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Matt Thomas - Unit G321 Preliminary Task As Media Studies Preliminary Task Evaluation

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Unit G321

Preliminary Task AS Media Studies Preliminary Task Evaluation

I believe that the film that our team produced demonstrates good continuity
throughout the piece. The continuity worked well because we managed to
create an effect of smoothness between shots. One particular sequence
which I feel particularly demonstrates where continuity worked very well was
at 0.10 when the wallet was passed along the desk. This had been mainly
difficult to achieve because we had to edit at just an exact point so there was
a smooth transition between the master shot and cut away shot. We
experienced this problem throughout the whole film but mainly in the closing
scenes. The final scene was filmed twice because the actor got his lines
muddled. As a team, we had to decide upon a certain point where the two
takes looked identical. We finally made it appear to be one continuous scene
through the process of precise matching.

We filmed each shot twice; once as a wide angle shot and then again with
close ups of the actors to show expression. We jointly decided to do this in
order to solve the problems caused by the room that we were working in
being rather small and cramped. Another problem we encountered was when
we needed a pan shot of one of the actors. We discovered that we could not
film the close ups with the wide angle shot at the same time due to the room
being small. We used the 180 – degree rule throughout the film. We made an
invisible line that we created while filming. We used a low angle shot to give
the impression of power in the actor at the begin scene. of he was the main
However this was effect was lost once the main character sat down as both
he and the other character became on the same eye-level.

The group I was a part of worked very well together and each member of the
group contributed ideas throughout the making of the film. After working with
them I can now recognise each person’s strengths and understand what each
one may have found hard to achieve. We supported each other throughout
the project, teaching each other new things. I feel that my strongest
achievement was the video editing. I have background knowledge of the
software we used and do video editing for a hobby.

If we were going to make this film again, I consider that we could add in more
scenes to make the plot stronger. The film is very short however I feel that the
addition of an introduction would improve this, enabling us to show the
location and more information on the characters lives.

Another possibility is to work on the sound. The sound produced from having
to use three cameras caused the continuity of the audio to be varied. Some
shots echoed whilst others were very deep in base. We could over come this
by using a shotgun microphone plugged into an audio recorder. We would
then be able to sync the audio with the film. This would have taken longer to
complete but would have created a better sound.

As a team, we feel that we planned the film well. Although we used a script
that was given to us to work from, we had to make some changes script, for
as it was intended to be acted by a man and a woman. However, because our
group included two male drama students, we decided to take advantage of
this and to use them as the actors, and so changing the cast to two men.

In our film we used transitions at the beginning and the end. We successfully
used a fade in and fade out for the title of the film and the end credits. We
experimented with different transitions to fit into our work but jointly felt that
these spoilt the mood and effect of the film.

I have learnt a lot about Adobe Premiere Elements 7.0, I had a large amount
of knowledge of the software already because I use it at home on my short
films. I showed my group how to use the software including the basics and
short cuts. However, I have definitely widened my knowledge of the software
by using the audio effects. I took the lead role in working on the audio in the
group, making sure that I made good use of their opinions. As I have already
discussed, it was hard to do because the sound quality changed from camera
to camera. To overcome this problem I taught myself about how to use treble,
bass and pitch effects. I felt satisfied with what we had managed to achieve.

The process of making this short film has given me the opportunity to use
different technologies. The cameras we used to create the film where made
by Samsung and we found them to be easy to use. However, we needed to
record the film three times because one of the cameras was faulty. We did not
know this at first and thought that our problems were caused by the SD card.
We put a new SD card into the camera and re-filmed but again it did not work.
We deduced that the camera was defective and used a new camera to
complete our work.

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