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Allan Ritch - Chapter Assignment 2 - BIBL 350-B03 LUO

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Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014


Allan Ritch
Chapter Assignment 2
BIBL 350-B03 LUO

Assignment 6-4
Read the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan women recorded in the John 4:1-39.
Then read an article on Samaria or Samaritan in a Bible dictionary or encyclopedia and
make a list of all the ways the article helps you understand the conversation between Jesus and
the woman.

1. Samaria is a city and a territory (province)
2. Southern half remained faithful while northern half was mostly pagan
3. Served God and served other gods
4. Separation seems to be more political than religious
5. Herod built a temple for Augustus to be worshipped as god
6. Intermarriage was common
7. Animosity between territory of Samaria and that of Judea
8. Populated by those returning from exile and those who remained during exile period
9. Samaritan food was considered unclean

Assignment 6-5
Use a Bible dictionary or encyclopedia to answer the following questions about Nehemiah:

1. How much time passes between the month of Kislev (or Chislev) in Nehemiah 1:1 and
the month of Nisan in Nehemiah 2:1?
4 months
2. Where is Susa (Neh. 1:1)?
Today know as Shush in the plain of Iranian Khuzestan, near the Zagros
3. For which empire did Susa serve as one of the three royal cities?
Elam and later Persia
4. What other biblical character lived in Susa?
King Xerxes and Queen Ester
5. Did the character live before Nehemiah or after?
Before Nehemiah
6. Which empire did King Artaxerxes rule over and when (Neh. 2:1)?
The Persian Empire
7. What was a cupbearers (Neh. 1:11) status in the royal court?
A cupbearer is an important official who serve wine to the king. His statue in the
royal court is that of great influence. He was always present with the king and
served as his personal guard. The position of cupbearer is a highly influential one
due to his access to the king.

Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

Assignment 8-1
Write a paragraph describing the passages surrounding context of the following passages:
Acts 1:7-8 and 1 Corinthians 11:27-32.

He said to them, It is not for you to know times or epochs which the
Father has fixed by His own authority; but you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My
witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to
the remotest part of the earth. -- Acts 1:7-8 (NASB)

This passage is a restating of the Great Commission in Matthew (28:19). Jesus is preparing His
disciples for their upcoming mission, the mission of evangelism and the arrival of the Holy
Spirit. They were concerned with the restoration of the kingdom of Israel, however, Jesus defects
their concerns. Jesus is telling them, and us not be too caught up on when prophecy will be
fulfilled but to spread the message of His death and resurrection. Jesus commanded the disciples
to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit had come upon them.

Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an
unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the
Lord. But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of
the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks, eats and
drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. For
this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number
sleep. But if we judged ourselves rightly, we would not be judged. But
when we are judged, we are disciplined by the Lord so that we will
not be condemned along with the world. 1 Cor. 11:27-32 (NASB)

The context surrounding this passage is one depicting greed and selfishness. The church in
Corinth was continuing in some of the pagan practices that they were called to give up as
followers of Christ. Paul was admonishing members of this church to examine their own
behavior when commemorating the death of Christ during the Lords Supper. Many were taking
the bread and drink in a dividing and selfish manner. Some were rushing through while other
had none. Paul continues to explain that the Lords Supper was not for the nourishment of the
body but in remembrance of His sacrifice for us, for the entire church body.

-Assignment 9-1: Concordance Exercises

1. Use the concordance to answer the following questions about Acts 1:8.
a. Write out the English transliterated form of the word translated power in Acts 1:8.
Dunamis (G1411)
b. How many times does this word occur in the New Testament? 121
Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

c. List the passages in Acts that translate this word as power.
Acts 1:8, 3:12, 4:7, 4:33, 6:8, 8:10, 10:38
d. List the passages in Acts that translate this word as miracles.
Acts 2:22, 8:13, 19:11
2. Use the concordance to answer the following questions about Exodus 4:21.
a. Wright out the English transliterated form of the word translated power in Exodus
Yad (H3027)
b. How many times does this word occur in the Old Testament? 44
c. List the passages in Exodus that translate the word as power.

Genesis 16:6 Proverbs 3:27
31:29 18:21
Exodus 3:8 Isaiah 8:11
4:21 47:14
14:31 64:7
Numbers 11:23 Jeremiah 16:21
Deuteronomy 34:12 18:21
Judges 1:35 21:12
6:2 22:3
7:2 46:24
Job 1:12 46:26
2:6 Ezekiel 35:5
5:20 Daniel 8:4
8:4 8:7
12:6 12:7
27:11 Hos 13:14
27:22 Amos 1:8
Psalms 22:20 Zechariah 4:6
49:15 11:6
63:10 11:6
78:42 11:6

3. The NASB uses the word judge in 1 Corinthians 4:3, 5; 6:5. Are these the same Greek
words? No
Wright out the English transliteration of the three Greek words translated as judge in these
three passages.

1 Corinthians 4:3 Examined G350 anakrino
1 Corinthians 4:5 Judgment G2919 krino
1 Corinthians 6:5 Decide G1252 Diakrino

Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

4. Use the concordance to answer the following questions about the word hope.
a. Paul uses the word hope in Romans 4:18. How many times total does he use the
same word in his letter? 13 (G1680)
b. How many times is the word used in Matthew, Mark, and Luke? None
c. Is this the same work for hope that is used in 1 Corinthians 13:13? Yes (G1680)
Assignment 9-2
"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will
eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life
more than food, and the body more than clothing? (Mt 6:25 NASB).
You are studying the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the word worry (worried in
NASB) in Chapter 6 catches you eye. You decide to study the word worry in more depth.
1. Use the concordance to find the Greek word that translated worry (worried in NASB) in
Matthew 6:25. Do this by looking up worry in the first part of the concordance. Then find
Mt 6:25 in the left column and look to the right to find the G/K number. What is the G/K
number of the word translated worry (worried in NASB) in Matthew 6:25? G3309

2. Now turn to that number in the Greek to English Dictionary and Index in the back of the
concordance. Remember, we use the Hebrew to English Dictionary and Index for Old
Testament words and the Greek to English Dictionary and Index for New Testament
words. What is the Greek word that is beside that number? Wright out the word in
transliterated English form MERIMNAO (Dont worry about spelling.) How many times is
it used in the New Testament? 20

3. While you are looking at the Greek word in the Greek to English Dictionary and Index,
make a list of the different ways the NASB translates this particular Greek word:

a. Anxious (1 time)
b. Care (2 times)
c. Concerned (5 times)
d. Havecare(1 time)
e. Worried (4 times)
f. Worry (6 times)
g. Worrying (1 time)

4. Next, look up each translation you listed above in the first part of your concordance and find
the chapter and verse where the Greek word is used. For example, the NIV translates the
Greek word as worry about five times. As you look up worry about in the first part of
your concordance, you need to make sure both words (worry and about) are in bold print
and that the number to the right is the same one that you have already identified. You will
discover that the Greek work is translated worry about by the NIV in Matthew 12:29 is a
different G/K number. Now finish completing the chart below by looking up each translation:
Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

a. Anxious (1 time) Phil 4:6
b. Care (2 time) Matt 6:34; 1Cor 12:25
c. Concerned (5 times) 1Cor 7:32, 33, 34(x2); Phil 2:20
d. Havecare(1 time) 1Cor 12:25
e. Worried (4 times) Matt 6:25, 27, 28; Luke 10:41
f. Worry (6 times) Matt 6:31, 34, 10:19; Luke 12:11, 22, 26
g. Worrying (1 time) Luke 12:29

5. Now that you know how the NIV translates the word and where it is found in the New
Testament, examine each occurrence in context as a means of identifying the words range of
meaning. All this is part of determining what the word could mean before you decide what is
does mean in Matthew 6:25. This step is probably the most important, but also the most
difficult. There is an art to identifying a words semantic range. Dont give up. Keep working
at it and youll find that it gets easier with practice. Answer the following questions about
how the word is used in each context as a way of getting at its range of meaning:

a. What things are we told not to worry about in Matthew 6:25, 27, 28, 31, 34; Luke
12:22, 25, 26?

Your life, what you will eat, what you will drink, for your body, what you will
put on, tomorrow, life, and other matters.

b. What is the context in Matthew 10:19 and Luke 12:11? Is this a different kind of
worry than that prohibited in Matthew 6:25?

Public defense
This worry is different in Matthew 6:25 but it is the same word. This worry
refers to sustainment (food, water, clothing, shelter, etc.)

c. What stands in contrast to Marthas worry (Luke 10:41)? How does this contrast help
to define Marthas worry?

Marys attentiveness to listen verses Marthas attentiveness to tasks (busyness).

d. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul uses the word four times. Describe the context of this use.

1Cor 7:32 --The unmarried man being concerned about the things of the Lord
1Cor 7:33 Married man concerned with the things of the world or how he can
please his wife
1Cor 7:34 (1) unmarried or virgin concerned with the things of the Lord
(2) Married woman concerned with the things of the world or how
he can please his wife
Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

e. What does the context of 1 Corinthians 12 and Philippians 1 have in common?

Both are concerned with the welfare of the church or body of Christ

f. What kind of worry is Paul describing in Philippians 4? How do you know?

Providing for the ministry, it is stated in Phil 4:16

6. Based on your brief study of the word as used in context, describe as best you can the
semantic range of the word. There are at least two major senses of the word and perhaps a
couple more.

1) We are not to be concerned about the day-to-day requirements of life. That is
what we are to eat, drink, and wear.
2) We are to provide for the needs of the church and its ministers and
3) If we are persecuted we are not to concern ourselves with our defense, God
will provide.
4) We (the church) are to care for one another.

7. Now decide what the Greek word used in Matthew 6:25 and translated worry actually
means in this verse. Select one of the semantic-range options that you identified in step 6 and
explain why you think the word carries the meaning in Matthew 6:25.

Concerned best fits the best fit for this passage. We are not to be concerned with the
day-to-day concerns of life. We are to seek the provisions that God provides for our
daily bread.

8. To check your work, see Verbrugge, New International Dictionary of New Testament
Theology: Abridged Edition, 364.

Chapter Assignment 2 June 9, 2014

Duvall, J. S., & Hays, J. D. (2012). Grasping God's Word. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Zondervan.
Strongest NASB Exhaustive Concordance. (1998). Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

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