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Annotated Bibliography

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Claudia Torres
Katie Young
English 1010
14 April 2014
Transgender Annotated Bibliography

Taylor, K. Jamie, Daniel C. Lewis, Matthew L. Jacobsmeier , Brian DiSarro. State Politics and Quarterly
Content and Complexity in Policy Reinvention and Diffusion: Gay and Transgender Inclusive
Laws against Discrimination. Vol. 12(1) (2012):75-98. Web. Sage

8 April 2014
There is a very large difference between law and services towards sex orientation versus gender identity
people. The number of states with laws against discrimination of t sex orientation was 28 total in 2008.
Although their were only 13 states with laws against discrimination for gender identity people in the
same year. The states where the number of democrats is greater than republicans, it is more likely that
state will pass laws in favor of transgender and sex orientated people. When states pass laws in favor of
transgender and sex oriented people policy holders also change their requirements for their services
which in proves reinvention and diffusion. All of the authors have attended universities so we can trust
the information is credible. I am writing about transgender people and how their lives are viewed and
weighed to others in society. This offered a great view on how they are treated very differently from t
sex oriented people even though they are not much different from them.
Sabatello, Maya. Advancing Transgender Family Rights through Science in Human Rights Quarterly.
A Proposal for an Alternative Framework. Vol. 33(1) Johns Hopkins U.P. (2011):43-75.Print.

6 April 2014
The laws for transgender people have slowly progressed in the U.K. it went from transgender people not
being able to change their birth certificates to their current sex although not changing it caused great
embarrassment and dilemmas. The court ruled not to change it because birth certificates were only
changed for great life events like marriage or death and sex change was not enough. A parent with a
biological child would lose their child if they went through a sex change surgery. The court stated that a
child living with a transgender parent would not be a suitable home. U.K. allowed for sex change
surgeries but the people who went through them struggled with the laws. They could not get married or
have a right to their child or even have a driver license with their new sex on it. Later the court changed
it so you can change your birth certificate. Maya teaches at NYUs Center for Global Affairs and
Columbia Universitys Human Rights Program. She also holds Ph.D. in Political Science from the U of
California. This article is related to my essay because it talks about the laws and right transgender
people are actually given, and how they have to go to court and fight things we are given and take for

Joslin, Courtney. Human Rights: Protection for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees Under
Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Vol. 31, No. 3 (Summer 2004), pp. 14-15 Publ. American Bar
10 April 2014
The law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964protects people from being harassed or not hired because
of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin does not protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, or
transgender people (LGBT). The law does not help the orientation of sex but sex in traditional notions
only. In 1975 the first attempt to add a phrase to protect LGBT people from discrimination was made 39
years later there is still no bill that has been passed. The law protects transgender people in some
circumstances for example if a male-to-female is fired for not being feminine enough it will protect them
because they are being stereotyped. This source is credible because Courtney Joslin is a staff attorney at
the National Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco. She is co-chair of the Sexual Orientation and
Gender Identity Committee of the ABA s Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities. Since the essay
Im writing about talks about transgender people and their struggles to be treated the same as any other
citizen it ties in perfectly because LGBT people do not qualify under the same laws as other citizens.

Johnson III Gregory Richard, Social Equity in the New 21st-Century America: A Case for Transgender
Competence Within Public Affairs Graduate Programs Journal of Public Affairs Education, Vol.
17, No. 2 (Spring 2011), pp. 169-185 Publ. (NASPAA) .print.

12 April 2014
A survey was taken asking graduate and undergraduate students questions about transgender people.
Only 40% of the students new or were friends with a transgender person, which is pretty low compared
to the findings of Beemyn and Ranking who found 71% of 16-19 new a transgender person and 63% of
ages 20-25 knew a transgender person. 91% of graduate students and 96% of undergraduate students
thought that transgender people should be offered the same rights as all employees. Although less than
half of the students said they felt comfortable around transgender people. Which we can say that they
have a be who you are as long as its not around me mentality. These students especially them need
more information and tolerance for transgender people because they will go out into the world and
decide things for the population.
Oswald, Faith Ramona: Religion, Family, and Ritual: The Production of Gay , Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender Outsiders With-in Review of Religious Research. Vol 43(1) (2001) 39-50 Publ.
Religious Research

14 April 2014
When LBGT people go to very religious weddings they feel the need to kind of step out of the ceremony
in their mind. They put themselves in an outsider mentality because they know they are not accepted by
the churchs believes so they chose not to believe the church. LGBT that are raised and really committed
to their church and their believes are very often reject by the leaders of it. Even though they are
rejected at times they still believe the church and dont let that wave them because they want to be
insiders of the church. Others who are raised with out a church or religion do not want to be insiders
they resent churches for not accepting them.

Gagne, Patricia, Richard Tewksbury, Deanna McGaughey. Coming Out and Crossing Over in Gender and
Society Identity Formation and Proclamation in a Transgender Community. Vol 44(4) (2004)
478-508 Publ. Sage

14 April 2014
Society is always categorizing people into certain roles with in itself. Especially with gender assume you
are male. Society has you pinged to what yours supposed to act do and think (like a man). Sex is what
restrooms and locker rooms are arranged and in society we assume that sex and gender are the same
thing but transgender people are originally a sex but after surgeries their gender changes and they no
longer fit in societys assumptions. Gender is also not set gender can be developed by the things you do
and your occupations and with the way you act. People living between these to realms of societys
believes are not taken seriously they are made fun, and or never accepted in the norms of society. A lot
of people suppress their feelings into wanting to come out and be who they feel inside because of the
fear they have in society. They already know the things they will have to endure so they dont want to
go through any of it. All authors attended Universities so I can trust that they are a credible source. Im
writing about how transgender people are viewed in society so, this offers a great perspective.

Vitulli, Elias. Racialized Criminality and the Imprisoned Trans Body in Social Justice. Adjudication
Access to Gender Related Medical Treatment in Prisons. Vol. 37(1) (2010) 53-68. Print. Publi. Social
Justice/Global Options
11 April 2014
There is no legal law or code in the prison system that says where and how to deal with transgender
people. Usually the staff will just decide on their own where it would be best to place them. Most are
instructed to place them based on their external appearance regardless of their gender expression even
if they have had surgeries and now have breasts. For transgender people to get the medication that they
need I is nearly impossible. They must have documented diagnoses of Gender Identity Disorder before
being placed in jail, to even have a chance of receiving hormone or psychological treatment. In jail they
are abused, raped and discriminated against. There is no protection for transgender people and staff in
the jail do not listen to them often they are the ones harassing them. The author has done countless
hours of research and works closely with the legal system so we trust this source to be credible. My
essay is about how transgender people are treated differently and to what extent. In this article we can
see that the countries correctional facilities are no exception.

Consiglio, Anthony. Gender Identity and Narrating Truth in The English Journal. An Autobiographical
Approach to Bias. Vol. 88(3) (2004) 71-77 .Print. Publ. National Council of Teachers of English
10 April 2014
Society has not let transgender people marry based strictly on procreation. A female-to-male and a
female cannot naturally conceive a child on their own and that is one of the main reasons society wont
let transgender couples marry. Society wants to forcibly assign people a sex its either one or the other
and we refuse to see anything in between. This authors brings different views on transgender people to
class rooms to educate students. The students discovered a lot about themselves and shared their own

experiences with gay or transgender people. We can trust this source because the author is an actual
English teacher and taught actual high school students. This piece helps my writing because it adds more
views and believes of the younger population toward transgender people.

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