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Jane Eyre Analytical Essay

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Jane Eyre Analytical Essay

In the book Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, Jane changes dramatically throughout her life
in many ways. However, there is one way in which her personality does not waver. That is, her
dependence. In Jane Eyre, there are many fluxes of character independence, but as the book
nears its extremity, her stance as a dependent does not waver. To whom she is dependent of
course changes, as there are not many constants in her life. In this essay, it will be proven that
Jane Eyre's position of dependence is not dramatically altered.
In the beginning of Bronte’s novel, Jane is dependent, almost pathetically so. She listens
to anything and anybody. She does what others want her to do, says what others want her to say,
she even thinks what others want her to think, and has almost no mind of her own. She lets
others beat on her, and crush any spirit she has. It's not all her faults. As a child she was picked
on by her elder cousin, and she never knew, or even thought of how to defend herself.
"Accustomed to John Reed's abuse, I never had an idea of replying to it: my care was how to
endure the blow which would certainly follow the insult." Her aunt was unloving and
unforgiving, prohibiting Jane from receiving the care she needed to develop a normal self
consciousness. Even when Jane escaped the grip of her horrible kin, and is transferred to a
supposedly pious institution, when she seeks aid Jane is cut off and shown she is a burden by Mr.
Brockelhurst, her administrator at this institution and is unjustly and rudely shamed for simply
showing a brief flash of independence and questioning authority. All of these cruelties hurt Jane's
younger self, offsetting Jane's lifelong struggle with independence.
Towards the middle-end of the book is the only time when her situations demand
independence. In some of these instances, Jane rises to the occasion. In others, she unfortunately
does not. We see this shortly after the Eyre-Rochester nuptials are rudely interrupted. When Jane
finds out about Bertha, the insane wife of Mr. Rochester (Jane’s first boss and life love, owner of
Thornfield Manor) she could continue her dependence, but instead she takes a brief hiatus,
showing a flash of autonomy. Jane flees Thornfield Manor, abandoning every worldly
possession, excepting a few measly paraphernalia. She absconds, also leaving behind the only
friends, or even acquaintances, she has. "Drearily I wound my way downstairs: I knew what I
had to do, and I did it mechanically... Through that [the gate] I departed: it, too, I shut; and now I
was out of Thornfield (Where she first lives as a governess and meets Mr. Rochester).” This
shows some independence, uncharacteristic of Jane. She breaks out of her shell, and unwillingly
relies on her own intelligence, even if only to subsist.
After this small bout of independence (which was solely for means of survival), Jane returns to
her normal subordinance. As book ends, Jane continues to be dependant, albeit this time the one
on whom she depends is a constant, Mr. Rochester. They were in love. "... He felt I loved him so
fondly, that to yield that attendance was to indulge my sweetest wishes." This may have been a
wonderful prison, but it was a prison nonetheless. One may argue that Jane enjoys everlasting
attention she showers on him, and that she loves being an attendant to him with none of her own
pastimes. One may proclaim that she loves him enough to be this subservient, but the truth is she
is just an addict to this dependence, for she continually returns to the path of dependence. Jane’s
concern and care of Mr. Rochester may seem contradictory, and may even look like
independence, but look deeper and uncover the actuality behind her mindfulness of him and see
that her actions are indeed dependence, as Jane is incapable of functioning without Mr.
Rochester’s love, and would cease into nothingness.
One would assume that given her upbringing, with her so called family showing no
affection, or, frankly interest in her life, Jane would come to fend for herself. Jane discredits this
speculation, in fact, her nature is such to be dependent on anyone available, whether or not the
attachment being felt is mutual or not. Jane has proven to us multiple times, that she is incapable
of being on her own. She can show her self to be intelligence, through her writing, but this brain
lacks a voice. Jane does not posses the confidence to stand up for herself, rendering herself
inferior and insufficient. Although Jane's dependant demeanor somewhat curtails, she still will
always resort back to her independence-lacking ways. In fact, the farther along Jane Eyre
progresses, Jane's dependence, reaches more and more despairing depths. For as we reach the
cusp of this novel, we see that Jane not only becomes more and more subservient, she is happy
with it, she believes her subordinance to be one of the sweetest nature. Although it is she who is
taking care of Mr. Rochester, and he may be seen as the dependent and she as the only one able
to make independent choices, this assumption is incorrect. It really is Jane that is the one being
dependent, for although she is the servant, and may enjoy the servitude; she is still relying on Mr.
Rochester to live happily and sanely. It is clear now, that no matter how much Jane professes a
yearning for independence, no matter the outcome; Jane Eyre's dénouement will always be

Viti Felder

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