by three layers: INV layer, AND layer and
OR layer. Genetic algorithm command connections
between INV layer and AND layer. This reconfigurable
circuit has the fast convergence speed and the individuals with the smallest size but explore only traditional
space solution and its size grow exponentially with
inputs number and linear with outputs number. The
second circuit is reconfigurable INV-AND-OR circuit.
Like the first circuit, it has three layers: INV layer, AND
layer and OR layer. Genetic algorithm configure in this
case connections between INV - AND layer and AND
OR layer. This schema reduces the increase of size
with number of outputs but remain exponential increase
with number of inputs and the size of individuals is
bigger than first circuit.
The last reconfigurable circuit is elementary functions reconfigurable circuit (e reconfigurable). It
contains more layers. Each layer contains a number of

generic gates. Generic gate can implement a Boolean

elementary functions (AND, OR, XOR) and more
complex circuits like MUX. This solution increases
the size of the individuals and the complexity of the
reconfigurable circuit but is almost invariant with
number of inputs and outputs.
The last reconfigurable circuit explores the largest solution space, beyond the bounds of traditional
design methods.
The evolvable hardware is used in three applications. First, the target function is static and algorithm
must find hardware solution to implement it. Each
individual represent here a potential solution for hardware implementation of target function. Evolution loop
is repeated until optimal solution is found. Hardware
solution finding here is named evolved hardware. At
this time evolution loop is stopped.
In the second application the target function is also
static. But here the individual codes only a sub circuit
one generic gate or one gates layer. The individuals
evolve and the offspring replace the parents in different
position and evaluation is done to entire circuit until the
new solution is better than the old solution. Evolution
loop is repeated until optimal solution is found.
This solution is used to design circuit with big
number of inputs, outputs and sub circuits.

Figure 4. Reconfigurable elementary functions circuit

x1 x2 x3

f (x )

f (x )



f1 j ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )

j : 1..c1

f( x )

f (x )

f (x )



f (x )

f (x )

1 (e1 j ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ))

f( x )


2 (e 2 j ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 ))

f 2 j ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
j : 1..c 2



3 (e 3 j ( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 )) f 3 j ( x1 , x 2 , x 3 )
j : 1..c3

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

Figure 5. Application schema: Finding optimal solution for target function implementation

H a r d w a r e g e n e tic a lg o r ith m

E va l .
In d iv. 1

E va l .
In d iv. 2

E va l .
In d iv. 3

E va l .
In d iv. 4

E va l .
In d iv. 5

E va l .
In d iv. 6

E va l .
In d iv. 7

E va l .
In d iv. 8

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

C ir cu it

O p tim a l
so lu tio n

F in a l cir cu it

The last applications use dynamic target functions.

Here each individual represent a complete solution for
circuit. Evolution loop here is in two steps. First step
is same like in the first application: loop until solution
is found. After the solution is found in an individual
named main individual the evolution continue for the
others individuals. The target of the second step in
evolution loop is to obtain different individuals relative to the main individual. When the target function
is changed, the evolution loop pass in first step and the
individuals, with high degree of dispersion, evolve to
new solution.

In this paper we have presented the concept of the
evolvable hardware and show a practical implementation of hardware genetic algorithm and reconfigurable
hardware structure.
Hardware genetic algorithm increases the convergence speed to solutions which represent configuration
for reconfigurable circuit.
It can be used for evolvable synthesis of digital
circuit in intrinsic evolvable hardware. The bit string
solutions which are giving by genetic algorithm can be
connections configuration for a dynamic reconfigurable
hardware circuit.

We present here three architectures of reconfigurable

circuits which can be dynamically programmed by same
hardware genetic algorithm module. The structure was
implemented on Xilinx FPGA Spartan 3.

There are more directions of research from this paper.
First is design of reconfigurable circuit by using FPGA
primitives. The new generation of FPGA (Virtex5) allows dynamically reconfiguration using primitives. In
this case the generic gate is replaced by physical cells
from FPGA. Another direction is implementation of
hybrid neuro-genetic structure. A hardware implementation neural network can be used to store the best solutions from genetic algorithm. This configuration can
be used to improve convergence of genetic algorithm.
The evolved hardware can be used to design analog
circuits. In this case, Boolean reconfigurable circuit
can be replacing by analog reconfigurable circuit (like
Field Programmable Transistors Area).

Ali B., Almaini A. and Kalganova T., Evolutionary
Algorithms and Their Use in the Design of Sequential

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

Logic Circuits, Springer Genetic Programming and

evolvable machines, vol.5, p. 11-29, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, 2004.

97-001, Dept. Computer Science and Engineering,

University of Nebraska-Lincon, 4 July, 1997.

Bland I. M. and Megson G.M., Systolic Array Library

for Hardware Genetic Algorithms, Parallel, Emergent
and Distributed Architectures Laboratory, Department
of Computer Science, University of Reading, 2001.

Shaaban N., Hasegawa S. and Suzuky A., Improvement of energy characteristics of CdZnTe semiconductors detectors, Genetic Programming and Evolvable
Machines, vol.2. nr.3 289-299, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, 2001.

Coello C. A., Van Veldhuizen D. A. and Lamont G. B.,

Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, New
York, 2002.

Sharabi S. and Sipper M., GP-Sumo: Using genetic

programming to evolve sumobots, Springer. Genetic
Programming and Evolvable machines, vol. 7, p.211230, Springer Science+Business Media, 2006 .

Goldberg D. E., Kargupta H., Horn J. and Cantu-Paz

E., Critical deme size for serial and parallel genetic
algorithms, IlliGAL, University of Illinois, Jan.

ThompsonA. and Layzell P., Analysis of unconventional

evolved electronics, Commun. ACM, 42(4), pp. 7179,

Iana G. V., Serban G., Angelescu P., Ionescu L. and

Mazare A., Aspects on sigma-delta modulators
implementation in hardware structures, Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Proceedings
ECIT2006. European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, Iasi 2006.
Ionescu L., Serban G., Ionescu V., Anghelescu P. and
Iana G., Implementation of GAs n Reconfigurable
Gates Network, Third European Conference on
Intelligent Systems and Technologies ECIT 2004, ISBN
973-7994-78-7, 2004.
Koza J. R., Bennett III F. H., Hutchings J. L., Bade
S. L., Keane M. A. and D. Andre, Evolving sotring
networks using genetic programming and the rapidly
reconfigurable xilinx 6216 field programmable gate
array, in Proc. 31st Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems,
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Martin P., A hardware implementation of a genetic
programming system using FPGAs and HandelC,
Springer Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, vol. 2, nr.4, p.317-343, 2001
Miller J., Job D. and Vassiliev V., Principles in the
evolutionary design of digital circuits Part 1,2,
Springer Genetic Programming and Evolvable machines, vol. 1, p. 7-35, p. 259 288, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2000.
Scott D., Seth S. and A. Samal, A hardware engine
for genetic algorithms, Technical Report UNL-CSE-


Yasunaga M., Kim J., Yoshihara I., Evolvable reasoning hardware: its prototyping and performance evaluation, Springer Genetic Programming and Evolvable machines, vol. 2, p. 211-230, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2001.
Zhao S., Jiao L., Multi-objective evolutionary design
and knowledge discovery of logic circuits based on an
adaptive genetic algorithm, Springer. Genetic Programming and Evolvable machines, vol.7, p.195-210,
Springer Science+Business Media, 2006.

Evolvable Hardware: Reconfigurable circuit which
is programmed by evolved algorithm like GA. To extrinsic evolvable hardware evolved algorithm run to
host station outside of the reconfigurable circuit (PC).
To intrinsic evolvable hardware evolved algorithm
run inside the same system with reconfigurable circuit
(even same chip).
Genetic Algorithms (GA): A genetic algorithm
(or GA) is a search technique used in computing to
find true or approximate solutions to optimization and
search problems. Genetic algorithms are categorized as
a stochastic local search technique. Genetic algorithms
are a particular class of evolutionary algorithms that
use techniques inspired by evolutionary biology such
as inheritance, mutation, selection, and crossover (also
called recombination).Individuals, with coding schema,
are initial random values. All individuals are, in the first

Evolved Synthesis of Digital Circuits

step of algorithm evaluated to get the fitness value. In

the next step, they are sorted by fitness and selected
for genetic operators. The parents are the individuals
involved in genetic operators like crossover or mutation. The offspring resulted are evaluated together
with parents and the algorithm resume with the first
step. The loop is repeated until the solution is find or
the number of generation reach the limit given by the
Genotype: Describe the genetic constitution of
an individual, that is the specific allelic makeup of an
individual. In evolvable hardware it consist in a vector
of configuration bits.

Microstructure: Integration of structure in same

chip. Evolvable hardware microstructure is an intrinsic
evolvable hardware with all modules in same chip.
Phenotype: Describe one of the traits of an individual that is measurable and that is expressed in only
a subset of the individuals within that population. In
evolvable hardware phenotype consist in the circuit
coded by an individual.
Reconfigurable Circuit: Hardware structure consist in logical cell network which allow configuration
of the interconnections between cells

HGA: Hardware genetic algorithm is a hardware

implementation of genetic algorithm. Hardware implementation increases the performance of the algorithm
by replacing serial software modules with parallel



Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and

Daniel Rivero
University of A Corua, Spain
David Periscal
University of A Corua, Spain

One of the most successful tools in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) world is Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs).
This technique is a powerful tool used in many different
environments, with many different purposes, like classification, clustering, signal modelization, or regression
(Haykin, 1999). Although they are very easy to use,
their creation is not a simple task, because the expert
has to do much effort and spend much time on it.
The development of ANNs can be divided into
two parts: architecture development and training and
validation. The architecture development determines
not only the number of neurons of the ANN, but also
the type of the connections among those neurons. The
training determines the connection weights for such
The architecture design task is usually performed
by means of a manual process, meaning that the expert
has to test different architectures to find the one able to
achieve the best results. Each architecture trial means
training and validating it, which can be a process that
needs many computational resources, depending on the
complexity of the problem. Therefore, the expert has
much participation in the whole ANN development,
although techniques for relatively automatic creation
of ANNs have been recently developed.

ANN development is a research topic that has attracted
many researchers from the world of evolutionary algorithms (Nolfi & Parisi D., 2002) (Cant-Paz & Kamath,
2005). These techniques follow the general strategy of
an evolutionary algorithm: an initial population with
different types of genotypes encoding also different

parameters commonly, the connection weights and/

or the architecture of the network and/or the learning
rules is randomly created and repeatedly induced to
The most direct application of EC tools in the
ANN world is to perform the evolution of the weights
of the connections. This process starts from an ANN
with an already determined topology. In this case, the
problem to be solved is the training of the connection
weights, attempting to minimise the network failure.
Most of training algorithms, as backpropagation (BP)
algorithm (Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, 1986), are
based on gradient minimisation, which presents several
inconveniences. The main of these disadvantages is
that, quite frequently, the algorithm gets stuck into a
local minimum of the fitness function and it is unable
to reach a global minimum. One of the options for
overcoming this situation is the use of an evolutionary
algorithm, so the training process is done by means
of the evolution of the connection weights within the
environment defined by both, the network architecture,
and the task to be solved. In such cases, the weights
can be represented either as the concatenation of binary
values or of real numbers on a genetic algorithm (GA)
(Greenwood, 1997).
The evolution of architectures consists on the
generation of the topological structure, i.e., establishing the connectivity and the transfer function of each
neuron. To achieve this goal with an evolutionary
algorithm, it is needed to choose how to encode the
genotype of a given network for it to be used by the
genetic operators.
The most typical approach is called direct encoding.
In this technique there is a one-to-one correspondence
between each of the genes and a determined part of the
network. A binary matrix represents an architecture
where every element reveals the presence or absence

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

of connection between two nodes (Alba, Aldana &

Troya, 1993).
In comparison with direct encoding, there are some
indirect encoding methods. In these methods, only
some characteristics of the architecture are encoded
in the chromosome. These methods have several types
of representation.
Firstly, the parametric representations represent the
network as a group of parameters such as number of
hidden layers, number of nodes for each layer, number
of connections between two layers, etc (Harp, Samad &
Guha, 1989). Another non direct representation type is
based on a representation system that uses grammatical
rules (Kitano, 1990), shaped as production rules that
make a matrix that represents the network.
Another type of encoding is the growing methods. In
this case, the genotype contains a group of instructions
for building up the network (Nolfi & Parisi, 2002).
All of these methods evolve architectures, either
alone (most commonly) or together with the weights.
The transfer function for every node of the architecture
is supposed to have been previously fixed by a human
expert and is the same for all the nodes of the network
or, at least, all the nodes of the same layer. Only few
methods that also induce the evolution of the transfer
function have been developed (Hwang, Choi & Park,


This section very briefly shows an example of how to
develop ANNs using an AI tool, Genetic Programming
(GP), which performs an evolutionary algorithm, and
how it can be applied to Data Mining tasks.

The GP encoding for the solutions is tree-shaped, so

the user must specify which are the terminals (leaves
of the tree) and the functions (nodes capable of having descendants) for being used by the evolutionary
algorithm in order to build complex expressions.
The wide application of GP to various environments
and its consequent success are due to its capability
for being adapted to numerous different problems.
Although the main and more direct application is the
generation of mathematical expressions (Rivero, Rabual, Dorado & Pazos, 2005), GP has been also used
in other fields such as filter design (Rabual, Dorado,
Puertas, Pazos, Santos & Rivero D., 2003), knowledge
extraction, image processing (Rivero, Rabual, Dorado
& Pazos, 2004), etc.

Model Overview
This work will use a graph-based codification to represent ANNs in the genotype. These graphs will not
contain any cycles. Due to this type of codification the
genetic operators had to be changed in order to be able
to use the GP algorithm. The operators were changed
in this way:

Genetic Programming
GP (Koza, 92) is based on the evolution of a given
population. Its working is similar to a GA. In this
population, every individual represents a solution for a
problem that is intended to be solved. The evolution is
achieved by means of the selection of the best individuals although the worst ones have also a little chance
of being selected and their mutual combination for
creating new solutions. After several generations, the
population is expected to contain some good solutions
for the problem.

The creation algorithm must allow the creation

of graphs. This means that, at the moment of the
creation of a nodes child, this algorithm must allow not only the creation of this node, but also a
link to an existing one in the same graph, without
making cycles inside the graph.
The crossover algorithm must allow the crossing
of graphs. This algorithm works very similar to
the existing one for trees, i.e. a node is chosen
on each individual to change the whole subgraph
it represents to the other individual. Special care
has to be taken with graphs, because before the
crossover there may be links from outside this
subgraph to any nodes on it. In this case, after the
crossover these links are updated and changed to
point to random nodes in the new subgraph.
The mutation algorithm has been changed too,
and also works very similar to the GP tree-based
mutation algorithm. A node is chosen from the
individual and its subgraph is deleted and replaced
with a new one. Before the mutation occurs, there
may be nodes in the individual pointing to other
nodes in the subgraph. These links are updated


Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

Table 1. Summary of the operators to be used in the tree



Num. Children
Num. outputs




and made to point to random nodes in the new


Children type
n REAL (weights)

In order to be able to use GP to develop any kind of

system, it is necessary to specify the set of operators
that will be in the tree. With them, the evolutionary
system must be able to build correct trees that represent ANNs. An overview of the operators used can be
seen on Table 1.
This table shows a summary of the operators that
can be used in the tree. This set of terminals and functions are used to build a tree that represents an ANN.

These algorithms must also follow two restrictions

in GP: typing and maximum height. The GP typing
property (Montana, 1995) means that each node will
have a type and will also provide which type will have
each of its children. This property provides the ability
of developing structures that follow a specific grammar.

Figure 1. GP graph and its resulting network































Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

Although these sets are not explained in the text, in Fig.

1 can be seen an example of how they can be used to
represent an ANN.
These operators are used to build GP trees. These
trees have to be evaluated, and, once the tree has been
evaluated, the genotype turns into phenotype. In other
words, it is converted into an ANN with its weights
already set (thus it does not need to be trained) and
therefore can be evaluated. The evolutionary process
demands the assignation of a fitness value to every
genotype. Such value is the result of the evaluation
of the network with the pattern set that represents the
problem. This result is the Mean Square Error (MSE)
of the difference between the network outputs and
the desired outputs. Nevertheless, this value has been
modified in order to induce the system to generate
simple networks. The modification has been made by
adding a penalization value multiplied by the number
of neurons of the network. In such way, and given that
the evolutionary system has been designed in order to
minimise an error value, when adding a fitness value,
a larger network would have a worse fitness value.
Therefore, the existence of simple networks would
be preferred as the penalization value that is added is
proportional to the number of neurons at the ANN. The
calculus of the final fitness will be as follows:
fitness = MSE + N * P
where N is the number of neurons of the network and
P is the penalization value for such number.

Example of Applications
This technique has been used for solving problems
of different complexity taken from the UCI (Mertz &
Murphy, 2002). All these problems are knowledgeextraction problems from databases where, taking
certain features as a basis, it is intended to perform a
prediction about another attribute of the database. A
small description of the problems to be solved can be
seen at Table 2, along with other ANN parameters used
later in this work.
All these databases have been normalised between
0 and 1 and divided into two parts, taking the 70% of
the data base for training and using the remaining 30%
for performing tests.

Results and Comparison with Other


Several experiments have been performed in order to

evaluate the system performance. The values taken
for the parameters at these experiments were the following:

Population size: 1000 individuals.

Crossover rate: 95%.
Mutation probability: 4%.
Selection algorithm: 2-individual tournament.
Graph maximum height: 5.
Maximum inputs for each neuron: 9.
Penalization value: 0.00001.

To achieve these values, several experiments had to

be done in order to obtain values for these parameters
that would return good results to all of the problems.
These problems are very different in complexity, so it
is expected that these parameters give good results to
many different problems.
In order to evaluate its performance, the system
presented here has been compared with other ANN
generation and training methods.
The method 5x2cv was used by Cant-Paz and
Kamath (1995) for the comparison of different ANN
generation and training techniques based on EC tools.
This work presents as results the average precisions
obtained in the 10 test results generated by this method.
Such values are the basis for the comparison of the
technique described here with other well known ones,
described in detail by Cant-Paz and Kamath (1995).
Such work shows the average times needed to achieve
the results. Not having the same processor that was used,
the computational effort needed for achieving the results
can be estimated. This effort represents the number of
times that the pattern file was evaluated. The computational effort for every technique can be measured
using the population size, the number of generations,
the number of times that the BP algorithm was applied,
etc. This calculation varies for every algorithm used.
All the techniques that are compared with the work are
related to the use of evolutionary algorithms for ANN
design. Five iterations of a 5-fold crossed validation
test were performed in all these techniques in order to
evaluate the accuracy of the networks. These techniques
are connectivity matrix, pruning, parameter search and
graph-rewriting grammar.

Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

Table 2 shows a summary of the number of neurons

used by Cant-Paz and Kamath (1995) in order to solve
the problems that were used with connectivity matrix
and pruning techniques. The epoch number of the BP
algorithm, when used, is also indicated here.
Table 3 shows the parameter configuration used
by these techniques. The execution was stopped after

5 generations with no improvement or after 50 total

The results obtained with these 4 methods are shown
in Table 4. Every box of the table indicates 3 different
values: precision value obtained by Cant-Paz and
Kamath (1995) (left), computational effort needed for
obtaining such value with that technique (below) and

Table 2. Summary of the problems to be solved


Number of

Number of



Breast Cancer
Iris Flower
Heart Disease

ANN configuration









Table 3. Parameters of the techniques used for the comparison

Chromosome length (L)
Population size
Crossover points
Mutation rate



3 L



3 L




N = (hidden+output)*input + output*hidden

Table 4. Comparison with other methods

Breast Cancer
Iris Flower
Heart Cleveland

96.77 96.27
92.40 95.49
76.78 81.11
87.06 88.34
88.25 90.30

96.31 95.79
92.40 81.58
89.50 78.28
83.66 82.37
90.46 84.50

96.69 96.27
91.73 95.52
65.89 81.05
85.58 87.81
84.97 90.16

96.71 96.31
92.93 95.66
88.03 88.36
87.61 90.32

Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

precision value obtained with the technique described

here and related to the previously mentioned computational effort value (right).
Watching this table, it is obvious that the results
obtained with the method proposed here are, not
only similar to the ones presented by Cant-Paz and
Kamath (1995), but better in most of the cases. The
reason of this lies in the fact that these methods need
a high computational load since training is necessary
for every case of network (individual) evaluation,
which therefore turns to be time-consuming. During
the work described here, the procedures for design and
training are performed simultaneously, and therefore,
the times needed for designing as well as for evaluating
the network are combined.

the error given by the rest of the ANN development

systems used for the comparison. Only one technique
(pruning) performs better that the one described here.
However, that technique still needs some work from
the expert, to do the design of the initial network.
Most of the techniques used for the ANN development are quite costly, due in some cases to the
combination of training with architecture evolution.
The technique described here is able to achieve good
results with a low computational cost and besides, the
added advantage is that, not only the architecture and
the connectivity of the network are evolved, but also the
network itself undergoes an optimization process.


The development of the experiments described in this

work, has been performed with equipments belonging to
the Super Computation Center of Galicia (CESGA).
The Cleveland heart disease database was available thanks to Robert Detrano, M.D., Ph.D., V.A.
Medical Center, Long Beach and Cleveland Clinic

The future line of works in this area would be the study

of the system parameters in order to evaluate their
impact on the results from different problems.
Another interesting line consists on the combination of this graph evolution algorithm with a GA that
performs an optimization process on the weight values.
With this modification, the whole system will have
two levels:



The graph evolution algorithm explained in this

work performs the evolution of the architectures.
The GA takes those architectures and optimizes
the weights of the connections.

Alba E., Aldana J.F. & Troya J.M. (1993) Fully automatic ANN design: A genetic approach. Proc. Int.
Workshop Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN93),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin, Germany:
Springer-Verlag, 686, 399-404.

With this architecture, the evolution of ANNs can

be seen as a lamarckian strategy.

Cant-Paz E. & Kamath C. (2005) An Empirical Comparison of Combinatios of Evolutionary Algorithms and
Neural Networks for Classification Problems. IEEE
Transactions on systems, Man and Cybernetics Part
B: Cybernetics. 915-927.


This work describes a technique in which an evolutionary algorithm is used to automatically develop ANNs.
This evolutionary algorithm performs graph evolution,
and it is based on the GP algorithm, although it had
to be modified in order to make it operate with graphs
instead of trees.
Results show that the networks returned by this algorithm give, in most of the cases, an error lower than

Greenwood G.W. (1997) Training partially recurrent

neural networks using evolutionary strategies. IEEE
Trans. Speech Audio Processing, 5, 192-194.
Harp S.A., Samad T. & Guha A. (1989) Toward the
genetic synthesis of neural networks. Proc. 3rd Int.
Conf. Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications,
J.D. Schafer, Ed. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.


Evolving Graphs for ANN Development and Simplification

Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Hwang M.W., Choi J.Y. & Park J. (1997) Evolutionary
projection neural networks. Proc. 1997 IEEE Int. Conf.
Evolutionary Computation, ICEC97. 667-671.
Jung-Hwan Kim, Sung-Soon Choi & Byung-Ro Moon
(2005) Normalization for neural network in genetic
search. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. 1-10.
Kitano H. (1990) Designing neural networks using
genetic algorithms with graph generation system.
Complex Systems, 4, 461-476.
Koza, J. R. (1992) Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Mertz C.J. & Murphy P.M. (2002). UCI repository of
machine learning databases. http://www-old.ics.uci.
Montana D.J. (1995) Strongly typed genetic programming. Evolutionary Computation, 3(2), 199-200.
Nolfi S. & Parisi D. (2002) Evolution of Artificial
Neural Networks. Handbook of brain theory and neural networks, Second Edition. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press. 418-421.
Rabual J.R., Dorado J., Puertas J., Pazos A., Santos
A. & Rivero D. (2003) Prediction and Modelling
of the Rainfall-Runoff Transformation of a Typical
Urban Basin using ANN and GP. Applied Artificial
Rivero D., Rabual J.R., Dorado J. & Pazos A. (2004)
Using Genetic Programming for Character Discrimination in Damaged Documents. Applications of Evolutionary Computing, EvoWorkshops2004: EvoBIO,
EvoSTOC. 349-358.
Rivero D., Rabual J.R., Dorado J. & Pazos A. (2005)
Time Series Forecast with Anticipation using Genetic
Programming. IWANN 2005. 968-975.


Rumelhart D.E., Hinton G.E. & Williams R.J. (1986)

Learning internal representations by error propagation. Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations
in the Microstructures of Cognition. D. E. Rumelhart
& J.L. McClelland, Eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
1, 318-362.

Artificial Neural Networks: Interconnected set
of many simple processing units, commonly called
neurons, that use a mathematical model, that represents
an input/output relation,
Back-Propagation Algorithm: Supervised learning technique used by ANNs, that iteratively modifies
the weights of the connections of the network so the
error given by the network after the comparison of the
outputs with the desired one decreases.
Evolutionary Computation: Set of Artificial Intelligence techniques used in optimization problems,
which are inspired in biologic mechanisms such as
natural evolution.
Genetic Programming: Machine learning technique that uses an evolutionary algorithm in order to
optimise the population of computer programs according to a fitness function which determines the capability
of a program for performing a given task.
Genotype: The representation of an individual on
an entire collection of genes which the crossover and
mutation operators are applied to.
Phenotype: Expression of the properties coded by
the individuals genotype.
Population: Pool of individuals exhibiting equal or
similar genome structures, which allows the application
of genetic operators.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in.


Facial Expression Recognition for HCI


Fadi Dornaika
Institut Gographique National, France
Bogdan Raducanu
Computer Vision Center, Spain

Facial expression plays an important role in cognition
of human emotions (Fasel, 2003 & Yeasin, 2006). The
recognition of facial expressions in image sequences
with significant head movement is a challenging
problem. It is required by many applications such as
human-computer interaction and computer graphics
animation (Caamero, 2005 & Picard, 2001). To classify expressions in still images many techniques have
been proposed such as Neural Nets (Tian, 2001), Gabor
wavelets (Bartlett, 2004), and active appearance models
(Sung, 2006). Recently, more attention has been given
to modeling facial deformation in dynamic scenarios.
Still image classifiers use feature vectors related to
a single frame to perform classification. Temporal
classifiers try to capture the temporal pattern in the
sequence of feature vectors related to each frame such
as the Hidden Markov Model based methods (Cohen,
2003, Black, 1997 & Rabiner, 1989) and Dynamic
Bayesian Networks (Zhang, 2005). The main contributions of the paper are as follows. First, we propose an
efficient recognition scheme based on the detection of
keyframes in videos where the recognition is performed
using a temporal classifier. Second, we use the proposed
method for extending the human-machine interaction
functionality of a robot whose response is generated
according to the users recognized facial expression.
Our proposed approach has several advantages.
First, unlike most expression recognition systems that
require a frontal view of the face, our system is viewand texture-independent. Second, its learning phase is
simple compared to other techniques (e.g., the Hidden
Markov Models and Active Appearance Models), that
is, we only need to fit second-order Auto-Regressive
models to sequences of facial actions. As a result,
even when the imaging conditions change the learned
Auto-Regressive models need not to be recomputed.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2

summarizes our developed appearance-based 3D face
tracker that we use to track the 3D head pose as well
as the facial actions. Section 3 describes the proposed
facial expression recognition based on the detection of
keyframes. Section 4 provides some experimental results. Section 5 describes the proposed human-machine
interaction application that is based on the developed
facial expression recognition scheme.


In our study, we use the Candide 3D face model (Ahlberg, 2001). This 3D deformable wireframe model is
given by the 3D coordinates of n vertices. Thus, the 3D
shape can be fully described by the 3n-vector g - the
concatenation of the 3D coordinates of all vertices.
The vector g can be written as:
g = gs + A


where gs is the static shape of the model, a is the

facial action vector, and the columns of A are the
Animation Units. In this study, we use six modes for
the facial Animation Units (AUs) matrix A, that is, the
dimension of a is 6. These modes are all included in
the Candide model package. We have chosen the six
following AUs: lower lip depressor, lip stretcher, lip
corner depressor, upper lip raiser, eyebrow lowerer and
outer eyebrow raiser. A cornerstone problem in facial
expression recognition is the ability to track the local
facial actions/deformations. In our work, we track
the head and facial actions using our face tracker
(Dornaika & Davoine, 2006). This appearance-based
tracker simultaneously computes the 3D head pose and
the facial actions a by minimizing a distance between

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

the incoming warped frame and the current appearance

of the face. Since the facial actions, encoded by the
vector a, are highly correlated to the facial expressions, their time series representation can be utilized
for inferring the facial expression in videos. This will
be explained in the sequel.


In (Dornaika & Raducanu, 2006), we have proposed
a facial expression recognition method that is based
on the time-series representation of the tracked facial
actions a. An analysis-synthesis scheme based on
learned auto-regressive models was proposed. In this
paper, we introduce a process able to detect keyframes

in videos. Once a keyframe is detected, the temporal

recognition scheme described in (Dornaika & Raducanu, 2006) will be invoked on the detected keyframe.
The proposed scheme has two advantages. First, the
CPU time corresponding to the recognition part will
be considerably reduced since only few keyframes are
considered. Second, since a keyframe and its neighbor
frames are characterizing the expression, the discrimination performance of the recognition scheme will
be boosted. In our case, the keyframes are defined by
the frames where the facial actions change abruptly.
Thus, a keyframe can be detected by looking for a
local positive maximum in the temporal derivatives
of the facial actions. To this end, two entities will be
computed from the sequence of facial actions a that
arrive in a sequential fashion: (i) the L1 norm ||a||1, and
(ii) the temporal derivative given by:

Figure 1. Efficient facial expression detection and recognition based on keyframes

Figure 2. Keyframe detection and recognition applied on a 1600-frame sequence


Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

Dt =

a 1

i =1


a (i )


In the above equation, we have used the fact that

the facial actions are positive. Let W be the size of a
temporal segment defining the temporal granulometry
of the system. In other words, the system will detect
and recognize at most one expression every W frames.
In practice, W belongs to [0.5s, 1s]. The whole scheme
is depicted in Figure 1.
In this figure, we can see that the system has three
levels: the tracking level, the keyframe detection level,
and the recognition level. The tracker provides the facial
actions for every frame. Whenever the current video
segment size reaches W frames, the keyframe detection
is invoked to select a keyframe in the current segment
if any. A given frame is considered as a keyframe if
it meets three conditions: (1) the corresponding Dt is a
positive local maximum (within the segment), (2) the
corresponding norm ||a||1 is greater than a predefined
threshold, (3) its far from the previous keyframe by
at least W frames. Once a keyframe is found in the
current segment, the dynamical classifier described in
(Dornaika & Raducanu, 2006) will be invoked.
Figure 2 shows the results of applying the proposed
detection scheme on a 1600-frame sequence containing
23 played expressions. Some images are shown in Figure
4. The solid curve corresponds to the norm ||a||1, the
dotted curve to the derivative Dt and the vertical bars
correspond to the detected keyframes. In this example,
the value of W is set to 30 frames. As can be seen, out
of 1600 frames only 23 keyframes will be processed
by the expression classifier.

Recognition results: We used a 300-frame video

sequence. For this sequence, we asked a subject to
display several expressions arbitrarily (see Figure
3). The middle of this figure shows the normalized
similarities associated with each universal expression
where the recognition is performed for every frame in
the sequence. As can be seen, the temporal classifier
(Dornaika & Raducanu, 2006) has correctly detected the
presence of the surprise, joy, and sadness expressions.
Note that the mixture of expressions at transition is
normal since the recognition is performed in a framewise manner. The lower part of this figure shows the
results of applying the proposed keyframe detection
scheme. On a 3.2 GHz PC, a non-optimized C code
of the developed approach carries out the tracking and
recognition in about 60 ms.
Performance study: In order to quantify the recognition rate, we have used 35 test videos retrieved from
the CMU database. Table 1 shows the confusion matrix
associated with the 35 test videos featuring 7 persons.
As can be seen, although the recognition rate was good
(80%), it is not equal to 100%. This can be explained
by the fact that the expression dynamics are highly
subject-dependent. Recall that the used auto-regressive
models are built using data associated with one subject.
Notice that the human ceiling in correctly classifying
facial expressions into the six basic emotions has been
established at 91.7%.

Table 1. Confusion matrix for the facial expression classifier associated with 35 test videos (CMU data). The
model is built using one unseen person


Surprise (7)

Sadness (7)

Joy (7)

Disgust (7)

Anger (7)

Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

Figure 3. Top: Four frames (50, 110, 150, and 250) associated with a 300-frame test sequence. Middle: The
similarity measure computed for each universal expression and for each non-neutral frame of the sequence-the
framewise recognition. Bottom: The recognition based on keyframe detection.

Interpreting non-verbal face gestures is used in a wide
range of applications. An intelligent user-interface
not only should interpret the face movements but also
should interpret the users emotional state (Breazeal,
2002). Knowing the emotional state of the user makes
machines communicate and interact with humans in a
natural way: intelligent entertaining systems for kids,
interactive computers, intelligent sensors, social robots,

to mention a few. In the sequel, we will show how our

proposed technique lends itself nicely to such applications. Without loss of generality, we use the AIBO robot
which has the advantage of being especially designed for
Human Computer Interaction. The input to the system
is a video stream capturing the users face.
The AIBO robot: AIBO is a biologically-inspired
robot and is able to show its emotions through an array of LEDs situated in the frontal part of the head. In
addition to the LEDs configuration, the robot response

Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

Figure 4. Top: Some detected keyframes associated with the 1600-frame video. Middle: The recognized expression. Bottom: The corresponding robots response.

contains some small head and body movements. From its

concept design, AIBOs affective states are triggered by
the Emotion Generator engine. This occurs as a response
to its internal state representation, captured through
multi-modal interaction (vision, audio and touch). For
instance, it can display the happiness feeling when it
detects a face (through the vision system) or it hears
a voice. But it does not possess a built-in system for
vision-based automatic facial-expression recognition.
For this reason, with the scheme proposed in this paper
(see Section 3), we created an application for AIBO
whose purpose is to enable it with this capability.
This application is a very simple one, in which the
robot is just imitating the expression of a human subject. Usually, the response of the robot occurs slightly
after the apex of the human expression. The results
of this application were recorded in a 2 minute video
which can be downloaded from the following address: bogdan/AIBO-emotions.avi.
In order to be able to display simultaneously in the
video the correspondence between subjects and robots
expressions, we put them side by side.
Figure 4 illustrates five detected keyframes from the
1600 frame video depicted in Figure 2. These are shown
in correspondence with the robots response. The middle
row shows the recognized expression. The bottom row
shows a snapshot of the robot head when it interacts
with the detected and recognized expression.

This paper described a view- and texture-independent
approach to facial expression analysis and recognition.
The paper presented two contributions. First, we proposed an efficient facial expression recognition scheme
based on the detection of keyframes in videos. Second,
we applied the proposed method in a Human Computer
Interaction scenario, in which an AIBO robot is mirroring the users recognized facial expression.

This work has been partially supported by MCYT
Grant TIN2006-15308-C02, Ministerio de Educacin
y Ciencia, Spain. Bogdan Raducanu is supported by
the Ramon y Cajal research program, Ministerio de
Educacin y Ciencia, Spain. The authors thank Dr.
Franck Davoine from CNRS, Compiegne, France, for
providing the video sequence shown in Figure 4.

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Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Linkping University,


Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

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3D Deformable Model: A model which is able to
modify its shape while being acted upon by an external
influence. In consequence, the relative position of any
point on a deformable body can change.
Active Appearance Models (AAM): Computer Vision algorithm for matching a statistical model of object
shape and appearance to a new image. The approach is
widely used for matching and tracking faces.
AIBO: One of several types of robotic pets designed and manufactured by Sony. Able to walk, see
its environment via camera, and recognize spoken
commands, they are considered to be autonomous
robots, since they are able to learn and mature based
on external stimuli from their owner or environment,
or from other AIBOs.
Autoregressive Models: Group of linear prediction
formulas that attempt to predict the output of a system
based on the previous outputs and inputs.
Facial Expression Recognition System: Computer-driven application for automatically identifying
persons facial expression from a digital still or video
image. It does that by comparing selected facial features
in the live image and a facial database.
Hidden Markov Model (HMM): Statistical model
in which the system being modeled is assumed to be

Facial Expression Recognition for HCI Applications

a Markov process with unknown parameters, and the

challenge is to determine the hidden parameters from
the observable parameters. The extracted model parameters can then be used to perform further analysis, for
example for pattern recognition applications.
HumanComputer Interaction (HCI): The study
of interaction between people (users) and computers.
It is an interdisciplinary subject, relating computer
science with many other fields of study and research
(Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Computer Graphics, Design).

Social Robot: An autonomous robot that interacts

and communicates with humans by following the social
rules attached to its role. This definition implies that a
social robot has a physical embodiment. A consequence
of the previous statements is that a robot that only
interacts and communicates with other robots would
not be considered to be a social robot.
Wireframe Model: The representation of all surfaces of a three-dimensional object in outline form.



Feature Selection
Noelia Snchez-Maroo
University of A Corua, Spain
Amparo Alonso-Betanzos
University of A Corua, Spain



Many scientific disciplines use modelling and simulation processes and techniques in order to implement
non-linear mapping between the input and the output
variables for a given system under study. Any variable
that helps to solve the problem may be considered as
input. Ideally, any classifier or regressor should be able
to detect important features and discard irrelevant features, and consequently, a pre-processing step to reduce
dimensionality should not be necessary. Nonetheless,
in many cases, reducing the dimensionality of a problem has certain advantages (Alpaydin, 2004; Guyon
& Elisseeff, 2003), as follows:

Feature extraction and feature selection are the main

methods for reducing dimensionality. In feature extraction, the aim is to find a new set of r dimensions
that are a combination of the n original ones. The best
known and most widely used unsupervised feature
extraction method is principal component analysis
(PCA); commonly used as supervised methods are
linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and partial least
squares (PLS).
In feature selection, a subset of r relevant features
is selected from a set n, whose remaining features will
be ignored. As for the evaluation function used, FS approaches can be mainly classified as filter or wrapper
models (Kohavi & John, 1997). Filter models rely on
the general characteristics of the training data to select
features, whereas wrapper models require a predetermined learning algorithm to identify the features to be
selected. Wrapper models tend to give better results,
but when the number of features is large, filter models
are usually chosen because of their computational efficiency. In order to combine the advantages of both
models, hybrid algorithms have recently been proposed
(Guyon et al., 2006).

Performance improvement. The complexity of

most learning algorithms depends on the number
of samples and features (curse of dimensionality).
By reducing the number of features, dimensionality is also decreased, and this may save on
computational resourcessuch as memory and
timeand shorten training and testing times.
Data compression. There is no need to retrieve
and store a feature that is not required.
Data comprehension. Dimensionality reduction
facilitates the comprehension and visualisation
of data.
Simplicity. Simpler models tend to be more robust
when small datasets are used.

There are two main methods for reducing dimensionality: feature extraction and feature selection. In
this chapter we propose a review of different feature
selection (FS) algorithms, including its main approaches: filter, wrapper and hybrid a filter/wrapper

The advantages described in the Introduction section
denote the importance of dimensionality reduction.
Feature selection is also useful when the following
assumptions are made:

There are inputs that are not required to obtain

the output.
There is a high correlation between some of the
input features.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Feature Selection

A feature selection algorithm (FSA) looks for an

optimal set of features, and consequently, a paradigm
that describes the FSA is heuristic search. Since each
state of the search space is a subset of features, FSA
can be characterised in terms of the following four
properties (Blum & Langley, 1997):

The initial state. This can be the empty set of

features, the whole set or any random state.
The search strategy. Although an exhaustive search
leads to an optimal set of features, the associated
computational and time costs are high when the
number of features is high. Consequently, different search strategies are used so as to identify a
good set of features within a reasonable time.
The evaluation function used to determine the
quality of each set of features. The goodness of a
feature subset is dependent on measures. According to the literature, the following measures have
been employed: information measures, distance
measures, dependence measures, consistency
measures, and accuracy measures.
The stop criterion. An end point needs to be established; for example, the process should finish
if the evaluation function has not improved after
a new feature has been added/removed.

In terms of search method complexity, there are

three main sub-groups (Salapa et al., 2007):

Exponential strategies involving an exhaustive

search of all feasible solutions. Exhaustive search
guarantees identification of an optimal feature subset but has a high computational cost. Examples
are the branch and bound algorithms.
Sequential strategies based on a local search for
solutions defined by the current solution state.
Sequential search does not guarantee an optimal
result, since the optimal solution could be in a
region of the search space that is not searched.
However, compared with exponential searching,
sequential strategies have a considerably reduced
computational cost. The best known strategies
are sequential forward selection and sequential
backward selection (SFS and SBS, respectively).
SFS starts with an empty set of features and adds
features one by one, while SBS begins with a full
set and removes features one by one. Features are
added or removed on the basis of improvements

in the evaluation function. These approaches

do not consider interactions between features,
i.e., a feature may not reduce error by itself, but
improvement may be achieved by the features
link to another feature. Floating search (Pudil et
al., 1994) solves this problem partially, in that
the number of features included and/or removed
at each stage is not fixed. Another approach
(Snchez et al., 2006) uses sensitivity indices
(the importance of each feature is given in terms
of the variance) to guide a backward elimination
process, with several features discarded in one
Random algorithms that employ randomness to
avoid local optimal solutions and enable temporary transition to other states with poorer solutions.
Examples are simulated annealing and genetic

The most popular FSA classification, which refers

to the evaluation function, considers the three (Blum
& Langley, 1997) or last two (Kohavi & John, 1997)
groups, as follows:

Embedded methods. The induction algorithm is

simultaneously an FSA. Examples of this method
are decision trees, such as classification and regression trees (CART), and artificial neural networks
Filter methods. Selection is carried out as a preprocessing step with no induction algorithm
(Figure 1). The general characteristics of the
training data are used to select features (for
example, distances between classes or statistical dependencies). This model is faster than the
wrapper approach (described below) and results
in a better generalisation because it acts independently of the induction algorithm. However,
it tends to select subsets with a high number of
features (even all the features) and so a threshold
is required to choose a subset.
Wrapper methods. Wrapper models use the
induction algorithm to evaluate each subset of
features, i.e., the induction algorithm is part of the
evaluation function in the wrapper model, which
means this model is more precise than the filter
model. It also takes account of techniques, such as
cross-validation, that avoid over-fitting. However,
wrapper models are very time consuming, which

Feature Selection

Figure 1. Filter algorithm

Feature selection

set of features

restricts application with some datasets. Moreover,

although they may obtain good results with the
inherent induction algorithm, they may perform
poorly with an alternative algorithm.
Hybrid methods that combine filter and wrapper
methods have recently been attracting a great deal of
attention in the FS literature (Liu & Motoda, 1998;
Guyon et al., 2006). Although the following sections
of this chapter are mainly devoted to filter and wrapper methods, a brief review of the most recent hybrid
methods is also included.



CUS. However, using both algorithms in domains with

a large number of features may be computationally
unfeasible. Consequently, search heuristics are used in
different versions of the algorithm, resulting in good
but not necessarily optimal solutions.


A number of representative filter algorithms are described in the literature, such as 2-Statistic, information
gain, or correlation based feature selection (CFS). For
the sake of completeness, we will refer to two classical
algorithms (FOCUS and RELIEF) and will describe
very recently developed filter methods (FCBF and
INTERACT). An exhaustive discussion of filter methods is provided in Guyon et al. (2006)including of
methods such as Random Forests (RF), an ensemble
of tree classifiers.

The RELIEF algorithm (Kira & Rendell, 1992) estimates the quality of attributes according to how well
their values distinguish between instances that are
near to each other. For this purpose, given a randomly
selected instance, xs={x1s,x2s,,xns}, RELIEF searches
for its two nearest neighbours: one from the same class,
called nearest hit H, and the other from a different
class, called nearest miss M. It then updates the
quality estimate for all the features, depending on the
values for xs, M, and H. RELIEF can deal with discrete
and continuous features but is limited to two-class
problems. An extensionReliefFnot only deals with
multiclass problems but is also more robust and capable
of dealing with incomplete and noisy data. ReliefF was
subsequently adapted for continuous class (regression)
problems, resulting in the RReliefF algorithm (RobnikSikonja & Kononenko, 2003).



In FOCUS (Almuallim & Dietterich, 1991) all feature

subsets of increasing size are evaluated until a suitable subset is encountered. Feature subset q is said
to be suitable if there is no pair of examples that have
different class values and the same values for all the
features in q. The successor of this algorithm is FOCUS_2 (Almuallim & Dietterich, 1992), which prunes
the search space, thereby evaluating only promising
subsets. FOCUS_2 is therefore much faster than FO-

The fast correlated-based filter (FCBF) method (Yu &

Liu, 2003) is based on symmetrical uncertainty (SU),
which is defined as the ratio between the information
gain and the entropy of two features, x and y:

Filter Methods


SU ( x, y ) = 2

IG ( x / y )
H ( x) + H ( y ) .

Feature Selection

This method was designed for high-dimensionality

data and has been shown to be effective in removing
both irrelevant and redundant features. However, it
fails to take into consideration the interaction between
features. The INTERACT algorithm (Zhao & Liu,
2007) uses the same goodness measure, SU, but also
includes the consistency contribution (c-contribution).
It can thus handle feature interaction, and efficiently
selects relevant features.

Wrapper Methods
The idea of the wrapper approach is to select a feature subset using a learning algorithm as part of the
evaluation function (Figure 2). Instead of using subset sufficiency, entropy or another explicitly defined
evaluation function, a kind of black box function is
used to guide the search. The evaluation function for
each candidate feature subset returns an estimate of
the quality of the model that is induced by the learning
algorithm. This can be rather time consuming, since,
for each candidate feature subset evaluated during the
search, the target learning algorithm is usually applied several times (e.g., in the case of 10-fold cross
validation being used to estimate model quality). Here

we briefly describe several feature subset selection

algorithmsdeveloped in machine learningthat
are based on the wrapper approach. The literature is
vast in this area and so we will just focus on the most
representative wrapper models.
An interesting study of the wrapper approach was
conducted by Kohavi & John (1997). Besides introducing the notion of strong and weak feature relevance,
these authors showed the results achieved by different
induction algorithms (ID3, C4.5, and nave Bayes) in
several search methods (best first, hill-climbing, etc.).
Aha & Bankert (1995) used a wrapper approach in
instance-based learning and proposed a new search
strategy that performs beam search using a kind of
backward elimination; that is, instead of starting with
an empty feature subset, the search randomly selects a
fixed number of feature subsets and starts with the best
among them. Caruana & Freitag (1994) developed a
wrapper feature subset selection method for decision
tree induction, proposing bidirectional hill-climbing
for the feature spaceas more effective than either
forward or backward selection. Genetic algorithms
have been broadly adopted to perform the search for
the best subset of features in a wrapper way (Liu &
Motoda, 1998, Huang et al. 2007). The feature selection

Figure 2. Wrapper algorithm

Training data


Feature Search
Set of


Measure of
Feature Evaluation

Set of

Induction Algorithm

Test data




Feature Selection

methods using support vector machines (SVMs) have

obtained satisfactory results (Weston et al., 2001). SVMs
are also combined with other techniques to implement
feature selection (different approaches are described
in Guyon et al., 2006). Kim et al. (2003) use artificial
neural networks (ANNs) for customer prediction and
ELSA (Evolutionary Local Selection Algorithm) to
search for promising subsets of features.

Hybrid Methods
Whereas the computational cost associated with the
wrapper model makes it unfeasible when the number of features is high, when the filter model is used
its performance is less than satisfactory. The hybrid
model is a good combination of the two approaches
that overcomes these problems. Hybrid methods use a
filter to generate a ranked list of features. On the basis
of the order thus defined, nested subsets of features are
generated and computed by a learning machine, i.e.
following a wrapper approach (Guyon et al., 2006).
The main features of the hybrid model are depicted in
Figure 3. One of the first hybrid approaches proposed
was that of Yuan et al., 1999. Since then, the hybrid
model has focused the attention of the research community and, by now, numerous hybrid models have
been developed to solve a variety of problems, such
as intrusion detection, text categorisation, etc.
As a combination of filter and wrapper models,
there exist a great number of hybrid methods, so it is

not possible to include all of them and therefore we will

refer to some interesting ones. Some hybrid methods
involving SVMs are presented in Guyon et al. (2006),
chapters 20 and 22. Shazzad & Park (2005) investigate
a fast hybrid method a fusion of Correlation-based
Feature Selection, Support Vector Machine and Genetic
Algorithm to determine an optimal feature set. A feature selection model based both on information theory
and statistical tests is presented by Sebban & Nock
(2002). Zhu et al. (2007) incorporates a filter ranking
method in a genetic algorithm to improve classification
performance and accelerate the search process.

Feature selection is a huge topic that it is impossible
to discuss in a short chapter. To pinpoint new topics in
this area we refer the reader to the suggestions given
by Guyon et al. (2006), summarised as follows:

Unsupervised variable selection. Although this

chapter has focused on supervised feature selection, several authors have attempted to implement
feature selection for clustering applications (see,
for example, Dy & Brodley, 2004). For supervised
learning tasks, one may want to pre-filter a set
of the most significant variables with respect to a
criterion which does not make use of y to minimise
the problem of over-fitting.

Figure 3. Hybrid algorithm

set of features

set of features

feature subset

induction algorithm


Feature Selection

Selection of examples. Mislabelled examples may

induce a choice of wrong variables, so it may be
preferable to jointly select both variables and
System reverse engineering. This chapter focuses
on the problem of selecting features useful to build
a good predictor. Unravelling the causal dependencies between variables and reverse engineering
the system that produced the data is a far more
challenging task that is beyond the scope of this
chapter (but see, for example, Pearl, 2000).

Feature selection for classification and regression is a
major research topic in machine learning. It covers many
different fields, such as, for example, text categorisation, intrusion detection, and micro-array data. This
study reviews key algorithms used for feature selection,
including filter, wrapper and hybrid approaches. The
review is not exhaustive and is merely designed to give
an idea of the state of the art in the field. Most feature
selection algorithms lead to significant reductions in
the dimensionality of the data without sacrificing the
performance of the resulting models. Choosing between
approaches depends on the problem in hand. Adopting
a filtering approach is computationally acceptable,
but the more complex wrapper approach tends to produce greater accuracy in the final result. The filtering
approach is very flexible, since any target learning
algorithm can be used. It is also faster than the wrapper approach. This latter, on the other hand, is more
dependent on the learning algorithm; but the selection
process is better. The hybrid approach offers promise
in terms of improving results in terms of classification
accuracy as well as in terms of the identification of
relevant attributes for the analysis.

Aha, D.W., and Bankert, R. L. (1995). A comparative
evaluation of sequential feature selection algorithms.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1-7. SpringerVerlag.

Almuallim, H. & Dietterich, T. G (1991). Learning

with many irrelevant features. Proceedings of the 9th
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 547552, AAAI Press.
Almuallim, H. & Dietterich, T. G. (1992) Efficient algorithms for identifying relevant features. Proceedings of
the 9th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
38-45, Vancouver.
Alpaydin, E. (2004). Introduction to Machine Learning. MIT Press.
Blum, A. L. & Langley, P. (1997). Selection of relevant
features and examples in machine learning. Artificial
Intelligence, (97) 1-2, 245-271.
Caruana, R. & Freitag, D. (1994). Greedy attribute
selection. Proceedings of the Eleventh International
Conference on Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, Inc., 28-36.
Dy, J. G. & Brodley, C. E. (2004). Feature Selection for
Unsupervised Learning. Journal of Machine Learning
Research, (5), 845889.
Guyon, I. & Elisseeff, A. (2003). An introduction to
variable and feature selection. Journal of Machine
Learning Research, (3), 1157-1182.
Guyon, I., Gunn, S., Nikravesh, M. & Zadeh, L.A.
(2006). Feature Extraction. Foundations and Applications. Springer.
Huang, J., Cai, Y. & Xu, X. (2007). A hybrid genetic
algorithm for feature selection wrapper based on mutual information. Patter recognition letters, (28) 13,
Kim, Y., Street W. N. & Menczer, F. (2003). Feature
selection in data mining. Data mining: opportunities
and challenges, 80-105. IGI Publishing.
Kira, K. & Rendell, L. (1992). The feature selection
problem: traditional methods and new algorithm. Proc.
AAAI92, San Jose, CA.
Kohavi, R. & John, G. (1997). Wrappers for feature
subset selection. Artificial Intelligence, (97)1-2, 273324.
Liu, H. & Motoda, H. (1998). Feature extraction,
construction and selection. A data mining perspective.
Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Feature Selection

Pearl, J. (2000). Casuality . Cambridge University


SVMs. Advances in Neural Information Processing

Systems, (13). MIT Press.

Pudil, P. and Novovicova, J. and Kittler, J. (1994).

Floating search methods in feature-selection. Pattern
Recognition Letters, (15) 11, 1119-1125.

Zhao, Z. and Liu, H. (2007). Searching for interacting

features. Proceedings of International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, 1157-1161.

Robnik-Sikonja, M. & Kononenko, I. (2003). Theoretical and empirical analysis of ReliefF and RReliefF.
Machine Learning, (53), 23-69, Kluwer Academic

Zhu, Z., Ong, Y., Dash, M. (2007) WrapperFilter Feature Selection Algorithm Using a Memetic Framework.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Part B. (37) 1, 70-76.

Salappa, A., Doumpos, M. & Zopounidis, C. (2007).

Feature selection algorithms in classification problems:
an experimental evaluation. Optimization Methods and
Software, (22) 1, 199 212.
Snchez-Maroo, N., Caamao-Fernndez, M., Castillo, E & Alonso-Betanzos, A.(2006). Functional
networks and analysis of variance for feature selection.
Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning,
Shazzad, K.M & Jong S.P. (2005). Optimization of
Intrusion Detection through Fast Hybrid Feature
Selection. International Conference on Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 264 267.
Sebban, M., Nock, R. (2002). A hybrid filter/wrapper
approach of feature selection using information theory.
Patter recognition, (35)4:835-846.
Yu, L. and Liu, H. (2003). Feature selection for highdimensional data: A Fast Correlation-Based Filter
Solution. Proceedings of The Twentieth International
Conference on Machine Learning, 856-863.

Dimensionality Reduction: The process of reducing the number of features under consideration. The
process can be classified in terms of feature selection
and feature extraction.
Feature Extraction: A dimensionality reduction
method that finds a reduced set of features that are a
combination of the original ones.
Feature Selection: A dimensionality reduction
method that consists of selecting a subset of relevant
features from a complete set while ignoring the remaining features.
Filter Method: A feature selection method that
relies on the general characteristics of the training data
to select and discard features. Different measures can
be employed: distance between classes, entropy, etc.
Hybrid Method: A feature selection method that
combines the advantages of wrappers and filters methods to deal with high dimensionality data.

Yuan, H., Tseng, S.S., Gangshan, S. and Fuyan, Z.

(1999). Two-phase feature selection method using both
filter and wrapper. Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2)

Sequential Backward (Forward) Selection

(SBS/SFS): A search method that starts with all the
features (an empty set of features) and removes (adds)
a single feature at each step with a view to improving
-or minimally degrading- the cost function.

Weston, J., Mukherjee, S., Chapelle, O., Pontil, M.,

Poggio, T. and Vapnik, V. (2001). Feature selection for

Wrapper Method: A feature selection method that

uses a learning machine as a black box to score subsets
of features according to their predictive value.



Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

Llus A. Belanche Muoz
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain

The answer to the theoretical question: Can a machine

be built capable of doing what the brain does? is yes,
provided you specify in a finite and unambiguous way
what the brain does.
Warren S. McCulloch

The class of adaptive systems known as Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) was motivated by the amazing parallel
processing capabilities of biological brains (especially
the human brain). The main driving force was to re-create these abilities by constructing artificial models of
the biological neuron. The power of biological neural
structures stems from the enormous number of highly
interconnected simple units. The simplicity comes
from the fact that, once the complex electro-chemical
processes are abstracted, the resulting computation
turns out to be conceptually very simple.
These artificial neurons have nowadays little in
common with their biological counterpart in the ANN
paradigm. Rather, they are primarily used as computational devices, clearly intended to problem solving:
optimization, function approximation, classification,
time-series prediction and others. In practice few elements are connected and their connectivity is low. This
chapter is focused to supervised feed-forward networks.
The field has become so vast that a complete and clearcut description of all the approaches is an enormous
undertaking; we refer the reader to (Fiesler & Beale,
1997) for a comprehensive exposition.

Artificial Neural Networks (Bishop, 1995), (Haykin,
1994), (Hertz, Krogh & Palmer, 1991), (Hecht-Nielsen,
1990) are information processing structures without
global or shared memory, where each of the computing
elements operates only when all its incoming information is available, a kind of data-flow architectures.

Each element is a simple processor with internal and

adjustable parameters. The interest in ANN is primarily related to the finding of satisfactory solutions for
problems cast as function approximation tasks and
for which there is scarce or null knowledge about the
process itself, but a (limited) access to examples of
response. They have been widely and most fruitfully
used in a variety of applicationssee (Fiesler & Beale,
1997) for a comprehensive reviewespecially after the
boosting works of (Hopfield, 1982), (Rumelhart, Hinton
& Williams, 1986) and (Fukushima, 1980).
The most general form for an ANN is a labelled
directed graph, where each of the nodes (called units
or neurons) has a certain computing ability and is
connected to and from other nodes in the network
via labelled edges. The edge label is a real number
expressing the strength with which the two involved
units are connected. These labels are called weights.
The architecture of a network refers to the number of
units, their arrangement and connectivity.
In its basic form, the computation of a unit i is
expressed as a function Fi of its input (the transfer
function), parameterized with its weight vector or local information. The whole system is thus a collection
of interconnected elements, and the transfer function
performed by a single one (i.e., the neuron model) is
the most important fixed characteristic of the system.
There are two basic types of neuron models in the
literature used in practice. Both express the overall
computation of the unit as the composition of two
functions, as is classically done since the earlier model
proposal of McCulloch & Pitts (1943):
Fi(x ) = {g(h(x,wi)), wiRn},



where wi is the weight vector of neuron i, h:RnRn

R is called the net input or aggregation function, and
g:RR is called the activation function. All neuron
parameters are included in its weight vector.
The choice h(x,wi)=xwi+, where R is an offset
term that may be included in the weight vector, leads
to one of the most widely used neuron models. When

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

Figure 1. A classification problem. Left: Separation by spherical RBF units (R-neurons). Right: Separation by
straight lines (P-neurons) in the MLP.

neurons of this type are arranged in a feed-forward

architecture, the obtained neural network is called
MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) (Rumelhart, Hinton
& Williams, 1986). Usually, a smooth non-linear and
monotonic function is used as activation. Among them,
the sigmoids are a preferred choice.
The choice h(x,wi)= ||x-wi||/ (or other distance
measure), with >0R a smoothing term, plus an
activation g with a monotonically decreasing response
from the origin, leads to the wide family of localized
Radial Basis Function networks (RBF) (Poggio &
Girosi, 1989). Localized means that the units give a
significant response only in a neighbourhood of their
centre wi. A Gaussian g(z)=exp(-z2/2) is a preferred
choice for the activation function.
The previous choices can be extended to take into
account extra correlations between input variables. The
inner product (containing no cross-product terms) can be
generalized to a real quadratic form (an homogeneous
polynomial of second degree with real coefficients) or
even further to higher degrees, leading to the so-called
higher-order units (or units). A higher-order unit
of degree k includes all possible cross-products of at
most k input variables, each with its own weight. Conversely, basic Euclidean distances can be generalized
to completely weighted distance measures, where all
the (quadratic) cross-products are included. These full
expressions are not commonly used because of the high
numbers of free parameters they involve.
These two basic neuron models have traditionally
been regarded as completely separated, both from a
mathematical and a conceptual point of view. To a
certain degree, this is true: the local vs. global approximation approaches to a function that they carry

out make them apparently quite opposite methods (see

Fig. 1). Mathematically, under certain conditions, they
can be shown to be related (Dorffner, 1995). These
conditions (basically, that both input and weight vectors are normalized to unit norm) are difficult to fulfil
in practice.
A layer is defined as a collection of independent units
(not connected with one another) sharing the same input,
and of the same functional form (same Fi but different
wi). Multilayer feed-forward networks take the form of
directed acyclic graphs obtained by concatenation of
a number of layers. All the layers but the last (called
the output layer) are labelled as hidden. This kind of
networks (shown in Fig. 2) compute a parameterized
function Fw(x) of their input vector x by evaluating
the layers in order, giving as final outcome the output
of the last layer. The vector w represents the collection
of all the weights (free parameters) in the network.
For simplicity, we are not considering connections
between non-adjacent layers (skip-layer connections)
and assume otherwise total connectivity. The set of
input variables is not counted as a layer.
Output neurons take the form of a scalar product (a
linear combination), eventually followed by an activation function g. For example, assuming a single output
neuron, a one-hidden-layer neural network with h hidden units computes a function F:RnR of the form:


i =1

ciFi(x) - )


Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

Figure 2. A two-hidden-layer example of ANN, mapping a three-dimensional input space x=(x1,x2,x3) to a twodimensional output space (y1,y2)=Fw(x). The network has four and three units in the first and second hidden
layers, respectively, and two output neurons. The vector w represents the collection of all the weights in the

where R is an offset term (called the bias term), ciR

and g can be set as desired, including the choice g(z)=z.
Such a feed-forward network has dim(w)=(n+1)h+h+1
parameters to be adjusted.


The RBF and MLP networks provide parameterized
families of functions suitable to function approximation
on multidimensional spaces. A sigmoid neuron puts up
an hyperplane that divides its input space in two halves.
In other words, the points of equal neuron activation
(with fixed weights) are hyperplanes. This behaviour
is not caused by the sigmoid, but by the scalar product.
The isoactivation contours for an RBF unit (in case of
an unweighted Euclidean norm) are hyperspheres. The
radially symmetric and centered response is not caused
by the activation function (e.g., Gaussian or exponential)
but by the norm. In both cases, the activation function
acts as a non-linear monotonic distorsion of its argument
as computed by the aggregation function.
Definition (Isoactivation set). Given a real function
f:Rn(a,b), define If for (a,b) as the set of isoactivation points If={xRn|f(x)=}.

Definition (P-neuron). A neuron model Fi of the



with g a bounded, non-linear and increasing function for which limz g(z)=gmaxR and limz-
g(z)=gminR will be denoted P-neuron (from Perceptron). For these neurons, the sets IFi are (n-1)dimensional hyperplanes for constant values of ,
parallel with one another for different . In practice,
the g are usually the well-behaved sigmoids, though
other activation functions are sometimes found in the
literature (e.g., sinusoid). The latter are not included
in the above Definition.
Definition (R-neuron). A neuron model Fi of the
Fi(x)={1/i g(||x-wi||q), wiRn, i>0R, q1R}
where ||.|| is a norm and g is a symmetric function
such that g(|z|) is monotonic, with a maximum gmax
at Fi(wi) and a (possibly asymptotically reached) minimum gmin=0 will be denoted R-neuron (from Radial).
For these neurons, the sets IFi are (n-1)-dimensional

Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

Figure 3. The logistic function l(z)=glog1.5(z) and its first derivative l(z)>0. This function is maximum at the
origin, corresponding to a medium activation at l(0)=0.5. This point acts as an initial neutral value around
a quasi-linear slope.

hypersurfaces (centered at wi) for constant values of

(e.g., hypercubes for q=1, hyperspheres for q=2)
concentric with one another for different .
The norm used can be any Minkowskian norm of
the form:

||z||q= (

i =1

|zi|q) 1/q, q1R


In practice, typical choices are q=2 and g a Gaussian function.

Due to their widespread use, we present two of the
most popular sigmoids, and show how they are tightly
related. A sigmoid function g can be defined as a monotonically increasing function exhibiting smoothness
and asymptotic properties. The two more commonly
found representatives are the logistic:

1 + exp( ( z ))
and the hyperbolic tangent:



exp( ( z )) exp( ( z ))
exp( ( z )) + exp( ( z ))

The offset is in practice set to zero, because its

function is the same as that of the bias term in the aggregation function in (3). These two families of functions can be made exactly the same shape (assuming
=0) by making the in (6) be twice the value of the
in (7). For instance, for =0.5:

gtanh 0 5 (z) = gtanh1(z/2) =

1 exp( z )
= 2glog1(z)-1
1 + exp( z )

is the bipolar version of glog1(z)= 1+ exp(
z ) . These
functions are chosen because of their simple analytic
behaviour, especially in what concerns differentiability, of great importance for learning algorithms
relying in derivative information (Fletcher, 1980). In

(glog)(z) = glog (z)(1-glog (z))



Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

The interest in sigmoid functions also relies in the

behaviour of their derivatives. Consider, for example,
(6) with =1.5 and =0, plotted in Fig. (3). The derivative of a sigmoid is always positive. For =0, all the
functions are centred at z=0. In this point, the function
has a medium activation, and its derivative is maximum,
allowing for maximum weight updates.

Types of Artificial Neural Networks

A fundamental distinction to categorize a neural network
relies on the kind of architecture, basically divided in
feed-forward (for which the graph contains no cycles)
and recurrent (the rest of situations). A very common
feed-forward architecture contains no intra-layer
connections and all possible inter-layer connections
between adjacent layers.
Definition (Feed-forward neural network: structure). A bipartitioned graph is a graph G whose nodes
V can be partitioned in two disjoint and proper sets V1
and V2, V1V2=V, in such a way that no pair of nodes
in V1 is joined by an edge, and the same property holds
for V2. We write then Gn1,n2, with n1=|V1|,n2=|V2|. A
bipartitioned graph Gn1,n2 is complete if every node in
V1 is connected to every node in V2. These concepts
can be generalized to an arbitrary number of partitions,
as follows: A k-partitioned graph Gn1,...,nk is a graph
whose nodes V can be partitioned in k disjoint and
proper sets V1,...,Vk, such that

i =1


in Definitions 2 and 3, which are collectively grouped

in the network parameters w. The first output is defined
as y(0)=x. For the last (output) layer, hc+1=m and the
Fc+1l,1 l hc+1 are P-neurons or linear units (obtained
by removing the activation function in a P-neuron). The
final outcome for Fw(x) is the value of y(c+1).
Definition (MLPNN). A MultiLayer Perceptron Neural
Network is a FFNN (n,c,m) for which c1 and all the
Fl are P-neurons, 1 l c.
Definition (RBFNN). A Radial Basis Function Neural
Network is a FFNN (n,c,m) for which c=1 and all the
Fc are R-neurons.


A system can be said to learn if its performance on a
given task improves with respect to some measure as
a result of experience (Rosenblatt, 1962). In ANNs the
experience is the result of exposure to a training set
of data, accompanied with weight modifications. The
main problem tackled in supervised learning is regression, the approximation of an n-dimensional function
f: X RnRm by finite superposition (composition
and addition) of known parameterized base functions,
like those in (3) or (4). Their combination gives rise
to expressions of the form Fw(x). The interest is in
finding a parameter vector w* of size s such that Fw*(x)
optimizes a cost functional L (f, Fw) called the loss:
w*=argminwRs L (f, Fw)


in a way that no pair of nodes in Vi is joined by an edge,

for all 1 i k. In these conditions, a feed-forward fully
connected neural network with c hidden layers and hl
units per layer l, 1 l c+1, takes the form of a directed
complete c+1-partitioned graph Gh1,...,hc+1.

The only information available is a finite set D of

p noisy samples of f, D={<xi,yi>,f(xi)+i=yi}, where
xiRn is the stimulus, yiRm is the target, i is the noise
(assumed additive) and |D|=p. An estimation of L (f,

Definition (Feed-forward neural network: function). A feed-forward neural network consisting of

c hidden layers, denoted FFNN(n,c,m), is a function Fw: RnRm made up of pieces of the form
y (l) =(F 1l (y (l-1) ),...,F h ll (y (l-1) )), representing the
output of layer l, for 1 l c+1. The Fl denote the
neuron model of layer l and hlN+ their number,
and each neuron Fil has its own parameters w(l)i as

L (D, Fw) =

Fw) can be obtained as L (D, Fw), the apparent loss,

computed separately for each sample in D,

( x i ,y i ) D

(yi ,Fw(xi))



Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

A common form for is an error function, as the

squared-error (a,b)=(a-b)2. This results from the
assumption that the noise follows a homocedastic
gaussian distribution with zero mean. When using
this error, the expression (11) can be viewed as the
(squared) Euclidean norm in Rp of the p-dimensional
error vector e=(e1,...,ep), known as the sum-of-squares
error, with ei=yi-Fw(xi), as:

L (D,Fw) =

( x i ,y i ) D

(yi-Fw(xi))2 = e e = ||e||2

The usually reported quantity ||e||2/p is called mean

square error (MSE), and is a measure of the empirical
error (as opposed to the unknown true error). We shall

denote the error function E(w)= L (D, Fw). In a training

process, the network builds an internal representation
of the target function by finding ways to combine the
set of base functions {Fi(x)}i. The validity of a solution is mainly determined by an acceptably low and

balanced L (D,Fw) and L (Dout, Fw), for any Dout

X\D (where Dout is not used in the learning process)

to ensure that f has been correctly estimated from the
data. Network models too inflexible or simple or, on
the contrary, too flexible or complex will generalize
inadequately. This is reflected in the bias-variance
tradeoff: the expected loss for finite samples can be
decomposed in two opposing terms called error bias
and error variance (Geman, Bienenstock & Doursat,
1992). The expectation for the sum-of-squares error
function, averaged over the complete ensemble of data
sets D is written as (Bishop, 1995):


= (ED{(Fw(x)-<y|x>})2+ED{(Fw(x)ED{Fw(x)})2}
where ED is the expectation operator taken over every
data set of the same size as D and <y|x> denotes the


conditional average of the target y=f(x) (which expresses the optimal network mapping), given by:

y p(y|x) dy

The first term in the right hand side of (13) is the

(squared) bias and the second is the variance. The bias
measures the extent to which the average (over all D)
of Fw(x) differs from the desired target function <y|x>.
The variance measures the sensitivity of Fw(x) to the
particular choice of D. Too inflexible or simple models
will have a large bias, while too flexible or complex
will have a large variance. These are complementary
quantities that have to be minimized simultaneously;
both can be shown to decrease with increasing availability of larger data sets D.
The expressions in (13) are functions of an input
vector x. The average values for bias and variance
can be obtained by weighting with the corresponding
density p(x):

ED{(Fw(x)-<y|x>)2}p(x) dx


(ED{(Fw(x)-<y|x>})2p(x) dx
ED{(Fw(x)-ED{Fw(x)})2}p(x) dx

Key conditions for acceptable performance on

novel data are given by a training set D as large and
representative as possible of the underlying distribution, and a set Dout of previously unseen data which
should not contain examples exceedingly different from
those in D. An important consideration is the use of
a net with minimal complexity, given by the number
of free parameters (the number of components in w).
This requirement can be realized in various ways. In
regularization theory, the solution is obtained from
a variational principle including the loss and prior
smoothness information, defining a smoothing functional such that lower values correspond to smoother
functions. A solution of the approximation problem is
then given by minimization of the functional (Girosi,
Jones & Poggio, 1993):

Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

H(Fw)= L (D,Fw)+(Fw)


where is a positive scalar controlling the tradeoff between fitness to the data and smoothness of the solution.
A common choice is the second derivative P(f) = f of
which the (squared) Euclidean norm is taken:



Artificial Neural Networks are information processing
structures evolved as an abstraction of known principles
of how the brain might work. The computing elements,
called neurons, are linked to one another with a certain
strength, called weight. In their simplest form, each unit
computes a function of its inputswhich are either the
outputs from other units or external signalsinfluenced
by the weights of the links conveying these inputs. The
network is said to learn when the weights of all the
units are adapted to represent the information present
in a sample, in an optimal sense given by an error
function. The network relies upon the representation
capacity of the neuron model as the cornerstone for a
good approximation.

Bishop, C. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Clarendon Press.
Dorffner, G. (1995). A generalized view on learning in
feedforward neural networks. Technische Universitt
Cottbus, Reihe Mathematik M-01/1995, pp.34-54.

Geman, S., Bienenstock, E., Doursat, R. (1992). Neural networks and the bias/variance dilemma. Neural
Computation, 4 (1): 1-58, 1992.
Girosi, F., Jones, M., Poggio, T. (1993). Priors, Stabilizers and Basis Functions: from regularization to
radial, tensor and additive splines. AI Memo No.1430,
AI Laboratory, MIT.
Haykin, S. (1994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
Foundation. MacMillan.
Hecht-Nielsen, R. (1990). Neurocomputing. AddisonWesley.
Hertz, J., Krogh, A., Palmer R.G. (1991). Introduction to
the Theory of Neural Computation, Addison-Wesley.
Hopfield, J.J. (1982) Neural Networks and Physical
Systems with Emergent Collective and Computational
Abilities. In Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA, Vol. 79, pp. 2554-2558.
McCulloch, W., Pitts, W. (1943). A logical calculus
of the ideas immanent in nervous activity. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biophysics, 5: 115-133.
Poggio T., Girosi, F. (1989). A Theory of Networks for
Approximation and Learning. AI Memo No. 1140,
AI Laboratory, MIT.
Rosenblatt, F. (1962). Principles of neurodynamics.
Spartan Books, NY.
Rumelhart, D., Hinton, G., Williams, R. (1986). Learning internal representations by error propagation. In
Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the
Microstructure of Cognition (Vol. 1: Foundations).
Rumelhart, McClelland (eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge,

Fiesler, E., Beale, R. (Eds., 1997) Handbook of Neural

Computation. IOP Publishing & Oxford Univ. Press.


Fletcher, R. (1980). Practical methods of optimization. Wiley.

Architecture: The number of artificial neurons, its

arrangement and connectivity.

Fukushima, K. (1980). Neocognitron: a self-organizing neural network model for a mechanism of pattern
recognition unaffected by shift in position. Biological
Cybernetics, 36, pp. 193-202.

Artificial Neural Network: Information processing

structure without global or shared memory that takes the
form of a directed graph where each of the computing
elements (neurons) is a simple processor with internal
and adjustable parameters, that operates only when all
its incoming information is available.

Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network Basics

Bias-Variance Tradeoff: The mean square error (to

be minimized) decomposes in a sum of two non-negative terms, the squared bias and the variance. When an
estimator is modified so that one term decreases, the
other term will typically increase.
Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network: Artificial Neural Network whose graph has no cycles.
Learning Algorithm: Method or algorithm by virtue of which an Artificial Neural Network develops a
representation of the information present in the learning
examples, by modification of the weights.
Neuron Model: The computation of an artificial
neuron, expressed as a function of its input and its
weight vector and other local information.
Weight: A free parameter of an Artificial Neural
Network, that can be modified through the action of
a Learning Algorithm to obtain desired responses to
input stimuli.



Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in

Multimodal Problems
Marcos Gestal
University of A Corua, Spain
Mari Paz Gmez-Carracedo
University of A Corua, Spain



Traditionally, the Evolutionary Computation (EC) techniques, and more specifically the Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) (Goldberg & Wang, 1989), have proved to be
efficient when solving various problems; however, as a
possible lack, the GAs tend to provide a unique solution
for the problem on which they are applied. Some non
global solutions discarded during the search of the best
one could be acceptable under certain circumstances.
The majority of the problems at the real world involve
a search space with one or more global solutions and
multiple local solutions; this means that they are multimodal problems (Harik, 1995) and therefore, if it is
desired to obtain multiple solutions by using GAs, it
would be necessary to modify their classic functioning
outline for adapting them correctly to the multimodality
of such problems.

This chapter tries to establish the basis for the understanding of multimodality where, firstly, the characterisation of the multimodal problems will be attempted.
It would be also tried to offer a global view of some
of the several approaches proposed for adapting the
classic functioning of the GAs to the search of multiple
solutions. Lastly, the contributions of the authors will
be also showed.

The multimodal problems can be briefly defined as
those problems that have multiple global optimums
or multiple local optimums.
For this type of problems, it is interesting to obtain
the greatest number of solutions due to several reasons;
on one hand, when there is not a total knowledge of the

Figure 1. Rastrigin function

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Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

problem, the solution obtained might not be the best

one as it can not be stated that no better solution could
be found at the search space that has not been explored
yet. On the other hand, although being certain that the
best solution has been achieved, there might be other
equally fitted or slightly worst solutions that might be
preferred due to different factors (easier application,
simpler interpretation, etc.) and therefore considered
globally better.
One of the most characteristic multimodal functions used in lab problems are the Rastrigin function
(see Fig. 1) which offers an excellent graphical point
of view about multimodality means.
Providing multiple optimal (and valid) solutions
and not only the unique global solution is crucial in
multiple environments. Usually, it is very complex to
implement in the practice the best solution represents,
so it can offers multiple problems: computational cost
too high, complex interpretation,
In these situations it turns out useful to have a
range of valid solutions between which that one could
choose that, still not being the best solution to the raised
problem, offer a level of acceptable adjustment and be
simpler to implement, to understand, that the ideal
global one.


As it has been mentioned, the application of EC techniques to the resolution of multimodal problems sets
out the difficulty that this type of techniques shows
since they tend to solely provide the best of the found
solutions and to discard possible local optimums that
might have been found throughout the search. Quite
many modifications have been included in the traditional
performance of the GA in order to achieve good results
with multimodal problems.
A crucial aspect when obtaining multiple solutions consists on keeping the diversity of the genetic
population, distributing as much as possible the genetic
individuals throughout the search space.

Nitching methods allow GAs to maintain a genetic
population of diverse individuals, so it is possible

to locate multiple optimal solutions within a single

In order to minimise the impact of homogenisation,
or to tend that it may only affect later states of searching
phase, several alternatives have been designed, based
most of them on heuristics. One of the first alternatives
for promoting the diversity was the applications of scaling methods to the population in order to emphasize
the differences among the different individuals. Other
direct route for avoiding the diversity loss involves
focusing on the elimination of duplicate partial high
fitness solutions (Bersano, 1997) (Langdon, 1996).
Some other of the approaches tries to solve this
problem by means of the dynamic variation of crossover
and mutation rates (Ursem, 2002). A higher amount of
mutations are done in order to increase the exploration
through the search space, when diversity decreases; the
mutations decrease and crossovers increase with the aim
of improving exploitation in optimal solution search
when diversity increases. There are also proposals of
new genetic operators or variations of the actual ones.
For example some of the crossover algorithms that
improve diversity and that should be highlighted are
BLX (Blend Crossover) (Eshelman & Schaffer, 1993),
SBX (Simulated Binary Crossover) (Deb & Agrawal,
1995), PCX (Parent Centric Crossover) (Deb, Anand
& Joshi, 2002), CIXL2 (Confidence Interval Based
Crossover using L2 Norm) (Ortiz, Hervs & Garca,
2005) or UNDX (Unimodal Normally Distributed
Crossover) (Ono & Kobayashi, 1999).
Regarding replacement algorithms, schemes that
may keep population diversity have been also looked
for. An example of this type of schemes is crowding
(DeJong, 1975)(Mengshoel & Goldberg, 1999). Here,
a newly created individual is compared to a randomly
chosen subset of the population and the most closely
individual is selected for replacement. Crowding techniques are inspired by Nature where similar members
in natural populations compete for limited resources.
Likewise, dissimilar individuals tend to occupy different niches and are unlikely to compete for the same
resource, so different solutions are provided.
Fitness sharing was firstly implemented by Goldberg & Richardson for being used on multimodal
functions (Goldberg & Richardson, 1999). The basic
idea involves determining, from the fitness of each
solution, the maximum number of individuals that can
remain around it, awarding the individuals that exploit
unique areas of the domain. The dynamic fitness shar-

Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

ing (Miller & Shaw, 1995) with two components was

proposed in order to correct the dispersion of the final
distribution of the individuals into niches: the distance
function, which measures the overlapping of individuals, and the comparison function, which results 1 if
the individuals are identical and values closer to 0
as much different they are.
The clearing method (Petrowski, 1996) is quite
different from the previous ones, as the resources are
not shared, but assigned to the best individuals, who
will be then kept at every niche.
The main inconvenience of the techniques previously described lies in the fact that they add new parameters that should be configured according the process
of execution of GA. This process may be disturbed by
the interactions among those parameters (Ballester &
Carter, 2003).

Once detected the existing problems they should be
resolved, or at least, minimized. With this goal, the Artificial Neural Network and Adaptive System (RNASA)
group have developed two proposals that use EC techniques for this type of problems. Both proposals try
to find the final solution but keeping partial solutions
within the final population.
The main ideas of the two proposals, together with
the problems used for the tests are explained at the
following points.

Hybrid Two-Population Genetic


To force a homogeneous search throughout the search
space, the approach proposed here is based on the
addition of a new population (genetic pool) to a traditional GA (secondary population). The genetic pool
will divide the search space into sub-regions. Every
one of the individuals of the genetic pool has its own
fenced range for gene variation, so every one of these
individuals would represent a specific sub-region within
the global search space. On the other hand, the group
of individual ranges in which any gene may have its
value, is extended over the whole of those possible
values that a gene may have. Therefore, this genetic
pool would sample the whole of the search space.
It should be borne in mind that a traditional GA
performs its search considering only one sub-region
(the whole of the search space). Here the search space
will be divided into different subregions or intervals
according to the number of genetic individuals in the
genetic pool.
Since the individuals in the genetic pool have restrictions in their viable gene values, one of these individuals
would not be provided a valid solution. So, it is also
used another population (the secondary population)
in addition to the genetic pool. Here, a classical GA
would develop its individuals in an interactive fashion
with those individuals of the genetic pool.
Unlike at genetic pool, the genes of individuals of
secondary population may adopt values throughout the






Genetic Pool
N: N um ber of Variables S elected
S: S econdary P opulation Indiv iduals
n: num ber of subregions to div ide the search space




G21 G22 G23






G11 G12 G13

G21 G22 G23




Valid Range for

Gene Value


G11 G12 G13


Valid Range for

Gene Value

Figure 2. Structure of populations of hybrid two-population genetic algorithm


Secondary Population
P: G enetic P ool Indiv iduals
d: num ber of original v ariables


Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

whole of the search space, so it would contribute the

solutions, whereas the genetic pool would act as a support, keeping search space homogeneously explored.
The secondary population will provide the solutions
(since its individuals are allowed to vary along all the
search space range), whereas the genetic pool would
act as a support, keeping search space homogeneously
Next, both populations, which are graphically represented in Fig. 2, will be described in detail.

The Genetic Pool

As it has been previously mentioned, every one of the
individuals at the genetic pool represents a sub-region
of the global search space. Therefore, they should have
the same structure or gene sequence than when using
a traditional GA. The difference lies in the range of
values that these genes might have.
When offering a solution, traditional GA may have
any valid value, whereas in the proposed GA, the range
of possible values is restricted. Total value range is
divided into the same number of parts than individuals
in genetic pool, so that a sub-range of values is allotted
to each individual. Those values that a given gene may
have will remain within its range for the whole of the
performance of the proposed GA.
In addition to all that has been said, every individual
at the genetic pool will be in control of which are the
genes that correspond to the best found solution up to
then (meaning whether they belong to the best individual at secondary population). This Boolean value
would be used to avoid the modification of those genes
that, in some given phase of performance, are the best
solution to the problem.
Furthermore, every one of the genes in an individual
has an I value associated which indicates the relative
increment that would be applied to the gene during
a mutation operation based only on increments and
solely applied to individuals of the genetic pool. It is
obvious that this incremental value should have to be

Figure 3. Structure of the genetic pool individuals


lower than the maximum range in which gene values

may vary. The structure of the individuals at genetic
pool is shown at Fig.3.
As these individuals do not represent global solutions to the problem that has to be solved, so their
fitness value will not be compulsory. It will reduce
the complexity of the algorithm and, of course, it
will increase the computational efficiency of the final

The Secondary Population

The individuals of the secondary population are quite
different for the previous. In this case, the genes of the
individuals on the secondary population can take any
value throughout the whole space of possible solutions.
This allows that all individuals on secondary population are able to offer global solutions to the problem.
This is not possible in genetic pool because their genes
were restricted to different sub-ranges.
The evolution of the individuals at the genetic pool
will be carried out by a traditional GA rules. The main
different lies in the operator crossover. In this case a
modified crossover will be used. Due to the information
is stored in isolated population, now the two parents
who will produce the new offspring will not belong
to the same population. Hence, the genetic pool and
secondary population are combined instead. In this
way information of both populations will be merged
to produce the most fitted offspring.

The Crossover Operator

As it was pointed before the crossover operator recombines the genetic material of the individuals of both
populations. This recombination involves a random
individual from secondary population with a representative of the genetic pool.
This representative will represent a potential solution offered by the genetic pool. As a unique individual
can not verify this requirement, the representative will

Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

Figure 4. Hybrid two-population genetic algorithm: Crossover

be formed by a subset of genes of different individuals

on the genetic pool. Gathering information from different partial solutions will allow producing a valid
global solution.
Therefore, the value for every gene of the representative will be randomly chosen among all the individuals
in the genetic pool. After a value is assigned to all the
genes, this new individual represents not a partial,
unlike every one of the individuals separately, but a
global solution.
Now, the crossover operator will be applied. This
crossover function will keep the secondary population
diversity, so the offspring will contain values from the
genetic pool. Therefore the genetic algorithm would
be able to maintain multiple solutions in the same
population. The crossover operator does not change
the genetic pool because the last one only acts as an
engine to keep the diversity
This process is summarized in Fig 4.

The Mutation Operator

Mutation operator increments the value of individual
genes in the genetic pool. It introduces new information
in the genetic pool, so the representative can use it and
finally, by means of the crossover operator, introduce
it in secondary population.
It should be noted that the new value will have upper
limit, so when it is reached the new gene value will be
reset to the lower value.
When generations advance the increment amount is
reduced, so the increment applied to the individuals in
the genetic pool will take lower values. The different
increments between iterations are calculated taking in
mind the lower value for a gene (LIM_INF_IND), the

upper value for that gene (LIM_SUP_IND) and the total

number of individuals in the genetic pool (IND_POOL)
as Fig. 5 summarize. In such way, first generations will
explore the search space briefly (a coarse-grain search)
and it is intended to do a more exhaustive route through
all the values that a given gene may have (a fine-grain
search) as the search process advance.

Genetic Algorithm with Division into

Another proposed solution is an adaptation of the nitching technique. This adaptation consists on the division
of the genetic population into different and independent
subspecies. In this case the criterion that determines the
specie for a specific individual to concrete specie is done
according to genotype similarities (similar genotypes
will form isolated species). This classical concept has
been provided with some improvements in order to,
not only decrease the number of iterations needed for
obtaining solutions, but also increase the number of
solutions kept within the genetic population.
Several iterations of the GA were executed on
every species of the genetic population for speeding
up the convergence towards the solution that exists
near every species. The individuals generated during
this execution having a genotype of a different species
will be discarded.
The crossover operations between the species are
following applied similarly to what happens in biology. It origins, on one hand, the crossovers between
similar individuals are preferred (as it was done at the
previous step using GAs) and on the other, the crossovers between different species are enabled, although
in a lesser rate.

Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

Figure 5. Pseudocode for mutation and Delta initialization

IF (not Bi)
Gi = Gi + Ii
Ii = Ii Delta

The individuals generated after these crossovers

could, either be incorporated to an already existing
species or, if they analyse a new area of the search
space, create themselves a new species.
Finally, the GA provides as much solutions as species remains actives over the search space.

Since there are not any methods that provide the best
results in all the possible situations, new approaches
would be developed.
New fitness functions would help to locate a great
number of valid solutions within the search space.
In the described approaches this functions remains
constants over the method execution. Another option
would be allow dynamical fitness functions that vary
along the execution stage. These kind of functions will
try to adapt their output with the knowledge extracted
from the search space while the crossover and mutation
operators explore new arenas.
If different techniques offer acceptable solutions,
other interesting approach an interesting point consists
on putting together. For example, this hybrid models
would integrate statistics methods (with a great mathematical background) with other heuristics.

This article shows an overview of the different methods
related with evolutionary techniques used to address the
problem of multimodality. This chapter showed several
approaches to provide, not only a global solution, but
multiple solutions to the same problem. It would help

Delta =

( LIM _ SUP _ IND )( LIM _ INF _ IND )


the final user to decide which of them is the most suitable in any particular case.
The final decision will depend on several factors, not
only the global error reached for a particular method.
Other factors also depend on the economic impact, the
difficulty to implement it, the quality of the knowledge
provided for their analysis, and so on.

Ballester, P.J., & Carter, J.N. (2003). Real-Parameter
Genetic algorithm for Finding Multiple Optimal Solutions in Multimodel Optimizaton, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pp. 706-717.
Bersano-Beguey, T. (1997) Controlling Exploration,
Diversity and Escaping from Local Optimal in GP.
Proceedings of Genetic Prograrnming. MIT Press.
Cambridge, MA.
Deb, K., & Agrawal, S. (1995). Simulated binary crossover for continuous search space. Complex Systems
9(2), pp. 115-148. 1995.
Deb, K., Anand, A., & Joshi, D. (2002). A Computationally Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm for Real
Parameter Optimization, KanGAL report: 2002003.
DeJong, K.A. (1975). An Analysis of the Behaviour of
a Class of Genetic Adaptative Systems. Phd. Thesis,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Eshelman, L.J., & Schaffer J.D. (1994). Real coded
genetic algorithms and interval schemata. Foundations
of Genetic Algorihtms (2), pp. 187-202.
Goldberg, D.E., & Richardson J. (1987) Genetic algorithms with Sharing for Multimodal Function Optimi-

Finding Multiple Solutions with GA in Multimodal Problems

zation. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference

on Genetic algorithms (ICGA), pp. 41-49.
Goldberg, D.E., & Wang, L. (1989). Genetic algorithms in Search Optimization & Machine Learning.
Harik, G. (1995). Finding multimodal solutions using
restricted tournament selection. Proceedings of the
Sixth International Conference on Genetic algorithms,
(ICGA) 24-31.
Landgon, W. (1996). Evolution & Genetic Programming Populations. University College. Technical Report
RN/96/125. London.
Mengshoel, O.J., & Goldberg, D.E. (1999). Probabilistic
Crowding: Deterministic Crowding with Probabilistic
Replacement, Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, pp. 409-416.
Miller, B., & Shaw, M. (1995). Genetic algorithms
with Dynamic Niche Sharing for Multimodal Function
Optimization. IlliGAL Report 95010. University of
Illinois. Urbana Champaign.
Ono, I., & Kobayashi, S. (1999). A real-coded genetic
algorithm for function optimization using unimodal
normal distribution. Proceedings of International
Conference on Genetic algorithms, pp. 246-253.
Ortiz, D., Hervs, C., & Garca, N., (2005). CIXL2: A
crossover operator for evolutionary algorithms based
on population features. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Petrowski, A. (1996). A Clearing Procedure as a Niching Method for Genetic algorithms. Proceedings of
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation. IEEE Press. Nagoya, Japan.
Ursem, R.K. (2002). Diversity-Guided Evolutionary
Algorithms. Proceedings of VII Parallel Problem
Solving from Nature, pp. 462-471.

Crossover: Genetic operation included in evolutionary techniques used to generate the offspring from
current population. There are very different methods
to perform crossover, but the general idea resides in
merging the genetic information of the parents within
the offspring with the aim of produce better solutions
as generations advance.
Evolutionary Technique: Technique which tries
to provide solutions for a problem guided by biological principles such as the survival of the fittest. This
kind of techniques starts from a randomly generated
population which evolves by means of crossover and
mutation operations to provide the final solution.
Genetic Algorithm: A special type of evolutionary
technique which represents the potential solutions of
a problem within chromosomes (usually a collection
of binary, natural or real values).
Multimodal Problems: A special kind of problems
where a unique global solution does not exist. Several
global optimums or one global optimum with several
local optimums (or peaks) can be found around the
search space.
Mutation: The other genetic operation included in
evolutionary techniques to perform the reproduction
stage. Mutation operator introduces new information
in the system by random changes applied within the
genetic individuals.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in. Combination of all the possible values for all the variables
related with the problem.
Species: Within the context of genetic algorithm,
a subset of genetic individuals with similar genotype
(genetic values) which explore the same, or a similar,
area of the search space.



Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Lszl Kovcs
University of Miskolc, Hungary
Domonkos Tikk
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Current databases are able to store several Tbytes of
free-text documents. The main purpose of a database
from the users viewpoint is the efficient information retrieval. In the case of textual data, information
retrieval mostly concerns the selection and the ranking of documents. The selection criteria can contain
elements that apply to the content or the grammar of
the language. In the traditional database management
systems (DBMS), text manipulation is restricted to
the usual string manipulation facilities, i.e. the exact
matching of substrings. Although the new SQL1999
standard enables the usage of more powerful regular
expressions, this traditional approach has some major
drawbacks. The traditional string-level operations are
very costly for large documents as they work without
task-oriented index structures.
The required full-text management operations belong to text mining, an interdisciplinary field of natural
language processing and data mining. As the traditional
DBMS engine is inefficient for these operations, database management systems are usually extended with
a special full-text search (FTS) engine module. We
present here the particular solution of Oracle; there for
making the full-text querying more efficient, a special
engine was developed that performs the preparation
of full-text queries and provides a set of language and
semantic specific query operators.

Traditional DBMS engines are not adequate to meet
the users requirements on the management of free-text
data as they handles the whole text field as an atom
(Codd, 1985). A special extension to the DBMS engine is needed for the efficient implementation of text
manipulating operations. There is a significant demand

on the market on the usage of free text and text mining

operations, since information is often stored as free
text. Typical application areas are, e.g., text analysis
in medical systems, analysis of customer feedbacks,
and bibliographic databases. In these cases, a simple
character-level string matching would retrieve only
a fraction of related documents, thus an FST engine
is required that can identify the semantic similarities
between terms.
There are several alternatives for implementing an
FTS engine. In some DBMS products, such as Oracle,
Microsoft SQLServer, Postgres, and mySQL, a builtin FTS engine module is implemented. Some other
DBMS vendors extended the DBMS configuration with
a DBMS-independent FTS engine. In this segment the
main vendors are: SPSS LexiQuest (SPSS, 2007), SAS
Text Miner (SAS, 2007), dtSearch (dtSearch, 2007),
and Statistica Text Miner (Statsoft, 2007).
The market of FTS engines is very promising since
the amount of textual information stored in databases
rises steadily. According to the study of Meryll Lynch
(Blumberg & Arte, 2003), 85% of business information
are text documents e-mails, business and research
reports, memos, presentations, advertisements, news,
etc. and their proportion still increases. In 2006,
there were more than 20 billion documents available
on the Internet (Chang, 2006). The estimated size of
the pool increases to 550 billion documents when the
documents of the hidden (or deep) web which are e.g.
dynamically generated ones are also considered.

The subfield of document management that aims at
processing, searching, and analyzing text documents
is text mining. The goal of text mining is to discover
the non-trivial or hidden characteristics of individual
documents or document collections. Text mining is an

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Figure 1. The text mining module



retrieval and


application oriented interdisciplinary field of machine

learning which exploits tools and resources from computational linguistics, natural language processing,
information retrieval, and data mining.
The general application schema of text mining is
depicted in Figure 1 (Fan, Wallace, Rich & Zhang,
2006). For giving a brief summary of text mining, four
main areas are presented here: information extraction,
text categorization/classification, document clustering,
and summarization.

Information Extraction
The goal of information extraction (IE) is to collect the
text fragments (facts, places, people, etc.) from documents relevant to the given application. The extracted
information can be stored in structured databases. IE
is typically applied in such processes where statistics,
analyses, summaries, etc. should be retrieved from
texts. IE includes the following subtasks:

Text analysis

named entity recognition recognition of specified

types of entities in free text, see e.g. Borthwick,
1999; Sibanda & Uzuner, 2006,
co-reference resolution identification of text
fragments referring to the same entity, see e.g.
Ponzetto & Strube, 2006,
identification of roles and their relations determination of roles defined in event templates, see
e.g. Ruppenhofer et al, 2006.

Text Categorization
Text categorization (TC) techniques aim at sorting
documents into a given category system (see Sebastiani,
2002 for a good survey). In TC, usually, a classifier





model is built based on the content of a set of sample

documents, which model is then used to classify unseen
documents. Typical application examples of TC include
among many others:

document filtering such as e.g. spam filtering,

or newsfeed (Lewis, 1995);
patent document routing determination of experts in the given fields (Larkey, 1999);
assisted categorization helping domain experts
in manual categorization with valuable suggestions (Tikk et al, 2007),
automatic metadata generation (Liddy et al,

Document Clustering
Document clustering (DC) methods group elements
of a document collection based on their similarity.
Here again, documents are usually clustered based on
their content. Depending on the nature of the results,
one can have partitioning and hierarchical clustering
methods. In the former case, there is no explicit relation
among the clusters, while in the latter case a hierarchy
of clusters is created. DC is applied for e.g.:

clustering the results of (internet) search for

helping users in locating information (Zamir et
al, 1997),
improving the speed of vector space based information retrieval (Manning et al, 2007),
providing a navigation tool when browsing a
document collection (Kki, 2005).


Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Text summarization aims at the automatic generation
of short and comprehensible summaries of documents.
Text extraction algorithms create summary by extracting relevant descriptive phrases (typically sentences)
from the original text, while summaries generated by
abstraction methods may contain synthesized text as
well. The typical application areas of summarization
span from the internet search to arbitrary document
management system (Ganapathiraju, 2002; Radev et
al; 2001).


Full-Text Search
Based on the literature (Maier, 2001, Curtmola, 2005),
an effective FTS engine should support several query
functionalities. The simplest operation is the stringbased query, which retrieves texts that exactly match
the query string. In some cases, the position of the
keywords within the document is also an important
factor. The simplest form of similarity-based matching
uses the edit-distance function. The next operation is
the content-based query, where similarity is defined on
the semantic level. An FTS engine should also support
grammar (and therefore language) specific operators
(e.g. stemming). The highest level of text search operates with semantic-based matching (thesaurus-based
neighborhood, generalization of a word, specialization, synonyms). From the practical viewpoint, the
efficient execution of queries is also very important.
Due to the heterogeneity of the source pool, the support of different document formats is a key requirement. The minimal usage of other resources provides
an independent, flexible solution. From the aspect of
software development, the open, standardized interface
is a good investment. To provide a manageable, easy
to understand response, the efficient ranking of the
result set is crucial (Chakrabarti, 2006). The products
and test systems currently available only partially meet
the above requirements.

Structure of a General FTS Engine

FTS engines are structurally similar to database systems: they store data and metadata; their purpose is to

provide an efficient information retrieval (Microsoft,

2007; Oracle Text, 2007). As the processing of a full-text
query requires several distinct steps, the FTS engines
typically have modular structure (see also Figure 2.).
The loader module loads the documents into a
common staging area, into a common representation. In further steps, data items are transformed into
a common format, too. The loaded documents are
stored in the datastore unit. Document processing has
several steps. The sectioner unit has to discover the
larger internal logical structure of the documents. The
word-breaker parses the text into smaller syntactical
units like paragraphs, sentences and terms (words). For
reducing the length and complexity of the text, several
preprocessing steps are executed. First, a filter module
is applied that discard irrelevant words (stop-words,
noise words). Next, the stemmer unit generates the stem
form for every word. In the background, the language
lexicon supports the language-specific reduction steps.
This lexicon contains the grammar of the supported
languages and the list of stop-words. The thesaurus
is a special lexicon, which stores the terms organized
in a graph based on their semantic relationship. To
provide an efficient term management, several kinds
of indexes are created. The indexer unit manages the
different document-term indices that enable the efficient
access to term occurrences. On the front-end side, the
query preprocessor transforms the users query into
an internal format. This format is processed by the
query matcher, resulting in a set of matching documents. The search engine may be extended with a text
mining module that performs data mining operations,
like clustering or classification. In order to provide a
more accurate response, the query refinement engine
performs the processing of relevance feedback. The
list of matching documents is pipelined to the ranking
module. The exporter module generates the final format
of the ranked document set.
As mentioned, database systems use indices for the
fast access to data items. For full-text search, the inverted index is the most efficient index structure (Zobel,
2006). In the simple inverted index, the key of the index
is the term. Each key is associated with a pair (df, dl).
Here df is the number of documents containing the key,
and dl is the list of documents that contain the key. Each
entry in the list contains a document identifier and the
frequency value in the document. The position-based
inverted index differs from the simple version as that
the list corresponding to a document also contains the
positions of the given term in the text.

Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Figure 2. Modules of an FTS engine




staging area





inverted index












FTS Engine Interface in Oracle Text

The FTS functionality in Oracle Text (Oracle, 2007)
can be activated with some extensions to SQL and
with procedural SQL packages. Oracle Text supports
four index types:

CONTEXT-type index: inverted index for long

CTXCAT-type index: to support content- and
attribute-based indexing for shorter documents;
CTXRULE-type index: rules for document clustering;
CTXPATH-type index: indexing of XML documents.

The stemming module supports only two languages:

English and French. In the queries, the CONTAINS
operator supports the following matching modes:

keyword: exact matching;

AND, OR, NOT : Boolean operators;
NEAR (keyword1, keyword2): the keywords
should occur at near positions in the document;
BT(keyword): generalization of the keyword;

NT(keyword): specialization of the keyword;

REL(keyword): words in the thesaurus in relation
with the keyword;
SYN(keyword): the synonyms of the keyword;
$keyword: words having the same stem;
!keyword: words having the same pronunciation;
ABOUT keywords: words belonging to the given
FUZZY(keyword): words that are close to the
keyword in terms of the edit distance;
WITHIN (section): the matching is restricted to
a given section of the documents.

The example below retrieves the documents containing words that have similar meaning as food:
SELECT description FROM books WHERE CONTAINS (description, NT(food,1)) > 0;
Oracle Text supports three methods for document
partition (categorization & clustering). The manual categorization allows the user to enter keyword-category
pairs. The automatic categorization works if a training
set of document-category pairs is given. The cluster657

Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

ing method automatically determines the clusters in a

set of documents based on their similarity. To provide
semantic-based matching for any arbitrary domain, the
users can create their own thesaurus.

In our view, there are three main areas where the role
of FTS engine should be improved in the future: web
search engines, ontology-based information retrieval,
and management of XML documents. The main standard for the query of XML documents is nowadays the
XQuery language. This standard is very flexible for
selecting structured data elements, but it has no special
features for the unstructured part. In (Botev, 2004;
Curtmola, 2005), an extension of XQuery with full-text
functionality is proposed. The extended query language
is called TeXQuery and GalaTex. The language contains a rich set of composite full-text primitives such
as phrase matching, proximity distance, stemming and
thesauri. The combination of structure- and contentbased queries is investigated deeply from a theoretical
viewpoint in (Amer, 2004).
The efficiency of information retrieval can be
improved with the extension of additional semantic
information. The ALVIS project (Luu, 2006) aims at
building a distributed, peer-to-peer semantic search
engine. The peer-to-peer network is a self-organizing
system for decentralized data management in distributed environments. During a query operation, a peer
broadcasts search requests in the network. A peer may
be assigned to a subset of data items. The key element
in the cost reduction is the application of a special index
type at the nodes. The index contains in addition to the
single keyword entries also entities for compound keys
with high discriminative values.
A very important application area of full-text
search is the Web. A special feature of Web search is
that the users apply mostly simple queries. Only 10%
of queries use some complex full-text primitives like
Boolean operators, stemming or fuzzy matching. Eastman (2003) investigated the reasons of omitting the
complex operators and concluded that the application
of complex full-text operators does not significantly
improve the search results. Efficiency is a key factor
in web search engines (Silvestri, 2004). The goal of
the research is to upgrade the indexing mechanism of
web search engines to provide efficient full-text search


The information is stored on the web and in computers
mostly in free-text format. The current databases are
able to store and manage huge document collection.
Free-text data sources require specific search operations. Database management systems usually contain
a separate full-text search engine to perform full-text
search primitives. In general, the current FTS engines
support the following functionalities: exact matching,
position-based matching, similarity-based matching
(fuzzy matching), grammar-based matching (stemming)
and semantic-based matching (synonym- and thesaurusbased matching). It has been shown that the average
user requires additional help to exploit the benefits of
these extra operators. Current research focuses on solving the problem of covering new document formats,
adapting the query to the users behavior, and providing
an efficient FTS engine implementation.

Amer Yahia, S., Lakshmanan, L. & Pandit, S. (2004).
FlexPath: Flexible Structure and Full-Text Querying
for XML. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD (pp.8394),
Paris, France.
Borthwick, A. (1999). A Maximum Entropy Approach
to Named Entity Recognition, Ph.D. thesis. New York
University, USA.
Blumberg, R. & Arte, S. (2003). The problem with
unstructured data. DM Review (February).
Botev, C., Amer-Yaiha, S. & Shanmugasundaram,
J. (2004). A TexQuery-based XML full-text search
engine. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD (pp. 943944),
Paris, France.
Chakrabarti, K., Ganti, V., Han, J. & Xin, D. (2006).
Ranking Objects by Exploiting Relationships: Computing Top-K-over Aggregation. In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD
(pp. 371382), Chicago, IL, USA.
Chang, K. & Cho, J. (2006). Accessing the Web: From
Search to Integration, In Proc. of ACM SIGMOD (pp.
804805) , Chicago, IL, USA.

Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Codd, E.F (1985). Is Your DBMS Really Rational,

(Codds 12 rules), Computerworld Magazine
Curtmola, E., Amer-Yaiha, S., Brown, P. & Fernandez,
M. (2005). GalaTex: A Conformant Implementation
of the Xquery Full-Text Language, Proc. of WWW
2005.(pp. 10241025), Chiba, Japan.
dtSearch (2007), Text Retrieval / Full Text Search
Eastman, C. & Jansen, B (2003). Coverage, Relevance,
and Ranking: The Impact of Query Operators on Web
Search Engine Results, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 21, (4), 383411.
Fan, W., Wallace, L., Rich, S., & Zhang, Z. (2006).
Tapping the power of text mining. Communications
of the ACM, 49 (9), 7682.
M. K. Ganapathiraju (2002). Relevance of cluster size
in MMR based summarizer. Technical Report 11-742,
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Kki, M. (2005). Findex: search result categories help
users when document ranking fails. In CHI -05: Proc. of
the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing
systems (pp. 131140), Portland, OR, USA.
Larkey, L. S. (1999). A patent search and classification system. In Proc. of DL-99, 4th ACM Conference
on Digital Libraries (pp. 179187), Berkeley, CA,
Lewis, D. D. (1995). The TREC-4 filtering track:
description and analysis. In Proc. of TREC-4, 4th Text
Retrieval Conference, (pp. 165180), Gaithersburg,
Liddy, E.D., Sutton, S., Allen, E., Harwell, S., Corieri, S., Yilmazel, O., Ozgencil, N.E., Diekema, A.,
McCracken, N., & Silverstein, J. (2002). Automatic
metadata generation and evaluation. In Proc. of ACM
SIGIR (pp. 401402), Tampere, Finland.
Luu, T., Klemm, F., Podnar, I., Rajman, M. & Aberer,
K. (2006). ALVIS Peers: A Scalable Full-text Peer-toPeer Retrieval Engine, Proc. of ACM P2PIR06 (pp.
4148), Arlington, VA, USA.
Maier, A.; Simmen, D. (2001). DB2 Optimization in
Support of Full Text Search, Bulletin of IEEE on Data

Manning, Ch. D., Raghavan, P., & Schtze, H. (2007).

Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge
University Press.
Microsoft (2007). SQL Server Full Text Search Engine,
Oracle Text (2007). Oracle Text Product Description,
Ponzetto, S. P., & Strube, M. (2006). Exploiting
semantic role labeling, WordNet and Wikipedia for
coreference resolution. In Proc. of HLT-NAACL, Human Language Technology Conf. of the NAACL (pp.
192199), New York, USA.
Radev, D., Blair-Goldensohn, S., & Zhang, Z. (2001).
Experiments in single and multi-document summarization using MEAD. In Proc. of DUC-01, Document
Understanding Conf., Workshop on Text Summarization, New Orleans, USA.
Ruppenhofer, J., Ellsworth, M., Petruck, M. R. L.,
Johnson, Ch. R., & Scheffczyk, J. (2006). FrameNet II:
Extended Theory and Practice. International Computer
Science Institute, Berkeley, USA.
SAS (2007). SAS Text Miner,
Sebastiani, F. (2002). Machine learning in automated
text categorization. ACM Computing Surveys, 34(1),
Sibanda, T., & Uzuner, . (2006). Role of local context in automatic deidentification of ungrammatical,
fragmented text. In Proc. of HLT-NAACL, Human
Language Technology Conf. of the NAACL (pp. 6573),
New York, USA.
Silvestri, F., Orlando, S & Perego, R. (2004). WINGS:
A Parallel Indexer for Web Contents, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 3036, pp. 263-270.
SPSS (2007). Predictive Text Analysis, http://www.
Statsoft (2007). STATISTICA Text Miner, http://www.
Tikk, D., Bir, Gy., & Trcsvri, A. (2007). A hierarchical online classifier for patent categorization. In do

Full-Text Search Engines for Databases

Prado, H. A. & Ferneda, E., editors, Emerging Technologies of Text Mining: Techniques and Applications.
Idea Group Inc. (in press).
Zamir, O., Etzioni, O., Madani, O., & Karp, R. M.
(1997). Fast and intuitive clustering of web documents.
In Proc. of SIGKDD-97, 3rd Int. Conf. on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 287290), Newport
Beach, USA.
Zobel, J. & Moffat, A. (2006). Inverted Files for Text
Search Engines, ACM Computing Surveys, 38(2),
Article 6.

Full-Text Search (FTS) Engine: A module within
a database management system that supports efficient
search in free texts. The main operations supported by
the FTS engine are the exact matching, position-based
matching, similarity-based matching, grammar-based
matching and semantic-based matching.
Fuzzy Matching: A special type of matching where
the similarity of two terms are calculated as the cost
of the transformation from one into the other. The
most widely used cost calculation method is the edit
distance method.
Indexer: It builds one or more indices for the speed
up information retrieval from free text. These indices
usually contain the following information: terms
(words), occurrence of the terms, format attributes.
Inverted Index: An index structure where every
key value (term) is associated with a list of objects
identifiers (representing documents). The list contains
objects that include the given key value.


Query Refinement Engine: A component of the

FTS engine that generates new refined queries to the
initial query in order to improve the efficiency of the
retrieval. The refined queries can be generated using
the users response or some typical patterns in the
query history.
Ranking Engine: A module within the FTS engine
that ranks the documents of the result set based on their
relevance to the query.
Sectioner: A component of the FTS engine, which
breaks the text into larger units called sections. The
types of extracted sections are usually determined by
the document type.
Stemmer: It is a language-dependent module that
determines the stem form of a given word. The stem
form is usually identical to the morphological root. It
requires a language dictionary.
Thesaurus: A special repository of terms, which
contains not only the words themselves but the similarity, the generalization and specialization relationships.
It describes the context of a word but it does not give
an explicit definition for the word.
Word-Braker: A component of the full-text engine
whose function is to break the text into words and


Functional Dimension Reduction for

Tuomas Krn
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Amaury Lendasse
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

High dimensional data are becoming more and more
common in data analysis. This is especially true in
fields that are related to spectrometric data, such as
chemometrics. Due to development of more accurate
spectrometers one can obtain spectra of thousands of
data points. Such a high dimensional data are problematic in machine learning due to increased computational
time and the curse of dimensionality (Haykin, 1999;
Verleysen & Franois, 2005; Bengio, Delalleau, & Le
Roux, 2006).
It is therefore advisable to reduce the dimensionality
of the data. In the case of chemometrics, the spectra are
usually rather smooth and low on noise, so function fitting is a convenient tool for dimensionality reduction.
The fitting is obtained by fixing a set of basis functions
and computing the fitting weights according to the least
squares error criterion.
This article describes a unsupervised method for
finding a good function basis that is specifically built
to suit the data set at hand. The basis consists of a set
of Gaussian functions that are optimized for an accurate
fitting. The obtained weights are further scaled using a
Delta Test (DT) to improve the prediction performance.
Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM)
model is used for estimation.

The approach where multivariate data are treated as
functions instead of traditional discrete vectors is
called Functional Data Analysis (FDA) (Ramsay &
Silverman, 1997). A crucial part of FDA is the choice
of basis functions which allows the functional representation. Commonly used bases are B-splines (Alsberg
& Kvalheim, 1993), Fourier series or wavelets (Shao,

Leung, & Chau, 2003). However, it is appealing to build

a problem-specific basis that employs the statistical
properties of the data at hand.
In literature, there are examples of finding the optimal set of basis functions that minimize the fitting
error, such as Functional Principal Component Analysis
(Ramsay et al., 1997). The basis functions obtained by
Functional PCA usually have global support (i.e. they
are non-zero throughout the data interval). Thus these
functions are not good for encoding spatial information
of the data. The spatial information, however, may play
a major role in many fields, such as spectroscopy. For
example, often the measured spectra contain spikes
at certain wavelengths that correspond to certain
substances in the sample. Therefore these areas are
bound to be relevant for estimating the quantity of
these substances.
We propose that locally supported functions, such
as Gaussian functions, can be used to encode this sort
of spatial information. In addition, variable selection
can be used to select the relevant functions from the
irrelevant ones. Selecting important variables directly
on the raw data is often difficult due to high dimensionality of data; computational cost of variable selection
methods, such as Forward-Backward Selection (Benoudjit, Cools, Meurens, & Verleysen, 2004; Rossi,
Lendasse, Franois, Wertz, & Verleysen, 2006), grows
exponentially with the number of variables. Therefore,
wisely placed Gaussian functions are proposed as a tool
for encoding spatial information while reducing data
dimensionality so that other more powerful information processing tools become feasible. Delta Test (DT)
(Jones, 2004) based scaling of variables is suggested
for improving the prediction performance.
A typical problem in chemometrics deals with predicting some chemical quantity directly from measured
spectrum. Due to additivity of absorption spectra, the
problem is assumed to be linear and therefore linear

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Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics

models, such as Partial Least Squares (Hrdle, Liang,

& Gao, 2000) have been widely used for the prediction
task. However, it has been shown that the additivity
assumption is not always true and environmental conditions may further introduce more non-linearity to the
data (Wlfert, Kok, & Smilde, 1998). We therefore
propose that in order to address a general prediction
problem, a non-linear method should be used. LS-SVM
is a relatively fast and reliable non-linear model which
has been applied to chemometrics as well (Chauchard,
Cogdill, Roussel, Roger, & Bellon-Maurel, 2004).


Consider a problem where the goal is to estimate a
certain quantity p from a measured absorption
spectrum X based on the set of N training examples
( X j , p j ) Nj=1 . In practice, the spectrometric data Xj is
a set of discretized measurements ( xij , yij )im=1 where
xij [a, b] stand for the observation wavelength
and yij is the response.
Adopting the FDA framework (Ramsay et al.,
1997), our goal is to build a prediction model F so
that p = F( X ) . Here, the argument X is a real-world
spectrum, i.e. a continuous function that maps wavelengths to responses. Without much loss of generality
it can be assumed that X belongs to L2([a, b]), the space
of square integrable functions on the interval [a,b].
However, since the spectrum X is unknown and infinite
dimensional it is impossible to build the model F(X)
in practice. Therefore X must be approximated with a
q dimensional representation W = ( X ), : L2 q
, and our prediction model becomes p = F(W ) . Naturally, in order to obtain dimensionality reduction, we

Figure 1. Outline of the prediction method


require that q is smaller than the number of points in

the spectra.
Figure 1 presents a graph of the overall prediction
method. Gaussian fitting is used for the approximation
of X. The obtained vectors are further scaled by a
diagonal matrix A before the final LS-SVM modeling.
The following sections explain these steps in greater

Gaussian Fitting: Approximating

Spectral Function X
Because the space L2([a, b]) is infinite dimensional
function space, it is necessary to consider some finite
dimensional subspace V L2 ([a, b]) in order to obtain
a feasible function approximation. We define V by a
set of Gaussian functions
J k ( x) = e

x tk

S k2

, k = 1,, q ,


where tk is the center and k is the width parameter. The

set k(x) spans a q dimensional normed vector space
and we can write V = span{k(x)}. A natural choice for
the norm is the L2 norm:

= ( f ( x) 2 dx)1 / 2

Now X can be approximated using the basis representation X ( x) = W T F ( x) , where

F ( x) = [J1 ( x), J 2 ( x) ,. . . , J q ( x) ]T .

The weights are chosen to minimize the square


Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics

min yi W F ( xi ) .
i =1


In other words, we simply fit a function to the points

( xi , yi )im=1 using the basis functions k(x). Now, any
function X V is uniquely determined by the weight
vector . This suggests that it is equivalent to analyze
the discrete weight vectors instead of the continuous
functions X .

obtained easily by solving the problem (2). The solution is the pseudoinverse = (GTG)1GTy (Haykin,
1999), where y = [y1, y2,..., ym]T are the values to be
fitted and [G]i,j = j(xi).
Since the Gaussian functions are differentiable, the
locations and widths can be optimized for a better fit.
The average fitting error of all functions is obtained
by averaging Eq. (2) over all of the sample inputs j =
1, . . .,N. Using the matrix notation given above, it can
be formulated as

Radial symmetric models (such as the LS-SVM) depend
only on the distance metric d(,) in the input space.
Thus, we require that the mapping from V to q is
isometric, i.e. dV ( f , g ) = d q (A, B) for any functions
f ( x) = AT F ( x) and g ( x) = BT F ( x) . The first distance
is calculated in the function space and the latter one in
q . In the space V, distances are defined by the norm
d ( f , g ) = f g . Now a simple calculation gives

f g


(A B)Jk ( x) dx = (A B)T & (A B)

k =1



j =1

y j )T (GW j y j )

which can be differentiated with respect to tk and k

(Krn & Lendasse, 2007).
Knowing the partial derivates, the locations and
the widths can be optimized using unconstrained nonlinear optimization. In this article, Broyden-FletcherGoldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) Quasi-Newton method
with line search is suggested. The formulation of the
BFGS algorithm can be found in Bazaraa, Sherali and
Shetty (1993).
An example of spectral data and an optimized basis
functions in presented in Figure 2. This application is

Figure 2. Above: NIR absorption spectra. Below: 13
optimized basis functions

& i , j = Ji ( x)J j ( x)dx


This implies that if the basis is orthonormal, the matrix becomes an identity matrix and the distances
become equal, i.e.
f g

= AB

= ((A B)T (A B))1 / 2

Unfortunately this is not the case with Gaussian basis

~ = UW need to be applied.
and a linear transformation W
Here the matrix U is the Cholesky decomposition of
= UTU. In fact, the transformed weights are related
to a set of new basis functions F~ = U 1F that are both
optimized to fit the data and orthonormal.

Finding an Optimal Gaussian Basis

When the basis functions are fixed, the weights are

Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics

related to prediction of fat content in meat samples using

NIR absorption spectra (Krn et al., 2007; Rossi et al.,
2006; Thodberg, 1996). It can be seen that the basis has
adapted to the data: there are narrow functions in the
center where there is more variance in the data.

Variable Scaling
Variable scaling can be seen as a generalization of
variable selection; in variable selection variables are
either included in the training set (corresponding to
multiplication by 1) or excluded from it (corresponding
to multiplication by 0), while in variable scaling the
entire range [0,1] of scalars is allowed. In this article,
we present a method for choosing the scaling using
Delta Test (DT) (Lendasse, Corona, Hao, Reyhani, &
Verleysen, 2006).
The scalars are generated by iterative ForwardBackward Selection (FBS) (Benoudjit et al., 2004;
Rossi et al., 2006). FBS is usually used for variable
selection, but it can be extended to scaling as well;
Instead of turning scalars from 0 to 1 or vice versa,
increases by 1/h (in the case of forward selection) or
decreases by 1/h (in the case of backward selection) are
allowed. Integer h is a constant grid parameter. Starting from an initial scaling, the FBS algorithm changes
the each of the scalars by 1/h and accepts the change
that resulted in the best improvement. The process in
repeated until no improvement is found. The process
is initialized with several sets of random scalars.
DT is a method for estimating the variance of the
noise within a data set. Having a set of general inputoutput pairs (xi , yi )iN=1 m and denoting the nearest
neighbor of xi by xNN(i), the DT variance estimate is
D =


i =1

NN ( i )


where yNN(i) is the output of xNN(i). Thus, is equivalent

to the residual (i.e. prediction error) of a first-nearest-neighbor model. DT is useful in evaluation of
dependence of random variables and therefore it can
be used for scaling: The set of scalars that give the
smallest is selected.

LS-SVM is a least square modification of the Support
Vector Machine (SVM) (Suykens, Van Gestel, De

Brabanter, De Moor, & Vandewalle, 2002). The quadratic optimization problem of SVM is simplified so
that it reduces into a linear set of equations. Moreover,
regression SVM usually involves three unknown parameters while LS-SVM has only two; the regularization
parameter and the width parameter .
Given a set of N training examples (xi , yi )i=1
the LS-SVM model is y = w Y ( x) + b , where
Y : m n is a mapping from the input space onto
a higher dimensional hidden space, w n is a weight
vector and b is a bias term. The optimization problem
is formulated as
Min J (w , b) =
w ,b

1 N
w + G ei2
2 i=1

so that yi = w T Y ( xi ) + b + ei ,

where ei is the prediction error and 0 is a regularization parameter. The dual problem is derived using
Lagrangian multipliers which lead into a linear KKT
system that is easy to solve (Suykens et al., 2002).
Using the dual solution, the original model can be
reformatted as

y (x) = A i K (x, x i ) + b
i =1

where the kernel K( x, x i ) = Y ( x ) Y ( x i ) is a continuous

and symmetric mapping from m m to and i are
the Lagrange multipliers. A widely-used choice for the K
is the standard Gaussian kernel K (x1 , x 2 ) = e x1 x 2 2 Q .
The LS-SVM prediction is the final step in the proposed method where spectral data is compressed by the
Gaussian fitting and the fitting weights are normalized
and scaled before the prediction. More elaborate discussion and applications to real-world data are presented
in Krn et al. (2007).

The only unknown parameter in the proposed method
is the number of basis functions which is selected by
validation. In future other methods for determining
good basis size should be developed in order to speed
up the process. Moreover, the methodology should
be tested with various data sets, including other than

Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics

spectral data. The LS-SVM predictor could be also

replaced with another model.
Although the proposed Gaussian fitting combined
with LS-SVM model seems to be fairly robust, the
relation between the basis functions and the prediction
performance should be studied in detail. It would be
desirable to optimize the basis directly for best possible
prediction performance (instead of good data fitting),
although it seems difficult due to over-fitting and high
computational costs.

This article deals with the problem of finding a good set
of basis functions for dimension reduction of spectral
data. We have proposed a method based on Gaussian
basis functions where the locations and the widths of
the functions are optimized to fit the data as accurately
as possible. The basis indeed tends to follow the nature
of the data and provides a good tool for dimension
reduction. Other methods, such as the proposed DT
scaling, will benefit from the smaller data dimension
and help to achieve even better data compression. The
LS-SVM model is a robust and fast method to be used
in the final prediction.

Alsberg, B. K., & Kvalheim, O. M. (1993). Compression of nth-order data arrays by B-splines. I : Theory.
Journal of Chemometrics 7, 6173.
Bazaraa, M. S., Sherali, H. D., & Shetty, C. M. (1993).
Nonlinear Programming, Theory and Algorithms. John
Wiley and Sons.
Bengio, Y., Delalleau, O., & Le Roux, N. (2006). The
Curse of Highly Variable Functions for Local Kernel
Machines. Y. Weiss and B. Schlkopf and J. Platt (editors), Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS
2005), Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 18, 107114.
Benoudjit, N., Cools, E., Meurens, M., & Verleysen, M. (2004). Chemometric calibration of infrared
spectrometers: selection and validation of variables
by non-linear models. Chemometrics and Intelligent
Laboratory Systems 70, 4753.

Chauchard, F., Cogdill, R., Roussel, S., Roger, J. M.,

& Bellon-Maurel, V. (2004). Application of LS-SVM
to non-linear phenomena in NIR spectroscopy: development of a robust and portable sensor for acidity
prediction in grapes. Chemometrics and Intelligent
Laboratory Systems 71, 141150.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
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Hrdle, W., Liang, H., & Gao, J. T. (2000). Partially
Linear Models. Physica-Verlag.
Jones, A. J. (2004). New tools in non-linear modeling
and prediction. Computational Management Science
1, 109149.
Krn, T., & Lendasse, A. (2007). Gaussian Fitting Based FDA for Chemometrics. F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J. Cabestany, M. Graa (editors),
9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks (IWANN2007), Lecture Notes in Computer
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Lendasse, A., Corona, F., Hao, J., Reyhani, N., &
Verleysen, M. (2006). Determination of the Mahalanobis matrix using nonparametric noise estimations.
M. Verleysen (editor), 14th European Symposium on
Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2006), d-side
publi., 227232.
Ramsay, J., & Silverman, B. (1997). Functional Data
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Rossi, F., Lendasse, A., Franois, D., Wertz, V., &
Verleysen, M. (2006). Mutual information for the selection of relevant variables in spectrometric nonlinear
modeling. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory
Systems 80 (2), 215226.
Shao, X. G., Leung, A. K., & Chau, F. T. (2003). Wavelet: A New Trend in Chemistry. Accounts of Chemical
Research 36, 276283.
Suykens, J., Van Gestel, T., De Brabanter, J., De Moor,
B., & Vandewalle, J. (2002). Least Squares Support
Vector Machines. World Scientific Publishing.
Thodberg, H. (1996). A Review of Bayesian Neural
Networks with an Application to Near Infrared Spectroscopy. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 7,


Functional Dimension Reduction for Chemometrics

Verleysen, M., & Franois, D. (2005). The Curse of

Dimensionality in Data Mining and Time Series Prediction. J. Cabestany, A. Prieto, and D.F. Sandoval (editors),
8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks (IWANN2005), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 3512, 758770.
Wlfert, F., Kok, W. T., & Smilde, A. K. (1998).
Influence of temperature on vibrational spectra and
consequences for the predictive ability of multivariate
models. Analytical Chemistry 70, 17611767.

Chemometrics: Application of mathematical or
statistical methods to chemical data. Closely related
to monitoring of chemical processes and instrument
Curse of Dimensionality: A theoretical result in
machine learning that states that the lower bound of
error that an adaptive machine can achieve increases
with data dimension. Thus performance will degrade
as data dimension grows.
Delta Test: A Non-parametric Noise Estimation
method. Estimates the amount of noise within a data
set, i.e. the amount of information that cannot be
explained by any model. Therefore Delta Test can be
used to obtain a lower bound of learning error which
can be achieved without risk of over-fitting.
Functional Data Analysis: A statistical approach
where multivariate data are treated as functions instead
of discrete vectors.


Least Squares Support Vector Machine: A least

squares modification of the Support Vector Machine
which leads into solving a linear set of equations. Also
bears close resemblance to Gaussian Processes.
Machine Learning: An area of Artificial Intelligence dealing with adaptive computational methods
such as Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms.
Over-Fitting: A common problem in Machine
Learning where the training data can be explained well
but the model is unable to generalize to new inputs.
Over-fitting is related to the complexity of the model:
any data set can be modelled perfectly with a model
complex enough, but the risk of learning random features instead of meaningful causal features increases.
Support Vector Machine: A kernel based supervised learning method used for classification and
regression. The data points are projected into a higher
dimensional space where they are linearly separable.
The projection is determined by the kernel function and
a set of specifically selected support vectors. Training
process involves solving a Quadratic Programming
Variable Selection: Process where unrelated input
variables are discarded from the data set. Variable selection is usually based on correlation or noise estimators
of the input-output pairs and can lead into significant
improvement in performance.


Functional Networks

Oscar Fontenla-Romero
University of A Corua, Spain
Bertha Guijarro-Berdias
University of A Corua, Spain
Beatriz Prez-Snchez
University of A Corua, Spain

Functional networks are a generalization of neural
networks, which is achieved by using multiargument
and learnable functions, i.e., in these networks the
transfer functions associated with neurons are not fixed
but learned from data. In addition, there is no need
to include parameters to weigh links among neurons
since their effect is subsumed by the neural functions.
Another distinctive characteristic of these models
is that the specification of the initial topology for a
functional network could be based on the features of
the problem we are facing. Therefore knowledge about
the problem can guide the development of a network
structure, although on the absence of this knowledge
always a general model can be used.
In this article we present a review of the field of
functional networks, which will be illustrated with
practical examples.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are a powerful tool
to build systems able to learn and adapt to their environment, and they have been successfully applied in many
fields. Their learning process consists of adjusting the
values of their parameters, i.e., the weights connecting
the networks neurons. This adaptation is carried out
through a learning algorithm that tries to adjust some
training data representing the problem to be learnt. This
algorithm is guided by the minimization of some error
function that measures how well the ANN is adjusting
the training data (Bishop, 1995). This process is called
parametric learning. One of the most popular neural

network models are Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) for

which many learning algorithms can be used: from the
brilliant backpropagation (Rumelhart, Hinton & Willian, 1986) to the more complex and efficient Scale
Conjugate Gradient (Mller, 1993) or Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms (Hagan & Menhaj, 1994).
In addition, also the topology of the network (number
of layers, neurons, connections, activation functions,
etc.) has to be determined. This is called structural learning and it is carried out mostly by trial and error.
As a result, there are two main drawbacks in dealing
with neural networks:

The resulting function lacks of the possibility of

a physical or engineering interpretation. In this
sense, Neural Networks act as black boxes.
There is no guarantee that the weights provided
by the learning algorithm correspond to a global
optimum of the error function, it can be a local

Models like Generalized Linear Networks (GLN)

present an unique global optimum that can be obtained
by solving a set of linear equations. However, its mapping function is limited as this model consists of a
single layer of adaptive weights (wj) to produce a linear
combination of non linear functions (j):
y ( x) = j = 0 w j F j ( x) .

Some other popular models are Radial Basis Function

Networks (RBF) whose hidden units use distances to
a prototype vector (j) followed by a transformation
with a localized function like the Gaussian:

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Functional Networks

y (x) = j = 0 w j j (x) = j = 0 w j exp

2 2j

The resulting architecture is more simple than the

one of the MLP, therefore reducing the complexity of
structural learning and propitiating the possibility of
physical interpretation. However, they present some
other limitations like their inability to distinguish non
significant input variables (Bishop, 1995), to learn some
logic transformations (Moody & Darken, 1989) or the
need of a large number of nodes even for a linear map
if precision requirement is high (Youssef, 1993).
Due to these limitations, there have been appearing
some models that extend the original ANN, such as,
fuzzy neural networks (Gupta & Rao, 1994), growing neural networks, or probabilistic neural networks
(Specht, 1990). Nowadays, the majority of these models
still act as black boxes. Functional networks (Castillo,
1998, Castillo, Cobo, Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998), a
relatively new extension of neural networks, take into
account the functional structure and properties of the
process being modeled, that naturally determine the
initial networks structure. Moreover, the estimation
of the networks weights it is often based on an error
function that can be minimized by solving a system
of linear equations, therefore conducting faster to an
unique and global solution.

Functional networks (FN) are a generalization of neural
networks, which is achieved by using multiargument
and learnable functions (Castillo, 1998, Castillo,
Cobo, Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998), i.e., the shape of
the functions associated with neurons are not fixed
but learned from data. In this case, it is not necessary
to include weights to ponder links among neurons
since their effect is subsumed by the neural functions.
Figure 1 shows an example of a general FN for I=N0
explanatory variables.
Functional networks consist of the following elements:


Several layers of storing units (represented in

Figure 1 by small filled circles). These units are
used for the storage of both the input and the
output of the network, or to storage intermediate
information (see units yi(k) in Figure 1).
One or more layers of functional units or neurons
(represented by open circles with the name of
each of the functional units inside). These neurons
include a function that can be multivariate and
that can have as many arguments as inputs. These
arguments, and therefore the form of the neural
functions, are learnt during training. By applying
their functions, neurons evaluate a set of input


Figure 1. Generalized model for functional networks



y2 (0)












y1 (M-1)
. . .


. . .


. . .M-1


y1 (M)

f2 (M)








yN1 (1)


Functional Networks

values in order to return a set of output values

to the next layer of storing units. In this general
model each neural function f i (m ) is defined as the
following composition:

f i ( m ) y1( m1) ,..., y N( mm11) =

gi( m ) hi(1m 1) (y1( m 1) ),..., hiN( mm)1 y N( mm11)



where the superscript (m) is the number of

(m )
layer. The functions g i are known and fixed
before training, for example to be the sum or
product. In contrast, functions hij(m ) are lineal
combinations of other known functions iq
(for example, polynomials, cosines, etc.), i.e.
n( m )
hij( m ) (y (jm1) )= zij=1 aijz( m )Fijz( m ) (y (jm1)) where the coefficients aijz(m ) implied in this linear combination
are the model parameters to be learned. As can be
observed, MLPs, GLNs and RBFs are particular
cases of this generalized model.
A set of directed links that connect the functional
units and the storing units. These connections
indicate the direction of the flow of information.
The general FN in Figure 1 does not have arrows
that converge in the same storing unit, but if it did,
this would indicate that the neurons from which
they emanate must produce identical outputs.
This is an important feature of FNs that is not
available for neural networks. These converging
arrows represent constraints which can arise from
physical and/or theoretical characteristics of the
problem under consideration.

Learning in Functional Networks

Functional networks combine knowledge about the
problem to determine the network, and training data
to estimate the unknown neural functions. Therefore,
in contradistinction to neural networks, FNs include
two types of learning:

Structural learning. The specification of the initial

topology for a FN can be based on the features
of the problem we are facing (Castillo, Cobo,
Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998). Usually knowledge
about the problem can be used in order to develop
a network structure. An important feature of FN
is that they allow managing functional restric-


tions determined by some known properties of

the model to be estimated. These restrictions can
be representing by forcing the outputs of some
neurons to coincide in a unique storage unit.
Later on, the network can be translated into a
system of functional equations that usually can
be simplified in order to obtain a more simple but
equivalent architecture. Finally, on the absence of
knowledge about the problem always the general
model, shown in Figure 1, can be used.
Parametric learning. This second stage refers to
the estimation of the neurons functions. Often
these neural functions are considered to be lineal
combinations of functional families, and therefore
the parametric learning consists of estimating
both the arguments of the neural functions and
the parameters of the lineal combination using the
available training data. It is important to remark
that this type of learning generalizes the idea of
estimating the weights of a neural network.

An Example Of A Functional Network

In this section the use of FNs is illustrated by means of
an artificial simple example. Lets suppose a problem of
engine diagnosis for which three continuous variables
(x=vibrations, y=oil density, z=temperature) are
being monitored. The problem is to estimate the probability P of a given diagnosis based on these variables,
i.e., P(x, y, z). Moreover, we know that the information
provided by the monitored variables is accumulative.
Therefore, it is possible, for example, to calculate first
the probability P1(x, y) of a diagnosis based on only
variables x and y, and later on when variable z is available combine the value provided by P1 with the new
information z to obtain P(x, y, z). That is, there exist
some functions such as:
P(x, y, z) F[P1(x, y), z] = K[P2(y, z), x] = L[P3(x, z),
This situation suggests the structure of the FN
shown in Figure 2a, where I is the identity function.
The coincident connections in the store output unit, or
equivalently eq. 1, establish strong restrictions about
the functions P1, P2, P3, F, K, L. The use of methods
for functional equations allows to deal with eq. 1 in
order to obtain the corresponding functional conditions
from which it is possible to derive a new equation for

Functional Networks

Figure 2. Functional network for the diagnosis example

function P:
P(x, y, z) = k[p(x) + q(y) + g(z)].
This leads to the new more simple FN represented
in Figure 2b which is equivalent to that of Figure 2a.

A Comparison Between Functional and

Neural Networks
Although FNs are extensions of neural networks, there
are some main features that distinguish both models:




Neural networks are derived only from data about

the problem. However, FNs can also use knowledge about the problem to derive its topology,
incorporating properties about the function to be
During learning in neural networks the shape of
neural functions is fixed usually to be a sigmoid
type function, and only the weights can be adapted.
In FNs, neural functions are also learnt.
Neural functions that can be employed in neural
networks are limited and belong to some known



family. Also, for each layer the same function

is used for every neuron. In FNs any arbitrary
function can be used for each neuron.
These functions can be multiargument and multivariate. In neural networks activation functions
have only one argument (combination of several
input data).
In FNs it is possible to force the output of some
neurons to coincide by connecting them to the
same storing unit. These connections are restrictions to the model that sometimes can be used to
derive a more simple model.

Some Functional Network Models

In this section some typical FN models are presented,
that let solving several real problems.

The Uniqueness Model

This is a simple but very powerful model for which
the output z of the corresponding FN architecture can
be written as a function of the inputs x and y,
z = F(x, y) = f31(f1(x) + f2(y))


Functional Networks

z j = f 31 (f1 ( x j ) + f 2 ( y j ) )

Uniqueness of Representation. For this model to

z j required
= f 3 (f1 (tox jfix
) the
have uniqueness of solution it is only
functions f1, f2, f3 at a point (see explanation in Castillo,
Cobo, Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998).
Learning the model. Learning the function F(x, y)
in eq.2 is equivalent to learning the functions from a
data set, {(xi, yi, zi): j = 1,..., n} where z is the desired
output for the given inputs. To estimate f1, f2, f3 we can
employ the non-linear and linear methods:

f 3 ( z j ) = f1 ( x j ) + f 2 ( y j ); j = 1,..., n

Again the functions fs can be approximated as a

linear combination of known functions from a
given family. Finally, the following sum of square

Q = e 2j =

The Non-Linear Method. We approximate each

of the functions f1, f2, f31 z = F(x, y) = f31(f1(x) +
f2(y)) by considering them to be a linear combiQ
nation of known functions from a given family
(e. g., polynomial). Finally, the following sum of
squared errors is minimized,

j =1



1i 1i j 2i 2i j a3iF3i ( z j )
j =1 i =1
i =1
i =1

j =1


z j a3k F3k a1iF1i ( x j ) + a 2iF 2i ( y j )

j =1
k =1
i =1

i =1


Linear Method. A simplification of the non-linear

method can be done by considering the following

can be minimized by solving a system of linear

equations, where the unknowns are the coefficients asi as it is demonstrated in (Castillo, Cobo,
Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998).

Q = e 2j =

The Generalized Associativity Model

Figure 3a shows a generalized associativity FN of
three inputs, where the nodes I represent the identity
function. This model is based on the generalized associative property, that is, the output of this network can
be obtained as a function of G(x, y) and the input z, or

Figure 3. The generalized associativity functional network




Functional Networks

as a function of the input x and N(y, z). This property

is represented with the links convergent to the output
node u, which leads to the functional equation
F[G(x, y), z] = K[x, N(y, z)]


Simplification of the model. It can be shown that

the general solution of eq. 3 is:
F ( x, y ) = k [f ( x) + r ( y )]; G ( x, y ) = f 1[p ( x) + q ( y )]
K ( x, y ) = k [p ( x) + n( y )]; N ( x, y ) = n 1[q ( x) + r ( y )]

where f, r, k, n, p, q are arbitrary continuous and strictly
monotonic functions. Substituting eq. 4 in eq. 3, the
following result is obtained
F[G(x, y), z] = K[x, N(y, z)] = u = k[p(x) + q(y) +

Thus, the FN in Figure 3b is equivalent to the FN

in Figure 3a.
Uniqueness of Representation. By employing functional equations for the generalized associativity model
it can be demonstrated that uniqueness of solution
requires fixing the functions k, p, q, r at a point (see
Castillo, Cobo, Gutirrez, & Pruneda, 1998).
Learning the model. The problem of learning the
FN in Figure 3b involves estimating the functions k,
p, q, r in eq. 5, that can be rewritten as:
k1(u) = p(x) + q(y) + r(z)
Being {(x1i, x2i, x3i, x4i)|i = 1,..,n} with (x1, x2, x3, x4
x, y, z, u) the observed training sample of size n we
can define the error
ei = p ( x1i ) + q ( x2i ) + r( x3i ) k 1 ( x4i ); i = 1,..., n

Figure 4. Separable functional network architecture



c 11








g k-r



c 1k-r


c r1

c rk-r

Functional Networks

Suppose that each of the functions is a linear

combination of known functions from given families
(e.g. polynomial). Then, the sum of squared errors is
defined as

j =1

j =1

QL ms
= a kjF kj (A k ) B k = 0; k ,
j =1

where the unknowns are the multipliers 1,...,4 the coefficients in the set {akj | j = 1,..., mk ; k = 1,2,3,4} which
are the parameters of the FN.

The Separable Model

Consider the equation

By replacing these terms in equation eq. 6 we

r k r

z = F ( x, y ) = cij f i ( x) g j ( y )

i =1

j =1

i =1 j =1

Thus, to find the optimum coefficients we minimize

the sum of squared errors
Q = k =1 ek


f i ( x) = hi n ( x)
g i ( y ) = ki n ( y ); i = n + 1,..., n + m

This suggests the FN in Figure4a.

2 k f p ( x that
gq (
Simplification of the model.
c p
{f1(x),...,fr(x)}, {gr+1(x),...,gk(x)} are two sets of linearly
independent functions, the general solution of eq. 6

f ( x) g ( y ) = 0

s r

ei = x0i cij f i ( x1i ) g j ( x2i ); i = 1,..., n

which can be written as

f ( x) g ( y ) = 0


where cij are the parameters of the model, and which

leads to the simplified FN in Figure 4b.
Uniqueness of Representation. In this case the
uniqueness of representation is given without the need
of fixing the implied functions at any point.
Learning the model. In this case a simple least
squares method allows obtaining the optimal coefficients cij using the available data {(x0i, x1i, x2i)|i = 1,..,
n} with (x0, x1, x2 z, x, y). In this way, the error can
be obtained as,

z = F ( x, y ) = f i ( x)ri ( y ) = h j ( x)k j ( y )

i =1 j =1

= 2 eiF kr ( xki ) + Lk F kr (A k ) = 0; k , r
a kr
i =1

i =1

f j ( x) = a jk f k ( x); j = r + 1,..., k ,
k r

Employing the Lagrange multipliers technique, the

minimum is obtained by solving the following system
of linear equations:

i =1

g s ( y ) = a js g r + j ( y ); s = 1,..., r

4 mk

Q = ei2 = akjFkj ( xki )

i =1
i =1 k =1 j =1


In this case, the parameters are not constrained by extra

conditions, so the minimum can be obtained by solving
the following system of linear equations, where the
unknowns are the coefficients cij:
= 2 ek f p ( x1k ) g q ( x2 k ) = 0;
c pq
k =1

p = 1,..., r ; q = 1,..., r s

Examples of Applications
In this section, illustrative examples for two different
models of FN are presented. These models were ap673

Functional Networks

plied to a regression and a classification problem. In all

cases, the functions of each layer were approximated by
considering a linear combination of known functions
from a polynomial family.

continuous attributes. The set contains 178 instances

that must be classified in three different classes.
For this case, the Separable Model (Figure 4)
with three output units was employed. Moreover, its
performance is compared to other standard methods:
a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), a Radial Basis Function Network (RBF) and Support Vector Machines
Figure 5 shows the comparative results. The first
subfigure contains the mean accuracy obtained using
a leaving-one-out cross-validation method. As can be
observed, the FN obtains a very good performance for

Classification Problem
The first example shows the performance of a FN solving
a classification problem: the Wine data set. This database can be obtained from the UCI Machine Learning
Repository1. The aim of this problem is to determine
the origin of wines using a chemical analysis of 13

Figure 5. Accuracy and training time obtained by different models for the wine data set




















Time (s)












Functional Networks

the test set. Regarding the time required for the learning
process, the second subfigure shows that the FNs are
comparable with the other methods.

Regression Problem
In this case the aim of the network is to predict the
failure shear effort in concrete beams based on several
geometrical, longitudinal and transversal parameters
of the beam (Alonso-Betanzos, Castillo, FontenlaRomero, & Snchez-Maroo, 2004).
A FN, corresponding to the Associative Model
(Figure 3), and also a MLP were trained employing
a ten-fold cross-validation, running 30 simulations
using different initial parameter values. A set with 12
samples was kept for further validation of the trained
systems. The mean normalized Mean Squared Errors
over 30 simulations obtained by the FN was 0.1789
and 0.8460 for test and validation, respectively, while
the MLP obtained 0.1361 and 2.9265.

Functional networks are being successfully employed
in many different real applications. In engineering problems they have been applied, for instance, for surface
reconstruction (Iglesias, Glvez, & Echevarra, 2006).
Other works have used these networks for recovering
missing data (Castillo, Snchez-Maroo, Alonso-Betanzos, & Castillo, 2003) and for general regression
and classification problems (Lacruz, Prez-Palomares
& Pruneda, 2006) .
Another recent research line is related to the investigation of measures of fault tolerance (Fontenla-Romero,
Castillo, Alonso-Betanzos, & Guijarro-Berdias, 2004),
in order to develop new learning methods.

This article presents a review of functional networks.
Functional networks are inspired by neural networks
and functional equations. This model offers all the
advantages of ANNs, such as noise tolerance and
generalisation capacity, adding new advantages. One
of them is the possibility to use knowledge about the
problem to be modeled to derive the initial network
topology, thus resulting on a model that can be physical

or engineering interpreted. Another main advantage is

that the initially proposed model can be simplified, using
functional equations, and learnt by solving a system of
linear equations, which speeds the learning process and
avoid it to be stuck in a local minimum. Finally, the
shape of neural function does not have to be fixed, but
they can be fitted from data during training, therefore
widening the modeling ability of the network.

Alonso-Betanzos, A., Castillo, E., Fontenla-Romero,
O., & Snchez-Maroo, N. (2004). Shear Strength
Prediction using Dimensional Analysis and Functional
Networks. Proceedings of European Symposium on
Artificial Neural Networks, 251-256
Bishop, C.M. (1995). Neural Networks for pattern
recognition. Oxford University Press.
Castillo, E. (1998). Functional networks. Neural Processing Letters, 7, 151-159.
Castillo, E., Cobo, A., Gutirrez, J., & Pruneda R.
(1998). Functional networks with applications. A neural-Based Paradigm. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Castillo, E., & Gutirrez, J.M. (1998). A comparison of
functional networks and neural networks. Proceedings
of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing, 439-442
Castillo, E., Iglesias, A., & Ruiz-Cobo, R. (2004).
Functional Equations in Applied Sciences. Elsevier.
Castillo, E., Snchez-Maroo, N., Alonso-Betanzos, A.,
& Castillo, C. (2003). Recovering missing data with
Functional and Bayesian Networks. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 2687, part II, 489-496.
Fontenla-Romero, O., Castillo, E., Alonso-Betanzos,
A., & Guijarro-Berdias, B. (2004). A measure of fault
tolerance for functional networks. Neurocomputing,
62, 327-347.
Gupta, M., & Rao, D. (1994). On the principles of fuzzy
neural networks. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 61, 1-18.
Hagan, M.T. & Menhaj, M. (1994). Training feedforward networks with the marquardt algorithm. IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks, 5(6), 989-993.


Functional Networks

Iglesias, A., Glvez, A. & Echevarra, G. (2006). Surface

reconstruction via functional networks. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling. CDROM ISBN:84-689-8577-5.
Lacruz, B., Prez-Palomares, A. & Pruneda, R.E.
(2006). Functional Networks for classification and
regression problems. Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling.
CDROM ISBN:84-689-8577-5.
Moller, M.F. (1993). A scaled conjugate gradient algorithm for fast supervised learning. Neural Networks,
6, 525-533.
Moody, J. & Darken, C.J. (1989) Fast learning in
networks of locally-tuned processing units. Neural
Computation,1(2), 281-294.
Rumelhart, D.E., Hinton, G.E. & Willian, R.J. (1986)
Learning representations of back-propagation errors.
Nature, 323, 533-536.

Functional Equation: An equation for which its

unknowns are expressed in terms of both independent
variables and functions.
Functional Network: A structure consisting of
processing units and storing units. These units are
organized in layers and linked by connections. Each
processing unit contains a multivariate and multiargument function to be learnt during a training process.
Lagrange Multiplier: Given the function f(x1,
x2,...,xn), the Lagrange multiplier is used to find the
extremum of f subject to a constraint g(x1, x2,...,xn) by
= 0, k = 1,..., n
x k

Specht, D. (1990). Probabilistic neural networks. Neural

Networks, 3, 109-118.

Learning Algorithm: A process that, based on

some training data representing the problem to be
learnt, adapts the free parameters of a given model,
such as a neural network, in order to obtain a desired

Youssef, H. M. (1993). Multiple Radial Basis Function

Networks in Modeling and Control. A IAA/ GNC.

Linear Equation: An algebraic equation involving

only a constant and first-order (linear) terms.

Error Function: When talking about learning,
this is a function that quantifies how much a system
has learnt. One of the most popular error functions is
the mean squared error that measures the differences
between the answers provided by a system and the
correct answer.


Uniqueness: Property of being the only possible



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Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

Juan Carlos Gonzlez-Castolo
CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico
Ernesto Lpez-Mellado
CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, Mexico

State estimation of dynamic systems is a resort often
used when only a subset of the state variables can be
directly measured; observers are the entities computing the system state from the knowledge of its internal
structure and its (partially) measured behaviour. The
problem of discrete event systems (DES) estimation has
been addressed in (Ramirez, 2003) and (Giua 2003); in
these works the marking of a Petri net (PN) model of
a partially observed event driven system is computed
from the evolution of its inputs and outputs.
The state of a system can be also inferred using the
knowledge on the duration of activities. However this
task becomes complex when, besides the absence of
sensors, the durations of the operations are uncertain; in
this situation the observer obtains and revise a belief that
approximates the current system state. Consequently
this approach is useful for non critical applications of
state monitoring and feedback in which an approximate
computation is allows.
The uncertainty of activities duration in DES can
be handled using fuzzy PN (FPN) (Murata, 1996),
(Cardoso, 1999), (Hennequin, 2001), (Pedrycz, 2003),
(Ding, 2005); this PN extension has been applied to
knowledge modelling (Chen, 1990), (Koriem, 2000),
(Shen, 2003), planning (Cao, 1996), reasoning (Gao,
2003) and controller design (Andreu, 1997), (Leslaw,
In these works the proposed techniques include the
computation of imprecise markings; however the class
of models dealt does not include strongly connected
PN for the modelling of cyclic behaviour. In this article
we address the problem of state estimation of DES for
calculating the fuzzy marking of a Fuzzy Timed Petri
Net (FTPN); for this purpose a set of matrix expressions
for the recursive computing the current fuzzy marking
is developed. The article focuses on FTPN whose structure is a Marked Graph (called Fuzzy Timed Marked

Graph -FTMG) because it allows showing intuitively

the problems of the marking estimation in exhibiting
cyclic behaviour.

Possibility Theory
In theory of possibility, a fuzzy set is used for delimiting ill-known values or for representing values
characterized by symbolic expressions. The set is
defined as a = (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) such that a1 , a2 , a3 , a4
, a1 a2 and a3 a4 . The fuzzy set delimits the run
time as follows:

The values b , a in the ranges (a1, a2), (a3, a4),

respectively, indicate that the activity is possibly executed with ( ) (0,1). When b the
function ( ) grows towards 1, which means
that the possibility of stopping increases. When
a, the membership function ( ) decreases
towards 0, representing that there is a reduction
of the possibility of stopping.
The values (0, a1 ] mean that the activity is running.
The values [a4 , +) mean that the activity is
The values a [a2 , a3 ]| a2 a3 represent full
possibility that is ( ) = 1, this represents that it
is certain that the activity is stopped.
The support of a is the range [a1 , a4 ] where
a ( ) > 0.
A fuzzy set is referred indistinctly by the function

( ) or the characterization (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ). For sim-

plicity, in this work the fuzzy possibility distribution

of the time is described with trapezoidal or triangular
forms. For example, Fig.1 shows the fuzzy set that

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

Figure 1. Fuzzy set

it is represents in natural language: the activity will

stop about 2.5.
Fuzzy extension principle. The fuzzy extension
principle plays a fundamental role because we can
extend functions defined on crisp sets to functions on
fuzzy sets. An important application of this principle
is a mechanism to operate arithmetically with fuzzy
Definition. Let X1, ,Xn be crisp sets and let f a function such f : X1 Xn Y . If a1, ,an are fuzzy sets
on X1, ,Xn, respectively, then f(a1, ,an) is the fuzzy
set on Y such that:

f (a1 ,..., an ) = (x1 ,..., xn )(X1... X n )


(x1 ) ...


(xn )/ f (x1 ,..., xn )}

If b= f(a1, ,an) then b is the fuzzy set on Y such

b ( y ) = (x1 ,..., xn )(X1 .. X n ): f (x1 ,..., xn )= y

a 1

(x1 ) ...

a n

(xn )

The fuzzy set was characterized as:

a = {

(x1 )/ x1 ,..., a (xn )/ xn }.

With the extension principle we can define a simplified

fuzzy sets addition operation.
Definition. Let a = (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) and b = (b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 )
be two trapezoidal fuzzy sets. The fuzzy sets addition
operation is: a b = (a1 + b1 , a2 + b2 , a3 + b3 , a4 + b4 )
(Klir, 1995).

Definition The intersection and union of fuzzy sets are

defined in terms of min and max operators.

(a b )= min(a, b) = min (

( ), b ( ))|

support _ of _ a b


(a b )= max (a, b )= max (

( ),

( ))|

support _ of _ a b

We used these operators, intersection and union, as a

t-norm and a s-norm, respectively.
Definition The distribution of possibility before
and after are the fuzzy sets a b = (, a2 , a3 , a4 ) and
a a = (a1 , a2 , a3 , + ) respectively; they are defined in
(Andreu, 1997) as a function ( ,a ] ( ) = sup ( ) and

= sup ( ), respectively.
( a , + ] ( )

Petri Nets Theory

Definition. An ordinary PN structure G is a bipartite
digraph represented by the 4-tuple G = (P, T , I , O )
where P = {p1 , p2 , , pn }and T = {t1 , t2 , , tm } are
finite sets of vertices called respectively places and
transitions, I (O ) : P T {0,1}is a function representing the arcs going from places to transitions
(transitions to places).
Pictorially, places are represented by circles, transitions are represented by rectangles, and arcs are depicted as arrows. The symbol t j (t j )denotes the set

Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

of all places pi such that I (pi , t j ) 0 O (pi , t j ) 0 .

Analogously, pi ( pi ) d enotes the set of all transitions
tj such that O (pi , t j ) 0 I (pi , t j ) 0 .

The pre-incidence matrix of G is C = cij where

cij = I (pi , t j ); the post-incidence matrix of G is

C + = cij+ where cij+ = O (pi , t j ); the incidence matrix
of G is C = C + C .
A marking function M : P + represents the
number of tokens or marks (depicted as dots) residing inside each place. The marking of a PN is usually
expressed as an n-entry vector.


Definition. A Petri Net system or Petri Net (PN) is the

pair N = (G, M0), where G is a PN structure and M0 is
an initial token distribution.
In a PN system, a transition tj is enabled at the
marking Mk if pi P, M k ( pi ) I (pi , t j ); an enabled
transition tj can be fired reaching a new marking Mk+1
which can be computed using the PN state equation:

M k +1 = M k + C vk C vk


where vk (i ) = 0, i j , vk ( j ) = 1 .
The reachability set of a PN is the set of all possible reachable marking from M0 firing only enabled
transitions; this set is denoted by R(G, M0).
A structural conflict is a PN sub-structure in which
two or more transitions share one or more input places;
such transitions are simultaneously enabled and the firing of one of them may disable the others, Fig.3(b).
Definition. A transition tk T is live, for a marking
M0, if M k R (G, M 0 ) , M n R (G, M 0 ) such that
tk is enabled


A PN is live if all its transitions are live.

Definition. A PN is said 1-bounded, or safe, for a
marking M0, if pi P and M j R (G, M 0 ), it holds
that M j ( pi ) 1.
In this work we deal with live and safe PN.

Definition. A p-invariant Yi (t-invariant Xi) of a PN is a

positive integer solution of the equation Yi T C = 0 (CXi =
0). The support of the p-invariant Yi (t-invariant Xi) is the
X i = t j | X i (t j ) 0 .
set Y = p | Y (p ) 0



Definition. Let Yi a p-invariant of a Petri net (G, M 0 ) ,

Yi the support of Yi, then the induced subnet by Yi is
PCi = (Pi = Yi , Ti = tk p j , tl p j
| p j Yi , I i , Oi)
named p-component, where
I i = Pi Ti I , Oi = Pi Ti O.

Definition. Let Xi be a t-invariant of a PN, and X i be

the support of Xi, then the induced subnet by Xi is

TCi = Pi = { pk t j , pl t j
| t j X i }, Ti = X i , I i , Oi

named t-component.
I i = Pi Ti I and Oi = Pi Ti O.

Definition. A invariant Zi is minimal if no invariant

Zj satisfies Z j Z i , where Zi,Zj are p-invariants or
t-invariants and z Z i : z 0.
Definition. Let Z = {Z1 , , Z q }be the set of minimal
invariants (Silva, 1982) of a PN, then Z is called the
invariants base. The cardinality of Z is represented
as Z .


Basic Operators
We introduce first some useful operators.
Definition. In order to get the fuzzy set between f and
g , the lmax function is defined as:


Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

( )

lmax f , g = min f a , g b

f1k g k 1
k =1

fmk g k 1
k =1


Definition. The latest (earliest) operation selects
g r1 are
latest (earliest) fuzzy set among
f they
f 1n fuzzy sets;
calculated as follows:

latest f1 , , fn =

( (



min max f1b , , fnb , min f1a , , fna

min (min ( f


, , fnb , max f1a , , fna


Definition. The fuzzy_conjugation-operator is defined

as arg1 arg 2 , where arg1, arg2 are arguments that
can be matrices of fuzzy sets; is the fuzzy and operation
and oper is any operation referred as, +, -, latest, min,
etc. For some row i = 1,...m and some column j = 1,...
n) the products and fik , g kj | k = 1, , r are computed

as oper and fik , g kj . For example:

( (



( )

f1r g11 g1n


g rn
fmr g r1


Formalism Description of the FTPN

earliest f1 , , fn =

g kn
k =1


mk kn

k =1

Definition. A fuzzy timed Petri net structure is a 3tuple FTPN = (N , , ); where N = (G, M0) is a PN,
= {a1 , a2 , , an } is a collection of fuzzy sets, : P
is a function that associates a fuzzy set ai to each
place pi P.

Fuzzy timing of places

The fuzzy set a = (a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) Fig.2(b) represents

the static possibility distribution ( a ) [0,1] of the
instant at which a token leaves a place p P , starting
from the instant when p is marked. This set does not
change during the FTPN execution.

Fuzzy timing of tokens

The fuzzy set b = (b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 ) Fig.2(c) represents

the dynamic possibility distribution ( b ) [0,1] associated to a token residing within a p P ; it also
represents the instant b at which such a token leaves
the place, starting from the instant when p is marked.
b is computed from a every time the place is marked

Figure 2. (a) Fuzzy timed Petri net. (b) The fuzzy set associated to places. (c) Fuzzy set to place or mark associated. (d) Fuzzy timestamp


Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

during the marking evolution of the FTPN. A token

begins to be available for enabling output transitions
at (b1 ). Thus b a = (b1 , b2 , b3 , + ) represents the possibility distribution of available tokens. The fuzzy set
c = (c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 ) , known as fuzzy timestamp, Fig.2(d)
is a dynamic possibility distribution ( c ) [0,1]
that represents the duration of a token within a place

Enabling and Firing of Transitions

Fuzzy enabling date

The fuzzy enabling date etk ( ) of the transition tk

at the instant t is a possibility distribution of the latest
leaving instant among the leaving instants bpi of all
tokens within the pi tk , Fig.3(a).

( ) = latest (bp )pi tk



The latest operation obtains the latest date in which

the input places pi to tk have a token.

Fuzzy firing date

The firing transition date otk ( ) of a transition tk is

determined with respect to the set of transitions {tj}
simultaneously enabled, Fig.3(b). This date, expressed
as a possibility distribution, is computed as follows:

( ) = min (et ( ), earliest (et ( ))tk pn ; pn t j )


Fuzzy timestamp

For a given place ps, the possibility distribution bps

may be computed from a ps and the firing dates ot j ( )
of a t j ps using the following expression:

)) a p t j ps

bps = lmax ot j (

The token do not disappear of t and appear in t

instantaneously. The fuzzy timestamp c ps is the time
elapse possibility that a token is in a place ps P . The
possibility distribution c ps is computed from the occurrence dates of both ps and ps , see Fig.3(c).

c ps = lmax earliest oti (

)), latest (ot ( )))ti ps , t j ps


Actually, c ps represent the fuzzy marking at the
instant t.

Matrix Formulation
Now, we reformulate the expressions (5), (6), (7) and (8)
allowing a more general an compact representation.
B = C + O A



The earliest operation obtains the earliest date

in which the transitions in a structural conflict are



E = C B


T min

O = C C E


Figure 3. (a) Conjunction transition. (b) Structural conflict. (c) Attribution and selection place


Fuzzy Approximation of DES State


C = lmax C + O , C O


where B , E , O and C denote vectors composed by

bps , etk , otk , c ps , respectively.

Modeling Example
Now we will illustrate the previous matrix formulation
though a simple example.
Consider the system shown in Fig.4(a); it consist
of two cars, car1 and car2, which move along independent and dependent ways executing the set of
activities Op={Right_car1, Right_car2, Charge_car1,
Charge_car2, Left_car1,2 Discharge_car1,2}. The
operation of the system is automated following the
sequence described in the FTPN of Fig.4(b) in which
the activities are associated to places. The ending time
possibility a pi for every activity is given in the model.
We are considering that there are not sensors detecting the tokens in the system, thus the behavior is then
analyzed through the estimated state.


o a p1
1 t5

ot1 a p2

bp3 ot1 a p3

B= =
ot a p4
p4 2
bp ot3 a p5


bp t4


E = et3 =

et4 latest bp4 , bp5
t5 bp

ot1 et1
o e
t2 t2

O = ot3 = et3

ot4 et4
o e
t5 t5

Initial conditions: Initially, M 0 = {p1}, therefore, the enabling date et1 ( ) of transitions t1
is immediate, i.e., (0,0,0,0). Since t1 = 1 , then
ot1 ( ) = et1 ( ).
Matrix equations: For the obtained the fuzzy sets
we solve (9)-(12) as follows:

Figure 4. (a) Two cars system. (b) Fuzzy timed Petri net model





Fuzzy Approximation of DES State



Figure 5(a) present the marking evolution of one

cycle and some more steps. C is represented by the
dashed line and B is represented by the shadowed area.
Notice that O coincide sometimes with B .

lmax ot , ot

c p1

c lmax (ot1 , ot2 )

c p3 lmax ot1 , ot3

C = =
c p4 lmax (ot2 , ot4 )

p5 lmax ot , ot

c p6
lmax o , o



Firing t1: When t1 is fired, the token is removed

from p1; p2 and p3 get one token each one.
B = 0



(0.9,1,1,1.1) (0.8,1,1,1.2 )

0 0 0

The possibility sets bp2 , bp3 coincide with a p2

and a p3 , respectively.
Firing t2: The fuzzy enabling time and the fuzzy
occurrence time are computed by (14) and (15),
O , E = 0


0 0 0

(0, 0,1,1.1)

0 0 0


(2.6,3,3,3.4 )

0 0

C = 0 0

(0.8,1,1,1.2 )

(0, 0,1,1.2 )

B = 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0

(2.6,3,3,3.4 )

) + C + O ( ) C O ( )

O ( b ) = O ( ) O (


) b

) O ( ) | (

) a.

The marking possibility obtained in (17) can be greater

than 1; then since FTPN are safe, we use the min function to obtain M ( ) 1.
The new marking is denoted by M ( ), i.e.,

) = min (M (

) + C + O ( ) C O ( ),1 )


where 1 is a n-entry vector containing 1 in each entry.

Initially M (0 ) = M 0 . If t 0 then (18) is solved
in three steps:


)| (


M (

Firing t3: Again, using (14), (15) and (16) we

O , E = 0 0

)= M (

O ( a ) = O (

The set bp4 is the possibility distribution of the

instant at which place p4 losses the token and it
can be calculated by (13).
B = 0 0 0



The set c p2 is the possibility distribution of the

time at which p2 is marked. So, we computed
C = 0

We analyzed equation (1) in order to obtain the fuzzy

marking equation. C + vk provides information about the
places that get tokens. Also, we must consider that in
FTPN the transition firing possibility evolves continuously. The variation of O ( b ) during b modifies
the possibility of tokens residing in the output places
of the firing transitions; thus the corresponding term
to vk in FTPN is rather a variation denoted by O ( b )
; thus the marking variation is C + O ( b ). By a similar
reasoning on the term C vk corresponds to C O ( a ) in

FTPN. The operation C O ( b ) C O ( a ) represents the

possible marking change. Considering the marking
after a time elapse we obtain:


) = C + O ( ) C O ( )


)= M (

)+ M ( )

Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

M (

) = min (M ( ),1 )

If O ( b ) , O ( a ) {0,1} the behaviour is that of an ordinary timed Petri net.
For the system shown in Fig.4, we obtained the marking in some instants. The initial marking is M(0) = [1
0 0 0 0 0]. The transition t1 is firing at = 0+, therefore
M(0+) = [0 1 1 0 0 0] . For (0 , 0.8 ) the marking
does not change. For tt = 1 we obtain:

M (1) =



0 1
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1


1 0
0 0 0 0

M (1) = M (0.8 ) + M (1) = [0 1 1 1 0 0]

(1) = min M (1), 1 = [0 1 1 1 0 0]T




The marking evolution at some relevant instants is

shown below:
0 0.8 1 2 2.8

M p1 (t ) 1
M p2 (t ) 0
M (t ) 0

M p4 (t
M (t

M p6

(t )

3.2 4 5

0 0

0 1

1 0

0 0

1 0

0 0

1 1

0.5 0 0

1 1

0.5 0 0

0 0


1 1

among the bigger possibility M u ( ) that the token is

in a place u and the possibility M v ( ) that the token
is in any other place. The function Yi ( ) is then

( ) = min (M p ( ) M p ( ) )


such that {pu , pv } Yi ; v u; Yi Y

The FTPN in Fig.4 has two p-invariants with supports
Y1 = p1 , p2 , p4 , p5 and Y2 = p1 , p3 , p5 . Figure 6 shows
the fuzzy sets C obtained from evolution of the marking
in the p-component induced by Y1 , Fig.5(b).
Definition. The state estimation S, at the instant t is
described by the function s ( ) [0,1], which determines
the possible state of the system among other possible
states; it is calculated by:

) = min ( Y ( ))| i = 1,..., Y ; Yi Y



Discrete State From the FTPN

In order to obtain a possible discrete marking M ( ) of
the FTPN it is necessary to perform a defuzzyfication
of M(t). This can be accomplished taking into account
the possible discrete marking M i ( ) of every p-component induced by Yi. Before describing the procedure
to obtain M ( ), we define M(t) as:

) = m p ( )...m p ( )

|n= P


Notice that during (0,5 ), M ( ) coincides with the

fuzzy timestamp; it is shown in Fig.5(a).

where m p ( ) | k = 1,..., n is the estimated marking

of the place pk P . Now, the discrete marking
can be obtained with the following procedure.


Algorithm: Defuzzification
See Algorithm A.

Marking Estimation
Definition. The marking estimation in the instant t
is described by the function Yi ( ) [0,1] which rec-

ognize the possible marked place pu Yi | i {1,..., Y },

among other possible places pv Yi | v u . The function Yi ( ) evaluates the minimal difference that exist

Following the previous example, the marking M(t)
during (0.08] does not change, that is

)= M0

= [0 1 1 0 0 0].

Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

Figure 5. (a) Fuzzy marking evolution. (b) Marking

estimation. (c) Discrete state

For t = 0.95 the new fuzzy marking is

M (0.95 ) = [0 1 1 0.5 0.25 0] ,


M 1 (0 95 ) = [0 1 0 0 0 0]

M 2 (0 95 ) = [0 0 1 0 0 0]

M (0 95 ) = [0 1 0 0 0 0] + [0 0 1 0 0 0] = [0 1 1 0 0 0]

M (0 95 ) = [0 1 1 0 0 0]

Figure 5(c) shows the marking obtained at different instants.

Previous results on estimation of Fuzzy Timed State
Machines and that included in this article are going to
be integrated for addressing a larger class of PN.
Another issue currently addressed is the study of
FTPN including measurable places for dealing with
sensors or detectable activities within the system; this
will allow establishing a bound on the uncertainty of
the estimated state. The optimal placement of sensors
is an interesting matter of research.

Algorithm A.

Input: M ( ), Y
Output: M (
Step 1 M (

) 0

Step 2 Yi | i = 1,..., Y

Step 2.1 pk Yi : m q = max (M ( pk ))

Step 2.2 M (pq ) = 1


Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

The aim of this research has been the use of the

methodology for estimating the DES state of a discrete
event system for monitoring its behavior and diagnosing faults. A FTPN is going to be used as a reference
model and their outputs (measurable marking) have to
be compared with the outputs of the monitored system;
the analysis of residuals should provide an early detection of system malfunctioning and a plausible location
of the faulty behavior.

This article addressed the state estimation problem
of DES whose the duration of activities is ill known;
fuzzy sets represent the uncertainty of the ending of
activities. Several novel notions have been introduced
in the FTPN definition, and a new matrix formulation
for computing the fuzzy marking of Marked Graphs
has been proposed. The extreme situation in which any
activity of a system cannot be detected by sensors has
been dealt for illustrating the degradation of the marking estimation when a cyclic execution is performed.
Current research addresses the topics mentioned in the
above section.

Cybern., Part A: Syst. and Humans, Vol. 33, No. 3,

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the American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado
June 4-6, 326-331.
Gonzlez-Castolo, J. C., Lpez-Mellado, E. (2006).
Fuzzy State Estimation of Discrete Event Systems.
Proc. of MICAI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4293, 90-100.
Hennequin, S., Lefebvre, D., El Moudni., A. (2001).
Fuzzy Multimodel of Timed Petri Nets. IEEE Trans.
on Syst., Man, Cybern., Vol. 31, No. 2, 245-250.
Klir, G. and Yuan, B. (1995). Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy
Logic. Theory and Applications. Prentice Hall, NJ,
Koriem, S.M. (2000). A Fuzzy Petri Net Tool For Modeling and Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems.
The Computer Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3. 206-223.
Leslaw, G., Kluska, J. (2004). Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Petri Net as a Controller. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 34, No.
3, 1315-1324.

Andreu, D., Pascal, J-C., Valette. R. (1997). Fuzzy

Petri Net-Based Programmable Logic Controller. IEEE
Trans. Syst. Man. Cybern, Vol.27, No. 6, 952-961.

Martinez, J. & Silva, M. (1982). A Simple and fast

algorithm to obtain all invariants of a generalized Petri
nets. Proc. of Second European Workshop on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, Informatik-Fachberichte
Vol. 52, 301-310.

Cao, T., Sanderson, A. C. (1996). Intelligent Task Planning Using Fuzzy Petri Nets. Intelligent Control and
Intelligent Automation, Vol. 3. Word Scientific.

Murata., T. (1996). Temporal uncertainty and fuzzytiming high-level Petri nets. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.,
Vol.1091, 29-58.

Cardoso, J., Camargo., H. (1999). Fuzziness in Petri

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Pedrycz, W., Camargo, H. (2003). Fuzzy timed Petri

Nets. Elsevier, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 140, 301330.


Chen, S., Ke, J., Chang, J. (1990). Knowledge representation using Fuzzy Petri nets. IEEE Trans. Knowledge
Data Eng., Vol. 2, No. 3, 311-319.
Ding, Z., Bunke, H., Schneider, M., Kandel., A. (2005).
Fuzzy Timed Petri Net, Definitions, Properties, and
Applications. Elsevier, Mathematical and Computer
Modelling 41, 345-360.
Gao, M., Zhou, M., Guang, X., Wu, Z. (2003). Fuzzy
Reasoning Petri Nets, IEEE Trans. Syst., Man &

Ramirez-Trevio, A., Rivera-Rangel, A., LpezMellado, E. (2003). Observability of Discrete Event

Systems Modeled by Interpreted Petri Nets. IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and Automation. Vol.19,
No. 4, 557-565.
Shen, R. V. L. (2003). Reinforcement Learning for
High-Level Fuzzy Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. on Syst.,
Man, & Cybern., Vol. 33, No. 2, 351-362.

Fuzzy Approximation of DES State

Discrete Events Systems: It is the class of systems
whose behavior is characterized by successions of
states delimited by asynchronous events. Most of these
systems have been man made.
Fuzzy Logic: It is a Knowledge representation
technique and computing framework whose approach
is based on degrees of truth rather than the usual true
or false of classical logic.
Fuzzy Petri Nets: It is a family of formalisms
extending Petri nets by the inclusion of fuzzy sets
representing usually uncertainty of time elapses.
Imprecise Marking: The imprecise localization
of tokens within places of a FTPN; it is computed as
a possibility distribution.

Marked Graph: It is a Petri Net subclass in which

every place has only one input transition and one output
State Estimation: It is the inference process that
determines the current state of a system from the
knowledge of sequences of inputs and outputs.
State Machine: It is a Petri Net subclass in which
every transition has only one input place and one
output place.
System Monitoring: It is a surveillance process on
measurable events and/or outputs of a system; it is often
used a reference model that specifies a reasonable good
behavior. Deviations from the reference are analyzed
and determined if there exist a fault. This process is
included as a part of a fault diagnosis process.

Petri Nets: It is a family of formalisms for modeling and analysis of concurrent DES allowing intuitive
graphical descriptions and providing a simple but sound
mathematical support. A timed Petri net includes information about the duration of the modeled activities.



Fuzzy Control Systems: An Introduction

Guanrong Chen
City University of Hong Kong, China
Young Hoon Joo
Kunsan National University, Korea

Fuzzy control systems are developed based on fuzzy
set theory, attributed to Lotfi A. Zadeh (Zadeh, 1965,
1973), which extends the classical set theory with
memberships of its elements described by the classical characteristic function (either is or is not a
member of the set), to allow for partial membership
described by a membership function (both is and
is not a member of the set at the same time, with a
certain degree of belonging to the set). Thus, fuzzy set
theory has great capabilities and flexibilities in solving
many real-world problems which classical set theory
does not intend or fails to handle.
Fuzzy set theory was applied to control systems
theory and engineering almost immediately after its
birth. Advances in modern computer technology continuously backs up the fuzzy framework for coping
with engineering systems of a broad spectrum, including many control systems that are too complex or too
imprecise to tackle by conventional control theories
and techniques.


The main signature of fuzzy logic technology is its
ability of suggesting an approximate solution to an
imprecisely formulated problem. From this point of
view, fuzzy logic is closer to human reasoning than the
classical logic, where the latter attempts to precisely
formulate and exactly solve a mathematical or technical
problem if ever possible.

Motivations for Fuzzy Control Systems

Conventional control systems theory, developed based
on classical mathematics and the two-valued logic, is
relatively mature and complete. This theory has its solid
foundation built on classical mathematics, electrical
engineering, and computer technology. It can provide
rigorous analysis and often perfect solutions when a
system is precisely defined mathematically. Within
this framework, some relatively advanced control
techniques such as adaptive, robust and nonlinear
control theories have gained rapid development in the
last three decades.
However, conventional control theory is quite limited in modeling and controlling complex dynamical
systems, particularly ill-formulated and partially-described physical systems. Fuzzy logic control theory,
on the contrary, has shown potential in these kinds of
non-traditional applications. Fuzzy logic technology
allows the designers to build controllers even when
their understanding of the system is still in a vague,
incomplete, and developing phase, and such situations
are quite common in industrial control practice.

General Structure of Fuzzy Control

Just like other mathematical tools, fuzzy logic, fuzzy
set theory, fuzzy modeling, fuzzy control methods, etc.,
have been developed for solving practical problems.
In control systems theory, if the fuzzy interpretation
of a real-world problem is correct and if fuzzy theory
is developed appropriately, then fuzzy controllers can
be suitably designed and they work quite well to their
advantages. The entire process is then returned to the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Control Systems

original real-world setting, to accomplish the desired

system automation. This is the so-called fuzzificationfuzzy operationdefuzzification routine in
fuzzy control design. The key stepfuzzy operationis executed by a logical rule base consisting of
some IF-THEN rules established by using fuzzy logic
and human knowledge (Chen & Pham, 1999, 2006;
Drianker, Hellendoorn & Reinfrank, 1993; Passino &
Yurkovich, 1998; Tanaka, 1996; Tanaka & wang, 1999;
Wang, 1994; Ying, 2000).

Fuzzy set theory allows partial membership of an element with respect to a set: an element can partially
belong to a set and meanwhile partially not belong to
the same set. For example, an element, x, belonging to
the set, X, IS specified by a (normalized) membership
function, X : X [0,1]. There are two extreme cases:
X(x) = 0 means x X and X(x) = 1 means x X in
the classical sense. But X(x) = 0.2 means x belongs
to X only with grade 0.2, or equivalently, x does not
belong to X with grade 0.8. Moreover, an element can
have more than one membership value at the same time,
such as X(x) = 0.2 and X(x) = 0.6, and they need not
be summed up to one. The entire setting depends on
how large the set X is (or the sets X and Y are) for the
associate members, and what kind of shape a membership function should have in order to make sense of the
real problem at hand. A set, X, along with a membership
function defined on it, X(), is called a fuzzy set and is
denoted (X, X). More examples of fuzzy sets can be
seen below, as the discussion continues. This process
of transforming a crisp value of an element (say x =
0.3) to a fuzzy set (say x = 0.3 X = [0,1] with X(x)
= 0.2) is called fuzzification.
Given a set of real numbers, X = [1,1], a point x
X assumes a real value, say x = 0.3. This is a crisp
number without fuzziness. However, if a membership
function X() is introduced to associate with the set X,
then (X, X) becomes a fuzzy set, and the (same) point
x = 0.3 has a membership grade quantified by X() (for
instance, X(x) = 0.9). As a result, x has not one but two
values associated with the point: x = 0.3 and X(x) =
0.9. In this sense, x is said to have been fuzzified. For
convenience, instead of saying that x is in the set X
with a membership value X(x), in common practice
it is usually said x is , while one should keep in mind
that there is always a well-defined membership function

associated with the set X. If a member, x, belongs to

two fuzzy sets, one says x is X1 AND x is X2, and so
on. Here, the relation AND needs a logical operation
to perform. As a result, this statement eventually yields
only one membership value for the element x, denoted
by X X (x). There are several logical operations to
implement the logical AND; they are quite different but
all valid within their individual logical system. A commonly used one is X X (x) = min {X (x), X (x)}.

Fuzzy Logic Rule Base

The majority of fuzzy logic control systems are knowledge-based systems. This means that either their fuzzy
models or their fuzzy logic controllers are described
by fuzzy logic IF-THEN rules. These rules have to
be established based on human experts knowledge
about the system, the controller, and the performance
specifications, etc., and they must be implemented by
performing rigorous logical operations.
For example, a car driver knows that if the car moves
straight ahead then he does not need to do anything; if
the car turns to the right then he needs to steer the car
to the left; if the car turns to the right by too much then
he needs to take a stronger action to steer the car to the
left much more, and so on. Here, much and more
etc. are fuzzy terms that cannot be described by classical mathematics but can be quantified by membership
functions (see Fig. 2, where part (a) is an example of
the description to the left). The collection of all such
if then principles constitutes a fuzzy logic rule
base for the problem under investigation. To this end,
it is helpful to briefly summarize the experience of the
driver in the following simplified rule base: Let X =
[180, 180], x be the position of the car, left() be the
membership function for the moving car turning to
the left, right() the membership function for the car
turning to the right, and 0() the membership function
for the car moving straight ahead. Here, simplified
statements are used, for instance, x is Xleft means x
belongs to X with a membership value left(x) etc. Also,
similar notation for the control action u of the driver
is employed. Then, a simple typical rule base for this
car-driving task is

IF x is Xleft
IF x is Xright
IF x is X0

THEN u is Uright
THEN u is Uleft
THEN u is U0


Fuzzy Control Systems

where X0 means moving straight ahead (not left nor

right), as described by the membership function shown
in Fig. 2(c), and u is U0 means u = 0 (no control action) with a certain grade (if this grade is 1, it means
absolutely no control action). Of course, this description
only illustrates the basic idea, which is by no means
a complete and effective design for a real car-driving
In general, a rule base of r rules has the form

Thus, what should the control action be? To simplify

this discussion, suppose that the control action is simply
u = x with the same membership functions X = U for
all cases. Then, a natural and realistic control action
for the driver to take is a compromise between the two
required actions. Among several possible compromise
(or, average) formulas for this purpose, the most commonly adopted one that works well in most cases is the
following weighted average formula:

R(k): IF x1 is Xk1 AND AND xm is Xkm THEN u is Uk



where m 1 and k = 1,, r.

0.28 (5o ) + 0.5 (5o )

= 0.5o
0.28 + 0.5

M right (u ) u + M0 (u ) u
M right (u ) + M0 (u )

An element of a fuzzy set may have more than one
membership value. In Fig. 1, for instance, if x = 5 then
it has two membership values: right(x) = 5/180 0.28
and 0(x) = 0.5. This means that the car is moving to the
right by a little. According to the above-specified rule
base, the driver will take two control actions simultaneously, which is unnecessary and physically impossible.

Here, the result is interpreted as the driver should

turn the car to the left by 5. This averaged outputs
is called defuzzification, which yields a single crisp
value for the control, which may actually yield similar
averaged results in general.
The result of defuzzification usually is a physical
quantity acceptable by the original real system. Whether
or not this defuzzification result works well depends

Figure 1. Membership functions for directions of a moving car


Fuzzy Control Systems

Figure 2. A typical fuzzy logic controller



Fuzzy Rule Base



Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC)

on the correctness and effectiveness of the rule base,

while the latter depends on the designers knowledge
and experience about the physical system or process for
control. Just like any of the classical design problems,
there is generally no unique solution for a problem; an
experienced designer usually comes out with a better
A general weighted average formula for defuzzification is the following convex combination of the
individual outputs:

i =1

i =1

output = A iui :=


i =1 i



with notation referred to the rule base (1), where

wi MU i (ui ), A i :=


i =1 wi

0, i = 1,, r ,

i =1


Sometimes, depending on the design or application,

the weights are

wi = M X ij ( x j ),
j =1

i = 1,, r

The overall structure of a fuzzy logic controller is

shown in Fig. 2.


A Model-Free Approach
This general approach of fuzzy logic control works for
trajectory tracking for a conventional dynamical system
that does not have a precise mathematical model.
The basic setup is shown in Fig. 3, where the plant is
a conventional system without a mathematical description and all the signals (the reference set-point sp, output
y(t), control u(t), and error e(t) = sp y(t)) are crisp.
The objective is to design a controller to achieve the
goal e(t) 0 as t , assuming that the system inputs
and outputs are measurable by sensors on line.
If the mathematical formulation of the plant is
unknown, how can one develop a controller to control this plant? Fuzzy logic approach turns out to be
advantageous in this situation: it only uses the plant
inputs and outputs, but not the state variables nor any
other information. After the design is completed, the
entire dashed-block in Fig. 2 is used to replace the
controller block in Fig. 3.
As an example, suppose that the physical reference
set-point is the degree of temperature, say 40F, and
that the designer knows the range of the error signal,
e(t) = 40 y(t), is within X = [25, 45], and assume
that the scale of control is required to be in the unit
of 1. Then, the membership functions for the error
signal to be negative large (NL), positive large
(PL), and zero (ZO) may be chosen as shown in Fig.


Fuzzy Control Systems

Figure 3. A typical reference set-point tracking control system

signal) signal)


4. Using these membership functions, the controller is

expected to drive the output temperature to be within
the allowable range: 40 1. With these membership
functions, when the error signal e(t) = 5, for instance,

Figure 4. Membership function for the error temperature signal




it is considered to be positive large with membership

value one, meaning that the set-point (40) is higher
than y(t) by too much.
The output from the fuzzification module is a fuzzy
set consisting of the interval X and three membership functions, NL, PL and ZO, in this example. The
output from fuzzification will be the input to the next
modulethe fuzzy logic rule basewhich only takes
fuzzy set inputs to be compatible with the logical IFTHEN rules.
Figure 5 is helpful for establishing the rule base. If
e > 0 at a moment, then the set-point is higher than the
output y (since e = 40 y), which corresponds to two
possible situations, marked by a and d respectively.
To further distinguish these two situations, one may
use the rate of change of the error, e = y . Here, since
the set-point is a constant, its derivative is zero. Using
information from both e and , one can completely
characterize the changing situation of the output temperature at all times. If, for example, e > 0 and > 0,

Figure 5. Temperature set-point tracking example


r = 45


y( t )

e( t )

Fuzzy Control Systems

then the temperature is currently at situation d rather

than situation a, since > 0 means y < 0 which, in turn,
signifies that the curve is moving downward.
Based on the above observation from the physical situations of the current temperature against the
set-point, a simple rule base can be established as

IF e > 0 AND
IF e > 0 AND
IF e < 0 AND
IF e < 0 AND

> 0 THEN u(t+) = C u(t);

< 0 THEN u(t+) = C u(t);
> 0 THEN u(t+) = C u(t);
< 0 THEN u(t+) = C u(t);

otherwise (e.g., e = 0 or = 0), u(t+) = u(t), till next

step, where C > 0 is a constant control gain and t + can
be just t + 1 in discrete time.
In the above, the first two rules are understood as
follows (other rules can be similarly interpreted):


R(1): e > 0 and > 0. As analyzed above, the temperature curve is currently at situation d, so the
controller has to change its moving direction to
the opposite by changing the current control action
to the opposite (since the current control action
is driving the output curve downward).
R(2): e > 0 and < 0. The current temperature curve
is at situation a, so the controller does not need
to do anything (since the current control action
is driving the output curve up toward the setpoint).

The switching control actions may take different

forms, depending on the design. One example is u(t +
1) = u(t) + u(t), among others (Chen & Pham, 1999,
Furthermore, to distinguish positive large from
just positive for e > 0, one may use those membership functions shown in Fig. 4. Since the error signal
e(t) is fuzzified in the fuzzification module, one
can similarly fuzzify the auxiliary signal (t) in the
fuzzification module. Thus, there are two fuzzified
inputs, e and , for the controller, and they both have
corresponding membership functions describing their
properties as positive large (PL), negative large
(NL), or zero (ZO), as shown in Fig. 5. Thus, for the
rule base, one may replace it by a set of more detailed
rules as follows:


IF e = PL AND > 0 THEN u(t+1)= PL(e) .

IF e = PS AND > 0 THEN u(t+1) = (1PS(e))
. u(t);
IF e = PL AND < 0 THEN u(t+1) = PL(e) .
IF e = PS AND < 0 THEN u(t+1) = (1PS(e))
. u(t);
IF e = NL AND > 0 THEN u(t+1) = NL(e) .
IF e = NS AND > 0 THEN u(t+1) = (1NS(e))
. u(t);
IF e = NL AND < 0 THEN u(t+1) = NL(e) .
IF e = NS AND < 0 THEN u(t+1) = (1NS(e))
. u(t);

otherwise, u(t+1) = u(t). Here and below, = PL

means is PL, etc. In this way, the initial rule base is
enhanced and extended.
In the defuzzification module, new membership
functions are needed for the change of the control action,
u(t + 1) or u(t), if the enhanced rule base described
above is used. This is because both the error and the
rate of change of the error signals have been fuzzified
to be positive large or positive small, the control
actions have to be fuzzified accordingly (to be large
or small).
Now, suppose that a complete, enhanced fuzzy logic
rule base has been established. Then, in the defuzzification module, the weighted average formula can be
used to obtain a single crisp value as the control action
output from the controller (see Fig. 2):

u (t + 1) =

i =1

Mi ui (t + 1)

i =1


This is an average value of the multiple (N = 8 in

the above rule base) control signals at step t + 1, and
is physically meaningful to the given plant.

A Model-Based Approach
If a mathematical model of the system, or a fairly good
approximation of it, is available, one may be able to
design a fuzzy logic controller with better results such
as performance specifications and guaranteed stability.


Fuzzy Control Systems

This constitutes a model-based fuzzy control approach

(Chen & Zhang, 1997; Malki, Li & Chen, 1994; Malki,
Feigenspan, Misir & Chen, 1997; Sooraksa & Chen,
1998; Ying, Siler & Buckley, 1990).
For instance, a locally linear fuzzy system model is
described by a rule base of the following form:
RS( k ) : IF x1 is X k1


xm is X km THEN x = Ak x + Bk u


where {Ak} and {Bk} are given constant matrices, x

= [x1,...,xm]T is the state vector, and u = [u1,...,un]T is
a controller to be designed, with m n 1, and k =
1,,r. The fuzzy system model (3) may be rewritten
in a more compact form as follows:

x = A k (Ak x + Bk u ) = A( M ( x)) x + B( M ( x))u

k =1


i , j =1

Based on this fuzzy model, (3) or (4), a fuzzy controller u(t) can be designed by using some conventional
techniques. For example, if a negative state-feedback
controller is preferred, then one may design a controller
described by the following ruse base:
RC( k ) : IF x1 is X k1


where {K k }rk =1 are constant control gain matrices to be

determined, k = 1,,r. Thus, the closed-loop controlled
system (4) together with (5) becomes


This topic will be discussed elsewhere in the near


The essence of systems control is to achieve automation. For this purpose, a combination of fuzzy control
technology and advanced computer facility available
in the industry provides a promising approach that can
mimic human thinking and linguistic control ability, so
as to equip the control systems with a certain degree
of artificial intelligence. It has now been realized that
fuzzy control systems theory offers a simple, realistic
and successful addition, or sometimes an alternative,
for controlling various complex, imperfectly modeled,
and highly uncertain engineering systems, with a great
potential in many real-world applications.

xm is X km THEN x = [ Ak BK k ]x

G. Chen & T. T. Pham (1999). Introduction to Fuzzy
Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems. CRC
G. Chen & T. T. Pham (2006) Introduction to Fuzzy
Systems. CRC Press.



For this feedback controlled system, the following

is a typical stability condition [1,2,10]:
If there exists a common positive definite and symmetric
constant matrix P such that AkT P + PAk = Q for some



xm is X km THEN u = K k x

(k )
: IF x1 is X k1

This theorem provides a basic (sufficient) condition

for the global asymptotic stability of the fuzzy control
system, which can also be viewed as a criterion for
tracking control of the system trajectory to the zero setpoint. Clearly, stable control gain matrices {K k }rk =1 may
be determined according to this criterion in a design.


M ( x) = M X ij ( x)

Q > 0 for all k = 1,,r, then the fuzzy controlled system

(6) is asymptotically stable about zero.

G. Chen & D. Zhang (1997). Back-driving a truck

with suboptimal distance trajectories: A fuzzy logic
control approach. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 5:
D. Drianker, H. Hellendoorn & M. Reinfrank (1993).
An Introduction to Fuzzy Control. Springer-Verlag.

Fuzzy Control Systems

H. Malki, D. Feigenspan, D. Misir & G. Chen (1997)

Fuzzy PID control of a flexible-joint robot arm with
uncertainties from time-varying loads. IEEE Trans. on
Contr. Sys. Tech. 5: 371-378.
H. Malki, H. Li & G. Chen (1994). New design and
stability analysis of fuzzy proportional-derivative
control systems. IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems, 2:
K. M. Passino & S. Yurkovich (1998) Fuzzy Control,
P. Sooraksa & G. Chen (1998). Mathematical modeling
and fuzzy control of flexible robot arms. Math. Comput.
Modelling. 27: 73-93.
K. Tanaka (1996). An Introduction to Fuzzy Logic for
Practical Applications. Springer.
K. Tanaka & H. O. Wang (1999). Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A Linear Matrix Inequality
Approach. IEEE Press.
L. X. Wang (1994) Adaptive Fuzzy Systems and Control:
Design and Stability Analysis. Prentice-Hall.
H. Ying (2000). Fuzzy Control and Modeling: Analytical
Foundations and Applications. IEEE Press.
H. Ying, W. Siler & J. J. Buckley (1990). Fuzzy control
theory: a nonlinear case. Automatica. 26: 513-520.
L. A. Zadeh (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control. 8: 338-353.

L. A. Zadeh (1973). Outline of a new approach to the

analysis of complex systems and decision processes.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. 3:

Defuzzification: A process that converts fuzzy
terms to conventional expressions quantified by realvalued functions.
Fuzzification: A process that converts conventional
expressions to fuzzy terms quantified by fuzzy membership functions.
Fuzzy Control: A control method based on fuzzy
set and fuzzy logic theories.
Fuzzy Logic: A logic that takes on continuous
values in between 0 and 1.
Fuzzy Membership Function: A function defined
on fuzzy set and assumes continuous values in between
0 and 1.
Fuzzy Set: A set of elements with a real-valued
membership function describing their grades.
Fuzzy System: A system formulated and described
by fuzzy set-based real-valued functions.



Fuzzy Decision Trees

Malcolm J. Beynon
Cardiff University, UK

The inductive learning methodology known as decision
trees, concerns the ability to classify objects based on
their attributes values, using a tree like structure from
which decision rules can be accrued. In this article, a
description of decision trees is given, with the main
emphasis on their operation in a fuzzy environment.
A first reference to decision trees is made in Hunt et
al. (1966), who proposed the Concept learning system
to construct a decision tree that attempts to minimize
the score of classifying chess endgames. The example
problem concerning chess offers early evidence supporting the view that decision trees are closely associated
with artificial intelligence (AI). It is over ten years later
that Quinlan (1979) developed the early work on decision trees, to introduced the Interactive Dichotomizer
3 (ID3). The important feature with their development
was the use of an entropy measure to aid the decision
tree construction process (using again the chess game
as the considered problem).
It is ID3, and techniques like it, that defines the
hierarchical structure commonly associated with decision trees, see for example the recent theoretical and
application studies of Pal and Chakraborty (2001),
Bhatt and Gopal (2005) and Armand et al. (2007).
Moreover, starting from an identified root node, paths
are constructed down to leaf nodes, where the attributes
associated with the intermediate nodes are identified
through the use of an entropy measure to preferentially
gauge the classification certainty down that path. Each
path down to a leaf node forms an if .. then .. decision
rule used to classify the objects.
The introduction of fuzzy set theory in Zadeh
(1965), offered a general methodology that allows notions of vagueness and imprecision to be considered.
Moreover, Zadehs work allowed the possibility for
previously defined techniques to be considered with a
fuzzy environment. It was over ten years later that the
area of decision trees benefited from this fuzzy environment opportunity (see Chang and Pavlidis, 1977).
Since then there has been a steady stream of research

studies that have developed or applied fuzzy decision

trees (FDTs) (see recently for example Li et al., 2006
and Wang et al., 2007).
The expectations that come with the utilisation
of FDTs are succinctly stated by Li et al. (2006, p.
Decision trees based on fuzzy set theory combines
the advantages of good comprehensibility of decision
trees and the ability of fuzzy representation to deal with
inexact and uncertain information.
Chiang and Hsu (2002) highlight that decision trees
has been successfully applied to problems in artificial
intelligence, pattern recognition and statistics. They
go onto outline a positive development the FDTs offer,
namely that it is better placed to have an estimate of
the degree that an object is associated with each class,
often desirable in areas like medical diagnosis (see
Quinlan (1987) for the alternative view with respect
to crisp decision trees).
The remains of this article look in more details at
FDTs, including a tutorial example showing the rudiments of how an FDT can be constructed.

The background section of this article concentrates on a
brief description of fuzzy set theory pertinent to FDTs,
followed by a presentation of one FDT technique.
In fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965), the grade of
membership of a value x to a set S is defined through
a membership function S(x) that can take a value in
the range [0, 1]. The accompanying numerical attribute
domain can be described by a finite series of MFs that
each offers a grade of membership to describe x, which
collectively form its concomitant fuzzy number. In this
article, MFs are used to formulate linguistic variables
for the considered attributes. These linguistic variables
are made up of sets of linguistic terms which are defined
by the MFs (see later).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Decision Trees

Figure 1. Example membership function and their use in a linguistic variable

Surrounding the notion of MFs is the issue of their

structure (Dombi and Gera, 2005). Here, piecewise
linear MFs are used to define the linguistic terms presented, see Figure 1.
In Figure 1(top), a single piecewise linear MF is
shown along with the defining values that define it,
namely, 1,1, 1,2, 1,3, 1,4 and 1,5. The associated
mathematical structure of this specific form of MF is
given below;

x j ,1

j ,1

x j,2
0.5 + 0.5

j ,3

( x)

x j ,3
1 0.5
j ,3

x j,4
0.5 0.5
j ,5

if x

j ,1



if x =

j ,1



j ,3

j ,3


j ,3






j ,5


j ,5


As mentioned earlier, MFs of this type are used to

define the linguistic terms which make up linguistic
variables. An example of a linguistic variable X based
on two linguistic terms, X1 and X2, is shown in Figure
2(bottom), where the overlap of the defining values for

each linguistic term is evident. Moreover, using left and

right limits of the X domain as and , respectively,
the sets of defining values are (in list form); X1 - [,
, 1,3, 1,4, 1,5] and X2 - [2,1, 2,2, 2,3, , ], where
1,3 = 2,1, 1,4 = 2,2 and 1,5 = 2,3.
This section now goes on to outline the technical
details of the fuzzy decision tree approach introduced
in Yuan and Shaw (1995). With an inductive fuzzy
decision tree, the underlying knowledge related to a
decision outcome can be represented as a set of fuzzy
if .. then .. decision rules, each of the form;
If (A1 is Ti11 ) and (A2 is Ti22 ) and (Ak is Tikk ) then C
is Cj, where A1, A2, .., Ak and C are linguistic variables
for the multiple antecedents (Ais) and consequent (C)
statements used to describe the considered objects, and
T(Ak) = { T1k , T2k , .. TSki } and {C1, C2, , CL} are their
respective linguistic terms, defined by the MFs T jk (x)
etc. The MFs, T jk (x) and C j ( y ), represent the grade
of membership of an objects antecedent Aj being T jk
and consequent C being Cj, respectively.
A MF (x) from the set describing a fuzzy linguistic
variable Y defined on X, can be viewed as a possibility
distribution of Y on X, that is (x) = (x), for all x X
the values taken by the objects in U (also normalized
so max x X p ( x) = 1 ). The possibility measure E(Y) of
ambiguity is defined by

E(Y) = g() = (p i p i+1 ) ln[i ] ,

i =1


Fuzzy Decision Trees

where * = {1*, 2*, , n*} is the permutation of the

normalized possibility distribution = {(x1), (x2),
, (xn)}, sorted so that i* *i+1 for i = 1, .., n, and
p n+1 = 0 .
The ambiguity of attribute A (over the objects u1,
.., um) is given as:
E(A) = m Ea ( A(ui ) ,
i =1

G(P| F) = w( Ei | F )G ( Ei F ) ,
i =1

where G(Ei F) is the classification ambiguity with

fuzzy evidence Ei F, and where w(Ei| F) is the weight
which represents the relative size of subset Ei F in
F: w(Ei| F) =



E(A(ui)) = g (

Ts (ui )

max (

1 j s

Tj (ui ))),

with T1, , Ts the linguistic terms of an attribute (antecedent) with m objects.

The fuzzy subsethood S(A, B) measures the degree
to which A is a subset of B, and is given by,
S(A, B) = min(

(u ),

(u ))


(u ).

Given fuzzy evidence E, the possibility of classifying

an object to the consequent Ci can be defined as,


(u ),

F (u ))

where the fuzzy subsethood S(E, Ci) represents the

degree of truth for the classification rule (if E then Ci).
With a single piece of evidence (a fuzzy number for an
attribute), then the classification ambiguity based on
this fuzzy evidence is defined as: G(E) = g((C| E)),
which is measured using the possibility distribution
(C| E) = ((C1| E), , (CL| E)).
The classification ambiguity with fuzzy partitioning P = {E1, , Ek} on the fuzzy evidence F, denoted
as G(P| F), is the weighted average of classification
ambiguity with each subset of partition:

(u ),

F (u ))

In summary, attributes are assigned to nodes based

on the lowest level of classification ambiguity. A node
becomes a leaf node if the level of subsethood is higher
than some truth value assigned to the whole of the
fuzzy decision tree. The classification from the leaf node
is to the decision group with the largest subsethood
value. The truth level threshold controls the growth
of the tree; lower may lead to a smaller tree (with
lower classification accuracy), higher may lead to a
larger tree (with higher classification accuracy).

The main thrust of this article is a detailed example

of the construction of a fuzzy decision tree. The description includes the transformation of a small data
set into a fuzzy data set where the original values are
described by their degrees of membership to certain
linguistic terms.
The small data set considered, consists of five objects, described by three condition attributes T1, T2
and T3, and classified by a single decision attribute
C, see Table 1.
If these values are considered imprecise, fuzzy,
there is the option to transform the data values in

Table 1. Example data set




(Ci|E) = S ( E , Ci ) / max S ( E , C j ) ,


j =1 uU





Fuzzy Decision Trees

Figure 2. Membership functions defining the linguistic terms, CL and CH, for the decision attribute C

fuzzy values. Here, an attribute is transformed into a

linguistic variable, each described by two linguistic
terms, see Figure 2.
In Figure 2, the decision attribute C is shown to be
described by the linguistic terms, CL and CH (possibly
denoting the terms low and high). These linguistic terms
are themselves defined by MFs (C () and C (). The
hypothetical MFs shown have the respective defining
terms of , C (): [, , 9, 25, 32] and C (): [9, 25,

32, , ]. To demonstrate their utilisation, for the object

u2, with a value C = 17, its fuzzification creates the two
values C (17) = 0.750 and C (17) = 0.250, the larger
of which is associated with the high linguistic term.
A similar series of membership functions can be
constructed for the three condition attributes, T1, T2
and T3, Figure 3.
In Figure 3, the linguistic variable version of each
condition attribute is described by two linguistic terms

Figure 3. Membership functions defining the linguistic terms for the condition attributes, T1, T2 and T3


Fuzzy Decision Trees

Table 2. Fuzzified version of the example data set


T1 = [T1L, T1H]
[0.433, 0.567] - H
[1.000, 0.000] - L
[0.000, 1.000] - H
[1.000, 0.000] - L
[0.000, 1.000] - H

T2 = [T2L, T2H]
[1.000, 0.000] - L
[1.000, 0.000] - L
[0.227, 0.773] - H
[0.409, 0.591] - H
[1.000, 0.000] - L

T3 = [T3L, T3H]
[0.000, 1.000] - H
[0.750, 0.250] - L
[0.917, 0.083] - L
[0.000, 1.000] - H
[0.875, 0.125] - L

C = [CL, CH]
[1.000, 0.000] - L
[0.750, 0.250] - L
[0.594, 0.406] - L
[0.214, 0.786] - H
[0.000, 1.000] - H

(possibly termed as low and high), themselves defined

by MFs. The use of these series of MFs is the ability
to fuzzify the example data set, see Table 2.
In Table 2, each object is described by a series
of fuzzy values, two fuzzy values for each attribute.
Also shown in Table 2, in bold, are the larger of the
values in each pair of fuzzy values, with the respective linguistic term this larger value is associated with.
Beyond the fuzzification of the data set, attention turns
to the construction of the concomitant fuzzy decision
tree for this data. Prior to this construction process, a
threshold value of = 0.75 for the minimum required
truth level was used throughout.
The construction process starts with the condition
attribute that is the root node. For this, it is necessary
to calculate the classification ambiguity G(E) of each
condition attribute. The evaluation of a G(E) value is
shown for the first attribute T1 (i.e. g((C| T1))), where
it is broken down to the fuzzy labels L and H, for L;

along with G(T1H) = 0.572, then G(T1) = (0.514 +

0.572)/2 = 0.543. Compared with G(T2) = 0.579 and
G(T2) = 0.583, the condition attribute T1, with the
least classification ambiguity, forms the root node for
the desired fuzzy decision tree.
The subsethood values in this case are; for T1: S(T1L,
CL) = 0.574 and S(T1L, CH) = 0.426, and S(T2H, CL)
= 0.452 and S(T2H, CH) = 0.548. For T2L and T2H, the
larger subsethood value (in bold), defines the possible
classification for that path. In both cases these values
are less that the threshold truth value 0.75 employed, so
neither of these paths can be terminated to a leaf node,
instead further augmentation of them is considered.
With three condition attributes included in the
example data set, the possible augmentation to T1L
is with either T2 or T3. Concentrating on T2, where
with G(T1L) = 0. 0.514, the ambiguity with partition
evaluated for T2 (G(T1L and T2| C)) has to be less than
this value, where;

(C| T1L) = S (T1L , Ci ) / max S (T1L , C j ) ,

G(T1L and T2| C) = w(T2i | T1L )G (T1L T2i ).

considering CL and CH with the information in Table


Starting with the weight values, in the case of T1L

and T2L, it follows;

S(T1L, CL) = min(


T1L (u ),

C L (u ))


i =1

TL (u )

1.398/2.433 = 0.574,


whereas, S(T1L, CH) = 0.426. Hence = {0.574, 0.426},

giving the ordered normalized form of * = {1.000,
0.741}, with p 3 = 0 , then

G(T1L) = g((C| T1L)) = (

i =1


w(T2L| T1L) =

i +1 ) ln[i ] =



T2 L

(u ),

(u )) min(
j =1 uU

T1 L

T2 j

(u ),

1.842/2.433 = 0.757.
Similarly w(T2H| T1L) = 0.243, hence;

T1 L

(u )) =

Fuzzy Decision Trees

G(T1L and T2| C) = 0.757 G(T1L T2L) + 0.699

G(T1L T2H) = 0.757 0.327 + 0.699 0.251 =
A concomitant value for G(T1L and T3| C) = 0.487,
the lower of these (G(T1L and T2| C)) is lower than
the concomitant G(T1L) = 0.514, so less ambiguity
would be found if the T2 attribute was augmented to
the path T1 = L. The subsequent subsethood values in
this case for each new path are; T2L; S(T1L T2L, CL)
= 0.759 and S(T1L T2L, CH) = 0.358; T2H: S(T1L
T2H, CL) = 0.363 and S(T1L T2H, CH) = 1.000. With
each suggested classification path, the largest subsethood value is above the truth level threshold, therefore
they are both leaf nodes leading from the T1 = L path.
The construction process continues in a similar vein
for the path T1 = H, with the resultant fuzzy decision
tree in this case presented in Figure 4.
The fuzzy decision tree in Figure 8 shows five rules
(leaf nodes), R1, R2, , R5, have been constructed.
There are a maximum of four levels to the tree shown,
indicating a maximum of three condition attributes are
used in the rules constructed. In each non-root node
shown the subsethood levels to the decision attribute
terms C = L and C = H are shown. On the occasions
when the larger of the subsethood values is above the

defined threshold value of 0.75 then they are shown in

bold and accompany the node becoming a leaf node.
The interpretative power of FDTs is shown by
consideration of the rules constructed. For the rule R5
it can be written down as;
If T1 = H and T3 = H then C = L with truth level
The rules can be considered in a more linguistic
form, namely;
If T1 is low and T3 is high then C is low with truth
level 0.839.
It is the rules like this one shown that allow the
clearest interpretability to the understanding of results
in classification problems when using FDTs.

Fuzzy decision trees (FDTs) benefit from the inductive
learning approach that underpins their construction, to
aid in the classification of objects based on their values
over different attribute. Their construction in a fuzzy

Figure 4. Fuzzy decision tree for example data set


Fuzzy Decision Trees

environment allows for the potential critical effects

of imprecision to be mitigated, as well as brings a
beneficial level of interpretability to the results found,
through the decision rules defined.
As with the more traditional crisp decision tree
approaches, there are issues such as the complexity of
the results, in this case the tree defined. Future trends
will surely include how FDTs can work on re-grading
the complexity of the tree constructed, commonly
known as pruning. Further, the applicability of the rules
constructed, should see the use of FDTs extending in
the range of applications it can work with.

The interest in FDTs, with respect to AI, is due to the
inductive learning and linguistic rule construction
processes that are inherent with it. The induction undertaken, truly lets the analysis create intelligent results
from the data available. Many of the applications FDTs
have been used within, such medicine, have benefited
greatly from the interpretative power of the readable
rules. The accessibility of the results from FDTs should
secure it a positive future.

Armand, S., Watelain, E., Roux, E., Mercier, M., &
Lepoutre, F.-X. (2007). Linking clinical measurements
and kinematic gait patterns of toe-walking using fuzzy
decision trees. Gait & Posture, 25(3), 475-484.

operators. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 154, 275-286.

Hunt, E.B., Marin, J., & Stone, P.T. (1966). Experiments
in Induction. New York, NY: Academic Press.
Li, M.-T., Zhao, F., & Chow L.-F. (2006). Assignment
of Seasonal Factor Categories to Urban Coverage
Count Stations Using a Fuzzy Decision Tree. Journal
of Transportation Engineering, 132(8), 654-662.
Pal, N.R., & Chakraborty, S. (2001). Fuzzy Rule Extraction From ID3-Type Decision Trees for Real Data.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
B, 31(5), 745-754.
Quinlan, J.R. (1979). Discovery rules by induction
from large collections of examples, in: D. Michie (Ed.),
Expert Systems in the Micro Electronic Age, Edinburgh
University Press, Edinburgh, UK.
Quinlan, J.R. (1987). Probabilistic decision trees, in:
P. Langley (Ed.), Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Machine
Learning, Los Altos, CA.
Wang, X., Nauck, D.D., Spott, M., & Kruse, R. (2007).
Intelligent data analysis with fuzzy decision trees. Soft
Computing, 11, 439-457.
Yuan, Y., & Shaw, M.J. (1995). Induction of fuzzy decision trees. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 69(2), 125-139.
Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy Sets. Information and
Control, 8(3), 338-353.


Bhatt, R.B., & Gopal, M. (2005). Improving the Learning Accuracy of Fuzzy Decision Trees by Direct Back
Propagation, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy
Systems, 761-766.

Condition Attribute: An attribute that describes

an object. Within a decision tree it is part of a non-leaf
node, so performs as an antecedent in the decision rules
used for the final classification of an object.

Chang, R. L. P., & Pavlidis, T. (1977). Fuzzy decision

tree algorithms. IEEE Transactions Systems Man and
Cybernetics, SMC-7(1), 28-35.

Decision Attribute: An attribute that characterises

an object. Within a decision tree is part of a leaf node,
so performs as a consequent, in the decision rules, from
the paths down the tree to the leaf node.

Chiang, I.-J., & Hsu, J.Y.-J. (2002). Fuzzy classification trees for data analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
130, 87-99.
Dombi, J., & Gera, Z. (2005). The approximation of
piecewise linear membership functions and ukasiewicz


Decision Tree: A tree-like structure for representing

a collection of hierarchical decision rules that lead to
a class or value, starting from a root node ending in a
series of leaf nodes.

Fuzzy Decision Trees

Induction: A technique that infers generalizations

from the information in the data.
Leaf Node: A node not further split, the terminal
grouping, in a classification or decision tree.
Linguistic Term: One of a set of linguistic terms,
which are subjective categories for a linguistic variable,
each described by a membership function.
Linguistic Variable: A variable made up of a number of words (linguistic terms) with associated degrees
of membership.

Membership Function: A function that quantifies

the grade of membership of a variable to a linguistic
Node: A junction point down a path in a decision
tree that describes a condition in an if-then decision
rule. From a node, the current path may separate into
two or more paths.
Root Node: The node at the tope of a decision
tree, from which all paths originate and lead to a leaf

Path: A path down the tree from root node to leaf

node, also termed a branch.



Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

Leonid S. Bershtein
Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Russia
Alexander V. Bozhenyuk
Taganrog Technological Institute of Southern Federal University, Russia

Graph theory has numerous application to problems in
systems analysis, operations research, economics, and
transportation. However, in many cases, some aspects
of a graph-theoretic problem may be uncertain. For
example, the vehicle travel time or vehicle capacity
on a road network may not be known exactly. In such
cases, it is natural to deal with the uncertainty using
the methods of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
Hypergraphs (Berge,1989) are the generalization of
graphs in case of set of multiarity relations. It means the
expansion of graph models for the modeling complex
systems. In case of modelling systems with fuzzy binary
and multiarity relations between objects, transition to
fuzzy hypergraphs, which combine advantages both
fuzzy and graph models, is more natural. It allows to
realise formal optimisation and logical procedures.
However, using of the fuzzy graphs and hypergraphs
as the models of various systems (social, economic
systems, communication networks and others) leads
to difficulties. The graph isomorphic transformations
are reduced to redefinition of vertices and edges. This
redefinition doesnt change properties the graph determined by an adjacent and an incidence of its vertices
and edges.
Fuzzy independent set, domination fuzzy set, fuzzy
chromatic set are invariants concerning the isomorphism
transformations of the fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraph and allow make theirs structural analysis.

The idea of fuzzy graphs has been introduced by
Rosenfeld in a paper in (Zadeh, 1975), which has also
been discussed in (Kaufmann, 1977).
The questions of using fuzzy graphs for cluster analysis were considered in (Matula,1970, Matula,1972). The

questions of using fuzzy graphs in Database Theory

were discussed in (Kiss,1991). The tasks of allocations
centers on fuzzy graphs were considered in (Moreno,
Moreno & Verdegay, 2001, Kutangila-Mayoya &
Verdegay, 2005, Rozenberg & Starostina, 2005). The
analyses and research of flows and vitality in transportation nets were considered in (Bozhenyuk, Rozenberg &
Starostina, 2006). The fuzzy hypergraph applications
to portfolio management, managerial decision making,
neural cell-assemblies were considered in (Monderson
& Nair, 2000). The using of fuzzy hypergraphs for decision making in CAD-Systems were also considered in
(Malyshev, Bershtein & Bozhenyuk, 1991).


This article presents the main notations of fuzzy graphs
and fuzzy hypergraphs, invariants of fuzzy graphs and

Fuzzy Graph
Let a fuzzy direct graph G = ( X , U~ ) is given, where
X is a set of vertices, U~ = {M U ( xi , x j )|( xi , x j ) X 2 } is
a fuzzy set of edges with the membership function U
: X2 [0,1] (Kaufmann, 1977).
Example 1. Let fuzzy graph G has X={x ,x ,x ,x },
1 2 3 4

and U ={<0.5/(x ,x )>, <0.6/(x ,x )> , <0.3/(x ,x )> ,

1 2
2 3
3 4
<0.2/(x ,x )> , <1/(x ,x )>}. It is presented in figure
4 1
4 2
The fuzzy graph G may present a fuzzy dependence
relation between objects x , x , x , end x . If the object
x fuzzy depends from the object x , then there is direct
edge (x ,x ) with membership function U(xi, xj).
i j
If a fuzzy relation, presented by fuzzy graph G , is
symmetrical, we have the fuzzy nondirect graph.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

Figure 1.



(x,y) = max ((L(x,y)), =1,2 ,...,p,

A fuzzy graph G = ( X , U~ ) is convenient for representing as fuzzy adjacent matrix rij , where rij
n n
= U(xi, xj). So, the fuzzy graph, presented in figure 1,
may be consider by adjacent matrix:
x1 x2 x3 x4
0,5 0
0 0,6 0
R X = x2 0
0 0.3
x3 0


L(x i , x m ) =< U ( x i , x j ) /( x i , x j ) >, < U ( x j , x k ) /( x j , x k ) >,...
.. , < U ( x l , x m ) /( x l , x m ) > .

Conjunctive strength of path (L(xi ,x m )) is de-

fined as:


< x ,x >? L(xi ,xm )

where p - number of various simple directed paths from

vertex x to vertex y.
A subset of vertices X' is called a fuzzy independent
vertex set (Bershtein & Bozhenuk, 2001) with the
degree of independence
( X ) = 1 max {U ( xi , x j )}.
? xi , x j ? X

The fuzzy graph H = (X, U) is called a fuzzy

subgraph (Monderson & Nair, 2000) of G = ( X , U~ )
if X X and U U .
Fuzzy directed path (Bershtein & Bozhenyuk, 2005)
L (x i ,x m ) of graph G~ = ( X , U~ ) is called the sequence
of fuzzy directed edges from vertex xi to vertex xm:

(L(xi ,xm )) =

If a number of vertices n3 and xi = xm, then the

path is called a cycle.
Obviously, what is it definition coincides with the
same definition for nonfuzzy graphs.
Vertex y is called fuzzy accessible from vertex x in
the graph G = ( X , U~ ) if exists a fuzzy directed path
from vertex x to vertex y.
The accessible degree of vertex y from vertex x,
(xy) is defined by expression:

U < x ,x >

Fuzzy directed path L(xi ,xm ) is called simple
path between vertices xi and xm if its part is not a path
between the same vertices.

A subset of vertices X' X of graph G is called a

maximal fuzzy independent vertex set with the degree
(X'), if the condition (X'') < (X') is true for any X'
Let a set tk={Xk1, Xk2,,Xkl} be given where Xki is
a fuzzy independent k-vertex set with the degree of
independent ki. We define as
A kmax = max{A X 1 ,A X 2 ,...,A X l }

The value A kmax means that fuzzy graph G includes kvertex subgraph with the degree of independent A kmax
and doesnt include k-vertex subgraph with the degree
of independence more than A kmax .
A fuzzy set
X = {< A 1m ax /1 >, < A 2m ax / 2 >,...,< A nm ax / n >}

is called a fuzzy independent set of fuzzy graph G .

Fuzzy graph G , presented in figure 1, has seven
maximum fuzzy independent vertex sets:
1 = {x 2 } , 2 = {x 4 } , 3 = {x1 , x 3 }

with the degree of independence 1; 4 = {x1 , x 4 } with

the degree of independence 0,8; 5 = {x1 , x 3 , x 4 } with

Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

the degree of independence 0,7; 6 = {x1 , x 2 } with the

degree of independence 0,5 and 7 = {x1 , x 2 , x 3 } with
the degree of independence 0,4. So, its fuzzy independent set is defined as
X = {< 1 /1 >, < 1 / 2 >, < 0,7 / 3 >, < 0 / 4 >}.

Let X' be an arbitrary subset of the vertex set X. For

each vertex y X \ X' we define the value:
G ( y ) = max{M U ( y , x )}
x X

The set X' is called a fuzzy dominating vertex set

for vertex y with the degree of domination (y).
The set X' is called a fuzzy dominating vertex set
for the graph G with the degree of domination
B ( X ) = min max{M U ( y , x )}.
y X \ X x X

A subset X' X of graph G is called a minimal
fuzzy dominating vertex set with the degree (X') if
the condition (X'') < (X') is true for any subset X''
Let a set tk={Xk1, Xk2,,Xkl} be given, where Xki is a
fuzzy dominating k-vertex set with the degree of domination ki. We define as kmin = max{ X , X ,..., X } .
In the case k = we define B X = B X . Volume B
means that fuzzy graph G includes k-vertex subgraph
with the degree of domination B and doesnt include
k-vertex subgraph with the degree of domination more
than B .
Afuzzy set B X = {< b1min / 1 >, < b 2min / 2 >,..., < b nmin / n >}
is called a domination fuzzy set of fuzzy graph G
(Bershtein & Bozhenuk, 2001 a).
Fuzzy graph G (Figure 1) has five fuzzy minimal
dominating vertex sets: P1 = {x1,x2,x3} with the degree
of domination 1; P2 = {x1,x3,x4} with degree of domination 0,6; P3 = {x2,x3} with the degree of domination
0,5; P4 = {x1,x3} with degree of domination 0,2 and
P5 = {x2,x4} with the degree of domination 0,3. A
domination fuzzy set of fuzzy graph G is defined as
B X = {< 0 / 1 >, < 0,5 / 2 >, < 1 / 3 >, < 1 / 4 >} .
A value

k 1



is called a separation degree of fuzzy graph G with
k colors.
The fuzzy graph G may be colored in a number of
colors from 1 to n. In this case the separation degree L
depends of the number of colors. For the fuzzy graph
G we relate a family of fuzzy sets
= {A G } , A G = {< L A~ ( k) / k| k = 1, n}

where L A~ ( k ) defines a degree of separation of fuzzy

graph G with k colors.
= {< L ~ ( k ) / k| k = 1, n} is called
A fuzzy set ~
a fuzzy chromatic set of graph G if the condition
is performed for any set A
G , or else:
(A G )(k = 1, n)[ L A ( k ) L ~ ( k )] (Bershtein &
Bozhenuk, 2001 b).
Otherwise, the fuzzy chromatic set defines a maxi~
mal separation degree of fuzzy graph G with k= 1,
2,..., n colors.
For fuzzy graph G (Figure 1) the fuzzy chromatic
set is (G ) = {< 0 / 1 >, < 0,5 / 2 >, < 1 / 3 >}.
So, the fuzzy graph G may be colored




L = & i = & (1- G ( x, y))

i =1, k


i =1, k

x,yX i

by one color with the degree of separation 0. In

other words, there is at least pair of vertices xi and
xj for which the membership function U(xi, xj) =
1. In our graph, these vertices are x4 and x2;
by 2 colors with the degree of separation 0,5
(vertices x1, x2 - first color, vertices x3, x4 - second
color). In other words, between vertices of the
same color there arent edges with the membership function more than 0,5;
by 3 colors with the degree of separation 1 (vertices
x1, x3, - first color, vertices x2 - second color, vertex
x4 - third color). In other words, between vertices
of the same color there arent any edges.

Fuzzy Hypergraph

Let a fuzzy hypergraph H = (X,E) be given, where

X={xi}, iI={1,2,,n} is a finite set and E~ = {e~k },
ek = { < ek ( x ) / x > } , kK={1,2,,m} is a family of
fuzzy subsets in X (Monderson & Nair, 2000, Bershtein & Bozhenyuk, 2005). Thus elements of set X are
the vertices of hypergraph, a family E~ is the family
of hypergraph fuzzy edges. The value ek (x) [ 0,1 ] is
an incidence degree of a vertex x to an edge e~k .

Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

It is possible to see that a fuzzy hypergraph is turned

in the fuzzy graph when 1 | e~k | 2, k K .
Vertices x and y are called fuzzy adjacent vertices
if there are some edge, which includes both vertices.
In this case a value
(x,y) = ~ ek (x)& ek (y)
ek ? E

is called an adjacent degree of two vertices x and y of

fuzzy hypergraph H .
Two edges e~i and e~j are called fuzzy adjacent edges
if e~i e~j . In this case a value
(ei , e j ) =

ei e j

x( ei e j )

( x)

is called adjacent degree of edges e~i and e~j .

A fuzzy hypergraph H = (X,E) is convenient for
representing as fuzzy incidence matrix rij nm , where
rij = me ( xi ) . So, any matrix, which elements are inj
cluded in the interval [0,1], may be consider as fuzzy
incidence matrix of some fuzzy hypergraph.
A fuzzy simple path C ( x1 , xq+1 ) with the length q
is defined as the sequence

C ( x1 , xq +1 ) = ( x1 ,
e2 ,, eq ,



( x1 ), e1 ,

( xq +1 ), xq +1 ),


( x2 ), x2 ,


( x2 ),

where all vertices x1 , , x q X and all edges

e~1 , , e~q E are different.
A strength of fuzzy simple path is the weakest
of adjacent degrees, which are included in this path
C ( x1 , xq+1 ) . If two vertices x1 and xq+1 are connected
~ ~
by paths C1 , C 2 , C t with strengths 1 , 2 , t, then
say that vertices x1 and xq+1 are fuzzy connected by the
strength ( x1 , xq +1 ) = 1V 2 V V t .
An internal stability degree of vertices subset X' of
fuzzy hypergraph H is determined as:
X = 1 max (x,y) .

LI = &

i =1, k

( x, y ))

= & (1-
i =1, k


is called a separation degree of fuzzy hypergraph H
at its k-colorings (Bershtein, Bozhenuk & Rozenberg,
Fuzzy hypergraph H can be colored in any number
of k colours and thus separation degree L depends on
their number. Fuzzy hypergraph H we shall put in
conformity family of fuzzy sets
} A
= {< L(k ) / k | k = 1, n}
H ,

where L(k) determines a separation degree of fuzzy

hypergraph H at its certain k - colouring.
Fuzzy set = {< L (k ) / k | k = 1, n} is called
fuzzy chromatic set of hypergraph H , if for any
. In other words,
other set AH~ , it is true A
(A H~ )( k = 1, n)[ L (k ) L(k )] . Or, otherwise,
fuzzy chromatic set of hypergraph H determines the
greatest separation degrees at colouring its tops in one
of 1,2...n colours.
Let H be a fuzzy hypergraph which the incidence
matrix is given by:

e1 e2
I = x3





0,8 0,5 0
0, 4 1 0,3 0,7 0
0 0,6 0, 4 0, 2 1
0 0,7 1
0 0, 4

The fuzzy chromatic set for the fuzzy hypergraph

I = < 0 2 1 > < 0 5 2 > < 1 3 > .

x,y X

Subset X' X is called a maximal fuzzy internally

stable set with the degree of internal stability aX , if the
statement (X X)( X < X ) is true.
Lets paint each vertex xX of hypergraph H in
one of k colours (1kn) and we shall consider a Xi,
subset of vertices, colored identically.
The value

Otherwise, the fuzzy hypergraph may be colored

by one color with the degree of separation 0,2; by 2
colors with the degree of separation 0,5 (vertices x2, x3
and x6 - first color, vertices x1, x4 x5 - second color);
by 3 colors with the degree of separation 1 (vertices x2,
and x4 - first color, vertices x1, x5 and x6 - second color,
vertex x3 - third color).


Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

In according to a principle of generalization L. Zadeh,
the theory of fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs will
develop in a development course of nonfuzzy graphs,
hypergraphs, and fuzzy sets theory.

When we consider fuzzy graphs and fuzzy hypergraphs,
there is an opportunity to relate any set vertices and
edges to family of partial graphs and hypergraphs
with given property. For example, a sequence of edges
to family of graph paths; a sequence of vertices and
edges to family of bipartite graphs, and so on. It
enables to define new properties of fuzzy graphs and
hypergraphs, and to use theirs to analysis and synthesis
fuzzy systems.

Berge, C. (1989). Hypergraphs: combinatorics of finite
sets. Elsevier Science Publishers.
Bershtein, L.S. & Bozhenuk A.V. (2001 a). Maghout
Method for Determination of Fuzzy Independent,
Dominating Vertex Sets and Fuzzy Graph Kernels. J.
General Systems, 30, 45-52.
Bershtein, L.S. & Bozhenyuk A.V. (2001 b). A olor
Problem for Fuzzy Graph. Computation intelligence:
theory and applications; international conference;
proceedings. 7th Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany,
October 1-3, 2001. Bernd Reusch (ed.): Springer-Verlag
(2206). 500-505.

in Transportation Nets with Fuzzy Dates. Moscow,

Nauchniy Mir.
Kaufmann, A. (1977). Introduction a la theorie des
sous-ensemles flous, Masson, Paris, France.
Kiss, A. (1991). An Application of Fuzzy Graphs in
Database Theory, Automata, Languages and Programming Systems. Pure Math., Appl. Ser. A, 1, 337-342.
Kutangila-Mayoya, D. & Verdegay, J.L. (2005). PMedian Problems in a Fuzzy Environment. Mathware
& Soft Computing, 12, 97-106.
Malyshev, N.G., Bershtein, L.S. & Bozhenyuk, A.V.
(1991). Fuzzy Models for Expert Systems in CAD-Systems. Moscow, Energoatomizdat.
Matula, D.W. (1970). Cluster Analysis Via Graph
Theoretic Techniques: Proc. of Lousiana Conf. on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing. 199-212.
Matula, D.W. (1972). K-components, Clusters, and Slicings in Graphs. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 22, 459-480.
Monderson, J.N. & Nair, P.S. (2000). Fuzzy Graphs
and Fuzzy Hypergraphs. Heidelberg; New-York:
Moreno Perez, J.A., Moreno-Vega, J.M. & Verdegay,
J.L. (2001). In Location Problem on Fuzzy Graphs.
Mathware & Soft Computing, 8, 217-225.
Zadeh, L.A. (1975). Fuzzy sets and their application
to cognitive and decision, Academic Press, New York,


Bershtein, L.S. & Bozhenyuk, A.V. (2005). Fuzzy

Graphs and Hypergraphs. Moscow, Nauchniy Mir.

Binary Relation: A binary relation R from a set A

to a set B is a subset of AB.

Bershtein, L.S., Bozhenyuk, A.V. & Rozenberg,

I.N. (2005). Fuzzy Coloring of Fuzzy Hypergraph.
Computation Intelligence, Theory and Applications.
International Conference 8th Fuzzy Days in Dortmund,
Germany, Sept. 29- Oct. 01, 2004 Proceedings. Bernd
Reusch (ed.): Springer-Verlag. 703-711.

Binary Symmetric Relation: A relation R on a set

A is symmetric if for all x,yA xRyyRx.

Bozhenyuk, A.V., Rozenberg, I.N. & Starostina, T.A.

(2006). Analysis and Research of Flows and Vitality


Fuzzy Set: A generalization of the definition of

the classical set. A fuzzy set is characterized by a
membership function, which maps the member of the
universe into the unit interval, thus assigning to elements of the universe degrees of belongingness with
respect to a set.

Fuzzy Graphs and Fuzzy Hypergraphs

Graph: A graph G = (V, E) is a mathematical

structure consisting of two finite sets V and E. The
elements of V are called vertices (or nodes), and the
elements of E are called edges. Each edge has a set of
one or two vertices associated to it, which are called
its endpoints.
Graph Invariant: A property of a graph that is
preserved by isomorphisms.
Isomorphic Graphs: Two graphs that have a structure-preserving vertex bijection between them.

i =1


Membership Function: The membership function

of a fuzzy set is a generalization of the characteristic
function of crisp sets.
Multiarity Relation: A multiarity relation R
between elements of sets A, B, , C is a subset of

Hypergraph: A hypergraph on a finite set

X={x1,x2,,xn} is a family H={E1,E2,,Em} of subsets
of X such that Ei and



Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image

Alfonso Castro
University of A Corua, Spain
Bernardino Arcay
University of A Corua, Spain

Ever since Zadeh established the basis of fuzzy logic
in his famous article Fuzzy Sets (Zadeh, 1965), an
increasing number of research areas have used his
technique to solve and model problems and apply it,
mainly, to control systems. This proliferation is largely
due to the good results in classifying the ambiguous
information that is typical of complex systems. Success in this field has been so overwhelming that it
can be found in many industrial developments of the
last decade: control of the Sendai train (Yasunobu &
Miyamoto, 1985), control of air-conditioning systems,
washing machines, auto-focus in cameras, industrial
robots, etc. (Shaw, 1998)
Fuzzy logic has also been applied to computerized
image analysis (Bezdek & Keller & Krishnapuram &
Pal, 1999) because of its particular virtues: high noise
insensitivity and the ability to easily handle multidimensional information (Sutton & Bezdek & Cahoon, 1999),
features that are present in most digital images analyses.
In fuzzy logic, the techniques that have been most often
applied to image analysis have been fuzzy clustering
algorithms, ever since Bezdek proposed them in the
seventies (Bezdek, 1973). This technique has evolved
continuously towards correcting the problems of the
initial algorithms and obtaining a better classification:
techniques for a better initialization of these algorithms,
and algorithms that would allow the evaluation of the
solution by means of validity functions. Also, the classification mechanism was improved by modifying the
membership function of the algorithm, allowing it to
present an adaptative behaviour; recently, kernel functions were applied to the calculation of memberships.
(Zhong & Wei & Jian, 2003)
At the present moment, applications of fuzzy logic
are found in nearly all Computer Sciences fields, it constitutes one of the most promising branches of Artificial

Intelligence both from a theoretic and commercial point

of view. A proof of this evolution is the development
of intelligent systems based on fuzzy logic.
This article presents several fuzzy clustering algorithms applied to medical images analysis. We also
include the results of a study that uses biomedical images
to illustrate the mentioned concepts and techniques.

Fuzzy logic is an extension of the traditional binary
logic that allows us to achieve multi-evaluated logic
by describing domains in a much more detailed manner
and by classifying better through searches in a more
extensive area. Fuzzy logic makes it possible to model
the real world more efficiently: for example, whereas
binary logic merely allows us to state that a coffee is
hot or cold, fuzzy logic allows us to distinguish between all the possible temperature fluctuations: very
hot, lukewarm, cold, very cold, etc.
Techniques based on fuzzy logic have proven to be
very useful for dealing with the ambiguity and vagueness
that are normally associated to digital images analysis.
At what grey level do we fixate the thresholding? Where
do we locate the edge in blurred objects? When is a
grey level high, low, or average?
The fuzzy processing of digital images can be
considered a totally different focus with respect to the
traditional computerized vision techniques. It was not
developed to solve a specific problem, but describes a
new class of image processing techniques and a new
methodology to develop them: fuzzy edge detectors,
fuzzy geometric operators, fuzzy morphological operators, etc.
These features make fuzzy logic especially useful
for the development of algorithms that improve medical images analysis, because it provides a framework

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

for the representation of knowledge that can be used

in any phase of the analysis. (Wu & Agam & Roy &
Armato, 2004) (Vermandel & Betrouni & Taschner &
Vasseu & Rosseau, 2007)

Finally, these algorithms will be used in a study that

shows the use and possibilities of fuzzy logic in the
analysis of biomedical images.



The FCM algorithm was developed by Bezdek (Bezdek,

1973) and is the first fuzzy clustering algorithm; it initially needs the number of clusters in which the image
will be divided and a sample of each cluster. The steps
of this algorithm are the following:

Medical imaging systems use a series of sensors that

detect the features of the tissues and the structure of
the organs, which allows us, depending on the used
technique, to obtain a great amount of information and
images of the area from different angles. These virtues
have converted them into one of the most popular support techniques in diagnosis, and have given rise to
the current distribution and variety in medical images
modalities (X-Rays, PET ) and to new modalities
that are being developed (fMRI).
The complexity of the segmentation of biomedical
images is entirely due to its characteristics: the large
amount of data that need to be analyzed, the loss of
information associated to the transition from a 3D
body to a 2D representation, the great variability and
complexity of the shapes that must be analyzed
Among the most frequently applied focuses to segment medical images is the use of pattern recognition
techniques, since normally the purpose of analyzing a
medical digital image is the detection of a particular
element or object: tumors, organs, etc.
Of all these techniques, fuzzy clustering techniques
have proven to be among the most powerful ones, because they allow us to use several features of the dataset,
each with their own dimensionality, and to partition
these data; also, they work automatically and usually
have low computational requirements. Therefore, if
the problem of segmentation is defined as the partition
of the image into regions that have a common feature,
fuzzy clustering algorithms carry out this partition
with a set of exemplary elements, called centroids, and
obtain a matrix of the size of the original image and
with a dimensionality equal to the number of clusters
into which the image was divided; this indicates the
membership of each pixel to each cluster and serves
as a basis for the detection of each element.
In the next section we present a series of fuzzy
clustering algorithms that can be considered to reflect
the evolution in this field and its various viewpoints.

Fuzzy C-Means (FCM)


Calculation of the membership of each element

to each cluster:

u (i, j ) =


y (i, j ) vk
y (i, j ) vj

m 1

Calculation of the new centroids of the image:

uk (i, j ) y (i, j )

i, j

uk (i, j )

, k = 1,, C

i j




If the error stays below a determined threshold,

stop. In the contrary case, return to step 1.

The parameters that were varied in the analysis

of the algorithm were the provided samples and the
value of m.

Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour (FKNN)

The Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbour (Givens Jr. & Gray &
Keller, 1992) is, as its name indicates, a fuzzy variant
of a hard segmentation algorithm. It needs to know
the number of classes into which the set that must be
classified will be divided.
The element that must be classified is associated
to the class of the nearest sample among the K most
similar ones. These K most similar samples are known
as neighbours; if, for instance, the neighbours are
classified from more to less similar, the destination
class of the studied element will be the class of the
neighbour that is first on the list.
We use the expression in Equation 3 to calculate
the membership factors of the pixel to the considered

Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis


j =1
x x m1

ui ( x ) =

j =1
x xj

Kernelized Fuzzy C-Means (KFCM)


where uij represents the membership factor of the j-th

sample to the i-th class; xj represents one of the K samples
that are most similar to the treated pixel; x represents
the pixel itself; m is a weight factor of the distance
between the pixel and the samples and ui(x) represents
the level of membership of the pixel x to class i.
During the analysis of this algorithm, the parameters
that varied were the samples provided as initial centroids
and the considered number of neighbours.

Modified Fuzzy C-Means

This algorithm is based on the work of Young Won Lim
and Sang Uk Lee (Lee & Lim, 1990), who describe an
algorithm for the segmentation of color images through
the study of the histograms of each color band. This
algorithm also relies on the classification algorithm
fuzzy c-means.
The MFCM consists of two parts:


A hard part that studies the histograms of an

image in order to obtain the number of classes,
and carries out a first global classification of the
image; and
A fuzzy part that classifies the pixels that have
more difficulties in determining the class to which
they belong. The pixels of this area are called
fuzzy zone.

Once obtained the initial clusters with its centroids,

the algorithm uses the FCM membership function (Eq.
2) to classify the pixels. The fuzzy points are pixels
between the initial clusters and pixels of clusters too
little for its consideration.
Since we do not dispose of labeled simples of each
class, we use the gravity centers of the clusters to calculate the membership factors of a pixel.
During the analysis of this algorithm, we varied the
value of the sigma used to smoothen the histogram, the
area that the initial clusters need to survive, and the
security areas around the clusters.

This algorithm was proposed by Wu Zhong-Dong et

al (Zhong & Wei & Jian, 2003) and is based on FCM,
integrated with a kernel function that allows the transfer
of the data to a space with more dimensionality, which
makes it easier to separate the clusters.
The most often used kernel functions are the polinomial functions (Eq. 4) and the radial base functions
(Eq. 5).

K (X , Y ) = F (X ) F (Y ) = (X Y + b )

K (X , Y ) = F (X ) F (Y ) = exp (X Y ) / 2S 2



The algorithm consists of the following steps:


Calculation of the membership function:

( )
1 / d (X , V ))
( )
(1 / d (X ,V ))
1 / q 1

u jk

j =1

1 / q 1


d 2 (X j ,Vk )= K (X j , X j ) 2 K (X j ,Vk )+ K (Vk , Vk )


Calculation of the new kernel matrix

and K (Vk ,Vk ):

( ) (u ) K (X , X )
(u )

K X j , Vk = F (X j ) F Vk =

i =1


i =1


K X j , Vk



j =1 (u jk ) F (X j )
F Vk =
j =1 (u jk )



Update the memberships ujk to jk by means of

Equation 6.
If the error stays below a determined threshold,
stop. In the contrary case, return to step 1.

The different parameters for the analysis of this

algorithm were the initial samples.

Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

Images Used in the Study

For the selection of the images that were used in the
study (Gonzalez & Woods, 1996), we applied the
traditional image processing techniques and used the
histogram as basic tool. See Figure 1.
We observed that the pictures presented a high level
of variation, because it was not possible to standardize
the different elements that have a determining effect on
them: position of the patient, luminosity, etc. We selected
the pictures on the basis of a characteristic trait (bad
lighting, presence of strange objects, etc.) or on their
normality (correct lighting, good contrast, etc.). The

images were digitalized to a size of 500x500 pixels and

24 color bits per pixel, using an average scanner.
The histograms of Figure 1 show some of the characteristics that were present in most photographies.
The bands with a larger amount of pixels are those
of the colors red and green, because of the color of
the skin and the fact that green is normally used in
sanitary tissue.
The histogram is continuous and presents values in
most levels, which leads us to suppose that the value
of most points is determined by the combination of
the three bands instead of only one band, as was to be
expected. This complicates the analysis of the image
with algorithms.

Figure 1. Photograph that was used in the study, and histogram for each color band


Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

carried out on the segmented image and on the real

image (Eq. 8).

The test images were divided into 3 clusters: background, healthy tissue, and burned tissue. These areas
are clearly distinguished by the specialist, which allows
us to build better masks to evaluate the success rate in
pixel detection applied to burn wounds.
The success rate of the fuzzy clustering algorithms
was first measured with Zhangs RUMA (Relative
Ultimate Measurement Accuracy) (Zhang, 1996). The
purpose of RUMA is to measure the quality of the
segmentation in terms of the similarity of the measures


Rf S f


In our study, we measured the success rate by comparing the number of pixels of the burned area in the
result image that coincided with pixels of the burned
area in the mask.

Figure 2. Best results for the RUMA and global measurements for the: FKNN algorithm (a) and MFCM algorithm (b)



Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

We also opted for applying a second success rate

measurement, because although RUMA provides a
value for the area of interest, it may not detect certain
classification errors that can affect the resulting image.
We use a measure that was developed by our research
team and measures the clustering algorithms performance in classifying all the pixels of the image (Eq. 9).
During the development of the measure, we supposed
that the error would be smaller if the error of each cluster
classification were smaller, so we measured the error
in the pixel classification of each cluster and weighed
it against the number of pixels of that cluster.

error =
j =1 i =1


,i j

Fij is the number of clusters that belong to cluster

j and were assigned to cluster i, MASCj is the total
amount of pixels that belong to class j, and n is the
amount of clusters into which the image was divided.
The value of this measurement lies between 0 and n; in
order to simplify its interpretation, it was normalized
between 0 and 1.
The graphics are simplified by inverting the discrepancy values: the higher the value, the better the

Figure 2(a) shows the best results for the FKNN

algorithm, varying the number of samples and neighbours from 1 sample per cluster to 8 samples, for both
Figure 2(b) shows the results for the MFCM algorithm, varying the threshold that was required for
each area in the histogram and the sigma, for both
The FCM and FKCM algorithms are not detailed
because the parameters that were varied were the value
of the provided samples and the stop threshold, with
a rather stable result for both measurements. In the
Figure 3 we can see one of the results obtained for the
algorithm FCM and the imaged labeled Q1.
Figure 4(a) shows the results for the various images
of the test set for RUMA applied to all the algorithms,
Figure 4(b) shows the results using global measurement.
The tests reveal great variation in the values provided
for the different algorithms by each measurement; this
is due to the lack of homogeneous conditions in the
acquisition of the images and the ensuing differences
in photographic quality.
We can also observe that the results obtained with
FKCM are considerably better than the results with
FCM, because the first uses a better function to calculate the pixel membership. Nevertheless, for most

Figure 3. Image labeled Q1 (left) and one of the results obtained for the FCM algorithm (right)


Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

Figure 4. Best results for the burned area using: RUMA measurement (a) and global success rate measurement



pictures the good results with FKCM are surpassed

by the FKNN and MFCM algorithms. In the case of
FKNN, this is due to its capacity to use several samples
for each cluster, which allows a more exact calculation
of the memberships and less error probability. MFCM,
on the other hand, carries out a previous analysis of the

histogram, which enables it in most cases to find good

centroids and make good classifications.
Even though the FKNN algorithm obtains better
results, in most cases it requires a high number of
samples (more than 4), which may disturb the medical
expert and complicate the implantation in real clini-

Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

cal environments. This problem does not apply to the

MFCM algorithm, which calculates the samples itself;
however, its success values greatly vary, and for many
images we had to finetune the parameters in order to
obtain good results.

The field of fuzzy logic is a field that evolves continuously and is increasingly applied to industrial
The medical images analysis field is among the
most active in computerized vision and represents an
important challenge to researchers in search of new
technological developments.
Fuzzy clustering algorithms constitute one of the
most useful and interesting branches of fuzzy logic.
Their use is expected to increase and new algorithms
will appear that will provide ever better results. These
algorithms will more and more often be applied to the
field of medical images, where they allow us to handle
new multidimensional modalities and improvements.

This article presents the results obtained by various
fuzzy clustering algorithms in analyzing a set of burn
wound pictures. The studied techniques obtain a high
level of detection in the burned area and as such show
their capacity to analyse this type of medical images.
Testing however reveals a high degree of variation
in the values provided by each algorithm, due to the
absence of homogeneous conditions during the image
acquisition and the ensuing differences in the quality
of the pictures.
This study shows how the FKCM algorithm provides
the best results with the smallest amount of parameters.
However, if we could control the context in which the
photographs are taken, the best algorithm would be
MFCM, which provides better results and operates
Also, we revise the state of the art in the field of
fuzzy logic and clustering algorithms, in order to
show the characteristics of these techniques and their

Zadeh, L. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control.
(8) 338-353.
Shaw, I. (1998). Fuzzy Control of Industrial Systems:
Theory and Applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Yasunobu, S. & Miyamoto, S. (1985) Automatic train
operation by fuzzy predictive control. Industrial Applications of Fuzzy Control. Ed: M. Sugeno. North
Bezdek, J., Keller, J., Krishnapuram, R., & Pal, N.
(1999). Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern
Recognition and Image Processing. Kluwer, Norwell,
Sutton, M., Bezdek, J., Cahoon, T. (2000) Image
Segmentation by Fuzzy Clustering: Methods and Issues. Handbook of Medical Imaging: Processing and
Analysis. Ed. Isaac N. Bankman. 87-126.
Bezdek, J. (1973). Fuzzy Mathemathics in Pattern
Classification. Ph.D. Distertation. Appl. Math., Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, 1973.
Zhong, W.D., Wei, X.X., & Jian, Y.P. (2003). Fuzzy
C-Means clustering algorithm based on kernel method.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA 03). IEEE Press.
Wu, C., Agam, G., Roy, A.S. & Armato, S.G. (2004).
Regulated morphology approach to fuzzy shape analysis
with application to blood vessel extraction in thoracic
CT scans. Proceedings of SPIE. (5370) 1262-1270.
Vermandel, M., Betrouni, N., Taschner, C., Vasseu,
C. & Rosseau, J. (2007). From MIP image to MRA
segmentation using fuzzy set theory. Computerized
Medical Imaging & Graphics. (31) 128-140.
Hauecker, H. & Tizhoosh, H.R. (1999). Fuzzy Image
Processing. Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications. Volume 2. Ed. Bernd Jne, Horst Hauecker
and Peter Geiler. 683-727.
Givens Jr., J.A., Gray, M.R. & Keller, J.M. (1992) A
fuzzy k-nearest neighbour algorithm. Fuzzy models
for pattern recognition: methods that search for struc-


Fuzzy Logic Applied to Biomedical Image Analysis

tures in data. Ed: J.C. Bezdek, S.K. Pal. IEEE Press.

Lee, S.U. & Lim, Y.M. (1990) On the color image
segmentation algorithm based on the thresholding and
the fuzzy c-means techniques. Pattern Recognition.
(23) 9, 935-952.
Pham, D.L. (2001) Spatial models for fuzzy clustering, Computer Vision and Image Understanding (84)
Gonzalez, R., Woods, R. (1996) Digital image processing. Addison-Wesley.
Zhang, Y.J. (1996) A survey on evaluation methods
for image segmentation, Pattern Recognition (29)

Fuzzification: The process of decomposing a system input and/or output into one or more fuzzy sets.
Many types of curves can be used, but triangular or
trapezoidal shaped membership functions are the most
Fuzzy Algorithm: An ordered sequence of instructions which may contain fuzzy assignments, conditional statements, repetitive statements, and traditional


Fuzzy Inference Systems: A sequence of fuzzy

conditional statements which may contain fuzzy assignment and conditional statements. The execution of
such instructions is governed by the compositional rule
of inference and the rule of preponderant alternative.
Fuzzy Operator: Operations that enable us to combine fuzzy sets. A fuzzy operator combines two fuzzy
sets to give a new fuzzy set. The most frequently used
fuzzy operators are the following: equality, containment, complement, intersection and union.
Medical Image: A medical specialty that uses xrays, gamma rays, high-frequency sound waves, and
magnetic fields to produce images of organs and other
internal structures of the body. In diagnostic radiology
the purpose is to detect and diagnose disease, whereas
in interventional radiology, imaging procedures are
combined with other techniques to treat certain diseases
and abnormalities.
Membership Function: Gives the grade, or degree,
of membership within the fuzzy set, of any element of
the universe of discourse. The membership function
maps the elements of the universe onto numerical
values in the interval [0, 1].
Segmentation: A process that partitions a digital
image into disjoint (non-overlapping) regions, using
a set of features or characteristics. The output of the
segmentation step is usually a set of classified elements,
such as tissue regions or tissue edges.


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR

Rosa Maria Alsina Pags
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Cludia Mateo Segura
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Joan-Claudi Socor Carri
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain

The acquisition system is one of the most sensitive
stages in a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DS-SS)
receiver (Peterson, Ziemer & Borth, 1995), due to its
critical position in order to demodulate the received
information. There are several schemes to deal with
this problem, such as serial search and parallel algorithms (Proakis, 1995). Serial search algorithms have
slow convergence time but their computational load
is very low; on the other hand, parallel systems converge very quickly but their computational load is very
high. In our system, the acquisition scheme used is the
multiresolutive structure presented in (Moran, Socor,
Jov, Pijoan & Tarrs, 2001), which combines quick
convergence and low computational load.
The decisional system that evaluates the acquisition
stage is a key process in the overall system performance, being a drawback of the structure. This becomes
more important when dealing with time-varying channels, where signal to noise ratio (called SNR) is not a
constant parameter. Several factors contribute to the
performance of the acquistion system (Glisic & Vucetic,
1997): channel distorsion and variations, noise and
interference, uncertainty about the code phase, and data
randomness. The existence of all these variables led
us to think about the possibility of using fuzzy logic
to solve this complex acquisition estimation (Zadeh,
1973). A fuzzy logic acquisition estimator had already
been tested and used in our research group to control
a serial search algorithm (Alsina, Morn & Socor,
2005) with encouraging results, and afterwards in the
multiresolutive scheme (Alsina, Mateo & Socor,
2007), and other applications to this field can be found in
bibliography as (Bas, Prez & Lagunas, 2001) or (Jang,

Ha, Seo, Lee & Lee, 1998). Several previous works

have been focused in the development of acquisition
systems for non frequency selective channels with fast
SNR variations (Moran, Socor, Jov, Pijoan & Tarrs,
2001) (Mateo & Alsina, 2004).

In 1964, Dr. Lofti Zadeh came out with the term fuzzy
logic (Zadeh, 1965). The reason was that traditional
logic could not answer to some questions with a simple
yes or no. So, it handles the concept of partial truth. Fuzzy
logic is one of the possibilities to imitate the working of
a human brain, and so to try to turn artificial intelligence
into real intelligence. Zadeh devised the technique as a
method to solve problems for soft sciences, in particular
those that involve human interaction.
Fuzzy logic has been proved to be a good option
for control in very complex processes, when it is not
possible to produce a mathematical model. Also fuzzy
logic is recommendable for highly non-linear processes,
and overall, when expert knowledge is desirable to
be performed. But it is not a good idea to apply if
traditional control or estimators give out satisfying
results, or for problems that can be modelled in a
mathematical way.
The most recent works in control and estimation
using fuzzy logic applied to direct sequence spread
spectrum communication systems are classified into
three types. The first group uses fuzzy logic to improve
the detection stage of the DS-CDMA1 receiver, and they
are presented by Bas et al and Jang et al (Bas, Prez, &
Lagunas, 2001)(Jang, Ha, Seo, Lee, & Lee, 1998). The
second group uses fuzzy logic to improve interference

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

rejection, with works presented by Bas et al and by

Chia-Chang et al (Bas, & Neira, 2003) (Chia-Chang,
Hsuan-Yu, Yu-Fan, & Jyh-Horng, 2005). Finally,
fuzzy logic techniques are also improving estimation
and control in the acquisition stage of the DS-CDMA
receiver, in works by Alsina et al (Alsina, Moran, &
Socor, 2005) (Alsina, Mateo, & Socor, 2007).

One of the most important problems to be solved in
direct sequence spread spectrum systems is to achieve
a robust and precise acquisition of the pseudonoise

sequence; this is to obtain an accurate estimation of

its exact phase or timing position (Proakis, 1995). In
time-varying environments this fact becomes even more
important because acquisition and tracking performance can heavily degrade communication demodulation
reliability. In this work a new multiresolutive acquisition system with a fuzzy logic estimator is proposed
(Alsina, Mateo, & Socor, 2007). The fuzzy logic
estimation improves the accuracy of the acquisition
stage compared to the results for the stability controller, through the estimation of the probability of being
acquired, and the signal to noise ratio in the channel,
improving the results obtained for the first fuzzy logic
estimator for the multiresolutive structure in (Alsina,
Mateo & Socor, 2007).

Figure 1. Multiresolutive adaptive structure for acquisition and tracking


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

Multiresolutive Acquisition Structure

The Fuzzy Logic Acquisition Estimation

The aim of the multiresolutive scheme presented in

(Moran, Socor, Jov, Pijoan & Tarrs, 2001) is to
find the correct acquisition point in a reasonable convergence time. It gives a good trade-off between speed
of convergence of the parallel systems and the low
computational load of the serial search algorithms. An
M order decimation is firstly applied to the input signal
x[n]2 as acquisition stage can accept uncertainties under
the chip period, and thus to decrease the computational
load of the acquisition stage. Once the signal x[n] is
decimated, the resulting signal r[n] is fed into the filters
of a multiresolutive structure (see the structure in figure
1). Note that there are H different branches that work
with decimated versions of the input signal, separated
in H disjoint subspaces. Each branch has an adaptive
FIR LMS filter of length

The fuzzy logic acquisition estimator has been designed

using data of the impulsional response of all the LMS
filters of the structure. Their values variations give
information about the probability of being correctly
acquired, and also about SNR ratio variations in the
channel. In the conducted experiments, the signal space
has been divided into four subspaces (H=4), so four
LMS filters compose the acquisition stage. The length
of the PN sequences is PG=127, so each filter has

PG 3
N =

trained with a decimated version of the PN sequence

Under ideal conditions, in a non-frequency selective
channel with white Gaussian noise, just one of the filters
should locally converge an impulse like bi[k][n ],
where b[k] is the information bit, represents the delay
between the input signal PN sequence and the reference
one and is the fading coefficient for channel distorsion.
The algorithm is reseted every new data symbol, and
a modulus smoothing average algorithm is applied to
each of the LMS solutions (wi[n]) to remove the data
randomness component bi[k] dependency, obtaining
nonnegative and averaged impulsional responses
(Wavi[n]). The decisional system uses a peak detection
algorithm to find which of these filters has detected
the signal (Wcon[n]), and the position of the maximum
() in this filter will give the coarse estimation of the
acquisition phase.
When the acquisition point by the decisional system
is restored, tracking is solved with another adaptive LMS
filter (wr[n]), which expands the search window around
the acquisition point, using the full time resolution input signal x[n]. Thus, the estimation of the acquisition
point (now called ) is refined by the tracking and the
signal can be correctly demodulated.

N =
= 32

taps to converge. This input and output variables were

already defined in (Alsina, Mateo & Socor, 2007),
but the rules to be evaluated have been designed in a
more precise way.

Input Variables
Four different parameters have been defined as inputs
in the fuzzy estimator; three of them referred to the
values of the four modulus averaged acquisition LMS
filters (Wavi[n]), especially the LMS filter adapted to
the decimated sequence PN-DEC (called Wcon[n]),
and one about the tracking filter (wtr[n]) that refines
the search:

Ratio1: it is computed as the quotient of the peak

value of the LMS filter Wcon[n] divided into the
mean value of this filter but the maximum, as
Ratio1 =


Wcon [T ]

n=1; nT


[ n]

Ratio2: it is evaluated as the quotient of the peak

value of the LMS filter Wcon[] divided into the
average of the value of the same position in the
other three filters Wavi[n].
Ratio2 =

Wcon [T ]

Wavi [T ]

H 1 i=1; Wavi Wcon


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

Ratio3: it is obtained as the quotient of the peak

value of the LMS filter Wcon[] divided into the
mean value of the three other filters Wavi[n].
Ratio3 =

Wcon [T ]
1 N

Wavi [n]
H 1 i =1; Wavi Wcon N n=1

Ratio1 track: it is computed as the quotient of the

peak value of the LMS tracking filter wtr[], being the most precise estimation of the correct
acquisition point, divided into the mean value of
the same filter but the maximum.

Ratio1 _ track =


wtr [X ]

w [ n]

n=1; nX


These parameters have been chosen due to the

information they contain about the probability of
being acquired, and also about the SNR level in the
channel and its variations. They value variations give
good estimations about acquisition quality and a good
measure for SNR, with the appropriate definition of
IF-THEN rules.

Output Variables
The results will be obtained using a defuzzyfication
method based on the centroid (Leekwijck & Kerre,

Figure 2. Variable acquisition for all input variables combinations


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

1999). Two output variables will be computed. Acquisition, giving a value in the range of [0,1], being zero
when it is Not Acquired and one if it is Acquired. Three
more fuzzy sets have been defined between the extreme
values; Probably Not Acquired, Not Determined and
Probably Acquired. Acquisition will show a value of
reliability for the correct demodulation of the detector.
The multiresolutive scheme only gives an estimation of
the acquisition point, and Acquisition value evaluates the
probability of being acquired, and so, the consistency
of the bit demodulation done by the receiver.
The second variable is SNR Estimation which gives
a value (in the range of [-30,0] dBs in our experiment)
of the estimated SNR value in the channel. SNR Estimation will give us information about channel conditions;
this will help not only in acquisition and tracking, but

also in detection as in (Verd, 1998) or (Alsina, Morn

& Socor, 2005).

If-Then Rules
A total of sixty rules have been used to define the two
outputs in function of the input values, evolving the set
of rules used in (Alsina, Mateo & Socor). In figure 2
the surface for Acquisition for all input variables and
figure 3 shows the surface for SNR Estimation for all
inputs. Rules have been defined to take into account the
best performance, in its range, of each input parameter
value to design the two outputs of the fuzzy estimator.
This means the value range is only considered where
their estimations are more reliable for both outputs.

Figure 3. Variable SNR Estimation for all input variables combinations


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

The most improved estimation for the output Acquisition is the correspondence to Not Determined;
this means that the input parameters have no coherent
values of Acquisition or Not Acquisition by themselves.
To obtain a precise output value, the fuzzy estimator evaluates the degree of implication of each input
parameter to the membership functions, and projects
this implication to the fuzzy sets of the output variable Acquisition, in order to obtain its value through
defuzzyfication. Ratio1 and Ratio1 track are the best input
parameters to estimate Acquisition when channel conditions are good; these two parameters are supported by
Ratio2 and Ratio3 when SNR worsen. The precision of
the critical estimations has been improved in the design
of the new rules for the fuzzy estimator.
On the other hand, SNR Estimation most robust
evaluations are made by Ratio2 and Ratio3; they are
improved by Ratio1 track when SNR is high, and by
Ratio1 when SNR is very low. As can be observed in
figure 3, these variables highly correlate with SNR
Estimation value.

In this section the results obtained with the new acquisition and SNR fuzzy logic estimator will be summarized. Several simulations using an Additive White
Gaussian Noise channel (AWGN), some of them with
very fast SNR changes, have been done to show the
performance of the fuzzy estimator in terms of reliability and stability.

Fuzzy Estimator Acquisition Reliability vs.

Stability Control
A previous acquisition estimation was obtained using
a stability control (Moran, Socor, Jov, Pijoan &
Tarrs, 2001), that took into account preservation of
the acquisition point for evaluation and comparison
purposes. It considered that the system was acquired
only due to continuous repetitions of the acquisition
point given by the multiresolutive scheme. This stability
control gave a binary response about the performance

Figure 4. % of correct estimation of acquisition using the new fuzzy estimator against the stability Control


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

of the system. Despite its good performance, being

observed in figure 4, the new fuzzy approach improves
the results for wider SNR range. The quality of the
fuzzy acquisition estimation is much better for very low
SNR compared to the stability control, and its global
performance for the whole range of SNR in our tests is
improved. The stability control is not a good estimator
for critical SNR (considered around -15dBs), and it
decreases its reliability when SNR decreases. Despite
showing similar performance around critical SNR,
the fuzzy logic estimation of Acquisition improves its
performance for worse SNR ratios, being over 90% of
correct estimation all the simulations along.

Fuzzy SNR Estimation in Time Varying

In figure 5.a the acquisition system has been simulated
in an AWGN channel, forcing severe and very fast SNR
changes in order to evaluate the convergence speed of
the SNR estimator. SNR Estimation mean value, being a
very variable value, is obtained through an exponential
smoothing average filter, and compared to the SNR in
the AWGN channel. The SNR in the channel is estimated

quite precisely until very low SNR (near -20dBs) by

the fuzzy block, as the input parameters are not stable
enough to make a good prediction for lower values;
this is similar to what happens for Acquisition estimation. To observe the recovery of the fuzzy estimator
in case of fast SNR changes in the channel, a detail of
SNR Estimation is shown in figure 5.b. This information shows the channel state to the receiver, and allows
further work to improve reliability of the demodulation
by means of different approaches (Verd, 1998).

Future work will be focused on improving the estimation for the SNR in the fuzzy system. Another goal to
be reached is to increase the stability against channel
changes using previous detected symbols, obtaining
a system with feedback. The fuzzy estimator outputs
will be used to design a controller for the acquisition
and tracking structure. Its aim will be to improve the
stability of estimation of the correct acquisition point ()
through an effective and robust control of its variations
for sudden channel changes, so memory will be added
to the fuzzy logic estimator. This way the estimator is

Figure 5. a) SNR estimation in a varying SNR channel; b) Detail of SNR Estimation when adapting to an instantaneous SNR variation


Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

converted in a controller, and the whole performance

of the receiver is improved.
Further research will also take into account multipath channel conditions and possible variations,
including rake-based receiver detection, in order to
reach a good acquisition and tracking performance in
ionospheric channels. Furthermore, the reliability of the
results encourages us to use the acquisition estimation
to minimize the computational load of the acquisition system for proper channel conditions, thorough
decreasing the number of iterations to converge in
the LMS adaptive filters. A more efficient fuzzy logic
control can be designed in order to achieve a better
trade-off between computational load (referred to the
LMS filters adaptation) and acquisition point estimation
accuracy ().

The new proposed acquisition system estimator has
already been exposed, and some results have been
compared against a stability control strategy within
the multiresolutive acquisition system in a variant SNR
environment. The main advantage of a multiresolutive
fuzzy estimator is its reliability when evaluating the
probability of acquisition, also its stability, and its
quick convergence when there are fast channel SNR
changes. The computational load of a fuzzy estimator
is higher than the same cost in a stability control. The
mean number of FLOPS in a DSP needed to do all
the process is greater compared to the conventional
stability control. This has to be taken into account
because the multiresolutive structure should make its
computational cost minimum to work on-line with the
received data. Further work will be done to compare
the computational load added to the structure to the
global improvements of the multiresolutive receiver,
to decide whether this cost increase is affordable for
the acquisition system, or it is not.

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Detection in DS-SS Digital Receiver in a Multiuser
Environment. IEEE International Symposium on Signal
Processing and its Applications.

Alsina, R.M., Morn, J.A., & Socor, J.C. (2005).

Sequential PN Acquisition Based on a Fuzzy Logic
Controller. 8th International Workshop on Artificial
Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(3512) 1238-1245.
Alsina, R.M., Mateo, C., & Socor, J.C. (2007). Multiresolutive Adaptive PN Acquisition Scheme with a
Fuzzy Logic Estimator in Non Selective Fast SNR
Variation Environments. 9th International Workshop on
Artificial Neural Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. (4507) 367-374.
Bas, J., Prez, A., & Lagunas, M.A. (2001). Fuzzy
Recursive Symbol-by-Symbol Detector for Single
User CDMA Receivers. International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
Bas, J., & Neira, A.P. (2003). A fuzzy logic system for
interference rejection in code division multiple access.
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Chia-Chang, H., Hsuan-Yu, L., Yu-Fan, C., & JyhHorng, W. (2005). Adaptive interference supression
using fuzzy-logic-based space-time filtering techniques
in multipath DS-CDMA. The 6th IEEE International
Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless
Communications, p. 22-26.
Glisic, S.G., & Vucetic, B. (1997). Spread Spectrum
CDMA Systems for Wireless Communications. Artech
House Publishers.
Jang, J., Ha, K., Seo, B., Lee, S., & Lee, C.W. (1998).
A Fuzzy Adaptive Multiuser Detector in CDMA Communication Systems. International Conference on
Leekwijck, W.V., & Kerre, E.E. (1999). Defuzzification:
Criteria and Classification. Fuzzy Sets and Systems.
(108) 159-178.
Mateo, C., & Alsina, R.M. (2004). Diseno de un Sistema
de Control Adaptativo a las Condiciones del Canal para
un Sistema de Adquisicin de un Receptor DS-SS. XIX
Congreso de la Unin Cientfica Nacional de Radio.
Morn, J.A., Socor, J.C., Jov, X., Pijoan, J.L., & Tarrs, F. (2001). Multiresolution Adaptive Structure for
Acquisition in DS-SS Receiver. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.

Fuzzy Logic Estimator for Variant SNR Environments

Peterson, R.L., Ziemer, R.E., & Borth, D.E. (1995).

Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook. Prentice Hall.
Proakis, J.G. (1995). Digital Communications. McGraw-Hill.
Verd, S. (1998). Multiuser Detection. Cambridge
University Press.
Zadeh, L.A. (1965). Fuzzy Sets. Information and
Control. (8), 338-353.
Zadeh, L.A. (1973). Outline of a New Approach to
the Analysis of Complex Systems and Decision Processes. IEEE Transactions Systems Man Cybernetics.
(3), 28-44.
Zadeh, L.A. (1988). Fuzzy Logic. Computer, 83-92.

Defuzzyfication: After computing the fuzzy rules,
and evaluating the fuzzy variables, this is the process
the system follows to obtain a new membership function for each output variable.
Degree of Truth: It denotes the extent to which a
preposition is true. It is important to not be confused
with the concept of probability.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic was derived from Fuzzy
Set theory, working with a reason that it is approximate rather than precise, deducted from the typical
predicate logic.

Fuzzy Sets: Fuzzy sets are sets whose members

have a degree of membership. They were introduced to
be an extension of the classical sets, whose elements
membership was assessed by binary numbers.
Fuzzyfication: It is the process of defining the degree
of membership of a crisp value for each fuzzy set.
IF-THEN Rules: They are the typical rules used
by expert fuzzy systems. The IF part is the antecedent, also named premise, and the THEN part is the
Linguistic Variables: They take on linguistic
values, which are words, with associated degrees of
membership in each set.
Linguistic Term: It is a subjective category for a
linguistic variable. Each linguistic term is associated
with a fuzzy set.
Membership Function: It is the function that gives
the subjective measures for the linguistic terms.


DS-CDMA stands for Direct Sequence Code

Division Multiple Access.
The received signal x[n] is sampled at M samples per chip in order to give the necessary time
resolution for the tracking stage.
where PG is the length of the pseudonoise sequences, also called PN sequences and 'ceil(x)'
(expressed as N = [x]) is the smaller integer greater
than x.



Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

Szilveszter Kovcs
University of Miskolc, Hungary

The fuzzy dot (or fuzzy relation) representation of
fuzzy rules in fuzzy rule based systems, in case of classical fuzzy reasoning methods (e.g. the Zadeh-MamdaniLarsen Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI) (Zadeh,
1973) (Mamdani, 1975) (Larsen, 1980) or the Takagi
- Sugeno fuzzy inference (Sugeno, 1985) (Takagi &
Sugeno, 1985)), are assuming the completeness of the
fuzzy rule base. If there are some rules missing i.e. the
rule base is sparse, observations may exist which hit
no rule in the rule base and therefore no conclusion
can be obtained. One way of handling the fuzzy dot
knowledge representation in case of sparse fuzzy rule
bases is the application of the Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) methods, where the derivable rules are
deliberately missing. Since FRI methods can provide
reasonable (interpolated) conclusions even if none of
the existing rules fires under the current observation.
From the beginning of 1990s numerous FRI methods
have been proposed. The main goal of this article is
to give a brief but comprehensive introduction to the
existing FRI methods.

Since the classical fuzzy reasoning methods (e.g. the
Zadeh-Mamdani-Larsen CRI) are demanding complete
rule bases, the classical rule base construction claims
a special care of filling all the possible rules. In case
if the rule base is sparse (some rules are missing),
observations may exist which hit no rule and hence
no conclusion can be obtained. In many application
areas of fuzzy control structures, the accidental lack
of conclusion is hard to explain, or meaningless (e.g.
in steering control of a vehicle). This case one obvious solution could be to keep the last real conclusion
instead of the missing one, but applying historical data
automatically to fill undeliberately missing rules could
cause unpredictable side effects. Another solution for
the same problem is the application of the fuzzy rule

interpolation (FRI) methods, where the derivable rules

are deliberately missing. The rule base of an FRI controller is not necessarily complete, since FRI methods
can provide reasonable (interpolated) conclusions
even if none of the existing rules fires under the current observation. It could contain the most significant
fuzzy rules only, without risking the chance of having
no conclusion for some of the observations. On the
other hand most of the FRI methods are sharing the
burden of high computational demand, e.g. the task of
searching for the two closest surrounding rules to the
observation, and calculating the conclusion at least in
some characteristic -cuts. Moreover in some methods
the interpretability of the fuzzy conclusion gained is
also not straightforward (Kczy & Kovcs, 1993). There
have been a lot of efforts to rectify the interpretability
of the interpolated fuzzy conclusion (Tikk & Baranyi,
2000). In (Baranyi, Kczy & Gedeon, 2004) Baranyi
et al. give a comprehensive overview of the recent
existing FRI methods. Beyond these problems, some
of the FRI methods are originally defined for one dimensional input space, and need special extension for
the multidimensional case (e.g. (Jenei, 2001), (Jenei,
Klement & Konzel, 2002)). In (Wong, Tikk, Gedeon &
Kczy, 2005) Wong et al. gave a comparative overview
of the recent multidimensional input space capable FRI
methods. In (Jenei, 2001) Jenei introduced a way for
axiomatic treatment of the FRI methods. In (Perfilieva,
2004) Perfilieva studies the solvability of fuzzy relation equations as the solvability of interpolating and
approximating fuzzy functions with respect to a given
set of fuzzy rules (e.g. fuzzy data as ordered pairs of
fuzzy sets). The high computational demand, mainly
the search for the two closest surrounding rules to an
arbitrary observation in the multidimensional antecedent space turns many of these methods hardly suitable
for real-time applications. Some FRI methods, e.g. the
method introduced by Jenei et al. in (Jenei, Klement
& Konzel, 2002), eliminate the search for the two
closest surrounding rules by taking all the rules into
consideration, and therefore speeding up the reasoning
process. On the other hand, keeping the goal of con-

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Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

structing fuzzy conclusion, and not simply speeding

up the reasoning, they still require some additional
(or repeated) computational steps for the elements of
the level set (or at least for some relevant levels).
An application oriented aspect of the FRI emerges
in (Kovcs, 2006), where for the sake of reasoning
speed and direct real-time applicability, the fuzziness
of fuzzy partitions replaced by the concept of Vague
Environment (Klawonn, 1994).
In the followings, the brief structure of several FRI
methods will be introduced in more details.


One of the first FRI techniques was published by
Kczy and Hirota (Kczy & Hirota, 1991). It is usually referred as KH method. It is applicable to convex
and normal fuzzy (CNF) sets in single input and
single output (SISO) systems. The KH method takes
into consideration only the two closest surrounding
(flanking) rules to the observation. It determines the
conclusion by its -cuts in such a way that the ratio of
distances between the conclusion and the consequents
should be identical with the ratio of distances between
the observation and the antecedents for all important
-cuts. The applied formula:

) (

) (

) (

d A* , A1 : d A* , A2 = d B* , B1 : d B* , B2 ,

can be solved for the required conclusion B for relevant -cuts after decomposition. Where A1 B1 and
A2 B2 are the two flanking rules of the observation
A* and d: F(X)F(X)R is a distance function of fuzzy
sets (in case of the KH method it was calculated as
the distance of the lower and upper end points of the
-cuts) (see e.g. on Fig. 1.).
It is shown in, e.g. in (Kczy & Kovcs, 1993),
(Kczy & Kovcs, 1994) that the conclusion of the
KH method is not always directly interpretable as
fuzzy set (see e.g. on Fig. 1.). This drawback motivated
many alternative solutions. The first modification was
proposed by Vass, Kalmr and Kczy (Vass, Kalmr
& Kczy, 1992) (referred as VKK method), where the
conclusion is computed based on the distance of the
centre points and the widths of the -cuts, instead of
their lower and upper end point distances. The VKK
method extends the applicability of the KH method, but
it was still strongly depends on the membership shape
of the fuzzy sets (e.g. it was unable to handle singleton
antecedent sets, as the width of the antecedents support
must not be zero).
In spite of the known restrictions, the KH method
is still popular because of its simplicity. Subsequently
it was generalized in several ways. Among them the
stabilized KH interpolator was emerged, as it was proved

Figure 1. KH method for two SISO rules: A1 B1 and A2 B2 , conclusion y of the observation x


Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

to hold the universal approximation property in (Tikk,

Jo, Kczy, Vrlaki, Moser & Gedeon, 2002) and (Tikk,
2003). This method takes into account all the rules of
the rule base in the calculation of the conclusion. The
method adapts a modification of the Shepard operator
based interpolation (Shepard, 1968). The rules are taken
into account in extent to the inverse of the distance
between their antecedents and the observation. The
universal approximation property holds if the distance
function is raised to the power of at least the number
of the antecedent dimension.
Another modification of KH method is the modified alpha-cut based interpolation method (referred as
MACI) (fully extended in (Tikk & Baranyi, 2000)),
which alleviates completely the abnormality problem.
MACIs main idea is the following: it transforms fuzzy
sets of the input and output universes to such a space
where abnormality is excluded, then computes the
conclusion there, which is finally transformed back to
the original space. MACI uses vector representation
of fuzzy sets. The original method was introduced
in (Yam & Kczy, 1997) and it was applicable for
CNF sets only. This restriction was latter relaxed in
(Tikk, Baranyi, Gedeon & Muresan 2001) by paying
its expanse in higher computational demand than the
original method. MACI is one of the most applied FRI
methods (Wong, Tikk, Gedeon & Kczy, 2005), since it
preserves advantageous computational and approximate
nature of KH method, while it excludes its chance for
abnormal conclusion.
Another FRI method was proposed by Kczy et
al. in (Kczy, Hirota & Gedeon, 1997). It takes into
consideration only the two closest surrounding rules
to the observation and its main idea is the conservation
of the relative fuzziness (referred as CRF method).
This notion means that the left (and right) fuzziness
of the approximated conclusion in proportion to the
flanking fuzziness of the neighbouring consequent
should be the same as the left (and right) fuzziness of
the observation in proportion to the flanking fuzziness
of the neighbouring antecedent. The original method
is restricted to CNF sets only.
An improved fuzzy interpolation technique for
multidimensional input spaces (referred as IMUL) was
originally proposed in (Wong, Gedeon & Tikk, 2000),
and described more detailed in (Wong, Tikk, Gedeon &
Kczy, 2005). IMUL applies a combination of CRF and
MACI methods, and mixes the advantages of both. The
core of the conclusion is determined by MACI method,

while its flanks by CRF (the method is restricted to trapezoidal membership functions). The main advantages of
this method are its applicability for multi-dimensional
problems and its relative simplicity.
Conceptually different approaches were proposed
in (Baranyi, Kczy & Gedeon, 2004) based on the
relation, semantic and inter-relational features of the
fuzzy sets. The family of these methods applies a two
step General Methodology (referred as GM). The
notation also reflects the feature, that methods based on
GM can handle arbitrary shaped fuzzy sets. The basic
concept is to divide the task of the FRI into two main
steps. The first step is to determine the reference point
of the conclusion based on the ratio of the distances
between the reference points of the observation and the
antecedents. Then accomplishing the first step, based
on the existing rules a new, interpolated rule is generated for the reference point of the observation and the
reference point of the conclusion. In the second step of
the method, a single rule reasoning method (revision
function) is applied to determine the final fuzzy conclusion based on the similarity of the fuzzy observation
and the antecedent of the new interpolated rule. For
both the main steps of GM numerous solutions exists,
therefore the GM stands for an FRI concept, or a family of FRI methods.
A rather different application oriented aspect of
the FRI emerges in the concept of the Fuzzy Interpolation based on Vague Environment FRI method
(referred as FIVE), originally introduced in (Kovcs,
1996), (Kovcs & Kczy, 1997a), (Kovcs & Kczy,
1997b) and extended with the ability of handling fuzzy
observation in (Kovcs, 2006). It was developed to
fit the speed requirements of direct fuzzy control,
where the conclusions of the fuzzy controller are applied directly as control actions in a real-time system.
The main idea of the FIVE method is based on the
fact that most of the control applications serves crisp
observations and requires crisp conclusions from the
controller. Adopting the idea of the vague environment
(Klawonn, 1994), FIVE can handle the antecedent and
consequent fuzzy partitions of the fuzzy rule base by
scaling functions (Klawonn, 1994) and therefore turn
the fuzzy interpolation to crisp interpolation. In FIVE
any crisp interpolation, extrapolation, or regression
method can be adapted very simply for FRI. Because
of its simple multidimensional applicability, in FIVE,
originally the Shepard operator based interpolation
(Shepard, 1968) was adapted.

Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

Future trends of the FRI methods include the appearance of numerous hybrid FRI methods i.e. neuro-FRI,
genetic-FRI for (depending on the application area)
gradient based, or gradient free parameter optimisation of the FRI model. Future trends also directed to
extended number of practical applications of the FRI.
Recently a freely available comprehensive FRI toolbox
(Johanyk, Tikk, Kovcs & Wong, 2006) and an FRI
oriented web site ( were appeared for
aiding and guiding the future FRI applications.

There are relatively few Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI)
techniques can be found among the practical fuzzy rule
based applications. On one hand the FRI methods are
not widely known, and some of them have limitations
from practical application point of view, e.g. can be
applied only in one dimensional case, or defined based
on the two closest surrounding rules of the actual observation. On the other hand enabling the application
of sparse rule bases the FRI methods can dramatically
simplify the way of fuzzy rule base creation, since FRI
methods can provide reasonable (interpolated) conclusions even if none of the existing rules fires under
the current observation. Therefore these methods can
save the expert from dealing with derivable rules and
help to concentrate on cardinal actions only and hence
simplify the rule base creation itself. Thus, compared to
the classical fuzzy CRI, the number of the fuzzy rules
needed to be handled during the design process, could
be dramatically reduced (see e.g. in (Kovcs, 2005)).
Moreover in case of parameter optimisation of the
sparse FRI model (hybrid FRI methods), the reduced
FRI rule base size could also means reduction in the
size of the optimisation search space, and hence it can
lead to quicker optimisation algorithms too.

P. Baranyi, L. T. Kczy, and T. D. Gedeon (2004). A Generalized Concept for Fuzzy Rule Interpolation. IEEE
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Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

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(2001). Generalization of a rule interpolation method


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-Cut of a Fuzzy Set: Is a crisp set, which holds
the elements of a fuzzy set (on the same universe of
discourse) whose membership grade is grater than, or
equal to . (In case of strong -cut it must be grater
than .)
-Covering Fuzzy Partition: The fuzzy partition
(a set of linguistic terms (fuzzy sets)) -covers the
universe of discourse, if for all the elements in the

Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

universe of discourse a linguistic term exists, which

have a membership value grater or equal to .
Complete (or Dense) Fuzzy Rule Base: A fuzzy
rule base is complete, or dense if all the input universes
are -covered by rule antecedents, where >0. In case
of Complete Fuzzy Rule Base, for all the possible
multidimensional observations, a rule antecedent must
exist, which has a nonzero activation degree. Note, that
completeness of the fuzzy rule base is not equivalent
with covering fuzzy partitions on each antecedent universe (required but not sufficient in multidimensional
case). Usually the number of the rules of a complete
rule base is O(MI), where M is the average number of
the linguistic terms in the fuzzy partitions and I is the
number of the input universe.
Convex and Normal Fuzzy (CNF) Set: A fuzzy set
defined on a universe of discourse holds total ordering,
which has a height (maximal membership value) equal
to one (i.e. normal fuzzy set), and having membership
grade of any elements between two arbitrary elements
grater than, or equal to the smaller membership grade
of the two arbitrary boundary elements (i.e. convex
fuzzy set).
Fuzzy Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI):
The most common fuzzy inference method. The fuzzy
conclusion is calculated as the fuzzy composition (Klir
& Folger, 1988) of the fuzzy observation and the fuzzy
rule base relation (see Fuzzy dot representation of
fuzzy rules). In case of the Zadeh - Mamdani - Larsen
max-min compositional rule of inference (Zadeh, 1973)
(Mamdani, 1975) (Larsen, 1980) the applied fuzzy
composition is the max-min composition of fuzzy relations (max stands for the applied s-norm and min
for the applied t-norm fuzzy operations).
Fuzzy Dot Representation of Fuzzy Rules: The
most common understanding of the If-Then fuzzy rules.

The fuzzy rules are represented as a fuzzy relation of

the rule antecedent and the rule consequent linguistic
terms. In case of the Zadeh - Mamdani - Larsen compositional rule of inference (Zadeh, 1973) (Mamdani, 1975)
(Larsen, 1980) the fuzzy rule relations are calculated
as the fuzzy cylindric closures (t-norm of the cylindric
extensions) (Klir & Folger, 1988) of the antecedent and
the rule consequent linguistic terms.
Fuzzy Rule Interpolation: A way for fuzzy inference by interpolation of the existing fuzzy rules based
on various distance and similarity measures of fuzzy
sets. A suitable method for handling sparse fuzzy rule
bases, since FRI methods can provide reasonable (interpolated/extrapolated) conclusions even if none of the
existing rules fires under the current observation.
Sparse Fuzzy Rule Base: A fuzzy rule base is
sparse, if an observation may exist, which hits no rule
antecedent. (The rule base is not complete.)
Vague Environment (VE): The idea of a VE is based
on the similarity (or in this case the indistinguishability)
of the considered elements. In VE the fuzzy membership
function A (x ) is indicating level of similarity of x to a
specific element a that is a representative or prototypical
element of the fuzzy set A (x ), or, equivalently, as the
degree to which x X is indistinguishable from a X
(Klawonn, 1994). Therefore the -cuts of the fuzzy set
A (x ) are the sets which contain the elements that are
1 -indistinguishable from a. Two values in a VE
are -distinguishable if their distance is greater than
. The distances in a VE are weighted distances. The
weighting factor or function is called scaling function
(factor) (Klawonn, 1994). If the VE of a fuzzy partition (the scaling function or at least the approximate
scaling function (Kovcs, 1996), (Kovcs & Kczy,
1997b)) exists, the member sets of the fuzzy partition
can be characterized by points in that VE.



Fuzzy Systems Modeling: An Introduction

Young Hoon Joo
Kunsan National University, Korea
Guanrong Chen
City University of Hong Kong, China

The basic objective of system modeling is to establish an input-output representative mapping that can
satisfactorily describe the system behaviors, by using
the available input-output data based upon physical
or empirical knowledge about the structure of the
unknown system.

Conventional system modeling techniques suggest
constructing a model described by a set of differential
or difference equations. This approach is effective
only when the underlying system is mathematically
well-defined and precisely expressible. They often
fail to handle uncertain, vague or ill-defined physical
systems, and yet most real-world problems do not obey
such precise, idealized, and subjective mathematical
rules. According to the incompatibility principle (Zadeh, 1973), as the complexity of a system increases,
humans ability to make precise and significant statements about its behaviors decreases, until a threshold
is reached beyond which precision and significance
become impossible. Under this principle, Zadeh (1973)
proposed a modeling method of human thinking with
fuzzy numbers rather than crisp numbers, which had
eventually led to the development of various fuzzy
modeling techniques later on.


Structure Identification
In structure identification of a fuzzy model, the first
step is to select some appropriate input variables from
the collection of possible system inputs; the second

step is to determine the number of membership functions for each input variable. This process is closely
related to the partitioning of input space. Input space
partitioning methods are useful for determining such
structures (Wang & Mendel, 1996).

Grid Partitioning
Figure 1 (a) shows a typical grid partition in a twodimensional input space. Fuzzy grids can be used to
generate fuzzy rules based on system input-output
training data. Also, a one-pass build-up procedure
can avoid the time-consuming learning process, but
its performance depends heavily on the definition of
the grid. In general, the finer the grid is, the better the
performance will be. Adaptive fuzzy grid partitioning
can be used to refine and even optimize this process.
In the adaptive approach, a uniformly partitioned grid
may be used for initialization. As the process goes on,
the parameters in the antecedent membership functions will be adjusted. Consequently, the fuzzy grid
evolves. The gradient descent method may then be
used to optimize the size and location of the fuzzy grid
regions and the overlapping degree among them. The
major drawback of this grid partition method is that
the performance suffers from an exponential explosion
of the number of inputs or membership functions as
the input variables increase, known as the curse of
dimensionality, which is a common issue for most
partitioning methods.

Tree Partitioning
Figure 1 (b) visualizes a tree partition. The tree partitioning results from a series of guillotine cuts. Each
region is generated by a guillotine cut, which is made
entirely across the subspace to be partitioned. At the
(k 1)st iteration step, the input space is partitioned
into k regions. Then a guillotine cut is applied to one of

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Fuzzy Systems Modeling

these regions to further partition the entire space into

k + 1 regions. There are several strategies for determining which dimension to cut, where to cut at each
step, and when to stop. This flexible tree partitioning
algorithm resolves the problem of curse of dimensionality. However, more membership functions are needed
for each input variable, and they usually do not have
clear linguistic meanings; moreover, the resulting fuzzy
model consequently is less descriptive.

Scatter Partitioning
Figure 1 (c) illustrates a scatter partition. This method
extracts fuzzy rules directly from numerical data (Abe
& Lan, 1995). Suppose that a one-dimensional output,
y, and an m-dimensional input vector, x, are available.
First, the output space is divided into n intervals, [y0,
y1], (y1, y2], , (yn1, yn], where the ith interval is
called output interval i. Then, activation hyperboxes
are determined, which define the input region corresponding to the output interval i, by calculating the
minimum and maximum values of the input data for
each output interval. If the activation hyperbox for the
output interval i overlaps with the activation hyperbox
for the output interval j, then the overlapped region
is defined as an inhibition hyperbox. If the input data
for output intervals i and/or j exist in the inhibition
hyperbox, then within this inhibition hyperbox one or
two additional activation hyperboxes will be defined.
Moreover, if two activation hyperboxes are defined and
they overlap, then an additional inhibition hyperbox

is further defined. This procedure is repeated until

overlapping is resolved.

Parameters Identification
After the system structure has been determined, parameters identification is in order. In this process, the
optimal parameters of a fuzzy model that can best
describe the input-output behavior of the underlying
system are searched by optimization techniques.
Sometimes, structure and parameters are identified under the same framework through fuzzy modeling. There are virtually many different approaches
to modeling a system using the fuzzy set and fuzzy
system theories (Chen & Pham, 1999, 2006), but the
classical least-squares optimization and the general
Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization techniques are
most popular. They are quite generic, effective, and
competitive with other successful non-fuzzy types of
optimization-based modeling methods such as neural
networks and statistical Monte Carlo.

An Approach Using Least-Squares

A fuzzy system can be described by the following
generic form:

f ( x) = A k g k ( x) = A g ( x)

k =1


Figure 1. Three typical MISO partitioning methods

(a) fuzzy grid

(b) tree partition

(c) scatter partition


Fuzzy Systems Modeling

where A = [A1 ,,A m ] are constant coefficients and

g k ( x) =

in=1M X kj ( x)


k =1

i =1

), k = 1,,m

M X kj ( x)


, ,
kj which () are
j ),
are the basis functions, in
thej chosen
membership functions. Suppose that the real system
output is

y (t ) = A k g k ( x) + e(t )


k =1

where y(t) is the system output and e(t) represents the

modeling error, which is assumed to be uncorrelated
with the fuzzy basis functions {g k ()}mk=1 in this
Suppose that n pairs of system input-output data
are given: (xd(ti), yd(ti)), i = 1,,n. The goal is to find
the best possible fuzzy basis functions, such that the
total least-squares error between the data set and the
system outputs { y (ti )}in=1 is minimized. To do so, the
linear model (3) is first written in a matrix form over
the time domain t1 < < tn, namely,

form of (2) with m = n in this discussion, and initially

with ckj = 1, xkj = xk (t j ) , and
S kj =


[ max{ x (t ), j = 1,, n}

min{ xk (t j ), j = 1,, n}

g1 (t1 ) g m (t1 )

G := [ g 1 ,, g n ] =
g1 (tn ) g m (t1 )

, k = 1,, n

where ml is the number of the basis functions in

the final expression, which is determined by the
designer based on experience (usually, ml < n).

After choosing the initial fuzzy basis functions,

the next step is to select the most significant ones
among them. This process is based on the classical
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, while ckj, xkj , and
kj are all fixed:

Step 1. For j = 1, compute

(i )

w1 = g i ( x d ) = [ g i ( xd (t1 )),, g i ( xd (tn ))]T

(i )

(i )

( w1 )T y d
(i )

(i )

( w1 )T w1

y = GA + e

where y = [y(t1), ,y(tn)]T, e = [e(t1), , e(tn)]T, and

E1i = (h1( i ) ) 2

(i )

(i )

( w1 )T w1
yd yd

(1 i n) where

with gj = [gj(t1), , gj(tn)]T, j = 1, , n.

The first step is to transform the set of numbers,
gi(tj), i = 1, , m, j = 1, , n, into a set of orthogonal
basis vectors, and only significant basis vectors are used
to form the final least-squares optimization. Here, the
Gaussian membership functions

M X kj ( xk ) = ckj exp (xk xkj / S kj) / 2


x d = [ xd (t1 ),, xd (tn )]T and

y d = [ yd (t1 ),, yd (tn )]T

are the input-output data set. Then, compute

E1( i1 ) = max{E1(i ) : 1 i n}

and let
(i )

w1 = w1 1 = g i and h1 = h1(i1 ) .

are used as an example to illustrate the computational

One approach to initializing the fuzzy basis functions is to choose n initial basis functions, gk(x), in the

Step 2. For each j, 2 j ml, compute


ckj(i ) =

wk g i

wk wk

Fuzzy Systems Modeling

GA can be used to find an optimal or suboptimal fuzzy

model to describe a given system without manual design
(Joo, Hwang, Kim & Woo, 1997; Liska & Melsheimer,
1994; Soucek & Group, 1992). In addition, GA fuzzy
modeling method can be integrated with other components of a fuzzy system, so as to achieve overall superior
performance in control and automation.

w j = g i k =1 ckj(i ) wk
j 1

(i )

(i )

(i )

h =

( w j )T y d
(i )

(i )

( w j )T w j

(i )

E (ji ) = (h (j i ) ) 2

(i )

( w j )T w j

Genetic Algorithm Preliminaries

yd yd

(i )

E k j = max E (ji ) : 1 i n; i i1 ,, i i j 1

where E (ij ) represents the error-reduction ratio due

(i )
to w j . Pick
(i )

w j = w j j and hk = hk(i j ) .

Step 3. Solve equation

A( m l ) A

( ml )


( ml )

for a solution A
where h

( ml )

( ml )

( ml )

= [A1( ml ) ,,A m( ml l ) ]T ,

= [h1 ,, hml ]T and

1 c12(i2 )

0 1

0 0

(i )
(i )
c2 mmll

(i )
1 cmlml 1, ml

c13(i3 )
( i3 )

The final result is obtained as


f ( x) = A k( ml ) g ik ( x)
k =1

An Approach Using Genetic Algorithms

The parameter identification procedure is generally very
tedious for a large-scale complex system, for which the
GA approach has some attractive features such as its
great flexibility and robust optimization ability (Man,
Tang, Kwong & Halang, 1997).
GA is attributed to Holland (1975), which was applied to fuzzy modeling and fuzzy control in the 1980s.

GA provides an optimization method, with a stochastic

search algorithm, based on some common biological
principles of selection, crossover and mutation. A GA
algorithm encodes each point in a solution space into
a string composing of binary or real values, called a
chromosome. Each point is assigned a fitness value from
zero to one, which is usually taken to be the same as
the objective function to be maximized. A GA scheme
keeps a set of points as a population, which is evolved
repeatedly toward a better and possibly the best fitness value. In each generation, GA generates a new
population using genetic operators such as crossover
and mutation. Through these operations, individuals
with higher fitness values are more likely to survive
and to participate in the next genetic operations. After
a number of generations, individuals with higher fitness values are kept in the population while the others
are eliminated. GA, therefore, can ensure a gradual
increasing of improving solutions, till a desired optimal
or suboptimal solution is obtained.
Basic GA Elements
A simple genetic algorithm (SGA) was first described
by Goldberg (1989) and is used here for illustration,
with a pseudo-code shown below, where the population
at time t is a time function, P = P(t), with a random
initial population P(0).
Procedure GA
Initialize P(t)
Evaluate P(t)
While not finished do
Reproduce P(t) from P(t 1)
Crossover individuals in P(t)

Fuzzy Systems Modeling


Mutate individuals in P(t)

Evaluate P(t)

Population Representation and Initialization

Individuals are encoded as strings (i.e., chromosomes)
composing of some alphabets, so that the genotypes
(chromosome values) are uniquely mapped onto the
decision variable (phenotype) domain. The most commonly used representation in GA is the binary alphabet,
{0,1}; others are ternary, integer, real-valued, etc.
(Takagi & Sugeno, 1985).
The search process, described below, will operate
on these encoding decision variables rather than the
decision variables themselves, except when real-valued
genes are used. After a representation method has been
chosen to use, the first step in the SGA is to create an
initial population, by generating the required number
of individuals via a random number generator which
uniformly distributes initial numbers in the desired
Objective and Fitness Functions
The objective function is used to measure the performance of the individuals over the problem domain.
The fitness function is used to transform the objective function value into a measure of relative fitness;
mathematically, F(x) = g(f(x)), where f is the objective
function, g is the transform that maps the value of f to
a nonnegative number, and F is the resulting relative
fitness. In general, the fitness function value corresponds to the number of offspring, and an individual
can expect to produce this value in the next generation.
A commonly used transform is the proportional fitness
assignment, defined by
F ( xi ) = f ( xi ) / i =1 f ( xi )

where N is the population size and xi is the phenotypic

value of individual i, i = 1,, N.
Although the above fitness assignment ensures that
each individual has a certain probability of reproduction
according to its relative fitness, it does not account for
negative objective function values. A linear transform,
which offsets the objective function, is often used prior

to the fitness assignment. It takes the form

F(x) = fa(x) + b,
where a is a positive scaling factor if the optimization
is to maximize the objective function but is negative if
it is a minimization, and the offset b is used to ensure
that the resulting fitness values are all negative.
Then, the selection algorithm selects individuals for
reproduction on the basis of their relative fitness.
Once each individual has been assigned a fitness value,
they can be chosen from the population with a probability according to their relative fitness. They can then
be recombined to produce the next generation.
Most widely used genetic operators in GA are selection, crossover, and mutation operators. They are often
run simultaneously in an GA program.
Selection is the process of determining the number
of trials in which a particular individual is chosen
for reproduction. Thus, it is the number of offspring
that an individual will produce in the mating pool, a
temporary population where crossover and mutation
operations are applied to each individual. The selection
of individuals has two separate processes:

determination of the number of trials an individual

can expect to receive;
conversion of the expected number of trials into
a discrete number of offspring.

Crossover (Recombination)
The crossover operator defines the procedure for
generating children from two parents. Analogous to
biological crossover, it exchanges genes at a randomly
selected crossover point from also randomly selected
parents in the mating pool to generate children.
A common method is the following: Parent chromosomes are cut at randomly selected points, which
can be more than one, to exchange their genes at some
specified crossover points with a user-specified crossover probability. This crossover method is categorized
into single-point crossover and multi-point crossover

Fuzzy Systems Modeling

according to the number of crossover points. Uniform

crossover often works well with small populations of
chromosomes and for simpler problems (Soucek &
Group, 1992).

Figure 2. A chromosome structure for fuzzy modeling

Mutation operation is randomly applied to individuals,
so as to change their gene value with a mutation probability, Pm, which is very low in general.
GA Parameters
The choice of the mutation probability Pm and the
crossover probability Pc as two control parameters can
be a complex nonlinear optimization problem. Their
settings are critically dependent upon the nature of the
objective function. This selection issue still remains
open to better resolutions. One suggestion is that for
large population size (say 100), crossover rate is 0.6
and mutation rate is 0.001, while for small population
size (such as 30), crossover rate is 0.9 and mutation
rate is 0.01 (Zalzala & Fleming, 1997).

GA-Based Fuzzy System Modeling

In GA, parameters for a given problem are represented
by the chromosome. This chromosome may contain
one or more substrings. Each chromosome contains
a possible solution to the problem. Fitness function is
used to evaluate how well a chromosome solves the
problem. In the GA-based approach for fuzzy modeling,
each chromosome represents a specific fuzzy model,
and the ultimate goal is to carefully design a good
(ideally optimal) chromosome to represent a desired
fuzzy model.
Chromosome Structure
As an example, consider a simple fuzzy model with
only one rule, along with the scatter partition to be
encoded to a chromosome.
Suppose that both real number coding and integer
number coding are used. The structure and the parameters of the fuzzy model are encoded into one or
more substrings in the chromosome. A chromosome is
composed of two substrings (candidate substring and
decision substring) and these substrings are divided

into two parts (IF part and THEN part), as shown in

Fig. 2.
The candidate substring is encoded by real numbers,
as shown in Fig. 3 (a). It contains the candidates for
the parameters of a membership function in the IF part,
and the fuzzy singleton membership function in the
THEN part. Figure 3 describes the coding format of a
candidate substring in a chromosome, where n is the
number of input variables, r the number of candidates
for parameters in the IF part, and s the number of candidates for the real numbers in the THEN part.
Decision substrings are encoded by integers, which
determine the structure and the number of rules, by
choosing one of the parameters in the candidate substrings, as illustrated by Fig. 3 (b).
The decision substrings for the IF part determine the
premise structure of the fuzzy rule base. It is composed
of n genes that take integer values (alleles) between 0
and r. According to this value, an appropriate parameter in the candidate substring is selected. A zero value
means that the related input is not included in the rule.
A decision substring for the THEN part is composed
of c (the maximum number of rules) genes that take
the integer values between 0 and s, which chooses
appropriate values from the candidate substring for
the THEN part. In this substring, the gene taking the
zero value deletes the related rule. Therefore, these
substrings determine the structure of the THEN part
and the number of rules. Figure 4 illustrates an example
of decoding the chromosome, with the resulting fuzzy
rule shown in Fig. 5.


Fuzzy Systems Modeling

Figure 3. Two basic functions in a chromosome

(a) The candidate substrings

(b) The decision substrings

Fitness Function
To measure the performance of the GA-based fuzzy
modeling, an objective function is defined for optimization, which is chosen by the designer and usually is
a least-squares matching measure of the form
1 n
J = ( yi yid ) 2
n i =1

where {yi} and { y } are the fuzzy model outputs and

desired outputs, respectively, and n is the number of
the data used.

Since GA is guided by the fitness values and requires

literally no limit on the formulation of its performance
measure, one can incorporate more information about
a fuzzy model into the fitness function: f = g(Jstructure,
Jaccuracy, ). One example of a fitness function is
f (J ) =

L 1 L
J 1+ c ,

where [0,1] is the weighting factor (a large gives

a highly accurate model but requires a large number of
rules), and c is the maximum number of rules. When
the fitness function is evaluated over an empty set, it is

Fuzzy Systems Modeling

Figure 4. An example of genetic decoding process

Figure 5. The first fuzzy rule obtained by the decoding processes

undefined; but in this case one may introduce a penalty

factor, 0 < p < 1, and compute p f(J) instead of f(J).
If an individual with a very high fitness value appears
at the earlier stage, this fitness function may cause
early convergence of the solution, thereby stopping
the algorithm before optimality is reached. To avoid
this situation, the individuals may be sorted according
to their raw fitness values, and the new fitness values
are determined recursively by

f1 = 1, f2 = fa1 = a,..., fm = am
for a fitness scaling factor a (0,1).
GA-Based Fuzzy Modeling with Fine Tuning
GA generally does not guarantee the convergence to a
global optimum. In order to improve this, the gradient
descent method can be used to fine tune the parameters

Fuzzy Systems Modeling

identified by GA. Since GA usually can find a near

global optimum, to this end fine tuning of the membership function parameters in both IF and THEN parts,
e.g., by a gradient descent method, can generally lead
to a global optimization (Chang, Joo, Park & Chen,
2002; Goldberg, 1989).

This will be further discussed elsewhere in the future.

Fuzzy systems identification is an important and yet
challenging subject for research, which calls for more
efforts from the control theory and intelligent systems
communities, to reach another high level of efficiency
and success.

S. Abe & M. S. Lan (1995). Fuzzy rules extraction
directly from numerical data for function approximation. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.
25: 119-129.
W. Chang, Y. H. Joo, J. B. Park & G. Chen (2002).
Design of robust fuzzy-model-based controller with
sliding mode control for SISO nonlinear systems. Fuzzy
Sets and Systems. 125:1-22.
G. Chen & T. T. Pham (1999). Introduction to Fuzzy
Sets, Fuzzy Logic, and Fuzzy Control Systems. CRC

J. Liska & S. S. Melsheimer (1994). Complete design

of fuzzy logic systems using genetic algorithms. Proc.
of IEEE Conf. on Fuzzy Systems. 1377-1382.
K. F. Man, K. S. Tang, S. Kwong & W. A. Halang
(1997). Genetic Algorithms for Control and Signal
Processing. Springer.
B. Soucek & T. I. Group (1992). Dynamic Genetic and
Chaotic Programming. Wiley.
W. Spears & V. Anand (1990). The use of crossover in
genetic programming. NRL Technical Report, AI Center,
Naval Research Labs, Washington D. C.
T. Takagi & M. Sugeno (1985) Fuzzy identification of
systems and its applications to modeling and control.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 15:
L. X. Wang & J. M. Mendel (1996). Generating fuzzy
rules by learning from examples. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 22:1414-1427.
L. A. Zadeh (1973). Outline of a new approach to the
analysis of complex systems and decision processes.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 3:
A. M. S. Zalzala & P. J. Fleming (1997) Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems. IEE Press.

Fuzzy Rule: A logical rule established based on
fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy System: A system formulated and described
by fuzzy set-based real-valued functions.

G. Chen & T. T. Pham (2006). Introduction to Fuzzy

Systems. CRC Press.

Genetic Algorithm: An optimization scheme based

on biological genetic evolutionary principles.

E. Goldberg (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley.

Least-Squares Algorithm: An optimization

scheme that minimizes the square of the sum of the
approximation errors.

J. H. Holland (1975). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. MIT Press.

Y. H. Joo, H. S. Hwang, K.B. Kim & K.B. Woo (1997)
Fuzzy system modeling by fuzzy partition and GA hybrid schemes. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 86: 279-288.

Parameter Identification: Find appropriate parameter values in a mathematical model.

Structure Identification: Find a mathematical
representation of the unknown systems structure.

Fuzzy Systems Modeling

System Modeling: A mathematical formulation of

an unknown physical system or process.



Gene Regulation Network Use for Information

Enrique Fernandez-Blanco
University of A Corua, Spain
J. Andrs Serantes
University of A Corua, Spain

From the unicellular to the more complex pluricellular
organism needs to process the signals from its environment to survive. The computation science has already
observed, that fact could be demonstrated remembering
the artificial neural networks (ANN). This computation
tool is based on the nervous system of the animals, but
not only the nervous cells process information in an
organism. Every cell has to process the development
and functioning plan encoded at its DNA and every
one of these cells executes this program in parallel
with the others. Another interesting characteristic of
natural cells is that they form systems that are tolerant
to partial failures: small errors do not induce a global
collapse of the system.
The present work proposes a model that is based on
DNA information processing, but adapting it to general information processing. This model can be based
on a set of techniques called Artificial Embryogeny
(Stanley K. & Miikkulainen R. 2003) which adapts
characteristics from the biological cells to solve different problems.

The Evolutionary Computation (EC) field has given rise
to a set of models that are grouped under the name of
Artificial Embryology (AE), first introduced by Stanley
and Miikkulainnen (Stanley K. & Miikkulainen R.
2003). This group refers to all the models that try to apply
certain characteristics of biological embryonic cells to
computer problem solving, i.c. self-organisation, failure
tolerance, and parallel information processing.
The work on AE has two points of view. On the one
hand can be found the grammatical models based on
L-systems (Lindenmayer A. 1968) which do a top-down

approach to the problem. On the other hand can be

found the chemical models based on the Turings ideas
(Turing A. 1952) which do a down-top approach.
The grammatically approach, some times, has used
the models for study the evolution of ANN, which is
known as neuroevolution. The first neuroevolution
system was development by Kitano (Kitano, H. 1990).
In this work Kitano shows that it was possible to evolve
the connectivity matrix of ANN through a set of rewrite
rules. Another remarkable work is the application of
L-systems do by Hornby and Pollack (Hornby, G. S.
& Pollack J. B. 2002). At this work they simultaneously evolved the body morphologies and the neural
network of artificial creatures in a simulated 3D physical
environment. Finally, mention the works carry out by
Gruau (Gruau F. 1994) where the author uses grammar
trees to encode steps in the development of a neural
network from a single antecesor cell.
On the chemical approach, the starting point of this
field can be found in the modelling of gene regulatory
networks, performed by Kauffmann in 1969 (Kauffman
S.A. 1969). After that, several works were carried out
on subjects such as the complex behaviour generated
by the fact that the differential expression of certain
genes has a cascade influence on the expressions of
others (Mjolsness E., Sharp D.H., & Reinitz J. 1995).
Considering the gene regulatory networks works, the
most relevant models are the following: the Kumar and
Bentley model (Kumar S. & Bentley P.J 2003), which
uses the theory of fractal proteins Bentley, P.J., Kumar,
S. 1999; for the calculation of protein concentration;
the Eggenberger model (Eggenberger P. 1996), which
uses the concepts of cellular differentiation and cellular
movement to determine cell connections; and the work
of Dellaert and Beer (Dellaert F. & Beer R.D. 1996),
who propose a model that incorporates the idea of
biological operons to control the model expression,
where the function assumes the mathematical meaning
of a Boolean function.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Gene Regulation Network Use


The cells of a biological system are mainly determined
by the DNA strand, the genes, and the proteins contained
by the cytoplasm. The DNA is the structure that holds
the gene-encoded information that is needed for the
development of the system. The genes are activated or
transcribed thanks to the protein shaped-information
that exists in the cytoplasm, and consist of two main
parts: the sequence, which identifies the protein that
will be generated if the gene is transcribed, and the
promoter, which identifies the proteins that are needed
for gene transcription.
Another remarkable aspect of biological genes is the
difference between constitutive genes and regulating
genes. The latter are transcribed only when the proteins
identified in the promoter part are present. The constitutive genes are always transcribed, unless inhibited by
the presence of the proteins identified in the promoter
part, acting then as gene oppressors.
The present work has tried to partially model this
structure with the aim of fitting some of its abilities into
a computational model; in this way, the system would
have a structure similar that is similar to the above and
will be detailed in the next section.

Various model variants were developed on the basis

of biological concepts. The proposed artificial cellular
system is based on the interaction of artificial cells
by means of messages that are called proteins. These
cells can divide themselves, die, or generate proteins

Figure 1. Structure of a system gene





P rom oters


Proposed Model

C ons tituent

that will act as messages for themselves as well as for

neighbour cells.
The system is supposed to express a global behaviour
towards the information processing. Such behaviour
would emerge from the information encoded in a set of
variables of the cell that, in analogy with the biological
cells, will be named genes.
The central element of our model is the artificial cell.
Every cell has a binary string-encoded information for
the regulation of its functioning. Following the biological analogy, this string will be called DNA. The cell also
has a structure for the storage and management of the
proteins generated by the own cell and those received
from neighbourhood cells; following the biological
model, this structure is called cytoplasm.
The DNA of the artificial cell consists of functional
units that are called genes. Each gene encodes a protein
or message (produced by the gene). The structure of a
gene has four parts (see Figure 1):

S equenc e



Sequence: the binary string that corresponds to

the protein that encodes the gene
Promoters: is the gene area that indicates the
proteins that are needed for the genes transcription.
Constituent: this bit identifies if the gene is constituent or regulating
Activation percentage (binary value): the percentage of minimal concentration of promoters
proteins inside the cell that causes the transcription
of the gene.

The transcription of the encoded protein occurs

when the promoters of the non-constituent genes appear in a certain rate at the cellular cytoplasm. On the
other hand, the constituent genes are expressed until
such expression is inhibited by the present rate of the
promoter genes.
The other fundamental element for keeping and
managing the proteins that are received or produced by
the artificial cell is the cytoplasm. The stored proteins
have a certain life time before they are erased. The
cytoplasm checks which and how many proteins are
needed for the cell to activate the DNA genes, and as
such responds to all the cellular requirements for the
concentration of a given type of protein. The cytoplasm
also extracts the proteins from the structure in case they
are needed for a gene transcription.

A c tiv ation P roteins


Gene Regulation Network Use

Figure 2. Logical operators match

This analogous functioning seems to indicate that the

system could execute more complex tasks, as ANNs
do (Hassoun M.H. 1995).

G e n e S tru ctu re

C ons tituent

P rom oter

S equenc e

F als e


F als e

F als e

T rue

The Information Processing Capacities

The biological cells, besides generating structures, work
as small processors for parallel information handling
with the remaining cells. The information that they
process comes from their own generation and from
their environment. On the basis of this fact, the present
work has explored the generation capabilities of the
model structure, although using the gene and protein
structure, an operation set with Boolean algebra-like
structure might be defined.
The space for the definition of the operations would
be the presence or absence of certain proteins into the
system, whereas the operation result would be the
protein contained/encoded at the gene. The AND operation (see Figure 2) would be modelled with a gene
that would need for its expression all the proteins of
its promoters. The OR operation would be modelled
with two genes that, despite their different promoters,
result in the same protein. Finally, the NOT operation
would be modelled with the constituent part, which
changes the performance of that gene. The presence of
proteins belonging to the promoters would imply the
absence of the gene resulting protein at the system. This
behaviour is similar to the gene regulatory networks
(Kauffman S.A. 1969).
The Artificial Neuron Networks (ANNs) can be
configured for carrying out these processing tasks.


The final objective of this group is to develop an artificial model which is based on the biologically model
with a processing information capacity similar to the
ANN. In order to archive this objective some simple
tests have been developed to check the functioning of
the model. The result of these tests show that is possible to process information using the gene regulatory
network as the basing system.
From this point of development, the next steps of
development must go in order to develop more complex
task and to study the functioning of the model. Other
objective for future works can be the combination of
the process information capacities of the model with
the generating structure capacities presented in (Fernndez-Blanco E., Dorado J., Rabual J.R., Gestal M. &
Pedreira N. 2007).

At this work some properties of biological cells have
been adapted to an artificial model. In particular the
gene regulatory network idea was adapted to processing information. This adaptation has its bases on using
the transcription rule to determine a boolean algebra
like structure. The result of this adaptation is that,
now, we can use it to develop processing information
tests and.
Finally comment that this new way of generation
processing information networks has a lot of test and
studies to do until it is stabilized as a consolidated
technique for information processing.

Bentley, P.J., Kumar, S. (1999) Three ways to grow
designs: A comparation of three embryogenies for an
evolutionary design problem. In Proceedings of Genetic
and Evolutionay Computation.

Gene Regulation Network Use

Dellaert F. & Beer R.D. (1996) A Developmental Model

for the Evolution of Complete Autonomous Agent In
From animals to animats: Proceedings of the Forth
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior, Massachusetts, September 9-13, pp. 394401, MIT Press.
Eggenberger P. (1996) Cell Interactions as a Control
Tool of Developmental Processes for Evolutionary
Robotics. In From animals to animats: Proceedings of
the Forth International Conference on Simulation of
Adaptive Behavior, Massachusetts, September 9-13,
pp. 440-448, MIT Press.
Fernndez-Blanco E., Dorado J., Rabual J.R., Gestal
M. & Pedreira N. (2007) A New Evolutionary Computation Technique for 2D Morphogenesis and Information Processing. WSEAS Transactions on Information
Science & Applications vol. 4(3) pp.600-607, WSEAS
Gruau F. (1994)Neural network synthesis using cellular
encodingand the genetic algorithm. Doctoral dissertation, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France.
Hassoun M.H. (1995) Fundamentals of Artificial Neural
Networks. University of Michigan Press, MA, USA
Hornby, G. S. & Pollack J. B. (2002) Creating high-level
components with a generative representation for body
brain evolution. Artificial Life vol.8 issue 3.
Kauffman, S.A. (1969) Metabolic stability and epigenesis in randomly constructed genetic nets. Journal
of Theoretical Biology 22 pp. 437-467.

Lindenmayer, A. (1968) Mathematical models for

cellular interaction in development: Part I and II.
Journal of Theorical Biology. Vol. 18 pp. 280-299,
pp. 300-315.
Mjolsness, E., Sharp, D.H., & Reinitz, J. (1995) A Connectionist Model of Development. Journal of Theoretical
Biology 176: 291-300.
Stanley, K. & Miikkulainen, R. (2003) A Taxonomy for
Artificial Embryogeny. In Proceedings Artificial Life
9, pp. 93-130. MIT Press.
Turing, A.(1952) The chemical basis of morphogenesis. Philosofical Transactions of the Royal Society B,
vol.237, pp. 37-72

Artificial Cell: Each of the elements that process
the orders codified into the DNA.
Artificial Embryogeny: Under this term are all the
processing models which use biological development
ideas as inspiration.
Cytoplasm: Part of an artificial cell which is responsible of management the protein-shaped messages.
DNA: Set of rules which are responsible of the
cell behaviour.
Gene: Each of the rules which codifies one action
of the cell.

Kitano, H. (1990). Designing neural networks using

genetic algorithm with dynamic graph generation
system. Complex Systems vol. 4 pp. 461-476

Gene Regulatory Network: Term that names the

connexion between the different genes of a DNA. The
connexion identifies the genes that are necessary for
the transcription of other ones.

Kumar, S. & Bentley P.J. (editors) (2003). On Growth,

Form and Computers. Academic Press. London UK.

Protein: This term identifies every kind of the messages that receives an artificial cell.



Genetic Algorithm Applications to

Optimization Modeling
Pi-Sheng Deng
California State University at Stanislaus, USA

Genetic algorithms (GAs) are stochastic search
techniques based on the concepts of natural population genetics for exploring a huge solution space in
identifying optimal or near optimal solutions (Davis,
1991)(Holland, 1992)(Reeves & Rowe, 2003), and are
more likely able to avoid the local optima problem than
traditional gradient based hill-climbing optimization
techniques when solving complex problems.
In essence, GAs are a type of reinforcement learning technique (Grefenstette, 1993), which are able to
improve solutions gradually on the basis of the previous solutions. GAs are characterized by their abilities
to combine candidate solutions to exploit efficiently a
promising area in the solution space while stochastically
exploring new search regions with expected improved
performance. Many successful applications of this technique are frequently reported across various kinds of
industries and businesses, including function optimization (Ballester & Carter, 2004)(Richter & Paxton, 2005),
financial risk and portfolio management (Shin & Han,
1999), market trading (Kean, 1995), machine vision and
pattern recognition (Vafaie & De Jong, 1998), document
retrieval (Gordon, 1988), network topological design
(Pierre & Legault, 1998)(Arabas & Kozdrowski, 2001),
job shop scheduling (zdamar, 1999), and optimization
for operating systems dynamic memory configuration
(Del Rosso, 2006), among others.
In this research we introduce the concept and components of GAs, and then apply the GA technique to
the modeling of the batch selection problem of flexible
manufacturing systems (FMSs). The model developed
in this paper serves as the basis for the experiment in
Deng (2007).

GAs were simulation techniques proposed by John
Holland in the 1960s (Holland, 1992). Basically, GAs

solve problems by maintaining and modifying a population of candidate solutions through the application
of genetic operators. During this process, beneficial
changes to parent solutions are combined into their
offspring in developing optimal or near-optimal solutions for the given task.
Intrinsically, GAs explore multiple potentially promising regions in the solution space at the same time,
and switch stochastically from one region to another
for performance improvement. According to Holland
(1992), regions in the solution space can be defined
by syntactic patterns of solutions, and each pattern is
called a schema. A schema represents the pattern of
common attributes or features of the solutions in the
same region. Let be an alphabet of symbols. A string
over an alphabet is a finite sequence of symbols from
the alphabet. An n-ary schema is defined as a string in
( {#})n, where # is used as a wildcard denotation for any symbol in .
Conceptually, n-ary schemata can be regarded as
defining hypersurfaces of an n-dimensional hypercube
that represents the space of all n-attribute solutions.
Individual solutions in the same region can be regarded as instances of the representing schema, and
an individual solution can belong to multiple schemata
at the same time. Actually, an n-attribute solution is a
member of 2n different schemata. Therefore, evaluating
a solution has the similar effect of sampling 2n regions
(i.e., schemata) at the same time, and this is the famous
implicit parallelism of genetic search. A population of
M solutions will contain at least 2n and at most M 2 n
schemata. Even for modest values of n and M, there will
be a large number of schemata available for processing
in the population. GAs perform an implicit parallel
search through the space of possible schemata in the
form of performing an explicit parallel search through
the space of individual solutions.
The problem solving process of GAs follows a
five-phase operational cycle: generation, evaluation,
selection, recombination (or crossover), and mutation.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

At first a population of candidate solutions is generated.

A fitness function or objective function is then defined,
and each candidate solution in the population is evaluated to determine its performance or fitness. Based on
the relative fitness value, two candidate solutions are
selected probabilistically as parents. Recombination
is then applied probabilistically to the two parents to
form two offspring, and each of the offspring solutions
contains some characteristics from its parent solutions.
After this, mutation is applied sparingly to components
of each offspring solution. The newly generated offspring are then used to replace the low-fitness members
in the population. This process is repeated until a new
population is formed. Through the above iterative cycles
of operations, GAs is able to develop better solutions
through progressive generations.
In order to prepare for the investigation of the effects
of genetic operations in the sequel of current research,
we apply the GA technique to the optimization modeling of manufacturing systems in next section.


Batch selection is one of the most critical tasks in the
development of a master production plan for flexible
manufacturing systems (FMSs). In the manufacturing
process, each product requires processing by different sets of tools on different machines with different
operations performed in a certain sequence. Each machine has its own limited space capacity in mounting
tools and limited amount of available processing time.
Under various kinds of resource constraints, choosing
an optimal batch of products to be manufactured in a
continuous operational process with the purpose to
maximize machine utilization or profits has made the
batch selection decision a very hard problem. While this
problem is usually manageable for manufacturing small
number of products, it quickly becomes intractable if
the number of products grows even slightly large. The
time required to solve the problem exhaustively would
grow in a non-deterministic polynomial manner with
the number of products to be manufactured.
Batch selection affects all the subsequent decisions in job shop scheduling for satisfying the master
production plan, and holds the key to the efficient
utilization of resources in generating production plans

for fulfilling production orders. In our formulation,

we use the following denotational symbols:

M: the cardinality of the the set of machines

T: the cardinality of the the set of tools available
P: the cardinality of the set of products to be
MachineUtilization: the function of total machine
processing_timeproduct,tool,machine: the time needed to
manufacture product product using tool tool on
machine machine
available_timemachine: the total available processing
time on machine machine
capacitymachine: the total number of slots available
on machine machine
machine, tool, product: indicators for machines,
tools, and products to be manufactured correspondingly
slottool: the number of slot required by machine
tool tool
quantityproduct: the quantity of product product to
be manufactured in a shift
Qproduct: the quantity of product product ordered by
customers as specified in the production table

Fitness (or Objective) Function

The objective is to identify a batch of products to be
manufactured so that the total machine utiliztion rate
will be maximized. See Exhibit A.
The above objective function is to be maximized
subject to the following resource constraints:

Machine capacity constraint (see Exhibit B)

The above function f() is used to determine if tool

tool needs to be mounted on machine machine for the
processing of the current batch of product.

Machine time constraint (see Exhibit C)

Non-negativity and integer contraints

The Encoder/Decoder is a representation scheme used
to determine how the problem is structured in the GA

Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

Exhibit A.
MachineUtilization(quantity1 , quantity2 ,....., quantity P ) =


machine =1 tool =1 product =1

processing _ time product ,tool ,machine quantity product


machine =1

available _ timemachine

Exhibit B.


tool =1





processing _ time

product =1

product ,tool ,1

quantity product ) capacity1


tool =1

processing _ time

product =1

product ,tool , M

quantity product ) capacity M

1, if y > 0
where f ( y ) =
0, if y = 0

Exhibit C.


product =1 tool =1

product ,tool ,1

quantity product available _ time1


product =1 tool =1

product ,tool , M

quantity product available _ time M

quantity product 0,
quantity product Q product , and
quantity product is an integer, for product = 1, 2, , P

system. The way in which candidate solutions are encoded is one of a central factor in the success of GAs
(Mitchell, 1996). Generally, the solution encoding can
be defined over an alphabet which might consist of
binary digits, continuous numbers, integers, or symbols.
However, choosing the best encoding scheme is almost
tantamount to solving the problem itself (Mitchell,
1996). In this research, our GA system is mainly based
on Holland's canonical model (Holland, 1992), which

is one of the most commonly used encoding schemes

in practicebinary encoding.
A candidate solution for the batch selection task is a
vector of quantities to be manufactured for P products.
Let the entire solution space be denoted as solution
(see Exhibit D).
The encoding function encodes the quantity to be
produced for each product as an l-bit binary string, and
then forms a concatenation of the strings for P products

Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

Exhibit D.
solution =

[0, 1,, Q

product =1


= {( quantity1 , , quantity P ) ({ 0} ) P | 0 quantity product Q product ,

quantity product is an integer, and product = 1, 2, , P}.

which are to be included in a production batch. Each

candidate solution (quantity1,,quantityP) is a string
of length lP over the binary alphabet ={0, 1}. Such
an encoded l-bit string has a value equal to

max {Q product } 2 l 1
product , if
product =1, 2 ,..., P

quantity product (2 l 1)
, otherwise.


max {Q product }
=1, 2 ,..., P

In the above formula, 2 1 is the value of an l
1 , and jk is the ceiling function. For
bit string 1
example, assume there are only two products to be
selected in a production batch with 200 units as the
largest possible quantity to be manufactured for each
product. A candidate solution consisting of quantities
100 and 51 for products 1 and 2 respectively will be
represented by a 16-bit string as 0110010000110011
with the first 8 bits representing product 1 and the
second 8 bits representing product 2.
After a new solution string is generated, it is then
decoded back to the format for the compuation of the
objective function and for the check of solution feasibility. Let each l-bit segment of a solution string be
denoted as string with string[i] as the value of the ith
bit in the l-bit segment. The decoding function converts
each l-bit string according to the following formula:

string[i ] 2 i 1 , if max {Q product } 2 l 1
product =1, 2 ,..., P
i =1

max {Q product }

i 1 product =1, 2 ,..., P
0.5, otherwise.
string[i ] 2
2 1

i =1

Five-Phase Genetic Operations

Our system follows the generation-evaluation-selection-crossover-mutation cycles in searching for appropriate solution strings for the batch selection task.
It starts with generating an initial population, Pop, of
pop_size candidate solution strings at random. In each
iteration of the operational cycle, each candidate solution string, si, in the current population is evaluated by
the fitness function.
Candidate solution strings in the current population
are selected probabilitistically on the basis of their fitness
values as seeds for generating the next generation. The
purpose of selection is to generate offspring of high
fitness value on the basis of the fitter members in the
current population. Actually, selection is the mechanism
that helps our GA system to exploit a promising region
in the solution space. There are several fitness-based
schemes for the selection process: Roulette-wheel
selection, rank-based selection, tournament selection,
and elitist selection (Goldberg, 1989)(Michalewicz,
1994). The first three methods randomly select candidate
solution strings for reproduction on the basis of either
the fitness value or the rank of individual strings. Best
members of the current population might be lost if they
are not selected to reproduce or if they are altered by
crossover (i.e., recombination) or mutation. The elitist
selection strategy is for the purpose of retaining some
of the fittest individuals from the current population.
Elitist selection retains a limited number of elite
solution strings, i.e., strings with the best fitness

Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

values, for passing to the next generation without

any modification. A fraction called the generation
gap is used to specify the proportion of the population to be replaced by offspring strings after each
iteration. Our GA system retains copies of the first
(1 generation _ gap ) pop _ size elitist members
of Pop for the formation of the next population,
For generating the rest of the members for Popnew,
the GA module will probabilitistically select:
generation _ gap pop _ size

pairs of solution strings from Pop for generating offspring strings. The probability of selecting a solution
string, si, from Pop is given by

Pr( si ) =

Fitness ( si )

pop _ size

j =1

Let the cumulative probability of individual solution

strings in the population be called Ci, and

C i = Pr(s j ),
j =1

for i = 1, 2,, pop_size. The solution string si will be

selected for reproduction if C i 1 < rand (0,1) C i .
In addition to exploiting a promising solution region
via the selection process, we also need to explore other
promising regions for possible better solutions. Exploitation without exploration will cause degeneration
for a population of solution strings, and might cause
the local optima problem for the system. Actually, the
capability of maintaining a balanced exploitation vs.
exploration is a major strength of the GA approach over
traditional optimization techniques. The exploration
function is achieved by the crossover and mutation
operators. These two operators generate offspring
solutions which belong to new schemata, and thus allow our system to explore other promising regions in
a solution sapce. This process also allows our system
to improve its performance stochastically.

Crossover recombines good solution strings in

the current population and proliferates the population
gradually with schemata of high fitness values. Crossover is commonly regarded as the most distinguishing
operator of GAs, and it usually interacts in a highly
intractable manner with fitness function, encoding, and
other details of a GA (Mitchell, 1996). Though various crossover operators have been proposed, there is
no general conclusions on when to use which type of
crossover (Michalewicz, 1994)(Mitchell, 1996).
In this paper, we adopt the standard one-point crossover for our GA system. For each pair of solution strings
selected for reproduction, the value of crossover_rate
determines the probability for their recombination. A
position in both candidate solution strings is randomly
selected as the crossover point. The parts of two parent
strings after the crossover position are exchanged to
form two offspring. Let k be the crossover point randomly generated from a uniform distribution ranging
from 1 to lP, where lP is the length of a solution string.
Let si = (x1, x2,, xk-1, xk,, xlP) and sj = (y1, y2,,
yk-1, yk,, ylP) represent a pair of candidate solution
strings selected for reproduction. Based on these two
strings, the crossover operator generates two offspring
si = ( x1, x2 , , xlP ) and sj = ( y1, y2 , , ylP ), where
x , if i < k
xi = i
yi , otherwise
y , if i < k
yi = i
xi , otherwise.

In other words, si = (x1, x2,, xk-1, yk,, ylP) and sj =

(y1, y2,, yk-1, xk,, xlP). These two oppspring are then
added to Popnew. This offspring-generating process is
repeated until there are generation _ gap pop _ size
offspring generated for Popnew.
With selection and crossover alone, our system
might occasionally develop a uniform population
which consists of the same solution strings. This will
blind our system to other possible solutions. Mutation,
which is the other operator applied to the reproduction
process, is used to help our system avoid the formation
of a uniform population by introducing diversity into a
population. It is generally believed that mutation alone
does not advance the search for a solution, and is usu-

Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

ally considered as a secondary role in the operation of

GAs (Goldberg, 1989). Usually, mutation is applied
to alter the bit value of a string in a population only
occasionally. Let mutation_rate be the probability of
mutation for each bit in a candidate solution string.
For each offspring string, s = ( x1, x2 , , xlP ), generated by the crossover operator for the new population
Popnew, the mutation operator will invert each bit
1 xi , if rand (0,1) < mutation _ rate
xi =
xi , otherwise.

The probability of mutation for a candidate solution

string is 1 (1 mutation _ rate)lP .
The above processes constitute an operational cycle
of our system. These operations are repeated until the
termination criterion is reached, and the result is passed
to the Decoder for decoding. The decoded result is then
presented to the decision maker for further consideration
in the final decision. If current solution is not satisfactory to the decision maker, the current solution can be
modified by the decision maker, and then entered into
the GA system to initiate another run of search process
for satisfactory solutions.


In this paper we designed a GA-based system for the
batch selection problem of flexible manufacturing
systems. In our design we adopted a binary encoding
scheme, the elitist selection strategy, a single-point
crossover strategy, and a uniform random mutation
for the batch selection problem.
The performance of GAs is usually influenced by
various parameters and the complicated interactions
among them, and there are several issues worth further
investigation. With the availability of a larger pool of
diverse schemata in a larger population, our GA system
will have a broader view of the landscape (Holland,
1992) of the solution space, and is thus more likely to
contain representative solutions from a large number of
hyperplanes. This advantage gives GAs more chances
of discovering better solutions in the solution space.
However, Davis (1991) argues that the most effective
population size is dependent upon the nature of the
problem, the representation formalism, and the GA

operators. Still, Schaffer et al. (1991) asserted that the

best settings for population size is independent of the
problems. In the sequel of this paper, we will conduct
a sequence of experiment to systematically analyze the
influence of the population size on GA performance,
by using the batch-selection model peoposed in this
paper, so that we can be more conclusive on the issue
of the effective population size.

Arabas, J., & Kozdrowski, S. (2001). Applying an
Evolutionary Algorithm to Telecommunication Network Design. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation. (5)4, 309-322.
Ballester, P.J., & Carter, J.N. (2004). An Effective
Real-Parameter Genetic Algorithm with Parent Centric Normal Crossover for Multimodal Optimisation.
Proceedings of the 2004 GECCO. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. 901-913.
Davis, L. (Editor) (1991). Handbook of Genetic Algorithms. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Del Rosso, C. (2006). Reducing Internal Fragmentation
in Segregated Free Lists Using Genetic Algorithms.
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM Workshop on Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Research.
Deng, P-S. (2007). A Study of the Performance Effect
of Genetic Operators. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Dopico, J.R.R., de la Calle, J.D. & Sierra, A.P.
(Editors), Harrisburg, PA: IDEA.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithm in Search,
Optimization, and Machine Learning. Reading, MA:
Gordon, M. (1988). Probabilistic and Genetic Algorithms for Document Retrieval. Communications of
the ACM. (31)10, 1208-1218.
Grefenstette, J.J. (1993). Introduction to the Special
Track on Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Expert. October,
Holland, J. (1992). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Genetic Algorithm Applications to Optimization Modeling

Kean, J. (1995). Genetic Algorithms for Market Trading. AI in Finance. Winter, 25-29.


Michalewicz, Z. (1994). Genetic Algorithms + Data

Structures = Evolution Programs. New York, NY:

Batch Selection: Selecting the optimal set of products to produce, with each product requiring a set of
resources, under the system capacity constraints

Mitchell, M. (1996). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Fitness Functions: The objective function of the

GA for evaluating a population of solutions

zdamar, L. (1999). A Genetic Algorithm Approach

to a General Category Project Scheduling Problem.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
(29)1, 44-59.

Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A manufacturing system which maintains the flexibility of order
of operations and machine assignment in reacting
to planned or unplanned changes in the production

Pierre, S., & Legault, G. (1998). A Genetic Algorithm for

Designing Distributed Computer Network Topologies.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
(28) 249-258.
Reeves, C.R., & Rowe, J.E. (2003). Genetic Algorithms
- Principles and Perspectives. Boston, MA: Kluwer
Richter, J.N., & Paxton, J. (2005). Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms on Unitation, Royal Road and Longpath
Functions. Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Shin, K.S., & Han, I. (1999). Case-Based Reasoning
Supported by Genetic Algorithms for Corporate Bond
Rating. Expert Systems With Applications. (16)2, 8595.
Vafaie, H., & De Jong, K.A. (1998). Feature Space
Transformation Using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Intelligent Systems. (13)2, 57-65.


Genetic Algorithms: A stochastic search method

which applies genetic operators to a population of
solutions for progressively generating optimal or nearoptimal solutions
Genetic Operators: Selection, crossover, and
mutation, for combining and refining solutions in a
Implicit Parallelism: A property of the GA which
allows a schema to be matched by multiple candidate
solutions simultaneously without even trying
Landscape: A function plot showing the state as
the location and the objective function value as the
Reinforcement Learning: A learning method
which interprets feedback from an environment to
learn optimal sets of condition/response relationships
for problem solving within that environment
Schemata: A general pattern of bit strings that is
made up of 1, 0, and #, used as a building block for
solutions of the GA


Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Sensor

Joo H. Kleinschmidt
State University of Campinas, Brazil

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large
number of low-cost and low-power sensor nodes.
Some of the applications of sensor networks are environmental observation, monitoring disaster areas
and so on. Distributed evolutionary computing is a
poweful tool that can be applied to WSNs, because
these networks require algorithms that are capable of
learning independent of the operation of other nodes
and also capable of using local information (Johnson,
Teredesai & Saltarelli, 2005). Evolutionary algorithms
must be designed for the resource constraints present in
WSNs. This article describes how genetic algorithms
can be used in WSNs design in order to satisfy energy
conservation and connectivity constraints.

The recent advances in wireless communications and
digital electronics led to the implementation of low
power and low cost wireless sensors. A sensor node
must have components for sensing, data processing
and communication. These devices can be grouped to
form a sensor network (Akyildiz, Sankarasubramaniam & Cayirci, 2002) (Callaway 2003). The network
protocols, such as formation algorithms, routing and
management, must have self-organizing capabilities. In

general, sensor networks have some features that differ

from traditional wireless networks in some aspects:
the number of sensor nodes can be very high; sensor
nodes are prone to failures; sensor nodes are densely
deployed; the topology of the network can change
frequently; sensor nodes are limited in computational
capacities, memory and energy.
The major challenge in the design of WSNs is the
fact that energy resources are significantly more limited
than in wired networks and other types of wireless
networks. The battery of the sensors in the network
may be difficult to recharge or replace, causing severe
limitations in the communication and processing time
between all sensors in the network. Thus, the main
parameter to optimize for is the network lifetime, or
the time until a group of sensors runs out of energy.
Another issue in WSN design is the connectivity of
the network according to the selected communication
protocol. Usually, the protocol follows the cluster-based
architecture, where single hop communication occurs
between sensors of a cluster and a selected cluster head
sensor that collects all information obtained by the
other sensors in its cluster. This architecture is shown
in Figure 1. Since the purpose of the sensor network
is the collection and management of measured data for
some particular application, this collection must meet
specific requirements depending on the type of data.
These requirements are turned into application specific
parameters of the network.

Figure 1. Cluster-based sensor network

Cluster 1

cluster head
sensor node

Cluster 2

Cluster 3


Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks


A WSN designer who takes into account all the design
issues deals with more than one non-linear objective
functions or design criteria which should be optimized
simultaneously. Therefore, the focus of the problem is
how to find many near-optimal non-dominated solutions in a practically acceptable computational time
(Jourdan & de Weck, 2004) (Weise, 2006) (Ferentinos
& Tsiligiridis, 2007). There are several interesting
approaches to tackling such problems, but one of the
most powerful heuristics, which is also appropriate
to apply in the multi-objective optimization problem,
is based on genetic algorithms (GA) (Ferentinos &
Tsiligiridis, 2007).
Genetic algorithms have been used in many fields
of science to derive solutions for any type of problems
(Goldberg 1989) (Weise, 2006). They are particularly
useful in applications involving design and optimization, where there are large numbers of variables and
where procedural algorithms are either non-existent or
extremely complicated (Khana, Liu & Chen, 2006),
(Khana, Liu & Chen, 2007). In nature, a species adapts
to an environment because the individuals that are the
fittest in respect to that environment will have the best
chance to reproduce, possibly creating even fitter child.
This is the basic idea of genetic evolution. Genetic
algorithms start with an initial population of random
solution candidates, called individuals or chromosomes.
In the case of sensor networks, the individuals are small
programs that can be executed on sensor nodes (Wazed,
Bari, Jaekel & Bandyopadhyay, 2007).
Each individual may be represented as a simple string
or array of genes, which contain a part of the solution.
The values of genes are called alleles. As in nature, the
population will be refined step by step in a cycle of
computing the fitness of its individuals, selecting the
best individuals and creating a new generation derived
from these. A fitness function is provided to assign the
fitness value for each individual, based on how close
an individual is to the optimal solution. Two randomly
selected individuals, the parents, can exchange genetic
information in a process called crossover to produce
two new chromosomes know as child. A process called
mutation may also be applied to obtain a good solution,
after the process of crossover. This process helps to restore any genetic values when the population converges


too fast. After the crossover and mutation processes

the individuals of the next generation are selected.
Some of the poorest individuals of the generation can
be replaced by the best individuals from the previous
generation. This is called elitism, and ensures that the
new generation is at least as fit as the previous generation. The algorithm stops if a predetermined stopping
criterion is met (Hussain, Matin & Islam, 2007).

Fitness Function and Specific

Parameters for WSNs
The fitness function executed in a sensor node is a
weighted function that measures the quality or performance of a solution, in this case a specific sensor
network design. This function is maximized by the GA
system in the process of evolutionary optimization. A
fitness function must include and correctly represent
all or at least the most important factors that affect the
performance of the system. The major issue in developing a fitness function is the decision on which factors
are the most important ones (Ferentinos & Tsiligiridis,
2007) (Gnanapandithan & Natarajan, 2006).
A genetic algorithm must be designed for WSN
topologies by optimizing energy-related parameters
that affect the battery consumption of the sensors and
thus, the lifetime of the network. At the same time, the
algorithm has to meet some connectivity constraints
and optimize some physical parameters of the WSN
implemented by the specific application. The multiple
objectives of the optimization problem are blended into
a single objective function, the parameters of which are
combined to formulate a fitness function that gives a
quality measure to each WSN topology. Three sets of
parameters dominate the design and the performance
of a WSN: the application specific parameters, connectivity parameters and the energy related parameters.
Some possible parameters are discussed in (Ferentinos
& Tsiligiridis, 2007):

Operation energy: the energy that a sensor consumes during some specific time of operation. It
depends whether the sensor operates as cluster
head or as regular sensor.
Communication energy: the energy consumption due to communication between sensors. It
depends on the distances between transmitter and

Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

Battery life: battery capacity of each sensor.

Sensors-per-cluster head: parameter to ensure
that each cluster head does not have more than
a maximum predefined number of sensors in its
cluster. It depends on the physical communications capabilities and the amount of data that can
be processed by a cluster head.
Sensors out of range error: parameter to ensure
that each sensor can communicate with its cluster head. It depends on the signal strength of the
Spatial density: minimal number of measurements
points that adequate monitor the variables of a
given area.
Uniformity of measurement: the measures of an
area of interest must give a uniform view of the
area conditions. The total area can be divided in
several sub-areas for a uniform measurement.

Other parameters can be defined, especially those

related to application specific requirements, such as
sensor to sink delay, routing information, localization,
network coverage, etc. The optimization problem is
defined by the minimization of the WSN parameters.
If n optimization parameters were defined, they may
be combined into a single objective function:

f = min wi Pi ,
i =1

where P is the parameter objective and w is the weighting coefficients, that define the importance of each
parameter in the network design. The importance of
each parameter on the performance of the network
has to be designed carefully. These values are firstly
determined based on experience on the importance of
each one. Then, some experimentation is made to determine the final values. An individual will be selected
to be the parent of the next generation using its fitness
value. The probability that an individual be chosen is
proportional to the value. After this process, the type
of crossover and mutation has to be defined, as well as
the population size and the probabilities for crossover
and mutation. Some experiments must be carried out
to determine the most appropriate values for WSNs.

Some of the recent research areas in wireless sensor
networks include the design of MAC protocols, efficient
routing, data aggregation, collaborative processing,
sensor fusion, security, localization, data reliability,
network management, etc. All these topics may benefit
from the usage of genetic algorithms. Some research
has been made using genetic algorithms to solve some
WSNs problems (Hussain, Matin & Islam, 2007) (Jin,
Liu, Hsu & Kao, 2005) (Ferentinos & Tsiligiridis, 2007)
(Wazed, Bari, Jaekel & Bandyopadhyay, 2007) (Rahmani, Fakhraie, & Kamarei, 2006) (Qiu, Wu, Burns,
& Holzhauer, 2006). However, most of the research
topics of WSNs using genetic algorithms remain few
or completely unexplored.

This article discussed the application of genetic algorithms in wireless sensor networks. The basic idea of
GA was discussed and some specific considerations
for WSNs were made, including crossover, mutation
and definition of the fitness function. The mainly performance parameters may be divided in three groups:
energy, connectivity and application specific. Since
WSNs have many objectives to be optimised, GA is a
promising candidate to be used in WSNs design.

Akyildiz, I. F., Su, W., Sankarasubramaniam, Y. &
Cayirci, E. (2002). A survey on sensor networks. IEEE
Communications Magazine, 40 (8), 102-114.
Callaway, Egdar H. (2003). Wireless Sensor Networks:
Architectures and Protocols, CRC Press, 352 pages.
Ferentinos, K. P., & Tsiligiridis, T. A. (2007). Adaptive
Design Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks Using Genetic Algorithms. Elsevier Computer Networks,
(51) 1031-1051.
Gnanapandithan, N. & Natarajan, B. (2006). Parallel
Genetic Algorithm Based Optimal Fusion in Sensor
Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications and
Networking Conference.


Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks

Goldberg, D. E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search,

Optimization and Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1989.
Hussain, S., Matin, A. W., & Islam, O. (2007). Genetic
Algorithm for Energy Efficient Clusters in Wireless
Sensor Networks. IEEE 4th International Conference on
Information Technology, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Jin, M., Liu, W., Hsu, D. F., & Kao, C. (2005). Compact
Genetic Algorithm for Performance Improvement in
Hierarchical Sensor Networks Management. IEEE Int.
Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and
Networks, Las Vegas, USA.
Johnson, D., Teredesai, A. M., & Saltarelli, R. (2005).
Genetic Programming in Wireless Sensor Networks.
European Conference on Genetic Programming, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Jourdan, D. B. & de Weck, O. L. (2004). Layout
Optimization for a Wireless Sensor Network Using a
Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm. IEEE Vehicular
Technology Conference.
Khana, R., Liu, H., & Chen, H. (2006). Self-Organization of Sensor Networks Using Genetic Algorithms.
IEEE International Conference on Communications,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Khana, R., Liu, H., & Chen, H. (2007). Dynamic
Optimization of Secure Mobile Sensor Networks: A
Genetic Algorithm. IEEE International Conference on
Communications, Glasgow, Scotland.
Qiu, Q., Wu, Q., Burns, D. & Holzhauer, D. (2006).
Lifetime Aware Resource Management for Sensor
Network Using Distributed Genetic Algorithm. International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and
Rahmani, E., Fakhraie, S. M. & Kamarei, M. (2006).
Finding Agent-Based Energy-Efficient Routing in
Sensor Networks using Parallel Genetic Algorithm,
International Conference on Microelectronics.
Wazed, S., Bari, A., Jaekel, A., & Bandyopadhyay, S.
(2007). Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Extending the Lifetime of Two-Tiered Sensor Networks. 2nd
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive
Computing, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Weise, T. Genetic Programming for Sensor Networks.
(2006) Technical report, University of Kassel.

Cluster-Based Architecture: Sensor networks
architecture where communication occurs between
sensors of a cluster and a selected cluster head that
collects the information obtained by the sensors in its
Cluster Head: Sensor node responsible for gathering data of a sensor cluster and transmitting them to
the sink node.
Crossover: Genetic operator used to vary the programming of a chromosome or chromosomes from one
generation to the next.
Energy Parameters: Parameters that affect the
battery consumption of the sensors, including the
energy consumed due to sensing, communication and
computational tasks.
Fitness Function: A particular type of objective
function that quantifies the optimality of a solution in
a genetic algorithm.
Genetic Algorithms: Search technique used in
computing to find true or approximate solutions to
optimization and search problems.
Mutation: The occasional (low probability) alteration of a bit position.
Network Lifetime: Time until the first sensor node
or group of sensor nodes in the network runs out of
Sensor Node: Network node with components for
sensing, data processing and communication.
Wireless Sensor Networks: A network of spatially
distributed devices using sensors to monitor conditions
at different locations, such as temperature, sound,
pressure, etc.


Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and

Coasts Engineering
scar Ibez
University of A Corua, Spain
Alberte Castro
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Fuzzy Logic (FL) and fuzzy sets in a wide interpretation of FL (in terms in which fuzzy logic is coextensive with the theory of fuzzy sets, that is, classes of
objects in which the transition from membership to
non membership is gradual rather than abrupt) have
placed modelling into a new and broader perspective
by providing innovative tools to cope with complex
and ill-defined systems. The area of fuzzy sets has
emerged following some pioneering works of Zadeh
(Zadeh, 1965 and 1973) where the first fundamentals
of fuzzy systems were established.
Rule based systems have been successfully used to
model human problem-solving activity and adaptive
behaviour. The conventional approaches to knowledge
representation are based on bivalent logic. A serious
shortcoming of such approaches is their inability to come
to grips with the issue of uncertainty and imprecision.
As a consequence, the conventional approaches do not
provide an adequate model for modes of reasoning.
Unfortunately, all commonsense reasoning falls into
this category.

The application of FL to rule based systems leads

us to fuzzy systems. The main role of fuzzy sets is
representing Knowledge about the problem or to
model the interactions and relationships among the
system variables. There are two essential advantages
for the design of rule-based systems with fuzzy sets
and logic:

The key features of knowledge captured by fuzzy

sets involve handling uncertainty.
Inference methods become more robust and flexible with approximate reasoning methods of fuzzy

Genetic Algorithms (GAS) are a stochastic optimization technique that mimics natural selection (Holland,
1975). GAs are intrinsically robust and capable of
determining a near global optimal solution. The use
of GAS is usually recommended for optimization in
high-dimensional, multimodal complex search spaces
where deterministic methods normally fail. GAs explore
a population of solutions in parallel. The GA is a searching process based on the laws of natural selections and

Figure 1. A typical GA cycle

Initial Population





Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

genetics. Generally, a simple GA contains three basic

operations: selection, genetic operations and replacement. A typical GA cycle is shown in Fig. 1.
In this paper it is shown how a genetic algorithm
can be used in order to optimize a fuzzy system which
is used in wave reflection analysis at submerged

it is a novel approach to estimate reflection coefficient,

since a GA will determine the membership functions
for each variable involved in the fuzzy system.


Fuzzy rule-based systems can be used as a tool for

modelling non-linear systems especially complex physical systems. It is well known fact that the breakwater
damage ratio estimation process is dynamic and nonlinear, so classical methods cannot be able to capture
this behaviour resulting in unsatisfactory solutions.
The Knowledge Base (KB) is the FS component
comprising the expert knowledge knows about the
problem. So is the only component of the FS depending
on the concrete application and it makes the accuracy
of the FS depends directly on its composition. The KB
is comprised of two components, a Data Base (DB),
containing the definitions of fuzzy rules linguistic labels,
that is, the membership functions of the fuzzy sets, and
a Rule Base (RB), constituted by the collection of fuzzy
rules representing the expert knowledge.
There are many tasks that have to be performed in
order to design a concrete FS. As it has been shown
previously, the derivation of the KB is the only one
directly depending on the problem to solve. It is known
that the more used method in order to perform this task
is based directly on extracting the expert experience
from the human process operator. The problem arises
when there are not able to express their knowledge in
terms of fuzzy rules. In order to avoid this drawback,
researches have been investigating automatic learning
methods for designing FSs by deriving automatically
an appropriate KB for the FS without necessary of its
human expert.
The Genetic algorithms (GA) have demonstrated to
be a powerful tool for automating the definition of the
KB since adaptativa control, learning and self-organization can be considered in a lot of cases as optimization
or search process. The fuzzy systems making use of GA
in their design process are called generically GFSs.
These advantages have extended the use of GAs
in the development of a wide range of approaches
for designing FSs in the last years. It is possible to

Many works have been done in the area of artificial

intelligence applied to Coastal Engineering. It can be
said that Artificial Intelligence methods have a wide
acceptance among Coastal & Ports Engineers. Artificial
Neural Network has been applied for years with very
good results. The big drawback is their inability to
explain their results, how have reached them, because
they work as a black box and it can not be known
what happen inside them. Over the last few years, a
lot of works about fuzzy systems with engineering
applications have been developed (Mercan, Yagci &
Kabdasli, 2003; Dingerson, 2005; Gezer, 2004; Ross,
2004; Oliveira, Souza & Mandorino, 2006; Ergin,
Williams & Micallef, 2006; Yagci, Mercan, Cigizoglu
& Kabdasli, 2005). These systems have the advantage
of being easy to understand (their solutions) and the
capacity to handle uncertainty. However, most of these
found a problem with knowledge extraction; when they
try to define their RB and DB, in many cases for the
difficulty of the problem and more often for the difficulty of represent all the expert knowledge in some
rules and membership function.
To overcome these problems Genetic Fuzzy Systems (GFS) emerged, in which expert advice it is not
as important as in Fuzzy System (FS) since it could
be only needed to define the variables involved and
its work domain. GFS (Cordn, et al., 2001) allow us
to be less dependent on expert knowledge and in addition it is easier to reach better accuracy with these
systems since they can realize a tuning process for
membership functions and refine the rule set in order
to optimize it. Following a specific application of GFS
for wave reflection analysis at submerged breakwaters
is presented.
While other kinds of techniques have been applied
to that problem (Taveira, 2005; Kobayasi & Wurjanto,
1989; Abul-Azm, 1993; Losada, Silva & Losada, 1999),




Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

distinguish three different groups of genetic FS design

process according to the KB components included in
the learning process. These ones are the following:

Genetic definition of the Fuzzy System Data Base

(Bolata and Now, 1995; Fathi-Torbaghan and
Hildebrand, 1994; Herrera and Verdegay, 1995b;
Karr, 1991b).
Genetic derivation of the Fuzzy System Rule Base
(Bonarini, 1993; Karr, 1991a; Thrift, 1991).
Genetic learning of the Fuzzy System Knowledge
Base (Cooper and Vidal, 1993; Herrera, Lozano
and Verdegay, 1995a; Leitch and Probert, 1994;
Lee and Takagi, 1993; Ng and Lee, 1994).

In this paper, we create a Fuzzy System which

predicts reflection coefficient at a different model of
submerged breakwaters. To do this task, a part of this
Fuzzy System, the Data Base, is defined and tuning by
a Genetic Algorithm.


Submerged breakwaters are effective shore protection
structure against wave action with a reduced visual
impact (see fig. 2).
To predict reflection coefficient several parameters
have to be taken into account, they are:

Rc: water level above crest.

Hs: significant wave height.

d: water depth.
Tp: peak period or
Lp: peak wavelength

These are parameters that connect the submerged

breakwater model and the wave. The parameters that
identified the submerged breakwater model (see fig. 3)
are: the height (h) and the crest width (B), n (cotangent
), breakwater slope () and slope nature (smooth or
rough). To predict the reflection coefficient, the first ones
were used but in many cases dimensionless parameters
were used instead the parameters separately.
A lot of tests were done with different number of
input variables and different number of fuzzy sets for
each membership function. Depending of the variables
and membership function number, a set of rules were
established for each case.

A large number of tests have been carried out (TaveiraPinto, 2001) with different water deeps and wave
conditions for each model (figure 3 shows the general
layout of the tested models). Eight impermeable physical models have been tested with different geometries
(crest width, slope), different slope nature (smooth,
rough), values for tan (from 0.20 to 1.00) and n
(from 1 to 5 ) in the old unidirectional wave tank of the
Hydraulics Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering
of the University of Porto.

Figure 2. Outline of a submerged breakwater and its action


Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

Figure 3. Diagram of interesting variables taken into account in a submerged breakwater


The target of the GA is find the better distribution for
the membership functions (optimization task) inside
of the domain of each variable, so that minimizes the
error of the created fuzzy system when it is applied to
the training set

Genome Encoding
Each individual of the GA represents the Data Base
of the fuzzy system that means all the membership
functions. Each gen contains the position of one point
of one membership function. As can be seen in fig. 4,
one variable X with all its fuzzy sets is coding as a
chain of real numbers.
The used codification allows different kinds of
membership functions (triangular, trapezoid, Gaussian, etc) codifying the representative points in the
chromosome so the resultant chromosome is variable

Genetic Operators
Genetic operators were limited in order to generate
meaningful fuzzy systems.


Crossover: The classical crossover operator, with

one-point, n-point or uniform crossover, has to
be limited in its possible cross points. To avoid

meaningless membership functions it is only allows exchange the genetic material corresponding
to whole variables.
Mutation: When a mutation happens, the new
value of the gen will be between a lower and
an upper limit, both have worked out from the
neighbour points of the corresponding membership function and its neighbour membership
Selection: The selection method is tournament
with elitism (Blickle, 1997).

The way of find out what individual is better than other is
the fitness function. In this case, one individual represent
a part of a fuzzy system (DB) and with the rest of the
fuzzy system (static RB) the fitness of that individual
can be calculate. For that aim the physical test is split
in two new sets, one was used as a training set and the
other as a test set. For each physical test of the training set, the corresponding value for the input variables
are introducing in the fuzzy system (individual in the
genetic population). Once is calculated the output with
a Mandani (Mandani, 1977) strategy and a Centroid
defuzzification method, the result is compared to the
output of the physical test; the difference is piled up
for every tests in the training set and once all test have
been introduced in the fuzzy system (one individual
from the GA) and have been calculated its error, the

Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

Figure 4. Piece of a chromosome. Xij contains the position of one point (i) of one membership function (j)

addition of the errors is the fitness function value for

the individual. The smaller is the total error the better
is the individual.

Good results were obtained (from 85% to 95% of success) for the different tests done. Tests differ from one
another for the number of input variables and the number
of rules as well as genetic algorithm parameters. An
easy understanding test is explained following:

Selected dimensionless parameters: Rc/Hs and

Both input variables were split in two (Low and
High) trapezoidal membership functions.
The output variable Cr (reflection coefficient) was
split in three (Low, Medium and High) trapezoidal
membership functions.
The rule set was made up of by three rules:
If (Rc/Hs = Low) and (d/Lp = Low) then
(Cr = High)
If (Rc/Hs = Low) and (d/Lp = High) then
(Cr = Medium)
If (Rc/Hs = High) and (d/Lp = Low) then
(Cr = Medium)

The training set was made up of 24 physical tests

and the medium square error in that step was 0.84.
Resultant membership functions can be seen in fig. 5.
The test set was made up of 11 physical tests and the
mean square error in that step was 0.89.

Give the GA the capacity to optimize rules so that the
system definition becomes easier and better results can
be reached. The GA must be able to generate individuals with different number rules and different kind of
rules at the same time that these individuals represent
different membership functions.


A Genetic Fuzzy System was development to

estimate the wave reflection coefficient at submerged breakwaters.
Good results were obtained (near to 90% accuracy) but better results (near to 97% accuracy) are
difficult to understand inside the fuzzy theory.


Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

Figure 5. Resultant membership functions from tuning process of a DB by GA

It is a hard task to choose the rule set and furthermore the systems accuracy depends on this set a
The more inputs the problem have the more difficult become to define the rule set.

Bolata F. & Now A., 1995. From fuzzy linguistic specifications to fuzzy controllers using evolution strategies.
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of Evolutionary Computation. New York: Taylor &
Francis Group.


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and fuzzy logic. Thesis. The Faculty of the School of
Marine Science.
Ergin A., Williams A.T. & Micallef A., 2006. Coastal
Scenery: Appreciation and Evaluation. Journal of

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Coastal Research Article: pp. 958-964. Volume 22,

Issue 4.
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study for iralli. Thesis. The Graduate School of
Natural and Applied Sciences of Middle East Technical University.
Herrera F., Lozano M. & Verdegay J. L., 1995a. A
Learning process for fuzzy control rule using genetic
algorithms. Technical Report DECSAI-95108, University of Granada, Department of Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence.
Herrera F., Lozano M. & Verdegay J. L., 1995b. Tuning fuzzy logic controllers by genetic algorithms.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 12:
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Karr C., 1991b. Genetics algorithms for fuzzy controllers. AI Expert pages 26-33.
Kobayashi N. & Wurjanto A., 1989. Wave Transmission
Over Submerged Breakwaters. Journal of Waterway,
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Leitch D. & Probert P., 1994. Context depending coding
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Lee M. & Takagi H., 1993. Embedding a priori knowledge into an integrate fuzzy system design method based
on genetic algorithms. In Proc. Fifth International Fuzzy
Systems Association World Congress (IFSA93), Seoul,
pages 1293-1296.
Losada I.J., Silva R. & Losada, M.A., 1996. 3-D nonbreaking regular wave interaction with submerged
breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, Volume 28, Number
1, pp. 229-248(20).

Mandani, E.H., 1977. Application of fuzzy logic to approximate reasoning using linguistic synthesis. IEEE
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Oliveira S.S., Souza F.J. & Mandorino F., 2006. Using
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15th International Congress of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies. Special Publication of
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Ross T. J., 2004. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. John Wiley and Sons. Technology & Industrial Arts.
Taveira-Pinto F., 2001, Analysis of the oscillations and
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Yagci O., Mercan D. E. & Kabdasli M. S., 2003. Modelling Of Anticipated Damage Ratio On Breakwaters
Using Fuzzy Logic. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly,
Abstracts from the meeting held in Nice, France, 6
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Zadeh L. A., 1965. Fuzzy sets. Information and Control
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Zadeh L. A., 1973. Outline of a new approach to the
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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
3: 28-44.


Genetic Fuzzy Systems Applied to Ports and Coasts Engineering

Fuzzification: Establishes a mapping from crisp
input values to fuzzy set defined in the universe of
discourse of that input.
Fuzzy System (FS): Any FL-based system, which
either uses FL as the basis for the representation of different forms of knowledge, or to model the interactions
and relationships among the system variables.
Genetic Algorithm: General-purpose search algorithms that use principles by natural population genetics
to evolve solutions to problems
Genetic Fuzzy System: A fuzzy system that is
augmented with an evolutionary learning process.


Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based System: A rule based

system where fuzzy logic (FL) is used as a tool for
representing different forms of knowledge about the
problem at hand, as well as for modelling the interactions
and relationships that exist between its variables.
Mamdani Inference System: Derives the fuzzy
outputs from the inputs fuzzy sets according to the
relation defined through fuzzy rules. Establishes a
mapping between fuzzy sets U = U1 x U2 x . . . x Un
in the input domain of X1, Xn and fuzzy sets V in
the output domain of Y. The fuzzy inference scheme
employs the generalized modus ponens, an extension
to the classical modus ponens (Zadeh, 1973).
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Rule-Based System:
A rule based system whose antecedent is composed of
linguistic variables and the consequent is represented
by a function of the input variables.


Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

Daniel Manrique
Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain
Juan Ros
Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain
Alfonso Rodrguez-Patn
Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informatica, UPM, Spain

Evolutionary computation (EC) is the study of computational systems that borrow ideas from and are
inspired by natural evolution and adaptation (Yao &
Xu, 2006, pp. 1-18). EC covers a number of techniques
based on evolutionary processes and natural selection:
evolutionary strategies, genetic algorithms and genetic
programming (Keedwell & Narayanan, 2005).
Evolutionary strategies are an approach for efficiently solving certain continuous problems, yielding
good results for some parametric problems in real
domains. Compared with genetic algorithms, evolutionary strategies run more exploratory searches and
are a good option when applied to relatively unknown
parametric problems.
Genetic algorithms emulate the evolutionary process
that takes place in nature. Individuals compete for survival by adapting as best they can to the environmental
conditions. Crossovers between individuals, mutations
and deaths are all part of this process of adaptation. By
substituting the natural environment for the problem
to be solved, we get a computationally cheap method
that is capable of dealing with any problem, provided
we know how to determine individuals fitness (Manrique, 2001).
Genetic programming is an extension of genetic
algorithms (Couchet, Manrique, Ros & RodrguezPatn, 2006). Its aim is to build computer programs
that are not expressly designed and programmed by a
human being. It can be said to be an optimization technique whose search space is composed of all possible
computer programs for solving a particular problem.
Genetic programmings key advantage over genetic

algorithms is that it can handle individuals (computer

programs) of different lengths.
Grammar-guided genetic programming (GGGP)
is an extension of traditional GP systems (Whigham,
1995, pp. 33-41). The difference lies in the fact that
they employ context-free grammars (CFG) that generate all the possible solutions to a given problem as
sentences, establishing this way the formal definition of
the syntactic problem constraints, and use the derivation trees for each sentence to encode these solutions
(Dounias, Tsakonas, Jantzen, Axer, Bjerregard & von
Keyserlingk, D. 2002, pp. 494-500). The use of this
type of syntactic formalisms helps to solve the so-called
closure problem (Whigham, 1996). To achieve closure
valid individuals (points that belong to the search
space) should always be generated. As the generation
of invalid individuals slows down convergence speed a
great deal, solving this problem will very much improve
the GP search capability. The basic operator directly
affecting the closure problem is crossover: crossing
two (or any) valid individuals should generate a valid
offspring. Similarly, this is the operator that has the
biggest impact on the process of convergence towards
the optimum solution. Therefore, this article reviews
the most important crossover operators employed in
GP and GGGP, highlighting the weaknesses existing
nowadays in this area of research. We also propose a
GGGP system. This system incorporates the original
idea of employing ambiguous CFG to overcome these
weaknesses, thereby increasing convergence speed and
reducing the likelihood of trapping in local optima.
Comparative results are shown to empirically corroborate our claims.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

blocks (also called context) across the trees by setting

severe (strong) constraints for tree nodes considered
as possible candidates for selection as crossover nodes
(Dhaesler, 1994, pp. 379-407). A system of coordinates
is defined to univocally identify each node in a derivation tree. The position of each node within the tree is
specified along the path that must be followed to reach
a given node from the root. To do this, the position of a
node is described by means of a tuple of n coordinates
T = (b1, b2,, bn), where n is the nodes depth in the
tree, and bi indicates which branch is selected at depth i
(counting from left to right). Figure 2 shows an example
representing this system of coordinates.
Only nodes with the same coordinates from both
parents can be swapped. For this reason, a subtree may
possibly never migrate to another place in the tree. This
limitation can cause serious search space exploration
problems, as the whole search space cannot be covered
unless each function and terminal appears at every possible coordinate at least once in any one individual in
the population. This failure to migrate building blocks
causes them to evolve separately in each region, causing
a too big an exploitation capability, thereby increasing
the likelihood of trapping in local optima (Barrios,
Carrascal, Manrique & Ros, 2003, pp. 275-293).
As time moves on, the code bloat phenomenon
becomes a serious problem and takes an ever more
prominent role. To avoid this, Crawford-Marks &

Koza defined one of the first major crossover operators
(KX) (1992). This approach randomly swaps subtrees
in both parents to generate offspring. Therefore, it
tends to disaggregate the so-called building blocks
across the trees (that represent the individuals). The
building blocks are those subtrees that improve fitness.
This over-expansion has a negative effect on the fitness of the individuals. Also, this operators excessive
exploration capability leads to another weakness: an
increase in the size of individuals, which affects system
performance, and results in a lower convergence speed
(Terrio & Heywood, 2002). This effect is known as
bloat or code bloat.
There is another important drawback: many of
the generated offspring are syntactically invalid as
the crossovers are done completely at random. These
individuals should not be part of the new population
because they do not provide a valid solution. This
seriously undermines the convergence process. Figure
1 shows a situation where one of the two individuals
generated after Kozas crossover breaches the constraints established by a hypothetical grammar whose
sentences represent arithmetic equalities.
The strong context preservative crossover operator
(SCPC) avoids the problem of desegregation of building

Figure 1. Incorrect operation of Kozas crossover operator


Crossover node in
parent 1



Crossover node in
parent 2

Subtrees to be swapped





Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

Figure 2. The system of coordinates defined in SCPC



Spector (2002) developed the Fair crossover (pp.

733-739). This is a modified version of the approach
proposed by Langdon (1999, pp. 1092-1097). Tree size
is controlled as follows. First, a crossover node in the
first parent is selected at random and the length, l, of
the subtree extending from the node to the leaves is
calculated. Then, a node is also selected at random in
the second parent, and the length, l2, for this second
subtree is calculated. If l2 is within the range [l l/4,
l + l/4], then the crossover node for the second parent
is accepted, and the two subtrees are swapped. If not,
another crossover node is selected at random for the
second parent and the check is run again. This way, the
size of the subtree in the second parent to be swapped is
controlled and limited, so the code bloat phenomenon
is avoided. Another aspect to comment here is that the
range in which l2 must be included can be modified to
afford specific problems more efficiently, but the range
originally proposed works fine for most of them.
Whigham proposed one of the most commonly used
operators (WX) in GGGP (1995, pp. 33-41). Because of
its sound performance in such systems, it has become the
de facto standard and is still in use today (Rodrigues &
Pozo, 2002, pp. 324-333), (Hussain, 2003), (Grosman &
Lewin, 2004, pp. 2779-2790). The algorithm works as
follows. First, as all the terminal symbols have at least
one non-terminal symbol above them, then, without
loss of generality, the crossover nodes can be confined
exclusively to locations on nodes containing non-terminal symbols. A non-terminal node belonging to the first
parent is selected at random. Then a non-terminal node
labeled with the same non-terminal symbol as in the
first-chosen crossover node is selected from the second
parent. This assures that generated individuals belong

to the grammar-generated language, as the crossed

nodes share the same symbol. This operators main
flaw is that there are other possible choices of node in
the second parent that are not explored and that could
end in the target solution (Manrique, Marquez, Ros
& Rodrquez-Patn, 2005, pp. 252-261).


The proposed operator is a general-purpose operator designed to work in any GGGP system. It takes advantage
of the key feature that defines a CFG as ambiguous: the
same sentence can be obtained by several derivation
trees. This implies that there are several individuals
representing the solution to a problem. It is therefore
easier to find. This operator consists of eight steps:






Choose a node, except the axiom, with a nonterminal symbol randomly from the first parent.
This node is called crossover node and is denoted
Choose the parent of CN1. As we are working
with a CFG, this will be a non-terminal symbol.
The right-hand sides of all its production rules
are stored in the array R.
The derivation produced by the parent of CN1 is
called main derivation, and is denoted A ::= C.
Calculate the derivation length l as the number
of symbols in the right-hand side of the main
derivation. Having l, the position (p) of CN1 in
the main derivation and C, define the three-tuple
T(l, p, C).
Delete from R all the right-hand sides with different lengths from the main derivation.
Remove from R all those right-hand sides in
which there exists any difference between the
symbols (except the one located in position p)
in each right-hand side and the symbols in C.
The set X is formed by all the symbols in the righthand sides of R that are in position p. X contains
all the non-terminal symbols of the second parent
that can be chosen as a crossover node (CN2).
Choose CN2 randomly from X, discarding all
the nodes that will generate offspring trees with
a size greater than a previously established value


Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming


Calculate the two new derivation trees produced

as offspring by swapping the two subtrees whose
roots are CN1 and CN2.

The underlying idea of this algorithm consists on

calculating which are the non-terminal symbols that
can substitute the symbol contained in CN1, bearing in
mind that the production rule that contains CN1 keeps
being valid. Since all non-terminal symbols that can
generate valid production rules are taken into account
in the crossover process, this operator takes advantage
of ambiguous grammars.
The proposed crossover operator has primarily three
attractive features: a) step 7 states a code bloat control
mechanism, b) the offspring produced are always composed of two valid trees and c) step 6 indicates that all
the possible nodes of the second parent that can generate
valid individuals are taken into account, not only those
nodes with the same non-terminal symbol as the one
chosen for the first parent. This third feature increases
the GGGP systems exploration capability, which avoids
trapping in local optima and takes advantage of there
being more than one derivation tree (potential solution
to the problem) for a single sentence.

We present and discuss the results achieved by the
crossover operators described in the background section and the operator that we propose. To do so, we
have tackled a complex classification problem: the
real-world task of providing breast cancer prognosis
(benign or malignant) from the morphological characteristics of microcalcifications. Microcalcifications
are small mineral deposits in breast tissue that could
constitute cancer. This experiment involved searching
a knowledge base of fuzzy rules that could give such
a prognosis.
The data employed for giving a disease prognosis
are: patients age, lesion size, lesion location in the
breast, and particular features of the microcalcifications:
number, distribution and type. Number indicates the
quantity of existing clustered microcalifications, distribution shows how they are clustered and type reflects
the individual morphology of the microcalcifications.
To run the tests, 365 microcalcifications were selected at
random. Of these, 315 lesions were randomly selected
for use as genetic programming system training cases
with the different crossover operators described. After
training, the fittest individual was selected to form a
knowledge base with the fuzzy rules encoded by this
individual. Then, the knowledge base was tested with

Figure 3. Average convergence speed for each crossover operator


Proposed crossover




Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

the 50 remaining lesions not chosen during the training phase to output the number of correctly classified
patterns in what we have called the testing phase.
The CFG employed was formed by 19 non-terminal
symbols, 54 terminals and 51 production rules, some of
them included to obtain an ambiguous grammar. The
population size employed was 1000, the upper bound
for the size of the derivation trees was set to 20. The
fitnesss function consisted of calculating the number
of well-classified patterns. Therefore, the greater the
fitness, the fitter the individual is, with the maximum
limit of 315 in the training phase and 50 in the test.
Figure 3 shows the average evolution process for
each of the five crossover operators in the training
phase after 100 executions.
It is clear from Figure 3 that KX yields the worst
results, because it maintains an over-diverse population
and allows invalid individuals to be generated. This
prevents it from focusing on one possible solution.
The effect of Fair is just the opposite, leading very
quickly to one of the optimal solutions (this is why it
has a relatively high convergence speed initially), and

slowing down if convergence is towards a local optimum

(which happens in most cases). WX and SCPC produce
good results, bettered only by the proposed crossover.
Its high convergence speed evidences the benefits of
taking into account all possible nodes of the second
parent that can generate valid offspring.
Table 1 shows examples of fuzzy rules output in one
of the executions for the best two crossover operators
WX and the proposed operator once the training
phase was complete.
Table 2 shows the average number (rounded up
or down to the nearest integer) of correctly classified
patterns after 100 executions, achieved by the best individual in the training and test phases, and the percentage
of times that the system converged prematurely.
KX again yields the worst results, correctly classifying just 57.46% (181/315) of patterns in the training
phase and 54% (27/50) in the testing phase. SCPC and
Fair crossovers also return insufficient results: around
59% in the training phase and 54%-56% in the testing
phase, although, as shown in Figure 3, SCPC has a
higher convergence speed. Finally, note the similarity

Table 1. Some knowledge base fuzzy rules output by two GGGP systems
Crossover operator

Rule 1
Rule 2
IF NOT (type=branched) OR (number=few)
THEN (prognosis=benign)
AND IF (type=heterogeneous) THEN
(location=subaerolar) (prognosis=malignant)

Table 2. Average number of correctly classified patterns and unsuccessful runs

Crossover operator

181/315 (57.46%)
186/315 (59.04%)
185/315 (58.73%)

27/50 (54%)
28/50 (56%)
27/50 (54%)
30/50 (60%)
31/50 (62%)

Unsuccessful runs

Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

between WX and the proposed operator. However, the

proposed operator has higher speed of convergence
and is less likely to get trapped in local optima, as it
converged prematurely only twice in 100 executions.

can choose any node from the second parent to generate the offspring, rather than just those nodes with the
same non-terminal symbols as the one chosen in the
first parent.



The continuation of the work described in this article

can be divided into two main lines of investigation in
GGGP. The first involves finding an algorithm that
can estimate the maximum sizes of the trees generated
throughout the evolution process to assure that the optimal solution will be reached. This would overcome
the proposed crossover operators weakness of not
being able to reach a solution because the permitted
maximum tree size is too restrictive for it to be able to
reach a good solution, whereas this solution could be
found if individuals were just a little larger.
The second interesting line of research derived
from this work is the use of ambiguous grammars. It
has been empirically observed that using the proposed
operator combined with ambiguous grammars in GGGP
systems benefits convergence speed. However, too
much ambiguity is damaging. The idea is to get an
ambiguity measure that can answer the question of
how much ambiguity is needed to get the best results
in terms of efficiency.

Barrios, D., Carrascal, A., Manrique, D. & Ros, J.

(2003). Optimization with real-coded genetic algorithms based on mathematical morphology. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (80) 3,

This article summarizes the latest and most important
advances in GGGP, paying special attention to the
crossover operator, which (alongside the initialization
method, the codification of individuals and, to a lesser
extent, the mutation operator, of course) is chiefly responsible for the convergence speed and the success
of the evolution process.
GGGP systems are able to find solutions to any
problem that can be syntactically expressed by a CFG.
The proposed crossover operator provides GGGP systems with a satisfactory balance between exploration
and exploitation capabilities. This results in a high
convergence speed, while eluding local optima as the
reported results demonstrate. To be able to achieve such
good results, the proposed crossover operator includes
a computationally cheap mechanism to control bloat,
it always generates syntactically valid offspring and it

Couchet, J., Manrique, D., Ros, J. & Rodrguez-Patn,

A. (2006). Crossover and mutation operators for grammar-guided genetic programming. Softcomputing, DOI
Crawford-Marks, R. & Spector, L. (2002). Size control
via size fair genetic operators in the pushGP genetic
programming system. In proceedings of the genetic
and evolutionary computation conference, New York,
Dhaesler, P. (1994). Context preserving crossover
in genetic programming. In IEEE Proceedings of the
1994 world congress on computational intelligence,
Orlando, (1) 379-407
Dounias, G., Tsakonas, A., Jantzen, J., Axer, H., Bjerregard, B., & von Keyserlingk, D. (2002). Genetic
Programming for the Generation of Crisp and Fuzzy
Rule Bases in Classification and Diagnosis of Medical Data. Proceedings of the 1st International NAISO
Congress on Neuro Fuzzy Technologies, Havana, Cuba,
Grosman, B. & Lewin, D.R. (2004). Adaptive Genetic
Programming for Steady-State Process Modeling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28 2779-2790.
Hussain, T.S. (2003). Attribute grammar encoding
of the structure and behaviour of artificial neural
networks. PhD Thesis, Queens University. Kingston,
Ontario, Canada.
Keedwell, E., & Narayanan, A. (2005). Intelligent
bioinformatics. Wiley & Sons.
Koza, JR. (1992). Genetic programming: on the programming of computers by means of natural selection.
MIT Press, Cambridge.

Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming

Langdon, WB. (1999). Size fair and homologous tree

genetic programming crossovers. In proceedings of
genetic and evolutionary computation conference,
GECCO99, Washington DC, 1092-1097.
Manrique, D. (2001). Diseo de redes de neuronas y
nuevas tcnicas de optimizacin mediante algoritmos
genticos [Artificial neural networks design and new
optimization techniques using genetic algorithms].
PhD Thesis, Facultad de Informtica, Universidad
Politcnica de Madrid.
Manrique, D., Mrquez, F., Ros, J. & Rodrguez-Patn
A. (2005). Grammar-based crossover operator in genetic
programming. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
3562 252-261.
Rodrigues, E. & Pozo, A. (2002). Grammar-Guided
Genetic Programming and Automatically Defined Functions. In proceedings of the 16th Brazilian symposium
on artificial intelligence, Recife, Brazil, 324-333.
Terrio, MD., & Heywood, MI. (2002). Directing crossover for reduction of bloat in GP. In IEEE proceedings
of Canadian conference on electrical and computer
engineering, (2) 1111-1115.
Whigham, P.A. (1995). Grammatically-based genetic
programming. In proceedings of the workshop on
genetic programming: from theory to real-world applications, California, 33-41.
Whigham, P.A. (1996). Grammatical bias for evolutionary learning. PhD Thesis, School of Computer Science,
Australian Defence Force (ADFA), University College,
University of New South Wales.
Yao, X., & Xu, Y. (2006). Recent advances in evolutionary computation. Journal of Computer Science &
Technology, (21) 1 1-18.

Ambiguous Grammar: Any grammar in which
different derivation trees can generate the same sentence.
Closure Problem: Phenomenon that involves always generating syntactically valid individuals.
Code Bloat: Phenomenon to be avoided in a genetic
programming system convergence process involving the
uncontrolled growth, in terms of size and complexity,
of individuals in the population
Convergence:Process by means of which an algorithm (in this case an evolutionary system) gradually
approaches a solution. A genetic programming system
is said to have converged when most of the individuals
in the population are equal or when the system cannot
evolve any further.
Fitness: Measure associated with individuals in an
evolutionary algorithm population to determine how
good the solution they represent is for the problem.
Genetic Programming: A variant of genetic algorithms that uses simulated evolution to discover
functional programs to solve a task.
Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming: The
application of analytical methods and tools to data
for the purpose of identifying patterns, relationships
or obtaining systems that perform useful tasks such
as classification, prediction, estimation, or affinity
Intron: Segment of code within an individual
(subtree) that does not modify the fitness, but is on the
side of convergence process.



Granular Computing
Georg Peters
Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany

It is well accepted that in many real life situations information is not certain and precise but rather uncertain
or imprecise. To describe uncertainty probability theory
emerged in the 17th and 18th century. Bernoulli, Laplace
and Pascal are considered to be the fathers of probability
theory. Today probability can still be considered as the
prevalent theory to describe uncertainty.
However, in the year 1965 Zadeh seemed to have
challenged probability theory by introducing fuzzy sets
as a theory dealing with uncertainty (Zadeh, 1965).
Since then it has been discussed whether probability
and fuzzy set theory are complementary or rather competitive (Zadeh, 1995). Sometimes fuzzy sets theory is
even considered as a subset of probability theory and
therefore dispensable. Although the discussion on the
relationship of probability and fuzziness seems to have
lost the intensity of its early years it is still continuing
today. However, fuzzy set theory has established itself
as a central approach to tackle uncertainty. For a discussion on the relationship of probability and fuzziness the
reader is referred to e.g. Dubois, Prade (1993), Ross et
al. (2002) or Zadeh (1995).
In the meantime further ideas how to deal with
uncertainty have been suggested. For example, Pawlak
introduced rough sets in the beginning of the eighties of
the last century (Pawlak, 1982), a theory that has risen
increasing attentions in the last years. For a comparison
of probability, fuzzy sets and rough sets the reader is
referred to Lin (2002).
Presently research is conducted to develop a Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU) as a framework
for any kind of uncertainty whether it is based on
probability, fuzziness besides others (Zadeh, 2005).
Cornerstones in this theory are the concepts of information granularity (Zadeh, 1979) and generalized
constraints (Zadeh, 1986).
In this context the term Granular Computing was
first suggested by Lin (1998a, 1998b), however it still
lacks of a unique and well accepted definition. So,
for example, Zadeh (2006a) colorfully calls granular

computing ballpark computing or more precisely a

mode of computation in which the objects of computation are generalized constraints.

Humans often speak and think in words rather than in
numbers. For example, in summer we say that it is hot
outside rather than that is 35.32 Celsius. This means
that we often define our information as an imprecise
perception-based linguistic variable rather than as a
precise measure-based number. The impreciseness
in our formulation basically has four reasons (Zadeh,



Bounded ability of human sensors and computational limits of the brain. (1) Our human sensors
do not have the abilities of a laser based speed
controller. So we cannot quantify the speed of a
racing car as 252.18 km/h in Albert Park, Melbourne. However on the linguistic level we can
define the car as fast. (2) Most people cannot
numerically calculate the exact race distance
given by 5,303 km * 53 turns=307.574 km due
to computational limits of their brains. However
they probably estimate that it will be around 300
Lack of numerical information. Melbourne is
considered as a shopping paradise in Australia
since there are countless shops. Maybe only local
government knows the exact number of shops.
Qualitative, non quantifiable information. Much
information is provided rather qualitative than
quantitative. If one describes the quality of a
pizza in an Italian restaurant in Lygon Street in
Melbournes suburb Carlton only a qualitative,
linguistic judgment like excellent or very good is
possible. The judgment is hardly to be quantifiable
(beside a technical counting of the olives or the
weight of the salami etc.).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Granular Computing


Tolerance for imprecision. Recall the example,

Melbourne as a shopping paradise, given above.
To define Melbourne as shopping paradise its
exact number of shops is not needed. It is sufficient to know that there are many shops. This
tolerance for impression often makes a statement
more robust and efficient in comparison to exact
numerical values.

So obviously humans often prefer not to deal with

precise but favor vague information that is immanent
in natural language.
Humans would rarely formulate a sentence like:
With a probability of 97.34% I will see Ken, who has
a height of 1.97m, at 12:05pm.
Instead most humans would prefer to say:

A central objective of the concept of granular computing is to bridge this gap and compute with words
(Zadeh, 1996). This leads to the ideas of information
granularity or granular computing which was introduced
by Zadeh (1986, 1979).
The concept of information granularity has its roots
in fuzzy set theory (Zadeh, 1965, 1997). Zadeh (1986)
advanced and generalized this idea so that granular
computing subsumes any kind of uncertainty and imprecision like set theory and interval analysis, fuzzy
sets, rough sets, shadowed sets, probabilistic sets and
probability [], high level granular constructs (Bargiela, Pedrycz, 2002, p. 5). The term granular computing
was first suggested by Lin (1998a, 1998b).


Around noon I will almost certainly meet tall Ken.

Singular and Granular Values

While the first formulation is computer compatible since it contains numbers (singletons) the second
formulation seems too be to imprecise to be used as
input for computers.

To more formally describe the difference between

natural language and precise information let us recall
the example sentences given in Section 2. The infor-

Figure 1. Mapping of Singletons and granular values

With a probability of 97.34% I will see Ken, who has a height of 1.97m, at 12:05pm.

Around noon I will almost certainly meet tall Ken.

Table 1. Singular and granular values


Singular Values

Granular Values
almost certainly
around noon

Granular Computing

mation given in the two sentences can be mapped as

depicted in Figure 1.
While the first sentence contains exact figures
(singletons) the second sentence describes the same
context using linguistic variables (granular values).
A comparison of the singular and granular values is
given in Table 1.
For example, the variable height can be mapped to
the singleton 1.97m or the granule tall. The granule tall
covers not only the singleton 1.97m but also neighbor-

hood values. See Figure 2 for an interval granulation of

the singleton of the variable height; a fuzzy membership function (linguistic variable) would be another
possibility for a granule of tall (see Figure 3).
The main difference in the representation of the
variable heights is entailed by a different formulation of
the constraints. While the formulation as a singleton is
of bivalence nature (height=1.97m) a fuzzy formulation
would contain memberships. This leads to the concept
of generalized constraints.

Figure 2. Presentation of variable height as Singleton and granule


Figure 3. Fuzzy memberships





Granular Computing

Generalized Constraints
Overview of Constraints
The generalization of constraints is a central concept in
granular computing. The main purpose is to make classic constraints like(member), = (equal); < (smaller)
and > (greater) more flexible and therefore closer to
the way humans think. In the following subsections we
will discuss standard, primary and general constraints
in more detail.

Basic Concept of Generalized Constraints

Standard Constraints. A standard constraint C is
characterized by its bivalency (possibilistic of veristic) or probabilistic nature. Bivalent and probabilistic
constraints do not have memberships degrees which
indicate the degree of satisfaction of the constraint A: a
variable X does or does not fulfill the standard constraint.
Examples for bivalent constraints are: (member), =
(equal); < (smaller) and > (greater) besides others.
Primary Constraints. Zadeh (2006a) suggested
the following primary constraints:

Possibilistic (r=blank)
Probabilistic (r=p)
Veristic (r=v)

since they formulate the basic perceptions possibility, likelihood and truth. In contrast to the standard
constraints bivalency is no longer required for the possibilistic and veristic constraints. Therefore standard
constraints are included in the primary constraints.
Applying the primary constraints to our example
the second Ken sentence of Section 2 we get:

Possibilistic Constraint (X is R): Ken is tall

Height(Ken) is tall (see Dubois, Prade (1998)
for semantics of fuzzy sets including possibility
(Zadeh, 1978)).
Probabilistic Constraint (X isp R): Actual arrival
time (X) at meeting point X isp N(, 2) is e.g.
normal distributed around the agreed meeting
time .
Veristic Constraint (X isv R): Ken is at the meeting
point at 12:05pm Present(Ken, meeting point)
isv 12:05pm.

Generalized Constraints. Further constraints include (Zadeh, 2005) usuality (r=u), random set (r=rs),
fuzzy graph (r=fg), bimodal (r=bm) and group (r=g).
The set of general constraints consists of these and
the primary constraints. So, formally a generalized
constraints (GC) is given by (Zadeh, 2005):
GC(X): X isr R
with X the constrained variable and R the non-bivalent
relation. In the term isr the letter r defines the semantics
or the modality of the constraint as describe above.

Generalized Constraint Language

To formally describe generalized constraints Zadeh
(2006b) suggests a Generalized Constraint Language
(GCL). In Section 3.2.2 we already used the GCL in
the presented example, e.g. the mapping: Ken is tall
Height(Ken) is tall, which has the form
p X isr R
with p an expression in natural language. In this context Zadeh (2006b) defines the translation of natural
language into GCL as precisiation. The precisiation
can lead to v-precise and/or m-precise results:

v-precisiation: a precise value is obtained. vprecisiation has s-precisiation (singleton), cgprecisiation (crisp granular) and g-precisiation
(granular) as its modalities. s-precisiation leads
to a singleton, while cg-precisiation leads to an
crisp interval. g-precisiation is the most general
form of precisiation and leads to fuzzy intervals,
fuzzy graphs besides others.
m-precisiation: a precise meaning is obtained.
m-precisiation can further divided into the modalities mm-precisiation (machine-oriented) and
mh- precisiation (human-oriented).

Examples: (1) Ken is between a and b meters tall

is m-precise and since the variables a and b are not
specified v-imprecise. (2) Ken is approximately c meters
tall Ken is a meters tall is a s-precisiation. The term
approximately c can also be abbreviated as c*. The star
indicates that c is a granular value.


Granular Computing

Feature 2

Figure 4. Rough sets

Generalized Extension Principle


Feature 1

In contrast to precisiation granulation leads to

an imprecisiation of the information. Obviously the
translation Ken is 1.97m Ken is c meters tall is a
v-imprecisiation and Ken is c meters tall Ken is tall
a m-imprecisiation.
So for example, rough sets can be interpreted
as cascading cg-imprecisiation. In rough set theory
(Pawlak, 1982) a set is described by a lower and upper
approximation (LA and UA respectively). The lower
approximation is a subset of the upper approximation.
While the objects in the lower approximation surely
belong to the corresponding set the objects in a upper
approximation might belong to the set.
Therefore rough set theory provides an example of
a cascading granulation: X LA UA (see Figure 4).

Deduction Rules

One of the most fundamental theorem in fuzzy logic is

the Extension Principle (Zadeh, 1975, Zimmermann,
2001). Basically the Extension Principle defines how
the memberships y(y) of an endogenous variable
can be determined with X and Y singletons and x(X)
given. A simple transformation y(Y)= y(f(X))= x(X)
does not generally provide a unique solution. Therefore,
to obtain a unique solution, sup y(f(X)) is taken.
The Generalized Extension Principle (Zadeh, 2006a)
establishes a relationship between
Gr(Y) isr Gr(X)
with Y*, X* and f*() granules. It can be considered as
primary deduction rule since many others deduction
rules can be derived from it (Zadeh, 2006b).

Let us consider an example (Zadeh, 2005, 2006a,
The following linguistic statement is given:
Most Swedes are tall (Height(Swedes) are tall) is
First let us specify

Principal Deduction Rules

Swedes are tall X(h)tall(h)dh

In this Section we regard the term granular computing in

its literally meaning: how to compute with granules and
focus on principal deductions (Zadeh, 2005, 2006b):

with X(h) the height density function and tall(h) the

membership function for the linguistic variable tall.
Second we have to apply the linguistic variable most
to the expression Swedes are tall and obtain:


For more details on deduction rules the reader is

referred to Zadeh (2005, 2006b).


Most (Swedes are tall) mostl ( X(h)tall(h)dh )

As result we get a precise formulation of the given
linguistic statement.

Granular Computing


Granular Computing is a mighty framework to deal
with uncertainty. Information granules can include
probabilistic as well as possibilistic phenomena besides others. Therefore granular computing functions
as a umbrella for them without competing with them.
One core advantage is that is helps to bridge the gap
between (imprecise) natural language and the precision
that is immanent in computers etc. Presently Zadeh is
promoting his idea towards a Generalized Theory of
Uncertainty in many publications and presentations.
In future the Generalized Theory of Uncertainty will
probably be the dominant label for anything related to
this topic. Since the Generalized Theory of Uncertainty
is a young but rapidly emerging new branch in science
future research will go in the direction of the generalization of uncertainty concepts, e.g. from probabilistic
and fuzzy clustering towards granular clustering.

Bargiela, A. & Pedrycz, W. (2002). Granular computing: an introduction. Boston: Kluwer Acamemic
Dubois, D. and Prade, H. (1993). Fuzzy sets and probability: misunderstandings, bridges and gaps.. In Proceedings of the second IEEE International Conference
on Fuzzy Systems (pp. 1059-1068), San Francisco.
Dubois, D. and Prade, H. (1997). The three semantics
of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 90, 141-150.
Lin, T.Y. (1998a). Granular Computing on Binary
Relations I: Data Mining and Neighborhood Systems.
In Skowron, A. and Polkowski, L. (eds.), Rough Sets
In Knowledge Discovery (pp. 107-121), Heidelberg:
Lin, T.Y. (1998a). Granular Computing on Binary
Relations II: Data Mining and Neighborhood Systems.
In Skowron, A. and Polkowski, L. (eds.), Rough Sets
In Knowledge Discovery (pp. 121-140), Heidelberg:
Lin, T.Y. (2002). Fuzzy sets, rough set and probability. In Keller, J. and Nasraoui, O. (eds), Proceedings
of the Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy

Information Processing Society 2002 (pp.302-305),

University, New Orleans.
Pawlak, Z. (1982). Rough sets. International Journal
of Parallel Programming, 11, 341-356.
Ross, T.J.; Booker. J.M.; Parkinson, W.J. (2002). Fuzzy
Logic and Probability Applications: A Practical Guide.
Philadelphia: SIAM - Society for Industrial & Applied
Zadeh, L. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control,
8, 338-353.
Zadeh, L. (1978). Fuzzy sets as the basis for a theory
of possibility. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28.
Zadeh, L. (1979). Fuzzy Sets and Information Granularity. In Gupta, M., Ragade, R., Yager, R. (eds.),
Advances in Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (pp.
3-18). Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing.
Zadeh, L. (1986). Outline of a computational approach
to meaning and knowledge representation based on
the concept of a generalized assignment statement.
In Thoma, M. and Wyner A. (eds.), Proceedings of
the International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence
and Man-Machine Systems (LNCIS 80, pp. 198-211).
Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Zadeh, L. (1995). Discussion: probability theory and
fuzzy logic are complementary rather than competitive.
Technometrics, 37, 271-276.
Zadeh, L. (1996). Fuzzy logic = computing with words.
IEEE Transactions of Fuzzy Systems, 2, 103-111.
Zadeh, L. (1997). Towards a theory of fuzzy information
granularity and its centrality in human reasoning and
fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 90, 111-127.
Zadek, L. (2005). Toward a generalized theory of uncertainty (GTU)an outline. Information Sciences,
172, 1-40.
Zadeh, L. (2006a). Granular computing - the concept of
generalized-constraint-based computing (presentation
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Zadeh, L. (2006b). Generalized theory of uncertainty
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Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 15-46

Granular Computing

Zimmermann, H. J. (2001). Fuzzy set theory and its

applications. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Hybridization: Combination of methods like

probabilistic, fuzzy, rough concepts, or neural nets,
e.g. fuzzy-rough, rough-fuzzy or probabilistic-rough,
or fuzzy-neural approaches.


Linguistic Variable: A linguistic variable is a

linguistic expression (one or more words) labeling an
information granular. For example a membership function is labeled by the expressions like hot temperature
or rich customer.

Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy set theory was introduced by Zahed in 1965. The central idea of fuzzy set
theory is that an object belongs to more than one sets
simultaneously. the closeness of the object to a set is
indicated by membership degrees.
Generalized Theory of Uncertainty (GTU): GTU
is a framework that shall subsume any kind of uncertainty (Zadeh 2006a). The core idea is to formulate
generalized constraints (like possibilistic, probabilistic,
veristic etc.). The objective of GTU is not to replace
existing theories like probability or fuzzy sets but to
provide an umbrella that allows to formulate any kind
of uncertainty in a unique way.
Granular Computing: The idea of granular computing goes back to Zadeh (1979). The basic idea of
granular computing is that an object is describe by a
bunch of values in possible dimensions like indistinguishability, similarity and proximity. If a granular is
labeled by a linguistic expressing it is called a linguistic
variable. Zahed (2006a) defines granular computing
as a mode of computation in which the objects of
computation are generalized constraints.


Membership Function: A membership function

shows the membership degrees of a variable to a certain set. For example, a temperature t=30 C belongs
to the set hot temperature with a membership degree
HT(30)=0.8. The membership functions are not objective but context and subject-dependent.
Rough Set Theory: Rough set theory was introduced by Pawlak in 1982. The central idea of rough
sets is that some objects distinguishable while others
are indiscernible from each other.
Soft Computing: In contrast to hard computing
soft computing is collection of methods (fuzzy sets,
rough sets neutral nets etc.) for dealing with ambiguous situations like imprecision, uncertainty, e.g. human
expressions like high profit at reasonable risks. The
objective of applying soft computing is to obtain robust
solutions at reasonable costs.


Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data

Soledad Delgado
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Consuelo Gonzalo
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Estbaliz Martnez
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
gueda Arquero
Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Currently, there exist many research areas that produce
large multivariable datasets that are difficult to visualize
in order to extract useful information. Kohonen selforganizing maps have been used successfully in the
visualization and analysis of multidimensional data.
In this work, a projection technique that compresses
multidimensional datasets into two dimensional space
using growing self-organizing maps is described. With
this embedding scheme, traditional Kohonen visualization methods have been implemented using growing
cell structures networks. New graphical map displays
have been compared with Kohonen graphs using two
groups of simulated data and one group of real multidimensional data selected from a satellite scene.

Data mining first stage usually consist of building
simplified global overviews of data sets, generally in
graphical form (Tukey, 1977). At present, the huge
amount of information and its multidimensional
nature complicates the possibility to employ direct
graphic representation techniques. Self-Organizing
Maps (Kohonen, 1982) fit well in the exploratory data
analysis since its principal purpose is the visualization
and the analysis of nonlinear relations between multidimensional data (Rossi, 2006). In this sense, a great
variety of Kohonens SOM visualization techniques
(Kohonen, 2001) (Ultsch & Siemon, 1990) (Kraaijveld,

Mao & Jain, 1995) (Merlk & Rauber, 1997) (Rubio &
Gimnez 2003) (Vesanto, 1999), and some automatic
map analysis (Franzmeier, Witkowski & Rckert 2005)
have been proposed.
In Kohonens SOM the network structure has to
be specified in advance and remains static during the
training process. The choice of an inappropriate network
structure can degrade the performance of the network.
Some growing self-organizing maps have been implemented to avoid this disadvantage. In (Fritzke, 1994),
Fritzke proposed the Growing Cell Structures (GCS)
model, with a fixed dimensionality associated to the
output map. In (Fritzke, 1995), the Growing Neural
Gas is exposed, a new SOM model that learns topology
relations. Even though the GNG networks get best grade
of topology preservation than GCS networks, due to the
multidimensional nature of the output map it cannot be
used to generate graphical map displays in the plane.
However, using the GCS model it is possible to create
networks with a fixed dimensionality lower or equal
than 3 that can be projected in a plane (Fritzke, 1994).
GCS model, without removal of cells, has been used to
compress biomedical multidimensional data sets to be
displayed as two-dimensional colour images (Walker,
Cross & Harrison, 1999).


This work studies the GCS networks to obtain an embedding method to project the bi-dimensional output

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

map, with the aim of generating several graphic map

displays for the exploratory data analysis during and
after the self-organization process.

Growing Cell Structures

The visualization methods presented in this work are
based on self-organizing map architecture and learning
process of Fritzkes Growing Cell Structures (GCS)
network (Fritzke, 1994). GCS network architecture
consists of connected units forming k-dimensional
hypertetrahedron structures linked between them.
The interconnection scheme defines the neighbourhood relationships. During the learning process, new
units are added and superfluous ones are removed, but
these modifications are performed in such way that the
original architecture structure is maintained.
The training algorithm is an iterative process that
performs a non-linear projection of the input data over
the output map, trying to preserve the topology of the
original data distribution. The self-organization process of the GCS networks is similar that in Kohonens
model. For each input signal the best matching unit
(bmu) is determined, and bmu and its direct neighbours
synaptic vectors are modified. In GCS networks each
neuron has associated a resource, which can represent
the number of input signals received by the neuron, or
the summed quantization error caused by the neuron.
In every adaptation step the resource of the bmu is
conveniently modified. A new neuron is inserted between the unit with highest resource, q, and its direct
neighbour with the most different reference vector, f,
after a fixed number of adaptation steps. The new unit
synaptic vector is interpolated from the synaptic vectors of q and f, and the resources values of q and f are
redistributed too. In addition, neighbouring connections
are modified in order to ensure the output architecture
structure. Once all the training vectors have been processed a fixed number of times (epoch), the neurons
whose reference vectors fall into regions with a very
low probability density are removed. To guarantee the
architecture structure some neighbouring connections
are modified too. Relative normalized probability
density estimation value proposed in (Delgado, 2004)
has been used in this work to determine the units to
be removed. This value provides better interpretation
of some training parameters, improving the removal
of cells and the topology preserving of the network.


Several separated meshes could appear in the output

map when superfluous units are removed.
When the growing self-organization process finishes, the synaptic vectors of the output units along with
the neighbouring connections can be used to analyze
different input space properties visually.

Network Visualization: Constructing the

Topographic Map
The ability to project high-dimensional input data
onto a low-dimensional grid is an important property
of Kohonen feature maps. By drawing the output map
over a plane it will be possible to visualize complex
data and discover properties or relations of the input
vector space not expected in advance. Output layer of
Kohonen feature maps can be printed on a plane easily,
painting a rectangular grid, where each cell represents
an output neuron and neighbour cells correspond to
neighbour output units.
GCS networks have less regular output unit connections than Kohonen ones. When k=2 architecture factor
is used, the GCS output layer is organized in groups
of interconnected triangles. In spite of bi-dimensional
nature of these meshes, it is not obvious how to embed
this structure into the plane in order to visualize it. In
(Fritzke, 1994), Fritzke proposed a physical model to
construct the bi-dimensional embedding during the
self-organization process of the GCS network. Each
output neuron is modelled by a disc, with diameter d,
made of elastic material. Two discs with distance d
between centres touch each other, and two discs with
distance smaller than d repeal each other. Each neighbourhood connection is modelled as an elastic string.
Two discs connected but not touching are pulled each
other. Finally, all discs are positively charged and repeal each other. Using this model, the bi-dimensional
topographic coordinates of each output neuron can be
obtained, and thus, the bi-dimensional output meshes
can be printed on a plane.
In order to obtain the output units bi-dimensional
coordinates of the topographic map (for k=2), a slightly
modified version of this physical model has been used
in this contribution. At the beginning of the training
process, the initial three output neurons are placed in
the plane in a triangle form. Each time a new neuron
is inserted, its position in the plane is located exactly
halfway of the position of the two neighbouring neurons
between which it has been inserted. After this, attraction

Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

and repulsion forces are calculated for every output

neuron and its positions are consequently moved. The
attraction force of a unit is calculated as the sum of
individual attraction forces that all neighbouring connections exercise over it. Attraction force between two
neighbouring neurons i and j, with pi and pj coordinates
in the plane, and Euclidean distance e, is calculated as
(e-d)/2 if ed, and 0 otherwise. The repelling force of
a unit is calculated as the sum of individual repulsion
forces that all no-neighbouring output neurons exercise
over it. Repelling force between two no-neighbouring
neurons i and j is calculated as d/5 if 2d<e3d, d/2 if
d<e2d, d if 0<ed, and 0 otherwise. There exist three
basic differences between the embedding model used
in this work and the Fritzkes one. First, repelling force
is only calculated with no-neighbouring units. Second,
attracting force between two neurons i and j is multiplied by the distance normalization ((pj-pi)/e) and by
the attraction factor 0.1 (instead of 1). Last, repelling
force between two neurons i and j is multiplied by the
distance normalization ((pi-pj)/e) and by the repulsion
factor 0.05 (instead of 0.2).
The result of applying this projection method is
showed in Fig. 1. When removal of cells is performed,

different meshes are showed unconnectedly. Without

any other additional information, this projection method
makes possible cluster detection.

Visualization Methods
Using the projection method exposed, traditional Kohonen visualization methods can be implemented using
GCS networks with k=2. Each output neuron is painted
as a circle in a colour determined by a major parameter.
When greyscale is used, normally dark and clear tones
are associated with high and low values respectively.
The grey scales are relative to the maximum and minimum values taken by the parameter. The nature of the
data used to calculate the parameter determines three
general types of methods for performing visual analysis
of self-organizing maps: distances between synaptic
vectors, training patterns projection over the neurons,
and individual information about synaptic vectors.
All the experiments have been performed using
two groups of simulated data and one group of real
multidimensional data (Fig. 2) selected from a scene
registered by the ETM+ sensor (Landsat 7). The input
signals are defined by the six ETM+ spectral bands with

Figure 1. Output mesh projection during different self-organization process stages of a GCS network trained
with bi-dimensional vectors distributed on eleven separate regions.






Figure 2. (a) Eleven separate regions in the bi-dimensional plane. (b) Two three dimensional chain-link. (c)
Projection of multidimensional data of satellite image.







Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

the same spatial resolution: TM1 to TM5, and TM7.

The input data set has a total number of 1800 pixels,
1500 carefully chosen from the original scene and 300
randomly selected. The input vectors are associated to
six land cover categories.

Displaying Distances
The adaptation process of GCS networks places the
synaptic vectors in regions with high probability density, removing units positioned into regions with a very
low probability density. A graphical representation of
distances between the synaptic vectors will be a useful
tool to detect clusters over the input space. Distance
map, unified distance map (U-map), and distance addition map have been implemented to represent distance
map information with GCS networks.
In distance map, the mean distance between the
synaptic vector of each neuron and the synaptic vectors of all its direct neighbours is calculated. U-map
represents the same information than distance map
but, in addition it includes the distance between all the
neighbouring neurons (painted in a circle form between
each pair of neighbour units). Finally, the sum of the
distance between the synaptic vector of a neuron and
the synaptic vectors of the rest of units is calculated,
when distance addition map is generated. In distance
map and U-map, dark zones represent clusters and clear
zones boundaries along with them. In distance addition map, neurons with near synaptic vectors appear
with similar colour, and boundaries can be detected
analyzing the regions where a considerable colour

variation exists. Using GCS networks, separated meshes

represent different input clusters, usually. Fig. 3 shows
an example of these three graphs, compared with the
traditional Kohonens maps, when an eleven separate
regions distribution data set is used. GCS network
represents eleven clusters in the three graphs, clearly.
Distance map and U-map in Kohonens network show
the eleven clusters too, but in distance addition map it
is not possible to distinguish them.

Displaying Projections
This technique takes into account the input distribution patterns to generate different values to assign to
each neuron. For GCS networks, data histograms and
quantization error maps have been implemented.
Generating the histogram, the number of training
patterns associated to each neuron is obtained. However,
when quantization error graph has to be produced, the
sum of the distances between the synaptic vector of a
neuron and the input vectors that lies in its Voronoi region is calculated. In both graphs, dark and clear zones
correspond with high and low probability density areas,
respectively, so it can be used in cluster analysis. Fig. 4
shows an example of these two methods compared with
those obtained using Kohonens model when chain-link
distribution data set is used. Using Kohonens model is
difficult to distinguish the number of clusters present
in the input space. On the other hand, GCS model has
generated three output meshes, two of them representing one ring.

Figure 3. From left to right: distance map, U-map (unified distance map), and distance addition map when an
eleven separate regions distribution data set is used. (a) Kohonen feature map with 10x10 grid of neurons. (b)
GCS network with 100 output neurons. The right column shows the input data and the network projection using
the two component values of the synaptic vectors.




Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

Displaying Components
The displaying components technique analyzes each
synaptic vector or reference vector component in an
individual manner. This kind of graphs offers a visual
analysis of the topology preserving of the network, and
a possible detection of correlations and dependences
between training data components. Direct visualization
of synaptic vectors and component planes graphs have
been implemented for GCS networks.
Direct visualization map represents each neuron
in a circle form within its synaptic vector inside in a
graphical manner. This graph can be complemented with
anyone of described in the previous sections, enriching

its interpretation. A component plane map visualizes an

individual component of all the synaptic vectors.
When all the component planes are generated, relations between weights can be appreciated if similar
structures appear in identical places of two different
component planes. Fig. 5 shows an example of these two
displaying methods when multi-band data of satellite
image is used. The direct visualization map shows the
similarity between neighbouring units synaptic vectors,
and, it is interesting distinguish the fact that all the
neurons in a cluster have similar synaptic shapes. Furthermore, the integrated information about the distance
addition map shows that there is no significant colour
variation inside the same cluster. The six component

Figure 4. From left to right: Unified distance map, data histograms and quantization error maps when chain-link
distribution data set is used. (a) Kohonen feature map with 10x10 grid of neurons. (b) GCS network with 100
output neurons. The right column shows the input data and the network projection using the three component
values of the synaptic vectors.



Figure 5. GCS network trained with multidimensional data of satellite image, 54 output neurons. Graphs from
(a) to (f) show the component planes for the six elements of the synaptic vectors. (g) Direct visualization map
using distance addition map additional information.








Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

plane graphs exhibit possible dependences involving

TM1, TM2 and TM3 input vector components and,
TM5 and TM7 components too.

Several Kohonen and GCS networks have been trained
in order to evaluate and compare the resulting visualization graphs. For the sake of space only a few of these
maps have been included here. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 compare
Kohonen and GCS visualizations using distance map,
U-map, distance addition map, data histograms and
quantization error map. It can be observed that GCS
model offers much better graphical results in clusters
analysis than Kohonen networks. The removal of
units and connections inside low probability distribution areas causes that GCS network presents within a
particular cluster the same quality of information that
Kohonen network in relation to the entire map. Since
it has already been mentioned, the grey scale used in
all the maps is relative to the maximum and minimum
values taken by the studied parameter. In all the cases
the range of values taken by the calculated factor using
GCS is minor than using Kohonen maps.
The exposed visualization methods applied to the
visual analysis of multidimensional satellite data has
given very satisfactory results (Fig 5). All trained GCS
networks have been able to generate six sub maps in
the output layer (in some case they have arrived up to
eight) that identify the six land cover classes present
in the sample of data. The direct visualization map
and the component plane graphs have demonstrated
to be a useful tool for the extraction of knowledge of
the multisensorial data.

The proposed knowledge visualization method based
on GCS networks has results a useful tool for multidimensional data analysis. In order to evaluate the
quality of the trained networks we consider necessary
to develop some measure techniques (qualitative and
quantitative in numerical and graphical format) to
analyze the topology preservation obtained. In this way
we will be able to validate the information visualized
by the methods presented in this paper.
Also it would be interesting to validate these methods of visualisation with new data sets of very high

dimensional nature. We need to study the viability of

cluster analysis with this projection technique when
this class of data samples is used.

The exposed embedding method allows multidimensional data to be displayed as two-dimensional grey
images. The visual-spatial abilities of human observers
can explore these graphical maps to extract interrelations and characteristics in the dataset.
In GCS model the networks size does not have to
be specified in advance. During the training process,
the size of the network grows and decreases adapting
its architecture to the particular characteristics of the
training dataset.
Although in GCS networks it is necessary to determine a great number of training factors than in Kohonen
model, using the learning modified model the tuning of
the training factors values is simplified. In fact, several
experiments have been made on datasets of diverse
nature using the same values for all the training factors
and giving excellent results in all the cases.
Especially notable is the cluster detection during the
self-organization process without any other additional

Delgado S., Gonzalo C., Martnez E., & Arquero A.
(2004). Improvement of Self-Organizing Maps with
Growing Capability for Goodness Evaluation of
Multispectral Training Patterns. IEEE International
Proceedings of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium. 1, 564-567.
Franzmeier M., Witkowski U., & Rckert U. (2005).
Explorative data analysis based on self-organizing
maps and automatic map analysis. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. 3512, 725-733.
Fritzke, B (1994). Growing Cell Structures A selforganizing Network for Unsupervised and Supervised
Learning. Neural Networks. 7(9), 1441-1460.
Fritzke, B (1995). A growing neural gas network learns
topologies. Advances in neural information processing
systems. 7, 625-632.

Growing Self-Organizing Maps for Data Analysis

Kohonen, T. (1982). Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps. Biological Cybernetics.
(43), 59-69.
Kohonen, T. (2001). Self-Organizing Map (3rd ed).
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York.
Kraaijveld MA., Mao J., & Jain AK. (1995). A non
linear projection method based on Kohonens topology preserving maps. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks. 6(3), 548-559.
Merlk D., & Rauber A. (1997). Alternative ways for
cluster visualization in self-organizing maps. Workshop
on Self-Organizing Maps, Helsinki, Finland.
Rossi, F. (2006). Visual data mining and machine learning. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium. 251-264.
Rubio M., & Gimnez V. (2003). New methods for selforganizing map visual analysis. Neural Computation
& Applications. 12, 142-152.
Tukey, JW. (1977). Exploratory data analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Ultsch A., & Siemon HP. (1990). Kohonen self-organizing feature maps for exploratory data analysis.
Proceedings of the International Neural Network,
Dordrecht, The Nederlands.
Vesanto, J. (1999). SOM-based visualization methods. Intelligent Data Analysis, Elsevier Science, 3(2),
Walker AJ., Cross SS., & Harrison RF. (1999). Visualisation of biomedical datasets by use of growing cell
structure networks: a novel diagnostic classification
technique. The Lancer, Academic Research Library.

Artificial Neural Networks: An interconnected
group of units or neurons that uses a mathematical
model for information processing based on a connectionist approach to computation.
Data Mining: The application of analytical methods
and tools to data for the purpose of identifying patterns,
relationships or obtaining systems that perform useful
tasks such as classification, prediction, estimation, or
affinity grouping.
Exploratory Data Analysis: Philosophy about how
a data analysis should be carried out. Exploratory data
analysis employs a variety of techniques (mostly graphical) to extract the knowledge inherent to the data.
Growing Cell Structures: Growing variant of the
self-organizing map model, with the peculiarity of dynamically adapts the size and connections of the output
layer to the characteristics of the training patterns.
Knowledge Visualization: The creation and communication of knowledge through the use of computer
and non-computer-based, complementary, graphic
representation techniques.
Self-Organizing Map: A subtype of artificial neural
network. It is trained using unsupervised learning to
produce low dimensional representation of the training
samples while preserving the topological properties of
the input space
Unsupervised Learning: Method of machine
learning where a model is fit to observations. It is
distinguished from supervised learning by the fact that
there is no a priori output.



GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in

TTS Synthesis
Llus Formiga
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Francesc Alas
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain

Unit Selection Text-to-Speech Synthesis (US-TTS)
systems produce synthetic speech based on the retrieval
of previous recorded speech units from a speech database (corpus) driven by a weighted cost function
(Black & Campbell, 1995). To obtain high quality
synthetic speech these weights must be optimized efficiently. To that effect, in previous works, a technique
was introduced for weight tuning based on evolutionary perceptual tests by means of Active Interactive
Genetic Algorithms (aiGAs) (Alas, Llor, Formiga,
Sastry & Goldberg, 2006) aiGAs mine models that
map subjective preferences from users by partial
ordering graphs, synthetic fitness and Evolutionary
Computation (EC) (Llor, Sastry, Goldberg, Gupta &
Lakshmi, 2005). Although aiGA propose an effective
method to map single user preferences, as far as we
know, the methodology to extract common solutions
among different individual preferences (hereafter
denoted as common knowledge) has not been tackled
yet. Furthermore, there is an ambiguity problem to be
solved when different users evolve to different weight
configurations. In this review, Generative Topographic
Mapping (GTM) is introduced as a method to extract
common knowledge from aiGA models obtained from
user preferences.

Weight Tuning in Unit-Selection Text-toSpeech Synthesis
The aim of US-TTS is to generate synthetic speech
by concatenating the sequence of units that best fit the
requirements derived from the input text. The speech

units are retrieved from a database (speech corpus)

which stores speech-units previously recorded by a
professional speaker, typically.
Text-to-speech workflow is generally modelled
as two independent blocks that convert written text
into speech signal. The first block is named Natural
Language Processing (NLP), which is followed by the
Digital Signal Processing block (DSP). At first stage,
The NLP block carries out a text preprocessing (e.g.
conversion of digit numbers or acronyms to words), then
it converts graphemes to phonemes. And at last stage,
the NLP block assigns quantified prosody parameters
to each phoneme guiding the way each phoneme is
converted to signal. Generally, this quantified prosody
parameters involve duration, pitch and energy. Next, The
DSP block retrieves from a recorded database (speech
corpus) the sequence of units that best matches the
target requirements (the phonemes and their prosody).
Finally, the speech units are ensembled to obtain the
output speech signal.
The retrieval process is done by a dynamic programming algorithm (e.g. Viterbi or A* (Formiga
& Alas, 2006)) driven by a cost function. The cost
function computes the load of selecting a unit within
a sequence as the sum of two weighted subcosts (see
equation (1)): the target subcost (Ct) and the concatenation subcost (Cc). In this work, the Ct is considered
as a weighted linear combination of the normalized
prosody distances between the target-NLP predicted
prosody vector and the candidate unit prosody vector
(see equation ). Otherwise, the Cc is computed as a
weighted linear combination of the distances between
the feature vectors of the speech signal around its
concatenation point (see equation ).

i =1


C (t1n , u1n ) = C t (ti , ui ) + C c (ui 1 , ui )

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

C t (ti , ui ) = wtj C uj (ti , ui )


j =1

C c (ui 1 , ui ) = wcj C cj (ui 1 , ui )


j =1

where t1 represents the target units sequence {t1,

t2,...,tn} and u1 represents the candidate units sequence
{u1, u2,..., un}.

C tj (ti , ui ) = 1 e

Pj ( ti )


C cj (ui 1 , ui ) = 1 e

PjR ( ui 1 ) PjL ( ui )




Appropriate design of cost function by means of

weight training is a crucial to earn high quality synthetic
speech (Black, 2002). Nevertheless this concern has
focused approaches with no unique response. Several
techniques have been suggested for weight tuning,
which may be spitted into three families: i) manual-tuning ii) computationally-driven purely objective methods
and iii) perceptually optimized techniques (Alas, Llor,
Formiga, Sastry & Goldberg, 2006). The present review
is based on the techniques based on human feedback to
the training process, following previous work (Alas,
Llor, Formiga, Sastry & Goldberg, 2006), which is
outlined in the next section.

The Approach: Interactive Evolutionary

Weight Tuning
Computationally-driven purely objective methods are
mainly focused on an acoustic measure (obtained from
cepstral distances) between the resynthesized and the
natural signals. Hunt and Black adopted two approaches
in (Hunt & Black, 1996). The first approach was based
on adjusting the weights through an exhaustive search
of a prediscretized weight space (weight space search,
WSS). The second approach proposed by the authors
used a multilinear regression technique (MLR), across
the entire database to compute the desired weights.
Later, Meron and Hirose (Meron & Hirose, 1999) presented a methodology that improved the efficiency of
the WSS and refined the MLR method. In a previous

work (Alas & Llor, 2003), introduced evolutionary

computation to perform this tuning. More precisely,
Genetic Algorithms (GA) were applied to obtain the
most appropriate weight. The main added value of
making use of GA to find optimal weight configuration is the independency to linear search models (as in
MLR)and, in addition, it avoids the exhaustive search
(as in WSS).
However, all this methods lack on its dependency
on the acoustic measure to determine the actual quality
of the synthesized speech, which in most part is relative to human hearing. To obtain better speech quality, it was suggested that user should take part in the
process. In (Alas, Llor, Iriondo, Sevillano, Formiga
& Socor, 2004) there were conducted preference
tests by synthesizing the training text according to two
different weights and comparing the obtained speech
subjective quality. Subsequently, Active Interactive
Genetic Algorithms were presented in (Llor, Sastry,
Goldberg, Gupta & Lakshmi, 2005) as one interactive
evolutionary computation method where the user
feedback evolves the solutions through survival-ofthe-fittest mechanism. The solutions inherent fitness is
based on the partial order provided by the evaluator;
Active iGAs base its efficiency on evolving different
solutions by means of surrogate fitness, which generalize the user preferences. This surrogate fitness and
the evolutionary process are based on the following
key elements: i) partial ordering, ii) induced complete
order, and iii) surrogate function via Support Vector
Machines (-SVM). Preference decisions made by
the user are modelled as a directional graph which
is used to generate partial ordering of solutions (e.g:
x1 > x2 ; x2 > x3 : x1 x2 x3 ) (see figure 1). Table 1
shows the approach of global rank based on dominance
measure: given a vertex v, the number of dominated
vertexes (v) and dominating vertexes is computed.
Using this measures, the estimated fitness may be
computed as f (v) = (v) (v) . The estimated ranking
r(v) is obtained by sorting based on f (v) (Llor, Sastry,
Goldberg, Gupta & Lakshmi, 2005). The procedure of
aiGA is detailed in algorithm 1.
However, once the global weights were obtained
with aiGA, there was no single dominant weight solution (Alas, Llor, Formiga, Sastry & Goldberg, 2006),
i.e. each test performed by different users gave similar
and different solutions. This fact implied that a second
group of users had to validate the obtained weights.


GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

Figure 1. (Left) Partial evaluations allow building a directed graph among all solutions. (Right) Obtained graph
must be cleared to avoid cycles and draws.

Table 1. Estimation of the global ranking based on the dominance measure. Dur T Ene T and Pit T stand for the
weight values for target weights (duration, energy and pitch). In the same way, Pit C Ene C and Mfc C stand for
the weight values for concatenation weights (Pitch, Energy and Mel Frequency Cepstrum).









f (v)

Dur T

Ene C

Ene T

Mfc C

Pit C

Pit T


-SVM f (v)













Thus, clustering problem from different tests was suitable to the weight tuning problem with the goal of
extracting consistent results from the user tests.








GTM in a Nutshell
Unsupervised learning allows to group sparse data into
clusters in terms of similarity of data samples. Several


GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

Algorithm 1

Algorithm 1 Algorithm description of active iGA

procedure aiGA()
Create an empty directed graph G .
Create 2 h random initial solutions ( S set).
Create the hierarchical tournament set T using the available solutions in S .
Present the tournaments in T to the user and update the partial ordering in G .
Estimate r(v) for each v S .
Train the surrogate E -SVM synthetic fitness based on S and r(v) .
Optimize the surrogate E -SVM synthetic fitness with cGA.
Create the S set with 2 h 1 different solutions where S S = , sampling out of
the probabilistic model evolved by cGA.
Create the hierarchical tournament set T with 2 h 1 tournaments using 2 h 1
solutions in S and 2 h 1 solucions in S .
10 S S S .
11 T T T .
12 Go to 4 while not converged.

methods perform this grouping (Figuereido & Jain,

2002): Expectation Maximization (EM), k-means,
Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), Self Organizing
Maps (SOM) and Generative Topographic Mapping,
among others.
Techniques may be grouped, according to (Figuereido & Jain, 2002), into two types of formulation: i)
model-based methods (e.g. GMM, EM, GTM) and
ii) heuristic methods (e.g. k-means or hierarchical
agglomerative methods). The number of sources generating the data is the differential propriety. Indeed,
model-based methods suppose that the observations
have been fashioned by one (arbitrarily chosen and
unidentified) source of a set of alternative arbitrary
sources. Therefore, inferring these tuned sources and
mapping the source to each observation leads to a clustering of the set of observations. Otherwise, heuristic
methods assume only one source for the observed data
considering similar heterogeneity for them.
Self-Organizing Maps (or Kohonen maps) (Kohonen, 1990) are a clustering technique based on neural
networks. The easiness of visualizing of multidimen-

sional data is the largely appropriate added value of

SOM. In addition, Generative Topographic Mapping is a nonlinear latent variable model introduced
in (Bishop, Svensen & Williams, 1998). GTM intends
to give an substitute answer to SOM by means of overcoming its restrictions which are listed in (Kohonen,
2006): i) the absence of a cost function, ii) the lack of
a theoretical basis for choosing learning rate parameter
schedules and neighbourhood parameters to ensure
topographic ordering, iii) the absence of any general
proofs of convergence and iv) the fact that the model
does not define a probability density.
GTM is based on a constrained mixture of GMM
whose parameters can be tuned through EM algorithm.
The handicap of heuristic based models is that there is
not a-priori distribution of the centroids for each cluster.
In GTM, the set of latent points is modelled as a grid.
A circular gaussian distribution is a point in the grid
with its equivalent correspondence, through a weighted
non-linear basis functions, onto the multidimensional
space. Thus, grid is shaped to wrap the data due to the
explicit order among the gaussian distributions

GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

Modelling User Preferences by GTM

GTM is able to extract solutions from the different
aiGA evolved graphs due to the consistency of its
theoretical basis. The key objective is to recognize
important clusters inside the evolved data space and
therefore, determine the fitness entropy of each cluster
in terms of fitness variance to choose the global weight
configuration set.
GTM can model the best aIGA weights from multidimensional weight space into a two-dimensional space.
Taking into account the cluster with higher averaged
fitness and lower standard deviation allows selecting
the best weight configuration from different user aiGA
models. For adjusting this method the geometry of the
gaussian distributions and the size of the latent space
have to be set up manually. EM weights GTM centroids and the basis functions. Then, it is extracted from
each cluster the average fitness as well as its standard
deviation. The computation of the averaged fitness and
standard deviation is computed from the set which its
weight combinations bayesian a posteriori probability
is the highest to the cluster.

It is to note that the fitness itself does not get involved into the optimization EM part on behalf it is
relative to each user and is not known for unevaluated
weight combinations for one specific user (unless SVM predicted).

Experiments and Results

On (Formiga & Alas, 2007) common knowledge was
extracted from user evolved weights from previous
tests conducted on catalan speech corpus with 9863
recorded units (1207 diphones and triphones) (obtained from 1520 sentences and words) (Alas, Llor,
Formiga, Sastry & Goldberg., 2006). On that test,
five phonetically balanced sentences where extracted
from the corpus to perform the global weight tuning process by a web interface named SinEvo (Alas,
Llor, Iriondo, Sevillano, Formiga & Socor, 2004).
The evolved weights were normalized through MaxMin normalization to range all weights between 0 and
1. That test was conducted by three users, obtaining
fifteen different weight configurations.

Figure 2. Performance of GTM: Different pareto fronts were analyzed for each configuration


GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

On (Formiga & Alas, 2007), different configurations of GTM were analyzed for mapping normalized
weights (hexagonal or rectangular grid and different
grid sizes: (3 3, 4 4, 5 5)). The purpose of this
analysis was to find the optimal GTM configuration,
i.e. The one which minimizes averaged standard deviation (std) per cluster and the number of significant
clusters per population (with averaged fitness over
75%) while maximizing the averaged mean fitness per
cluster. As it may be noticed in figure 2, the 4 4 grid
configuration with hexagonal latent grid was selected
as it yielded the best Pareto front (although the rest of
4x4 grids achieved similar performance).
After GTM was set up, each evolved weights were
extracted and mapped to other users GTMs within the
same sentence, obtaining their corresponding fitness
from the other users preferences. Equation 6 allowed
to set a global fitness (gF) from overall averaged fitness
( FAvGTM ) for each evolved weight configuration.
gFw =

FAv ( w j , ui )
N i =1 j =1


where Ustands for the number of users, W for the

number of weight configurations, N stands for the total
number of weights (U + W).
In addition, to avoid a perceptual manual validation
stage ten different users-not involved whatsoever in the
tuning process-performed a comparison to the aIGA best
weights to allow a comparison between GTM clustering
and real human preference on validation stage.
Analyzing the results on figure 3, the GTM most
voted weights configurations fit in with the manual user
preferences for three sentences (De la Seva Selva, Del
Seu Territori and Grans Extensions). Though, the rest
of the sentences have quite different behaviour. The
best weight combination selected from the users was
the second GTM best weight configuration in I els
han venut while the best GTM weight combination
was never been voted. Cosine correlation is taken into
account among problematic weights configurations as
the important matter is weight distribution instead of
analyzing the values themselves. In this case, GTM two
better weights have a 0.7841 correlation, so GTM results may be measured satisfactory as weights approach
equivalent patterns. By the other hand, the correlation

Figure 3. The results of the comparison between normalized user voted preferences and GTM mapping are
presented for the five sentences. Two different solutions for same user were considered if they adopted similar
fitness in aIGA model.


GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

between the two best GTM weights configurations is

0.8323 in Fusta de Birmnia and, as in the previous
case, the correlation gives again satisfactory results.

Future work will be focused on conducting new experiments, e.g. by clustering similar units instead of
tackling global weight tuning on preselected sentences
or by including more users in the training process. In
addition the expansion of the capabilities of GTM to
map user preferences opens the possibility to focus
on non-linear cost functions so as to overcome the
linearity restrictions of the present function.

This article continues the work of including user preferences for tuning the weights of the cost function in
Unit-selection TTS systems. In previous works we
have presented a method to find cost function optimal
weight tuning based on perceptual criteria of individual
users. As a next step, this paper applies a heuristic
method for choosing the best solution among all users
overcoming the need to conduct a second listening test
to select the best weight configuration among individual optimal solutions. This proof-of-principle study
shows that GTM is capable of mapping the common
knowledge among different users thanks to working
on the perceptually optimized weights space obtained
through aiGA and getting a final solution that can be
used for a final adjustment of the TTS.

Alas, F., Llor, X., Formiga, L., Sastry, K., Goldberg,
D.E. (2006): Efficient interactive weight tuning for
tts synthesis: reducing user fatigue by improving user
consistency. In: Proceedings of ICASSP. Volume I.,
Toulouse, France 865868.
Alas, F., Llor, X., Iriondo, I., Sevillano, X., Formiga,
L., Socoro, J. C. (2004): Perception- Guided and Phonetic Clustering Weight Tuning Based on Diphone
Pairs for Unit Selection TTS. In: Proceedings of the


8th International Conference on Spoken Language

Processing (ICSLP) Jeju Island, Korea.
Alas, F., Llor, X. (2003): Evolutionary weight tuning based on diphone pairs for unit selection speech
synthesis. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology
Bishop, C.M., Svensen, M., Williams, C.K.I. (1998):
GTM: The generative topographic mapping. Neural
Comp. 10(1) 215234.
Black, A.W., Campbell, N. (1995): Optimising selection of units from speech databases for concatenative
synthesis. In: Proceedings of EuroSpeech. Volume 1.,
Madrid 581584.
Black, A.W. (2002): for all of the people all of the time.
In: IEEE Workshop on Speech Synthesis (Keynote),
Santa Monica, USA.
Figueiredo, M.A.F., Jain, A.K. (2002): Unsupervised
learning of finite mixture models. Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 24(3)
Formiga L., Alas F. (2007): Extracting User Preferences
by GTM for aiGA Weight Tuning in Unit Selection
Text-to-Speech Synthesis , International Workshop
on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN07), pp. 654661, ISBN 978-3-540-73006-4, June 2007, Donostia
Formiga L., Alas F. (2006): Heuristics for implementing the A* algorithm for unit selection TTS
synthesis systems , IV Jornadas en Tecnologa del
Habla (4JTH06), pp. 219-224, ISBN 84-96214-82-6,
november, Zaragoza (Spain).
Holland J. (1975): Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
Systems. Ann arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press.
Hunt, A., Black, A.W. (1996): Unit selection in a
concatenative speech synthesis system using a large
speech database. In: Proceedings of ICASSP. Volume
1., Atlanta, USA 373376.
Kohonen, T. (2006): Self-Organizing Maps. Springer.
Kohonen, T. (1990): The self-organizing map. Proceedings of the IEEE 78(9) 14641480.

GTM User Modeling for aIGA Weight Tuning in TTS Synthesis

Llor., X., Sastry, K., Goldberg, D.E., Gupta, A., Lakshmi, L. (2005): Combating user fatigue in IGAs: Partial
ordering, support vector machines, and synthetic fitness.
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference 2005 (GECCO-2005) 13631371 note:
(Also IlliGAL Report No. 2005009).
Meron, Y., Hirose, K. (1999): Efficient weight
training for selection based synthesis. In: Proceedings of EuroSpeech. Volume 5., Budapest, Hungary

Correlation: A statistical measurement of the
interdependence or association between two or
qualitative variables. A typical calculation would be
performed by multiplying a signal by either another
signal (cross-correlation) or by a delayed version of
itself (autocorrelation).
Digital Signal Processing (DSP): DSP, or Digital
Signal Processing, as the term suggests, is the processing
of signals by digital means. The processing of a digital
signal is done by performing numerical calculations.
Diphone: A sound consisting of two phonemes: one
that leads into the sound and one that finishes the sound.
e.g.: hello silence-h h-eh eh-l l-oe oe-silence.
Evolutionary Algorithms: Collective term for all
variants of (probabilistic) optimization and approximation algorithms that are inspired by Darwinian evolution.
Optimal states are approximated by successive improvements based on the variation-selection-paradigm.
Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM): Itisa
technique for density modelling and data visualisation
inspired in SOM (see SOM definition).

Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC):

The MFCC are the coefficients of the Mel cepstrum.
The Mel-cepstrum is the cepstrum computed on the
Mel-bands (scaled to human ear) instead of the Fourier
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Computer
understanding, analysis, manipulation, and/or generation of natural language.
Pitch: Intonation measure given a time in the
Prosody: A collection of phonological features
including pitch, duration, and stress, which define the
rhythm of spoken language.
Text Normalization: The process of converting
abbreviations and non-word written symbols into
words that a speaker would say when reading that
symbol out loud.
Unit Selection Synthesis: A synthesis technique
where appropriate units are retrieved from large databases of natural speech so as to generate synthetic
Unsupervised Learning: Learning techniques that
group instances without a pre-specified dependent attribute. Clustering algorithms are usually unsupervised
methods for grouping data sets.
Self-Organizing Maps: Self-organizing maps
(SOMs) are a data visualization technique which reduce
the dimensions of data through the use of self-organizing neural networks
Surrogate Fitness: Synthetic fitness measure that
tries to evaluate one evolutionary solution in the same
terms as one perceptual user would



Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data

Roy Gelbard
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Avichai Meged
Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Representing and consequently processing fuzzy data
in standard and binary databases is problematic. The
problem is further amplified in binary databases where
continuous data is represented by means of discrete
1 and 0 bits. As regards classification, the problem
becomes even more acute. In these cases, we may want
to group objects based on some fuzzy attributes, but
unfortunately, an appropriate fuzzy similarity measure
is not always easy to find. The current paper proposes
a novel model and measure for representing fuzzy
data, which lends itself to both classification and data
Classification algorithms and data mining attempt
to set up hypotheses regarding the assigning of different objects to groups and classes on the basis of the
similarity/distance between them (Estivill-Castro &
Yang, 2004) (Lim, Loh & Shih, 2000) (Zhang & Srihari,
2004). Classification algorithms and data mining are
widely used in numerous fields including: social sciences, where observations and questionnaires are used
in learning mechanisms of social behavior; marketing,
for segmentation and customer profiling; finance, for
fraud detection; computer science, for image processing and expert systems applications; medicine, for
diagnostics; and many other fields.
Classification algorithms and data mining methodologies are based on a procedure that calculates a
similarity matrix based on similarity index between
objects and on a grouping technique. Researches
proved that a similarity measure based upon binary
data representation yields better results than regular
similarity indexes (Erlich, Gelbard & Spiegler, 2002)
(Gelbard, Goldman & Spiegler, 2007). However, binary
representation is currently limited to nominal discrete
attributes suitable for attributes such as: gender, marital

status, etc., (Zhang & Srihari, 2003). This makes the

binary approach for data representation unattractive
for widespread data types.
The current research describes a novel approach
to binary representation, referred to as Fuzzy Binary
Representation. This new approach is suitable for all
data types - nominal, ordinal and as continuous. We
propose that there is meaning not only to the actual
explicit attribute value, but also to its implicit similarity
to other possible attribute values. These similarities can
either be determined by a problem domain expert or automatically by analyzing fuzzy functions that represent
the problem domain. The added new fuzzy similarity
yields improved classification and data mining results.
More generally, Fuzzy Binary Representation and related similarity measures exemplify that a refined and
carefully designed handling of data, including eliciting
of domain expertise regarding similarity, may add both
value and knowledge to existing databases.

Binary Representation
Binary representation creates a storage scheme, wherein
data appear in binary form rather than the common
numeric and alphanumeric formats. The database
is viewed as a two-dimensional matrix that relates
entities according to their attribute values. Having
the rows represent entities and the columns represent
possible values, entries in the matrix are either 1 or
0, indicating that a given entity (e.g., record, object)
has or lacks a given value, respectively (Spiegler &
Maayan, 1985).
In this way, we can have a binary representation for
discrete and continuous attributes.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Table 1. Standard binary representation table

Table 1 illustrates binary representation of a database

consists of five entities with the following two attributes:
Marital Status (nominal) and Height (continuous).

Marital Status, with four values: S (single), M

(married), D (divorced), W (widowed).
Heights, with four values: 1.55, 1.56, 1.60 and

However, practically, binary representation is currently limited to nominal discrete attributes only. In the
current study, we extend the binary model to include
continuous data and fuzzy representation.

Similarity Measures
Similarity/distance measures are essential and at the
heart of all classification algorithms. The most commonly-used method for calculating similarity is the
Squared Euclidean measure. This measure calculates
the distance between two samples as the square root
of the sums of all squared distances between their
properties (Jain & Dubes, 1988) (Jain, Murty & Flynn,
However, these likelihood-similarity measures are
applicable only to ordinal attributes and cannot be used
to classify nominal, discrete, or categorical attributes,
since there is no meaning in placing such attribute values
in a common Euclidean space. A similarity measure,
which applicable to nominal attributes and used in our
research is the Dice (Dice 1945).
Additional binary similarity measures were developed and presented (Illingworth, Glaser & Pyle,
1983) (Zhang & Srihari, 2003). Similarities measures
between the different attribute values, as proposed in

Zadeh (1971) model, are essential in the classification

In the current study we use similarities between entities and between entitys attribute values to get better
classification. Following former reserches, (Gelbard
& Spiegler, 2000) (Erlich, Gelbard & Spiegler, 2002),
the current study also uses Dice measure.

Fuzzy Logic
The theory of Fuzzy Logic was first introduced by
Lotfi Zadeh (Zadeh, 1965). In classical logic, the
only possible truth-values are true and false. In Fuzzy
Logic; however, more truth-values are possible beyond
the simple true and false. Fuzzy logic, then, derived
from fuzzy set theory, is designed for situations where
information is inexact and traditional digital on/off
decisions are not possible.
Fuzzy sets are an extension of classical set theory
and are used in fuzzy logic. In classical set theory,
membership of elements in relation to a set is assessed
according to a clear condition; an element either belongs
or does not belong to the set. By contrast, fuzzy set theory
permits the gradual assessment of the membership of
elements in relation to a set; this is described with the
aid of a membership function
. An element
mapped to the value 0 means that the member is not
included in the given set, 1 describes a fully included
member, and all values between 0 and 1 characterize
the fuzzy members. For example, the continuous variable Height may have three membership functions;
stand for Short, Medium and Tall categories.
An object may belong to few categories in different
membership degree, e.g 180 cm. height may belong
to the Medium and Tall categories, in different

Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

membership degree expressed by the range [0,1]. The

membership degrees are returned from the membership
functions. We can say that a man whose height is 180
cm. is slightly medium and a man whose height is
200 cm. is of perfect tall height.
Different membership functions might represent
different membership degrees. Having several possibilities for membership functions is part of the theoretical
and practical drawbacks in Zadas model. There is no
right way to determine the right membership functions
(Mitaim & Kosko, 2001). Thus, a membership function
may be considered arbitrary and subjective.
In the current work, we make use of membership
functions to develop the enhanced similarity calculation
for use in classification of fuzzy data.


Standard Binary Representation exhibits data integrity
in that it is precise, and preserves data accuracy without
either loss of information or rounding of any value. The
mutual exclusiveness assumption causes the isolation
of each value. This is true for handling discrete data
values. However, in dealing with a continuous attribute,
e.g. Height, we want to assume that height 1.55 is closer
to 1.56 than to 1.60. However, when converting such
values into a mutually exclusive binary representation
(Table 1), we lose these basic numerical relations.
Similarity measures between any pair with different
attribute values is always 0, no matter how similar the
attribute values are. This drawback makes the standard
binary representation unattractive for representing and
handling continuous data types.
Similarity between attribute values is also needed for
nominal and ordinal data. For example, the color red
(nominal value) is more similar to the color purple
than it is to the color yellow. In ranking (question-

naires) a 1 satisfactory rank (ordinal variable) might

be closer to the 2 rank than to the 5 rank.
The absence of these similarity intuitions are of
paramount importance in classification and indeed may
cause some inaccuracies in classification results.
The following sections present a model that adds
relative similarity values to the data representation. This
serves to empower the binary representation to better
handle both continuous and fuzzy data and improves
classification results for all attribute types.

Model for Fuzzy Similarity

In standard binary representation, each attribute (which
may have several values, e.g., color: red, blue, green,
etc.) is a vector of bits where only one bit is set to 1
and all others are set to 0. The 1 bit stands for
the actual value of the attribute. In the Fuzzy Binary
Representation, the zero bits are replaced by relative
similarity values.
The Fuzzy Binary Representation is viewed as a
two-dimensional matrix that relates entities according to
their attribute values. Having the rows represent entities
and the columns represent possible values, entries in the
matrix are fuzzy numbers in the range [0,1], indicating
the similarity degree of specific attribute value to the
actual one, where 1 means full similarity to the actual
value (this is the actual value), 0 means no similarity
al all and all other values means partial similarity.
The following example illustrates the way for creating the Fuzzy Binary Representation: Lets assume
we have a database of five entities and two attributes
represented in a binary representation as illustrated in
Table1. The fuzzy similarities between all attribute values are calculated (next section describes the calculation
process) and represented in a two-dimensional Fuzzy

Table 2. Fuzzy similarity matrixes of the marital status and height attributes


Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Similarity Matrix, wherein rows and columns stand

for the different attributes values, and the matrix cells
contain the fuzzy similarity between the value pairs.
The Fuzzy Similarity Matrix is symmetrical. Table 2
illustrates fuzzy similarity matrixes for Marital Status
and Height attributes.
The Marital Status similarity matrix shows that
the similarity between Single and Widow is high
(0.8), while there is no similarity between Single and
Married (0). The Height similarity matrix shows that
the similarity between 1.56 and 1.60 is 0.8 (high
similarity), while the similarity between 1.55 and
1.84 is 0 (not similar at all). These similarity matrixes
can be calculated automatically, as is explained in the
next section.
Now, the zero values in the binary representation
(Table 1) are replaced by the appropriate similarity
value (Table 2). For example, in Table 1, we will replace
the zero-bit stands for Height 1.55 of the first entity,
with the fuzzy similarity between 1.55 and 1.60 (the
actual attribute value), as indicated in the Height fuzzy
similarity matrix (0.7). Table 3 illustrates the fuzzy
representation accepted after such replacements.
It should be noted that the similarities indicated
in the fuzzy similarity table relate to the similarity
between the actual value of the attribute (e.g. 1.60 in

entity 1) and the other attributes values (e.g. 1.55,

1.56 and 1.84).
Next, the fuzzy similarities, presented in decimal
form, are converted into a binary format the Fuzzy
Binary Representation. The conversion should allow
similarity indexes like Dice.
To meet this requirement, each similarity value is
represented by N binary bits, where N is determined
by the required precision. For one- tenth precision, 10
binary bits are needed, for one-hundredth precision,
100 binary bits are needed. For ten bits precision
fuzzy similarity 0 will be represented by ten 0s,
the fuzzy similarity 0.1 will be represented by nine
0 followed by one 1, the fuzzy similarity 0.2 will
be represented by eight 0s followed by two 1s and
so on till the fuzzy similarity 1 which will be represented by ten 1s. Table 4 illustrates the conversion
from fuzzy representation (Table 3) to fuzzy binary
The Fuzzy Binary Representation illustrated in Table
4 is suitable for all data types (discrete and continuous)
and, with the new knowledge (fuzzy similarities values)
it contains, a better classification is expected.
The following section describes the process for
similarity calculations necessary for this type of Fuzzy
Binary Representation.

Table 3. Fuzzy similarity table

Table 4. Fuzzy binary representation table


Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Fuzzy Similarity Calculation

Similarity calculation between the different attribute
values is not a precise science, i.e., there is no one way
to calculate it, just as there is no one way to develop
membership functions in the Fuzzy Logic world.
We suggest determining similarities according to
the attribute type. A domain expert should evaluate
similarity for nominal attributes like Marital Status.
For example, Single, Divorced and Widowed are considered one person, while Married is considered as
two people. Therefore, Single may be more similar
to Divorced and Widowed than it is to Married. On the
other hand Divorced is one that once was married,
so may be it is more similar to Married than to single.
In short, similarity is a relative, rather than an absolute
measure, as there is hardly any known automatic way
to calculate similarities for such attributes and therefore
a domain expert is needed.
Similarity for ordinal data like satisfactory rank can
be calculated in the same way as for nominal or continuous attributes depending on the nature of attributes
values. Similarity for continuous data like Height can
be calculated automatically. Unlike nominal attributes,
in continuous data there is an intuitive meaning to the
distance between different values. For example, as
regards the Height attribute, the difference between
1.55 and 1.56 is smaller than the distance between 1.55
and 1.70; therefore, the similarity is expected to be
higher accordingly. For continuous data, an automatic
method can be constructed, as showed, to calculate the
Depending on the problem domain, a continuous
attribute can be divided into one or more fuzzy sets
(categories), e.g., the Height attribute can be divided
into three sets: Short, Medium and Tall. A membership
function for each set can be developed.
The calculated similarities depend on the specified
membership functions; therefore, they are referred to
here as fuzzy similarities. The following algorithm
can be used for similarity calculations of continuous
For each pair of attribute values (v1 and v2)
For each membership function F
Similarities (v1, v2) = 1 - distance
between F(v1) and F(v2)
Similarity (v1, v2) = Maximum of
the calculated Similarities

Now that we have discussed both a model for

Fuzzy Binary Representation and a way to calculate
similarities, we will show the new knowledge (fuzzy
similarities) added to the standard binary representation improve the similarity measures between different
entities, as discussed in the next section.


In this section, we compare standard and fuzzy similarities. The similarities were calculated according to the
Dice index for the example represented in Table 4.
Table 5 combines similarities of the different entities
related to (a) Martial Status (nominal), to (b) Height
(continuous) and to (c) both the Marital Status and
Height attributes.
Several points and findings arise from the representations shown above (Table 5). These are briefly
highlighted below:



In our small example, a nominal attribute (Marital

Status) represented in standard binary representation cannot be used for classification. In contrast,
the Fuzzy Binary Representation, with a large
diversity of similarities results, will enable better
classification. Grouping entities with a similarity
that is equal to or greater than 0.7 yields a class
of entities 2, 3, 4 and 5, which represent Single,
Divorced and Widowed that belong to the set
one person.
For a continuous attribute (Height) represented in
the standard binary representation, classification is
not possible. In contrast, the Fuzzy Binary Representation with diversity in similarities results will,
once again, enable better classification. Entities
1 and 5 have absolute similarity (1), since for the
Height attribute they are identical. Entities 2 and
4 (similarity = 0.94) are very similar, since they
represent the almost identical heights of 1.55
and 1.56, respectively. Classification based on
these two entities is possible due to diversity of
The same phenomena presented for a single attribute (Marital Status or Height) exist also for
the both attributes (Marital Status + Height) when
are taking together. Similarity greater than 0.8 is

Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Table 5. Entities similarity

used to group entities 2, 4 and 5, which represent

one person around 1.56 meters height.
Two important advantages of the novel Fuzzy Binary Representation detailed in the current work over
the standard binary representation are suggested: (1)
It is practically suitable to all attribute types. (2) It
improves classification results.

The current work improves classification by adding new
similarity knowledge to the standard representation of
data. Further research can be conducted to calculate the
interrelationship between the different attributes, i.e.,
the cross-similarities among attributes such as marital
status and height. Understanding such interrelationships
might further serve to refine the classification and data
mining results.
Another worthwhile research direction is helping
the human domain expert to get the right similarities,
and thus choose the right membership functions. A
Decision Support System may provide a way in which
to structure the similarity evaluation of the expert and
make his/her decisions less arbitrary.

In the current paper, the problems of representing and
classifying data in databases were addressed. The focus
was on Binary Databases, which have been shown in
recent years to have an advantage in classification and
data mining. Novel aspects for representing fuzziness
were shown and a measure of similarity for fuzzy
data was developed and described. Such measures are
required, as similarity calculations are at the heart of
any classification algorithm. Classification examples
were illustrated.
The evaluating of similarity measures shows that
standard binary representation is useless when dealing
with continuous attributes for classification. Fuzzy Binary Representation reforms this drawback and results
in promising classification based on continuous data
attributes. In addition, adding fuzzy similarity was
also shown to be useful for regular (nominal, ordinal)
data to ensure better classification. Summarily, fuzzy
representation improves classification results for all
attribute types.

Dice, L.R. (1945). Measures of the amount of ecological association between species. Ecology, 26(3),


Handling Fuzzy Similarity for Data Classification

Erlich, Z., Gelbard, R. & Spiegler, I. (2002). Data

Mining by Means of Binary Representation: A Model
for Similarity and Clustering. Information Systems
Frontiers, 4(2), 187-197.

Zhang, B., & Srihari, S.N. (2004). Fast k-Nearest

Neighbor Classification Using Cluster-based Trees.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 26(4), 525-528.

Estivill-Castro, V. & Yang J. (2004). Fast and Robust

General Purpose Clustering Algorithms. Data Mining
and Knowledge Discovery, 8(2), 127-150.


Gelbard, R. & Spiegler, I. (2000). Hempels raven

paradox: a positive approach to cluster analysis. Computers and Operations Research, 27(4), 305-320.
Gelbard, R., Goldman, O. & Spiegler, I. (2007). Investigating Diversity of Clustering Methods: An Empirical
Comparison, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 63(1),
Illingworth, V., Glaser, E.L. & Pyle, I.C. (1983). Hamming distance. In, Dictionary of Computing, Oxford
University Press, 162-163.
Jain, A.K. & Dubes, R.C. (1988). Algorithms for Clustering Data. Prentice Hall.
Jain, A.K., Murty, M.N. & Flynn, P.J. (1999). Data
Clustering: A Review. ACM Communication Surveys,
31(3), 264-323.
Lim, T.S., Loh, W.Y. & Shih, Y.S. (2000). A Comparison
of Prediction Accuracy, Complexity, and Training Time
of Thirty-Three Old and New Classification Algorithms.
Machine Learning, 40(3), 203-228.
Mitaim, S. & Kosko, B. (2001). The Shape of Fuzzy
Sets in Adaptive Function Approximation. IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 9(4), 637-656.
Spiegler, I. & Maayan, R. (1985). Storage and retrieval
considerations of binary data bases. Information Processing and Management, 21(3), 233-254.
Zadeh, L.A., (1965). Fuzzy Sets. Information and
Control, 8(1), 338-353.
Zadeh, L.A., (1971). Similarity Relations and Fuzzy
Ordering. Information Sciences, 3, 177-200.
Zhang, B. & Srihari, S.N. (2003). Properties of Binary
Vector Dissimilarity Measures. In, Proc. JCIS Intl
Conf. Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Image Processing, 26-30.


Classification: The partitioning of a data set into

subsets, so that the data in each subset (ideally) share
some common traits - often proximity according to
some defined similarity/distance measure.
Data Mining: The process of automatically searching large volumes of data for patterns, using tools such
as classification, association rule mining, clustering,
Database Binary Representation: A representation
where a database is viewed as a two-dimensional matrix
that relates entities (rows) to attribute values (columns).
Entries in the matrix are either 1 or 0, indicating that
a given entity has or lacks a given value.
Fuzzy Logic: An extension of Boolean logic dealing
with the concept of partial truth. Fuzzy logic replaces
Boolean truth values (0 or 1, black or white, yes or no)
with degrees of truth.
Fuzzy Set: An extension of classical set theory.
Fuzzy set theory used in Fuzzy Logic, permits the
gradual assessment of the membership of elements in
relation to a set.
Membership Function: The mathematical function
that defines the degree of an elements membership in
a fuzzy set. Membership functions return a value in the
range of [0,1], indicating membership degree.
Similarity: A numerical estimate of the difference
or distance between two entities. The similarity values
are in the range of [0,1], indicating similarity degree.


Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling

Zong Woo Geem
Johns Hopkins University, USA



The dam is the wall that holds the water in, and the
operation of multiple dams is complicated decisionmaking process as an optimization problem (Oliveira
& Loucks, 1997). Traditionally researchers have used
mathematical optimization techniques with linear
programming (LP) or dynamic programming (DP)
formulation to find the schedule.
However, most of the mathematical models are valid
only for simplified dam systems. Accordingly, during
the past decade, some meta-heuristic techniques, such as
genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA),
have gathered great attention among dam researchers
(Chen, 2003) (Esat & Hall, 1994) (Wardlaw & Sharif,
1999) (Kim, Heo & Jeong, 2006) (Teegavarapu &
Simonovic, 2002).
Lately, another metaheuristic algorithm, harmony
search (HS), has been developed (Geem, Kim &
Loganathan, 2001) (Geem, 2006a) and applied to
various artificial intelligent problems, such as music
composition (Geem & Choi, 2007) and Sudoku puzzle
(Geem, 2007).
The HS algorithm has been also applied to various
engineering problems such as structural design (Lee
& Geem, 2004), water network design (Geem, 2006b),
soil stability analysis (Li, Chi & Chu, 2006), satellite
heat pipe design (Geem & Hwangbo, 2006), offshore
structure design (Ryu, Duggal, Heyl & Geem, 2007),
grillage system design (Erdal & Saka, 2006), and hydrologic parameter estimation (Kim, Geem & Kim, 2001).
The HS algorithm could be a competent alternative to
existing metaheuristics such as GA because the former
overcame the drawback (such as building block theory)
of the latter (Geem, 2006a).
To test the ability of the HS algorithm in multiple
dam operation problem, this article introduces a HS
model, and applies it to a benchmark system, then
compares the results with those of the GA model previously developed.

Before this study, various researchers have tackled the

dam scheduling problem using phenomenon-inspired
Esat and Hall (1994) introduced a GA model to the
dam operation. They compared GA with the discrete
differential dynamic programming (DDDP) technique.
GA could overcome the drawback of DDDP which
requires exponentially increased computing burden.
Oliveira and Loucks (1997) proposed practical dam
operating policies using enhanced GA (real-code chromosome, elitism, and arithmetic crossover). Wardlaw
and Sharif (1999) tried another enhanced GA schemes
and concluded that the best GA model for dam operation can be composed of real-value coding, tournament
selection, uniform crossover, and modified uniform
mutation. Chen (2003) developed a real-coded GA
model for the long-term dam operation, and Kim et
al. (2006) applied an enhanced multi-objective GA,
named NSGA-II, to the real-world multiple dam system. Teegavarapu and Simonovic (2002) used another
metaheuristic algorithm, simulated annealing (SA), to
solve the dam operation problem.
Although several metaheuristic algorithms have
been already applied to the dam scheduling problem,
the recently-developed HS algorithm was not applied to
the problem before. Thus, this article deals with the HS
algorithms pioneering application to the problem.


This article presents two major parts. The first part
explains the structure of the HS model; and the second
part applies the HS model to a bench-mark problem.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling

Dam Scheduling Model Using HS

The HS model has the following formulation for the
multiple dam scheduling.
Maximize the benefits obtained by hydropower
generation and irrigation
Subject to the following constraints:

Range of Water Release: the amount of water

release in each dam should locate between
minimum and maximum amounts.
Range of Dam Storage: the amount of dam
storage in each dam should locate between
minimum and maximum amounts.
Water Continuity: the amount of dam storage
in next stage should be the summation of the
amount in current stage, the amount of inflow,
and the amount of water release.

The HS algorithm starts with filling random scheduling vectors in the harmony memory (HM). The structure
of HM for the dam scheduling is as follows:





R N2








where RiNEW is a new water release amount for decision

variable i; the first row in the right hand side means
that the new amount is chosen randomly from the total
range; the second row means that the new amount is
chosen from the HM; the third and fourth rows means
that the new amount is certain unit () higher or lower

The HS model was applied to a popular multiple dam

system as shown in Figure 1 (Wardlaw & Sharif,
The problem has 12 two-hour operating periods,
and only dam 4 has irrigation benefit because outflows
of other dams are not directed to farms. The range of
water releases is as follows:

The range of dam storages is as follows:

Each row stands for each solution vector, and each

column stands for each decision variable (water release
amount in each stage and each dam). At the end of
each row, the objective function value locates. HMS
(harmony memory size) is the number of solution
vectors is HM.
Based on the initial HM, a new scheduling can be
generated with the following function:


Applying HS to a Benchmark Problem

0.0 R1 3, 0.0 R2, R3 4, 0.0 R4 7

Z (R 1 )

Z (R 2 )

Z (R HMS )


R (k ) {Ri , Ri , ..., Ri

Ri ( k )

than the original amount Ri(k) obtained from the HM.

The summation of probability is equal to one (p1 + p2
+ p3 + p4 = 1).
If the newly-generated vector, RNEW, is better than the
worst harmony in the HM in terms of objective function, the new harmony is included in the HM and the
existing worst harmony is excluded from the HM.
If the HS model reaches MaxImp (maximum
number of function evaluations), computation is terminated. Otherwise, another new harmony (= vector) is
generated by considering one of three above-mentioned

Figure 1. Schematic of four dam system


Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling

0.0 S1, S2, S3 10, 0.0 S4 15


The initial and final storage conditions are as follows:

S1(0), S2(0), S3(0), S4(0) = 5


S1(12), S2(12), S3(12) = 5, S4(12) = 7


Table 1. One example of optimal schedules by HS


Dam 1

Dam 2

Dam 3

Dam 4






Figure 2. Water release trajectory in each dam

Dam 1

Dam 2

Dam 3

Dam 4



Time t




Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling

There are only two inflows: 2 units to dam 1; 3

units to dam 2.
I1 = 2, I2 = 3


Wardlaw and Sharif (1999) tackled this dam

scheduling problem using an enhanced GA model
(Population Size = 100; Crossover Rate = 0.70; Mutation
Rate = 0.02; Number of Generations = 500; Number
of Function Evaluations = 35,000; Binary, Gray, &
Real-Value Representations; Tournament Selection;
One-Point, Two-Point, & Uniform Crossovers; and
Uniform and Modified Uniform Mutations). The GA
model found a best near-optimal solution of 400.5,
which is 99.8% of global optimum (401.3).
The HS model was applied to the same problem
with the following algorithm parameters: HMS = 30;
HMCR = 0.95; PAR = 0.05; and MaxImp = 35,000.
The HS model could find five different global optimal
solutions (HS1 ~ HS5) with identical cost of 401.3.
Table 1 shows one example out of five optimal water
release schedules.
Figure 2 shows corresponding release trajectories
in all dams.
When the HS model was further tested with different
algorithm parameter values, it found a better solution
than that (400.5) of the GA model seven cases out of
eight ones.

From the success in this study, the future HS model
should consider more complex dam scheduling
problems with various real-world situations.
Also, algorithm parameter guidelines obtained
from considerable experiments on the values will be
helpful to engineers in practice because meta-heuristic
algorithms, including HS and GA, require lots of trials
to obtain best algorithm parameters.

Music-inspired algorithm, HS, was successfully applied
to the optimal scheduling problem of the multiple dam
system, outperforming the results of GA. While the
GA model obtained near-optimal solutions, the HS


model found five different global optima under the

same number of function evaluations.
Moreover, the HS model did not perform sensitivity
analysis of algorithm parameters while the GA model
tested many parameter values and different operation
schemes. This could reduce time and trouble in choosing
parameter values in HS.

Chen, L. (2003). Real Coded Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Long Term Reservoir Operation. Journal
of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5),
Erdal, F. & Saka, M. P. (2006). Optimum Design of
Grillage Systems Using Harmony Search Algorithm.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Engineering Computational Technology (ECT 2006),
Esat, V. & Hall, M. J. (1994). Water Resources System
Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 225-231.
Geem, Z. W. (2006a). Improved Harmony Search from
Ensemble of Music Players. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, 4251, 86-93.
Geem, Z. W. (2006b). Optimal Cost Design of Water
Distribution Networks using Harmony Search. Engineering Optimization, 38(3), 259-280.
Geem, Z. W. (2007). Harmony Search Algorithm for
Solving Sudoku. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
In Press.
Geem, Z. W. & Choi, J. Y. (2007). Music Composition
Using Harmony Search Algorithm. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 4448, 593-600.
Geem, Z. W. & Hwangbo, H. (2006). Application of
Harmony Search to Multi-Objective Optimization for
Satellite Heat Pipe Design. Proceedings of US-Korea
Conference on Science, Technology, & Entrepreneurship (UKC 2006), CD-ROM.
Geem, Z. W., Kim, J. H., & Loganathan, G. V. (2001).
A New Heuristic Optimization Algorithm: Harmony
Search. Simulation, 76(2), 60-68.

Harmony Search for Multiple Dam Scheduling

Kim, J. H., Geem, Z. W., & Kim, E. S. (2001). Parameter Estimation of the Nonlinear Muskingum Model
Using Harmony Search. Journal of the American Water
Resources Association, 37(5), 1131-1138.
Kim, T., Heo, J. -H., Jeong, C. -S. (2006). Multireservoir System Optimization in the Han River basic using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm. Hydrological
Processes, 20, 2057-2075.
Lee, K. S. & Geem, Z. W. (2004). A New Structural
Optimization Method Based on the Harmony Search
Algorithm. Computers & Structures, 82(9-10), 781798.
Li, L., Chi, S. -C., & Chu, X. -S. (2006). Location of
Non-Circular Slip Surface Using the Modified Harmony
Search Method Based on Correcting Strategy. Rock
and Soil Mechanics, 27(10), 1714-1718.
Oliveira, R., & Loucks, D. P. (1997). Operating Rules
for Multireservoir Systems. Water Resources Research,
33(4), 839-852.
Ryu, S., Duggal, A.S., Heyl, C. N., & Geem, Z. W.
(2007). Mooring Cost Optimization Via Harmony
Search. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,

Evolutionary Computation: Solution approach
guided by biological evolution, which begins with
potential solution models, then iteratively applies algorithms to find the fittest models from the set to serve
as inputs to the next iteration, ultimately leading to a
model that best represents the data.
Genetic Algorithm: Technique to search exact or
approximate solutions of optimization or search problem by using evolution-inspired phenomena such as
selection, crossover, and mutation. Genetic algorithm
is classified as global search algorithm.
Harmony Search: Technique to search exact or approximate solutions of optimization or search problem
by using music-inspired phenomenon (improvisation).
Harmony search has three major operations such as
random selection, memory consideration, and pitch
adjustment. Harmony search is classified as global
search algorithm.
Metaheuristics: Technique to find solutions by combining black-box procedures (heuristics). Here, meta
means beyond, and heuristic means to find.

Teegavarapu, R. S. V., Simonovic, S. P. (2002). Optimal

Operation of Reservoir Systems Using Simulated Annealing. Water Resources Management, 16, 401-428.

Multiple Dam Scheduling: Process of developing

individual dam schedule in multiple dam system. The
schedule contains water release amount at each time
period while satisfying release limit, storage limit, and
continuity conditions.

Wardlaw, R., Sharif, M. (1999). Evaluation of Genetic

Algorithms for Optimal Reservoir System Operation.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management,
ASCE, 125(1), 25-33.

Optimization: Process of seeking to optimize

(minimize or maximize) an objective function while
satisfying all problem constraints by choosing the
values of continuous or discrete variables.
Soft Computing: Collection of computational
techniques in computer science, especially in artificial
intelligence, such as fuzzy logic, neural networks, chaos
theory, and evolutionary algorithms.



Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Marley Vellasco
PUC-Rio, Brazil
Marco Pacheco
PUC-Rio, Brazil
Karla Figueiredo
UERJ, Brazil
Flavio Souza
UERJ, Brazil



Neuro-fuzzy [Jang,1997][Abraham,2005] are hybrid

systems that combine the learning capacity of neural
nets [Haykin,1999] with the linguistic interpretation of
fuzzy inference systems [Ross,2004]. These systems
have been evaluated quite intensively in machine learning tasks. This is mainly due to a number of factors:
the applicability of learning algorithms developed for
neural nets; the possibility of promoting implicit and
explicit knowledge integration; and the possibility of
extracting knowledge in the form of fuzzy rules. Most
of the well known neuro-fuzzy systems, however,
present limitations regarding the number of inputs
allowed or the limited (or nonexistent) form to create
their own structure and rules [Nauck,1997][Nauck,19
This paper describes a new class of neuro-fuzzy
models, called Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy BSP Systems
(HNFB). These models employ the BSP partitioning (Binary Space Partitioning) of the input space
[Chrysanthou,1996] and have been developed to bypass traditional drawbacks of neuro-fuzzy systems.
This paper introduces the HNFB models based on
supervised learning algorithm. These models were
evaluated in many benchmark applications related to
classification and time-series forecasting. A second
paper, entitled Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part
II, focuses on hierarchical neuro-fuzzy models based
on reinforcement learning algorithms.

Hybrid Intelligent Systems conceived by using techniques such as Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks have
been applied in areas where traditional approaches
were unable to provide satisfactory solutions. Many
researchers have attempted to integrate these two techniques by generating hybrid models that associate their
advantages and minimize their limitations and deficiencies. With this objective, hybrid neuro-fuzzy systems
[Jang,1997][Abraham,2005] have been created.
Traditional neuro-fuzzy models, such as ANFIS
[Jang,1997], NEFCLASS [Nauck,1997] and FSOM
[Vuorimaa,1994], have a limited capacity for creating
their own structure and rules [Souza,2002a]. Additionally, most of these models employ grid partition
of the input space, which, due to the rule explosion
problem, are more adequate for applications with a
smaller number of inputs. When a greater number of
input variables are necessary, the systems performance
Thus, Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems have
been devised to overcome these basic limitations. Different models of this class of neuro-fuzzy systems have
been developed, based on supervised technique.

This section presents the new class of neuro-fuzzy
systems that are based on hierarchical partitioning.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Two sub-sets of hierarchical neuro-fuzzy systems

(HNF) have been developed, according to the learning
process used: supervised learning models (HNFB [So
uza,2002b][Vellasco,2004], HNFB-1 [Gonalves,2006],
HNFB-Mamdani [Bezerra,2005]); and reinforcement
learning models (RL-HNFB [Figueiredo,2005a], RLHNFP [Figueiredo,2005b]). The focus of this paper is
on the first sub-set of models, which are described in
the following sections.

Basic Neuro-Fuzzy BSP Cell

k =1

If x then y = d1
If x then y = d2.

An HNFB model may be described as a system that

is made up of interconnections of HNFB cells. Figure
1(b) illustrates an HNFB system along with the respective partitioning of the input space. In this system,
the initial partitions 1 and 2 (BSP0 cell) have been
subdivided; hence, the consequents of its rules are the
outputs of BSP1 and BSP2, respectively. In turn, these
subsystems have, as consequents, values d11, y12, d21
and d22, respectively. Consequent y12 is the output of
the BSP12 cell. The output of the system in figure
1(b) is given by equation (2).
y = A 1 (A 11 d11 + A 12 (A 121 d121 + A 122 d122 )) + A 2 (A 21 d 21 + A 22 d 22 )


Each rule corresponds to one of the two partitions

generated by BSP. Each partition can in turn be subdivided into two parts by means of another HNFB cell.
The profiles of membership functions (x) and (x)
are complementary logistic functions.
The output y of an HNFB cell (defuzzification process) is given by the weighted average. Due to the fact
that the membership function (x) is the complement
to 1 of the membership function (x), the following
equation applies:
y = R ( x) * d 1 + M ( x) * d 2

where: xk is the systems k-th input; the wk represent the weight associated with the in put xk;
n is equal to the total number of inputs; and w0
corresponds to a constant value.
The output of a stage of a previous level: The case
where di =yj, where yj represents the output of a
generic cell j, whose value is also calculated by
eq. (1).

HNFB Architecture

An HNFB cell is a neuro-fuzzy mini-system that

performs fuzzy binary partitioning of the input
space. The HNFB cell generates a crisp output after a
defuzzification process.
Figure 1(a) illustrates the cells functionality, where
x represents the input variable; (x) and (x) are the
membership functions low and high, respectively, which
generate the antecedents of the two fuzzy rules; and y
is the crisp output. The linguistic interpretation of the
mapping implemented by the HNFB cell is given by
the following rules:

d i = w k x k + w0



A singleton: The case where di = constant.

A linear combination of the inputs:

or y = i=1A i d i


where i symbolizes the firing level of the rule in partition i and are given by: 1 = (x); 2 = (x). Each di
corresponds to one of the three possible consequents

It must be stressed that, although each BSP cell

divides the input space only in two fuzzy set (low
and high), the complete HNFB architecture divides
the universe of discourse of each variable in as many
partitions as necessary. The number of partitions is
determined during the learning process. In Figure
1(c), for instance, the upper left part of the input space
(partition 12 in gray) has been further subdivided by
the horizontal variable x1, resulting in three fuzzy sets
for the complete universe of discourse of this specific

Learning Algorithm
The HNFB system has a training algorithm based on
the gradient descent method for learning the structure


Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Figure 1. (a) Interior of Neuro-Fuzzy BSP cell. (b) Example of HNFB system. (c) Input space Partitioning of
the HNFB system

x (input)


d 22
d 21










of the model and, consequently, linguistic rules. The

parameters that define the profiles of the membership
functions of the antecedents and consequents are regarded as fuzzy weights of the neuro-fuzzy system.
In order to prevent the structure from growing indefinitely, a non-dimensional parameter, named decomposition rate (), was created. More details of this algorithm
may be found in [Souza,2002b][Gonalves,2006].
The results obtained in classification and time
series forecasting problems are presented in the Case
Studies section.


The original HNFB provides very good results for
function approximation and time series forecasting.
However, it is not ideal for pattern classification applications, since it has only one output and makes use of
the Takagi-Sugeno inference method [Takagi,1985],
which reduces the rule base interpretability.
Therefore, a new hierarchical neuro-fuzzy BSP
model dedicated to pattern classification and rule
extraction, called the Inverted HNFB or HNFB-1, has
been developed, which is able to extract classification
rules such as: If x is A and y is B then input-pattern
belongs to class Z. This new hierarchical neuro-fuzzy
model is denominated inverted because it applies the
learning process of the original HNFB to generate the
models structure. After this first learning phase, the

121 122











structure is inverted and the architecture of the HNFB-1

model is obtained. The basic cell of this new inverted
structure is described below.

Basic Inverted-HNFB Cell

Similarly to the original HNFB model, a basic Inverted-HNFB cell is a neuro-fuzzy mini-system that
performs fuzzy binary partitioning in a particular
space according to the same membership functions
and . However, after a defuzzification process,
the Inverted-HNFB cell generates two crisp outputs
instead of one. Fig. 2(a) illustrates the interior of the
Inverted-HNFB cell.
By considering that membership functions are
complementary, the outputs of an HNFB-1 cell are given:
y1 = B * R ( x) and y 2 = B * M ( x) , where corresponds to
one of the two possible cases below:

=the input of the first cell: so =1.

=is the output of a cell of a previous level: so
=yj, where yj represents one of the two outputs
of a generic j cell.

Inverted-HNFB Architecture
Fig. 2(b) presents an example of the original HNFB
architecture obtained during the training phase of a
database containing three distinct classes, while Fig.
2(c) shows how the HNFB-1 model is obtained, after
the inversion process.

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

In the HNFB-1 architecture shown in Fig. 2(c), it

may be observed that the classification system has
several outputs (y1 to y5), one for each existing leaf in
the original HNFB architecture. The outputs of the leaf
cells are calculated by means of the following equations
(using complementary membership functions):
y1 = R 0 .R1


y 2 = R 0 .M1 .R12


y 3 = R 0 .M1 .M12


y 3 = R 0 .M1 .M12


y 5 = M 0 .M 2


where i and i are the membership functions for the


HNFB-1 System Outputs

After the inversion has been performed, the outputs are
connected to T-conorm cells (OR operator) that define
the classes (see Fig. 2(d)). The initial procedure for
linking the leaf cells to the T-conorm neurons consists
of connecting all leaf cells with all T-conorm neurons.
Once these connections have been made, it is necessary
to establish their weights. For the purpose of assigning

Figure 2. (a) HNFB-1 basic cell. (b) Original HNFB architecture. (c) Inversion of the architecture shown in Fig.
2(b). (d) Connection of the inverted architecture to T-conorm cells



(o u tp u t)
(o u tp u t)


d1 1






























(o u tp u t)





C la s s 1

C la s s 2

C la s s 3


Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

these weights, a learning method based on the Least

Mean Squares [Haykin 1999] has been employed.
After the weights have been determined, the Tconorm operation (Limited Sum T-conorm operator
[Ross,2004]) is used for processing the output of the
neuron. The final output of the HNFB-1 system is
specified by the highest output obtained among all the
T-conorm neurons, determining the class to which the
input pattern belongs.
Results obtained with the HNFB-1 model, in different benchmark classification problems, are presented
in Case Studies section.


The Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy BSP Mamdani (HNFBMamdani), as HNFB-1, was also developed to enhance
the interpretability of the hierarchical neuro-fuzzy
systems. However, since the HNFB-1 is dedicated to
classification problems, a more general model was
devised. The HNFB-Mamdani employs Mamdani inference method [Jang,1997] in the rules consequents,
and can be applied in control systems, pattern classification, forecasting, and rule extraction.

HNFB-Mamdani Architecture
The HNFB-Mamdani architecture is formed by the
interconnection of HNFB-1 cells in a binary tree structure and is divided into three basic modules: input
partitioning structure; weighted connection from the
binary structure leaf cells (di) to the T-conorm neurons
(Ti); and the defuzzification process.
The first two modules are identical to the HNFB-1
architecture, except that each T-conorm neuron is associated with a fuzzy set M of the consequent. All leaf
cells are connected to all T-conorm neurons. To each
connection there is a weight associated, whose value is
also establish by the Least Mean Squares algorithm.
The consequent of a fuzzy rule in the HNFB-Mamdani model is a fuzzy set represented by a triangular
membership function. The total number of fuzzy sets
associated with the output variable is specified by the

Defuzzification Method
The defuzzification process selected for the HNFBMamdani model is the weighted average of the maximum values. Figure 3 illustrates the defuzzification
process for a model with three output fuzzy sets.

Figure 3. Defuzzification process





Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

The output y is then calculated by Eq. (8).


yj =

A i * Ci

i =1

A i

i =1


yj :

output of the HNFB-Mamdani for input pattern

output value of the i-th T-conorm neuron (Ti)
for input pattern j;
value in the universe of discourse of the output
variable where the Mi fuzzy set presents the
maximum value;
product operator.
total number of fuzzy sets associated with the
output variable.

In order to evaluate the performance of supervised
HNFB models, two benchmark classification databases
and six load time series from utilities of the Brazilian
electrical energy sector were selected.

Pattern Classification
Pattern classification aims to determine to which
group of a pre-determined set an input pattern belong to. Two benchmark applications were selected
among those most frequently employed in the area
of machine learning. The results obtained with the
proposed HNFB models were compared to the ones
described in [Gonalves,2006]. In order to generate
the training and test sets, the total set of patterns was
randomly divided into two equal parts. Each of these
two sets was alternately used either as a training or as
a test set. Table 1 below summarizes the average classification performance obtained with both test sets.
The performance of the HNFB models is better than
the other models, except for the HNFB-Mamdani case.
Since HNFB-Mamdani is a general-purpose model,
it tends to provide inferior results when compared to
application-specific models, such as Inverted-HNFB
and HNFB-Class. On the other hand, HNFB and HNFQ
[Souza,2002a] are also general-purpose models but still

provide a superior performance than HNFB-Mamdani.

This is due to the Takagi-Sugeno inference method
used by those models, which is usually more accurate
than the Mamdani inference method [Bezerra,2005].
The disadvantage of the Takagi-Sugeno method is its
reduced interpretability.

Electric Load Forecasting

This experiment made use of data related to the monthly
electric load of 6 utilities of the Brazilian electrical
energy sector.
The results obtained with the HNFB models were
compared with Backpropagation algorithm, statistical
techniques, such as the Holt-Winters and Box & Jenkins,

Table 1. Comparison of the average classification



94.00 %
96.00 %
98.67 %
98.67 %
98.67 %
98.67 %
98.67 %
97.33 %
95,00 %

95.20 %
92.80 %
94.80 %
97.90 %
97.80 %
98.88 %
99.44 %
98.87 %
98.88 %

where: NN=nearest-neighbor, KNN=k-nearest-neighbor,

FSS=nearest-neighbor/forward sequential selection of feature), BSS=nearest-neighbor/backward sequential selection
of feature), MFS=Multiple Feature Subsets, C4.5, FID3.1,
NEFCLASS, HNFB1 (fixed selection), HNFB2 (adaptive
selection), HNFQ, Inverted-HNFB, HNFB-Class1 (fixed
selection) and HNFB-Class2 (adaptive selection). References
to all these models are provided in [Gonalves,2006].

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Table 2. Monthly load prediction errors (MAPE) for different models



1,17 %
1,12 %
2,22 %
3,76 %
1,35 %
1,17 %


and with Bayesian Neural Nets (BNN) [Bishop,1995],

trained by Gaussian approximation and by the MCMC
method. Table 2 below presents the performance results
in terms of the Mean Absolute Percentage Error.
It can be observed that the general performance of
HNFB models is usually superior to the results provided
by statistical methods. The results obtained with BNNs
are generally better than with HNFB models. However,
according to [Tito,1999], the training time with BNN
was about 8 hours. This was a much longer period than
the time required by the HNFB models to perform the
same task, which was of the order of tens to hundreds
of seconds, on similar equipment. Additionally, the data
used in the HNFB models were not treated in terms of
their seasonal aspects, nor were they made stationary
as was the case of the BNN tested in [Tito,1999].

As can be seen from the results presented, HNFB models
provide very good performance in different applications.
To improve the performance of the HNFB-Mamdani
model, which provided the worst results among the
supervised HNFB models, the model is being extended
to allow the use of different types of output fuzzy sets
(such as Gaussian, trapezoidal, etc.) and by adding
an algorithm to optimize the total number of output
fuzzy sets.


Box &




The objective of this article was to introduce a new
class of neuro-fuzzy models which aims to improve
the weak points of conventional neuro-fuzzy systems.
The results obtained by the HNFB models showed
that they yield a good performance as classifiers of
database patterns or as time series forecasters. These
models are able to create their own structure and allow
the extraction of knowledge in the form of linguistic
fuzzy rules.

Abraham, A. (2005).Adaptation of Fuzzy Inference System Using Neural Learning, Fuzzy System
Engineering: Theory and Practice, Springer-Verlag,
Bezerra, R.A., Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Tanscheit, R.
(2005).Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy BSP Mamdani
System, 11th World Congress of International Fuzzy
Systems Association,3,1321-1326.
Bishop, C.M. (1995).Neural Networks for Pattern
Recognition, Clarendon Press.
Chrysanthou, Y. & Slater, M. (1992). Computing
dynamic changes to BSP trees, EUROGRAPHICS

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Figueiredo, K.T., Vellasco, M.M.B.R. Pacheco, M.A.C.

(2005a).Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Models based on
Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Agents, Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems,LNCS3512,424-431.
Figueiredo, K., Santos, M., Vellasco, M.M.B.R.,
Pacheco, M.A.C. (2005b).Modified Reinforcement
Learning-Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Politree Model for
Control of Autonomous Agents, International Journal
of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology,6(1011),4-13.
Gonalves, L. B., Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Pacheco,
M.A.C., Souza, F.J. (2006).Inverted Hierarchical
Neuro-Fuzzy BSP System: A Novel Neuro-Fuzzy
Model for Pattern Classification and Rule Extraction
in Databases, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man &
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks - A Comprehensive
Foundation. Mcmillan College Publishing.
Jang, J.-S.R., Sun, C.-T., Mizutani, E. (1997). NeuroFuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach
to Learning and Machine Intelligence. PrencticeHall.
Nauck, D. & Kruse, R. (1997).A neuro_fuzzy method
to learn fuzzy classification rules from data. Fuzzy Sets
and Systems,88,277-288.
Nauck D. & Kruse, R. (1998).A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach
to Obtain Interpretable Fuzzy Systems for Function
Approximation, IEEE International Conference on
Fuzzy Systems, 1106-1111.
Ross, T.J. (2004).Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications, John Wiley&Sons.
Souza, F.J., Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Pacheco, M.A.C.
(2002a).Hierarchical neuro-fuzzy quadtree models,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 130(2),89-205.
Souza F.J., Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Pacheco, M.A.C.
(2002b).Load Forecasting with The Hierarchical
Neuro-Fuzzy Binary Space Partitioning Model, International Journal of Computers Systems and Signals
Takagi, T. & Sugeno, M. (1985).Fuzzy identification of systems and its application to modelling and
control, IEEE Trans. on Systems,Man and Cybernetics,15(1),116-132.

Tito, E., Zaverucha, G., Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Pacheco,

M. (1999).Applying Bayesian Neural Networks to
Electrical Load Forecasting, 6th Int. Conf. on Neural
Information Processing.
Vellasco, M.M.B.R., Pacheco, M.A.C., Ribeiro-Neto,
L.S., Souza, F.J.(2004).Electric Load Forecasting:
Evaluating the Novel Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy BSP
Model, International Journal of Electrical Power &
Energy Systems, 26(2),131-142.
Vuorimaa, P.(1994).Fuzzy self-organizing map, Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, 66(2),223-231.
Zhang,J. & Morris,A.J.(1995).Fuzzy neural networks
for nonlinear systems modelling, IEE Proc.-Control
Theory Appl.142(6),551-561.

Artificial Neural Networks: Composed of several units called neurons, connected through synaptic
weights, which are iteratively adapted to achieve the
desired response. Each neuron performs a weighted sum
of its inputs, which is then passed through a nonlinear
function that yields the output signal. ANNs have the
ability to perform a non-linear mapping between their
inputs and outputs, which is learned by a training
Bayesian Neural Networks: Multi-layer neural
networks that use training algorithms based on statistical
Bayesian inference. BNNs offer a number of important
advantages over the standard Backpropagation learning algorithm including: confidence intervals can be
assigned to the predictions generated by a network;
they allow the values of regularization coefficients to
be selected using only training data; similarly, they
allow different models to be compared using only the
training data dealing with the issue of model complexity
without the need to use cross validation.
Binary Space Partitioning: The space is successively divided in two regions, in a recursive way. This
partitioning can be represented by a binary tree that
illustrates the successive n-dimensional space sub-divisions in two convex subspaces. This process results
in two new subspaces that can be later partitioned by
the same method.


Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I

Fuzzy Logic: Can be used to translate, in mathematical terms, the imprecise information expressed by a set
of linguistic IF-THEN rules. Fuzzy Logic studies the
formal principles of approximate reasoning and is based
on Fuzzy Set Theory. It deals with intrinsic imprecision,
associated with the description of the properties of a
phenomenon, and not with the imprecision associated
with the measurement of the phenomenon itself. While
classical logic is of a bivalent nature (true or false),
fuzzy logic admits multivalence.
Machine Learning: Concerned with the design and
development of algorithms and techniques that allow
computers to learn. The major focus of machine
learning research is to automatically extract useful
information from historical data, by computational
and statistical methods.


Pattern Recognition: A sub-topic of machine learning, which aims to classify input patterns into a specific
class of pre-defined groups. The classification is usually
based on the availability of a set of patterns that have
already been classified. Therefore, the resulting learning
strategy is based on supervised learning.
Supervised Learning: A machine learning technique for creating a function from training data, which
consist of pairs of input patterns as well as the desired
outputs. Therefore, the learning process depends on the
existance of a teacher that provides, to each input
pattern, the real output value. The output of the function
can be a continuous value (called regression), or a class
label of the input object (called classification).


Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

Marley Vellasco
PUC-Rio, Brazil
Marco Pacheco
PUC-Rio, Brazil
Karla Figueiredo
UERJ, Brazil
Flavio Souza
UERJ, Brazil

This paper describes a new class of neuro-fuzzy models,
called Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical NeuroFuzzy Systems (RL-HNF). These models employ the
BSP (Binary Space Partitioning) and Politree partitioning of the input space [Chrysanthou,1992] and have
been developed in order to bypass traditional drawbacks
of neuro-fuzzy systems: the reduced number of allowed inputs and the poor capacity to create their own
structure and rules (ANFIS [Jang,1997], NEFCLASS
[Kruse,1995] and FSOM [Vuorimaa,1994]).
These new models, named Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy BSP (RL-HNFB) and
Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy
Politree (RL-HNFP), descend from the original HNFB
that uses Binary Space Partitioning (see Hierarchical
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part I). By using hierarchical
partitioning, together with the Reinforcement Learning (RL) methodology, a new class of Neuro-Fuzzy
Systems (SNF) was obtained, which executes, in
addition to automatically learning its structure, the
autonomous learning of the actions to be taken by an
agent, dismissing a priori information (number of rules,
fuzzy rules and sets) relative to the learning process.
These characteristics represent an important differential
when compared with existing intelligent agents learning
systems, because in applications involving continuous
environments and/or environments considered to be
highly dimensional, the use of traditional Reinforcement Learning methods based on lookup tables (a
table that stores value functions for a small or discrete
state space) is no longer possible, since the state space
becomes too large.

This second part of hierarchical neuro-fuzzy

systems focus on the use of reinforcement learning
process. The first part presented HNFB models based
on supervised learning methods. The RL-HNFB and
RL-HNFP models were evaluated in a benchmark
control application and a simulated Khepera robot
environment with multiple obstacles.

The model described in this paper was developed based
on an analysis of the limitations in existing models and
of the desirable characteristics for RL-based learning systems, particularly in applications involving
continuous and/or high dimensional environments
Thus, the Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical NeuroFuzzy Systems have been devised to overcome these
basic limitations. Two different models of this class of
neuro-fuzzy systems have been developed, based on
reinforcement learning techniques.

This section presents the new class of neuro-fuzzy
systems that are based on hierarchical partitioning. As
mentioned in the first part, two sub-sets of hierarchical
neuro-fuzzy systems have been developed, according to the learning process used: supervised learning
models (HNFB [Souza,2002][Vellasco,2004], HNFB-1
[Gonalves,2006], HNFB-Mamdani [Bezerra,2005]);

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

and reinforcement learning models (RL-HNFB

[Figueiredo,2005a], RL-HNFP [Figueiredo,2005b]).
The focus of this article is on the second sub-set of
models. These models are described in the following

by the execution of action a in state s, in accordance

with a policy . For further details about RL theory,
see [Sutton,1998].
The linguistic interpretation of the mapping implemented by the RL-NFP cell depicted in Figure 1(a) is
given by the following set of rules:


rule1: If x1 1 and x2 2 then y = ai

rule2: If x1 1 and x2 2 then y = aj
rule3: If x1 1 and x2 2 then y = ap
rule4: If x1 1 and x2 2 then y = aq

The RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP models are composed

of one or various standard cells, called RL-neurofuzzy-BSP (RL-NFB) and RL-neuro-fuzzy-Politree
(RLNFP), respectively. The following sub-sections
describe the basic cells, the hierarchical structures and
the learning algorithm.

Reinforcement Learning Neuro-Fuzzy

BSP and Politree Cells
An RL-NFB cell is a mini-neuro-fuzzy system that
performs binary partitioning of a given space in accordance with and membership functions. In the
same way, an RL-NFP cell is a mini-neuro-fuzzy system
that performs 2n partitioning of a given input space,
also using complementary membership functions in
each input dimension. The RL-NFB and RL-NFP cells
generate a precise (crisp) output after the defuzzification
process [Figueiredo,2005a][Figueiredo,2005b].
The RL-NFB cell has only one input (x) associated
with it. The RL-NFP cell receives all the inputs that
are being considered in the problem. For illustration
purpose, figure 1(a) depicts a cell with two inputs x1
and x2 - (Quadtree partitioning), providing a simpler
representation than the n-dimensional form of Politree.
In figure 1(a) each partitioning is generated by the
combination of two membership functions - (low)
and (high) of each input variable.
The consequents of the cells poli-partitions may
be of the singleton type or the output of a stage of a
previous level. Although the singleton consequent is
simple, this consequent is not previously known because
each singleton consequent is associated with an action
that has not been defined a priori. Each poli-partition
has a set of possible actions (a1, a2, ... an), as shown
in figure 1(a), and each action is associated with a
Q-value function. The Q-value is defined as being the
sum of the expected values of the rewards obtained

where consequent ai corresponds to one of the two

possible consequents below:
a singleton (fuzzy singleton consequent, or zero-order
Sugeno): the case where ai=constant;
the output of a stage of a previous level: the case
where ai=ym , where ym represents the output of a
generic cell m.

RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP Architectures

RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP models can be created based
on the interconnection of the basic cells. The cells form
a hierarchical structure that results in the rules that
compose the agents reasoning.
In the example of an architecture presented in figure 1(b), the poli-partitions 1, 3, 4, , m-1 have not
been subdivided, having as consequents of its rules
the values a1, a3, a4, , am-1, respectively. On the other
hand, poli-partitions 2 and m have been subdivided;
so the consequents of its rules are the outputs (y2 and
ym) of subsystems 2 and m, respectively. On its turn,
these subsystems have, as consequent, the values a21,
a22, ..., a2m, and am1, am2, ..., amm, respectively. Each
ai corresponds to a consequent of zero-order Sugeno
(singleton), representing the action that will be identified
(between the possible actions), through reinforcement
learning, as being the most favorable for a certain state
of the environment. It must be stressed that the definition
of which partition must be subdivided or not is defined
automatically by the learning algorithm.
The output of the system depicted in figure 1(b)
(defuzzification) is given by equation (1). In these
equations, i corresponds to the firing level of partition
i and ai is the singleton consequent of the rule associated with partition i.

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

Figure 1. (a) RL-NHP cell; (b) RL-HNFP architecture





i =1

i =1

y =A 1.a1 + A 2 A 2i .a 2i + A 3 .a 3 + A 4 .a 4 + + A m A mi .a mi


RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP Learning

The learning process starts with the definition of the
relevant inputs for the system/environment where the
agent is and the sets of actions it may use in order to
achieve its objectives. The agent must run many cycles
to ensure learning in the system/environment where it
is. A cycle is defined as the number of steps the agent
takes in the environment, which extends from the point
he is initiated to the target point.
The RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP models employ the
same learning algorithm. Each partition chooses an
action from its set of actions; the resultant action is
calculated by the defuzzification process and represents the action that will be executed by the agents
actuators. After the resultant action is carried out, the
environment is read once again. This reading enables
calculation of the environment reinforcement value that
will be used to evaluate the action taken by the agent.
The reinforcement is calculated for each partition of
all active cells, by means of its participation in the
resulting action. Thus, the environment reinforcement
calculated by the evaluation function is backpropagated
from the root-cell to the leaf-cells. Next, the Q-values
associated to the actions that have contributed to the
resulting action are updated, based on the SARSA

algorithm [Sutton,1998]. More details can be found

in [Figueiredo,2005b].
The RL_HNFB and RL_HNFP models have been
evaluated in different control applications. Two of
these control application are presented in the next

The cart-centering problem [Koza,1992] is generally
used as a benchmark of the area of evolutionary programming, where the force that is applied to the car is
of the bang bang type [Koza,1992]. This problem
was used mainly for the purpose of evaluating how well
the RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP models would adapt to
changes in the input variable domain without having
to undergo a new training phase.
The problem consists of parking, in the centre of a
one-dimensional environment, a car with mass m that
moves along this environment due to an applied force
F. The input variables are the position (x) of the car,
and its velocity (v). The objective is to park the car
in position x = 0 with velocity v = 0. The equations
of motion are (where the parameter represents the
time unit):
xt +T = xt + T .vt

vt +T = vt + T .Ft / m



Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

The global reinforcement is calculated by equation

(3) below:
If (x>0 and v<0) or (x<0 and v>0)
R global = k1e (-|distanc e_objective|) + k 2 e (|velocity|)


Else Rglobal = 0
The evaluation function increases as the car gets
closer to the centre of the environment with velocity
zero. The k1 and k2 coefficients are constants greater
than 1 used for adapting the reinforcement values to
the models structure. The values used for time unit
and mass were t=0.02 and m=2.0.

The stopping criterion is achieved when the difference between the velocity and the position value in
relation to the objective (x=0 and v=0) is smaller than
5% of the universe of discourse of the position and
velocity inputs.
Table 1 shows the average of the results obtained
in 5 experiments for each configuration. The columns
position and velocity limits refer to the limits imposed
to the (position and velocity) state variables during
learning and testing. The actions used in these experiments are: F1={-150,-75,-50,-30,-20,-10,-5,0,5,10,20,
30,50,75,150}. The size of the structure column shows
the average of the number of cells at the end of each
experiment and the last column shows the average steps
during the learning phase. The number of cycles was

Table 1. Results of the RL-HNFB and RL-HNFP models applied to the cart-centering problem




Size of the




195 cells




340 cells




140 cells




251 cells


Table 2. Testing results of the proposed models applied to the cart-centering problem



| 3|



Initial Position
Average number of steps


Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

fixed at 1000. At each cycle, the cars starting points

were x=-3 or x=3.
As can be observed from Table 1, the RL-HNFP
structure is smaller because each cell receives both
input variables, while in the case of the RL-HNFB
model, a different input variable is applied at each
level of the BSP tree.
Table 2 presents the results obtained for one of the
5 experiments carried out at each configuration shown
in Table 1 when the car starts out at points (-2, -1, 1, 2)
which were not used in the learning phase.
In the first configuration of each model, the results
show that the broader the position and velocity limits
are (in this case equal to |10|), the more difficult it is to
learn. In these cases a small oscillation occurs around
the central point. What actually happens is that the final
velocity is very small but, after some time, it tends to
move the car out of the convergence area, resulting in
a peak of velocity in the opposite direction to correct
the cars position. In the second configurations, fewer
oscillations occur because the position and velocity
limits were lowered to |3|.

one behind. Its actions are executed via 2 independent

motors with power varying between -20 and 20, one in
the right side and the other in the left side.
The RL-HNFP model was trained in one environment with a big central square obstacle, called environment I (Figure 2). It was tested in two environments:
the same environment I (with a big central square
obstacle) but with different initial positions; and
another environment with four additional obstacles.
These new multi-obstacle environment, (environment
II), comprises: big central, small top-left, bottom-right
and left obstacles (see Figure 3).
In all experiments using both environments the
robots objective was to reach position (5, 5). In figures
2 and 3 the white circles indicate the initial positions
of the robot while the gray circles show their final

Figure 2. Tests in environments I

Khepera Robot
The RL-HNFP model was also tested with a Khepera
robot simulator [Figueiredo,2005b]. The model was
tested in a squared environment where the agent moved
from one of the corners to reach the diametric opposite
corner. Nevertheless, he could not pass through the
ambient center because of an obstacle.
The Khepera robot acquires ambient signs using 8
sensors grouped into 4: one ahead, one in each side and

Figure 3. Tests in environments II




Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

Figure 2 shows the experiments on the environment

I. The results refer to tests executed with a structure
trained from a variety of positions different from the
ones used on the tests, demonstrating that the acquired
knowledge was generalized and that the obtained results
conform to the expectative.
Figures 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c) show experiments in
environment II. The results described in these figures
refer to tests executed in the environment II with the
knowledge acquired in the environment I. Note that
the three additional obstacles do not affect the results
in these experiments.
As demonstrated from these figures, the results indicate the good performance of the model. This is even
more important when one considers that the number
of learning cycles was very small (only 400 cycles).
The result presented in figure 3(c) stands out this fact.
In this case, the agent does not take the shortest path
to the goal point. On the contrary, it turns round the
environment in some points until take the way to the
goal point. To improve the robots performance, the
model should be executed for at least 2000 cycles, as
already demonstrated from previous cases using this
application [Figueiredo,2005b].

Regarding the Reinforcement Learning Hierarchical
neuro-fuzzy models, some improvements are also
under development. To improve their performance it
is intended to execute tests with Eligibility Traces [Sutton,1998]. This is a method that does not update only
the current state function value, but also the function
value of previous states inside a predefined limit.
Another proposal for improving model RL-NFHP
is the use of the WoLF principle (Win or Learn Fast)
[Bowling,2002] to modify the learning rate that adjusts
the politics. The WoLF principle consists of learning
quickly when it is losing and more slowly when it is
winning. Also it is intended to evaluate these models
using real robots.
The RL-HNFP model is also being modified to be
used in a cooperative multi-agents environment. In this
environment the learning process is accomplished by
sharing the acquired knowledge among the existent


The objective of this paper was to introduce a new
class of neuro-fuzzy models which aims to improve
the weak points of conventional neuro-fuzzy systems.
The models RL-NFHB and RL-HNFP belong to this
new class of neuro-fuzzy systems called Hierarchical
Neuro-Fuzzy System.
The RL-NFHB and RL-HNFP models were able to
create and expand the structure of rules without any
prior knowledge (fuzzy rules or sets); extract knowledge from the agents direct interaction with large
and/or continuous environments (through reinforcement learning), in order to learn which actions are to
be carried out; and produce interpretable fuzzy rules,
which compose the agents intelligence to achieve his
goal(s). The agent was able to generalize its actions,
showing adequate behaviour when the agent was in
states whose actions had not been specifically learned.
This capacity increases the agents autonomy.

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Souza,F.J.(2006).Inverted Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

BSP System: A Novel Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Pattern

Classification and Rule Extraction in Databases, IEEE
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Applications and Review, Vol.36,No.2,pp.236-248.
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Figueiredo, K., Santos, M., Vellasco,M.M.B.R.,
Pacheco,M.A.C.(2005b).Modified Reinforcement
Learning-Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Politree Model
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Soft Computing for Modeling and Simulation of the
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Satoh,H.(2006).A State Space Compression Method
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Sutton,R.S. and Barto,A.G.(1998).Reinforcement
Learning: An Introduction,MIT Press.
Souza,F.J., Vellasco,M.M.B.R., Pacheco,M.A.C.(2002).
Load Forecasting with The Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy
Binary Space Partitioning Model, International Journal of Computers Systems and Signals, South Africa
Vol.3,No.2, pp.118-132.

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Vuorimaa,P.(1994).Fuzzy self-organizing map, Fuzzy
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Binary Space Partitioning: In this type of partitioning, the space is successively divided in two
regions, in a recursive way. This partitioning can be
represented by a binary tree that illustrates the successive n-dimensional space sub-divisions in two convex
subspaces. The construction of this partitioning tree
(BSP tree) is a process in which a subspace is divided
by a hyper-plan parallel to the co-ordinates axes. This
process results in two new subspaces that can be later
partitioned by the same method.
Fuzzy Inference Systems: Fuzzy inference is the
process of mapping from a given input to an output using
fuzzy logic. The mapping then provides a basis from
which decisions can be made, or patterns discerned.
Fuzzy inference systems have been successfully applied
in fields such as automatic control, data classification,
decision analysis.
Machine Learning: Concerned with the design and
development of algorithms and techniques that allow
computers to learn. The major focus of machine
learning research is to automatically extract useful
information from historical data, by computational
and statistical methods.
Politree Partitioning: The Politree partitioning
was inspired by the quadtree structure, which has been
widely used in the area of images manipulation and
compression. In the politree partitioning the subdivision
of the n-dimensional space is accomplished by m=2n
subdivision. The Politree partitioning can be represented
by a tree structure where each node is subdivided in m
leafs (Politree partitioning).
Quadtree Partitioning: In this type of partitioning,
the space is successively divided in four regions, in a
recursive way. This partitioning can be represented

Hierarchical Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Part II

by a quaternary tree that illustrates the successive ndimensional space sub-divisions in four convex subspaces. The construction of this partitioning tree (Quad
tree) is a process in which a subspace is divided by a
two hyper-plan parallel to the co-ordinates axes. This
process results in four new subspaces that can be later
partitioned by the same method. The limitation of the
Quadtree partitioning (fixed or adaptive) is in the fact
that it works only in two-dimensional spaces.
Reinforcement Learning: A sub-area of machine
learning concerned with how an agent ought to take
actions in an environment so as to maximize some
notion of long-term reward. Reinforcement learning
algorithms attempt to find a policy that maps states of


the world to the actions the agent ought to take in those

states. Differently from supervised learning, in this case
there is no target value for each input pattern, only a
reward based of how good or bad was the action taken
by the agent in the existant environment.
Sarsa: It is a variation of the Q-learning (Reinforcement Learning) algorithm based on model-free action
policy estimation. SARSA admits that the actions are
chosen randomly with a predefined probability.
WoLF:(Win or Learn Fast) is a method by [Bowling,2002] for changing the learning rate to encourage
convergence in a multi-agents reinforcement learning


Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Carlos Diuk
Rutgers University, USA
Michael Littman
Rutgers University, USA



Reinforcement learning (RL) deals with the problem of

an agent that has to learn how to behave to maximize its
utility by its interactions with an environment (Sutton
& Barto, 1998; Kaelbling, Littman & Moore, 1996).
Reinforcement learning problems are usually formalized as Markov Decision Processes (MDP), which
consist of a finite set of states and a finite number of
possible actions that the agent can perform. At any given
point in time, the agent is in a certain state and picks
an action. It can then observe the new state this action
leads to, and receives a reward signal. The goal of the
agent is to maximize its long-term reward.
In this standard formalization, no particular structure
or relationship between states is assumed. However,
learning in environments with extremely large state
spaces is infeasible without some form of generalization. Exploiting the underlying structure of a problem
can effect generalization and has long been recognized
as an important aspect in representing sequential decision tasks (Boutilier et al., 1999).
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning is the subfield
of RL that deals with the discovery and/or exploitation
of this underlying structure. Two main ideas come into
play in hierarchical RL. The first one is to break a task
into a hierarchy of smaller subtasks, each of which can
be learned faster and easier than the whole problem.
Subtasks can also be performed multiple times in the
course of achieving the larger task, reusing accumulated
knowledge and skills. The second idea is to use state
abstraction within subtasks: not every task needs to be
concerned with every aspect of the state space, so some
states can actually be abstracted away and treated as
the same for the purpose of the given subtask.

In this section, we will introduce the MDP formalism,

where most of the research in standard RL has been
done. We will then mention the two main approaches
used for learning MDPs: model-based and model-free
RL. Finally, we will introduce two formalisms that
extend MDPs and are widely used in the Hierarchical
RL field: semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs)
and Factored MDPs.

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)

A Markov Decision Process consists of:

a set of states S
a set of actions A
a transition probability function: Pr(s | s, a),
representing the probability of the environment
transitioning to state s when the agent performs
action a from state s. It is sometimes notated T(s,
a, s).
a reward function: E[r | s, a], representing the
expected immediate reward obtained by taking
action a from state s.
a discount factor (0, 1], that downweights
future rewards and whose precise role will be
clearer in the following equations.

A deterministic policy :S -> A is a function that

determines, for each state, what action to take. For
any given policy , we can define a value function V,
representing the expected infinite-horizon discounted
return to be obtained from following such a policy
starting at state s:
V(s) = E[r0 + r1+ 2 r2 + 3 r3 + ].

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Bellman (1957) provides a recursive way of determining the value function when the reward and
transition probabilities of an MDP are known, called
the Bellman equation:
V(s) = R(s, (s)) + s S T(s, (s), s) V(s),
commonly rewritten as an action-value function or
Q(s,a) = R(s, a) + s S T(s, a, s) V(s).
An optimal policy *(s) is a policy that returns the
action a that maximizes the value function:
*(s) = argmaxa Q*(s,a)
States can be represented as a set of state variables
or factors, representing different features of the environment: s = <f1, f2, f3, , fn>.

Learning in Markov Decision Processes

The reinforcement-learning problem consists of determining or approximating an optimal policy through
repeated interactions with the environment (i.e., based
on a sample of experiences of the form <state action
next state reward>).
There are three main approaches to learning such
an optimal or near-optimal policy:

Policy-search methods: learn a policy directly

via evaluation in the environment.
Model-free (or direct) methods: learn the policy
by directly approximating the Q function with
updates from direct experience.
Model-based (or indirect) methods: first learn
the transition probability and reward functions,
and use those to compute the Q function by means
of , for example, the Bellman equations.

Model-free algorithms are sometimes referred to as

the Q-learning family of algorithms. See Sutton (1988)
or Watkins (1989) for the first best-known examples.
It is known that model-free methods make inefficient
use of experience, but they do not require expensive


computation to obtain the Q function and the corresponding optimal policy.

Model-based methods make more efficient use of
experience, and thus require less data, but they involve
an extra planning step to compute the value function,
which can be computationally expensive. Some wellknown algorithms can be found in the literature (Sutton,
1990; Moore & Atkeson, 1993; Kearns & Singh, 1998;
and Brafman & Tennenholtz, 2002).
Algorithms for reinforcement learning in MDP
environments suffers from what is known as the curse
of dimensionality: an exponential explosion in the total
number of states as a function of the number of state
variables. To cope with this problem, hierarchical
methods try to break down the intractable state space
into smaller pieces, which can be learned independently
and reused as needed. To achieve this goal, changes
need to be introduced to the standard MDP formalism. In the introduction we mentioned the two main
ideas behind hierarchical RL: task decomposition and
state abstraction. Task decomposition implies that the
agent will not only be performing single-step actions,
but also full subtasks which can be extended in time.
Semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs) will let
us represent these extended actions. State abstraction
means that, in certain contexts, certain aspects of the
state space will be ignored, and states will be grouped
together. Factored-state representations is one way of
dealing with this. The following section introduces these
two common formalisms used in the HRL literature.

Beyond MDPs: SMDPs and

Factored-State Representations
Well consider the limitations of the standard MDP
formalism by means of an illustrating example. Imagine
an agent whose task is to exit a multi-storyed office
building. The starting position of the agent is a certain
office in a certain floor, and the goal is to reach the
front door at ground level. To complete the task, the
agent has to first exit the room, find its way through
the hallways to the elevator, take the elevator to the
ground floor, and finally find its way from the elevator
to the exit. We would like to be able to reason in terms
of subtasks (e.g., exit room, go to elevator, go
to floor X, etc.), each of them of different durations
and levels of abstraction, each encompassing a series of

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

lower-level or primitive actions. Each of these subtasks

is also concerned with only certain aspects of the full
state space: while the agent is inside the room, and the
current task is to exit it, the floor the elevator is on, or
whether the front door of the building is open or closed,
is irrelevant. However, these features will become
crucial later as the agents subtask changes.
Under the MDP formalization, time is represented
as a discrete step of unitary and constant duration. This
formulation does not allow the representation of temporally extended actions of varying durations, amenable
to represent the kind of higher-level actions identified
in the example. The formalism of semi-Markov Decision Processes (SMDPs) enables this representation
(Puterman, 1994). In SMDPs, the transition function
is altered to represent the probability that action a from
state s will lead to next state s after t timesteps:
Pr(s, t | s, a)
The corresponding value function is now:
V(s) = R(s, (s)) + sS t Pr(s, t | s, a) V(s)
SMDPs also enable the representation of continuous time. For dynamic programming algorithms for
solving SMDPs, see Puterman (1994) and Mahadevan
et al., (1997).
Factored-state MDPs deal with the fact that certain
aspects of the state space are irrelevant for certain
actions. In factored-state MDPs, state variables are
decomposed into independently specified components,
and transition probabilities are defined as a product
of factor probabilities. A common way of representing independence relations between state variables
is through Dynamic Bayes Networks (DBNs). As an
example, imagine that the state is represented by four
state variables: s = <f1, f2, f3, f4>, and we know that for
action a the value of variable f1 in the next state only
depends on the prior values of f1 and f4, f2 depends on
f2 and f3, and the others only depend on their own prior
value. This transition probability in a Factored MDP
would be represented as:
Pr(s | s, a) = Pr(f1 | f1 f4, a) Pr(f2 | f2 f3, a) Pr(f3 | f3,
a) Pr(f4 | f4, a)

For learning algorithms in factored-state MDPs, see

Kearns & Koller (1999) and Guestrin et al. (2002).

Different approaches and goals can be identified within
the hierarchical reinforcement-learning subfield. Some
algorithms are concerned with learning a hierarchical
view of either the environment or the task at hand,
while others are just concerned with exploiting this
knowledge when provided as input. Some techniques
try to learn or exploit temporally extended actions,
abstracting together a set of actions that lead to the
completion of a subtask or subgoal. Other methods
try to abstract together different states, treating them
as if they were equal from the point of view of the
learning problem.
We will briefly review a set of algorithms that use
some combination of these approaches. We will also
identify which of these methods are based on the modelfree learning paradigm as opposed to those that try to
construct a model of the environment.

Options: Learning Temporally Extended

Actions in the SMDP Framework
Options make use of the SMDP framework to allow the
agent to group together a series of actions (an options
policy) that lead to a certain state or set of states identified
as subgoals. For each option, a set of valid start states
is also identified, where the agent can decide whether
to perform a single-step primitive action, or to make
use of the option. We can think of options as pre-stored
policies for performing abstract subtasks.
A learning algorithm for options is described by
Sutton, Precup & Singh (1999) and belongs to the
model-free Q-learning family. In its current formulation,
the options framework allows for two-level hierarchies
of tasks, although they could potentially be generalized to multiple levels. End states (i.e., subgoals) are
given as input to the algorithm. There is work devoted
to discovering these subgoals and constructing useful
options from them (imek et al., 2005; and Jong &
Stone, 2005).


Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

While options have been shown to improve the

learning time of model-free algorithms, it is not clear
that there is an advantage in terms of learning time
over model-based methods. As any model-free method,
though, they do not suffer from the computational cost
involved in the planning step. It is still an open question
whether options can be generalized to multiple-level
hierarchies, and most of the work is empirical, with no
theoretical bounds.

MaxQ: Combining a Hierarchical Task

Decomposition with State Abstraction
MaxQ is also a model-free algorithm in the Q-learning
family. It receives as input a multi-level hierarchical task
decomposition, which decomposes the full underlying
MDP into an additive combination of smaller MDPs.
Within each task, abstraction is used so that state
variables that are irrelevant for the task are ignored
(Dietterich, 2000).
The main drawback of MaxQ is that the hierarchy
and abstraction have to be provided as input, and in
its model-free form it misses opportunities for faster

DSHP: Model-Based Hierarchical

Decomposition for Efficient Learning
and Planning
Deterministic Sample-Based Hierarchical Planning
(DSHP) combines factored-state MDP representations,
a MaxQ hierarchical task decomposition, and modelbased learning to achieve provably efficient learning
and planning in deterministic domains (Diuk, Strehl
& Littman, 2006).
While, as a model-based algorithm, DSHP allows
for faster learning and planning, it still suffers from
the problem that the hierarchy and abstraction have to
be provided as input.

hierarchy of smaller interlinked MDPs. HEXQ is modelfree and based on Q-learning (Hengst, 2002).
HEXQ shows a promising method for discovering
abstractions and hierarchies, but still suffers from a
lack of any theoretical bounds or proofs. All the work
using HEXQ has been empirical, and its general power
still remains an open question.

HAM-PHAM: Restricting the Class of

Possible Policies
Hierarchies of Abstract Machines (HAMs) also make
use of the SMDP formalism. The main idea is to restrict the class of possible policies by means of small
nondeterministic finite-state machines, which constrain
the sequences of actions that are allowed. Elements in
HAMs can be thought of as small programs, which at
certain points can decide to make calls to other lowerlevel programs (Parr & Russell, 1997; andParr, 1998).
See also Programmable HAMs (PHAMs), an extension
by Andre & Russell (2000).
HAM provides an interesting approach to make
learning and planning easier, but has also only been
shown to work better in certain empirical examples.

We expect to see most of the new work in the field
of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning tackling two
areas: hierarchy and abstraction discovery, and transfer
learning. We believe the main open question is how
structure can be learned from experience, and once
learned be applied to tasks and problems different from
the original one.
There is also promising but still little theoretical
work currently being produced in the area, work that
could prove the general power of different methods.
Most of the work is empirical and only shown to work
through experiments in small domains.

HEXQ: Discovering Hierarchy

As opposed to MaxQ, DSHP, or other methods that
receive the hierarchical task decomposition as input,
HEXQ tries to automatically discover it. HEXQ analyses
traces of experience and identifies regions of the MDP
with repeated characteristics. It uses this experience to
build temporal and state abstractions, constructing a

The goal of hierarchical reinforcement learning is to
combat the curse of dimensionality, the main obstacle
in achieving scalable RL that can be applied to real-life
problems, by means of hierarchical task decompositions
and state abstraction. This active area of research has

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

achieved mixed results, with algorithms and frameworks

focusing on just one or two combinations of the different aspects of the problem. A single approach that
can deal with structure discovery and its use, with both
temporal and state abstraction, and that can provably
learn and plan in polynomial time is still the main item
in the research agenda of the field.

Andre, D. & Russell. S. J. (2000). Programmable
reinforcement learning agents. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS).
Barto, A.G. & Mahadevan, S. (2003). Recent Advances
in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. Special Issue
on Reinforcement Learning, Discrete Event Systems
Journal. (13) 41-77.
Bellman, R. (1957). Dynamic Programming. Princeton
University Press.
Boutilier, C.; Dean, T.; & Hanks, S. (1999) Decisiontheoretic planning: Structural assumptions and computational leverage. Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Research. (11) 1-94.
Brafman, R. & Tennenholtz, M. (2002). R-MAX a
general polynomial time algorithm for near-optimal
reinforcement learning. Journal of Machine Learning
Dietterich, T.G. (2000). Hierarchical reinforcement
learning with the MAXQ value function decomposition. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (13)
Diuk, C.; Strehl, A. & Littman, M.L. (2006). A Hierarchical Approach to Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Deterministic Domains. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems (AAMAS).

Guestrin, C.; Patrascu, R.; & Schuurmans, D. (2002).

Algorithmdirected exploration for model-based reinforcement learning in factored MDPs. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Machine Learning,
Hengst, B. (2002). Discovering hierarchy in reinforcement learning with hexq. Proceedings of the 19th
International Conference on Machine Learning.

Jong, N & Stone, P. (2005) State Abstraction Discovery from Irrelevant State Variables. Proceedings of
the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Kaelbling, L. P.; Littman, M. L., & Moore, A. W.
(1996). Reinforcement Learning: A Survey. Journal
of Artificial Intelligence Research. (4) 237-285.
Kearns, M. & Singh, S. (1998). Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning in Polynomial Time. Proceedings
of the 15th International Conference on Machine
Kearns, M. J., & Koller, D. (1999). Efficient reinforcement learning in factored MDPs. In Proceedings of
the 16th International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI), 740747.
Mahadevan, S., Marchalleck, N., Das, T. & Gosavi, A.
(1997). Self-improving factory simulation using continuous-time average-reward reinforcement learning.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on
Machine Learning.
Moore, A. & Atkeson, Ch. (1993). Prioritized sweeping: Reinforcement learning with less data and less
real time. Machine Learning.
Parr, R. & Russell, S. (1997). Reinforcement learning
with hierarchies of machines. Proceedings of Advances
in Neural Information Processing Systems 10.
Parr, R. (1998). Hierarchical Control and learning for
Markov decision processes. PhD thesis, University of
California at Berkeley.
Puterman, M. L. (1994). Markov Decision Problems.
Wiley, New York.
imek, , Wolfe, A.P. & Barto, A. (2005). Identifying
useful subgoals in reinforcement learning by local graph
partitioning. Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conference on Machine Learning
Sutton, R. S. (1988). Learning to predict by the method
of temporal differences. Machine Learning.
Sutton, R. S. (1990). Integrated architectures for learning, planning and reacting based on approximating
dynamic programming. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Machine Learning.
Sutton, R. S., & Barto, A. G. (1998). Reinforcement
Learning: An Introduction. The MIT Press.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

Sutton, R.; Precup, D. & Singh, S. (1999) Between

MDPs and semi-MDPs: A framework for temporal
abstraction in reinforcement learning. Artificial Intelligence
Watkins, C. (1989). Learning from Delayed Rewards.
PhD Thesis.

Factored-State Markov Decision Process: An
extension to the MDP formalism used in Hierarchical
RL where the transition probability is defined in terms
of factors, allowing the representation to ignore certain
state variables under certain contexts.
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning: A subfield
of reinforcement learning concerned with the discovery
and use of task decomposition, hierarchical control,
temporal and state abstraction (Barto & Mahadevan,


Hierarchical Task Decomposition: A decomposition of a task into a hierarchy of smaller subtasks.

Markov Decision Process: The most common
formalism for environments used in reinforcement
learning, where the problem is described in terms of
a finite set of states, a finite set of actions, transition
probabilities between states, a reward signal and a
discount factor.
Reinforcement Learning: The problem faced by
an agent that learns to a utility measure behavior from
its interaction with the environment.
Semi-Markov Decision Process: An extension to
the MDP formalism that deals with temporally extended
actions and/or continuous time.
State-Space Generalization: The technique of
grouping together states in the underlying MDP and
treating them as equivalent for certain purposes.


High Level Design Approach for FPGA

Implementation of ANNs
Nouma Izeboudjen
Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie
Ahcene Farah
Ajman University, UAE
Hamid Bessalah
Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie
Ahmed Bouridene
Queens University of Belfast, UK
Nassim Chikhi
Center de Dveloppement des Technologies Avances (CDTA), Algrie

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are systems which
are derived from the field of neuroscience and are characterized by intensive arithmetic operations. These networks display interesting features such as parallelism,
classification, optimization, adaptation, generalization
and associative memories. Since the McCulloch and
Pitts pioneering work (McCulloch, W.S., & Pitts, W.
(1943), there has been much discussion on the topic
of ANNs implementation, and a huge diversity of
ANNs has been designed (C. Lindsey & T. Lindblad,
1994). The benefits of using such implementations is
well discussed in a paper by R. Lippmann (Richard P.
Lipmann, 1984): The great interest of building neural
networks remains in the high speed processing that can
be achieved through massively parallel implementation. In another paper Clark S. Lindsey (C.S Lindsey,
Th. Lindbald, 1995) posed a real dilemma of hardware
implementation: Built a general, but probably expensive system that can be reprogrammed for several
kinds of tasks like CNAPS for example? Or build a
specialized chip to do one thing but very quickly, like
the IBM ZISC Processor. To overcome this dilemma,
most researchers agree that an ideal solution should
relay the performances obtained using specific hardware
implementation and the flexibility allowed by software
tools and general purpose chips.
Since their commercial introduction in the mid1980s, and due to the advances in the development

of both of the microelectronic technology and the

specific CAD tools, FPGAs devices have progressed in
an evolutionary and revolutionary way. The evolution
process has allowed faster and bigger FPGAs, better
CAD tools and better technical support. The revolution
process concerns the introduction of high performances
multipliers, Microprocessors and DSP functions. This
has a direct incidence to FPGA implementation of ANNs
and a lot of research has been carried to investigate
the use of FPGAs in ANNs implementation (Amos R.
Omandi & Jagath C. rajapakse, 2006).
Another attractive key feature of FPGAs is their
flexibility, which can be obtained at different levels:
exploitation of the programmability of FPGA, dynamic
reconfiguration or run time reconfiguration (RTR),
(Xilinx XAPP290, 2004) and the application of the
design for reuse concept (Keating, Michael; Bricaud,
Pierre, 2002).
However, a big disadvantage of FPGAs is the low
level hardware oriented programming model needed to
fully exploit the FPGAs potential performances.
High level based VHDL synthesis tools have been
proposed to bridge the gap between the high level
application requirements and the low level FPGA
hardware but these tools are not algorithmic or application specific. Thus, special concepts need to be
developed for automatic ANN implementation before
using synthesis tools.
In this paper, we present a high level design methodology for ANN implementation that attempts to build a

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

bridge between the synthesis tool and the ANN design

requirements. This method offers a high flexibility in
the design while achieving speed/area performances
constraints. The three implementation figures of the
ANN based back propagation algorithm are considered.
These are the off-type implementation, the on-chip
global implementation and the dynamic reconfiguration
choices of the ANN.
To achieve our goal, a design for reuse strategy
has been applied. To validate our approach, three case
studies are considered using the Virtex-II and Virtex-4
FPGA devices. A comparative study is done and new
conclusions are given.


D iL = f ' (u iL )(d i y i )
D lj 1 = f ' (u lj1 )


w D

ij i

1 i Nl

, 1 l L

where, di is the desired output f the derivative function of f

The Weight update step computes the weights updates according to:
wijl (t + 1) = wijl (t ) + wijl (t )
wijl (t ) = HD il y lj1

In this section, theoretical presentation of the multilayer
perceptron (MLP) based back propagation algorithm
is given. Then, discussion of the most related works to
the topics of high level design methodology and ANNs
frameworks are given.

Theoretical Background of the Back

Propagation Algorithm
The back propagation is one of the well known algorithms that are used to train the MLP ANN network
in a supervised mode. The MLP is executed in three
phases: the feed forward phase, the error calculation
phase and the synaptic weight updating phase (Freeman, J. A. and Skapura, D. M, 1991).
In the feed forward phase, a pattern xi is applied
to the input layer and the resulting signal is forward
propagated through the network until the final outputs
have been calculated; for each i (index of neuron) and
j (index of layer)
M [ji ] =


W [ ]x

i =1


= f ( xj ) =

1 + exp( Mj )


where, M ij is the weighted sum of the synaptic weights

and o ij is the output of the sigmoid activation function.
The error calculation step, computes the local error,
for each layer starting from output back to input:


i =1


where, is the learning factor, w the variation of

weights and l, the indices of the layers.

Background on ANN Frameworks

The most related works to ANNs frameworks are presented by (F. Schurmann & all, 2002), (M. Diepenhorst
& all, 1999), and (J. Zhu & all, 1999).
In the other hand, and with the increasing complexity
of FPGAs circuits, Core-based synthesis methodology is proposed as a new trend for efficient hardware
implementation of FPGAs. In these tools a library
of pre-designed IPs Intellectual Property cores are
proposed. An example can be found in (Xilinx Core
Generator reference) and (Opencores reference).
In the core based design methodology, efficient
reuse is derived from the parameterized design with
VHDL and its many flexible constructs and characteristics (i.e. abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance
and reuse through attributes, package, procedures and
functions). Beside this, the reuse concept is well suited
for high regular and repetitive structures such as neural
networks. However although all these advantages,
seldom attention has been done to apply design for
reuse for ANNs.
In this context our paper presents a new high level
design methodology based upon the use of the design
for reuse concept for ANNs.
In order to achieve this goal, the design must fulfill
the following requirements (Keating, Michael; Bricaud,
Pierre, 2002):

The design must be block-based

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

The design must be reconfigurable to meet the

requirement of many different applications.
The design must use standard interfaces.
The code must be synthesizable at the RTL
The design must be verified.
The design must have robust scripts and must be
well documented.

implementation, the global on chip implementation

and implementation using run time reconfiguration
(RTR). Thus a Core is generated for each type of
At this level, the user/designer can fix the parameters
of the network, i.e. the number of neurons in each layer,
synaptic values, multiplier type, data representation and
precision. At the low level all the IP Cores that construct
the neuron are generated automatically from the library
of the synthesis tool which is in our case MENTOR
GRAPHICS (Mentor Graphics user guide reference),
and which also integrates the Xilinx IP Core Generator.
In addition, for each IP Core, a graphical interface is
generated to fix its parameters. Thus, the user/designer
can change the network performances architecture by
changing the IP cores that are stoked in the library.
Then a VHDL code at the register transfer level (RTL)
is generated for synthesis. Before, functional simulation
is required. The result is a file netlist ready for place
and rout followed by final FPGA prototyping on a
board. Documentation is available at each level of the


The proposed design approach is shown in Fig.1 as a
process of flow. In this figure, the methodology used
is based on a top down design approach in which
the designer/user is guided step by step in the design
process of the ANN.
First, the user is asked to select the dimension
of the network. The next step involves selection of
ANN implementation choices; these are the off chip

Figure 1. The proposed design methodology

The BP Graphical
user interface

ANN dimension

On chip implementation
Off chip training

Selection of the
Off chip ANN core



Global on chip


Selection of the
On chip ANN core

Selection of the
RTR ANN core

Define ANN parameters

Functional simulation


R eusable IP C ores

Generate VHDL code at RTL level

RTL synthesis tool

Implementation Place & root tools



High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

design process and the code is well commented. Thus,

the design for reuse requirements is applied through
the design process. In what follow, presentation of each
implementation type is given.

equation (2). As shown in Fig. 4, the hardware model

of the neuron is mainly based on a:

The Feed Forward Off-Chip


Fig. 2 shows a top view of the feed forward core which

is composed of a data path module and a control module. At the top level these two modules are represented
by black boxes and only the neural network inputs and
outputs signals are shown to the user/designer.
By clicking inside the boxes, we can get access to
the network architecture which is composed of three
layers represented by black boxes as shown in Fig. 3
(left side). By clicking inside each box, we can get
access to the layer architecture which is composed of
black boxes representing the neurons as shown in Fig.
3 (right side); and by clicking inside each neurons box
we can get access to the neuron hardware architecture
as shown in Fig 4.
Each neuron implements the accumulated weight
sum of equation (1) and the activation function of

Memory circuit where the final values of the

synaptic weights are stocked,
A multiply circuit (MULT) which computes the
product of the stored synaptic weights with inputs
An accumulator circuit (ACUM) which computes
the sum of the above products
A circuit that approximates the activation function
(example linear function or sigmoid function)
A multiplexer circuit (MUX) in the case of serial
transfer between inputs in the same neuron

The neural network architecture has the following


Computation between layers is done serially

For the same layer, neurons are computed in
For the same neuron, only one multiplier and one
accumulator (MULT +ACUM=MAC) are used
to compute the product sum.

Figure 2.The feed forward core module using the mentor graphics design tool

wi[ j ]

Feed Forward

Feed Forward Control









High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

Figure 3. The ANN architecture

N eurone 1

N eurone 1
Layer 1


Layer 3
N eurone 3

N eurone_n
F eed forw ard C ontrol


Figure 4. Equivalent hardware architecture of the neuron


X1 X2...Xn



Sy naptic w eights

W ji[l ]

Activation Output


Each multiplier is connected to a memory. The

depth of each memory is equal to the number of
neurons constituting the layer
The whole network is controlled by a control unit

Each circuit that constructs the neuron is an IP core

Intellectual Property that can be generated from the
Xilinx Core Generator.
The feed forward control module is composed
of three phases: control of the neuron, control of the

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

layer and control of the network. Considering the

fact that neurons work in parallel, so control of the
layer is similar to the control of the neuron plus the
multiplexers control. Control of the neuron is divided
into four phases: start, initialization, synaptic multiplication/accumulation and storage of the weighted sum.
The first state diagram of the feed forward control
module which was designed, was based on the Moore
machine in which the system vary only when its state
change. The drawback of this machine is that it is not
generic. For example, (load=0, reset=0) allows the accumulator to add a value present at the input register.
This accumulated value must be done as many times
as the number of neurons in the previous layer. Thus,
if we change the number of neurons from one layer to
another one, we have to change all the flow state of the
control module. To overcome this problem, the Moor
machine is replaced by the Mealy machine in which
we add a counter program with a generic value M and
a transition variable Max such that:

posed architecture which is composed of a feed forward

module, an Error-calculation module and an Update
module. The set of the three modules is controlled
by a global control unit. The feed forward module
computes equations (1) and (2). The Error module
computes equations (3) and (4) and the Update module
computes equations (5) and (6). Each module exhibits
a high degree of regularity of the structure, modularity
and repeatability which make the whole ANN a good
candidate for the application of the design for reuse
concept. As in the off-chip implementation case, first
the unit control unit has been done using a Moore
machine that integrates control of the three modules:
feed forward, error and update modules. In order to
achieve reuse, we have replaced the Moore machine
by a Mealy machine. Thus, the size of the network can
be modified by simple copy/past or remove operations
of the boxes.

ifoutput _ counter = M Max = 1

Max = 0

Our strategy for run time reconfiguration follows the

following steps: first the feed forward and the global
control modules are configured. The results are stored
in the Bus macro module of the Virtex FPGA device.
In the next step, the feed forward module is reset
from the FPGA and the Update and Error modules are
configured. The generated results are stored in the Bus
macro modules and the same procedure is applied to
the next training example of the ANN. A more detailed
description is given in (N. Izeboudjen and all, 2007).

where the value of M is done equal to the number of

By using this strategy, we obtain an architecture
that has two important key features: generecity and
flexibility. Generecity is related to the data word size,
precision, and memory depth which are kept as generic
parameters at the top level of the VHDL description.
The flexibility feature is related to the size of the
network (the number of neurons in each layer), thus
it is possible to add neurons by simple copy/past of
the neurons boxes or cores and it is also possible to
remove them by simple cut operation of the boxes. It
is also possible to use other IP cores from the library
(example replace parallel MULT with pipeline MULT)
to change the performances of the network without
changing the VHDL code. Thus, the design for reuse
concept is applied.

The Direct On-Chip Implementation

In this section, we propose the equivalent architecture
for implementation of the three successive phases of
the back propagation algorithm. Fig.5 depicts the pro-


The Run Time Reconfiguration Strategy

Performance Evaluation
In this section, we discuss the performance of the three
implementation figures of the back propagation algorithm. The parameters to be considered are the number
of configurable logic blocs (CLB), the time response
(TR) and the number of Million connexions per second
(MCPS). A comparison of these parameters is done
between the Virtex-II and Virtex-4 families. Functional
simulation is achieved using ModelSim simulator
(ModelSim user guide reference). The RTL synthesis
is achieved using the Mentor graphics synthesis tool
(Mentor Graphics synthesis tool user guide reference)
and for final implementation, the ISE foundation place
and rout (8.2) tool is used (ISE foundation user guide

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs






















E r r o r & U p d a te C o n tr o l










Figure 5. Architecture of the BP algorithm

Feed Forward Control




C o n tr o l R P G o n ch ip

Our first application is an ANN classifier that is

used to classify heart coronary diseases. The network
has been trained off chip using the MATLAB 6.5 tool.
After training the dimension of the network as well
as the synaptic weight were fixed. The network has a
dimension of (1, 8, 1) and the synaptic weights have a
data width of 24 bits. For this application we selected
the circuits XC2V1000 and XC4VLX15 devices, of
Virtex-II and Virtex-4 respectively. Synthesis results
show that the XC2V1000 circuit consume 99% in terms
of (CLB), the time response TR = 44.46 (ns) while the
MCPS=360. Concerning the XC4VLX15, it consumes
82% in term of CLB, TR= 26.76 (ns) and MCPS= 597.
Thus, the XC4VLX15 achieves better performances in
term of area (gain 19% of CLB in term of area), the
speed rate is 1.6 and MCPS rate is 1.6.
Our second application is the classical (2, 2, 1)
XOR ANN which is used as a benchmark for non-linearly separable problems. The general on chip learning
implementation has been applied to the network. It is to
be mentioned that area constraints could not be met for

the first family XC2V1000 as well as the XC4VlX15,

and we have tried several families until we fixed the
XC4VlX80 for Virtex-4 and the XC2V8000 for VirtexII. Synthesis results show that the XC2V8000 circuit
consume 22% in terms of (CLB), the time response
TR= 59.5 (ns) while the MCPS=202. Concerning the
XC4VLX80, it consumes 30% in term of (CLB), TR =
47.93 (ns) and MCPS= 250. From these results we can
conclude that with the Virtex-II family we can gain 8%
of (CLB) in term of area ; this is due to the fact that the
Virtex-II integrates more multipliers than the Virtex-4
and in which the MAC component is integrated into the
DSP48 (XC4VlX80 has 80 MAC DSP and XC2V8000
has 168 bloc multipliers). But the Virtex-4 circuit is
faster than the Virtex-II and can achieve more MCPS
(rate of ~1.24). The on chip implementation requires a
lot of multipliers and this is why, we recommend using
it if the timing constraints are not critical.
In the third application, three arbitrary networks are
used to show the performance of the (RTR) over the
global implementation. These are a (3,3,3) network,

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

a (16,16,16) network and a (16,64,8) network. The

results show that when the size of the network is big
it is difficult to implement the whole RPG into one
FPGA. With the RTR we can achieve more than 30%
reduction in the area and more than 40% increase in
speed and MCPS.



C. S. Lindsey and T. Lindblad (1994), Review of

Neural Network Hardware: A users perspective, IEEE
Third Workshop on Neural Networks: from Biology
to High Energy Physics.

The proposed ANN environment is still under construction. The design approach is based on the use of predesigned IP cores which are generated from the Xilinx
Core generator tool. Our next objective is to enrich
and enhance the library of the IP cores, especially in
the case of implementation of the activation function
(sigmoid, linear transfer circuits), and to evaluate and
compare the performances of the ANN regarding others
pre-designed IP cores.
Also, we plan to extend the reuse concept of the
ANN to other ANNs algorithms (Kohonen, Hopfield
Concerning the run-time reconfiguration (RTR),
the next step is to integrate the RTR design approach
with the planeAhead design tool (PlanAhead user
guide reference).
As future work, we plan to evaluate and analysis the
cost of the design for reuse concept applied to ANNs

Through this paper, we have presented a successful
design approach for FPGA implementation of ANNs.
We have applied a design for reuse strategy and
parametric design to achieve our goal. The proposed
methodology offers high flexibility because the size of
the ANN can be changed by simple copy/remove of the
neurons cores. In addition the format, data widths and
precision are considered as generic parameters. Thus,
different applications can be targeted in a reduced design
time. As for the three applications, the first conclusion
is that the new Virtex-4 FPGA devices achieve faster
networks comparing to Virtex-II; but regarding to the
area; i.e. number of CLBs, the Virtex-II is better. Thus
in our opinion, the Virtex-II is well suited as a platform
to experiment ANN implementations. This can help to
give new directions for future work.


Amos R. Omondi and Jagath C. rajapakse (2006),

FPGA implementation of neural networks, Springer
C.S. Lindsey, Th. Lindblad (1995) Survey of neural
network hardware, SPIE Vol. 2492, pp 1194-1205

M. Diepenhorst, M. van Veelen, J.A.G Nijhuis and L.

Spaanenburg(1999), IEEE, pp 2302-2305
Freeman, J.A. and Skapura, D. M (1991) Neural
networks Algorithms, Applications and Programming
Techniques Addison Wesley publisher.
ISE Core generator,
J. Zhu, G. J. Milne, B. K. Gunther (1999) Towards
an FPGA Reconfigurable Computing Environment for
Neural Networks Implementations Artificial neural
networks, Conference publication No 470, IEE , Volume 2, pp 661-666
Keating, Michael; Bricaud, Pierre (2002) Reuse methodology manual, Kluwer academic publisher.
McCulloch, W.S, & Pitts, W. (1943), A Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity, Bulletin
of Mathematical Biophysics. (5) 115-133.
Model Sim user guide
Mentor graphics user guide
N. Izeboudjen, A.Farah, H. Bessalah, A. Bouridene,
N. Chikhi (2007), Towards a Platform for FPGA
Implementation of the MLP Based back Propagation
Algorithm IWANN, LNCS, pp. 497-505
PlanAhead User guide
Richard P. Lippmann (1984), An Introduction to
computing with neural nets , IEEE ASSP Magazine,
pp. 4 -22
F. Schumann, S. Hofmann, J. Schemmel, K. Meier,
(2002), Evolvable Hardware Proceedings NASA/
DoD Conference on Volume, Issue, pp 266 - 273

High Level Design Approach for FPGA Implementation of ANNs

Xilinx application notes XAPP290 (2004) Two Flows

for Partial Reconfiguration: Module Based or Difference Based, pp (1-28)

On-Chip Training: A term that design implementation the three phases of the back propagation algorithm
into one or several chips


Off-Chip Training: Training of the network is done

using software tools like MATLAB and only the feed
forward phase is considered generalisation.

ASIC: Acronym Application Specific Integrated

CLB: Acronym for Configurable Logic Blocs
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Arrays
High Level Synthesis: A top down design methodology that transform an abstract level such as the VHDL
language into a physical implementation level

RTL: Acronym of Register Transfer Level

Run Time Reconfiguration: A solution that permits
to use the smallest FPGA and to reconfigure it several
times during the processing. Run time reconfiguration
can be partial or global.
VHDL: Acronym for Very high speed integrated
circuits Hardware Description Language)



HOPS: A Hybrid Dual Camera Vision System

Stefano Cagnoni
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Monica Mordonini
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Luca Mussi
Universit degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
Giovanni Adorni
Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Biological vision processes are usually characterized
by the following different phases:

Awareness: natural or artificial agents operating in

dynamic environments can benefit from a, possibly rough, global description of the surroundings.
In human this is referred to as peripheral vision,
since it derives from stimuli coming from the
edge of the retina.
Attention: once an interesting object/event has
been detected, higher resolution is required to
set focus on it and plan an appropriate reaction.
In human this corresponds to the so-called foveal
vision, since it originates from the center of the
retina (fovea).
Analysis: extraction of detailed information
about objects of interest, their three-dimensional
structure and their spatial relationships completes
the vision process. Achievement of these goals
requires at least two views of the surrounding scene
with known geometrical relations. In humans,
this function is performed exploiting binocular
(stereo) vision.

Computer Vision has often tried to emulate natural

systems or, at least, to take inspiration from them. In fact,
different levels of resolution are useful also in machine
vision. In the last decade a number of studies dealing
with multiple cameras at different resolutions have
appeared in literature. Furthermore, the ever-growing
computer performances and the ever-decreasing cost of
video equipment make it possible to develop systems

which rely mostly, or even exclusively, on vision for

navigating and reacting to environmental changes in
real time. Moreover, using vision as the unique sensory input makes artificial perception closer to human
perception, unlike systems relying on other kinds of
sensors and allows for the development of more direct
biologically-inspired approaches to interaction with the
external environment (Trullier 1997).
This article presents HOPS (Hybrid Omnidirectional
Pin-hole Sensor), a class of dual camera vision sensors
that try to exalt the connection between machine vision
and biological vision.

In the last decade some investigations on hybrid dual
camera systems have been performed (Nayar 1997;
Cui 1998; Adorni 2001; Adorni 2002; Adorni 2003;
Scotti 2005; Yao 2006). The joint use of a moving
standard camera and of a catadioptric sensor provides
these sensors with their different and complementary
features: while the traditional camera can be used to
acquire detailed information about a limited region of
interest (foveal vision), the omnidirectional sensor
provides wide-range, but less detailed, information
about the surroundings (peripheral vision). Possible employments for this class of vision systems are
video surveillance applications as well as mobile robot
navigation tasks. Moreover, their particular configuration makes it possible to realize different strategies
to control the orientation of the standard camera; for
example, scattered focus on different objects permits to
perform recognition/classification tasks while continu-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


ous movements allow to track any interesting moving

object. Three-dimensional reconstruction based on
stereo vision is also possible.


This article is focused on the latest prototype of the
HOPS (Hybrid Omnidirectional-Pinhole Sensor) sensor (Adorni 2001; Adorni 2002; Adorni 2003, Cagnoni
2007). HOPS is a dual camera vision system that
achieves a high-resolution 360-degrees field of view as
well as 3D reconstruction capabilities. The effectiveness of this hybrid sensor derives from the joint use of
a traditional camera and a central catadioptric camera
which both satisfy the single-viewpoint constraint.
Having two different viewpoints from which the world
is observed, the sensor can therefore act as a stereo
pair finding effective applications in surveillance and
robot navigation.
To create a handy versatile system that could meet
the requirements of the whole vision process in a wide
variety of applications, HOPS has been designed to
be considered as a single integrated object: one of the
most direct advantages offered by this is that, once it is

assembled and calibrated, it can be placed and moved

anywhere (for example in the middle of a room ceiling or on a mobile robot) without any need for further
Figure 1 shows the latest two HOPS prototypes. In
the one that has been used for the experiments reported
here, the traditional camera which, in this version, cannot rotate, has been placed on top and can be pointed
downwards with an appropriate fixed tilt angle to obtain
a high-resolution view of a restricted region close to
the sensor. In the middle, one can see the catadioptric
camera consisting of a traditional camera pointing
upwards to a hyperbolic mirror hanging over it and
held by a plexiglas cylinder. As can be observed, the
mirror can be moved up and down to permit optimal
positioning (Swaminathan 2001; Strelow 2001) during
Moreover, to avoid undesired light reflections on
the internal surface of the Plexiglas cylinder, a black
needle has been placed on the mirror apex as suggested
in (Ishiguro 2001). Finally, in the lower part, some
circuits generate video synchronization signals and
allow for external connections.
The newer version of HOPS (see Figure 1, right)
overcomes some limitations of the present one. It
uses two digital high-resolution Firewire cameras,

Figure 1. The two latest versions of the HOPS sensor: the one used for experiments (left) and the newest version
(right) which is currently being assembled and tested.



in conjunction with mega-pixel lenses characterized

by a very low TV-distortion, to achieve better image
quality. Furthermore, in this new version the traditional
camera is hung to a stepper motor, controlled via a
USB interface, and therefore is able to rotate. This
time the traditional camera has been placed below the
catadioptric part: this makes it possible to have no wires
within the field of view of the omnidirectional image
besides allowing, in surveillance applications, to see
also the blind area of the omnidirectional view due to
the reflection of the camera on the mirror.

Sensor Calibration
In order to extract metric information from two-dimensional images, one must perform a calibration
of the camera and estimate the geometric parameters
needed to describe image formation. Therefore, after
calibration, relationships between points on images and
their real position in the 3D space can be expressed
by mathematical equations which can solve metric
Sensor calibration can be based on a standard Photogrammetric Calibration (Kraus 1993; Zhang 2000)
using a heavily structured environment with grids of
points of known coordinates. First, the two cameras are
calibrated independently, before assembling them on the
sensor, to estimate their intrinsics as well as the radial
distortion introduced by the optics. Then, the mirror is
accurately positioned with respect to the camera in order
to achieve single-viewpoint vision for the catadioptric

part of the sensor as described by (Benosman 2001).

The last, but probably most important, phase of the
calibration is aimed at detecting geometric relationships
between the traditional image and the omnidirectional
one: once again, a set of known points was used to
estimate the parameters of the mapping.
Notice that the relationships that were computed
between the two views are constant in time because
of the sensor structure. In this way, once the calibration procedure is over, no external fixed references
are needed any longer, and one can place the sensor
anywhere and perform stereo vision tasks without
needing any further calibration.

Mirror to Camera Positioning

To position the hyperbolic mirror with respect to the
standard camera and achieve the single-viewpoint
characteristic for the catadioptric part of the sensor,
one can operate as follows.
Supposing that the single view-point constraint is
satisfied, and since the mirror profile is known, the
camera calibration data and some simple equations can
be used to calculate the expected projections of any
known 3D point set onto the omnidirectional image.
To verify the correctness of the relative mirror-tocamera positioning, a calibration box has been built
with grids of known coordinates painted on its inner
walls. Hence, after placing the sensor into it, the mirror can be manually moved until the grids appearing
on the image taken in real time match the theoretical

Figure 2. Mirror position calibration: the sensor inside the calibration box (left) and the acquired omnidirectional image (right) with the correct grid positions superimposed in white.



ones super-imposed over it as they should appear if

the mirror had been correctly placed (see Figure 2).
This is a very cheap method which, however, yields
very good results.

Joint Camera Calibration

To obtain a fully effective stereo system it is essential
to make a joint camera calibration to extract information about the relative positioning of the camera pair.
Usually, the internal reference frame of one of the two
cameras is chosen as the global reference for the pair:
since two different kinds of cameras are available, the
simplest choice is to set the omnidirectional cameras
frame as the global reference for the whole sensor.
Using once again the above-mentioned grids of points,
images pair (omnidirectional and traditional) of grids
lying on different (parallel) planes with known relative
positions are acquired. Once 3D coordinates of points
positions, referred to the sensor reference frame, have
been estimated through the omnidirectional image,
solving for geometric constraints between points projections in the traditional image permits to estimate the
relative position of the traditional camera.
To take the standard camera rotation into consideration, its position has to be described by a more complex
transformation than a simply fixed rototranslation: the
geometric and kinematic coupling between the two
cameras has to be understood and modeled with more
parameters. Obviously, this requires that images be
taken with the traditional camera in many different
After this joint camera calibration, HOPS can be
used to perform metric measurements on the images,
obtaining three-dimensional data referred to its own
global reference frame: this means that no further
calibrations are needed to take sensor displacements
into account.

Perspective Reprojections & Inverse

Perspective Mapping
One of the opportunities offered by a perspective image is the possibility to apply an Inverse Perspective
Mapping (IPM) transformation (Little 1991) to obtain
a different image in which the information content is
homogeneously distributed among all pixels. Since central catadioptric cameras are characterized by a single
viewpoint, the images acquired by them are perspective

images suitable to be used for IPM. Choosing a virtual

image plane as the new domain for the IPM, a perspective reprojection similar to traditional images can be
obtained from part of those omnidirectional images.
Figure 3 shows a pair of images acquired by HOPS
and a perspective reconstruction of the omnidirectional
view obtained applying an IPM on the corresponding
area seen by the traditional camera. As can be noticed,
the difference in resolution between the two perspective
views is considerable. Choosing a horizontal plane as
reference for the IPM, it is possible to obtain something
very similar to an orthographic view of that area, usually
referred to as birds eye view. If the floor is used as
reference to perform IPM on both images, it is possible
to extract useful information about objects/obstacles
surrounding the system (Bertozzi 1998).

3D Reconstruction Tests
To verify the correctness of the calibration process,
an estimation of the positions of points in a three-dimensional space can be performed along with other
tests. After capturing one image from each of the two
views, the points in the test pattern are automatically
detected and for each one the light rays from which it
was generated are computed based on the projection
model obtained during calibration. Since the estimated
homologous rays are usually skew lines, the shortest
segment joining the two rays can be found and its middle
point used as an estimate of the points 3D position.
In Table 1, results obtained using a 4x3 point
test-pattern with 60 mm between point centers are
reported. Even if the origin of the sensor reference
system is physically inaccessible and no high-precision
instruments were available, this pattern was placed as
accurately as possible 390 mm perpendicularly ahead
of the sensor itself (along the y direction in the chosen
reference frame) and centered along the x direction: the
z coordinates of the points in the top row were measured
to be equal to 55 mm. This set-up is reflected by the
estimated values for the first experiment reported in
Table 1. More relevantly, the mean distance between
points was estimated to be 59.45 mm with a standard
deviation = 1.14: those values are fully compatible
with the resolution available for measuring distances
on the test pattern and with the mirror resolution (also
limited by image resolution).
In a second experiment, a test-pattern with six points
spaced by 110 mm, located about 1 m ahead, 0.25 m


Figure 3. Omnidirectional image (above, left) and traditional image (above, right) acquired by HOPS. Below a
perspective reconstruction of part of the omnidirectional one is shown.

to the right and a bit below the sensor, has been used.
In the lower part of Table 1 the estimated positions
are shown: the estimated mean distance was 109.09
mm with a standard deviation = 8.89. In another test
with the same pattern located 1.3 m ahead, 0.6 m to
the left and 0.5 m below the sensor (see Figure 4) the
estimated mean distance was of about 102 mm with a
standard deviation = 9.98.
It should be noticed that, at those distances, taking
into account image resolution as well as the mirror
profile, the sensor resolution is of the same order of
magnitude as the errors obtained. Furthermore, the
method used to find the center of circles suffers from
luminance and contrast variations: substituting circles
with adjacent alternate black and white squares and

using a corner detector capable of sub-pixel accuracy

would probably yield better results.

A field which nowadays draws great interest is autonomous vehicle navigation. Even if at the moment there
are still many problems to be solved before seeing
autonomous public vehicles, industrial applications
are already possible. Since results in omnidirectional
visual servoing and ego-motion estimation are also applicable to hybrid dual camera systems, and many more
opportunities are offered by the presence of a second
high-resolution view, the use of such devices in this field


Table 1. 3D estimation results: the tables show the estimated positions obtained. The diagrams below them show
the estimated distances between points on the test-pattern. All values are in mm.
- Experiment 1

- Experiment 2

Figure 4. Omnidirectional image (left) and traditional image (right) acquired for a 3D stereo estimation test



is desirable. Even if most applications of these systems

are related with surveillance, they could be applied
even more directly to robot-aided human activities,
since robots/vehicles involved in these situations are
less critical and their controllability is easier.

navigation. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on

Omnidirectional Vision. Madison Wisconsin, 21 June
2003. IEEE Computer Society Press, 78-89.


Bertozzi, M., Broggi, A. & Fascioli, A. (1998). Stereo

inverse perspective mapping: Theory and applications.
Image and Vision Computing Journal Elsevier Vol.
16, 585-590.

The Hybrid Omnidirectional Pin-hole Sensor (HOPS)

dual camera system has been described. Since its joint
camera calibration leads to a fully calibrated hybrid
stereo pair from which 3D information can be extracted,
HOPS suits several kinds of applications. For example,
it can be used for surveillance and robot self-localization or obstacle detection, offering the possibility to
integrate stereo sensing with peripheral/foveal active
vision strategies: once objects or regions of interest
are localized on the wide-range sensor, the traditional
camera can be used to enhance the resolution with
which these areas can be analyzed.
Tracking of multiple objects/people relying on
high-resolution images for recognition and access
control or estimating velocity, dimensions and trajectories are some examples of surveillance tasks for
which HOPS is suitable. Accurate obstacle detection,
landmark localization, robust ego-motion estimation
or three-dimensional environment reconstruction are
other examples of possible applications related to
(autonomous/holonomous) robot navigation in semistructured or completely unstructured environments.
Some preliminary experiments have been performed
to solve both surveillance and robot navigation with
encouraging results.

Adorni, G., Bolognini, L., Cagnoni, S., & Mordonini,
M. (2001). A non-traditional omnidirectional vision
system with stereo capabilities for autonomous robots.
In F. Esposito (Ed.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science
Springer-Verlag, Vol. 2175, 344355.
Adorni, G., Cagnoni, S., Carletti, M., Mordonini, M.
& Sgorbissa, A. (2002). Designing omnidirectional
vision sensors. AI*IA Notizie 15(1), 2730.
Adorni, G., Cagnoni, S., Mordonini, M. & Sgorbissa,
A. (2003). Omnidirectional stereo systems for robot

Benosman, R. & Kang, S. (2001). Panoramic vision:

Sensors, theory and applications. Springer-Verlag
New York, Inc.

Cagnoni, S., Mordonini, M., Mussi, L. & Adorni, G.

(2007). Hybrid stereo sensor with omnidirectional vision capabilities: Overview and calibration procedures.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of
Image Analysis and Processing. Modena, 11-13 September 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press, 99-104.
Cui, Y., Samarasekera, S., Huang, Q. & Greiffenhagen,
M. (1998). Indoor monitoring via the collaboration
between a peripheral sensor and a fovea1 sensor. VS:
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Workshop on Visual
Surveillance. Bombay, 2 January 1998. IEEE Computer
Society Press, Vol.00, 2-9.
Ishiguro, H. (2001). Development of low-cost compact
omnidirectional vision sensors. In R. Benosman & S.
Kang (Eds.), Panoramic vision: Sensors, theory and
applications Springer-Verlag New York, Inc, 23-28.
Kraus, K. (1993). Photogrammetry: Fundamentals and
standard processes (4th ed., Vol. 1). Dmmler.
Little, J., Bohrer, S., Mallot, H. & Blthoff, H. (1991).
Inverse perspective mapping simplifies optical flow
computation and obstacle detection. Biological Cybernetics Springer-Verlag Vol. 64, 177-185.
Nayar, S. & Boult, T. (1997). Omnidirectional vision
systems: 1998 PI report. Proceedings of the 1997
DARPA Image Understanding Workshop. New Orleans,
11-14 May 1997. Storming Media, 93-99.
Scotti, G., Marcenaro, L., Coelho, C., Selvaggi, F. &
Regazzoni, C. (2005). Dual camera intelligent sensor
for high definition 360 degrees surveillance. IEE Proceedings on Vision Image and Signal Processing. IEE
Press. Vol.152, 250-257.
Swaminathan, R., Grossberg, M. D. & Nayar, S. K.
(2001). Caustics of catadioptric cameras. Proceedings
of the 8th International Conference on Computer Vision.


Vancouver, 9-12 July 2001. IEEE Computer Society

Press. Vol.2, 2-9.

This means that, from a standing position, it can move

as easily in any direction.

Trullier, O., Wiener, S., Berthoz, A. & Meyer, J. (1997).

Biologically - based artificial navigation systems: Review and prospects. Progress in Neurobiology. Elsevier.
Vol. 51, 483544.

Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM): A procedure

which allows for perspective effect to be removed
from an image by homogeneously redistributing the
information content of the image plane into a new
two-dimensional domain.

Yao, Y., Abidi, B. & Abidi, M. (2006). Fusion of

omnidirectional and PTZ cameras for accurate cooperative tracking. In AVSS: Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Video and Signal Based
Surveillance. Sydney, 22-24 November 2006. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 46-51.
Zhang, Z. (2000). A flexible new technique for camera
calibration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Vol. 22, 1330-1334.

Camera Calibration: A procedure used to obtain
geometrical information about image formation in a
specific camera essential to relate metric distances on
the image to distances in the real word. Anyway, some
a priori information is needed to reconstruct the third
dimension from only one image.
Holonomous Robot: A robot with an unconstrained
freedom of movement with no preferential direction.

Lens Distortion: Optical errors in camera lenses,

usually due to mechanical misalignment of its parts,
can cause straight lines in the observed scene to appear
curved in the captured image. The deviation between
the theoretical image and the actual one is mostly to
be attributed to lens distortion.
Pin-Hole Camera: A camera that uses a tiny hole
(the pin-hole) to convey all rays from the observed
scene to the image plane. The smaller the pin-hole, the
sharper the picture. Pin-hole cameras achieve a potentially infinite depth of field. Because of its geometric
simplicity, the pin-hole model is used to describe
most traditional cameras.
Single Viewpoint Constraint: When all incoming principal light rays of a lens intersect at a single
point, an image with a non-distorted metric content is
obtained. In this case all information contained in this
image is seen from this view-point.
Visual Servoing: An approach to robot control based
on visual perception: a vision system extracts information from the surrounding environment to localize the
robot and consequently servoing its position.



Hybrid Dual Camera Vision Systems

Stefano Cagnoni
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Monica Mordonini
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Luca Mussi
Universit degli Studi di Perugia, Italy
Giovanni Adorni
Universit degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Many of the known visual systems in nature are characterized by a wide field of view allowing animals to
keep the whole surrounding environment under control.
In this sense, dragonflies are one of the best examples:
their compound eyes are made up of thousands of separate light-sensing organs arranged to give nearly a 360
field of vision. However, animals with eyes on the sides
of their head have high periscopy but low binocularity, that is their views overlap very little. Differently,
raptors eyes have a central part that permits them to
see far away details with an impressive resolution and
their views overlap by about ninety degrees. Those
characteristics allow for a globally wide field of view
and for accurate stereoscopic vision at the same time,
which in turn allows for determination of distance, leading to the ability to develop a sharp, three-dimensional
image of a large portion of their view.
In mobile robotics applications, autonomous robots
are required to react to visual stimuli that may come
from any direction at any moment of their activity. In
surveillance applications, the opportunity to obtain
a field of view as wide as possible is also a critical
requirement. For these reasons, a growing interest in
omnidirectional vision systems (Benosman 2001),
which is still a particularly intriguing research field, has
emerged. On the other hand, requirements to be able to
carry out object/pattern recognition and classification
tasks are opposite, high resolution and accuracy and
low distortion being possibly the most important ones.
Finally, three-dimensional information extraction can
be usually achieved by vision systems that combine the
use of at least two sensors at the same time.

This article presents the class of hybrid dual camera

vision systems. This kind of sensors, inspired by existing
visual systems in nature, combines an omnidirectional
sensor with a perspective moving camera. In this way
it is possible to observe the whole surrounding scene at
low resolution, while, at the same time, the perspective
camera can be directed to focus on objects of interest
with higher resolution.

There are essentially two ways to observe a very wide
area. It is possible to use many cameras pointed on nonoverlapping areas or, conversely, a single camera with
a wide field of view. In the former case, the amount of
data to be analyzed is much bigger than in the latter one.
In addition, calibration and synchronization problems
for the camera network have to be faced. On the other
hand, in the second approach the system is cheaper,
easy to calibrate, while the analysis of a single image is
straightforward. In this case, however, the disadvantage
is a loss of resolution at which objects details are seen,
since a wider field of view is projected onto the same
area of the video sensor and thus described with the
same amount of pixel as for a normal one. This was clear
since the mid 1990s with the earlier experiments with
omnidirectional vision systems. Consequently a number of studies on omnidirectional sensors enriched
with at least one second source of environmental data
arose to achieve wide fields of view without loss of
resolution. For example some work, oriented to robotics applications, has dealt with a catadioptric camera
working in conjunction with a laser scanner as, to cite

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Hybrid Dual Camera Vision Systems

only few recent, in (Kobilarov 2006; Mei 2006). More

surveillance application-oriented work has involved
multi-camera systems, joining omnidirectional and
traditional cameras, while other work dealt with geometric aspects of hybrid stereo/multi-view relations,
as in (Sturm 2002; Chen 2003).
The natural choice to develop a cheap vision system with both omni-sight and high-detail resolution
is to couple an omnidirectional camera with a moving
traditional camera. In the sequel, we will focus on this
kind of systems that are usually called hybrid dual
camera systems.

Omnidirectional Vision
There are two ways to obtain omnidirectional images.
With a special kind of lenses mounted on a standard
camera, called fisheye lenses, it is possible to obtain
a field of view up to about 180-degrees in both directions. The widest fisheye lens ever produced featured
a 220-degrees field of view. Unfortunately, it is very
difficult to design a fisheye lens that satisfies the single
viewpoint constraint. Although images acquired by
fisheye lenses may prove to be good enough for some
visualization applications, the distortion compensation
issue has not been solved yet, and the high unit-cost is
a major drawback for its wide-spread applications.
Combining a rectilinear lens with a mirror is the
other way to obtain omnidirectional views. In the so
called catadioptric lenses a convex mirror is placed
in front of a rectilinear lens achieving a field of view
possibly even larger than with a fisheye lens. Using
particularly shaped mirrors precisely placed with

respect to the camera is also possible to satisfy the

single viewpoint constraint and thus to obtain an image
which is perspectively correct. Moreover, catadioptric
lenses are usually cheaper than fisheye ones. In Figure
1 a comparison between these two kinds of lenses can
be seen.


The first work concerning hybrid vision sensors is
probably the one mentioned in (Nayar 1997) referred
to as Omnidirectional Pan/Tilt/Zoom System where
the PTZ unit was guided by inputs obtained from the
omnidirectional view. The next year (Cui 1998) presented a distributed system for indoor monitoring: a
peripheral camera was calibrated to estimate the distance
between a target and the projection of the camera on
the floor. In this way, they were able to precisely direct
the foveal sensor, of known position, to the target and
track it. A hybrid system for obstacle detection in robot
navigation was described in (Adorni 2001) few years
later. In this work, a catadioptric camera was calibrated
along with a perspective one as a single sensor: its
calibration procedure permitted to compute an Inverse
Perspective Mapping (IPM) (Little 1991) based on a
reference plane, the floor, for both images and hence,
thanks to the cameras disparity, to detect obstacles
by computing the difference between the two images.
While this was possible only within the common field
of view of the two cameras, awareness or even tasks
such as ego-motion estimation were potentially pos-

Figure 1. Comparison between image formation in fisheye lenses (left) and catadioptric lenses (right)


Hybrid Dual Camera Vision Systems

Figure 2. A pair of images acquired with the hybrid system described in (Cagnoni 2007). The omnidirectional
image (left) and the perspective image (right). The different resolution of the two images is clearly visible.

sible thanks to the omni-view. This system was further

improved and mainly tested in RoboCup1 applications,
(Adorni 2002; Adorni 2003; Cagnoni 2007). In Figure
2 it is possible to see a pair of images acquired with
such a system.
Some recent work has concentrated on using dual
camera systems for surveillance applications. In (Scotti
2005), when some alarm is detected on the omnidirectional sensor, the PTZ camera is triggered and
the two views start to track the target autonomously.
Acquired video sequences and other metadata, like
object classification information, are then used to
update a distributed database to be queried later by
users. Similarly in (Yao 2006), after the PTZ camera
is triggered by the omnidirectional one, the target is
tracked independently on the two views, but then a
modified Kalman filter is used to perform data fusion:
this approach achieves an improved tracking accuracy
and permits to resolve occasional occlusions leading
to a robust surveillance system.

Nowadays public order keeping, private property access
control and security video surveillance are reasons for
which we need to surveil wide areas of our environment.
Surveillance is an ever growing market and automatic
surveillance is an interesting challenge: many projects
are oriented in this direction and in some of them an

important role is already played by hybrid dual camera

systems. The monitoring system installed between Eagle
Pass, Texas, and Piedras Negras, Mexico, by engineers
of the Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory at
the University of California, San Diego, affiliated
with the California Institute for Telecommunications
and Information Technology, is an example of a very
complex surveillance system in which hybrid dual
camera systems are involved (Hagen 2006). Because
of the competitive cost, the compactness and the opportunities offered by these systems, they are likely
to be used more and more in the future in intelligent
surveillance systems.
Another field subjected to great interest is autonomous vehicle navigation. Even if at the moment there
are still many problems to be solved before seeing
autonomous public vehicles, industrial applications are
already possible. Since omnidirectional visual servoing
and ego-motion estimation can actually be implemented
also using hybrid dual camera systems, and many more
opportunities are offered by the presence of a second
high-resolution view, their future involvement in this
field is desirable.

The class of hybrid dual camera systems has been
described and briefly overviewed. The joint use of a
standard camera and of a catadioptric sensor provides

Hybrid Dual Camera Vision Systems

this kind of sensors with their different and complementary features: while the traditional camera can be used
to acquire detailed information about a limited region
of interest (foveal vision), the omnidirectional sensor provides wide-range, but less detailed information
about the surroundings (peripheral vision).
Tracking of multiple objects/people relying on highresolution images for recognition and access control
or estimating object/people velocity, dimensions and
trajectory are some examples of possible automatic
surveillance tasks for which hybrid dual camera systems
are suitable. Furthermore, their use in (autonomous)
robot navigation, allows for accurate obstacle detection, egomotion estimation and three-dimensional
environment reconstruction. With one of these sensors
on board, a mobile robot can be provided with all the
necessary information needed to navigate safely in a
dynamic environment.

Adorni, G., Bolognini, L., Cagnoni, S. & Mordonini,
M. (2001). A non-traditional omnidirectional vision
system with stereo capabilities for autonomous robots.
In F. Esposito (Ed.), Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes In
Computer Science Vol. 2175, 344355.
Adorni, G., Cagnoni, S., Carletti, M., Mordonini, M.
& Sgorbissa, A. (2002). Designing omnidirectional
vision sensors. AI*IA Notizie XV (1), 2730.
Adorni, G., Cagnoni, S., Mordonini, M. & Sgorbissa,
A. (2003). Omnidirectional stereo systems for robot
navigation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on
Omnidirectional Vision. Madison, Wisconsin, 21 June
2003. IEEE Computer Society Press, 79-89.
Benosman, R. & Kang, S. (2001). Panoramic vision:
Sensors, theory and applications. Springer-Verlag.
Cagnoni, S., Mordonini, M., Mussi, L. & Adorni, G.
(2007). Hybrid stereo sensor with omnidirectional vision capabilities: Overview and calibration procedures.
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of
Image Analysis and Processing Modena, 11-13 September 2007. IEEE Computer Society Press, 99-104.
Chen, X., Yang, J. & Waibel, A. (2003). Calibration
of a hybrid camera network. In Proceedings of the 9th

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.

Nice, 13-16 October 2003. IEEE Computer Society
Press, 150-155.
Cui, Y., Samarasekera, S., Huang, Q. & Greiffenhagen,
M. (1998). Indoor monitoring via the collaboration
between a peripheral sensor and a fovea1 sensor. In
VS: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Workshop on Visual
Surveillance. Bombay, 2 January 1998. IEEE Computer
Society Press. Vol.00, 2-9.
Hagen, D. & Ramsey, D. (2006). UCSD engineers
deploy novel video surveillance system on Texas
Bridge over Rio Grande. Retrieved June 6, 2007, from
the California Institute for Telecommunications and
Information Technology Web site: http://www.calit2.
Kobilarov, M., Hyams, J., Batavia, P. & Sukhatme, G.
S. (2006). People tracking and following with mobile
robot using an omnidirectional camera and a laser. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation. Orlando, 15-19 May 2006.
IEEE Computer Society Press, 557-562.
Little, J., Bohrer, S., Mallot, H. & Blthoff, H. (1991).
Inverse perspective mapping simplifies optical flow
computation and obstacle detection. In Biological
Cybernetics Springer-Verlag. Vol.64, 177-185.
Mei, C. & Rives, P. (2006). Calibration between a
central catadioptric camera and a laser range finder
for robotic applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Orlando, 15-19 May 2006. IEEE Computer Society
Press, 532-537.
Nayar, S. & Boult, T. (1997). Omnidirectional vision
systems: 1998 PI report. In Proceedings of the 1997
DARPA Image Understanding Workshop. New Orleans,
11-14 May 1997. Storming Media, 93-99.
Scotti, G., Marcenaro, L., Coelho, C., Selvaggi, F. &
Regazzoni, C. (2005). Dual camera intelligent sensor
for high definition 360 degrees surveillance. In IEE
Proceedings on Vision Image and Signal Processing,
IEE Press, Vol.152, 250-257.
Sturm, P. (2002). Mixing catadioptric and perspective
cameras. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision. Copenhagen, 12-14 June 2002. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 37-44.


Hybrid Dual Camera Vision Systems

Yao, Y., Abidi, B. & Abidi, M. (2006). Fusion of

omnidirectional and PTZ cameras for accurate cooperative tracking. In AVSS: Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Video and Signal Based
Surveillance. Sydney, 22-24 November 2006. IEEE
Computer Society Press, 46-51.

Camera Calibration: A procedure used to obtain
geometrical information about image formation in
a specific camera. After calibration, it is possible to
relate metric distances on the image to distances in the
real word. In any case only one image is not enough
to reconstruct the third dimension and some a priori
information is needed to accomplish this capability.
Catadioptric Camera: A camera that uses in
conjunction catoptric, reflective, lenses (mirrors) and
dioptric, refractive, lenses. Usually the purpose of these
cameras is to achieve a wider field of view than the one
obtained by classical lenses. Even if the field of view
of a lens could be improved with any convex surface
mirror, those of greater interest are conic, spherical,
parabolic and hyperbolic-shaped ones.
Central Catadioptric Camera: A camera that combines lenses and mirrors to capture a wide field of view
through a central projection (i.e. a single viewpoint).
Most common examples use paraboloidal or hyperboloidal mirrors. In the former case a telecentric lens is
needed to focalize parallel rays reflected by the mirror
and there are no constraints for mirror to camera relative
positioning: the internal focus of the parabola acts as
the unique viewpoint; in the latter case it is possible to
use a normal lens, but mirror to camera positioning is
critical for achieving a single viewpoint: it is essential


that the principal point of the lens coincides with the

external focus of the hyperboloid to let the internal one
be the unique viewpoint for the observed scene.
Omnidirectional Camera: A camera able to see
in all directions. There are essentially two different
methods to obtain a very wide field of view: the older
one involves the use of a special type of lens, usually
referred to as fisheye lens, while the other one uses in
conjunction rectilinear lenses and mirrors. Lenses obtained in the latter case are usually called catadioptric
lenses and the camera-lens ensemble is referred to as
catadioptric camera.
PTZ Camera: A camera able to pan left and right,
tilt up and down, and zoom. It is usually possible to
freely control its orientation and zooming status at a
distance through a computer or a dedicated control
Stereo Vision: A visual perception process that
exploits two different views to achieve depth perception. The difference between the two images, usually
referred to as binocular disparity, is interpreted by the
brain (or by an artificial intelligent system) as depth.
Single Viewpoint Constraint: To obtain an image
with a non-distorted metric content, it is essential that
all incoming principal light rays of a lens intersect at a
single point. In this case a fixed viewpoint is obtained
and all the information contained in an image is seen
from this point.


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Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for

Dynamic Scheduling
Ana Maria Madureira
Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

The complexity of current computer systems has led
the software engineering, distributed systems and
management communities to look for inspiration in
diverse fields, e.g. robotics, artificial intelligence or
biology, to find new ways of designing and managing
systems. Hybridization and combination of different
approaches seems to be a promising research field of
computational intelligence focusing on the development
of the next generation of intelligent systems.
A manufacturing system has a natural dynamic
nature observed through several kinds of random occurrences and perturbations on working conditions and
requirements over time. For this kind of environment it
is important the ability to efficient and effectively adapt,
on a continuous basis, existing schedules according to
the referred disturbances, keeping performance levels.
The application of Meta-Heuristics to the resolution
of this class of dynamic scheduling problems seems
really promising.
In this article, we propose a hybrid Meta-Heuristic
based approach for complex scheduling with several
manufacturing and assembly operations, in dynamic
Extended Job-Shop environments. Some self-adaptation mechanisms are proposed.

Scheduling Problem
The planning of Manufacturing Systems involves
frequently the resolution of a huge amount and variety
of combinatorial optimisation problems with an important impact on the performance of manufacturing
organisations. Examples of those problems are the
sequencing and scheduling problems in manufacturing
management, routing and transportation, layout design
and timetabling problems.

Scheduling can be defined as the assignment of

time-constrained jobs to time-constrained resources
within a pre-defined time framework, which represents
the complete time horizon of the schedule. An admissible schedule will have to satisfy a set of constraints
imposed on jobs and resources. So, a scheduling
problem can be seen as a decision making process for
operations starting and resources to be used. A variety
of characteristics and constraints related with jobs
and production system, such as operation processing
time, release and due dates, precedence constraints and
resource availability, can affect scheduling decisions
(Leung, 2004) (Brucker, 2004) (Blazewicz, Ecker
&Trystrams, 2005) (Pinedo, 2005).
Real world scheduling requirements are related with
complex systems operated in dynamic environments.
This means that they are frequently subject to several
kinds of random occurrences and perturbations, such
as new job arrivals, machine breakdowns, employees
sickness, jobs cancellation and due date and time
processing changes, causing prepared schedules becoming easily outdated and unsuitable. Scheduling under
this environment is known as dynamic.
Dynamic scheduling problems may be classified
under deterministic, when release times and all other
parameters are known and fixed, and under non-deterministic when some or all system and job parameters
are uncertain, such as when jobs arrive randomly to
the system, over time.
Traditional heuristic scheduling methods, encounter great difficulties when they are applied to some
real-world situations. This is for three main reasons.
Firstly, traditional scheduling methods use simplified
and deterministic theoretical models, where all problem
data are known before scheduling starts. However,
many real world optimization problems are dynamic
and non-deterministic and, in which changes may
occur continually. In practice, static scheduling is not
able to react dynamically and rapidly in the presence
of dynamic information not previously foreseen in the
current schedule.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

Secondly, most of the approximation methods proposed for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problems (JSSP)
are oriented methods, i.e. developed specifically for
the problem in consideration. Some examples of this
class of methods are the priority rules and the Shifting
Bottleneck (Pinedo, 2005).
Finally, traditional scheduling methods are essentially centralized in the sense that all the computations
are carried out in a central computing and logic unit. All
the information concerning every job and every resource
has to go through this unit. This centralized approach
is especially susceptible to problems of tractability,
because the number of interacting entities that must be
managed together is large and leads to a combinatorial
explosion. Particularly since, a detailed schedule is
generated over a long time horizon, and planning and
execution are carried out in discrete buckets of time.
Centralized scheduling is therefore large, complex, and
difficult to maintain and reconfigure. On the other hand,
the inherent nature of much industrial and service process is distributed. Consequently, traditional methods
are often too inflexible, costly, and slow to satisfy the
needs of real-world scheduling systems.
By exploiting problem-specific characteristics,
classical optimisation methods are not enough for the
efficient resolution of those problems or are developed
for specific situations (Leung, 2004) (Brucker, 2004)
(Logie, Sabaz & Gruver, 2004) (Blazewicz, Ecker
&Trystrams, 2005) (Pinedo, 2005).

As a major departure from classical techniques, a
Meta-heuristic (MH) method implies higher-level
strategy controlling lower-level heuristic methods.
Meta-heuristics exploit not only the problem characteristics but also ideas based on artificial intelligence
rationale, such as different types of memory structures
and learning mechanisms, as well as the analogy with
other optimization methods found in nature.
The interest of the Meta-Heuristic approaches is
that they converge, in general, to satisfactory solutions
in an effective and efficient way (computing time and
implementation effort). The family of MH includes,
but it is not limited to Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Soft Computing, Evolutionary Algorithms, Adaptive Memory procedures, Scatter Search, Ant Colony
Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, and their hybrids.


For literature on this subject, see for example (Glover

& Gary, 2003) and (Gonzalez, 2007).
In last decades, there has been a significant level
of research interest in Meta-Heuristic approaches for
solving large real world scheduling problems, which are
often complex, constrained and dynamic. Scheduling
algorithms that achieve good or near optimal solutions
and can efficiently adapt them to perturbations are, in
most cases, preferable to those that achieve optimal ones
but that cannot implement such an adaptation. This is
the case with most algorithms for solving the so-called
static scheduling problem for different setting of both
single and multi-machine systems arrangements. This
reality, motivated us to concentrate on tools, which could
deal with such dynamic, disturbed scheduling problems,
even though, due to the complexity of these problems,
optimal solutions may not be possible to find.
Several attempts have been made to modify algorithms, to tune them for optimization in a changing
environment. It was observed in manufacturing all these
studies, that the dynamic environment requires an algorithm to maintain sufficient diversity for a continuous
adaptation to the changes of the landscape. Although
the interest in optimization algorithms for dynamic
optimization problems is growing and a number of
authors have proposed an even greater number of new
approaches, the field lacks a general understanding
as to suitable benchmark problems, fair comparisons
and measurement of algorithm quality (Branke, 1999)
(Cowling & Johanson, 2002) (Madureira, 2003), Madureira, Ramos & Silva, 2004) (Aytug, Lawley, McKay,
Mohan & Uzsoy, 2005).
In spite of all the previous trials scheduling problem still known to be NP-complete. This fact incites
researchers to explore new directions.

Hybrid Intelligent Systems

Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising
research field of computational intelligence focusing
on combinations of multiple approaches to develop the
next generation of intelligent systems. An important
stimulus to the investigations on Hybrid Intelligent
Systems area is the awareness that combined approaches
will be necessary if the remaining tough problems in
artificial intelligence are to be solved. Meta-Heuristics, Bio-Inspired Techniques, Neural computing,
Machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic Systems, Evolution-

Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

ary Algorithms, Agent-based Methods, among others,

have been established and shown their strength and
drawbacks. Recently, hybrid intelligent systems are
getting popular due to their capabilities in handling
several real world complexities involving imprecision,
uncertainty and vagueness (Boeres, Lima, Vinod &
Rebello, 2003), (Madureira, Ramos & Silva, 2004)
(Bartz-Beielstein, Blesa, Blum, Naujoks, Roli, Rudolph
&Sampels, 2007).


The purpose of this article is to describe an framework based on combination of Meta-Heuristics,
Tabu Search(TS) and Genetic Algorithms(GA), and
constructive optimization methods for solving a class
of real world scheduling problems, where the products
(jobs) to be processed have due dates, release times
and different assembly levels. This means that parts
to be assembled may be manufactured in parallel, i.e.
The problem, focused in this work, which we call
Extended Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (EJSSP) has
major extensions and differences in relation to the classic
Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. In this work, we define a
job as a manufacturing order for a final item, that could

be Simple or Complex. It may be Simple, like a part,

requiring a set of operations to be processed. Complex
Final Items, requiring processing of several operations
on a number of parts followed by assembly operations
at several stages, are also dealt with. Moreover, in practice, scheduling environment tends to be dynamic, i.e.
new jobs arrive at unpredictable intervals, machines
breakdown, jobs can be cancelled and due dates and
processing times can change frequently (Madureira,
2003) (Madureira, Ramos & Silva, 2004).
It starts focusing on the solution of the dynamic
deterministic EJSSP problems. For solving these we
developed a framework, leading to a dynamic scheduling system having as a fundamental scheduling tool,
a hybrid scheduling system, with two main pieces of
intelligence (Figure 1).
One such piece is a combination of TS and GA
based method and a mechanism for inter-machine
activity coordination. The objective of this mechanism
is to coordinate the operation of machines, taking into
account the technological constraints of jobs, i.e. job
operations precedence relationships, towards obtaining
good schedules. The other piece is a dynamic adaptation module that includes mechanisms for neighbourhood/population regeneration under dynamic environments, increasing or decreasing it according new job
arrivals or cancellations.

Figure 1. Hybrid meta-heuristics based scheduling system


Scheduling Module

MH Parameterization




User Interface

Scheduling Plan


Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

A detailed description of the approach, methods and

of its application to concrete problems can be found in
Madureira (2003).

Pre-Processing Module
The pre-processing module deals with processing input
information, namely problem definition and instantiation of algorithm components and parameters, such
as, the initial solution and neighbourhood generation
mechanisms, size of neighbourhood/population, tabu
list attributes and tabu list length.

Hybrid Scheduling Module

Initially, we start by decomposing the deterministic
EJSSP problem into a series of deterministic Single
Machine Scheduling Problems (SMSP). We assume
the existence of different and known job release times
rj, prior to which no processing of the job can be done
and, also, job due dates dj. Based on these, release dates
and due dates are determined for each SMSP and, subsequently, each such problem is solved independently
by a TS or a GA(considering a self-parameterization
issue). Afterwards, the solutions obtained for each
SMSP are integrated to obtain a solution to the main
EJSSP problem instance.
The integration of the SMSP solutions may give an
unfeasible schedule to the EJSSP. This is why schedule
repairing may be necessary to obtain a feasible solution. The repairing mechanism named Inter-Machine
Activity Coordination Mechanism (IMACM) carries
this out. The repairing is based on coordination of
machines activity, having into account job operation
precedence and other problem constraints. This is
done keeping job allocation order, in each machine,
unchanged. The IMACM establishes the starting and
the completion times for each operation. It ensures that
the starting time for each operation is the higher of the
two following values:


the completion time of the immediately precedent

operation in the job, if there is only one, or the
highest of all if there are more;
the completion time of the immediately precedent
operation on the machine.

Dynamic Adaptation Module

For non-deterministic problems some or all parameters
are uncertain, i.e. are not fixed as we assumed in the
deterministic problem. Non-determinism of variables
has to be taken into account in real world problems. For
generating acceptable solutions in such circumstances
our approach starts by generating a predictive schedule,
using the available information and then, if perturbations occur in the system during execution, the schedule may have to be modified or revised accordingly,
i.e. rescheduling/dynamic adaptation is performed.
Therefore, in this process, an important decision must be
taken, namely that of deciding if and when rescheduling
should happen. The decision strategies for rescheduling may be grouped into three categories: continuous,
periodic and hybrid rescheduling. In the continuous one
rescheduling is done whenever an event modifying the
state of the system occurs. In periodic rescheduling, the
current schedule is modified at regular time intervals,
taking into account the schedule perturbations that
have occurred. Finally, for the hybrid rescheduling the
current schedule is modified at regular time intervals
if some perturbation occurs.
In the scheduling system for EJSSP, dynamic adaptation is necessary due to two classes of events:

Partial events which imply variability in jobs or

operations attributes such as processing times,
due dates and release times.
Total events which imply variability in neighbourhood structure, resulting from either new
job arrivals or job cancellations.

While, on one hand, partial events only require

redefining job attributes and re-evaluation of the objective function of solutions, total events, on the other
hand, require a change on solution structure and size,
carried out by inserting or deleting operations, and
also re-evaluation of the objective function. Therefore,
under a total event, the modification of the current
solution is imperative. In this work, this is carried out
by mechanisms described in (Madureira, Ramos &
Silva, 2004) for SMSP.
Considering the processing times involved and the
high frequency of perturbations, rescheduling all jobs
from the beginning should be avoided. However, if

Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

work has not yet started and time is available, then an

obvious and simple approach to rescheduling would
be to restart the scheduling from scratch with a new
modified solution on which takes into account the
perturbation, for example a new job arrival. When
there is not enough time to reschedule from scratch
or job processing has already started, a strategy must
be used which adapts the current schedule having in
consideration the kind of perturbation occurred.
The occurrence of a partial event requires redefinition of job attributes and a re-evaluation of the schedule
objective function. A change in job due date requires
the re-calculation of the operation starting and completion due times of all respective operations. However,
changes in the operation processing times only requires
re-calculation of the operation starting and completion
due times of the succeeding operations. A new job
arrival requires definition of the correspondent operation starting and completion times and a regenerating
mechanism to integrate all operations on the respective
single machine problems. In the presence of a job cancellation, the application of a regenerating mechanism
eliminates the job operations from the SMSP where
they appear. After the insertion or deletion of positions,
neighbourhood regeneration is done by updating the size
of the neighbourhood and ensuring a structure identical
to the existing one. Then the scheduling module can
apply the search process for better solutions with the
new modified solution.

Job Arrival Integration Mechanism

When a new job arrives to be processed, an integration
mechanism is needed. This analyses the job precedence
graph that represents the ordered allocation of machines
to each job operation, and integrates each operation
into the respective single machine problem. Two alternative procedures could be used for each operation:
either randomly select one position to insert the new
operation into the current solution/chromosome or use
some intelligent mechanism to insert this operation in
the schedules, based on job priority, for example.

Job Elimination Mechanism

Regeneration Mechanisms
After integration/elimination of operations is carried
out, by inserting/deleting positions/genes in the current
solution/chromosome, population regeneration is done
by updating its size. The population size for SMSP is
proportional to the number of operations.
After dynamic adaptation process, the scheduling
method could be applied and search for better solutions
with the modified solution.
In this way we proposed a hybrid system in which
some self-organization aspects could be considered in
accordance with the problem being solved: the method
and/or parameters can change in run-time, the used
MH can change according with problem characteristics, etc.

Considering the complexity inherent to the manufacturing systems, the dynamic scheduling is considered
an excellent candidate for the application of agentbased technology. A natural evolution to the approach
above proposed is a Multi-agent Scheduling System
that assumes the existence of several Machines Agents
(which are decision-making entities) distributed inside
the Manufacturing System that interact and cooperate
with other agents in order to obtain optimal or nearoptimal global performances.
The main idea is that from local, autonomous and
often conflicting behaviours of the agents a global solution emerges from a community of machine agents
solving locally their schedules and cooperating with
other machine agents (Madureira, Gomes & Santos,
2006). Agents must be able to learn and manage their
internal behaviours and their relationships with other
agents, by cooperative negotiation in accordance
with business policies defined by user manager. Some
self-organization aspects could be considered in accordance with the problem being solved: the method
and/or parameters can change in run-time, the agents
can use different MH according with problem characteristics, etc.

When a job is cancelled, an eliminating mechanism

must be implemented so the correspondent position/
gene will be deleted from the solutions.


Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

This article proposes a system architecture that makes
good use and combination of the advantages of two
different Meta-Heuristics: Tabu Search and Genetic
We believe that a new contribution for the resolution
of more realistic scheduling problems, the Extended
Job-Shop Problems was described. The particularity of
our approach is the procedure to schedule operations,
as each machine will first find local optimal or near
optimal solutions, succeeded by the interaction with
other machines trough cooperation mechanisms as a
way to find an optimal global schedule, on dynamic
The proposed system is prepared to use other Local Search Meta-Heuristics, to drive schedules based
on practically any performance measure and it is not
restricted to a specific type of scheduling problems.

Aytug, Haldun, Lawley, Mark A., McKay, Kenneth,
Mohan, Shantha & Uzsoy, Reha(2005). Executing
production schedules in the face of uncertainties: A
review and some future directions. European Journal
of Operational Research, Volume 16 (1), 86-110.
Bartz-Beielstein, Thomas, Blesa, M.J., Blum, C., Naujoks, B., Roli, A., Rudolph, G. & Sampels, M.(2007).
Hybrid Metaheuristics. Proceedings of 4th International
Workshop H. Dortmund, Germany, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science. Vol. 4771, ISBN: 978-3-54075513-5.
Blazewicz. Jacek, Ecker, Klaus H.&Trystram, Denis(2005), Recent advances in scheduling in computer
and manufacturing systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 164(3), 573-574.
Boeres, Cristina, Lima, Alexandre, Vinod, E.&Rebello,
F.(2003). Hybrid Task Scheduling: Integrating Static
and Dynamic Heuristics. 15th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing,
Branke, J.(1999). Evolutionary Approaches to Dynamic
Optimization Problems A Survey. GECCO Workshop
on Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimization
Problems, 34-137.

Brucker, Peter(2004). Scheduling Algorithms. Springer,

4rd edition.
Cowling, P.&Johansson, M.(2002). Real time information for effective dynamic scheduling. European
Journal of Operational Research,139 (2), 230-244.
Glover, Fred & Gary, A. Kochenberger(2003). Handbook of Metaheuristics. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Springer, Vol.
57, ISBN: 978-1-4020-7263-5.
Gonzalez, Teofilo F.(2007). Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics. Chapman&Hall/
Crc Computer and Information Science Series.
Leung, Joseph.(2004). Handbook of Scheduling.
Chapman&Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
Logie, S., Sabaz, D. & Gruver, W.A.(2004). Sliding
Window Distributed Combinatorial Scheduling using
JADE. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Netherlands, 19841989.
Madureira, Ana(2003). Meta-Heuristics Application
to Scheduling in Dynamic Environments of Discrete
Manufacturing. PhD Dissertation, University of Minho,
Braga, Portugal(in portuguese).
Madureira, Ana, Gomes, Nuno & Santos, Joaquim(2006). Cooperative Negotiation Mechanism for
Agent Based Distributed Manufacturing Scheduling.
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 12, Volume 5,
ISSN:1109-2777, 2899-2904.
Madureira, Ana, Ramos, Carlos & Silva, Slvio(2004).
Toward Dynamic Scheduling Through Evolutionary
Computing. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue
4, Volume 3, 1596-1604.
Pinedo, M.(2005). Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services, Springer-Verlag, New York,

Cooperation: The practice of individuals or entities working together with common goals, instead of
working separately in competition, and in which the
success of one is dependent and contingent upon the
success of the other.

Hybrid Meta-Heuristics Based System for Dynamic Scheduling

Dynamic Scheduling Systems: Are frequently

subject to several kinds of random occurrences and
perturbations, such as new job arrivals, machine breakdowns, employees sickness, jobs cancellation and due
date and time processing changes, causing prepared
schedules becoming easily outdated and unsuitable.
Evolutionary Computation: A subfield of artificial intelligence that involve techniques implementing
mechanisms inspired by biological evolution such as
reproduction, mutation, recombination, natural selection and survival of the fittest.
Genetic Algorithms: Particular class of evolutionary algorithms that use techniques inspired by
evolutionary biology such as inheritance, mutation,
selection, and crossover.
Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Denotes a software
system which employs, a combination of Artificial
Intelligence models, methods and techniques, such
Evolutionary Computation, Meta-Heuristics, MultiAgent Systems, Expert Systems and others.

Meta-Heuristics: Form a class of powerful and

practical solution techniques for tackling complex,
large-scale combinatorial problems producing efficiently high-quality solutions.
Multi-Agent Systems: A system composed of
several agents, collectively capable of solve complex
problems in a distributed fashion without the need for
each agent to know about the whole problem being
Scheduling: Can be seen as a decision making
process for operations starting and resources to be
used. A variety of characteristics and constraints related
with jobs and machine environments (Single Machine,
Parallel machines, Flow-Shop and Job-Shop) can affect
scheduling decisions.
Tabu Search: A approximation method, belonging
to the class of local search techniques, that enhances
the performance of a local search method by using
memory structures (Tabu List).



A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry

Recognition I
Carlos Alberto Reyes-Garca
Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico
Ramon Zatarain
Instituto Tecnologico de Culiacan, Mexico
Lucia Barron
Instituto Tecnologico de Culiacan, Mexico
Orion Fausto Reyes-Galaviz
Universidad Autnoma de Tlaxcala, Mexico

Crying in babies is a primary communication function,
governed directly by the brain; any alteration on the
normal functioning of the babies body is reflected
in the cry (Wasz-Hckert, et al, 1968). Based on the
information contained in the crys wave, the infants
physical state can be determined; and even pathologies
in very early stages of life detected (Wasz-Hckert, et
al, 1970).
To perform this detection, a Fuzzy Relational Neural
Network (FRNN) is applied. The input features are
represented by fuzzy membership functions and the
links between nodes, instead of weights, are represented
by fuzzy relations (Reyes, 1994). This paper, as the
first of a two parts document, describes the Infant Cry
Recognition Systems architecture as well as the FRNN
model. Implementation and testing are reported in the
complementary paper.

The pioneer works on infant cry were initiated by
Wasz-Hockert since the beginnings of the 60s. In one
of those works his research group showed that the four
basic types of cry can be identified by listening: pain,
hunger, pleasure and birth. Further studies led to the
development of conceptual models that describe the
anatomical and physiologic basis of the production
and neurological control of crying (Bosma, Truby &
Antolop, 1965). Later on, Wasz-Hockert (1970) applied

spectral analysis to identify several types of crying.

Other works showed that there exist significant differences among the several types of crying, like healthy
infants cry, pain cry and pathological infants cry. In
one study, Petroni used Neural Networks (Petroni,
Malowany, Johnston, and Stevens, 1995) to differentiate between pain and no-pain crying. Cano directed
several works devoted to the extraction and automatic
classification of acoustic characteristics of infant cry.
In one of those studies, in 1999 Cano presented a work
where he demonstrates the utility of the Kohonens
Self-Organizing Maps in the classification of Infant Cry
Units (Cano-Ortiz, Escobedo-Becerro, 1999) (Cano,
Escobedo and Coello, 1999). More recently, in (Orozco,
& Reyes, 2003) we reported the classification of cry
samples from deaf and normal babies with feed-forward neural networks. In 2004 Cano and his group, in
(Cano, Escobedo, Ekkel, 2004) reported a radial basis
network (RBN) to find out relevant aspects concerned
with the presence of Central Nervous System (CNS)
diseases. In (Suaste, Reyes, Diaz, and Reyes, 2004)
we showed the implementation of a Fuzzy Relational
Neural Network (FRNN) for Detecting Pathologies by
Infant Cry Recognition.
The study of connectionist models also known
as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) has enjoyed
a resurgence of interest after its demise in the 60s.
Research was focused on evaluating new neural networks for pattern classification, training algorithms
using real speech data, and on determining whether
parallel neural network architectures can be designed
to perform efficiently the work required by complex

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

speech recognition algorithms (Lippmann, 1990). In

the connectionist approach, pattern classification is
done with a multi-layer neural network. A weight is
assigned to every link between neurons in contiguous
layers. In the input layer each neuron receives one of
the features present in the input pattern vectors. Each
neuron in the output layer corresponds to each speech
unit class (word or sub-word). The neural network
associates input patterns to output classes by modeling the relationship between the two pattern sets. The
pattern is estimated or learned by the network with
a representative sample of input and output patterns
(Morgan, and Scofield, 1991) (Pedrycz, 1991).. In
order to stabilize the perceptrons behavior, many
researchers had been trying to incorporate fuzzy set
theory into neural networks. The theory of fuzzy sets,
developed by Zadeh in 1965 (Zadeh, 1965), has since
been used to generalize existing techniques and to
develop new algorithms in pattern recognition. Pal
(Pal, 1992a) suggested that to enable systems to handle
real-life situations, fuzzy sets should be incorporated
into neural networks, and, that the increase in the
amount of computation required with its incorporation, is offset by the potential for parallel computation
with high flexibility that fuzzy neural networks have.
Pal proposes how to do data fuzzification, the general

system architecture of a fuzzy neural network and the

use of 3n-dimensional vectors to represent the fuzzy
membership values of the input features to the primary
linguistic properties low, medium, and high (Pal, 1992a)
and (Pal, and Mandal, 1992b). On the other side, the
idea of using a relational neural network as a pattern
classifier was developed by Pedrycz and presented in
(Pedrycz, 1991). As a result of the combination of the
Pals and Pedryczs proposed methodologies in 1994
C. A. Reyes (1994) developed the hybrid model known
as fuzzy relational neural network (FRNN).


The infant cry automatic classification process is, in
general, a pattern recognition problem, similar to Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) (Huang, Acero, Hon,
2001). The goal is to take the wave from the infants
cry as the input pattern, and at the end obtain the kind
of cry or pathology detected on the baby (Cano, Escobedo and Coello, 1999) (Ekkel, 2002). Generally, the
process of Automatic Infant Cry Recognition is done in
two steps. The first step is known as signal processing,
or feature extraction, whereas the second is known as

Figure 1. Automatic infant cry recognition process


A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

pattern classification. In the acoustical analysis phase,

the cry signal is first normalized and cleaned, and then
it is analyzed to extract the most important features in
function of time. The set of obtained features is represented by a vector, which represents a pattern. The set
of all vectors is then used to train the classifier. Later
on, a set of unknown feature vectors is compared with
the acquired knowledge to measure the classification
output efficiency. Figure 1 shows the different stages
of the described recognition process.

Cry Patterns Classification

The vectors, representing patterns, obtained in the
extraction stage are later used in the classification
process. There are four basic schools for the solution
of the pattern classification problem, those are: a) Pattern comparison (dynamic programming), b) Statistic
Models (Hidden Markov Models HMM), c) Knowledge
based systems (expert systems), and d) Connectionists
Models (neural networks). In recent years, a new strong
trend of more robust hybrid classifiers has been emerging. Some of the better known hybrid models result
from the combination of neural and fuzzy approaches
(Jang, 1993) (Lin Chin-Teng, and George Lee, 1996).
For the work shown here, we have implemented a
hybrid model of this type, called the Fuzzy Relational
Neural Network, whose parameters are found trough
the application of genetic algorithms. We selected this
kind of model, because of its adaptation, learning and
knowledge representation capabilities. Besides, one of
its main functions is to perform pattern recognition.
In an Automatic Infant Cry Classification System,
the goal is to identify a model of an unknown pattern
obtained after the original sound wave is acoustically
analyzed, and its dimensionality reduced. So, in this
phase we determine the class or category to which
each cry pattern belongs to. The collection of samples,
each of which is represented by a vector of n features,
is divided in two subsets: The training set and the test
set. First, the training set is used to teach the classifier
to distinguish between the different crying types. Then
the test set is used to determine how well the classifier
assigns the corresponding class to a pattern by means of
the classification scheme generated during training.



The system proposed in this work is based upon fuzzy
set operations in both; the neural networks structure
and the learning process. Following Pals idea of a
general recognizer (Pal, S.K., 1992a), the model is
divided in two main parts, one for learning and another
for processing, as shown in Figure 2.

Fuzzy Learning
The fuzzy learning section is composed by three modules, namely the Linguistic Feature Extractor (LFE),
the Desired Output Estimator (DOE), and the Neural
Network Trainer (NNT). The Linguistic Feature Extractor takes training samples in the form of n-dimensional
vectors containing n features, and converts them to
Nn-dimensional form vectors, where N is the number
of linguistic properties. In this case the linguistic
properties are low, medium, and high. The resulting
3n-dimensional vector is called Linguistic Properties
Vector (LPV). In this way an input pattern Fi = [Fi1,
Fi2, ...,Fin] containing n features, may be represented
as (Pal, and Mandal, 1992b)

Fi = low(Fi1 ) (Fi ), med (Fi1 ) (Fi ),

high(Fi1 ) (Fi ),, high(Fin ) (Fi )

The DOE takes each vector from the training

samples and calculates its membership to class k, in
an l-class problem domain. The vector containing the
class membership values is called the Desired Vector
(DV). Both LPV and DV vectors are used by the neural
Network Trainer (NNT), which takes them for training
the network.
The neural network has only one input and one
output layer. The input layer is formed by a set of
Nn neurons, with each of them corresponding to one
of the linguistic properties assigned to the n input
features. In the output layer there are l neurons, with
each node corresponding to one of the l classes; in
this implementation, each class represents one type
of crying. There is a link from every node in the input
layer to every node in the output layer. All the con-

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

Figure 2. General architecture of the automatic infant cry recognition system


Linguistic Feature



Desired Output



Linguistic Feature

Neural Network




nections are described by means of fuzzy relations R:

X Y [0, 1] between the input and output nodes.
The error is represented by the distance between the
actual output and the target or desired output. During
each learning step, once the error has been computed,
the trainer adjusts the relationship values or weights of
the corresponding connections, either until a minimum
error is obtained or a given number of iterations are
completed. The output of the NNT, after the learning
process, is a fuzzy relational matrix (R in Figure 1)
containing the knowledge needed to further map the
unknown input vectors to their corresponding class
during the classification process.

the learning phase, described in the previous section.

The output of this module is an LPV vector, which
along with the fuzzy relational matrix R, are used by the
Fuzzy Classifier, which obtains the actual outputs from
the neural network. The classifier applies the max-min
composition to calculate the output. The output of this
module is an output vector containing the membership
values of the input vector to each of the classes. Finally,
the Decision Making module selects the highest value
from the classifier and assigns the corresponding class
to the testing vector.

Fuzzy Processing

A membership function maps values in a domain to

their membership value in a fuzzy set. Several kinds
of membership functions are available. In the reported
experiments triangular membership functions were
used. According to (Park, Cae, and Kandel, 1992) the
use of more linguistic properties to describe a pattern

The fuzzy processing section is formed by three different modules, namely the Linguistic Feature Extractor
(LFE), the Fuzzy Classifier (FC), and the Decision
Making Module (DMM). The LFE works as the one in

Membership Functions


A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

point makes a model more accurate, but too many can

make the description unpractical. So, here we use seven
linguistic properties: very low, low, more or less low,
medium, more or less high, high, and very high.

Desired Membership Values

Before defining the output membership function, we
define the equation to calculate the weighted distance
of the training pattern Fj to the kth class in an l-class
problem domain as in (Pal, 1992a)

F S kj
zik = ij
, : for k = 1,, l
U kj
j =1

where Fij is the jth feature of the ith pattern vector, kj

denotes the mean, and kjj denotes the standard deviation
of the jth feature for the kth class. The membership value
of the ith pattern to class k is defined as follows
M k (Fi ) =

1 + ik

f e

, : M k (Fi ) [0,1]

where fe is the exponential fuzzy generator, and fd is

the denominational fuzzy generator controlling the
amount of fuzzines in this class-membership set. In
this case, the higher the distance of the pattern from
a class, the lower its membership to that class. Since
the training data have fuzzy class boundaries, a pattern point usually belongs to more than one class at
different degrees.

The Neural Network Trainer

The neural network model discussed here is based on
the relational neural structure proposed by Pedrycz in
(Pedrycz, W., 1991).
The Relational Neural Network (RNN): Let X =
{x1, x2,, xn} be a finite set of input nodes and let Y
= {y1, y2,, yl} represent the output nodes set in an
l-class problem domain. When the max-min composition operator denoted X R is applied to a fuzzy set X
and a fuzzy relation R, the output is a new fuzzy set
Y, we have


Y = X R

( (


Y (y j )= max xi min X (xi ), R (xi , y j )


where X is a fuzzy set, Y is the resulting fuzzy set and R

a fuzzy relation R : XY [0,1] describing all relationships between input and output nodes. We will take the
whole neural network represented by expression (1) as
a collection of l separate n-input single-output cells.
Learning in a Fuzzy Neural Network: If the
actual response from the network does not match the
target pattern; the network is corrected by modifying
the link weights to reduce the difference between the
observed and target patterns. To measure the difference
a performance index called equality index is defined,
which is
1 + T (y ) Y (y ), if Y (y ) > T (y )

T (y ) Y (y ) = 1 + Y (y ) T (y ), if Y (y ) < T (y )
1, if Y (y ) = T (y )

where T(y) is the target output at node y, and Y (y) is

the actual output at the same node. In a problem with
n input patterns, there are n input-output pairs (xij, ti)
where ti is the target value when the input is Xij.
Parameters Updating: Pedricz also proposes to
complete the process of learning separately for each
output node. The learning algorithm is a version of the
back-propagation algorithm. Lets consider an n-inputL-output neural network having the following form

yi = f (xi ; a ,U ) = (a j xij )

j =1

where a = [a1,a2, . . . , aL] is a vector containing all

the weights or relations, xi = [xi1, xi2, . . . , xin] is the
vector with the values observed in the input nodes. The
parameters a and are updated iteratively by taking
increment am resulting from deviations between all
pairs yi and ti as follows
a(k )
a(k + 1)
a(k + 1) = a(k )+ 1 (k )

where k is the learning step. 1 and 2 are non-increasing functions of k controlling the decreasing influence
of increments am. is the learning momentum

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

specifying the level of modification of the learning

parameters with regard to their values in the previous
learning step k. A way of determining the increments
am is with regard to the mth coordinates of a, m = 1,
2,..., L. The computation of the overall performance
index, and the derivatives to calculate the increments
for each coordinate of a, and are explained in detail
in (Reyes, C. A., 1994). Once the training has been
terminated, the output of the trainer is the updated
relational matrix, which will contain the knowledge
needed to map unknown patterns to their corresponding classes.

One unexplored possibility of improving the FRNN
performance is the use of other fuzzy relational
products instead of max-min composition. Moreover,
membership functions have parameters which can be
optimized by genetic algorithms any other optimizing
technique. Adequate parameters may improve learning
and recognition efficiency of the FRNN.

We have presented the development and implementation of an AICR system as well as a powerful hybrid
classifier, the FRNN, which is a model formed by the
combination of fuzzy relations and artificial neural
networks. The synergistic symbiosis obtained though
the fusion of both methodologies will be demonstrated.
In the related paper on applications of this model, we
will show some practical results, as well as an improved
model by means of genetic algorithms.

This work is part of a project that is being financed by
CONACYT-Mexico (46753).

Bosma, J. F., Truby, H. M., and Antolop, W. (1965),
Cry Motions of the Newborn Infant. Acta Paediatrica
Scandinavica (Suppl.), 163, 61-92.

Cano, Sergio D, Escobedo, Daniel I., and Coello, Eddy

(1999), El Uso de los Mapas Auto-Organizados de
Kohonen en la Clasificacin de Unidades de Llanto
Infantil, Grupo de Procesamiento de Voz, 1er Taller
AIRENE, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile, pp
Cano, Sergio D, Escobedo, Daniel I., Ekkel, Taco (2004)
A Radial Basis Function Network Oriented for Infant
Cry Classification, Proc. of 9th Iberoamerican Congress
on Pattern Recognition, Puebla, Mexico.
Cano-Ortiz, S.D,. Escobedo-Becerro, D. I (1999),
Clasificacin de Unidades de Llanto Infantil Mediante
el Mapa Auto-Organizado de Kohoeen, I Taller AIRENE sobre Reconocimiento de Patrones con Redes
Neuronales, Universidad Catlica del Norte, Chile,pp.
Ekkel, T. (2002), Neural Network-Based Classification
of Cries from Infants Suffering from Hypoxia-Related
CNS Damage, Master Thesis, University of Twente.
The Netherlands.
Huang, X., Acero, A., Hon, H. (2001) Spoken Language
Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm, and System
Development, Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA.
Jang, J.-S. R. (1993), ANFIS: Adaptive Network-based
Fuzzy Inference System, in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 23 (03):665-685.
Lin Chin-Teng, and George Lee, C.S. (1996), Neural
Fuzzy System: A Neuro-Fuzzy Synergism to Intelligent
Systems, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Lippmann, R.P. (1990), Review of Neural Networks for
Speech Recognition, in Readings in Speech Recognition, Morgan Kauffman Publishers Inc., San Mateo,
Calif, pp 374-392.
Morgan, D.P., and Scofield, C.L. (1991), Neural
Networks and Speech Processing, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston.
Orozco, J., Reyes, C.A. (2003), Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients Extraction from Infant Cry for
Classification of Normal and Pathological Cry whit
Feed-Forward Neural Networks, Proc. of ESANN,
Bruges, Belgium.
Pal, S.K. (1992a) Multilayer Perceptron, Fuzzy Sets,
and Classification, in IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks,
vol 3, No 5, Sep 1992, pp 683-697.

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition I

Pal, S.K. and Mandal, D.P. (1992b), Linguistic Recognition Systems Based on Approximated Reasoning, in
Information Science, vol. 61, No 2, pp 135-161.
Park, D., Cae, Z., and Kandel, A. (1992), Investigations
on the Applicability of Fuzzy Inference, in Fuzzy Sets
and Systems, vol 49, pp 151-169.
Pedrycz, W.(1991), Neuro Computations in Relational
Systems, IEEE Trans .On Pattern Analysis and Intelligence, vol. 13, No 3, pp 289-296.
Petroni, M., Malowany, A. S., Johnston, C., and Stevens,
B. J., (1995),. Identification of pain from infant cry
vocalizations using artificial neural networks (ANNs),
The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Volume 2492. Part two of two. Paper #: 2492-79.
Reyes, C. A., (1994) On the design of a fuzzy relational
neural network for automatic speech recognition,
Doctoral Dissertation, The Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Fl,. USA.
Suaste, I., Reyes, O.F., Diaz, A., Reyes, C.A. (2004)
Implementation of a Linguistic Fuzzy Relational Neural Network for Detecting Pathologies by Infant Cry
Recognition, Proc. of IBERAMIA, Puebla, Mexico ,
pp. 953-962.
Wasz-Hckert, O., Lind, J., Vuorenkoski, V., Partanen,
T., & Valanne, E. (1970) El Llanto en el Lactante
y su Significacin Diagnstica, Cientifico-Medica,
Wasz-Hckert, O., Lind, J., Vuorenkoski, V., Partenen,
T., Valanne, E. (1968), The infant cry: a spectrographic
and auditory analisis, Clin. Dev. Med. 29, pp. 1-42
Zadeh, L.A. (1965), Fuzzy Sets, Inform. Contr., vol
8, pp 338-353.


Artificial Neural Networks: A network of many
simple processors that imitates a biological neural
network. The units are connected by unidirectional
communication channels, which carry numeric data.
Neural networks can be trained to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used in applications such
as robotics, speech recognition, signal processing or
medical diagnosis.
Automatic Infant Cry Recognition (AICR): A
process where the crying signal is automatically analyzed, to extract acoustical features looking to determine
the infants physical state, the cause of crying or even
detect pathologies in very early stages of life.
Back propagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimising the error obtained from
the comparison between the outputs that the network
gives after the application of a set of network inputs
and the outputs it should give (the desired outputs).
Fuzzy Relational Neural Network (FRNN): A
hybrid classification model combining the advantages
of fuzzy relations with artificial neural networks.
Fuzzy Sets: A generalization of ordinary sets by
allowing a degree of membership for their elements.
This theory was proposed by Lofti Zadeh in 1965.
Fuzzy sets are the base of fuzzy logic.
Hybrid Intelligent System: A software system
which employs, in parallel, a combination of methods
and techniques from Soft Computing.
Learning Stage: A process to teach classifiers to
distinguish between different pattern types.


A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry

Recognition II
Carlos Alberto Reyes-Garca
Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico
Sandra E. Barajas
Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico
Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle
Instituto Nacional de Astrofsica ptica y Electrnica, Mexico
Orion Fausto Reyes-Galaviz
Universidad Autnoma de Tlaxcala, Mexico

Automatic Infant Cry Recognition (AICR) process is
basically a problem of pattern processing, very similar
to the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) process
(Huang, Acero, Hon, 2001). In AICR first we perform
acoustical analysis, where the crying signal is analyzed
to extract the more important acoustical features, like;
LPC, MFCC, etc. (Cano, Escobedo and Coello, 1999).
The obtained characteristics are represented by feature
vectors, and each vector represents a pattern. These
patterns are then classified in their corresponding
pathology (Ekkel, 2002). In the reported case we are
automatically classifying cries from normal, deaf and
asphyxiating infants.
We use a genetic algorithm to find several optimal
parameters needed by the Fuzzy Relational Neural
Network FRNN (Reyes, 1994), like; the number of
linguistic properties, the type of membership function,
the method to calculate the output and the learning
rate. The whole model has been tested on several data
sets for infant cry classification. The process, as well
as some results, is described.

In the first part of this document a complete description
of the AICR system as well as of the FRNN is given.
So, with continuity purposes, in this part we will concentrate in the description of the genetic algorithm and
the whole system implementation and testing.

A genetic algorithm refers to a model introduced

and investigated by John Holland (John Holland, 1975)
and by students of Holland (DeJong, 1975). Genetic
algorithms are often viewed as function optimizers,
although the range of problems to which genetic algorithms have been applied is quite broad. Recently,
numerous papers and applications combining fuzzy
concepts and genetic algorithms (GAs) have become
known, and there is an increasing concern in the integration of these two topics. In particular, there are a great
number of publications exploring the use of GAs for
developing or improving fuzzy systems, called genetic
fuzzy systems (GFSs) (Cordon, Oscar, et al, 2001)
(Casillas, Cordon, del Jesus, Herrera, 2000).

Within the evolutionary techniques, perhaps one of the
most popular is the genetic algorithm (AG) (Goldberg,
1989). Its structure presents analogies with the biological theory of evolution, and is based on the principle
of the survival of the fittest individual (Holland,
1975). Generally, a genetic algorithm has five basic
components (Michalewicz, 1992). A representation
of potential solutions to the problem, a form to create
potential initial solutions, a fitness function that is in
charge to evaluate solutions, genetic operators that alter
the offsprings composition, and values for parameters
like the size of the population, crossover probability,
mutation probability, number of generations and others. Here we present different features of the genetic

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II

algorithm used to find a combination of parameters

for the FRNN.

Chromosomal Representation
The binary codification is used in genetic algorithms,
and Holland in (Holland, 1975) gave a theoretical
justification to use it. Holland argued that the binary
codification allows having more schemes than a decimal
representation. Scheme is a template that describes a
subgroup of strings that share certain similarities in
some positions throughout their length (Goldberg,
1989). The problem variables consist of the number of
linguistic properties, the type of membership function,
the classification method and the learning rate. We are
interested in having between 3 and 7 linguistic properties, so, the number of linguistic variables is encoded
into a binary string of 3 bit length. The membership
function is represented as a 2 bit string, where [00]
decodes the Trapezoidal membership function, [01]
decodes the function, [10] decodes the Triangular
function, [11] decodes the Gaussian membership
function. The classification methods are also coded
as a 2 bit string, where [00] represents the max-min
composition, [01] represents the geometrical mean and
[10] represents the relational square product. Finally,
the learning rate is represented as a binary string of 3
bit length, where [000] decodes to 0.1 learning rate,
[001] decodes to 0.2 learning rate, [010] decodes to
0.31 learning rate, [011] decodes to 0.4 learning rate,
and [100] decodes to 0.5 learning rate. A larger learning rate is not desirable, so all other bit values are
ignored. The chromosome is obtained by concatenating
all the above strings. Figure 1 shows an example of
the chromosomal representation. Initial population is
generated from a random selection of chromosomes,
a population size of 50 was considered.

Genetic Operations
We use four genetic operations, namely elitism, roulette
wheel selection, crossover and mutation. Elitism: In
order to ensure that the members with highest fitness
value of the population stay in the next generation
we apply elitism. It has been demonstrated (Gnter,
Rudolph, 1994), that a genetic algorithm must use elitism to be able to show convergence. At each iteration
of the genetic algorithm we select the members with
the four highest fitness values and we put them in the
next generation.
Selection: In the genetic algorithm the selection
process is made in a probabilistic way, it is to say, the
less apt individuals even have a certain opportunity to
be selected. There are many different types of selection
approaches; we use the roulette wheel selection, where
members of the population have a probability of being
selected that is directly proportionate to their fitness.
Crossover: In this work we use a single point crossover.
Observing the performance of different crossover operators, De Jong (De Jong, K., 1975) concluded that,
although increasing the number of points of crosses
affects its schemes from a theoretical perspective, in
practice this does not seem to have a significant impact.
The crossover is the principal operator in the genetic
algorithm. Based on some experiments we decided
to determine the crossover point randomly and the
crossover probability was fixed at 0.8. Mutation: This
operator allows the introduction of new chromosomal
material in the population. We selected a gene randomly
and we replaced it by its complement, a zero is changed
by a one and a one is changed by a zero. Some authors
suggest that the mutation probability equal to 1/L,
where L is the length of the chain of bits is an inferior
limit acceptable for the optimal percentage of mutation (Bck, Thomas, 1993). In this work the mutation
probability is fixed at 0.05.

Figure 1. Chromosomal representation

| linguistic properties | | membership | | classification | | learning rate |

| function | | method |

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II

Fitness Function
The objective function of our optimization problem
is called fitness function. This function must be able
to penalize the solutions that are not good and award
the good ones so they can propagate quickly (Coello,
Carlos A., 1995). As a fitness function we use the classification error given by the Fuzzy Relational Neural
Network. Then the fitness function is defined by the
following equation

In this case we define the classification error as



where No.PM represents the number of perfect matches,

in other words, it represents the number of samples
classified correctly. The term No.S represents the total
number of given samples to the FC.


Signal Processing
The analysis of the raw cry waveform provides the
information needed for its recognition. At the same
time, it discards unwanted information such as background noise, and channel distortion (Levinson S.E.,
and Roe, D.B., 1990). Acoustic feature extraction is a
transformation of measured data into pattern data. Some
of the most important techniques used for analyzing cry
wave signals are: Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),
cepstral processing, and Linear Prediction Analysis
(LPA) (Ainsworth, W.A., 1988) (Schafer and Rabiner
1990). The application of these techniques during signal
processing obtains the values of a set of acoustic features. The features may be spectral coefficients, linear
prediction coefficients (LPC), Mel frequency cepstral
coefficients (MFCC), among others (Ainsworth, W.A.,
1988). The set of values for n features may be repre-

sented by a vector in an n-dimensional space. Each

vector represents a pattern.
For the present experiments we work with samples
of infant cries. The infant cries were collected by recordings done directly by medical doctors and then, each
signal wave was divided in segments of 1 second, each
segment represents a sample. Then, acoustic features
were obtained by means of techniques as Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC) and Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficients (MFCC), by the use of the freeware program Praat v4.0.8 (Boersma, P., Weenink, 2002). Every
sample of 1 second is divided in frames of 50-milliseconds and from each frame we extract 16 coefficients,
this procedure generates vectors whit 304 coefficients
by sample. In this paper we show the results obtained
with Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients.
In order to reduce the dimensions of the sample
vectors we apply Principal Component Analysis. The
FRNN and the genetic algorithm are implemented in
Matlab. We have a corpus of 157 samples of normal
infant cry, 340 of asphyxia infant cry, and 879 of hypo
acoustics. Also we have a corpus of 192 samples of
pain and 350 samples of hunger crying. We worked
with a population of 50 individuals and the number
of training epochs for the FRNN was set at three. The
initial population was randomly chosen. The number
of generations needed for the genetic algorithm was
of only three. These values were set on the basis of the
observation of the results of several experiments.

Preliminary Results
Three different classification experiments were made,
the first one consists in classifying deaf and normal
infant cry, the second one was made to classify infant
cry in categories called asphyxia and normal, and the
third one to classify hunger and pain crying. In each
task the training samples and the test samples are randomly selected. The results of the model in the classification of deaf and normal cry are given in Table I.
In Table II we show the results obtained in the second
classification task. Finally Table III shows the results
in the classification of hunger and pain cry. In every
classification task the GA was run about 15 times and
the reported results show the average of the best classification in each experiment.


A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II

Table 1. Results of classifying deaf and normal cry

Number of
Learning rate










Table 2. Results of classifying asphyxia and normal cry

Number of
Learning rate






0 10



Table 3. Results of classifying hunger and pain cry

Number of
Learning rate










A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II

Performance Comparison with Other

Reyes and Orozco (Orozco, Reyes, 2003) classified
cry samples from deaf and normal babies, obtaining
recognition results around 97.43%. Reyes et al (Suaste,
Reyes, Diaz, Reyes, 2004) showed an implementation
of a linguistic fuzzy relational neural network to classify normal and pathological infant cry with percentage
of correct classification of 97.3% and 98%. Petroni,
Malowany, Johnston and Stevens (1995) classified cry
from normal babies to identify pain with artificial neural
networks and report results of correct classification
that go from 61% with cascade-correlation networks
up to 86.2% with feed-forward neural networks. In
(Lederman, 2002) Dror Lederman presents some classification results for infants with respiratory distress
syndrome RDS (related to asphyxia) versus healthy
infants. For the classification he used a Hidden Markov
Model architecture with 8 states and 5 Gaussians/state.
The results reported are of 63 % of total mean correct

AICR systems may expand their utility by training them
to recognize a larger number of pathologies. The first
requirement to achieve this goal is to collect a suitable
set of labeled samples for any target pathology. The
GA presented here optimizes some parameters of the
FRNN, but the model has more. So, other parameters
can be added to the chromosomal representation in
order to improve the model, like initial values of the
relational matrix and of the bias vectors, number of
training epochs, and the values of the exponential fuzzy
generator and the denominational fuzzy generator used
by the DOE.

The proposed genetic algorithm computes a selection
of the number of linguistic properties, the membership
function used to calculate the linguistic features, the
method to calculate the output of the classifier in the
fuzzy processing section and the learning rate of the
FRNN. The solution obtained by the proposed genetic
algorithm is a set of characteristics that the FRNN can

use to make the classification of infant cry. The use of

linguistic properties allows us to deal with the impreciseness of infant cry and provides the classifier with
very useful information. By applying the linguistic
information and given the nature of the model, it is
not necessary to get training through a high number
of learning epochs, a high number of iterations in the
genetic algorithm is not necessary either. The results of
classifying deaf and normal infant cry are very similar
to other models, but when we classify hunger and pain
the results are much better than other models.

This work is part of a project that is being financed by
CONACYT-Mexico (46753).

Bck, Thomas (1993), Optimal mutation rates in genetic
search, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, San Mateo, California:
Morgan Kaufmann, pp 2-8.
Boersma, P., Weenink (2002), D. Praat v 4.0.8. A system
for doing phonetics by computer, Institute of Phonetic
Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, February.
Bosma, J. F., Truby, H. M., & Antolop, W. (1965),
Cry Motions of the Newborn Infant. Acta Paediatrica
Scandinavica (Suppl.), 163, 61-92.
Cano, Sergio D, Escobedo, Daniel I., and Coello, Eddy
(1999), El Uso de los Mapas Auto-Organizados de
Kohonen en la Clasificacin de Unidades de Llanto
Infantil, Grupo de Procesamiento de Voz, 1er Taller
AIRENE, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile, pp
Casillas, J., Cordon, O., Jesus, M.J. del, Herrera, F.,
(2000), Genetic Feature Selection in a FuzzyRule.
Based Classification System Learning Process for High
Dimensional Problems, Technical Report DECSAI000122, Universidad de Granada, Spain.
Coello, Carlos A.(1995), Introduccin a los algoritmos
genticos, Soluciones Avanzadas. Tecnologas de
Informacin y Estrategias de Negocios, Ao 3, No.
17, pp. 5-11.

A Hybrid System for Automatic Infant Cry Recognition II

Cordon, Oscar, Herrera, Francisco, Hoffmann, Frank

and Magdalena, Luis, (2001), Genetic Fuzzy Systems:
Evolutionary Tuning and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge
Bases, Singapore, World Scientific.
De Jong, K. (1975), An Analysis of the Behavior of a
Class of Genetic Adaptive Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Dept. of Computer and Communication Sciences, Univ.
of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Ekkel, T. (2002), Neural Network-Based Classification
of Cries from Infants Suffering from Hypoxia-Related
CNS Damage, Master Thesis. University of Twente.
The Netherlands.
Goldberg, David E. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in
Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley.
Gnter, Rudolph (1994), Convergence analysis of
canonical genetic algorithms, IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, vol. 5, pp 96-101.
Holland, J. (1975), Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
Systems, University of Michigan Press.
Huang, X., Acero, A., Hon, H. (2001) Spoken Language
Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithm, and System
Development, Prentice-Hall, Inc., USA.
Lederman, D. (2002), Automatic Classification of
Infants Cry. Master Thesis. University of Negev.
Petroni, M., Malowany, A. S., Johnston, C., and Stevens,
B. J., (1995),. Identification of pain from infant cry
vocalizations using artificial neural networks (ANNs),
The International Society for Optical Engineering.
Volume 2492. Part two of two. Paper #: 2492-79.
Reyes, C. A., (1994), On the design of a fuzzy relational
neural network for automatic speech recognition,
Doctoral Dissertation, The Florida State University,
Tallahassee, Fl,. USA.
Suaste, I., Reyes, O.F., Diaz, A., Reyes, C.A. (2004)
Implementation of a Linguistic Fuzzy Relational Neural Network for Detecting Pathologies by Infant Cry
Recognition, Proc. of IBERAMIA, Puebla, Mexico ,
pp. 953-962.


Zbigniew Michalewicz (1992), Genetic algorithms

+ data structures = evolution programs, SpringerVerlag, 2nd ed.

Binary Chromosome: Is an encoding scheme representing one potential solution to a problem, during a
searching process, by means of a string of bits.
Evolutionary Computation: A subfield of computational intelligence that involves combinatorial
optimization problems. It uses iterative progress, such
as growth or development in a population, which is
then selected in a guided random search to achieve
the desired end. Such processes are often inspired by
biological mechanisms of evolution.
Fitness Function: It is a function defined over the
genetic representation and measures the quality of the
represented solution. The fitness function is always
problem dependent.
Genetic Algorithms: A family of computational
models inspired by evolution. These algorithms encode
a potential solution to a specific problem on a simple
chromosome-like data structure and apply recombination operators to these structures so as to preserve
critical information. Genetic algorithms are often
viewed as function optimizers, although the range of
problems to which genetic algorithms have been applied is quite broad.
Hybrid Intelligent System: A software system
which employs, in parallel, a combination of methods
and techniques mainly from subfields of Soft Computing.
Signal Processing: The analysis, interpretation
and manipulation of signals. Processing of such signals includes storage and reconstruction, separation
of information from noise, compression, and feature
Soft Computing: A partnership of techniques which
in combination are tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty,
partial truth, and approximation, and whose role model
is the human mind. Its principal constituents are Fuzzy
Logic (FL), Neural Computing (NC), Evolutionary
Computation (EC) Machine Learning (ML) and Probabilistic Reasoning (PR).


IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

Antonio Seoane
University of A Corua, Spain
Alberto Jaspe
University of A Corua, Spain

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been evolving
very fast, turning into high performance programmable
processors. Though GPUs have been designed to compute graphics algorithms, their power and flexibility
makes them a very attractive platform for generalpurpose computing. In the last years they have been
used to accelerate calculations in physics, computer
vision, artificial intelligence, database operations, etc.
(Owens, 2007).
In this paper an approach to general purpose computing with GPUs is made, followed by a description
of artificial intelligence algorithms based on Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN) and Evolutionary Computation (EC) accelerated using GPU.

General-Purpose Computation using Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) consists in the use of the GPU as
an alternative platform for parallel computing taking
advantage of the powerful performance provided by
the graphics processor (General-Purpose Computation
Using Graphics Hardware Website; Owens, 2007).
There are several reasons that justify the use of
the GPU to do general-purpose computing (Luebke,

Last generation GPUs are very fast in comparison

with current processors. For instance, a NVIDIA
8800 GTX card has computing capability of approximately 330 GFLOPS, whereas an Intel Core2
Duo 3.0 GHz processor has only a capability of
about 48 GFLOPS.
GPUs are highly-programmable. In the last years
graphical chip programming capacities have
grown very much, replacing fixed-programming

engines with programmable ones, like pixel and

vertex engines. Moreover, this has derived in the
appearance of high-level languages that help its
GPUs evolution is faster than CPUs one. The
increase in GPUs performance is nowadays from
1.7x to 2.3x per year, whereas in CPUs is about
1.4x. The pressure exerted by videogame market
is one of the main reasons of this evolution, what
forces companies to evolve graphics hardware
GPUs use high-precision data types. Although in the
very beginning graphics hardware was designed to
work with low-precision data types, at the present
time internal calculations are computed using 32
bits float point numbers.
Graphics cards have low cost in relation to the
capacities that they provide. Nowadays, GPUs are
affordable for any user.
GPUs are highly-parallel and they can have multiple
processors that allow making high-performance
parallel arithmetic calculations.

Nevertheless, there are some obstacles. First, not all

the algorithms fit for the GPUs programming model,
because GPUs are designed to compute high-intensive
parallel algorithms (Harris, 2005). Second, there are
difficulties in using GPUs, due mainly to:

GPUs programming model is different from

CPUs one.
GPUs are designed to graphics algorithms, therefore, to graphics programming. The implementation
of general-purpose algorithms on GPU is quite
different to traditional implementations.
Some limitations or restrictions exist in programming capacities. Most functions on GPUs programming languages are very specific and dedicated to
make calculations in graphics algorithms.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

GPUs architectures are quite variable due to

their fast evolution and the incorporation of new

Therefore it is not easy to port an algorithm developed for CPUs to run in a GPU.

Overview of the Graphics Pipeline

Nowadays GPUs make their computations following a
common structure called Graphics Pipeline. The Graphics Pipeline (Akenine-Mller, 2002) is composed by a
set of stages that are executed sequentially inside the
GPU, allowing the computing of graphics algorithms.
Recent hardware is made up of four main elements.
First, the vertex processors, that receive vertex arrays
from CPU and make the necessary transformations
from their positions in space to the final position in the
screen. Second, the primitive assembly build graphics
primitives (for instance, triangles) using information
about connectivity between different vertex. Third, in
the rasterizer, those graphical primitives are discretized
and turned into fragments. A fragment represents a
potential pixel and contains the necessary information
(color, depth, etc.) to generate the final color of a pixel.
Finally, in the fragment processors, fragments become
pixels to which final color is written in a target buffer,
that can be the screen buffer or a texture.
In the present, GPUs have multiple vertex and fragment processors that compute operations in parallel.
Both are programmable using little pieces of code
called vertex and fragment programs, respectively.
In the last years different high-level programming
languages have released like Cg/HLSL (Mark, 2003;
HLSL Shaders) or GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language
Information Site), that make easier the programming
of those processors.

The GPU Programming Model

There is a big difference between programming CPUs
and GPUs due mainly to their different programming
models. GPUs are based on the stream programming
model (Owens, 2005a; Luebke, 2006; Owens, 2007),
where all data are represented by a stream that can
be defined as a sorted set of data of the same type. A
kernel operates on full streams, and takes input data
from one or more streams to produce one or more
output streams. The main characteristic of a kernel is

that it operates on the whole stream, instead individual

elements. The typical use of a kernel is the evaluation
of a function over each element from an input stream,
calling this a map operation. Other operations of a
kernel are expansions, reductions, filters, etc. (Buck,
2004; Horn, 2005; Owens, 2007). The kernel generated
outputs are always based on their input streams, what
means that inside the kernel, the calculations made on
an element never depends of the other ones. In stream
programming model, applications are built connecting
multiple kernels. An application can be represented as
a dependency graph where each graph node is a kernel
and each edge represents a data stream between kernels
(Owens, 2005b; Lefohn, 2005).
The behavior of graphic pipeline is similar to the
stream programming model. Data flows through each
stage, where the output feeds the next one. Stream
elements (vertex or fragment arrays) are processed
independently by kernels (vertex or fragment programs)
and their output can be received again by another
The stream programming model allows an efficient
computation, because kernels operate on independent
elements from a set of input streams and can be processed using hardware like GPU, that process vertex
or fragments streams in parallel. This allows making
parallel computing without the complexity of traditional
parallel programming models.

Computational Resources on GPU

In order to implement any kind of algorithm on GPU,
there are different computational resources (Harris,
2005; Owens, 2007). By one side, current GPUs have
two different parallel programmable processors: vertex
and fragment processors. Vertex processors compute
vertex streams (points with associated properties like
position, color, normal, etc.). A vertex processor applies
a vertex program to transform each input vertex to its
position on the screen. Fragment processors compute
fragment streams. They apply a fragment program to
each fragment to calculate the final color of the pixel. In
addition of using the attributes of each fragment, those
processors can access to other data streams like textures
when they are generating each pixel. Textures can be
seen as an interface to access to read-only memory.
Another available resource in GPU is the rasterizer.
It generates fragments using triangles built in from
vertex and connectivity information. The rasterizer

IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

allows generating an output set of data from a smaller

input one, because it interpolates the properties of each
vertex that belongs to a triangle (like color, texture
coordinates, etc.) for each generated fragment.
One of the essential features of GPUs is the renderto-texture one. This allows storing the pixels generated
by the fragments processor in a texture, instead of a
screen buffer. This is at the moment the only mechanism
to obtain directly output data from GPU computing.
Render-to-texture cannot be thought as an interface to
read-write memory, due to the fact that fragment processor can read data from a texture in multiple times,
but it can write there just one time, at the end of each
fragment processing.

Using the stream programming model as well as
resources provided by graphics hardware, Artificial
Intelligence algorithms can be parallelized and therefore
computing-accelerated. The parallel and high-intensive
computing nature of this kind of algorithms makes them
good candidates for being implemented on the GPU.
Consider the evolution process of genetic algorithms, where a fitness value needs to be computed for
each individual. Population could be considered as a
data stream and fitness function as a kernel to process
this stream. On GPU, for instance, the data stream
must be represented as a texture, whereas the kernel
must be implemented on a fragment program. Each
individuals fitness would be obtained in an output
stream, represented also by a texture, and obtained by
the use of render-to-texture feature.
Recently some works have been realized mainly
in paralleling ANN and EC algorithms, described in
following sections.

Artificial Neural Networks

Bohn (1998) used GPGPU to reduce training time
in Kohonens feature maps. In this case, the bigger
the map, the higher was the time reduction using the
GPU. On 128x128 sized maps, time was similar using CPU and GPU, but on 512x512 sized maps, GPU
was almost 3.5 times faster than CPU, increasing to
5.3 faster rates on 1024x1024 maps. This was one of
the first implementations of GPGPU, made on a non-

programmable graphics system, a SiliconGraphics

Infinite Reality workstation.
Later, with programmable hardware, Oh (2004)
used the GPU for accelerating the process of obtaining
the output of a multilayer perceptron ANN. Developed
system was applied to pattern recognition obtaining 20x
lower computing time than CPU implementation..
Considering another kind of ANNs, Zhongwen
(2005) used GPGPU to reduce computing time in
training Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs). The bigger
the SOM, the higher was the reduction. Whereas
using 128x128 neurons maps computing time was
similar between CPU and GPU, 512x512 neuron
maps involved a training process 4x faster using GPU
Bernhard (2005) used GPU to simulate Spiking
Neurons model. This ANN model both requires high
intensive calculations and has a parallel nature, so fits
very well on GPGPU computation. Authors made different implementations depending on the neural network
application. In the first case, an image segmentation
algorithm was implemented using a locally-excitatory
globally-inhibitory Spiking Neural Network (SNN).
In this experiment, authors obtained up to 10x faster
results. In the second case, SNNs were used to image
segmentation using an algorithm based on histogram
clustering where the ANN minimized the objective
function. Here the speed was improved up to 10 times
Seoane (2007) showed multilayer perceptron
ANN training time acceleration using GA. GPGPU
techniques for ANN computing allowed accelerating
it up to 11 times.
The company Evolved Machines (Evolved Machines
Website) uses the powerful performance of GPUs to
simulating of neural computation, obtaining results up
to 100x faster than CPU computation.

Evolutionary Computation
In EC related works, Yu (2005) describes how parallel
genetic algorithms can be mapped in low-cost graphics
hardware. In their approach, chromosomes and fitness
values are stored in textures. Fitness calculation and
genetic operators were implemented using fragment
programs on GPU. Different population sizes applied to
the Colville minimization problem were used for testing,
resulting in better time reductions according to bigger
populations. In the case of a 128x128 sized population,

IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

GPU genetic operators computing was 11.8 times faster

than CPU, whereas in a 512x512 sized population, that
rate incremented to 20.1. In fitness function computing,
rates were 7.9 and 17.1 respectively.
In another work, Wong (2006) implemented Hybrid
Genetic Algorithms on GPU incorporating the Cauchy
mutation operator. All algorithm steps were implemented in graphics hardware, except random number
generation. In this approach, a pseudo-deterministic
method was proposed for selecting process, allowing
significant running-time reductions. GPU implementation was 3x faster than CPUs one.
Fok (2007) showed how to implement evolutionary
algorithms on GPU. Since the crossover operators of
GA requires more complex calculations than mutation
ones, authors studied a GPU implementation of Evolutionary Programming, using only mutation operators.
Tests have been proved with the Cauchy distribution to
5 different optimization problems, obtaining between
1.25 and 5 times faster results.

Nowadays GPUs are very powerful and they are evolving quite fast. By one side, there are more and more
programmable elements in GPUs; by the other one,
programming languages are becoming full-featured.
There are more and more implementations of different
kinds of general-purpose algorithms that take advantage
of these features.
In Artificial Intelligence field the number of developments is rather low, in spite of the great amount of
current algorithms and their high computing requirements. It seems very interesting using GPUs to extend
existent implementations. For instance, some examples
of speeding ANNs simulations up have been shown,
however there is no works in accelerating training times.
Likewise same ideas can be applied to implement other
kinds of ANNs architectures or IA techniques, like in
genetic programming field, where there is neither any

This paper has introduced general-purpose programming on GPUs. They have been shown as powerful
parallel processors, which programming capabilities

allow using for general-purpose high-intensive computing algorithms. Based on this idea, existent implementations of IA models like ANN or EC on GPUs
have been described, with a considerable computing
time reduction.
General-purpose computing on GPU and its use to
accelerating IA algorithms provides great advantages,
being an essential contribution in application where
computing time is a decisive factor.

Akenine-Mller, T. & Haines, E. (2002). Real-Time
Rendering. Second Edition. A.K. Peters.
Bernhard, F. & Keriven, R. (2006). Spiking Neurons
on GPUs. International Conference on Computational
Science ICCS 2006. 236-243.
Bohn, C.-A. (1998). Kohonen Feature Mapping through
Graphics Hardware. In 3rd International Conference on
Computational Intelligence and Neurosciences.
Buck, I. & Purcell, T. (2004). A toolkit for computation on GPUs. In GPU Gems. R. Fernando, editor.
Addison-Wesley, 621-636.
Evolved Machines Website. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4,
2007 from
Fok, K.L., Wong, T.T. & Wong, M.L. (2007). Evolutionary Computing on Consumer-Level Graphics
Hardware. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 22(2), 69-78.
General-Purpose Computation Using Graphics Hardware Website. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2007 from
Harris, M. (2005). Mapping computational concepts
to GPUs. In GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr, editor. AddisonWesley, 493-508.
HLSL Shaders. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2007 from
Horn, D. (2005). Stream reduction operations for GPGPU applications. In GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr, editor.
Addison-Wesley, 573-589.

IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

Lefohn, A., Kniss, J., Owens J. (2005). Implementing

efficient parallel data structures on GPUs. In GPU
Gems. 2, M. Pharr, editor. Addison-Wesley, 521-545.
Luebke, D. (2006). General-Purpose Computation on
Graphics Hardware. In Supercomputing 2006 Tutorial
Mark, W.R., Glanville, R.S., Akeley, K. & Kilgard,
M.J. (2003). Cg: a system for programming graphics
hardware in a C-like language. ACM Trans. Graph.
ACM Press, 22(3), 896-907.
Oh, K.-S., Jung, K. (2004). GPU implementation of
neural networks. Pattern Recognition. 37(6), 13111314.

Zhongwen, L., Hongzhi, L., Zhengping, Y. & Xincai, W.

(2005). Self-Organizing Maps Computing on Graphic
Process Unit. ESANN2005 proceedings - European
Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks. 557-562.

Fragment: Potential pixel containing all the necessary information (color, depth, etc.) to generate the
final fragment color.

OpenGL Shading Language Information Site. (n.d.).

Retrieved June 4, 2007, from http://developer.3dlabs.

Fragment Processor: Graphics system element

that receives as input a set of fragments and processes
it to obtain pixel, writing them in a target buffer. Present GPUs have multiple fragment processors working
in parallel and can be programmed using fragment

Owens, J. (2005a). Streaming architectures and technology trends. In GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr, editor. Addison-Wesley, 457-470.

Graphics Pipeline: Three dimensional graphics

oriented architecture, composed by several stages that
run sequentially.

Owens, J. (2005b). The GPGPU Progamming Model. In

General Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware.
IEEE Visualization 2005 Tutorial.

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Electronic device designed for graphics rendering in computers. Its
architecture is specialized in graphics calculations.

Owens, L.D., Luebke, D., Govindaraju, N., Harris,

M., Kruger, J., Lefohn, A.E. & Purcell, T.J. (2007). A
Survey of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics
Hardware. COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum. 26(1),

General-Purpose Computation on GPUs (GPGPU): Trend in computing devices dedicated to

implement general-purpose algorithms using graphics devices, called GPUs. At the moment, the high
programmability and performance of GPUs allow
developers run classical algorithms in these devices to
speed non-graphics applications up, especially those
algorithms with parallel nature.

Seoane, A., Rabual, J. R. & Pazos, A. (2007). Aceleracin del Entrenamiento de Redes de Neuronas
Artificiales mediante Algoritmos Genticos utilizando
la GPU. Actas del V Congreso Espaol sobre Metaheursticas, Algortmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados
- MAEB 2007. 69-76.
Wong, M.L. & Wong, T.T. (2006). Parallel Hybrid
Genetic Algorithms on Consumer-Level Graphics
Hardware. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. 2973-2980.
Yu, Q., Chen, C. & Pan, Z. (2005). Parallel Genetic
Algorithms on Programmable Graphics Hardware.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1051-1059.

Pixel: Picture Element abbreviation, used for referring graphic image points.
Rasterizer: Graphics Pipeline element, which from
graphic primitives provides appropriate fragments to
a target buffer.
Render-to-Texture: GPU feature that allows stocking the fragment processor output on a texture instead
on a screen buffer.
Stream Programming Model: This parallel programming model is based on defining, by one side,
sets of input and output data, called streams, and by
the other side, intensive computing operations, called


IA Algorithm Acceleration Using GPUs

kernel functions, to be applied sequentially on the

Texture: In computer graphics field, it refers to a
digital image used to modify the appearance of a tridimensional object. The operation that wraps around
a texture over an object is called texture mapping.
Talking about GPGPU, a texture can be considered as
a data stream.
Vertex: In computer graphics field, it refers to a
clearly defined point in a tridimensional space, which
is processed by Graphics Pipeline. Relationships can
be established between those vertices (like triangles)
to assembly structures that define a tridimensional
object. Talking about GPGPU, an vertex array can be
considered as a data stream.
Vertex Processor: Graphics system component
that receives as input a set of 3D vertex and process
them to obtain 2D screen positions. Present GPUs have
multiple vertex processors working in parallel and can
be programmed using vertex programs.



Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier

Liwei Fan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kim Leng Poh
National University of Singapore, Singapore

A Bayesian Network (BN) takes a relationship between
graphs and probability distributions. In the past, BN
was mainly used for knowledge representation and
reasoning. Recent years have seen numerous successful applications of BN in classification, among which
the Nave Bayes classifier was found to be surprisingly
effective in spite of its simple mechanism (Langley,
Iba & Thompson, 1992). It is built upon the strong
assumption that different attributes are independent
with each other. Despite of its many advantages, a
major limitation of using the Nave Bayes classifier
is that the real-world data may not always satisfy the
independence assumption among attributes. This strong
assumption could make the prediction accuracy of the
Nave Bayes classifier highly sensitive to the correlated
attributes. To overcome the limitation, many approaches
have been developed to improve the performance of
the Nave Bayes classifier.
This article gives a brief introduction to the approaches which attempt to relax the independence
assumption among attributes or use certain pre-processing procedures to make the attributes as independent
with each other as possible. Previous theoretical and
empirical results have shown that the performance of
the Nave Bayes classifier can be improved significantly
by using these approaches, while the computational
complexity will also increase to a certain extent.

The Nave Bayes classifier, also called simple Bayesian
classifier, is essentially a simple BN. Since no structure
learning is required, it is very easy to construct and
implement a Nave Bayes classifier. Despite its simplicity, the Nave Bayes classifier is competitive with other
more advanced and sophisticated classifiers such as

decision trees (Friedman, Geiger & Goldszmidt, 1997).

Owing to these advantages, the Nave Bayes classifier
has gained great popularity in solving different classification problems. Nevertheless, its independence
assumption among attributes is often violated in the
real world. Fortunately, many approaches have been
developed to alleviate this problem.
In general, these approaches can be divided into
two groups. One attempts to relax the independence
assumption of Nave Bayes classifier, e.g. Semi-Nave Bayes (SNB) (Kononenko, 1991), Searching for
dependencies (Pazzani, 1995), the Tree Augmented
Nave Bayes (TAN) (Friedman, Geiger & Goldszmidt,
1997), SuperParent Tree Augmented Nave Bayes
(SP-TAN) (Keogh & Pazzani, 1999), Lazy Bayes Rule
(LBR) (Zheng & Webb, 2000) and Aggregating OneDependence Estimators (AODE) (Webb, Boughton &
Wang, 2005).
The other group attempts to use certain pre-processing procedures to select or transform the attributes,
which can be more suitable for the assumption of the
Nave Bayes classifier. The Feature selection can be
implemented by greedy forward search (Langley &
Sage, 1994) and Decision Trees (Ratanamahatana &
Gunopulos, 2002). The transformation techniques include Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Gupta,
2004), Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
(Prasad, 2004) and CC-ICA (Bressan & Vitria, 2002).
The next section describes the main ideas of the two
groups of techniques in a broad way.


This section introduces the two groups of approaches that
have been used to improve the Nave Bayes classifier.
In the first group, the strong independence assumption
is relaxed by restricted structure learning. The second

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Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier

group helps to select some major (and approximately

independent) attributes from the original attributes or
transform them into some new attributes, which can
then be used by the Nave Bayes classifier.

Relaxing the Independence Assumption

Relaxing the independence assumption means that
the dependence will be considered in constructing
the network. To consider the dependencies between
attributes, Kononenko (Kononenko, 1991) proposed
the Semi-Nave Bayes classifier (SNB), which joined
the attributes based on the theorem of Chebyshev.
The medical diagnostic data were used to compare
the performance of the SNB and the NB. It was found
that the results of two domains are identical but in the
other two domains SNB slightly improves the performance. Nevertheless, this method may cause overfitting
problems. Another limitation of the SNB is that the
number of parameters will grow exponentially with
the increase of the number of attributes that need to be
joined. In addition, the exhaustive searching technique
of joining attributes may affect the computational time.
Pazzani (Pazzani, 1995) used Forward Sequential Selection and Joining (FSSJ) and Backward Sequential
Elimination and Joining (BSEJ) to search dependencies
and join the attributes. They tested the two methods
on UCI data and found that BSEJ provided the most
Friedman et al. (Friedman, Geiger & Goldszmidt,
1997) found that Kononenkos and Pazzanis methods
can be represented as an augmented Nave Bayes
network, which includes some subgraphs. They
restricted the network to be Tree Augmented Nave
Bayes (TAN) that spans over all attributes and can
be learned by tree-structure learning algorithms. The
results based on problems from the UCI repository
showed that the TAN classifier outperforms the Nave
Bayes classifier. It is also competitive with C4.5 while
maintains the computational simplicity. However,
the use of the TAN classifier is only limited to the
problems with discrete attributes. For the problems
with continuous attributes, these attributes must be
prediscretized. To address this problem, Friedman et
al. (Friedman, Goldszmidt & Lee, 1998) extended TAN
to deal with continuous attributes via parametric and
semiparametric conditional probabilities. Keogh &
Pazzani (Keogh & Pazzani, 1999) proposed a variant
of the TAN classifier, i.e. SP-TAN, which could result

in better performance than TAN. The performance of

SP-TAN is also competitive with the Lazy Bayes Rule
(LBR), in which the lazy learning techniques are used
in the Nave Byes classifier (Zheng, & Webb, 2000;
Wang & Webb, 2002)
Although LBR and SP-TAN have outstanding performance on the testing data, the main disadvantage of
the two methods is that they have high computational
complexity. Aggregating One-Dependence Estimators
(AODE), developed by Webb et al. (Webb, Boughton
& Wang, 2005), can avoid model selection which may
reduce computational complexity and lead to lower
variance. These advantages have been demonstrated by
some empirical experiment results. It is also empirically
found that the average prediction accuracy of AODE is
comparative to that of LBR and SP-TAN but with lower
variance. Therefore, AODE might be more suitable for
small datasets due to its lower variance.

Using Pre-Processing Procedures

In general, the pre-processing procedures for the
Nave Bayes classifier include feature selection and
transforming the original attributes. The Selective
Bayes classifier (SBC) (Langley & Sage, 1994) deals
with correlated features by selecting only some attributes into the final classifier. They used a greedy
method to search the space and forward selection to
select the attributes. In their study, six UCI datasets are
used to compare the performance of the Nave Bayes
classifier, SBC and C4.5. It is found that selecting the
attributes can improve the performance of the Nave
Bayes classifier when there are redundant attributes.
In addition, SBC is found to be competitive with C4.5
in terms of the datasets by which C4.5 outperforms the
Nave Bayes classifier. The study by Ratanamahatana
& Gunopulos (Ratanamahatana & Gunopulos, 2002)
applied C4.5 to select the attributes for the Nave Bayes
classifier. Interestingly, experimental results showed
that the new attributes obtained by C4.5 can make the
Nave Bayes classifier outperform C4.5 with respect
to a number of datasets.
Transforming the attributes is another useful preprocessing procedure for the Nave Bayes classifier.
Gupta (Gupta, 2004) found that Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) was helpful to improve the classification accuracy and reduce the computational complexity.
Prasad (Prasad, 2004) applied Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to all the training data and found

Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier

that the performance of Nave Bayes classifier integrated

ICA performed better than C4.5 and IB1 integrated
with ICA. Bressan and Vitria (Bressan & Vitria, 2002)
proposed the class-conditional ICA (CC-ICA) to do
pre-processing procedure for the Nave Bayes classifier,
and found that CC-ICA based Nave Bayes classifier
outperformed the pure Nave Bayes classifier.
Based on the UCI datasets, a detailed comparative
study of PCA, ICA and CC-ICA for Nave Bayes classifier has been carried out by Fan & Poh (Fan & Poh,
2007). PCA attempts to transform the original data
into a new uncorrelated dataset, while ICA attempts
to transform them into a new dataset with independent
attributes. Class-conditional ICA (CC-ICA), proposed
by Bressan and Vitria (2002), is built upon the idea that
ICA is used to make the attributes as independent as
possible for each class. In such a way, the new attributes
are more reasonable than those from the PCA and ICA
in order to satisfy the independence assumption of the
Nave Bayes classifier.
The datasets were limited to the continuous datasets due to the requirement of the three pre-processing
procedures. The results showed that all the three preprocessing procedures can improve the performance
of the Nave Bayes classifier. It is likely due to the
fact that transforming the attributes could weaken the
dependence among different attributes. In addition,
the discrepancy between the performance of ICA
and PCA integrated with the Nave Bayes classifier
is not large. This may be an indication that PCA and
ICA are competitive in improving the performance of
Nave Bayes classifier. When the number of attributes
became larger, the three pre-processing procedures
also improved the performance of the Nave Bayes
classifier by more.
From the methodological point of view, the CC-ICA
pre-processing procedure seems to be more plausible
than PCA and ICA for Nave Bayes classifier (Bressan
and Vitria, 2002; Vitria, Bressan, & Radeva, 2007). The
experimental results by Fan & Poh (Fan & Poh, 2007)
also showed that CC-ICA integrated with the Nave
Bayes classifier outperforms PCA and ICA integrated
with the Nave Bayes classifier in terms of classification
accuracy. However, CC-ICA requires more training
data to ensure that there are enough training data for
each class. It is therefore suggested that the choice of
a suitable pre-processing procedure should depend on
the characteristics of datasets, e.g. the sample size for
each class.

With the development of the algorithms for learning BN,
relaxing the independence assumption is promising for
improving the performance of the Nave Bayes classifier. However, relaxing the independence assumption
to the unrestricted BN is not appropriate. Friedman et
al. (Friedman, Geiger, & Goldszmidt, 1997) compared
the Nave Bayes classifier and Bayesian Network and
found that using unrestricted BN did not improve the
accuracy. On the contrary, it even reduced the accuracy
in some domains. Therefore, other restricted BN may
be used for improving the performance while keeping
the simplicity of the Nave Bayes classifier. Effective
and simple learning algorithm is also important for the
improving the performance.
On the other hand, with the development of algorithms for machine learning, more pre-processing
procedures are expected to be developed for selecting
or transforming the attributes. One possible way to
get better performance is to combine feature selection
with transformation techniques to do the pre-processing procedures. Among the alternative techniques for
doing pre-processing procedures, the most promising
one might be ICA. The reason is that the motivation of
the pre-processing procedures is to derive the attributes
satisfying the independence assumption for the Nave
Bayes classifier while the objective of ICA is to find
the independent components. However, there are also
some limitations on the use of ICA, e.g. the requirements of continuous datasets and a large number of
training samples. How to overcome these limitations
is therefore a potential area for future research.

This article briefly discusses the techniques which
can be used to improve the performance of the Nave
Bayes classifier. The general idea is to overcome the
limitation of the strong independence assumption of the
Nave Bayes classifier. Relaxing the strong assumption
is a natural way and has been studied from different
viewpoints. All the approaches relaxing the assumption
discussed in the article is restricted Bayesian Networks,
which are still most practicable techniques. In addition,
pre-processing procedures are also very useful to make
the attributes to satisfy the independence assumption.
However, using these approaches increases the compu881

Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier

tational complexity to a certain extent. It would be useful

to model correlations among appropriate attributes that
can be captured by simple restricted structure but with
good performance.

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Ratanamahatana, C.A. and Gunopulos, D., Feature selection for the naive Bayesian classifier using decision
trees. Applied Artificial Intelligence. (17), 475-487.
Vitria, J., Bressan, M., & Radeva, P. (2007). Bayesian
Classification of Cork Stoppers Using Class-conditional
Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. (37), 32-38.
Wang, Z., & Webb, G.I. (2002). Comparison of Lazy
Bayesian Rule and Tree-Augmented Bayesian Learning.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Data Mining. 775-778.
Webb, G., Boughton, J.R., & Wang, Z. (2005). Not so
Nave Bayes: Aggregating One-Dependence Estimatiors. Machine Learning. (58), 5-24.
Zheng, Z., & Webb, G. (2000). Lazy Learning of Bayesian Rules. Machine Learning. (41), 53-87.

Decision Trees: Decision tree is a classifier in the
form of a tree structure, where each node is either a
leaf node or a decision node. A decision tree can be
used to classify an instance by starting at the root of
the tree and moving through it until a leaf node, which
provides the classification of the instance. A well known
and frequently used algorithm of decision tree over the
years is C4.5.
Forward Selection and Backward Elimination:
A forward selection method would start with the empty
set and successively add attributes, while a backward

Improving the Nave Bayes Classifier

elimination process would begin with the full set and

remove unwanted ones.
Greedy Search: At each point in the search, the
algorithm considers all local changes to the current
set of attributes, makes its best selection, and never
reconsiders this choice.
Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Independent component analysis (ICA) is a newly developed
technique for finding hidden factors or components to
give a new representation of multivariate data. ICA
could be thought of as a generalization of PCA. PCA
tries to find uncorrelated variables to represent the
original multivariate data, whereas ICA attempts to
obtain statistically independent variables to represent
the original multivariate data.
Nave Bayes Classifier: The Nave Bayes classifier,
also called simple Bayesian classifier, is essentially a

simple Bayesian Network (BN). There exist two underlying assumptions in the Nave Bayes classifier. First,
all attributes are independent with each other given the
classification variable. Second, all attributes are directly
dependent on the classification variable. Nave Bayes
classifier computes the posterior of classification variable given a set of attributes by using the Bayes rule
under the conditional independence assumption.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is
a popular tool for multivariate data analysis, feature
extraction and data compression. Given a set of multivariate measurements, the purpose of PCA is to find a
set of variables with less redundancy. The redundancy
is measured by correlations between data elements.
UCI Repository: This is a repository of databases,
domain theories and data generator that are used by the
machine learning community for the empirical analysis
of machine learning algorithms.



Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining

Lior Rokach
Ben Gurion University, Israel

In this chapter we discuss how fuzzy logic extends the

envelop of the main data mining tasks: clustering, classification, regression and association rules. We begin
by presenting a formulation of the data mining using
fuzzy logic attributes. Then, for each task, we provide a
survey of the main algorithms and a detailed description
(i.e. pseudo-code) of the most popular algorithms.

There are two main types of uncertainty in supervised
learning: statistical and cognitive. Statistical uncertainty deals with the random behavior of nature and
all existing data mining techniques can handle the
uncertainty that arises (or is assumed to arise) in the
natural world from statistical variations or randomness.
Cognitive uncertainty, on the other hand, deals with
human cognition.
Fuzzy set theory, first introduced by Zadeh in 1965,
deals with cognitive uncertainty and seeks to overcome
many of the problems found in classical set theory.
For example, a major problem faced by researchers of
control theory is that a small change in input results
in a major change in output. This throws the whole
control system into an unstable state. In addition there
was also the problem that the representation of subjective knowledge was artificial and inaccurate. Fuzzy
set theory is an attempt to confront these difficulties
and in this chapter we show how it can be used in data
mining tasks.

Data mining is a term coined to describe the process
of sifting through large and complex databases for
identifying valid, novel, useful, and understandable
patterns and relationships. Data mining involves the
inferring of algorithms that explore the data, develop

the model and discover previously unknown patterns.

The model is used for understanding phenomena from
the data, analysis and prediction. The accessibility and
abundance of data today makes knowledge discovery
and data mining a matter of considerable importance
and necessity.
We begin by presenting some of the basic concepts
of fuzzy logic. The main focus, however, is on those
concepts used in the induction process when dealing
with data mining. Since fuzzy set theory and fuzzy
logic are much broader than the narrow perspective
presented here, the interested reader is encouraged to
read Zimmermann (2005).
In classical set theory, a certain element either belongs or does not belong to a set. Fuzzy set theory, on
the other hand, permits the gradual assessment of the
membership of elements in relation to a set.
Let U be a universe of discourse, representing a
collection of objects denoted generically by u. A fuzzy
set A in a universe of discourse U is characterized by
a membership function A which takes values in the
interval [0, 1]. Where A(u) = 0 means that u is definitely not a member of A and A(u) = 1 means that u
is definitely a member of A.
The above definition can be illustrated on the
vague set of Young. In this case the set U is the set
of people. To each person in U, we define the degree
of membership to the fuzzy set Young. The membership function answers the question to what degree is
person u young?. The easiest way to do this is with a
membership function based on the persons age. For
example Figure 1 presents the following membership

age(u ) > 32

MYoung (u ) =
age(u ) < 16
32 age(u ) otherwise


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Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

Figure 1. Membership function for the young set

Given this definition, John, who is 18 years old, has

degree of youth of 0.875. Philip, 20 years old, has degree
of youth of 0.75. Unlike probability theory, degrees
of membership do not have to add up to 1 across all
objects and therefore either many or few objects in the
set may have high membership. However, an objects

membership in a set (such as young) and the sets

complement (not young) must still sum to 1.
The main difference between classical set theory
and fuzzy set theory is that the latter admits to partial
set membership. A classical or crisp set, then, is a fuzzy
set that restricts its membership values to {0,1}, the

Figure 2. Membership function for the crisp young set


Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

endpoints of the unit interval. Membership functions

can be used to represent a crisp set. For example, Figure
2 presents a crisp membership function defined as:
0 age(u ) > 22
MCrispYoung (u ) =
1 age(u ) 22


In regular classification problems, we assume that

each instance takes one value for each attribute and
that each instance is classified into only one of the
mutually exclusive classes. To illustrate how fuzzy
logic can help data mining tasks, we introduce the
problem of modeling the preferences of TV viewers. In
this problem there are 3 input attributes: A = {Time of
Day,Age Group,Mood}. The classification can be the
movie genre that the viewer would like to watch, such
as C = {Action,Comedy,Drama}. All the attributes are
vague by definition. For example, peoples feelings of
happiness, indifference, sadness, sourness and grumpiness are vague without any crisp boundaries between
them. Although the vagueness of Age Group or
Time of Day can be avoided by indicating the exact
age or exact time, a rule induced with a crisp decision
tree may then have an artificial crisp boundary, such
as IF Age < 16 THEN action movie. But how about
someone who is 17 years of age? Should this viewer
definitely not watch an action movie? The viewer preferred genre may still be vague. For example, the viewer
may be in a mood for both comedy and drama movies.
Moreover, the association of movies into genres may
also be vague. For instance the movie Lethal Weapon
(starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover) is considered
to be both comedy and action movie.
Fuzzy concept can be introduced into a classical data
mining task if at least one of the attributes is fuzzy. In
the example described above , both input and target
attributes are fuzzy. Formally the problem is defined
as following: Each class cj is defined as a fuzzy set on
the universe of objects U. The membership function
cj(u) indicates the degree to which object u belongs
to class cj. Each attribute ai is defined as a linguistic
attribute which takes linguistic values from dom(ai) =
{vi,1, vi,2,,|dom(ai)|}. Each linguistic value vi,k is also a
fuzzy set defined on U. The membership vi,k(u) specifies the degree to which object us attribute ai is vi,k .
Recall that the membership of a linguistic value can
be subjectively assigned or transferred from numerical
values by a membership function defined on the range
of the numerical value.

Typically, before one can incorporate fuzzy concepts

into a data mining application, an expert is required to
provide the fuzzy sets for the quantitative attributes,
along with their corresponding membership functions
(Mitra and Pal, 2005). Alternatively the appropriate
fuzzy sets are determined using fuzzy clustering.


Fuzzy Supervised Learning
In this section we survey supervised methods that incorporate fuzzy sets. Supervised methods are methods
that attempt to discover the relationship between input
attributes and a target attribute (sometimes referred to
as a dependent variable). The relationship discovered is
represented in a structure referred to as a model. Usually models describe and explain phenomena, which
are hidden in the dataset and can be used for predicting
the value of the target attribute knowing the values of
the input attributes.
It is useful to distinguish between two main supervised models: classification models (classifiers) and
Regression Models. Regression models map the input
space into a real-value domain. For instance, a regressor
can predict the demand for a certain product given its
characteristics. On the other hand, classifiers map the
input space into pre-defined classes.
Fuzzy set theoretic concepts can be incorporated at
the input, output, or into to backbone of the classifier.
The data can be presented in fuzzy terms and the output
decision may be provided as fuzzy membership values
(Peng, 2004). In this chapter we will concentrate on
fuzzy decision trees. The interested reader is encouraged to read also about soft regression (Shnaider et
al., 1997) and Neuro-fuzzy (Mitra and Hayashi, 2000,
Nauck, 1997).
Decision tree is a predictive model which can be used
to represent classifiers. Decision trees are frequently
used in applied fields such as finance, marketing, engineering and medicine. Decision tree are self-explained.
There is no need to be an expert in data mining in order
to follow a certain decision tree.
There are several algorithms for induction of fuzzy
decision trees (Olaru and Wehenkel, 2003), most of
them extend existing decision trees methods such as:
Fuzzy-CART (Jang, 1994), Fuzzy-ID3 (Cios and Sztandera, 1992; Maher and Clair, 1993). Another complete

Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

framework for building a fuzzy tree including several

inference procedures based on conflict resolution in
rule-based systems and efficient approximate reasoning
methods was presented in (Janikow, 1998).
In this section we will focus on the algorithm proposed in Yuan and Shaw (1995). This algorithm can
handle the classification problems with both fuzzy
attributes and fuzzy classes represented in linguistic
fuzzy terms. It can also handle other situations in a
uniform way where numerical values can be fuzzified
to fuzzy terms and crisp categories can be treated as
a special case of fuzzy terms with zero fuzziness. The
algorithm uses classification ambiguity as fuzzy entropy. The classification ambiguity directly measures
the quality of classification rules at the decision node.
It can be calculated under fuzzy partitioning and multiple fuzzy classes.
When a certain attribute is numerical, it needs to
be fuzzified into linguistic terms before it can be used
in the algorithm (Hong et al., 1999). The fuzzification
process can be performed manually by experts or can
be derived automatically using some sort of clustering algorithm. Clustering groups the data instances
into subsets in such a manner that similar instances
are grouped together; different instances belong to
different groups. The instances are thereby organized
into an efficient representation that characterizes the
population being sampled.

One can use a simple algorithm to generate a set

of membership functions on numerical data. Assume
attribute ai has numerical value x from the domain X.
We can cluster X to k linguistic terms vi,j, j = 1,...,k. The
size of k is manually predefined. Figure 3 illustrates
the creation of four groups defined on the age attribute:
young, early adulthood, middle-aged and old
age. Note that the first set (young) and the last
set (old age) have a trapezoidal form which can be
uniquely described by the four corners. For example,
the young set could be represented as (0,0,16,32). In
between, all other sets (early adulthood and middleaged) have a triangular form which can be uniquely
described by the three corners. For example, the set
early adulthood is represented as (16,32,48).
The induction algorithm of fuzzy decision tree
measures the classification ambiguity associated with
each attribute and split the data using the attribute with
the smallest classification ambiguity. The classification ambiguity of attribute ai with linguistic terms vi,j,
j = 1,...,k on fuzzy evidence S, denoted as G(ai | S),
is the weighted average of classification ambiguity
calculated as:

G (ai S ) = w(vi , j S ) G (vi , j S )

j =`1


Figure 3. Membership function for various groups in the age attribute


Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

where w(vi,j | S) is the weight which represents the

relative size of vi,j and is defined as:
w(vi , j S ) =

M (vi , j S )

M (v




The classification ambiguity of vi,j is defined as

G (vi , j S ) = g p C vi , j

which is measured based on the possibility distribution vector

p C vi , j = p c1 vi , j ,..., p c k vi , j .

Given vi,j, the possibility of classifying an object to

class cl can be defined as:

p cl vi , j =

S (vi , j , cl )

max S (v

i, j

, ck )


where S(A,B) is the fuzzy subsethood that measures the

degree to which A is a subset of B. The subsethood
can be used to measure the truth level of the rule of
classification rules. For example given a classification
rule such as IF Age is Young AND Mood is Happy
THEN Comedy we have to calculate S(HotSunny,
Swimming) in order to measure the truth level of the
classification rule.

The function g ( p ) is the possibilistic measure of

ambiguity or nonspecificity and is defined as:

g ( p ) = pi pi+1 ln(i )
i =1



p = p1 ,, p p

is the permutation of the possibility distribution p

sorted such that pi pi +1 . All the above calculations

are carried out at a predefined significant level . An
instance will take into consideration of a certain branch
vi,j only if its corresponding membership is greater

than . This parameter is used to filter out insignificant

After partitioning the data using the attribute with the
smallest classification ambiguity, the algorithm looks
for nonempty branches. For each nonempty branch,
the algorithm calculates the truth level of classifying
all instances within the branch into each class. The
truth level is calculated using the fuzzy subsethood
measure S(A,B).
If the truth level of one of the classes is above a
predefined threshold then no additional partitioning
is needed and the node become a leaf in which all
instance will be labeled to the class with the highest
truth level. Otherwise the procedure continues in a
recursive manner. Note that small values of will lead
to smaller trees with the risk of underfitting. A higher
may lead to a larger tree with higher classification
accuracy. However, at a certain point, higher values
may lead to overfitting.
In a regular decision tree, only one path (rule) can
be applied for every instance. In a fuzzy decision tree,
several paths (rules) can be applied for one instance. In
order to classify an unlabeled instance, the following
steps should be performed:

Step 1: Calculate the membership of the instance

for the condition part of each path (rule). This
membership will be associated with the label
(class) of the path.
Step 2: For each class calculate the maximum
membership obtained from all applied rules.
Step 3: An instance may be classified into several classes with different degrees based on the
membership calculated in Step 2.

Fuzzy Clustering
The goal of clustering is descriptive, that of classification
is predictive. Since the goal of clustering is to discover
a new set of categories, the new groups are of interest in themselves, and their assessment is intrinsic. In
classification tasks, however, an important part of the
assessment is extrinsic, since the groups must reflect
some reference set of classes.
Clustering groups data instances into subsets in such
a manner that similar instances are grouped together,
while different instances belong to different groups.
The instances are thereby organized into an efficient
representation that characterizes the population being

Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

sampled. Formally, the clustering structure is represented as a set of subsets C = C1,...,Ck of S, such that:

uij =

k =1

d kj

S = i =1 Ci

and Ci Cj = for i j. Consequently, any instance

in S belongs to exactly one and only one subset.
Traditional clustering approaches generate partitions; in a partition, each instance belongs to one and
only one cluster. Hence, the clusters in a hard clustering are disjointed. Fuzzy clustering (Nasraoui and
Krishnapuram, 1997, Shnaider et al., 1997) extends this
notion and suggests a soft clustering schema. In this
case, each pattern is associated with every cluster using
some sort of membership function, namely, each cluster
is a fuzzy set of all the patterns. Larger membership
values indicate higher confidence in the assignment
of the pattern to the cluster. A hard clustering can be
obtained from a fuzzy partition by using a threshold
of the membership value.
The most popular fuzzy clustering algorithm is the
fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm. FCM is an iterative
algorithm. The aim of FCM is to find cluster centers
(centroids) that minimize a dissimilarity function. To
accommodate the introduction of fuzzy partitioning,
the membership matrix(U) is randomly initialized according to Equation 7.

i =1


= 1,j = 1,..., n


The algorithm minimizes a dissimilarity (or distance)

function which is given in Equation 13:

J (U , c1 , c2 ,..., cc ) = J i = uijm dij2

i =1

i =1 j =1


where, uij is between 0 and 1; ci is the centroid of cluster

i; dij is the Euclidian distance between i-th centroid and
j-th data point; m is a weighting exponent.
To reach a minimum of dissimilarity function there
are two conditions. These are given in Equation 9 and
Equation 10.


j =1



By iteratively updating the cluster centers and the

membership grades for each data point, FCM iteratively moves the cluster centers to the right location
within a data set. However, FCM does not ensure that
it converges to an optimal solution. The random initialization of U might have uncancelled effect on the
final performance.

Fuzzy Association Rules

Association rules are rules of the kind 70% of the
customers who buy vine and cheese also buy grapes.
While the traditional field of application is market basket
analysis, association rule mining has been applied to
various fields since then, which has led to a number of
important modifications and extensions.
A fuzzy association algorithm is proposed in Komem
and Schneider (2005). The quantitative values are first
transformed into a set of membership grades, by using
predefined membership functions. Every membership
grade represents the agreement of a quantitative value
with a linguistic term. In order to avoid discriminating
the importance level of data, each point must have membership grade of 1 in one membership function; Thus,
the membership functions of each attribute produce
a continuous line of = 1. Additionally, in order to
diagnose the bias direction of an item from the center
of a membership function region, almost each point
get another membership grade which is lower than 1
in other membership functions region. Thus, each end
of membership function region is touching, close to,
or slightly overlapping an end of another membership
function (except the outside regions, of course).
By this mechanism, as point a moves right, further
from the center of the region middle, it gets a higher
value of the label middle-high, additionally to the
value 1 of the label middle.

Some of the challenges of using fuzzy theory in data
mining tasks, include the following:

uijm x j

j =1

2 / ( m 1)


Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks


Incorporation of domain knowledge for improving

the fuzzy modeling.
Developing methods for presenting fuzzy data
model to the end-users.
Efficient integration of fuzzy logic in data mining
A hybridization of fuzzy sets with data mining

This chapter discussed how fuzzy logic can be used
to solve several different data mining tasks, namely
classification clustering, and discovery of association
rules. The discussion focused mainly one representative
algorithm for each of these tasks.
There are at least two motivations for using fuzzy
logic in data mining, broadly speaking. First, as mentioned earlier, fuzzy logic can produce more abstract
and flexible patterns, since many quantitative features
are involved in data mining tasks. Second, the crisp
usage of metrics is better replaced by fuzzy sets that
can reflect, in a more natural manner, the degree of
belongingness/membership to a class or a cluster.

Cios, K. J., & Sztandera, L. M. (1992). Continuous ID3
algorithm with fuzzy entropy measures, Proc. IEEE
lnternat. Con/i on Fuzz) Systems, pp. 469-476.
Hong, T.P., Kuo, C.S. and Chi, S.C. (1999). A Fuzzy
Data Mining Algorithm for Quantitative Values. Third
International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems. Proceedings.
IEEE, pp. 480-483.
Jang, J. (1994). Structure determination in fuzzy modeling: A fuzzy CART approach, in Proc. IEEE Conf.
Fuzzy Systems, pp. 480485.
Janikow, C.Z. (1998), Fuzzy Decision Trees: Issues
and Methods, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics, 28(1): 1-14.
Komem, J., & Schneider, M. (2005), On the Use of
Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining, in The Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery Handbook, O. Maimon, L.
Rokach (Eds.), Springer, pp. 517-533.

Maher, P. E., & Clair, D. C. (1993). Uncertain reasoning

in an ID3 machine learning framework, in Proc. 2nd
IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, pp. 712.
Mitra, S., & Hayashi, Y. (2000). Neuro-fuzzy Rule
Generation: Survey in Soft Computing Framework.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 11(3):748-768.
Mitra, S., & Pal, S. K. (2005), Fuzzy sets in pattern
recognition and machine intelligence, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 156(1):381386
Nasraoui, O., & Krishnapuram, R. (1997). A Genetic
Algorithm for Robust Clustering Based on a Fuzzy
Least Median of Squares Criterion, Proceedings of
NAFIPS, Syracuse NY, pp. 217-221.
Nauck, D. (1997). Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: Review and
Prospects Paper appears in Proc. Fifth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing
(EUFIT97), Aachen, pp. 1044-1053
Olaru, C., & Wehenkel L. (2003). A complete fuzzy
decision tree technique, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
138(2):221-254, 2003.
Peng, Y. (2004). Intelligent condition monitoring using fuzzy inductive learning, Journal of Intelligent
Manufacturing, 15 (3): 373-380.
Shnaider, E., Schneider, M., & Kandel A. (1997). A
Fuzzy Measure for Similarity of Numerical Vectors,
Fuzzy Economic Review, 2(1):17-38.
Yuan, Y., & Shaw M. (1995). Induction of fuzzy decision
trees, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 69(1):125-139.
Zimmermann H. J. (2005), Fuzzy Set Theory and its
Applications, Springer, 4th edition.

Association Rules: Techniques that find in a database conjunctive implication rules of the form X and
Y implies A and B.
Attribute: A quantity describing an instance. An
attribute has a domain defined by the attribute type,
which denotes the values that can be taken by an attribute.
Classifier: A structured model that maps unlabeled
instances to finite set of classes.

Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Data Mining Tasks

Clustering: The process of grouping data instances

into subsets in such a manner that similar instances are
grouped together into the same cluster, while different
instances belong to different clusters.
Data Mining: The core of the KDD process, involving the inferring of algorithms that explore the data,
develop the model, and discover previously unknown
Fuzzy Logic: A type of logic that recognizes more
than simple true and false values. With fuzzy logic,
propositions can be represented with degrees of truth-

fulness and falsehood thus it can deal with imprecise

or ambiguous data. Boolean logic is considered to be
a special case of fuzzy logic.
Instance: A single object of the world from which
a model will be learned, or on which a model will be
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD): A
nontrivial exploratory process of identifying valid,
novel, useful, and understandable patterns from large
and complex data repositories.



Independent Subspaces
Lei Xu
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, & Peking University, Beijing, China



Several unsupervised learning topics have been extensively studied with wide applications for decades
in the literatures of statistics, signal processing, and
machine learning. The topics are mutually related and
certain connections have been discussed partly, but
still in need of a systematical overview. The article
provides a unified perspective via a general framework of independent subspaces, with different topics
featured by differences in choosing and combining
three ingredients. Moreover, an overview is made via
three streams of studies. One consists of those on the
widely studied principal component analysis (PCA) and
factor analysis (FA), featured by the second order independence. The second consists of studies on a higher
order independence featured independent component
analysis (ICA), binary FA, and nonGaussian FA. The
third is called mixture based learning that combines
individual jobs to fulfill a complicated task. Extensive
literatures make it impossible to provide a complete
review. Instead, we aim at sketching a roadmap for
each stream with attentions on those topics missing
in the existing surveys and textbooks, and limited to
the authors knowledge.

x = x + e = Ay + e, [y = y(1) , y (2) , y (3) ]T .

A number of unsupervised learning topics are featured
by its handling on a fundamental task. As shown in
Fig.1(b), every sample x is projected into x on a manifold and the error e = x x of using x to represent
x is minimized collectively on a set of samples. One
widely studied situation is that a manifold is a subspace
represented by linear coordinates, e.g., spanned by three
linear independent basis vectors a1 , a 2 , a 3 as shown in
Fig.1(a). So, x can be represented by its projection
y ( j ) on each basis vector, i.e.,
x = j y (1) a j


Typically, the error e = x x is measured by the

square norm, which is minimized when e is orthogonal
to x . Collectively, the minimization of the average error
e on a set of samples or its expectation E e 2 is featured
by those natures given at the bottom of Fig.1(a).
Generally, the task consists of three ingredients, as
shown in Fig.2. First, how the error e = x x is measured. Different measures define different projections.
The square norm d = e applies to a homogeneous
medium between x and x . Other measures are needed
for inhomogeneous mediums. In Fig.1(c), a non-orthogonal but still linear projection is considered via
d = e B = e T e1e with e1 = B T B , as if e is first mapped
to a homogeneous medium by a linear mapping e and
then measured by the square norm. Shown at the bot2
tom of Fig.1(c) are the natures of this Min e B . Being
considerably different from those of Min e , more
assumptions have to be imposed externally.
The second ingredient is a coordinate system, via
either linear vectors in Fig.1(a)&(c) or a set of curves
on a nonlinear manifold in Fig.1(b). Moreover, there
is the third ingredient that imposes certain structure
to further constrict how y is distributed within the
coordinates, e.g., by the nature d).
The differences in choosing and combining the
three ingredients lead to different approaches. We use
the name independent subspaces to denote those
structures with the components of y being mutually
independent, and get a general framework for accommodating several unsupervised learning topics.
Subsequently, we summarize them via three
streams of studies by considering

d = e B = e T e1e and two special cases,

three types of independence structure, and whether there is temporal structure among samples,
varying from one linear coordinate system to
multiple linear coordinate systems at different
locations, as shown in Fig.2.

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Independent Subspaces

Figure 1.

Figure 2.


Independent Subspaces


We start at considering samples of independently and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) by linear coordinates and
an independent structure of a Gaussian p(y t | ) , with
the projection measure varying as illustrated within the
first column of the table in Fig.2. We encounter factor
analysis (FA) in the general case d = e B = eT BT Be. At
the special case B = e I , the linear coordinates span
a principal subspace of data. Further imposing ATA =
I and requiring the columns of A given by the first m
principal components (PCs), i.e., eigenvectors that
correspond the largest eigenvalues of = ( B B ) .
It becomes equivalent to PCA. Moreover, at the degenerated case e = 0, y = xW de-correlates components
of y, e.g., performing a pre-whitening as encountered
in signal processing.
We summarize studies on the Roadmap A. The first
stream originated from 100 years ago. The first adaptive
learning one is Oja rule that finds the 1st-PC (i.e., the
eigenvector that corresponds the largest eigenvalue
of ), without explicitly estimating . Extended
to find multi-PCs, one way is featured by either an
asymmetrical or a sequential implementation of the
1st-PC rule, but suffering error-accumulation. Details
are referred to Refs.5,6,67,76,96 in (Xu, 2007a). The
other way is finding multi-PCs symmetrically, e.g., Oja
subspace rule. Further studies are summarized into the
following branches:

MCA, Dual Subspace, and TLS Fitting

In (Xu, Krzyzak&Oja, 1991), a dual pattern recognition
is suggested by considering both the principal subspace
and its complementary subspace, as well as both the
multiple PCs and its complementary counterparts--the
components that correspond the smallest eigenvalues
of (i.e., the row vectors of U in Fig.2). Moreover,
the first adaptive rule is proposed by eqn.(11a) in (Xu,
Krzyzak&Oja, 1991) to get the component that corresponds the smallest eigenvalue of , under the name
Minor component analysis (MCA) firstly coined by Xu,
Oja&Suen (1992), and it is also used for implementing a
total least square (TLS) curve fitting. Subsequently, this
topic has been brought to the signal processing literature
by Gao, Ahmad & Swamy (1992) that was motivated
by a visit of Gao to Xus office where Xu introduced
him the result of Xu,Oja&Suen (1992). Thereafter, adap894

tive MCA learning for TLS filtering becomes a popular

topic of signal processing, see (Feng,Bao&Jiao,1998)
and Refs.24,30,58,60 in (Xu,2007a).
It was also suggested in (Xu,Krzyzak&Oja,1992)
that an implementation of PCA or MCA is made by
switching the updating sign in the above eqn.(11a). Efforts were subsequently made to examine the existing
PCA rules on whether they remain stable after such
a sign switching. These jobs usually need tedious
mathematical analyses of ODE stability, e.g., Chen &
Amari (2001). An alternative way is turning an optimization of a PCA cost into a stable optimization of an
induced cost for MCA, e.g., the LMSER cost is turned
into one for subspace spanned by multiple MCs (Xu,
1994, see Ref.111, Xu2007a). A general method is
further given by eqns(24-26) in (Xu, 2003) and then
discussed in (Xu, 2007a).

LMSER Learning and Subspace Tracking

A new adaptive PCA rule is derived from the gradient
E 2 (W ) for a least mean square error reconstruction
(LMSER) (Xu,1991), with the first proof proposed
on global convergence of Oja subspace rule--a task
that was previously regarded as difficult. It was
shown mathematically and experimentally that LMSER improves Oja rule by further comparative studies, e.g, see (Karhunen,Pajunen&Oja,1998) and see
(Refs14,15,48,54,71,72, Xu2007a). Two years after
(Xu,1991), this E2(W) is used for signal subspace tracking via a recursive least square technique (Yang,1993),
then followed by others in the signal processing literature (Refs.33&55, Xu2007a). Also, PCA and subspace
analysis can be performed by other theories or costs
(Xu, 1994a&b). The algebraic and geometric properties
were further analyzed on one of them, namely relative
uncertainty theory (RUT), by Fiori (2000&04, see
Refs.25,29, Xu2007a). Moreover, the NIC criterion
for subspace tracking is actually a special case of this
RUT, which can be observed by comparing eqn.(20)
in (Miao& Hua,1998 ) with the equation of e at the
end of Sec.III.B in (Xu,1994a).

Principal Subspace vs. Multi-PCs

Oja subspace rule does not truly find the multi-PCs
due to a rotation indeterminacy. Interestingly, it is
demonstrated experimentally that adding a sigmoid
function makes LMSER approximate the multi-PCs

Independent Subspaces

Figure 3.


Independent Subspaces

Figure 4.


Independent Subspaces

well (Xu,1991). Working at Harvard in the late summer 1991, Xu got aware of Brockett (1991) and thus
extended the Brockett flow of n n orthogonal matrices
to that of n n1 orthogonal matrices with n > n1 , from
which two learning rules for truly the multi-PCs are
obtained through modifying the LMSER rule and Oja
subspace rule. The two rules were included as eqns
(13)&(14) in Xu (1993) that was submitted in 1991,
which are independent and also different from Oja
(1992). Recently, Tanaka (2005) unifies these rules into
one expression controlled by one parameter, and a
comparative study was made to show that eqn(14) in
(Xu,1993) turned out to be the most promising one.

ponent analysis (ICA), tackled in the following four


p( y ) = p( y ( j ) )
j =1

Adaptive Robust PCA

In the statistics literature, robust PCA was proposed to
resist outliers via a robust estimator on . Xu&Yuille
(1992&95) generalized the rules of Oja, LMSER, and
MCA into robust adaptive learning by statistical physics,
related to the Huber M-estimators. Also, the PCA costs
in (Xu,1994b) are extended to robust versions in Tab.2
of (Xu, 1994a). Thereafter, efforts have been further
made, including its use in computer vision, e.g., see
(Refs9,21,45,52, Xu2007a).
On Roadmap A, another branch consists of advances on FA, which includes PCA as its special case
at e = e2 I . In the past decade, there is a renewed
interest on FA, not only the EM algorithm for FA is
brought to implementing PCA, but also adaptive EM
algorithm and other advances are developed in help of
the Bayesian Ying Yang (BYY) harmony learning.


Noticing the table in Fig.2, we proceed as p(y (j)
t |
becomes nonGaussian ones in the last two columns.
Shown at the left-upper corner on Roadmap B, the degenerated case e = 0 leads to the problem of solving x =
Ay from samples of x and an independence constraint

p( y ) = p( y ( j ) )
j =1

One way is solving induced nonlinear algebraic

equations. Another way is called independent com-

Seeking extremes of the higher order cumulants

of y.
Using nonlinear Hebbian learning for removing
higher order dependences among components of
y, actually from which ICA studies originate.
Optimizing a cost that bases on

directly. As shown on Roadmap B, a same updating equation is reached from several aspects,
with actual differences coming from pre-specify( j)
ing the nonlinearity of f ( y ) . One works when
the source components of y* are all subgaussians
while the other works when the components of
y*are all supergaussians. This problem is solved
( j)
by learning jointly W and f ( y ) via a parametric
model. It is further found that a rough estimate of
each source is already enough, which motivates
the so called one-bit-matching conjecture that is
recently proved to be true mathematically (Xu,
Implementing nonlinear LMSER (Xu, 1991&93).
Details are referred to Roadmap B. Here, we
add clarifications on two previous confusions.
One relates to an omission of the origin of nonlinear LMSER. This has already been clarified
in (Karhunen,Pajunen, &Oja,1998; Hyvarinen,
Karhunen, & Oja, 2001;Plumbley &Oja,2004),
clearly spelling out that the nonlinear E2(W) and
its adaptive gradient rule were both proposed
firstly in (Xu, 1991&93). The second confusion
is about that ICA is usually regarded as a counterpart of PCA. As stated in (Xu,2001b&03)
and observed from the Table in Fig.2, ICA by y
= xW is actually an extension of de-correlation
analysis, in any combinations of PCs and MCs.
The counterpart of MCA is minor ICA (M-ICA)
while the counterpart of PCA is principal ICA

In fact, the concept `principal emerges from et =

xt Ay 0. As shown within the table in Fig.2 and on
the rightmost column on Roadmap B, as p(y t |

Independent Subspaces

becomes nonGaussian ones, FA is extended to a binary

FA (BFA) if y is binary, and a nonGaussian FA (NFA)
if y is real but nonGaussian. Similar to FA perform2
ing PCA at e = e I , both BFA and NFA become to
perform a P-ICA at e = e2 I .
Observing the first box in this column, for et = xt
Ay 0 we need to seek an appropriate nonlinear map
y = f(x). It usually has no analytical solution but needs
an expensive computation to approximate. As discussed
in (Xu, 2003), nonlinear LMSER uses a sigmoid non( j)
( j)
linearity y t = s ( z t ), z = xW to avoid computing costs
and approximately implements a BFA for a Bernoulli
p( y ( j ) ) with a probability p j = N1 t =1 s( z t( j ) ) and a NFA for
p( y ( j ) ) with a pseudo uniform distribution on (, +),
as well as a nonnegative ICA (Plumbley&Oja,2004)
( j)
when p( y ) is on [0, +). However, further quantitative analysis is needed for this approximation.
Without approximation, the EM algorithm is developed for maximum likelihood learning since 1997,
still suffering expensive computing costs. Favorably,
further improvements have also been achieved by the
BYY harmony learning. Details are referred to the
rightmost column on Roadmap B.

Next, we move to multiple subspaces at different

locations as shown in Fig.2. Studies are summarized on
Roadmap C, categorized according to one key point, i.e.,
a scheme p ,t that allocates a sample x t to different
subspaces. This p ,t bases on two issues.
One is a local measure on how the -th subspace is
suitable for representing x t . The other is a mechanism
that summarizes the local measures of subspaces to
yield p ,t . One typical mechanism is that emerges
in the EM algorithm for the maximum likelihood or
Bayesian learning, where x t is fractionally allocated
among subspaces proportional to their local measures.
Another typical mechanism is that x t is nonlinearly
located to one or more winners via a competition based
on the local measures, e.g,, as in the classic competitive
learning and the rival penalized competitive learning
Also, a scheme p ,t may come from blending both
types of mechanisms, as that from the BYY harmony
learning. Details are referred to (Xu,2007c) and its
two http-sites.



Another important task is how to determine the number

k of subspaces and the dimension m of each subspace.
It is called model selection, usually implemented in
two phases. First, a set of candidates are considered
by enumerating k and m , with unknown parameters
estimated by the maximum likelihood learning. Second,
the best among the candidates is selected by one of
criteria, such as AIC, CAIC, SIC/BIC/MDL, Cross
Validation, etc. However, this two-phase implementation is computationally very extensive. Moreover,
the performance will degenerate considerably when
the sample size is finite while k and m are not too
One trend is letting model selection to be made
automatically during learning, i.e., on a candidate
with k and m initially being large enough, learning not only determines unknown parameters but also
automatically shrinks k and m to appropriate ones.
Two such efforts are RPCL and the BYY harmony
learning. Details are referred to (Xu,2007c) and its
two http-sites.
Also, there are open issues on x = Ay + e, e 0,
with components of y mutually independent in higher
order statistics. Some are listed below:

We further consider temporal samples shown at the

bottom of the rightmost column on both Roadmap A
and Roadmap B, via embedding a temporal structure
in p(y (j)
. A typical one is using
t | t




j ,

= { (j)


e.g., a linear regression


q( j )

= =1 ( j )


to turn a model (e.g., one in the table of Fig.2) into

temporal extensions. Information is carried over time
in two ways. One is computing t by the regres(j)
sion, with learning on t made through the gradient
with respect to j j by a chain rule. The second is
and getting the
computing p(y t | t
gradient with respect to j j . Details are referred to Xu


Independent Subspaces

Figure 5.

Which part of unknown parameters in x = Ay + e

can be determined uniquely ?
Under which conditions, the independence

and the best reconstruction of x by x = Ay can be

achieved simultaneously? If not, what is the best
nonlinear y = f(x) in term of both

p( y ) = p( y ( j ) )

p( y ) = p( y ( j ) )

j =1

can be ensured in concept? Can it be further

achieved by a learning algorithm?
In what a sense, both ensuring

j =1

and e 0?
Can such a best be obtained analytically or via
an effective computing?

p( y ) = p( y ( j ) )
j =1

Studies of three closely related unsupervised learning
streams have been overviewed in an extensive scope

Independent Subspaces

and from a systematic perspective. A general framework of independent subspaces is presented, from
which a number of learning topics are summarized
via different features of choosing and combining the
three basic ingredients.

Plumbley, M.D., & Oja, E., (2004), A nonnegative

PCA algorithm for independent component analysis,
IEEE Transactions Neural Networks 15(1),66-76.


Xu, L., (2007a), A unified perspective on advances

of independent subspaces: basic, temporal, and local
structures, Proc.6th.Intel.Conf.Machine Learning and
Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 19-22 Aug.2007, 767-776.

The work is supported by Chang Jiang Scholars Program

by Chinese Ministry of Education for Chang Jiang
Chair Professorship in Peking University.

Brockett, R.W., (1991), Dynamical systems that sort
lists, diagonalize matrices, and solve linear programming problems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Chen, T., & Amari, S., (2001), Unified stabilization
approach to principal and minor components extraction
algorithms, Neural Networks 14(10),13771387.

Tanaka, T., (2005), Generalized weighted rules for

principal components tracking, IEEE Transactions
Signal Processing 53(4),1243- 1253.

Xu, L., (2007b), One-bit-matching ICA theorem,

convex-concave programming, and distribution approximation for combinatorics, Neural Computation
Xu, L., (2007c), A unified perspective and new results on RHT computing, mixture based learning, and
multi-learner based problem solving, Pattern Recognition 40,2129-2153. Also see http://www.scholarpedia.

Feng, D.Z., Bao, Z., & Jiao, L.C., (1998), Total least
mean squares algorithm, IEEE Transactions Signal
Processing 46,21222130.

Xu, L., (2003), Independent component analysis and

extensions with noise and time: A Bayesian Ying-Yang
learning perspective, Neural Information Processing
Letters and Reviews 1(1),1-52.

Gao, K., Ahmad, M.O., & Swamy, M.N., (1992), Learning algorithm for total least-squares adaptive signal
processing, Electronic Letters 28(4),430432.

Xu, L., (2001a), BYY harmony learning independent

state space and generalized APT financial analyses,
IEEE Transactions Neural Networks 12,822849.

Hyvarinen, A., Karhunen, J., & Oja, E., (2001), Independent component analysis, John Wiley, NY, 2001.

Xu, L., (2001b), An Overview on Unsupervised

Learning from Data Mining Perspective, Advances
in Self-Organizing Maps, Allison et al, Eds., Springer,

Karhunen, J., Pajunen, P. & Oja , E., (1998), The nonlinear PCA criterion in blind source separation: relations
with other approaches, Neurocomputing 22,5-20.
Miao, Y.F., & Hua, Y.B., (1998), Fast subspace tracking and neural network learning by a novel information criterion, IEEE Transactions Signal Processing
Oja, E., (1992), Principal components, minor components, and linear neural networks, Neural Networks
Oja, E., Ogawa, H., & Wangviwattana, J., (1991),
Learning in nonlinear constrained Hebbian networks,
Proc.ICANN91, 385-390.

Xu, L., (2000), Temporal BYY learning for state space

approach, hidden Markov model and blind source
separation, IEEE Transactions Signal Processing
Xu, L., Cheung, C.C., & Amari, S., (1998), Learned
parametric mixture based ICA algorithm, Neurocomputing 22,69-80.
Xu, L., (1994a), Beyond PCA learning: from linear
to nonlinear and from global representation to local
representation, Proc.ICONIP94, Vol.2,943-949.

Independent Subspaces

Xu, L., (1994b), Theories for unsupervised learning:

PCA and its nonlinear extensions, Proc.IEEE ICNN94,
Xu, L., (1993), Least mean square error reconstruction principle for self-organizing neural-nets, Neural
Networks 6,627648.
Xu, L., Oja, E., & Suen, C.Y., (1992), Modified Hebbian learning for curve and surface fitting, Neural
Networks 5,393-407.
Xu, L., & Yuille, A.L., (1992&95), Robust PCA
learning rules based on statistical physics approach,
Proc.IJCNN92-Baltimore, Vol.I:812-817. An extended version on IEEE Transactions Neural Networks
Xu, L., (1991), Least MSE reconstruction for self-organization, Proc.IJCNN91-Singapore, Vol.3,2363-73.
Xu, L., Krzyzak, A., & Oja, E., (1991), A neural net
for dual subspace pattern recognition methods, International Journal Neural Systems 2(3),169-184.
Yang, B., (1993), Subspace tracking based on the projection approach and the recursive least squares method,
Proc.IEEE ICASSP93, Vol.IV,145148.

BYY Harmony Learning: It is a statistical learning
theory for a two pathway featured intelligent system
via two complementary Bayesian representations of
the joint distribution on the external observation and
its inner representation, with both parameter learning
and model selection determined by a principle that
two Bayesian representations become best harmony.
Factor Analysis: A set of samples {x t }t =1 is described by a linear model x = Ay + + e, where is a
constant, y and e are both from Gaussian and mutually
uncorrelated, and components of y are called factors
and mutually uncorrelated. Typically, the model is
estimated by the maximum likelihood principle.

basis vectors and the corresponding coordinates are

mutually independent.
Least Mean Square Error Reconstruction (LMSER): For an orthogonal projection xt onto a subspace
spanned by the column vectors of a matrix W, maximizN
ing N t =1 (w x t ) subject to W W = I is equivalent to
minimizing the mean square error N1 t =1 x t x t by
using the projection x t = WW T x t as reconstruction of
xt, which is reached when W spans the same subspace
spanned by the PCs.
Minor Component (MC): Being orthogonal complementary to the PC, the solution of
min (w t w =1} J(w) = N1 t =1 (w r x t )2 = w T
is the MC,
while the m-MCs are referred to the columns of W
that minimizes J(W ) = N t =1 || W x t || = Tr[W W ]
subject to W W = I .
Principal Component (PC): For samples {x t }t =1
with a zero mean, its PC is a unit vector w originated
at zero with a direction along which the average of the
orthogonal projection by every sample is maximized,
i.e., max(w t w =1} J(w) = N1 t =1 (w T x t )2 = w T
, the
solution is the eigenvector of the sample covariance
matrix = N1 t =1 t Tt , corresponding to the largest
eigen-value. Generally, the m-PCs are referred to
the m orthonormal vectors as the columns of W that
maximizes J(W ) = N1 t =1 || W r x t ||2 = Tr[W T W ] .

Rival Penalized Competitive Learning: It is a

development of competitive learning in help of an
appropriate balance between participating and leaving mechanisms, such that an appropriate number of
agents or learners will be allocated to learn multiple
structures underlying observations. See http://www.
Total Least Square (TLS) Fitting: Given samples
{z t }t =1 , z t = [y t , xtT ]T, instead of finding2 a vector w
to minimize the error N t =1 y t w x t , the TLS
fitting is finding an augmented vector w~ = [ w T , c ]T such
~T 2
that the error N t =1 w z t
is minimized subject
to w~ w~ = 1 , the solution is the MC of {z t }tN=1 .

Independence Subspaces: It refers to a family of

models, each of which consists of one or several subspaces. Each subspace is spanned by linear independent


Information Theoretic Learning

Deniz Erdogmus
Northeastern University, USA
Jose C. Principe
University of Florida, USA

Learning systems depend on three interrelated components: topologies, cost/performance functions, and
learning algorithms. Topologies provide the constraints
for the mapping, and the learning algorithms offer the
means to find an optimal solution; but the solution is
optimal with respect to what? Optimality is characterized by the criterion and in neural network literature, this
is the least addressed component, yet it has a decisive
influence in generalization performance. Certainly, the
assumptions behind the selection of a criterion should
be better understood and investigated.
Traditionally, least squares has been the benchmark
criterion for regression problems; considering classification as a regression problem towards estimating class
posterior probabilities, least squares has been employed
to train neural network and other classifier topologies
to approximate correct labels. The main motivation to
utilize least squares in regression simply comes from
the intellectual comfort this criterion provides due to
its success in traditional linear least squares regression
applications which can be reduced to solving a system of linear equations. For nonlinear regression, the
assumption of Gaussianity for the measurement error
combined with the maximum likelihood principle could
be emphasized to promote this criterion. In nonparametric regression, least squares principle leads to the
conditional expectation solution, which is intuitively
appealing. Although these are good reasons to use the
mean squared error as the cost, it is inherently linked to
the assumptions and habits stated above. Consequently,
there is information in the error signal that is not captured during the training of nonlinear adaptive systems
under non-Gaussian distribution conditions when one
insists on second-order statistical criteria. This argument extends to other linear-second-order techniques
such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear
discriminant analysis (LDA), and canonical correlation

analysis (CCA). Recent work tries to generalize these

techniques to nonlinear scenarios by utilizing kernel
techniques or other heuristics. This begs the question:
what other alternative cost functions could be used
to train adaptive systems and how could we establish
rigorous techniques for extending useful concepts
from linear and second-order statistical techniques
to nonlinear and higher-order statistical learning

This seemingly simple question is at the core of recent
research on information theoretic learning (ITL) conducted by the authors, as well as research by others on
alternative optimality criteria for robustness to outliers and faster convergence, such as different Lp-norm
induced error measures (Sayed, 2005), the epsilon-insensitive error measure (Scholkopf & Smola, 2001),
Hubers robust m-estimation theory (Huber, 1981), or
Bregmans divergence based modifications (Bregman,
1967). Entropy is an uncertainty measure that generalizes the role of variance in Gaussian distributions by
including information about the higher-order statistics
of the probability density function (pdf) (Shannon &
Weaver, 1964; Fano, 1961; Renyi, 1970; Csiszr &
Krner, 1981). For on-line learning, information theoretic quantities must be estimated nonparametrically
from data. A nonparametric expression that is differentiable and easy to approximate stochastically will
enable importing useful concepts such as stochastic
gradient learning and backpropagation of errors. The
natural choice is kernel density estimation (KDE)
(Parzen, 1967), due its smoothness and asymptotic
properties. The plug-in estimation methodology (Gyorfi
& van der Meulen, 1990) combined with definitions
of Renyi (Renyi, 1970), provides a set of tools that are
well-tuned for learning applications tools suitable

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Information Theoretic Learning

for supervised and unsupervised, off-line and on-line

learning. Renyis definition of entropy for a random
variable X is
HA ( X ) =

log pA ( x)dx


This generalizes Shannons linear additivity postulate to exponential additivity resulting in a parametric
family. Dropping the logarithm for optimization simplifies algorithms. Specifically of interest is the quadratic
entropy (=2), because its sample estimator requires
only one approximation (the density estimator itself)
and an analytical expression for the integral can be
obtained for kernel density estimates. Consequently, a
sample estimator for quadratic entropy can be derived
for Gaussian kernels of standard deviation on an iid
sample set {x1,,xN} as the sum of pairwise sample
(particle) interactions (Principe et al, 2000):
1 N N
H 2 ( X ) = log( 2 G
N i =i j =1


( xi x j ))


The pairwise interaction of samples through the

kernel intriguingly provides a connection to entropy
of particles in physics. Particles interacting trough information forces (as in the N-body problem in physics)
can employ computational techniques developed for
simulating such large scale systems. The use of entropy
in training multilayer structures can be studied in the
backpropagation of information forces framework
(Erdogmus et al, 2002). The quadratic entropy estimator was employed in measuring divergences between
probability densities and blind source separation
(Hild et al, 2006), blind deconvolution (Lazaro et al,
2005), and clustering (Jenssen et al, 2006). Quadratic
expressions with mutual-information-like properties
were introduced based on the Euclidean and CauchySchwartz distances (ED/CSD). These are advantageous
with computational simplicity and statistical stability
in optimization (Principe et al, 2000).
Following the conception of information potential
and force and principles, the pairwise-interaction
estimator is generalized to use arbitrary kernels and
any order of entropy. The stochastic information
gradient (SIG) is developed (Erdogmus et al, 2003) to
train adaptive systems with a complexity comparable

to the LMS (least-mean-square) algorithm - essential

for training complex systems with large data sets.
Supervised and unsupervised learning is unified under
information-based criteria. Minimizing error entropy in
supervised regression or maximizing output entropy for
unsupervised learning (factor analysis), minimization
of mutual information between the outputs of a system
to achieve independent components or maximizing
mutual information between the outputs and the desired
responses to achieve optimal subspace projections in
classification is possible. Systematic comparisons of
ITL with conventional MSE in system identification
verified the advantage of the technique for nonlinear
system identification and blind equalization of communication channels. Relationships with instrumental
variables techniques were discovered and led to the
error-whitening criterion for unbiased linear system
identification in noisy-input-output data conditions
(Rao et al, 2005).


Kernel Machines and Spectral Clustering: KDE has
been motivated by the smoothness properties inherent to
reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS). Therefore,
a practical connection between KDE-based ITL, kernel
machines, and spectral machine learning techniques
was imminent. This connection was realized and exploited in recent work that demonstrates an information
theoretic framework for pairwise similarity (spectral)
clustering, especially normalized cut techniques (Shi
& Malik, 2000). Normalized cut clustering is shown
to determine an optimal solution that maximizes the
CSD between clusters (Jenssen, 2004). This connection
immediately allows one to approach kernel machines
from a density estimation perspective, thus providing
a robust method to select the kernel size, a problem
still investigated by some researchers in the kernel
and spectral techniques literature. In our experience,
kernel size selection based on suitable criteria aimed
at obtaining the best fit to the training data - using
Silvermans regularized squared error fit (Silverman,
1986) or leave-one-out cross-validation maximum
likelihood (Duin, 1976), for instance - has proved to
be convenient, robust, and accurate techniques that
avoid many of the computational complexity and load


Information Theoretic Learning

issues. Local data spread based modifications resulting

in variable-width KDE are also observed to be more
robust to noise and outliers.
An illustration of ITL clustering by maximizing the
CSD between the two estimated clusters is provided
in Figure 1. The samples are labeled to maximize
DCS ( p, q ) = log

< p, q > f
|| p || f || q || f


where p and q are KDE for two candidate clusters, f is

the overall data KDE and the weighted inner product
to measure angular distance between clusters is
< p, q > f = p ( x)q ( x) f 1 ( x)dx


When estimated using a weighted KDE variant, this

criterion becomes equivalently

DCS ( p, q)

xi p , y j q

xi p , xi p

K1/ f ( xi , y j )

K1/ f ( xi , x j )

yi q , y j q

K1/ f ( yi , y j )


where K1/f is an equivalent kernel generated from the

original kernel K (Gaussian here). One difficulty with
kernel machines is their nonparametric nature, the
requirement to solve for the eigendecomposition of a
large positive-definite matrix that has size NN, for N
training samples. The solution is a weighted sum of
kernels evaluated over each training sample, thus the
test procedure for each novel sample involves evaluating the sum of N kernels: ytest = kN=1 wk K ( xtest xk ) .
The Fast Gauss Transform (FGT) (Greengard, 1991),
which uses the polynomial expansions for a Gaussian
(or other) kernel has been employed to overcome this
difficulty. FGT carefully selects few center points
around which truncated Hermite polynomial expansions
approximate the kernel machine. FGT still requires
heavy computational load in off-line training (minimum
O(N2), typically O(N3)). The selection of expansion
centers is typically done via clustering (e.g., Ozertem
& Erdogmus, 2006).
Correntopy as a Generalized Similarity Metric:
The main feature of ITL is that it preserves the universe
of concepts we have in neural computing, but allows
the adaptive system to extract more information from
the data. For instance, the general Hebbian principle is

Figure 1. Maximum CSD clustering of two synthetic benchmarks: training and novel test data (left), KDE using
Gaussian kernels with Silverman-kernel-size (center), and spectral projections of data on two dominant eigenfunctions of the kernel. The eigenfunctions are approximated using the Nystrom formula.


Information Theoretic Learning

reduced into a second order metric in traditional artificial

neural network literature (input-output product), thus
becoming a synonym for second order statistics. The
learning rule that maximizes output entropy (instead
of output variance), using SIG with Gaussian kernels
is w(n) = H ( x(n) x(n 1))( y (n) y (n 1)) (Erdogmus et
al, 2002), which still obeys the Hebbian principle,
yet extracts more information from the data (leading
to the error-whitening criterion for input-noise robust
ITL quantifies global properties of the data, but
will it be possible to apply it to functions, specifically
those in RKHS? A concrete example is on similarity
between random variables, which is typically expressed
as second order correlation. Correntropy generalizes
similarity to include higher order moment information.
The name indicates the strong relation to correlation,
but also stresses the difference the average over the
lags (for random processes) or over dimensions (for
multidimensional random variables) is the information
potential, i.e. the argument of second order Renyis entropy. For random variables X and Y with joint density
p(x,y), correntropy is defined as
V ( X , Y ) = D ( x y ) p ( x, y )dxdy


and measures how dense the two random variables are

along the line x=y in the joint space. Notice that it is
similar to correlation, which also asks the same question
in a second moment framework. However, correntropy
is local to the line x=y, while correlation is quadratically dependent upon distances of samples in the joint
space. Using a KDE with Gaussian kernels
V ( X ,Y ) =

1 N
G ( xi yi )
N i =1


Correntropy is a positive-definite function, thus

defines a RKHS. Unlike correlation, RKHS is nonlinearly related to the input, because all moments of the
random variable are included in the transformation.
It is possible to analytically solve for least squares
regression and principal components in this space,
yielding nonlinear fits in input space. Correntopy induced metric (CIM) behaves as the L2-norm for small
distances and progressively approaches the L1-norm
and then converges to L0 at infinity. Thus robustness to
outliers is automatically achieved and equivalence to
Hubers robust estimation can be proven (Santamaria,
2006). Unlike conventional kernel methods, correntropy
solutions remain in the same dimensionality as the in-

Figure 2. Maximum mutual information projection versus kernel LDA test ROC results on hand-written digit
recognition shown in terms of type-1 and type-2 errors (left); ROC results (Pdetect vs Pfalse) compared for various
techniques on sonar data. Both data are from the UCI Machine Learning Repository (2007).


Information Theoretic Learning

put vector. This might indicate built-in regularization

properties, yet to be explored.
Nonparametric Learning in the RKHS: It is
possible to obtain robust solutions to a variety of
problems in learning using the nonparametric and local
nature of KDE and its relationship with RKHS theory.
Recently, we explored the possibility of designing
nonparametric solutions to the problem of identifying
nonlinear dimensionality reduction schemes that maintain maximal discriminative information in a pattern
recognition problem (quite appropriately measured
by the mutual information between the data and the
class labels as agreed upon by many researchers).
Using the RKHS formalism and based on the KDE,
results were obtained that consistently outperformed
the alternative rather heuristic kernel approaches such
as kernel PCA and kernel LDA (Scholkopf & Smola,
2001). The conceptual oversight in the latter two is that,
both PCA and LDA procedures are most appropriate
for Gaussian distributed data (although acceptable for
other symmetric unimodal distributions and are commonly but possibly inappropriately used for arbitrary
data distributions).
Clearly, the distribution of the data in the kernel
induced feature space could not be Gaussian for all typically exploited kernel selections (such as the Gaussian
kernel), since these are usually translation invariant,
therefore the data is, in principle, mapped to an infinite
dimensional hypersphere on which the data could not

have been Gaussian distributed (nor symmetrically

distributed in general for the ideal kernel for a given
problem since these are positive definite functions).
Consequently, the hasty use of kernel extensions of
second-order techniques is not necessarily optimal
in a meaningful statistical sense. Nevertheless, these
techniques have found successful applications in various
problems; however, their suboptimality is clear from
comparisons with more carefully designed solutions.
In order to illustrate how drastic the performance difference could be, we present a comparison of a mutual
information based nonlinear nonparametric projection
approach (Ozertem et al, 2006) and kernel LDA in a
simplified two-class handwritten digit classification
case study and sonar mine detection case study. The
ROC curves of both algorithms on the test set after being
trained with the same data is shown in Figure 2. The
kernel is assumed to be a circular Gaussian with size
set to Silvermans rule-of-thumb. For the sonar data, we
also include KDE-based approximate Bayes classifier
and linear LDA for reference. In this example, KLDA
performs close to mutual information projections, as
observed occasionally.

Nonparametric Snakes, Principal Curves and
Surfaces: More recently, we have been investigating

Figure 3. Nonparametric snake after convergence from an initial state that was located at the boundary of the
guitar image rectangle (left). The global principal curve of a mixture of ten Gaussians obtained according to
the local subspace maximum definition for principal manifolds (right).


Information Theoretic Learning

the application of KDE and RKHS to nonparametric

clustering, principal curves and surfaces. Interesting
mean-shift-like fixed-point algorithms have been
obtained; specifically interesting is the concepts of
nonparametric snakes (Ozertem & Erdogmus, 2007)
and local principal manifolds (Erdogmus & Ozertem,
2007) that we developed recently. The nonparametric
snake approach overcomes the principal difficulties
experienced by snakes (active contours) for image
segmentation, such as low capture range, data curvature inhomogeneity, and noisy and missing edge
information. Similarly, the local conditions for determining whether a point is in a principal manifold or
not provide guidelines for designing fixed point and
other iterative learning algorithms for identifying such
important structures.
Specifically in nonparametric snakes, we treat the
edgemap of an image as samples and the values of the
edginess as weights to construct a weighted KDE, from
which, a fixed point iterative algorithm can be devised
to detect the boundaries of an object in background.
The designed algorithm can be easily made robust to
outlier edges, converges very fast, and can penetrate
into concavities, while not being trapped into the object
at missing edge localities. The guitar image in Figure
3 emphasizes these advantages as the image exhibits
both missing edges and concavities, while background
complexity is trivially low as that was not the main
concern in this experiment the variable width KDE
easily avoids textured obstacles. The algorithm could
be utilized to detect the ridge-boundary of a structure
in any dimensional data set in other applications.
In defining principal manifolds, we avoided the
traditional least-squares error reconstruction type criteria, such as Hasties self-consistent principal curves
(Hastie & Stuetzle, 1989), and proposed a local subspace
maximum definition for principal manifolds inspired
by differential geometry. This definition lends itself to
a uniquely defined principal manifold hierarchy such
that one can use inflation and deflation to obtain a d-dimensional principal manifold from a (d+1)-dimensional
principal manifold. The rigorous and local definition
lends itself to easy algorithm design and multiscale
principal structure analysis for probability densities.
We believe that in the near future, the community
will be able to prove maximal information preserving
properties of principal manifolds obtained using this
definition in a manner similar to mean-shift clustering

solving for minimum information distortion clustering

(Rao et al, 2006) and maximum likelihood modelling
achieving minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence
asymptotically (Carreira-Perpinan & Williams, 2003;
Erdogmus & Principe, 2006).

The use of information theoretic learning criteria in
neural networks and other adaptive system solutions
have so far clearly demonstrated a number of advantages that arise due to the increased information content
of these measures relative to second-order statistics
(Erdogmus & Principe, 2006). Furthermore, the use of
kernel density estimation with smooth kernels allows
one to obtain continuous and differentiable criteria
suitable for iterative descent/ascent-based learning
and the nonparametric nature of KDE and its variants
(such as variable-size kernels) allow one to achieve
simultaneously robustness, global optimization through
kernel annealing, and data modeling flexibility in designing neural networks and learning algorithms for a
variety of benchmark problems. Due to lack of space,
detailed mathematical treatments cannot be provided
in this article; the reader is referred to the literature
for details.

Bregman, L.M., (1967). The Relaxation Method of
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Application to the Solution of Problems in Convex
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Duin, R.P.W., On the Choice of Smoothing Parameter
for Parzen Estimators of Probability Density Functions.
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Erdogmus, D., Ozertem, U., (2007). Self-Consistent

Locally Defined Principal Surfaces. Proceedings of
ICASSP 2007. to appear.
Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., From Linear Adaptive
Filtering to Nonlinear Information Processing. IEEE
Signal Processing Magazine, (23) 6, 14-33.
Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., Hild II, K.E., (2002). Do
Hebbian Synapses Estimate Entropy? Proceedings of
NNSP02, 199-208.
Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., Hild II, K.E., (2003).
On-Line Entropy Manipulation: Stochastic Information Gradient. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, (10)
8, 242-245.
Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., Vielva, L. Luengo, D.,
(2002). Potential Energy and Particle Interaction Approach for Learning in Adaptive Systems. Proceedings
of ICANN02, 456-461.
Fano, R.M. (1961). Transmission of Information: A
Statistical Theory of Communications, MIT Press.
Greengard, L., Strain, J., (1991). The Fast Gauss
Transform. SIAM Journal of Scientific and Statistical
Computation, (12) 1, 7994.
Gyorfi, L., van der Meulen, E.C. (1990). On Nonparametric Estimation of Entropy Functionals. Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics, (G.
Roussas, ed.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 81-95.
Hastie, T., Stuetzle, W., (1989). Principal Curves.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, (84)
406, 502-516.
Hild II, K.E., Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., (2006).
An Analysis of Entropy Estimators for Blind Source
Separation. Signal Processing, (86) 1, 182-194.
Huber, P.J., (1981). Robust Statistics. Wiley.
Jenssen, R., Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., Eltoft, T.,
(2004). The Laplacian PDF Distance: A Cost Function
for Clustering in a Kernel Feature Space. Advances in
NIPS04, 625-632.
Jenssen, R., Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., Eltoft, T.,
(2006). Some Equivalences Between Kernel Methods
and Information Theoretic Methods. JVLSI Signal
Processing Systems, (45) 1-2, 49-65.


Lazaro, M., Santamaria, I., Erdogmus, D., Hild II,

K.E., Pantaleon, C., Principe, J.C., (2005). Stochastic
Blind Equalization Based on PDF Fitting Using Parzen
Estimator. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
(53) 2, 696-704.
Ozertem, U., Erdogmus, D., (2006). Maximum Entropy
Approximation for Kernel Machines. Proceedings of
MLSP 2005.
Ozertem, U., Erdogmus, D., Jenssen, R., (2006). Spectral Feature Projections that Maximize Shannon Mutual
Information with Class Labels. Pattern Recognition,
(39) 7, 1241-1252.
Ozertem, U., Erdogmus, D., (2007). A Nonparametric
Approach for Active Contours. Proceedings of IJCNN
2007, to appear.
Parzen, E., (1967). On Estimation of a Probability
Density Function and Mode. Time Series Analysis
Papers, Holden-Day, Inc.
Principe, J.C., Fisher, J.W., Xu, D., (2000). Information
Theoretic Learning. Unsupervised Adaptive Filtering,
(S. Haykin, ed.), Wiley, 265-319.
Rao, Y.N., Erdogmus, D., Principe, J.C., (2005). Error
Whitening Criterion for Adaptive Filtering: Theory and
Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
(53) 3, 1057-1069.
Rao, S., de Madeiros Martins, A., Liu, W., Principe, J.C.,
(2006). Information Theoretic Mean Shift Algorithm.
Proceedings of MLSP 2006.
Renyi, A., (1970). Probability Theory, North-Holland
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Sayed, A.H. (2005). Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering. Wiley & IEEE Press.
Scholkopf, B., Smola, A.J. (2001). Learning with
Kernels. MIT Press.
Shannon, C.E., Weaver, W. (1964). The Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois
Shi, J., Malik, J., (2000). Normalized Cuts and Image
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Information Theoretic Learning

Silverman, B.W., (1986). Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis, Chapman & Hall.
Santamaria, I., Pokharel, P.P., Principe, J.C., (2006).
Generalized Correlation Function: Definition, Properties, and Application to Blind Equalization. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, (54) 6, 2187-2197.
UCI Machine Learning Repository (2007). http:// last accessed
in June 2007.

Cauchy-Schwartz Distance: An angular density
distance measure in the Euclidean space of probability
density functions that approximates information theoretic divergences for nearby densities.
Correntropy: A statistical measure that estimates
the similarity between two or more random variables
by integrating the joint probability density function
along the main diagonal of the vector space (line along
ones). It relates to Renyis entropy when averaged over
sample-index lags.

Information Theoretic Learning: A technique

that employs information theoretic optimality criteria
such as entropy, divergence, and mutual information
for learning and adaptation.
Information Potentials and Forces: Physically
intuitive pairwise particle interaction rules that emerge
from information theoretic learning criteria and govern
the learning process, including backpropagation in
multilayer system adaptation.
Kernel Density Estimate: A nonparametric technique for probability density function estimation.
Mutual Information Projections: Maximally
discriminative nonlinear nonparametric projections
for feature dimensionality reduction based on the
reproducing kernel Hilbert space theory.
Renyi Entropy: A generalized definition of entropy
that stems from modifying the additivity postulate and
results in a class of information theoretic measures that
contain Shannons definitions as special cases.
Stochastic Information Gradient: Stochastic
gradient of nonparametric entropy estimate based on
kernel density estimation.



Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation

O. Valenzuela
University of Granada, Spain
I. Rojas
University of Granada, Spain
F. Rojas
University of Granada, Spain
A. Guillen
University of Granada, Spain
L. J. Herrera
University of Granada, Spain
F. J. Rojas
University of Granada, Spain
M. Cepero
University of Granada, Spain

This chapter is focused on the analysis and classification of arrhythmias. An arrhythmia is any cardiac pace
that is not the typical sinusoidal one due to alterations
in the formation and/or transportation of the impulses.
In pathological conditions, the depolarization process
can be initiated outside the sinoatrial (SA) node and
several kinds of extra-systolic or ectopic beatings can
Besides, electrical impulses can be blocked, accelerated, deviated by alternate trajectories and can
change its origin from one heart beat to the other, thus
originating several types of blockings and anomalous
connections. In both situations, changes in the signal
morphology or in the duration of its waves and intervals
can be produced on the ECG, as well as a lack of one
of the waves.
This work is focused on the development of intelligent classifiers in the area of biomedicine, focusing
on the problem of diagnosing cardiac diseases based
on the electrocardiogram (ECG), or more precisely on
the differentiation of the types of atrial fibrillations.
First of all we will study the ECG, and the treatment

of the ECG in order to work with it, with this specific

pathology. In order to achieve this we will study different ways of elimination, in the best possible way,
of any activity that is not caused by the auriculars. We
will study and imitate the ECG treatment methodologies
and the characteristics extracted from the electrocardiograms that were used by the researchers that obtained
the best results in the Physionet Challenge, where the
classification of ECG recordings according to the type
of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) that they showed, was realised. We will extract a great amount of characteristics,
partly those used by these researchers and additional
characteristics that we consider to be important for the
distinction mentioned before. A new method based on
evolutionary algorithms will be used to realise a selection of the most relevant characteristics and to obtain
a classifier that will be capable of distinguishing the
different types of this pathology.

The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a diagnostic tool that
measures and records the electrical activity of the heart

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)

in exquisite detail (Lanza 2007). Interpretation of these

details allows diagnosis of a wide range of heart conditions. The QRS complex is the most striking waveform
within the electrocardiogram (Figure 1). Since it reflects the electrical activity within the heart during the
ventricular contraction, the time of its occurrence as
well as its shape provide much information about the
current state of the heart. Due to its characteristic shape

it serves as the basis for the automated determination

of the heart rate, as an entry point for classification
schemes of the cardiac cycle, and often it is also used
in ECG data compression algorithms.
A normal QRS complex is 0.06 to 0.10 sec (60 to
100 ms) in duration. In order to have a signal clean
of auricular activity in the ECG, we will analyse and
compare performances from these two different approaches:

Figure 1. Diagram of the QRS complex


To remove the activity of the QRS complex, subtracting from the signal a morphological average
of its activity for every heart beat,
To detect the TQ section among heart beats (which
are zones clean of ventricular activity) and analyse
only data from that section.

There exists a great variety of algorithms to carry

out the extraction of the auricular activity from the
electrocardiogram such as the Thakor method (a recurrent adaptive filter structure), adaptive filtering of the
whole band, methods based on neural-networks, spatial-temporal cancellation methods and methods based
on Wavelets or on the concept of Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) (Castells et al. 2004, Gilad-Bachrach
et al. 2004, Petrutiu et al. 2004).
A fundamental step in any of these approaches is
the detection of the QRS complex in every heart beat.
Software QRS detection has been a research topic for

Figure 2. The segments are shown detected by the algorithm on the two channels of a registration. In green the
end of the wave T is shown, and in red the principle of the wave Q. Therefore each tract among final of wave
T (green) and wave principle Q (red), it is a segment of auricular activity. The QRST complex is automatically
detected with good precision.


Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)

more than 30 years. Once the QRS complex is identified, we will have a starting point to implement some
different techniques for the QRST removal. Figure 2
show how the QRST is automatically detected. This
is the first step in the analysis of the ECG.
The study and analysis of feature extraction techniques from ECG signals is a very common task in any
implementation of automatic classification systems
from signals of any kind. During the execution of
this sub-task, it is very important to analyse different
research results existing in the literature.
It is important to analyse the use of the frequency
domain to obtain the Dominant Atrial Frequency (DAF)
which is an index of the auricular activity which measures the dominant frequency in the frequency spectrum
that can be obtained from the auricular activity signal.
In this spectrum, for each ECG record, the maximum
energy peak is calculated, and this frequency will be the
one that dominates the spectrum (Cantini et al. 2004).
It is also important to use the RR distance, and different filters in the 4-10Hz range, using a Butterworth
filter of first order. It is important to note the MUSIC
(Multiple Signal Clasification) method of order 12
to calculate the pseudo-periodogram of the signal. In
order to obtain more robust estimations, signal filtering by variable-length windows, with no overlapping,
and on every one of them, an analysis of the frequency
spectrum can be performed. It is also important to note
the Welch method, the Choi-Williams transform, and
some heuristical methods used by cardiology experts
(Atrial Fibrillation, 2007).

The genetic programming (GP) can be understood as an
extension of the genetic algorithm (GA) (Zhao, 2007).
GP began as an attempt to discover how computers
could learn to solve problems, in different fields, like
automatic desing, function approximation, classification, robotic control, signal processing, without being
explicitly programmed to do so (Koza, 2003). Also, in
bio-medical application, GP has been extensively and
satisfactorily used (Lopes, 2007). The primary differences between GAS and GP can be summarised as a)
GP typically codes solutions as tree structured, variable
length chromosomes, while GAs generally make use
of chromosomes of fixed length and structure, b) GP
typically incorporates a domain specific syntax that

governs acceptable (or meaningful) arrangements of

information on the chromosome. For GAs, the chromosomes are typically syntax free.
The field of program induction, using a tree-structured approach, was first clearly defined by Koza
(Koza, 2003).The following steps summarise the search
procedure used with GP.


Create an initial population of programs, randomly

generated as compositions of the function and
terminal sets.
WHILE termination criterion not reached DO
(a) Execute each program to obtain a performance (fitness) measure representing how
well each program performs the specified
(b) Use a fitness proportionate selection method
to select programs for reproduction to the
next generation.
(c) Use probabilistic operators (crossover and
mutation) to combine and modify components of the selected programs.
The fittest program represents a solution to the


In the different articles we have studied, the authors did
not use any algorithmic method in order to try to classify
the electrocardiograms (Cantini et al. 2004, Lemay et
al. 2004). The authors applied simple methods to try to
establish the possible classification based on the classification capacity of one single characteristic or pairs
of characteristics (through a graphic representation)
(Hay et al. 2004). Nevertheless, the fact that one single
characteristic might not be perfect individually to classify a group of patterns in the different categories, does
not mean that combined with another or others it does
not obtain some high percentages in the classification.
Due to the great quantity of characteristics obtained
from the ECG, a method to classify the patterns was
needed, alongside a way of selecting the subgroup of
characteristics optimal for classifying, since the great
quantity of existing characteristics would introduce
noise as soon as the search for the optimal classifier of
the patterns of characteristics begins. In total 55 different

Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)

characteristics were used, from the papers (Cantini et

al. 2004, Lemay et al. 2004, Hayn et al. 2004, Mora et
al. 2004). There are other paper in the bibliography that
used soft-computing method to analyze ECG (Wiggins
et al. 2008, Lee et al. 2007, Yu et al. 2007).
In this paper, a new intelligent algorithm based on
genetic programming (one paradigm of the soft-computing area) for simultaneously select the best features is
proposed for the problem of classification spontaneous
termination of atrial fibrillation. In this algorithm genetic
programming is used to search for a good classifier at
the same time as the search for an optimal subgroup of
characteristics. The algorithm consists of a population
of classifiers, and each one of those is associated with a
fitness value that indicates how well it classifies. Each
classifier is made up of:

A binary vector of characteristics, which indicates

with 1s the characteristics it uses.
A multitree with as many trees as classes as has
the collection of data of the problem. Every tree
i distinguishes between the class i (giving a positive output) and the rest of the classes (negative
output). Furthermore, it is connected to values pj
(frequency of failures), and wj (frequency of successes). The trees are made up of function nodes
[+,-,*,/, trigonometric functions (sine, cosine,
etc.), statistic functions (minimums, maximums,
average)] and terminal nodes {constant number
and features}. Their translation to a mathematical
formula is immediate.

The algorithm consists of a loop in which in each

repetition a new population is formed from the previous through the genetic operators. The classifiers that
score the highest on fitness will have more possibilities
to participate, with which the population will tend to
improve its quality with the successive generations.
The proposed algorithm is composed of the following
building blocks:

Fitness function. The fitness function combines

the double objective of achieving a good classification and a small subgroup of characteristics:

Fitness = f 1 + A e n


In this equation, f is the sum of the cases of success

in the classification of the trees, is the cardinality of
the feature subset used, n is the total number of features
and is a parameter which determines the relative importance that we want to assign for correct classification
and the size of the feature subset, calculated as:

A = C 1



where C is a constant, and TotalGen is the number of

generations proposed genetic algorithm is evolved,
and gen is the current generation number.

Figure 3. An example of a crossover operation in the proposed multitree classifier. (a) and (b) are initially the
classifiers P1 and P2. In the figures (c) and (d) the results of the crossover operator is presented.


Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)


Reproduction operator: a classifier chosen

proportionally to the fitness passes on, intact, to
the next generation.
Mutation operator: a classifier is selected randomly and nodes of a tree are changed, giving
more probability to the worst trees.
Crossover operator: homogeneous cross
(classifiers with the same characteristics) and
heterogeneous cross (classifiers with a similar
subgroup). It realises the exchange of subtrees
and trees between the classifiers. Figure 3 shows
the behaviour of this operator.

It was thought to be useful to value the characteristics first, and use this assessment when a subgroup
would be assigned to the classifier. This is performed
in the following steps:

A probability is given to each characteristic of

being assigned to the initial subgroup of the classifier proportional to its assessment.
G-flip was used to assess the characteristics (GiladBacharach et al. 2004). G-flip is a greedy search
algorithm for maximizing an evaluation function
that take into account the number of features selected. The algorithm repeatedly iterates over the
feature set and updates the set of chosen features.
In each iteration it decides to remove or add the
current feature to the selected set by evaluating
the margin term of the evaluation function with
and without this feature. This algorithm is similar

to the zero-temperature Monte-Carlo (Metropolis)

method. It converges to a local maximum of the
evaluation function, as each step increases its
value and the number of possible feature sets is
The proposed methodology devalues bad characteristics in groups with a large quantity of
characteristics, thus accelerating their convergence to good groups of characteristics and good
classification results.

We have used and compared two different new intelligent classifiers. The first one presents an online feature selection algorithm using genetic programming.
The proposed genetic programming methodology
simultaneously selects a good subset of features and
constructs a classifier using the selected features for
the problem of ECG classification. We have designed
new genetic operator in order to produce a robust and
precise algorithm. The other classifier is based in the
hybridization of a feature selection algorithm and a
neural network system based on kernel method (Support Vector Machine).
We have four classification task:
Event A: To differ among registration N (Group
N: non-terminating AF -defined as AF that was
not observed to have terminated for the duration

Table 1. Comparison of different approaches (in bracket the standard deviation)


(Molina et al.

New evolutive
algorithm for




Event A:
Event B:
Event C:
Event D:


91 (2)
66 (4)
88 (6)
62 (4)


98 (2)
81 (14)
83 (6)
80 (5)

Kernel method
(Support Vector
(Schlkopf et al.

98 (2)
68 (12)
75 (9)
77 (6)

Relief (Kononenko


64 (8)
74 (6)
68 (6)
49 (4)

Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)

of the long-term recording, at least an hour following the segment-) and registration T (Group
T: AF that terminates immediately (within one
second) after the end of the record).
Event B: To differ among the type registrations
S (Group S: AF that terminates one minute after
the end of the record) and those of type T.
Event C: To differ among registrations type N
of AF and a second group in which registrations
type S and type T are included.
Event D: Separation of the 3 types of registrations
in a simultaneous way.
These groups N,T and S are distributed across a
learning set (consisting of 10 labelled records from
each group) and two test sets. Test set A contains 30
records, of which about one-half are from group N,
and of which the remainder are from group T. Test
set B contains 20 records, 10 from each of groups S
and T. Table 1 shows the simulation results (in % of
classification), for different method and the evolutive
algorithm proposed for ECG classification:

The field of signal processing in bio-medical problems is
an exciting and increasingly field nowadays. The rapid
development of powerful microcomputers promoted
the widespread application of software for electrocardiogram analysis and QRS detection algorithms in
cardiological devices, and automatic classifiers.
However, and important research field for the next
year, will be the hybridization of new intelligent techniques, as genetic algorithm and genetic programming,
or other paradigms from soft-computing (fuzzy logic,
neural networks, SVM, etc.), that improve the behaviour
of standard classification algorithm for the diagnosis
of different cardiological pathologies.

In this paper, a new online feature selection algorithm using genetic programming technique has been
proposed as classifier for classification spontaneous
termination of atrial fibrillation. In a combined way,
our genetic programming methodology automatically

selects the required features while design the multitree

Different genetic operator has been design for the
multitree classifier, and for a better performance of the
classifier, the initialization process generates solution
using smaller feature subsets with has been previously
selected with a greedy search algorithm (G-Flips) for
maximizing the evaluation function. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated in a real
problem: The Classification Spontaneous Termination
of Atrial Fibrillation. At this point, it is important to note
that the use of different characteristic gives different
classification result as can be observed by the authors
working in this challenge. The selection of different
features extracted from an electrocardiogram has a
strong influence on the problem to be solve and in the
behaviour of the classifier. Therefore it is important to
develop a general tool able to be face with different
cardiac illnesses, which can select the most appropriate
features in order to obtain an automatic classifier. As it
can be observed, the proposed methodology has very
good result compared with the winner of the challenge
from PhysioNet and Computers in Cardiology 2004,
even if this methodology has been developed in a general
way to resolved different classification problems.

Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Flutter Fibrillation- What are
they? ).
Cantini, F., et al. (2004). Predicting the end of an Atrial
Fibrillation Episode: The PhysioNet Challenge, Computers in Cardiology, 121-124
Castells, F., Rieta J.J., Mora C., Millet J., & Snchez
C. (2004). Estimation of Atrial Fibrilatory Waves fron
one-lead ECGs using principal component analysis
concepts, Computer in Cardiology, 215-219.
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Margin based feature selection - theory and algorithms.
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Hayn, D., et al. (2004). Automated Prediction of Spontaneous Termination of Atrial Fibrillation from Electrocardiograms. Computers in Cardiology, 117-120
Kononenko, I. (1994), Estimating Attributes: Analysis
and Extensions of RELIEF. ECML, 171182.

Intelligent Classifier for Atrial Fibrillation (ECG)

Koza, J.R., (2003).Genetic Programming IV:

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Lanza, G.A., (2007). The Electrocardiogram as a
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Cardiovascular Diseases,(50) 2, 87-111
Lee., C.S., & Wang, M.H. (2007) Ontological fuzzy
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Arrhythmia: Arrhythmias are disorders of the
regular rhythmic beating of the heart. Arrhythmias
can be divided into two categories: ventricular and
Atrial Fibrillation: The atrial fibrillation (AF) is
the sustained arrhythmia that is most frequently found
in clinical practice, present in 0.4% of the total population. Its frequency increases with age and with the
presence of structural cardiopathology. AF is especially
prevalent in the elderly, affecting 2-5% of the population older than 60 years and 10 percent of people older
than 80 years.
Electrocardiogram: The electrocardiogram (ECG)
is a diagnostic tool that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart
Feature Selection: Feature selection is a process
frequently used in classification algorithm, wherein
a subset of the features available from the data are
selected for the classifier. The best subset contains
the least number of dimensions or features that most
contribute to a correct classification process.
Genetic Algorithm: Genetic Algorithms (GA) are
a way of solving problems by mimicking the same
processes mother nature uses. They use the same combination of selection, recombination and mutation to
evolve a solution to a problem.
Genetic Programming: Genetic Programming
(GP), evolved a solution in the form of a Lisp program using an evolutionary, population-based, search
algorithm which extended the fixed-length concepts
of genetic algorithms.
Soft-Computing: Refers to a collection of different paradigms (such as fuzzy logic, neural networks,
simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and other
computational techniques), which are focussed in analyze, model and discover information in very complex
Support Vector Machine (SVM): Are a special
Neural Networks that performs classification by constructing an N-dimensional hyperplane that separates
the data into two categories.


Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and

G. Nicols Marichal
University of La Laguna, Spain
Evelio J. Gonzlez
University of La Laguna, Spain

The concept of agent has been successfully used in a
wide range of applications such as Robotics, e-commerce, agent-assisted user training, military transport
or health-care. The origin of this concept can be located
in 1977, when Carl Hewitt proposed the idea of an
interactive object called actor. This actor was defined
as a computational agent, which has a mail address
and a behaviour (Hewitt, 1977). Actors receive messages from other actors and carry out their tasks in a
concurrent way.
It is difficult that a single agent could be sufficient
to carry out a relatively complex task. The usual approach consists of a society of agents - called Multiagent
Systems (MAS) -, which communicate and collaborate
among them and they are coordinated when pursuing
a goal.
The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the aspects
related to the application of MAS to System Engineering and Robotics, focusing on those approaches that
combine MAS with other Artificial Intelligence (AI)

There is not an academic definition accepted by every
researcher about the term agent. In fact, agent researchers have offered a variety of definitions explicating his
or her particular use of the word. An extensive list of
these definitions can be found in (Franklin and Graesser,
1996). It does not fall in the scope of this chapter to
reproduce that list. However, we will include some of
them, in order to illustrate how heterogeneous these
definitions are.

Autonomous agents are computational systems that

inhabit some complex dynamic environment, sense and
act autonomously in this environment, and by doing
so realize a set of goals or tasks for which they are
designed. (Maes, 1995, p. 108)
Autonomous agents are systems capable of autonomous, purposeful action in the real world. (Brustoloni,
1991, p. 265)
An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving
its environment through sensors and acting upon that
environment through effectors. (Russell and Norvig,
1995, p. 31)
Despite the existing plethora of definitions, agents
are often characterized by only describing their features
(long-live, autonomy, reactivity, proactivity, collaboration, ability to perform in a dynamic and unpredictable
environment, etc.). With these characteristics, users
can delegate to agents tasks designed to be carried out
without human intervention, for instance, as personal
assistants that learn from its user.
In most of applications, a standalone agent is not
sufficient for carrying out the desired task: agents are
forced to interact with other agents, forming a MAS.
Due to their capacity of flexible autonomous action,
MAS can treat with open or at least highly dynamic
or uncertain- environments. On the other hand, MAS
can effectively manage situations where distributed
systems are needed: the problem being solved is itself
distributed, the data are geographically distributed, systems with many components and huge content, systems
with future extensions, etc. A researcher could include
a single agent to implement all the tasks. Nevertheless,
this type of macroagent represents a bottleneck for the
system speed, reliability and management.

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Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

It is clear that the design of a MAS is more complex than a single agent. Apart from the code for the
treatment of the task-problem, a developer needs to
implement those aspects related to communication,
negotiation among the agents and its organization in
the system. Nevertheless, it has been shown that MAS
offer more than they cost (Cockburn, 1996) (Gonzalez,
2006) (Gonzalez, 2006b) (Gyurjyan, 2003) (Seilonen


An important topic in System Engineering is that of
process control problem. We can define it as the one of
manipulating the input variables of a dynamic system
in an attempt to influence over the output variables in a
desired fashion, for example, to achieve certain values
or certain rates (Jacquot, 1981). In this context, as other
Engineering disciplines, we can find a lot of relevant
formalisms and standards, whose descriptions are out
of the scope of this chapter. An interested reader can
get an introductory presentation of these aspects in
(Jacquot, 1981).
Despite their advantages, there are few approaches
to the application of MAS technology to process automation (much less than applications to other fields such
as manufacturing industry). Some reasons for this lack
of application can be found in (Seilonen, 2005):

Process automation requires run-time specifications that are difficult to reach by the current agent
The parameters in the automation process design
are usually interconnected in a strict way, thus
it is highly difficult to decompose the task into
agent behaviors.
Lack of parallelism to be modeled through

In spite of these difficulties, some significant approaches to the application of MAS to process control
can be distinguished:


An interesting approach of application of MAS to

process control is that in which communication
techniques among agents are used as a mechanism of integration among systems independently
designed. An example of this approach is the

ARCHON (Architecture for Cooperative Heterogeneous on-line systems) architecture (Cockburn,

1996) that has been used in at least three engineering domains: Electricity Transportation, Electricity Distribution and Particle Accelerator Control.
In ARCHON, each application program (known
as Intelligent System) is provided with a layer
(called Archon Layer) that allows it to transfer
data/messages to other Intelligent Systems.
A second approach consists of those systems that
implement a closed loop-based control. In this
sense, we will cite the work of (Velasco et al.,
1996) for the control of a thermal central.
A different proposal consists of complementing a
pre-existing process automation system with agent
technology. In other words, it is a complementation, not a replacement. The agent system is an
additional layer that supervises the automation
system and reconfigures it when it is necessary.
Seilonen et al. also propose a specification of
a BDI-model-based agent platform for process
automation (Seilonen, 2005).
V. Gyurjyan et al. (2003) propose a controller
system architecture with the ability of combining
heterogeneous processes and/or control systems
in a homogeneous environment. This architecture
(based on the FIPA standard) develops the agents
as a level of abstraction and uses a description
of the control system in a language called COOL
(Control Oriented Ontology Language).
Tetiker et al. (2006) propose a decentralized
multi-layered agent structure for the control of
distributed reactor networks where local control
agents individually decide on their own objectives
allowing the framework to achieve multiple local
objectives concurrently at different parts of the
network. On top of that layer, a global observer
agent continuously monitors the system.
Horling, Lesser et al. (2006) describe a soft realtime control architecture designed to address temporal and ordering constraints, shared resources
and the lack of a complete and consistent world
view. From challenges encountered in a real-time
distributed sensor allocation environment, the
system is able to generate schedules respecting
temporal, structural and resource constraints, to
merge new goals with existing ones, and to detect
and handle unexpected results from activities.
Other proposal of real-time control architecture

Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

is CIRCA (A Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time

Control Architecture) by Musliner, Durfee and
Shin (1993), that uses separate AI and real-time
subsystems to address the problems for which
each is designed.
In this context, we proposed a MAS (called MASCONTROL) for identification and control of processes,
whose design follows the FIPA specifications (FIPA,
2007) regarding architecture, communication and protocols. This MAS implements a self-tuning regulator
(STR) scheme, so this is not a new general control
algorithm but a new approach for its development. Its
main contribution consists of showing the potential that
a controller, through the use of MAS and ontologies
expressed in OWL (Ontology Web Language)-, can
control systems in an autonomous way, using actions
whose description, for example, is on the web, and
can read on it (without knowing a priori) the logic of
how to do the control. In this context, our experience
is that agents do not offer any advantage if they are not
intelligent and ontologies represent an intelligent way
to manage knowledge since they provides the common
format in which they can express that knowledge. Two
important advantages of their use are extensibility and
communication with other agents sharing the same
language. These advantages are shown in the particular
case of open systems, that is, when different MAS from
different developers interact (Gonzalez, 2006).
As a STR, our MAS tries to carry out the processes
of identification and control of a plant. We consider
that this model can be properly managed by a MAS
due to two main reasons:

A STR scheme contains modules that are conceptually different, such as the direct interaction
with the plant to control, identification of the
system and determination of the best values for
the controller parameters.
It is possible to carry out the calculations in a parallel way. For instance, several transfer functions
could be explored simultaneously. Thus, several
agents can be launched in different computers,
taking advantage of the possibility of parallelism
provided by the MAS.

Other innovator aspect of this work is the use of

artificial neural networks (ANN) for the identification
and determination of the parameters. ANN and STR

present clear analogies. The training of a neural network

consists of finding the best values of the weights of the
network while it is necessary to optimize some parameters for a model (identification) or for a controller in
a STR. Because of this similarity of methods, we have
considered the application of ANN training methods to
control problems. In this case, ANN are applied for two
purposes: the parameter optimization of a model of the
unknown system and the optimization of the parameters
of a controller. This way, the resulting system could
be seen as a hybrid intelligent system for a real-time
application. An interested reader can get a deeper description of the system in (Gonzalez, 2006b).
It is important to remark that this framework can be
used for every algorithm of identification and control.
In this context, we have checked the MAS controlling several and different plants, obtaining a proper
behavior. In contrast, due to the transmission rate and
optimization time, the designed MAS should be used
for the controlling of not-excessively fast processes,
according to the first restriction stated above. However,
we expect to have shown an example of how the other
two (strong interdependency of the parameters and lack
of parallelism) can be overcome.
As can be seen, the mentioned restrictions often
become serious obstacles in the application of MAS
to Engineering Systems. In this framework, the use of
Fuzzy rules is a very usual solution in order to define
single-agents behaviours (Hoffmann, 2003). Unfortunately, the definition of the rules is cumbersome in
most cases. As a possible solution to the difficult task
of generating the adequate rules, several automatic
algorithms have been proposed. New rule extraction
approaches based on connectionist models have been
proposed. Among them, the Neuro-Fuzzy systems has
been proven as a way to obtain the rules, taking advantage of the learning properties of the Neural Networks
and the form of expressing the knowledge by Fuzzy
rules (Mitra and Hayashi, 2000).
In this context, several applications have been
developed. In Robotics applications, it could be cited
the work of (Lee and Qian, 1998), who describe a
two-component system for picking up moving objects
for a vibratory feeder or the work of (Kiguchi, 2004),
proposing a hierarchical neuro-fuzzy controller for
a robotic exoskeleton, to assist motion of physically
weak persons such as elderly, disabled, and injured
persons. As a particular case, a system for the detection
and identification of road markings will be presented

Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

in this chapter. This system has been incorporated to

a vehicle as it can be seen in Figure 1.
This system is based on infrared technology and
a classification tool based on a Neuro-Fuzzy System.
A particular feature to take into account in this kind
of tasks is that the detection and classification have
to be done in real time. Hence, the time consumed by
the hardware system and the processing algorithms is
critical in order to take a right decision within the time
frame of its relevance. Looking for an inexpensive
and fast system, the infrared technology is a good
alternative solution in this kind of applications. In this
direction, taking into account the time limitations, a
combination between a device based on infrared technology and different techniques to extract convenient
Fuzzy rules are used (Marichal, 2006). It is important
to remark that the extraction and the interpretation of

Figure 1. Infrared system under the vehicle


the rules have generated great interest in recent years

(Guillaume, 2007).
The final purpose is to achieve a MAS, where each
agent does its work as fast as possible, overcoming
the temporal limitations of the MAS as pointed out
by (Seilonen, 2005). In this context, we would like to
remark some approaches of MAS applied to decision
fusion for distributed sensor systems, in particular
that by Yu and Sycara (2006). In order to achieve the
mentioned MAS, it is necessary to obtain the rules
for each agent. Furthermore, a depth analysis over the
rules has to be done, minimizing the number of them
and setting the mapping between these rules and the
different scenarios.
The approach used in the shown case is based on
designing rules for each situation found by the vehicle.
In fact, each different scenario should be expressed

Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

Table 1. Rules extracted by the neuro-fuzzy approach




[0 2)

[2 4)

[4 6)

[6 8]



6, 7



22,23, 24,


by its own rules. This feature gives more flexibility in

the process of designing the desired MAS. Because
of that, the separation of rules according to the kind
of road marking could help in this purpose. In Table
1, it is shown the result of this process for the infrared
system shown in Figure 1. Note that, the reference
values are the values associated with each road marking, the range refers to the interval where the output
values of the resultant Fuzzy system could be for a
particular sign and finally, the rules are indicated by
an order number.
It is important to remark that it is necessary to
interpret the obtained rules. In this way, it is possible
to associate these rules with different situations and
generate new rules more appropriate for a particular
case under consideration. Hence, the agents related with
the detection and classification of the signs could be
expressed by this set of Fuzzy rules. Moreover, agents,
which are in charge of taking decisions based on the
information, provided by the detection and classification
of a particular road marking, could incorporate these
rules as part of them. Problems in task decomposition
process, pointed out by (Seilonen, 2005), could be
simplified in this way. On the other hand, although
the design of behaviors is very important, it should be
said that the issues related with the co-operation among
agents are also essential. In this context, the work of
(Howard et al, 2007) could be cited.

[-1 0]


As technology provides faster and more efficient
computers, the application of AI techniques to MAS
is supposed to become increasingly popular. That improvement in the computer capacity and some emerging
techniques (meta-level accounting, schedule caching,
variable time granularities, etc.) (Horling, Lesser et
al., 2006) will imply that other AI methods- impossible to be currently applied in the field of System
Engineering- will be introduced in an efficient way in
a near future.
In our opinion, other important feature to be explored
is the improvement in MAS communication. It is also
convenient to look for more efficient MAS protocols
and standards, in addition to those aspects related to
new hardware features. These improvements would
allow, for example, developing operative real-time
tele-operated applications.

The application of MAS to Engineering Systems and
Robotics is an attractive platform for the convergence
of various AI technologies. This chapter shows in
a summarized manner how different AI techniques
(ANN, Fuzzy rules, Neuro-Fuzzy systems) have been


Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

successfully included into MAS technology in the field

of System Engineering and Robotics. These techniques
can also overcome some of the traditionally described
drawbacks for MAS application, in particular, highly
difficult decomposition of the task into agent behaviors and lack of parallelism to be modeled through
However, present-day MAS technology does not
fulfill completely the severe real-time requirements
that are implicit in automation processes. Thus, and
until the technology provides faster and more efficient
computers, our opinion is that the application of AI
techniques in MAS needs to be optimized for real-time
systems, for example, extracting convenient Fuzzy
rules and minimizing its number.

Brustoloni, J.C. (1991). Autonomous Agents: Characterization and Requirements. Carnegie Mellon Technical Report CMU-CS-91-204, Pittsburgh: Carnegie
Mellon University
Cockburn D. & Jennings, N. R. (1996). ARCHON: A
Distributed Artificial Intelligence System for Industrial
Applications. In G.M.P. OHare and N.R. Jennings, editors, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
John Wiley & Sons.
Franklin S. & Graesser A. (1996). Is it an Agent, or
just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents.
Intelligent Agents III. Agent Theories, Architectures
and Languages (ATAL96).
FIPA web site. Last access: 15th
August 2007.
Gonzlez, E.J., Hamilton, A., Moreno, L., Marichal,
R., & Muoz V. (2006) Software experience when using ontologies in a multi-agent system for automated
planning and scheduling. Software - Practice and
Experience, 36 (7), 667-688.

depollution problem. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 158,

Gyurjyan, V., Abbott, D., Heyes, G., Jastrzembski,
E., Timmer, C. & Wolin, E. (2003) FIPA agent based
network distributed control system. 2003 Computing
in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03).
Hewitt, C. (1977). Viewing Control structures as Patterns of Passing Messages. Artificial Intelligence, (8)
3, 323-364.
Hoffmann, F. (2003). An Overview on Soft Computing
in Behavior Based Robotics. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 544-551.
Horling, B., Lesser V., Vincent R. & Wagner T. (2006)
The Soft Real-Time Agent Control Architecture,
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 12(1),
Howard A, Parker L. E., and Sukhatme G., (2006).
Experiments with a Large Heterogeneous Mobile
Robot Team: Exploration, Mapping, Deployment, and
Detection. International Journal of Robotics Research,
vol. 25, 5-6, 431-447.
Jacquot, R.G. (1981) Modern Digital Control Systems.
Marcel Dekker, Editor. Electrical engineering and
electronics; 11.
Kiguchi, K.; Tanaka, T.; Fukuda, T. (2004) Neuro-fuzzy
control of a robotic exoskeleton with EMG signals, IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 12, 4, 481 - 490.
Lee, K. M. & Qian, Y. F. (1998) Intelligent vision-based
part-feeding on dynamic pursuit of moving objects,
Journal Manufacturing Science EngineeringTransactions ASME 120(3), 640647.
Maes, P. (1995). Artificial Life Meets Entertainment:
Life like Autonomous Agents, Communications of the
ACM, 38 (11), 108-114

Gonzlez, E.J., Hamilton, A., Moreno, L., Marichal,

R., Marichal, G.N., & Toledo J. (2006b) A MAS
Implementation for System Identification and Process
Control. Asian Journal of Control, 8 (4). 417-423.

Marichal, G.N., Gonzlez, E.J., Acosta, L., Toledo,

J., Sigut, M. & Felipe, J. (2006). An Infrared and
Neuro-Fuzzy-Based Approach for Identification and
Classification of Road Markings. Advances in Natural
Computation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
4.222, 918-927.

Destercke S., Guillaume S. and Charnomordic B.

(2007) Building an interpretable fuzzy rule base from
data using orthogonal least squares- application to a

Mitra, S. & Hayashi, Y. (2000). Neuro-fuzzy rule generation: survey in soft computing framework. IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks. (11) 3, 748-768


Intelligent MAS in System Engineering and Robotics

Musliner, D., Durfee E. & Shin, K. (1993). CIRCA:

A Cooperative Intelligent Real-Time Control Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 23(6)
Russell, S.J. & Norvig, P. (1995), Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall
Seilonen, I., Koskinen, K., Pirttioja, T., Appelqvist, P.
& Halme, A. (2005). Reactive and Deliberative Control
and Cooperation in Multi-Agent System Based Process
Automation, 6th IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA 2005).
Tetiker, M.D., Artel, A., Tatara, E., Teymour, F., North,
M., Hood, C. & Cinar, A. (2006) Agent-based System
for Reconfiguration of Distributed Chemical Reactor
Network Operation, Proceedings of the American
Control Conference.
Velasco, J., Gonzlez, J.C., Magdalena, L. & Iglesias,
C. (1996). Multiagent-based control systems: a hybrid
approach to distributed process. Control Engineering
Practice, 4, 839-846.
Yu B. & Sycara K. (2006) Learning the Quality of
Sensor Data in Distributed Decision Fusion, International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion 06),
Florence, Italy.

Artificial Neural Network: An organized set of
many simple processors called neurons that imitates
a biological neural configuration.
FIPA: It stands for Foundation for Intelligent
Physical Agents, IEEE Computer Society standards
organization that promotes agent-based technology
and the interoperability of its standards with other
MultiAgent System: System composed of several
agents, usually designed to cooperate in order to reach
a goal.
Neuro-Fuzzy: Hybrids of Artificial neural networks
and Fuzzy Logic.
Ontology: Set of classes, relations, functions, etc.
that represents knowledge of a particular domain.
Real-Time System: System with operational deadlines from event to system response.
Self-Tuning Regulator: Type of adaptive control
system composed of two loops, an inner loop (process
and ordinary linear feedback regulator), and an outer
loop (recursive parameter estimator and design calculation which adjusts its parameters).



Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in

Multi Agent Systems
Safiye Turgay
Abant zzet Baysal University, Turkey
Fahrettin Yaman
Abant zzet Baysal University, Turkey



The query answering system realizes the selection of

the data, preparation, pattern discovering, and pattern
development processes in an agent-based structure
within the multi agent system, and it is designed to
ensure communication between agents and an effective
operation of agents within the multi agent system. The
system is suggested in a way to process and evaluate
fuzzy incomplete information by the use of fuzzy
SQL query method. The modelled system gains the
intelligent feature, thanks to the fuzzy approach and
makes predictions about the future with the learning
processing approach.
The operation mechanism of the system is a process in which the agents within the multi agent system
filter and evaluate both the knowledge in databases
and the knowledge received externally by the agents,
considering certain criteria. The system uses two
types of knowledge. The first one is the data existing
in agent databases within the system and the latter is
the data agents received from the outer world and not
included in the evaluation criteria. Upon receiving data
from the outer world, the agent primarily evaluates it
in knowledgebase, and then evaluates it to be used
in rule base and finally employs a certain evaluation
process to rule bases in order to store the knowledge
in task base. Meanwhile, the agent also completes the
learning process.
This paper presents an intelligent query answering mechanism, a process in which the agents within
the multi-agent system filter and evaluate both the
knowledge in databases and the knowledge received
externally by the agents. The following sections include some necessary literature review and the query
answering approach Then follow the future trends and
the conclusion.

The query answering system in agents utilizes fuzzy

SQL queries from the agents, then creates and optimizes
a query plan that involves the multiple data source of
the whole multi agent system. Accordingly, it controls
the execution of the task to generate the data set. The
query operation constitutes the basic function of query
answering. By query operation, the most important function of the system is fulfilled. This study also discusses
peer to peer network structure and SQL structure, as
well as query operation.
Query operation was applied in various fields. For
example, selecting the related knowledge in a web
environment was evaluated in terms of relational
concept in databases. Relational database system particularly assists the system in making evaluations for
making decisions about the future and in making the
right decisions with fuzzy logic approach (Raschia &
Mauaddib, 2002; Tatarinov et al. 2003; Galindo et al.
2001; Bosc et al. Chaudhry 1999; Saygn et al.
1999; Turgay et al.2006).
Query operation was mostly used in choosing
the related information web environment (Jim &
Suciu, 2001; He et al. (2004). Data mining approach
was used in dynamic site discovery process by the
data preparation and type recognition approaches in
complex matching schema with correlation values
in query interfaces and query schemas (Nambiar &
Kambhampati, 2006; Necib & Freytag, 2005). Query
processing within peer to peer network structure with
SQL structure was discussed generally (Cybenko et
al. 2004; Bernstein et al. 1981). Query processing and
database was reviewed with relational database (Genet
& Hinze, 2004; Halashek-Wiener et al., 2006). Fuzzy
set was proposed by Zadeh (1965) and the division of
the features into various linguistic values was widely

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

used in pattern recognition and in the fuzzy inference

system. Kubat, et al. (2004) reviewed the frequency
of the fuzzy logic approach in operations research
methods as well as artificial intelligence ones in discrete manufacturing. Data processing process within
the multi-agent systems can be grouped as static and
dynamic. While the evaluation process of existing data
by the system can be referred to as a static structure, the
evaluation process of new data or possible data within
the system can be referred to as a dynamic structure.
The studies on the static structure can be expressed
as database managements query process (McClean,
Scotney, Rutjes & Hartkamp, 2003) and the studies on
the dynamic structure can be expressed as the whole of
the agent system (Purvia, Cranefield, Bush & Carter,
2000; Hoschek, 2002; Doherty, Lukaszewicz, & Szalas,
2004, Turgay, 2006)


The query process lists the knowledge with desired
characteristics in compliance with the required condition while query answering finds the knowledge
conforming to the required conditions and responds to
the related message in the form of knowledge. In par-

ticular, a well-defined query answering process within

multi agent systems provides communication among
agents, the sharing of knowledge and the effective
performance of data processing process and learning
activities. The system is able to process incomplete
or fuzzy knowledge intelligently with the fuzzy SQL
query approach.
The distributed query answering mechanism was
proposed as a cooperative agent-based solution for
information management with fuzzy SQL query. A
multi-agent approach to information management
includes some features such as:

Distributed computation

Figure 1 represents each agents query answering

mechanism. When the data is received by the system,
the query variables are chosen by query and then the
data related with fuzzy SQL are suggested. The obtained
result is represented as the answer knowledge in the
agent and thus the process is completed.
The data are classified by the fuzzy query approach, depending on fuzzy relations and importance
levels. The rule base of the system is formed after a

Figure 1. Model driven framework for query answering mechanism in a multi-agent system

Agent 1

Agent 2

Agent n




Agent n-1


Query Variables

Evaluation with
Fuzzy SQL

Find Result

Obtained Rules
From Query Based


Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

query and evaluation. The task base structure of the

system is updated by the mechanism in line with the
obtained fuzzy rules, and then, it is ensured that the
system makes an appropriate and right decision and
acts intelligently.

Step4: determines the knowledge in compliance with

the criteria through fuzzy SQL commands
Step5: sends the obtained task or rule to the related
Step6: performs the answering operation

Operation Mechanism of Agent Based

Fuzzy Query Answering System

The agent based query answering system involves

three main stages: knowledge processing, query processing and agent learning (see Figure2). The operation
types of these stages are given in detail below.

The agent does the following:

Step1: receives the task knowledge from the related
Step2: does the fuzzification of knowledge
Step3: determines fuzzy grade values according to
knowledge features

Knowledge Processing
This is the stage where the knowledge is received by
the agent from the external environment and necessary
preparations are made before query. The criteria and

Figure 2. Suggested system model for each agent

Answering Process

Real World

Query Process
Receive knowledge


Knowledge Processing




Data F 1


Data F n

Query Processing
Query Parsing
Fuzzy Query Decomposition
Fuzzy Query Optimization

Agent Learning
Evaluate of the each rule from query results
Determination of the agent task and the bid from rule results


Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

keywords to be used in evaluating the received data

are defined in this stage. This stage can also be called
pre-query. The keywords, concepts, attribute and relationship knowledge to be analysed by the agent are
determined in this stage before query.
In this system, the behaviour structure of intelligent
query answering system is formed. During the system
modelling, the perception model considered being
coming signal, data and knowledge from the external
environment for a more understandable structure in
learning module plays an important role. Coming from
the external environment and called the input modelling;
<Ai,x, Ai, > is defined as the perception set. Agent i,
x perception coming from the external environment,
refer to the Ai,x. Table 1 includes the nomenclature of
agent based query answering system. The multi-agent
system consists of more than one agent. The agent set
is A={A1, A2,,Ai}. The knowledge set is K={K1, K2,
...,Ky}The knowledgebase is <Definition of Knowledge,
Attribute, Dependency Situation, Agent > (in Table 1
and Figure 3).
The rule set is R={R1, R2, ...,Rx}. The rule base is
<Definition of Rule, Attribute, Dependency Situation,
Agent > . The task set is T={T1, T2, ...,Tj}. The task
base is <Definition of Task, Attribute, Dependency
Situation, Agent > .
When data arrives from the external environment,
it is perceived as input : <Ai,x, Ai, > When x is

perceived by Agent i, it is referred to as Aix. This input

can also be used in knowledgebase, rule base and task
base. The following goals that were determined as
a result of the process and the evaluation of the
information coming to the knowledge-base should
have been achieved in the mechanism of intelligent
query answering.

Goal definition
Data selection
Data preparation

Query Processing
The agent performs two types of query in the process
of defining keywords, concepts or attributes during
knowledge processing. The first is external query, which
is realized among the agents, while the second is the
internal query, where the agent scans the knowledge
within itself. During these query processes, the fuzzy
SQL approach is applied.
Feature-Attribute At and relation Re are elements
formed among the components within the system.
These elements are the databases of knowledgebase,
rule base and task base. While attribute refers to agent
specifications, Resource includes not only raw data
externally received but also knowledgebase, rule base
and task base which each agent possesses.

Table 1. The nomenclature of agent based query answering system

k=1 Tjk

i agent set {A1, A2,...,Ai}

j task set in {T1, T2, ...,Tj}
i agents x percept
i agents j task sets refers to continuing subsets from k to m situation
i agents m learning situation
i agents n querying situation
i agents attribute situation
i agents r decision situation
i agents y knowledgebase
i agents x rule base
i agents t task base

Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

A={At, Re(Ki,y, Ri,x, Ti,t)}

Let P(At) denote the set of all possibility distributions that may be defined over the domain of an attribute
At. A fuzzy relation R with schema A1, A2, ,An,
where Ai is an attribute is defined as R=P(At1)P(At2)
P(Atn) D, where D is a system-supplied attribute
for membership degree with a domain [0,1] and
denotes the cross product.
Each data value V of the attribute is associated with
a possibility distribution defined over the domain of
the attribute and has a membership function denoted
by v(x). If the data value is crisp, its possibility distribution is defined by

M v (x ) =




Like standard SQL, queries in fuzzy SQL are specified in select statement of the following form:

Selection Conditions.

The semantics of a fuzzy SQL query is defined

based on satisfaction degrees of query conditions.
Consider a predicate XY in a WHERE clause. The
satisfaction degree, denoted by d(XY), is evaluated
for values of X and Y. Let the value of X be v1 and that
of Y of v2. Then,

(min(v1 (X), v2(Y),


where X and Y are crisp values in the common domain

over which v1 and v2 are defined(Yang et al., 2001).
Function is a function that compares the degrees
in terms of satisfaction among the variables. When
the satisfaction degree is evaluated for X and Y the
former takes the value of v1, while the latter takes the
value of v2.
As shown in Figure 2, bids are taken as a set, the
frequencies of the received bids are fixed and then the
bids are decomposed into groups. The decomposed


bids are included into databases of the multi-agent

system. The information in databases is fuzzified and
the interrelation between them is determined in terms
of weight and importance level.

Agent Learning Process

This is a process where the system learns the knowledge obtained as a result of query as a rule or task. The
system fulfils not only the task but also the learning
process (in Figure 3). Learning process is acquired and
the data from the external transition is processed by the
agent system of the defined aim during the activities.
Learning algorithm shows the variability of the system
status(in Table 2).
In the learning process with the help of the
query processing, candidate rules are determined
by taking the fuzzy dimension attributes and the
attribute measures into consideration. Therefore, it
would be true to say that a hierarchical order from
knowledge-base to rule-base and from rule- base to
task-base is available in the system.
Algorithm Learning Analysis
Input: A relational view that contains a set of records
and the questions for influence analysis.
Output: An efficient association rule.
Step1: Specifies the fuzzy dimension attribute and the
measure attribute.
Step2: Identifies the fuzzy dimension item sets and
calculates the support coefficient
Step3: Identifies the measure item sets and calculates
the support coefficient.
Step4: Constructs sets of candidate rules, and computes
the confidence and aggregate value.
Step5: Obtains a rule at the granularity level with
greatest confidence, and forms a rule at the aggregation level with largest abstract value of the
measure attribute.
Step6: Computes the assertions at different levels, exits
if comparable (i.e., there is no inconsistency found
in semantics at different levels).
Step7: Generates rules from the refined measure item
sets and forms the framework of the rule.
Step8: Constructs the final rule as a task for related

Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

Table 2. The query answering mechanisms learning analysis algorithm

Algorithm Learning Analysis

Input: A relational view that contains a set of records and the questions for influence
Output: An efficient association rule.
Step1: Specifies the fuzzy dimension attribute and the measure attribute.
Step2: Identifies the fuzzy dimension item sets and calculates the support coefficient
Step3: Identifies the measure item sets and calculates the support coefficient.
Step4: Constructs sets of candidate rules, and computes the confidence and aggregate
Step5: Obtains a rule at the granularity level with greatest confidence, and forms a rule at
the aggregation level with largest abstract value of the measure attribute.
Step6: Computes the assertions at different levels, exits if comparable (i.e., there is no
inconsistency found in semantics at different levels).
Step7: Generates rules from the refined measure item sets and forms the framework of
the rule.
Step8: Constructs the final rule as a task for related agent.

Figure 3. The way the input perceived by the agent is processed

Percept Includes
Knowledge Base
<Ai,x, Ki,y, Ai, >
Rule Base
<Ai,r, Ri,x, Ai, >
Task Base
<Ai,x, Ti,t, Ai, >

If using of the KnowledgeBase

Querying is <Ki,y, Ai, >

If using of the Rule Base

Querying is < Ri,x, Ai, >
If using of the Task Base
Querying is < Ti,t, Ai, >
Learning is < Ki,y, Ri,x, Ti,t, ,Ai >

The Percept send

to the instead of
the task

Task is Realizing


Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

Future tasks of the system will be realized when the
system performs query answering more quickly thanks
to the distributed, autonomous, intelligent and communicative agent structure of the suggested agent based
fuzzy query answering system. In fuzzy approach, the
system will primarily examine and group the relational
database in databases of the agents with the fuzzy logic
and then will shape the rule base of the system by applying the fuzzy logic method to these data. After the
related rule is chosen, the rule base of the system will
be designed and the decision mechanism of the system
will operate. Therefore, relational database structure
and system behaviour are important in determining
the first peculiarity of the system and in terms of data
For future research, it is noted that the design of
fuzzy databases involves not just modelling the data
but also modelling operations on the data. Relational
databases support only limited data types, while fuzzy
and possibility databases allow a much larger number
of comparatively complex data types (e.g., possibility
distributions). This suggests that it might be fruitful to
employ object-oriented database technology to allow
explicit modelling of complex data types.
The incorporation of fuzziness into distributed
events can be performed as a future study. Finally,
due to frequent changes in the positions and status of
objects in an active mobile database environment, the
issue of temporality should be considered by adapting
the research results of temporal database systems area
into active mobile databases.

This paper discusses a variety of issues in adapting
fuzzy database concepts to an active multi agent
database system which incorporates active rules in a
multi computing environment. This study shows how
fuzziness can be introduced to different aspects of rule
execution from event detection to coupling modes.
As an initial step, membership degree calculation for
various types of composite events has been explained.
Dynamic determination of coupling modes has been
done by using the strengths of events and reliabilities
of conditions which are calculated via membership
functions. Strengths of events and condition reliabili930

ties have been shown to be useful for condition and

action status, as well. The partitioning of the rule set
into multi agent system events has also been discussed
as an example of inter-rule fuzziness. Similarity based
event detection has been introduced to active multi
agent databases, which is an important contribution
from the perspective of performance.

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Agent : A system that fulfils the independent functions, perceives the outer world and establishes the
linking among the agents through its software.
Flexible Query: Incorporates some elements of the
natural language so as to make a possible simple and
powerful expression of subjective information needs.
Fuzzy SQL(Structural Query Language): It is an
extension of the SQL language that allows us to write
flexible conditions in our queries. The FSQL allows us
to use linguistic labels defined on any attribute.


Intelligent Query Answering Mechanism in Multi Agent Systems

Fuzzy SQL Query: Fuzzy SQL allows the system

to make flexible queries about crisp or fuzzy attributes
in fuzzy relational data or knowledge.
Intelligent Agent: It consists of a sophisticated
intelligent computer program; which is acting of situated, independent, reactive, proactive, flexible, recovers
from failure and interacts with other agents.
Multi-Agent System: It is a flexible incorporated
network of software agents that interact to solve the


problems that are beyond the individual capacities or

knowledge of each problem solver.
Query: Caries out the scanning of the data with
required specifications.
Query Answering: Answers a user query with the
help of a single or multi-database in the multi agent
System: A set of components considered to act as
a single goal-oriented entity.


Intelligent Radar Detectors

Ral Vicen Bueno
University of Alcal, Spain
Manuel Rosa Zurera
University of Alcal, Spain
Mara Pilar Jarabo Amores
University of Alcal, Spain
Roberto Gil Pita
University of Alcal, Spain
David de la Mata Moya
University of Alcal, Spain

The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are based on
the behaviour of the brain. So, they can be considered
as intelligent systems. In this way, the ANNs are constructed according to a brain, including its main part:
the neurons. Moreover, they are connected in order to
interact each other to acquire the followed intelligence.
And finally, as any brain, it needs having memory, which
is achieved in this model with their weights.
So, starting from this point of view of the ANNs, we
can affirm that these systems are able to learn difficult
tasks. In this article, the task to learn is to distinguish
between the presence or not of a reflected signal called
target in a Radar environment dominated by clutter.
The clutter involves all the signals reflected from
other objects in a Radar environment that are not the
desired target. Moreover, the noise is considered in
this environment because it always exists in all the
communications systems we can work with.

The ANNs, as intelligent systems, are able to detect
known targets in adverse Radar conditions. These
conditions are related with one of the most difficult
clutter we can find, the coherent Weibull clutter. It is
possible because ANNs trained in a supervised way can

approximate the Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector (De la

Mata-Moya, 2005, Vicen-Bueno, 2006, Vicen-Bueno,
2007), which is usually used in Radar systems design.
This detector maximizes the probability of detection
(Pd) maintaining the probability of false alarm (Pfa)
lower than or equal to a given value (VanTrees, 1997).
The detection of targets in presence of clutter is the
main problem in Radar detection systems. Many clutter
models have been proposed in the literature (Cheikh,
2004), although one of the most used models is the
Weibull one (Farina, 1987a, DiFranco, 1980).
The research shown in (Farina, 1987b) set the
optimum detector for target and clutter with arbitrary Probability Density Functions (PDFs). Due to
the impossibility to obtain analytical expressions for
the optimum detector, only suboptimum solutions
were proposed. The Target Sequence Known A Priori
(TSKAP) detector is one of them and is taken as reference for the experiments. Also, these solutions convey
implementation problems, some of which make them
As mentioned above, one kind of ANNs, the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP), is able to approximate
the NP detector when it is trained in a supervised way
to minimize the Mean Square Error (MSE) (Ruck,
1990, Jarabo, 2005). So, MLPs have been applied
to the detection of known targets in different Radar
environments (Gandhi, 1997, Andina, 1996).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Radar Detectors


This section starts with a discussion of the models
selected for the target, clutter and noise signals. For
these models, the optimum and suboptimum detectors are presented. These detectors will be taken as a
reference for the experiments. After, it is presented the
intelligent detector proposed in this work. This detector
is based on intelligent systems like the ANNs, and a
further analysis of its structure and parameters is made.
Finally, several results are obtained for the detectors
under study in order to analyze their performances.

Signal Models: Target, Clutter and Noise

The Radar is assumed to collect N pulses in a scan, so
input vectors (z) are composed of N complex samples,
which are presented to the detector. Under hypothesis
H0 (target absent), z is composed of N samples of clutter and noise. Under hypothesis H1 (target present),
a known target characterized by a fixed amplitude
(A) and phase () for each of the N pulses is summed
up to the clutter and noise samples. Also, a Doppler
frequency in the target model of 0,5 PRF is assumed,
where PRF is the Pulse Repetition Frequency of the
Radar system.
The noise is modelled as a coherent white Gaussian complex process of unity power, i.e., a power of
for the quadrature and phase components, respectively. The clutter is modelled as a coherent correlated
sequence with Gaussian AutoCorrelation Function
(ACF), whose complex samples have a modulus with
a Weibull PDF:
p ( w ) = ab

a 1




where |w| is the modulus of the coherent Weibull sequence and a and b are the skewness (shape) and scale
parameters of a Weibull distribution, respectively.
The NxN autocorrelation matrix of the clutter is
given by

(M c )h,k = Pc



j 2

(h k )




where the indexes h and k varies from 1 to N, Pc is the

clutter power, c is the one-lag correlation coefficient
and fc is the Doppler frequency of the clutter.
The relationship between the Weibull distribution
parameters and Pc is
Pc =

2b 2 2

a a


where ( ) is the Gamma function.

The model used to generate coherent correlated
Weibull sequences consists of two blocks in cascade:
a correlator filter and a NonLinear MemoryLess Transformation (NLMLT) (Farina, 1987a). To obtain the
desired sequence, a coherent white Gaussian sequence
is correlated with the filter designed according to (2)
and (3). The NLMLT block, according to (1), gives
the desired Weibull distribution to the sequence. So, in
that way, it is possible to obtained a coherent sequence
with the desired correlation and PDF.
Taking into consideration that the complex noise
samples are of unity variance (power), the following
power relationships are considered for the study:

Signal to Noise Ratio: SNR = 10log10(A2)

Clutter to Noise Ratio: CNR = 10log10(Pc)

Neyman-Pearson Detectors: Optimum

and Suboptimum Detectors
The problem of optimum Radar detection of targets
in clutter is explored in (Farina, 1987a) when both are
time correlated and have arbitrary PDFs. The optimum
detector scheme is built around two non-linear estimators of the disturbances in both hypotheses, which
minimize the MSE. The study of Gaussian correlated
targets detection in Gaussian correlated clutter plus
noise is carried out, but for the cases where the hypothesis are non-Gaussian distributed, only suboptimum
solutions are studied.
The proposed detectors basically consist of two
channels. The upper channel is matched to the conditions that the sequence to be detected is the sum of the
target plus clutter in presence of noise (hypothesis
H1). While the lower one is matched to the detection
of clutter in presence of noise (hypothesis H0).
For the detection problem considered in this paper,
the suboptimum detection scheme (TSKAP) shown
in figure 1 is taken. Considering that the CNR is very

Intelligent Radar Detectors

Figure 1. Target sequence known a priori detector

high (CNR>>1), the inverse of the NLMLT is assumed

to transform the Weibull clutter in Gaussian, so the
Linear Prediction Filter (LPF) is a N-1 order linear
one. Then, the NLMLT transforms the filter output in
a Weibull sequence. Besides being suboptimum, this
scheme presents two important drawbacks:


The prediction filters have N-1 memory cells that

must contain the suitable information to predict
correct values for the N samples of each input
pattern. So N+(N-1) pulses are necessary to decide
if the target is present or not.
The target sequence must be subtracted from the
input of the H1 channel.

There is no sense in subtracting the target component before deciding if this component is present
or not. So, in practical cases, it makes this scheme

Intelligent Radar Detectors

In order to overcome the drawbacks of the scheme
proposed in the previous section, a detector based on a
MLP with log-sigmoid activation function in its hidden
and output neurons with hard limit threshold after its
output is proposed. Also, as MLPs have been probed
to approximate the NP detector when minimizing the
MSE (Jarabo, 2005), it can be expected that the MLPbased detector outperforms the suboptimum scheme
proposed in (Farina, 1987a).
MLPs have been trained to minimize the MSE using
two algorithms:the back-propagation (BP) with vary-

ing learning rate and momentum (Haykin, 1999) and

the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) with varying adaptive
parameter (Bishop, 1995). While BP is based on the
steepest descent method, the LM is based on the Newton
method, which is designed specifically for minimizing
the MSE. For MLPs which have up to few hundred of
weights (W), the LM algorithm is more efficient than
the BP one with variable learning rate or the conjugate
gradient algorithms, being able to converge in many
cases when the other two algorithms fail (Hagan, 1994).
The LM algorithm uses the information (estimation of
the WxW Hessian matrix) of the error surface in each
iteration to find the minimum. It makes this algorithm
faster than the previous ones.
Cross-validation is used with both training algorithms, where training and validation sets are synthetically generated. Moreover, a new set (test set) of patterns
is generated to test the trained MLP for estimating
the Pfa and Pd using Montecarlo simulation. All the
patterns of the three sets are generated under the same
conditions (SNR, CNR and a parameters of the Radar
problem) in order to study the capabilities of the MLP
plus hard limit thresholding working as a detector.
MLPs are initialized using the Nguyen-Widrow
method (Nguyen, 1999) and, in all cases, the training
process is repeated ten times to guarantee that the performance of all the MLPs is similar in average. Once
all the MLPs are trained, the best MLP in terms of the
estimated MSE with the validation set is selected, in
order to avoid the problem of keeping in local minima
at the end of the training.
The architecture of the MLP considered for the
experiments is I/H/O, where I is the number of MLP

Intelligent Radar Detectors

inputs, H is the number of hidden neurons in its hidden layer and O is the number of MLP outputs. As the
MLPs work with real arithmetic, if the input vector
(z) is composed of N complex samples, the MLP will
have 2N inputs (N in phase and N in quadrature components). The number of MLP independent elements
(weights) to solve the problem is W=(I+1)H+(H+1)O,
including the bias of each neuron.

The performance of the detectors exposed in the
previous sections is shown in terms of the Receiver
Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves. They give
the estimated Pd for a desired Pfa, which values are
obtained varying the output threshold of the detector.
The experiments presented are made for an integration
of two pulses (N=2). So, in order to test correctly the
TSKAP detector, observation vectors (also called patterns during the text) of length 3 (N+(N-1)) complex
samples are generated, due to memory requirements
of the TSKAP detector (N-1 pulses).
The a priori probabilities of H0 and H1 hypothesis
are supposed to be the same. Three sets of patterns
are generated for each experiment: train, validation
and test sets. The first and the second ones have 5103
patterns, respectively. The third one has 2.5106 patterns, so the error in the estimation of the Pfa and the
Pd is lower than 10% of the estimated values in the
worst case (Pfa=10-4). The patterns of all the sets are
synthetically generated under the same conditions.
These conditions involve typical values (Farina, 1987a,
DiFranco, 1980, Farina, 1987b) for the SNR (20 dB),
the CNR (30 dB) and the a (a=1.2) parameter of the
Weibull-distributed clutter.
The MLP architecture used to generate the MLPbased detector is 6/H/1. The number of MLP outputs
(O=1) is established by the problem (binary detection). The number of hidden neurons (H) is studied
in this work. And the number of MLP inputs (I=6) is
established according to the next criterion. A total of 6
inputs (2(N+(N-1))) are selected when the MLP-based
detector wants to be compared with the TSKAP detector
in the same conditions, i.e., when both detectors have
the same available information (3 pulses for an integration of N=2 pulses). Because of the TSKAP detector
memory requirements, this case is considered.
Figure 2 shows the results of a study when 3 pulses
are used to take the final decision by the MLP-based

detector according to the criterion exposed above. The

study shows the influence of the training algorithm and
the MLP size, i.e., the number of independent elements
(W weights) that has the ANN to solve the problem.
For the case of study, two important aspects have to be
noted. The first one is related with the training algorithm. As can be observed, the performance achieved
with a low size MLP (6/05/1) is very similar for both
training algorithms (LM and BP). But when the MLP
size is greater, for instance, 6/10/1, the performance
achieved with the LM algorithm is better than the
performance achieved with the BP one. It is due to
the LM algorithm is more efficient than the BP one
finding the minimum of the error surface. Moreover,
the MLP training with LM is faster than the training
with BP, because the number of training epochs can be
reduced in an order of magnitude. The second aspect
is related with the MLP size. As can be observed, no
performance improvement is achieved when 20 or more
hidden neurons are used comparing both algorithms
as occurred with 10 hidden neurons. Moreover, from
20 (W=121 weights) to 30 (W=181 weights) hidden
neurons, the performance tends to a maximum value
(independently of the training algorithm used), i.e.,
almost no performance improvement is achieved with
more weights. So, an MLP-based detector with 20
hidden neurons achieves an appropriate performance
with low complexity.
A comparison between the performances achieved
with the TSKAP detector and the MLP-based detector
of size 6/20/1 trained with BP and LM algorithms is
shown in figure 3. Two differences can be observed. The
first one is that the MLP-based detector performance
is practically independent of the training algorithm,
comparing their results with the ones obtained for the
TSKAP detector. And the second one is that the 6/20/1
MLP-based detector is always better than the TSKAP
detector when they are compared in the same conditions
of availability of information, i.e., with the availability
of 3 (N+(N-1)) pulses to decide. Under these conditions
and comparing figures 2 and 3, it can be observed that
a 6/05/1 MLP-based detector is enough to overcome
the TSKAP one.
The appreciated differences between the TSKAP and
MLP-based detectors appear because the first one is a
suboptimum detector and the second one approximates
the optimum one, but it will be always worse than the
optimum detector. It can not be demonstrated because
an analytical expression for the optimum detector

Intelligent Radar Detectors

Figure 2. MLP-based detector performances for different structure sizes (6/H/1) and different training algorithms: (a) BP and (b) LM



Figure 3. TSKAP and MLP-based detectors performances for MLP size 6/20/1 trained with BP and LM

related with the research in Radar detectors. In the first

trend, it is possible to emphasize the research in areas
like ensembles of ANNs, committee machines based
on ANNs and others way to combine the intelligence
of different ANNs like the MLPs, the Radial Basis
Functions and others. Moreover, new trends try to
find different ways to train ANNs. In the second trend,
several researchers are trying to find different ways to
create radar detectors in order to improve their performances. Moreover, several solutions are proposed, but
they depend on the Radar environment considered. So,
detectors based on signal processing tools seem to be the
most appropriated, but the intelligent detector exposed
here is a new way of working, which can brings good
solutions to these problems. This is possible because
of the intelligence of the ANNs to adapt to almost any
kind of Radar conditions and problems.

can not be obtained detecting targets in presence of

Weibull-distributed clutter.

Two different future trends can be mentioned. The
first one is related with ANNs and the second one is

After the developed study, several conclusions can be
set. The LM training algorithm achieves better MLPbased detectors than the BP one. No performance
improvement is obtained for training MLPs with LM
or BP algorithms when their sizes are greater than
6/20/1. But, the great advantage of the LM one against
the BP one is its fastest training for low size MLPs (a

Intelligent Radar Detectors

few hundred of weights), i.e., the MLPs considered in

this study. Finally, the MLP-based detector works better than the TSKAP one in cases of working with the
same available information (N+(N-1)=3), because the
memory requirements of the TSKAP one. In those cases,
low complexity MLP-based detectors can be obtained
because a 6/05/1 MLP has enough intelligence to obtain
better performance than the TSKAP one.

Andina, D., & Sanz-Gonzalez, J.L. (1996). Comparison
of a Neural Network Detector Vs Neyman-Pearson
Optimal Detector. Proc. of ICASSP-96. 3573-3576.
Bishop, C.M. (1995). Neural networks for pattern
recognition. Oxford University Press Inc.
De la Mata-Moya, D., Jarabo-Amores, P., Rosa-Zurera,
M., Lpez-Ferreras, F., & Vicen-Bueno, R. (2005). Approximating the Neyman-Pearson Detector for Swerling
I Targets with Low Complexity Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (3697), 917-922.
Cheikh, K., & Faozi S. (2004). Application of Neural
Networks to Radar Signal Detection in K-distributed
Clutter. First Int. Symp. on Control, Communications
and Signal Processing Workshop Proc. 633-637.
DiFranco, J.V., & Rubin, W.L. (1980). Radar Detection. Artech House.
Farina, A.,Russo, A., Scannapieco, F., & Barbarossa,
S. (1987a). Theory of Radar Detection in Coherent
Weibull Clutter. In: Farina, A. (eds.): Optimised Radar
Processors. IEE Radar, Sonar, Navigation and Avionics,
Series 1. Peter Peregrinus Ltd. 100-116.
Farina, A., Russo, A., & Scannapieco, F. (1987b).
Radar Detection in Coherent Weibull Clutter. IEEE
Trans. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
ASSP-35 (6), 893-895.
Gandhi, P.P., & Ramamurti, V. (1997). Neural Networks
for Signal Detection in Non-Gaussian Noise. IEEE
Trans. on Signal Processing. (45) 11, 2846-2851.
Hagan. M.T., & Menhaj, M.B. (1994). Training Feedforward Networks with Marquardt Algorithm. IEEE
Trans. on Neural Networks. (5) 6, 989-993.


Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks. A Comprehensive

Foundation (Second Edition). Prentice-Hall.
Jarabo-Amores, P., Rosa-Zurera, M., Gil-Pita, R., &
Lpez-Ferreras, F. (2005). Sufficient Condition for an
Adaptive System to Aproximate the Neyman-Pearson
Detector. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal
Processing. 295-300.
Nguyen, D., & Widrow, B. (1999). Improving the
Learning Speed of 2-layer Neural Networks by Choosing Initial Values of the Adaptive Weights. Proc. of the
Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks. 21-26.
Ruck, D.W., Rogers, S.K., Kabrisky, M., Oxley, M.E.,
& Suter, B.W. (1990). The Multilayer Perceptron as
an Approximation to a Bayes Optimal Discriminant
Function. IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks. (1) 11,
Van Trees, H.L. (1997). Detection, Estimation and
Modulation Theory. Part I. John Wiley and Sons.
Vicen-Bueno, R., Jarabo-Amores, M. P., Rosa-Zurera,
M., Gil-Pita, R., & Mata-Moya, D. (2007). Performance
Analysis of MLP-Based Radar Detectors in WeibullDistributed Clutter with Respect to Target Doppler
Frequency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (4669),
Vicen-Bueno, R., Rosa-Zurera, M., Jarabo-Amores, P.,
& Gil-Pita, R. (2006). NN-Based Detector for Known
Targets in Coherent Weibull Clutter. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. (4224), 522-529.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): A network
of many simple processors (units or neurons) that
imitates a biological neural network. The units are
connected by unidirectional communication channels,
which carry numeric data. Neural networks can be
trained to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are
used in applications such as robotics, speech recognition, signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimising the error obtained from
the comparison between the ANN outputs after the
application of a set of network inputs and the desired

Intelligent Radar Detectors

outputs. The update of the weights is done according

to the gradient of the error function evaluated in the
point of the input space that indicates the input to the
Knowledge Extraction: Explicitation of the internal
knowledge of a system or set of data in a way that is
easily interpretable by the user.
Intelligence: It is a property of mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to
reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn.
Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: Similar to the
Backpropagation algorithm, but with the difference that
the error is estimated according to the Hessian Matrix.
This matrix gives information of several directions

where to go in order to find the minimum of the error

function, instead of the local minimum one that gives
the backpropagation algorithm.
Probability Density Function: The statistical function that shows how the density of possible observations
in a population is distributed.
Radar: It is the acronym of Radio Detection and
Ranging. In few words, a Radar emits an electromagnetic wave that is reflected by the target and others
objects present in its observation space. Finally, the
Radar receives these reflected waves (echoes) to
analyze them in order to decide whether a target is
present or not.



Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in

E-Commerce I
Xin Luo
The University of New Mexico, USA
Somasheker Akkaladevi
Virginia State University, USA

Equipped with sophisticated information technology
infrastructures, the information world is becoming more
expansive and widely interconnected. Internet usage
is expanding throughout the web-linked globe, which
stimulates peoples need for desired information in a
timely and convenient manner. Electronic commerce
activities, powered by Internet growth, are increasing
continuously. It is estimated that online retail will reach
nearly $230 billion and account for 10% of total U.S.
retail sales by 2008 (Johnson et al. 2003). In addition,
e-commerce entailing business-to-business (B2B),
business-to-customer (B2C) and customer-to-customer
(C2C) transactions is spawning new markets such as
mobile commerce.
By increasing the degree and sophistication of the
automation, commerce becomes much more dynamic,
personalized, and context sensitive for both buyers and
sellers. Software agents were first used several years ago
to filter information, match people with similar interests,
and automate repetitive behavior (Maes et al. 1999).
In recent years, agents have been applied to the arena
of e-commerce, triggering a revolutionary change in
the way we conduct online transactions in B2B, B2C,
and C2C. Researchers argue that the potential of the
Internet for transforming commerce is largely unrealized (Begin et al. 2002; Maes et al. 1999). Further,
He and Jennings noted that a new model of software
agent is needed to achieve the degree of automation
and move to second generation e-commerce1 applications (He et al. 2003). This is due to the predicament
that electronic purchases are still largely unautomated.
Maes et al. (1999) also addressed that, even though
information is more easily accessible and orders and
payments are dealt with electronically, humans are still
in the loop in all stages of the buying process, which
inevitably increase the transaction costs. Undoubtedly,

a human buyer is still responsible for collecting and

interpreting information on merchants and products,
making decisions about merchants and products, and
ultimately entering purchase and payment information.
Additionally, Jennings et al. (1998) confirmed that commerce is almost entirely driven by human interactions
and further argued that there is no reason why some
commerce cannot be automated.
This unautomated loop requires a lot of time and
energy and results in inefficiency and high cost for both
buyers and sellers. To automate time-consuming tasks,
intelligent software agent (ISA) technology can play
an important role in online transaction and negotiation
due to its capability of delivering unprecedented levels
of autonomy, customization, and general sophistication in the way e-commerce is conducted (Sierra et al.
2003). Systems containing ISAs have been developed
to automate the complex process of negotiating a deal
between a buyer and a seller. An increasing number
of e-commerce agent systems are being developed
to support online transactions that have a number of
variables to consider and to aim for a win-win result
for sellers and buyers.
In todays e-commerce arena, systems equipped
with ISAs may allow buyers and sellers to find the
best deal taking into account the relative importance
of each factor. Advanced systems of e-commerce that
embody ISA technologies are able to perform a number of queries and to process phenomenal volumes
of information. ISAs reduce transaction costs by collecting information about services and commodities
from a lot of firms and presenting only those results
with high relevance to the user. ISA technologies help
businesses automate information transaction activity,
largely eliminate human intervention in negotiation,
lower transaction and information search cost, and
further cultivate competitive advantage for companies.
Therefore, ISAs can free people to concentrate on the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce I

issues requiring true human intelligence and intervention. Implementing the personalized, social, continuously running, and semi-autonomous ISA technologies
in business information systems, the online business
can become more user-friendly, semi-intelligent, and
human-like (Pivk 2003).

A number of scholars have defined the term intelligent
software agent. Bradshaw (1997) proposed that one
persons intelligent agent is another persons smart
object. Jennings and Wooldridge (1995) defined agents
as a computer system situated in some environment that
is capable of autonomous action in this environment
to meets its design objective. Shoham (1997) further
described an ISA as a software entity which functions
continuously and autonomously in a particular environment, often inhabited by other agents and processes. In
general, an ISA is a software agent that uses Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in the pursuit of the goals of its clients
(Croft 2002). It can perform tasks independently on
behalf of a user in a network and help users with information overload. It is different from current programs
in terms of being proactive, adaptive, and personalized
(Guttman et al. 1998b). Also, it can actively initiate
actions for its users according to the configurations set
by the users; it can read and understand users preferences and habits to better cater to users needs; it can
provide the users with relevant information according
to the pattern it adapts from the users.
ISA is a cutting-edge technology in computational
sciences and holds considerable potential to develop
new avenues in information and communication
technology (Shih et al. 2003). It is used to perform
multi-task operations in decentralized information
systems, such as the Internet, to conduct complicated
and wide-scale search and retrieval activities, and assist
in shopping decision-making and product information
search (Cowan et al. 2002). ISAs ability of performing
continuously and autonomously stems from human
desire in that an agent is capable of operating certain
activities in a flexile and intelligent manner responsive
to changes in the environment without constant human
supervision. Over a long period of time, an agent is
capable of adapting from its previous experience and
would be able to inhabit an environment with other

agents to communicate and cooperate with them to

achieve tasks for human.

Intelligent Agent Taxonomy and

Franklin and Grasser (1996) proposed a general taxonomy of agent (see Figure 1).
This taxonomy is based on the fact that ISA technologies are implemented in a variety of areas, including
biotechnology, economic simulation and data-mining,
as well as in hostile applications (malicious codes),
machine learning and cryptography algorithms. In
addition, Nwana (1996b) proposed the agent typology
(see Figure 2) in which four types of agents can be
categorized: collaborative agents, collaborative learning agents, interface agents and smart agents. These
four agents have different congruence amid learning,
autonomy, and cooperation and therefore tend to address different sides of this topology in terms of the
According to Nwana (1996b), collaborative agents
emphasize more autonomy and cooperation than learning. They collaborate with other agents in multi-agent
environments and may have to negotiate with other
agents in order to reach mutually acceptable agreements for users. Unlike collaborative agents, interface
agents emphasize more autonomy and learning. They
support and provide proactive assistance. They can
observe users actions in the interface and suggest
better ways for completing a task for the user. Also,
interface agents cooperation with other agents is typically limited to asking for advice (Ndumu et al. 1997).

Figure 1. Franklin and Grassers agent taxonomy

(Source: Franklin & Grasser. 1996)


Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce I

Figure 2. A Part View of Agent Typology Source: Nwana (1996b)

The benefits of interface agents include reducing users

efforts in repetitive work and adapting to their users
preferences and habits. Smart agents are agents that
are intelligent, adaptive, and computational (Carley
1998). They are advanced intelligent agents summing
up the best capabilities and properties of all presented
This proposed typology highlights the key contexts
in which the agent is used in AI literature. Yet Nwana
(1996b) argued that agents ideally should do all three
equally well, but this is the aspiration rather than the
reality. Furthermore, according to Nwana (1996b)
and Jennings and Wooldridge (1998), five more agent
types could be derived based on the typology, from a
panoramic perspective (see Figure 3).
In this proposed typology, mobile agents are autonomous and cooperative software processes capable of
roaming wide area networks, interacting with foreign
hosts, performing tasks on behalf of their owners
(Houmb 2002). Information agents can help us manage
the explosive growth of information we are experiencing. They perform the role of managing, manipulating,

or collating information from many distributes sources

(Nwana 1996b). Reactive agents choose actions by
using the current world state as an index into a table
of actions, where the indexing functions purpose is
to map known situations to appropriate actions. These
types of agents are sufficient for limited environments
where every possible situation can be mapped to an
action or set of actions (Chelberg 2003). Hybrid agents
adopt strength of both the reactive and deliberative
paradigms. They aim to have the quick response time
of reactive agents for well known situations, yet also
have the ability to generate new plans for unforeseen
situations (Chelberg 2003). Heterogeneous agents
systems refer to an integrated set-up of at least two or
more agents, which belong to two or more different
agent classes (Nwana 1996b).


This paper explores how ISAs can automate and add
value to e-commerce transactions and negotiations. By

Figure 3. A panoramic overview of the different agent types (Source: Jennings & Wooldridge, 1998)


Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce I

leveraging ISA-based e-commerce systems, companies

can more efficiently make decisions because they have
more accurate information and identify consumers
tastes and habits. Opportunities and limitations for ISA
development are also discussed. Future technologies
of ISAs will be able to evaluate basic characteristics
of online transactions in terms of price and product
description as well as other properties, such as warranty,
method of payment, and after-sales service. Also, they
would better manage ambiguous content, personalized
preferences, complex goals, changing environments,
and disconnected parties (Guttman et al. 1998a). Additionally, for the future trend of ISA technology deployment, Nwana (1996a) describes that Agents are
here to stay, not least because of their diversity, their
wide range of applicability and the broad spectrum of
companies investing in them. As we move further and
further into the information age, any information-based
organization which does not invest in agent technology
may be committing commercial hara-kiri.

Begin, L., and Boisvert, H. Enhancing the value proposition Via the internet, International Conference on
Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5), 2002.
Bradshaw, J.M. Software Agents, online: http://
Carley, K.M. Smart Agents and Organizations of
the Future, online:
pdf) 1998.
Chelberg, D. Reactive Agents, online: http://zen.
html), 03-05 2003.

Franklin, S., and Graesser, A. Is it an Agent, or just

a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop
on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages,
Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Guttman, R., Moukas, A., and Maes, P. Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce: A Survey, Knowledge
Engineering Review (13:3), June 1998a.
Guttman, R., Moukas, A., and Maes, P. Agents as
Mediators in Electronic Commerce, International
Journal of Electronic Markets (8:1), February 1998b,
pp 22-27.
He, M., Jennings, N.R., and Leung, H.-F. On AgentMediated Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering (15:4), July/August 2003.
Houmb, S.H. Software Agent: An Overview, online: 2002.
Jennings, N.R., and Wooldridge, M. Applications of
Intelligent Agents, in Agent Technology: Foundations,
Applications, and Markets,1998, pp 3-28.
Johnson, C., Delhagen, K., and Yuen, E.H. US
eCommerce Overview: 2003 To 2008, Online:,1317,16875,00.html), July 25 2003.
Maes, P., Guttnab, R.H., and Moukas, A.G. Agents
That Buy and Sell. (software agents for electronic
commerce)(Technology Information), Communications of the ACM (42:3) 1999, p 81.
Ndumu, D., and Nwana, H. Research and Development Challenges for Agent-Based Systems, IEE
Proceedings on Software Engineering (144:01), January 1997.

Cowan, R., and Harison, E. Intellectual Property

Rights in Intelligent-Agent Technologies: Facilitators,
Impediments and Conflicts, online: http://www.itas.
pdf) 2002.

Nwana, H.S. Software Agents: An Overview, online: 1996b.

Croft, D.W. Intelligent Software Agents: Definitions

and Applications, online: http://www.alumni.caltech.
edu/~croft/research/agent/definition/) 2002.

Shih, T.K., Chiu, C.-F., and Hsu, H.-h. An AgentBased Multi-Issue Negotiation System in E-commerce,
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (1:1),
Jan-March 2003, pp 1-16.

Pivk, A. Intelligent Agents in E-Commerce, online:


Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce I

Sierra, C., Wooldridge, M., Sadeh, N., Conte, R., Klusch,

M., and Treur, J. Agent Research and Development
in Euroope, online: 2003.

Agent: A computer system situated in some environment that is capable of autonomous action in this
environment to meets its design objective.
Business-to-Business E-Commerce: Electronic
transaction of goods or services between businesses
as opposed to that between businesses and other
Business-to-Customer E-Commerce: Electronic
or online activities of commercial organizations serving
the end consumer with products and/or services. It is
usually applied exclusively to e-commerce.
Customer-to-Customer E-Commerce: Online
transactions involving the electronically-facilitated
transactions between consumers through some third
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce): Consists of
the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer
networks. A wide variety of commerce is conducted
in this way, including electronic funds transfer, supply
chain management, e-marketing, online transaction
processing, and automated data collection systems.
Intelligent Software Agent: A software agent that
uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the pursuit of the
goals of its clients.
Ubiquitous Commerce (U-Commerce): The
ultimate form of e-commerce and m-commerce in an
anytime, anywhere fashion. It involves the use of
ubiquitous networks to support personalized and uninterrupted communications and transactions at a level
of value that far exceeds traditional commerce.



Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in

E-Commerce II
Xin Luo
The University of New Mexico, USA
Somasheker Akkaladevi
Virginia State University, USA


Cowan et al. (2002) argued that the human cognitive
ability to search for information and to evaluate their
usefulness is extremely limited in comparison to those
of computers. In detail, its cumbersome and timeconsuming for a person to search for information from
limited resources and to evaluate the informations
usefulness. They further indicated that while people
are able to perform several queries in parallel and are
good at drawing parallels and analogies between pieces
of information, advanced systems that embody ISA architecture are far more effective in terms of calculation
power and parallel processing abilities, particularly in
the quantities of material they can process (Cowan et
al. 2002). According to Bradshaw (1997), information
complexity will continue to increase dramatically in the
coming decades. He further contended that the dynamic
and distributed nature of both data and applications
require that software not merely respond to requests
for information but intelligently anticipate, adapt, and
actively seek ways to support users.
E-commerce applications based on agent-oriented
e-commerce systems have great potential. Agents can
be designed using the latest web-based technologies,
such as Java, XML, and HTTP, and can dynamically
discover and compose E-services and mediate interactions to handle routine tasks, monitor activities, set
up contracts, execute business processes, and find the
best services (Shih et al., 2003). The main advantages
of using these technologies are their simplicity of usage, ubiquitous nature, and their heterogeneity and
platform independence (Begin and Boisvert, 2002).
XML will likely become the standard language for
agent-oriented E-commerce interactions to encode
exchanged messages, documents, invoices, orders,
service descriptions, and other information. HTTP,

the dominant WWW protocol, can be used to provide

many services, such as robust and scalable web servers, firewall access, and levels of security for these
E-commerce applications.
Agents can be made to work individually, as well
as in a collaborative manner to perform more complex
tasks (Franklin and Graesser, 1996). For example, to
purchase a product on the Internet, a group of agents
can exchange messages in a conversation to find the
best deal, can bid in an auction for the product, can
arrange financing, can select a shipper, and can also
track the order. Multi-agent systems (groups of agents
collaborating to achieve some purpose) are critical for
large-scale e-commerce applications, especially B2B
interactions such as service provisioning, supply chain,
negotiation, and fulfillment, etc. The grouping of agents
can be static or dynamic depending on the specific need
(Guttman et al., 1998b). A perfect coordination should
be established for the interactions between the agents to
achieve a higher-level task, such as requesting, offering
and accepting a contract for some services (Guttman
et al., 1998a).
There are several agent toolkits publicly available
which can be used to satisfy the customer requirements
and ideally they need to adhere to standards which
define multi-party agent interoperability. For example,
fuzzy logic based intelligent negotiation agents can be
used to interact autonomously and consequently, and
save human labor in negotiations. The aim of modeling a negotiation agent is to reach mutual agreement
efficiently and intelligently. The negotiation agent
should be able to negotiate with other such agents over
various sets of issues, and on behalf of the real-world
parties they represent, i.e. they should be able to handle
multi-issue negotiations at any given time.
The boom in e-commerce has now created the need
for ISAs that can handle complicated online transactions and negotiations for both sellers and buyers. In

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce II

general, buyers want to find sellers that have desired

products and services. And they want to find product
information and gain expert advice before and after
the purchase from sellers, which, in turn, want to find
buyers and provide expert advice about their product
or service as well as customer service and support.
Therefore, there is an opportunity that both buyers
and sellers can automate handling this potential transaction by adopting ISA technology. The use of ISAs
will be essential to handling many tasks of creating,
maintaining, and delivering information on the Web.
By implementing ISA technology in e-commerce,
agents can shop around for their users; they can communicate with other agents for product specifications,
such as price, feature, quantity, and service package,
and make a comparison according to users objective
and requirement and return with recommendations of
purchases, which can meet those specifications; they
can also act for sellers by providing product or service
sales advice, and help troubleshoot customer problems
by automatically offering solutions or suggestions;
they can automatically pay bills and keep track of the
Looking at ISA development from an international
stand point, the nature of Internet in developed countries,
such as USA, Canada, West Europe, Japan, and Australia, etc. and the consequent evolution of e-commerce
as the new model provide exciting opportunities and
challenges for ISA-based developments. Opportunities
include wider market reach in a timely manner, higher
earnings, broader spectrum of target and potential
customers, and collaboration among vendors. This
ISA-powered e-commerce arena would be different
than our traditional commerce, because the traditional
form of competition can give way to collaborative
efforts across industries for adding value to business
processes. This means that agents of different vendors
can establish a cooperative relationship to communicate
with each other via XML language in order to set up
and complete transactions online.
Technically, for instance, if an information agent
found that the vendor is in need of more airplane tickets, it would notify a collaborative agent to search for
relevant information regarding the ticket in terms of
availability, price, and quantity etc. from other sources
over the Internet. In this case, the collaborative agent
would work with mobile agents and negotiate with other
agents working for different vendors and obtain ticket
information for its user. It would be able to provide

the user with the result of the search, and, if needed,

purchase the tickets for the user if certain requirements
can be met. In the meantime, interface agents can
monitor the users reaction and decision behavior, and
would provide the user with informational assistance
in terms of advice, recommendation, and suggestion
for any related and similar transactions.
On the other hand, however, this kind of intelligent
electronic communication and transaction is relatively
inapplicable in traditional commerce where different
competitive vendors are not willing to share information with each other (Maes et al., 1999). The level of
willingness in ISA-based e-commerce is, however,
somewhat limited due to sociological and ethical
factors, which will be discussed later in this paper. In
addition, designing and implementing ISA technology
is a costly predicament preventing companies from
adopting this emerging tool. Companies need to invest
a lot of money to get the ISA engine started. Notwithstanding the exciting theoretical benefits discussed
above, many companies are still not sure about how
much ISA technology can benefit themselves in terms
of revenue, ROI, and business influence in the market
where other players are yet to adopt this technology
to cooperate with each other. Particularly, medium or
small size companies are reluctant to embark on this
arena mainly due to the factor of cost.
Additionally, lack of consistent architectures in
terms of standards and laws also obstructs the further
development of ISA technology (He et al., 2003). In
detail, IT industry has not yet finalized the ISA standards, as there are a number of proprietary standards
set by various companies. This causes a confusion
problem for ISAs to freely communicate with each
other. Also, related to standards, relevant laws have
not surfaced to regulate how ISAs can legally cooperate with each other and represent their human users in
the cyber world.
Additionally, ISA development and deployment
is not a global perspective (Jennings et al. 1998). Despite the fact that ISA technology is an ad-hoc topic
in developed countries, developing countries are not
fully aware of the benefits of ISA and therefore have
not deployed ISA-based systems on the Web because
their e-commerce development levels and skills are not
as sophisticated or advanced as those of the developed
countries. This intra-national limitation among developed and developing countries unfortunately hinders

Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce II

agents from freely communicating with each other over

the globally connected Internet.


In the preceding sections of this paper, the technical
issues involved in agent development have been addressed. However, in addition to these issues, there are
also a range of social and cyber-ethical problems, such
as trust and delegation, privacy, responsibility, and legal
issues, which will become increasingly important in the
field of agent technology (Bradshaw 1997; Jennings et
al. 1998; Nwana 1996b).

Trust and delegation: For users who want to

depend on ISA technology to obtain desired information, they must trust agents which autonomously delegate for users to do the job. It would
take time for users to get used to their agents and
gain confidence in the agents that work for them.
And users have to make a balance between agents
continually seeking guidance and never seeking
guidance. Users might need to set proper limitations
for their agents, otherwise agents might surpass
their authorities.
Privacy: In the explosive information society,
security is becoming more and more important.
Therefore, users must make sure that their agents
always maintain their privacy in the course of
transactions. Electronic agent security policies may
be needed to encounter this potential threat.
Responsibility: Users need to seriously consider
how much responsibility the agents need to carry
regarding the transaction pitfall. To some extent,
agents are rendered responsibility to get the desired
product/service for their users. If the users are not
satisfied with the transaction result, they may need
to redesign or reprogram the agent rather than directly blame the fault on electronic agents.
Legal issues: In addition to responsibility, users
should also think about any potential legal issues
triggered by their agents, which, for instance, offer inappropriate advice to other agents resulting
in liabilities to other people. This would be very
challenging to the ISA technology development,
and the scenario would be complicated since the
current law does not specify which party (the

company who wrote the agent, the company who

customized and used the agent, or both) should be
responsible for the legal issues.
Cyber-ethical issues: Eichmann (1994) and Etzioni
& Weld (1994) proposed the following etiquettes
for ISAs which gather information on the Web.

Agents must identify themselves;

They must moderate the pace and frequency

of their requests to some server;

They must limit their searches to appropriate servers;

They must share information with others;

They must respect the authority placed on

them by server operators;

Their services must be accurate and up-todate;

Safety: they should not destructively alter

the world;

Tidiness: they should leave the world as

they found it;

Thrift: they should limit their consumption

of scarce resources;

Vigilance: they should not allow client actions with unanticipated results.


ISA technology has to confront the increasing complexity of modem information environments. Research and
development of ISAs on the Internet is crucial for the
development of next generation in open information
environments. Sociological and cyber-ethical issues
need to be considered for the next generation of agents
in e-commerce system, which will explore new types
of transactions in the form of dynamic relationships
among previously unknown parties (Guttman et al.
1998b). According to Nwana (1996a), the ultimate
ISAs success will be the acceptance and mass usage
by users, once issues such as privacy, trust, legal, and
responsibility are addressed and considered when
users design and implement ISA technologies in ecommerce and emerging commerce, such as mobile
commerce (M-commerce) and Ubiquitous commerce
(U-commerce). It is expected that future research can
further explore how ISAs are leveraged in these two
newly emerged avenues.


Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce II

Begin, L., and Boisvert, H. Enhancing the value proposition Via the internet, International Conference on
Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-5), 2002.
Bradshaw, J.M. Software Agents, online: http://
Cowan, R., and Harison, E. Intellectual Property
Rights in Intelligent-Agent Technologies: Facilitators,
Impediments and Conflicts, online: http://www.itas.
pdf) 2002.
Eichmann, D. Ethical Web Agents, Second International World-Wide Web Conference: Mosaic and the
Web, October 18-20 1994, pp 3-13.
Franklin, S., and Graesser, A. Is it an Agent, or just
a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents,
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop
on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages,
Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Etzioni, O., and Weld, D. A Softbot-Based Interface
to the Internet, Communications of the ACM, July
1994, pp 72-76.
Guttman, R., Moukas, A., and Maes, P. Agent-mediated Electronic Commerce: A Survey, Knowledge
Engineering Review (13:3), June 1998a.
Guttman, R., Moukas, A., and Maes, P. Agents as
Mediators in Electronic Commerce, International
Journal of Electronic Markets (8:1), February 1998b,
pp 22-27.
He, M., Jennings, N.R., and Leung, H.-F. On AgentMediated Electronic Commerce, IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering (15:4), July/August 2003.
Jennings, N.R., and Wooldridge, M. Applications of
Intelligent Agents, in Agent Technology: Foundations,
Applications, and Markets,1998, pp 3-28.
Maes, P., Guttnab, R.H., and Moukas, A.G. Agents
That Buy and Sell. (software agents for electronic
commerce)(Technology Information), Communications of the ACM (42:3) 1999, p 81.


Ndumu, D., and Nwana, H. Research and Development Challenges for Agent-Based Systems, IEE
Proceedings on Software Engineering (144:01), January 1997.
Nwana, H.S. Intelligent Software Agents on the Internet: an inventory of currently offered functionality
in the information society & a prediction of (near-)
future developments, online: http://www.hermans.
org/agents/index.html), July 1996a.
Nwana, H.S. Software Agents: An Overview, online: 1996b.
Shih, T.K., Chiu, C.-F., and Hsu, H.-h. An AgentBased Multi-Issue Negotiation System in E-commerce,
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (1:1),
Jan-March 2003, pp 1-16.

Agent: A computer system situated in some environment that is capable of autonomous action in this
environment to meets its design objective.
Business-to-Business E-Commerce: Electronic
transaction of goods or services between businesses
as opposed to that between businesses and other
Business-to-Customer E-Commerce: Electronic
or online activities of commercial organizations serving
the end consumer with products and/or services. It is
usually applied exclusively to e-commerce.
Customer-to-Customer E-Commerce: Online
transactions involving the electronically-facilitated
transactions between consumers through some third
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce): Consists of
the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer
networks. A wide variety of commerce is conducted
in this way, including electronic funds transfer, supply
chain management, e-marketing, online transaction
processing, and automated data collection systems.
Intelligent Software Agent: A software agent that
uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the pursuit of the
goals of its clients.

Intelligent Software Agents Analysis in E-Commerce II

Ubiquitous Commerce (U-Commerce): The

ultimate form of e-commerce and m-commerce in an
anytime, anywhere fashion. It involves the use of
ubiquitous networks to support personalized and uninterrupted communications and transactions at a level
of value that far exceeds traditional commerce.



Intelligent Software Agents with Applications

in Focus
Mario Jankovi-Romano
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Milan Stankovi
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Uro Kradinac
University of Belgrade, Serbia

Most people are familiar with the concept of agents in
real life. There are stock-market agents, sports agents,
real-estate agents, etc. Agents are used to filter and
present information to consumers. Likewise, during
the last couple of decades, people have developed
software agents, that have the similar role. They behave
intelligently, run on computers, and are autonomous,
but are not human beings.
Basically, an agent is a computer program that is
capable of performing a flexible and independent action
in typically dynamic and unpredictable domains (Luck,
McBurney, Shehory, & Willmott, 2005). Agents are
capable of performing actions and making decisions
without the guidance of a human. Software agents
emerged in the IT because of the ever-growing need for
information processing, and the problems concerning
dealing and working with large quantities of data.
Especially important is how agents act with other
agents in the same environment, and the connections
they form to find, refine and present the information
in a best way. Agents certainly can do tasks better if
they perform together, and that is why the multi-agent
systems were developed.
The concept of an agent has become important
in a diverse range of sub-disciplines of IT, including
software engineering, networking, mobile systems,
control systems, decision support, information recovery and management, e-commerce, and many others.
Agents are now used in an increasingly wide number
of applications ranging from comparatively small
systems such as web or e-mail filters to large, complex
systems such as air-traffic control, that have a large
dependency on fast and precise decision making.

Undoubtedly, the main contribution to the field

of intelligent software agents came from the field of
artificial intelligence (AI). The main focus of AI is to
build intelligent entities and if these entities sense and
act in some environment, then they can be considered
agents (Russell & Norvig, 1995). Also, object-oriented
programming (Booch, 2004), concurrent object-based
systems (Agha, Wegner, and Yonezawa, 1993), and human-computer interaction (Maes, 1994) are fields that
constantly drive forward the development of agents.

Although the term agent is widely used, by many
people working in closely related areas, it defies attempts
to produce a single universally accepted definition.
One of the most broadly used definitions states that
an agent is an encapsulated computer system that
is situated in some environment, and that is capable
of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in
order to meet its design objectives (Wooldridge and
Jennings, 1995).
There are three main concepts in this definition:
situatedness, autonomy, and flexibility:

Situatedness means that an agent is situated in

some environment and that it receives sensory
input and performs actions which change that
environment in some way.
Autonomy is the ability of an agent to act without
the direct intervention of humans. It has control
over its own actions and over its internal state.
Also, the autonomy implies the capability of
learning from experience.

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Intelligent Software Agents with Applications in Focus

Flexibility means that the agent is able to perceive its environment and respond to changes
in a timely fashion; it should be able to exhibit
opportunistic, goal-directed behaviour and take
the initiative whenever appropriate. In addition,
an agent should be able to interact with other
agents and humans, thus to be social.

For some researchers - particularly those interested

in AI - the term `agent has a stronger and more specific
meaning than that sketched out above. These researchers
generally mean an agent to be a computer system that,
in addition to having the properties identified above, is
either conceptualized or implemented using concepts
that are more usually applied to humans. For example,
it is quite common in AI to characterize an agent using
mentalistic notions, such as knowledge, belief, intention, and obligation (Wooldridge & Jennings, 1995).


Agents and Environments
An agent collects its percepts through its sensors, and
acts upon the environment through its actuators. Thus,
the agent is proactive. Its actions in any moment depend on the whole sequence of these inputs up to that
moment. A decision tree for every possible percept

sequence of an agent would completely define the

agents behavior. This would define the function that
maps any sequence of percepts to the concrete action
the agent function. The program that defines the agent
function is called the agent program. So, the agent
function is a formal description of the agents behavior,
and the agent program is a concrete implementation
of that formalism. (Krcadinac, Stankovic, Kovanovic
& Jovanovic, 2007)
To implement all this, we need to have a computing device with appropriate sensors and actuators on
which the agent program will run. This is called agent
architecture. So, an agent is essentially made of two
components: the agent architecture and the agent
Also, as Russell and Norvig (1995) specify, one of
the most sought after characteristics of an agent is its
rationality. An agent is rational if it always does the
action that will lead to the most successful outcome.
The rationality of an agent depends on (a) the performance measure that defines what is a good action and
what is a bad action, (b) the agents knowledge about
the environment, (c) the agents available actions, and
(d) the agents percept history.

The Types of Agents

There are several basic types of agents with respect to
their structure (Russell & Norvig, 1995):

Figure 1. Agent and environment



The simplest kind of agents are the simple reflex

agents. Such an agent only reacts to its current
percept, completely ignoring its percept history.
When a new percept is received, a rule that maps
that percept to an action is activated. Such rules
are known as condition-action rules.
Model-based reflex agents are more powerful
agents, because they maintain some sort of internal state of the environment that depends on
the percept history. For maintaining this sort of
information, an agent must know how the environment evolves, and how its actions affect the
Goal-based agents have some sort of goal information that describes desirable states of the
world. Such an agents decision making process
is fundamentally different, because when a goalbased agent is considering performing an action
it is asking itself would this action make me

Intelligent Software Agents with Applications in Focus



happy? along with the standard what this action

will have as a result?.
Utility-based agents use a utility function that
maps each state to a number that represents the
degree of happiness. They are able to perform
rationally even in the situations when there are
conflicting goals, as well as when there are several goals that can be achieved, but none with
Learning agents do not have a priori knowledge
of the environment, but learn about it. This is
beneficial because these agents can operate in
unknown environments and to a certain degree
facilitates the job of developers because they
do not need to specify their whole knowledge

Multi-Agent Systems
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) are systems composed
of multiple autonomous components (agents). They
historically belong to Distributed Artificial Intelligence
(Bond & Gasser, 1998). MAS can be defined as a
loosely coupled network of problem solvers that work
together to solve problems that are beyond the individual
capabilities or knowledge of a single problem solver
(Durfee and Lesser, 1989). In a MAS, each agent has
incomplete information or capabilities for solving the
problem and thus has a limited viewpoint. There is no
global system control, the data is decentralized and the
computation is asynchronous.
In addition to MAS, there is also the concept of
a multi-agent environment, which can be seen as an
environment that includes more than one agent. Thus,
it can be cooperative, or competitive, or a combined
one, and creates a setting where agents need to interact
(socialize) between each other, either to achieve their
individual objectives, or to manage the dependencies
that follow from being situated in a common environment. These interactions range from simple semantic
interoperation (exchanging comprehensible communications), client-server interactions (the ability to
request that a particular action is performed), to rich
social interactions (the ability to cooperate, coordinate,
and negotiate about a course of action).
Because of the issues due to heterogeneous nature
of agents involved in communication (e.g., finding
one another), there is also a need for middle-agents,
which cover cooperation among agents and connect

service providers with service requesters in the agent

world. These agents are useful in various roles, such
as matchmakers or yellow page agents that collect and
process service offers (advertisements), blackboard
agents that collect requests, and brokers that process
both (Sycara, Decker, & Williamson, 1997). There are
several alternatives to middle agents, such as Electronic
Institutions a framework for Agents Negotiation
which seeks to incorporate organizational concepts
into multi-agent systems. (Rocha and Oliveira, 2001)
Communication among agents is achieved by
exchanging messages represented by mutually understandable language (syntax) and containing mutually
understandable semantics. In order to find a common
ground for communication, an agent communication
language (ACL) should be used to provide mechanisms
for agents to negotiate, query, and inform each other.
The most important such languages today are KQML
(Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language)
(ARPA Knowledge Sharing Initiative, 1993) and FIPA
ACL (FIPA, 1997).

There are great possibilities for applying multi-agent
systems to solving different kinds of practical problems.

Auction negotiation model, as a form of communication, enables a group of agents to find good
solutions by achieving agreement and making
mutual compromises in case of conflicting goals.
Such an approach is applicable to trading systems,
where agents act on behalf of buyers and sellers.
Financial markets, as well as scheduling, travel
arrangement, and fault diagnosing also represent
applicable fields for agents.
Another very important field is information gathering, where agents are used to search through
diverse and vastly different information sources
(e.g., World Wide Web) and acquire relevant
information for their users. One of the most
common domains is Web browsing and search,
where agents are used to adapt the content (e.g.,
search results) to the users preferences and offer
relevant help in browsing.
Process control software systems require various
kinds of automatic (autonomous) control and re-

Intelligent Software Agents with Applications in Focus

action for its processes (e.g. production process).

Reactive and responsive, agents perfectly fit the
needs of such a task. Example domains in this
field include: production process control, climate
monitoring, spacecraft control, and monitoring
nuclear power plants.
Artificial life studies the evolution of agents, or
populations of computer simulated life forms
in artificial environments. The goal is to study
phenomena found in real life evolution in a controlled manner, hopefully to eliminate some of the
inherent limitations and cruelty of evolutionary
studies using live animals.
Finally, intelligent tutoring systems often include
pedagogical agents, which represent software
entities constructed to present the learning content
in a user-friendly fashion and monitor the users
progress through the learning process. These
agents are responsible for guiding the user and
suggesting additional learning topics related to
the users needs (Devedzic, 2006).

Some of the more specific examples of intelligent

agent applications include Talaria System, military
training, and Mobility Agents. T a l a r i a System (The
Autonomous Lookup And Report Internet Agent System) is a multi-agent system, developed for academic
purposes at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. It was
built as a solution to the common problem of gathering
information from diverse Web sites that do not provide
RSS feeds for news tracking. The system was implemented using the JADE modeling framework in Java.
(Stankovic, Krcadinac, Kovanovic & Jovanovic, 2007)
Talaria System is using the advantages of human-agent
communication model to improve usability of web
sites and to relieve users from annoying and repetitive
work. The system provides each user with a personal
agent, which periodically monitors the Web sites that
the user expressed interest in. The agent informs its
user about relevant changes, filtered by assumed user
preferences and default relevance factors. Human-agent
communication is implemented via email, so that a user
can converse with her/his agent in natural language,
whereas the agent heuristically interprets concrete instructions from the mail text (e.g., monitor this site
or kill yourself).
Simulation and modelling are extensively used in
a wide range of military applications, from development, testing and acquisition of new systems and

technologies, to operation, analysis and provision of

training, and mission rehearsal for combat situations.
The Human Variability in Computer Generated Forces
(HV-CGF) project, undertaken on behalf of the UKs
Ministry of Defence, developed a framework for simulating behavioral changes of individuals and groups
of military personnel when subjected to moderating
influences such as caffeine and fatigue. The project
was built with the JACK Intelligent Agents toolkit, a
commercial Java-based environment for developing and
running multiagent applications. Each team member
is a rational agent able to execute actions such as doctrinal and non-doctrinal behaviour tactics, which are
encoded as JACK agent graphical plans. (Belecheanu
et al., 2005)
Mobility Agents is an agent-based architecture that
helps a person with cognitive disabilities to travel using public transportation. Agents are used to represent
transportation participants (buses and travelers) and
to enable notification of bus approaching and arrival.
Information is passed to the traveler using a multimedia
interface, via a handheld device. Customizable user
profiles determine the most appropriate modality of
interaction (voice, text, and pictures) based on the users
abilities (Repenning & Sullivan, 2003). This imposes
a personal agent to take care that abstract goals, as
go home, are translated into concrete directions. To
achieve this, an agent needs to collect information about
user-specific locations and must be able to suggest the
right bus for the particular users current location and

Future looks bright for this technology as development
is taking place within a context of broader visions and
trends in IT. The whole growing field of IT is about
to drive forward the R&D of intelligent agents. We
especially emphasize the Semantic Web, ambient intelligence, service oriented computing, Peer-to-peer
computing and Grid Computing.
The Semantic Web is the vision of the future Web
based on the idea that the data on the Web can be defined
and linked in such a way that it can be used by machines
for the automatic processing and integration (BernersLee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). The key to achieving
this is by augmenting Web pages with descriptions
of their content in such a way that it is possible for

Intelligent Software Agents with Applications in Focus

machines to reason automatically about that content.

The common opinion is that the Semantic Web itself
will be a form of intelligent infrastructure for agents,
allowing them to understand the meaning of the data
on the Web (Luck et al., 2005).
The concept of ambient intelligence describes a
shift away from PCs to a variety of devices which are
embedded in our environment and which are accessed
via intelligent interfaces. It requires agent-like technologies in order to achieve autonomy, distribution,
adaptation, and responsiveness.
Service oriented computing is where MAS could
become very useful. In particular, this might involve
web services, where the Quality Of Service demands
are important. Each web service could be modeled as
an agent, with dependencies, and then simulated for
observed failure rates.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing, presenting networked applications in which every node is in some
sense equivalent to all others, tends to become more
complex in the future. Auction mechanism design,
agent negotiation techniques, increasingly advanced
approaches to trust and reputation, and the application
of social norms, rules and structures - presents some
of the agent technologies that are about to become
relevant in the context of P2P computing.
Grid Computing is the high-performance agentbased computing infrastructure for supporting largescale distributed scientific endeavour. The Grid provides
a means of developing eScience applications, yet it
also provides a computing infrastructure for supporting more general applications that involve large-scale
information handling, knowledge management and
service provision. The key benefit of Grid computing
is flexibility the distributed system and network can
be reconfigured on demand in different ways as business needs change.
Some considerable challenges have still remained
in the agent-based world, such as the lack of sophisticated software tools, techniques and methodologies
that would support the specification, development,
integration and management of agent systems.

another for their individual and/or collective benefit. A

number of significant advances have been made over
the past two decades in design and implementation of
individual autonomous agents, and in the way in which
they interact with one another. These concepts and
technologies are now finding their way into commercial
products and real-world software solutions. Future IT
visions share the common need for agent technologies
and prove that agent technologies will continue to be
of vital importance. It is foreseeable that agents will
become the integral part of informational technologies
and artificial intelligence in the near future, and that is
why they should be kept an eye on.


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Seattle, Washington.
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Munroe, S., Payne T., & Pechoucek M. (2005). Commercial Applications of Agents: Lessons, Experiences
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Actuators: Software component and part of the
agent used as a mean of performing actions in the
agent environment.
Agent Autonomy: Agents active use of its capabilities to pursue some goal, without intervention by
any other agent in the decision-making process used
to determine how that goal should be pursued (Barber
& Martin, 1999).
Agent Percepts: Every information that an agent
receives trough its sensors, about the state of the environment or any part of the environment.
Intelligent Software Agent: An encapsulated
computer system that is situated in some environment
and that is capable of flexible, autonomous action in
that environment in order to meet its design objectives
(Wooldridge & Jennings, 1995).
Middle-Agents: Agents that facilitate cooperation among other agents and typically connect service
providers with service requesters.
Multi-Agent System (MAS): A software system
composed of several agents that interact in order to
find solutions of complex problems.
Sensors: Software component and part of the agent
used as a mean of acquiring information about current
state of the agent environment (i.e., agent percepts).



Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

Ral Vicen Bueno
University of Alcal, Spain
Elena Torijano Gordo
University of Alcal, Spain
Antonio Garca Gonzlez
University of Alcal, Spain
Manuel Rosa Zurera
University of Alcal, Spain
Roberto Gil Pita
University of Alcal, Spain

The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are based on
the behavior of the brain. So, they can be considered
as intelligent systems. In this way, the ANNs are constructed according to a brain, including its main part:
the neurons. Moreover, they are connected in order to
interact each other to acquire the followed intelligence.
And finally, as any brain, it needs having memory, which
is achieved in this model with their weights.
So, starting from this point of view of the ANNs, we
can affirm that these systems are able to learn difficult
tasks. In this article, the task to learn is to distinguish
between different kinds of traffic signs. Moreover, this
ANN learning must be done for traffic signs that are not
in perfect conditions. So, the learning must be robust
against several problems like rotation, translation or
even vandalism. In order to achieve this objective, an
intelligent extraction of information from the images is
done. This stage is very important because it improves
the performance of the ANN in this task.

The Traffic Sign Classification (TSC) problem has
been studied many times in the literature. This problem
is solved in (Perez, 2002, Escalera, 2004) using the correlation between the traffic sign and each element of a
database, which involves large computational cost. In
(Hsu, 2001), Matching Pursuit (MP) is applied in two

stages: training and testing. The training stage finds a

set of the best MP filters for each traffic sign, while the
testing one projects the unknown traffic sign to different MP filters to find the best match. This method also
implies large computational cost, especially when the
number of elements grows up. In recent works (Escalera,
2003, Vicen, 2005a, Vicen, 2005b), the use of ANNs
is studied. The first one studies the combination of the
Adaptive Resonance Theory with ANNs. It is applied
to the whole image, where many traffic signs can exist, which involves that the ANN complexity must be
very high to recognize all the possible signs. In the last
works, the TSC is constructed using a preprocessing
stage before the ANN, which involves a computational
cost reduction in the classifier.
TSCs are usually composed by two specific stages:
the detection of traffic signs in a video sequence or
image and their classification. In this work we pay
special attention to the classification stage. The performance of these stages highly depends on lighting
conditions of the scene and the state of the traffic sign
due to deterioration, vandalism, rotation, translation
or inclination. Moreover, its perfect position is perpendicular to the trajectory of the vehicle, however
many times it is not like that. Problems related to the
traffic sign size are of special interest too. Although
the size is normalized, we can find signs of different
ones, because the distance between the camera and the
sign is variable. So, the classification of a traffic sign
in this environment is not easy.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

The objective of this work is the study of different

classification techniques combined with different preprocessings to implement an intelligent TSC system.
The preprocessings considered are shown below and
are used to reduce the classifier complexity and to
improve its performance. The studied classifiers are
the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and an ANN based
method using Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs). So,
this work tries to find which are the best preprocessings, the best classifiers and which combination of
them minimizes the error rate.


An intelligent traffic sign classification can be achieved
taking into account two important aspects. The first one
focus on the extraction of the relevant information of
the input traffic signs, which can be done adaptively or
fixed. The second one is related with the classification
core. From the point of view of this part, ANNs can
play a great role, because they are able to learn from
different environments. So, an intelligent combination
of both aspects can lead us to the success in the classification of traffic signs.

Traffic Sign Classification System

The TSC system and the blocks that compose it are
shown in figure 1. Once the Video Camera block takes a

video sequence, the Image Extraction block makes the

video sequence easy to read and it is the responsible to
obtain images. The Sign Detection and Extraction Stage
extracts all the traffic signs contained in each image
and generates the small images called blobs, one per
possible sign. Figure 1 also shows an example of the way
this block works. The Color Recognition Stage is the
responsible to discern among the different predominant
color of the traffic sign: blue, red or others. Once the
blob is classified according to its predominant color, the
TSC Stage has the responsibility to recognize the exact
type of signal, which is the aim of this work. This stage
is divided in two parts: the traffic sign preprocessing
stage and the TSC core.

Database Description
The database of blobs used to obtain the results presented in this work is composed of blobs with only
noise and nine different types of blue traffic signs,
which belong to the international traffic code. Figure
2.a (Normal Traffic Signs) shows the different classes
of traffic signs considered in this work, which have
been collected by the TSC system presented above. So,
they present distortions due to the problems described
in previous sections, which are shown in figure 2.b
(Traffic Signs with problems). The problems caused
by vandalism are shown in the example of class S8.
The problems related to the blob extraction in the Sign
Detection and Extraction Stage (not a correct fit in the
square image) are shown in the examples of classes S2,
S4 and S9. Examples of signs with problems of rotation,
translation or inclination are those of classes S4, S6 and

Figure 1. Traffic sign classification system


Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

Figure 2. Noise and nine classes of international traffic signs: (a) Normal traffic signs and (b) Traffic signs with


S9. Finally, the difference of brightness is observed in

both parts of figure 2. For example, when the lighting
of the blob is high, the vertical row of the example of
class S3 is greater than horizontal row of the example
of class S2.

Traffic Sign Preprocessing Stage

Each blob presented at the input of the TSC stage
contains information of the three-color components:
red, green and blue. Each blob is composed of 31x31
pixels. So, the memory required for each blow is 2883
bytes. Due to the high quantity of data, the purpose of
this stage is to reduce it and to limit the redundancy of
information, in order to improve the TSC performance
and to reduce the TSC core computational cost.
The first preprocessing made in this stage is the
transformation of the color blob (3x31x31) to a gray
scale blob (31x31) (Paulus, 2003). Consider for the
next explanation that M is a general bidimensional
matrix that contains either the gray scale blob or the
output of one of the next preprocessings:


Median filter (MF) (Abdel, 2004). It is applied

to each pixel of M. A block of nxn elements that
surrounds a pixel of M is taken, which is sorted in
a linear vector. The median value of this vector is
selected as the value of the processed pixel. This


preprocessing is usually used to reduce the noise

in an image.
Histogram equalization (HE). It tries to enhance
the contrast of M. The pixels are transformed according to a specified image histogram (Paulus,
2003). This equalization is usually used to improve
the dynamic range of M.
Vertical (VH) and horizontal (HH) histograms
(Vicen, 2005a, Vicen, 2005b). They are computed
vh i =


(mi, j >T ) , i =1,2,...,31
31 j=1

hh j =



(mi, j >T ) , j =1,2,...,31
31 i=1


respectively, where mi,j is the element of the i-th

row and j-th column of the matrix M and T is the
fixed or adaptive threshold of this preprocessing.
If T is fixed, it is established at the beginning of
the preprocessing, but if T is adaptive, it can be
calculated with the Otsu method (Ng, 2004) or
with the mean value of the blob, so both methods
are M-dependent. vhi corresponds to the ratio of
values of column j-th that are greater than T and
hhj corresponds to the ratio of values of row i-th
that are greater than T.

Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

Traffic Sign Classification Core

p(S i )

TSC can be formulated as a multiple hypothesis test.

Consider that P(Di|Sj) is the probability of deciding
in favor of Si (decision Di) when the true hypothesis
is Sj, Ci,j is the cost associated with this decision and
P(Sj) is the prior probability of hypothesis Sj. Then the
objective is to minimize a risk function that is given
as the average cost C , which is defined in (3) for L

C = Ci, j P(Di |S j )P(S j )

i=1 j=1


The classifier performance can be given as the total

error rate (Pe) and the total correct rate (Pc=1-Pe) for
all the hypothesis (classes).

Traffic Sign Classification Core Based

on Statistical Methods: The k-NN
The k-NN approach is a widely-used statistical method
(Kisienski, 1975) applied in classification tasks. It assumes that the training set contains Mi points of class
Si and M points in total, so



Then a hypersphere around the observation point x is

taken, which encompasses k points irrespective of their
class label. Suppose this sphere, of volume V, contains
ki points of class Si, then
p(x |S i )

M iV


provides an approximation to this class-conditional

density. The unconditional density can be estimated
p(x )


while the priors can be estimated using




Then applying Bayes theorem (Bishop, 1995), we

p(S i |x ) =

p(x |S i )p(S i ) ki

p(x )


Thus, to minimize the probability of misclassifying x, it should be assigned to the class Si for which
the ratio ki/k is highest. The way to apply this method
consists in comparing each x of the test set with all the
training set patterns and deciding which class Si is the
most appropriate one. k denotes the number of patterns
that take part in the final decision of classifying x in
class Si. When a draw exists in the majority voting, the
decision is taking using the class of the nearest pattern.
So, the results for k=1 and k=2 are the same.

Traffic Sign Classification Core Based

on Neural Networks: The MLP
The Perceptron was developed by F. Rosenblatt
(Rosenblatt, 1962) in the 1960s for optical character
recognition. The Perceptron has multiple inputs fully
connected to an output layer with multiple outputs. Each
output yi is the result of applying a linear combination
of the inputs to a non-linear function called activation
function. MLPs (Haykin, 1999) extend the Perceptron
by cascading one or more extra layers of processing
elements. These layers are called hidden layers, since
their elements are not connected directly to the external
world. The expression I/H1/.../Hh/O denotes an MLP
with I inputs (size of the observation vector x), h hidden layers with Hh neurons in each one and O outputs
(size of the classification vector y).
Cybenkos theorem (Cybenko, 1989) states that any
continuous function f n can be approximated
with any degree of precision by log-sigmoidal functions.
Therefore, MLPs using the log-sigmoidal activation
function for each neuron are selected.
Gradient descent with momentum and adaptive
learning rate backpropagation algorithm is used to
train the MLPs, where the Mean Square Error (MSE)


Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

criterion is minimized. Moreover, cross-validation is

used in order to reduce generalization problems.

The database considered for the experiments is composed of 235 blobs of ten different classes: noise (S0)
and nine classes of traffic signs (S1-S9). The database
has been divided in three sets: train, validation and test,
which are composed of 93, 52 and 78 blobs, respectively, being preprocessed before they are presented to
the TSC core. The first one is used as the training set
for the k-NN and the MLPs. The second one is used
to stop the MLP training algorithm (Bishop, 1995,
Haykin, 1999) according to the cross-validation applied during the training. And the last one is used to
evaluate the performance of the k-NN and the MLPs.
Experimental environments characterized by a large
dimensional space and a small data set pose generalization problems. For this reason, the MLPs training is
repeated 10 times with different weights initialization
each time and the best MLP in terms of Pe estimated
with the validation set is selected.
Once the color blobs are transformed to gray scale,
three different combinations of preprocessings (CPPs)
are applied, so each CPP output is 62 elements:

The first combination (CPP1) applies the VH and

HH with an adaptive threshold T calculated with
the mean of the blob.
The second combination (CPP2) applies, in this
order, the HE and the VH and HH with an adaptive
threshold T calculated with the Otsu method.
The third combination (CPP3) applies, in this
order, the MF, the HE and the VH and HH with
a fixed threshold (T=185).

For the TSC core based on the k-NN, a study of the

k parameter is made for the different CPPs considered
in the experiments (table 1). The lowest error rate is
achieved with CPP3 and k=1, which performance is
Pe=6,4% (Pc=93,6%).
For the TSC core based on MLPs, a study of the
number of hidden layers (h) and the number of neurons
in each one (Hh) is done.
For the case of one hidden layer (h=1), table 2 shows
the results for the different CPPs. In this case, the best


performance is obtained with the CPP3 and an MLP of

62/62/10, where its error rate is Pe=2,6% (Pc=97,4%).
The CPP2 achieves good performances but they are
always lower than in the case of using the CPP3. The
use of CPP1 with MLPs achieves the worst results of
the three cases under study.
The study of the TSC core based on an MLP with
two hidden layers (h=2) (table 3) shows that the best
combination of the CPPs and [H1,H2] for the MLP is
CPP3 and [H1=70,H2=20], respectively. In this case, the
best performance achieved is Pe=1,3% (Pc=98,7%). As
occurs for MLPs with one hidden layer, the best CPP
is the third one and the worst one is the first one.

New innovations can be achieved in this research area.
The new trends try to improve the preprocessing techniques. In this case, advance signal processing can be
applied to TSC. On the other hand, other TSC cores can
be used. For instance, classifiers based on Radial Basis
Function or Support Vector Machines (Maldonado,
2007) can be applied. Finally, optimization techniques,
like Genetic Algorithms, have an important role in
this research area to find which is the best selection of
preprocessings of a bank of them.

The performances of all the TSC designs are quite
good, even though when the problems of deterioration, vandalism, rotation, translation, inclination, not
a correct fit in the 31x31 blob and variation in size
exist in the blobs.
Several combinations of preprocessings are used.
The best one applies, in this order, the median filter, the
histogram equalization and the vertical and horizontal
histograms with a fixed threshold (T=185).
Concerning the type of classifier, the best TSCs
are always achieved with MLPs. Moreover, the best
results are achieved by MLPs of two hidden layers. The Pe reduction of the TSC core based on a
62/70/20/10 MLP (Pe=1,3%) is of 1,3% with respect
to the best one achieved with only one hidden layer
MLP (62/62/10) and 5,1% with respect to the best kNN (k=1) achieved.

Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

Table 1.Pe(%) versus k parameter for each TSC based on different CPPs and k-NN








































Table 2. Pe(%) versus H1 parameter for each TSC based on different CPPs and MLPs of sizes (62/H1/10)















































Table 3. Pe(%) versus [H1, H2] parameters for each TSC based on different CPPs and MLPs of sizes (62/H1/




























































Abdel-Dayem, A.R., Hamou, A.K., & El-Sakka, M.R.
(2004). Novel Adaptive Filtering for Salt-and-Pepper

Noise Removal from Binary Document Images. Lecture

Notes in Computer Science. (3212), 191-199.
Bishop, C.M. (1995). Neural networks for pattern
recognition. Oxford University Press Inc.

Intelligent Traffic Sign Classifiers

Cybenko, G. (1989). Approximation by Superpositions

of a Sigmoidal Function. Mathematics of Control,
Signals and Systems. (2), 303-314.

ognition Tasks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

(3512), 865-872.

Escalera, A. de la, et. al. (2004). Visual Sign Information

Extraction and Identification by Deformable Models
for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEE Trans. on Intelligent
Transportation Systems. (5) 2, 57-68.

Vicen-Bueno, R., Gil-Pita, R., Jarabo-Amores, M. P.,

& Lpez-Ferreras, F. (2005b). Complexity reduction in
Neural Networks applied to Traffic Sign Recognition
tasks. 13th European Signal Processing Conference.

Escalera, A. de la, et. al. (2003). Traffic Sign Recognition and Analysis For Intelligent Vehicles. Image and
Vision Computing. (21), 247-258.


Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks. A Comprehensive

Foundation (Second Edition). Prentice-Hall.
Hsu, S.H., & Huang, C.L. (2001). Road Sign Detection
and Recognition Using Matching Pursuit Method. Image and Vision Computing. (19), 119-129.
Kisienski, A. A., et al. (1975). Low-frequency Approach to Target Identification. Proc. IEEE. (63),
Maldonado-Bascon, S., Lafuente-Arroyo, S., Gil-Jimenez, P., Gomez-Moreno, H., & Lopez-Ferreras, F.
(2007). Road-Sign Detection and Recognition Based
on Support Vector Machines. IEEE Trans. on Intelligent
Transportation Systems. (8) 2, 264-278.
Ng, H.F. (2004). Automatic Thresholding for Defect
Detection. IEEE Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Image and
Graphics. 532-535.
Paulus, D.W.R., & Hornegger, J. (2003). Applied Pattern Recognition (4th Ed.): Algorithms and Implementation in C++. Vieweg.
Prez, E., & Javidi, B. (2002). Nonlinear DistortionTolerant Filters for Detection of Road Signs in Background Noise. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology.
(51) 3, 567-576.
Rosenblatt, F. (1962). Principles of Neurodynamics.
Spartan books.
Vicen-Bueno, R., Gil-Pita, R., Rosa-Zurera, M.,
Utrilla-Manso, M., & Lpez-Ferreras, F. (2005a).
Multilayer Perceptrons Applied to Traffic Sign Rec-


Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): A network

of many simple processors (units or neurons) that
imitates a biological neural network. The units are
connected by unidirectional communication channels,
which carry numeric data. Neural networks can be
trained to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are
used in applications such as robotics, speech recognition, signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimizing the error obtained from
the comparison between the ANN outputs after the
application of a set of network inputs and the desired
outputs. The update of the weights is done according
to the gradient of the error function evaluated in the
point of the input space that indicates the input to the
Classification: The act of distributing things into
classes or categories of the same type.
Detection: The perception that something has occurred or some state exists.
Information Extraction: Obtention of the relevant
aspects contained in data. It is commonly used to reduce
the input space of a classifier.
Pattern: Observation vector that for its relevance
is considered as an important example of the input
Preprocessing: Operation or set of operations
applied to a signal in order to improve some aspects
of it.


Interactive Systems and Sources of

Qiyang Chen
Montclair State University, USA
John Wang
Montclair State University, USA

Todays e-commerce environment requires that interactive systems exhibit abilities such as autonomy, adaptive
and collaborative behavior, and inferential capability.
Such abilities are based on the knowledge about users
and their tasks to be performed (Raisinghani, Klassen
and Schkade, 2001). To adapt users input and tasks
an interactive system must be able to establish a set of
assumptions about users profiles and task characteristics, which is often referred as user models. However,
to develop a user model an interactive system needs
to analyze users input and recognize the tasks and
the ultimate goals users trying to achieve, which may
involve a great deal of uncertainties.
Uncertainty refers to a set of values about a piece of
assumption that cannot be determined during a dialog
session. In fact, the problem of uncertainty in reasoning
processes is a complex and difficult one. Information
available for user model construction and reasoning
is often uncertain, incomplete, and even vague. The
propagation of such data through an inference model
is also difficult to predict and control. Therefore, the
capacity of dealing with uncertainty is crucial to the
success of any knowledge management system.
Currently, a vigorous debate is in progress concerning how best to represent and process uncertainties in
knowledge based systems. This debate carries great
importance because it is not only related to the construction of knowledge based system but also focuses
on human thinking in which most decisions are made
under conditions of uncertainty. This chapter presents
and discusses uncertainties in the context of user modeling in interactive systems. Some elementary distinctions
between different kinds of uncertainties are introduced.
The purpose is to provide an analytical overview and
perspective concerning how and where uncertainties

arise and the major methods that have been proposed

to cope with them.

Sources of Uncertainties
The user model based interactive systems face the
problems of uncertainty in the reference rule, the facts,
and representation languages. There is no widely accepted definition about the presence of uncertainty in
user modeling. However, the nature of uncertainty in
a user model can be investigated through its origin.
Uncertainty can arise from a variety of sources. Several
authors have emphasized the need for differentiating
among the types and sources of uncertainty. Some of
the major sources are as follows:
(1) The imprecise and incomplete information obtained
from the users input. This type of source is related to
the reliability of information, which involves the following aspects:

Uncertain or imprecise information exists in the

factual knowledge (Dutta, 2005). The contents
of a user model involve uncertain factors. For
instance, the system might want to assert "It is
not likely that this user is a novice programmer."
This kind of assertion might be treated as a piece of
knowledge. But it is uncertain and seems difficult
to find a numerical description for the uncertainty
in this statement (i.e., no appropriate sample space
in which to give this statement statistical meaning,
if a statistical method is considered for capturing
the uncertainty).
The default information often brings uncertain
factors to inference processes (Reiter, 1980). For
example, the stereotype system carries extensive
default assumptions about a user. Some assump-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Interactive Systems and Sources of Uncertainties

tions may be subject to change as interaction

Uncertainty occurs as a result of ill-defined concepts in the observations or due to inaccuracy and
poor reliability of the measurement (Kahneman
and Tversky, 1982). For example, a user's typing
speed could be considered as a measurement for a
user's file editing skill. But for some applications
it may be questionable.
The uncertain exception to general assumptions for performing some actions under some
circumstances can cause conflicts in reasoning

(2) Inexact language by which the information is

conveyed. The second source of uncertainty is caused
by the inherent imprecision or inexactness of the
representation languages. The imprecision appears in
both natural languages and knowledge representation
language. It has been proposed to classify three kinds
of inexactness in natural language (Zwick, 1999). The
first is generality, in which a word applies to a multiplicity of objects in the field or reference. For example,
the word table can apply to objects differing in size,
shape, materials, and functions. The second kind of
linguistic exactness is ambiguity, which appears when a
limited number of alternative meanings have the same
phonetic form (e.g., bank). The third is vagueness, in
which there are no precise boundaries to the meaning
of the word (e.g., old, rich).
In knowledge representation languages employed
in user modeling systems, if rules are not expressed
in a formal language, their meaning usually cannot be
interpreted exactly. This problem has been partially
addressed by the theory of approximate reasoning.
Generally, a proposition (e.g., fact, event) is uncertain
if it involves a continuous variable. Note that an exact
assumption may be uncertain (e.g., the user is able to
learn this concept), and an assumption that is absolutely
certain may be linguistically inexact (e.g. the user is
familiar with this concept).
(3) Aggregation or summarization of information. The
third type of uncertainty source arises from aggregation of information from different knowledge sources
or expertise (Bonissone and Tong, 2005). Aggregating
information brings several potential problems that are
discussed in (Chen and Nocio 1997).


(4) Deformation while transferring knowledge. There

might be no semantic correspondence between one
representation language to another. It is possible that
there is even no appropriate representation for certain
expertise, for example, the measurement of users
mental workload. This makes the deformation of
transformation inevitable. In addition, human factors
greatly affect the procedure of information translation.
Several tools that use cognitive models for knowledge
acquisition have been presented (Jacobson and Freiling, 1988).

Generally, uncertainty affects the performance of an
adaptive interface in the following aspects and obviously, the management of uncertainty must address all
of the following aspects (Chen and Norcio, 2001).

How to determine the degree to which the premise

of a given rule has been satisfied.
How to verify the extent to which external constraints have been met.
How to propagate the amount of uncertain information through triggering of a given rule.
How to summarize and evaluate the findings
provided by various rules or domain expertise.
How to detect possible inconsistencies among
the various sources and,
How to rank different alternatives or different

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Theory of Evidence, AI Magazine., 5(3), 81-83.
Zadeh, L. A. Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy
Logic, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 89-100, 1989.
Zwick, R., Combining Stochastic Uncertainty and
Linguistic Inexactness: Theory and Experimental
Evaluation of Four Fuzzy Probability Models, Int. J.
Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 30, pp. 69-111, 1999.

Interactive System: A system that allows dialogs
between the computer and the user.
Knowledge Based Systems: A computer system
that programmed to imitate human problem-solving


Interactive Systems and Sources of Uncertainties

by means of artificial intelligence and reference to a

database of knowledge on a particular subject.
Knowledge Representation: The notation or formalism used for coding the knowledge to be stored in
a knowledge-based system.
Stereotype: A set of assumptions based on conventional, formulaic, and simplified conceptions,
opinions about a user, which is created by an interactive system.
Uncertainties: A potential deficiency in any phase
or activity of the modeling process that is due to the
lack of knowledge
User Model: A set of information an interactive
system infers or collects, which is used to characterize a
users tasks, goals, domain knowledge and preferences,
etc. to facilitate human computer interaction.



Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

Ioannis K. Vlachos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
George D. Sergiadis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Since its genesis, fuzzy sets (FSs) theory (Zadeh, 1965)
provided a flexible framework for handling the indeterminacy characterizing real-world systems, arising
mainly from the imprecise and/or imperfect nature of
information. Moreover, fuzzy logic set the foundations
for dealing with reasoning under imprecision and offered the means for developing a context that reflects
aspects of human decision-making. Images, on the
other hand, are susceptible of bearing ambiguities,
mostly associated with pixel values. This observation
was early identified by Prewitt (1970), who stated that
a pictorial object is a fuzzy set which is specified
by some membership function defined on all picture
points, thus acknowledging the fact that some of
its uncertainty is due to degradation, but some of it is
inherent. A decade later, Pal & King (1980) (1981)
(1982) introduced a systematic approach to fuzzy image processing, by modelling image pixels using FSs
expressing their corresponding degrees of brightness. A
detailed study of fuzzy techniques for image processing and pattern recognition can be found in Bezdek et
al and Chi et al (Bezdek, Keller, Krisnapuram, & Pal,
1999) (Chi, Yan, & Pham, 1996).
However, FSs themselves suffer from the requirement of precisely assigning degrees of membership to
the elements of a set. This constraint raises some of the
flexibility of FSs theory to cope with data characterized by uncertainty. This observation led researchers
to seek more efficient ways to express and model imprecision, thus giving birth to higher-order extensions
of FSs theory.
This article aims at outlining an alternative approach
to digital image processing using the apparatus of
Atanassovs intuitionistic fuzzy sets (A-IFSs), a simple,
yet efficient, generalization of FSs. We describe heuristic and analytic methods for analyzing/synthesizing
images to/from their intuitionistic fuzzy components

and discuss the particular properties of each stage of

the process. Finally, we describe various applications
of the intuitionistic fuzzy image processing (IFIP)
framework from diverse imaging domains and provide
the reader with open issues to be resolved and future
lines of research to be followed.

From the very beginning of their development, FSs
intrigued researchers to apply the flexible fuzzy framework in different domains. In contrast with ordinary
(crisp) sets, FSs are defined using a characteristic
function, namely the membership function, which maps
elements of a universe to the unit interval, thereby
attributing values expressing the degree of belongingness with respect to the set under consideration. This
particular property of FSs theory was exploited in the
context of digital image processing and soon turned
out to be a powerful tool for handling the inherent
uncertainty carried by image pixels. The importance of
fuzzy image processing was rapidly acknowledged by
both theoreticians and practitioners, who exploited its
potential to perform various image-related tasks, such as
contrast enhancement, thresholding and segmentation,
de-noising, edge-detection, and image compression.
However, and despite their vast impact to the design
of algorithms and systems for real-world applications,
FSs are not always able to directly model uncertainties
associated with imprecise and/or imperfect information.
This is due to the fact that their membership functions
are themselves crisp. These limitations and drawbacks
characterizing most ordinary fuzzy logic systems
(FLSs) were identified and described by Mendel &
Bob John (2002), who traced their sources back to the
uncertainties that are present in FLSs and arise from
various factors. The very meaning of words that are
used in the antecedents and consequents of FLSs can

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

be uncertain, since some words may often mean different things to different people. Moreover, extracting
the knowledge from a group of experts who do not all
agree, leads in consequents having a histogram of values
associated with them. Additionally, data presented as
inputs to an FLS, as well as data used for its tuning,
are often noisy, thus bearing an amount of uncertainty.
As a result, these uncertainties translate into additional
uncertainties about FS membership functions. Finally,
Atanassov et al. (Atanassov, Koshelev, Kreinovich,
Rachamreddy & Yasemis, 1998) proved that there exists a fundamental justification for applying methods
based on higher-order FSs to deal with everyday-life
situations. Therefore, it comes as a natural consequence
that such an extension should also be carried in the field
of digital image processing.


In quest for new theories treating imprecision, various
higher-order extensions of FSs were proposed by different scholars. Among them, A-IFSs (Atanassov, 1986)
provide a simple and flexible, yet solid, mathematical
framework for coping with the intrinsic uncertainties
characterizing real-world systems. A-IFSs are defined
using two characteristic functions, namely the membership and the non-membership that do not necessarily
sum up to unity. These functions assign to elements
of the universe corresponding degrees of belongingness and non-belongingness with respect to a set. The
membership and non-membership values induce an
indeterminacy index, which models the hesitancy of
deciding the degree to which an element satisfies a
particular property. In fact, it is this additional degree of
freedom that provides us with the ability to efficiently
model and minimize the effects of uncertainty due to the
imperfect and/or imprecise nature of information.
Hesitancy in images originates out of various factors,
which in their majority are caused by inherent weaknesses of the acquisition and the imaging mechanisms.
Distortions occurred as a result of the limitations of the
acquisition chain, such as the quantization noise, the suppression of the dynamic range, or the nonlinear behavior
of the mapping system, affect our certainty regarding
the brightness or edginess of a pixel and therefore
introduce a degree of hesitancy associated with the corresponding pixel. Moreover, dealing with qualitative
rather than quantitative properties of images is one

of the sound advantages of fuzzy-based techniques.

Qualitative properties describe in a more natural and
human-centric manner image attributes, such as the
contrast and the homogeneity of an image region,
or the edginess of a boundary. However, as already
pointed out, these terms are themselves imprecise and
thus they additionally increase the uncertainty of image
pixels. It is therefore a necessity, rather than a luxury,
to employ A-IFSs theory to cope with the uncertainty
present in real-world images.
In order to apply the IFIP framework, images should
first be expressed in terms of elements of A-IFSs theory.
Analyzing and synthesizing digital images to and from
their corresponding intuitionistic fuzzy components is
not a trivial task and can be carried out using either
heuristic or analytic approaches.

Heuristic Modelling
As already stated, the factors introducing hesitancy in
real-world images can be traced back to the acquisition
stage of imaging systems and involve pixel degradation,
mainly triggered by the presence of quantization noise
generated by the A/D converters, as well as the suppression of the dynamic range caused by the imaging
sensor. A main effect of quantization noise in images
is that there exist a number of gray levels with zero,
or almost zero, frequency of occurrence, while gray
levels in their vicinity possess high frequencies. This
is due to the fact that a gray level g in a digital image
can be either (g+1) or (g-1) without any appreciable
change in the visual perception.
An intuitive and heuristic approach to the modelling of the aforementioned sources of uncertainty in
the context of A-IFSs was proposed by Vlachos &
Sergiadis (Vlachos & Sergiadis, 2005) (Vlachos &
Sergiadis, 2007 d) for gray-scale images, while an
extension to color images was presented in Vlachos &
Sergiadis (Vlachos & Sergiadis, 2006). The underlying
idea involves the application of the concept of the fuzzy
histogram of an image, which models the notion of the
gray level approximately g. The fuzzy histogram
takes into account the frequency of neighboring gray
levels to assess the frequency of occurrence of the gray
level under consideration. Consequently, a quantitative
measure of the quantization noise can be calculated as
the normalized absolute difference between the ordinary
(crisp) and fuzzy histograms.

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

Finally, to further incorporate the additional distortion factors into the calculation of hesitancy, parameters
are employed that model the influence of the dynamic
range suppression and the fact that lower gray levels
are more prone to noise than higher ones.

Analytic Modelling
The analytic approach offers a more generic treatment to hesitancy modelling of digital images, since

it does not require an a priori knowledge of the system

characteristics, nor a particular pre-defined image
acquisition model. Generally, it consists of sequential
operations that primarily aim to optimally transfer the
image from the pixel domain (PD) to the intuitionistic
fuzzy domain (IFD), where the appropriate actions
will be performed, using the fuzzy domain (FD) as
an intermediate step. After the modification of the
membership and non-membership components of the
image in the IFD, an inverse procedure is carried out

Figure 1. Overview of the analytic IFIP framework

Figure 2. The process of fuzzification (from image properties to membership functions)


Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

for transferring the image back to the PD. A block

diagram illustrating the analytic modelling is given in
Figure 1. Details on each of the aforementioned stages
of IFIP are provided below.

It constitutes the first stage of the IFIP framework,
which assigns degrees of membership to image pixels
with respect to an image property, such as brightness,
homogeneity, or edginess. These properties are
application dependent and also determine the operations to be carried out in the following stages of the
IFIP framework. For the task of contrast enhancement
one may consider the brightness of gray levels and
construct the corresponding FS Bright pixel or Dark
pixel using different schemes that range from simple
intensity normalization to more complex approaches
involving knowledge extracted from a group of human
experts (Figure 2).

Intuitionistic Fuzzification
Intuitionistic fuzzification is one of the most important
stages of the IFIP architecture, since it involves the
construction of the A-IFS that represents the image
properties in the IFD. The analytic approach allows
for an automated modelling of the hesitancy carried by
image pixels, by rendering image properties directly
from the FS obtained in the fuzzification stage through
the use of intuitionistic fuzzy generators (Bustince,
Kacprzyk & Mohedano, 2001). In order to construct
an A-IFS that efficiently models a particular image
property, tunable parametric intuitionistic fuzzy generators are utilized.
The underlying statistics of images are closely
related to and soundly affect the process of hesitancy
modelling. Different parameter values of the intuitionistic fuzzy generators produce different A-IFSs and
therefore alternative representations of the image in
the IFD are possible. Consequently, an optimization
criterion should be employed, in order to select the parameter set that derives the A-IFS that optimally models
the hesitancy of pixels from the multitude of possible
representations. Such a criterion, that also encapsulates
the image statistics, is the intuitionistic fuzzy entropy
(Burillo & Bustince, 1996) (Szmidt & Kacprzyk, 2001)
of the image under consideration. Therefore, the set of
parameters that produce the A-IFS with the maximum

intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is considered as optimal.

We refer to this process of selection as the maximum
intuitionistic fuzzy entropy principle (Vlachos & Sergiadis, 2007 d). The optimal parameter set is then used to
construct membership and non-membership functions
corresponding to the intuitionistic fuzzy components of
the image in the IFD. This procedure is schematically
illustrated in Figure 3.

Modification of Intuitionistic Fuzzy

It involves the actual processing of the intuitionistic
fuzzy components of the image with respect to a particular property. Depending on the desired image task
one is about to perform, suitable intuitionistic fuzzy
operators are applied to both membership and nonmembership functions.

Intuitionistic Defuzzification
After obtaining the modified intuitionistic fuzzy components of the image, it is required that these components
should be combined to produce the processed image
in the FD. This procedure involves the embedding of
hesitancy into the membership function. To carry out
this task, we utilize suitable parametric intuitionistic
fuzzy operators that de-construct an A-IFS into an FS.
It should be stressed out that the final result soundly depends on the selected parameters of the aforementioned
operators. Therefore, optimization criteria, such as the
maximization of the index of fuzziness of the image, are
employed to select the overall optimal parameters with
respect to the considered image operation.

The final stage of the IFIP framework involves the
transfer of the processed fuzzy image into the PD.
Depending on the desired image operation, various
functions may be applied to carry out this task.

The IFIP architecture has been successfully applied to
many image processing problems. Vlachos & Sergiadis
(2007 d) exploited the potential of the framework in
order to perform contrast enhancement to low-con-

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

trasted images. Different approaches were introduced,

namely the intuitionistic fuzzy contrast intensification
and the intuitionistic fuzzy histogram hyperbolization
(IFHH). An extension of the IFHH technique to color
images was proposed in Vlachos & Sergiadis (Vlachos
& Sergiadis, 2007 b). Additionally, the effects of employing different intuitionistic fuzzification and intuitionistic defuzzification schemes to the performance
of contrast enhancement algorithms was thoroughly
studied and investigated in Vlachos & Sergiadis (2007)

(2007 d) and (2006 b), respectively. Application of AIFSs theory to edge detection was also demonstrated
in Vlachos & Sergiadis (Vlachos & Sergiadis, 2007
d), based on intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measures.
The problem of image thresholding and segmentation
under the context of IFIP, was also addressed (Vlachos
& Sergiadis, 2006 a) using novel intuitionistic fuzzy
information measures. Under the general framework
of IFIP, the notions of the intuitionistic fuzzy histograms of a digital image were introduced (Vlachos

Figure 3. The process of intuitionistic fuzzification

Figure 4. The stages of the IFIP framework for contrast enhancement


Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

& Sergiadis, 2007 c) and their application to contrast

enhancement was demonstrated (Vlachos & Sergiadis,
2007 a). Finally, the IFIP architecture was successfully
applied in mammographic image processing (Vlachos
& Sergiadis, 2007 d). Figure 4 illustrates the stages of
IFIP in the case of the IFHH approach.

Even though higher-order FSs have been widely
applied to decision-making and pattern recognition
problems, it seems that their application in the field of
digital image processing is just beginning to develop.
As a newly-introduced approach, the IFIP architecture
remains a suggestively and challenging open field for
future research. Therefore, it is expected that the IFIP
framework will attract the interest of theoreticians and
practitioners in the near future.
The proposed IFIP context bases its efficiency in the
ability of A-IFSs to capture and render the hesitancy
associated with image properties. Consequently, the
analysis and synthesis of images in terms of elements
of A-IFSs theory plays a key role in the performance
of the framework itself. Therefore, the stages of intuitionistic fuzzification and defuzzification need to be
further studied from an application point of view, to
provide meaningful ways of extracting and embedding
hesitancy from and to images. Finally, the IFIP architecture should be extended to image processing task
handled today by FS theory, in order to investigate and
evaluate its advantages and particular merits.

This article describes an intuitionistic fuzzy architecture
for the processing of digital images. The IFIP framework
exploits the potential of A-IFSs to efficiently model the
uncertainties associated with image pixels, as well as
with the definitions of their properties. The proposed
methodology provides alternative approaches for analyzing/synthesizing images to/from their intuitionistic
fuzzy components. Application of the IFIP framework
to diverse imaging domains demonstrates its efficiency
compared to traditional image processing techniques.
It is expected that the proposed context will provide
theoretician and practitioners with an alternative and


challenging way to perceive and deal with real-world

image processing problems.

Atanassov, K.T. (1986). Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, 20 (1), 87-96.
Atanassov, K.T., Koshelev, M., Kreinovich, V., Rachamreddy, B., & Yasemis, H. (1995). Fundamental
Justification of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic and of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Methods. Notes on Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Sets, 4 (2), 42-46.
Bezdek, J.C., Keller, J., Krisnapuram, R., & Pal, N.R.
(1999). Fuzzy Models and Algorithms for Pattern
Recognition and Image Processing, Springer.
Burillo, P., & Bustince, H. (1996). Entropy on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and on Interval-Valued Fuzzy
Sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 78 (3), 305-316.
Bustince, H., Kacprzyk, J., & Mohedano, V. (2000).
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Generators: Application to Intuitionistic Fuzzy Complementation. Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 114 (3), 485-504.
Chi, Z., Yan, H., & Pham, T. (1996). Fuzzy Algorithms:
With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern
Recognition, World Scientific Publishing Company.
Mendel, J.M., & Bob John, R.I. (2002). Type-2 Fuzzy
Sets Made Simple. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 10 (2), 117-127.
Pal, S.K., & King, R.A. (1980). Image Enhancement Using Fuzzy Set. Electronics Letters, 16 (10), 376-378.
Pal, S.K., & King, R.A. (1981). Image Enhancement
Using Smoothing with Fuzzy Sets. IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 11 (7), 495-501.
Pal, S.K., & King, R.A. (1982). A Note on the Quantitative Measurement of Image Enhancement Through
Fuzziness. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 4 (2), 204-208.
Prewitt, J.M.S. (1970). Object Enhancement and Extraction. Picture Processing and Psycho-Pictorics (pp.
75-149), Lipkin, B.S. Rosenfeld, A. (Eds.), Academic
Press, New York.

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

Szmidt, E., & Kacprzyk, J. (2001). Entropy for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 118
(3), 467-477.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2005). Towards
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Computational
Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation
(CIMCA 2005), Vienna, Austria.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2006). A Heuristic
Approach to Intuitionistic Fuzzification of Color Images. Proceedings of the 7th International FLINS
Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (FLINS
2006), Genova, Italy.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2006 a). Intuitionistic
Fuzzy InformationApplications to Pattern Recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters, 28 (2), 197-206.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2006 b). On the Intuitionistic Defuzzification of Digital Images for Contrast
Enhancement. Proceedings of the 7th International
FLINS Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence
(FLINS 2006), Genova, Italy.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007). A Two-Dimensional Entropic Approach to Intuitionistic Fuzzy
Contrast Enhancement. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications
(WILF 2007), Genova, Italy.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007 a). Hesitancy
Histogram Equalization. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE
2007), London, United Kingdom.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007 b). Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Histogram Hyperbolization for Color Images.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fuzzy
Logic and Applications (WILF 2007), Genova, Italy.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007 c). Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Histograms of an Image. Proceedings of the
World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems
Association (IFSA 2007), Cancun, Mexico.
Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007 d). Intuitionistic
Fuzzy Image Processing. Soft Computing in Image Processing: Recent Advances (pp. 385-416), Nachtegael,
M. Van der Weken, D. Kerre, E.E. Philips, W. (Eds.),
Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 210,

Vlachos, I.K., & Sergiadis, G.D. (2007 e). The Role

of Entropy in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Contrast Enhancement. Proceedings of the World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA 2007),
Cancun, Mexico.

Crisp Set: A set defined using a characteristic function that assigns a value of either 0 or 1 to each element of
the universe, thereby discriminating between members
and non-members of the crisp set under consideration.
In the context of fuzzy sets theory, we often refer to
crisp sets as classical or ordinary sets.
Defuzzification: The inverse process of fuzzification. It refers to the transformation of fuzzy sets into
crisp numbers.
Fuzzification: The process of transforming crisp
values into grades of membership corresponding to
fuzzy sets expressing linguistic terms.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy logic is an extension of traditional Boolean logic. It is derived from fuzzy set theory
and deals with concepts of partial truth and reasoning
that is approximate rather than precise.
Fuzzy Set: A generalization of the definition of
the classical set. A fuzzy set is characterized by a
membership function, which maps the members of
the universe into the unit interval, thus assigning to
elements of the universe degrees of belongingness
with respect to a set.
Image Processing: Image processing encompasses
any form of information processing for which the input
is an image and the output an image or a corresponding
set of features.
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Index: Also referred to as
hesitancy margin or indeterminacy index. It represents the degree of indeterminacy regarding the assignment of an element of the universe to a particular
set. It is calculated as the difference between unity
and the sum of the corresponding membership and
non-membership values.
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set: An extension of the fuzzy
set. It is defined using two characteristic functions,

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Image Processing

the membership and the non-membership that do not

necessarily sum up to unity. They attribute to each
individual of the universe corresponding degrees of
belongingness and non-belongingness with respect to
the set under consideration.
Membership Function: The membership function
of a fuzzy set is a generalization of the characteristic


function of crisp sets. In fuzzy logic, it represents the

degree of truth as an extension of valuation.
Non-Membership Function: In the context of
Atanassovs intuitionistic fuzzy sets, it represents the
degree to which an element of the universe does not
belong to a set.


Knowledge Management Systems Procedural

Javier Andrade
University of A Corua, Spain
Santiago Rodrguez
University of A Corua, Spain
Mara Seoane
University of A Corua, Spain
Sonia Surez
University of A Corua, Spain

The success of the organisations is increasingly dependant on the knowledge they have, to the detriment of
other traditionally decisive factors as the work or the
capital (Tissen, 2000). This situation has led the organisations to pay special attention to this new intangible
item, so numerous efforts are being done in order to
conserve and institutionalise it.
The Knowledge Management (KM) is a recent
discipline replying this increasing interest; however,
and despite its importance, this discipline is currently
in an immature stage, as none of the multiple existing
proposals for the development of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) achieve enough detail for perform
such complex task.
In order to palliate the previous situation, this work
presents a methodological framework for the explicit
management of the knowledge. The study has a formal
basis for achieving an increased level of detail, as all
the conceptually elements needed for understanding and
representing the knowledge of any domain are identified. The requested descriptive character is achieved
when basing the process on these elements and, in this
way, the development of the systems could be guided
more effectively.

During the last years numerous methodological frameworks for the development of KMS have arisen, the

most important of which are the ones of Junnarkar

(1997), Wiig et al (1997), Daniel et al (1997), Holsapple
and Joshi (1997), Liebowitz and Beckman (Liebowitz,
1998; Beckman, 1997), Stabb and Schnurr (1999), Tiwana (2000) and Mat et al (2002). Nevertheless, the
existing proposals do not satisfy adequately the needs
of the organisation knowledge (Rubenstein-Montano,
2001; Andrade, 2003) due to their immaturity, mainly
based on the following aspects:


The research efforts have been mainly focused

on the definition of a process for KMS development, ignoring instead the study of the object to
be managed: the knowledge.
The definition of such process has eluded in most
of the cases the human factor and it has been
restricted only to the technological viewpoint of
the KM.

The first aspect regards the necessary study of the

knowledge as basis for the definition of the Corporate
Memory structure; this study should identify (i) the type
of knowledge that has to be included in that repository
and (ii) their descriptive properties for the Corporate
Memory to include all the features of the knowledge
items that it stores. The definition of that structure would
enable also the definition of a descriptive process for
creating KMS by using the different characteristics and
types of knowledge.
However, and despite the influence that the object to
be managed has on the management process, only the
Wiig (1997) proposal pays attention to its study. Such

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

KM Systems

proposal identifies a small set of descriptors that support

the formalisation (making explicit) of the knowledge
although, (i) its identification does not result from an
exhaustive study and (ii) it does not enable a complete
formalisation as it is solely restricted to some generic
The second step suggests that the whole process for
KMS development should consider the technological
as well as the human vision. The first one is focused on
how obtaining, storing and sharing the relevant knowledge that exists within an organisation, by creating the
Corporate Memory and the computer support system.
The second vision involves, not only the creation of
a collaborative atmosphere within the organisation in
order to achieve the involvement of the workers in
the KM program, but also the tendency to share their
knowledge and use the one already provided by other
Despite the previous fact, the vast majority of the
analysed approaches are solely focused on the technological KM viewpoint, which jeopardises the success of
a KMS (Andrade, 2003). In fact, among the previously
mentioned proposals, only the Tiwana (2000) proposal
explicitly considers the human viewpoint by including
a specific phase for it.
As a result of both aspects, the current proposals are
restricted to a set of generic guides for performing KM,
which is quite different from the formal and detailed
vision that is being demanded. In other words, the current approaches indicate what to do but not how to do it
(prescriptive viewpoint against descriptive/procedural
viewpoint). In this scenario the developers of this type
of systems have to elaborate their own ad hoc approach,
achieving results that only depend on the experience
and the capabilities of the development team.


This section presents a methodological framework for
the explicit KM that solves the previously mentioned
problems. A study of the object to be managed has been
performed for obtaining a knowledge formalisation
schema, i.e., for knowing the relevant knowledge items
and the characteristics/properties that should be made
explicit. Using the results achieved after this study a
methodological framework for KMS creation has been
defined. Both aspects are following discussed.

Proposed Formalisation Schema

The natural language is the language par excellence
for sharing knowledge. Due to this, a good identification of all the necessary elements for conceptualising
(understanding) the knowledge of any domain (and
therefore those for whom the respective formalisation
mechanisms must be provided) can be done from the
analysis of the different grammatical categories of the
natural language: nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs,
locutions and other linguistic expressions. This study,
whose detailed description and applications have been
described in several works (Andrade, 2006; Andrade,
2008), reveals that all the identified conceptual elements can be put into the following knowledge levels
according to their function within the domain:

Static. It regards the structural or operative knowledge domain, meaning domain facts that are true
and that can be used in some operations as concepts, properties, relationships and constraints.
Dynamic. It is related to the performance of the
domain, that is, functionality, action, process
or control: inferences, calculations and step
sequence. This level can be divided into two
Strategic. It includes what to do, when and in
what order (i.e., step factorisation).
Tactical. It specifies how and when obtaining
new operative knowledge (i.e., the description
of a given step).

Every one of these levels approaches a different

fragment of the organisation knowledge, although they
all are obviously interrelated; in fact, the strategic level
controls the tactical one, as for every last level/elemental
step (strategic knowledge) the interferences and calculi must be indicated (tactical knowledge). Also the
level of the operative knowledge is controlled by the
other two, as it specifies how, not only the bifurcation
points or execution alternatives are decided (strategic
knowledge), but also how interferences and calculi are
done (tactical knowledge).
Therefore, a KMS must provide support to all these
levels. As it can be observed at Table 1, the main formalisation schema has been divided, on one hand, into
several individual schemas corresponding to each one
of the identified knowledge levels and, on the other, into

KM Systems

Table 1. Components defined for every identified schema




Catalogue of terms



Catalogue of non terminal steps

Catalogue of terminal steps
Catalogue of tactical steps
Catalogue of concepts



Catalogue of relationships
Catalogue of properties

a common one for the three levels, providing the global

vision of the organisation knowledge. Therefore, the
knowledge formalisation involves a dynamic schema
including the strategic and tactical individual schemas,
a dynamic schema including an operative schema, and
a common schema, for describing the common aspects
regardless the level. Every individual schema is also
constituted by some components.
The catalogue of terms is a common component for
the schemas, providing synonyms and abbreviations for
identifying every knowledge asset within the organisation. The strategic schema describes the functional
splitting of every KMS operation and also each identified
step. As the description varies when the step is terminal or not (elemental step), two different components
are needed for including all the characteristics of this
level. The approachprocedural or algorithmic, for
instanceshould be described with detail for every asset
included into the catalogue of terminal steps. All this
information is included at the catalogue of tactical steps.
Lastly, the static schema is made up of the catalogue
of conceptsincluding the identified concepts and their
description, the catalogue of relationshipsdescribing
the identified relationships and their meaningand the
catalogue of propertiesreferring the properties of the
previously mentioned concepts and relationships.
The detailed description of this study, together with
the descriptors of every component, can be found in
(Andrade, 2008).

The proposed process, whose basic structure is shown
in Figure 1, has been elaborated bearing in mind the
problems detected at the KM discipline and already
mentioned throughout the present work.
As it can be noticed in the previous figure, this
process includes the following phases:


Setting-up of the KM commission: the direction

defines a KM commission for tracking and performing the KM project.
Scope identification. The problem to be approached would be specified by means of determining on where the present cycle of the KM
project must have a bearing. In order to achieve
this, the framework proposes the use of the SWOT
analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Tricks), together with the proposal of Zack
Knowledge acquisition, including:

3.1. Identification of knowledge domains. The

knowledge needs regarding the approached subject
area are determined by means of different meetings
involving the development team, the KM committee
and the people responsible of every operation to be
3.2. Capture of the relevant knowledge. The obtaining of all the possible knowledge related with the


KM Systems

Figure 1. Structure of the proposed process


Setting-up of
the KM



Creation of the
support system


Creation of the

operation approached is based on the identified domains.

This is done by means of:

Identifying where the knowledge lies in. The

KM commission is in charge of identifying and
providing the human and non human knowledge
sources that are going to be analysed.
(b) Determining the knowledge that has to be captured. As in the previous epigraph, it should be
necessary to bear in mind the strategic, tactical
and operative knowledge.
(c) Knowledge obtaining.
Obviously, when all the knowledge that is needed
does not exist at the organisation it should be generated or imported.

Knowledge assimilation, comprising:

4.1. Knowledge conceptualisation. Its goal is the

comprehension of the captured knowledge. It is recommended to start with the strategic knowledge for
subsequently focusing on the tactical knowledge. As
the strategic and tactical elements are understood, it
would be necessary to assimilate arisen elements of
the operative level.
4.2. Knowledge representation. The relevant
knowledge has to be made explicit and formalised,
according to the components (Andrade, 2008) summarised at Table 1. This in one of the main distinguishing

points of the proposal presented here, as the proposed

formalisation schema indicates the specific descriptors
needed for a correct and complete formalisation of the

Knowledge consolidation, including:

5.1. Knowledge verification. In order to detect

failures and omissions related with the represented
knowledge it should be considered:

Generic aspects. It has to be checked that any

knowledge element (strategic, tactical and operative) is included into the catalogue of terms, that
any term included there has been made explicit
according to the type of knowledge and, that all
the fields are completed.
(b) Strategic aspects. It should be verified that (i)
any decision regarding an execution is made
according to the existing operative knowledge,
(ii) any last level step is associated to an existing
tactical knowledge and, (iii) any non terminal step
is correctly split. All the previous facts would be
achieved by checking the accordance between
the split tree and the content of the formalisation
schema of the terminal strategic knowledge.
(c) Tactical aspects. It should be verified that: (i) the
whole of the tactical knowledge is used in some
of the last level steps of the strategic knowledge
and that any operative knowledge related to the
tactical knowledge is available. In order to achieve

KM Systems

this, the operative knowledge items will be represented as nodes within a knowledge map. This
type of maps enable the graphic visualisation of
how new elements are obtained from the existing
ones. Once the map has been done, it should be
scoured for checking that the whole of the operative knowledge has been included.
(d) Operative aspects. It should be confirmed that:
(i) there are not isolated concepts, (ii) there
are not attributes unrelated to a concept or to a
relationship, (iii) there are not relationships associating non existing concepts or relationships
and (iv) the whole of the operative knowledge
is used in some of the tactical knowledge and/or
in the decision making of the flow control of
the strategic knowledge. In order to perform the
three first verifications, a relationships diagram
will be elaborated for graphically showing the
existing relationships among the different elements of the operative knowledge. The syntax
of this type of diagrams is analogous to the one
of the class diagrams used in the methodologies
of object-oriented software development. The
verification of the last proposal will be done by
using a knowledge map; the execution structures
included into the content of the formalisation
schema for the strategic knowledge of last level
related to every process (the remaining inferior
levels are included into the superior one) will
be also used in this verification. With these two
mentioned graphic representations it could be
verified that every operative element is included
into at least one of the representations.
5.2. Knowledge validation. In order to verify the
knowledge represented and verified, the development
team, the KM commission and the involved parts will

The knowledge splitting tree

The knowledge map
The relationship diagram
The functional splitting tree
The content of the formalisation schema


Creation of the support system, which is divided


6.1. Definition of the incorporation mechanisms.

The KM commission and the development team determine the adequacy of the incorporation type (passive,
active or their combination) according to criteria such
as financial considerations or stored knowledge.
6.2. Definition of the notification mechanisms.
The KM commission and the development team will
establish the most suitable method for notifying the
newly included knowledge. The notification can be
passive or active; even the absence of notification could
be considered.
6.3. Definition of the mechanisms for knowledge
localisation. Several alternatives, such as the need of
including intelligent searches or meta-searches, are
6.4. Development of the KM support system. It will
be necessary to define and to implement the corporate
memory, the communication mechanisms and the applications for collaboration and team work.
6.5. Population of the corporate memory. Once
the KM system has been developed. The knowledge
captured, assimilated and consolidated will be included
into the corporate memory.

Creation of the collaboration environment. The

main goal of this phase is to promote and to
improve the contribution of knowledge and its
subsequent use by the organisation. It should be
borne in mind the risk that involves the use of an
unsuitable organisation culture or of inadequate
tools for promotion and reward. The following
strategies should be followed instead:

Considering the employee worth according his/her

knowledge contribution to the organisation
Supporting and awarding the use of the organisational existing knowledge
Promoting the relaxed dialogue among employees
from different domains
Promoting a good atmosphere among the employees
Committing all the employees

As it has been indicated, the KM discipline remains in
an immature stage due to an inadequate viewpoint: the
absence of a strict study for determining the relevant

KM Systems

knowledge and the characteristics that should be supported. Such situation has led to an important detail
shortage of the existing proposals for KMS development, currently dependant solely from the individual
good work of the developers.
The present proposal means a new viewpoint for
developing this type of systems. However, it still
remains a lot to do. As the authors are aware of the
high grade of bureaucracy that might be needed for
specifically following the present proposal, it should
be expedited and characterised for specific domains.
Nevertheless, this viewpoint could be considered as
the key for achieving specific ontologies for KM in
every domain.

This article has presented a methodological framework
for the development of KMS that, differently from
the existing proposals, is based on the strict study of
the knowledge to be managed. This characteristic has
provided the system with a higher procedural level
of detail than the current proposals, as the elements
conceptually needed for understanding and representing the knowledge of any domain have been identified
and formalised.

Andrade, J., Ares, J., Garca, R., Rodrguez, S., &
Surez, S. (2003). Lessons Learned for the Knowledge
Management Systems Development. Proc. 2003 IEEE
International Conference on Information Reuse and
Integration, 471-477.
Andrade, J., Ares, J., Garca, R., Pazos, J., Rodrguez,
S., & Silva S. (2006). Definition of a problem-sensitive conceptual modelling language: foundations and
application to software engineering. Information and
Software Technology, 48 (7), 517-531.
Andrade, J., Ares, J., Garca, R., Pazos, J., Rodrguez,
S., & Silva S. (2008). Formal conceptualisation as a
basis for a more procedural knowledge management.
Decision Support Systems, 45(1), 164-179.
Beckman, T (1997).A Methodology for Knowledge
Management. International Association of Science

and Technology for Development (IASTED) AI and

Soft Computing Conference.
Daniel, M., Decker, S., Domanetzki, A., HeimbrodtHabermann, E., Hhn, F., Hoffmann, A., Rstel, H.,
Studer, R., & Wegner R. (1997). ERBUS-Towards a
Knowledge Management System for Designers. Proc.
of the Knowledge Management Workshop at the 21st
Annual German AI Conference.
Holsapple, C., Joshi, K. (1997). Knowledge Management: A Three-Fold Framework. Kentucky Initiative
for Knowledge Management Paper, n. 104.
Junnarkar, B. (1997). Leveraging Collective Intellect by
Building Organizational Capabilities. Expert Systems
with Applications, 13 (1), 29-40.
Liebowitz, J., & Beckman, T. (1998). Knowledge
Organizations. What Every Manager Should Know.
CRC Press.
Mat, J.L., Paradela, L.F., Pazos, J., Rodrguez-Patn, A.
& Silva A. (2002). MEGICO: an Intelligent Knowledge
Management Methodology. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, 2473, 102-107.
Staab, S., & Schnurr, H.P. (1999). Knowledge and
Business Processes: Approaching and Integration.
Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Methods. IJCAI99.
Rubenstein-Montano, B., Liebowitz, J., Buchwalter,
J., McCaw, D., Newman, B., & Rebeck K. (2001). A
Systems Thinking Framework for Knowledge Management. Decision Support Systems, 31, 5-16.
Tissen, R., Andriessen, D., & Deprez, F. L. (2000). The
Knowledge Dividend. Financial Times Prentice-Hall.
Tiwana, A. (2000). The Knowledge Management Toolkit. Practical Techniques for Building a Knowledge
Management System. Prentice-Hall.
Wiig K., de Hoog, R., & van der Spek, R. (1997).
Supporting Knowledge Management: a Selection of
Methods and Techniques. Expert Systems with Applications, 13 (1), 15-27.
Zack, M. H. (1999). Developing a Knowledge Strategy.
California Management Review, 41 (3), 125-145.

KM Systems

Commission of Knowledge Management: Team
in charge of the Knowledge Management project.
Corporate Memory: Physical and persistent storage of the knowledge in an organisation. Its structure is
determined by the knowledge formalisation schema.
Knowledge: Pragmatic level of information resulting from the combination of the information received
with the individual experience.
Knowledge Formalisation Schema: Set of attributes for describing and formalising the knowledge.

Knowledge Management: Discipline that tries to

suitably provide the adequate information and knowledge to the people indicated, whenever and how they
need them. In such way these people will have all the
necessary elements for best performing their tasks.
Knowledge Management System: System for
managing knowledge in organizations, supporting
the addition, storage, notification and localization of
expertise and knowledge.
Methodological Framework: Approach for
making explicit and structuring how a given task is



Knowledge Management Tools and Their

Desirable Characteristics
Juan Ares
University of A Corua, Spain
Rafael Garca
University of A Corua, Spain
Mara Seoane
University of A Corua, Spain
Sonia Surez
University of A Corua, Spain

The Knowledge Management (KM) is a recent discipline that was born under the idea of explicitly managing
the whole existing knowledge of a given organisation
(Wiig, 1995) (Wiig et al., 1997). More specifically, the
KM involves providing the people concerned with the
right information and knowledge at the most suitable
level for them, when and how best suit them; in such
way, these people will have all the necessary ingredients
for choosing the best option when faced with a specific
problem (Rodrguez, 2002).
As the knowledge, together with the ability for its
best management, has turned into the key factor for the
organizations to stand out, it is desirable to determine
and develop the support instruments for the generation
of such value within the organisations. This situation
has been commonly accepted by several authors as
(Brooking, 1996) (Davenport & Prusak, 2000) (Huang
et al., 1999) (Liebowitz & Beckman, 1998) (Nonaka
& Takeuchi, 1995) and (Wiig, 1993) among others.
Technological tools should be available for diminishing the communication distance and for providing a
common environment where the knowledge might
accessible for being stored or shared.
As KM is a very recent discipline, there are few
commercial software tools that deal with those aspects
necessary for its approach. Most of the tools classified
as KM-related are mere tools for managing documents,
which is unsuitable for the correct management of the
organisations knowledge. Bearing such problem in
mind, the present work approaches the establishment

of a KM support software tool based on the own definition of KM and on the existing tools. For achieving
this, section 2 presents the market analysis that was
performed for studying the existing KM tools, where
not only their characteristics were analysed, but also
the future needs of the knowledge workers. Following
this study, the functionality that a KM support tool
should have and the proposal for the best approach to
that functionality were identified.

The first step for developing a complete KM support
tool according to the present and future trade needs is
the performance of a study of the existing market. After
the initial identification of the characteristics that a KM
support tool should have, a posterior work reveals how
the studied tools provide support to every one of the
previously identified characteristics. Lastly, an evaluation of the obtained results will be performed.

Characteristics to be Considered
The previously mentioned definition of KM was the
basis for the identification of the characteristics to be
considered, bearing in mind the different aspects that
should be supported by the tool.
A KM tool should give support to the following
aspects (Andrade et al., 2003a):

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Knowledge Management Tools

Corporate Memory
Yellow Pages
Collaboration and Communication mechanisms


Corporate Memory
The Corporate Memory compiles the knowledge
that exists within an organisation for its workers
disposal (Stein, 1995) (Van Heijst et al., 1997).
Due to this, to compile and to make the relevant
knowledge explicit is equally important than
providing the suitable mechanisms for its correct
and easy location, as well as recuperation.
Yellow Pages
A KM program should not make the mistake of
trying to capture and represent the whole existing
knowledge of the organisation, as this attempt
would not be feasible; in this sense, the relevant
knowledge for the performance of the organisation should be the one to be included. However,
not making all the knowledge explicit does not
mean that it has to be obviated; for that reason, it
is important to determine which knowledge has
every individual at the organisation by means
of the elaboration of the Yellow Pages. These
ones identify and publish additional knowledge
sources, human and non-human, that are at the
organisation disposal (Davenport & Prusak,


Collaboration and Communication Mechanisms

At the organisations the knowledge is share, as
well as distributed, regardless of the automatism,
or not, of the process. A knowledge transfer occurs
every time that an employee asks a workmate of
the adjoining office how to perform a given task.
These daily knowledge transfers made the routine
of the organisation up but, as they are local and
fragmentary, some systems for user collaboration and communication should be therefore
established. An adequate KM support tool should
include mechanisms that guarantee the efficiency
of the collaboration and the communication, regardless of the physical or temporal location of
the interlocutors.

Analysed Tools
Once the aspects that a KM support tool should consider have been identified, the following step involves
analysing how the current tools consider them.
With such purpose, the main so-named KM support
tools that exist currently were analysed, discarding
certain tools such as information search engines or
simple applications for documents management, as
they merely offer partial solutions.

Table 1. Tools analysed

Norma K-Factor
Knowledge Discovery System
Documentum 5
Livelink (Opentext)



Collaboration and communication



Knowledge Management Tools

The analysis included thirteen tools (Table 1), all

of them approaching at least two of the previously
mentioned aspects. It should be highlighted that all
the tools implement the Corporate Memory as a document warehouse, while the Yellow Pages appear as a
telephone directory.

the adequate knowledge that the user might need at a

given moment. Therefore, and as it has been pointed
previously, for the best use of the knowledge, it should
be somehow structured. The communication supports
are also quite important.
The characteristics of a KM support tool should
be then necessarily defined, together with a guide for
approaching them.

Results Evaluation
After the tools were analysed it was noticed that, for
every aspect considered, there are some common elements. Bearing in mind these elements and the current
needs, table 2 shows the desirable characteristics that
a KM support tool should have.
The conclusions drawn after a deeper study on how
the analysed tools approach the desirable characteristics
are following presented.
Firstly it was observed that none of the tools classified as KM ones has the necessary structure for
best identifying, formalising and sharing the relevant
knowledge, as they solely perform documental management complemented, in the best of the cases, by
some descriptive fields, the association to a contents
tree or by means of links to another related documents.
Such fact creates many problems, especially and due
to the great data volume, the difficulty for selecting

The approach to every one of the detected characteristics should be initiated as soon as the functionality
that a support tool for the explicit management of the
corporative knowledge might have been determined.

Corporate Memory: the organisation knowledge

has to be physically stored somehow by means of a
Corporate Memory for being adequately shared. A
Corporate Memory is an explicit, independent and
persistent knowledge representation (Stein, 1995)
(Van Heijst et al., 1997) that can be considered
as a knowledge repository from the individuals
that work at a given organisation. The Corporate
Memory should include the following aspects:

Table 2. Desirable characteristics of a KM support tool


Desirable characteristic

Corporate Memory

Yellow Pages

Collaboration and




Knowledge formalisation
Knowledge Incorporation
New knowledge notification
Experts search
Management of time, tasks and resources
Suggestion box
Notice board
Electronic board

Knowledge Management Tools

1.1. Knowledge formalisation. Before being

included into the Corporate Memory, the
knowledge has to be formalised by means
of the determination of, not only the relevant
knowledge, but also the attributes that describe it. When performing this formalisation it should be born in mind that there
are two types of knowledge; on one hand,
the Corporate Memory must include the
knowledge needed to describe the operations for performing an organisational task.
On the other side, it is necessary to capture
the knowledge that has been acquired by the
individuals after their experience and life
time. This markedly heuristic knowledge
is known as Learned Lessons: positive as
well as negative experiences that can be
used for improving the future performance
of the organisation (Van Heijst, 1997), and
therefore refining its current knowledge.
a. Organisational knowledge (Andrade
et al., 2003b). A KM system should
consider different types of knowledge
when structuring the relevant knowledge associated to the operations that
exist at the organisation:

Strategic or control knowledge:

it indicates, not only what to do,
but also why, where and when.
For that reason, the constituents
of the functional disintegration
of every operation should be

Tactical: it specifies how and

under what circumstances the
tasks are done. This type of
knowledge is associated with
the execution process of every
last-level strategic step.
b. Learned lessons. It is related to the
experience and the knowledge that
the individuals have with regards to
their task. It provides the person who
possesses it with the ability for refining
both, the processes that follows at work
and the already existing knowledge,
in order to be more efficient. Whereas
its appropriate to create systems of
learned lessons (Weber, 2001) in order
to save this type of knowledge.

1.2. Incorporation mechanisms. The knowledge

can be incorporated in an active or passive
way (Andrade et al., 2003c). The active
incorporation is based on the existence of
a KM group in charge of looking after the
quality of the knowledge that is going to be
incorporated. This guarantees the quality of
the knowledge included into the Corporate
Memory but it also takes human resources
up. Differently from the previous way, at
the passive incorporation does not exist any
group for quality evaluation, as the own
individual ready to share knowledge and
experience will be responsible for evaluating that the proposal fulfils the minimum
requirements of quality and relevancy. The
main advantage of the second alternative
is that it does not take additional resources
up. Bearing in mind the previous considerations, the active knowledge incorporation
is preferred whenever it might be possible,
as in such way the quality and the relevancy
of the knowledge will be guaranteed.
1.3. Notification mechanisms. All the members
of the organisation should be informed when
a new knowledge is incorporated as this
enables the refinement of their knowledge.
The step previous to the notification is the
definition of the group of people tan will
be informed of the new appearance of a
knowledge item. There are two alternatives
(Garca et al., 2003): subscription, where
every individual at the organisation might
take out a subscription to certain preferred
specific issues, and spreading, where the
notification messages reach the workers
without previous request. At the spreading,
the messages can be sent to all the members
of the organisation, but this is not advisable
as the receptor would be not able of discern
which ones of the vast amount of messages
received might be interesting for him/her.
Other spreading possibility would rely on
an individual or a group that would be in
charge of determining the addressees for
every given message; this last option is
quite convenient for the members of the
organisation but it takes up a vast amount
of resources that have to contain themselves

Knowledge Management Tools




a lot of information regarding the interests

of every one of the members.
1.4. Localisation mechanisms. The tool should
be provided with some search mechanism
in order to achieve the maximum possible
profit from the captured and incorporated
knowledge (Tiwana, 2000). It is necessary
to reach an agreement between efficiency
and functionality, as enough search options
should be available without increasing the
system complexity. For this reason, the following search mechanisms are suggested:

Hierarchy search: this search catalogues the knowledge into a fixed

hierarchy, in such way that the user
might move through a group of links
for refining the search performed.

Attribute search: is based on the

specification of terms in which the
user is interested, resulting into some
knowledge elements that might content those terms. This type of search
provides more general results than the
previous one.
Yellow Pages: a KM system should not try to
capture and assimilate the whole of the knowledge
that exists at the organisation as it would not be
feasible. Therefore, the Yellow Pages are used for
including, not only the systems that store knowledge, but also the individuals that have additional
knowledge. Their elaboration is performed after
determining the knowledge possessed by every
individual at the organisation or by any other non
human agents.
Collaboration and communication mechanisms:
at the organisations, the knowledge is shared
and distributed regardless the process might
be automated or not. The technology helps the
interchange of knowledge and ideas among the
members of the organisation, as it enables bringing the best possible knowledge within reach of
the individual who requires it. The collaboration
and communication mechanisms detected are the
3.1 Asynchronous communication. Does not
require the connection between the ends
of the communication at the same time.

E-mail. The electronic messenger

enables the interchange of text and/or

any other type of document among two

or several users

Forum. It consists of a Web page where

the participants leave questions that do
not have to be answered at that very
moment. Other participants leave the
answers which, together with the questions, can be seen by anyone entering
the forum at any moment.

Suggestion box. It enables sending

suggestions or comments of any relevant aspect of the organisation to the
adequate person or department.

Notice board. It is a common space

where the members of the organisation can publish some announcements
appropriate for the public interest.
3.2 Synchronous communication. This type
of interactive technology is based on realtime communications. Some of the most
important systems are the following:

Chat. It implies the communication

among several people through the
computer, as all the people connected
can follow the communication, express an opinion, contribute ideas,
make or answer questions when they

Electronic board. It provides the members of the organisation with a shared

space for improving the interchange
the ideas where everybody draws or

Audio conference. Two or more users

can use real-time voice communication.

Video conference. Two or more users

can use real-time image communication.

As it has been mentioned before, there is not a current
KM tool that might cover adequately the organisational
needs. This problem has been approached in the present
work by trying to determine the functionality that any
of these tools should incorporate. This is a first step that
should be complemented with subsequent works, as it

Knowledge Management Tools

is necessary to go deeper and determine better how to

approach and implement the specified aspects.

The knowledge, either for its management or not,
is transmitted within the organisations, although its
existence does not imply its adequate use. There is a
vast amount of knowledge where access is extremely
difficult; this means that there are items from where no
return is being achieved and that they are lost into the
organisation. The KM represents the effort for capturing and getting benefits from the collective experience
of the organisation by means of turning it accessible
to any of its members. However, it could be stated
that not a current tool is able to efficiently perform
this task as, although there exist the so-named KM
tools, they merely store documents and none of them
performs the structuration of the relevant knowledge
for its best use.
In order to palliate such problems, the present work
proposes an approach based on a market research. It is
as well based on the KM definition that indicates how
to approach and defines the characteristics that a tool
should have for working as facilitator of an adequate
and explicit Knowledge Management.

Andrade, J., Ares, J., Garca, R., Rodrguez, S., Silva,
A., & Surez, S. (2003a): Knowledge Management
Systems Development: a Roadmap. Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, 2775, 1008-1015.
Andrade, J.; Ares, J.; Garca, R.; Rodrguez, S. & Surez,
S. (2003b): Lessons Learned for the Knowledge Management Systems Development. In Proceedings of the
2003 IEEE International Conference on Information
Reuse and Integration. Las Vegas (USA).
Brooking, A. (1996): Intellectual Capital. Core Asset
for the Third Millennium Enterprise. International
Thomson Business Press. London (UK).
Davenport, T. H. & Prusak, L. (2000): Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know.
Harvard Business School Press. Boston (USA).

Garca, R.; Rodrguez, S.; Seoane, M. & Surez, S.

(2003): Approach to the Development of Knowledge
Management Systems. In Proceedings of the 10th. International Congress on Computer Science Research.
Morelos (Mexico).
Huang, K. T.; Lee, Y. W. & Wang, R. Y. (1999): Quality Information and Knowledge. Prentice-Hall PTR.
New Jersey (USA).
Liebowitz, J. & Beckman, T. (1998): Knowledge Organizations. What Every Manager Should Know. CRC
Press. Florida (USA).
Nonaka, I. & Takeuchi, H. (1995): The Knowledge
Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create
the Dynamics of Innovation. Oxford University Press.
New York (USA).
Rodrguez, S. (2002): Un marco metodolgico para
la Knowledge Management y su aplicacin a la Ingeniera de Requisitos Orientada a Perspectivas. PhD.
Dissertation. School of Computer Science. University
of A Corua (Spain).
Stein, E. W. (1995): Organizational Memory: Review
of Concepts and Recommendations for Management.
International Journal of Information Management. Vol.
15. No. 2. PP: 17-32.
Tiwana, A. (2000): The Knowledge Management
Toolkit. Prentice Hall.
Van Heijst, G.; Van der Spek, R. & Kruizinga, E.
(1997): Corporate Memories as a Tool for Knowledge
Management. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol.
13. No. 1. PP: 41-54.
Weber R., Aha, D. W., & Becerra-Fernandez, I. (2001):
Intelligent Lessons Learned Systems. International
Journal of Expert Systems Research and Applications,
Vol. 20 No.1, PP: 17-34.
Wiig, K.; de Hoog, R. & Van der Spek, R. (1997):
Supporting Knowledge Management: A Selection of
Methods and Techniques. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol. 13. No. 1. PP: 15-27.
Wiig, K. (1993): Knowledge Management Foundations:
Thinking about thinking. How People and Organizations Create, Represent and Use Knowledge. Schema
Press. Texas (USA).


Knowledge Management Tools

Wiig, K. (1995): Knowledge Management Methods:

Practical Approaches to Managing Knowledge. Schema
Press, LTD. Texas (USA).

Communication & Collaboration Tool: Systems
that enable collaboration and communication among
members of an organisation (i.e. chat applications,
Document Management: It is the computerised
management of electronic, as well as paper-based
Institutional Memory: It is the physical storage of
the knowledge entered in an organization.
Knowledge: Pragmatic level of information that
provides the capability of dealing with a problem or
making a decision.


Knowledge Management: Discipline that intends

to provide, at its most suitable level, the accurate information and knowledge for the right people, whenever
they may needed and at their best convenience.
Knowledge Management Tool: Organisational
system that connects people with the information and
communication technologies, with the purpose of
improving the share and distribution processes of the
organisational knowledge.
Lesson Learned: Specific experience, positive
or negative, of a certain domain. It is obtained into a
practical context and can be used during future activities of similar contexts.
Yellow Page: It storages information about a human or non-human source that has additional and/or
specialized knowledge about a particular subject.


Knowledge-Based Systems

Adrian A. Hopgood
De Montfort University, UK

The tools of artificial intelligence (AI) can be divided
into two broad types: knowledge-based systems (KBSs)
and computational intelligence (CI). KBSs use explicit
representations of knowledge in the form of words
and symbols. This explicit representation makes the
knowledge more easily read and understood by a human than the numerically derived implicit models in
computational intelligence.
KBSs include techniques such as rule-based, modelbased, and case-based reasoning. They were among the
first forms of investigation into AI and remain a major
theme. Early research focused on specialist applications
in areas such as chemistry, medicine, and computer
hardware. These early successes generated great optimism in AI, but more broad-based representations of
human intelligence have remained difficult to achieve
(Hopgood, 2003; Hopgood, 2005).

The principal difference between a knowledge-based
system and a conventional program lies in its structure.
In a conventional program, domain knowledge is intimately intertwined with software for controlling the

application of that knowledge. In a knowledge-based

system, the two roles are explicitly separated. In the
simplest case there are two modules: the knowledge
module is called the knowledge base and the control
module is called the inference engine. Some interface
capabilities are also required for a practical system, as
shown in Figure 1.
Within the knowledge base, the programmer expresses information about the problem to be solved.
Often this information is declarative, i.e. the programmer states some facts, rules, or relationships without
having to be concerned with the detail of how and
when that information should be applied. These latter
details are determined by the inference engine, which
uses the knowledge base as a conventional program
uses a data file. A KBS is analogous to the human
brain, whose control processes are approximately
unchanging in their nature, like the inference engine,
even though individual behavior is continually modified by new knowledge and experience, like updating
the knowledge base.
As the knowledge is represented explicitly in the
knowledge base, rather than implicitly within the
structure of a program, it can be entered and updated
with relative ease by domain experts who may not have
any programming expertise. A knowledge engineer is
someone who provides a bridge between the domain

Figure 1. The main components of a knowledge-based system

knowledge base

inference engine

interface to the outside world




other software

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Knowledge-Based Systems

expertise and the computer implementation. The knowledge engineer may make use of meta-knowledge, i.e.
knowledge about knowledge, to ensure an efficient
Traditional knowledge engineering is based on
models of human concepts. However, it has recently
been argued that animals and pre-linguistic children
operate effectively in a complex world without necessarily using concepts. Moss (2007) has demonstrated
that agents using non-conceptual reasoning can outperform stimulusresponse agents in a grid-world test bed.
These results may justify the building of non-conceptual
models before moving on to conceptual ones.

Expert Systems
Expert systems are a type of knowledge-based system
designed to embody expertise in a particular specialized
domain such as diagnosing faulty equipment (Yanga,
2005). An expert system is intended to act like a human
expert who can be consulted on a range of problems
within his or her domain of expertise. Typically, the
user of an expert system will enter into a dialogue in
which he or she describes the problem such as the
symptoms of a fault and the expert system offers
advice, suggestions, or recommendations. It is often
proposed that an expert system must offer certain capabilities that mirror those of a human consultant. In
particular, it is often stated that an expert system must
be capable of justifying its current line of inquiry and
explaining its reasoning in arriving at a conclusion.
This functionality can be integrated into the inference
engine (Figure 1).

Rule-Based Systems
Rules are one of the most straightforward means of
representing knowledge in a KBS. The simplest type
of rule is called a production rule and takes the form:
if <condition> then <conclusion>

An example production rule concerning a boiler

system might be:


/* rule1 */
if valve is open and flow is high then steam is escaping

Part of the attraction of using production rules is

that they can often be written in a form that closely
resembles natural language, as opposed to a computer
language. The facts in a KBS for boiler monitoring
might include:
/* fact1 */
valve is open
/* fact2 */
flow is high

One or more given facts may satisfy the condition of

a rule, resulting in the generation of a new fact, known
as a derived fact. For example, by applying rule1 to
fact1 and fact2, fact3 can be derived:
/* fact3 */
steam is escaping

The derived fact may satisfy the condition of another

rule, such as:
/* rule2 */
if steam is escaping or valve is stuck then outlet is blocked

This, in turn, may lead to the generation of a new

derived fact or an action. Rule1 and rule2 are interdependent, since the conclusion of one can satisfy the
condition of the other. The inter-dependencies amongst
the rules define a network, as shown in Figure 2, known
as an inference network.
It is the job of the inference engine to traverse the
inference network to reach a conclusion. Two important
types of inference engine can be distinguished: forwardchaining and backward-chaining, also known as datadriven and goal-driven, respectively. A KBS working
in data-driven mode takes the available information,
i.e. the given facts, and generates as many derived facts
as it can. In goal-driven mode, evidence is sought to
support a particular goal or proposition.
The data-driven (forward chaining) approach might
typically be used for problems of interpretation, where
the aim is to find out whatever the system can infer
about some data. The goal-driven (backward chaining)

Knowledge-Based Systems

Figure 2. An inference network for a boiler system


steam escaping

valve stuck



valve open

flow high

approach is appropriate when a more tightly focused

solution is required, such as the generation of a plan for
a particular goal. In the example of a boiler monitoring
system, forward chaining would lead to the reporting
of any recognised problems. In contrast, backward
chaining might be used to diagnose a specific mode
of failure by linking a logical sequence of inferences,
disregarding unrelated observations.
The rules that make up the inference network in
Figure 2 are used to link cause and effect:
if <cause> then <effect>

Using the inference network, an inference can be

drawn that if the valve is open and the flow rate is high
(the causes) then steam is escaping (the effect). This
is the process of deduction. Many problems, such as
diagnosis, involve reasoning in the reverse direction,
i.e. the user wants to ascertain a cause, given an effect.
This is abduction. Given the observation that steam is
escaping, abduction can be used to infer that valve is
open and the flow rate is high. However, this is only a
valid conclusion if the inference network shows all of
the circumstances in which steam may escape. This is
the closed-world assumption.
If many examples of cause and effect are available,
the rule (or inference network) that links them can be
inferred. For instance, if every boiler blockage ever
seen was accompanied by steam escaping and a stuck
valve, then rule2 above might be inferred from those
examples. Inferring a rule from a set of example cases
of cause and effect is termed induction.

pressure high

valve closed

Hopgood (2001) summarizes deduction, abduction,

and induction as follows:

deduction: cause + rule

abduction: effect + rule
induction: cause + effect


Logic Programming
Logic programming describes the use of logic to establish the truth, or otherwise, of a proposition. It is,
therefore, an underlying principle for rule-based systems. Although various forms of logic programming
have been explored, the most commonly used one is
the Prolog language (Bramer, 2005), which embodies
the features of backward chaining, pattern matching,
and list manipulation.
The Prolog language can be programmed declaratively, although an appreciation of the procedural behavior of the language is needed in order to program
it effectively. Prolog is suited to symbolic problems,
particularly logical problems involving relationships
between items. It is also suitable for tasks that involve
data lookup and retrieval, as pattern-matching is fundamental to the functionality of the language.

Symbolic Computation
A knowledge base may contain a mixture of numbers,
letters, words, punctuation, and complete sentences.
These symbols need to be recognised and processed
by the inference engine. Lists are a particularly useful

Knowledge-Based Systems

data structure for symbolic computation, and they are

integral to the AI languages Lisp and Prolog. Lists allow words, numbers, and symbols to be combined in
a wide variety of ways. A list in the Prolog language
might look like this:

Use of Vague Language

[animal, [cat, dog], vegetable, mineral]

Two popular techniques for handling the first two

sources of uncertainty are Bayesian updating and certainty theory (Hopgood, 2001). Bayesian updating has
a rigorous derivation based upon probability theory, but
its underlying assumptions, e.g., the statistical independence of multiple pieces of evidence, may not be true
in practical situations. Certainty theory does not have
a rigorous mathematical basis, but has been devised as
a practical and pragmatic way of overcoming some of
the limitations of Bayesian updating. It was first used
in the classic MYCIN system for diagnosing infectious
diseases (Buchanan, 1984). Other approaches are reviewed in (Hopgood, 2001), where it is also proposed
that a practical non-mathematical approach is to treat
rule conclusions as hypotheses that can be confirmed or
refuted by the actions of other rules. Possibility theory,
or fuzzy logic, allows the third form of uncertainty, i.e.
vague language, to be used in a precise manner.

where this example includes a nested list, i.e. a list within

a list. In order to process lists or similar structures, the
technique of pattern matching is used. For example, the
above list in Prolog could match to the list
[animal, [_, X], vegetable, Y]

where the variables X and Y would be assigned values

of dog and mineral respectively. This pattern matching
capability is the basis of an inference engines ability
to process rules, facts and evolving knowledge.

The examples considered so far have all dealt with
unambiguous facts and rules, leading to clear conclusions. In real life, the situation can be complicated by
three forms of uncertainty:

Uncertainty in the Rule Itself

For example, rule1 (above) stated that an open valve and
high flow rate lead to an escape of steam. However, if
the boiler has entered an unforeseen mode, it made be
that these conditions do not lead to an escape of steam.
The rule ought really to state that an open valve and high
flow rate will probably lead to an escape of steam.

Uncertainty in the Evidence

There are two possible reasons why the evidence upon
which the rule is based may be uncertain. First, the
evidence may come from a source that is not totally reliable. For example, in rule1 there may be an element of
doubt whether the flow rate is high, as this information
relies upon a meter of unspecified reliability. Second,
the evidence itself may have been derived by a rule
whose conclusion was probable rather than certain.


Rule1, above, is based around the notion of a high

flow rate. There is uncertainty over whether high
means a flow rate of the order of 1cm3s-1 or 1m3s-1.

Decision Support and Analysis

Decision support and analysis (DSA) and decision
support systems (DSSs) describe a broad category
of systems that involve generating alternatives and
selecting among them. Web-based DSA, which uses
external information sources, is becoming increasingly
important. Decision support systems that use artificial
intelligence techniques are sometimes referred to as
intelligent DSSs.
One clearly identifiable family of intelligent DSS is
expert systems, described above. An expert system may
contain a mixture of simple rules based on experience
and observation, known as heuristic or shallow rules,
and more fundamental or deep rules. For example,
an expert system for diagnosing car breakdowns may
contain a heuristic that suggests checking the battery
if the car will not start. In contrast, the expert system
might also contain deep rules, such as Kirchoffs laws,
which apply to any electrical circuit and could be used
in association with other rules and observations to
diagnose any electrical circuit. Heuristics can often

Knowledge-Based Systems

provide a useful shortcut to a solution, but lack the

adaptability of deep knowledge.
Building and maintaining a reliable set of causeeffect pairs in the form of rules can be a huge task. The
principle of model-based reasoning (MBR) is that, rather
than storing a huge collection of symptomcause pairs
in the form of rules, these pairs can be generated by
applying underlying principles to the model. The model
may describe any kind of system, including systems that
are physical (Fenton, 2001), software-based (Mateis,
2000), medical (Montani, 2003), legal (Bruninghaus,
2003), and behavioral (De Koning, 2000). Models of
physical systems are made up of fundamental components such as tubes, wires, batteries, and valves. As each
of these components performs a fairly simple role, it
also has a simple failure mode. Given a model of how
these components operate and interact to form a device,
faults can be diagnosed by determining the effects of
local malfunctions on the overall device.
Case-based reasoning (CBR) also has a major
role in DSA. A characteristic of human intelligence
is the ability to recall previous experience whenever
a similar problem arises. This is the essence of casebased reasoning (CBR), in which new problems are
solved by adapting previous solutions to old problems
(Bergmann, 2003).
Consider the example of diagnosing a brokendown car. If an expert system has made a successful
diagnosis of the breakdown, given a set of symptoms,
it can file away this information for future use. If the
expert system is subsequently presented with details
of another broken-down car of exactly the same type,
displaying exactly the same symptoms in exactly
the same circumstances, then the diagnosis can be
completed simply by recalling the previous solution.
However, a full description of the symptoms and the
environment would need to be very detailed, and it is
unlikely to be reproduced exactly. What is needed is
the ability to identify a previous case, the solution of
which can be reused or modified to reflect the slightly
altered circumstances, and then saved for future use.
Such an approach is a good model of human reasoning.
Indeed case-based reasoning is often used in a semiautomated manner, where a human can intervene at
any stage in the cycle.

While large corporate knowledge-based systems remain important, small embedded intelligent systems
have also started to appear in the home and workplace.
Examples include washing machines that incorporate
knowledge-based control and wizards for personal
computer management. By being embedded in their
environment, such systems are less reliant on human
data input than traditional expert systems, and often
make decisions entirely based on sensor data.
If AI is to become more widely situated into everyday
environments, it needs to become smaller, cheaper, and
more reliable. The next key stage in the development
of AI is likely to be a move towards embedded AI, i.e.
intelligent systems that are embedded in machines,
devices, and appliances. The work of Choy (2003) is
significant in this respect, as it demonstrates that the
DARBS blackboard system can be ported to a compact
platform of parallel low-cost processors.
In addition to being distributed in their applications,
intelligent systems are also becoming distributed in
their method of implementation. Complex problems
can be divided into subtasks that can be allocated to
specialized collaborative agents, bringing together the
best features of knowledge-based and computation
intelligence approaches (Li, 2003). As the collaborating agents need not necessarily reside on the same
computer, an intelligent system can be both distributed
and hybridized (Choy, 2004). Paradoxically, there is
also a sense in which intelligent systems are becoming
more integrated, as software agents share access to a
single definitive copy of data or knowledge, accessible
via the web.

As with any technique, knowledge-based systems are
not suitable for all types of problems. Each problem
calls for the most appropriate tool, but knowledge-based
systems can be used for many problems that would
be impracticable by other means. They have been
particularly successful in narrow specialist domains.
Building an intelligent system that can make sensible
decisions about unfamiliar situations in everyday,
non-specialist domains remains a severe challenge.


Knowledge-Based Systems

This development will require progress in simulating

behaviors that humans take for granted specifically
perception, recognition, language, common sense, and
adaptability. To build an intelligent system that spans
the breadth of human capabilities is likely to require
a hybrid approach using a combination of artificial
intelligence techniques.

Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C - Applications

and Reviews, 31, 269-281.


Hopgood, A.A. (2005). The state of artificial intelligence. Advances in Computers, 65, 1-75.

Bergmann, R., Althoff, K.-D., Breen, S., Gker, M.,

Manago, M., Traphner, R., and Wess, S. (2003). Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications
the INRECA Methodology (2nd Edition). Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1612. Springer
- Buchreihe.

Li, G., Hopgood, A.A. and Weller, M.J. (2003). Shifting Matrix Management: a model for multi-agent
cooperation. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, 16, 191-201.

Bramer, M.A. (2005), Logic Programming with Prolog.

Springer-Verlag, London.
Bruninghaus, S. and Ashley, K. D. (2003). Combining
case-based and model-based reasoning for predicting
the outcome of legal cases. Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence, 2689, 65-79.
Buchanan, B. G. and Shortliffe, E. H. (1984). RuleBased Expert Systems: the MYCIN experiments of
the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project, Addison-Wesley.
Choy, K.W., Hopgood, A.A., Nolle, L. and ONeill, B.C.
(2003). Design and implementation of an inter-process
communication model for an embedded distributed
processing network. International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP03),
Las Vegas, 239-245.
Choy, K.W., Hopgood, A.A., Nolle, L. and ONeill,
B.C. (2004). Implementation of a tileworld testbed
on a distributed blackboard system. 18th European
Simulation Multiconference (ESM2004), Magdeburg,
Germany, 129-135.
De Koning, K., Bredeweg, B., Breuker, J., and Wielinga, B. (2000). Model-based reasoning about learner
behaviour. Artificial Intelligence, 117, 173-229.
Fenton, W. G., Mcginnity, T. M., and Maguire, L. P.
(2001). Fault diagnosis of electronic systems using
intelligent techniques: a review. IEEE Transactions on


Hopgood, A. A. (2001). Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd edition. CRC Press, Boca
Hopgood, A. A. (2003). Artificial intelligence: hype or
reality? IEEE Computer, 6, 24-28.

Mateis, C., Stumptner, M., and Wotawa, F. (2000).

Locating bugs in Java programs - First results of the
Java diagnosis experiments project. Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, 1821, 174-183.
Montani, S., Magni, P., Bellazzi, R., Larizza, C.,
Roudsari, A. V., and Carson, E. R. (2003). Integrating
model-based decision support in a multi-modal reasoning system for managing type 1 diabetic patients.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 29, 131-151.
Moss, N.G., Hopgood, A.A. and Weller, M.J. (2007).
Can Agents without Concepts think? An Investigation
using a Knowledge Based System. Proc. AI-2007: 27th
SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK.
Yanga, B.S., Limb, D.S., and Tanc, A.C.C. (2005).
VIBEX: an expert system for vibration fault diagnosis
of rotating machinery using decision tree and decision table. Expert Systems with Applications, 28(4),

Backward Chaining: Rules are applied through
depth-first search of the rule base to establish a goal.
If a line of reasoning fails, the inference engine must
backtrack and search a new branch of the search tree.
This process is repeated until the goal is established
or all branches have been explored.

Knowledge-Based Systems

Case-Based Reasoning: Solving new problems by

adapting solutions that were previously used to solve
old problem.
Closed-World Assumption: The assumption that
all knowledge about a domain is contained in the
knowledge base. Anything that is not true according
to the knowledge base is assumed to be false.
Deep Knowledge: Fundamental knowledge with
general applicability, such as the laws of physics, which
can be used in conjunction with other deep knowledge
to link evidence and conclusions.
Forward Chaining: Rules are applied iteratively
whenever their conditions are satisfied, subject to a
selection mechanism known as conflict resolution when
the conditions of multiple rules are satisfied.

Heuristic or Shallow Knowledge: Knowledge,

usually in the form of a rule, that links evidence and
conclusions in a limited domain. Heuristics are based
on observation and experience, without an underlying
derivation or understanding.
Inference Network: The linkages between a set of
conditions and conclusions.
Knowledge-Based System: System in which the
knowledge base is explicitly separated from the inference engine that applies the knowledge.
Model-Based Reasoning: The knowledge base
comprises a model of the problem area, constructed from
component parts. The inference engine reasons about
the real world by exploring behaviors of the model.
Production Rule: A rule of the form if <condition>

then <conclusion>.



Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms

Marie-Thrse Boyer-Xambeu
Universit de Paris VII LED, France
Ghislain Deleplace
Universit de Paris VIII LED, France
Patrice Gaubert
Universit de Paris 12 ERUDITE, France
Lucien Gillard
CNRS LED, France
Madalina Olteanu
Universit de Paris I CES SAMOS, France

In the analysis of a temporal process, Kohonen maps
may be used together with time-series (TS) algorithms.
Previous research aimed at combining Kohonen algorithms and Markov switching models in order to
suggest a periodization of the international bimetallism in the 19th century (Boyer-Xambeu, Deleplace,
Gaubert, Gillard and Olteanu, 2006). This research
was based on an economic study of the international
monetary system ruling at this time in Europe, which
combined three monetary zones: a gold-standard one,
centred in London, a bimetallic one, centred in Paris,
and a silver-standard one, centred in Hamburg (BoyerXambeu, Deleplace and Gillard, 2006). The three major
financial centres of that system (London, Paris, and
Hamburg, hence the label LPH used hereafter) were
linked through arbitrage operations between markets
for gold and silver and markets for foreign exchange
located in those centres. Since two metals, gold and
silver, acted as monetary standards in that system, it
worked as an international bimetallism. Its growing
integration during half a century (from 1821 to 1873)
was reflected in the convergence of the observed levels
of the relative price of gold to silver in London, Paris,
and Hamburg. However, this integration process was
subject to various changes, which can be understood
as exogenous shocks disturbing that process.

One such shock is vastly documented in the literature: the discovery of new gold mines in the United
States and Australia, which led to a sudden decline
in 1850 of the gold-silver price over all the markets
in the world. This decline was not of the same magnitude everywhere, and therefore the spread between
the London, Paris, and Hamburg gold-silver prices
increased, stopping for a time the integration process of
the system. This is what we will call a breaking in that
process. The present paper aims at locating the major
breakings occurring during the period of international
bimetallism; a historical study could link them to special
events, which operated as exogenous shocks on that
system. The indicator of integration used is the spread
between the highest and the lowest among the London,
Paris, and Hamburg gold-silver prices.
Three algorithms are combined to study this integration: a periodization obtained with the SOM algorithm
is confronted to the estimation of a two-regime Markov
switching model, in order to give an interpretation
of the changes of regime; at the same time changepoints are identified over the whole period providing
a more precise interpretation of these varying types
of regulation.
Section 2 summarizes the results obtained with the
SOM algorithm to differentiate the sub-periods obtained
using the whole available data.
Section 3 presents the kind of model used and the
results of its estimation using the new indicator, the

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Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

spread computed at each period of quotation between

the three relative prices of gold in silver. The sub-periods are confronted to the two regimes obtained and
some evidence of a relation between the regime and
the volatility of the spread is presented.
Section 4 presents the technique used to identify
change-points in the temporal process and some strong
results of breaks in mean and in variance of the spread
are obtained. They are interpreted in terms of monetary
history as, for some of them, they are quite new in the
literature of this domain.
Some further directions of research are indicated
in conclusion.



Characteristics of the Macro-Classes

Large sequences of contiguous weeks are grouped in
the macro-classes, however a few years are fragmented
in short periods situated in different classes

They represent a central position contrasting to the

well identified other classes:

The Data
The relative prices of gold in silver are computed from
the price of each metal observed, twice a week, in each
of the three financial places, Paris, London and Hamburg
(respectively, poa, lgs, and hoa), from the beginning
of 1821 until the end of 1860. The same type of data
is available for the exchange rates (Pound in Francs,
Pound in Marks, Mark in Francs: respectively, lpv,
hlv, and phv).
An observation is a set of twelve values, two
quotations (Tuesday and Friday) for each of the six
A computed variable has been added to emphasize
the relation between the relative price of metals in
Hamburg and the average level in Paris and London
of this value (hpl).
Most of the time the quotations show rather small
differences within a given week, but periods with important troubles, Paris in the late 1840s for instance,
may be well separated from the more classical ones.
After the Kohonen classification using a grid of 25
nodes, a hierarchical ascending classification is used to
produce a small number of macro classes, in this case 6
macro classes, corresponding to the main sub-periods.
This latter classification is constructed with the code
vectors obtained from the first process2.

Class 1 is constituted of 3 groups of years 182930, 1834-38, 1848-49 and a lot of fragments of
other years
Class 2 is more simple to describe with 3 intervals
1832-33, 1842-43 and 1846-47 and some sparse
weeks from the 1830s.

Class 3: 2 sets constituted of years 1824-25 and

1827-28, with almost no missing weeks in these
intervals, indicating that this sub-period is very
Class 4: the end of year 1853 and the whole period
1854-60; again only a small number of weeks are
missing for this continuous sub-period of more
than seven years
Class 5: 1821-24 and 1826-beginning 1827 plus
small parts of 1830 and 1832
Class 6: two sets 1839-41 and 1851-53

The means of the variables used to obtain the classification can be represented to illustrate the great differences appearing between the sub-periods. Changing
hierarchies between the relative prices are the characteristic identifying the four last macro-classes.
Rearranging the various classes according to
calendar time allows to distinguish between three
sub-periods: a) the 1820s (classes 5 and 3, covering
1821 to 1828); b) the 1830s and 1840s (classes 1 and
2, covering 1829 to 1849); c) the 1850s (classes 6 and
4, covering 1851 to 1860).
Only the years 1839-41 resist to that rearrangement,
since they belong to class 6, while they should appear
in classes 1 and 2 relative to the 1830s and 1840s; some
explanation will be suggested in the last section.
Fig. 1. exhibits two contrasted situations, where
the gold-silver price is respectively low (class 4) and
high (class 5) in all the three financial centres. Fig. 2.
confirms that opposition, since the two classes are also


Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

Figure 1. Gold-silver price and the 6 macro-classes




P aris
H am burg






class 1

class 2

class 3

class 4

class 5

class 6

Figure 2. Exchange rates and the 6 macro-classes

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates


1 92

1 92


25 8

13 8

1 88

1 88
25 6

1 84

13 4

1 86



1 86


13 6

1 84

25 4

1 82

1 82
25 2

13 2




1 78
class 1

class 2

class 3
Pound in M a k

class 4

class 5

class 6

class 2

class 3
P ound n Francs

class 4

class 5

class 6

M ark in Franc

M ark in Franc

sharply contrasted by the levels of the exchange rates.

Years 1821-23 and 1826 (class 5) are marked by a low
mark/franc exchange rate and high gold-silver prices,
the Hamburg one being higher than the Paris one; years
1854-60 (class 4) are marked by a high mark/franc
exchange rate and low gold-silver prices, the Hamburg
one being below the Paris one.


1 78
class 1

These remarks, which also apply respectively to the

rest of the 1820s (class 3) and to the rest of the 1850s
(class 6) are consistent with historical analysis: while
the Hamburg mark was always anchored to silver, the
French franc was during the 1820s and 1850s anchored
to gold (in contrast with the 1830s and 1840s when it
was anchored to silver); it is then normal that the mark

Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

depreciated against the franc when silver depreciated

against gold, and more in Hamburg than in Paris (as in
class 5 and 3), and that the mark appreciated against the
franc when silver appreciated against gold, and more
in Hamburg than in Paris (as in class 4 and 6).


An Autoregressive Markov Switching
The key assumption is that the time series to be modeled
follow a different pattern or a different model according
to some unobserved, finite valued process. Usually, the
unobserved process is a Markov chain whose states are
called regimes, while the observed series follows a
linear autoregressive model whose coefficients depend
on the current regime.
Let us put this in a mathematical language. Suppose that (yt)tZ is the observed time series and that
the unobserved process (xt)tZ is a two-states Markov
chain with transition matrix
p 1 q
, where p, q ]0,1[
1 p


Then, assuming that yt depends on the first l lags of

time, we have the following equation of the model:
y t = a 0xt + a1xt y t 1 + ... + alxt y t l + S xt E t


where aixt {ai1 , ai2 } R 2 for every i {0,1,..., l},

S xt {S 1 , S 2} (R+*) and t is a standard Gaussian

{a , a ,..., a , a


)+ x t
t +1

xt )

, a12 ,..., al2 , S 1 , S 2 , p, q

In this paper we use a two-regime model to represent the

spread computed with the gold-silver prices observed
at each period on the three places. The transition matrix
indicates good properties of stability:
0.844298 0.253357

0.155702 0.746643

and no three regime model was found with an acceptable stability.

The first regime is a multilayer perceptron with one
hidden layer, the second one is a simple linear model
with one lag. Using the probabilities computed for each
regime at each period, it may be interesting to study

f xt


The Results

P ( x


and they are usually estimated by maximizing the loglikelihood function via an EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm3.
Our characteristic of interest will be the a posteriori
computed conditional probabilities of belonging to the
first or to the second regime. Indeed, as our goal is to
derive a periodization of the international bimetallism,
the a posteriori computed states of the unobserved
Markov chain will provide a natural one.
Although the results obtained with a switching
Markov model are usually satisfying in terms of prediction and the periodizations are interesting and easily
interpretable, a difficulty remains: how does one choose
the number of regimes? In the absence of a complete
theoretical answer, the criteria for selecting the right
number of regimes are quite subjective from a statistical point of view4.

f x t (y t 1 , y t 2

The parameters of the model are then

(y t ,

t +1

y t 1 )+


t +1


Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

Table 1. Regime 1 and volatility of spread


Number of obs.

% regime 1




the six sub-periods obtained and to observe the switch

between the regimes along these periods of time.
Most of the time the regime 1 explains the spread
(about 70% of the whole period) but important differences are to be noted between the sub-periods:
Classes 3 and 4 clearly contrast with, respectively,
the highest and the lowest volatility of spread as they
are ruled by, respectively, regime 2 and regime 1
As will be explained later, further investigations
have to be made with a more complex model and using a more adapted indicator of the arbitrages ruling
the markets.

Elements About the Technique5
A different approach to model changes of regime in a
time-series is to detect change-points or breaks. Here,
the main assumption is that the whole series is observed and change-points are computed a posteriori.
Thus, this approach has not a predictive goal, but it is
rather aimed at explaining the series by a piecewise
stationary process which seems to be well adapted to
our problem.
Mathematically, the model can be written as follows:
let us consider the observed m-dimensional series yt =
{y1,t,...,ym,t)T, t = 1,...,T and suppose that it is abruptly

Standard deviation
of spread

changed. The changes, whose number and configuration are unknown, occur in the marginal distribution
and may be in mean, in variance or in both mean and
variance. We assume that there exists an integer K*
and a sequence of change-points T ={T 1 ,...,T K } with
T 0 = 0 < T 1 < ... < T K 1 < T K = T such that (k, k) (k+1,
k+1) where k = E(Yt) and k = Cov(Yt) = E(Yt E(Yt))(Yt
E(Yt))T, T k*1 + 1 t T k*.
The numbers of changes as well as their configuration are computed by minimizing a penalized contrast
function. Details on the algorithms for computing the
change-points configuration * can be found in Lavielle
and Teyssire (2006)6.

Some Results and Interpretation

Applying this technique to the spread gave 7 changepoints in mean and 4 in mean and variance.
Fig. 3 summarizes the spread, the four change-points
(the first 4 green lines in chronological order) obtained
in mean and variance, and the 2 last change-points in
mean which correspond to a major break in the level
of the gold-silver price, observed simultaneously on
the three places and correspond to the great change in
production of gold in United States.
A closer look at the spread between the highest
and the lowest among the London, Hamburg and Paris
gold-silver prices draws attention upon three episodes,
each of them beginning with a break which sharply
increases the spread and ends with another breaking
which sharply narrows it (green vertical lines on Fig.
3). These episodes have in common to be linked to

Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

Figure 3. Spread, change-points and probability of regime 1

SPREAD (Max-Min)














shocks affecting the integration process of the LPH

system, although the shocks may have been asymmetrical (only one or two of the financial centres being
initially hit) or symmetrical (the three of them being
simultaneously hit).
The first episode runs from the 21st week of 1824 till
the 41st week of 1825. The sharp initial increase in the
spread may be explained by two opposite movements in
London and Hamburg: on one side, heavy speculation
in South-American bonds and Indian cotton fuelled
in London the demand for foreign payments in silver,
which resulted in a great increase in the price of silver
and a corresponding decline in the gold-silver price;
on the other side, the price of gold rose in Hamburg
while the price of silver remained constant, sparkling
the huge spread between the highest (Hamburg) and
the lowest (London) gold-silver prices. More than one
year later, the opposite movements took place: the price
of gold plunged in Hamburg, while the price of silver
remained at its height in London, under the influence
of continuing speculation (which would end up in the
famous banking crisis of December 1825); consequently
the spread abruptly narrowed, this event being reflected
by the breaking of the 41st week of 1825.






















The second episode runs from the 45th week of 1839

till the 13th week of 1843. It started with the attempt
of Prussia to unify the numerous German-speaking
independent states in a common monetary zone, on a
silver standard. Since the Bank of Hamburg maintained
the price of silver fixed, that pressure on silver led to a
drop in the Hamburg price of gold, and consequently
in its gold-silver price, at a time when it was more or
less stabilized in Paris. The spread between the highest (Paris) and the lowest (Hamburg) gold-silver price
suddenly was enlarged, and during more than three
years remained at a level significantly higher than
during the 14 preceding years. This episode ended
with the breaking of the 13th week of 1843, when, this
shock having been absorbed, the gold-silver price in
Hamburg went back in line with the price in the two
other financial centres.
The third episode runs from the 46th week of 1850
till the 41st week of 1854. The shock was then symmetrical: London, Paris and Hamburg were hit by the
pouring of gold following the discovery of Californian
mines, and the sudden downward pressure on the world
price of that metal. It took four years to absorb this


Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

enormous shock, as reflected by the breaking of the

41st week of 1854.

riodization of International Bimetallism (1821-1873),

Investigacion Operacional (forthcoming).


Cottrell, M., Fort, E.C. & Pags, G. (1997), Theoretical aspects of the Kohonen Algorithm WSOM97,
Helsinki 1997.

In the three cases, the integration process of the LPH

system, shown by the downward trend of the spread
over half a century, was jeopardized by a shock: a
speculative one in 1824, an institutional one in 1839,
a technological one in 1850. But the effects of these
shocks were absorbed after some time, thanks to active arbitrage operations between the three financial
centres of the system. Generally, that arbitrage did not
imply the barter of gold for silver but the coupling of
a foreign exchange operation (on bills of exchange)
with the transport of one metal only.
As a consequence, it would be appropriate in a
further study to locate the breakings of another indicator of integration: the spread between a representative
national gold-silver price and an arbitrated international gold-silver price taking into account the foreign
exchange rates. At the same time it would be interesting
to go further with the Markov switching model, trying
more complete specifications.

Cottrell, M., Gaubert, P., Letremy, P., Rousset, P., Analysing and Representing Multidimensional Quantitative
and Qualitative Data. Demographic Study of the Rhone
Valley. The Domestic Consumption of the Canadian
Families, in Kohonen Maps, E. Oja and S. Kaski Eds.,
Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 1999.


Lavielle, M. & Teyssire, G. (2006), Detection of

Multiple Change-Points in Multivariate Time Series,
Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, vol. 46, n 3, pp

Boyer-Xambeu, M.-T., Deleplace, G. & Gillard, L.

(1995), Bimtallisme, taux de change et prix de lor
et de largent (1717-1873) , Economies et Socits
29, no. 7-8: 5-377.
Boyer-Xambeu, M.-T., Deleplace, G. & Gillard, L.
(1997). Bimetallic Snake and Monetary Regimes :
The Stability of the Exchange Rate between London
and Paris from 1796 to 1873. Monetary Standards and
Exchange Rates, M.C. Marcuzzo, L.H. Officer, and A.
Rosselli Eds., Routledge, London, 1997: 106-49.
Boyer-Xambeu, M.-T., Deleplace, G. & Gillard, L.
(2006). International Bimetallism? Exchange Rates
and Bullion Flows in Europe, 1821-1873, mimeo,
Universit Paris 8 LED.
Boyer-Xambeu, M.-T., Deleplace, G., Gaubert, P., Gillard, L. & Olteanu, M. (2006). Combining a Dynamic
Version of Kohonen Algorithm and a Two-Regime
Markov Switching Model: an Application to the Pe1002

Hamilton, J. D. (1989). A new approach to the economic analysis of non-stationary time series and the
business cycle, Econometrica, 57, 357-84
Kohonen, T. Self-Organization and Associative Memory. (3rd edition 1989), Springer, Berlin, 1984.
Lavielle, M. (1999), Detection of multiple changes in
a sequence of dependant variables, Stochastic Process.
Appl., vol. 83, pp 79-102.
Lavielle, M. & Teyssire, G. (2005), Adaptative detection of multiple change-points in asset price volatility,
in Teyssire G. & Kirman Eds. A. Long-Memory in
Economics, Springer, Berlin, pp.129-156.

Maillet B., Olteanu M., Rynkiewicz J. (2004), Nonlinear Analysis of Shocks when Financial Markets
are Subject to Changes in Regime, Proceedings of
ESANN 2004, p. 87-92
Olteanu M., Rynkiewicz J. (2006), Estimating the
Number of Regimes in an Autoregressive Model with
Markov Switching, IOR 2006, La Habana.
Rynkiewicz J. (2004), Estimation of linear autoregressive models with Makov-switching, Investigacion Operacional, La Havane, Cuba. Vol. 25:2, p. 166-173
Teyssire, G. (2003), Interaction models for common long-range dependence in asset price volatility,
in Rangarajan G. and Ding M. Eds., Processes with
Long Range Correlations: Theory and Applications,
Lectures Notes in Physics, 621, Springer, Berlin, pp.

Kohonen Maps and TS Algorithms: Clear Convergence

Change-Point: Instant of time where the basic
parameters of time series change (in mean and/or in
variance); the series may be considered as a piecewise
stationary process between two change-points
Gold-Silver Price: Ratio of the market price of gold
to the market price of silver in one place. The stability
of that ratio through time and the convergence of its
levels in the various places constituting the international bimetallism (see that definition) are tests of the
integration of that system.

the stability of the exchange rates between them. Its

working depends on the monetary rules adopted in each
country and on international arbitrage (see that definition) between the foreign exchange markets. Historical
examples are the gold-standard system (1873-1914) and
the Bretton-Woods system (1944-1976). The paper studies some characteristics of another historical example:
international bimetallism (see that definition).
Markov Switching Model: An autoregressive
model where the process linking a present value to its
lags is an hidden Markov chain defined by its transition matrix

International Arbitrage: Activity of traders in gold

and silver and in foreign exchange, which consisted in
comparing their prices in different places, and in moving
the precious metals and the bills of exchange accordingly, in order to make a profit. Arbitrage and monetary
rules were the two factors explaining the working of
international bimetallism (see that definition).

SOM Algorithm: An unsupervised technique of

classification (Kohonen,1984) combining adaptative
learning and neighbourhood to construct a very stable
classification, with a more simple interpretation (Kohonen maps) than other techniques.

International Bimetallism: An international monetary system (see that definition) which worked from
1821 to 1873. It was based on gold and silver acting as
monetary standards, either together in the same country
(like France) or separately in different countries (gold
in England, silver in German and Northern states). The
integration of that system was reflected in the stability and the convergence of the observed levels of the
relative price of gold to silver (see that definition) in
London, Paris, and Hamburg.


International Monetary System: A system linking the currencies of various countries, which ensures


Details may be found in Boyer-Xambeu, ...,

Olteanu, 2006.
See Cottrell M., Fort(1997) and Cottrell M.,
See Rynkiewicz (2004) and Maillet et al.
See Olteanu et al. (2006).
The authors are very grateful to Gilles Teyssire
for a significant help on this part.
See also Lavielle M. and Teyssire G. (2005),
Teyssire G. (2003) and Lavielle M. (1999).



Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural

Networks I
Llus A. Belanche Muoz
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain


off errors. Given E(w) to be minimized and an initial

state w0, these methods perform for each iteration the
updating step:

The view of artificial neural networks as adaptive

systems has lead to the development of ad-hoc generic
procedures known as learning rules. The first of these is
the Perceptron Rule (Rosenblatt, 1962), useful for single
layer feed-forward networks and linearly separable
problems. Its simplicity and beauty, and the existence
of a convergence theorem made it a basic departure
point in neural learning algorithms. This algorithm
is a particular case of the Widrow-Hoff or delta rule
(Widrow & Hoff, 1960), applicable to continuous
networks with no hidden layers with an error function
that is quadratic in the parameters.

where ui is the minimization direction (the direction in

which to move) and iR is the step size (how far to
make a move in ui), also known as the learning rate in
earlier contexts. For convenience, define wi=wi+1-wi.
Common stopping criteria are:



The first truly useful algorithm for feed-forward multilayer networks is the backpropagation algorithm
(Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, 1986), reportedly
proposed first by Werbos (1974) and Parker (1982).
Many efforts have been devoted to enhance it in a
number of ways, especially concerning speed and reliability of convergence (Haykin, 1994; Hecht-Nielsen,
1990). The backpropagation algorithm serves in general
to compute the gradient vector in all the first-order
methods, reviewed below.
Neural networks are trained by setting values for
the network parameters w to minimize an error function E(w). If this function is quadratic in w, then the
solution can be found by solving a linear system of
equations (e.g. with Singular Value Decomposition
(Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery, 1992)) or
iteratively with the delta rule. The minimization is
realized by a variant of a gradient descent procedure,
whose ultimate outcome is a local minimum: a w* from
which any infinitesimal change makes E(w*) increase,
that may not correspond to one of the global minima.
Different solutions are found by starting at different
initial states. The process is also perturbed by round-





A maximum number of presentations of D (epochs)

is reached.
A maximum amount of computing time has been
The evaluation has been minimized below a certain
The gradient norm has fallen below a certain

Training algorithms may require information from
the objective function only, the gradient vector of the
objective function or the Hessian matrix of the objective function:

Zero-order training algorithms make use of the

objective function only. The most significant
algorithms are evolutionary algorithms, which are
global optimization methods (Goldberg, 1989).
First-order training algorithms use the objective
function and its gradient vector. Examples are
Gradient Descent, Conjugate Gradient or QuasiNewton methods, which are all local optimization
methods (Luenberger, 1984).
Second-order training algorithms make use of
the objective function, its gradient vector and its
Hessian matrix. Examples are Newtons method

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, which

are local optimization methods (Luenberger,
First-order methods. The gradient Ew of an sdimensional function is the vector field of first derivatives of E(w) w.r.t. w,
Ew= (

E( w )
E( w )


Here s=dim(w). A linear approximation to E(w) in

an infinitesimal neighbourhood of an arbitrary point
wi is given by:
E(w) E(wi)+Ew(wi)(w-wi)


We write Ew(wi) for the gradient Ew evaluated at wi. These are the first two terms of the Taylor
expansion of E(w) around wi. In steepest or gradient
descent methods, this local gradient alone determines
the minimization direction ui. Since, at any point wi,
the gradient Ew(wi) points in the direction of fastest
increase of E(w), an adjustment of wi in the negative
direction of the local gradient leads to its maximum
decrease. In consequence the direction ui= -Ew(wi)
is taken.
In conventional steepest descent, the step size i
is obtained by a line search in the direction of ui: how
far to go along ui before a new direction is chosen.
To this end, evaluations of E(w) and its derivatives
are made to locate some nearby local minimum. Line
search is a move in the chosen direction ui to find the
minimum of E(w) along it. For this one-dimensional
problem, the simplest approach is to proceed along ui
in small steps, evaluating E(w) at each sampled point,
until it starts to increase. One often used method is a
divide-and-conquer strategy, also called Brents method
(Fletcher, 1980):


Bracket the search by setting three points a<b<c

along ui such that E(aui)>E(bui)<E(cui). Since
E is continuous, there is a local minimum in the
line joining a to c.
Fit a parabola (a quadratic polynomial) to a,b,c.
Compute the minimum of the parabola in the
line joining a to c. This value is an approximation
of the minimum of E in this interval.


Set three new points a,b,c out of and the two

points among the old a,b,c having the lowest E.
Repeat from 2.

Although it is possible to locate the nearby global

minimum, the cost can become prohibitedly high.
The line search can be replaced by a fixed step size ,
which has to be carefully chosen. A sufficiently small
is required such that Ew(ui) is effectively very
small and the expansion (3) can be applied. A too large
value might cause to overshoot or lead to divergent
oscillations and a complete breakout of the algorithm.
On the other hand, very small values translate in a painfully slow minimization. In practice, a trial-and-error
process is carried out.
A popular heuristic is a historic average of previous changes to exploit tendencies and add inertia
to the descent, accomplished by adding a so-called
momentum term iwi-1, where wi-1 is the previous
weight update (Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, 1986).
This term helps to avoid or smooth out oscillations in
the motion towards a minimum. In practice, it is set
to a constant value (0.5,1). Altogether, for steepest
descent, the update equation (1) reads:


where ui=-Ew(wi) and wi-1=wi-wi-1. This method

is very sensitive to the chosen values for i and , to
the point that different values are required for different
problems and even for different stages in the learning
process (Toolenaere, 1990). The inefficiency of the
steepest descent method stems from the fact that both
ui and i are somewhat poorly chosen. Unless the first
step is chosen leading straight to a minimum, the iterative procedure is very likely to wander with many small
steps in zig-zag. Therefore, these methods are quite out
of use nowadays. A method in which both parameters
are properly chosen is the conjugate gradient.
Conjugate Gradient. This minimization technique
(explained at length in Shewchuck, 1994) is based on
the idea that a new direction ui+1 should not spoil
previous minimizations in the directions ui,ui-1,...,u1.
This is the case if we simply choose ui=-gi, where
gi=Ew(wi), as was found above for steepest descent.
At most points on E(w), the gradient does not point
directly towards the minimum. After a line minimization, the new gradient gi+1 is orthogonal to the line


Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

search direction, that is, gi+1ui=0. Thus, successive

search directions will also be orthogonal, and the error function minimization will proceed in zig-zag in a
extremely slow advance to a minimum.
The solution to this problem lies in determining
consecutive search directions ui+1 in such a way that
the component of the gradient parallel to ui (which has
just been made to be zero, because we minimized in that
direction) remains zero, so consecutive search directions complement each other, avoiding the possibility
of spoiling the progress done in previous iterations.
Let us assume a line minimization has just been
made along ui, starting from the current weights wi;
we have thus found a new point wi+1 for which


holds. The next search direction ui+1 is chosen to retain

the property that the component of the gradient parallel
to ui, remains zero:


Expanding (6) to first order in i, and applying (5),

we obtain the condition (Bishop, 1995):


If the error surface is quadratic, (7) holds regardless

of the value of i, because the Hessian is constant, and
higher-order terms in the previous expansion vanish.
Search directions ui+1,ui fulfilling (7) are said to be
conjugate. It can be proven that, in these conditions,
it is possible to construct a sequence u1,...,us such that
us is conjugate to all previous directions, so that the
minimum can be located in at most s=dim(w) steps.
The conjugate gradient technique departs from (1)
but sets ui+1=-gi+1+iui, setting u1=-g1. It turns out
that the i can be found without explicit knowledge
of the Hessian and the various versions of conjugate
gradient are distinguished by the manner in which the
parameter i is set. For the Polak-Ribire updating:

i +1


i +1

g .g

-g )


This is the inner product of the previous change

in the gradient with the current gradient, divided by

the squared norm of the previous gradient. For the

Fletcher-Reeves updating:

i +1

g .g

i +1


This is the ratio of the squared norm of the current

gradient to the squared norm of the previous gradient.
The i can be found by performing a line search (at
each iteration step) to determine the optimal distance
to move along the current train direction; that is, a line
minimization of Ew(wi+iui) w.r.t. i. This results in
a particular case of steepest descent with momentum,
where the parameters i,i are determined at each iteration. For a quadratic error surface E(w), the method
finds the minimum after at most s=dim(w) steps, without
calculating the Hessian. In practice E(w) may be far
from being quadratic so the technique needs to be run
for many iterations and augmented with a criterion to
reset the search vector to the negative gradient direction
ui+1=-gi+1 after every s steps (Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery, 1992). The scaled version (Mller,
1993) takes some account of the non-quadratic nature
of the error function. With these enhancements the
method is generally believed to be fast and reliable.
Contrary to steepest descent, it is relatively insensitive
to its parameters the line search for i and the variants
of computing i if they are set within a reasonable
tolerance. There is some evidence that the PolakRibire formula accomplishes the transition to further
iterations more efficiently: when it runs out of steam,
it tends to reset the train direction ui to be down the
local gradient, which is equivalent to beginning the
conjugate-gradient procedure again.
The Newton training algorithm. First-order approximations ignore the curvature of E(w). This can
be fixed by considering the second-order term of the
Taylor expansion around some wi in weight space:
E(w) E(wi)+Ew(wi)(w-wi)+1/2 (w-wi)Hw(wi)(wwi)
where Hw=Ew is the Hessian ss matrix of second
derivatives, with components
Hw=(hij), hij=

2 E( w )
wi w j

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

Again, Hw(wi) indicates the evaluation of Hw in wi.

The Hessian traces the curvature of the error function in
weight space, portraying information about how Ew
changes in different directions. Given a direction ui from
wi, the product Hw(wi)ui is the rate of change of the
gradient along ui from wi. Differentiating (10) w.r.t. w,
a local approximation of the gradient around wi is:
Ew Ew(wi)+Hw(wi)(w-wi)


For points close to wi, (10) and (11) give reason-

able approximations to the error function E(w) and to

its gradient. Setting (11) to zero, and solving for w,
one gets:
w* = -H-1w(wi)Ew(wi)


Newtons method uses the second partial derivatives

of the objective function and hence is a second order
method, finding the minimum of a quadratic function
in just one iteration. The vector H-1w(wi)Ew(wi) is
known as the Newton train direction. Since higher-order
terms have been neglected, the update formula (12) is
used iteratively to find the optimal solution. An exact
evaluation of the Hessian is computationally demanding
if done at each stage of an iterative algorithm; the Hessian matrix must also be inverted. Further, the Newton
train direction may move towards a maximum or a
saddle point rather than a minimum (if the Hessian is
not positive definite) and the error would not be guaranteed to be reduced. This motivates the development
of alternative approximation methods.
The quasi-Newton training algorithm. As shown
above, the iterative formula used in Newtons method
wi+1 = wi-H-1w(wi)Ew(wi)


The basic idea behind the quasi-Newton method

is to approximate H-1w by another matrix G, using
only the first partial derivatives of the error function.
If H-1w is approximated by G, Equation (13) can be
expressed as
wi+1 = wi-*(i)(G(wi)Ew(wi))


where *(i) can be considered as the optimal train rate

along the train direction G(wi)Ew(wi). The gradient

descent direction method can be obtained by setting

In order to implement Equation (14), an approximate
inverse G of the Hessian matrix is needed. Two commonly used algorithms are the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell
(DFP) algorithm and the Broyden-Fletcher-GoldfarbShanno (BGFS) algorithm. The DFP algorithm is
given by
i +1

i +1

G(i+1) = G(i) + ( w - w ) ( w - w )
i +1
i +1
( w - w ).( g - g )
[G (i) .( g

i +1

- g )] (G (i) .[ g


i +1

- g ).G(i) .( g

i +1

i +1

- g )]

, (15)

-g )

where denotes outer product, which is a matrix: the

i,j component of u v is uivj. The BGFS algorithm is
exactly the same, but with one additional term:
G(i+1) = G(i)

i +1

i +1

( w - w )( w - w )
i +1
i +1
( w - w ).( g - g )

[G (i) .( g

i +1

- g )] (G (i) .[ g


i +1

- g ).G(i) .( g

i +1

i +1

- g )]

-g )

((gi+1-gi)G(i)(gi+1-gi)) v v, (16)

where the vector v is given by


i +1

(w -w )
i +1
i +1
( w - w ).( g - g )

G (i) .( g

i +1

i +1

-g )

- g ).G(i) .( g

i +1

-g )


It is generally recognized that the BFGS scheme

is empirically superior to the DFP scheme (Press,
Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery, 1992).
The Levenberg-Marquardt method, like the
quasi-Newton methods, was designed to approach
second-order training speed without computing the Hessian. When the objective function is a sum of squares
(a very common case in neural networks), the Hessian
matrix can be approximated as H=JTJ and the gradient
computed as g=JTe, where J is the Jacobian matrix,

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

containing first derivatives of the network errors with

respect to the weights, and e is the vector of network
errors. The Jacobian can be computed via standard
backpropagation, a much less complex process than
computing the Hessian.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm uses this approximation to the Hessian in the following Newtonlike update:
wi+1=wi- (JTJ+I)-1JTe


When the scalar is zero, this is Newtons method

using the approximate Hessian matrix. When is large,
this becomes gradient descent with a small step size.
Newtons method is faster and more accurate near an
error minimum, so the aim is to shift towards Newtons
method as quickly as possible. Thus, is decreased after
each successful step (reduction in objective function)
and is increased only when a temptative step would
increase it. When computation of the Jacobian becomes
prohibitedly high for big networks on a large number
of training examples, the quasi-Newton method is

M =1

k =1


This algorithm represented a breakthrough in connectionist learning due to the possibility to compute the
gradient of the error function Ew(wi) recursively and
efficiently. It is so-called because the components of
the gradient concerning weights belonging to output
units are computed first, and propagated backwards
(toward the inputs) to compute the rest, in the order
marked by the layers. Intuitively, the algorithm finds the
extent to which the adjustment of one connection will
reduce the error in the training examples (the partial
derivative of the error function E(w) with respect to
the connection) and therefore the algorithm computes
the full gradient vector Ew.
To derive the algorithm, we introduce some notation.
Given f: Rn Rm the function to be approximated, we
depart from a finite training set D of p samples of f,
D={<x1,y1>,...,<xp,yp>}, f(x)k+ = y,k


For simplicity, we assume that the loss is the square

error and define:



where ,c+1k=Fw(x)k is the k-th component of the

networks response to input pattern x (the network
has c+1 layers, of which c are hidden). For a given
input pattern x, define:

k =1

(y,k - ,c+1k)2


so that

E(w) = E (w).
M =1

The computation of a single unit i in layer l, 1 l c+1

upon presentation of pattern x to the network may be
expressed 6 iM ,l =g( 6iM ,l ), with g a smooth function as
the sigmoidals and
6iM ,l  wijl 6 Mj ,l 1


(y,k - ,c+1k)2

The first outputs are then defined ,0i = x,i. A single

weight wijl denotes the connection strength from neuron
j in layer l-1 to neuron i in layer l, 1 l c+1.
If the gradient-descent rule (1) with constant is
followed, then ui= Ew(wi). Together with (2), the
increment wij in a single weight wijl of w is:

$wijl  nA

E (w )

M =1

E M (w )
 nA $M wijl
M =1

We have:
wij l =

E M (w ) E M (w ) 6 iM ,l 6iM ,l
6 iM ,l 6iM ,l wijl


Proceeding from right to left in (23):

6iM ,l
= 6 Mj ,l 1


Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

6 iM ,l dg(6iM ,l )
= g ' (6iM ,l )
M ,l
M ,l


Assuming g to be the logistic function with slope

g'  6iM ,l  B g 6iM ,l ng 6iM ,l  B 6 iM ,l n 6 iM ,l


The remaining expression

E M (w )
6 iM ,l

For the general case l<c+1, we proceed as follows:

E M (w )
E M (w ) 6 kM +1,l
k 6 M +1,l 6 M ,l
6 iM ,l


Now l<c+1 means there is at least one more layer

l+1 to the right of layer l which is posterior in the feedforward computation, but that precedes l in the opposite
direction. Therefore E(w) functionally depends on
layer l+1 before than layer l, and the derivative can be
split in two. The summation over k is due to the fact
that E(w) depends on every neuron in layer l+1.
Rewriting (31):

is more delicate and constitutes the core of the algorithm.

We develop two separate cases: l=c+1 and l<c+1. The
first case corresponds to output neurons, for which an
expression of the derivative is immediate from (21):

E M (w )
E M (w ) 6kM ,l +1
k 6 M +1,l 6 M ,l  k ,l+1 wkil+1
6 iM ,l

E M (w )
= (y,ii,c+1)
6 iM ,c +1



Incidentally, collecting all the results so far and

assuming c=0 (no hidden layers), the delta rule for
non-linear single-layer networks is obtained:
$M wij A

M =1

y,in 6 iM g' 6iM 6 Mj , 0  A DM i xM,j

M =1


6 kM ,l +1  wkjl+1 j ,l

and thus
6kM ,l +1
= wkil+1.
6 iM ,l

where the superscript l is dropped (since c=0), and
i = (y,i 6 iM ) g( 6iM ). Another name for the backpropagation algorithm is generalized delta rule. Consequently, for l1, the deltas (errors local to a unit)
are defined as:

E M (w )
6iM ,l

wijl =

E (w ) i ,l i ,l
= ,l i j ,l 1
i ,l i ,l wijl



For the output layer l=c+1, ,li= (y,i 6 iM ) g(

6 ). In case g is the logistic, we finally have:

,li=(y,i i ,c +1 ) i ,l (1 i ,l )

Putting together (24), (25), (27) and (32) in (23):


,li=g'( i ,l )

,l+1k wkil+1

the deltas for the hidden units. We show the method

(Fig. 1) in algorithmic form, for an epoch or presentation of the training set.


Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

Figure 1. Back-propagation algorithm pseudo-code

forall in 1p
1. F orward pass. Present x and compute
the outputs i ,l of all the units.

2. Backward pass. Compute the deltas ,li

of all the units (the local gradients), as follows:
l=c+1: ,li= g'( i ,l ) (y,i i ,l )
l<c+1: ,li=g'( i ,l )

,l+1k wkil+1

,l 1

3. wijl=,li j

E nd

Update weights as wij l= wijl


The strong points of ANNs are the capacity to learn from
examples, distributed computation, tolerance to partial
failures and the possibility to use them as black-box
models. The procedure used to carry out the training
process in a neural network is called the training or
learning algorithm. Since the objective function is a
non linear function of the free parameters, it is not possible to find closed training algorithms for the minima.
Preferred algorithms for the multilayer perceptron are
the quasi-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods,
together with back-propagation to compute the gradient
vector efficiently.

Bishop, C. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Clarendon Press.
Fletcher, R. (1980). Practical methods of optimization. Wiley.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms for Search,
Optimization & Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley.


Haykin, S. (1994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive

Foundation. MacMillan.
Hecht-Nielsen, R. (1990). Neurocomputing. AddisonWesley.
Luenberger, D.J. (1984). Linear and Nonlinear Programming. Addison Wesley.
Mller, M. (1993). A scaled conjugate gradient algorithm for supervised learning. Neural Networks, 6(4):
Parker, D. (1982). Learning logic. Report S81-64, File
1. Office of Technology, Stanford University.
Press, S.A., Teukolsky, Vetterling, W.T., Flannery B.P.
(1992). Numerical recipes in C: The art of scientific
computing. Cambridge University Press.
Rosenblatt, F. (1962). Principles of neurodynamics.
Spartan Books, NY.
Rumelhart, D., Hinton, G., Williams, R. (1986). Learning internal representations by error propagation. In
Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the
Microstructure of Cognition (Vol. 1: Foundations).
MIT Press, Cambridge.

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks I

Shewchuck, J.R. (1994). An Introduction to the

Conjugate Gradient Method without the Agonizing
Pain. School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon

Back-Propagation: Algorithm for feed-forward

multilayer networks that can be used to efficiently
compute the gradient vector in all the first-order

Toolenaere, T. (1990). Fast adaptive back-propagation

with good scaling properties. Neural Networks, 3:
561-574, 1990.

Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network: Artificial Neural Network whose graph has no cycles.

Werbos, P.J. (1974). Beyond regression: new tools for

prediction and analysis in the behavioural sciences.
Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University.
Widrow, B., Hoff, W.H. (1960). Adaptive switching
circuits. In Proceedings of the Western Electronic
Show and Convention, Vol. 4: 96-104.

Artificial Neural Network: Information processing
structure without global or shared memory that takes the
form of a directed graph where each of the computing
elements (neurons) is a simple processor with internal
and adjustable parameters, that operates only when all
its incoming information is available.

First-Order Method: A training algorithm using

the objective function and its gradient vector.
Learning Algorithm: Method or algorithm by virtue of which an Artificial Neural Network develops a
representation of the information present in the learning
examples, by modification of the weights.
Second-Order Method: A training algorithm
using the objective function, its gradient vector and
Hessian matrix.
Weight: A free parameter of an Artificial Neural
Network, modified through the action of a Learning
Algorithm to obtain desired responses to certain input



Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural

Networks II
Llus A. Belanche Muoz
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Spain

Supervised Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are information processing systems that adapt their functionality
as a result of exposure to input-output examples. To
this end, there exist generic procedures and techniques,
known as learning rules. The most widely used in the
neural network context rely in derivative information, and are typically associated with the Multilayer
Perceptron (MLP). Other kinds of supervised ANN
have developed their own techniques. Such is the case
of Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks (Poggio &
Girosi, 1989). There has been also considerable work
on the development of adhoc learning methods based
on evolutionary algorithms.

ing parameters themselves, include (Hertz, Krogh &

Palmer, 1991), (Hinton, 1989), (Bishop, 1995):

The problem of learning an input/output relation from a
set of examples can be regarded as the task of approximating an unknown function from a set of data points,
which are possibly sparse. Concerning approximation
by classical feed-forward ANN, these networks implement a parametric approximating function and have
been shown to be able of representing generic classes
of functions (as the continuous or integrable functions)
to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. In general, there
are three questions that arise when defining one such
parameterized family of functions:

What is the most adequate parametric form for a

given problem?
How to find the best parameters for the chosen
What classes of functions can be represented and
how well?

The most typical problems in a ANN supervised

learning process, besides the determination of the learn-





The possibility of getting stuck in local optima of

the cost function, in which conventional non-linear
optimization techniques will stay forever. The
incorporation of a global scheme (like multiple
restarts or an annealing schedule) is surely to
increase the chance of finding a better solution,
although the cost can become prohibitedly high.
A feed-forward network has multiple equivalent
solutions, created by weight permutations and
sign flips. Every local minima in a network with
a single hidden layer of h1 units has s(h1)=h1!2h1
equivalent solutions, so the chances of getting in
the basin of attraction of one of them are reasonable high. The complexity of the error surface
especially in very high dimensions makes the
possibility of getting trapped a real one.
Long training times, oscillations and network
paralysis. These are features highly related to
the specific learning algorithm, and relate to bad
or too general choices for the parameters of the
optimization technique (such as the learning rate).
The presence of saddle pointsregions where
the error surface is very flatalso provoke an
extremely slow advance for extensive periods
of time. The use of more advanced methods that
dynamically set these and other parameters can
alleviate the problem.
Non-cumulative learning. It is hard to take an
already trained network and re-train it with additional data without losing previously learned
The curse of dimensionality, roughly stated as
the fact that the number of examples needed to
represent a given function grows exponentially
with the number of dimensions.
Difficulty of finding a structure in the training
data, possibly caused by a very high dimension
or a distorting pre-processing scheme.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II



Bad generalization, which can be due to several

causes: the use of poor training data or attempts
to extrapolate beyond them, an excessive number
of hidden units, too long training processes or a
badly chosen regularization. All of them can lead
to an overfitting of the training data, in which
the ANN adjusts the training set merely as an
interpolation task.
Not amenable to inspection. It is generally arduous
to interpret the knowledge learned, especially in
large networks or with a high number of model


A Radial Basis Function network is a type of ANN that
can be viewed as the solution of a high-dimensional
curve-fitting problem. Learning is equivalent to finding
a surface providing the best fit to the data. The RBF
network is a two-layered feed forward network using a
linear transfer function for the output units and a radially symmetric transfer function for the hidden units.
The computation of a hidden unit is expressed as the
composition of two functions, as:
Fi(x ) = {g(h(x,wi)), wiRn},



with the choice h(x,wi)= ||x-wi||/ (or other distance

measure), with >0 a smoothing term, plus an activation g which very often is a monotonically decreasing
response from the origin. These units are localized, in
the sense that they give a significant response only in
a neighbourhood of their centre wi. For the activation
function a Gaussian g(z)=exp(-z2/2) is a preferred
Learning in RBF networks is characterized by the
separation of the process in two consecutive stages
(Haykin, 1994), (Bishop, 1995):


Optimize the free parameters of the hidden layer

(including the smoothing term) using only the
{x}i in D. This is an unsupervised method that
depends on the input sample distribution.
With these parameters found and frozen, optimize
the {ci}i, the hidden-to-output weights, using the
full information in D. This is a supervised method
that depends on the given task.

There are many ways of optimizing the hiddenlayer parameters. When the number of hidden neurons
equals the number of patterns, each pattern may be
taken to be a center of a particular neuron. However,
the aim is to form a representation of the probability
density function of the data, by placing the centres in
only those regions of the input space where significant
data are present. One commonly used method is the
k-means algorithm (McQueen, 1967), which in turn
is an approximate version of the maximum-likelihood
(ML) solution for determining the location of the means
of a mixture density of component densities (that is,
maximizing the likelihood of the parameters with respect to the data). The Expectation-Maximization (EM)
algorithm (Duda & Hart, 1973) can be used to find the
exact ML solution for the means and covariances of
the density. It seems that EM is superior to k-means
(Nowlan, 1990). The set of centres can also be selected
randomly from the set of data points.
The value of the smoothing term can be obtained
from the clustering method itself, or else estimated a
posteriori. One popular heuristic is:




where d is the maximum distance between the chosen

centers and M is the number of centers (hidden units).
Alternatively, the method of Distance Averaging
(Moody and Darken, 1989) can be used, which is the
global average over all Euclidean distances between the
center of each unit and that of its nearest neighbor.
Once these parameters are chosen and kept constant,
assuming the output units are linear, the (square) error
function is quadratic, and thus the hidden-to-output
weights can be fast and reliably found iteratively by
simple gradient descent over the quadratic surface of
the error function or directly by solving the minimum
norm solution to the over determined least-squares data
fitting problem (Orr, 1995).
The whole set of parameters of a RBF network
can also be optimized with a global gradient descent
procedure on all the free parameters at once (Bishop,
1995), (Haykin, 1994). This brings back the problems
of local minima, slow training, etc, already discussed.
However, better solutions can in principle be found,
because the unsupervised solution focuses on esti-


Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II

mating the input probability density function, but the

resulting disposition may not be the one minimizing
the square error.

The alternative to derivative-based learning algorithms
(DBLA) are Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) (Back,
1996). Although the number of successful specific
applications of EA is counted by hundreds (see (Back,
Fogel & Michalewicz, 1997) for a review), only Genetic
Algorithms or GA (Goldberg, 1989) and, to a lesser
extent, Evolutionary Programming (Fogel, 1992),
have been broadly used for ANN optimization, since
the earlier works using genetic algorithms (Montana
& Davis, 1989). Evolutionary algorithms operate on
a population of individuals applying the principle of
survival of the fittest to produce better approximations
to a solution. At each generation, a new population is
created by selecting individuals according to their level
of fitness in the problem domain and recombining them
using operators borrowed from natural genetics. The
offspring also undergo mutation. This process leads to
the evolution of populations of individuals that are better suited to their environment than the individuals that
they were created from, just as in natural adaptation.
There are comprehensive review papers and guides
to the extensive literature on this subject: see (Shaffer,
Whitley & Eshelman, 1992), (Yao, 1993), (Kusu &
Thornton, 1994) and (Balakrishnan & Honavar, 1995).
One of their main advantages over methods based on
derivatives is the global search mechanism. A global
method does not imply that the solution is not a local
optimum; rather, it eliminates the possibility of getting
caught in local optima. Another appealing issue is the
possibility of performing the traditionally separated
steps of determining the best architecture and its weights
at the same time, in a search over the joint space of
structures and weights. Another advantage is the use
of potentially any cost measure to assess the goodness
of fit or include structural information. Still another
possibility is to embody a DBLA into a GA, using the
latter to search among the space of structures and the
DBLA to optimize the weights; this hybridization leads
to extremely high computational costs. Finally, there
is the use of EA solely for the numerical optimization
problem. In the neural context, this is arguably the task

for which continuous EA are most naturally suited.

However, it is difficult to find applications in which
GA (or other EA, for that matter) have clearly outperformed DBLA for supervised training of feed-forward
neural networks (Whitley, 1995). It has been pointed
out that this task is inherently hard for algorithms that
rely heavily on the recombination of potential solutions
(Radcliffe, 1991). In addition, the training times can
become too costly, even worse than that for DBLA.
In general, Evolutionary Algorithms particularly,
the continuous ones are in need of specific research
devoted to ascertain their general validity as alternatives
to DBLA in neural network optimization. Theoretical
as well as practical work, oriented to tailor specific
EA parameters for this task, together with a specialized operator design should pave the way to a fruitful
assessment of validity.

Research in ANN currently concerns the development
of learning algorithms for weight adaptation or, more
often, the enhancement of existing ones. New architectures (ways of arranging the units in the network)
are also introduced from time to time. Classical neuron
models, although useful and effective, are lessened to a
few generic function classes, of which only a handful
of instances are used in practice.
One of the most attractive enhancements is the
extension of neuron models to modern data mining
situations, such as data heterogeneity. Although a feedforward neural network can in principle approximate
an arbitrary function to any desired degree of accuracy,
in practice a pre-processing scheme is often applied to
the data samples to ease the task. In many important
domains from the real world, objects are described by
a mixture of continuous and discrete variables, usually
containing missing information and characterized by
an underlying vagueness, uncertainty or imprecision.
For example, in the well-known UCI repository (Murphy & Aha, 1991) over half of the problems contain
explicitly declared nominal attributes, let alone other
discrete types or fuzzy information, usually unreported.
This heterogeneous information should not be treated
in general as real-valued quantities. Conventional
ways of encoding non-standard information in ANN
include (Prechelt, 1994), (Bishop, 1995), (Fiesler &
Beale, 1997):

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II

Ordinal variables. These variables correspond

to discrete (finite) sets of values wherein an ordering
has been defined (possibly only partial). They are
more than often treated as real-valued, and mapped
equidistantly on an arbitrary real interval. A second
possibility is to encode them using a thermometer. To
this end, let k be the number of ordered values; k new
binary inputs are then created. To represent value i,
for 1ik, the leftmost 1,...,i units will be on, and the
remaining i+1,...,k off.
The interest in these variables relies in that they
appear frequently in real domains, either as symbolic
information or from processes that are discrete in nature.
Note that an ordinal variable need not be numerical.
Nominal variables Nominal variables are unanimously encoded using a 1-out-of-k representation,
being k the number of values, which are then encoded
as the rows of the Ikk identity matrix.
Missing values Missing information is an old issue
in statistical analysis (Little & Rubin, 1987). There are
several causes for the absence of a value. They are very
common in Medicine and Engineering, where many
variables come from on-line sensors or device measurements. Missing information is difficult to handle,
especially when the lost parts are of significant size.
It can be either removed (the entire case) or filled in
with the mean, median, nearest neighbour, or encoded
by adding another input equal to one only if the value
is absent and zero otherwise. Statistical approaches
need to make assumptions about or model the input
distribution itself. The main problem with missing data
is that we never know if all the efforts devoted to their
estimation will revert, in practice, in better-behaved
data. This is also the reason why we develop on the
treatment of missing values as part of the general discussion on data characteristics. The reviewed methods
pre-process the data to make it acceptable by models
that otherwise would not accept it. In the case of missing values, the data is completed because the available
neural methods only admit complete data sets.
Uncertainty. Vagueness, imprecision and other
sources of uncertainty are considerations usually put
aside in the ANN paradigm. Nonetheless, many variables in learning processes are likely to bear some form
of uncertainty. In Engineering, for example, on-line
sensors are likely to get old with time and continuous
use, and this may be reflected in the quality of their
measurements. In many occasions, the data at hand
are imprecise for a manifold of reasons: technical

limitations, a veritable qualitative origin, or even we

can be interested in introducing imprecision with the
purpose of augmenting the capacity for abstraction
or generalization (Esteva, Godo & Garca), possibly
because the underlying process is believed to be less
precise than the available measures.
In Fuzzy Systems theory there are explicit formalisms for representing and manipulating uncertainty,
that is precisely what the system best models and
manages. It is perplexing that, when supplying this
kind of input/output data, we require the network to
approximate the desired output in a very precise way.
Sometimes the known value takes an interval form:
between 5.1 and 5.5, so that any transformation
to a real value will result in a loss of information. A
more common situation is the absence of numerical
knowledge. For example, consider the value fairly
tall for the variable height. Again, Fuzzy Systems
are comfortable, but for an ANN this is real trouble.
The integration of symbolic and continuous information is also important because numeric methods bring
higher concretion, whereas symbolic methods bring
higher abstraction. Their combined use is likely to
increase the flexibility of hybrid systems. For numeric
data, an added flexibility is obtained by considering
imprecision in their values, leading to fuzzy numbers
(Zimmermann, 1992).

As explained at length in other chapters, derivativebased learning algorithms make a number of assumptions about the local error surface and its differentiability. In addition, the existence of local minima is often
neglected or overlooked entirely. In fact, the possibility
of getting caught in these minima is more than often
circumvented by multiple runs of the algorithm (that
is, multiple restarts from different initial points in
weight space). This sampling procedure is actually
an implementation of a very nave stochastic process.
A global training algorithm for neural networks is the
evolutionary algorithm, a stochastic search training
algorithm based on the mechanics of natural genetics
and biological evolution. It requires information from
the objective function, but not from the gradient vector
or the Hessian matrix and thus it is a zero-order method.
On the other hand, there is an emerging need to devise
neuron models that properly handle different data types,

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II

as is done in support vector machines (Shawe-Taylor

& Cristianini, 2004), where kernel design is a current
research topic.

Balakrishnan, K., Honavar, V. (1995). Evolutionary
design of neural architectures - a preliminary taxonomy
and guide to literature. Technical report CS-TR-95-01.
Dept. of Computer Science. Iowa State University.
Bck, T. (1996). Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory
and Practice. Oxford Univ. Press, New York
Bck, Th., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz, Z. (Eds., 1997)
Handbook of Evolutionary Computation. IOP Publishing & Oxford Univ. Press.
Bishop, C. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Clarendon Press.
Esteva, F., Godo, L., Garca, P. (1998). Similarity-based
Reasoning. IIIA Research Report 98-31, Instituto de
Investigacin en Inteligencia Artificial. Barcelona,
Duda, R.O., Hart, P.E. (1973) Pattern classification
and scene analysis. John Wiley.
Fiesler, E., Beale, R. (Eds., 1997) Handbook of Neural
Computation. IOP Publishing & Oxford Univ. Press.
Fogel, L.J. (1992). An analysis of evolutionary programming. In Fogel and Atmar (Eds.) Procs. of the
1st annual conf. on evolutionary programming. La
Jolla, CA: Evolutionary Programming Society.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms for Search,
Optimization & Machine Learning. Addison-Wesley.
Haykin, S. (1994). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
Foundation. MacMillan.
Hertz, J., Krogh, A., Palmer R.G. (1991). Introduction
to the Theory of Neural Computation, Addison-Wesley,
Redwood City.
Hinton, G.E. (1989). Connectionist learning procedures.
Artificial Intelligence, 40: 185-234.
Kusu, I., Thornton, C. (1994). Design of Artificial
Neural Networks using genetic algorithms: review
and prospect. Technical Report of the Cognitive and

Computing Sciences Dept. University of Sussex,

Little, R.J.A., Rubin, D.B. (1987). Statistical analysis
with missing data. John Wiley.
McQueen, J. (1967) Some methods of classification and
analysis of multivariate observations. In Procs. of the
5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematics, Statistics
and Probability. LeCam and Neyman (eds.), University
of California Press.
Montana, D.J., Davis, L. (1989). Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks using Genetic Algorithms. In
Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann.
Moody, J. and Darken, C. (1989): J. Moody and C.
Darken. Fast learning in networks of locally-tuned
processing units. Neural Computation, 1:281-294.
Murphy, P.M., Aha, D. (1991). UCI Repository of machine learning databases. UCI Dept. of Information
and Computer Science.
Nowlan, S. (1990). Max-likelihood competition in RBF
networks. Technical Report CRG-TR-90-2. Connectionist Research Group, Univ. of Toronto.
Orr, M.J.L. (1995) Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks. Technical Report of the Centre for
Cognitive Science, Univ. of Edinburgh.
Poggio T., Girosi, F. (1989). A Theory of Networks for
Approximation and Learning. AI Memo No. 1140,
AI Laboratory, MIT.
Prechelt, L. (1994). Proben1: A set of Neural Network
Benchmark Problems and Benchmarking Rules. Technical Report 21/94. Universitt Karlsruhe.
Radcliffe, N.J. (1991). Genetic set recombination and
its application to neural network topology optimization. Technical Report EPCC-TR-91-21. University
of Edinburgh.
Shaffer, J.D., Whitley, D., Eshelman, (1992). L.J. Combination of Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks:
A Survey of the State of the Art. In Combination of
Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks. Shaffer,
J.D., Whitley, D. (eds.), pp. 1-37.
Shawe-Taylor, J. Cristianini, N. (2004). Kernel Methods
for Pattern Analysis. Cambridge University Press.

Learning in Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks II

Whitley, D. (1995). Genetic Algorithms and Neural

Networks. In Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and
Computer Science. Periaux, Galn, Cuesta (eds.), John
Yao, X. (1993). A Review of Evolutionary Artificial
Networks. Intl. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 8(4):
539-567, 1993.
Zimmermann, H.J. (1992). Fuzzy set theory and its
applications. Kluver.

Architecture: The number of artificial neurons, its
arrangement and connectivity.
Artificial Neural Network: Information processing
structure without global or shared memory that takes the
form of a directed graph where each of the computing
elements (neurons) is a simple processor with internal
and adjustable parameters, that operates only when all
its incoming information is available.

Evolutionary Algorithm: A computer simulation in

which a population of individuals (abstract representations of candidate solutions to an optimization problem)
are stochastically selected, recombined, mutated, and
then removed or kept, based on their relative fitness
to the problem.
Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network: Artificial Neural Network whose graph has no cycles.
Learning Algorithm: Method or algorithm by virtue of which an Artificial Neural Network develops a
representation of the information present in the learning
examples, by modification of the weights.
Neuron Model: The computation of an artificial
neuron, expressed as a function of its input and its
weight vector and other local information.
Weight: A free parameter of an Artificial Neural
Network, that can be modified through the action of
a Learning Algorithm to obtain desired responses to
certain input stimuli.



Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative

Alfredo Garro
University of Calabria, Italy

Game Theory (Von Neumann & Morgenstern, 1944)
is a branch of applied mathematics and economics that
studies situations (games) where self-interested interacting players act for maximizing their returns; therefore,
the return of each player depends on his behaviour and
on the behaviours of the other players. Game Theory,
which plays an important role in the social and political
sciences, has recently drawn attention in new academic
fields which go from algorithmic mechanism design
to cybernetics. However, a fundamental problem to
solve for effectively applying Game Theory in real
word applications is the definition of well-founded
solution concepts of a game and the design of efficient
algorithms for their computation.
A widely accepted solution concept of a game in
which any cooperation among the players must be selfenforcing (non-cooperative game) is represented by the
Nash Equilibrium. In particular, a Nash Equilibrium
is a set of strategies, one for each player of the game,
such that no player can benefit by changing his strategy unilaterally, i.e. while the other players keep their
strategies unchanged (Nash, 1951). The problem of
computing Nash Equilibria in non-cooperative games
is considered one of the most important open problem
in Complexity Theory (Papadimitriou, 2001). Daskalakis, Goldbergy, and Papadimitriou (2005), showed
that the problem of computing a Nash equilibrium in
a game with four or more players is complete for the
complexity class PPAD-Polynomial Parity Argument
Directed version (Papadimitriou, 1991), moreover,
Chen and Deng extended this result for 2-player games
(Chen & Deng, 2005). However, even in the two players case, the best algorithm known has an exponential
worst-case running time (Savani & von Stengel, 2004);
furthermore, if the computation of equilibria with
simple additional properties is required, the problem
immediately becomes NP-hard (Bonifaci, Di Iorio, &
Laura, 2005) (Conitzer & Sandholm, 2003) (Gilboa &
Zemel, 1989) (Gottlob, Greco, & Scarcello, 2003).

Motivated by these results, recent studies have dealt

with the problem of efficiently computing Nash Equilibria by exploiting approaches based on the concepts
of learning and evolution (Fudenberg & Levine, 1998)
(Maynard Smith, 1982). In these approaches the Nash
Equilibria of a game are not statically computed but
are the result of the evolution of a system composed
by agents playing the game. In particular, each agent
after different rounds will learn to play a strategy that,
under the hypothesis of agents rationality, will be one
of the Nash equilibria of the game (Benaim & Hirsch,
1999) (Carmel & Markovitch, 1996).
This article presents SALENE, a Multi-Agent
System (MAS) for learning Nash Equilibria in noncooperative games, which is based on the above mentioned concepts.

An n-person strategic game G can be defined as a tuple
G = (N; (Ai)iN; (ri)iN), where N = {1, 2, , n} is the
set of players, Ai is a finite set of actions for player iN,
and ri : A1 An is the payoff function of player
i. The set Ai is called also the set of pure strategies of
player i. The Cartesian product iN Ai = A1 An
can be denoted by A and r : A N can denote the
vector valued function whose ith component is ri, i.e.,
r(a) = (r1(a), , rn(a)), so it is possible to write (N,
A, r) for short for (N; (Ai)iN; (ri) iN).
For any finite set Ai the set of all probability distributions on Ai can be denoted by (Ai). An element i
(Ai) is a mixed strategy for player i.
A (Nash) equilibrium of a strategic game G = (N,
A, r) is an N-tuple of (mixed) strategies = (i) iN, i
(Ai), such that for every i N and any other strategy of player i, i (Ai), ri(i,-i) ri(i,-i), where
ri denotes also the expected payoff to player i in the
mixed extension of the game and -i represents the
mixed strategies in of all the other players. Basically,
supposing that all the other players do not change their

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games

strategies it is not possible for any player i to play a

different strategy i able to gain a better payoff of that
gained by playing i. i is called a Nash equilibrium
strategy for player i.
In 1951 J. F. Nash proved that a strategic (noncooperative) game G = (N, A, r) has at least a (Nash)
equilibrium (Nash, 1951); in his honour, the computational problem of finding such equilibria is known
as NASH (Papadimitriou, 1994).


SALENE was conceived as a system for learning at
least one Nash Equilibrium of a non-cooperative game
given in the form G = (N; (Ai)iN; (ri)iN). In particular,
the system asks the user for:

the number n of the players which defines the set

of players N = {1, 2, , n};
for each player iN, the related finite set of pure
strategies Ai and his payoff function ri : A1
An ;
the number k of times the players will play the

Figure 1. The class diagram of SALENE











Then, the system creates n agents, one associated

to each player, and a referee. The agents will play
the game G k times, after each match, each agent
will decide the strategy to play in the next match to
maximise his expected utility on the basis of his beliefs
about the strategies that the other agents are adopting.
By analyzing the behaviour of each agent in all the k
matches of the game, SALENE presents to the user an
estimate of a Nash Equilibrium of the game. The Agent
paradigm has represented a natural way of modelling and implementing the proposed solution as it is
characterized by several interacting autonomous entities
(players) which try to achieve their goals (consisting
in maximising their returns).
The class diagram of SALENE is shown in Figure
The Manager Agent interacts with the user and it is
responsible for the global behaviour of the system. In
particular, after having obtained from the user the input
parameters G and k, the Manager Agent creates both n
Player Agents and a Referee Agent that coordinates and
monitors the behaviours of the players. The Manager
Agent sends to all the agents the definition G of the game
then he asks the Referee Agent to orchestrate k matches
of the game G. In each match, the Referee Agent asks
each Player Agent which pure strategy he has decided
to play, then, after having acquired the strategies from
all players, the Referee Agent communicates to each
Player Agent both the strategies played and the payoffs
gained by all players. After playing k matches of the
game G the Referee Agent communicates all the data
about the played matches to the Manager Agent which
analyses it and properly presents the obtained results
to the user.
A Player Agent is a rational player that, given the
game definition G, acts to maximise his expected utility in each single match of G without considering the
overall utility that he could obtain in a set of matches.
In particular the behaviour of the Player Agent i can
be described by the following main steps:



In the first match the Player Agent i chooses to

play a pure strategy randomly generated considering all the pure strategies playable with the same
probability: if |Ai|=m the probability of choosing
a pure strategy sAi is 1/m;
The Player Agent i waits for the Referee Agent to
ask him which strategy he wants to play, then he
communicates to the Referee Agent the chosen

Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games




pure strategy as computed in step 1 if he is playing his first match or in step 4 otherwise;
The Player Agent waits for the Referee Agent to
communicate him both the pure strategies played
and the payoffs gained by all players;
The Player Agent decides the mixed strategy to
play in the next match. In particular, the Player
Agent updates the beliefs about the mixed strategies currently adopted by the other players and
consequently recalculate the strategy able to
maximise his expected utility. Basically, the Player
Agent i tries to find the strategy i (Ai), such
that for any other strategy i (Ai), ri(i,-i)
ri(i,-i) where ri denotes his expected payoff and
-i represents his beliefs about the mixed strategies
currently adopted by all the other players, i.e. i
=(j)jN,ji, j (Aj). In order to evaluate j for
each other player ji the Player Agent i considers
the pure strategies played by the player j in all
the previous matches and computes the frequency
of each pure strategy, this frequency distribution
will be the estimate for j. If there is at least an
element in the actually computed set -i=(j)jN,ji
that differs from the set -i as computed in the
previous match, the Player Agent i solves the
inequality ri(i,-i) ri(i,-i) that is equivalent to
solve the optimization problem P={max(ri(i,i
)), i(Ai)}. It is worth noting that P is a linear
optimization problem, actually, given the set -i,
ri(i,-i) is a linear objective function in i (see
the game definition reported in the Background
Section), and with |Ai|=m i(Ai) is a vector
M such that sM s=1 and for every sM s0,
so the constraint i(Ai) is a set of m+1 linear
inequalities. P is solved by the Player Agent by
using an efficient method for solving problems
in linear programming, in particular the predictor-corrector method of Mehrotra (1992), whose
complexity is polynomial for both average and
worst case. The obtained solution for i is a pure
strategy because it is one of the vertices of the
polytope which defines the feasible region for
P. The obtained strategy i will be played by the
Player Agent i in the next match; ri(i,-i) represents the expected payoff to player i in the next
back to step 2.

It is worth noting that a Player Agent for choosing

the mixed strategy to play in each match of G does
not need to known the payoff functions of the others
players, in fact, for solving the optimization problem
P it only needs to consider the strategies which have
been played by the other players in all the previous
The Manager Agent, receives from the Referee
Agent all the data about the k matches of the game G
and computes an estimate of a Nash Equilibrium of
G, i.e. an N-tuple =(i)iN, i(Ai). In particular, in
order to estimate i (the Nash equilibrium strategy of
the player i), the Manager Agent computes, on the basis
of the pure strategies played by the player i in each
of the k match, the frequency of each pure strategy:
this frequency distribution will be the estimate for i.
The so computed set =(i)iN, i(Ai) will be then
properly proposed to the user together with the data
exploited for its estimation.
SALENE has been implemented using JADE
(Bellifemine, Poggi, & Rimassa, 2001), a software
framework allowing for the development of multiagent systems and applications conforming to FIPA
standards (FIPA, 2006), and tested on different games
that differ from each other both in the number and in
the kind of Nash Equilibria. The experiments have
demonstrated that:

if the game has p>=1 Pure Nash Equilibria and

s>=0 Mixed Nash Equilibria the agents converge
in playing one of the p Pure Nash Equilibria;
in these cases, as the behaviour of each Player
Agent converges with probability one to a Nash
Equilibrium of the game, the learning process
converges in behaviours to equilibrium (Foster
& Young, 2003);
if the game has only Mixed Nash Equilibria,
while the behaviour of the Player Agents does
not converge to an equilibrium, the time-average
behaviour, i.e. the empirical frequency with which
each player chooses his strategy, may converge
to one of the mixed Nash Equilibria of the game;
that is the learning process may converge in
time average to equilibrium (Foster and Young,

In the next Section the main aspects related to the

convergence properties of the approach/algorithm

Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games

exploited by the SALENE agents for leaning Nash

Equilibria are discussed in a more general discussion
about current and future research efforts.

Innovative approaches, as SALENE, based on the
concepts of learning and evolution have shown great
potential for modelling and efficiently solving non-cooperative games. However, as the solutions of the games
(e.g. Nash Equilibria) are not statically computed but
are the result of the evolution of a system composed
by interacting agents, there are several open problems
mainly related to the accuracy of the provided solution
that need to be tackled to allow these approaches to be
widely exploited in concrete business application.
The approach exploited in SALENE, which derives
from the Fictitious Play (Robinson, 1951) approach,
efficiently solves the problem of learning a Nash
Equilibrium in non-cooperative games which have at
least one Pure Nash Equilibrium: in such a case the
behaviour of the players exactly converges to one of
the Pure Nash Equilibria of the game (convergence in
behaviours to equilibrium). On the contrary, if the game
has only Mixed Nash Equilibria, the convergence of the
learning algorithm is not ensured. Computing ex ante
when this case happens is quite costly as it requires to
solve the following problem: Determining whether a
strategic game has only Mixed Nash Equilibria, which
is equivalent to: Determining whether a strategic game
does not have any Pure Nash Equilibria. This problem
is Co-NP complete as its complement Determining
whether a strategic game has a Pure Nash Equilibrium
is NP complete (Gottlob, Greco, & Scarcello, 2003).
As witnessed by the conducted experiments, when a
game has only Mixed Nash Equilibria there are still
some cases in which, while the behaviour of the players
does not converge to an equilibrium, the time-average
behaviour, i.e. the empirical frequency with which
each player chooses his strategy, converges to one of
the Mixed Nash Equilibria of the game (convergence
in time average to equilibrium).
Nevertheless, there are some cases in which there is
neither convergence in behaviour neither convergence
in time average to equilibrium; an example of such a
case is the fashion game of Shapley (1964). An important
open problem is then represented by the characterization
of the classes of games for which the learning algorithm

adopted in SALENE converges; more specifically, the

classes of games for which the algorithm: (a) convergences in behaviours to equilibrium (which implies
the convergence in time average to equilibrium), (b)
only convergences in time average to equilibrium; (c)
does not converge neither in behaviours neither in time
average. Currently, it has been demonstrated that the
algorithm converges in behaviours or in time average
to equilibrium for the following classes of games:

zero-sum games (Robinson, 1951);

games which are solvable by iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies (Nachbar,
potential games (Monderer & Shapley, 1996);
2xN games, i.e. games with 2 players, 2 strategies for one player and N strategies for the other
player (Berger, 2005).

Future efforts will be geared towards: (i) completing

the characterization of the classes of games for which
the learning algorithm adopted in SALENE converges
and evaluating the complexity of solving the membership problem for such a classes; (ii) evaluating different
learning algorithms and their convergence properties;
(ii) letting the user ask for the computation of Nash
Equilibria with simple additional properties.
More in general, a wide adoption of the emerging agent-based approaches for solving games which
model concrete business applications will depend on
the accuracy and the convergence properties of the
provided solutions; both aspects still need to be fully

The complexity of NASH, the problem consisting in
computing Nash Equilibria in non-cooperative games,
is still debated, but even in the two players case, the
best known algorithm has an exponential worst-case
running time. SALENE, the proposed MAS for learning Nash Equilibria in non-cooperative games, can
be conceived as a heuristic and efficient method for
computing at least one Nash Equilibria in a non-cooperative game represented in its normal form; actually,
the learning algorithm adopted by the Player Agents
has a polynomial running time for both average and
worst case. SALENE can be then fruitfully exploited for

Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games

efficiently solving non-cooperative games which model

interesting concrete problems ranging from classical
economic and finance problems to the emerging ones
related to the economic aspects of the Internet such as
TCP/IP congestion, selfish routing, and algorithmic
mechanism design.

Bellifemine, F., Poggi, A., & Rimassa, G. (2001). Developing multi-agent systems with a FIPA-compliant
agent framework. Software Practice and Experience,
Benaim, M., & Hirsch, M.W. (1999). Learning process, mixed equilibria and dynamic system arising for
repeated games. Games and Economic Behavior, 29,
Berger, U. (2005). Fictitious Play in 2xN Games.
Journal of Economic Theory, 120, 139-154.
Bonifaci, V., Di Iorio, U., & Laura, L. (2005). On the
complexity of uniformly mixed Nash equilibria and
related regular subgraph problems. Proceedings of
the 15th International Symposium on Fundamentals
of Computation Theory, 197-208.

Foster, D.P., & Young, P.H. (2003). Learning, Hypothesis Testing, and Nash Equilibrium. Games and
Economic Behavior, 45(1), 73-96.
Fudenberg, D., & Levine, D. (1998). The Theory of
Learning in Games. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gilboa, I., & Zemel, E. (1989). Nash and correlated
equilibria: some complexity considerations. Games
and Economic Behavior, 1(1), 80-93.
Gottlob, G., Greco, G., & Scarcello, F. (2003). Pure
Nash Equilibria: hard and easy games. Proceedings of
the 9th Conference on Theorethical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, 215-230.
Maynard Smith, J. (1982). Evolution and the Theory
of Games. Cambridge University Press.
Mehrotra, S. (1992). On the Implementation of a Primal-dual Interior Point Method. SIAM Optimization
Journal, 2, 575-601.
Monderer, D., & Shapley, L.S. (1996). Fictitious Play
Property for Games with Identical Interests. Journal
of Economic Theory, 68, 258-265.
Nachbar, J. (1990). Evolutionary Selection Dynamics
in Games: Convergence and Limit Properties. International Journal of Game Theory, 19, 59-89.

Carmel, D., & Markovitch, S. (1996). Learning Models

of Intelligent Agents. Proceedings of the 13th National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Eighth
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Conference, Vol. 2, 62-67, Menlo Park, California:
AAAI Press.

Nash, J.F. (1951). Non-cooperative games. Annals of

Mathematics, 54, 289-295.

Chen, X., & Deng, X. (2005). Settling the Complexity

of 2-Player Nash-Equilibrium. Electronic Colloquium
on Computational Complexity, Report No. 140.

Papadimitriou, C.H. (1994). On the complexity of

the parity argument and other inefficient proofs of
existence. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences,
48(3), 498-532.

Conitzer, V., & Sandholm, T. (2003). Complexity

results about Nash equilibria. Proceedings of the 18th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 765-771.
Daskalakis, C., Goldbergy, P.W., & Papadimitriou,
C.H. (2005). The Complexity of Computing a Nash
Equilibrium. Electronic Colloquium on Computational
Complexity, Report No. 115.
FIPA (2006). Foundation for Intelligent Physical

Papadimitriou, C.H. (1991). On inefficient proofs of

existence and complexity classes. Proceedings of the
4th Czechoslovakian Symposium on Combinatorics.

Papadimitriou, C.H. (2001). Algorithms, Games and

the Internet. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM
Symposium on the Theory of Computing, 749-753.
Robinson, J. (1951). An Iterative Method of Solving a
Game. Annals of Mathematics, 54, 296-301.
Savani, R., & von Stengel, B. (2004). Exponentially
many steps for finding a Nash equilibrium in a bimatrix
game. Proceedings of the 45th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 258-267.

Learning Nash Equilibria in Non-Cooperative Games

Shapley, L.S. (1964). Some topics in two-person

games. Advances in Game Theory, 1-28, Dresher,
M., Shapley, L.S., & Tucker, A. W. editors, Princeton
University Press.
Tsebelis, G. (1990). Nested Games: rational choice in
comparative politics. University of California Press.
Von Neumann, J, & Morgenstern, O. (1944). Theory
of Games and economic Behaviour. Princeton University Press.

Computational Complexity Theory: A branch of
the theory of computation in computer science which
studies how the running time and the memory requirements of an algorithm increase as the size of the input
to the algorithm increases.
Game Theory: A branch of applied mathematics
and economics that studies situations (games) where

self-interested interacting players act for maximizing

their returns.
Heuristic: In computer science, a technique designed to solve a problem which allows for gaining
computational performance or conceptual simplicity
potentially at the cost of accuracy and/or precision of
the provided solutions to the problem itself.
Nash Equilibrium: A solution concept of a game
where no player can benefit by changing his strategy
unilaterally, i.e. while the other players keep theirs
unchanged; this set of strategies and the corresponding
payoffs constitute a Nash Equilibrium of the game.
NP-Hard Problems: Problems that are intrinsically
harder than those that can be solved by a nondeterministic Turing machine in polynomial time.
Non-Cooperative Games: A game in which any cooperation among the players must be self-enforcing.
Payoffs: Numeric representations of the utility
obtainable by a player in the different outcomes of a



Learning-Based Planning
Sergio Jimnez Celorrio
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Toms de la Rosa Turbides
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Automated Planning (AP) studies the generation of
action sequences for problem solving. A problem in AP
is defined by a state-transition function describing the
dynamics of the world, the initial state of the world and
the goals to be achieved. According to this definition,
AP problems seem to be easily tackled by searching
for a path in a graph, which is a well-studied problem.
However, the graphs resulting from AP problems are
so large that explicitly specifying them is not feasible.
Thus, different approaches have been tried to address
AP problems. Since the mid 90s, new planning algorithms have enabled the solution of practical-size
AP problems. Nevertheless, domain-independent
planners still fail in solving complex AP problems, as
solving planning tasks is a PSPACE-Complete problem
(Bylander, 94).
How do humans cope with this planning-inherent
complexity? One answer is that our experience allows
us to solve problems more quickly; we are endowed
with learning skills that help us plan when problems
are selected from a stable population. Inspire by this
idea, the field of learning-based planning studies the
development of AP systems able to modify their performance according to previous experiences.
Since the first days, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
been concerned with the problem of Machine Learning
(ML). As early as 1959, Arthur L. Samuel developed
a prominent program that learned to improve its play
in the game of checkers (Samuel, 1959). It is hardly
surprising that ML has often been used to make changes
in systems that perform tasks associated with AI, such
as perception, robot control or AP. This article analyses the diverse ways ML can be used to improve AP
processes. First, we review the major AP concepts and
summarize the main research done in learning-based
planning. Second, we describe current trends in applying

ML to AP. Finally, we comment on the next avenues

for combining AP and ML and conclude.

The languages for representing AP tasks are typically
based on extensions of first-order logic. They encode
tasks using a set of actions that represents the statetransition function of the world (the planning domain)
and a set of first-order predicates that represent the
initial state together with the goals of the AP task (the
planning problem). In the early days of AP, STRIPS
was the most popular representation language. In 1998
the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL)
was developed for the first International Planning
Competition (IPC) and since that date it has become
the standard language for the AP community. In PDDL
(Fox & Long, 2003), an action in the planning domain
is represented by: (1) the action preconditions, a list
of predicates indicating the facts that must be true so
the action becomes applicable and (2) the action postconditions, typically separated in add and delete lists,
which are lists of predicates indicating the changes in
the state after the action is applied.
Before the mid 90s, automated planners could only
synthesize plans of no more than 10 actions in an acceptable amount of time. During those years, planners
strongly depended on speedup techniques for solving
AP problems. Therefore, the application of search
control became a very popular solution to accelerate
planning algorithms. In the late 90s, a significant scaleup in planning took place due to the appearance of the
reachability planning graphs (Blum & Furst, 1995)
and the development of powerful domain independent
heuristics (Hoffman & Nebel, 2001) (Bonet & Geffner,
2001). Planners using these approaches could often
synthesize 100-action plans just in seconds.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Learning-Based Planning

At the present time, there is not such dependence

on ML for solving AP problems, but there is a renewed
interest in applying ML to AP motivated by three factors:
(1) IPC-2000 showed that knowledge-based planners
significantly outperform domain-independent planners.
The development of ML techniques that automatically
define the kind of knowledge that humans put in these
planners would bring great advances to the field. (2)
Domain-independent planners are still not able to cope
with real-world complex problems. On the contrary,
these problems are often solved by defining ad hoc planning strategies by hand. ML promises to be a solution to
automatically defining these strategies. And, (3) there is
a need for tools that assist in the definition, validation
and maintenance of planning-domain models. At the
moment, these processes are still done by hand.

This section describes the current ML techniques
for improving the performance of planning systems.
These techniques are grouped according to the target
of learning: search control, domains-specific planners,
or domain models.

Learning Search Control

Domain-independent planners require high search effort, so search-control knowledge is frequently used
to reduce this effort. Hand-coded control knowledge
has proved to be useful in many domains, however
is difficult for humans to formalize it, as it requires
specific knowledge of the planning domains and the
planner structure. Since APs early days, diverse
ML techniques have been developed with the aim of
automatically learning search-control knowledge. A
few examples of these techniques are macro-actions
(Fikes, Hart & Nilsson, 1972), control-rules (Borrajo
& Veloso, 1997), and case-based and analogical planning (Veloso, 1994).
At the present, most of the state-of-the-art planners
are based on heuristic search over the state space (12
of the 20 participants in IPC-2006 used this approach).
These planners achieve impressive performance in
many domains and problems, but their performance
strongly depends on the definition of a good domainindependent heuristic function. These heuristics are
computed solving a simplified version of the planning

task, which ignores the delete list of actions. The solution to the simplified task is taken as the estimated cost
for reaching the task goals. These kinds of heuristics
provide good guidance across the wide range of different
domains. However, they have some faults: (1) in many
domains, these heuristic functions vastly underestimate
the distance to the goal leading to poor guidance, (2)
the computation of the heuristic values of the search
nodes is too expensive, and (3) these heuristics are
non-admissible so heuristics planners do not find good
solutions in terms of plan quality.
Since evaluating a search node in heuristic planning
is so time consuming, (De la Rosa, Garca-Olaya &
Borrajo, 2007) proposed using Case-based Reasoning
(CBR) to reduce the number of explored nodes. Their
approach stores sequences of abstracted state transitions related to each particular object in a problem
instance. Then, with a new problem, these sequences
are retrieved and re-instantiated to support a forward
heuristic search, deciding the node ordering for computing its heuristic value.
In the last years, other approaches have been developed to minimize the negative effects of the heuristic
through ML: (Botea, Enzenberger, Mller & Schaeffer, 2005) learned off-line macro-actions to reduce the
number of evaluated nodes by decreasing the depth of
the search tree. (Coles & Smith, 2007) learned on-line
macro-actions to escape from plateaus in the search tree
without any exploration. (Yoon, Fern & Givan, 2006)
proposed using an inductive approach to correct the
domain-independent heuristic in those domains based
on learning a supplement to the heuristic from observations of solved problems in these domains.
All these methods for learning search-control knowledge suffer from the utility problem. Learning too much
control knowledge can actually be counterproductive
because the difficulty of storing and managing the
information and the difficulty of determining which
information to use when solving a particular problem
can interfere with efficiency.

Learning Domain-Specific Planners

An alternative approach to learning search control consists of learning domain-specific planning programs.
These programs receive as input a planning problem
of a fixed domain and return a plan that solves the


Learning-Based Planning

The first approaches to learn domain-specific planners were based on supervised inductive learning; they
used genetic programming (Spector, 1994) and decision-list learning (Khardon, 1999), but they were not
able to reliably produce good results. Recently, (Winner
& Veloso, 2003) presented a different approach based
on generalizing an example plan into a domain-specific
planning program and merging the resulting source
code with the previous ones.
Domain-specific planners are also represented as
policies, i.e., pairs of state and the preferred action
to be executed in the state. Relational Reinforcement
Learning (RRL) (Dzeroski, Raedt & Blockeel, 1998)
has aroused interest as an efficient approach for learning
policies for relational domains. RRL includes a set of
learning techniques for computing the optimal policy
for reaching the given goals by exploring the state
space though trial and error. The major benefit of these
techniques is that they can be used to solve problems
whether the action model is known or not. In the other
hand, since RRL does not explicitly include the task
goals in the policies, new policies have to be learned
every time a new goal has to be achieved, even if the
dynamics of the environment has not changed.
In general, domain-specific planners have to deal
with the problem of generalization. These techniques
build planning programs from a given set of solved
problems so cannot theoretically guarantee solving
subsequent problems.

Learning Domain Models

No matter how efficient a planner is, if it is fed with a
defective domain model, it will return defective plans.
Designing, encoding and maintaining a domain model
is very laborious. At the time being, planners are the
only tool available to assist in the development of an AP
domain model, but planners are not designed specifically for this purpose. Domain model learning studies
ML mechanisms to automatically acquire the planning
action schemas (the action preconditions and post-conditions) from observations of action executions.
Learning domain models in deterministic environments is a well-studied problem; diverse inductive
learning techniques have been successfully applied
to automatically define the actions schema from observations (Shen & Simon, 1989), (Benson, 1997),
(Yang, Wu & Jiang, 2005), (Shahaf & Amir, 2006). In
stochastic environments, this problem becomes more

complex. Actions may result in innumerable different

outcomes, so more elaborated approaches are required.
(Pasula, Zettlemoyer & Kaelbling, 2004) presented
the first specific algorithm to learn simple stochastic
actions without conditional effects. This algorithm is
based on three levels of learning: the first one consists
of deterministic rule-learning techniques to induce
the action preconditions. The second one relies on a
search for the set of action outcomes that best fits the
execution examples, and; the third one consists of
estimating the probability distributions over the set of
action outcomes. But, stochastic planning algorithms do
not need to consider all the possible actions outcomes.
(Jimenez & Cussens 2006) proposed to learn complex
action-effect models (including conditions) for only
the relevant action outcomes. Thus, planners generate
robust plans by covering only the most likely execution
outcome while leaving others to be completed when
more information is available.
In deterministic environments, (Shahaf & Amir,
2006) introduced an algorithm that exactly learns
STRIPS action schemas even if the domain is only
partially observable. But, in stochastic environments,
there is still no general efficient approach to learn action model.

Since the appearance of the first PDDL version in IPC1998, the standard planning representation language has
evolved to bring together AP algorithms and real-world
planning problems. Nowadays, the PDDL 3.0 version
for the IPC-2006 includes numeric state variables to
support quality metrics, durative actions that allow explicit time representation, derived predicates to enrich
the descriptions of the system states, and soft goals
and trajectory constraints to express user preferences
about the different possible plans without discarding
valid plans. But, most of these new features are not
handled by the state-of-the-art planning algorithms:
The existing planners usually fail solving problems that
define quality metrics. The issue of goal and trajectory
preferences has only been initially addressed. Time
and resources add such extra complexity to the search
process that a real-world problem becomes extremely
difficult to solve. New challenges for the AP community
are those related to developing new planning algorithms
and heuristics to deal with these kinds of problems. As

Learning-Based Planning

it is very difficult to find an efficient general solution,

ML must play an important role in addressing these
new challenges because it can be used to alleviate the
complexity of the search process by exploiting regularity in the space of common problems.
Besides, the state-of-the-art planning algorithms
need a detailed domain description to efficiently solve
the AP task, but new applications like controlling underwater autonomous vehicles, Mars rovers, etc. imply
planning in environments where the dynamics model
may be not easily accessible. There is a current need for
planning systems to be able to acquire information of
their execution environment. Future planning systems
have to include frameworks that allow the integration
of the planning and execution processes together with
domain modeling techniques.
Traditionally, learning-based planners are evaluated
only against the same planner but without learning, in
order to prove their performance improvement. Additionally, these systems are not exhaustively evaluated;
typically the evaluation only focuses on a very small
number of domains, so these planners are usually quite
fragile when encountering new domains. Therefore,
the community needs a formal methodology to validate
the performance of the new learning-based planning
systems, including mechanisms to compare different
learning-based planners.
Although ML techniques improve planning systems,
existing research cannot theoretically demonstrate
that they will be useful in new benchmark domains.
Moreover, for time being, it is not possible to formally
explain the underlying meaning of the learned knowledge (i.e., does the acquired knowledge subsumes task
decomposition? a goal ordering? a solution path?).
This point reveals that future research in AP and ML
will also focus on theoretical aspects that address these

Generic domain-independent planners are still not able
to address the complexity of real planning problems.
Thus, most planning systems implemented in applications require additional knowledge to solve the real
planning tasks. However, the extraction and compilation
of this specific knowledge by hand is complicated.
This article has described the main last advances
in developing planners successfully assisted by ML

techniques. Automatic learned knowledge is useful

for AP in diverse ways: it helps planners in guiding
search processes, in completing domain theories or in
specifying particular solutions to a particular problem.
However, the learning-based planning community can
not only focus on developing new learning techniques
but also on defining formal mechanisms to validate its
performance against other generic planners and against
other learning-based planners.

Benson, S. (1997). Learning Action Models for Reactive Autonomous Agents. PhD thesis, Stanford
Blum, A., & Furst, M. (1995). Fast planning through
planning graph analysis. In C. S. Mellish, editor, Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-95, volume 2, pages
16361642, Montreal, Canada, August 1995. Morgan
Bonet, B. & Geffner, H. (2001). Planning as Heuristic
Search. Artificial Intelligence, 129 (1-2), 5-33.
Borrajo, D., & Veloso, M. (1997). Lazy Incremental
Learning of Control Knowledge for Efficiently Obtaining Quality Plans. AI Review Journal. Special Issue
on Lazy Learning. 11 (1-5), 371-405.
Botea, A., Enzenberger, M., Mller, M. & Schaeffer,
J. (2005). Macro-FF: Improving AI Planning with
Automatically Learned Macro-Operators. Journal of
Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 24, 581-621.
Bylander, T., The computational complexity of propositional STRIPS planning. (1994). Artificial Intelligence,
69(1-2), 165204.
Coles, A., & Smith, A. (2007). Marvin: A heuristic
search planner with online macro-action learning. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 28, 119156.
De la Rosa, T., Garca Olaya, A., & Borrajo, D. (2007)
Using Utility Cases for Heuristic Planning Improvement. Procceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Case-Based Reasoning, Belfast, Northern Ireland,
Dzeroski, S., Raedt, L. D., & Blockeel, H., (1998)
Relational reinforcement learning. In International

Learning-Based Planning

Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming, pages

Fikes, R., Hart, P., & Nilsson, N., (1972) Learning and
Executing Generalized Robot Plans, Artificial Intelligence, 3, pages 251-288.
Fox, M. & Long, D, (2003) PDDL2.1: An extension to
PDDL for expressing temporal planning domains. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 20, 61124.
Hoffmann J. & Nebel B. (2001) The FF planning system:
Fast plan generation through heuristic search. Journal
of Artificial Intelligence Research,14, 253302.
Jimnez, S. & Cussens, J. (2006). Combining ILP and
Parameter Estimation to Plan Robustly in Probabilistic
Domains. In Conference on Inductive Logic Programming. Santiago de Compostela, ILP2006. Spain.
Khardon, R. (1999) Learning action strategies for planning domains. Artificial Intelligence, 113, 125148,
Pasula, H. Zettlemoyer, L. & Kaelbling, L. (2004)
Learning probabilistic relational planning rules. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference
on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS04.
Samuel, A. L., (1959). Some studies in machine learning
using the game of checkers. IBM Journal of Research
and Development, 3(3), 211229.
Shahaf, D & Amir, E. (2006). Learning partially observable action schemas. In Proceedings of the 21st National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI06).
Shen, W. & Simon. (1989). Rule creation and rule learning through environmental exploration. In Proceedings
of the IJCAI-89, pages 675680.
Spector, L. (1994) Genetic programming andAI planning
systems. In Proceedings of Twelfth National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle,Washington,USA,
AAAI Press/MIT Press.
Veloso, M. (1994). Planning and learning by analogical reasoning. Springer Verlag.
Winner, E. & Veloso, M. (2003) Distill: Towards learning domain-specific planners by example. In Proceedings of Twentieth International Conference on Machine
Learning (ICML 03), Washington, DC, USA.


Yang, Q, Wu, K & Jiang, Y. (2005) Learning action

models from plan examples with incomplete knowledge.
In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference
on Automated Planning and Scheduling, (ICAPS 2005)
Monterey, CA USA, pages 241250.
Yoon, S., Fern, A., & Givan, R., (2006). Learning
heuristic functions from relaxed plans. In International
Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling

Control Rule: IF-THEN rule to guide the planning
search-tree exploration.
Derived Predicate: Predicate used to enrich the
description of the states that is not affected by any of
the domain actions. Instead, the predicate truth values
are derived by a set of rules of the form if formula(x)
then predicate(x).
Domain Independent Planner: Planning system
that addresses problems without specific knowledge of
the domain, as opposed to domain-dependent planners,
which use domain-specific knowledge.
Macro-Action: Planning action resulting from
combining the actions that are frequently used together
in a given domain. Used as control knowledge to speed
up plan generation.
Online Learning: Knowledge acquisition during
a problem-solving process with the aim of improving
the rest of the process.
Plateau: Portion of a planning search tree where
the heuristic value of nodes is constant or does not
Policy: Mapping between the world states and the
preferred action to be executed in order to achieve a
given set of goals.
Search Control Knowledge: Additional knowledge
introduced to the planner with the aim of simplifying
the search process, mainly by pruning unexplored
portions of the search space or by ordering the nodes
for exploration.


A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market

Data with SOM
Patrick Rousset
CEREQ, France
Jean-Francois Giret
CEREQ, France

The aim of this paper is to present a typology of career
paths in France drawn up with the Kohonen algorithm
and its extension to a clustering method of life history
analysis based on the use of Self Organizing Maps
(SOMs). Several methods have previously been presented for transforming qualitative into quantitative information so as to be able to apply clustering algorithms
such as SOMs based on the Euclidean distance. Our
approach consists in performing quantitative encoding on labor market situation proximities across time.
Using SOMs, the preservation of the topology also
makes it possible to check whether this new method of
encoding preserves the particularities of the life history
according to our economic approach to careers. Lastly,
this quantitative encoding preprocessing, which can
be easily applied to analysis methods of life history,
completes the set of methods extending the use of SOM
to qualitative data.

Several methods are generally used to study the dynamic aspects of careers. The first method, which
estimates some reduced-form transition models, has
been extensively used in labor microeconometrics,
using event-history models for continuous-time data
or discrete-time panel data with Markov processes.
Those of the second kind, which include the method
presented here, are sequence analysis methods dealing with complex information about individual labor
market histories, such as the various states undergone,
the duration of the spells, multiple transitions between
the states, etc.. The idea was to empirically generate a
statistical typology of sequences by performing cluster
analysis (Lebart, 2006). This method thus makes it pos-

sible to define cluster paths constituting endogenous

variables and explained in terms of individual characteristics such as gender, educational level or parental
socio-economic status. The optimal matching method,
which has been widely used in social science since the
pioneering paper by Abott (Abbott & Hrycak, 1990) ,
is an attractive solution for analysing longitudinal data
of this kind. The basic idea underlying this method is
to take a pair of sequences and calculate the cost of
transforming them into each other by performing a
series of elementary operations (insertion, deletion and
substitution). However, this method has been heavily
criticized because it may be difficult to determine the
values of these elementary operations. Here we adopt
another strategy. First, in order to classify sequences
into groups, we have defined a measure of the distance
between each trajectory, which is coherent with our data
and with some well-known theoretical hypotheses in
the field of labor economics. We then use Self Organizing Maps (the Kohonen algorithm) for classification
and purposes.
Self Organizing Maps (see Kohonen, 2001, Fort,
2006) are known to be a powerful clustering and projection method. Since this method accounts efficiently
for changes occurring with time, SOMs yield accurate
predictions (see for example Cotrell , Girard & Rousset ,1998, Dablemont, Simon, Lendasse, Ruttiens,
Blayo & Verleysen, 2003, Souza, Barreto & Mota,
2005). Life histories can be considered as a qualitative record of information, while SOMs are based on
Euclidean distance. Many attempts have been made to
transform qualitative variables into quantitative ones:
using for example the Burt description (see the KACM
presentation in Cottrel & Letremy, 1995) or using the
multidimensional scaling (Miret, Garcia-Lagos, Joya,
Arazoza & Sandoval, 2005). In our approach, the
quantitative recoding focuses on the proximity between
items considering particularities of the data (a life his-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

tory) according to our economic approach. When the

preprocessing of recoding is performed, Self Organizing
Maps is a useful clustering tool, first considering its
pre-mentioned clustering and projection qualities and
also because of its ability to make the efficiency of our
new encode emerge.


An Example of a Life History
Career Paths
Labor economists have generally assumed that the
beginning of a career results from a matching process
(Jovanovich, 1979). Employers and job seekers lack
information about each other: employers need to know
how productive their potential employee is and job
applicants want to know whether the characteristics of
the job correspond to their expectations. Job turnover
and temporary employment contracts can therefore
be viewed as the consequences of this trial-by-error
process. However, individuals first employment situations may also act as a signal of employability to the
labor market. For example, a long spell of unemployment during the first years in a persons career may be
interpreted by potential employers as sign of low work
efficiency; whereas working at a temp agency may
be regarded as a sign of motivation and adaptability.
This is consistent with the following path dependency
hypothesis: the influence of past job experience on the
subsequent career depends on the cost associated
with the change of occupational situation. However,
empirical studies have shown that employers mainly
recruit on the basis of recent work experience (Allaire,
Cahuzac & Tahar, 2000). The effects of less recent
employment situations on a persons career therefore
decrease over time.
The data used in this study were based on the Generation 98 survey carried out by Creq: 22 000 young
people who had left initial training in 1998 at all levels
and in all training specializations were interviewed in
spring 2001 and 2003 and autumn 2005. This sample


was representative of the 750 000 young people leaving the education system for the first time that year in
France. This survey provided useful information about
the young peoples characteristics (their familys socioeconomic status, age, highest grade completed, highest
grade attended, discipline, any jobs taken during their
studies, work placement) and the month-by-month
work history from 1998 to 2005. We therefore have
a complete and detailed record of the labor market
status of the respondents during the 88-month period
from July 1998 to November 2005. Employment spells
were coded as follows, depending on the nature of
the labor contract: 1 = permanent labor contract, 2 =
fixed term contract, 3 = apprenticeship contract, 4 =
public temporary labor contract, 5 = interim/temping).
Other unemployed situations were coded as follows: 6
= unemployment, 7 = inactivity, 8 = military service,
9 = at school.

Preprocessing Phase: Life History

The encoding of the trajectories involved a two-step
preprocessing phase : defining a distance between
states including time dynamics and the resulting
quantitative encoding of trajectories. These two steps
refer to the specificity of the data set structures of life
history samples: the variables items (the states) are
some qualitative information while the variables order
records some quantitative information (the timing and
the duration of events).
The Distance Between Situations
Working with pairs (state, time), called situations, allows to include the time dynamics in the proximities
between occupational states. The proximity between
two situations is measured on the basis of their common
future, in line with our Economic approach. A situation
is assumed as a potential for its own future, depending
on its influence on this future. The similarity between
two situations is deduced from comparisons between
their referring potential. The potential future PS of a
situation S among n monthly periods and p states is
defined as the pn dimensional vector given in (1). Its
components PSS are the product of terms and .
measures the flow between situation S and any situation
S as the empirical probability of reaching S starting

A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

from S. It is also the empirical probability of an individual i being in any future situation S conditionally
of being at the present in S. The coefficient of temporal
inertia weights the influence of S on PS according
to the Economic approach. It is a decreasing function
of the time delay (t-t). In the career paths application,
the function chosen is the inverse of the delay and 0 for
the past. Lastly, ensures that potential futures PS will
be profiles. The natural distance between situations is
therefore the distance between their potential future
PS =( s ,t )

(0,...,0, B (t ' ) SS '==((s1,,tt)') , B (t ' ) SS '=( 2,t ') ,..., B (t ' ) SS '=(9,t ') ,...,

A (t )
t ' t

, B (T ) SS '=(1,T ) ,..., B (T ) SS ' ,..., B (T ) SS '=(9,T ) )

with the formula (2). Applying to the situations, the

principal components of inertia (the principal events)
are computed as the principal component vectors of
the matrix .
Trajectories can then be described in the principal
events space: performing the traditional binary encoding (3) of the trajectory Ti is equivalent to performing
a linear encoding through the situations (4) and then
also through the principal events E (5).
jj' = GS j .GS j ' =

Ti =

S =( s ,t )


9 positions

time =9


position s*t




B (t , t ' ) =
t 't + 1


d j. d . j ' + d ..

A 1 (t ) = B ( S ' ) SS

jj '

Ti = A S ( B eS Ee ) = G e Ee

C S C S'


A ( S ) (0,...,0,1,0,...,0)

SS '==((ss,'t,t)') =

Ti = (0
0,..., 0

time =1


The Trajectory Encoding

In the present case of equi-weighting, the inertia of the
space of situations results from the distances previously computed. The principal components of inertia,
called here principal events, can therefore be deduced.
The term event refers to a combination of the point
in time, the duration and the occupational status. The
quantitative encoding of trajectories proposed here
results from their description in the events space.
The process used here is in line with J.P. Benzcris
one (Benzcri, 1973), which explains how: when
considering a set of situations {Si}, its center of gravity G and the matrix recording squares of distance
(djj) between elements Sj and Sj, one can deduce the
matrix of scalar products between any vectors GSj

The result of the typology of career paths in France using

Self Organizing Maps with a 10x10 grid is presented
in Figure 1. In each unit of the map, a chronogram
describes the characteristics of the class (the career
path). Chronograms show the evolution in time of the
proportional contribution (in percentage) of each state
to the classes. On the one hand, the SOM topology
reflects the continuity of the evolution in time. On the
other hand, similarities between situations give rise
to the mixing of classes (see for example cluster 95)
or proximities on the map between two clusters (for
example, between clusters 71 and 72 eighth line, first
and second column) although few individuals are in
the same state at the same time. The map thus makes
it possible to assess the efficiency of the encoding
The Kohonen map displays a concise vision of the
types of career paths occurring during the first seven
years of working life. In general, most of the clusters
describe a direct school-to-work transition process,

A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

Figure 1. Typology of career paths with SOM: each unit on the map gives a chronogram of the evolution in time
of the proportional contribution (as a percentage) of any occupational position. Two populations of closed units
have similar chronogram.

which can be characterized by an immediate access

to a permanent contract or an indirect access during
the first few years. In the upper-left-hand corner of
the map, mainly the five clusters of the two first lines,
career paths are characterized by a high level of access to employment with permanent contracts. Young
people rapidly gained access to a permanent contract
and kept it until the end of the observation period. In
upper-right-hand corner of the map, access to a permanent contract was less direct: during the first year,
young people first obtained a temporary contract or
spent ten months in compulsory military service before
obtaining a permanent contract. the upper part of the
map, the bottom part describes career paths with longer
period of temporary contracts and/or unemployment.
In the lower-right-hand corner, access to a permanent
contract is becoming rare during the first few years.
However, more than ninety per cent of young people
have obtained a final permanent position (in the last
column of the map). In the bottom lines, a five-year
public policy contract called Emploi Jeunes features

strongly instead of the classical fixed term contract. The

lower-left-hand corner of the map shows more unstable
trajectories which end in a temporary position: seven
years after leaving school, people have a temporary
contract (in the last two clusters in the first column)
or are unemployed (second and third cells on the last
line). The chronograms situated in the middle-lefthand part of the map highlight how the longitudinal
approach is interesting to understand the complexity
of transition processes: the young people here were
directly recruited for a permanent job, but five or six
years after graduating, they lost this permanent job.
This turn of events can be explained by the strong
change in the economic environment which occurred
during this period; the years 2003 and 2004 correspond
to a dramatic growth of youth unemployment on the
French labor market.
What role does each individual characteristic play in
the development of these career paths? Several factors
may explain the labor market opportunities of schoolleavers: human capital factors, parents social class,

A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

Figure 2. Career path typology by educational levels

Educational levels (dark = without qualifications; medium

= secondary educational graduates; light = ligher educational graduates).

and other factors responsible for inequalities on the

labor market, such as parents nationality and gender.
The distribution of these characteristics was included
graphically in each cell on the map. Figure 2, which
gives the distribution in terms of educational level,
clearly shows that educational level strongly affected
the career path. Higher educational graduates feature
much more frequently in the upperleft-hand corner of
the map, whereas school leavers without any qualifications occur more frequently in the bottom part. Figure
3 shows a similar pattern as far as gender is concerned:
there are much higher percentages of females than males
in the most problematic career paths, which suggests
the occurrence of gender segregation or discriminatory
practices on the French labor market. The differences
are less conspicuous as far as the fathers nationality
is concerned (Figure 4). However, the results obtained
here also suggests that children with French parents
have better chances than the others of finding safe
career paths.

Figure 3. Career path typology by gender

Figure 4. Career path typology by fathers nationality

Dark =male, light = female

Fathers nationality: dark = foreign nationality, light

= French nationality

A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

The relevance of the method presented here concerns
both aspects: the preprocessing and SOMs result. The
advantages of SOM depend on the distance chosen,
which must enable the associated algorithm to preserve
the proximities between situations. The relevance of
the preprocessing stage in the method will therefore
be confirmed if it enhances the reliability of the SOMs
(Debodt, Cottrell & Verleysen, 2002, and Rousset,
Guinot & Maillet, 2006, have presented a method of
measuring and a method of increase reliability, respectively). On the other hand, the reliability also depends
on the choice of the future weighting function, function
in formula (1). By consequence, function could
be determined here with a view to the reliability of
the SOM results. But unfortunately, in general, this
approach may be counter-productive in some cases. In
the case of career paths, for example, it would lead to
weighting the long term future, which would increase
the robustness but would not be suitable from the point
of view of the Economic investigation. This problem
arises in many general contexts where the main effects of the present on the future are short term effects,
whereas the reliability increases in the long term. The
main criterion used to choose function must therefore
be the topic of interest.
Further studies are now required to improve the
reliability of this method: first function needs to be
defined more closely and secondly, the validity of the
method needs to be tested after enhancing the reliability
that of the SOM topology obtained after performing
the preprocessing step described above). It might also
be worth investigating the use of Markovian models
to define function in particular, as well as to study
career paths in general. This method will also have to
be applied in the future to other samples.

The aim of this study was to analyze the early career
of French schools leavers using Self Organizing Maps.
This empirical analysis showed that career paths are
strongly segmented. Although most of the career
paths studied were characterized by stabilization on
the labor market at some point or another, some of them
show the great difficulties encountered by labor market entrants. Obtaining a permanent contract does not

actually guarantee life-long employment. In addition,

the econometric analysis carried out in the second part
of this study shows that the diversity of career paths
can be partly explained by the educational levels and
individual characteristics of school leavers.
In the present method of analyzing information on
individuals trajectories in time through a finite number
of states, two important aspects are combined: the encoding of the data and the analysis of the data presented
in the form of SOMs. The first aspect avoids the well
known problem of skew present with qualitative encoding, including when it is linked to the evolution in
time. Self organizing maps are a natural approach to the
data analysis, since this tool combines the advanteges
of clustering and representation methods. The method
described here turns out to be an efficient means of
investigating changes with time and the proximities
between situations. In addition, the preservation of
the topology was found to be a useful property, which
makes it possible to assess the efficiency of the recoding. In conclusion, the method presented here could
easily be used to analyze any life history.

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A Longitudinal Analysis of Labour Market Data with SOM

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Careers Paths: Sequential monthly position among
several pre-defined working categories.
Distibutional Equivalency: Property of a distance
that allows to group two modalities of the same variable
having identical profiles into a new modality weighted
with the sum of the two weights.
Markov Process: Stochastic process in wich the
new state of a system depends on the previous state or
a finite set of previous states.
Optimal Matching: Statistical method issued
from biology abble to compare two sequences from a
predifined cost of substitution.
Preservation of Topology: After learning, observations associated to the same class or to close classes
according to the definition of the neighborhood and
given by the network structure are close according
to the distance in the input space.
Self-Organizing Maps by Kohonen: A neural
network unsupervised method of vector quantization
widely used in classification. Self-Organizing Maps
are a much appreciated for their topology preservation property and their associated data representation
system. These two additive properties come from a
pre-defined organization of the network that is at the
same time a support for the topology learning and its
Distance: Distance having certain specific properties such as the distibutional equivalency.



Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

Qiyang Chen
Montclair State University, USA
John Wang
Montclair State University, USA

To adapt users input and tasks an interactive system
must be able to establish a set of assumptions about
users profiles and task characteristics, which is often
referred as user models. However, to develop a user
model an interactive system needs to analyze users
input and recognize the tasks and the ultimate goals
users trying to achieve, which may involve a great
deal of uncertainties. In this chapter the approaches
for handling uncertainty are reviewed and analyzed.
The purpose is to provide an analytical overview and
perspective concerning the major methods that have
been proposed to cope with uncertainties.

Approaches for Handling Uncertainties

For a long time, the Bayesian model has been the primary
numerical approach for representation and inference
with uncertainty. Several mathematical models that are
different from the probability prospective have also
been proposed. The main ones are Shafer-Dempsters
Evidence Theory (Belief Function) (Shafer, 1976;
Dempster, 1976) and Zadehs Possibility Theory (Zadeh, 1984). There have also been some attempts to
handle the problem of incomplete information using
classical logic. Many approaches to default reasoning
logic have been proposed, and study of non-monotonic
logic has gained much attention. These approaches can
be classified into two categories: numerical approaches
and non-numerical approaches.

Probability and Bayesian Theory. There is support for the theoretical necessity and justification
of using a probability framework for knowledge
representation, evidence combination and propagation, learning ability, and clarity of explanation
(Buchana and Smith, 1988). Bayesian processing
remains the fundamental idea underlying many

new proposals that claim to handle uncertainty

In all the practical developments to date, the Bayesian formula and probability values have been used as
some kind of coefficients to augment deterministic
knowledge represented by production rules (Barr and
Feigenbaum, 1982). Some intuitive methods for combination and propagation of these values have been suggested and used. One such case is the use of Certainty
Factors (CF) in MYCIN (Shortliffe and Buchanan,
1976). Rich also use a simplified CF approach in user
modeling system GROUNDY (Rich, 1979).
However, some objections against such probabilistic
methods of accounting for uncertainty have been raised
(Karnal and Lemmer, 1986). One of the main objections
is that these values lack any definite semantics because
of the way they have been used. Using a single number
to summarize uncertainty information has always been
a contested issue (Heckerman, 1986).
The Bayesian approach requires that each piece
of evidence be conditionally independent. It has been
concluded that the assumptions of conditional independence of the evidence under the hypotheses are
inconsistent with the other assumptions of exhaustive
and mutually exclusive space of hypotheses. Specifically, Pednault et al. (1981) show that, under these assumptions, a probabilistic update could take place if
there were more than two competing hypotheses. Pearl
(1985) suggests that the assumption of conditional
independence of the evidence under the negation of
the hypotheses is over-restrictive. For example, if the
inference process contains multiple paths linking the
evidence to the same hypothesis, the independence is
violated. Similarly, the required mutual exclusiveness
and exhaustiveness of the hypotheses are not very realistic. This assumption would not hold if more than one
hypothesis occurred simultaneously and is as restrictive as the single-default assumption of the simplest

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Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

diagnosing systems. This assumption also requires that

every possible hypothesis is known a priori. It would
be violated if the problem domain were not suitable to
a closed-world assumption.
Perhaps the most restrictive limitation of the Byesian approach is its inability to represent ignorance.
The Bayesian view of probability does not allow one
to distinguish uncertainty from ignorance. One cannot
tell whether a degree of belief was directly calculated
from evidence or indirectly inferred from an absence
of evidence. In addition, this method requires a large
amount of data to determine the estimates for prior and
conditional probabilities. Such a requirement becomes
manageable only when the problem can be represented
as a sparse Bayesian network that is formed by a
hierarchy of small clusters of nodes. In this case, the
dependencies among variables (nodes in the network)
are known, and only the explicitly required conditional
probabilities must be obtained (Pearl, 1988).

The Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. The

Dempster-Shafer theory, proposed by Shafer
(Shafer, 1976), was developed within the framework of Dempsters work on upper and lower
probabilities induced by a multi-valued mapping
(Dempster, 1967). Like Bayesian theory, this
theory relies on degrees of belief to represent
uncertainty. However, it allows one to assign a
degree of belief to subsets of hypotheses. According to the Dempster-Shafer theory, the feature of
multi-valued mapping is the fundamental reason
for the inability of applying the well-known theorem of probability that determines the probability
density of the image of one-to-one mapping (Cohen, 1983). In this context, the lower probability
is associated with the degree of belief and the
upper probability with a degree of plausibility.
This formalism defines certainty as a function that
maps subsets of a proposition space on the [0,1]
scale. The sets of partial beliefs are represented
by mass distributions of a unit of belief across
the space of propositions. These distributions are
called the basic probability assignment. The total
certainty over the space is 1. A non-zero BPA can
be given to the entire proposition space to represent the degree of ignorance. The certainty of
any proposition is then represented by the interval
characterized by upper and lower probabilities.

Dempsters rule of combination normalizes the

intersection of the bodies of evidence from the
two sources by the amount of non-conflictive
evidence between the sources.
This theory is attractive for several reasons. First,
it builds on classical probability theory, thus inheriting
much of its theoretical foundations. Second, it seems
not to over-commit by not forcing precise statements
of probabilities: its probabilities do not seem to provide more information than is really available. Third,
it reflects the degree of ignorance of the probability
estimate. Fourth, the Dempster-Shafer theory provides
rules for combining probabilities and thus for propagating measures through the system. This also is one
of the most controversial points since the propagation
method is an extension of the multiplication rule for
independent events. Because many applications involve
dependent events, the rule might be inapplicable by
classical statistical criteria. The tendency to assume
that events are independent unless proven otherwise
has stimulated a large proportion of the criticism of
probability approaches. Dempster-Shafer theory suffers
the same problem (Bhatnager and Kanal, 1986).
In addition, there are two problems with Dempster-Shafer approach. The first problem is computational complexity. In the general case, the evaluation
of the degree of belief and upper probability requires
exponential time in the cardinality of the hypothesis set.
This complexity is caused by the need for enumerating
all the subsets of a given set. The second problem in
this approach results from the normalization process
presented in both Dempsters and Shafers work. Zadeh
has argued that this normalization process can lead to
incorrect and counter-intuitive results (Zadeh, 1984).
By removing the conflicting parts of the evidence and
normalizing the remaining parts, important information may be discarded rather than utilized adequately.
Dubois and Prade (1985) have also shown that the
normalization process in the rule of evidence combination creates a sensitivity problem, where assigning a
zero value or a very small value to a basic probability
assignment causes very different results.
Based on Dempster-Shafer theory, Garvey et al.
(1982) proposed an approach called Evidential Reasoning that adopts the evidential interpretation of the degree
of belief and upper probabilities. This approach defines
the likelihood of a proposition as a subinterval of the


Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

unit interval [0,1]. The lower bound of this interval is

the degree of support of the proposition and the upper
bound is its degree of plausibility. When distinct bodies of evidence must be pooled, this approach uses the
same Dempster-Shafer techniques, requiring the same
normalization process that was criticized by Zadeh
(Zadeh, 1984).

Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory. The theory of

possibility was proposed independently by Zadeh,
as a development of fuzzy set theory, in order
to handle vagueness inherent in some linguistic
terms (Zadeh, 1978). For a given set of hypotheses, a possibility distribution may be defined in
a way that is very similar to that of a probability
distribution. However, there is a qualitative difference between the probability and possibility
of an event. The difference is that a high degree
of possibility does not imply a high degree of
probability, nor does a low degree of probability
imply a low degree of possibility. However, an
impossible event must also be improbable. More
formally, Zadeh defined the concept of a possibility distribution.

The concept of possibility theory has been built upon

fuzzy set theory and is well suited for representing the
imprecision of vague linguistic predicates. The vague
predicate induces a fuzzy set and the corresponding
possibility distribution. From a semantic point of
view, the values restricted by a possibility distribution
are more or less all the eligible values for a linguistic
variable. This theory is completely feasible for every
element of the universe of discourse.


Theory of Endorsement. A different approach to

uncertainty representation was proposed by Cohen
(Cohen, 1983), which is based on a qualitative
theory of endorsement. According to Cohen, the
records of the factors relating to ones certainty
are called endorsements. Cohens model of endorsement is based on the explicit recording of the
justifications for a statement, normally requiring
a complex data structure of information about the
source. Therefore, this approach maintains the
uncertainty. The justification is classified according to the type of evidence for a proposition, the
possible actions required to solve the uncertainty
of that evidence, and other related features.

Endorsements can provide a good mechanism for

the explanations of reasoning, since they create and
maintain the entire history of justifications (i.e., reasons
for believing or disbelieving a proposition) and the
relevance of any proposition with respect to a given
goal. Endorsements are divided into five classes: rules,
data, task, conclusion, and resolution. Cohen points
out that the main difference between the numerical
approaches and the endorsement-based approach,
specifically with respect to chains of inferences, is that
reasoning in the former approach is entirely automatic
and non-reflective, while the latter approach provides
more information for reasoning about uncertainty.
Consequently, reasoning in the latter approach can be
controlled and determined by the quality and availability of evidence.
Endorsements provide the information necessary to
many aspects of reasoning about uncertainty. Endorsements are used to schedule sure tasks before unsure
ones, to screen tasks before activating them, to determine whether a proposition is certain enough for some
purpose, and to suggest new tasks when old ones fail
to cope with uncertainty. Endorsements distinguish different kinds of uncertainty, and tailor reasoning to what
is known about uncertainty. However, Bonissone and
Tong (1995) argue that combinations of endorsements
in a premise (i.e., proposition), propagation of endorsements to a conclusion, and ranking of endorsements
must be explicitly specified for each particular context.
This creates potential combinatorial problems.

Assumption based reasoning and non-monotonic

logic: In the reasoned-assumptions approach proposed by Doyle (1979), the uncertainty embedded
in an implication rule is removed by listing all the
exceptions to that rule. When this is not possible,
assumptions are used to show the typicality of a
value (i.e., default values) and defeasibility of a
rule (i.e., liability to defeat of reason). In classical logic, if a proposition C can be derived from
a set of propositions S, and if S is a subset of T,
then C can also be derived from T. As a systems
premises increase, its possible conclusions at
least remain constant and more likely increase.
Deductive systems with this property are called
monotonic. This kind of logic lacks tools for
describing how to revise a formal theory to deal
with inconsistencies caused by new information.
McDermott and Dole proposed a non-monotonic

Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

logic to cope with this problem (McDemott and

Doyle, 1980).


When an assumption used in the deductive process is found to be false, non-monotonic mechanisms
must be used to keep the integrity of the statements
(Doyle, 1979). However, this approach lacks facilities
for computing degrees of belief. Bonissone and Tong
(1995) suggest that assumption-based systems can
cope with cases of incomplete information, but they are
inadequate in handling the imprecise information. In
particular, they cannot integrate probabilistic measures
with reasoned assumptions. Furthermore, such systems
rely on the precision of the defaulted values. On the
other hand, when specific information is missing, the
system should be able to use analogous or relevant
information inherited from some higher-level concept.
This surrogate for the missing information is generally
fuzzy or imprecise and provides limited constraints on
the value of the missing information.
In the inference system employing non-monotonic
logic, assumptions are made that may have to be revised
in the light of new information. They have the property
that at any given inference stage, more than one mutually
consistent set of conclusions can be derived from the
available data and possible assumptions. Such conclusions may be invalidated as new data is considered to
be incompatible with some default assumptions. The
inference system requires that justifications for any
conclusion are recorded during the inference process
and used for dependency-directed backtracking during
the revision of beliefs. This is implemented by the Truth
Maintenance System (TMS) (Doley, 1979).
The weakness of non-monotonic logic is that in
standard non-monotonic logic the only message conveyed by a contradiction is that a piece of information
previously believed true is actually false (for the time
being). However, the real contents of the inconsistency
being discovered may not be as reliable as was assumed,
or it may be that a subject is not in a well-ordered state,
or a mixture of both (Bahatnagar and Kanal, 1986). In
addition, since the TMS examines the new information one piece at a time, it lacks the ability to detect
noise input that should be ignored. This weakness is
crucial to the task of pattern recognition (Chen and
Norcio, 1997).


This chapter analyzes approaches of handling them in

an adaptive human computer interface. Each approach
can only deal with a particular type of uncertainty
problems effectively. The interface system needs more
comprehensive approach for uncertainty management
due to various sources of uncertainties in human
machine dialog. Especially, since human-machine
dialog tend to be context-dependent, the management
of uncertainty must provide a pattern-formatted view
for user modeling. In other word, a user modeling
system must examine the user input based the context
of the dialog to obtain a complete and consistent user
profiles. . Some non-traditional approaches have been
proposed to handle uncertainties in interactive systems,
such as neural networks and generic algorithms (Chen
and Norcio 1997), because they have strong ability of
pattern recognition and classification. However, the
conversion between non-numerical user input and
numerical input for neural network processing still
involves a great deal of uncertainties.

Barr, A. and Feigenbaum, E. A., The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence 2. Los Altos, Kaufmann , 1982.
Bhatnager, R. K. and Kanal, L. N., Handling Uncertainty Information: A Review of Numeric and Nonnumeric Methods, Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence,
Kanal, L. N. and Lemmer, J. F. (ed.), pp2-26, 1986.
Bonissone, P. and Tong, R. M., Editorial: Reasoning
with Uncertainty in Expert Systems, International
Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 30, 69-111
Buchanan, B. and Smith, R. G. Fundamentals of Expert Systems, Ann. Rev., Computer Science, Vol. 3,
pp. 23-58, 1988.
Chen, Q. and Norcio, A.F. Modeling a Users Domain
Knowledge with Neural Networks, International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 9, No.
1, pp. 25-40, 1997.
Chen, Q. and Norcio, A.F. Knowledge Engineering
in Adaptive Interface and User Modeling, Human-


Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

Computer Interaction: Issues and Challenges, (ed.)

Chen, Q. Idea Group Pub. 2001.
Cohen, P. R. and Grinberg, M. R., A Theory of Heuristic Reasoning about Uncertainty, AI Magazine, Vol.
4(2), pp. 17-23, 1983.
Dempster, A. P., Upper and Lower Probabilities
Induced by a Multivalued mapping, The Annuals
of Mathematical Statistics , Vol. 38(2), pp. 325-339,
Dubois, D. and Prade, H., Combination and Propagation of Uncertainty with Belief Functions -- A Reexamination, Proc. of 9th International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 111-113, 1985.
Dutta, A., Reasoning with Imprecise Knowledge in
Expert Systems, Information Sciences, Vol. 37, pp.
2-24, 2005.
Doyle, J., A Truth Maintenance System, AI, Vol. 12,
1979, pp. 231-272.
Garvey, T. D., Lowrance, J. D. and Fischer, M. A.
An Inference Technique for Integrating Knowledge
from Disparate Source, Proc. of the 7th International
Joint Conference on AI, Vancouver, B. C. pp. 319-325,
Heckerman, D., Probabilistic Interpretations for
MYCINs Certainty actors, Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence,(ed.). Kanal, L. N. and Lemmer, J. F. ,
Jacobson, C. and Freiling, M. J. ASTEK: A Mulitparadigm Knowledge Acquisition tool for complex
structured Knowledge. International. Journal of
Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 29, 311-327. 1988.
Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A (1982). Variants of
Uncertainty, Cognition, 11, 143-157.
McDermott, D. and Doyle, J., Non-monotonic Logic,
AI Vol. 13, pp. 41-72. (1980).
Pearl, J., Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:
Networks of Plausible Inference, Morgan Kaufmann
Publisher, San Mateo, CA ,1988.
Pearl, J., Reverend Bayes on Inference Engines: A
Distributed Hierarchical Approach, Proc. of the 2nd
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IEEE
Computer Society, pp. 1-12, 1985.

Pednault, E. P. D., Zucker, S. W. and Muresan, L.V.,

On the Independence Assumption Underlying Subjective Bayesian Updating, Artificial Intelligence, 16,
pp. 213-222. 1981
Raisinghani, M., Klassen, C. and Schkade, L. Intelligent Software agents in Electonic Commerce: A
Socio-Technical Perspective, Human-Computer Interaction: Issues and Challenges, (ed.) Chen, Q. Idea
Group Pub. 2001.
Reiter, R., A Logic for Default Reasoning, Artificial
Intelligence, Vol. 13, 1980 pp. 81-132.
Rich, E., User Modeling via Stereotypes, Cognitive
Sciences, Vol. 3 1979, pp. 329-354.
Shafer, G., A Mathematical Theory of Evidence, Priceton
University Press, 1976.
Zadeh, L. A., Review of Books : A Mathematical
Theory of Evidence, AI Magazine., 5(3), 81-83.
Zadeh, L. A. Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy
Logic, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 89-100, 1989.
Zwick, R., Combining Stochastic Uncertainty and
Linguistic Inexactness: Theory and Experimental
Evaluation of Four Fuzzy Probability Models, Int. J.
Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 30, pp. 69-111, 1999.

Bayesian Theory: Also known as Bayes rule or
Bayes law. It is a result in probability theory, which
relates the conditional and marginal probability distributions of random variables. In some interpretations of
probability, Bayes theory tells how to update or revise
beliefs in light of new evidences.
Default Reasoning: A non-monotonic logic proposed by Raymond Reiter to formalize reasoning with
default assumptions. Default reasoningc can express
facts like by default, something is true; by contrast,
standard logic can only express that something is true
or that something is false. This is a problem because
reasoning often involves facts that are true in the
majority of cases but not always. A classical example
is: birds typically fly. This rule can be expressed in

Managing Uncertainties in Interactive Systems

standard logic either by all birds fly, which is inconsistent with the fact that penguins do not fly, or by
all birds that are not penguins and not ostriches and
... fly, which requires all exceptions to the rule to be
specified. Default logic aims at formalizing inference
rules like this one without explicitly mentioning all
their exceptions
Non-Monotonic Logic: A formal logic whose
consequence relation is not monotonic. Most studied
formal logics have a monotonic consequence relation,
meaning that adding a formula to a theory never produces a reduction of its set of consequences. Intuitively,
monotonicity indicates that learning a new piece of
knowledge cannot reduce the set of what is known. A
monotonic logic cannot handle various reasoning tasks
such as reasoning by default.
Possibility Theory: A mathematical theory for dealing with certain types of uncertainty and is an alternative to probability theory. Professor Lotfi Zadeh first
introduced possibility theory in 1978 as an extension
of his theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
Shafer-Dempsters Evidence Theory: A mathematical theory of evidence based on belief functions
and plausible reasoning, which is used to combine
separate pieces of information (evidence) to calculate
the probability of an event. The theory was developed
by Arthur P. Dempster and Glenn Shafer.

Theory of Endorsement: An approach to represent uncertainty proposed by Cohen, which is based

on a qualitative theory of endorsement. According
to Cohen, the records of the factors relating to ones
certainty are called endorsements. Cohens model of
endorsement is based on the explicit recording of the
justifications for a statement, normally requiring a
complex data structure of information about the source.
Therefore, this approach maintains the uncertainty.
The justification is classified according to the type of
evidence for a proposition, the possible actions required
to solve the uncertainty of that evidence, and other
related features.
Truth Maintenance System: A knowledge representation method for representing both beliefs and
their dependencies. The name truth maintenance is
due to the ability of these systems to restore consistency. There are two major truth maintenance systems:
single-context and multi-context truth maintenance.
In single context systems, consistency is maintained
among all facts in memory (database). Multi-context
systems allow consistency to be relevant to a subset
of facts in memory (a context) according to the history
of logical inference. This is achieved by tagging each
fact or deduction with its logical history. Multi-agent
truth maintenance systems perform truth maintenance
across multiple memories, often located on different



Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

Francesco di Pierro
University of Exeter, UK
Soon-Thiam Khu
University of Exeter, UK
Dragan A. Savi
University of Exeter, UK

Many-objective evolutionary optimisation is a recent
research area that is concerned with the optimisation of
problems consisting of a large number of performance
criteria using evolutionary algorithms. Despite the
tremendous development that multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have undergone over the
last decade, studies addressing problems consisting of a
large number of objectives are still rare. The main reason
is that these problems cause additional challenges with
respect to low-dimensional ones. This chapter gives a
detailed analysis of these challenges, provides a critical
review of the traditional remedies and methods for the
evolutionary optimisation of many-objective problems
and presents the latest advances in this field.

There has been considerable recent interest in the optimisation of problems consisting of more than three
performance criteria, realm that was coined manyobjective optimisation by Farina and Amato (Farina,
& Amato, 2002). To date, the vast majority of the
literature has focused on two and three-dimensional
problems (Deb, 2001). However, in recent years, the
incorporation of multiple indicators into the problem
formulation has clearly emerged as a prerequisite for
a sound approach in many engineering applications
(Coello Coello, Van Veldhuizen, & Lamont, 2002).
Despite the tremendous development that MOEAs
have undergone over the last decade, and their ample
success in disparate applications, studies addressing
high-dimensional real-life problems are still rare (Coello
Coello, & Aguirre, 2002). The main reason is that

many-objective problems cause additional challenges

with respect to low-dimensional ones:
If the dimensionality of the objective space increases,
then in general, the dimensionality of the Pareto-optimal
front also increases.
The number of points required to characterise the
Pareto-optimal front increases exponentially with the
number of objectives considered.
It is clear that these two features represent a hindrance for most of the population-based methods,
including MOEAs. In fact, in order to provide a good
approximation of a high-dimensional optimal Pareto
front, this class of algorithms must evolve populations
of solutions of considerable size. This has a profound
impact on their performance, since evaluating each individual solution may be a time-consuming task. Using
smaller populations would not be a viable option, at least
for Pareto-based algorithms, given the progressive loss
of selective pressure they experience as the number of
objectives increases, with a consequent deterioration of
performances, as it is theoretically shown in (Farina,
& Amato, 2004) and empirically evidenced in (Deb,
2001, pages 404-405). In contrast to Pareto-based
methods, traditional multi-objective optimisation approaches, which work by reducing the multi-objective
problem into a series of parameterised single-objective
ones that are solved in succession, are not affected by
the curse of dimensionality. However, such strategies
cause each optimisation to be executed independent to
each other, thereby losing the implicit parallelism of
population-based multi-objective algorithms.
The remainder of this chapter provides a detailed
review of the methods proposed to address the first two

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Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

issues affecting many-objective evolutionary optimisation and discusses the latest advances in the field.

The possible remedies that have been proposed to address the issues arising in evolutionary many-objective
optimisation can be broadly classified as follows:

aggregation, goals and priorities

conditions of optimality
dimensionality reduction

In the next sub-sections we give an overview of

each of these methods and review the approaches that
have been so far proposed.

Aggregation, Goals and Priorities

This class of methods tries and overcome the difficulties described in the previous section through the
decomposition of the original problem into a series of
parameterised single-objective ones, that can then be
solved by any classical or evolutionary algorithm.
Many aggregation-based methods have been presented so far and they are usually based on modifications
of the weighted sum approach, such as the augmented
Tchebycheff function, that are able to identify exposed
solutions, and explore non-convex regions of the
trade-off surface. However, the problem of selecting
an effective strategy to vary weights or goals so that
a representative approximation of the trade-off curve
can be achieved is still unresolved.
The -constraint approach (Chankong, & Haimes,
1983), which is based on minimisation of one (the
most preferred or primary) objective function while
considering the other objectives as constraints bound
by some allowable levels, was also used in the context
of evolutionary computing. The main limitation of this
approach is its computational cost and the lack of an
effective strategy to vary bound levels (). Recently,
Laumanns et al. (Laumanns, Thiele, & Zitzler, 2006)
proposed a variant of the original approach where they
developed a variation scheme based on the concept
of -Pareto dominance (efficiency) (White, 1986) that
adaptively generates constraint values, thus enabling
the exhaustive exploration of the Pareto front, provided

the scheme is coupled with an exact single-objective

optimiser. It must be pointed out however, that none of
the methods described above has ever been thoroughly
tested in the context of many-objective optimisation.
The Multiple Single Objective Pareto Sampling
(MSOPS 1 & 2), an interesting hybridisation of the aggregation method with goal specification, was presented
in (Hughes, 2003, Hughes, 2005). In the MSOPS, the
selective pressure is not provided by Pareto ranking.
Instead, a set of user defined target vectors is used in
turn, in conjunction with an aggregation method, to
evaluate the performance of each solution at every
generation of a MOEA. The greater is the number
of targets that a solution nears, the better its rank.
The authors suggested two aggregation methods: the
weighted min-max approach (implemented in MSOPS)
and the Vector-Angle-Distance-Scaling (implemented
in MSOPS 2). The results indicated with statistical
significance that NSGA-II (Deb, Pratap, Agarwal, &
Meyarivan, 2002), the Pareto-based MOEA used for
comparative purposes, was outperformed on many
objective problems. This was also recently confirmed
by Wagner et al. in (Wagner, Beume, & Naujoks, 2007),
where they benchmarked traditional MOEAs, aggregation-based methods and indicator-based methods on
a up to 6-objective problems and suggested a more
effective method to generate the target vectors.

Conditions of Optimality
Recently, great attention has been given to the role
that conditions of optimality may play in the context
of many-objective evolutionary optimisation when
used to rank trial solutions during the selection stage
of MOEA in alternative to, or conjunction with, Pareto efficiency. Farina et al. (Farina, & Amato, 2004)
proposed the use of a fuzzy optimality condition, but
did not provide a direct means to incorporate it into a
MOEA. Kppen et al. (Koppen, Vincente-Garcia, &
Nickolay, 2005) also suggested the fuzzification of the
Pareto dominance relation, which was exploited within
a generational elitist genetic algorithm on a synthetic
MOP. The concept of knee (Deb, 2003), has also been
exploited in the context of evolutionary many-objective optimisation. Simply stated, a knee is a portion of
a Pareto surface where the marginal substitution rates
are particularly high, i.e. a small improvement in one
objective lead to a high deterioration of the others. A
graphical representation is given in Figure 1. The idea

Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

is that, with no prior information about the preference

structures of the DM, the knee is likely to be the most
interesting area. Branke et al. (Branke, Deb, Dierolf,
& Osswald, 2004) developed two methodologies to
detect solutions laying on knees, and incorporated
them into the second stage (crowding measure) of the
ranking procedure of NSGA-II. The first methodology
consists in evaluating for each individual in a population the angle between itself and some neighbouring
solutions and to use this value to favour solutions with
higher angles, i.e. closer to the knee. The methodology,
however, scales poorly with the number of objectives.
The second strategy resorts to the expected marginal
utility function to detect solutions close to the knee.
This approach extends easily with the number of objectives; however, the sampling necessary to evaluate
the expectation of the marginal utility function with a
certain confidence may become expensive. Neither of
these approaches has been tested on many-objective
The concept of approximate optimal solutions has
also been investigated to some extent in the context
of evolutionary many-objective optimisation. In particular, -efficiency was considered to be potentially

Figure 1. Simple Pareto front with a knee


effective to ease some of the difficulties associated

with many-objective problems. A recent study by
Wagner et al. (Wagner, Beume, & Naujoks, 2007)
showed the excellent performance of -MOEA (Deb,
Mohan, & Mishra, 2003) on a 6-objective instance
of two synthetic test functions. A good review on the
application of approximate conditions of optimality
is given in (Burke, & Landa Silva, 2006), where the
authors also compared the effect of using two relaxed
forms of Pareto dominance as evaluation methods
within two MOEAs.
Recently,di Pierro et al. (di Pierro, Khu, & Savi,
2007) proposed a ranking scheme based on Preference
Ordering (Das, 1999), a condition of optimality that
generalises Pareto efficiency, but it is more stringent,
and tested it using NSGA-II as the optimisation shell
on a suit of seven benchmark problems with up to
eight objectives. Results indicated that the methodology proposed enhanced significantly the convergence
properties of the standard NSGA-II algorithm on all
the test problems. The strengths of this approach are
its absence of parameters to tune and the fact that it
showed very good performances across varying problem
features; the drawbacks its computation runtime and

Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

the fact that its combination with diversity preserving mechanisms that favours extreme solutions may
ingenerate too high of a selective pressure.
In (Sato, Aguirre, & Tanaka, 2007), Sato et al. introduced an approach to modify the Pareto dominance
condition used within the selection stage of Paretobased MOEAs, by which the area dominated by any
given point is contracted or expanded according to a
formula derived from the Sine theorem and the extent
of the contraction/expansion is controlled by a constant
factor. The results of a series of experiments performed
using NSGA-II equipped with the contraction/expansion mechanism on 0/1 multi-objective knapsack
problems showed substantially improved convergence
and diversity performances compared to the standard
NSGA-II algorithm. However, it was also shown that
the optimal value for the contraction/expansion factor
depends strongly on various problem features, and no
indication was given to support a correct choice.
Most modern MOEAs rely on a two-stage ranking
during the selection process. At the first stage the ranks
are assigned according to some form of Pareto-based
dominance relation; if ties exist, these are resolved
resorting to mechanisms that favour a good distribution
along the Pareto front of the solutions examined. It has
now been acknowledged that this second stage of the
ranking procedure may in fact be detrimental in case
of many objectives, as it was shown in (Purshouse,
& Fleming, 2003b) for the case of NSGA-II. Recent
efforts have therefore focused on replacing diversity preserving mechanisms at this second stage with
more effective ones. Koppen and Yoshida (Koppen,
& Yoshida, 2007) proposed four secondary ranking
assignments and tested them by replacing the crowding distance assignment within NSGA-II. The results
indicated improved convergence in all cases compared
to the standard NSGA-II. However, the authors did
not report any result on the diversity performance of
the algorithms.

Dimensionality Reduction Methods

The aim of this class of methods is usually to transform
the objective space into a lower dimension representation, either one-off (prior to the optimisation) or
iteratively (as the search progresses).
Deb and Saxena (Deb, & Saxena, 2006) developed
a procedure based on principal component analysis

(PCA) for reducing the dimension of the problem to

solve. The procedure consists in performing a series
of optimisations using a state-of-the-art MOEA, each
one focusing only on the objectives that PCA found
explaining most of the variance on the basis of Pareto
front obtained with the previous optimisation. Recently
Saxena and Deb (Saxena, & Deb, 2007) extended their
work and replaced PCA with two dimensionality reduction techniques, the correntropy PCA and a modified
maximum variance unfolding that could also detect
non-linear interactions in the objective space. The results indicated that the former method suffered to some
extent from a difficult choice o the best kernel function
to use, whereas for the latter, the authors performed
a significant number of experiments to suggest bound
values of the only free parameter of the procedure. It
must be highlighted that these two studies are the only
efforts that have challenged new algorithms on highlydimensional test problems (up to 50 objectives).
In a recent study Brockhoff and Zitzler (Brockhoff,
& Zitzler, 2006b) introduced the minimum objective
subset problem (MOSS), which is concerned with the
identification of the largest set of objectives that can be
removed without altering the dominance structure of the
problem (i.e. the set of Pareto optimal solutions obtained
considering all the objectives or only the MOSS is the
same), and developed an exact algorithm and a greedy
heuristic to solve it. Subsequently (Brockhoff, & Zitzler,
2006a), they proposed a measure of variation for the
dominance structure and extended the MOSS to allow
for dimensionality reductions involving predefined
thresholds of problem structure changes. However,
they did not propose a mechanism to incorporate these
algorithms within a MOEA.
Recently, the analysis of the relationships of interdependence between the objectives of an optimisation
problem has been successfully exploited to devise effective reduction methods. Following the definitions
of conflict, support or harmony, and independence
proposed in (Carlsson, & Fuller, 1995), Purshouse and
Fleming (Purshouse, & Fleming, 2003a) discussed the
effects of these relationships in the context of manyobjective evolutionary optimisation. In a later study
Purshouse and Fleming (Purshouse, & Fleming, 2003c)
also suggested, in the case of objectives independence,
a divide-and-conquer algorithm based on objective
space decomposition.


Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation



As it appears from the discussion above, there is an

increasing effort to develop strategies that are able
to overcome the limitations of Pareto-based methods
when solving problems with many objectives. Although
promising results have been generally reported, most
of the approaches presented are of an empirical nature,
which makes it difficult to draw conclusions that can
be generalised.
With the exception of dimensionality reduction
techniques, the majority of the studies presented to
date focus on mechanisms to improve the ranking of
the solutions in the selection process. However, the
analysis of these mechanisms is usually undertaken in
isolation with respect to the other components of the
algorithms. In our view, this is an important limitation
that next generation algorithms will have to address, in
particular, by undertaking the analysis of these mechanisms in relation with the variation operators.
Moreover, there has been little attention in trying
to characterise the solutions that a given method (belonging to the first or second category identified in the
previous section) favours, in relation to the properties
of the problem being solved. Theoretical frameworks
are therefore needed in order to analyse existing methods and develop more focused approaches. As it was
pointed out by di Pierro in (di Pierro, 2006), where he
provided a theoretical framework to analyse the effect
of the Preference Ordering-based ranking procedure in
relation to the interdependence relationships a problem,
this approach enables predicting the effect of applying a
given methodology to a particular problem with limited
prior knowledge, which is certainly an advantage since
the goal of developing powerful algorithms is to solve
(often for the first time) real life problems.

Branke, J., Deb, K., Dierolf, H., and Osswald, M.,

(2004). Finding Knees in Multi-objective Optimization,
Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Laboratory, KanGAL Tech.
Rep. No. 2004010.


Das, I., (1999). A Preference Ordering Among Various

Pareto Optimal Alternatives, Structural Optimization,
(18) 1, 30-35.

In this chapter we have provided a comprehensive review

of the state-of-the-art of evolutionary algorithms for the
optimisation of many objective problems discussing
limitations and strengths of the approaches described,
and we have suggested future trends of research for a
field that is gathering increasing momentum.


Brockhoff, D. and Zitzler, E., (2006a). Dimensionality

Reduction in Multiobjective Optimization with (Partial) Dominance Structure Preservation: Generalized
Minimum Objective Subset Problems, TIK-Report
No. 247,.
Brockhoff, D. and Zitzler, E., (2006b). On Objective
Conflicts and Objective Reduction in Multiple Criteria
Optimization, TIK-Report No. 243, TIK-Report No.
Burke, E. K., & Landa Silva, J. D., (2006). The Influence
of the Fitness Evaluation Method on the Performance of
Multiobjective Search Algorithms, European Journal
of Operational Research, (169) 3, 875-897.
Carlsson, C., & Fuller, R., (1995). Multiple Criteria
Decision Making: The Case for Interdependence, Computers and Operations Research, (22) 251-260.
Chankong, V., & Haimes, Y. Y., (1983). Multiobjective decision making: theory and methodology, Dover
Coello Coello, C. A., & Aguirre, A. H., (2002). Design
of Combinational Logic Circuits through an Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Approach, Artificial
Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and
Manufacture, (16) 1, 39-53.
Coello Coello, C. A., Van Veldhuizen, D. A., &
Lamont, G. B., (2002). Evolutionary Algorithms for
Solving Multi-Objective Problems, Kluwer Academic

Deb, K., (2001). Multi-Objective Optimization using

Evolutionary Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons.
Deb, K., Pratap, A., Agarwal, S., & Meyarivan, T.,
(2002). A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Al-

Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

gorithm: NSGA-II, IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary

Computation, (6) 2, 182-197.

International Conference, EMO 2005, vol. 3410, pp.


Deb, K., & Saxena, D. K., (2006). Searching for paretooptimal solutions through dimensionality reduction for
certain large-dimensional multi-objective optimization
problems, in IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, (CEC 2006), pp. 3353-3360.

Kppen, M., & Yoshida, K., (2007). Substitute Distance

Assignments in NSGA-II for Handling Many-Objective
Optimization Problems, in Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, .4th International Conference, EMO
2007, S. Obayashi and K. Deb and C. Poloni and T.
Hiroyasu and T. Murata Eds. Springer.

Deb, K., (2003). Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: Introducing bias among Pareto-optimal
solutions, in Advances in Evolutionary Computing:
Theory and Applications. A. Ghosh and S. TsuTsui,
Eds. London: Springer -Verlag, pp. 263-292.
Deb, K., Mohan, M., and Mishra, S., (2003). A Fast
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Finding Well-Spread Pereto-Optimal Solutions, Kanpur
Genetic Algorithm Laboratory, KanGAL Technical
Report, 2003002.
di Pierro, F., (2006). Many-Objective Evolutionary
Algorithms and Applications to Water Resources Engineering, School of Engineering, Computer Science
and Mathematics, University of Exeter, UK, Ph.D.
di Pierro, F., Khu, S.-T., & Savic, D. A., (2007). An
Investigation on Preference Order - Ranking Scheme
for Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimisation, IEEE
Transaction on Evolutionary Computation, (11) 1,
Farina, M., & Amato, P., (2004). A Fuzzy Definition of
Optimality for Many-Criteria Optimization Problems,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Part A---Systems and Humans, (34) 3, 315-326.
Farina, M., & Amato, P., (2002). On the Optimal
Solution Definition for Many-criteria Optimization
Problems, in Proceedings of the NAFIPS-FLINT International Conference 2002, pp. 233-238, Piscataway,
New Jersey: IEEE Service Center.
Hughes, E. J., (2003). Multiple single objective pareto
sampling, in 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 2678-2684.
Kppen, M., Vincente-Garcia, R., & Nickolay, B.,
(2005). Fuzzy-Pareto-Dominance and Its Application in Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization,
in Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization. Third

Laumanns, M., Thiele, L., & Zitzler, E., (2006). An

efficient, adaptive parameter variation scheme for
metaheuristic based on the epsilon-constraint method,
European Journal of Operational Research, (169)
Purshouse, R. C., & Fleming, P. J., (2003c). An adaptive divide-an-conquer methodology for evolutionary
multi-criterion optimisation, in Second International
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2003), pp. 133-147, Berlin: Springer.
Purshouse, R. C., & Fleming, P. J., (2003a). Conflict,
harmony, and independence: Relationships in evolutionary multi-criterion optimisation, in Second International
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2003), pp. 16-30, Berlin: Springer.
Purshouse, R. C., & Fleming, P. J., (2003b). Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation: An Exploratory
Analysis, in Proceedings of the 2003 Congress on
Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2003), vol. 3, pp.
2066-2073 IEEE Press.
Sato, H., Aguirre, H. E., & Tanaka, K., (2007). Controlling Dominance Area of Solutions and Its Impact on
the Performance of MOEAs, in Evolutionary MultiCriterion Optimization, .4th International Conference,
EMO 2007, pp. 5-19.
Saxena, D. K., & Deb, K., (2007). Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Procedures, in Evolutionary
Multi-Criterion Optimization, .4th International Conference, EMO 2007, pp. 772-787, S. Obayashi and
K. Deb and C. Poloni and T. Hiroyasu and T. Murata
Eds. Springer.
Wagner, T., Beume, N., & Naujoks, B., (2007). Pareto-,
Aggregation-, and Indicator-based Methods in ManyObjective optimization, in Evolutionary Multi-Criterion
Optimization.4th International Conference, EMO 2007,


Many-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation

pp. 742-756, S. Obayashi and K. Deb and C. Poloni

and T. Hiroyasu and T. Murata Eds. Springer.

Pareto Front: Image of the Pareto Set onto the

performance (objective) space.

White, D. J., (1986). Epsilon Efficiency, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (49) 319-337.

Pareto Optimal Solution: Solution that is not

dominated by any other feasible solution.
Pareto Set: Set of Pareto Optimal solutions.

Evolutionary Algorithms: Solution methods
inspired by the natural evolution process that evolve
a population of solutions to an optimisation problem
through iterative application of randomised processes
of recombination and selection, until a termination
criteria is met.
Many-Objective Problem: Problem consisting
of more than 3-4 objectives to be concurrently maximised/minimised.


Ranking Scheme: Scheme that assigns to each

solution of a population a score that is a measure of
its fitness relative to the other members of the same
Selective Pressure: The ratio between the number
of expected selections of the best solution and the mean
performing one.


Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their

Semantic Structure
Yi Zhao
Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, Germany
Wolfgang A. Halang
Fernuniversitaet in Hagen, Germany

As a key factor to enable interoperability in the Semantic
Web (Berners-Lee, Hendler & Lassila, 2001), ontologies are developed by different organisations at a large
scale, also in overlapping areas. Therefore, ontology
mapping has come into forth to achieve knowledge
sharing and semantic integration in an environment
where knowledge and information are represented by
different underlying ontologies.
The ontology mapping problem can be defined as
acquiring the relationships that hold between the entities of two ontologies. Mapping results can be used for
various purposes such as schema/ontology integration,
information retrieval, query mediation, or web service
In this article, a method to map concepts and properties between ontologies is presented. First, syntactic
analysis is applied based on token strings, and then
semantic analysis is executed according to WordNet
(Fellbaum, 1999) and tree-like graphs representing
the structures of ontologies. The experimental results
exemplify that our algorithm finds mappings with high

Borrowed from philosophy, ontology refers to a systematic account of what can exist or be in the world.
In the fields of artificial intelligence and knowledge
representation, ontology refers to the construction of
knowledge models that specify a set of concepts, their
attributes, and the relationships between them. Ontologies are defined as explicit conceptualisation(s) of a
domain (Gruber, 1993), and are seen as a key to realise
the vision of the Semantic Web.
Ontology, as an important technique to represent

knowledge and information, allows to incorporate

semantics into data to drastically enhance information
exchange. The Semantic Web (Berners-Lee, Hendler
& Lassila, 2001) is as a universal medium for data,
information, and knowledge exchange. It suggests
to annotate web resources with machine-processable
metadata. With the rapid development of the Semantic
Web, it is likely that the number of ontologies used will
strongly increase over the next few years. By themselves, however, ontologies do not solve any interoperability problem. Ontology mapping (Ehrig, 2004) is,
therefore, a key to exploit semantic interoperability of
information and, thus, has been drawing great attention
in the research community during recent years. This
section introduces the basic concepts of information
integration, ontologies, and ontology mapping.
Mismatches between ontologies are mainly caused
by independent development of ontologies in different
organisations. They become evident when trying to
combine ontologies which describe partially overlapping domains. The mismatches between ontologies
can broadly be distinguished into syntactic, semantic,
and structural heterogeneity. Syntactic heterogeneity
denotes differences in the language primitives used
to specify ontologies, semantic heterogeneity denotes
differences in the way domains are conceptualised
and modelled, while structural heterogeneity denotes
differences in information structuring.
There have been a number of previous works proposed so far on ontology mapping (Shvaiko, 2005,
Noy, 2004, Sabou, 2006, Su, 2006). In (Madhavan,
2001), a hybrid similarity mapping algorithm has
been introduced. The proposed measure integrates the
linguistic and structural schema matching techniques.
The matching is based primarily on schema element
names, not considering their properties. LOM (Li, 2004)
is a semi-automatic lexicon-based ontology-mapping
tool that supports a human mapping engineer with a

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

first-cut comparison of ontological terms between the

ontologies to be mapped. It decomposes multi-word
terms into their word constituents except that it does
not perform direct mapping between the words. The
procedure associates the WordNet synset index numbers
of the constituent words with ontological term. The
two terms which have the largest number of common
synsets are recorded and presented to the user.


Our current work tries to overcome the limitations
mentioned above, and to improve precision of ontology
mapping. The research goal is to develop a method and
to evaluate results of ontology mappings.
In this article, we present a method to map ontologies synthesised of token-based syntactic analysis, and
semantic analysis employing the WordNet (Fellbaum,
1999) thesaurus and tree-structured graphs. The algorithm is outlined and expressed in pseudo-code as
listed in Figure 1. The promising results obtained from
experiments indicate that our algorithm finds mappings

with high precision.

Syntax-Level Mapping Based on

Before employing syntactic mapping, a pre-processing is inevitable, which is called tokenisation. Here,
ontologies are represented in the language OWL-DL1.
Therefore, all ontology terms are represented with OWL
URI. For example, in ontology beer, an OWL Class
Ingredient is described by
where [OWLClassImpl] implies OWL class, URL ontology/beer addresses
the provenance of the ontology, and Ingredient is the
class name. Tokenisation should first extract the valid
ontology entities from OWL descriptions, which, in
this example, is Ingredient.
Moreover, the labels of ontology entities (classes

Figure 1. Pseudo-code of mapping algorithm

Input: OWL O1, OWL O2, threshold sigma;
Output: similarity between O1 and O2;
build tree-structured graphs for O1 and O2, and get their edge sets E1 and E2;
for each child node Ci E1 do
for each child node Cj E2 do
tokenise Ci and Cj into token sets tci and tcj;
if (tci unequal to tcj) then
calculate syntactic level similarity


between tci and tcj;

if ( Sim syn < sigma) then // semantic mapping

compute semantic-level similarity of tci, tcj based on WordNet;

if (tci and tcj have no WordNet relationship) then
determine similarity








with the specific properties and

relationships between their parent/child nodes in ts-graphs

Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

and properties) are quite often defined with different

representations by different organisations. For instance,
representations may be with or without connector symbols, with upper or lower cases, etc., which renders it
very complicated and hard to identify terms. Tokenisation means to parse names into tokens based on specific
rules or symbols by customisable tokenisers using
punctuation, upper case, special symbols, digits, etc.
In this way, a class or property name can be tokenised
into one or several Sim
token strings.
= V 1 S mFor example,
+ Vthe
1 Social,
i 1 jas
Social_%26_Science can be tokenised
26, and Science. Note that the terms can sometimes
contain digits like date which is not neglectable.
For simplicity, we assume that all terms of ontology
concepts (classes, properties) are described without
abbreviations. The mapping process between different class and property names is then transformed to
mapping between tokens.
We first check whether the original child nodes
are equal ignoring case. Otherwise, the tokens are
used instead to check whether they are equal. If not,
the similarity measure based on the edit distance is
adopted to calculate similarity. If the calculated similarity value is above a threshold (for example, 0.95),
the compared nodes are considered to be similar. The
process continues to deal with the next pair of nodes
in the same way.
The edit distance formulated by Levenshtein (Levenshtein, 1966) and the string mapping method proposed
by Maedche & Staab (Maedche & Staab, 2002) are
employed here to calculate token similarity. The edit
distance is a well-established method to weigh the difference between two strings. It measures the minimum
number of token insertions, deletions, and substitutions
required to transform one string into another using a
dynamic programming algorithm. The string matching
method is used to calculate token similarity based on
Levenshteins edit distance:
Sim( X , Y ) = max( 0,

min( X , Y ) ed ( X , Y )
min( X , Y )

) [0,1]

where X, Y are token strings, |X| is the length of X,
min( ) and max() denotes the minimum/maximum
value of two arguments, respectively, and ed( ) is the
edit distance.
As the original ontology terms may have been to-

kenised into many sub-terms, i.e., tokens, it is necessary

to separately calculate similarity between each pair of
token strings. Assume that the number of tokens of the
first term is m, n for the second term, and assume m n,
the total similarity measure according to Eq. (1) is:

Sim syn = V 1 Simorig + V ij Simij ,

i =1 j =1

V 1 + V ij = 1
i =1 j =1


where Simorig is the similarity between the original

strings, Simij is the similarity between tokens ith and
jth from two source terms, and 1, ij are the weights
for Simorig and Simij. The sum of ij and 1 are supposed
to be 1. Given a predefined similarity threshold, if the
acquired similarity value is greater than or equal to
the threshold, then two tokens are considered similar,
vice versa.

Semantic-Level Mapping Based on

Ontology Structure
Semantic heterogeneity occurs when there is a disagreement about meaning, interpretation, or intended
use of the same or related data. Semantic relations
(Gahleitner, & Woess, 2004) are:

different naming of the same content, i.e., synonyms,

different abstraction levels: generic terms vs.
more specific ones (name vs. first name and last
name), hypernyms or hyponyms, and
different structures about the same content (separate type vs. part of a type), i.e., meronyms.

In ontology mapping, WordNet is one of the most

frequently used sources of background knowledge.
Actually, it plays the role of an intermediate to help
finding semantic heterogeneity. The WordNet library
can be accessed with the Java API JWNL2 . It groups
English words into sets of synonyms called synsets
providing short, general definitions, and it records the
various semantic relations between these synonym sets.
The purpose is to produce a combination of dictionary and thesaurus that is more intuitively usable, and
to support automatic text analysis and artificial intelligence applications. It is assumed that each sense in a

Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

WordNet synset describes a concept. WordNet senses

are related among themselves via synonym, hyponym,
and hyperonym relations. Terms lexicalising the same
concept (sense) are considered to be equivalent through
the synonym relationship, while hypernyms, hyponyms,
and meronyms are considered similar. With this rule,
the original ontology terms and their relative token
strings are first checked whether they have the same
part of speech, i.e., noun, verb, adjective, adverb. The
next step is to judge whether they are synonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, or meronyms. Analogue to Eq.
(2), for a pair of nodes a similarity value is calculated
according to the weights of different similarity parts.
If it exceeds a given threshold, the pair is considered
to be similar.
If the above-mentioned syntactic and semantic
WordNet mapping methods still could not find a mapping between two terms, another semantic-level method
based on tree-structured graphs is applied.
As rendered with SWOOP3 (a hypermedia-inspired
ontology browser and editor based on OWL ontologies, which supports renderers to obtain class/property
hierarchy trees as well as definitions of and inferred
facts on OWL classes and properties), ontology entities are represented by class/property hierarchy trees.
From class hierarchy trees, tree-structured graphs are
constructed. Based on the notion of structure graphs
(Lian, 2004), a tree-structured graph (ts-graph) is
defined as:
Definition 1. Given a tree of sets T, N the union of all
sets in T, and E the set of edges in T , then ts-g
(T) = (N, E) is called tree-structured graph of T,

if it holds (a, b) E if and only if a is a parent

element of b; a is called parent node, and b child
In building a ts-graph, breadth-first traversal is applied to traverse a tree hierarchy. To construct a ts-graph,
we begin with the root nodes first child node. All its
child nodes and their relative parent nodes form edges as
(parent node, child node) for the ts-graph. The process
is repeated until the tree is completely traversed.
After the ts-graphs of two ontologies to be matched
are built, the edge sets of both graphs are employed in
the mapping process. The relative positions of a pairs
(from two ontologies) nodes within their tree-structured
graphs determines the semantic-level mapping between
them. In Table 1 we summarise three types of relationships between edges characterising properties, child
classes, and parent-and-child classes. By understanding
these properties, we can derive that entities having the
same properties are similar. This is not a rule always
holding true, but it is a strong indictor for similarity.

Experimental Results
The implementation of our algorithm was written in
Java. It relies on SWOOP for parsing OWL files. All
tests were run on a standard PC (with Windows XP).
Our test cases include ontologies Baseball team, and
Russia provided by the institute AIFB4.
To get an impression of the matchmakers performance different measures have to be considered.
There are various ways to measure how well retrieved
information matches intended information. To evaluate

Table 1. Relationships between classes




Rules: Given two classes a and b




Child classes

If properties (data type property/object property null) of a and

b are similar, a and b are also similar.
If all child classes of a and b are similar, a and b are also similar.



If parent class and one of the child classes of a and b are similar,
a and b are also similar.

Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

Figure 2. Analysis of mapping results with ontologies Russia








the quality of mapping results, we use standard information-retrieval metrics: Recall (r), Precision (p), and
F-Measure (Melnik & Rahm, 2002), where Recall is
the ratio of the number of relevant entities retrieved
to the total number of relevant entities, Precision is
the ratio of the number of relevant records retrieved
to the total number of irrelevant and relevant records
retrieved, and
F-Measure =

r +p


As shown in Figure 2, with the increase of the threshold, the mapping precision for Russia gets higher. The
shortcoming of this method is its efficiency. Though
we trade off efficiency to get more effective mapping
results, our algorithm is still applicable to some offline
web applications, like information filtering (Hanani,
2001) according to users profile.

Currently, the results of similarity computations are
provided in form of text documents. In order to present
mapping results more reasonably and understandably,
the objective of our future work is to treat the results of
similarity computations as ontology. Another objective


of our future work is to address security problems connected to ontology mapping, such as trust management
in the application of web services.

The overall research goal presented in this article is to
develop a method for ontology mapping that combines
syntactic analysis measuring the difference between
tokens by the edit distance with semantic analysis
based on WordNet as semantic relation and the similarity of structured graphs representing the ontologies
being compared. Empirically we have shown that our
synthesised mapping method works with relatively
high precision.

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Semantic Web. Scientific American, 284(5), 35-43.
Do, H., Melnik, S., & Rahm, E. (2002). Comparison
of Schema Matching Evaluations. In Proceedings of
the 2nd International Workshop on Web Databases
(German Informatics Society).
Ehrig, M., Sure, Y.: Ontology Mapping - An Integrated

Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

Approach. In Bussler, C., Davis, J., Fensel, D., Studer,

R., eds.: Proceedings of the 1st ESWS. Volume 3053
of Lecture Notes in Computer Science., Heraklion,
Greece, Springer Verlag, pp. 7691, 2004.

Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology

Mapping. In Proceedinds of the International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2006), collocated
with ISWC06.

Fellbaum, C. (1999). Wordnet: An Electronic Lexical

Database. MIT press.

Su, X.M. & Atle Gulla, J. (2006) An Information

Retrieval Approach to Ontology Mapping. Data &
Knowledge Engineering 58(1), 47-69.

Gahleitner, E., & Woess, W. (2004). Enabling Distribution and Reuse of Ontology Mapping Information for
Semantically Enriched Communication Services. In
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA04).
Gruber, T.R. (1993). A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specification. Knowledge Acquisition,
5(2), 199-220.
Hanani, U., Shapira, B., Shoval, P. (2001) Information
Filtering: Overview of Issues, Research and Systems.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 11,
Kalyanpur, A., Parsia, B., & Hendler, J. (2005). A Tool
for Working with Web Ontologies. Intrnational Journal
on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 1(1).
Levenshtein, I.V. (1966). Binary Codes Capable of
Correcting Celetions, Insertions, and Reversals. Cybernetics and Control Theory, 10(8), 707-710.
Li, J. (2004). LOM: A Lexicon-based Ontology Mapping tool. In Proceeding of the Performance Metrics
for Intelligent Systems (PerMIS04), Information
Interpretation and Integration Conference (I3CON),
Gaithersburg, MD. Retrieved Aug. 30, 2007, from
Lian, W., Cheung, D.W., & Yiu, S.M. (2004). An Efficient and Scalable Algorithm for Clustering XML
Documents by Structure. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 16(1), 82-96.
Maedche A., & Staab, S. (2002) Measuring Similarity
between Ontologies. In Proceedings of the European
Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Management (EKAW-2002). LNCS/LNAI 2473, pp. 251-263,
Noy, N.F. (2004). Semantic Integration: A Survey of
Ontology-based Approaches. SIGMOD Record, 33(4),
Sabou, M., dAquin, M., & Motta, E. (2006) Using the

Ontology: As a means to conceptualise and structure
knowledge, ontologies are seen as the key to realise
the vision of the semantic web
Ontology Mapping: Ontology mapping is required
to achieve knowledge sharing and semantic integration
in an environment with different underlying ontologies.
Precision: The ratio of the number of relevant
records retrieved to the total number of irrelevant and
relevant records retrieved.
Recall: The ratio of the number of relevant entities
retrieved to the total number of relevant entities.
Semantic Web: Envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee,
the semantic web is as a universal medium for data,
information, and knowledge exchange. It suggests
to annotate web resources with machine-processable
Similarity Measure: A method used to calculate
the degree of similarity between mapping sources.
Tokenisation: Tokenisation extracts the valid ontology entities from OWL descriptions.
Tree-Structured Graph: A graphical structure
to represent a tree with nodes and a hierarchy of its


Mapping Ontologies by Utilising Their Semantic Structure

The datasets are available from http://www.aifb.



Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural

Radu Mutihac
University of Bucharest, Romania

Models and algorithms have been designed to mimic
information processing and knowledge acquisition of
the human brain generically called artificial or formal
neural networks (ANNs), parallel distributed processing (PDP), neuromorphic or connectionist models. The
term network is common today: computer networks
exist, communications are referred to as networking,
corporations and markets are structured in networks.
The concept of ANN was initially coined as a hopeful
vision of anticipating artificial intelligence (AI) synthesis by emulating the biological brain.
ANNs are alternative means to symbol programming aiming to implement neural-inspired concepts in
AI environments (neural computing) (Hertz, Krogh, &
Palmer, 1991), whereas cognitive systems attempt to
mimic the actual biological nervous systems (computational neuroscience). All conceivable neuromorphic
models lie in between and supposed to be a simplified
but meaningful representation of some reality. In order
to establish a unifying theory of neural computing and
computational neuroscience, mathematical theories
should be developed along with specific methods of
analysis (Amari, 1989) (Amit, 1990). The following
outlines a tentatively mathematical-closed framework
in neural modeling.

ANNs may be regarded as dynamic systems (discrete
or continuous), whose states are the activity patterns,
and whose controls are the synaptic weights, which
control the flux of information between the processing units (adaptive systems controlled by synaptic
matrices). ANNs are parallel in the sense that most
neurons process data at the same time. This process
can be synchronous, if the processing time of an
input neuron is the same for all units of the net, and

asynchronous otherwise. Synchronous models may be

regarded as discrete models. As biological neurons are
asynchronous, they require a continuous time treatment
by differential equations.
Alternatively, ANNs can recognize the state of
environment and act on the environment to adapt to
given viability constraints (cognitive systems controlled by conceptual controls). Knowledge is stored
in conceptual controls rather than encoded in synaptic
matrices, whereas learning rules describe the dynamics
of conceptual controls in terms of state evolution in
adapting to viability constraints.
The concept of paradigm referring to ANNs typically
comprises a description of the form and functions of
the processing unit (neuron, node), a network topology
that describes the pattern of weighted interconnections among the units, and a learning rule to establish
the values of the weights (Domany, 1988). Although
paradigms differ in details, they still have a common
subset of selected attributes (Jansson, 1991) like
simple processing units, high connectivity, parallel
processing, nonlinear transfer function, feedback paths,
non-algorithmic data processing, self-organization,
adaptation (learning) and fault tolerance. Some extra
features might be: generalization, useful outputs from
fuzzy inputs, energy saving, and potential overall high
speed operation.
The digital paradigm dominating computer science
assumes that information must be digitized to avoid
noise interference and signal degradation. In contrast,
a neuron is highly analog in the sense that its computations are based on spatiotemporal integrative processes
of smoothly varying ion currents at the trigger zone
rather than on bits. Yet neural systems are highly efficient and reliable information processors.

Memory and Learning

The specificity of neural processes consists in their
distributive and collective nature. The phenomenon

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

by biological neural networks (NNs) are changing in

response to extrinsic stimuli is called self-organization.
The flexible nature of the human brain, represented
by self-organization, seems to be responsible for the
learning function which is specific to living organisms.
Essentially, learning is an adaptive self-organizing
process. From the training assistance point of view,
there are supervised and unsupervised neural classifiers.
Supervised classifiers seek to characterize predefined
classes by defining measures that maximize in-class
similarity and out-class dissimilarity. Supervision may
be conducted either by direct comparison of output with
the desired target and estimating error, or by specifying whether the output is correct or not (reinforcement learning). The measure of success in both cases
is given by the ability to recover the original classes
for similar but not identical input data. Unsupervised
classifiers seek similarity measures without any predefined classes performing cluster analysis or vector
quantization. Neural classifiers organize themselves
according to their initial state, types and frequency of
the presented patterns, and correlations in the input
patterns by setting up some criteria for classification
(Fukushima, 1975) reflecting causal mechanisms.
There is no general agreement on the measure of their
success since likelihood optimization always tends to
favor single instance classes.
Classification as performed by ANNs has essentially
a dual interpretation reflected by machine learning
too. It could mean either the assignment of input patterns to predefined classes, or the construction of new
classes from a previously undifferentiated instance set
(Stutz & Cheesman, 1994). However, the assignment
of instances to predefined classes can produce either
the class that best represents the input pattern as in the
classical decision theory, or the classifier can be used
as a content-addressable or associative memory, where
the class representative is desired and the input pattern
is used to determine which exemplar to produce. While
the first task assumes that inputs were corrupted by
some processes, the second one deals with incomplete
input patterns when retrieval of full information is the
goal. Most neural classifiers do not require simultaneous availability of all training data and frequently yield
error rates comparable to Bayesian methods without
needing prior information. An efficient memory might
store and retrieve many patterns, so its dynamics must
allow for as many states of activity which are stable
against small perturbations as possible. Several ap-

proaches dealing with uncertainty such as fuzzy logic,

probabilistic, hyperplane, kernel, and exemplar-based
classifiers can be incorporated into ANN classifiers in
applications where only few data are available (Ng &
Lippmann, 1991).
The capacity of analog neural systems to operate
in unpredictable environments depends on their ability to represent information in context. The context of
a signal may be some complex collections of neural
patterns, including those that constitute learning. The
interplay of context and adaptation is a fundamental
principle of the neural paradigm. As only variations and
differences convey information, permanent change is
a necessity for neural systems rather than a source of
difficulty as it is for digital systems.

An approach to investigate neural systems in a general
frame is the mean field theory (Cooper & Scofield, 1988)
from statistical physics suited for highly interconnected
systems as cortical regions are. However, there is a big
gap between the formal model level of description in
associative memory levels and the complexity of neural
dynamics in biological nets. Neural modeling need
no information concerning correlations of input data,
rather nonlinear processing units and a sufficiently large
number of variable parameters ensure the flexibility to
adapt to any relationship between input and output data.
Models can be altered externally, by adopting a different
axiomatic structure, and internally, by revealing new
inside structural or functional relationships. Ranking
several neuromorphic models is ultimately carried out
based on some measure of performance.

Neuron Modeling
Central problems in any artificial system designed to
mimic NNs arise from (i) biological features to be preserved, (ii) connectivity matrix of the processing units,
whose size increases with the square of their number,
and (iii) processing time, which has to be independent
of the network size. Biologically realistic models of
neurons might minimally include:

Continuous-valued transfer functions (graded

response), as many neurons respond to their

Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

input in a continuous way, though the nonlinear

relationship between the input and the output of
cells is a universal feature;
Nonlinear summation of the inputs and significant
logical processing performed along the dendritic
Sequences of pulses as output, rather than a simple
output level. A single state variable yj representing
the firing rate, even if continuous, ignores much
information (e.g., pulse phase) that might be encoded in pulse sequences. However, there is no
relevant evidence that phase plays a significant
role in most neuronal circuits;
Asynchronous updating and variable delay of
data processing, that is, the time unit elapsing
per processing step, t t + 1, is variable among
Variability of synaptic strengths caused by the
amount of transmitter substance released at a
chemical synapse, which may vary unpredictably.
This effect is partially modeled by stochastic
generalization of the binary neural models dynamics.

Figure 1. Typical sigmoid transfer functions


Most neuromimetic models are based on the McCulloch and Pitts (1943) neuron as a binary threshold

y j (t + 1) = wij xi (t ) Q j
i =1


where yj represents the state of neuron j (either 1 or

0) in response to input signals {xi}i, j stands for

a certain threshold characteristic of each neuron
j, time t is considered discrete, with one time unit
elapsing per processing step, and is the unit step
(Heaviside) function:
1, x 0
(x ) =
0, x < 0


The weights, wij , 1 i N , represent the strengths

of the synapses connecting neuron i to neuron j, and
may be positive (excitatory) or negative (inhibitory).
The weighted sum

Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks


w x (t )
i =1

of the inputs presented at time t to unit j must reach or

exceed the threshold j for the neuron j to fire. Though
extremely simplified, a synchronous assembly of such
formal neurons is theoretically capable of universal
computation (Welstead, 1994) for suitable chosen
weights {wij } , i.e., it may perform computations
that conventional computers do, yet not necessarily
so rapidly or conveniently.
A general expression that includes some of the above
features derived from the digital model (1) is:

y j = f j wij xi Q j
i =1


where yj is the continuous-valued state (activation) of

unit j and fj is a general transfer function. Threshold
nodes are required for universal approximation and the
activation function ought to be nonlinear with bounded
output (Fig. 1). The neurons are updated asynchronously
in random order at random times.

Mathematical Methods for ANNs

Several neural models and parallel information processing systems inspired by brain mechanisms were proposed. Almost all practical applications were achieved
by simulation on conventional digital computers (von
Neumann), so the real parallel processing advantages
and massive unit densities hoped for were lost. Mathematical methods approaching various types of ANNs
in a unified way and results from linear and nonlinear
control systems used to obtain learning algorithms
could be grouped in four categories:


Tensor products and pseudo-inverses of linear

operators, which represent the specific structural
connectionism and provide a mathematical explanation of the Hebbian nature of many learning
algorithms (Hebb, 1949). This is due to the fact
that derivatives of a wide class of nonlinear maps
defined on spaces of synaptic matrices are tensor products and because the pseudo-inverse of
a tensor product of linear operators is the tensor
product of their pseudo-inverses;


Convex and nonsmooth analysis is particularly

suited to nonlinear networks in proving the convergence of two main types of learning rules. The
first class consists of algorithms derived from
gradient methods and includes the backpropagation update rule, whereas the second class deals
with algorithms based on Newtons method;
Control and viability theory (Aubin, 1991), which
deals with neural systems that learn viable solutions as control systems satisfying given viability
(state) constraints. The purpose is to derive algorithms of control systems emulated by ANNs with
feedback regulation. Three classes of learning
rules are envisaged: (i) external learning rules
based on gradient methods of optimization problems involving nonsmooth functions, (ii) internal
learning rules based on the viability theory, and
(iii) uniform algorithms;
Probability theory and Bayesian statistics. Bayesian statistics and neural modeling may seem
extremes of the data-modeling spectrum. ANNs
are nonlinear parallel computational devices and
their training by example to solve prediction and
classification problems is quite a purpose-specific
procedure. Contrarily, Bayesian statistics is heavily based on coherent inference and clearly defined
axioms. Yet both approaches aim to create models
in good accordance with the data. ANNs can be
interpreted as more flexible versions of traditional
regression techniques in the sense of capturing
regularities in the data that the linear models are
not able to handle. However, over-flexible ANNs
may discover non-existent correlations in the data.
Bayesian inference provides means to infer how
flexible a model is warranted by the data and suppresses the tendency to assess spurious structure
in the data by incorporating the Occams razor
that sets the preference for simpler models if they
compete to come out with the same result. Learning in ANNs is interpreted as inference on the
most probable parameters for a model, given the
training data. The search in the model space can
also be treated as an inference problem of relative
probability for alternative models, given the data.
Bayesian inference for ANNs can be implemented
numerically by deterministic methods involving
Gaussian approximations (MacKay, 1992), or by
Monte Carlo methods (Neal, 1996).


Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

Let N formal neurons link, directly for one-layer

networks and indirectly for multi-layered ones, an
input space X of signals to an output space Y. The
state space of the system is the product X Y of the
input-output pairs (x,y), which are generically called
patterns or configurations in pattern recognition (PR),
data analysis, and classification problems. When X =
Y and the input of the patterns coincide with the outputs, (x,y), x = y, the system is called autoassociative;
if the input and output patterns are different, (x,y) y
x, then the system is heteroassociative. Among all
possible input-output patterns, a subset K X Y is
chosen as training set. Most often, the input and output
spaces are finite dimensional linear spaces: X = N
and Y = M , whereas the input signals may obey some
state constraints:

Real numbers for fuzzy applications, preferably

in the intervals [0,1] or [1, +1];
Binary numbers that belong to {0, 1};
Bipolar numbers that belong to {1, +1}.

If neurons are labeled by j = 1,2,...,N, then let P(N)

of cardinal 2N denote the family of subsets of neurons
called conjuncts (or coalitions) of neurons. Any con-

nection links a postsynaptic neuron j to conjuncts S

P(N) of presynaptic neurons. Each conjunct S preprocesses (or gates) the afferent signals {xi)i produced by
the presynaptic neurons through a function:
J S (x )
{xi }i =1,2,..., N

If conjuncts are reduced to individual neurons S =

{i}, then the role of control is played by the synaptic
W = wSj

S P (N )
j =1,2,..., N


where w Sj represents the entries from S to neuron j.

The modulus of the synaptic weight w Sj represents the
strength and it gives the nature of the connection from
conjunct S to the formal neuron j, counted positively if
the synapse is excitatory, and negatively if it is inhibitory. Accordingly, the neuron j receives the signal

S P (N )

wSjJ S (x )

Figure 2. Conjuncts of neurons {2,3} and {4,5,6} gate the inputs to neuron 1



Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

(Fig. 2), which determines its state of activity. Hence

the propagation rule that characterize the network
dynamics is:
yj = f j

({w ,J (x )} )

y j = wSj xi + c j

Boolean associative memories correspond to

S P (N )


X = N , Y = , K = {0,1} {0,1}

for synchronous neurons (discrete dynamical system),


({w (t ),J (x, t )} )

xj (t ) = f j


S P (N )

and fuzzy associative memories to

X = N , Y = , K = [0,1] [0,1]



for asynchronous neurons (continuous dynamical

system), where in most cases:


({w ,J (x )} )

S P (N )

= g j wSj J S (x )
S P (N )


Here gj integrates the afferent signals {w J S (x )}

sent to the neuron j by the afferent neurons through
their outputs {xi}i, preprocessed by the conjunct S, and
delivered to neuron j via the weight w Sj . Usually, the
synaptic weights wSj = 0 when j S, whereas wSj 0
when j S is associated with autoexcitation. However,
when S = {j}, S {i}, and wSj = 0 , then the loss term
g j (0, 0,..., wijJ j (x ), 0,..., 0 ) represents some kind of
forgetting like decaying frequency while the neuron
in question j is not excited by the others.
Several neural systems can be expressed within this
framework (Aubin, 1991).


Associative memories are defined by the lack of

preprocessing, that is,
J S (x ) = 0 if S > 1 or JS (x ) = xi if S = {}

i =1



S P (N )

wS xi




where |S| stands for the number of elements in

conjunct S.
Associative memories with gates are defined by
preprocessing and gj affine:


Nonlinear automata are defined by various forms

of gj:

f j (x, W ) = g j wSj J S (x )
S P (N )


When appropriate, thresholds Y may be integrated in the processing function g:

g(z) = h(z )


If the threshold is part of the controls to be adjusted during training, it may be incorporated as
an entry of an extended synaptic matrix:
= w

i =1,2,..., N
j = 0,1,..., M

L ( X , Y ),

wij for i = 1, 2,..., N ; j = 1, 2,..., M

w ij =
Qi for i = 1, 2,..., N ; j = 0

y j = wij xi + c j


i =1


Particularly simple is the perceptron:

X = N , Y =, Q Y ,
JS ( x ) = 0

if |S| > 1, then:


Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

0 if

1 if

w x

i =1

w x
i =1

veniences and make them suitable for modeling rather

complex systems involving plenty of information.



Some promising neural-inspired approaches to feature
extraction and clustering were also proposed (Mao &
Jain, 1995), which are adaptive online and may exhibit additional desirable properties such as robustness
against outliers (Xu & Yuille, 1995) as compared to
more traditional feature extraction methods.
The connection between Bayesian inference and
neural models gives new perspectives to the assumptions and approximations made on ANNs and algorithms
when used as associative memories. Advances in neural
modeling and training algorithm design addressed dynamic range and sensitivity problems encountered by
large analog systems, along with fast evolution in VLSI
implementation techniques, could lead to practical realtime systems derived from the topology and parallel
distributed processing performed by biological NNs.

Though ANNs are able to perform a large variety of
tasks, the problems handled practically could be loosely
divided into four basic types (Zupan & Gasteiger, 1994):
auto- or hetero-association, classification, mapping
(Kohonen, 1982), and modeling.
In neural classifiers, the set of examples used for
training should necessarily come from the same (possibly unknown) distribution as the set used for testing
the networks, in order to provide reliable generalization in classifying unknown patterns. Valid results are
only produced if the training examples are adequately
selected and their number is comparable to the number
of effective parameters in the net. Quite a few classes
of learning algorithms have the convergence guaranteed; moreover, they require substantial computational
Generally, ANNs are used as parts of larger systems
employed as preprocessing or labeling/interpretation
subsystems. In many cases, the flexibility and nonalgorithmic processing of ANNs surpass their incon1062

Amari, S. (1989). Dynamical stability of formation of
cortical maps in dynamic interactions in neural networks. In Arbib M. A., & Amari, S. (Eds.) Research work
in neural computing, 1 (pp. 15-34). Springer-Verlag.
Amit, D. J. (1990). Attractor neural networks and biological reality: Associative memory and learning. Future
Generation Computer Systems, 6(2), 111-119.
Aubin, J.-P. (1991). Viability Theory. Birkhuser,
Cooper, L. N. & Scofield, C. L. (1988). Mean-field
theory of a neural network. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the USA, 85(6), 1973-1977.
Domany, E. (1988). Neural networks: A biased overview.
Journal of Statistical Physics, 51(5-6), 743-775.
Fukushima, K. (1975). Cognitron: A self-organizing
multilayered neural network. Biological Cybernetics,
20, 121-136.
Hebb, D. O. (1949). The organization of behavior, A
neurophysiological theory. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Hertz, J., Krogh, A., & Palmer, R. G. (1991). Introduction to the theory of neural computation. AddisonWesley Publishing Company.
Jansson, P. A. (1991). Neural networks: An overview.
Analytical Chemistry, 63(6), 357-362.
Kohonen, T. (1982). Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps. Biological Cybernetics,
43, 59-69.
MacKay, D. J. K. (1992). A practical Bayesian framework for backpropagation networks, Neural Computation, 4, 448-472.
Mao, J. & Jain, A. K. (1995). Artificial neural networks
for feature extraction and multivariate data projection. IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks, 6(2),
McCulloch, W. S. & Pitts, W. (1943). A logical calculus of ideas immanent in nervous activity. Bulletin of
Mathematical Biophysics, 5, 115-133.

Mathematical Modeling of Artificial Neural Networks

Neal, R. M. (1996). Bayesian learning for neural networks. Springer-Verlag.

Ng, K. & Lippmann, R. (1991). Practical characteristics of neural network and conventional pattern
classifiers. In R. Lippmann, & D. Touretzky (Eds.),
Advances in neural information processing systems
(pp. 970-976). San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kauffman
Publishers Inc.
Stutz, J. & Cheesman, P. (1994). Autoclass - A Bayesian
approach to classification. In J. Skilling, & S. Sibisi
(Eds.), Maximum entropy and Bayesian methods (pp.
117-126). Cambridge: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Sutton, R. S. & Barto, A. G. (1998). Introduction to
reinforcement learning. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Xu, L. & Yuille, A. L. (1995). Robust principal element
analysis by self-organizing rules based on statistical
physics approach. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 6(1), 131-143.
Welstead, S. T. (1994). Neural network and fuzzy logic
applications in C/C++. John Wiley & Sons.
Zupan, J. & Gasteiger, J. (1994). Neural networks for
chemists. An introduction. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft
mbH, Germany.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs): Highly parallel networks of interconnected simple computational
elements (cells, nodes, neurons, units), which mimic
biological neural network.

Complex Systems: Systems made of several interconnected simple parts which altogether exhibit a
high degree of complexity from each emerges a higher
order behaviour.
Emergence: Modalities in which complex systems
like ANNs and patterns come out of a multiplicity of
relatively simple interactions.
Learning (Training) Rule: Iterative process of
updating the weights from cases (instances) repeatedly
presented as input. Learning (adaptation) is essential
in PR where the training data set is limited and new
environments are continuously encountered.
Paradigm of ANNs: Set of (i) pre-processing units
form and functions, (ii) network topology that describes
the number of layers, the number of nodes per layer,
and the pattern of weighted interconnections among the
nodes, and (iii) learning (training) rule that specifies
the way weights should be adapted during use in order
to improve network performance.
Relaxation: Process by which ANNs minimize
an objective function using semi- or non-parametric
methods to iteratively updating the weights.
Robustness: Property of ANNs to accomplish
reliable its tasks when handling incomplete and/or corrupted data. Moreover, the results should be consistent
even if some part of the network is damaged.
Self-Organization Principle: A process in which
the internal organization of a system that continually
interacts with its environment increases in complexity
without being driven by an outside source. Self-organizing systems typically exhibit emergent properties.



Microarray Information and Data Integration

Juan M. Gmez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Ricardo Colomo
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Marcos Ruano
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
ngel Garca
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Technological advances in high-throughput techniques
and efficient data gathering methods, coupled computational biology efforts, have resulted in a vast amount
of life science data often available in distributed and
heterogeneous repositories. These repositories contain
information such as sequence and structure data, annotations for biological data, results of complex computations, genetic sequences and multiple bio-datasets.
However, the heterogeneity of these data, have created
a need for research in resource integration and platform
independent processing of investigative queries, involving heterogeneous data sources.
When processing huge amounts of data, information
integration is one of the most critical issues, because
its crucial to preserve the intrinsic semantics of all the
merged data sources. This integration would allow the
proper organization of data, fostering the analysis and
access the information to accomplish critical tasks, such
as the processing of micro-array data to study protein
function and medical researches in making detailed
studies of protein structures to facilitate drug design
(Ignacimuthu, 2005). Furthermore, DNA micro-array
research community urgently requires technology to
allow up-to-date micro-array data information to be
found, accessed and delivered in a secure framework
(Sinnot, 2007).
Several research disciplines, such as Bioinformatics,
where information integration is critical, could benefit

from harnessing the potential of a new approach: the

Semantic Web (SW). The SW term was coined by
Berners-Lee, Hendler and Lassila (2001) to describe
the evolution of a Web that consisted of largely documents for humans to read towards a new paradigm
that included data and information for computers to
manipulate. The SW is about adding machine-understandable and machine-processable metadata to Web
resource through its key-enabling technology: ontologies (Fensel, 2002). Ontologies are a formal explicit
and shared specification of a conceptualization. The
SW was conceived as a way to solve the need for data
integration on the Web.
This article expounds SAMIDI, a Semantics-based
Architecture for Micro-array Information and Data
Integration. The most remarkable innovation offered by
SAMIDI is the use of semantics as a tool for leveraging different vocabularies and terminologies and foster
integration. SAMIDI is composed of a methodology
for the unification of heterogeneous data sources from
the analysis of the requirements of the unified data set
and a software architecture.

This section introduces Bioinformatics and its need
to process massive amounts of data; the benefit of the
integration of the existing data sources of biological
information and semantics, a tool for integration.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

The term Bioinformatics was coined by Hwa Lim in the
late 1980s, and later popularized through its association with the human genome project (Goodman, 2002).
Bioinformatics is the application of information science
and technologies for the management of biological
data (Denn & MacMullen, 2002) and it describes any
use of computers to store, compare, retrieve, analyze
or predict the composition of the structure of biomolecules (Segall & Zhang, 2006). Research on Biology
requires Bioinformatics to manipulate and discover new
biological knowledge at several levels of increasing
complexity. Biological data are produced through highthroughput methods (Vyas & Summers, 2005), which
means that they have to be represented and stored in
different formats, such as micro-arrays.

Micro-Array Data Sources

A DNA micro-array is a collection of microscopic DNA
spots attached to a solid surface forming an array for
the purpose of expression profiling, which monitors
expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously.
Those features are read by a scanner that measures the
level of activation, and the data is downloaded onto
a computer for subsequent analysis (Cohen, 2005).
Micro-arrays allow investigating million of genes
simultaneously (Segall & Zhang, 2006). A biological
experiment may require hundreds of micro-array, where
a single micro-array generates up to million fragments
of data (Murphy, 2002). This fact makes data analysis
and management a major challenge for gene expression
studies using micro-arrays (Xu, Maresh, Giardina &
Pincus, 2004).
The need to manage data generated from Bioinformatics is crucial. Understanding biological processes
necessitates access to collections of potentially distributed, separately owned and managed biological
data sets (Sinnott, 2007). These data sources reside
in different storages, hardware platforms, data base
management systems, data models and data languages
(Chen, Promparmote & Maire, 2006), which makes
impossible their integration. To make things worse,
this incompatibility is not limited to the use of different
data technologies, but also because of its incompatibility in terms of semantics. This heterogeneity can
be of two sorts: syntactic and semantic (Verschelde,
Dos Santos, Deray, Smith & Ceusters, 2004). Syntactic

heterogeneity refers to differences in data models and

data languages and can be easily resolved. Semantic
heterogeneity refers to the underlying meanings of the
data represented. It gives origin to naming conflicts and
structural conflicts.
This incompatibility, and the necessity of sharing and aggregating information among the existing
micro-array data sources leads researchers to seek for
data integration.

Micro-Array Data Integration

Data analysis and management represent a major challenge for gene expression studies using micro-arrays
(Xu, Maresh, Giardina & Pincus, 2004). Micro-array
technology is still rather new and standards are not
established (Murphy, 2002). This lack of standardization impedes micro-array data exchange. However,
several projects have been started with a common goal:
facilitate the exchange and analysis of micro-array
data. MIAME (Minimum Information About Microarray Experiment) is an XML based standard for the
description of micro-array experiments. Its gaining
importance because is required by numerous journals
for the submission of articles providing micro-array
experiments results. The purpose of MIAME is to define
the core information needed for the description of an
array based gene expression monitoring experiment.
MAGE (Micro-Array Gene Expression) is a standard
micro-array data model and exchange format that is
able to capture information specified by MIAME.

Integration and Semantics

The ambiguity of terms, both within and between different databases and terminologies, makes integrating
bioinformatics data task highly error prone (Verschelde
et al, 2004). Converting all this information into a
common data format will likely never be achieved
and, therefore, the solution to the effective information management problem will necessarily go through
the establishment of a common understanding. At this
point is where semantics comes into play, bridging
nomenclature and terminological inconsistencies to
comprehend underlying meaning in a unified manner.
The key elements that enable semantic interoperability
are ontologies; semantic models of the data and they
interweave human understanding of symbols with their
machine processability (Della Valle, Cerizza, Bicer,

Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

Kabak, Laleci & Lausen, 2005). Ontologies allow to

organise terms used in heterogeneous data sources
according to their semantic relationships so that heterogeneous data fragments can be mapped into a consistent
frame of reference (Buttler, Coleman, Critchlow, Fileto,
Han, Pu, Rocco & Xiong, 2002).
Applying semantics allows capturing the meaning
of data one single time. Without semantics, each data
element will have to be interpreted several times from
its design and implementation until its use, facilitating
error raise. Finally, semantics allows turning a great set
of data sources into an integrated, coherent and unique
body of information. The architecture of the information
itself contains a record to keep the meaning and locate
each data asset, enabling the automation of overlapping
and redundancy analysis.
One of the most important contributions of ontology to the unification of biological data schemas is the
MGED (Microarray Gene Expression Data) ontology
(Whetzel, Parkinson, Causton, Fan, Fostel, Fragoso,
Game, Heiskanen, Morrison, & Rocca-Serra, 2006)
that was prompted by the heterogeneity among MIAME and MAGE formats. MGED is a conceptual
model for micro-array experiments that establishes
concepts, definitions, terms and resources for standardized description of a micro-array experiment in support
of MAGE. MGED has been accepted as a unifying
terminology by the micro-array research community,
which makes it a perfect candidate for becoming a
universal understanding model.


SAMIDI is both a methodology to allow the conversion of a set of micro-array data sources into a unified
representation of the information they include, and a
software architecture. A general overview of SAMIDI
is depicted in Figure 1.

The Unifying Information Model (UIM)

It brings together all the physical data schemas related
to the data sources to be integrated. It doesnt replicate any of the data models, but is built to represent
an agreed-upon scientific view and vocabulary which
will be the foundation to understand the data. The
UIM might capture the major concepts present in each
schema for, after applying a semantic mapping, relate
the physical schemas of the various data sources to
the Model itself. Thus, the semantic mapping encapsulates the meaning of the data, taking into account
the agreed-upon terminology. The UIM also provides
the basis for the creation of new data assets, assuring
they are consistent with the underlying schemas, and
serves as a reliable reference for understanding the
interrelationship between seemingly unrelated sources
and for automatically planning the translation of data
elements between them.

Figure 1. SAMIDI




Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

The effective application of the SIMM requires a

support information system. Key components of the
supporting system should include:

The Semantic Information Management

Methodology (SIMM)
Its aim is to fill the existent gap between the fragmented information scenario represented by the set
of micro-array data sources to be integrated and the
required semantic data integration. The methodology
is arranged in such a way that each of the phases generates a substantial added value itself, while concurrently
progressing towards the full semantic integration.
Next, the different stages of the methodology (Figure
2) are detailed:




Capture Requirements: The project scope is established by surveying the relevant data sources
to be integrated and determining the information
requirements of the aimed information model.
Collect Metadata: Data assets are classified and
catalogued while the relevant (according to the
organizations use of data) metadata are collected.
Build UIM: The structure of the UIM is determined
by representing the desired business world-view,
a comprehensive and consistent vocabulary and
a set of business rules.
Rationalize data semantics: The meaning of the
represented data is mapped into the UIM.
Deploy: The UIM, the metadata and the semantics
are shared among the intended stakeholders and
customized to fulfill their needs.
Exploit: Business processes are created, ensuring that the architecture has achieved the data
management, data integration and data quality

A repository for storing the collected metadata

on data assets, schemas and models.
A set of semantic tools for integrated ontology
modeling for the creation of the UIM and the
semantic mapping of the data schemas to the
The standard business terminology stemmed from
the UIM should be used across the supporting
Data management capabilities of the system
should include authoring and editing the information model; discovering data assets for any
particular business concept; creating qualitative
and quantitative reports about data assets; testing
and simulating the performance of the UIM and
impact analyzing in support of change.
The system should fully support data integration
by automatically generating code for queries and
translation scripts between mapped schemas
harnessing the common understanding acquired
from the data semantics.
Data quality should be approached by supporting the identification and decommissioning of
redundant data assets, comparison mechanisms
for ensuring consistency among semantically dissimilar data, and validation/cleansing of individual
sources against the central repository of rules.
The system should allow bi-directional communication with other systems for exchanging
metadata and models by means of adaptors and

Figure 2. SIMM









Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

standards such as XML Metadata Interchange

standard. Similarly, the system should be able to
collect metadata and other data assets from relational databases or other kind of repositories.
Capability of active data integration. The system
should have a Run-Time interface for the automatic generation and exporting of queries, translation scripts, schemas and cleansing scripts.
The user interface should provide a rich thickclient for power users in the data management
The system should include a transversal platform
supporting shared functionalities such as version
control, collaboration tools, access control and
configuration for all metadata and active content
in the system.

The SAMIDI Software Architecture

A detailed description of the components comprised
in the SAMIDI software architecture (see Figure 3) is
presented now:

SearchBot: Software agent whose mission is to

perform a methodical, systematic and automatic
browsing of the integrated information sources.
Semantic Engine: Integrated set of tools for the
semantic mapping of the data schemas to the

Figure 3. SAMIDI architecture


UIM using the MGED ontology. It will provide

a semi-automatic mechanism for the mapping of
schemas and concepts or categories in the UIM
so as to lessen the workload of a process that will
require human intervention. Fully automatic mapping has been discarded since it is regarded as not
recommendable due to semantic incompatibilities
and ambiguities among the different schemas
and data formats. The objective of the Semantic
Engine is to bridge the gap between cost-efficient
machine-learning mapping techniques and pure
human interaction.
YARS: The YARS (Yet Another RDF Store)
(Harth & Decker, 2005) system is a semantic data
store that allows semantic querying and offers a
higher abstraction layer to enable fast storage and
retrieval of large amounts of metadata descriptions
while keeping a small footprint and a lightweight
architecture approach.
GUI: Enables user-system interaction. It collects
requests following certain search criteria, transfers
the appropriate commands to and displays the
results provided as a response from the RunTime
Query Factory: Build queries into YARS storage
systems using a query language. The semantics
of the query are defined by an interpretation of
the most suitable results of the query instead of

Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

strictly rendering a formal syntax. YARS stores

RDF triples, and the query factory, fro pragmatic
reasons, implements SPARQL Query Language
for RDF (Prudhommeaux & Seaborne, 2004).
RunTime Manager: This component coordinates
the interactions among the rest of components.
First of all, it communicates with the Semantic
Engine to verify that the information collected
by the SearchBot is adequately mapped on the
MGED ontology as a UIM and stored into YARS
using RDF syntax. Secondly, if accepts the users
search requests through the GUI and hands them
over the Query Factory, which, in turn queries
YARS to retrieve all the metadata descriptions
related to the particular search criteria. By retrieving a huge amount of metadata information from
all the integrated data sources, the user benefits
from a knowledge aware search response which
is mapped to the underlying terminology and unified criteria of the UIM, with the added advantage
that all resources can be tracked and identified

We believe that the SW and SW Services (SWS)
paradigm promise a new level of data and process
integration that can be leveraged to develop novel highperformance data and process management systems for
biological applications.
Using semantic technologies as a key technology for
interoperation of various datasets enables data integration of the vast amount of biological and biomedical
data. In a nutshell, the use of knowledge-oriented
biomedical data integration would lead to achieving
Intelligent Biomedical Data Integration, which will
bring biomedical research to its full potential.
A future trend of SAMIDI effort is to integrate it
in a SWS scenario in order to achieve seamless integration, also from the service or process integration
perspective. This would enable the access to a number
of heterogeneous data resources which are accessed via
a Web Service interface and it would open the scope
and goals of SAMIDI to a broader base. Promising
integrating efforts in that direction have already been
undertaken by the Biomedical Information and Integration Discovery with SWS (BIRD) platform (Gmez,
Rico, Garca-Snchez, Liu & Terra, 2007), which

fosters the intelligent interaction between natural language user intentions and the existing SWS execution
environments. BIRD is a platform designed to interact
with humans as a gateway or a man-in-the-middle
towards SWS execution environments. The main goal
of the system is to help users express their needs in
terms of information retrieval and achieve information
integration by means of SWS. BIRD allows users to
state their needs via natural language or using a list
of terms extracted from the Gene Ontology, infer the
goals derived from the users wishes and send them to
the suitable SWS execution environment, which will
retrieve the outcome resulting of the integration of the
applications being accessed (e.g. all the biomedical
publications and medical databases).

SAMIDI, represents a tailor-made contribution aimed
to tackling the poser of discovering, searching and integrating multiple micro-array data sources harnessing the
distinctive features of semantic technologies. The main
contribution of SAMIDI is that it makes a decomposition
of the unmanageable problem of integrating different
and independent micro-array data sources.
SAMIDI is the first step to foster and extend the
idea of using semantic technologies for the integration of different data sources not only originated from
micro-array research but stemming from biomedical
research areas.

Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. & Lassila, O. (2001). The
Semantic Web. Scientific American Magazine. 284
(5), 34-43.
Buttler, D., Coleman, M., Critchlow, T., Fileto, R.,
Han, W., Pu, C., Rocco, D. & Xiong, L. (2002). Querying multiple bioinformatics information sources: can
semantic web research help? ACM SIGMOD Record.
31 (4), 59-64.
Chen, Y.P.P.,Promparmote, S. & Maire, F. (2006).
MDSM: Microarray database schema matching using
the Hungarian method. Information Sciences. 176 (19),


Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

Cohen, J. (2005). Computer Science and Bioinformatics. Communitacions of the ACM. 48 (3), 74-78.
Della Valle, E., Cerizza, D., Bicer, V., Kabak, Y., Laleci,
G.B. & Lausen, H. (2005). The Need for Semantic Web
Service in the eHealth. W3C workshop on Frameworks
for Semantics in Web Services.
Denn, S.O. & MacMullen, W.J. (2002). The ambiguous
bioinformatics domain: conceptual map of information
science applications for molecular biology. Proceedings
of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Society
for Information Science & Technology. Philadelphia.
Gmez, J.M., Rico, M., Garca-Snchez, F., Liu, Y.,
Terra, M. (2007). Biomedical Information Integration
and Discovery with Semantic Web Services. Proceedings of the 2nd International Work Conference on the
Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation.
Goodman, N. (2002). Biological data becomes computer literate: new advances in bioinformatics. Current
Opinion in Biotechnology. 13 (1), 68-71.
Fensel, D. (2002). Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for
Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce.
Harth, A. & Decker, S. (2005). Optimized Index Structures for Querying RDF from the Web. Proceedings of
the 3rd Latin American Web Congress.
Ignacimuthu, S. (2005). Basic Bioinformatics. Alpha
Science International.
Murphy, D. (2002). Gene expression studies using
microarrays: principles, problems, and prospects. Advances in Physiology Education. 26 (4), 256-270.
Prudhommeaux, E. & Seaborne, A. (2004). SPARQL
Query Language for RDF. WWW Consortium.
Segall, R.S. & Zhang, Q. (2006). Data visualization
and data mining of continuous numerical and discrete
nominal-valued microarray databases for bioinformatics. Kibernetes. 35 (10), 1538-1566.
Sinnott, R.O. (2007). From access and integration to
mining of secure genomic data sets across the Grid. Future Generation Computer Systems. 23 (3), 447-456.


Verschelde, J.L., Dos Santos, M.C., Deray, T., Smith,

B. & Ceusters, W. (2004). Ontology-assisted database
integration to support natural language processing
and biomedical data-mining. Journal of Integrative
Bioinformatics. 1 (1).
Vyas, H. & Summers, R. (2005). Interoperability of
bioinformatics resources. VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems. 35 (3),
Whetzel, P.L., Parkinson, H., Causton, H.C., Fan,
L., Fostel, J., Fragoso, G., Game, L., Heiskanen, M.,
Morrison, N. & Rocca-Serra, P. (2006). The MGED
Ontology: a resource for semantics-based description of
microarray experiments. Bioinformatics. 22 (7), 866.
Xu, L., Maresh, G. A., Giardina, J. & Pincus, S. (2004).
Comparison of different microarray data analysis
programs and description of a database for microarray data management. DNA & Cell Biology. 23 (10),

Bioinformatics: Application of information science
and technologies for the management of biological data
and the use of computers to store, compare, retrieve,
analyze or predict the composition of the structure of
DNA Micro-Array: Collection of microscopic
DNA spots attached to a solid surface forming an
array for the purpose of expression profiling, which
monitors expression levels for thousands of genes
MAGE: Standard micro-array data model and
exchange format that is able to capture information
specified by MIAME.
MGED: Ontology for micro-array experiments that
establishes concepts, definitions, terms and resources
for standardized description of a micro-array experiment in support of MAGE.
MIAME: XML based standard for the description
of micro-array experiments, which stands for Minimum
Information About a Micro-array Experiment.

Microarray Information and Data Integration Using SAMIDI

Ontology: The specification of a conceptualization

of a knowledge domain. Its a controlled vocabulary
that describes objects and the relations among them in
a formal way, and has a grammar for using the vocabulary terms to express something meaningful within a
specified domain of interest.
Semantic Information Model Methodology: Set
of activities, together with their inputs and outputs,
aimed at the transformation of a collection of micro-

array data sources into a semantically integrated and

unified representation of the information stored in the
data sources.
Unifying Information Model (UIM): Construction
that brings together all the physical data schemas related
to the data sources to be integrated. Its built to represent
an agreed-upon scientific view and vocabulary which
will be the foundation to understand the data.



Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and

Localization Part I
Lee Gim Hee
DSO National Laboratories, Singapore
Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
National University of Singapore, Singapore



The development of autonomous mobile robots is

continuously gaining importance particularly in the
military for surveillance as well as in industry for inspection and material handling tasks. Another emerging
market with enormous potential is mobile robots for
A fundamental requirement for autonomous mobile
robots in most of its applications is the ability to navigate from a point of origin to a given goal. The mobile
robot must be able to generate a collision-free path that
connects the point of origin and the given goal. Some
of the key algorithms for mobile robot navigation will
be discussed in this article.

Global path planning algorithms refer to a group of

navigation algorithms that plans an optimal path from a
point of origin to a given goal in a known environment.
This group of algorithms requires the environment to
be free from dynamic and unforeseen obstacles. In this
section, two key global path planning algorithms: navigation functions and roadmaps will be discussed.

Many algorithms were developed over the years for
the autonomous navigation of mobile robots. These
algorithms are generally classified into three different categories: global path planners, local navigation
methods and hybrid methods, depending on the type of
environment that the mobile robot operates within and
the robots knowledge of the environment.
In this article, some of the key algorithms for navigation of a mobile robot are reviewed. Advantages and
disadvantages of these algorithms shall be discussed.
The algorithms that are reviewed include the navigation
function, roadmaps, vector field histogram, artificial
potential field, hybrid navigation and the integrated
algorithm. Note that all the navigation algorithms that
are discussed in this article assume that the robot is
operating in a planar environment.

Navigation Functions
The most widely used global path planning algorithm
is perhaps the navigation function computed from the
wave-front expansion (J.-C Latombe, 1991; Howie
Choset et al, 2005) algorithm due to its practicality, ease
in implementation and robustness. The navigation function N is the Manhattan distance to the goal from the
free space in the environment. The algorithm requires
information of the environment provided to the robot
to be represented as an array of grid cells.

Figure 1. The shaded cells are the 1-Neighbor of the

cell (x, y) and the number shows the priority of the
neighboring cells

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Figure 2. Path generated by the navigation function

The navigation function assigns a numeric value N

to each cell with the goal cell having the lowest value,
and the other unoccupied cells having progressively
higher values such that a steepest descent from any
cell provides the path to the goal. The value of the
unoccupied cell increases with the distance from the
goal. Each grid cell is either free or occupied space
denoted by gCfree and gCoccupied. First, the value of N is
set to 0 at the goal cell gCgoal. Next, the value of N
is set to 1 for every 1-Neighbor (see Figure 1 for the
definition of 1-Neighbors) of gCgoal which is in gCfree. It
is assumed that the distance between two 1-Neighbors
is normalized to 1. In general, the value of each gCfree
cell is set to N+1 (e.g., 2) for every unprocessed gCfree
1-Neighbor of the grid cell with value N (e.g., 1). This
is repeated until all the grid cells are processed.
Finally, a path to the goal is generated by following
the steepest descent of the N values. To prevent the path
from grazing the obstacles, the grid cells which are less
than a safety distance from the obstacles are omitted
in the computation of the navigation function. Figure
2 shows a path generated by the navigation function.
The black cells are the obstacles and the grey cells are
the unsafe regions.

vironment (J.-C Latombe, 1991; Danner et al, 2000;

Foskey et al, 2001; Isto P., 2002; T. Simon et al, 2004;
Xiaobing Zou et al, 2004; Howie Choset et al, 2005;
Bhattacharya et al, 2007). Once a roadmap has been
constructed, it is used as a set of standardized paths.
Path planning is thus reduced to connecting the initial
and goal positions to points in the roadmap. Various
methods based on this general idea have been proposed.
They include the visibility graph (Danner et al, 2000;
Isto P., 2002; T. Simon et al, 2004), Voronoi diagram
(Foskey et al, 2001; Xiaobing Zou et al, 2004; Bhattacharya et al, 2007), freeway net and silhouette (J.-C
Latombe, 1991; Howie Choset et al, 2005).
The visibility graph is the simplest form of roadmap. This algorithm assumes that the environment is
made up of only polygonal obstacles. The nodes of a
visibility graph include the point of origin, goal and all
the vertices of the obstacles in the environment. The
graph edges are straight line segments that connect
any two nodes within the line-of-sight of each other.
Finally, the shortest path from the start to goal can be
obtained from the visibility graph.


The advantage of the navigation functions, roadmaps

and other global path planning algorithms is that a
continuous collision-free path can always be found by
analyzing the connectivity of the free space. However,

A roadmap is a network of one-dimensional curves

that captures the connectivity of free space in the en-

Advantages and Disadvantages


Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

these algorithms require the environment to be known

and static. Any changes in the environment could
invalidate the generated path. Hence, the navigation
functions and other global path planning algorithms
are usually not suitable for navigation in an initially
unknown environment and those with dynamic and
unforeseen obstacles.

U g (q ) =

In contrast to the global path planners, local navigation

methods do not require a known map of the environment to be provided to the robot. Instead, local navigation methods rely on current and local information
from sensors to give a mobile robot online navigation
capability. In this section, two of the key algorithms
for local navigation: artificial potential field and vector
field histogram will be evaluated.

Artificial Potential Field

The artificial potential field (O.Khatib, 1986) method,
first introduced by Khatib, is perhaps the best known
algorithm for local navigation of mobile robots due to
its simplicity and effectiveness. The robot is represented
as a particle in the configuration space q moving under
the influence of an artificial potential produced by the
goal configuration qgoal and the scalar distance to the
obstacles. Typically the goal generates an attractive
potential such as

Figure 3. Robots motion influenced by potential field


K g q qg

)T(q q g)


which pulls the robot towards the goal, and each obstacle
i produces repulsive potential such as

U i ,o


1 1

= 2 Ko d d

if d i < d 0


which pushes the robot away from the obstacle. In cases

where there is more than one obstacle, the total repulsive
force is computed by the sum of all the repulsive forces
produced by the obstacles. Kg and Ko are the respective
gains of the attractive and repulsive potential. di is the
scalar distance between the robot and obstacle i. The
repulsive potential will only have effect on the robot
when its moves to a distance which is lesser than d0.
This implies that d0 is the minimum safe distance from
the obstacle that the robot tries to maintain.
The negated gradient of the potential field gives the
artificial force acting on the robot.
F (q ) = U (q )


Figure 3 shows the attractive force

( )

F (q ) = K q q


Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

that is generated from the goal and the repulsive


K o
Fi ,o (q ) =
di do


if d i < d o


that is generated from an obstacle i. FR is the resultant

of all the repulsive forces and attractive force. Note that
n denotes the total number of obstacles which is lesser
than a distance do from the robot. At every position,
the direction of this force is considered as the most
promising direction of motion for the robot.
FR (q ) = Fg (q )+

Fi , o (q )

i =1


Vector Field Histogram

The vector field histogram method (Y.Koren et al, 1991;
J.Borenstien, 1991; Zhang Huiliang et al, 2003) requires
the environment to be represented as a tessellation of
grid cells. Each grid cell holds a numerical value that
ranges from 0 15. This value represents whether the
environment represented by the grid cell is occupied
or not. 0 indicates absolute certainty that the cell is not
occupied and 15 indicates absolute certainty that the
cell is occupied. A two stage data reduction process is
carried out recursively to compute the desired motion
of the robot at every instance of time.
In the first stage, the values of every grid cells that
are in the vicinity of the robots momentary location
are reduced to a one-dimensional polar histogram.
Each bin from the polar histogram corresponds to a
direction as seen from the current location of the robot
and it contains a value that represents the total sum of
the grid cell values along that direction. The values
from the polar histogram are also known as the polar
obstacle density and they represent the presence of
obstacles in the respective directions.
In the second stage, the robot selects the bin with a
low polar obstacle density and direction closest to the
goal. The robot moves in the direction represented by the
chosen bin because this direction is free from obstacles
and it will bring the robot closer to the goal.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantage of the artificial potential field, vector
field histogram and other local navigation methods is
that they do not include an initial processing step aimed
at capturing the connectivity of the free space in a
concise representation. Hence a prior knowledge of the
environment is not needed. At any instant in time, the
path is determined based on the immediate surrounding
of the robot. This allows the robot to be able to avoid
any dynamic obstacles in the robots vicinity.
The major drawback of the local navigation methods
is that they are basically steepest descent optimization
methods. This renders the mobile robot to be susceptible
to local minima (Y.Koren et al, 1991; J.-O. Kim et al,
1992; Liu Chengqing et al, 2000; Liu Chengqing, 2002;
Min Gyu Park et al, 2004). A local minimum in the
potential field method occurs when the attractive and
the repulsive forces cancel out each other. The robot
will be immobilized when it falls into a local minimum,
and loses the capability to reach its goal. Many methods
have been proposed to solve the local minima problem
(J.-O. Kim et al, 1992; Liu Chengqing et al, 2000;
Liu Chengqing, 2002; Min Gyu Park et al, 2004). For
example, Liu Chengqing (Liu Chengqing et al, 2000;
Liu Chengqing, 2002) has proposed the virtual obstacle
method where the robot detects the local minima and
fills the area with artificial obstacles. Consequently, the
method closes all concave obstacles and thus avoiding
local minima failures. Another method was proposed by
Jin-Oh Kim (J.-O. Kim et al, 1992) to solve the local
minima problem. This method uses local minima free
harmonic functions based on fluid dynamics to build
the artificial potentials for obstacle avoidances.

Another group of algorithms suggest a combination of
the local navigation and global path planning methods.
These algorithms aim to combine the advantages from
both the local and global methods, and to also eliminate
some of their weaknesses. In this section, two key
hybrid methods algorithms: hybrid navigation and
integrated algorithm will be reviewed.


Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Figure 4. Illustration of the hybrid navigation algorithm

Hybrid Navigation
Figure 4 shows an illustration of the hybrid navigation
algorithm (Lim Chee Wang, 2002; Lim Chee Wang et
al, 2002). This algorithm combines the navigation function with the potential field method. It aims to eliminate
local minima failures and at the same time does online
collision avoidance with dynamic obstacles.
The robot first computes the path joining its current
position to the goal using the navigation function. The
robot then places a circle with an empirical radius centered at its current position. The cell that corresponds
to the intersection of the circle with the navigation
function path is known as the attraction point. The
attraction point is the cell with the lowest N value if
there is more than one intersection.
The robot advances towards the attraction point using
the potential field method and the circle moves along
with the robot which will cause the attraction point to
change. As a result, the robot is always chasing after a
dynamic attraction point which will progress towards
the goal along the local minima free navigation function
path. The radius of the circle is made larger to intersect
the navigation function path in cases where no intersections are found. The radius of the circle is reduced
to smaller than the distance between the robot and its

goal when the distance between the robot and its goal
becomes smaller than the radius of the circle. This is
to make sure that the N value of the next intersection
will be smaller than the current N value.

Integrated Algorithm
In recent years, the integrated algorithm (Lee Gim Hee,
2005; Lee Gim Hee et al, 2007) has been proposed to
give a mobile robot the ability to plan local minima free
paths and does online collision avoidance to dynamic
obstacles in an unknown environment. The algorithm
modifies the frontier-based exploration method (Brian
Yamauchi, 1997), which was originally used for map
building, into a path planning algorithm in an unknown
environment. The modified frontier-based exploration
method is then combined with the hybrid navigation
algorithm into a single framework.
Figure 5 shows an overview of the integrated algorithm. The robot first builds a local map (see Part II of this
article for details on map building) of its surrounding.
It then decides whether the goal is reachable based on
the acquired local map. The goal is reachable if it is in
free space, and is not reachable if it is in the unknown
space. Note that an unknown region is a part of the map
which has not been explored during the map building

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Figure 5. The integrated algorithm

process. The robot will advance towards the goal using

the hybrid navigation algorithm if it is reachable or
advance towards the sub-goal and build another local
map at the sub-goal if the goal is not reachable. This
map will be added to the previous local maps to form
a larger map of the environment. The process goes on
until the robot finds the goal within a free space.
The sub-goal is computed in three steps. First, compute the path that joins the robots current position and
the goal using the navigation function. The unknown
cells are taken to be free space in the computation of
the navigation function. Second, all the frontiers in the
map are computed. The boundary of free space and
unknown region is known as the frontier. A frontier
is made up of a group of adjacent frontier cells. The
frontier cell is defined as any gCfree cell on the map with
at least two unknown cells gCunknown as its immediate
neighbor. The total number of frontier cells that make
up a frontier must be larger than the size of the robot
to make that frontier valid. Third, the frontier that intersects the navigation function path will be selected
and its centroid chosen as the sub-goal.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The hybrid navigation algorithm has the advantage
of eliminating local minima failures and at the same
time doing online collision avoidance with dynamic
obstacles. However, it requires the environment to be
fully known for the search of a navigation function path
to the goal. The algorithm will fail in a fully unknown
environment. It also does not possess any capability to
re-plan the navigation function path during an operation. Therefore any major changes to the environment
could cause failure in the algorithm.
The integrated algorithm has the advantages of
planning local minima free paths, does online collision
avoidance to dynamic obstacles in totally unknown
environments. In addition, the algorithm gives the
mobile robot a higher level of autonomy since it does
not depend on humans to provide a map of the environment. However, the advantages come with the trade
off of tedious implementations. This is because the
integrated algorithm requires both the hybrid navigation algorithm and a good mapping algorithm to be
implemented at the same time.

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Mobile robot navigation involves more than planning
a path from a point of origin to a given goal. A mobile
robot must be able to follow the planned path closely
and avoid any dynamic or unforeseen obstacles during
its journey to the goal. Some of the key algorithms
that give a mobile robot navigation capability were
discussed in this article. These algorithms include the
navigation function, roadmaps, artificial potential
field, vector field histogram, hybrid navigation and the
integrated algorithm.

The assumption that on-board sensors have perfect
sensing capability is generally made by researchers
researching on mobile robot navigation. In reality,
these sensors are corrupted with noise and this usually causes adverse effects on the performance of the
navigation algorithms. The greatest challenge for a
robust implementation of the navigation algorithms
is therefore to minimize the adverse effects caused by
the sensor uncertainty.

Bhattacharya, Priyadarshi, Gavrilova, & Marina L.
(2007). Voronoi diagram in optimal path planning.
4th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in
Science and Engineering. pp. 38 - 47.
Brian Yamauchi. (1997). A frontier-based approach
for autonomous exploration. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Symposium on the Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation. pp. 146-151.
Danner, T. Kavraki, & L.E. (2000). Randomized
planning for short inspection paths. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. pp.
Foskey, M. Garber, M. Lin, & M.C. Manocha, D. (2001).
A Voronoi-based hybrid motion planner. Proceedings
of International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems. pp. 55-60.


Howie Choset, Kevin M. Lynch, Seth Hutchinson,

George Kantor, Wolfram Bugrad, Lydia E. Kavraki,
& Sebastian Thrun. (2005). Principles of robot motion: Theory, algorithms, and implementations. MIT
Isto P. (2002). Constructing probabilistic roadmaps
with powerful local planning and path optimization.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and System. Vol. 3, pp. 2323 - 2328.
J.Borenstien, & Y.Koren. (1991). The vector field histogram Fast obstacle avoidance for mobile robots.
IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation. Vol 7, No
3, pp. 278-288.
J.-C Latombe. (1991). Robot motion planning. Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
J.-O. Kim, & P. K. Khosla. (1992). Real-time obstacle
avoidance using harmonic potential functions. Proceedings of IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation.
Vol.8, pp. 338349.
Lee Gim Hee, Navigation of a mobile robot in an
unknown environment , Thesis for Bachelor of Engineering, National University of Singapore 2005.
Lee Gim Hee, Lim Chee Wang, & Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
(2007). An integrated algorithm for autonomous navigation of a mobile robot in an unknown environment.
Third Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control Environment and
Management (HNICEM) International Conference.
Lim Chee Wang. (2002). Motion planning for mobile
robots. Thesis for Master of Engineering, National
University of Singapore.
Lim Chee Wang, Lim Ser Yong, & Marcelo H. Ang
Jr. (2002). Hybrid of global path planning and local
navigation implemented on a mobile robot in indoor
environment. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Symposium on Intelligent Control. pp. 821-826.
Liu Chengqing. (2002). Sensor based local path planning for mobile robots. Masters Thesis, National
University of Singapore.
Liu Chengqing, Marcelo H. Ang Jr, H. Krishnan, &
Lim Ser Yong (2000). Virtual obstacle concept for local
minima recovery in potential field based navigation.

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and

Automation. Vol. 2, pp. 983-988.
Min Gyu Park , & Min Cheol Lee. (2004). Real-time
path planning in unknown environment and a virtual
hill concept to escape local minima. 30th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Vol. 3,
pp. 2223 - 2228.
O.Khatib. (1986). Real-time obstacle avoidance for
manipulators and mobile robots. International Journal
of Robotic Research. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.90-98.
T. Simon, J.-P. Laumond, & C. Nissoux. (2004). Visibility-based probabilistic roadmaps for motion planning. Journal of Advanced Robotics, Brill Academic
Publishers. pp. 477-493.
Xiaobing Zou, & Zixing Cai. (2004). Incremental
environment modeling method based on approximate
Voronoi diagram. Fifth World Congress on Intelligent
Control and Automation. Vol.5, pp. 4618 - 4622.
Y.Koren, & J.Borenstien. (1991) Potential field methods
and their inherent limitations for mobile robot navigation. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Robotics
and Automation. pp.1398-1404.
Zhang Huiliang, & Huang Shell Ying. (2003). Dynamic map for obstacle avoidance. Proceedings of
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol.2, pp.
1152 - 1157.

Global Path Planner: A group of navigation algorithms for planning an optimal path that connects a point
of origin to a given goal in a known environment.
Graph Edge: Graph edge is usually drawn as a
straight line in a graph to connect the nodes. It is used
to represent connectivity between two or more nodes
and may carry additional information such as the Euclidean distance between the nodes.
Graph Node: Graph Node is also known as graph
vertex. It is a point on which the graph is defined and
maybe connected by graph edges.
Hybrid Methods: A group of navigation methods that combine the global path planning and local
navigation algorithms. The objective is to combine the
advantages eliminate the inherent weaknesses of both
groups of algorithms.
Local Minima: It is also known as relative minima.
Local minimum refers to a minimum within some
neighborhood and it may not be a global minimum.
Local Navigation Methods: A group of navigation algorithms that do not require a known map of
the environment to be provided to the robot. Instead,
local navigation methods rely on current and local information from sensors to give a mobile robot online
navigation capability.
Manhattan Distance: The distance between two
points measured along axes at right angles. For example,
given two points p1 and p2 in a two-dimensional plane at
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) respectively, the Manhattan distance
between p1 and p2 is given by |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|.



Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and

Localization Part II
Lee Gim Hee
DSO National Laboratories, Singapore
Marcelo H. Ang Jr.
National University of Singapore, Singapore

In addition to the capability to navigate from a point
of origin to a given goal and avoiding all static and
dynamic obstacles, a mobile robot must posses another
two competencies: map building and localization in
order to be useful.
A mobile robot acquires information of its environment via the process of map building. Map building for
mobile robots are commonly divided into occupancy
grid and topological maps. Occupancy-grid maps seek
to represent the geometric properties of the environment. Occupancy-grid mapping was first suggested by
Elfes in 1987 and the idea was published in his Ph.D.
thesis (A. Elfes, 1989) in 1989. Topological mapping
was first introduced in 1985 as an alternative to the occupancy-grid mapping by R. Chatila and J.-P. Laumond
(R. Chatila, & J.-P. Laumond, 1985). Topological maps
describe the connectivity of different locations in the
The pose of a mobile robot must be known at all
times for it to navigation and build a map accurately.
This is the problem of localization and it was first described in the late 1980s by R. Smith et al (R. Smith et
al, 1980). Some key algorithms for map building and
localization will be discussed in this article.

Map building is the process of acquiring information of
the environment via sensory data and representing the
acquired information in a format that is comprehensible
to the robot. The acquired map of the environment
can be used by the robot to improve its performance
in navigation.
Localization is the process of finding the pose of
the robot in the environment. It is perhaps the most

important competency that a mobile robot must possess. This is because the robot must know its pose in
the environment before it can plan its path to the goal
or follow a planned path towards the goal.
In this article, two key algorithms for map building:
occupancy-grid and topological mapping are discussed.
The occupancy grid and topological maps are two
different methodologies to represent the environment
in a robots memory. Two key localization methods:
Localization with Kalman filter and particle filter are
also reviewed.

As seen from the integrated algorithm from part I of
the article, a mobile robot must be able to acquire maps
of an unknown environment to achieve higher level of
autonomy. Map building is the process where sensory
information of the surrounding is made comprehensive
to a mobile robot. In this section, two key approaches
for map building: occupancy-grid and topological
mapping are discussed.

Occupancy-Grid Maps
Occupancy-grid maps (H.P. Moravec, 1988; H.P.
Moravec et al, 1989; A. Elfes, 1987, A. Elfes, 1989;
S. Thrun et al, 2005) represent the environment as a
tessellation of grid cells. Each of the grid cells corresponds to an area in the physical environment and holds
an occupancy value which indicates the probability of
whether the cell is occupied or free. The occupancy
value of the ith grid cell at current time t will be denoted
by pt,i. Note that pt,i must be within the range of 0 to 1
following the axioms of probability. pt,i = [0,0.5) indicates the confidence level of a cell being empty where
0 indicates absolute certainty that the cell is empty. pt,i

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping ,and Localization

= (0.5,1] indicates the confidence level of a cell being

occupied where 1 indicates absolute certainty that the
cell is occupied. pt,i = 0.5 indicates that the cell is an
unexplored area.
A robot does not have any knowledge of the world
when it was first placed in an unknown environment.
It is therefore intuitive to set pt,i = 0.5 for all i at time t
= 0. The map is updated via the log odds (S. Thrun et
al, 2005) representation of occupancy. The advantage
of log odds representation is that it can avoid numerical instabilities for probability near 0 or 1. The ith grid
cell that intercepts the sensor line of sight is updated
according to
lt ,i = lt 1,i + l sensor


where lt-1,i is the log odds computed from the occupancy

value of the cell at t-1.
lt 1,i = log

pt 1,i
1 pt 1,i


lsensor = locc if the cell corresponds to the sensor measurement and lsensor = lfree if the range to the cell is shorter

than the sensor measurement. The other cells in the

map remain unchanged.
Figure 1(a) illustrates the update process for the
map. The cell that corresponds to the sensor measurement is shaded black and all the cells that intercept the
sensor measurement beam are shaded white. Figure
1(b) shows a case where the sensor measurement
equals to maximum sensor range and lsensor = lfree for all
cells that intercepts the sensor beam. This is because
it is assumed that no obstacle is detected if the sensor
measurement equals to maximum sensor range. locc and
lfree are computed from
l occ = log

p free
p occ
and l free = log
1 p occ
1 p free


where pocc and pfree denote the probabilities of the sensor

measurement correctly deducing whether a grid cell
is occupied or empty. The two probabilities must add
up to 1 and their values depend on the accuracy of the
sensor. pocc and pfree will have values closer to 1 and 0
for an accurate sensor. The values of pocc and pfree have
to be determined experimentally and remain constant
in the map building process.

Figure 1. Updating an occupancy grid map (a) when an obstacle is detected (b) when a maximum range measurement is detected, i.e. it is assumed that in this case no obstacle is detected



Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Figure 2. Occupancy grid map of the corridor along

block EA level 3 in the Faculty of Engineering of the
National University of Singapore (NUS)

The occupancy value of a grid cell is easily recovered from

p t ,i = 1

1 + exp{lt ,i }


Figure 2 shows an occupancy grid map of the corridor

along block EA level 3 in the Faculty of Engineering of
the National University of Singapore (NUS) acquired
with a laser range finder. The black regions denote
obstacles, white regions denote free space and grey
regions denote unexplored areas.

Topological Maps
Unlike the occupancy grid maps, topological maps (D.
Kortenkamp et al, 1994; H. Choset, 1996; H. Choset
et al, 1996) do not attempt to represent the geometric
information of the environment. Instead, topological
maps represent the environments as graphs. An example
of the topological map is shown in Figure 3. List of
significant features such as walls, corners, doors or
corridors are represented as nodes mi and connectivity

Figure 3. Example of a topological map. The features are represented as nodes mi. The connectivity and distance
between features are represented as edges ujk













Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping ,and Localization

between adjacent features is represented as edges ujk.

In many topological maps, distances between adjacent
features are also represented by the edges connecting
the nodes. The success of the topological maps depends greatly on the efficiency in features extraction.
Examples of feature extraction algorithms can be found
in (Martin David Adams, 1999; Sen Zhang et al, 2003;
Jodo Xavier et al, 2005).
Topological maps are better choice for mapping if
memory space is a major concern. This is because less
memory is required to store the nodes as compared to
the large number of grid cells in occupancy grid maps.
The advantage of less memory consumption for the
topological map however comes with the tradeoff of
being less accurate. This is because some important
information such as precise location of the free spaces
in the environment may not be represented in the maps.
The limited accuracy of topological maps thus restricts
the robots capability for fast and safe navigation.

Most mobile robots localize their pose xt with respect to
a given map based on odometry readings. Unfortunately,
wheel slippages and drifts cause incremental localization errors (J. Borenstein et al, 1995; J. Borenstein et
al, 1996). These errors cause the mobile robot to lose
track of its own pose and hence losing the ability to
navigate autonomously from one given point in the map
to another. The solution to the localization problem is
to make use of information of the environment from
additional sensors. Examples of sensors used are laser
range finder and sonar sensor that measure the distance
between the robot and the nearest obstacles in the
environment. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) and
particle filter are two localization algorithms that use
odometry and additional sensory data of the environment to localize a mobile robot. Both algorithms are
probabilistic methods that allow uncertainties from the
robot pose estimate and sensor readings to be accounted
for in a principled way.

Localization with Extended Kalman Filter

EKF (John J. Leonard et al, 1991; A.Kelly, 1994; G.
Welch et al, 1995; Martin David Adams, 1999; S. Thrun
et al, 2005) is perhaps the most established algorithm
for localization of mobile robots because of its robust-

ness and efficiency. The EKF is a recursive algorithm

for estimating the pose of the robot with noisy sensor
readings. A key feature of the EKF is that it maintains
a posterior belief bel(xt) of the pose estimate, which
follows a Gaussian distribution, represented by a mean
xt and covariance Pt. The mean xt represents the most
likely pose of the robot at time t and covariance Pt represents the error covariance of this estimate. The EKF
consists of two steps: the prediction and update steps.
In the prediction step, the predicted belief bel ( xt ) is
first computed using a motion model which describes
the state dynamics of the robot. bel ( xt ) is subsequently
transformed into bel(xt) by incorporating the sensor
measurements in the update step.
As mentioned above, the predictedbelief bel ( xt )which
is represented by the predicted mean xt and covariance
P t is computed from the prediction step given by
xt = f (xt -1 , u t )


P t = Ft Pt 1 Ft T + Qt


where f(.) is the motion model of the mobile robot, F

is the Jacobian of f(.) evaluated at xt1, Qt is the covariance of the motion model and ut is the control data of
the robot.
bel ( xt ) is subsequently transformed into bel(xt) by
incorporating the sensor measurement zt into the update
step of the EKF shown in Equations 7, 8 and 9.

= Pt H tT ( H t Pt H tT + Rt ) 1



( t (tzPt
Hht ( +
xt tH+t K
xt , m
t )))



( I K t H t ) Pt


Kt, computed in Equation 7, is called the Kalman gain.

It specifies the degree to which zt should be incorporated
into the new pose estimate. Equation 8 computes xt by
adjusting it in proportion to Kt and the deviation of the zt
with the predicted measurement h( xt , m) . It is important
to note that the sensor measurement z t = [ z t1 z t2 ...]T
refers to coordinates of a set of observed landmarks
instead of the raw sensor readings and the sensor measurement model h(.) gives the predicted measurement
from the given topological map m and xt . Ht is the
Jacobian of h(.) evaluated at xt1. Finally, the covariance

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

Pt of the posterior belief bel(xt) is computed in Equation

9 by adjusting for the information gain resulting from
the sensor measurements.

Localization with Particle Filter

In the recent years, there is an increasing interest in the
use of particle filter (S. Thrun et al, 2001; C. Kwok et
al, 2002; D. Fox et al, 2003; Ioannis M. Rekleitis, 2004;
S. Thrun et al, 2005) over EKF for robot localization.
This increased interest is likely due to four reasons.
First, raw sensor measurements of the environment
are used in particle filter localization where the EKF
localization requires feature extraction. Second, the
particle filter is more robust because unlike the EKF, it
does not assume Gaussian distribution for the posterior
belief bel(xt). Third, the particle filter is able to recover
from localization failure. Localization failure occurs
if the robot suddenly loses track of its pose during
the localization process. Localization failure is also
known as the kidnapped problem. Fourth, unlike the
EKF there is no need to derive complicated Jacobians
for the particle filter.
The intuition behind the particle filter is to represent
the posterior belief bel(xt) by a finite sample set of M
weighted particles. This sample set is drawn according
to bel(xt). The particles set is denoted by

X t = C t[1] , C t[ 2 ] ,..., C t[ M ]

C t[ m ] = [ xt[ m ]

wt[ m ] ]T

denotes the mth particle. Here, xt[m ] is a random variable that represents a hypothesized state and wt[m ] is a
non-negative value called the importance factor which
represents the weight of each particle. Similar to the
EKF, the particle filter consists of the prediction and
update steps. In the prediction step, samples of the
particles are drawn from a motion model of the robot
to represent the predicted belief bel ( xt ) . The particles
are then weighted according to the sensor measurements
in the update step. Finally, bel ( xt ) is transformed into
the posterior belief bel(xt) by resampling the particles
according to their weights.
Table 1 shows an iteration of the recursive particle
filter algorithm for localization. The inputs to the particle
filter are the set of particles representing the previous
state belief t1, the most recent control actions ut and
measurement data zt. Line 3 is the prediction step that
generates the hypothetical state xt[m ] by sampling from
the motion model p( xt | u t , xt[m1] ) of the robot. The set of
particles obtained after M iterations represents bel ( xt )
. Line 4 computes wt[m ] from the sensor measurement

Table 1. Pseudo algorithm for mobile robot localization with particle filter

1. X t = X t = ;
2. for m = 1 to M do
generate random sample of xt[m ] from p ( xt | u t , xt[m1] ) ;

wt[ m ] = p ( z t | xt[ m ] , m) ;

C t[ m ] = [ xt[ m ] wt[ m ] ]T ;
6. end;
7. for m = 1 to M do
draw C t[m ] from X t with probability proportional to wt[1] , wt[ 2 ] ,...., wt[ M ] ;
9. end;



Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping ,and Localization

model. The importance factor accounts for the mismatch

between bel ( xt ) and bel(xt). Finally, the resampling
process from line 7 to 9 draws with replacement M
particles from the temporary set X t with a probability
proportional to the importance factors. The distribution
of bel ( xt ) is transformed into bel(xt) by incorporating
the importance factors in the resampling process.

Figure 4(a) to (d) shows an implementation result of

a robot localizing itself in a corridor. The particle set is
initialized to the initial known pose of the robot show
in Figure 4(a). The particles are initialized uniformly
within a circle with radii 100mm and the initial position
of the robot is taken as the center. The orientation of
the particles is also initialized uniformly within 5o to

Figure 4. Implementation of the particle filter to solve the localization problem. Notice that the error from the
odometry grows as the robot travels a greater distance


Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

the initial orientation of the robot. This is to eliminate

possible errors in estimating the initial pose of the
robot. Figure 4(b) to 4(d) show that the error from the
odometry grows as the robot travels a greater distance.
The robot thinks that it is traveling in occupied space
if it relied solely on the odometry readings and this is
obviously wrong. It is apparent that the particle filter
gives a more reasonable pose estimate because the robot
is always moving within the free space.
It was mentioned earlier that the particle filter is
able to recover from localization failure. An example
of localization failure is when the robot is pushed by
human resulting in a mismatch between the true and
estimated pose of the robot. Fortunately, the problem
can be easily solved by observing the total weights of
the filter after each iteration. Localization failures will
cause sharp drops in the total weights of the particles.
The particles are re-initialized uniformly in the free
space after detecting a sharp drop in the total weights
of the particles. The particles will eventually converge
to the true pose of the robot.
The particle filter is a powerful algorithm in solving
the localization problem. However, it must be noted
that the number of particles used to represent beliefs
is an important parameter for efficiency of the particle
filter in recovering from localization failures. A large
size of particles is necessary to recover from localization failures in large environments and in many cases
the maximum number particles is restricted by the
available computing resources. This problem is also
known as the curse of dimensionality.

A mobile robot has to possess three competencies to
achieve full autonomy: navigation, map building and
localization. Over the years, many algorithms have
been proposed and implemented with notable success
to give mobile robots all the three competencies. Some
of the key algorithms such as the navigation function,
roadmaps, artificial potential field, vector field histogram, hybrid navigation and the integrated algorithm
for navigation; occupancy grid and topological based
mapping; as well as the Kalman filter and particle
filter for localization are reviewed in both Part I and
II of this article.


While the navigation, map building and localization
algorithms are implemented with notable success, the
scale and structure of the environments for these algorithms to work are limited. Hence, the future challenges
for mobile robot autonomy are in the implementations
of the algorithms in larger scale and more complex
environments such as the urban cities or jungles.

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Curse of Dimensionality: This term was first
used by Richard Bellman. It refers to the problem of
exponential increase in volume associated with adding
extra dimensions to a mathematical space.
Gaussian Distribution: It is also known as normal
distribution. It is a family of continuous probability distributions where each member of the family is described
by two parameters: mean and variance. This form of
distribution is used by the localization with extended
Kalman filter algorithm to describe the posterior belief
distribution of the robot pose.
Jacobians: The Jacobian is a first-order partial
derivatives of a function. Its importance lies in the
fact that it represents the best linear approximation to
a differentiable function near a given point.
Odometry: A method to do position estimation for
a wheeled vehicle during navigation by counting the
number of revolutions taken by the wheels that are in
contact with the ground.
Posterior Belief: It refers to the probability distribution of the robot pose estimate conditioned upon
information such as control and sensor measurement
data. The extended Kalman filter and particle filter
are two different methods for computing the posterior
Predicted Belief: It is also known as the prior belief.
It refers to the probability distribution of the robot pose
estimate interpreted from the known control data and
in the absence of the sensor measurement data.
Recursive Algorithm: It refers to a type of computer
function that is applied within its own definition. The

Mobile Robots Navigation, Mapping, and Localization

extended Kalman filter and particle filter are recursive

algorithms because the outputs from the filters at the


current time step are used as inputs in the next time



Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent

Nikolay V. Shilov
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia
Natalia Garanina
Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Informatics Systems, Russia



It becomes evident in recent years a surge of interest

to applications of modal logics for specification and
validation of complex systems. It holds in particular
for combined logics of knowledge, time and actions
for reasoning about multiagent systems (Dixon, Nalon
& Fisher, 2004; Fagin, Halpern, Moses & Vardi, 1995;
Halpern & Vardi, 1986; Halpern, van der Meyden &
Vardi, 2004; van der Hoek & Wooldridge, 2002; Lomuscio, & Penczek, W., 2003; van der Meyden & Shilov,
1999; Shilov, Garanina & Choe, 2006; Wooldridge,
2002). In the next paragraph we explain what are logics of knowledge, time and actions from a viewpoint
of mathematicians and philosophers. It provides us a
historic perspective and a scientific context for these
For mathematicians and philosophers logics of actions, time, and knowledge can be introduced in few
sentences. A logic of actions (ex., Elementary Propositional Dynamic Logic (Harel, Kozen & Tiuryn, 2000))
is a polymodal variant of a basic modal logic K (Bull
& Segerberg, 2001) to be interpreted over arbitrary
Kripke models. A logic of time (ex., Linear Temporal
Logic (Emerson, 1990)) is a modal logic with a number
of modalities that correspond to next time, always,
sometimes, and until to be interpreted in Kripke
models over partial orders (discrete linear orders for
LTL in particular). Finally, a logic of knowledge or
epistemic logic (ex., Propositional Logic of Knowledge
(Fagin, Halpern, Moses & Vardi, 1995; Rescher, 2005))
is a polymodal variant of another basic modal logic S5
(Bull & Segerberg, 2001) to be interpreted over Kripke
models where all binary relations are equivalences.

All modal logics are languages that are characterized

by syntax and semantics. Let us define below a very
simple modal logic in this way. This logic is called Elementary Propositional Dynamic Logic (EPDL).
Let true, false be Boolean constants, Prp and Rel
be disjoint sets of propositional and relational variable
respectively. The syntax of the classical propositional
logic consists of formulas which are constructed from
propositional variables and Boolean connectives
(negation), & (conjunction), (disjunction),
(implication), and (equivalence) in accordance
with the standard rules. EPDL has additional formula
constructors, modalities, which are associated with
relational variables: if r is a relational variable and j
is a formula of EPDL then

([r]j) is a formula which is read as box r-j or

after r always j;
(rj) is a formula which is read as diamond
r-j or after r sometimes j.

The semantics of EPDL is defined in models, which

are called labeled transition systems by computer
scientists and Kripke models1 by mathematicians
and philosophers. A model M is a pair (D , I) where
the domain (or the universe) D is a set, while the
interpretation I is a pair of mappings (P , R). Elements
of the domain D are called states by computer scientists
and worlds by mathematicians and philosophers. The
interpretation maps propositional variables to sets of
states P: Prp2D and relational variables to binary
relations on states R: Rel2DD. We write I(p) and

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Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems

I(r) instead of P(p) and R(r) whenever it is implicit

that p and r are propositional and relational variables
Every model M = (D , I) can be viewed as a directed
graph with nodes and edges labeled by propositional
and action variables respectively. Its nodes are states
of D. A node sD is marked by a propositional variable pPrp iff sI(p). A pair of nodes (s1,s2)DD is
an edge of the graph iff (s1,s2)I(r) for some relational
variable rRel; in this case the edge (s1,s2) is marked
by this relational variable r. Conversely, a graph with
nodes and edges labeled by propositional and relational
variables respectively can be considered as a model.
For every model M = (D,I) the entailment (validity,
satisfiability) relation M between states and formulas
can be defined by induction on formula structure:
for every state sM true and not sM false;
for any state s and propositional variable p, sM
p iff sI(p);
for any state s and formula j, sM (j) iff it is
not the case sM j ;
for any state s and formulas j and ,
sM (j &) iff sMj and sM ;
sM (j ) iff sMj or sM ;
for any state s, relational variable r, and formula
sM ([r]j) iff (s,s)I(r) and sM j for every
state s ;
sM (rj) iff (s,s)I(r) and sM j for some state
s .

Semantics of the above kind is called possible

worlds semantics.
Let us explain EPDL pragmatics by the following
puzzle example.
Alice and Bob play the Number Game. Positions in
the game are integers in [1..109]. An initial position
is a random number. Alice and Bob make alternating
moves: Alice, Bob, Alice, Bob, etc. Available moves
are same for both: if a current position is n[1..99]
then (n+1) and (n+10) are possible next positions. A
player wins the game iff the opponent is the first to
enter [100..109]. Problem: Find all initial positions
where Alice has a winning strategy.
Kripke model for the game is quite obvious:


States correspond to game positions, i.e. integers

in [1..109].
Propositional variable fail is interpreted by
Relational variable move is interpreted by possible

Formula fail & move(fail & [move]fail) is valid

in those states where the game is not lost, there exists
a move after which the game is not lost, and then all
possible moves always lead to a loss in the game. Hence
this EPDL formula is valid in those states where Alice
has a 1-round winning strategy against Bob.


Logic of Knowledge
Logics of knowledge are also known as epistemic
logics. One of the simplest epistemic logic is Propositional Logic of Knowledge for n>0 agents (PLKn)
(Fagin, Halpern, Moses & Vardi, 1995). A special
terminology, notation and Kripke models are used
in this framework. A set of relational symbols Rel in
PLKn consists of natural numbers [1..n] representing
names of agents. Notation for modalities is: if i [1..
n] and j is a formula, then (Ki j) and (Si j) are used
instead of ([i] j) and (i j). These formulas are read
as (an agent) i knows j and (an agent) i can suppose j. For every agent i [1..n] in every model M
= (D, I), interpretation I(i) is an indistinguishability
relation, i.e. an equivalence relation2 between states
that the agent i can not distinguish. Every model M,
where all agents are interpreted in this way, is denoted
as (D, ~1, ~n, I) with explicit I(1) = ~1, I(n) = ~n
instead of brief standard notation (D,I). An agent knows
some fact j in a state s of a model M, if the fact is
valid in every state s of this model that the agent can
not distinguish from s:

sM (Ki j) iff sM j for every state s~i s.

Similarly, an agent can suppose a fact j in a state

s of a model M, if the fact is valid in some state s of
this model that the agent can not distinguish from s:

Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems

sM (Si j) iff sM j for some state s~i s.

The above possible worlds semantics of knowledge

is due to pioneering research (Hintikka, 1962).

Temporal Logic with Actions

Another propositional polymodal logic is Computational Tree Logic with actions (Act-CTL). Act-CTL
is a variant of a basic propositional branching time
temporal logic Computational Tree Logic (CTL)
(Emerson, 1990; Clarke, Grumberg & Peled, 1999).
In Act-CTL the set of relational symbols consists of
action symbols Act. Each action symbol can be interpreted by an instant action that is executable in one
undividable moment of time.
Act-CTL notation for basic modalities is: if b Act
and j is a formula, then , (AbX j) and (EbX j) are used
instead of ([b] j) and (b j). But syntax of Act-CTL
has also some other special constructs associated with
action symbols: if b Act and j and are formulas,
then (AbG j), (AbF j), (EbG j), (EbF j), Ab(j U ) and
Eb(j U ) are also formulas of Act-CTL. In formulas
of Act-CTL prefix A is read as for every future,
E for some future, suffix X next state,
G always or globally, F sometimes or
future, the infix U until, and a sub-index b
is read as in b-run(s).
We have already explained semantics of (AbX j) and
(EbX j) by referencing to ([b] j) and (b j). Constructs
AbG , AbF , EbG , and EbF can be expressed in
terms of Ab(U) and Eb(U) , for example:
(EbFj) Eb(true U j). Thus let us define below semantics of Ab(U) and Eb(U) only. Let M =
(D, I) be a model. If b Act is an action symbol, then
a partial b-run is a sequence of states s0, sk,s(k+1),
D (maybe infinite) such that (sk,s(k+1)) I(b) for every
consecutive pair of states within this sequence. If b
Act is an action symbol, then a b-run is an infinite partial
b-run or finite b-run that can not be continued3. Then
semantics of constructs Ab(U) and Eb(U)
can be defined as follows:

sM Ab(j U ) iff for every b-run s0, sk, that

starts in s (i.e. s0=s) there exists some n0 for
which snM and skMj for every k[0..(n-1)];
sM Eb(j U ) iff for some b-run s0, sk, that
starts in s (i.e. s0=s) there exists some n0 for
which snM and skMj for every k[0..(n-1)].

The standard branching-time temporal logic CTL

can be treated as Act-CTL with a single implicit action symbol.

Combined Logic of Knowledge, Actions

and Time
There are many combined polymodal logics for
reasoning about multiagent systems. Maybe the most
advanced is Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) logic
(Wooldridge, 1996; Wooldridge, 2002). An agents
beliefs correspond to information the agent has about
the world. (This information may be incomplete or
incorrect. An agents knowledge in BDI is just a true
belief.) An agents desires correspond to the allocated
tasks. An agents intentions represent desires that it
has committed to achieving. Admissible actions are
actions of individual agents; they may be constructed
from primitive actions by means of composition, nondeterministic choice, iteration, and parallel execution.
But semantics of BDI and reasoning in BDI are quite
complicated for a short encyclopedia article.
In contrast, let us discuss below a simple example
of a combined logic of knowledge, actions and time
namely Propositional Logic of Knowledge and
Branching Time for n>0 agents Act-CTL-Kn (Garanina, Kalinina, & Shilov, 2004; Shilov, Garanina &
Choe, 2006; Shilov & Garanina, 2006). First we provide
a formal definition of Act-CTL-Kn, then discuss some
pragmatics, and then in the next section introduce
model checking as a reasoning mechanism.
Let [1..n] be a set of agents (n > 0), and Act be a
finite alphabet of action symbols. Syntax of Act-CTLKn admits epistemic modalities Ki , and Si for every
i[1..n], and branching-time constructs AbX, EbX, AbG,
EbG, AbF, EbF, Ab(U), and Eb(U) for every
bAct. Semantics is defined in terms of entailment in
environments. An (epistemic) environment is a tuple
E = (D, ~1, ~n , I) such that (D, ~1, ~n) is a model
for PLKn , and (D, I) is a model for Act-CTL. Entailment relation is defined by induction according to
the standard definition for propositional connectives
(see semantics of EPDL), and the above definitions of
epistemic modalities and branching time constructs.
We are mostly interested in trace-based perfect recall
synchronous environments generated from background
finite environments. Generated means that possible
worlds are runs of finite-state machine(s). There
are several opportunities how to define semantics of

Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems

combined logics on runs. In particular, there are two

extreme cases: Forgetful Asynchronous Systems
(FAS) and Synchronous systems with Perfect Recall
(PRS). Perfect recall means that every agent has a
log-file with all his/her observations along a run, while
forgetful means that information of this kind is not
available. Synchronous means that every agent can
distinguish runs of different lengths, while asynchronous means that some runs of different lengths may
be indistinguishable.
It is quite natural that in the FAS case combined
logic Act-CTL-Kn can express as much as it can express
in the background finite system. In contrast, in the
PRS case Act-CTL-Kn becomes much more expressive
than in the background finite environment. Importance
of combined logics in the framework of trace-based
semantics with synchronous perfect recall rely upon
their characteristic as logics of agents learning or
knowledge acquisition. We would like to argue this
characteristic by the following single-agent4 Fake Coin
Puzzle FCP(N,M).

b(L,R) for disjoint L, R [1..N+1] with |L| = |R|. The

only information available for the agent (i.e., which
gives him/her an opportunity to distinguish states) is a
balancing result. The agent should learn fake_coin_number from a sequence which may start from any initial
state and then consists of M queries and corresponding
results. Hence single agent logic Act-CTL-K1 seems to
be a very natural framework for expressing FCP(N,M)
as follows: to validate or refute whether

A set consists of (N+1) enumerated coins. The last coin

is a valid one. A single coin with a number in [1..N] is
fake, but other coins with numbers in [1...(N+1)] are
valid. All valid coins have the same weight that differs
from the weight of the fake. Is it possible to identify the
fake by balancing coins M times at most?

The model checking problem for a combined logic

(Act-CTL-Kn in particular) and a class of epistemic
environments (ex., PRS or FAS environments) is to
validate or refute sE j , where E is a finitely-generated environment in the class, s is an initial state of
the environment E, and j is a formula of the logic.
The above re-formulation of FCP(N,M) is a particular
example of a model checking problem for a formula
of Act-CTL-Kn and some finitely-generated perfect
recall environment.
Papers (Meyden & Shilov, 1999) and (Garanina,
Kalinina & Shilov, 2004) have demonstrated that if the
number of agents n>1, then the model checking problem
in perfect recall synchronous systems is very hard or
even undecidable. In particular, it has non-elementary5
upper and lower time bounds for Act-CTL-Kn. Papers
(Meyden & Shilov, 1999) and (Shilov, Garanina &
Choe, 2006) have suggested a tree-like data structures
to make feasible model checking of combinations
of temporal and action logics with propositional logic
of knowledge PLKn. Alternatively, (van der Hoek &
Wooldridge, 2002; Lomuscio & Penczek, 2003) have
susggested either to simplify language of logics to
be combined, or to consider agents with bounded

In FCP(N,M) the agent (i.e. a person who have to

solve the puzzle) does not know neither a number of the
fake, nor whether it is lighter or heavier than the valid
coins. Nevertheless, this number is in [1..N], and the
fake coin is either lighter (l) or heavier (h). The agent
can make balancing queries and read balancing results
after each query. Every balancing query is an action
b(L,R) which consists in balancing of two disjoint sets of
coins: with numbers L[1..N+1] on the left pan, and
with numbers R[1..N+1] on the right pan, |L| = |R|.
There are three possible balancing results: <, >,
and =, which means that the left pan is lighter, heavier
than or equal to the right pan, respectively. Of course,
there are initial states (marked by ini) which represent
a situation when no query has been made.
Let us summarize. The agent acts in the environment
generated from a finite space [1..N]{l,h}{<, >, =,
ini}. His/her admissible actions are balancing query


s |= E ( EB X ...M times...EB X ( f [1.. N ]

K 1 ( fake _ coin _ number = f ))...))

for every initial state s, where E is a PRS environment
generated from a finite space [1..N]{l,h}{<, >, =,
ini}, and B is a balancing query L,R[1..N+1]b(L,R).



Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems

Combinations of temporal logics and logics of actions
with logics of knowledge become an actual research
topic due to the importance of study of interactions
between knowledge and actions for reasoning about
real-time multiagent systems. A comprehensive survey
of logics, techniques, and results was out of scope of
the article. The primary target of present article was to
provide semi-formal introduction to the field of combined modal logics, discuss their utility for reasoning
about multiagent systems. The emphasis has been done
on model checking of trace-based knowledge-temporal
specifications of perfect recall synchronous systems.

Clarke, E., Grumberg, O., & Peled, D. (1999). Model
Checking. MIT Press.
Bull, R. & Segerberg, K. (2001) Basic Modal Logic.
Handbook of Philosophical Logic, v.3. D. Gabbay and
F. Cuenthner editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Dixon, C., Nalon, C., & Fisher, M. (2004). Tableau
for Logics of Time and Knowledge with Interactions
Relating to Synchrony. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 14(4), 397-445.
Emerson, E.A. (1990). Temporal and Modal Logic.
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science (B), J.
van Leeuwen, A.R. Meyer, M. Nivat, M. Paterson, D.
Perrin editors. Elsevier and The MIT Press.
Fagin, R., Halpern, J.Y., Moses, Y., & Vardi, M.Y.
(1995). Reasoning about Knowledge. MIT Press.
Garanina, N.O., Kalinina, N.A., & Shilov N.V. (2004)
Model checking knowledge, actions and fixpoints. Proceedings of Concurrency, Specification and Programming Workshop CS&P2004. Humboldt Universitat,
Berlin, Informatik-Bericht, 170, 351-357.
Halpern, J.Y., & Vardi, M.Y. (1986). The Complexity
of Reasoning About Knowledge and Time. Proceedings
of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory
of computing. 304-315.
Halpern, J. Y., van der Meyden, R., & Vardi, M.Y.
(2004). Complete Axiomatizations for Reasoning about

Knowledge and Time. SIAM Journal on Computing,

33(3), 674-703.
Harel, D., Kozen, D., & Tiuryn, J. (2000). Dynamic
Logic. MIT Press.
Hintikka, J. (1962). Knowledge and Belief. Cornell
University Press.
van der Hoek, W., & Wooldridge, M.J. (2002). Model
Checking Knowledge and Time. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 2318, 95-111.
Lomuscio, A., & Penczek, W. (2003). Verifying Epistemic Properties of Multi-agent Systems via Bounded
Model Checking. Fundamenta Informaticae, 55(2),
van der Meyden, R., & Shilov, N.V. (1999). Model
Checking Knowledge and Time in Systems with
Perfect Recall. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
1738, 432-445.
Rescher, N. (2005). Epistemic Logic. A Survey of the
Logic of Knowledge. University of Pitsburgh Press.
Shilov, N.V., Garanina, N.O., & Choe, K.-M. (2006).
Update and Abstraction in Model Checking of Knowledge and Branching Time. Fundameta Informaticae,
72(1-3), 347-361.
Wooldridge, M. (1996) Practical reasoning with
procedural knowledge: A logic of BDI agents with
know-how. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
(1085), 663678.
Wooldridge, M. (2002). An Introduction to MultiAgent
Systems. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Environment: A labeled transition system that
provides an interpretation for logic of knowledge, actions and time simultaneously.
Labeled Transition Systems or Kripke Model:
An oriented labeled graph (infinite maybe). Nodes of
the graph are called states or worlds, some of them are
marked by propositional symbols that are interpreted
to be valid in these nodes. Edges of the graph are
marked by relational symbols that are interpreted by
these edges.

Modal Logics for Reasoning about Multiagent Systems

Logic of Actions: A polymodal logic that associate

modalities like always and sometimes with action
symbols that are to be interpreted in labeled transition systems by transitions. A so-called Elementary
Propositional Dynamic Logic (EPDL) is sample logic
of actions.
Logic of Knowledge or Epistemic Logic: A polymodal logic that associate modalities like know and
suppose with enumerated agents or groups of agents.
Agents are to be interpreted in labeled transition systems
by equivalence indistinguishability relations. A socalled Propositional Logic of Knowledge of n agents
(PLKn) is sample epistemic logic.
Logic of Time or Temporal Logic: A polymodal
logic with a number of modalities that correspond to
next time, always, sometimes, and until to be
interpreted in labeled transition systems over discrete
partial orders. For example, Linear Temporal Logic
(LTL) is interpreted over linear orders.
Model Checking Problem: An algorithmic problem
to validate or refute a property (presented by a formula)
in a state of a model (from a class of Kripke structures).
For example, model checking problem for combined
logic of knowledge, actions and time in initial states of
perfect recall finitely generated environments.


Multiagent System: A collection of communicating and collaborating agents, where every agent have
some knowledge, intensions, enabilities, and possible
Perfect Recall Synchronous Environment: An
environment for modeling a behavior of a perfect recall
synchronous system.
Perfect Recall Synchronous System: A multiagent
system where every agent always records his/her observation at all moments of time while system runs.


Due to pioneering papers of Saul Aaron Kripke

(born in 1940) on models for modal logics.
A symmetric, reflexive, and transitive binary
relation on D.
That is for the last state s there is no state s such
that (s,s)I(b).
For multiagent example refer Muddy Children
Puzzle (Fagin, Halpern, Moses & Vardi, 1995).
I.e. it is not bounded by a tower of exponents with
any fixed height


Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

Ricardo Tllez
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Cecilio Angulo
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

The concept of modularity is a main concern for the
generation of artificially intelligent systems. Modularity is an ubiquitous organization principle found
everywhere in natural and artificial complex systems
(Callebaut, 2005). Evidences from biological and
philosophical points of view (Caelli and Wen, 1999)
(Fodor, 1983), indicate that modularity is a requisite
for complex intelligent behaviour. Besides, from an
engineering point of view, modularity seems to be the
only way for the construction of complex structures.
Hence, whether complex neural programs for complex
agents are desired, modularity is required.
This article introduces the concepts of modularity
and module from a computational point of view, and
how they apply to the generation of neural programs
based on modules. Two levels, strategic and tactical, at
which modularity can be implemented, are identified.
How they work and how they can be combined for
the generation of a completely modular controller for
a neural network based agent is presented.

When designing a controller for an agent, there exists
two main approaches: a single module contains all the
agents required behaviours (monolithic approach), or
global behaviour is decomposed into a set of simpler
sub-behaviours, each one implemented by one module
(modular approach). Monolithic controllers implement
on a single module all the required mappings between
the agents inputs and outputs. As an advantage, it is
not required to identify required sub-behaviours nor
relations between them. As a drawback, whether the
complexity of the controller is high, it could be impossible at practice to design such a controller without
obtaining large interferences between different parts of

it. Instead, when a modular controller is used, the global

controller is designed by a group of sub-controllers,
so required sub-controllers and their interactions for
generating the final global output must be defined.
Despite the disadvantages of the modular approach
(Boers, 1992), complex behaviour cannot be achieved
without some degree of modularity (Azam, 2000).
Modular controllers allow the acquisition of new
knowledge without forgetting previously acquired
one, which represents a big problem for monolithic
controllers when the number of required knowledge
rules to be learned is large (De Jong et al., 2004). They
also minimize the effects of the credit assignment
problem, where the learning mechanism must provide
a learning signal based on the current performance of
the controller. This learning signal must be used to
modify the controller parameters which will improve
the controller behaviour. In large controllers, it becomes
difficult finding changing parameters of the controller
based on the global learning signal. Modularization
helps to keep small the controllers size, minimizing
the effect of the credit assignment.
Modular approaches allow for a complexity reduction of the task to be solved (De Jong et al., 2004). While
in a monolithic system the optimization of variables
is performed at the same time, resulting in a large
optimization space, in modular systems, optimization
is performed independently for each module resulting
on reduced searching spaces. Modular systems are
scalable, in the sense that former modules can be used
for the generation of new ones when problems are
more complex, or just new modules can be added to
the already existing ones. It also implies that modular
systems are robust, since the damage on one module
results in a loss of the abilities given by that module,
but the whole system is partially kept functioning.
Modularity can be a solution to the problem of neural
interference (Di Ferdinando et al., 2000), which is
encountered in monolithic networks. This phenomenon

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Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

is produced when an already trained network losses

part of its knowledge when either, it is re-trained to
perform a different task, called temporal cross-talk
(Jacobs et al.,1991), or two or more different tasks at
the same time, the effect being called spatial cross-talk
(Jacobs,1990). Modular systems allow reusing modules
in different activities, without re-implementation of the
function represented on each different task (De Jong
et al., 2004) (Garibay et al., 2004).

From a computational point of view, modularity is
understood as the property that some complex computational tasks have to be divided into simpler subtasks.
Then, each of those simpler subtasks is performed by
a specialized computational system called a module,
generating the solution of the complex task from
the solution of the simpler subtask modules (Azam,
2000). From a mathematical point of view, modularity is based on the idea of a system subset of variables
which may be optimized independently of the other
system variables (De Jong et al., 2004). In any case,
the use of modularity implies that a structure exists in
the problem to be solved.
In modular systems, each of the system modules
operates primarily according to its own intrinsically
determined principles. Modules within the whole
system are tightly integrated but independent from
other modules following their own implementations.
They have either distinct or the same inputs, but they
generate their own response. When the interactions
between modules are weak and modules act independently from each other, the modular system is called
nearly decomposable (Simon, 1969). Other authors
have identified this type of modular systems as separable problems (Watson et al., 1998). This is by far
one of the most studied types of modularity, and it
can be found everywhere from business to biological
systems. In nearly decomposable modular systems, the
final optimal solution of a global task is obtained as
a combination of the optimal solutions of the simpler
ones (the modules).
However, the existence of decomposition for a problem doesnt imply that sub-problems are completely
independent from each other. In fact, a system may be
modular and still having interdependencies between
modules. It is defined a decomposable problem as a
problem that can be decomposed on other sub-prob1096

lems, but the optimal solution of one of those problems

depends on the optimal solution of some of the others
(Watson, 2002). The resolution of such modular systems is more difficult than a typical separable modular
system and it is usually treated as a monolithic one in
the literature.

Most of the works that use modularity, use the definition of module given by (Fodor, 1983), which is very
similar to the concept of object in object-oriented programming: a module is a domain specific processing
element, which is autonomous and cannot influence
the internal working of other modules. A module can
influence another only by its output, this is, the result of
its computation. Modules do not know about a global
problem to solve or global tasks to accomplish, and
are specific stimulus driven. The final response of a
modular system to the resolution of a global task, is
given by the integration of the responses of the different
modules by a especial unit. The global architecture of
the system defines how this integration is performed.
The integration unit must decide how to combine the
outputs of the modules, to produce the final answer of
the system, and it is not allowed to feed information
back into the modules.


When modularity is applied for the design of a modular
neural network (MNN) based controller, three general
steps are commonly observed: task decomposition,
training and multi-module decision-making (Auda and
Kamel, 1999). Task decomposition is about dividing
the required controller into several sub-controllers, and
assigning each sub-controller to one neural module.
Modules should be trained either, in parallel, or in different processes following a sequence indicated by the
modular design. Finally, when the modules have been
prepared, a multi-module decision making strategy is
implemented which indicates how all those modules
should interact in order to generate the global controller
response. This modularization approach can be seen
as at the level of the task.
The previous general steps for modularity only
apply for a modularization of nearly decomposable or
separable problems. Decomposable problems, those

Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

where strong interdependencies between modules

exist, are not considered under that decomposition
mechanism, and they are treated as monolithic ones.
The article introduces the differentiation between
two modular levels, the current modularization level,
which concentrates on task sub-division, and a new
modularization performed at the level of the devices
or elements. Those approaches are called strategic and
tactical, respectively.

Strategic and Tactical Modularity

Borrowing the concepts from game theory, strategy
deals with what has to be done in a given situation in
order to perform a task by dividing the global target
solution into all the sub-targets required to accomplish
the global one. Tactics, on the other hand, treats about
how plans are going to be implemented, this means,
how to use the resources available at that moment to
accomplish each of those sub-targets.
It is defined strategic modularity in neural controllers as the modular approach that identifies which
sub-goals are required for an agent in order to solve
a global problem. Each sub-goal identified is implemented by a monolithic neural net. In contrast, tactical
modularity in neural controllers is defined as the one
that identifies which inputs and outputs are necessary
for the implementation of a given goal, and it designs
a single module for each input and output. In tactical
modularity, modularization is performed at the level
of the elements (any meaningful input or output of
the neural controller) that are actually involved in the
accomplishment of the task.
To our extent, all the research based on neural
modularity and divide-and-conquer principles, focus
their division at the strategic level, that is, how to
divide the global problem into its sub-goals. Then,
they implement each of those sub-goals by means of
a single neural controller, final goal being generated
by combining the outputs of those sub-goals in some
sense. The current paper proposes, first, the definition
of two different levels of modularity, and second, the
use of tactical modularity as a new level of modularization that allocates space for decomposable modularity.
It is expected that tactical modularization will be able
in the generation of complex neural controllers when
many inputs and outputs must be taken into account.
It will be confirmed below, where the use of the two

types of modularity will be compared against monolithic approaches.

Implementing Modularity
Strategic modularity can be implemented by any of the
modular approaches that already exist in the literature.
See (Auda and Kamel, 1999) for a complete description. Any of the modularization methods described
there is strategic, although it was not given that name,
and they can, in general, be integrated with tactical
The term strategic is used for those modular approaches in order to differentiate them from the new
proposed modularity.
Tactical modularity defines modularity at the level
of the elements involved in the generation of a subgoal. By elements, it is understand the inputs required
to generate the sub-goal and the outputs that define
the sub-goal solution. Each of those elements conform
a tactical module, implemented by a simple neural
network. That is, tactical modularity is implemented
by designing a completely distributed controller composed of small processing modules around each of the
meaningful elements of the problem.
The schematics for a tactical module is shown in
Figure 1. Tactical modules are connected to its associated element, controlling it, and processing the
information coming in, for input elements, or going out,
for output elements. This kind of connectivity means
that the processing element is the one that decides
which commands must be sent to the output element,
or how a value received from an input element must
be interpreted. It is said that the processing element is
responsible for its associated element.
In order to generate a complete answer for the
sub-goal, all the tactical modules are connected each
other, output of each module being sent back to all the
others. By introducing this connectivity, each module
is aware about what the others are doing, allowing that
the different modules coordinate for the generation of
a common answer, and avoiding a central coordinator.
The resulting architecture shows a completely distributed MNN, where neural modules are independent but
implement strong interactions with the other modules.
Figure 2 shows an example of connectivity in the
generation of a tactical modular neural controller for
a simple system composed of two input elements and
two outputs.

Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

Figure 1. Schematics of a tactical module for one input element (left) and for one output element (right)

Figure 2. Connectivity of a tactical modular controller

with two input elements and two output elements

Training tactical modules is difficult due to the

strong relationships between the different modules.
Training methods used in strategic modules based
on error propagation are not suitable, so a genetic
algorithm is used to train the nets, because it allows
to find the networks weights without defining an error
measurement, just by specifying a cost function (Di
Ferdinando et al., 2000).

Combination of Different Levels

The use of one kind of modularity does not prevent,
in principle, the use at the same time of the other type
of modularity. In fact, strategic and tactical modularity can be used separately or in conjunction with each
other. When the solution required from the controller
is simple, then either, a strategic, or a tactical modularization can be used. In those cases, it is suggested that
the selection of the kind of modularity be based on the
complexity of the problem. For simple problems with
a small number of elements, a monolithic controller
will fit it. Whether the number of elements is high, then
a tactical modular controller will be the best option.
Finally, for very complex tasks with many elements,
a combination of strategic and tactical modularization
could be preferable.

Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

When combining both levels in one neural controller,

the strategic modularization should be first performed,
for identifying the different sub-goals required for the
implementation. Next, a tactical modularization should
be completed, implementing each of those sub-goals
by a group of tactical modules. The number of tactical modules for each strategic module will depend on
the elements involved in the resolution of the specific

Application Examples
So far, strategic and tactical modularity have been
mainly applied to robot control. The input elements
are sensors and the output elements are actuators. In a
first experiment, tactical modularity was applied to the
control of a Khepera robot learning to solve the garbage
collector problem (Tllez and Angulo, 2006) (Tllez
and Angulo, 2007). It involved the coordination of 11
elements (seven sensors and four actuators), creating
11 tactical modules. The task was compared with different levels of modularization, including monolithic,

strategic, tactical and a combination of both. The results

showed that the combination of both levels obtained
the better results (see Figure 3).
On additional experiments, tactical modularity was
implemented for an Aibo robot. In this case, 31 tactical
modules were required to generate the controller. The
controller was generated to solve different tasks like
stand up, standing and pushing the ground (Tllez et
al., 2005). The controller was also able to generate one
of the first MNNs controller able to make Aibo walk
(Tllez et al., 2006).

Within the evolutionary robotics paradigm, it is very
difficult to generate complex behaviours when the robot
used is quite complex with a huge number of sensors
and actuators. The use of tactical modularity together
with strategic one, is introduced as a possible solution
to the problem of generating complex behaviours in
complex robots. Even if some examples have been

Figure 3. This figure represent the maximal performance value obtained by different types of modular approaches.
Approach (a) is a monolithic approach, (b) and (c) are two different types of strategic approaches, (d) is tactical
approach, and (f) is a reduced version of the tactical approach.


Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

provided with a quite complex robot, it is necessary to

see if the system can scale to systems with hundreds
of elements.
Additional applications include its use in more
classical domains like pattern recognition, speech

regularity and hierarchy in open-ended evolutionary



Garibay 0., & Garibay I., & Wu A.S. (2004), No Free

Lunch for Module Encapsulation, Proceedings of
the Modularity, Regularity and Hierarchy in Openended Evolutionary Computation Workshop - GECCO

The level of modularity in neural controllers can be

highly increased if tactical modularity is taken into
account. This type of modularity complements typical
modularization approaches based in strategic modularizations, by dividing strategic modules into their
minimal components, and assigning one single neural
module to each of them. This modularization allows
the implementation of decomposable problems within
a modularized structure. Both types of modularizations
can be combined in order to obtain a highly modular
neural controller, which shows better results in complex
robot control.

Auda, G., & Kamel, M. (1999), Modular neural
networks: a survey, International Journal of Neural
Systems, 9(2), 129-151.
Azam, F. (2000), Biologically inspired modular neural networks, PhD Thesis at the Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University.
Boers, E., & Kuiper, H. (1992), Biological metaphors
and the design of modular artificial neural networks,
Master Thesis, Leiden University.
Caelli, G. L., & Wen, W. (1999), Modularity in neural
computing, Proceedings of the IEEE 87(9), 14971518.
Fodor, J. (1983), The modularity of mind, The MIT
Callebaut, W. (2005), The ubiquity of modularity,
Modularity. Understanding the Development and Evolution of Natural Complex Systems, The MIT Press.
De Jong, E.D., & Thierens, D., & Watson, R.A. (2004),
Defining Modularity, Hierarchy, and Repetition, Proceedings of the GECCO Workshop on Modularity,

Di Ferdinando, A., & Calabretta, R., & Parisi, D.

(2000), Evolving modular architectures for neural
networks, Proceedings of the sixth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop: Evolution, Learning
and Development.

Jacobs, R.A. (1990), Task decomposition through

competition in a modular connectionist architecture,
PhD thesis, University of Massachusets.
Jacobs, R.A., & Jordan, M.I., & Barto, A.G. (1991),
Task decomposition through competition in a modular
connectionist architecture: the what and where vision
tasks, Cognitive Science, 15, 219-250.
Simon, H.A., (1969) The sciences of the artificial, The
MIT Press.
Tllez, R.A., & Angulo, C., & Pardo, D. (2005), Highly
modular architecture for the general control of autonomous robots, Proceedings of the 8th International
Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks.
Tllez, R.A., & Angulo, C., & Pardo, D. (2006), Evolving the walking behaviour of a 12 DOF quadruped using
a distributed neural architecture, Proceedings of the
2nd International Workshop on Biologically Inspired
Approaches to Advanced Information Technology.
Tllez, R., & Angulo, C. (2006) Tactical modularity for
evolutionary animats, Proceedings of the International
Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Tllez, R., & Angulo, C. (2007), Acquisition of meaning through distributed robot control, Proceedings
of the ICRA Workshop on Semantic information in
Watson, R.A., & Hornby, G.S., & Pollack, J. (1998),
Modeling Building-Block Interdependency, Late
Breaking Papers at the Genetic Programming 1998
Watson, R. (2002), Modular Interdependency in Complex Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the 8th Inter-

Modularity in Artificial Neural Networks

national Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis

of Living Systems.

Cost Function: A mathematical function used to
determine how good or how bad has a neural network
performed during the training phase. The cost function
usually indicates what is expected from the neural
Element: Any variable of the program that contains
a value that is used to feed into the neural network controller (input element) or to contain the answers of the
neural network (output element). The input elements
are usually the variables that contain the information
from which the output will be generated. The output
elements contain the output of the neural controller.

Evolutionary Robotics: A technique for the creation

of neural controllers for autonomous robots, based on
genetic algorithms.
Genetic Algorithm: An algorithm that simulates the
natural evolutionary process, applied the generation of
the solution of a problem. It is usually used to obtain
the value of parameters difficult to calculate by other
means (like for example the neural network weights).
It requires the definition of a cost function.
Modularization: A process to determine the simplest meaningful parts that compose a task. There is
no formal process to implement modularization, and
in practice, it is very arbitrary.
Neural Controller: It is a computer program, based
on artificial neural networks. The neural controller is
a neural net or group of them which act upon a series
of meaningful inputs, and generates one or several



Morphological Filtering Principles

Jose Crespo
Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain

In the last fifty years, approximately, advances in
computers and the availability of images in digital
form have made it possible to process and to analyze
them in automatic (or semi-automatic) ways. Alongside with general signal processing, the discipline of
image processing has acquired a great importance for
practical applications as well as for theoretical investigations. Some general image processing references
are (Castleman, 1979) (Rosenfeld & Kak, 1982) (Jain,
1989) (Pratt, 1991) (Haralick & Shapiro, 1992) (Russ,
2002) (Gonzalez & Woods, 2006).
Mathematical Morphology, which was founded by
Serra and Matheron in the 1960s, has distinguished itself
from other types of image processing in the sense that,
among other aspects, has focused on the importance of
shapes. The principles of Mathematical Morphology
can be found in numerous references such as (Serra,
1982) (Serra, 1988) (Giardina & Dougherty, 1988)
(Schmitt & Mattioli, 1993) (Maragos & Schafer, 1990)
(Heijmans, 1994) (Soille, 2003) (Dougherty & Lotufo,
2003) (Ronse, 2005).

This article provides an overview of morphological

filtering. The main families of morphological filters are
discussed, taking into consideration the possibility of
computing hierarchical image simplifications. Both
the binary (or set) and gray-level function frameworks
are considered.
In the following of this section, some fundamental
notions of morphological processing are discussed. The
underlying algebraic structure and associated operations, which establish the distinguishing characteristics
of morphological processing, are commented.


In morphological processing, the underlying algebraic
structure is a complete lattice (Serra, 1988). A complete lattice is a set of elements with a partial ordering
relationship, which will be denoted as , and with two
operations defined called supremum (sup) and infimum

Morphological processing especially uses set-based
approaches, and it is not frequency-based. This is in
fact in sharp contrast with linear signal processing
(Oppenheim, Schafer, & Buck, 1999), which deals
mainly with the frequency content of an input signal.
Let us mention also that Mathematical Morphology (as
the name suggests) normally employs a mathematical
Morphological filtering is a type of image filtering
that focuses on increasing transformations. Shapes can
be satisfactorily processed by morphological filters.
Starting with elementary transformations that are based
on Minkowski set operations, other more complex transformations can be realized. The theory of morphological
filtering is soundly based on mathematics.

The sup operation computes the smallest element

that is larger than or equal to the operands. Thus,
if a, b are two elements of a lattice, a sup b is
the element of the lattice that is larger than both
a and b, and there is no smaller element that is
The inf operation computes the greatest element
that is smaller than or equal to the operands.

Moreover, every subset of a lattice has an infimum

element and a supremum element.
For sets and gray-level images, these operations

Sets (or binary images)

Order relationship: (set inclusion).
A sup B is equal to A B, where A and
B are sets.
A inf B is equal to A B.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Morphological Filtering Principles

Gray-level images (images with intensity values

within a range of integers)
Order relationship: For two functions f,g:
f g f(x) g(x),

for all pixel x

where the right-hand-side refers to the
order relationship of integers.
The sup of f and g is the function:
(f sup g)(x) = max {f(x), g(x)}

where max denotes the computation of

the maximum of integers.
The inf of f and g is the function:
(f inf g)(x) = min {f(x), g(x)}
where min symbolizes the computation
of the minimum of integers.

The concept of ordering is key in non-linear morphological processing, which focuses especially on those
transformations that preserve ordering. An increasing
transformation defined on a lattice satisfies that, for
all a,b:
a b (a) (b)
The following two properties concern the ordering between the input and the output. If I denotes an
input image, an image operator is extensive if and
only if, I,

(I) = (I)
Within the non-linear morphological framework,
the important duality principle states that, for each
morphological operator, there exists a dual one with
respect to the complementation operation.
Two operators and are dual if
= CC
The complementation operation C, for sets, computes the complement of the input. In the case of graylevel images a related operation is the image inversion,
which inverts an image reversing the intensity values
with respect to the middle point of the intensity value
The following concept of pyramid applies to multiscale transformations. A family of operators {i}, where
i S = {1,...,n}, forms a multi-level pyramid if
j, k S, j k, l such that j = l k
In words, the set of transformations {i} constitutes
a pyramid if any level j of the hierarchy can be reached
by applying a member of {i} to a finer (smaller index)
level k.

A structuring element is a basic tool used by morphological operators to explore and to process the shapes
and forms that are present in an input image. Normally,
flat structuring elements, which are sets that define a
shape, are employed. Two usual shapes (square and
diamond) are displayed next (the x symbol denotes
the center):

I (I)
A related property is the anti-extensivity property.
An operator is anti-extensive if and only if, I,
I (I)
The concept of idempotence is a fundamental notion
in morphological image processing. An operator is
idempotent if and only if, I,

(a) Square 3x3

(b) Diamond 3x3

If B denotes a structuring element, its transposed

is B = {( x, y ) B} (i.e., B inverted with respect to
the coordinate origin). If a structuring
element B is

centered and symmetric, then B = B .


Morphological Filtering Principles


Dilations and erosions are the most basic transformations in morphological processing. Dilations are
increasing operators that satisfy, I, I',
(I sup I') = (I) sup(I')
Respectively, erosions are increasing operators
that satisfy, I, I',
(I inf I') = (I) inf (I')
Dilations and erosions by structuring element perform, respectively, sup and inf operations over an input
image that depend on a structuring element B. These
dilations and erosions are symbolized, respectively,
by B and B, and they originate from the Minkowski
set addition and subtraction. Let us first discuss the
set framework.
In the set framework, if A denotes an input set, the
B(A) dilation computes the locus of points where the
B structuring element translated to has a non-empty
intersection with (i.e., touches) input set A:

Bx symbolizes the structuring element B translated to

point (or pixel) x (i.e., Bx = {x' | x' x B}, where -
symbolizes the vector subtraction).
Figure 1 shows a set example in R2. Input set A
(composed of two connected-components) and structuring element B (a circle) are displayed in part (a). The
B(A) dilation is shown in part (b).
The previous expression can be formulated using
the sup operation as:
B(A) = Ab = sup bB Ab

Using the lattice framework, the expression for functions is formally identical to the expression for sets:
B(I) = supbBIb
Note: the sup operator is that of the function lattice.
The function expression can be written in another
way that gives a more operational expression to compute
the value of the result of B(I) at each pixel x of I:
[B(I)](x) = maxbB{I(x + b)}

B(A) = {x | Bx A }

Figure 1. Dilation B(A)

(a) Set A and structuring element B


(b) B(A)

Morphological Filtering Principles

The sup operation has been replaced by the max

operation that computes the maximum of a set of
integers. Note that [B(I)](x) is the intensity value
of pixel x in that image. The + symbol denotes the
vector addition.
Some important properties of dilations B are

The expression for sets formulated by means of the

inf operation is:
B(A)= Ab = inf bB Ab

the following:

For sets, dilation B is commutative, i.e., if A

denotes an input set, then B(A) = A(B).
If a structuring element B contains the coordinate
origin, then B is extensive.
The dilation by a structuring element is associative, i.e, if B is the result of C(D) (or D(C)), then
B(I) = C(D(I)) = D(C(I)).

If A denotes an input set and Bdenotes a structuring element, the B(A) erosion computes the locus of
points where the B structuring element translated to is
completely included within input set A:
B(A) = {x | Bx A}
Figure 2 displays a set example of B(A), where A
is that of the previous dilation example.
The following expressions of erosions B are analogous to those already introduced for dilations.

The expressions for functions are:

B(I) = infbBIb
[B(I)](x) = minbB{I(x + b)}
Some important properties of erosions B are the

If the coordinate origin belongs to a structuring

element B, then B is anti-extensive.
The erosion by a structuring element is associative, i.e, if B is the result of C(D) (or D(C)), then
B(I) = C (D(I)) = D (C(I)).

In fact, expressions for erosions are dual of, respectively, those of dilations; B and B are dual of
each other:
B = C B C
A simple 1-D example of a gray-level dilation and
erosion (where B has 3 points) is the following:
9 10 11 12 12 11 13 13 12 12 12 10 9 9 9 10

Figure 2. Erosion B(A)


10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 10 9 10 10

D B (I )
9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 10 9 9 9 9 9

E B (I )


Flat operators are function operators that can be derived from a set operator ' that satisfy the following
threshold superposition property:
[ (I)](x) = sup{u:x ' (Uu(I))}

Morphological Filtering Principles

where Uu is the thresholding operator at level u, and

I is an image. The thresholding operator at level u is
defined as
Uu(I) = {x : I(x) u}
Let us define a variant of the thresholding operator that outputs a binary function (instead of a set):
(U'u(I))(x) is 1 if I(x) u, and 0 otherwise. Then, a flat
operator that commutes with thresholding is said
to satisfy:
U'u = U'u


Openings and Closings
In morphological processing, a filter is an increasing
and idempotent transformation.
The two most fundamental filters in morphological
processing arise when there is an order between the input
and the filter output. They are the so-called openings
and closings, symbolized, respectively, by and .

An opening is an anti-extensive morphological

A closing is an extensive morphological filter.

The names algebraic openings and algebraic

closings are also used in the literature to refer to these
most general types of openings and closings.
The computation of openings and closings that use
structuring elements as the shape probes to process
input image shapes is discussed next. They are defined
in terms of dilations and erosions by structuring element.
For an input set A, an opening by structuring element B, symbolized by B, is the set of points x that
belong to a translated structuring element that fits a set
A, i.e., that is included in A. Let us establish how B
is computed in the next definition, which applies both
to sets and images.
An opening by structuring element B, symbolized
by B is defined by
G B = D B E B

i.e., B is the sequential composition

of an erosion B

followed by a dilation D B , where B denotes B transposed.

This type of filter first erodes an input image by
the B erosion, and then the subsequent D B dilation
generally recovers in some sense the parts of the input
image that have persisted. Nevertheless, not everything
is normally recovered, and the output image is always
less than or equal to the input image.
The definition of the dual closing follows. A closing by structuring element B, symbolized by B is
defined by
J B = E B D B

i.e., B is the sequential composition of a dilation

B followed by an erosion E B , where B denotes B


Alternated filters
The sequential compositions of an opening and a closing are called alternated sequential compositions.
A morphological alternated filter is a sequential
composition of an opening and a closing, i.e.,
and ,
are alternated filters.
An important fact is that there is generally no
ordering between the input and output of alternated
filters, i.e.,
I (I) I
I (I) I
In addition, there is generally no ordering between
and .
Alternated filters are quite useful in image processing
and analysis because they combine in some way the
effects of both openings and closings in one filter.

parallel Combination properties

The class of openings (or, respectively, of closings) is
closed under the sup (respectively, inf) operation. In
other words:

Morphological Filtering Principles

The sup of openings is an opening.

The inf of closings is a closing.

Different structuring elements can be combined to

achieve a desired shape filtering effect. For example,
the effect of a sup of openings such as (A sup B),
which is itself an opening, can be quite different from
either A or B.


The granulometry concept formalizes the size distribution notion. Size distributions are families of
transformations i with a size parameter i that satisfy
the following axioms:

Figure 3. Granulometry


Morphological Filtering Principles


If i, j belong to a size distribution, where i j,

i j = j i = max(i, j)
In morphological filtering, the so-called granulometries are families of transformations that satisfy the
size distribution axioms above. A family of openings
{i}, where i S = {1,...,n} is a granulometry if, for
all i, j S,
i j i j.
i.e., an ordered family of openings constitutes a granulometry.
The dual concept of a granulometry is called an antigranulometry, which is an ordered family of closings,
as defined next. A family of closings {i}, where i S
= {1,...,n} is an anti-granulometry if, for all i, j S,

Figure 3 illustrates the granulometry concept. Three

opening outputs have been displayed in parts (b), (c)
and (d), particularly the outputs corresponding to openings 4, 6 and 8, where the subindex indicates the size
of the structuring element (Iesta & Crespo, 2003). A
subindex i refers to a square of side 2i+1. There is an
ordering between the four images: part (a) part (b)
part (c) part (d).

Alternating Sequential filters
Granulometries and anti-granulometries allow to build
complex filters composed of ordered openings and
An alternating sequential filter ASF is an ordered
sequential composition of alternated filters jj or jj,
such as
ASFi= ii...jj...11

i j i j.

ASFi = ii...jj...11

Quite often, both a granulometry and an anti-granulometry are computed.

Normally, quantitative increasing measures are
computed at each output. These measure values build
a curve that can be used to characterize an input image
if the measure criterion is appropriate.

where i j 1, and where i and i belong, respectively,

to a granulometry and an anti-granulometry.
Alternating sequential filters satisfy the following
absorption property: if i j, then

M(N(I) ... M (1(I) M(I) M(1(I) ... M



An example of an increasing criterion is the area

or number of pixels in binary images, or the volume
in non-binary images.
To build a family of openings and a family of closings
by structuring elements that constitute, respectively,
a granulometry and antigranulometry, an appropriate
family of structuring elements {iB | i {0,...,N}} that
ensure the ordering of openings and closings is needed.
Particularly, the family of structuring elements must
satisfy the following property:
(i1)B(iB) = iB, for i 1.





morphological pyramids
Multi-level (or multi-scale) operators are families of
transformations that depend on a scale parameter i.
Within morphological filters, cases that satisfy the
pyramid condition are:

anti-granulometries, and
alternating sequential filters.

Morphological Filtering Principles



Operators that consider connectivity aspects have

been an active research and work area in morphological processing. Connectivity integrates easily in the
morphological filtering framework using the connected
class concept (and the associated opening) introduced
in (Serra, 1988).
The class of connected filters (Serra & Salembier,
1993) (Crespo, Serra, & Schafer, 1993) (Vincent, 1993)
(Salembier & Serra, 1995) (Crespo, Serra, & Schafer,
1995) (Breen & Jones, 1996) (Crespo & Schafer,
1997) (Crespo & Maojo, 1998) (Garrido, Salembier,
& Garcia, 1998) (Heijmans, 1999) (Crespo, Maojo,
Sanandrs, Billhardt, & Muoz, 2002) (Crespo &
Maojo, 2008), which preserve shapes particularly
well, has been successfully used in image processing
and analysis applications. In more recent years, certain
types of connected filters, such as the so-called levelings
(Meyer, 1998) (Meyer, 2004), whose origin in the set
framework can be traced back to (Crespo et al., 1993)
(Crespo & Schafer, 1997), have been the focus of new
research efforts.

Breen, E. J., & Jones, R. (1996, November). Attribute

openings, thinnings, and granulometries. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding, 64(3), 377-389.


Castleman, K. (1979). Digital image processing. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

Crespo, J., & Maojo, V. (1998, April). New results on
the theory of morphological filters by reconstruction.
Pattern Recognition, 31(4), 419-429.
Crespo, J., Maojo, V. (2008). The strong property of
morphological connected alternated filters. Accepted
for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Imaging
and Vision. DOI: 10.1007/x10851-008-0098-x.
Crespo, J., Maojo, V., Sanandrs, J., Billhardt, H., &
Muoz, A. (2002). On the strong property of connected
open-close and close-open filters. In J. Braquelaire,
J.-O. Lachaud, & A. Vialard (Eds.), Discrete geometry
for computer imagery (Vol. 2301, pp. 165-174). BerlinHeidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Crespo, J., & Schafer, R.W. (1997). Locality and adjacency stability constraints for morphological connected
operators. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
7(1), 85102.

This article has provided a summary of morphological

filtering, which is qualitatively different from linear
filtering. These differences are clear when morphological filtering is approached analysing the underlying
algebraic framework and the key importance of ordering
and increasingness.
Morphological filtering provides a distinctive
type of image analysis that is appropriate to deal with
shapes. Although in its origin morphological filtering
was especially associated to set processing (and many
concepts are originally set-based), it extends to nonbinary gray-level functions.

Crespo, J., Serra, J., & Schafer, R. W. (1993, May).

Image segmentation using connected filters. In J. Serra
& P. Salembier (Eds.), Workshop on mathematical
morphology, Barcelona (pp. 5257).


Giardina, C., & Dougherty, E. (1988). Morphological

methods in image and signal processing. Englewood
Clliffs: Prentice-Hall.

This work has been supported in part by Ministerio

de Educacin y Ciencia of Spain (Ref.: TIN200761768).

Crespo, J., Serra, J., & Schafer, R. W. (1995, November). Theoretical aspects of morphological filters by
reconstruction. Signal Processing, 47(2), 201225.
Dougherty, E., & Lotufo, R. (2003). Hands-on morphological image processing. Bellingham: SPIE Press.
Garrido, L., Salembier, P., & Garcia, D. (1998). Extensive operators in partition analysis for image sequence
analysis. Signal Processing, 66(2), 157180.

Gonzalez, R. C., & Woods, R. E. (2006). Digital image processing (3rd. ed.). Englewoods Cliff: Prentice


Morphological Filtering Principles

Haralick, R., & Shapiro, L. (1992). Computer and robot

vision. Volume I. Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing

Salembier, P., & Serra, J. (1995). Flat zones filtering,

connected operators, and filters by reconstruction. IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, 4(8), 11531160.

Heijmans, H. (1994). Morphological image operators.

Boston: Academic Press.

Schmitt, M., & Mattioli, J. (1993). Morphologie mathmatique. Paris: Masson.

Heijmans, H. (1999). Connected morphological operators for binary images. Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, 73, 99120.

Serra, J. (1982). Mathematical morphology. Volume I.

London: Academic Press.

Iesta, J. M., & Crespo, J. (2003). Principios bsicos

del anlisis de imgenes mdicas. In M. Belmonte, O.
Coltell, V. Maojo, J. Mateu, & F. Sanz (Eds.), Manual
de informtica mdica (pp. 299333). Barcelona:
Editorial Menarini - Caduceo Multimedia.
Jain, A. (1989). Fundamentals of digital image processing (Prentice hall information and system sciences
series; Series Editor: T. Kailath). Englewood Cliffs:
Prentice Hall.
Maragos, P., & Schafer, R. W. (1990, April). Morphological systems for multidimensional signal processing.
Proc. of the IEEE, 78(4), 690710.
Meyer, F. (1998). From connected operators to levelings.
In H. J. A. M. Heijmans & J. B. T. M. Roerdink (Eds.),
Mathematical morphology and its applications to image and signal processing (pp. 191198). Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Meyer, F. (2004, January-March). Levelings, image
simplification filters for segmentation. Journal of
Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 20(1-2), 5972.
Oppenheim, A., Schafer, R. W., & Buck, J. (1999).
Discrete-time signal processing (2nd. ed.). Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.
Pratt, W. (1991). Digital image processing (2nd. ed.).
New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Ronse, C. (2005). Guest editorial. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 22(2 - 3), 103105.
Rosenfeld, A., & Kak, A. (1982). Digital picture
processing - Volumes 1 and 2. Orlando: Academic
Russ, J. C. (2002). The image processing handbook
(4th. ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.


Serra, J. (Ed.). (1988). Mathematical morphology.

Volume II: Theoretical Advances. London: Academic
Serra, J., & Salembier, P. (1993, July). Connected
operators and pyramids. In Proceedings of SPIE, Nonlinear algebra and morphological image processing,
San Diego (Vol. 2030, pp. 6576).
Soille, P. (2003). Morphological image analysis (2nd.
ed.). Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag.
Vincent, L. (1993, April). Morphological grayscale
reconstruction in image analysis: Applications and
efficient algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing, 2, 176201.

Key TeRmS
Duality: The duality principle states that, for each
morphological operator, there exists a dual one. In
sets, the duality is established with respect to the set
complementation operation (see further details in the
Extensivitity: A transformation is extensive when
its output is larger than or equal to the input. Anti-extensivity is the opposite concept: a transformation is
anti-extensive when its output is smaller than or equal
to the input.
Idempotence: A transformation is said to be
idempotent if, when sequentially applied twice, it
does not change the output of the first application,
i.e., = .
Image Transformation: An operation that processes an input image and produces an output image.

Morphological Filtering Principles

Increasingness: A transformation is increasing

when it preserves ordering. If is increasing, then a
b (a) (b).
Lattice: A complete lattice is a set of elements with
a partial ordering relationship and two operations called
supremum and infimum.

Morphological Filter: An increasing and idempotent transformation.

Multi-Scale Transformation: A transformation that
displays some characteristics controllable by means of
(at least) a parameter, which is called the size or scale



MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for

Enrique Mrida-Casermeiro
University of Mlaga, Spain
Domingo Lpez-Rodrguez
University of Mlaga, Spain
Juan M. Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato
University of Mlaga, Spain

Since McCulloch and Pitts seminal work (McCulloch
& Pitts, 1943), several models of discrete neural networks have been proposed, many of them presenting
the ability of assigning a discrete value (other than
unipolar or bipolar) to the output of a single neuron.
These models have focused on a wide variety of applications. One of the most important models was
developed by J. Hopfield in (Hopfield, 1982), which
has been successfully applied in fields such as pattern
and image recognition and reconstruction (Sun et al.,
1995), design of analogdigital circuits (Tank & Hopfield,
1986), and, above all, in combinatorial optimization
(Hopfield & Tank, 1985) (Takefuji, 1992) (Takefuji &
Wang, 1996), among others.
The purpose of this work is to review some applications of multivalued neural models to combinatorial
optimization problems, focusing specifically on the
neural model MREM, since it includes many of the
multivalued models in the specialized literature.

In Hopfield and Tanks pioneering work (Hopfield &
Tank, 1985), neural networks were applied for the first
time to solve combinatorial optimization problems,
concretely the well-known travelling salesman problem.
They developed two types of networks, discrete and
continuous, although the latter has been mostly chosen
to solve optimization problems, adducing that it helps
to escape more easily from local optima. Since then, the
search for better neural algorithms, to face the diverse
problems of combinatorial optimization (many of them

belonging to the class of NPcomplete problems), has

been the objective of researchers in this field.
This method of optimization consists of minimizing
an energy function, whose parameters and constraints
are obtained by means of identification with the objective function of the optimization problem. In this case,
the energy function has the form:
E(S ) =

1 N N
wi , j si s j + Qi si

2 i =1 j =1
i =1

where N is the number of neurons of the network, wi,j

is the synaptic weight between neurons j and i, and i
is the threshold or bias of the neuron i.
In the discrete version of Hopfields model, component si of the state vector S = (s1,...,sN) can take
values in = {1,1} (constituting the bipolar model)
or in = {0,1} (unipolar model). In the continuous
version, = [1,1] or = [0,1]. This continuous
version, although it has been traditionally the most
used for optimization problems, presents certain inconveniences:

Certain special mechanisms, maybe in form of

constraints, should be contributed in order to
get that, in the final state of the network, all the
components of state vector S belong to {1, 1}
or {0,1}.
The traditional dynamics used in this model,
implemented in a digital computer, does not
guarantee the decrease of the energy function in
every iteration, so it is not ensured that the final
state is a minimum of the energy function (GalnMarn, 2000).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

However, the biggest problem of this model (the

discrete as well as the continuous one) is the possibility to converge to a non feasible state, or to a local
(not global) minimum. Wilson and Pawley (1988)
demonstrated, through massive simulations, that, for
the travelling salesman problem of 10 cities, only 8%
of the solutions were feasible, and most not good.
Moreover, this proportion got worse when problem
size was increased.
After this, many works were focused on improving
Hopfield's network:

By modifying the energy function (Xu & Tsai,

By adjusting the numerous parameters present in
the network, as in (Lai & Coghill, 1988).
By using stochastic techniques in the dynamics
of the network (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) (Aarts
& Korst, 1988).

Particularly, researchers tried to improve the efficiency of Hopfield's network for the travelling salesman
problem, achieving acceptable results, but inferior to
Operations Research techniques (Takahashi, 1997).
The reason for these disappointing results is that the
linear formulation used by these techniques is a great
advantage in comparison with neural networks, which
unavoidably use a quadratic energy function, impeding
the use of subpaths deletion techniques (Smith, 1996),
and provoking the appearance of a bigger number of
local minima.
Another research line was devoted to the improvement of Hopfieldtype recurrent networks, and their application to diverse problems of optimization, in which
some results proved to be better than those obtained
by traditional Operations Research techniques (Smith
& Krishnamoorthy, 1998). Takefuji's work (Takefuji,
1992) (Lee et al., 1992)(Takefuji & Wang, 1996), with
a great number of publications in international media,
must be highlighted. Their results have been overcome
by the OCHOM model (GalnMarn & MuozPrez,


A new generalization of Hopfields model arises in the
works (MridaCasermeiro, 2000) (MridaCasermeiro
et al., 2001), where the MREM (Multivalued REcurrent
Model) model is presented.

The Neural mRem model

This model presents two essential features that make it
very versatile and that increase its applicability:

The output of each neuron, si, is a value of the

set = {m1 , m2 , , mL }, which is not necessarily
The concept of similarity function f between
neuron outputs is introduced. f(x,y) represents
the similarity between neuron states x and y.

This way, the energy function of this model is as

E(S ) =

1 N N
Qi ( si )
i, j i j
2 i =1 j =1
i =1

where Qi : is a generalization of the thresholds

of each neuron.
The features mentioned above make that in this
model certain optimization problems (as the travelling salesman problem), have a better representation
than in the unipolar or bipolar Hopfields models, and
their successors.
It is clear that MREM includes Hopfields models
(with outputs in = {1,1} or in = {0,1}) if we
consider the similarity function given by the product
f(a,b) = ab. Other multivalued models, like MAREN
or SOAR (Erdem & Ozturk, 1996) (Ozturk & Abut,
1997), are also generalized by MREM.
The dynamics for this network is chosen according
to the problem to be tackled.


MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

Application to Several Combinatorial

Optimization problems
This multivalued model has been successfully applied
to diverse optimization problems, outperforming the
best-established algorithms. Several of these applications can be found at (MridaCasermeiro et al., 2003)
(MridaCasermeiro & LpezRodrguez, 2005) (LpezRodrguez et al., 2006).
These problems are typical representatives of the
NPcomplete complexity class, indicating their degree
of difficulty in resolution.

The Travelling Salesman Problem

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the most
wellknown and studied combinatorial optimization
problems due to its wide range of reallife applications
and intrinsic complexity.
Reallife applications cover aspects such as automatic
routing for robots and hole location in printed circuits
design (Reinelt, 1994), as well as gas turbine checking,
machine task scheduling or crystallographic analysis
(Bland & Shallcross, 1987), among others.
This problem can be stated as follows: given N cities
X1,...,XN and distances di,j between each pair of cities Xi
and Xj, the objective is to find the shortest closed tour
visiting each city once.
In order to get the TSP solved by this neural model,
two identifications must be done:

A network state must be identified to a solution

to the TSP: Since a solution to the N cities TSP
can be represented as a permutation in the set of
numbers {1,...,N}, the net will be formed by N
neurons, taking value in the set = {1, , N },
such that state vector S = (s1,...,sN) represents a
permutation of {1,...,N}. With this representation,
si = k means that kth city will be visited in the ith
The energy function must be identified to the total
distance of a tour: If we let f(x,y) = 2dx,y and
1, ( j = i + 1) ((i = N ) ( j = 1))
wi , j =

the energy function obtained is


N 1

E ( S ) = d si , si+1 + d sN , s1
i =1

the total distance of the tour represented by state

vector S.
Computational dynamics is based on starting with
a random feasible initial state vector and updating
neuron outputs to keep the current state vector inside
the feasible states set. To this end, at each iteration, a
2opt update will be made on current state vector, that
is, every pair of neurons, p,q with p > q + 1, is studied
and checked in parallel whether there exists a cross
between segments (sp, sp+1) and (sq, sq+1). In this case,
the next relation holds:
d s p , s p+1 + d sq , sq+1 > d s p , sq + d s p+1 , sq+1

Then, the trajectory between cities sp+1 and sq is

inverted, that is, if S is the current state, the new state
vector S will be defined by:
si, = q + p +1i
si ,

p +1 i q

As an additional technique for improvement, it has

also been considered 3opt updates: the tour is decomposed into three consecutive arcs, A, B and C, which
are then recombined in all possible ways: {ABC,AC
A,B,C are the reversed arcs corresponding to A, B, and
C, respectively. Note that {ABC,ABC,ABC,ACB}
are 2opt updates, so there is no need to check them
The next state of the net will be the combination
that decreases most the energy function. Further details
in (MridaCasermeiro et al., 2003).
In (MridaCasermeiro et al., 2003), some experimental results are provided, for problems from the
TSPLIB repository (see Table 1). This model is compared against KNIES (Aras et al., 1999), a model based
on Kohonens self organizing map. MREM proved to
outperform KNIES, obtaining in many cases almost
optimal solutions.

MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

Figure 1. Best solution found by MREM (left, error=1.3%) and optimal solution (right)

Table 1. Results of KNIES and MREM for the TSP for some instances from TSPLIB


Best (%) Best (%)

Av. (%)

t (sec)













The Graph Partition Problem

Let = ( , E ) be an undirected graph without selfconnections. = {vi } is the set of vertices and is
the set of ne edges. For each edge (vi , v j ) E there is

a weight ci , j + . All weights can be expressed by a

symmetric real matrix C, with ci,j = 0 when it does not
exist the arc (vi , v j ) .
MaxCut Problem: to find a partition of into K
disjoint sets Ai such that the sum of the weights of the

MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

function by taking wi,j = 2ci,j and f(x,y) = x,y (that

is, f(x,y) = 1 if, and only if, x = y, otherwise it is 0),
considering i = 0.
The dynamics used in (MridaCasermeiro & LpezRodrguez, 2005) was named best2.
best2 consists in getting the greatest decrease of the
energy function by changing the state of only two neurons at each time. If neurons p and q are to be updated,
energy increments E(i, j) when sp = i and sq = j, for i, j
{1,...,K}, are computed. Then, the state of minimum
increase is chosen as the new network state.
By using this dynamics, in (MridaCasermeiro &
LpezRodrguez, 2005), the MREM model is compared
against some other networks, like OCHOM (GalnMarn & MuozPrez, 2001), obtaining the best results
in authors experiments (see Table 2).

edges from , that have their endpoints in different

elements of the partition, is maximum. Therefore, the
function to maximize is

i|vi Am j |v j An

ci , j


To solve the MaxCut problem with MREM, we need

N neurons, one per node in . The output of neuron
i, si = {1, 2, , K }, will denote that ith node is
assigned to Asi.
Since it is equivalent to maximize the cost of
edges cut by the partition and to minimize the cost of
edges with endpoints in the same set of the partition,
the objective function can be modelled as an energy

Table 2. Results for MaxCut comparing MREM and OCHOM




































0,75 9816,2 9524,1
0,9 11348,8 11215,06










14701,4 14531,06
21126,2 20899,94
24926 24589,62











1837,43 0,0147






13741 13533,9
25750,8 25500,18
37038,6 36789,2




3316,28 0,0276


43584,8 43296,26





MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

developed in literature is that there is no need of assigning a good ordering of the vertices at a preprocessing
step. The model, as well as the relative position of the
arcs, computes this optimal node order.
To solve the 2PCNP problem, authors have considered two MREM neural models:

The 2Pages Graph Layout Problem

In the last years, several graph representation problems
have been studied in the literature. Most of them are
related to the linear graph layout problem, in which
the vertices of a graph are placed along a horizontal
``node line, or ``spine (dividing the plane into two
halfplanes or ``pages) and then edges are added to this
representation as specified by the adjacency matrix. The
objective of this problem is to minimize the number of
crossings produced by such a layout.
Some examples of problems associated to this linear
graph layout problem (or 2 pages crossing number
problem, 2PCNP) are the bandwidth problem (Chinn et
al., 1982), the book thickness problem (Kainen, 1990),
the pagenumber problem (Malitz, 1994), the boundary
VLSI layout problem (Ullman, 1984) and the singlerow
routing problem (Raghavan & Sahni, 1983), or printed
circuit board layout (Sinden, 1966) and automated
graph drawing (Tamassia et al., 1988).
In (LpezRodrguez et al., 2007), a neural model,
derived from MREM, is designed to solve this problem.
One of the differences of this model with the algorithms

The first network will be formed by N neurons,

being N the number of nodes in the graph. Neurons
output (the state vector) indicate the node ordering
in the line. Thus, si = k will be interpreted as the
kth node being placed in the ith position in the
node line. Hence, the output of each neuron can
take value in the set 1 = {1, 2, , N }.
The second network will be formed by as many
neurons as edges in the graph, M. The output of
each neuron will belong to the set 2 = {1,1}
. For the arc (vi, vj), S(v , v ) = 1 will indicate that
i j
the edge will be drawn in the lower halfplane,
and S(v , v ) = +1, in the upper one.
i j

Initially, the state of the net of vertices is randomly

selected as a permutation of {1,2,...,N}. At any time,

Table 3. Comparison between MREM and the heuristics mentioned in Cimikowskis work






























C20 (1, 2)



C20 (1, 2, 3)








C20 (1, 2, 3, 4) 20







C22 (1, 2, 3)








C22 (1, 3, 5, 7) 22







C24 (1, 3)








C26 (1, 3)








C28 (1, 3, 5)








C30 (1, 3, 5)








CN e-len 1-page greedy


MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

Figure 2. Optimal layouts for graphs K6 (left) and K3,3 (right)

the net is looking for a better solution than the current

one, in terms of minimizing the energy function. This is
achieved by permuting the output of two neurons (node
positions) and changing the location of an edge (from
the upper halfplane to the lower one, and viceversa).
In (LpezRodrguez et al., 2007), this new model is
compared against some heuristics (Cimikowski, 2002)
specially designed for this problem. MREM obtained
the best solutions in the experiments, improving the
best known solution in some cases (Table 3).

Recurrent neural networks can be used to solve many
optimization problems. Researchers and practitioners
can benefit from the application of the neural model
MREM to diverse optimization problems.
Other problems where these models can be applied cover aspects such as data classification, image
compression by vector quantization, etc. It must be
noted that many graph-based problems can be easily
formulated in terms of minimizing the energy function
of this model: degreeconstrained minimum spanning
tree, maximum clique, etc.


The first works in optimization by neural networks were
inspired in Hopfields models. These models did not
obtain good results when compared to the wellknown
Operations Research techniques.
Many researchers focused on developing new neural
models to improve the performance of Hopfieldtype
networks in this kind of tasks.
The problem of these binary models is that all the
information given by the problem has to be specified
by means of only two values ({0,1} or {1,1}), so some
information is lost.
Multivalued neural models are designed to represent the information of the problem by means of more
than two values, achieving a better representation of
the problem.
With this improvement, computational dynamics of
multivalued models can be easily designed to solve a
given optimization problem. These advantages make
this kind of networks a very powerful ally in tackling
combinatorial problems.
The MREM model is a multivalued model that generalizes many other models, so it can be easily used to
solve optimization problems, as shown in the text.

MREM, Discrete Recurrent Network for Optimization

Some applications of the model are wellknown

NPcomplete optimization problems, like the Traveling Salesman Problem, the Graph Partition Problem,
and the 2 Pages Crossing Number Problem. As shown
in the references, this model is able to outperform
the bestalgorithmuptodate in each of the mentioned

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Smith, K. (1996). An argument for abandoning the
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Takahashi, Y. (1997). Mathematical improvement of the
Hopfield model for TSP feasible solutions by synapse
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Takefuji, Y. (1992). Neural Network Parallel Computing. Kluwer Academic.
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Tamassia, R., Di Battista, G., & Batini, C. (1988).
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IEEE Trans. Syst. Man. Cybern., SMC18, 61-79.
Tank, D. & Hopfield, J. (1986). Simple neural optimization networks: An a/d converter, signal decision circuit
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Xu, X. & Tsai, W. T. (1991). Effective neural algorithms

for the traveling salesman problem. Neural Networks,
4, 193-205.

Key TeRmS
2 Pages Graph Layout Problem: Problem of finding an ordering of the nodes of a graph on a straight
line, and assigning, to each edge, a location in any of
the two halfplanes induced by that line, such that the
number of crossings between edges is minimum.
Artificial Neural Network: Structure for distributed and parallel processing of information, formed by
a series of units (which may possess a local memory
and make local information processing operations),
interconnected via one-way communication channels,
called connections.
Computational Dynamics: Updating scheme of
the neuron outputs in a neural model.
Energy Function: Objective function of the optimization problem solved by a neural model.
MaxCut Problem: Problem of finding a partition of
the set of nodes of a weighted graph, such that the sum
of the costs corresponding to edges, with end-points in
different sets of the partition, is maximum.
Multivalued Discrete Neural Model: A model
of neural networks in which neuron outputs may take
value in the set = {m1 , , mL }, instead of = {1,1}
or = {0,1}.
Travelling Salesman Problem: Problem of finding
the shortest closed tour that visits a series of N cities.
Each city must be visited exactly one time.


Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy

Ivan N. Silva
University of So Paulo, Brazil
Rogerio A. Flauzino
University of So Paulo, Brazil

The design of fuzzy inference systems comes along
with several decisions taken by the designers since is
necessary to determine, in a coherent way, the number
of membership functions for the inputs and outputs, and
also the specification of the fuzzy rules set of the system, besides defining the strategies of rules aggregation
and defuzzification of output sets. The need to develop
systematic procedures to assist the designers has been
wide because the trial and error technique is the unique
often available (Figueiredo & Gomide, 1997).
In general terms, for applications involving system
identification and fuzzy modeling, it is convenient to
use energy functions that express the error between the
desired results and those provided by the fuzzy system.
An example is the use of the mean squared error or
normalized mean squared error as energy functions.
In the context of systems identification, besides the
mean squared error, data regularization indicators can
be added to the energy function in order to improve the
system response in presence of noises (from training
data) (Guillaume, 2001).
In the absence of a tuning set, such as happens
in parameters adjustment of a process controller, the
energy function can be defined by functions that consider the desired requirements of a particular design
(Wan, Hirasawa, Hu & Murata, 2001), i.e., maximum
overshoot signal, setting time, rise time, undamped
natural frequency, etc.
From this point of view, this article presents a new
methodology based on error backpropagation for the
adjustment of fuzzy inference systems, which can
be then designed as a three layers model. Each one
of these layers represents the tasks performed by the
fuzzy inference system such as fuzzification, fuzzy
rules inference and defuzzification. The adjustment

procedure proposed in this article is performed through

the adaptation of its free parameters, from each one of
these layers, in order to minimize the energy function
previously specified.
In principle, the adjustment can be made layer by
layer separately. The operational differences associated
with each layer, where the parameters adjustment of a
layer does not influence the performance of other, allow
single adjustment of each layer. Thus, the routine of
fuzzy inference system tuning acquires a larger flexibility when compared to the training process used in
artificial neural networks. This methodology is interesting, not only for the results presented and obtained
through computer simulations, but also for its generality
concerning to the kind of fuzzy inference system used.
Therefore, such methodology is expandable either to
the Mandani architecture or also to that suggested by

In the last years it has been observed a wide and crescent interest in applications involving logic fuzzy.
These applications include from consumer products,
such as cameras, video camcorders, washing machines
and microwave ovens, even industrial applications
as control of processes, medical instrumentation and
decision support systems (Ramot, Friedman, Langholz
& Kandel, 2003).
The fuzzy inference systems can be treated as methods that use the concepts and operations defined by the
fuzzy set theory and by fuzzy reasoning methods (Sugeno & Yasukawa, 1993). Basically, these operational
functions include fuzzification of inputs, application of
inference rules, aggregation of rules and defuzzification, which represents the crisp outputs of the fuzzy

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

system (Jang, 1993). At present time, there are several

researchers engaged in studies related to the design
techniques involving fuzzy inference systems.
The first type of design technique of fuzzy inference
system has its focus addressed to enable the modeling
of process from their expert knowledge bases, where
both antecedent and consequent terms of the rules are
always fuzzy sets, offering then a high semantic level
and a good interpretability capacity (Mandani & Assilian, 1975). However, the applicability of this technique
in the mapping of complex systems composed by
several input and output variables has been an arduous
task, which can produce as inaccurate results as poor
performance (Guillaume, 2001)(Becker, 1991).
The second type of design technique of fuzzy
inference system can be identified as being those that
incorporate learning, in an automatic way, from data
that are representing the behavior of the input and
output variables of the process. Therefore, this design
strategy uses a collection of input and output values
obtained from the process to be modeled, which differs
of the first design strategy, where the fuzzy system was
defined using only the expert knowledge acquired from
observation on the respective system. In a generic way,
the methods derived from this second strategy can be
interpreted as being composed by automatic generation
techniques of fuzzy rules, which use the available data
for their adjustment procedures (or training).

Among the main approaches belonging to this

second design strategy, it has been highlighted the
ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-based Fuzzy Inference
Systems) algorithm proposed by Jang (1993), which
is applicable to the fuzzy architectures constituted by
real polynomial functions as consequent terms of the
fuzzy rules, such as those presented by Takagi & Sugeno
(1985) and Sugeno & Kang (1988). The more recent
approaches, such as those proposed by Panella & Gallo
(2005), Huang & Babri (2006) and Li & Hori (2006),
are also belonging to this design strategy.
However, the representation of a process through
these automatic architectures can implicate in interpretability reduction in relation to the created base of rules,
whose consequent terms are expressed in most of the
cases by polynomial functions, instead of linguistic
variables (Kamimura, Takagi & Nakanishi,1994).
Thus, the development of adjustment algorithms of
fuzzy inference systems, which the consequent terms
of the fuzzy rules are also represented by fuzzy sets,
has been widely motivated.


Considering the operational functions performed by the
fuzzy inference systems, it is convenient to represent
them by a three-layer model. Thus, the fuzzy inference

Figure 1. Fuzzy inference system composed by two inputs and one output

M A1


Output layer


M A2










M AN 1

M B1
M B2




M BN 2

Input layer



Inference layer


Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

system presented in this article can be represented by

the sequential composition of three layers, i.e., input
layer, inference layer and output layer.
The input layer has functionalities of connecting
the input variables (coming from outside) with the
fuzzy inference system, performing their respective
fuzzifications through proper membership functions.
In the inference layer of the fuzzy rules, the input
fuzzified variables are combined among them, according to defined rules, using as support the operations
defined by the fuzzy theory. The resulting set of this
aggregation process is then defuzzified to produce the
fuzzy inference system output. The aggregation and
defuzzification process of the fuzzy system output
are both made by the output layer. It is important to
observe, concerning to the output layer, that although
it performs the two processes above described, it is
also responsible for storing the membership functions
of the output variables. As illustration, Fig. 1 shows
the proposed multilayer model, which is constituted by
two inputs and one output, having three fuzzy rules in
its inference layer.
In the following subsections further details will be
presented about how fuzzy inference systems can be
represented by a three-layers model.

Input layer
The inputs fuzzification has the purpose of determining
the membership degree of each input related to the fuzzy
sets associated with each input variable. To each input
variable of the fuzzy system can be associated as many
fuzzy sets as necessary. In this way, let a fuzzy system
constituted by only one input with N fuzzy sets, the
output of the input layer will be a column vector with
N elements, which are representing the membership
degrees of this input in relation to those fuzzy sets. If
we define the input of this fuzzy system with a unique
input x, then the output of the input layer will be the
vector I1 represented by:

I 1 (x ) = A1 ( x) A2 ( x) AN ( x) T


where Ak (.) is the membership function defined

to input x, which is referring to the k-th fuzzy set
associated with it.
The generalization of the input layer concept for a
fuzzy system having p input variables can be achieved

if we consider each input being modeled as a sub-layer

of the input layer. Taking into account this consideration, the output vector of the input layer I(x) is then
defined by:

I (x ) = I 1 (x1)T

I 2 (x2)T

( )T]T

I p xp


where xi is the i-th input of the fuzzy system and Ik(.)

is the k-th vector of membership functions associated
with the input xk. In Fig. 1 is illustrated the input layer
for a fuzzy system composed by two inputs, which are
mapped by the vectors I1 and I2.
There are several membership functions that can be
used in the proposed approach. One of the necessary
requisites for those functions is that they are normalized in the closed domain [0,1].

Inference layer
The inference layer of a fuzzy system has the functionality of processing the fuzzy inference rules defined
for it. Another functionality is to provide a knowledge
base for the process.
In this paper, the fuzzy inference system has initially
all the possible inferred rules. Therefore, the tuning
algorithm has the task of weighting the inference rules.
The weighting of the inference rules is a proper way
to represent the most important rules, or even to allow
that conflicting rules are related to each other without
any linguistic completeness loss. Thus, it is possible
to express the i-th fuzzy rule as follows:
Ri (I (x )) = wi ri (I (x ))


where Ri(.) is the function representing the fuzzy

weighting of the i-th fuzzy rule, wi is the weight of the
i-th fuzzy rule and ri(.) represents the fuzzy value of
the i-th fuzzy rule. In Fig. 1, it is shown the composition involving ri(.) and Ri(.) for the three fuzzy rules
belonging to the inference layer.

Output layer

The output layer of the fuzzy inference system aims to

aggregate the inference rules as well as the defuzzification of the fuzzy set generated from the aggregation of
these inference rules.
Besides the operational aspects, the aggregation
and defuzzification methods must consider the requi1123

Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

sites of hardware performance in order to reduce the

computational effort needed for processing the fuzzy
system. In this paper, the output layer of the inference
system is also adjusted. The adjustment of this layer
occurs in a similar way to that occurred with the input
layer of the fuzzy system. As example, an illustration
representing the procedures involved with the output
layer is also shown in Fig. 1.

Adjustment of the fuzzy Inference

Let a fuzzy system with two inputs, each one composed
of three gaussian membership functions, with a total
of five inference rules, and having an output defined
by two gaussian membership functions. It is known
that, for each gaussian membership function, two free
parameters should be considered, i.e., the mean and the
standard deviation. Consequently, the number of free
parameters of the input layer is 12. For each inference
rule, a weighting factor has been associated, resulting
a total of 5 free parameters in the inference layer. In
relation to the output layer, the same considerations
used for the input layer are valid. Therefore, four free
parameters are associated with the output layer.
Therefore, the mapping f between the input space
x and the output space y may be defined by:
y = f (x, mf In , w, mf Out )


where mfIn is the parameter vector associated with the

input membership functions, w is the weight vector of the
inference rules, and mfOut is the parameter vector associated with the output membership functions. Therefore,
mfIn, w and mfOut represent the free parameters of the
fuzzy system, which can be rewritten as follows:
y = f (x , 1 )


where is the vector resulting from concatenation of the

free parameters involved with the fuzzy system, i.e.

1 = mf InT , w T , mf Out T


The energy function to be minimized, considering

the fixed tuning set {x,d}, is defined by:


(x, y )(1 )


where represents the energy function associated with

the fuzzy inference system f.

Unconstrained Optimization Techniques

Let an energy function (x,y)() differentiable in relation to free parameters of the fuzzy inference system.
Thus, the objective is to find an optimum solution *
subject to:
(1* ) (1 )


Therefore, we can observe that to satisfy the condition expressed in (8), it is necessary to solve an unconstrained optimization problem to obtain the solution
*, which is given by:
1 * arg min (1 )


The condition that expresses the optimum solution

in (9) can also be rewritten as follows:
(1 * ) = 0

where is the gradient operator defined by:

(1 ) =

11 12


There are several techniques used to solve unconstrained optimization problems. A detailed description
of these methods can be found in Bertsekas (1999). The
selection of the most proper method is related to the
complexity associated with the energy function. For
example, the Gauss-Newton method for unconstrained
optimization can be more applicable in problems where
the energy function is defined by:
(1 ) =

e (i)
i =1


Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

where e(i) is the absolute error in relation to the i-th

tuning pattern.
In this paper, a derivation of the Gauss-Newton
method is used for tuning fuzzy inference system,
which is defined by the expression following:
1next = 1now

( )

1 T


where g is the gradient of expressed in (11) and J is

the Jacobean matrix of e defined in (12). The optimization algorithm used was the Levenberg-Marquardt
method (Marquardt, 1963), which can efficiently handle
ill-conditioned matrices JTJ by altering equation (13)
as follows:
1next = 1now

1 T
J J + I


The calculation of the matrices J and the vectors g were performed through the finite differences

Simulation Results
This section presents simulation results of the proposed
methodology for the Mandani fuzzy model. In the two
examples following the fuzzy system is used to model
nonlinear functions. In the first example, a fuzzy inference system is used to predict the Mackey-Glass time
series. In the second example, a two-dimensional sinc
function is modeled by the fuzzy inference system.

Example 1: Modeling the Mackey-Grass


500 patterns. The input variables of the fuzzy inference system were four, which correspond to values x(t
18), x(t 12), x(t 6) and x(t). As output variable
was adopted x(t + 6).
The fuzzy inference system was defined having 4
fuzzy sets attributed to each input variable and also to
the output variable. A total of 64 inference rules have
been used in the inference process.
The energy function of the system was defined
as being the mean squared error between the desired
values x(t + 6) and the values x (t + 6), i.e.
(1 ) =

[x (t + 6) x (t + 6)]

i =1


where L is the number of data used in the tuning process (L=500).

After minimization of (16), the membership functions of the fuzzy inference system were adjusted as
illustrated in Fig. 2.
In Fig. 3 is presented the prediction results provided by the fuzzy inference system for 1000 sample
The mean squared error of estimation for the proposed problem was 0.000598 with standard deviation
of 0.02448. The prediction error for the 1000 sample
points is shown in Fig. 4.
For comparison, it was developed a fuzzy inference
system adjusted by the ANFIS (Adaptive Neural-Fuzzy
Inference System). This fuzzy inference system was
composed by 10 membership functions for each input,
being the knowledge base constituted by 10 rules. The
mean squared error of estimation for the proposed problem was 0.000165 with standard deviation of 0.0041.

Using the adjustment methodology presented in this

paper, a fuzzy inference system of Mandani type was
developed with objective to predict the Mackey-Glass
time series (Mackey & Glass, 1977), which is defined

Example 2: Modeling the Two-Input Sinc


dx(t )
a x(t )
= b x(t ) +
1 + x(t ) c

z = sinc( x, y ) =


where the values of the constants are usually assumed

as a = 0.2, b = 0.1 and c = 10. The value for the delay
constant was 17. The tuning set was constituted by

In this example is used the proposed methodology to

model a two-dimensional sinc function defined by:
sin( x) sin( y )
x y


From uniformly distributed grid points into the input

range [-10,10] x [-10,10] of (17), 225 tuning data pairs
were obtained. The fuzzy inference system used here

Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

Figure 2. Input membership functions















Fig. 3. Estimation of the fuzzy inference system for the

Mackey-Glass series

Figure 4. Prediction error for the Mackey-Glass





Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

Figure 5. Tuning data (a) and reconstructed surface (b)


contains 11 rules, with 8 membership functions assigned

to input variable x, 7 membership functions assigned to
input y and 3 membership functions assigned to output
z. The tuning data and the reconstructed surface are
illustrated in Fig. 5.

The methodology for the adjustment of fuzzy inference
systems presented in this article can be considered very
promising, not only for performance and precision
obtained through computer simulations, but also for
its interpretability in relation to the output variable,
which is a highly desirable feature of a fuzzy system.
Actually, it is the most prominent feature that distinguishes fuzzy systems from many other modeling
techniques. We think that fuzzy system adjustment
architectures, such as that proposed here, are ideally
suited for explaining solutions to users because both
premises (antecedents) and consequences of the rules
are defined by fuzzy sets.
Future research and application should return to and
concentrate on the linguistic features of fuzzy systems


and their capabilities for knowledge representation,

exploiting the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty
to summarize data and focus on decision-relevant

In this article was underlined the basic foundations
involved with the adjustment process of fuzzy inference
systems from unconstrained optimization techniques. In
order to become the more efficient tuning, it is necessary that the energy function is properly specified for
the adjustment process. To validation of the proposed
methodology, the results obtained by the proposed
approach were compared to those provided from the
ANFIS methodology, and also through of mathematical modeling problems. The results obtained from this
methodology offers new perspectives of researches
related to the fuzzy inference systems, allowing thus
that problems previously treated only by artificial
neural networks may also be treated through fuzzy
inference systems.


Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

Becker, S. (1991). Unsupervised Learning Procedures
for Neural Networks. International Journal of Neural
Systems. (2) 17-33.
Bertsekas, D. P. (1999). Nonlinear Programming (2nd
ed.). Belmont: Athena Scientific.
Figueiredo, M., & Gomide, F. (1997). Adaptive Neuro
Fuzzy Modeling. Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. 1567-1572.
Guillaume, S. (2001). Designing Fuzzy Inference Systems from Data: An Interpretability-Oriented Review.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, (9) 426-443.
Huang, G.-B., & Babri, H.A. (2006). Universal Approximation Using Incremental Networks with Random
Hidden Computation Nodes. IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks, (17) 4, 879-892.
Jang, J.R. (1993). ANFIS: Adaptive-Network-Based
Fuzzy Inference System. IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics. (23) 665-685.
Kamimura, R., Takagi, T., & Nakanishi, S. (1994).
Improving Generalization Performance by Information
Minimization. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress
on Computational Intelligence. 143-148.
Li, W., & Hori, Y. (2006). An Algorithm for Extracting Fuzzy Rules Based on RBF Neural Network.
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (53) 4,

Ramot, D., Friedman, M., Langholz, G., & Kandel, A.

(2003). Complex Fuzzy Logic. IEEE Transactions on
Fuzzy Sets. (11) 450-461.
Sugeno, M., & Kang, G.T. (1988). Structure Identification of Fuzzy Model. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. (28)
Sugeno, M., & Yasukawa, T. (1993). A Fuzzy-logicbased Approach to Qualitative Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems. (1) 7-31.
Takagi, T., & Sugeno, M. (1985). Fuzzy Identification
of System and Its Application to Modeling and Control.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
(15) 116-132.
Wan, W., Hirasawa, K., Hu, J., & Murata, J. (2001). Relation Between Weight Initialization of Neural Networks
and Pruning Algorithms: Case Study on Mackey-Glass
Time Series. Proceedings of the International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks. 1750-1755.

Key TeRmS
Backpropagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimizing the error obtained from
the comparison between the outputs that the network
gives after the application of a set of network inputs
and the outputs it should give (the desired outputs).

Mackey, M.C., & Glass, L. (1977). Oscillation and

Chaos in Physiological Control Sciences. Science.
(197) 287-289.

Defuzzification: Process of producing a quantifiable

result (crisp) in fuzzy logic. Typically, a fuzzy system
will have a number of rules that transform a number
of variables into a fuzzy result, that is, the result is
described in terms of membership in fuzzy sets.

Mandani, E.H., & Assilian, S. (1975). An Experiment

in Linguistic Synthesis with a Fuzzy Logic Controller. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies.
(7) 1-13.

Fuzzification: Process of transforming crisp values

into grades of membership for linguistic terms of fuzzy
sets. The membership function is used to associate a
grade to each linguistic term.

Marquardt, D. (1963). An Algorithm for Least Squares

Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters. SIAM Journal on
Applied Mathematics. (11) 431-441.

Fuzzy Logic: Type of logic dealing with reasoning

that is approximate rather than precisely deduced from
classical predicate logic.

Panella, M., & Gallo, A.S. (2005). An Input-output

Clustering Approach to the Synthesis of ANFIS Networks. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, (13) 1,

Fuzzy Rule: Linguistic constructions of type IFTHEN that have the general form IF A THEN B, where
A and B are (collections of) propositions containing
linguistic variables.


Multilayer Optimization Approach for Fuzzy Systems

Fuzzy System: Approach of the computational

intelligence that uses a collection of fuzzy membership functions and rules, instead of Boolean logic, to
reason about data.

Membership Function: Generalization of the

indicator function in classical sets. In fuzzy logic, it
represents the degree of truth as an extension of valuation.



Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

Lszl Kovcs
University of Miskolc, Hungary
Tanja Sieber
University of Miskolc, Hungary

One of the basic terms in information engineering is
data. In our approach, data item is defined as representation of an information atom stored in digital computers.
Although an information atom can be considered as a
subject-predicate-value triplet (Lassila, 1999), data is
usually given only with its value representation. This
fact can lead to definitions where data is just numbers,
words or pictures without context. For example in
(WO, 2007), data is given as information in numerical
form that can be digitally transmitted or processed.
It is interesting that we can often recognize that the
term data is used without any exact terminological
definition with the effect that the term often remains
confusing, sometimes even contradicting the definitions
of the term presented. Sieber and Kammerer (2006)
introduce a new interpretation of data containing several levels. The lowest level belongs to data instances
that describe the form and appearance of symbols. The
intermediate level is the level of representatives which
includes the applied encoding system. The highest level
is related to the meaning with context description. All
three levels are needed to get to know the information atom. For example the symbol 36 in a database
determines only the value and representation system,
but not the meaning. To cover the whole information
atom, the database should store some additional data
items to describe the original data. The main purpose
of semantic data models is to describe both context and
the main structure of data items in the problem area.
These additional data items are called metadata. It is
important to see that:

metadata are data,

metadata are relative, and
metadata describe data.

Metadata constitute a basis for bringing together data

that are related in terms of content, and for processing
them further. They can be understood as a pre-requisite for intelligent and efficient administration and
processing, and not least as a focused, formal means
of providing relevant data.

In data management systems, the context of a value is
usually defined with the help of a storage structure. An
identification name (a text value) is assigned to each
position of the structure. The description of storage
(structure, naming and constraints) is called schema.
A big problem of structural data modeling is that it can
not provide all the information needed to understand
the full context of the data. For example, a relational
alone is not enough to capture the meaning of the
stored data items.
The main building blocks to describe the context
in semantic data models (SDM) are concepts and relationships. The first widely known structure oriented
semantic models in database design are the EntityRelationship (ER) model (Chen, 1976) and the EER
(Thalheim, 2000) model. The ER model consists of
three basic elements: entity (concept), relationship
and attribute. The attributes are considered as structure
elements of the entities, one attribute may belong to
only one entity. The EER model is the extension of
the ER model with IS_A and HAS_A relationships.
Some other extensions are SIM, IFO and RM/T. One
of the main drawbacks of structure oriented SDM is
the limitations of expressive power.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

Later, models like UML or ODL (Catell, 1997) were

developed to cover the missing object oriented elements.
In the case of ODL, a class description can contain the
following elements: attributes, methods, inheritance
parameters, visibility, relationships and integrity rules.
These models provide a powerful complexity for
software engineering but they are not very flexible to
describe data models of higher abstraction.
Global investigations were focused on the SDM
with simpler and more universal elements. The most
widely known high level semantic models are semantic
networks and ontology models. A semantic network
is represented with a directed graph where the vertices
are the concepts and the edges are the relationships.
The main differences between ontology models and
the traditional SDM are in the followings: there is no
fixed structural hierarchy among the concepts, flexible
relationships, independence from application domain,
structure is mapped into a logical formula, it can be
related to an inference engine. It is widely assumed that
anything at a high level of information processing must
be based on ontology (Sloman, 2003). Further details
can be found on current applications of ontology among
others in (Taniar, 2006).
One of the first languages for ontology is RDF
(Lassila, 1999). RDF is used to describe the concepts
in a neutral, machine-readable format. According to
the specification, the basic language elements are resources, literals and statements. There are two types of
resources: entity resources and properties. A statement
is a triplet (p,s,o), where p is a property, s is a resource
and o is either a literal or a resource. In another approach, p is called predicate, s is the subject and o is the
object in the statement. As it can be seen, a statement
corresponds to an information atom.
A pioneer representative of the next generation of
languages is OWL (Bechhofer, 2004) which can be
considered as an extension of RDF, that contains extra
elements to describe among others typing, property
characteristics, cardinality and behavioral properties.
The OWL-DL language is based on Description Logic
that describes the structural relationships of the domain
in a logic language, which enables automatic reasoning and constraint checking in the system. The applied
logic language is based on first-order predicate logic.
The most widely used products related to OWL are
Protg, Pellet and KAON2.


multi-layered Schemas
In the case of systems with complex functionality, one
way to reduce complexity is to build up a modular
system. Modularization is a successful concept in all
engineering areas. Modularization can be vertical or
horizontal. Vertical modularization is called layering.
The basic properties of a layered system are the followings:

the elements are assigned to clusters (called layers);

there exists a hierarchical relationship between
the clusters;
the relationships within the clusters differ from
the relationships between the clusters;
the clusters cooperate with each other in the role
of a client or of a server.

Every layer offers a set of functionality where the

functions are built upon the services of the underlying layers. In the case of a multi-layered system, the
implementation can gain in cost reduction compared
with a single-layer structure. Layering means modularization from the viewpoint of implementation and it
has the following qualitative and quantitative benefits
(Knoerschild, 2003):

encapsulation (the layers are in great part selfcontained, consistency) ,

flexibility (the layers can be replaced without
affecting the other layers),
cost reduction (simplicity in testing and in design,

The layered structure is a common technology

nowadays among others in networking (Hnatyshin,
2007), image processing (Sunitha, 2007), process
control (Zender, 2007) and software development
(Kreku, 2006).


Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

multi-layered Nature of Human

It was realized very early that human spatial cognition
is based on a partially hierarchical conceptual view of
space (McNamara, 1986). It is usual to perform the mapping of spatial environment with a semantic hierarchy
(Kuipers, 2000). In the proposal of Sloman (2003), the
internal representation of the spatial environment is
implemented with a three-layered model. The lowest
layer is called metric layer. It establishes an absolute
frame of reference. It consists of a navigation graph that
describes the important positions of the environment.
In the next, topological layer, the navigational nodes
are mapped into areas, where an area corresponds to a
set of connected nodes. An area denotes a compound
spatial concept. The highest level belongs to the conceptual layer. In this layer the areas are mapped to
general abstract concepts. This level corresponds to
the ontology layer that provides different relationships
and a reasoning engine.
According to the current HCogaff view of human
information processing architecture (Sloman, 2003) the
cognition system consists of several regions performing concurrent activities. The regions are structured
into hierarchies. The perception hierarchy can activate
for example different concepts at the same time for a
single sensor input image. Visual perception can detect different levels of structure and different levels of
concepts. The developed multi-layer ontology model
consists of three layers: the reactive, the deliberate and
the meta-management layer.
Also in artificial intelligence, the application of
multi-layered structures has gained a larger popularity. In (Kamimura, 2003), the information theoretical
competitive learning method was implemented with
multi-layered networks to solve complex problems.
Networks are composed of several competitive layers.
In each competitive layer, information is maximized.
This successive information maximization enables
networks to extract features gradually. Experimental
results confirmed that information can be maximized
in multi-layered networks, and the networks can extract features that cannot be detected by single-layered


multi-layered Concept models

Traditional SDM models were intended to manage only
single-layer structure. Neither of the original versions
of ER, RDF or OWL uses layers in the model. On the
other hand, it can be seen, that the layered structure
has a lot of benefits:

increase in simplicity of management,

decrease in complexity,
increase in flexibility, and
increase in reusability.

The first classic layered models for semantic networks were developed in the 80s. The strong influence
of psychological theories in human cognition can be
easily observed in the proposed models. The layered
model of Thompson (1990) consists of five layers
similar in Greenwalds (1988) model. The base layer
represents sensor data (images, sounds, signs) and the
temporal relationships between these data items. The
next layer is devoted to basic concepts. The connection
of a concept and of its sensory appearances may vary
and may be very complex (transformations). This connection should perform more complex activity than just
simple association. The next level is called the level
of events. In this layer, the simple object instances are
bound to series and sentences. This layer should contain
the logic supporting ideas of time and causality. The
next level generates abstract objects that cluster object
instances together. The next model level describes the
activities on the abstract concepts like planning and
modeling. The highest level is related to the abstract
concepts and abstract activities like reasoning and
metadata management.
In the proposal of Khosla (2004), the layering of
ontology is strongly correlated with the functional layering of the system. The paper describes the structure
of a general soft-computing module. The most internal
layer is the object layer to describe the data schema.
On the top of the data layer are the distributed agent
layer, the tool agent layer and the optimization agent
layer. These layers perform among others preprocessing, transformation and decision making. The concept
of multi-layering can be applied to the traditional data
models, too. A layered UML model is represented

Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

among others in (Kreku, 2006). The layers here also

correspond to the different functional areas within the
application. The three proposed layers are the component layer, the HW architecture layer and the platform
architecture layer.
In (Sunitha, 2007), the investigation is focused on
the SDM part only. The semantic data model is divided
into three layers. The bottom part is the concept measure layer that contains the descriptions of the concepts
themselves. The middle layer is used to store the relationships (like specialization, classification) among
the concepts. The top layer is for the context-related
knowledge elements describing the environment of
the application field.
In some other proposals, layering refers not to the
functional structure but to the abstraction levels. In
the classical UML (Terrasse, 2001), a four-layered
metamodel architecture is used. The bottom layer is
the object layer and the next layer is the model layer.
On the top of the model layer is the metamodel layer.
At the top, the meta-metamodel layer can be found.
The metaobject facility (MOF) model is based on a
layered, conceptual metamodel structure. The content
of a conceptual layer describes the elements in the next
layer down. Both UML and MOF are based on class
oriented representations. In (Melnik, 2000), a threelayer abstraction model is defined for the semantic web.
These layers are the syntax layer, the object layer and
the semantic layer.
The semantic data model presented in (Sieber,
2006) was invented as a model for bridging the gap
between data and semiotics in terms of Peirce with a
special focus on technical documentation processes.
The concerned knowledge can be shared between many
people in different departments, different production
locations (including different countries) and in different applications. As a consequence of this, in such a
process nearly everyone has two roles: one of owning
and dating knowledge; and one of searching and needing dated knowledge. For mathematical purposes this
model was extended (Sieber, 2007) using a semantic
network based upon a lattice of concepts. The result is
a multi-layer semantic data model that can be used to
visualize more general decoding and encoding processing between signals and (semantic) concepts.

The term of layered ontology occurs very rarely in the
literature. The main reason for this is that the basic
ontology can describe any levels of abstractions. Thus
a single layer can cover any levels of concepts. This
monolithic structure will cause difficulties in integrating existing ontologies, as the overlap of concepts is
harder to detect. The current research projects on ontology are usually aimed at the development of accurate
ontologies for the different application domains. The
main current areas are: medical systems, geographical
systems, linguistics, social studies, enterprise information systems, logic, knowledge representation and
automatic reasoning. Very few proposals deal with the
application of modular, multi-layered ontologies. In
(Purao, 2005), for example a database design specific
domain is analyzed, where three layers are defined:
the core (local) level, the neighborhood level and the
global domain level.
Although the importance of a domain independent
ontology is visible and clear for everybody, the current
works seem to neglect this requirement. According to
(Mikroyannidis, 2006), ontology management in most
information systems is based on simplicity, ontology
layering is rarely used, and the requirements for ontology evolution and integration are usually neglected.
We can predict that the modularized, layered ontology
models will get more attention in the near future.

Traditional semantic models are based on a single-layer
structure. This approach is a drawback in the development of complex systems. As the model of human
cognition is built on a multi-layer approach, and the
goal of semantic models is to describe concepts of our
world, the multi-layer models seem to be more accurate
to create a global semantic model. The current semantic
models, like UML or ontology provide some layering
possibilities, but the detailed analysis of multi-layered
semantic models is a task of the future.


Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

Bechhofer,. S. et al (2004). OWL Web Ontology
Language Reference, homepage:
Catell, R. et all. (1997). The Object Database Standard:
ODMG 2.0, The Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, ISBN
Chen, P. (1976). The Entity-Relationship Model:
Toward a unified view of data, ACM on Database
Systems, pp. 9-36
Greenwald, A. (1988). Levels of representation,
Technical paper, homepage: http://faculty.washington.
Gustavsson L., Torgersson O.(2005): Benefits of
Multi-Layer Design in Software with Multi-User Interfaces- A Three Step Study, Proceedings of Software
Hnatishin, V. & Gramatges, G. & Stiefel, M. (2007):
Practical Considerations for Extending Network Layer
Models with OPNET Modeler, Proceedings of Modeling and Simulations
Kamimura, R. (2003). Information theoretic competitive learning in self-adaptive multi-layered
networks, Connection Science, Vol. 15., pp. 3-26.
Khosla, R. (2004). Multi-layered Distributed Agent
Technology for Soft computing systems, International
Journal Knowledge-based Intelligent Information and
Engineering Systems , Vol 8. , pp. 117-128.
Knoerschild, K. (2003). A Layering challenge, Technical paper, homepage:
Kreku, J. et al. (2006). Layered UML Workload and
SystemC Platform Models for Performance Simulation,
Proceedings of FDL2006
Kuipers, B. (2000), The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy,
Artificial Intelligence Vol. 119, pp. 191-233
Lassila, O. & Swick, R. (1999). Resource Description
Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Specification,
W3C Recommendation, homepage: http://www.


McNamara, T. (1986). Mental representations of spatial

relations, Cognitive Psychology, Vol 18, pp. 87-121.
Mikroyannidis, A. & Theodouldis, B.(2006): Heraclitus
II: A Framework for Ontology Management and Evolution, Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on
Web Intelligence
Melnik, S. & Decker, S. (2000). A Layered Approach
to Information Modeling and Interoperability on the
WEB, Proceedings. of ECDL Workshop on the Semantic
Web, pp. 10-23.
Purao, S. & Storey, V. (2005). A multi-layered ontology for comparing relationship semantics, Applied
Ontology, I, pp. 117-139
Sieber, T. & Kammerer, M.. (2006). Daten, Wissen und
Information. Eine Grundlagenanalyse unter besonderer
Bercksichtigung der technischen Dokumentation,
Sieber, T. & Kovacs, L.. (2007). Development of a
multi-layer concept network, Technical paper, source:
Sloman, A. (2003). What kind of virtual machine is
capable of human consciousness, Proceedings of
Sloman, A.(2003). Human vision a multi-layered
multi-functional system, Proceedings of BMVA2003
Sunitha, A.& Govindarajului, P. (2007). Multilayer
Semantic data Model for Sports Video, IJCSN Journal,
Vol 7, pp. 330-341
Taniar, D. (2006). WEB Semantics and Ontology, Igi
Global Publisher, ISBN 9781591409069
Terrasse, M., Savonnet, M. & Becker, G. (2001). An
UML-metamodeling Architecture for Interoperability
of Information Systems, Proceedings of IDEAS01
Thalheim, B. (2000). Entity-Relationship Modeling
(EER), Springer Verlag
Thompson, I. (1990). Layered Cognitive Networks,
Generative Science, homepage:
WO (2007). Webopedia database, homepage: http://

Multi-Layered Semantic Data Models

Zender, H. & Kruijff, G. (2007). Multi-layered conceptual spatial mapping for autonomous mobile robots,
Proc. of Control Mechanisms for Spatial Knowledge
Processing in Cognitive / Intelligent Systems, pp.

Key TeRmS
Data Model: A formal description language to describe and to manipulate the investigated data instances.
It contains three components: a static structural part,
an integrity part and a manipulation part.
Multi-Layered Data Model: A data model where
the model elements are assigned to levels. In the model,
a hierarchy is defined between the levels. Regarding the
element-level relationships, the intra-level relationships
differ from the inter-level relationships.
Ontology: A semantic data model that describes the
concepts and their relationships. It contains a controlled
vocabulary and a grammar for using the vocabulary
terms. The ontology enables to make queries and asser-

tions and reasoning. The most popular form to describe

ontology is RDF and OWL.
OWL: A language to describe Web ontologies. It
uses an XML format and it contains a formal description logic component, too. It provides the following
extra functionality: classification, type and cardinality
constraints, thesauri, decidability.
RDF: A semantic data model that describes the
world with statements. A statement is a triplet having
the following form: subject-predicate-object.
Semantic Data Model: A high level data model.
It is usually based on concepts and it uses a graphical formalism. It contains only the key, the semantic
properties of the data structure. It does not cover the
details of the implementation.
UML: A standardized general-purpose modeling
language for object oriented software systems. It has
a graphical notation and contains several diagrams:
structure diagrams (class, object, component, package) and behavioral diagrams (activity, use-case, state
machine, interaction).



Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

P. A. Gutirrez
University of Crdoba, Spain
C. Hervs
University of Crdoba, Spain
F. J. Martnez-Estudillo
M. Carbonero

Multi-class pattern recognition has a wide range of
applications including handwritten digit recognition
(Chiang, 1998), speech tagging and recognition (Athanaselis, Bakamidis, Dologlou, Cowie, Douglas-Cowie
& Cox, 2005), bioinformatics (Mahony, Benos, Smith &
Golden, 2006) and text categorization (Massey, 2003).
This chapter presents a comprehensive and competitive
study in multi-class neural learning which combines
different elements, such as multilogistic regression,
neural networks and evolutionary algorithms.
The Logistic Regression model (LR) has been widely
used in statistics for many years and has recently been
the object of extensive study in the machine learning
community. Although logistic regression is a simple and
useful procedure, it poses problems when is applied
to a real-problem of classification, where frequently
we cannot make the stringent assumption of additive
and purely linear effects of the covariates. A technique
to overcome these difficulties is to augment/replace
the input vector with new variables, basis functions,
which are transformations of the input variables, and
then to use linear models in this new space of derived
input features. Methods like sigmoidal feed-forward
neural networks (Bishop, 1995), generalized additive
models (Hastie & Tibshirani, 1990), and PolyMARS
(Kooperberg, Bose & Stone, 1997), which is a hybrid
of Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)
(Friedman, 1991) specifically designed to handle classification problems, can all be seen as different nonlinear basis function models. The major drawback of
these approaches is stating the typology and the optimal
number of the corresponding basis functions.

Logistic regression models are usually fit by maximum likelihood, where the Newton-Raphson algorithm
is the traditional way to estimate the maximum likelihood a-posteriori parameters. Typically, the algorithm
converges, since the log-likelihood is concave. It is
important to point out that the computation of the
Newton-Raphson algorithm becomes prohibitive when
the number of variables is large.
Product Unit Neural Networks, PUNN, introduced
by Durbin and Rumelhart (Durbin & Rumelhart,
1989), are an alternative to standard sigmoidal neural
networks and are based on multiplicative nodes instead
of additive ones.

In the classification problem, measurements xi, i =
1,2,...,k, are taken on a single individual (or object), and
the individuals are to be classified into one of J classes
on the basis of these measurements. It is assumed that J
is finite, and the measurements xi are random observations from these classes. A training sample D = {(xn, yn);
n = 1, 2,...,N} is available, where xn = (x1n,...,xkn) is the
vector of measurements taking values in k , and
yn is the class level of the nth individual. In this chapter,
we will adopt the common technique of representing the
class levels using a 1-of-J encoding vector y = (y(1),
y(2),...,y(J)), such as y(l) = 1 if x corresponds to an example
belonging to class l and y(l) = 0 otherwise. Based on the
training sample, we wish to find a decision function
C : {1,2,...,J} for classifying the individuals. In
other words, C provides a partition, say D1,D2,...,DJ, of
, where Dl corresponds to the lth class, l = 1,2,...,J,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

and measurements belonging to Dl will be classified as

coming from the lth class. A misclassification occurs
when a decision rule C assigns an individual (based on
measurements vector) to a class j when it is actually
coming from a class l j.
To evaluate the performance of the classifiers we
can define the Correctly Classified Rate by


I (C (x ) = y

n =1

where I(.) is the zero-one loss function. A good classifier tries to achieve the highest possible CCR in a
given problem.
Suppose that the conditional probability that x
belongs to class l verifies:

p y (l ) = 1 x > 0, l = 1, 2,..., J , x

and set the function:

fl (x, l ) = log

p (y

), l = 1, 2,..., J ,
= 1 x)

p y (l ) = 1 x
(J )

where l is the weight vector corresponding to class l

and fJ(x, J) 0. Under a multinomial logistic regression, the probability that x belongs to class l is then
given by

p y (l ) = 1 x, Q =

exp fl (x, Q l )

, l = 1, 2,..., J

exp f (x, Q )
j =1

where = (1, 2,...,J1).

The classification rule coincides with the optimal
Bayes rule. In other words, an individual should be
assigned to the class which has the maximum probability, given the vector measurement x:
C (x) = l ,

l = arg max l fl (x, Q l ) , for l = 1,...,J.

On the other hand, because of the normalization

condition we have:

p (y

(l )

= 1 x, Q = 1

l =1

and the probability for one of the classes (in the proposed case, the last) need not be estimated (observe
that we have considered fJ(x, J) 0).


Multilogistic Regression by using Linear and Product-Unit models (MLRPU) overcomes the nonlinear
effects of the covariates by proposing a multilogistic
regression model based on the combination of linear
and product-unit models, where the nonlinear basis
functions of the model are given by the product of the
inputs raised to arbitrary powers. These basis functions
express the possible strong interactions between the
covariates, where the exponents are not fixed and may
even take real values. In fitting the proposed model,
the non-linearity of the PUNN implies that the corresponding Hessian matrix is generally indefinite and
the likelihood has more local maximum. This reason
justifies the use of an alternative heuristic procedure
to estimate the parameters of the model.

Non-linear model proposed

The general expression of the proposed model is given

i =1

j =1

i =1

fl (x,Q l )  A 0l + A il xi + B lj xi ji , l = 1, 2,..., J 1

l = (l, l, W),
Al = (A 0l , A1l ,..., A kl ) ,

Bl = (B1l ,...., B ml ) and

W = (w1, w2,..., wm),


Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

with wj = (wj1, wj2,..., wjk),

w ji .

As has been stated before, the nonlinear part of

fl(x,l) corresponds to Product Unit Neural Networks
(PUNN), introduced by Durbin and Rumelhart (Durbin
& Rumelhart, 1989) and subsequently developed by
other authors (Janson & Frenzel, 1993), (Leerink, Giles,
Horne & Jabri, 1995), (Ismail & Engelbrecht, 2000),
(Martnez-Estudillo, Hervs-Martnez, Martnez-Estudillo & Garca-Pedrajas, 2006), (Martnez-Estudillo,
Martnez-Estudillo, Hervs-Martnez & Garca-Pedrajas, 2006). Advantages of product-unit based neural
networks include increased information capacity and
the ability to form higher-order combinations of inputs.
They are universal approximators and it is possible to
obtain upper bounds of the VC dimension of product
unit neural networks that are similar to those obtained
for sigmoidal neural networks (Schmitt, 2001). Despite
these obvious advantages, product-unit based neural
networks have a major drawback. Their training is
more difficult than the training of standard sigmoidal
based networks (Durbin & Rumelhart, 1989). The
main reason for this difficulty is that small changes
in the exponents can cause large changes in the total
error surface. Hence, networks based on product units
have more local minima and a greater probability of
becoming trapped in them. It is well-known (Janson &
Frenzel, 1993) that back-propagation is not efficient in
training product-units. Several efforts have been made
to develop learning methods for product units (Leerink,
Giles, Horne & Jabri, 1995), (Martnez-Estudillo, Martnez-Estudillo, Hervs-Martnez, & Garca-Pedrajas,
2006), mainly in a regression context.

Estimation of the Model Coefficients

In the supervised learning context, the components of
the weight vectors = (1, 2,..., J1) are estimated
from the training dataset D. To perform the maximum
likelihood (ML) estimation of , one can minimize the
negative log-likelihood function
L( ) =



n =1

l =1


log p (
n =1


f (x n , l ) + log exp fl (

(l )

l =1

The error surface associated with the proposed

model is very convoluted with numerous local optimums. The non-linearity of the model with respect to
the parameters l and the indefinite character of the
associated Hessian matrix do not recommend the use
of gradient-based methods to maximize the log-likelihood function. Moreover, the optimal number of basis
functions of the model (i.e. the number of hidden nodes
in the product-unit neural network) is unknown. Thus,
the estimation of the vector parameter Q is carried out
by means a hybrid procedure described below.
In this paragraph we make a detailed description
of the different aspects of the MLRPU methodology.
The process is structured in four steps:
Step 1. We apply an evolutionary neural network algorithm to find the basis functions
) = {B (x, w
1 ), B2 (x, w
2 ),..., Bm (x, w
m )}
B(x, W

corresponding to the nonlinear part of f(x,). We

have to determine the number of basis functions
m and the weight vector W = (w1, w2,..., wm).
To apply evolutionary neural network techniques,
we consider a PUNN with the following structure (Fig.
1): an input layer with a node for every input variable,
a hidden layer with several nodes, and an output layer
with one node for each category. The activation function
of the j-th node in the hidden layer is given by

B j (x, w j ) = xi

w ji

i =1

where wji is the weight of the connection between input node i and hidden node j and wj = wj1,..., wjk). The
activation function of the output node l is given by

gl (x,Bl 7 ) = B 0l + B lj B j ( X Wj )
j =1

where B lj is the weight of the connection between the

hidden node j and the output node l. The transfer function of all output nodes is the identity function.
The weight vector W = (w1, w2,..., wm) is estimated
by means of an evolutionary programming algorithm
detailed in (Hervs-Martnez, Martnez-Estudillo &
Gutirrez, 2006), that optimizes the error function

Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

Figure 1. Model of a product-unit based neural network


g 2 (x)

gJ 1(x)

1,2,..., J














w11 w21
w2k wmk
w12 22
wm 2 w1k
wm 1


given by the negative log-likelihood for N observations

associated with the product-unit model:
L* (



J 1

n =1

l =1

(l )

gl ( n ,

J 1

) + log exp gl ( n , l ,
l =1

Although in this step the evolutionary process obtains a concrete value for the vector, we only consider
= (w
2 , ..., w
m ) that
the estimated weight vector W
builds the basis functions. The value for the vector
will be determined in Step 3 together with the coefficient vector.
Step 2. We consider the following transformation of
the input space by adding the nonlinear basis
functions obtained by the evolutionary algorithm
in step 1:
H : k k +m

(x1 , x2 ,..., xk ) ( x1 , x2 ,..., xk , z1 ,..., zm1)



Step 3. We minimize the negative log-likelihood function for N observations:

L( , ) =


n =1

l =1

(l )

) + log exp(

l =1

where xn = (1, x1n,..., xkn). Now, the Hessian matrix

of the negative log-likelihood in the new variables
x1, x2,..., xk, z1,..., zm is semidefinite positive. Then,
we could apply Newtons method, also known, in
this case, as Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
(IRLS). Although there are other methods for
performing this optimization, none clearly outperforms IRLS (Minka, 2003). The estimated vector
coefficient = ( determines the model:

i =1

j =1

i =1

f l (x,Q )  A 0l + A il xi + B lj xi ji ,

l = 1, 2,..., J 1

1 ),..., zm = Bm (x, w
m) .
where z1 = B1 (x, w

Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

Step 4. In order to select the final model, we use a

backward stepwise procedure, starting with the
full model with all the covariates, initial and
PU covariates, and successively prune variables
sequentially to the model until further pruning
does not improve the fit.

Application to Remote Sensing

We have tested the proposed methodology in a real
agronomical problem of precision farming, consisting of mapping weed patches in crop fields, through
remote sensed data.
Remote sensing systems can provide a large amount
of continuous field information at a reasonable cost.
Remote sensed imagery shows great potential in modelling different agronomic parameters for its application
in precision farming. One aspect of overcoming the
possibility of minimizing the impact of agriculture
on environmental quality is the development of more
efficient approaches for crop production determination and for site-specific weed management. Potential
economic and environmental benefits of site-specific
herbicide applications include reduced spray volume,
herbicide costs and non-target spraying, and increased
control of weeds, (Thompson, Stafford & Miller, 1991),
(Medlin, Shaw, Gerard, & LaMastus, 2000).
We face a mapping weed patches problem through
the analysis of aerial photographs. Images and data sets
have been given by the Precision Farming and Remote
Sensing Unit of the Department of Crop Protection,
Institute of Sustainable Agriculture (CSIC, Spain),
whose members reported previous results in predicting Ridolfia segetum Moris patches, (Pea-Barragn,
Lpez-Granados, Jurado-Expsito & Garca-Torres,
2007). The data analyzed correspond to a study conducted in 2003 at the 42 ha-farm Matabueyes, naturally
infested by R. segetum. At a field study, the nature of
2,400 pixels was determined, being them considered
as ground-truth pixels: 800 pixels were classified as R.
segetum and 800 pixels were classified as R. segetum
free pixels.
Input variables include the digital values of all
bands in each available image, that is: Red (R), Green
(G) and Blue (B), for June image, and R, G, B and
Near Infrared (NIR) for May and July images. The
experimental design was conducted using a stratified
holdout cross-validation procedure, where the size of
training set was approximately 0.7n (1,120 pixels) for

the training set and 0.3n (480 pixels) for the generalization set, n being the size of the full dataset.
In all experiments, the EA has been applied with
the same parameters. SPSS 13.0 software (SPSS, 2005)
was used for applying IRLS algorithm and in order to
select the more significant variables in the final model,
through a backward stepwise procedure.
The models compared in the different experiments
are the following: firstly, we extract the best PUNN
model of the EA (EPUNN); secondly, we obtain standard
Logistic Regression model using initial covariables
(LR); finally, we apply Logistic Regression only over
basic function extracted from EPUNN model (MLRPU)
and over the same basic functions together with initial
covariables (MLRLPU).

Performance of each model has been evaluated using
the Correctly Classified Ratio in the generalization set
(CCRG). In Table 1 we show the matrix results of classification over train and generalization sets for the three
classification problems and the four models proposed (one
problem at each date, May, June and July, and four models, EPUNN, LR, MLRPU and MLRLPU). Best CCRG
results are obtained with MLRPU and MLRLPU at May
and June, although at July EPUNN model yields the best
results. At all dates, differences between standard LR and
hybrid LR (MLRPU and MLRLPU) are very significant.
Table 2 includes models obtained at the date that leads
to better classification results, that is, at June.
Using these models we can obtain the probability of
R.segetum presence at all pixels of the image, including
non ground-truth pixels. Figure 1, 2, 3 and 4 represents
weed maps obtained using the four proposed models at
June, EPUNN, LR, MLRPU and MLRLPU, respectively.
Weed presence probability has been represented using
a scale between white (minimum probability, nearly 0)
and dark green (maximum probability, nearly 1). From
these maps, the agronomical expert can decide what
threshold probability value consider to apply herbicide.
MLRLPU and MLRPU models clearly differentiate
better between high weed density zones and weed free
zones, so they have a higher interest from the point of
view of intelligent site-specific herbicide application.

Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

Table 1. Classification matrixes (Y=0, R.segetum absence; Y=1, R.segetum presence) at all dates, using best
Evolutionary Product Unit Neural Network, EPUNN, Logistic Regression, LR (in italic), Logistic Regression
only with Product Units, MLRPU, (in brackets), and Logistic Regression with initial covariables and Product
Units, MLRLPU (in squared brackets)






CCR (%)




CCR (%)




CCR (%)


Predicted Response
384 352
(383) [394]
133 171
(136) [141]

176 208
(177) [166]
427 389

547 529
7 30
(9) [11]

13 31
(13) [8]
553 530

443 296
(443) [447]
105 131
(111) [117]

117 264
(117) [113]
455 429
(449) [443]

CCR (%)
68.5 62.9
(68.4) [70.4]
76.2 69.5
(75.7) [74.8]
72.4 66.2
(72.1) [72.6]
97.7 94.5
98.8 94.6
(98.4) [98]
98.2 94.6
79.1 52.9
(79.1) [79.8]
81.2 76.6
(80.2) [79.l]
80.1 64.7
(79.6) [79.5]

Predicted Response
164 148
(164) [168]
65 69
(67) [69]

76 92
(76) [72]
175 171
(173) [171]

236 226
2 12
(2) [2]

4 14

195 138
(425) [189]
52 60
(53) [50]

45 102
(55) [51]
188 180
(187) [190]

CCR (%)
68.3 61.7
(68.3) [70]
72.9 71.3
(72.1) [71.3]
70.6 66.5
(70.2) [70.6]
98.3 94.2
99.2 95
98.7 94.6
81.2 57.5
(88.5) [78.8]
78.3 75
(77.9) [79.2]
79.8 66.3
(79.6) [79]

Table 2. Obtained models at June for the determination of R.segetum presence probability (P) in order to obtain
weed patches maps



P = 1/(1+exp(-(-0.424+75.419(V4 633)+0.322(R-1.888) +14.990(A3 496 V-3.415))))
P = 1/(1+exp(-(-0.694+8.282(A)-63.342(V)-11.402(R))))
P = 1/(1+exp(-(-17.227+143.012(V4 633)
+0.636(R-1.888)+23.021(A3 496 V-3.415))))
P = 1/(1+exp(-(18.027+130.674(A)-133.662(V)
-29.346(R)+353.147(V4 633)
-3.396(B3 496 G-3.415))))


Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

Concepts exposed in this chapter offer the possibility
of developing new models of multi-class generalized
linear regression, by means of considering different
types of basis functions (Sigmoidal Units, Radial Basis

Functions and Product Units) for the non-linear part of

the proposed model. Moreover, future research could
include ordinal logistic regression models with different basis functions or probit models with different
basis functions.

Figure 1. EPUNN R.segetum presence probability


Figure 2. LR R.segetum presence probability map

Figure 3. MLRPU R.segetum presence probability


Figure 4. MLRLPU R.segetum presence probability



Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

To the best of our knowledge, the approach presented
in this paper is a study in multi-class neural learning
which combines three tools used in machine learning
research: the logistic regression, the product-unit neural
network model and the evolutionary neural network
paradigm. Logistic regression is a well-tested statistical
approach that performs well in two-class classification
and can naturally be generalized to the multi-class
case. On the other hand, product-unit neural network
models are an alternative to standard sigmoidal neural
networks with the ability to capture non-linear interaction between the input variables. Finally, evolutionary
artificial neural networks present an interesting platform
for optimizing both network performance and architecture simultaneously. The adequate combination of
these three elements carried out in several steps in our
proposal, provides a competitive methodology to solve
classification problems.

Athanaselis, T., Bakamidis, S., Dologlou, I., Cowie,
R., Douglas-Cowie, E., & Cox, C. (2005). ASR for
emotional speech: Clarifying the issues and enhancing
performance. Neural Networks, 18(4), 437-444.
Bishop, M. (1995). Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press.
Chiang, J.H., (1998). A Hybrid Neural Model in
Handwritten Word Recognition. Neural Networks,
11(2), 337-346.
Durbin, R., & Rumelhart, D. (1989). Products Units:
A computationally powerful and biologically plausible extension to back propagation networks. Neural
Computation, 1, 133-142.
Friedman, J. (1991). Multivariate adaptive regression
splines. The Annals of Statistics, 19(1), 1-141.
Hastie, T., Tibshirani, R.J., & Friedman, J. (2001). The
Elements of Statistical Learning. Data mining, Inference and Prediction, Springer-Verlag.
Hervs-Martnez, C., Martnez-Estudillo, F.J., Gutirrez, P.A. (2006). Classification by means of evolutionary product-unit neural networks. IEEE International

Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN06,

Vancouver), 2834-2841.
Ismail, A., & Engelbrecht, A.P. (2000). Global Optimization Algorithms for Training Product Unit Neural
Networks. International Joint Conference on Neural
Networks, 1, 132-137.
Janson, D.J., & Frenzel, J.F. (1993). Training product
unit neural networks with genetic algorithms. IEEE
Expert: Intelligent Systems and Their Applications,
8(5), 26-33.
Kooperberg, C., Bose, S., & Stone, C.J. (2006).
Polychotomous regression. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 92, 117-127.
Leerink, L., Giles, C., Horne, B., & Jabri, M. (1995).
Learning with product units. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 7, 537-544.
Mahony, S., Benos, P.V., Smith, T.J., & Golden, A.
(2006). Self-organizing neural networks to support the
discovery of DNA-binding motifs. Neural Networks,
19(6-7), 950-962.
Martnez-Estudillo, A.C., Martnez-Estudillo, F.J.,
Hervs-Martnez, C., & Garca-Pedrajas, N. (2006).
Evolutionary Product Unit based Neural Networks for
Regression. Neural Networks, 19(1), 477-486.
Martnez-Estudillo, A.C., Hervs-Martnez, C., Martnez-Estudillo, F.J., & Garca-Pedrajas, N. (2006).
Hybridation of evolutionary algorithms and local search
by means of a clustering method. IEEE Transaction on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part. B: Cybernetics,
36(3), 534-546.
Medlin, C.R., Shaw, D.R., Gerard, P.D., & LaMastus,
F.E. (2000). Using remote sensing to detect weed infestations in Glycine max. Weed Science, 48(3), 393-398.
Minka, T.P., (2003). A comparison of numerical optimizers for logistic regression.
Pea-Barragn, J.M., Lpez-Granados, F., JuradoExpsito, M., & Garca-Torres L. (2007). Mapping
Ridolfia segetum patches in sunflower crop using remote
sensing. Weed Research, 47(2), 164-172.
Schmitt, M. (2001). On the Complexity of Computing
and Learning with Multiplicative Neural Networks.
Neural Computation, 14(24), 241-301.

Multilogistic Regression by Product Units

SPSS (2005). Advanced Models. Copyright 13.0 SPSS

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Thompson, J.F., Stafford, J.V. & Miller P.C.H. (1991).
Potential for automatic weed detection and selective
herbicide application. Crop Protection, 10, 254-259.

Key TeRmS
Artificial Neural Networks: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used
in applications such as robotics, speech recognition,
signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Evolutionary Computation: Computation based
on iterative progress, such as growth or development
in a population. This population is selected in a guided
random search using parallel processing to achieve the
desired solution. Such processes are often inspired by
biological mechanisms of evolution.
Evolutionary Programming: One of the four
major evolutionary algorithm paradigms, with no fixed
structure or representation, in contrast with some of
the other evolutionary paradigm. Its main variation
operator is the mutation.


Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS):

Numerical algorithm for minimizing any specified
objective function using a standard weighted least
squares method such as Gaussian elimination. It is
widely applied in Logistic Regression.
Logistic Regression: Statistical regression model
for Bernoulli-distributed dependent variables. It is
a generalized linear model that uses the logit as its
link function. Logistic regression applies maximum
likelihood estimation after transforming the dependent
into a logit variable (the natural log of the odds of the
dependent occurring or not).
Precision Farming: Use of new technologies, such
as global positioning (GPS), sensors, satellites or aerial
images, and information management tools (GIS) to
assess and understand in-field variability in agriculture.
Collected information may be used to more precisely
evaluate optimum sowing density, estimate fertilizers
and other inputs needs, and to more accurately predict
crop yields.
Product Unit Neural Networks: Alternative to
standard sigmoidal neural networks, based on multiplicative nodes instead of additive ones. Concretely,
the output of each hidden node is the product of all its
inputs raised to a real exponent.
Remote Sensing: Short or large-scale acquisition of
information of an object or phenomenon, by the use of
either recording or real-time sensing devices that is not
in physical or intimate contact with the object (such as
by way of aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, or ship).


Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

Sanjoy Das
Kansas State University, USA
Bijaya K. Panigrahi
Indian Institute of Technology, India

Real world optimization problems are often too complex
to be solved through analytical means. Evolutionary
algorithms, a class of algorithms that borrow paradigms
from nature, are particularly well suited to address such
problems. These algorithms are stochastic methods
of optimization that have become immensely popular
recently, because they are derivative-free methods, are
not as prone to getting trapped in local minima (as they
are population based), and are shown to work well for
many complex optimization problems.
Although evolutionary algorithms have conventionally focussed on optimizing single objective functions,
most practical problems in engineering are inherently
multi-objective in nature. Multi-objective evolutionary
optimization is a relatively new, and rapidly expanding
area of research in evolutionary computation that looks
at ways to address these problems.
In this chapter, we provide an overview of some of
the most significant issues in multi-objective optimization (Deb, 2001).

Arguably, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are one of the
most common evolutionary optimization approaches.
These algorithms maintain a population of candidate
solutions in each generation, called chromosomes. Each
chromosome corresponds to a point in the algorithms
search space. GAs use three Darwinian operators
selection, mutation, and crossover to perform their
search (Mitchell, 1998). Each generation is improved
by systematically removing the poorer solutions while
retaining the better ones, based on a fitness measure.
This process is called selection. Binary tournament
selection and roulette wheel selection are two popular
methods of selection. In binary tournament selection,

two solutions, called parents, are picked randomly

from the population, with replacement, and their fitness compared, while in roulette wheel selection, the
probability of a solution to be picked, is made to be
directly proportional to its fitness.
Following selection, the crossover operator is applied. Usually, two parent solutions from the current
generation are picked randomly for producing offspring
to populate the next generation of solutions. The offspring are created from the parent solutions in such a
manner that they bear characteristics from both. The
offspring chromosomes are probabilistically subject to
another operator called mutation, which is the addition
of small random perturbations. Only a few solutions
undergo mutation. Evolutionary Strategies (ES) forms
another class of evolutionary algorithms that is closely
related to GAs and uses similar operators as well.
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a more recent
approach (Clerc, 2005). It is modeled after the social
behavior of organisms such as a flock of birds or a school
of fish, and thus only loosely classified as an evolutionary approach. Each solution within the population
in PSO, called a particle, has a unique position in the
search space. In each generation, the position of each
particle is updated by the addition of the particles own
velocity to it. The velocity of a particle, a vector, is then
incremented towards best location encountered in the
particles own history (called the individual best), as
well as the best position in the current iteration (called
the global best).


multi-Objective Optimization
When dealing with optimization problems with multiple
objectives, the conventional theories of optimality can-

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Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

Figure 1. An illustration of convergence and diversity concepts in multi-objective optimization algorithms. The
objective functions f1 and f2 are to be minimized.


true Pareto front

good convergence
but poor diversity


not be applied. Instead, the concepts of dominance and

Pareto-optimality are used. Without a loss of generality,
we will assume that the optimization problem involves
the simultaneous minimization of several objectives
only. If these objective functions are fi(.), i = 1,...,M,
a solution x is said to dominate another solution y if
and only if for all i, fi(x) fi(y) with at least one of the
inequalities being strict. In other words, x dominates y if
and only if x is as good as y for all objectives and better
in at least one. This relationship is written x y . In the
set of all feasible solutions, that subset whose members
are not dominated by any other in the set, is called the
Pareto set. In other words, if S is the search space, the Pareto set P is given by, P = {x S | y S, y x is false}
. The image of the Pareto set P in the M dimensional
objective function space is called the Pareto front, F.
Thus, F = {( f1 ( x), f 2 ( x), ... f M ( x) )| x P}.
The goal of a multi-objective optimization algorithm
is twofold. Firstly, its output, the set of non-dominated
solutions in the population, must be as close to the true
Pareto front as possible. This feature is called convergence. Secondly, in addition to good convergence, the
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm should also
yield solutions that sample the front at approximately



poor convergence

good convergence
and diversity


regularly spaced intervals, a feature that is usually

referred to as diversity. Outputs, where the solutions
are clustered in a few regions of the front while other
regions are either omitted or poorly sampled, are not
desirable. Figure 1 illustrates the concepts of good
convergence and diversity.
In order to handle multi-objective optimization tasks,
an evolutionary algorithm must be equipped to discriminate between solutions using either convergence
or diversity as the criterion for comparison. When using
convergence, the majority of current evolutionary algorithms make use of one of two basic ranking schemes
that were originally put forth by Goldberg (Goldberg,
1989). The first is a method that shall be referred to
here as domination counting. Within a population of
solutions, the rank of any solution is the number of other
solutions in the population that dominate it. Clearly,
the non-dominated solutions in the population are assigned counts of zero. The second approach will be
called non-dominated sorting. Here, ranks are assigned
to each solution in a population, in such a manner that
solutions that have the same rank do not dominate one
another, each solution is assigned a lower rank than
another that it dominates, and, in turn, is ranked higher

Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

than ones dominating it. As before, non-dominated

solutions in the population are assigned a rank of zero.
Both concepts are illustrated in figure 2. The numbers
corresponding to each solution in figure 2 (left) are the
domination counts. The figure shows specifically the
solution with a count of 3 being dominated by three
others (with ranks 0, 0 and 2). In figure 2 (right), the
solutions with equal rank (the ranks being 0, 1 or 2)
are grouped together. Solutions with a rank of 0 are
non-dominated ones. They dominate those with ranks
1 or 2. When they are removed, those with ranks of 1
are no longer dominated. Removing rank 1 solutions
makes the rank 2 solution non-dominated.
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms must also
be equipped with the ability to discern between solutions that are in sparser regions of the M dimensional
space of objective functions, from those in denser ones.
The three main approaches used to do so are illustrated
in figure 3. The first of these methods is to consider a
bounding hypercube around each solution in the objective function space that does not enclose any other
solution (Deb, Pratap, Agarwal & Meyarivan, 2002).
Neighboring solutions will be located at some of the
corners of this hypercube. This is shown in figure 3
(left), where two solutions, a and b, have been enclosed
by hypercubes. The perimeters of the hypercubes are
considered as measures of diversity. Solutions whose
bounding hypercubes have a larger perimeter are considered to be located in sparser regions than those with
smaller ones. The second approach (Knowles & Corne,
2000) is to superimpose an M-dimensional hypergrid in
the objective function space, and consider the number
of solutions that stay in each of the hypergrids cells
as a measure of how dense the region around the cell
is. In figure 3 (middle), since b occupies the same cell
as another solution, whereas a does not, the latter is

regarded as being placed in a sparser region. The last

approach computes the kth nearest neighbor of each
solution (Zitzler, Laumanns & Thiele, 2001). This situation is depicted in figure 3 (right), where the solutions
a and b have been connected to their nearest neighbors
(k=1). Solutions, which lie at greater distances from
their neighbors, are considered to be in sparser regions
of the objective function space.
Since elitism, the guaranteed survival of the fittest
solutions per generation, shows faster convergence in
single objective evolutionary algorithms, this feature
has also been incorporated into most current multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Elitism is ensured
by means of an archive that stores the best solutions
in each generation. Quite often, the archived solutions
are reinserted back into the main population. Archiving
is implemented via schemes that we will refer to, collectively, as elite preservation.

A few Recent evolutionary Algorithms

(i) NSGA-II (Deb, Pratap, Agarwal & Meyarivan,
2002): NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm) maintains a population and a separate archive,
each of size N. In each generation, the population is
merged with the archive. This merged set is then subject to elite preservation. The new archive is filled by
taking the N best-ranked solutions obtained from elite
preservation. The same N individuals are also subject
to tournament selection, crossover, and mutation to
form the population for the next generation.
Elite preservation is implemented in NSGA-II by
using non-dominated sorting for convergence, and
the hypercube method for diversity. It proposes an
O(MN2) subroutine for fast non-dominated sorting to
assign ranks to the solutions in the merged population.

Figure 2. Discriminating between solutions based on convergence



domination counting


non-dominated sorting





Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

Figure 3. Discriminating between solutions based on diversity



bounding hypercube

nearest neighbor



Starting with the lowest ranked solutions, the archive

is filled until it reaches its full capacity N.
Diversity is invoked to further discriminate between
mutually non-dominating solutions when not all solutions of an identical rank can be inserted into the archive.
NSGA-II incorporates an algorithm of order O(MN
log(N)) to do so. Because non-dominated sorting is the
computationally rate limiting portion in NSGA-II, the
overall complexity is O(MN2) per generation.
(ii) SPEA-2 (Zitzler, Laumanns & Thiele, 2001):
The SPEA-2 (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Approach)
method is quite similar to NSGA-II. It also maintains a
population and an archive of size N, merging both in the
beginning of every generation and making use of elite
preservation to identify the best to undergo crossover
and mutation for the next generation. In SPEA-2, individual fitness are computed in a two-step manner, that is
an improved version of the basic domination counting
approach discussed earlier. First to be computed is the
strength of each solution in the merged population, i.e.,
the number of solutions it dominates. Then, the raw
fitness of each individual is computed as the sum of the
strengths of all the solutions that dominate it.
In (Zitzler, Laumanns & Thiele, 2001) it is argued
that this method of computing fitness imparts SPEA-2
with some capability to preserve diversity. However,
in itself, raw fitness is inadequate to do so, and so a
separate term is added to it, that explicitly takes diversity into account. This second term added to each
solutions fitness, is inversely related to the distance
from the solution to its kth nearest neighbor in objective
function space. The overall algorithm complexity of
SPEA-2 is O(MN3) per generation.
(iii) MOPSO (Coello Coello, 2004): MOPSO
(Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization) is an





approach for fast multi-objective optimization that is

based on PSO. It imposes population diversity by means
of the M-dimensional hypergrid described earlier, and
counting the number of solutions present in each of the
hypergrids cells. Solutions occupying cells with lower
counts are preferred to those with higher counts. An
even distribution of solutions along the Pareto front is
achieved by biasing particles to update their velocities
towards global best particles that are located in sparser
cells of the hypergrid, i.e. with lower counts. This is
done using a roulette wheel selection algorithm that
picks a cell probabilistically using cell counts, such
that the higher the cell count, the lower the probability of selection becomes. MOPSO also implements a
mutation operator.
(iv) ParEGO (Knowles, 2006): ParEGO (Parallel
Efficient Global Optimization) has been explicitly
designed for problems where evaluating the objective
function is highly expensive in terms of computer
time. Therefore, ParEGO converges in as few function
evaluations as possible. The algorithm uses a Gaussian
process model to approximate the fitness landscape that
is learned adaptively using supervised learning. For
further details one is referred to (Knowles, 2006).
(v) FSGA (Koduru, Das, Welch & Roe, 2004): FSGA
(Fuzzy Simplex Genetic Algorithm) has a complexity
of O(MN2) per generation similar to NSGA-II. It differs
from NSGA-II and SPEA-2 in the method used for elite
preservation. A measure called fuzzy dominance is used
for the purpose. A solution that is not dominated by any
other is assigned a fuzzy dominance of zero. The poorer
a solution is, the higher the fuzzy dominance value it
is assigned. FSGAs fuzzy dominance is a numerical
method that not only uses Pareto-optimality, but also
considers the degree to which one solution dominates

Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

another, making effective use of differences between

their values of the objective functions. It has been
designed specifically so that FSGA can be hybridized
readily with a local search algorithm.
PAES (The Pareto Archive Evolutionary Strategy)
and PESA (Pareto Envelope based Selection Algorithm)
are other successful multi-objective evolutionary algorithms that make use of the hypergrid to measure
diversity (Knowles & Corne, 2000, Corne, Jerram,
Knowles & Oates, 2001). Another algorithm, RDGA
(Rank Density based Genetic Algorithm) uses this
method along with a ranking scheme wherein a nondominated individual has unit rank and others are
assigned one plus the sum of the ranks of all solutions
that dominate them (Lu & Yen, 2003). Very recently, the
use of fuzzy dominance has been successfully applied
to another multi-objective PSO algorithm (Koduru,
Das & Welch, 2007).

Multi-objective evolutionary optimization is a rapidly
expanding, new field of research. Although several interesting approaches have been proposed in the recent
literature, further investigation is necessary before
multi-objective algorithms can truly address the needs
of the application domains.
One current research focus is in devising numerical metrics to compare solutions. This is particularly
useful when the problem contains a large number of
objectives. In higher dimensional objective function
space, it is less likely to find a solution that dominates
another, i.e. is better than or equal to another in all
objectives. Under these circumstances, comparing
solutions that are already within the Pareto front is
essential. One such method has been suggested recently (Farina & Amato, 2004). This method counts
the number of objectives along which one solution is
better than and worse than another, and proposed fuzzy
metrics based on the counts. However, such ideas have
yet to be incorporated within evolutionary algorithms.
A related direction of research is in devising schemes
to compare solutions in the presence of uncertainty in
objective functions. This research has obvious practical implications in engineering and other applications
where measuring objectives such as cost, efficiency or
expected lifetime are difficult tasks (Fieldsend, Everson
& Singh, 2005).

Another direction of certain future interest is in

multi-objective optimization using novel biological
paradigms. Only a few multi-objective PSO algorithms,
such as MOPSO, and fuzzy dominance based PSO
method (Koduru, Das & Welch, 2007), have been proposed; consequently, there is great interest in devising
better PSO search strategies within the evolutionary
computation community. Another class of algorithms
based on computations involved in the vertebrate immune system is emerging, called Artificial Immune
Systems (AIS). Although a few multi-objective AIS
algorithms have been proposed recently (cf. Coello
Coello & Corts, 2005), there is substantial scope for
improvement in this direction.
Other trends are in devising more difficult benchmark test problems. Huband et al. have proposed recent
benchmarks (Huband, Hingston, Barone & While,
2006), and the performance of evolutionary methods
for these functions need to be investigated.

We have provided an overview of the new and expanding field of multi-objective optimization, outlining
some of the most significant approaches. We chose to
describe NSGA-II and SPEA-2 as they are the most
popular algorithms today. We also discuss the recent
algorithm, ParEGO, which is very promising for some
specialized applications as well as the even more recent
FSGA, currently under development, which fills the
need for hybrid multi-objective algorithms. Finally, we
also have outlined MOPSO, which is based on a new
evolutionary paradigm, PSO. Lastly, we address future
trends in evolutionary multi-objective optimization to
complete the discussion.

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Coello Coello, C.A. & Corts N.C. (2005). Solving
multiobjective optimization problems using an artificial


Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

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Huband, S., Hingston, P., Barone, L., & While L.
(2006). A review of multiobjective test problems and
a scalable test problem toolkit. IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation. 10(5): 477-506.
Knowles, J.D., & Corne, D.W. (2000). Approximating
the nondominated front using the Pareto archived evolution strategy. Evolutionary Computation. 8: 149-172.
Knowles, J. (2005). ParEGO: a hybrid algorithm with
on-line landscape approximation for expensive multiobjective optimization problems, IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation. 10(1): 50-66.
Koduru, P. Das, S., Welch, S.M., & Roe, J. (2004).
Fuzzy dominance based multi-objective GA-Simplex
hybrid algorithms applied to gene network models. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing
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al. (editors), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3102: 356-367.
Koduru, P., Das, S., & Welch, S.M. (2007). Multiobjective and hybrid PSO using -fuzzy dominance,

Key TeRmS
Elitism: A strategy in evolutionary algorithms
where the best one or more solutions, called the elites,
in each generation, are inserted into the next, without
undergoing any change. This strategy usually speeds
up the convergence of the algorithm. In a multi-objective framework, any non-dominated solution can be
considered to be an elite.
Evolutionary Algorithm: A class of probabilistic
algorithms that are based upon biological metaphors
such as Darwinian evolution, and widely used in optimization.
Fitness: A measure that is used to determine the
goodness of a solution for an optimization problem.
Fitness Landscape: A representation of the search
space of an optimization problem that brings out the
differences in the fitness of the solutions, such that those
with good fitness are higher. Optimal solutions are
the maxima of the fitness landscape.
Generation: A term used in evolutionary algorithms
that roughly corresponds to each iteration of the outermost loop. The offspring obtained in one generation
become the parents of the next.
Multi-Objective Optimization: An optimization
problem involving more than a single objective function.

Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms

In such a setting, it is not easy to discriminate between

good and bad solutions, as a solution, which is better
than another in one objective, may be poorer in another.
Without any loss of generality, any optimization problem can be cast as one involving minimizations only.

Objective Function: The function that is to be optimized. In a minimization problem, the fitness varies
inversely as the objective function.
Population Based Algorithm: An algorithm that
maintains an entire set of candidate solutions, each
solution corresponding to a unique point in the search
space of the problem.
Search Space: Set of all possible solutions for any
given optimization problem. Almost always, a neighborhood around each solution can also be defined in
the search space.



Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

M. P. Cullar
Universidad de Granada, Spain
M. Delgado
Universidad de Granada, Spain
M. C. Pegalajar
Universidad de Granada, Spain

Traditionally, the application of a neural network
(Haykin, 1999) to solve a problem has required to follow some steps before to obtain the desired network.
Some of these steps are the data preprocessing, model
selection, topology optimization and then the training.
It is usual to spend a large amount of computational
time and human interaction to perform each task of
before and, particularly, in the topology optimization
and network training. There have been many proposals to reduce the effort necessary to do these tasks
and to provide the experts with a robust methodology.
For example, Giles et al. (1995) provides a constructive method to optimize iteratively the topology of a
recurrent network. Other methods attempt to reduce
the complexity of the network structure by mean of
removing unnecessary network nodes and connections
like in (Morse, 1994). In the last years, evolutionary
algorithms have been shown as promising tools to
solve this problem, existing many competitive approaches in the literature. For example, Blanco et al.
(2001) proposed a master-slave genetic algorithm to
train (master algorithm) and to optimize the size of the
network (slave algorithm). For a general view of the
problem and the use of evolutionary algorithms for
neural network training and optimization, we refer the
reader to (Yao, 1999).
Although the literature about genetic algorithms
and neural networks is very extensive, we would like
to remark the recent popularity of multi-objective
optimization (Coello et al., 2002, Jin, 2006), specially to solve the problem of simultaneous training
and topology optimization of neural networks. These
methods have shown to perform suitably for this task
in previous works, although most of them are proposed
for feedforward models. They attempt to optimize the

structure of the network (number of connections, hidden units or layers), while training the network at the
same time. Multi-objective algorithms may provide
important advantages in the simultaneous training and
optimization of neural networks: They may force the
search to return a set of optimal networks instead of a
single one; they are capable to speed-up the optimization
process; they may be preferred to a weight-aggregation
procedure to cover the regularization problem in neural
networks; and they are more suitable when the designer
would like to combine different error measures for the
training. A recent review of these techniques may be
found in (Jin, 2006).

Multi-objective algorithms have become popular in
the last years to solve the problem of the simultaneous
training and topology optimization of neural networks,
because of the innovations they can provide to solve it.
Certain authors have addressed this problem through
the evolution of single ensembles as for example with
DIVACE-II (Chandra et al., 2006), which also implements different levels of coevolution. In other works,
the networks are fully evolved and the evolutionary
operators are designed to deal with both training and
structure optimization. Some authors have addressed
the problem of the structure optimization attending to
reduce either the number of network neurons or either
the number of network connections. In the first methods
(Abbass et al., 2001; Delgado et al., 2005; Gonzlez et
al., 2003), the optimization is easier since the codification of a network contains a smaller number of freedom
degrees than the last methods; however, they have a
disadvantage in the sense that the networks obtained
are fully connected. On the other hand, the methods in

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

the second place (Jin et al., 2004; Cullar et al, 2007)

attempt to reduce the number of connections but it is
( f i nodes
s1 is
not ensured that also the number of network
also minimum. Nevertheless, experimental results have
shown that the networks obtained with these proposals
have a low size (Jin et al, 2004).
The hybridation of multi-objective evolutionary
algorithms with traditional gradient-based training
algorithms has also provided promising results. While
the evolutionary algorithm makes a wide exploration
of the solution space, the gradient-based algorithms are
capable to address the search to promising areas during the evolution and to exploit the solutions suitably.
This hybridation is usually carried out by including
the gradient-based training method as a local search
operator in the evolutionary process. Then, the local
search operator is applied after the mutation and before
the evaluation of the solutions. Some examples are the
system MPANN developed by H.A. Abbass (2001),
and the works by Y. Jin et al. (2006).
In the next section, we make an study of different
aspects concerning the multi-objective optimization
of neural networks. Concretely, we make an study of
the objectives to be achieved in the multi-objective
algorithm and the multi-objective algorithms used.
We focus our analysis on recurrent neural networks
(Haykin, 1999; Mandic and Chambers, 2001), since
these models have a high complexity due to the recurrence. The experiments are illustrated in problems of
time-series prediction, since this type of problems has
multiple applications in many research and enterprise
areas and the neural models used are suitable for this
application, as suggested by previous works (Aussem,

The most recent multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are based in the concept of Pareto dominance as
a criterion to determine whether a solution is optimal or
not. Let F(s)=(f1(s), f2(s),..., fk(s)) be a set of k objectives
to be achieved, and let s1 and s2 be two solutions. In a
minimization problem, it is said that s2 is dominated
by s1 if, and only if:

( f i ( s1 ) f i ( s 2 ),


i : 1 i k )^ (j : f j ( s1 ) < f j ( s 2 );1 j k )


The solutions that are non-nominated by any other

solution are called the non-dominated set or Pareto
frontier. The goal of any multi-objective algorithm is
to find the solutions in the Pareto frontier. Thus, the
selection of the objectives to be achieved in a multiobjective algorithm is a key aspect, since they will be
used to guide the search across the search space to
obtain the optimal solutions. However, the higher the
number of objectives is, the higher the complexity of
the search space is. In this work, we attempt to train and
optimize the size of an Elman Network (Mandic and
Chambers, 2001), for time series prediction problems.
This network type has an input layer, an output layer
and a hidden layer. The data of the time series is provided in time to the network inputs, and the objective
is the network output to provide the future values of
the time series at the output.The recurrent connections
are in the hidden layer, so that the output of a hidden
neuron at time t is also input for all the hidden neurons
at time t+1. The reader may found a wider information
about dynamical recurrent neural networks applied for
time series prediction in (Aussem, 1999; Mandic and
Chambers, 2001).
f1 ( s * ) = min{ f1 ( s )) = min{

1 T
(Y (t ) O(t )) 2 }
T t =1


f 2 ( s * ) = min{ f 2 ( s )} =min{ h( s )}


f 3 ( s * ) = min{ f 3 ( s )} = min{ n( s )}


For the problem of neural network optimization and

training, we consider three objectives to be achieved
(see equations (2)-(4)). The objective f1(s) attempts
to minimize the network error, while f2(s) is used to
optimize the number of hidden neurons and f3(s) the
number of network connections. In equation (2), T
is the number of training patterns, Y(t) is the desired
output for pattern t and O(t) is the network output. In
equation (3), h(s) is the number of hidden neurons for
the network s; and n(s) is the number of network connections in equation (4). Another issue related to the
objectives is the network codification. For example, in

Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

works like in (Abbass, 2001), the objectives to achieve

are (f1(s), f2(s)), obtaining fully connected networks. In
this cases, the representation of the network attempts to
codify the neurons if a binary vector, and the network
weights in a matrix with real values. In other works
like in (Jin et al., 2006), the network connections are
codified into a binary matrix and the network weight
into a matrix with real values, since the objectives to
be optimized are (f1(s),f3(s)). If we would consider to
optimize all the objectives, the representation should
contain the network structure (hidden neurons and connections) and the weights. In our proposal, the number
of network neurons are codified with an integer valur
following the guidelines in (Delgado et al., 2005; Cullar
et al., 2007), the connections are codified in a binary
vector, and the network weights in a vector with real

Figure 1. Example for the codification of an Elman

network with 1 input, 1 output, 2 hidden neurons and
5 connections

Figure 2. Example of the crossover


values. Figure 1 shows an example of the codification

of an Elman network into a solution, where Vij are the
network weights from input j to hidden neuron i, Uir
is the recurrent weight from neuron r to neuron i and
Woi are the weights from hidden neuron i to the output
neuron o. A network connection is active if the corresponding gene is set to 1. Otherwise, the connection
is not active.
The evolutionary operators like the crossover and the
mutation should consider two different areas in a solution: Structural recombination/mutation, and genetic
recombination/mutation. The genetic one is associated
to the area of the network weights, while the structural
one is for the network topology. Additionally, it could
be included a local search operator to improve the network performance locally in the area that codifies the
network weights, as suggested in the previous section.
In our experiments, we have used a simple recombination that generates two children from two parents, with
no structural recombination: We have tested that the
structural recombination could provide a high exploitation of the solution space, and the selective pressure
produced by the objectives to be achieved could then
produce a premature convergence. On the other hand,
for the mutation we have included three probabilities
since the structural mutation may have a high impact
in the population of solutions: Structural mutation is
selected with probability p1, and genetic mutation with
probability 1- p1. In the structural mutation, the number of hidden neurons is altered with probability p2;
otherwise, the active/inactive connections are mutated.
Finally, a gene is altered with probability p3. Figure 2
shows an example of the crossover, and Figure 3 shows
an example of the structural mutation for the number of

Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

Figure 3. Example of mutation

hidden neurons. In this last case, the solution grows to

have three hidden neurons, and new genes are generated. The values for these genes are a random number
in the bounds of the gene. In Figure 3, these genes may
be recognized by mean of the symbol ?.
For the experiments, we attempt to study the benefits
of the inclusion of a higher number of objectives to
achieve in the multi-objective algorithm, and the effects
of the evolutionary algorithm. To illustrate our results,
we have selected two social-economic time-series
for forecasting: The evolution of the U.S. population
from 1950 to 2004 taken monthly (USPop), and the
evolution of the euro/U.S. dollar variation from 1995
to 2004, taken monthly (EurDol). The 80% of the data
are used for training, and the remaining 20% is for
the test. Both time series may be downloaded for free

from The parameter for

the networks in our experiments are bounded for the
number of hidden neurons, from 3 to 12. The networks
have one input for the value of the time series at time t,
and one output for the value of the time series at time
t+1, to be predicted. There have been 30 experiments
with the multiobjective algorithms, which are based in
the algorithms NSGA2 (Deb et al, 2002) and SPEA2
(Zitzler et al, 2001). We label NSGA2 and SPEA2
for the algorithms that optimize the objectives (f1(s),
f2(s)) and NSGA2.connect and SPEA2.connect for the
algorithms that optimize (f1(s), f2(s), f3(s)). The stopping criterion is to have 10000 solutions evaluated,
and size of the population is 50. The parameters for
mutation are (p1, p2, p3)=(0.5, 0.5, 0.1) and the range
for the genes containing network weights is [-5.0,
5.0]. We have used the binary tournament selection,
the heuristic Wrights crossover and the displacement
mutation for the evolutionary operators.
Figure 4 draws the distribution of the performance
for the neural networks obtained in the Pareto frontiers
for the 30 experiments, in each data set. Additionally,
Table 1 shows the best Pareto frontiers obtained, where
Column 1 plots the algorithm, columns 2 and 5 expose
the number of hidden neurons, columns 3 and 6 describe
the number of network connections, and columns 4 and
7 the Mean Square Error (MSE) in the training.
We may observe that SPEA2.connect has obtained
a Pareto frontier wider than NSGA2.connect in both
problems. In some situations, this fact may be desir-

Figure 4. Boxplots for the distribution of network performance in USPop (a), and EurDol (b)


Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

Table 1. Best Pareto frontiers obtained in the data sets


Hidden units







Hidden units






able, since we are provided with a larger set of optimal

networks from we could select the best appropiate network to solve our problem. On the other hand, figures
4.a and 4.b suggest that the inclusion of the network
connections optimization in the multi-objective method
may produce poorer results. In both problems, the best
solutions are provided by the algorithm NSGA2, which
return fully connected networks. The same algorithm
that also optimize the number of connections, NSGA2.
connect, provides networks with minimum size, but
the network performance are lower. In the case of
the algorithms based on SPEA2, we may notice that
SPEA2.connect is the less robust algorithm, since the
distribution in the MSE is the widest. However, the
boxplot shows that the best solutions of this method
may be similar to the ones from NSGA2. This fact suggests that we may encounter smaller networks using
the three objectives in SPEA2.connect, but sacrifying
some improvements in the network performance and
spending more computational time to obtain a suitable
solution. Moreover, the networks obtained with the
inclusion of objective f3(s) in the optimization process
have a size which is very low being compared with the
fully connected networks from SPEA2 and NSGA2.

therefore to find optimal solutions. The hybridation

of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms with nonlinear programming methods to address the search
space to promising areas have proved to work well in
the works that propose a lower number of objectives
in the optimization. In the case studied in this work,
the improvements of these procedures could be better
since the size of the search space is wider. Another
important issue is the research of the evolution considering diversity and convergence: The objectives
used usually introduce a high selective pressure in the
population, and specially the objectives for the topology
optimization. This could be addressed by introducing
components in the evolutionary process to control the
balance in diversity/convergence, therefore improving
the search process and the exploration/exploitation of
the solution space.
Another interesting line to work is the inclusion
of objectives to improve another properties of neural
networks like noise tolerance or generalization. For
example, this issue has been suggested in (Graning et
al, 2006), where it is introduced an extra objective to
improve the generalization of a feedforward network
in binary classification.



We have studied in the previous section that the

inclusion of a larger number of objectives for the
network optimization is able to reduce the size of the
network, although the network performance obtained
is poorer. This is usual since the more objectives to be
optimized, the more complex is the search space and

In this work, we have studied the benefits and disadvantages in multi-objective training and fully topology
optimization of recurrent neural networks. We have
tested the methods in time series prediction problems,
and they have been also compared with the methods that
do also optimize the number of connections. In general


Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

terms, all the algorithms have solved the problems

suitably. The methods studied provide networks with
minimum number of hidden units and connections, and
the network performance is
good. However, these methods may produce poorer
results than those that only optimize the number of
hidden neurons and provide fully connected networks.
Using a higher computational time, the results from
the algorithms that optimize the topology, in terms of
hidden neurons and connections, may be competitive,
providing networks with performance similar to those
techniques that do not optimize the number of network
connections. Moreover, these methods include the
advantage that the networks size is very low, being
compared with the fully connected networks.

Abbass, H.A.; & Sarker, R. (2001). Simultaneous
Evolution of Architectures and Connection Weights in
ANNs. In Proc. of The Artificial neural networks and
Expert systems Conference. 16-21.
Abbass, H.A. (2001). A Memetic Pareto Evolutionary
Approach to Artificial Neural Networks. Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence. 2256, 1-12.
Aussem, A. (1999). Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks towards Prediction and Modelling of Dynamical
Systems. Neurocomputing. 28(15), 207-232.

Deb, K.; Patrap, A.; Agarwal, A.; & Meyarivan, T.

(2002). A fase and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation. 6(2), 182-197
Delgado, M.; & Pegalajar, M.C. (2005). A multiobjective genetic algorithm for obtaining the optimal size of
a recurrent neural network for grammatical inference.
Pattern Recognition. 38(9), 1444-1456
Graning, L., Jin, Y.; & Sendhoff, B. (2006). Generalization improvement in multi-objective learning. In Proc.
of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks.
Gonzlez, J.; Rojas, I.; Ortega, J.; Pomares, H.; Fernndez, F.; & Daz, A. (2003). Multiobjective evolutionary
optimization of the size, shape, and position parameters
of radial basis function networks for function approximation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 14(6),
Giles, C.; Chen, D.; Sun, G.; Chen, H.; Lee, H. & M.
Goudreau (1995). Constructive learning of recurrent
neural networks: problems with recurrent cascade correlation and a simple solution. IEEE Transactions on
Neural Networks. 6(4), 489.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
Foundation. Prentice Hall.
Jin, Y. (2006). Multi-objective machine learning.
Springer, New York.

Blanco, A.; Delgado, M. & Pegalajar, M.C. (2001).

A genetic algorithm to obtain the optimal recurrent
neural network. International Journal of Approximate
Reasoning. 23, 67-83.

Jin, Y.; Okabe, T.; & Sendhoff B. (2004). Neural network

regularization and ensembling using multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms. In Proc. of the 2004 congress
on evolutionary computation. 1-8.

Chandra, A.; & Yao, X. (2006). Evolving hybrid ensembles of learning machines for better generalization.
Neurocomputing. 69, 686-700.

Jin, Y.; Sendhoff, B.; & Corner, E. (2006). Evolutionary

multi-objective optimization for simultaneous generation of signal-type and symbol-type representations.
Lecture Notes on Computer Science. 3410, 752-766.

Coello, C.A.; Van Veldhuizen, D.A.; & Lamont G.B.

(2002). Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multiobjective Problems. New York: Kluwer Academic
Cullar, M.P.; Delgado, M.; & Pegalajar, M.C. (2007).
Topology optimization and training of Recurrent
Neural Networks with pareto-based multi-objective
algorithms: A experimental study. Lectures notes on
Computer Science. 4507, 359-366.

Mandic, D.P., & Chambers, J. (2001). Recurrent Neural

Networks for Prediction. John Wiley and Sons.
Morse, J. (1994). Reducing the size of the non-dominated set, pruning by clustering. Computational and
Operational Research 7(1:2), 55-66.
Yao, X. (1999). Evolving Artificial Neural Networks.
Proc. Of the IEEE. 87(9), 1423-1447..


Multi-Objective Training of Neural Networks

Zitzler, E.; Laummans, M.; & Thiele, L. (2001). SPEA2:

Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm.
Technical report 103, Computer Engineering and
Networks Laboratory (TIK), Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.

Key TeRmS
Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks: Artificial
neural network that include recurrent connections in
the network structure. They are capable to process patterns with undetermined size and/or indexed in time.
The output in these networks at time t+1 are computed
using the network inputs at time t and the network state,
provided by the recurrent connections.
Ensembles: Self-containing area of a neural network
(neuron, connection, set of a neuron with connections...)
that, being combined with other ensembles, is able to
build a neural network that solves a problem.


Evolutionary Algorithm: Optimization algorithm

based on Darwinian nature evolution.
Multi-Objective Optimization: Optimization of a
problem that involves the satisfacibility or optimization of two or more objectives, sometimes opposed
each other.
Regularization: Optimization of both complexity
and performance of a neural network following a linear
aggregation or a multi-objective algorithm.
Time-Series: Data sequence indexed in time.
Time-Series Prediction: Problem that involves the
prediction of the future values of a time series, considering a few values from the data set in the past.


Narrative Information and the NKRL Solution

Gian Piero Zarri
LaLIC, University Paris 4-Sorbonne, France

In a companion article of this Encyclopaedia: Narrative Information, the Problem, we have introduced
the problem of finding a complete and computationally
efficient system for representing and managing nonfictional narrative information. We have stressed there
the important economic value of this multimedia type
of information that concerns, e.g., corporate memory
documents, news stories, normative and legal texts,
medical records, intelligence messages, surveillance
videos or visitor logs, actuality photos, eLearning and
Cultural Heritage material, etc. We have also emphasised that the usual Computer Science tools including
those pertaining to the now very popular Semantic
Web domain, see (Bechhofer et al., 2004, Beckett,
2004) are not really suitable for dealing with this
type of information.


The main innovation introduced by NKRL with

respect to the usual ontological paradigms concerns
the addition to the traditional ontology of concepts
called HClass, hierarchy of classes in the NKRLs
jargon an ontology of events, i.e., a new sort of hierarchical organization where the nodes correspond to
n-ary structures called templates (HTemp, hierarchy
of templates). A partial image of the upper level of
HClass that follows then the standard Protg approach, see (Noy et al., 2000) is given in Figure 1;
for HTemp, see Table 1 and Figure 2 below.


Instead of using the traditional (binary) attribute/value
organization, the templates are generated from the
Figure 1. A partial representation of the upper levelof
HClass, the NKRL traditional ontology of concepts.

In this article, we will present an Artificial Intelligence

tool, NKRL (Narrative Knowledge Representation Language) that has been especially developed for dealing
in an intelligent way with the nonfictional narrative
information. NKRL is, at the same time:

a knowledge representation system for describing

in the best possible detail the essential content
(the meaning) of complex nonfictional narratives;
a system of reasoning (inference) procedures that,
thanks to the richness of the representation system,
is able to automatically establish interesting
relationships among the represented data;
an implemented software environment that allows
the user to encode the original narratives in terms
of the representation language to create NKRL
knowledge bases in a specific application domain
and to exploit intelligently these bases.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

n-ary combination of quadruples connecting together

the symbolic name of the template, a predicate, and
the arguments of the predicate introduced by named
relations, the roles. The quadruples have in common
the name and predicate components. Denoting then
with Li the generic symbolic label identifying a given
template, with Pj the predicate used in the template,
with Rk the generic role and with ak the corresponding
argument, the core data structure for templates has
the following general format (see also the companion
article, Narrative Information, the Problem):
(Li (Pj (R1 a1) (R2 a2) (Rn an)))


Predicates pertain to the set {BEHAVE, EXIST,

and roles to the set {SUBJ(ect), OBJ(ect), SOURCE,
BEN(e)F(iciary), MODAL(ity), TOPIC, CONTEXT}.
An argument of the predicate can consist of a simple
concept or of a structured association (expansion)
of several concepts. Templates can be conceived as the
formal representation of generic classes of elementary
events like move a physical object, be present in a
place, produce a service, send/receive a message,
etc. When a particular event pertaining to one of these
general classes must be represented, the corresponding template is instantiated to produce a predicative
To represent then a simple narrative like: On November 20, 1999, in an unspecified village, an armed
group of people has kidnapped Robustiniano Hablo,
we must then select firstly in the HTemp hierarchy the
template corresponding to execution of violent actions, see Figure 2 and Table 1 below this example
refers to a recent application of NKRL in a terrorism
context in the framework of an European project see,
e.g., (Zarri, 2005).
As it appears from Table 1a, the arguments of
the predicate (the ak terms in (1)) are represented by
variables with associated constraints expressed as
HClass concepts or combinations of concepts. When
deriving a predicative occurrence (an instance of a
template) like mod3.c5 in Table 1b, the role fillers in
this occurrence must conform to the constraints of the
father-template. For example, ROBUSTINIANO_HABLO
(the BEN(e)F(iciary) of the action of kidnapping) and
actor, initiator etc. of this action) are both individuals,
instances of the HClass concept individual_person. The

constituents as SOURCE in Table 1a included in

square brackets are optional. A conceptual label like
mod3.c5 is the symbolic name used to identify the
NKRL code corresponding to a specific predicative
The attributive operator, SPECIF(ication), is one
of the four operators used in NKRL for the construction
of structured arguments (complex fillers or expansions) see, e.g., (Zarri, 2003). The SPECIF lists, with
syntax (SPECIF ei p1 pn), are used to represent the
properties or attributes that can be asserted about the
first element ei, concept or individual, of the list e.g.,
in the SUBJ filler of mod3.c5, Table 1b, the attributes
weapon_wearing and (SPECIF cardinality_ several_))
are both associated with INDIVIDUAL_PERSON_20.
The location attributes, represented in the predicative occurrences as lists, are linked with the arguments
of the predicate by using the colon operator, :, see
the individual VILLAGE_1 in Table 1b. In the occurrences, the two operators date-1, date-2 materialize
the temporal interval normally associated with narrative events, see (Zarri, 1998) and, more in general,
(Allen, 1981, Ferro et al., 2005).
150 templates are permanently inserted into HTemp;
Figure 2 reproduces the external organization of the
PRODUCE branch of HTemp. This branch includes
the Produce:Violence template used in Table 1. HTemp
corresponds then to a sort of catalogue of narrative
formal structures, that are very easy to customize to
derive the new templates that could be needed for a
particular application.
What expounded until now illustrates the NKRL
solutions to the problem of representing elementary
(simple) events. To deal now with those connectivity
phenomena that arise when several elementary events
are connected through causality, goal, indirect speech
etc. links see also (Mani and Pustejovsky, 2004) the
basic NKRL knowledge representation tools have been
complemented by more complex mechanisms that make
use of second order structures, see (Zarri, 2003). For
example, the binding occurrences consist of lists of
symbolic labels (ci) of predicative occurrences; the lists
are differentiated using specific binding operators like
GOAL, CONDITION and CAUSE. Let us suppose that,
in Table 1, we state now that: an armed group of
people has kidnapped Robustiniano Hablo in order to
ask his family for a ransom, where the new elementary
event: the unknown individuals will ask for a ransom
corresponds to a new predicative occurrence, e.g., mod3.

Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

Table 1. Building up and querying predicative occurrences

name: Produce:Violence
father: Produce:PerformTask/Activity
position: 6.35
NL description: Execution of Violent Actions on the Filler of the BEN(e)F(iciary) Role
PRODUCE SUBJ var1: [(var2)]
[SOURCE var4: [(var5)]]
var6: [(var7)]
[MODAL var8]
[CONTEXT var10]
{[modulators], abs}

<criminality/violence_related_tool> <machine_tool> <violence_>

<situation_> <spatio/temporal_relationship> <symbolic_label>
var2, var5, var7 = <geographical_location>




Produce:Violence (6.35)



(SPECIF cardinality_ several_)):

CONTEXT #mod3.c6
date-1: 20/11/1999

On November 20, 1999, in an unspecified village (VILLAGE_1), an armed group of people has kidnapped
Robustiniano Hablo.

SUBJ : human_being :
OBJ : violence_
BENF : human_being :
date1 : 1/1/1999
date2 : 31/12/1999

There is any information in the system concerning violence activities during 1999?


Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

Figure 2A. Partial representation of the PRODUCE branch of HTemp, the ontology of events

c7. To represent this situation, we must add to the oc-

currences that represent the two elementary events a

new binding occurrence, e.g., mod3.c8, to link together
the conceptual labels mod3.c5 (corresponding to the
kidnapping occurrence, see also Table 1b) and mod3.
c7 (corresponding to the new occurrence describing
the intended result). mod3.c8 will have then the form:
mod3.c8) (GOAL mod3.c5 mod3.c7). The meaning of
mod3.c8 can be paraphrased as: the activity described
in mod3.c5 is focalised towards (GOAL) the realization
of mod3.c7.
Reasoning in NKRL ranges from the direct questioning of an NKRL knowledge base making use of
search patterns (formal queries over the contents of
the knowledge base) that try to unify the predicative
occurrences of the base to high-level inference procedures. A simple example of search pattern in supplied in
Table 1c, producing as an answer, among other things,
the predicative occurrence mod3.c5 of Table 1b see
(Ellis, 1995, Corbett, 2003, etc.) for the techniques
used to unify complex conceptual structures. With
respect now to the high level procedures a detailed

paper on this topic is (Zarri, 2005) the transformation rules try to adapt, from a semantic point of
view, the original query/queries (search patterns) that
failed to the real contents of the existing knowledge
bases. The principle employed consists in using rules
to automatically transform the original query (i.e.,
the original search pattern) into one or more different
queries (search patterns) that are not strictly equivalent but only semantically close to the original one.
Let us suppose that, e.g., during the search for all the
possible information linked with the Robustiniano
Hablos kidnapping, we ask the system whether Robustiano Hablo is wealthy. In the absence of a direct
answer, the system will automatically transform the
original query using a rule like: In a context of ransom
kidnapping, the certification that a given character is
wealthy or has a professional role can be substituted by
the certification that: i) this character has a tight kinship
link with another person, and ii) this second person is
a wealthy person or a professional people. The final
result can then be paraphrased in this way: we do not
know whether Robustiano Hablo is wealthy, but we

Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

can say that his father is a wealthy businessperson, see

(Zarri, 2005) for the details.
Hypothesis rules allow building up reasonable
logic/semantic connections among the data stored in
an NKRL knowledge base using a number of pre-defined reasoning schemata, e.g., causal schemata. For
example, to mention a classic NKRL example, after
having directly retrieved through the use of a search
pattern an information like: Pharmacopeia, an USA
biotechnology company, has received 64,000,000 dollars from the German company Schering in connection
with an R&D activity, we could be able to automatically construct a sort of causal explanation of this
event by retrieving information like: i) Pharmacopeia
and Schering have signed an agreement concerning
the production by Pharmacopeia of a new compound
and ii) in the framework of the agreement previously
mentioned, Pharmacopeia has actually produced the
new compound.
In Table 2, we give the informal description of
the reasoning steps (called condition schemata in a
hypothesis context) that must be validated to prove
that a generic kidnapping corresponds, in reality, to
a more precise kidnapping for ransom environment.
When several reasoning steps must be simultaneously
validated, as in Table 2, a failure is always possible. To
overcome this problem and, at the same time, discover
all the possible implicit information associated with the
original data the two inference modes, transformation
and hypotheses, can be used in an integrated way, see
(Zarri, 2005). In practice, we make use of transformations within a hypothesis context. This means that,
whenever a search pattern is derived from a condition
schema of a hypothesis to implement one of the steps
of the reasoning process, we can use it as it is i.e., as
originally coded when the inference rule has been built
up but also in a transformed form if the appropriate

transformation rules exist within the system.

Making use of the transformation rules already existing within the system, the hypothesis represented in an
informal way in Table 2 becomes, in practice, potentially
equivalent to the hypothesis of Table 3. For example, the
proof that the kidnappers are part of a terrorist group or
separatist organization (reasoning step Cond1 of Table
2) can be now obtained indirectly, transformation T3,
by checking whether they are members of a specific
subset of this group or organization.

NKRL is a fully implemented language/environment.
The software exists in two versions, an ORACLE-supported and a file-oriented one. Future improvements
will concern mainly:

The addition of features that will allow us querying

the system in Natural Language. Very encouraging
experimental results have already been obtained in
this context thanks to the combined use of shallow
parsing techniques see, e.g., (Koster, 2004) and
of the standard NKRL inference capabilities.
On a more ambitious basis, the introduction of
some features for the semi-automatic construction
of the knowledge base of annotation/occurrences
making use of full NL techniques. Some preliminary work in this context has been realised making
use of the syntactic/semantic Cafetire tools, see
(Black et al., 2003, 2004).
The introduction of optimisation techniques for the
(basic) chronological backtracking of the NKRL
InferenceEngine, in the style of the well-known
techniques developed in a Logic Programming
context see, e.g., (Clark and Trnlund, 1982).

Table 2. Inference steps for the kidnapping for ransom hypothesis

(Cond1) The kidnappers are part of a separatist movement or of a terrorist organization.

(Cond2) This separatist movement or terrorist organization currently practices ransom kidnapping of particular
categories of people.
(Cond3) In particular, executives or assimilated categories are concerned.
(Cond4) It can be proved that the kidnapped is really a businessperson or assimilated.


Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

Even in its present form, NKRL has been able to

deal successfully, in a intelligent information retrieval
mode, with the most different narrative domains
from history of France to terrorism, from Falkland
War to the corporate domain, from the legal field to
the beauty care domain or the analysis of customers
motivations, etc.

In this article, we have supplied some details about
NKRL (Narrative Knowledge Representation Language), a fully implemented, up-to-date knowledge
representation and inference system especially created
for an intelligent exploitation of narrative knowledge.
The main innovation of NKRL consists in associating with the traditional ontologies of concepts an

ontology of events, i.e., a hierarchical arrangement

where the nodes correspond to n-ary structures called

Allen, J.F. (1981). An Interval-Based Representation
of Temporal Knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 7th
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- IJCAI/81. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Bechhofer, S., van Harmelen, F., Hendler, J., Horrocks,
I., McGuinness, D.L., Patel-Schneider, P.F., and Stein,
L.A., eds. (2004). OWL Web Ontology Language Reference W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004. W3C

Table 3. Kidnapping hypothesis in the presence of transformations concerning intermediary inference steps

(Cond1) The kidnappers are part of a separatist movement or of a terrorist organization.

(Rule T3, Consequent1) Try to verify whether a given separatist movement or terrorist organization is in strict control of a specific sub-group and, in this case,

(Rule T3, Consequent2) check if the kidnappers are members of this sub-group. We will then
assimilate the kidnappers to members of the movement or organization.
(Cond2) This movement or organization practices ransom kidnapping of given categories of people.

(Rule T2, Consequent) The family of the kidnapped has received a ransom request from the
separatist movement or terrorist organization.

(Rule T4, Consequent1) The family of the kidnapped has received a ransom request from a group
or an individual person, and

(Rule T4, Consequent2) this second group or individual person is part of the separatist movement
or terrorist organization.

(Rule T5, Consequent1) Try to verify if a particular sub-group of the separatist movement or
terrorist organization exists, and

(Rule T5, Consequent2) check whether this particular sub-group practices ransom kidnapping
of particular categories of people.

(Cond3) In particular, executives or assimilated categories are concerned.

(Rule T0, Consequent1) In a ransom kidnapping context, we can check whether the kidnapped
person has a strict kinship relationship with a second person, and

(Rule T0, Consequent2) (in the same context) check if this second person is a businessperson
(Cond4) It can be proved that the kidnapped person is really an executive or assimilated.

(Rule T6, Consequent) In a ransom kidnapping context, personalities like physicians, journalists, artists etc. can be assimilated to businesspersons.


Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

Beckett, D., ed. (2004). RDF/XML Syntax Specification

(Revised) W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004.
W3C (
Black, W.J., McNaught, J., William J. Black, Vasilakopoulos, A., Zervanou, K., Rinaldi, F., and Theodoulidis,
B. (2003). CAFETIERE: Conceptual Annotations
for Facts, Events, Individual Entities, and Relations
(Technical Report TR-U4.3.1). Manchester: UMIST
Department of Computation.
Black, W.J., Jowett, S., Mavroudakis, T., McNaught,
J., Theodoulidis, B., Vasilakopoulos, A., Zarri, G.P.,
and Zervanou, K. (2004). Ontology-Enablement of a
System for Semantic Annotation of Digital Documents.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (SemAnnot 2004) 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (November 8, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan).
Corbett, D. (2003). Reasoning and Unification over
Conceptual Graphs. New York: Kluwer Academic/
Plenum Publishers.
Clark, K.L., and Trnlund, S.-A.., eds. (1982). Logic
Programming. London: Academic Press.
Ellis, G. (1995). Compiling Conceptual Graphs. IEEE
Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 7:
Ferro, L., Gerber, L., Mani, I., Sundheim, B., and
Wilson, G. (2005). TIDES 2005 Standard for the
Annotation of Temporal Expressions (2005 Release).
McLean (VA): The MITRE Corporation.
Koster, C.H.A. (2004). Head/modifier Frames for
Information Retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
and Intelligent Text Processing CLing-2004 (LNCS
2945), Gelbukh, A., ed. Berlin: Springer.
Mani, I., and Pustejovsky, J. (2004). Temporal Discourse Models for Narrative Structure. In: Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Discourse Annotation.
East Stroudsburg (PA): Association for Computational
Noy, F.N., Fergerson, R.W., and Musen, M.A. (2000).
The Knowledge Model of Protg-2000: Combining
Interoperability and Flexibility. In: Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling, and Management Proceedings of

EKAW2000 (LNCS 1937), Dieng, R., and Corby, O.,

eds. Berlin: Springer.
Zarri, G.P. (1998). Representation of Temporal Knowledge in Events: The Formalism, and Its Potential for
Legal Narratives. Information & Communications
Technology Law Special Issue on Models of Time,
Action, and Situations 7: 213-241.
Zarri, G.P. (2003). A Conceptual Model for Representing Narratives. In: Innovations in Knowledge
Engineering, Jain, R., Abraham, A., Faucher, C., and
van der Zwaag, eds. Adelaide: Advanced Knowledge
Zarri, G.P. (2005). Integrating the Two Main Inference
Modes of NKRL, Transformations and Hypotheses.
Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS) 4: 304-340.

Key TeRmS
Attributive Operator: The attributive operator,
SPECIF(ication), is one of the four operators used in
NKRL for the construction of structured arguments
(complex fillers or expansions) of the conceptual
predicates. The SPECIF lists, with syntax (SPECIF
ei p p ), are used to represent the properties or at1
tributes that can be asserted about the first element ei,
concept or individual, of the list.
Binding Occurrences: Second order structures used
to deal with those connectivity phenomena that arise
when several elementary events are connected through
causality, goal, indirect speech etc. links. They consists
of lists of symbolic labels (ci) of predicative occurrences;
the lists are differentiated using specific binding operators like GOAL, CONDITION and CAUSE.
Format of NKRL Templates: Templates take
the form of n-ary combinations of quadruples connecting together the symbolic name of the template,
a conceptual predicate and the arguments of the
predicate introduced by named relations, the roles
(like SUBJ(ect), OBJ(ect), SOURCE,
BEN(e)F(iciary), etc.). The quadruples have
in common the name and predicate components.
Denoting then with Li the symbolic label identifying
the template, with Pj the predicate, with Rk the generic


Narrative Information: The NKRL Solution

role and with ak the generic argument, the core data

structure for templates has the format:
(Li (Pj (R1 a1) (R2 a2) (Rn an))) .
Templates are included in an inheritance hierarchy,
HTemp(lates), which implements NKRLs ontology
of events.
NKRL Inference Engine: A software module that
carries out the different reasoning steps included in
hypotheses or transformations. It allows us to use these
two classes of inference rules also in an integrated
mode, augmenting then the possibility of finding interesting (implicit) information.
NKRL Inference Rules, Hypotheses: They are
used to build up automatically reasonable connections
among the information stored in an NKRL knowledge
base according to a number of pre-defined reasoning
schemata, e.g., causal schemata.


NKRL Inference Rules, Transformations: These

rules try to adapt, from a semantic point of view,
a query that failed to the contents of the existing
knowledge bases. The principle employed consists in
using rules to automatically transform the original
query into one or more different queries that are not
strictly equivalent but only semantically close to
the original one.
Ontology of Concepts vs. Ontology of Events:
The ontologies of concepts concern the standard
hierarchical organizations of concepts to be used to
model (in a static way) a given domain. NKRL adds
an ontology of events, i.e., a new sort of hierarchical
organization where the nodes, represented by n-ary
structures called templates, represent general classes
of dynamical events like move a physical object,
produce a service, send/receive a message, etc.


Narrative Information Problems

Gian Piero Zarri
LaLIC, University Paris 4-Sorbonne, France

Narrative information concerns in general the account
of some real-life or fictional story (a narrative) involving concrete or imaginary personages. In this article
we deal with (multimedia) nonfictional narratives of
an economic interest. This means, first, that we are
not concerned with all sorts of fictional narratives that
have mainly an entertainment value, and represent an
imaginary narrators account of a story that happened
in an imaginary world: a novel is a typical example
of fictional narrative. Secondly, our nonfictional narratives must have an economic value: they are then
typically embodied into corporate memory documents,
they concern news stories, normative and legal texts,
medical records, intelligence messages, surveillance
videos or visitor logs, actuality photos and video fragments for newspapers and magazines, eLearning and
multimedia Cultural Heritage material, etc.
Because of the ubiquity of these narrative, dynamic resources, it is particularly important to build
up computer-based applications able to represent and
to exploit in a general, accurate, and effective way the
semantic content i.e., the key meaning of these

Narratives represent presently a very hot domain.
From a theoretical point of view, they constitute the
object of a full discipline, the narratology, whose
aim can be defined as that of producing an in-depth
description of the syntactic/semantic structures of
the narratives, i.e., the narratologist is in charge of
dissecting narratives into their component parts in
order to establish their functions, their purposes and
the relationships among them. A good introduction to
the full domain is (Jahn, 2005).
Even if narratology is particularly concerned with
literary analysis (and, therefore, with fictional narra-

tives), these last years some of its varieties have acquired

a particular importance also from a strict Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science (CS) point of
view. Leaving apart the old dream of generating fictions
by computer, see (Mehan, 1977) and, more recently,
(Callaway and Lester, 2002), we can mention here two
new disciplines, storytelling and eChronicles, that
are of interest from both a nonfictional narratives and
a AI/CS point of view.
Storytelling see, e.g., (Soulier, 2006) concerns
in general the study of the different ways of conveying
storiesand events in words, images and sounds in order
to entertain, teach, explain etc. Digital Storytelling deals
in particular with the ways of introducing characters
and emotions in the interactive entertainment domain,
and concerns then videogames, massively multiplayer
online games, interactive TV, virtual reality etc., see
(Handler Miller, 2004). Digital Storytelling is, therefore,
related to another, computer-based variant of narratology called Narrative Intelligence, a sub-domain of
AI that explores topics at the intersection of Artificial
Intelligence, media studies, and human computer interaction design (narrative interfaces, history databases
management systems, artificial agents with narrative
structured behaviour, systems for the generation and/or
understanding of histories/narratives etc.), see (Mateas
and Sengers, 2003).
An eChronicle system can be defined in short as way
of recording, organizing and then accessing streams
of multimedia events captured by individuals, groups,
or organizations making use of video, audio and other
sensors. The chronicles gathered in this way may
concern any sort of narratives from meeting minutes
to football games, sales activities, lifelogs obtained
from wearable sensors, etc. The technical challenges
concern mainly the ways of aggregating the events into
coherent episodes making use of domain models as
ontologies, and providing then access to this sort of
material to the users at the required level of granularity.
Note that exploration, and not normal querying, is
the predominant way of interaction with the chronicle

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Narrative Information Problem

repositories; more details can be found, e.g., in (Gven,

Podlaseck and Pingali, 2005), (Westermann and Jain,
The solution (NKRL) proposed for the intelligent
management of nonfictional narratives in the companion
article Narrative Information, the NKRL Solution
of the present one is considered as a fully-fledged
eChronicle technique, see (Zarri, 2006). In NKRL,
however, a fundamental aspect concerns the presence
of powerful reasoning techniques an aspect that is
not taken into consideration sufficiently in depth in
eChronicles that are mainly interested in the accumulation of narrative materials more than in the intelligent
exploitation of their inner relationships.


All the different sorts of nonfictional narratives evoked
in the previous Sections concern, practically, the description of spatially and temporally characterised
events that relate, at some level of abstraction, the
behaviour or the state of some real-life actors (characters, personages, etc.): these try to attain a specific
result, experience particular situations, manipulate
some (concrete or abstract) materials, send or receive
messages, buy, sell, deliver etc. Note that:


The term event is taken here in its most general

meaning, covering also strictly related notions
like fact, action, state, situation, episode, activity
The actors or personages involved in the events
are not necessarily human beings: we can have
narratives concerning, e.g., the vicissitudes in
the journey of a nuclear submarine (the actor,
subject or personage) or the various avatars
in the life of a commercial product.
Even if a large amount of nonfictional narratives
are embodied within natural language (NL) texts,
this is not necessarily true: narrative information
is really multimedia. A photo representing a
situation that, verbalized, could be expressed as
The US President is addressing the Congress
is not of course an NL document, yet it surely
represents a narrative.

An in-depth analysis of the existing Knowledge

Representation solutions that could be used to represent
and manage nonfictional narratives endowed with the
above characteristics is beyond the possibilities of this
article see in this context, e.g., (Zarri, 2005). We will
limit ourselves, here, to some quick consideration.
We can note, first of all, that the now so popular Semantic Web (W3C) languages like RDF (Resource Description Framework), see (Manola and Miller, 2004),
and OWL (Web Ontology Language), see (McGuinness
and Harmelen, 2004) are unable to fit the bill because
their core formalism consists in practice of the classical
attribute value model. For these binary languages
then, a property can only be a binary relationship, linking two individuals or an individual and a value. When
these languages must represent simple narratives like
John has given a book to Mary, several difficulties
arise. In this extremely simple sentence, e.g., give is
an n-ary (ternary) relationship that, to be represented
in a complete way, asks for the presence of a specific
semantic predicate in the give or transfer style,
where the arguments, John, book and Mary,
of the predicate must be labelled with conceptual
roles such as, e.g., agent of give, object of give
and beneficiary of give respectively.
Efforts for extending the W3C languages by introducing some n-ary feature have been not very successful
until now: see, in this context, a recent working paper
from the W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group (SWBPD WG) about Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web (Noy and
Rector, 2006). This paper proposes some extensions to
the binary paradigm to allow the correct representation
of narratives like: Steve has temperature, which is
high, but failing or United Airlines flight 3177 visits
the following airports: LAX, DFW, and JFK. The
technical solutions expounded in this paper are not
very convincing and have aroused several criticisms.
These have focused, mainly, on i) the fact that the majority of the solutions proposed do not deal, in reality,
with the n-ary problem, but with (only loosely) related
matters like the possibility of specifying a standard
binary relationship via the addition of properties, and
ii) on the arbitrary introduction, through reification
processes, of fictitious (and inevitably ad hoc) individuals to represent the n-ary relations when these are
actually dealt with. Moreover, the paper say nothing,

Narrative Information Problem

e.g., about the way of dealing, in concrete narrative

situations, with those crucial connectivity phenomena
like causality, goal, indirect speech, co-ordination and
subordination etc. that link together the basic pieces
of information e.g., the basic events corresponding
to the present illness state of Steve with other basic
events corresponding to the (possible or definite)
causes of such state.
Several solutions for representing narratives in
computer-usable ways according to some sort of actual
n-ary model have been described in the literature.
For example, in the context of his work between
the mid-fifties and the mid-sixties on the set up of
a mechanical translation process based on the simulation of the thought processes of the translator, Silvio
Ceccato (Ceccato, 1961) proposed a representation
of narrative-like sentences as a network of triadic
structures (correlations) organized around specific
correlators (a sort of roles). Ceccato is also credited
to be one of the pioneers of the semantic network studies; basically, semantic networks are directed graphs
(digraphs) where the nodes represent concepts, and the
arcs different kinds of associative links, not only the
classical IsA and property-value links, but also n-ary
relationships. A panorama of the different conceptual
solutions proposed in a semantic network context can
be found in (Lehmann, 1992).
In the seventies, a sort of particularly popular, n-ary
semantic network approach has been represented by
the Conceptual Dependency theory of Roger Schank
(Schank, 1973). In this theory, the underlying meaning
(conceptualization) of narrative-like utterances is expressed as combinations of semantic predicates chosen
from a set of twelve primitive actions (like INGEST,
MOVE, ATRANS, the transfer of an abstract relationship like possession, ownership and control, PTRANS,
physical transfer, etc.) plus states and changes of states,
and seven role relationships (conceptual case). Conceptual Graphs (CGs) is the representation system developed by John Sowa (Sowa, 1984, 1999) and derived,
at least partly, from Schanks work and other early work
in the Semantic Networks domain. CGs make use of a
graph-based notation for representing concept-types
(organized into a type-hierarchy), concepts (that are
instantiations of concept types) and conceptual relations that relate one concept to another. CGs can be
used to represents in a formal way narratives like A
pretty lady is dancing gracefully and more complex,

second-order constructions like contexts, wishes and

beliefs. CYC, see (Lenat et al., 1990) concerns one
of the most controversial endeavours in the history
of Artificial Intelligence. Started in the early 80 as
a MCC (Microelectronics and Computer Technology
Corporation, Texas, USA) project, it ended about 15
years later with the set up of an enormous knowledge
base containing about a million of hand-entered logical
assertions including both simple statements of facts and
rules about what conclusions can be inferred if certain
statements of facts are satisfied. The upper level of
the ontology that structures the CYC knowledge base
is now freely accessible on the Web, see http://www. A detailed analysis of the origins,
developments and motivations of CYC can be found in
(Bertino et al., 2001: 275-316). We can also mention
here another modern system, Topic Maps, see (Rath,
2003), where information is represented using topics
(representing any concept, from people to software
modules and events), associations (the relationships
between them), and occurrences (the relationships
between topics and information resources relevant to
them). They correspond, eventually, to a sort of downgraded Semantic Network representation.
Leaving now aside historical solutions like those
proposed by Schank or Ceccato, none of the existing nary solutions mentioned above seem to be able to satisfy
completely the nonfictional narratives requirements,
see again (Zarri, 2005) for more details. The universal
purposes of CYC, the extremely large dimensions of
its knowledge base and the extreme diversity of the
contents of this base give rise to serious consistency
problems, that have apparently restricted the development of concrete applications based on this technology to experimental projects mainly supported by the
US Government. On the other hand, the knowledge
representation language of CYC, CycL (substantially,
a frame system rewritten in logical form) seems to be
too rigid and uniform to adapt itself to the representation of all the different facets (from general concepts
and elementary events to the connectivity phenomena
etc.) that characterise the narratives. Conceptual Graphs
(CGs) could represent, at least in principle, a valid solution for dealing with nonfictional narrative information.
However, it seems evident that work in a CGs context
concerns mainly, with few exceptions, the academic
domain, and that the practically-oriented applications
of CGs are particularly scarce. This becomes particular


Narrative Information Problem

evident when we consider that the CGs developers still

lack of an exhaustive and authoritative list of standard
CGs structures under the form of canonical graphs
that could constitute a sort of catalogue for dealing
with practical problems; the set up of a tool like this
seems never have been planned. The existence of such a
catalogue could be extremely important for practical applications in the narrative (not only) domain given that:
i) a system-builder should not have to create himself the
structural and inferential knowledge needed to describe
and exploit the events proper to a (sufficiently) large
class of narratives; ii) the reproduction and the sharing
of previous results could become neatly easier.
We can add to the above difficulties the existence
of a series of general problems that are not associated
with a specific system but that concern by and large all
the existing n-ary solutions, like the lack of agreement
about the list of roles (conceptual cases) to be used
when a narrative must be practically represented into
conceptual format, or the differences of opinion about
the use of primitives.

In spite of the quite pessimistic considerations of the
previous Section, conceiving a specific Knowledge Representation tool for dealing in practice with nonfictional
narrative information is far from being impossible.
Returning now to the John gave a book example
above and leaving aside, for the moment being, all
the additional problems linked, e.g., with the existence
of the connectivity phenomena it is not too difficult to see that a complete, n-ary representation that
captures all the essential meaning of this elementary
narrative amounts to:


Define JOHN_, MARY_ and BOOK_1 as individuals, instances of general concepts like
human_being and information_support or of
more specific concepts. Concepts and instances
(individuals) are, as usual, collected into a binary
ontology (built up using a standard tool like, e.g.,
Define an n-ary structure organised around a
conceptual predicate like, e.g., MOVE or PHYSICAL_TRANSFER and associate the above individuals (the arguments) to the predicate through
the use of conceptual roles that specify their

function within the global narrative. JOHN_ will

then be introduced by an AGENT (or SUBJECT)
role, BOOK_1 by an OBJECT (or PATIENT)
role, MARY_ by a BENEFICIARY role. An
additional information like yesterday could be
introduced by, e.g., a TEMPORAL_ANCHOR
role, etc.
Reify the obtained n-ary structured associating
with it an unique identifier under the form of a
semantic label, to assure both i) the logical-semantic coherence of the structure; ii) an rational
and efficient way of storing and retrieving it.

Formally, an n-ary structure defined according the

above guidelines can be described as:
(Li (Pj (R1 a1) (R2 a2) (Rn an)))


where Li is the symbolic label identifying the particular

n-ary structure (e.g., the global structure corresponding to the representation of the John gave a book
example), Pj is the conceptual predicate, Rk is the generic role and ak the corresponding argument (e.g., the
individuals john_, mary_ etc.). Note that each of the (Ri
ai) cells of (1), taken individually, represents a binary
relationship in the W3C language style. The main point
here is, however, that the whole conceptual structure
represented by (1) must be considered globally.
The solution represented formally by (1) is at the
core of a complete and running conceptual tools for the
representation and management of nonfictional narrative information called NKRL (Narrative Knowledge
representation Language), see (Zarri, 2005) and the
companion article: Narrative Information, the NKRL

We deal in this article with nonfictional narratives.
These are information resources of a high economical
importance that concern, e.g., the corporate knowledge documents, the news stories, the medical records,
the surveillance videos or visitor logs, etc. When we
examine the existing (or past) general Knowledge
Representation systems that could be used for dealing
with nonfictional narratives, we can note that none of
them seem to be able to satisfy completely the nonfictional narratives requirements. For example, the

Narrative Information Problem

W3C (Semantic Web) languages like RDF and OWL

cannot fit the bill since they are binary-based types of
representation while narratives ask, in general, for n-ary
solutions. A specific, narrative-oriented formalism able
to capture the essential meaning of an elementary
narrative event however exists, see (Zarri, 2005) and
the companion article: Narrative Information, the
NKRL Solution.

Bertino, E., Catania, B., and Zarri, G.P. (2001). Intelligent Database Systems. London: Addison-Wesley
and ACM Press.
Callaway, C.B., and Lester, J.C. (2002). Narrative Prose
Generation. Artificial Intelligence 139: 213-252.
Ceccato, S. (1961) Linguistic Analysis and Programming for Mechanical Translation. Milano: Feltrinelli.
Gven, S., Podlaseck, M., and Pingali, G. (2005). PICASSO: Pervasive Information Chronicling, Access,
Search, and Sharing for Organizations. In: Proceedings
of the IEEE 2005 Pervasive Computing Conference
(PerCom 2005). Los Alamitos (CA): IEEE Computer
Society Press.
Handler Miller, C. (2004). Digital Storytelling. A
Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment. Burlington (MA): Focal Press.
Jahn, M. (2005). Narratology: A Guide to the Theory of
Narrative (version 1.8). Cologne: English Department
of the University (
Lehmann, F., ed. (1992). Semantic Networks in Artificial
Intelligence. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Lenat, D.B., Guha, R.V., Pittman, K., Pratt, D., and
Shepherd, M. (1990). CYC: Toward Programs With
Common Sense. Communications of the ACM 33(8):
Manola, F., and Miller, E. (2004). RDF Primer W3C
Recommendation 10 February 2004. W3C (http://www.
Mateas, M., and Sengers, P., eds. (2003). Narrative
Intelligence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

McGuinness, D.L., van Harmelen, F. (2004). OWL

WEB Ontology Language Overview W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004. W3C (http://www.
Mehan, J. (1977). TALE-SPIN An Interactive Program That Writes Stories. In: Proceedings of the 1977
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- IJCAI/97. San Mateo (CA): Morgan Kaufmann.
Rath, H.H. (2003). The Topic Maps Handbook (White
Paper, version 1.1). Gtersloh: empolis GmbH (http://
Noy, F.N., and Rector, A., eds. (2006). Defining N-ary
Relations on the Semantic Web W3C Working Group
Note 12 April 2006. W3C (
Schank, R.C. (1973). Identification of Conceptualizations Underlying Natural Language. In: Computer
Models of Thought and Language, Schank, R.C., and
Colby, K.M., eds. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and
Soulier, E., ed. (2006). Le Storytelling, concepts, outils
et applications. Paris : Lavoisier.
Sowa, J.F. (1984). Conceptual Structures: Information
Processing in Mind and Machine. Reading (MA): Addison-Wesley.
Sowa, J.F. (1999). Knowledge Representation: Logical,
Philosophical, and Computational Foundations. Pacific
Grove (CA): Brooks Cole Publishing Co.
Westermann, U., and Jain, R. (2006). A Generic Event
Model for Event-Centric Multimedia Data Management
in eChronicle Applications. In: Proceedings of the 22nd
International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops ICDE Workshop on eChronicles (ICDEW06).
Los Alamitos (CA): IEEE Computer Society Press.
Zarri, G.P. (2005). Integrating the Two Main Inference
Modes of NKRL, Transformations and Hypotheses.
Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS) 4: 304-340.
Zarri, G.P. (2006). Modeling and Advanced Exploitation of eChronicle Narrative Information. In:
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on
Data Engineering Workshops ICDE Workshop on
eChronicles (ICDEW06). Los Alamitos (CA): IEEE
Computer Society Press.

Narrative Information Problem

Key TeRmS
Binary Languages vs. n-ary Languages: Binary
languages (like RDF and OWL) are based on the classical attribute value model: they are called binary
because, for them, a property can only be a binary
relationship, linking two individuals or an individual
and a value. They cannot be used to represent in an
accurate way the narratives that ask in general, on the
contrary, for the use of n-ary knowledge representation languages.
Connectivity Phenomena: In the presence of
several, logically linked elementary events, this term
denotes the existence of a global narrative information content that goes beyond the simple addition of
the information conveyed by the single events. The
connectivity phenomena are linked with the presence
of logico-semantic relationships like causality, goal,
co-ordination and subordination etc.
Core Format of a Complete Solution for Representing Narratives: Formally, an n-ary structure able
to represent the essential meaning of an elementary
event can be described as:
(Li (Pj (R1 a1) (R2 a2) (Rn an)))
where Li is the symbolic label identifying the particular
formalized event, Pj is the conceptual predicate, Rk is
the generic role and ak the corresponding argument.


Examples of n-ary Languages: Historical examples of n-ary languages are Ceccatos correlations,
Schanks Conceptual Dependency theory, many Semantic Networks proposals, etc. Current n-ary systems are,
e.g., Topic Maps, Sowas Conceptual Graphs, Lenats
CYC, etc. None of them are able to satisfy completely
the requirements for an intelligent representation and
management of nonfictional narrative information.
Narrative Information: Concerns in general the
account of some real-life or fictional story (a narrative)
involving concrete or imaginary personages.
Narratology: Discipline that deals with narratives
from a theoretical point of view. Sub-classes of narratology that have a computational interest are, e.g.,
Storytelling, Narrative Intelligence and the eChronicle
Nonfictional Narrative of an Economic Interest:
In this case, the personages are real characters, and
the narrative happens in the real world. Moreover, the
narratives are now embodied in multimedia documents
of an economic interest: corporate memory documents,
news stories, normative and legal texts, medical records, intelligence messages, surveillance videos or
visitor logs, etc.


Natural Language Processing and Biological

Gemma Bel Enguix
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
M. Dolores Jimnez Lpez
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain

During the 20th century, biologyespecially molecular
biologyhas become a pilot science, so that many disciplines have formulated their theories under models taken
from biology. Computer science has become almost a
bio-inspired field thanks to the great development of
natural computing and DNA computing.
From linguistics, interactions with biology have not
been frequent during the 20th century. Nevertheless,
because of the linguistic consideration of the genetic
code, molecular biology has taken several models from
formal language theory in order to explain the structure
and working of DNA. Such attempts have been focused
in the design of grammar-based approaches to define a
combinatorics in protein and DNA sequences (Searls,
1993). Also linguistics of natural language has made
some contributions in this field by means of Collado
(1989), who applied generativist approaches to the
analysis of the genetic code.
On the other hand, and only from theoretical interest
a strictly, several attempts of establishing structural parallelisms between DNA sequences and verbal language
have been performed (Jakobson, 1973, Marcus, 1998,
Ji, 2002). However, there is a lack of theory on the attempt of explaining the structure of human language
from the results of the semiosis of the genetic code. And
this is probably the only arrow that remains incomplete
in order to close the path between computer science,
molecular biology, biosemiotics and linguistics.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) a subfield of
Artificial Intelligence that concerns the automated generation and understanding of natural languages can
take great advantage of the structural and semantic
similarities between those codes. Specifically, taking
the systemic code units and methods of combination
of the genetic code, the methods of such entity can be
translated to the study of natural language. Therefore,
NLP could become another bio-inspired science, by

means of theoretical computer science, that provides the

theoretical tools and formalizations which are necessary
for approaching such exchange of methodology.
In this way, we obtain a theoretical framework where
biology, NLP and computer science exchange methods
and interact, thanks to the semiotic parallelism between
the genetic code and natural language.

Most current natural language approaches show several
facts that somehow invite to the search of new formalisms to account in a simpler and more natural way for
natural languages. Two main facts lead us to look for
a more natural computational system to give a formal
account of natural languages: a) natural language
sentences cannot be placed in any of the families of
the Chomsky hierarchy (Chomsky, 1956) in which
current computational models are basically based, and
b) rewriting methods used in a large number of natural
language approaches seem to be not very adequate, from
a cognitive perspective, to account for the processing
of language.
Now, if to these we add (1) that languages that have
been generated following a molecular computational
model are placed in-between Context-Sensitive and
Context-Free families; (2) that genetic model offers
simpler alternatives to the rewriting rules; (3) and that
genetics is a natural informational system as natural
language is, we have the ideal scene to propose biological models in NLP.
The idea of using biological methods in the description and processing of natural languages is backed up
by a long tradition of interchanging methods in biology
and natural/formal language theory:

Results and methods in the field of formal

language theory have been applied to biology:

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Natural Language Processing and Biological Methods




(1) Pawlak (1965) dependency grammars as an

approach in the study of protein formation; (2)
transformational grammars for modeling gene
regulations (Collado, 1989); (3) stochastic context-free grammars for modeling RNA (Sakakibara et al., 1994); (4) definite clause grammars
and cut grammars to investigate gene structure
and mutations and rearrangement in it (Searls,
1989); (5) tree-adjoining grammars for predicting
RNA structure of biological data (Uemura et al.,
Natural languages as models for biology: (1)
Watson (1968) understanding of heredity as a
form of communication; (2) Asimov (1968) idea
that nucleotide bases are letters and they form
an alphabet; (3) Jacob (1970) consideration that
the sense of the genetic message is given by the
combination of its signs in words and by the
arrangement of words in phrases; (4) Jakobson
(1970) ideas about taking the nucleotide bases
as phonemes of the genetic code or about the binary oppositions in phonemes and in the nucleic
Biological ideas in linguistics: (1) the tree
model proposed by Schleicher (1863); (2) the
wave model due to Schmidt (1872); (3) the
geometric network model proposed by Forster
(1997); or (3) the naturalistic metaphor in Linguistics defended by Jakobson (1970, 1973).
Using DNA as a support for computation is the
basic idea of Molecular Computing (Pun et al.,
1998). Speculations about this possibility can be
found in Feynman (1961), Bennett (1973) and
Conrad (1995).


Here, we present an overview of different bio-inspired
methods that during the last years have been successfully applied to several NLP issues, from syntax to
pragmatics. Those methods are taken mainly from
computer science and are basically the following:
DNA computing, membrane computing and networks
of evolutionary processors.


DNA Computing
One of the most developed lines of research in natural
computing is the named molecular computing, a model
based on molecular biology, which arose mainly after
Adleman (1994). An active area in molecular computing
is DNA computing (Pun et al., 1998) inspired in the
way that DNA perform operations to generate, replicate
or change the configuration of the strings.
Application of molecular computing methods to
natural language syntax gives rise to molecular syntax (Bel-Enguix & Jimnez-Lpez, 2005a). Molecular
syntax takes as a model two types of mechanisms
used in biology in order to modify or generate DNA
sequences: mutations and splicing. Mutations refer to
changes performed in a linguistic string, being this a
phrase, sentence or text. Splicing is a process carried
out involving two or more linguistic sequences. It is
a good framework for approaching syntax, both from
the sentential or dialogical perspective.
Methods used by molecular syntax are based on
basic genetic processes: cut, paste, delete and move.
Combining these elementary rules most of the complex
structures of natural language can be obtained, with a
high degree of simplicity.
This approach is a test of the generative power of
splicing for syntax. It seems, according to the results
achieved, that splicing is quite powerful for generating, in a very simple way, most of the patterns of the
traditional syntax. Moreover, the new perspectives and
results it provides, could mean a transformation in the
general perspective of syntax.
From here, we think that bio-NLP, applied in a
methodological and clear way, is a powerful and simple
model that can be very useful to a) formulate some systems capable of generating the larger part of structures
of language, and b) define a formalization that can be
implemented and may be able to describe and predict
the behavior of natural language structures.

membrane Computing
Membrane Systems (MS) (Pun, 2000) are models
of computation inspired by some basic features of
biological membranes. They can be viewed as a new
paradigm in the field of natural computing based on the
functioning of membranes inside the cell. MS can be
used as generative, computing or decidability devices.
This new computing model has several intrinsically

Natural Language Processing and Biological Methods

interesting features such as, for example, the use of

multisets and the inherent parallelism in its evolution
and the possibility of devising computations which can
solve exponential problems in polynomial time.
This framework provides a powerful tool for formalizing any kind of interaction, both among agents and
among agents and environment. One of key ideas of
MS is that generation is made by evolution. Therefore,
most of evolving systems can be formalized by means
of membrane systems.
Linguistic Membrane Systems (LMS) (Bel-Enguix
& Jimnez-Lpez, 2005b) aim to model linguistic
processes, taking advantage of the flexibility of MS
and their suitability for dealing with some fields where
contexts are a central part of the theory. LMS can be
easily adapted to deal with different aspects of the
description and processing of natural languages. The
most developed applications of LMS are semantics
and dialogue.
MS are a good framework for developing a semantic theory because they are evolving systems by
definition, in the same sense that we take meaning to
be a dynamic entity. Moreover, MS provide a model
in which contexts, either isolated or interacting, are
an important element which is already formalized and
can give us the theoretical tools we need. Semantic
membranes may be seen as an integrative approach to
semantics coming from formal languages, biology and
linguistics. Taking into account results obtained in the
field of computer science as well as the naturalness and
simplicity of the formalism, it seems the formalization
of contexts by means of membranes is a promising
area of research for the future. Examples of application
of MS to semantics can be found in Bel-Enguix and
Jimnez-Lpez (2007).
A topic where context and interaction among agents
is essential is the field of dialogue modeling and its applications to the design of effective and user-friendly
computer dialogue systems. Taking into account a
pragmatic perspective of dialogue and based on speech
acts, multi-agent theory and dialogue games, Dialogue
Membrane Systems have arisen, as an attempt to compute speech acts by means of MS. Considering membranes as agents, and domains as a personal background
and linguistic competence, the application to dialogue
is almost natural, and simple from the formal point of
view. For examples of this application see Bel-Enguix
and Jimnez-Lpez (2006b).

NepS-Networks of evolutionary

Networks of Evolutionary Processors (NEPs) are a new

computing mechanism directly inspired in the behavior
of cell populations. Every cell is described by a set of
words (DNA) evolving by mutations, which are represented by operations on these words. At the end of the
process, only the cells with correct strings will survive.
In spite of the biological inspiration, the architecture
of the system is directly related to the Connection
Machine (Hillis, 1985) and the Logic Flow paradigm
(Errico et al. 1994). Moreover, the global framework
for the development of NEPs has to be completed with
the biological background of DNA computing (Pun
et al., 1998), membrane computing (Pun, 2000) and,
specially, with grammar systems (Csuhaj-Varj et.
al., 1994), which share with NEPs the idea of several
devices working together and exchanging results.
First precedents of NEPs as generating devices
can be found in Csuhaj-Varj & Salomaa (1997) and
Csuhaj-Varj & Mitrana (2000). The topic was introduced in Castellanos et al. (2003) and Martn-Vide et
al. (2003), and further developed in Castellanos et al.
(2005), Csuhaj-Varj et al. (2005).
With this background and theoretical connections,
it is easy to understand how NEPs can be described
as agential bio-inspired context-sensitive systems.
Many disciplines are needed of these types of models
that are able to support a biological framework in a
collaborative environment. The conjunction of these
features allows applying the system to a number of
areas, beyond generation and recognition in formal
language theory. NLP is one of the fields with a lack
of biological models and with a clear suitability for
agential approaches.
NEPs have significant intrinsic multi-agent capabilities together with the environmental adaptability
that is typical of bio-inspired models. Some of the
characteristics of NEPs architecture are the following:
Modularization, contextualization and redefinition of
agent capabilities, synchronization, evolvability and
Inside of the construct, every agent is autonomous,
specialized, context-interactive and learning-capable.
In what refers to the functioning of NEPs, two
main features deserve to be highlighted: emergence
and parallelism.

Natural Language Processing and Biological Methods

Because of those features, NEPs seems to be a

suitable model for tackling natural languages. One
of the main problems of natural language is that it is
generated in the brain, and there is a lack of knowledge
of the mental processes the mind undergoes to bring
about a sentence. While expecting new advances in
neuro-science, we have to use models that seem to fit
better to NLP. Modularity has shown to be an important idea in a wide range of fields: cognitive science,
computer science and, of course, NLP. NEPs provide
a suitable theoretical framework for formalization of
modularity in NLP.
Another chief problem for the formalization and
processing of natural language is its changing nature.
Not only words, but also rules, meaning and phonemes
can take different shapes during the process of computation. Formal models based in mathematical language
have a lack of flexibility to describe natural language.
Biological models seem to be better to this task, since
biological entities share with languages the concept
of evolution. From this perspective, NEPs offer
enough flexibility to model any change at any moment
in any part of the system. Besides, as a bio-inspired
method of computation, they have the capability of
simulating natural evolution in a highly pertinent and
specialized way.
Some linguistic disciplines, as pragmatics or semantics, are context-driven areas, where the same utterance
has different meanings in different contexts. To model
such variation, a system with a good definition of environment is needed. NEPs offer some kind of solution
to approach formal semantics and formal pragmatics
from a natural computing perspective.
Finally, the multimodal approach to communication,
where not just production, but also gestures, vision and
supra-segmental features of sounds have to be tackled,
refers to a parallel way of processing. NEPs allow
modules to work in parallel. The autonomy of every
one of the processors and the possible miscoordination between them can also give account of several
problems of speech.
Examples of NEPs applications to NLP can be found
in Bel-Enguix and Jimnez-Lpez (2005c, 2006a).

focusing on the formal definition of several frameworks

that adapt models coming from the area of bio-inspired
computation to NLP needs. The main trends for the
future focus on the implementation of these models in
order to test their computational advantages over classical models of NLP without biological inspiration.

The coincidences between several structures of language and biology allow us, in the field of NLP, to
take advantage of the bio-inspired models formalized
by theoretical computer science. Moreover, the multiagent capabilities of some of these models make them a
suitable tool for simulating the processes of generation
and recognition in natural language.
Biological methods coming from computer science
can be very useful in the field of natural language, since
they provide simple, flexible and intuitive tools for
describing natural languages and making easier their
implementation in NLP systems.
This research provides an integrative path for
biology, computer science and NLP three branches
of human knowledge that have to be together in the
development of new systems of communication for
future global society.

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Key TeRmS
Grammar Systems Theory: A consolidated and
active branch in the field of formal languages that
provides syntactic models for describing multi-agent
systems at the symbolic level using tools from formal
languages and grammars.


Membrane Systems: In a membrane system multisets of objects are placed in the compartments defined
by the membrane structure that delimits the system from
its environment. Each membrane identifies a region,
the space between it and all directly inner membranes.
Objects evolve by means of reaction rules associated
with compartments, and applied in a maximally parallel, nondeterministic manner. Objects can pass through
membranes, membranes can change their permeability,
dissolve and divide.
Multi-Agent System: A system composed of a set
of computational agents that perform local problem
solving and cooperatively interact to solve a single
problem (or reach a goal) difficult to be solve (achieved)
by an individual agent.
Mutations: Several types of transformations in a
single string.
Natural Computing: Research field that deals with
computational techniques inspired by nature and natural
systems. This type of computing includes evolutionary
algorithms, neural networks, molecular computing and
quantum computing.
Neural Network: Interconnected group of artificial
neurons that uses a mathematical or a computational
model for information processing based on a connectionist approach to computation. It involves a network
of simple processing elements that can exhibit complex
global behaviour.
Splicing: Operation which consists of splitting up
two strings in an arbitrary way and sticking the left
side of the first one to the right side of the second one
(direct splicing), and the left side of the second one to
the right side of the first one (inverse splicing).


Natural Language Understanding and

Vasile Rus
The University of Memphis, USA
Philip M. McCarthy
The University of Memphis, USA
Danielle S. McNamara
The University of Memphis, USA
Arthur C. Graesser
The University of Memphis, USA

Natural language understanding and assessment is
a subset of natural language processing (NLP). The
primary purpose of natural language understanding
algorithms is to convert written or spoken human language into representations that can be manipulated by
computer programs. Complex learning environments
such as intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) often depend
on natural language understanding for fast and accurate
interpretation of human language so that the system can
respond intelligently in natural language. These ITSs
function by interpreting the meaning of student input,
assessing the extent to which it manifests learning, and
generating suitable feedback to the learner. To operate
effectively, systems need to be fast enough to operate in
the real time environments of ITSs. Delays in feedback
caused by computational processing run the risk of frustrating the user and leading to lower engagement with
the system. At the same time, the accuracy of assessing
student input is critical because inaccurate feedback
can potentially compromise learning and lower the
students motivation and metacognitive awareness of
the learning goals of the system (Millis et al., 2007).
As such, student input in ITSs requires an assessment
approach that is fast enough to operate in real time but
accurate enough to provide appropriate evaluation.
One of the ways in which ITSs with natural language understanding verify student input is through
matching. In some cases, the match is between the user
input and a pre-selected stored answer to a question,
solution to a problem, misconception, or other form of

benchmark response. In other cases, the system evaluates the degree to which the student input varies from
a complex representation or a dynamically computed
structure. The computation of matches and similarity
metrics are limited by the fidelity and flexibility of the
computational linguistics modules.
The major challenge with assessing natural language
input is that it is relatively unconstrained and rarely follows brittle rules in its computation of spelling, syntax,
and semantics (McCarthy et al., 2007). Researchers
who have developed tutorial dialogue systems in natural language have explored the accuracy of matching
students written input to targeted knowledge. Examples
of these systems are AutoTutor and Why-Atlas, which
tutor students on Newtonian physics (Graesser, Olney,
Haynes, & Chipman, 2005; VanLehn , Graesser, et al.,
2007), and the iSTART system, which helps students
read text at deeper levels (McNamara, Levinstein,
& Boonthum, 2004). Systems such as these have
typically relied on statistical representations, such as
latent semantic analysis (LSA; Landauer, McNamara,
Dennis, & Kintsch, 2007) and content word overlap
metrics (McNamara, Boonthum, et al., 2007). Indeed,
such statistical and word overlap algorithms can boast
much success. However, over short dialogue exchanges
(such as those in ITSs), the accuracy of interpretation
can be seriously compromised without a deeper level
of lexico-syntactic textual assessment (McCarthy et al.,
2007). Such a lexico-syntactic approach, entailment
evaluation, is presented in this chapter. The approach
incorporates deeper natural language processing solutions for ITSs with natural language exchanges while

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Natural Language Understanding and Assessment

remaining sufficiently fast to provide real time assessment of user input.

(Reasonable re-statement of all and only the critical

information in the text)


Elaboration: He could have borrowed stuff.

(Reasonable reaction to the text)

Entailment evaluations help in the assessment of the

appropriateness of student responses during ITS exchanges. Entailment can be distinguished from three
similar terms (implicature, paraphrase, and elaboration),
all of which are also important for assessment in ITS
environments (McCarthy et al, 2007).
The terms entailment is often associated with the
highly similar concept of implicature. The distinction
is that entailment is reserved for linguistic-based inferences that are closely tied to explicit words, syntactic
constructions, and formal semantics, as opposed to the
knowledge-based implied referents and references, for
which the term implicature is more appropriate (McCarthy et al., 2007). Implicature corresponds to the
controlled knowledge-based elaborative inferences
defined by Kintsch (1993) or to knowledge-based inferences defined in the inference taxonomies in discourse
psychology (Graesser, Singer, & Trabasso, 1994).
The terms paraphrase and elaboration also need
to be distinguished from entailment. A paraphrase is a
reasonable restatement of the text. Thus, a paraphrase
is a form of entailment, yet an entailment is not necessarily a paraphrase. This asymmetric relation can be
understood if we consider that John went to the store
is entailed by (but not a paraphrase of) John drove to
the store to buy supplies. The term elaboration refers
to information that is generated inferentially or associatively in response to the text being analyzed, but without
the systematic and sometimes formal constraints of
entailment, implicature, or paraphrase. Examples of
each term are provided below for the sentence John
drove to the store to buy supplies.
Entailment: John went to the store.
(Explicit, logical implication based on the text)
Implicature: John bought some supplies.
(Implicit, reasonable assumption from the text, although
not explicitly stated in the text)
Paraphrase: He took his car to the store to get things
that he wanted.


Evaluating entailment is generally referred to as the

task of recognizing textual entailment (RTE; Dagan,
Glickman, & Magnini, 2005). Specifically, it is the
task of deciding, given two text fragments, whether the
meaning of one text logically infers the other. When
it does, the evaluation is deemed as T (the entailing
text) entails H (the entailed hypothesis). For example,
a text (from the RTE data) of Eyeing the huge market
potential, currently led by Google, Yahoo took over
search company Overture Services Inc last year would
entail a hypothesis of Yahoo bought Overture. The task
of recognizing entailment is relevant to a large number
of applications, including machine translation, question
answering, and information retrieval.
The task of textual entailment has been a priority
in investigations of information retrieval (Monz &
de Rijke, 2001) and automated language processing
(Pazienza, Pennacchiotti, & Zanzotto, 2005). In related
work, Moldovan and Rus (2001) analyzed how to use
unification and matching to address the answer correctness problem. Similar to entailment, answer correctness is the task of deciding whether candidate answers
logically imply an ideal answer to a question.


A complete solution to the textual entailment challenge
requires linguistic information, reasoning, and world
knowledge (Rus, McCarthy, McNamara, & Graesser,
in press). This chapter focuses on the role of linguistic information in making entailment decisions. The
overall goal is to produce a light (i.e. computationally
inexpensive), but accurate solution that could be used
in interactive systems such as ITSs. Solutions that rely
on processing-intensive deep representations (e.g.,
frame semantics and reasoning) and large structured
repositories of information (e.g., ResearchCyc) are
impractical for interactive tasks because they result in
lengthy response times, causing user dissatisfaction.
One solution for recognizing textual entailment is
based on subsumption. In general, an object X subsumes

Natural Language Understanding and Assessment

an object Y if and only if X is more general than or

identical to Y. Applied to textual entailment, subsumption translates as follows: hypothesis H is entailed from
T if and only if T subsumes H. The solution has two
phases: (I) map both T and H into graph structures and
(II) perform a subsumption operation between the Tgraph and H-graph. An entailment score, entail(T,H), is
computed, quantifying the degree to which the T-graph
subsumes the H-graph.
In phase I, the two text fragments involved in a
textual entailment decision are initially mapped onto
a graph representation. The graph representation employed is based on the dependency-graph formalisms
of Melcuk (1998). The mapping relies on information
from syntactic parse trees. A phrase-based parser is used
to derive the dependencies. Although a dependencyparser may be adopted, our particular research agenda
required partial phrase parsers for other tasks such as
computing cohesion metrics. Having a phrase-based
and dependency parser integrated in the system would
have led to a heavier, less interactive system. A parse
tree groups words into phrases and organizes these
phrases into hierarchical tree structures from which
syntactic dependencies among concepts can be detected.
The system uses Charniaks (2000) parser to obtain
parse trees and Magermans (1994) head-detection
rules to obtain the head of each phrase. A dependency
tree is generated by linking the head of each phrase
to its modifiers in a systematic mapping process. The
dependency tree encodes exclusively local dependencies (head-modifiers), as opposed to long-distance
(remote) dependencies, such as the remote subject
relation between bombers and enter in the sentence The
bombers managed to enter the embassy compounds.
Thus, in this stage, the dependency tree is transformed
onto a dependency graph by generating remote dependencies between content words. Remote dependencies
are computed by a naive-Bayes functional tagger (Rus

& Desai, 2005). An example of a dependency graph

is shown in Figure 1 for the sentence The two objects
will cover the same horizontal distance. For instance,
there is a subject (subj) dependency relation between
objects and cover.
In phase II, the textual entailment problem (i.e., each
T and H) is mapped into a specific example of graph
isomorphism called subsumption (also known as containment). Isomorphism in graph theory addresses the
problem of testing whether two graphs are the same.
A graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of nodes or
vertices V and a set of edges E. Graphs can be used to
model the linguistic information embedded in a sentence:
vertices represent concepts (e.g., bombers, joint venture)
and edges represent syntactic relations among concepts
(e.g., the edge labeled subj connects the verb cover to
its subject objects in Figure 1). The Text (T) entails the
Hypothesis (H) if and only if the hypothesis graph is
subsumed (or contained) by the text graph.
The subsumption algorithm for textual entailment
(Rus et al., in press) has three major steps: (1) find an
isomorphism between VH (set of vertices of the Hypothesis graph) and VT; (2) check whether the labeled
edges in H, EH, have correspondents in ET ; and (3)
compute score. In step 1, for each vertex VH, a correspondent VT node is sought. If a vertex in H does
not have a direct correspondent in T, a thesaurus is
used to find all possible synonyms for vertices. Step 2
takes each relation in H and checks its presence in T.
The checking is augmented with relation equivalences
among linguistic phenomena such as possessives and
linking verbs (e.g. be, have). For instance, tall man
would be equivalent to man is tall. A normalized score
for vertices and edge mapping is then computed. The
score for the entire entailment is the sum of each individual vertex and edge matching score. Finally, the
score must account for negation. The approach handles
both explicit and implicit negation. Explicit negation
is indicated by particles such as no, not, neither ... nor

Figure 1. An example of a dependency graph




The two objects will cover the same horizontal distance.


Natural Language Understanding and Assessment

and the shortened form nt. Implicit negation is present in text via deeper lexico-semantic relations among
linguistic expressions. The most obvious example is the
antonymy relation among words, which is retrieved from
WordNet (Miller, 1995). Negation is accommodated in
the score after making the entailment decision for the
Text-Hypothesis pair (without negation). If any one of
the text fragments is negated, the decision is reversed,
but if both are negated the decision is retained (doublenegation), and so forth.

entailment for Intelligent Tutoring

The problem of evaluating student input in ITSs with
natural language understanding is modeled here as a
textual entailment problem. Results of this approach
are shown on data sets from two ITSs: AutoTutor and
iSTART. Data from the AutoTutor experiments involve
college students learning Newtonian physics, whereas
data from iSTART involve adolescent and college students constructing explanations about science texts.

AutoTutor ( teaches topics such as Newtonian physics, computer literacy, and critical thinking
by holding a dialogue in natural language with the
student. The system presents deep-reasoning questions
to the student that call for explanations or other elaborate answers. AutoTutor has a list of anticipated good
answers (or expectations) and a list of misconceptions
associated with each main question. AutoTutor guides
the student in articulating the expectations through a
number of dialogue moves and adaptively responds to
the student by giving short feedback on the quality of
student contributions.
To understand how the entailment approach helps to
assess the appropriateness of student responses in AutoTutor, consider the following AutoTutor problem:
Suppose a runner is running in a straight line at constant
speed, and the runner throws a pumpkin straight up.
Where will the pumpkin land? Explain why.
An expectation for this problem is The object will
continue to move at the same horizontal velocity as
the person when it is thrown. A real student answer is
The pumpkin and the runner have the same horizontal

velocity before and after release. The expert judgment

of this response was very good. Such expectation/student-input (E-S) pairs can be viewed as an entailment
pair of Text-Hypothesis. The task is to find the truth
value of the student answer based on the true fact
encoded in the expectation. Rus and Graesser (2006)
examined how the lexico-syntactic system described
in the previous section performed on a test set of 125
E-S pairs collected from a sample of AutoTutor tutorial dialogues. The lexico-syntactic approach provided
the best accuracy (69%), whereas a Latent Semantic
Analysis (LSA, Landauer et al., 2007) approach yielded
an accuracy of 60%. Such a result illustrates the value
of augmenting AutoTutor with lexico-syntactic natural
language understanding.

iSTART (Interactive Strategy Trainer for

Active Reading and Thinking)
The primary goal of iSTART ( is
to help high school and college students learn to use
reading comprehension strategies that support deeper
understanding. iSTARTs design combines the power
of self-explanation in facilitating deep learning (McNamara et al., 2004) with content-sensitive, interactive
strategy training. The iSTART system helps students
learn to self-explain using a variety of reading strategies (e.g., rewording the text, or paraphrasing; or
elaborating on the text by linking textual content to
what the reader already knows). The final stage of the
iSTART process requires students to self-explain sentences from two short passages. Scaffolded feedback
is provided to the students based on the quality of the
student responses.
The entailment evaluation has been used in two
iSTART studies. In Rus et al. (2007), a corpus of
iSTART self-explanation responses was evaluated by
an array of textual evaluation measures. The results
demonstrated that the entailment approach was the most
powerful distinguishing index of the self-explanation
categories (Entailer: F(1,1228) = 25.05, p < .001; LSA:
F(1,1228) = 2.98, p > .01). In McCarthy et al. (2007),
iSTART self explanations were hand-coded for degree
of entailment, paraphrase, versus elaboration. Once
again, the entailment evaluation proved to be a more
powerful predictor of these categories than traditional
measures: for entailment, the Entailer was a significant
predictor (t= 9.61, p < .001) and LSA was a marginal
predictor (t = -1.90, p = .061); for elaboration and for

Natural Language Understanding and Assessment

paraphrase the Entailer was again a significant predictor

(t = -7.98, p < .001; t = 5.62, p < .001, respectively),
whereas LSA results were not significant.

While the results of the entailment evaluation have
been encouraging, a variety of developments of the
approach are underway. For example, there are plans to
weight words by their specificity and to learn syntactic
patterns or transformations that lead to similar meanings. The current negation detection algorithm will be
extended to assess plausible implicit forms of negation
in words such as denied, denies, without, ruled out. A
second extension addresses issues of relative opposites:
knowing that an object is not hot does not entail that
the object is cold (i.e., it could simply be warm).

Recognizing and assessing textual entailment is a
prominent and challenging task in the fields of Natural
Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence. This
chapter presented a lexico-syntactic approach to the task
of evaluating entailment. The approach is light, using
minimal knowledge resources, yet it has delivered high
performance in evaluations of three data sets involving
natural language interactions in ITSs. The entailment
approach is a promising step in achieving the goal of
fast and effective evaluation of student contributions
in short text exchanges, which is needed to provide
optimal feedback and responses to student learners.

This research was partially supported by the National
Science Foundation (REC 106965, ITR 0325428,
REESE 0633918), and by the Institute for Education
Sciences (IES R305G020018-02). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
article are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of The University of Memphis, the
NSF, or the IES.

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Challenge Workshop, Southampton, U.K, 1-8.
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P. (2005). AutoTutor: A cognitive system that simulates
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dialogue. In C. Forsythe, M. L. Bernard, and T. E. Goldsmith, (Eds.). Cognitive Systems: Human Cognitive
Models in Systems Design. Erlbaum, Mahwah, NJ.
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Constructing inferences during narrative text comprehension. Psychological Review, 101, 371-95.
Kintsch, W. (1993). Information accretion and reduction
in text processing: Inferences. Discourse Processes,
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statistical pattern recognition. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford
University, February.
McCarthy, P.M., Rus, V., Crossley, S.A., Bigham, S.C.,
Graesser, A.C., & McNamara, D.S. (2007). Assessing
entailer with a corpus of natural language. In Proceedings of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Society International Conference (FLAIRS) (pp. 247252), Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
McNamara, D. S., Boonthum, C., Levinstein, I. B.,
& Millis, K. (2007). Evaluating self-explanations in
iSTART: comparing word-based and LSA algorithms.
In Landauer, T., D.S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W.
Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of LSA. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 227-241.
McNamara, D. S., Levinstein, I. B. & Boonthum, C.
(2004). iSTART: Interactive strategy trainer for active
reading and thinking. Behavioral Research Methods,
Instruments, & Computers, 36, 222-233.


Natural Language Understanding and Assessment

Miller, G. (1995), Wordnet: a lexical database for English. Communications of the ACM, 38, 39-41.
Millis, K., Magliano, J., Wiemer-Hastings, K., Todaro,
S., & McNamara, D.S. (2007). Assessing and improving comprehension with Latent Semantic Analysis. In
Landauer, T., D.S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch
(Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp.
207-225). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Melcuk, I.A. (1998). Dependency syntax: Theory
and practice. State University of New York Press,
Albany, NY.
Moldovan, D.I. & Rus, V. (2001) Logic form transformation of WordNet and its applicability to question
answering. Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Conference,
Toulouse, France, 394-401.
Monz, C. & de Rijke, M. (2001). Light-weight entailment checking for computational semantics. In P.
Blackburn and M. Kohlhase (Eds.), Proceedings of
Inference in Computational Semantics (ICoS-3), Siena,
Italy (pp. 59-72).
Pazienza, M.T., Pennacchiotti, M., & Zanzotto, F. M.
(2005). Textual entailment as syntactic graph distance:
A rule based and SVM based approach. In Proceedings of the Recognizing Textual Entaiment Challenge
Workshop, Southampton, U.K., April 11 13, 25-28.
Rus, V. & Desai, K. (2005). Assigning function tags
with a simple model. In Proceedings of Conference on
Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing), Mexico City, Mexico, 112-115.
Rus, V., McCarthy, P.M., McNamara, D.S., & Graesser,
A.C. (in press). A study of textual entailment, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools.
Rus, V., Graesser, A. C., & Desai, K. (2005). LexicoSyntactic subsumption for textual entailment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent
Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP
2005), Borovets, Bulgaria, 444-452.
Rus, V., McCarthy, P.M., McNamara, D.S., & Graesser,
A.C. (2007). Assessing student self-explanations in
an intelligent tutoring system. In D. S. McNamara &
J. G. Trafton (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual
Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.


VanLehn, K., Graesser, A.C., Jackson, G.T., Jordan,

P., Olney, A., & Rose, C.P. (2007). When are tutorial
dialogues more effective than reading? Cognitive
Science, 31, 3-62.

Key TeRmS
Dependency: Binary relations between words in
a sentence whose label indicates the syntactic relation
among the two words.
Entailment: The task of deciding whether a text
fragment logically or semantically infers another text
Expectation: A stored (generally ideal) answer to
a problem, against which input is evaluated; concept
used in ITSs.
Graph Subsumption: A specific example of graph
isomorphism. Isomorphism exists when two graphs are
equivalent. Subsumption can be viewed as subgraph
Intelligent Tutoring System: Interactive, feedbackbased computer systems designed to help students learn
various topics.
Latent Semantic Analysis: A statistical technique
for human language understanding based on words that
co-occur in documents of large corpora.
Natural Language Processing: The science of
capturing the meaning of human language in computational representations and algorithms.
Natural Language Understanding and Assessment: An NLP subset focusing on evaluating natural
language input in intelligent tutoring systems.
Syntactic Parsing: The process of discovering the
underlying structure of sentences.


Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing

Matthew Szenher
University of Edinburgh, UK

Almost all autonomous robots need to navigate. We
define navigation as do Franz & Mallot (2000): Navigation is the process of determining and maintaining
a course or trajectory to a goal location (p. 134). We
allow that this definition may be more restrictive than
some readers are used to - it does not for example include
problems like obstacle avoidance and position tracking
- but it suits our purposes here.
Most algorithms published in the robotics literature
localise in order to navigate (see e.g. Leonard & Durrant-Whyte (1991a)). That is, they determine their own
location and the position of the goal in some suitable
coordinate system. This approach is problematic for
several reasons. Localisation requires a map of available landmarks (i.e. a list of landmark locations in
some suitable coordinate system) and a description
of those landmarks. In early work, the human operator provided the robot with a map of its environment.
Researchers have recently, though, developed simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) algorithms
which allow robots to learn environmental maps while
navigating (Leonard & Durrant-Whyte (1991b)). Of
course, autonomous SLAM algorithms must choose
which landmarks to map and sense these landmarks from
a variety of different positions and orientations. Given
a map, the robot has to associate sensed landmarks with
those on the map. This data association problem is
difficult in cluttered real-world environments and is an
area of active research.
We describe in this chapter an alternative approach
to navigation called visual homing which makes no explicit attempt to localise and thus requires no landmark
map. There are broadly two types of visual homing
algorithms: feature-based and image-based. The featurebased algorithms, as the name implies, attempt to extract
the same features from multiple images and use the change
in the appearance of corresponding features to navigate.
Feature correspondence is - like data association - a
difficult, open problem in real-world environments.
We argue that image-based homing algorithms, which

provide navigation information based on whole-image

comparisons, are more suitable for real-world environments in contemporary robotics.

Visual homing algorithms make no attempt to localise in
order to navigate. No map is therefore required. Instead, an
image IS (usually called a snapshot for historical reasons)
is captured at a goal location S = (xS , yS). Note that
though S is defined as a point on a plane, most homing
algorithms can be easily extended to three dimensions
(see e.g. Zeil et al. (2003)) . When a homing robot seeks
to return to S from a nearby position C = (xC , yC ), it takes
an image IC and compares it with IS. The home vector H
= S - C is inferred from the disparity between IS and IC
(vectors are in upper case and bold in this work). The
robots orientation at C and S is often different; if this
is the case, image disparity is meaningful only if IC is
rotated to account for this difference. Visual homing
algorithms differ in how this disparity is computed.
Visual homing is an iterative process. The home vector
H is frequently inaccurate, leading the robot closer to
the goal position but not directly to it. If H does not
take the robot to the goal, another image IC is taken at
the robots new position and the process is repeated.
The images IS and IC are typically panoramic grayscale images. Panoramic images are useful because,
for a given location (x,y) they contain the same image
information regardless of the robots orientation. Most
researchers use a camera imaging a hemispheric, conical or paraboloid mirror to create these images (see e.g.
Nayar (1997)).
Some visual homing algorithms extract features
from IS and IC and use these to compute image disparity. Alternatively, disparity can be computed from
entire images, essentially treating each pixel as a viable
feature. Both feature-based and image-based visual
homing algorithms are discussed below.

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Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing


Feature-based visual homing methods segment IS and
IC into features and background (the feature extraction
problem). Each identified feature in the snapshot is
then usually paired with one feature in IC (the correspondence problem). The home vector is inferred from
- depending on the algorithm - the change in the bearing
and/or apparent size of the paired features. Generally,
in order for feature-based homing algorithms to work
properly, they must reliably solve the feature extraction
and correspondence problems.
The Snapshot Model (Cartwright & Collett (1983))
- the first visual homing algorithm to appear in the literature
and the source of the term snapshot to describe the goal
image - matches each snapshot feature with the current
feature closest in bearing (after both images are rotated
to the same external compass orientation). Features in
(Cartwright & Collett (1983)) were black cylinders in
an otherwise empty environment. Two unit vectors,
one radial and the other tangential, are associated with
each feature pair. The radial vector is parallel to the
bearing of the snapshot feature; the tangential vector is
perpendicular to the radial vector. The direction of the
radial vector is chosen to move the agent so as to reduce
the discrepancy in apparent size between paired features.
The direction of the tangential vector is chosen to move
the agent so as to reduce the discrepancy in bearing between paired features. The radial and tangential vectors
for all feature pairs are averaged to produce a homing
vector. The Snapshot Model was devised to explain the
behaviour of nest-seeking honeybees but has inspired
several robotic visual homing algorithms.
One such algorithm is the Average Landmark Vector
(ALV) Model (Mller et al. (2001)). The ALV Model,
like the Snapshot Model, extracts features from both IC
and IS. The ALV Model, though, does not explicitly solve
the correspondence problem. Instead, given features
extracted from IS , the algorithm computes and stores a unit
vector ALVS in the direction of the mean bearing to all
features as seen from S. At C, the algorithm extracts
features from IC and computes their mean bearing,
encoded in the unit vector ALVC . The home vector H
is defined as ALVC - ALVS. Figure 1 illustrates home
vector computation for a simple environment with four
easily discernible landmarks.
Several other interesting feature-based homing algorithms can be found in the literature. Unfortunately,
space constraints prevent us from reviewing them here.

Two algorithms of note are: visual homing by surfing

the epipoles (Basri et al. (1998) and the Proportional
Vector Model (Lambrinos et al. (2000)).
The Snapshot and ALV Models were tested by their
creators in environments in which features contrasted
highly with background and so were easy to extract.
How is feature extraction and correspondence solved
in real-world cluttered environments? One method is
described in Gourichon et al. (2002). The authors use
images converted to the HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value)
colour space which is reported to be more resilient to
illumination change than RGB. Features are defined
as image regions of approximately equal colour (identified using a computationally expensive region-growing
technique). Potential feature pairs are scored on their
difference in average hue, average saturation, average
intensity and bearing. The algorithm searches for a set
of pairings which maximise the sum of individual match
scores. The pairing scheme requires O(n2) pair-score
computations (where n is the number of features). The
algorithm is sometimes fooled by features with similar
colours (specifically, pairing a blue chair in the snapshot
image with a blue door in the current image). Gourichon
et al. did not explore environments with changing lighting conditions.
Several other methods feature extraction and correspondence algorithms appear in the literature; see e.g.
Rizzi et al. (2001), Lehrer & Bianco (2000) and Gaussier
et al. (2000). Many of these suffer from some of the
same problems as the algorithm of Gourichon et al.
described above. The appearance of several competing feature extraction and correspondence algorithms
in recent publications indicates that these are open
and difficult problems; this is why we are advocating
image-based homing in this chapter.
Figure 1. Illustration of Average Landmark Vector
computation. See Section titled Feature-based Visual
Homing for details

Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing


Feature-based visual homing algorithms require consistent
feature extraction and correspondence over a variety of
viewing positions. Both of these are still open problems in computer vision. Existing solutions are often
computationally intensive. Image-based visual homing algorithms avoid these problems altogether. They
infer image disparity from entire images; no pixel is
disregarded. We believe that these algorithms present a
more viable option for real-world, real-time robotics.
Three image-based visual homing algorithms have
been published so far; we describe these below.

Image Warping
The image warping algorithm (Franz et al. (1998))
asks the following question: When the robot is at C
in some unknown orientation, what change in orientation and position is required to transform IC into IS
? The robot needs to know the distance to all imaged
objects in IS to answer this question precisely. Not
having this information, the image warping algorithm
makes the assumption that all objects are at an equal
(though unknown) distance from S. The algorithm
searches for the values of position and orientation
change which minimises the mean-square error between
a transformed IC and IS . Since the mean square error
function is rife with local minima, the authors resort
to a brute force search over all permissible values of
position and orientation change.
Unlikely as the equal distance assumption is, the
algorithm frequently results in quite accurate values
for H. Unlike most visual homing schemes, image
warping requires no external compass reference.
Unfortunately, the brute force search for the homing
vector and the large number of transformations of IC
carried out during this search make image warping
quite computationally expensive.

Homing with Optic flow Techniques

When an imaging system moves from S to C , the image of a particular point in space moves from IS(x,y) to
IC(x,y). This movement is called optic flow and (x-x,
y- y) is the so called pixel displacement vector. Vardy
& Mller (2005) demonstrate that the home vector H
can be inferred from a single displacement vector so
long as the navigating robot is constrained to move on

a single plane. Several noisy displacement vectors can

be combined to estimate H.
Vardy & Mller (2005) describe a number of methods, adapted from the optic flow literature, to estimate
the displacement vector. One of the most successful
methods BlockMatch - segments the snapshot image
into several equal-sized subimages. The algorithm then
does a brute force search of a subset of IC to find the
best match for each subimage. A displacement vector
is computed from the centre of each subimage to the
centre of its match pair in IC.
A less computationally intensive algorithm estimates
the displacement vector from the intensity gradient at
each pixel in IC . The intensity gradient at a particular
pixel can be computed straightforwardly from intensities surrounding that pixel. No brute-force search is
In comparative tests, Vardy & Mller demonstrated
that their optic flow based methods perform consistently
better than image warping in several unadulterated
indoor environments. A drawback to the optic flow
homing methods is that the robot is constrained to
move on a single plane. The authors do not provide
a way to extend their algorithm to three dimensional
visual homing.

Surfing the Difference Surface

Zeil et al. (2003) describe a property of natural scenes
which can be exploited for visual homing: as the Euclidean distance between S and C increases, the pixelby-pixel root mean square (RMS) difference between IS
and IC increases smoothly and monotonically. Labrosse
and Mitchell discovered this phenomenon as well; see
Mitchell & Labrosse (2004). Zeil et al. reported that
the increase in the RMS signal was discernible from
noise up to about three meters from S in their outdoor
test environment; they call this region the catchment
RMS, when evaluated at locations in a subset of
the plane surrounding S, forms a mathematical surface,
the difference surface. A sample difference surface is
shown in Figure 2(a) (see caption for details).
Zeil et al. describe a simple algorithm to home using
the RMS difference surface. Their Run-Down algorithm directs the robot to move in its current direction
while periodically sampling the RMS signal. When the
current sample is greater than the previous, the robot
is made to stop and turn ninety degrees (clockwise or

Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing

Figure 2. Two difference surfaces formed using the RMS image similarity measure. Both the surfaces and
their contours are shown. In each case, the snapshot IS was captured at x=150cm, y=150cm in a laboratory
environment. (a) The snapshot was captured in the same illumination conditions as all other images. Notice
the global minimum at the goal location and the absence of local minima. (b) Here we use the same snapshot
image as in (a) but the lighting source has changed in all other images. The global minimum no longer appears
at the goal location. When different goal locations were used, we observed qualitatively similar disturbances in
the difference surfaces formed. The images used were taken from a database provided by Andrew Vardy which
is described in Vardy & Mller (2005).




Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing

counter-clockwise, it does not matter). It then repeats

the process in this new direction. The agent stops when
the RMS signal falls below a pre-determined threshold.
We have explored a biologically inspired difference
surface homing method which was more successful
than Run-Down in certain situations (Zampoglou
et al. (2006)).
Unlike the optic flow methods described in the
previous section, visual homing by optimising the difference surface is easily extensible to three dimensions
(Zeil et al. (2003)).
Unfortunately, when lighting conditions change
between capture of IS and IC , the minimum of the
RMS difference surface often fails to coincide with S,
making homing impossible (Figure 2(b)).

No work has yet been published comparing the efficacy
of the image-based homing algorithms described above.
This would seem the logical next step for image-based
homing researchers. As we mentioned in the section
titled Surfing the Difference Surface, the difference
surface is disrupted by changes in lighting between
captures of IS and IC. This problem obviously demands
a solution and is a focus of our current research. Finally,
it would be interesting to compare standard map-based
navigation algorithms with the image-based visual
homing methods presented here.

Visual homing algorithms - unlike most of the navigation algorithms found in the robotics literature - do not
require a detailed map of their environment. This is
because they make no attempt to explicitly infer their
location with respect to the goal. These algorithms
instead infer the home vector from the discrepancy between a stored snapshot image taken at the goal position
and an image captured at their current location.
We reviewed two types of visual homing algorithms:
feature-based and image-based. We argued that image-based algorithms are preferable because they make
no attempt to solve the tough problems of consistent
feature extraction and correspondence - solutions to
which feature-based algorithms demand. Of the three

image-based algorithms reviewed, image warping is

probably not practicable due to the computationally
demanding brute force search required. Work is required
to determine which of the two remaining image-based
algorithms is more effective for robot homing in realworld environments.

Basri, R., Rivlin, E., & Shimshoni, I. (1998). Visual
homing: Surfing on the epipoles. In The Proceedings
of the Sixth International Conference on Computer
Vision (p. 863-869).
Cartwright, B., & Collett, T. (1983). Landmark learning in bees. Journal of Comparative Physiology, 151,
Franz, M., & Mallot, H. (2000). Biomimetic robot
navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 3 0 ,
Franz, M., Schlkopf, B., Mallot, H., & Blthoff, H.
(1998). Where did i take that snapshot?
scene-based homing by image matching. Biological
Cybernetics, 79, 191-202.
Gaussier, P., Joulain, C., Banquet, J., Leprtre, S., &
Revel, A. (2000). The visual homing problem: an example of robotics/biology cross fertilization. Robotics
and Autonomous Systems, 30, 155-180.
Gourichon, S., Meyer, J., & Pirim, P. (2002). Using
colored snapshots for short-range guidance in mobile
robots. International Journal of Robotics and Automation: Special Issue on Biologically Inspired Robotics,
17 (4), 154-162.
Lambrinos, D., Mller, R., Labhart, T., Pfeifer, R., &
Wehner, R. (2000). A mobile robot employing insect
strategies for navigation. Robotics and Autonomous
Systems, 30, 39-64.
Lehrer, M., & Bianco, G. (2000). The turn-back-andlook behaviour: bee versus robot. Biological
Cybernetics, 83, 211-229.
Leonard, J. J., & Durrant-Whyte, H. F. (1991a). Mobile
robot localization by tracking geometric b e a c o n s .
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 7 (3),

Navigation by Image-Based Visual Homing

Leonard, J. J., & Durrant-Whyte, H. F. (1991b). Simultaneous map building and localization for an autonomous
mobile robot. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 14421447). Osaka, Japan.

Key TeRmS

Mller, R., Lambrinos, D., Roggendorf, T., Pfeifer, R., &

Wehner, R. (2001). Insect strategies of visual homing in mobile robots. In B. Webb & T. R. Consi (Eds.),
Biorobotics: Methods and Applications (pp. 37-66).
The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Correspondence Problem: The problem of pairing

an imaged feature extracted from one image with the
same imaged feature extracted from a second image.
The images may have been taken from different locations, changing the appearance of the features.

Mitchell, T., & Labrosse, F. (2004). Visual homing: a

purely appearance-based approach. In Proceedings of
TAROS (Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems). The
University of Essex, UK.

Image-based Visual Homing: Visual homing (see

definition below) in which the home vector is estimated
from the whole-image disparity between snapshot and
current images. No feature extraction or correspondence
is required.

Nayar, S. K. (1997). Omnidirectional video camera. In

Proceedings of DARPA image understanding workshop.
New Orleans, USA.
Rizzi, A., Duina, D., & Cassinis, R. (2001). A novel
visual landmark matching for a biologically inspired
homing. Pattern Recognition Letters, 22, 1371-1378.
Vardy, A., & Mller, R. (2005). Biologically plausible
visual homing methods based on optical flow techniques. Connection Science, Special Issue: Navigation,
17 (1-2), 47-89.
Zampoglou, M., Szenher, M., & Webb, B. (2006).
Adaptation of controllers for image-based homing.
Adaptive Behavior, 14 (4), 381-399.
Zeil, J., Hofmann, M., & Chahl, J. (2003). Catchment
areas of panoramic snapshots in outdoor scenes. Journal
of the Optical Society of America A, 20 (3), 450-469.


Catchment Area: The area from which a goal

location is reachable using a particular navigation

Feature Extraction Problem: The problem of

extracting the same imaged features from two images
taken from (potentially) different locations.
Navigation: The process of determining and maintaining a course or trajectory to a goal location.
Optic Flow: The perceived movement of objects
due to viewer translation and/or rotation.
Snapshot Image: In the visual homing literature,
this is the image captured at the goal location.
Visual Homing: A method of navigating in which
the relative location of the goal is inferred by comparing an image taken at the goal with the current image.
No landmark map is required.


Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

Sanjoy Das
Kansas State University, USA

Real world optimization problems are often too complex
to be solved through analytic means. Evolutionary algorithms are a class of algorithms that borrow paradigms
from nature to address them. These are stochastic
methods of optimization that maintain a population
of individual solutions, which correspond to points
in the search space of the problem. These algorithms
have been immensely popular as they are derivativefree techniques, are not as prone to getting trapped in
local minima, and can be tailored specifically to suit
any given problem. The performance of evolutionary
algorithms can be improved further by adding a local
search component to them. The Nelder-Mead simplex
algorithm (Nelder & Mead, 1965) is a simple local
search algorithm that has been routinely applied to
improve the search process in evolutionary algorithms,
and such a strategy has met with great success.
In this article, we provide an overview of the various
strategies that have been adopted to hybridize two wellknown evolutionary algorithms - genetic algorithms
(GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO).

Arguably, GAs are one of the most of all common
population based approaches for optimization. The
population of candidate solutions that these algorithms
maintain in each generation are called chromosomes.
GAs carry out the Darwinian operators of selection,
mutation, and recombination, on these chromosomes,
to perform their search (Mitchell, 1998). Each generation is improved by removing the poorer solutions from
the population, while retaining the better ones, based
on a fitness measure. This process is called selection.
Following selection, a method of recombining solutions called crossover is applied. Here two (or more)
parent solutions from the current generation are picked
randomly for producing offspring to populate the next
generation of solutions. The offspring chromosomes

are then probabilistically subject to mutation, which

is carried out by the addition of small random perturbations.
PSO is a more recent approach for optimization
(Kennedy & Eberhart, 2001). Being modelled after the
social behavior of organisms such as a flock of birds
in flight or a school of fish swimming, it is considered
an evolutionary algorithm only in a loose sense. Each
solution within the population is called a particle in
PSO. Each such particles position in the search space
is constantly updated within each generation, by the
addition of the particles velocity to it. The velocity
of a particle is then adjusted towards the best position
encountered in the particles own history (individual
best), as well as the best position in the current iteration (global best).
Since evolutionary algorithms use a population of
individuals and randomized variational operators, they
are adept at performing exploratory searches over their
search spaces. However, when the aim is to produce
outputs within reasonable time limits, it is important
to balance this exploration with better exploitation of
smaller-scale features in the fitness landscape. In the
latter context, local search algorithms enable single
solutions to be improved using local information (e.g.,
directional trends in fitness around each solution) and
take the solution towards the closest maximum fitness.
Hybrid algorithms that combine the advantages of exploration and exploitation comprise of a distinct area of
evolutionary computation research that have been variously called as Lamarckian or memetic approaches, of
which Nelder-Mead hybrids are a significant chunk.

NelDeR-meAD SImpleX BASeD

The Nelder-mead Downhill Simplex
The Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm is a derivative-free
local search technique that is capable of moving a cluster

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Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

Figure 1. Various operations in the Nelder-Mead simplex routine







outward contraction

inward contraction

of solutions in the gradient direction and which, as per

current research, can be very effectively combined with
GA and PSO approaches. These hybrid evolutionary
algorithms have been shown to be very successful in
continuous optimization problems.
The Nelder-Mead smplex method makes use of a
construct called a simplex (see Figure 1.). When the
search space is n-dimensional, the simplex consists of
n+1 solutions, si, i = {1, 2, , n+1}, that are usually
closely spaced. As shown in the top left of Figure 1., in
a two-dimensional search plane, a simplex is a triangle.
The fitness of each solution is considered in each step
of the Nelder-Mead method, and the worst solution w is
identified. The centroid, c, of the remaining n points


is computed and the reflection of w along it determined.

This reflection yields a new solution r that replaces w,
in the next step, as shown in the top right of Figure
1. If the solution r produced by this reflection has a
higher fitness than any other solution in the simplex,
the simplex is further expanded along the direction of


r, as shown in the middle left of the figure. On the other

hand, if r has a low fitness compared to the others, the
simplex is contracted. Contraction can be either outward
or inward depending upon whether r is better or worse
than w. The contraction operations are shown in the
middle right and bottom left of the figure. If neither
contraction improves the worst solution in the simplex,
the best point in the simplex is computed, and a collapse
is then carried out, and all the points of the simplex are
moved a little closer towards the best one, as shown in
the bottom right of the same figure.
The approaches taken to incorporate a simplex-based
local search routine within the broad framework of a
genetic algorithm fall under four different schemes that
are shown in Figure 2. These are as follows:

Two-phase Hybridization
This is the simplest of all approaches and has been
applied to GAs (Chelouah & Siarry, 2000, Chelouah
& Siarry, 2003, Robin, Orzati, Moreno, Homan &
Bachtold, 2003). In the first phase in this scheme, a GA
is applied to the optimization problem to explore the
entire search space until one or more good solutions

Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

are found, which can no longer be improved through

the random operations of crossover and mutation. The
Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm is then invoked in the
second phase to further improve the solutions by allowing them to ascend towards their local maxima. In
another approach the initial points of the simplex are
obtained by taking the solution with the best fitness
given by the GA, and then generating the remaining n
points around it (Chelouah & Siarry, 2000, Chelouah
& Siarry, 2003).

Serial Hybridization
In this scheme, the solutions in each generation are
subject to the usual operators of the main evolutionary algorithm as well as the one or more steps of the
Nelder-Mead simplex method. It has been successfully
applied to hybridize GAs (Renders & Flasse, 1998,
Yang & Douglas, 1998, Durand & Alliot, 1999, Guo
& Shouyi, 2003, Trabia, 2004). This method has also
been used in conjunction with PSO by Das et al. (Das,
Koduru, Welch, Gui, Cochran, Wareing & Babin, 2006,
Koduru, Welch, Das, 2007). In each generation, following the position and velocity updates, the population is

clustered into distinct clusters of n+1 solutions each,

and a few steps of the Nelder-Mead algorithm applied
separately to each cluster. The Nelder-Mead step is
applied a fixed number of times per generation.
The serial hybridization scheme has been successfully implemented within a multi-objective optimization
framework also (Koduru, Das, Welch 2007). Instead
of fitness, a metric called fuzzy dominance is applied
to discriminate between the n+1 solutions within a
simplex. A solution that is not dominated by any other
is assigned a fuzzy dominance of zero. The poorer a
solution is, the higher the fuzzy dominance value it is

parallel Hybridization
Such hybridization approaches assemble the offspring
generation from the parent generation in two parallel
tracks. The standard evolutionary algorithm operators
are used to generate some of the offspring, while others are generated using the simplex algorithm. This
strategy is applied to hybridize GAs (Yen, Liao, Lee
& Randolph, 1998, Koduru, Das, Welch & Roe, 2004,
Koduru, Das, Welch, Roe & Lopez-Dee, 2005). In these

Figure 2. Four different GA-simplex hybridization strategies

Evolutionary Algorithm

Evolutionary Algorithm

Nelder-Mead S implex

Nelder-Mead S implex

S erial


Evolutionary Algorithm

Nelder-Mead S implex


Evolutionary Algorithm

Nelder-Mead S implex


Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

approaches, the best n+1 solutions (called elites) of each

generation are picked to be improved further, using the
Nelder-Mead simplex method. In another strategy, a
probabilistic variant of the Nelder-Mead approach is
used, where the amount of contraction and/or expansion of the simplex is determined randomly, but within
specific limits (Yen, Liao, Lee & Randolph, 1998).
The approaches taken in (Koduru, Das, Welch & Roe,
2004) and (Koduru, Das, Welch, Roe & Lopez-Dee,
2005) are multi-objective implementations that make
use of the fuzzy dominance metric discussed earlier
to identify the best and worst solutions. In order to
preserve solution diversity within the population, the
collapse operation is never used and the Nelder-Mead
routine is terminated instead, when the need for one
arises, within each generation.
This scheme has been used with PSO (Fan, Liang
& Zahara 2004, Zahara, Fan & Tsai, 2005). As earlier,
only the best n+1 points of the population are picked to
undergo improvement using the Nelder-Mead simplex
method. The remaining solutions in each generation
are obtained using standard PSO position and velocity updates.

Implicit Hybridization
Here, the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm is not applied
directly. Instead, the approach is buried implicitly within
any of the evolutionary algorithms generic operators.
One simple technique in GAs is the multi-parent simplex-based crossover (Renders & Bersini, 1994). This
method applies a single Nelder-Mead step to produce
a new offspring. Novel crossover techniques are also
suggested (Bersini, 2002). In another method, each
simplex is encoded as a chromosome and the algorithm
uses a specially devised multi-parent crossover within
the GA (Hedar & Fukushima, 2003).
Das et al. (Das, Koduru, Welch, Gui, Cochran,
Wareing & Babin, 2006) use implicit hybridization in
PSO by adding a term to the velocity of each particle
that allows the latter to reorient its trajectory towards
gradient direction sensed by the Nelder-Mead simplex
(from the worst towards the centroid).

most practical problems in engineering are inherently

multi-objective in nature. Consequently, multi-objective
evolutionary optimization is a relatively new, emerging
direction of evolutionary computation research. Perhaps
the only attempts at incorporating Nelder-Mead simplex as an additional operator within a GA have been
reported by Koduru, Das & Welch (cf. Koduru, Das,
Welch, Roe, 2004). Clearly more research is required
in this direction, and as multi-objective algorithms
become more common, Nelder-Mead strategies will
be investigated more vigorously.
PSO is a new technique for evolutionary optimization. Research into PSO-based hybrid algorithms has
only recently begun to make its appearance. A few
limited approaches have been suggested to hybridize
PSO with Nelder-Mead simplex by Das et al. (Das,
Koduru, Welch, Gui, Cochran, Wareing & Babin, 2006)
and Zahara et al., (Zahara, Fan & Tsai, 2005). The
method suggested in (Koduru, Das, Welch 2007) is, to
the best of the authors knowledge, the only attempt
at producing a multi-objective PSO hybrid algorithm.
Here again, further investigation is necessary.
Although research into these evolutionary hybrid
algorithms is over a decade old, with several good
approaches having been suggested, there is no clear
consensus about which approach is best suited for any
given application. More research in this direction is
warranted to obtain further insights into the performance
of these algorithms.

In the literature on evolutionary optimization, many
effective approaches have been proposed to hybridize GAs with Nelder-Mead simplex. More recently,
researchers have begun implementing similar ideas
within PSO also. A few papers on multi-objective
hybrid approaches have been published. However, a
formal framework to categorize all these approaches
has so far been lacking. This chapter surveys the various methods and proposes a way to organize them into
four distinct categories.



Although traditionally, evolutionary algorithms have

focussed on optimizing single objective functions,

Bersini, H. (2002). The immune and chemical crossovers. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 6(3): 306-313.


Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

Chelouah, R., & Siarry, P. (2000). A continuous genetic

algorithm designed for the global optimization of multimodal functions, Journal of Heuristics 6: 191-213.
Chelouah, R., & Siarry, P. (2003). Genetic and NelderMead algorithms hybridized for a more accurate global
optimization of continuous multiminima functions,
European Journal of Operational Research, 148: 335348.
Das, S., Koduru, P., Welch, S.M., Gui, M., Cochran, M.,
Wareing, A., & Babin, B. (2006). Adding local search
to particle swarm optimization. Proceedings, World
Congress on Computational Intelligence, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, 428-433.
Durand N., & Alliot, J.M. (1999). A combined NelderMead Simplex and genetic algorithm. Genetic and
Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO).
Guo G., & Shouyi, Y. (2003). Evolutionary parallel
local search for function optimization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part-B. 7(1):
Hedar, A., Fukushima, M. (2003). Minimizing multimodal functions by simplex coding genetic algorithm,
Optimization Methods and Software. 18: 265-282.
Fan, S.S., Liang, Y.C., Zahara, E. (2004). Hybrid
simplex search and particle swarm optimization for
the global optimization of multimodal functions,
Engineering Optimization. 36(4): 401-418.
Kennedy, J., & Eberhart, R.C. (2001) Swarm Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, CA.
Koduru, P. Das, S., Welch, S.M., & Roe, J. (2004).
Fuzzy dominance based multi-objective GA-Simplex
hybrid algorithms applied to gene network models.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proceedings of
the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference,
Seattle, Washington, (Eds. Kalyanmoy Deb et al.),
Springer-Verlag, 3102: 356-367.
Koduru, P. Das, S., Welch, S.M., Roe, J., & Lopez-Dee,
Z.P. (2005). A Co-evolutionary hybrid algorithm for
multi-objective optimization of gene regulatory network
models, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary
Computing Conference, Washington D. C. 393-399.
Koduru, P., Das, S., & Welch, S.M. (2007). Multiobjective and hybrid PSO using -fuzzy dominance,
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Comput-

ing Conference, London, UK. (Eds. Dirk Thierens et

al.) 853-860.
Koduru, P., Welch, S.M., & Das, S. (2007). A particle
swarm optimization approach for estimating confidence
regions. Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference, London, UK. (Eds. Dirk
Thierens et al.) 70-77.
Mitchell, M. (1998). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. MIT Press.
Nelder, J.A., & R. Mead, R. (1965). A simplex method
for function minimization, Computer Journal, 7(4):
Renders, J., & Bersini, H. (1994). Hybridizing genetic
algorithms with hill-climbing methods for global optimization:two possible ways. Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Evolutionary Computation. 312-317.
Renders, J.M., & Flasse, S.P. (1998). Hybrid methods
using genetic algorithms for global optimization, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part-B.
28(2): 73-91.
Robin, F., Orzati, A., Moreno, E., Homan, O.J., &
Bachtold, W. (2003). Simulation and evolutionary
optimization of electron-beam lithography with genetic
and simplex-downhill algorithms, IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation. 7(1): 69-82.
Trabia, M.B. (2004). A hybrid fuzzy simplex genetic
algorithm. Journal of Mechanical Design, 126 (6):
Yang, R., & Douglas, I., (1998). Simple genetic algorithm with local tuning: Efficient global optimizing
technique. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 98: 449-465.
Yen, J., Liao, J.C., Lee, B., & Randolph, D. (1998)
A hybrid approach to modeling metabolic systems
using a genetic algorithm and simplex method, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part-B,
28(2): 173-191.
Zahara, E., Fan, S.S. & Tsai, D.M. (2005). Optimal
multi-thresholding using a hybrid optimization approach. Pattern Recognition Letters, 26(8): 10821095.


Nelder-Mead Evolutionary Hybrid Algorithms

Key TeRmS
Dominance: A relationship between solutions in
a multi-objective optimization problem. A solution
dominates another if and only if it is equal to the latter
in all the objectives and better in at least one.
Evolutionary Algorithm: A class of probabilistic
algorithms that are based upon biological metaphors
such as Darwinian evolution, and widely used in optimization.
Exploration: A strategy that samples the fitness
landscape extensively to obtain good regions.
Exploitation: A greedy strategy that seeks to improve one or more solutions to an optimization problem
to take it to a maximum in its vicinity.
Fitness: A measure to determine the goodness of
a solution to an optimization problem. When a single
objective is to be maximized, the fitness is either
equal to the objective or a monotonically increasing
function of it.
Fitness Landscape: A representation of the search
space of an optimization problem that brings out the
differences in the fitness of the solutions, such that those
with good fitness are higher. Optimal solutions are
the maxima of the fitness landscape.


Generation: A term used in evolutionary algorithms that corresponds to an iteration of the outermost
Local Search: A search algorithm to carry out
Multi-Objective Optimization: An optimization
problem involving more than a single objective function. In such a setting, it is not easy to discriminate
between good and bad solutions, as a solution that is
better than another in one objective may be poorer in
another. Without any loss of generality, each objective function can be considered to be one involving
Population-Based Algorithm: An algorithm,
which maintains an entire set of candidate solutions
for an optimization problem.
Search Space: Set of all possible solutions for any
given optimization problem, in which one can usually
define a neighborhood of any solution.


Neural Control System for Autonomous

Francisco Garca-Crdova
Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain
Antonio Guerrero-Gonzlez
Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain
Fulgencio Marn-Garca
Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain

Neural networks have been used in a number of robotic
applications (Das & Kar, 2006; Fierro & Lewis, 1998),
including both manipulators and mobile robots. A typical approach is to use neural networks for nonlinear
system modelling, including for instance the learning
of forward and inverse models of a plant, noise cancellation, and other forms of nonlinear control (Fierro &
Lewis, 1998).
An alternative approach is to solve a particular
problem by designing a specialized neural network
architecture and/or learning rule (Sutton & Barto, 1981).
It is clear that biological brains, though exhibiting a
certain degree of homogeneity, rely on many specialized
circuits designed to solve particular problems.
We are interested in understanding how animals
are able to solve complex problems such as learning
to navigate in an unknown environment, with the aim
of applying what is learned of biology to the control
of robots (Chang & Gaudiano, 1998; Martnez-Marn,
2007; Montes-Gonzlez, Santos-Reyes & RosFigueroa, 2006).
In particular, this article presents a neural architecture that makes possible the integration of a kinematical
adaptive neuro-controller for trajectory tracking and
an obstacle avoidance adaptive neuro-controller for
nonholonomic mobile robots. The kinematical adaptive neuro-controller is a real-time, unsupervised
neural network that learns to control a nonholonomic
mobile robot in a nonstationary environment, which
is termed Self-Organization Direction Mapping Network (SODMN), and combines associative learning
and Vector Associative Map (VAM) learning to generate transformations between spatial and velocity

coordinates (Garca-Crdova, Guerrero-Gonzlez &

Garca-Marn, 2007). The transformations are learned
in an unsupervised training phase, during which the
robot moves as a result of randomly selected wheel
velocities. The obstacle avoidance adaptive neurocontroller is a neural network that learns to control
avoidance behaviours in a mobile robot based on a
form of animal learning known as operant conditioning.
Learning, which requires no supervision, takes place as
the robot moves around a cluttered environment with
obstacles. The neural network requires no knowledge
of the geometry of the robot or of the quality, number,
or configuration of the robots sensors. The efficacy of
the proposed neural architecture is tested experimentally
by a differentially driven mobile robot.

Several heuristic approaches based on neural networks
(NNs) have been proposed for identification and adaptive control of nonlinear dynamic systems (Fierro &
Lewis, 1998; Pardo-Ayala & Angulo-Bahn, 2007).
In wheeled mobile robots (WMR), the trajectorytracking problem with exponential convergence has
been solved theoretically using time-varying state feedback based on the backstepping technique in (Ping &
Nijmeijer, 1997; Das & Kar, 2006). Dynamic feedback
linearization has been used for trajectory tracking and
posture stabilization of mobile robot systems in chained
form (Oriolo, Luca & Vendittelli, 2002).
The study of autonomous behaviour has become an
active research area in the field of robotics. Even the
simplest organisms are capable of behavioural feats unimaginable for the most sophisticated machines. When

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

an animal has to operate in an unknown environment

it must somehow learn to predict the consequences
of its own actions. Biological organisms are a clear
example that this short of learning is possible in spite
of what, from an engineering standpoint, seem to be
insurmountable difficulties: noisy sensors, unknown
kinematics and dynamics, nostationary statistics, and
so on. A related form of learning is known as operant
conditioning (Grossberg, 1971). Chang and Gaudiano
(1998) introduce a neural network for obstacle avoidance that is based on a model of classical and operant
Psychologists have identified classical and operant
conditioning as two primary forms of learning that
enables animals to acquire the causal structure of their
environment. In the classical conditioning paradigm,
learning occurs by repeated association of a Conditioned Stimulus (CS), which normally has no particular
significance for an animal, with an Unconditioned
Stimulus (UCS), which has significance for an animal
and always gives rise to an Unconditioned Response
(UCR). The response that comes to be elicited by the
CS after classical conditioning is known as the Conditioned Response (CR) (Grossberg & Levine, 1987).
Hence, classical conditioning is the putative learning
process that enables animals to recognize informative
stimuli in the environment.
In the case of operant conditioning, an animal learns
the consequences of its actions. More specifically, the
animal learns to exhibit more frequently a behaviour
that has led to reward in the past, and to exhibit less
frequently a behaviour that led to punishment.
In the field of neural networks research, it is often
suggested that neural networks based on associative
learning laws can model the mechanisms of classical
conditioning, while neural networks based on reinforcement learning laws can model the mechanisms of
operant conditioning (Chang & Gaudiano, 1998).
The reinforcement learning is used to acquire navigation skills for autonomous vehicles, and updates both
the vehicle model and optimal behaviour at the same
time (Galindo, Gonzlez & Fernndez-Madrigal, 2006;
Lamiraux & Laumond, 2001; Galindo, FernndezMadrigal & Gonzlez, 2007).
In this article, we propose a neurobiologically inspired neural architecture to show how an organism,
in this case a robot, can learn without supervision to
recognize simple stimuli in its environment and to associate them with different actions.


Figure 1(a) illustrates our proposed neural architecture.
The trajectory tracking control without obstacles is
implemented by the SODMN and a neural network
of biological behaviour implements the avoidance
behaviour of obstacles.

Self-Organization Direction mapping

Network (SODmN)
The transformation of spatial directions to wheels angular velocities is expressed like a linear mapping and
is shown in Fig. 1(b). The spatial error is computed to
get a spatial direction vector (DVs). The DVs is transformed by the direction mapping network elements Vik
to corresponding motor direction vector (DVm). On
the other hand, a set of tonically active inhibitory cells,
which receive broad-based inputs that determine the
context of a motor action, was implemented as a context
field. The context field selects the Vik elements based
on the wheels angular velocities configuration.
A speed-control GO signal acts as a non-specific
multiplicative gate and controls the movements overall
speed. The GO signal is an input from a decision centre
in the brain, and starts at zero before movement and
then grows smoothly to a positive value as the movement develops. During the learning, the GO signal is
Activities of cells of the DVs and DVm are represented in the neural network by quantities (S1, S2,
..., Sm) and (R1, R2, ..., Rn), respectively. The direction
mapping is formed with a field of cells with activities
Vik. Each Vik cell receives the complete set of spatial
inputs Sj, j = 1, ..., m, but connects to only one Ri cell.
The direction mapping cells ( V n k ) compute a difference of activity between the spatial and motor direction
vectors via feedback from DVm. During learning, this
difference drives the adjustment of the weights. During
performance, the difference drives DVm activity to the
value encoded in the learned mapping.
A context field cell pauses when it recognizes a
particular velocity state (i.e., a velocity configuration)
on its inputs, and thereby disinhibits its target cells.
The target cells (direction mapping cells) are completely shut off when their context cells are active (see
Fig. 1(b)). Each context field cell projects to a set of

Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

Figure 1. (a) Neural architecture for reactive and adaptive navigation of a mobile robot. (b) Self-organization
direction mapping network for the trajectory tracking of a mobile robot.
Desired Spatial Position

Sensed Position in Spatial


Active ck = [cf ]
Inactive ck = 0

Spatial Direction Vector



Context Field



( xd , yd , d )
d 1 d


( , )Mobile ( x, y, )
( , ) Robot



Vn 2



Mapping Cells








Ultrasound sensors


direction mapping cells, one for each velocity vector

component. Each velocity vector component has a set
of direction mapping cells associated with it, one for
each context. A cell is off for a compact region of the
velocity space. It is assumed for simplicity that only
one context field cell turns off at a time. The centre
context field cell is off when the angular velocities
are in the centre region of the velocity space. The off
context cell enables a subset of direction mapping cells
through the inhibition variable ck, while on context
cells disable to the other subsets.
The learning is obtained by decreasing weights in
proportion to the product of the presynaptic and postsynaptic activities (Gaudiano, & Grossberg, 1991). The
training is done by generating random movements, and
by using the resulting angular velocities and observed
spatial velocities of the mobile robot as training vectors
to the direction mapping network.

Neural Network for the Avoidance

Behaviour (NNAB)
Grossberg proposed a model of classical and operant
conditioning, which was designed to account for a

r d

l d

Sensed angular
velocities of


variety of behavioural data on learning in vertebrates

(Grossberg, 1971; Grossberg & Levine, 1987). Our
implementation is based in the Grossbergs conditioning circuit, which follows closely that of Grossberg &
Levine (1987) and Chang & Gaudiano (1998), and is
shown in Figure 2.
In this model the sensory cues (both CSs and UCS)
are stored in Short Term Memory (STM) within the
population labelled S, which includes competitive
interactions to ensure that the most salient cues are
contrast enhanced and stored in STM while less salient
cues are suppressed. The population S is modelled as a
recurrent competitive field in simplified discrete-time
version, which removes the inherent noise, efficiently
normalizes and contrast-enhances from the ultrasound
sensors activations. In the present model, the CS nodes
correspond to activation from the robots ultrasound
sensors. In the network Ii represents a sensor value
which codes proximal objects with large values and
distal objects with small values. The network requires
no knowledge of the geometry of the mobile robot or
the quality, number, or distribution of sensors over the
robots body.


Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

Fig. 2. Neural Network for the avoidance behaviour

The drive node D corresponds to the Reward/

Punishment component of operant conditioning (an
animal/robot learns the consequences of its own actions). Learning can only occur when the drive node is
active. Activation of drive node D is determined by the
weighted sum of all the CS inputs, plus the UCS input,
which is presumed to have a large, fixed connection
strength. The drive node D is active when the robot collides with an obstacle. Then the unconditioned stimulus
(USC) in this case corresponds to a collision detected
by the mobile robot. The activation of the drive node
and of the sensory nodes converges upon the population of polyvalent cells P. Polyvalent cells require the
convergence of two types of inputs in order to become
active. In particular, each polyvalent cell receives input
from only one sensory node, and all polyvalent cells
also receive input from the drive node D.
Finally, the neurons (xmi) represent the response
conditioned or unconditioned and are thus connected
to the motor system. The motor population consists of
nodes (i.e., neurons) encoding desired angular velocities of avoidance. When driving the robot, activation
is distributed as a Gaussian centred on the desired
angular velocity of avoidance. The use of a Gaussian
leads to smooth transitions in angular velocity even
with few nodes.
The output of the angular velocity population is
decomposed by SODMN into left and right wheel
angular velocities. A gain term can be used to specify
the maximum possible velocity. In NNAB the proximity sensors initially do not propagate activity to
the motor population because the initial weights are

small or zero. The robot is trained by allowing it to

make random movements in a cluttered environment.
Whenever the robot collides with an obstacle during
one of these movements (or comes very close to it), the
nodes corresponding to the largest (closest) proximity
sensor measurements just prior to the collision will
be active. Activation of the drive node D allows two
different kinds of learning to take place: the learning
that couples sensory nodes (infrared or ultrasounds)
with the drive node (the collision), and the learning
of the angular velocity pattern that existed just before
the collision.
The first type of learning follows an associative
learning law with decay. The primary purpose of this
learning scheme is to ensure that learning occurs only
for those CS nodes that were active within some time
window prior to the collision (UCS). The second type
of learning, which is also of an associative type but
inhibitory in nature, is used to map the sensor activations to the angular velocity map. By using an inhibitory learning law, the polyvalent cell corresponding
to each sensory node learns to generate a pattern of
inhibition that matches the activity profile active at
the time of collision.
Once learning has occurred, the activation of the
angular velocity map is given by two components (see
Figure 3). An excitatory component, which is generated directly by the sensory system, reflects the angular
velocity required to reach a given target in the absence
of obstacles. The second, inhibitory component, generated by the conditioning model in response to sensed
obstacles, moves the robot away from the obstacles

Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

Figure 3. Positive Gaussian distribution represents the angular velocity without obstacle and negative distribution represents activation from the conditioning circuit. The summation represents the angular velocity that will
be used to drive the mobile robot.

as a result of the activation of sensory signals in the

conditioning circuit.

The proposed control algorithm is implemented on
a mobile robot from the Polytechnic University of
Cartagena (UPCT) named CHAMAN. The platform has two driving wheels (in the rear) mounted on
the same axis and two passive supporting wheels (in
front) of free orientation. The two driving wheels are
independently driven by two DC-motors to achieve
the motion and orientation.
High-level control algorithms (SODMN and NNAB)
are written in VC++ and run with a sampling time of
10 ms on a remote server (a Pentium IV processor).
The lower level control layer is in charge of the execution of the high-level velocity commands. It consists
of a Texas Instruments TMS320C6701 Digital Signal
Processor (DSP).
Figure 4 shows approach behaviours and the tracking of a trajectory by the mobile robot with respect to
the reference trajectory.
Figure 5 illustrates the mobile robots performance
in the presence of several obstacles. The mobile robot
starts from the initial position labelled X and reaches a
desired position. During the movements, whenever the

mobile robot is approaching an obstacle, the inhibitory

profile from the conditioning circuit (NNAB) changes
the selected angular velocity and makes the mobile
robot turn away from the obstacle.

The tendency of robots control systems is to come
to understand and to imitate the way that biological
systems learn and evolve to resolve complex problems
in unknown environments. Simple animals (e.g.: crabs,
insects, scorpions and other ones) are studied to formalize robust neural models for the robots locomotion
system. In humans, decoded neural behaviors of neural
activities of the cortical system tend to be applying to
robotic prosthesis for the control of movement. Neural
networks and other bio-mimetic techniques with an
emphasis on navigation and control are used to operate
in real-time with only minimal assumptions about the
robots or the environment, and that can learn, if needed,
with little or no external supervision.
In this article, the proposed neural control system
can be applied for underwater applications. In this case,
sonar sensors will replace ultrasound sensors. The proposed neural architecture learns to carry out a reactive
and adaptive navigation nonstationary environments.


Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

Figure 4. Adaptive control by the SODMN. a) Approach behaviours. The symbol X indicates the start of the
mobile robot and Ti indicates the desired reach. b) Tracking control of a desired trajectory. c) Real-time tracking performance.

T 6

Mobile robot's trajectory

T 5

T 3 X 2

T 1

T 4, T 9

Y [m]

Y [m]

Desired trajectory


T 8

T 7

T 2

X [m]



X [m]




Figure 5. Trajectory followed by the mobile robot in presence of obstacles using the NNAB





Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

In this article, we have implemented a neural architecture for trajectory tracking and avoidance behaviours
of mobile robot. A biologically inspired neural network
for the spatial reaching tracking has been developed.
This neural network is implemented as a kinematical
adaptive neuro-controller. The SODMN uses a context
field for learning the direction mapping between spatial
and angular velocity coordinates. The performance of
this neural network has been successfully demonstrated
in experimental results with the trajectory tracking and
reaching of a mobile robot. The avoidance behaviours
of obstacles were implemented by a neural network that
is based on a form of animal learning known as operant conditioning. A differentially driven mobile robot
tested the efficacy of the proposed neural network for
avoidance behaviours experimentally.

Chang, C., & Gaudiano, P. (1998). Application of
biological learning theories to mobile robot avoidance and approach behaviors. J. Complex Systems.
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Das, T., & Kar, I.N. (2006). Design and implementation of an adaptive fuzzy logic-based controller for
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SystemsTech-nology. (14), 501510.
Fierro, R., & Lewis, F.L. (1998). Control of a nonholonomic mobile robot using neural networks. IEEE
Trans. Neural Netw. (9), 589600.
Galindo, C., Fernndez-Madrigal, J.A., & Gonzlez,
J. (2007). Towards the automatic learning of reflex
modulation for mobile robot navigation. Nature Inspired
Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering,
Mira, J., & Alvarez, J.R. (Eds.) IWINAC 2007, Part II.
LNCS vol. 4528, 347-356. Springer, Heidelberg.
Galindo, C., Gonzlez, J., & Fernndez-Madrigal, J.A.
(2006). A control architecture for human-robot integration: Application to robotic wheelchair. IEEE Trans. On
Systems, Man, and Cyb. Part B, 36, 1053-1068.
Garca-Crdova, F., Guerrero-Gonzlez, A., & Garca-Marn, F. (2007). Design and implementation of
an adaptive neuro-controller for trajectory tracking of

nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots. Nature Inspired

Problem-Solving Methods in Knowledge Engineering,
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LNCS vol. 4528, 459-468. Springer, Heidelberg.
Gaudiano, P., & Grossberg, S. (1991). Vector associative maps: Unsupervised real-time error-based learning
and control of movement trajectories. Neural Networks.
(4), 147183.
Grossberg, S. (1971). On the dynamics of operant
conditioning. Journal of Theorical Biology. (33),
Grossberg, S., & Levine, D. (1987). Neural dynamics of attentionally moduled Pavlovian conditioning:
Blocking, interstimulus interval, and secondary reinforcement. Applied Optics. (26), 50155030.
Lamiraux, F., & Laumond, J.P. (2001). Smooth motion planning for car-like vehicles. IEEE Trans. Robot.
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Martnez-Marn, T. (2007). Learning autonomous behaviours for nonholonomic vehicles. Computational
and Ambient Intelligence, Sandoval, F., Prieto, A.,
Cabestany, J., & Graa, M. (Eds.) IWANN 2007. LNCS
vol. 4507, 839-846. Springer, Heidelberg.
Montes-Gonzlez, F., Santos Reyes, J., & Ros Figueroa,
H. (2006). Integration of evolution with a robot action
selection model. Gelbukh, A., & Reyes-Garca, C.A.
(Eds.) MICAI 2006. LNCS vol. 4293, 1160-1170.
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Trans. Control.Syst. Technol. 10, 835-852.
Pardo-Ayala, D.E., & Angulo-Bahn, C. (2007).
Emerging behaviors by learning joint coordination in
articulated mobile robots. Computational and Ambient
Intelligence, Sandoval, F., Prieto, A., Cabestany, J.,
& Graa, M. (Eds.) IWANN 2007. LNCS vol. 4507,
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Ping, Z., & Nijmeijer, H. (1997). Tracking control of
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Sutton, R.S., & Barto, A.G. (1981). Toward a modern
theory of adaptive networks: Expectation and prediction. Psychological Review. (88), 135170.

Neural Control System for Autonomous Vehicles

Key TeRmS
Artificial Neural Network: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data; and are used in
applications such as robotics, speech recognition, and
signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Classical Conditioning: It is a form of associative
learning that was first demonstrated by Ivan Pavlov. The
typical procedure for inducing classical conditioning
involves a type of learning in which a stimulus acquires
the capacity to evoke a response that was originally
evoked by another stimulus.
Conditioned Response (CR): If the conditioned
stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are repeatedly
paired, eventually the two stimuli become associated
and the organism begins to produce a behavioral response to the conditioned stimulus. Then, the conditioned response is the learned response to the previously
neutral stimulus.


Conditioned Stimulus (CS): It is a previously

neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with
the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger
a conditioned response. The neutral stimulus could be
any event that does not result in an overt behavioral
response from the organism under investigation.
Operant Conditioning: The term Operant refers
to how an organism operates on the environment, and
hence, operant conditioning comes from how we respond to what is presented to us in our environment.
Then the operant conditioning is a form of associative
learning through which an animal learns about the
consequences of its behaviour.
Unconditioned Response (UR): It is the unlearned
response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): Which is one that
unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers
an innate, often reflexive, response in the presence of
significant stimulus. For example, when you smell one
of your favourite foods, you may immediately feel very
hungry. In this example, the smell of the food is the
unconditioned stimulus.


Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for

Cancer Data
Enrique Romero
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Julio J. Valds
National Research Council Canada, Canada
Alan J. Barton
National Research Council Canada, Canada

According to the World Health Organization (http://, cancer is a leading cause of
death worldwide. From a total of 58 million deaths in
2005, cancer accounts for 7.6 million (or 13%) of all
deaths. The main types of cancer leading to overall
cancer mortality are i) Lung (1.3 million deaths/year),
ii) Stomach (almost 1 million deaths/year), iii) Liver
(662,000 deaths/year), iv) Colon (655,000 deaths/year)
and v) Breast (502,000 deaths/year). Among men the
most frequent cancer types worldwide are (in order of
number of global deaths): lung, stomach, liver, colorectal, oesophagus and prostate, while among women
(in order of number of global deaths) they are: breast,
lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical.
Technological advancements in recent years are
enabling the collection of large amounts of cancer
related data. In particular, in the field of Bioinformatics, high-throughput microarray gene experiments are
possible, leading to an information explosion. This
requires the development of data mining procedures
that speed up the process of scientific discovery, and
the in-depth understanding of the internal structure
of the data. This is crucial for the non-trivial process
of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and
ultimately understandable patterns in data (Fayyad,
Piatesky-Shapiro & Smyth, 1996). Researchers need to
understand their data rapidly and with greater ease. In
general, objects under study are described in terms of
collections of heterogeneous properties. It is typical for
medical data to be composed of properties represented
by nominal, ordinal or real-valued variables (scalar),
as well as by others of a more complex nature, like
images, time-series, etc. In addition, the information

comes with different degrees of precision, uncertainty

and information completeness (missing data is quite
Classical data mining and analysis methods are
sometimes difficult to use, the output of many procedures may be large and time consuming to analyze,
and often their interpretation requires special expertise.
Moreover, some methods are based on assumptions
about the data which limit their application, specially
for the purpose of exploration, comparison, hypothesis
formation, etc, typical of the first stages of scientific
investigation. This makes graphical representation directly appealing. Humans perceive most of the information through vision, in large quantities and at very high
input rates. The human brain is extremely well qualified
for the fast understanding of complex visual patterns,
and still outperforms the computer. Several reasons
make Virtual Reality (VR) a suitable paradigm: i) it is
flexible (it allows the choice of different representation
models to better suit human perception preferences),
ii) allows immersion (the user can navigate inside the
data, and interact with the objects in the world), iii)
creates a living experience (the user is not merely a
passive observer, but an actor in the world) and iv) VR
is broad and deep (the user may see the VR world as
a whole, and/or concentrate on specific details of the
world). Of no less importance is the fact that in order
to interact with a virtual world, only minimal skills
are required.
Visualization techniques may be very useful for
medical decisin support in the oncology area. In
this paper unsupervised neural networks are used for
constructing VR spaces for visual data mining of gene
expression cancer data. Three datasets are used in the
paper, representative of three of the most important

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

types of cancer in modern medicine: liver, stomach

and lung. The data sets are composed of samples from
normal and tumor tissues, described in terms of tens of
thousands of variables, which are the corresponding
gene expression intensities measured in microarray experiments. Despite the very high dimensionality of the
studied patterns, high quality visual representations in
the form of structure-preserving VR spaces are obtained
using SAMANN neural networks, which enables the
differentiation of cancerous and noncancerous tissues.
The same networks could be used as nonlinear feature
generators in a preprocessing step for other data mining procedures.


VR spaces for the visual representation of information
systems (Pawlak, 1991) and relational structures were
introduced in (Valds, 2002a) (Valds, 2003). A VR
space is a tuple =< O, G , B, R m, g 0 , l , g r , b, r > , where
O is a relational structure ( O = < O, > ), O is a finite
set of objects, and is a set of relations); G is a nonempty set of geometries representing the different
objects and relations; B is a non-empty set of behaviors
of the objects in the virtual world; R m m is a metric
space of dimension m (Euclidean or not) which will
be the actual VR geometric space. The other elements
are mappings: g0 : O G, l : O Rm, g r : G
and b : O B.
The typical desiderata for the visual representation
of data and knowledge can be formulated in terms of
minimizing information loss, maximizing structure
preservation, maximizing class separability, or their
combination, which leads to single or multi-objective
optimization problems. In many cases, these concepts
can be expressed deterministically using continuous
functions with well defined partial derivatives. This
is the realm of classical optimization where there is a
plethora of methods with well known properties. In the
case of heterogeneous information the situation is more
complex and other techniques are required (Valds,
2002b) (Valds, 2004) (Valds & Barton, 2005). In the
unsupervised case, the function f mapping the original
space to the VR (geometric) space Rm can be constructed
as to maximize some metric/non-metric structure
preservation criteria as is typical in multidimensional

scaling (Borg & Lingoes, 1987) or minimize some

error measure of information loss (Sammon, 1969). A
typical error measure is:

Sammon Error =

( )2
i< j

i< j ij


where ij is a dissimilarity measure between two objects

i, j in the original space, and ij is another dissimilarity
measure defined on objects i, j in the VR space (the
images of i, j under f). Typical dissimilarity measures
for ij are the Euclidean distance or the dissimilarity
based on Gowers similarity coefficient (Gower, 1971).
The Euclidean distance is the usual measure for ij in
the VR space.
Usually, the mappings f obtained using approaches
of this kind are implicit because the images of the objects in the new space are computed directly. However,
a functional representation of f is highly desirable,
specially in cases where more samples are expected
a posteriori and need to be placed within the space.
With an implicit representation, the space has to be
computed every time that a new sample is added to
the set, whereas with an explicit representation, the
mapping can be computed directly. As long as the
incoming objects can be considered as belonging to
the same population of samples used for constructing
the mapping function, the space does not need to be
recomputed. Neural networks are natural candidates for
constructing explicit representations due to their general
universal approximation property. If proper training
methods are used, neural networks can learn structure
preserving mappings of high dimensional samples into
lower dimensional spaces suitable for visualization
(2D, 3D). If visualization is not a requirement, spaces
of smaller dimension than the original can be used as
new features for noise reduction or other data mining
methods. Such an example is the SAMANN network.
This is a feedforward network and its architecture
consists of an input layer with as many neurons as
descriptor attributes, an output layer with as many
neurons as the dimension of the VR space and one
or more hidden layers. The classical way of training
the SAMANN network is described in (Mao & Jain,
1995). It consists of a gradient descent method where
the derivatives of the Sammon error are computed in
a similar way to the classical backpropagation algorithm. Different from the backpropagation algorithm,

Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

the training is unsupervised and the weights can only

be updated alter a pair of examples are presented to
the network.


Three microarray gene expression cancer databases
were selected. They are representative of some of the
leading causes of cancer death in the world and share
the typical features of these kind of data: a small number
of samples (in the order of tens), described in terms of
a very large number of attributes (in the order of tens
of thousands).

liver Cancer Data

We used the same data as in (Lam, Wu, Vega, Miller,
Spitsbergen, Tong, Zhan, Govindarajan, Lee, Mathavan,
Murthy, Buhler, Liu & Gong, 2006), where zebrafish
liver tumors were analyzed and compared with human
liver tumors. The database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/projects/geo/gds/gds_browse.cgi?gds=2220) contains 20 samples (10 normal, 10 tumor), with 16,512
attributes. First, liver tumors in zebrafish were generated
by treating them with carcinogens. Then, the expression profiles of zebrafish liver tumors were compared
with those of zebrafish normal liver tissues using a
Wilcoxon rank-sum test. As a result of this comparison,
a zebrafish liver tumor differentially expressed gene set
consisting of 2,315 gene features was obtained. This
data set was used for comparison with human tumors.
The results suggest that the molecular similarities
between zebrafish and human liver tumors are greater
than the molecular similarities between other types of
tumors (stomach, lung and prostate).

Stomach Cancer Data

We used the same data as in (Hippo, Taniguchi,
Tsutsumi, Machida, Chong, Fukayama, Kodama &
Aburatani, 2002), where a study of genes that are differentially expressed in cancerous and noncancerous
human gastric tissues was performed. The database
gds_browse.cgi?gds=1210) contains 30 samples (22
tumor, 8 normal) that were analyzed by oligonucleotide microarray, obtaining the expression profiles
for 6,936 genes (7,129 attributes). Using the 6,272

genes that passed a prefilter procedure, cancerous and

noncancerous tissues were successfully distinguished
with a two-dimensional hierarchical clustering using
Pearsons correlation. However, the clustering results
used most of the genes on the array. To identify the
genes that were differentially expressed between cancer
and noncancerous tissues, a Mann-Whitneys U test
was applied to the data. As a result of this analysis,
162 and 129 genes showed a higher expression in
cancerous and noncancerous tissues, respectively. In
addition, several genes associated with lymph node
metastasis and histological classification (intestinal,
diffuse) were identified.

lung Cancer Data

We used the same data as in (Spira, Beane, Pinto-Plata,
Kadar, Liu, Shah, Celli & Brody, 2004), where gene
expressions were compared in for severely emphysematous lung tissue (from smokers at lung volume reduction
surgery) and normal or mildly emphysematous lung
tissue (from smokers undergoing resection of pulmonary nodules). The database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.
contains 30 samples (18 severe emphysema, 12 mild
or no emphysema), with 22,283 attributes. Genes with
large detection P-values were filtered out, leading to
a data set with 9,336 genes, that were used for subsequent analysis. Nine classification algorithms were
used to identify a group of genes whose expression in
the lung distinguished severe emphysema from mild or
no emphysema. First, model selection was performed
for every algorithm by leave-one-out cross-validation,
and the gene list corresponding to the best model was
saved. The genes reported by at least four classification
algorithms (102 genes) were chosen for further analysis. With these genes, a two-dimensional hierarchical
clustering using Pearsons correlation was performed
that distinguished between severe emphysema and mild
or no emphysema. Other genes were also identified
that may be causally involved in the pathogenesis of
the emphysema.

Data preprocessing
For stomach and lung data, each gene was scaled to
mean zero and standard deviation one (original data

Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

were not normalized). For liver data, no transformation

was performed (original data were log2 ratios).

model Training
For every data set, SAMANN networks were constructed to map the original data to a 3D VR space. The
Euclidean distance was the dissimilarity measure used
for both the original and the VR spaces. The activation
functions used were sinusoidal for the first hidden layer
and hyperbolic tangent for the rest. A collection of
models was obtained by varying some of the network
controlling parameters: number of units in the first
hidden layer (two different values), weights ranges in
the first hidden layer (three different values), learning
rates (three different values), momentum (three different values), number of pairs presented to the network
at every iteration (three different values), number of
iterations (three different values) and random seeds
(four different values), for a total of 1,944 SAMANN
networks for every data set.

Computing environment
All of the experiments were conducted on a Condor
pool ( located at the
Institute for Information Technology, National Research
Council Canada.

For every data set, we constructed the histograms of
the Sammon error for the obtained networks. All of the
empirical distributions were positively skewed (with
the mode on the lower error side), which is a good
behavior. In addition, the general error ranges were
small. In table 1 some statistics of the experiments are
presented: minimum, maximum, mean and Standard

deviation for the best (i.e., with smallest Sammon error) 1,000 networks.
Clearly, it is impossible to represent a VR space
on printed media (navigation, interaction, and world
changes are all lost). Therefore, very simple geometries
were used for objects and only snapshots of the virtual
worlds are presented. Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the
VR spaces corresponding to the best networks for the
liver, stomach and lung cancer data sets respectively.
Although the mapping was generated from an unsupervised perspective (i.e., without using the class labels),
objects from different classes are differently represented
in the VR space for comparison purposes. Transparent
membranes wrap the corresponding classes, so that
the degree of class overlapping can be easily seen. In
addition, it allows to look for particular samples with
ambiguous diagnostic decisions.
The low values of the Sammon error indicate that
the spaces preserved most of the distance structure of
the data, therefore, giving a good idea about the distribution in the original spaces. The three virtual spaces
are clearly polarized with two distribution modes, each
one corresponding to a different class. Note, however,
that classes are more clearly differentiated for the liver
and stomach data sets than for the lung data set, where
a certain level of overlapping exists. The reason for this
may be that mild and no emphysema were considered
members of the same class (see above).
The advantage of using SAMANN networks is
that, since the mapping f between the original and the
virtual space is explicit, a new sample can be easily
transformed and visualized in the virtual space. Since
the distance between any two objects is an indication
of their dissimilarity, the new point is more likely to
belong to the same class of its nearest neighbors. In the
same way, outliers can be readily identified, although
they may result from the space deformation inevitably
introduced by the dimensionality reduction.

Table 1. Statistics of the best 1,000 SAMANN networks obtained

Data Set
Liver Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Luna Cancer






Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

High quality virtual reality spaces for visual data mining of typical examples of gene expression cancer data
were obtained using unsupervised structure-preserving neural networks in a distributed computing data
mining (grid) environment. These results show that
a few nonlinear features can effectively capture the

Figure 1. VR space of the liver cancer data set (Sammon

error = 0.039905, best out of 1,944 experiments). Dark
spheres: normal, Light spheres: cancerous samples.

similarity structure of the data and also provide a good

differentiation between the cancer and normal classes.
A similar study can be found in (Valds, Romero &
Gonzlez, 2007).
However, in cases where the descriptor attributes
are not directly related to class structure or where there
are many noisy or irrelevant attributes the situation may
not be as clear. In these cases, feature subset selection
and other data mining procedures could be considered
in a preprocessing stage.

This work was partially supported by the Consejo Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologa (CICYT, Spain),
under project TIN2006-08114, and conducted in the
framework of the STATEMENT OF WORK between
the National Research Council Canada (Institute for
Information Technology, Integrated Reasoning Group)
and the Soft Computing Group (Dept. of Languages
and Information Systems), Polytechnic University of
Catalonia, Spain.

Figure 2. VR space of the stomach cancer data set

(Sammon error = 0.062950, best out of 1,944 experiments). Dark spheres: normal, Light spheres: cancerous samples.

Figure 3. VR space of the lung cancer data set (Sammon

error = 0.079242, best out of 1,944 experiments). Dark
spheres: severe emphysema, Light spheres: mild or no
emphysema. The boundary between the classes in the
VR space seem to be a low curvature surface.


Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

Borg, I. & Lingoes, J. (1987). Multidimensional Similarity Structure Analysis. Springer-Verlag.
Fayyad, U., Piatesky-Shapiro, G. & Smyth (1996).
From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery. Advances
in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, U. Fayyad,
et al. editors, 1-34, AAAI Press.
Gower, J.C. (1971). A General Coefficient of Similarity
and Some of Its Properties. Biometrics 1, 857-871.
Hippo, Y., Taniguchi, H., Tsutsumi, S., Machida, N.,
Chong, J.M., Fukayama, M., Kodama, T. & Aburatani,
H. (2002). Global Gene Expression Analysis of Gastric Cancer by Oligonucleotide Microarrays. Cancer
Research 62 (1), 233-240.
Lam, S.H., Wu, Y.L., Vega, V.B., Miller, L.D., Spitsbergen, J., Tong, Y., Zhan, H., Govindarajan, K.R.,
Lee, S., Mathavan, S., Murthy, K.R.K., Buhler, D.R.,
Liu, E.T. & Gong, Z. (2006). Conservation of Gene
Expression Signatures between Zebrafish and Human
Tumors and Tumor Progression. Nature Biotechnology
24 (1), 73-75.
Mao, J. & Jain, A.K. (1995). Artificial Neural Networks
for Feature Extraction and Multivariate Data Projection.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 6, 296-317.
Pawlak, Z. (1991). Rough Sets: Theoretical Aspects
of Reasoning about Data. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Sammon, J.W. (1969). A Non-linear Mapping for Data
Structure Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Computers
C-18, 401-408.
Spira, A., Beane, J., Pinto-Plata, V., Kadar, A., Liu, G.,
Shah, V., Celli, B. & Brody, J.S. (2004). Gene Expression
Profiling of Human Lung Tissue from Smokers with
Severe Emphysema. American Journal of Respiratory
Cell and Molecular Biology 31, 601-610.
Valds, J.J. (2002a). Virtual Reality Representation of
Relational Systems and Decision Rules: An Exploratory Tool for Understanding Data Structure. Theory
and Application of Relational Structures as Knowledge
Instruments, P. Hajek editor, Meeting of the COST
action 274.
Valds, J.J. (2002b). Similarity-based Heterogeneous

Neurons in the Context of General Observational Models. Neural Network World 12 (5), 499-508.
Valds, J.J. (2003). Virtual Reality Representation
of Information Systems and Decision Rules: An Exploratory Tool for Understanding Data and Knowledge.
International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets,
Data Mining and Granular Computing (LNAI 2639),
Valds, J.J. (2004). Building Virtual Reality Spaces for
Visual Data Mining with Hybrid Evolutionary-classical
Optimization: Application to Microarray Gene Expression Data. IASTED International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 161-166.
Valds, J.J. & Barton, A. (2005). Virtual Reality Visual
Data Mining with Nonlinear Discriminant Neural Networks: Application to Leukemia and Alzheimer Gene
Expresin Data. International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, 2475-2480.
Valds, J.J., Romero, E. & Gonzlez, R. (2007). Data
and Knowledge Visualization with Virtual Reality
Spaces, Neural Networks and Rough Sets: Application to Geophysical Prospecting. International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, 1060-1065.

Key TeRmS
Artificial Neural Networks: Interconnected group
of simple units (neurons) that, as a function of the
connections between the units and the parameters, can
compute complex behaviors and find nonlinear relationships in data. They are used in applications such as
robotics, signal processing, or medical diagnosis.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Algorithm to compute the gradient with respect to the weights, used for
the training of some types of artificial neural networks.
It was first described by P. Werbos in 1974, and further
developed by D.E. Rumelhart, G.E. Hinton and R.J.
Williams in 1986.
Condor: Specialized workload management
system for computer-intensive jobs in a distributed
computing environment, developed at the university
of Wisconsin-Madison ( It provides a job queuing mechanism, resource

Neural Network-Based Visual Data Mining for Cancer Data

monitoring and management, scheduling policy, and

priority scheme.
Data Mining: Nontrivial extraction of implicit,
previously unknown and potentially useful information
from data. Typically, analytical methods and tools are
applied to data with the aim of identifying patterns,
relationships or obtaining databases for tasks such as
classification, prediction, estimation or clustering.
Gene Expression: Process by which the inheritable information which comprises a gene, such as the
DNA sequence, is made manifest as a physical and
biologically functional gene product, such as protein
or RNA.
SAMANN Neural Networks: Unsupervised
feedforward neural networks for data projection. The
classical way of training SAMANN networks was
described by J. Mao and A.K. Jain in 1995. It consists
of a gradient descent method where the derivatives of
the Sammon error are computed in a similar way to
the backpropagation algorithm.

Sammon Error: Error function to maximize structure preservation in projected data. It is defined as

( )2
i< j

i< j ij


where ij and ij are dissimilarity measures between

two objects i, j in the original and projected space,
Virtual Reality: Technology which allows the user
to interact with a computer-simulated environment.
Most current virtual reality environments are mainly
visual experiences, displayed either on a computer
screen or through special stereoscopic displays. Some
advanced haptic systems include tactile information.



Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in

Juergen Perl
University of Mainz, Germany

Processes in sport like motions or games are influenced
by communication, interaction, adaptation, and spontaneous decisions. Therefore, on the one hand, those
processes are often fuzzy and unpredictable and so
have not extensively been dealt with, yet. On the other
hand, most of those processes structurally are roughly
determined by intention, rules, and context conditions
and so can be classified by means of information patterns deduced from data models of the processes.
Self organizing neural networks of type Kohonen
Feature Map (KFM) help for classifying information
patterns either by mapping whole processes to corresponding neurons (see Perl & Lames, 2000; McGarry
& Perl, 2004) or by mapping process steps to neurons,
which then can be connected by trajectories that can
be taken as process patterns for further analyses (see
examples below). In any case, the dimension of the
original data (i.e. the number of contained attributes)
is reduced to the dimension of the representing neuron
(normally 2 or 3), which makes it much easier to deal
Additionally, extensions of the KFM-approach are
introduced, which are able to flexibly adjust the net to
dynamically changing training situations. Moreover,
those extensions allow for simulating adaptation processes like learning or tactical behaviour.
Finally, a current project is introduced, where tactical processes in soccer are analysed under the aspect
of simulation-based optimization.

In Motor Analysis, a lot of data regarding positions,

angels, speed, or acceleration of articulations can
be recorded automatically by means of markers and
high speed digital cameras. The problem is that those
recorded data show a high degree of redundancy and
inherent correlation: A leg consisting of thigh, lower
leg, foot, and the articulations hip joint, knee, and ankle
obviously has only a comparably small range of possible movements due to natural restrictions. Therefore
the quota of characteristic motion data is comparably
small as well. Classification can help for deducing that
relevant information from recorded data by mapping
them to representative types or patterns.
In Game Analysis, during the last about 5 years an
increasing number of approaches have been developed
which enable for automatic recording of position data.
Based on the video time precision of 25 frames per
second, 9.315.000 x-y-z-coordinate data from 22 players and the ball can be taken from a 90-minutes soccer
game. Obviously, the amount of data has to be reduced
and to be focused to the major tactical patterns of the
teams. Similar to what coaches are doing, the collection
of players positions can be reduced to constellations
of tactical groups which interact like super-players and
therefore enable for a computer-aided game analysis
based on pattern analysis.
As is demonstrated in the following, neural network-based pattern analysis can support the handling
of those problems.



Artificial Neural Networks

A major problem in analysing complex processes in

sport like motions or games often is the reduction of
available data to useful information. Two examples shall
make plain what the particular problems in sport are:

Current developments in the fields of Soft Computing

and/or Computational Intelligence demonstrate how
information patterns can be taken from data collections
by means of fuzziness, similarity and learning, which

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

the approach of Artificial Neural Networks gives an

impressive example for. In particular self organizing
neural networks of type KFM (Kohonen Feature Map)
play an important role in aggregating input data to
clusters or types by means of a self organized similarity
analysis (Kohonen, 1995).

Net-Based process Analysis

Processes can be mapped to attribute vectors in a
game, for example, by recording the positions of the
players which then can be learned by neurons. There
is, of course, a certain loss of precision if replacing an
attribute vector by a representing neuron, the entry
of which is similar but normally not identical to that
attribute vector. Nevertheless, there are two major
advantages of the way a KFM maps input data to corresponding neurons:


The number of objects is dramatically reduced

if using the representing neurons instead of
the original attribute vectors: a 2-dimensional
2020-neuron-matrix contains 400 neurons,
while a 10-dimensional vector space with only
10 different values per attribute already contains
1010 = vectors.
The dimension of input data is reduced to the
dimension of the network (i.e. normally 2 or at
most 3). This for example enables for mapping
time-series of high-dimensional attribute vectors to trajectories of neurons that can easily be
presented graphically.

There are three ways of gaining information from

data by means of Artificial Neural Networks of KFMtype:

Neurons represent classes of similar data and so

define types of information patterns.
Clusters of neurons represent time-static classes of
similar information patterns and so build structures
of information patterns.
Trajectories of neurons represent time-dynamic
sequences of information patterns and so build
2-dimensional mappings of time-dependent processes. Moreover, trajectories themselves build
patterns and therefore can be input to a network
for classifying their similarities which is extremely helpful not least in motor analysis or in
game analysis.

There are a large number of successful applications

that demonstrate how those neural networks can be used
for that pattern analysis (see Perl & Dauscher, 2006).

example Gait Analysis: Reduction of

Redundancy and Dimensionality
In gait analysis, data from articulations like for example
hip-joint, knee and ankle can automatically be recorded
using markers and so build a time series of n-dimensional attribute vectors which can be trained to a net.
The result is that each of those n-dimensional vectors is
mapped to a 2-dimensional neuron of the net i.e. the
dimension is reduced from n to 2. Corresponding to the
original time series the neurons can be connected by a

Figure 1. Two trajectories of the same gait process, using 20 attribute values (left) and 10 attribute values
(right), respectively. The high degree of similarity suggests that the missing 10 values are redundant and can
be neglected.


Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

trajectory, which represents the original n-dimensional

process through a 2-dimensional trajectory therefore
enabling for a much easier similarity analysis (Perl,
2004; Schllhorn, 2004). Moreover, net-based analysis
shows that, by avoiding redundancy, also the dimension
of the original data can be reduced without loosing
relevant information (see Figure 1).

With the same approach that was used for gait analysis,
the process of rowing was analyzed under the aspect of
inter-individual similarity and intra-individual stability.
Obviously, there is a great similarity on the set of all
trajectories (see Figure 2).
However, the trajectories of rower A are perfectly
similar to each other demonstrating a high stability
while those of rower B are not as much. The experience with rowing pattern is that net-based analysis
of rowing trajectories is very sensitive and helps for
detecting even small instabilities which otherwise could
not have been detected from video frames or original
time series of data vectors (see Perl & Baca, 2003).

i.e. a constellation can be represented by a vector

of position coordinates, which then a net can be trained
with. Figure 3 shows two exemplars of the same trained
volleyball-net, with small squares representing activated
constellations and marked areas representing major
constellation types. Obviously, the teams represented
by the left and the right net activate quite different
types of constellation. Moreover, the moves between
the constellations i.e. the edges and/or trajectories
are quite different, too: The left team moves between
the areas, while the right team more or less selects an
area and then adjusts its constellation.
In a game like volleyball i.e. with separated teams
it is comparably easy to deduce tactical ideas from
those trajectory patterns. Some first result could be taken
from handball too, where net-based analysis was helpful
for detecting successful offence processes (net-based
handball analysis: Pfeiffer & Perl, 2006; net-based soccer analysis: Lees et al., 2003; Leser, 2006). Based on
those results, currently a project is run which deals with
simulation-based tactics-optimisation in soccer. First
results are encouraging. They were shown as videorepresentation at the famous Documenta-exhibition on
fine arts, 2007 in Kassel/Germany.

example Tactics in Games:

Constellation Analysis

Dynamic extensions of Kfm-Type Neural


In a more complex way, trajectories can improve the

transparency of the tactical behaviour of players or
even a team (net-based volleyball analysis: Jger, Perl
& Schllhorn, 2007). A collection of player positions

Self organizing maps of KFM-type are very helpful

for analyzing dynamic processes. They fail, however,
if learning or other process dynamics are parts of the
processes to be trained. This is due to the fact that the

example ergometer Rowing: Inter- and

Intra-Individual process-Analysis

Figure 2. Trajectories of the rowing process of two rowers A and B, one stroke per graphic


Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

Figure 3. Two examples of a net trained with constellations, where the marked squares represent frequent constellations and the marked areas represent major types of constellations.

learning procedure of a KFM is externally controlled,

resulting in a network that works like a tool, without
being able to change with or adapt to changing process
types or contexts.
One successful approach that improves the dynamics of the learning process is that of the Dynamically
Controlled Network (DyCoN: Perl, 2002 a/b), which
is a KFM-derivate that is able to learn continuously.
The idea is that each neuron contains an individual
adaptive learning model based on the Performance
Potential Metamodel (PerPot: Perl, 2002 a; learning
strategies: Perl & Weber, 2004).
While DyCoN helps for analysing dynamic learning
processes, a different type of neural network is necessary for simulating those learning processes in order
to eventually schedule and optimize those processes
individually. One important point was to dynamically
adapt the capacity of the network to the requirements
of the learning process. This was done by integrating
the concept of Growing Neural Gas (GNG: Fritzke,
1997), where, briefly spoken, the number and positions
of neurons vary time-dependently with the changing
information flow from training, this way adapting the
network size and topology to the training amount and
content. The result is the Dynamically Controlled Neural
Gas (DyCoNG) the concept of which completes the
combination of DyCoN and GNG by specific quality
neurons that reflect the information theoretical quality
of information and therefore can measure the originality of a recorded activity (Perl et al., 2006). Based on
the assumption that there is a strong correspondence

between the quality of a neuron and the originality

of the represented type of activity, the networks reaction on an input-stimulus (i.e. generating a new connected/not connected quality neuron or not) indicates
an evaluation of the originality of the corresponding
activity. According to the two tasks analysis of creativity learning and simulation of creativity learning,
two major results could be obtained:
The DyCoN-model was used for analyzing the learning profiles, which were fed into as patterns and then
recognized as members of clusters respectively types
of learning behaviour. It was remarkable that the net
could detect a number of significantly different types
of learning behaviour which in practice is useful for
individually adjust the training to the athletes (Perl et
al., 2006).
The DyCoNG-model was used for learning profile
simulation, with the original activity- and rating-data
as input and learning profiles as output. The learning
profiles resulting from DyCoNG-training could also
be separated into types which qualitatively correspond
to those from DyCoN-analysis. This at least gives an
idea of how to manage the above mentioned individual
adaptation by means of net-based simulation.
In a first approach net-based originality analysis
has successfully been used in case of handball: In a
case study dealing with data from the Handball World
Championship 2007 in Germany, offence activities of
high originality could be detected with a remarkable
high accordance to experts evaluation. Moreover, a
degree of originality per team and game could be mea1215

Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

sured, resulting in team-specific originality profiles that

characterize increasing and decreasing playing qualities
during the tournament. Currently, a similar project is
run with soccer, where in a first attempt the final of the
World Championship 2006 is analyzed.

(see Figure 4). Such an associative network could help

for an improved simulation of creative behaviour,
based on a specific creativity potential that describes
frequency, maximal distance, or neuron similarity of
those associative jumps.


Improvement of Tactical process


The two major ideas for planned future work are to

expand net-based simulation of originality to associative behaviour and to analyse the effects of virtually
generated creative activities in simulated games.

Net-Based Simulation of Associative

In a simplified way behaviour can be understood as
recognizing the behavioural context like environment
or situation followed by a context-oriented selection of
a best fitting activity. In case of convergent behaviour
this selection is more or less rule-based and determined.
In case of divergent or creative behaviour the selection
has a certain undetermined degree of freedom i.e.
spontaneous jumps are possible from a first priority
activity to associated ones. Mapped to neural networks,
where activities can be thought to be connected to
neurons, this means a jump from the input-corresponding neuron to a different one located either in
a neighboured cluster or as an isolated quality neuron

Figure 4. Net with clusters (marked by slim lines), associative jumps between clusters (bold dotted lines),
and generated quality neuron (bold line)

The idea of optimizing strategies by means of simulation was developed in the early 1980ies for games
like tennis or badminton, where the players abilities
and tactics in a simplified way can be characterized by
two matrices: The action-depending transfer of situations can be measured by a transfer frequency matrix,
while the situation-depending success of actions can
be measured by an action success matrix. Based on
those two matrices of both the players, a game can be
simulated stochastically regarding its main process
structures. Moreover, modifying the entries of the
matrices i.e. changing tactical aspects or technical
skills can help for improving tactical patterns by
means of simulation.
Although soccer is much more complex then tennis or badminton, the same idea can be used if the
complexity is reduced by introducing super-players
as we do in a current project: Groups of players, e.g.
representing offence or defence, are combined to corresponding data objects, which are characterized by
constellations of player positions. The interactions of
the single players then are reduced to the interactions
of the constellations or super-player, which makes
it much easier to map the processes to networks for
tactical analysis. The intended aim is to derive those
characteristic matrices as well as information about
creativity from the network in order to simulate games
and improve tactical process patterns: As is indicated in
Figure 5, a recorded original activity (white dot on the
net) could be replaced by a apparently better or more
creative one (white circle above the white dot), which
in the simulation changes the regarding constellation
and the resulting process and its success.

Net-based analysis of processes in sport is a difficult
and challenging task because of the fuzziness and the
indeterminism of athletes behaviour and interaction.

Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

Figure 5. Steps of net-based analysis and simulation of games like soccer: Replacing players by positions and
positions by constellations; analysing constellations by means of networks; simulative modification of tactical
patterns; analysing simulated games in order to improve tactical and creative behaviour.

The result of about 30 years of work in this area is that

a lot of problems could be solved methodically. The
bottleneck, however, was the recording of data and the
transfer to information. Meanwhile, data from biomechanical, physiological, and medical applications can
be recorded automatically, and even in games like soccer automatic position recording has become possible.
Therefore the problem has changed from how to get
data to how to transfer data to information.
The presented net-based approaches show how this
problem can be handled, opening new perspectives of
transferring theoretical approaches to practical work.

Lees, A., Barton, B. & Kerschaw, L. (2003). The use

of Kohonen neural network analysis to establish characteristics of technique in soccer kicking. Journal of
Sports Sciences, 21, 243-244.


Perl, J. & Baca, A. (2003). Application of neural networks to analyze performance in sports. In E. Mller,
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Proceedings of the 8th annual congress of the European
College of Sport Science, 342.

Fritzke, B. (1997). A self-organizing network that

can follow non-stationary distributions. Proceedings
of ICANN97, International Conference on Artificial
Neural Networks. 613-618.
Jger, J., Perl, J. & Schllhorn, W. (2007). Analysis
of players configurations by means of artificial neural networks. International Journal of Performance
Analysis of Sport, 3 (7), 90-103.
Kohonen T. (1995). Self-Organizing Maps. BerlinHeidelbergNew-York: Springer.

Leser, R. (2006). Prozessanalyse im Fuball mittels

Neuronaler Netze. M. Raab, A. Arnold, K. Grtner, J.
Kppen, C. Lempertz, N. Tielemann, H. Zastrow (Eds.),
Human Performance and Sport, 2, 199-202.
McGarry, T., & Perl, J. (2004). Models of sports
contests Markov processes, dynamical systems and
neural networks. M. Hughes, & I. M. Franks (Eds.),
Notational Analysis of Sport, 227242.

Perl, J. & Dauscher, P. (2006). Dynamic Pattern Recognition in Sport by Means of Artificial Neural Networks.
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Intelligence for Movement Science, 299-318.
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Neural Network-Based Process Analysis in Sport

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19 (9), 876-898.

Key TeRmS
Cluster: A collection of neurons is called a cluster,
if they are similar and locally neighboured. Due to the
topology preserving property of KfM-training classes
of similar training vectors are mapped to clusters of
neighboured neurons.
DyCoN: A DyCoN is a KFM-type network, where
each neuron contains an individual PerPot-based selfcontrol of its activation radius and learning rate. The
DyCoN-concept enables for continuous learning and
therefore supports continuous training and testing, training in phases and with generated data, on line-adaptation during tests and analyses, and flexible adaptation
to new information patterns (Perl, 2002 a). (Note that
DyCoN is used commercially. Therefore, technical
details cannot be published but are under secrecy by
DyCoS GmbH (

DyCoNG: The concept of DyCoNG combines

the concepts of DyCoN and GNG and completes it
by dynamically generating quality neurons in order
to represent relevant and rare information during the
training process (Perl et al., 2006).
GNG: A GNG is network without a fixed neuron
topology, which is able to generate new neurons on
demand. Therefore a GNG is able to dynamically
adapt its neuron structure to amount and structure of
the trained information (Fritzke, 1997).
Information Pattern: An information pattern is a
structure of information units like e.g. a vector or matrix
of numbers, a stream of video frames, or a distribution
of probabilities.
KFM: A KFM consists of a (normally: 2-dimensional) matrix of neurons, each of which contains a
vector of attributes. Two neurons are called similar if the
(Euclidian) distance of their attribute vectors is below
a given threshold. Two neurons are called neighboured
if they are next to each other regarding the given net
topology (see Kohonen, 1995).
PerPot: PerPot is a model of dynamic adaptation,
where an input flow feeds an internal strain potential
as well as an internal response potentials, from which
an output potential is fed by specifically delayed flows.
Since the strain flow is negative and the response flow
is positive, resulting in an oscillating stabilizing adaptation, the model is called antagonistic (Perl, 2002 a).
Test: In a test, an attribute vector is fed to the
network to determine its type i.e. the neuron it is
corresponding to.
Training: During the training, attribute vectors are
fed to the network and mapped to the corresponding
neuron the entry of which is most similar to that of
the attribute vector. After the training, the space of
training attribute vectors is (more or less) completely
represented by the neurons of the network meaning
that every training attribute vector belongs to a neuron
the entry of which it is most similar to.
Type: The collection of attribute vectors that, after
training, is represented by a neuron is called its type.
Also the representing neuron can be called the type.


Neural Networks and Equilibria,

Synchronization, and Time Lags
Daniela Danciu
University of Craiova, Romania
Vladimir Rsvan
University of Craiova, Romania

All neural networks, both natural and artificial, are
characterized by two kinds of dynamics. The first one
is concerned with what we would call learning dynamics, in fact the sequential (discrete time) dynamics of
the choice of synaptic weights. The second one is the
intrinsic dynamics of the neural network viewed as a
dynamical system after the weights have been established via learning. Regarding the second dynamics,
the emergent computational capabilities of a recurrent
neural network can be achieved provided it has many
equilibria. The network task is achieved provided it
approaches these equilibria. But the dynamical system
has a dynamics induced a posteriori by the learning
process that had established the synaptic weights. It is
not compulsory that this a posteriori dynamics should
have the required properties, hence they have to be
checked separately.
The standard stability properties (Lyapunov, asymptotic and exponential stability) are defined for a single
equilibrium. Their counterpart for several equilibria
are: mutability, global asymptotics, gradient behavior.
For the definitions of these general concepts the reader
is sent to Gelig et. al., (1978), Leonov et. al., (1992).
In the last decades, the number of recurrent neural
networks applications increased, they being designed
for classification, identification and complex image,
visual and spatio-temporal processing in fields as engineering, chemistry, biology and medicine (see, for
instance: Fortuna et. al., 2001; Fink, 2004; Atencia et.
al., 2004; Iwahori et. al., 2005; Maurer et. al., 2005;
Guirguis & Ghoneimy, 2007). All these applications
are mainly based on the existence of several equilibria
for such networks, requiring them the good behavior
properties above discussed.
Another aspect of the qualitative analysis is the
so-called synchronization problem, when an external

stimulus, in most cases periodic or almost periodic has

to be tracked (Gelig, 1982; Danciu, 2002). This problem is, from the mathematical point of view, nothing
more but existence, uniqueness and global stability of
forced oscillations.
In the last decades the neural networks dynamics
models have been modified once more by introducing the transmission delays. The standard model of
a Hopfield-type network with delay as considered in
(Gopalsamy & He, 1994) is
du i
= ai u i (t ) + wij g j (u j (t T ij )) + I i i = 1, n (1)
j =1

The present paper aims to a general presentation,

with both research and educational purposes, of the
three topics mentioned previously.

Dynamical systems with several equilibria occur in
such fields of science and technology as electrical
machines, chemical reactions, economics, biology and,
last but not least, neural networks.
For systems with several equilibria the usual local
concepts of stability are not sufficient for an adequate
description. The so-called global phase portrait may
contain both stable and unstable equilibria: each of
them may be characterized separately since stability is
a local concept dealing with a specific trajectory. But
global concepts are also required for a better system
description and this is particularly true for the case of
the neural networks. Indeed, the neural networks may
be viewed as interconnections of simple computing
elements whose computational capability is increased
by interconnection (emergent collective capacities

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags

to cite Hopfield). This is due to the nonlinear characteristics leading to the existence of several stable
equilibria. The network achieves its computing goal if
no self-sustained oscillations are present and it always
achieves some steady-state (equilibrium) among a finite
(while large) number of such states.
This behavior is most suitably described by the
concepts arising from the papers of Kalman (1957)
and Moser (1967). The last of them relies on the following remark concerning the rather general nonlinear
autonomous system

sense); it is called quasi-monostable if every bounded

solution is quasi-convergent.
d) System (3) is called gradient-like if every solution is
convergent; it is called quasi-gradient-like (has global
asymptotics) if every solution is quasi-convergent.

x = f ( x) , x n

Lemma 1 Consider system (2) and assume existence of

a continuous function V : n that is nonincreasing
along any of its solutions. If, additionally, a bounded
on + solution x(t) for which there exists some > 0
such that V(x()) = V(x(0)) is an equilibrium, then the
system is quasi-monostable.


where f(x) = grad G(x) and G : n is such that

the number of its critical points is finite and is radially
G ( x) = . Under these assumptions
unbounded i.e. xlim

any solution of (2) approaches asymtotically one

of the equilibria (which is also a critical point of G
where its gradient, i.e. f vanishes). Obviously the best
limit behavior of a neural network would be like this
naturally called gradient like behavior. Nevertheless
there are other properties that are also important while
weaker; in the following we shall discuss some of
The mathematical object will be in the following
the system of ordinary differential equations

x = f ( x, t )


and we shall first define some basic notions.

Definition 1 a) Any constant solution of (3) is called
equilibrium; the set of equilibria E is called stationary set. b) A solution of (3) is called convergent if it
approaches asymptotically some equilibrium:
lim x(t ) = c E .


A solution is called quasi-convergent if it approaches

asymptotically the stationary set:
lim d ( x(t ), E )



with d(z, M) being the distance (in the usual sense)

from the point z to the set M.
c) System (3) is called monostable (strictly mutable)
if every bounded solution is convergent (in the above

Remark that convergence is a solution property while

monostability and gradient property are associated to
systems. For autonomous (time invariant) systems of
the form (2) the following Lyapunov type results are

Lemma 2 If the assumptions of Lemma 1 hold and,

additionally, V(x) is radially unbounded then system
(2) is quasi-gradient like.
Lemma 3 If the assumptions of Lemma 2 hold and the
set E is discrete (i.e. it consists of isolated points only)
then system (2) is gradient-like.


Neural Networks as Systems with
Several Equilibria
It has been already mentioned that the emergent computational capacities of the neural networks are ensured
by: a) nonlinear behavior of the neural cells; b) their
connectivity. These two properties define the neural
networks as dynamical systems with many equilibria
whose performance depends on the (high) number of
these equilibria and on the gradient like property of
the network.
On the other hand, the standard recurrent neural
networks (Bidirectional Associative Memory (Kosko,
1988), Hopfield (1982), cellular (Chua & Yang, 1988),
Cohen-Grossberg (1983)), which contain internal feedback loops - having thus the propensity for instability,
possess some natural, i.e. associated in a natural way,

Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags

Lyapunov function allowing to obtain the required

qualitative properties (Rsvan, 1998).
One of the most general models of neural networks
that has a natural Lyapunov function is the CohenGrossberg model described by

x i = ai ( xi ) bi ( xi ) cij d j ( x j ) ,
j =1

i = 1, n ,


with cij = cji; this model may be written as


x = A( x) gradV ( x)
where A(x) is a diagonal matrix with the entries
Aij ( x) =

ai ( xi )
D ij
d i ( xi )

Time Delays in Neural Networks


and V : is defined by

n i
1 n n
V ( x) = cij d i ( xi )d j ( x j ) bi (L )d i(L )dL
2 1 1
1 0

The presence of A(x) makes system (7) a pseudogradient system compare to (2).
The properties of the associated Lyapunov function
(9) will give sufficient conditions in order to obtain
the required qualitative behaviors for the system. The
derivative function of (9) is:

W ( x) = ai ( xi )d i( xi ) bi ( xi ) cij d j ( x j ) 0
j =1


One can see that the inequality (10) holds provided

ai() > 0 and di() are monotone nondecreasing. If
additionally di() are strictly increasing, then the set
where W = 0 consists of equilibria only. The system
results quasi-gradient like i.e. every solution approaches
asymptotically the stationary set.
Consider now a model of artificial neural network
implemented by electrical circuits:
Ri C i

are subject to sector restrictions and global Lipschitz

inequalities, it was only natural to try to improve the
stability conditions using the Lyapunov functions suggested by the Popov frequency domain inequalities and
the Yakubovich-Kalman-Popov lemma. For instance,
in (Danciu & Rsvan, 2000) there was considered a
rather general system with several sector restricted
nonlinearities and the Lyapunov function was constructed in a rational way starting from an improved
frequency domain stability inequality of Popov type
with PI multiplier.
In the case of (11) this rather involved approach
gives a gradient like behavior provided the symmetry
condition Rij = Rji is observed.

= vi + i (J j (v j ) v j )+ Ri I i
j =1 Rij


with j() being sigmoidal. Since sigmoidal functions

We shall consider here the model (1). Since we do not

dispose (yet) in the time delay case of an instrument like
the Lyapunov like lemmas given in BACKGROUND,
we have to restrict ourselves to the analysis of the
stability of a particular equilibrium.
If u i , i = 1, , n is some equilibrium of (1) and if the
deviations z i = u i u i are considered, the system
in deviations is obtained
dz i
= ai z i (t ) wij J j ( z j (t T ij )) , i = 1, n
j =1


with J j ( z j ) = g j (u j ) g j (u j + z j ) . As known, if
g j : satisfy the usual sigmoid conditions i.e.
gj(0) = 0, monotonically increasing and globally Lipschitz - that is

g j (S 1 ) g j (S 2 )
S1 S 2

L j , S 1 S 2 ,


then j defined above are such. With the usual notations

of the field, let zt() = z(t + ) denote the state of (12) at
t; the state space will be considered (r ,0; ) with
r = max ij, the space of continuous - valued mappings
i, j
defined on [r, 0] with the usual norm of the uniform
convergence. One considers the Lyapunov-Krasovskii
functional (the analogue of the Lyapunov function of
the delayless case) suggested by (Nishimura & Kitamura, 1969), V : + as

Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags

I(Xc) =


oi X o j X , j >i

zi ( 0 )

mi / c .


J i (Q ) dQ +

j =1 T ij


z 2j (Q ) + D ij J 2j ( z j (Q )) dQ

with i 0, i 0,ij 0, ij 0 some free parameters.
Considering this functional along the solutions of (12)
and differentiating it with respect to t we may find the
so-called derivative functional W : as below

W ( z ) = ai

i =1

[ i z i (0) +


z i2 (0)


(z i (0) )z i (0)

(z i (0) )] wij j (z j (
j =1

z 2j (0) +




(0) )



) ) +

z 2j ( ij )




( ij ) )

The problem of the sign for W gives the following choice of the free parameters in (14) (Danciu &
Rsvan, 2007):
m cij2
Si = a
j =1 D


Li > 0 ,
m cij2
j =1 D

( R ji + D ji ) > 0
j =1

m c2
(ai S i ) < P i < 2 ij

j =1 D

( ai + S i )

The application of the standard stability theorems
for time delay systems (Hale & Verduyn Lunel, 1993)
will give asymptotic stability of the equilibrium z = 0
( u = u ). The mathematical result reads as follows
Theorem 3: Consider system (12) with ai > 0 and wij
such that it is possible to choose ij > 0 and ij > 0 in
order to satisfy i > 0 with i defined in (16). Then the
equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable.

Synchronization Problems
From this point of view the qualitative behavior of
the network is nothing more but behavior under the

time varying stimuli. This is particularly true for the

modeling of rhythmic activities in the nervous system
(Kopell, 2000) or the synchronization of the oscillatory
responses (Knig & Schillen, 1991). Both rhythmicity and synchronization suggest some recurrence and
this implies coefficients and stimuli being periodic or
almost periodic. The model with time varying stimulus
has the form
du i
= ai u i (t ) wij f j (u j (t T ij ) )+ ci (t ) , i = 1, n

under the same assumptions as previously, with the
functions f i : [1,1] being sigmoidal and therefore, globally Lipschitz. The forcing stimuli ci(t) are
periodic or almost periodic and the main mathematical
problem is to find conditions on the systems to ensure
existence and exponential stability of a unique global
(i.e. defined on f i ) solution which has the features of
a limit regime, i.e. not defined by initial conditions and
of the same type as the stimulus - periodic or almost
periodic respectively. This is an almost linear behavior for reasons that are obvious. The approach to be
taken in this problem is to obtain some estimates of
the systems solutions, which finally give information
about systems convergence and ultimate boundedness.
Next we have to apply a fixed-point theorem and we use
the theorems of Halanay (Halanay, 1967) on invariant
manifolds for flows on Banach spaces (see (Danciu,
2002) for details and simulation results).
We give below a theorem based on the application
of the Lyapunov functional (14) but restricted to be only
quadratic in the state variables (i = 0, ij = 0),

V (u ) = P i u i2 (0)+ R ij u 2j (Q ) dQ

i =1 2
j =1
T ij


with i > 0, ij > 0, i, j = 1, n . We may state

Theorem 2 Assume that ai > 0, Li > 0 and wij are such
that the derivative functional corresponding to ci(t)
0 in (17) namely

Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags

W (u ) = ai P i u i2 (0) P i u i (0) wij f j (u j (T ij ) )

i =1
j =1

+ R ij u 2j (0) u 2j (T ij )


is negative definite with a quadratic upper bound. Then

the system (17) has a unique global solution u i (t ), i = 1, n
which is bounded on and exponentially stable.
Moreover, this solution is periodic or almost periodic
according to the character of ci(t)- periodic or almost
periodic respectively.

Supposing the field of AI has its own dynamics, the
neural networks and their structures will evolve in order to improve the imitative behavior i.e. more of the
natural intelligence will be transferred to AI. Consequently, science and technology will deal with new
structures of various physical natures having multiple
equilibria. At least the following qualitative behaviors
will remain under study: stability-like properties (dichotomy, gradient behavior a.s.o.), synchronization
(forced oscillations, almost linear behavior, chaos
control) and complex dynamics (including chaotic

Our experience on neural networks dynamics shows
that the most important study is to obtain conditions
for gradient or quasi-gradient like behavior. Besides the
comparison method of (Popov, 1979) which requires
relaxation of the condition of the identical dynamics
of all neurons, the most popular tool remains the Lyapunov method.
If the Lyapunov like lemmas given in BACKGROUND would be available in the time delay case,
then improved Lyapunov functionals remaining constant on the set of equilibria could ensure a gradient
like behavior.

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Cohen, M. A. & Grossberg, S. (1983). Absolute stability
of pattern formation and parallel storage by competitive
neural networks. IEEE Transactions of Systems, Man
& Cybernetics, 13, 815-826.
Danciu, D. (2002). Qualitative behavior of the time
delay Hopfield type neural networks with time varying
stimulus. Annals of The University of Craiova, Series:
Electrical Engineering 26, 7282.
Danciu, D. & Rsvan, V. (2000). On Popov-type stability criteria for neural networks. Electronic Journal
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Networks Some Qualitative Properties. Computational and ambient Intelligence. Lectures Notes in
Computer Science, (4507), F. Sandoval, A. Prieto, J.
Cabestany, editors, 8-15.
Fink, W. (2004). Neural attractor network for application
in visual field data classification. Physics in Medicine
and Biology, 49(13), 2799-2809.
Fortuna, L., Arena, P., Balya, D. & Zarandy, A. (2001).
Cellular Neural Networks. IEEE Circuits and Systems
Magazine, 4, 621.
Gelig, A. Kh., Leonov, G. A. & Yakubovich, V.A.
(1978). Stability of nonlinear systems with non-unique
equilibrium state. (in Russian) U.R.S.S.: Moscow,
Nauka Publishers House.
Gelig, A. Kh. (1982) Dynamics of pulse systems and
neural networks (in Russian). Leningrad Univ. Publishing House.
Gopalsamy, K. & He, X. Z. (1994). Stability in asymmetric Hopfield nets with transmission delays, Physica
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Guirguis, L.A., Ghoneimy, M.M.R.E. (2007). Channel

Assignment for Cellular Networks Based on a Local
Modified Hopfield Neural Network. Wireless Personal
Communications, Springer US, 41(4), 539-550.

Nishimura, M., Kitamura, S. & Hirai, K. (1969). A

Lyapunov Functional for Systems with Multiple Nonlinearities and Time Lags, Technological Reports,
Japan: Osaka University, 19(860), 83-88.

Halanay, A. (1967). Invariant manifolds for systems

with time lag. Differential and dynamical systems.
Hale & La Salle editors, New York, Academic Press,

Popov, V.M. (1979). Monotonicity and Mutability.

Journal of Differential Equations, 31(3), 337-358.

Hale J. K. & Verduyn Lunel, S. M. (1993). Introduction to Functional Differential Equations. SpringerVerlag.
Hopfield, J. J. (1982). Neural networks and physical
systems with emergent collective computational abilities. Proceedings of National Academic Science U.S.A.,
79, 2554-2558.
Iwahori, Y., Kawanaka, H., Fukui, S., Funahashi, K.
(2005). Obtaining Shape from Scanning Electron
Microscope using Hopfield Neural Network. Journal
of Intelligent Manufacturing, Springer US, 16(6),
Kalman, R. E. (1957). Physical and mathematical
mechanisms of instability in nonlinear automatic control
systems. Transactions American Society of Mechanical
Engineers, 79(3).
Knig, P. & Schillen, J.B. (1991). Stimulus dependent
assembly formation of oscillatory responses: I. Synchronization. Neural Computation, 3, 155-166.
Kopell, N. (2000). We got rhythm: dynamical systems
of the nervous system. Notices of American Mathematical Society, 47, 6-16.
Kosko, B. (1988). Bidirectional associative memories.
IEEE Transactions Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
18, 49-60.

Rsvan, V. (1998). Dynamical Systems with Several

Equilibria and Natural Lyapunov Functions, Archivum
mathematicum, 34(1), [EQUADIFF 9], 207-215.

Asymptotic Stability: The solution x (t ) of (3) is
called asymptotically stable if it is Lyapunov stable (see
below) and, moreover, there exists 0 > 0 such that if
x0 x (t 0 ) < D 0 then lim x(t ; t 0 , x0 ) x (t ) = 0 .

Fixed Point Theorem: If f(x) is some function of

real variable with real values, the values such that f(x) =
x are called the fixed points of the mapping. In general,
if f : X X is a mapping from the metric space X inf
: X X into itself, the fixed points of this mapping are
defined as above. A fixed point theorem is a theorem
showing under which conditions some mapping has a
fixed point in the corresponding metric space.
Frequency Domain Stability Inequality of Popov:
Consider a feedback structure containing a linear dynamical block with the transfer function H(s) and a
nonlinear function - subject to the sector condition 0
< () < k2. The Popov inequality ensures absolute
stability i.e. global asymptotic stability of the zero
equilibrium for all nonlinear functions satisfying the
above inequality and reads as follows: there exists
some such that

Leonov, G.A., Reitmann, V. & Smirnova, V.B. (1992).

Non-local methods for pendulum-like feedback systems,
Germany: Leipzig, Teubner Verlag.

+ Re (1 + jWB )H ( jW ) > 0 , W

Maurer, A., Hersch, M. and Billard, A. G. (2005).

Extended Hopfield Network for Sequence Learning:
Application to Gesture Recognition. Proceedings of
15th International Conference on Artificial Neural
Network, 493-498.

Global Stability: An equilibrium is global (asymptotically) stable if it is the unique equilibrium of the
dynamical system and the property holds globally (its
domain of attraction is the entire state space).

Moser, J. (1967). On nonoscillating networks. Quarterly

Applied Mathematics, 25, 1-9.

Lyapunov Function: State scalar function defined

on the state space of a system in order to obtain some
qualitative properties - stability of equilibria, oscillatory

Neural Networks and Equilibria, Synchronization, and Time Lags

behavior etc. - using a single function instead of several

i.e. systems state trajectories. A Lyapunov function is
usually positive definite and, along systems trajectories,
is at least nonincreasing. The definite sign condition
may also be relaxed for the generalized Lyapunov functions in the LaSalle sense. The basic physical model
for the Lyapunov function is systems energy - a state
function that is nonincreasing along the state trajectory
being at the same time positive definite. The strength
of the Lyapunov function is exactly its independence
of the physical concepts since writing down the stored
energy of a system is not an easy job except possibly
such standard cases as mechanical systems or electrical
circuits. The energy like concepts may be nevertheless
inspiring when guessing a Lyapunov function. In the
infinite dimensional cases e.g. time delay or propagation systems, the Lyapunov function is replaced by a
Lyapunov functional defined on the infinite dimensional
state space.
Oscillations (Self-Sustained and Forced): Type
of steady state behavior when the state trajectories,
while remaining bounded, never reach an equilibrium
but their deviations from this equilibrium keep sign
changing. Usually an oscillation is viewed as having
some recurrent properties, being either periodic or
almost periodic. When the system is autonomous i.e.
free of external oscillatory signals while nevertheless
displaying an oscillatory behavior which is sustained
by non-oscillatory internal factors of the system, it is
said that this system displays self-sustained oscillations
(the term belongs to Mandelstamm and Andronov).
When the system is non-autonomous and subject to
external oscillatory signals (stimuli), the limit regime
that occurs is called forced oscillation.
Phase Portrait: Term borrowed from the Poincar
theory of the phase (space) plane where this portrait
is better defined. Its extension to higher order systems
is mainly informal, based on geometric arguments.
By phase portrait it is understood the total of state
trajectories as limit regimes (equilibria, recurrent motions, limit sets) and standard trajectories e.g. defined
by initial conditions.

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): Neural networks which display feedback interconnections among
their units (neurons). Due to these cyclic connections
RNNs are nonlinear dynamical systems with very rich
spatial and temporal behaviors: stable and unstable
fixed points, limit cycles and chaotic behavior. These
behaviors make them suitable for modeling certain
cognitive functions such as associative memory, unsupervised learning, self-organizing maps and temporal
Synchronization: Interaction phenomenon among
coupled subsystems of a system resulting in some
ordering of their evolution. Its maximal stage is the
complete synchronization of the subsystems periods
resulting in a periodic evolution of the state of the
entire system. When a system is externally forced by
an oscillatory signal, synchronization means a limit
regime of the entire state, which has the same waveform
as the forcing signal (periodic with the same period if
the forcing signal is periodic or almost periodic if the
forcing signal is such).
Stability: Qualitative property of the solution of
a system with the significance of the limitation of the
perturbations effect on the considered solution viewed
as basic. Among all kinds of stability (bounded input/
bounded output, Lagrange stability, Birkhoff stability,
input-to-state stability) the stability in the sense of Lyapunov - with respect to the initial conditions, viewed
as incorporating the effect of short-period perturbations
- is the most widely used; it means that sufficiently small
deviations in the initial condition (state) will result in
arbitrarily small deviations in the current state at all
following moments. Rigorously, the basic solution
x (t ) of (3) is called stable in the sense of Lyapunov
if, for any > 0 arbitrarily small and any t 0 there
exists some (, t0) > 0 sufficiently small such that if
x0 x (t 0 ) < D (E , t 0 ) , then x(t ; t 0 , x0 ) x (t ) < E for all
t > t0. If in the above definition is independent of the
initial moment t0 the stability is called uniform; from the
point of view of the practice, this is the more important
stability notion of stability. It is also a necessary condition for uniform asymptotic stability (see above).



Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality

Juan J. Gonzlez De la Rosa
Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain
Carlos G. Puntonet
University of Granada, Spain
A. Moreno-Muoz
Universities of Cdiz-Crdoba, Spain

Power quality (PQ) event detection and classification
is gaining importance due to worldwide use of delicate
electronic devices. Things like lightning, large switching
loads, non-linear load stresses, inadequate or incorrect
wiring and grounding or accidents involving electric
lines, can create problems to sensitive equipment, if
it is designed to operate within narrow voltage limits,
or if it does not incorporate the capability of filtering
fluctuations in the electrical supply (Gerek et. al., 2006;
Moreno et. al., 2006).
The solution for a PQ problem implies the acquisition and monitoring of long data records from the
energy distribution system, along with an automated
detection and classification strategy which allows
identify the cause of these voltage anomalies. Signal
processing tools have been widely used for this purpose,
and are mainly based in spectral analysis and wavelet
transforms. These second-order methods, the most
familiar to the scientific community, are based on the
independence of the spectral components and evolution of the spectrum in the time domain. Other tools
are threshold-based algorithms, linear classifiers and
Bayesian networks. The goal of the signal processing
analysis is to get a feature vector from the data record
under study, which constitute the input to the computational intelligence modulus, which has the task of classification. Some recent works bring a different strategy,
based in higher-order statistics (HOS), in dealing with
the analysis of transients within PQ analysis (Gerek
et. al., 2006; Moreno et. al., 2006) and other fields of
Science (De la Rosa et. al., 2004, 2005, 2007).

Without perturbation, the 50-Hz of the voltage

waveform exhibits a Gaussian behaviour. Deviations
from Gaussianity can be detected and characterized
via HOS. Non-Gaussian processes need third and
fourth order statistical characterization in order to be
recognized. In order words, second-order moments
and cumulants could be not capable of differentiate
non-Gaussian events. The situation described matches
the problem of differentiating between a transient of
long duration named fault (within a signal period), and
a short duration transient (25 per cent of a cycle). This
one could also bring the 50-Hz voltage to zero instantly
and, generally affects the sinusoid dramatically. By the
contrary, the long-duration transient could be considered
as a modulating signal (the 50-Hz signal is the carrier).
These transients are intrinsically non-stationary, so it is
necessary a battery of observations (sample registers)
to obtain a reliable characterization.
The main contribution of this work consists of the
application of higher-order central cumulants to characterize PQ events, along with the use of a competitive
layer as the classification tool. Results reveal that two
different clusters, associated to both types of transients,
can be recognized in the 2D graph. The successful results
convey the idea that the physical underlying processes
associated to the analyzed transients, generate different
types of deviations from the typical effects that the noise
cause in the 50-Hz sinusoid voltage waveform.
The paper is organized as follows: Section on
higher-order cumulants summarizes the main equations
of the cumulants used in the paper. Then, we recall
the competitive layers foundations, along with the
Kohonen learning rule. The experience is described
then, and the conclusions are drawn.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation


IWi1,1 (q ) = IWi1,1 (q 1)+  P(q ) IWi1,1 (q 1) ,

High-order statistics, known as cumulants, are used to

infer new properties about the data of non-Gaussian
processes (Mendel, 1991; Nikias & Mendel, 2003).
The relationship among the cumulants of r stochastic
signals, {xi}i[1,r], and their moments of order p, p r,
can be calculated by using the Leonov-Shiryayev formula (Nandi, 1999; Nikias & Mendel, 2003). For an
rth-order stationary random process {x(t)}, the rth-order
cumulant is defined as the joint rth-order cumulant of
the random variables x(t), x(t+1), , x(t+r-1),

where p is the input vector, q is the time instant, and

is the learning rate. The Kohonen rule allows the
weights of a neuron to learn an input vector, so it is
useful in recognition applications. The winning neuron
is more likely to win the competition the next time a
similar vector is presented. As more and more inputs
are presented, each neuron in the layer closest to a
group of input vectors soon adjusts its weight vector
toward those inputs. Eventually, if there are enough
neurons, every cluster of similar input vectors will
have a neuron that outputs 1 when a vector in the
cluster is presented.

C r ,x ( 1 , 2 ,..., r ) = Cum[x(t ), x(t + 1 ),..., x(t + r )]..


Considering 1=2=3=0 in Eq. (1), we have some

particular cases:
 2 , x = E x 2 (t ) = C2 , x (0 ),

{ }


{ }


{ }


 3,x = E x3 (t ) = C3,x (0 ,0 ),
 4 ,x = E x 4 (t ) 3( 2 ,x )2 = C 4 ,x (0,0 ,0 ).

Eqs. (2) are measurements of the variance, skewness

and kurtosis of the statistical distribution, in terms of
the cumulants at zero lags. We will use and refer to
normalized quantities because they are shift and scale

The neurons in a competitive layer distribute themselves
to recognize frequently presented input vectors. The
competitive transfer function accepts a net input vector p for a layer (each neuron competes to respond to
p) and returns outputs of 0 for all neurons except for
the winner, which is associated with the most positive
element of the net input. For zero bias, the neuron
whose weight vector is closest to the input vector has
the least negative net input and, therefore, wins the
competition to output a 1.
The winning neuron will move closer to the input,
after this has been presented. The weights of the winning
neuron are adjusted with the Kohonen learning rule. If
for example the ith-neuron wins, the elements of the
ith-row of the input weight matrix (IW) are adjusted
as shown in Eq. (3):


The aim is to differentiate between two classes of PQ
events, named long-duration and short-duration. The
experiment comprises two stages. The feature extraction stage is based on the computation of cumulants.
Each vectors coordinate corresponds to the local
maximum and minimum of the 4th-order central cumulant. Secondly, the classification stage is based on
the application of the competitive layer to the feature
vectors. We use a two-neuron competitive layer, which
receives two-dimensional input feature vectors during
the network training.
We analyze a number of 16 1000-point real-life
registers during the feature extraction stage. Before
the computation of the cumulants, two pre-processing
actions have been performed over the sample signals.
First, they have been normalized because they exhibit
very different-in-magnitude voltage levels. Secondly,
a high-pass digital filter (5th-order Butterworth model
with a characteristic frequency of 150 Hz) eliminates
the low frequency components which are not the targets of the experiment. This by the way increases the
non-Gaussian characteristics of the signals, which in
fact are reflected in the higher-order cumulants. Fig. 1
shows the comparison of the two types of events.
After pre-processing, a battery of sliding central
cumulants (2nd, 3rd and 4th-order) is calculated. Each
cumulant is computed over 50 points; this windows
length (50 points) has been selected neither to be so
long to cover the whole signal nor to be very short.
The algorithm calculates the 3 central cumulants over
50 points, and then it jumps to the following starting

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation

Figure 1. Analysis for two types of transients

point; as a consequence we have 98 per cent overlapping

sliding windows (49/50=0.98). Each computation over
a window (called a segment) outputs 3 cumulants.
The signal processing analysis indicates that the
2nd-order cumulant sequence (the variance), clearly indicates the presence of an event. Both types of transients
exhibit an increasing variance in the neighbourhood of
the PQ event, that present the same shape, with only
one maximum. The magnitude of this maximum is by
the way the only available feature which can be used
to distinguish different events from the second-order
point of view.
Resulting from the classification stage, the bidimensional representation (2-dimensional feature
vectors) suggests very intelligible 2-D graphs for 4thorder. 3rd-order diagrams dont show quite different
clusters because maxima and minima are similar. It is
possible to differentiate PQ events from the 3rd-order

perspective if we consider more features in the input

vector (perhaps 3-D feature vectors), like the number
of extremes (maxima and minima), and the order in
which the maxima and the minima appear as time
The sliding 4th-order cumulants exhibit clear differences, not only for the shape of the time-domain
graphs, but also for the different location of minima,
which suggest a clustering for the points in the 2-D
feature space. Fig. 2 shows an example of 4th-order
cumulant sequence comparison for the two types of
transients. For each sample register (data record) the
sliding 4th-order cumulants sequence is calculated (as
in Fig. 2). For each data record, the maximum and the
minimum are detected and selected as a point in the
feature space.
Fig. 3 presents the results of the training stage, using
the Kohonen rule. The horizontal (vertical) axis cor-

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation

Figure 2. Comparison of 4th-order cumulants sequences for two types of transients

responds to the maxima (minima) values. Each cross

in the diagram corresponds to an input vector and the
circles indicate the final location of the weight vector
(after learning) for the two neurons of the competitive
layer. Before training, both weight vectors pointed to
the asterisk, which is the initializing point (the midpoint
of the input intervals).
The separation between classes (inter-class distance)
is well defined. Both types of PQ events are clustered.
The correct configuration of the clusters is corroborated during the simulation of the neural network, in
which we have obtained an approximate classification
accuracy of 97 percent. During the simulation, new
signals (randomly selected from our data base) were
processed using this methodology. The accuracy of
the classification results increases with the number
of data. To evaluate the confidence of the statistics a

significance test has been conducted. As a result, the

number of measurements is significantly correct.

In this paper we have proposed an automatic method
to detect and classify two PQ transients, named short
and long-duration. The method comprises two stages.
The first includes pre-processing (normalizing and
filtering) and outputs the 2-D feature vectors, each of
which coordinate corresponds to the maximum and
minimum of the central cumulants. The second stage
uses a neural network to classify the signals into two
clusters. This stage is different-in-nature from the one
used in (Gerek et. al., 2006) consisting of quadratic
classifiers. The configuration of the clusters is assessed

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation

Figure 3. Competitive layer training results over 20 epochs. Upper cluster: Short-duration PQ-events. Down
cluster: Long-duration events.

during the simulation of the network, in which we have

obtained acceptable classification accuracy.

Series in Probability and Statistics, Wiley Interscience,



Chonavel, T., Statistical Signal Processing. Modelling and Estimation, 1st ed., ser. Advanced Textbooks
in Control and Signal Processing. London: Springer,
2003, vol. 1.

We would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry

of Education and Science for funding the projects
DPI2003-00878 and PETRI-95-0824-OP, and to
the Andalusian Government for funding the project

Bendat, J., Piersol, A.: Random Data Analysis and
Measurement Procedures, 3rd. Edition, Vol. 1 of Wiley

De la Rosa, J.J.G., Puntonet, C.G., Lloret, I., Grriz,

J.M.: Wavelets and wavelet packets applied to termite detection. In: ICCS 2005. LNCS, vol. 3514, pp.
900907. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
De la Rosa, J.J.G., Ruzzante, J., Piotrkowski, R.: Thirdorder spectral characterization of acoustic emission
signals in ring-type samples from steel pipes for the
oil industry. In: Elsevier. (Ed.) Mechanical systems and
Signal Processing, vol. 21, pp. 19171926 (2007)

Neural Networks and HOS for Power Quality Evaluation

De la Rosa, J.J.G., Lloret, I., Puntonet, C.G., Grriz,

J.M.: Higher-order statistics to detect and characterise
termite emissions. Electronics Letters 40, 13161317,
Ultrasonics (2004)
De la Rosa, J.J.G., Puntonet, C.G., Lloret, I.: An application of the independent component analysis to
monitor acoustic emission signals generated by termite
activity in wood. In: Elsevier. (Ed.) Measurement, vol.
37, pp. 6376 (2005)
De la Rosa, J.J.G, Moreno-Muoz, A. Higher-order
cumulants and spectral kurtosis for early detection of
subterranean termites, Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing (Ed. Elsevier), vol. In Press, Accepted Manuscript, 2007, available online 1 September 2007.
Gerek, O.N., Ece, D.G.: Power-quality event analysis
using higher order cumulants and quadratic classifiers.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 21, 883889
Mendel, J.M.: Tutorial on higher-order statistics (spectra) in signal processing and system theory: Theoretical
results and some applications. In: Proceedings of the
IEEE 79, 278305 (1991)
Moreno, A., Pallars, V., De la Rosa, J.J.G., Galisteo,
P.: Study of voltage sag in a highly automated plant. In:
MELECON 2006, Proceedings of the 2006 13th IEEE
Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference.
Moreno-Muoz, A. and M D. Redel. Calm in the
campus: power disturbances threaten university life.
IEE Power Engineer, 19 (4), (2005), p. 34
Moreno-Muoz, A.; Redel, M. D. and Gonzlez, M.
Power quality in high-tech campus. Proc. of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, part A: Journal of Power
and Energy. 220 (3), (2006) p. 257
Nandi, A.K.: Blind Estimation using Higher-Order
Statistics, 1st Edn., vol. 1. Kluwer Academic Publichers, Boston (1999)

Nikias, C.L., Mendel, J.M.: Signal processing with

higher-order spectra. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
pp. 1037 (1993)
Nikias, C.L., Petropulu, A.P.: Higher-Order Spectra
Analysis. In: A Non-Linear Signal Processing Framework, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1993)

Artificial Neural Networks: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used
in applications such as robotics, speech recognition,
signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Cluster: A set of incidences relative to the characteristics associated to some signals, which have been
previously analyzed.
Cumulants: Statistics that characterize a probability
distribution. A distribution with given cumulants can
be approximated through the Edgeworth series.
Competitive Layer: The neurons in a competitive
layer distribute themselves to recognize frequently
presented input vectors.
HOS: Higher-Order Statistics; the set of statistics
of order higher than 2. The advantage of using them
is based on the advantage of noise rejection for symmetrically distributed processes.
Power Quality: Is the branch of research which
aims to study the techniques for the assessment of the
quality of electricity.
Transient: A signal which vanishes with the time
and usually with short duration. They are very common
in industry applications. Transients may occur either
in repeatable fashion or as random impulses.



Neural Networks on Handwritten Signature

J. Francisco Vargas
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain & Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia
Miguel A. Ferrer
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Biometric offers potential for automatic personal
identification and verification, differently from other
means for personal verification; biometric means are
not based on the possession of anything (as cards) or
the knowledge of some information (as passwords).
There is considerable interest in biometric authentication based on automatic signature verification (ASV)
systems because ASV has demonstrated to be superior
to many other biometric authentication techniques e.g.
finger prints or retinal patterns, which are reliable but
much more intrusive and expensive. An ASV system
is a system capable of efficiently addressing the task
of make a decision whether a signature is genuine or
forger. Numerous pattern recognition methods have
been applied to signature verification. Among the
methods that have been proposed for pattern recognition on ASV, two broad categories can be identified:
memory-based and parameter-based methods as a neural
network. The Major approaches to ASV systems are
the template matching approach, spectrum approach,
spectrum analysis approach, neural networks approach,
cognitive approach and fractal approach.
The proposed article reviews ASV techniques
corresponding with approaches that have so far been
proposed in the literature. An attempt is made to describe important techniques especially those involving
ANNs and assess their performance based on published
literature. The paper also discusses possible future areas
for research using ASV.

As any human production, handwriting is subject to
many variations from very diverse origins: Historic,
geographic, ethnic, social, psychological, etc (Bou-

letreau, 1998). ASV is a difficult problem because

signature samples from the same person are similar
but not identical. In addition, a person signature often
changes radically during their lifetime (Hou, 2004).
Although these factors can affect a given instance of
a person writing, writing style develops as the writer
learns to write, as do consistencies which are typically
retained (Guo, 1997). One of the methods used by
expert document examiners is to try to exploit these
consistencies and identify ones which are both stable
and difficult to imitate. In general, ASV systems can be
categorized into two kinds: The On-line and Off-line
systems. For On-line, the use of electronic devices to
capture dynamics from signature permits to register
more information about the signing process while improving the system performance, in the case of Off-line
approaches for ASV, this dynamic information is lost
and only a static image is available. This makes it quit
difficult to define effective global or local features for
the verification purpose.
Three different types of forgeries are usually take into
account on ASV system: random forgeries, produced
without knowing either the name of the signer nor
the shape of his signature; simple forgeries, produced
knowing the name of the signer but without having an
example of his signature; and skilled forgeries, produced
by people who, looking at an original instance of the
signature, attempt to imitate it as closely as possible.
The problem of signature verification become more
difficult when passing from random to simple and
skilled forgeries, the later being so difficult a task
that even human beings make errors in several cases.
It is pointing out that several systems proposed up to
now, while performing reasonably well on a single
category of forgeries, decrease in performance when
working with all the categories simultaneously, and
generally this decrement is bigger than one would
expect.(Abuhaiba,2007; Ferrer,2005).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Neural Networks on Handwritten Signature Verification

Numerous pattern recognition methods have been

applied to signature verification (Plamondon, 1989).
Among the methods that have been proposed for pattern recognition, two broad categories can be identified:
memory-based techniques in which incoming patterns
are matched to a (usually large) dictionary of templates,
and parameter-based methods in which pre-processed
patterns are sent to a trainable classifier such as a neural
network (Lippmann, 1987). Memory-based recognition methods require a large memory space to store
the templates, while a neural network is a parameterbased approach which just requires a small amount
of memory space to store the linking weights among
neurons. Mighell et al (Mighell, 1989) were apparently
the first to work in applying NNs for off-line signature
classification. Sabourin and Drouhard (Sabourin,1992)
presented an method based on directional probability
density functions together with a BackPropagation
neural networks (BPN) to detect random forgery. Qi
and Hunt (Qi, 1996) used global and grid features with
a simple Euclidean distance classifier. Sansone and
Vento (Sansone,2000) proposed a sequential three-stage
multi-expert system, in which the first expert eliminates random and simple forgeries, the second isolates
skilled forgeries, and the third gives the final decision
by combining decisions of the previous stages together
with reliability estimations. Baltzakis and Papamarkos
(Baltzakis,2001) developed a two-stage neural network,
in which the first stage gets the decisions from neural
networks and Euclidean distance classifiers supplied
by the global, grid and texture features, and the second
combines the four decisions using a radial-base function (RBF) neural network.


As mentioned above, the major approaches to signature verification systems are the template matching
approach, spectrum approach, spectrum analysis approach, neural networks approach, cognitive approach
and fractal approach. The rigid template matching, the
simplest and earliest approach to pattern recognition,
can detect random forgeries from genuine signatures
successfully, but cannot detect skilled forgeries effectively. The statistical approach, including HHMs,
Bayesian and so on, can detect random forgeries as
well as skilled forgeries from genuine ones. Structural
approach shows good performance when detecting

genuine signatures and forgeries. But this approach

may yield a combinatorial explosion of possibilities
to be investigated, demanding large training sets and
very large computational efforts. The spectrum analysis
approach can be applied to different languages, including English and Chinese. Moreover it can be applied to
either on-line or off-line verification systems.
Neural networks approach offers several advantages
such as, unified approaches for feature extraction and
classification and flexible procedures for finding good,
moderately nonlinear solutions. When it is used in either
on-line or off-line signature verification, it also shows
reasonable performance.

Neural Networks on ASV

Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural networks are
among the most commonly used classifiers for pattern
recognition problems. Despite their advantages, they
suffer from some very serious limitations that make their
use, for some problems, impossible. The first limitation
is the size of the neural network. It is very difficult, for
very large neural networks, to get trained. As the amount
of the training data increases, this difficulty becomes
a serious obstacle for the training process. The second
difficulty is that the geometry, the size of the network,
the training method used and the training parameters
depend substantially on the amount of the training data.
Also, in order to specify the structure and the size of
the neural network, it is necessary to know a priori
the number of the classes that the neural network will
have to deal with. Unfortunately, when talking about
a useful ASV, a priori knowledge about the number of
signatures and the number of the signature owners is
not available (Baltzakis,2001).
For the BPN case, a learning law is used to modify
weight values based on an output error signal propagated
back through the network. From random initial values,
the weights are changed according to this learning law
that uses a learning rate and a smoothing rate which
sometimes allows a faster convergence of the training
phase. The training phase is critical, especially when
the data to be classified are not clearly distinguishable
and when there are not enough examples to conduct
training. In this case, the training phase can be very
long and it may even be impossible to obtain an acceptable performance. Usually a criterion for stopping the
training phase is defined. After that, several rejection
methods are evaluated to improve the decision taken by

Neural Networks on Handwritten Signature Verification

this kind of classifier. Finally, the number of neurons

in the hidden layer of the BPN is adjusted in order to
increase the global performance of the first stage of
the ASV (Drouhard, 1996).
An interesting aspect of BPN is that during learning
process, the hidden layers build an internal representation of the inputs that is useful to produce the output
(Looney, 1997). (Fleming. 1990) used a two-stage
NN with the same number of neurones for input and
output layers, and fewer units for the hidden layer. This
forces the network to encode the inputs in a smaller
dimensional space retaining most of the relevant information in an equivalent way as the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method. This class of networks
are known as compression networks. An important
property of compression networks is that they can act
as auto associative or content addressable memories
(Kohonen, 1977; Valentin, 1994). This means that these
networks are able to acceptably reconstruct a degraded
pattern when noise is given as input or to complete an
incomplete input pattern (OToole, 1993). The quality
of the results will depend on the number of hidden units
of the compression network.
On the other hand, Syntactic NNs can model stochastic and non-stochastic grammars. Learning is therefore
a process of grammatical inference and recognition a
process of parsing. Note that this has great generality;
by varying the grammar we can encompass a wide range
of pattern recognition models. The stochastic nets are
properly probabilistic and are powerful discriminators; the non-stochastic are less powerful, but have
straightforward silicon implementation with existing
technology. Learning in syntactic nets may proceed
supervised or unsupervised (Lucas, 1990).

Combined Classifiers Approaches

(Baltzakis, 2001) presents a different technique for
off-line signature recognition and verification. The
proposed confronts above mentioned BPN problems
by reducing the training computation time (This is
achieved because each neural network corresponds to
only one signature owner) and the size of the neural
networks used (The feature set is split to three different
groups, i.e., global features, grid features and texture
features.). For each one of these feature sets a special
two stage Perceptron OCON (one-class-one-network)
classification structure has been implemented. In the


first stage, the classifier combines the decision results

of the neural networks and the Euclidean distance obtained using the three feature sets. The results of the
first-stage classifier feed a second-stage radial base
function (RBF) neural network structure, which makes
the final decision.
To effectively verify skilled forgeries, a fuzzy neural
network named Pseudo Outer-Product based Fuzzy
Neural Network (POPFNN) is integrated into the signature verification system described in (Zhou, 1996).
As a hybrid of fuzzy systems and neural networks, the
POPFNN possesses many advantages such as high
computational capability and learning ability when
compared against other techniques used in signature
verification systems. As hybrid intelligent systems,
fuzzy NNs possess the advantages of both NNs and
fuzzy rule-based systems and are particularly powerful
in handling complex, non-linear and imprecise problems such as ASV. Besides, the membership functions
and fuzzy rules identified in the POPFNN give more
transparency to the decision making process. These
advantages make the proposed fuzzy neural network
driven signature verification system particularly powerful and robust even in dealing with skilled forgeries. In
(Zhou, 1996), POPFNN operates in two fundamental
modes, the learning mode and the classification mode.
In the learning mode, a collection of training signature
samples is used to train POPFNN. Feature vectors extracted from the training signature samples are utilized
to initialize and adjust the parameters of POPFNN,
including membership functions, fuzzy rules, and
weights of the links. In the classification mode, POPFNN
performs pure classification without self-modification.
Feature vectors extracted from the unknown signatures
are fed into POPFNN and the corresponding outputs
are obtained at the output layer of POPFNN.
(Bromley, 1994) presents an algorithm based on
a novel NN, called a Siamese neural network. This
network has two input fields to compare two patterns
and one output whose estate value corresponds to the
similarity between the two patterns. During training
the two sub-networks extract features from two signatures, while the joining neuron measures the distance
between the two feature vectors. Training was carried
out using a modified version of BP. All weights could
be learnt, but the two sub-networks were constrained
to have identical weights.

Neural Networks on Handwritten Signature Verification

Notwithstanding the enormous work carried out in the
field of signature verification, several questions still
remains unresolved. New solutions to these problems
will determine the conditions under which the signature verification systems of the next future will be
developed. The selection of the most suitable set of
feature for a signer is one of the relevant open questions and the use of new approaches for classification
still an open problem. Genetic algorithms (GA) have
been recently used for this purpose (Xuhua, 1996).
Another promising area of research concern multiexpert verification, which combine hard (Dimauro,
1997) and soft (Plamondon,1992) decision, based on
parallel (Qi, 1995), serial (Cardot, 1991) or hybrid
strategies(Cordella, 2000).
In the framework of a handwritten text recognition
application, (Heutte, 2004) have developed a multiple
agent system able to manage interaction between different contextual levels of handwriting interpretation.
The EMAC (Hernoux, 1999) environment has been
specified from constraints imposed by their handwriting interpretation system. This work presents this
platform as help to implement specific collaboration
or cooperation schemes between agents which bring
out new trends in the automatic reading of handwritten
texts and could be implemented for automatic signature
verification systems.
(Balkrishana, 2007) recently presented a Colour
Code Algorithm which deals with the recognition of
the signature, as human operator generally make the
work of signature recognition. Hence the algorithm
simulates human behavior, to achieve perfection and
skill through AI. The logic that decides the extent of
validity of the signature must implement Artificial
Intelligence Pattern recognition is the science that
concerns the description or classification of measurements, usually based on underlying model. In future
the system can be configured using Neural Networks
and Fuzzy Rule base, where online training of recognition is possible.
A list of companies involved in signature verification systems production is given in (Kalenova, 2004),
along with a short description of the products available.
Although signature verification is not one of the safest
biometric solutions, the use of it in business practices is
still justified. Primarily due to the fact that the signature

is a de facto mean of confirming the identity of the

person, and therefore will provide a far less disruptive
migration to an advanced technology than any other
biometric can. Thus, signature verification has a very
promising future.

Automatic signature verification is very attractive
problem for researches. This article presents a review of
approaches for Automatic Signature Verification using
Neural Networks. The main aspects related to training
process are discussed. Although some approaches have
False Reject Rate and False Acceptance Rate ranging
from 2% to 5%, systems developers cannot compare
their results due to the lack of a widely accepted protocol for experimental tests, as well as the absence of
large, public signature databases. A useful bibliography
is also provided for interested readers.

Abuhaiba, I.,(2007) Offline Signature Verification
Using Graph Matching, Turkish Journal of Electrical
Engineering & Computer Sciences. 1(4).
Balkrishana, V., (2007), A Colour Code Algorithm for
Signature Recognition, Electronic Letters on Computer
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Agent Based Mode: A specific individual based
computational model for computer simulation extensively related to the theme in complex systems, Monte
Carlo Method, multi agent systems, and evolutionary
programming. The idea is to construct the computational
devices (agents with some properties) and then, simulate
them in parallel to model the real phenomena.
Automatic Signature Verification: A procedure
that determine if a handwritten signature is genuine
or a forgery, when a person claims for identity verification.
Backpropagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm
of ANNs, based on minimising the error obtained from
the comparison between the outputs that the network
gives after the application of a set of network inputs
and the outputs it should give (the desired outputs).

Feature Selection: The technique, commonly used

in machine learning, of selecting a subset of relevant features for building robust learning models. Its objective
is three-fold: improving the prediction performance of
the predictors, providing faster and more cost-effective
predictors, and providing a better understanding of the
underlying process that generated the data.
Fuzzy Logic: Derived from fuzzy set theory dealing
with reasoning that is approximate rather than precisely
deduced from classical predicate logic. It can be thought
of as the application side of fuzzy set theory dealing
with well thought out real world expert values for a
complex problem.
Genetic Algorithms: A genetic algorithm is technique used for searching or programming. It is used
in computing to find true or approximate solutions to
optimization and search problems of various types and
used as a function in evolutionary computation. Genetic
algorithms are based on biological events. They mimic
biological evolution.
Principal Component Analysis: A technique used
to reduce multidimensional data sets to lower dimensions for analysis. PCA involves the computation of the
eigenvalue decomposition of a data set, usually after
mean centering the data for each attribute.



Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice

Vassilis G. Kaburlasos
Technological Educational Institution of Kavala, Greece

Computational Intelligence (CI) consists of an evolving
collection of methodologies often inspired from nature
(Bonissone, Chen, Goebel & Khedkar, 1999, Fogel,
1999, Pedrycz, 1998). Two popular methodologies of
CI include neural networks and fuzzy systems.
Lately, a unification was proposed in CI, at a data
level, based on lattice theory (Kaburlasos, 2006).
More specifically, it was shown that several types of
data including vectors of (fuzzy) numbers, (fuzzy) sets,
1D/2D (real) functions, graphs/trees, (strings of) symbols, etc. are partially(lattice)-ordered. In conclusion, a
unified cross-fertilization was proposed for knowledge
representation and modeling based on lattice theory with
emphasis on clustering, classification, and regression
applications (Kaburlasos, 2006).
Of particular interest in practice is the totally-ordered
lattice (R,) of real numbers, which has emerged historically from the conventional measurement process
of successive comparisons. It is known that (R,) gives
rise to a hierarchy of lattices including the lattice (F,)
of fuzzy interval numbers, or FINs for short (Papadakis
& Kaburlasos, 2007).
This article shows extensions of two popular neural
networks, i.e. fuzzy-ARTMAP (Carpenter, Grossberg,
Markuzon, Reynolds & Rosen 1992) and self-organizing map (Kohonen, 1995), as well as an extension
of conventional fuzzy inference systems (Mamdani &
Assilian, 1975), based on FINs. Advantages of the
aforementioned extensions include both a capacity to
rigorously deal with nonnumeric input data and a capacity to introduce tunable nonlinearities. Rule induction
is yet another advantage.

Lattice theory has been compiled by Birkhoff (Birkhoff,
1967). This section summarizes selected results regard-

ing a Cartesian product lattice (L,)= (L1,1)(LN,N)

of constituent lattices (Li,i), i=1,,N.
Given an isomorphic function i: (Li,i)(Li,i)
in a constituent lattice (Li,i), i=1,,N, where (Li,i)
(Li, i ) denotes the dual (lattice) of lattice (Li,i),
then an isomorphic function : (L,)(L,) is given
by (x1,,xN)=(1(x1),,N(xN)).
Given a positive valuation function vi: (Li,i)R
in a constituent lattice (Li,i), i=1,,N then a positive
valuation v: (L,)R is given by v(x1,,xN)=v1(x1)+
It is well-known that a positive valuation vi: (Li,i)
R in a lattice (Li,i) implies a metric function di: LiLi
R 0+ given by di(a,b) = vi(ab) - vi(ab).
Minkowski metrics dp: (L1,1)(LN,N)= (L,)
R are given by
1/ p

dp(x,y) = d1p ( x1, y1 ) + + d Np ( xN , yN )

x= (x1,,xN), y=(y1,,yN), pR.
An interval [a,b] in a lattice (L,) is defined as the
set [a,b]{xL: axb, a,bL}. Let (L) denote the set
of intervals in a lattice (L,). It turns out that ((L),)
is a lattice, ordered by set inclusion.
Definition 1. The size Zp: (L) R 0+ of a lattice
(L,) interval [a,b](L), with respect to a
positive valuation v: (L,)R, is defined as


This section delineates modified extensions to a hierarchy of lattices stemming from the totally ordered lattice
(R,) of real numbers. Then, it details the relevance of

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Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice Theory

novel mathematical tools. Next, based on the previous

mathematical tools, this section presents extensions
of ART/SOM/FIS. Finally, it discusses comparative

We remark that the cardinality of set G equals 11 =

(2 ) = 201 = 21 =2 > 1, where 1 is the cardinality of the set R of real numbers.

Modified Extensions in a Hierarchy of


Proposition 3. Consider metric(s) d: R 0+ in

lattice (,). Let G1,G2(G,). Assuming that
the following integral exists, a metric function
dG: GG R 0+ is given by

Consider the product lattice (,) = (RR,) =

(RR,) of generalized intervals. A generalized
interval (element in ) will be denoted by [a,b] and
will be called positive (negative) for ab (a>b). The
set of positive (negative) generalized intervals will be
denoted by + (-) We remark that the set of positive
generalized intervals is isomorphic to the set of conventional intervals in the set R of real numbers.
A decreasing function R: RR is an isomorphic
function R: (R,)(R,); furthermore, a strictly
increasing function vR: RR is a positive valuation
vR: (R,)R. Hence, function v: (,)R given by
v([a,b])= vR(R(a))+vR(b) is a positive valuation in lattice (,). There follows a metric function d:
R 0+ given by d([a,b],[c,d])= [vR(R(ac))-vR(R(ac))]
+ [vR(bd)-vR(bd)]; in particular, for R(x)= -x and
vR(x)= x it follows v([a,b])= |a-c| + |b-d|. Choosing
parametric functions R(.) and vR(.) there follow tunable nonlinearities in lattice (R,). Moreover, note that
is a real linear space with

addition defined as [a,b] + [c,d] = [a+c,b+d],

multiplication (by a real k) defined as k[a,b] =

It turns out that + (as well as -) is cone in linear

space Recall that a subset C of a linear space is
called cone if for all xC and >0, we have xC.
Definition 2. A generalized interval number (GIN) is
a function f: (0,1].
Let G denote the set of GINs. It follows that (G,) is
a lattice, in particular (G,) is the Cartesian product of
lattices (,). Moreover, G is a real linear space with

addition defined as (G1 + G2)(h) = G1(h) + G2(h),

h(0,1], and
multiplication (by a real k) defined as (kG)(h) =
kG(h), h(0,1].

0 1

dG(G1,G2) = d (G1 (h), G2 (h))dh .

Our interest here focuses on the sublattice (F,) of

lattice (G,), namely sublattice of fuzzy interval numbers (FINs). A FIN is defined rigorously as follows.
Definition 4. A fuzzy interval number (FIN) F is a GIN
such that either (1) both F(h)+ and h1h2
F(h1)F(h2), for all h(0,1] (positive FIN) or (2)
there is a positive FIN P such that F(h) = -P(h),
for all h(0,1] (negative FIN).
Let F+ (F-) denote the set of positive (negative) FINs.
Note that both F+F- = F and F+F-= hold. Furthermore, F+ (F-) is a cone with cardinality 1 (Kaburlasos
& Kehagias, 2006). The previous mathematical analysis
may potentially produce useful techniques based on
lattice vector theory (Vulikh, 1967). A positive FIN
will simply be called FIN. A FIN may admit different
interpretations including a (fuzzy) number, an interval,
and a cumulative distribution function.

Relevance of Novel Mathematical Tools

A fundamental mathematical result in fuzzy set theory
is the resolution identity theorem, which states that
a fuzzy set can, equivalently, be represented either by
its membership function or by its -cuts (Zadeh, 1975).
The aforementioned theorem has been given little
attention in practice to date. However, some authors
have capitalized on it by designing effective as well as
efficient fuzzy inference systems (FIS) involving fuzzy
numbers whose -cuts are conventional closed intervals
(Uehara & Fujise, 1993, Uehara & Hirota, 1998).
This work builds on the abovementioned mathematical result as follows. In the first place, we drop the possibilistic interpretation of a membership function. Then,
we consider the corresponding -cuts representation.

Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice Theory

Next, we consider the metric cone F+N of (positive) FINs.

In conclusion, we propose extensions of established
neural/fuzzy algorithms, including ART (adaptive
resonance theory), SOM (self-organizing map), and FIS
(fuzzy inference systems), in F+N (Kaburlasos, 2007).
A novelty of this work is an improved mathematical
notation, which emphasizes relevance with the aforementioned resolution identity theorem.

FLR-4: Assimilation Condition: Both (1) size Z1(xiuJ)

is less than a user-defined threshold size Zcrit, and
(2) Ki = CJ.
FLR-5: If the Assimilation Condition is not satisfied
then reset the winner pair (uJ,CJ); goto step
Else, replace the winner uJ by the join-interval
xiuJ; goto step FLR-1.

An Extension of Fuzzy-ARTMAP

The corresponding testing phase is carried out by

winner-take-all competition based on the similarity
measure function (.,.).

A fuzzy-ARTMAP extension, namely fuzzy lattice

reasoning (FLR), is presented in this section based
on a similarity measure (function) defined in the following.
Definition 5. A similarity measure in a set S is a function : SS(0,1], which satisfies the following
(S1) (a,b) = 1 a = b.
(S2) (a,b) = (b,a).


( a , b ) ( x, x ) ( a , x ) ( x, b )

A similarity measure is defined based on a metric

function next.
Proposition 6. If function d: SS R 0+ is a metric
then function : SS(0,1] given by (a,b) =
1/[1+d(a,b)] is a similarity measure.

FLR for Training

FLR-0: A set RB = {(u1,C1),,(uL,CL)} is given, where
ul F+N and ClC, l=1,,L is a class label in the
finite set C.
FLR-1: Present the next input pair (xi,Ki) F+N C,
i=1,,n to the initially set RB.
FLR-2: If no more pairs are set in RB then store
input pair (xi,Ki) in the RB; LL+1; goto step
Else, compute the similarity (xi,ul) of input xi F+N
with a set element ul F+N , l=1,,L in RB.
FLR-3: Competition among the set pairs in the RB:
( xi , ul ).
Winner is pair (uJ,CJ) such that J arg lmax
{1,..., L}
In case of multiple winners, choose the one with the
smallest size Z1(.).

An Extension of SOM
A straightforward SOM extension, namely granular
SOM (grSOM), is presented in this section in cone
F+N .

grSOM for Training

GR-0: The user defines the size L of a LL grid of
neurons. Each neuron can store both a N-dimensional FIN Wi,j F+N , i,j{1,,L} and a class
label Ci,jC, where C is a finite set. Initially all
neurons are uncommitted.
GR-1: Memorize the first training data pair (x1,K1)
F+N C by committing, randomly, a neuron in the
LL grid.
Repeat the following steps a user-defined number
Nepochs of epochs.
GR-2: For each training datum (xk,Kk) F+N C, k=1,,n
reset all LL grid neurons. Then carry out the
following computations.
GR-3: Calculate the Minkowski metric distance
d1(xk,Wi,j) between xk and committed neurons Wi,j,
GR-4: Competition among the set (and, committed)
neurons in the LL grid: Winner is neuron (I,J)
whose weight WI,J is the nearest to xk, that is (I,J)
arg m i n d1 ( xk ,Wi, j ).
i, j{1,..., L}
GR-5: Assimilation Condition: Both (1) Vector Wi,j is
in the neighborhood of vector WI,J on the LL
grid, and (2) CI,J = Kk.
GR-6: If the Assimilation Condition is satisfied then
compute a new value W'i,j as

Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice Theory

h( k )
h( k )
W'i,j 1
Wi, j +
1 + d1 (WI,J ,Wi, j )
1 + d1 (WI,J ,Wi, j )

Else, reset the winner (I,J); goto GR-4.

GR-7: If all the LL neurons are reset then commit an
uncommitted neuron from the grid, and memorize
the current training datum (xk,Kk).
If there are no more uncommitted neurons then
increase L by one.
The corresponding testing phase is carried out by
winner-take-all competition based on the Minkowski
metric d1(.,.).

An Extension of FIS
The basic idea towards novel FIS analysis and design
is to employ a similarity measure function (X,Ai) =
1/[1+d(X,Ai)], where X,Ai F+N , as a fuzzy membership function regarding a rule Ri: AiCi, where Ai
F+N , Ci F+ , i=1,,L (Kaburlasos & Kehagias, 2007).
Advantages are presented in the following.

Comparative Advantages
First, an important advantage of the mathematical tools
above is that the proposed ART/SOM/FIS extensions
can handle, in any combination, numeric and/or nonnumeric data, the latter include fuzzy numbers, intervals,
and cumulative distribution functions.
Second, we can employ parametric decreasing
(increasing) functions R: RR (vR: RR) in a data
dimension, where the function parameters can be
estimated/tuned optimally towards improving performance.
Third, the proposed ART/SOM/FIS extensions can
induce descriptive decision-making knowledge (i.e.
rules) from the training data.
Fourth, regarding the FLR, note that a similarity
measure function (.,.) can effectively replace an inclusion measure function (.,.) Recall that the latter (function) had replaced both of fuzzy-ARTMAPs Choice
(Weber) function and Match function (Kaburlasos &
Petridis, 2000, Kaburlasos, Athanasiadis & Mitkas,
2007). The reason behind the aforementioned effective replacement is that an inclusion measure (A,B),
or (B,A), considers mainly one of A,B F+N ; whereas,

a similarity measure (A,B) considers both A,B F+N

based on their corresponding metric distance.
Fifth, regarding the proposed SOM extension, note
that this work carries out computations in the cone F+ of
FINs for faster data processing compared to a previous
version of grSOM (Kaburlasos & Papadakis, 2006).
Sixth, regarding the proposed FIS, novel advantages
include a capacity to generalize beyond a fuzzy rules
support. The latter implies, potentially, an alleviation
of the curse of dimensionality problem regarding
the number of rules.

Data-processing of FINs by multiplayer perceptrons is
straightforward, as described in (Kaburlasos & Christoforidis, 2006), and it will be pursued in future work.

This article has presented novel mathematical tools for
unified analysis and design of neural/fuzzy systems.
We built on fuzzy set theorys resolution identity
theorem. Nevertheless, in the first place, we dropped
the possibilistic interpretation of a membership function. Then, we considered the corresponding -cuts
representation. Our interest focused on fuzzy interval
numbers, or FINs for short, which can represent (fuzzy)
numbers, intervals, and cumulative distribution functions. Based on lattice theory, we showed that the space
of FINs is a metric cone. In conclusion, this works
opens up the possibility to design FIN-to-FIN maps
implementable on neural/fuzzy architectures including
also tunable nonlinearities.

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Supervised Learning of Analog Multidimensional
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Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing
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Ambient Intelligence, Sandoval, F., Prieto, A., Cabestany,
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Auto-Regressive Moving Average (grARMA) Model
for Predicting a Distribution From Other Distributions.
Real-World Applications. Proceedings of the World
Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) 2006,
FUZZ-IEEE Program, pp. 791-796.
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Inference System (FIS) Analysis and Design Based on
Lattice Theory. Part I: Working Principles. International
Journal of General Systems, (35) 1, 45-67.
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Inference System (FIS) Analysis and Design Based
on Lattice Theory. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, (15)
2, 243-260.
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ART: ART stands for Adaptive Resonance Theory.
That is a biologically inspired neural paradigm for,
originally, clustering binary patterns. An analog pattern
version of ART, namely fuzzy-ART, is applicable in the
unit hypercube. The corresponding neural network for
classification is called fuzzy-ARTMAP.
Dual (Lattice): Given a lattice (L,), its dual lattice, symbolically (L,) or (L,) (L,), is a lattice
with the inverse order relation ().
FIS: FIS stands for Fuzzy Inference System. That
is an architecture for reasoning involving fuzzy sets
(typically fuzzy numbers) based of fuzzy logic.

Neural/Fuzzy Computing Based on Lattice Theory

Isomorhic (Function): Given two lattices (L1,1)

and (L2,2), an isomorphic function is a bijective (oneto-one) function : (L1,1)(L2,2) such that xy
Lattice: A lattice is a poset (L,) any two of whose
elements have both a greatest lower bound (g.l.b.),
denoted by xy, and a least upper bound (l.u.b.), denoted by xy.
Poset: A partially ordered set (or, poset, for short)
is a pair (P,), where P is a set and is an order relation on P. The latter (relation) by definition satisfies
(1) xx, (2) xy and yx x = y, and (3) xy and yz
Positive Valuation (Function): Given a lattice
(L,), a positive valuation is a function v: (L,)

R, which satisfies both v(x)+v(y) = v(xy)+v(xy) and

x<y v(x)<v(y).
Rule Induction: Process of learning, from cases
or instances, if-then rule relationships that consist of
an antecedent (if-part, defining the preconditions or
coverage of the rule) and a consequent (then-part,
stating a classification, prediction, or other expression of a property that holds for cases defined in the
SOM: SOM stands for Self-Organizing Map. That
is a biologically inspired neural paradigm for clustering
analog patterns. SOM is often used for visualization of
nonlinear relations of multi-dimensional data.
Subattice: A sublattice (S,) of a lattice (L,)
is another lattice such that both SL and x,yS



A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity

Tien Ho-Phuoc
GIPSA-lab, France
Anne Guerin-Dugue
GIPSA-lab, France



The Self-Organizing Map (Kohonen, 1997) is an effective and a very popular tool for data clustering and
visualization. With this method, the input samples are
projected into a low dimension space while preserving
their topology. The samples are described by a set of
features. The input space is generally a high dimensional space Rd. 2D or 3D maps are very often used for
visualization in a low dimension space (2 or 3).
For many applications, usually in psychology, biology, genetic, image and signal processing, such vector
description is not available; only pair-wise dissimilarity data is provided. For instance, applications in Text
Mining or ADN exploration are very important in this
field and the observations are usually described through
their proximities expressed by the Levenshtein, or
String Edit distances (Levenshtein, 1966). The first
approach consists of the transformation of a dissimilarity matrix into a true Euclidean distance matrix. A
straightforward strategy is to use Multidimensional
Scaling techniques (Borg & Groenen, 1997) to provide
a feature space. So, the initial vector SOM algorithm
can be naturally used. If this transformation involves
great distortions, the initial vector model for SOM is
no longer valid, and the analysis of dissimilarity data
requires specific techniques (Jain & Dubes, 1988; Van
Cutsem, 1994) and Dissimilarity Self Organizing Map
(DSOM) is a new one.
Consequently, adaptation of the Self-Organizing
Map (SOM) to dissimilarity data is of a growing interest. During this last decade, different propositions
emerged to extend the vector SOM model to pair-wise
dissimilarity data. The main motivation is to cope with
large proximity databases for data mining. In this article,
we present a new adaptation of the SOM algorithm
which is compared with two existing ones.

Basically, there are two main approaches to the SOM

extension dealing with dissimilarity data. The first
one uses a probabilistic framework, as for example
in Graepel & Obermayer (1999) where a topographic
mapping of proximity is derived by simulated annealing. The second approach uses directly the initial SOM
framework to adapt the two usual steps (affectation,
representation) to dissimilarity data, as for example
in Kohonen & Somervuo (1998, 2002), in El Golli,
Conan-Guez & Rossi (2004), and in Ambroise &
Govaert, (1996).
Our work is inspired by this last approach and we
have compared our proposal to the algorithms proposed
by Kohonen (Kohonen & Somervuo, 1998) (Kohonen
& Somervuo, 2002) and by El Golli et al. (El Golli,
Conan-Guez & Rossi, 2004). Three metrics for quality
estimate (quantization and neighborhood) are used for
comparison. Numerical experiments on artificial and
real data show the quality of the algorithm. The strong
point of the proposed algorithm comes from a more
accurate prototype estimate which is one of the most
difficult parts of Dissimilarity SOM algorithms.
The major difficulty of the DSOM is the constraint
on the output data representation. For (vector) SOM
algorithm, there is a latent data model for each output
prototype (a spherical distribution whose the prototype
is the barycentre). For DSOM, there is no data model
for each output prototype. One referent observation is
explicitly associated to each output prototype instead
of its tuning by the barycentre processing. This referent
is usually chosen among the input observations at the
end of an optimization process. Consequently, several
prototypes can unfortunately share the same referent
and these collisions provide great distortions in the
output map. To avoid this difficulty, we propose here

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

an implicit referent for each prototype which is adapted

during training iterations. So there is no collision during
learning phase and consequently, the projection quality
is greatly enhanced.


This article presents a new DSOM algorithm for dissimilarity data. We will first present DSOM algorithms
which have been directly derived from the initial SOM
framework. In the next parts, we will present in detail
our proposed algorithm and some experiments to show
its effectiveness in comparison with the other DSOM

f (i ) = Arg Min (dir ( c ) ) = Arg Min d (oi , or ( c ) ) (2)


Description of DSOM Algorithms

Basically the starting point of the DSOM algorithm is
the batch algorithm of the initial vector SOM. Let
us recall this batch algorithm. At each iteration, the
entire dataset is presented. We consider a dataset X of N
observations, X = {oi, i = 1..N}. The SOM is configured
with C nodes (neurons) a priori interconnected on the
output map where (c,l) is the distance between the
nodes c and l. At iteration t, each node is represented
by a prototype Wct in the input space. After an initialization step, an affectation step and a representation
step are sequentially processed at each iteration. The
role of the former is to assign to each observation oi,
the best matching unit Wct * , according to the Euclidean
distance. The affectation function is:
c* = Arg Min (d 2 (oi , Wc ) )

observations belonging to the initial dataset X. Then,

this step becomes very time-consuming: all the input
observations are candidate and must be evaluated. Some
strategies to reduce the computation time have been
proposed (Conan-Guez, Rossi & El Golli, 2006).
Let us notice D = [dij] i, j = 1..N, the dissimilarity
data. These dissimilarities describe a non metric space.
However, for all the DSOM algorithms, we consider
symmetric dissimilarities.
For the DSOM proposed by Kohonen, each prototype will be represented by one referent observation,
c = or(c). During the initialisation step, C observations
in the input dataset are randomly assigned to the prototypes. For the affectation step, the affectation function
simply uses the input dissimilarity data. Each observation is assigned to the nearest prototype:


Thus, a partition of the whole dataset is realized.

In the latter, the prototype c is adjusted to represent
each partition Xc as well as possible. This prototype is
computed as the weighted average of the input samples.
The weights are evaluated through the neighborhood
function hT(.) which is a non-increasing function of the
distance on the map and controlled by a radius parameter
T(t) decreasing with time. At the end, the prototype c
is the gravity centre of the partition Xc.
This representation step cannot be directly transposed to dissimilarity data. An alternative implementation is to approximate these C prototypes by referent

For the representation step, a new observation or(c)

is assigned to the prototype c minimizing the following cost function:
r (c) = Arg Min (E (c, j ))


where E(c, j) is the weighted local distortion if oj is the

referent of the prototype c:
E (c, j ) =

h (D (c, f (i) )).d (o , o )


oi X


The global cost function which is then minimized

is the global distortion over all the prototypes:

Eg = E (c, r (c))
c =1


For the representation step, different variants are

possible. The neighborhood function in Eq. (4) can be
simply integrated on the neighborhood of the prototype
(the search is realized over the union of the partitions
inside an output neighborhood) and not on the weighted
dissimilarities. It is the set Mean search. Also, the
exponent 2 in Eq. (4) can be omitted: it is the set
Median search.
Different prototypes can share the same referent
(collision) when the search of the referent observa1245

A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

tions is limited to the input observations. So there is

ambiguity for the affection step in the next iteration.
This is the major difficulty of this approach. In some
applications, for instance for symbol string organization, it is possible to search the Median or Mean
outside the initial set: the referents in DSOM are not
necessarily represented by elements belonging to the
input space. But this optimization is an NP-hard problem. See Martnez, Juan & Casacuberta (2001) for a
comparison of different strategies.
In El Golli, Conan-Guez & Rossi (2004), El Golli et
al. propose a slightly different approach. The theoretical
interest of this approach is the possibility to represent a
prototype by more than one referent observation (q 1).
This allows to take into account a more complex latent
data structure (multimodal distribution for instance) for
each partition. Unfortunately in practice, it is difficult to
choose the number (q) of referents by prototype and the
optimization step becomes even more time-consuming.
Let us describe here the algorithm for q = 1.
For the affectation step, a distance between an observation and a prototype is defined in Eq. (6). When the
neighborhood is decreasing, this distance converges
towards the initial dissimilarity. The representation step
is the same as previously. With convergence, these two
algorithms are similar.

DT (oi , Wc ) = hT (D (c, l )).d 2 (oi , or (l ) )

l =1


Ambroise & Govaert (1996) proposes a different

approach inspired from SEM (Stochastic Expectation
Maximization) algorithm. The representation step is
a set Median search. The assignation step uses a
stochastic process to affect each observation to the
prototypes by a multinomial distribution (the proportions depend on the neighbourhood function and the
affectation to the prototypes).

Description of the Proposed DSOM

As explained previously, the difficulty is the representation step due to the lack of data model. The set of referent candidates is finite and distortions occur if several
prototypes share the same referent. To overcome this


situation, we propose an implicit representation step.

Let us remark, during training and until convergence, a
referent observation is only used to define the distance
between a prototype and an input observation. So, we
will define a proximity measure DT(oi,c) without explicit referent to the prototype c. The representation
phase will simply adapt this proximity considering the
new partition of the observations and the update of the
neighborhood function. This simple implementation
has a counterpart: it is necessary to define a data model
based on latent Euclidean assumptions.
Let us consider a set X of vector samples, X = {xi,
i = 1..N, xi Rd}. Let g be the gravity centre of X and
I(X), its inertia:
I(X ) =


xi X

( g , xi )

All the samples have the same uniform weight (

). The inertia with respect to any observation e is
then defined and decomposed thanks to the Huygens

I ( X , e) =


xi X

(e, xi ) = d 2 ( g , e) + I ( X )


Moreover, I(X) can be computed by considering all

the distances d(xi, xj):
I(X ) =


xi X x j X , j >i

d 2 ( xi , x j )


Thus, with Euclidean hypothesis, there is no need to

know the gravity centre g, for computing the distance
of any observation e to this gravity centre: d2(g,e) =
I(X,e) I(X).
We apply this principle to dissimilarity data. The
input data is noticed oi instead of xi for vector data. The
same formula is generalized to non uniform weighted
observations. Let us consider one partition Xc associated to the prototype c after the affectation step. The
proximity between an observation oi and the prototype
c is then defined by using the weights mj/c for each
observation oj given the prototype c. The inertia I(Xc)
is evaluated over all the weighted dissimilarities:

A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

DT (oi , Wc ) = I ( X c , oi ) I ( X c ) =
mj/c =

o j X

hT (D (c, f ( j ) ))

hT (D (c, f (l ) ))


d 2 (oi , o j ) I ( X c )

, mj/c = 1
j =1

l =1

I(Xc) =

oi X o j X , j >i

mi / c .m j / c d 2 (oi , o j )


Therefore, the algorithm is the following:

Initialization step: Having an initial partition, Xc,

c = 1..C, with for instance, an affectation from an
initial random referent observation set.
Representation step: For all prototypes c and
observations oi, compute the weights mi/c in Eq.
(9) and the inertia I(Xc) in Eq. (10), update the
neighborhood function for the next iteration.
Affectation step: Affect each observation to a
prototype f(i) according to the minimum distance
in Eq. (9):
f (i ) = Arg Min (DT (oi , Wc ))

The representation step and affectation step are

sequentially computed up to convergence. The training
parameters for the decreasing neighborhood function
follow the usual recommendations for SOM algorithms:
fast, then slow decrease (
With convergence, if necessary for visualization of
the final map, a referent observation can be associated
to each prototype according to a set Mean search
(or set Median) or a Mean search (or Median), for
In the following, we will compare three DSOM
respectively called DSOM(K), DSOM(EG) and DSOM
for our proposal. To compare the set Mean and set
Median approaches for the three algorithms, d2(oi,
oj) will be substituted by d(oi, oj): set Median corresponds to = 1 and set Mean to = 2. Different
power values will be also tested. Other transformations
may be applied to a dissimilarity matrix to transform
it into a distance matrix, such as adding a constant, or
combining the both (Joly & le Calv, 1994). The adding constant method provides great distortions in the

initial dissimilarity data. Our experiments confirm it.

The power method gives better results.
Concerning the computation time, these DSOM
algorithms are equivalent, but the reasons differ. For
DSOM(K) and DSOM(EG), the representation step
is the most time- consuming one due to optimization
for each referent. With our proposal, this optimization is implicit, but this step remains time-consuming
because of the computation of the weights mi/c and
inertia I(Xc).

Methodology Description of the

To evaluate the 3 DSOM algorithms, two metrics will
be used. The first one is the classical quantization error
(Eg). The second one concerns topology preservation.
Among existing criteria, we have chosen two measures
in Eq. (11) which are compatible with dissimilarity
data: the trustworthiness (M1) and the continuity
(M2) (Venna & Kaski, 2001). The trustworthiness
relates to the error provided by new observations in
an output neighborhood while they are not in the input neighborhood; conversely for the continuity. M1
and M2 are evaluated in function of the number (k) of
the nearest neighbors and normalized between 0 and
1. For visualization according to Venna & Kaski, the
trustworthiness is more important than the continuity.
The more M1(k) and M2(k) are large, the better the
projection quality is. We compute also the integrated
Mi(k) until a neighborhood with 10% of the whole
samples: these values ( M i ) measure the quality of the
local topology preservation.
M 1 (k ) = 1


(r (oi , o j ) k )
Nk (2 N 3k 1) i =1 o j U k ( oi )

M 2 (k ) = 1

(r(oi , o j ) k )
Nk (2 N 3k 1) i =1 o j Vk ( oi )

With Ck (oi ), C k (oi ) sets of k first neighbors of oi
in the input space, output space;


U k (oi ) = o j | o j C k (oi ) o j Ck (oi )


Vk (oi ) = o j | o j C k (oi ) o j Ck (oi )


A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

r(oi, oj), r (oi , o j ) ranks of oj in the neighbourhood of

oi in the input space, output space.
Three databases are used. The first one is an artificial dataset: 100 uniform samples in R2, dissimilarity
data is the exact Euclidean distance, the configuration
parameter is set to 2. The second one is the Chicken
Silhouette ( This data consists of 446
samples (binary images of chicken parts) categorized in
5 classes. The distance matrix is calculated according to
AngleCostFunction (Barbara Spillmann, 2004) based
on the local orientation of the sample contours. The
third dataset is larger. It is extracted from the SCOWL
word lists ( After some
reduction of plural and possessive forms from a small
English dictionary, the dataset consists of 2000 words.
The Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein, 1966) is then
used to calculate the pair-wise dissimilarities.

On the artificial dataset, the performances of the three
algorithms are very similar (Table 1). With a vector
SOM, the results are identical. The map is a hexagonal
one with a grid of 5x5 neurons.
As expected, the behaviour of the three algorithms
differs with the real datasets. With the Chicken databases, the map is a hexagonal one with a grid of 7x7
neurons. DSOM presents the best topology preservation according to M1(k) and M2(k) (Fig. 1.a), and the
best compromise between quantization and topology
preservation (Table 2). While varying , we observe an
evolution of these criteria. We notice that each algorithm
exhibits a different value for the optimal power :
= 1 for DSOM(K), = 1.5 for DSOM(EG), = 3 for
DSOM. However, = 1 can be considered as the best
compromise for the three algorithms and will be used

Table 1. Comparison of the quantization quality (Eg) and topology preservation ( M 1 , M 2 )

Artificial, = 2








Table 2. Comparison of the quantization quality (Eg) and topology preservation ( M 1 , M 2 )

Chicken, = 1








A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

Figure 1. (a) Chicken database: Evolution of M1(k) and M2(k) with =1, (b) SCOWL database: Evolution of M 1
and M 2 for different values of the power



Figure 2. Chicken database: prototypes of the neurons for DSOM. Each color corresponds to one of five classes
of chicken parts: wing, back, drumstick, thigh and back, and breast.


A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

Figure 3. SCOWL database: Part of the final map. At the end, the referents are assigned with a set Median
search. For the particularity of referent 117, see the text.

to present the results. Figure 2 show the prototypes of

all the nodes for DSOM. The neighbor nodes have the
similar prototypes. The map is organized to respect the
data clustered into the 5 classes as well as possible.
For the third dataset, the hexagonal map is used
with the grid of 12x12 neurons. The conclusions are
the same. We present in Fig. 1.b, the evolution of the
integrated Mi(k)( M 1 ). The values are higher for DSOM
and also less sensible to different values of . Figure 3
illustrates the central part of the map for = 1, where the
organization of the referents with length of the words
is evident. On this figure, only referent 117 (present)
does not belong to its partition. On the whole map, it is
the case for 5 over 144 referents (3.5%). For DSOM(K)
and DSOM(EG), the results are 23.4% and 99.7% respectively. From these characteristics, we also observe
a higher effectiveness of the proposed algorithm which
is mainly due to the implicit reference.


The proposed algorithm is based on the computation
of a pseudo gravity centre for each prototype. This
computing is justified by assumption of existence of
a latent Euclidean space. That means the dissimilarity
data must be isometric to a L2 norm. In practice, this
requirement is very seldom strictly checked and an approximation is often sufficient. Therefore, to completely
validate this new DSOM, it is necessary to test it with
more other data types and larger databases having a
ground truth. The data organization is interpreted after
projection into the final map, and the neighbourhood in
the output map must reveal the main latent properties
of the observations which must be in agreement with
the ground truth.

A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

This article presents a new affective algorithm for
DSOM. Through the criteria of trustworthiness and
continuity, this DSOM presents good topology preservation. The main reason of this improvement comes
from the representation step where it is possible to
continuously adapt the referent of each prototype like
with the vector model. To achieve it, we use an implicit
reference during the representation step thanks to the
Huygens theorem. Even if the Euclidean assumptions
are not exactly verified in practice, the distortions due
to this mismatching are in fact less important than the
ones occurred with the collision effect which is a difficult problem for the classical DSOM algorithms. This
effectiveness is represented in this article by the better
performance of the proposed algorithm compared to
the other ones.

This work is supported by grants of the Fonds National
pour la Science, from the program ACI Masse de Donnes and the project DataHighDim. T.Ho-Phuocs
PhD is funded by the French MESR.

Ambroise C. and Govaert G. (1996). Analyzing dissimilarity matrices via Kohonen maps. IFCS-96, Int.
Federation of Classification Societies, (2), Kobe (Japan), 96-99.
Barbara Spillmann. (2004). Description of the distance
matrices. Institute of Computer Science and Applied
Mathematics, University of Bern.
Borg I., Groenen P. (1997). Modern Multidimensional
Scaling: Theory and Applications. Springer Verlag,
New-York, Inc.
Conan-Guez B., Rossi F., El Golli A. (2006). Fast algorithm and implementation of dissimilarity self-organizing maps. Neural Networks, 19(6-7), 855-863.
El Golli A., Conan-Guez B., Rossi F. (2004). A self
organizing map for dissimilarity data. IFCS-04, International Federation of Classification Societies,
Chicago, 61-68.

Jain A.K., Dubes R.C. (1988). Algorithms for clustering

Data, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Joly S., Le Calv G., (1994). Similarity functions,
Chapter 3, 67-86, in Classification and Dissimilarity
Analysis, Lecture Notes in Statistics, Van Cutsem ed.,
Springer-Verlag, New York.
Graepel T., Obermayer K. (1999). A stochastic self-organizing map for proximity data. Neural Computation,
11(1), 139155.
Kohonen T. (1997). Self-Organizing Maps. Springer
Verlag New York.
Kohonen T., Somervuo P.J. (1998). Self-organizing
maps for symbol strings. Neurocomputing, (21), 1930.
Kohonen T., Somervuo P.J. (2002). How to make large
self-organizing maps for non vectorial data. Neural
networks, 21(8).
Levenshtein V.I. (1966). Binary codes capable of
correcting deletions, insertions and reversals, Soviet
Physics Dokl., vol. 10 (8), 707-710.
Martnez C. D., Juan A., Casacuberta F. (2001). Improving classification using median string and NN rules. IX
Spanish Symp. on Pattern Recog. and Image Analysis,
(2), 391-395.
Van Cutsem B. (1994). Classification and Dissimilarity
Analysis, Lecture Notes in Statistics, Van Cutsem Ed.,
Springer-Verlag, New York.
Venna J., Kaski S. (2001). Neighborhood preservation
in nonlinear projection methods: An experimental study.
ICANN 2001, Berlin, 485-491.

Affectation Step: A part of the learning iteration
where an observation is affected to the nearest prototype
according to a predefined distance.
Dissimilarity Data: Data in which all we know
about the observations are pair-wise dissimilarities.
Dissimilarity SOM: A SOM where all observations
are described by a dissimilarity matrix.


A New Self-Organizing Map for Dissimilarity Data

Prototype: Referent of a node (neuron) on the


the training samples while preserving the topological

properties of the input space.

Quantization Error: Error which appears when an

observation is represented by a prototype.

SOM Batch Algorithm: A version of SOM in which

at an iteration all observations are available and used
for computation.

Representation Step: A part of the learning iteration where the prototype is adapted to well represent
its affected observations.
Self-Organizing Map (SOM): A subtype of artificial neural networks. It is trained using unsupervised
learning to produce low dimensional representation of


Topology Preservation: Preservation of the

neighbourhood relation of the observations in the
output space. It means that the observations which are
neighbours in the input space should be projected in
neighbour nodes.


NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring

Chutima Boonthum
Hampton University, USA
Irwin B. Levinstein
Old Dominion University, USA
Danielle S. McNamara
The University of Memphis, USA
Joseph P. Magliano
Northern Illinois University, USA
Keith K. Millis
The University of Memphis, USA

Many Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) aim to help
students become better readers. The computational
challenges involved are (1) to assess the students
natural language inputs and (2) to provide appropriate feedback and guide students through the ITS curriculum. To overcome both challenges, the following
non-structural Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques have been explored and the first two are
already in use: word-matching (WM), latent semantic
analysis (LSA, Landauer, Foltz, & Laham, 1998), and
topic models (TM, Steyvers & Griffiths, 2007).
This article describes these NLP techniques, the
iSTART (Strategy Trainer for Active Reading and
Thinking, McNamara, Levinstein, & Boonthum, 2004)
intelligent tutor and the related Reading Strategies Assessment Tool (R-SAT, Magliano et al., 2006), and how
these NLP techniques can be used in assessing students
input in iSTART and R-SAT. This article also discusses
other related NLP techniques which are used in other
applications and may be of use in the assessment tools
or intelligent tutoring systems.

Interpreting text is critical for intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) that are designed to interact meaningfully
with, and adapt to, the users input. Different ITSs use

different Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques in their system. NLP systems may be structural,
i.e., focused on grammar and logic, or non-structural,
i.e., focused on words and statistics. This article deals
with the latter.
Examples of the structural approach include
ExtrAns (Extracting Answers from technical texts
question-answering system; Molla et al., 2003) which
uses minimal logical forms (MLF; that is, the form
of first order predicates) to represent both texts and
questions and C-Rater (Leacock & Chodorow, 2003)
which scores short-answer questions by analyzing the
conceptual information of an answer in respect to the
given question. Turning to the non-structural approach,
AutoTutor (Graesser et al., 2000) uses LSA to analyze
the students input against expected sets of answers
and CIRCSIM-Tutor (Kim et al., 1989) uses a wordmatching technique to evaluate students short answers.
The systems considered more fully below, iSTART
(McNamara et al., 2004) and R-SAT (Magliano et al.,
2006) use both word-matching and LSA in assessing
quality of students self-explanation. Topic models
(TM) were explored in both systems, but have not yet
been integrated.


This article presents three non-structural NLP techniques (WM, LSA, and TM) which are currently used

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

or being explored in reading strategies assessment

and training applications, particularly, iSTART and

Word Matching
Word matching is a simple and intuitive way to estimate
the nature of an explanation. There are two ways to
compare words from the readers input (either answers
or explanations) against benchmarks (collections of
words that represent a unit of text or an ideal answer): (1)
Literal word matching and (2) Soundex matching.
Literal word matching Words are compared
character by character and if there is a match of sufficient length then we call this a literal match. An
alternative is to count words that have the same stem
(e.g., indexer and indexing) as matching. If a word is
short a complete match may be required to reduce the
number of false-positives.
Soundex matching This algorithm compensates
for misspellings by mapping similar characters to the
same soundex symbol (Christian, 1998). Words are
transformed to their soundex code by retaining the first
character, dropping the vowels, and then converting
other characters into soundex symbols: 1 for b, p; 2 for
f, v; 3 for c, k, s; etc. Sometimes only one consecutive
occurrence of the same symbol is retained. There are
many variants of this algorithm designed to reduce the
number of false positives (e.g., Philips, 1990). As in
literal matching, short words may require a full soundex match while for longer words the first n soundex
symbols may suffice.
Word-matching is also used in other applications,
such as, CIRCSIM-Tutor (Kim et al., 1989) on shortanswer questions and Short Essay Grading System
(Ventura et al., 2004) on questions with ideal expert

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer, Foltz, &
Laham, 1998) uses statistical computation to extract
and represent the meaning of words. Meanings are
represented in terms of their similarity to other words
in a large corpus of documents. LSA begins by finding
the frequency of terms used and the number of co-occurrences in each document throughout the corpus and
then uses a powerful mathematical transformation to
find deeper meanings and relations between words.

When measuring the similarity between text-objects,

LSAs accuracy improves with the size of the objects,
so it provides the most benefit in finding similarity
between two documents but as it does not take word
order into account, short documents may not receive the
full benefit. The details for constructing an LSA corpus
matrix are in Landauer & Dumais (1997). Briefly, the
steps are: (1) select a corpus; (2) create a term-document-frequency (TDF) matrix; (3) apply Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD; Press et al., 1986) to the TDF
matrix to decompose it into three matrices (L x S x R;
where S is a scaling, matrix). The leftmost matrix (L)
becomes the LSA matrix of that corpus. The optimal
size is usually in the range of 300400 dimensions.
Hence, the LSA matrix dimensions become N x D where
N is the number of unique words in the entire corpus
and D is the optimal dimension (reduced from the total
number of documents in the entire corpus).
The similarity of terms (or words) is computed by
comparing two rows, each representing a term vector.
This is done by taking the cosine of the two term vectors. To find the similarity of sentences or documents,
(1) for each document, create a document vector using
the sum of the term vectors of all the terms appearing
in the document and (2) calculate a cosine between
two document vectors. Cosine values range from 1
where +1 means highly similar.
To use LSA in the tutoring systems, a set of benchmarks are created and compared with the trainees
input. Examples benchmarks are the current target
sentence, previous sentences, and the ideal answer.
A high cosine value between the current sentence
benchmark and the readers input would indicate that
the reader understood the sentence and was able to
paraphrase what was read. To provide appropriate
feedback, a number of cosines are computed (one for
each benchmark). Various statistical methods, such as
discriminant analysis and regression analysis, are used
to construct the feedback formula. McNamara et al.
(2007) describe various ways that LSA can be used to
evaluate the readers explanations: either LSA alone
or a combination of LSA with WM. The final conclusion is that a fully-automated (i.e., less hand-crafted
benchmarks construction), combined system produces
the better results.
There are a number of other intelligent tutoring
systems that use LSA in their feedback system, for
examples, Summary Street (Steinhart, 2001), Auto-

NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Tutor (Greasser et al., 2000), and Tutoring System

(Lemaire, 1999).

Topic Models
The Topic Models approach (TM; Steyvers & Griffiths,
2007) applies a probabilistic model to find a relationship
between terms and documents in terms of topics. A
document is considered to be generated probabilistically
from a number of topics where each topic consists of a
number of terms, each given a probability of selection
if that topic is used. By using a TM matrix, the probability that a certain topic was used in the creation of
a given document is estimated. If two documents are
similar, the estimates of the topics within these documents should be similar. TM is similar to LSA, except
that a term-document frequency matrix is factored into
two matrices instead of three: one is the probabilities of
terms belonging to the topics (the TM matrix), the other
the probabilities of topics belonging to the documents.
The Topic Modeling Toolbox (Steyvers & Griffiths,
2007) can be used to construct a TM matrix,
To measure the similarity between documents,
the Kullback Leibler distance (KL-distance: Steyvers
& Griffiths, 2007) is recommended, rather than the
cosine measure (which can also be used). Using TM
in a tutoring system is similar to using LSA, where a
set of benchmarks is defined and the readers input is
compared against each benchmark. The only different
is the use of KL-distance instead of LSA-cosine value.
The preliminary results of investigating TM in place
of LSA (Boonthum, Levinstein, & McNamara, 2006)
indicate that TM is as good as LSA alone (correlation between computerized-scores and human rating
scores), but a little bit lower than a combined system
using both WM and LSA. This suggests that the TM
should be further investigated in combination with
WM or LSA or both.
TM is mostly used in document clustering (grouping
documents based on relevancy or similar topics; Buntine
et al., 2005), data mining (Tuulos & Tirri, 2004), and
search engines (Perki et al., 2004). A variation on TM
by Steyvers & Griffiths (2007), is Probabilistic Latent
Semantic Analysis (PLSA; Hofmann, 2001) which
models each document as generated from a number of
hidden topics and each topic has its features defined
as the conditional probabilities of word occurrences
in that topic.

iSTART and RSAT Applications

iSTART (Interactive Strategy Trainer for Active Reading and Thinking) is a web-based, automated tutor
designed to help students become better readers using
multi-media technology. It provides adolescent to
college-aged students with a program of self-explanation and reading strategy training (McNamara et al.,
2004) called Self-Explanation Reading Training, or
SERT (see McNamara et al., 2004). iSTART consists
of three modules: Introduction (description of SERT
and reading strategies), Demonstration (illustration of
how these reading strategies can be used), and Practice
(hands-on practice of these reading strategies). In the
Practice module, students practice using reading strategies by typing self-explanations of sentences. The
system evaluates each explanation and then provides
appropriate feedback to the student. If the explanation is irrelevant or too short compared to the given
sentence and passage, the student is required to add
more information. Otherwise, the feedback is based
on the level of its overall quality.
The computational challenge is to provide appropriate feedback to the students about their explanations.
Doing so requires capturing some sense of both the
meaning and quality of their explanation. A combination of word-matching and LSA provided better
results (comparing the computerized-score using NLP
techniques to the human rating score and having higher
correlation between these two sets of scores) than
either separately (McNamara, Boonthum, Levinstein,
& Millis, 2007).
R-SAT (Reading Strategy Assessment Tool; Maglino
et al., 2007) is an automated web-based reading assessment tool designed to measure readers comprehension
and spontaneous use of reading strategies. The R-SAT
is similar to the iSTART Practice module in the sense
that it presents passages to the reader one sentence at
a time and asks for the readers input. The difference
is that, instead of an explanation, R-SAT asks either
an indirect (What are your thoughts regarding your
understanding of the sentence in the context of the
passage?) or a direct question (e.g., Why did the
miller want to marry the girl?) at pre-selected target
sentences. The answers to the indirect questions are
evaluated on how they are related to the given sentence
and passage; the answers to the direct questions are
assessed by comparing them to ideal answers.


NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

The problem is to analyze the answers and generate a set of scores for overall comprehension and
strategy usage. Ultimately, these scores can be used
as a pre-assessment for iSTART allowing the trainer
to individualize the iSTART curriculum based on the
readers needs. R-SAT was initially proposed to use
word-matching, LSA, and other techniques beyond
LSA. However, during the course of development,
word-matching was found to produce better results
than LSA or in combination with LSA.

These three NLP techniques (WM, LSA, and TM) are
used in the ongoing research on assessing and improving comprehension skills via reading strategies in the
R-SAT and iSTART projects. WM and LSA have been
extensively investigated for iSTART and to some extent in R-SAT. The lack of success of LSA compared
to the simpler WM in R-SAT is somewhat surprising
and may be due to particular features of the algorithms
used or to the variety of text genres used in R-SAT.
Future work is planned with modified algorithms and
substituting genre-specific LSA spaces for the general
space now used. In addition TM needs further exploration, especially in its use with small units of text where
the recommended Kullback Leibler distance has not
proven particularly effective.

The purpose of this article is to describe three NLP
techniques and how they can be used in assessment tools
and intelligent tutoring systems. For iSTART to teach
reading strategies effectively, it must be able to deliver
valid feedback on the quality of the explanations that a
reader produces and therefore the system must understand, at least to some extent, the explanation. Of course,
automating natural language understanding has been
extremely challenging, especially for non-restrictive
content domains like explaining a freely-entered text t.
Algorithms such as LSA open up a number of possibilities to systems such as iSTART: in essence LSA provides
a simple algorithm that allowed tutoring systems to
provide appropriate feedback to students (see Landauer
et al., 2007). The results presented in Boonthum et


al. (2006) show that the topic model similarly offers a

wealth of possibilities in natural language processing.
For R-SAT to measure a readers comprehension and
reading skills accurately, like iSTART it must also be
able to understand, to some extent, what a reader says,
especially when he/she is asked to describe their current
thoughts. Although LSA is a good candidate, simple
word matching against various benchmarks seems adequate to provide satisfactory results especially when
aggregated over several explanations (see Magliano et
al., 2006). It is also demonstrates that a combination
of techniques produces better results than using one
technique on its own.

Boonthum, C., Levinstein, I.B., & McNamara, D.S.
(2006). Evaluating Self-Explanations in iSTART: Word
Matching, Latent Semantic Analysis, and Topic Models.
In A. Kao & S. Poteet (Eds.), Text Mining and Natural
Language Processing, Springer. 91-106.
Buntine, W., Lfstrm, J., Perttu, S., & Valtonen, K.
(2005). Topic-Specific Scoring of Documents for
Relevant Retrieval. In Workshop on Learning in Web
Search (LWS-2005), pp 34-41.
Christian. P. (1998). Soundex can it be improved?
Computers in Genealogy, 6 (5).
Graesser, A., Wiemer-Hastings, P., Wiemer-Hastings,
K., Harter, D., Person, N., & TRG. (2000). Using Latent Semantic Analysis to evaluate the contributions of
students in AutoTutor. Interactive Learning Environments, 8 , 149-169.
Hofmann, T. (2001). Unsupervised learning by probabilistic latent semantic analysis. Machine Learning,
pp 177-196.
Kim, N., Evens, M.W., Michael, J.A., & Rovick,
A.A. (1989). CIRCSIM-Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System for Circulatory Physiology. In Maurer,
H. (ed.), Computer-Assisted Learning: 2nd International Conference (ICCAL-89), pp. 254-266. Berlin:
Landauer, T.K., Foltz, P.W., & Laham, D. (1998).
Intorduction to Latent Semantic Analysis. Discourse
Processes, 25, 259-284.

NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Landauer, T., McNamara, D.S., Dennis, S., & Kintsch,

W. (2007). A Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis
Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Landauer, T.K. & Dumais, S.T. (1997) A solution to
Platos problem: the Latent Semantic Analysis theory of
acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge.
Psychological Review, 104(2), 211-240.
Leacock, C., & Chodorow, M. (2003). C-rater: Automated scoring of short-answer questions. Computers
and the Humanities, 37(4), 389-405.
Lemaire, B. (1999). Tutoring Systems Based on Latent
Semantic Analysis. In Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED-99), S. Lajoie and M. Vivet (eds.), IOS
Press, Amsterdam, pp. 527-534.
Magliano, J.P., Millis, K.K., Gilliam, S., Levinstein,
I.B., & Boonthum, C. (2006). Assessing Reading Comprehension with Verbal Protocols and Latent Semantic
Analysis. In the Proceeding of the 47th Annual Meeting
of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, TX.
McNamara, D.S., Boonthum, C., Levinstein, I.B.,
& Millis, K.K. (2007). Using LSA and word-based
measures to assess self-explanations in iSTART. In T.
Landauer et al. (Eds.), A Handbook of Latent Semantic
Analysis (pp. 227-241). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
McNamara, D.S., Levinstein, I.B., & Boonthum, C.
(2004). iSTART: Interactive Strategy Trainer for Active Reading and Thinking. Submitted to Behavioral
Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 36,
Molla, D., Schwitter, R., Rinaldi, F., Dowdall, J., & Hess,
M. (2003). ExtrAns: Extracting Answers from Technical
Texts. IEEE Intelligent System, 18(4): 12-17.
Perki, J., Buntine., W., & Perttu, S. (2004). Exploring
Independent Trends in a Topic-Based Search Engine.
In Proceedings of the Web Intelligence Conference
(WI-2004), pp. 664-668.
Philips, L. (1990). Hanging on the Metaphone. Computer Language, 7(12).
Press, W.M., Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A., & Vetterling, W.T. (1986). Numerical recipes: The art of
scientific computing. New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press.

Steinhart, D. (2001). Summary Street: An intelligent

tutoring system for improving student writing through
the use of latent semantic analysis. Ph.D. dissertation,
Dept. Psychology, Univ. Colorado, Boulder.
Steyvers, M., & Griffiths, T. (2007). Probabilistic Topic
Models. In T. Landauer, D.S. McNamara, S. Dennis,
& W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic
Analysis (pp. 427-448). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Tuulos, V.H. & Tirri, H. (2004). Combining Topic
Models and Social networks for Chat Data Mining.
In Proceedings of on Web Intelligence Conference
(WI-2004), pp. 206-213.
Ventura, M.J., Franchescetti, D.R., Pennumatsa, P.,
Graesser, A.C., Jackson, G.T., Hu, X., Cai, Z., & TRG.
(2004). Combining Computational Models of Short
Essay Grading for Conceptual Physics Problems. In
J.C. Lester et al. (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems
(pp. 423-431). Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS): Also called
Intelligence Computer-Aided Instruction (ICAI), a
personal training assistant that captures the subject
matter and teaching expertise and individualize the curriculum to meet each learners needs in order to master
the subject matter. Its main goal is to provide benefits
of the one-on-one instruction: lessons are conducted
at the learners own pace; practices are interactive so
the learner can improve their weaker skills; and realtime question answering clarify learners doubts or
misunderstanding; and an individualized curriculum
based on the learners needs.
Kullback Leibler Distance (KL-distance): A
natural distance function from a true probability
distribution to a target probability distribution. It can
be interpreted as the expected extra message-length per
datum due to using a code based on the wrong (target)
distribution compared to using a code based on the
true distribution.
Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA): A natural language processing technique that analyses relationships
between a set of documents and terms within these
documents. LSA was created in 1990 for informa-


NLP Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

tion retrieval and is sometimes called latent semantic

indexing (LSI).
LSA Cosine: A measurement of a relation between
two vector-units. A unit can be as small as a word or as
large as an entire document. It can be computed using
the dot-product of two vectors where each vector is a
representation of a unit (word, sentence, paragraph, or
whole document).
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA):
A statistical techniques for the analysis of two-mode
and co-occurrence data, which has applications in
information retrieval and filtering, natural language
processing, machine learning from text, and related
areas. PLSA evolved from LSA but focuses more on
the relationship of topics within documents.
Protocols: Any verbal input that students or readers
produce during a session. This can be a set of explanations or answers to direct questions.


Self-Explanation and Reading Strategy Trainer

(SERT): Pedagogy uses five strategies to help students
become a better reader. The reading strategies include
(1) comprehension monitoring, being aware of ones
own understanding of the text; (2) paraphrasing, or
restating the text in different words; (3) elaboration,
using prior knowledge or experiences to understand
the text (domain-specific knowledge-based inferences)
or using common-sense or logic to understand the text
(general knowledge based inferences); (4) predictions,
predicting what the text will say next; and (5) bridging,
understanding the relation between separate sentences
of the text.
Word Matching (WM): A simple way to compare
words. Literal match is done by comparing character by
character, while Soundex match transforms each word
into a Soundex code, similar to phonetic spelling.


Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric

Identification Systems
Carlos M. Travieso Gonzlez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Aythami Morales Moreno
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

The verification of identity is becoming a crucial factor
in our hugely interconnected society. Questions such as
Is she really who she claims to be?, Is this person
authorized to use this facility? are routinely being posed
in a variety of scenarios ranging from issuing a drivers
license to gaining entry into a country. The necessity
for reliable user authentication techniques has increased
in the wake of heightened concerns about security and
rapid advancements in networking, communication, and
mobility. Biometric systems, described as the science
in order to recognize an individual based on his or her
physical or behavioural traits, is beginning to get acceptance as a legitimate method in order to determine
an individuals identity. Nowadays, biometric systems
have been deployed in various commercial, civilian,
and forensic applications as a means of establishing
In particular, this work presents a non-cooperative
identification system based on facial biometric.

How do biological measurements qualify as being biometric? Any human physiological and/or behavioural
characteristic can be used as a biometric characteristic
as long as it satisfies the following requirements (Jain,
Ross & Prabhakar, 2004): universality, distinctiveness,
permanence, collectability.
The choice of biometric identifiers has a major
impact on the performance of the system. This choice
depends greatly on the intended application of the
system. Currently, some of the most widely used biometrics identifiers include fingerprints (Jain, Ross &

Prabhakar, 2004, pp. 43-64), hand geometry (SanchezReillo, Sanchez-Avila, Gonzalez-Marcos, 2000), iris
(Jain, Ross & Prabhakar, 2004, pp. 103-121), face (Jain,
Ross & Prabhakar, 2004, pp. 65-86), etc...
Most biometric systems require co-operation on
the part of the users in order to acquire their biometric
data. Face identification, however, does not require this
condition for its use, although it can be used. This is
therefore its principal advantage over other biometric
systems. Human face identification is an extensively
studied field since the computational cost has not been
turned out to be a drawback, due to the increasing importance of this kind of biometric identification in the
access security to places such as airports, metros, train
and bus stations. The process of facial identification
incorporates two significant methods: detection (an
individual from among a set) and identification (whether
an individual is whom s/he claims to be).
Face detection (Young-Bum Sun, Jin-Tae Kim &
Won-Hyung Lee, 2002) involves locating the human
face within an image captured by a video camera and
taking that face and isolating it from the other objects
captured within the image.
Identification is comparing the captured face
with other faces that have been saved and stored in
a database. The basic underlying identification technology of facial feature identification involves either
eigenfeatures (facial metrics) or eigenfaces. Within this
type of study a great variety of references can be found
(Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Karhunen-Loeve
(KL) Transform, Independent Component Analysis
(ICA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), etc). The
greatest advantage of a facial identification system is
its non-cooperative nature as it is a system which can
work independently of user co-operation.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems


This article presents the two principal processes associated with face identification: face detection and face
identification. However, there also exist other aspects of
facial identification system to be taken into account. In
the face detection module the face capturing is shown,
just when the camera takes a picture or frame. The image acquisition can be carried out using RGB images,
Infrared (IR) images among other formats; recently
thermal images are also being used. The choice of
the image format depends on its applications, lighting
conditions, location (indoor or outdoor system), and
the degree of security.
In the face identification module, a database can be
found with the user information that must be located;
therefore a supervised classification must be carried
out. The parametrization submodule extracts the user
features, and the classification system generates a
model in order to difference our user/users versus the
remainder of persons (see figure 1).

nostrils, eyebrow, mouth, lips, ears, etc., with the assumption that there is only one face in an image (Zhiwei,
& Oiang, 2006). Face recognition or face identification
compares an input image against a database and reports
a match, if found (Darrell, Gordon, Harville & Woodfill,
2000). The purpose of face authentication is to verify
the claim of the individuals identity in an input image
(Crowley & Berard, 1997), while face tracking methods
continuously estimate the location and possibly the
orientation of a face in an image sequence in real time
(Darrell, Gordon, Harville, & Woodfill, 2000, Zhiwei,
& Qiang, 2006) (see figure 2).
Several face detection systems have been introduced
(Ming-Hsuan Yang, David Kriegman & Narendra
Ahuja, 2002) (Yang, Ahuja, &Kriegman, 2000 ). There
are many existing techniques to detect faces based on a
single image. The techniques for face detection with a
single image were classified into three categories.

Face Detection
The challenges associated with face detection can be
attributed to the following factors: Pose, presence or
absence of structural components, facial expression,
occlusion, image orientation, imaging conditions.
There are many closely related problems with respect
to face detection. Face localization aims to determine
the image position of a single face; this is a simplified
detection problem with the assumption that an input
image contains only one face (Lam & Yan, 1994). The
goal of facial feature detection is the detection of the
presence and location of features, such as eyes, nose,

Knowledge Based System: This approach depends on using rules about human facial features
to detect faces. Human facial features such as two
eyes that are symmetric to each other, a nose and
mouth, and other distance features represent this
feature set. After detecting features, a verification
process is carried out to reduce false detection.
This approach is good for frontal images, as is
shown in figure 3. The difficulty lies in translating
human knowledge into known rules and to detect
faces in different poses.
Furthermore, the surrounding environment can
also pose a problem. For example, changes in
light sources can add or remove shadows from a
face. Therefore, many variables should be considered when designing a face detection system.

Figure 1. Block diagram for a non-cooperative facial identification


Test sample

Trained Model







Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems

Figure 2. Face detection examples in a motion picture captures

For these reasons, in a non-cooperative system

this technique suffers invariability.
Image Based System: In this approach, a predefined standard face pattern is used to match
with the segments in the image to determine
whether they are faces or not. It uses training
algorithms to classify regions into face or nonface classes. Image-based techniques depend on
multi-resolution window scanning to detect faces,
so these techniques have high detection rates but
are slower than the feature-based techniques.
Eigenfaces (Yang, Ahuja, & Kriegman, 2000)
and neural networks (Rowley, Baluja & Kanade,
1998) are examples of image-based techniques.
This approach has the advantage of being simple
to implement, but it cannot effectively deal with
variation in scale, pose and shape (Rein-Lien Hsu
& Jain, 2002).
Features Based System: This approach depends
on extraction of facial features, which are not affected by variations of lighting conditions, pose,
and/or other factors. These methods are classified

Figure 3. A typical face image used in knowledge

based methods

according to the extracted features. Feature-based

techniques depend on feature derivation and
analysis to gain the required knowledge about
faces. Features may be skin colour, face shape, or
facial features such as eyes, nose, etc.... Feature
based methods are preferred for real time systems
where the multi-resolution window scanning used
by image based methods are not applicable. Human skin colour is an effective feature used to
detect faces, because although different people
have different skin colours, several studies have
shown that the basic difference is based on their
intensity rather than their chrominance. Human
faces have a special texture that can be used to
separate them from different objects (Bojkovic,
& Samcovic, 2006). The facial features method
depends on detecting features of the face.

Face Identification in Transform Domain

The detected faces always have variable conditions
(lighting, expression, rotation, translation, etc), and
therefore, images used to train can have some changes
with respect to images from face detection. The use of
Features or Knowledge Based Systems is a disadvantage
due to the wide data variability from variable conditions. Therefore, transform domain systems are a good
goal because they group the information and contribute
more discrimination to the facial identification.
Transform domain analysis is a commonly used
image processing and a parameterization technique.
In recent years some work has been done to extract
transform domain features for image identification. Li
et al. extract Fourier range and angle features to identify
the palm-print image (Li, Zhang & Xu, 2002). Lai et al.
use holistic Fourier invariant features to recognize the
facial image (Lai, Yuen & Feng, 2001). Another spectral

Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems

feature generated from singular value decomposition

(SVD) is used by some researchers (Chellappa, Wilson
& Sirohey, 1995). However, Tian et al. indicate that this
feature does not contain adequate information for face
recognition (Tian, Tan, Wang & Fang, 2003). Hafed
and Levine (2001) extract discrete cosine transform
(DCT) feature for face recognition. They point out
that DCT obtains the near-optimal performance of
KarhunenLoeve (KL) transform in facial information
compression. And the performance of DCT is superior to
those of discrete Fourier transform (FT) and other conventional transforms. By manually selecting the DCT
frequency bands, their recognition method achieves
a similar recognition effect to the Eigenface method
(M. H. Yang, 2002) which is based on KL transform.
Nevertheless, their method cannot provide a rational
band selection rule or strategy. Nor can it outperform
the classic Eigenface method.
In addition, some extended discrimination methods are proposed. Zhang et al. (2002) present a dual
Eigenspace method for face recognition. In his work,
W. Malina (2001), proposed several new discrimination principles based on the Fisher criterion. Yang uses
principal component analysis kernel (PCA) for facial
feature extraction and recognition (Bartlett, Movellan
& Sejnowski,, 2002), while Bartlett et al. (2002) apply the independent component analysis (ICA) in face
recognition. However, Yang shows that both ICA and
PCA kernels need much more computing time than
PCA. In addition, when the Euclidean distance is used,
there is no significant difference in the classification
performance of PCA and ICA (Bartlett, Movellan &
Sejnowski, 2002). Jing et al. (2003) put forward a classifier combination method for face recognition. This
paper does not analyze and compare these extended

discrimination methods, but limits itself to a comparison

of major linear discrimination methods including the
Eigenface method, the Fisherface method, DLDA and
discriminated waveletface.
The KL transform is an optimal transform for removing statistical correlation. Of the discrete transforms,
DCT approaches the KL transform (Hu, Worrall, Sadka
& Kondoz, 2001). In other words, DCT has strong
ability to remove correlation and compress images.
Furthermore, DCT can be used by fast Fourier transform (FFT), while there is no fast realization algorithm
for KL transform. Therefore, our approach sufficiently
uses these favourable properties of DCT.
The following table shows different systems based
on different methods of face recognition with their corresponding recognition rates. The databases used are
ORL [ORL Database], Yale [Yale Database], AR-Face
[AR Database] and FERET [FERET Database].

Recently, numerous methods that combine several facial
features have been proposed to locate or detect faces.
Most of them use global features such as skin colour,
size, and shape to find face candidates, and then verify
these candidates using different local parameterization
methods. The challenge is to achieve invariability of
the captured images from the conditions (light, shapes
...) and positional changes (rotations, scales ). The
creation and development of new methods based on
transform domain system will provide robust characteristics for achieving this invariability.
With respect to facial identification, 3D techniques
can be used for the purpose in this system, but the

Figure 4. Face samples with different conditions (lighting and rotation)


Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems

computational cost is a major disadvantage for real

time applications. Facial rebuilding with 3D techniques
can obtain more information and any features can be
extracted. Moreover, this system retains the non-cooperation quality. In the future, the use of the multimodal systems with other biometric characteristics will
generate a stronger and robust system.

Face recognition is a challenging and interesting
problem. However, it can also be regarded as part of
the wider attempt to solve one of the greatest challenges to computer vision, that of object recognition.
In particular, facial identification is becoming a very
important biometric system in the battle to reduce
global terrorism. Much research has already been
carried out in this field, and bearing in mind the threat
to security which the world is currently facing, there
will undoubtedly be many more publications on facial
identification in the future.

Jain, A. K., Ross, A., & Prabhakar, S., (2004), An
introduction to Biometric Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,
Special Issue on Image and Video Based Biometrics,
14(1), pp.4 - 20.
Sanchez-Reillo, R., Sanchez-Avila, C., & GonzalezMarcos, A., (2000), Biometric identification through
hand geometry measurements, in IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analisys and Machine Intelligence, 22(10),
pp. 1168-1171.
Young-Bum S., Jin-Tae K., & Won-Hyung L., (2002)
Extraction of face objects using skin color information,
in IEEE 2002 International Conference on Communications, 1, pp. 600 - 604.
Lam, K., & Yan, H., (1994) Fast Algorithm for Locating Head Boundaries, J. Electronic Imaging, 3(4), pp.
Zhiwei, Z., & Qiang J., (2006) Robust Pose Invariant
Facial Feature Detection and Tracking in Real-Time,
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
1, pp. 1092 1095.

Table 1. Results of different systems with the different databases




IGF (Liu & Wechsler, 2003)
Gabor with FLD (Zhu, Vai & Peng Un Mak, 2004)
Discrete Wavelet Transform + SVM (Travieso et al., 2004)
FRCM (Ho-Man Tang, Michael Lyu & Irwin King, 2003)
ENFS (Zhu, Vai & Mak, 2004)
Embedded HMM (Nefian & Hayes, 1999)
Several SVM+NN arbitrator (Kim, Jung & Kim, 2002)
Kernel PCA (Kim, Jung & Kim, 2002)
Nearest Feature Space (Chien & Wu, 2002)
2D DCT with KPCA and NFS (Zhu, Vai & Mak, 2003)
ICA + SVM (Dniz, Castrilln & Hernndez, 2003)
Discriminative Common Vector (Cevikalp et al., 2005)
MRF (Huang, Pavlovic & Metaxas, 2004)
FRCM (Ho-Man Tang, Michael Lyu & Irwin King, 2003)
Discriminative Common Vector (Cevikalp et al., 2005)
Gabor + ICA (Liu & Wechsler, 2003)
ICA + SVM (Jain & Huang, 2004)



Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems

Yang, M.H., Ahuja, N., & Kriegman, D., (2000), Face

recognition using kernel eigenfaces, International
Conference on Image Processing, 1, pp. 37 40.
Crowley, J. L., and Berard, F., (1997) Multi-Modal
Tracking of Faces for Video Communications, Proc.
IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
pp. 640-645.
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Non-Cooperative Facial Biometric Identification Systems

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ORL Database, (last visit: 07-31-05)
Yale Database,
yalefaces.html (last visit: 07-31-07)

Biometric System: This is a system which identifies
persons from physical or behavioral characteristics.
These characteristics are intrinsic to the individuals.
Face Detection: The act of detecting a face from
a frame or an image.
Face Identification: This is a system which creates a model from facial features in order to recognize
Independent Component Analysis (ICA): A
computational method for separating a multivariate
signal into additive subcomponents supposing the
mutual statistical independence of the non-Gaussian
source signals.
Multi-Modal System: Use of different biometric
system in order to identify or verify persons.
Non-Cooperative Identification System: This is
a system for identification which does not require the
collaboration of a user in order to operate. The information for identification is obtained with the permission
of the user.
Supervised Classification: Classification system
that generates a model using training samples, and it
uses that model to establish an evaluation or test with
other samples.
Transform Domain System: This is a change
from visible range to another different range, which
transforms the information, providing other properties
in this domain.

AR-Face Database,

~aleix/aleix_face_DB.html (last visit: 07-31-07)
FERET Database,
feret/feret_master.html (last visit: 07-31-07)



Nonlinear Techniques for Signals

Jess Bernardino Alonso Hernndez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Patricia Henrquez Rodrguez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

The field of nonlinear signal characterization and
nonlinear signal processing has attracted a growing
number of researchers in the past three decades. This
comes from the fact that linear techniques have some
limitations in certain areas of signal processing. Numerous nonlinear techniques have been introduced
to complement the classical linear methods and as an
alternative when the assumption of linearity is inappropriate. Two of these techniques are higher order
statistics (HOS) and nonlinear dynamics theory (chaos).
They have been widely applied to time series characterization and analysis in several fields, especially in
biomedical signals.
Both HOS and chaos techniques have had a similar
evolution. They were first studied around 1900: the
method of moments (related to HOS) was developed
by Pearson and in 1890 Henri Poincar found sensitive
dependence on initial conditions (a symptom of chaos)
in a particular case of the three-body problem. Both
approaches were replaced by linear techniques until
around 1960, when Lorenz rediscovered by coincidence
a chaotic system while he was studying the behaviour
of air masses. Meanwhile, a group of statisticians at
the University of California began to explore the use
of HOS techniques again.
However, these techniques were ignored until 1980
when Mendel (Mendel, 1991) developed system identification techniques based on HOS and Ruelle (Ruelle,
1979), Packard (Packard, 1980), Takens (Takens,
1981) and Casdagli (Casdagli, 1989) set the methods
to model nonlinear time series through chaos theory.
But it is only recently that the application of HOS and
chaos in time series has been feasible thanks to higher
computation capacity of computers and Digital Signal
Processing (DSP) technology.

The present article presents the state of the art of two

nonlinear techniques applied to time series analysis:
higher order statistics and chaos theory. Some measurements based on HOS and chaos techniques will be
described and the way in which these measurements
characterize different behaviours of a signal will be
analized. The application of nonlinear measurements
permits more realistic characterization of signals and
therefore it is an advance in automatic systems development.

In digital signal processing, estimators are used in order
to characterize signals and systems. These estimators
are usually obtained using linear techniques. Their
mathematical simplicity and the existence of a unifying
linear systems theory made their computation easy. Furthermore, linear processing techniques offer satisfactory
performance for a variety of applications.
However, linear models and techniques cannot
solve issues such as nonlinearities due to noise, to the
production system of the signal, system nonlinearities in
digital signal acquisition, transmission and perception,
nonlinearities introduced by the processing method
and nonlinear dynamics behaviour. Therefore, the application of linear processing techniques leads to less
realistic characterization of certain systems and signals.
As a result of the shortcomings of linear techniques,
analysis procedures are being revised and nonlinear
techniques are being applied in computing estimators
and models and in signal characterization to increase
the possibilities of digital signal processing.
HOS is a field of statistical signal processing which
has become very popular in the last 25 years. To date
almost all digital signal processing have been based

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization

on second order statistics (autocorrelation function,

power spectrum). HOS use extra information which
can be used to get better estimates of noisy situation
and nonlinearities.
Chaos theory (nonlinear dynamical theory) is a
long-term unpredictable behaviour in a nonlinear dynamic system caused by sensitive on initial conditions.
Therefore, irregularities in a signal can be produced
not only by random external input but also by chaotic
Both nonlinear techniques have been used in signals
characterization and numerous automatic classification
systems have been developed using HOS and chaos
features in many fields. Texture classification (Coroyer,
Declercq, Duvaut, 1997), seismic event prediction (Van
Zyl, 2001), fault diagnosis in machine condition monitoring through vibration signals (Samanta, Al.Balushi.
& Al-Araimi, 2006), (Wang & Lin, 2003) and economy
(Hommes & Manzan, 2006) are some examples.
Their application in biomedical signals is especially important. Nonlinear features have proven to
be useful in voice, electrocardiogram (ECG) and
electroencephalogram (EEG) signals characterization.
Automatic classification systems between pathological and healthy voices have been implemented using
nonlinear features (Alonso, de Len, Alonso, Ferrer, 2001) (Alonso, Daz-de-Mara, Travieso, Ferrer,
2005). Nonlinear characteristics have been used in
the detection of electrocardiographic changes through
ECG signal (Ubeyli & Guler, 2004), in the evaluation
of neurological diseases using EEG signal (Gulera,
Ubeylib & Guler, 2005), (Kannathal, Lim Choo Min,
Rajendra Acharya & Sadasivan, 2005) and in diagnosis
of phonocardiogram (Shen, Shen, 1997).


Higher Order Statistics
Higher Order Statistics, known as cumulants and their
Fourier transform, known as polyspectra are extensions
of second-order measures (such as the autocorrelation
function and power spectrum). Some advantages of
HOS over second-order statistics are:



HOS give amplitude and phase information in

the spectral domain, whereas second order statistics only give amplitude information (Mendel,
1991) (Nikias & Petropulu, 1993). Therefore,
non-minimum phase signals and certain types of
phase coupling (associated with nonlinearities)
cannot be correctly identified by second-order
HOS are blind to Gaussian processes whereas
correlation is not (Mendel, 1991). Therefore,
cumulants can be used in determining Gaussian
noise levels in a signal, separating non-Gaussian signals from Gaussian noise, in harmonics
components estimation or in increasing signal to
noise ratio (SNR) when signals are contaminated
with Gaussian noise.

The second-order measures work properly if the

signal has a Gaussian probability density function, but
many real-life signals are non-Gaussian. Therefore,
HOS are a powerful tool to work with non-Gaussian
and nonlinear processes.
Next, some higher order statistics measurements are
shown and their usefulness in characterizing certain
nonlinear phenomena is explained.

Third Order Moment: Skewness

Skewness is a third order moment and a measure of the
asymmetry in a probability distribution. This measurement enables us to discriminate among different kind
of data distribution as its value varies according to the
asymmetry of a distribution. The skewness of a Normal
distribution is zero (data symmetric about the mean),
positive skewness corresponds to a distribution with a
right tail longer and negative skewness to a distribution
with a left tail longer.
In most cases normal distribution is assumed, but
data points are not usually perfectly symmetric. Skewness reflects positive or negative deviations from the
mean and gives more realistic characterization of a
data set.

Fourth Order Moment: Kurtosis

Kurtosis is a fourth order moment and a measure of
whether the data in a probability distribution are peaked


Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization

or flat relative to a Normal distribution. Kurtosis is a

measure of the data concentration about the mean,
higher kurtosis means more of the variance is due to
infrequent extreme deviations.

Higher Order Cumulants

Higher order moments are natural generalization of
autocorrelation, while cumulant (Mendel, 1991) are
nonlinear combinations of moments. The second order
cumulant is the autocorrelation function. Higher order
cumulants can be seen as a measure of gaussianility
of a random process because cumulants higher than
second order are zero in a gaussian process.

Bispectrum is the Fourier transform of the third order
cumulant. The bispectrum of a stationary Gaussian
process with zero media are equal to zero. The bispectrum of a signal plus Gaussian noise is the same as that
of the signal, whereas the power spectrum of a signal
plus Gaussian noise is very different from the power
spectrum of the signal alone.
Therefore, through bispectrum Gaussian noise can
be separated from non-Gaussian noise and signal-tonoise ratios can be improved.
On the other hand, quadratic phase coupling can
be detected and no minimum phase systems can be
identified with the bispectrum.

Closely related to the bispectrum is the third-order
coherence measure, the bicoherence. Bicoherence is
the bispectrum normalized.
Bicoherence is bounded between 0 and 1 values
and it is used to detect quadratic phase coupling due
to second order alinearities. A phase coupling between
a linear combination of the frequency components 1
and 2 exists if the bicoherence has a value equal to
one for a pair of frequencies (1, 2).

Chaos Theory
The Chaos theory helps us to understand and interpret
the observations from complex deterministic dynamical
systems and it can be used to predict and control time
series (Kantz & Schreiber, 1997). Until the appear1268

ance of the chaos theory all irregular behaviour was

interpreted as a stochastic behaviour and therefore
unpredictable. Thanks to the chaos theory this is not
necessarily true. For example, stochastic and chaotic
systems have rich broadband power spectra and varying phase spectra. So, in order to distinguish between
stochastic and chaotic systems the chaos theory is a
powerful new tool.
A deterministic dynamical system describes the time
evolution of a system in some phase space m (m
dimensional vectorial space), where a state is specified
by a vector x m . This evolution can be expressed
by ordinary differential equations (Kantz & Schreiber,
x(t ) = f (t , x(t )), t

or in discrete time t = nt by maps:

x n +1 = F ( x n ), n

A sequence of points ( x n or x(t ) ) that solve the equations of the system are called trajectories. The initial
conditions are x 0 or x(0) , respectively. The region of
the phase space in which all trajectories originated in
a range of initial conditions converges after a transition time is called attractor. An example of a chaotic
attractor from the Colpitts oscillator (Kennedy, 1994)
is illustrated in Figure 1.
Most of the time we need to characterize nonlinear
systems for which equations and models are unknown.
However, some measurements of the system are known.

Figure 1. Attractor from Colpitts oscillator

Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization

There exist some techniques to obtain the phase space

and the attractor from the output signal (embedding
techniques). Thus, certain quantities such as Lyapunov
exponents, correlation dimension and KolmogorovSinai entropy are obtained from the attractor. These
quantities provide measurements of the nonlinearity
degree of the system. These measurements are invariant
under smooth transformations and thus independent of
the embedding procedure.

Lyapunov Exponents

Takens embedding theorem (Takens, 1981) states

that an embedding exists if the dimension (m) of the
reconstructed phase space is such that m>2D+1 (D is the
attractor dimension). There exist two main methods to
reconstruct the attractor from a time series: the method
of delays (Kantz & Schreiber, 1997) and principal
component analysis (Broomhead & King, 1986). The
former method is the most popular: a delay reconstruction in m dimensions is formed by the vectors sn given
as (Kantz & Schreiber, 1997),

Lyapunov exponents characterize the rate of separation of two points in phase space initially separated
by a small distance. There exist as many Lyapunov
exponents as m (dimension of the phase space). The
maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) is the largest
one and determines the predictability of a dynamical
system. A positive MLE means divergence of nearby
trajectories, i.e. chaos. For a mathematical description we refer the reader to (Kantz & Schreiber, 1997).
Several algorithms to compute Lyapunov exponents
from a time series have been implemented (Wolf et. al,
1985), (Rosenstein, Collins, De Luca, 1993), (Kantz,
1994), (Sprott, 2003).
MLE is useful to characterize different kinds of
behaviour in a signal or system. A negative MLE is an
indicator of a stable fixed point (a dissipative or nonconservative system), a positive MLE is an indicator of
irregular (chaotic) behaviour, a zero MLE is an indicator
of a conservative system (such as a harmonic oscillator)
and an infinite MLE is an indicator of noise.

sn = [ s (n), s (n T ),..., s (n (m 1)T )]

Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy

where s(n) is the scalar signal measured, m is the embedding dimension of the reconstructed phase space
and T is the time delay.
Takens theorem is strictly an existence theorem
and does not suggest how to find the embedding dimension (m) and the time delay (T). The first zero of
autocorrelation function or when it decays 1e has been
suggested as a first order estimator of T. The first
minimum of mutual information function (Fraser &
Swinney, 1986) is another estimator of T that takes
into account nonlinear correlations.
The false neighbours method (Kennel, Brown &
Abarbanel, 1992) and the false strands method are
proposed methods to estimate the embedding dimension (m). The latter is an improvement of the false
neighbours method.

Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy quantifies the loss of

information as a system evolves and it is another measurement related to the unpredictability of a system. In
a regular and predictable system, HKS = 0, i.e. nearby
points are closely grouped in some other small region
of phase space and there is no change in information.
In a random process HKS = due to the fact that all
phase space regions become possible after a short time.
In chaotic systems 0 < HKS < indicates that nearby
points in the phase space diverge exponentially. Therefore, according to KS entropy values different types
of systems can be characterized: regular, chaotic and
noise systems.

Embedding Techniques

Chaotic Measurements
In the following paragraphs some chaotic measurements
will be described.

Correlation Dimension
Correlation dimension (Grassberger & Procaccia,
1983) quantifies the complexity of the reconstructed
attractor. It is a geometric measurement of sensitive
dependence on initial conditions because in chaotic motion the attractor usually shows a very complicated and
fractal geometry. In a chaotic deterministic system the


Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization

correlation dimension yields to a finite value, whereas

in a random process it does not converge to a value.
A maximum likelihood estimator to obtain optimal
values of correlation dimension is the Takens-Theiler
estimator (Theiler, 1988).
Correlation dimension allows us to identify a random
process from a chaotic motion. A non-integer (fractal)
value of the correlation dimension is usually a symptom of chaos, whereas a integer value is a symptom
of a regular behaviour. Furthermore, the correlation
dimension is an estimation of the number of degrees
of freedom of a system.

In automatic recognition systems it is necessary to
characterize data sequences and objects (voice, sounds,
faces, hands, etc.) in order to achieve a well described
features space. Having differential features will later
lead to a successful classification process.
However, the task of finding differential features
is not always easy. Nonlinear techniques are novel resources to characterize time series and overcome certain
previous problems of linear techniques. Proof of this
is the development of several automatic classification
systems using nonlinear features such as (Alonso, de
Len, Alonso, Ferrer, 2001) (Alonso, Daz-de-Mara,
Travieso, Ferrer, 2005), (Ubeyli & Guler, 2004),
(Gulera, Ubeylib & Guler, 2005).

In this article we have shown the state of the art in
two recent nonlinear techniques: Higher order statistics and the chaos theory. The main point is the fact
that many signals in real life cannot be adequately
modelled by linear approximation alone. Recently, the
development of packages to compute chaotic (TISEAN
package, Hegger, Kantz & Schreiber, 1999) and HOS
(HOSA toolbox for Matlab) measures from data sets
has made the application of these techniques to data
sets feasible.
Thanks to these techniques it is now possible to
extract new characteristics previously ignored by linear
analysis. Therefore the use of nonlinear techniques


leads to more realistic characterization of signals and

These new approaches to signal analysis and
characterization provide new tools for the better characterization of signals and as a previous step in order
to create new, more accurate and powerful automatic
systems in patter recognition systems such as voice
and facial recognition.

Alonso, J.B., de Len, J., Alonso, I. & Ferrer, M. A.
(2001). Automatic detection of pathologies in the voice
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Alonso, J.B., Daz-de-Mara, F., Travieso, C. M., Ferrer, M. A. (2005). Using Nonlinear Features for Voice
Disorder Detection. 3rd International Conference on
Nonlinear speech processing, 94-106.
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A practical method for calculating largest Lyapunov
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Attractor: A region in the phase space to which all

trajectories converge after a transition time. It is the
long term behaviour of a dynamical system.
Bicoherence: It is a normalised version of the
bispectrum. The bicoherence takes values bounded


Nonlinear Techniques for Signals Characterization

between 0 and 1, which make it a convenient measure

for quantifying the phase coupling in a signal.
Chaos: Long-term unpredictable behaviour caused
by sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
Cumulants: The kth order cumulant is a function
of the moments of orders up to and including k.
HOS: Higher order statistics is a field of statistical
signal processing that uses more information than autocorrelation functions and spectrum. It uses moments,
cumulants and polyspectra. They can be used to get
better estimates of parameters in noisy situations, or
to detect nonlinearities in the signals.
Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy: Measurement of
information loss per unit of time in phase space.


Lyapunov Exponents: Quantity that characterizes

the rate of separation of infinitesimally close trajectories
in a dynamical system. The maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) determines the predictability of a dynamical
system. A positive MLE means a chaotic system.
Polyespectra: The Fourier transform of cumulants.
The second order polyspectra is the power spectrum.
Most HOS work on polyspectra focusses attention on
the bispectrum and the trispectrum.
Reconstructed Phase Space: Phase space obtained
from a time series through embedding techniques
such as principal component analysis or the method
of delays.


Ontologies and Processing Patterns for

Mnica Migulez Rico
University of A Corua, Spain
Jos Antonio Seoane Fernndez
University of A Corua, Spain
Julin Dorado de la Calle
University of A Corua, Spain

The researchers currently have a new tool for dealing
with the solution of biomedical problems: the Microarrays. These devices support the study and the acquisition
of information related to many genes at the same time
by means of a unique experiment, providing multiple
potential applications such as mutation detection of
microorganism identification.
Some of the problems that exist when working
with this type of technologies are the high number of
data and the complex technical nomenclature to be
dealt with. These facts imply the need of using several
standards and ontologies when performing this type
of experiments.

The microarrays have been a key element in the biotechnological revolution of the last years; however new
problems regarding both, data handling and statistics
analysis, have arisen due to the vast volume of information and to the structure of the data used.
The main concern lies in the vast amount of data
to be stored, processed and analysed. Besides, as the
microarrays are a new technique, most of the methods,
protocols and standards are still being defined.
The fact of dealing with such amount of unstructured
information leads to believe that is quite difficult for
the descriptors of the stored concepts or their units to
be the same at the different data bases where it is accessed. In order to support the vocabulary unification
task, the ontologies (Chandrasekaran, 1999) enable

a hierarchical definition of concepts for framing the

schemas of the accessed data bases. There are fully
established ontologies also quite used as the UMLS
medical vocabulary (UMLS, 2006), that has information about symptoms and illnesses, or the GO (Gene
Ontology) genomic ontology (Gene Ontology, 2006),
regarding information about the function and the expression location of the different human genes.
Once the use of ontologies has been established, they
are also quite useful for searching hidden relationships
among data. Consultations with SQL-type (Structured
Query Language) (Beaulieu, 2005) query languages
may be performed in an ontology and translated to query
languages owning to each underlying data base. In this
way, by the use of the ontology, it could be known that
the presence of fever is a symptom and which are the
illnesses that present fever as a symptom.
Currently, there are special data formats in medicine
science as the DICOM standard (Oosterwijk, 2001)
for storage and transfer of the increasing amount of
medical images that support new imaging modalities.
Nevertheless, the typical biomedical images, as the
microarrays or the DNA gels, are not currently considered at DICOM, although their future integration is
foreseeable in incoming revisions, as the clinical test
based on these techniques might be increasingly used in
routine medical practice. At the moment, however, the
management of this type of images is quite sensitive.


This paper presents a description of the most important
standards and ontologies for working with microarrays

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ontologies and Processing Patterns for Microarrays

experiments; it also tackles the integration options of

some of these ontologies and standards into an information system for managing microarrays.
The first standardisation initiatives appeared in 1998.
They were more or less isolated initiatives where three
standardisation areas could be distinguished: hardware,
fixed material and procedures for analysis and storage
of studies information. Several organisations as the
MGED Normalization Working Group (MGED Data,
2006) were created for the standardisation of the information. The MGED (Microarray Gene Expression
Data) Society is an international organisation devoted to
the standardisation and to the exchange of information
related to microarrays experiments. Other organisations
to be mentioned are the OMG (Object Management
Group) (OMG, 2006) or the UCL/HGNC (Human
Gene Nomenclature) (HGNC, 2006).
As far as terminologies, vocabularies, nomenclatures
and ontologies is concerned, it should be highlighted
the MGED Ontology (MGED OWG, 2006), which
describes the experiments and the gene expression data,
or the GO (Gen Ontology Consortium) (Gene Ontology, 2006), which provides controlled vocabularies for
describing the molecular function, the biological process
and the cellular components of the gene products. Also
the UCL/HGNC (Human Gene Nomenclature) (HGNC,
2006), the TaO (TAMBIS Ontology) (TaO, 2006), the
Figure 1. MGED ontology


RiboWeb (RiboWeb, 2001) or the EcoCyc (EcoCyc,

2005) should be mentioned.
Regarding the data exchange standards in the microarrays field, the MicroArray and Gene Expression
Markup Language (MAGE-ML) (MAGE-ML, 2006) is
language designed for describing and communicating
information among microarrays experiments.
Other data exchange standards are the Bioinformatics
Sequence Markup Language (BSML) (BSML, 2006),
the Gene Expression Markup Language (GeneXML)
(NCGR, 2006) or the Genome Annotation Markup
Elements (GAME) (Bioxml, 2006).
The MGED Group is the standardisation organisation that presents the wider scope regarding the
microarrays field and presented in November 2000
the standard MIAME (Minimun Information About
a Microarray Experiment) (MIAME, 2006). This
acronym describe the minimal information regarding
microarrays that, either should be stored into a data
base (from now, DD.BB) used as a public repository,
or that should be stored for enabling the non ambiguous interpretation of the experiments results and for
repeating such experiments.
After defining the information that is going to be
stored (MIAME), there should be a model of objects
(UML) for describing, not only how the data of these
experiments should be expressed, but also the mecha-

Ontologies and Processing Patterns for Microarrays

nisms for their exchange, bearing always in mind the

MIAME guides. This is precisely what the MAGE-OM
(MicroArray and Gene Experiment Object Model)
(MAGE-OM, 2006) standard defines.
This model of objects has been developed for being
independently used from the implementation chosen
and, in this way, it can be used as a map for data structures in platforms such as Java, Perl or C++. The model
has been currently translated to a set of relational tables
divided in packages, according to the natural separation
of the gene expression data into cases and objects.
In this point, and by the use of standards already
described, the microarrays experiments data to be
stored and their model of objects are both defined. A
language for the data exchange is therefore needed,
as the MAGE-ML (MicroArray Gene Expression
Markup Language (MAGE-ML, 2006).
It is a XML (XML, 2006) formal language directly
derived from the MAGE-OM object model. This language has been designed for describing and communicating the information of such type of elements and
it can be used for describing microarrays-related items
such the designs, information about the fabrication or
the structure of experiments.
A tool named as MAGE-stk (MAGE Software
Toolkit) has been developed in order to simplify the
use of the MAGE-OM standard. This tool is based on
an Open Source package collection that implements
the MAGE model of objects (MAGE-OM) in several
programming languages. It makes the reading of the
MAGE-ML easier; this tool also simplifies the MAGEML writing from MAGE-OM and it provides methods
for the fully maintenance, as well as actualisation, of
Once the standards needed for working with microarrays technology have been defined, the following step
is the description and the use of several ontologies that
might enable, as it was mentioned before, the unification of the different vocabularies used.
The MGED Ontology (MO) is one of the most
important ontologies when working with microarrays and, particularly, when using certain previously
mentioned standards. The main goal of this ontology
is to provide standard terms for the notation of experiments with microarrays; such terms not only will
serve for structuring questions related to the elements
of the experiments, but also they might be used for
unambiguously describing how the experiments have
been done.

As the ontology-encoded terms will be eventually

placed in MAGE-ML documents, the efforts of both,
MAGE and the working group, should be coordinated
at the points where they superimpose, for the ontology
classes and the MAGE classes to have the same names
and relationships.
The ontology has been conceived for continuously
growing and therefore fulfilling the requirements of
descriptive terms related to emerging applications of
microarrays. Besides, the use of ontologies for software
programming should be fixed, in order to avoid constant
revisions of the programming for searching changes in
vocabularies and relationships. The fulfilment of such
objectives is achieved by establishing the central MGED
ontology, a nucleus at the MGED ontology that will
remain constant. The extended MGED ontology is a
second ontology layer that contains all the additional
terms that might be considered (see Figure 1).
The central MGED ontology has been developed for
working with the MAGE 1.0 schema, and it is restricted
to MAGE-OM v1.1. The extended MGED ontology
increases the ontology nucleus with terms that are out
of reach of MAGE v1.1.
The Gen Ontology (GO) is other ontology that
should be considered when working with microarrays.
The Gen Ontology Project implies a collaborative effort in order to fulfil the needs of consistent descriptors
for genetic products in different DD.BB. The project
started in 1998 as collaboration among three DD.BB.
related to models of organisms: FlyBase, Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) and the Mouse Genome
Database (MGD). Since then, the GO consortium has
grown and includes many more DD.BB., as some of
the world biggest repositories for plants, animals and
microbial genomes.
The GO project has developed three controlled
and structured ontologies/vocabularies: biological
processes, molecular functions and cellular components. In this way, a given gene can be located in one
or more cellular components, the biological processes
where it is active can be checked and the molecular
functions represented by that gene at those processes
can be visualised. For instance, the cytochrome c
gene can be described by the molecular function term
oxidoreducta activity, by the biological process terms
oxidate phosphorylation and death cell induction
and by the cellular component terms mitochondrial
matrix and mitochondrial membrane.


Ontologies and Processing Patterns for Microarrays

This type of system needs an architecture of data integration for easily store the vast amount of information
generated by the experiments with microarrays; In
order to achieve this, the architecture should provide
the users with assistants and contextual support for
handling the information. On the other hand, a Web
architecture, by means of an Internet connection, will
enable the access and the management of the information from any place at any time.
For the ontology information to be always actualised
and available for the users, the architecture should
provide an integrated access to several ontology servers. In order to achieve this, it should be advisable to
use Web Services in cases as the access to the Gen
Ontology (GO) or to the Biological Imaging Methods
(FBbi); alternatively, Internet access should be used
in MGED Ontology access. Besides, for the users to
introduce data and consult the stored information more
easily, the system should have an interface that might
show a list of ontology terms and values; in this way,
this list would enable ontology consultations that might
include all the meanings of a given concept.
As the proposed system has to support the information exchange among the different researchers, this type
of architecture should use the existing standards related
to data storage (MIAME) and to information exchange
(MAGE-OM y MAGE-ML). In the first case, the system
should have to implement a DD.BB. whose fields fulfil
the MIAME standard; in the second case, the system
will use the MAGE-OM object model for enabling the
generation of the MAGE-ML information exchange file
by the users whenever they might require it.
Lastly, it should be also advisable that the users could
continue using the existing applications, to which they
are used to, and that have been developed by experts
on the subject usually using the R language. Due to
that reason, the system should have such applications
available for the users. In order to achieve this, it is
proposed an approach based in the use of Web services
by the architecture.
This architecture is being currently developed by
the RNASA/IMEDIR lab group from the University
of A Corua.


Nowadays there are several tools that enable the analysis
of microarrays imaging; however, as they are software
specifically designed for each array type, they do not
allow wide options and they, not only require to be
installed in the user machine, but also its installation
is restricted to a few operative systems.
Regarding data processing, there are several projects that include packages for performing microarrays
imaging processings as normalisation or clustering;
however, some of these packages need to download
the different processing tools that they contain in order
to use them.
Lastly, there are several types of public DD.BB.
for storing the information of this type of experiments
by the use of Web formularies. As there are also some
stand-alone tools that store the data into a DD.BB.
created in the machine of the user, this machine should
have a DD.BB. manager installed.
Nevertheless, no systems have been found to perform
the different steps without needing to install software
or to quit the system.
The new systems of this area should allow the data
storage into a MIAME standard DD.BB. with the option of performing the image analysis of the different
microarrays experiments and keeping the analysis results into de system DD.BB. The systems should also
provide several processing types using R language in
order to perform data analysis and subsequent experiment conclusions. The data model of the system should
use MAGE-OM standard and then offer the resulting
experiment MAGE-ML file to the user.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (Ref TIN2006-13274) and
the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF),
grant (Ref. PIO61524) funded by the Carlos III Health
Institute, grant (Ref. PGIDIT 05 SIN 10501PR) from the
General Directorate of Research of the Xunta de Galicia
and grants(File 2006/60, 2007/127 and 2007/144) from
the General Directorate of Scientific and Technologic
Promotion of the Galician University System of the
Xunta de Galicia.

Ontologies and Processing Patterns for Microarrays

Beaulieu, A. (2005). Learning SQL. OReilly.
Bioxml. (2006). Consulted in July 2006 from, http://
BSML. Bioinformatics Sequence Markup Language.
(2006). Consulted in June 2006, from http://www.
Chandrasekaran, B., Josephson, J. R. & Richard, V.
(1999). What Are Ontologies, and Why Do We Need
Them?. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 14 (1), 20 26.
EcoCyc. (2005). Consulted in February 2006, from
Gene Ontology. Consulted in September 2006, from
HGNC. HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee.
(2006). Consulted in March 2006, from http://www.
MAGE-ML. (2006). Consulted in May 2006, from
MAGE-OM. (2006). Consulted in May 2006, from
MGED Data Transformation an Normalization Working
Group. (2006). Consulted in June 2006, from
MGED OWG. The MGED Ontology is an experimental Ontology. Consulted in August 2006, from
MIAME (2006). Consulted in July 2006, from http://

RiboWeb. (2001). Consulted in February 2006, from
TaO: TAMBIS Ontology. (2006). Consulted in February
2006, from
Unified Medical Language System. in February 2006,
Extensible Markup Language. (2006). in August 2006,

MAGE-ML: Microarray Gene Expression Markup
Language. Formal language designed for describing
and communicating the experiment-based microarrays
MAGE-OM: MicroArray and Gene Experiment
Object Model. Standard that defines the model of objects
for the gene expression-based experiments.
MAGE-stk: MAGE Software Toolkit. Open
Source Package collection that implements the MAGE
(MAGE-OM) model of objects in several programming
MIAME: Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment. Standard that indicates the minimal
information needed for microarrays experiments.
MicroArrays: A technology using a high-density
array of nucleic acids, protein, or tissue for simultaneously examining complex biological interactions which
are identified by specific location on a slide array. A
scanning microscope detects the bound, labelled sample
and measures the visualized probe to ascertain the
activity of the genes of interest in genotyping, cellular
studies, and expression analysis.

OMG. Object Management Group. (2006). Consulted

in March 2006, from

Ontology: In computer science this term refers to

the attempt of formulate an exhaustive and rigorous
conceptual schema into a given domain, with the aim
of making communication and information sharing
among systems easier.

Oosterwijk, H. (2001). DICOM Bsico. 2 Edicin.


R: Language and programming environment for

graphic and statistical analysis.

NCGR. (2006). Consulted in June 2006, from http://



Ontologies for Education and Learning Design

Manuel Lama
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Eduardo Snchez
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

In the last years, the growing of the Internet have
opened the door to new ways of learning and education methodologies. Furthermore, the appearance of
different tools and applications has increased the need
for interoperable as well as reusable learning contents,
teaching resources and educational tools (Wiley, 2000).
Driven by this new environment, several metadata specifications describing learning resources, such as IEEE
LOM (LTCS, 2002) or Dublin Core (DCMI, 2004),
and learning design processes (Rawlings et al., 2002)
have appeared. In this context, the term learning design
is used to describe the method that enables learners to
achieve learning objectives after a set of activities are
carried out using the resources of an environment. From
the proposed specifications, the IMS (IMS, 2003) has
emerged as the de facto standard that facilitates the
representation of any learning design that can be based
on a wide range of pedagogical techniques.
The metadata specifications are useful solutions to
describe educational resources in order to favour the
interoperability and reuse between learning software
platforms. However, the majority of the metadata standards are just focused on determining the vocabulary to
represent the different aspects of the learning process,
while the meaning of the metadata elements is usually
described in natural language. Although this description
is easy to understand for the learning participants, it
is not appropriate for software programs designed to
process the metadata. To solve this issue, ontologies
(Gmez-Prez, Fernndez-Lpez, and Corcho, 2004)
could be used to describe formally and explicitly the
structure and meaning of the metadata elements; that is,
an ontology would semantically describe the metadata
concepts. Furthermore, both metadata and ontologies
emphasize that its description must be shared (or standardized) for a given community.

In this paper, we present a short review of the main

ontologies developed in last years in the Education
field, focusing on the use that authors have given to
the ontologies. As we will show, ontologies solve issues related with the inconsistencies of using natural
language descriptions and with the consensous for
managing the semantics of a given specification.

In the educational domain a number of ontologies
have been developed for authors. Thus ontologies
have been developed to describe the learning contents
of technical documents and formalize the semantics
of learning objects; model the elements required for
the design, analysis, and evaluation of the interaction
between learners in computer supported cooperative
learning; and describe the learning design associated
to a unit of learning in which the learning flow is explicitly declared.

Ontologies in Learning Contents and

The main purpose of these ontologies is to describe the
contents or features of documents in order to favor its
indexing and retrieval from applications. Thus Kabel,
Wielinga, and Hoog (1999) develop three ontologies
that annotate technical documents from a given domain:
these documents are converted in a large collection of
information elements described by a number of attributes to which values are assigned from the ontologies.
These attributes are referred to the subject matter in
the application domain, structural and representational
properties (paragraphs, sections, etc.) and the potencial instructional roles of the information elements.
Following this approach the ontologies represent the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ontologies for Education and Learning Design

semantics of the documents, enabling its indexing and

retrieving from databases.
Other interesting ontology in this field is proposed
by Brase, Painter and Nejdl (2004). Using an ontology language as TRIPLE, this ontology describes the
semantics of the LOM specification, adding formal
axioms and rules to the metadata representation of the
standard. With this formal description the semantics
of the LOM specification is not changed, but it helps
to define the constraints on LOM fields, making clear
the meaning and use of these LOM fields, resulting in
easier exchange of LOM metadata between different
applications and contexts.

Ontologies in Collaborative Learning

These ontologies are used to model the interaction
between the learning actors (typically teachers and
students) in collaborative environments. Thus Inaba et
al. (2001) present an ontology a collaborative learning
ontology that facilitates the design, analysis, and evaluation of a collaborative learning sesion. This ontology
describes the concepts of several well-established learning theories, defining the semantics of what learning
goal concept is and connecting this concept with the
theories which are formulated in a taxonomy. In this
work, authors have used the ontology to facilitate users
the design and execution of the instructional process
in a collaborative environment (Barros, Verdejo, Read,
& Mizoguchi, 2002).

runtime. In other words, the behavioural model defines

the semantics of the IMS LD specification during the
execution phase. Figure 1 depicts the main concepts
of the IMS LD specification.
Knight, Gasevic and Richards (2006) present a
general framework whose prupose is to save the gap
between learning designs and the learning objects used
in them. For achieved this, the framework considers
the development of three ontologies that describe the
learning design, the learning objects and the context in
which these objects are used. LOCO is the ontology,
defined in the language OWL (Dean & Schreiber, 2004),
that deals with the description of learning designs. It
represents the semantics specified in IMS LD and,
particularly, in its conceptual model, which means that
LOCO integrates the concepts and relations defined
in the conceptual and information models of the IMS

Figure 1. Main concepts of the IMS Learning Design

specification (Amorim et al., 2006)

Ontologies in Learning Design

These ontologies focus on the semantic description of
the learning design modelling which defines the learning flow of the activities to be carried out by teachers
and students. The ontologies developed in this field
are based on the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD)
specification which has risen as a de facto standard
for defining learning designs. This specification has:
(1) a well-founded conceptual model that declares the
vocabulary and the functional relations between the concepts of the learning design; (2) an information model
that describes in an informal (natural language) way
the semantics of every concept and relation introduced
in the conceptual model; and (3) a behavioural model
that specifies the constraints imposed to the software
system when a given learning deisgn is executed in

Ontologies for Education and Learning Design

Table 1. Examples of axioms that constrain the semantics of the IMS LD concepts

Axiom 1


Axiom 1

The value of the attribute time limit of a Method must be greater than the value of the time
limit of any Play. That is, the Play(s) cannot finish after the Method.


m, p, cm, cp m Method p Play cm Complete-Method cp Complete-Play playref(p, m) complete-unit-of-learning-ref(cm, m) complete-play-ref(cp, p) time-limit(cm) timelimit(cp)
Page 90: The same role can be associated with different activities or environments in different roleparts, and the same activity or environment can be associated with different roles in different roleparts. However, the same role may only be referenced once in the same act.


For the same Act, the Roles involved in the execution of the Act are disjoint.

Formal Description

a, r, rp a Act r Role rp Role-Part role-part-ref(rp, a)

role-ref(r, rp) rp1
rp1 Role-Part rp1 rp role-part-ref(rp1, a) role-ref(r, rp1)
Page 25 (item 0.2.1): The create-new attribute indicates whether multiple occurrences of this role
may be created during runtime. When the attribute has the value not-allowed then there is always
one and only one instance of the role.


If the value of the attribute create-new is not-allowed, it can have an only instance of the Role
at which it is applied.


r r Role create-new(r) = not-allowed r1 r1 r


Axiom 2

Page 38 (item 0.2.2): The time limit specifies that it is completed when a certain amount of time
has passed, relative to the start of the run of the current unit of learning. The time is always counted
relative to the time when the run of the unit-of-learning has been started. Authors have to take care that
the time limits set on role-parts, acts and plays are logical.

LD standard, but the semantics expressed in natural

language is not included in the ontology.
To deal with this issue, Amorim, Lama, Snchez,
Riera and Vila (2006) propose an ontology also based
on the IMS LD that incorporates all its semantics,
adding a number of axioms to the conceptual model:
they are extracted from the information model where
are expressed as natural language restrictions to the
values of the concept attributes (table 1). Therefore
this ontology does not modify the IMS LD spefication,
but it incorporates all the semantics in order to enable
software programs to manage directly from the representation in the ontology. With this formal specification
this ontology, which is developed in F-Logic (Kiefer,
Lausen, Wu, 1996) and OWL, has been used to validate
the consistency of unit of learnings defined in authoring
tools and as a language for knowledge interchanging
between agents in collaborative environment (Riera
et al., 2005).


Ontologies in Education are usually developed following a metadata standard whose intend is capture the
semantics of a given theory or specification. Most of
metadata standards have been modelled following the
XML-Schema language (Thompson, Beech, Maloney,
& Mendelsohn, 2004) which is not expressive enough
to describe the semantics (or meaning) associated to
the elements defined in the metadata. Thus, the main
limitations of the XML-Schema language are (Gil &
Ratnakar, 2002) that hierarchical relations between
two or more concepts cannot be explicitly defined, and
general and formal constraints (or axioms) between concepts, attributes, and relations cannot be specified.
To solve these limitations of the XML-Schema language the modelling of metadata standards needs to be
enriched in order to describe explicitly and formally the
semantics of its elements. Thus misinterpretations or
errors are avoided when the instances of the concepts
are created. This is the main purpose of the ontologies

Ontologies for Education and Learning Design

developed in the Education field: to favour the interoperability between software programs by representing all
the semantics of the metadata, not only the concepts
and relations expressed in XML-based formats.

Authors would like to to thank the Xunta de Galicia for
their financial support in carrying out this work under
the project PGIDIT06SIN20601PR.

Amorim, R., Lama, M., Snchez, E., Riera, A., & Vila,
X.A. (2006). A learning design ontology based on the
IMS specification. Journal of Educational Technology
and Society, 9(1), 38-57.
Barros, B., Verdejo, F., Read, T., & Mizoguchi, R.
(2002). Applications of a Collaborative Learning Ontology. In C.A. Coello, A. de Albornoz, L.E. Sucar, &
O.C. Battistutti (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(pp. 301-310), Yucatan, Mexico.
Brase, J., & Nejdl, W. (2004). Ontologies and Metadata
for eLearning. In S. Staab & R. Studer (Ed.), Handbook on Ontologies (pp. 555-574). Berlin: SpringerVerlag.
Dean, M., & Schreiber, G. (editors) (2004). OWL Web
Ontology Language Reference. W3C Recommendation.
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (2004). Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1. Reference Description.
Gil, Y., & Ratnakar, V. (2002). A Comparison of
(Semantic) Markup Languages. In S.M. Haller, & G.
Simmons (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifteenth International FLAIRS Conference (pp. 413-418), Pensacola
Beach, Florida.
Gmez-Prez, A., Fernndez-Lpez, M., & Corcho,
O. (2004). Ontological Engineering. Berlin: Springer
IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee
(2002). Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata

IMS Global Learning Consortium (2003). IMS Learning Design Information Model. Version 1.0 Final
Inaba, A., Tamura, T., Ohkubo, R., Ikeda, M., Mizoguchi, R., & Toyoda, J. (2001). Design and Analysis of
Learners Interaction based on Collaborative Learning
Ontology. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(Euro-CSCL2001) (pp. 308-315).
Kabel, S., Wielinga, B., & de Hoog, R. (1999). Ontologies for indexing Technical Manuals for Instruction.
Proceedings of the AIED-Workshop on Ontologies for
Intelligent Educational Systems (pp. 44-53), LeMans,
Kifer, M., Lausen, G., and Wu, J. (1995). Logical foundations of object oriented and frame based languages.
Journal of ACM, 42, 741-843.
Riera, A., Snchez, E., Lama, M., Amorim, R., Vila, X.,
& Barro, S. (2004). Study of Communication in a MultiAgent System for Collaborative Learning Scenarios.
Proceedings of the Twelfth Euromicro Conference on
Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing
(pp. 233-240), A Corua, Spain.
Rawlings, A., Rosmalen, P., Koper, R., Rodrguez-Artacho, M., & P. Lefrere (2002). Survey of Educational
Modelling Languages (EMLs). CEN/ISSS WS/LT
Learning Techonologies Workshop.
Sintek, M., & Decker, S. (2002). TRIPLE---A Query,
Inference, and Transformation Language for the Semantic Web. In I. Horrocks, & J.A. Hendler. Proceedings of the International Semantic Web Conference,
Sardinia, Italy.
Thompson, H., Beech, D., Maloney, M., & Mendelsohn,
N. (2004). XML-Schema Part 1: Structures Second
Wiley, D. (2000). Learning Object Design and Sequencing Theory. Department of Instructional Psychology
and Technology. Brigham Young University. Doctoral


Ontologies for Education and Learning Design

Collaborative Learning Environment: Software
system oriented to support collaborative learning experience in which two or more agents engage the goal
of constructing knowledge based on group discussion
and decision-making processes.
Interoperability: Capability to communicate,
execute programs, or transfer data among various
functional units in a manner that requires the user to
have little or no knowledge of the unique characteristics
of those units.
Learning Design: Description of a method enabling
learners to attain certain learning objectives by performing certain learning activities in a certain order in the
context of a certain learning environment. A learning
design is based on the pedagogical principles of the
designer and on specific domain and contexts variables
(e.g., designs for math be ematics teaching can differ
from designs for language teaching).
Learning Objects: Any reproducible and addressable digital or non-digital resource used to perform
learning activities or support activities. Examples are:
web pages, text books, text processors, instruments,


Metadata: Information about data, which can be

used to comprehend, use, and manage data.
Ontology: Formal and explicit specification of a
shared conceptualization, where conceptualization
refers to an abstract model of a concept in the world;
formal means that the ontology should be machine
readable; explicit means that the type of concepts and
the constraints on their use are explicitly defined; and
shared reflects the notion that an ontology captures
consensual knowledge accepted by a group.
Ontology Language: Formal language based on
a logic paradimg that can represent concepts and the
constraints between them. Reasoning capabilities of
the language depend on the paradigm in which the
language is based on.


Ontology Alignment Overview

Jos Manuel Vzquez Naya
University of A Corua, Spain
Marcos Martnez Romero
University of A Corua, Spain
Javier Pereira Loureiro
University of A Corua, Spain
Alejandro Pazos Sierra
University of A Corua, Spain

At present, ontologies are considered to be an appropriate solution to the problem of heterogeneity in data,
since ontological methods make it possible to reach
a common understanding of concepts in a particular
domain. However, utilizing a single ontology is neither
always possible nor recommendable, given that different
tasks or different points of view usually require different
conceptualizations. This can lead to the usage of different ontologies, although in some cases the different
ontologies collectively might contain information that
could be overlapping and possibly even contradictory.
This, in turn, represents another type of heterogeneity
that can result in inefficient processing or misinterpretation of data, information, and knowledge.
To address this problem while at the same time
insure an appropriate level of interoperability between
heterogeneous systems, it is necessary to find correspondences or mappings that exist between the elements
of the (different) ontologies being used. This process
is known as ontology alignment.
This article offers an updated overview of ontology
alignment, including a detailed explanation of what
alignment consists of, and how it can be achieved.
First, ontologies are defined using a fusion of different interpretations. This is followed by a definition of
the concept of ontology alignment and, using a simple
example, some of the most commonly used alignment
techniques are illustrated. Subsequently, a case is made
for the importance of automating the process of ontology
alignment, summarizing some of the main alignment
systems currently in use. Finally, in the context of future
directions, a discussion is presented of the advantages

associated with integrating ontology alignment into

systems that require exchanging information in an
automatic fashion.

Towards the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st
centuries, the term ontology (or ontologies) gained
usage in computer science to refer to a research area in
the subfield of artificial intelligence primarily concerned
with the semantics of concepts and with expressive (or
interpretive) processes in computer-based communications. In this context, there are many definitions of
ontology, and these definitions have evolved over the
years. Gruber offered one of the first definitions of
ontology in 1993, as follows (Gruber, 1993):
An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization.
Grubers definition became the most frequently
referenced one in the literature, and became the base
or working definition for those working in this area.
At present, ontologies are viewed as a practical
way to conceptualize information that is expressed in
electronic format, and are being used in many applications including the Semantic Web, e-Commerce, data
warehouses, or information integration and retrieval.
The basic idea behind these applications is to use
ontologies to reach a common level of understanding
or comprehension within a particular domain (e.g.,
a particular industry, medicine, housing, car repair,
finances, etc.).

Copyright 2008, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ontology Alignment Overview

However, certain systems that encompass a large

number of components associated with different
domains would generally require the use of different
ontologies. In such cases, using ontologies would not
reduce heterogeneity but rather would recast the heterogeneity problem into a different (and higher) framework wherein the problem becomes one of ontology
alignment, thereby allowing a more efficient exchange
of information and knowledge derived from different
(heterogeneous) data bases, knowledge bases, and the
knowledge contained in the ontologies themselves.
In this manner, ontology alignment enhances system

Euzenat et al. defined the problem of ontology alignment
in the following manner (Euzenat et al., 2004):
Given two ontologies which describe each a set of
discrete entities (which can be classes, properties, rules,
predicates, etc.), find the relationships (e.g. equivalence
or subsumption) holding between these entities.
The key issue in ontology alignment is finding
which entity in one ontology corresponds (in terms of
meaning) to another entity in one (or many) ontology
(or ontologies). Essentially, one might say that ontol-

ogy alignment can be reduced to defining a similarity

measure between entities in different ontologies and
selecting a set of correspondences between entities
of different ontologies with the highest similarity
There are different methods to calculate the similarity measures between entities, and collectively these
methods are known as ontology alignment techniques.
Many of these techniques are derived from other fields
(for instance, discrete mathematics, automatic learning,
data base design, pattern recognition, among others).
Consequently, some of these techniques attempt to
compare text strings that describe the entities in the
ontologies (terminology-based ontology alignment),
while others calculate the similarity measures between
entities taking into account the structure of their corresponding ontologies (structural ontology alignment).
A complete classification of alignment techniques has
been developed by Martnez (Martnez, 2007).
Using a simple example, the following discussion
illustrates some of the basic ontology alignment techniques that are currently used. In this example, two
simple ontologies are examined, as shown in Figure
The ontologies shown in Figure 1 describe various entities in the real world: sets of elements that
share certain characteristics or classes (e.g., Wing,
Car, Bus, etc.), instances of classes (individuals) and
their relations (e.g. a specific Ferrari F50 belongs to a

Figure 1. An example illustrating the alignment between two ontologies


Ontology Alignment Overview

Table 1. Some examples of ontology alignment techniques

Thing Object
Vehicle Mean of transport
Car Car
Ferrari F50 Ferrari F50
Plane Aeroplane

Winged vehicle Air mean

Technique Used
technique based on
text strings
technique based on
text strings (suffix)

Structural technique

specific person, Mark), as well as three different types

of relationships between individuals (isA, partOf and
Each one of the ontologies presented in this example has its own set of entities organized according
to a specific taxonomy. The two representations arise
due to the fact that they correspond to two different
perspectives or points of view, each associated with
a different domain. However, some pairs of entities
can be identified in these ontologies that share the
same or similar semantics. Thus, its probable that the
Plane class in the first ontology and Aeroplane in the
second ontology refer to the same concept in general
(in the real world), given that the terms that describe
them are synonymous terms. Table 1 shows some of
the pairs of entities of these ontologies among which
semantic similarities could exist, as would be revealed
once alignment techniques are applied. The technique
that is being applied in each case is shown, along with
a description of the technique itself.

Ontology Alignment Systems

Ontology alignment is intended for use in an automated
fashion for two primary reasons: first, its a time-consuming, tedious, and occasionally difficult task, and,
second, its true value is revealed when it is integrated
into processes that exchange information automatically. This has resulted over the past few years in the

A support tool such as a dictionary is used (e.g. WordNet,
2007) to uncover that both terms are synonymous.
Text string that describe the entities completely coincide,
since it can be shown that both entities have the same or
similar semantics.
The first term is a suffix of the second, which would
indicate that a relationship exists between them.
In the first ontology, Winged vehicle is a child class of
Vehicle and parent class of Plane. In the second, Air mean
is child class of Mean of transport and parent class of
Aeroplane. Since Vehicle was shown to be equivalent to
Mean of transport, and Plane refers to the same concept
as Aeroplane, both classes would show ascendants and
descendants of the same or similar semantics, indicating
a semantic relationships between them.

emergence of multiple software tools that have been

developed by diverse research groups and well-established international organizations, primarily associated
with the academic community. The tools, designed to
automatically identify the correspondences that may
exist between entities of different ontologies, are called
ontology alignment systems.
Through the development of these tools, a considerable number of ontology alignment systems have
become available. Each one of these systems offers a
unique set of advantages, disadvantages, and performance characteristics. Table 2 lists the main ontology
alignment systems that are currently available.
An ontology alignment system accepts one (or more)
ontologies as input, and provides, as output, a set of
correspondences between their elements. This set of
correspondences is referred to as alignment. The quality
of a particular alignment depends on the correctness
and completeness of the correspondences it has found.
An alignment system is typically based on several of
the latest alignment techniques in conjunction with
its own methods with the aim of obtaining the most
precise and complete alignment possible.

At present, there are several ontology alignment
systems capable of identifying, with acceptable efficiency, semantic correspondences that may exist

Ontology Alignment Overview

Table 2. Ontology alignment systems




Stanford University (USA)

School of Electronics and
Computer Science &
Advanced Knowledge
Technologies group
(University of Southampton),
Hewlett Packard
Laboratories (UK)
University of Leipzig


University of Trento (Italy)

University of Washington


Southeast University



Developed by
Stanford University (USA)

University of Karlsruhe
University of Aegean
University of Milan (Italy)
Teknowledge Corporation
(Palo Alto, USA)
Instituto Politecnico do
Porto (Portugal)
University of Toronto
(Canada), University of
Rutgers (USA)
University of Illinois (USA)
Electronics and
Research Institute (Korea)
INRIA Rhne-Alpes
(France), University of
Montreal (Canada)
Technion Israel Institute of
Technology (Israel)
Yale University (USA),
University of Oregon (USA)
University of Leipzig
(Germany), Microsoft
Research (USA)
University of Trento, Italy
University of Linkpings

Noy & Musen, 2003
McGuinness, Fikes, Rice & Wilder, 2000

CMS, 2006,
Kalfoglou & Hu, 2005

COMA, 2006,
Aumueller, Do, Massmann & Rahm, 2005,
Massmann, Engmann & Rahm, 2006
Zanobini, 2004
Doan, Madhavan, Domingos & Halevy, 2002,
Doan, Madhavan, Domingos & Halevy, 2004
Jian, Hu, Cheng & Qu, 2005,
Hu, Jian, Qu & Wang, 2005,
Hu, Zhao & Qu, 2006,
Hu, Cheng, Zheng, Zhong & Qu, 2006
Ehrig & Staab, 2004,
Ehrig & Sure, 2005,
Ehrig, Staab & Sure, 2005
Kotis, Vouros & Padilla, 2004,
Kotis, Vouros & Stergiou, 2005,
Vouros & Kotis, 2005
Castano, Ferrara & Montanelli, 2003
Li, 2004
Maedche, Motik, Silva & Volz, 2002
An, Borgida & Mylopoulos, 2005
Chang, He & Zhang, 2004,
Chang. He & Zhang, 2005
Jaehong et al., 2005
Euzenat, Loup, Touzani & Valtchev, 2004,
Euzenat & Valtchev, 2004,
Euzenat, Gurin & Valtchev, 2005
Gal, Modica & Jamil, 2004
Dou, McDermott & Qi, 2002
Melnik, Rahm & Bernstein, 2003
Giunchiglia, Shvaiko & Yatskevich, 2004
Lambrix & Tan, 2006

Ontology Alignment Overview

between entities associated with different ontologies.

However, the true potential of ontology alignment
will be realized when this methodology is integrated
in processes that require that information between
different systems be exchanged fully automatically.
This would be achievable when ontology alignment
systems become sufficiently powerful to resolve, in
real time and with minimal error, alignment problems
in specific domains.
Once these issues are successfully addressed, it
will become possible to attain an appropriate level of
interoperability between heterogeneous systems that
were previously not exploited jointly, thereby representing a high water mark in the field of information
and communications technologies. Multiple systems
of different characteristics and origins would thus be
able to communicate with each other, making it possible to reveal new knowledge that could have previously remained uncovered in disjointed information
systems. This would potentially provide human users
with a wide range of automated intelligent systems
and services capable of interrelating with each other
without external assistance, which in turn would considerably facilitate one of the most challenging tasks:
the automatic, efficient, and reliable exploitation of
large quantities of information.

In some applications, the use of a single ontology to
fully describe an entire domain is generally not an
adequate solution, and it normally becomes necessary
to use different ontologies. In such cases, the need
arises to find relationships between the elements of
the different ontologies, a process known as ontology
Automation of the ontology alignment process can
be reasonably achieved, which is precisely why this
process is especially useful in environments or applications that require the automatic interoperability
between systems. Currently, there are numerous ontology alignment systems available, and most of these are
the result of academic or basic research. These systems
can be viewed as software tools capable of finding correspondences or relationships that may exist between
the elements of different ontologies. These tools can
provide rather remarkable results, especially when taking into account the fact that they essentially remain

works in progress, still in the initial development or

testing phases.
In the future, it is expected that ontology alignment
systems will reach acceptable levels of robustness, efficiency, and reliability, which would make it possible
to apply these systems to processes that automatically
exchange data between different systems that individually utilize different ontologies. These automated
interactions between systems would not only reduce
user intervention but would also automate many
time-consuming, complex, and computationally costly
tasks that are currently either performed manually or
not at all.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (Ref TIN2006-13274) and
the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF),
grant (Ref. PIO52048) funded by the Carlos III Health
Institute, grant (Ref. PGIDIT 05 SIN 10501PR) from
the General Directorate of Research of the Xunta de
Galicia and grant (File 2006/60) from the General Directorate of Scientific and Technologic Promotion of
the Galician University System of the Xunta de Galicia.
The work of Jos M. Vzquez is supported by an FPU
grant (Ref. AP2005-1415) from the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science.

An, Y., Borgida, A., & Mylopoulos, J. (2005). Constructing Complex Semantic Mappings between XML Data
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Aumueller, D., Do, H.H., Massmann, S., & Rahm, E.
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Chang, C., He, B., & Zhang, Z. (2004). MetaQuerier
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Ontology Alignment Overview

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Chang, C., He, B., & Zhang Z. (2005). Towards Large
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(2002). Learning to map between ontologies on the
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Conference, Hawai, USA.
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A. (2004). Ontology Matching: A Machine Learning
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Dou, D., McDermott, D., & Qi, P. (2002). Ontology
translation by ontology merging and automated reasoning. Proceedings of the EKAW 2002 Workshop on Ontologies for Multi-Agent Systems. Sigenza, Spain.
Ehrig, M., & Staab, S. (2004).
QOM - Quick Ontology Mapping.
Proceedings of the Third International Semantic Web
Conference, LNCS 3298, 683-697. Springer, Hiroshima, Japan.
Ehrig, M., & Sure, Y. (2005). FOAM - Framework for
Ontology Alignment and Mapping - Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Integrating Ontologies, 156, 72-76.
Ehrig, M., Staab, S., & Sure, Y. (2005). Bootstrapping
Ontology Alignment Methods with APFEL. Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference,
ISWC 2005, LNCS 3729, 186-200. Springer.
Euzenat, J., Le Bach, T., Barrasa, J., Bouquet, P., De
Bo, J., Dieng, R., Ehrig, R., et al. (2004). State of the
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Knowledge Web. URL:

Euzenat, J., & Valtchev, P. (2004). Similarity-based

ontology alignment in OWL-Lite. Proceedings of 16th
european conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI),
333-337. Amsterdam, Holland.
Euzenat, J., Loup, D., Touzani, M., & Valtchev, P.
(2004). Ontology alignment with OLA. Proceedings
of 3rd ISWC2004 workshop on Evaluation of Ontologybased tools (EON), 59-68, Hiroshima, Japan.
Euzenat, J., Gurin, P., & Valtchev, P. (2005). OLA
in the OAEI 2005 alignment contest. Proceedings KCap 2005 workshop on Integrating ontology, 97-102,
Banff, Canada.
Gal, A., Modica, G. A., & Jamil, H. M. (2004). OntoBuilder: Fully Automatic Extraction and Consolidation
of Ontologies from Web Sources. Proceedings of the
ICDE 2004.
Giunchiglia, F., Shvaiko, P., & Yatskevich, M. (2004).
S-Match: An Algorithm and an Implementation of
Semantic Matching. Proceedings of ESWS04.
Gruber, T. R. A translation approach to portable ontology specification. (1993). Knowledge Acquisition,
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Hu, W., Zhao, Y., & Qu, Y. (2006). Partition-based
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Hu, W., Cheng, G., Zheng, D., Zhong, X., & Qu, Y.
(2006). The Results of Falcon-AO in the OAEI 2006
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85-91, Banff, Canada.
Kalfoglou, Y., & Hu, B. (2005). CMS: CROSI Mapping System - Results of the 2005 Ontology Alignment

Ontology Alignment Overview

Contest. Proceedings of K-Cap05 Integrating Ontologies workshop, 77-85, Banff, Canada.

Kotis, K., Vouros, G. A., & Padilla, J. (2004). HCOME:
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Zanobini, S. (2004). Improving ctxmatch by means of
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Class: A set that contain individuals which share
certain characteristics. The word concept is sometimes
used in place of class. Classes are a concrete representation of concepts.
Individual: A object in the domain that we are
interested in. Individuals are also known as instances
of classes.
Interoperability: A state or situation through
which heterogeneous systems can exchange data and/or
Mapping: A correspondence found during the
process of ontology alignment.
Ontology: A formal and explicit specification of a
shared conceptualization.

Massmann, S., Engmann, D., & Rahm, E. (2006).

COMA++: Results for the Ontology Alignment Contest OAEI 2006. International Workshop on Ontology
Matching (5th ISWC-2006), Athens, Georgia, USA.

Ontology Alignment: A process that consists of

finding the semantic relationships that may exist between different elements in different ontologies.

Melnik, S., Rahm, E., & Bernstein, P. A. (2003). Rondo:

A Programming Platform for Model Management. Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2003, San Diego, USA.

Ontology Alignment System: A software tool

capable of conducting the alignment of ontologies in
an automated fashion.

McGuinness, D. L., Fikes, R., Rice, J., & Wilder, S.

(2000). An environment for merging and testing large
ontologies. Proceedings of 7th Intl. Conf. on Principles
of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2000).
Colorado, USA.

Ontology Mapping: See ontology alignment.

Ontology Matching: See ontology alignment.
Relation: A link between individuals. In the field of
ontologies, relations are also known as properties.

Noy, F. N., & Musen, A. M. (2003). The PROMPT

Suite: Interactive Tools for Ontology Merging and
Mapping. International Journal of Human-Computer
Studies, 59/6, 983-1024.


Ontology Alignment Techniques

Marcos Martnez Romero
University of A Corua, Spain
Jos Manuel Vzquez Naya
University of A Corua, Spain
Javier Pereira Loureiro
University of A Corua, Spain
Norberto Ezquerra
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Sometimes the use of a single ontology is not sufficient
to cover different vocabularies for the same domain,
and it becomes necessary to use several ontologies in
order to encompass the entire domain knowledge and its
various representations. Disciplines where this occurs
include medical science and biology, as well as many
of its associated subfields such as genetics, epidemiology, etc. This may be due to a domains complexity,
expansiveness, and/or different perspectives of the same
domain on the part of different groups of users. In such
cases, it is essential to find relationships that may exist
between the elements of a specific domains different
ontologies, a process known as ontology alignment.
There are several methods for identifying the relationships or correspondences between elements associated with different ontologies, and collectively these
methods are called ontology alignment techniques.
Many of these techniques stem from other fields of study
(e.g., matching techniques in discrete mathematics)
while others have been specifically designed for this
purpose. The key to successfully aligning ontologies is
based on the appropriate selection and implementation
of a set of those ontology alignment techniques best
suited for a particular alignment problem.
Ontology alignment is a complex, tedious, and
time-consuming task, especially when working with
ontologies of considerable size (containing, for instance,
thousands of elements or more) and which have complex relationships between the elements (for example, a
particular problem domain in medicine). Furthermore,
the true potential of ontology alignment is realized when
different information-exchange processes are integrated

automatically, thereby providing the framework for

reaching a suitable level of efficient interoperability
between heterogeneous systems. The importance of
automatically aligning ontologies has therefore been
a topic of major interest in recent years, and recently
there has been a surge in a variety of software tools dedicated to aligning ontologies in either a fully or partially
automated fashion. Some of these tools generally
referred to as ontology alignment systems have been
the result of well known and respected research centers,
including Stanford University and Hewlett Packard
Laboratories, for instance. In Shvaiko & Euzenat, 2007,
updated information is given regarding the currently
available ontology alignment systems.
Each ontology alignment system combines different
alignment approaches along with its own techniques,
such that correspondences between the different ontologies can be detected in the most complete, precise,
and efficient manner. Since each system is based on
its own approximation techniques, different systems
yield different results, and therefore the quality of the
results can vary among systems. Most of the alignment
systems are oriented to solving problems of a general
nature, since ontologies associated with a single domain
share certain characteristics that set them apart from
ontologies associated with other domains. Recently,
some systems have emerged that are designed to align
ontologies in a specific domain. An example is the
SAMBO alignment system (Lambrix, 2006) in the
biomedical domain. These and other domain-specific
systems can produce excellent results (when used for
the domains for which they were designed), but are
generally not useful when applied to other domains.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ontology Alignment Techniques

This article presents a classification of the most commonly used, recently developed alignment techniques,
supported by simple examples to illustrate the specific
techniques underlying different systems. Future directions in ontology alignment are also examined.

The key to ontology alignment is to find those entities
in one ontology that may correspond to other entities
in another ontology. Basically, this can be viewed as
finding a similarity measure between elements (or socalled entities) associated with different ontologies,
and subsequently selecting the set of correspondences
that produce the strongest measures of similarity. There
are, however, different ways to compute similarity
measures; there are various studies dedicated to the
classification of these techniques (Rahm & Bernstein,
2001, Euzenat & Valtchev, 2004, Euzenat et al., 2004,
Shvaiko & Euzenat, 2005).
Following these classification schemes (especially
those undertaken by Euzenat and Valtchev (Euzenat &
Valtchev, 2004) and based on Euzenat et al., 2004), the
next section will introduce an abbreviated classification of those ontology alignment techniques that are
most commonly utilized by current ontology alignment
systems. This condensed classification is centered on
the type of element being manipulated by the alignment
technique, and complements the taxonomy proposed by
Rahm and Bernstein (Rahm & Bernstein, 2001), and
for the purpose of clarity and brevitysummarizes
only those alignment techniques that compare on an
individual basis a single element in one ontology with
another element associated with another ontology
(known as local alignment techniques, as in Euzenat
et al., 2004).


Ontology alignment techniques can be classified according to the following (please refer to Figure 1):

Terminological techniques. These calculate the

similarity between text strings and describe several
elements in the ontologies (names, labels, and/or
comments). There are two types of terminological

techniques: those based on text strings and those

based on the language.
1.1. Terminological techniques based on text strings.
These are based on the idea of comparing the structure in text strings, which are viewed as sequences of
characters. These techniques consider that the similarity between two terms increases when the similarity
between their corresponding text strings also increases,
but without considering the underlying semantics in the
terms. In this manner, the application of a technique of
this type to the terms Apple and Apples would yield a
relatively high measure of similarity, whereas the application of the same technique to the terms Apple and
Orange would yield a lower degree of similarity (or
a lower similarity measure), since in the second case
the text strings are quite different. The isolated use of
these techniques is usually not recommended, since it
is preferable to use them in conjunction to other, more
powerful alignment techniques; these can be easily
illustrated with the following example: it would be erroneous to conclude that the terms Cream and Scream
are highly similar (although their meanings are very
different), or that the terms Student and Pupil are very
distinct or dissimilar (although the semantic concepts
are generally the same). Some examples of terminological techniques based on text strings are the distance
measure proposed by Hamming (Hamming, 1950),
which counts the number of different characters in two
different text strings; the distance measure suggested by
Levenshtein (Levenshtein, 1966), which examines the
minimum number of operations (insertions, deletions
and/or substitutions) that are necessary to transform one
text string into another; and the distance measure Jaro
(Jaro, 1989), which analyzes the number and order of
two common characters in two text strings.
1.2. Terminological techniques based on language.
These techniques are more complex but more reliable
than those previously discussed, and do not treat terms
as simple sequences of characters that are independent
of one another. Rather, these techniques view terms as
groups of elements with meaning (lexima and morphema, i.e., prefixes and suffixes). The main objective
of these techniques is to discover the similarity that
may exist between terms associated with one concept,
although the relationships can be formed by strings of
characters that are very different. In other words, these
techniques attempt to obviate the different termino1291

Ontology Alignment Techniques

logical variations that can affect terms that are being

mutually compared. These techniques, in turn, can be
classified according to whether intrinsic and extrinsic
1.2.1. Intrinsic techniques. These are oriented toward
detecting the similarity between terms that have undergone morphological and syntactical variations (e.g,
Mean of transport, Mean of transportation, Transportation mean), as in Porter Stemming Algorithm (Porter,
1.2.2. Extrinsic techniques. These consist of utilizing external linguistic resources, such as dictionaries
and thesaurus, in order to find the similarity between
lexical variations in the same term (e.g, Mean of transport and Vehicle). External techniques consider the
fact that there usually is an equivalence relationship
between synonyms, and a subsuming relationship between hyponyms. In this manner, an alignment system
based on extrinsic terminological techniques would
presumably be capable of detecting, for instance, an
equivalence relationship between the terms Leukocyte
and White blood cell (since they are synonymous) and
a subsumed relationship between Moycyte and Cell

Figure 1. Ontology alignment techniques


(since Myocyte is a type of Cell). Some of the external linguistic resources most commonly used by such
alignment systems currently in use include WordNet
(WordNet, 2007), as an English-language resource, or
UMLS (National Library of Medicine, 2007) in the
medical domain. Other extrinsic techniques that are
in use include multilingual techniques, dedicated to
finding relationships between terms written in different languages (such as the Spanish word clula and
its English counterpart, cell) and using multilingual
dictionaries such as EuroWordNet (Vossen, 1997).

Structural Techniques. In addition to comparing text strings that describe the entities in each
ontology, it is frequently useful to compare the
internal structure of the entities themselves, or the
relationships that each entity may maintain with
other entities (external structure comparison).

2.1. Internal structure comparison techniques. These

techniques compare internal characteristics of the entities, such as the rank, cardinality, transitivity, and/or
symmetry of its properties (attributes and relationships).
For instance, if in one ontology A there is an entity Per-

Ontology Alignment Techniques

son with three attributes (birth_date of type date; name

of type string, and weight of type int), and in another
ontology B there is an entity Human_being with two
attributes (date_of_birth of type date; and first_name
of type string), a technique of this type might conclude
that there is certain similarity between these two entities, since the types of two of the attributes coincide.
In this concrete case the techniques conclusion would
have been correct: Person and Human_Being refer to
the same concept in the real world. However, it is easy
to find cases in which the technique would produce erroneous results. For instance, if the entity in ontology
B were Car with three attributes (registration_date of
type date; color of type string; and weight of type int), a
comparison of internal structure might suggest that the
entities Person and Car were similar, since the ranks
of the three attributes coincide although in reality they
are entities associated with very different semantics.
Consequently, given that it is frequently possible to
find multiples entities in an ontology that represent
similar internal characteristics, these techniques tend
to be used in conjunction with other techniques (such
as terminological techniques). It is probably wise to
utilize a method to compare the internal structure during
the initial alignment stages, in order to filter pairs of
entities that could be related, and subsequently apply
other techniques before finally deciding on the overall
level of similarity.
2.2. External structure comparison techniques. These
techniques compute the similarity that may exist
between entities by considering the position that the
entities in question occupy within their respective ontologies. The underlying principle is that, if two entities
are similar, then there is likely to be some similarity
with their adjacent (or neighboring) entities. These
techniques tend to treat ontologies as graphs in which
each node is a vertex in the ontology and each edge
is a relationship between vertices; algorithms that are
especially designed to work with graphs are used to
find the relationships between elements in the ontologies. As a matter of fact, this problem is equivalent to
that or solving a graph homomorphism (Garey, 1979).
One of the better known techniques for making the
external-structure comparison is the one used by the
Anchor-PROMPT ontology alignment system (Noy &
Musen, 2000), which is based on the idea that if two
pairs of entities in the source ontologies are similar
and there are connected paths linking them, then the
elements in those paths are also similar.



Extensional techniques. These extensional (or

extensible) techniques compare the extension
or length of the classes of ontologies: in other
words, their instantiations or examples. This is
useful when the information about the entities to
be compared is limited but there is additional data
or information about their examples; alternately,
they are useful as a means of supporting other
alignment techniques in order to detect erroneous
or misleading correspondences. For instance, if an
ontology contains a class denoted as Human_being with two instances, John and Mary, and the
other ontology contains a class labeled Person
with the same instances (John and Mary), then it
could be inferred, by comparing all the instances
of the ontologies, that the classes are similar.
Semantic techniques. These types of techniques
attempt to align the elements in the ontologies
according to their semantic interpretation. The
general approach is based on deductive methods
that draw from theoretical models that provide a
justification for the results that are obtained. Some
examples include the Propositional SATisfiability
(SAT) and techniques based on Description Logics

4.1. SAT techniques: the application of SAT techniques

to the ontology alignment problem consists of translating the information associated with pairs of terms
between which a mathematical or formulaic relationship could exist. The relationship would be of the form
Axiomsrel(element1, element2), where element1 and
element2 are the entities in the ontologies that are being
examined to determine if there is a semantic relationship between them, and rel is the relationship that exists
between the entities. Subsequently, the validity of the
relationship (the aforementioned formula) is evaluated. The advantage of using SAT techniques is that
it supports an exhaustive analysis of all the possible
correspondences as well as the possibility of selecting
only the major correspondences.
4.2. Techniques based on DL: the expressivity of
propositional language used by SAT techniques is
limited, as they are unable to work with certain types of
predicates. However, Description Logics provides the
necessary expressivity to code alignment problems as
propositional validity problems with greater flexibility.
For instance, if an ontology contains the classes City,

Ontology Alignment Techniques

Worker and Industrial_city, as a City with more than

600,000 Workers, and another ontology contains the
classes Big_town, Inhabitant and Crowded_big_town,
as a Big_town with more than 500,000 Inhabitants and
it is established that all Workers are Inhabitants and
that City is equivalent to Big_town, then a DL-based
technique could deduce that an Industrial_city is a

Current ontology alignment systems take as input two
ontologies and, once the alignment process is executed,
yield as output a set of correspondences between their
elements. Using up-to-date alignment techniques, this
process is still very time consuming and computationally expensive especially in those cases where the input
ontologies are large. This may not present a challenge in
cases where the same ontologies are always used, since
in such cases it would only be necessary to perform the
alignment once, and subsequently the correspondences
that have been revealed could be reutilized.
However, there are applications or contexts where
it becomes necessary to instantly identify which entity
in ontology A corresponds with an entity in ontology
B, without previously knowing the ontologies. In
these cases, current ontology alignment techniques
are limited, as is the case with the Semantic Web or
the integration of information from different sources
that were mutually unknown to each other. In these
types of problems, it is more important to reduce the
computational time that is necessary to carry out the
alignment, although the quality of the alignment could
be somewhat affected. As a result, it is very probable
that in the next few years the field of ontology alignment will see a major thrust being placed on exploring
techniques capable of finding correspondences in an
increasingly shortened amount of time.
It is also expected that new techniques will emerge
that will allow the consultation or usage of external
linguistic resources in a more efficient and powerful
manner than is now possible. The utilization of external
resources is essential in alignment problems associated
with specific domains, although current approaches are
not capable of achieving optimal usage of these types
of resources, thereby wasting a significant amount of
potentially useful information.


Ontology alignment is an important aspect of practically
any domain or application area where it is necessary to
use an ontology. There are various approaches to finding semantic correspondences that may exist between
elements of different ontologies, known as ontology
alignment techniques. This paper has presented a
condensed classification of those ontology alignment
techniques that are most commonly used today.
Clearly, not all alignment techniques are equally
applicable to any problem. For instance, it is not useful
to apply an extensional technique to ontologies that
have no instances. Consequently, a number of factors
ought to be considered when selecting among different
alignment techniques for application to a particular
problem. Among these are the domain to which the
ontologies belong, the language in which the ontologies
are expressed, the number and type of elements contained in the ontologies, etc. And, although a particular
technique may be applicable to a specific alignment
problem, there is also the question of errors. As a result,
it should be stressed that aligning two ontologies is not
simply the application of an alignment technique in
an isolated manner: rather, the goal is mainly to find
the appropriate combination of alignment techniques
to be applied, such that the strengths of one technique
can compensate another techniques weaknesses and
limitations, with the overarching objective of uncovering an optimal set of correspondences between the
ontologies of interest.

This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (Ref TIN2006-13274) and
the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF),
grant (Ref. PIO52048) funded by the Carlos III Health
Institute, grant (Ref. PGIDIT 05 SIN 10501PR) from
the General Directorate of Research of the Xunta de
Galicia and grant (File 2006/60) from the General Directorate of Scientific and Technologic Promotion of
the Galician University System of the Xunta de Galicia.
The work of Jos M. Vzquez is supported by an FPU
grant (Ref. AP2005-1415) from the Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science.

Ontology Alignment Techniques

Euzenat, J., Loup, D., Touzani, M., & Valtchev, P.
(2004). Ontology alignment with OLA. Proceedings of
3rd ISWC2004 workshop on Evaluation of Ontologybased tools (EON). 59-68. Hiroshima, Japan.
Euzenat, J., Le Bach, T., Barrasa, J., Bouquet, P., De
Bo, J., Dieng, R., Ehrig, R., et al. (2004). State of the
art on ontology alignment. Deliverable D2.2.3 v1.2.
Knowledge Web. URL:
Euzenat, J., & Valtchev, P. (2004). Similarity-based
ontology alignment in OWL-Lite. Proceedings of 16th
european conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI),
333-337. Amsterdam, Holland.
Garey, M., & Johnson, D. (1979). Computers and intractability: a guide to the theory of NP-completeness.
W. H. Freeman & Co.
Gruber, T. R. A translation approach to portable ontology specification. (1993). Knowledge Acquisition,
5(2), 199-200.
Hamming, R. W. (1950). Error Detecting and Error
Correcting Codes. Bell System Technical Journal,
Jaro, M. A. (1989). Advances in record linking methodology as applied to the 1985 census of Tampa
Florida. Journal of the American Statistical Society,
Lambrix, P., Tan, H. (2006). SAMBO - A System for
Aligning and Merging Biomedical Ontologies. Journal
of Web Semantics, Special issue on Semantic Web for
the Life Sciences, 4(3), 196-206.
Levenshtein, V. I. (1966). Binary codes capable of
correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Soviet
Physics Doklady, 10:707710.
Noy, F. N., & Musen, A. M. (2000). Anchor-PROMPT:
Using non-local context for semantic matching. Proceedings of the Workshop on Ontologies and Information Sharing at the Seventeenth International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2001).
Seattle, USA.

Porter, M. F. (1980). An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping.

Program, 14(3): 130-137.
Rahm, E., & Bernstein, P. (2001). A Survey of Approaches to Automatic Schema Matching. VLDB
Journal, 10(4), 334-350.
Shvaiko, P., & Euzenat, J. (2005). A Survey of Schemabased Matching Approaches. Journal on Data Semantics (JoDS), IV, LNCS 3730,146-171.
National Library of Medicine (NLM), (2007). Unified
Medical Language System. URL: http://umlsinfo.nlm.
Vossen, P. (1997). EuroWordNet: a multilingual database for information retrieval. Third DELOS workshop
Cross-Language Information Retrieval. European
Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics, 85-94, Zurich.
WordNet. (2007). Cognitive Science Laboratory. Princeton University. URL:

Domain: Specific areas of interest (e.g., artworks
by Picasso) or of knowledge (e.g., medicine, physics,
Ontology: A formal and explicit specification of a
shared conceptualization.
Ontology Alignment: A process that consists of
finding the semantic relationships that may exist between different elements in different ontologies.
Ontology Alignment System: A software tool
capable of conducting the alignment of ontologies in
an automated fashion.
Ontology Alignment Technique: Method used to
identify the semantic correspondences that may exist
between the elements of different ontologies.
Ontology Entity: An ontology entity represents a
conceptual element of the domain of discourse.
Thesaurus. Networked collection of controlled
vocabulary terms.

Shvaiko, P., Euzenat, J. (2007). Ontology Matching

Web. URL:


Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

V. Romero-Garca
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
E. Fuster-Garcia
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
J. V. Snchez-Prez
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
L. M. Garcia-Raffi
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
X. Blasco
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
J. M. Herrero
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
J. Sanchis
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

A genetic algorithm is a global search method based on
a simile of the natural evolution. Genetic Algorithms
have demonstrated good performance for difficult problems where the function to minimize is complicated.
In this work we applied this optimization method to
improve the acoustical properties of the Sonic Crystal
(Martnez-Sala et Al.,1995) (Kushwaha et al., 1994),
a kind of structures used in acoustics.
In the last few years the propagation of the acoustic waves in heterogeneous materials whose acoustic
properties vary periodically in space have attracted
considerable interest. The so-called Sonic Crystals
are the typical example of this kind of materials in the
range of the acoustic frequencies. These systems are
defined as periodic structures with strong modulation
of the elastic constants between the scatterers and the
surrounding material.
Recently, the strategy to enhance Sonic Crystals
properties has been based on the use of scatterers with
acoustical properties added. The use of local resonators
(Liu et al., 2000) or Helmholtz resonators (Hu et al.,
2005) as scatterers have produced very good results
Some authors also have built new structures with scatterers made up of porous material improving the attenu-

ation capability of the Sonic Crystals (Umnova et al.,

2006). However, the use of Sonic Crystals as outdoor
acoustic barriers requires scatterers made up of robust
and long-lasting materials. This is the reason why it
seems interesting to analyze the possibility of optimizing the attenuation capability of Sonic Crystals made
with rigid scatterers like wood, PVC or aluminium. The
creation of vacancies in a Sonic Crystals improves the
attenuation capability of the Sonic Crystals (Caballero
et al., 2001). However, it does not exist any generic
rule about the creation of vacancies in a Sonic Crystals.
In fact, similar structures can produce very different
acoustic fields behind of them.
Because of the complexity of mathematical functions
involved in Sonic Crystals calculus, Genetic Algortihm
turns up as a tool specially indicated for this kind of
problems (Hakanson et al., 2004) (Romero-Garca et
al., 2006). This procedure can work together with the
Multiple Scattering theory which is a self-consistent
method for calculating the acoustic pressure including
all orders of scattering (Chen & Ye, 2001). Given a
starting Sonic Crystals, the Genetic Algorithm generates quasi ordered structures offspring by means of
the creation of vacancies that are classified in terms
of a cost function based on the pressure values at a
specific point. The sound scattered pressure by every

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

structure analyzed by Genetic Algorithm is performed

by a two-dimensional (2D) Multiple Scattering theory.
In the present work, it is shown an improvement of the
Genetic Algorithm based on Parallel implementation
and as a consequence, new and better results are obtained to design Quasi Ordered Structures made with
rigid cylinders that attenuate sound in a predetermined
band of frequencies.

Sonic Crystals are arrays of scatterers placed periodically in space whose physical properties are different to
the surrounding material. In the low frequency range,
Sonic Crystals behave as an homogeneous medium
with an acoustic impedance greater than that of the air.
Then Sonic Crystals can work as refractive devices.
Moreover, Sonic Crystals present band gaps, i.e., ranges
of sound frequencies where the sound propagation
inside the crystal is forbidden. The presence of these
band gaps is explained by the well-known Braggs law.
The reflections inside the crystal, and consequently the
position of the gaps depend on the lattice constant, i.e.,
on the geometry of the Sonic Crystals. The existence,
in periodic media, of an absolute band gap where the
propagation of sound is forbidden for every incidence
direction, can have a profound impact on several scientific and technological disciplines, for example, in
the design of acoustic filters or acoustic barriers.
Some studies have showed that there are three
important parameters for the spectral gap creation
(Economolu & Sigalas, 1994). One is the density
ratio y = s/h between the scattering material and the
host material densities. The second one is the filling
factor, ff = Vs/V , that shows the volume occupied by
the scattering material respect to the total volume.
The last parameter is the topology used to design the
Sonic Crystals. It was demonstrated that the density
ratio plays an important role in the gap creation: Sonic
Crystals built with scatterers of high density embedded
in a host material of low density are better to create
the spectral gap than another kind of configurations.
Moreover the optimum value of the filling factor, ff,
to the gap creation has been ranged between 10% and
50%. In this work we use a Sonic Crystals built by
aluminium cylinders of 2 cm of radius as scatterers
embedded in air (Network topology). Due to the fact
that those structures present a high density ratio, and the

maximum filling factor is ff = 0,36, we ensure that our

structure is well designed to the gap creation. Now we
want to find the best filling factor and space distribution
of scatterers that present the best acoustical properties.
Genetic Algorithm together with the MST is a good
procedure to achieve our objective.


The mechanism used by Genetic Algorithm in this work
is the creation of vacancies in the starting Sonic Crystals.
Fig. 1 shows the starting Sonic Crystals and a Quasi
Ordered Structures offspring generated by Genetic
Algorithm by means of the creation of vacancies. Using
this procedure we can vary the filling factor and, at the
same time, evaluate different spaces of configuration.
Each Quasi Ordered Structures will be considered as an
individual. The chromosome that represents each Quasi
Ordered Structures, is a real vector with values in [0;
1] range. Each coordinate represents the existence or
not of a cylinder at a specific position of the scatterer
(beginning with the cylinder a the left top corner of the
Sonic Crystals and following by columns until right
bottom corner, see starting Sonic Crystals at figure 1).
Values in [0; 0:5[ means there is a vacancy, in opposition values in [0:5; 1] means there is a cylinder. In
this work we are interested in maximizing the sound
attenuation for a predetermined range of frequencies
not dependent on the lattice constant, at a point located
behind the crystal.
The acoustic attenuation in a point (x, y) and for a
incidence frequency is:

where the interfered pressure is determined by the

MST. This pressure depends on the position and on the
radius of the scatterers and the incidence frequency.
In the equation (1) we can see that for a point (x, y), a
value of incidence frequency and a value of cylinder
radius rl, it is possible to find a configuration of cylinders
that minimize the Pinterferred, that means, maximize the
acoustic attenuation.
If we are interested in maximizing the sound attenuation in a predetermined range of frequencies at

Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

Figure 1. Starting sonic crystals and a possible quasi ordered structures offspring

a point of coordinates (x, y) we have to define a new

function that we have to minimize in order to achieve
the maximum acoustic attenuation. To do that, we define
our cost function based on the MST


represents the mean pressure in the range of frequencies

[1; N] and N represents the number of frequencies
considered in this range. In our case, we use N = 13.
The second term in equation (2) represents the mean
deviation. The variable under study is x=(Xcyl,Ycyl)
a vector that contains the information about the space
configuration of the Quasi Ordered Structures.


A Genetic Algorithm is an optimization technique that
looks for the solution of the optimization problem,
imitating species evolutionary mechanism (Goldberg,

In an optimization problem, there is a function to

optimize (cost function) and a zone where to look for
(search space). Every point of the search space had an
associated value of the function. The different points
of the search space are the different individuals of
population. Similarly to natural genetic, every different individual is characterized by a chromosome and
in the optimization problem, this chromosome is made
by the point coordinates in the search space.
The cost function value for an individual has to be
understood as the adaptation level to the environment
for such individual.
Evolutionary mechanism, that is, the rules for changing populations throughout generations is performed
by Genetic Operators. A general Genetic Algorithm
evolution mechanism could be described as follows:
From an initial population (randomly generated), the
next generation is obtained as:


Some individuals are selected for the next generation. This selection is made depending on adaptation level (cost function value). Such individuals
with better J(x) value have more possibilities to
be selected.
To explore search space, an exchange of information between individuals is performed by crossover. That produces a gene exchange between
chromosomes. The rate of individuals to crossover
is fixed by Pc, crossover probability.

Optimization of the Acoustic Systems


An additional search space exploration is performed by mutation. Some individuals are subject
to a random variation in their genes. The rate
of individuals to be mutated is set by mutation
probability Pm.

In this general framework, there are several variation

in the Genetic Algorithm implementation; different gene
codification, different genetic operator implementation,
etc. Implementation for the present work has the following characteristics:


Real value codification, each gene has a real

value, the interpretation of the chromosome has
been detailed in previous section.
J(x) is not directly used as cost function. A linear
ranking operation is performed (Bck, 1996).
Ranking operation prevents the algorithm from
exhausting, it avoids clearly dominant individuals
prevailing too soon.
Selection is made by the operator known as
Stochastic Universal Sampling (SUS) (Baker,
For crossover it is used intermediate recombination operator (Mhlenbein et al., 1993). Chromosomes sons (x1 and x2) are obtained through
following operation on chromosomes fathers (x1
and x2):
x1 = 1 x1 + (1- 1) x2 ; x2 = 2 x2 + (1- 2) x1 ;
1, 2, [-d, 1+d]


1 and 2 have to be generated for each gene

increasing search capabilities but with a higher
computational cost. Implemented Genetic Algorithm has been adjusted as follows: 1=2 and
generated for each chromosome, d = 0 and Pc =
Mutation operation is done with a probability
Pm = 0,1 and a normal distribution with standard
deviation set to 20% of search space range.

(Cant-Paz, 1995) the selected one is the configuration Master-Slave. For this architecture there is one
processor working as Master, executing tasks of the
Genetic Algorithm (ranking, selection, crossover and
mutation), and the rest evaluate fitness function of a
subpopulation (see Fig. 2).
The Master has to send subpopulation to each Slave,
who makes fitness evaluation and returns results to the
Master. The Master works in a synchronous way, waiting for all fitness value from all Slaves. After receiving
all fitness values the Master performs the evolution
to produce the next generation (genetic operators are
executed) and sends to the Slaves the new population
for fitness evaluation. This type of implementation is
the most simple and does not change Genetic Algorithm
operators and behaviour. The time reduction is significative since the overall time is divided by the number
of Slaves. For the problem proposed, with 5 Slaves,
the total execution is reduced to 21 hours.
All developments (Genetic Algorithm and Sonic
Crystals models) have been made in Matlab, parallelization has been done using Matlab Distributed
Computing Toolbox and Matlab Distributed Computing Engine.

In this point we present some of our main results. In
this work we have analyzed width ranges of 600 Hz

Figure 2. Master/slave architecture for parallel genetic


The high computational cost of Sonic Crystal optimization problem produces huge execution time, i.e. in
a standard execution (population of 360 individuals, 250
generations) time is around 104 hours. Improvements
of execution time have been obtained with a parallel
implementation of the Genetic Algorithm described.
Several alternative for parallelization are possible

Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

centered at several frequencies (800, 1100, 1300, 1700,

2000, 2300, 3090 Hz) above the first Braggs peak. On
the Fig. 3 we present the results corresponding to the
ranges of frequencies centered at 1700 and 3090 Hz
respectively. On the left hand of the Fig. 3 we present
the schemes of cylinders of the Quasi Ordered Structures
generated by the design tool described above. On the
right hand the acoustic attenuation spectra calculated
by the MST for the starting Sonic Crystals (continuous
line) and for the optimized Quasi Ordered Structures
(dashed line) is shown.
The creation of attenuation peaks in ranges of frequencies independents on the geometry of the starting
Sonic Crystals using rigid scatterers has been the goal

of this paper. As one can see on the Fig. 3, the peak attenuation in the spectra of the optimized Quasi Ordered
Structures appears in the chosen frequency range, and
this peak is absent in the spectra of the starting Sonic
Crystals. Notice that the acoustic attenuation level in
the frequency range in the starting Sonic Crystals is
much lower than the Quasi Ordered Structures one.
Even in some case the starting Sonic Crystals produces
sound reinforcement. Moreover, the total number of
cylinders in the optimized Quasi Ordered Structures
is also lower than the starting Sonic Crystals one. In
our results the number of cylinders is ranged between
36.7 % and 60%.

Figure 3. Optimized Quasi Ordered Structures and its spectrum. On the left hand the plot presents the schemes
of cylinders of the optimized Quasi Ordered Structures. On the right hand the plots show the acoustic attenuation spectra calculated by the MST for the starting Sonic Crystals (continuous line) and for the optimized Quasi
Ordered Structures (dashed line). (a) Optimization corresponding to the central frequency of 1700 Hz. (b) Optimization corresponding to the central frequency of 3000 Hz.


Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

These results constitute a useful tool to design acoustic barriers based on Sonic Crystal with no need for
sophisticated scatterers. The technological advantages
of using Quasi Ordered Structures with rigid cylinders
as scatterers are: high resistance for use outdoors, constructive simplicity and low cost due to the reduction
in volume of the crystal.

This work shows an important and successful application of a Genetic Algorithm with a parallel implementation. Sonic Crystals open the way for innovative
application in noise reduction in several interesting
areas as acoustic noise barriers for traffic or general
devices for controlling the noise. The Genetic Algorithm demonstrates an adequate optimization for a so
complex problem and with the parallel implementation
execution times are drastically reduced. Moreover, this
method offers the possibility to test a wide range of
Sonic Crystals adjustment in a reasonable time.

The authors acknowledge financial support provided
by the Spanish MEC (Project No. MAT2006-03097)
and by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under Grant
No. GV/2007/191. This work also has been partially
supported by MEC (Spanish government) and FEDER
funds: projects DPI2005-07835, DPI2004-8383- C0302 and GVA-026.

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M.M. Sigalas, E.N. Economou and M. Kafesaki.

Spectral gaps for electromagnietic and scalar waves:
Possible explanation for certain differences. Phys. Rev.
B, (50), 5, (1994), (3393).


Optimization of the Acoustic Systems

O. Umnova, K. Attenborough, and C.M. Linton. Effects

of porous covering on sound attenuation by periodic
arrays of cylinders. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (119), 278

Acoustic Attenuation Spectrum: Representation of the attenuation contribution of each acoustic
frequency to a sound.
Cost Function: Mathematical function to minimize
in an optimization problem.
Evolutionary Mechanism: Mechanism guided
by biological evolution which represents the rules for
changing populations throughout generations.
Filling Factor: Volume fraction occupied by the
scattering material. Defined as, ff=Vs/V, where V is
the total volume of the composite, and Vs the volume
of the scattering material.


Genetic Algorithm: Global search method based

on a simile of the natural evolution.
Quasi Ordered Structure: Given a starting Sonic
Crystal (see Sonic Crystal), a quasi ordered structure
(Quasi Ordered Structures) is the configuration of
scatterers resulting of the creation of vacancies in the
Sonic Crystal.
Search Space: Set of all possible situations of the
problem that we want to solve could ever be in.
Sonic Crystal: Arrays of scatterers placed periodically in space whose physical properties are different
to the surrounding material.


Particle Swarm Optimization and Image


Stefano Cagnoni
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Monica Mordonini
Universit degli Studi di Parma, Italy

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a simple but
powerful optimization algorithm, introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart (Kennedy 1995). Its search for
function optima is inspired by the behavior of flocks
of birds looking for food.
Similarly to birds, a set (swarm) of agents (particles)
fly over the search space, which is coincident with
the function domain, looking for the points where the
function value is maximum (or minimum). In doing so,
each particles motion obeys two very simple difference equations which describe the particles position
and velocity update.
A particles motion has a strong random component (exploration) and is mostly independent from the
others; in fact, the only piece of information which
is shared among all members of the swarm, or of a
large neighborhood of each particle, is the point where
the best value for the function has been found so far.
Therefore, the search behavior of the swarm can be
defined as emergent, since no particle is specifically
programmed to achieve the final collective behavior
or to play a specific role within the swarm, but just to
perform a much simpler local task.
This chapter introduces the basics of the algorithm
and describes the main features which make it particularly efficient in solving a large number of problems,
with particular regard to image analysis and to the modifications that must be applied to the basic algorithm, in
order to exploit its most attractive features in a domain
which is different from function optimization.

One of the most attractive features of PSO, apart from
its effectiveness and robustness with respect to local

minima, is certainly its simplicity, which makes it

trivial to implement in any programming language. It
is also very versatile and applicable to a large number
of optimization problems, virtually to any problem
defined within a space for which a metric can be defined. However, its behavior, which mainly depends
on the values of three constants, is still far from being
fully understood. Extensive work (Engelbrecht2005,
Clerc2006, Poli2007a) has provided very important
insights into the properties of the algorithm, in studies
where the dynamic properties of the swarm have been
studied, even if under some restrictive assumptions.
The model which underlies PSO describes the motion of a swarm of particles within the domain of a function, usually termed fitness function as for evolutionary
algorithms (Eiben 2004, de Jong 2006), seeking for its
optimum. Such a motion is comparable to the random
motion of a set of independent non-interacting particles
within a force field generated by two attractors, one of
which is specific to each cell.
The basic PSO equations for a generic particle P
within the swarm are
XP(t) = XP(t-1) + vP(t)


vP(t) = * vP(t-1) + C1 * rand() * [XPbest - X(t-1)] + C2

* rand() * [Xgbest - X(t-1)]
where vP is the velocity of particle P, C1 and C2 are two
positive constants, is the so-called inertia weight,
XP is the position of particle P, XPbest is the best-fitness
point reached by P up to time t-1, Xgbest is the bestfitness point found by the whole swarm, rand() is a
random value taken from a uniform distribution in the
interval [0,1].
In its motion, the swarm explores the space effectively, usually converging rapidly to the optimum,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

even if its behavior is strongly dependent on the values

of , C1, and C2, which must be therefore set very accurately.


Even if much is still to be learned and discovered about
PSO from a theoretical point of view (Kennedy 2007),
as regards applications PSO is gaining more and more
popularity. As reported in (Poli2007b), a very recent
in-depth review of the field, searching the IEEExplore
( technical publication
database by the keyword PSO returns a list of much
more than 1,000 titles, about one third of which deal
with theoretical aspects. This means that, to date, an
incomplete list of PSO application papers adds up to
little less than 1,000. Amazingly, about two thirds of
them have been published in the last two years.
Image analysis is one of the fields to which PSO
is being applied most frequently. As shown by a large
number of papers in the image processing and computer
vision literature, image analysis problems can be often
reformulated as optimization problems, in which an
objective function, directly derived from the physical
features of the problem, is either maximized or minimized. In most cases, an optimum set of parameters
which define the solution are sought using an optimization method. For most real-world problems, usually
severely affected by noise or by the natural variability
of the instances of the objects which must be detected,
this is often inevitable, since methods in which closedform solutions are directly applied are not usually
robust enough with respect to such features. A large
number of examples of applications of both traditional
and evolutionary optimization methods including, as
such, PSO, are reported in the literature.
In this section we will not consider direct applications of PSO as optimizers for an objective function. We
will focus our attention on applications in which PSO
is not only a way to tune a more general algorithm
by adapting it to the specific features of the problem
at hand, but is directly part of the solution.
We will first introduce some general considerations
on image analysis problems, which define the requirements imposed by them. This will allow us to reformulate some typical classes of problems encountered in
image analysis, such as object detection and tracking or

image segmentation, to include PSO, or some adapted

version of its basic formulation, into the solution. We
will then briefly show two examples of applications of
PSO to segmentation and object detection, in which
the above mentioned considerations have been taken
into account.

PSO for Object Detection and

In considering the application of PSO to image analysis
tasks, one could assume the swarm to fly over the image to detect points or regions of interest. Therefore,
the domain of the fitness function becomes the image
itself. The fitness value to be assigned to each point can
then be defined as a local function of image intensity
in a neighborhood of that point, returning high values
in points where features similar to the ones which are
sought are found.
However, more global information must usually
be extracted in image analysis tasks. In fact, while
the basic PSO algorithm aims at finding a single optimum within the fitness landscape under exploration,
in several image analysis applications more than one
optimum (multiple objects) are to be found. This situation is typical of object recognition tasks, where the
goal is to identify all possible occurrences of an object
of interest characterized by a set of specific features.
Similarly, in region-based segmentation, several regions
with homogeneous features must be accurately located.
Such requirements, encountered also in many other
application areas, have led to the definition of several
variants of PSO, in which particles are subdivided into
a predefined number of sub-swarms, based on some
clustering technique (Kennedy 2000, Veenhuis 2006,
Passaro 2008), or through speciation (Chow 2004, Bird
2006, Leong 2006, Yen 2006), to achieve a dynamical reconfiguration of the swarm and the detection of
an arbitrary number of regions of interest within the
search space.
The velocity update function must also be modified in order to let the swarm spread as uniformly as
possible over a whole area of interest featuring high
fitness values. Such modifications may include introducing repulsive forces between particles, to prevent
the whole swarm from converging onto the same
point, and limiting particles mobility inside a region
of interest, to keep the swarm compact and in a stable

Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

We will first show how these ideas can be applied to

two common image analysis problems: region segmentation and object detection. Then we will show results
obtained in two real-world problems: the first one was
proposed as topic for a competition at GECCO 2006,
and consists of detecting and segmenting as precisely
as possible large pieces of pasta imaged over a set of
noisy backgrounds over which also tiny pasta pieces
are scattered, which must be ignored (see Figure 1).
The second problem is a sub-task of plate recognition,
in which the region occupied by a license plate is to
be located within an image (see Figure 2). Even if the
two tasks are semantically different, they share some
common lower-level features, which allow the same
modifications to basic PSO to be used in both cases,
with a two-step approach. In the basic step, the image is explored, to focus on regions where interesting
features are detected, before a refinement occurs in the
subsequent step.

Modified PSO Equations for Image

In basic PSO, the fitness function is evaluated point by
point. In analyzing images using PSO, the search space
being the image, using such a local fitness function
would make the search extremely sensitive to noise
and possibly misleading. If fitness evaluation were
just pixel-based, a meaningless isolated pixel yielding
high fitness as a result of noise could attract and trap
the whole swarm into its neighborhood.
To allow PSO to produce a uniform distribution of
particles over each region of interest, the basic PSO
algorithm can be modified in two directions:

Forcing division of the swarm into sub-swarms,

able to converge towards different regions of
Favoring dispersion of the particles all over the
regions of interest.

Using the so-called K-means PSO (Passaro 2008), in

which clusters of particles form based on their proximity
within the search space, the former goal can be achieved.
To achieve the latter, both the fitness function and the
velocity-update equation must be modified.
As concerns the fitness function, a local fitness term,
which evaluates how interesting the neighborhood of
one pixel is, can be added to a punctual fitness function

term, whose value is computed based only on information carried by the pixel under consideration:
fitness(x,y) = punctual_fitness(x,y)
+ local_fitness(x,y)
The local_fitness term depends on the number of
particles, with high punctual fitness, which are neighbors
of the pixel located in (x,y), and is given by:
local_fitness = K0 * number _of _neighbors
where number_of_neighbors is the number of particles
within a pre-defined neighborhood of (x,y) and K0 is
a constant.
This way, the particles are attracted towards the
areas where more pixels meet the punctual requirement, keeping away from isolated noisy pixels. This
modification enhances the density of particles in the
most interesting regions. To cover the whole extension
of these regions, also the basic PSO velocity-update
equation needs to be modified from (1) to:
vP*(t) = vP(t) + repulsionP
The repulsion term can be expressed as
|repulsion(i,j)| = REPULSION_RANGE - |Xi- Xj|
where i and j are the particle indices and REPULSION_RANGE is the maximum distance within
which the particles interact. Values of repulsion(i,j)
are set to 0 for distances between i and j larger than
REPULSION_RANGE. The global repulsion term
repulsionP for particle P is the average of all repulsion
terms acting on it

repulsionP = ( j=1,N repulsion(P,j) ) / n

N being the number of particles in the swarm and n
the number of particles within the neighborhood of P
Finally, to produce more stable sub-swarms, a
particle with high punctual and local fitness is allowed
to stand still with a probability which is linearly dependent on the particle density in its neighborhood,
estimated as
P{vP(t) = 0} = n/N

Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

Pasta Segmentation
In a color-based region segmentation problem, the
fitness function measures the similarity of the pixel
color to the expected color of the objects of interest.
For pasta, it can be expressed as:
if (|r(x,y)-g(x,y)| < 30 and r(x,y)-b(x,y) > 60)
then punctual_fitness = 30 - |r(x,y) - g(x,y)|
else punctual_fitness = 0
where r(x,y), g(x,y) and b(x,y) are the red, green, and blue
values, respectively, of the pixel located in (x,y).
Since the goal is to obtain an accurate segmentation,
up to pixel precision, and given the large number of
pixels belonging to the objects of interest, PSO cannot
obviously produce the final solution directly. Instead, it
can be used in a pre-processing stage preceding a final
thresholding stage which produces the actual output.

Following the PSO rules modified as previously

described, the particles will tend to move towards larger
pasta regions and stay around there. If one performs a
number of PSO runs, assigning to each pixel a score
which is directly proportional to the number of times
a particle walks through it, the probability of belonging to a large pasta piece can be estimated for each
pixel. To better estimate such a probability, avoiding
bias deriving from the initial particle locations, each
run should start with a different random initialization
of the whole swarm. Image regions which eventually
have high density of high-score pixels correspond to
pieces of pasta. The final result of this stage, that we
termed global search, is a preliminary segmentation by
which the areas where large pieces of pasta are most
likely to be found are grossly detected. To refine the
segmentation, an algorithm which is very similar to
the one used in the previous stage is applied; this time
the domain where the swarm can move is limited to
smaller regions surrounding pixel clusters whose score
was above a threshold in the last phase of the global
search. The final segmentation is eventually obtained

Figure 1. Pasta segmentation. Top: Original image (left) and results of global search (right). Bottom: Results
of local search (left) and final segmentation (right).


Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

by thresholding the locally updated scores to obtain

a binary image. Figure 1 shows the results obtained
on one of the images from the image set used in the

Plate Detection
In the license plate detection problem, the low-level
feature on which detection is based is the density of
high-level values of the horizontal gradient, due to the
presence, in the plate, of symbols or symbol elements,
which can be encountered when the image is scanned
row-wise. Since a color image is available, we can use
both color and gradient information, by first considering
only those pixels which satisfy the typical features of
plates (black characters on a white background for the
most recent European standards), and then considering
gradient information.
The punctual fitness of a pixel is defined as:
if ( |r(x,y) - g(x,y)| > 30 or |r(x,y) - b(x,y)| > 30 or
|g(x,y) - b(x,y)| > 30 )
punctual_fitness = 0;
{right_gradient = |intensity(x,y) intensity(x+1,y)|;
left_gradient = |intensity(x,y) intensity(x-1,y) |;
if (right_gradient > left_gradient)
punctual_fitness = right_gradient;
else punctual_fitness = left_gradient; }
The basic PSO step is virtually the same as in pasta
segmentation. However, a different algorithm is used,
divided, as well, into a global and a local exploration
stage in which, after the most promising areas are firstly

located, the exploration is then refined to determine

whether they actually include a plate.
In the global search, the swarm flies over the image
until at least one sub-swarm of size greater than a prefixed threshold (50% of the whole swarm) has formed
or a given number of iterations has been reached.
Then a local search is performed within regions
where sub-swarms of sufficient dimension have formed,
starting from the region occupied by the largest swarm;
during this second stage: (i) the search is restricted to
smaller image regions of interest enclosing the subswarms, (ii) the search is re-initialized activating a new
full-size swarm in the region of interest, and (iii) the
search is run for a pre-set number of iterations. At the
end of this stage, a new bounding box, containing all
particles, is computed. If this box has an aspect ratio
compatible with a license plate, the plate is considered
to have been found. Otherwise, the swarm is expanded
along its two dimensions, by forcing low-fitness particles to move only horizontally or vertically, in order
to reach higher-fitness points and, possibly, to let the
bounding box reach the expected aspect ratio; in case
of failure, the current region is discarded and the next
area detected during the global search is explored.
Figure 2 shows the original image, along with the
results of the global and local search, and the final
result of the PSO-based algorithm.
The algorithm is computationally very efficient. A
number of function evaluations is required to detect the
plate, which is lower than just computing the whole
gradient image, which would be just the very first step
in any traditionalcomputer vision approach. Iteratively
re-initializing, in each frame, the swarm location in a
neighborhood of the region where the plate has been
detected in the previous one, real-time performances
can be achieved in tracking the plate in videos acquired
at 30 frames per second using a standard PC.

Figure 2. License-plate detection; Original image (left) and results of the detection (right)


Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

The same cannot be said for the pasta segmentation

algorithm if high segmentation accuracy is required
(about 30 seconds were needed to produce the segmentation in Figure 1 on a 2.8 GHz PC). However,
even in that case, if the pieces are just to be grossly
located, just a few runs of the algorithm are enough to
achieve the goal.

Research on PSO and PSO applications to the most
various fields is booming nowadays. Image analysis
is no exception: according to the INSPEC bibliography database, the number of papers which describe
applications of PSO to such a field has increased by
almost 50% in the last six months. Results are already
very encouraging and suggest that much more is to be
expected in the near future.

PSO is a versatile and effective optimization technique
whose features can be easily adapted to a vast variety
of problems, in solving which it can act not only as a
plain optimizer, but as a more general, flexible search
paradigm. The applications described in this chapter
have confirmed this, introducing a general framework
which can be applied, with few changes, to many other
object detection and recognition problems, as well as
to other lower-level tasks in computer vision, such as
image segmentation.


De Jong, K.A. (2006). Evolutionary Computation: a

unified approach. MIT Press.
Engelbrecht, A.P. (2005). Fundamentals of Computational Swarm Intelligence. Wiley.
Eiben, A. & Smith, J. (2004). Introduction to Evolutionary Computation. Springer.
Kennedy, J. & Eberhart, R. (1995). Particle Swarm
Optimization. Proc. IEEE International Conference
on Neural Networks. 1942-1948, Vol. IV.
Kennedy, J. (2000). Stereotyping: improving particle
swarm performance with cluster analysis. Proc. IEEE
Int. Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 15071512.
Kennedy, J., Poli, R. & Blackwell, T. (2007) Particle
Swarm Optimisation: an overview. Swarm Intelligence,
in press.
Leong, W.F. & Yen, G.G. (2006) Dynamic population size in PSO-based multiobjective optimization.
Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation,
Passaro, A. & Starita, A. (2008) Particle swarm optimization for multimodal functions: A clustering approach.
Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications, Volume
2008, Article ID 482032.
Poli, R. (2007) The sampling distribution of particle
swarm optimizers and their stability. Tech. Rep. CSM465, Department of Computer Science, University of
Poli, R. (2007). Analysis of the publications on the
applications of Particle Swarm Optimisation. Journal
of Artificial Evolution and Applications, in press.

Bird, S. & Li, X. (2006). Enhancing the robustness

of a speciation-based PSO. Proc. IEEE Congress on
Evolutionary Computation, 3185-3192.

Veenhuis, C. & Kppen, M. (2006) Data swarm

clustering. In Abraham, A., Groan, C. & Ramos, V.
(eds.). Swarm Intelligence in Data Mining. Springer,

Chow, C.K. & Tsui, H.T. (2004). Autonomous agent

response learning by a multispecies particle swarm
optimization. Proc. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, 778-785.

Yen, G.G. & Daneshyari, M. (2006). Diversity-based

information exchange among multiple swarms in
Particle Swarm Optimization. Proc. IEEE Congress
on Evolutionary Computation, 6150-6157.

Clerc, M. (2006). Particle Swarm Optimization.



Particle Swarm Optimization and Image Analysis

Evolutionary Computation: Collection of techniques, basically aimed at function optimization but
applicable to a huge variety of problems, by which
the optimum of a function (fitness function) is sought
through iterative refinements, according to rules inspired
by the laws of natural evolution.
Fitness Function:In evolutionary computation, the
objective function which is to be optimized.
Image Analysis: Collection of techniques by which
high-level information content is extracted from a
digital image using image processing and computer
vision techniques.

Particle Swarm Optimization: Optimization technique inspired by the exploratory behavior of animal
swarms/flocks/herds in search of food.
Segmentation: In computer vision, a process by
which an image is subdivided into regions having
homogeneous visual features.
Sub-Swarm: In particle swarm optimization, subset
of a swarm, within which the distance between any particle and the closest one is below a pre-set threshold.
Swarm Intelligence:Collection of techniques, usually inspired by nature, in which high-level intelligent
behaviors emerge as a result of the interaction among
a high number of agents which, individually, perform
apparently trivial, low-level tasks.



Personalized Decision Support Systems

Neal Shambaugh
West Virginia University, USA

Decision support systems (DSS) are computerized
systems that assist humans to make decisions. Early
versions were designed for executives, but over time
DSSs were designed for workers at any level in the
organization (Keen & Morton, 1978; Rockart, 1979).
Due to increasing costs in providing benefits and services, organizations are forcing workers and consumers
to take increasing responsibility for insurance, health
care, and financial planning decisions. Extreme events,
such as terrorism, pandemics, and natural disasters will
swamp the capacity of governmental agencies to serve
their citizenry. Individuals in affected communities must
turn to local agencies or ad hoc groups for assistance.
Personal decision support systems (PDSS), consisting
of databases, model-based expertise, and intelligent interfaces, along with wireless communications, Internet
resources, and personal computing, provide sufficient
resources to assist informed individuals and groups in
solving problems.
This article reviews the typical components of
a DSS and the different types of systems that have
evolved. The article poses three types of problems
facing individuals, including routine problem solving,
immediate survival needs, and long-term evolutionary
growth. Personal decision support issues of acquiring
information, processing information, and dissemination
are outlined. Future trends and research opportunities
are discussed.

a means to interact with the other system components

(Sprague, 1980).
Powers (2007) characterized DSS in terms of how
the system provides assistance. Model-driven DSSs
for individuals include spreadsheets. Data-driven DSS,
such as Executive Information Systems (EIS), are
used by organizations and institutions for strategic and
tactical decisions. Communication-driven DSSs can be
seen in groupware, video conferencing, and bulletin
boards. A document-driven DSS, such as provided
by search engines, facilitates document retrieval. A
knowledge-driven DSS would be used to solve specialized problems and consist of knowledge represented
in terms of rules, procedures, hierarchical frames, or
networks. Most recently, web-based DSSs are found
in browser searching, intranets, and portal use.
Decision support systems are based on the notion
that human reasoning is a rational process, although
this is not always the case particularly when humans are
faced with complexity and stress (Druzdzel & Flynn,
2000). Experts decisions in real settings have been
shown to demonstrate less quality than linear models
(Hastie & Dawes, 2001). Judgmental heuristics reduce
cognitive load but decrease the quality of decisions.
Characteristics of the DSS components vary in a PDSS
in order to compensate for the type of problems faced
by individuals. In general for a PDSS the data bases
are customized, the model bases are organized along
preferential outcomes (e.g., more or less, quantitative),
decisions (e.g., lists and value ordering), and uncertainty (specific actions resulting in gain considering
constraints and price).

DSS aid human thinking by accessing information,
integrating this information in some way, structuring decisions, and optimizing decisions (Sprague &
Carlson, 1982). These benefits are obtained using
three major system features of a DSS, which include
a database, which records knowledge; a model base,
which models or represents expertise and problemsolving; and an interface, which provides a user with


This article summarizes three problem types facing
individuals, including routine problem solving, extreme
survival needs, and long-term change. The article
outlines system architecture requirements in terms of
acquiring and processing of information, interacting

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Personalized Decision Support Systems

with this information, and the dissemination of information and recommendations.

PDSS Problem Types

The consumer of the 21st century faces numerous routine problems, such as career choice, self-improvement,
volunteerism, financial planning, retirement, insurance,
consumer purchases, health care physician, and personal health. PDSS applications can be seen in health
care ranging from point-of-care use of personal data
assistants (PDA) to helping patients make decisions on
health care (Crawford, 1997; Pierce, 1998). Routine
problems consist of complex options with short-term
benefits and unknown long-term implications. However,
individuals tend to discount the need to make decisions
and/or the belief that institutions and governmental
agencies will impose decisions on them.
A second problem type can be classified as survival.
Three examples include natural disasters, terrorism,
and pandemics. Natural disasters, such as hurricanes,
tornadoes, floods, drought, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and meteorite impacts, can also include gradual
changes brought about by global warming. Radical
changes could involve results of nuclear winter, the
shift of the moons orbit, or pole shifting of the earths
magnetic field. PDSS applications involve disaster
management and attempts to connect satellite mapping technology with government agencies (Hegde,
Srivastava & Manikiam, 2004). Terrorism provides
a more recent survival problem brought about by
racial cleansing, violence between religious groups,
undermining of governments through corruption and
assassination, chemical warfare, and destruction of
neighbourhoods and infrastructure. PDSS applications
for this problem type has emerged for counter-terrorism
applications (Alward, 2004). Pandemics have always
occurred throughout human history but have taken on
serious implications given technological developments
in genetics. Survival problems cannot be predicted,
fully characterized, and their impact overwhelms the
capacity of a DSS. The value of a PDSS is its proactive potential by identifying national, state, and local
resources, recommending action, and triggering the
development of institutional support and awareness
that did not exist before.
A third problem type is evolutionary or long-term
change brought about by a realization that existing
decision paths may lead to significant consequences.

Awareness of change problems signal a need for people

to make long-term proactive decisions in light of multiple paths or scenarios (Schellnhuber, Crutzen, Clark,
Clausssen, & Held, 2004). Proactive decision-making
enables humans to become aware of and address serious
consequences of prior decisions by individuals, groups,
institutions, and governments, as well as the impact of
technological innovations. However, change problems
tend to be low priority, require significant resources,
and they resist consensus due to their apparent intractability. Simulations and virtual environments may be
needed to help citizens interact with potential paths
(Stanney, 2002).

Personal Decision Support Architecture

Early views defined a personal DSS as one which
focused on a discrete task or decision (Rockart &
Bullen, 1986). Examples frequently involved group
support, such as Mortons (1971) DSS which involved
both marketing and production planning. Keen and
Hackathorn (1986) identified three main parts of a
personal DSS to include the interface between machine
and user, relevant operators (i.e., action verbs, such as
help), and a database. Development of a personal
DSS requires attention to dialogue, refinement of the
vocabulary-operators, and evolution of the data structure of the database.
PDSS, as described here, would involve both individual and social needs, and thus would be hybrid
versions of several DSS types (Powers, 2007). A PDSS
would include mathematical and statistical tools (modeldriven) to calculate and make inferences on numerical data. They would retrieve forms and information
(document-driven) to support decision-making. They
would use information and data as input to address
specialized needs (knowledge-driven), such as health
care, insurance, career options, and travel planning,
among others. The PDSS would consist of both localized
(personal computer system) resources and distributed
(web-driven) sources where information and computing
may be conducted at other sites.
The major systems of a PDSS include databases,
reasoning models, interface, and communication options. Each of these four systems can be equated to
acquiring information, processing this information in
ways that make it amenable to specialized decision
modules (e.g., insurance, health-care, travel planning),
interacting with the information visually, and com1311

Personalized Decision Support Systems

Figure 1. PDSS system features






Model bases



Local, personalized
Remote, browsing
Remote, integrated

Heuristic patterns
Context objects

municating or sharing decisions or information with

others (see Figure 1).

Acquiring Information
Databases provide a repository for information within
any DSS. A personalized version of a DSS would combine local databases, which are developed individually
for specific needs, with remote integrated databases.
These databases would consist of inconsistent structures, while in the long term some standardization
of database structure would be required to develop a
personalized integrated database. In addition, ad hoc
browsing tends to characterize individual information
needs with little regard for organizing this information
over the long term.

Processing Information
One of the powerful features of a DSS is its model
base. Modeling allows knowledge to be applied across
problems and facilitates analysis, explanations, and
advocacy (Druzdzel & Flynn, 2000). A model base
would include one or more models or representations
of expertise ranging from highly specialized (e.g.,
resale home value) to more general (e.g., model of a
learner). Model bases might become object-oriented
and incorporated into a PDSS like a software plug-in
as needed. Generic versions of a PDSS might include
a range of common model components for financial,
employment, travel, and health needs and provide
simulations to help a user see the implications of
decisions. Integrating model bases, as with databases,
will require some standardization of model structure
along some common categories. Personal patterns of

Desktop metaphor
Personal metaphor

Internet posting
Internet feedback

reasoning may also be archived to provide speed and

options for new problems.
The most important and the most challenging to
archive and characterize would be context information,
an example of unstructured data. A top-down version
of a system that would increase the structure of the
context-data would be to categorize specific routine
contexts, such as financial, health, college selection.
Extreme survival categories could include natural disaster and other types of emergencies, crime and terrorism, and pandemics. A bottom-up version of a context
representation system would be to identify patterns of
information using semantic webs (Hdrich & Priebe
(2005), and over time a context-map would be built to
characterize particular categories of context.

Interacting with Information

Human dialogue with databases and model bases has
used a visual interface, which has typically featured
a desktop metaphor. To date users have relied on the
metaphor presented to them. A customized interface
could still use a desktop metaphor to organize individual
problem needs. Other options could be available and
custom-developed, which might still rely on an inventory of choices or through some metaphor of choice.
Specialized interfaces could be used depending on the
problem type (routine, survival, change) to facilitate
decision-making. Survival needs require that a user not
be presented with too many choices, but rather accurate
options to meet an immediate need. These just-in-time
visual views present just the information and advice as
needed (Lieberman, 2002).

Personalized Decision Support Systems

Disseminating Information
The dissemination function, involving the communication and sharing of information and decision options
with others, represents a critical system component of a
PDSS. While routine problems relate to an individual,
problems of survival and change require collaboration.
Multi-point sharing of information facilitates decision-making. As wireless becomes a standard feature
in many technological devices, dissemination and
communication increases for more people. Wireless
may become an antiquated term as it becomes transparent and common. Information can be posted for
everyone or particular audiences and can be edited or
linked to other sources. Much of this information and
collaboration may become routed through personal
portals which structure the information for other users
(Shambaugh, 2007).

Future Design Metaphor
One feature of a DSS includes the retrieval of information so that decisions can be made based on this information and other sources. Decisions are then based on
existing data or data from the past. Goals of profit and
cost reduction rely on what-if scenarios and simulations based on assumptions. The focus of individuals,
however, is rarely on the past but on the present and the
near future. Although the future cannot be predicted,
trends based on past and current data provide a picture
of where we are in our business, career, or personal life.
Making decisions on what we want our life to be for
ourselves, our families, and our communities, and even
what business are we in? necessitates a different view
that of future design, which is not about predicting
the future but rather working towards a future based
on our intent to continually cycle through rethinking,
designing, and improving.

Government and Community

Responsibility for daily life has always been the domain of the individual and the family. However, the
historical reality is that daily life has been continuously
constrained by institutions and governments, and by
the unseen consequences of technological innovation.

Much of daily life requires navigating these constraints

and impacts. However, these tensions can be ameliorated with a move towards taking advantage of personal
insight and motivation, a belief in taking responsibility
for our lives and our communities, and designing our
technological tools for where we want to go, all features
of a future design stance.

Research Opportunities
One avenue for research is to add more structure to
unstructured data, including information from remote
sources, locally-developed databases, and context
information. How might these different sources of
information be integrated and generalized for use by
others? How might context be characterized in terms
of re-usable objects?
Modeling expertise has been a long-standing challenge in AI. Modeling decisions for routine problems,
those that can be characterized by rules or procedures,
and use static domain models, have been the most
successful. But a bigger question beyond What do we
know? becomes How does the model update itself?
Decision-making in survival situations will require
customized model bases developed specifically for
categories of extreme survival. In these type of situations problems are unique and tools will need to be
developed see how users beliefs about uncertainty and
preferences on different outcomes can be visualized
(Howard & Matheson, 1984). Evolutionary decisionmaking, decisions that impact long-term change, will
require that model bases evolve from new data. Continually re-defining expertise provides opportunities to
analyze what people do on a daily basis (Gigerenzer,
Todd, & ABC Research Group, 1999) and how daily,
routine expertise becomes critical for individuals and
groups of individuals.
Furthermore, inquiry could be conducted on how
informed citizens create new societies, epistemic
cultures that are themselves creating new bodies of
knowledge (Cetina, 1999). These new societies could
be a block of families, an online community of individuals, or physical neighbourhoods, cities, or countries,
or geographic regions. The idea of a PDSS does not
limit itself to an individual but to personalizing human
life as tools to help individuals, neighborhoods, and
cities grow (Longworth, 2006). The conundrum for
researchers and designers is realizing that in designing
systems that are less logical and more approximations

Personalized Decision Support Systems

of the messiness of real life they may be helping humans come to understand what it means to be human
(Johnson, 2005).
Another research avenue would study how users
might determine the user interface, based on personal
metaphors or specific needs, rather than reacting to a
standardized metaphor. The study of mental models and
how humans project meaning from their experience to a
new experience might provide a new means to think and
act beyond old rules (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). Not
all problems and situations require the same interface,
particularly as the severity of the problem may require
a design focused on immediacy and limited choice.
Continued collaboration between AI researchers who
study representation and reasoning, and those in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), in which interaction
is addressed, may lead to intelligent interfaces with
flexible planning, incorporation of human constraint
issues (e.g., time, patience, attention, motivation, cognitive demands), and relevance of context (Lieberman
& Selker, 2000). Such intelligent interfaces may find
themselves first in wireless devices, such as PDAs.

Specific skills and responsibilities for living in the 21st
century have been pushed down to consumers by organizations and governmental agencies. Individuals now
require more time to make important decisions related
to their personal and professional lives. These personal
decisions add to the growing complexity of human
living and require time and resources. Technological
developments in computing, networking, and communication provide humans with the capacity for making
informed decisions. With the prospect of survival threats
and long-term change, informed groups of citizens can
initiate proactive priorities in their national, state, and
local governments to address these potential problems.
A PDSS with features that enable communication and
collaboration creates a tool to help individuals take
responsibility for decision-making rather than relying
on government and institutions. Personalized decision
support, characterized by access to Internet resources,
integrated knowledge bases, and personal computing
and wireless communication, can provide humans with
information and recommendations to solve problems,
address emergencies, and enhance life.


Alward, R. (2004). Personal decision support aids for
special operations, Report of Syndicate One. Retrieved
on August 30, 2007 from
Cetina, K. K. (1999). Epistemic cultures: How the
sciences make knowledge. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press.
Crawford, P. (1997). Computer-assisted decision support in health care. Annual Meeting of the International
Society of Technology Assess Health Care Meeting,
13, 170.
Druzdzel, M. J., & Flynn, R. R. (2000). Decision support
systems in A. Kent (Ed.). Encyclopedia of library and
information science, 67, Suppl. 30 (pp. 120-133). New
York: Marcel Dekker.
Fauconnier, G., & Turner, M. (2002). The way we
think: Conceptual blending and the minds hidden
complexities. New York: Basic Books.
Gigerenzer, G., Todd, P. M., & ABC Research Group.
(1999). Simple heuristics that make us smart. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Hdrich, T., & Priebe, T. (2005), A context-based approach for supportingknowledge work with semantic
portals. International Journal of SemanticWeb and
Information Systems, 1(3), pp. 64-88.
Hastie, R., & Dawes, R. M. (2001). Rational choice
in an uncertain world: The psychology of judgement
and decision making (2nd Rev. Ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Hegde, V. S., Srivastava, S. K., & Manikiam, B. (2004).
Space resources, operational services, and future plans.
India-United States Conference on Space Science,
Applications and Commerce. Retrieved on August 30,
2007 from
Howard, R. A., & Matheson, J. E. (1984). Influence
diagrams. In R. Howard & J. Matheson (Eds.). The
principles and applications of decision analysis, 719762, Menlo Park, CA: Strategic Decisions Group.
Johnson, M. (2005). Swamped by the updates: Expert
systems, semiclasm, and apeironic education. In S.

Personalized Decision Support Systems

Franchi & G. Guzeldere (Eds.). Mechanical bodies,

computational binds: Artificial intelligence from automata to cyborgs (pp. 365-388). Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Keen, P. G. W., & Scott Morton, M. S. (1978). Decision support systems: An organizational perspective.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Keen, P. G. W., & Hackathorn, R. D. (1986). Decision
support systems and personal computing. In J. F. Rockart & C. V. Bullen (Eds.). The rise of managerial
computing: The best of the Center for Information
Systems Research, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Homewood, Ill: Dow Jones-Irwin.
Lieberman, H. (2002). Interfaces that give and take
advice. In J. M. Carroll (Ed.). Human-computer interaction in the new millennium (pp. 475-486). Boston,
MA: Addison-Wesley.
Lieberman, H., & Selker, T. (2000). Out of context:
Computer systems that adapt to, and learn from, context.
IBM Systems Journal, 39(3 & 4), 617-631.
Longworth, N. (2006). Learning cities, learning regions, learning communities: Lifelong learning and
local government. New York: Routledge.
Morton, S. (1971). Management decision systems:
Computer-based support for decision making. Cambridge, MA: Division of Research, Harvard Business
Pierce, P. F. (1998). Choices: An interactive decision
support program for breast cancer treatment. Retrieved
on August 30, 2007 from
Powers, D. J. (2007). A brief history of decision support
systems. DSS. Resources.COM, retrieved on March
10, 2007 from http://DSSResources.COM/history/dsshistory.html.
Rockart, J. F. (1979). Chief executives define their own
data needs. Harvard Business Review, 67(2), 81-93.
Rockart, J. F. & Bullen, C. V. (1986). The rise of managerial computing: The best of the Center for Information
Systems Research, Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Homewood, Ill: Dow Jones-Irwin.

Shambaugh, N. (2007). Personal portals. In A. Tatnall

(Ed.). Encyclopedia of portal technologies and applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Sprague, R. H., Jr. (1980). A framework for the development of decision support systems. Management
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Stanney, K. M. (2002). Handbook of virtual environments: Design, implementation, and applications.
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Change Problems: A type of problem with longterm consequences.
Decision Support System (DSS): A computerized
system which assists humans to make decisions.
Epistemic Cultures: Bodies of knowledge developed by individuals with a common need.
Executive Information System (EIS): A decision
support system that directly supports management
Future Design: A means of looking and working
towards the future rather than predicting the future.
Personal Decision Support System (PDSS): A
computerized decision support system which acquires
information and organizes the information so that
models of reasoning can produce recommendations
for further information, resources, or action. Another
feature of PDSS is its capacity to openly communicate
organized information or decisions to others.
Personal Portals: A computerized site which provides a gateway other sites of individual interest.
Routine Problems: A type of problem faced by
individuals involving complexity of choices as well
as short-term and long-term implications.
Survival Problems: A type of problem characterized
by extreme impacts on individuals and communities.

Schellnhuber, H. J., Crutzen, P. J., Clark, W. C., Clausssen, M., & Held, H. (2004). Earth system analysis for
sustainability. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

Javier Bajo
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Dante I. Tapia
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Sara Rodrguez
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Juan M. Corchado
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) have become
increasingly relevant for developing distributed and dynamic intelligent environments. The ability of software
agents to act somewhat autonomously links them with
living animals and humans, so they seem appropriate
for discussion under nature-inspired computing (Marrow, 2000). This paper presents AGALZ (Autonomous
aGent for monitoring ALZheimer patients), and explains
how this deliberative planning agent has been designed
and implemented. A case study is then presented, with
AGALZ working with complementary agents into
a prototype environment-aware multi-agent system
(ALZ-MAS: ALZheimer Multi-Agent System) (Bajo,
Tapia, De Luis, Rodrguez & Corchado, 2007). The elderly health care problem is studied, and the possibilities
of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) (Sokymat,
2006) as a technology for constructing an intelligent
environment and ascertaining patient location to generate plans and maximize safety are examined.
This paper focuses in the development of natureinspired deliberative agents using a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994) architecture,
as a way to implement sensitive and adaptive systems
to improve assistance and health care support for
elderly and people with disabilities, in particular
with Alzheimer. Agents in this context must be able
to respond to events, take the initiative according to
their goals, communicate with other agents, interact
with users, and make use of past experiences to find
the best plans to achieve goals, so we propose the development of an autonomous deliberative agent that

incorporates a Case-Based Planning (CBP) mechanism,

derivative from Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) (Bajo,
Corchado & Castillo, 2006), specially designed for
planning construction. CBP-BDI facilitates learning
and adaptation, and therefore a greater degree of autonomy than that found in pure BDI (Believe, Desire,
Intention) architecture (Bratman, 1987). BDI agents
can be implemented by using different tools, such as
Jadex (Pokahr, Braubach & Lamersdorf, 2003), dealing with the concepts of beliefs, goals and plans, as
java objects that can be created and handled within the
agent at execution time.

During the last three decades the number of Europeans
over 60 years old has risen by about 50%. Today they
represent more than 25% of the population and it is
estimated that in 20 years this percentage will rise to
one third of the population, meaning 100 millions of
citizens (Camarinha-Matos & Afsarmanesh, 2002). This
situation is not exclusive to Europe, since studies in
other parts of the world show similar tendencies (Camarinha-Matos & Afsarmanesh, 2002). The importance
of developing new and more reliable ways to provide
care and support to the elderly is underlined by this
trend (Camarinha-Matos & Afsarmanesh, 2002), and
the creation of secure, unobtrusive and adaptable environments for monitoring and optimizing health care
will become vital. Some authors (Nealon & Moreno,
2003) consider that tomorrows health care institutions
will be equipped with intelligent systems capable of

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

interacting with humans. Multi-agent systems and architectures based on intelligent devices have recently
been explored as supervision systems for medical care
for the elderly or Alzheimer patients, aimed to support
them in all aspects of daily life, predicting potential
hazardous situations and delivering physical and cognitive support.
RFID technology is a wireless technology used
to identify and receive information on the move. An
RFID system contains basically four components: tags,
readers, antennas and software (Sokymat, 2006). The
configuration used in the system presented in this paper
consists of 125KHZ transponders mounted on bracelets
worn on the patients wrist or ankle, several readers
installed over protected zones, with up to 2 meters
capture range, and a central computer where all the ID
numbers sent by the readers is processed.


This article presents an autonomous planner agent for
health care. The autonomous nature-inspired health
care agent, named AGALZ, is presented. Then, a case
study is presented, describing the main characteristics
of ALZ-MAS architecture and its agents, including
AGALZ, finalizing with initial results obtained after the
implementation of a prototype into a real scenario.

Autonomous Nature-Inspired Health

Care Agent
We have developed AGALZ, an autonomous deliberative Cased-Based Planner (CBP-BDI) agent that
integrates with other agents into a multi-agent system,
named ALZ-MAS, as a proposal to improve the efficiency of health care and supervision of patients in
geriatric residences. AGALZ presents a deliberative
architecture, based on the BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) model (Bratman, 1987). In this model, the internal
structure and capabilities of the agents are based on
human mental aptitudes, using beliefs, desires, and
intentions. Our method facilitates the incorporation of
CBR systems (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994) as a deliberative
mechanism within BDI agents, facilitating learning and
adaptation and providing a greater degree of autonomy
than pure BDI architecture. A deliberative CBP-BDI
agent is specialized in generating plans and incorporates a Case-Based Planning (CBP) mechanism. The

purpose of a CBR agents is to solve new problems by

adapting solutions that have been used to solve similar
problems in the past (Aamodt & Plaza, 1994), and the
CBP agents are a variation of the CBR agents, based
on the plans generated from each case. A CBP planner
is used for AGALZ to find plans to give daily nursing
care in a geriatric residence (Tapia, Bajo, Corchado,
Rodrguez & Manzano, 2007). It is very important
maintaining a map with the location of the different
elements that take part in the system at the moment
of planning or replanning, so using RFID technology
facilitates enormously the dynamic planning.
CBR is a type of human thinking based on reasoning about past experiences. To introduce a CBR motor
into a BDI agent it is necessary to represent the cases
used in a CBR system by means of beliefs, desires and
intentions, and implement a CBR cycle. A case is a past
experience composed of three elements: an initial state
or problem description that is represented as a belief;
a final state that is represented as a set of goals and
a solution (belief); and the sequence of actions that
makes it possible to evolve from an initial state to a
final state. This sequence of actions is represented as
intentions or plans. Figure 1 shows the internal structure
of a CPB-BDI agent.
In a planner agent, the reasoning motor generates
plans using past experiences and planning strategies,
so the concept of Case-Based Planning is obtained
(Corchado & Laza, 2003; Glez-Bedia & Corchado,
2002). CBP consists of four sequential stages: retrieve
stage to recover the most similar past experiences to
the current one; reuse stage to combine the retrieved
solutions in order to obtain a new optimal solution;
revise stage to evaluate the obtained solution; and retain
stage to learn from the new experience.
The CBP cycle is implemented through goals and
plans. When the goal corresponding to one of the
stages is triggered, different plans (algorithms) can be
executed concurrently to achieve the goal. Each plan
can trigger new sub-goals and, consequently, cause
the execution of new plans. Deliberative CBP-BDI
agents, like AGALZ, are able to incorporate other
reasoning mechanisms that can coexist with the CBP.
AGALZ is an autonomous agent that can survive in
dynamic environments. However, is possible to incorporate communication mechanisms that allow it to be
easily integrated into a multi-agent system and work
coordinately with other agents to solve problems in a
distributed way.

Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

Figure 1. CBP-BDI Agent internal structure

in the reuse stage to construct a plan (Bajo, Corchado

& Castillo, 2006; Glez-Bedia & Corchado, 2002). The
reuse is focused on the objectives and resources needed
by each task, as well as on the objectives that the nurse
needs to perform and the resources available in order to
carry out the global plan. The objectives that each nurse
has are aimed to attend the patients and not exceed eight
nurse working hours. The time available is a problem
restriction. The resources necessary for some of the
tasks are food, equipment and rooms, among others.
AGALZ takes care of incidents and interruptions that
may occur during replanning (Bajo, Corchado & Castillo, 2006). Furthermore AGALZ trusts the nurse in the
sense that the revision of a plan is made by the nurse.
Finally, AGALZ learns about this new experience. If
the evaluation of the plan is at least a 90% similar, the
case is stored in the cases memory.

Case Study

The CBP planner constructs plans in such a way that

a plan is a sequence of tasks that need to be carried out
by a nurse. A task is a java object that contains the date
of the requested service, the description of the service
and the time limits to carry it out.
For each task one or more goals are established,
in such a way that that the whole task is eventually
achieved. A problem description will be formed by
the tasks that the nurse needs to execute, the resources
available, and the times assigned for their shift. In the
retrieve stage, those problem descriptions found within
a range of similarity close to the original problem description are recovered from the beliefs base. In our
case, a tolerance of 20% has been permitted. In order
to do this, AGALZ allows the application of different
similarity algorithms (cosine, clustering etc.). Once the
most similar problem descriptions have been selected,
the solutions associated with them are recovered. One
solution contains all the plans (sequences of tasks) carried out in order to achieve the objectives of AGALZ
for a problem description (assuming that replanning is
possible) in the past, as well as the efficiency of the solution being supplied. The chosen solutions are combined

A prototype of the system has been tested in several

geriatric residences, which have been interested in
improving the services offered to its patients and has
collaborated in the development of the technology
presented here, providing their know-how and experimenting with the prototype developed.
Figure 2 shows a basic schema of the wireless technology implemented in the residences. We selected 30
patients to test the system, so the hardware implemented
basically consisted of 42 ID door readers, one on each
door and elevator, 4 controllers, one at each exit, one

Figure 2. ALZ-MAS wireless technology organization

Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

in the first floor hall and another in the second floor

hall, and 36 bracelets, one for each patient and the
nurses. The ID door readers get the ID number from
the bracelets and send the data to the controllers which
send a notification to the Manager agent, located in a
central computer. To test the system 30 Patient Agents,
10 AGALZ Agents, 2 Doctor Agents and 1 Manager
Agent were instantiated.

ALZ-MAS: Alzheimer Health Care

Multi-Agent System
The characteristics of multi-agent systems make them
appropriate for implementing into geriatric residences
to improve health care of patients (Nealon & Moreno,
2003). A multi-agent system is a distributed system
based on the cooperation of autonomous agents. The
relationships established between the agents of ALZMAS are inspired in humans behaviours (doctors,
nurses, patients, etc.) (Marrow, 2000).
Conclusions obtained after studying the requirements of the problem are that ALZ-MAS is composed
of four different agent types as shown in Figure 3:
- Patient Agent manages the patients personal data
and behaviour (monitoring, location, daily tasks, and
anomalies). Every hour validates the patient location,
monitors the patient state and sends a copy of its memory
base (patient state, goals and plans) to the Manager
Agent in order to maintain backups. The patient state
is instantiated at execution time as a set of beliefs and
these beliefs are controlled through goals that must be

achieved or maintained. The beliefs that were seen to

define a general patient state at the Residences, were:
weight, temperature, blood pressure, feeding, oral
medication, parenteral medication, posture change,
toileting, personal hygiene, and exercise. The beliefs
and goals used for every patient depend on the plan
(treatment) or plans that the doctors prescribe. Patient
Agents monitors the patient state by means of the goals.
It is necessary to maintain continuous communication
with the rest of ALZ-MAS Agents, especially with
AGALZ (through which the nurse can communicate
the result of her assigned tasks). At least once per day,
depending on the corresponding treatment, Patient
Agents must communicate with AGALZ and Doctor
Agents. Finally, Patient Agents must ensure that all
actions indicated in the treatment are taken out. Patient
Agents run on a central computer.

Manager Agent plays two roles the security role

that controls the patients location and manages
locks and alarms; and the Manager role that
manages the medical record database and the
doctor-patient and nurse-patient assignment. It
must provide security for the patients and medical
staff and the patients, doctors and nurse assignment must be efficient. This assignation is carried
out through a CBR reasoning engine, which is
incorporated within the Manager Agent. When
a new assignation of tasks needs to be carried
out to nurses or doctors, both past experiences,
such as the profile of the nurse or doctor, and the

Figure 3. ALZ-MAS architecture: Doctor, AGALZ, Patient, and Manager Agents, within their interactions


Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

needs of the current situation are recalled. In this

way, tasks are allocated to nurses. A nurse profile
includes nurses preferences such as holidays,
Manager Agent runs on a central computer.

Doctor Agent treats patients. It needs to interact

with Patient Agents to order treatments and receive periodic reports, with the Manager Agent
to consult medical records and assigned patients,
and with AGALZ agents to ascertain patients
AGALZ schedules the nurses working day
obtaining dynamic plans depending on the tasks
needed for each assigned patient. AGALZ manages nurses profiles, tasks, available time and
resources. The generated plans must guarantee
that all the patients assigned to the nurse are given
care. Nurses cant exceed 8 working hours. Every
agent generates personalized plans depending on
the nurses profile and working habits. AGALZ
Agents run on mobile devices, where each nurse
can see her plans task by task. A plan can be interrupted for different reasons: a resource fails;
a patient suffers a crisis and requires unforeseen
attention; a patient has an unexpected visit; etc.

Extracting Results from ALZ-MAS

Figure 4 shows the average number of nurses working
simultaneously (each of the 24 hours of the day) before

and after the implantation of the system prototype into

a test residence, with data collected for 6 months. The
average number of patients was the same before and
after the implementation. Tasks executed by nurses were
divided in two categories: direct action tasks (where
nurses are in contact with patients) and indirect action
tasks (where nurses are not directly involved with
patients, like monitoring, written reports, managing
personal visits to the patients, etc.). During the first 3
months, the problem was analysed, the residence was
observed and data was retrieved. Finally averages of the
time spent by nurses in the carrying out of the tasks for
every patient were obtained, having into account that a
task depends on the dependency level of a patient and
the nurse skill. For the direct action tasks, the following
times were obtained for each patient: 35 cleaning, 18
feeding, 8 oral medication, 30 parenteral medication,
25 posture change, 8 toileting, 60 exercise and 10
others. We are especially interested on time spent on
indirect action tasks; daily average times obtained for
every kind of task before and after the implementation
for each task can be seen on Table 1.
The system facilitates the more flexible assignation of the working shifts at the residence; since the
workers have reduced the time spent on routine tasks
and can assign this time to extra activities. Their work
is automatically monitored, as well as the patients
activities. The stored information may be analysed
with knowledge discovery techniques and may help
to improve the quality of life for the patients and the
efficiency of the centre (Marrow, 2000). The security

Figure 4. Number of nurses working simultaneously in the residence


Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

Table 1. Time (minutes) spent on indirect tasks


















of the centre has also been improved in two ways: the

system monitors the patients and guarantees that each
one of them is in the right place, and secondly, only
authorised personnel can gain access to the residence
protected areas.



Bajo, J., Corchado, J.M. & Castillo, L.F. (2006).

Running Agents in mobile devices. Lectures Notes in
Computer Science. Volume 4140 / 2006. Advances
in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006
October. Pp. 58-67 ISSN 0302-9743.

In the future, health care will require the use of new

technologies that allow medical personnel to carry
out their tasks more efficiently (Camarinha-Matos &
Afsarmanesh, 2002). We are interested in the use of
Ambient Intelligence (Ducatel, Bogdanowicz, Scapolo,
Leijten & Burgelman), which provides a framework
for the development of transparent, ubiquitous and
unobtrusive environments. The objective of Ambient
Intelligence is to adapt the existing technologies to the
human necessities (Emiliani & Stephanidis, 2005). In
this sense, the planner proposed in this work must be
adapted to any other possible technologies an evaluated
in similar environments.

We have shown the potential of deliberative AGALZ
agents in a distributed multi-agent system focused
on health care, providing a way to respond to some
challenges of health care, related for example to the
identification, control and health care planning. In addition, the use of RFID technology (Sokymat, 2006) on
people provides a high level of interaction among users
and patients through the system and is fundamental in
the construction of an intelligent environment. Furthermore, the use of mobile devices, when used well, can
facilitate social interactions and knowledge transfer.

Aamodt, A. & Plaza, E. (1994). Case-Based Reasoning:

foundational Issues, Methodological Variations, and
System Approaches. AI Communications, 7(1):39-59,

Bajo, J., Tapia, D.I., De Luis, A., Rodrguez, S. &

Corchado, J.M. (2007). Nature-Inspired Planner Agent
for Health Care. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Volume 4507. Proceedings of IWANN07. Pp. 10901097. ISSN: 0302-9743.
Bratman, M.E. (1987). Intentions, Plans and Practical
Reason. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, M.A.
Camarinha-Matos, L.M. & Afsarmanesh, H. (2002).
Design of a Virtual Community Infrastructure for Elderly Care. In Proceedings of the IFIP Tc5/Wg5.5 Third
Working Conference on infrastructures For Virtual
Enterprises: Collaborative Business Ecosystems and
Virtual Enterprises (May 01 - 03, 2002). L. M. Camarinha-Matos, Ed. IFIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
213. Kluwer B.V., Deventer, The Netherlands, 635.
Corchado, J.M. & Laza, R. (2003). Constructing Deliberative Agents with Case-based Reasoning Technology.
International Journal of Intelligent Systems. Vol. 18,
No. 12, pp. 1227-1241. December, 2003.
Ducatel, K., Bogdanowicz, M., Scapolo, F., Leijten,
J. & Burgelman, J.C. (2001). Thats what friends are
for. Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and the IS in 2010.
Innovations for an e-Society. Challenges for Technology Assessment. Berlin, Germany.


Planning Agent for Geriatric Residences

Emiliani P.L. & Stephanidis, C. (2005). Universal access to ambient intelligence environments: opportunities and challenges for people with disabilities. IBM
Systems Journal.
Glez-Bedia, M. & Corchado, J.M. (2002). A planning
strategy based on variational calculus for deliberative
agents. Computing and Information Systems Journal.
Vol. 9(1), pp. 2-13. ISSN 1352-9404.
Marrow, P. (2000). Nature-Inspired computing technology and applications. BT Technology Journal. 18,
4. October 2000.
Nealon, J.L. & Moreno, A. (2003). Applications of
Software Agent Technology in the Health Care Domain.
Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies.
Birkhuser-Verlag, Basel, Germany.
Pokahr, A., Braubach, L. & Lamersdorf, W. (2003).
Jadex: Implementing a BDI-Infrastructure for JADE
Agents. In Search of Innovation. (3) 76-85.
Pokahr, A., Braubach, L. & Lamersdorf, W. (2003).
Jadex: Implementing a BDI-Infrastructure for JADE
Agents. In: EXP - in search of innovation (Special Issue on JADE). pp. 76-85.
Sokymat. (2006). ASSA ABLOY Identification Technologies.
Tapia, D.I., Bajo, J., Corchado, J.M., Rodrguez, S. &
Manzano, J.M. (2007). Hybrid Agents Based Architecture on Automated Dynamic Environments. Proceedings of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and
Engineering Systems, 11th International Conference,
KES 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4693


Ambient Intelligence (AmI): Refers to electronic
environments that are sensitive and responsive to
context and people needs and characteristics. It is
characterized by systems and technologies that are
embedded, context-aware, ubiquitous, non intrusive,
personalized, adaptive and anticipatory.
Case-Based Reasoning: A type of reasoning based
on the use of past experiences. The purpose of CBR
systems is to solve new problems by adapting solutions that have been used to solve similar problems in
the past. The main concept when working with CBR
is the concept of case, which can be defined as a past
Case-Based Planning: A specialization of CaseBased Reasoning in which the solution proposed by
the system is a plan (a sequence of actions).
CBR-BDI: A deliberative BDI agent that incorporates a CBR motor as reasoning mechanism.
CBP-BDI: A deliberative BDI agent specialized in
generating plans. It incorporates a Case-Based Planning mechanism.
Multi-Agent System: A system composed of several
intelligent autonomous agents, collectively capable
of reaching goals solving problems in a distributed
Radio Frequency Identification: A wireless
technology used to identify and receive information
on the move. An RFID system contains basically four
components: tags, readers, antennas and software.


Privacy-Preserving Estimation
Mohammad Saad Al-Ahmadi
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia
Rathindra Sarathy
Oklahoma State University, USA

Data mining has evolved from a need to make sense
of the enormous amounts of data generated by organizations. But data mining comes with its own cost,
including possible threats to the confidentiality and
privacy of individuals. This chapter presents a background on privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM)
and the related field of statistical disclosure limitation
(SDL). We then focus on privacy-preserving estimation
(PPE) and the need for a data-centric approach (DCA)
to PPDM. The chapter concludes by presenting some
possible future trends.

The maturity of information, telecommunications,
storage and database technologies, have facilitated the
collection, transmission and storage of huge amounts
of raw data, unimagined until a few years ago. For
raw data to be utilized, they must be processed and
transformed into information and knowledge that have
added value, such as helping to accomplish tasks more
effectively and efficiently. Data mining techniques and
algorithms attempt to aid decision making by analyzing
stored data to find useful patterns and to build decisionsupport models. These extracted patterns and models
help to reduce the uncertainty in decision-making
Frequently, data may have sensitive information
about previously surveyed human subjects. This raises
many questions about the privacy and confidentiality
of individuals (Grupe, Kuechler, & Sweeney, 2002).
Sometimes these concerns result in people refusing
to share personal information, or worse, providing
wrong data.
Many laws emphasize the importance of privacy
and define the limits of legal uses of collected data. In

the healthcare domain, for example, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) added
new standards and regulations to the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to
protect the privacy of certain individually identifiable
health data (HIPAA, 2003). Grupe et al. (2002, Exhibit
1, p. 65) listed a dozen privacy-related legislative acts
issued between 1970 and 2000 in the United States.
On the other hand, these acts and concerns limit,
either legally and/or ethically, the releasing of datasets for legitimate research or to obtain competitive
advantage in the business domain. Statistical offices
face a dilemma of legal conflict or what can be called
war of acts. While they must protect the privacy
of individuals in their datasets, they are also legally
required to disseminate these datasets. The conflicting
objectives of the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Freedom
of Information Act is just one example of this dilemma
(Fienberg, 1994). This has led to an evolution in the
field of statistical disclosure limitation (SDL), also
known as statistical disclosure control (SDC).
SDL methods attempt to find a balance between
data utility (valid analytical results) and data security
(privacy and confidentiality of individuals). In general,
these methods try to either (a) limit the access to the
values of sensitive attributes (mainly at the individual
level), or (b) mask the values of confidential attributes
in datasets while maintaining the general statistical
characteristics of the datasets (such as mean, standard
deviation, and covariance matrix). Data perturbation
methods for microdata are one class of masking methods
(Willenborg & Waal, 2001).

Data Mining vs. Statistical Analysis

Statisticians and researchers conduct surveys and collect datasets that are considered to be large when they
contain a few hundred records (Hand, 1998). Traditional
statistical techniques are the main (and the most suit-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Privacy-Preserving Estimation

able) tools for analyzing these datasets to make inferences and estimate population parameters. When the
size of datasets is large, traditional statistical analysis
techniques may not be the appropriate tools (Hand,
1998, 2000; Hand, Blunt, Kelly, & Adams, 2000). First,
traditional statistical analysis may be inappropriate
because almost any small difference in a large dataset
becomes statistically significant. Second, large datasets
may suggest that data was not collected for inference
(parameter estimation) about the population. Third, in
businesses, a significant amount of data is generated
because of unplanned activities (e.g., transactional
databases) and not from planned activities (e.g., experiment or survey designs). Therefore, for large datasets,
data mining becomes more appropriate.
Examples of large datasets are abundant. MarketTouch, a company located in Georgia, USA, supports
direct marketers with data and analytical tools (, 2004). It has a six-terabyte database called
Real America Database (RADB), which provides
information about more than 93 million households
and 200 million individuals. It is updated monthly with
more than 20 million records.
Statistical agencies also experience this phenomenon
of rapidly growing datasets. The US Census Bureau
(Census, 2001) reported that the Census 2000 data
consist of information about the 115.9 million housing units and 281.4 million people across the United
States. These large sizes suggest the need for analytical
tools that are suitable for large datasets, and again, data
mining tools naturally come into play. Consequently,
the Bureau provides programs with data mining capabilities such as DataFerrett (Federated Electronic
Research, Review, Extraction and Tabulation Tool),
which can be used to analyze and extract data from
TheDataWeb - a repository of datasets that cover more
than 95 subject areas.

Motivation for Privacy-Preserving Data

Mining (PPDM)
Data mining techniques may lead to more significant
threats to privacy and confidentiality than statistical
analysis. Domingo-Ferrer and Torra (2003) make a connection between SDL methods and some data-mining AI
(artificial intelligence) tools and suggest that disclosure
and re-identification threats can be magnified.


DM tools can be used to aggregate or combine

masked copies of a specific original dataset to reverse
masking and re-build the original dataset, which raises
a confidentiality issue. This is particularly true when
unsophisticated SDL techniques are used and many
masked copies are released. DM tools can also be used
to enforce data integrity and consistency in distributed
datasets by re-identifying different records belonging
to the same individual raising a privacy issue.
These concerns about privacy and confidentiality
when DM tools are used have led to the birth of privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM). The main goal
of PPDM is to find useful patterns and build accurate
models from datasets without accessing the individuals
precise original values in records of datasets (Agrawal
& Srikant, 2000).

Related Work in Privacy-Preserving Data

Mining (PPDM)
Similar to the classification of data mining (DM)
techniques proposed by Berry and Linoff (2004),
privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) techniques
can be classified as: (a) directed PPDM techniques:
privacy-preserving estimation and privacy-preserving
classification, and (b) undirected PPDM techniques:
privacy-preserving association rules and privacy-preserving clustering.
Directed PPDM techniques try to model the relationship between a dependent variable and other (independent) variables in masked datasets. Estimation deals
with continuous dependent variables and classification
with categorical or binary dependent variables. The
models obtained from the masked data using directed
PPDM techniques must be the same (or similar) to
that from the original dataset at the aggregate level,
while protecting the privacy and confidentiality at the
individual level.
In undirected PPDM, there is no concept of a dependent variable. Instead, the goal is to find unknown
patterns and rules. Clustering is used to discover (and
usually profile) homogenous subsets of data records
and often used as a preprocessing tool (to segment the
customer base, for example) before applying other DM
technique (Berry & Linoff, 2004). Association rules
are used to discover which items go together (are associated). Again, the goal of PPDM is to obtain similar

Privacy-Preserving Estimation

C la ssifica tio n

C lu ste rin g
(Klusch, et al., 2003)
(Lin, et al., 2004)
(Merugu and Ghosh, 2003a)
(Merugu and Ghosh, 2003b)
(Oliveira and Zaane , 2003b)
(Oliveira and Zaane , 2004a)
(Oliveira and Zaane , 2004b)
(Vaidya and Clifton, 2003)

E stim a tio n
(Du, et al., 2004)
(Karr, et al., 2004)
(Reiter, 2003)
(Sanil, et al., 2004)

A sso cia tio n R u le s

(Agrawal and Srikant, 2000)

(Du and Zhan, 2002), (Du and Zhan,
2003), (Du, et al., 2004)
(Islam and Brankovic, 2004)
(Johnsten and Raghavan, 2001)
(Johnsten and V.Raghavan, 2000)
(Kantarcioglu and Clifton, 2004b)
(Kantarcioglu and Vaidya, 2003)
(Lindell and Pinkas, 2002)
(Vaidya and Clifton, 2004)
(Vaidya, et al., 2004)
(Yang, et al., 2005)

patterns from both the masked and original data. Figure 1

, reproduced from Al-Ahmadi (2006), shows an abstract
view of privacy-privacy data mining (PPDM) literature
broken down by technique. Details on the references
may be found in Al-Ahmadi (2006).

We focus on privacy-preserving estimation (PPE) (also
called privacy-preserving regression). PPE is still in its
infancy compared to other PPDM methods, with some
approaches showing promise. Sanil et al. (2004) proposed an algorithm for computing the exact coefficients
of multiple linear regression for vertically-distributed
(or partitioned) dataset without sharing original values.
The dataset is assumed to contain a single shared,
non-confidential dependent variable. The unshared
confidential, independent variables are owned by more
than two parties (agents) involved in the estimation

( A s hrafi, et al ., 2003 )
( A s hrafi, et al ., 2004 )
( E v fim iev s k i, et al., 2002 )
( E v fim iev s k i, et al., 2004 )
(K antarc ioglu and C lifton , 2004 a)
( O liv eira and Z aane , 2003 a)
( O liv eira , et al., 2004 )
(R iz v i and H arits a, 2002 )
( S ay gin , et al., 2002 )
(V aidy a and C lifton , 2002 )
(V ery k ios , et al., 2004 a)
(Z hang , et al., 2004 )

U ndirec ted Da ta M ining

D ire cted Da ta M in ing (Predictio n)

Figure 1. Privacy-preserving data mining PPDM literature

process. It utilizes the secure summation algorithm

(Benaloh, 1987; Clifton, Kantarcioglu, Vaidya, Lin,
& Zhu, 2002) to share a statistical summary (total),
populated partially by each party without revealing
how much each party contributes to that statistic. This
total is needed for estimating the regression coefficients
iteratively. Thus, each party can calculate accurately,
the coefficients of the variables they own and share
them with other parties.
Karr et al. (2004) suggest two approaches for
building multiple linear regression on the union of a
horizontally-distributed dataset. The first approach,
(secure data integration) integrates horizontally-distributed datasets from multiple parties (agents) into one
dataset, while protecting the identity of the data source.
Each party could locally run linear regression analysis
on the integrated dataset. This approach only protects
the identity of the data sources (i.e. the identity of the
involved parties, not the identity or confidentiality of
surveyed human subjects). A second approach is based
on the additive nature of the linear regression analysis.,


Privacy-Preserving Estimation

Statistics (rather than data) needed to calculate the least

squares estimators of linear regression coefficients are
shared and integrated in a secure manner using the
secure summation algorithm (Benaloh, 1987; Clifton
et al., 2002; Schneier, 1996).
Remote regression servers (cf. Duncan & Mukherjee, 2000; Keller-McNulty & Unger, 1998; Schouten
& Cigrang, 2003) are access-limitation (not masking)
methods for protecting microdata for building linear
regression models. Although this approach builds
linear regression models using original values, users
do not usually have any means of checking the fit
of their models. Reiter (2003) proposed a method to
overcome this limitation based on releasing artificial,
simulated (marginally-wise) dependent and independent variables, residuals and fitted values that mimic
the original relationships of the built models.
Because many multivariate methods, including multivariate linear regression, depend on matrix computations such as matrix multiplication and matrix inverse,
Du et al. (2004) proposed secure two-party matrix
computations protocols. These enable two agents to collaboratively run matrix computations without knowing
or accessing the other partys original, sensitive values,
and without the involvement of a third party.
The above approaches to PPE, they are focused
exclusively on linear relationships. This makes them
somewhat limited for more general purpose PPE, where
nonlinear relationships found in the original data may
need to be preserved in the masked data.

Data-Centric Approach (DCA) for

Privacy-Preserving Data Mining
One of the problems with many existing PPDM approaches is that they create a dependency between the
algorithm and the dataset (Thuraisingham, 2005); see,
for example, Agrawal and Srikant (2000). The PPDM
algorithm is usually a modification of a specific DM
algorithm, for a specific protection technique. The
masked data can therefore be analyzed using only that
particular (tailored) data mining algorithm. Otherwise
there is no guarantee that the results from analyzing the
masked dataset will be the same as, or similar to, that
from analyzing the original dataset. This is not a good
idea because data miners usually employ more than one
algorithm to mine a dataset. Examining all data mining
algorithms, as well as modifying them, is not feasible.


Second, once a dataset is released, there is no guarantee

as to which algorithm might be applied possibly leading
to incorrect conclusions and actions.
Instead, as suggested by Al-Ahmadi et al. (2004),
datasets should be protected or masked without reference to a specific DM algorithm. Oliveira and Zaane
(2004b) support the concept of a Data-Centric Approach
(DCA) which supports the concept that the masking
algorithm must not be tied to the data mining algorithm,
but must be based on the characteristics of the dataset and its subsequent use. For example, a good PPE
algorithm will mask the dataset based on the kind of
relationships that need to be maintained in the masked
dataset. However, it will not mandate that a particular
data mining algorithm should be used to perform the
estimation using the masked data. Al-Ahmadi (2006)
demonstrates some PPE algorithms that utilize the DCA
approach. Oliveira and Zaane (2004a) also applied the
DCA concept by developing a new PPDM clustering
algorithm called Rotation-Based Transformation (RBT)
that allows any distance-based clustering algorithms
to be used on the masked datasets.

Data perturbation and SDL masking methods can be
a good starting point for implementing DCA in PPE
and PPDM. One protection method used is Simple
Additive Data Perturbation Method (SADP) (Traub,
Yemini, & Wozniakowski, 1984), which has undesirable characteristics in terms of data utility and data
security (Muralidhar, Parsa, & Sarathy, 1999). Most
of the newer and more sophisticated data perturbation
and SDL masking methods, such as C-GADP (Sarathy,
Muralidhar, & Parsa, 2002), IPSO (Burridge, 2003),
EGADP (Muralidhar & Sarathy, 2005) and data shuffling (Muralidhar & Sarathy, 2003, 2006), have not been
investigated in the PPE and the general PPDM domain.
The only exception is the GADP method (Muralidhar et
al., 1999), which appears in a few privacy-preserving
classification studies (Islam & Brankovic, 2004; Wilson
& Rosen, 2002, 2003; Wilson, Rosen, & Al-Ahmadi,
2005a, 2005b). Hence, there is a need to investigate
the possibilities of using some of these advanced SDL
masking methods in PPE and PPDM.
From another perspective, different types of relationships can exist in a dataset. For instance, multivariate

Privacy-Preserving Estimation

normal datasets guarantee that all existing relationships

among variables are linear. For this special case, some
existing SDL masking methods are readily available
and can perfectly preserve linear relationships. This is
due to the fact that most SDL methods are developed to
preserve linear relationships. However, most (business)
datasets contain nonlinear relationships (Zhang, 2004),
which can be monotonic or non-monotonic (Fisher,
1970). A truth about data mining not widely discussed
is that the relationships in data the miner seeks are
either very easy to characterize, or very, very hard,
(Pyle, 2003, p. 314). Therefore, there is a need to develop masking methods for PPE and PPDM to maintain
more complicated types or relationships (i.e. monotonic
nonlinear and non-monotonic relationships).

Al-Ahmadi, M. S. (2006). Adapting masking techniques

for estimation problems involving non-monotonic relationships in privacy-preserving data mining. Oklahoma
State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.


Census. (2001). Introduction to Census 2000 Data

Products. Retrieved Aug 2004, from http://www.census.

This article introduced privacy-preserving data mining

(PPDM) and related concepts. It gave a brief overview of the four main PPDM techniques: estimation,
classification, clustering, and association rules. Then,
it reviewed some of the work that has been done in
Privacy-Preserving Estimation (PPE). It concluded
by discussing some of the possible future trends in
PPDM and PPE including the need for research into
data-centric SDL-based masking techniques for solving
complicated PPE problems.

Dr. Al-Ahmadi thanks King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals for its endless support.

Agrawal, R., & Srikant, R. (2000). Privacy-preserving
data mining. Sigmod Record, 29(2), 439-450.
Al-Ahmadi, M., Sarathy, R., & Delen, D. (2004).
Privacy Preserving Data Mining: Issues and Opportunities. Paper presented at the Workshop on Data
Mining Research in Oklahoma, February 6, 2004,
Tulsa, OK, USA.

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Oliveira, S. R. M., & Zaane, O. R. (2004b). Toward
Standardization in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining.
Paper presented at the ACM SIGKDD 3rd Workshop
on Data Mining Standards (DM-SSP 2004), August
22, 2004, Seattle, WA, USA.
Pyle, D. (2003). Business modeling and data mining.
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Reiter, J. P. (2003). Model diagnostics for remote
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Sanil, A. P., Karr, A. F., Lin, X., & Reiter, J. P. (2004,
August 22-25, 2004). Privacy preserving regression
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at the 2004 ACM SIGKDD international conference on
Knowledge discovery and data Seattle, WA, USA.
Sarathy, R., Muralidhar, K., & Parsa, R. (2002). Perturbing Non-normal confidential attributes: The copula
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Privacy-Preserving Estimation

Willenborg, L. C. R. J., & Waal, T. d. (2001). Elements

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of protection such as masking must be provided before

these confidential attributes are disseminated.

Wilson, R. L., & Rosen, P. A. (2002). The Impact of

Data Perturbation Techniques on Data Mining Accuracy. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of
the Decision Sciences Institute.

Data Mining Algorithm: A systematic, practical

method to implement a data mining technique. Different algorithms can be used to implement the same
data mining technique. For example, decision trees
algorithms (CART, C4.5, C5, etc.) and logistic regression are among the algorithms of the classification data
mining technique.

Wilson, R. L., & Rosen, P. A. (2003). Protecting

Data through Perturbation Techniques: The Impact
on Knowledge Discovery in Databases. Journal of
Database Management, 14(2), 14-26.
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Knowledge Structure and Data Mining Techniques.
In D. G. Schwartz (Ed.), Encyclopedia of knowledge
management (pp. 523-529). Hershey, PA: Idea Group
Wilson, R. L., Rosen, P. A., & Al-Ahmadi, M. S.
(2005b). Secure Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
In D. G. Schwartz (Ed.), Encyclopedia of knowledge
management (pp. 787-794). Hershey, PA: Idea Group
Zhang, G. P. (Ed.). (2004). Neural networks in business
forecasting. Hershey, Pa.: Idea Group.

Confidentiality: The status accorded to specific
attributes (such as salary) in datasets, whose original
values should not be revealed. Generally, some type

Data Mining Technique: The main purpose or

objective of the data mining modelling process. Each
technique can be implemented using different DM
Data-Centric Approach (DCA): The concept that
data protection techniques must be independent of
(standard) DM algorithms. That is, the masked data
must be analyzable using multiple DM algorithms
while providing results comparable to the results from
analyzing the original data.
Privacy: Privacy is the desire of individuals to
control their personal information. Generally, in the
SDL literature, it relates to the identity of an individual,
while confidentiality relates to specific information
about the individual (such as salary).
Statistical Disclosure Limitation (SDL) or Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC): A set of methods that
attempt to protect privacy and confidentiality of data,
while preserving the overall statistical characteristics of
original datasets (such as mean and covariance matrix)
in the protected dataset.



Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion,

Bayesian Methods
Somasheker Akkaladevi
Virginia State University, USA
Ajay K. Katangur
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, USA
Xin Luo
The University of New Mexico, USA

Prediction of protein secondary structure (alpha-helix,
beta-sheet, coil) from primary sequence of amino acids
is a very challenging and difficult task, and the problem
has been approached from several angles. A protein
is a sequence of amino acid residues and can thus be
considered as a one dimensional chain of beads where
each bead correspond to one of the 20 different amino
acid residues known to occur in proteins. The length of
most protein sequence ranges from 50 residues to about
1000 residues but longer proteins are also known, e.g.
myosin, the major protein of muscle fibers, consists of
1800 residues (Altschul et al. 1997). Many techniques
were used many researchers to predict the protein
secondary structure, but the most commonly used
technique for protein secondary structure prediction
is the neural network (Qian et al. 1988).
This chapter discusses a new method combining
profile-based neural networks (Rost et al. 1993b),
Simulated Annealing (SA) (Akkaladevi et al. 2005;
Simons et al. 1997), Genetic algorithm (GA) (Akkaladevi et al. 2005) and the decision fusion algorithms
(Akkaladevi et al. 2005). Researchers used the neural
network (Hopfield 1982) combined with GA and SA
algorithms, and then applied the two decision fusion
methods; committee method and the correlation methods and obtained improved results on the prediction
accuracy (Akkaladevi et al. 2005). Sequence profiles of
amino acids are fed as input to the profile-based neural
network. The two decision fusion methods improved
the prediction accuracy, but noticeably one method
worked better in some cases and the other method for
some other sequence profiles of amino acids as input
(Akkaladevi et al. 2005). Instead of compromising on

some of the good solutions that could have generated

from either approach, a combination of these two approaches is used for obtaining better prediction accuracy.
This criterion is the basis for the Bayesian inference
method (Anandalingam et al. 1989; Schmidler et al.
2000; Simons et al. 1997). The results obtained show
that the prediction accuracy improves by more than 2%
using the combination of the decision fusion approach
and the Bayesian inference method.

A lot of interesting work has been done on protein secondary structure prediction problem, and over the last
10 to 20 years the methods have gradually improved
in accuracy. The most successful application of neural
networks (Hopfield 1982) to secondary structure prediction was obtained by Rost and Sander (Rost et al. 1993b;
Rost et al. 1993c; Rost 1996; Rost et al. 1994), which
resulted in the prediction mail server called PHD (Rost
et al. 1993c). Using profile-based neural network and
a few other methods, the performance of the network
is reported to be up to 67.2% (Rost et al. 1993b).
In the problem of the protein secondary structure
prediction, the inputs are the amino acid sequence
profiles while the output is the predicted structure (also
called conformation, which is the combination of alpha
helices, beta sheets and loops) (Banavar et al. 2001;
Branden et al. 1999). A typical protein sequence and
its conformation class are shown below:
Conformation Class: HHHH EEEE HHHHHHHH

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

H stands for Helical, E for Extended, and blanks

are the remaining coiled conformations.
A typical protein contains about 32% alpha helices,
21% beta sheets and 47% loops or non-regular structure
(Rost et al. 1993b). It is possible to predict loop regions
with higher accuracy than alpha helices or beta sheets
(Rost et al. 1993c). The seven-fold cross-validation
technique is used on the set of 126 non-homologous
globular proteins from (Rost & Sander, 1994), which is
called the RS126 data set (Rost et al. 1994) for training
and testing purpose.
The protein secondary structure accuracy is calculated by using the three-state per-residue accuracy
(Q3), which gives the percentage of correctly predicted
residues in either of the three states (classes), alpha
helix, beta strand or loop region (Qian et al. 1988;
Rost 1996):
( PA + PB + Ploop )
Q3 =

P, P and Ploop are number of residues predicted

correctly in state alpha helix, beta strand and loop
respectively while T is the total number of residues.


In this research the RS126 dataset is used, which
contains 126 sequences with approximately more
than 23,300 amino acid positions and 20 amino acids
(Rost et al. 1994). Orthogonal encoding scheme is
used for the input which is sent to the profile-based
neural network.
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using sequence profiles - The profile-based neural network is
used for this research. Using profiles at the input level
generally has been shown to yield better results than
using profiles at the output level (Baldi et al. 1999;
Rost et al. 1993b). Using this approach the secondary
structure prediction accuracy (Q3) is 66.8%.
GA and the profile-based Neural Networks for
protein secondary structure prediction - The predicted
structure from the profile-based neural network is
given to GA; the GA does a series of mutation and
crossover operations on the predicted structure from

the profile-based neural network to generate new solutions (offsprings) (Akkaladevi et al. 2005). After the
offspring is generated; the fitness of this new offspring
is calculated by again comparing to the true structure
already known by using the Q3 function. The GA accepts or rejects this solution depending on the fitness
value, which in this case is the prediction accuracy Q3.
Finally at this point the error value is calculated and
back-propagated to adjust the weights of the profilebased neural network. The mutation probability for GA
in this research is set at 0.25, number of generations
at 75, population size at 30 and the crossover probability as 100% (Akkaladevi et al. 2005). Using this
approach the secondary structure prediction accuracy
(Q3) is 69.2%.
SA and the profile-based Neural Networks for protein
secondary structure prediction - The predicted structure
from the profile-based neural network is sent to the SA
algorithm for further processing by the SA algorithm
(Akkaladevi et al. 2005). The SA algorithm generates
new solutions and compares it with the true secondary structure which is already known to calculate the
prediction accuracy Q3. The error is than calculated by
determining the value of Q3. This error value is then
back-propagated to adjust the weights of the profilebased neural network. The starting temperature for
SA in this research is set at 600, the final temperature
at 0.20, the temperature cooling rate at 0.84, and the
number of iterations per temperature at 20 (Akkaladevi
et al. 2005). Using this approach the secondary structure
prediction accuracy (Q3) is 68.3%.
Prediction of protein secondary structure using
the Committee method and the profile-based Neural
Network - In the committee based method (Mazurov
et al. 1987) of applying decision fusion the secondary
structure values are calculated using a combined profile-based neural network (PNN) with GA, a combined
profile-based neural network with SA, and the independent profile-based neural network. The output obtained
from the profile-based neural network, combined
profile-based neural network plus GA and combined
profile-based neural network plus SA is routed to the
decision fusion algorithm, for fusing the solutions as
shown in Figure 1 (Akkaladevi et al. 2005).
The decision fusion (Abidi et al. 1992) algorithm
works on the basis of a committee (committee method
or voting method), where each individual in the
committee decides on the best solution according to
pre-determined rules and then cast their vote for the

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

Figure 1. Fusing the various solutions according to the fusion rules

Neural Net
Neural Net + GA


Fused Estimate
back to the profilebased Neural Net

Neural Net + SA

best approach (Mazurov et al. 1987). In the event of

a tie, the tie is broken by one more rule; the priority
assigned to each algorithm. The algorithm with the
highest priority wins. The Committee fusion algorithm
is outlined below:


Given a secondary structure output obtained by

profile-based neural network of Ni elements, where
i = 1,2,,n. (Here for H we assume a value
of 2, for E a value of 3, and for C a value of
4. These are arbitrarily chosen values). Similarly
represent output from GA and SA by Gi and Si
Calculate the following values:

G = ( N i Gi ) 2
i =1


S = (N i Si ) 2
i =1






Compute Ni - Gi. If Ni - Gi > 0, then (bin+) Ni

- Gi else if Ni - Gi < 0, then (bin-) Ni - Gi, where
bin+ and bin- are the so called positive and negative bins. If the result of the operation is zero, it
is not stored in any of the bins.
Evaluate bin+ and bin-, the positive and negative
bins for G; if they are equal or if the positive
bin has a higher count compared to the negative
bin G is assigned a positive sign (+G), else G is

assigned a negative sign (-G). Always consider

Repeat steps 3 and 4 to calculate S.
Use max(N, G, S) to be the secondary structure for
calculating Q3 which is used to determine the error
for back-propagation for weight adjustments. Each
algorithm votes for the best solution by comparing
its value with the other algorithms values. The
algorithm with the majority votes wins the race.
In the event of a tie, the tie is broken according to
the algorithms priority, and the algorithm which
wins calculates the prediction accuracy using
the function Q3 to determine the error that is to
be back-propagated to the profile-based neural
network for weight adjustments.
The profile-based neural network (PNN) secondary structure values are assigned the highest
priority, followed by the combination of profilebased neural network and GA (PNN+GA), and
then followed by the combination of profile-based
neural network and SA (PNN+SA) (Akkaladevi
et al. 2005). Using this approach the secondary
structure prediction accuracy (Q3) is 70.8%.

Prediction of protein secondary structure using

the Correlation method and the profile-based Neural
Network - This method is very similar to the committee
method but with some minor changes (Akkaladevi et
al. 2005; Ho et al. 1994). In this method the algorithm
that wins after decision fusion is applied is used to calculate the prediction accuracy using the function Q3 to
determine the error that is to be back-propagated to the
profile-based neural network for weight adjustments.

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

After this adjustment of weights on the profile-based

neural network, the previous protein sequence is again
used for testing purpose to check whether better prediction accuracy is achieved or not. Here the new weights
are used if we get an improvement of more than 1.5%,
otherwise from the previously calculated prediction
accuracies of (PNN), (PNN+GA) and (PNN+SA),
the method which produces the highest prediction
accuracy is chosen to determine the error that is to be
back-propagated to the profile-based neural network
for weight adjustments (Akkaladevi et al. 2005). Using this approach the secondary structure prediction
accuracy (Q3) is 71.4%.

In this method the Bayesian inference method is applied on the output generated by the committee and
correlation methods of decision fusion (Anandalingam
et al. 1989; Schmidler et al. 2000). In the Bayesian
inference approach both these methods are used by
assigning a specific probability value to them, and then
generating a new value using the Bayesian equation
(Anandalingam et al. 1989; Simons et al. 1997). This
new value obtained is used to decide between the two
methods (committee method and correlation method)
to be used for calculating the error that is to be backpropagated to the profile-based neural network for
weight adjustments. The following Bayesian equation
is used to calculate the value for judging between the
two methods (Anandalingam et al. 1989).
P( H 1 | D) =

P( H 1 ) P( D | H 1 )
P( H 1 ) P( D | H 1 ) + P( H 2 ) P( D | H 2 )

To illustrate, let H1 corresponds to correlation

method, and H2 corresponds to committee method.
Since the correlation method produces better prediction
accuracy compared to the committee method, for our
first instance we assume that P(H1) = 0.51, and P(H2) =
0.49 (assigning more probability for choosing correlation method as this method produces better prediction
accuracy compared to the committee method).
For example if we obtain a prediction accuracy of
71% using the correlation method and a prediction

accuracy of 70.5% using the committee method, then

P(D|H1) = 0.71 and P(D|H2) = 0.705. Bayesian equation then yields:

0.51 0.71
= 0.5117
0.51 0.71 + 0.49 0.705

If the probability obtained is greater than or equal to

0.5, the correlation method is used for calculating the
error that is to be back-propagated to the profile-based
neural network for weight adjustments.
For example if we obtain a prediction accuracy of
69% using the correlation method and a prediction
accuracy of 72% using the committee method, then
P(D|H1) = 0.69 and P(D|H2) = 0.72. Bayesian equation
then yields:

0.51 0.69
= 49.93
0.51 0.69 + 0.49 0.72

If the probability obtained is less than 0.5, the committee method is used for calculating the error to be
back-propagated for weight adjustments.
Similarly this new approach is tested using various
values of probability for P(H1) and P(H2), and always
choosing P(H1) greater than P(H2). From the several
test cases, it is concluded that the values of 0.506
for P(H1) and 0.494 for P(H2) produce the greatest
prediction accuracy. Using the Bayesian approach
the prediction accuracy is obtained to be 73.3% (Q3).
This method produces the highest protein secondary
structure prediction accuracy compared to all the other
methods investigated in this research.

The simulations are performed using code written in
JAVA on a 3.6 GHz Intel Pentium IV PC with hyperthreading running Microsoft Windows XP with 2GB
of RAM and a 160GB hard disk. The multi-threading
approach is used for running the GA and SA algorithms
and the decision fusion methods in parallel. Table 1
provides the summary of the prediction accuracies
achieved using various approaches in this research.
It is clearly evident from Table 1 that the Bayesian
inference method improves the prediction accuracy
by 2% compared to that of correlation method and

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

Table 1. Comparison of prediction accuracy (Q3) for various approaches

Approach Used
Profile-based Neural Network
Profile-based Neural Network & GA
Profile-based Neural Network & SA
Decision fusion (Committee method)
using Profile-based Neural Network
Decision fusion (Correlation method)
using Profile-based Neural Network
Bayesian Inference method

Prediction Accuracy (Q3)


overall a prediction accuracy of 6.5% more than the

profile-based neural network, which is a significant

of using this approach is that, it does not comprise the

advantages provided by either committee or correlation
methods of decision fusion.



Many researchers all over the world are actively working on this problem using various methods to achieve
at better prediction accuracy.
The future work can comprise the use of other decision fusion methods such as the clustering method,
the fuzzy set method, and the probabilistic method for
further improving on the protein secondary structure
prediction accuracy.

M. A. Abidi and R. C.Gonzales, eds. (1992). Data Fusion in Robotics and Machine Intelligence. Academic
Press Inc.


Altschul S.F., Madden T.L., Schaffer A.A., Zhang J.,

Zhang Z., Miller W., Lipman D.J. (1997). Gapped
BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein
database search programs, Nucleic Acid Research,

This research aimed at improving the protein secondary structure prediction accuracy using the Bayesian
inference method. Although there exists a variety of
protein structure classification algorithms, research was
performed in the belief that further improvement can
be attained by finding the best way to combine several
methods to lead to a unified better decision. From the
results obtained we can conclude that applying AI algorithms along with decision fusion techniques improves
the prediction accuracy compared to that of prediction
by neural networks or AI algorithms individually or
combined with profile-based neural networks. The
simulations results prove that the Bayesian Inference
method improves the prediction accuracy over the
other decision fusion methods. The main advantage

Somasheker Akkaladevi, Ajay K Katangur, Saeid Belkasim, and Yi Pan. (2005). Protein Secondary Structure
Prediction using decision fusion of Genetic Algorithm
and Simulated Annealing Algorithm, International
Conference on Neural Networks and Brain, Vol. 1, pp.
467-472, Beijing, China.

G.Anandalingam and L. Chen. (1989). Linear combination of forecasts: a general bayesian model, Journal of
Forecasting, vol. 8, pp. 199214.
Baldi P, Brunak S, Frasconi P, Pollastri G, Soda G.
(1999). Exploiting the past and the future in protein secondary structure prediction, Bioinformatics;
Banavar J.R and Maritan A. (2001). Computational
Approach to the Protein-Folding Problem, Proteins:
Structure, Function, and Genetics, 42: 433-435.

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

Branden, C. and Tooze, J. (1999). Introduction to

Protein Structure, Garland Publishing.
T. K. Ho, J. J. Hull, and S. N. Srihari. (1994). Decision combination in multiple classifier systems, IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 16, pp. 66 75.
Hopfield, J. (1982). Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational properties,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the USA, 79:2554 -- 2588.
V.D.Mazurov, A.I.Krivonogov, and V.S.Kazantsev.
(1987). Solving of optimization and identification problems by the committee methods, Pattern Recognition,
vol. 4, no. 20, pp. 371378.
Qian, N. and Sejnowski, T. (1988). Predicting the
secondary structure of globular proteins using neural network models, Journal of Molecular Biology,
Rost, B. and Sander, C. (1993b). Improved prediction
of protein secondary structure by use of sequence
structure and neural networks, Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America, 90:7558-7562.
Rost, B. and Sander, C. (1993c). Prediction of protein
secondary structure at better than 70% accuracy. Journal
of Molecular Biology, 232:584-599.
Rost, B. (1996). Predicting 1d protein structure by
profile based neural networks, Meth. in Enzym.,
Rost, B., Sander, C., and Schneider, R. (1994). Redefining the goals of protein secondary structure prediction,
Journal of Molecular Biology, 235:13-26.
Schmidler S, Liu J, Brutlag D. (2000). Bayesian segmentation of protein secondary structure, Journal of
Computational Biology; 2(1-2):233-48.
Simons K. T., Kooperberg C., Huang E. and Baker D.
(1997). Assembly of protein tertiary structures from
fragments with similar local sequences using simulated
annealing and Bayesian scoring functions, Journal of
Molecular Biology., 268: 209-25.

Bayesian Inference: Bayesian inference is statistical inference in which evidence or observations are
used to update or to newly infer the probability that a
hypothesis may be true.
Decision Fusion: The process of combining classifiers is called decision fusion. Results from different
methods, algorithms, sources or classifiers can often
be combined (fused) to give estimates of a better quality than could be obtained from any of the individual
sources alone.
Genetic Algorithm: Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are
adaptive heuristic search algorithm premised on the
evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The
basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes
in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically
those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles
Darwin of survival of the fittest. As such they represent
an intelligent exploitation of a random search within a
defined search space to solve a problem.
Neural Network: A Neural Network is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way
biological nervous systems, such as the brain, process
information. The key element of this paradigm is the
novel structure of the information processing system. It
is composed of a large number of highly interconnected
processing elements (neurons) working in unison to
solve specific problems.
Profile-Based Neural Network: This type of
neural network configuration results when we feed the
multiple alignments in the form of a sequence profile
(for each position an amino acid frequency vector is
fed to the network) instead of a base sequence to a
neural network.
Protein: A large molecule composed of one or more
chains of amino acids in a specific order determined by
the base sequence of nucleotides in the DNA coding
for the protein.
Secondary Structure: In biochemistry and structural biology, secondary structure is the general threedimensional form of local segments of biopolymers
such as proteins and nucleic acids (DNA/RNA).
Simulated Annealing Algorithm: Simulated annealing (SA) is a generic probabilistic meta-algorithm

Protein Structure Prediction by Fusion, Bayesian Methods

for the global optimization problem, namely locating a

good approximation to the global optimum of a given
function in a large search space.



Prototype Based Classification in

Frank-M. Schleif
University of Leipzig, Germany
Thomas Villmann
University of Leipzig, Germany
Barbara Hammer
Technical University of Clausthal, Germany



Bioinformatics has become an important tool to support clinical and biological research and the analysis
of functional data, is a common task in bioinformatics
(Schleif, 2006). Gene analysis in form of micro array
analysis (Schena, 1995) and protein analysis (Twyman,
2004) are the most important fields leading to multiple
sub omics-disciplines like pharmacogenomics, glycoproteomics or metabolomics. Measurements of such
studies are high dimensional functional data with few
samples for specific problems (Pusch, 2005). This leads
to new challenges in the data analysis. Spectra of mass
spectrometric measurements are such functional data
requiring an appropriate analysis (Schleif, 2006). Here
we focus on the determination of classification models
for such data. In general, the spectra are transformed
into a vector space followed by training a classifier
(Haykin, 1999). Hereby the functional nature of the data
is typically lost. We present a method which takes this
specific data aspects into account. A wavelet encoding
(Mallat, 1999) is applied onto the spectral data leading
to a compact functional representation. Subsequently
the Supervised Neural Gas classifier (Hammer, 2005)
is applied, capable to handle functional metrics as
introduced by Lee & Verleysen (Lee, 2005). This allows the classifier to utilize the functional nature of the
data in the modelling process. The presented method
is applied to clinical proteome data showing good results and can be used as a bioinformatics method for
biomarker discovery.

Applications of mass spectrometry (ms) in clinical

proteomics have gained tremendous visibility in the
scientific and clinical community (Villanueva, 2004)
(Ketterlinus, 2005). One major objective is the search
for potential classification models for cancer studies,
with strong requirements for validated signal patterns
(Ransohoff, 2005). Primal optimistic results as given in
(Petricoin, 2002) are now considered more carefully, because the complexity of the task of biomarker discovery
and an appropriate data processing has been observed
to be more challenging than expected (Ransohoff,
2005). Consequently the main recent work in this field
is focusing on optimization and standardisation. This
includes the biochemical part (e.g. Baumann, 2005),
the measurement (Orchard, 2003) and the subsequently
data analysis (Morris, 2005)(Schleif 2006).


Here we focus on classification models. A powerful
tool to achieve such models with high generalization
abilities is available with the prototype based Supervised Neural Gas algorithm (SNG) (Villmann, 2002).
Like all nearest prototype classifier algorithms, SNG
heavily relies on the data metric d, usually the standard
Euclidean metric. For high-dimensional data as they
occur in proteomic patterns, this choice is not adequate
due to two reasons: first, the functional nature of the
data should be kept as far as possible. Second the noise
present in the data set accumulates and likely disrupts
the classification when taking a standard Euclidean

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics

approach. A functional representation of the data with

respect to the used metric and a weighting or pruning of
especially (priory not known) irrelevant function parts of
the inputs, would be desirable. We focus on a functional
distance measure as recently proposed in (Lee, 2005)
referred as functional metric. Additionally a feature
selection is applied based on a statistical pre-analysis
of the data. Hereby a discriminative data representation
is necessary. The extraction of such discriminant features is crucial for spectral data and typically done by a
parametric peak picking procedure (Schleif, 2006). This
peak picking is often spot of criticism, because peaks
may be insufficiently detected and the functional nature
of the data is partially lost. To avoid these difficulties
we focus on a wavelet encoding. The obtained wavelet
coefficients are sufficient to reconstruct the signal, still
containing all relevant information of the spectra, but
are typically more complex and hence a robust data
analysis approach is needed. The paper is structured
as follows: first the bioinformatics methods are presented. Subsequently the clinical data are described
and the introduced methods are applied in the analysis
of the proteome spectra. The introduced method aims
on a replacement of the classical three step procedure
of denoising, peak picking and feature extraction by
means of a compact wavelet encoding which gives a
more natural representation of the signal.

The classification of mass spectra involves in general the
two steps peak picking to locate and quantify positions
of peaks and feature extraction from the obtained peak
list. In the first step a number of procedures as baseline
correction, denoising, noise estimation and normalization are applied in advance. Upon these prepared
spectra the peaks have to be identified by scanning all
local maxima. The procedure of baseline correction
and recalibration (alignment) of multiple spectra is
standard, and has been done here using ClinProTools
(Ketterlinus, 2006). As an alternative we propose a
feature extraction procedure preserving all (potentially
small) peaks containing relevant information by use of
the discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). The DWT
has been done using the Matlab Wavelet-Toolbox (see Due to the local analysis
property of wavelet analysis the features can still be
related back to original mass position in the spectral

data which is essential for further biomarker analysis.

For feature selection the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test
(KS-test) (Sachs, 2003) has been applied. The test was
used to identify features which show a significant (p <
0.01) discrimination between the two groups (cancer,
control). In (Waagen, 2003) also a generalization to a
multiclass experiment is given. The now reduced data
set has been further processed by SNG to obtain a classification model with a small ranked set of features.
The whole procedure has been cross-validated in a
10-fold cross validation.


Wavelets have been developed as powerful tools (Rieder, 1998) used for noise removal and data compression. The discrete version of the continuous wavelet
transform leads to the concept of a multi-resolution
analysis (MRA). This allows a fast and stable wavelet
analysis and synthesis. The analysis becomes more
precise if the wavelet shape is adapted to the signal to
be analyzed. For this reason one can apply the so called
bi-orthogonal wavelet transform (Cohen, 1992), which
uses two pairs of scaling and wavelet functions. One
is for the decomposition/analysis and the other one
for reconstruction/synthesis, giving a higher degree
of freedom for the shape of the scaling and wavelet
function. In our analysis such a smooth synthesis pair
was chosen. It can be expected that a signal in the
time domain can be represented by a small number of
a relatively large set of coefficients from the wavelet
domain. The spectra are reconstructed in dependence
of a certain approximation level L of the MRA. The
denoised spectrum looks similar to the reconstruction
as depicted in Figure 1.
One obtains approximation- and detail-coefficients
(Cohen, 1992). The approximation coefficients describe
a generalized peak list, encoding primal spectral information. For linear MALDI-TOF spectra a device
resolution of 500800Da can be expected. This implies
limits to the minimal peak width in the spectrum and
hence, the reconstruction level of the Wavelet-Analysis
should be able to model corresponding peaks. A level
L = 4 is appropriate for our problem (see Figure 1).
Applying this procedure including the KS-test on the
spectra with an initial number of 22306 measurement
points per spectrum one obtains 602 wavelet coefficients

Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics

Figure 1. Wavelet reconstruction of the spectra with L = 4, 5, x-mass positions, y-arbitrary unit. Original signal
- solid line. One observes for L = 5 (right plot) the peak approximate is to rough.

used as representative features per spectrum, still allowing a reliable functional representation of the data.
The coefficients were used to reconstruct the spectra
and the final functional representation of the signal.

Supervised Neural Gas (SNG) is considered as a representative for prototype based classification approaches
as introduced by Kohonen (Kohonen, 1995). Different
prototype classifiers have been proposed so far (Kohonen, 1995) (Sato, 1996) (Hammer, 2005) (Villmann,
2002) as improvements of the original approach. The
SNG has been introduced in (Villmann, 2002) and
combines ideas from the Neural Gas algorithm (NG)
introduced in (Martinetz, 1993) with the Generalized
learning vector quantizer (GLVQ) as given in (Sato,
Subsequently we give some basic notations and
remarks to the integration of alternative metrics into
Supervised Neural Gas (SNG). Details on SNG including convergence proofs can be found in (Villmann,
2002). Let us first clarify some notations: Let cv in L be
the label of input v, L a set of labels (classes). Let V in
RDV be a finite set of inputs v. LVQ uses a fixed number
of prototypes (weight vectors, codebook vectors) for
each class. Let W={wr} be the set of all codebook
vectors and cr be the class label of wr. Furthermore,
let Wc={wr|cr = c} be the subset of prototypes assigned to class c in L. The task of vector quantization
is realized by the map as a winner-take-all rule, i.e.
a stimulus vector v in V is mapped onto that prototype
s the pointer ws of which is closest to the presented
stimulus vector v, measured by a distance d (v,w). d
(v,w) is an arbitrary differentiable similarity measure

which may depend on a parameter vector . For the

moment we take as fixed. The neuron s (v) is called
winner or best matching unit. If the class information of the weight vector is used, the above scheme
generates decision boundaries for classes (details in
(Villmann, 2002)). A training algorithm should adapt
the prototypes such that for each class c in L, the corresponding codebook vectors Wc represent the class
as accurately as possible. Detailed equations and cost
function for SNG are given in (Villmann, 2002). Here
it is sufficient to keep in mind that in the cost function
of SNG the distance measure can be replaced by an
arbitrary (differentiable) similarity measure, which
finally leads to new update formulas for the gradient
descent based prototype updates.
Incorporation of a functional metric to SNG As
pointed out before, the similarity measure d (v,w) is
only required to be differentiable with respect to and
w. The triangle inequality has not to be fulfilled necessarily (Hammer, 2005). This leads to a great freedom in
the choice of suitable measures and allows the usage of
non-standard metrics in a natural way. For spectral data,
a functional metric would be more appropriate as given
in (Lee, 2005). The obtained derivations can be plugged
into the SNG equations leading to SNG with a functional
metric, whereby the data are functions represented by
vectors and, hence, the vector dimensions are spatially
correlated. Common vector processing does not take
this spatial order of the coordinates into account. As a
consequence, the functional aspect of spectral data is
lost. For proteome spectra the order of signal features
(peaks) is due to the nature of the underlying biological
samples and the measurement procedure. The masses
of measured chemical compounds are given ascending
and peaks encoding chemical structures with a higher
mass follow chemical structures with lower masses.

Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics

In addition, multiple peaks with different masses may

encode parts of the same chemical structure and, hence,
are correlated. Lee proposed an appropriate norm with
a constant sampling period :

are respectively of the triangles on the left and right

sides of xi. Just as for Lp, the value of p is assumed to
be a positive integer. At the left and right ends of the
sequence, x0 and xD are assumed to be equal to zero.
The derivatives for the functional metric taking p = 2
are given in (Lee, 2005). Now we consider the scaled
functional norm where each dimension (0, 1], vi is scaled
by a parameter i > 0 and all i sum up to 1:

The prototype update changes to:

using this parameterization one
can emphasize/neglect different parts of the function
for classification.


The proposed data processing scheme is applied to
clinical ms spectra taken from a cancer study (45 cancer,
50 control samples). Sample preparation and profile
spectra analysis were carried out using the CLINPROT
system (Bruker Daltonik, Bremen, Germany [BDAL]).
The preprocessed set of spectra and the corresponding
wavelet coefficients are then analyzed using the SNG

extended by a functional metric. We reconstructed the

spectra based upon the discriminative wavelet coefficients determined by the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test
as explained above and used corresponding intensities
as features. We used all features for the parameterized
functional norm i.e. all i = 1. The original signal with
approx. 22000 sampling points had been processed with
only 600 remaining points still encoding the significant
parts of the signal relevant for discrimination between
the classes. The SNG classifier with functional metric
obtains a crossvalidation accuracy of 84% using functional metric and 82% by use of standard Euclidean
metric. The results from the wavelet processed spectra
are slightly better than using standard peak lists, with
81% crossvalidation accuracy.

The proposed method generates a compact but still
complex functional representation of the spectral data.
While the bior3.7 wavelet gives promising results they
are still not optimal, due to signal oscillations, leading
to negative intensities in the reconstruction. Further,
the functional nature of the data motivates the usage of
a functional data representation and similarity calculation but there are also spectra regions encoded which
do not contain meaningful biological information but
measurement artefacts. In principle it should be possible
to remove this overlaying artificial function from the
real signal. Further it could be interesting to incorporate
additional knowledge about the peak width, which is
increasing over the mass axis.

The presented interpretation of proteome data demonstrate that the functional analysis and model generation
using SNG with functional metric in combination with
a wavelet based data pre-processing provides an easy
and efficient detection of classification models. The
usage of wavelet encoded spectra features is especially helpful in detection of small differences which
maybe easily ignored by standard approaches as well
as to generate a significant reduced number of points
needed in further processing steps. The signal must
not be shrinked to peak lists but could be preserved in
its functional representation. SNG was able to process

Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics

high-dimensional functional data and shows good regularization. By use of the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test we
found a ranking of the features related to mass positions
in the original spectrum which allows for identification of most relevant feature dimensions and to prune
irrelevant regions of the spectrum. Alternatively one
could optimize the scaling parameters of the functional
norm directly during classification learning by so called
relevance learning as shown in (Hammer, 2005) for
scaled Euclidean metric. Conclusively, wavelet spectra
encoding combined with SNG and a functional metric
is an interesting alternative to standard approaches. It
combines efficient model generation with automated
data pre-treatment and intuitive analysis.

Baumann, S., Ceglarek, U., Fiedler, G.M. & Lembcke,
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Neural-gas network for vector quantization and its
application to time-series prediction. IEEE Trans. on
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Kobayashi, R. (2005) Feature extraction and quantification for mass spectrometry in biomedical applications using the mean spectrum. Bioinformatics 21(9),
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Pusch, W., Flocco, M., Leung, S.M., Thiele, H.
Kostrzewa, M.(2003). Mass spectrometry-based clinical proteomics. Pharmacogenomic, 4, 463--476.
Petricoin, E.F., Ardekani, A., Hitt, B. Levine, P. (2002)
Use of proteomic patterns in serum to identify ovarian
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Ransohoff, D. F. (2005) Lessons from controversy:
ovarian cancer screening and serum proteomics, J Natl
Cancer Inst, 97, 315319, 2005.

Cohen, A., Daubechies, I. & Feauveau, J.-C. (1992)

Biorthogonal bases of compactly supported wavelets.
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 45(5):485560.

Rieder, A. Louis, A.K. & Maa, P. (1998) Wavelets:

Theory and Applications. Wiley.

Hammer, B., Strickert, M. & Villmann, T. (2005) Supervised neural gas with general similarity measure.
Neural Processing Letters, 21(1):2144.

Sato, A. & Yamada, K. (1996) Generalized learning

vector quantization. In D. S. Touretzky, M. C. Mozer,
and M. E. Hasselmo, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8. Proceedings of the
1995 Conference, pages 4239. MIT Press, Cambridge,

Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Ketterlinus, R., Hsieh, S-Y., Teng, S-H., Lee, H. &
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Kohonen, T. (1995). Self-Organizing Maps, volume 30
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Sachs, L. (2003) Angewandte Statistik. Springer.

Schena, M., Shalon, D., Davis, R.W. & Brown, P.O.

(1995) Quantitative monitoring of gene expression
patterns with a complementary DNA microarray, Science, 270, 5235: 467470.
Schleif, F.-M.(2006) Prototype based Machine Learning
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Twyman, R.M. Principles of proteomics BIOS Scientific
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Prototype Based Classification in Bioinformatics

Villmann, T. & Hammer, B. (2002) Supervised neural

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(ISIF03), pages 10781085. IEEE Press.

Bioinformatics: Generic term of a research field as
well as a set of methods used in computational biology
or medicine to analyse multiple kinds of biological or
clinical data. It combines the disciplines of computer
science, artificial intelligence, applied mathematics,
statistics, biology, chemistry and engineering in the
field of biology and medicine. Typical research subjects
are problem adequate data pre-processing of measured
biological sample information (e.g. data cleaning, alignments, feature extraction), supervised and unsupervised
data analysis (e.g. classification models, visualization,
clustering, biomarker discovery) and multiple kinds of
modelling (e.g. protein structure prediction, analysis of
expression of gene, proteins, gene/protein regulation
networks/interactions) for one or multidimensional
data including time series. Thereby the most common
problem is the high dimensionality of the data and the
small number of samples which in general make standard approach (e.g. classical statistic) inapplicable.
Biomarker: Mainly in clinical research one goal
of experiments is to determine patterns which are
predictive for the presents or prognosis of a disease
state, frequently called biomarker. Biomarkers can
be single or complex (pattern) indicator variables
taken from multiple measurements of a sample. The
ideal biomarker has a high sensitivity, specificity and
is reproducible (under standardized conditions) with
respect to control experiments in other labs. Further it
can be expected that the marker is vanishing or changing during a treatment of the disease.


Clinical Proteomics: Proteomics is the field of

research related to the analysis of the proteome of
an organism. Thereby, clinical proteomics is focused
on research mainly related to disease prediction and
prognosis in the clinical domain by means of proteome
analysis. Standard methods for proteome analysis are
available by Mass spectrometry.
Mass Spectrometry: An analytical technique used
to measure the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. In clinical
proteomics mass spectrometry can be applied to extract
fingerprints of samples (like blood, urine, bacterial
extracts) whereby semi-quantitative intensity differences between sample cohorts may indicate biomarker
Prototype Classifiers: Are a specific kind of neural
networks and related to the kNN classifier. The classification model consists of so called prototypes which
are representatives for a larger set of data points. The
classification is done by a nearest neighbour classification using the prototypes. Nowadays prototype classifiers can be found in multiple fields (robotics, character
recognition, signal processing or medical diagnosis)
trained to find (non)linear relationships in data.
Relevance Learning: A method, typically used in
supervised classification, to determine problem specific
metric parameter. With respect to the used metric and
learning schema univariate, correlative and multivariate relations between data dimensions can be analyzed.
Relevance learning typically leads to significantly
improved, problem adapted metric parameters and
classification models.
Wavelet Analysis: Method used in signal processing to analyse a signal by means of frequency and
local information. Thereby the signal is encoded in a
representation of wavelets, which are specific kinds of
mathematical functions. The Wavelet encoding allows
the representation of the signal at different resolutions,
the coefficients contain frequency information but can
also be localized in the signal.


Randomized Hough Transform

Lei Xu
Chinese University of Hong Kong & Peking University, China
Erkki Oja
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Proposed in 1962, the Hough transform (HT) has
been widely applied and investigated for detecting
curves, shapes, and motions in the fields of image
processing and computer vision. However, the HT has
several shortcomings, including high computational
cost, low detection accuracy, vulnerability to noise,
and possibility of missing objects. Many efforts target
at solving some of the problems for decades, while the
key idea remains more or less the same. Proposed in
1989 and further developed thereafter, the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT) manages to considerably
overcome these shortcomings via innovations on the
fundamental mechanisms, with random sampling in
place of pixel scanning, converging mapping in place

of diverging mapping, and dynamic storage in place

of accumulation array. This article will provides an
overview on advances and applications of RHT in the
past one and half decades.

Taking straight line detection as an example, the upper
part of Fig.1 shows the key idea of the Hough Transform
(HT) (Hough, 1962) . A set of points on a line y=kx+b
in the image are mapped into a set of lines across a point
(k, b) in the parameter space. A uniform grid is located
on a window in the (k, b) space, with an accumulator
a(k, b) at each bin. As each point (x,y) on the image is
mapped into a line in the (k, b) space, every associated
accumulator a(k, b) is incremented by 1. We can detect

Figure 1. From hough transform to randomized hough transform

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Randomized Hough Transform

lines by finding every accumulator with its score a(k,

b) larger than a given threshold.
The Hough Transform was brought to the attention of the mainstream image processing community
by Rosenfeld (1969). Then Duda and Hart (1972) not
only introduced the polar parameterization technique for
more efficient line detection, but also demonstrated how
a circle can be detected. Kimme, Ballard and Sklansky
(1975) made circular curve detection significantly more
effective by using the gradient information of pixels.
Merlin and Faber (1975) showed how the HT could
be generalized to detect an arbitrary shape at a given
orientation and a given scale. Ballard (1981) eventually
generalized the HT to detect curves of a given arbitrary
shape for any orientation and any scale. Since then, a
lot of applications, variants and extensions of the HT
have been published in the literature. A survey on these
developments of the HT is given by Illingworth and
Kittler (1988).
However, the HT has several critical drawbacks
as follows:


All pixels are mapped, and every bin in the grid

needs an accumulator. If there are d parameters,
each represented by M bins or grid points, one
needs Md accumulators.
To reduce the computational cost, quantization
resolution cannot be high, which blurs the peaks
and leads to low detection accuracy.
Each pixel activates every accumulator located on
a line, but there is only one that represents the correct one while all the others are disturbances.
If the grid window is set inappropriately, some
objects may locate outside the window and thus
cannot be detected.
Disturbing and noisy pixels cause many interfering accumulations.

Many efforts have been made to alleviate these

problems. Using the gradient information of pixels
is one of them. Another is analyzing noise and error
sensitivity (vanVeen, 1981; Brown, 1983; Grimson &
Huttenlocher, 1990). The third is the use of hierarchical
voting accumulation (Li, Lavin & LeMaster, 1986) or
multiresolution (Atiquzzaman, 1992). Yet another is
improving the effect of quantization through the use
of kernels (Palmer, Petrou, & Kittler, 1993) or error
propagation analysis (Ji & Haralick, 2001), as well as
hypothesis testing (Princen, Illingworth, & Kittler,

1994). However, none of these suggestions offer any

fundamental changes to the key mechanisms of HT.
Proposed in 1989 and further investigated thereafter (Xu, Oja, & Kultanen, 1990; Xu & Oja, 1993),
the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT) tackles the
above problems by using a fundamental innovation:
the one-to-many diverging mapping from the image
space to the parameter (accumulator) space, as shown
in the upper part of Fig.1(a), is replaced by a many-toone converging mapping, as shown in the bottom part
of Fig.1(a). This fundamental change further enables
several joint improvements, such as a random sampling in place of pixel scanning, a small size dynamic
storage in place of the array of Md accumulators, and
an adaptive detection in place of enumerating all the
pixels and picking those accumulators with scores
larger than a threshold. As a result, not only time and
storage complexity have been reduced significantly,
but also the detection accuracy has been improved
Subsequently, many studies have been made on RHT.
On one hand, there are various real applications such
as medical images (Behrens, Rohr, & Siegfried, 2003),
range images (Ding, et al, 2005), motion detection
(Heikkonen, 1995), object tracking for a mobile robot
(Jean & Wu, 2004), soccer robot (Claudia, Rous,
& Kraiss, 2004), mine detection (Milisavljevic, 1999),
and others (Chutatape & Guo, 1999). On the other
hand, there are also many further developments on
RHT, including an efficient parameterization for ellipse
detection (McLaughlin, 1998), extension to motion
detections (Kalviainen, Oja, & Xu, 1991; Xu, 2007),
the uses of local gradient information, local connectivity and neighbor-orientation for further improvements
(Brailovsky, 1999; Kalviainen & Hirvonen, 1997),
an integration with error propagtion analysis (Ji &
Xie, 2003), a modification of random sampling to
importance sampling (Walsha & Raftery, 2002), and
others (Xu, 2007). Due to space limit, it is not possible
to provide a complete survey here. An early review
on RHT variants is referred to (Kalviainen, Hirvonen,
Xu, & Oja, 1995), and recent elaborations on RHT
are referred to (Xu, 2007).
It may also need to be mentioned that the literature
on RHT studies often includes studies under the name
of probabilistic HT (Bergen & Shvaytser, 1991; Kiryati, Eldar & Bruckstein, 1991) that also suggests to
use a random sampling to replace the scanning in the
implementation of the standard HT and thus shares one

Randomized Hough Transform

of the previously mentioned RHT features. However,

it will not lose too much generality to regard it as a
degenerated case of RHT for an understanding purpose,
though there are some detailed differences.


As shown in Fig.1, one pixel is mapped into all the
points on a line passing (k,b) by the diverging mapping mechanism of HT, which actually incurs the above
drawbacks (a)-(e). RHT replaces this mechanism with
a converging mapping mechanism such that two or
more pixels are picked to jointly determine a line,
i.e., mapped into one point (k,b). By this mechanism,
different points on the same line y=kx+b will hit the
same point (k,b), without creating a great number of
false accumulations. Also, the feature of being mapped

into one point at a time makes it possible to construct

accumulators dynamically, with no need of laying a
grid on a pre-specified window. We only need to accumulate a(k, b) at those locations activated by the
converging mappings. Also, quantization resolution
may vary for different locations, and each quantization bin can be replaced by a kernel. As a result, the
drawbacks (b),(c),(d) no longer exist.
Without considering the quantization effect, if
there is a line consisting of n pixels on an image, we
get a peak with n counts in its accumulated scores.
Assume that in its neighbour there is another peak of
false line consisting of m < n pixels, then the ratio n/m
describes a signal/noise ratio of a reliable detection by
HT. In RHT, assuming that we exhaust all the possible pairs of pixels, the voting counts for the line will
be n(n1)/2 while the voting counts for the disturbing
false line will be m(m1)/2, i.e., the signal/noise ratio
n ( n 1)
n 1
becomes m ( m 1) that is m 1 times increased compared

Table 1. Missing probability versus false alarm probability


Randomized Hough Transform

to HT. Thus, the above problem (e) can also be significantly improved.
In fact, it is not necessary to exhaust all the possible
pairs of pixels for RHT to detect lines. Via randomly
sampling two pixels for a converging mapping, we
only need to have a small fraction of all the possible
n ( n 1)
pairs to get the degree m ( m 1) with a high probability,
which solves the above problem (a) with a significant
reduction in both time and space complexities. A more
precise explanation is given in Tab.1. We detect a point
as a line if it is hit by more than k0 times, with
a risk of missing this line by a small probability Pmiss.
Controlling it below a pre-specified rate, we need to
only run M > Mc trails. On the other hand, controlling
probability r of taking a false line as a solution, we
can determine an upper bound M < Mr. Even if a line is
falsely detected, it can be later discarded by evaluating
all the detected lines via the actual pixels on the image. Thus, a large r will not affect the performance
too much, but will only waste computing time.

Table 2. The general RHT in algorithmic form



In general, RHT is applicable to a curve that can be
expressed in a parametric equation f (x,y,) = 0 with a
number of free parameters. Solving the joint equations
f (xi,yi,) = 0, i = 1,..., yields a converging mapping
into a point . A general algorithmic form is given
in Tab.2.
We can obtain variants and extensions by modifying either one or more of the first four steps in Tab.2.
First, the converging mapping in Step 1 can be altered
by varying either the way of getting samples, or the
way of computing from these samples, or both.
Instead of random sampling, samples can be obtained
by searching a candidate solution in S via local connectivity and neighbor-orientation (Kalviainen, Hirvonen,
Xu, & Oja, 1995; Brailovsky, 1999; Kalviainen &
Hirvonen, 1997) or by importance sampling (Walsha
& Raftery, 2002). Instead of solving joint equations,

Randomized Hough Transform

as discussed in (Xu, 2007), a solution can also be obtained by either a least square fitting, an Lp norm fitting,
or by maximum likelihood estimation. Sometimes, it
may even consider under-constrained equations by
taking less samples, from which a parametric curve or
surface in is obtained to implement an array based
accumulation similar to HT.
Second, there are also alternatives for Step 2 and
Step 3. One extreme is returning to an array based
accumulation. The other extreme is that all the mapped
points in are stored as they are, and either cluster
analysis or kernel based density estimation is made
on them to find cluster centres and density degrees for
detecting curves or objects. Between the two extremes,
we may consider a trade off or their combination (Xu,
2007). Third, Step 4 can also be performed with different choices, including a -band test, a fitting error
threshold, and a hypothesis testing (Xu, 2007).
Moreover, instead of checking candidate solution
every time t, we can let the procedure run until t = Mc,
put those accumulators with a() > k0 into S as candidate solutions and examine these candidates at Step
4. Also, checking and examining candidates can be
made per a pre-specified period. Furthermore, gradient information in a grey image may also improve the
converging mapping.
The last but not the least, RHT has also be extended
to detect objects by a template as shown in Fig.2.

Challenges to RHT mainly come from the effects of
noise and quantization. Two types of noise are shown
in Fig.3. The first type is in Fig.3(a) with disturbing
pixels added but the original pixels unaffected. This
noise type may reduce the signal/noise ratio, resulting
in more computing time and space. However, the
accuracy of the detected line will be not affected. The
second type is in Fig.3(b), with some original pixels
deviated from the exact line. The quantization effect
can be regarded as a special case of this type that
uniformly distributed noise is added to the coordinates
of pixels. The second type not only reduces the signal/
noise ratio but also makes the detected line inaccurate.
As yet, there lacks a systematic theoretical analysis
on how the solution accuracy will be affected by this
second type. More importantly, theoretical guides are
lacking on how to control the accuracy of detected
curves and objects.
The tasks of detecting curves and objects can also
be performed from the perspective of mixture based
learning, which is much more robust in the case of
the second type of noise (Xu, 2003; Liu, Qiao, & Xu,
2006; Xu, 2007). Solving pattern recognition tasks by
machine learning approaches is a popular trend in the
past decade and currently. Actually, the machine learning perspective are complementary to the perspective

Figure 2. Use a template to match a shape via translation , rotation and scaling


Randomized Hough Transform

Figure 3. Different effects by two types of noises

of HT/RHT type evidence accumulation. A trend is

integrating the strengths of both.

This article provides not only a brief overview on nearly
two decade developments and applications of RHT for
detecting curves, shapes, and motions, but also a tutorial
and re-elaboration on basic mechanisms, variants, and
extensions of RHT, as well as challenges and future
trends of RHT studies. Recently, a general problem
solving paradigm has been developed and implemented
by an integration of five essential mechanisms (Xu,
2007). Not only the difference between the machine
learning perspective and HT/RHT perspective can
be understood via handling two coupled core tasks,
namely amalgamating evidences and discriminating
differences, but also different implementations of these
mechanisms and differences in a specific integration
may bring us new results and potential directions for
future studies.

The work is supported by Chang Jiang Scholars Program
by Chinese Ministry of Education for Chang Jiang
Chair Professorship in Peking University.

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Randomized Hough Transform

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Band Test: A pixel is said to fall in the band of
(it denotes a curve or surface ) in the image space if
the shortest distance from this pixel to is less than a
pre-specified threshold . Pixels falling in the band
of are regarded as belonging to , and a band test
can be designed according to these pixels.
Cluster Analysis: Beyond using an accumulation
array, in the cases of a converging mapping, every
mapped point in R is memorized. After an enough
number of converging mappings, we get a set of points
on which cluster analyses can be made to find clusters
centre (mean or median).


Diverging Mapping vs. Converging Mapping:

Given pixels of a number m, a set of under-constrained
equations specify a curve or manifold of a dimension
m in R if m < . E.g., from a line y=kx+b passing a given pixel in the image, we have a line b=y-kx
in R2. This case is called diverging mapping because
m pixels are mapped diversely to the R space. On the
other hand, if m , a unique point in the R space
maybe determined by solving a set of joint equations
or optimizing a cost when the joint equations are overconstrained, i.e., we have a converging mapping that
maps m pixels into one point in R.
Kernel Estimator: Every mapped point is memorized as the centre of a kernel function, e.g., a bell-shaped
such as a Gaussian. Collectively, mapped points forms a
density estimation for a multi-mode distribution, with
each mode in place of the above cluster centre.
Random Sampling: Given a set of N pixels, we take
a number m of pixels with each picked randomly with a
probability 1/N. Repeating this sampling by an enough
number of times, a global configuration of N pixels will
emerge, without enumerating all the N pixels.
Threshold Based Voting vs. Local Maxima Finding: Given a pre-specified threshold, an accumulator
in an array is picked if it receives votes larger than
the threshold, without considering any neighborhood.
Finding a local maximum means to find an accumulator
with its votes larger than those of accumulators located
in its neighborhood area.
Under-Constrained vs. Over-Constrained Equations: For a parametric equation of free parameters,
we have a set of under-constrained equations with
pixels of a number m < and a set of over-constrained
equations with pixels of a number m in a nondegenerate way.


Ranking Functions

Franz Huber
California Institute of Technology, USA

Ranking functions have been introduced under the
name of ordinal conditional functions in Spohn (1988;
1990). They are representations of epistemic states and
their dynamics. The most comprehensive and up to date
presentation is Spohn (manuscript).

The literature on knowledge, belief, and uncertainty in
artificial intelligence is divided into two broad classes.
In epistemic logic (Hintikka 1961, Halpern & Fagin &
Moses & Vardi 1995), belief revision theory (Alchourrn & Grdenfors & Makinson 1985, Grdenfors 1988,
Rott 2001), and nonmonotonic reasoning (Kraus &
Lehmann & Magidor 1990, Makinson 2005) qualitative
approaches are used to represent the epistemic state
of an agent. In probability theory (Pearl 1988, Jeffrey
2004) and alternatives (Dempster 1968, Shafer 1976,
Dubois & Prade 1988) epistemic states are represented
quantitatively as degrees of belief rather than yes-or-no
beliefs (see Halpern 2003 for an overview). One of the
distinctive features of ranking functions is that they are
quantitative, but nevertheless induce a notion of yesor-no belief that satisfies the standard requirements of
rationality, viz. consistency and deductive closure.

Let W be a non-empty set of possibilities or worlds,
and let A be a field of propositions over W. That is,
A is a set of subsets of W that includes the empty set
( A) and is closed under complementation
with respect to W (if A A, then W\A A) and finite
intersection (if A A and B A, then AB A). A
function from the field A over W into the natural
numbers N extended by , : A N{}, is a (finitely
minimitive) ranking function on A if and only if for all
propositions A, B in A:


(W) = 0
() =
(AB) = min{(A), (B)}

If the field of propositions A is closed under countable intersection (if A1 A, , An A, , n N, then

A1An A) so that A is a -field, a ranking
function on A is countably minimitive if and only if
it holds for all propositions A1 A, An A,

(A1An) = min{(A1), , (An), }

If the field of propositions A is closed under arbitrary intersection (if B A, then B A) so that A
is a -field, a ranking function on A is completely
minimitive if and only if it holds for all sets of propositions B A:

(B) = min{(A): A B}

A ranking function on A is regular just in case

(A) < for each non-empty or consistent proposition A in A.
The conditional ranking function (|): AA
N{} based on the ranking function on A is defined
such that for all propositions A, B in A:

(A|B) = (AB) (B) if A , and (|B) =

(|B) is a ranking function on A, for each proposition B in A.

A function from the set of worlds W into the
natural numbers N, : W N, is a pointwise ranking
function on W if and only if (w) = 0 for at least one
world w in W. Each pointwise ranking function on
W induces a regular and completely minimitive ranking function on every field of propositions A over
W by defining

(A) = min{(w): w A} (= if A = )

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Ranking Functions

Huber (2006) discusses under which conditions a

ranking function on a field of propositions A induces
a pointwise ranking function on the underlying set of
worlds W.
The rank of a proposition A, (A), represents the
degree to which an agent with ranking function disbelieves A. If (A) = 0, the agent does not disbelieve
A. However, this does not mean that she believes A.
She may well suspend judgment and neither disbelieve
A nor its complement or negation W\A (in this case
(A) = (W\A) = 0). Rather, belief in a proposition
is characterized by disbelief in its negation: an agent
with ranking function : A N{} believes A
A if and only if (W\A) > 0. The belief set Bel of an
agent with ranking function : A N{} is the set
of all propositions she believes:

point of view the converse is true as well. However,

first we have to discuss how an epistemic agent is
to update her ranking function when she learns new

Bel = {A A: (W\A) > 0}

Plain Conditionalization

The axioms of ranking theory require an agent to not

disbelieve both a proposition and its negation i.e. at
least one of A, W\A has to be assigned rank 0. Thus an
agent with ranking function : A N{} believes
A A if and only if (W\A) > (A). For a given :
A N{}, this suggests to define the belief function induced by , : A Z{}, such that for all
propositions A in A:

If the agents epistemic state at time t is represented

by the ranking function on A, and if, between t and
t, the agent becomes certain of the proposition E A
and of no logically stronger proposition E+ E, E+
A, then the agents epistemic state at time t should be
represented by the ranking function = (|E) on A.

(A) = (W\A) (A)

assigns positive numbers to the propositions that
are believed, negative numbers to the propositions that
are disbelieved, and 0 to those propositions and their
negations with respect to which the agent suspends
judgment. As a consequence,
Bel = {A A: (A) > 0}
Bel is consistent and deductively closed in the finite
sense, for every ranking function on A. That is, B
for every finite B Bel; and A Bel if there is
a finite B Bel such that B A, for any A A. If
: A N{} is countably/completely minimitive,
Bel is consistent and deductively closed in the following countable/complete sense: B for every
countable/arbitrary B Bel; and A Bel if there is
a countable/arbitrary B Bel such that B A, for
any A A. As will be seen below, from a diachronic


A theory of epistemic states is incomplete if it does not
account for the way the epistemic states are updated
when the agent receives new information. As there
are different formats in which the agent may receive
new information, there are different update rules. The
simplest and most unrealistic case is that of the agent
becoming certain of a new proposition. This case is
covered by

We usually do not learn by becoming certain of a

proposition, though. In most cases the new information
merely changes the strength of our beliefs in various
propositions. This is illustrated by a variation of an example due to Jeffrey (1983). Let our agent be interested
in the color of the carpet of her hotel room. At time t,
before checking in, she neither believes nor disbelieves
any of the following three hypotheses: the carpet is
beige (beige), the carpet is brown (brown), the carpet
is black (black). However, she is certain that the carpet
is either beige or brown or black. The relevant part of
her ranking function at time t thus looks as follows:
(beige) = (not beige) = (brown) = (not brown) =
(black) = (not black) = (beige or brown or black)
= 0, (neither beige nor brown nor black) = .
At time t, after checking in and when opening the
door to her room, it appears to the agent that the carpet
is rather dark. As a consequence she now believes that
the carpet is either brown or black. But since it is late
at night, the curtains are closed, and she has not turned
on the light yet, she cannot tell whether the carpet is
brown or black. Her ranks for the relevant propositions

Ranking Functions

thus change to the following values: (beige) = (not

brown) = (not black) = 1, (not beige) = (brown)
= (black) = 0.
A change in the strength of the agents beliefs about
the color of the carpet will affect the strength of her
beliefs about the color of, say, the furniture in the hotel
room. For instance, at time t, our agent is pretty confident that the hotel room does not have dark furniture
if the carpet is brown and similarly if the carpet is
black. She is also pretty confident that the hotel room
has dark furniture if the carpet is beige. The relevant
part of her ranking function at time t looks as follows:
(dark|brown) = (dark|black) = 3, (dark|beige) = 0.
This implies that, at time t, the agent neither believes
the furniture is dark nor that it is not dark, (dark) =
(not dark) = 0.
The important question now is how the agent should
update the rest of her ranking function (including the
ranks for the propositions about the color of the furniture) when her ranks for the propositions about the color
of the carpet change as specified above. The answer,
already formulated in Spohn (1988), is given by

Spohn Conditionalization
If the agents epistemic state at time t is represented by
the ranking function on A, and if, between t and t,
the agent's ranks on the partition {E_i \in \begin{cal}A\
end{cal}: E_i \in I} change to n_i \in N\cup{\infty}
with min_i{n_i}=0 (n_i=0 if E_i=W and n_i=\infty if
E_i=\emptyset), and the agent's finite ranks change on
no finer partition, then the agents epistemic state at
time t should be represented by the ranking function
= min{(|E1) + r1, , (|En) + rn, } on A.
Applied to our example this means that, at time t,
the agents rank for the proposition that the furniture
is dark should be (dark) = min{(dark|beige) + 1,
(dark|brown) + 0, (dark|black) + 0} = 1. That is, at
time t, the agent believes, if only very weakly, that
the furniture is not dark.
Spohn Conditionalization covers Plain Conditionalization as a special case. Shenoy (1991) presents an
update rule for evidence of a still different format.

Ranking theory tells an epistemic agent how to organize her beliefs, and how to update her beliefs when
she receives new information of various formats. Why
should the agent follow those prescriptions?
The answer to this question requires a bit of terminology. An agents degree of entrenchment for the proposition A is the number of information sources providing
the information A that it takes for the agent to give up
her disbelief in A. If the agent does not disbelieve A to
begin with, her degree of entrenchment for A is 0. If
no finite number of information sources providing the
information A makes the agent give up her disbelief in
A, her degree of entrenchment for A is .
Degrees of entrenchment are used to measure an
epistemic agents degrees of disbelief. If you want to
measure my degree of disbelief for the proposition that
Madrid is the capitol of Spain, you put me on a busy
plaza in the center of Madrid and count the number of
people passing by and telling me that Madrid is the
capitol of Spain. My degree of entrenchment for the
proposition that Madrid is the capitol of Spain equals
n just in case I stop disbelieving that Madrid is the
capitol of Spain after n people have passed by and told
me it is provided all those people are independent and
equally reliable, indeed minimally positively reliable.
Most people (and certainly all people in Madrid) are
more than minimally positively reliable, though. An
agents degree of disbelief in A is therefore defined as
the number of information sources providing the information A that it would take for the agent to give up
her disbelief that A if those information sources were
independent and minimally positively reliable.
Now we can explain why an agents degrees of
disbelief should obey the ranking calculus and thus be
ranks, and why she should update her ranks according
to Spohn Conditionalization. She should do so because
doing so is necessary and sufficient for her to always
have consistent and deductively closed beliefs. More
precisely, Huber (2007) proves the following.

Consistency Theorem
An agents belief set is and will always be consistent
and deductively closed in the finite/countable/complete
sense (and possibly conditional on some evidential
proposition) if and only if this agents degree of disbelief
function is a finitely/countable/completely minimitive

Ranking Functions

ranking function and the agent updates according

to Plain/Spohn/Shenoy Conditionalization when she
receives information of the appropriate format.
Seen this way, the axioms and update rules of
ranking theory are nothing but a diachronic version
of consistency and deductive closure.

One question in artificial intelligence is how an agent
should update her epistemic state if she learns new
conceptual information without also learning anything
factual about the world she lives in. There are several
ways in which such a conceptual change may occur. The
agent may learn a new concept as when an enological
ignoramus learns the concept barrique. Or the agent
may learn that she has omitted a possibility from her
set of worlds as when an enological ignoramus learns
that there are ros wines besides red and white wines.
All these conceptual changes involve the adoption
of a new set of worlds W and, consequently, a new
field of propositions A on the side of the agent. None
of these conceptual changes seems to be adequately
modeled by any of the formalisms mentioned at the
beginning. Ranking theory is able to adequately model
those conceptual changes by employing the so called
ur or tabula rasa ranking i.e. that ranking function
that assigns rank 0 to every proposition. If the agent
adds new possibilities to her set of worlds she should
simply assign rank 0 to all those new possibilities.
Similarly in case the agent replaces the old worlds by
richer worlds. Huber (2009) discusses this and other
future trends.

Ranking functions are an indispensable tool for artificial intelligence. First, they seem to adequately model
most if not all of those phenomena that are dealt with
in both qualitative as well as quantitative approaches
to uncertainty. Second, they provide a link between
these two classes of approaches that has been missing so far. Third, they can deal with phenomena that
neither qualitative nor quantitative approaches seem
to be able to deal with.


Alchourrn, C.E. & Grdenfors, P. & Makinson, D.
(1985), On the Logic of Theory Change: Partial Meet
Contraction and Revision Functions. Journal of Symbolic Logic 50, 510-530.
Dempster, A.P. (1968), A Generalization of Bayesian
Inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society.
Series B (Methodological) 30, 205-247.
Dubois, D. & Prade, H. (1988), Possibility Theory. An
Approach to Computerized Processing of Uncertainty.
New York: Plenum Press.
Grdenfors, P. (1988), Knowledge in Flux. Modeling
the Dynamics of Epistemic States. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Halpern, J.Y. (2003), Reasoning About Uncertainty.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Halpern, J.Y. & Fagin, R. & Moses, Y. & Vardi, M.Y.
(1995), Reasoning About Knowledge. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Hintikka, J. (1961), Knowledge and Belief. An Introduction to the Logic of the Two Notions. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press.
Huber, F. (2006), Ranking Functions and Rankings on
Languages. Artificial Intelligence 170, 462-471.
Huber, F. (2007), The Consistency Argument for Ranking Functions. Studia Logica 86, 299-329.
Huber, F. (2009), Belief and Degrees of Belief. In F.
Huber & C. Schmidt-Petri (eds.), \textit{Degrees of
Belief}. Berlin: Springer.
Jeffrey, R.C. (1983), The Logic of Decision. 2nd ed.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Jeffrey, R.C. (2004), Subjective Probability: The Real
Thing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kraus, S. & Lehmann, D. & Magidor, M. (1990), Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Preferential Models, and Cumulative Logics. Artificial Intelligence 40, 167-207.
Makinson, D. (2005), Bridges from Classical to Nonmonotonic Logic. London: College Publications.
Pearl, J. (1988), Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent
Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.

Ranking Functions

Rott, H. (2001), Change, Choice, and Inference. A

Study of Belief Revision and Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Shafer, G. (1976), A Mathematical Theory of Evidence.
Princteton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Shenoy, P.P. (1991), On Spohns Rule for Revision of
Beliefs. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 5, 149-181.
Spohn, W. (1988), Ordinal Conditional Functions: A
Dynamic Theory of Epistemic States. In W.L. Harper &
B. Skyrms (eds.), Causation in Decision, Belief Change,
and Statistics II. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 105-134.
Spohn, W. (1990), A General Non-Probabilistic Theory
of Inductive Reasoning. In R.D. Shachter & T.S. Levitt & J. Lemmer & L.N. Kanal (eds.), Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence 4. Amsterdam: North-Holland,
Spohn, W. (manuscript), Ranking Theory.

Belief: An agent with ranking function : A
N{} believes A if and only if (W\A) > 0 equivalently, if and only if (W\A) > (A).
Belief Set: The belief set of an agent with ranking
function : A N{} is the set of propositions the
agent believes, Bel = {A A: (W\A) > 0}.

Completely Minimitive Ranking Function: A

ranking function on a -field of propositions A is
completely minimitive if and only if (B) = min{(A):
A B} for each set of propositions B A.
Countably Minimitive Ranking Function: A
ranking function on a -field of propositions A is
countably minimitive if and only if (A1An)
= min{(A1), , (An), } for all propositions A1
A, An A,
Pointwise Ranking Function: A function from
the set of worlds W into the natural numbers N, : W
N, is a pointwise ranking function on W if and only
if (w) = 0 for at least one world w in W.
Degree of Disbelief: An agents degree of disbelief in the proposition A is the number of information
sources providing the information A that it would take
for the agent to give up her disbelief that A if those
information sources were independent and minimally
positively reliable.
Degree of Entrenchment: An agents degree of
entrenchment for the proposition A is the number of
information sources providing the information A that
it takes for the agent to give up her disbelief in A.
Ranking Function: A function on a field of
propositions A over a set of worlds W into the natural
numbers extended by , : A N{}, is a (finitely
minimitive) ranking function on A if and only if for all
propositions A, B in A: (W) = 0, () = , (AB)
= min{(A), (B)}.

Conditional Ranking Function: The conditional

ranking function (|): AA N{} based on the
ranking function on A is defined such that for all
propositions A, B in A: (A|B) = (AB) (B) if A
, and (|B) = .



RBF Networks for Power System Topology

Robert Lukomski
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Kazimierz Wilkosz
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

A necessary condition for monitoring and control of
a Power System (PS) is possessing a credible model
of this system. The PS model for a need of dispatchers in national control centre is created in real time.
An important element of such a model is a topology
model. PS Topology Verification (PSTV) is an important problem in PS engineering. Often this problem is
solved together with PS state estimation (Lukomski,
& Wilkosz, 2000; Mai, Lefebvre, & Xuan, 2003).
Methods, that enable such a solution of the problem,
are sophisticated and usually time consuming. They
require successful state estimation performance but
convergence problems may occur in the case of certain
Topology Errors (TEs). Thus, a robust method for PSTV
before a state estimation is desired.

Now, the growth rate of Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs) application in some PS subjects is observed
(Haque, & Kashtiban, 2005). One of such a subject is
PSTV. It can be considered as a pattern recognition
problem and then also utilization of ANN technique
for solution of PSTV can be taken into account (Alves
da Silva, & Quintana, 1995; Souza, Leite da Silva, &
Alves da Silva, 1996, 1997, 1998). There are many references in which PSTV with use of ANNs is described.
In (Tian, Zhu & Zhang, 1995) use of ANN as a part of
an expert system to rule extraction is presented. One of
the first method for such PSTV has assumed utilization
of one ANN for whole PS (Vinod Kumar, Srivastava,
Shah, & Mathur, 1996). In the case of this method the
complexity of the ANN structure grows rapidly with
the size of a power network. There are the problems

with learning and classification process in a case of

large ANNs. In other attempts to solve the problem of
PSTV with use of ANNs one can observe utilization
of additional knowledge on PS (Garcia-Lagos, Joya,
Marin, & Sandoval, 2003; Delimar, Hebel, & Pavi,
2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b). Such approach allows
reducing size of utilized ANNs. The learning and
classification process become more effective and the
verification method is more efficient. The considered
approach is also utilized in the case of the method,
which is further presented.


To ensure that in the described method a larger knowledge on PS will be utilized than it is in other methods
for PSTV, so-called unbalance indices are introduced.
Taking into account the nature of the solved problem
and to accomplish the best features of the PSTV, Radial
Basis Function Networks (RBFNs) are utilized.

Power System Model

Elements of the PS topology model are nodes (representing electrical nodes) and branches (representing
power lines, transformers, loads etc.). The assumption,
that every branch in a PS model is modeled as the
-equivalent circuit (Fig. 1), is adopted. It is assumed
that there is an accessible credible measurement data
set of such quantities as: active and reactive power
flows at the ends of each branch, power injections,
loads and voltage magnitudes at each node. Usually, if
a branch is not included in PS model the measurement
data related to the branch are not taken into account in
carried out analyses.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

Figure 1. The assumed model of the branch, Zkl = Rkl

+ j Xkl, Yk = jBkl, Yl = jBlk, Bkl = Blk = B. B is a half of
the capacitive susceptance of the branch.

Unbalance Indices
Using Kirchhoffs and Ohms Laws, PS can be described
by many relationships among measured quantities. If
there are no TEs, all these relationships are fulfilled.
When TE occurs some of the relationships become
unfulfilled. It should be underlined that if a branch
is not included in the PS model, the relationships for
this branch are not considered, because measurement
data for it are not taken into account. In the described
approach to have possibility of examination of relationships for all nodes and all branches independently
of their correct or incorrect inclusion in the PS model
the so-called unbalance indices for nodes and branches
are introduced (Lukomski, 2002). These indices are
shown in Table 1.

It should be noted that the nodal unbalance indices

instead of power flow measurement data are taken into
account when branch unbalance indices are calculated.
This fact allows considering branch unbalance indices
independently of correct or incorrect inclusion of
branches in the PS model.
Unbalance indices create characteristic sets of
values for different cases of modeling PS. If the topology model is correct and there are no errors burdening
measurement data, all nodal unbalance indices are equal
to zero and branch unbalance indices are near to zero,
as well. The same situation is, when there is a branch
that is actually out of operation but it is included in
the topology model (the inclusion error). If a branch
is actually in operation in PS but it is not included in
the topology model (the exclusion error), then; (i) the
unbalance indices for terminal nodes of this branch
considerably differ from zero, (ii) the unbalance indices
for the considered branch are equal to zero, (iii) absolute
values of the unbalance indices for other branches, that
are incident to the nodes mentioned under (i), have
especially large values.
It should be stressed that the behavior of unbalance
indices for active power and for reactive power is the
same for the same TE.
Analyzing unbalance indices for nodes and branches
one can observe that the exclusion error of the branch
j has no influence on: (i) unbalance indices for nodes,
that are not terminal nodes of the branch j, (ii) unbalance indices for branches that are not incident to the

Table 1. Active and reactive power unbalance indices for nodes and branches

W Pk =



WPkl = WPk WPl + RklW

iI k

Reactive WQk = Qki

iI k

WQkl = WQk WQl + X klW Bkl Vk2 + Vl2

D e s c r i p t i o n : WPk, WQk, unbalance indices for the node k for active and
reactive power respectively; WPkl, WQkl unbalance indices for the branch
connecting the nodes k and l for active and reactive power respectively; Ik - a
set of the nodes connected to the node k; Pki, Qki active and reactive power
flows in the branch connecting the nodes k and i at the node k; Rkl, Xkl, Bkl
model parameters for the branch connecting the nodes k and l (Fig. 1); Vk, Vl
voltage magnitudes at the nodes k and l respectively;
W =

+ WQk + BklVk2



RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

terminal nodes of the branch j. This observation shows

existence of the local effect of TE. In this situation
one can conclude about correctness of modeling the
distinguished branch j on the basis of investigations
of unbalance indices for certain areas of the power
network: Akj , Alj , where: k, l are numbers of the terminal nodes of the branch j. A xj x {k, l} is the area,
in which the branch j exists with the central node x.
The area A xj comprises: (i) the node x (being one of the
terminal nodes of the branch j), (ii) the branch j and
all other branches incident to the node x, (iii) all nodes
which are connected with the node x by the branches
mentioned under (ii).

The Need of Use of ANNs

where: w is a value of the considered unbalance index,

is the width parameter.
If an unbalance index is close to zero, the RBF
unit output is close to one. If an unbalance index is
significantly different from zero, the RBF unit output
is close to zero. The pre-processing standardization
allows keeping input values for local classifiers (in the
next step of the method) in the range (0; 1]. The
parameter for the index WPk is calculated as follows
(errors are assumed to be independent):

The earlier considerations regarding the unbalance

indices pertain to the ideal situation. In real situations,
measurement data are burdened with errors and also
one can occur multiple TEs. In such situations, the
earlier-described effects of TEs, effects of occurrence
of measurement errors and TEs other than the one, that
is incorrect modeling the considered branch, overlap
each other. In real situations, the problem of PSTV is
a complex problem (Lukomski, 2002). Taking into
account the analysis of the behavior of the unbalance
indices, one can state that in the described situation
the problem of PSTV can be treated as the problem of
pattern recognition and then utilization of ANNs can
be considered as a proper idea of the solution of the
PSTV problem.
On the basis of the earlier considerations it can be
stated that the whole PSTV process can be decomposed
into many simpler PSTV processes. One such process
can be limited to the area A xj . If one assumes utilization
of ANNs then for each of the distinguished processes
the separate ANN should be constructed. Possibly
simple and fast learning ANNs is desired and therefore
attention has been paid to RBFNs (Meireles, Almeida,
& Simes, 2003).

pre-processing of the unbalance indices (preprocessing standardization),

local classification,
global classification.

The Pre-Processing Standardization

The pre-processing standardization of each unbalance
index is realized using Radial Basis Function (RBF)
unit with Gaussian transfer function:
f ( w) = exp 2
2 ,

= a 2Pkl
l I k



where Pkl is a standard deviation of data of the active

power flow Pkl; a is a correction coefficient selected
in an experimental way.
The width parameter for the branch unbalance index
WPkl is given by:
S WPkl
= a (S WPk
+ S WPl


Width parameters for unbalance indices for reactive power are calculated in the similar way. One has
assumed a = 2 for active power unbalance indices and
a = 1,8 for reactive power unbalance indices.

Principle of the Method

The Local Classification

The proposed topology verification method consists

of the following steps:

The purpose of the considered step of the method is

classification of correctness of modeling branches of
PS. During the described step the local effect of TEs
is taken into account.
Each local classifier is RBFN. One local classifier
corresponds to one node of a considered power network.


calculation of unbalance indices for nodes and


RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

If the considered node has the number k then inputs

for a local classifier, that corresponds to this node, are
the results of the pre-processing of active and reactive
power unbalance indices for: (i) the node k, (ii) the
nodes having numbers from the set Ik, (iii) each branch
connecting the node k and the node l, under assumption l Ik. The number of outputs of a local classifier
is equal to the number of branches connecting the
node k with the nodes having numbers from the set Ik.
The criterion for taking a decision on correctness of
modeling a branch is as follows:
the branch l is incorrectly modelled

Dl = the neutral decision

the branch l is correctly modelled

when Yl 0.5
when Yl ( 0.5, 0.5)
when Yl 0.5

where: Dl is a decision, Yl is an output value corresponding to the branch between the node k and the node l.

The Global Classification

The global decision unit processes decisions of the
local classifications and produces final decisions on
correctness of modeling branches of PS. To take a
final decision on correctness of modeling a selected
branch the outputs of two local classifiers are considered. These classifiers corresponding to the terminal

nodes of the considered branch. If decisions of local

classifiers are different and none of them is the neutral
decision or each of the local classifiers produces the
neutral decision then the final decision is the neutral
one. In other cases the final decision is different from
the neutral one.

Computational Example
The presented method was implemented in the MATLAB environment. The method has been tested using the
IEEE 14-bus test system (Fig. 2). It has been assumed
that: (i) all branches are actually in operation, (ii) single
and multiple TEs are considered, (iii) measurement
data are burdened with small errors (Gaussian noise),
(iv) wide range of load curve changes is taken into
Learning of each local classifier (being a RBFN) has
been performed using Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS)
algorithm (Chen, Cowan & Grant, 1991). Learning sets
(200 400 learning patterns) were created separately
for each RBFN. They comprised results of pre-processing unbalance indices and appropriate verification
decisions. Learning of a RBFN was stopped when Sum
Square Error (SSE) achieved the 10-4 level.
For the distinguished RBFN the number of hidden
units depends on a number of branches incident to
the appropriate node. For the particular nodes of the
test system many different topologies of RBFNs were

Figure 2. The IEEE-14 bus test system


RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

trained and tested. The characteristics of the local

classifiers having the best performance is presented
in Table 2.
Testing the local classifiers has been performed
with use of the test set having about 2000 patterns
that had not been used in the training phase. The cases
with single and double TEs were considered. In the
cases with single TEs only the correct decisions were
produced. In the cases with double TEs the correct and
neutral decisions were observed.
Table 3 shows a probability of taking the neutral
decision pn in the verification process for the different branches of the test system when there are double
TEs. During the test stage, some doubtful cases have
occurred and the neutral decisions have been taken for
the branches with numbers 19 and 20. In these cases
there has been no possibility to state the correctness of
the considered branch in the test system. A reason was
relatively small level of power flows in the mentioned
branches. The obtained results show that the efficiency
of the RBF classifiers is very high.

Utilization of ANNs to handle the problem of PSTV
seems to be very promising. However, the up-to-date
methods do not give satisfying results in all possible
real cases. The analyses have revealed that the application of pure neural models is not too effective.
Utilization of ANNs and additional knowledge on
PSs can result in much more efficient solutions. Also,
it should be stressed that combining various artificial
intelligence techniques can give interesting solutions
from the view point of efficiency and performance time
of a PSTV process.

The presented method allows performing PSTV independently of state estimation. It combines knowledge
on PS and utilization of RBFNs. It utilizes the local
effect of TEs. The whole PSTV process comprises
many local processes realized by use of the classifiers
assigned to the nodes of a power network. It makes
possible to avoid constructing a large and complex
ANN for a whole power network, as it is made in
(Vinod Kumar, Srivastava, Shah, & Mathur, 1996).

Table 2. Characteristics of the local RBF classifiers corresponding to the nodes of the IEEE 14-bus test system. N the number of the node, Ninp the number of inputs, Nhu the number of hidden units, Nout - number of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ninp 10 18 10 22 18 18 14
Nhu 20 51 30 98 76 47 38
Nout 2 4 2 5 4 4 3

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
6 18 10 10 10 14 10
4 62 18 15 20 25 23
2 4 2 2 2 3 2

Table 3. A probability of taking the neutral decision pn in the verification process for the different branches of
the test system when there are double topology errors.

1 - 18



RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

Taking into account the decomposition of the PSTV

process, the described method is close to the method
from (Garcia-Lagos, Joya, Marin & Sandoval, 1998,
2003) and also to the method from (Delimar, Hebel
& Pavi, 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b). However, the
characterized method utilizes larger knowledge on PS
than the method from (Garcia-Lagos, Joya, Marin &
Sandoval, 2003) or the method from (Delimar, Hebel &
Pavi, 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b). A consequence of this
fact is decreasing sizes of ANNs of which utilization is
assumed by the here-considered method in comparison
with the method from (Garcia-Lagos, Joya, Marin &
Sandoval, 2003) or the method from (Delimar, Hebel
& Pavi, 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b).
The method assumes that the local classifiers are
RBFNs. Their learning process is relatively short, comparing with multilayer feedforward neural networks.
Using the OLS algorithm gives fast learning convergence. However, it should be stressed that RBFNs have
much higher number of hidden units in comparison
with multilayer feedforward neural networks.
The described method is capable to handle single
and multiple TEs. It allows performing very efficient
PSTV. Another advantage of the method is low sensitivity of the PSTV process quality to changes of PSs
load curve.

Delimar, M., Pavi, I., & Hebel, Z. (2003a). Power System Topology Identification Using Neural Networks.
Part III-Unsupervised parts of the power system. The
7th IASTED International Multi-Conference Power and
Energy Systems, Palm Springs, CA, USA. 83-87.


Mai, H.V., Lefebvre, S., & Xuan, D.D. (2003). A review of methods for topology errors detection. IEEE
PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and
Exposition. 1, 144-149.

Alves da Silva, A. P., & Quintana, V. H. (1995). Pattern

Analysis in Power System State Estimation. Electrical
Power and Energy Systems. 17(1), 5160.
Chen, S., Cowan, C. B., & Grant, P. M. (1991). Orthogonal Least Squares Learning Algorithm for Radial
Basis Function Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks. 2(2), 302309.
Delimar, M., Hebel, Z., & Pavi, I. (2001). Power
system topology identification using neural networks.
Part I line processing. The IASTED International
Conference Power and Energy Systems, Clearwater,
Florida, USA. 129133.
Delimar, M., Hebel, Z., & Pavi, I. (2002),. Power System Topology Identification Using Neural Networks.
Part II-Node Processing. The IASTED International
Conference Power and Energy Systems, Crete, Greece.

Delimar, M., Pavi, I., & Hebel, Z. (2003b). Artificial

neural networks in power system topology recognition.
EUROCON. 2, 287291.
Garcia-Lagos, F., Joya, G., Marin, F. J., Sandoval, F.
(2003). A modular power system topology assessment
based on Gaussian potential functions. IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and Distribution.
150(5), 635640.
Haque, M.T., & Kashtiban, A.M. (2005). Application
of neural networks in power systems; a review. Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology.
14(6), 53-57.
Lukomski, R. (2002). New Approach to Power System
Topology Verification. The International Conference
on Modern Electric Power Systems, Wroclaw, Poland.
Lukomski, R., & Wilkosz, K. (2000). Power System
Topology Verification: Assessment of Different Approaches. The 4-th International Conference on Control
of Power Systems, Bratislava, Slovakia. 269-274.

Meireles, M.R.G., Almeida, P.E.M., & Simes, M.G.

(2003). A Comprehensive Review for Industrial Applicability of Artificial Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 50(3), 585-601.
Souza, J. C. S., Leite da Silva, A. M., & Alves da Silva,
A. P. (1996). Data Debugging for Real-Time Power
System Monitoring Based on Pattern Analysis. IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems. 11(3), 1592 1599.
Souza, J. C. S., Leite da Silva, A. M., & Alves da
Silva, A. P. (1997). Data Visualization and Identification of Anomalies in Power System State Estimation
Using Artificial Neural Networks. IEE Proceedings
on Generation Transmission and Distribution. 144(5),


RBF Networks for Power System Topology Verification

Souza J. C. S., Leite da Silva A. M., & Alves da Silva

A. P. (1998). Online topology determination and bad
data suppression in power system operation using artificial neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems. 13(3), 796803.
Tian T, Zhu M., & Zhang B. (1995). An Artificial Neural
Network-Based Expert System for Network Topological
Error Identification. The IEEE International Conference
on Neural Networks, Perth, WA. 2, 882886.
Vinod Kumar D. M., Srivastava S. C., Shah S., &
Mathur S. (1996). Topology Processing and Static
State Estimation Using Artificial Neural Networks.
IEE Proceedings on Generation, Transmission and
Distribution. 143(1), 99105.

Neutral Decision: In fact, the lack of any decision.
Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS) Algorithm: Algorithm describing a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation
process which ensures that each new column added to
the result matrix of the growing subset is orthogonal to
all previous columns. This considerably simplifies the
equation for the change in learning error and results in
a more efficient algorithm.
Power System State Estimation: A process, which
leads to calculation of a power system state vector us-


ing incoming measurement data and a mathematical

power system model. A power system state vector fully
specifies any state in which a power system can be.
Power System Topology Error: Inconsistency
among the real power network connectivity and the
power system topology model.
Power System Topology Model: A description of
the physical connections in a power system.
Power System Topology Verification: Proving or
disproving the correctness of a power system topology
Radial Basis Function Network: A type of artificial neural network which uses radial basis functions
as activation functions. Typically, it consists of one
hidden layer of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neurons
(units). RBF hidden layer units have a receptive field
which has a centre: that is, a particular input value at
which they have a maximal output. Their output tails
off as the input moves away from this point. Generally,
the hidden unit function is a Gaussian. They are used
in classification and approximation problems.
Unbalance Index: The left-hand side of the appropriate relationship, considered in the form in which
its right-hand side is equal to zero. The mentioned
relationship is a balance of active (reactive) powers at
a node or a relationship among active (reactive) power
flows at the ends of a branch.


Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural

Jos Garca-Rodrguez
University of Alicante, Spain
Francisco Flrez-Revuelta
University of Alicante, Spain
Juan Manuel Garca-Chamizo
University of Alicante, Spain

Self-organising neural networks try to preserve the topology of an input space by means of their competitive
learning. This capacity has been used, among others,
for the representation of objects and their motion. In
this work we use a kind of self-organising network,
the Growing Neural Gas, to represent deformations
in objects along a sequence of images. As a result of
an adaptive process the objects are represented by a
topology representing graph that constitutes an induced
Delaunay triangulation of their shapes. These maps
adapt the changes in the objects topology without reset
the learning process.

Self-organising maps, by means of a competitive learning, make an adaptation of the reference vectors of the
neurons, as well as, of the interconnection network

among them; obtaining a mapping that tries to preserve

the topology of an input space. Besides, they are able of
a continuous re-adaptation process even if new patterns
are entered, with no need to reset the learning.
These capacities have been used for the representation of objects (Flrez, Garca, Garca & Hernndez,
2001)] (Figure 1) and their motion (Flrez, Garca,
Garca & Hernndez, 2002) by means of the Growing
Neural Gas (GNG) (Fritzke, 1995) that has a learning
process more flexible than other self-organising models,
like Kohonen maps (Kohonen, 2001).
These two applications, representation of objects
and their motion, have in many cases temporal constraints, reason why it is interesting the acceleration of
the learning process. In computer vision applications
the condition of finalization for the GNG algorithm
is commonly defined by the insertion of a predefined
number of neurons. The election of this number can
affect the quality of the adaptation, measured as the
topology preservation of the input space (Martinetz
& Schulten, 1994).

Figure 1. Representation of two-dimensional objects with a self-organising network

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

In this work GNG has been used to represent twodimensional objects shape deformations in sequences
of images, obtaining a topology representing graph
that can be used for multiple tasks like representation,
classification or tracking. When deformations in objects
topology are small and gradual between consecutive
frames in a sequence of images, we can use previous
maps information to place the neurons without reset the
learning process. Using this feature of GNG we achieve
a high acceleration of the representation process.
One way of selecting points of interest in 2D shapes
is to use a topographic mapping where a low dimensional
map is fitted to the high dimensional manifold of the
shape, whilst preserving the topographic structure of
the data. A common way to achieve this is by using
self-organising neural networks where input patterns
are projected onto a network of neural units such that
similar patterns are projected onto units adjacent in the
network and vice versa. As a result of this mapping a
representation of the input patterns is achieved that
in post-processing stages allows one to exploit the
similarity relations of the input patterns. Such models
have been successfully used in applications such as
speech processing (Kohonen, 2001), robotics (Ritter &
Schulten, 1986), (Martinez, Ritter, & Schulten, 1990)
and image processing (Nasrabati & Feng, 1988). However, most common approaches are not able to provide
good neighborhood and topology preservation if the
logical structure of the input pattern is not known a
priori. In fact, the most common approaches specify
in advance the number of neurons in the network and a
graph that represents topological relationships between
them, for example, a two-dimensional grid, and seek
the best match to the given input pattern manifold.
When this is not the case the networks fail to provide
good topology preserving as for example in the case
of Kohonens algorithm.


This section is organized as follows: first we provide
a detailed description of the topology learning algorithm GNG. Next an explanation on how GNG can be
applied to represent objects that change their shapes
in a sequence of images is given. And finally a set of


experimental results using GNG to represent different

input spaces is presented in.
The approach presented in this paper is based on selforganising networks trained using the Growing Neural
Gas learning method (Fritzke, 1995), an incremental
training algorithm. The links between the units in the
network are established through competitive hebbian
learning (Martinetz, 1994). As a result the algorithm
can be used in cases where the topological structure of
the input pattern is not known a priori and yields topology preserving maps of feature manifold (Martinetz &
Schulten, 1994).
Recent studies has presented some modifications of
the original GNG algorithm to improve the robustness
of the cluster analysis (Cselnyi, 2005), (Cheng & Zell,
2000), (Qin & Suganthan, 2004), (Toshihiko, Iwasaki
& Sato, 2003), but none of them use the structure of
the map as starting point to represent deformations in
a sequence of objects shapes.

Growing Neural Gas

With Growing Neural Gas (GNG) (Fritzke, 1995) a
growth process takes place from a minimal network
size and new units are inserted successively using a
particular type of vector quantisation (Kohonen, 2001).
To determine where to insert new units, local error
measures are gathered during the adaptation process
and each new unit is inserted near the unit which has
the highest accumulated error. At each adaptation step a
connection between the winner and the second-nearest
unit is created as dictated by the competitive hebbian
learning algorithm. This is continued until an ending
condition is fulfilled, as for example evaluation of the
optimal network topology based on some measure.
Also the ending condition could it be the insertion of a
predefined number of neurons or a temporal constrain.
In addition, in GNG networks learning parameters are
constant in time, in contrast to other methods whose
learning is based on decaying parameters.
In the remaining of this Section we describe the
growing neural gas algorithm and ending condition as
used in this work. The network is specified as:
A set N of nodes (neurons). Each neuron c N has
its associated reference vector wc Rd. The reference
vectors can be regarded as positions in the input space
of their corresponding neurons.

Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

A set of edges (connections) between pairs of

neurons. These connections are not weighted and its
purpose is to define the topological structure. An edge
aging scheme is used to remove connections that are
invalid due to the motion of the neuron during the
adaptation process.
The GNG learning algorithm to approach the network to the input manifold is as follows:


Start with two neurons a and b at random positions wa and wb in Rd.

Generate a random input pattern according to
the data distribution P() of each input pattern.
In our case since the input space is 2D, the input
pattern is the (x,y) coordinate of the points belonging to the object. Typically, for the training
of the network we generate 1000 to 10000 input
patterns depending on the complexity of the input
Find the nearest neuron (winner neuron) s1 and
the second nearest s2 using squared Euclidean
Increase the age of all the edges emanating from
s 1.
Add the squared distance between the input signal
and the winner neuron to a counter error of s1 such
error ( s1 ) = ws1 X


Move the winner neuron s1 and its topological

neighbours (neurons connected to s1) towards
by a learning step w and n, respectively, of the
total distance:


ws1 = E w (X ws1 )


wsn = E n (X wsn )


If s1 and s2 are connected by an edge, set the age

of this edge to 0. If it does not exist, create it.
Remove the edges larger than amax. If this results
in isolated neurons (without emanating edges),
remove them as well.
Every certain number of input signals generated,
insert a new neuron as follows:

Determine the neuron q with the maximum

accumulated error.

Insert a new neuron r between q and its

further neighbour f:
wr = 0.5(wq + w f )



Insert new edges connecting the neuron r

with neurons q and f, removing the old edge
between q and f.

Decrease the error variables of neurons q

and f multiplying them with a constant .
Initialize the error variable of r with the
new value of the error variable of q and f.
Decrease all error variables by multiplying them
with a constant .
If the stopping criterion is not yet achieved, go
to step 2. (In our case the criterion is the number
of neurons inserted)

Representation of 2D Objects with GNG

Given an image I ( x , y ) R we perform the transformation y T (x , y ) = T (I (x , y )) that associates to each one
of the pixels its probability of belonging to the object,
according to a property T . For instance, in figure 2,
this transformation is a threshold function.
If we consider = (x, y) and P ( x ) = y T (x ), we
can apply the learning algorithm of the GNG to the
image I, so that the network adapts its topology to the
object. This adaptive process is iterative, so the GNG
represents the object during all the learning.
As a result of the GNG learning we obtain a graph,
the Topology Preserving Graph TPG = N ,C , with a
vertex (neurons) set N and an edge set C that connect
them (figure 1). This TPG establishes a Delaunay triangulation induced by the object (ORourke, 2001).

Figure 2. Silhouette extraction


Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

Representing Topology Deformations in

The model is able also to characterize different parts of
an object, or several present objects in the scene that
had the same values for the visual property T , without
reset the different data structures for each one of the
objects. This is due to the GNG capacity to divide itself
into different parts when removing neurons and can be
very useful to represent objects that change their topological structure breaking into small pieces or changing
their shapes along a sequence of images. In this case
a modification in the original algorithm of GNG must
be done generating in step 2 a higher number of input
signals to readapt from the previous map to the new
image and avoiding steps 8 and 9 where neurons are
deleted or added if necessary. None of the modifications
of the original GNG algorithm to improve the robustness of the cluster analysis (Cselnyi, 2005), (Cheng
& Zell, 2000), (Qin & Suganthan, 2004), (Toshihiko,
Iwasaki & Sato, 2003) use the structure of the map as
a starting point to represent deformations in a sequence
of objects shapes.
In this work GNG has been used to represent twodimensional objects shape deformations in sequences
of images, obtaining a topology representing graph.

When deformations in objects topology are small and

gradual between consecutive frames in a sequence of
images, we can use previous maps information to place
the neurons without reset the learning process. Using
this feature of GNG we achieve a high acceleration of
the representation process.
For example in figure 3 are represented some objects
with colour as a common feature in both images, that
represent the same objects but as a foreground in white
on the left and as a background in black on the right.

To illustrate GNG capacities to represent topological
deformations in objects, we have adapted the maps to an
object shape that changes its topology from a compact
square into four small squares in four steps (frames)
obtaining graphs that represent the topology of the
object shape along the images sequence but without
reset the learning process for any image.
Figure 4 shows the original sequence of images
used as input space for the self-organising map where
from a homogenous square in the first image (on the
left) four small squares are created in the last image
(on the right). On the bottom of the figure are showed
the results of the GNG adaptation establishing white

Figure 3. Representation of objects with similar visual properties as foreground and background


Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

Figure 4. Results of GNG adaptation to changes in the input space

colour as a visual property of objects to be represented.

From the first map (on the left), new maps are obtained
based on the previous one without reset the learning
process. This feature of GNG allows an acceleration
of the images sequence representation.
As can be seen in the sequence of images, the map is
able to separate the neurons into four groups representing the different squares in the original images when
the distance between them is higher than the average
of length of the edges that connects the neurons.
Figure 5 represents a sequence of deformations from
a small circle to an ellipse and finally to a square used
as input space to the GNG. The results of the adapta-

tion of the map without reset the learning algorithm

between frames are showed.
The parameters used for the simulation are: N=100,
= 1000 for the first map and 10000-20000 for the
subsequent maps, w = 0.1, n = 0.001, = 0.5, =
0.95, max = 250.
The computational cost to represent a sequence
of deformations is very low, compared with methods
based on the adaptation of a new map for any frame
of the sequence, since our method does not reset the
algorithm for new frames. This feature provides the
method with real-time capabilities.

Figure 5. Object deformation with GNG adaptation


Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

The iterative and parallel performance of the presented
representation model is the departure point for the
development of high performance architectures that
supply a characterization and tracking of non-rigid
objects depending on the time available.

In this paper, we have demonstrated the GNG capacity
of representation of bi-dimensional objects. Establishing a suitable transformation function, the model is able
to adapt its topology to the shape of an object. Then,
a simple, but very rich representation of the objects
is obtained.
The model, by its own adaptation process, is able
to divide itself so that it can characterize different fragments from an object or different objects in the same
image. In addition, GNG can represent deformations in
objects topology representing them along a sequence
of images without reset the learning process. This
feature accelerates the process of representation and
tracking of objects.

Flrez, F., Garca, J.M., Garca J. & Hernndez, A.
(2001). Representation of 2D Objects with a Topology
Preserving Network. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information
Systems (PRIS02), Alicante. ICEIS Press 267-276.
Flrez, F., Garca, J.M., Garca, J. & Hernndez, A.
(2001). Hand Gesture Recognition Following the Dynamics of a Topology-Preserving Network. In Proc. of
the 5th IEEE Intern. Conference on Automatic Face
and Gesture Recognition, Washington, D.C. IEEE,
Inc. 318-323.
Fritzke, B. (1995). A Growing Neural Gas Network
Learns Topologies. In Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 7, G. Tesauro, D.S. Touretzky T.K.
Leen (eds.), MIT Press 625-632.
Kohonen, T. (2001). Self-Organising Maps. SpringerVerlag, Berlin Heidelberg.


Martinetz, T. & Schulten, K. (1994). Topology Representing Networks. Neural Networks, 7(3) 507-522.
ORourke, J. (2001). Computational Geometry in C.
Cambridge University Press.
Ritter, H. & Schulten, K. (1986). Topology conserving
mappings for learning motor tasks. In Neural Networks
for Computing, AIP Conf. Proc.
Martinez, T., Ritter, H. & Schulten, K. (1990). Three
dimensional neural net for learning visuomotor coordination of a robot arm. IEEE Transactions on Neural
Networks, 1, 131-136.
Nasrabati, M. & Feng, T. (1988). Vector quantisation
of images based upon kohonen self-organising feature
maps. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks.
Martinez, T. (1994). Competitive hebbian learning
rule forms perfectly topology preserving maps. In
Cselnyi, Z. (2005). Mapping the dimensionality,
density and topology of data: The growing adaptive
gas. Computers Methods and Program in Biomedicine
78, 141-156.
Cheng, G. & Zell, A. (2000). Double growing neural gas
for disease diagnosis. In Proceedings of ANNIMAB-1
Conference, 309-314.
Qin, A.K. & Suganthan, P.N. (2004). Robust growing neural gas algorithm with application in cluster
analysis. Neural Networks 17 1135-1148.
Toshihiko, O., Iwasaki, K. & Sato, C. (2003). Topology
representing network enables highly accurate classification of protein images taken by cryo electron-microscope without maskin. Journal of Structural Biology,
143, 185-200.

Growing Neural Gas: A self-organizing neural
model where the number of units is increased during
the self-organization process using a competitive Hebbian learning for the topology generation.
Hebbian Learning: A time-dependent, local, highly
interactive mechanism that increases synaptic efficacy
as a function of pre- and post-synaptic activity.

Representing Non-Rigid Objects with Neural Networks

Non-Rigid Objects: A class of objects that suffer deformations changing its appearence along the

Object Representation: Is the construction of a

formal description of the object using features based
on its shape, contour or specific region.

Object Tracking: Is a task within the field of

computer vision that consists on the extraction of the
motion of an object from a sequence of images estimating its trajectory.

Topology Preserving Graph: Is a graph that represents and preserves the neighbourhood relations of
an input space.

Self-Organising Neural Networks: A class of

artificial neural networks that are able to self-organize themselves to recognize patterns automatically
without previous training preserving neighbourhood



A Roadmap on Updates
Fernando Zacaras Flores
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Dionicio Zacaras Flores
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Rosalba Cuapa Canto
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Luis Miguel Guzmn Muoz
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico

Updates, is a central issue in relational databases and
knowledge databases. In the last years, it has been well
studied in the non-monotonic reasoning paradigm.
Several semantics for logic program updates have
been proposed (Brewka, Dix, & Knonolige 1997), (De
Schreye, Hermenegildo, & Pereira, 1999) (Katsumo &
Mendelzon, 1991). However, recently a set of proposals has been characterized to propose mechanisms of
updates based on logic and logic programming. All these
mechanisms are built on semantics based on structural
properties (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000)
(Leite, 2002) (Banti, Alferes & Brogi, 2003) (Zacarias,
2005). Furthermore, all these semantic ones coincide in
considering the AGM proposal as the standard model
in the update theory, for their wealth in properties. The
AGM approach, introduced in (Alchourron, Gardenfors
& Makinson, 1985) is the dominating paradigm in the
area, but in the context of monotonic logic. All these
proposals analyze and reinterpret the AGM postulates
under the Answer Set Programming (ASP) such as
(Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000). However, the
majority of the adapted AGM and update postulates are
violated by update programs, as shown in (De Schreye,
Hermenegildo, & Pereira, 1999).

Update theory deals with knowledge base represented
by a propositional theory. Besides, deals with incorporating new knowledge about a dynamic world. This
dynamism is due to knowledge comes from the real

world, what means that knowledge evolves over time.

This exchange rate mainly deals with changes in the
extensional part of knowledge bases. However, the
problem of updating the intensional part of a knowledge base (rules and descriptions of actions) remains
basically unexplored. However, the problem of updates
has attracted the researchers attention in the last years
who are dealing with such updates in the setting of logic
programs. Though, some interesting proposals exist
with foundation in Answer set programming (ASP),
such as (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000)
(Leite, 2002) (Banti, Alferes & Brogi, 2003) (Osorio
& Zacarias, 2003).
Answer set programming is a new paradigm
used in the solution of the update issue. Particularly,
this paradigm has taken bigger force around of update
theory. A lot of theoretical work around updates under
ASP has been developed by connoted researchers such
as: Pereira, Alferes, Eiter, Osorio, Leite, Zacarias,
and others. In the last years, a lot of theoretical work
was devoted to explore the relationships between
intuitionistic logic and ASP (Pearce, 1999) (Lifschitz,
Pearce & Valverde, 2001). These results have recently
provided a characterization of ASP by intuitionistic
logic as follows: a literal is entailed by a program in
the answer set semantics if and only if it belongs to
every intuitionistically complete and consistent extension of the program formed by adding only negated
literals (Pearce, 1999). The idea of these completions
using in general intermediate logics is due to Pearce
(Lifschitz, Pearce & Valverde, 2001). This logical approach provides the foundations to define the notion of
non-monotonic inference of any propositional theory
(using the standard connectives) in terms of a mono-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Roadmap on Updates

tonic logic (namely intuitionistic logic), see (Lifschitz,

Pearce & Valverde, 2001) (Pearce, 1999).


We start with an analysis on the AGM postulates and
then we examine them with respect to update sequences.
All these proposals are based on oneself principle of
causal rejection principle. As is well known, if new
knowledge of the world is somehow obtained, and it
does not have conflicts with the previous knowledge
then this new knowledge only expands knowledge. If
by the contrary, new knowledge is inconsistent with
the previous knowledge, and we want knowledge to be
always consistent in all moment, we should solve this
problem somehow. We point out that new information
is incorporated into the current knowledge base subject
to a causal rejection principle, which enforces that, in
case of conflicts between rules, more recent rules are
preferred and older rules are overridden.
An update theory is a knowledge base represented
by a logic program. Then, let P be the program representing the current knowledge base, if it is updated by
another program U, then PU is a program updated of P if
only if the models of PU are the result of updating each
of the models of P according to a given semantics S;
to each of these models apply the update request U to
obtain a new set of models M; PU is any logic program
whose models are exactly M.
The AGM approach proposes three basic operations
on a belief set K: a) expansion K + , which is simply
adding the new information LB to K. b) revision K
* , which is sensibly revising K in the light of (in
particular, when K contradicts ); and c) contraction
K , which is removing from K.
On the other hand, AGM proposes a set of postulates,
K*1 K*8, that any revision operator * mapping a
belief set K LB and a sentence LB into the revised
belief set K * should satisfy. We assume that K is
represented by an epistemic state E, then the postulates
K*1 K*8 can be reformulated as in (Eiter, Fink,
Sabattini & Thompits, 2000) as follows:
(K1) E * represents a belief set.
(K2) Bel(E * ).
(K3) Bel(E * ) Bel(E + ).
(K4) Bel(E) implies Bel(E + ) Bel(E * ).
(K5) Bel(E * ) only if is unsatisfiable.

(K6) 1 2 implies Bel(E * 1) = Bel(E * 2).

(K7) Bel(E * ( ^ )) Bel((E * ) + ).
(K8) Bel(E * ) implies Bel((E * ) + ) Bel(E
* ( ^ )).
Katsuno and Mendelzon (1991) proponed a set of
postulates where a change to a belief base B are
propositional sentences over a finitary language. Some
of the outstanding differences between the postulates
of the AGM and those of Katsuno and Mendelzon are
that revision should yield the same result as expansion E + , providing is compatible with E, which
is not desirable for update in general. The postulate 8
says that if E can be decomposed into a disjunction of
states (e.g., models), then each case can be updated
separately and the overall result is formed by taking
the disjunction of the emerging states.
Darwiche and Pearl (1997) have proposed postulates for iterated revision. This set of postulates is very
simple and the majority of the adapted AGM and update
postulates are violated by update programs. Another
set of postulates for iterated revision, corresponding
to a sequence E of observations, has been formulated
by Lehmann (1995). Notice that in general the postulates proposed for iterated revision fail, and, with the
exception of some postulates, each change is given by
a single rule. Though, is that the two views described
above amount to the same at a technical level.
All these approaches on the update issue consider
it as a process of belief revision. However, following
Gardenfors and Makinson (1991; 1994), belief revision can be related to non-monotonic reasoning by
interpreting it as an abstract consequence relation on
sentences, where the epistemic state is fixed. In the
same way as Eiter we can interpret update programs
as abstract consequence relation on logic programs. In
spite of this, we should consider these proposals since
for example Makinson (1993) considered a set of (desirable) properties for non-monotonic reasoning, and
analyzed the behavior of some reasoning formalisms
with respect to these properties.
Continuing with our research, immediately we
comment in a general way the proposal of Alferes et.
al., (2000). They introduced the concept of dynamic
logic programs as a generalization of both the idea of
updating interpretations through revision programs and
of updating programs as defined by Alferes and Pereira
(1997) and by Leite and Pereira (1997). Syntactically,
dynamic logic programs are based on generalized logic

A Roadmap on Updates

programs (GLPs), which allow default negation in

the head of rules, but no strong negation whatsoever
(Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000). The way in
that the models of a update sequence are defined by
Alferes et. al., is similar to the transformation used by
Eiter et. al. These are defined as the stable models of
the program resulting from a syntactic rewriting. This
is called a dynamic update. Elements of the sequence
are generalized logic programs.
Alferes et. al. defined in (Alferes & Pererira, 2002)
its semantics by means of a dynamic logic programming
generated by the sequence of commands. Afterwards,
a translation of these commands, (a LUPS program)
to a generalized logic program where stable models
exactly correspond to the semantics of the original
LUPS program. In this proposal the authors considering
that the knowledge evolves from one knowledge state
to another. Thus, given the current knowledge state
KS, its successor knowledge state KS[U] is produced
as a result of the occurrence of a non-empty set U
of simultaneous updates. Each of the updates can be
viewed as a set of actions and consecutive knowledge
states are obtained as:
KSn = KS0[U1][U2] [Un]
where Uis represent consecutive sets of updates. This
state is denote by:
KSn = U1 U2 Un
Thus, in dynamic logic programming the models of
a sequence of updates are defined as the stable models
of the program resulting from a syntactic rewriting.
In (Alferes & Pererira, 2002) it is demonstrated that
revision programs and dynamic updates are equivalent,
provided that the original knowledge is extensional,
i.e., the initial program contains only rules of the form
A or not A.
One major difference can immediately be identified
between our update programs and dynamic updates: In
dynamic updates, the value of each atom is determined
from the bottom level P1 upwards towards Pn. the different evaluation strategy leads in effect to different
semantics. Furthermore, Alferes et al. (2000) use a
slightly non-standard concept of stable models. There
is a semantic difference between dynamic updates and
updates according to Eiter (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini
& Thompits, 2000).

On the other hand, one of the proposals more grateful on updates corresponds to (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini &
Thompits, 2000). The authors in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini
& Thompits, 2000) redefine and implement an update
process inspired in the proposal defined by Alferes
et. al. you can refer to (Alferes & Pereira, 2002). The
proposal (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000)
makes an exhaustive analysis of recent proposals
based on non-monotonic logic. There, a syntactic redefinition of dynamic logic programs is presented, and
semantically properties are investigated. In particular,
a study on the dynamic logic programs verification of
well known postulates of belief revision (Alchourron, Gardenfors & Makinson, 1985) is carried out.
Also, structural properties of logic program updates
are studied in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits,
2000). However, as happens in all works presented so
far, most of the presented properties are not satisfied.
This fact motivated our investigation to work towards
a propertiesbased theory.
This is an approach to update non-monotonic
knowledge bases represented as extended logic programs under the answer set semantics. They consider
refinements of the semantics on the notion of minimality of change. This proposal proposes a mechanism
for updates based on a sequence of logic programs.
Informally, this program expresses layered derivability
of a literal L, beginning from the top layer Pn and continuing downwards to the bottom layer P1. The rule r
layer Pi is only applicable if it is not refuted by a literal
derived at a higher level that is compatible with H(r).
Inertia rules propagate a locally derived value for L
downwards to the first level, where the local value is
made global.
Continuing in this direction, we have been working
in finding properties that our update operator satisfies
(Osorio & Zacaras, 2003) (Zacaras & Osorio, 2005)
(Zacaras, Osorio, & Arrazola, 2005). Our purpose is to
build a semantics based on structural properties. This is
our main objective in the update theory. In (De Schreye,
Hermenegildo, & Pereira, 1999) (Osorio & Zacarias,
2003) (Zacaras, Osorio & Arrazola, 2005) (Zacarias,
2005) the authors present a set of properties that the
update operator satisfies. In this paper we continue with
this same research line presenting a novel proposal
with the aim to enrich the update theory that we have
begun in (Osorio & Zacarias, 2003) (Zacaras, Osorio &
Arrazola, 2005) (Zacarias, 2005). This novel proposal
contributes with two benefits. First, we conserve many

A Roadmap on Updates

of the properties presented in previous works (Osorio

& Zacarias, 2003) (Zacaras, Osorio & Arrazola, 2005)
(Zacarias, 2005), such as: Weak Irrelevance of Syntax
(WIS). This property is similar to one postulate proposed
by AGM, but in this case for nonmonotonic logic and
under Answer Set Programming (ASP) introduced
and defined by (Gelfond & Lifschitz, 1988).
On the other hand, we conclude that many approaches about program updates do not satisfy many
of the properties defined in the literature (Alchourron,
Gardenfors & Makinson, 1985) (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini &
Thompits, 2000) (Katsuno & Mendelzon, 1991) (Banti,
Alferes & Brogi, 2003). This is partly explained by the
non-monotonicity of logic programs and the causal
rejection principle embodied in the semantics, which
strongly depends on the syntax of rules. Furthermore,
we consider that a good update theory is based fundamentally on a set of properties.
As result of a first analysis of a proposal presented
in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000), we introduced in (Osorio & Zacaras, 2003), a new update
operator. This proposal satisfies several properties of
AGM postulates, among them, a new property called
Weak Irrelevance of Syntax. These properties give to
an agent an added value with respect to other proposals
that do not satisfy them. It is necessary to highlight the
simplicity of our proposal, which allows to an agent to
be able to respond in a correct and opportune way.
Continuing our analysis on updates we present
our main results about updates of logic programs: a
properties-based approach published in (Zacarias,
2005). In this proposal we presented several properties on theory updates. We consider these properties
from a non-monotonic reasoning perspective, by naturally interpreting program updates as non-monotonic
consequence relations. In this proposal we consider
our properties under N logic. Additionally, we have
presented in (Zacaras, 2005) some examples about
updates on answer set programming.
In (Zacaras, 2005) we have introduced a new
proposal towards the enrichment of the update operator . There, we have presented a refinement of the
stable model semantics for the update operator. Also, we
presented a new property that allows us to face updates
where new information contains rules that define a conservative extension. So, we gave an extension of our
properties proven in (Osorio & Zacaras, 2003), under
N logic. This approach is based on the work made by

Eiter et al. (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000),

and inspired in a recent approach presented by Alferes
et al. (Banti, Alferes & Brogi, 2003). With this work,
we improve and enrich the update operator proposed
by Eiter et al. (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000),
giving as result a new update operator.

Just as in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000) we
coincide that because of apparent lack of minimality of
change, we then considered refinements of the semantics
in terms of minimal and strictly minimal answer sets.
Several issues remain for further work. An interesting
point (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000) concerns
the formulation of postulates (principles or properties) for update operator on logic programs and, more
generally, on non-monotonic theories. As you can see
in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000), several
postulates from the area of logical theory change fail
for update programs. This may be explained by the
dominant role of syntax for update embodied by causal
rejection of rules.

In this paper, we considered a new proposal to provide
an update process to our agents. Our proposal is a
novel and simple methodology that allows an agent to
maintain updated its knowledge base in all moment. This
provides an agent to behave in a rational way, similar
to human behavior. Furthermore, it is an appropriate
proposal for applications that require answers in real
time. Also, this proposal opens the possibilities for
building real-life applications, like intelligent agents
whose rational component is modelled by a knowledge
base, which is in turn maintained using update logic

Alchourron C.E., Gardenfors P., & Makinson D. On
the logic of Theory Change, Partial Meet Functions
for Contraction and Revision Functions. Journal of
Symbolic Logic, 50:510-530, 1985.


A Roadmap on Updates

Alferes J.J. & Pereira L.M. Logic programming updating a guided approach- in computational Logic: Logic
programming and Beyond, Essays in honour to Robert
A. Kowalski, Part II. Springer Verlag, 382-412, 2002
Ariely O., Denecker M., Van Nuffelen & Bruynooghe
M.. Database repair by Signed formulae In D. Seipel
and J.M. Turrul, editors, Foundations of Information
and Knowledge Systems, Third International symposium, FoIKS 2004, Wilhelminenburg Castle, Austria,
vol. 2942 LNCS, pp. 231241, 2004.
Banti F., Alferes J. & Brogi A. A principled semantics
for logic program updates. In M. Gelfond, N. Leone
and P. Pfeifer, editors, proceedings into Eighteenth
International Join Conference, LNAI, Mxico, Springer
Verlag, 2003.
Brewka G., Dix J., & Knonolige K. Nonmonotonic
reasoning, an overview. CSLI Publication Eds. Leland
Stanford Junior University, 1997.
De Schreye D., Hermenegildo M. & Pereira L.M.
Paving the Roadmaps: Enabling and Integration Technologics, 1999.
Eiter T., Fink M., Sabattini G., & Thompits H. Considerations on Updates of Logic Programs. In M.O. Aciego,
LP. de Guzmn, G. Brewka, and L.M. Pereira, editors,
Proc. Seventh European Workshop on Logic in Artificial
Intelligence JELIA 2000, vol. 1919 in Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. LNAI, Springer 2000.
Gelfond M., & Lifschitz V. The stable model semantics
for logic programs. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic Programming 2, MIT Press.
Cambridge, Ma. pp.1070-1080, 1988.
Katsumo H. & Mendelzon A.O. On the difference between updating a knowledge base and revising it. in:
J.A. Allen, R. Fikes and E. Sandewell. eds.. Principles
of knowledge representation and reasoning: Proceedings of the Second International Conference (Morgan
Kautmann. San Mateo. CA. 1991) pp. 387-394.
Leite J.A. Evolving Knowledge Bases Specification and Semantics. PhD thesis, Departamento de
Informatica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829526, 2002.


Lifschitz V., Pearce D., & Valverde A. Strongly equivalent logic programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2:526-541, 2001.
Osorio M. & Zacarias F., Irrelevance of Syntax in
updating answer set programs, Proceedings Of Fourth
Mexican International Conference On Computer Science Enc03, pp.183-188, Eds. J. H. Sossa, and E.
Perez, Mxico, 2003.
Pearce D. From Here to There: Stable negation in Logic
Programming, in D. Gabbay, H. Wansing (Eds.) What is
Negation? Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Zacaras F., Osorio M., & Arrazola J. Updates based
on Structural Properties USP-. Gests international
transactions on computer science and engineering, pp.
61-72, issn: 1738-6438, isbn: 89-953729-5-8, October
Zacaras F. Belief Revision and Updates in Commonsense Reasoning, Ph. D thesis, Universidad de las
Amricas Puebla, 2005.
Zacaras F. & Tllez A. Programacin lgicofuncional.
In CONIELECOMP 2002, pages 4549, Acapulco
(Mxico), 2002.

Beliefs: An agent whose knowledge base is the
theory T believes F if and only if F belongs to every
intuitionistically complete and consistent extension of
T by adding only negated literals.
Causal Rejection Principle: Which enforces that,
in case of conflicts between rules, more recent rules
are preferred and older rules are overridden.
Equivalence: Two programs are equivalent if they
have exactly the same answer sets.
Expansion: Which is simply adding the new information A to knowledge base KB.
Principle of Irrelevance of Syntax: The meaning
of the knowledge that results from an update must be
independent of the syntax of the original knowledge,
as well as independent of the syntax of the update

A Roadmap on Updates

Update: Let P be the program representing the

current knowledge base, if it is updated by another
program U, then PU is a program updated of P if only if
the models of PU are the result of updating each of the
models of P according to a given semantics S; to each
of these models apply the update request U to obtain a
new set of models M; PU is any logic program whose
models are exactly M.

Weak Irrelevance of Syntax: T1 T2 implies Bel(K

T1) = Bel(K T2), where K, T1 and T2 are any theories, Bel(T) defines the set of answer sets of T, is the
update operator, and understanding that equivalence
means that both programs (T1 and T2) have the same
answer sets.



A Robot Model of Dynamic Appraisal and

Carlos Herrera
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Tom Ziemke
University of Skovde, Sweden
Thomas M. McGinnity
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

A general goal of biologically inspired robotics is to
learn lessons from actual biological systems and to find
applications in robot design. Neural controllers and
adaptive algorithms are major tools to model, at some
level of abstraction, functions, structures, and behaviors
present in biological systems. This involves, of course,
identifying in virtue of what biological systems exhibit
the behavioral characteristics we want to explore. One
of the biological phenomena of great interest is emotion. Despite the effort of leading researchers to raise
the question whether machines can be intelligent
without any emotions (Minsky., 1988), AI interest
in emotional phenomena has increased only in the
last decade. An underlying assumption is that many
cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, learning, decision making and planning, are at least partly
based on emotional mechanisms in biological systems
(Damasio, 1995).
One of the qualities of emotional behavior is its
flexibility (Frijda, 1986), which contrasts with the
rigidity of stereotyped behaviors such as reflexes or
habits. Hence, it is relevant to investigate what it is that
makes emotional behavior flexible. The body, through
mostly chemical channels, produces diffuse effects on
the neural system, processes at the root of emotional
phenomena. Parisi has recently argued that in order to
understand the behavior of organisms more adequately
we also need to reproduce in robots the inside of the
body of organisms and to study the interactions of the
robots control system with what is inside the body

(Parisi, 2004), using the term internal robotics to denote the study of the interactions between the (neural)
control system and the rest of the body.
Mechanisms that control homeostasis, based on
hormonal modulation, can motivate appropriate behaviors (Avila-Garca & Caamero, 2004; Gadanho
& Hallam, 2001). Emergent behaviors from the interaction of a motivational system with the environment
may be called emotional. Caameros architecture, for
example, consists of a set of motivations; a repertoire
of behaviors that can satisfy those internal needs or
motivations as their execution carries a modification
in the levels of specific variables; and a set of basic
emotions.(Caamero, 2005).
We consider emotional phenomena to emerge from
a dynamic interaction between internal states, current
perceptions and environmental relations, such that
certain neural/physiological states have a close causal
link with relational situations. This is, in a nutshell,
the embodied appraisal hypothesis (Carlos Herrera,
2002; Prinz, 2004). We use two major concepts from
the dynamical systems (DS) approach to cognition
(Clark, 1997; Kelso, 1995): collective variables and
control parameters. In (Carlos Herrera, 2002) we argue that internal states can be interpreted as collective
variables of agent/ environment interaction that allow
tracing concern-relevant situations. These variables are
non-specific: they do not prescribe or contain a code
for the emerging structure (Kelso, 1995). They also
can be considered control parameters, as activation
in the agents physiological substrate affects overall

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Robot Model

action readiness (response, including perceptual and

cognitive readiness).

An architecture for the design of emotional appraisal
and response in artificial agents must take into account
that emotions bear an intrinsic dynamic relationship between internal mechanisms, embodiment and
situation (Frijda, 1993; Lazarus, 1991; Lewis, 2005).
Emotions are emergent patterns that involve relational
behavior as well physiological and psychological
processes. In this section we argue that physiological
states are essential for understanding emotion appraisal
and response: they allow to trace agent-environment
relations, and their modification is a mechanism for
control of dynamics.
Appraisal is the process by which an agent is capable
of recognizing that a situation is relevant to some of its
concerns. From an information-processing perspective,
an agent requires the capacity to differentiate situations which anticipate that a concern may be at stake
if no proper response is carried out. Cognitive models
consider appraisal the product of a reasoning engine
(Zajonc, 1980), and robotic models often simplify this
problem by manipulating the environment so that the
concern-relevance of specific objects/stimuli is particularly salient (e.g. red color for dangerous objects).
Appraisal involves categorization, or hot cognition
(Zajonc, 1980). The theory of embodied appraisal
argues that the body plays an essential role in structuring sensory-motor patterns that, once processed by the
brain, result in appraisal (Damasio, 2000). In the case
of emotion certain physiological states are indicative of
concern-relevant situations (Prinz, 2004). A high level
of adrenaline, for instance, correlates with a wide class
of emotional situations. The fact that the correlation is
not one-to-one (physiological states are not sufficient
to determine emotions) does not imply that they have
no relationship to interactive relations. We understand
embodied appraisal as dynamical coupling (attunement)
in which some internal states are representative (collective variables) of agent/environmental interactions.
But emotion is not only about appraisal, but also
response. Emotion theorists have proposed the notion
of action tendency to explain the inherent relational
purpose of emotional behavior: it establishes or modifies a relationship between the agent and the world at

large (Frijda, 1986). That means, [a]ction tendencies

are hypothesized for theoretical reasons: to account
for latent readiness and to account for behavior flexibility (Frijda, 1986). Tendencies imply a direction,
although they are not usually guided by a prior goal
representation (Frijda, 1986). It is also important to
distinguish between action tendency and the function
of emotional behavior. For example, the tendency in
fear is withdrawal. The function, on the other hand, is
protection. Similarly, the tendency in shock or surprise
is interruption of ongoing activity, whilst the function
is reorientation (Frijda, 1986). Withdrawal can come
as, for example, freeze, flight, or faint; responses with
very different functional roles. Hence, emotions are
far from reflex-like responses. Even though emotion
responses are often stereotyped and the product of
evolution, we should not conceive affect programs as
fixed and peremptory (Lazarus, 1991), i.e. [t]o the
extent that action programs are fixed and rigid, action
tendency loses much of its meaning (Frijda, 1986).
On the contrary, emotional responses are dynamically
situated, that is, outward behavior is configured in
dynamic interaction with the environment.
For modeling the mechanisms underlying action
tendencies in biological agents, it should be noted
how different physiological subsystems are dynamically interrelated. In particular, certain hormones (e.g.
adrenaline), can affect, on the one hand, the autonomic
system, whose activation involves a process of energy
mobilization, and thus action readiness (Frijda, 1986).
Hormones also act as neuromodulators, affecting the
general processing of the nervous system, thus producing forms of cognitive or attention readiness.


This article presents a robotic approach for the emergence of a coupled agent-environment interaction with
the ability to: (a) to appraise the concern-relevance of
the situation, and (b) to control through activation of
action readiness. The specific mechanisms that allow
the emergence of such phenomena are based on sensitivity to overall patterns of interaction through the
production of hormonal regulation.
The model illustrated in Figure 1 (Carlos. Herrera,
2006) is intended to illustrate the relationships between
nervous system, body and world. The basic feature is
that a number of internal variables in the body (such as

A Robot Model

Figure 1. Left: Model of dynamic appraisal in embodied interaction. Relation between (a) physiological states
and situations. (b,c) nervous system and rest of the body, (e, d) world and body. Right: Proposed controller for
a Khepera robot (prey).

hormonal levels) allow the agent to trace the dynamics

of some concern-relevant aspects of the relationship to
the environment. Their processing can be conceived a
simple form of body maps or feeling (Damasio, 1995,
This activation of internal states is integrated with
current cognitive, perceptual and sensory-motor processes. The nervous system participates in the homeostatic balance, as hormonal production is a function of
nervous activation thus the collective variables are
to some extent control variables: a change produces a
change in action readiness, reflected in the dynamic
relationship towards concern-relevant aspects of the
situation. Sensory-motor activity (relationship of the
nervous system to the environment), in conjunction
with further nervous processing (secondary appraisal),
produces a change in action tendency. Emotional behavior is the result of this process.

Experimental Setup
In this section we present a simple, preliminary experimental setup to the implementation of this model
(Carlos. Herrera, 2006). We apply an evolutionary
robotics approach evolving connection weights in

the neurocontrollers of simulated Khepera robots in a

predator/prey scenario inspired by (Nolfi & Floreano,
1998). Two robots, equipped with infrared sensors, are
placed in random positions in a square environment
surrounded by walls. The predator, which also has a
camera, is rewarded for hitting the prey, which in turn
is rewarded for avoiding the predator. Both robots are
controlled by feedforward networks that map sensory
inputs and to motor outputs/activations. To allow rich
relational dynamics, the maximum speed of the prey
is set to twice the predators.
We abstractly model some of the functions of the
endocrine system as a simple gland that secretes one type
of hormone. The resulting hormonal level is intended to
be a collective variable of the interaction, i.e. produce
a function that allows us to trace concern-relevant situations. The model also requires that the hormone level
has an effect on the generation of behavior through
modulation of the neural controller. In order to achieve
this, we feed it to the neural controller as an extra input.
We have established the level of hormonal secretion
as a function of the activity of the sensory cells and a
fixed rate of hormonal absorption.
As mentioned above, the level of hormonal release
is intended to be a collective variable of the interaction.

A Robot Model

In order to achieve this, we paid attention to what situations are concern-relevant in the prey/predator scenario.
We are interested in situations in which there is danger
of being caught. Despite several possible strategies of
approach and avoidance, given the speed of the prey,
danger is most present when the prey is caught between
predator and walls, whereas if no walls interfere, the prey
can produce optimal escape behaviors. Extrapolating
this observation, if a robot is near a wall and a predator,
the sum of the activation of all sensors will be larger
than when only one of them is present. Therefore it
makes sense to establish a linear relationship between
sensory activation and hormonal release, in line with
intensity theories of emotion that relate emotion elicitation to densities of neural firing (Tomkins, 1962)
(we do not claim intensity theories to be complete,
though). We therefore define hormonal release as the
sum of the activation of all other sensors. The decay
function of the hormone level, or rate of absorption,
is set to 2, i.e. at every time step, the hormone level
will be divided by 2. The resulting level is fed back in
to the neural controller as an extra input, playing the
role of a parametric bias with a neuromodulatory effect
on the motor output. The hormonal level can thus be
expressed as a function of current level and sensory
states as follows:


E t -1 + Si / 2
i =1 . 8

The controller weights of the controller and the

modulation effect of the hormonal level are evolved,

while the production and absorption of hormones is

kept fixed. If, as assumed, the level of hormone is significant of a class of situations (danger), then the robot
can be expected to use it for the evolution of adaptive
emotional behavior.

As with other experiments in co-evolution, performance
of prey and predator along the evolutionary process
are co-dependent, and cycles can be observed. It is
nevertheless possible to analyze cross generational
strategies and fitness (Nolfi & Floreano, 1998). Due to
limited space, we will here only analyze the behavior of
a single generation (100). In this analysis we will verify
whether: (a) the hormonal level can be considered a
collective variable of the dynamics of interaction, that
is, it allows us to track situations in which the prey is
between wall and predator, (b) the hormonal level acts
as a parametric bias for the neural controller so as to
generate an action tendency that changes the relationship to the environment (whose function is to safeguard
the preys concern, i.e. to escape), and (c) the resulting
behavior shows a degree of flexibility measured as
robustness in unforeseen circumstances.
Figure 2 shows the preys behavior and its relationship to the hormone level. A high hormonal level
modulates the normal behavior (circular), producing
a straightforward fast motion (right). This change in
behavior is correlated to dangerous situations (caught
between predator and wall). The prey thus is capable
of appraising concern-relevant situations, by means of
attunement through an appropriate collective variable

Figure 2. Left: Interaction between predator (black, discontinuous trace) and prey. At the marked points (1, 2, 3,
4) the prey was caught between wall and predator. Center: level of hormonal activation throughout the interaction. Right: close up of an escape behavior.


A Robot Model

Table 1. Performance in original and modified environments

No Obstacles

One Obstacle

Two obstacles

Prey escapes




Predator kills




Prey crashes




represented by a simulated physiological function.

Further analysis of this behavior and control dynamics
can be found in (Carlos Herrera, Ziemke, & Moffat,
In terms of flexibility our hypothesis was that, in any
scenario in which the concern-relevance of the robot
is represented by such a variable, the preys ability for
escape should not be seriously reduced. We tested the
performance of prey and predator with one and two
obstacles placed in random positions, for 1000 runs
(note that the original evolutionary process was carried
out without obstacles). Given that the evolved predator
cannot determine whether a prey is hiding behind an
obstacle, we exclude the runs in which the predator
crashed without entering the preys sensor range.
As the table shows, environmental changes do affect
the preys ability to escape. The presence of obstacles
has a limited effect on the functionality of the preys
behavioral strategy for escaping the predator, although
the proportion of times where the prey crashes increases
significantly. Comparing the flexibility with that of
evolved reactive controllers, we found that the rate of
successful escapes decreases more rapidly in favor of
predator catches, while crashes remain stable (Carlos.
Herrera, 2006). We could draw a parallel from such
results to real emotional behavior: if we react emotionally to dangerous situations, we will be more likely to
escape, but also more likely to harm ourselves. Being
involved in a fast fleeing behavior implies that the
danger of bumping into further danger increases. This
is congruent with emotion theory not all behavior
elicited by emotional events can be considered coping
activity Instrumental behavior, too, shows dysfunctional or non-functional features, among them sheer
disturbance manifestations like decreased precision
of skilled movements (Frijda, 1986).


Despite increasing interest in the modeling of emotions
in robotics, it remains one of the cornerstones of Artificial Intelligence. In this article, we have presented a
dynamical-embodied approach. Some of the obvious
limitations of this initial experimental setup should
be avoided in further work. For instance, it would be
interesting to let the control of the endocrine gland,
as well as the modulation of behavior co-evolve or
co-develop, and to investigate the role evolution and
learning may play in emotional attunement. This would
involve research into the capacities of neural networks
to learn temporal patterns of concern-relevance. We
have here also considered the physiological system only
in its relationship to the nervous system, and not in its
relation to body dynamics, leaving aside the autonomic
system and its energy mobilization role. This allowed
us to functionally replace the physiological system
by a one-dimensional hormone level. More complex
robotic physiologies, exploring relationships between
body states and their relationship to sensors, motors,
and nervous system should be investigated.
There are two short term experimental goals for
further work. First, given that it is not always possible
for the designer to identify concern-relevant situations
and possible ways to trace them through internal mechanisms, and in search of increased robotic autonomy,
we plan to find self-organizing techniques to achieve
similar results. In particular, we are considering the use
of evolution and learning, as well as novel mechanisms
such as anticipatory networks and liquid state machines,
to allow an internal structure to identify and gain sensitivity to such situations. A more realistic model of
the physiological systems involved is also necessary,
as arguably the control architecture presented here is
just a form of recurrent neural network. Finally, we
will explore the role of a hormonal regulation system

A Robot Model

within a framework of behavioral attractors, in order

to be able to carry out detail dynamical system analysis
of parametric/behavioral biases and the resulting action tendencies.

tion and its relation to standard cognitive/perceptual

mechanisms and representational content.


Avila-Garca, O., & Caamero, L. (2004). Using

Hormonal Feedback to Modulate Action Selection in
a Competitive Scenario. From Animals to Animats, 8,

In this paper we suggest a biologically inspired approach to flexible behavior through emotion modeling. We consider emotion to emerge from relational
interaction of body, nervous system and world, through
sensory-motor attunement of internal parameters to
concern-relevant relationships. We interpret such relationships with the notions of collective variable and
control parameters.
The preliminary experiments presented here indicate
the viability of the model and the potential benefits for
robotic behavioral flexibility. If interaction between
an agent and the environment can be conceived as a
dynamical system with certain collective variables, it
is worthwhile considering the possibility for the agent
to embody emotional mechanisms that allow the agent
to trace such collective variables.
The approach presented involves an alternative way
of considering the problem of adaptation and cognition
from a dynamical system perspective.

Collective variables and control parameters are

considered useful for the construction of adaptive
dynamical systems.
Perception is not directed exclusively to objective
features of the environment, but first and foremost
to establishing agent/environment relationships
and the attunement of action tendencies.
Third, neural/computational processing is not
the only mechanism for extracting such global
characteristics, but physiological aspects of embodiment, e.g. hormonal modulation, can carry
out essential information-processing functions

In summary, this approach suggests that instead of

considering sensory stimuli as the primary basis for
perception, proprioceptive feedback plays a constitutive
role in gaining appropriate information about agent/environment relations, and thus the environment itself.
This approach can enlighten the notion of hot cogni-


Caamero, L. (2005). Emotion understanding from

the perspective of autonomous robots research. Neural
Networks, 18(4), 445-455.
Clark, A. (1997). Being There: Putting Brain, Body,
and World Together Again: MIT.
Damasio, A. (1995). Descarteserror: emotion, reason,
and the human brain: Picador.
Damasio, A. (2000). The feeling of what happens: body,
emotion and the making of consciousness: Vintage.
Frijda, N. (1986). The Emotions: Editions de la Maison
des sciences de lhomme.
Frijda, N. (1993). The place of appraisal in emotion.
Cognition and emotion, 7(3-4), 357-387.
Gadanho, S., & Hallam, J. (2001). Robot Learning
Driven by Emotions. Adaptive Behavior, 9(1), 42.
Herrera, C. (2002). Emotions And Perception: On The
Role Of Prioceptive Feedback. Paper presented at the
IASTED 2002. Special session on Perception and
Emotions, Malaga.
Herrera, C. (2006). The synthesis of emotion in artificial
agents., Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow.
Herrera, C., Ziemke, T., & Moffat, D. (2006). Emotions as a bridge to the environment: the role of body
in organisms and robots. Paper presented at the The
Ninth International Conference on the SIMULATION
Kelso, J. (1995). Dynamic Patterns: Self-organization
of Brain and Behavior: Mit Pr.
Lazarus, R. (1991). Emotion and Adaptation: Oxford
University Press US.
Lewis, M. (2005). Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology through dynamic systems modeling. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 28(02), 169-194.

A Robot Model

Minsky., M. (1988). The Society of Mind: Touchstone.

Nolfi, S., & Floreano, D. (1998). Co-evolving predator and prey robots: Do arm races arise in artificial
evolution? Artificial Life, 4(4), 311-335.
Parisi, D. (2004). Internal robotics. Connection Science, 16(4), 325-338.
Prinz, J. (2004). Embodied Emotions. In Thinking
about Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on the
Emotions (pp. 44-59).
Tomkins, S. (1962). Affect, imagery, consciousness.
New York: Springer.
Zajonc, R. (1980). Feeling and thinking: Preferences
need no inferences. American Psychologist, 35(2),

Emotions: Phenomena present in biological systems

by which an adaptive agent is capable of appraising
the concern-relevance of situations and provide flexible responses through generation of physiological,
cognitive and behavioral readiness.
Collective Variable / Control Parameter: In
dynamical systems theory, collective variables allow
tracing global dynamic patterns, control parameters
lead the system through such patterns.
Concerns: The conditions under which a system
can continue to function.
Hormonal Modulation: Change in the functionality
of neural, sensory and motor systems achieved through
changes in hormonal levels.
Neuro-Robotics: Approach to robot control through
the use of neural networks.



Action Readiness / Tendencies: Physiological

states affect the readiness for engagement in certain
dynamics of the interaction

Artificial Emotion: The attempt to synthesize

in robots or artificial systems some of the functional
properties of emotion.
Embodied Appraisal: Theory that asserts sensitivity to concern-relevant situations is facilitated
by physiological and homeostatic mechanisms in an
embodied agent.


This paper represents a revised version of the

paper Behavioral flexibility: An emotion based
approach, presented at the IWANN07 conference. This work has been partly supported by a
European Commission grant to the project Integrating Cognition, Emotion and Autonomy
(IST-027819,) as part of the European Cognitive
Systems initiative.


Robots in Education

Muhammad Ali Yousuf

Tecnologico de Monterrey Santa Fe Campus, Mexico

The new paradigm in engineering education demands
hands-on training of the students using technology oriented projects. The roots of this approach can be traced
back to the work of Seymour Papert in 1970s when
he built a programmable turtle with a reflective light
sensor (Papert, 1971). His ideas ultimately lead to the
educational theory of constructionism (Papert, 1986
and Harel & Papert, 1991). According to this theory,
students learn very effectively when they are involved
in the creation of an external object that lives in the
real world. Learners use this object to think with, and
to relate ideas of, their subject of inquiry (Bourgoin,
1990). From an educational point of view, the theory
of Papert can be linked to the constructivist theory of
Jean Piaget (Paiget, 1972). According to this theory,
learning comes from an active process of knowledge
construction. This knowledge can be gained through
real life experiences and linked to a learners previous
knowledge. The concept of turtle was evolved further
at MIT and became the famous Programmable Brick
by Fred Martin who also developed new learning
environments and methodologies based on this concept (Martin, 1988 and Martin 1994). The unusual
idea put forward by the Brick, at least at the time of
its invention, was the incorporation of the design
work into the learning process. Students were not only
users in this case, but were actively involved in the
design process, while solving their problems (Martin,
1996a). The Brick was later adopted and incorporated
by the LEGO MINDSTORMS kit (RCX in 1998 and
NXT made available in 2006). The use of the name
MINDSTROMS can also be traced back to the book
by Seymour Papert (Papert 1980). Versions of these
Bricks for economically challenged communities have
also been proposed recently (Sipitakiat, et al, 2004).
The active learning methodology (Harmin and
Toth, 2006) uses this philosophy of involving students
in their own learning through class discussions and
group problem solving and proves to be effective at
least in certain cases. Robots have become a major

player in this area and have been employed in improving the quality and level of student learning, ranging
from primary schools to graduate level. As pointed out
by Resnick and Martin (Resnick and Martin, 1990),
Creatures built from Electronic Bricks fall on the
fuzzy boundary between animals and machines, forcing
students to come to terms with how machines can be
like animals, and vice versa. In engineering courses
incorporating connectionism approach, the students
are asked to design and program a robot for a specific
task. They also work in small teams and help and learn
from each other.
However it is important to know what is currently
available to an educator so that he/she can develop the
required skills, abilities, attitudes and values in students.
In this article we identify some of the major research
centres working in the area of education utilizing robots
and discuss some of the robotic kits now available to
educators. We also comment on the famous robotic
competitions worldwide.

Many researches have tried to include a project-oriented
approach to the teaching of engineering subjects. This
approach has the benefit of allowing students to seek information on their own while developing a well defined
product. The use of robots in enhancing the quality of
education at a university level has been discussed by
many authors (Takahashi et al, 2006, Gage & Murphy
2003, Matsushita et al 2006). Students from school to
undergraduate level have been involved in microcontroller based robotic projects. They can design, build
and test their robots themselves and that helps them
later in their education. Mukai and McGregor (Mukai
and McGregor, 2004) have gone to the level of teaching
control to eight graders in public schools.
Robots can help educators in teaching and learners
in learning various branches of basic sciences. This is
in addition to their obvious use in engineering courses.
Mathematics (Algebra, geometry, matrices, calculus),

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Robots in Education

Physics (electricity, force, Newtons laws, momentum,

rotations and angular momentum) are few examples
(Yousuf et al., 2006). Their connection to biology comes
through understanding and linking of human sensors to
robotic or electronic sensors. Bratzel (Bratzel, 2005)
uses engineering principles to teach physics and physical
science by incorporating LEGO robots. She introduces,
in chapters of increasing difficulty, concepts of motion,
forces, fluids, stability, work and energy, etc. Bratzel
has also correlated the activities in her book with the
national science content (in USA) standards for grades
5-12, and hence makes for a good choice for educators
at that level.
The purpose of integrating robotics is not just to
create excitement among students but to use this excitement to help them in learning what they find difficult
to learn using conventional methods. All the educators
want to develop certain abilities, values and attitudes
among their students. Some of the international accrediting organizations, like the Accreditation Board
for Engineering and Technology recommend the use
of a competency-based learning methodology for
course development (Earnest, 2005 and Criteria for
Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2006). The core
of this system is that all activity (in the classroom,
laboratory or projects) must be focused on pre stated
competencies by using structured learning objectives.
This system also demands the evaluation to be based
on the competencies developed by the students. This
can only be done by looking at concrete evidence (e.g.,
electrical or mechanical systems developed, software,
technical reports, etc). Once again, the use of robots
provides the educator with well defined competencies
to be evaluated precisely.

We divide this part into subsections discussing various
aspects of the main theme. Since each of these subjects
is sufficiently broad in itself, we concentrate on a few
representative cases only.

Research Groups in the Area of

Educational Robotics
This is an area of immense activity and the number of
research groups active in this area is extremely large.
Almost all the robotic research groups have an interest

in the educational aspects of the subject. Many have

tried to involve their own undergraduate students into
the process and have gained new and deeper insights
into student behaviour and learning.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT has been active in the area of robotics for a long
time but it was in 1989 that Fred Martin (Martin 2001)
started a worldwide movement in educational robotics
by introducing his now famous undergraduate design
contest. This was also the launching of the corresponding robot brain called the Handyboard (Handyboard).
It is now being used by educators worldwide together
with the Interactive C language to program the system
(Butler et. al., 2006). This system is powerful enough to
have industrial applications. The work of Fred Martin
was continued later with Mitchel Resnicks Life-Long
Kindergarten group (Kindergarten Group). This work
was partly sponsored by the LEGO Group and became
the foundation for the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robotics
Invention System (to be discussed later).

NASA Robotics Alliance Project

The Robotics Alliance Project is an initiative of the
NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in USA. It is based on the idea that NASA is
going to need many more robot engineers for its space
endeavours in the future and the only way to have quality engineers in the future is to invest in their training
(RAP). Hence the project starts at the level of K-12
and does it through a variety of robotics programs,
competitions and curriculum development. Their web
site offers links to curriculum resources starting from
primary to doctoral level. It also lists some of the major
robotic competitions, and internship opportunities for
students, etc. NASA also provides video and webcast
archives for educators.

Carnegie-Mellon University
The robotics institute at the Carnegie-Mellon University is one of the largest of its type and has various
projects with an educational impact. The CREATE
project, which is an acronym for Community Robotics,
Education and Technology Empowerment (CREATE)
has research programs in curriculum design for teaching
robot programming at the secondary school level and

Robots in Education

beyond. They are also developing curriculum that will

help middle and high school educators. Another valuable
contribution by the same group is the development of
a fully accredited robotic exploration course for high
school juniors. The course is offered in summer and
allows students to build robots using special fast-build
kits. These kits have also been designed at CMU and
include even a vision system allowing students to
develop rover missions in the classroom and home
environments (Nourbakhsh et al., 2005). Students then
go home together with the robot. This way student can
keep working on the subject after leaving the center.

Fraunhofer Institut Intelligente Analyse und

The Fraunhofer AIS in Germany (Fraunhofer),
sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research, is active in the educational aspects of robotics. They have developed a robot called Roberta,
which conveys the knowledge about engineering and
computer science to youngsters in an exciting way. Their
particular focus is female population. Dozens of tutors
have been guided in the use of this methodology and
a few hundred students (more than three-fourth girls)
have been trained. Tutors get training at the Fraunhofer
AIS with specially developed teaching material to support learning. A national network of regional Roberta
centers is being established to support tutors locally,
to ensure nation-wide exchange of experience, and to
disseminate the results of this project.

Educational Robot Kits

Educational robotic kits provide the users everything
needed to build and program a robot. Some of them are
more flexible than others, but each comes with its own
programming language or programming environment.
We discuss here some of them.


NXT Robots
As mentioned in the introduction above, it was an idea
developed at MIT and introduced to the mass market
by the LEGO Group (LEGO) in 1998. The LEGO
MINDSTORMS robots are perhaps the simplest kits
to start with, yet they are general and broad enough to
be used as pedagogic platforms for training even at the

university level. Banking upon the students familiarity with LEGO (those who are not familiar need very
little extra time to start with), and utilizing a specially
developed, highly visual programming language, the
system helps kids from six years upward to learn
and enjoy robotics. The system comes complete with
online tutorials and is backed by innumerable web
sites, books and tutorials. The newer version is called
MINDSTORMS NXT and is even more flexible and
powerful with some new sensors added and some of
the older sensors upgraded. The new servo motors
have been fitted with rotation sensors, allowing precise
position control.

Parallax Systems
Parallax, Inc., (Parallax) is a developer of electronic
systems (including robots) generally for higher level
students though they do have systems for ages eight
and above. Scribbler Robot for example, is meant for
first-time programmers and roboticists age eight and up.
The more advanced systems designed for experienced
users include the Toddler Robot, QuadCrawler and
HexCrawler robots. The big advantage for educators
is the large number of books, manuals and curriculum
material available for these systems. Most of it is available free from the company web site and / or included
in the kits.

Fishcertechnik Reconfigurable Robot Kits

The Fischertechnik systems (Fischerwerke Artur
Fischer Gmbh) developed in Germany, are some of
the most advanced robotic invention systems available. These systems allow students of all ages (even
adults) to enjoy the field with flexible robotic kits. They
also provide curriculum material for those willing to
incorporate Fischertechnik into their classes. These
systems are easy to program and come with a variety
of sensors, motors, LEDs, etc. The kits can be used to
teach advanced concepts in engineering too, including
PLCs or Programmable Logic Control.

Robotic Competitions
Robotic competitions are an ideal way to keep the
interest of the students alive and to give them a welldefined target to achieve. Most of the competitions also
give very strict guidelines as to what can be used in

Robots in Education

the construction of the system and who can participate.

Many of the international competitions discourage
teacher participation in the final presentation and hence
allow students to grow and develop into self responsible
persons. These competitions also grade students based
on their group work, cleanliness, and presentation skills.
In a nutshell, they are an excellent way of standardizing curriculum and assessment.
According to the Manchester based organization,
For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and
Technology (FIRST), the FIRST Robotics Competition involves around 32,500 students in 2007. The
junior version, called the FIRST LEGO League has
been designed for children in age group 9-14 years.
An estimated number of 88,000 children participated
in this activity in 2006. There are dozens of other local
robotic competitions all over the world for which there
is no statistics available. However a search on any of
the Internet search engines brings a large number of
pages (e.g. the Robot Competition FAQ). Many of these
are confined to a university, college or school. But in
many cases the models can be followed and replicated
at other places. The famous 6.270 Autonomous Robot
Design Competition at MIT (MIT 6.270) is a good example and has been running successfully for more than
two decades. Most of the research groups mentioned
above may also be contacted as they frequently arrange
national level competitions.

The field of educational robots is full of promising
directions. One important factor is the development of
generic robot systems and the standardization of corresponding robot control software. Microsoft Robotics
Studio (Microsoft Robotics Studio) is one of the most
recent efforts in the direction of software standardization. It allows ANY robot to be controlled through a
single platform. Companies like Parallax have already
developed free examples for users to try on their boebot. On the hardware side also we are going to see more
modular systems with flexibility and extensibility. The
MIT Tower (Lyon, 2003) is a typical product of this
type. Though not yet commercially available, it allows
the user to start with a basic system and then to go on
adding functionality depending upon requirements.
Currently available modules are for sensing, actuation, data storage, and infrared communication. They

plan to add new ones for enhanced display output and

high-speed wireless communication, etc.

In this article we have made an attempt to provide a
brief overview of the state of the art in educational
robotics, the work of major research groups and the
offerings of commercial vendors for educators. Comments on the future directions in educational robotics
have been made. Most of the efforts in this direction
have started to take advantage of the experiences of
others and we hope to see more balanced and well
though-out curricula to be developed for each of the
major areas of basic sciences.

Bratzel, B., (2005). Physics by Design, College House
Enterprises, LLC.
Bourgoin, M. O. (1990). Children using LEGO robots to
explore dynamics. In Harel, I. (Ed.), Constructionist
Learning. MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, MA.
Butler, D., Strohecker, C., and Martin, F. (2006). Sustaining Local Identity, Control and Ownership While
Integrating Technology into School Learning. Book
chapter in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume
4226/2006, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics
Institute 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213,
Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs - Effective for Evaluations During the 2006-2007 Accreditation Cycle. Published by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET), 111 Market Pl.,
Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD
21202, http://www.
Earnest, J. (2005), ABET engineering technology
criteria and competency based engineering education, Frontiers in Education, FIE 05. Proceedings 35th
Annual Conference, 19-22 Oct. 2005 Page(s): F2D
- 7-12.
FIRST, 200 Bedford St., Manchester, NH 03101,

Robots in Education

Fischerwerke Artur Fischer Gmbh & Co. KG, Weinhalde 14 - 18, 72178 Waldachtal Deutschland, http://www.

at the annual meeting of the American Educational

Research Association, April 812, 1996, New York,

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Frderung, der angewandten Forschung e.V., Postfach 20 07 33, 80007
Mnchen, Germany,

Martin, F. (1996b). Ideal and real systems: A study of

notions of control in undergraduates who design robots,
in Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking,
and Learning in a Digital World (Yasmin Kafai and
Mitchel Resnick, eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum

Gage, A., Murphy, R.R., (2003) Principles and experiences in using legos to teach behavioral robotics, Frontiers in Education, FIE 2003, 33rd Annual,
Volume 2.
Handyboard, The; An authorized supplier is Gleason
Research, P.O. Box 1494, Concord MA 01742 web
Harel, I. and Papert, S. (eds) (1991). Situating Constructionism, Constructionism, Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Harmin, M. and Toth, M, (2006) Inspiring Active Learning: A Complete Handbook for Todays Teachers,
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Deve; 2nd

Martin, F. (2001). Robotic Explorations: A Hands-on

Introduction to Engineering, Prentice Hall.
Matsushita, K., Yokoi, H., Arai, T., (2006), Robotics in Education: Plastic Bottle Based Robots for
Understanding Morph-Functionality, The 15th IEEE
International Symposium on Robot and Human
Interactive Communication, ROMAN 2006.
Microsoft Robotics Studio, Microsoft Corporation,
One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-7329, USA,
MIT 6.270, Autonomous Robot Design Competition,

Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, Building

E15 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 021394307 USA,

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E., Hsiu, T., Perez-Bergquist, A., Richards, S., and
Wilkinson, K., (2005). The Robot Autonomy Mobile
Robotics Course: Robot Design, Curriculum Design
and Educational Assessment, Autonomous Robotics
Journal, 18(1).

Lyon, C. (2003). Encouraging Innovation by Engineering the Learning Curve,

Cambridge, MA:
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science Masters Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Martin, F. G. (1988). Children, cybernetics, and programmable turtles, Masters thesis,
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
Media Laboratory, 20 Ames Street Room E15315,
Cambridge, MA 02139.
Martin, F. G. (1994). Circuits to Control: Learning
Engineering by Designing LEGO
thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
Media Laboratory, 20 Ames Street Room E15315,
Cambridge, MA02139.
Martin, F. (1996a). Kids Learning Engineering Science
Using LEGO and the Programmable Brick. Presented

Papert, S. (1971). Teaching children thinking, Cambridge, MA: MIT Artificial Laboratory Memo no. 247,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers,
and Powerful Ideas, Basic Books, New York.
Papert, S. (1986). Constructionism: A new opportunity for elementary science education, proposal to
the National Science Foundation. MIT Media Laboratory.
Parallax, Inc, 599 Menlo Drive, Rocklin, California
95765, USA,
Piaget, J. (1972). The Principles of Genetic Epistemology, N. Y.: Basic Books.

Robots in Education

RAP Robotics Alliance Project at NASA, NASA

Headquarters, Suite 5K39, Washington, DC, 205460001, USA,
Resnick, M and Martin, F (1990). Children and Artificial
Life, E&L Memo No. 10, MIT Media Laboratory,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Robot Competition FAQ,
Sipitakiat, A., Blikstein, P., and Cavallo, D., (2004).
GoGo Board: Augmenting
for Economically Challenged Audiences, In Proceedings from International Conference of the Learning
Sciences, California, USA, June, pp. 481-488, 2004.
Takahashi, Y., Uchiyama, Y., Takagi, H., Takashima,
T.(2006), University Robotics Education with Fabrication Experiences of Twelve-Axis Biped Robot,
SICE-ICASE, 2006. International Joint Conference.
Yousuf, M. A., De la Cueva, V. and Montfar, R.
(2006). Learning Two-Dimensional
Physics and Mathematics through their Applications in
Robotic Manipulators, International Joint Conferences
on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and
Engineering (CIS2E 06). University of Bridgeport,

Active Learning: The methodology which demands
students to participate actively in their own learning,
guided and supervised by the educator.


Competency Based Learning: A system of learning which represents a dynamic mixture of knowledge,
understanding, capacity and ability. The competencies
are measurable outcomes of learning and hence can be
evaluated at the end of the process.
Constructionsim: According to the constructionist
learning theory, people learn most effectively when they
are involved in the creation of an external artefact in the
world. This artefact becomes an object to think with,
which is used by the learner to explore and embody
ideas related to the topic of inquiry (Martin, 1996b).
Constructivism: An educational theory or school of
learning, based on the idea that knowledge is constructed
by the learner based on mental activity. Learners create
a mental image of how the world operates and they
adapt and transform their understanding using their
earlier knowledge.
Industrial Robotic Manipulators: Mechanical
arms used in industry, with sensor feedback and automatic control software.
Mobile Robots: Robots with the capability to move
autonomously from one place to the other, including
wheeled, legged, submerged and flying robots, etc.
Pedagogy: The art (or science) of being a teacher
but commonly referred to as the technique used in


Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error

Andrzej Rusiecki
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Feedforward neural networks (FFNs) are often considered as universal tools and find their applications in
areas such as function approximation, pattern recognition, or signal and image processing. One of the main
advantages of using FFNs is that they usually do not
require, in the learning process, exact mathematical
knowledge about input-output dependencies. In other
words, they may be regarded as model-free approximators (Hornik, 1989). They learn by minimizing some
kind of an error function to fit training data as close as
possible. Such learning scheme doesnt take into account a quality of the training data, so its performance
depends strongly on the fact whether the assumption,
that the data are reliable and trustable, is hold. This is
why when the data are corrupted by the large noise,
or when outliers and gross errors appear, the network
builds a model that can be very inaccurate.
In most real-world cases the assumption that errors are normal and iid, simply doesnt hold. The data
obtained from the environment are very often affected
by noise of unknown form or outliers, suspected to be
gross errors. The quantity of outliers in routine data
ranges from 1 to 10% (Hampel, 1986). They usually
appear in data sets during obtaining the information and
pre-processing them when, for instance, measurement
errors, long-tailed noise, or results of human mistakes
may occur.
Intuitively we can define an outlier as an observation that significantly deviates from the bulk of data.
Nevertheless, this definition doesnt help in classifying
an outlier as a gross error or a meaningful and important observation. To deal with the problem of outliers
a separate branch of statistics, called robust statistics
(Hampel, 1986, Huber, 1981), was developed. Robust
statistical methods are designed to act well when the
true underlying model deviates from the assumed
parametric model. Ideally, they should be efficient and
reliable for the observations that are very close to the

assumed model and simultaneously for the observations

containing larger deviations and outliers.
The other way is to detect and remove outliers
before the beginning of the model building process.
Such methods are more universal but they do not take
into account the specific type of modeling philosophy
(e.g. modeling by the FFNs). In this article we propose
new robust FFNs learning algorithm based on the least
trimmed squares estimator.

The most popular FFNs learning scheme makes use of
the backpropagation (BP) strategy and a minimization
of the mean squared error (mse). Until now, a couple
various robust BP learning algorithms have been proposed. Generally, they take advantage of the idea of
robust estimators. This approach was adopted to the
neural networks learning algorithms by replacing the
mse with a loss error function of such a shape that the
impact of outliers may be, in certain conditions, reduced
or even removed.
Chen and Jain (1994) proposed the Hampels hyperbolic tangent as a new error criterion, with the scale
estimator that defines the interval supposed to contain
only clean data, depending on the assumed quantity of
outliers or current errors values. This idea was combined
with the annealing concept by Chunag and Su (2000).
They applied the annealing scheme to decrease the value
of , whereas Liano (1996) introduced the logistic error function derived from the assumption of the errors
generated with the Cauchy distribution. In a recent
work Pernia-Espinoza et al. (2005) presented an error
function based on tau-estimates. An approach based on
the adaptive learning rate was also proposed (Rusiecki,
2006). Such modifications may significantly improve
the network performance for corrupted training sets.
However, even these approaches suffer from several
difficulties and cannot be considered as universal (also

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

because of properties of applied estimators). Besides,

very few of them have been proposed until today and
they exploit the same basic idea, so we still need to
look for new solutions.


Least Trimmed Squares
The least trimmed squares estimator (LTS), introduced
by Rousseuw (1984, 1985) is a classical high breakdown point robust estimator, similar to the slower
converging least median of squares (LMS) (Rousseuw,
1984). The estimator and its evaluations are often used
in linear and nonlinear regression problems, in sensitivity analysis, small-sample corrections, or in simple
detecting outliers. The main difference between the
LTS estimator and the least sum of squares, but also
M-estimators, is obviously the operation performed on
residuals. In this case however, robustness is achieved
not by replacing the square by another function but by
superseding the summation sign with something else.
The nonlinear least trimmed squares estimator is then
defined as:

Q = arg minp (r 2 )

i =1



where (r2)1:n(r2)n:n are the ordered squared residuals ri2()={yi-(xi,)}2, yi represents the dependent
variable, xi=(xi1,,xik) the independent input vector,
and Rp denotes the underlying parameter vector for
the general nonlinear regression model. The trimming
constant h must be chosen as n/2<hn to provide that n-h
observations with the largest residuals do not directly
affect the estimator. Under certain assumptions the estimator should be robust not only to outliers (Stromberg,
1992) but also to the leverage points (grossly aberrant
values of xi) (Rousseuw, 1987).

Derivation of the LTS Algorithm

For simplicity, let us consider a simple three layer
feedforward neural network with one hidden layer. The
net is trained on a set of n training pairs:
{(x1,t1),(x2, t2),,(xn, tn)},

where xiRp and tiRq. For the given input vector

xi=(xi1,xi2,,xip)T, the output of the jth neuron of the
hidden layer may be obtained as:

z ij = f 1 w jk xik b j = f1 (inpij )
k =1

, for j=1,2,,l,


where f1() is the activation function of the hidden

layer, wjk is the weight between the kth net input and
jth neuron, and bj is the bias of the jth neuron. Then
the output vector of the network yi=(yi1,yi2,,yiq)T
is given as:

y iv = f 2 w' vj z ij b' v = f 2 (inpiv )

j =1

, for v=1,2,,q.

Here f2() denotes the activation function, wvj is

the weight between the vth neuron of the output layer
and the jth neuron of the hidden layer, and bv is the
bias of the vth neuron of the output layer. Now, we
introduce the robust LTS error criterion, based on the
Least Trimmed Squares estimator. The new error function is defined as:

( )

E LTS = r 2
i =1



In this case, (r2)1:n(r2)n:n are ordered squared

residuals of the form

ri2 = { | (y iv - t iv ) |}2
v =1


The trimming constant h must be carefully chosen

because it is responsible for the quantity of patterns
suspected to be outliers.
We assume, for simplicity, that weights are updated
according to the gradient-descent learning algorithm
but this can be extended to any other gradient-based
algorithm. Then to each weight is added ( denotes a
learning coefficient):
wjk=- ELTS/wjk,


Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

wvj=- ELTS/wvj,


h=|{ri:|ri|<c*median(|ri|), i=1n}|,


where c=1.483 for the MAD scale estimate (Huber,

1981). Errors used for calculating h were the errors
obtained after the last epoch of the traditional backpropagation algorithm, so the value of h is set constant
for the training process.


Simulation Results

ri/wjk =f2(inpiv)wvjf1(inpij)xik,
ri/wvj =f2(inpiv)zij.

The main problem that may occur here is calculating the ELTS derivative. It is not continuous and it can
be written as:

( )

r 2
i =1



( )
( )

2r for ri 2 r 2 i:h
= i
0 for ri > r i:h \


As it was experimentally demonstrated, such shape

of the derivative function is smooth enough for the BP
learning algorithm.
In the use of robust learning algorithms, there exist some problems, concerning mainly the choice of a
starting point for the method. In fact, we can divide it
into two tasks: choosing initial network parameters,
and choosing the right scale estimator. If the initial
weights of the network are not properly selected, the
learning process may move in the wrong direction
and the algorithm may stack in a local minimum. In
this case the network performance might become very
poor. The scale estimator or its equivalent (here, the
trimming constant h) is responsible for the amount of
outliers that are to be rejected during the training, its
clearly evident then, that if h is incorrect, gross errors
may be regarded as good data and desired points may
be discriminated.
Following (Chen and Jain, 1994), we decided to
use our LTS robust algorithm after a period of training by the traditional BP algorithm to set the initial
parameters. We proposed two strategies of choosing
the trimming parameter h. In the first approach we assumed a predefined value of h, depending on expected
percentage of outliers in the training data (LTS1). In
this case, additional a-priori knowledge of the error
distribution is needed, so the strategy is not very useful.
The second approach (LTS2) is to choose h by using
the median of all errors as:


The LTS learning algorithm was tested on function approximation tasks. In this paper we present only a few
of many different testing situations. The first function
to be approximated is y=x-2/3 proposed by Chen and
Jain (1994), the second one is a two-dimensional spiral
given as x=siny, z=cosy.
To simulate real data containing noise and outliers
we used different models, defined as follows:

Clean data without noise and outliers;

Data corrupted with the Gross Error Model:
F=(1-)G+H, where F is the error distribution,
GN(0.0,0.1) and HN(0.0,10.0) are Gaussin
noise and outliers and occur with probability 1-
and (data Type 1);
Data with high value random outliers (Type 2),
proposed in (Pernia-Espinoza et al., 2005) of
the form F=(1-)G+(H1+H2+H3+H4), where
H1N(15,2), H2N(-20,3), H3N(30,1.5),
Data with outliers generated from the Gross Error Model, injected into the input vector xi (Type

The performances of the traditional backpropagation

algorithm (BP), robust LMLS algorithm, and the both
variations of the novel robust LTS algorithm, LTS1
and LTS2, were compared.
Looking at the Table 1 we can see that for the clean
data of the first task, all algorithms act relatively well.
For the data containing gross errors, the two variations
of the LTS present the best performance and it is hard
to say, which of them is better, while for the data with
high value outliers only LTS2 and LMLS ensure good
fitting to the testing data, while LTS1, though still better
than the BP algorithm, acts rather poor.
For the data containing outliers injected into input,
the algorithms LTS1 and LTS2 presented the best per-


Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

Table 1. The mean MSE for the 100 trials for the networks trained to approximate function of one variable
Algorithm =0.0

Data with gross

errors (Type 1)


Data with high value Data with gross

outliers (Type 2)
errors in the input
vector (Type 3)

Table 2. The mean MSE for the 100 trials for the networks trained to approximate two-dimensional spiral
Clean Data Data with gross errors Data with Data with gross errors
(Type 1)
high value in the input vector
(Type 3))
(Type 2)

Figure 1. Simulation results for the network trained to approximate one dimensional function (data Type 1):
backpropagation algorithm (dash- dot line), LMLS alg. (dashed line), LTS1 alg. (dotted line), LTS2 alg. (solid


Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

Figure 2. Simulation results for the network trained to approximate one dimensional function (data Type 3):
backpropagation algorithm (dash- dot line), LMLS alg. (dashed line), LTS1 alg. (dotted line), LTS2 alg. (solid

Figure 3. Simulation results for the network trained to approximate two-dimensional spiral (data Type 1):
backpropagation algorithm (dash- dot line), LMLS alg. (dashed line), LTS1 alg. (dotted line), LTS2 alg. (solid


Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

formance and the error of the LTS1 is even over 25%

better than for the Lmls and BP.
Results obtained for the second approximation task
are, generally, similar. For the data containing outliers,
the superiority of the LTS algorithm is clearly evident.
The LTS2 acts well also for the high value outliers,
showing the lowest error. Besides, for gross errors in
the input vector also the LTS1 and LTS2 appear to be
the best.
To summarize, one can notice that both LTS algorithms showed performance better than other two
algorithms, for the data containing gross errors in the
input, as well as in the output vector.

Potentially, robust learning algorithms, based on modified error function, can be designed also for training
other types of NN structures, such as recurrent or selforganizing networks. Moreover, for the FFNs there is
plenty of techniques (adaptive learning rate, transfer
functions, etc.) that can be used to make their learning
process more robust to outliers.

In this paper a novel robust LTS learning algorithm
was proposed. As it was experimentally demonstrated,
it behaves better than traditional algorithm, and robust Lmls algorithm, in the presence of outliers in
the training data. Moreover, it is simultaneously the
first robust learning algorithm that takes into account
also gross errors injected into the input vector of the
training patterns (leverage points). Especially in its
second version (LTS2), with median error used to set
the trimming constant h, it can be considered as simple
and effective mean to increase learning performance
on the contaminated data sets. It doesnt need any
additional a-priori knowledge of the assumed error
distribution to ensure relatively good training results
in any conditions. The robust LTS learning algorithm
can be easily adapted to many types of neural networks
learning strategies.


Chen, D.S., Jain, R.C. (1994). A robust back propagation learning algorithm for function approximation.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 5, pp.
Chuang, C., Su, S., Hsiao C. (2000). The Annealing
Robust Backpropagation (ARBP) Learning Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.
11, pp.1067-1076
Hagan, M. T., Demuth, H. B., Beale, M. H. (1996). Neural Network Design. Boston, MA: PWS Publishing
Hampel, F.R., Ronchetti, E.M., Rousseeuw, P.J., Stahel,
W.A. (1986). Robust Statistics the Approach Based on
Influence Functions. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Hornik, K., Stinchconbe, M., White, H. (1989). Multilayer feedforward networks are universal approximators. Neural Networks, vol. 2, pp. 359-366
Huber, P.J. (1981). Robust Statistics. Wiley, New
York, 1981
Jacobs, R.A. (1988). Increased rates of convergence
through learning rate adaptation. Neural Networks,
vol. 1, pp. 295-307
Liano, K. (1996). Robust error measure for supervised
neural network learning with outliers. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 7, pp. 246-250
Pernia-Espinoza, A.V., Ordieres-Mere, J.B., Martinezde-Pison, F.J., Gonzalez-Marcos, A. (2005). TAOrobust backpropagation learning algorithm. Neural
Networks, vol.18, pp. 191-204
Rousseeuw, P.J. (1984). Least median of squares regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
79, pp. 871-880
Rousseeuw, P.J. (1985). Multivariate Estimation with
High Breakdown Point. Mathematical Statistics and
Applications, vol. B, Reidel, the Netherlands
Rousseeuw, P.J., Leroy, A.M. (1987). Robust Regression and Outlier Detection. Wiley, New York
Rusiecki, A.L. (2006). Robust Learning Algorithm with
the Variable Learning Rate. ICAISC 2006, Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing, pp. 83-90

Robust Learning Algorithm with LTS Error Function

Stromberg, A.J., Ruppert, D. (1992). Breakdown in

nonlinear regression. Journal of American Statistical
Association, 87, pp. 991997
Vogl, T.P., et al. (1988). Accelerating the convergence
of the backpropagation method. Biological Cybernetics, vol. 59, pp. 256-264

Feedforward Neural Networks: Artificial NN
consisting of units arranged in layers with only forward
connections to units in subsequent layers.
Gross Errors: Large value errors, often caused by
human mistakes, measurement errors, etc.

Leverage Points: Grossly aberrant values of measured or assumed system inputs

Outlier: Observation that is significantly different
from majority of data
Robust Estimator: Estimator able to classify data
into outliers and clean observations, and to find a reasonable fit to the bulk of data.
Robust Learning Algorithm: NN learning algorithm that can act well even if outliers or leverage
points are present in training sets
Robust Statistics: Part of statistics developing
methods that should give useful results when certain
assumptions (for example of iid light tailed errors)
are relaxed



Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

Kai Keng Ang
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Chai Quek
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Neuro-fuzzy hybridization is the oldest and most popular methodology in soft computing (Mitra & Hayashi,
2000). Neuro-fuzzy hybridization is known as Fuzzy
Neural Networks, or Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS)
in the literature (Lin & Lee, 1996; Mitra & Hayashi,
2000). NFS is capable of abstracting a fuzzy model
from given numerical examples using neural learning
techniques to formulate accurate predictions on unseen
samples. The fuzzy model incorporates the human-like
style of fuzzy reasoning through a linguistic model that
comprises of if-then fuzzy rules and linguistic terms
described by membership functions. Hence, the main
strength of NFS in modeling data is universal approximation (Tikk, Kczy, & Gedeon, 2003) with the ability
to solicit interpretable if-then fuzzy rules (Guillaume,
2001). However, modeling data using NFS involves
the contradictory requirements of interpretability versus
accuracy. Prevailingly, NFS that focused on accuracy
employed optimization which resulted in membership functions that derailed from human-interpretable
linguistic terms, or employed large number of if-then
fuzzy rules on high-dimensional data that exceeded
human level interpretation.
This article presents a novel hybrid intelligent
Rough set-based Neuro-Fuzzy System (RNFS). RNFS
synergizes the sound concept of knowledge reduction
from rough set theory with NFS. RNFS reinforces the
strength of NFS by employing rough set-based techniques to perform attribute and rule reductions, thereby
improving the interpretability without compromising
the accuracy of the abstracted fuzzy model.

The core problem in soft computing is about bridging
the gap between subjective knowledge and objective

data (Dubois & Prade, 1998). There are two approaches

of addressing this problem; namely, modeling data
in which a function is built to accurately mimic the
data, and abstracting data in which a system is built to
produce articulated knowledge preferably in natural
language form (Dubois & Prade, 1998). The emphasis
of the former is on the ability to reproduce what has
been observed. Neural networks with their prominent
learning capabilities inspired from biological systems
are highly suitable in this approach. On the other hand,
the emphasis of the latter is on the ability to explain
the data in a human interpretable way. Fuzzy systems
with the ability of modeling linguistic terms that are
expressions of human language are likewise highly
effective in this approach. In fuzzy systems, linguistic
expressions are formulated from explicit knowledge
in the form of if-then fuzzy rules where the linguistic
terms of the antecedents and consequents are fuzzy
sets. However, the parameters of these linguistic expressions are sometimes difficult to specify and have
to be manually tuned. In contrast, although neural
networks are capable of learning from data, they are
black box models and thus soliciting knowledge from
neural networks is not a straightforward task. Hence,
a neural network is capable of modeling data, but a
user cannot learn from it. On the other hand, a user
can learn from a fuzzy system, but it is not capable of
learning from data.
Neuro-fuzzy hybridization synergizes these two
techniques by combining the human-like reasoning
style of fuzzy systems with the learning and connectionist structure of neural networks. Thus, Neuro-Fuzzy
Systems (NFS) are gray-box models that are capable
of abstracting a fuzzy model from given numerical
examples using neural learning techniques. Hence, a
Neuro-Fuzzy System learns and at the same time, a user
can learn from it as well. However, the use of NFS in
abstracting data involves two contradictory requirements in fuzzy modeling: interpretability versus accu-

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

racy (Casillas, Cordn, Herrera, & Magdalena, 2003).

In practice, only one of the two properties prevails.
Hence, they can be classified as linguistic NFS that are
focused on interpretability, mainly using the Mamdani
model (Mamdani & Assilian, 1975); and precise NFS
that are focused on accuracy, mainly using the TakagiSugeno-Kang model (Takagi & Sugeno, 1985).
Prevailing research on modeling data using linguistic
NFS focused on increasing accuracy as much as possible
but neglected interpretability (Casillas et al., 2003).
Existing linguistic NFS such as FALCON (Lin & Lee,
1996), POPFNN (Quek & Zhou, 2001) and GenSoFNN
(Tung & Quek, 2002) employ the hybrid learning approach to abstract model from numerical data. In this
approach, clustering is used in the first stage to generate
the membership functions and competitive learning is
used to identify the if-then fuzzy rules; followed by
supervised learning that uses backpropagation in the
final stage to optimize the membership functions. The
unconstrained optimization in the final stage increases
the accuracy of the abstracted model, but it resulted
in membership functions that are derailed from human-interpretable linguistic terms (de Oliveira, 1999).
Although the definition of interpretability and its criteria
is subjected to controversial discussion, interpretable
linguistic variables is often associated with the shape
and mutual overlapping of the membership functions
(Mikut, Jakel, & Groll, 2005). Nevertheless, formal
definition on the semantic properties of interpretable
linguistic variables were proposed (Mikut et al., 2005;
de Oliveira, 1999); namely, coverage, normalized,
convex and ordered. Interpretability is vital to NFS in
modeling data because if neglected, they degenerate into
black-box models in which the advantages over other
methods such as neural networks are lost (Casillas et
al., 2003; Mikut et al., 2005). Therefore, abstracting a
fuzzy model that is not humanly interpretable derails
the fundamental purpose of using NFS.
In addition, a large number of if-then fuzzy rules are
required to model high dimensional data, which in turn
exceeds the human interpretation capacity (Casillas et
al., 2003). This interpretability issue on large number
of if-then rules motivates the complexity reduction of
NFS. This is similar to the problems encountered by
numerical data driven techniques in data mining (Han
& Kamber, 2001). These techniques rely on heuristics
to guide or reduce their search space horizontally or
vertically (Lin & Cercone, 1997). Horizontal reduction is realized by the merging of identical data tuples

or the quantization of continuous numerical values

while vertical reduction is realized by feature selection
methods. In Linguistic NFS, the former corresponds
to the conversion of numerical inputs from a continuous range to a finite number of linguistic terms using
membership functions while the latter corresponds to
fuzzy if-then rule pruning and reduction. In some existing linguistic neuro-fuzzy systems, vertical reduction is
employed by identifying fewer if-then fuzzy rules using
certain heuristic threshold (Quek & Zhou, 2001), or by
applying pruning based on certainty factors (Tung &
Quek, 2002). However, if the number of if-then rules
is bounded as a practical limitation through the use of
heuristic thresholds, then the universal approximation
property is lost (Moser, 1999).
Recently, rough set theory (Pawlak, 1991), one of the
methodologies in soft computing, has shown to provide
efficient techniques of finding hidden patterns in data
(Pawlak, 2002). Rough set-based methods have shown
the potential for feasible feature selection with the ability to significantly reduce the pattern dimensionality in
neural networks. This motivates the synergy of rough
set-based methods with NFS to increase the interpretability of the abstracted model without compromising
the accuracy.


This article presents the hybrid intelligent Rough setbased Neuro-Fuzzy System (RNFS) (Ang & Quek,
2006a), which synergizes the sound concept of knowledge reduction in rough set theory with the human-like
reasoning style of fuzzy systems and the learning and
connectionist structure of neural networks. Details on
the architecture and learning process of the RNFS are
described in the following sections.

Architecture of RNFS
The architecture of the RNFS is a five-layer neural
network shown in Figure 1. Its architecture is developed using the Pseudo Outer-Product based Fuzzy
Neural Network using the Compositional Rule of
Inference and Singleton fuzzifier (POPFNN-CRI(S))
(Ang, Quek, & Pasquier, 2003) as a foundation. For
simplicity, only the interconnections for the output ym
are shown. Each layer in RNFS performs a specific

Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

Figure 1. Architecture of rough set-based neuro-fuzzy system

fuzzy operation, so the nodes and operations of each

layer are noted with a superscript of I to V for clarity.
The inputs and outputs of the RNFS are represented

as non-fuzzy vector X = [x1, x2,...,xi,...,xn ] and non1

fuzzy vector Y = [y1, y2,...,ym,...,yn ] respectively. The

fuzzification of the inputs and the defuzzification of
the outputs are respectively performed by the input
and output linguistic layers respectively while the
reasoning mechanism is collectively performed by the
condition, rule and consequence layers. Each rule node
RkIII in Figure 1 is linked to only one input-label node
from each input node and only one output-label node
from each output node. The links of rule nodes to the
antecedent in the condition layer and the consequent in
the consequence layer are mathematically denoted as

where dm is a consequent variable such that dm OLmIV.

The set of consequent labels dm can assume is semantically represented by the set of output-label nodes
but a comm ,1 , OLm ,2 , , OLm ,l , , OLm , Lm
putational notation of OLmIV = {1, 2, .. , l,..., Lm} is used in
this article. The specific links of a rule node RkIII to the
antecedent in the condition layer and the consequent in
the consequence layer is denoted as (CkI , DVk ).
The novel characteristics of RNFS are:

sets (CI,DV). The antecedent of rule nodes is represented

by a set CI = {c1,c2,...,ci,...,cn } where ci is a condition

variable such that ci ILiII. The set of condition labels
ci can assume is semantically represented by the set of
input-label nodes ILIIi = ILIIi ,1 , ILIIi ,2 , , ILIIi , j , , ILIIi , Ji
but a computational notation of ILiII = {1,2,...,j,...,Ji}
is used in this article. Similarly, the consequent of rule

nodes is represented by a set DV = {d1,d2,...,dm,...,dn }



Vertical reduction of if-then fuzzy rules is performed in RNFS in which the Rough Set-based
Pseudo Outer-Product (RSPOP) algorithm (Ang
& Quek, 2005) is used to identify if-then fuzzy
rules, perform attribute reduction and rule reduction using rough set-based knowledge reduction.
This vertical reduction process is performed
autonomously without relying on user-defined
heuristic thresholds to identify fewer if-then fuzzy
Supervised learning is employed in RNFS in
which the Supervised Pseudo Self-Evolving Cerebellar (SPSEC) algorithm (Ang & Quek, 2006a)
is used to generate membership functions and the
RSPOP algorithm is used to identify the if-then

Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

fuzzy rules, instead of using backpropagation or

hybrid learning approach.
Automated model abstraction is performed by
RNFS without the need of user-defined parameters
in the neural learning algorithms that generate the
membership functions and identify the if-then
fuzzy rules. Thus, it does not require specialized
skills and knowledge.

Supervised Learning Process of RNFS

The RNFS employs a novel supervised learning approach that comprises mainly of two algorithms: the
SPSEC (Ang & Quek, 2006a) that generates membership functions, and the RSPOP (Ang & Quek, 2005)
that identifies the if-then fuzzy rules.
Figure 2 illustrates the neural learning process of the
Supervised Pseudo Self-Evolving Cerebellar (SPSEC)
membership function generation algorithm (refer to
(Ang & Quek, 2006a) for details on the algorithm).
Figure 2(a) shows steps 1-2 where SPSEC constructs
a cerebellar structure with m regularly spaced neurons
that spans the input space, in which the cerebellum
is the part of our brain that is involved in learning
of motor skills and provides precise coordination of
motor control for our body parts (Kandel, Schwartz,
& Jessell, 1995). These steps model the first-stage
development process of our nervous system where
the basic architecture and coarse connection patterns
are laid out without any activity-dependent processes
(Kandel et al., 1995). Figure 2(b) shows steps 3-4, where
SPSEC performs structural learning by performing a
one-pass weight learning using Gaussian neighborhood learning to determine the distribution of the
training data, and pseudo self-evolves this cerebellar
structure by identifying surviving neurons with high
trophic factor whose weights form a peak while the
remaining neurons are removed. These steps model
the second-stage development process of our nervous
system where initial architecture is refined in activity-dependent ways (Kandel et al., 1995). Figure 2(c)
show step 5, where the surviving neurons weights are
the parameters of the resulting Gaussian membership
function that reconcile with the semantics of interpretable linguistic variables.
The SPSEC algorithm (Ang & Quek, 2006a) is
capable of generating effective membership functions
that reconcile with semantics of interpretable linguistic
variables; namely, coverage, normalized, convex and

ordered (Mikut et al., 2005). The membership functions generated do not require a further optimization
process used in the hybrid learning approach to increase
the accuracy of the abstracted model. Eliminating the
burden of further optimization process ensures that the
membership functions generated do not deviate from
human-interpretable terms.
Figure 3 illustrates the rough-set based knowledge
reduction process of the Rough set-based Pseudo
Outer-Product (RSPOP) if-then fuzzy rule identification
algorithm (refer to (Ang & Quek, 2005) for details on
the algorithm). Figure 3(a) shows an example of a set of
influential if-then fuzzy rules identified by the RSPOP
Rule Identification steps using Hebbian learning (Hebb,
1949). Figure 3(b) shows the if-then fuzzy rules that
are reduced by the RSPOP Attribute Reduction steps
using rough set-based knowledge reduction (Pawlak,
1991). Figure 3(c) shows the if-then fuzzy rules that
are further reduced by the RSPOP Rule Reduction steps
using rough set-based knowledge reduction (Pawlak,
The numbers 0-4 in Figure 3 that represent condition and consequent labels in Figure 1 do not show
that the if-then fuzzy rules identified are interpretable.
To illustrate the intuitiveness of the if-then fuzzy rules
identified, an example on the mapping of semantic
labels to each condition and consequent labels is illustrated in Table 1.
The example in Figure 3 and Table 1 shows that
the RSPOP algorithm is capable of identifying fewer
but effective if-then fuzzy rules that facilitates human
interpretation. The fewer number of if-then fuzzy rules
identified is effective because RSPOP integrates the
knowledge reduction technique in rough set theory with
the Hebbian learning technique to identify non-redundant if-then fuzzy rules. The accuracy of the abstracted
model is not compromised because only reducts that
do not deteriorate the accuracy of the abstracted model
are reduced by RSPOP.

The proposed RNFS architecture is based on the
synergy of the sound concept of knowledge reduction
in rough set theory with NFS (Ang & Quek, 2005).
Existing NFS are not capable of abstracting accurate
and interpretable models from high-dimensional data
without first performing feature selection to reduce

Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

Figure 2. SPSEC neural learning process (a) Steps 1-2 constructs a basic cerebellar structure consisting of
regularly spaced neurons, (b) Steps 3-4 active neurons stablize through the update of trophic factors while competitors die, (c) Steps 5 surviving neurons form the resulting membership functions that reconcile with semantics
of linguistic variables




the data dimensionality to a manageable quantity.

The synergy of Rough set-based knowledge reduction
strengthens and empowers NFS with the potential application on high-dimensional data such as microarray
gene expressions and function Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (fMRI). Hence, further investigation on the
adequacy of abstracting high-dimensional data using
RNFS should be carried out and compared against
other prevailing approaches.

In addition, existing NFS relied on user-defined

parameters to avoid over-fitting the training data in
order to generalize well on unseen test data. This issue
is known as overfitting avoidance and Occams razor
in pattern recognition literature (Duda, Hart, & Stork,
2001). Although the RNFS is capable of autonomously
abstracting a model from numerical data without requiring user-defined parameters, preliminary investigations

Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

Figure 3. RSPOP rule identification process (a) RSPOP identifies an initial set of if-then fuzzy rules identified using Hebbian learning; (b) RSPOP performs attribute reduction on the initial set of if-then fuzzy rules using rough
set-based knowledge reduction; and (c) RSPOP performs a further rule reduction on the if-then fuzzy rules



revealed that RNFS may possibly abstract a model that

overfits the training data. Therefore, further studies on
how to avoid overfitting the training data by RNFS
without relying on user-defined parameters should be
carried out.

This article presents a Rough set-based Neuro-Fuzzy
System (RNFS), which is a hybrid intelligent system
that synergizes the sound concept of knowledge reduction in rough set theory with the human-like reasoning
style of fuzzy systems and the learning and connectionist structure of neural networks. The main strength of
Neuro-Fuzzy hybridization is universal approximation


(Tikk et al., 2003) with the ability to solicit interpretable

if-then fuzzy rules (Guillaume, 2001). Rough set-based
Neuro-Fuzzy hybridization strengthens it further by
improving the interpretability as well as the accuracy
of existing Neuro-Fuzzy hybridization. Recently, the
Rough set-based Neuro-Fuzzy approach of abstracting models from data has been successfully applied
to various applications such as traffic flow prediction
(Ang & Quek, 2005), financial stock trading (Ang &
Quek, 2006b) and the classification of biomedical data
(Ang & Quek, 2006a). Hence, the potential of RNFS
is exciting as it improves the interpretability of NFS
without compromising the accuracy of the abstracted


Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

Table 1. Example on the semantic interpretation of the if-then fuzzy rules identified in Figure 3

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Rough Set-Based Neuro-Fuzzy System

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Attribute Reduction: The process whereby dispensable attributes are removed from the knowledge
while maintaining knowledge consistency.
Fuzzy System: A system whose variables range over
states that are fuzzy sets. A fuzzy system is capable of
modelling the linguistic terms that are expressions of
human language.
Knowledge Reduction: Knowledge reduction in
rough set theory comprises of attribute reduction and
partial attribute reduction.
Neural Network: A network of many simple processors called units or neurons. A neural network is capable
of learning the nonlinear relationships in data.
Neuro-Fuzzy System: A hybrid intelligent system
that synergizes the human-like reasoning style of fuzzy
systems with the learning and connectionist structure
of neural networks.
Rough Set: A rough set is a formal approximation of
a crisp set in terms of a pair of sets that give the lower
and upper approximation of the original set
Rough Set-Based Neuro Fuzzy System: A hybrid
intelligent system that synergizes the sound concept of
knowledge reduction in rough set theory with neurofuzzy systems.
Rule Reduction: The process of partial attribute
reduction whereby dispensable attributes from certain
rules of the knowledge is removed while maintaining
knowledge consistency.



Rule Engines and Agent-Based Systems

Agostino Poggi
Universit di Parma, Italy
Michele Tomaiuolo
Universit di Parma, Italy

Expert systems are successfully applied to a number
of domains. Often built on generic rule-based systems,
they can also exploit optimized algorithms.
On the other side, being based on loosely coupled
components and peer to peer infrastructures for
asynchronous messaging, multi-agent systems allow
code mobility, adaptability, easy of deployment and
reconfiguration, thus fitting distributed and dynamic
environments. Also, they have good support for domain
specific ontologies, an important feature when modelling human experts knowledge.
The possibility of obtaining the best features of
both technologies is concretely demonstrated by the
integration of JBoss Rules, a rule engine efficiently
implementing the Rete-OO algorithm, into JADE, a
FIPA-compliant multi-agent system.

Rule Engines
The advantages of rule-based systems over procedural
programming environments are well recognized and
widely exploited, above all in the context of business
applications. Working with rules helps keeping the
logic separated from the application code: it can be
modified by non-developers and, being centralized
in one point, it can be analyzed and validated. Rule
engines are often well optimized, being able to efficiently reduce the number of rules to match against
the updated knowledge base.
Rule-based systems can also be augmented with
ideas and techniques developed in other research
fields, leading for example to fuzzy rule-based systems,
which exploit fuzzy logic to deal with imprecision
and uncertainty about the knowledge base. Moreover,

sometimes these systems are coupled with genetic

algorithms and evolutionary programming to generate
complex classifiers.
One of the most notable application of rule-based
systems are expert systems, where the rule set is a representation of an experts knowledge. In such systems,
the AI (Artificial Intelligence) is supposed to perform
in a similar manner to the expert, when exposed to
the same data.
Among the different mechanisms to implement a
rule-engine, Rete algorithm (Forgy, 1982) has gained
more and more popularity, mainly thanks to the high
degree of optimization that can be obtained. At NASA
Johnson Space Center, Rete algorithm was implemented
in a whole generation of rule engines. OPS5 was soon
replaced by its descendant, ART, and in 1984 by the
more famous CLIPS.
Nowadays, one of the most widespread engines
implementing Rete is Jess (Friedman-Hill, 2000), at first
developed as a Java port of CLIPS at Sandia National
Laboratories in late 1990s. Jess has also been widely
adopted by the agent community to realize rule-based
agent systems (Cardoso, 2007).
A different yet promising rule-engine is JBoss
Rules (Proctor, Neale, Frandsen, Griffith & Tirelli,
2007), formerly Drools. It is a quite new, but already
well known, freeware tool implementing so-called
Rete-OO algorithm.
Its open-source availability is a clear advantage
over Jess, but an even greater advantage is due to the
implementation of a particular adaptation of the Rete
algorithm for the object-oriented world, rather than
a literal one. This way, the burden of integrating the
rule-engine and application rules with existing external
objects is greatly reduced. In fact, JBoss Rules uses plain
Java objects to represent rules and facts, which can be
modified through their public methods and properties.
Rules can be specified through an appropriate syntax,
or through xml structures, and their conditions and
consequences can be expressed using different scripting

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Rule Engines

Figure 1. Basic example from the JBoss Rules handbook

package org.drools.examples
import org.drools.examples.HelloWorldExample.Message;
rule Hello World
m : Message( status == Message.HELLO, message : message )
System.out.println( message );
m.setMessage( Goodbye cruel world );
m.setStatus( Message.GOODBYE );
update( m );
rule GoodBye
no-loop true
m : Message( status == Message.GOODBYE, message : message )
System.out.println( message );

languages, as Python, Groovy and Java. Instead Jess

only accepts rules written in the CLIPS language, thus
requiring developers to learn a new Lisp-like language
and deploy additional efforts to adapt it to their objectoriented development environment.

Agent-Based Systems
Multi-agent systems (MAS) show some complementary
features which can be useful in many rule-based application, above all asynchronous interaction protocols
and semantic languages. In multi-agent systems, in fact,
many intelligent agents interact with each other. The
agents are considered to be autonomous entities, and
their interactions can be either cooperative or selfish
(i.e. they can share a common goal, as in a production
line, or they can pursue their own interests, as in an
open marketplace).
The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents
(FIPA, 2002) develops open specifications, to support
interoperability among agents and agent-based applications. Specifications for infrastructures include a
communication language for agents, services for agents,
and they anticipate the management of domain-specific

ontologies. A set of application domains is also specified, including personal assistance for travels, network
management, electronic commerce, distribution of audio-visual media. At the core of FIPA model theres the
communication among agents; in particular it describes
how the agents can exchange semantically-meaningful
messages with the aim of completing activities required
by the overall application.
Various implementations of FIPA-compliant platforms exist (FIPA implementations, 2003). Among
them, JADE (Bellifemine, Caire, Poggi & Rimassa,
2003) has gained popularity during the years, while
more and more core functionalities and third-party
plug-ins were being developed. Currently it supports
most of the infrastructure related FIPA specifications,
like transport protocols, message encoding, and white
and yellow pages agents. Moreover, it has various tools
that ease agent debugging and management.
The possibility of using rules to realize agent systems seems to be promising. On the one hand, rules
have been shown suitable to define abstract and real
agent architectures and have been used for realizing
so-called rule-based agents, that is, agents whose
behaviour and/or knowledge is expressed by means of

Rule Engines

rules (Shoham, 1993) (Rao, 1996) (Hindriks, de Boer,

van der Hoek & Meyer, 1998) (Schroeder & Wagner,
2000). On the other hand, given that rules are easy
and suitable means to realize reasoning, learning and
knowledge acquisition tasks, rules have been used into
so-called rule-enhanced agents, that is, agents whose
behaviour is not normally expressed by means of rules,
but that use a rule engine as an additional component
to perform specific reasoning, learning or knowledge
acquisition tasks (Gutknecht, Ferber & Michel, 2000)
(Katz, 2002). Both the approaches have some advantages and disadvantages. Rule-based agents provide all
the advantages of rule-based systems and a uniform way
to program them, but their performance is inadequate
for some kinds of applications. Rule-enhanced agents
allow the use of different programming paradigms;
therefore, it is possible to use the most appropriate
paradigm for the realization of the different tasks both
to simplify the development and to satisfy the performance requirements, but there is an additional cost for
the management of the integration/synchronization of
such heterogeneous tasks. With behaviour-based agents,
as in JADE, the rule engine can be integrated into an
agent as a behaviour. This approach can alternatively
guarantee the advantages of full rule-based agents or the
ones of rule-enhanced agents. In facts, both procedural
and rule-based behaviours can be seamlessly added
to each deployed agent, according to the application
features and requirements.

Code Mobility and Security

Mobile code proves useful in many contexts (Fuggetta,
Picco & Vigna, 2000), thanks to its ability to overcome
network latency, reduce network load, allow asynchronous execution and autonomy, adapt dynamically,
operate in heterogeneous environments, provide robust
and fault-tolerant behaviours. Mobile code technologies
vary from applets and other dynamic code downloading
mechanisms, to full mobile agent systems, adhering to
models as code on demand, remote evaluation, mobile
agents. When a rule engine is integrated into a multiagent system, two different cases are possible: asking
a remote agent to execute a task, or to apply a new rule
to its knowledge base. While mobile rules falls into the
class of asynchronous requests with deferred execution,
instead mobile tasks fall into the synchronous class. In
both cases the moved entity is a fragment of code, to


be interpreted by a scripting engine on the target agent,

and not a complete thread of execution.
The different security threats that a mobile code
system could face, and the relevant security countermeasures that could be adopted, should also be analyzed. In (Jansen & Karygiannis, 2000) two different
classes of attacks are identified, depending on their
target: the ones targeting the executing environment
of mobile code, and the ones targeting the code itself.
While the fact that mobile code could pose threats to its
hosting environment is widely accepted, instead often
the possibility to face threats against the hosted code
is not taken into consideration. This is certainly due
to a lack of effective countermeasures to prevent the
hosting environment from stealing data and algorithms
from the mobile code, from executing it too slowly to
be effective, altering its execution flow, or stopping
its execution. Experimental algorithms exist to at least
detect a posteriori this type of threats, including
partial result encapsulation, mutual itinerary recording, itinerary recording with replication and voting,
execution tracing. Some algorithms even try to prevent
some types of attacks to the code hosted in malicious
environments, but their real effectiveness has yet to be
proved; these include environmental key generation,
computing with encrypted functions, and obfuscated
code (sometimes called time limited blackbox). On
the other hand, potential threats posed by hosted code
include masquerading, denial of service, eavesdropping,
and alteration. Available security countermeasures to
protect the execution environment against potentially
malicious mobile code often rely on algorithms to
prevent attacks, like software-based fault isolation,
safe code interpretation, authorization and attribute
certificates, proof carrying code. Other techniques are
focused on detecting attacks to the environment and
tracing them to their origin; these include state appraisal,
signed code, path histories.
Systems based on Java can leverage on the security
means provided by the virtual machine, and extend
them as needed. In particular, it is possible to define
precise protection domains on the basis of authorization
certificates (Poggi, Tomaiuolo & Vitaglione, 2004).
These certificates, attached to mobile code, list a set of
granted permissions and are signed by local resource
managers. Access rights can also be delegated to other
agents, to allow them to complete the requested tasks
or to achieve delegated goals (Somacher, Tomaiuolo
& Turci, 2002). Finally, masquerading and alteration

Rule Engines

threats can be prevented by establishing authenticated,

signed and encrypted channels between remote components of the system.


Among the different implementations of rules-enhanced
multi-agent systems, the analysis Drools4JADE (Drools4JADE) can be particularly interesting, as the system
resulted from the evaluation of existing technologies
in various fields. In fact, the purpose of this project
was to not start from scratch, to develop of a totally
new agent platform, but instead to build on existing
solutions, which already demonstrated to be a sound
layer on which more advanced functionalities could
be added.
In this case, the chosen agent system is JADE (Bellifemine, Caire, Poggi & Rimassa, 2003). Its successful
adoption in large international projects, like Agenticities
(Poggi, Tomaiuolo & Turci, 2004), openNet and TechNet (Willmott, 2004), proved it to be preferable to other
solutions, thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, scalability
and soundness. As already argued, its integration with
an open source object-oriented rule engine, as JBoss
Rules, in many contexts is to be favoured against the
more traditional JADE-Jess couple (Cardoso, 2007).

FIPA Interface to the Rule Engine

To the rich features of JBoss Rules, an agent environment can add above all the support for communications
through ACL (Agent Communication Language) messages, typical of FIPA agents. Rules can reference ACL
messages in both their precondition and consequence
fields. Moreover, a complete support to manipulate
facts and rules on rules-enhanced agents through ACL
messages can be provided.
Inside the JBoss Rules environment a rule is represented by an instance of the Rule class: it specifies all
the data of the rule itself, including the pre-conditions
making the rule valid and the actions to be performed
as consequence of the rule. When a rule is scheduled
for execution, i.e. all its preconditions are satisfied by
asserted facts, the engine creates a new instance of
the embedded scripting environment, set the needed
variables inside it and invokes the interpreter to execute the code contained in the consequence section
of the rule.

In Drools4JADE, rules-enhanced agents expose a

complete API to allow the manipulation of their internal
working memory through ACL requests. Their ontology defines requests to add rules, assert, modify and
retract facts. All these requests must be joined with
an authorization certificate. Only authorized agents,
i.e. the ones that show a certificate listing all needed
permissions, can perform requested actions. Moreover, the accepted rules will be confined in a specific
protection domain, instantiated according to their own
authorization certificate.

Security Issues
Mobility of rules and code among agents paves the way
for really adaptive applications, but it cannot be fully
exploited if security issues arent properly addressed.
The security means implemented in Drools4JADE
greatly benefit from the existing infrastructure provided
by the underlying Java platform and by JADE. The
security model of JADE deals with traditional usercentric concepts, as principals, resources and permissions. Moreover it provides means to allow delegation
of access rights among agents, and the implementation
of precise protection domains, by means of authorization certificates.
In the security framework of JADE, a principal represents any entity whose identity can be authenticated.
Principals are bound to single persons, departments,
companies or any other organizational entity. Also
single agents are bound to a principal; with respect to
his own agents, a user constitutes a parent principal,
thus allowing to grant particular permissions to all
agents launched by a single user.
Resources that JADE security model cares for include those already provided by security Java model
(i.e. file system, network connections, environment
variables, database connections). Resources typical
of multi-agent systems, to be protected against unauthorized accesses, include agents themselves and their
executing environment.
A permission represents the capability to perform
actions on system resources. To take a decision while
trying to access a resource, access control functions
compare permissions granted to the principal with
permissions required to execute the action; access is
allowed if all required permissions are owned.
When an agent is requested to accept a new rule
or task, a first access protection involves authenticat1407

Rule Engines

Figure 2. Actions supported by rules-enhanced


code. Agents should be provided means to delegate not

only tasks, but even access rights needed to perform
those tasks. This is exactly what is made possible
through the security package of JADE, where distributed
security policies can be checked and enforced on the
basis of signed authorization certificates.
In this kind of systems, every requested action can
be accompanied with a certificate, signed by a local
resource manager, listing the permissions granted to
the requester. Permissions can be obtained directly
from a policy file, or through a delegation process.
Through this process, an agent can further delegate a
set of permissions to another agent, if it can prove the
possession of those permissions.
The final set of permissions received through the
request message, can finally be used by the servant
agent to create a new protection domain to wrap the
mobile code during its execution, protecting the access
to system, as well as application, resources.

A system architecture founded on rule engines and
multi-agent systems is a good starting point to build
a fully distributed environment, where the distributed
knowledge can include both data and code. For example
it can be used to realize systems for distributed signals
and alarms handling, network management etc.
The development of advanced grid features, as
transparent and reconfigurable functions for dynamic
load balancing, distribution of facts and rules among
remote engines, failure detection and recovery, could
add even greater value to the system, paving the way for
the development of distributed computing environments
founded on networks of FIPA agents and platforms.

ing the requester and checking the authorization to
perform the action; i.e.: can the agent really add a new
rule, or submit a task, to be performed on its behalf?
To perform these tasks, the requester needs particular
Moreover, to exploit the full power of task delegation and rule mobility, the target agent should be able to
restrict the set of resources made accessible to mobile

The integration of an object-oriented rule engine and a

scripting engine into an agent development framework
can provide many advantages. The resulting system
joins the soundness of a platform for distributed multiagent systems, with the expressive power of rules and
the ability to adapt to changing conditions granted by
mobile code.
Of course, the development of real world applications poses serious security requirements, which can

Rule Engines

be faced by means of detailed security policies and

delegation of authorizations through signed certificates. Application areas include, but certainly are not
limited to, e-learning, e-business, service-composition,
network management.

Bellifemine, F., Caire, G., Poggi, A., Rimassa, G. (2003).
JADE A White Paper. Telecom Italia EXP magazine
Vol 3, No 3 September 2003.
Cardoso, H.L. (2007). Integrating JADE and Jess.
JADE Web site:
Eberhart. (2002). OntoAgent: A Platform for the Declarative Specification of Agents, In Proc. of ISWC
2002, Cagliari, Italy.
FIPA. (2007). FIPAAbstract Architecture Specification.
FIPA Web site:
FIPA. (2003). Publicly Available Implementations of
FIPA Specifications. FIPA Web site: http://www.fipa.
Forgy, C. L. (1982). Rete: A Fast Algorithm for the
Many Pattern / Many Object Pattern Match Problem,
Artificial Intelligence 19(1), pp. 17-37.
Friedman-Hill, E.J. (2000). Jess, the Java Expert
System Shell. Sandia National Laboratories Web site:
Fuggetta, A., Picco, G.P., Vigna, G. (1998). Understanding code mobility, IEEE Transaction on Software
Engineering 24 (5):342362.
Gutknecht, O., Ferber, J., Michel, F. (2001). Integrating tools and infrastructures for generic multi-agent
systems. In Proc. of the Fifth Int. Conf. on Autonomous
Agents. Montreal, Canada.
Hindriks, K.V., de Boer, F.S., van der Hoek, W., Meyer,
J.C. (1998). Control Structures of Rule-Based Agent
Languages. Proc. ATAL-98, Paris, France.
Jansen, W., Karygiannis, T. (2000). Mobile agent security. NIST Special Publication 800-19.

Katz, E.P. (2002). A Multiple Rule Engine-Based Agent

Control Architecture, Technical Report HPL-2001-283.
HP Laboratories Palo Alto.
Poggi, A., Tomaiuolo, M., Vitaglione, G. 2004. A Security Infrastructure for Trust Management in Multiagent Systems. Trusting Agents for Trusting Electronic
Societies 2004: 162-179.
Poggi, A., Tomaiuolo, M., Turci, P. (2004). Using
Agent Platforms for Service Composition. ICEIS (4)
2004: 98-105
Proctor, M., Neale, M., Frandsen, M., Griffith, S.Jr.,
Tirelli, E. (2007). JBoss Rules User Guide. JBoss Web
Rao, A.S. (1996). AgentSpeak(L): BDI Agent Speak
Out in a Logical Computable Language. Agents Breaking Away: 42-55.
Schroeder, M., Wagner, G. (2000). Vivid agents: Theory,
architecture, and applications. Int. Journal for Applied
Artificial Intelligence, 14(7): 645-676.
Shoham, Y. (1993) Agent-oriented programming. Artificial Intelligence, 60(1): 51-92.
Somacher, M., Tomaiuolo, M., Turci, P. (2002). Goal
Delegation in Multiagent System. AIIA 2002. Siena,
Willmott, S. (2004). Deploying Intelligent Systems on
a Global Scale. IEEE Intelligent Systems Vol. 19(5),
September/October 2004: 71-73.

Authorization Certificate: A digital document
that describes a permission from the issuer to use a
service or a resource that the issuer controls or has
access to use. Usually it is signed by means of a public
key algorithm. The permission in some case can also
be delegated.
Expert System: Encodes the knowledge of an expert
into the rule set of a rule-based system. When exposed
to the same data, the expert system AI will perform in
a similar manner to the expert.
Multi-Agent System: A software system based on
the interaction of several agents. Such agents could
not have all data or all resources needed to achieve an

Rule Engines

objective and need to collaborate with other agents. In

this case, data is decentralized and execution is asynchronous. Earlier, related fields include Distributed
Artificial Intelligence (DAI) and distributed problem
solving (DPS).
Ontology: An explicit specification of a conceptualization, formally describing the entities involved in a
particular domain and the relationships among them.
Production System (or production rule system):
a rule-based system whose rules (termed productions)
consist of two parts: a sensory precondition (or if
statement) and an action (or then). If a productions
precondition (left-hand side or LHS) matches the current state of the world, then the production is said to
be triggered. If a productions action is executed, it is
said to have fired. The rule interpreter must provide a
mechanism for prioritizing productions when more than


one is triggered. Rule interpreters generally execute a

forward chaining algorithm for selecting productions
to execute.
Rule-Based System: Created using a set of assertions, which collectively form the working memory,
a database which maintains data about current state or
knowledge, a set of rules, specifying how to act on the
assertion set, and a rule-engine or interpreter. Basically,
rule-based systems can consisting of little more than
a set of if-then statements, but provide the basis for
so-called expert systems.
Software Agent: A software entity being able to
act with a certain degree of autonomy, in order to accomplish tasks on behalf of its user. While objects are
defined in terms of methods and attributes, agents are
defined in terms of their behaviours. Usually agents
show persistence, autonomy, social ability, reactivity.


Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural

Chun-Cheng Peng
University of London, UK
George D. Magoulas
University of London, UK

Sequence processing involves several tasks such as
clustering, classification, prediction, and transduction
of sequential data which can be symbolic, non-symbolic or mixed. Examples of symbolic data patterns
occur in modelling natural (human) language, while
the prediction of water level of River Thames is an example of processing non-symbolic data. If the content
of a sequence will be varying through different time
steps, the sequence is called temporal or time-series.
In general, a temporal sequence consists of nominal
symbols from a particular alphabet, while a time-series
sequence deals with continuous, real-valued elements
(Antunes & Oliverira, 2001). Processing both these sequences mainly consists of applying the current known
patterns to produce or predict the future ones, while a
major difficulty is that the range of data dependencies
is usually unknown. Therefore, an intelligent system
with memorising capability is crucial for effective
sequence processing and modelling.
A recurrent neural network (RNN) is an artificial
neural network in which self-loop and backward connections between nodes are allowed (Lin & Lee 1996;
Schalkoff, 1997). Comparing to feedforward neural
networks, RNNs are well-known for their power to
memorise time dependencies and model nonlinear
systems. RNNs can be trained from examples to map
input sequences to output sequences and in principle
they can implement any kind of sequential behaviour.
They are biologically more plausible and computationally more powerful than other modelling approaches,
such as Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), which have
non-continuous internal states, feedforward neural
networks and Support Vector Machines (SVMs), which
do not have internal states at all.
In this article, we review RNN architectures and
we discuss the challenges involved in training RNNs

for sequence processing. We provide a review of learning algorithms for RNNs and discuss future trends in
this area.

One of the first RNNs was the avalanche network developed by Grossberg (1969) for learning and processing
an arbitrary spatiotemporal pattern. Jordans sequential
network (Jordan, 1986) and Elmans simple recurrent
network (Elman, 1990) were proposed later.
The first RNNs did not work very well in practical
applications, and their operation was poorly understood. However, several variants of these models were
developed for real-world applications, such as robotics,
speech recognition, music composition, vision, and their
potential for solving real-world problems has motivated
a lot of research in the area of RNNs.
Current research in RNNs has overcome some of
the major drawbacks of the first models. This progress
has come in the form of new architectures and learning
algorithms, and has led in a better understanding of the
RNNs behaviour.

In the literature, several classification schemes have
been proposed to organise RNN architectures starting from different principles for the classification, i.e.
some consider the loops of nodes in the hidden layers,
while others take the types of output into account. For
example, they can be organised into canonical RNNs
and dynamic MLPs (Tsoi, 1998a); autonomous converging and non-autonomous non-converging (Bengio
et al., 1993); locally (receiving feedback(s) from the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

same or directly connected layer), output feedback, and

fully connected (i.e. all nodes are capable to receive
and transfer feedback signals to the other nodes, even
within different layers) RNNs (dos Santos & Zuben,
2000); binary and analog RNNs (Orponen, 2000).
From mathematical point of view (Kremer, 2001),
assuming that y and z are respectively the response of
s (t the
= { output
1) hidden
x layer,
) x oft the
the output layer and
static feedforward neural network can be formulated
as follows:
y = F (W II z + b II )


z = F (W I x + b I ) ,


where f () denotes nonlinear activation function,

W I and W II the weights of the hidden layer and the
output layer, x the input vector, and b the biases. This
general form could be easily transformed to describe
a Feed-Forward Time-Delayed (FFTD) RNN by substituting the following delayed equations with time
index t,
y (t ) = F (W II z (t ) + b II )


z (t ) = F (W I s (t ) + b I )


s (t ) = {x (t ) x (t 1) x (t d )},


where s(t) denotes the state vector at time t, the Cartesian product, d the number of delays. By adding a
feedback connection from the hidden layer to the delay
unit then Eq. (4) can be stated as
z (t ) = F (z (t 1) + W I x (t ) + b I ),


where is a diagonal matrix, which describes an Elman-type RNN.

For the Nonlinear Autoregressive Network with
Exogenous Inputs (NARX) the state is described as
s (t ) = {x (t ) x (t 1) x (t d + 1)}

{y (t 1) y (t 2 ) y (t m )},


where m is the number of output feedbacks. The formulations of a fully RNN can also be derived by combining
Eqs. (3) and (7) with the following one:
z (t ) = F (z (t 1) + W I s (t ) + W I x (t ) + b I )

Table 1 provides an overview of the various architectures and of the relevant literature.


With regards to training RNNs and storing information
in their internal representations, Gradient Descent-based
learning algorithms (GD) are the most commonly applied methods, even though it has been claimed that
GD has some drawbacks (Bengio et al., 1994). Firstly,
when the delays or recursive connections are very
deep, i.e. when long-term memory is required, the
backpropagation error may be vanished and the training
process could become inefficiently. Secondly, the most
common way to apply GD algorithms into RNN is to
unfold the recursive layers and train the whole network
as a feedforward network. Another drawback is that the
generalisation is highly affected by the samples in the
training dataset. In temporal processing it is difficult
to extract or prepare negative samples from a given

Table 1. Classification summary of RNNs




Brouwer (2005)
Kremer & Kolen (2000)
Puskorius & Feldkamp





Assaad et al. (2005)
Bon & Cardot (2005)
Sperduti & Starita (1997)
Temurtasm et al. (2004)
Tio & Mills (2005)

Pedersen (1997)

All, except
Pedersen (1997)

Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

training dataset and the specific RNN then predicts or

classifies new coming samples according to the learned
knowledge only.
In (Bengio et al., 1993), besides Backpropagation
Through Time (BPTT) and real-time gradient computation, approaches with space and/or time locality are also
reviewed. However, local algorithms can be applied to
some specific local feedback RNNs and for short-term
memorisation only due to their inherent representation
capabilities. The inefficiency of GD in learning longterm dependencies is mainly because previous information is treated initially as noise and gradually is ignored
(Bengio et al., 1993; Bengio et al., 1994). Therefore
two alternative algorithms are revised and discussed in
Bengios works: the time-weighted pseudo-Newton and
the discrete error propagation. The former applies the
unfolding method to the pseudo-Newton optimisation
and the later considers the limited case of propagation
only; it has to be verified whether this would work on
other more general situation or not.
Two types of learning algorithms are discussed in
(Pearlmutter, 1995): the fixed point, and the nonfixed
point. Well-known algorithms such as BPTT and
Real-time Recurrent Learning (RTRL) are included
in this classification and a way of introducing time
constants and time delays is also suggested. The
method of extended RTRL (eRTRL) is also discussed
and other relevant approaches, such as Elman nets,
Jordan nets, the moving targets method, feedforward
nets with state, teach forcing in continuous time and
Kalman filter are reviewed. Pearlmutter (1995) also
compares the complexity both in time and space, and
discusses the learning mode, stability and locality of
these algorithms.
For fully connected hidden layer networks and
dynamic MLPs, Tsoi (1998b) has investigated two
first-order gradient learning algorithms. This work
discusses some drawbacks of these methods, such as
slow convergence and generalisation, and derives two
2nd-order approaches to speed up the convergence and
to tackle the issue of weight pruning; it also provides a
discussion on output sensitivity. The lower sensitivity
of output to a specific adjustable parameter, the better
performance of the network is. Although the related
formulas are well defined in this work (Tsoi, 1998b),
there is still a crucial constant which is used to set the
level of sensitivity that should be defined by the users.
Quasi-2nd order methods, such as conjugate gradient,
scaled conjugate gradient and Newton approach, have

been also mentioned and pointed out as suitable only

for batch training, while Kalman filter and extended
Kalman filter are classified as 2nd-order GD based
learning algorithms, which can be used under online
mode, where extended Kalman filter could be used to
prune weights from a RNN.
Kremer (2001) reviews 14 kinds of memories used
in spatiotemporal connectionist networks, capable of
computing the state vectors, and provides a general
formulation for computing output vectors. The author
also summaries 10 different kinds of updating rules,
such as full GD, truncated GD, autoassociative GD,
and stack learning. It examines three open issues: the
temporal credit assignment, the representation capabilities and the knowledge encoding.
From the point of view of time-series modelling,
Kolehmainen (2003) covers BPTT and RTRL for learning RNNs, while Dietterich (2002) suggests BPTT. In
the same vein with Baldi (1993) and Pearlmutter (1995),
fixed point networks are also considered and five relative algorithms, such as BPTT and GD learning of time
constants, gains and delays are summarised.
Most RNN applications are still using first-order
learning algorithms despite the drawbacks of the GD.
Some attempts have been made to propose second-order
learning algorithms, e.g. dos Santos & von Zuben (2000)
proposed a quasi 2nd-order method. Also, simulated annealing has given some promising results but the training
time is relatively higher (Bengio et al., 1994).
Table 2 provides an overview of RNNs learning,
giving examples of training algorithms for locally and
globally RNNs for various applications.

Recent directions in RNN research focus on investigating and proposing new ways for better modelling of nonstationarity in sequences, such as sequences produced
when modelling speech or handwritten characters, with
no temporal independence assumptions.
With regards to architectures, hybrid models based
on combinations of Hidden Markov Models and RNNs
as well as modular structures are considered promising
approaches to solve sequence processing problems
that occur in natural language and speech processing. In addition, a number of applications of the socalled Long Short-Term Memory RNN (Hochreiter &
Schmidhuber, 1997) have provided some encouraging



Moore Machine

Time series generation/


Rprop, COM

Signal processing

Sequences classification

Casual rBP

System Identification


Symbolic transduction and

prediction: grammatical


Time series prediction:

sunspots, Mackey-Glass, laser,
reservoir inflows

Classification of structures



Drawbacks of GD methods

Suitable for short-term and noiseless patterns

Discontinuous error surfaces

Memory vanishing
Suitable for simpler patterns

Drawbacks of GD methods

Slightly higher computational complexity

Prior knowledge required

High computational complexity

Not suitable for complex sequences2

Typical Problems Encountered

Limited choice of cost functions
Occasional instability in the convergence of
Prior knowledge required about system
Oversized architecture, poor generalisation

Brouwer, 2005

Priel & Kanter, 2003; Puskorius &

Feldkamp, 1994

Tio & Mills, 2005

Franklin & Locke, 2004; Temurtasm et al.,


Campolucci et al., 1999

Brouwer, 2005; Seow & Asari, 2006;

Sperduti & Starita, 1997; Xiangrui &
Chaudhari, 2004;

Kremer & Kolen, 2000

Prez-Ortiz et al., 2001

Assaad et al., 2005;

Bon & Cardot, 2005;
Bon et al., 2002;
Prez-Ortiz et al., 2001


* The notation used here is: BP- backpropagation; BPTT- BP through time; eBPTT- extended BPTT; RTRL- real time recurrent learning; eRTRL- extended RTRL; rBPrecurrent/recursive BP.; COM- combination of gradient descent, truncated BPTT and RTRL; DEKF- Decouple Extended Kalman Filter; Rprop- Resilient BP; SpikeProp
TT- Spike Propagation Through Time
This can be due to sensitivity to initial conditions and the multitudes of local minima
For example sequences in the area of natural language processing




Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

Table 2. Recurrent neural networks applications and learning algorithms

Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

results, demonstrating that these recurrent architectures

can overcome several of the fundamental problems of
traditional RNNs, and efficiently learn to solve many
previously unlearnable tasks.
As far as RNN training is concerned and despite
the popularity of gradient descent approaches, which
enforce the monotone decrease of the learning error,
there are new learning algorithms that are based on
evolutionary algorithms (Schmidhuber et al., 2007)
and nonmonotone learning strategies (Peng and Magoulas, 2007) that have shown potential for effective
RNN training.

Recurrent networks constitute an elegant way of
increasing the capacity of feedforward networks to
deal with complex data in the form of sequences of
patterns. Recurrent neural networks are well known
for their power to model temporal dependencies and
process sequences for classification, recognition, and
transduction. Modern RNNs architectures are capable
of learning to solve many previously unlearnable tasks,
even in partially observable environments. In this article, we presented several RNN models. We identified
the main challenges involved in training RNNs and
discussed several algorithmic approaches for training
RNN for sequence processing. Lastly, we presented
some future directions for work in this area.

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chains. In Pal N.R et al. (eds.): Proceedings of International Conference on Neural Information Processing,

Sequence Processing with Recurrent Neural Networks

Artificial Neural Network: A network of many
simple processors, called units or neurons, which
provides a simplified model of a biological neural
network. The neurons are connected by links that carry
numeric values corresponding to weightings and are
usually organised in layers. Neural networks can be
trained to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are
used in applications such as robotics, speech recognition, signal processing or medical diagnosis.
Backpropagation through Time: An algorithm
for recurrent neural networks that uses the gradient
descent method. It attempts to train a recurrent neural
network by unfolding it into a multilayer feedforward
network that grows by one layer for each time step,
also called unfolding of time.
Extended Kalman Filter: An online learning
algorithm for determining the weights in a recurrent
network given target outputs as it runs. It is based on the
idea of Kalman filtering, which is a well-known linear
recursive technique for estimating the state vector of a
linear system from a set of noisy measurements.
Gradient Descent: A popular training algorithm
that minimises the total squared error of the output
computer by a neural network. To find a local minimum
of the error function using gradient descent, one takes
steps proportional to the negative of the gradient (or
the approximate gradient) of the function at the current point.

Real-Time Recurrent Learning: A general approach to training an arbitrary recurrent network by

adjusting weights along the error gradient. This algorithm usually requires very low learning rates because
of the inherent correlations between successive node
Recurrent Neural Network: An artificial neural
network with feedback connections. This is in contrast
to what happens in a feedforward neural network, where
the signal simply passes from the input neurons, through
the hidden neurons, to the outputs nodes
Sequence Processing: A sequence is an ordered
list of objects, events or data items. Processing of a
sequence may involve one or a number of operations,
such as classification of the whole sequence into a category; transformation of a sequence into another one;
prediction or continuation of a sequence; generation
of an output sequence from a single input.
Training Algorithm: A step-by-step procedure
for adjusting the connection weights of an artificial
neural network. In supervised training, the desired
(correct) output for each input vector of a training
set is presented to the network, and many iterations
through the training data may be required to adjust
the weights. In unsupervised training, the weights are
adjusted without specifying the correct output for any
of the input vectors.

Neural Architecture: Particular organisation of

artificial neurons and connections between them in an
artificial neural network.



Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads

via Neural Nets
Ioanna Roussaki
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Ioannis Papaioannou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Miltiades Anagnostou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

In the artificial intelligence domain, an emerging research field that rapidly gains momentum is Automated
Negotiations (Fatima, Wooldridge, & Jennings, 2007)
(Buttner, 2006). In this framework, building intelligent agents (Silva, Romo, Deugo, & da Silva, 2001)
adequate for participating in negotiations and acting
autonomously on behalf of their owners is a very challenging research topic (Saha, 2006) (Jennings, Faratin,
Lomuscio, Parsons, Sierra, & Wooldridge, 2001). In
automated negotiations, three main items need to be
specified (Faratin, Sierra, & Jennings, 1998) (Rosenschein, & Zlotkin, 1994): (i) the negotiation protocol &
model, (ii) the negotiation issues, and (iii) the negotiation strategies that the agents will employ.
According to (Walton, & Krabbe, 1995), Negotiation is a form of interaction in which a group of agents,
with conflicting interests and a desire to cooperate try
to come to a mutually acceptable agreement on the
division of scarce resources. These resources do not
only refer to money, but also include other parameters,
over which the agents owners are willing to negotiate,
such as product quality features, delivery conditions,
guarantee, etc. (Maes, Guttman, & Moukas, 1999)
(Sierra, 2004). In this framework, agents operate following predefined rules and procedures specified by
the employed negotiation protocol (Rosenschein, &
Zlotkin, 1994), aiming to address the requirements of
their human or corporate owners as much as possible.
Furthermore, the negotiating agents use a reasoning
model based on which their responses to their opponents
offers are formulated (Muller, 1996). This policy is
widely known as the negotiation strategy of the agent
(Li, Su, & Lam, 2006).

This paper elaborates on the design of negotiation

strategies for autonomous agents. The proposed strategies are applicable in cases where the agents have strict
deadlines and they negotiate with a single party over
the value of a single parameter (single-issue bilateral
negotiations). Learning techniques based on MLP and
GR Neural Networks (NNs) are employed by the client
agents, in order to predict their opponentsbehaviour and
achieve a timely detection of unsuccessful negotiations.
The proposed NN-assisted strategies have been evaluated and turn out to be highly effective with regards to
the duration reduction of the negotiation threads that
cannot lead to agreements.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In the
second section, the basic principles of the designed
negotiation framework are presented, while the formal problem statement is provided. The third section
elaborates on the NN-assisted strategies designed and
provides the configuration details of the NNs employed.
The fourth section presents the experiments conducted,
while the fifth section summarizes and evaluates the
results of these experiments. Finally, in the last section, conclusions are drawn and future research plans
are exposed.


This paper studies a single issue, bilateral automated
negotiation framework. Thus, there are two negotiating
parties (Client and Provider) that are represented by
mobile intelligent agents. The agents negotiate over
a single issue based on an alternating offers protocol

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

(Kraus, 2001) aiming to maximize the utilities of the

parties they represent.
We hereafter consider the case where the negotiation process is initiated by the Client Agent (CA) that
sends to the Provider Agent (PA) an initial Request for
Proposal (RFP) specifying the features of the service/
product its owner is interested to obtain. Without loss
of generality, it is assumed that the issue under negotiation is the price of the product or service. Thus, the PA
negotiates aiming to agree on the maximum possible
price, while the CA aims to reduce the agreement price
as much as possible. Once the PA receives the RFP of
the CA, it either accepts to be engaged in the specific
negotiation thread and formulates an initial price offer, or rejects the RFP and terminates the negotiation
without a proposal. At each round, the PA sends to the
CA a price offer, which is subsequently evaluated by
the CA against its constraints and reservation values.
Then, the CA generates a counter-offer and sends it to
the PA that evaluates it and sends another counter-offer
to the CA. This process continues until a mutually acceptable offer is proposed by one of the negotiators, or
one of the agents withdraws from the negotiation (e.g.
in case its time deadline is reached without an agreement being in place). Thus, at each negotiation round,
the agents may: (i) accept the previous offer, if their
constraints are addressed, (ii) generate a counter-offer,
or (iii) withdraw from the negotiation.
Quantity pla denotes the price offer proposed by
negotiating agent a during negotiation round l. A
price proposal plb is always rejected by agent a if
p lb [p ma , p Ma ], where [pma , pMa ] denotes agent-as acceptable price interval. In case an agreement is reached,
we call the negotiation successful, while in case one of
the negotiating parties quits, it is called unsuccessful.
In any other case, we say that the negotiation thread
is active. The objective of our problem is to predict
the PAs behaviour in the future negotiation rounds
until the CAs deadline expires. More specifically, the
negotiation problem studied can formally be stated as
Given: (i) two negotiating parties: a Provider that
offers a specific good and a Client that is interested
in this goods acquisition, (ii) the acceptable price
interval [p mC , p MC ] for the Client, (iii) a deadline TC up
to which the Client must have completed the negotiation with the Provider, (iv) the final negotiation round
index LC for the Client, (v) a round threshold LdC until
which the Client must decide whether to continue be-

ing engaged in the negotiation thread or not, and (vi)

the vector Pl P = {p lP }, where l = 2k 1 and k = 1,..., L2 , of
the prices that were proposed by the Provider during
the initial LdC 1 negotiation rounds, find (i) the vector
Pl 'P = {p lP' }, where l' = 2k' 1 and k ' = L2 + 1,..., L , of the
prices that will be proposed by the Provider during
the last LC LdC rounds, and (ii) decide on whether the
Client should continue being engaged in the specific
negotiation thread or not.



The policy employed by negotiating agents in order to
generate a new offer is called negotiation strategy. In
principle, three main families of automated negotiation strategies can be distinguished: time-dependent,
resource-dependent and behaviour-dependent strategies
(Faratin, Sierra, & Jennings, 1998). These strategies
are well defined functions that may use various input
parameters in order to produce the value of the issue
under negotiation to be proposed at the current negotiation round. The proposed mechanism enhances any
of the legacy strategies with learning techniques based
on Neural Networks (NNs). In the studied framework,
the NN-assisted strategies are used by the CA in order
to estimate the future behaviour of the PA. This section presents the proposed NN-assisted strategy and
describes the specifics of the NNs employed.

Enabling PA Behaviour Prediction

As already mentioned, the research presented in this
paper aims to estimate the parameters governing the
PAs strategy enabling the CA to predict the PAs future price offers. The objective is to decide at an early
round whether to aim for an agreement with the specific
PA, or withdraw from the negotiation thread as early
as possible, if no agreement is achievable. For this
purpose, two different Neural Networks (NNs) have
been employed. These NNs are trained off-line with
proper training sets and are then used during the online negotiation procedure whenever the CA requires
so. The procedure starts normally, and as long as there
are enough proposals made by the PA, the CA uses the
NNs to make a reliable prediction of its opponents
strategy. This requires only a few negotiation rounds
(compared to the CAs deadline expiration round) and

Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

this is the main reason why this technique turns out to

be significantly useful.
In addition to the [p ma , p Ma ] interval, there are mainly
3 other parameters that determine the agents negotiation strategy: parameter k a [0,1] that determines the
initial offer made by the agent at t = 0, the concession
rate > 0 (Faratin, Sierra, & Jennings, 1998), and the
PAs last round Lp. In this paper, ka does not lie among
the parameters for prediction as it is safely assumed
that the PA initiates the procedure from its maximum
price offer. Without loss of generality, we focus on the
case where the PA follows a polynomial strategy of
arbitrary concession rate and timeout.
The CA negotiates based on a legacy strategy until
round LdC. Then, the CA makes use of the NNs to obtain
estimations and L p . Round LdCwill be hereafter called
the prediction round. In the experiments conducted we
have LdC = 30 and LC = 100. Based on the history of
the PAs price offers, NNs attempt to produce a valid
estimation of the PAs offer generation function. Then,
the CA may determine whether the current negotiation
thread can lead to an agreement or this is not feasible
given the CAs deadline. Thus, the NN-assisted strategy
enables the CA to save time and withdraw early from
negotiation threads that will end unsuccessfully.

The Neural Networks Employed

In our framework, where the prediction of a continuous
function is required, we selected to study two types
of NNs having no feedback loops: the multilayer
perceptron (MLP) NN and the Generalized Regression (GR) NN. The latter is a special case of a Radial
Basis Function (RBF) NN that is more appropriate for
on-line function approximation (Haykin, 1999). Both
networks were selected because of their suitability in
such kinds of problems (Haykin, 1999).
For the MLP, we used a training function based on
the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (Hagan, Demuth,
& Beale, 1996) as it is the most convenient for such
problems. The network was properly trained over 190
different input vectors (200 epochs each) representing a
different combination of PAs offers based on a specific
strategy. The best MLP architecture was decided after
extensive experiments and set to 23 (log-sigmoid) 3
(linear) neurons, for the hidden and the output layer
respectively. Similarly, the GR network was trained over
280 different vectors to achieve accurate performance
characteristics resulting in a 280 (hidden RBF neurons)
3 (output) architecture.

Both NNs are employed by CAs and can provide

reliable prediction of the PAs behaviour, once sufficient
input samples (proposals) are available. The experiments conducted and the NNs performance evaluation,
are presented in the two following sections.

In this section, the experiments conducted to evaluate
the performance of the designed MLP and the GR
NNs concerning the estimation of the future behaviour
of the negotiating PA are presented. The first experiments family aims to compare the actual behaviour
of the PA with the one predicted by the MLP and the
GR NNs, when [p m , p M ]= [0,100], L = 200 and

[0.1, 10]. The sample values for are derived from a

uniformly distributed random vector of 100 values in
the aforementioned area: 50 < 1 (Boulware) and 50
> 1 (Conceder). The estimated parameters include:
the future PA offers until the 100th negotiation round,
the minimum PA price offer until then and the PAs
concession rate (). The second experiment family
investigates the case where [p mP , p MP ]= [0,100], =
1 and Lp [150, 250]. The sample values for Lp are:
150:1:250. The estimated parameters include: the future
PA price offers until the 100th negotiation round and
the minimum PA price offer until then.
As illustrated in Figure 1, where the first experiment
set is depicted, the MLP- and the GR-NN perform
very similarly, managing to accurately predict the PAs
price offer in general. In the same Figure, one may observe that both NNs are used until 2.8. For higher
concession rates and for polynomial PA strategies, an
agreement is reached before the 30th round and the NN
is not necessary for opponent behaviour prediction. As
depicted in Figure 2, where the NNs are tested over
linear PAs strategy, the MLP- and the GR-NN perform
almost identically estimating the PAs price offer with
low error margin. However, the deviation between
the actual and the estimated PA offers increases as the
round index increases and the PA timeout decreases.
This is due to the fact that both NNs have a tendency
to slightly underestimate PAs concession rate, especially when 0.5. This is confirmed by Figure 3a,
where the MLP-NN and the GR-NN estimations of the
concession rate are depicted along with the actual of
the PA, over the entire set of conducted experiments.
Finally, as depicted in Figure 3b, with regards to the

Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

Figure 1. Actual PA price offer and PA price offer predicted by (a) a MLP-NN and (b) a GR-NN, for 100 negotiation rounds when LP = 200, pmP = 0, pMP = 100 and [0.1, 10]

Figure 2. Actual PA price offer and PA price offer predicted by (a) an MLP-NN and (b) a GR-NN, for 100 negotiation rounds when = 1, pmP = 0, pMP = 100 and LP [150, 250]


Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

Figure 3. (a) Actual and estimated (by MLP and GR NNs) concession rate values when LP = 200, pmP = 0, pMP
= 100 and [0.1, 10]. (b) Actual and estimated (by MLP and GR NNs) PA minimum price offer for all the
experiments conducted in both families.



estimation of the PAs minimum price offer, the MLP

slightly outperforms the GR. A brief analysis of all these
findings is presented in the subsequent section.

) and the duration of the UNTs (LC = 1002) in case no

opponent behaviour prediction mechanism is used, the
number of UNTs detected by the NNs at round 30, the
UNTs that were detected and thus terminated early by
the NNs, the mean duration of the UNTs and the mean
UNT duration decrease. These results indicate that the
MLP and the GR NNs manage to identify ~91% and
~83% of the UNTs in average, respectively. Furthermore, the MLP and the GR NNs achieve ~64% and
~58% reduction of the UNTs duration in average, respectively. With regards to the elimination of the UNTs,
the MLP-assisted strategy clearly outperforms the GRassisted negotiation strategy. For the reasons above, it
is estimated that MLP NNs are more appropriate for
assisting negotiating intelligent agents to predict their
opponents behaviour at an early negotiation round in
case the agent values a timely detection of unsuccessful
negotiation threads.

In Table 1 comparative results for two experiment families are illustrated with regards to the mean estimation
errors of the MLP and the GR NNs concerning the PA
price offer, the PA minimum price offer and the PAs
concession rate. For all experiment families we have
[p mP , p MP ]= [0,100]. The rest of the parameter settings
are presented in the tables first column, while at the
second column the number of the experiments where
the NN estimation was used is depicted. The results
presented in the rest of the table indicate that the MLP
NN slightly outperforms the GR NN with regards to
the PA (minimum) price offer estimation demonstrating 0.5% - 2.4% higher accuracy in average. However,
the opposite stands concerning the PA beta estimation,
as the GR NN provides more accurate estimations by
more than 3% in average.
In Table 2, evaluation results for the two NN-assisted negotiation strategies are illustrated for both
experiment families assuming that pCM = 501. These
results include the number unsuccessful negotiation
threads (UNTs) (that are due to the fact that p mP > p MC

This paper proposed to use Neural Networks in order
to enhance negotiating agents with learning techniques
enabling them to predict their opponents negotiation
behaviour. The designed NN-assisted negotiation strategy turns out to be very useful, as it leads to substantial
duration reduction of unsuccessful negotiation threads,

Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

Table 1. Comparative results concerning the mean estimation error of the two NN-assisted negotiation strategies
for the PA price offers, for the PA min offer and the PA concession rate.

Experiment Settings
[0.1, 10],
LP = 200
LP [150, 250],

Times NN- Mean [price-offer

estimation estimation error]
was used

Mean [min-priceoffer estim. error]


Mean [beta
estimation error]






















Table 2. Comparative results concerning the unsuccessful negotiation thread detection by the two NN-assisted
negotiation strategies

[0.1, 10],
LP = 200, pCM = 50
LP [150, 250],
= 1, pCM = 50

# Unsuc. Mean
Negot. duration
Threads of UNTs
(UNTs) (no NN)

# UNTs
detected at
round 30




Mean UNTs

Mean UNTs





98.0% 98.0%



68.6% 68.6%





84.3% 68.6%



59.0% 48.0%





91.1% 83.2%



63.8% 58.2%

due to the fact that the cases where agreements are not
achievable are detected at an early stage. Thus, the NNs
support the decision of the agents to withdraw or not
from the ongoing negotiation threads. More specifically, when the CA uses the NN-assisted strategies it
is capable of predicting its opponents behaviour with
significant accuracy, thus getting aware of the potential
outcome of the negotiation. Both the MLP and the GR
NNs studied demonstrate average opponent price offer
estimation error lower than 2% and PA min acceptable
price estimation error ~6%. Additionally, the unsuccessful negotiations are detected by the MLP NN in
more than 90% of the cases in average, demonstrating
~8% better overall performance than the GR NN. Thus,
the MLP NN is proven to be more appropriate, when
the CA aims to avoid a possible unprofitable or even
unachievable agreement. This leads to minimization
of the required time and processing resources and to
maximization of the CAs overall profit from a series
of threads for a single commodity.

Buttner, R. (2006). A Classification Structure for Automated Negotiations. IEEE/WIC/ ACM International
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On Efficient Procedures for Multi-issue Negotiation.
In Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce: Automated
Negotiation and Strategy Design for Electronic Markets.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin Heidelberg New York. 4452, 31-45.


Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets

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Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
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Jennings, N., Faratin, P., Lomuscio, A., Parsons, S.,
Sierra, C., & Wooldridge, M. (2001). Automated
negotiation: Prospects, methods and challenges, International Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation,
(10)2, 199-210.
Kraus, S. (2001). Strategic Negotiation in Multiagent
Environments. MA USA: MIT Press.
Li, H., Su, S., & Lam, H. (2006). On Automated e-Business Negotiations: Goal, Policy, Strategy, and Plans
of Decision and Action. Journal of Organizational
Computing and Electronic Commerce. (16)1, 1-29
Maes, P., Guttman, R., & Moukas, A. (1999). Agents
that Buy and Sell: Transforming Commerce as we Know
It. Communications of the ACM, 42(3), 8191.
Muller, H. (1996). Negotiation principles. In: Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. John Wiley
& Sons New York USA. 211-229.
Rosenschein, J., & Zlotkin, G. (1994). Rules of Encounter: Designing Conventions for Automated Negotiation
among Computers. MA USA: MIT Press.
Saha, S. (2006). Negotiating contracts in multiagent
societies. Doctoral Thesis, University of Tulsa, USA.
Sierra, C. (2004). Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent
Systems, (9)3, 285-301.
Silva, A., Romo, A., Deugo, D., & da Silva, M. (2001).
Towards a Reference Model for Surveying Mobile
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Walton, D., & Krabbe, E. (1995). Commitment in
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Albany NY, USA: SUNY Press.

Automated Negotiation: It is the process by which
group of actors communicate with one another aiming
to reach to a mutually acceptable agreement on some
matter, where at least one of the actors is an autonomous
software agent.
Bilateral Negotiation: A negotiation procedure,
where exactly two parties are involved, i.e. a client
and a provider.
Backpropagation Algorithm: A supervised learning technique used for training artificial NNs based
on the minimisation of the error obtained from the
comparison between the desired output and the actual
one when applying specific inputs.
Generalized-Regression (GR) NN: A GR NN is
a special case of a RBF NN with a second linear layer
and is often used for function approximation.
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP): A fully connected feedforward NN with at least one hidden layer
that is trained using back-propagation algorithmic
Negotiation Protocol: The set of rules that govern
the interactions between the negotiating parties.
Negotiation Strategy: The reasoning model based
on which the negotiating parties formulate their response
to their opponents offers.
Neural Network (NN): A network modelled after
the neurons in a biological nervous system with multiple
synapses and layers. It is designed as an interconnected
system of processing elements organized in a layered
parallel architecture. These elements are called neurons and have a limited number of inputs and outputs.
NNs can be trained to find nonlinear relationships in
data, enabling specific input sets to lead to given target
Radial Basis Function (RBF): Function that
involves a distance criterion with respect to a centre,
such as a circle, ellipse or Gaussian.
RBF NN: It is an artificial NN, the activation functions of which are radial basis functions. It has two
layers of processing, where the first maps the input onto
each RBF neuron in the other (hidden) layer.


Shortening Automated Negotiation Threads via Neural Nets


We selected the pCM to be equal to the median

value in the PAs acceptable price interval.
To be more accurate, the duration of UNTs is equal
to: min(LC, LP). However, in this papers study,
we always have LC < LP, and thus the duration of
UNTs is equal to LC.



Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

Fernando Zacaras Flores
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Dionicio Zacaras Flores
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Rosalba Cuapa Canto
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico
Luis Miguel Guzmn Muoz
Benemrita Universidad Autnoma de Puebla, Mexico

The agent paradigm has recently increased its influence
in the research and development of computational logicbased systems. A clear and correct specification is made
through Logic Programming (LP) and Non-nomotonic
Reasoning that have been brought (back) to the spotlight. Also, the recent significant improvements in the
efficiency of LP implementations for Non-monotonic
Reasoning (De Schreye, Hermenegildo & Pereira,
1999) have helped to this resurgence. However, the
agents need update constantly their knowledge base
and, particularly the intentional base (rules) such that
our agent has the ability to reacting to changes in dynamic environments is of crucial importance within
the context of software agents. Such feature should
correspond to a deliberative rational behavior wanted
for our agents.
The quality of the service that an agent offers is
based on the form in which an agent combines rationality and reactivity. A reactive agent can offer well
evaluated recommendations but, this response is based
on outdated information, while a rational behavior may
generate recommendations based on the most recently
acquired information. So, we are interested in developing environment-aware agents. For this reason, is
very important to have an update process for agents,
i.e., that it allows us to design agents with its rational
Over recent years, several semantics for logic
program updates have been proposed (Brewka, Dix,
& Knonolige 1997) (De Schreye, Hermenegildo, &
Pereira, 1999) (Katsumo & Mendelzon, 1991). All

these semantic ones coincide in considering the AGM

proposal as the standard model in the update theory, for
their wealth in properties. The AGM approach, introduced in (Alchourron, Gardenfors & Makinson, 1985) is
the dominating paradigm in the area, but in the context
of monotonic logic. All these proposals analyze and
reinterpret the AGM postulates under the Answer Set
Programming (ASP) such as (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini &
Thompits, 2000). However, the majority of the adapted
AGM and update postulates are violated by update
programs, as shown in (De Schreye, Hermenegildo, &
Pereira, 1999). For this reason, we have been working
in finding properties that our update operator satisfies
(Osorio & Zacaras, 2003) (Zacaras & Osorio, 2005)
(Arrazola & Zacarias, 2005). Our purpose is to build
a semantics based on structural properties. This is our
main objective in the update theory. In (De Schreye,
Hermenegildo, & Pereira, 1999) (Osorio & Zacarias,
2003) (Zacaras, Osorio & Arrazola, 2005) (Zacarias,
2005) the authors present a set of properties that the
update operator satisfies. In this paper we continue with
this same research line presenting a novel proposal
with the aim to enrich the update theory that we have
begun in (Osorio & Zacarias, 2003) (Zacaras, Osorio &
Arrazola, 2005) (Zacarias, 2005). This novel proposal
contributes with two benefits. First, we conserve many
of the properties presented in previous works (Osorio
& Zacarias, 2003) (Zacaras, Osorio & Arrazola, 2005)
(Zacarias, 2005), such as: Weak Irrelevance of Syntax
(WIS). This property is similar to one postulate proposed
by AGM, but in this case for nonmonotonic logic and
under Answer Set Programming (ASP) introduced
and defined by (Gelfond & Lifschitz, 1988).

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

In this section, we present advances in the updates
context. Also, we give some general definitions for our
theory. We define our theory about logic programs.

Advances on Updates
We consider the task of updating logic programs under
non-monotonic reasoning and a purely logical view.
Since an intelligent agent is situated in an environment
which is subject to change, it is required the agent to be
adapted over time. For agents utilizing logic programming techniques for representing their knowledge, it
is required the agent to be capable of updating logic
programs accordingly, in order to ensure adaptability.
We chose one of the approaches; viz. update answer set
semantics (Zacaras, 2005) (Osorio & Zacaras, 2003)
(Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000) (Banti, Alferes
& Brogi, 2003). Resides, an underlying update semantics, which specifies how new, possibly inconsistent
information, have to be incorporated into the knowledge
base, an agent needs to have a certain update policy,
i.e., a specification of how to react upon the arrival of
an update. The issue of how to specify change requests
for knowledge bases has received growing attention
more recently and suitable specification languages for
non-monotonic logic programs have been developed
(Leite, 2001) (Leite, 2002).
In (Zacaras, 2005) we have introduced a new
proposal towards the enrichment of the update operator . There, we have presented a refinement of the
stable model semantics for the update operator. Also,
we presented a new property that allows us to face updates where new information contains rules that define a
conservative extension. So, we gave an extension of our
properties proven in (Osorio & Zacaras, 2003), under
N logic. This approach is based on the work made by
Eiter et al. (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000),
and inspired in a recent approach presented by Alferes
et al. (Banti, Alferes & Brogi, 2003). With this work,
we improve and enrich the update operator proposed by
Eiter et al. (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000),
giving as result a new update operator.



In this section we present a novel mechanism that allows

updating a knowledge base in a quick and easy way.
Furthermore, this proposal satisfies similar structural
properties to those that we have presented in previous
works. So, we give the basic concepts for our theory
and we present our main contribution based on signed
formulae (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe,

Rules are built from propositional atoms and the 0-place
connectives and using negation as failure () and
conjunction (,). A rule is an expression of the form:
Head Body


If Body is then we identify rule (1) with rule

Head. If a Head is then we identify rule (1) with a
restriction. A program is a set of rules. A logic program
P is a (possibly infinite) set of rules. For a program P,
I is a model of P, denoted I P, if I L for all LP.
As it is shown in (Brewka, Dix, & Knonolige, 1997),
the Gelfond-Lifschitz transformation for a program P
and a model N BP (BP denotes a set of atoms that
appear in P) is defined by
PN = {ruleN : rule P}
where (A B1, , Bm, C1, , Cn)N is either:

A B1, , Bm, if jn: CjN;


Note that PN is always a definite program. We can
therefore compute its least Herbrand model (denoted
as MPN ) and check whether it coincides with the model
N which we started with:
Definition 1. (Gelfond & Lifschitz, 1988) N is a stable
model of P iff N is the minimal model of PN


Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

In this document we present our more recent approach
about update under repairs to database. The way in that
we approach the update problem is based on (Ariely,
Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004), i.e., based
on the idea of repair inconsistent database. So, given
a possibly inconsistent database this mechanism represents the possible ways to restore its consistency in
terms of signed formulae. In our context, this mechanism is used to incorporate new information that can
be inconsistent with the previous database containing
the agents knowledge.
In a similar form as in (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen
& Bruynooghe, 2004), L defines a first order language,
S is a fixed database schema and D a fixed domain. A
database instance D consists of atoms in the language
L, where D has a finite active domain, A(D), which is
a subset of D.
Definition 2. (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004) a database is a pair (D, IC), where
D is a database instance, and IC, the set of integrity
constraints, is a finite and classically consistent set of
formulae in L.
So, a database is (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen &
Bruynooghe, 2004): DB = (D, IC), let
DBA = D ICA = D {() IC, : var()
Where is a ground substitution of variables to the
individuals of A(D), the active domain of D, DB is
called the Herbrand expansion of DB. As D, IC and
A(D) are all finite sets, DBA is also finite, and so DB
= {p1, p2, , pn}, the set of the atomic formulae that
appear in DBA, is finite as well.


For their simplicity our new update process is suitable
for applications that have to give answers in real time.
In (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004)
the authors suppose that the database is inconsistent, and
then they give a general description of how to restore
the consistency of databases instances that do not satisfy

a given set of integrity constraints. Here, we adapt this

method to updates of logic programs and we illustrate
that this can be used efficiently in our context.
Here, we consider updates in the setting of logic
programs, i.e., we consider that a database is represented by a logic program. So, in our context, we start
with the fact that our database is updated with new
information that it causes an inconsistent database. At
this moment, we apply this method with the objective
of making our database consistent. Follow, we present a general framework used in (Ariely, Denecker,
Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004). A database is a pair
(D, IC), where D is a database instance, and IC, the
set of integrity constraints, is a finite and classically
consistent set of formulae in a language.
Given a possibly inconsistent database, our goal is
to restore its consistency, i.e., to repair the database:
Definition 3. Similarly as in (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen
& Bruynooghe, 2004) an update of a database DB =
(D, IC) is a pair {Insert, Retract}, s.t. Insert D =
and Retract D. A pair of DB is an update of DB,
for which (D Insert \ Retract, IC) is a consistent
The intuitive meaning is as follows: a database is
updated by inserting the elements of insert and removing the elements of Retract. An update is a pair
when the resulting database is consistent. Note that if
DB is consistent, then (, ) is a pair of DB.
As follows, we give some examples that illustrate
how this mechanism is adapted to updates.
Example 1. This example illustrates a daily update
regarding the energy flaw (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini &
Thompits, 2000). Suppose that you have the following database:
DB: sleep tv-on.
watch-tv tv-on.
power-failure, tv-on.
Here, the DB is consistent, however, if we update
the DB with the following rule:

Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

This DB is not consistent. Following the format

defined in (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe,
2004) this example is the pair:

Example 2. This program describes some knowledge

about the sky (Banti, Alferes & Brogi, 2003). Suppose
that you have the following database:

DB = ({sleep tv-on., night., tv-on., watch-tv

tv-on., power-failure.}, { power-failure, tvon.})

DB: day night.

see-stars, day.

Therefore, we can adapt the method proposed in

(Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004)
and to carry out a correct update of this database as
First, we add our initial configuration the new information (update):

Here, the DB is consistent, however, if we update

the $DB$ with the following rule:

DB = ({sleep tv-on., night., tv-on., watch-tv

tv-on., power-failure.}, {power-failure, tv-on,
Second, we obtain the signed formula:
(power-failure tv-on) power-failure.
Using format of (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen &
Bruynooghe, 2004) we obtain:
(Spower-failure Stv-on) Spower-failure.
it is equivalent to:
(Spower-failure S_tv-on) Spower-failure.
Third, we calculate v the valuation that is associated with R, obtaining:

vR(Spower-failure) = 1
vR(Stv-on) = 1
vR(Spower-failure) = 0
Therefore, we have: ({power-failure}, {tv-on})
This means that the suggested update is:

This DB is not consistent. Following the format
defined in (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe,
2004) this example is the pair:
DB = ({day night., see-stars.}, {see-stars,
Therefore, we can adapt the method proposed in
(Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen & Bruynooghe, 2004) obtaining a correct update of this database as follows:
First, we add our initial configuration to the new
information (update):
DB = ({day night., see-stars.}, { see-stars,
day, see-stars.})
Second, we obtain the signed formula:
(see-stars day) see-stars.
Using format of (Ariely, Denecker, Nuffelen &
Bruynooghe, 2004) we obtain:
(Ssee-stars Sday) Ssee-stars.
it is equivalent to:
(Ssee-stars Sday) Ssee-stars.

Insert {power-failure}
Retract {tv-on}

Third, we calculate vR the valuation that is associated with R, obtaining:

As we can see, this is the wanted result.

Now, we show another example using the method
presented in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits,

vR(Ssee-stars) = 1
vR(Sday) = 1
vR(Ssee-stars) = 1


Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

Therefore, we have: ({see-stars}, {day})

This means that the suggested update is:
Insert {see-stars}
Retract {day}

this is, as desired.

time. Also, this proposal opens the possibilities for

building real-life applications, like intelligent agents
whose rational component is modelled by a knowledge
base, which is in turn maintained using update logic



Just as in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000) we

coincide that because of apparent lack of minimality of
change, we then considered refinements of the semantics
in terms of minimal and strictly minimal answer sets.
Several issues remain for further work. An interesting point (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000)
concerns the formulation of postulates (principles or
properties) for update operator on logic programs and,
more generally, on non-monotonic theories. As you
can see in (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits, 2000),
several postulates from the area of logical theory change
fail for update programs. This may be explained by the
dominant role of syntax for update embodied by causal
rejection of rules.
We have extended our operator to Pstable semantics.
However, we should continue working in this line, since
there are properties such as the following:

Alchourron C.E., Gardenfors P., & Makinson D. On

the logic of Theory Change, Partial Meet Functions
for Contraction and Revision Functions. Journal of
Symbolic Logic, 50:510-530, 1985.

P P1 Q P P2 Q
for every program Pi and Q, that are not always satisfied,
due to our property is just satisfied by the right.
We consider that the future researches rotated
around the search of properties that the update operator
satisfies, and that in principle they have been begun by
some authors (Osorio & Zacaras, 2003) (Banti, Alferes
& Brogi, 2003) (Eiter, Fink, Sabattini & Thompits,
2000) (Zacaras, Osorio & Arrazola, 2005) (Zacaras,

In this paper, we considered a new proposal to provide
an update process to our agents. Our proposal is a novel
and simple methodology that allows an agent to maintain updated its knowledge base in all moment. This
provides an agent to behave in a rational way, similar
to human behavior. Furthermore, it is an appropriate
proposal for applications that require answers in real

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Arrazola J., Dix J., & Osorio M. Confluent term rewriting systems for non-monotonic reasoning. Computacion
y Sistemas, II(2-3):299324, 1999.
Banti F., Alferes J. & Brogi A. A principled semantics
for logic program updates. In M. Gelfond, N. Leone
and P. Pfeifer, editors, proceedings into Eighteenth
International Join Conference, LNAI, Mxico, Springer
Verlag, 2003.
Brewka G., Dix J., & Knonolige K. Nonmonotonic
reasoning, an overview. CSLI Publication Eds. Leland
Stanford Junior University, 1997.
De Schreye D., Hermenegildo M. & Pereira L.M.
Paving the Roadmaps: Enabling and Integration Technologics, 1999.
Eiter T., Fink M., Sabattini G., & Thompits H. Considerations on Updates of Logic Programs. In M.O. Aciego,
LP. de Guzmn, G. Brewka, and L.M. Pereira, editors,
Proc. Seventh European Workshop on Logic in Artificial
Intelligence JELIA 2000, vol. 1919 in Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. LNAI, Springer 2000.
Gelfond M., & Lifschitz V. The stable model semantics
for logic programs. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic Programming 2, MIT Press.
Cambridge, Ma. pp.1070-1080, 1988.

Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

Kahneman D. & Tversky A. Subjective probability: A

judgment of representativeness. Cognitive Psychology,
3:430454, 1972.

Pearce D. From Here to There: Stable negation in Logic

Programming, in D. Gabbay, H. Wansing (Eds.) What is
Negation? Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.

Kahneman D. & Tversky A. On the psychology of prediction. Psychological Review, 80:237251, 1973.

Tversky A. & Kahneman D. Belief in the law of small

numbers. Psychological bulletin, 2:105110, 1971.

Katsumo H. & Mendelzon A.O. On the difference between updating a knowledge base and revising it. in:
J.A. Allen, R. Fikes and E. Sandewell. eds.. Principles
of knowledge representation and reasoning: Proceedings of the Second International Conference (Morgan
Kautmann. San Mateo. CA. 1991) pp. 387--394.

Tversky A. & Kahneman D. Judment under uncertainly: Heuristics and biases. American association for
Advancement of Science, 1:11241131, 1971.

Keller A. & Winslett M. On the use of an extended

relational model to handle changing incomplete information. IEEE Transactions on software engineering,
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Leite J.A. A modified semantics for lups. In Proceedings of the 10th Protuguese Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (EPIA 2001), pages 261275. Lecture
Notes on Computer Sciences, 2001.
Leite J.A. Evolving Knowledge Bases Specification and Semantics. PhD thesis, Departamento de
Informatica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829526, 2002.
Lifschitz V., Pearce D., & Valverde A. Strongly equivalent logic programs. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2:526-541, 2001.
Osorio M, Navarro J.A., & Arrazola J. Equivalence in
answer set programming. In A. Pettorossi, editor, Logic
Based Program Synthesis and Transformation. 11th
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in LNCS, pages 5775, Paphos, Cyprus, November
2001. Springer.
Osorio M., Navarro J.A., & Arrazola J. Answer set programming and S4. Submitted to publication, 2002.

Uceda F., Zacaras F. & Zacaras D. Pstable tool and

its application, to appear in journal of Engineering Letters, special issue on Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence, Spain 2007.
Zacaras F., Osorio M., & Arrazola J. Updates based
on Structural Properties USP-. Gests international
transactions on computer science and engineering, pp.
61-72, issn: 1738-6438, isbn: 89-953729-5-8, October
Zacaras F. Belief Revision and Updates in Commonsense Reasoning, Ph. D thesis, Universidad de las
Amricas Puebla, 2005.
Zacaras F, Osorio M. & Fernndez E. Updates under
Pstable, to appear in journal of Engineering Letters,
special issue on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Spain 2007.
Zacaras F. & Tllez A. Programacin lgicofuncional.
In CONIELECOMP 2002, pages 4549, Acapulco
(Mxico), 2002.

Beliefs: An agent whose knowledge base is the
theory T believes F if and only if F belongs to every
intuitionistically complete and consistent extension of
T by adding only negated literals.

Osorio M., Navarro J.A., & Arrazola J.. Applications

of intuitionistic logic in answer set programming (extended version). TPLP, 1, 2003.

Equivalence: Two programs are equivalent if they

have exactly the same answer sets.

Osorio M. & Zacarias F., Irrelevance of Syntax in

updating answer set programs, Proceedings Of Fourth
Mexican International Conference On Computer Science Enc03, pp.183-188, Eds. J. H. Sossa, and E.
Perez, Mxico, 2003.

Intelligent Agent: An intelligent agent is a component of software (or hardware) that it perceives and
it acts autonomously in an open and dynamic environment, learning and cooperating with other agents (the
same user) to offer a benefit to their user.


Signed Formulae as a New Update Process

Principle of Irrelevance of Syntax: The meaning

of the knowledge that results from an update must be
independent of the syntax of the original knowledge,
as well as independent of the syntax of the update
Strong Equivalence: (Lifschitz, Pearce & Valverde,
2001). We say that P1 and P2 are strongly equivalent
if for every program P, P1 P and P2 P have the
same answer sets.
Update: Let P be the program representing the
current knowledge base, if it is updated by another


program U, then PU is a program updated of P if only if

the models of PU are the result of updating each of the
models of P according to a given semantics S; to each
of these models apply the update request U to obtain a
new set of models M; PU is any logic program whose
models are exactly M.
Weak Irrelevance of Syntax: T1 T2 implies Bel(K
T1) = Bel(K T2), where K, T1 and T2 are any theories, Bel(T) defines the set of answer sets of T, is the
update operator, and understanding that equivalence
means that both programs (T1 and T2) have the same
answer sets.


Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

Fatih Onur Hocaolu

Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey
mer Nezih Gerek
Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey
Mehmet Kurban
Anadolu University Eskisehir, Turkey



The prediction of hourly solar radiation data has

important consequences in many solar applications
(Markvart, Fragaki & Ross, 2006). Such data can be
regarded as a time series and its prediction depends
on accurate modeling of the stochastic process. The
computation of the conditional expectation, which is in
general non-linear, requires the knowledge of the high
order distribution of the samples. Using a finite data,
such distributions can only be estimated or fit into a
pre-set stochastic model. Methods like Auto-Regressive (AR) prediction, Fourier Analysis (Dorvlo, 2000)
Markov chains (Jain & Lungu, 2002) (Muselli, Poggi,
Notton & Louche, 2001) and ARMA model (Mellit,
Benghanem, Hadj Arab, & Guessoum, 2005) for designing the non-linear signal predictors are examples to
this approach. The neural network (NN) approach also
provides a good to the problem by utilizing the inherent
adaptive nature (Elminir, Azzam, Younes, 2007). Since
NNs can be trained to predict results from examples,
they are able to deal with non-linear problems. Once
the training is complete, the predictor can be set to
a fixed value for further prediction at high speed. A
number of researchers have worked on prediction of
global solar radiation data (Kaplanis, 2006) (Bulut &
Buyukalaca, 2007). In these works, the data is treated in
its raw form as a 1-D time series, therefore the inter-day
dependencies are not exploited. This article introduces
a new and simple approach for hourly solar radiation
forecasting. First, the data are rendered in a matrix to
form a 2-D image-like model. As a first attempt to test
the 2-D model efficiency, optimal linear image prediction filters (Gonzalez, 2002) are constructed. In order to
take into account the adaptive nature for complex and
non-stationary time series, NNs are also applied to the
forecasting problem and results are discussed.

This article presents a two-dimensional model approach

for the prediction of hourly solar radiation. Before
proceeding with the prediction results, the following
technical background is provided. Using the described
tools, the approach is tested with optimal coefficient
linear filters and artificial NNs (Hocaoglu, Gerek &
Kurban, 2007).

The 2-D Representation of Solar

Radiation Data
The collected hourly solar radiation data is a 1-D discrete-time signal. In this work, we render this data in
a 2-D matrix form as given in equation 1.
x11 x1n

Rad =

m1 xmn


where the rows and columns of the hourly solar radiation matrix indicate days and hours, respectively. Such
2-D representation provides significant insight about
the radiation pattern with time. First surface plot of the
data is obtained then image view of the data is obtained
and given in Fig 1.
By inspecting the image version of the data in Fig.
1, it is easy to interpret daily and seasonal behavior of
solar radiation. Dark regions of the image indicate that
there is no sun shine on horizontal surface. The transition from black to white indicates that solar radiation
fall on horizontal surface is increasing or decreasing.
During winter time, the dawn to dusk period is shorter,
producing a narrower protruding blob. Conversely, the

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

Figure 1. Image view of solar radiation data

white blob is wider during summer times, indicating

that the day-time is longer. The width behavior of the
white blob clearly indicates the seasonal changes of
sun-light periods. The horizontal and vertical correlations within the 2-D data are quite pronounced. This
implies that, given the vertical correlation among the
same hours of consecutive days, it is beneficial to use
2-D prediction for hourly forecasting. The prediction
efficiency of the proposed model is illustrated with 2-D
optimum linear prediction filters and NNs.

Optimal 2-D Linear Prediction Filter


xi +1, j

xi , j +1

xi +1, j +1 = ?

xi +1, j +1 = xij .a1 + xi ( j +1) .a2 + x(i +1) j .a3



The prediction error for this term is:

E i +1, j +1 = xi +1, j +1 xi +1, j +1


The total error energy corresponding to the whole

image prediction can be calculated as:

Due to predictive image coding literature, it is known

that a 2-D matrix can be efficiently modeled by linear
predictive filters (Gonzales, 2002) (Sayood, 2000). The
prediction domain is a free parameter determined according to the application. Consider a three coefficient
prediction filter structure as given in expression 2:

The linear filter coefficients a1, a2 and a3 are optimized, and the prediction result xi +1, j +1 is estimated as

E = E ij2
i =2 j =2


where m and n correspond to the width and height of

the image, which are, for the solar data, 365 and 24,
respectively. The filter coefficients that minimize this
function can be found from the solution of the minimization derivative equation:
a1 a2 a3


Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

The solution to equation 6 yields the following

matrix-vector equation:


R13 a1 r1
R23 a2 = r2
R33 a3 r3


which is compactly written as R . a = r , so the optimal

filter coefficients can be obtained as

a = R -1r


A Brief Discussion on Learning

Techniques of NNs
There are several techniques to achieve high speed
NN algorithms. Among these techniques, heuristic
techniques were developed from an analysis of the
performance of the standard steepest descent algorithm
(Costa, Braga, Menezes, 2007). Among the category
of fast algorithms, the methods use standard numerical
optimization techniques such as conjugate gradient,
quasi-Newton, and Levenberg-Marquard. The basic
back propagation algorithm adjusts the weights in the
steepest descent direction. It turns out that, although the
function decreases most rapidly along the negative of
the gradient, this does not necessarily produce the fastest convergence. In the conjugate gradient algorithms a
search is performed along conjugate directions, which
produces generally faster convergence than steepest
descent directions. Newtons method is an alternative
to the conjugate gradient methods, which often converges faster. As a drawback, the method is complex
and expensive for its the Hessian matrix calculation
in feed forward NNs. The computationally simpler
quasi-Newton methods do not require calculation of
second derivatives. Similarly, the Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm was also designed to approach second-order
training speed without having to compute the Hessian
matrix. There are a number of studies on different subjects that points the comparison between training algorithms (Ghaffari, Abdollahi, Khoshayand, Bozchalooi,
Dadgar & Tehrani, 2006) ( Srinivasulu & Jain, 2006)
(Pereda, Lope & Maravall, 2006). Since LevenbergMarquardt algorithm supplies faster convergence it is
adopted and used in this article.



In order to reduce computational complexity and to

focus to the proposition, relatively short 1-D and 2D prediction filters are used in this work. The filter
templates are given in Fig. 2. These templates are also
widely used in predictive image and signal coding.
For the minimum RMSE linear prediction, the
optimal coefficients are analytically determined by
solving Eq. 8. The 2-D image data is fed to the prediction system, and error figures are obtained for each
hour. The error figure for 2-D 3-tap optimum filter is
given in Fig. 3.
As a second step prediction model, two NN structures
are applied to the data. In the first structure, the input is
treated as 1-D, and the input network elements are ith,
i+1st and i+2nd elements of the data, where the output
is the i+3th element for each sample in the data. In the
second structure, the proposed 2-D image matrix form
is used. The inputs of the networks are i,jth, i+1,jth and
i,j+1st elements of the 2-D data matrix and the output
is i+1, j+1st element of the data matrix for each i and
j. A 2-month period is used for testing.
The sigmoid function and the gradient descent
algorithm with Levenberg-Marquard modification
are used during learning process with three neurons at
the hidden layer. To accelerate the speed of learning
process a momentum term is used and is updated by
a fraction of the previous weight update to the current
one. After the learning phase, the network is simulated
by the remaining image data and error samples are
obtained (Fig. 4).
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values that are
obtained from proposed optimum linear prediction
filters and NNs are presented in Table I. The correlation
coefficients between actual data values and predicted
data values are also tabulated here.

2-D representation has potential uses for different
meteorological parameters and different models such
as surface matching, clustering based classification,
etc. Dynamical time varying behavior of the model
may also be analyzed. Such analysis can be regarded
as future works of this study.


Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

Figure 2. 1-D and 2-D prediction templates used for

modeling the image
1D predict. temp.
x11 x12 x13
xm1 . . .

2D predict. temp.

x11 x12 . . . . . x1n




xm1 . . .


To emphasize the efficiency of the proposed 2-D representation, two feed-forward NN structures, one for
1-D modeling and the other for the 2-D, are built and
trained by the same data. The RMSE values are obtained
as 42.012 and 38.66 for 1-D and 2-D case, respectively.
This observation also justifies the efficiency of the 2-D
data representation that exploits inter-day dependencies
of the solar radiation pattern. Furthermore, it is clear
that the 2-D NN structure provides better prediction
than the optimum linear filter.

In this work, a novel approach is proposed for hourly
solar radiation forecasting. The hourly solar radiation is interpreted and rendered as an 2-D image and
its properties are examined. It is observed that two
dimensional representations give more insight to the
solar pattern than the regular 1-D interpretation. As an
illustration, 1-D and 2-D optimal linear prediction filters
with 3 coefficients are designed and compared in the
sense of RMSE and correlation coefficients. The RMS
energy value of the data and the prediction sequence
are around 198. After applying the prediction, the RMS
value of the prediction error reduces down to 44.33
using 1-D prediction. This value also constitutes the
standard deviation of the statistical system. By using
2-D prediction, this value is reduced further to 41.09.

Bulut H & Buyukalaca O. (2007) Simple model for

the generation of daily global solar-radiation data in
Turkey. Applied Energy, 84 (5), 477-491.
Costa M.A, Braga A.D & de Menezes B.R. (2007)
Improving generalization of MLPs with sliding mode
control and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Neurocomputing, 70 (7-9), 1342-1347.
Dorvlo, A.S.S. (2000) Fourier analysis of meteorological data for Seeb. Energy Conversion and Management,
41 (12), 1283-1291.
Elminir H.K, Azzam Y.A, Younes F.I. (2007) Prediction
of hourly and daily diffuse fraction using neural network, as compared to linear regression models. Energy,
32 (8), 513-1523.

Figure 3. Error image obtained from 2-D optimal linear filter


Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

Figure 4. Test error image obtained from feed forward BP-NN

Table 1. RMSE values for proposed structures and Autocorrelation coefficients between actual values and predicted values of solar radiation data
1-D Lin. Filter
2-D Lin. Filter
NN1 1-D
NN2 2-D


Hocaoglu F. O., Gerek O. N., & Kurban M. (2007) A

novel 2-D model approach for the prediction of hourly
solar radiation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
4507, 749-756.
Ghaffari A., Abdollahi H., Khoshayand M.R., Soltani
Bozchalooi I., Dadgar A., & Rafiee-Tehrani M.,
(2006) Performance comparison of neural network
training algorithms in modeling of bimodal drug
delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 327
(1-2), 126-138.
Gonzalez R.C., Woods R.E., (2002) Digital Image
Processing. Pearson Prentice Hall.
Jain P.K., & Lungu E.M.,(2002) Stochastic models
for sunshine duration and solar irradiation. Renewable
Energy, 27 (2), 197-209.
Kaplanis S.N.(2006) New methodologies to estimate the
hourly global solar radiation; Comparisons with existing
models. Renewable Energy, 31 (6), 781-790.

RMSE for
test data


R for
test data

Sayood K.,(2000) introduction to data compression

(2nd ed.). Academic Press.
Markvart T, Fragaki A., & Ross J.N.,(2006) PV system
sizing using observed time series of solar radiation. Solar Energy, 80 (1), 46-50.
Mellit A., Benghanem M., Arab A.H., & Guessoum A.,
(2005) A simplified model for generating sequences of
global solar radiation data for isolated sites: Using artificial neural network and a library of Markov transition
matrices approach. Solar Energy, 79 (5), 469-482.
Muselli M., Poggi P., Notton G., & Louche A., (2001)
First order Markov chain model for generating synthetic
typical days series of global irradiation in order to
design photovoltaic stand alone systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 42 (6), 675-687.
Pereda J, de Lope J., & Maravall D., (2006) Comparative analysis of neural network training methods for

Solar Radiation Forecasting Model

inverse kinematics learning. Lecture Notes in Artificial

Intelligenc, 4177, 171-179.
Srinivasulu S., Jain A., (2006) A comparative analysis of training methods for artificial neural network
rainfall-runoff models. Applied Soft Computing, 6
(3), 295-306.
Ulgen K., & Hepbasli A. (2002) Prediction of solar
radiation parameters through clearness index for Izmir,
Turkey. Energy Sources, 24 (8), 773-785.

2-D Data Representation: A matrix containing
vertical and horizontal indexes can also be considered
as a 2-D image. A 2-D representation does not have
to correspond to an image acquired by a camera or an
imaging device. Here, the representation is used for
the compact visualization of the solar data.
Artificial Neural Networks: A network of many
simple processors (units or neurons) that imitates
a biological neural network. The units are connected
by unidirectional communication channels, which
carry numeric data. Neural networks can be trained
to find nonlinear relationships in data, and are used
in applications such as robotics, speech recognition,
signal processing or medical diagnosis.


Backpropagation Algorithm: Learning algorithm

of ANNs, based on minimising the error obtained from
the comparison between the outputs that the network
gives after the application of a set of network inputs
and the outputs it should give (the desired outputs).
Optimal Coefficient Linear Filters: A linear predictor takes a linear combination of past values in a time
series, and assigns this combination as the prediction
value. While taking the linear combination, the scales
of each past sample should be calculated in a way that
the prediction error has minimum amount of energy.
Such a set of scales are called optimal coefficients of
a linear filter.
Prediction Error : Difference between the actually
measured and previously forcasted value of a time-series
data. Commonly represented in terms of RMSE.
RMSE : Root-Mean-Squared Error. A quantitative
error measure that defines the error between two sets
of data as one-by-one differencing, squaring each difference, adding the squared terms, and finally taking
the square root.
Solar Radiation: Radiant energy emitted by the
sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates electromagnetic energy.


Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

Jess Bernardino Alonso Hernndez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Patricia Henrquez Rodrguez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

It is possible to implement help systems for diagnosis
oriented to the evaluation of the fonator system using
speech signal, by means of techniques based on expert
systems. The application of these techniques allows the
early detection of alterations in the fonator system or
the temporary evaluation of patients with certain treatment, to mention some examples. The procedure of
measuring the voice quality of a speaker from a digital
recording consists of quantifying different acoustic
characteristics of speech, which makes it possible to
compare it with certain reference patterns, identified
previously by a clinical expert.
A speech acoustic quality measurement based on
an auditory assessment is very hard to assess as a
comparative reference amongst different voices and
different human experts carrying out the assessment
or evaluation.
In the current bibliography, some attempts have been
made to obtain objective measures of speech quality
by means of multidimensional clinical measurements
based on auditory methods. Well-known examples are:
GRBAS scale from Japon (Hirano, M.,1981) and its
extension developed and applied in Europe (Dejonckere,
P. H. Remacle, M. Fresnel-Elbaz, E. Woisard, V. CrevierBuchman, L. Millet, B.,1996), a set of perceptual and
acoustic characteristics in Sweden (Hammarberg, B. &
Gauffin, J., 1995), a set of phonetics characteristics with
added information about the excitement of the vocal
tract. The aim of these (quality speech measurements)
procedures is to obtain an objective measurement from
a subjective evaluation.
There exist different works in which objective measurements of speech quality obtained from a recording
are proposed (Alonso J. B.,2006), (Boyanov, B & Hadjitodorov, S., 1997),(Hansen, J.H.L., Gavidia-Ceballos,
L. & Kaiser, J.F., 1998),(Stefan Hadjitodorov & Petar
Mitev, 2002),(Michaelis D.; Frohlich M. & Strube H.

W. ,1998),(Boyanov B., Doskov D., Mitev P., Hadjitodorov S. & Teston B.,2000),(Godino-Llorente, J.I.;
Aguilera-Navarro, S. & Gomez-Vilda, P. , 2000).
In these works a voiced sustained sound (usually
a vowel) is recorded and then used to compute speech
quality measurements. The utilization of a voiced sustained sound is due to the fact that during the production
of this kind of sound, the speech system uses almost
all its mechanisms (glottal flow of constant air, vocal
folds vibration in a continuous way, ), enabling us
to detect any anomaly in these mechanisms. In these
works different sets of measurements are suggested in
order to quantify speech quality objectively. In all these
works one important fact is revealed; it is necessary
to obtain different measurements of the speech signal
in order to compile the different aspects of acoustic
characteristics of the speech signal.

A speech recording gives different characteristics of
the speech quality of a speaker. The recorded speech
signal can be represented in different domains. Each
domain shows some of the speech characteristics in a
preferential way. The main domains studied in speech
processing are:

Time Domain
Spectral Domain
Cepstral Domain
Inverse Model Domain

Most works in digital speech signal processing are

based on these domains. However, other works use
new domains derived from the former ones.
In the following section the most important features
of each domain are described.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

Time Domain

Spectral Domain

A high quality speech signal possesses a more regular

envolope than a low quality speech signal. This fact is
more evident in short time intervals. The main phenomena that enable us to distinguish between high quality
speech and low quality speech are:
The energy of the speech signal in a short time interval changes considerably between two consecutive
intervals in low quality speech whereas in high quality
speech there is a less change in energy.
In low quality speech unperiodicity (without perdiodicity) intervals during voiced sustained speech

A low quality speech (a voiced sustained sound) has

the following characteristics:

Less regularity of the spectral envelope, mainly

in low frequencies.
More percentage of energy in low frequencies
with regard to the total energy.
Energy blocks in high frequencies. These blocks
are caused by glottal noise.
A great change of the power spectrum from a
frame with regard to contiguous frames.

Figure 1. Speech signal in time domain: the five Spanish and sustained vowels are illustrated. The upper figure
is a speaker with high quality speech. The lower figure is a speaker with low quality speech.

Figure 2. Sustained voiced sound during a short time interval from a high quality speech (left) and from a low
quality speech (right).


Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

Figure 3. Estimated specgram from a high quality speech (top) and from a low quality speech (bottom). The five
Spanish vowels are pronounced. The sample frequency is 22050 Hz.

High quality speech concentrates its energy around

certain formants, mainly the first and the third formants, whereas low quality speech has noise components
around the formants.
High quality speech has great spectral wealth.
However, low quality speech has a little amount of
harmonic component, mainly concentrated in very
low frequencies.
The amount of spectral wealth is a characteristic of
the voice of a certain speaker. However, the spectral
wealth variation in time (during the production of a
sustained voiced sound) is indeed an indicator of low
quality speech.
Another characteristic in low quality speech (during
the production of a sustained voiced sound) is its vari-

ations in vibration rhythm of vocal folds, i.e. frequency

variation in pitch frequency.

Cepstral Domain
Characteristics to evaluate the speech quality can
be identified in the cepstral domain: envelope of the
spectrum, spectral wealth, harmonics and noise components identification, etc. A sustained voiced sound
with three times the pitch period in length is used in
the cepstral domain.
The spectral wealth of a speech signal can be
quantified by the amplitude and width of the cepstral
component of the pitch frequency. The existence of a
peak with great amplitude indicates the presence of
notorious energy in that harmonic component. This

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

Figure 4. A high quality speech (top) and a low quality speech (bottom) in the corrected power cepstrum.

is a characteristic of high quality speech. A reduced

width of the cepstral peak corresponding to the pitch
indicates the high stability of the pitch frequency for
three consecutive periods of pitch. This is also a characteristic of high quality speech. Characteristics such
as amplitude and width of cepstral peak corresponding
to the second harmonic can be also used to distinguish
between high and low quality speech. High quality
speech possesses a cepstral peak corresponding to the
first harmonic narrower than the cepstral peak corresponding to the second harmonic.
Glottal noise in speech signal can be estimated by
means of the relationships among different regions in
the cepstral domain: the harmonic component (ceptrals
components of pitch and its harmonics) and noise component (the remaining ceptrals components).

Inverse Model Domain

In this domain, the waveform of air pulse produced by
the vocal folds during the production of a sustained
voiced sound is estimated. The air pulse is also called
residual signal or glottal flux. The estimatation is
obtained with an inverse filter applied to the speech


signal in order to eliminate the vocal tract effect and

lips radiation effect.
The quality of speech can be quantified by some
features of the glottal signal such as values of amplitude, time in which vocal folds start to open, time in
which vocal folds are completely open, time in which
the closing phase of vocal folds starts and different relationships between different times in the glottal cycle:
open quotient, speed quotient, closing quotient, etc.

Non Linear Domain

The main comercial systems to evaluate speech quality from a recording objectively (Dr Speech (Tiger
Elemetric),SSVA (System for Sigle Voice Analysis),
MDVP (Multi-Dimensional Voice Program) ,EVA
(Evaluation Vocal Assistee), CSL (Computerized
Speech Laboratory) PRAAT, VISHACSRE (Computerized Speech Research Environment), MEDIVOZ,
etc) do not assess nonlinear characteristics in speech
The most popular model of characterization of the
production voice system is a time-variant system, based
on linear acoustics theories. It consists of a source/filter
model. The existence of variations in spectral amplitude

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

of speech signal in the fundamental frequency leads us

to cvonsider a nonlinear behaviour of speech signal.
A fundamental frequency (fs) and a subharmpnic
(fs/2) have been identified in the speech signal (Xuejing Sun & Yi Xu, 1995). A subharmonic effect is the
amplitude modulation or/and the frequency modulation. Other authors indicate that 31% of speakers with
pathological speech have subharmonics in speech.
However, the existence of subharmonics has also
been identified in high quality speech (Haben, Kost
& Papagiannis ,2003), . It is estimated that 10.5 % of
speakers with healthy speech have subharmonics, not
being a symptom of an anomalous speech.
There exist two theories to justify the presence of
Titza theory (TItze, IR., 1994): subharmonics are
due to mechanical or geometric asymmetries between
vocal folds.
Svec theory (Svec JG, Schutte HK, Miller DG, 1996):
subharmonic frequency is due to the combinations of
two vibrational modes (biphonation: the presence of
two main frequencies) whose frequencies have a 3:2
Nevertheless, both theories are the same according
to (Neubauer J., Eysholdt P., Eysholdt U., Herzel H.,
2001), where the authors point out that biphonation
is due to asymmetry between the left and right-hand
vocal folds or to desynchronization in the back-forth
vibration, (Haben C.M., Kost K. & Papagiannis G.,
2003). Assymmetry and desynchronization are caused
by differences in masses and viscoelastic properties
between the vocal folds. This can be modelled by
nonlinear phonation. In (Ayache S., Maurice Ouaknine, Dejonkere P., Prindere P. & Giovanni A., 2004)
nonlinear models are suggested in order to explain
the effect of mucus viscosity of vocal folds (mucus in
vocal folds surface generates superficial tension and
causes adhesion).
In the traditional model of the vocal tract, sound wave
propagation is assumed to be plain wave propagation.
However, sound pressure measurements and volume
variation measurements are better fitted to a nonlinear
model of dynamics fluid. This stems from turbulences
(or even periodic turbulences) produced by cavities
between the vocal folds and the false vocal folds. This

turbulence excites the vocal tract in the closing phase

of vocal folds.
Fractal dimension has been studied by some authors.
They conclude that high quality speech signal has a
low dimensionality. It is stated (Orlikoff R.F., Baken R.
J., 2003), that the amount of alinearities in the speech
system is an indicator of anormal phonation and it has
been suggested that phase space dimensionality, used
for the attractor characterization, could be related to
the amount of mass of vocal folds.


In the previous section a description of the different
features of speech signal in different domains has been
given. Theses features permit us to evaluate the speech
quality. Each feature characterizes a physical phenomenum that is involved in voice production. A physical
phenomenum can appear in different domains. In this
work a set of physical phenomena to make a correct
documentation of voice quality has been identified.
The four physical phenomena identified are:
Voice stability: this is the ability of a speaker to
create a constant intesity air flux in order to excite the
vocal folds (during a sustained voiced sound). This
physical phenomenum is quantified from measurements
of speech stability.
Spectral wealth: this is the ability to generate a periodical movement in the vocal folds (during a sustained
voiced sound) and produce a voiced excitation of the
vocal tract with a great amount of spectral components.
This physical phenomenum is quantified computing the
pitch frequency stability and by the number of harmonics
with high energy in different frequency bands.
Presence of noise: this is related to the presence of
glottal noise in speech signal during the phonation of
a sustained voiced sound. The presence of glottal noise
is due to problems in the closing phase of vocal folds.
This physical phenomenum is quantified by measuring
the presence of nonstationary noise in speech signal.
Vocal folds irregularities: alinearities in speech
system are caused by an anomalous working of vocal
folds. This is due to irregularities in masses involved
in closing phase of vocal folds, asymmetric movement

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

of vocal folds, and factors related to vocal folds mucus.

These phenomena are quantified by means of nonlinear
behaviour of speech signal.
An anormal speech shows unless one of the values corresponding to the quantification of the four
physical phenomena is out of the normal range. This
procedure of quality speech quantification permits us
to identify anomalous speech qualities from diverse
origins. These four kinds of physical phenomena can
be quantified in different domains, existing different
objective measurements of speech quality which are
capable of quantifying with more or less accuracy a
single physical phenomenum.

In general, it is impossible to identify pathology in
the fonator system using only a speech recording.
This is stated by various authors. This stems from the
fact that the acoustic characteristics of two speakers
with different pathologies in the fonator system can
be similar. Even in a visual inspection of the larynx
the identity of the pathology cannot be determined.
Furthermore, the coexistence of more pathology of the
fonator system is also frequent.
Nevertheless, several works have focused on identifying the presence of anomalies in the fonator system.
An automatic detection system of anomalies in speech
system has the same diagram as a voice recognition
system (see Figure 5).
The Voice acquisition block digitalizes speech
signal. In this block, a discrimination between speech
signal and noise is usually made and the segmentation
of speech signal in frames is also carried out.
In the Parameterization block the speech quality
is quantified using diverse quality measurements for
each frame into which the speech signal is divided.
The quantification enables us to identify differential
characteristics among the different classification units.

In our case, the classification units are healthy and

pathological speech. In this block, each speech frame
is turned into a characteristics vector (or measurements
vector). Some measurements average certain quantifications of an acoustic characteristic or evaluate its time
evolution during the phonation.
An automatic classification of the characteristics
vector is made in the classification block. The classification systems include Support Vector Machines,
Neural Networks, etc.. In our case, the classification for
each characteristics vector is between healthy speech
and pathological speech.
We propose carrying out clinical studies in order to
assess the usefulness of speech quality quantification
automatic systems in speech therapy, otolaryngology
and phoniatry. These studies will permit the application
of the proposed protocol to measure the speech quality
in fields such as the assessment of a surgical operation,
documentation of a treatment evolution, medical-legal
documentation and telemedicine.
It will be possible to implement automatic classification systems between healthy and pathological
speech from databases with different qualities of speech,
or even systems capable of automatically giving a
measurement of the level of disphonia. These systems
can be used in a screening evaluation or in a speech
therapist evaluation.

In this work, the different physical phenomena which
characterize voice quality have been identified. These
phenomena have been quantified in order to obtain a
correct documentation of voice quality. The quantification of nonlinear behaviour in signal speech has been
introduced to describe in a more realistic way the vocal
folds behaviour.
Voice quality quantification allows for the implementation of systems to help in pathologies diagnosis in

Figure 5. Diagram block of the automatic detection system of anomalies in the fonator system





Healthy Speech
Pathological Speech

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

the fonator system by means of supervised automatic

recognition systems such as Support Vector Machines
(SVM) or Neural Networks (NN).
Advances in voice quantification applied to the voice
synthesis field will improve naturality in the production of synthetic voices. The development of automatic
mood detection is a possibility (for example, detection
of sadness, anger or happiness) with the application of
the knowledge acquired in measurements of voice quality. With these systems it will be possible to perceive
no verbal language. These systems can be applied to
new generations of human-computer interfaces.

laryngeal diseases screening, Medical Engineering

Physics, (24):419-429.


Hirano, M. (1981), Clinical Examination of Voice, New

York, Springer-Verlag.Dejonckere, P. H. Remacle, M.
Fresnel-Elbaz, E. Woisard, V. Crevier-Buchman, L.

Ayache S.,Ouaknine M., Dejonkere P., Prindere P. &

Giovanni A. (2004), Experimental Study of the Effects
od Surface Mucus Viscosity on the Glottic Cycle,
Journal of Voice, 18(1): 334-340.
Boyanov B., Doskov D., Mitev P., Hadjitodorov S.
& Teston B. (2000) , New cepstral parameters for
description of pathologic voice, Comptes Rendus de
LAcademie Bulgare des Sciences (Ann. of Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences), 53(3), 41-44.
Boyanov, B & Hadjitodorov S. (1997), Acoustic analysis
of pathological voices. A voice analysis system for the
screening of laryngeal diseases, IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Magazine, 16(4), 74 82.
Dejonckere, P. H. Remacle, M. Fresnel-Elbaz, E.
Woisard, V. Crevier-Buchman, L. Millet, B. (1996),
Differentiated perceptual evaluation of pathological
voice quality: reliability and correlations with acoustic measurements. Revue de Laryngologie Otologie
Rhinologie, 117(2), 219-224.
Godino-Llorente, J.I.; Aguilera-Navarro, S. & GomezVilda, P. (2000), Non supervised neural net applied
to the detection of voice impairment. Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,
and Signal Processing, ICASSP 00. vol. 6, pp.35943597.

Hammarberg, B. & Gauffin, J. (1995), Perceptual

and acoustic characteristics of quality differences in
pathological voices as related to physiological aspects,. in O. Fujimura & M.Hirano (eds.), Vocal Fold
Hansen, J.H.L.; Gavidia-Ceballos, L. & Kaiser, J.F.
(1998), A nonlinear operator-based speech feature
analysis method with application to vocal fold pathology assessment, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering, 45(3), 300-313.

Laver, J. (1991), The Gift of Speech, Edinburgh University Press

Michaelis D.; Frohlich M. & Strube H. W. (1998),
Selection and combination of acoustic features for the
description of pathologic voices. Acoustical Society of
America. 103(3),1628-1640.
Millet, B. (1996), Differentiated perceptual evaluation
of pathological voice quality: reliability and correlations
with acoustic measurements. Revue de Laryngologie
Otologie Rhinologie, 117(2), 219-224.
Neubauer J., Eysholdt P., Eysholdt U. & Herzel
H.(2001), Spatio-temporal analysis of irregular vocal
fold oscillations: Biphonation due to desynchronization
of spatial models, J. Acoustical Society of America,
110 (6), 3179-3192.
Orlikoff R.F., Baken R. J., (2003), Curing Diagnosis:
Improving the Taxonomy of Phonatory Dysfunction,
Sixth Conference on Advances in Quantitative Laryngology. Hamburg, Germany.
Robert F. Orlikoff & R. J. Baken (2003), Curing Diagnosis: Improving the Taxonomy of Phonatory Dysfunction, Sixth Conference on Advances in Quantitative
Laryngology. Hamburg, Germany.

Haben C. M., Kost K. & Papagiannis G. (2003), Lateral Phase Mucosal Asymmetries in the Clinical Voice
Laboratory, Journal of Voice, 17(1), 3-11.

Svec JG, Schutte HK & Miller DG (1996). A Subharmonic vibratory pattern in normal vocal folds, Journal
of Speech and Hearing Research, 39(1), pp.135-143.

Hadjitodorov S. & Mitev P. (2002), A computer system for acoustic analysis of pathological voices and

Titze, IR. (1994), Principles of Voice Production,

Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Speech-Based Clinical Diagnostic Systems

Xuejing Sun & Yi Xu (1995), Perceived Pitch of

Synthesized Voice with Alternate Cycles, Journal of
Voice, 16(4) 443-459.

GRBAS: Objective measures of speech quality

by means of multidimensional clinical measurements
based on auditory methods.


Help Systems for Diagnosis: These are systems

that help the clinical professionals to identify certain
situations that need special attention. They are used
generally in tasks of clinical monitorization.

Characterization or Representation Domains:

These are the different spaces into which a signal can
be transformed, where certain characteristics of this
signal (levels of regularity, levels of noise, similarities,
etc) are pronounced of preferential form.
Diagnosis Automatic Intelligent Systems: These
are systems which enable the identification of pathological states without the presence of a clinical expert.
These systems are oriented to preventive medicine or
first screening.
Disphonia: This is the alteration of voice quality. It
is mainly caused by laryngeal pathologies. Other different motives to those of a medical nature can produce
changes in voice quality, such as, for example, factors
related to mood.


Laryngeal Pathology: Due to different organic

injuries (such as malformations, benign injury, inflammations, infections, precancerous and cancerous
injuries, traumatisms, or endocrine, neurological and
auditive injuries), different functional disphonies (in
spoken and sung voice) and of psychiatric origin.
Pitch: Vibration frequency of vocal folds. In fact,
there is not complete periodicity in the vibration of
vocal folds. That is why it is said that vocal folds have
a quasiperiodic movement.


State of the Art in Writers Off-Line

Carlos M. Travieso Gonzlez
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Carlos F. Romero
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Today, advances in Computer Science and the proliferation of computers in modern society are an unquestionable fact. Nevertheless, the continuing importance of
orthography and the hand-written document are also
beyond doubt.
The new technologies permit us to work with online information collecting, but there is still a large
quantity of information in our society which requires
using algorithms for samples off-line. Security in certain applications requires having biometric systems
for their identification; in particular, banking checks,
wills, postcards, invoices, medical prescriptions, etc,
require the identity of the person who has written them
to be verified. The only way to do this is with writer
recognition techniques.
Furthermore, many hand-written documents are
vulnerable to possible forgeries, deformations or copies, and generally, to illicit misuse. Therefore, a high
percentage of routine work is carried out by experts and
professionals in this field, whose task is to certify and
to judge the authenticity or falsehood of handwritten
documents (for example: wills) in a judicial procedure.
Therefore nowadays research on writer identification
is an active field.
At present, some software tools enable certain
characteristics to be displayed and visualised by experts
and professionals, but these experts need to devote a
great deal of time to such investigations before they
are able to draw up conclusions about a given body of
writing. Therefore, these tools are not time-saving and
nor do they provide a meticulous analysis of the writing.
They have to work with graph paper and templates in
order to obtain parameters (angles, dimensions of the
line, directions, parallelisms, curvatures, alignments,
etc.). Moreover, they have to use a magnifying glass

and graph paper in order to measure angles and lines.

This research aims to lighten this arduous task.

Writer identification is possible because the writing
for each person is different, and everyone has intrinsic
characteristics. The scientific bases for this idea come
from the human brain. If we attempt to write with our
less skilful hand, there will be some parts or strokes
very similar to the writing which we make using our
skilful hand. This is because the brain sends the commands for carrying out the writing and not the hands.
Generally, this effect is projected toward the writing
by two types of forces, which are:

Conscious or known: because it is controlled by

the individuals own free will.
Unconscious: because it escapes the control of
the individuals own free will. This is divided
into forces of mechanical and emotional means,
which behaviour feelings.

Everybody writes using their brain, and simultaneously the handwritten impulse, which is the symbolism
of the space in order to obtain the dimensions of the
writing, is adapted proportionally, the size of the text
being maintained or modified depending on whether
the individual is forced to write in a reduced space.
Nowadays, writer identification is a great challenge
because such research work has not been as fully developed as that of identification based on fingerprints,
hands, face or iris (other biometric techniques), due
mainly to the fact that the operation of the brain is
very difficult of parameterize. On the other hand, the

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State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

above-mentioned techniques use widely researched

biometric information.
Most of the characteristics implemented offer information in the vertical and horizontal plane (Zhenyu,
Bin, Jianwei, Yuan, & Xinge, 2005) (Zhenyu, Yuan, &
Xinge, 2005) (Schlapbach, & Bunke, 2006) (Bulacu,
& Schomaker, 2005). We have introduced a new parameter, the proportionality index, which projects in
all directions, depending on the selected points.


As with the majority of the works proposed to the
present date on biometric recognition, the framework
of the system depends on the basic steps showed in
figure 1. The images acquisition is a previous step to
this system; therefore, this system is an off-line system.
The data have to be scanned or photographed in order
to build our database.

Data Acquisition
The forensic analysis of hand-written documents
requires an extensive database of a known writers
hand-written samples. Therefore samples are gathered of different writers writing and in turn several
samples are taken of each one owing to the temporary

The creation conditions of a database have to be

normalized with different types of paper, pen, and
similar place of support (for doing the writing) because
our work is centred on the writing and the efficiency
of proposed parameters. For these off-line systems, the
documents have been generated, and therefore, for the
building of the database, the system has to be scanned
or a high resolution picture taken. 300dpi on grey scale
(8 bits) is a good threshold.

Image Pre-Processing and Segmentation

The first step of the image pre-processing consists of
utilizing Otsus method (or another method), which
permits us to determine the necessary grey threshold
value to carry out the binarization of the samples
(Otsu, 1979).
As result of the binarization, in most cases, the line
of writing remains with irregular appearance. For this
reason, another pre-processing step is carried out, which
enables the line to be smoothed out, thus remaining
well defined. This also eliminates the existing noise
in the images after the scanning process.
As previous step to the separation of words or connected components, the detection and elimination of
the punctuation marks (full stops, accents and commas
etc.) is carried out.
Finally, the words which compose the lines of writing are segmented (baselines) and for this, it is necessary to establish limits for each of the words. For this

Figure 1. System of writer identification

Writer ID








State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

estimation, the method of the Enclosed Boxes (Ha,

Haralick & Phillips, 1995) was used, which provides
us the coordinates that will allow us to segment the
words. The enclosed boxes are defined as the minimum
rectangle that contains the connected component.

Feature Extraction
The calligraphic experts task is usually to make a
statistical list of different quantitative and qualitative
measurements carried out on the document in question,
and to present this as evidence in a judgment. These
include order, legibility, construction of letters, connection, dimension, slant of the letters, space among
words and among characters, alignment and skew
of the baseline, initial and final stroke, continuity of
the stroke, punctuation, control and movement of the
ball-point pen.
The developed systems compare the document
being tested with the samples of the database, using
image digital processing in order to extract the features
defined by the system.
We can define three different kinds of features, local,
global and texture features (see figure 1).
The local features examine the construction of the
individual characters to identify details of certain letters, since it is considered that it is very difficult for
a writer to change the way of writing her/his letters.
One of the techniques consists of dividing into regions
the images of the segmented letters and then for each
region to calculate the direction of the gradient; also
a geometric description can be obtained by analysing
the presence of corners, diagonal, vertical and horizontal lines, direction and angle of the edges and hinges
(Zhang, Srihari, & Lee, 2003).
Another way to describe letters is through the pair
of coordinated (x,y) of the contour of the connected
components and as each writer is considered a generator of a finite number of basic patterns formed by
these connected components; it can be characterized
by the discrete probability density function of emission of a basic pattern of the strokes (Schomaker, &
Bulacu, 2004). Another similar method detects the
morphological invariants using an automatic classifier
of grapheme; in (Bensefia, Pasquet, & Heutte, 2002),
the authors have shown that the variability of the writing can be measured through these invariants because
each writer writes the same letters using such patterns
or graphemes.

The global features try to describe the properties

of the writing and they are statistical measurements
extracted from the whole sample of the handwritten
document, paragraphs, lines and words to identify
(Grening, Sagar, & Leedham, 2005) (Tomai, Zhang,
& Srihari, 2004) (Marti, Messerli, & Bunke, 2001). In
(Wirotius, Seropia, & Vicent, 2003) a study was carried
out on the distribution of gray levels in the pixels of
the stroke, calculating the curve of evolution of these
levels along sections of the stroke observing that the
symmetry with respect to the minimum of the curve
presents a great variability according to the writer and
the way in which the ball-point pen is located on the
In (Srihari, Cha, Arora, & Lee, 2002) the variation
of gray levels is detected by means of its entropy,
giving an idea of the pressure applied when writing.
Another measurement that provides information of
pressure, thickness of the stroke and size of the writing
is to count the number of black pixels of the binarized
image, which can also allow the movement of the ballpoint pen when writing to be estimated indirectly, by
means of the quantity average of internal and external
As the contours consist of connected pixel segments,
they can be stored as a Chaincode representation where
their vertical, horizontal and diagonals components will
represent the formation of the stroke.
Other global features are the average slant (Bonzinovic, & Srihari, 1989), localization of the baselines
and their skew, height of the ascending, descending
and middle body of writing (Marti, Messerli, & Bunke,
2001) (Romero, Travieso, Alonso, & Ferrer, 2007),
average width of the characters, behavior of the margins, length of the words and distance between lines
and words.
In order to obtain the texture features, the writing sample is viewed as a simple image and not as a
manuscript, and therefore each persons writing can be
considered as a different texture; applying to it filters
of Gabor and co-occurrence Matrixes (Said, Peake,
Tan & Baker 1998) for example.
In order for features to represent the writing style,
they must fulfill the following requirement: the fluctuations in an individuals writing must be as small as
possible, while the fluctuations among different writers
must be as great as possible. Each one of these features
is evaluated to determine their discrimination index


State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

which allows the utility of each feature to be measured

for the identification of writers.
One of the biggest difficulties for automatic identification is the handling of a great variability of writing
styles, and there is therefore still some work to be done
in the feature extraction stage, since the purpose of this
stage is to detect the discriminate features of the writing that characterize the styles of peoples writing. Up
to now the majority of the characteristics used by the
experts are not as yet algorithmically implemented.
In this present work, a list has been created of
geometrical parameters of different measurements to
analyse documents. In order for the characteristics to
represent the style of writing, they should comply with
the following requirement: the fluctuations in the writing of a person should be as small as possible, while
the fluctuations among different writers should be as
large as possible.
This characteristic is included in the list of the following characteristics already developed (Romero,
Travieso, Alonso, & Ferrer, 2006) (Hertel, & Bunke,

The quantity of black pixels and the long words

will give us an estimation of the dimension and thickness of the line, the width of letters and the height of
the medium body. Besides these are the distinctive
characteristics of the style of writing.
The estimation of the width of letters is carried
out by seeking the row with the greatest quantity of
transition of black to white (0 to 1). The number of
white pixels between each transition is counted and
this result is averaged.
To measure the height of the medium body of the
words, the goal is to determine the upper and lower
baseline through maximum and minimum values, and
to measure the distance between them.
To approach the baselines of each word, it was
decided to use the adjustment of minimum mean
square error that is based on finding the equation (see
expression 1) that is best adjusted to a set of points
n (Chin, Harvey, & Jennings, 1997). The equation
is the following:

where the coefficients a and b determine the lineal polynomial regression by means of the following

length of the words,

quantity of pixels in black,
estimation of the width of the letters,
height of the medium body of writing,
heights of the ascending and descending,
height relation between of the ascending and
medium body,
height relation between descending and medium
height relation between descending and ascending,
height relation between medium body and the
wide of writing.

Figure 2. Zones and baselines


y = ax + b


n n
n xi yi xi yi
i =1 i =1
a = i =1
n xi xi
i =1
i =1



y i a xi
i =1

i =1


State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

Those values of a and b, based on the coordinates

of minimums or maximums detected in the contour
of the word, are different baselines. Minimums are to
approach the lower baseline and the maximums for
the upper baseline.
The extraction of the proportionality index is a
new parameter in our system and in the references.
The selection of the points is of random form but
with some indications, and therefore we have located
the most representative sites as being ascending ones,
descendent, terminations, etc. In this paper the most
representative points (red points) are displayed in figure
3. For this same word for each writer, we have marked
the same red points.
The marked points are united (see Figure 3), and
each line between two points is considered as a segment. We have measured the Euclidean length of each
segment obtaining a mean and a standard deviation.
These are new and novel parameters, which provide
information from every direction of a word.

Classification System
The problem of the identification of writers can be seen
according to two different approaches (see Figure 4);
the first approach is the verification that allows us to
determine whether two documents were written by the
same person or by two different people.
The second approach is the identification that consists of recognising a writer among a set of N candidates.
This case can be seen as a problem of classification
of N classes. Due to the potentially great number of
candidates, the decision is based on the measurement
of the nearest neighbour; its advantage is that it identifies the writer directly.
Both approaches resort to some method of similarity
measurement or distances between the samples; and the
system must be trained with a set of handwritten samples
belonging to each candidate (supervised classification).
The most commonly used classification methods are
nearest k-neighbours (Hertel, & Bunke, 2003), Neuro-

Figure 3. Segments obtained when points are united (proportionality index)

Figure 4. Difference between identification and verification


State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

nal Network (Bishop, 1995), Hidden Models Markov

(Juang, & Rabiner, 1992), Gaussian Mixture Models
(Schlapbach, & Bunke, 2006), etc.
In the following table, we can see a comparison of
different methods, showing the type of samples, number
of writers and its success rates.

Finally, off-line writer identification is an open research field, where the operation of different and new
methods is both improving and spreading in terms of


Zhenyu, H., Bin, F., Jianwei, D., Yuan, Y.T., & Xinge,
Y., (2005), A novel method for offline handwritingbased writer identification, Proceedings of Eighth
International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, 1, 242 246.

The future tendency is the use of the Graphology, as

fundamental element to establish new features, because
experts or professionals have more years of experience
and credibility in this field. The quantitative implementation of these features will result in positive growth
in terms of success rates.

Writer identification systems could end up as a powerful tool to help Calligraphic Experts, since it will
allow them to reduce the time invested in the analysis
of certain features of the writing, since the system
will develop the detection, extraction, comparison,
classification and recognition tasks. Logically, it will
not replace them because it is impossible to equal the
observation power of the human in this complex application; therefore there will always be features that
will have to be analyzed by the experts because they
are very difficult to implement algorithmically.


Zhenyu, H., Yuan, Y.T., & Xinge, Y., (2005), A contourlet-based method for writer identification, IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1, 364 368.
Schlapbach, A., & Bunke, H., (2006), Off-lineWriter
Identification Using Gaussian Mixture Models, 18th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3,
992 995.
Bulacu, M., & Schomaker, L., (2005), A comparison of
clustering methods for writer identification and verification, Eighth International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition, 2, 1275 1279.
Otsu, N., (1979), A threshold selection method from
gray-level histograms, IEEE Transaction on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics, 9(1), 62-66.

Table 1. Comparison of different published methods


Marti et al., 2001

Handwritten Text

Srihari et al., 2002

Handwritten Text

Schomaker et al., 2004

Said et al., 1998
Hertel et al., 2003
Bunke et al., 2004
Zois et al., 2000
Bensefia et al., 2005
Romero et al., 2007

Paragraphs in Uppercase
Handwritten Text
Text Lines
Text Lines

# Writers

Success Rate
90,7 %
82 %
59 %
95 %
95 %
90,7 %
96,56 %
92,5 %
86 %

State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

Ha, J., Haralick R.M., & Phillips, I.T., (1995), Document page decomposition by the bounding-box project,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition, 2, 1119.

Said, H.E., Peake, G.S., Tan T.N., & Baker K.D., (1998),
Writer Identification from Non-uniformly Skewed
Handwriting Images, Proceedings of the 9th British
Machine Vision Conference, 478-487.

Zhang, B., Srihari, S.N., & Lee, S., (2003), Individuality of Handwritten Characters, Proceeding of the 7th
International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, 1086-1090.

Hertel, C., & Bunke, H., (2003), A Set of Novel Features

for Writer Identification, Workshop on Audio and Video
Based Biometric Person Authentication, 679-687.

Schomaker, L., & Bulacu, M., (2004), Automatic Writer

Identification Using Connected-Component Contours
and Edge-Based Features of Uppercase Western Script,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 26(6), 787 798.
Bensefia, A., Pasquet, T., & Heutte, L., (2002), Writer
Identification By Writers Invariants, Proceeding of the
8th International Workshop on Frontier in Handwriting
Recognition, 274-279.
Grening, C.M., Sagar, V.K., & Leedham, C.G., (2005),
Handwriting Identification Using Global and Local
Features for Forensic Purposes, European Convention
on Security and Detection, 272-278.
Tomai, C., Zhang, B., & Srihari, S., (2004), Discriminatory Power of Handwritten Words for Writer Recognition, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference
on Pattern Recognition, 638-641.
Marti, U.V., Messerli, R., & Bunke, H., (2001), Writer
Identification Using Text Line Based Features, Sixth
International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, 101-105.
Wirotius, M., Seropia, A., & Vicent, N., (2003), Writer
Identification from Gray Level Distribution, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition, 1168-1172.

Romero, C.F., Travieso, C.M., Alonso, J.A., & Ferrer,

M.A., (2006), Writer Identification by Handwritten Text
Analysis, Proc. of the 5th WSEAS int. Conf. on System
Science and Simulation in Engineering, 204-208.
Chin, W., Harvey, M., & Jennings, A., (1997), Skew
Detection in Handwritten Scripts, IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference. Speech and Image Technologies for
Computing and Telecommunications, 1, 319-322.
Bishop, C.M., (1995) Neural Networks for Pattern
Recognition (Oxford University Press).
Juang, B.H., & Rabiner, L.R., (1992), Spectral representations for speech recognition by neural networks-a
tutorial, Proceedings of the Workshop Neural Networks
for Signal Processing, 214 222.
Marti, U.V., Messerli, R., & Bunke, H., (2001), Writer
Identification Using Text Line Based Features, Sixth
International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, 101-105.
Zois, E.N., & Anastassopoulus, V., (2000), Morphological Waveform Coding for Writer Identification, Pattern
Recognition, 33(3), 385-398.
Bensefia, A., Pasquet, T., & Heutte, L., (2005) Handwritten Document Analysis for Automatic Writer
Recognition. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision
and Image Analysis, 72-86.

Srihari, S., Cha, S.H., Arora, H., & Lee, S., (2002),
Individuality of Handwriting, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 47(4), 1-17.


Bonzinovic, R., & Srihari, S., (1989), Off-line Cursive

Script Word Recognition, IEEE Transaction on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11(1), 68-73.

Biometric System: This is a system which identifies individuals using behaviour or physical characteristics.

Romero, C.F., Travieso, C.M., Alonso, J.A., & Ferrer,

M.A., (2007), Using Off-line Handwritten Text for
Writer Identification, WSEAS Transactions on Signal
Processing, 3(1), 2007.

Classification System: Learning algorithm which

generates automatic results from a features input. This
system generally has as many outputs as classes for

State of the Art in Writers Off-Line Identification

Feature Extraction: This is a process which is used

to obtain certain characteristics which are intrinsic and
discriminate of a thing.
Image Pre-Processing: Set of tools applied to the
images in order to provide other improved images for
other tasks.
Off-Line System: A system whose operation is
based on data that have been acquired before of its
On-Line System: A system whose operation is based
on data which are acquired during its operation.
Supervised Classification: This is a system that
generates a model using training samples with labels,
and it uses that model in order to establish an evaluation
or test with other samples without labels.
Writer Identification: The application of biometric
identification by handwriting. Full texts or just several
words can be used.



State-of-the-Art on Video-Based Face

Yan Yan
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Yu-Jin Zhang
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Over the past few years, face recognition has gained
many interests. Face recognition has become a popular area of research in computer vision and pattern
recognition. The problem attracts researchers from
different disciplines such as image processing, pattern recognition, neural networks, computer vision,
and computer graphics (Zhao, Chellappa, Rosenfeld
& Phillips, 2003).
Face recognition is a typical computer vision problem. The goal of computer vision is to understand the
images of scenes, locate and identify objects, determine
their structures, spatial arrangements and relationship
with other objects (Shah, 2002). The main task of face
recognition is to locate and identify the identity of people
in the scene. Face recognition is also a challenging
pattern recognition problem. The number of training
samples of each face class is usually so small that it is
hard to learn the distribution of each class. In addition,
the within-class difference may be sometimes larger
than the between-class difference due to variations in
illumination, pose, expression, age, etc.
The availability of the feasible technologies brings
face recognition many potential applications, such as
in face ID, access control, security, surveillance, smart
cards, law enforcement, face databases, multimedia
management, human computer interaction, etc (Li &
Jain, 2005).
Traditional still image-based face recognition has
achieved great success in constrained environments.
However, once the conditions (including illumination,
pose, expression, age) change too much, the performance declines dramatically. The recent FRVT2002
(Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002) (Phillips, Grother,
Micheals, Blackburn, Tabassi & Bone 2003) shows that
the recognition performance of face images captured in

an outdoor environment and different days is still not

satisfying. Current still image-based face recognition
algorithms are even far away from the capability of
human perception system (Zhao, Chellappa, Rosenfeld
& Phillips, 2003). On the other hand, psychology and
physiology studies have shown that motion can help
people for better face recognition (Knight & Johnston,
1997; O'Toole, Roark & Abdi, 2002). Torres (2004)
pointed out that traditional still image-based face recognition confronts great challenges and difficulties.
There are two potential ways to solve it: video-based
face recognition technology and multi-modal identification technology. During the past several years, many
research efforts have been concentrated on video-based
face recognition. Compared with still image-based
face recognition, true video-based face recognition
algorithms that use both spatial and temporal information started only a few years ago (Zhao, Chellappa,
Rosenfeld & Phillips, 2003).
This article gives an overview of most existing
methods in the field of video-based face recognition
and analyses their respective pros and cons. First, a
general statement of face recognition is given. Then,
most existing methods for video-based face recognition
are briefly reviewed. Some future trends and conclusions are given in the end.

From a general point of view, a complete video-based
face recognition system includes face detection module,
face tracking module, feature extraction module and
face recognition module. Face detection is at the bottom layer. The task of face detection is to determine the
spatial position and pose of the face(s). Face tracking
is at the middle layer. It follows the continuous change

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State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Figure 1. A general framework of video-based face

recognition system





based face recognition usually refers to both Video

- Image(s) face recognition and Video - Video face
recognition, that is, with video input.
Compared with still image-based face recognition,
video-based face recognition can utilize the temporal
and spatial information available in the video. Its
widely believed that video-based face recognition is
more promising than still image-based face recognition.
However, there also exist some difficulties in videobased face recognition, such as low-resolution face
images, large variations of scale, illumination change,
pose change, and occasionally occlusion in video. It is
worth noting that if the time information of video is not
considered, the video-based face recognition becomes
the multiple-still-images input face recognition.



of face position over time. Feature extraction is at a

higher layer. Its task is to locate the position of facial
features such as eye, nose, etc, and pull out related
information. Face recognition module is at the top layer.
The face recognition module identifies or verifies the
input face(s), with the help of databases. Figure 1 gives
the general framework of video-based face recognition
system, with a flowchart and some examples.
In this article, the focus will be on the top layer of
face recognition systemsface recognition module.
The general statement of face recognition can be defined as: given still or video images of a scene, identify
or verify one or more persons in the scene using a
stored database of faces (Zhao, Chellappa, Rosenfeld &
Phillips, 2003). The still image-based face recognition
usually refers to the process in which the input is a still
image. On the other side, the video-based face recognition often refers to the process in which the input is a
shot of video. The database can be also still image(s)
or video. Therefore, according to different modalities
of the input and database, four different scenarios of
face recognition can be distinguished. Table 1 shows
these four different scenarios of face recognition. Video1456

According to the classification shown in Table 1, four

scenarios of face recognition will be reviewed separately. The emphases will be put on Video - Image(s)
face recognition and Video - Video face recognition.
For simplicity, the position of the face in the video is
assumed to be known in advance.

Image - Image(s) Face Recognition

Image - Image(s) face recognition is the traditional still image-based face recognition. Numerous
still image-based face recognition methods have been
developed during the past few decades (Zhao, Chellappa, Rosenfeld & Phillips, 2003). Among them, global
feature matching methods, such as Eigenface (Turk &
Pentland, 1991), Fisherface (Belhumeour, Hespanha &
Kriegman, 1997) and Bayesian (Moghaddam, Jebara
& Pentland, 2000); and local feature matching methods, such as Elastic Bunch Graph Matching (EBGM)
(Wiskott, Fellous, Krueuger & Malsburg, 1997), are the
widely used face recognition approaches. Recently, 3D
deformable models (Blanz & Vetter, 2003) and Local
Binary Pattern (LBP) (Ahonen, Hadid & Pietikinen,
2006) are the newly-emerging methods. Traditional still
image-based face recognition has been widely used in
biometric authentication, information security, etc.

State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Table 1. Four different scenarios of face recognition





Image - Image(s)

Image - Video

Video - Image(s)

Video - Video

Image - Video Face Recognition

Image - Video face recognition is to identify or
verify a given face in the stored video sequences. Image
- Video face recognition is also called human facebased video retrieval. Typical scenes includes finding
suspects in the recorded surveillance video or finding
a person in the film or news video from a given face
image. Theoretically, it should do video preprocessing first, such as shot extraction. Then, face detection
and tracking are performed to obtain the video shot of
every face. Face recognition is conducted in the last
step. Due to the complex scenes in such videos (film,
news, surveillance video), most literature focuses on
video preprocessing phase (Arandjelovi & Zisserman, 2005b). In recent years, some scholars applied
3D model for television people retrieval (Everingham
& Zisserman, 2004).

Video - Image(s) Face Recognition

Video - Image(s) face recognition can be formulated
as follows: given a shot of video, identify or verify the
face inside by using a still-image(s) database. With
the wide-spread usage of video acquisition hardware,
there exist many video sequences in the application of
security authentication, video surveillance, etc. At the
same time, most existing databases are still-image(s)
database. Therefore, how to make better use of the input
video is of important value in real applications.
Traditional approaches can be roughly divided into
two categories: one is to perform face tracking until
a facial image satisfies certain rules (such as size,
pose). Then traditional still image-based face recognition methods are applied. The disadvantages of such
approaches are the difficulty of defining the rules and
not making full use of all information in the video.
Another is to perform still image-based face recogni-

tion for each tracked face and combine the recognition

results (using combining rules, for example, maximum
cumulative probability or a majority vote). The disadvantages of such approaches are the randomness of
the combining rules.
In recent years, some researchers try to make use of
temporal and spatial information in the video. Zhou et
al. (2003) proposed a Bayesian framework based face
recognition and tracking which attempts to resolve uncertainties in tracking and recognition simultaneously.
A time series state space model, which characterizes
the kinematics using a motion vector and the identity
using an identity variable, is employed to fuse temporal information. The joint posterior distribution of the
motion vector and the identity variable is estimated at
each time instant and then propagates to the next time
instant. Marginalization over the state vector yields
a robust estimate of the posterior distribution of the
identity variable. The sequential importance sampling
(SIS) algorithm was used to estimate the posterior
distribution. SIS approximates the posterior density
function by a set of random particles with associated
weights. Experimental results show the effectiveness
of the algorithm.
Li et al. (2001, 2002) applied facial features tracking and face tracking for verification. The basic idea
is that if the input is a true face (corresponding to the
identity in the database), the tracking trajectories of
the facial features or face appearance are basically
the same. The corresponding mathematical model is
that the distribution of motion vector will have a peak
when the face is a true input. Otherwise, the input is
an imposter. SIS is also applied to the posterior probability distribution of state variables. However, the
estimated probability density needs a large number of
particles to characterize the distribution. As a result,
the complexity of the algorithm is increased.


State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Video - Video Face Recognition

Video - Video face recognition refers to the cases in
which both the input and database are shots of video.
Based on the use of the information in the video, the
existing literatures have the following description
methods to represent a shot of video:

A vector (corresponding to one frame of the

A matrix (corresponding to all frames of the
Probability Density Function (PDF).
Dynamic model.

Based on the above description methods, Video

Video face recognition becomes matching of
different description methods. Table 2 shows all possible
similarity measures (distances) between two description methods. In Table 2, d stands for the distance or
similarity of two models. f(X) stands for probability
addition, M(X) stands for majority voting, D(X) stands
for the posterior probability.
Some representative methods of Video - Video
face recognition are briefly introduced below. Torres
et al (2002) created a person specific Principal Component Analysis (PCA) subspace for each face in the
database. The residual distance between the face in
one frame and the PCA subspace is used as similarity
measure for video indexing. McKenna et al (1997)
employed Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) in the
reduced PCA subspace to describe each face class.
The posterior probability of each face in each frame
is computed and the cumulative probability is used as
similarity measure. Yamaguchi et al (1998) established
PCA subspace for both the input and database video.
The distance between the two subspaces is determined

by the angle between two subspaces. To further handle

the change of illumination, gestures, facial expressions,
etc., Fukui & Yamaguchi (2003) further proposed the
constraint subspace that includes only the effective
component for recognition.
Arandjelovi et al (2005a) used GMM to learn the
face distribution. The basis of the approach is the semiparametric estimation of probability densities confined
to intrinsically low-dimensional, but highly nonlinear
face manifolds embedded in the high dimensional image
space (Arandjelovi, Shakhnarovich, Fisher, Cipolla &
Darrell, 2004). The Kullback-Leibler divergence is
adopted as the similarity measure.
Zhou et al. (2003) used the probabilistic model described in previous section. An exemplar-based learning
is adopted to automatically select video representatives.
The exemplar index is also employed as the state vector.
The joint probability density distribution is estimated
by sequential importance sampling. Finally, the identity variable is calculated by marginalization. Liu and
Chen (2003) proposed a video-based face recognition
algorithm based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
which incorporates both the temporal and spatial information. Lee et al. (2003, 2005) approximated face
manifolds by a finite number of linear subspaces and
used temporal information to robustly estimate the
dynamics of the linear subspaces.
Li et al (2001a, 2001b) employed the manifold
to represent a shot of video. A 3D shape model is
built from 2D images, a shape-and-pose-free textures
model and an affine geometrical model. Then, Kernel
Discriminant Analysis (KDA) is performed to extract
the non-linear discriminating features. The identify
surfaces are then constructed from these discriminating
features. Face recognition is performed by computing
trajectory distance between the input and database
video trajectories.

Table 2. Similarity measures (distance) between two description methods

Database Input





Dynamic Model(D)



d(x, x)

d(x, X)





d(X, x)

d(X, X)







d(f, f)

Dynamic Model(D)



d(D, D)

d(D, M)




d(M, D)

d(M, M)

State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Table 3. Typical algorithms for Video - Video face recognition


Input Description

Database Description


Torres et al


PCA subspace(X)

residual error, d(x, X)

McKenna et al



cumulative probability, f(X)

Yamaguchi et al


PCA subspace(X)

angle distance, d(X, X)

Arandjelovi et al

PDF(f )

GMM(f )

K-L divergence, d(f, f)

Zhou et al

Dynamic Model(D)


posterior probability, D(X)

Liu et al

Dynamic Model(D)


posterior probability, d(D, D)

Lee et al.

Dynamic Model(D)

Finite number of
linear subspaces(M)

posterior probability, d(D, M)

Li et al



trajectory distance, d(M, M)

Some characteristics of the above reviewed

algorithms are listed in Table 3.

Video-based face recognition has been actively studied in recent years. How to better exploit both spatial
and temporal information in the video sequence is the
focus point.
An individual face manifold under various changes
(such as expression, pose, illumination, etc) is nonconvex and nonlinear. Effective features which can
discriminative different classes and tolerate within-class
variations are the key for both still image-based and
video-based face recognition.
Another trend is to generate a 3D face model from
video. See (Zhang, Liu, Dennis, Cohen, Hanson, &
Shan, 2004) for an example. The 3D face model can
overcome the problem caused by large change of pose
and illumination. However, the complexity of 3D
model is high.

In this article, based on the classification of different
scenarios of face recognition methods, Four groups of
techniquesthe Image - Image(s) face recognition,
Image - Video face recognition, Video - Image(s)
face recognition, Video - Video face recognition are

reviewed. Most existing methods of video-based face

recognition are surveyed. Their respective advantages
and disadvantages are also provided. Some trends of
video-based face recognition are summarized. In the
future, the approaches will be further investigated to
drive more applications.

Ahonen, T., Hadid, A., & Pietikinen, M. (2006). Face
description with local binary patterns: application to
face recognition. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence, (28)12, 2037-2041.
Arandjelovi, O., Shakhnarovich, G., Fisher, G., Cipolla, R., & Darrell, T. (2005a). Face recognition with
image sets using manifold density divergence. In: Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, San Diego, USA, 581-588.
Arandjelovi, O., & Zisserman, A. (2005b). Automatic
face recognition for film character retrieval in featurelength films In: Proceedings of IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, San Diego,
USA, 860-867.
Belhumeur, P.N., Hespanha, J.P., & Kriegman, D.
(1997). Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: recognition using
class specific linear projection, IEEE Transactions on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 19 (7),


State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Blanz, V., & Vetter, T. (2003). Face recognition based

on fitting a 3D morphable model. IEEE Trans. on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (25)9,
Everingham, M.R., & Zisserman, A. (2004). Automated
person identification in video. In: Proceedings of the
3rd International Conference on Image and Video
Retrieval, Dublin, Ireland, 289-298.
Fukui, K., & Yamaguchi, O. (2003). Face recognition using multi-viewpoint patterns for robot vision.
International Symposium of Robotics Research, Siena,
Italy, 192-201.
Knight, B., & Johnston, A. (1997). The role of movement
in face recognition. Visual Cognition, 4, 265-274.
Lee, K.C., Ho, J., Yang, M.H., & Kriegman, D. (2003).
Video-based face recognition using Probabilistic Appearance Manifolds. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, Madison, USA, 313-320.
Lee, K.C., Ho, J., Yang, M.H., & Kriegman, D. (2005).
Visual tracking and recognition using probabilistic
appearance manifolds. Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, (99)3, 303-331.
Li, B., & Chellappa, R. (2001). Face verification through
tracking facial features. Journal of the Optical Society
of America A, 18(12), 2969-2981.
Li, B., & Chellappa, R. (2002). A generic approach to
simultaneous tracking and verification in video. IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, 11(5), 530-554.
Li, S.Z., & Jain, A.K. (2005). Handbook of face recognition. New York: Springer Books.
Li, Y., Gong, S., & Lidell, H. (2001a). Video-based
online face recognition using identity surfaces. In:
Proceedings of ICCV Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time
Systems, Vancouver, Canada, 40-46.
Li, Y., Gong, S., & Lidell, H. (2001b). Modeling faces
dynamically across views and over time. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision, Vancouver, Canada, 554-559.
Liu, X.M., & Chen, T. (2003). Video-based face recognition using adaptive hidden Markov models. In:
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Madison,

USA, 340-345.
McKenna, S., Gong, S., & Raja, Y. (1997). Face recognition in dynamic scenes. In: Proceeding of British
Machine Vision Conference, (pp. 141-150). Colchester,
Moghaddam, B., Jebara, T., & Pentland, A. (2000).
Bayesian face recognition. Pattern Recognition, (33)11,
OToole A.J., Roark, D.A., & Abdi, H. (2002). Recognizing moving faces: a psychological and neural synthesis. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, (6)6, 261-266.
Phillips, P.J., Grother, P.J., Micheals, R.J., Blackburn,
D.M., Tabassi, E., & Bone, J. M. (2003). Face recognition vendor test 2002: evaluation report. NISTIR
Shah, M. (2002). Guest introduction: the changing shape
of computer vision in the twenty-first century. International Journal of Computer Vision, (50)2, 103-110.
Torres, L. (2004). Is there any hope for face recognition? In: Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Service,
Lisbon, Portugal, 21-23.
Torres, L., & Vila, J. (2002). Automatic face recognition
for video indexing applications. Pattern Recognition,
(35)3, 615-625.
Turk, M., & Pentland, A. (1991). Eigenface for recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, (3)1, 71-86.
Wiskott, L., Fellous, J.M., Krueuger, N., & Malsburg
C. (1997). Face recognition by elastic bunch graph
matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 19(7), 775-779.
Yamaguchi, O., Fukui, K., & Maeda, K. (1998).
Face recognition using temporal image sequence. In:
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Nara,
Japan, 318-323.
Zhang, Z.Y., Liu, Z.C., Adler, D., Cohen, M.F., Hanson,
E., & Shan, Y. (2004) .Robust and rapid generation
of animated faces from video images: a model-based
modeling approach. International Journal of Computer
Vision, (58)2, 93-119.

State-of-the-Art Video-Based Face Recognition

Zhao, W., Chellappa, R., Rosenfeld, A., & Phillips, P.

J. (2003). Face recognition: a literature survey. ACM
Computation Survey, (35)4, 399-458.

Face Tracking: A computer technology that determines the continuous location of the face(s) on each
frame of the image sequence.

Zhou, S., Krueger, V., & Chellappa, R. (2003). Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video. Computer
Vision and Image Understanding, (91)12, 214-245.

Human Face Based Video Retrieval: A process

that one searches the video sequences to find the face
shot according to the query face image.


Particle Filters: Techniques which also known

as Sequential Monte Carlo methods (SMC), are sophisticated model estimation techniques based on

Biometric Authentication: Technologies rely on

physical characteristics that are unique for each person
to ascertain the identity of an individual.
Face Detection: A computer technology that
determines the locations and sizes of human faces in
digital images.
Face Recognition: Given still or video images of
a scene, identify or verify one or more persons in the
scene using a stored database of faces.

Sequential Importance Sampling: A very common

particle filter algorithm that approximates the probability density functions by a set of random samples
with associated weights.
Video-Based Face Recognition: Given a video
containing face(s), identify or verify one or more persons using a stored database.



Stationary Density of Stochastic Search

Arturo Berrones
Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico
Dexmont Pea
Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico
Ricardo Snchez
Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Mexico



The optimization of a cost function which has a number

of local minima is a relevant subject in many important
fields. For instance, the determination of the weights of
learning machines depends in general on the solution
of global optimization tasks (Haykin, 1999). A feature
shared by almost all of the most common deterministic
and stochastic algorithms for continuous non linear
optimization is that their performance is strongly affected by their starting conditions. Depending on the
algorithm, the correct selection of an initial point or set
of points have direct consequences on the efficiency,
or even on the possibility to find the global minima.
Of course, adequate selection of seeds implies prior
knowledge on the structure of the optimization task.
In the absence of prior information, a natural choice
is to draw seeds from a uniform density defined over
the search space. Knowledge on the problem can be
gained through the exploration of this space.
In this contribution is presented a method to estimate
probability densities that describe the asymptotic behavior of general stochastic search processes over continuously differentiable cost functions. The relevance
of such densities is that they give a description of the
residence times over the different regions of the search
space, after an infinitely long exploration. The preferred
regions are those which minimize the cost globally,
which is reflected in the asymptotic densities. In first
instance, the resulting densities can be used to draw
populations of points that are consistent with the global
properties of the associated optimization tasks.

Stochastic strategies for optimization are essential

to most of the heuristic techniques used to deal with
complex, unstructured global optimization problems
(Pardalos, 2004). The roots of such methods can be
traced back to the Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis,
Rosenbluth, Rosenbluth, Teller & Teller, 1953), introduced in the early days of scientific computing to
simulate the evolution of a physical system to thermal
equilibrium. This process is the base of the simulated
annealing technique (Kirkpatrick, Gellat & Vecchi,
1983), which makes use of the convergence to a global
minimum in configurational energy observed in physical systems at thermal equilibrium as the temperature
goes to zero.
The method presented in this contribution is rooted
in similar physical principles as those on which simulated annealing type algorithms are based. However,
in contrast with other approaches (Suykens, Verrelst &
Vandewalle, 1998) (Gidas, 1995) (Parpas, Rustem &
Pistikopoulos, 2006), the proposed method considers
a density of points instead of Markov transitions of individual points. The technique is based in the interplay
between Langevin and Fokker Planck frameworks
for stochastic processes, which is well known in the
study of out of equilibrium physical systems (Risken,
1984) (Van Kampen, 1992). Fokker - Planck equation
has been already proposed for its application in search
algorithms, in several contexts. For instance, it has been
used to directly study the convergence of populations
of points to global minima (Suykens, Verrelst & Vandewalle, 1998), as a tool to demonstrate the convergence
of simulated annealing type algorithms (Parpas, Rustem
& Pistikopoulos, 2006) (Geman & Hwang, 1986), or

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Stationary Density of Stochastic Search Processes

as a theoretical framework for Boltzmann type learning machines (Movellan & McClelland, 1993) (Kosmatopoulos & Christodoulou, 1994). In the context of
global optimization by populations of points, it has been
proposed that the populations evolve under the time
dependent version of the Fokker Planck equation,
following a schedule for the reduction of the diffusion
constant D (Suykens, Verrelst & Vandewalle, 1998).
In our approach, the stationary version of the Fokker Planck equation is used to learn the long term
probability density of a general stochastic search
process. This is achieved using linear operations and
a relatively small number of evaluations of the given
cost function.

The approach proposed in this article is based on the

notion of an infinitely long exploration of the search
space. In the present model setup for the search, the
process converges to a state described by the stationary
solution of Eq. (2) (Berrones, 2007). The form of this
solution is of the well known Boltzmann type (Risken,
1984) (Van Kampen, 1992). For optimization or deviate generation purposes, its direct use would imply
a high computational cost. Instead, a form of Gibbs
sampling is proposed in order to estimate the marginal
probability density p(xn) (the details of the following
discussion can be consulted in (Berrones, 2007)). The
one dimensional projection of Eq. (2) at t leads to
the following equation for the conditional cumulative
distribution, y(xn | {xj xn})



d 2 y 1 V dy
dx n2 D x n dx n

Consider the minimization of a cost function of the

form V(x1, x2, ..., xn, ..., xN) with a search space defined
over L1,n xn L2,n. A stochastic search process for this
problem is modeled by
dx n
+ e(t )
x n


where e(t) is an additive noise with zero mean. Equation (1), known as Langevin equation in the Statistical
Physics literature (Risken, 1984) (Van Kampen, 1992),
captures the basic properties of a general stochastic
search strategy. Under an uncorrelated Gaussian noise
with constant strength, Eq. (1) represents a search by
diffusion, while a noise strength that is slowly varying
in time gives a simulated annealing process. Notice
that choosing an external noise of infinite amplitude,
the dynamical influence of the cost function over the
exploration process is lost, leading to a blind search.
The model given by Eq. (1) can be interpreted as a
nonlinear dynamical system composed by N interacting particles. The temporal evolution of the probability
density of such a system is described by a linear differential equation, the Fokker Planck equation (Risken,
1984) (Van Kampen, 1992),

dp V
2 p
= +D 2
dt x x


y ( L1,n ) = 0,

y ( L2 , n ) = 1


Therefore, the estimation of the analytical form of

y(xn | {xj xn}) can be achieved by the substitution of
the expansion

y = aJ l ( x n )
l =1


into Eq. (3). The distribution obtained in this way can

be used to draw points from the conditional density
p(xn | {xj xn}). According to the principles of Gibbs
sampling (Geman & Geman, 1984), the iteration of
the previous steps over the N variables will produce a
population sampled from the corresponding marginal
densities p(xn). However, in our setup all the information needed to characterize the densities is contained
in the coefficients of the expansion (4). In this way, the
stationary marginal densities associated to the N variables of the optimization problem, are learned through
the averages of the coefficients over the iteration of the
random deviate generation process. We call this basic
procedure a Stationary Density Estimation Algorithm
(SDEA). We have also named the method Stationary
Fokker Planck Machine (SFPM) in (Berrones, 2007),
in order to indicate its relation with other methods
(Suykens, Verrelst & Vandewalle, 1998) that make
use of the Fokker Planck equation to learn statistical
features of stochastic search processes. However, in

Stationary Density of Stochastic Search Processes

(Suykens, Verrelst & Vandewalle, 1998) the Fokker

Planck equation is used to study the evolution of finite
populations of points from out of equilibrium states.
This contrast with our approach, which estimate the
equilibrium densities on the entire search space.
As an example, the SFPM algorithm is tested on the
Levy No. 5 function, an important benchmark problem
with about 760 local minima and one global optimum
(Parsopoulos & Vrahatis, 2002),

i =1

j =1

effort is low in the sense of the required number of

cost function evaluations, given by 2(L-1)MN=1960.
This is comparable to the effort needed by advanced
techniques based on populations in order to obtain good
quality solutions for the same problem (Parsopoulos &
Vrahatis, 2002). Our approach, however, is not limited
to the convergence to good solutions, but it estimates
entire densities. The implications of this in, for instance,
the definition of probabilistic optimality criteria, are
currently under research by us.

f ( x) = i cos((i 1) x1 + i ) j cos(( j + 1) x 2 + j ) +
( x1 + 1.42513) 2 + ( x 2 + 0.80032) 2


with a search space given by the hypercube [-10, 10].

The direct implementation of a stochastic search through
Eq. (1) would imply the simulation of a stochastic
dynamical system composed by two particles with
highly nonlinear interactions. By our methodology, in
contrast, we are able to obtain adequate densities by
linear operations and performing a moderate number of
evaluations of the cost function. In Fig.1 the densities
generated by 10 iterations of the estimation algorithm
with parameters L=50 and D=200 are shown. The
obtained densities are perfectly consistent with the
global properties of the problem, since the known global
optimum at the point (-1.3068, -1.4248) is contained in
the regions with highest probability. The computational

In our opinion the theory and results presented so far

have the potential of considerably enrich the tools for
global optimization. The characterization of optimization problems in terms of reliable probability densities
may open the door to new insights into global optimization by the use of probabilistic and information
theoretic concepts. From a more practical standpoint,
the proposed methodology may be implemented in a
variety of ways in order to improve existing or construct
new optimization algorithms.

This work presents a methodology to estimate the probability density function of optimization problems with

Figure 1. Probability densities, p(x1) and p(x2) respectively, generated by 10 iterations of the stationary density
estimation algorithm for the Levy No. 5 function. The parameters of the algorithm are L = 50 and D = 200. The
global optimum is in the region of maximum probability.


Stationary Density of Stochastic Search Processes

a continuous differentiable cost function, using linear

operations and a moderate number of evaluations of
the cost function. The generalization to constrained
problems appears to be straightforward. This is expected
taking into account that the proposed method makes
use of linear operations only. In this way, constraints
may enter into Eq. (1) as additional nonlinear terms,
with no essential increment in computational cost. For
instance, combinations of sigmoidal functions can be
used for the representation of the constraints as forces
produced by energy barriers.

Berrones, A. (2007). Generating Random Deviates
Consistent with the Long Term Behavior of Stochastic
Search Processes in Global Optimization. Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4507, 1-7, Springer.
Geman, S. & Geman, D. (1984). Stochastic relaxation,
Gibbs distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of
images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence (6), 721-741.
Geman, S. & Hwang, C. R. (1986). Diffusions for
Global Optimization. SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization (24), 5 1031-1043.
Gidas, B. (1995). Metropolis--type Monte Carlo Simulation Algorithms and Simulated Annealing. In: Topics in
Contemporary Probability and its Applications, Prob.
Stochastic Ser., CRC 159-232.
Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: a Comprehensive
Foundation. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, Jr., C. D. & Vecchi M. P. (1983).
Optimization by Simulated Annealing. Science (220)
Kosmatopoulos, E. B. & Christodoulou, M. A. The
Boltzmann gRHONN. (1994): a Learning Machine
for Estimating Unknown Probability Distributions.
Neural Networks (7), 2 271-278.
Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth A., Rosenbluth M., Teller
A. & Teller E. (1953). Equations of State Calculations
by Fast Computing Machines. Journal of Chemical
Physics (21) 1087-1092.

Movellan, J. R. & McClelland, J. L (1993). Learning Continuous Probability Distributions with Symmetric Diffusion Networks. Cognitive Science (17)
Pardalos, P. M. & Schoen F. (2004). Recent Advances
and Trends in Global Optimization: Deterministic and
Stochastic Methods. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Foundations of ComputerAided
Process Design, DSI 1-2004 119-131.
Parpas, P., Rustem, B. & Pistikopoulos, E. N. (2006).
Linearly Constrained Global Optimization and Stochastic Differential Equations. Journal of Global
Optimization, (36), 2 191-217.
Parsopoulos, K. E. & Vrahatis, M. N. (2002). Recent
approaches to global optimization problems through
Particle Swarm Optimization. Natural Computing (1)
Risken, H. (1984). The Fokker--Planck Equation.
Springer, Berlin.
Suykens, J. A. K., Verrelst, H. & Vandewalle, J. (1998).
On Line Learning FokkerPlanck Machine. Neural
Processing Letters, (7), 2 81-89.
Van Kampen, N. G. (1992). Stochastic Processes in
Physics and Chemistry. North-Holland, Amsterdam.

Configurational Energy: Refers to the potential
energy associated with the various forces within the
elements of a physical system.
Diffusion Constant: Measures the degree of randomness in a diffusion process. The diffusion constant
is proportional to the mean square distance moved by
particles under diffusion in a given time interval.
Diffusion Process: Random displacement of
particles in a physical system due to the action of a
Gibbs Sampler: A procedure to sample the marginal
densities from a high dimensional distribution using
one dimensional conditional probabilities.
Heuristic: Is any algorithm that finds a good quality
solution to a problem in a reasonable run time.

Stationary Density of Stochastic Search Processes

Learning Machine: This term refers to the development of techniques for automatic extraction of
patterns from massive data sets and to the construction
of deductive rules. In the context of this article, this
concept deals with the automatic learning of densities
in global optimization problems.
Random Deviate Generation Process: A process
which generates random numbers according to a specific
probability distribution.
Search Space: This is the set of all the feasible
solutions for an optimization problem.
Stochastic Search: Is an optimization algorithm
which incorporate randomness in its exploration of
the search space.
Thermal Equilibrium: State in which a physical
system is described by probability measures that are
time independent.



Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective


Mirjam Sepesy Mauec

University of Maribor, Slovenia
Zdravko Kai
University of Maribor, Slovenia

A language model is a description of language. Although
grammar has been the prevalent tool in modelling
language for a long time, interest has recently shifted
towards statistical modelling. This chapter refers to
speech recognition experiments, although statistical
language models are applicable over a wide-range
of applications: machine translation, information
retrieval, etc.
Statistical modelling attempts to estimate the frequency of word sequences. If a sequence of words is s
= w1w2...wk, the probability can be expressed as:
P (s ) = P (w1w2 ...wk ) =

i =1

i =1

P (wi w1...wi 1 ) P (wi wi n+1...wi 1 ).

It is reasonable to simplify this computation by
approximating the word sequence generation as a
(n-1)- order Markov process (Jelinek, 1998). Bigram
(n=2) and trigram (n=3) models are common choices.
Although we have limited the context, such models
have a vast number of probabilities that need to be
estimated. The text available for building the model
is called the training corpus and, typically contains
many millions of words. Unfortunately, even in a very
large training corpus, many of the possible n-grams
are never encountered. This problem is addressed by
smoothing techniques (Chen & Goodman, 1996).
Which is the best modelling unit? Words are a common choice, but units smaller (or larger) than words
can also be used. Word-based n-gram is best suited to
modelling the English language (Jelinek, 1998). Inflective languages have several characteristics, which harm
the prediction powers of standard models.

In general, all Indo-European languages are inflective

but a serious problem arises regarding languages which
are inflected to a greater extent (e.g. Russian, Czech,
Slovenian). Agglutinative languages (e.g. Hungarian,
Finnish, Estonian) have even more complex inflectional
grammar where, besides inflections, compound words
are a big problem. Inflective languages add inflectional
morphemes to words. Inflectional morphemes indicate
the grammatical information of a word (for example
case, number, person, etc.). Inflectional morphemes are
commonly added by affixing, which includes prefixing
(adding a morpheme before the base), suffixing (adding it after the base), and much less common, infixing
(adding it inside the base). A high degree of affixation
contributes to the explosion of different word forms,
making it difficult, even impossible, to robustly estimate
language model probabilities. Rich morphology leads
to high OOV (Out-Of-Vocabulary) rates and, therefore,
data sparsity is the main problem.
This chapter focuses on modelling unit choice for
inflective languages with the aim of reducing data
sparsity. Linguistic and data-driven approaches were
analyzed for this purpose.

Class-Based Language Models
Some words are similar in their morphological, syntactic or semantic functions. In class-based language
models, similar words are grouped into classes in order
to improve the robustness of parameter estimation:

) (

P (wi wi 1 ) = P wi C (wi ) P C (wi ) C (wi 1 ) .

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

C denotes the deterministic mapping of words into

classes. Non-deterministic mapping can also be derived at, where one word can belong to many classes.
A model is also applicable, where the word is directly
conditioned by the classes of previous words. The idea
behind class-based models is parameter-set reduction.
There are far fewer free parameters to estimate in a
class-based model than in a word-based model.
Words in the same class are similar in a certain way.
This similarity can be defined, based on certain external knowledge or statistical criterion. The best known
example of clustering using linguistic knowledge is
clustering by POS (Part Of Speech). Eight POSs are
defined in traditional English grammar: noun, verb,
adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction,
and interjection. This set of classes is, however, too
small for modelling inflective languages. Those classes
that reflect additional grammatical features (gender,
case, number, tense, etc.) are more suitable.
Linguistic classes were examined for several languages, which are more or less inflective. A language
model for French combined POS classes with a component based on lemmas (El-Beze & Derouault, 1990).
In the language model for Czech, words were clustered
into 410 morpho-syntactic classes (Nouza & Nouza,
2004). 1300 classes were used in another experiment
for Czech (Kolar, Svec & Psutka, 2004). Class-based
models with linguistic classes also proved to be successful for Spanish (Casillas, Varona & Torres, 2004).
Data driven classes are automatically derived at
by statistical means. IBM pioneered this approach
(Brown, de Souza, Mercer, Della Pietra & Lai, 1992).
In their approach, words are clustered using a greedy
algorithm that tries to minimize the loss of mutual information between classes incurred during the merge.
The number of classes must be defined in advance. The
algorithm continues to merge pairs of classes until the
desired number of classes has been obtained. Another
greedy approach uses the exchange algorithm (Martin,
Liermann & Ney, 1995). Each word is moved from its
class to another one if it maximizes mutual information
between classes.
Data-driven class-based language models have been
built for many inflective languages. For French they
show improved performance on small and large corpora
(Zitouni, 2002). The results have been improved by using a hierarchical language model with variable-length
class sequences, based on 233 grammatical classes. In
experiments on the Russian language, the best results

were obtained by using 500 classes (Whittaker &

Woodland, 2003). The results were further improved
when a class-based model was combined with a wordbased model.
Lots of data must be available to derive at classes
automatically from the data instead of using external
knowledge sources.

Language Models Based on Sub-Word

Given the difficulties in language modelling based on
full word forms it would be desirable to find a method
of decomposing word forms into their morphological
components and to build a more robust language model
based on probabilities involving individual morphological components.
Lexicons exist for some languages which contain
information about the morphological components of
words. In experiments on Czech, words were decomposed into stems and endings using a Czech Morphological Analyzer, and were then used as modelling
units (Byrne, Haji, Ircing, Krbec & Psutka, 2000).
Morpheme-based language models were also studied
for the Korean language, where a word-phrase is an
agglomerate of morphemes (Kwon & Park, 2003).
Sub-word units are also used when modelling agglutinative languages where, besides inflections, compound
words are very common (Szarvas & Furui, 2003).
Morphological sub-word units have also been proved
for Turkish (Erdoan, Byk & Oflazer, 2005). The
language models constraints were represented by a
weighted finite state machine.
Many languages do not have developed morphological analysers. Data-driven discovery of a languages
morphology is used in such cases. It is common for
data-driven approaches to outperform linguistic ones.
Morphemic suffixes were discovered by Minimum
Description Length (MDL) analysis (Brent, Murthy
& Lundberg, 1995). MDL analysis has been used for
morphological segmentation for various European languages (Goldsmith, 2001). An algorithm for learning
morphology using latent semantic analysis was also
discovered (Schone & Jurafski, 2000). This algorithm
only extracts affixes when the stem and stem-affix are
sufficiently similar semantically. The language model
for Russian also improves when using data-driven
sub-word units (Whittaker & Woodland, 2000). Language-independent algorithms for discovering word

Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

fragments based on MDL have been presented for

Finnish language (Hirsimki, Creutz, Siivola, Kurimo,
Virpioja, & Pylkknen, 2005). The authors report that
word fragments obtained using grammatical rules gave
worse results than fragments obtained by data-driven
algorithms. They improved speech recognition results
furthermore by clustering morph n-gram histories (Virpioja & Kurimo, 2006). The same kinds of comparisons
with similar conclusions have also been done for the
Turkish and Estonian languages.


Our work is mainly devoted to the highly inflective
Slovenian language. It is a South Slavic language. It
shares its characteristics, in varying degrees, with many
other inflective languages, especially Slavic.
As in the case of other inflective languages, we
concentrate on reducing the perceived data sparsity. The
techniques we investigate are language-independent
and, as such, also applicable to other highly inflective

Class-Based Language Models of the

Slovenian Language
In our first study, the use of data-driven classes was
examined. In (Sepesy Mauec, Brest, Kai & umer,
2000) we described an improved algorithm for word
clustering. The main idea was to replace the systematic
replacement of words between classes with a randomized one. Secondly, instead of replacing one word after
another, a randomly selected group of words was replaced at once. The pseudocode of the algorithm is:
1. Set up initial mapping
2. Compute initial train set perplexity PP
3. while (not stopping criterion is met) do begin
randomly select a set of words
for each selected word randomly select target class
compute the new train set perplexity PP1
if (PP1 < PP)
keep words in new classes and PP:=PP1
else keep words in old classes
goto step 3

The main bottleneck for a clustering algorithm is

time complexity. We developed a parallelized version
of the algorithm in order to speed it up. Using random
selection, we achieved a 3.7% improvement in perplexity when comparing the results with the basic clustering
algorithm, which replaces words systematically.
Having V words in the vocabulary and clustered
into C classes, the space complexity of the class-based
bigram language model is O(C2 + V), in contrast to
space complexity O(V2) of the word-based language
model. Using classes, we can enlarge the vocabulary
of words by keeping the language models size small,
but this does not solve the problem of OOV words. On
the other hand, most speech recognizers use only wordbased models. In such cases, class-based models must
be converted into word-based ones, which considerably
increases the size.

Language Models of Slovenian

Language Based on Data-Driven
Sub-Word Units
Slovenian words often have many morphological units
in common. Two constituent parts can be determined
when a highly simplified model of a word is examined:
a stem, which can be thought of as responsible for the
nuclear meaning of a word, and an ending, which determines the grammatical features. Not all words can
be decomposed into stem and ending. In this case an
empty ending is used.
In (Sepesy Mauec, Kai & Horvat, 2004) we
showed that it makes sense to model the semantic and
grammatical features of words separately:

( )(

P( wi hi ) = P (si ei hi ) = P si hi* P ei hi** .

wi is decomposed into a stem si and an ending ei. h

denotes previously observed units in the prediction of
a stem and an ending.
The prediction of a stem was exposed to topic
adaptation. It was presumed that the language in the
target environment (where final application would be
used) is topically homogeneous. A general language
model was tuned to the specific topic by using data
at three semantic levels. The first level corresponds
to the general language, characterised by the whole
corpus. The second level corresponds to the language


Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

characterised by a subset of similar documents. The

third level represents a finer level of language topic
By considering the lengths of histories in predictions,
we investigated the following trigram model:
P( wi wi 2 wi 1 ) =

P (si si 2 si 1 ) L P (ei ei 2ei 1 )+ (1 L ) P (ei si ) .

Prediction of the stem is based on knowledge of the

two preceding stems. Prediction of the ending is based
on the knowledge of the two preceding endings, and
the current stem. In our experiments, the best results
were obtained when = 0.1 because a relatively small
set of endings can be appended to a particular stem.
Some information about word-ending is also contained
in the endings of neighbouring words.
The model presupposes a decomposed training corpus. In (Sepesy Mauec, Rotovnik, & Zemljak Jontes,
2003) we used a simple decomposition scheme, based
on a preselected set of endings and the longest-match
principle. A set of endings was automatically generated over three steps. First, a list was created of all
words written in reversed character order. Words were
arranged in alphabetical order; thus, words sharing a
common ending appear together on the list. The initial
characters of adjacent words in the list are compared
in order to find a match. Two restrictions were used to
avoid over-stemming: the remaining stem should be of
a predefined minimum length and the first character of
a match must be a vowel. Words should be decomposed
at consonant-vowel pair because consonants carry more
information about the meaning of word than vowels.
We further improved the decomposition of words
in an iterative manner. We searched for the decomposition, which yields the maximized log-likelihood of the
training corpus, computed based on sub-word trigrams.
The pseudocode of the algorithm is:

Collect word bigram counts in train set

Set up the initial decomposition
Compute the initial log-likelihood of the train set LL
while (not stopping criterion is met) do begin
randomly select a set of words
for each selected word randomly set the new stem-ending
compute the new log-likelihood of the train set LL1
if (LL1 > LL)


accept new decompositions and LL:=LL1

else keep old decompositions
9. goto step 4

The choice of initial decomposition is very important, because final decompositions are only guaranteed
to be locally optimal. The initial decomposition was
set at the decomposition proposed in (Sepesy Mauec
et al., 2003). The stopping criterion was a predefined
number of iterations.
Experiments have been performed using a newspaper corpus named Veer. The size of the corpus was
85M words (734k distinct words). 14M word bigram
counts were collected from the corpus. After initialization, we had 267k distinct sub-words (264k stems and
3k endings) and the initial sub-word perplexity was 361.
After 10,000 iterations the number of distinct sub-units
increased to 497k (417k stems and 80k endings) but
sub-word perplexity decreased to 291. Data-driven
decompositions obtained by this algorithm have already
been tested in speech recognition experiments (Rotovnik, Sepesy Mauec & Kai, 2006). The error rate
decreased by 6.3% when compared with the results of
speech recognition using word-based models.

A lot of work has been done on modelling highly inflective languages but there still exists a lack of knowledge
on how to model them most effectively. As an extension of the conventional n-gram language model, a
factored language model has been proposed and tested
on Arabic (Bilmes & Kirchhoff, 2003). This factored
form could also be useful for other highly inflective
languages, because it combines information of different
types in one general model. To our knowledge, factored
language models have not been widely studied on other
highly inflective languages yet, except for Arabic and,
more recently, Estonian (Alumae, 2006).

This chapter gives an overview of applied methods
when modelling highly inflective languages. Considering the characteristics of highly inflective languages
we exposed models of two types: class-based and

Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

sub-word based. The motivation behind both of them

is data-sparsity reduction.
The main idea of class-based models is to reduce
the number of free parameters by clustering words
into classes. It is interesting that data-driven classes
outperformed linguistic classes in many research
Sub-word based models reduce the size of the
vocabulary by splitting words into smaller units and
storing these sub-word units (instead of words) in the
vocabulary. Data-driven methods to split words into
sub-words surpassed grammatical decompositions for
many languages.
The reported experiments regarding the use of
these types of models (especially in combination with
standard word-based) show an overall reduction of
errors in the target applications. We draw the same
conclusions from our experiments on the Slovenian
language. A promising direction for further work is
seen in the factored language model.

Alumae, T. (2006). Sentence-Adapted Factored Language Model for Transcribing Estonian Speech, Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, 1, 429432. Toulouse,
Bilmes, J., & Kirchhoff, K. (2003). Factored Language
Models and Generalized Parallel Backoff, Proceedings
of the Human Language Technology Conference, 2,
46. Edmonton, Canada.
Brent, M., Murthy, S.K., & Lundberg, A. (1995). Discovering Morphemic Suffixes: a Case Study in MDL
Induction. Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 482490. Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
Brown, P.F., de Souza, P.V., Mercer, R.L., Della Pietra,
V.J., & Lai, J.C. (1992). Class-Based N-gram Models
of Natural Language, Computational Linguistics,
18(4), 467479.
Byrne, W., Haji, J., Ircing, P., Krbec, P., & Psutka, J.
(2000). Morpheme Based Language Model for Speech
Recognition of Czech. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 1902, 211216.

Casillas, A., Varona, A., & Torres I. (2003). Experiments with Linguistic Categories for Language Model
Optimization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
2588, 511515.
Chen, S.F., & Goodman, J. (1996). An Empirical Study
of Smoothing Techniques for Language Modelling,
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 310318. Santa
Cruz, California.
El-Beze, M., & Derouault A.M. (1990). A Morphological Model for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 577580.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Erdoan, H., Byk, O., & Oflazer, K. (2005). Incorporating Language Constraints in Sub-word Based Speech
Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Automatic
Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop,
93103. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Goldsmith, J. (2001). Unsupervised Learning of
Morphology of Natural Language. Computational
Linguistics, 27(2), 153189.
Hirsimki, T., Creutz, M., Siivola, V., Kurimo, M., Virpioja, S., & Pylkknen, J. (2006). Unlimited Vocabulary
Speech Recognition with Morph Language Models
Applied to Finnish. Computer, Speech & Language,
20(4), 515541.
Jelinek, F. (1998). Statistical methods for Speech Recognition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
Kolar, J., Svec, J., & Psutka, J. (2004). Automatic Punctuation Annotation in Czech Broadcast News Speech.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Speech
and Computer, 319325. Patras, Greece.
Kwon, O.W., & Park, J. (2003). Korean Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition with Morphemebased Recognition Units. Speech Communication,
39(3-4), 287300.
Martin, S., Liermann, J., & Ney, H. (1995). Algorithms
for Bigram and Trigram Clustering. Proceedings of
the International Conference Eurospeech, 12531256.
Madrid, Spain.
Nouza, J., & Nouza, T. (2004). A Voice Dictation System for a Million-Word Czech Vocabulary. Proceed1471

Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

ings of the International Conference on Computing,

Communications and Control Technologies, 149152.
Austin, USA.
Rotovnik, T., Sepesy Mauec, M., & Kai, Z. (2006).
Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition of
Inflectional Language with Stems and Endings, Speech
Communication, 49(6), 437-452.
Schone, P., & Jurafsky, D. (2000). Knowledge-Free
Induction of Morphology Using Latent Semantic Analysis. Conference on Computational Natural Language
Learning, 6772. Lisbon, Portugal.
Schwenk, H. (2007). Continuous Space Language Models. Computer, Speech & Language, 21(3), 492518.
Sepesy Mauec, M., Brest, J., Kai, Z., & umer, V.
(2000). On Solving Statistical Language Modeling for
Speech Recognition using a Heterogeneous Computing system (in Slovene). Electrotechnical Reviews,
67(1), 5561.
Sepesy Mauec, M., Rotovnik, T., & Zemljak Jontes,
M. (2003). Modelling Highly Inflected Slovenian
Language. International Journal of Speech Technology, 6(3), 245257.
Sepesy Mauec, M., Kai, Z., & Horvat, B. (2004).
Modelling Highly Inflected Languages. Information
Sciences, 166(1-4), 249269.
Szarvas, M. & Furui, S. (2003). Evaluation of the
Stochastic Morphosyntactic Language Model on a
One Million Word Hungarian Task. Proceedings of
the International Conference Eurospeech, 22972300.
Geneva, Switzerland.
Virpioja, S., & Kurimo, M. (2006). Compact N-gram
Models by Incremental Growing and Clustering of
Histories. Proceedings of the International Conference
Interspeech, September 17-21, Pittsburgh, USA.
Whittaker, E.W.D., & Woodland, P.C. (2000). Particlebased Language Modelling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing,
1, 170173. Beijing, China.
Whittaker, E.W.D., & Woodland, P.C. (2003). Language Modelling for Russian and English Using Words
and Classes. Computer, Speech & Language, 17(1),


Zitouni, I. (2002). A Hierarchical Language Model

Based on Variable-length Class Sequences: The MC
[v][n] Approach. IEEE Transactions on Speech and
Audio Processing, 10(3), 193198.

Corpus: A large collection of texts, usually in
electronic form. The corpus has greater value if it is
tokenized (segmented into sentences, words etc.) and
linguistically annotated (for example POS-tagged and
Inflective Language: A language characterized by
the use of inflections. Inflection is the modification of a
word in order to reflect grammatical information, such
as gender, number, person etc.
Language Model: A description of language. In
statistical language modelling it is a set of probability
n-Gram Model: A model, based on the statistical
properties of n-grams. N-gram model predicts the i-th
unit based on the knowledge of n-1 previous units. In
n-gram modelling the assumption is made, that each
unit depends only on n-1 previously observed units. This
is the main deficiency of n-gram modelling, because
it has been shown that the range of dependencies is
significantly longer.
Out-Of-Vocabulary Rate: Number of unknown
words in a new sample of language (it is called a test
set), usually expressed in percentage.
Perplexity: A measure of a language models quality. It can be interpreted as the geometric mean of the
branch out factor of the language model. A language
model with perplexity X has the same difficulty as an
imaginary language in which every word can be followed by X different words with equal probability.
Sub-Word Unit: Modelling unit smaller than a
word. Sub-word units are usually morphemes, stems
and endings, roots, etc.
Unknown Word: Vocabularies are typically fixed
to be tens of thousands of words. All words not in the
vocabulary are mapped to a single distinguished word,
usually called the unknown word.

Statistical Modelling of Highly Inflective Languages

Vocabulary: A set of words (or other units) being

modelled. The same vocabulary is used by the language
model and the target application.



Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based

Snorre Aunet

University of Oslo, Norway & Centers for Neural Inspired Nano Architectures, Norway
Hans Kristian Otnes Berge
University of Oslo, Norway



In this article we compare a number of full-adder (1bit addition) cells regarding minimum supply voltage
and yield, when taking statistical simulations into
account. According to the ITRS Roadmap two of the
most important challenges for future nanoelectronics
design are reducing power consumption and increasing
manufacturability (ITRS, 2005).
We use subthreshold CMOS, which is regarded by
many as the most promising ultra low power circuit
technique. It is also shown that a minimum redundancyfactor as low as 2 is sufficient to make circuits maintain
full functionality under the presence of defects. This is,
to our knowledge, the lowest redundancy reported for
comparable circuits, and builds on a method suggested
a few years ago (Aunet & Hartmann, 2003).
A standard Full-Adder (FA) and an FA based on perceptrons exploiting the mirrored gate, implemented
in a standard 90 nm CMOS technology, are shown not
to withstand statistical mismatch and process variations for supply voltages below 150 mV. Exploiting
a redundancy scheme tolerating open faults, with
gate-level redundancy and shorted outputs, shows
that the same two FAs might produce adequate Sum
and Carry outputs at the presence of a defect PMOS
for supply voltages above 150 mV, for a redundancy
factor of 2 (Aunet & Otnes Berge, 2007).
Two additional perceptrons do not tolerate the
process variations, according to simulations. Simulations suggest that the standard FA has the lowest power
consumption. Power consumption varies more than an
order of magnitude for all subthreshold FAs, due to the
statistical variations.

The first simple mathematical model of the biological

neurons, published by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943,
calculates the sign of the weigthed sum of inputs.
Sometimes such circuits are called threshold logic
gates or threshold elements. Perceptrons may be used
to implement Neural Networks as well as digital signal
Nanoscale CMOS technology is expected to be used
alongside other technologies in the future. A typical
chip will fail if even a single transistor or wire on the
chip is defective. Reducing the power consumption and
making defect tolerant circuits have been pointed out
as important issues (Mead, 1990), (ITRS, 2005).
Reducing the power supply voltage is the most direct
and dramatic means of reducing the power consumption
(Liu & Svensson, 1993), and subthreshold circuits operating with a supply voltage, Vdd, less than the absolute
value of the inherent threshold voltages, Vt, has been
known for decades (Swensson, Meindl, 1972).
For older technologies, where manufacturability
including threshold voltage variability, was not such
an important issue (ITRS 2005),(Wong, Mittal, Cao
& Starr, 2004) the minimum supply voltages have
often been estimated without mismatch and process
variations being taken into account (Liu & Svensson,
1993),(Schrom & Selberherr, 1996). To get more realistic estimates we have simulated and compared 4
different topologies for 1-bit addition under statistical
variations in the process and matching properties.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders


MOS Transistors in Subthreshold
For an NMOS transistor in subthreshold we have
(Andreou, Boahen, Pouliquen, Pavasovic, Jenkins &
Strohbehn, 1991):

Ids,n expresses the current from drain to source.

I0 is the zero-bias current where the pre-exponential
constants have been absorbed. This includes the channel width (W) and the length (L) of the MOSFET
structure. Vgs is the gate-to-source potential, Vds the
drain-to-source potential and Vbs the substrate-tosource potential.
V0 is the Early voltage, which is proportional to
the channel length. gives the effectiveness for which
the gate potential is controlling the channel current.
It is often approximately 0.7-0.75 (Andreou, Boahen,
Pouliquen, Pavasovic, Jenkins & Strohbehn, 1991).
The thermal voltage is expressed as Vt=kT/q. Vt = 25.8
mV at room temperature.
Though equation (1) takes fewer physical effects
and nonmonotonous behaviour in certain cases into
account, than for example that reported in (Calhoun,
Wang & Chandrakasan, 2004), it does provide sufficient
insight to make a brief analysis of many subthreshold
circuits. A similar equation apply to PMOS transistors,
but with opposite polarities.

Experimental Setup for Statistical

Simulations of Functionality and Power
Consumption for 1-Bit Adders
For statistical (Monte-Carlo) simulations we used a 90
nm standard CMOS process available through CMP
(CMP, 2007). Four different Full Adder (FA) circuits
having their inputs driven by inverters, and themselves
driving simple inverters were simulated. This is illustrated in figure 1. In the case of no redundancy and
faults the lower FA in figure (1) was not included.
For each circuit, at 8 different supply voltages, 100
Monte-Carlo runs were done, each having the eight
possible combinations of the three inputs, for a total
simulated period (transient simulation) of 400 s, as

illustrated in figure 3 for a case after 5 runs. This

was far from the maximum operational speed of any
of the FAs, meaning that the resulting Sum and Carry
signals had more than enough time to settle. Each of the
100 runs represented different mismatch and process
parameters, and for each run we checked if the circuit
was able to produce correct 0 or 1 outputs for all
eight input combinations. The yield, shown in figure
4 represents the percentage of the Full Adders (FAs)
working for a given supply voltage, out of 100 Monte
Carlo runs.
Redundancy using short circuited driven nodes (Aunet & Hartmann, 2003) was exploited, duplicating each
gate for the three FAs based on threshold gates (figure
2). For the other FA only the driven nodes prior to the
inverters preceeding the S and C nodes were shorted.
A total of 4 PMOS transistors were removed from the
4 FAs (one for each FA), so that each FA missed one
PMOS in one of its threshold gates. This means that
each FA in figure 1 had exactly (2N -1) the number of
transistors, N, when compared to the previous case
with no redundancy.
The average power consumption for the eight input
combinations was also calculated. Each of the four
circuits perceptrons, with no redundancy, was tested
for 8 different supply voltages.
The missing transistor was in the lowermost min3
gate (figure 2). For the mirrored gate the missing PMOS
was the one having the Z input. For the stacked gate
as well as the ijcnn gate the missing PMOS was the
one between the two other PMOS transistors, referred
to figure 2.
For the FA in the upper left corner of figure 2 a
PMOS with its gate connected to the Cin input was the
one that was removed. Regarding the rest of the setup
it was identical to the one in the previous subsection,
describing the case without redundancy.
The FAs put to test were a standard CMOS Full
Adder containing 28 transistors (upper, left, in figure
2), while the three others were based on the topology
in the upper, right, corner of figure 2. They were based
on, from left to right in figure 2, the mirrored gate
(Hampel, Prost & Scheinberg, 1974), the stacked
gate (Aunet, Berg & Beiu, 2005) and the ijcnn gate
(Aunet, Oelmann, Abdalla & Berg, 2004), which are
all threshold gates.
Regarding transistor dimensions all gate lengths
were 100 nm, and all NMOS widths were 220 nm.
The standard FA and the stacked FA had widths of

Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

all PMOS equal to 400 nm, while the ijcnn FA and

the mirrored FA had PMOS widths of 550 nm and
650 nm, respectively. Buffers, made from two inverters,
were inserted on the Sum nodes as well as between the
two uppermost threshold gates (min3) in figure 2.

The percentage of FA circuits that produced correct
logic levels for the Sum and Carry signals, under different conditions, are shown in figure 4. It is clear that
the standard CMOS FA and the one based on the mirrored gate gives a larger percentage for a given supply
voltage when compared to the FAs based on the two
other threshold gates.

Power consumption as a function of supply voltage

is shown in figure 5, for the basic circuits without any
defect transistors or redundancy.

The standard Full Adder, and the threshold gate based
topology (upper right corner in figure 2) exploiting
the mirrored gate, both need supply voltages of at
least 150 mV to tolerate mismatch and process variations, according to our simulations. This may be seen
to the left in figure 4. The threshold gates ijcnn and
stacked does not tolerate statistical variations like
the two previously mentioned solutions, at least not
when there are no redundancy and relatively small

Figure 1. Experimental setup for statistical simulation of 1-bit adder

Figure 2. Schematics for the four 1-bit adders (Full Adders). The standard CMOS version is in the upper left
corner, while a topology based on perceptrons and inverters is shown in the upper right corner.


Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

Figure 3. Sum and carry as a function of X, Y and Z inputs for 5 runs

transistors are used. Larger transistors should improve

the matching properties and make the circuits less
vulnerable to statistical variations in production, as
the spread in for example the inherent threshold voltages is inveresly proportional to the square root of the
product of the widths and lengths of the MOSFETs
(Croon, Decoutere, Sansen & Maes, 2004): (VT) =
A0(VT) / Sqrt(WL).
The mirrored threshold gate was adopted for subthreshold operation and defect-/fault-tolerance using
shorted outputs (Aunet & Hartmann, 2003) in (Beiu,
Aunet, Nyathi, Rydberg & Djupdal, 2005) and underwent statistical simulations as here, in (Granhaug &
Aunet, 2006). Then a redundancy factor of 2 combined
with a supply voltage of minimum 175 mV resulted, if
a single defect PMOS should be tolerated. In (Granhaug
& Aunet, 2006) transistor sizing was slightly different,
and the wells of both the PMOS and NMOS transistors

were short circuited, as opposed to our case, where

the wells were connected to the rails. For systems of
considerable size, implemented in silicon the lowest
supply voltage might be 175 mV, reported in (Miyazaki,
Kao & Chandrakasan, 2002). Exploiting redundancy,
duplicating every gate and tearing one PMOS transistor
out from each of the four full-adders gave the results
shown to the right in figure 4. The picture is resembling
the case to the left, without redundancy, but show some
differences. The minimum Vdd to make the standard
FA and the one based on the mirrored gate function for
all the 100 Monte-Carlo runs was still 150 mV. This
is a lower supply voltage than the 175 mV found in
(Granhaug & Aunet, 2006). Transistor sizing as well
as biasing of wells may have a significant impact on
the results, especially in subthreshold, with the many
exponential dependencies as shown in equation 1.
From figure 4 one can also see that the FAs based on

Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

Figure 4. Yield from Monte-Carlo simulations of the FAs at different Vdds (N=100)

Figure 5. Power consumption for functional FAs without redundancy


Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

the mirrored and the ijcnn gates often have a higher

yield for a given supply voltage when introducing
redundancy and a defect transistor, when compared to
the case without redundancy and any defect. The FA
based on the mirrored gate was the most robust one
when there was a defect transistor, giving the highest
yield for low supply voltages, according to simulations
in figure 4. More simulations, including other defects
and additional redundancy could be interesting for
future research.
Removing single transistors simulates certain
open faults in the redundant units, and the scheme
using shorted outputs (Aunet & Hartmann, 2003),
used in for example (Beiu, Aunet, Nyathi, Rydberg &
Djupdal, 2005), (Granhaug & Aunet, 2006) but may
not withstand close faults like outputs of redundant
units shorted to one of the supply rails. A method tolerating such defects as well is presented in (Schmid
& Leblebici, 2003). No single technique is enough for
tolerating all fault mechanisms in nanoscale circuits
and systems, it is concluded in (Lehtonen, Plosila &
Isoaho, 2005), so combinations of several methods
are needed, depending on the specific design and the
proneness to different sources of defects (Lehtonen,
Plosila & Isoaho, 2005).
The average, maximum and minium power consumption in the cases where the FAs were able to
produce correct logic outputs are shown in figure 5.
The standard CMOS FA shows the lowest average
power consumption when the supply voltage is above
150 mV, which is when two of the FAs give a yield
of 100 percent, according to our results. The FA based
on the mirrored gate shows a slightly higher power
consumption, while the FA based on the ijcnn gate
displays a power consumption up to orders of magnitude above the others, and increasingly so for the
relatively higher supply voltages. Even the FAs showing a relatively high tolerance to mismatch and process
variations have current levels ranging over more than
an order of magnitude, or a factor 10 x, for a given
supply voltage. Power consumption for a given supply voltage is expected to increase linearly with the
redundancy factor.
The realism in simulations is limited, especially for
nanoscale CMOS (Nassif, 2006). So, layout techniques
for high matching, including dummy structures , might
lead to different results than those presented here.

The assumption that a system is composed largely of
correctly functioning units is no longer true in emerging nanoelectronics, and reducing the overall power
consumption is also among the grand challenges for
future nanoelectronics. The low fan-in perceptrons, also
called voters, or minority gates, might be very useful
candidates for future nanoelectronics, which has been
recently stated ( Beiu & Ibrahim, 2007). Defect tolerant
subthreshold perceptron circuits exploiting majority
gates, as presented here, may thus be useful building
blocks for the future.

Statistical Monte-Carlo simulations have been performed on 4 Full Adder circuits. For each FA 100
Monte-Carlo runs were done at 8 different subthreshold
supply voltages, and the percentage of the runs providing appropriate logic levels for Sum and Carry outputs
was calculated. A yield of 100 percent meant that a
certain FA would tolerate all simulated combinations
of statistical variations. The circuits able to reach this
limit were a standard FA and an FA based on the mirrored threshold gate, both needing a supply voltage,
Vdd, above at least 150 mV to guarantee functionality
under mismatch and process variations.
When exploiting redundancy and shorting outputs
(Aunet & Hartmann, 2003), a supply voltage less than
150 mV is not enough to tolerate the statistical variations when a PMOS is removed from the schematics
and a redundancy factor of 2 is used. The standard
and mirrored-based FAs are still working for a supply voltage above 150 mV for one defect MOSFET.
Power consumption varies by approximately 1 order
of magnitude, for all the 4 simulated FAs in subthreshold, with the standard FA having the lowest power
consumption at useful supply voltages tolerating large
statistical variations.

Andreou A. G., Boahen K. A., Pouliquen P. O., Pavasovic A., Jenkins R. E., Strohbehn K. (1991), Current-Mode Subthreshold MOS Circuits for Analog


Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

VLSI Neural Systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural

Networks. 205-213
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Redundant Logic Based on Majority-3 Gates Proc.
IFIP VLSI-SOC, 553-558
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on Evolvable Systems, LNCS. 365-376
Aunet S., Oelmann B., Abdalla S. & Berg Y. (2004),
Reconfigurable subthreshold CMOS perceptron. Proc.
IEEE Int.l Conf. on Neural Networks, 1983-1988
Aunet S. & Otnes Berge H. K. (2007), Statistical
Simulations for Exploring Defect Tolerance and Power
Consumption for 4 1-bit Addition Circuits. Proc. 9th
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural
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Nano-CMOS Circuit and Physical Design.ISBN: 9780-471-46610-9

Full Adder: Circuit that produces the binary sum
and carry when adding two binary numbers.
Minority-3 Gate: A minority 3 gate outputs a logic
0 signal if, and only if, 2 or 3 out of its three binary
inputs are 1.

Statistical Simulations on Perceptron-Based Adders

Mismatch: Ideally identically constructed elements

on an integrated circuits have a mismatch when they
differ in their physical properties after production of
the chip.

Monte Carlo Simulations: Computer simulations basing the results on statistical distribution of
Nanoscale CMOS: CMOS technologies where
dimensions smaller than 100 nm is critical to the functioning of the produced chip.
Neuron: Electrically excitable cells in the nervous
system that process and transmit information.
Parameter Variations: Parameters describing
physical traits of integrated circuits may have variations
due to mismatch, for example the threshold voltages
of transistors.
Perceptron: Type of artificial (feedforward) Neural
Yield: In this paper the term yield refers to the ratio
of functional circuits to the total number of simulated
circuits. Often yield refers to the ratio of functional
chips to the total number of manufactured chips.



Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for

MLP Learning
Faming Liang
Texas A&M University, USA

Over the past several decades, multilayer perceptrons
(MLPs) have achieved increased popularity among
scientists, engineers, and other professionals as tools for
knowledge representation. Unfortunately, there is no a
universal architecture which is suitable for all problems.
Even with the correct architecture, frustrating problems
of connection weights training still remain due to the
rugged nature of the energy landscape of MLPs. The
energy function often refers to the sum-of-square error
function for conventional MLPs and the negative logposterior density function for Bayesian MLPs.
This article presents a Monte Carlo method that
can be used for MLP learning. The main focus is on
how to apply the method to train connection weights
for MLPs. How to apply the method to choose the
optimal architecture and to make predictions for future
values will also be discussed, but within the Bayesian

As known by many researchers, the energy landscape
of an MLP is often rugged. The gradient-based training
algorithms, such as back-propagation (Rumelhart et
al., 1986), conjugate gradient, Newtons method, and
the BFGS algorithm (Broyden, 1970, Fletcher, 1970,
Goldfarb, 1970, Shanno, 1970), tend to converge to
a local minimum near the starting point, rendering
the training data learned insufficiently. To reduce the
chance of converging to local minima, a number of
variants of these algorithms have been proposed based
on the idea of perturbation (von Lehmen et al., 1988,
Tang et al., 2003 and references therein). In practice,
the effects of these perturbations are usually limited,
which only delay the learning process converging to
local minima a reasonable number of iterations (Ingman & Merlis, 1991).

To avoid the local-trap problem, simulated annealing (SA) (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983) has been employed
by some authors to train neural networks. Amato et
al. (1991) and Owen & Abunawass (1993) show that
for complex learning tasks, SA has a better chance to
converge to a global minimum than have the gradientbased algorithms. Geman & Geman (1984) show that the
global minimum can be reached by SA with probability
1 if the temperature decreases at a logarithmic rate of
O(1/log t), where t denotes the number of iterations.
In practice, however, no one can afford to have such
a slow cooling schedule. Most frequently, people use
a linearly or geometrically decreasing cooling schedule, which can no longer guarantee the global energy
minimum to be reached (Holley, et al., 1989).
Other stochastic algorithms that have been used
in MLP training include the genetic algorithm (Goldberg, 1989) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
Although the genetic algorithm works well for some
problems, see, e.g., van Rooij et al. (1996), there is no
theory to support its convergence to global minima.
MCMC algorithms are mainly used for Bayesian MLPs
(MacKay, 1992a, Neal, 1996, Muller & Insua, 1998, de
Freitas et al., 2000, Liang, 2003, 2005a,2005b), which
will be discussed later.


This article presents how the stochastic approximation
Monte Carlo (SAMC) (Liang et al., 2007) algorithm
can be used for MLP learning, including training,
prediction and architecture selection.

A Brief Review for the SAMC Algorithm

Suppose that we are working with the Boltzmann
p( x) =

1 U ( x ) /T
, x ,

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

where Z is the normalizing constant, U(x) is the energy

function, is the temperature, and is the sample
space. Without loss of generality, we assume that is
compact. For MLPs, x denotes the vector of connection
weights, and can be restricted to a hyper-rectangle
[B, B]dim(), where B is a large number such that
includes at least a global minimum of U(x). Furthermore, we assume that the sample space can be
partitioned according to the energy function into m
disjoint subregions: E1 = {x:U(x) u1}, E2 = {x:u1 <
U(x) u2},, Em1 = {x:um2 < U(x) um1}, and Em =
{x:U(x) > um1}, where u1,...,um1 are pre-specified real
numbers. SAMC seeks to draw samples from each
subregion with a pre-specified frequency. If this goal
can be achieved, then the local-trap problem can be
avoided successfully. Let xt+1 denote a sample simulated
from the distribution
Y ( x)
I ( x Ei )
i =1 e

pQt ( x)


using the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm (Metropolis et al., 1953, Hastings, 1970), where (x) =
eU(x)/ and t = (t1,...,tm) is an m-vector in a space .
For simplicity, we assume that is compact, e.g.,
= [ B, B]dim(0) with B being a large number. Since
adding to or subtracting from t a constant will not
change p (x), t can be kept in the compact set in simut
lations by adjusting with an additive constant. Let the
proposal distribution, q(x, y), of the MH moves satisfy
the minorisation condition (Mengersen & Tweedie,
1996), i.e.,

sup sup x , y

p ( y )
q ( x, y )

Let {t} be a positive non-decreasing sequence

satisfying the conditions:



t =0

t =0



for some (1, 2). For example, one can set


Gt =

max(t0 , t )


for some values of t0 > 1 and

H ( ,1)
2 .

A large value of t0 will allow the sampler to reach all

subregions very quickly, even in the presence of multiple local minima. Let = (1,..., m) be an m-vector
with 0 < i < 1 and

i =1


which defines a desired sampling frequency distribution on the subregions. With the above notations, an
iteration of SAMC can be described as follows.

SAMC Algorithm

Since is compact, a sufficient design for the

minorisation condition is to choose q(x, y) as a global
proposal distribution. A proposal distribution is said
global if q(x, y) > 0 for all x, y . For MLPs, q(x, y)
can be chosen as a random walk Gaussian proposal,y ~
N(x, 2I), where I is an identity matrix and 2 is calibrated
such that the MH moves have a desired acceptance rate.
As discussed later, restricting the proposal distribution
to be global ensures the convergence of the annealing
SAMC algorithm to the global energy minima.


Generate xt+1 ~ K (xt,.) with a single MH step:

1. Generate y according to the proposal distribution q(xt, y).
2. Calculate the ratio

r = e tJ ( xt )


QtJ ( y )

Y ( y ) q ( y, xt )
Y ( xt ) q ( xt , y ) ,

where J(x) denote the index of the subregion

that the sample x belongs to.
Accept the proposal with probabilitymin(1,
r). If it is accepted, set xt+1 = y; otherwise,
set xt+1 = xt.

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning


Set * = t + t (et+1 ), where t is called the

gain factor, et+1 = (et+1,1,..., et+1,m), and et+1.i = 1 if
xt+1 Ei and 0 otherwise.
If * , set t+1 = *; otherwise, set t+1 = * + c*,
where c* is a constant vector and is chosen such
that * + c* . The existence of c* is obvious,
since B has been set to a large number and it is reasonable to assume that max im=1 Qi* min im=1 Qi* B
holds at each iteration.


A remarkable feature of SAMC is its self-adjusting

mechanism. If a proposal is rejected, the weight of
the subregion that the current sample belongs to will
be adjusted to a larger value, and thus a proposal of
jumping out from the current subregion will be less
likely rejected in the next iteration. This mechanism
effectively prevents the system from getting trapped in
local minima. This is very important for MLP training
as its energy landscape is often rugged.
SAMC falls into the category of stochastic approximation algorithms (Robbins & Monro, 1951, Andrieu
et al., 2005 and references therein). The convergence
of SAMC can be extended from a theorem presented
in Liang et al. (2007). Under mild conditions and as
t ,
C + log


( Y ( x)dx ) log(P + Z ),


, Ei = ,

Ei ,


Z = j{i:E =}P j (m m0 )

and m0 = #{i : Ei = } is the number of empty subregions, and C is an arbitrary constant. A subregion Ei
is said to be empty if


Y ( x)dx = 0 .

In SAMC, the sample space partition can be made

blindly by simply specifying some values u1,..., um1.
This may result in some empty subregions. The constant C can be determined by imposing a constraint
on t, say,

i =1



is equal to a known number. In addition, Liang (2007)

shows that t can converge in the form L2 at a rate of
O(1/t). Let P
ti = P ( xt Ei ) be the probability of sampling from the subregion Ei at iteration t. Equation
implies that as t , P
ti will converge to i + if Ei
and 0 otherwise. This further implies that as the
number of iterations goes to infinity, SAMC can approximately draw samples from each of the subregions
with a pre-specified probability. With an appropriate
specification of , sampling can be biased to the low
energy regions to increase the chance of finding the
global minimum.

Annealing SAMC for MLP Learning

In theory, SAMC is able to find the global energy
minima if the run is long enough. However, due to
the broadness of the sample space, the process may
be slow even when sampling is biased to low energy
subregions. To accelerate the search process, one can
iteratively shrink the sample space in simulations. As
argued below, this modification preserves the theoretical
property of SAMC when a global proposal distribution is used.
Suppose that the subregions E1,...,Em have been
arranged in ascending order by energy; that is, if i <
j then U(x) < U(y) for any x Ei and y Ej. Let (u)
denote the index of the subregion that a sample x with
energy u belongs to. Let t denote the sample space at
iteration t. Annealing SAMC, which will be abbreviated
as ASAMC hereafter, starts with

1 = i =1 Ei

and then iteratively sets

t =

K (U min
+ )

i =1



where U min
is the minimum energy value obtained by
iteration t, >0 is a user specified parameter. The sample
space t shrinks iteration by iteration. In this sense, the
modified algorithm is called ASAMC.
Since the proposal distribution is global, the convergence property of SAMC still holds for ASAMC
on the limiting space = limt t, although may
contain some separated regions. The existence of
is true due to the monotonicity of the sequence 1

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

2 . If follows from Scheffes theorem (Scheffe,

1947) that as t , xt will converge in distribution to
a random variable with density
pQ ( x)

K ( umin + )

i =1

(P i + Z )Y ( x)


Y ( x)dx

I ( x Ei ),


where umin denotes the global minimum of the energy

function U(x). Again, as in SAMC, the convergence can
be attained in the L2 form at a rate of O(1/t). If we let
go to zero, then the ASAMC samples will converge
in distribution to the global minima of U(x).
For an effective implementation of ASAMC, several
issues need to be considered.
Sample space partitioning. Since within the same
subregion, ASAMC is reduced to sampling from the
unnormalized density (x), we suggest that the maximum energy difference in each subregion should be
bounded by a reasonable number, say, 2, to ensure that
the local Metropolis-Hastings moves within the same
subregion have a reasonable acceptance rate.
Choice of . The performance of ASAMC depends
on the value of to some extent. If is too large,
ASAMC may take a long time to locate the global
minimum due to the broadness of the sample space.
If is too small, ASAMC may also take a long time
to locate the global minimum. In this case, the sample
space may contain only a few separated regions, and
the most proposed transitions will be rejected. In our
experience, a value of between 5 and 10 works well
for most MLP problems.

Desired sampling distribution. The choice of is

not critical to the efficiency of ASAMC, as in which
the sample space has been shrinked with iterations. On
the contrary, in SAMC, should be chosen carefully
to bias sampling to low energy regions to improve
ergodicity of the simulation.
Gain factor. To estimate the integrals

Y ( x)dx,, Y ( x)dx



accurately, t should be very close to 0 at the end of

simulations. Otherwise, the resulting estimates may
have a large variation. The decreasing speed of t can
be controlled by t0 and . In practice, we often fix =
1 and vary the value of t0 according to the complexity
of the problem. The more complex the problem is, the
larger value of t0 one should choose.
Convergence diagnostic. A formal diagnostic for
the convergence of ASAMC should base on multiple
runs. A rough diagnostic for a single run can be done
by comparing the observed sampling frequencies and
the desired sampling frequencies of different subregions. If they match with each other very well, we may
regard the run converged. Otherwise, one may re-run
the algorithm with a larger number of iterations or a
larger value of t0.
ASAMC has been compared in Liang (2007) with
simulated annealing, SAMC, and the BFGS algorithm
on a number of examples, including the famous N-parity and two-spiral problems. The numerical results for
the two-spiral problem are re-presented in Table 1 and

Table 1. Comparison of ASAMC, SAMC, SA and BFGS for the two-spiral problem. Notations: let zi denote the
minimum energy value obtained in the ith run. Mean= z /20, SD is the standard deviation of mean,
Minimum= min i20=1 zi , Maximum= max i =1 zi , Proportion=#{i : zi 0.2}, Iteration is the average number
of iterations performed in each run, and Time is the average CPU time cost by each run.

i =1












Iteration( 10 )


Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

Figure 1. Classification maps learned for the two-spiral problem by ASAMC with a MLP of 30 hidden units. The
black and white points show the training data for the two different spirals, respectively. (a) Classification map
learned in a run. (b) Classification map averaged over 20 run.

Figure 1. Refer to Liang (2007) for the settings of the

respective algorithms. The results for the other examples
are similar. In summary, ASAMC outperforms the
other algorithms in both training and test errors. Like
other stochastic algorithms, ASAMC requires longer
training time than do the gradient-based algorithms. It
provides, however, an efficient approach to train MLPs
for which the energy landscape is rugged.

regions if we regard each subregion as a point. Hence,

the whole sample space can be well explored.
Suppose that important samples (x1, w1),...,(xn, wn)
have been drawn from using a MCMC sampler, where
wi denotes the importance weight of xi. Let f(z |x) denote
the output of the MLP with input z. For a new input z0,
the Bayesian point prediction is then

Bayesian MLP Learning

f ( z0 ) =

SAMC can also be used for training Bayesian MLPs.

Let (x) denote the posterior density of a MLP (up to
a normalizing constant), and gi = limt eQti . Thus, the
following density
Y ( x)

p( x)
I ( x Ei )
i =1


can work as a trial density for sampling from (x). As

a trial density, it possesses two nice properties. First,
the importance weight is bounded above by max i gi ,
assuming that gi has been normalized by an additional
constraint, e.g.,

i =1 i

is a known constant. Second, sampling from

p ( x) will
lead to a random walk in the space of nonempty sub1486

i =1

wi f ( z0 | xi )

i =1



Evidence Evaluation for Bayesian MLPs

In addition to MLP learning, SAMC also provides a
convenient way for evaluating evidence of Bayesian
MLPs. As pointed out by MacKay (1992b), the Bayesian evidence can be used as a guideline of architecture
selection for Bayesian MLPs. Let f(D|x) denote the
likelihood function of a given MLP model, and let l(x)
denote the prior density imposed on x. As before, we
suppose that has been restricted to a compact set.
Define the function
f ( D | x)l ( x), k = 1
Y ( x, k ) =
1 | |, k = 0


on the product space {0,1}, where || denotes the

hypervolume of the space . Partition the product space
as follows: E0 = {(x, k) : k = 0, x}, E1 = {(x, k) : k =

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

1, U(x) u1},, Em = {(x, k) : k = 1, U(x) > um1}. If

SAMC is run with this partition, the evidence of the
MLP can then be estimated by

(P i + Z ) gi
g0 ,
(P 0 + Z ) g0

i =1


g 0 = Y ( x, 0)dx ,

gi = limt eQti ,

Amato, S., Apolloni, B., Caporali, G., Madesani, U., &
Zanaboni, A. (1991). Simulated annealing approach in
back-propagation. Neurocomputing, 3(5-6), 207-220.
Andrieu, C., Moulines, E., & Priouret, P. (2005).
Stability of Stochastic Approximation Under Verifiable Conditions. SIAM J. Control and Optimization,
44(1), 283-312.
Broyden, C.G. (1970). The convergence of a class of
double rank minimization algorithms. J. Inst. Maths.
Applns, 6(3), 76-90.

and 0 < 0 < 1. We note that (x,0) can be any non-negative function with g0 being analytically available.

de Freitas, N., Niranjan, M., Gee, A.H., & Doucet,

A. (2000). Sequential Monte Carlo methods to train
neural network models. Neural Computation, 12(4),


Fletcher, R. (1970). A new approach to variable metric

algorithms. Computer J., 13(3), 317-322.

In the future, we need to carry out a series of comparisons

to assess the ability of SAMC in different aspects. For
example, we need to compare SAMC with advanced
MCMC samplers, such as parallel tempering (Geyer,
1991) and evolutionary Monte Carlo (Liang & Wong,
2001), to assess its ability in Bayesian prediction; and
to compare SAMC with the Gaussian approximation
method (MacKay, 1992b) to assess its ability in evidence evaluation.

This article proposes an innovative method for MLP
training, prediction, and architecture selection. The
strength of SAMC comes from its self-adjusting
mechanism, which enables it to overcome the localtrap problems. Like simulated annealing and genetic
algorithms, SAMC avoids the requirement for the
gradient information of the objective function. Hence,
it can be used as a general optimization, simulation,
and integration tool in many other problems, such
as combinational optimization, model selection, and
statistical simulations.

Geman, S. & Geman, D. (1984). Stochastic relaxation,

Gibbs distribution and the Bayesian restoration of
images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, 6(6), 721-741.
Geyer, C.J., (1991). Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood, in Computing Science and Statistics:
Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium on the interface
(E.M. Keramigas, ed.), pp.156-163, Fairfax: Interface
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimization, & Machine learning, Addison Wesley.
Goldfarb, D. (1970). A family of variable metric
methods derived by variational means. Maths. Comp.,
24(109), 23-26.
Hastings, W.K. (1970). Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chain and Their Applications.
Biometrika, 57(1), 97-109.
Holley, R.A., Kusuoka, S. & Stroock, D. (1989). Asymptotic of the spectral gap with applications to the
theory of simulated annealing. Journal of Functional
Analysis, 83(2), 333-347.
Ingman, D. & Merlis, Y. (1991). Local minimization
escape using thermodynamic properties of neural networks. Neural Networks, 4(3), 395-404.

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D., & Vecchi, M.P. (1983).

Optimization by simulated annealing. Science,
220(4598), 671-680.
Liang, F. (2003). An effective Bayesian neural network
classifier with a comparison study to support vector
machine. Neural Computation, 15(8), 1959-1989.
Liang, F. (2005a). Bayesian neural networks for nonlinear time series forecasting. Statistics and Computing,
15(1), 13-29.
Liang, F. (2005b). Evidence evaluation for Bayesian
neural networks using contour Monte Carlo. Neural
Computation, 17(6), 1385-1410.
Liang, F. (2007). Annealing stochastic approximation
Monte Carlo algorithm for neural network training.
Machine Learning, 68(3) 201-233.
Liang, F., Liu, C. & Carroll, R.J. (2007). Stochastic
Approximation in Monte Carlo Computation. Journal
of the American Statistical Association, 102(477),
Liang, F. and Wong, W.H. (2001). Real parameter evolutionary Monte Carlo with applications in Bayesian
mixture models. Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 96(454), 653-666.
MacKay, D.J.C. (1992a). A practical Bayesian framework for backprop networks. Neural Computation,
4(3), 448-472.
MacKay, D.J.C. (1992b). The evidence framework applied to classification problems. Neural Computation,
4(5), 720-736.
Mengersen, K.L. & Tweedie, R.L. (1996). Rates of
convergence of the Hastings and Metropolis algorithms.
The Annals of Statistics, 24(1), 101-121.
Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A.W., Rosenbluth, M.N.,
Teller, A.H., & Teller, E. (1953). Equation of state
calculations by fast computing machines. Journal of
Chemical Physics, 21(6), 1087-1091.
Muller, P. & Insua, D.R. (1998). Issues in Bayesian
analysis of neural network models. Neural Computation, 10(3), 749-770.
Neal, R.M. (1996). Bayesian Learning for Neural
Networks. New York: Springer.


Owen, C.B. & Abunawass, A.M. (1993). Applications

of simulated annealing to the back-propagation model
improves convergence, SPIE Proceedings, 1966, 269276.
Robbins, H. & Monro, S. (1951). A stochastic approximation method. Annals of Mathematical Statistics,
22(3), 400-407.
Rumelhart, D.E., Hinton, G.E., & Williams, R.J. (1986).
Learning internal representations by back-propagating
errors. In Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition, Vol. 1 (D.E.
Rumelhart and J.L. McClelland, ed.), pp.318-362,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Scheffe, H. (1947). A useful convergence theorem for
probability distributions. Ann. Math. Statist., 18(3),
Shanno, D.F. (1970). Conditioning of quasi-Newton
methods for function minimization. Maths. Comp.,
24(111), 647-656.
Tang, Z., Wang, X. Tamura, H., & Ishii, M. (2003). An
algorithm of supervised learning for multilayer neural
networks. Neural Computation, 15(5), 1125-1142.
van Rooij, A.J.F., Jain, L.C., & Johnson, R.P. (1996).
Neural Network Training Using Genetic Algorithms.
Singapore: World Scientific.
von Lehmen, A., Paek, E.G., Liao, P.F., Marrakchi, A.,
& Patel, J.S. (1988). Factors influencing learning by
back-propagation. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, pp.335-341,
New York: IEEE Press.

Genetic Algorithm: A search heuristic used in
computing to find true or approximate solutions to
global optimization problems.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC): A class
of algorithms for sampling from probability distributions by simulating a Markov chain that has the desired
distribution as its stationary distribution. The state of
the Markov chain after a large number of steps is then
used as a sample from the desired distribution.

Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo for MLP Learning

Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm: A popular

MCMC algorithm with the acceptance probability
{1,[f(y)q(y,x)]/[f(x)q(x,y)]} for a new state y given the
current state x, where f() is the target distribution and
q(,) is the proposal distribution.
Model Evidence: The log-marginal likelihood of
the data obtained by integrating out the parameters over
the space of models. Its value expresses the preference
shown by the data for different models.

Simulated Annealing: A generic probabilistic metaalgorithm used to find true or approximate solutions to
global optimization problems.
Stochastic Approximation Algorithm: A probabilistic meta-algorithm suggested by Robbins and Monro
(1951) for solutions of regression equations.

Multiple Layer Perceptron (MLP): An important class of neural networks, which consists of a set
of source nodes that constitute the input layer, one or
more layers of computational nodes, and an output
layer of computational nodes. The input signal propagates through the network in a forward direction, on a
layer-by-layer basis.



Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

M. Martnez-Zarzuela
University of Valladolid, Spain
F. J. Daz Pernas
University of Valladolid, Spain
D. Gonzlez Ortega
University of Valladolid, Spain
J. F. Dez Higuera
University of Valladolid, Spain
M. Antn Rodrguez
University of Valladolid, Spain

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational structure inspired by the study of biological
neural processing. Although neurons are considered
as very simple computation units, inside the nervous
system, an incredible amount of widely inter-connected
neurons can process huge amounts of data working in
a parallel fashion. There are many different types of
ANNs, from relatively simple to very complex, just
as there are many theories on how biological neural
processing works. However, execution of ANNs is
always a heavy computational task. Important kinds
of ANNs are those devoted to pattern recognition such
as Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Self-Organizing
Maps (SOM) or Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART)
classifiers (Haykin, 2007).
Traditional implementations of ANNs used by
most of scientists have been developed in high level
programming languages, so that they could be executed
on common Personal Computers (PCs). The main
drawback of these implementations is that though
neural networks are intrinsically parallel systems,
simulations are executed on a Central Processing
Unit (CPU), a processor designed for the execution
of sequential programs on a Single Instruction Single
Data (SISD) basis. As a result, these heavy programs
can take hours or even days to process large input data.
For applications that require real-time processing, it

is possible to develop small ad-hoc neural networks

on specific hardware like Field Programmable Gate
Arrays (FPGAs). However, FPGA-based realization
of ANNs is somewhat expensive and involves extra
design overheads (Zhu & Sutton, 2003).
Using dedicated hardware to do machine learning
was typically expensive; results could not be shared
with other researchers and hardware became obsolete
within a few years. This situation has changed recently
with the popularization of Graphics Processing Units
(GPUs) as low-cost and high-level programmable
hardware platforms. GPUs are being increasingly
used for speeding up computations in many research
fields following a Stream Processing Model (Owens,
Luebke, Govindaraju, Harris, Krger, Lefohn & Purcell, 2007).
This article presents a GPU-based parallel implementation of a Fuzzy ART ANN, which can be used
both for training and testing processes. Fuzzy ART is
an unsupervised neural classifier capable of incremental
learning, widely used in a universe of applications as
medical sciences, economics and finance, engineering
and computer science. CPU-based implementations
of Fuzzy ART lack efficiency and cannot be used for
testing purposes in real-time applications. The GPU
implementation of Fuzzy ART presented in this article
speeds up computations more than 30 times with respect
to a CPU-based C/C++ development when executed
on an NVIDIA 7800 GT GPU.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

Biological neural networks are able to learn and adapt
its structure based on the external or internal information
that flows through the network. Most types of ANNs
present the problem of catastrophic forgetting. Once
the network has been trained, if we want it to learn
from new inputs, it is necessary to repeat the whole
training process from the beginning. Otherwise, the
ANN would forget previously acquired knowledge. S.
Grossberg developed the Adaptive Resonance Theory
(ART) to address this problem (Grossberg, 1987). Fuzzy
ART is an extension of the original ART 1 system that
incorporates computations from fuzzy set theory into
the ART network, and thus making it possible to learn
and recognize both analog and binary input patterns
(Carpenter, Grossberg & Rosen, 1991).
GPUs are being considered in many fields of
computation and some researchers have made efforts
for integrating different kinds of ANNs on the GPU.
Most research has been done for implementing MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) taking advantage of the GPU
performance in matrix-matrix products (Rolfes, 2004)
(Oh & Jung 2004) (Steinkraus, Simard & Buck 2005).
Other researchers have used the GPU for Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) with great results (Luo, Liu & Wu,
2005) (Campbell, Berglund & Streit, 2005). Bernhard
et al. achieved a speed increase of between 5 and 20
times simulating large networks of Spiking Neurons
on the GPU (Bernhard & Keriven, 2006). Finally,
Martnez-Zarzuela et al. developed a generic Fuzzy
ART ANN on the GPU achieving a speed up higher
than 30 over a CPU (Martnez-Zarzuela, Daz, Dez
& Antn, 2007).
Commodity graphics cards provide a tremendous
computational horsepower. NVIDIAs GeForce 7800
GTX GPU is able to sustain 165 GFLOPS against the
25.6 GFLOPS theoretical peak for the SSE units of
a dual-core 3.7 GHz Intel Pentium Extreme (Owens,
Luebke, Govindaraju, Harris, Krger, Lefohn & Purcell, 2007). Newest generation of graphics cards, like
NVIDIA Geforce 8800 Ultra, or AMD (ATI) Radeon
HD 2900 XT, can give a peak performance higher than
500 Gflops and 100 GB/s peak memory bandwidth.
Graphics cards manufacturers have recently discovered
the field of high performance computing as to be a target
market for their products and are providing specific
hardware and software to couple with enterprises and
researchers heavy computational requirements.



This article describes a parallel implementation of a

Fuzzy ART ANN using a stream processing model. In
this uniform parallel processing paradigm a series of
computations, defined by one function or kernel, are
made over an ordered set of data or stream on a Single
Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) basis. The main restriction of the model is also one of the reasons it can
provide large increases in performance and a simplified
programming model: operations on each stream element
are independent, allowing the execution of the kernel
on different hardware processing units simultaneously,
and avoiding stalls that could occur because of interunits data sharing.
GPUs used to have two types of programmable
processors, namely vertex and fragment processors.
Both kinds of processors were devised to operate on
four component vectors, as the basic primitives of 3D
computer graphics are 3D vertices in projected space
(x, y, z, w) and four component colors (red, green,
blue, alpha). Both vertex and fragment units could be
used to execute a kernel over a stream of data (Stream
Processing) and are programmed using shaders that can
be written using high level languages as Cg (Randima
& Kilgard, 2003), GLSL or HLSL. Latest generation
of GPUs, like nVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX, do not
include fragment of vertex processors, but unified
Stream Processors (SPs): generalized floating-point
scalar processors capable of operating on vertices,
pixels, or any manner of data. These new GPUs can
be programmed using CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) Toolkit from nVIDIA. CUDA is
a promising new software development solution for
programming GPUs, simplifying software development
by using the standard C language. Before CUDA was
launched programming GPUs for General Purpose
computation (GPGPU) involved translating algorithms
into graphics terms (Harris, 2005). Other companies like
Rapidmind are developing easy-to-program APIs that
use just-in-time (JIT) compilers for translating source
code into a format that will work on several systems
hardware (GPU, Cell or an x86 CPU). Arrays of data
can be uploaded from the CPU to the GPU memory
and stored in textures. RGBA textures can be used
to store 4 floating point data per texture unit (texel).
Data is modified along the graphics pipeline and then
written to the frame-buffer memory or rendered to a

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

new texture, allowing a direct feedback of the output

to the pipelines entry.

j is found to meet the vigilance criterion, a new output

neuron is committed.

Fuzzy ART Equations

wJnew = B ( I wJold ) + (1 B ) wJold

Fuzzy ART systems are comprised of three layers or

fields of nodes.
First layer receives the input vector
denoted by I = ( I1,, I M ) . Nodes in the output layer
represent the active code or category of the input pattern being selected. For each output neuron, a choice
function Tj ( j : 1...N) is defined by:

| I wj |
Tj (I ) =
A + | wj |


where wj = (wj1,...,wjM) denotes associated Long-term

Memory (LTM) trace, fuzzy MIN operator is defined
by (pi qi) min(pi, qi) and the norm || is defined by

| p | i =1 | pi | .

Category choice is indexed by J, where TJ = max(Tj :

j = 1...N) and system enters in resonance if the match
function meets the vigilance criterion:

| I wJ |

|I |


When this occurs, vector wj is updated using (3).

Otherwise, node J is inhibited making Tj = 0. If no node

Fuzzy ART Training Process on the GPU

Learning is not a parallel but a sequential process. Different input patterns cannot be learned at the same time,
because they would all generate different categories.
Optimizing the training process for parallel execution
must be done when searching for the category that most
resembles the input pattern. Fuzzy ART implementations on the CPU sequentially compute the activity
for every output node. Then, a sort operation is made
in order to know which neuron is most fired by the
input pattern (1). If the category stored in this neuron
resembles input pattern (2), its associated weights are
updated with the new information (3); otherwise, the
next most fired neuron must be analyzed. In a parallel
stream processing implementation, we can compute
the choice function for every output neuron (1) in a
parallel fashion. Moreover, we can obtain the match
function (2) for every node simultaneously.
In a GPU implementation, weights of every committed neuron wj are stored as rows in a texture WT.

Input pattern I is rendered to every row of a texture

IT with same dimensions as WT, so that during category
choice, it can be compared to every LTM traces at once,
as it is shown in Fig. 1a). Global operations over the
elements of a stream of data, such as calculating its
maximum or the sum are tricky to perform in a GPU

Figure 1. Training process of a Fuzzy ART ANN on a GPU

(a) Performing IT WT


b) Choosing Jth neuron and updating wJ

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

and must be accomplished by doing several render

passes. A ping-pong technique consists in using the
output of a rendering pass as input in the next one. In
each pass a local operation is made between neighborhood elements in a texture and the results are written
to a smaller texture. After a series of reductions, the
final result
is obtained (Horn, 2005). Calculating the
norms | I w j | and |wj| is made using a column reduction operation along textures WT and IT WT, as it is
shown in Fig 1b).
The use of RGBA textures allows running MIN
and SUM operations on 4-component vectors in one
clock cycle on every fragment shader unit, making the
process faster. If dimensions of input patterns are not
multiple of 4, unused channels of the RGBA textures
must be padded with zeros. Reduced textures are then
used to store the activity of each neuron, satisfying
the match criteria, on the R channel of a texture T; the
G channel is used to store the category index; the A
channel takes the value of 1 in case the match criteria
is satisfied and 0 otherwise; finally, channel B can be
used for printing the matching rate, which can be very
useful for debugging purposes.
The Jth neuron is found using a row reduction
operation over texture T, in which those fragments
not satisfying the match criteria are discarded. If the
system enters in resonance, the weights of the selected
category are updated by rendering into the corresponding sub-region of texture WT. If not, the new pattern is

learned by rendering to an unused row of weights in

WT according to equation (3).

Fuzzy ART Testing Process on the GPU

The Fuzzy ART testing algorithm is easier and much
more profitable to implement on the GPU. In this
process, several input patterns can be categorized in a
parallel fashion when learning mode is switched off.
The best data configuration takes advantage of every
stream processor available on the GPU for categorizing
each pattern in several shader passes. Fig. 2 shows the
organization of the data on the GPU. In the proposed
system, for every (x,y) coordinate pair on the input
data, a pattern is stored along the z direction. A single
RGBA texture can store 4 component input vectors,
and several RGBA textures can be used to store greater
patterns. After N shader passes, being N the number of
committed categories by the network, an output RGBA
texture, containing classification information for every
pattern, can be obtained. In Fig. 2.b) it is shown the
output for shader pass 30.
A texture WT is used for storing F2 field neuron
weights on the GPU. Each row stores a LTM trace wj,
just as in the training implementation. Input vector components stored in RGBA input textures are compared
with corresponding column of weights on WT. In each
shader pass, the activation of the kth output neuron
and the match function are computed for every input

Figure 2. Testing process of a fuzzy ART ANN on a GPU

a) Classification between N categories through N shader passes

b) Output classification results after

shader pass 30

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

pattern. These values are rendered into an RGBA output

texture, which is used as input for the next iteration,
again using the ping-pong technique. If the activation
in pass k is bigger than the computed activation in pass
k 1 and the match criteria is satisfied, then the index
category is updated on the output texture. Rendering
both the index of the selected category and the match
function to the output texture allows the expert to visually analyze the result: different levels on channel
R represent different categories and alpha channel
shows the level of resemblance of the input pattern to
the selected category.

In order to measure the performance of the implementation, several tests were done on a CPU with a Fuzzy
ART C++ self-written implementation and on a GPU
using the previously described C++/OpenGL/Cg implementation. Timings were taken on a 3.2 GHz Pentium
4 with 1 GB RAM and a GeForce 7800GT 256 MB.
Performance of Fuzzy ART
relays on several factors:
length of the input pattern I , number of input patterns
P presented to the network and number of committed
categories N. During the learning process, N varies
depending both on the grade of similarity between
patterns and the vigilance parameter (2). For the
training tests, a synthetic benchmark, comprised of

several sets of patterns, was generated. In each set, the

length of input vectors M and the number of expected
categories N vary (see Table 1). In order to guarantee
N was not too influenced by M and P, a Multivariate
Normal Distribution was used for pattern generation.
Being N the number of categories in a set of P pat

terns I p = ( a , a c ), p = 1 P , the k patterns belonging

to category Ni within the set, were generated using a

normal distribution for each vector a N N ( M, ) , and

then obtaining its complement coding a . In vector ,
the mean for every component is selected to be in the
(0,1) range and covariances were set to null in covariance matrix . Finally, parameters in the network were
chosen to be = 0.9, = 0.05 and = 1.
Table 1 reveals that the training process takes
more time to execute on the GPU than on the CPU.
As stated before, learning is a sequential process, thus
we cannot re-write Fuzzy ART learning algorithm for
an optimal parallel execution. However, the proposed
design demonstrated to be faster than a Matlab implementation of Fuzzy ART, where even a collection of
50103 patterns with dimension 4 takes 380 s to train.
Performance of training is expected to grow in applications where the number of committed nodes is very
large, so that fragment processors are in use for longer
periods of time.
For measuring the time taken by the testing process,
a different collection of benchmarks was generated and
the ANN was tested using previously stored LTM traces.

Table 1. Times for training and testing on a CPU and on a GPU


Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

In this case, the GPU demonstrated to be many times

more efficient than the CPU (see Table 1). In the GPUbased testing implementation several input patterns can
be categorized in parallel, deeply exploiting the GPU
streaming programming model. As it is shown in Table
1, testing process can perform the classification of 32component patterns between 100 different categories
at a rate of 4.68 x 105 patterns per second and classify
4-component patterns between 15 different categories
at a rate of 7.14 x 106 patterns per second.

Described implementation of Fuzzy ART training
algorithm on the GPU is still slower than a high-level
programmed implementation on the CPU. In the proposed implementation patterns, which are to be learned
by the network, are downloaded from the CPU to the
GPU one by one causing GPU to stall, waiting for new
data. This represents a serious bottleneck. Furthermore,
when the number of committed categories is not very
high, arithmetic intensity of the design is very low,
because there are a limited number of operations that
can be made with uploaded data. Future research tasks
can include the use of Pixel Buffer Objects (PBOs),
an OpenGL extension, to achieve fast asynchronous
transfer rates from CPU to GPU memory.

A GPU implementation of a Fuzzy ART Neural Network
following a stream processing model was introduced in
this paper. This design successfully faces the problem
of integrating both training and testing processes on a
commodity graphics card following a stream processing model.
Fuzzy ART testing process is performed on the GPU
up to x46 times faster than in a CPU allowing its use for
real-time applications which involve pattern recognition
and decision making. Training process, though, is still
slower on the GPU than on the CPU.
GPUs are quickly evolving and every 6-9 months
a new generation of improved processors is made
publicly available. Forward compatibility of the presented implementation for future hardware releases is
guaranteed and greater performance can be expected
with newer cards.

Bernhard, F., & Keriven, R. (2006). Spiking neurons
on gpus. In Peter M.A. Sloot Vassil N. Alexandrov,
Geert Dick van Albada and Jack Dongarra, editors,
Computational Science ICCS 2006, LNCS 3994, pp.
236243. Springer.
Campbell, A., Berglund, E., & Streit, A. (2005). Graphics hardware implementation of the parameter-less
self-organising map. In IDEAL, pp. 343350.
Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., & Rosen, D. B. (1991).
Fuzzy art: Fast stable learning and categorization of
analog patterns by an adaptive resonance system. Neural
Networks, 4(6), pp. 759771.
Grossberg, S. (1987). Competitive learning: From
interactive activation to adaptive resonance. Cognitive
Science, 11, pp. 2363.
Harris, M. (2005). Mapping computational concepts to
gpus. In Matt Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter 31,
pp. 493508. Addison Wesley.
Haykin, S. (2007). Neural Networks: a Comprehensive
Foundation (3rd Edition). Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Horn, D. (2005). Stream reduction operations. In Matt
Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter 36, pp. 573587.
Addison Wesley.
Lefohn A., Kniss, J., & Owens, J. (2005). Implementing efficient parallel data structures on gpus. In Matt
Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter 33, pp. 521544.
Addison Wesley.
Luo, Z., Liu, H. & Wu, X. (2005). Artificial neural
network computation on graphic process unit. In IJCNN
05: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, pages 622626,
Montreal, Canada.
Martnez-Zarzuela, M., Daz, F.J., Dez, J.F. & Antn, M. (2007). Fuzzy ART Neural Network Parallel
Computing on the GPU. In F. Sandoval, ed: International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
(IWANN 07), San Sebastin, Spain. Springer LNCS
(4507), pp. 463-470.
Oh, K-S. & Jung, K. (2004). GPU implementation
of neural networks. Pattern Recognition, 37(6), pp.

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I

Owens, J., Luebke D., Govindaraju, N., Harris, M.,

Krger, J., Lefohn, A.E., & Purcell, T. (2007). A Survey
of General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware. Computer Graphics Forum, 26(1), pp. 80113.

Fuzzy ART: Evolution of the ART1 neural network

capable of learning normalized analog input patterns
in an unsupervised way through the use of fuzzy operators.

Randima, F., & Kilgard, M. (2003). The Cg Tutorial:

The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time
Graphics. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co.,
Inc., Boston, MA, USA.

Fuzzy Logic: Mathematical method originated

from the fuzzy set theory, which allows the partial
membership of elements in a set, dealing with approximate reasoning instead of exactly deduced from
classical logic.

Rolfes, T. (2004). Artificial neural networks on programmable graphics hardware. In Game Programming
Gems 4 (Game Programming Gems Series). Charles
River Media, Inc., Rockland, MA, USA.
Steinkraus, D., Simard, P.Y., & Buck, I. (2005). Using
gpus for machine learning algorithms. In ICDAR 05:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 11151119,
Washington, DC, USA. IEEE Computer Society.
Zhu, J., Sutton, P. (2003). FPGA implementation of
neural networks - a survey of a decade of progress.
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on
Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL),
pp. 10621066, Lisbon.

ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory): Learning
theory developed by S. Grossberg that is used in competitive neural systems and includes short-term-memory
(STM) and long-term-memory (LTM) processes.


GPGPU (General-Purpose computation on

GPUs): A recent trend in computer science consisting
in the use of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), for
doing expensive computational tasks rather than just
computer graphics.
GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): A dedicated
graphics rendering device very efficient at manipulating
and displaying computer graphics, thanks to its highly
parallel structure.
Neural Classifier: An artificial neural network
utilized to identify input patterns as members of a predefined class (supervised classification) or as members
of an unknown class (unsupervised classification).
Stream Processing: A paradigm for the execution
of parallel processing operations exploiting datalevel parallelism rather than task-level parallelism
that provides incredible performance with minimal
programming effort.


Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

M. Martnez-Zarzuela
University of Valladolid, Spain
F. J. Daz Pernas
University of Valladolid, Spain
D. Gonzlez Ortega
University of Valladolid, Spain
J. F. Dez Higuera
University of Valladolid, Spain
M. Antn Rodrguez
University of Valladolid, Spain

This article presents a real-time Fuzzy ART neural classifier for skin segmentation implemented on a Graphics
Processing Unit (GPU). GPUs have evolved into powerful programmable processors, becoming increasingly
used in time-dependent research fields such as dynamics
simulation, database management, computer vision
or image processing. GPUs are designed following a
Stream Processing Model and each new generation of
commodity graphics cards incorporates rather more
powerful and flexible GPUs (Owens, 2005).
In the last years General Purpose GPU (GPGPU)
computing has established as a well-accepted application acceleration technique. The GPGPU phenomenon
belongs to larger research areas: homogeneous and
heterogenous multi-core computing. Research in these
fields is driven by factors as the Moores Gap. Todays
uni-processors follow a 90/100 rule, where 90 percent
of the processor is passive and 10 percent is doing
active work. By contrast, multi-core processors try to
follow the same general rule but with 10 percent passive and 90 percent active processors when working at
full throughput. Single processor Central Processing
Units (CPUs) were designed for executing general
purpose programs comprised of sequential instructions
operating on single data. Designers tried to optimize
complex control requirements with minimum latency,
thus many transistors in the chip are devoted to branch
prediction, out of order execution and caching.

In the article Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier I several terms and concepts related to GPGPU
were introduced. A detailed description of the Fuzzy
ART ANN implementation on a commodity graphics
card, exploiting the GPUs parallelism and vector
capabilities, was given. In this article, the aforementioned Fuzzy ART GPU-designed implementation is
configured for robust real-time skin recognition. Both
learning and testing processes are done on the GPU
using chrominance components in TSL (Tint, Saturation and Luminance) color space. The Fuzzy ART ANN
implementation recognizes skin tone pixels at a rate of
270 fps on an NVIDIA GF7800GTX GPU.

Human body parts detection has important applications
as a first step in many high-level computer vision tasks
such as personal identification, video indexing systems
and Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI). HMI needs
real-time video processing while consuming as few
system resources as possible. Skin color is widely used
as a cue for detecting and tracking targets containing
skin, such as faces and hands in an image. The final
objective of skin color detection is to build a decision
rule to segment skin and non-skin pixels in an image
efficiently. The simplest solution defines skin colors as
those that have a certain range of values in the coordinates of a color space. OpenVidia was one of the first
computer-vision oriented developments able to run skin

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

tone segmentation on the GPU (Fung, 2005). For this

purpose OpenVidia uses RGB (Red, Green and Blue)
to HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) color conversion
and threshold filtering.
Statistical approaches for skin segmentation are
based on the assumption that skin colors follow a certain
distribution which can be estimated. These approaches
normally make use of the chrominance components in
a color space, thresholds and tunable parameters.
Neural Network approaches have been proposed to
learn skin color distribution. Karlekar et al. used a MLP
neural network to classify pixels into skin and non-skin
colors (Karlekar & Desai, 1999). More complex models
have been proposed to deal with changing conditions,
such as varying illumination in the images. Sahbi et
al. used an ANN for coarse level skin detection, and
then the areas found were subjected to Gaussian color
modeling with a fuzzy clustering approach (Sahbi
& Boujemaa, 2000). Martnez-Zarzuela et al. used a
GPU-based Fuzzy ART ANN implementation to learn
skin colors in TSL (Tint, Saturation and Luminance)
color space (Martnez-Zarzuela, Daz, Gonzlez, Dez
& Antn, 2007). In their system, Fuzzy ART categorization process takes advantage of every fragment
processor available in the GPU, so that several pixels
can be tested simultaneously by the network, allowing
recognition at high frame rates.
Some other researchers have made efforts for
integrating different kinds of ANNs on the GPU for
speeding up specific applications. Oh et al. developed a
GPU-based MLP for text area classification in an image;
achieving almost 20 times speed up over a CPU (Oh &
Jung, 2004). Luo et al. implemented a MLP on the GPU
for real-time ball recognizing and tracking in a soccer
robot contest (Luo, Liu & Wu, 2005). Steinkraus et al.
proposed using graphics cards for OCR and on-line
handwritten recognition (Steinkraus, Simard & Buck,
2005). Finally, Bernhard et al. developed two image
segmentation algorithms using spiking neural networks
on the GPU (Bernhard & Keriven, 2006).


TSL Color Space
Color filtering is a powerful tool in computer vision applications including the detection and tracking of human

body parts. Color processing has low computational

cost and is robust against geometrical transformations
(e.g. rotation, scaling, transfer and shape changes).
However, factors such as non-idealities in color cameras
and illumination conditions can spoil the performance
of filtering-based applications.
Color can be decomposed into three different
components, one luminance and two chrominance
components. Several researches have proved that skin
colors have a certain invariance regarding chrominance
components. Skin tone and lighting mainly affect the
luminance value (Hsieh, Fan & Lin, 2005).
Different color spaces separating chrominance and
luminance components have been used for skin color
segmentation: YIQ, YCbCr, CIE-Lab, CIE-Luv, HSV,
IHS and TSL (Phung, Bouzerdoum & Chai, 2005). In
TSL color space (Terrillon, David & Akamatsu, 1998),
a color is specified in terms of Tint (T), Saturation (S)
and Luminance (L) values. TSL has been selected as
the best color space to extract skin color from complex
backgrounds (Duan-sheng & Zheng-kai, 2003) because
it has the advantage of extracting a given color robustly
while minimizing illumination influence. The equations
to obtain the T, S and L components in normalized
TSL space are:


r' 1
arctan ' + ,
g 2

9 '2
(r + g '2 ),

L = 0.299R 0.587G + 0.114B,



where r' = (r 1/3) and g' = (g 1/3), being r and g

the chrominance components of the normalized rgb
color model. The values of T, S and L are normalized
in the range [0,1]. For R = G = B (achromatic colors),
T = 5/8 and S = 0are taken.

Fuzzy ART Off-Line Training on the GPU

for Skin Recognition
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) systems are comprised of three layers or fields of nodes. Fuzzy ART
is an extension of the original ART 1 system that
incorporates computations from fuzzy set theory into
the ART network, and thus making it possible to learn

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

and recognize both analog and binary input patterns

(Carpenter, Grossberg & Rosen, 1991). The first field F0
represents the input pattern; the upper field F2 represents
the active code or category of the input pattern being
selected; the middle layer F1 receives both bottom-up
inputs from F0 and top-down
inputs from F2. The F0

activity vector is denoted by I = ( I1,, I M ) where each

component Ii is within the [0,1] interval. A useful rule
for avoiding proliferation of categories is complement

coding. If a represents the on-response of the pattern,

each component of the off-response a is defined as
aic 1 ai . Then, the complement coded input comes

I = ( a , a c ) ( a1 a M , a1c a Mc ) and | I |= M for every

input pattern.
In order to train the ANN for skin recognition, complement coded TS features
be chosen, so that input

patterns are defined as I = (a, a c) (T , S ,1 T ,1 S ). This

way, in a GPU implementation, each feature vector can
be stored using a single texel in an RGBA texture
Each node of the F2 field has an associated weight
vector or Long-term Memory (LTM) trace wj =
(wj1,...,wjM) which subsumes information both from
bottom-up and top-down weight vectors. Initially,
all weights are set to one, so each category is said to
be uncommitted. When a category is first selected it
becomes committed and the corresponding node in F2
re-adapts its associated weights wj. For each input I
and F2 node j, the choice function Tj, is defined by:

| I wj |
Tj (I ) =
A + | wj |


where the fuzzy MIN operator is defined by (pi qi)


min(pi, qi) and the norm || is defined by | p | i =1 | pi |.

The system is said to make a category choice when at
least one F2 node becomes active when an input pattern
is presented at the F0 entrance.
The category choice is indexed by J, where TJ =
j : j = 1...N). Then, wJ is said to be a fuzzy subset
of I and it is fed down from F2 inorder to measure its
resemblance to the input pattern I . The system enters
in resonance if the match function meets the vigilance

| I wj |

|I |


Fuzzy ART implementations on the CPU sequentially compute the activity for every node in field F2
(4). Then, a sort operation is executed in order to know
which neuron is most fired by the input pattern. If the
category stored in this neuron resembles enough to the
input pattern (5), its associated weights are updated
with the new information; otherwise, next most fired
neuron must be analyzed. Fuzzy ART implementations
following a stream programming model can compute the
activity of every output neuron simultaneously. Moreover,
on a GPU it is possible to take advantage of processing
units devised to operate on vector data, and thus to select
the most fired neuron whose match rate is bigger than
a vigilance parameter at once. By using complement
coding we drastically reduce proliferation of categories
and force | I | to be constant ( | I |= M = 2) for every input
pattern. This also allows for avoiding extra computing
when calculating the match rate (5). In case vigilance
criterion is met and training is switched on, vector wJ
must be updated using:

wJnew = B ( I wJold ) + (1 B ) wJold .


In a GPU implementation of a Fuzzy ART ANN

devised for skin recognition LTM traces have 4
components and can be stored in a one-dimensional
RGBA texture WT. This texture should be long enough
to contain as many categories as could be committed
during training process. However, only first N texels
containing information from committed neurons must
participate in the training process when computing Tj.
This can be done on the GPU using scissoring, which
allows rendering a quad of dimensions 1xN which does
not cover the whole texture. Scissoring can be used
also for updating just those texels that should change
during training process (6).
Training patterns can be extracted from images containing skin regions. For the experimental results shown
in this paper, skin regions were carefully selected from
3056-image Faces96 database (Spacek, 1996). Skin
color distribution was estimated as a normal distribution through the Minimum Covariance Determinants
(MCD) estimator (Rousseeuw & Driessen, 1999) and
a total of 671438 input vectors were selected to train
the ANN depending on their mahalanobis distance to
the mean color of the modeled distribution. The ANN
was trained fixing parameter to 0.001 and varying the
vigilance parameter in different training tests. Table 1

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

Table 1. Number of committed categories varying

Figure 1. Skin regions belonging to different committed categories varying

a) RGB

b) = 0.90

shows the number of committed categories depending

on the value of .
The larger the value of the vigilance parameter,
the larger the number of committed skin categories by
the network as level of resemblance between patterns
belonging to different categories increases. Figures
from 1b) to 1e) show different regions identified as
skin categories by the network with increasing from
0.90 to 0.97 respectively.

Fuzzy ART Real-Time Skin Recognition

on the GPU
Once the ANN has been trained, computed LTM traces
contain all the information that it is needed for skin
recognition. Video sequences that have to be processed
can be acquired using a conventional USB Webcam and
every new frame can be uploaded to the GPU memory
and stored in an RGBA texture. Then, a shader can
be used to convert (R,G,B,A) color space pixels into
(T,S,1-T,1-S) feature vectors, which will be the input
for the Fuzzy ART ANN.
During skin recognition, several input patterns can
be categorized in a parallel fashion using every fragment processor available on the GPU. Category choice
occurs through the execution of a shader for N times,
being N the number of categories in field F2. In each
pass, the activation of the jth output neuron (5) and the
match rate (6) are computed for every input pattern and

d) = 0.95

e) = 0.97

rendered into an RGBA output texture, which will also

contain the category index associated to each pattern.
This RGBA texture and texture containing feature
vectors are used as inputs for the next iteration, using
the ping-pong technique. If the activation in pass j is
bigger than the computed activation in pass j1 and
the match criterion is satisfied, then the category index
is updated in the output texture. Finally, a post-processing stage can be used to generate an image where
those pixels not belonging to any skin category are not
rendered to the screen. Fig. 2 shows a global scheme
of the system and the evolution of the skin recognition
process through different shader passes.
Rendering both the index of the selected category
and the match rate to the output texture is useful for
analyzing results achieved. Different gray levels on
channel R represent different skin categories committed during training process; on channel A, a value in
the range [0,1] represents the level of resemblance of
every pixel in the original image to the selected skin
Figure 3 shows two images categorized by the ANN
using different values. As increases, both hit rate and
false alarm rate decrease. With = 0.90 almost every
skin pixel is correctly recognized, but several non-skin
pixels (e.g. from the purple glasses) are included in
some skin category by the network. These pixels are
correctly not recognized as skin with = 0.97.

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

Table 2 shows the performance of the system for

different resolutions running on a dual-core 3.2 GHz
Pentium 4 with 1GB RAM, GeForce 7800GTX 256
MB GPU (containing 24 fragment processors) and a
generic webcam able to capture up to 90 fps at resolutions of 640x480 pixels. As the value of and resolution
increase, frame rate decreases. The number of frames
that can be processed by the network strongly depends
on the number of input vectors and the number of committed categories every pixel has to be tested to. Best
performance is 270 fps, for a resolution of 320x240
pixels and = 0.90.

Described implementation of the GPU-based skin
recognition system in this article was developed using
a combined C++ / OpenGL (Shreiner, Woo, Neider
& Davis, 2005) / Cg solution (Randima & Kilgard,
2003), and the algorithm had to be translated into
graphics terms so that it could be mapped to the GPU
(Harris, 2005). However, newer graphics cards from
NVIDIA can be programmed using the CUDA (Compute
Unified Device Architecture) software development
kit. Before CUDA was available GPGPU required
the use of a graphics API, which presents the wrong
abstraction for general-purpose parallel computation,
making GPGPU applications difficult to write, debug,
and optimize. CUDA enables direct implementation
of parallel computations in the C language using an

Figure 2. Global system architecture

Figure 3. Skin recognition performance varying

(a) RGB

(b) = 0.90

(c) = 0.95

(d) RGB

(e) = 0.93

(f) = 0.97

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

Table 2. Frames per second for different resolutions and values

API designed for general-purpose computation. It also

includes standard FFT and BLAS libraries that will
help researchers from different areas to exploit GPUs
computational performance.

An implementation of a GPU-based Fuzzy ART Neural
Network for real time skin recognition was introduced
in this paper. This design successfully faces the problem
of using a neural network for pattern classification when
time is a major requirement. A robust and complete set
of skin colors and a good selection of input features
(chrominance components of TSL color space) are
necessary to train the network so that it can recognize
skin in real changing conditions.
Experimental results show system achieves excellent performance with an NVIDIA 7800GTX GPU
video card, which includes 24 fragment shaders in
the pipeline. Fuzzy ART skin recognition on the GPU
can be the first stage in a complex computer vision
application, like a human-machine interface or a video
vigilance system.

Bernhard, F., & Keriven, R. (2006). Spiking neurons
on gpus. In Peter M.A. Sloot Vassil N. Alexandrov,
Geert Dick van Albada and Jack Dongarra, editors,
Computational Science ICCS 2006, LNCS 3994, pp.
236243. Springer.
Carpenter, G. A., Grossberg, S., & Rosen, D. B. (1991).
Fuzzy art: Fast stable learning and categorization of
analog patterns by an adaptive resonance system. Neural
Networks, 4(6), pp. 759771.


Duan-sheng, C., & Zheng-kai, L. (2003). A novel approach to detect and correct highlighted face region in
color image. In: AVSS 03: Proceedings of the IEEE
Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based
Surveillance, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer
Society (7).
Fung, J. (2005). Computer vision on the gpu. In Matt
Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter 40, pp 649665.
Addison Wesley.
Hsieh, I.S., Fan, K.C., & Lin, C. (2005). A statistic approach to the detection of human faces in color nature
scene. Pattern Recognition (35), pp. 15831596.
Karlekar, J. & Desai, U.B. (1999). Finding faces in
color images using wavelet transform. In Proceedings. International Conference on Image Analysis and
Processing, pp.1085-1088.
Luo, Z., Liu, H. & Wu, X. (2005). Artificial neural
network computation on graphic process unit. In IJCNN
05: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Joint
Conference on Neural Networks, pages 622626,
Montreal, Canada.
Martnez-Zarzuela, M., Daz, F.J., Gonzlez, D., Dez,
J.F. & Antn, M. (2007). Real Time GPU-based Fuzzy
ART Skin Recognition. In Kok, J.N., Koronacki, J.,
Lpez de Mantaras, R., Matwin, S., Mladenic, D. &
Skowron, A., editors: Knowledge Discovery in Databases: PKDD 2007, 11th European Conference on
Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in
Databases, Warsaw, Poland. Springer LNCS (4702),
pp. 548555.
Oh, K-S. & Jung, K. (2004). GPU implementation
of neural networks. Pattern Recognition, 37(6), pp.
Owens, J. (2005). Streaming architectures and tecnology
trends. In Matt Pharr, editor, GPU Gems 2, chapter 29,
pp. 457470. Addison Wesley.

Stream Processing of a Neural Classifier II

Phung, S.L., Bouzerdoum, A., & Chai, D. (2005). Skin

segmentation using color pixel classification: Analysis
and comparison. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 27(1), pp. 148154.

CUDA: A GPGPU technology that allows a programmer to use the C programming language to code
algorithms for execution on the GPU. CUDA requires an
NVIDIA GPU and special stream processing drivers.

Randima, F., & Kilgard, M. (2003). The Cg Tutorial:

The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time
Graphics. Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co.,
Inc., Boston, MA, USA.

Fuzzy ART: Evolution of the ART1 neural network

capable of learning normalized analog input patterns
in an unsupervised way through the use of fuzzy operators.

Rousseeuw, P.J. & Driessen, K.V. (1999). A fast

algorithm for the minimum covariance determinant
estimator. Technometrics 41(3), pp. 212223.

GPGPU (General-Purpose Computation on

GPUs): A recent trend in computer science consisting
in the use of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), for
doing expensive computational tasks rather than just
computer graphics.

Sahbi, H. & Boujemaa, N. (2000). From coarse to fine

skin and face detection. In Proceedings of the Eighth
ACM international Conference on Multimedia, pp.
432434, California, United States.
Spacek, L. (1996). Faces96 db, http://cswww.essex., accessed: October
Shreiner, D., Woo, M., Neider, J., & Davis, T. (2005).
Opengl Programming Guide: the Official Guide to
Learning Opengl, Version 2 (5th Edition). AddisonWesley Professional.
Steinkraus, D., Simard, P.Y., & Buck, I. (2005). Using
gpus for machine learning algorithms. In ICDAR 05:
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition, pp. 11151119,
Washington, DC, USA. IEEE Computer Society.
Terrillon, J., David, M., & Akamatsu, S. (1998). Automatic detection of human faces in natural scene images
by use of a skin color model and of invariant moments.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, pp. 112117,
Nara, Japan.

ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory): Learning
theory developed by S. Grossberg that is used in competitive neural systems and includes short-term-memory
(STM) and long-term-memory (LTM) processes.

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit): A dedicated

graphics rendering device very efficient at manipulating
and displaying computer graphics, thanks to its highly
parallel structure.
Heterogeneous Multi-Core Computing: Design
and analysis of algorithms and applications for heterogeneous multi-core processor architectures (e.g. IBM
Cell processor).
Homogeneous Multi-Core Computing: Design
and analysis of algorithms and applications for homogeneous multi-core processor architectures (e.g.
Moores Gap: Refers to the relatively modest
incremental performance gains brought about by the
increased number of transistors on current uni-processor dies despite increases in clock speeds.
Stream Processing: A paradigm for the execution
of parallel processing operations exploiting datalevel parallelism rather than task-level parallelism
that provides incredible performance with minimal
programming effort.
TSL Color Space: Color space based on Intensity
Hue Saturation (IHS) color model. A color in this space
is specified by Tint (T), Saturation (S) and Luminance
(L) values.



A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic

Pi-Sheng Deng
California State University at Stanislaus, USA

Performance of genetic algorithms (GAs) is mainly
determined by several factors. Not only the genetic
operators affect the performance of a GA with varying degrees, but also the parameter settings for genetic
operators interact in a complicated manner with each
other in influencing a GAs performance. Though many
studies have been conducted for this cause, they failed
to converge to consistent conclusions regarding the
importance of different genetic operators and their
parameter settings on the performance of GAs. Actually, optimizing the combinations of different strategies
and parameters for different problem types is an NPcomplete problem in itself, and is still an open research
problem for GAs (Mitchell, 1996).
Recognizing the intrinsic difficulties in finding universally optimal parameter configurations for different
classes of problems, we advocate the experience-based
approach to discovering generalized guiding rules for
different problem domains. To this end, it is necessary
for us to gain a better understanding about how different genetic operators and their parameter combinations
affect a GAs behavior. In this research, we systematically investigate, through a series of experiments, the
effect of GA operators and the interaction among GA
operators on the performance of the GA-based batch
selection system as proposed in Deng (2007). This
paper intends to serve as an initial inquiry into the
research of useful design guidelines for configuring
GA-based systems.


It is commonly believed that crossover is the major
operator of GAs, with mutation preventing the population from early convergence to a certain solution before
an extensive exploration of other candidate solutions

is made (Holland, 1992a). Crossover enables GAs

to focus on the most promising regions in a solution
space; however, mutation alone does not advance the
search for a solution. Crossover is also a more robust
constructor of new candidate solutions than mutation
(Spears, 1993).
However, Muhlenbein (1992) argues that the power
of mutation has been underestimated in traditional
GAs. According to Mitchell (1996), it is not a choice
between crossover or mutation but rather the balance
among crossover, mutation, and other factors, such as
selection, that is all important. The correct balance also
depends upon the details of the fitness function and the
encoding. Furthermore, crossover and mutation vary in
relative usefulness over the course of a run. Actually,
the theretical analysis of crossover is still to a large
extent an open problem (Back, et al., 1997).
In addition to the GA operators, the population size
also affects the performance of GAs. The specification
of the population size affects the diversification of the
population body and the implicit parallelism of a GA,
and will thus affect the quality of the generated solutions and the performance of the solution-generating
process. Choosing an appropriate population size for a
GA is a necessary but difficult task for GA users. Usually, the parameter settings for most GA applications
are based on De Jongs recommendations (De Jong,
1975). According to De Jongs experiments with five
problems in function minimization, the best population
size was 50~100, the best crossover rate was about 0.6,
and the best mutation rate was 0.001. In a later study,
Spears & De Jong (1991) suggested a wider range for
the crossover rate as 0.5~0.8. Mitchell (1996) also
observed that it was common in GA applications to
set crossover rate at 0.7~0.8.
However, Schaffer et al. (1991) asserted that the
best settings for population size, crossover rate, and
mutation rate were independent of the problems. In
their study of a small set of numerical optimization
problems, a very small population of size 20~30 with

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators

a large crossover rate ranging from 0.75 to 0.95, and

with a very small mutation rate ranging from 0.005 to
0.01 would produce the best perofrmance. Grefenstette
(1993) also reached similar conclusions in his study of
parameter optimization for GAs, and suggetsed the following settings: population size 30, crossover rate 0.95,
and mutation rate 0.01. While Schaffer et al. (1991) and
Grefenstette (1993) advocated a very small population
size, Goldberg (1989) and Liao & Sun (2001) argued
for a much larger population size.
From the above discussion, the diverse recommendations on population size seem to indicate that population
size interacts with some other factors not included in
the previous research. In this paper, we investigated
the effect of interaction among different parameters
on a GAs performance. However, the choice of mutation rate needs to take into account, at least, the task
complexity of an application. According to Mitchell
(1996), it is impossible to specify an optimal setting
for parameters in all different applications.

We focus mainly on investigating the effects of different combinations of parameter settings for genetic
operators on our GAs performance, and compare our
results with the claims made by previous research. We
discuss the factors and parameter settings experimented
in this study as below:

Task complexity: Since the length of the solution

string is usually a function of the complexity of the
problem, we experiment with different parameter
settings for two batch selection tasks of different
complexity levels. One task has 30 products to
be manufactured, 10 available tools, and 8 available machines. The other less complex task has
12 products, 6 available tools, and 4 available
Representation scheme: In this paper, we consider a common situation in FMSs in which if a
product is selected in a batch for manufacturing,
the entire quantity specified in the production
table must be produced in the shift. Under this
assumption, our batch selection task becomes
a pseudo-Boolean optimization problem. This
enables us to use a single binary bit to represent
a component in a candidate solution. Therefore,

each candidate solution to the batch selection task

can be encoded as a binary string of fixed length
P, where P is the cardinality of the entire set of
products under consideration.
Population size: If the population size is too
small, the GA will converge too quickly to find the
optimal solution; however, if the population size
is too large, the computation cost will be prohibitive. In this research, we investigate the effect of
population sizes 10, 100, and 200, representing
Small, Medium, and Large, on generating solutions for our batch selection problem.
Selection strategy: We adopted the elitism strategy so that the best candidate solutions at each
generation could be retained for the next generation. Though elitism is used to prevent the elite
solution strings in a population from being altered
by crossover or mutation, retaining too many elite
individuals might cause the domination of the
entire population by suboptimal, though highly fit,
solution strings. This might lead to degeneration
for the population eventually. The usual practice
is to retain a small number of elite candidate
solutions (Goldberg, 1989). In this research our
system preserves two fittest candidate solutions
on each iteration of forming new population.
Crossover parameter: We adopt the standard
crossover operator, i.e., the one-point crossover.
The crossover rate is the probability that the
crossover operator will be applied to a pair of
candidate solutions selected for reproduction.
In order to re-examine the different claims by
previous research on the importance of different
crossover rates, we experiemnt with three different crossover rates: 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9, representing
three levels: High, Medium, and Low.
Mutation parameter: The parameter mutation
rate is used to control the rate of diversification
via probabilistic conversion of each bit value
in a candidate solution. However, a mutation
rate approaching 1 will theoretically lead to a
completely stochastic search with no succession
from generation to generation. The usual practice is applying an occasional mutation to make
a random change in the elements of a solution
string. There are also various conclusions from
previous research regarding the mutation rate. In
this research we experiment with three different
mutation rates: 0.001, 0.01, and 0.5, representing
three levels: Low, Medium, and High.

A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators

Termination criteria: A termination criterion can

be a specified maximum number of generations,
a target objective function value, a convergence
threshold, or a lack of improvement in the best
solution over a specified number of generations.
In this research, our system will terminate when
there is no improvement in the best solutions over
50 consecutive generations.


The optimal-batch search process is conducted for each
parameter combination until 50 feasible solutions are
generated. We experimented with the combinations
of three population sizes, three levels of the crossover
rate, and three levels of the mutation rate for two tasks.
Altogether, we conducted 4381 times of experimentation in generating 2700 feasible solutions. Performance
analysis for each parameter setting is discussed for each
of the two tasks under study.

Performance Analysis for the Task with

Higher Complexity
The result of our experiment for the higher-complexity task is shown in Table 1. As suggested by Mitchell
(1996), a GAs behavior had better be understood and
described by macroscopic statistics, such as mean
fitness in the population. Therefore, we compute the
average performance and standard deviation in Table
1. The average performance of each parameter combination is obtained by averaging the best results over
50 feasible solutions.

From Table 1, we find out that for all different

combinations of crossover rates and mutation rates,
the average performance for Pop Size = 200 is always
the best. This implies that there is no strong interaction
among the three parameters. In addition, the standard
deviation column indicates that when the population
size is larger, the fluctuation of performance from different runs of generating optimal solutions tends to be
smaller. Though populations of size 200 would yield
the best performance in our experiment, the number of
runs of simulation for generating 50 feasible solutions
is also the largest. Populations of size 10 are most likely
to generate feasible solutions which tend to have the
lowest performance.
If we look across all different population sizes, it
seems that when the crossover rate is set at a low value,
e.g., 0.1, the mutation rate should be set at a very small
value for the best result. When the crossover rate is
set at a medium or high level, the mutation rate 0.01
favors the performance the most. Overall, there seems
to have a tendency that across all levels of population
size, Mutation Rate = 0.01 and a medium- or highlevel crossover rate will generate the best result. This
implies that there might have an interaction between
the crossover rate and the mutation rate.
Across all different levels of the crossover rate, the
combination of Mutation Rate = 0.01 and Pop Size =
200 tends to consistently yield the best result. This
implies that there is a strong interaction between the
population size and the mutation rate. Across all levels
of the mutation rate, there is also a consistent pattern
of effects on the system performance among different
combinations of population sizes and crossover rates:
the population size 200 combines with high crossover
rates in generating the best result in Table 1. This seems

Table 1. Performance of different population sizes under different mutation rates and crossover rates


Mutation Rate = 0.001

Mutation Rate = 0.01
Mutation Rate = 0.5
(Note: # F/#T: the ratio of the number of feasible solutions generated to the total number of simulation runs.)



A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators

Table 2. Performance of different population sizes under different mutation rates and crossover rates

Mutation Rate = 0.001

Mutation Rate = 0.01
Mutation Rate = 0.5
(Note: # F/#T: the ratio of the number of feasible solutions generated to the total number of simulation runs.)


to indicate there is a strong interaction between the

population size and the crossover rate.

Performance Analysis for the Task with

Lower Complexity
The result of our experiment for the other task is shown
in Table 2. From Table 2, Mutation Rate 0.5 tends to
produce the best result with the smallest deviation. The
same observations also hold for the Pop Size = 200.
This indicates that there is no strong interaction among
these three parameters. However, Mutation Rate = 0.5
and Pop Size = 200 also have the lowest number of
feasible solutions. On the other hand, Pop Size 10 and
Mutation Rate 0.001 are most likely to generate feasible
solutions which tend to have the lowest performance.
From Table 2, we cannot identify any consistent pattern
of performance for the crossover rate. Similar to the
previous case, the interaction between the crossover
rate and the mutation rate does not have a consistent
pattern of influence on the system performance across
different population sizes. This implies the lack of
strong interaction between the crossover rate and the
mutation rate for the current case.
Overall, the combination of Pop Size = 200 and
Mutation Rate = 0.5 seems to give the best result for all
different levels of the crossover rate. This implies that
there is a significant interaction between the population
size and the mutation rate. However, we cannot identify
a consistent pattern for the combination of the population size and the crossover rate or the mutation rate and
the crossover rate. This implies that there is lack of an
interaction within these two pairs of parameters.


Though Schaffer et al. (1991) and Grefenstette (1993)
advocate a very small population size, our analyses
for both tasks of high complexity and low complexity
indicate that larger populations will generally favor
the performance of our batch selection system more
than smaller populations. Our result is consistent with
Liao & Sun (2001). With the availability of a larger
pool of diverse schemata in a larger population, our
GA system will have a broader view of the landscape
(Holland, 1992b) of the solution space, and is thus
more likely to contain representative solutions from
a large number of hyperplanes. This advantage gives
a GA more chances of discovering better solutions in
the solution space. However, Davis (1991) argues that
the most effective population size is dependent upon
the nature of the problem, the representation formalism, and the GA operators. We plan to analyze the GA
performance for another application domain so that we
can be more conclusive on the issue of the effective
population size.
Though the solution performance of small populations is lower than that of large populations, the
efficiency of small populations in generating feasible
solutions, i.e., the ratio of number of feasible solutions
to the total number of runs required to generate a certain number of feasible solutions, is indeed better than
large populations, especially when the mutation rate is
high. This can be evidenced by the #F/#T columns of
Tables 1 and 2. In this sense, Schaffer et al. (1991) and
Grefenstette (1993) are correct in their recommendation.
This might be due to the fact that small populations
have higher probability of developing the premature
convergence problem.

A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators

Our analysis shows that our two tasks do not agree on

the recommendation for the mutation rate. The task with
higher complexity prefers a very small mutation rate,
especially 0.01; while the less complicated task prefers
a very large mutation rate, such as 0.5. In addition, high
crossover rates will be better for complex tasks; while
there is no conclusion for simple tasks. Contrary to the
general belief regarding the major role of crossover, we
did not find out crossover was as a determinant factor
as population size or mutation rate in influencing the
system performance. Part of our findings is similar to
that of Pendharkar & Rodger (2004), who compared the
performance of different types of crossover operators,
including arithmetic, uniform, and one-point operators,
for the design of GA-based artificial neural networks
and found no significant difference among them. In
addition, our findings on the role of mutation rate for
tasks of different complexity complement Muhlenbein
(1992) who contends that the power of mutation has
been underestimated in traditional GAs.
Our analysis also shows mutation and crossover
interact with the population size in different ways.
The effect of mutation is strongly influenced by the
population size in both tasks. For the task with higher
complexity, the combination of a very large population
size, such as 200, and a small mutation rate, such as 0.01,
tends to generate a very good result. However, the less
complex task needs a very large population and a very
large mutation rate, such as 0.5, in order to yield the
best results. On the other hand, the interaction between
crossover and the population size is only found with the
task of high complexity, and the interaction between
mutation and crossover is barely found with the task of
higher complexity only. More research work needs to be
performed in order to understand better how the effetcs
of crossover and mutation depend upon other details
of a GA, such as the population size, the application
domain, the fitness function, encoding, and selection.

Back, T., Hammel, U., & Schwefel, H. (1997). Evolutionary Computation: Comments on the History and
Current State. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
Computation. (1)1, 3-17.
Davis, L. (Editor) (1991). Handbook of Genetic Algorithms. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

De Jong, K.A. (1975). An Analysis of the Behavior

of A Class of Genetic Adaptive Systems. Ph.D. thesis,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Deng, P-S. (2009). Applying Genetic Algorithms to
Optimization Modeling. In Dopico J.R.R, de la Calle,
J. D. & Sierra, A.P. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Artificial
Intelligence, Hershey, PA: IDEA.
Goldberg, D.E. (1989). Genetic Algorithm in Search,
Optimization, and Machine Learning. Reading, MA:
Grefenstette, J.J. (1993). Introduction to the Special
Track on Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Expert. October,
Holland, J. (1992a). Adaptation in Natural and Artificial
Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Holland, J. (1992b). Genetic Algorithms. Scientific
American. July, 66-72.
Liao, Y.H., & Sun, C.T. (2001). An Educational Genetic Algorithms Learning Tool. IEEE Transactions
on Education. (44)2, 415-423.
Mitchell, M. (1996). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Muhlenbein, H. (1992). How Genetic Algorithms Really
Work: Mutation and Hillclimbing. Parallel Problem
Solving From Nature 2, Manner, R., & Manderick, B.
(Editors), North-Holland.
Pendharkar, P.C., & Rodger, J.A. (2004). An Empirical
Study of Impact of Crossover Operators on the Performance of Non-binary Genetic Algorithm Based
Neural Approaches for Classification. Computers &
Operations Research. (31) 481-498.
Schaffer, J.D., Caruana, R.A., Eshelman, L.J., & Das,
R. (1991). A Study of Control Parameters Affecting
Online performance of Genetic Algorithms for Function
Optimization. Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Schaffer, J.D. (Editor), San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Spears, W.M., & De Jong, K.A. (1991). On the Virtues
of Parameterized Uniform Crossover. Proceedings
of the Fourth International Conference on Genetic
Algorithms, Belew, R.K., & Booker, L.B. (Editors),
San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

A Study of the Performance Effect of Genetic Operators

Spears, W.M. (1993). Crossover or Mutation? Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2, Whitley, L.D. (Editor),
San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Batch Selection: Selecting the optimal set of products to produce, with each product requiring a set of
resources, under the system capacity constraints.
Fitness Function: The objective function of the
GA for evaluating a population of solutions.
Genetic Operators: Selection, crossover, and
mutation, for combining and refining solutions in a
Implicit Parallelism: A property of the GA which
allows a schema to be matched by multiple candidate
solutions simultaneously without even trying.
Landscape: A function plot showing the state as
the location and the objective function value as the
NP-Complete Problems: The hardest problems in
the class NPthe class of nondeterministic polynomial
Schemata: A general pattern of bit strings that is
made up of 1, 0, and #, used as a building block for
solutions of the GA.



Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

M. Mohammadian
University of Canberra, Australia

Conventionally modelling and simulation of complex
nonlinear systems has been to construct a mathematical model and examine the systems evolution or its
control. This kind of approach can fail for many of
the very large non-linear and complex systems being
currently studied. With the invention of new advanced
high-speed computers and the application of artificial
intelligence paradigms new techniques have become
available. Particularly neural networks and fuzzy
logic for nonlinear modelling and genetic algorithms
[Goldberg, D. (1989)] and evolutionary algorithms for
optimisation methods have created new opportunities
to solve complex systems [Bai, Y., Zhuang H. and
Wang, D. (2006)].
This paper considers issues in design of multi-layer
and hierarchical fuzzy logic systems. It proposes a
decomposition technique for complex systems into
hierarchical and multi-layered fuzzy logic sub-systems.
The learning of fuzzy rules and internal parameters
in a supervised manner is performed using genetic
algorithms. The decomposition of complex nonlinear
systems into hierarchical and multi-layered fuzzy logic
sub-systems reduces greatly the number of fuzzy rules
to be defined and improves the learning speed for such
systems. In this paper a method for combining subsystems to create a hierarchical and multilayer fuzzy logic
system is also described. Application areas considered
are - the prediction of interest rate, unemployment rate
predication and electricity usage prediction.
Genetic Algorithms can be used as a tool for design
and generation of fuzzy rules for a fuzzy logic system.
This automatic design and generation of fuzzy rules, via
genetic algorithms, can be categorised into two learning techniques namely, supervised and unsupervised.
In supervised learning there are two distinct phases
to the operation. In the first phase each individual is
assessed based on the input signal that is propagated
through the system producing output respond. The ac-

tual respond produced is then compared with a desired

response, generating error signals that are then used
as the fitness for the individual in the population of
genetic algorithms. Supervised learning has successfully applied to solve some difficult problems. In this
paper design and development of a genetic algorithm
based supervised learning for fuzzy models with application to several problems is considered. A hybrid
integrated architecture incorporating fuzzy logic and
genetic algorithm can generate fuzzy rules that can be
used in a fuzzy logic system for modelling, control
and prediction.
Fuzzy logic systems typically have a knowledge
base consisting of a set of rules of the form
If (x1 is A1 and x2 is A2 and and xn is An)
Then (z1 is B1l else z2 is B2l else else zm is Bml)
where Akl ;k = 1, , n are normalised fuzzy sets for
n input variables xk , k = 1 ;, n, and where Bkl , k ;
k = 1, , m are normalised fuzzy sets for m output
variables zk , k = 1, ,m. The heart of the fuzzy logic
system is the inference engine that applies principles
of intelligent human reasoning to interpret the rules
to output an action from inputs. There are many types
of inference engines in the literature, including the
popular Mamdani inference engine, [Bai, Y., Zhuang
H. and Wang, D. (2006)].
Given a fuzzy rule base with M rules and n antecedent variables, a fuzzy controller as given in Equation 1
uses a singleton fuzzifier, Mamdani product inference
engine and centre average defuzzifier to determine
output variables, has the general form for a single
output variable, say z1

z1 =

l =1

i =1

y kl ( M Ali ( xi ))

y ( M A
l =1


i =1


( xi ))

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.


Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

where y kl are centres of the output sets Bkl and membership function defines for each fuzzy set Ail the
value of xi in the fuzzy set, namely, M A1i ( xi )) . Common shapes of the membership function are typically,
triangular, trapezoidal and Gaussian. A first step in the
construction of a fuzzy logic system is to determine
which variables are fundamentally important. It is
known that the total number of rules in a system is an
exponential function of the number of system variables
[Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993), Kingham, M.,
Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R. J. (1998)]. In order
to design a fuzzy system with the required accuracy,
the number of rules increases exponentially with the
number of input variables and their associated fuzzy
sets to the fuzzy system. A way to avoid the explosion
of fuzzy rule bases in fuzzy logic systems is to consider
Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic systems [Raju G. V. S. and
Zhou, J. (1993)]. Hierarchical fuzzy logic systems
have the property that the number of rules needed to
construct the fuzzy system increases only linearly with
the number of variables in the system.
The idea of hierarchical fuzzy logic systems is to put
the input variables into a collection of low-dimensional
fuzzy logic systems, instead of creating a single high
dimensional rule base for a fuzzy logic system. Each
low-dimensional fuzzy logic system constitutes a level
in the hierarchical fuzzy logic system. Assume that
there are n input variables x1,...,xn then the hierarchical
fuzzy logic system is constructed as follows [Raju G.
V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993)]

The first level fuzzy rule base for fuzzy system

with n1 input variables x1,...,xn which is constructed
from the rules
If x1 is A1t and ... and xn is Ant1, Then y1 is B1l
where 2 n1 n, and l = 1,2,..., M1.
The ith level (i > 1) fuzzy rule base for a fuzzy
system with ni + 1 (ni 1) input variables, which
is constructed from the rules

If x Ni+1 is AN i 1 and ... and ANli ni and yi1 is Then

yi is Bil


N i = j =1 N j ,
i 1

and l = 1,2, ... , Mi

The construction of fuzzy rule bases for fuzzy
systems continues until i=l such that
N i = j =1 N j = n ,
i 1

that is, until all the input variables are used in one
of the levels.

The first level has n1 input variables x1,...,xn with

one output variable y1, which is then sent to the second
level as input. In the second level another n2 variables
x ni +1 ,..., x n1 + n2 and the variable y1 are combined to
produce the output variable y2, which is then sent to
the third level. This procedure continues until all the
variables x1,...,xn are used [Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J.
(1993), Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier,
R. J. (1998), Magdalena, L. (1998), Cordon, O., Herrera, F., Hoffmann, F. and Magdalena, L. (2001)]. The
number of rules in a hierarchical fuzzy logic system is
a linear function of the number of input variable and
their associate fuzzy sets [Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R. J. (1998)]. Other ways to reduce
the fuzzy rules of a fuzzy logic system are

Fusing variables before input into the inference

engine, thereby reducing the number of rules in
the knowledge base,
Grouping the rules into prioritised levels to design
hierarchical or multi-layered structures,
Reducing the size of the inference engine directly
using notions of passive decomposition of fuzzy
Decomposing the system into a finite number of
reduced-order subsystems, eliminating the need
for a large-sized inference engine.
Reducing the number of fuzzy sets of each input
variable, thereby reducing the number of rules in
the knowledge base of fuzzy logic system.

Using hierarchical fuzzy logic systems the typically the most influential parameters are chosen as
the system variables in the first level, the next most
important parameters are chosen as the system variables in the second level, and so on, [Raju G. V. S. and
Zhou, J. (1993)]. In this hierarchy, the first level gives
an approximate output which is then modified by the
second level rule set, this procedure can be repeated


Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

in succeeding levels of hierarchy. The number of rules

in a complete rule set is so reduced to a linear function of the number of variables, but this number may
still be high. Further, given that different hierarchical
and multi-layered structures can exist, how can the
fuzzy knowledge base and associated parameters in
each layer be effectively learnt? A learning approach
based on genetic algorithms is discussed in this paper
for the determination of these knowledge bases and
associated parameters.


Interest Rate Prediction
In [Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R.
J. (1998)], the authors used hierarchical fuzzy logic
structures and multi-layered neural network structures
for modelling and prediction of the Australian interest rate with 14 input variables, on actual data of key
economic indicators that was a limited data set. Using
expert knowledge from an economist the following
input variables were chosen and placed into 5 different
groupings, namely,
1. Employment (Job Vacancies, Unemployment
2. Country (Gross Domestic Product, Consumer
Price Index )
3. Savings (Household Saving Ratio, Home Loans,
Average Weekly Earnings)

Figure 1. Interest rate prediction


4. Foreign (Current Account, RBA Index, Trade

Weighted Index)
5. Company (All Industrial Index, Company Profit,
New Motor Vehicles)
which then were formed into a two layered fuzzy
system, see Figure 1.
The current interest rate was input into each of the
five fuzzy systems in the first layer and the final output
of the second layer was the predicted interest rate. It
is assumed that the first layer gives a first iteration of
the new interest rate and they are input into the second
layer. But the output variables from the first layer do
not necessarily have to be identified with the interest
rate. Assuming there are five membership sets for all
variables, including those entering the second layer,
there are 5250 fuzzy rules in this structure. If all fourteen
variables were input into a single layer fuzzy logic system structure there would be some 6 million rules (516).
Hence there is a considerable reduction in the number
of rules for this simple two layered hierarchical fuzzy
logic system structure. But it is clear that this in not
the only decomposition that could have been formed
in grouping the variables, or in number of levels of
the multi-layered structure. A genetic algorithm was
used to learn the rules in this fuzzy system, and it was
found that the hierarchical fuzzy logic system structure
was accurate [Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and
Stonier, R. J. (1998)]. Further research on this problem discussing different hierarchical fuzzy structures
of three, four and five layers, and the learning of the
fuzzy rule bases, was considered and can be found in
[Mohammadian, M. and Kingham, M. (2004)].

Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

However there is still a question, Does a two layer

hierarchical fuzzy logic system structure provides the
best solution? To answer this question, one can start
building three, four layer hierarchical fuzzy logic system
structure by trial and error to possibly find the correct
number of layers required. This could be cumbersome
problem [Mohammadian, M. and Kingham, M. (2004)].
Genetic algorithms can be used to solve this problem
by determining the number of layer in the hierarchical fuzzy logic system and the correct combination of
fuzzy knowledge bases for each layer.
A genetic algorithm is developed in such a way to
provide the possible best architecture for designing hierarchical fuzzy logic systems for prediction of interest
rate in Australia [Mohammadian, M. (2002)]. Using
the economic indicators five fuzzy logic systems were
developed as described above. Genetic algorithms were

then used to design and develop a hierarchical fuzzy

logic system. The hierarchical fuzzy logic system developed was then used to predict interest rate. For each of
these group (as described earlier), the current quarters
interest rate is included in the indicators used.
For encoding and decoding of the hierarchical fuzzy
logic system, first a number is allocated to each fuzzy
logic system developed from group of indicators. For
this simulation the number allocated to each group is
shown below
1 = Employment, 2 = Country, 3 = Savings, 4 =
Foreign, 5 = Company
The number of layers and the fuzzy logic system/s
for each layer is determined by genetic algorithms.
Genetic algorithms randomly encode each fuzzy logic

Figure 2. A three-layer hierarchical fuzzy logic system 3125 fuzzy rules

Layer 1

625 rules

625 rules

625 rules

Calculate mean and


Layer 2

625 rules

625 rules
Calculate the mean
and average

Predicted Quarterly Interest rate

Figure 3.
Fuzzy Logic system

Level in hierarchy

Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

system into a number ranging from 1 to 5 for all possible

combinations of the fuzzy logic systems. The level in
the hierarchy in which a fuzzy logic system is allocated
to, is also encoded in each string representing an individual in a population of genetic algorithms. A string
is encoded this way can be represented as Figure 3.
Each individual string is then decoded into a hierarchical fuzzy logic system that defines the fuzzy logic
system/s for each level of the hierarchical fuzzy logic
system. The above string once decoded will provide
a hierarchical fuzzy logic system as shown in Figure
2 above. The set of hierarchical fuzzy logic systems
thus developed, are evaluated and a fitness value is
given to each string. We define a satisfactory hierarchical fuzzy logic system as one whose fitness value
(predicated interest rate) differs from the desired output
of the system (in this case the actual interest rate) by
a very small value. A calculated the average error of
the system was used for the training set and tests sets
using the following formula [Mohammadian, M. and
Stonier, R. J. (1998)]


abs( Pi Ai )
i =1

where E is the average error, Pi is the Predicted interest

rate at time period i, Ai is the actual interest rate for
the quarter and n is the number of quarters predicted.
By using genetic algorithms to design and develop
hierarchical fuzzy logic system good results were obtained. The hierarchical fuzzy logic systems developed
using genetic algorithms predict the interest rate to
different degree of accuracy. It is however interesting
to see that genetic algorithms is capable of providing
different hierarchical fuzzy logic system structures
for predicting the interest rate. It should be noted that
genetic algorithm is also capable of finding the number
of layers in hierarchical fuzzy logic system.

Prediction of Unemployment Rate

In [Mohammadian, M., Nainar, I. and Kingham, M.
(1997)] a fuzzy logic system was developed for the
supervised learning in predicting quarterly Unemployment rate in Australia. The following economic indicators where used as input to the Fuzzy Logic system.


The Unemployment Rate is the percentage of

the labour force actively looking for work in the
Interest Rate which is the indicator we are aiming to predict. The Interest Rate used here is the
Australian Commonwealth government 10-year
treasury bonds.
Job Vacancies is where a position is available for
immediate filling or for which recruitment action
has been taken.
Household Saving Ratio is the ratio of household
income saved to households disposable income.

Each input was split into five fuzzy sets giving

a total of 625 rules. These rules form the fuzzy
knowledge base of the system. A supervised learning
strategy using of genetic algorithms [Mohammadian,
M., Nainar, I. and Kingham, M. (1997)] was used to
find the fuzzy knowledge base for the system. Using
simulations it was shown that the fuzzy logic system
is able to predict with a great deal of success the quarterly unemployment rate. The results achieved proved
that the supervised learning strategy used accurately
predicted fluctuations in the unemployment rate, and
any small errors in the prediction could be reduced by
increasing the training data and allowing the learning
algorithm to run longer.

Electricity Load Prediction

In [Mohammadian, M. and Jentzsch, R. (2005)] a hierarchical fuzzy logic system using genetic algorithms
for the prediction and modelling of daily electricity load
fluctuations. The system is further trained to model and
predict electricity consumption for daily peak. There are
a number of possible indicators that could be used to
predict the electricity load. These indicators that were
used in this hierarchical fuzzy logic system are
Electricity load (is the past electricity consumption
Predicted Minimum Temperature is the predicted
minimum temperature,
Predicted Maximum Temperature is the predicted
maximum temperature,
Actual Minimum Temperature is the actual predicted
minimum temperature,

Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

Actual Maximum Temperature is the actual predicted

maximum temperature,
Season is one of the four seasons in the year,
Day of the week is one of the seven days of the
Holiday is one of several public holidays in the year,
Time of day is divided here in 48 parts each consisting
of 30 minutes.
The current electricity load is included in the input
indicators to the system as the predicted electricity load
is highly dependent on the current rate as there is only
likely to be a fluctuation in the electricity load from
current electricity load. The related indicators (inputs)
are grouped together because of the common connection
and relation among them such as temperature, time of
day etc. These groups are as follows
Predicted Temperature Group - This group contains
Electricity Load, Predicted Minimum Temperature, Predicted Maximum Temperature, Time
of day.
Actual Temperature Group -This group contains
Electricity Load, Actual Minimum Temperature,
Actual Maximum Temperature, Time of day.
Season day Group -This group contains, Electricity
Load, Season (a value from 1 to 4 representing
each season), Day of the week (two values, one
for weekdays and zero representing weekend),
Public Holiday (two values, one representing a
public holidays and zero representing a working
day), Time of day.
Using a hierarchical fuzzy logic system structure, it
is possible to overcome this problem. The three groups

created for the electricity load prediction each produce

a predicted electricity load. These are then fed into the
next layer of the hierarchy where the final predicted
electricity load is found (see Figure 4).
The total number of rules for the hierarchical fuzzy
logic system is 1455. From simulation results it was
found that the hierarchical fuzzy logic system is capable
of making accurate predictions of the electricity load
[Mohammadian, M. and Jentzsch, R. (2005)].

The grouping of input parameters of the systems considered above was performed using expert knowledge.
It would be interesting to use genetic algorithms to
find out the relationships between the input parameters
of such systems and compare the results obtained in
this way with the grouping of parameters suggested
by expert.

In this paper issues in the construction of a fuzzy logic
system to model a complex (nonlinear) system, namely
the decomposition into hierarchical/multilayered fuzzy
logic sub-systems and the learning of fuzzy rules and
internal parameters is considered. Whilst the decomposition into hierarchical/multi-layered fuzzy logic
sub-systems reduces greatly the number of fuzzy rules
to be defined and to be learnt, other issues arise such as
the decomposition is not unique and that it may give
rise to variables with no physical significance. For a
problem with a large number of input variables, for

Figure 4. Hierarchical fuzzy logic system for electricity load prediction

Predicted-Temp Group

Actual-Temp Group

Season-day Group

Final Fuzzy Logic System


Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

example, the problem of interest rate prediction, the

non-uniqueness of the decomposition yields numerous
different structures to examine in order to find one
which in some sense, is the best structure.

The authors wish to thank those colleagues and students who have helped in this research and associated

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Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications,
Springer Verlag, USA, ISBN 1-84628-468-6.
Cordon, O., Herrera, F., Hoffmann, F. and Magdalena,
L. (2001), Genetic Fuzzy Systems Evolutionary Tuning
and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases (Advances
in Fuzzy SystemsApplications and Theory Vol. 19),
World Scientific Publishing, USA, ISBN 981-024017-1.
Goldberg, D. (1989), Genetic Algorithms in Search,
Optimisation and Machine Learning, AddisonWesley, USA.
Kingham, M., Mohammadian, M, and Stonier, R.
J. (1998), Prediction of Interest Rate using Neural
Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Proceedings of ISCA 7th
International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Melun,
Paris, France.
Magdalena, L. (1998), Hierarchical Fuzzy Control of
a Complex System using Metaknowledge, Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-based Systems, Paris, France.
Mohammadian, M. (2002), Designing customised hierarchical fuzzy systems for modelling and prediction,
Proceedings of the International Conference on sinulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL02), Singapore,
ISBN 9810475233.
Mohammadian, M. and Kingham, M. (2004), An adaptive hierarchical fuzzy logic system for modelling of


financial systems, Journal of Intelligent Systems in

Accounting, Finance and Management, Wiley Interscience, Vol. 12, 61-82.
Mohammadian, M., Nainar, I. and Kingham, M. (1997),
Supervised and Unsupervised Concept Learning by
Genetic Algorithms, Second International ICSC Symposium on Fuzzy Logic and Applications ISFL97,
Zurich, Switzerland.
Mohammadian, M. and Jentzsch, R. (2005), Electricity Load Prediction Using Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic
Systems, Knowledge-Base Intelligent Information
and Engineering Systems, KES2005, Springer Verlag,
Australia, ISBN 3540288953.
Mohammadian, M. and Stonier, R. J. (1998), Hierarchical Fuzzy Control, Proceedings of the 7th International
conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems,
Paris, France.
Raju G. V. S. and Zhou, J. (1993), Adaptive Hierarchical
Fuzzy Controller, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man
and Cybernetics, Vol. 23, No. 4, 973-980, 1993.
Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1995), Self
Learning Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Controller in MultiRobot Systems, Proceedings of the IEA Conference
Control95, Melbourne Australia.
Stonier, R. J. and Mohammadian, M. (1998), Knowledge Acquisition for Target Capture, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Evolutionary Computing
ICEC98, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
Stonier, R. J., Stacey, A., Mohammadian, M. and
Smith, S. F. (1999), Application of evolutionary learning in fuzzy logic and optimal control, Proceedings
of the International Conference on Computational
Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation,
Vienna, Austria.
Stonier, R. J. and Zajaczkowski, J. (2003), Hierarchical fuzzy controllers for the inverted pendulum,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on
Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous
Systems (CIRAS 2003), Singapore, ISSN 0219-613,

Supervised Learning of Fuzzy Logic Systems

Fusing Variables: Fusing variables is a method for
reducing the number of rules in a fuzzy rule base. The
variables are fused (combined) together before input
into the inference engine, thereby reducing the number
of rules in the knowledge base.
Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic were
introduced in 1965 by Lotfi Zadeh as a new way to
represent vagueness in applications. They are a generalisation of sets in conventional set theory. Fuzzy Logic
(FL) aims at modelling imprecise models of reasoning,
such as common sense reasoning for uncertain complex
processes. A system for representing the meaning of
lexically imprecise proposition in natural language
structure through the proposition being represented
as fuzzy constraints on a variable is provided. Fuzzy
logic controllers have been applied to many nonlinear
control systems successfully. Linguistic rather than crisp
numerical rules are used to control the processes.
Fuzzy Rule Base (Fuzzy If-Then rules): Fuzzy IfThen or fuzzy conditional statements are expressions
of the form If A Then B, where A and B are labels
of fuzzy sets characterised by appropriate membership
functions. Due to their concise form, fuzzy If-Then
rules are often employed to capture the imprecise
modes of reasoning that play an essential role in the
human ability to make decision in an environment of
uncertainty and imprecision. The set of If-Then rules
relate to a fuzzy logic system that are stored together
is called a Fuzzy Rule Base.
Genetic Algorithms: Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are
algorithms that use operations found in natural genetics
to guide their way through a search space and are increasingly being used in the field of optimisation. The robust
nature and simple mechanics of genetic algorithms make
them inviting tools for search, learning and optimization. Genetic algorithms are based on computational
models of fundamental evolutionary processes such as
selection, recombination and mutation.

Genetic Algorithms Components: In its simplest

form, a genetic algorithm has the following components:
1. Fitness - A positive measure of utility, called fitness, is determined for individuals in a population.
This fitness value is a quantitative measure of how
well a given individual compares to others in the
2. Selection - Population individuals are assigned a
number of copies in a mating pool that is used to
construct a new population. The higher a population individuals fitness, the more copies in the
mating pool it receives.
3. Recombination - Individuals from the mating pool
are recombined to form new individuals, called
children. A common recombination method is
one-point crossover.
4. Mutation - Each individual is mutated with some
small probability << 1.0. Mutation is a mechanism
for maintaining diversity in the population.
Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Systems: The idea of
hierarchical fuzzy logic control systems is to put the
input variables into a collection of low-dimensional
fuzzy logic control systems, instead of creating a single
high dimensional rule base for a fuzzy logic control
system. Each low-dimensional fuzzy logic control
system constitutes a level in the hierarchical fuzzy
logic control system. Hierarchical fuzzy logic control
is one approach to avoid rule explosion problem. It
has the property that the number of rules needed to
construct the fuzzy system increases only linearly with
the number of variables in the system
Supervised Learning: A learning method in which
there are two distinct phases to the operation. In the first
phase each possible solution to a problem is assessed
based on the input signal that is propagated through the
system producing output respond. The actual respond
produced is then compared with a desired response,
generating error signals that are then used as a guide
to solve the given problems using supervised learning



Support Vector Machines

Cecilio Angulo

Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

Luis Gonzalez-Abril

Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

Support Vector Machines -- SVMs -- are learning machines, originally designed for bi-classification problems, implementing the well-known Structural Risk
Minimization (SRM) inductive principle to obtain
good generalization on a limited number of learning
patterns (Vapnik, 1998). The optimization criterion
for these machines is maximizing the margin between
two classes, i.e. the distance between two parallel hyperplanes that split the vectors of each one of the two
classes, since larger is the margin separating classes,
smaller is the VC dimension of the learning machine,
which theoretically ensures a good generalization performance (Vapnik, 1998), as it has been demonstrated
in a number of real applications (Cristianini, 2000). In
its formulation is applicable the kernel trick, which
improves the capacity of these algorithms, learning not
being directly performed in the original space of data
but in a new space called feature space; for this reason
this algorithm is one of the most representative of the
called Kernel Machines (KMs).
Main theory was originally developed on the sixties and seventies by V. Vapnik and A. Chervonenkis
(Vapnik et al., 1963, Vapnik et al., 1971, Vapnik, 1995,
Vapnik, 1998), on the basis of a separable binary classification problem, however generalization in the use
of these learning algorithms did not take place until
the nineties (Boser et al., 1992). SVMs has been used
thoroughly in any kind of learning problems, mainly in
classification problems, although also in other problems
like regression (Schlkopf et al., 2004) or clustering
(Ben-Hur et al., 2001).
The fields of Optic Character Recognition (Cortes
et al., 1995) and Text Categorization (Sebastiani, 2002)
were the most important initial applications where
SVMs were used. With the extended application of
new kernels, novel applications have taken place in
the field of Bioinformatics, concretely many works

are related with the classification of data in Genetic

Expression (Microarray Gene Expression) (Brown et
al., 1997) and detecting structures between proteins and
their relationship with the chains of DNA (Jaakkola et
al., 2000). Other applications include image identification, voice recognition, prediction in time series, etc.
A more extensive list of applications can be found in
(Guyon, 2006).

Regularization Networks (RNs), obtained from the
penalization inductive principle, are algorithms based
on a deep theoretical background, but their purely asymptotic approximation properties and the expansion
of the solution function on a large number of vectors
convert them in a no practical choice in its original
definition. Looking for a more reduced expansion of the
solution some researchers observe the good behaviour
of the SVM, being able to consider a finite training
set as hypothesis in its theoretical discourse as well
as building the final solution by considering nested
approximation spaces.
As well regularization inductive principles as
structural risk minimization establish inserting a
priori information on the shape of the solution without considering any assumption about the unknown
probability density function relating working spaces.
The regularization principle considers a regularizer or
regularization operator ensuring find a good solution
in asymptotic form on nested function spaces when
the number of elements in the training set tends to be
infinite. Besides, the SRM principle also is based on
nested spaces but the solution is found by ensuring an
upper bound for the risk functional considering only
a finite set of empirical data.
Both inference processes are obviously not equivalents, but their similarities have been projected on the

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Support Vector Machines

learning methods having their theoretical background

on these principles, in such a form than a number of
researchers approaching the learning problem from
different perspectives are implied in establishing
a common framework allowing to deal SVMs and
RNs like particular cases of a more general learning
methodology, let us call it Kernel Methods (Campbell,
2000), when it is emphasized the key rule played by
the kernel function generating the feature space, or
Large Margin Classifiers (Cristianini, 2000), when the
measure to be optimized to ensure maximal generalization is emphasized.
Both, results obtained and theoretical framework
from SRM seem offer better theoretical warranties that
other previous approaches when looking for solutions
with good generalization for problems based on a finite
empirical set. Hence, the integration of machine learning
methods on mixed models is a state of the art research
field. Besides, the use of Bayesian inference in these
mixed models is being avoided because the user must
beforehand define a probability density function.


Let us consider a bi-classification problem (another kind
of problems are analyzed in the cited references). Thus,
let Z={zi=(xi,yi), i=1,2,,n} be a training set with xi
X Rd as the input space and yi {1, 2} (the output

space) (1 2). Let us initially suppose that classes

are linearly separable (two sets are linearly separable
in n-dimensional space if they can be separated by
an d1 dimensional hyperplane) then a hyperplane,
denoted by : w x b = 0 (where b is called bias),
is sought which separates the two classes, that is w xi
b > 0 if yi= 1 and w xi b < 0 if yi= 2. Nevertheless, there are many hyperplanes with this condition
(see Figure 1), so a new condition is imposed that is
the distance between the optimal hyperplane and the
nearest training pattern (margin) is maximal. Let us
see detailed this condition: In the first place without
lost of majority let us suppose that 1 = 1 and 2 = 1.
Hence, let and be the minimum (class +1) and the
maximum (class -1) absolute values of the unbiased
hyperplane effectively attained for some patterns z1
Z1 and z2 Z2 i.e.
A = max w xi and B = min w xi ,
zi Z 2
zi Z1

where Z1 and Z2 are the patterns belonging to the classes

labelled as {+1,-1} respectively. It is considered that
, otherwise vector -w is chosen. Thus, given a vector w, the margin is defined as the distance between
parallel hyperplanes : w x = 0 and : w x
= 0, that is
margin = d (P A , P B ) =


Figure 1. Type A denotes the class +1 (1) and Type B denotes the class -1 (2).


Support Vector Machines

(see Figure 1). The natural choice for the bias, ensuring positive and negative outputs for the patterns in
the respective classes, is

The maximization of the margin has the objective to

force the generalization of the found learning machine
(Vapnik, 1995, Schlkopf et al., 2002).
The extension to non-lineal functions of decision
is carried out introducing the input space X Rd in
another space, usually with higher dimension F, called
feature or characteristics space which is endowed with
an inner product, through a non-lineal injection, : X
F (this procedure is called kernel trick), such that
the optimal hyperplane
f (x, w) = (x), wF b
is sought in the feature space F. Nevertheless, with
the objective of defining in a unique way the searched
hyperplane (canonical form) next restrictions should
be added:
i = 1, 2,..., n

on the training set Z, where the slack variables i 0 are

introduced to allow that some examples exist violating
the constraint imposed by the margin (soft-margin)
because it should be considered the possibility that the
classes to be separated are overlapped or that patterns
contain noise that is the set Z can be a non-separable
linearly. Hence, the function f(x,w) allows defining the
decision function as
h(x) = sign(f (x, w))
that is, given a new input x the label assigned by the
machine is 1 if h(x)=1 and 2 otherwise.
Thus the optimal hyperplane accomplishes the following problem of constrained optimization:



w = A i yiF ( xi )
i =1

A +B
2 .

yi f(xi) 1 i

The solution vector can be written as

w + C Xi
i =1
yi f ( xi ) 1 Xi i = 1, 2, , n
Xi 0 i = 1, 2, , n


where SV is the number of training vectors which

verify that their corresponding Lagrange multiplier
i is no null (these vectors are called support vectors)
(see Figure 1). Many other different approaches for
defining SVM exist (Gonzlez et al., 2006), nevertheless this formulation is the most usual.
From the equation (1), the optimal hyperplane can
be written as:

f ( x) = A i yi k ( xi , x) b
i =1

where k(xi, x) = (xi), (x)F is a Kernel (a bivariate

function accomplishing the Mercers theorem) and b
is calculated by using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)
For multi-classification problems, a set of possible
labels Y = {1, ..., } with 2 is considered. There
are two main SVM-based approaches to solve these
problems. A first one is the all the classes at once,
which solves these problems by considering all the
instances from all the classes in a unique optimization
formulation, whereas the other one is the decomposition-reconstruction architecture approach (multi-classification in two phases), using binary SVMs.
In the first case, several formulations exist (Vapnik,
1998, Cramer, 2001, Aiolli, 2005), however among
all of the proposed approaches to the maximal margin
problem, that presented in Shashua et al. (2002) is the
only one considering to maximize the exact expression
of the margin between instances with different label, so
the multi-classification problem is interpreted like an
ordinal regression problem where the objective function is the sum of the inverse of the margins between
In the case of multi-classification in two phases, the
most usual multi-classification SVM approaches are 1v-1 (one-versus-one) SVM and 1-v-r (one-versus-rest)
SVM. In both approaches, a first decomposition phase
generates several learning machines in parallel and a
reconstruction scheme allows obtaining the overall
output by merging outputs from the decomposition

Support Vector Machines

In the first phase of 1-v-r SVM, each machine takes

in consideration all the classes; binary classifiers are
trained to generate hyperplanes fk, (k = 1,2,..., ) separating training vectors with label k from the remaining
vectors. In the reconstruction phase (second phase), a
labels distribution generated by the trained machines
in the parallel decomposition is considered through a
merging scheme. All the information provided by the
training vectors is considered, main drawback being that
it is not well designed to separate specific classes.
In the first phase of 1-v-1 SVM, each machine takes
in consideration only two classes. In this approach,
( 1)

binary classifiers are trained to generate hyperplanes

fkh, k, h = 1,2,..., , k<h separating training vectors with
label k from training vectors in class h. Remaining
training vectors are not considered in the optimization
problem. In the reconstruction phase, a labels distribution generated by the trained machines in the parallel
decomposition is considered through a merging scheme.
Main drawback is that only data from two classes are
considered for each machine in the decomposition procedure so output variance is high and any information
from the rest of classes is ignored.

The 1-v-1 scheme is usually preferred because it

takes less training time (Kressel, 1999} although some
researches consider the 1-v-r scheme since this scheme
has some advantages (Rifkin et al., 2004). Nevertheless
according to (HsuLin2002) it would be difficult to say
which one gives better accuracy.


A recursive problem when considering SVM is to
reduce the computational cost when the QP problem
is being solved.
SVM for classification is the most studied approach;
however other problems as regression are not enough
developed to be competitive versus other standardized
research areas, like artificial neural networks. So, a long
way still remains to be walked in this area.
A particular open research problem in the case of
multi-classification is the implementation of the triclass scheme. In this approach, one class is label as
+1, another class as -1 and the rest of the classes as 0
which is forced to be encapsulated into a -tube, 0<<1,
along the separation hyperplanes. The tri-class SVM
improves standard algorithms treating 2-class classification problems during the decomposing phase of a
general multi-class scheme by focusing the learning on

Figure 2. The circles are the class +1, the rectangles are the class 0 and the triangles are the class -1.


Support Vector Machines

two classes, but using all the available information on

the patterns (see Figure 2), so this approach can be seen
as a mixed between the 1-v-r and 1-v-1 SVM. A second
theoretical advantage of the third-class approach is
the robustness of the reconstruction procedure (Angulo
et al., 2003), which could drive to empirically expect
a higher performance of the new approach in terms of
accuracy (Angulo et al., 2006). Research should even
include the study of theoretical generalization bounds
for this kind of machine.

Angulo, C. & Parra, X. & Catal, A. (2003). K-SVCR.
A Support Vector Machine for Multi-Class Classification. Neurocomputing, 55(1-2), 57-77.
Angulo, C. & Ruiz, F. & Gonzlez, L. & Ortega, J.A.
(2006). Multi-classification by using Tri-class SVM.
Neural Processing Letters, 23(1), 89-101.
Aiolli, F. & Sperduti, A. (2005). Multiclass Classification
with Multi-Prototype Support Vector Machine. Journal
of Machine Learning Research, 6, 817850.
Ben Hur, A. & Horn, D. & Siegelmann, H. & Vapnik, V.
(2001). Support Vector Clustering. Journal of Machine
Learning Research, 2, 125-137.
Boser, B.E. & Guyon, I. & Vapnik, V. (1992). A training
algorithm for optimal margin classifiers. Proceedings
of the 5th Annual ACM Workshop on Computational
Learning Theory, 144-152.
Brown, M. & Grundy, W. & Lin, D. & Cristianini,
N. & Sugnet, C. & Furey, T. & Ares, M. & Haussler,
D. (1997). Knowledge-based Analysis of Microarray
Gene Expression Data Using Support Vector Machines.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
97(1), 262-267.
Campbell, C. (2000). An introduction to kernel methods. In Howlett, R. and Jain, L. editors, Radial Basis
Function Networks: Design and Applications, Berlin,
Springer Verlag.

Machines. Journal of Machine Learning Research,

2, 265-292.
Cristianini, N. & Shawe-Taylor, J. (2000). An introduction to Support Vector Machines and other kernel-based
learning methods. Cambridge University Press.
Hsu, C. & Lin, C. (2002). A comparison of methods for
multiclass support vector machine. IEEE Transactions
on Neural Networks, 13(2), 415-425.
Gonzlez, L. & Angulo, C. & Velasco, F. & Catala,
A. (2006). Dual unification of bi-class Support Vector
Machine formulations. Pattern Recognition, 39(7),
Guyon, I. (2006). SVM application list. http://www.
Jaakkola, T. & Diekhans, M. & Haussler, D. (2000). A
discriminative framework for detecting remote protein
homologies. Journal of Computational Biology, 7(12), 95-114.
Kressel, U. (1999). Pairwise classification and support
vector machine. Advances in Kernel Methods: Support Vector Learning. MIT Press. Cambridge, MA,
Rifkin, R. & Klautau, A. (2004). In defense of onevs-all classification, Journal of Machine Learning
Research, 5, 101-141.
Shashua, A. & Levin, A. (2002). Taxonomy of Large
Margin Principle Algorithms for Ordinal Regression
Problems. Neural Information Processing Systems,
Schlkopf, B. & Smola, A.J. (2002). Learning with
Kernels. The MIT Press. Cambridge, MA.
Schlkopf, B. & Smola, A.J. (2004). A Tutorial on
Support Vector Regression, Statistics and Computing,
14, 199-222.
Sebastiani, F. (2002). Machine learning in automated
text categorization. ACM Computing Surveys, 34(1),

Cortes, C. & Vapnik, V. (1995). Support vector networks. Machine Learning, 20, 273-297.

Vapnik, V. (1995). The nature of statistical learning

theory. Springer. New York.

Crammer, K. & Singer, Y. (2001). On the Algorithmic

Implementation of Multiclass Kernel-based Vector

Vapnik, V. (1998). Statistical Learning Theory. John

Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Support Vector Machines

Vapnik, V. & Chervonenkis, A. (1971). On the uniform

convergence of relative frequencies of events to their
probabilities. Theory of Probability and Its Applications, 16, 264-280.
Vapnik, V. & Lerner, A. (1963). Pattern recognition
using generalized portrait method. Automation and
Remote Control, 24.

Generalization: It is the process of formulating
general concepts by abstracting common properties of
instances. In the context-specific of the SVMs means
that if a decision function h(x) is obtained from xi
X Rd, this function is considered valid for all x
Rd. It is the basis of all valid deductive inference and
a process of verification is necessary to determine
whether a generalization holds true for any new given
Kernel Machine or Kernel Methods: Kernel machine owe their name to the use of kernel functions that
enable them to operate in the feature space without ever
computing the coordinates of the data in that space, but
rather by simply computing the inner products between
the images of all pairs of data in the feature space. This
operation is often computationally cheaper than the explicit computation of the coordinates. Kernel functions
have been introduced for sequence data, text, images,
as well as vectors (Schlkopf et al., 2002).

Kernel Trick: This procedure consists on substituting the inner product in the space of input variables by
an appropriate function k(x,x') that associates to each
two inputs an real number real that is k(x,x') R, for
any x,x' X. Thus, this is a method for converting a
linear classifier algorithm into a non-linear one by using
a non-linear function to map the original observations
into a higher-dimensional space; this makes a linear
classification in the new space equivalent to non-linear
classification in the original space.
Mercers Kernel: A function k : X X R is a
Mercers kernel if it is a continuous, symmetric and
positive semi-definite function (Cristianini, 2000).
Regularization: It is any method of preventing
overfitting of data by a model and it is used for solving
ill-conditioned parameter-estimation problems.
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Inductive
Principle: The main idea of the principle is to minimize
a test error by controlling two contradictory factors: a
risk functional from empirical data and a capacity for
the set of real-valued functions (Vapnik, 1998).
The VC Dimension (for Vapnik-Chervonenkis
Dimension): It is a number which is defined as the
cardinality of the largest set of points that an algorithm
can shatter, that is it is a measure of the capacity of
a statistical classification algorithm (Vapnik et al.,



A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated

Ioannis Papaioannou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Ioanna Roussaki
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Miltiades Anagnostou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Automated negotiation is a very challenging research
field that is gaining momentum in the e-business domain.
There are three main categories of automated negotiations, classified according to the participating agent
cardinality and the nature of their interaction (Jennings,
Faratin, Lomuscio, Parsons, Sierra, & Wooldridge,
2001): the bilateral, where each agent negotiates with a
single opponent, the multi-lateral which involves many
providers and clients in an auction-like framework and
the argumentation/persuasion-based models where the
involving parties use more sophisticated arguments to
establish an agreement. In all these automated negotiation domains, several research efforts have focused on
predicting the behaviour of negotiating agents. This
work can be classified in two main categories. The
first is based on techniques that require strong a-priori
knowledge concerning the behaviour of the opponent
agent in previous negotiation threads. The second
uses mechanisms that perform well in single-instance
negotiations, where no historical data about the past
negotiating behaviour of the opponent agent is available. One quite popular tool that can support the latter
case is Neural Networks (NNs) (Haykin, 1999).
NNs are often used in various real world applications where the estimation or modelling of a function
or system is required. In the automated negotiations
domain, their usage aims mainly to enhance the performance of negotiating agents in predicting their
opponents behaviour and thus, achieve better overall
results on their behalf. This paper provides a survey of
the most popular automated negotiation approaches that

Copyright 2009

are using NNs to estimate elements of the opponents

The rest of this paper is structure as follows. The
second section elaborates on the state of the art bilateral
negotiation frameworks that are based on NNs. The
third section briefly presents the multilateral negotiation
solutions that exploit NNs. Finally, in the last section
a brief discussion on the survey is provided.


In (Zhang, Ye, Makedon, & Ford, 2004) a hybrid bilateral negotiation strategy mechanism is described that
supplies negotiation agents with more flexibility and
robustness in an automated negotiation system. The
framework supports a dynamically assignment of an
appropriate negotiation strategy to an agent according
to the current environment, along with a mechanism
to create new negotiation rules by learning from past
negotiations. These learning capabilities are based on
feedforward back-propagation neural networks and
multidimensional inter-transaction association rules.
However, the framework is not adequately described
and defined and the neural networks are not specifically
instantiated. Additionally, there are neither quantitative
nor qualitative experimental results for real world cases.
Finally, the format of the input to the generic network
that is presented is ambiguously described.
In (Zeng, Meng, & Zeng, 2005), the authors employ
a neural network to assist the negotiation over very
specific issues from a real world example. The network
is trained online by the past offers made by the op-

A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations

ponent, while both the buyer and the seller agent have
the ability to employ the proposed network. However,
the experimental data sets are very restrictive and do
not address the diversity of those that can be arisen in
real scenarios. Additionally, the authors do not present
the actual size of the hidden layer, a parameter that is
extremely crucial with regards to the appropriateness to
use such a network in a real time negotiation procedure
by an agent with limited resources.
Furthermore, in (Rau, Tsai, Chen, & Shiang, 2006),
the authors studied the negotiation process between a
shipper and a forwarded using a learning-based approach, which employed a feedforward back-propagation neural network with two input data models and the
negotiation decision functions. Issues of the negotiation
were the shipping price, delay penalty, due date, and
shipping quantity. The proposed mechanism was applicable to both parties at the same time and the network
architecture was chosen based on past similar attempts,
following a very restrictive pattern for the number of
the hidden layers neurons. The conducted experiments
showed an overall improvement of the results for both
negotiating parties, while the framework was proven
stable and with small deadlock probability. However, as
its authors support, further experimentation is required
especially with regards to a wider variety of strategies
and possibly more suitable network architectures for
the hidden layer.
In (Carbonneau, Kersten, & Vahidov, 2006), a neural
network based model is presented for predicting the
opponents offers during the negotiation process. The
framework was tested over a specific set of experimental data collected from other existent frameworks
and it is highly adjusted to these data. The purpose of
this solution is not only to predict the opponents next
offer, but also the perception for the specific procedure,
i.e. an overall vision on why everything is happening
and where the procedure is led. Thus, the prediction
of the opponents next round offer is only a part of the
networks output. However, the chosen experiment set
is constrained and doesnt examine the effectiveness of
the framework on diverse strategies as those proposed
in the very first steps of the area and are now mainly
used (Faratin, Sierra, & Jennings, 1998). Additionally, although the authors support the view that their
framework is proper for real-time environments, the
fact is that the resulted network is difficult to be online
trained, mainly because of its size and the resources
that are required for such training. Thus, this network

architecture is probably inappropriate for mobile agents

environments, and something smaller and more specific
should be designed, due to the limitations that these
environments share.
Moreover, in (Oprea, 2003), the author presents
a shopping agent, which is capable of negotiating in
online bilateral, multi-issue procedures using an offline
created and trained feedforward neural network in order
to increase its profitability by adapting its behaviour
according to its opponents. The purpose of the neural
networks application on each procedure is to predict
the opponents next offer on a round by round basis
and thus, model its behaviour and intentions in order
to finally achieve a better or even the best possible
deal. With the exploitation of the neural network the
shopping agent can decide during the online phase of
negotiation, which is the opponents strategy and estimate its reservation value. Concerning the experiments
conducted, the author uses the well-justified negotiation
tactics presented in (Faratin, Sierra, & Jennings, 1998)
in order to test the proposed solution and concludes that
the framework is working well in case of medium or long
term agents deadlines. However, the results presented
are not thoroughly justified and more extreme opponent
strategies should be tested in order to decide on the
networks adequacy for such environments. Probably,
the three hidden layer neurons might not be sufficient
for such cases and long-term estimations.
Finally, Papaioannou et al. have recently designed
and evaluated several single-issue bilateral negotiation
approaches, where the Client agent is enhanced with
Neural Networks. More specifically, in (Roussaki,
Papaioannou, & Anagnostou, 2006), the Client agent
uses a lightweight feedforward back-propagation NN
coupled with a fair relative tit-for-tat imitative tactic,
and attempts to estimate the Providers price offer upon
the expiration of the Clients deadline. This approach
increases the number of agreements reached by one third
in average. In (Papaioannou, Roussaki, & Anagnostou,
2006), the performance of MLP and RBF NNs towards
the prediction of the Providers offers at the last round
has been compared. The experiments indicate that the
number of agreements is increased by ~38% in average via both the MLP- and the RBF-assisted strategies.
Nevertheless, the overall time and the number of neurons
required by the MLP are considerably higher than these
required by the RBF. In (Roussaki, Papaioannou, &
Anagnostou, 2007), MLP and GR NNs have been used
by the Client agent in order to identify the unsuccess1525

A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations

ful negotiation threads (UNTs) at an early stage, thus

terminating them long before the deadlines expire. It
has been observed that the MLP NN detects more than
90% of UNTs in average, outperforming by little the GR
NN. Finally, in (Papaioannou, Roussaki, & Anagnostou,
2007), the performance of MLP and RBF NNs has been
compared with cubic splines, least-square-based polynomial approximators, exponential approximators and
Gaussian approximators, in order to predict the future
offers of the negotiating Provider Agent. The wide
experimental evaluation conducted indicates that both
the MLP- and the RBF-assisted negotiation strategies
perform almost equally well and outperform the other
four approximator-assisted strategies. In this paper, the
proposed framework is extended to address multi-issue
negotiations considering the significance of the issues
under negotiation for the negotiating party, as well as
their degree of interdependency. A disadvantage in the
aforementioned NN-based negotiation frameworks is
that they have only been evaluated in case the Provider
agent adopts a time-dependent strategy.

In (Oprea, 2001), the use of a small-scaled feedforward neural network is attempted in order to predict
the opponent agents behaviour. In this framework
the enhanced agent is negotiating against an opponent
that is not equipped with any learning or other intelligent mechanism. The neural network is properly
constructed and trained at every round to respond with
the opponents next value at each negotiation step using only the three prior offers issued by the opponent.
This fact makes the step-by-step computation feasible
in real time procedures, but not necessarily reliable.
However, the proposed approach was proved adequate
only in cases when either both agents (or at least the
opponent agent) have long-term deadlines.
A different usage of the neural networks potential is
presented in (Shibata, & Ito, 1999), where the authors
are mainly concerned with the communication between
agents. In principal, they divide the agents communication into two classes with respect to its meaning.
The first one incorporates the cases where the agent
transmits the observed information while the second
those where the agents intention is transmitted. The
framework exploits an Elman recurrent neural network

with feedback loops, especially for the latter class of

cases. The network assists the agents to avoid possible
negotiation deadlocks, although nothing is known
apriori with regards to their strategy or resources. The
network keeps the past information and adapts online
its corresponding agents behaviour accordingly in
order to avoid collisions. The proposed framework
was also tested with four agents leading to promising
results. However, the authors dont propose or apply
techniques for higher profitability of the participating
agents but only for collision avoidance by learning the
opponents intention. Additionally, a recurrent neural
network is a complex structure and seems inappropriate
for application in low resources agent environments.
Furthermore, in (Abreu, Canuto, & Santana, 2005)
the authors present a comparative analysis of some negotiation methods used in a multi-neural agent system,
called NeurAge. This system is composed of several
neural classifiers, called neural agents, and its main
aim is to overcome some drawbacks of multi-classifier systems and, as a consequence, to improve their
performance. These neural agents provide a common
output, which results after negotiation among them
and it is the systems output. For this purpose, three
different negotiation methods are evaluated: the game
theoretic, the auction based and the confidence based
ones. The results prove that the proposed approach is
valuable for such classifier systems and might end up
being valuable in cases where tactic classification should
be conducted. However, the system is inappropriate
for online procedures, requires cooperation between
multiple neural agents and has not been tested on real
negotiation tactics numerical data. Therefore, the results might be valuable when a classification scheme
is required, but are probably inappropriate as a future
prediction pattern.
On the other hand, (Veit, & Czernohous, 2003)
present the results of enhancing consumer agents with
several machine-learning algorithms in a properly designed electronic market with one static supplier. The
results prove that under very specific circumstances
the neural network assisted agent performs worse than
a simple Q-learning assisted agent that maintains a
specific set of values for the learning procedure in an
a-priori instantiated matrix. However, the scenarios
are very restrictive and in no case address the characteristics of real world ones where the application of
similar table based agents would fail mainly due to
the diversity of the potential solution spaces for each

A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations

negotiation. Besides, the authors themselves admit this

remark, including it in their future plans.
In (Park, & Yang, 2006), the authors propose a negotiation agents system based on the incremental learning
of a feedforward neural network in order to increase
the efficiency of bilateral negotiations and to improve
the applicability towards multilateral negotiations. The
network is triggered with values that are extracted after
a utility evaluation procedure and at each round the
output is forming the next counter-offer of the party.
With regards to the generalization to the multilateral
case, the proposed approach is based on matching all
sellers and all buyers in pairs among all possible ones,
following practical criteria as the common negotiation
range term used, indicates. The experimental results
show that the proposed system achieves up to 2% more
agreements and carries out the negotiations at least
twice as fast as others with similar settings.
In (Wang, Chai, & Huang, 2005), the authors attempt
to solve the problem of selecting a selling agent that
meets buyer users requirements as well as his utility
constraints as those represented by the corresponding
intelligent agent. The problem is solved by choosing
the seller before the negotiation and thus, the accuracy
of the negotiation and the buyers utility are improved.
In order to fully utilize negotiation history, this paper
transforms the problem of choosing seller into a Karmed bandit problem. The utility function is a joint
summation of the utilities of both the buyers and the
sellers, while the buyer uses a properly learned neural
network in order to learn its opponents preferences
and finally choose the one that will lead to the best
agreement. The advantage of this framework is that the
buyers neural network learns off-line and only uses
the results for the online procedure. Thus, there is not
substantial impact on the real procedure.
Finally, in (Liu, & You, 2003), a fuzzy neural
network is proposed to deal with the uncertainties
in real world shopping activities, such as consumer
preferences, product specification, product selection,
price negotiation, purchase, delivery, after-sales service
and evaluation. The fuzzy neural network manages to
achieve an automatic and autonomous product classification and selection scheme to support fuzzy decision-making by integrating fuzzy logic technology and
the back-propagation feedforward neural network. In
addition, a visual data model is introduced to overcome
the limitations of the current web browsers that lack
flexibility for customers to view products from different

perspectives. The experimental results demonstrate

the feasibility of the proposed approach for web-based
business transactions.


In this paper, a brief survey of the most popular research efforts in the field of NN-assisted automated
negotiations is presented. An important observation
that can easily be made is that that there is a substantial diversity on the purposes that the NNs are used
for in this domain. For instance, in some cases they
aim to estimate the opponents future offers, whereas
in other cases they assist the negotiating agent on
selecting the best tactic that should be used in order
to increase its potential utility. Even though the usage
of NNs in automated negotiations may enhance various aspects of their performance and results, there are
some cases where they are not suitable. For example,
they perform far better when they are trained off-line,
thus being less suitable when no a-priori knowledge
is available. In general, it is preferable that relatively
small NNs that are trained off-line are used, but if this
is not possible, it is better to use NNs of minimal size
that are trained on-line, risking however that they will
eventually not be suitable enough. Furthermore, if the
negotiation strategy of the opponent is not consistent,
thus frequently demonstrating sharp changes in the
type or configuration of the tactic used, the NNs often
fail to adjust. In case the opponent employs imitative
negotiation strategies, the usability of NNs in estimating the opponents behaviour is questionable. Finally,
if the agent has low storage and processing resources
available, the NNs that can be employed need to be
so lightweight that they considerably lack flexibility.
Despite these shortcomings, it is expected that NNs
will gain a considerable share in the learning-enabled
negotiating agents in the electronic marketplace.

Abreu, M., Canuto, A., & Santana, L. (2005). A
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A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations

Carbonneau, R., Kersten, G., & Vahidov, R. (2006).

Predicting Opponents Moves in Electronic Negotiations Using Neural Networks. International Conference of Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN 2006),
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Faratin, P., Sierra, C., & Jennings, N. (1998). Negotiation Decision Functions for Autonomous Agents.
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Haykin, S. (1999). Neural Networks: A Comprehensive
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(2007). Comparing Polynomial Approximators to
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Park, S., & Yang, S. (2006). An Automated System
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Toward Multilateral Negotiations. International Joint
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Veit, D., & Czernohous, C. (2003). Automated Bidding
Strategy Adaptation using Learning Agents in Many-toMany e-Markets. 2nd International Joint Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS
2003), Melbourne, Australia.
Wang, L.M., Chai, Y.M., & Huang, H.K. (2005). Choosing optimal seller based on off-line learning negotiation
history and k-armed bandit problem. International
Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
(ICMLC 2005), Guangzhou, China.
Zeng, Z.M., Meng, B., & Zeng, Y.Y. (2005). An Adaptive Learning Method in Automated Negotiation.
International Conference on Machine Learning and
Cybernetics (ICMLC 2005), Guangzhou, China.
Zhang, S., Ye, S., Makedon, F., & Ford, J. (2004). A
Hybrid Negotiation Strategy Mechanism in an Automated Negotiation System. 5th ACM Conference on
Electronic Commerce (EC 2004), New York, USA.

Automated Negotiation: It is the process by which
group of actors communicate with one another aiming
to reach to a mutually acceptable agreement on some
matter, where at least one of the actors is an autonomous
software agent.

A Survey on Neural Networks in Automated Negotiations

Bilateral Negotiation: A negotiation procedure,

where exactly two parties are involved, i.e. a client
and a provider.

Multilateral Negotiation: A negotiation procedure,

where more than two parties are involved, i.e. multiple
clients and/or providers negotiate simultaneously.
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP): A fully connected feedforward NN with at least one hidden layer
that is trained using back-propagation algorithmic
Neural Network (NN): A network modelled after
the neurons in a biological nervous system with multiple
synapses and layers. It is designed as an interconnected
system of processing elements organized in a layered
parallel architecture. These elements are called neurons and have a limited number of inputs and outputs.
NNs can be trained to find nonlinear relationships in
data, enabling specific input sets to lead to given target
Radial Basis Function (RBF): Function that
involves a distance criterion with respect to a centre,
such as a circle, ellipse or Gaussian.
RBF NN: It is an artificial NN, the activation functions of which are radial basis functions. It has two
layers of processing, where the first maps the input onto
each RBF neuron in the other (hidden) layer.



Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc

Prayag Narula
University of Delhi, India
Sudip Misra
Yale University, USA
Sanjay Kumar Dhurandher
University of Delhi, India

Wireless ad-hoc networks are infrastructureless and they
consist of nodes that come together and start communicating dynamically without requiring any backbone
support. The nodes can enter and leave the network at
will and can move about in the network at will.
Ad-hoc networks present the perfect test-beds
for bio-inspired computing algorithms. Both ad-hoc
networks and bio-inspired computing approaches are
characterized by self-organization, feedback and structural and functional complexity (Toh, 2002) (deCastro
& Von Zuben, 2005). Hence, bio-inspired algorithms
often provide us an opportunity to solve the most
complex problems of ad-hoc networks in a satisfactory
manner. In this chapter, we present the works done in
the field of ad-hoc networks using bio-inspired Swarm
Intelligence (SI). In particular, we look at how we can
use Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique, a SI
technique, for optimal routing in ad-hoc networks.

Most major bio-inspired algorithms have found implementations in the field of ad-hoc networks. Before
delving into the details of the applications of ACO
techniques for solving problems in ad-hoc networks,
for contextual alignment, let us broadly review some of
the applications of the different classes of bio-inspired
algorithms to ad-hoc networks. Barolli, Koyama, &
Shiratori (2003) presented a Genetic Algorithm to
solve QoS routing for ad-hoc networks, while Di Caro,
Ducatelle, & Gambardella (2004) used ACO technique
to develop a nature inspired routing algorithm for ad-hoc

networks. On similar lines, Wedde & Farooq (2005)

presented BeeAdHoc a routing algorithm inspired
from foraging behavior of honey-bees. Neural Networks
too have been extensively used in ad-hoc networks for
providing solution to the problems of routing (Vicente,
Mujica, Sisalem, & Popescu-Zeletin, 2005), intrusion
detection (Zhang & Lee, 2000) and clustering (Ai-bin,
Zi-xing, & De-wen, 1993).
ACO is one of the most popular techniques among
different bio-inspired techniques and has been extensively studied and deployed for solving problems as
varied as Vehicular Routing Problem (VRP) (Toth &
Vigo, 2001) to Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem (SMTWTP) (Abdul-Razaq, Potts & Van
Wassenhove, 1990) to Graph Colouring Problem (Vesel
& Zerovnik, 2000).
ACO was introduced by Marco Dorigo in his PhD.
thesis as Ant System (AS). It was initially aimed at
solving the popular Travelling Salespersons problem.
Though the solution provided by AS was suboptimal
when compared with other specialized solutions, it
underlined a method which models the foraging behaviour of ants to solve complex problems of computer


As mentioned earlier, the primary focus of this Chapter
is to illustrate the applications of bio-inspired ACO
techniques in the field of ad-hoc networks. We start by
introducing the concepts of SI. Then, ACO concepts and
their implementations in ad-hoc networks are discussed
in detail. We first present and explain properties of ant
colony that can enable to find the shortest path between

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

the source of the food of the ants and their colony using
the concept of pheromone. We explain the concept of
artificial ants and then present the Random Proportional
Transition Rule (Dorigo & Sttzle, 2003). We, then,
describe in detail, the AntHocNet algorithm (Di Caro,
Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004), which uses the ACO
technique for routing data in ad-hoc networks.

Social insects such as ants, bees, wasps and termites
and organisms such as fishes and birds rely on local
communication to achieve distributed control. While
insects such as ants, bees and termites rely on indirect communication through environment (also often
referred to in the literature as Stigmergy), birds are
dependent on direct but localised communication.
Nonetheless, all of these techniques aim at developing a system in which each element of the system
works together to establish autonomy. The elements
co-operate with each other locally to make the system
much more adaptable and robust to changes and errors.
Since these are the main aims of the design of ad-hoc
networks, SI algorithms are effectively employed for

solving routing and Quality-of-Service (QoS) problems

in ad-hoc networks.

Natural ants have a property that they always find the
shortest path to the food source from their nests. This
property can be illustrated by the experiments explained
in (Goss, Aron, Deneubourg, & Pasteels, 1989) and
(Deneubourg, S., S., & J., 1990). The set up of the
experiments is illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
In Figure 1, the path between the nest and the food
source are equal. It was found that roughly 50% of the
ants were using each path. On the other hand in the
set up shown in Figure 2, when the paths are unequal,
it was found that after some time nearly all the ants
were using the smaller path. This phenomenon can be
explained using the following argument.
It was found that the ants mark the path that they
take by a chemical named pheromone, thereby guiding other ants to take that path. Its implication is that
the ants choose a path on the basis of the amount of
pheromone lying on that path. In Figure 2, when the
first group of ants start from their nest, they choose each
path with equal probability. So, about half of the ants
start moving on each path. The ants using the smaller

Figure 1. Same path lengths1

Path Length Same

Figure 2. Different path lengths2

Path Length


Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

path reach point B first. Since no pheromone is present,

the group again divides into two with equal number
of ants turning towards the nest and other half going
back via the longer path. When the ants coming from
the longer path (which remain unperturbed by the ants
coming back from that path) reach point B, they face a
choice between going towards the food source or going back towards point A using the smaller path. Since
pheromone on path to the food source is smaller than
that on the path going back to point A, more ants use
this path, thereby increasing the pheromone quantity
on shorter path even further. When the second group
of ants start from the nest and reach point A, more ants
chose the smaller path since the pheromone value on
that path is higher thereby increasing the pheromone
quantity even further. This can be considered as special type of reinforced learning mechanism. Also, the
chemical pheromone evaporates easily, thus reducing
the pheromone level on both the paths. Ultimately the
pheromone level on the longer path drops to nearly zero
and hence all the ants use the smaller paths after some
time. Note that the path from point B to food source
is negligibly small and hence the pheromone level on
it too increases rapidly and this becomes the selected
path at point B instead of the longer path going back.
As mentioned earlier, Marco Dorigo modelled
this behaviour of ants mathematically on small agents
called Artificial Ants. These ants take probabilistic decisions over a set of possible solutions as a function of
pheromone value associated with that path and heuristic
information which is based on the input data. During
each iteration, a solution is chosen with a probability
which is given by (deCastro & Von Zuben, 2005):
In Equation (1), ij refers to the pheromone level
and ij is the heuristic information.
Equation (1) is called the Random Proportional
Transition Rule (deCastro & Von Zuben, 2005). The
pheromone and heuristic information can be weighted
using and and hence, , R+. The pheromone
value of a solution can also be updated on the basis
of its performance by a process of reinforcement. The
pheromone levels for good solutions can be reinforced
by updating pheromone values on such solutions. This
leads to faster convergence on optimal solutions.

In addition to this, pheromones are evaporated

proportionally on all solutions. If denotes the evaporation rate, the pheromone value of a solution is found
by multiplying it by a factor of (1 ). The purpose of
evaporation is opposite to that of reinforcement. It aims
at avoiding too rapid convergence of the solution, which
might lead to a sub-optimal solution (Dorigo & Sttzle,
2003). Evaporation implements convenient forgetting,
leading to exploration of a bigger solution space.

AntHocNet (Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella,
2004) is an Ant Colony-based routing technique for
ad-hoc networks. It is a hybrid algorithm which relies on reactive route set up combined with proactive
route probing, maintenance and improvement. It is an
on-demand routing algorithm, which means that the
paths between the source and destination are set up as
and where required and is not computed beforehand.
AntHocNet is also a table-based routing protocol which
means that the tables are used by each node to keep
track of all the paths from that node to other nodes in
the network. Every on-demand routing algorithm in
ad-hoc networks has the following three functionalities (Toh, 2002).


Route Discovery: To find a route between the

source and the destination.
Route Selection: If multiple routes are present, an
algorithm selects the route(s) that are used for the
purpose of routing. This might include selecting
routes from a given table of routes.
Route Maintenance: To take suitable actions when
routes break due to movement of nodes or link

Though an algorithm may offer functions related to

security, fault tolerance and other application-specific
functionalities, these are the three basic functionalities
present in almost every routing algorithm. We would
now discuss how AntHocNet implements all the three

Route Discovery
As mentioned earlier, an AntHocNet is an on-demand
routing protocol. Routes are found on-the-go. In
AntHocNet, small control packets called ant agents

Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

are used for transferring control information within the

network. When a source node s wants to communicate
with a destination node d, it looks for a path in its pheromone table. If it does not find any path, it broadcasts
a reactive forward ant Fds. Ant agents, which are copies
of each other (like the ones that are broadcasted), are
said to be belonging to the same generation of ants.
A node i that receives the ant, in turn, looks for a path
to the destination d in its own pheromone table. A
pheromone table stores entries in the form T ind, where
Tnd represents the suitability of going over to neighbouring node n to reach d. If pheromone information
is available, the next node is chosen on the basis of
the Random Transition Rule given in Equation (1) (Di
Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004). A node n is
chosen with a probability Pnd (Di Caro, Ducatelle, &
Gambardella, 2004).
Here, Nid represents the set of neighbours over which
path to the node d is known. On comparing Equation (1)
with Equation (2), the reader would notice that the value
of denoting the importance of heuristic information
is zero here and 1 signifies the parameter which can be
used to control the exploratory behaviour of ants.
If the node i does not have any entry in its pheromone
table, it rebroadcasts the ant. To prevent flooding of the
network by these broadcasts, when a node receives an
ant which it had received before (that is, several ants
of the same generation), it compares it with the ant
with best performance. If the number of hops h and
Figure 3. Pseudo multiple path (kite shaped path)3

is the total time required to transfer Q (length
of queue) + 1 packets to the MAC layer. This is found
as (Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004)
is estimated as (Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004)
where [0, 1].
is the travelling time estimated by an ant,
pheromone value entry in table T i at node i, given by
Figure 4. Paths with 1st hop different (accepted multiple paths)4


the travel time

is within the acceptance factor a1,
then only it is rebroadcast by that node. Otherwise, the
ant is discarded. An exception to this rule is made for
ants which differ in the first-hop with each other. For
such ants, a higher acceptance factor a2 is used. This
prevents kite-shaped paths (Pseudo multiple paths) (Di
Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004) as shown in
Figures 3 and 4.
As an ant reaches the destination d, it is converted
into a backward ant. A backward ant traverses the
route P in the reverse direction, updating the value of
pheromone at each node. The time taken to transport
data packet over P is estimated as (Di Caro, Ducatelle,
& Gambardella, 2004).




Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

is updated as (Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella,

Thop is a fixed value representing single hop time
is updated as
in unloaded conditions. The value of
(Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004)
where [0, 1].

Data Routing
Once the paths have been setup, routing is done stochastically. This means that when a node receives a
data packet, it can choose to forward it to one of the
several nodes in its list. A node chooses a next node
from the table with a probability (Di Caro, Ducatelle,
& Gambardella, 2004):
If one compares Equation (8) with Equation (2), we
find that, using AntHocNet, data packets are forwarded
in a manner similar to control packets (reactive forward
ant packets in this case). However, the value of 2 is
chosen much higher than 1 so as to give preference to
better paths while routing the data. On the other hand, by
lowering the value of 1 we can give liberty to reactive
forward ants to be more explorative in nature.
Even though a node prefers to forward packets to a
next node which lies on a better path, as the load on a
network rises, the pheromone value on this particular
path starts decreasing and hence the probability of
selecting other paths increases. This kind of stochastic
data routing leads to automatic load balancing.

Route Maintenance
As mentioned earlier, AntHocNet uses proactive route
probing and maintenance. Source node unicasts proactive ants to the destination. These ants are forwarded
by each node in a manner similar to the other control
packets. However, they also have a small probability

of being broadcasted. Hence, an ant which reaches the

destination node after selected number (say, one or two)
of broadcasts finds out a fresh route to destination. If
an ant is not broadcasted, it finds out fresh information
regarding this route.
A node uses hello packets to track its neighbours. If
a node finds out a new neighbour, it adds it to its routing table. However, if a node discovers that a node has
moved from its neighbourhood (for example, if it does
not respond to the hello messages), a node broadcasts
its neighbour, it removes it from its routing table and
broadcasts a link failure notification, so that the other
nodes in the network update their table to include that
the node does not have a route to the destination any
If, however, the node realizes that the problem is
due to link failure and not node movement, it tries to
repair the path by initiating a route repair ant to the
destination. This ant tries to find an alternate path to the
destination and if it does not return within a specified
time, the node assumes a failure, and broadcasts link
failure notification.

This chapter presents an example of how ACO techniques can be applied to solve problems in ad-hoc
networks. We first introduced the food foraging behaviour of ants and explain the phenomenon using the
concept of pheromone. We then explained the concept
of artificial ants and other ACO techniques and explain
the random probability rule.
We, then, introduce the AntHocNet algorithm (Di
Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella, 2004) that uses ACO
techniques, for routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. We
explained how different routes are discovered using
reactive forward ants. We also explained how random
probability rule is used in the case of AntHocNet. We
then presented how data can be routed stochastically
using these routes and the automatic load-balancing
that it achieves. In the end, we explained how these
routes are maintained using hello packets and link
failure notification.

Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

Abdul-Razaq, T. S., Potts, C. N., & Van Wassenhove,
L. N. (1990). A survey of algorithms for the single
machine total weighted tardiness scheduling problem.
Discrete Appied Mathematics. 26, 2-3 (Feb. 1990) (pp.
235-253). Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Ai-bin, C., Zi-xing, C., & De-wen, H. (1993). Clustering in mobile ad hoc network based on neural network.
Journal of Central South University of Technology ,
Barolli, L., Koyama, A., & Shiratori, N. (2003). A
QoS Routing Method for Ad-Hoc Networks Based on
Genetic Algorithm. 14th International Workshop on
Database and Expert Systems Applications(DEXA) (pp.
175-179). Prague: IEEE Computer Society.
Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C., E. & Rivest, R. L. (2001).
Introduction to Algorithm, Second Edition, MIT Press,
ISBN 0-262-03293-7, Chapter 30.
de Castro, L. N., & Von Zuben, F. J. (2005). Recent
Developments in Biologically Inspired Computing.
Idea Group Publishing.

Toh, C. K. (2002). Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Systems.

Prentice Hall PTR.
Toth, P. and Vigo, D. (2001). An overview of vehicle
routing problems. In The Vehicle Routing Problem, P.
Toth and D. Vigo, Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (pp. 1-26). Philadelphia, PA,
Vesel, A., & Zerovnik, J. (2000). How good can ants
color graphs? Journal of Computing and Information,
Vicente, E., Mujica, V., Sisalem, D., & Popescu-Zeletin, R. (2005). NEURAL: A Self-organizing Routing
Algorithm for Ad Hoc networks. Third International
Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile,
Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (pp. 259-266). Trentino:
IEEE Computer Society.
Wedde, H., & Farooq, M. (2005). The wisdom of the
hive applied to mobile ad-hoc networks. IEEE Swarm
Intelligence Symposium, (pp. 341 - 348). Pasadena.
Zhang, Y., & Lee, W. (2000). Intrusion detection in
wireless ad-hoc networks. International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking, (pp. 275 - 283).

Deneubourg, J.-L., S., A., S., G., & J., P. (1990). The
self-organizing exploratory pattern of the Argentine
Ants. Journal of Insect Behavior , 159168.


Di Caro, G., Ducatelle, F., & Gambardella, L. M. (2004).

AntHocNet: An Adaptive Nature-Inspired Algorithm.
Lecture Notes In Computer Science , 461-470.

Ant Colony Optimization: Ant Colony Optimization involves a set of algorithms modelled on the
foraging behaviour of a colony of natural ants.

Dorigo, M., & Sttzle, T. (2003). The Ant Colony

Optimization Metaheuristic: Algorithm, Applications
and Advances. In F. Glover, & K. G. A., Handbook
of Metaheuristics (pp. 251-285). Kluwer Academic

AntHocNet: An Ant Colony Optimization-based

algorithm for routing in ad-hoc networks using reactive
route set up combined with proactive route probing,
maintenance and improvement.

Dressler, F. (2006). Self-Organization in Ad Hoc Networks: Overview and Classification. University of

Erlangen, Dept. of Computer Science.
Goss, S., Aron, S., Deneubourg, J.-L., & Pasteels, J.
(1989). Self-organized shortcuts in the argentine ant.
Naturwissenschaften , 579-581.
Murthy, C. S., & S., M. B. (2004). Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Heuristic Information: Static value associated with

a solution that represents the relative suitability of a
solution among its peers based on intuition, previous
experience or common sense.
Pheromone: Chemical secreted by natural ants, the
presence of which is an indicative of the number of ants
that have followed a particular path. This chemical is
modelled to represent the historical preference that is
associated with a path in Ant Colony Optimization.


Swarm Intelligence Approach for Ad-Hoc Networks

Proactive Forward Ant: Control ant agents that

are unicast to destination node and are responsible for
finding fresh information about existing routes or to
find fresh nodes to the destinations.
Reactive Forward Ant: Ant agents responsible for
discovering paths to the destination nodes.
Stigmergy: Method of indirect communication
between simple agents by altering their environment.
Ants use a chemical called Pheromone to communicate
with each other, which is an example of stigmergy.
Swarm Intelligence: Group of bio-inspired algorithms which is modelled on the collective behaviour
of a group of social organisms such as ants, termites,
bees, fishes and birds.




Based on Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella,

Based on Di Caro, Ducatelle, & Gambardella,


Swarm Robotics

Amanda J.C. Sharkey

University of Sheffield, UK

Swarm Robotics is a biologically inspired approach
to the organisation and control of groups of robots.
Its biological inspiration is mainly drawn from social
insects, but also from herding and flocking phenomena
in mammals and fish. The promise of emulating some
of the efficient organisational principles of biological
swarms is an alluring one. In biological systems such
as colonies of ants, sophisticated cooperative behaviour emerges despite the simplicity of the individual
members, and the absence of centralised control and
explicit directions. Such societies are able to maintain
themselves as a collective, and to accomplish coordinated actions such as those required to construct and
maintain nests, to find food, and to raise their young.
The central idea behind swarm robotics is to find
similar ways of coordinating and controlling collections of robots.

The mechanisms that underlie social insect behaviour
have inspired an approach that emphasises autonomy,
emergence and distributed functioning, and avoids a
reliance on centralised control and communication.
This approach underlies both swarm robotics, and the
closely related notion of artificial swarm intelligence.
The term swarm intelligence was first coined in the
context of cellular robotic systems, on the basis of the
features that the simulated robotic collections shared
with social insects: namely decentralised control, lack
of synchronicity, simple and (quasi) identical members
and size (Beni and Wang, 1989). Bonabeau et al (1999)
describe as swarm intelligence, any attempt to design
algorithms or distributed problem-solving devices
inspired by the collective behaviour of social insect
colonies and other animal societies (pg 7, Bonabeau
et al, 1999). The key ingredients of swarm intelligence
that they emphasise are self-organisation, and stigmergy,

(indirect communication via the environment). Martinoli (2001) similarly describes the swarm intelligence
approach as emphasising parallelism, distributedness,
and exploitation of direct (agent-to-agent) or indirect
(via the environment) local interactions among relatively simple agents.
Swarm robotics has been described as the application
of swarm intelligent principles to collective robotics
(Sharkey and Sharkey 2006). The same principles of
decentralised local control and communication are
applied to physically instantiated robots. In swarm
robotics, the emphasis is on using a number of simple
robots that are autonomous, not subject to global control, and that have limited communication abilities.
The reliance on local communication means that the
potential problems of communication bottlenecks, or
centralised failure, are avoided. The system benefits
from the redundancy of using several robots: if individual robots were to fail, others could take over, and
new ones could be added without the need for recalibration of communicative systems. In the same way,
the activities of an ant colony need not be affected by
the removal of some of its members. The simplicity
of the individual robots means that they are able to
respond quickly to the environment. There are also
several tasks, such as exploring an environment, that
can be accomplished more efficiently if a number of
robots are used.
Of course, using a collection of robots creates some
new problems itself (Bonabeau et al, 1999). There is
the possibility of stagnation: without global knowledge,
a group of robots can find themselves in a deadlock
situation. Too many robots trying to reach the same
location, or perform the same task could obstruct each
other. Another problem is finding a solution to a task:
how can situations be engineered in order that a desired
solution can emerge? Nonetheless, the promise of being
able to send a number of autonomous robots to perform
a task, particularly in sites that are remote and inhospitable to humans, outweighs the disadvantages.

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Swarm Robotics

Early work in swarm robotics can be illustrated by
describing a series of studies in which simple robots
are shown to be able to collect a number of objects
in one place, and even to sort them. This work was
initiated by a paper by Deneubourg et al (1991), and
observations of the ability of ants to work together to
sort their brood into clusters of eggs, larvae and cocoons,
despite the insects limited communicative abilities.
In their simulations, ant-like robots (ALRs) moved
randomly in a two dimensional environment populated
by objects, and showed a greater probability of picking
up the isolated items they encountered, and a greater
probability of dropping them at locations where more
items of that type are present. Their simulations
demonstrated that the model eventually resulted in
clustering and sorting of objects. Beckers et al (1994)
applied these ideas to actual robots. Their robots had
IR sensors for obstacle avoidance, a gripper to pick
up the objects, and a microswitch that was activated
when they pushed three pucks or more. They could
(i) travel in a straight line until (ii) an obstacle was
detected, whereupon they would turn to avoid it, or
(iii) until their micro switch was activated, whereupon
they would drop the pucks they were carrying, and turn
away. Since the robots` grippers would automatically
collect up pucks they encountered, these behaviours
were sufficient to result in the eventual collection of all
the objects in a single cluster. Holland and Melhuish
(1999) extended these results: augmenting the robots`
behaviours with a pull-back rule that required robots
to pull pucks of one colour back for some distance
before releasing them. Its effect was that (after several
hours), pucks scattered across the arena were collected
up by the robots, and sorted into clusters of different
colours. More recently, Wilson et al (2004) reported
further investigations of different minimalist solutions
to ant-like annular sorting using simple robots and
simple mechanisms.
Other swarm robotic studies have also explored the
behaviours that can be accomplished by robots that respond in a fixed manner to environmental stimuli, and
that do not directly communicate with each other. A
number of studies were designed to investigate explicitly cooperative tasks, (tasks that have been designed
to require cooperation), such as pushing a box that is
too heavy to be pushed by a single robot (Kube and
Zhang, 1996; Kube and Bonabeau, 2000). Stick pulling

(Ijspeert et al, 2001) is a similarly explicitly cooperative

task that involved locating sticks in a circular arena
and pulling them out of the ground in circumstances
where the length of the stick means that a single robot
cannot pull it out by itself, but must collaborate with a
second robot. Ijspeert et al (2001) used reactive robots
with minimal sensing abilities. Their results show that
collaboration can still be obtained despite the absence
of signalling, planning, or direct communication.
These studies share a number of features. They all
involve a number of robots. The robots are autonomous, and not controlled centrally; the control methods
used could be scaled up to larger numbers of robots,
or scaled down to smaller numbers since each robot
performs a set number of fixed behaviours in response
to certain stimuli. The individual robots are certainly
simple they have no knowledge of the environment
they are in, or even of the other robots in it. They
are essentially reactive: they have no knowledge or
map of their environment, and they have no ability to
communicate directly with other robots, or to receive
instructions. Nonetheless, they exhibit apparently cooperative behaviour. Many of the studies make use of
the concept of stigmergy, a term introduced by Grass
(1959) in the context of his observations of termite
building behaviour. He noted that termite workers
were stimulated to further constructive activity in the
presence of particular features of a construction. The
behaviour of the termite is affected by changes in the
environment created either by itself, or by other termites:
a form of indirect communication, where environmental
changes have a signalling function. All of the examples
discussed here explicitly draw analogies and parallels
to living biological systems. Together, they illustrate
some of the potential of swarm robotics: despite the
simplicity of the individual robots, their interactions
with the environment result in the performance of tasks
in the physical world, and demonstrate that cooperation
between such simple entities can emerge in the absence
of any planning, centralised coordination, or even any
direct communication between the robots.
Nonetheless, as research in swarm robotics has
developed, so has a certain lack of clarity and agreement about the terms to be used and about what their
defining features are (see also Dorigo and Sahin, 2004).
There is agreement that swarm robotics implies the use
of control and communication methods that are decentralised and scalable, so that communication bottlenecks
are avoided, the robots operate autonomously, and the

Swarm Robotics

same approach could be applied unchanged to varying

sizes of robot collection. It is less clear whether swarm
robotics necessarily implies the use of reactive control
and constraints on the kinds of communication involved.
Bonabeau et al (1999) suggest that swarm-based robotics may be loosely defined as reactive collective
robotics (pg 19), and that swarm-based robotics relies
on the anti-classical AI idea that a group of robots may
be able to perform tasks without explicit representations
of the environment and of the other robots. Should
swarm robotics be restricted to the use of robots with
such minimal representational abilities?
Arguments in favour of restricting swarm robotics
to the use of reactive robots can be made on the basis
of parsimony. Pfeifer and Scheier (2001) argue that
a more parsimonious model should be preferred over
more complicated ones, and that, for instance, a model
that can explain the clustering behaviour of ants based
on simple reflexes, for example, is to be preferred over
one that postulates some sort of internal representation
of clustering. Of course, there are practical advantages
to be gained from attempting to accomplish a given task
with the simplest possible mechanism. Minimalist unit
design and a reliance on reactive robots that respond
rapidly to stimuli in the environment can facilitate a
rapid response to changing situations, and lead to the
use of robots that are relatively cheap and expendable.
Wilson et al (2004) for example, provide a practical
justification for their minimalist approach that relies
on robots built from simple mechanical components
and sensors, claiming, Potentially, this allows for the
production of more robust and cheaper robot units.
Simple behavioural rules are employed so the robots
are less complex. Rules have to be embodied and
realized in a machine, and the more complicated the
rules, the more complicated the hardware and software
in the machine is likely to be. The more complicated
the hardware and software required, the more there is
to go wrong. The problem is that there is likely to
be a limit to the number and kinds of task that can be
accomplished using reflexive behaviours, and avoiding
internal representation.
Another reason for an emphasis on reactive robots in
swarm robotics is based on its inheritance from behaviour-based robotics. Rodney Brooks and his associates
introduced the idea of behaviour-based robotics, and
the advantages to be gained from departing from the
traditional emphasis on reasoning and representation
in Artificial Intelligence (Brooks 1999). They showed

that certain tasks could be solved more easily by robots

that were situated in the world, and could react to and
exploit characteristics of the environment, than by
robots such as Shakey (Nilsson, 1984) that depended
on a representationally intensive, and slow approach
to modelling the world. However, again the range of
tasks to which robots without representations can be
applied is limited, and more recent formulations of
behaviour-based robotics (Mataric 1997) incorporate
the idea of action-centred representations.
A final reason for preferring to use reactive robots
in swarm robotics can be found in assumptions about
the limited abilities of the social insects that inspire
them. Debates over parsimonious explanation have
always occurred in biology. For instance, Griffin (1992)
has argued that there has been a long held view that
social insects are little more than genetically programmed clockwork. Under such a view, insects can
only react to stimuli, and are not able to represent the
world, or to communicate amongst themselves. This
view of insects as clockwork (albeit clockwork with
sensors that enable it to respond to the world) is one
that can be traced back to behaviourisms response to
the anthropomorphism that preceded it. The synopsis
of a book on insect learning (Papaj and Lewis, 1992)
claims that until recently, insects were viewed as
rigidly programmed automatons: now however, it is
recognised that they can actually learn and that their
behaviour is plastic.
There is a gradually accumulating body of evidence that shows that social insects do have some
representational and learning abilities, and that their
communicative abilities are more extensive than was
once supposed. For example, Collett and Collett (2002)
review evidence for memory use in insect visual navigation, describing evidence that shows reliable recognition of visual landmarks, and reliable performance of
learned routes. Franks and Richardson (2006) report
evidence that the ant Temnothorax albipennis can use
tandem running to lead another ant from nest to food,
and make use of bi-directional feedback, as the leader
ant modifies its behaviour when being followed the
leader teaches the route to the follower. Robinson et al
(2005) have shown that as well as laying a pheromone
trail to guide others to a food sources, Pharaohs ants
can also lay a negative no entry signal to mark an
unrewarding trail path.
Such findings could justify extending the capabilities of individual robots in a swarm beyond those of

Swarm Robotics

reactive control. Robots with some ability to learn a

route, to recognise landmarks, or to keep track of the
number of encounters they have with others would be
able to perform a wider range of tasks. It would be
interesting to explore the ways in which such abilities
could be incorporated into swarm robotics. An approach
of biologically plausible minimalism, in which the
representational and communicative abilities of the robots were restricted to those plausible for social insects
would ensure that any such approach still preserved the
swarm advantages of decentralisation and scalability
shown in their biological counterparts.

An avenue that could be explored in future swarm
robotic research is that of incorporating simple forms
of memory and representational ability, without compromising the swarm-related benefits of local control
and communication and scalability. Relatively simple
robots could, for instance, be given some minimal
representational abilities: the ability for instance to
learn a route, or to recognise landmarks. Similarly, it
would be interesting to explore the use of some further
communicative abilities other than that of pheromone
trail laying. For example, robots could be given the
ability to convey, and to sense, the tasks that they and
other robots are involved in, and to keep account of
the frequency of their encounters. This would enable
some distributed decision making abilities, and dynamic
switching between tasks based on their local records
of the numbers performing each task. These limited
cognitive abilities would still depend on entirely local
control, and would be scalable, but such extensions
could be used to extend the range and complexity of
tasks to which swarm robotics could be applied.

In this article, we have surveyed swarm robotics research
and discussed the source of its biological inspiration
the self-organised behaviour of social insects. Some
representative studies have been described, and their
common characteristics noted. These include the ideas
that the robots in a swarm should be simple, autonomous,
and subject to local control and communication. The
expected benefits of using such robots are that they

should be able to provide a robust and flexible solution

for practical applications in inaccessible areas; one that
benefits from an inherent redundancy, since robots could
fail or be replaced without the need for recalibration of
the control and communication methods.
The approach is of interest, but still in its early
stages. There is still some disagreement about the
use of the term swarm robotics, and the constraints
it implies. In particular, it is not clear whether swarm
robotics necessarily involves the use of reactive robots
with effectively no representational ability. There are
reasons to prefer the simplest possible solution for a
given task, but the argument is made here that there
is evidence that social insects do have some ability to
represent the environment, and that incorporating such
abilities into swarm robotics would extend the range of
tasks to which the approach could be applied, without
compromising its swarm-related advantages.

Beckers, R., Holland, O.E. and Deneubourg, J.L.
(1994) From local actions to global tasks: Stigmergy
and collective robotics. In Proceedings A-Life IV
MIT Press
Beni, G., and Wang, J. (1989) Swarm intelligence. In
Proceedings. of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the
Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, p 425-428.
Bonabeau, E., Dorigo, M., and Theraulaz, G. (1999)
Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems,
Oxford University Press.
Brooks, R. (1999) Cambrian Intelligence: The Early
History of the New AI A Bradford Book: MIT Press.
Collett, T.S. and Collett, M.(2002) Memory use in
insect visual navigation. Nature Reviews. Neuroscience, 3, 542-552.
Deneubourg, J.-L., Goss, S., Franks, N., SendovaFranks, A., Detrain, C. and Chretien, L. (1991) The
dynamics of collective sorting: Robot-like ants and
ant-like robots. In J.A. Meyer and S.W. Wilson (Eds),
From animals to animats: Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
Behaviour (pp 356-363, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
(A Bradford Book).

Swarm Robotics

Dorigo, M. and Sahin, E. (2004) Guest editorial: Swarm

robotics. Autonomous Robots, 17, 2-3, 111-113.
Franks, N.R. and Sendova-Franks, A.B. (1992) Brood
sorting by ants: Distributing the workload over the
work-surface. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 30, 109-123.

Nilsson, N. (1984) Shakey the robot. Technical

Report Technical Note 323. Menlo Park, CA: SRI
Papaj, D.R., and Lewis, A. C., (1992) (Eds) Insect
Learning: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives,
New York: London, Chapman and Hall.

Franks, N.R.and Richardson, T. (2006) Teaching in

tandem-running ants. Nature, 439, 153

Pfeifer, R. and Scheier, C. (2001) Understanding Intelligence. MIT Press, London, England.

Grey Walter, W. (1954) The Living Brain. A Pelican


Robinson, E., J.H, Jackson, D.E., Holcombe, M., Ratnieks, F.L.W. (2005) No entry signal in ant foraging.
Nature, 438, 442-442 Brief Communications

Grass, P.P. (1959) La reconstruction du nid et les

coordinations inter-individuelles chez Bellicositermes
Natalensis et Cubitermes sp La thorie de la stigmergie:
essai dinterprtation du comportement des termites
constructeur. Insectes Sociaux, 6, 41-80.
Griffin, D.R. (1992) Animal Minds. The University of
Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
Holland, O, and Melhuish, C. (1999) Stigmergy, SelfOrganisation, and Sorting in Collective Robotics.
Artificial Life 5, 173-202.
Ijspeert, A.J., Martinoli, A., Billard, A., Gambardella,
L.M. (2001) Collaboration through the exploitation of
local interactions in autonomous collective robotics:
The stick pulling experiment. Autonomous Robots,
11, 149-171.
Kube, C. and Zhang, H. (1996) The use of perceptual
cues in multi-robot box-pushing. In Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp2085-2090.
Kube, C.R. and Bonabeau, E. (2000) Cooperative
transport by ants and robots. Robotics and Autonomous
Systems 30, 85-101
Martinoli, A. (2001) Collective complexity out of individual simplicity. Invited book review on Swarm
Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems by
E.Bonabeau, M. Dorigo, and G. Theraulaz, Artificial
Life, 7, 3, pp 315-319.
Mataric, M. (1997) Behaviour-based control: examples
from navigation, learning and group behaviour. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical AI, Special Issue
on Software Architectures for Physical Agents, 9, 2-3,
(Eds) H. Hexmoor, I. Horswill, and D. Kortenkamp,

Sharkey, A.J.C. and Sharkey, N.E. (2006) The application of swarm intelligence to collective robotics. In
J. Fulcher (Ed) Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing,
Wilson, M., Melhuish, C., Sendova-Franks, A.B., and
Scholes, S. (2004) Algorithms for Building Annular
Structures with Minimalist Robots Inspired by Brood
Sorting in Ant Colonies. Autonomous Robots, 17,

Behaviour-Based Robotics (BBR): A paradigm
initiated by Brooks (1999) that stressed the importance
of studying robots situated in the world, and responding
to information directly gathered by their sensors. BBR
robots make minimal use of internal representations.
Emergent Behaviour: Results from the unsupervised interaction of a number of simpler processes.
The complex behaviour of an ant colony is a good
example of emergent behaviour: the individual ants
carry out their tasks on a local level, but the combined
effect is of a colony that is able to maintain its own
Reactive Robotics: An approach to robot control
in which there is a direct mapping from the sensor
input to the robot, and its motor output. No use is
made of internal representations of the world. The
approach dates from the reactive robots developed by
Grey Walter (1954).
Self-Organisation: Pattern-formation processes in
physical and biological systems that occur as a result of

Swarm Robotics

interactions internal to the system, without intervention

by external influences.
Stigmergy: A method of indirect communication
that occurs when one individual modifies the environment, and another responds to that environment at a
later time.
Swarm Intelligence: Describes attempts to design
algorithms and to solve problems, using methods inspired by observations of the collective behaviour of
biological groups such as insect colonies.
Social Insects: Insects that live cooperatively in
colonies and exhibit a division of labour among distinct
castes. E.g. termites, ants, bees, some wasps.



Symbol Grounding Problem

Angelo Loula
State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Joo Queiroz
State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

The topic of representation acquisition, manipulation
and use has been a major trend in Artificial Intelligence
since its beginning and persists as an important matter
in current research. Particularly, due to initial focus on
development of symbolic systems, this topic is usually
related to research in symbol grounding by artificial
intelligent systems. Symbolic systems, as proposed by
Newell & Simon (1976), are characterized as a highlevel cognition system in which symbols are seen as
[lying] at the root of intelligent action (Newell and
Simon, 1976, p.83). Moreover, they stated the Physical Symbol Systems Hypothesis (PSSH), making the
strong claim that a physical symbol system has the
necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent
action (p.87).
This hypothesis, therefore, sets equivalence between
symbol systems and intelligent action, in such a way
that every intelligent action would be originated in a
symbol system and every symbol system is capable
of intelligent action. The symbol system described by
Newell and Simon (1976) is seen as a computer program
capable of manipulating entities called symbols, physical patterns combined in expressions, which can be
created, modified or destroyed by syntactic processes.
Two main capabilities of symbol systems were said to
provide the system with the properties of closure and
completeness, and so the system itself could be built
upon symbols alone (Newell & Simon, 1976). These
capabilities were designation expressions designate
objects and interpretation expressions could be processed by the system. The question was, and much of
the criticism about symbol systems came from it, how
these systems, built upon and manipulating just symbols,
could designate something outside its domain.
Symbol systems lack intentionality, stated John
Searle (1980), in an important essay in which he de-

scribed a widely known mental experiment (Gedankenexperiment), the Chinese Room Argument. In this
experiment, Searle places himself in a room where he
is given correlation rules that permits him to determine
answers in Chinese to question also in Chinese given
to him, although Searle as the interpreter knows no
Chinese. To an outside observer (who understands
Chinese), the man in this room understands Chinese
quite well, even though he is actually manipulating
non-interpreted symbols using formal rules. For an
outside observer the symbols in the questions and
answers do represent something, but for the man in
the room the symbols lack intentionality. The man in
the room acts like a symbol system, which relies only
in symbolic structures manipulation by formal rules.
For such systems, the manipulated tokens are not
about anything, and so they cannot even be regarded
as representations. The only intentionality that can be
attributed to these symbols belongs to who ever uses
the system, sending inputs that represent something to
them and interpreting the output that comes out of the
system. (Searle, 1980)
Therefore, intentionality is the important feature
missing in symbol systems. The concept of intentionality is of aboutness, a feature of certain mental states by
which they are directed at or about objects and states of
affairs in the world (Searle, 1980), as a thought being
about a certain place.1 Searle (1980) points out that a
program itself can not achieve intentionality, because
programs involve formal relations and intentionality
depends on causal relations. Along these lines, Searle
leaves a possibility to overcome the limitations of mere
programs: machines physical systems causally connected to the world and having causal internal powers
could reproduce the necessary causality, an approach
in the same direction of situated and embodied cognitive science and robotics. It is important to notice that
these machines should not be just robots controlled

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Symbol Grounding Problem

by a symbol system as described before. If the input

does not come from a keyboard and output goes to a
monitor, but rather came in from a video camera and
then out to motors, it would not make a difference since
the symbol system is not aware of this change. And
still in this case, the robot would not have intentional
states (Searle 1980).
Symbol systems should not depend on formal rules
only, if symbols are to represent something to the
system. This issue brought in another question, how
symbols could be connected to what they represent,
or, as stated by Harnad (1990) defining the Symbol
Grounding Problem:
How can the semantic interpretation of a formal
symbol system be made intrinsic to the system, rather
than just parasitic on the meanings in our heads? How
can the meanings of the meaningless symbol tokens,
manipulated solely on the basis of their (arbitrary)
shapes, be grounded in anything but other meaningless symbols?
The Symbol Grounding Problem, therefore, reinforces two important matters. First that symbols do not
represent anything to a system, at least not what they
were said to designate. Only someone operating the
system could recognize those symbols as referring to
entities outside the system. Second, the symbol system
cannot hold its closure in relating symbols only with
other symbols; something else should be necessary
to establish a connection between symbols and what
they represent. An analogy made by Harnad (1990) is
with someone who knows no Chinese but tries to learn
Chinese from a Chinese/Chinese dictionary. Since terms
are defined by using other terms and none of them is
known before, the person is kept in a dictionary-goround without ever understanding those symbols.
The great challenge for Artificial Intelligence
researchers then is to connect symbols to what they
represent, and also to identify the consequences that
the implementation of such connection would make to
a symbol system, e.g. much of the descriptions of symbols by means of other symbols would be unnecessary
when descriptions through grounding are available. It
is important to notice that the grounding process is not
just about giving sensors to an artificial system so it
would be able to see the world, since it trivializes the
symbol grounding problem and ignores the important


issue about how the connection between symbols and

objects are established (Harnad, 1990).

The symbol grounding problem aroused from the notice
that symbol systems manipulated structures that could
be associated with things in the world by an observer
operating the system, but not by the system itself. The
quest for symbol grounding processes is concerned with
understanding processes which could enable the connection of these purely symbolic representations with
what they represent in fact, which could be directly, or
by means of other grounded representations.
This represents a technological challenge as much as
a philosophical and scientific one, but there is a strong
interrelation between them. From one side there is the
concern with the technological design and engineering
of symbol grounding processes in artificial systems.
On the other side, the grounding process is a process
present in natural systems and therefore precedes
artificial systems. Theories and models are developed
to explain grounding and if consistent and detailed
enough may in principle be implemented in artificial
systems, which in return correspond to a laboratory
for these theories, when their hypothesis are tested and
new questions are raised, allowing further refinement
and experimentation.
A first proposal for symbol grounding as made
by Harnad (1990) in the same paper where he gave a
definition for the symbol grounding process. Harnad
proposed that symbolic representations should be
grounded bottom-up by means of non-symbolic representations: iconic representations sensory projections
of objects and categorical representations invariant
features of objects. Neural networks were pointed out
as a feature learner and discriminator, which could link
sensory data with symbolic representations, after been
trained to identify the invariant features. This would
causally connect symbols and sensory data, but this
proposal describes just a tagging system that gives
names to sensed objects but does not use this to take
actions and interact with its environment. A mental
theater is formed as Dennett (1991) defined, where
images are projected internally and associated with
symbols, but no one is watching it. Besides the symbols
and the iconic representations are probably given by
the systems operator and the system must learn them

Symbol Grounding Problem

all, making no distinction between them and attributing

no functionality to them.
Another approach to deal with the limitation of
symbol systems was presented by Brooks (1990).
Instead of modeling artificial systems as symbol
systems, Brooks rejected the symbolic approach for
cognition modeling and the need of representations
for this end: [r]epresentation is the wrong unit of
abstraction in building the bulkiest parts of intelligent
systems(Brooks, 1991b, p.139), with representations
seen as centralized, explicit and pre-defined structures.
He proposed the Physical Grounding Hypothesis
(Brooks, 1990), supporting that intelligent systems
should be embedded in the real world, sensing and acting in it, establishing causal relations with perceptions
and actions, being built in a bottom up manner with
higher levels depending on lower ones. There was no
need for representations because the system is already
in touch with the objects and events it would need to
represent. Moreover, Brooks called up attention that the
most important aspect of intelligence was left out: to
deal with the world and its dynamics. Instead of dealing
with sophisticated high-level processes dealing with
simple domains, research in the so-called Nouvelle AI
should focus in simpler processes dealing with greatly
complicated domains (such as the real world) and work
its way from there to higher level ones (Brooks, 1990).
Brooks (1991a) also stated principles to this new approach, such as situatedness and embodiment, which
are the mottos of the situated and embodied cognition
studies (Clark, 1997).
Symbolic representations are in fact not incompatible with the Physical Grounding Hypothesis and
with the Situated and Embodied Cognition approach.
Brooks (1990) himself pointed out high-level abstractions should be made concrete by means lower-level
processes, thus symbolic representations should be
causally constructed from the situated/embodied interaction dynamics through the artificial agents history.
This approach was followed by several researchers
dealing with symbol grounding when building artificial
systems in which representations emerge from agents
interactions, when learning processes take place (e.g.
Ziemke 1999, Vogt 2002, Cangelosi 2002, Roy 2005;
see also Christiansen & Kirby 2003; Wagner, 2003, for
a review of experiments about language emergence).
In most of these new systems, artificial agents are
situated in an environment, in which they can sense
and act, and are allowed to interact with other agents

either artificial or biological ones. By means of

associative learning mechanisms, agents are able to
gradually establish relations between representations
and what they represent in the world, using communication as the basis to guide this learning process. And
remarkably, when explicitly discussing the symbol
grounding problem (Vogt 2002, Cangelosi et al. 2002,
Roy 2005), the sign theory of Charles Sanders Peirce,
particularly his definition of a symbol, is brought forth
as the theoretical background for a new view into this


The symbol grounding problem is fundamentally a
matter of how certain things can represent other things
to someone. Although symbol systems were said to
have designation properties (Newell & Simon, 1976),
which would allow symbols manipulated by the system to stand for objects and events in the world, this
property should actually be attributed to an outside
observer who was the only one able to make this connection. The artificial system itself did not have this
capability, so the symbols it manipulated were said to
be ungrounded. Building artificial systems based on the
hypothesis that symbolic processes were autonomous
and no other process was required proved to be flawed,
and the quest to understand representation processes
came up as a major issue.
Representation is the focus of semiotics, the formal
science of signs as defined by Charles Sanders Peirce.
His definition of Semiotics and his pragmatic notion of
meaning as the action of signs (semiosis), have had
deep impact in philosophy, psychology, theoretical
biology, and cognitive sciences. Sign model and classification was developed by Peirce from his logicalphenomenological categories. His definition of a sign as
something which stands to somebody for something in
some respect or capacity (Peirce 1931-1958, 2.228)
interrelates three distinct elements: a sign, an object,
which the sign represents in some respect, and an effect (interpretant) on an interpreter. The nature of the
relation between sign and object establishes the most
fundamental division of signs: signs can either be
icons, indexes or symbols. Icons stand for the object
through resemblance or similarity, since it carries
properties in common with the object. The drawing

Symbol Grounding Problem

of an object, a diagram and sensory projections are

regarded as icons. Indexes establish spatio-temporal
physical relation with its object, both occur as events
and the interpreter is not responsible for connection
between them, he just remarks it when it is established
(Peirce 1931-1958, 2.299). Examples of indexes are
smoke, which is related with fire, a scream that calls
up our attention, or a bullet hole. According to Peirce,
a symbol is a sign because it is interpreted as such, due
to a natural or conventional disposition, in spite of the
origin of this general interpretation rule (Peirce 19311958, 2.307). A word, a text and even a red light in a
traffic light alerting drivers to stop are symbols. In this
symbolic process, the object which is communicated
to the interpretant through the sign is a lawful relationship between a given type of sign and a given type of
object. Generally speaking, a symbol communicates a
law to the interpretant as a result of a regularity in the
relationship between sign and object.
Furthermore, it is important to remark that symbols,
indexes and icons are not mutually exclusively classes;
they are interrelated and interdependent classes. A
Symbol is a law, or regularity of the indefinite future.
[] But a law necessarily governs, or is embodied
in individuals, and prescribes some of their qualities.
Consequently, a constituent of a Symbol may be an
Index, and a constituent may be an Icon (Peirce 19311958, 2. 293). Symbols require indexes which require
icons. Harnad (1990) already noticed that symbols need
non-symbolic representations and proposed that symbols are to be connected with sensory projections and
categorical features, both regarded as icons in Peirces
theory. A symbol is a sign and as such it involves an
object which it refers to and an interpretant, the effect
of the sign, so a symbol can only represent something
to someone and when someone is interpreting it. A
symbol distinguishes itself from other signs since it
holds no resemblance or spatial-temporal relation
with the object and thus depends on a general rule
or disposition from the interpreter. At last, symbols
incorporate indexes (and icons, consequently) and one
way symbols can be acquired is by exploiting indexical relations between signs and objects, establishing
regularities between them.


The discussion around the symbol grounding problem
has an important component of theoretical aspects since
it involves issues such as representation and cognitive
modeling. Nevertheless, it is also a technological concern if researchers in Artificial Intelligence intend to
model and build artificial systems which are capable
of handling symbols in the appropriate way. The most
evident consequence of discussion the problem of
symbol grounding and ways of solving it is related
to language and more generally with communication
systems between agents (artificial ones or not). If we
expect a robot to act appropriately when we say bring
me that cup, we should expect it to know what these
symbols represent so it will act accordingly. Moreover,
we expect an artificial agent to learn and establish
symbol-object connections autonomously, without
the need of programming everything prior to the robot
execution or reprogram it every time a new symbol is
to be learned.
The employment of strong theoretical basis that
describes thoroughly the process of interest can certainly contribute to the endeavor of modeling and
implementing it in artificial systems. The semiotics of
Charles S. Peirce is recognized as a strongly consistent
theory, and has been brought forth by diverse researchers in Artificial Intelligence, though fragmentally. We
expect that Peirce description of sign processes will
shed light on the intricate problem of symbol grounding. Particularly, Peirce conception of meaning as sign
action can open up perspectives on the implementation
of semiotic machines, which can produces, transmits,
receives, computes, and interprets signs of different
kinds, meaningfully (Fetzer 1990). According to the
pragmatic approach of Peirce, meaning is not an infused concept, but a power to engender interpretants
(effects on interpreters). According to Peirces pragmatic model of sign, meaning is a, context-sensitive
(situated), interpreter-dependent, materially extended
(embodied) dynamic process. It is a social-cognitive
process, not merely a static system. It emphasizes
process and cannot be dissociated from the notion of
a situated (and actively distributed) communicational
agent. It is context-sensitive in the sense that is determined by the network of communicative events within
which the interpreting agents are immersed with the
signs, such that they cooperate with one another. It is
both interpreter-dependent and objective because it

Symbol Grounding Problem

triadically connects sign, object, and an effect in the


The original conception of artificial intelligent systems
as symbols systems brought forth a problem known as
symbol grounding problem. If symbol systems manipulate symbols, these symbols should represent something
to the system itself and not only to an external observer,
but the system has no way of grounding these symbols
in its sensory and motor interaction history, since it
does not have one. Many researchers pointed this key
flaw, particularly John Searle (1980) with his Chinese
Room Argument and Stevan Harnad (1990) with the
definition for the problem became well know.
A direction towards modeling artificial systems as
embodied and situated agents instead of symbol manipulating systems was pointed out, urging the need to
implement systems that could autonomously interact
with its environment and with the things it should have
representations for. But the topic of symbol grounding
also needs a description of how certain things come
to represent other things to someone, the topic of
study of semiotics. The semiotics of C.S.Peirce has
been used as theoretical framework in the discussion
the topic of symbol grounding problem in Artificial
Intelligence. The application of his theory in dealing
with the symbol grounding problem should further
contribute to the development of computational models
of cognitive systems and to the construction of ever
more meaningful machines.

Brooks, R. A. (1990) Elephants Dont Play Chess.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems (6), 3-15.
Brooks, R. A. (1991a) Intelligence Without Reason.
Proceedings of 12th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia, August 1991, 569-595.
Brooks, R. A. (1991b) Intelligence Without Representation. Artificial Intelligence Journal (47), 139159.
Cangelosi, A., Greco, A. & Harnad, S. (2002). Symbol
grounding and the symbolic theft hypothesis. In A.
Cangelosi & D. Parisi (Eds.), Simulating the Evolution
of Language (chap.9). London:Sprinter.

Christiansen, M.H. & Kirby, S. (2003). Language evolution: consensus and controversies. Trends in Cognitive
Sciences, 7 (7), 300-307.
Clark, A. (1997) Being There: Putting Brain, Body
and World Together Again. Cambridge MA: MIT
Press, 1997.
Dennett, D. (1991), Consciousness Explained. Boston
: Little, Brown and Co.
Dennet, D., Haugeland, J. (1987) Intentionality. In R.
L. Gregory (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to the Mind,
Oxford University Press.
Harnad, S. (1990) The Symbol Grounding Problem.
Physica D 42: 335-346.
Haugeland, J. (1985) Artificial Intelligence: the Very
Idea. The MIT Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Newell, A., & Simon, H.A. (1976). Computer science
as empirical inquiry: Symbols and search. Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery,
19(3), 113-126.
Peirce, C.S. (1931-1958) The Collected Papers of
Charles Sanders Peirce. Vols. 1-6, Charles Hartshorne
and Paul Weiss (Eds.), Vols. 7-8, Arthur W. Burks (Ed.).
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Roy, D. (2005) Semiotic Schemas: A Framework for
Grounding Language in Action and Perception. Artificial Intelligence, 167(1-2), 170-205.
Searle, J. (1980) Minds, brains and programs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3, 417-457.
Searle, J. (1983) Intentionality. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Vogt, P. (2002). The physical symbol grounding problem. Cognitive Systems Research, 3(3), 429457.
Wagner, K., Reggia, J. A., Uriagereka, J., & Wilkinson,
G. S. (2003) Progress in the simulation of emergent
communication and language. Adaptive Behavior,
Ziemke, T. (1999). Rethinking Grounding. In A. Riegler,
M. Peschl & A. von Stein (Eds.), Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences, pages 177-190.
Plenum Press: New York.


Symbol Grounding Problem

Icon: A sign that represents its object by means of
similarity or resemblance.
Index: A sign spatial-temporally (physically) connected with its object.
Representation: The same as a sign.
Sign: Something that stands for something else in
a certain aspect to someone.
Symbol: A sign that stands for its object by means
of a law, rule or disposition.
Symbol Grounding Problem: The problem related to the requirement of symbols to be grounded in
something else then other symbols, if a symbol is to
represent something to an artificial system.
Symbol Systems: A system that models intelligent
action as symbol manipulation alone.



See also Dennett & Haugeland 1987, Searle 1983,

Jacob 2003.


Symbolic Search

Stefan Edelkamp
University of Dortmund, Germany

Symbolic search solves state space problems consisting of an initial state, a set of goal states, and a set of
actions using a succinct representation for state sets.
The approach lessens the costs associated with the
exponential memory requirements for the state sets
involved as problem sizes get bigger.
Symbolic search has been associated with the term
planning via model checking (Giunchiglia and Traverso
1999). While initially applied to model check hardware
verification problems (McMillan 1993), symbolic
search features many modern action planning systems
(Ghallab et al. 2000).
Symbolic search algorithms explore the underlying problem graph by using functional expressions to
represent sets of states and actions. Compared with the
space requirements induced by standard explicit-state
search algorithms, symbolic representations additionally save space by sharing parts of the state vector.
Algorithm designs change, as not all search algorithms
adapt to the exploration of state sets.

Binary decision diagrams or BDDs are one option for
a space-efficient representation for state sets.
A BDD (Bryant 1992; see Figure 1), is a data structure to manipulate Boolean functions efficiently. BDDs

are finite state machines over the alphabet {0,1} with a

1-sink that operates as an accepting state. Each internal
node is labelled with the variable (index) for selecting
the outgoing transition (either 1 or 0, see figure) for a
given variable assignment. For evaluating a BDD, a
path is traced from the root to the sinks (all paths obey
the same variable ordering). What distinguishes BDDs
from decision trees is the use of reduction rules, detecting unnecessary variable tests and repeating subgraphs.
This leads to a unique representation, polynomial in
the number of input variables for many interesting
functions. The reduced and ordered BDD representation is unique; a clear benefit to the satisfiability test
for Boolean formulas, which by the virtue of Cooks
Theorem (1971) is an NP-hard problem
In symbolic search, BDDs accept the state vector
representation. According functions are satisfied, if the
state vector for the input assignment is a member of
the represented set. The characteristic function can be
identified with the state set it represents.
The transition relation Trans represents the actions
(see Figure 2). It refers to current state variables x
and next state variables x and is satisfied, if there is
an action that transforms a state vector into one of its
successors. The transition relation for the entire probFigure 2.

Figure 1.

0 1


0 1



0 1

Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Symbolic Search

lem decomposes in the disjunction of the transition

relations for singleton actions. The order of variables
in the state vector is crucially influencing the size of
the BDD. Unfortunately, the problem of finding the
ordering that minimizes the BDD size is NP-hard
(Wegener 2000). The interleaved representation for the
Trans(x,x) that alternates between x and x variables
often leads to small BDDs.
The image of a state set States wrt. the transition relation Trans is computed as Image(x) := x (Trans(x,x)
States(x)), where x and x are vectors of Boolean
state variables. The result of this image operation is
a characteristic function of all states reachable from
States in one step. In order to repeat the process, x with
x have to be substituted for the next iteration by computing the relational product States(x) := x ((x=x)
Image(x)). In an interleaved variable ordering with
alternating indices for x and x, this operation reduces
to a mere textual replacement of node labels.


State space problems numbers of finite domain can
be encoded via atomic propositions. A binary encoding is more efficient than a unary one such that most
BDD libraries include finite domain variable support.
For basic calculus, relations are pre-computed. For
example, the binary relation Inc(a,b) for a+1=b is
the disjunction of all possible value assignments of a
to j and all possible value assignments of b to j+1 for
all j counted from 1 to the domain size minus 1. For
constructing the ternary relation Add(a,b,c), denoting
a+b=c, the enumeration of all possible assignments
for a, b and c is less efficient than computing the term
Add(a,b,c) := (b=0 a=c) b',c' (Inc(b',b) Inc(c',c)
Add(a,b',c')) recursively. Starting with the first clause
the second clause is applied until convergence.

Symbolic Breadth-First Search

In iteration i of the symbolic variant of breadth-firstsearch the set of states States[i] reachable from the
initial state s in i steps is computed. The search is
initialized with States[0] set to the initial state set. In
order to terminate the search the algorithm checks,
whether or not a state is represented in the intersection
of the set States[i] with the set of goal states. Since
States[0],,States[i-1] have been computed without

success, given a non-empty intersection, i is the optimal

solution length. To avoid an infinite search behaviour
in case of the absence of a solution, Reach = States[0]
States[i-1] is omitted from States[i] by setting
States[i] := States[i] Reach before updating Reach
:= Reach S[i]. For some problem classes (like undirected or acyclic graphs) the duplicate elimination
scope {0,,i-1} can be reduced to a limited number
of breadth-first search levels.
By keeping the intermediate BDDs contained in the
memory, a legal sequence of states linking the initial
state to any goal state g in States[i] G is a successful
solution. The state on an optimal path to a goal g in
layer i must be located in the second last breadth-first
search layer i-1. All states that are contained in the
intersection of the predecessors of the goal g are and
States[i-1] are reachable in an optimal number of steps
and reach the goal in one step. Any of these states can
be chosen to continue solution reconstruction. Eventually the initial state is found. If layers have been eliminated to recover main memory, divide-and-conquer
solution reconstruction methods are required (Jensen
et al. 2006). Variants of symbolic breadth-first search
compute cost-optimal solutions subject to general cost
functions (Edelkamp 2006).
Backward breadth-first search exploits the relational
representation for the actions to compute the preimage
according to the formula Preimage(x) := x (States(x)
Trans(x,x)). Consequently, the search starts with the
goal state set and iterates until it hits the start state.
Bidirectional symbolic breadth-first search executes
concurrent iterations of forward and backward breadthfirst search until the two search frontiers meet.

Symbolic Dijkstras Single Source

Shortest Paths Algorithm
Action costs are a natural search concept. In many applications, costs can only be bounded integers. Examples
for such discrete cost actions are macros as exploited
in the macro-problem solver by Korf (1985).
Let the weighted transition relation Trans(c,x,x)
evaluate to 1, if the step from x to x has cost c{1,,C},
encoded in binary. The symbolic version of Dijkstra's
single-source shortest paths algorithm (1959) then
works as follows. The priority relation Queue(f,x) is
initialized with the representation of the start state and
f-value 0. Until a goal state is reached, in each iteration, the algorithms determines the minimum f-value

Symbolic Search

min, the relation Min(x) of all states in the priority

queue with value min, and the relation Rest(f,x) of
the remaining set of states Queue(f,x) \ Min(x). The
transition relation Trans(c,x,x) is then applied to Min
to determine the relation for the successor state set.
To attach the new values f=min+c to this set, relation
Add mentioned above applies. Finally, the priority relation for the next iteration is obtained by intersecting
the evaluated successor set with the remaining queue.
The algorithm mimics the execution of Dijkstras algorithm on 1-level bucket data structure (Dial 1969).
As f increases monotonically, the first goal extracted
from the priority queue has optimal cost.

Symbolic Pattern Databases

State space abstraction is the key aspect for the automated design of search heuristics. Applying abstractions
simplifies a problem, and exact distances in relaxed
problems then serve as lower bound for the concrete
base-level search. Proper abstractions preserve path
existence. Pattern databases, introduced by Culberson
and Schaeffer (1998), completely evaluate the abstract
search space prior to the concrete search. The limitation
for applying pattern databases in search practice is the
restricted amount of (main) memory.

More than one pattern database can be combined

by either taking the maximum (always applicable), or
the sum of individual pattern database entries (only applicable if the pattern databases are disjoint). Disjoint
pattern databases (Korf and Felner 2002) belong to the
best known techniques to construct effective search
heuristics. In order to select patterns automatically,
Edelkamp (2000) as well as Haslum et al. (2005) use
greedy pattern packing to divide the state vector into
disjoint parts for constructing pattern databases that
respect a pre-specified memory limit.
Symbolic pattern databases (Edelkamp 2002) are
functional pattern databases for later use either in
symbolic or explicit-state heuristic search. Different
to a posterior compression of the state set (Felner et al.
2007), the construction itself works on a compressed
data structure. Symbolic pattern databases are relations
of pairs (f,x), which are satisfied if the heuristic estimate
of a states encoded in x matches the heuristic value
encoded in f. Such relations can be represented as a
BDD for the entire problem space or kept partitioned
in form of breadth-first search layers Heur[0], ,
Heur[k]. This list is initialized with the abstracted goal
and, as long as there are newly encountered states, the
set of predecessors with respect to the abstract transition relation is generated. For constructing symbolic

Figure 3.


Symbolic Search

shortest-path pattern databases, Dijkstras algorithm

can be adapted.

Symbolic Version of A*
Given a consistent heuristic h with c(n,n)-h(n)+h(n)
0 for all states n and n, A* (Hart et al. 1968) is
in fact a variant of Dijkstras algorithm using an
initial offset f(s):=h(s) and a refined update f(n) :=
BDDA* integrates symbolic and A* search
(Edelkamp and Reffel 1998). It determines the successors of the set of states with minimum f-value in
one evaluation step. Optimality and completeness of
BDDA* are inherited from explicit-state A*. Starting
from solving single-agent challenges BDDA* has been
applied to hardware verification (Reffel and Edelkamp
1999) and planning problems (Edelkamp 2002). The
efficiency has been reproduced by Hansen et al. (2002)
and Qian and Nymeyer (2003).
To avoid finite domain arithmetics with BDDs,
Jensen et al. (2002) has suggested a two-dimensional
layout of state sets, one for each possible g- and h-value
pair (see Figure 3). The advantage is that each state set
already has the g- and the h-value attached to it, and the
computation of the f-values for the set of successors
are no longer needed. In the extension of BDDA* to
weighted actions all successors of the set of states with
minimum f-value, current cost g and action cost c can
be determined individually.
For computing the image, constructing a monolithic
relation Trans is not mandatory. Given that sub-relations
Trans[a] are linked to every action a {1,,k} the image of state set partitions into {x (Trans[1](x,x)
States(x))} {x (Trans[k](x,x) States(x))}.

estimate) turns out to be very effective. Distributed

search may additionally save memory on the individual
computing node. Successful explorations with up to
16 GB main memory and 3 TB disk space have been
reported by Edelkamp and Jabbar (2007).
More advanced symbolic data structures can also
cover infinite state sets. The exploration algorithms
share similar algorithmic principles but have to be
adapted. A recent proposal by Borowski and Edelkamp
(2006) considers symbolic search in infinite-state systems with automata theory, where state sets and actions
are represented as minimized finite state automata. The
search repeatedly applies specialized image operators
to compute the automata for the successor sets.
Another important future application area for symbolic search is the classification in general game play
(Love et al. 2006), e.g. in the area of two-player games.
First algorithms have been provided by Edelkamp and
Kissmann (2007), which compute strategies in form of
BDDs, assuming optimal play. Once computed, BDDs
serve as finite-state controllers.

Symbolic search is an apparent option for the spaceefficient traversal of state spaces bypassing the explicit
memory-consuming representation of the state sets. The
essentials of symbolic exploration in finite state systems
with state sets that are represented as Boolean functions
in form of BDDs have been presented, and various
algorithms as well as their refined implementations
including symbolic uni- and bidirectional breadth-first,
single-source shortest paths, as well as heuristic search
with pattern databases have been discussed.



Symbolic search algorithms with BDD are also effective

in solving non-determinstic search, and probabilistic
search problems, see initial work by Cimatti et al. (1998)
or Hoey et al. (1999). Recent trends include temporally
extended goals as analyzed by Lago et al. (2002).
In order save main memory, all but the currently
expanded BDDs can be flushed to disk. As both explorations work on sets of states, a combination of
disk-based search (to save RAM for the exploration)
and symbolic pattern databases (to save RAM for the

B. Borowski and S. Edelkamp (2007). Optimal InfiniteState Planning with Presburger Automata. Technical
Report, 815, University of Dortmund.


R. E. Bryant (1992). Symbolic boolean manipulation

with ordered binary-decision diagrams. ACM Computing Surveys, 24(3):142170.
S. A. Cook (1971). The complexity of theorem-proving
procedures. ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing
(STOC), 151-158

Symbolic Search

A. Cimatti, M. Roveri, and P. Traverso (1998). Automatic OBDD-based generation of universal plans in
non-deterministic domains. In National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 875881.

P. E. Hart, N. J. Nilsson, and B. Raphael (1968). A

formal basis for heuristic determination of minimum
path cost. IEEE Transactions on on Systems Science
and Cybernetics, 4:100107.

R. B. Dial (1969). Shortest-path forest with topological ordering. Communications of the ACM, 12(11):

J. Hoey, R. St-Aubin, A. Hu, and C. Boutilier (1999).

SPUDD: Stochastic planning using decision diagrams.
In Conference on Uncertainty in Articial Intelligence
(UAI), 279288.

E. W. Dijkstra (1959). A note on two problems in

connexion with graphs. Numerische Mathe-matik
S. Edelkamp and F. Reffel (1998). OBDDs in heuristic
search. In German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(KI), 8192.
S. Edelkamp (2001). Planning with pattern databases. In
European Conference on Planning (ECP), 1324.
S. Edelkamp (2002). Symbolic pattern databases in
heuristic search planning. In Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling (AIPS),
S. Edelkamp and S. Jabbar (2007). Pushing the Limits
for Planning Pattern Databases. Technical Report, 816,
University of Dortmund.
S. Edelkamp, and P. Kissmann (2007). Symbolic
Exploration for General Game Playing in PDDL,
ICAPS-Workshop on Planning in Games.
A. Felner, R. E. Korf, R. Meshulam and R. Holte
(2007). Compressed Pattern Databases. Journal of
Artificial Intelligence.
M. Ghallab, D. Nau, and P. Traverso (2004). Automated
Planning: Theory & Practice. Morgan Kaufmann.
F. Giunchiglia and P. Traverso (1999). Planning as
Model Checking. European Conference on Planning
(ECP), 1-19.
E. A. Hansen, R. Zhou, and Z. Feng (2002). Symbolic
heuristic search using decision diagrams. In Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation
(SARA), 8398.
P. Haslum, B. Bonet, and H. Geffner (2005). New
admissible heuristics for domain-independent planning. In National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI), 11631168.

R. M. Jensen, R. E. Bryant, and M. M. Veloso (2002).

SetA*: An efficient BDD-based heuri-stic search algorithm. In National Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI), 668673.
R. E. Korf (1985). Macro-operators: A weak method
for learning. Artificial Intelligence 26: 3577.
R. E. Korf and A. Felner (2002). Chips Challenging
Champions: Games, Computers and Artificial Intelligence. Elsevier. Chapter: Disjoint Pattern Database
Heuristics, 1326.
D. Lago and M. Pistore and P. Traverso (2002). Planning
with a Language for Extended Goals. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 447-454.
N. C. Love, T. L. Hinrichs, and M.G. Genesereth
(2006). General game playing: Game Description
language specification. Technical Report LG-2006-01,
Stanford Logic Group.
K. McMillian (1993). Symbolic Model Checking.
Kluwer Academic Press.
K. Qian and A. Nymeyer (2003). Heuristic search
algorithms based on symbolic data structures. In Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI),
K. Qian and A. Nymeyer (2004). Guided invariant
model checking based on abstraction and symbolic
pattern databases. In Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS),
F. Reffel and S. Edelkamp (1999). Error detection with
directed symbolic model checking. In World Congress
on Formal Methods (FM), 195211.
I. Wegener (2000). Branching programs and binary
decision diagrams - theory and applications. SIAM
Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications.

Symbolic Search

Action Planning: Refers to a world description in
logic, where a number of atomic propositions describe
what can be true or false in each state of the world. By
applying operators to a world, one arrives at another
world, where different atoms might be true or false.
Usually, only few atoms are affected by an action, and
most of them remain the same.
Duplicate Elimination Scope: The number of layers
that a back edge in a breath-first (or best-first) search
graph can cross. It is an important parameter for the
design of memory-limited frontier search algorithms
and has application to improve the efficiency of both
symbolic and disk-based search.
Model Checking: For a system model together with
a formal description of a property, model checking is
a push-button decision procedure. In case the desired
property is not satisfied by the model, it returns a counter-example in form of a trace. Among the options for
the specification of the model, there are Kripke structures and labelled transition systems. Valid choices for
property specifications are linear and branching time
logics, or the propositional -calculus.


Pattern Database: Given that state in a search

problem is described as a vector of state variables,
pattern variables denote a subset of them. They define
an abstraction such that any path in the concrete state
space induces a path in the abstract one. A pattern is a
specific assignment of values to the pattern variables.
A pattern database completely evaluates the abstract
search space prior to the base level search in form of
a lookup table indexed by the abstract containing the
shortest goal distance.
Pattern Packing: Solves the pattern selection
problem for constructing pattern database search heuristics. One bin represents a container for the abstract
state space and approximates the memory usage for
pattern database construction. Multiple bins apply for
disjoint pattern database construction. In difference
to standard bin packing, the effect of the selection of
patterns is multiplicative.
Relational Product: Specialized procedure that
combines conjunction and variable quantification in
one specialized BDD operation.


Synthetic Neuron Implementations

Snorre Aunet
University of Oslo, Norway & Centers for Neural Inspired Nano Architectures, Norway

Many different synthetic neuron implementations
exist, that include a variety of traits associated with
biological neurons and our understanding of them. An
important motivation behind the studies, modelling
and implementations of different synthetic neurons,
is that nature has provided the most efficient ways of
doing important types of computations, that we are
trying to mimick.
Whether it is Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
or other mixed signal systems, technology has always
evolved in the direction of lower energy per unit
computation ( Mead, 1990 ). Simple Neuron models
as threshold elements, or perceptrons, are promising
candidates for implementing future signal processing
systems, including CMOS and SET ( Schmid & Leblebici, 2003 ), ( Beiu & Ibrahim, 2007 ).
In this article a small number of published subthreshold, ultra low power, perceptrons / threshold
elements are compared regarding power consumption,
operational speed and defect tolerance. The mirrored gate operating in subthreshold and combined
with redundancy, might be an interesting candidate
for implementing artificial neural networks as well as
other mixed-signal processing circuitry.
Previously unpublished results demonstrate the mirrored gate producing appropriate binary outputs at 180
mV supply voltage, even when a transistor was cut off
the supply voltage, for a redundancy factor of 2, using
shorted outputs, as in ( Aunet & Hartmann, 2003 ).


the scope of this paper is limited to simple CMOS, ultra

low power circuit topologies. Subthreshold circuits (
Swansson & Meindl, 1972 ), using a supply voltage
below the inherent threshold voltage of the transistors,
consume less power than other low power circuits (
Soeleman, Roy & Paul, 2001 ). Therefore we look at
subthreshold neuron (perceptron) implementations
in this paper, and concentrate on different metrics including circuit complexity, operational speed, power
consumption and defect tolerance.
Reducing the power supply voltage through using
ever more modern CMOS technologies and subthreshold operation reduces the number of inputs one could
use for the threshold elements, depicted in Figure 1 (
Aunet, 2002 ). Also, since only 2 inputs is optimal to
implement any arbitrary neural network ( Beiu & Makaruk, 1998 ) we have restricted the treatment to basic
building blocks having a maximum fan-in of 3.
The first simple mathematical model of the biological neurons, published by McCulloch and Pitts in
1943, calculates the sign of the weigthed sum of inputs.
Sometimes such circuits are called threshold logic gates
or threshold elements, illustrated in Figure 1. Such perceptrons may be used to implement Neural Networks
as well as digital signal processing. For a review on a
wide range of VLSI implementations the reader might
confer ( Beiu, Avedillo & Quintana, 2003 ).

Figure 1. The binary output, Y, depends on if the

weighted sum of inputs X1, X2,,Xn exceeds a certain
Threshold, T.

CMOS has been the dominant technology for implementing signal processing systems for decades, and
will probably live alongside other nanotechnologies
for a long time ( ITRS, 2005 ). Due to needs for low
power operation for about any future signal processing
technology and that CMOS and similar technologies
probably will be mainstream for the foreseeable future,
Copyright 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.

Synthetic Neuron Implementations


The main focus is on different subthreshold ultra low
power perceptrons and how they compare regarding
power consumption, operational speed and reliability.

MOS Transistors in Subthreshold

For an NMOS transistor in subthreshold we have
(Andreou, Boahen, Pouliquen, Pavasovic, Jenkins &
Strohbehn, 1991):
Ids,n = I0 e(Vgs/Vt) e((1-)Vbs/Vt)(1-e(-Vds/Vt)+Vds/V0)
Ids,n expresses the current from drain to source.
I0 is the zero-bias current where the pre-exponential
constants have been absorbed. This includes the channel width (W) and the length (L) of the MOSFET
structure. Vgs is the gate-to-source potential, Vds the
drain-to-source potential and Vbs the substrate-tosource potential.
V0 is the Early voltage, which is proportional to
the channel length. gives the effectiveness for which
the gate potential is controlling the channel current.
It is often approximately 0.7-0.75 (Andreou, Boahen,
Pouliquen, Pavasovic, Jenkins & Strohbehn, 1991).
The thermal voltage is expressed as Vt=kT/q. Vt = 25.8
mV at room temperature.
A similar equation apply to PMOS transistors, but
with opposite polarities. Exponential relationships

between voltages between several nodes and the current level mean that subthreshold circuits also have
operational speed and power consumption that are
extremely dependent on the supply voltage, Vdd. For
example when operated at 10 kHz a subthreshold circuit used four orders of magnitude less than a regular
strong inversion circuit implementing the same function
( Soeleman, Roy & Paul, 2001 ).

Low Fan-In Subthreshold Threshold

Element (Neuron) Circuit
Recently published circuits are shown in Figure 2. The
mirrored gate is a static CMOS solution ( Beiu, Aunet, Nyathi, Rydberg III & Djupdal, 2005 ), based on (
Hampel D., Prost K. J. & Scheinberg N. R., 1974 ). The
floating-gate solution P3N3 ( Aunet, 2002 ) might not
go well along with future standard CMOS due to gate
leakage, while the ijcnn (Aunet, Oelmann, Abdalla
& Berg, 2004) and stacked ( Aunet, Berg & Beiu,
2005 ) gates are CMOS.

Metrics Regarding Power Consumption

and Maximum Operational Speed
Recently published results are shown in Figure 3 (
Granhaug & Aunet, 2006 ). The mirrored, ijcnn
and stacked gates were used for implementing 1-bit
addition, Full Adders, in a 90 nm CMOS technology,
and compared to a standard CMOS implementation
(upper right corner in Figure 4).

Figure 2. Experimental setup for statistical simulation of 1-bit adder. From left to right they are called mirrored, P3N3, IJCNN and Stacked threshold elements.


Synthetic Neuron Implementations

In the upper left corner one can see that exploiting

the ijcnn gate lead to the highest power consumption, while the stacked gate gave the lowest power
consumption among the four implementations. Spice
simulations were performed using a Cadence SW
environment. The mirrored gate implementation
resulted in a power consumption of 1160 pW, while
the standard CMOS implementation had a slightly
lower power consumption of 932 pW according to
the simulations.
Regarding the maximum operational speed, shown
upper right in Figure 3, the implementation based on the
stacked gate ( Figure 2.) could not compete, while the
standard, mirrored and ijcnn gate implementations
had delays of 162 ns, 159 ns and 174 ns, respectively.
That the mirrored gate was slighly faster than the
ijcnn gate is different to the findings in another
publication ( Aunet & Berg, 2005 ), where the ijcnn
gate lead to a delay of 5.2 us, nearly twice as fast as
the mirrored gate with its 9.15 us, implemented in
a 120 nm CMOS technology and simulated operating
at a supply voltage of 100 mV.

Manufacturability including Defect

According to the ITRS Roadmap ( ITRS, 2005 ),
reducing the overall power consumption and increas-

ing the manufacturability are the two most important

among five grand challenges for future nanoelectronics.
Included in manufacturability are the possibilities to
cope with a drastically increasing number of on-chip
defects, as well as parameter variations. We have
therefore included some data on the yield, meaning
the expected percentage of circuits working under
statistical variations in process parameters ( Aunet &
Otnes Berge, 2007 ).
A redundancy scheme for defect tolerance ( Aunet &
Hartmann, 2003 ) was used, exploiting shorted driven
nodes and a redundancy factor of only 2 ( R = 2 ), instead of redundancy factor 3 and a majority voter. Full
Adders based on the three threshold elements depicted
in Figure 2 were used, as well as the standard Full Adder ( FA ) in the upper right corner of Figure 4. A
typical digital chip will fail if even a single transistor
is defective ( Mead, 1990 ). The results shown in the
lower left corner of Figure 3 ( Aunet & Otnes Berge,
2007 ) indicate that the solution based on R = 2 and
the standard CMOS FA, as well as the solution based
on the mirrored gate, should have a supply voltage
above 150 mV if the implemented circuitry should
expect a 100 % yield under the 90 nm CMOS production process variations.
When small size transistors were used here, for all
four solutions, the ijcnn and stacked gates could not
be expected to give a satisfying yield at supply voltages

Figure 3. Comparisons regarding power consumption, delay, tolerance to certain defects and complexity of
circuitry when different threshold elements are used for 1-bit addition. A standard CMOS implementation is
included for comparisons.


Synthetic Neuron Implementations

of 125 mV and 150 mV, since the gross majority o

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