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How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio
Sales Influence Edition
Copyright 2006, 2008 by Victor Antonio
Published by Sales Influence Publishing
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be produced in
any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including
photocopy and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without the permission in writing from the author or publisher;
exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative
information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal,
accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other
expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional
should be sought.
This Sales Influence Edition is by published by
Victor Antonio
11770 Haynes Bridge Road
Suite 205-501
Alpharetta, Georgia 30004
Printed in the United States of America
First Printing: January 2006
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Antonio, Victor
How to Achieve Network Marketing Success
1. Business 2. Success

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How to Achieve
Network Marketing Success
By Victor Antonio

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Table of Content
About the Author ...............................................................
What is Network Marketing?.............................................
Vision .................................................................................
Inspiration ..........................................................................
Strategy ..............................................................................
Time Frame ........................................................................


Bonus: Staying Motivated..................................................

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

About the Author

Born and raised in one of
neighborhoods, Victor Antonio has
achieved a level of success few
By age thirty-five, he was vice
president of a $3 billion Fortune
500 company, and he went on to
become president of global sales
and marketing to help build a $420
million company. He was CEO of
a multimillion-dollar company that
was acquired by a Fortune 1000 company. Not bad for
someone whose family depended on food stamps and
government handouts while he was growing up.
Mr. Antonio is a dynamic keynote speaker and
successful salesman with over twenty years of sales and
marketing experience. He has a bachelors degree and an
MBA, and he keynotes at corporations and universities on
The Logic of Success. For more information on Mr.
Antonio, go to

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

The greatest success in any persons life is to be able
to live the life he desires. The power of choice is what
everyone really seeks in pursuing his dreams. Choice
comes from something deep inside of you that guides
you onto a certain path.
Many people today live quiet lives of desperation
because the choices they have made may not have been
the best, and they now find themselves destitute and
looking for a way to change their lives. Theyre looking
for a way to get back on track with their personal desires
and with the aspirations they had when they were
When youre young, you think outside of the
Skinnerian box. You dream big. You visualize the things
you want, and those visions flow into your subconscious

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

with ease and fluidity. But as we grow older, the reality

of trying to make a living and of living our ideal lives
doesnt seem to come so easily. In fact, weve realized
that it requires work and effort.
It doesnt help that our friends and family members
tell us that we shouldnt dream so big because were just
setting ourselves up for disappointment.
So what happens? We start listening to othersand,
little by little, our big dreams start to get smaller. They
start to become more manageable. They start to become
more realistic. If you havent figured it out by now,
realistic is a code word for dream killer.
Everyone wants us to be realistic. Everyone tells us
we expect too much out of life. So over time, the







subconscious, filling it with negatives while pushing out

the big dreams you had buried there as child. Its no
wonder that one day you wake up to your adult reality
and realize that you are not happy with your job. In fact,
you hate your job. Then one day when you sit down
quietly to reflect on your life, you feel a deep sense of
sadness and despair. So painful is that mental realization

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

that you click on the television because you dont want

to think about it.
The television is the great delayer of realizing what
weve done to ourselves. Television inoculates and
sedates our inner ambitions and makes us accept or
forget our current reality.
But after some years, even the pacifying effect of the
television is not enough to quell the anxiety we feel
inside. Its an indefinable anxiety that can best be
summed up as: Something isnt right with my life, but I
dont know what. Im not happy, but I dont know why.
Youre in denial. You know whats wrong; you just
dont have the courage or the strength to face the reality
of the situation youre in. Over the years, you let others
tell you what not to do, and now the sum total of your
inaction is your current reality.
As a child, you dreamed and filled your mind with
great expectations of what was to come. Now you find
yourself with no expectations and no ambition. You go
along in life, like many others, worrying about a job you
dont like and paying those bills.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

But inside, the quiet anxiety becomes louder. And

every day, you go to the job you dont like. It feeds that
anxiety. Something isnt right! your mind yells.
Then one day, you finally reach your threshold of
sublimation. Your mind can no longer handle the level of
anxiety, and you no longer deal with the stress caused by
the anxiety.
Your mind yells again, Enough of this job!
Something has to change. You begin to reach out for
something that will help you quiet that anxiety,








dissatisfaction. But you need help. You need someone to

help pull you out of your quiet and dark despair into the
light of dreaming big again.
That is what this book is about.
I am going to help you start dreaming big again. But
beyond just the high-flying, motivational fluff, Im going
to give you a five-point strategy I call the V.I.S.T.A.
V Vision to see a new reality for yourself
I Inspiration to follow your dream

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

S Strategy for achieving success

T Timeframe for getting things done
A Action items to make sure they get done
Implementing the V.I.S.T.A. System will not only
bring you into the light of opportunity, but it will show
you concrete steps and strategies for how to climb out of
the hole of despair into the light of living the life youve
been wanting to live.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

What is Network
Networking market is a sales system for selling a
particular product by recruiting people to help you sell.
People who sell for you are considered your downline.
Conversely, youre considered their upline.
Each person selling for you is specifically called a
distributor. Every time a distributor sells a product to a
user (e.g., friend or family member who doesnt want to
sell the product, but only consume it), you get a
commission based on a schedule set by the company.
The more distributors you have, the more chances
you have of collecting more commissions. The more
distributors, the more money you make.
Success, therefore, in network marketing is about
getting as many good distributors (often referred to as
leaders) under you as you can.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

In turn, these distributors can go out and recruit

distributors under them to help them sell. In other words,
distributors can create their own downline, thereby
increasing the total number of people selling your
The real financial magic of network marketing is
about finding good distributors who can not only sell but,
more importantly, go out and recruit more distributors.
Lets say that you are just starting out and you recruit
five good leaders; this is your downline. In turn, these
five leaders each go out and recruit five more. You can
see how the number of people selling under you begins
to grow geometrically.
To be successful in network marketing, you have to
have certain skills:
1) You have to believe in the product youre selling.
Dont try to sell something you dont buy into,
because others will sense it, and it will hinder
your recruitment process.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

2) You have to be able to communicate to people the

effectiveness of your product. You have to be
able to tap into their needs and wants and then fill
it with what you are offering.
3) You have to be able to recruit people into your
downline if you want to make serious money in
this business. Recruitment is the key to success,
and, later in the book, I will touch on how you
can improve your chances of recruiting.
4) You have to be disciplined. With network
marketing, you dont have a boss. Your success is
contingent upon you executing a plan of attack on
your own. You have to make the calls. You have
to drive to the events to promote your product.
There are people who will help you initially, but
in the long run, you have to do it.
5) You have to be determined. Network marketing
works, but most people give up too quickly.
When the money doesnt start flowing right away,

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

they get discouraged and quit. Remember,

building is a process, not an event.

Success will not happen overnight. The money will
trickle in initially. And, with time and effort, that trickle
will turn into a serious flow of cash.
At first youll get these very, veryI mean very
small checks. Youll have worked a whole month and
will maybe receive a check thats less then what you
expected. When the reality of the first check hits, most
people just say, All that work and this is it. This aint
worth it. And they quit. Their problem is that they are
short-term thinkers. They dont understand the law of
priming the pump.
When I was in Puerto Rico one year, I remember
going to a remote place outside of San Juan. I pulled
over to a small gas station to use the restroom. As I
walked around toward the back, I noticed an oldfashioned water pump off to the side. There were no
faucets to wash my hands in the restroom, so I went over
to the pump and started to move the lever up and down

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

to see if it was still functional. I pumped for a minute or

so, but no water came out. And just as I was about to
give up because I was getting tired, a man from the
station said, Keep going. It takes time, but it will give
you water. So I kept pumping. Sure enough, after a few
more well-exerted pumps, I got a little bit of water. But
as I kept pumping, the water started to gush out. Believe
it or not, I felt a sense of excitement as more and more
water started running out of the spigot. I also noticed that
I didnt have to pump quite as hard to keep the water
flowing at full force.
Network marketing is no different than me pumping
the pump to get water. There will be moments when
youre feeling tired and dont want to do it anymore.
There will be moments of frustration where youll just
want to quit. There will be that moment when you get
that small check (i.e., the trickle) and wonder if its
worth it. When you have these moments, remember what
the man outside the gas station told me: Keep going. It
takes time, but it will give you water. But instead of
water, itll be money. Little money flows will turn into

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

big cash flow. And as it begins to flow, you will feel the
same sense of excitement I did when the pump finally
starting giving me results.
The ultimate moment will come when you realize
that you have all the cash flow you need or couldve
imagined. I like to think of that moment as an
I-moment. Thats the moment youll realize your
financial independence. On that day, your face will hurt.
Why? You will feel so good about yourself and your
independence that you wont be able to stop smiling.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Every adventure begins with a vision of where we
want to be. Vision, if you havent noticed, is the adult
code word for dream. It seems childish to talk about
dreams, so we disguise it in a more mature form by
calling it a vision. Thats okay! You and I know that a
vision is a dream.
Think back to when you were a child. Remember
how you didnt have to worry about money? Remember
when you didnt have to worry about where the food was
coming from? Remember when you didnt have to worry
about paying bills? Remember when you didnt own a
watch because you didnt care what time of the day it
was? Do you remember? Dont feel bad if you dont.
Years of pressure, stress, and working have buried the
memories, but theyre still there, I assure you. What

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

happens is that you now have a JOB. JOB is a code

word for Just Over Broke, because when you have a
job, all youll ever be is broke. No one is ever going to
pay you what youre worth. No one is ever going to
acknowledge your greatness because (1) theyll have to
pay you more and (2) theyre afraid to tell you because
you might leave or want more money.
I once read a statistic that seventy-five percent of the
population is either unhappy or would rather be doing
something else. Think about that for a second. Seventyfive percent are unhappy or would rather being doing
something else. Im sure you dont feel so alone now.
There are many people in the working world today who
feel as you do. They dont like their jobs, and they dont
like what their lives have become.
What needs to happen to begin the process of change
is that we have to introduce a change agent into your
life. We have to introduce a constructive-destructive
force. This force will destroy the life you dont want to
lead anymore and introduce a constructive way of being
able to create the life you want.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

This force has to have an origin, a source. That

source is your vision (i.e., your dream) of the life you
want to live. Its now time to begin to unearth those old
dreams and begin to rediscover the original you. The
original you is that person inside that is uniquely you
and free to choose to do what it likes. I need you, right
NOW, to define your vision. I am here to help you define
your vision. I am your mental shovel, here to help you
dig deep into your subconscious and unearth your real
potential and ambition.
Answer this question: how much money per month
would you like to make to live comfortably? (Write
down a real number, something you truly believe would
be good enough. For now; dont exaggerate.)
The reason I dont want you to exaggerate the
number is because you have to firmly believe in the
number. There are two uncertainties when writing down
a number:
1) Will that be enough?
2) Can I really make it?


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Writing down a number you believe in will be good

enough. When you answer the first question, youll also
believe it because it is real to you.
So now we have to work on the second part of the
question, but Ill get to that later. For now, it is enough to
know what number you are aiming for to be comfortable
and to be able to make the choices you want with that

Selling Is For You

Too often I hear people say to someone, Hey, you
should be a salesperson. You really have the gift of
talking. I cringe when I hear something like that,
1) Its false.
2) It perpetuates the myth of He who talks best sells
best. This is often not the case at all.
Customers dont want to deal with a salesperson who
loves to hear himself talk. Theres already enough noise
in the world.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Weve all heard the saying about why we have two

ears and one mouth: to listen twice as much as we talk.
Being able to communicate in sales is important. But
communication isnt only about talking; its also about
effective listening. In fact, the best listeners, in my
opinion, are the best sellers.
An effective listener is always monitoring several
aspects of a customers communication. The salesperson
listens not only to the words the customer is saying, but
he also listens for tone and speed. How a customer says
something is oftentimes more important than what he
actually says.
I learned this lesson early on when I met a salesman
well call Dave. Dave was an unassuming, good-looking
young man who had a meek temperament but was
always very friendly. When I first met Dave, I drew an







willingness, or lack thereof, to talk. To say the least, I

wasnt impressed with Dave.
I later came to find out that Dave had been one of the
top ten salespeople in the region. This was impressive,


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

given that there were over four hundred salespeople

working that region.
I had the opportunity one day to go on a joint sales
call with Dave. I figured this was my opportunity to find
out how Dave does it. It was an ordinary sales call to an
existing customer. When Dave arrived, he greeted
everyone with his calm demeanornothing special. We
headed into the conference room, where we had polite
conversation for about five minutes or so before we got
down to business.
I was studying Dave, while at the same time
attempting to pitch our products. Throughout the
meeting, I noticed that Dave would ask questionslots
of questions. Then I started to notice something about his
style. Dave was a calm individual, as I mentioned. His
questioning technique was also calm, almost devoid of
emotion. The clients in the room responded to his






questions. There was a sense of calm when Dave asked

questions. Even when he asked tough, probing questions,
his calm demeanor didnt seem to put the clients on high
alert. In fact, during the whole meeting, the customers

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

never tried to sidestep his questions, especially as they

pertained to budgets and timing for buying.
At the end of the meeting, we all exchanged goodbyes. One of the senior managers walked me out the door
and made the following comment to me: I have a lot of
confidence working with Dave. He always listens to our
concerns, answers our questions, and follows through on
what he promises. He doesnt come in here shooting off
his mouth telling us what we should be doing. Hes a
nice guy to work with.
The last statement said it all: Hes a nice guy to
work with. Think about how you buy. Do you like
pushy salespeople? Do you like to be told what to do? Of
course not! But you do like it when a salesperson takes
the time to walk you through the steps or options. So
why would selling to others be any different? Great
selling is as simple as the golden rule treat others as you
would like to be treated. No more. No less.
Many people have it in their small minds that all
salespeople are dishonest to some extent. They believe
the salesperson is uncaring and is only focused on
making the sale and collecting the commissions. Theyve

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

relegated all salespeople to the level of snake oil

salesmen. You remember the snake oil salesman in the
old movies? This was the salesman in a covered wagon
who would blow into town to sell his miracle medicine
or wonder tonic. After selling as much as he could to the
suckers in the town, he was off to the next town to find a
new pool of suckers. He was a parasite preying off the ill
informed and ill educated.
In all my years of business, Ive seen the best and the
worst in people. And yes, Ive seen people get away with
some real underhanded behavior. But Ive also seen these
same people pay the price in the end.
Cheating and lying are short-term, self-destructive
strategies for trying to get ahead. Its a dead-end game.
The world has gotten smaller, and people do talk.
The eighty-twenty rule applies here. Eighty percent
of the salespeople Ive come in contact with have been
ethical and caring. Ive also noticed that the happiest of
the lot were always the ones who had forged long-term
relationships in their industries and with their customers.
The other twenty percent were salespeople who were
in it for a fast buck. They werent thinking long-term.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

I reiterate: the most prosperous salespeople, both

financially and personally, were the ones who looked out
for their customers and always went to bat for their
The philosopher Ayn Rand once described the
difference between self-interest and selfishness. A person
who is selfish will do anything to get what he wants at
the expense of others or society. A selfish person doesnt
care how his personal actions affect others. All of us, at
one time or another, have had our run-in with this
On the other end of the spectrum, we have selfinterest, doing things that are in our best interest without
them impacting others negatively. When a salesperson
aggressively pursues a deal and does nothing to injure his
reputation or the companys, he is acting in his own selfinterest.
Now, when salespeople lie about what they have to
offer in terms of products or services, they are acting in a
selfish manner. They dont care if the customer
eventually finds out about it. They dont care how it
impacts the reputation of the company. They dont care

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

what impact the product may have on future sales. This

type of salesperson cares only about himself. Its okay to
want more, but its not okay to want more at any cost.
Treat your customers badly, and your business will fail.
Demonstrate to them that doing business with you is
good business, and you will have a revenue stream for
years to come.
Selling, again, is about understanding what people
need. How can you help them solve some problem or
pain that they have? Answer that question, and youve
learned how to sell to them.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Every vision has to inspire beyond the ordinary into
the extraordinary. A vision is a reflection of yourself
beyond what you believe is impossible today to whats
possible for you tomorrow. You have to project into the
future an image of yourself, of who you want to be. You
have to see how you want to live.
In a movie, images are projected onto a screen. These
scenes are created by Hollywood, but on the screen they
seem believable and incredible at the same time. You are
your only Hollywood. You have to create an image of








subconscious mind. That movie of yourself should be

rated PG for Past Greatness. That movie is about you
living a life that you define as successful.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Let me give you an example of simple vision. Some

people want to make money so they can live comfortable
livesa simple house, a simple car, and both paid in full.
They have bills that are manageable. They can walk into
a mall and not have to worry about the price tags because
they know that they can afford things.
I like to use the word simple because I want you to
really believe that achieving the simple is attainable.
When mountain climbers climb a high mountain, they do
one plateau at a time. They may get to the first plateau
and then rest and enjoy the vista. Thats what I want
you to do. I dont want you to see the mountain of
opportunity; I want you to see the first plateau and focus
only on that one. By keeping it simple, we keep it
manageable, and we buy into the vision.
Another aspect of that inspiration may be to help
others while youre in the process of achieving your
personal goals. Even better, if you can combine creating
a choice life for you and help others in the process, thats
a win-win scenario.
Write down your vision of what you want for
yourself right now. Keep it simple and believable for

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

you. Later on, Ill show you how to expand on your

vision the right way.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Your Vision:
You already stated that $ _______ per month would
allow you to live comfortably.

With that monthly income, you would buy yourself:

With regard to lifestyle, that type of income would

allow you to:

Earning that type of income would make you feel:


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

With vision and inspiration in place, you begin to feel

a little sense of control and direction for where you want
to go with your life from this day forward.
There is something powerful about writing down
your vision and inspiration and seeing it on a piece of
paper. Many people keep the vision and inspiration in
their heads. The problem with that approach is your
preoccupation with everyday worries, stress, problems,
and so onso you have no space for your vision or
Oftentimes the vision and the inspiration get pushed
so far into the recesses of your daily thinking that you
lose sight of whats important and what isnt.
Knowing what matters and what doesnt is the key to
success. If you decided to change your life and have
begun to take the necessary steps to change it, daily
challenges become less of a worry because, in the long
run, you have other plans in mind for yourself.
For example, you go to work and your boss yells at
you. If you didnt have a vision or an inspiration to quit
that job one day and have the choice of living your ideal
life, you might get mad or upset. But knowing you have

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

a master plan for yourself allows you the comfort to

deal with the daily idiots who want to hold you down and
make you feel bad about yourself.
Outside of your current job, there are other idiots
who will do everything to prevent you from becoming a
success. You can identify these people very easily. Tell
them about your vision and inspiration, and watch how
they respond. If they encourage you to be greater than
you are today, theyre friends. If they tell you your idea
is stupid or out of touch with reality, they arent your
Listen to me when I tell you, Stop listening to stupid
people. Now before you get mad and think I shouldnt
call people stupid, please allow me to define what I mean
by stupid people. There are people who genuinely
dont know and will say they dont know. Thats all of
us, at one time or another. Not knowing something is not
about being stupid, but about a lack of education. Again,
we all fall under that category at one time or another.
These are not the stupid people to whom Im referring.
Stupid people are people who dont know, and know
they dont know, and yet they still pretend to know.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How many of us have friends or family members

who always want to tell us what we should do to be
successful, but they havent done a damn thing to be
successful themselves. Theyre good at giving you
advice, but not at following it themselves. These same
stupid people, who arent successful in their own right,
will always look for ways to tear down your vision and
inspiration. Theyre going to tell you how dumb your
idea is because they dont want you to succeed.
Now, they wont say to your face that your idea is
stupid. Oh, no! They like to use code words and phrases.
For example, you tell your friend about your income
vision and how youre inspired to live a certain lifestyle.
Stupid people, as Ive defined above, will respond in
code like this:
Code for: No way thats going to happen.
Is that even possible?
Code for: You must be crazy or out of your mind.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Ive never seen anyone do that.

Code for: There is no way youll ever do that.





Code for: What drugs have you been taking? Get

your head out of the clouds.
I could go on, but you get the idea. Be aware of these
code responses. If youre not, they will undermine your
confidence in your idea and, more importantly, in
These stupid people are vision-killers in disguise.
Their worse fear is that YOU actually achieve your goals
and you actually become successfulbecause when you
become successful, you will make them feel more like
failures, and they dont want that.
There are two reasons why most people wont help
you achieve success: (1) theyve never done it
themselves and (2) you will make them feel worse about
themselves if you do achieve your goals.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

I remember an analogy that fits well here. If you put

a blue crab into a bucket, it will eventually climb out of
the bucket. But if you put several crabs into a bucket,
none of them will ever get out. Why is that? Because
every time one crab attempts to get out of the bucket,
another reaches up and drags it down while trying to pull
itself up and out of the bucket. The end result is that
every crab ends up pulling the others down, and not one
gets out.
In contrast, look at how a community of ants works.
When one ant goes out and finds a source of fooda big
piece of bread on the ground, for exampleit takes a
small piece and goes back to its nest in the ground. But
along the way, it leaves a residue marking where the big
piece of bread lies. Then, little by little, many ants begin
to emerge from the ground, and they go off to get a piece
of the bread and bring it back to the nest.
Now, what if the first ant had returned and didnt tell
anyone about where the bread was? Well, eventually the
queen would die, and the next ant along with it. But by
sharing the bread (code word for wealth), the ant
lives longer and ensures its survival. In other words, it is

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

in the best interest of the first ant to share the information

on where the bread is located.
Network marketing is all about showing people
where the big piece of bread is lying. Every time you
work with people who want to see you grow, you are
working with people who want to share the bread.
Your objective is to find people in direct marketing
who are successful and have accomplished everything
you want to accomplish. We often tend to get advice
from people who dont know what theyre talking about.
We seek advice from people who havent done anything
with their lives. At this point, whos being stupid?
There are successful people everywhere. You just
have to reach out within your network and find them.
You have to know who they are and not be afraid to
approach them and ask for help.
If youre having problems building your downline or
just getting started, reach out and ask for help. The worst
things you can do are (1) think youre alone and (2) not
ask for help. When you fall into this narrow thought
pattern, you will certainly fail. You must keep reminding

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

yourself that success is not an event, its a process.

Success doesnt just happen one day, but builds slowly
over time before your eyes. And then, one day, youll
realize that all the energy and time youve invested has
begun to pay off. One day the reality will hit you that
you are now financially independent and free to choose
to do whatever you desire.

Delete Therapy
Heres my strategy for staying positive. I want you to
assume that you have a delete button, much like the
one you see on a computer keyboard, in the palm of your
left hand. Now, every time someone says something
negative or stupid to you, I want you to take your right
index finger, press it into your left palm, and mentally
say, Delete.
This therapeutic mental mind eraser will work
wonders for you. What youre mentally doing is deleting
negative thinking from your subconscious, much like a
computer would delete an unwanted file. In a computer,
if you store too many files, you run out of disk space. If
you get too many negative comments, you run out of

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

space to store your positive files. So, again, the next time
someone says something negative, I want you to take
your index finger, press it into your left palm, and say to
yourself, Delete. It may sound silly, but try it the next
time youre having a conversation with a negative
person. Instead of trying to tell him how negative he is,
just quietly press the delete button in your palm while
politely nodding as if you were really listening.
Have you ever found yourself getting frustrated with
people because youre trying to convince them of your
viewpoint, but they dont get it? Well, instead of getting
mad, simply walk away and delete the whole
conversation from your mind. Trust me on this one. Its
better to walk away with your sanity than to stand there
and argue with someone who doesnt understand you.
Inspiration is fueled by a strong belief that you want
more out of life than what life has offered up to this
point. I want you to be inspired by the fact that one day
you will be able to live the lifestyle you desire. I want
you to be inspired that one day you will have the choice
to do whatever the hell you want to do with your time.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

A friend of mine once said, Live life. Dont let life

live you. No truer words were ever spoken.
All of this is well and good, but we still have to
execute the plan. We have a vision of what we want our
lives to be, and we are inspired to go forward by keeping
clear in our minds the lifestyle we can lead one dayif
and when were successful. We now need to move
beyond just having a vision and transform our inspiration
into action. What we need is a strategy for achieving the


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Every vision and inspiration needs a strategy to bring
them into realty, to make them happen. But sometimes







overwhelming; there are too many things to do and so

many places to start. Lets simplify the process by
breaking it down into simple, manageable pieces.
Lets summarize. Youve made the decision that in
order to achieve your vision and live the inspired life,
you need to make something happen. Youve found a
great opportunity in network marketing, selling a product
you truly believe will help others and, in so doing, help
you achieve your personal and financial goals. Next, its
time to execute the plan.
Lets make some assumptions to get started. It has
been my experience that in order to make money in

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

network marketing, you need to build an extensive

downline to benefit from residual income.
Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to start
prospecting (i.e., looking for downline distributors, or
people who will buy your products and who may later
decide to distribute).

How to Fish for Success

When you go fishing, you need to know two things:
1) Where to fish
2) How to fish
Knowing were to fish for distributors begins by
putting together a list of people you know or associate
with. Many of these people may also be looking (1) to
consume your products and/or (2) for a way to make
extra money on the side. Start out with the people you
know and trust:
Family and friends
Community organization members

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Church members
Social club members
Networking event participants
Write out a few more ideas below:
I want you to view each of these places to recruit
distributors as ponds where you would go fishing. Each
pond has a certain type of fish you are tying to attract,
but the ponds may have certain things in common. For
People who need additional income
People who have no alternative for generating
needed income
People who are dissatisfied with their jobs
Stay-at-home mothers or fathers looking for a
way to generate part-time income
For each type of fish, there is a specific bait you
should use in order to attract the person. For example, if
you have a person looking for additional income, you

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

emphasize (as your bait) the geometric aspect of how

income grows not only from being a distributor, but also
from the person growing his own downline.
If its a person who is dissatisfied with his job, the
bait may be the opportunity for financial freedomno
more bad bosses and no more driving in traffic.
Type of Fish

Type of Verbal Bait

Additional income

Commission on products
Dissatisfied with their jobs
financial independence
Make money staying at
home, at your convenience
and speed
Dont have a lot of money Low cost of starting out and
to start a business
making money

You could probably add some more reasons why

people would want to join a network marketing program.
Think of some on your own, and then think of the type of
bait you would use.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

I use the word bait as a metaphor, a reason people
would want to join a network marketing program. You
need to let them know what benefit they would derive
from selling your products.
Listen carefully to what theyre complaining about in
their lives, and then come up with the benefit (bait) of
joining your network marketing downline.







inconvenience in their lives, their complaints), you then

create a sales message for each type of fish.
A sales message is a thirty-second commercial for
why people should consider your product. For example,
if you are talking to a person who is dissatisfied with his
job, your thirty-second sales message might go along
these lines:
[Name of prospect], knowing that youre unhappy
with your job, let me quickly tell you that many of
our distributors today are making over $__________

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

per year selling part-time a product that helps others.

Many of them achieved this level of income in less
than _____ years. If you give me ten minutes of your
time, I may be able to change the rest of your life by
showing you how to make money in your spare time.

Now, if youre just starting out and you yourself are

not making big money yet, its okay to use others (e.g.,
your sponsor or someone in the company) as references
for people who are successful already. You may want to
change your thirty-second sales message to this:
[Name of prospect], knowing that youre unhappy
with your job, let me quickly tell you that many of our
distributors today are making over $__________ per
year selling part-time a product that helps others.
Many of them achieved this level of income in less
than _____ years. If you give me ten minutes of your
time, Ill tell you how [successful distributor] did it


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

and how he is helping me achieve the same level of

Remember, if you are just starting out, you dont
want to lie to people. You should always be honest and
genuine because, in the end, liars never prosper. Thats
what people buy intoyou. By letting people know you
are starting out as well, they may ask what convinced
you to start. If they do, you have a great story to tell them
without lying.
If they ask you if youre making $________, you can
reply by saying, Not yet! Thats why Im excited about
working with my sponsor who is making $________. He
shares with me how to do it, and he can also help you
achieve the same level of success.
Being direct and honest is part of the strategy for
network marketing success. Dont lie, because you dont
want to live a lie. Living without integrity is not
conducive to the healthy lifestyle that is part of your
vision. Stay true and honest, and in the long run it will
gain you more business and attract people who truly


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

want to make a change in their lives and are looking for

an honest leader to follow.

The Telephone: The Weapon of Choice

Face-to-face selling is always the best way to sell a
product. But you need to use the primary weapon of
choice, the telephone, to get the meeting in the first
The toughest part of selling is always making the first
contact. Weve already talked about whom to call and
what to say, but you still need to find a way to get people
to listen to what you have to say.
Cold-calling a friend or family member isnt easy.
You just cant call andWHAMstart selling over the
phone. Selling is a game of finesse and timing. You have
to slowly work your way into the conversation so you
dont turn people off.
Before we go into how to handle the call, lets focus
back on making the call in the first place. I want you to
think of your phone as an ATM machine that gives you
money every time you pick it up. If you believed it,
would you be excited to pick up the phone and call? Of

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

course you would be. Well, the phone really is an ATM

machine, and Ill prove it.
Lets say that for every 20 people you call to invite to
meet with you to consider selling your product, only 5
agree to meet with you. Out of those five, in the end only
one will become a downline distributor.
This gives you your first important metric: call-toconversion ratio (CCR). In this example, your CCR is
Lets further assume that in order for you to reach
your monthly income goal stated in the previous chapter,
you need to sign up at least 3 distributors per week. That
means that you have to make at least 60 phone calls per
week if youre going to hit your goal, since it takes 20
calls to get one distributor signed up.
If you sign up 3 distributors per week, every month
you will sign up 12 distributorswhich means that in
one year, you will have at least 144 distributors.
Now, what if every distributor you sign up represents
$1,000 worth of income for the next twelve months? If
you make 20 calls to get one distributor, your income per
call is $50 ($1,000 divided by 20 calls). That means that

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

every time you pick up the phone, you, in a sense, earn

$50. Given the fact that an average call lasts about five
minutes, thats the equivalent of earning $600 per hour.
Not bad for just simply picking up the phone!
Lets take this a step further. Now, what if every
distributor you sign up also, on his own, signs up 3
distributors per week? This is whats known as
geometric growth. This is the power of network
marketing. Geometric growth in your distributors means
geometric growth in your income.
If, after the first month, you sign up 12 distributors
and dont do anything else for the rest of the year except
support those people, you will have a potential of 36 new
distributors if each one registers 3 more distributors.
Well, what if those new 36 distributors each signs up 3
new distributors? You now have under you a total of 156
(12 + 36 + 108) new distributors selling on your behalf.
You initial investment in getting 12 distributors has
created a geometric growth totaling 156. This is power of
geometric growth at work.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Now consider that you dont stop after the first

month, and you keep recruiting 12 new downline
distributors every month? You get the idea.
This very concept of geometric growth is what
should fuel your vision and inspiration. Knowing that
putting some effort in at the beginning will yield
dramatic growth in the long run is why you want to be in
the network marketing business.

Sharing, Not Selling

Many people have a negative view of network
marketing because of the pyramid schemes in the 1990s.
Even though there are many legitimate companies in the
market, people are still hesitant when it comes to
network marketers. Given that their defenses are up, you
have to change your tack. Let me suggest that instead of
selling, you begin sharing information.
Sharing information is a more relaxed and indirect
approach to selling. When you share information, youre
not telling people what they should buy but sharing with
them what youre doing. See the difference?


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

For example, lets say you have a friend who tells

you hes unhappy with his job and really wants
something to change in his life. Instead of immediately
jumping into a sales pitch, why dont you just try sharing
with him what youre doing, without the pressure of
selling. Try this:
[Name], Im sorry to hear things arent going well. I
know the feeling. Ive been in that situation also. Thats
why last year I decided to branch out and start up my
own businessand the way things are going [or
hopefully], in the next year or so I can quit my job.
Then STOP, be QUIET, and wait.

If hes interested in hearing what you have to say, he

will ask. When people ask, they are giving you
permission to share with them your strategy. If they
say nothing, keep talking about life or whatever. And
later on in the conversation, drop another hint about how
youre working on your business. If again they dont ask,
that means they REALLY arent looking to change.
Theyre just complaining.
Theres a big difference between complainers and
people who want something to change in their lives.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Complainers enjoy the act of complaining. They will

never take action, but always talk about how things are
going to change. People who are looking for real change
will ask you about your business. If they ask, share with
them your thirty-second commercial:
[Name], a year ago, like you, I was tired of my job
and hated where my life was going. I decided to start
my own business, and so far its going well. Have you
ever heard of ________?

Many of ________ distributors today are making

over $________ per year and only selling part-time a
product that helps others. Many of them achieved this
level of income in less than _____ years. If you give
me ten minutes of your time, Ill tell you how
[persons name] did it and how he is helping me
achieve the same level of success.
Again, if they ask about your business, they are
giving you permission to share (code word for sell).


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

The Integrated Blessing

In your thirty-second commercial or conversation, you
should mention the financial benefits of what youre
doing. But more importantly, you should share with
others how growing your business is also helping many
others achieve their own financial and personal goals.
Being able to make money and help others is an
integrated blessing that you should be proud of sharing.
On the next page, I want you to write out your thirtysecond commercial. I then want you to memorize it, so
when someone asks, What do you do? you have a clear
and concise response that informs and elicits curiosity.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Your Thirty-second Commercial:

Your thirty-second commercial should sound natural

and conversational. If it sounds like a sales pitch, people
will raise their defenses and not want to listen to you.
The key to getting a conversation started about your
product is not sounding like a salesperson but like a
sympathetic friend.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Emotional Pain and Focus

Heres an exercise I want you to try the next time
youre talking to someone face-to-face. Imagine for a
second that theres a spotlight hanging right over both
you and the other person. As youre having your
conversation, further imagine that this spotlight moves
over the person doing the talking. Now, if during your
conversation you notice that the spotlight is mostly on
you, youre talking more than youre listening. This is a
big mistake. So the first step in successful selling is
The more a person talks to you about how unhappy
he is or how he wished things could change, what hes
doing, in a sense, is giving you clues on how to sell him
on your network marketing idea. If the person starts
talking about how he wished he had additional income
well, thats your moment to share with him how he could
make an additional revenue stream, on a part-time basis,
doing network marketing. So the second step to
successful selling is listening for clues on how to sell the


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Now that you understand where the persons pain

resides, the third step is to amplify that painmake it
bigger and more intolerable. For example, if a person
needs added income, tell him how much others who are
doing it part-time are making. Tell him about the people
who, after a year or two, were able to buy their first
house or pay cash for a new car. Tell him how your
personal independence and confidence has grown since
youve begun taking control of your life and how youre
meeting successful people who are helping you make
more money.
This type of success sharing will make the prospects
take notice, and they themselves will start visualizing
what youre describing. Theyll see themselves in their
first house. Theyll begin to see themselves driving a
new car. Theyll begin to see themselves as financially
independent and working with other successful people.
As the vision of their potential success grows in their
imaginations, the pain of not acting grows as well.
People will move when there is a nagging pain that
something has to change.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Let me share with you a story I once heard about an

old man who lived in a small shack off the side of a dirt
county road. The man would sit in his rocking chair
whittling a stick. Alongside his chair lay his faithful
companion, a big old hound dog.
One day, while rocking in his chair, a stranger came
along the road toward the old mans house. The stranger
approached the house, gave the old-timer a kindly hello,
and asked if he wouldnt mind sparing a glass of water.
The old-timer agreed and went inside while the hound
dog just lay there motionless. As the stranger waited for
the old-timer to return, the hound dog let out a moaning
yelp but didnt move.
When the old man returned with the water, he struck
up a conversation with his visitor. The stranger began to
notice that during the course of the conversation with
the old man, the old dog occasionally let out a long,
moaning sound.
The stranger did everything to ignore the old hound
and concentrate on the friendly conversation. But the
dogs moaning persisted until the stranger could no


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

longer resist the urge to ask, Excuse me, old-timer, but

why is your hound dog moaning? Is he sick?
Nah, he aint sick. Hes groaning like that because
hes lying down on a nail, replied the old-timer.
A nail?
Yep, a nail.
The stranger looked perplexed and continued, Well,
why doesnt he just get up off it?
The old-timer paused for second, looked, and
pointed at the dog with his whittling knife. You see,
stranger, even though the nail hurts him, it doesnt hurt
him so much as to make him want to get up off it.
Thats just plain lazy, responded the stranger.
Yep! answered the old-timer.
Much like the hound dog, people complain (moan)
about how bad their jobs are, about the little money they
have, or about how their dreams seem to be slipping
away, year after year.
Like the hound dog, they are lying on top of their
own nails of discontent, but refusing to make the effort
to do anything about it. People are unhappy, but not so

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

much that they want to make the effort to get up and get
When youre telling people of the success youre
having or that others in network marketing are
experiencing, what you in effect are doing is making
that nail of discontent that much more painful. You want
it to become so intolerable that they eventually make a
decision to join your downline and get into the network
marketing business.
Remember, by listening carefully, you will be able
to find ways to make people constructively discontent
with their current situationsso much so that your job
of recruiting will be that much easier. In network
marketing, pain is gain.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Time Frame
Once you have a vision and are inspired to carry it
out with a strategy now in place, you need to give
yourself a time frame. Here is where you are going to
create a timeline for your success, so that every month
you can measure your success and progress. This is key!
Many people plan on doing things but never get
around to doing them. My objective in this section is to
get you to put down on paper a timeline that you can use
to measure your progress.
Open-ended goals are usually not executed. Many
people say, One day, Im going to do X. But we all
know that the interpretation of that statement is: Id like
to do it, and eventually Ill get around to doing it. I just
dont know when. This is not a goal, its a wish. A goal

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

is a wish with a timeline thats based on the execution of

a defined strategy.
I want you take the time right now to define that
motivating force that will drive you forward when times
get tough. I want you to visualize the ideal scenario for
your life. What do I mean by that? Well, let me give you
an example so you can get an idea of what Id like you to
Many years ago, I made a conscious decision about
how I wanted to live my life. I started by making a
mental laundry list of things I like to do and things I hate
to do. I was brutally honest with myself. I also defined
what I would do and what I didnt want to do. In short, I
was defining my ideal situation.
In sales, the constant pressure of making your numbers is
hard enough. The pressure is compounded when youre
selling something you dont like. Worse still is selling a
product you dont like and know nothing about, because
you have no interest in learning more about something
you dont like. Many salespeople are in this situation.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Victors Philosophy: You will never be successful

(happy and financially prosperous) selling something
you either dont like or dont understand.
Now, for the purpose of the following exercise, Im
going to assume that you like the company youre
working for and truly believe in the product youre
Exercise: What I want you to do right now is sit
back, relax, and take a couple of deep breaths. Stop
thinking about peripheral stuff and clear your mind.
Keep taking deep breaths, and just try to relax. Now, take
a pen or pencil into your writing hand and wave it around
like a magic wand. No, not all over the placejust wave
it gently in front of you in a relaxing motion. Sound
stupid? Yeah, but I made you smile a bit. Ha! Now,
when you feel relaxed enough, I want you to fill in the
blanks on the following page. READ the questions
carefully, and answer them thoughtfully. GO!


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

(a) If I make $__________ per year, this would be

enough to pay my bills.

(b) If I make $__________ per year, this would allow

me to live comfortably.

(c) If I make $__________ per year, this would allow

me to define my lifestyle without worries!

(d) Id like to be in a position to retire at _____. And

in order to do this, I would have to make
$__________ per year for the next _____ years.

Now, let me ask you a key question: which option

a, b, c, or dare you working toward right NOW? Circle
the option above.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Your answer here is key since it will determine how

you approach network marketing.
If you chose option (a), you have a cant see
beyond tomorrow mindset, which is another way
of saying that you are constantly in survival
mode. This means that, as a salesperson, you will
be in the reactive mode most of the time. You
wont invest in upgrading your sales skills; youll
just hope to make it from year to year.
If you chose option (b), you have a good enough
just to get by mindset. You will do enough to
make things happen, but no more. You wont go
out of your way or the extra distance to close a
sale if it means inconveniencing you.
If you chose option (c), you are mentally striving
to achieve success beyond subsistence. This is
good. This means you are looking for ways to
make bigger things happen.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

If you chose option (d), you are looking beyond

the horizon and planning your exit strategy.
This means that youre willing to go the extra
mile and do whatever it takes (ethically) to be
successful in selling. You have other things youd
like to do in life, and you want to accelerate the
process of living up to your full potential.
The option you chose above, if you were honest
about your own assessment, is an indicator of your
present state of mind and how successful you will be in
the sales profession.
If you chose option (a), I suggest you reevaluate why
youre network marketing. Selling just to survive and
pay the bills, in my opinion, is not a motivating factor.
How can you be great at selling when your mind is
consumed with how youre going make the next rent
payment? Instead of thinking about winning, youre
concerned with just surviving. Network marketing is
about winning, not surviving.
If you chose option (b), that means you are willing to
do what is necessary to sell, but no more and no less. If

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

you chose option (c), that tells me you want to make

money and create a better lifestyle for yourself and your
family. If you chose option (d), that tells me youre
thinking a few steps ahead in the game. You are selling
with an end in mind, and selling is the means to that end.
I want you to be a (c) or (d) salesperson. I want you to
begin defining your lifestyle now, so that your goals are
driving your sales effort. By knowing what you want and
how fast you want it, you will be able to formulate a plan
for success. Lets start by setting tangible goals. For

Goal #1: With this income, Ill be able to buy/pay off







Goal #2: With this income, Ill be able to buy/pay off






__________ [month/day/year].


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

You can make up your own goals as you see fit. The
objective here is to get you to put a stake out in the
future of what you want in exchange for being a
successful salesperson.
Now in order to achieve the above, you have to
clearly define what its going to take to get there. Fill in
the following:
I need to make $__________ per year to achieve my
goal(s) above.
To make this amount, I have to sell $__________ per
That comes out to $__________ per week or
$__________ per day.
Doing this exercise gives you two key components of
success in network marketing:
1) You now have a specific goal to shoot for. Selling
will seem empty if you dont have a target or

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

objective (i.e., a reminder of why youre

2) Numbers are real. Sales figures are the metrics for
you to measure your success and progress toward
your goal.
Victors Philosophy: Many choose not to define their
goals or financial metrics because theyre afraid of
failing (i.e., not meeting them). A ship without a
compass is driftwood. A salesperson without metrics is


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Write down the top three goals youll use to measure

your sales success in network marketing.

Keep what youve written close by. If you ever have

to ask yourself, Why am I selling? I want you to refer
to this page. Consider the goals youve written down to
be a covenant with yourself.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

I once read that most salespeopleor business
people, for that matterfail in the first year for lack of
prospecting. Prospecting can simply be defined as going
out and finding new clients wholl buy your products or
I remember the Kevin Costner movie called Field of
Dreams. In this movie, Costner has some spirit or force
guiding him and telling him, If you build it, he will
come. We find out later in the movie that Costners
mission is to build a baseball field on his farm in Iowa so
that baseball players from the past can come back to play
again. Most people in business have a Field of Dreams
mindset when it comes to their products or services.
They feel that if they build a product or offer a service,

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

theymeaning the customerswill come. Nothing

could be further from the truth.
Any marketer will tell you that you can have the
greatest product or service in the world, but if no one
knows about it, it might as well not exist in the first
place. Success in business is about telling everyone you
can about what you have to offer. You can spread the
word using direct marketing, advertising, Internet
marketing, get-togethers, parties, promotional events,
and so on. But one marketing tool stands above the
others as the most affordable and most accessible, and
the one that is hardly used: the telephone. The simple
reason we hesitate to use the phone is that calling and
asking for business makes us feel vulnerable. The simple
act of asking in everyday life leaves us open and
vulnerable to being rejected. When we get rejected, we
take it personally. Rejection undermines our confidence
and self-esteem. The phone can be seen as an enabler to
those feelings. By calling, we are inviting rejectionor,
at a minimum, opening ourselves to being told no and
consequently feeling bad about ourselves. Given this
association between calling and feeling bad about

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

ourselves, its no wonder that we view the phone with

disdain when it comes to making cold calls and soliciting
In cold-calling, there are three entities involved: the
client, the phone company, and you, the caller. We know
that we cant control how a client will react to our call.
We cant do anything about the telephone company,
since it is simply providing the means of communication
(i.e., the phone). What we can control is how we view
calling, how we handle a call, and what we allow
ourselves to think and feel.
Cold-calling is hard if you allow yourself to take
everything personally. The first rule of cold-calling is
that you should never take anything personally. If
prospective clients dont want to talk to you, they arent
rejecting you! I can prove it logically. When you call
prospective clients and they either dont take your call or
refuse to talk to you, at that moment in time, they know
nothing about you. So how could they reject you
personally without knowing you? They probably dont
even know your name. Its not you theyre rejecting, but
your solicitation for their time or your proposition.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Herein lies the dilemma faced by salespeople. How

can you present the value of your proposition and prove
that its worth their time if they wont give you the
chance to explain it in the first place?
Cold-calling is the creative art of finding ways to
create time with your potential client so that you can
explain the value of your proposition.
Broadcasting vs. Narrowcasting
Let me digress for a second and draw a human
parallel that may resonate more with you. A man,
interested in finding a mate, does the up front,
personalized version of cold-calling. The man (i.e.,
salesperson) sees a woman (i.e., prospect) he likes. He
then begins to think of a clever way to garner her
attention. He knows that he has to have a great opening
line, good conversation in the middle, and a good close.
The end goal is getting her to go out with him on a date
(i.e., an appointment or meeting to further explain the
benefits he offers with the hope that shell buy into it). If
the appointment (e.g., dinner) is set, the man has to
insure that the meeting place provides the right ambience

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

conducive to productive conversation. During their

dinner, he will emphasize his features and explain or hint
at their benefits. He may tell her about how hes a vice
president in a Fortune 100 company. This would be
considered a product (i.e., man) feature. The implied
benefit is that if she buys into him, he can provide a
financially stable situation. If he talks about how much
he loves to go running (i.e., a feature), the implied
benefit is that he is a healthy specimen and would be
around for awhile.
As you can see, cold-calling over the phone has its
parallel with dating. Women, more often than not, are the
clients, and men are just salespeople trying to close a
dealalthough in this day and age, its not surprising to
see a man being prospected by a woman.
Cold-calling is no different than trying to find a date,
with the obvious exceptions that cold-calling is business
and you have a product or service to sell. What makes
cold-calling different from trying to get a date is the
medium. When a man sees a woman in whom he is
interested, by just observing he is able to make a quick
assessment of whether or not he wants to pursue the

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

matter. For example, he can look at her height, weight,

hair color, eye color, and smile as well as how she
dresses, how she walks, how she carries herself, and so
on. These are all visual cues that you couldnt get over a
Over the phone, the information is sketchy. You
dont know what people look like, so its hard to make
an assessment of who they are or might be. You cant see
how they dress or how their offices look, which would
give you some indication as to their organizational skills
or level in the company. When you ask questions, you
cant see their reactions; you can only listen for the tones
in their responses.
When you see people, you can gather more
information about them. The people you are watching
are, whether theyre aware of it or not, broadcasting
signals of who they are. Over the phone, the visual
component of the information is not available, so youre
left with only their voices (e.g., tone, vocabulary, use of








communication can be referred to as narrowcasting (i.e.,

where the information isnt as broad).

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

People who use the Internet to chat with friends or

strangers can also be considered to be narrowcasting. But
in this case, the users have found a creative way to
broaden their chats by creating emotion icons or
emoticons. Weve all seen the J (created by using a
colon, dash, and right parenthesis) or the L(created by
using a colon, dash, and left parenthesis) icons on email
messages. These are emoticons.
These emoticons allow us to transmit our emotions or
state of being (e.g., LOL = laughing out loud) to the
other person, who cant see us.
The lack of visual information while cold-calling
adds to our anxiety. When we cant see the people were
talking to, we feel uncomfortable because we dont know
what they might be thinking. And, as the saying goes, in
the absence of information we tend to make things up.
We may start to think that the other person really doesnt
want to talk to us or would rather be doing something
else. Since we cant tell over the phone, we begin to feel
a little anxious, thereby affecting how we handle the call.
The key to communicating well over the phone is to
transmit more information while cold-calling (i.e.,

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

narrowcasting). This is why it is important to find ways

to get a conversation going and inject humor or some
personal interests into the call as soon as possible. By
doing so, you inject, to some extent, emotions into your
conversation in order to humanize the connectionand
this creates a more pleasant call experience. And you can
only hope the person on the other end of the line
responds in kind.
Victors Philosophy: You cant control what others
say, but you can control how you react to those

Check Your Premise

You cant get past the fact that you need to prospect
if your business and your professional life are to be
successful. I already mentioned that you cant control
what the other person will say on the other end of the
linewhich leaves you with the only variable in coldcalling that you can control: your attitude.
If youre afraid of cold-calling, your voice will reflect
it over the phone. If youre unsure of yourself, your

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

voice will reflect it. If you seem to be in a rush to get the

call over with, your voice will reflect it.
Your attitude toward cold-calling will determine your
success level. The only way to change your attitude
about cold-calling is to reevaluate why you dislike it in
the first place. As one of my favorite authors, Ayn Rand,
used to write, Check your premise. You have to go to
the root of your belief system and challenge your beliefs
by validating if they are true or not. By doing this, you
are checking the premise of your belief system.
Lets begin by the checking the premise of the
following beliefs.
I dont like cold-calling because . . .
Belief: People dont like to be interrupted.
Checking your premise: Assuming that people hate
to be interrupted is too vague of a belief statement. What
are you really saying? Is this statement true?
Lets say that there is a fire in the kitchen and your
mother is on the phone with her best friend, with whom
she hadnt talked in years. You know that your mother

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

hates to be interrupted while she is on the phone. Do you

think shell be mad at you for interrupting her to tell her
that the house is on fire? Or do you think shell be really
mad if the house burns down and you couldve prevented
So to say that people hate being interrupted is too
vague and lacks context. Context is the key word here.
What is the context of the interruption? If you have a
great product that you know will help someone be more
productive (context), then people wont mind being
interrupted. No one in his right mind would hate being
interrupted if it would benefit him greatly. The value you
offer by interruption will determine the context of the
conversation. If you have great value to offer the
prospect, an interruption will be welcomed. So your
premise that people hate to be interrupted is false.
Belief: Cold-calling is beneath me. It sounds like Im
begging for business.
Checking your premise: Have you ever been on a
job interview? If so, have you ever viewed that as
begging for a job? If youre like most people, you see

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

it as an exchange of value: your intelligence and

capability in exchange for a salary or wage. There is no
begging in this scenario; its a necessary exchange of
services for wages in a free market. This exchange on a
daily basisrepeated thousands, if not millions, of times
each dayis what makes our economy run.
Now lets assume you have zero skillsI mean zero!
You then ask an employer for a job, knowing youre not
qualified and can add no value to the company. In this
case, yes, you are begging for a job. See the difference?
So the question you should ask yourself is: does my
product have value? If it does, then what you seek is an
exchange of your product for some equivalent value.
This, again, is not beggingits business.
On the flip side, if your product offers no value and
you are trying to get someone to give you something for
nothing, then you are begging.
Most, if not all, people in business are looking for an
exchange of value: your product for some form of
compensation. Thats why its called business. Youre
not looking for a handout; youre looking for an

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Belief: I feel like Im wasting my time calling

Checking your premise: Most people who think
cold-calling is a waste of time are the same folks who
only tried it once or twice and then gave up quickly.
Have you ever made a commitment to cold-calling, lets
say, one hundred people with a script and measuring the
results? Most people who say its a waste of time have
never taken the time to measure how effective it could be
for them if they just gave it a chance.
What if we shift our paradigm, and instead of seeing
cold-calling as a waste of time, lets see it as a way to
generate revenue. Lets see the phone as an automatic
teller machine (ATM) that gives us cash when we need
Heres a question for you: if you knew that each time
you picked up the phone you could generate a sale,
would you do it? Of course you would!
Belief: Cold-calling scares me.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Checking your premise: Fear of being rejected is

one of the basic causes of call reluctance. Every time we
ask for a meeting or ask for someones business, we
leave ourselves vulnerable to being rejected. But lets
think of the good things that could happen if someone
actually takes us up on our offer. Begin to see how all
you need is a few yeses among the many nos to make
cold-calling worthwhile.
Like any other activity in life in which we want
something from someone else, we have to ask. We cant
live our lives without asking for something at one time or
Rejection, and what it does to your psyche, can be
offset if you see selling or cold-calling as a game of
numbers. The more you call, the more likely your
success will be.
Dont be afraid of calling and being rejected. Be
more afraid of never calling, never trying, and never
getting out of life what you can get. My biggest fear is
not that I will fail, but that I wont even try.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Victors Philosophy: It is up to you to decide if you

want to control your life or be controlled by life. Fear
will never go away. At a minimum, you can stare it
down and let it know that you are in control of your
life. Use fear to your advantage. Use the fear of
failing (i.e., never getting what you want) to drive
Cold-Calling Is a Numbers Game
Any way you look at cold-calling, its a numbers
game. The more you call, the more likely you are to gain
business. The inverse also holds true. The aim of coldcalling is to turn a long list of leads into a long list of
meetings and a long list of sales so that you can get a
long list of zeros behind your earnings. Simply stated,
you need to convert your pile of leads into a pile of cash
by using your telephone.
Another way of viewing this is to use the laws of
probability, which directly address your chances of
success in a given activity. You can calculate the
probability of success (i.e., the likelihood of a desired
outcome) if your understanding improves with every


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

As an engineering student in college, I studied the

laws of probability and how odds were calculated. The
example I remember best was the sack with the colored
balls. In this sack, there were ten balls. Nine of the ten
balls were white, and one was green. The professor
started out by asking what the probability was of
reaching into the bag and getting a green ball. The
probability of getting the green balli.e., P(g)was
easily calculated by taking the number of green balls
(one) and dividing it by the total number of balls (ten) in
the sack:
P(g) = 1/10 = .10 (or 10%)
The chance of pulling a green ball out of the sack on
the first try was 10%. Not a bad probability, but not
Now lets say you reached into the sack and pulled
out a white ball, leaving only nine balls in the sack, with
the green one still in there. The probability of pulling out
a green ball in the next try was calculated as such:


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

P(g) = 1/9 = .11 (or 11%)

As you can see, your chances of getting a green ball
improved slightly from 10% to 11%. This isnt a great
Now lets see what happens as you keep pulling
white balls out of the sack, assuming that the green ball
will be the last one to come out. Why last? I dont
know. . .because life seems to behave that way. We
either get lucky right away or luck waits until the very
last moment to show up. Since we didnt get lucky up
front, lets assume that our luck isnt immediately with
us and wont show until the end. Heres what the
probabilities would look like.
White Green Total in Probability



P(g) %

of Green
or P(g)










How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio













As you can you see from the table, your probability

of getting a green ball out of the sack, P(g), dramatically
increases (25%) after the sixth ball is pulled, leaving
only four in the sack.
In the last row of the table, you can see that there are
zero white balls left and only one green ball. So the
chances of you pulling out a green ball with only one ball
left are 100%. If you move up a row, where there is one
white ball and one green ball left in the sack, you can see
that your chances of getting a green ball are 50% (i.e., a
50-50 chance).
Now youre probably wondering, Victor, thank you
for the math lesson . . . hated it. So how does this apply
to prospecting and cold-calling? This is a great

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

I mentioned that prospecting is all about converting a

stack of leads into a stack of cash. So lets drop the t in
stack and think of a sack. In your sack, you have all
these leads. Every time you pull a lead (white ball) out of
your sack and make a call, the probability of getting an
appointment or sale (a green ball) increases with every
lead you pull. The green here symbolizes cash, money,
greenbacks, dinero, etc.


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Victor Antonio

Final Notes on Staying

I currently drive a Volvo; its a great car. When I use
it for long distances, I can go about 350 miles on a full
tank of gas before I have to refuel. Now let me ask you a
question: when youre running out of gas, do you ever
consider never refueling again? Of course not! The only
way youre going to get to your next destination is by
putting some fuel into the car. Am I right?
Now consider that your mind is somewhat like a car.
It requires refueling in order for it to get to your next
destination. We all know that selling can be a tough
business, requiring you to put on some serious mental
miles when it comes to your ego, time, and patience in
making a sale.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

All of us, at one time or another, lose the motivation

or enthusiasm to sell. Our motivational tank starts to go
empty after a while, and yet the yellow warning light in
our minds never comes on to warn us that we need fuel.
If your mind is like my car, instead of having to
refuel every 350 miles, Im going to suggest you refuel
every 350 minutesor approximately every fourteen
days or two weeks. Every couple of weeks, I want you to
crack open a book on sales and/or motivation and refuel.
If you cant finish a book in two weeks, read at a
minimum one chapter every two weeks. Something is
better than nothing.
If you spend a lot of time in traffic, get some audio
books about the latest ideas on selling. I dont care if its
only five or ten minutes of listeningits something.
Dont waste all your time listening to bubble music or
trash-talk radio, both of which add no fuel to your
motivational engine; they detract. Hearing depressing
news all the time will do one thing for you: depress you.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Why Buy Books?

If youre reading this book, you are the exception to
the rule. It is estimated that less than ten percent of the
population read books on success. Instead, they spend an
estimated four to six hours a day in front of the
A friend of mine came over one day and was
impressed with the number of books I had on my
shelves. He said, Wow. Thats a lot of books. I wish I
could read books.
To which I answered, Why dont you?
Well, Ive bought books in the past, but could never
finish them . . . so I stopped reading! he responded.
Now, lets look at the logic here for a second. He
doesnt read, because when he tried he didnt finish the
book. Therefore, from that day forward he stopped
learning because he couldnt finish a book. Does that
make any sense?
I asked him, Did you ever think that maybe you
bought a book you werent really interested in? And
where does it say you have to finish a book? If you dont


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

like it, stop reading it and move onto another that youll
find more interesting.
He looked at me, somewhat puzzled by my terse
response. Before he could say anything, I added, You
know, its okay not to finish a book if it doesnt appeal to
you. Better to move onto something more interesting
than to stop reading and stop learning altogether!
I wish I could say my friend is the exception to the
rule, but he isnt. If you ask a friend who doesnt read,
youll most likely get a similar answer. These same
friends will spend almost $20 to go see a movie at the
local theater rather than invest half that much in
something that will help further their financial success.
Dont get me wrongI like going to the theater to see a
good movie, but I also like to stop off at the local
bookstore and pick up mental popcorn.
As we make our way through life, what we always
want are options. We love options. We like to have
choices as opposed to being limited in our decisions. If
you agree with this premise, then why in the world
would you not continue to add new ideas to your mental

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Learning provides us with new tools, ideas, thought

patterns, and approaches to sales success. Motivation
comes from being stimulated by these new approaches or
concepts. Reading or listening to educational material
often provides a catalyst for getting us unstuck. How
many times, after reading or hearing something new,
have you said . . .
I never looked at it that way!
I didnt know you could do it that way!
No one ever showed me how to do it like that!
Why didnt I think of that?
Is it really that simple?
Hey, I can use that strategy!
I havent tried that yet!
All of a sudden, you feel this surge of energy, an
excitement to try something new. You know what Im
talking about. You get all excited, and you feel like
getting back into the selling game. Your engine is full


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Its okay to change your mind when it comes to what

interests you. But its never okay to simply quit
altogether. Quitting is not an option!

Building Your Own HouseYour Own Dream

I heard a story Id like to share with you. Perhaps youve
heard it...
A man decides he wants to build a magnificent
house. He hires a contractor and tells the man to
build the most spectacular house he can build.
Dont worry about the cost. said the man. I
will be back in one year and will then reimburse
you for whatever material expenses and cost of
labor it takes to build this magnificent house.
The contractor agrees and the stranger is off to
return in one year. The contractor gives the
project some thought but decides to put it off for a
while before starting. He figures he has plenty of
time to build this magnificent house.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

As the months pass the stranger realizes hes

running out of time if he's going to complete the
house on schedule. He decides to finally get
started by going out and buying the materials
needed. But, instead of buying the best material
money could buy as he was instructed, he uses
cheap materials that are readily available. In a
rush to finish on time he also decides to cut a few
corners here and there thinking it wouldnt be a
big deal. After a lot of patching and fixing to
keep thing together he is done.
One year later to the date, the stranger shows up
to view his magnificent house. He looks at the
house the contractor has built and asks,
Did you build the house with the finest

Did you hire the best labor money

could buy? Would you say this is a magnificent

The contractor, not ready to admit that he took
some shortcuts with labor and building materials,

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

responded confidently, Absolutely. It is the

finest house anyone can live in.
Thats great. Im glad you feel that way. said
the stranger Because Im giving you this house
for you to live in.
The contractor is stunned not only by the man's
generosity but also by the reality that the house is
less than magnificent. Would the contractor have
taken more time and used better material if he
knew the house would be his in the end? Of
course he wouldve!
Replace the house with your life. Are you building the
type of life you want or are you still building for
someone else? If you have a job you dont like, you are
no different than the contractor who is building a
magnificent house (business) for someone else. When
we build for others, we dont give 100% of ourselves to
the task at hand; thats human nature. And when we
dont give 100% we never attain the level of


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

achievement we hope for because we cant get excited

about building someone elses house.
Our inability to give it our all leads to mediocrity.
Mediocrity over time is never rewarded or recognized.
The lack of reward or recognition leads us to believe that
we arent worthy (i.e., worthless).

Once we talk

ourselves into believing were not worthy because

nothing good ever happens to us, our self-esteem
suffers. Once our self-esteem is sapped, we are no
longer motivated to make any changes in our lives.
But heres the rub-if youre feeling depressed about
your job because you feel inadequate, Im here to tell
you that its not YOU. Its the situation you find
yourself in that is creating an inadequate you. As long as
you continue to build someone elses house, you will
never give 100%. You will always operate at a suboptimal level (i.e., below your potential). But its not
because YOU are sub-optimal, its because you are not
building your house (i.e., your desired life) and find
yourself in a sub-optimal circumstance.

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Its a vicious cycle if you think about it.

When you work for someone else, you will never realize
your full potential. And as long as you operate at suboptimal potential, you will always fall short of being
great. Falling short consistently reinforces in you that
belief that you really are sub-optimal. In other words,
your situation is causing you to behave in a manner that
reinforces your feelings of inadequacy. But its not
YOU! Its the situation you find yourself in that is
making your efforts mediocre.
If the stranger had told the contractor that the house
would be his after it was built, I can assure you the
contractor would studied, planned and executed with a
high degree of efficiency an architectural extravaganza.
He wouldve made every aspect of the house magnificent
down to the front door keyhole. But because it wasnt
for him, he elected to operate at a sub-optimal level. The
outcome had less to do with intelligence or money, and
more to do with lack of motivation. Its hard to motivate

How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

ourselves to be at our best everyday when we know we

are building for someone else isnt it?
Three Donts

Dont fall into the trap of believing that you cant

do it because youre not good at your current job.
You may not good at your current job because as
long as you are building for someone else and not
yourself, you will always operate at a sub-optimal

Dont fall into the trap of believing that youre

not qualified or smart enough because you dont
have a position of leadership at work or youve
been passed over for a promotion. Its not
because youre not good enough, again, its
because you are operating at a sub-optimal level.

Dont wait for external validation to believe that

you can be great at what you choose to do. The
materials to build your own magnificent house are
all around you. All you need to is study, plan and
execute your life changing strategy.


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

How long will you continue to build someone elses

dream? I hope the answer is, Not much longer!
I want you to consider investing in yourself. I want you
to believe in yourself. And I further want you to know
that if you wanted to, at any given moment, you can start
constructing your own magnificent house (i.e., career,

The potential is within you waiting to be

summoned by the right circumstances. Take some risks

and create those circumstances. If you don't, you'll
always operate at sub-optimal and never realize your true
Start building your (DREAM) house TODAY...and let's
talk one year from now! Are you up for the challenge?
I know you are!


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio

Go to for more information on

taking your sales game to the next level by Victor


How to achieve Network Marketing Success

Victor Antonio


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