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Underground Ak 47 Build Manual

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The Underground
Ak-47 Build
The Step-By-Step Guide For
True Patriots Showing How To Get
A 100% Private AK-47 Thats
Completely Off The Books!

The Underground Assault Rifle System

By Caleb Lee
2013 and Beyond

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express
written, dated and signed permission from the author.


The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date
of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author
reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The
report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to
verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his
affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal
or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be
sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal advice. You should
be aware of any laws which govern the topics discussed herein in your city, country
and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely

The Underground AK-47 Build Manual

Welcome fellow Patriot!
Im extremely excited to introduce you to an exciting new opportunity to exercise your God
given rights of self defense and your Second Amendment rights to firearms by showing
you how to get your own AK-47!
This powerful guide will show you how to get an AK-47 completely off the books so that Big
Brother keeps its eyes off your business!

Important Note About Laws:

This guide is for purely informational purposes only. I am not responsible for anything you do
with this information. It is provided as is. By reading this guide you agree to these terms.
Additionally, I am NOT a lawyer and in no way am I qualified to tell you what is legal Federally
or on a state level as it pertains to you.
I am simply telling you what I have heard about the legality of all things I write about in this
book and Im exercising my First Amendment rights.
You are fully responsible to know the laws Federally and Locally as they pertain to you.
Here are some links about building your own gun pertaining to federal laws. If you are unsure
about anything I encourage you to do your own research before attempting anything in this
Now that the Lawyers are satisfied, lets get into it!

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From Wikipedia:
The AK-47 is a selective-fire,
gas-operated 7.6239mm
assault rifle, first developed in
the USSR by Mikhail
Kalashnikov. It is officially known
as Avtomat Kalashnikova
). It is also known as a Kalashnikov, an AK or in Russian slang,
Design work on the AK-47 began in the last year of World War II (1945). After the
war in 1946, the AK-46 was presented for official military trials. In 1947 the fixedstock version was introduced into active service with selected units of the Soviet
Army. An early development of the design was the AKS (SSkladnoy or
"folding"), which was equipped with an underfolding metal shoulder stock. In
1949, the AK-47 was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[11] and used
by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.
The original AK-47 was one of the first assault rifles of 2nd generation, after the
German StG 44.[12] Even after six decades the model and its variants remain the
most widely used and popular assault rifles in the world because of their
durability, low production cost, and ease of use. It has been manufactured in
many countries and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular
forces worldwide. The AK-47 was the basis for developing many other types of
individual and crew-served firearms. More AK-type rifles have been produced
than all other assault rifles combined.[3]
That covers the basics, now here are some more interesting facts from Wikipedia:
The main advantages of the Kalashnikov rifle are its simple design, fairly
compact size, and adaptation to mass production. It is inexpensive to
manufacture and easy to clean and maintain. Its ruggedness and reliability are
legendary.[34] The AK-47 was initially designed for ease of operation and repair
by glove-wearing Soviet soldiers in Arctic conditions. The large gas piston,
generous clearances between moving parts, and tapered cartridge case design
allow the gun to endure large amounts of foreign matter and fouling without
failing to cycle. This reliability comes at the cost of accuracy, as the looser
tolerances do not allow for precision and consistency.[citation needed] Reflecting
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Soviet infantry doctrine of its time, the rifle is meant to be part of massed infantry
fire, not long range engagements.
The bore and chamber, as well as the gas piston and the interior of the gas
cylinder, are generally chromium-plated. This plating dramatically increases the
life of these parts by resisting corrosion and wear. This is particularly important,
as most military-production ammunition (and virtually all ammunition produced by
the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations) during the 20th century
contained potassium chlorate in the primers. On firing, this was converted to
corrosive and hygroscopic potassium chloride which mandated frequent and
thorough cleaning in order to prevent damage. Chrome plating of critical parts is
now common on many modern military weapons.[citation needed]
Aside from USSR the AK-47 and its variants were/are made in dozens of
countries, with quality ranging from finely engineered weapons to pieces of
questionable workmanship.[35] For example, Arsenal-made AK has a system life
of 15,000 rounds.[36]
As you can see the AK-47 is one of the most manufactured weapons in the WORLD. To quote
Wikipedia again (emphasis mine):
More AK-type rifles have been produced than all other assault rifles combined

What makes The AK-47 so popular?

There are a couple of different reasons why the AK-47 is so popular
For one, it is a SIMPLE design.
Simple is good when it comes to tools that must work under most every condition. Also, simple
means that it can produced cheaply. That is why you see the AK-variant rifles in the hands of so
many armies around the world (even in 3rd world countries!) because you can create an AKvariant rifle out of virtually ANYTHING!
Soldiers or freedom fighters, or whomever , all over the world have been making AK-variant
rifles with their commonly available tools. It doesnt take much.

So Simple, You Can Make It From ANYTHING!

There is a funny post from an online message board that shows how a person created his AK-47
out of wait for it a SHOVEL!
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Yes, someone ACTUALLY turned a shovel into an AK!

Amazing! Click the link below to see the full story:
For this reason

There are MANY variants of the AK-type Rifle:

From Wikipedia again:
Early variants (7.6239mm)

AK-47 194851 The very earliest models, with the Type 1 stamped sheet metal
receiver, are now very rare.
AK-47 1952 Has a milled receiver. Barrel and chamber are chrome plated to resist
corrosion. Rifle weight is 3.47 kg (7.7 lb).[5]
AKS Featured a downward-folding metal stock similar to that of the German MP40,
for use in the restricted space in the BMP infantry combat vehicle, as well as by
AKN (AKSN) Night scope rail.

Modernized (7.6239mm)

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AKM A simplified, lighter version of the AK-47; Type 4 receiver is made from
stamped and riveted sheet metal. A slanted muzzle device was added to counter
climb in automatic fire. Rifle weight is 2.93 kg (6.5 lb)[6][N 2] due to the lighter receiver.
This is the most ubiquitous variant of the AK-47.
o AKMS Under-folding stock version of the AKM intended for airborne troops.
o AKMN (AKMSN) Night scope rail.
o AKML (AKMSL) Slotted flash suppressor and night scope rail.[57]
RPK Hand-held machine gun version with longer barrel and bipod.
o RPKS Side-folding stock.
o RPKN (RPKSN) Night scope rail.
o RPKL (RPKSL) Slotted flash suppressor and night scope rail.[57]

Low-impulse variants (5.4539mm)

AK-74 and RPK-74

AK-74 Assault rifle.

o AKS-74 Side-folding stock.
o AK-74N (AKS-74N) Night scope rail.
AKS-74U Compact carbine.
o AKS-74UN Night scope rail.
RPK-74 Light machine gun.
o RPKS-74 Side-folding stock.
o RPK-74N (RPKS-74N) Night scope rail.

The 100 Series

5.4539mm / 5.5645mm / 7.6239mm

AK-74M/AK-101/AK-103 Modernized AK-74. Scope rail and side-folding stock.

AK-107/AK-108 Balanced recoil models.
AK-105/AK-102/AK-104 Carbine.
PRK-74M/RPK-201/RPKM and RPK-203 Light machine gun.

And that is just a partial list of the variants produced in the Soviet
There are even more, like I said, virtually every country in the world has their own AK-variant
I wont share with you the complete list here, because its beyond the scope of this book, but to
see some other countries and the differences in their Ak-type rifles, click this link:
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Why would you want an AK-47?

For most Patriots, the answer for wanting an AK-47 is because I want one! and thats just fine
by me. Its why I want one.
There are other reasons too
If youre into plinking at the range, and want a fun rifle, with cheap (compared to other rifles)
ammo then you should get an AK
If you want a home defense weapon that you know has the stopping power you want (the AK
fires a much bigger bullet than an AR-15 or nearly any handgun round) then you want an
If you want a go-to bug out weapon that takes VERY little upkeep to be ready that you can
drop in the bud submerge in water then pull it out and keep firingreliablythen you
want an AK
And finally, if you just like the act of shooting (like me!) then the AK-47 is hard to beat! You
can put a lot of lead down range in a short time and that always a good time

Why do anti-gun people hate them and try to outlaw them?

The gun grabbers would LOVE to see AK-47s taken out of the hands of responsible, law
abiding citizens like you and I.
But why?
Well, I suspect the sad truth of the matter is that there is an agenda to slowly disarm the
American Population to make way for a future tyrannical government. These types of things
dont happen all at once so the game plan seems to be one step at a time.
Because the AK-47 looks like the rifle that almost every military carries in the world it is easy
for the media to spread misinformation about it.
They even came up with the phrase assault weapon to describe it! When the real definition of
an assault rifle is a machine gun (a rifle capable of Select fire like our troops use!)

Why would you want to get an AK-47 that cant be traced to you?
Simply because the future doesnt look good for us AK-47 lovers.
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At every turn, and at every opportunity the gun grabbers in politics seek to use every power
they have to pass laws to get these guns outlawed.
They succeeded with the first Assault Weapon Ban (AWB). From Wikipedia:
The 1989 Semi-Automatic Rifle Import Ban (18 USC 925(d)(3)) and the 1994
Federal Assault Weapons Ban specifically banned the AK-47 by name. Many
other such weapons (including obvious clones of AK-47's) manufactured after
1994 had to be modified (e.g. removal of barrel threading, bayonet lug and
folding stock). This ban expired on September 13, 2004, as part of the law's
sunset provision. The import of rifles with certain features are still banned.
However, certain states such as California, New York, New Jersey and
Massachusetts have specific restrictions with some mentioning AK-pattern
firearms by name.
Private ownership of AK-47 rifles was regulated by the National Firearms Act
(NFA) of 1934. The Gun Control Act of 1968 ceased the import of foreignmanufactured fully automatic firearms for civilian sales and possession. The ATF
enforced a provision banning importation of small arms from Communist Bloc
nations without a trade agreement with the United States. This ban is still
enforced with the former Soviet Union republics and post-Communist Eastern
European nations without USA trade agreements. A few Communist nations e.g.
China and the former Yugoslavia have trade agreements with the United
In some super left states as you might note from the article above -- theyve already banned
them AGAIN! Look no further than California or New York to see some of the most draconian
gun laws in existence
The same gun laws that put innocent, law abiding civilians in danger because they ensure that
the only people with these so called assault weapons are the criminals!
With all this in mind, to protect yourself, you might want to get an AK-47 with no way to trace it
back to you.
Thats what this short yet extremely powerful guide will teach you!

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First, when we are talking about the AK-47 we have to know what we are talking about.
The AK-47even completely taken apartonly has a few parts. See the image below

Now, thats just an exploded view. You normally wont even disassemble the rifle this far, as
this is a picture of a typical field stripped AK-47:

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Let me quickly cover these parts now:

1. The buttstock
2. The bolt carrier with piston and bolt
3. The carrier spring
4. The dust cover
5. The upper handguard
6. The barrel with sights, etc
7. The forend grip
8. The magazine
9. The gas tube
10. The pistol grip
11. The trigger and trigger guard
12. The receiver
And thats really all there is to it.
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Its a very simple rifle.

Now, this is the actual Gun according to Federal Laws its called the receiver (shown here
with a pistol grip and buttstock and the trigger and trigger guard already attached):

Even more interesting is that this piece is just a BENT piece of thin steel!
Look at the picture below and you can see that without the trigger guard, the pistol grip, the
buttstock the barrel, magazine or anything else, what you are left with is just the receiver
which is a bent piece of rectangular looking steel.
(Its this simple design that makes the AK so easy to produce):

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Now, remember, the receiver is the KEY to building your own AK-47. More on that in a minute.
For now, here are a couple different viewpoints of an AK-47 receiver without any other parts
attached and you can see how simple it is:

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Ak-47 Receiver.

The Ak-47 Parts Kit:

Once you have a receiver, getting the rest of the parts for your AK is relatively easy.
What you need is whats called a parts kit. This is simply a catch all term to describe every
other part of the AK-47 (not counting the receiver) that you need to finish the rifle.
The picture below is my personal AK-47 parts kit that I bought, as you can see, everything is
there including a brand new American made barrel -- except for the receiver!
NOTE: depending on where you buy your kit from, you will receive more or less the same thing.
The important thing is to get pretty familiar with what you are buying and to ask questions
before the sale such as is this a complete parts kit? As in the only thing that I need to build a
working rifle is a finished receiver?Most people will be honest and tell you what parts are
missing or what you need to do to finish it.
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And thats the two basic components for a DIY AK-47!

Thats it!
1. A Receiver and
2. The Parts Kit!
And the most important part, again, is the receiver, because without that you dont have a
complete firearm!

But How Can You Guarantee You Get An AK-47 Receiver With No Way
To Trace It?
The answer is something that I think all of us Patriotic, DIY, red-blooded Americans would love
You build it from scratch!

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Luckily for us DIY people, who want nothing more than complete and total privacy and the
satisfaction that our AK-47 will be off the books forever building your own AK-47 from
scratch is not as hard as it sounds!
The AK-47 is so popular that there is PLENTY of information out there on how to complete
your firearm.
And heres the key thing to remember: the receiver is the important part. You only need to find
a way to get this one single part without any paperwork because its the actual firearm
the rest of the rifle is just parts.
The rest of the rifle you can already buy and build from parts that are completely legal to own
off the books and without background checks and there are no serial numbers on any other
And thats another good point too:
The after market support is HUGE for this platform which means there are plenty of parts!
So what is the secret to building an un-traceable lower receiver yourself?
Lets review An AK-47 is basically comprised of two main parts:
1. The receiver
2. The parts kit
As defined by the BATF, because many weapons these days have modular barrels and other
parts, the part or assembly that contains the trigger is the registerable part, or basically the
firearm itself.
In the case of the Ak-47 this is the part called the "receiver".
Furthermore, according to the BATF, if the firearm (the lower receiver) is at least 20%
incomplete, and the trigger cannot be installed, it is not, by definition, a firearmit is a hunk of
Basically an individual could legally whittle a firearm out of a block of metal and produce a legal
firearm assuming it doesn't violate any other BATF specs such as rate of fire, etc.

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The only condition is that this home-built weapon is not to be manufactured to be sold (otherwise
you would then be considered a firearm maker and you would be in for a TON of red tape and
licensing and other considerations because youre now a company like Colt who is a firearm
Now, some people HAVE done this!
If you are a CNC machinist and you have access to the HUGE machines that are super
expensive and plenty of blocks of aircraft grade aluminum -- then more power to ya!
Simply go grab yourself a chunk of aluminum, download some CAD drawings and get to work!
You will have a simple time making your own ak-47 stripped receiver or heck you could
build it from a shovel if you felt like it
For the rest of us though, without machining knowledge or the access or money to make our own
from these machines

Whats The Solution For The DIY Patriot?

Enter the 80% receiver

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With this ruling by the ATF in mind, several manufacturers sell AK-47 receivers that are called
80% because they meet the no-trigger rule, and the ATF actually evaluates their respective
designs, granting them the ability to legally sell these incomplete parts.
Just like the name sounds, they are about 80% complete on the way to becoming a firearm (or
true receiver).
That means you have to finish the Final 20% to make them into a stripped receiver which is
capable of having the firing parts installed in it (the trigger, etc that makes it function!)
Now when talking about AK receivers, lets talk about some different definitions:

100% Complete AK
The image to the right is of a
100% complete AK receiver.
This is what you would need a
background check to buy from an
FFL because its ready to go all
you do is attach the above parts to
it and its ready to work:
Its also important to note that the
guide rails are already installed in
the receiver as well (the second
view of the receiver from the top,
you can see the two guide rails on
either side).
As you will see later, guide rails
are an important part of the
receiver functioning.

80% AK-Receiver:

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Similar to an AR-15 80% receiver this receiver

is pre-bent but it doesnt have ALL the holes
drilled. Many times the guide rails, on the inside
of the receiver will not be installed either, they
will just be included with the blank, pre-bent
receiver and you will have to install them as part
of the 20% of work you need to do to finish the
receiver. In the image here, you can see that the
rails are included. Also, you can't really see it
unless you look closely, but the magazine well,
and the trigger hole and the pistol grip hole are
already there. Additionally, all the cutting to the
top part of the bent receiver (called the "top rails") has been mostly done for you.

AK Receiver "Blank"
This is a receiver that has already been bent into the correct form, but it doesn't yet have ANY
holes drilled. In the image below, there is a paper template glued onto the receiver to show you
where to drill and cut to finish the receiver.

Ak Receiver FLAT:
The image below is called a AK receiver flat because well its FLAT. And it hasnt yet
been bent into the wonderful receiver that we need.

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As you can see, many of the holes are pre-drilled or cut, but you will need to bend the flat piece of steel
into the correct shape using a jig, and finish the holes, along with installing the guide rails before it is
finished. The flat receiver takes the most work to finish

NOTE: the simplest and most cost-effective way for the DIY Patriot is the 80% receiver in my
opinion, so thats what this guide focuses on.

Where to get an 80% Receiver

You can simply Google 80% AK-47 Receiver for sale but there are some sites that have
always been recommended by gun builders online.
Here's some resources for you:
I got my 80% receiver from here: (it is called a Polish AKM receiver
blank) it came with the 80% work done. It was in stock when I ordered and came quickly.
You can get the bent blank with the template glued on already from here:
This one was out of stock when I looked, but the rails are installed already so it looks pretty easy
to complete to me -- would of been my first choice if it was in stock - produce nice
80% receivers.
If at the time you read this due to new pending regulations or panic buying or for whatever
reason, the websites above are back-ordered you can always look for local sellers in your area
OR visit the internet on sites like
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For example, here is a search for 80% lowers on

Most likely, you will be able to find a private seller there who you can buy them if the above
sites are back-ordered or out of stock.
Now you could use trial and error and grab a piece of sheet metal search for some blueprints
or templates online use that to cut and drill holes and then build or buy a jig to bend your
flat receiver into the proper state and put the rails in but its much easier to just buy an
80% receiver that has most of the work done.
Then of course youll need a parts kit.

Where Can You Buy An AK-47 Parts Kit

You could google AK-47 Parts Kit for sale. Or here are some website where you can pickup a
good kit:
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Again, you can search or a similar site like this if the parts kits are sold out due to
unforeseen circumstances when you read this. I actually bought my parts kit from a seller on -- thankfully it seems to be pretty complete.

What else do you need?

For me, I decided to do a "Screw build" instead of rivets. Mainly because I've never riveted
anything and I think/thought it would easier.
To put together your rifle with screws, you can piece together the screws you need or look for
the "Tapco Ak47 Screw Build Set" -- I got mine from here: but you can find them
all over.
Here is the description of what it comes with:

The AK Screw Built Kit is an ideal alternative to standard rivets. The black-oxide
finish of the screws blend into the rifle better than standard rivets for a cleaner look.

Alloy Steel Screws with a Black-Oxide Finish

Zinc Plated Nuts
Fully Threaded Socket Button Head Cap Screws
100% U.S. Made
- (6) 10-32 x 1/4 screws for the front trunion
- (6) 10-32 x 3/8 screws for the rear trunion and cross member
- (1) 8-32 x 1/4 screw for the rear trigger guard
- (4) 8-32 x 3/8 screws for the front trigger guard
- (5) 8-32 x 1/4 zinc plated undersized machine screw hex nut
- (1) Cross member support

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If you're like me and you're excited to get started you'll probably find that you need some extra
parts as you get into the build. So don't worry too much now, unless you can go through the
kit/parts and figure out exactly what you need ahead of time.
Now what to do once you GET your 80% receiver and your parts kit?

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Luckily, youre not alone here.
People in various countries around the world have been piecing together AK-47s with very little
tools or other resources for decades.
So its a relatively simple process. The fact that well be starting with an 80% receiver or bent
receiver blank will make it even easier. And it requires the least specialized tools, so for the DIY
patriot like us we can complete this rifle in our garage with little more than a drill press, some
other simple tools, and some good old red-blooded American Elbow Grease!
If youre into measuring/blueprints and the like then feel free to search online for some
blueprints and measurements and if you trust your skills enough you could make this work
without a jig. For most of us thoughI say use a template!
For this build, I'll be using my 80% receiver from and the Gunco Template
for it:
Simply Download it to your computer (it's a .pdf file too) and then print (make sure your scaling
is turned to 100% or you're printing the image "actual size").
With your template for your receiver, youll know where to drill your holes and where to cut to
finish your receiver so its ready to be mated with your parts kit and become a complete rifle.
In fact, if you buy a complete receiver kit from one of the resources I showed you, then your kit
will probably come with instructions to finish your AK.
In the meantime, I will show you the basic process for finishing your 80% receiver and making it
into your new AK-47!

The Simple method to finish your 80% receiver using

a drill press:
Step 1: Assess Your Parts Kit and Receiver.
Going through all the parts that came with my kit, I find out that my front trunnion does not have
the holes drilled that are needed (at least not all of them), so that is something that I will have to
do first.

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Front trunnion only has one of the six holes drilled for the "rivets".
Also the barrel pin hole is not drilled all the way through. So I'll have to do that.
From asking some helpful folks online, here are the approximate dimensions of where the holes
need to go for the front barrel trunnion:
- from the top line: .020" below the line
- measuring from the front, the two holes are 10mm and 27mm from the front
From what I gather, the placement of these holes are not critical and will vary from Rifle to rifle,
but that gives me a good starting point for drilling. Also, since I'll be using 10-32 threaded
screws for this build -- I'm told that requires a #21 drill, .159".
If you're wondering what that is in a fractional drill bit (like I was) it is between 5/32 and 11/64
from the information I have gathered. I'll probably drill the hole with 5/32 and see if I can make
it work with the 5/32 tap.

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Also, there is only one part of the kit that I have to "de mill" or finish taking apart. That's the rear
trunnion which still has at least one rivet piece installed that I'll have to drill out and remove
before I can continue to assemble it.

Rear trunnion showing the remnants of the rivet used to hold it there.
Looking at my receiver, it looks like it's 80% done, so that's good news! As you can see the
trigger hole and the magazine hole and the pistol grip hole are already cut out for us!

Side/bottom and Top view of the 80% receiver.

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Step 2: De-milling the rear trunnion.

Depending on the shape of your parts kit. You may have to demill more of your pieces. For me,
all that I need to demill is the rear trunnion (Demill is just a fancy word for saying "take out all
the broken rivets left in the part kit).
In this first picture you can see the rivet is right there ...

Start with the smallest bit you can get, clamp down and drill through the rivet all the way
through first. Here you can see the hole I drilled all the way through:

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Then, you can work your way up in bit sizes -- step drilling -- until you remove enough of the
material that you can just grab a punch and bang out the remaining parts of the rivet. Here's what
it looks like once you've punched the rivet out:

Step 3: Drilling The Front Trunnion Holes

As I showed you before, my front barrel trunnion is missing 5 holes -- 4 where the screws/rivets
should go (that's the top two on each side) and the barrel hole (1).
So I had to drill those. I used a template for locating these holes (and the measurements I gave
you in step one):

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Make sure you try to make it as level as possible (x and y axis as shown below):

And then just start drilling all 4-6 holes you need to drill. Now these holes are all going to take a
10-32 thread -- for your screws to hold it together (from your screw kit). Unfortunately, that
correlates to a #21 drill bit -- which I didn't have -- so I went the next size DOWN to 5/32 size
drill bit for these 4 holes in the trunnion. Again, always start with the smallest size drill bit you're
comfortable with -- and then "step drill" up to the final size (5/32):

Here's when it's done:

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Now you need to drill the barrel hole (unless yours is already drilled) mine wasn't so I had to
drill out the barrel hole as best I could--for sizing this hole, there was already a "pilot" hole for
the barrel hole that was there -- but it wasn't drilled all the way through (as you can see in the
picture below):

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All I did was grab drill bits and stick them in that hole until I found what size was close. I
stopped at 7/32 as the biggest size for this barrel hole (you'll have to drill it out to whatever size
your barrel pin is later).
If your kit came with a barrel pin you can save/use then you'll need to match that size. Mine
didn't come with a barrel pin, so I just drilled it the size of this hole and went from there.

Step 4: Cutting and Pasting The Template To the Receiver

Now you need to put the template from Gunco on your receiver (it's here again: -- make sure to print
it out to 100% size -- no scaling):

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Using spray adhesive and a lot of patience, cut it out and paste it on (if you are using a 80%
blank like I was then make sure your magazine holes and pistol grip holes and trigger holes are
all matching in the right spots on the template -- that will make it easier! Here it is done:

Step 5: Drilling the receiver holes using the template

Now, you're just going to follow the template and drill the holes to the appropriate size as shown
on the template (just use those as a guide). If you find that these decimal point sizes are in
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between two different fractional size drill bits that you have (like what happened to me) I just
drilled up to the size DOWN from actual size. Because later I can widen that hole no problem
with a hand reamer -- it's just sheet metal, so no problem.
Let's start drilling! Remember to step-drill!

After some drilling ...

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Step 6: fitting the front trunnion

You're now going to take the front trunnion and you're going to need to drill the holes in the
receiver to match up with the front trunnion holes. There are six of them. Again, stopping at the
5/32 drill size:

You can use your digital calipers to measure the distance from the front trunnion for all the
holes, and then stick it in the receiver and line it up and then drill the smallest size pilot hole with
the trunnion in the receiver as shown below:

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And the final result:

Step 7: Trimming the top rails for bolt carrier fitment

What you will notice is that on this 80% blank, the top rails are already formed in the correct
manner (they have the indentations where they need to be, etc) but if you stick the bolt carrier in
and try to slide it along the top of the receiver -- it won't go because they need to be trimmed
down to size to let them glide smoothly. For clarification, the picture below shows the top rails
I'm talking about:

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They're much too wide and need to be trimmed down. How much you need to trim them will
depend on your receiver and your particular bolt carrier, so I just grinded them down with the
hand file and dremel and kept testing fitting until it moved smoothly:
Here you can see, with my reciever and my bolt carrier, this is as far as the bolt carrier would
slide up before binding:

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So it was necessary to trim a lot of it off to get it to move freely! Make sure to wear eye
protection when you're using the dremel or any other tool like this that is flinging hot bits of
metal everywhere!

Then just keep test fitting after each go around with the dremel to see if it moves freely. when
you can slide the bolt carrier on the rails all the way to the front of the receiver where it butts into
the front trunnion with no binding then you know that you've trimmed them enough:

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Step 8: installing lower rails

Using the proper size drill bit you're going to stick your lower rails into the receiver and clamp
them down with vice grips. Now, some very important stuff here:
1. The left side (when holding the receiver with the front trunnion away from you, out in front,
like if it had a barrel on it) -- is the EJECTOR side rail (this is the rail that looks like it has a little
sharks fin on it):

You use a drill bit to line this up because that way the rail will be level from near the trunnion all
the way back:

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The size drill bit that worked for me was the 1/4" drill bit, but that is just a starting point! You
are looking for a drill bit that allows you to line up the "ledge" of the front trunnion with the top
of the rail, as shown in the highlights by the red line below:

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Once you have that lined up, clamp it down, and get ready to drill holes in your receiver and rail:

You'll need two holes in each lower rail (2 on each side) space them out a little bit, but these
holes do NOT have to be big .
You only need to fit a 4-40 screw into these holes. Drill with a small drill bit -- the 3/32 bit
worked for me.

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Here it is when I stuck the two 4-40 nuts and bolts through (these will get trimmed down later
because they're obviously too long on the inside):

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Here's another angle showing the important thing for these lower rails. You can see here that the
left side lower rail is in line with/flush/level with the front trunnion, and also I left a little bit of a
gap between the front trunnion and the rail (this is because when you shoot it a lot and it heats up
you need to leave room for the metal to expand):

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Once you've got the left side ejector rail put in, then you just repeat the same steps with the right
side rail:

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Again, you'll want to fit it with a drill bit, and it does NOT matter if you use the same size drill
bits on both sides! what DOES matter is that, again, your rail is in line with the front trunnion -they need to be level!
Repeat the same steps, and at this point you should have both your rails "installed" for test fitting
using the 4-40 bolts:

You'll also need to redrill through the center support hole you already drilled because that center
support will go through the rail as well. In this pic, you can see on the right side rail that the
center support and hammer holes are redrilled through the lower rail again:

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Step 9: Heat Treating The Receiver

Because you want your receiver to last, you need to heat treat a few parts. You need to heat treat
the hammer pin hole and the trigger hole. To do this you need a quenching liquid. Water works
fine I hear, but I also heard that
this mixture works better:
- 4-5 gallon bucket of water
- 6-8 ounces dish soap
- 16oz/1lb of table salt
Just pour the ingredients all
together into your big bucket
and get ready to light your
receiver on fire.
I kid, I kid, but seriously, be
careful, wear gloves, use a
clamp or something to hold the
receiver and eye protection and do it somewhere where you're not going to catch anything on fire
if you do something wrong:
Here you can see my setup:
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The little mini Butane torch did NOT work, so don't get that, you're going to need a MAP torch
or oxygen torch for this.


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Bring the hammer holes and trigger holes to a RED hot glow. And then quench in the water:

Do that will both sides hammer and trigger hole. Then wait a little for it to cool off, and scrape
off the extra carbon buildup as best you can for


Where you bring it back up to just a blue gray color and then do NOT quench in the water, just
simply let it air cool. set it down and leave it alone until it cools.

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Don't go all the way to red hot this time, just to blue-ish color then let it air cool (no quenching!).
Now, when I did this I did it back to back. It would be SMARTER to take it and clean it as best
you can after the first heating and quenching so that you can better see if the steel is turning
When you're done the receiver is going to be all kinds of colors and have black carbon on it, etc
from the heating. Grab some sand paper and get that stuff off:

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Step 10: Tapping for screws

You're going to have to line up your front trunnion in the receiver again, and tap the trunnion for
your screws (tapping means you're going to put threading in the inside of your holes so your
screws screw in correctly).
Now, I wasted time and tapped the receiver. That's not necessary. In fact, I had to go back and
"egg out" or widen my receiver holes anyways because they didn't exactly match up with the
holes in my trunnion (I'm bad at measuring sometimes). Here's a picture of me using the dremel
to widen the receiver holes:

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Just get your receiver holes to line up to the trunnion holes, and tap the trunnion holes and you'll
be fine. (picture below is me tapping the receiver but just tap the trunnions -- and make sure it's
not crooked like this)

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Step 11: reinstall lower rails, set in place & install center support
I took the lower rails out for all the work we just did, but now it's time to put them back in. The
problem from before was the nuts/bolts were too long, so we're going to have to trim them with a
dremel (or a hacksaw if you're into that).
I just attached them to the outside of my receiver because then it would be the right
measurements, but it would give me room to work and trim them with the dremel:

Trimming ...

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Repeat for the other side too and then reattach them on the inside of the receiver in the correct
places (remember, left side rail is the ejector rail with the shark fin sticking out!)

Step 12: drilling, fitting and tapping rear trunnion

Place you rear trunnion into the receiver, and use your digital caliper to mark where you need to
drill the holes for your screws, mark them, center punch them and step-drill them the same size
as your front trunnion holes (they're going to take the same 10-32 thread):
Test fit a couple times and widen the holes if you need to, to make them fit up to the rear
trunnion (again, I'm bad at measuring so I messed up and had to widen these holes quite a bit, but
the screw caps will cover these and it actually will look good!)

Next, make sure you tap the rear trunnion holes for the 10-32 threading for your screws:

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Use plenty of cutting oil!

Step 13: Trimming the ejector Tip

Now, once you reinstall the rails, stick your bolt carrier in and try to run the bolt and bolt carrier
up the rails with the lower rails installed now. It should go smoothly UNTIL you hit the ejector
tip, which will need to be trimmed. In the picture below, you can see clearly that it is sticking out
too far into the bolt and will need to be trimmed:

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I ALMOST used the dremel (luckily it did not fit). I ended up using a hand file to file that down
and every 5 or so strokes, I stuck the bolt and bolt carrier back in and tried to make it fit, because
you do NOT want to trim the ejector tip too short!
So take your time, use the hand file and it will not take that long!
You'll know you're successful when, again, you can run the bolt carrier WITH the bolt in it, all
the way up to the front trunnion -- mimicking the action of the bolt and bolt carrier when you're
firing shots with the rifle - -see below:

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Step 14: Demilling & Installing trigger guard

Something I didn't' notice back when I was demilling the rear trunnion is one part of my trigger
guard needs to be demilled.

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So I did that then went to test fitting the trigger guard into place ...

Notice the safety selector catch is on the right hand side of the receiver (that's that little notch
with the arrow pointing to it.

Step 15: Fitting the magazine well

You're going to now test fit with your magazine. And then you're going to take the dremel and
remove all the material around the area that is keeping the magazine from fitting. Go slow, and
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don't remove too much from any one spot -- and remove a little at a time because you want the
magazine to fit nice and tight not be wobbly and un secure.
In the picture below, you'll see all the things I had to grind down on mine -- including the bottom
of the lower rails, the bolt holding in the lower rails, the back of the magazine hole -- where it
connects to the trigger guard, etc. Basically, take your time, grind away and test fit often to make
sure you're not taking too much away.

Here's a test fit where you can see the magazine is clearly hitting the lower rail and won't go any
further ...

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Here's me trimming away ...

and here it is done:

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Step 16: Installing your barrel to the front trunnion

In order to install your barrel, because I don't have a press, I would recommend you use the "all
thread method". Basically, you will neeed:
-- a 2 foot or so long piece of grade 8 all-thread steel (black steel, that's stronger than regular
steel with zinc coating from Home Depot -- that will break -- ask me how I know :) )
I got mine from a local fastenal store. You want 1/4" size for the 7.62x39 ak barrel
-- 2-4 of 1/4" nuts
- a couple pieces of really strong steel with a 1/4" hole in them for either end of your device.
This was my first attempt using washers:

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That was a total disaster -- the all-thread broke (remember it was the home depot zinc plated
stainless steel junk) and the washers all bent probably driving my front trunnion on crooked.
Dont' do that! But you can see the idea, you're going to keep one end stable and crank on the
other end's nut until you slowly pull the barrel into the front trunnion.
This was the final setup, with the stronger grade 8 all thread and I was able to re-use my two jig
pieces from my AR-15 build for each end!

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As you can see I used a wrench on the one end I wasn't ratcheting on -- to hold it in place, so that
nut didn't work its way down. Also -- if you look at the center piece closely ...

You'll notice that it's silvery, that's because you should coat the barrel and the trunnion with
"anti-seize" paste from an auto shop.
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Also, after trying and failing a few times, I realized that you need to really look at your barrel
and trunnion sizes. You may have a wide mouth trunnion and an okay barrel, but in my case I
had to take some emory cloth and really go to work on the barrel and the trunnion before trying
to put them together the final time.
I just simply used the emory cloth on both the trunnion and the barrel until I could "Test fit"
them into each other and the barrel slid at least a little ways into the trunnion before getting
locked tight and not going any further.
Before I had used the emory cloth, it wouldn't even go in it. I just kept sanding away with the
emory cloth until they would at least go in a little.
Lastly, before you attempt to press the barrel in, you need to stick the barrel (not the trunnion!) in
the freezer for at least an hour or two. This will give you a couple extra little bit of shrinkage (I
know technical term right?) that you need to help get it in nice and tight.
Here's a pic of the process in action:

Step 17: Headspacing Your Rifle

This is probably the most important part of the build. Because if you don't get your headspace
right, you COULD blow your rifle up or something bad could happen. Bottom line -- everything
else with an AK build seems to be pretty much a "close enough" deal -- but this part you want to
be as exact as you can be!
Here's your barrel in the trunnion
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As shown in the picture below, you should at least have enough width between the ridges in the
front trunnion and the barrel to fit the bolt, for it to spin:

You then need a "go" and a "no go" gauge -- I ordered mine from -- for 7.62x39 - this is a good investment.

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First you take the go gauge and stick it in your bolt and stick it in your barrel and attempt to push
the bolt all the way forward and twist it to the right, and it should completely turn and lock into
your front trunnion -- touching the right side of the front trunnion:

Twisting and fitting ... success! It twists and the little bump touches the side (see arrow):

Now, the "Go Gauge" was a success, let's now make sure that the "no go guage" is a failure! In
this case, the no go gauge should NOT be able to turn completely to the right and rest on the
front trunnion. Here is the no - go gauge:
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and SUCCESS it does not fit! As you can see, there is enough space between that little nub and
the trunnion for me to fit an allen wrench in there -- so it's a "no go".

Now, to get to this point, we had to do a little adjusting. So you'll have to move the barrel in or
out of your trunnion just a LITTLE BIT AT A TIME because it is always a small difference that
can make it fit or not fit.

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In this picture you can see that to get the right headspace, I
had to push the barrel OUT of the trunnion a little bit. To do
that, I simply got what is called a A 5-ton gear puller with
6" jaws from my local Pep Boys, it looks like this:
You simply stick like 5 pennies on your barrel hole opening
to protect it and use this to push the barrel out SLOWLY
one thread at a time, so you can take it apart and recheck
your headspace. And the little hooks grab onto the sides of
your trunnion.
Here's a picture of me pushing the barrel out a little bit ..

Then of course, you may have to stick the all thread back in and press the barrel in a little bit if
you go to far, just take your time and go a little bit at a time. The good thing about both these
methods (as OPPOSED to using a 12 ton press) is that you can go ONE THREAD at a time -- to
really get the right, exact fit!

Step 18: Drilling Out Barrel Hole

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This is the next part, give your barrel a day to warm up and get really stuck solid inside the
trunnion, now you are going to drill the barrel hole. The barrel you are using, if it's NOT a virgin
barrel will have a small "divet" in it, where it used to be matched up to the original trunnion it
came with from the factory.
If you have a parts matching kit, then after settting your headspace, maybe your barrel hole in the
trunnion AND your divet in your barrel all match up. If you have a mismatched kit like mine,
then you will see that they don't match up. First, clean out the hole with something:

Then when you look through the barrel hole in the trunnion, you can see that the barrel divet is
halfway in the hole and half way not -- so I'll have to redrill through the barrel hole in the
trunnion AND the barrel:

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Set it up in your vice, check your levels on the x and y axis (very important) and try to drill all
the way through all in one shot. Be VERY careful because the trunnion metal is MUCH softer
than the barrel and you don't want to let the bit walk and mess up your trunnion by "egging" out
one side.

I ended up getting a center cutting carbide endmill in 7/32" from for this:
c=1 -- it cut through pretty easy, but I did damage a few of the "flutes" and also I did end up
egging out the other side of my barrel hole because I didn't have it as square as possible!
You can see the egging here:

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But that's ok, it was only one side. So now was time to put in the barrel pin to hold the barrel to
the trunnion (the reason why we needed to drill that hole.
Now, if you were more confident in your drilling skills and reaming skills sells
both an "over sized barrel pin" and the drill bit and reamer bit for this exact operation. But I
didn't want to mess up my trunnion any more than I already did. And the barrel pin is just regular
tool steel.
So what I did is I decided to take the next size up drill bit from my cheap drill bit set-- 15/64 -and I tapped it through the hole and then dremeled it off making sure that it was nice and tight.

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Then I just took a dremel and cut off the "threaded" side of the drill bit and made sure it was
flush in the hole. (I didn't take pictures of me dremeling off the drill bit--it was simply cutting it
off with a cutting disk then hitting that side of it with the sanding disk to make sure it was flush
and smooth).

Step 19: Installing Hammer, Trigger, Safety Selector Switch

First off, I recommend you buy the Tapco G2 Trigger set. This will count as 3 parts towards your
U.S. parts requirements. So do that. Also, you need to check your kit to see if it came with a
"sphephards hook" or "L hook" retaining spring AND a "disconnector" (sometimes called a
"sear") spring for your trigger.
My kit or set did NOT come with either of these, so I ordered them from
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Ok, in the picture above you see the disconnector spring, that is important, it goes in your trigger
The l-shaped retainer spring is what SHOULD have come in my kit. But didn't. So I ordered one
but also at the same time I ordered the "Red Star Arms FCG Pin Retaining Plate" from because it's a common upgrade to replace the l-shaped retainer spring. They both do
the same thing--they hold all your Fire control group stuff together so your gun doesn't fall apart
-- but the retaining PLATE is an upgrade that apparently does it better, so I ended up using that.
Then you see the old parts kit -- that had the old trigger and hammer, and the hammer spring -the spring is all you need from that -- and the small zip ties.
The disconnector spring goes in between the trigger and disconnector piece like so:

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So that you then have this ...

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Your're going to take the spring and put it on the hammer first, and crank it up and then use the
zip tie to hold the spring to the hammer to make it easier to install:

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By the way, the smaller side of the hammer is going to face the front (that was not clear to me at
first because I figured the bigger side would be the one to smack the firing pin, but it's the small

Then you take the hammer and stick it in the receiver, and stick one of the pins through there to
hold it in place:

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Now take your trigger drop it down in there:

And use another pin to hold it in place:

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After you have those both in, take your retaining plate (or L-shaped retaining spring if you're
using that) and stick it in to hold them all together:

Use a punch or screw driver to lock it in tight:

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cut off your zip ties ...

And the two springs should be locked down on top of the two sides of the trigger:

The last step, my safety selector was a bit of a pain! I had to do a lot of trimming and grinding to
get it to fit. In my case I had to widen the part where it would go in the hole, so that it would fit
my receiver:
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And I also had to notch the part where it would clear the disconnector part of the trigger

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then stick it in and lock it into place.

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After a lot of test fitting and grinding the safety selector finally fit:

Step 20: Put Your Rifle Together!

Ok, now we are in the home stretch!
First, put the stock in:

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Then screw in the new pistol grip (use a American Made one, to help with 922r compliance):

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Then insert your bolt into your bolt carrier, and insert it into your rifle ...

Then stick in the big spring into the bolt carrier and find where the other end connects to the rear
trunnion ...

Then insert your dust cover, front first into the notch in the front trunnion and hook the back of
the spring assembly into the square hole ...

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Then the final, SATISFYING step ... snap in your mag!

Chamber that bad boy And you're now ready to rock!

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Congrats you now have an AK-47 you built yourself!

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Now, the main benefit to building your own AK-47 from scratch is that there is no serial number
on your rifle there is no record of it on the books and nobody but you will know that you
have it.
The fact that there are no markings or serial numbers on your weapon could also be a drawback
as well
Consider these two possible reasons why you might want to serialize your lower:
1. You are using your rifle at the range, or hunting with it and you encounter law
enforcement. They become suspicious that you have no serial numbers on your weapon
and they assume that you filed off the serial numbers like a criminal would to make your
weapon untraceable!
This is a serious offense and you could get in a lot of trouble. Many people would rather
serialize their weapons themselves to avoid such a conversation/explanation.
2. Your rifle is stolen, and you want to report it to the police you will want to report the
serial numbers, make and manufacturer along with any other distinguishing marks so
they know it is yours that you reported stolen if it ends up somewhere its not
supposed to be.
For these reasons (and probably some more that you could think of) it might be a good idea to
mark your lower receiver.
This can also be a great way to add your own unique and personal artistic touch to the rifle.
Some builders on the internet have taken to making beautiful custom designs on their rifles
which you can do as well.
This could be especially cool if you intend to make the AK-47 that you built from scratch a
family heirloom to pass onto your childrenwhat a story that would be for them!

What Should You Engrave On Your Receiver?

It is up to you, but here seem to be some popular choices:
Manufacture (this could be your name)
City State (if you feel like it)
Model (AK-47 or whatever you wanna call your AK)
Caliber (7.62x39 unless you are doing a ak-74 build not covered here)
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Serial # (most people online recommend something like your initials and a number
example: CL0001.)
NOTE: most sources suggest a max of 10-12 letters/numbers per line.
Another cool idea I saw, was a guy put a quote from the second amendment on his lowervery

How Can You Do It?

First, there are some people that you can send your 80% receiver to and have them do it for you
for a small fee. I know of one such person at whose prices seem very
Alternatively, if you know anyone in the laser etching industrythey might be able to help you
out too.
Then of course, there is the DIY method we all love
Your own serial numbers can be made with a sharp etching tool such as small chisels and other
methods. Depending on your skill level, you can do it this way.
The other method is to etch your markings using electrical etching. This is a method that a lot of
DIY knife makers like to rely on (as well as DIY 80% gun builders) to add designs and etching
to their weapons and you can do it that way too.

What Should You Coat Your Lower With?

The last step, after youve made any markings on your lower that you want is to coat it to protect
it from the elements and to make it look better.
A common option is to anodize your lower with home anodizing kits. You can choose a variety
of colors for this and because this is how most commercial lowers are finishedit will work
Another cheap and easy option is to just spray paint the dang thing! Any good tough
coating/paint that will bond to your weapon and would work in this case. Some purists might
cringe at the suggestion, but it IS an option. Duracoat, black oxide, gunkote, blueing, and more
are all options as well, but are beyond the scope of this manual. However you will find much
information about these various options online. At this point it is up to you whether you want to
serialize your receiver and how you want to coat it.
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One thing about doing an AK-47 build that is unique (as compared to an AR-15 build) is that the
AK-47 is an imported weapon according to some regulations.
One of these is the 922r laws. The short version is this: because the AK-47 is technically an
imported rifle (remember youre building it from a parts kit that came from somewhere other
than the U.S.) you need to have a minimum number of U.S. made parts on it to not get in
Why? What kind of dumb law is this? To tell you the truth, who the heck knows but if youd
like the full story, here is a snippet of an article on the 922r discussion from
Title 18 U.S.C. (922r) Discussion
No discussion on converting your AK from one status to another would be
complete without a description of what "922r" means, both as a law and what you
are going to be required to do to stay legal with your firearm.
Yes, you can convert it legally, but you need to jump through a few legal "hoops"
in the process. This part may help you understand the need to do what we are
going to do later in the article.
Short Background
In 1989, President George H W Bush took steps to stop the import of 43 types of
semi- automatic firearms which were considered to have "no sporting purpose"
according to the language of the Gun Control Act of 1968. This stopped all the
evil "black" rifles from coming in such as the AK-47(series), Uzi, FAL, FNC, HK91, Daewoo (series), and many, many other cool rifles, just because George
Bush thought they should be banned. Be informed, this ban did not start in
Congress, but was created by the BATF at the behest of the Office of the
President of the United States through the recommendation of "Drug Czar" Bill
This was the beginning of the term "pre-ban" rifle. Pre-ban rifle refers to any
semi- automatic rifle (on the ban list) with all the "evil" features (such as the AK47 series) and imported into the US prior to President Bush's intervention on
March 14, 1989. They are still legal to own and sell and are "grandfathered" as
far as the law goes.
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A few imported rifles were caught up in the ban process. Mitchell Arms had about
3,500 Yugoslavian AK-47s of several varieties and calibers waiting in Customs
where they remained for about 5 years before being released for sale. Even
though technically considered to be post-ban rifles, they are now highly sought
after AK's (known as the Yugo M-90), and are perfect candidates for the 922r
Five years later, Bill Clinton signed Congressional anti-gun legislation (Violent
Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, also referred to as the Assault
Weapons Ban (AWB)) in Sept of 1994, which defined an "assault rifle" for the first
time. We will cover the legal definition of this later in the article. The bill also
limited civilian sales of magazines of more than 10 rounds capacity. Pre-ban
high-capacity mags were still legal to own and sell. This bill furthered the import
restrictions and even determined what configuration of semi-automatic rifle
assembled from imported parts could be legally built within the USA. This ban
was to be sun-setted in 2004, which it was, after much discussion in Congress to
extend the ban permanently. The purpose of this ban was to emasculate the
firearms industry's ability of making any politically incorrect firearms. However,
they did not take into account the cleverness of red-blooded, Second
Amendment loving, American gun manufacturers. The AWB did more to
stimulate the firearms industry than the anti-gun people ever could have
imagined. Sales of firearms and ammunition of all sorts went through the roof as
citizens flocked to gun shows and dealers as a reflection of their distrust of the
Government. And rightly so. After all, why should you trust a government that
would take your firearms?
At the start of the Clinton Gun Ban, AK clones that passed the criteria "for
sporting purposes" were allowed to be imported. These were pretty ugly to AK
lovers, to name one group. Other "black" rifles suffered the same ugliness. The
wording of the bill under Title 27 U.S.C., made it illegal to import or assemble a
pre-ban configuration AK with even a plain buttstock, as it would necessitate
having a pistol grip to function, the pistol grip being the clincher. That's because
the language of the bill legally defined an assault rifle as a semi-automatic rifle
having the capability to accept a detachable magazine and at least two of these
"evil" features: folding or telescoping stock, bayonet lugs, threaded muzzle, flash
hider, pistol grip, and grenade launcher. As a result, a typical AK-47 clone was
imported with a large, ugly thumbhole buttstock, no bayonet lugs, no threaded
muzzle, or if it did, the muzzle attachment was welded on, but no flash hiders
what-so- ever were allowed, and 5 or 10 round magazine.
As time passed, things improved as manufacturers started producing AK's using
US made parts to bring the appearance back to something resembling the
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original configuration. This was allowed by the language of Title 18 USC, Part
922r, which stated that no more than 10 imported parts could be used to build an
AK style rifle with at least some of the evil features. The BATF originally wanted
just 2 imported parts as the maximum, but Congress upped the ante and settled
on 10 imported parts as the maximum which greatly decreased the US made
parts that must be substituted in the build. In other words, the required US made
parts dropped from 14 to 6 in the final bill. Apart from this small victory, it was a
very confusing time to deal in AK's.
After Sept 14, 2004, things came back to normal in that high capacity mags were
legal to sell to civilians and evil features such as folding stocks, flash hiders, and
bayonet lugs were again legal. In retrospect, the 10 year AWB was a waste of
time. It did nothing to reduce crime and only hindered US Citizens from owning
their favorite weapons in original form. Both the 1989 and 1994 gun bans pushed
the price of firearms and magazines up in the process. In 1989, after Bush's ban
was announced, the price of an AK-47 NIB import increased from $350 to $550
overnight. Through the years, all black rifles continued to increase in price as
more and more restrictions were implemented, supplies shrank, and demand
grew. Simple economics. Now, that same $550 NIB AK-47 will bring $1,200 and
perhaps more. A recent, high quality, brand new, US made AK clone will cost
$750 and up.
Be informed that there are pending Congressional bills as late as June 2008, i.e.,
House Resolution 6257, that would renew the AWB permanently. You might want
to get your AK-47 922r'd before they do another ban. If the Congress Critters get
it passed, it will undoubtedly be much more severe than the last one.
Title 18 (922r) and Title 27 Laws
"Title 18 U.S.C., Chapter 44, Section 922 (r) No person shall assemble a
semiautomatic rifle or any shotgun using more than 10 of the imported parts
listed in paragraph (c) of this section if the assembled firearm is prohibited from
importation under section 925(d)(3) as not being particularly suitable for or
readily adaptable to sporting purposes."
This statute was actually put in place about 1990, but got little notice. With the
1994 ban, it got big press when the BATF began putting manufacturers on strict
compliance notice. The same notice holds true for individuals doing their own
conversion work.

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The 922r language presented a list of 20 parts that applied to ALL semiautomatic assault rifles (not just the AK-47 series) made from imported parts sets
or kits. For the AK-47, 16 parts apply. The following is a list of those parts, also
referred to as "compliance parts."
1. Barrel
2. Receiver
3. Front and Rear Trunions (Applies to stamped receivers only)
4. Bolt Carrier
5. Bolt
6. Gas Piston
7. Buttstock
8. Pistol Grip
9. Upper and Lower Handguards (Both count as 1 part)
10. Muzzle Device
11. Hammer
12. Trigger
13. Disconnector
14. Magazine Body
15. Magazine Follower
16. Magazine Floorplate
You may choose replacement parts from the list as desired. The point being that
a maximum of 10 imported parts from this list may be used to build an AK rifle.
The bottom line is that you must use 6 US made parts from the above list to
assemble a stamped steel AK and 5 US made parts for a milled receiver. Since
you are not looking to do a total rebuild of your AK, you will likely choose the
smaller parts. But, if you ever wanted to do a complete build from a parts set, you
would be able to replace all the parts on the list with US made parts save the bolt
carrier, bolt, trunions, and possibly the barrel. US made barrels are available for
several AK builds, but not all.

So Whats the Easiest Way To Satisfy the 922r Requirements?

Well, since youll be building an AK from stamped steel, you need 6 U.S. made parts.
Part number one will be your receiver! So now you only need 5 more parts. Sites like offer package deals on these U.S. AK parts such
as this (at the time of this writing):
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That seems to be a great option as you can keep the original grips and magazines (if you like the
classic wood furniture like I do).
Also, if your barrel is threaded, then you can get a nice flash suppressor which is not evil like
the liberals thinkbut it is useful (and lets face itit always looks cooler).
Other sites offer complete packages too that are rather inexpensive:
46e3d468c85e89326f8f44fad5c5 this one from dpharms contains a hammer, trigger,
disconnector, ak full length gas piston and pistol grip.
If you dont like the classic looks of the wood furniture (the grip, foregrip and stock) then you
can always replace those three with polymer or more modern furniture made in the U.S. and
youll have 4 parts down (receiver + 3 parts of the stock set) and only need two more parts.
A quick google search for 922r Ak-47 compliance parts will help you decide what route you
would like to go. Just remember 5 is the magic number of U.S. parts to replace on your build,
since you are already providing the sixth part the receiver.

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Congratulations Patriot!
You now have your own AK-47 that is completely off the books and just the way it should be
I hope you enjoyed this guide and I sincerely pray that it helps you reclaim your privacy,
safeguard your freedom, and empowers your Second Amendment Rights!
Speaking of the Second Amendment

A Suggestion
You may not think it, but your voice counts!
If you care at all about your rights, your freedoms, and fighting the anti-gun criminals in
Washington then you need to step up and join the fight
I would encourage you to join the NRA the National Rifle Association if you havent already.
Theyre not perfect but theyre one of the biggest pro-gun lobbyists in Washington and are
friends of us Patriots and the Second Amendment. More information can be found at:
I would also encourage you to join the Gun Owners of America (GOA) at They
are also an excellent organization. The highest praise I can give them is from a Patriot I truly
respect: The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington Ron Paul.
Another excellent group that I recently joined and support monetarily is the National
Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) --
In addition, I encourage you to join whatever LOCAL groups there may be available to you to
get involved at the LOCAL level as much headway can be made here for gun rights and your
voice is sure to be heard.
Myself, Im a member of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) at They are
a grassroots organization. I believe this same organization model is in many other states and I
would encourage you to find the one nearest you and to join it (just Google INSERT YOUR
STATE + citizens defense league).

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Once you join these organizations make sure you use your best email and then they will alert
you when there is anti-gun legislation coming up for votes at the local or federal level and you
can respond with other Second Amendment supporters to encourage your representatives to fight
these freedom robbing laws!

It truly is up to us!
At no time in history (primarily because of the wonder of the internet!) has it been easier to get
information on what the Government is doing behind closed doors to be notified almost
immediately when freedom-stealing legislation is going to pass and to fight back so that
the PEOPLE have a say in Washington!
If we all give up or think our voices wont matter then it is a self-fulfilling prophecy and
nothing will change.
But if we all let our voices be heardthen we can at best change the direction of the Nation for
our future, our childrens future and future generations
And at worst we can delay the power hungry politicians from taking away our freedoms one
small bite at a time.
If you consider yourself a Patriot I encourage you to fight for the former!
All my best,

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