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Strings & DTM's.lab

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To learn about Surpacs graphical file types (*.str & *.dtm).
To learn ho to create surfaces (!T"s).
To learn to digiti#e string data.
To learn ho to display data ith Surpacs styles files.
To perform surface$to$surface %olume calculations.
&iles used in this lab e'ercise are found in the folloing folder(
String data are ra point and line data. )lmost all data brought into Surpac ill be in this
form. )ll data are stored as strings. ) string is a se*uence of three$dimensional
coordinates delineating some physical feature. )s dran lines in a s+etch define essential
features, so too do strings. -rests and toes of an open pit mine are strings, as are
contours, edges of roads, boundaries of geological #ones, the toe of a stoc+pile, etc. )ll
points defining a single string are stored in string se*uence and assigned a common
string number. String numbers may be in the range 1 to ./000 inclusi%e.
1ere is an e'ample to illustrate hat Strings are(
The string number is a numeric identifier of the feature represented by that string. 2t may
ha%e no significance other than to distinguish one string from another, as is often the
case in sur%eying. "ore commonly, hoe%er, it is the code to identify the purpose of a
string, e.g. the string is a boundary string, or defines a pit slope #one, or aste material.
String Kinds
Three +inds of strings are recogni#ed.
1. Open strings, as in a straight or cur%ed line. 2f more than one open string e'ists in a file
ith the same string number, then these are called open segments of that string and are
assigned a segment number.
/. Clsed strings, as in a circle, s*uare or any irregular polygon. ) closed string is one
hose first and last co$ordinates are the same. 2f more than one closed string e'ists in a
file ith the same string number, then these are called closed segments of that string and
are assigned a segment number. This is common in situations here many features, all
representing something similar, are logically grouped ithin a single string identifier, e.g.
contours of the same ele%ation on a topographic map ill be assigned the same string
.. ) spt !eig!t string, being a set of random points lin+ed together by a string number,
but outlining no particular feature. The points can be in any order, as the actual line
3oining them does not represent a feature you can see. Spot height strings are commonly
used for recording ele%ations of points on a surface, or coordinates of bore holes.
Use " String Kinds
2n sur%ey applications it is more common to deal ith open strings hich define
discontinuous features, as are found in open pits, ith closed strings being used as
boundary strings to constrain a %olume computation.
4ngineers and geologists tend to be more in%ol%ed ith closed strings, such as bench
crests and toes, ore outlines etc. Such closed strings may be assigned a thic+ness and
can therefore be used in calculation of both areas and %olumes.
String Des#riptins
The ability is pro%ided to be able to assign other 5non$coordinate6 information to each
point in a string. This data is called the point description. 2n sur%eying, this is usually
e'actly hat it is, e.g. a description or name of a control station. 7hen dealing ith
closed strings, it is more usual that the point description ill contain attributes of the
feature enclosed by the string, e.g. the concentration and total salinity of a ater sample.
The point description may contain sub$fields, hich can be used to address indi%idually
for %arious purposes. These may include(
storing assays for multiple elements, e.g. total contaminant calculations
plotting %arious description sub$fields for a point at different locations about the point.
The description sub$fields are referred to as !1, !/, !. up to a ma'imum of !100. They
may be generally referred to as D fields.
The ! fields are delimited by commas. 2n the folloing e'ample
!4S-829T2:; < 55T844, 1.=4, 1:>S466
The sub$fields ha%e the %alues(
!1 < 55T84466
!/ < 551.=466
!. < 551:>S466
The total length of the description field may not e'ceed =1/ characters regardless of the
number of sub$fields.
String Dire#tins
The con%ention is to plot a string number at the first point of a string. !epending on ho a
particular string as created, the order of the points ill sometimes gi%e a cloc+ise
direction for the string segment and sometimes an anticloc+ise one. This direction of
segments is important to closed strings hen calculating areas and %olumes.
2f a closed string is defined in a cloc+ise direction, it is assumed it represents a positi%e
area? that is an area of inclusion.
2f it is defined in an anticloc+ise direction, it is assumed it represents a negati%e area?
that is, an area of e'clusion.
2f an anticloc+ise closed segment of a string is contained ithin a cloc+ise closed
segment, the combination is effecti%ely defining the area beteen the closed segments.
String Files
8elated strings are stored together in )S-22 files called string files, identified by an .str
e'tension. ) string file can contain up to ./000 different strings
4ach file is identified by a to$part name $ the to parts are nominated separately in
practice, but they are combined to form a filename acceptable to the computer on hich
the softare is being run. The first part is called the @ocation code. This is an
alphanumeric character identifier usually chosen to indicate hat the strings in the file
represent, e.g. contour, borehole, buildings etc.
The second part is an 2! number defining the file as a member of a set of files. This is a
numeric character identifier.
&or e'ample, a set of files, each containing sur%eys for an underground mine for the
months Aanuary, &ebruary and "arch 1BB0 may be called(
7here @4C is the common location code in each case, and the 2! numbers are the
year/month code of the indi%idual files containing the sur%eys.
2f you type a decimal number in an 2!, for e'ample 1.D=(
the number is rounded to one decimal place, ith 0.0= rounded up (that is, 1.D=
rounds to 1.E)?
the one$decimal$place number ith the decimal point e'cluded (that is, 1E) ill be
used for referring to the 2!?
refer to the one$decimal$place number, either ith or ithout the decimal point (that
is, either 1.E or 1E), hen recalling the file.
String File Str$#t$re
4ach line in a string file is called a record. The first to records are called the header
record and a'is record respecti%ely. The header record contains data relating to the
hole string file such as the location code, date formed and the purpose.
The a'is record contains to sets of co$ordinates identified as string number #ero,
defining a .$dimensional a'is, hich is used hen ta+ing sections. 2f no a'is has been
defined, this record ill hold #eros.
The rest of the records in a string file contain points on the strings, ith each record
ha%ing the folloing structure.
string number F G H point descriptions
4ach field is delimited by a comma. 8ecords containing #eros in all of the first four fields
indicate the end of a segment or string. The final record in the string file is a line ith a
string number of #ero and 4;! in the descriptor field.
The folloing e'ample string file (pump1.str) as created using the GROUND%&TER
MODELLING module and contains the definitions of three pumping ells. The file
contains fi%e description fields, (!1 $ !=)( borename, Time pump on (days), Time pump
off (days), 9umping rate (+l/d) and 9umping bore radius.
pump ,26-Mar-92,pumping wells ,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
100, 28.275, -47.079, 0.000, recover1 ,0,10000000,500,0.15
100, 117.516, -93.714, 0.000, recover2 ,0,10000000,700,0.2
100, 108.160, -26.973, 0.000, recover3 ,0,10000000,500,0.15
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, E!
The second string file (bloc+sBI.str) belo shos an e'ample of a string file containing
closed segments.
The file as created using the GEOST&TISTICS module and contains regular bloc+s ith
a grade calculated using an in%erse distance algorithm.
"loc#s , 1-Ma$-92,%ra&e classi'ica(ions o'
"loc#s98.s(r ,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
1, 285.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 295.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 295.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
1, 285.000, 115.000, 98.000, 0.035,23.035
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 295.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 295.000, 135.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 285.000, 135.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
1, 285.000, 125.000, 98.000, 0.003,47.460
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
2, 35.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 45.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 45.000, 65.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 35.000, 65.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
2, 35.000, 55.000, 98.000, 4.367,11.462
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
3, 55.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 65.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 65.000, 65.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 55.000, 65.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
3, 55.000, 55.000, 98.000, 8.941,57.704
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
5, 65.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 75.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 75.000, 55.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 65.000, 55.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
5, 65.000, 45.000, 98.000, 26.785,36.595
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, E!
!igital Terrain "odels or !T"s are ho Surpac models surfaces. Surfaces are used in
Surpac for such things as .! %isuali#ation & calculating %olumes. "ost any superficial
feature can be modelled as a !T"( natural topography, lithological contacts,
bedroc+/o%erburden contact, or ater table are such e'amples. !T"s ($st come from
String data. String files contain the ra data, here as !T" files contain a mapping of
trios of points in the String file that constitute a triangle. !T"s are made of triangles,
ith each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original String file.
-onse*uently !T" files are not %alid ithout the original String files. That is, a !T" file
cannot be opened if the original String file of the same name does not e'ist. )nother rule
as far as !T"s are concerned is that !T"s cannot fold bac+ on themsel%es. That is, a
!T" cannot ha%e multiple H %alues for a gi%en GF coordinate.
St)les Files
Styles files are used to tell Surpac ho to display String and !T" data. The default
styles file is called styles.ssi. Styles files let the user specify the folloing attributes(
a label for the style for legend purposes
draing method $ i.e. lines, mar+ers, attribute %alues, etc.
line colour
line thic+ness
line pattern
face colour
specular reflectance colour $ the colour of the shiny spots
transmission colour for transparency effects
gloss effects $ the si#e of the shiny spots
face pattern
edge colour
edge thic+ness
edge pattern
te't colour
mar+er symbol
mar+er si#e
te't characteristics, font, si#e, slant and path
4%ery time a String file is sa%ed the current styles file is associated ith it so that e%ery
time its opened it uses that styles file automatically. 2f that styles file is not found it uses
the default st)les*ssi.
) %ery common ay of imputing data into Surpac is to digiti#e. Fou may use the mouse
or a digiti#ing tablet for digiti#ing data. Fou ould ha%e learned these functions on the
"ain toolbar in the pre%ious lab(
-hange !igiti#er point attributes
!igiti#e at -ursor @ocation
!igiti#e at Selected 9oint
-lose !igiti#ed Segment
Start a ;e Segment
!igiti#e by &olloing Segment
!igiti#e "idpoint
)ll the digiti#ing functions are found in the CREATE, DIGITIZE menu. The ele%ation of
any current digiti#ing may be defined in CREATE, DIGITIZE, PROPERTIES or by using
the button. )ny digiti#ing you do can alays be edited using the 4diting functions
learned in the pre%ious lab.
1. >se the digiti#ing functions to finish the topography in the file contours/.str. There are
se%eral contours missing from the /1B ele%ation to the /4. ele%ation e%ery .m. The
completed file should loo+ similar to the folloing diagram.
>se the function to digiti#e se%eral contour lines in the ;orthest corner of the
topography. Fou may use the function to select the appropriate ele%ation of the
digiti#ed segments. Sa%e & submit this file.
/. &or the file Jtopo1.strK, modify its styles file so that the lines and the ele%ation are
displayed e%ery /00m. 9lot & submit this file.
.. &or the file Jtopo1.strK, modify its styles file so that the data are displayed as mar+ers
(points). 9lot & submit this file.
4. >se the function CUT AND FILL BETWEEN DTMS from the VOLUMES menu to
calculate the surface$to$surface %olume beteen pit1.dtm & topo1.dtm. Submit the
resulting %olume report (te't file).
-* Use t!e digiti+ing "$n#tins t "inis! t!e tpgr.p!) in t!e "ile #nt$rs/*str*
a. -hoose the button from the toolbar to specify the properties for the digiti#ing.
&ill the form as follos(
This ill initiali#e the digiti#ing so that youre creating points in string L1 at ele%ation
b. -hoose the button from the toolbar to digiti#e a point at the cursor location.
The prompting message should as+ you to digiti#e a point using the mouse.
-lic+ to digiti#e a mouse at appro'imately the location indicated in the folloing
c. :nce the first point is digiti#ed, +eep clic+ing to add ne points. &ollo the
general trend of the loer contour line (==I0). The data should loo+
appro'imately as follos(
d. 8epeat steps Ma to Mc, incrementing the digiti#ing ele%ation by .m until you reach
the /4. ele%ation.
/* Fr t!e "ile 0#nt$rs/*str12 (di") it's st)les "ile s t!.t t!e lines .nd t!e
ele3.tin .re displ.)ed e3er) /44(* ,lt & s$5(it t!is "ile*6
a. &rom the ->ST:"2H4 menu choose Displa P!"pe!#ies, S#!i$%s a$d p"i$#s&
;e digiti#ed segment.
!igiti#e first point here.
b. &ill the subse*uent form as follos(
7* Fr t!e "ile 0#nt$rs/*str12 (di") it's st)les "ile s t!.t t!e d.t. .re displ.)ed .s
(.r8ers 9pints:* ,lt & s$5(it t!is "ile*
a. &rom the ->ST:"2H4 menu choose Displa P!"pe!#ies, S#!i$%s a$d p"i$#s&
b. &ill the subse*uent form as follos(
;* Use t!e "$n#tin CUT &ND FILL BET%EEN DTM'S "r( t!e VOLUMES (en$ t
#.l#$l.te t!e s$r".#e<t<s$r".#e 3l$(e 5et=een pit-*dt( & tp-*dt(* S$5(it t!e
res$lting 3l$(e reprt 9te>t "ile:*
a. &rom the menu V"l'(es, choose C'# a$d fill )e#*ee$ DTMs&
b. &ill the subse*uent form as follos(

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