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Literature Survey

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Literature Survey on Image Manipulation Detection

Hemanth K. M1, Ganesh P Hegde2

1B.E Student, 7 th sem Information Science and Engineering, MIT Thandavapura, Mysore,
Karnataka, India

2 B.E Students, 7 th sem Information Science and Engineering, MIT Thandavapura, Mysore,
Karnataka, India

Under guidance of Professor Swarnalatha k, Information Science and Engineering, MIT

Thandavapura, Mysore, Karnataka, India

Abstract - Digital imaging has eyes. Therefore verification of originality of

experienced tremendous growth in recent images has become a challenging task. An
image can be manipulated with a wide variety
decades, and digital camera images have
been used in a growing number of Manipulation techniques such as scaling,
applications. Now a day’s several software’s rotation, blurring, re sampling, filtering,
are available that are used to manipulate cropping, etc. Image forgery detection
image so that the image is look like as technique is needed in many fields for
original. Images are used as authenticated protecting copyright and preventing forgery.
proof for any crime and if these images do The verification of originality of images is
required in variety of applications such as
not remain genuine then it will create a
military, forensic, media, scientific, glamour,
problem. Detecting these types of forgeries etc. Image tampering is a digital art which
has become serious problem at present. To needs understanding of image properties and
determine whether a digital image is good visual creativity. Detection of image
original or doctored is a big challenge. To tampering deals with investigation on
find the marks of tampering in a digital tampered images for possible correlations
embedded due to tampering operations.
image is a challenging task. This paper
Detecting forgery in digital images is a rising
presents a literature survey on some of the research field with important implications for
image Manipulation detection techniques ensuring the credibility of digital images.
such as contrast enhancement detection,
splicing and composition detection, image With the rapid development of digital media
tampering etc. Comparison of all the editing techniques, digital image
techniques concludes the better approach manipulation becomes rather convenient and
easy. While it benefits to legal image
for its future research.
processing, malicious users might use such
innocent manipulations to tamper digital
1. INTRODUCTION photograph images. Currently, image
forgeries are widespread on the Internet and
In today’s world it is easy to manipulate the other security-related applications such as
image by adding or removing some elements surveillance and recognition that utilize
from the image which results in a high images are therefore impacted. The event and
number of image forgeries. With the scene information delivered in images might
increasing applications of digital imaging, become no longer believable. In the
different types of software are introduced for applications such as law enforcement and
image processing. Such software can do an news recording, it is also necessary to verify
alteration in digital image by changing blocks the originality and authenticity of digital
of an image without showing the effect of the images, and make clear the image
modification in the forged image. These manipulation history to get more information.
modifications cannot be noticed by human To circumvent such a problem, digital
forensic techniques have been proposed to digitalimage.
blindly verify the integrity and authenticity of

Generally, image manipulations could be

classified into 1. Image Quality Measures: These focuses on
the difference between a doctored image and
i. content-changing manipulations its original version. The original not being
ii. content-preserving manipulations available, it is emulated via the blurred
version of the test image.
Accordingly, prior works on image 2. Higher Order Wavelet Statistics: These are
manipulation forensics fall into two extracted from the multi scale decomposition
categories. As the first category, the forensics of the image.
methods focus on detecting image tampering 3. Binary Similarity Measure: These measures
such as copy capture the correlation and texture
–move and splicing, by which the image properties between and within the low
content is significance bit planes, which are more likely
Reshaped arbitrarily according to semantic to be affected by manipulations.
content. In the second category, common
manipulations, as compression, blur and To deal with the detection of doctoring
contrast enhancement is detected passively. effects, firstly, single tools to detect the basic
These content-preserving manipulations are image-processing operations are developed.
often applied as post processing to conceal the Then, these individual “weak” detectors
residual trail of malicious tampering assembled together to determine the
operations and create realistic forgeries. presence of doctoring in an expert fusion
The phenomenon of image forgery leads to
serious consequences such as reducing Swaminathan et al. [2] proposed a method to
trustworthiness and creating false beliefs in estimate both in-camera and post-camera
many real-world applications. It was published operation fingerprints for verifying the
on the front page of L.A. Times in 2003, integrity of photographs. This paper
causing the public image of the British Army to introduces a new methodology for the
be brutal, merciless. Besides splicing, doctored forensic analysis of digital camera images.
images can be generated with other The proposed method is based on the
operations. observation that many processing operations,
both inside and outside acquisition devices,
2. CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS leave distinct intrinsic traces on digital
images, and these intrinsic fingerprints can be
identified and employed to verify the integrity
The objective of the literature review is to find
of digital data. The intrinsic fingerprints of the
and explore the benefits of image manipulation
various in-camera processing operations can
detection technique and also to find the
be estimated through a detailed imaging
shortcomings in existing methods and
model and its component analysis. Further
Techniques. The main goal of this literature
processing applied to the camera captured
review is to find the gaps in existing research
image is modelled as a manipulation filter, for
and techniques and to find possible solutions
which a blind deconvolution technique is
to overcome these holes.
applied to obtain a linear time-invariant
approximation and to estimate the intrinsic
3.LITERATURE SURVEY fingerprints associated with these post
camera operations. The absence of camera-
S. Bayram, et al. [1] proposed a technique for
imposed fingerprints from a test image
the detection of doctoring in digital image.
indicates that the test image is not a camera
Doctoring typically involves multiple steps,
output and is possibly generated by other
which typically involve a sequence of
elementary image-processing operations,
such as scaling, rotation, contrast shift,
smoothing, etc. The methodology used is Production processes. Any change or
based on the three categories of statistical inconsistencies among the estimated camera-
features including binary similarity, image imposed fingerprints, or the presence of new
quality and wavelet statistics. The three types of fingerprints suggest that the image
categories of forensic features are as follows: has undergone some kind of processing after
the initial capture, such as tampering or detection of these types of operations may not
steganographic embedding. necessarily pertain to malicious tampering,
they certainly throw in doubt the authenticity
H. Cao et al. [3] designed a new ensemble of the image and its content. The technique
manipulation detector to simultaneously
detect a wide range of manipulation types on
local image patches. Fan et al. [4] proposed to
correlate statistical noise features with For detecting noise is able to detect whether
exchangeable image file format header the image is in noise or not, such as speckle
features for manipulation detection. noise, Gaussian noise etc.

M. C. Stamm and K. J. R. Liu, [5] proposed M. Stamm and K. Liu [6] focuses on recovering
different methods not only for the detection of the possible information about the
global and local contrast enhancement but also unmodified version of image and the
for identifying the use of histogram operations used to modify it, once image
equalization and for the detection of the global alterations have been detected. An iterative
addition of noise to a previously JPEG- method based on probabilistic model is
compressed image. The methodologies used proposed to jointly estimate the contrast
are as follows. enhancement mapping used to alter the
image as well as the histogram of the
i). Detecting globally applied contrast unaltered version of the image. The
enhancement in image probabilistic model identifies the histogram
entries that are the most likely to occur with
Contrast enhancement operations are the corresponding enhancement artifacts.
viewed as non linear pixel mapping which
introduce artifacts into an image histogram.
Non linear mappings are separated into P. Ferrara, et al. [7] proposed a paper in
regions where the mapping is locally which a comparison between two forensic
contractive. The contract mapping maps techniques for the reverse engineering of a
multiple unique input pixel values to the same chain composed by a double JPEG
output pixel value. Result in the addition of compression interleaved by a linear contrast
sudden peak to an image histogram. enhancement is presented. The first approach
is based on the well known peak-to-valley
ii).Detecting locally applied contrast behaviour of the histogram of double-
enhancement in image quantized DCT coefficients, while the second
approach is based on the distribution of the
Contrast enhancement operation
first digit of DCT coefficients. These methods
may be locally applied to disguise visual clues
have been extended to the study of the
of image tampering. Localized detection of
considered processing chain, for both the
these operations can be used as evidence of
chain detection and the estimation of its
cut-and-paste type forgery. The forensic
parameters. More specifically, the proposed
technique is extended into a method to detect
approaches provide an estimation of the
such type of cut-and- paste forgery.
quality factor of the previous JPEG
compression and the amount of linear
iii).Detecting Histogram equalization in image
contrast enhancement.
Just like any other contrast
enhancement operation, histogram G. Cao, Y. Zhao, R. Ni and X. Li [8] proposed
equalization operation introduces sudden two novel algorithms to detect the contrast
peaks and gaps into an image histogram. The enhancement involved manipulations in
techniques are extended into method for digital images. First for detecting the contrast
detecting histogram equalization in image enhancement based manipulation involved in
JPEG compressed images and the second one
iv). Detecting Noise in image is used for detecting composite image. The
methodologies are:
Additive noise may be globally
applied to an image not only to cover visual i. Global Contrast Enhancement Detection
evidence of forgery, but also in an attempt to
destroy forensically significant indicators of Algorithm proposed in this paper, detects the
other tampering operations. Though the contrast enhancement not only in
uncompressed or high quality JPEG
compressed images but also in middle/low
quality ones. The main identifying feature of
gray level histogram used is zero-height gap
bin. Fig. 1 shows the definition of zero-height
This paper presents a brief survey on image
manipulation detection methods for contrast
enhanced and cut-and- paste type of forged
images. Many approaches have been proposed
for such type of retouching forgery detection,
each one has certain merits and demerits. The
techniques described in [8] overcome the
gap bin. limitations of previous approaches. The
techniques that are robust against the post
processing operations and anti-forensic
Fig 1: Definition of zero-height gap techniques need to be developed.
[1] S. Bayram, I. Avcubas, B. Sankur, and N.
ii. Identify Source-Enhanced Composite Memon, “Image manipulation detection,” J.
Images Electron. Imag., vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 04110201–
04110217, 2006.
A novel algorithm is proposed to identify the
source-enhanced composite image created by [2] A. Swaminathan, M. Wu, and K. J. R. Liu,
enforcing contrast adjustment on either single “Digital image forensics via intrinsic
fingerprints,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics
Security, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 101–117, Mar. 2008.

[3] H. Cao and A. C. Kot, “Manipulation

detection on image patches using
FusionBoost,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics
Security, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 992–1002, Jun. 2012.

[4] J. Fan, H. Cao, and A. C. Kot, “Estimating

EXIF parameters based on noise features for
image manipulation detection,” IEEE Trans.
Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 608–
618, Apr. 2013.
Fig 2: both-source enhanced cut-and-paste [5] M. C. Stamm and K. J. R. Liu, “Forensic
image forgery detection of image manipulation using
(a) and (b) original source images. (c) both- statistical intrinsic fingerprints,” IEEE Trans.
source enhanced composite forged image Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 492–
506, Sep. 2010.
Or both source regions.Fig. 3 shows the both-
Source enhanced composite forged image. The [6] M. C. Stamm and K. J. R. Liu, “Forensic
two source images used for creating cut-and- estimation and reconstruction of a contrast
paste type of forged images may have different enhancement mapping,” in Proc. IEEE Int.
color temperature or luminance contrast. So, Conf. Acoust., Speech Signal, Dallas, TX, USA,
in order to make the forged image more real, Mar. 2010, pp. 1698–1701.
contrast enhancement is performed on either
one or both the regions. In this paper, a new [7] P. Ferrara, T. Bianchiy, A. De Rosaz, and A.
method was proposed to identify not only Piva, “Reverse engineering of double
single source enhanced but also both source compressed images in the presence of
enhanced cut-and- paste type of forged contrast enhancement,” in Proc. IEEE
images. Workshop Multimedia Signal Process., Pula,
Croatia,Sep./Oct. 2013, pp. 141–146.
[8] Gang Cao, Yao Zhao, Rongrong Ni
“Contrast Enhancement-Based Forensics in
Digital Images” IEEE transactions on
information forensics and security, vol. 9, no.
3, march 2014


Currently pursuing B.E in
Information Science and
Engineering under V T U,
Karnataka in Maharaja Institution
of Technology Thandavapura

Ganesh P Hegde
Currently pursuing B.E in
Information Science and
Engineering under V T U,
Karnataka in Maharaja Institution
of Technology Thandavapura

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