Carcinoma of The Cervix L
Carcinoma of The Cervix L
Carcinoma of The Cervix L
Condyloma acuminata
Non-specific vulvitis
Bartholin’s cyst and abscess
Condyloma acuminata
It cuased by human papilloma
virus(HPV) ,most be HPV type 6 or 11.
Condyloma acuminata may be
discovered in vulva,vagina,cervix.
(intrferon) INF
Bartholin gland
(under the skin)
Risk fators :
previous history of PID
multiple sex partners
infection by sexually transmitted organism
use of an IUD
The most common symptoms is abdominopelvic
pain.Other complaints may include fever ,vaginal
discharge or bleeding.
acute PID:the symptoms is acute, always
companying fever.
chronic PID:the symptoms is mild and gradual,may
result in infertility or ecto-pregnancy.
Diagnosis :minimum criteria are as follow