Module 1 Writing Assignment
Module 1 Writing Assignment
Module 1 Writing Assignment
Module 1 Writing Assignment Competency 1 discusses why it is essential for teachers to understand human developmental processes and are also able to apply this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment, which motivates students and is responsive to their needs and developmental characteristics. Information found in chapter 1 in our textbook also states that an effective teacher combines the best of human relations, intuition, sound judgment, knowledge of subject matter, and knowledge of how people learnall at the same time. Child development includes the areas of cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth. All areas of development exist simultaneously, and one does not exist independent of the rest. No one aspect of development is more important than another, so it is vital that teachers are informed about all different forms and stages of child development. Competency 2 explains the several reasons why it is vital for teachers to understand student diversity. They also need to know how to plan learning experiences and design assessments that are receptive to differences among students and that encourage all students learning. Chapter two examines related information discussed in this competency emphasizing mutual respect and value for all types of student diversity. Teachers in multicultural classroom needs to implement culturally responsive teaching, which includes understanding the cultures of their students, communicating positive attitudes about cultural diversity, and employing a variety of instructional approaches that build upon students cultural diversity. The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning, equity, and excellence and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment that is safe and productive.
In the final analysis, competency 6 describes the importance of teachers knowing the different strategies for creating an organized and productive learning environment and for managing student behavior. Likewise, chapter 3 discusses strategies on how to do this by using effective classroom management. This consists of all the teachers thoughts, plans, and actions that contribute to a productive learning environment and is dependent upon three factors that also help with managing student behavior. Firstly, classroom management and effective instruction are intertwined, and one cannot exist without the other. Secondly, effective teachers prevent most classroom management before they occur, rather than resolving them afterwards. Lastly, effective teachers intervene in a consistent and quickly manner during occasions of disrupting behavior and just as quickly is able to return to instruction without disrupting the other students. It is also beneficial for teachers to plan for management by creating a well-designed system of rules and procedures, which should be explained the first day of class, display them clearly on the classroom wall, and repeat them often throughout the school year. In conclusion, all this information discussed above and found in these competencies and chapters are very beneficial for all educators to be well informed about. If teachers are well educated and use these techniques in their classroom, they will be an effective teacher and will benefit their students education and life. In order to be the best teacher I can be for my students, I definitely plan on continually educating myself on human developmental processes, diversity, and classroom management.
Work Cited
Kauchak, Don & Eggen, Paul (2011). Learning & Teaching Research-Based Methods. Boston, MA: Pearson.