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Literature Lesson2

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Lesson #2



 Refers to the dialect, or style of
speaking, unique to people living  Munting anghel na lilipad-lipad, dala-dala'y
within a geographic area. liwanag sa likod ng pakpak. - alitaptap
 Includes riddles, proverbs, and short
poems.  Isang reynang maraming mata nasa gitna ang mga
 When told in the native Tagalong espada. – pinya
1. Folk speeches/ riddles
language, the riddles employ many
poetic devices. They usually rhyme  Pagkahaba-haba man daw ng prusisyon, sa
and they often rely on simile and simbahan din ang tuloy.
metaphor to other clues. The riddles
tend to be one or two lines and  Daig ng maagap ang masipag.
refer to a specific object.
 A song that originates in traditional
popular culture or that is written in
such a style.
 A song of the people of a culture or
 Bahay kubo - is a children's song. The song lyrics
region that reflects their outlook
contain the name of indigenous and traditional
and life.
2. Folk Songs  A song originating among the
 Paru-parung bukid - A traditional folk song
people of a country or area, passed
originated from "Mariposa Bella".
by oral tradition from one singer or
 Magtanim ay Di Biro - A rice-planting song.
generation to the next, often
existing in several versions, and
marked generally by simple, modal
melody and stanza, narrative verse.
 The Monkey and the Turtle
The Monkey and the Turtle is a perfect example of
folktale short story written by Philippine national
hero Jose Rizal. The story focuses on the monkey
and turtle who started as friends. They both saw a
floating banana plant on the water. They thought
of splitting it so they could plan it. The monkey
chose the upper part of the plant for he thought it
was better. Meanwhile, the turtle got the bottom
part with the roots so he grew an abundant plant.
 Also known as “Legends”, and Since the turtle couldn’t climb the tree to get the
“Fairy Tales”. fruits, he asked the monkey to get it for him.
 Stories handed down from the Instead, the monkey betrayed the turtle and ate
3. Folk Narratives remote past by words of mouth every fruit. The turtle planned a revenge to him
from one generation to another, which ended to the monkey’s death. The friends of
reflecting the people’s tradition, the monkey also planned a revenge but they did
feelings, beliefs, and judgments. not win over the turtle.
 The Necklace and the Comb
The Necklace and the Comb tells the story of Inday
who adored her necklace and comb. She was given
these as family heirloom during her sixteenth
birthday. She would keep with her the necklace
and comb even while working so to avoid spoiling
them, she put those on the cloud. Her necklace
and comb went up later on with the sky. Time
came, the comb became the quarter moon and
then the necklace turned into the stars.
 Ritual of Tambalan - Before tilling and cultivating
land for their crops, Cebuanos were known to
perform this ritual.
(Consisting of meat from a white chicken or white
pork along with wine or Buyo, these offerings
 Processes that are place-based, in
would be set on a table in the open field as gifts
relationship with the natural world,
for the unseen owner or spirit of the land.)
which draw together past, present,
 Tagalogs called upon their gods such Lakan-
and future into a space in which
4. Indigenous Rituals bakod, who they worship for an abundant harvest
personal and collective
of their fruit bearing plants and trees. Their rituals
transformations occur. The focus is
were often celebratory in nature where they held
on balance and harmony among a
a feast in the fields under a canopy. They would
vast network of relationships.
build an altar and wooden statue of Lakan-Bakod
wherein it’s genital was gilded and sized to
represent the desired rice stalk height. They
would give these statues food offerings and wine
for assurance of a bountiful harvest season.
 Tinikling - This dance imitates the movements of
the tinikling bird walking through tall grasses and
tree branches. It requires two bamboo poles. The
challenge of this dance is to try not to get your
 A style of dance that simply imitates
feet hurt between the poles.
5. Mimetic Dance behaviour found in nature,
 Cariñosa - The name cariñosa means “loving or
particularly of animals.
affectionate one”. It is basically a dance meant for
flirting. A fan or a handkerchief is usually plays a
vital role in performing this dance. The Philippines
National Dance.



 Poetry that does not rhyme or have
a regular meter
1. Free Verse  Poems written in free verse can
have lines of any length, from a
single word to much longer.
 Brief fictional prose narrative that is
shorter than a novel and that
usually deals with only a few
characters.  Dead Stars – A short story written by the Filipino
 Usually concerned with a single author Paz Márquez Benítez. The story was the first
effect conveyed in only one or a few story by a Filipino writer to be written in English. It
significant episodes or scenes. The was published in 1925 in the “Philippine Herald.”
form encourages economy of The story focuses on a man, Alfredo, who is
2. Modern Short setting, concise narrative, and the engaged to one woman but falls in love with
Story omission of a complex plot; another.
character is disclosed in action and  The Bread of Salt - a short story that was written by
dramatic encounter but is seldom N. V. M. Gonzalez in 1958. Written in the first
fully developed. Despite its person, it tells of a simple fourteen-year-old boy
relatively limited scope, though, a who is infatuated with the niece of a rich plantation
short story is often judged by its owner.
ability to provide a “complete” or
satisfying treatment of its
characters and subject.
 Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) - Written by Dr.
 Fictitious prose narrative of book
3. Novels Jose Rizal, is the most controversial and well-known
length, typically representing
piece of literature the Philippines has. The book has
character and action with some impacted the country so much that it is included in
degree of realism. the current education curriculum of Filipino high
 An invented prose narrative of school students. The author, Dr. Rizal, the nation’s
considerable length and a certain national hero, raised the social awakening of the
complexity that deals imaginatively Filipinos through this controversial piece. The
with human experience, usually awakening happened during the Spanish colonial
through a connected sequence of era. During this time, Rizal could not swallow the
events involving a group of persons injustices the Spanish priests and the ruling
in a specific setting. government gave the Filipinos. Noli Me Tangere was
written to expose and shed some light on the issues
of the Philippines’ society during the Spanish
colonial era.
 Florante at Laura - written by Francisco Balagtas is
another well-known masterpiece in the literature
industry of the Philippines. Florante at Laura is
written in the form of “awit” or “poetry” if
translated to English. This means there are four
lines per stanza and twelve syllables per line. Set in
the fictional kingdom of Albania, the book takes us
to the journey of Duke Florante and Princess Laura,
who is also being pursued by Duke Florante’s
enemy, Count Adolfo.
 The Philippines a Century Hence - an essay written
 A short nonfictional piece of formal
by Philippine national hero Jose Rizal to forecast the
writing assigned to students to
future of the country within a hundred years. Rizal
improve their writing skills or assess
4. Essays felt that it was time to remind Spain that the
their knowledge of a given subject.
circumstances that ushered in the French
 Composed of Introduction, Body,
Revolution could have a telling effect for her in the
and Conclusion.



 The first and last lines of the
poem have five syllables, and
the second or middle line has  Everything I touch by Kobayashi Issa
seven, traditionally evoking “Everything I touch
images of the natural world. with tenderness, alas,
 First emerged in Japanese pricks like a bramble.”
1. Haiku
literature during the 17th  After Killing a Spider by Masaoki Shiki
century, as a terse reaction to “After killing a
elaborate poetic traditions, spider, how lonely I feel
though it did not become known in the cold of night!”
by the name haiku until the 19th
 Palay by Idelfonso Santos
“Palay siyang matino,
Nang humangi’y yumuko;
 The Filipino Haiku Nguni’t muling tumayo
 It is an untitled poem of four Nagkabunga ng ginto”
2. Tanaga
lines with each line equally  Tag-Init by Idelfonso Santos
having seven syllables. “Alipatong lumapag
Sa lupa — nagkabitak,
Sa kahoy nalugayak,
Sa puso — naglagablab!”
3. Karaniwang Anyo
(Usual Form)


 Vintage Love by Agay Llanera
Synopsis: 26-year-old Crissy Lopez’s life is in dire
 Genre of fiction which addresses need of a makeover. Her wardrobe revolves around
issues of modern womanhood, ratty shirts and beat-up sneaks; her grueling
schedule as a TV Executive leaves no room for a
often humorously and light-
social life; and worst of all, she’s still hung up on the
heartedly. Evil Ex who left her five years ago. When her
 Typically written by female fashionable grand-aunt passes away and leaves
1. Chick Lit
authors, centred on female behind a roomful of vintage stuff, the Shy Stylista
protagonists, and marketed inside Crissy gradually resurfaces. Soon, she feels
toward young women. like she's making progress -- with a budding lovelife
to boot! But the grim ghost of her past catches up
 A fiction by women, for women,
with her, threatening to push her back into
about women. depression. To finally move on, Crissy learns that
walking away is not enough. This time, she needs to
take a leap of faith.

 A short poetry in a form of

tanaga that is sent through SMS
2. Mobile Phone Text on mobile phone with your
Tula friends, families, loved ones, and
through netizens (citizens of

 A broad term used to describe

genres and sub-genres of
literature (and film) that
incorporate some form of the
fantastic.  The Hunger Games
3. Speculative Fiction
 Any story that does not take  The Lord of the Rings
place in the real world and does
incorporate only real-world

 Sunrise by Don Tassone

Haiti awoke in the darkness, slipped out of her small
 A style of writing which involves
house and headed for the beach. She would be back
producing very short pieces of
in less than an hour, before her daughter and
fictional literature.
husband awoke.
 This is quite different to the
She followed a dirt path, the moon lighting her way.
concept of a short story, which is
4. Flash fiction The waves softly called to her, like old friends. She
usually several pages long and
took her shoes off, the sand cool on the soles of her
can notch up thousands of
feet, and sat down where she knew the sand was
words. Works of flash fiction, by
soft and dry.
contrast, can comprise as little
Haiti closed her eyes and whispered a prayer, then
as a single page or 250 words.
opened them just in time to watch the sun rise, as
she did every day.
 A web log: a website containing  Corporette - is actually a fashion and lifestyle blog,
but it focuses on women with corporate career
short articles called posts that
5. Blog paths, such as bankers, lawyers, and consultants.
are changed regularly. The site was founded in 2008 by Kat Griffin, a
professional litigator for a Wall Street law firm.
 Watch me weep: Butterflies by Lira Kale Pajarillo
“How nice is it to be a butterfly
 Includes verse with links to sub-
One that frolics across the gardens
poems or footnotes, poetry
Of succulent flowers, all vibrant
“generators,” poetry with
One that is admired for the beauty
movement or images.
of being a nature’s gift to man
6. Hyperpoetry  It is also known as cyberpoetry.
Tell me, one pretty butterfly!
 Usually highly steeped in the
Have time for me soon.
visual and sometimes involves
Tell me next to your admirers
parts that are read in varying
About how it is to be
Adored and paid homage
Inside a glistening crystal glass frame.”

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