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Survey On Technique For Illegal Modification Detection

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Survey on Technique for Illegal Modification

Ms.Swapnali Somnath Pangre1, Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane2

Student of Master in Computer Engineering,

Department of Computer Engineering
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering
K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,Nashik
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Digital images are easy to manipulate and edit due to
availability of powerful image processing and editing software
like picasa, Photoshop. Nowadays, it is possible to add or
remove important part from an image without leaving any
obvious traces of tampering. Verifying digital images and
validating their contents, and identifying forgeries is one of the
critical challenges for governmental and nongovernmental
organizations and departments.
The image integrity
verification as well as identifying the areas of tampering on
images without need of any expert support or manual process
or prior knowledge of original image contents is now days
becoming the challenging research problem. The method as in
[16] deals with authenticity of images and is based on concept
of using illumination color estimation. Recently a new method
is also reported for efficient forgery detection particularly for
faces in images , that estimates illuminant color using the
physics based method as well as statistical edge method which
make the use of inverse intensity-chromaticity color space. The
estimate of illuminant color is extracted independently from
the different mini regions. The method employs SVM for
classification. The technique is capable of handling images
containing two or more people and needs no expert interaction
for detection of tampering.

Keywords: Digital Image, Image modification/Forgery,

Color constancy, Forgery detection, Illuminant color, skin

This paper describes the strategy followed by various
techniques to tackle with Image Forensics Challenge on
image forgery detection. Several authors have been
working in recent years on the forgery detection problem,
focusing on techniques based on camera sensor noise, and
on techniques based on dense local descriptors and
machine learning. Therefore, For detection we decided to
follow both these approaches, on two separate lines of
development, with the aim of combining decisions at some
later time of the process. Indeed, it is well known that,
given the different types of forgery encountered in practice,
and the wide availability of powerful photo-editing tools,
several detection approaches should be used at the same

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

time and judiciously merged in order to obtain the best

possible performance. Based on this consideration, we also
followed a third line of development working on a
technique for copy move forgery detection which, although
applicable only to a fraction of the image set, provides very
reliable results. Unfortunately it was very soon clear that
the PRNU-based approach was bound to be of little use.
Lacking any information on the cameras used to take the
photos, we had to cluster the images based on their noise
residuals and estimate each cameras PRNU based on the
clustered images. However, more than 20% of the test
images could not be clustered at all and in some cases the
number of images collected in a cluster was too small to
obtain a reliable estimate of the PRNU. On the contrary,
techniques based on dense local descriptors appeared from
the beginning very promising, and we pursued actively this
line of development, drawing also from the relevant
literature in the stegano-analysis field. Images and videos
have become the main information carriers in the digital
era and used to store real world events. The significant
possible of visual media and no trouble in their storage,
division and acquisition is such that they are more and
more exploited to pass on information. But digital images
are easy to influence because of the availability of the
sophisticated digital cameras and powerful editing
software. Without leaving any evidence, Image processing
experts can access and modify image content. Moreover,
with the spread of low-cost user friendly editing tools the
art of tampering and counterfeiting visual content is no
more restricted to experts. As a result, the modification
(manipulation) of images for malicious purposes is now
more common than ever. At the beginning, the
manipulation is
simply improve
performance, then
again many
us began
to amendment the images content, even to achieve their
immorality strategies. Supported on
of reasons, it's necessary to
develop a
technique to discover whether or not a digital image is
forge. During the process of digital image authenticity all
the existing sources are used by forensic investigators of
tampering evidence. The most effective sign for the

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
detection of tampering is illumination inconsistencies as
compared to other signs available. From the viewpoint of a
manipulator, proper adjustment of the illumination
circumstances is hard to achieve when creating a
composite image [1]. In this paper we are taking the
review of digital image forgeries detection and their
different techniques .In section II, we are talk about
illuminant inconsistencies. In section III, different
techniques are discussed those are offered by various
researchers to provide hard statement on the authenticity of
an image.

In blind image forgeries exposure, investigation of image
automatically is by its assessment of illuminant color
consistency. Methods for illumination color estimation are
machine-learning based. C. Riess and E. Angelopoulos in
[2] presented a different approach by employing a physicsbased color constancy algorithm that operates on partly
reflective pixels. during
this approach, the
automated detection
of extremely
reflective half is
unnoticed. The author implies to segment the image to
estimate the illuminant color per segment. Recoloring
every image region in step with its native illuminant
estimate yields a suspected illuminant map. Unlikely
illuminant color estimates point towards a influenced
region. Unfortunately, the authors do not provide a
statistical decision criterion for forgery detection. Thus, an
expert is left with the difficult task of visually examining
an illuminant map for evidence of tampering.
Inconsistencies in illumination distribution can be used to
identify original and doctored image. Color is generally
used in computer vision, but in a very fundamental,
primitive way. One reason for utilizing very basic color
primitives is that the color information of a pixel is always
a mixture of illumination, geometry and object material.
Consider, for example, changes in illumination, which are
likely the spectrum of sunlight varies over the daytime,
shadows can fall on the object, or fake light is switched on.
Figure 1 shows two examples for different color
appearances. The pictures are element of the dataset. The
picture is once exposed to comparatively neutral (white)
light, and once to illuminants that approximate the
surroundings light at night. Thus, for robustness,
methodologies that make use of color be supposed to
openly address such emergence variations. Two separate
static methods to obtain a color illuminant: the statistical
generalized gray world estimates and the physics-based
inverse-intensity chromaticity space are as given below.
Both schemes do not require training data and are applied
to any image.

Figure 1 : Color illumination

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

Kobus Barnard [17] proposed a context for testing

calculating color constancy, he specify his approach to the
implementation of a number of the leading algorithms,
The algorithms chosen for close study include two gray
world techniques, a limiting case of a edition of the
Retinex process, several alternatives of Forsyths gamutmapping technique, Cardei et al.s neural web technique,
and Finlayson et al.s Color by Correlation schemes.
Author scrutinizes the ability of these algorithms to make
estimates of three different color constancy quantities: the
chromaticity of the picture illuminant, the overall corrected
illumination invariant, and degree of that illuminant, and
image. Author
consider algorithm performance as a
function of the number of surfaces in scenes generated
from reflectance spectra, the relative consequences on the
algorithms of added secularities, and the effect of
subsequent clipping of the data. Arjan Gijsenij [18]
proposed a technique for multiple light source Color
constancy algorithms are commonly based on the
simplifying hypothesis that the spectral distribution of a
light source is uniform across picture. But, in reality, this
hypothesis is often violated due to the presence of multiple
light sources. In this paper, he were address more realistic
scenarios where the uniform light-source assumption is too
restrictive. First, a technique is implement to broaden
existing algorithms by applying color constancy regionally
to image scraps, rather than globally to the complete
image. After native (patch-based) illuminant estimation,
these estimates area unit combined into additional strong
estimations, and a native correction is applied supported
a changed diagonal model. Quantitative and qualitative
experiments on spectral and real pictures show that the
given methodology reduces the influence of two light
sources at the same time present in one picture. If the
chromatic diversity between these two illuminants is more
than 1 , the given framework outperforms algorithms
based on the uniform light-source assumption (with errorreduction up to approximately 30%). Otherwise, when the
chromatic difference is less than 1 and the scene can be
considered to contain one (approximately) uniform light
source. Figure 2 shows the multiple light source images

Figure 2 : Multiple different light sources

2.1 Statistical generalized gray world estimates
The generalized gray world approach by Joost van de
Weijer, Theo Gevers, and Arjan Gijsenij [12], they
investigated edge-based color constancy. The technique is
derived from the gray-edge hypothesis which believes that
the average edge diversity in a picture is achromatic. Quite

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
the opposite to existing techniques, which are based on
zero-order structure of the image, this method is based on
the higher order structure of images. In addition, launch a
framework of color constancy based on low-level image
features which includes the known algorithms (gray-world,
max-RGB, Minkowski norm) as well as the newly
proposed gray-edge and higher order gray-edge
algorithms. The quality of the different instantiations of
the framework is tested on two large data sets of images
recording objects under a large number of different light
sources. The derivative operator increases the robustness
against homogeneously colored regions of unstable sizes.
Moreover, the Minkovski norm highlights strong
derivatives over fragile derivatives, so that specular edges
are better exploited.
2.2 physics-based inverse-intensity chromaticity space
Statistics-based schemes require many surface colors and
become error prone when there are only a few surface
colors. Quite the opposite, dichromatic-based methods can
successfully handle consistently colored surfaces but
cannot be applied to highly textured surfaces, as they need
precise color segmentation. R. Tan, K. Nishino, and K.
Ikeuchi[11] introduces a single integrated scheme to
estimate illumination chromaticity from single colored and
multicolored surfaces and require only uneven highlight
region without segmenting the colors inside them. This
technique gives relationship between illumination
chromaticity and image chromaticity. Benefits of
techniques are the capability to deal with either multiple
surface color or a single surface colors, color segmentation
enclosed by highlight parts and intrinsic camera
characteristics are not mandatory. Also, this method does
not use strong constraints on illumination, which several
existing color constancy methods, such as a blackbody
radiator, use.

3.Review of Digital Image Forgery Detection

Illumination-based methods for forgery detection are either
geometry-based or color-based. In geometry-based schemes
center of attention is on detecting inconsistencies in light
source spots between particular objects in the picture [5]
[11]. Color-based schemes search for inconsistencies in the
interactions between object color and light color [2], [12],
[13]. Johnson & Farid showed that under some simplifying
assumptions, arbitrarily complex lightning environments
can be approximated with a low-dimensional model[7].
They showed how the parameters of a reduced version of
their model can be estimated from a single image and how
that model can be used to detect consistencies and
inconsistencies in an image. Further, the efficacy of this
approach on a broad range of simulated images,
photographic images, and visually plausible forgeries were
tested. In each case, the model parameters was well
approximated, from which differences in lighting can
typically be detected. There are, however, instances when
different lighting environments give rise to similar model
coefficientsin these cases, the lighting differences are
indistinguishable Kee and Farid further extended this

Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014

ISSN 2278-6856

approach to exploiting known 3-D surface geometry[9].

Their approach removes the ambiguities in the earlier
techniques and hence allows for a more powerful forensic
analysis. Alongwith the 3-D estimation where the model
was derived by collecting a set of 3-D laser scanned faces
and projecting them into a lower-dimensional linear
subspace 3-D model registration was done by maximizing
an objective function over the camera intrinsic and
extrinsic parameters that aligns the 3-D model to the
image of the face. Their technique involved registering a
3-D face model with the 2-D image using manually
annotated facial landmarks. But that technique cannot be
extended to arbitrary object even though a 3-D model can
be generated for it. Gholap and Bora [12] put forth the
physics-based illumination cues to image forensics. They
represented the colors of pixels around specular highlights
in each object of the image in the r-g plane by straight
dichromatic lines. If these lines intersect at points not close
to one another, an evidence of forgery is shown. However
this method does not perform well in the photographs
involving the human skin as the cluster of human skin
color lies near that of the illuminant colour. Moreover in
order to easily identify the chromaticity lines in color
space, one should first obtain a rough estimate of the
specular region. But the specularity segmentation on real
world images is challenging [15]. Additionally,
specularities have to be present on all regions of interests,
which limits the methods applicability in real world
scenarios. To avoid the problem in [15], Wu and Fang[13]
assume purely diffuse (ie. Specular- free) reflectance and
train a mixture of Gaussians to select a proper illuminant
color estimator. The angular distance between illuminant
estimates from selected regions can then be used as an
indicator for tampering. But the method requires the
manual selection of a reference block where the color of
the illuminant can be reliably estimated. Wu and Fang
implicitly create illuminant maps and require comparison
to a reference part of image. However, different choices of
reference parts of image lead to different results and make
the method error-prone. Andrew C.[19] proposed new
approach for forgery detection he describe a novel
approach for image forgery problem. Rather than focusing
on the statistical differences between the image textures,
Author identify that images from digital cameras contain
traces of resampling as a result of using a color filter array
with demosaicing algorithms. Author identify that
estimation of the actual

Figure 3: Forgery detection using DFT

demosaicing parameters is not essential; rather, detection
of the existence of demosaicing is the key. The in-camera
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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
processing (rather than the image content) distinguishes
the digital camera photographs from computer graphics.
Figure 3 show the working. Jiayuan Fan, Hong Cao, and
Alex C. Kot,[21] proposed a new scheme to compare
statistical image noise features with three selected EXIF
header features, which are strongly related with camera
shot settings. In addition of these noise features, this
scheme exclusively disqualified the sharp image area to
diminish the undesirable crash caused by different image
contents on features. Also through includeing the secondorder image noise features and sequential floating forward
selection, author derived a set of noise features that are
interrelated with a target EXIF feature and simultaneously,
the correlation is delicate to image manipulations. By
inventing each EXIF feature as a slanted average of its
selected noise features, author engaged a least squares
solution to solve the regression weights from the intact
images. These weights agree to estimate the target EXIF
feature parameters from the selected noise features.It is
hard to beat proposed system by simply recalibrating the
three EXIF values on influenced images as it is tough to
meet the three EXIF-image limitations linked with split,
secure speed and ISO, concurrently. Table 1, Shows the
comparison Comparison of different Digital Image Forgery
Detection Tools / Techniques / Algorithms [22].
Table 1: Comparison of different Digital Image Forgery
Detection Tools / Techniques / Algorithms

ISSN 2278-6856


Techniques and methodologies for validating the
authenticity of digital images and testing for the presence
of tampering and manipulation operations on them have
recently attracted attention. detect forgery in the digital
images is one of the challenges of this exciting digital age.
The sophisticated and low-cost tools of the digital age
enable the creation and manipulation of digital images
without leaving any detectable traces. As a end result, the
validity of images cant be taken for granted, especially
when it comes to legal photographic evidence. Thus, the
problem of establishing image authenticity has become
more complex with easy availability of digital images and
free downloadable image editing software leading to
diminishing trust in digital photographs. Another common
manipulation in tampering with portions of the image is
copy-move. Spotting digital fakes by detecting
inconsistencies in lighting is another method.To improve
the accuracy in future we can use the different technique
such as color constancy and skin detection.

I am thankful to my guide Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane,for his
suggestionsand scholarly feedback had greatly enhanced
the effectiveness of this work.I would like to express the
deepest appreciation to authors Tiago Jos de Carvalho,
Christian Riess, Elli Angelopoulou, Hlio edrini and
Anderson de Rezende Rocha for their beneficial
information and knowledge

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Volume 3, Issue 5, September-October 2014
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Ms.Swapnali Pangre received
Diploma degree from K.K.Wagh
Polytechnique MSBTE in 2007 and
B.E. degrees in Computer Engineering
from K. K. Wagh Institute of
Engineering Education & Research
Savitribai Phule Pune University in 2010. Currently,she is
working toward the M.E. degree at the . Savitribai Phule
Pune University,Pune. Her main interests include digital
forensics, pattern analysis, data mining, machine learning
,Information Security and image processing.
Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane Vice Principal, Professor & Head of Dept. of
Computer Engineering, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering
Education & Research, Nashik

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