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Ak 47 AKM Technical Manual DETAILED

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Kalashnikov AK-47 and AKM assault rifles (USSR)

Kalashnikov AK (the original AK-47 with combination stamped / milled receiver)
Modified AK (1!! man"fact"re)# with machined receiver$ %ote the distinctive
machined c"ts above and forward of the maga&ine well$
A"tomat Kalashnikova Moderni&ed - AKM assa"lt rifle# with the m"ltip"rpose
ba'onet-knife$ %ote that the stamped receiver has small indents above the maga&ine
instead of the machined c"ts on the earlier AK models$
AKM( - AKM with folding b"ttstock
AKM with )*-+! 4,mm "nder barrel grenade la"ncher
General description:
-he original AK was also known as the AK-47$ .t was a gas-operated# selective-
fire weapon$ /ike all 7$0+-mm Kalashnikov assa"lt rifles# it fired the (oviet 7$0+ 1 2-
mm M142 ro"nd and "sed a standard 2,-ro"nd c"rved bo1 maga&ine$ -he AK came
in two versions3 one with a fi1ed wooden stock# and another# the AK(# with a folding
metal stock iss"ed primaril' to parach"tist and armor troops$ 41cept for the
differences in the stock and the lack of a tool kit with the AK(# the two version were
identical$ -he earl' AKs had no ba'onet# b"t the version with the fi1ed wooden stock
later mo"nted a detachable knife ba'onet$
-he improved model# known as the AKM# is easier to prod"ce and operate$ .t
weighs abo"t one kilogram less than the AK$ -he red"ced weight res"lts from "sing
thinner# stamped sheet metal parts rather than machined# forged steel5 laminated wood
rather than solid wood in the hand g"ard# forearm# pistol grip# and b"tt stock5 and new
lightweight al"min"m and plastic maga&ines$ 6ther improvements incl"de a straighter
stock for better control5 an improved gas c'linder5 a rate-of-fire control alongside the
trigger5 a rear sight grad"ated to 1#,,, meters rather than 7,, meters5 and a greatl'
improved# detachable ba'onet$
-he AKM also has a folding-stock version# designated AKM(# intended for "se
b' riflemen in armored infantr' combat vehicles s"ch as the 8M*$ 41cept for its --
shaped# stamped-metal# folding b"tt stock# the AKM( is identical to the AKM$ -he
folding-stock model can red"ce its length from 707 to 0 millimeters$ -he
Kalashnikov assa"lt rifle# also known as the AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova - 47#
Kalashnikov a"tomatic rifle# model of 147)# and its derivatives# also known "nder
the common name of AK# is the most prolific small arm of the +nd half of the 99
cent"r'$ .t had been and still is (in more or less modified forms) man"fact"red in
do&ens of co"ntries# and "sed in h"ndreds of co"ntries and conflicts since its
introd"ction$ -he total n"mber of the AK-t'pe rifles made worldwide d"ring the last
!, 'ears is estimated at ,: millions$
8' the 1! the AK was modified again# this time more e1tensivel'# and was
conse;"entl' adopted (after trials) as the AKM (Avtomat Kalashnikova
Moderni&irovann'< - Kalashnikov A"tomatic rifle# Modified)$ -he ke' changes were
the introd"ction of the stamped receiver instead of the milled one# and improved
trigger/hammer "nit# that introd"ced a hammer release dela' device (often incorrectl'
referred as a rate red"cer)$ 6ther changes were the redesigned# slightl' raised
b"ttstock and the pistol grip# and the addition of the removable m"&&le flip
compensator$ -his spoon-like compensator is screwed onto the m"&&le and "sed the
m"&&le blast to red"ce m"&&le climb d"ring the b"rst fire$ -he compensator co"ld be
replaced b' the screw-on =*8(-1 noiseless firing device=# generall' known as a
silencer$ -his silencer re;"ired special# s"b-sonic amm"nition with heavier b"llets to
be "sed$ Another change from AK to AKM was a slightl' improved rear sight# with
settings from 1,, to 1,,, (instead of the 7,, on AK) meters$ 8oth 7,, and 1,,,
meters# however# are e1cessivel' optimistic for an' practical "se# since the effective
fire is limited ro"ghl' to 2,,-4,, meters# if not less$
Technical description for the AK assa!lt rifle:
"artrid#e: 7$0+ 1 2 mm $peration: gas# selective fire
Loc%in#: rotating bolt Feed:
2,-ro"nd detachable bo1
&ei#ht: 4$2 kg Len#th: 70 mm
'arrel: 414 mm Riflin#:
4 grooves# rh# 1 t"rn in
+2! mm
fore# post# ad<"stable5 rear# >-
notch# tangent
71, m/s
Rate of
c'clic# 0,, rds/min
4,, m
-he AKM is a gas operated# selective fire assa"lt rifle$ -he gas-operated action
has a massive bolt carrier with a permanentl' attached long stroke gas piston$ -he gas
chamber is located above the barrel$ -he bolt carrier rides on the two rails# machined
in the receiver# with the significant clearances between the moving and stationar'
parts# which allows the g"n to operate even when its interior is severel' fo"led with
sand or m"d$ -he rotating bolt has two massive l"gs that lock into the receiver$ 8olt is
so designed that on the "nlocking rotation it also makes a primar' e1traction
movement to the fired case$ -his res"lts in ver' positive and reliable e1traction even
with dirt' chamber and cases$ -he rotation of the bolt is ens"red b' the c"rved cam
track# machined in the bolt carrier# and b' the appropriate st"d on the bolt itself$ -he
ret"rn spring and a spring g"ide are located behind the gas piston and are partiall'
hidden in its hollow rear part when bolt is in batter'$ -he ret"rn spring base also
serves as a receiver cover lock$ -he cocking handle is permanentl' attached to the
bolt carrier (in fact# it forms a single machined steel "nit with carrier)# and does
reciprocate when g"n is fired$
-he receiver of the AKM is made from the stamped sheet steel# with machined
steel inserts riveted into the place where re;"ired$ 4arliest AK-47 receivers were also
made from the stamped and machined parts# riveted together# b"t this soon proved to
be "nsatisfactor'# and most of the AK (pre-1!) rifles were made with completel'
machined receivers$ -he receiver cover is a stamped sheet metal part# with stamped
strengthening ribs fo"nd on the AKM covers$
-he relativel' simple trigger/hammer mechanism is loosel' based on the 1,,?s
period 8rowning deigns (m"ch like the most other modern assa"lt rifles)# and feat"res
a hammer with two sears - one main# mo"nted on the trigger e1tension# and one for
the semi-a"tomatic fire# that intercepts the hammer in the cocking position after the
shot is fired and "ntil the trigger is released$ Additional a"to sear is "sed to release the
hammer in f"ll a"to mode$ -he AKM trigger "nit also feat"red a hammer release
dela' device# which is served to dela' the hammer release in the f"ll a"to fire b' few
microseconds$ -his does not affect the c'clic rate of fire# b"t allows the bolt gro"p to
settle in the forward most position after ret"rning into the batter'$ -he combined
safet' - fire selector switch of distinctive shape is located on the right side of the
receiver$ .n the =(afe= position (topmost)# it locks the bolt gro"p and the trigger# and
also served as a d"st cover$ -he middle position is for a"tomatic fire# and the bottom
position is for single shots$ -he safet' / fire selector switch is considered b' man' as
the main drawback of the whole AK design# which is not c"red in the most of
derivatives "ntil now$ .t is slow# "ncomfortable and sometimes stiff to operate
(especiall' when wearing gloves or mittens)# and# when act"ated# prod"ces a lo"d and
distinctive click$ -here is no bolt stop device# and the bolt alwa's goes forward when
the last shot from the maga&ine is fired$
AKM is fed from the 2, ro"nds# stamped steel maga&ines of heav'# b"t rob"st
design$ 4arl' AK maga&ines were of slab-sided design# b"t the more common AKM
maga&ines feat"red additional stamped ribs on the sides$ *ositive maga&ine catch is
located <"st ahead of the trigger g"ard and solidl' locks the maga&ine into the place$
.nsertion and the removal of the maga&ine re;"ires slight rotation of the maga&ine
aro"nd its front top corner# which has a solid locking l"g$ .f available and re;"ired# a
4, ro"nd bo1 maga&ines of similar design# or the 7! ro"nds dr"ms (both from the
@*K light machine g"n) can be "sed$ /ate in prod"ction# plastic maga&ines of the
distinctive reddish color were introd"ced$
AKM rifles were iss"ed with wooden stocks and pistol handles$ /ate prod"ction
AKM rifles had a plastic pistol grip instead of wooden one$ -he wooden b"ttstock has
a steel b"ttplate with mo"setrap cover# which covers the accessor' container in the
b"tt$ -he AK b"ttstock are more swept-down than the AKM ones$ -he folding stock
version had been developed for the airborne troops and its had an "nderfolding steel
sho"lder stock$ -hese modifications of the AK and AKM were designated the AK(
and AKM(# respectivel'$ AK were iss"ed with the detachable knife-ba'onets# and the
AKM introd"ced a new pattern of the shorter# m"ltip"rpose knife-ba'onet# which can
be "sed in con<"nction with its sheath to form a wire-c"tter$ All AK and AKM rifles
were iss"ed with the canvas carr'ing slings$
-he sights of the AKM consist of the hooded front post and the >-notch open
rear$ (ights are grad"ated from 1,, to 1,,, (7,, on AK) meters# with an additional
=fi1ed= battle setting that can be "sed for all ranges "p to 2,, meters$
AKM rifles also can be fitted with the 4,mm )*-+! grenade la"nchers# which
are mo"nted "nder the forend and the barrel$ )renade la"nchers had its own sights on
the left side of the "nit$
All 7$0+-mm Kalashnikov assa"lt rifles fire in either semia"tomatic or a"tomatic
mode and have an effective range of abo"t 2,, meters$ At f"ll c'clic rate# the' can
fire abo"t 0,, ro"nds per min"te ("p to 04, ro"nds per min"te for the AKM)# with a
practical rate of abo"t 1,, ro"nds per min"te f"ll' a"tomatic or 4, ro"nds per min"te
semia"tomatic$ 8oth the AK and AKM can mo"nt a grenade la"ncher$ 8oth can have
passive image intensifier night sights$ 8oth can f"nction normall' after total
immersion in m"d and water$ -he f"ll' chromed barrel ens"res effective operation
even at ver' low temperat"res$ -he m"&&le of either weapon fits into the swiveling
firing points of the 8M*$ -h"s# the infantr'man can fire the weapon while the vehicle
is moving$
-he most serio"s drawback to the AK and AKM is the low m"&&le velocit' (71,
meters per second) of the relativel' heav' 7$0+-mm ro"nd$ -his res"lts in a looping
tra<ector' that re;"ires a cl"ms' ad<"stment for acc"rac' at ranges be'ond 2,,
meters$ -he barrel overheats ;"ickl' when the weapon fires for e1tended periods#
making the weapon hard to handle and occasionall' ca"sing a ro"nd to e1plode
premat"rel' in the chamber$ -he e1posed gas c'linder is easil' dented# sometimes
ca"sing the weapon to malf"nction$
-ota+le Feat!res
-he selector lever is a large lever on the right side# eas' to manip"late with
mittens "nder arctic conditions$
-he highest position of the selector lever is safe$ (afe prevents trigger
movement and cocking$ .n man' models# this position is "nmarked$ .nternational
weapons ma' place a =,= in this position$
-he bottom position is single-shot$ 6n @"ssian weapons this is marked =6A= in
B'rillic$ .nternational weapons ma' have a =1= or a single dot$
-he middle position is f"ll a"tomatic$ 6n @"ssian weapons this is marked with
=A8= in B'rillic# for =A8tomat$$$=$ .nternational weapons have an infinit'-sign or
m"ltiple dots in this position$
Blassic AK-series have a c'cle rate of 0,,@*M$ %ewer versions have dela'ed
a"tomatic sears that c'cle at 2,,@*M$
-he standard flip-"p iron sight is calibrated with each n"meral indicating in
h"ndreds of meters$ .t is released b' s;"ee&ing the two b"ttons on the back end$ -he
standard calibration of the flipped-down sight is !, meters# the normal minimal
distance for aimed fire$ Aistances below this range are "s"all' handled with
instinctive fire$ Cor night fighting# @"ssian models have a flip-"p l"mino"s dot# also
calibrated at !,m$ -he sights are one of the most heavil'-critici&ed feat"re of the
rifle# being both farther from the e'e than man' common rifle sights# and less
acc"rate than peep-sights# s"ch as those fo"nd on the M10 rifles$
-he maga&ine release is in front of the trigger g"ard$ -he trigger g"ard is ver'
large# to permit gloved fingers$
A sling is provided for acc"rate aimed fire$ .t sho"ld wrap aro"nd the left fore-
Models for paratroop# horse troops and mechani&ed troops have folding stocks$
Most fold sidewa's# b"t a few fold forward over the pistol grip to make s"bmachine
8"llp"p models e1ist# in which a sho"lder pad is bolted onto the back of the
receiver# and the trigger is moved "p to the front of the barrel$ -hese weigh less
beca"se the' have no stock# 'et the' still have f"ll-length barrels$
(ome models incl"de an integral folding ba'onet$
(ome models incl"de a gas valve on the forward gas port (above the barrel) to
permit firing grenades$ (ometimes the valve is controlled b' flipping a special
=grenade sight= "p into position$
(ome makes of removable ba'onets can attach to their scabbards to form a
scissors-st'e barbed-wire c"tter$
-he barrel and chamber are chromi"m-plated# to resist corrosion# b"t cleaning
after ever' firing is recommended$ Most militar' amm"nition "ses corrosive primers$
A cleaning rod is "nder the barrel$ .t bends slightl' for removal$ .n standard
AKs# cleaning patches and a metal bottle of oil and solvent are in compartments in
the sho"lder-pad of the stock$
-o field strip# release the maga&ine catch# remove the maga&ine# and cock the
rifle# holding the left hand read' over the receiver to catch an' e<ected cartridge$
@elease the catch on the right side of the rear sight$ *"sh the piston assembl' cover
forward# detaching it from the rear receiver$ /ift it and then p"ll it backwards$
@emove the piston assembl' and bolt$ Blean as needed# with special attention to the
barrel# gas hole and gas piston$ 6il slightl' and reassemble$ 8efore inserting the
maga&ine# press the trigger to release the spring tension$
-he standard AK-47 or AKM fires a 7$0+12mm ro"nd with a m"&&le velocit'
of 71, m/s$ M"&&le energ' is +#7, <o"les$ Bartridge length is 27$0mm# weight is
17$+1g$ *ro<ectile weight is 7$1g$
-he new model AK-74 fires a !$4!12mm ro"nd with a m"&&le velocit' of ,,
m/s$ M"&&le energ' is 1#27! <o"les$ -he cartridge weight is 1,$7!g$ *ro<ectile weight
is 2$4+g$
8oth b"llets are f"ll metal <acket designs$ -he o"ter plating is copper and &inc$
-he shell is steel$ -here?s an inner la'er of soft lead# with a core that?s a steel
penetrator$ -here is a b"bble in the nose$
Dhen shot into 1,E ballistic gelatin at 4B# the b"llets alwa's t"mble$ 9-ra'
e1aminations of ten b"llets showed that the lead invariabl' shifts into the b"bble in
the nose# possibl' "nbalancing the b"llet$
Dith the !$4!mm b"llet# the t"mbling prod"ced a ma1im"m wo"nd e1pansion
twice at 1, and 4,cm of depth$ Dith the 7$0+mm b"llet# the ma1im"m wo"nd
e1pansion occ"rred at appro1imatel' 2, and 4, cm$ 4,cm is the average thickness of
a h"man tr"nk$
(ome people have said that the @"ssians were concerned abo"t the lower
energies of the assa"lt-rifle b"llets and designed them to ca"se more damage than
might otherwise occ"r$
@ate of fire is between 2,, and 0,, ro"nds per min"te$ /ater models have
modifications to the trigger assembl' and bolt to fire more slowl'$ -his helps to make
the weapon more controllable and waste less amm"nition$ -his ma' help red"ce
logistic re;"irements$


AK-47 Assembly and Disassembly

Dhen doing e1tensive work on a firearm# work on a soft s"rface so that it wont scratch the
metal parts of the g"n$ .t is also wise to work were light is good and parts will not be lost$
.n general it is best not to disassemble a firearm an' more than is reall' necessar' to clean it
or repair or replace a part$ 4ven then it is seldom necessar' to disassemble the rifle be'ond
the field stripping stage$ 4ver' time a firearm is disassembled be'ond the field stripping
stage# it will take some time for some parts to regain their fit# some parts ma' tend to shake
loose and fall o"t when firing the weapon$ (ome parts of the AK-47 line are riveted
together$ @epairing these can be ;"ite a hassle# since the end of the rivet has to be gro"nd off
and a new one set after the part is replaced$
.deall' the disassembl' steps listed below will -$T be carried o"t b' an'one other than a
competent g"nsmith$ A lot of damage can be done if disassembl' is done with o"t proper
./ Re,o)e the ,a#a(ine fro, the #!n and c*cle the action ,a%in# s!re the
firear, is e,pt*/
+$ *"sh in the retaining lever (the little b"tton at the end of the receiver closest to the
stock) on the rear of the receiver# then lift the receiver cover off and back to remove it
e1posing the action$
2$ -ake o"t the action spring F retaining rod b' p"shing them forward to release them#
then lift them "p slightl' and back them o"t of the receiver$
4$ @emove the bolt and bolt carrier (which will also have the gas piston attached to it)
8' p"lling them back and o"t$
!$ -ake the bolt o"t of the carrier b' twisting the bolt co"nterclockwise and p"lling it
o"t of the front of the carrier$
0$ @emove the gas c'linder b' p"lling it backward and lifting it o"t$
7$ -he e1tractor and e1tractor spring are held in place be the large pin (which ma' be
a solid or roll pin depending on the rifle located on the side of the bolt near the locking l"gs$
8efore tr'ing to drift o"t this pin check to be s"re one side isn?t staked if it is go o"t the other
side opposite the staked spot in the bolt$ Arift the pin o"t with a drift p"nch or small nail to
free the e1tractor$ 8e caref"l since the spring is "nder tension$
7$ -he smaller pin located on the side of the bolt near the locking l"gs retain the firing
pin (and its spring on models with a firing pin spring) note whether the pin is staked in place$
Arifting the pin o"t frees the firing pin take care since this spring is also "nder press"re$
$ -he gas piston is held to the bolt carrier e1tension arm b' a roll pin$ -his pin
sho"ld be sho"ld be drifted o"t onl' if the piston needs to be repaired or replaced since
damage to the piston can occ"r d"ring this process$
1,$ Clash hiders or m"&&le n"ts are sometimes held in place b' a pin b"t "s"all' are
screwed onto the barrel some AK?s lack them entirel'$
11$ -he gas port block is generall' held in place b' cross pins don?t remove it "nless its
absol"tel' necessar'# this can be a tedio"s process on some rifles and it ma' be hard to
replace it so it sta's in place$
1+$ -he fore grip ma' be attached to the rifle in a variet' of wa's the method for
removal is best determined b' st"d'ing the rifle$
12$ -he trigger gro"ps pins are released b' removing the looped retaining spring on the
left inside of the receiver on semi-a"to rifles# or the long leg of the disconector spring on
select-fire g"ns$ 8efore freeing the spring or leg place the selector in the fire position and
while restraining the hammer p"ll the trigger$ Gold the hammer and caref"ll' lower it "ntil it
is f"ll' forward# facedown$ -his is done the retaining spring can be p"lled forward and o"t
b' grasping its loop with a pair of needle nosed pliers and p"lling forward and o"t$ 6n select
fire rifles the long leg of the disconnection spring sho"ld be p"lled "p to free the
disconnection pin remove the pin o"t the left side of the receiver and then take o"t the
disconnection and its spring to free the other parts of the trigger gro"p$
14$ 6nce the retaining spring is removed the trigger gro"p is freed b' sliding the
hammer and trigger pins o"t the left side of the receiver$ -his will free the hammer and its
spring which can be removed b' t"rning them slightl' and lifting them o"t$ %e1t the trigger
and sear can be removed along with the rate red"cer and its sear (takes care not to lose the
sear spring which sits between the sear and trigger$)
1!$ .f the safet'/selector needs to be removed rotate its forward end "pward so that it
can be p"lled o"t the right side of the receiver$
10$ Most stocks are held in place b' screws or with man' folding stocks pins$ Ao not
remove the stock "nless absol"tel' necessar' for repair or replacement$
17$ -he maga&ine release and its spring are held in place with a rivet$ Ao not remove
"nless absol"tel' necessar'$
17$ *istol grips are generall' held in place b' a bolt which can be "nscrewed thro"gh
the open base of the grip$
1$ -he front sight post generall' screws into its base$ -he sight assembl' can be
removed b' drifting a set screw or screws ma' need to be loosened first$ -he front sight
sho"ld not be removed "nless absol"tel' necessar' since the tight fit keeps it &eroed$
+,$ -he rear sight is generall' pinned or screwed into place with its base welded onto
the rifle$ %ote the leaf springs alignment so that it ma' be properl' realigned$
To reasse,+le re)erse the process/
AK-47 0arts and 1ia#ra,s

AK-47 E2ploded 0arts 3ie4
. - 8arrel with receiver# with rear sight and stock
5 - @eceiver cover
6 - 8a'onet
4 - @ecoil mechanism
7 - 8olt Barrier with gas piston
8 - )as t"be with "pper hand g"ard
7 - 8olt
9 - Bleaning @od
: - Core end
.; - Maga&ine
.. - Bombination tool with accessories
AK-47 'olt 1isasse,+l*
a - 'olt 'od* + - Firin# pin c - E2tractor
1 - @ecess for case bottom
+ - 41tractor slot
2 - )"ide l"g
4 - Gole for e1tractor pin
! - /ocking l"g
0 - /ongit"dinal slot for e<ector l"g
7 - 41tractor spring
7 - 41tractor pin
- Ciring pin retaining pin
-he bolt delivers the cartridge into the chamber# closes the barrel bore# dents the primer# and
e1tracts the case from the chamber$ -he bolt consists of bod'# firing pin# e1tractor with
spring and pin# and firing pin retaining pin$
-he bolt bod' has on the front faced- two c'lindrical recesses for
the case bottom and for the e1tractor5 two locking l"gs that engage
in the receiver?s locking recesses to lock the bolt5 on top a g"ide
l"g for rotating the bolt d"ring locking5 on the left side a
longit"dinal slot for passage of the receiver?s e<ector l"g ( the slot
widens at the end to facilitate the bolt?s rotation d"ring locking$)
in the slimmer portion of the bolt bod' are holes for the e1tractor
pin and firing pin retainer pin$ -he firing pin has a striker and a
recess for the retaining pin$ -he e1tractor with spring e1tracts the
case from the chamber and holds it "ntil it enco"nters the receiver?s e<ector l"g$ -he
e1tractor has a claw for capt"re of the case# a pocket for the spring# and a notch for the pin$
-he retaining pin sec"res the firing pin$
1isasse,+l* - Dith the drift or p"nch set# drive o"t the pin that retains the firing pin and
e1tractor pin# and remove the e1tractor with spring from the bolt$
AK-47 Field Strippin#
/ike most firearms the AK-47 will start to show adverse wear and or malf"nction if the
weapon is not kept reasonabl' clean$ Cort"natel' for the AK it is ver' eas' to field strip# which
makes cleaning not m"ch of a chore$ -he AK re;"ires no special maintenance tools or e1tensive
knowledge of it?s parts$
1$ Bleaning kit
+$ %ews paper or throw-down
The Follo4in# 0roced!re sho!ld +e !sed to field strip and clean the rifle/
Re,o)in# the ,a#a(ine Golding the rifle in the left
hand at the "pper hand g"ard and fore end# grasp the
maga&ine with the right hand and remove it$ -he
maga&ine is removed b' pressing forward on the
maga&ine catch$ After this# ens"re that there is no
cartridge in the chamber b' lowering the selector#
p"lling the bolt carrier handle to the rear# and
inspecting the chamber$ @elease the bolt carrier handle
and release the hammer form the sear ( s;"ee&e the
5< Re,o)e the cleanin# rod *"ll the end of the cleaning rod awa' from the barrel so that its
head is disengaged from the stop on the front sight base and p"ll the cleaning rod "pward$ -he
drift ma' be "sed when removing the cleaning rod$
6< Re,o)e the recei)er co)er )rasp the small of the stock with the left hand# and with the left
th"mb press on the recoil mechanism?s g"ide rod l"g$ /ift the rear portion of the receiver cover
"pward with the right hand and remove the cover$
4< Re,o)e the recoil ,echanis,/ Golding the rifle in
the left hand b' the small of the stock# press the recoil
mechanism?s g"ide rod forward with the right hand "ntil
its heel emerges from the longit"dinal slot of the
receiver$ /ift "p the rear end of the g"ide rod and p"ll
the recoil mechanism form the bolt carrier channel$
7< Re,o)e the +olt carrier 4ith +olt/ Bontin"ing to
hold the rifle in the left hand# bring the bolt carrier to the
rear to stop with the right hand$ /ift it "p along with the
bolt and remove it
8< Re,o)e the +olt fro, the carrier/ )rasp the bolt carrier in the left
hand with the bolt "pward$ Araw the bolt to the rear with the right
hand# rotating it so that the bolt?s g"ide l"g comes o"t of the shaped slot
of the bolt carrier# and remove the bolt forward$
7< Re,o)e the #as t!+e/ Golding the rifle in the left hand# lift the gas t"be latch located on the
right side of the rear sight block$ @otate the small latch downwards and clockwise at the same
time$ -his sho"ld enable 'o" to free the gas t"be# lift and remove it$
AK-47 F!ll A!to Tri##er Gro!p 1isasse,+l*
a - hammer g - selector
b - hammer spring h - pin
c - trigger . - semi-a"to sear
d - semi-a"to fire sear < - hammer retarder
e - a"to sear k - hammer retarded spring
f - a"to sear spring a"to sear spring
1isasse,+l* of F!ll A!to tri##er ,echanis,/ - Golding the rifle with the left hand at
the receiver# press on the a"to sear and disengage the a"to sear from the hammer with the right
hand and "sing the drift$ @elease the hammer from the sear$ @aise the left end of the hammer
spring with the tapered end of the drift and g"ide it past the hammer?s sear notch with the
fingers$ )"ide the long end of the a"to sear spring o"t of the circ"lar channel of the trigger pin
with the screwdriver$ -ap the trigger pin to the left with the drift and remove it$ )rad"all'
p"lling the drift o"t# e1tract the semi-a"tomatic fire sear from the receiver along with its spring#
spring retarder# and hammer retarder with the fingers of the left hand$ *ressing back in the
trigger piece with the left inde1 finger# lift the trigger "pward and remove it from the receiver
with the right hand$ @emove the hammer b' pressing with the screwdriver on the long end of the
a"to sear spring# remove it from the circ"lar channel of the hammer pin$ -ap the hammer pin to
the left with the drift$ Golding the hammer with the right hand# remove the hammer pin with the
left hand$ @otate the hammer so the left tr"nnion is toward the chamber and remove the hammer
form the receiver$ @emove the hammer spring from the hammer$ @emove the a"to sear$ -ap
the a"to sear pin to the left with the he drift and remove it$ @emove the a"to sear with spring
thro"gh the maga&ine well$ @emove the spring from the a"to sear$ @emove the selector b'
rotating the selector "pward to the vertical position# move it to the right# and remove it from the
=and#!ard 1isasse,+l*
. - )as -"be
+ - )"ide ribs for gas piston
2 - Cront <oining collar
4 - Gand )"ard
! - @ear <oining collar
0 - /"g
-he gas t"be directs the movement of the gas piston d"ring
shooting$ .t has g"ide ribs which direct the piston$ -he
front end of the gas t"be fits on the gas chamber$ -he
hand g"ard protects the rifleman?s hands from b"rns when
firing$ .t has a channel in which it sec"res the metal semi-
circ"lar spacer that presses the hand g"ard awa' from the
gas t"be$ -he hand g"ard is sec"red on the gas t"be b'
front and rear <oining collars5 the rear collar has a l"g in which the gas t"be lock engages$
1isasse,+l* of the fore end - )rasp the rifle at the for end in the left hand $ Dith the right hand
"sing a screwdriver rotate the fore end lock on half t"rn forward$ Aisplace the connecting collar
with fore end toward the gas chamber with the th"mbs of both hands$ *ress forward on the fore
end and remove it from the barrel$
AK-47 a#a(ine 1isasse,+l*
-he maga&ine bod' <oins all of the maga&ine?s components together$ .ts lateral walls have
lips to prevent the cartridges from falling o"t and l"gs that limit the "pward motion of the
follower$ 6n the front wall is the catch and on the rear wall stop l"g# which together hold the
. - 'od*
5 - Floor plate
6 - Stop leaf
4 - Sprin#
7 - Follo4er
8 - Stop L!#
7 - "atch
maga&ine in the receiver$ 6n the bottom of the rear wall of the maga&ine?s bod' is an inspection
hold for determining if the maga&ine if f"ll' loaded$ -he walls of the maga&ine are ribbed for
strength$ -he bottom of the maga&ine is closed with a floor plate$ -he floor plate has a hole for
the l"g of the stop leaf$ .nside the maga&ine bod' are a follower and spring with stop leaf$ -he
follower is fastened to the "pper end of the spring b' an internal flange on the right wall of the
follower$ -he follower has a l"g that ens"res the staggered positioning of the cartridges in the
maga&ine$ -he stop leaf is permanentl' attached to the bottom end of the follower spring and
holds the maga&ine floor plate from displacement with its l"g$ (ome rifles have plastic
maga&ines that are the same in constr"ction as the metal maga&ines$
1isasse,+l* Aepress the small metal notch at the end of the maga&ine on the floor plate$ (lide
the floor plate backwards towards the rear or primer area of the maga&ine$ 8e caref"l the spring
will shoot o"t with some force and co"ld ca"se in<"r' if not done slowl'$ @emove the spring
and follower and the maga&ine is now disassembled$ -o reassemble <"st reverse the order of
AK-47 Recoil Sprin# 1isasse,+l*

1isasse,+l* )rasp the recoil mechanism in the left hand$ *osition the g"ide
rod verticall' with the heel down on the table or rest$ Bompress the recoil
spring downward# and with the right hand separate the send of the movable rod
and remove the collar$ @emove the spring from the g"ide rod$ @emove the
movable rod from the g"ide$
. - @ecoil (pring
+ - )"ide rod
2 - Movable g"ide rod
4 - Bollar
AK-47 Tro!+leshootin#
8elow is a chart of potential items that ma' ca"se 'o"r rifle to fail$ %e1t to it are the s'mptoms
and fi1es to correct the problem$ *lease read the cart caref"ll' as it will make a difference$
*roblem Bheck for *roced"re
8old wont >nlock
1$ Airt' or b"rred bolt
+$ Aamaged )as t"be or piston
1$ Blean or replace
+$ @epair or replace
8olt wont /ock
1$ Co"ling in locking l"gs
+$ Cro&en e1tractor
2$ @ecoil spring is not moving freel'
4$ 8olt is not moving freel'$
!$ )as piston misaligned$
0$ /oose or damaged piston$
7$ Aent in gas t"be
1$ Blean F l"bricate l"gs$
+$ @emove clean e1tractor$
2$ @emove clean F
4$ @emove clean F
!$ Bheck alignment
0$ -ighten or replace
7$ @epair or replace
Ao"ble feeding
1$ Aefective maga&ine$ @eplace
Cirearm wont cock
selector doesn?t
work properl'$
Dorn# broken or missing parts$ Bheck parts# @eplace
Cirearm contin"es
to fire after release
of trigger
1$ Airt in trigger/sear
+$ 8roken sear/trigger
2$ Deak sear/trigger spring
4$ Ciring pin dirt' or too long

1$ Blean mechanism
+$ @eplace
2$ @eplace spring
4$ Blean or replace
Cirearm wont fire
1$ (afet' in safe position
+$ Ciring pin is broken
2$ -oo m"ch dirt/oil in firing pin
4$ *oor ammo
!$ Deak or broken hammer or spring
0$ Deak or broken sear/sear spring
7$ 8olt isn?t locking

1$ *lace in fire position
2$ @eplace
4$ Dipe/Blean
!$ @emove/discard
0$ @eplace
7$ @eplace
7$ Blean dirt' parts
@o"nd won?t
1$ Airt' or corroded ammo
+$ Aamaged ammo
2$ Co"ling in chamber

1$ Blean ammo
+$ @eplace
2$ Blean chamber
@o"nds won?t e<ect 1$ 8roken e<ector
+$ Cro&en e<ector
2$ 8ad e<ector spring

1$ @eplace
+$ Blean/l"bricate
2$ @eplace
@o"nds won?t 1$ 8roken e1tractor or bad e1tractor

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