Past Simple or Past Continuous
Past Simple or Past Continuous
Past Simple or Past Continuous
A.- Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the
verbs in brackets.
1.- Kevin ________________________ (not wash) the car last weekend because he
___________________________ (not have) time.
2.- She ______________________ (learn) a great deal about plants and animals while
she ________________________(live) up in the tree.
3.- Paparazzi _________________________ (take) photographs of her while she
__________________________ (lie) on the beach.
4.- Mark __________________________ (yawn) while the teacher
__________________________ (explain) the French Revolution.
5.- I ________________________ (see) Jane at the conference on the environment,
but she _______________________ (not see) me as she
________________________ (listen) attentively.
6.- ___________________________ (you start) to worry when you
______________________ (hear) the news?
B.- Complete the text. Use the correct form of the Past Simple or Past
Yesterday, a Bristol man ___________________ (watch) a football match on TV, when
he _____________________ (hear) a strange noise outside.
He ______________________ (open) the front door and went outside to investigate.
While he _______________________ (stand) outside, the door
_______________________ (shut) behind him. He _______________________ (not
have) a key and it _________________________ (rain).
He ____________________ (decide) to break a window to get in. Ten minutes later, as
he ______________________ (climb) through the broken window, the police
____________________ (arrive).
C.- Write the questions for the underlined words.
1.- The baby was crying because he was angry.
2.- It took them two hours to get there.
3.- Scientists travelled to the island to study the environmental situation.
4.- His father taught him to distinguish the different species of plants.
5.- The teacher told Marta off because she was talking all the time.
6.- The police arrested the arsonist immediately.
D.- Put the words and phrases in order to make questions.
1.- doing / were / last night / you / what
2.- having / were / you / a bath
3.- tennis / yesterday / was / he / evening / playing
4.- they / about / were / talking / what
5.- was / you / she / studying with / yesterday
F.- Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1.- He studied English when he was at university.
2.- I no saw the basketball match last night.
3.- When did they made him captain of the team?
4.- He wined his first Olympic gold medal when he was nineteen.
5.- You do any sport yesterday?
6.- They didnt knew that he was the local tennis champion.