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For Lighthouse Sabbath School


Humility involves freedom from arrogance or pride. A humble person does not view
others as inferior to himself. Any imperfect human who is humble should also be
modest, that is, aware of his limitations.


Moses did not let authority go to his head. Often, when a man receives a little
authority, his humility—or lack thereof—quickly becomes evident. Nineteenth-century
author Robert G. Ingersoll put it this way: ―Most people can bear adversity. But if you
wish to know what a man really is, give him power.‖ In that sense, Moses set a
sterling example of humility. How so?

Moses received great authority – but never got into his head (Numbers 12:6-8)
God talks of Moses as a man they talk face to face- he was not like other prophets –
as Miriam and Aaron had thought-, for Jehovah commissioned him to lead Israel.
Yet, that power never made Moses proud.

Seeking God in everything -Inheritance rights. (Numbers 27:1-11) The question

was a weighty one, as the decision would set a legal precedent for generations to

How would Moses respond? Would he reason that as leader of Israel, he was
qualified to make a decision in the matter? Would he lean on his natural ability, his
years of experience, or his intimate knowledge of Jehovah’s thinking?

Perhaps a proud man would have done so. But not Moses. The Bible record tells us:
―Moses presented [the] case before Jehovah.‖ (Numbers 27:5) Just think! Even after
some 40 years of leading the nation of Israel, Moses relied, not on himself, but on
Jehovah. Here we see Moses’ humility at its best.

Guarding Authority. He rejoiced when Jehovah allowed other Israelites to act as

prophets alongside him. (Numbers 11:24-29) – here we see Moses clearly unselfish
with the spirit gave him, he freely distribute it and when one of his long term and
trusted aides feels jealousy for him Moses quickly tell him his wish for all the Jewish
people to be prophets…..a question to ponder in our daily lives is how often do we
let others lead or even wish they lead… how often do we even give a chance to
other family members to lead a prayer or a devotion at home?.... how often do we
transfer our knowledge and ability to others?

Accepting and implementing Advice – Even form the least of the people.

When his father-in-law suggested that he delegate some of his workload, Moses
humbly applied the suggestion. (Exodus 18:13-24)

Who was Jethro

For Lighthouse Sabbath School

1. He was a pagan (Exodus 18:11)

2. They had some family wrangles (Miriam and Moses were Racist towards
Jethro’s household) - Numbers 12:1-6

Who was Moses;

1. Great leader of God

2. He consulted with God face to face
3. He had a great experience of leadership in the wilderness for over 40 years
4. He grew up in the king’s palace

Now Moses not only applied the Advice from his father in law who was a-nobody in
terms of Gods leadership but also accredited it to him while he wrote the bible. what
a great sense of humility


We never want to let power, authority, or natural ability go to our head. Remember:
In order to be useful to Jehovah, our humility should always exceed our ability. When
we are truly humble, we will strive to apply the Bible’s wise advice: ―Trust in Jehovah
with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.‖—Proverbs 3:5, 6.

Moses’ example also teaches us not to place too much importance on our status or

Do we benefit from imitating Moses’ example of humility? Without question! When

we cultivate genuine humility, we make life easier for the people around us,
endearing ourselves to them. More important, we endear ourselves to Jehovah God,
who himself displays this beautiful quality. ―God opposes the proud ones, but he
gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.‖ (1 Peter 5:5) What a compelling
reason to imitate the humility of Moses!

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