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Egyptian Initiation Crata Repoa

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The document provides an overview of an ancient Egyptian secret society known as Crata Repoa and details its initiation process and grades/levels, as well as the roles and attire of different officers.

The Crata Repoa society was an ancient Egyptian secret society. The initiation requirements included a recommendation letter, circumcision, dietary restrictions, solitary contemplation, and tests. The goal was to progress to higher grades/levels.

There were seven grades/levels of initiation - First, Second, Third, Astronomus, Practicus, Theoreticus, and Propheta (highest). Higher privileges and secrets were revealed at each level.


into the
ancient, secret society
of the
Egyptian Priests
Nick Farrell
Rome 200
Nick Farrell 2009
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!y this Author
Occult Titles
Making Talismans (Llewell yn)
Magical Pathworking (Llewell yn)
Gathering the Magic (Immanon Press)
Egypti an Shaman (Due 2!) (Thoth Pu"lications)
The Drui#ical $r#er o% Pen#ragon (&ith 'olin (o"ertson) (Thoth
The )ing o*er the &ater (Due 2+) (&ith Melissa Sei ms) (Thoth
Other Free "books
The ,ook o% the Tom"
Geomancy -otes
&hen a Tree .alls (Immanon Press)
#ork $n %rogress
The Gol#en Dawn Temple Tarot Deck
The Gol#en Dawn Temple Tarot (with /arry 0 -icola &en#rich1 )
,ecoming a (eal Magician (E"ook)
)ing#om 'ome (-o*el)
I f y o u l i k e t h e f r e e s t u f f I wr i t e , i t w o u l d b e n i c e i f y o u s u p p o r t e d my p r o j e c t s
a n d s p l a s h e d o u t o n s o m e o f t h e p a i d - f o r b o o k s . T h e y a r e a l l o n A m a z o n o r
a v a i l a b l e f r o m T h o t h Pu b l i c a t i o n s .
T h e o v e l i s a c o m e d y , b u t h a s s o m e f a i r l y s e r i o u s e s o t e r i c t e a c h i n ! b u r i e d i n s i d e .
This small2 an# largely %orgot ten work was in%luential on t he #e*elopment o% t he
&estern Mystery Tra#ition1 'oncepts an# t he "elie% in t he i#ea o% a particular
type o% initiation system2 or t he Mysteries2 were %irst %orme# "y t his te3t1
/istorically i ts claims are "ogus or unlikely "ut ha*e "een up4hel# "y groups
t hat use# it as a template inclu#ing t he European Esoteric .reemasonic Groups1
These in t ur n in%luence# t he English speaking (osicrusian $r#ers inclu#ing t he
/ermetic $r #er o% t he Gol#en Dawn2 t he $T$2 5M$('2 ,uil#ers o% t he
5#ytum an# Dion .ortune1
The "ook was popular in Germany an# I was gi*en a German copy "y t he
So#alitas (osae 'rucis 0 Solis 5lati ht t p6 7 7www1rosae4crucis1net 7our
82or#er1 ht m 1
This "ooklet was t ranslate# "y 5nita /or ner an# was originally going t o "e part
o% a "igger pu"lication on anot her mat ter1 Since t hat pro9ect #oes not seem t o
ha*e come t o %ruition I %elt t hat t he 'rata woul# "e "et ter in t he pu"lic #omain
t han languishing on my har#4#ri*e an# woul# "e a use%ul resource1
-ick .arrell
(ome Septem"er 2!
.or t he initiation o% 'rata (epoa
I% someone wishe# to 9oin t he society o% 'rata (epoa he must %irst "e
particularly recommen#e# "y an ini tiate1
Generally t his happene# "y way o% a letter %rom t he king himsel% to t he priests1
The priests2 howe*er2 %irst t urne# him away %rom /eliopolis2 re%erring him to
t he teachers at Memphis: %rom Memphis he was instructe# t o go t o The"es1
Then he was circumcise#1
Imme#iately a%terwar#s he was %or"i##en to eat certain %oo#s
an# he was not
allowe# t o #rink any more wine unt il he reache# a higher #egree an# ha#
recei*e# permission to #o so1
.inally he ha# to spen# a certain ti me2 like a prisoner2 %or many mont hs2 le%t to
his own t houghts in a su"terranean ca*e1 They ga*e him permission t o write
#own his t houghts2 which were t hen care%ully e3amine# in or#er to "etter
"ecome ac<uainte# with t he intellect o% t he new mem"er1
5%terwar#s he was "rought t o a corri#or where 'olumns o% /ermes stoo# t hat
ha# moral sayings written on t hem2 which he ha# to learn o%% "y heart1
5s soon as he knew t hese "y heart Thesmosphores came t o hi m1
/e hel# a
strong whip in his han# t o stop t he mo" "e%ore t he Door o% t he Pro%ane2
t hrough which he was t o lea# t he initiation can#i#ate1
+1 Porphyri us #e *i ta Pyt hagorae
21 /ero#ot us Li"1 2 'lemens 5le3 St romat 1 +
;1 -amely pulses an# %ishes
=1 Iam"l ycus #e Mysterils1 Pausani us Li"1 I1 relates e3plicitly t hat such stoo# i n certai n
su"t erranean ca*erns near t o The"es
>1 The e#i t or1 The en#i ngs o% t he names2 which ot herwise en# i n ?us@ are here most ly
t rans%orme# i nt o ?es@ an# ?os@ i n accor#ance wi t h Egypt ian #i alect 1
The eyes o% t he ini tiate are "lin#%ol#e# an# his han#s are "oun# with strong
linen "on#s1
.irst Gra#e
$% the Pastophoris or 5pprentice
who is to guar# t he entrance to t he Door o% the People
5s soon as t he apprentice has "een prepare# in t he grot to t he
t ook hi m "y t he han# an# le# hi m to t he Door o% t he People1
&hen he arri*e# t he Thesmosphores clappe# an ol#er Pastophoris
2 who was
poste# outsi#e t he #oor t o guar# it2 on t he shoul#er2 who t hen2 "y knocking on
t he #oor2 announce# t he apprentice %or entrance1

.ollowing some <uestions a##resse# to him2 t he Door o% t he People opene# to
him an# t he new ini tiate was let insi#e1
/ere he was aske# a"out se*eral t hi ngs "y t he /ierophant 2 to which he ha# t o
answer e3actly1

5%ter t hat t he apprentice was lea# aroun# t he ,irant ha1
Duri ng t his t ime a
terri"le win# was cause#2 an# it was permi t te# to rain on t he ini tiate1 The
strokes o% light ning %lew in his %ace2 an# #rea#%ul t hun#erclaps shook his
&hen t he apprentice coul# not "e shaken "y anything more2 t he Menies or law
rea#er rea# t he constitut ion o% t he 'rata (epoa out to hi m2 which he ha# t o
A1 5puleius #e Met am1 Li"1 DI
B1 'i cerco #e Legi"us Li "1 II1 Mi nisteriis e3 agresti i mani <ue *i ta e3cul t i a#
humani t at um2 et mi t gat i sumus1
C1 See t he e3planat i on o% an Egypt ian poi nt e# col umn2 upon which t hi s act is nat urally
ill ust rat e#1
!1 Pl ut arch i n Lacon1 5poph1 Eer"1 Lysan#er1
+1 See t he F /i st oi re #e 'i el G Tom1 I1 P1 ==
++1 Euse"1 'aesar1 Praeparat 1 E*angel1 'l emens 5le3an#1 5#moni t 1 5# Gent 1
I% he ha# completely su"mit te# hi msel% t o t he same2 t he Thesmosphores le# hi m
t o t he /ierophant 2 "e%ore whom he ha# t o kneel with "are knees an#2 whilst t he
point o% a sharp swor# was hel# t o his t hroat2 t he apprentice ha# t o swear t o
loyalty an# #iscretion2 where"y t he sun2 moon an# stars were calle# upon as
witnesses to t he t rut h o% t his oath1
.ollowing t his oat h t he apprenticeHs eyes were opene# an# he was stoo# "etween
two pillars like %iery ,etilies2 %our4cornere#1
,etween t hese two pillars lay a la##er with se*en rungs2 with eight #oors o%
#i%%erent mutations1
,ut one #i# not e3plain t hese %igures to t he apprentice imme#iately2 instea# t he
/ierophant hel# t he %ollowing speech6
?I t ur n t o you who ha*e t he right to listen to me1 'lose all t he #oors %irmly so
t hat t he pro%ane an# t he ri#iculers are una"le to come in1 ,ut you2 my Museum
or 'hil#ren o% t he &ork o% t he /ea*enly E3amination2 hear my wor#sI I am
#eclaring great t rut hs1 Protect yoursel*es against pre9u#ices an# passions2 which
will lea# you away %rom t he right path o% "liss1 Direct your t houghts t o t he
go#ly "eing an# let t he same always "e "e%ore your eyes2 so t hat you t here"y
gui#e your heart an# t houghts1 I% you want to trea# t he sa%e pat h o% "liss2 take
int o consi#eration t hat you walk constantly un#er t he eyes o% t he 5lmighty2 who
create# t he worl#1 /e is t he only "eing who maintains an# pro#uces all t hi ngs2
which e3ist %rom /i m1 /e sees e*erything1 -o mortal can see /i m an# no"o#y
can escape %rom /is gaJe@1
+21 5le3an#er a" 5le3an#ro Li "1 E1 'ap1 +
+;1 Euse"1 #emonst r1 E*ang1 Li "1 I1
+=1 $r i gi nes cont 1 'els1 p1 ;=+ #e Tra#1 De ,ouherau Di ct i on1 De 'hau%%epie Tom2 IE1 P1
C;=1 K The %i nal wor# i n t he sentence ?Mat at t en@ means ne3t t o not hi ng an# is cert ai nl y
no l onger i n mo#ern use L t he wor# ?mut at i ons@ coul # "e correct "ut i t is more a guess
t han anyt hi ng else1 e#M
+>1 Euse"1 Praeparat 1 E*ang1 I1 +;1 'l emens 5#moni t 1 a# Gent 1
5%ter t his speech t hey announce t o t he apprentice t hat t he la##er o*er whose
rungs he ha# t o clim" is an allegory o% t he 9ourney o% t he soul1 .urt her t hey
teach hi m t hat t he names o% t he go#s ha*e a <uite #i%%erent meaning %rom what
t he people "elie*e#1
They e3plain t he causes o% t he win#s2 rain2 lightni ng an# t hun#er1 In "rie% t his
#egree is #e#icate# t o t he stu#y o% nat ure1
5natomy an# t he art o% me#icine are also accounte# to t his1
They also teach t he language o% sym"ols an# t he writing o% or#inary

Imme#iately a%ter his reception t he /ierophant gi*es hi m t he passwor#2 where"y
all o% t he initiates recogniJe each other an# which was 5moun2 meaning so much
as "e #iscrete1
They also recogniJe# each other "y a particular han#shake1
Therea%ter he recei*e# a kin# o% hat which was %ol#e# like a pyrami#1 They
place# a cloth aroun# his hips which t hey calle# Dylon1 They lai# a sort o%
collar2 which howe*er lai# %lat on t he chest2 aroun# his neck1 5part %rom t his
he remaine# unclothe# an# ha# t o guar# t he Door o% t he People e*ery ti me his
t ur n came aroun#1
+A1 Iam"l ichus *i ta Pyt hagor1
+B1 Pl ut arch #e Isi #e et $si ri #e1
+C1 Iam"l ichus i n *i ta Pyt hogorae1
SE'$-D Gra#e
I% t he Pastophoris showe# signs o% his a"ilities #uri ng t he years o% his li%e he was
or#ere# to strictly %ast1
5%ter completion o% t he same t he -eocoris was taken t o a "lack cham"er name#
Tasty %oo#s which were ser*e# "y "eauti%ul women re%reshe# his worn #own
strength1 These were t he wi*es o% t he priests2 who2 like t he companions o%
Diana2 *isite# hi m an# t rie# in e*ery possi"le manner to pro*oke hi m t o lo*e1
&hen he ha# sur*i*e# t his test2 t he Themosphores returne# to hi m again an#
aske# him se*eral <uestions1
5%ter pro*i#ing t he correct answers t he -eocoris was le# t o t he meeting1 The
Stolista or water "earer poure# water o*er hi m1 Thereupon he ha# to assure t hat
he ha# li*e# a chaste an# mo#est li%e1 &hen t his action ha# "een taken t he
Thesmophores ran up t o him with a li*e snake2 t hrew i t upon his "o#y an#
pulle# i t out again %rom un#er t he loincloth1
The whole meeting place was also %ille# with snakes t o scare t he -eocoris1
The more "ra*ely he stoo# t his test2 t he more praise he recei*e# %ollowing his
/e was again le# to two high pillars2 in t he mi##le o% which an ol# man stoo#
#ri*ing a wheel "e%ore hi m1
+!1 5rno"i us Li "1 E
21 En#i mi on means i mi t at i on grot t o1 .ur t hermore one can %i n# no more #et aille#
#escri pt i on Ko% t hi s roomM apart %rom what "elongs t o t he ci t e# %a"le1
2+1 Nuli us .i rmi cus Mat ernus 'ap1 21 says i t was a cra%te# gol #en snake1
221 The Egypt ians still ha*e t he art o% wi nni ng poison %rom snakes1 Thi s is2 as a great
secret 2 not re*eale# t o t hose who ha*e not 9 oi ne# a part i cular sect amongst t hem1
2;1 $ne %i n#s t he same #escri pt i on i n t he gran# 'a"i net (omai n p1 !=1
These pillars were e3plaine# t o hi m as $rient an# $cci#ent 1 The ol# man was
an allegory o% t he sun an# t he wheel with %our spokes was sym"olic o% t he %our
Opon t his o"9ect he was taught t he art o% aligning t he spirit le*el1 Geometry
an# t he art o% "uil#ing were shown t o him an# he learnt how to work with all
t he scales an# types o% calculation which he woul# su"se<uently nee# to use1 5s
one #istinguishing mark he recei*e# a sta%% aroun# which a snake was entwine#
an# his passwor# "ecame /e*e2 with which he was relate# t he %all o% t he human
/is sign was t o cross his arms t ogether across his chest1
/is o%%ice
consiste# o% washing t he pillar1
T/I(D Gra#e
The Door o% Death
.rom which t he new initiate is name# Melanephoris
The skill an# t he goo# "eha*iour o% t he -eocoris ma#e him %it %or t his gra#e1
$ne showe# him t he ti me %or his acceptance1 /e is le# "y t he Thesmophores
int o an antecham"er2 o*er t he #oor o% which ?#oor o% #eath@ is inscri"e#1
This room was associate# with t he i#ea o% *arious sorts o% em"alme# "o#ies an#
co%%ins1 5ll o% t he walls were hung %ull with t his kin# o% pictures1 5n# "ecause
t his was t he place to which t he corpses were #eli*ere#2 t he new Melanephoris
%oun# t here t he Paraskistes
an# /eroi
at work1 /owe*er2 in t he mi##le
stoo# t he co%%in o% $siris2 who was still2 #ue to su%%ocation2 co*ere# with "loo#1
2=1 'l em1 5le31 In Prot emp1 relates somet hi ng si milar t o t his1
2>1 $ne can %i n# i ll ust rat i ons o% t his i n t he work o% /err -or #en1
2A1 People who cut t he corpses open1
2B1 /ol y men who #i # t he em"al mi ng1
K ?Erst ickung@ means su%%ocat ion an# t hat #oes not usually i n*ol*e "ei ng co*ere# i n "l oo#I
E#1 M
The new Melanephoris was aske# whether he ha# participate# in t he mur#er o%
his lor#P 5%ter t he negati*e answer to t his <uestion he was seiJe# "y two
They le# hi m into a room where all t he other Melanephores were completely
#resse# in "lack1 The king hi msel%2 who always at ten#e# t his e*ent2 a#resse#
him in a seemingly *ery %rien#ly manner an# aske# hi m2 which he #ou"te#2 to
ha*e t he courage t o en#ure t he test which was t o "e ma#e on hi m or whether he
woul# not pre%er to accept t he gol#en crown when it was o%%ere# to him1
The new Melanephoris ha#2 howe*er2 alrea#y "een instructe# t o t hrow t he
crown away an# t rample upon it1
The king imme#iately crie# out ?Such an insultI (e*engeI@ an# picke# up a
sacri%icial a3e2 with which he *ery gently hi t t he Melanephoris on t he %orehea#1
,oth t he Tapireytes t hrew t he new Melanephoris "ackwar#s on t he groun# an#
t he Paraskistes woun# hi m up in mummi%ication "an#ages1 Duri ng t his process
all o% t he others crie# %or hi m1 Therea%ter he was again taken t o a #oor o*er
which ?Sanctuary o% t he Spirits@ was inscri"e#1 &hen t he #oor o% which was
opene# strokes o% light ning an# mighty t hun#erclaps surroun#e# t he suppose#
'haron t ook t he corpse2 as a spirit2 in his "oat an# "rought him t o t he
un#erworl# 9 u#ges1 Pluto sat on his 9u#gement seat2 )ha#amant us an# Minos
were at his si#e2 as were also 5ethon2 -ycceus an# $r pheus1
Eery har# <uestions a"out his whole li%e were put to him an# he was %inally
#amne# to remain in t hese un#erworl# corri#ors1 /e was %ree# %rom t he "in#s
o% t he o% t he "urial shrou#s an# recei*e# new t ui t ion which consiste# o% t he
%ollowing sentences1
2C1 People who ha# t o "ury t he corpses1
2!1 Tert ul l ianos #e ,apt isto1 'ap1 E1
;1 The emperor 'ommo#us2 who once ha# t o a#mi nister t his o%%ice2 ma#e a gru%t out o%
i t 1 5elius Lampri #i us #e 'ommo#o Imperat ore1 K The wor# which I ha*e t ranslate# as
?emperor@ is ?)ahser@2 which I t ake t o "e an ol # German wor# %or ?)aiser@1 E#M
;+1 5puleius Li"1 Met am II1 prope %i nem1
;21 Di o#1 Sicul us Li "1 +1 *1 $r pheus K The ?*@ coul # mean ?"y@1 M
+1 -e*er t hirst %or "loo# an# spring to t he ai# o% his %ellow mem"ers i%
t hey are in #anger o% t heir li*es1
21 -e*er lea*e t he #ecease# un"urie#1
;1 E3pect t he resurrection o% t he #ea# an# t he coming 9u#gement1
5%ter t his he ha# t o spen# some ti me painti ng to #ecorate t he co%%ins an#
shrou#s o% t he mummies1 /e recei*e# instruction in a particular let tering which
was calle# hierogrammatic an# which he soon nee#e# : "ecause with it t he
history o% Egypt2 t he #escription o% t he Earth an# t he reason %or t he "eginning
o% astronomy were writ ten in it1 /e was also instructe# in oratory so t hat he
was a"le t o hol# speeches at pu"lic %unerals1 /is sign was a special type o%
em"race t o e3press t he power o% #eath1 The passwor# was Monach 'aron Mini1
I count t he #ays o% anger1
/e remaine# in t he un#erworl# corri#ors unt il one coul# 9u#ge whether he was
capa"le o% other sciences or whether he shoul# only "ecome a Paraskiste or
/eroi : "ecause he #i# not come out again %or t he rest o% his li%e2 inso%ar as he
#i# not possess t rue talent1
.$O(T/ Gra#e
The ,attle o% Sha#ows
&hen t he #ays o% anger were past2 which usually t ook a year an# a hal%2 t he
Themosphores returne# to him2 greete# hi m in a %rien#ly manner an# aske# him
t o accompany hi m "y gi*ing him a swor# an# shiel#1
They went t ogether along #ark corri#ors unt il %inally certain clothe# persons in
#rea#%ul %orms appeare#2 "earing t orches an# snakes an#2 crying Panis2 at tacke#
him1 The Themosphores comman#e# hi m to resist "ra*ely an# to %ace e*ery
#anger1 .inally he was capture# "y t hem2 "lin#%ol#e# an# a noose hung aroun#
his t hroat "ut in such a manner as t hat he coul# not "e strangle# "y it1
;;1 Tert ul l ianus #e mi li t is 'orona1
Therea%ter he was #ragge# along t he groun# to t he cham"er where he woul#
recei*e a new #egree1
The sha#ows rece#e# with new screaming2 which occurre# *ery <uickly1
/e was helpe# t o his %eet an# le#2 completely e3hauste#2 t o t he meeting1 The
"lin#%ol# was remo*e# an# here he saw t he most "eauti%ully #ecorate# cham"er
with gorgeous painti ngs1 The king hi msel% was present with t he Demiurges1
They all wore t heir 5ly#ei1
5roun# hi m sat t he Stolista or weapon "earer2 t he /ierostalista with a %eather in
t he hat2 t he secretary2 t he Qacoris who keeps t he purse an# t he (omastis2 who is
responsi"le %or taking care o% t he meals1
The $#os or speaker t hen hel# a speech in which he congratulate# t he new
'hristophoris on his intent ion1 /e has only manage# hal% o% his work upon
which he must also test him1
5%ter t hat he is gi*en a #rink which was *ery "i t ter an# was calle# 'yce1
he ha# to #rink to t he "ot tom1 Opon t his he was gi*en t he shiel# o% Mi ner*a2
also calle# Isis2 cla# him in t he "oots o% 5nu"is2 who was i#entical to Mercury2
an# t he cloak o% $rci with t he cap1 /e recei*e# a swor# an# he was or#ere# to
hack o%% t he hea# o% t he person he woul# encounter t here in t he ca*e an# "ring
it to t he king1 E*ery mem"er calle# out -i o"e2 t here is t he ca*e o% t he enemy1
5 *ery "eauti%ul woman was to "e seen in t he ca*e2 who seeme# t o "e ali*e an#
*ery artistically ma#e o% %ine "u""les an# skins1
;=1 The Demi urges was t he highest i nt en#ant o% t he society1
;>1 5elianus *ar1 /i st or1 Li"1 DIE 'ap1 ;=1 &ri t es a"out i t 6 Eum omni um homi num
i ust issimum et t enacissimum oport i "at 2 <ui circa collum i magi nem e3 Sapphi ro gemma
con%ectam gesta"at 1
;A1 This is pro"a"ly t he same as t he #ri nk 5t henaeus Li "1 !
The new 'hristophoris went up to her2 gra""e# her "y t he hair an# cut her hea#
o%%1 /e "rought t his t o t he king an# t he Demi urges2 who praise# his heroic act
an# tol# hi m t hat he ha# "ehea#e# t he Gorgon
2 who ha# "een marrie# t o
Typhon an# ha# pro*i#e# t he reason %or t he mur#er o% $siris1 /e shoul# "e a
constant guar# against e*il1 Thereupon he recei*e# permission t o always wear
t he clothing t hat he ha# "een gi*en1 /is name was entere# into t he "ook which
containe# all o% t he 9 u#ges in t he count ry1
/e ha# %ree interaction with t he king1 /e recei*e# his meals %rom court 1
/e recei*e# all t he statute "ooks o% t he count ry an# a me#al t hat 2 howe*er2 he
was only permi t te# t o wear #uring t he acceptance o% a 'hristophoris an# in t he
t own Sais1 It showe# Isis or Miner*a in t he %orm o% an owl1
/e was gi*en t he %ollowing e3planation t hat a man was "orn as "lin# as an owl2
"ecame a person "y tests an# t he wis#om o% t he worl#1 The helmet meant t he
greatest #egree o% wis#om2 t he hea# o% t he Gorgon2 t he suppression o% passions1
The shiel# #enote# protection %rom ri#icule1 The pillar sym"oliJe# stea#iness1
The water 9ug e<uate# t he t hi rst %or science1 The <ui*er with t he arrows was
elo<uence1 The spear was persuasion %rom a%ar "ecause t herewith others coul#
"e in9ure#1 The palm an# t he oli*e "ranch were Peace1
.urt hermore t hey taught him t hat t he name o% t he great lawgi*er was Noa1
That was also t he passwor#1
They sometimes hel# meetings which coul# only "e at ten#e# "y all t he
These chapters were known as Pyron1
;B1 Gorgo2 Gorgal an# Gorgone are Egypt i an names %or t he Me#usa1
;C1 Di o#orus Siculus Li"1 I1 #e Iu#i cis 5egypti orum1
;!1 Gran# 'a"i net (omai n p1 2A1
=1 Di o#orus Siculus Li"1 I #e 5egypt iis legumlat ori "us1 It is part i cularly when t he wor#
Neho*ah is wri t t en wi t hout #ots Kor %ull stopsM t hat i t is known as Noa1
=+1 Li t 1 #e Nustice1
They ha# a chapter wor#2 namely Sa%ychis1
$t herwise he ha# to use t he 5mmanic language1
.I.T/ Gra#e
The 'hristophoris ha# t he right to #eman# t his #egree2 which coul# not "e
re%use# t o hi m "y t he Demiurges1
/e was t here%ore gui#e# to t he place o% t he meeting2 where he was recei*e# "y
all t he mem"ers an# le# into t he cham"er1 Thereupon a kin# o% play was
enacte#2 which he was only permit te# to watch an# which was e3plaine# to him
only later1 $ne person2 who was name# $r us2 went2 accompanie# "y se*eral
,alahateu who all "ore t orches2 aroun# t he room an# all appeare# to "e a%rai# o%
something1 .inally $r us "egan t o #raw his swor#1 Therea%ter one saw a ca*e
a"o*e which %lames licke# out an# Typhon was sitting <ui te sa#ly as a mur#erer1
$r us #rew close to him1 Typhon2 howe*er2 stoo# up an# showe# himsel% in a
#rea#%ul %orm1 5 hun#re# hea#s sat on his shoul#ers1 /is entire "o#y was
co*ere# with scales un# his arms ha# an astoun#ing length1 -otwit hstan#i ng
t hat $r us approache# him2 t hrew him t o t he groun# an# kille# him1 /is "o#y
was t hrown2 a%ter i t was "ehea#e#2 int o t he ca*e2 %rom which ghastly %lames now
"roke out 1 The hea#2 howe*er2 was t hrown %rom one to t he other2 without
speaking a wor#1
The new ,alahate t hereupon recei*e# t he news t hat Typhon meant %ire2 which
was one o% t he most atrocious elements2 without which howe*er not hi ng coul#
"e achie*e# in t he worl#1
=21 5n ancient Egypt ian pri est 1
=;1 The ammanic language was t he secret one "ecause he was now *ery close t o learni ng t he
ent i re secret 1
$r us2 t he work an# #illigence coul#2 howe*er2 make great use o% i t i% t hey knew
how to kill its *iolence at t he same ti me1
5t t his t he ,alahat was gi*en t he instruction %or chemistry K t his may more pro"a"ly
ha*e "een alchemy1 e#M an#2 inso%ar as he wante# t o2 was %ree to o"ser*e all t heir
e3periments K t he l i t eral t ranslat ion was i n*estigat ions or e3ami nat i ons e#1 M as o%ten as he
.or t his purpose his passwor# was 'hymia1
SIDT/ Gra#e
5stronomus "e%ore the Gateway o% the Go#s
This #egree was connecte# with some preparations an# he was %ettere# an#
"oun# imme#iately when he reache# t he cham"er o% meeting1
The Thermosphores le# him t herea%ter %irst "ack to t he gateway o% #eath2 which
ha# %our steps which one ha# to go #own "ecause at t he ini tiation o% t he t hir#
gra#e t he ca*e was %ille# with water1
/ere he saw corpses laying which ha# "een kille# as t raitors to t he society1 /e
was t hreatene# with t he same %ate an# now he was le# "ack to swear a new oath1
/a*ing sworn t his he was tol# o% t he origin o% t he entire #octrine o% t he Go#s
an# gi*en instruction in t he practical art o% t he stars Ki 1 e1 ast ronomyM1 /e ha# t o
atten# o"ser*ations at night an# help t he ot hers with t he work1
/e was warne# against astrologers an# horoscopes o% which t hey ha# a true
hatre# an# a"horrence "ecause t hey were t he authors o% all i#ols an#
superstitions1 These %alse teachers o% t he people ha# chosen t he wor# Phoeni3 as
t heir passwor#2 which t he 5stronomi only ri#icule#1
==1 /el i o#orus /i st 1 5ethiop1 Li"1 ;
Straight a%ter his a#mission he was taken t o t he Gateway o% t he Go#s2 which was
opene# %or hi m1 /e %oun# t hem all picture#2 where%rom t he Demi urgus ga*e
him an interpretation o% t heir history hi msel% without keeping anything %rom
him1 They also in#icate# t o hi m t he succession Kli terally ?row@M o% t heir %ormer
chie% superinten#ents an# showe# hi m t he list o% all o% t heir mem"ers strewn
t hroughout t he worl#1 They also taught him a priestly #ance2 in t he steps o%
which t he or"its o% t he stars was int ro#uce#1
The passwor# was I"is2 which meant crane an# sym"oliJe# *igilance1
SEEE-T/ Gra#e=A
Propheta or rather Saphenath Pancah2
he who knows secrets
The last an# most e3cellent gra#e2 in which all o% t he secrets are e3plaine# more
e3actly1 The 5stronomus coul# not 2 without permission an# appro*al o% t he
king2 t he Demi urgus an# all o% t he higher mem"ers2 achie*e t his gra#e1
Thereupon t hey hel# pu"lic processions2 where"y t hey showe# all o% t he
sanctuaries t o t he people all t he t ime1 This procession was calle# Palmylach1
5s soon as t hese were past2 t hey secretly le%t t he town "y night K t o go t oM certain
houses which were "uilt in a s<uare an# which ha# #i%%erent rooms t hat were all
gorgeously painte# an# #epicte# human li*es1
=>1 Lucian #e Sal tat ione1
=A1 Iam"l ychus #e Myst eryis 5egypt 1
=B1 Means $r i s 'i rcumcisio2 cut t i ng7 ci rcumcision o% t he t ongue1
=C1 Eoyage #e Lucas en Egypte1
These houses were calle# Maneras
2 "ecause t he common people "elie*e# t hat
t hey ha# a special association with t he #ecease# Manes Kwhere"y ?Manes@ coul #
possi"ly also "e a noun2 t hough I ha*e ne*er hear# a si milar mo#ern German wor#M1 &hen
t hey arri*e# in t hese houses2 which were surroun#e# "y many columns2 upon
which stoo# alternately a sphin3 an# a co%%in2 t he new Phropheta was gi*en a
#rink o% oimellas
2 an# t ol# "e%ore t his t hat all tests were now at an en#1
5%ter t his he recei*e# a cross with a special meaning2 which he ha# to wear
/e was gi*en a "eauti%ul white2 stripe# an# *ery wi#e ro"e which was calle#
/is hea##ress was s<uare1
/is sign was mainly t hat he usually kept his han#s crosse# insi#e his wi#e
/ereupon all his hair was cut o%%1
5%ter t his he recei*e# permission t o rea# all t he secret "ooks2 which were writ ten
in t he 5monic language2 %or which purpose he was gi*en t he co#e an# was
name# royal ?,au"alken?1
@ K?,au@ means "ui l #i ng or const ruct i on2 ?"alken@ means
"eam2 "aul k2 9 oist 2 t i m"er2 "ar1 It coul # mean carpent er1 e#M
The greatest pri*ilege which t hey recei*e# was t hat t hey coul# help to choose
t he kings1
Their wor# was 5#on1
/e coul# also2 a%ter a certain perio#2 recei*e o%%ices in t he society an# "ecome
=!1 /ouses o% t he #ea#7 o% #eat h1
>1 Pro"a"ly ma#e o% wi ne an# honey1 5t henaeus Li"1 !1
>+1 (u%i nus Li"1 II 'ap1 2!1
>21 Porphyri us #e 5"sti nent i a1
>;1 Pieri us Li"1 ;21 Gran 'a"i net (omai n p1 AA1 K The wor# here is clearly ?a"geschni t t en@2
not ?a"geschoren@2 which woul # mean sha*e# o%%1 M
>=1 Pl ut arch #e amore %raterno1 Di o#orus Sicul us i n 5##i t i oni "us1
>>1 Synesus #e Proui #ent i a1
>A1 /i st ori ae Deor1 Synt agma pri mum Lilio Greg1 5ut ore p1 21
The $%%icers an# their 'lothing
1. Demiurges2 t he highest superinten#ent o% t he society2 wore a sky4"lue
coat em"roi#ere# with stars an# a yellow "elt1
/e wore a sapphire surroun#e# with 9ewels on a gol#en chain aroun# his
5t t he same ti me he was also t he most senior 9 u#ge in t he entire count ry1
21 /ierophantes was clothe# nearly t he same as t he Demi urges with t he
only #i%%erence t hat he wore a cross1
;1 Stolista2 t he water "earer2 ha# white stripe# coat on an# a special kin#
o% "oots1 /e ha# t he responsi"ility %or all t he clothi ng1
=1 The /ierostolista wore a %eather in his hat an# carrie# a container
calle# a 'anonicon with a cylin#rical %igure in which ink %or writing was
5. The K t e3t en#s hereM
>B1 Mont %aucon Tom1 II1 p1 +21 %ig1 ;1 Ongerus Li"1 De 'i ngulis1

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