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Catalogues, Lists, etc.

, Used in the New Catalogos

Catalogorum with the Abbreviations used for





University of Madras,


Price Rs. 17/-

nnted at Rathnam Press, 41, Badrian Street, Madras .. 600 001.

ABN: . A list of 6 manuscripts in the Kr~1).adevaraya Andhra Bha~a Nilaya. HyderabaQ.c

Accatikulam: A hand-list of 11 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Accatikulattu Variyam,.
Trichu,r, Co chin, Kerala State~
'ACW: A list of 253 Ayurvedic manuscripts in the Ayurvedic Chemical Works (Props.
Rajavaidya S. A. Jagatap & Sons), Kapilatirtha, Kolhapur City, 1943.
Atj,hyan Nambadripad: A list of 110 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Ac;1hyan NambUdripad's
House, Vec;1akkumbhagattu Mana, Eravur, Trippunittura P.O., Cochin,.
Kerala State.
Adyar: A Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library, in two parts by'
the Pandits of the Library. Part I. 1926. Part 11. 1928. Quoted by parts
and page8'.
Adyar: Without reference to parts or pages; refers to manuscripts in the Adyar'
L.ibrary added subsequent to publication of Part 11 of the above Adyar
Catalogue and included in the Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit manuscripts in
the Adyar Library, by Pandit V. Krishnamacharya, under the supervision of
C. Kunhan Raja. Adyar Library, Adyar, 1944.
Adyar D: Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library,
Adyar. Some of the volumes were prepared under the supervision or
c. Kunhan Raja.
Vol. I.
Vedic: by K. Madhava K.rishna Sarma, 1942.
Vol. IV. Stotras: by Paramesvara Aithal, 1968.
Vo!. V.
Kavya, Nataka, and Alatikara: by H. G. Narahari, 1951.
Vol. VI. Grammar, Prosody and Lexicography: by Pandit V. Krishnaroacharya, 1947.
Vol. VIII. Siitikhya, Y oga, Vaise~ika and Nyaya: by Parameswara Aithal,.
Vol. IX. Mimarilsa and Advaita Vedanta: by V. Krishnamacharya, 1952.
Vol. X.
Visi~tadvaita and other Vedantas: by V. Krishnamacharya, 1966.
Vol. XIII. Visvabhiiniti collection in Adyar Library in 2 pts. by E. R ..
Sreekrishna Sarma, 1976.
.A.d,yar Library: A partial list of rare manuscripts belonging to the Adyar Library .
Contains the names of 60 works.
A.dyar PL: A Preliminary List of the Sanskrit and Prakrt manuscripts in the AdyarLibrary. By the Pandits of the Adyar Library. Madras, 1910.
..Ady(i.rrJp~: . A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Adyar Library_
Vol. I. Upani~ads by F.Otto Schrader, MadJ,"as, 1908.


Alistof 11 manuscripts


sent by the Aftab Punjab General Law Book Agency,

Ahmedabad: A hand ..list of 409 manuscripts in the Gujarat Vidyapith GranthaJaya,
Ahobila: A hand-list "of S3 manuscripts in the Ahobila Mutt, Srirangam. Thes'c
manuscripts are now deposited in the AhobUa Mutt Sanskrit College,
Madhurantakam. Chingleput Dist.
Ajmgarh: A list of two manuscripts in the State Library, Ajaigarh State.
AK: Report for the Search of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency during
the years 1891-92, ,1892-93, 1893-94 and 1894-95. By Abaji Vishnu
Kathavate, Bombay, 1901.
Akalamannattu Mana: A hand-list of 62 manuscripts in possession of Kuttancheri
Moossad, Kurumanallur, Vadakkancheri P.O., Cochin, KeraIa State .
.Aliganj: A hand-list of 37 manuscripts in the Bhandara of Sri Santinatha Jaina Temple
at Aliganj, Dt. Btah (U.P.).
, .
Allahabad: A list of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Municipal Museum AlIahabad.
Prepared on the basis of the slips preserved in the Museum. Quoted by the
Library numbers.
Alph. ListJBeng. Govt.: An alphabetical list o~ manuscr~pts purchased' upto 189~.
'Printed at the end of Notices of Sanskr'lt manuscnpts by HaraprasadaShastfl,-.
Vol. XI. Calcutta, 1895. Manuscripts in this list are described in the
volumes of the Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Royal Asiatic
Society of Bengal, by Haraprasada Shastri.
Alwar: Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Library of His Highness the
Maharaja of Alwar by Peter Peterson. Bombay, 1892.
2:llwis: A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit, Pali and Sinhalese Literary Works of
Ceylon. by James D' Alwis. in 3 volumes. Vol. I. Colombo, 1870.
Amarcinta : A list of 96 manuscripts, representing works of his own ancestors, sent by
Jatakavidvanma1).i Venkatacharyulu, Amarcinta, Atmakur., (A.P.).
.America: A Census of IndicManuscripts in the United Stat~s and Canada by H. I.
Poleman, American Oriental Series No. 12. American Oriental Society,
New Haven, Connecticut, 1938. Quoted by numbers.
.AMG. 11: Annales du Musee Guimet. Tome Deuxieme. Paris, 1881. pp. ,131-573.

Analyse du Kandjour, A. Csoma de Koros and M. Leon Feer; and Abergedes Matieres du Tandjour by Csoma de Koros. Quoted by pages.
.AMGl V: Annales du Musee Guimet. Tome Cinquieme. Fragments Extraits du-o
Kandjour. Traduits du Tibetain Par M. Leon Feer. Paris t 1883.
.ifmpall~7,r: A hand-list of 25 San'skrit manuscripts in the Ampallur Ele<;lattu Manakkal",,_
Mulanthuruthy P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

Anandatrama: A hand list of 8518 manuscripts in the' Anandasrama, P~ona~

Numbering slightlY'irregular in places. Quoted by library numbers.
Ani: ,A hand-list of manuscripts in the Ani Pundit Library, P.O~t Beani Bazar" Sylhet,_
" 'As~am. Some of the entries here could ,not be deciphered.
Ann. Uni.: 'A hand-list of 55 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Sanskrit Department of the
Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram.
AR: Ashltic Researches, Calcutta, Vol. XX-first part 1836, pp. 41-93. Analysis of'
, , the Dulva, a portion of the Tibetan work entitled Kah-gyur; Second
part, 1839, pp. 393-552, Analysis of the Sher'-chin, etc., being the 2nd-7th
divisions of the Kah-gyur; and pp. 553-585, abstract of the contents of the
Bstan7""1J.gyur.. By Alexander Csoma Korosi.
Arrah 1: A Catalogue of the Sarilslqta, Prakrita and Hindi works in the laina_
Edited by Suparshwa Das Gupta, B.A.,.
Sidclhanta Bhavana, Arrah.
Arrah~ 1919.
Arrah 1. A:, A list of printed books in the JainaSiddhanta Bhavana, Arrah, pp. 1-51,.
forming the latter part of the above catalogue.
Arrah ij: A, supplementary hand-list of manuscripts in the Jaina Siddhanta Bhavana,
AS ~ Catalogue of printed books and manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging to the Oriental
. Library .ofthe Asiatic Society of Hengal. Compiled by PaI,lQit Ktinja Vihad
Kavyatirtha under the supervision of Haraprasad Shastri. Calcutta, 1904.
.ASB. : A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Asiatic Society~
Calcutta. (includes Indian Museum Collection also)~ .
Vol. . I. Pt. i and ii. Vedic Mss. 1971.
Pt. iii. Vedic Mss. 1973.
Vol. IV. Philosophy Pt. H. PUrvamimamsa. 1969.
Ashbumer : . 14 manuscripts preserved in the India Office Library. See under Jones.
Assam: A typ.ed descriptive list of manuscripts in Assam classified by subjects,.
men,tioniIlg the owner of e'ach manuscript.
Assamese Mss: A Descriptive Catalogue of Assamese Manuscripts by Hemachandra
Gosvami published by the University of Calcutta on behalf of the
, Government of Assam. 1930. Part 11 of this volume, pp. 187-250, describes
Sanskrit manuscripts .
A.U; A hand-list of manuscripts in the Andhra University Liqrary, Waltair.
-Avanapparai1~bu Mana: A hand-list of 199 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Aval)apparambu
Manakkal, Vadakkancheri P.O., Cochin, Kerala State. , ,
'A ;Cqt'alog11~
Sanskrit Manuscripts contained in the Private Libraries' of
, GliJ'arci.f, Kat'hiawad,. Kachchh, Sindh and Khandes. Compil~~ under the
. ~bpefintendence of G. Biihler. Four fascicles. B.ombay, i871-73.


:BA :


_.;Bikaner Rafasthani: Refers to some Sanskrit manuscripts found noticed alo'ng with the
Rajasthani manuscripts in the Catalogue of the Rajasthani Manuscripts in
" the Anup Sanskrit Library. Bikaner. 1947.
.~ISM~ BISM Nasik Patawardhan: Two lists of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bharatiya
Itihas Sarilsodhak MaJ}.Qal. Poona. Copied from their card-index.

Report of Sanskrit Manuscripts. 1874..;..75, by Biihler. 21 pages. Gi'rgaum;

An Alphabetical List of manuscripts in the Oriental Institute. Baroda.
Volumes I and 11. Compiled by Raghavan Nambiyar. Gaekwad Oriental
Series XCVII. CXIV. Baroda, 1942. 1950. Quoted by library numbers.


BBRAS: A Descriptive Catalogue of Samskrta and Prakrta Manuscripts in the Library

of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. By H. D. VeIankar.
4 volumes in 3 parts. 1926, 1928 and 1930. Last part, Jain and Vernacular
BC :
A collection of manuscripts belonging to the modern Sanskrit Literature~
presented to the Library of the India Office by A. C. Burnell.
.Bd :



Report of the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency

during the years 1887-88, 1888-89, 1889-90, and 1890-91. By R. G.
Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1897.
A Catalogue of manuscripts in the Library of the Benares Sanskrit College ..
Published as a supplement to the Pandit Vols. Ill-IX. Benares, 1864-74.


/llln: A hand-list of 62 Jain manuscripts in the Sri Syadvada Digambara Jain

Mahavidyalaya, Bhadeni, Benares City.

Bejawada: A List of 11 manuscripts, mostly on medicine, in the family of M. Raghavacaryulu, S. R. R. College, Bezwada.
A Report on 122 manuscripts by R. G. Bhandarkar. Dated Bombay, 7th
July 1880. 37 pages. Quoted by numbers.
"Bharatpul': A hand-list of manuscripts in the State Library, Bharatpur.
.Bhau Daji: Catalogue of manuscripts and books belonging to the Bhau Daji Memorial.
Bombay, 1882. Quoted by pages.
A Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts during the year 1881-82 by
R. G. Bhandarkar. Dated Poona, 1st June 1882. 39 pages.

RhoI' :

A typed list of 193 manuscripts in the Palace


A Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency

during the year 1882-83 by R. G. Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1884. Quoted by
A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of 'His Highnes~ the
Maharaja of Bikaner. Compiled by Rajendralala Mitra. CalcuUa,. 1880.
Quoted by C3:talogue numbers.

. BOR!: Manuscripts in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Deccan Gymkhana, Poona 4. Quoted by manuscript numbers of -the library. A copy
of the complete card index of the BORl. Inanuscripts, prepared hi 1940.
__BO RI. D.: Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Collection of Manuscripts
deposited in the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona 4.
I. Vedic Literature. i. SarilhiHis and BrahmaJ}.as
11. Grammar. i. (Vedic and pa1).iniya)
by S. K. Belvalkar
\ 1955
IX. Vedanta. i, ii, iii by S. M. Katre

Bhor State.

._Bikaner: A Catalogue of the ~anskrit Manuscripts in the Anup Sanskrit Library. Fort,.
Bikaner. Prepared by C. Kunhan Raja and K. -Madhava Krishna Sarma.
Numbers Qot in the Ptd. Catalogue refer to a hand-list prepared by
Dr. C. Kunhan Raja.

(Ptd. Cat.): Printed Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Bharatiya Itihas

Samsodhak MaJ}.Qal. Poona, 1960.
Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts, 1872-73. Seven and seventeen pages,
.131 :
B<]mbay, 1874.
Lists of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries in the Bombay Presidency.
Compiled under the superintendence of R. G. Bhandarkar; Part I, Bombay;
1893 .
_B.Mallayya:A hand-list of 4 manuscripts with Bankupalli MaIlayya Sastri,
Narasannapeta, Ganjam Dt.
_. Bombay 1879-82: List of Skt. Mss. collected for the Govt. of Bombay in 1879':"80 and
1881-82. Quoted by pages.
Bomb. Uni: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sarilskrta and Prakrta Manuscripts
, (Bhagavat Singhji and H. M. Bhadkamkar Memorial collections) in the
Library of the University of Bombay. By G. V. Devasthali. University of
Bombay, Bombay, 1944.
_Bonn ~.
catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum OrientaIium a Ioanne Gildemeistero
- . adornati. Fasciculus .VII. Bonnae; 1876.



XII. Alatikara, Satigita and Natya by P. K. Gode


XIII. Kavya i, ii; Stotras iii by P. K.. Gode


XIV. Nataka by P. K.Gode

-XVI. Vaidyaka i. by H. D. Shar~a
Tantra ii. by H. R. Kapadia

{~ 1942

..'. Vo!. XVII.



Jain Literature and Philosophy'

(Agamika Literature) i-v. by H. R.

-t;CabatoM,'::-Bibliotheque Nationale& Department des Manuscrits. Catalogue Somniaire

, des. Manuscrits Sanscrits et P[lis par A. Cabaton. Paris. As corrected by
J . Filliozat who kindly sent his corrections and additions.
Ier Fascicule-Manuscrits Sanscrits.
lIe Fascicule"Palis.
Ill. Catalogue Sommaire des Manuscrits Indiens etc. Par A. Cabaton. 1912 .
,. Cambr: A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College,
Cambridge. By Th. Aufrecht. Cambridge, 1869.
,,Cambr. Uni. Bud: Catalogue of the Buddhistic Manuscripts in the University Library ~
. Cambridge. by Cecil Bendall. Cambridge, 1883.
Cambr. Uni. Piili: List of Pali Manuscripts in the Cambridge University Library by
T. W. Rhys Davids. }PTS. 1883. pp. 145-6.
Chamba: A hand-list of 25 manuscripts with Mr. P. Atma Nand Baru, Chamba State,
,Chamba, Via Dalhousie, Punjab.
-,.Chani: A_ hand-list of 4078 Manuscripts in the Jaina Svetambara Juana ":ry!andira,
Chani, Dist. Baroda. (station Chayapuri) Gujarat. From 2200, the
numbering here is mistaken by a hundred.
.:Chatte Nagpur: A list of 5 Sanskrit manuscripts in possession of S. O. Chatte,
, Teacher,. C,?lIegiate High School, Nagput.
.Cheranallur Kartii: A hand-list of 33 Sanskrit manuscripts in the house of Cher.~allur
(Karta, Ernakulam, Cochiri, Kerala State.
oCherp:: See Krangat Mana.
. Chfrayattu Muttatu: A hand-list of 50 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Chirayattu Mtittatu's
house, lrinjalakkuda, Cochin, Kerala State.
Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Central Library ~ Baroda. VoL I. Vedic by
G. K. Srigondekar and K. S. Ramaswami Sastri. Gaekward Oriental Series,
XXVII. 1925. A list with an appendix of extracts from some manuscripts.
Vol. 11. SrautasUtras and prayogas by ro.. S. Ramaswami Sastri. Gaekwad
Oriental Series; XCVI. 1942.
,Colombo: List of PaH; 'Sinhalese, an'd Sanskrit manuscripts in the Colombo Museum.
JPTS. 1882. pp. 46.c58.
,colombo D: Memoirs of the Colombo Museum Series-A. No. 4:. A Catalogue of
Palm-leaf Manuscripts in the Library of the Colombo Museum.
Vol. I. by W. A. de Silva. Colombo, 1938.
rCopenh: .' Codices Indici BibliothecaeRegiae Havniensis enumerati et descripti;a- N .L.
Westergaard. Havniae, 1846. Principally from the collection made by
Erasmus Rask.
" ..
,,~op.;n Pali.:' List of Pali Manuscripts in:the Copenhagen Royal Library. JPTS. 1883':
pp. 147-149.

K'apadi~. 1935. 1936. -1940. 1948.

(Logic, Metaphysics etc.) j. byH. R. Kapadia
.... Section I. .Pt. i. Svetambara works by H. R. Kapadia
. Pt. ii. SveHimbara and Digambara works by H. R.
Section II. Narratives.
Pt. i. Svetambara works by H. R. Ka'padia

1952- .


BORI. List:' A list of manuscripts collected for the Government manuscripts Library''by the Professors of Sanskrit at the Deccan College and Elphinstone CoIlege~_.
since 1895 and 1899. Compiled by the Manuscripts Deparj~ept of the'
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona, 1925.
Borsad ~

A hand-list of 9 manuscripts in the possession of Bhaishankar Sukla,

Kaira Dt., Bombay Presidency.


BP ~

Report on the search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in the BombayPresidency

during the year 1883-84. By R. O. Bhandarkar. Bombay, 1887. Quoted;
by pages.
Brahmaciiri Wii{li: A hand-list of 62 manuscripts in the Brahmadiri Wa~U at:
Brahmasva Matha: A hand-list of 168 manuscripts in the Brahmasva Matham~,
Tri~hur; Cochin, Kerala State.
Catalogue of a collection of Sanskrit manuscripts. by ~. C. Burnell. Part L
Vedic Manuscripts. London, 1870. These manuscnpts were presented to',
the India Office, London.
Br. Mus: A Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the British Museum. By Cecit:
Bendall.. London, 1902.
Br. Mus. Piili I: List of manuscripts (Pali) in the British Museum. By Hoeming,.
~ JP~S. 1883. pp. 134-144.
Br. Mus. P'iili 11: List of PaH manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since 1883"..,
. ,,' \;i By Hoerning. JPTS. 1888.
pp. 108-111.
Brl :

Buhler ~ , Two lists of Sanskrit manuscripts. By O. Biihler.Printed in' the ZDMG.,.

Vol. 42, pp. 530-559. .
Burdw~n:\ A . typed list of 30 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Palace Library of the~:
, M~.parajadhiraja Bahadur of Burdwan.
..BurnellJ : A classified Index to the Sanskrit Manuscripts in'the. Palace at Tanjore, by ,\,.:;: A. C. Burnell."London t 1880.






Catalogue du Fonds Tibetain de la Bibliotheque' Nationale par' :P.Cordier.",~

. Paris, mdccccix. Part 11. mdccccxv. Part Ill. 1933; Quoted by pages.
Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pdikrt Manuscripts in the Central Provinces and,!.
Berar. By Rai Bahadur Hiralal, Nagpur; 1926...
A list of non-medical manuscripts, collected in Bengal, January 1898 and'
June 1900 and sent by P. Cordier from Pondicherry to Th. Aufrecht.

l)harainpur: -A list of 3 manuscripts in the Palace Library, Dharampur state.

Dharmanath Sastri, Assam: A list of 69 manuscripts from' the private collection of

,: . ;m~nus~ripts with Pandit Dharmanath Sastri, Sanskrit Teacher, Government
HIgh School, Mangaldai, Assam. Published in an Assamese Daily.

Cranganore: Two hand-lists of the manuscripts, 367 and printed books in the . library
of the Cranganore Place, Cranganore, Kerala State.
A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the-"
Calcutta Sanskrit College. Prepar\ed by Hrsikesa Sastri and Siva Chandra'Gui. Vols. I-X. 1895-1906.
Vol. VII-A. Alamkara. B. Chandas.
C. -Arthasastra. D. Kosa.
Vol. X-A. Vaidyaka. B.' Vai~l}ava. C. Jaina.
CU. Add: A section of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge.
Cuttack:: A hand-list of manuscripts collected for the Govt. of Orissa during 1938-40;'
and deposited in the Provincial Museum, Cuttack.

Devipt.1g::Lists of Sanskrit Martuscripts:discovered in Oudh durin th

. d b P d'
g e year
.. repare
y. an It DeVl Prasada, Allahabad, 1879. Quoted by pages~

. A catalogue of the collections of Manuscripts deposited in the Deccan

College. By Shridhar R. Bhandarkar, Bombay, 1888.
. .
Dacca ~An Alphabetical typed list of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the collection of':
the Dacca University, Dacca, Bengal. A copy of their card-index. Quoted
by the library members.
DiihUakmi: A hand-list of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the DahiIak~mi Library~.
Nadiad. West Bengal.
Damodar : A scroll in manuscript containing titles of Sanskrit works with author ... "
names; numbering 738. Writen at the instance of his brother NiIambara, by"
Pandit Damodar Sastri, son of Saheb Ram and late teacher in His Highness's.Sanskrit School, Kashmir.
The scroll was secured from the private library of the late H. Jacobi

DAYCL! A hand-list of the manuscripts (under CA') in the Lalchand Research Library~<.
D. A. V. College, Lahore. 349 manuscripts.
. Five hand-lists of Jain manuscripts in five Digambara Jaina Bhandars. Naya- .
mandir t Dharmapura (2), Pancayati Mandir, Masjid Khajur (2) and Kuficli---

seth, Delhi.
Delhi MJP: A printed list of the manuscripts in the Mahavir Jaina Pustakalaya, Delhi~N
1932. 289 manuscripts.
A hand-list of the manuscripts of the Deo family of Nagpur prepared andS
supplied by S. G. Chatte of Nagpur .. The Deo collection is' now'preserved~;
in the C. P. Research Society, Nagpur.

l)hilaoli::. A ~and:list of 15 S~nskrit manuscripts in the Jaina Temple at the village

DhIla?h, P:O. GhIror. Dt. Manipuri (U.P.), under the management of
Iohanlal JalI~, Zamindar.
Divanji: A list of 15 manuscripts with (the late) P. C. Divanji, Retd. Judge, Santa
Cruz, Bombay.

DMG: ;

Katalog deI. BibIiothek der Deutschen MorgenJandischen GeselIschaft 11

pp. 2~ 1O. Leipzig, '1881.'


Edinburgh U,ni.versity: (matl~ed by Edinburgh University or Edinburgh Un.). A hand.

lIst of 15 manuscnpts preserved in the Edinburgh University Library. Se~t
on request to Aufrecht by Julius EggeIing.
Elankulattu Kurur Bhat!atiri: A hand-list of 52 Sanskrit manuscripts in the El . k I tt .
, ' ,, K urUr BhaHatiri Manakkal, Ernakulam P. 0., Cochin, Kerala State. an u a u

Kovilakam: A h~nd-Iist of 20 Sapskrit manuscripts in the Elankunnappuzha Natakkal Kovtlakam, Narakkal P.O., Cochin, Kerala State. .

. ,

Turkestan: Manuscript Remains of Buddhist Literature found in East 'Turkestan b

A.F.R. HQernle. Vol. I. Oxford, 1916.


A Catalogue of the ~andalay Manuscript~ in the India Office Library

. (former~y. part ~f the KIng's Library at Mandalay). By V. Fausboll. pubrshed ongIna11y ID JPTS. 1896. pp. 1-52.


des Manuscrits . Etat d e t M anuscnt~.
d i l l Nationale.
etc: .e a co ectlon Palmyr CordIer. Par Jean Filliozat, Extrait du Journal
ASIatIque, Jan.-March 1934. Paris.'

Filliozat If: ~ib1iotheque Nationale: ~epartment des Manuscrits de la cpllection

Emlle Senart. Par Jean Fdhozat. Extrait du Journal Asiatique Jan -M r h
1936. Paris.
. a c

P ..E. PavoIin.i. I Manoscritti Indiani deIIa BibIioteca Nazionale Cent Id'

Fnenze. Fuenze, 1907.
fa e l


Examined by Theodor Aufrecht . L elpzlg,.
'.. .
1892.' Sanskrit Manuscripts.

T~e .Florenhtinel~aina Manuscripts. By Count F. L. Pulle. A specimen contaInIng a s o:t 1st of 65 titles of the canonical texts (Vol. I. pp. 217-18- of
the .TransactIons ?f the 9th Interna~ional Congress of Orientalists London
1893). 65 manuscrIpts.

Fl. J:


Les Manuscrits de r Extra Siddhanta (Gainas) de la BibHotheque National6

Centrale de Florence. Par F. L. Pulle (pp. 17-24 of Part II of the Pl,"oceed..
ings of the 10th International Congress of Orientalists, 1894). In six sections.

Fl. J. 11:


A hand-list of 6 manuscripts in the Library of the Gadwal Samsthanamll

Hyderabad, Dn.

Gadwal If:

A hand-list of 7 manuscripts with Gunde Rao, Retd. Judge, Gadwal Statc

Hyderabad, Dn.


Die Sanskrit-Handschriften der Universitats .. Bibliothek

Beschrieben von Professor F. Kielhorn. 150 numbers.



A Descriptiye Catalogue of the Sa.nskrit manuscripts in H. H.

. raja's Palace Library (Granthappura), Trivandrum. 8 Volumes.




zie Manuscripts Section of the University of. Madras). These manuscripts.

are now deposited in the Kuppuswami Sastri Research Inslitute, Madras-4.
Harisinghji: A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Private Library
of H. H. the Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir, Sri Harisinghji Bahadur. By
Ramachandra Kak and Harabhatta Shastri. Poona, 1927. Wilh Introduclion,
Extracts and Index.


A Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Hunterian Museum~

University of Glasgow. By John Young and P. Henderson Aitken. Glasgow p

With an appendix giving a consolidated list of manu~cripts ifl possession of

Messrs. Gangadhara Ramakr~l)a Dharmadhikari, San1cara Vinayaka Nidre
and Sailkara Balakr~l)a Lumpathaki, of PUl)atambe, District Ahmednagar
(cited by page numbers of the above catalogue).


Goldstucker: A few originalinanuscripts now preserved in the University Library of

.Gottingen: Nachrichten von der Gessellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse, 1930. Heft I. pp. 6Sff. Kielhorns HandschrifftenSammlung. By R. Fick. Berlin, 1930. Last part of the catalogue with Indexo

{Jough l :

Papers relating to the collection and preservation of the Records of Ancient

Literature in India. By Archibald Edward Gough. Calcutta, 1878.


<Gov. Or. Libr. Madras: Alphabetical Index of Manuscripts in the Government Oriental
Manuscripts Library, Madras. Madras, 1893. Quoted by pages.
(Jranthappura: A Revised Catalogue of the Palace Granthappura (Library), Trivandrum. By K. Sambasiva Sastri. Trivandrum, 1929. A list of manuscripts
and printed books.
Report on the results of the search for Sanskrit Inanuscripts in Gujarat~
during the year 1871-72. By O. Btihler. Dated Surat, 30th August 1872. 11


<Guerinot: Essai de Bibliographie Jaina.


-) A Contribution towards an Index to the Bibliography of the Indian Philosophical Systems. By Fitzedward Hall. Calcutta, 1859.

Dutt.lSarma:. A list of 7 manuscripts with (the late) Dr. Har Dutt Sarma.

.Harihara Sastri: A list of palm-leaf manuscripts in the possession of (late) G. Harihara

Sastri of Sambufvadakarai, Tenkasi (sometime Research Assistant. Macken-

Verzeichniss der orientaIischen Handschriften aus dem Nachlasse des ProfP,SSOf Dr. Martin Haug in Munchen. Munchen, 1876. Compiled by Dr.
Georg Orterer.

Hod. Bud: Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the Royal Asiatic Society,
London (Hodgson Collection). By E. B. C~well and J. Eggeling. JRAS.
NS. 1876, pp. 1-50. Also notes by L. D. Barnett on 4 additional Hodgson
manuscripts, sent by him to the New Catalogus Catalogorum.
Hombucca: A hand-list of 286 Sanskrit and Kannada manuscripts in the Jaina Matha
in Hombucca. Sent by V. Lokanatha Sastri of the Sri Vlra Vat)! Vilasa Jaina
Siddhanta Bhavana, Moodbidri.


Notices of Sanskrit Manuscripts. Second Series. By Rara Prasada Shastri.

4 volumes. Govt. of Bengal, Calcutta. 1900. 1904. 1907. 1911. Quoted by


Reports on Sanskrit manuscripts in Southern India by E. Hultzsch. 3 volumes.

Government Press, Madras. 1895. 1896. 1905.


A Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Prakrt manuscripts in the Indian Institute

Library, Oxford. By A. B. Keith~ Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1903.

Par A. Guerinot, Paris, 1906.

Uber eine Samm]ung indischer Handschriften und Inschriften von E.

Hultzsch. Printed in ZDMG. Vol. 40 .. 1. This collection of Manuscripts
has been purchased by the Bod1eian Library, Oxford.


A Descriptive Catalpgue of Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Vinayak Mahadev

Gorhe collection by R. G. Harshe, Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research
Institute, Poona, 1942. Quoted by manuscript numbers.

110. Stein: A Catalogue of the Stein Collection of Sanskrit manuscripts from Kashmir,
deposited in the lndian Institute Library, Oxford.
(368 manuscripts). JRAS. 1912, pp. 587-627.

A band-list of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Imperial Library, Calcutta. 410

manuscripts. Quoted by the Library numbers.


By O. L. M. Clauson

A hand list of the 11286 Sanskrit manu'scripts in the Indian Museum,

Calcutta. These manuscripts which origi~a]Jy belonged to the Archaeological
Survey of India are now deposited in the A~iatic Society of Bengal,
Calcutta. Numbering mistaken, there being a repetition from 9448-9-l77.


10 :

A Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrt manuscripts in the India Office Library.

, By Julius Eggeling. 2 parts (London, 1887, 1896) and VoL ir in 2 parts
by A. B. Keith, with a supplement-Buddhist manuscripts~by F. W.
Thomas. London, 1935.

10. Piili: Catalogue of PaH manuscripts in the India Office Library.

London, 1882. ' Appendix to th'e JPTS. 1882.


"La version tibetaine des PrajfHiparamita" par M. Lalou, Journal Asiatique,

Julliet-Sept. 1929, pp. 87-102.

Liste der indischen Handschriften im Besitze des Prof. H. JacohL Printed in

ZDMG. Vol. 33, pp. 693-97.

Jainagranthiivali: Jainagranthavali published by the Jain 'Svetambara Conference,

Bombay. 1902. A List of Jain works with Indexes. Wrong pagination
from 318.

A typed list of 52 Jaina manuscripts of Jamhusar, Broach Dt .secured and

sent by P. C. Divanji.,

JASB. 1907: The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Series Vel. Ill. A
description by Satis Chandra Vidyabhushan, of Sanskrit works on Literature,
Grammar, Rhetoric, and Lexicography as preserved in Tibet t pp. 121-132;
and of books on Indian Logic as preserved in Tibet, pp. 95-102 241-5S, an,d
'. ,.,

JASB. 1908: The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, New Series, 1908.
Contains an alphabetical list of the Jain manuscripts belonging to tl:!e
Government in the Oriental Library of the (Royal) Asiatic Society of Benga1.
on pp. 407-440; as also a descriptive list of works on Madhyamika philosophy
by Satis Chandra Vidyabhushan on pp. 367-370 and a descriptive list of some
rare Sanskrit works on Grammat, Lexicography and Prosody recovered from
Tibet by the same .author on pp. 593-598.

As. ccv:


Assam R. S.: Journal of the Assam Research Society, Vol. Ill. Pt. 4. ,Con.tajn~a
list of 30 Sanskrit manuscripts in Kamarupa.
' ", , .



By H.' Oldenberg.

J. A. 1927: "La version tibetaine du RatnakOta", Journal Asiatique, Oct.~Dec. 1927~

pp. 233-259.
' "
J. A. 1929:

of Buddhist logic works; XXIiI. 'i. pp. 1-57; Sanskrit Palm-leaf Manu~cript~
in Tibet; and XXIV~ iv., pp. 143-63, Sanskrit manuscripts in Tibet;: an
given by Rahula Sankrityayana.

Jey. Pal~ Orissa: A typed list of 94 manuscripts in the Library of the JeyporePalace,
JeYPQre; Orissa.
A hand-list of the manuscripts of Ganganath Jha, AIlahabad--in two sections:
A-Palm-leaf and B-Paper manuscripts.
Jhalrapatan: A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts and other books in the Sri Ailak
Pannalal Digambara Jain Sarasvati Bhavan, Jhalrapatan, with the title
Granthanamavali. 1933.

A hand-list of manuscripts in the Jinasena Mutt, Kolhapur.


A typed list of manuscripts in the Jind State Public Library, Sangrur.


Manuscripts in the possession of Julius Jolly at Wurzburg. The Wurzburg

University Library has also 3 Sanskrit manuscripts. Aufrecht referred to
these 3 manuscripts also by the same abbreviation.

A hand-list of 2046 manuscripts in the Archaeological Department:, of the

Jodhpur State; Jodhpur. Numbering mistaken, there being a repetition
from nos. 322-31. ,
Jodiya I: A hand-list of 33 manuscripts in the possession of Shastri Jayanand Kanji
Thakar, Jodiya, Kathiawad.
Jodiya If: A hand-list of 283 manuscripts in the possession of Shastri Suryashankara
Tuljashankar; J odiya, Kathia wad.


La Collection Tibetaine Schilling von Canstadt a la BibHothequ;e\, d,

L'institut. Par Jacques Bacot. Journal Asiatique, ccv. 1924, pp. 321-48.

Jatasankar: A hand-list of 95 manuscripts forming part of the private collection of

Jatasankar K. Sastri, Rajkot, Kathiawad.
JBhP. I:

A Catalogue of 316.8 manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars of the Punjab. Part I.

By Banarsi Das, Oriental College, Lahore.


The Journal of the Bihar & Orissa Research Society, Patna; Vo]s. XXI. i.
pp. 21-43, Sanskrit Palm-leaf mariuscripts in Tibet; XXII. i. App. D-J. a litJ,t

A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at lesalmere. Gaekwad

Oriental Series XXI.


A Catalogue of Sanskrit and other Oriental Manuscripts presented to the

Royal Asiatic Society by Sir William and Lady Jones. Printed in Sir WilIiam
. Jones' Works, London; 1807. Vol. XIII; pp. 401-15 (These manuscripts
have been recatalogued along with the manuscripts referred as 'Ashburner'
in 'The Catalogue of Two Collections of Sanskrit manuscripts preserved in
the India Office Library' by C. H. Tawney and F. W. Thomas: London, 1903).
See Ashburner.
The catalogue numbers are given within brackets along with the old number~
given by Aufrecht.
A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts existing in the Central Provinces. Edited
by F. Kielhorn. Nagpur; 1874.

Kadayanallur: A hand-list of 302 Sanskrit manuscripts in the possession of

Venkatachala Aiyar, East Stre~t, Kadayana]lur, Via Tenkasi, Tipnevel1y Dt.



A list of 33 manuscripts in the Kainur Mana, 01lur



Cochin, Kerahl


,Killimangalattu Mana: A hand-list of m:lnuscripts in the

Kalla/agar: A hand-list of 53 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Sri Kallalagar Devasthanam"

Library, Madura.



Kitannasseri Mana:

A hand-list of 90 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Kitannasseri Mana

KizhuttaJ}.i, Irinjalakkuda, Cochin, Kerala State.

Kam,ako/i: A hand:]ist of 543 Sanskrit manuscripts in the library of the Mutt of H. Ho,

Sri 8ankaradirya of the

Kamakotipithat' Kumbhakonam.

A hand~list of 145 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Kizhakkumbhagattu Mana, Puttankurissi, Cochin, Kerala State.

Kizhakkumbhiigattu Mana:

Kandy f: ,List of Sinhalese, PaIi and Sanskrit Books in the Oriental Library. Kandy.
By H. C. P. Bell.

Kandy ll:

JPTS. 1882, pp. 44-45 (PaIi & Sanskrit).

Killimangalam Mana,

Mullurkara P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.


.A hand-list of 1152 manuscripts in the State Library, Kotah, Kotah


A Descriptive Catalogue of Pal i, Sanskrit and other Books in the Oriental

Library, KandYt Ceylon. October, 1925. Pt. I.-PaIi Manuscripts.

Ko!!appaif,i Miirayiit: A hand-list of 14 Sanskrit manuscripts in the KoHappaQi Marayat

Kanjur Kyoto: A complete Analytical Catalogue of the Kanjur Divjsion of the Tibetan

Kriiitgiij Ma.n~: P:- hand-list of 155 San.skrit manuscripts in the Krangat Mana, Perumpllhssen. Cherp Post, CochIn, Kenila State. Same as Cherp.

Tripitaka edited in Peking during the K' ANG-HS [ ERA and at present kept
in the Otani Daigaku Library, Kyoto, in which the contents of each sutra are
collated with their corresponding parts in the existing Sanskrit, PaH and
Chinese texts etc. Published by the Otani Daigak.u Library, Kyoto. Japano
Part I, 1930. Part 11, 1931. Quoted by work-numbers.


A hand-list of 47 Sanskrit and Kannada manuscripts in the Danasala Jaina

Matha, Karkala.

Report on Sanskrit manuscripts. ,

(1) for quarter July--September 1880.. (2) for quarter Oct.-December 1880.
(3) for year 1880 81.
(4) for quarter April-June 1881.
" By Pandit Kasinath Kunte. Lahore, 77 pages.

Kasinatha Sastri : A list of 11 manuscripts with Pandit Kasinatha Sastrin, Pancacarya

Press, Mysore.
Kiitm :"'~ List of Sanskrit works supposed by the Nepali Pandits to be rare in the Nepalese
..- Libraries at Khatmandoo. 14 pages; signed R. Lawrence, Resident. Nepal
Residency, the 2nd,of August, 1868.

Kavilpaltattu : A hand-list of 24 manuscripts' in the Kavilpattattll Mana. Kunnankulam

P.O . Cochin, Kerala State.
K~~tnt/;iiiCiirya: Kavindradirya List, with an Introduction by R. Ananthakrishna
Sastri. Gaekwad Oriental Series XVII. 1921. A list of the manuscripts
which existed once in the Kavindracarya's Library at Benares.

Keonjhar: A typed list of 70 manuscripts in the State Library, Keonjhar State.



,Report on the search for San~krit manuscripts ill the Bombay Presidency
duringthe year 1880 81. By F. Kielhorn. Bombay, 1881.
A classified alphabetical catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Southern
division of the Bombay Presidency. Compiled .by F. Kielhorn. Fascicle L
Bombay, 1869.

Khuperkar: A hand-list of 172 manuscripts in his private collection, sent by Madhava

Bala Sastri Khuperkar, Teacher, High School, Satara, Bombay Presidencyo

Mana, Kunnankulam P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

Kr$1}apur: A hand-list of 354 manuscripts in the Krishnapur Mutt, Udipi. This Mutt

has 100 more unidentifiable manuscripts.

KTP. Dharwar D: A Descriptive

catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts at Shri

Vidyadhisha Sanskrit Manuscripts Library, Dharwar. ed. K. T. Pandurangi.
.Vol. I. 1961~
, ,

Kumarapuram: A hand"list of 31 manuscripts in the K.umarapuram Palace

Cochin, Kerala State.


Kutlanceri: A hand-list of 89 m,anuscripts in the Akalamanna IKuttanceri Mana,

Kumaranelloor, Vadakkancheri, Cochin, Kerala State.


Kuttikkii/lu: A han~-list of 20 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Rarakkal KuttikaUu K.arta's

house, Narakkal P.O., Cocbin, Kerala State.


Notices of ~anskrit manuscripts. By Rajendralala Mitra, Calcutta, 1871-90.

11 volumes. Volumes X and XI a're by Haraprasada Shastri.


Report on the compilation?f the. Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts" for

the year 1879-80. By PandIt Kasl Nath Kunte. Pages 5 and 23. Lahore.
Lahore 1882:, ~tatement.showing t,he old and rare manuscripts in Gujranwala and Delhi
DIstrIcts, Punjab, examllled during the year 1881-82 by Pandit K'asi Nath
, Kunte. of pn~face,. and 12 pages of text. This repeats to some extent
the deSCrIptIOn of manuscnpts given in the preceding list.


A ?evanagari ~rinted catalogue of the manuscripts in the Mutfor Sri

Bhattaraka Pattacarya Mahasvamin, Kolhapur.
Sam. 1900.
pp. 44.



Catalogue du Fonds. Tibetain de la Bibliotheque Nationale par MarceHe

Lalou. ,Quatreme Parhe I Les Mdo-Man.Paris, 1931.
. ""

Leumann: Liste von transcribirten Abschdften nnd Ausziigen aus der Jaina-Literatur
von Ernst Leumann. A few Buddhistic and Brahminic works are 'also
included here. ZDMG. 45. 1891, pp. 454-464; 47. 1893, pp. 308,,-:31-5-.


A Descri~tive Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Library of the Asiatic
Society of Bengal~ Part first. Grammar. Edited by Rajendralala Mitra.

Lgr :



CalCutta, 1877.
Lucknow Mus.: Sanskrit manuscripts recently bought for the Lucknow Museum from
Devakinandana Sharma t Satghata, Muttra. A prin.ted list.

Luck. Uni.: There are about 200 manuscripts in the Lucknow University. R. A. Sastri
sent names' of a few select' ones from this collection. Now included in the
printed Catalogue, 'Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in the Lucknow
University Library,' by Kali Prasad. Lucknow, 1951. See pp. 32-75 here
for the Sanskrit manuscripts.
De codicibus, nonnullis Indicis, qui in Bibliotheca Universitatis Lundensis
asservantur; scrips it Hjalmar Edgren. Lunds Uni. Aarskrift Tom. XIX..
Altogether 15 manuscripts.
Katalog def Sanskrit Handschriften der Universitats-Bibliothek ,zu' L,eipzig
vonT~eodor Aufrecht. Leipzig, 1901.
A hand-list of 47 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Maccat Mattampilli Elayath's
Macca! :
house, Vadakkancheri, Cochin, Kerala State.
The Mackenzie Collection. A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental
Manuscripts collected by the late Lieut. Col. CoHn Mackenzie. ,By H. H.
Wilson. Calcutta, 1882-8. This collection was m~de in the South and the
greater part of it is now in the Library of the India Office.
Mad. Uni.:

A hand-list of 940 Sanskrit manuscripts acquired for the Madras University

by -E:. A. Sastri; first deposited in the Madras University Library and from
1953, in the custody of the Madras Government Oriental Mss. Library,

University Buildings.
Mad.Uni. R. A. S.: A hand-list of another collection of 350 Sanskrit Manuscripts
acquired for the Madras University by R. A. Sastri. In the Sanskrit Dept..
University 0 f Madras.
Mad. Unl.R.K.S. : A hand-list of 577 Sanskrit manuscripts of the late R. Krisbnaswami
Sastri, Sub-Registrar, Tanjore, acquired forthe Madras University'by R. A.Sastri. In the Sanskrit Dept., University of Madras.

Malakheda: A hand-list of the Jain manuscripts in the Malakheda Jain Mutt,_

Mandlik: A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Mandlik Library, Fergttsson College.
Mandlik Sup.: Supplementary list of the manuscripts in the Mandlik Library collected
subsequent to the publication of the printed catalogue. A copy of th~ qard~

"index in the library.

A hand-list of a part of, the manuscripts in the Matrbhumi Kfiryalaya,




A ~escriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Government

Onental Manuscripts Library, Madras.
I. Pt. i. by M. Seshagiri Sastri.
I. Pts. ii and iii. by M. Seshagiri Sastri and Rangacharya.
II-XV and XVIII by M. Rangacharya.
XVI-XVII and XIX by M. Rangacharya and S. Kuppuswami SastrL
XX~XXVI by S. Kuppuswami'Sastri.
XXVII-XXVIII by S. Kuppuswami Sastri and P. P. S. Sastri.
XXIX by P. P. S. Sastri and A. Sankaran.
XXX. Supplemental by A. Sankaran and Syed MUhammed Fazlullah
XXXI-XXXIV. Supplemental by T. Chandrasekharan.

M;;m. Vid: Poona.

A hand-list with short extracts of' manuscripts in the Mimarhsa V'd -1
1 ya aya,

Without an? ot~er reference. A hand-list of Sanskrit manuscripts in Mithila

to be des~nbe.d In t~e . subsequent volumes of the Descriptive Catalogue of'
Manuscnpts In MIthIla by the Bihar and Orissa Research Society Pat
See next entry.


A dDoesc.riptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in Mithila, published by the Biharan

nssa Research Society, Patna.
Vol. I. S~rti. By K. P. Jayaswal and A. P. Banerji Sastri. 1927.
Vol. II. LIte~a:~re, Prosody and Rhetoric. By K. P. JayaswaL 1933.
Vol. Ill. JyotJl.1sastra. By A. P. Banerji Sastri. 1937.
Vol. IV. Vedic. By A. P. Banerji Sastd. 1940.


Moodbidri f:.
~~nd-lis.t of ~09 Sanskrit and I(annada manuscripts in the Sri Vira_
Va1).I Vtlasa JaIna SIddhanta Bhavana, Moodbidri.
Moodbidri If:- A
and K'annada ma nuscnp
. ts in the'
11of 838 Sanskrit,
n anasa a atba ~astra Bha1).Qara, Moodbidri.


A Trienn.ial C~talogue of manuscripts collected for the Government Orient l'

ManuscrIpts LIbrary, Madras.
a ,

I. By



M. Rangacharya and S. K.uppuswami Sastri. In 3 parts. 1913<By S. Kuppuswami Sastri. Each in 3 parts. 1917-1932.
By S. I(uppuswami Sastri. 1935.
By S. Kuppuswami Sastri and P. P. S. Sastri. 1937.
By P. P. S. Sastri. 1939.
B~ P. P. S. Sastri and A. Sankaran. 1943. VI-IX, each in a.
SIngle pa~t only.
in 3 parts. By T. Chandrasekharan. 1950, 1952, 1958.
By T. Chandrasekharan. 1958.



. Catalogue of the late Prof. Fr. Max Muller's Sanskrit m'anuscripts. Compiled
by Don M. de Z. Wickremasinghe. JRAS. 1902, pp. 611-651.

Muller Fund: A Catalogue of Photographs of Sanskrit Manuscripts purchased for the

administrators of Max Muller Memorial Fund; compiled by T. R. GambierParry, Oxford University Press. ,London, 1930.

Die Sanskrit-Handschriften der K. Hof-und Staatsbibliothek in Munchen.

Theodor Aufrecht, Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae
Monacensis. Tomi I. Pars V. Munchen, 1909.

Munchen J: Die Sanskrit-Handschriften der K. Hof-und Staatsbibliothek in Munchen,

Julius Jolly. Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae
Monacensis. Tomi I. Pars VI. Munchen, 1912.
Muri-ngot Nambiyiir: A hand-list of 40 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Muritigot
Nambiyar's house, Mamala, Mulanthuruthy P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.
Mysore:, A Supplementary Catalogue of Sanskrit works in the Sarasvati Bhandaram
,Library of His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore. Signed by F. Kielhorn.
9 pages.
Mysore I:

Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Government Oriental Library.

Mysore, 1922. Quoted by pages.

Mysore 11: A Supplemental Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Government

Oriental Library, Mysore, 1928. Quoted by pages.
Mysore Ill: This refers to a hand-list of the latest additions to the Mysore Government
Oriental Library, secured for the New CatalogusCatalogoru~ work from the
Library authorities. Quoted by manuscript numbers. A pnnted Catalog~e
of these manuscripts was published later (1942) and page references to thIs
Catalogue have also been added.
Mysore D:

A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the: Governme'nt

Ofiental Library, Mysore.
Vol. 1. Vedas. By M. S. Basavalingayya and T. T. Srinivasagopalachar.
Mysore, 1937.
Vol. n. Dharmasastra.
By H. R. Rangaswami Iyengar and T. T.
Srinivasagopalachar. Mysore, 1944.
Vol. lIT. Advaita. G. Marulasiddaiah and K. S. Ma~anta Devaru.
Mysore, 1967.

Mysore N.D.: A new Descriptive' Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Oriental

Research Institute, University of Mysore. By G. Marulasiddaiah.




Vedas, 1978.
Vedatigam, Sraut~ and Grhyasfitras, 1978.

Vol. Ill. Grhyaprayogal.1, Smrtil.1 and Nibandhal.1, 1979.

, Vol. IV. Santil.1, Pfija, 1980.
Vol. V. Vrata and Vratakatha, 1980.
Vol. VI. Itihasa, Purat;la, Upakhyana etc.~ 1981.

A hand-list of manuscripts in Edward VII Anglo-Sanskrit Library,

Nabadwip, Bengal.

Naduvil Matham: A hand-list of 179 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Na<;luvil Matham,

Trichur, Cochin, Kerala State.
,Nanjio :

A catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka by B.

Nanjio. Oxford, 1883. Quoted by work-numbers.

Narasingadiis, Jey. Orissa: A typed list of 33 manuscripts written in Oriya script

(Palmyrah) with Narasingadas, Jeypore, Orissa.
Narayanacarya, Warangal: A hand-list of 11 manuscripts with Vidvan Amaravadi
Narayanacarya. Warangal, Girmajpet.

An alphabetical hand-list of the Jatasatikara Manuscripts (261) deposited in

the Hansraj Pragji Thakersey College, Nasik.

Nasik 11: The list of manuscripts of Sanskrit and allied works in the possession of
P. D. Chandratre, 2219, Vijfian Press, Nasik.
A typed list of 706
manuscripts, a few of which are in vernacular.

A Catalogue of Palm-leaf and Selected Paper manuscripts belonging to the

Durbar Library, Nepal. By Haraprasada Sastri"with a historical introduction
by C. Bendall. Calcutta, 1905.

Nepal 11:

A Catalogue of Palm-leaf and Selected Paper manuscripts belonging to the

Durbar Library, Nepal. By Haraprasada Sastri. Calcutta, 1915.


A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Private Libraries of the NorthWestern Provinces. Parts I-X. Allahabad, 1877-86.

NS Press:

A hand-list with extracts of 314 manuscripts in the Nirnaya Sagar Press,



A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in Private Libraries of North-West

Provinces. Part I. Benares, 1874.


A list of 13 manuscripts in the Office of the Director'-General of Archaeology,

Archaeological Survey of India, Simla.


List of Sanskrit manuscripts in Private Libraries of Southern India by

Gustav Oppert. Vol. I. Madras, 1880. Vol. H. Madras, 1885.

Osmania: The Osmania Univers'ity.

P. O. Lallaguda, Hyderabad, Deccan.
1 manuscript-The Ramaya1).a. There is now a big collection of Sanskrit
manuscripts in the Sanskrit Academy attached to the Osmania University.

, xxi
,Oudh 1875: A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts existing in Oudh, for the quarter
ending 30th September 1875, by J. C. Nesfield.


Oudh 1876-1877: List of Sanskrit manuscripts discov~ed in Oudh during the year 1876.
Prepared by John C. Nesfield, assisted by Pandit Deviprasada. Calcutta.
1878. List of Sanskrit manusGripts discovered in Oudh during the year 1877.
Prepared by Pandit Deviprasada. Allahabad, 1878.

-Parakala: A list of the 91 Sanskrit works, printed and un-printed, written by


Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts existing in Oudh. Compiled by Pandit

Deviprasada. Fascicles Ill-XIII. Subsequent numbers for 1881 (XIV),
published in 1882; 1882 (XV), in 1883; 1883 (XVI), in 1884; 1884 (XVII),
in 1885; 1885 (XVIII), in 1886; 1887 (XIX), in 1888; 1888 (XX), in, 1890;
1889 (XXI), in 1893; 1890 (XXII), in 1893.
All quoted by volumes and pages.


Catalogus Codicum Sanscriticorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, Th. Aufrecht.

Oxford, 1864.

Ox/. If:

Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Vol. 11. Begun

by M. Winternitz and completed by A. B. Keith. Oxford, 1905.

Ox/. Pa,li:

List of P~i1i manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

JPTS. 1882, pp. 30-31.


List of the Sanskrit manuscripts purchased for Government during the years
1877-78 and 1869-78 and a list of the manuscripts purchased from May to
November 1881. By F. Kielhorn. Dated Poona, 30th November 1881.
26 pages.


Frankfurter ..

Paira Mall: A hand-list of 18 birch-bark manuscripts with Paira Mall, M. D. Dhab

Khatikan, Amritsar.

A supplementary hand-list 0 f230 manuscripts in the AiIak Pannalal

Digambar Jain Sarasvati Bhavan, Sukhananda Dharmasala, Bombay.



.Patramatigalam Nambisan: A hand-list of 14 Sanskrit manuscripts in the house of

PatramaIigalam Nambisan, Kunnankulam P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

.A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jain Bhandars at Pattan.

Part I. Palm-leaf manuscripts. By L. B. Gandhi on the basis of the notes
of the lateC. D. Dalal. Gaekwad Oriental Series LXXVI. Baroda, 1937.

Pejawal'.) A hand-list of 433 manuscripts in the Pejawar Mutt, Udipi.


Verzeichniss der auf Indien bezuglichen Handschriften und Holzdrucke in

Asiatischen Museum, von Otto Bohtlingk. 'Printed in Das Asiatische
Museum zu St. Petersburg von Dr. Bernh. Dorn. St. Petersburg, 1846.


Reports on the Search for Sanskrit manuscripts by Peter Peterson. 6 Volumes.


I. Detailed Report
the Bombay Circle.

of operations in search of Sanskrit manuscripts

,August 1882-March 1883.
April 1883-March 1884.
April 1884-March 1886.
April 1886-March 1892.
April 1892-March 1895.
April 1895-March 1898.


Catalogue of Indian Manuscripts Library Publication Department,

Collection of E. P. Minaev and some friends. Compiler N. D. Mironoff.
Pt. 1. Published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrograd, 1918.


Pheharist Sams1crtake PustakoIika, 16 pages, without any further statement.


Pannalal Bombay f- V: Annual Reports of the Sri Ailak Pannalal Digambar Jain
Sarasvati Bhavan, Sukhananda Dharmasala, Bombay. In 5 parts.

A written alphabetical catalogue compiled by S. Munk.

'Liste des titres de Manuscrits Sanskrits adjoutes au Catalogue de
Munk, augmentee des titres des Manuscrits en caracteres autres
que le Devanagari et le Bengali qui ne sont pas donnes dans le
Catalogue' supplied to him in 1886 by Feer.

.Paris Plili : List of Pali manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. By M. Leon
Feer. JPTS. 1882, pp. 32-37.

Pallippurattu Mana: A hand-list of 71 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Pallippurattu Mana,

Mulanthuruthy P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

A hand-list of manuscripts of Jain Sastras in the Sa:stra Bhandar of the Jain

Mandir, Panipet.
Panjal Muttattukat: A hand-list of78 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Pafijal MuttattukkaUu
Mama~lI)a Mannakkal, Cheruturutti P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

With this abbreviation Aufrecht refers to the following :(a)


A hand-list of 1068 manuscripts in the private collection of the Paliyam

family Cochin, Kerala State. Copied from a hand-list supplied by P. Anujan
Achan, State Archaeologist, Trichur, Cochin, Kerala State. This collection
has been transferred to the Kerala Dni. Od. Mss. Library.

Pallurutti: A hand-list 'Of 30 manuscripts in Pallurutti Mangalappilli Elayat House,

. Pallurutti, Cochin, Kerala State.


Brahma Tantra Parakala Yatindra Desika Sva:min of the Parakala Mutt,

Philadelphla: Oriental Manuscripts of the John Frederick Lewis Collection in the

Free Library .of Philadelphia. By Muhammad Ahmed Simsar, Philade~phja,
1937, pp. 178-83 describe 8 Sanskrit manuscripts.

Poona :


A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the' Library of the Deccan 'CoHege...

Part I. Prepared under the superintendence of F. Kielhorn. Part 11 and!
Index prepared under the superintendence of R. G. Bhandar~ar. 1884.
61 pages. Quoted by numbers.

Sri Prasasti Satigraha: Collections of extracts from Jain manuscripts in

several libraries. By Amritalal Maganlal Saha. Published by the same forthe Jaina Vidyasala, Dosivadani Pol, Ahmedabad.


Prasasti Sa1ngraha: By Pandit K. Bhujabali Sastri, Jaina Siddhanta Bhavan, Arrah.

The contents of this book originally appeared serially, with separate page
number in the Jaina Siddhanta Bhaskara, Arrah.

A hand-list of manuscripts in the Prativadibhayatikar



I. Buddhistic
11. Vedic
Vol. Ill. Smrti
Vol. IV. History & Geography
V. PuraJ).a
Vol. VI. Vyakara1,1a
Vol. VII. Kavya

Pudukottah: A hand-list of 13 manuscripts in the Library of the Val}.i Vilasa Veda

Sastra PathasaIa, Pudukottah.

Vol. VIII.

A Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Punjab University Library,"

Lahore. VoL I. 1932. VoL II. 1941.


Pustakanam SUcipatram. 48 pages. At the end we find: likhitam Pal}.gitaRajarama Sastril)a Kasmiravasina. This important collection of manuscripts.
belonged to the late Pandit Radhakrishna of Lahore.



A and B. Tantra. Revised and edited

,.. 1939-40
by Chintaharan Chakravarti
Astronomy. Revised and edited by Prabodh Ghandra Sen

A. Jyot.i~a-GaJ).ita (Astronomy and Mathematics).

B. Jyott~a-Samhita (Natural AstrOlogy) -- Hora (H
, o r o s c o p y etc.).
XI. Philosophy
Vol. . XIV. Kamasastra, Vastusastra etc. 1955.

See Trippul)ittura Ill.

Putuvamana Mana: A hand-list of 64 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Putuvamana Mana s .

Tattara, Mulanthuruthy p.a., Co chin, Kerala ~tate.
Radh :

~ ~and-lis! of 36 bundles 'of manuscripts containing! works in the Ratigpur

SahItya Paf1~at, Ratigpur, Bengal.

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Government

collection under the care of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. By
Haraprasada Sastri.

Providence Piili: Pali manuscripts in the Brown University Library, at Providence,.

R.I.V.S. By Henry C. Warren, JPTS. 1885. pp. 1-4.

Puliyannur Mana:


R. A. Sas!ri: of the Diary of Pandit R. A. Sastri's tour in search of Sanskrit

Manuscnpts, handed over to the New Catalogus Catalogorum work. Quoted
by pages.

Proceed. ASB. 1893: Proceedings of the (Royal) Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1893,
pp. 245-55.
A description of some rare manuscripts from Nepal, by
Haraprasad Shastri.


A typed .list of the manuscripts in the Sri Ranbir Library, Jammu.

many pnnted books with no indication to the effect.


! ~urp~m~ntarYBlist

of 700 Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library ofthe Royal

oCIety, . engal, not described in the first 7 volumes f
b 0 the above
mentIOned DeSCrIptive Catalogue Some of th
in Vols. VIII, X and X I V . '
ese aYe SInce een described


A hand-list of 1038 manuscripts in the Samskrta PathasaIa in Rajapur, Ramagiri District; Bombay Presidency.

Riimanath Nando: A typed list of 64 Sanskrit Books (Palmyrah) with Mm. Ramanath
Nando Vidyabhi1~aJ).a, Jeypore, Orissa.

Reddy Hostel: A list of 13 manuscripts in the Reddy H t 1 S I B

os e, u tan azar, Hyderabad

Rama Sast,.i} Anoor: A list of 13 manuscripts in the possession of Rama Sastri, Anoor .
Chintamani p.a., Kolar District.

Rep. Hpr:

Ramesvaram: A hand-list of 374 manuscripts in the Ramesvaram Devasthanam

Pathasala, Madurai.

, Ra~ Singh:

A hand-list of the manuscripts in the Raja Ram Singh Library, Srinagar ..

1912 numbers. Contains mostly printed books.

Report on the search of Sanskrit manuscripts.

1. 1895-1900. Calcutta, 1901.
2. 1901-1902 to 1905-1906. Calcutta, 1905.
3. 1906-1907 to 1910-1911. Calcutta, 1911.

3 Volumes.

.Report:. . De!ailed report of a tour in search of Sanskrit manuscripts made in kashmi;'

RaJaputana, and Central India. By G. Biihler. Bombay, 1877.



Rep. Raj. & C. I.: Report of Second Tour in search ofSailskrit manuscripts made i'tti
Rajaputana and Central India in-1904-5 and 1905-6 by Sridhar R. Bhandarkar.
Bombay, 1907.
Rgb. :


Report on the search for Sanskrit manuscripts in the Bombay Presidency

during the years 1884-85, 1885-,86, and 1886-87. By Ramakrishna Gopar
Bhandarkar. Bombay; 1894.
Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in Mysore and Coorg.
Bangalore, 1884.

Sg ,;::..:: ':;"" 'YBRy~PMorts'onhas'~'~rsch f?! Sanskritan:d Ta~il manuscripts' for the year 1896-97



. es aglfl astrl.

RVK. :

A hand-list of 64 Sanskrit manuscripts which were with the late Mm. R. Ve.
KrishnaInacharya, Ku'mbhakonam.


A hand-list of manuscripts with Sakti Sastrigal,

Travancore State.

Sangam ~

A provisional hand-list of 129 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Madurai Tamil:

Sangam, Madurai.

. S. A. Paris: Liste des manuscrits Sanskrits appartenant a la Societe Asiatique de'

Paris. A hand-list of Buddhist manuscripts sent by M. Lalou. Since printed:
as Catalogue des manuscrits Sanskrits et 'Tibetains de la Societe Asiatique:
par Jean Filliozat, Journal Asiatique, 1941-42.
SB :

Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Sanskrit College Library, Benares.,

Allahabad. This gives a more correct and more complete account than the- .
Pandit list.


A Descriptive Catalogue in the Government Sanskrit Library, Sarasvati

Bhavana, Benares. Vol. I. PUrva Mimamsa. By Gopinath Kaviraj. 1933 ..
A list with extracts from select manuscripts.

SBL. Nepal: The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal by Rajendralala Mitra.

Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 1882.


A Catalogue of Sanskrit books in the Sadhu Seshayya Oriental Library,.

Kumbhakonam. 1938. Pp. 81-82, Manuscripts. As revised after personal
e~amination of the manuscripts.



A hand-list of manuscripts with Saratkumar R

:~,ane, Calcutta.
ay, 1-4, European Asylun:l.'

SK. Ray DC: Refers to an unfinis~ed Descriptive Cat'alogue of the above collection,.
,unfortunately stopped wIth p,' 96, Manuscript Numbers 277,
Skt. Coli. Ben:

Ljs~ of Sanskrit, Jain and Hindi (or simply Sanskrit and Hind~ in some}

'Manus~npts purchased by order of Government and deposited in' the'

Sansknt Col~ege, Benares, 1897-1919, (1907 and 1908 were not available)
and 1918-30 In one Volume.

Allahabad, 1902-1934.


Skt, Coil, Mys: The list ~f the unprinted Sanskrit and Kannada Manuscripts in the'
Palace Sarasvatl Bhandar (Maharaja's Sanskrit College) M
Sanskrit Manuscripts.'
ysore, pp. -12 ..

sraVattabe11o~a: B~ h~~d-liss! of

407 manuscripts in the Srimaccarukirti Panditacarya

alJ.. ar at ravalJ.abelgola, Mysore State.


Sri. Dev ~ A hand-list. of manuscripts in the Srirangam D

Museum, Snrangam.
evasthanam Library and:

sriperumbu;:;s=n~ ~~~~e;:' ~r~~~:~~~d~~~uscriPts,

Sanskrit, in the Ubhayavedanta

Srnger.: MA hand-list of 309 manuscripts with Sankara Narayana Jyautishika Sringeri

Srngeri MS~~ad!p~:hnad-IsiS! of 4~4Mmanuscripts in the Mutt of H. H. 8ankaradirya of the,




a cutta.

Serampore: A descriptive hand-list of 81 manuscripts in the Serampore College,

Serampore, Bengal. The collection was made by Revs. William Carey"
Joshua Marsbman and William Ward in 1800. Rev. W. Carey compiled a
Sanskrit Dictionary in 5 volumes, preserved. (never printed), in this.

Silchdr: . 'A. descriptive hand-list of 70 man

' t .' ~ 'h
USCflP S In teN
orma1 Sch 001,

Aykuc;li, via Tenkasi"

Sano Hori Nando: A typed list of 30 manuscripts with Sriman Sano Hori Nando"
,Jeypore, Orissa.

Nd.2 for the year "1893-94.

Jj i

SK. Ray:

A hand-list of 177 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Digambar Jain Library.

Mohalla Sarai, Rohtek, The Punjab.


N(), .1 Madr;;ls, 1898,

By Lewis Rice.,

Rohtek :




of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Samskrta Sa-hl'tya


A.=-Ny~ya; B.-~edant~; C.-:-Vaidya; D.---:.Ra:mayalJ.a; E.-Maha-bbarata, F.-PuralJ.a;

J. - Tantra.



I.-Smrti ;.

11. A.-Vya~aralJ.a; B.-Kosa;, C.-Kiivya; D.-Chandas' E -Yoga'




F. -Jyotl~a.



B=-A~amk~ra; B.-~yurv~da; C.-KarmakalJ.Qa; D.-Kamasfistra;,

. Kavya, F.-Kosa;

G.~Chandas; H.-Jyoti~a; I.-Tantra;'


J.-Niti; K.-Nyaya; L.-Pural}.a ;M.-Mimarilsa; N.-Yog~~,
O.-Veda; P.-Vedanta; Q.-Vai~l}.~va; R.-VyakaraQa,; S.-Samkhya; T.-Smrti; U.-Stotra.
Each of the sections in the three parts is numbered separately.

Thoma$ A.jJp: Appendix by F. W. Thomas at the end of the Catalogue of theWhish_

collection in the Royal.Asiatic Society, London, by M. Wintern'itz.

Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Raghunatha Temple Library of

His Highness the cMaharaja of Jammu & Kashmir. Prepared by M. A.
Stein, Bombay, 1894.
.Stockholm Piili: Pali manuscripts, Stockholm. JPTS. 1883. Pp. 150-151.


List of Palm-leaf Manuscripts in the possession of the Jainas at Tirumalai:

(near Polur. North Arcot District). Appendix Ill, Madras Epigraphy Report~
1887, p.7. Contains only a few select entries which include two Tamili


A list of rare manuscripts in Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Institute, Tirupati..

Published in the Journal of the Venkatesvara Oriental Insti~ute, Tirupati..
Vol. II. Part I. Pp. 157-163 .


.Strassburg Dig: A list of the Strassburg Collection of Digambara Manuscripts, By

Ernst Leumann.
,Sucindram: A hand-list of 200 manuscripts with P. N. Sarma, Ayurvedasramam
Suchindram, Travancore.
.sucipattra: SUcipustaka containing a list of the manuscripts of Fort William, the
Asiatic Society in Calcutta, etc. Calcutta, 1838.
.Svadi :
A list (not checked properly according to the supplier) of the manuscript~
in the Svadi Mutt (Jain). North ,Kanara.'
" .
'rA C:
A Catalogue in slips of the manuscripts in the ':['elugu Academy" Cocanada.

f'iruvankulam: A han'd-list of 16 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Tiruvatikulam Va:riyam,.

Trippunittura p.a., Cochin, Kerala State.


A printed Catalogue of 14 ,Sanskrit manuscripts in the private libra.ry, of, the

Maharaja Tagor~, Tagore Castle, Calcutta;

'Tiimarakkiittu Mana: A hand-list of" 71 Sanskrit ,manuscripts in the Tamarakkattu

:; ,', ' ::'M~na, Tottaradesam, Mulanthuruthy P.O., Cochin,' Kerala Sta~e~' :';", \ ,'; \'



A Catalogue rai,so:o.nee of Oriental'Manuscdpts jnthe, Library of tlIe (latc)

" 'College, Fort Saint George, now ~n charge of the Board of Exain~ners~' By'
the Rev. WiIliam Taylor. 3 Vols. 'Madras, 1857. 1860~ 1862.


'TeD :

" Verzeichniss der' IJdisch~n Handschriften der Koniglichen UrHvers:iHhs~"

Bibliothek (Zuwachs der Jahre 1865-1899) von Richard Garbe~ Tiibingen,
' '"", ",

A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts in the Curator's Office

:Library, Trivandrum. 10 Volumes.


in the JRAS. 1940. Pp. 129 -178.


A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tanjore Maharaja

By P. P. S. Sastri. In
Serfoji's Sarasvati, Mahal Library" Tanjore.
19 'Volumes ; 19th Volume is a'mere,list of 'naines. of works. A 20th Vol.
, since issued, referred to here as TD: XX. Sup:

'Tekkematham: I-IV. Four. hand-Iistso( manuscripts in the Tekkematham, Trichur,

," Cochin, Kerala State. containing respectively 109,97,4: and 120 manuscripts.

A list of 4 manuscripts :with the lat~ M. ,R. Telang, Retired Sheristadar,

~Karwar District, Bombay pr:esidency.


A typed list of 36 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Public Library, Trivandrum.

Tra. Ad. Rep: Lists of manuscripts collected by the Curator for the publication or
Sanskrit manuscripts, Trivandrum. Published as Appendices to the Annual
Administration Report of the Travancore State. These Appendices avanable'
for the New Catalogus Catalogorum work relate to the years 1100 to 1114"
KoIlam Era. Quoted by manuscript numbers.

Trav. Uni: A hand - list of the Sanskrit manuscripts acquired for the Travancore'
University Manuscripts Library, Trivandrum. Since taken up for printing.
See Alphabetical Index of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the UniversityManuscripts Library, Trivandrum, Vol. I (A to NA), 1957. Vol. 11 (Ta-'
Ma), Trivandrum, 1965.
"rav. Uni. (L): Refers to a short list of loan manuscripts in the Travancore UniversityManuscripts Library noted at the end of the above-mentioned list.

f'npPu1jittura: Five hand-lists of collections of manuscripts in Trippunittura, Cochin,_

Kerala State, containing respectively 1839, 353, 211, 43 and 33 manuscripts.I & IT Lists of mss. in the Palace Library.
List of mss. in the Puliyannur Mana. Same as Puliyannur Mana.
List of mss. in the Vadakkedattu Mana.
List of mss. belonging to Ayurvedavidvan T. Kunchu Varier.


:TD :

A typed catalogue of 168 Tod Manuscripts in the Royal Asiatk Society of'
Great Britain & Ireland, London. By L. D. Barnett. Published subsequently'


Cur: A Catalogue of manuscripts collected by the Curator for the publication or

Sanskrit manuscripts, Trivandrum. By T. Ganapati Sastri, 7 parts.


Verzeichniss Indischer Handschriften der Koniglichen Universitats-. Bibliothek in Ttibingen. Anhang. Indische Handschriften der -K~niglicheni
Oeffentlichen Bibliothek in_ Stuttga~t. :yonR. Roth. Ttibingen; -186'5.



Ttibinger-Katha:' Sitzungsberichteder Kais. 'Akademie der Wissenscha:ftenin 'Wien.

Philosophisch-Historische .Classe. ,Band cxxxvII-iv .. Die Ttibinger KathaHandschrifte,n und Ihre Beziehung zum Taittiriyaral}yaka von L. ,,()n Schroeder. Herausgegeben mit Einem Nachtrage von G. Buhler, Wien,' 1868 ..

:ViJif,akkematham :.A ;hand;"list of 91 -Sanskrit manuscripts in the Brahmasvam Va<;1.akke

.Mathani, Trich:ur, Cochin, Kerala State.

Tu:,uttikkattu Karta: I. A hand -list of 33 Sanskrit manuscripts in the house of

'Narakkal Turuttikkattu Karta, Narakkal P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.


A hand list of 35 manuscripts with V. P. Vaidya, Bar-at-Law, Bombay.


A. Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the Vangiya Sahitya

Parishat, Calcutta. By Chintaharan Chakravarti. Sahitya Parishat Series
No. 85. Quoted by pages.

:Viidhyan:' A hand-list of 131 Sanskrit manuscripts in the Vadhyan Manaikal as also in

the Killimatigalam Mana, Attnr, Mulloorkarai P.O., Co chin State.

Do. I.-A. Another list of manu'scripts in the house of another member of the
family, in the same, containing 7 manuscripts.
Do. 1/. A list of 20 manuscripts in the Narakkal Kuttikkat Karta's house,
Turuttikkattu Matham: A hand -list of 20 Sanskrit n1anuscripts in the Narakkal
'Turuttikkattu Matham. Narakkal P.O., Cochin, Kerala State.

'Vangiya Sup: A supplementary hand-list of 300 manuscripts in the Vangiya Sahitya

Parishat, Calcutta, not included in the Descriptive Catalogue. Quoted by


I : Two lists.

A.-a list of manuscripts in the Sajjan Vani Vilas Library, Udaipur, Mewar.
B.-=-a list of manuscripts in the Sarasvati Bhandar Library, Mcwar.

'Venkataramanayya : A list of 11 Sanskrit manuscripts with N. Venkataramanayya.

These manuscripts are now deposited in the Kuppuswami Sastri Research
Institute, Madras.

These have appeared in Print in 'A Catalogue of Mss. in the library of H. H.

the Maharana of Udaipur (Mewar)', published by the Itihas Karyalaya,
Udaipur (Mewar), 1943.

Venkatesiah: A hand-list of 85 manuscripts in the possession of Venkatesia,h, 451,

S:ubbiah's Road, Chamrajpet, Mysore.

Udaipur If: A hand~list of the manuscripts in the Library of Nathdwara, Udaipur,

Mewar State.
Udipi Skt. Coli:

Vidyaranyapura: A hand-list of 144 manuscripts in private possession In Vidyaranya. pura Agrahara, Mysore State.

A list of 54 manuscripts in the Udipi Sanskrit College, Udipi.


A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Oriental Manuscripts Library (Pr,cya

Grantba Sangraha, now called Scindia Oriental Institute), Ujjain. Quoted
by pages.
Vol. 1. 1936.
Vol. 11. 1941.
Manuscripts added latest or to be added to the Library after thepri~lication
of the second volume of the catalogue have also been noted and indicated
as U jjain Latest Additions.
,Umesh Misra: A hand-list of 152 m'anuscripts forming part of the family collection of
Dr. Umesh Misra (Retd.), University of Allahabad, Allahabad.
Umesh Misra Sup: A list of 21 manuscripts on Paper in Maithili script sent by Dr.
Umesh Misra, University of Allahabad, Allahabad.


,Up. Br. Mutt: A hand-list of 670 manuscripts in the Upa'nishad Brahma M-ritt of Kfifici
:Uzh~ttara Variyar:

A hand-list of '32 '-Sanskrit manuscripts in the Uzhuttara Vliriyam, ,

Trippunittura Post, Cochin, KeralaState.
'. :,

A hand-list of 1935 manuscripts in the Varendra Research Society, Rajshahi.



Uber eine kiirzlich fur die Wiener Universitat erworbene Sammlung von
Sanskrit und Pralqt-Handschriften, von Georg Buhler. Wien, 1882..

fisvabharati: .A typed list of the manuscripts in the Visvabharati, Santiniketan.

Prepared by N. Aiyaswami Sastri. Quoted by numbers. A greater part of
this collection is now in the Adyar Library, Adyar.
Viz. Fort:

A typed list of the paper manuscripts in the Fort, Vizianagaram Estate.

A.-Manuscripts in good condition.
B. -Manuscripts in a damaged condition.


se: A Catalogue of Sanskrit Books in the College Library of the Maharaja's

Sanskrit College, Vizianagaram, 1930. Prepared by the Pandits of the College
under the supervision of the Principal. A few manuscripts are noticed in this
printed catalogue.

Viz. Skt. Coli: A hand-list of manuscripts in the Library of the Maharajah's College,
Vizianagaram. Quoted without any numbers.

'rsus Poona:

A printed list of manuscripts and printed books in the Veda Sastra

Uttejaka Sabha, 608, Sadasiv Peth, Poona. Published by Vaidya Pancanan
Krishna Sastri Kavade. 1925.


A hand-list with extracts and noteS of the Sanskrit manuscripts 'inothe: PrajiiaPathasaHi (Dharmakosa. Karyalaya), Wai, Satara District. Bombay
Presidency. Prepared and sent by Pandit Lakshman Shastri Joshl-Quoted,
by Bundle numbers.

Wcii !.

Wai D :


Descriptive catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Prajfia Pathasala Ma1).<;lala,.

ed. by Laxman Shastri Joshi in two parts. Wai, 1970.


A hand-list of 89 Sanskrit and Kannada manuscripts in the -lain Matha in.

Waranga (Varanga).


A hand-list of40 manuscripts in the Warangal Historical Research Society ..

Hanumakonda, Andhra Pradesh.




:alamk. -alamkara.
-anu. adv. -anubha vad vaita.
}~.past. -Apastamba.
.Av., Ath. v.-Atharvaveda.
tBodh., Baudh.-Bodhayana, Baudhayana.
13r. - Brahma\1as.
.dh. -dharmasastra.
.Drahya. - Drahyaya1.liya.
.gr . ..:-grammar.
HiraJ}.., Hirat.lyak. - Hirat.lyakesiya.

Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin.

(Sanskrit und Prakrt-Handschriften). Berlin, 1853. 1886, 1888. 1892. Two>
Volumes, the second in ~ parts.

Weber Mss. CA: The Weber Manuscripts. Another collection of Ancient Manuscripts
from Central Asia by A. F. R. Hoernle. Proceed. ASB., lxii, Pt. 2t 1893,
pp. 1-40.


A Catalogue of South Indian Sanskrit Manuscripts (especially those of the'

Whish Collection) in the Royal Asiatic Society, London. By M. WinternitzoLondon, 1902. Refers to catalogue numbers.

Wien-Kiithaka: Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien.

Philosophish-Historische Classe. Band CXXXIII. xi. Zwei Neuerworbene:
Handschriften der K. K. Hofbibliothek in Wien mit Fragmenten des Kathaka.
von L. von Schroeder. Wien; 1896.

A hand-list of 16 manuscripts in the possession of Syadvada

Vidyarajapa:Q<;lita M. Yellappa, Balapet, Bangalore City.



Kas. Sai. - Kasmir Saivism.

Katy. -Katyayana.
Kr. Yv., Kr~Q. Yajurveda.
lex. -lexicon.
Madh. - Madhyandina.

med. -medicine.
mim. - Mimamsa (purva).
reI. -religion .
~v. -

sr.-Srauta. va.
l'aitt. - Taittiriya .
Up(s).- Upani~ad(s).
Vaikh. - Vaikhanasa.
vais. -vaise~ika.

Vaj., Vs.-Vajasaneya, Vajasaneya

ved. -vedic.
viS. (v). a~v. -visi~tadvaita.

:a acc.-according. acct.-account. add., addl.-additional. Adhy.Adhyaya. alph.-alphabetical. alt.-alternate.
app.appendix. Beg.-Beginning. Bk(s).-Book(s). C.-Circa. C.-Commentary .
. Cat.-Catalogue.
Cc.-Commentary on commentary.




Chin.-Chinese. COl.-Colophon. Com. Vol.-Commemoration)

Volume. d.-dated. Des. Cat.-Descriptive Catalogue. Dict.-Dictionary.diff.-difference, 'diff~rerit.' "D1ig.~Dev'aft!agaii~ Ed.. Edn., Edr.-Edited,_
Edition Editor. Eng.-Engli~~., . Epi.-Epigraphy, Epigraphical. esp.-especiaily. Extr. -Extract(sr'~ 'fli: '-footnote. fol. -folio. Fr. -Fr:nch. _f~,
fragment. Get.-Germanr Gr.-Grantha. gucch.-guccha~a:. (Ka:yam~la) ..
Guj.-Gujarati. His(t).-History. inc.-incomplete. Ind.-IndIa, Indl~n... t~s.
inscription. Intro.-~ntroduction. J.-Journal..Kumbh.-Kumbh~k~~a~ .. Ltt.Literature. lI.-lines. Mai.-Malayalam. M.E.-Malayalam Era. mld.-mld~le~.
Misc.-Miscellaneous.N. S.-New Series. p.,pp.-page(s). phtl.philosophical.' Pkt.-prakrt. Pref.-Preface. Pt.-Part. Pt~.-Printed. pub.publication, published. Q., q.-Quoted in, quotes, q~otatton(s). ref.-ref~rs
to referred to. Rep.-Report. Sam.-Samvat. Ser.-S'enes. S. I.-South IndtaoSkt.-Sanskrit. Sl.-Sloka. Sup.-Slipplement. transl.-translation. Uni.'"
University. v ..;verse. Vol.-Volume. vya.-vyakhya.

Works, Collections and Special Volumes

Abhi. dh. kosa-vYd.: Sphutartha, Abhidharmakoavyakby by Yasomitra. Ed .._
by Urorai Wogihara, in 2 Pts., Tokyo, 1932-36.
Abhinavagupta (An Historical and Philosophical Study). K. C. Pandey, Vol. I.
Revised and enlarged Second edn. Chowk. Skt. Studies. Vol. I.
Benares, 1963.
Abhinal'agupta and his Works. Dr. V. Raghavan. Chowkhambha Oriental Research'
Studies No. 20. Benares: Delhi, 1981.
Aearya Dhruva Comm. Vol. Acharya Dhruva Smaraka Grantha Pt. In Gujarat
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Patiga1}ita of Sridharacdrya. Ed. and TransI. in Bnglish by Kripa Sankar Shukla,
Lucknow Univ,ersity, 1959.
PaNavali: See BORI. 953 b. c. d of 1892-95.


,Sahendraviliisa by Sridhara Veilkatesa (Ayyaval).

Series No. 54, Tanjore, 1952.




,Siihityavaibhavam: Bhatta Sri Mathurailatha Sastri, Kavita Nikunja Vol. Ill. N.S.
Press, Bombay, 1930.
Saiva Upani$ads with the C. of Sri Upani~adbrahmayogin.
deva Sastri. Adyar, Madras, 1950.

Bd. by Pt. A. Maha-

Veilk. Press. Bombay, 1906.

The Siikta Upani$ads (Ups). with the" C. of Sri Upani~adbrahmayogin. Bd. by Pt.
A. Mahadeva Sastri. Adyar, Madras, 1950. Trans1. into EngHsh. by
Dr. A. G. Krishna Warrier. Adyar Libt. Ser. 89. Adyar Library, 1967.

Prabandhasamahara Pt. 'I. TSS. 225. 1971.

Samiinya Vedanta Upllni$ads with the C. of Sri Upani~adbrahmayogin.

by Pt. A. Mahadeva Sastri. Adyar, Madras, 1921.

Prabandhacintama1}i by Merutuilga, Singhi laina Series. Singhi Jaina Jfianapi.ha t

Santiniketan, (Bengal), 1933.

The S4mnyasa, Upani$ads with' the C. of Sri Upani~adbrahmayogin.

T. R. ChintamaniDikshit. Adyar, Madras, 1929.


Bd. by


Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,

University, Syracuse, New York, U.'S.A. 1978.

Sarit'skrta Vyakara'(t Sastra ka Itih&s. Yudhisthira Mimamsak, Pt. I. Revised edn ..

1963. Pt. IJ. 1962;'Ajmere.

Siinkhyadarsan kit Itihas. Udayavir Sastri.
Jwalapur, Saharanpur, U. P. 1950.

Virajanand Vaidik Samsthan s.


Sanskrit Astronomical Tables in 'England. David Pingree,

Sastri Research Institute). Madras, 1973.



The San~krit Drama in its origin, development, theory and practice. A. BerriedaleKieth. Oxford, 1924.


, Smrti Sandarbha or A Collection of Dharmasastraic Texts of

S. B. Datta. 6 Vols. Calcutta, 1952-57.



ed. by

Smrtyarrhasiigara of Chalari Nrsirhhacarya. N. S. Press. Bombay, 1885.

.Smv.: SUktimuktavali of JalhalJa.
Oriental Series LXXXII.


Embar Krishnamachal'ya.


.socio-Religious, Economic and Literary Condition of Bihar (From 319 A.D. to

1000 A.D.). B. S. Verma. Delhi, 1962.

Sanskrit Poems of Mayura. G. P. Quackenbos. Columbia UnIversity. Indo Iranian'

Series 9. 1917.

.Some COl;cepts ofAla~ka'ra Sastra. V. Raghavan. Adyar, Madras 1942.

Sanskrit Literature of Kerala (An index of Authors with their works)

E. Easwaran Nampoothiry. Trivand'rum, 1972.

.Some Jaiha Canonical Sutras. B. C. Law. Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic
Society~ Bombay, 1949.

Sarupa Bharati: The Homage of lndology.

Volume, Hoshiarpur, 1954.

Sources of SkI. (Sanskrit) Lexicography, Vo!. 11. by Kirste. Wien-BombaYj



of Vallabhadeva. Bd. by Peter Peterson and Pandit

. Durgaprasad. Bombay, 1886.


Dr. Lakshman Sarup Memorial:

New DC. Descriptive- Catalogue of. Sanskrit Manuscripts,

University Library. Varanasi, 1953-64.


Schools and Sects in Jaina Literature. Amulyacandra Sen.' VUvabhdrati Studies'

No. 3, Calcutta, 1931.

T. R. Chintamani.' Thesis
submitted for Doctor of Philosophy. University of Madras, Madras.
(Not published).

A Short History of Purvamimtititsii Literature.


of Siin(ideva. Bd. by Cecil Bendall.

St; Petersbourg (1897-1902).

Bibliotheca Buddhica 1.

Saduktikar1)amrta of Sridharadasa. Bd., by Ramavatata Sarma. With

Introduction by Har Dutt Sharma. Punjab Oriental Series 15.
Lahore, 1933. Revised edn. by Dr. Sures Chandra Banerji, Firma
K. L. Mukopadhyaya. Calcutta, 1964.

Ski. Poe.: Studies in the History of Sanskrit Poeties. S.

revised edn. 1960.

.Sp.: Sarngadharapaddhati of .Sa rngadhara.

Sanskrit Series ~7. 1888.


SUktiratnahara of KaIingaraya Siirya. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series 141.

Trivandrum, 1938.

-Stavamala by Riipadeva.

Bd. by Peter Peters on.



84, Bombay, 1903.

Story of Kiilakiicarya., Norman Brown.

Washington, 1933.

.8totramiilii. GranthamaIa Office; Kanchipuram, 1949.

Stotraratnavali, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, 1938.
Stotrar1Java, Madras Government Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras, 1961.

Sixty Upani$ads of the Veda: V. M. Bedekar and O. S. Palsule. Motilal

Banarsidass. Delhi, 1980. in 2 vols. (Bng. transL of Paul D~ussen's
Sechzig Upanishads des Veda(German}). Leipzig, 1921. 3rd edn.

.Sources of VI]. His.: Sources of Vijayanagar History. S. Krishnaswami

Ayyangar. The Madras University- !..Historical Series, Madras, 1919 .


De. Vol. I. 1923 ~


fI'h. Smith Agama Collection: Sanskrit Books and' Manuscripts Relating to

Pancariitra Studies: A Descriptive Catalogue.' H. Daniel Smith.

,$!otrflSamiihara. Pt. I & II. TSS. 211. 236. 1964. 1971.

Stotrasamuccaya Pts. I & II.

The Adyar Library Series. Adyar, 1969.

Stotras'of Sri Vediinta Desika. Sri Vedanta Desika Sampradaya Sabha. Matunga,
Bombay, 1973. 3rd edn.
Studia Indologica.. Festschrit -fur Willibald Kirfel. Bonn, 1955.

in Dharmasastra (Ancient Period).

Past & Present. Calcutta} 1964.

B. Bhattacharya. Indian Studies,

Studies in Jainism and Buddhism in Mithlia.

Studies 43. Benares, 1964.
Studies in Nibandhas:

Calcutta, 1968.

Upendra Thakur. Chow. Skt.



Stud. in Ind. Cult. History: St\ldi~s' in lndian Cultural History.

Vol. 1. Hoshiarpuf, 1961. Vol. 11. Poona, 1960.

P. K. Gode'._

Vaidik Vanmay ka Itihas. Bhagavad Datta. Vol. I. Pt. i. Model Town Punjab
1935; Pt. ii. Lahore, 1931; Vol. 11. Lahore, 1927.

Stud. in Ind. Lit. Hist.: Stuclies in Indian Literary History. P. K. Gode.2 Vols. Singhi Jain Series'37, 38~ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay"
1953, 1954; 3rd Volume, Poona, 1956.

Vai$(?t). Faith and Mo;ement in Bengal: Early History of Vai~l}.ava Faith and
Movement In Bengal from Sanskrit and Bengali Sources. S. roe De
Calcutta, 1942.

,Stud. in the Pura1Jic Records on Hindu Rites' and Customs.

University of Dacca. Dacca, 1940.

R. C. Hazra.


Studies in the Upapura1Jas. R. C. Hazra. Vol. I. (Saura' and Vai~J.1.ava',

UpapuraI)as). Vol. II (Sakta and Non-sectarian UpapuraI)as). 1958~_
1963. Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series Nos,. Xl. XXII.
Stuti and Stava. Teun Goudriaan. C. Hooykaas. North Holland PublishlngCompany. Amsterdam, 1971.
Stuticaturvimsatika. Ed. by H. R. Kapadia.
Bombay, 1927.

Agamodaya Samiti Serie3 51,.

Vai$~ava Upani$ads with the C. of Sri Upani~adbrahmendrayogin.

Pt. A. Mahadeva Sastri.

Bd. by

Adyar, Madras, 1953.

Vangiya Dutakavyetihasa. J. B. Chaudhury. Pracyavan. i Research Series. V 1 V

Calcutta, 1953.
o. .

J'ivaraja Jaina Granthamtila, Sholapur, 1964.

Vedantastotrasangraha, Lucknow, 1912.

Vedic Bibliography. R. N. Dandekar. Vol. I. Karnatak Publishing House,
Bombay, 1946; Vol. n. University of Poona, 1961.

Stutikusumanjali of Jagaddhara, Benares, 1937.

Vidyakarasahasraka of Vidyttkara Misra. Allahabad

Sanskrit Series Vol. n. Allahabad, 1942.

Subhasitaratnakosa of Vidy4kara. Ed. by D. D. Kosambi and V. V. Gokhalc'...

Harvard Oriental Series 42~ 1957.

Vij. Sex-cent. Vol.: Vijayanagar Sex-centenary Commemoration

Karnatak Historical Research SOCiety, Dharwar, 1936.


A Volume of Studie~ in Indology J?resented to Prof. P. v. Kane. Bd. by S. M. :Katre

and P. K. Gode. Onental Book Agency, Poona-2, 1941.

PU$/imargiya Samskrta Vd 1imaya. P. ~anthamani Sastri.

Dvarakadas Grantham,alii 31, Pt. I. Kankaroli (Rajasthan), .1964.



Takakusu and Watanabe, Talsho Issaikyo, Canon Bouddhique de Pere:

Taisho, Tokyo, 1924[.

The Tantras, Studies on their Religion and Literature.

Calcutta, 1963.

Their Philosophy and Occult secrets.

enlarged 3rd edn. Calclitta, 1956.



vratacurja~~j~. ed. by T. M. NarayanaSastti, Sarada Vilas Press, Kumbhakonam,

Calcutta, 1887.

Systems of Skt. Gr.: An ACCBunt of the Different Existing Syst~m~ of Sanskrit

Grammar. S. K. Belvalkar. Poona, 1915.


Chintah~ran C,hakravarti.

D. N. Bose and Hiralal Haldar.

Tattvabindu of Vacaspati. Bd. by V. A. Ramaswami Sastri. Annamalai University

Sanskrit Series No. 3. Annamalainagar, 1936.

Vratakosa. Pt. I. Pri'ncess of Wales Sar. Bha. Texts 28.

Benares, 1929.

VVRI. DC.:' Catalogue of VVRI. Manuscript collection in two parts

Vzshveshvaranand Indological Publications 159
V' h h
Vd' R
IS ves varanan
e lC esearch Institute, Hoshiarpur, 1959.
WaIter Ruben Felicitation Vol. Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin.
Woolner Commemoration Vol., Mehrchand Lachhman Das Skt & Pkt S
Lahore, 1940.
. er. Vol. 8.

Anandasrama 50.

Poona; 1906.

['he Yoga-Upanifjads ~ith the C. of Upani~adbrahmendra.

deva Sastn. Adyar, Madras, 1920.

Bd. by Pt. A.

Unpublished Upani$ads, Adyar Library, Adyar, Madras, 1935.

108 Upani$ads with Hindi tranal. Samskrit Samskriti Samsthan, Bareilley, (U.P.):
(Sadhanakhanda) 2nd Revised edn. 1964; (Jiianakhal}.Qa) 2nd edn.
1963; (Brahmavidyal-<,bal}.9.~) 2np Revised, edn~ 1964.
Upani$advakyamahakosa by Gajanan Shambhu Sadhale Sastri. :'2 Vols. Gujarati
Printing Press, Fort; Bom~ay, 194Q, J941.,

Publications) Series) Publishing Houses) Institutions.

Abhandlungen fur die kunde des Morgenlandes DMG . L'
Advaita Maftjari Ser.:

Advaita Mafijari Series, K.umbhakonam.

Adyar, AdMyardedn., Adyar Lib. {Lib 1'.) Ser.:

a ras-20.

Adyar Library Serl'es




Agamasangraha, ealcu tta.

Bib. IDd.:

Agamodaya Samiti Series, Agamodaya Samiti, 121/123, Javeri Bazaar, Bombay.

Allahabad Unit Pub I. Skt. Ser.:
Series, Allahabad.

Bibliotheca Indica, Asiatic Society of Bengal. 1, Park Street,,_


Bihar Riltrabhila Pari$ad, Patna-3.

Allahabad University Publications Sanskdt

Bihar Res. Soc.:

Bihar Research Society, Museum Buildings, Patna.

Bilvakunja Pub. House:

American Ori. Ser.: American Oriental Series, American Oriental Society, New
Haven, Connecticut, U. S. A.

Bilvakunja Publishing House, Poona-4.

Bomb. Skt. Ser., Bomb. Skt. & Pra. Ser.: Bombay Sanskrit Series.. Bombay'
Sanskrit & Prakrt Series. Department of Public Instruction, Bombay.
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona-4.

Anandasrama, Anandasrama Sanskrit Series, .Anandasrama, Poona-4.

Anantakirti Granthamala, Bombay.

Bombay Theosophical Publication Fund, Bombay.

Andhra Pradesh Sahitya Akademy, Hyderabad.

Andhra Uni. Ser., Andhra University, Waltair.

Bud. Ski. Texts, Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, Mithila Institute of P. G. Studies and
Research in Sanskrit Learning, Darbhanga.

Anecdota 0 xontensia, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Bud. Text Soc.:

Buddhistic Text Society, Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta.

Arhatamataprabhakara, Bhavani Peth, Poona.

Calf Ori. Ser.:

Calcutta Oriental Series, 9, Panchanan Ghose Lane, Calcutta-9o.

Aragranthavali, Bombay Machine Press, Lahore.

Cal. Ski. College Res. Series: Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series,
Calcutta Sanskrit College, 1, Bankim Chatterji Street, Calcutta-I6.

[Arya-Pracina-grantha-Sodhakama1Jrjali), Bombay.
Ash. SS.:

Calf Ski. Ser.: Calcutta Sanskrit Series, Metropolitan Printing and Publishing
House, 90, Lower Circular Road, Calcutta.

Ashutosh Sanskrit Series, Calcutta.

Atmakamala Jain Eibrary Series, Mahavira Jaina Sabha, eambay.

Calf Uni.:

Atmananda Jainagranthamala, Jaina Atmananda Sabha, Bhavnagar.

Chowkhamba, Chowk. edn., Chow. Ser.:

Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series
Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Vidya Vilas Press, Varanasi-l. ,.

Ayurvedasrama Series, Madras-17. (D. Gopalacharlu, Ayurveda~rama Serios.

Ayurvedasrama Press, Madras).

Chow. Skt. Series Studies: Studies published in the same series mentioned

Ayurved:ryagranthamala, N. S. Press, Bombay.

Balamanorama Press, Madras-4.

Bauddhasamskrtagranthavali (Buddhist Sanskrit (f'exts), Mithila Institute of PostGraduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning, Darbhanga.
.Ben. Hindu Uni. edn., Benares Hindu University, Benares-5.
Ben. S. (Skt.) S. (Ser.): Benares Sanskrit Series, Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series
Office, Gopal Mandir Lane, Benares-l.
Bharati Mandiram Skt. Ser.: Bharati Mandiram Sanskrit Series,
Bharatiya Jfiana Pith, (Murtidevi Grantbamala.
mala). Durgakund Road, Varanasi-5.


Mal}.ikcandra Jain Grantha-

Bhttratiya Vidya Ser.: Bharatiya Vidya Series, Bharatiya Vidya BhavaD,

Chaupatty, Bombay-7.

Calcutta University, Calcutta-I2.

Chunilal Jain Gr. Ma: Chunilal Jain Grantha Mala, Institute of Learning and
Research, Sarvajanik Education Society, Surat.
Citrodayamaiijan:, Bha$a Series, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Cochi". Skt. Ser.: Cochin Sanskrit Series, Sanskrit College, Trippunittura~
Cochin, Kerala State.

Dacca University Oriental Publication Series, Dacca University, Dacca.

Dak$iflta Bharati Series, Madras.

A few works appeared in this Series.

Dayananda Mahavidyalaya Granthamala, Lahore.

D,ayanand College Skt. Granthamala, Dayanand Anglo-Vedic College Research

Dept., Lahore.

DCRI. Deccan College Research Institute, Poona-6.

Bhratrcandra Granthamaltt, Ahmedabad.

Delhi Urzi. Pub., Delhi University, Delhi.

Bib. Bud.: Bibliotheca Buddhica, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Leningrad.

Digambara Jaina Grantha Bha1Jrjar, Benares.



Gandhi Haribhai Devakara1Ja Jaina Granthamala, Calcutta.

Ganesh & Co,) T. Nagar, Madras-17.
Ganga Ori. Ser.:

Ganga Oriental Series., Anup Sanskrit Library, Fort, Bikaner.

GopaZ Narayan & Co., Princess Street, Bombay.

,Gas.: Gaekwad Oriental Series, Oriental Institute, M. 's. University of Baroda.



Sahitya Samsodhaka

Grantharatnamiilii, Gopal Narayan & Co., Princess Street, Bombay.

((Gujarati" Printing Press, Sas soon Building, Elphinstone Circle, Fort, Bombay.

Gujarat Puratattva Mandir, Ahmedabad.



Jainasastrakathasangraha, Ahmedabad.
Jaina Yasovij. Granth.:. Renamed Yasovijaya Jaina Granthamalii, Harris Road,
Sri Jain Kala Sahitya Samsodhak Series, Ahmedabad.

Sri Jayachiimariijendra Grantharatnamiilii,

Granthapradarsini, Vizagapatam.

Guj. Pur. Mandir:

Jaina Siihitya Samsodhaka Samiti,

now at Ahmedabad.




University of Mysore, Mysore.

Sri Jayachiimariijendra Vedaratnamala, Sri Chamundeswari Electric Press, Glocki
Tower Square, Mysore.
,Jinakiivyasa~asa1igrahaJ Ahmedabad~

Haribhai Devakaran Jain Gr. Mala, Calcutta.

Jivariija Jaina Granthamiilii, Jaina Samskrti Samrak~aka Sangha, Sholapur.

Hemacandra (-iiciirya) Granthamiilii (-avali), Hemacandra Sabha, Pattan.

Kiimako!i Granthiivali, B. G. Paul & Co., Madras-I.

Hindi Anusandhiina Pari~ad Granthamiilii, (Delhi Uni. Delhi) Kashmiri Gali"


Karanja Jain Series (Ambadas Chaware Digambara Jaina Granthamiila), Karanja

Jaina Publication Society, Karanja, Berar.

Hindu Excelsior Series: A collection of works in Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and

English, Hindu Welfare Advancement Association, Madras.

-Kiisi Sarhskrta Granthamiilii, Varanasi.

Hindu Vishvavidyalaya Nepal Rajya Skt.Ser . . Benares Hindu University,

!lOS. : Harvard Oriental Series, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussetts.


Series, <palcutta.
Haridas Sanskrit Series. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Varanasi-l.

Hyd. Arch. Dept. Publication: Hydei'abad Archaeological Department Publication,

H yderabad, Andhra Pradesh.

,Kas. SkI. Ser.: Kashi Sanskrit Series, Ghowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office . .
Varanasi -1.
Kas. Pexts: Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies, Research Department,
Srinagar, Jammu & ~ashmir.
Kiivyiimbudhi, Bharatibhav,ana Press, Bangalore.
_Kerala Uni. Skt. Series: Kerala University Sanskrit Series, Trivandrum.
merly called Trivandrum Sanskrit Series.


Indi,'an Res. Inst. (Indian Positive Sciences Ser.): Indian Research Institute
(Indian Positive Sciences), 170, Manicktolla Street, Calcutta.

Kharataragacchagranthamiilii, Lalbag, Bombay.

K. M.: Kavyamala, Works, Nirnaya Sagar Press, 26-28, Kolbhat Street,

Indian Thought Series, Allahabad.

K. M. Gucch.:

lndo-Iranian Ser.:

lndo-Iranian Series, Columbia University, New York.

lnt. Ac. of Ind. Culture: International Academy of Indian Culture, J22, Hauz
Khas Enclave, New Delhi-16.
Is MEa., Institute Italiano per il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente, 'Via Merulana 148,
Jaina Atmiinanda Sabhii, Bhavanagar.
Jaina Dharma Prasiiraka Sabhii Ser.:

Jaina Dharma Prasaraka Sabha Series,

KavyamaUi Gucchakas, published by the same Press.

KSRI.; Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Madras-4.

Lalan Niketan Jain Granthamiilii, Bhatade, Sihor, Kathiawar.

n. D. Series (Inst. of Indology), L. D. Bharatiya Samskrti Vidya Mandir. Near

Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-9.
Madras Govt. Ori. Mss. Library: Madras Government Oriental Manuscripts
Library, ~adras-5.
Mad. Uni. Skt. Ser.: ~adras University Sanskrit Series, University of Madras,
Triplicane, Madras-5.



Mahavirajaina Vidyalaya Ser. Sri Mahavir Jaina Vidyalaya; Vidyalaya lJ:uildingsl>Gowalia Tank Road t Bombay.

Punjab Skt. Ser.: The Punjab Sanskrit Series, The Punjab Sanskrit Book!
Depot, Motilal Banarsi Dass, Lahore. In Sridharadasa's Saduktikar:Q.amrta, the Series is called Punjab Oriental Series.

Manik. Dig. Jain Granth.: Manikyacandra Digambara Jaina Granthamala,.

Hirabag, Bombay;.' now under Bharatiya Jfianapitha, Varanasi-5.

Pu~timargiyastotraratnamala, Sri Kr$'J}a Vallabha Granthamala 13. Benares, 1962.

Rajasthan Oriental Series, The Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur.

Memoirs of Archaeological Society of South India~Madras.

Mithila . Institute of Post-graduate Studies I and Research in Sanskrit ~earning1'
Mithila Vidyapi!ha granthamala, Mithila Institute of P. G. Studies and Research
in Skt. Learning, Darbhanga.

Rajasthan Puratan Granthamala, Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur.

Raman Publications, Bangalore.
Ravi Varma Sarhskrta Granthavali, Sanskrit College. Trippunittura. Cochin,
Kerala State.
Ra),acandra Jaina Sastramala. Published by Paramasruta Prabhavaka Mandal,
Javeri Bazaar, Bombay-2.
I.?-~abhadeva Kesarimalji Svetambara Sarhstha. Rutlam .
.sac. Bks. of the Hindus: Sacred Books of the Hindus. Allahabad.

Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orient-forschung~ Deutsche Akademie der Wissen ..

schaften zu Berlin. Institut fur Orient-forschung, Berlin.
Muktikamala Jainamohanamala, Batoda.
Murtidevi Jainagranthamala, Bharatiya Jfianapitha, Durgakund; Varanasi-S.
Mysore Govt. Ori. Lib. Ser. ~ Government Oriental Library Series, Bibliotheca
Sanskrita, Mysore.

Sac. Bks. of the Jainas: Sacred Books of the Jainas, Central Jaina Publishing
House, Ajitashram, Lucknow.
.Sac. Bks. of the Jainas, Sacred Books of the Jainas, Arrah.

Nalanda Devanagari Pali Series, Pali Publication Board, Bihar Government,.

Nalanda, (Patna).
Narayani Handiqui Historical Institute, Dept. of Historical and Antiquarian
Studies, Gauhati, Assam.
Nepal Skt. Ser.: Nepal Sanskrit Series, Khatmandu.

Sams. Sah. Pari$at: Samskrita Siihitya Parishat, 168/1, Raja Dinendra Street.
Sandtana Jaina Granthamala, Benares.
Sanskrit Acade1]ty Ser., Osmania University, Hyderabad.

N. S. Press: The Nirnaya Sagar Press, 26-28, Kolbhat Street, Bombay-2.

Saradavijaya Jaina Granthamala, Bhavanagar.

Ori. Bk. Agency: Oriental Book Agency, Poona-2.

Sarasvati Bhavana Granthamala. Varan.aseya Vishvavidyalaya, Benares.

Ori. Transl. Fund: Oriental Translation Fund, Royal Asiatic Society. London..
Pandit O.S., N.S.: Old Series, New Series, Benares Sanskrit College, Varanasi .

Sarasvatf Vilasa Series, Tanjore. Bd. by the late T. S. rouppuswamiSastri and

S. Subrahmanya Sastri.

Poona Ori. Ser.: Poona Oriental Series, Oriental Book Agency, Poona-2.

Sastramuktava,[i, Sudarsana Press, Conjeevaram, Madras State.

Pracya Bharati Ser., Kamacha, Varanasi.

,Sri Satyavijaya Jaina Granthamala, Ahmedabad.

SBE.: Sacred Books of the East. Bd. by Max Muller, Oxford.

Prakara'J}aratnakara, Nirnayasagar Press, 26-28, Kolbhat Street, Bombay-2.

Pravartaka Sri Kantivijaya Jaina Itihasamala, Bhavnagar.
Princess of Wales Sar. Bha. Texts.: Princess of Wales Sarasvati Bhavana Texts,
Sarasvati Bhavana, Benares;. Book Depot, Govt. Central Press, U.P.,
Princess of Wales Sar. Bha: Studies: There are also volumes of Studies in the
above series and these are referred to as 'Studies'.
PTS.: Pali Text Society, Chipstead, Surrey, England.
Publications de L'Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient. Ecole Francaise d'Extreme
Orient, Adrien-Maisonneuve 11. rue Saint-Sulpice. Paris.

Scindia Oriental Series, Scindia Oriental Institute (Pracya Grantha Samgraha),

.Seth Devchand Lalbhai Jain Pustakoddhar Fund Series, Javeri Bazar, Bombay.
Badekhan Chakla, Surat.
.Sharada (Sarada) Peetha Res. Ser.: Sharada Peetha Research Gentre. K\aran
Nagar, Srinagar.
Shivaji Uni. Skt. & Pkt. Ser.

Shivaji University,~olhapur.

$Inghi Jain Granthamala; Formerly from Galcutta; now from Bharatiya Vidya
Bh~van, Chaupatti, Bombay-7.



Sino Indian Series, Harvard, Cambridge, Massachussetts.


Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akadamie der Wissenchaften, Berlin.

Vedantavndnyali Series, Works of Anandalwar, Bangalore.

Sitzungs. der Preuss. Ak. der Wiss.: Sitzungsberichte der Preussis9hen Akademic'

Vedavednntavaijayanti, Little Conjeevaram, Madras State.

der Wissenchaften, Berlin.


Sukhasadhanagranthamala, ,Agra.

Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Series published by the

. Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Institute, Tirupati. . This series as well as
the mss. of the Institute referred to with the abbreviation Tirupati,
(see above p. xxvii), are now under the Sri Venkatesvara University,
Ve,.A. ,dn. (Press): Venkateswara Steam Press, 7th Khetvadi, Khambata Lane.

SurUipracaraka-tract-mala, Jhansi.

Vidyabkavan Rii$/rabhii$ii Granthamiila) Benares.

Syadvadagranthamala, Indore.


Sivagama Siddhantaparipalana Sangha Ser. t Devakottai.

Skt. Edn. Soc.

Sanskrit Education Society, East Mada Street, Madras-4.

Sources of Indo-Aryan Lexicography Series.

Srivai$1}ava Granthamudrapakasabha Ser.

Deccan College Res. Inst. Poona.


Tanjore Sarasvati Mahal Series, The Maharajah Serfoji

Sarasvati Mahal Library, Tanjore. Madras State.

Sri Venkatesvara Ori. Ser.:

adv. Vaijayanti Ser.:

Tanjore Sar. Mah. Ser.:

Tantrik Texts. Ed. by Arthur Avalon. Agamanusandhana

Samiti, Calcutta. Sanskrit Book Depot, Calcutta;, Ganesh & Co,.,

rI'antrik Texts:

rribetan Skt. Works Series,. :K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute, Patna.

rI'rans. of Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences.
rrripi!aka Pub. Ser.:

Trtibner & Co., London.

rrss.: Trivandrum Sanskrit Series. Travancore (now. Kerala) University
Oriental Manuscripts Library. Govt. Press, Trivandrum. Klerala State.

rrrubner's Ori, Ser.



ViSi~tadvaita Bha~ya Publication Committee.

Veda Vilas, 3, Hindi Pracharak Sabha Road. Madras.

Vaijayanti Series, Kumbhakonam.

Vis,abhiirati Series, Visvabharati~ Santiniketan.

Visvabhiirati Studies, Visvabharati, Santiniketan.

Viz. Ski. Ser.: Vizianagaram Sanskrit Series, Benares.

'Yasovij. Gr. Mala:' See above under Jaina Yasovij. Granth.

New Haven. Gonnecticut.

Tripitaka Publication Series, Colombo.



A.cta Ort. :. Acta Orientalia, Leiden.

Adyar Library Bulletln (Brahma Vidya):

Adyar Library, Adyar, Madras-20.

Proc., Proceed. Aloe. : Proceedings of the All-India Oriental Conference,

Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona-4.

Allahabad University Studies, AlIahabad University, Allahabad.

Vaikhanasagranthamiilii, Madras.

American Journal of Philology, Baltimore, U.S.A.

A:nekiint: Published by the Viraseva Mandir, Sarsava, Dt. Saharanpur; now
from Delhi.

Vai$'l:z,ava Sandarbha Series, Brindavan.

AnnaJa (A) BO RI.:

Vaidika Samsodhan Ma1JcJala. Tilak Vidyapeeth. Poona-2.

Vallabh Vidyanagar Ser.


Vatigiya Sahitya Parishat. 243-1; Acharya Prafulla Chandra

Road, Calcutta-16.

Vangiya Siih. Par.:

Vatti' Vi/as edn. (Press), Vani Vilas Press, Srirangam, Madras State.
(Varendra) Var. Res. Soc.:

Varendra Research. Society; Rajshahi, B. Pakistan.

Veda Dharma Par.ipiilana Sabhii, Kumbhakonam, Madras State.

Vediintadesika Research Society, 20, Burkitt Road, Madras-17.

Am. Jour. of Phil.:

Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.

Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona-4.

A.nnals of Ofi. Res., Uni. of Mad.: Annals of Oriental Research of the University

of Madras, Triplicane, Madras-5. Vol. 1. No. 1 alone of this Journal

was called Journal of Oriental Research, University of Madr~s.

Annual Rep. on S. I. Epi~: Annual Report on South Indian Epigraphy, Govt. of

_, India, Delhi. See also below Indian Epigraphy and MER. _.
Annual Report of 'the Archaeological Survey of India,

Janpath, -New Delhi-ll.


Dept. of Archaeology,



Asiatic Researches, Calcutta.


Giornale della Soc. Asiatica Italiana, Florence, Italy.

Archiv Or. : ArchivOrientalni, Praha& Czechoslovakia.

Arts and Letters, J. 'of the Royal India, Pakistan, Ceylon Society" Royal India
Pakistan, and Ceylon Society, 3, Temple Chambers, Temple 'Avenue:
London E. C. 4.


ASB. Memoirs:

Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta.

Govt. Ori., Mss. Lib. Bulletin: Government Oriental Manuscripts Library

Bulletin, Madras-5.
Half-yearly Journal of the Mysore University, University of Mysore, Mysore-2.
Hindu Commentator, Madras.
IHQ.: Indian Historical Quarterly, 9, Panchanan Ghose Lane, Calcutta-9.

BDCRI.: Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute, Yerawada, Poona-6.

Ind. Ant.: Indian Antiquary, Bombay.

Benares Hindu Uni. Magazine, Banaras Hindu University, Banaras.

Ind. Cult.:

Bhiiratiya Vidyii, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Chaupatti, Bombay-7.

Indian Epigraphy, Manager of Publications, Govt. of India, Delhi.

Ann. Rep. on S. I. Epi'.

BISM. Quarterly: Bharatiya Itihasa Samsodhak MaJ)QaIQuarterly, .' Sadashiv

Peth, Poona--2.
BMFJ: Bulletin de la MaisrJn Franco-Japonaise, Nouvelle Serie, Tokyo.,
Brahmaviidin George Town, Madras.

BrahmavidYii Advaita Sabha, Kumbhakonam.


British Museum Quarter-ly, London.

BSOS' BSOAS., Bull. School of Ori~ Stud. London: Bulletin of the School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London; Malet Street,
London, W.C.I.
' " ". ,

, Bull...Cal. Math. Soc.: . Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society; Calcutta.

Bulletin of the Sangeet Natak A kademi, ~Sangeet Natak Akademi,' Rabindra
Bhavan, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi.
Calcutta Review, Calcutta.

Indian Culture, 170, Manicktolla Street, Calcutta.

See above

Indian Linguistics, Deccan College, Po?na.

Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi, Rablndra Bhavan. Feroz Shah Road. New
Indian Thought, Nasik.
Indian Year-Book of International Affairs, Madras.
Indo-Iranian Journal, Kern Institute, Leiden,Netherlands.
Ind. Stud.:

Indische Studien, Ed. by A. Weber. Berlin and Leipzig.

Int. Congo Ori.: - International Congress of Orientalists.


See also Trans.


Journal Asiatique, Societe Asiatique, Paris.

Jaina Gaz.: Jaina Gazateer. All-India Jaina Association, Madras.

Cal.Ori. Jour.: Calcutta Oriental Journal edited for sometimebfProf. Kshitis

Chandra Chatterji, 61A, Ramkanta Bose Street, Calclltt~.

Jainamitra, Surat.
Jain Ant., Jaina Side Bhiis.: Jain Antiquary (English part), Jaina ,Siddhanta
Bhaskara (Hindi part). Jaina Siddhanta Bhavan, Arrah.

Dacca University Studies, Dacca.


Dept. of Letters, Cal. Uni~: Journal of the Departm'entof L~tt~rs~University of

Calcutta, Calcutta-12.

J( R)A8B.:

East and West, Instituto Italiano par il Medioed Estremo Orie'nte, Via Merulana
248" Rome.
Epi; Car.:

Epigraphia Carnatica, Director of Archaeology, Mysore Govt. Press

: - 1 -, .

Epi. Ind.:

Epigraphia Indica, Archaeological Survey of India, Manager of

Public~tions, 'pelhi.'
" ,

Epi. Rep.: Epigraphy Reports, Madras~

See MER.

Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Connecticut.

- U. S. A.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1. Park Street,

JASB. Letters: Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Letters, Asiatic Society
of Bengal, Calcutta-16.
JASB. Proc.: Proceedings of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta-16.

Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society; Town

Hall, Bombay.



Journal of the Bombay University, University of Bombay,


J. Bomb. Uni.:

, JBRS.:

, ,.J.
, "

Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society, Patna.

1. of the fJ'rav. Unit art. Mss. Library ~ Journal of the Travancore University

Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, Cenotaph Road,


J. Myth. Soc.:

Oriental Manuscripts Library t Trivandrum. See under J. of the Kerala

Uni. Mss. Library.

Journal of the Nagpur University, Nagpur.


J. of Geographical Assn., Madras.

of Gauhati : Journal of the University of Gauhati, Gauhati,Assam.


0/ Yedic Studies:

Journal of the Vedic Studies, ed. by late Dr. Raghu Vira,

S. D.' College, Lahore.
,JOR'. Madras: Journal of Oriental ~esearch, Madras, Kuppuswami Sastri
Research Institute, Madras-4.
"Jour. Bombay His. Soc.: Journal of the Bombay Historical Society. Exchange
Building, Sprott R'oad, Bombay.

J. of Indian and Bud. Studies, Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhistic

Studies, Dept. of Indian Philosophy and Sanskrit Philology, University

of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
J. of Ori. Inst., M. S. Uni.: Journal of the Oriental Institute, Maharaja Sayajirao
University, Baroda.
J. of Ori. Res., Mad. Uni.: Journal of Oriental Research, University of Madras.
See above Annals of Ori. Res., Uni. of Mad.

.Journal Mad. Uni.: Journal of the Madras University, University of Madras,

,Journal ojthe International School of Vedze ~na. Allied Research: New York.

Journal of Sri Venkateswara Oriental Institute, Sri

Venkateswara University, Tirupati.

J. of Sri Venk. Ori. Inst.:

0/ the Uni.

,J. o/the U. P. Hist. Res. Soc.: Journal of the Uttar Pradesh Historical Research
Provincial Museum, Lucknow. '
Society, U. P. Historical Society,

Journal of the Indian History, Madras; now from University

of Kerala, Trivandrum.

J. of Ind. Hist.:

Ilk! Sankara Gurukulam:, The Journal of the Sri Sankara Gurukulam

(Sankaragurukulam Patrika), Vani Vilas Press, Srirangam.

.J. of the f'anj. Sar. Mah. Lib.. Journal of the Maharajah Serfoji's Sarasvati
Mahal Library, Tanjore.

Journal of the Bihar Research Society, Museum Buildings, PatQa.

J. Nag. University:



Journal of the Pali Text Society, London.

,J. of the Andhra His. Res. Soc.: Quarterly Journal of the Andhra Historical
Research Society, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh.

JRA. ~

.I. of the Assam Res. Soc.: Journal of the Assam Research Society, Assam
Research Society, Gauhati, Assam.

,j: erat. of Poona:

Journal of the ~oyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland,

74, Grosvenor Street, London, W. 1.
(Huma'nities Section), University, Ganesh rohind, Poona .

.I. of the G. Jhti (R.l.j Res. Inst.: Journal of the Ganganatb Jha Research
Institute, Ganganath Jha Research Institute, Alfred Park, Allahabad.

,IVI.: Journal of ihe Vishweshwaranand Institute of Sanskrit and Indological

Studies, Hoshiarpur.
,Kar. HI,. Rev.: Karnatak Historical Review, Karnatak Historical Society,
College Road, 'Dharwar.

.It of the Greater Ind,. Soc.: Journal of the Greater India Society, Amherst
Street, Calcutta; now at 9, Panchanan Ghosh Lane, Calcutta-9.

,Kar. Unit Jour.: Journal of the ~arnatak University (Humanities Section),

Karnatak University, Dharwar.

,J. of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Leiden.

Kumbhakonam Col. Mag. :" Kumbhakonam College Magazine, Kumbhakonam.

Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art

11, Wellington Square, Calcutta.

J. of the Ind. Soc.' of Ori. Art.:

J. of the Kalinga His. SQC.:

Journal of the Kalinga Historical Society, Balangir,

,J. of the Kerala Uni. Orf. Mss. Library: Journal of the ,Kerala .University
Oriental Manuscripts Library. University of Kerala, Trivandrum.

,J. of the Music Academy, Madras: Journal of the Music Academy, 1I5-E,
Mowbrays Road, Madras-14.

.Be Museo,.: 7, Mont St. Antoine, Louvain.'

Madras Christian College Magazine, Christian College, Madras-59.

Government Museum, Madras-8.

'.Malayamaruta, Kendriya Sans'krit Vidya Pith, Tirupati.
, r,Manorama, (Skt. Journal). Press, Berhampur.
Marathwada Unit J.: Marathwada University Journal, Marathwada University,
Aurangabad, Maharashtra.
,Madras Museum Bulletin,


MER. : Madras Epigraphy Reports. Archaeological Survey~ Southern oCircle ..
Madras. See above An. '-Rep. of S. I. Ep.

Annual Report o(theMysore Archaeological" Dept.. Govt..

Branch Press, Mysore.,

Mys. Arch. Rep.:

Mysore Unit J. for Arts and Sciences:

University of Mysore, Mysore.

New Indian Antiquary, Poona and Bombay. Karnatak Publ.shlng House,.

Chira Bazar, Bombay.

Orissa Hist. Res. J.: Orissa Historical Research Journal, Department of
Museum and Archaeology, Govt. of Orissa, Bhubaneshwai.

Nityanandadayini Patrika,

Berlin and Leipzig.

Poona Orientalist;. Oriental Book Agency, Poona-2.

(Mayavati, Almora) Advaita Ashrama, 5,. Dehi. Bntally

Road, Ca1cutta-14.
See AIOC. above.

Proceedings of the Indian History Congress, University of Calcutta, Calcutta.

Proceed. Ind. His. Cong.:

Q. J. of the All-Kerala Literary Academy: Quarterly Jo~rnal of tile All-Kerala

Literary Academy, Ernakulam, Cochin, Kerala State.
Yearbook of the Asiatic Society ,Asiatic Society. 1,
Street, Ca1cutta-16.

Siirasvati SU$amii, Varanaseya Sanskrit University, Varanasi.

Sri (Skt. Journal),

Suprabhatam, Varanasi.
Theosophist, Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras-20.
T' oung Pao) Leiden.
Trans. (Transactions) Am. (American) Phil. (Philological) Assn. (Association).

Transactions of the International Congress of Orientalists.

Uni. Cey. Rev.: University of Ceylon Review, Ceylon.

Trans. Ori. Congress:


sthanams Epigraphical Series, Tirupati: Madras.

Rivista Degli Studi Orientali, School of Oriental Studies, University, Rome.
Roopalekh(l, All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-I.

Akhila :Bharatiya Sanskrit Parish ad, Mahatma' Gandhi Marg.: '. Lucknow.

Sag., Siigarika:

University of Saugort Saugor, (M. P.).


Vienna Ori. Jour.:


Vienna Oriental Journal, Orientallnstitute, Vienna.

Palghat: Pattambi.

J. of the Vikram University, Ujjain.

Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sud und Ostasiens, University of Vienna, Vienna.
WZKM:. Wiener Zeitschrift ftir die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Vienna (Wien).

Report of the Ins. of the Tirupati Devasthanam Coli.: Tirumalai-Tirupati Deva-


Srinagar, Kashmir (now defunct).

Visvabhiirati Annals, Visvabharati University, Santiniketan, W. Bengal.

All-India Kashi Raj Trust, Fort Ramnagar, Varanasi. ' ..

RASB. Yearbook:

Sangeet Natak Akademi Bulletin} Rabindra Bhavan, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi.


Journal and Proceedings of the (Royal) Asiatic Society of

Bengal, 1, Park Street, Calcutta-16.

Proceed. (R) ASB.:


Samskrta Ranga Annual, Samskrta Ratiga, Madras-14.

Hunter College in the Bronx, Bronx, New York 10468. U. S. A.

Prabuddha Bharata,

Proceed. All-Ind. Ori Conf.:

L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad-9.

Tirumalai Sri Venkatesvara, Sri Venkatesvara Oriental Institute, Tirupati.

Government Sanskrit College, 1, Bankim Chatterjee Street.


Our Heritage,
Poona Ori.:


Pari~at Patrikii : Sarhskrta Sahitya Pari~at Patrika, 168/1, Raja

Dinendra Street, Shyam Bazaar) Calcutta-4.
Samskrta Sandesa (Skt. Journal), Khatmandu, Nepal.

Nagari Pracaril).i Sabha, Kasi.

Nagpur Unit Journal: Nagpur University Journal, Nagpur.

Ostasiatische Zeitschrift,

Sahrdaya (Sanskrit Journal), Srirangam. (now defunct).

Samskrta Siih.

NiigaN Pracari1Ji Patrika,




Wiener Zeitschrift der Kunde des Sud und Ostasien, Vienna.

Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesselschaft, Leipzig;
now from Wiesbaden.

Zeitschrift fur Indologie und Iranistik herausgegeben von der Deutschen

Morgenlandischen Gessellschaft. Leipzig.

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