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Robbery With Homicide

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The Incident:
On July 25, 2012 at about 10:00 a.m., Ramon Andres and Anna Relos had checked in
at room 2 of the Grand 7 Hotel at Narra t., !a"um #ity.
$hile in%ide the hotel room, they &honed the 'era (oney #han"er ho& to trade
)10,000.00 *ith 'hili&&ine &e%o%.
!he moneychan"er %ent Mario Damiano to deli+er the money amountin" to
-fter enterin" the room *here .amon -ndre% and -nna .elo% had checked in, (ario
/amiano *a% found dead *ith %e+eral %tab *ound%.
!here *a% no eye*itne%% to the crime.
!he money (ario /amiano brou"ht in%ide the hotel room *a% "one.
.amon -ndre% and -nna .elo% tried to e%ca&e.
.amon -ndre% and -nna .elo% *ere, ho*e+er, cau"ht on the %ame date of the incident.
'ro%ecution of Offen%e%:
The Information:
1!hat on or about 25 July 25 2012, in !a"um #ity, /a+ao del Norte, and *ithin the
2uri%diction of thi% Honorable #ourt, %aid accu%ed, con%&irin" and confederatin" to"ether and
mutually hel&in" one another, *ith intent to "ain, did and there, *illfully, unla*fully and
feloniou%ly, by mean% of +iolence, intimidation, force and other unla*ful mean%, take, di+e%t and
carry a*ay from one (-.3O /-(3-NO the amount of ',20,000.00 ca%h belon"in" to 'era
(oney #han"er ho&, to it% dama"e and &re2udice in %aid amount, and durin" the occa%ion of
*hich, re&eatedly %tab the latter *ith a bladed *ea&on, thereby inflictin" u&on him fatal *ound%
*hich directly cau%ed hi% death.
#ON!.-.4 !O 5-$.6
'ro%ecution $itne%%e%:
1 ED!ARD RA"ASA #Mone$chan%er&
' MAMERTO A(CO #)otel Room *o$&
+ ,EO COSTA,ES #Sec-rit$ "-ard&
. MART)A DAMIA/O #!ido0&
1 2OE ,OPE3 #)otel Room *o$&
4 R)EA CASTRO #)otel Cler5&
6 SPO+ DA/I,O PASCUA #Police Officer&
7 DR RO//IE ,IM #Medico ,e%al Officer&
8 DI/A SI/"SO/ #)otel Tele9hone O9erator&
1: SPO' A/"E, PA,A #Police Officer&
Prosec-tion !itnesses:
1 ED!ARD RA"ASA #Mone$chan%er& ; .1 $ears old< married<
Em9lo$ee of the Pera Mone$ Chan%er Sho9<
residin% at /ational )i%h0a$< Ta%-m Cit$

0an em&loyee of the 'era (oney #han"er ho& in 7uirante t., !a"um #ity.
0on July 25, 2012 -nna .elo%, *ho u%ed the alia% (aryann #alle, &honed their office to
chan"e her dollar% *ith 'hili&&ine &e%o%8
0he %ent a me%%en"er to brin" ',20,000.00 to e9chan"e the dollar% of -nna .elo% at the
Grand 7 Hotel.
0he learned later that the me%%en"er *a% killed and robbed in%ide the hotel.

' MAMERTO A(CO #)otel Room *o$& ; '+ $ears old< sin%le<
Room *o$ of the "rand 6 )otel<
residin% at /a=-nt-ran< Com>al

0a room boy at the Grand 7 Hotel on July 25, 2012.
0he %a* .amon -ndre% in%ide room 2 *hen the latter o&ened the door, and he al%o %a*
-nna .elo% *hen %he *ent do*n from room 2 of the Grand Hotel on July 25, 2012 at about
2:00 in the afternoon.
0he al%o %a* the dead body of (ario /amiano *ra&&ed in a *hite blanket at room 2 al%o
on July 25, 2012.

+ ,EO COSTA,ES #Sec-rit$ "-ard& ; .1 $ears old< married<
sec-rit$ %-ard and residin% at Carmen< Da>ao del /orte
0on July 25, 2012, he *a% on duty a% %ecurity "uard of the Grand 7 Hotel located at
Narra t., !a"um #ity.
0on the afternoon of the %ame date he allo*ed the em&loyee of the money chan"er to
enter the Grand : Hotel.
0;0 minute% later he *a% a%ked by Joe, an em&loyee of the hotel to call a tricycle for a
*oman cu%tomer.
0*hen the tricycle *ith the *oman on board *a% about to "o, he %a* a man runnin"
to*ard% the e9it and he held the man but the man *a% able to free him%elf and the man ran
to*ard% the hi"h*ay and the tricycle al%o *ent to*ard% the hi"h*ay.
0he and Joe cha%ed the man and the *oman.
0he learned that *hen the &olice arri+ed they *ere able to catch the man and the
0he *ill identify the man, .amon -ndre%, and the *oman, -nna .elo%.
. MART)A DAMIA/O #!ido0& ; +1 $ears old< 0ido0<
residin% at Po=lacion< Cateel< Da>ao Oriental
0her hu%band, before %he became a *ido*, *a% (ario /amiano.
0at the time of the death of (ario /amiano %he *a% in #ateel.
0%he %&ent money for the burial of (ario /amiano and %he %uffered moral dama"e%
1 2OE ,OPE3 #)otel Room *o$& - '+ $ears old< married<
Room *o$ of the "rand 6 )otel<
residin% at /a=-nt-ran< Com>al

0on July 25, 2012 he *orked a% a room boy of the Grand 7 Hotel located at Narra t.,
!a"um #ity.
0at about 10:00 that mornin" the accu%ed .amon -ndre% and -nna .elo% had checked
in at room 2 of the Grand 7 Hotel.
0at about 2:00 in the afternoon he %a* -nna .elo% at the lobby.
0-nna .elo% told him to "et a tricycle.
0he %a* .amon -ndre% "oin" out in hurry from room 2.
0(amerto -yco %houted at him to %to& the tricycle.
0he and the %ecurity "uard ran to*ard% the hi"h*ay after .amon -ndre% and the tricycle
*ith -nna .elo%.
0*hen .amon -ndre% and -nna .elo% *ere arre%ted by the &olicemen, he identified
-nna .elo% a% the *oman *ho checked in *ith a man at room 2 and the one *ho told him to
"et a tricycle.

4 R)EA CASTRO #)otel Cler5& ; +: $ears old< married< Acco-ntin% Cler5<
residin% at Man5ilam< Ta%-m Cit$
0on July 25, 2012, %he *a% *orkin" a% accountin" clerk of the Grand 7 Hotel located at
Narra t., !a"um #ity.
0at about 1:,0 in the afternoon on July 25, 2012, %he %a* (ario /amiano, the em&loyee
of the 'era (oney #han"er ho& in%ide the &remi%e% of the Grand 7 Hotel.
0%he *a% a&&roached by (ario /amiano *ho told her that he *ould "o to room 2
becau%e there *a% a cu%tomer *ho *ould chan"e dollar% *ith &e%o%.
0%he brou"ht (ario /amiano to the tele&hone o&erator *ho contacted room 2.
0after the o&erator contacted room 2, they *ere told by the o&erator that they could "o to
room 2.

6 SPO+ DA/I,O PASCUA #Police Officer& ; .1 $ears old< married<
Police Officer< residin% at Pana=o< Da>ao del /orte
0he i% a &olice officer a%%i"ned in !a"um #ity.
0on July 25, 2012, in the afternoon, he and hi% co0&olice officer% re%&onded to a call for
a%%i%tance and they &roceeded to the Grand 7 Hotel.
0u&on reachin" the Grand 7 Hotel in Narra t., hi% co0&olicemen *ent after the %u%&ect%
*hile he %tayed at the hotel and &roceeded to room 2 *here he found the dead body of (ario
7 DR RO//IE ,IM #Medico ,e%al Officer& ; +. $ears old< married<
Medico-,e%al Officer of the /*I
c?o /*I Ta%-m Cit$
0he i% a medico0le"al officer of the N<3.
0he &erformed an auto&%y of the cada+er of a (ario /amiano.
0he found that the +ictim died due to %tab *ound%.
8 DI/A SI/"SO/ #)otel Tele9hone O9erator& ; '7 $ears old< married<
!ele&hone O&erator, re%idin" at 'oblacion, !a"um
0on July 25, 2012, %he *orked a% tele&hone o&erator of the Grand 7 Hotel, !a"um #ity.
0the female occu&ant of room 2 called her by &hone three =;> time% re?ue%tin" for an
out%ide call.
0%he %a* (ario /amiano *hen he arri+ed at the hotel on that %ame day.
1: SPO' A/"E, PA,A #Police Officer&
0he i% a &olice officer a%%i"ned at the !a"um 'olice tation.
0on July 25, 2012 he recei+ed a tele&hone call from the Grand 7 Hotel informin" him of
the %tabbin" incident in%ide room 2 of the hotel.
0he and the other &olice officer% of !a"um re%&onded and *ent to the Grand @ Hotel.
0after he *a% informed that the &er%on% re%&on%ible for the killin" had fled to*ard% the
national hi"h*ay, he &roceeded to "o after the &er%on%.
0they *ere able to a&&rehend .amon -ndre% and -nna .elo%.

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