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Chapter 13 Outline

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Chapter 13 outline

Level I Items 1. Recognize the relationships between Mendelian Inheritance patterns and chromosomes. 2. Identify linked genes and their effect on inheritance patterns. 3. Recognize the chromosomal basis of recombination in unlinked and linked genes. 4. Recognize how crossover data is used to construct a genetic map. 5. Identify the chromosomal basis of sex in humans. 6. Recognize examples of sex-linked disorders in humans. 7. Identify X-inactivation and its effect in females. 8. Recognize sources and examples of chromosomal alterations in humans. 9. Identify examples of abnormalities in sex chromosome number in humans. 10. Recognize the basis and effects of parental imprinting of genes in human inheritance patterns. 11. Recognize the basis and effect of extranuclear inheritance on genetic inheritance patterns.

Outline A. The Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance 1. Historical Overview 2. Theory Definition 3. Linked Genes a. Definition b. Examples c. Effect on Inheritance d. Effect of Crossing Over B. The Chromosomal Basis of Recombination 1. The Recombination of Unlinked Genes a. Dihybrid Cross Example b. Genetic Results 2. The Recombination of Linked Genes a. Crossing Over Review b. Genetic Results C. Genetic Maps 1. Map Construction Theory 2. Example of Map Construction 3. Fruit Fly Map Example D. Sex Chromosomes and Sex-Linked Inheritance 1. The Chromosomal Basis of Sex in Humans a. X Chromosome

b. Y Chromosome c. XX and XY Genotypes and Phenotypes 2. Sex-Linked Disorders in Humans a. Basis for Sex-Linkage b. Inheritance Patterns c. Examples 1. Color Blindness 2. Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy 3. Hemophilia 3. X-Inactivation in Females a. Lyon Hypothesis b. Barr Bodies c. Females as Mosaics E. Chromosomal Alterations 1. Chromosome Number a. Aneuploidy 1. Monosomy 2. Trisomy b. Polyploidy c. Causes of Number Change 2. Chromosome Structure a. Deletions b. Duplications c. Translocations d. Inversions 3. Human Examples a. Trisomy 21 b. Turner Syndrome c. Kleinfelter Syndrome d. Metafemale e. Supermale f. Philadelphia Chromosome F. Parental Imprinting of Genes 1. Definition 2. Prader-Willi/Angelman Enigma 3. Fragile-X syndrome G. Extranuclear Inheritance 1. Definition 2. Effects on Inheritance Patterns 3. Mitochondria Example 4. Chloroplast Example

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