Jingying T.A. Department of Physiology
Jingying T.A. Department of Physiology
Jingying T.A. Department of Physiology
Jingying T.A.
Department of physiology
motor cortex
descending tracts (brain stem, cerebellum and
basal ganglia)
motor neuron:
α-motor neuron:
γ-motor neuron:
Cord functions:
Muscle stretch reflex (based on muscle spindle)
Golgi tendon reflex
Flexor reflex and the withdrawal reflexes
Crossed extensor reflex
Reflexes of posture and locomotion
Scratch reflex
Autonomic reflexes in the spinal cord
motor cortex
anterior to the central cortical sulcus;
occupying about the 1/3 of the frontal lobes;
primary motor cortex: in the first convolution; excitement of neurons
excite a pattern of muscles;
upward down;
topographical organization;
descending tracts
•pyramidal tract (corticos
pinal tract ): from cortex t
o the spinal cord directly;
* extrapyramidal tracts: in
directly through basal ga
nglia, cerebellum, and n
uclei in brain stem.
descending tracts
pyramidal tract
descending tracts
motor areas in the brain stem:
vestibular nuclei: vestibulospinal tracts
red nuclei: rubrospinal tracts
reticular formation: reciculospinal tracts
descending tracts
pyramidal tracts: synapse directly with motor neurons.
rubrospinal tracts: distribute to spinal motor neurons supplyi
ng distal limb muscles.
both in fine motor control
vestibulospinal tracts:
reticulospinal tracts: