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AC & Energy Standard-NPLI : Measurement, Calibration & Testing MAPAN - Journal of Power Metrology Society of India, Vol.

24, No. 1, 2009; pp. 21-28 REPORTS

AC Power & Energy Standard - NPLI Measurement, Calibration & Testing

M.K. MITTAL, R.K. KOTNALA, J.C. BISWAS and A.S. YADAV National Physical Laboratory, Dr.K.S.Krishnan Marg, New Delhi - 110 012 e-mail :
[Received : 19.01.2009; Accepted 23.03.2009]

Abstract AC power & energy standard of National Physical Laboratory, India (NPLI) is responsible for maintenance of national measurement standard of ac power & energy and international traceability through intercomparisons. It serves as the basis for dissemination of traceability in measurement through high level calibration and measurement services to the various user organizations in the country. It also supports and helps the industries in improving the measurement assurance systems through interlaboratory proficiency testing (PT) program and in solving actual field problems. Power measurement at zero power factors using zero power factor standards is described as it is used in intercomparison. The performance of energy meters under the various influence quantities is described as a service to the industries.



The national standard of ac power & energy maintained at NPLI, is the highest standard in India. It is basically a transfer standard having highest metrological qualities like high stability, reproducibility and low drift. It is traceable to the international standard through periodic calibration at Physikalish Technische Bundaesanstalt (PTB), Germany which in turn is traceable to base SI units of ampere and time. International traceability of this standard is also achieved through participation in the intercomaprisons conducted by different Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs) in the world like APMP or Euromet key comparison. It disseminates traceability in measurement through apex level calibration and measurement services to the user organizations that maintain standards with lower accuracy level. The other services related to this activity are to help and assist the industries for improvement
Metrology Society of India, All rights reserved.

of their measurement assurance programmes through interlaboratory PT program [1] and in solving societal problems arisen from actual field conditions. In this regard, energy meters are tested under the various influence quantities like AC/DC magnetic fields, 3rd & 5th harmonics, tamper conditions etc. for judgement of their performance. 2. Traceability in Measurement

Traceability is a way of relating the results of a measurement to higher level standards. Such standards are usually national or international standards and the comparisons used to provide the traceability must have well understood uncertainties. Other way traceability can be defined as : " Property of the result of a measurement or the value of a standard whereby it can be related to stated references, usually national or international standards, through an unbroken chain of comparisons all having stated uncertainties". Traceability of the results of a measurement to a higher 21

M.K. Mittal, R.K. Kotnala, J.C. Biswas and A.S. Yadav standard with stated uncertainties is essential to ensure reliability and quality of measurement results. The national standard of AC power & energy is traceable to international standard maintained at PTB, Germany through periodic calibration. The traceability of other lower level standards maintained by calibration laboratories and industries to the national standard is established through comprehensive calibrations with associated uncertainties. It is the responsibility of NPLI, being a national metrology institute (NMI), to maintain national measurement standards for accurate measurement capabilities [2-7]. The measurements and associated uncertainties taken by using national standard of AC power & energy are compared to the corresponding values of other standards maintained by different NMIs through bilateral comparisons and round robin international intercomparisons like APMP and EUROMET key comparisons and degree of equivalence of standards are established. Thus, the measurement capabilities of ac power & energy are linked to the various NMIs within certain range at the same level. 4. Measurement of AC Power & Energy power|S|= V * I. Apparent power can be expressed as the vector sum of active and reactive power, S = (P2 + Q2) [Fig. 1]. The electrical energy is the integral of power and three energy components can be defined as : Active Energy = P * Time , Reactive Energy = Q * Time Apparent Energy = S * Time In an AC circuit, when the load is inductive in nature, the current lags the voltage by the phase angle , the active power will be P = V * I Cos and Cos will be lagging power factor (Fig. 1). Again, when the load is capacitive in nature, the current leads the voltage by the phase angle , the active power will be P = V * I * Cos and Cos will be leading power factor (Fig. 1). Now it is more acceptable world wide to write inductive(i) for lagging power factor and capacitive for leading power factor. 5. Measurement Uncertainty

The term 'power' is defined as rate at which energy is transferred or used. The power in AC circuit is made up of there components - active, reactive and apparent. The power dissipated or consumed in the resistive part of the circuit is called Active power (P). Active power |P| = V * I * Cos, where U and I are the RMS values of voltage and current respectively and is the phase angle between V and I. Cos is called the power factor. The power that does not do any useful work, instead recycled through inductive and capacitive parts of the circuit is called reactive power (Q). Reactive power |Q| = V * I * Sin. The total power produced in the circuit is called apparent power (S). Apparent Q P Power Triangle S

The result of a measurement can not be complete unless it is accompanied by a quantitative indication of its uncertainty. Uncertainty of measurement characterizes a range of values within which measured value is estimated to lie with some level of confidence say 95%. It is a Parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurerand". The parameter may be a standard deviation or half width of an interval having stated level of confidence. The result of a measurement is the best estimate of the value of a measurand. The uncertainty of measurement is evaluated and quantified based on all possible factors that affect the result and the result is reported as: Measurement Result = (Best Estimate Uncertainty) unit of measurement V I Phase Lead V P = V * I * Cos (lead)

Phase Lag I P = V * I * Cos (lag)

Fig. 1. Power triangle and power in phase lag and phase lead modes 22

AC Power & Energy Standard-NPLI : Measurement, Calibration & Testing The reported uncertainty here is the expanded uncertainty which is stated as the standard uncertainty in measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k =2 which is for a normal distribution corresponds to coverage probability of approximately 95%. There are two methods of evaluation of standard uncertainty : Type A & Type B. Type A evaluation of standard uncertainty is based on the statistical analysis of a series of observations and characterized by standard deviation of the mean. Type B evaluation of standard uncertainty is usually based on means other than the statistical analysis like scientific judgment and experience using all relevant information available, assuming proper probability distributions [8]. The combined uncertainty of a measurement result is obtained as a combination of the standard uncertainties (Type A & Type B) of the input quantities contributing to the measurement result. The expanded uncertainty is estimated from the combined uncertainty multiplied by a numerical factor called the coverage factor (2 k 3) based on level of confidence and effective degrees of freedom. Uncertainty Budget of a measurement is a detailed tabulation of the sources of uncertainty along with the associated standard uncertainties, sensitivity coefficients, degrees of freedom and the methods of evaluating them. To calculate measurement uncertainty for AC power, a Watt converter (MSB100) has been calibrated against the reference power standard COM 3000 at 110V/5A, 0.5 (lag) power factors, 50Hz. AC power is given as input to the watt converter and the DC output voltage is measured. The watt converter is kept at 120V/5A range. It would give 10 V DC output if the full range is applied. For 110V/5A, the nominal dc voltage output will be 10*(110/120)*0.5= 4.583333 Volts. The scatter in ac input power is also taken and given in the table as repeatability for ac power, which is calculated for 10 readings and the scatter in dc voltage output is given as repeatability for dc voltage (Table 1). Other factors contributing to the uncertainty are taken as drift, resolution, uncertainty of reference standards and temperature variation (which is taken on the basis of data taken before the regular measurements) as shown in Table 2. In the same way, the frequency output of the MSB 100 can be taken as a measure of energy and uncertainty budget can be prepared. For other energy meters or reference standards which give certain number of pulses per kWh/kvarh/kVAh, the energy dosing is fixed for some definite amount of pulses. For example, calibration of COM303-3 against COM3000 comparator at 3*240V/10A, 0.25lag PF, we take 100 pulses and the meter constant is 30000 pulses per kWh and the energy dose would be (100/30000) 0.00333333 kWh or 3.33333 Wh. By feeding the pulse output signal to the reference comparator COM3000, % errors are noted and the actual energy consumed is ((1+(%error/100))*3.33333 and the tabulated values are given in Table 3. The repeatability for energy

Table 1 Power measurement at 110V/5A, 0.5(lag)PF Observation numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Measured values of dc voltage (in volts) 4.583205 4.583193 4.583197 4.583196 4.583261 4.583204 4.583195 4.583189 4.583210 4.583196 Standard uncertainty (repeatability) associated with input estimates

0.43 ppm


M.K. Mittal, R.K. Kotnala, J.C. Biswas and A.S. Yadav Table 2 The uncertainty budget for AC power measurement is tabulated as Source of uncertainty Estimated Value xi Variation limit xi Probability Standard distribution uncertainty -Type A or u(xi) B -Factor (ppm) -Normal -Type A -Normal -Type A 110V,5A 0.5 (lag) PF (275.0W) 60*2 W/W -Normal -Type B -2 18.0 0.43 60.0 Sensitivity Standard Degrees of coefficient uncertainty freedom ci ui(y) vi (ppm) 1.0 1.0 1.0 18.0 0.43 60.0 9 9

Repeatability for ac power Repeatability for dc voltage Reference Power standard Reproducibility (Drift) of Reference Power standard Digital Voltmeter Resolution of Digital Voltmeter Temperature Variation 4.6V

25.0 -Rectangle W/W -Type B (for one year) -3




3.0 V/V 2.2 V/V

-Normal -Type B -2 Rectangle -Type B -3 Rectangle -Type B -3

1.5 1.27

1.0 1.0

1.5 1.27

10.0 ppm




Combined standard uncertainty (Uc) Effective degrees of Freedom Expanded uncertainty at k=2 at 95% confidence level Expanded relative uncertainty ( with reference to apparent value (Ur)

66.5 ppm 1637 taken as 133 ppm (133*0.5) = 66.5 ppm

Table 3 Energy measurement at 240 V/10A, 0.25 (lag) PF Observation numbers (%error) 1 (-0.002) 2 (0.000) 3 (-0.001) 4 (-0.001) 5 (-0.001) 6 (0.000) 7 (-0.001) 8 (0.000) 9 (-0.001) 10 (0.000) 24 Measured values of energy dosing (in Wh) 3.33326 3.33333 3.33330 3.33330 3.33330 3.33333 3.33330 3.33333 3.33330 3.33333 Standard uncertainty (repeatability) associated with input estimates

2.14 ppm

AC Power & Energy Standard-NPLI : Measurement, Calibration & Testing Table 4 The uncertainty budget for energy measurement is tabulated as Source of uncertainty Estimated Value xi Variation limit xi Probability Standard distribution uncertainty -Type A or u(xi) B -Factor (ppm) - Normal -Type A 3*240V,10A 0.25(lag)PF (1800W) 70*4 W/W 1.0ppm -Normal -Type B -2 -Normal -Type B -2 2.14 140.0 Sensitivity Standard Degrees of coefficient uncertainty freedom ci ui(y) vi (ppm) 1.0 1.0 2.14 140.0 9

Repeatability for ac power Reference Power standard

Time base of the reference standard Reproducibility (Drift) of Ref. Power standard Resolution of energy measurement Temperature Variation




0.0 -Rectangle W/W -Type B (for one year) -3 5.0 ppm Rectangle -Type B -3 Rectangle -Type B -3







16.0 ppm




Combined standard uncertainty (Uc) Effective degrees of Freedom Expanded uncertainty at k=2 at 95% confidence level Expanded relative uncertainty (with reference to apparent value (Ur) Phase PHASE Shifter SHIFTER Voltage VOLTAGE Amplifier AMPLIFIER

140.5 ppm 168 000 000 taken as 280.70 ppm (280.70*0.25) = 70.18 ppm







Fig. 2. Zero power factor standard 25

M.K. Mittal, R.K. Kotnala, J.C. Biswas and A.S. Yadav output is given as type A component of uncertainty. Other factors contributing to the uncertainty are taken as drift, resolution, uncertainty of reference standards and temperature variation (which is taken on the basis of data taken before the regular measurements) as shown in Table 4 [8]. 6. Zero Power Factor Standard of CESC, Kolkatta. The various types of magnets available in the market were procured and several magnetic coils were designed to simulate the field conditions. Different type of energy meters were tested under these magnetic field inductions and submitted the findings to CBIP. The procedures for testing were formed and this work could not only sustain the use of static energy meters in India, but also served as a landmark in the field of international standardization. Based on this, 3 new influence quantity tests were recommended as abnormal magnetic field influence tests while two old clauses were amended as stray magnetic field influence tests and later on 5 clauses were included in new version of CBIP manual on Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters (publication No. 304)[9] including the format of specifying the magnetic fields and maximum tolerable limits. These clauses are given below in short: i) Clause The continuous (DC) "stray" magnetic induction of 67 mT 5% , which is produced by DC current with a magnetomotive force of 1000 ampere-turns using a T-type iron cored electromagnet (Fig. 3).

A zero power factor (ZPF) standard had been developed to measure power at zero power factor. This system, shown in Fig. 2, is specially used during intercomparisons exercises. The heart of the ZPF standard is a mutual inductor that acts as a 90 phase shift reference. The current of the instrument under test is connected in series to the primary winding of this mutual inductor. The voltage applied to the instrument to be calibrated is also connected to the inductive voltage divider (IVD), the output of which is balanced against the secondary voltage of the mutual inductor by means of adjusting the divider setting (amplitude) and the phase shifter between the voltage and current paths (phase). At balance, the mutual inductor and the inductive divider will not be loaded by the null detector. In this case, the secondary voltage of the mutual inductor is in quadrature to the primary current. 7. Testing of Energy Meters Under Various Influence Quantities

Testing of high quality energy meter is carried out under various influence quantities like voltage and frequency variation, 3 rd and 5 th harmonic injection, voltage dips and short interruptions, AC/ DC magnetic field inductions and different tamper conditions following IS/IEC/CBIP specifications and field requirements for assessing the performance of energy meters [9-15]. In the year 1999, almost all the electronic energy meters in India were severely affected by influence of strong external magnetic fields. Using AC magnetic fields, the meters were made slow by affecting the registering mechanism and using DC magnetic fields, the energy meters were completely stopped. Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP) initiated a project involving various manufacturers and user organizations for the solution of this problem. Extensive tests were conducted in the AC Power & Energy and Magnetic laboratories of NPLI and meter test laboratory 26

ii) Clause The alternating (AC) "stray" magnetic induction of 0.5 mT 5% , which is produced by AC current with a magnetomotive force of 140 ampere-turns using a circular air cored magnetic coil ( O.D.: 400 mm, I.D.:320 mm, Depth: 45 mm) as shown in Fig. 4. iii) Clause The continuous (DC) "abnormal" magnetic induction of 0.27 Tesla 5% , which is produced by DC current with a magnetomotive force of 17500 ampere-turns using a T type iron electromagnet as shown in Fig. 3. iv) Clause The alternating (AC) "abnormal" magnetic induction (axial) of 10 mT 5% , which is produced by AC current with a magnetomotive force of 2800 ampere-turns using a circular air cored magnetic coil ( O.D.: 400 mm, I.D.:320 mm, Depth: 45 mm) as shown in Fig. 4. v) Clause The alternating (AC) "abnormal" magnetic induction of 0.2 Tesla 5% , which is produced by AC current with a magnetomotive force of 2000 ampere-turns using a circular air

AC Power & Energy Standard-NPLI : Measurement, Calibration & Testing Schematic diagrams 165 165 17 17 cored magnetic coil ( O.D.: 200 mm, I.D.:38 mm, Depth: 50 mm) as shown in Fig. 5. During the testing of energy meters under the influence of above magnetic fields, variation of % error in energy and abnormal behaviors, if any, are observed so that performance is judged properly. In the event of logging of presence of abnormal magnetic induction with date and time, the positive variation of % error may be beyond the allowable fixed limits. A note is also put for above tests that during the test(s), no abnormality like movement of digits (for electromechanicl register), flickering/switching on-off of display, abnormal heating and perceptable chanof error should occur. After the test(s), there should not be any permanent change of error exceeding half the accuracy class index at Imax(maximum current). Cos/Sin =1 and 0.5 inductive and at 5% Ib(basic current), Cos /Sin =1 for active / reactive energymeters respectively. 8. Tamper Condition Tests

114 114

17 17 Fig. 3. 67 m Tesla & 0.27 Tesla DC electromagnet


45 45

Fig. 4. 0.5m Tesla & 10m Tesla AC magnetic coil (axial field)

The performance of energy meters are checked under different tamper conditions to prevent theft of energy by tampering the energy meters in actual field conditions. These tamper conditions may include phase -neutral exchange, load through earth, neutral missing, missing potentials, CT reversal, CT shorting/ bypass, injecting high voltage to neutral, injecting DC signal or high frequency signal to current terminals etc. These tests confirm that the meters installed in the field will register accurate energy even if tampering is done. Electronic energy meters having internal memory, can record detailed tampering events with date and time of occurrences and restorations which can be retrieved through the optical port by a meter reading device and also can be downloaded in a PC for further analysis. The total energy management including the load survey for certain predefined time period can help finding the energy consumption and energy theft details. This helps the power sector organizations for monitoring the energy management. 9. Conclusion

38 mm 38 38


200 Fig. 5. 0.2 Tesla AC magnetic coil (probing field) (Figs 3-5, all dimensions in mm)

NPLI provides the calibration and measurement facilities at apex level to help all power sector organizations and industries. Our calibration and measurement capabilities are on BIPM website and are globally accepted. Further we are in a process of 27

M.K. Mittal, R.K. Kotnala, J.C. Biswas and A.S. Yadav upgrading our national standard for ac power and energy by establishing primary standard at par with international standards which will improve our measurement uncertainty. References [1] Guidelines for Profociency Testing Program for Tesing and Calibration Laboratories, Document No. NABL 162 (2001). Saood Ahmed, V.K. Rustagi, R. Aggarwal and Bijendra Pal, Development of an Automated Data Acquisition Systems for Absolute Determination of Effective of RF Power Mounts using Coaxial Microcalorimeter, MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 63-68. Naveen Garg, Mahavir Singh, Omkar Sharma and V. Mohanan, Current Status of Acoustic Measurement Standards at National Physical Laboratory of India (NPLI), New Delhi - Part 1: Sound Pressure, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 77-90. Naveen Garg, Mahavir Singh, Omkar Sharma and V. Mohanan, Current Status of Acoustic Measurement Standards at National Physical Laboratory of India (NPLI), New Delhi - Part 2 : Acceleration Amplitude, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 91-101. A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Sanjay Yadav and Nita Dilawar, Current Status of Pressure Standards at NPLI and our Experiences with the Key Comparison Data Base (KCDB), MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 21 (2006) 127-145. Tripurari Lal, Goutam Mandal and C.K. [7] Gopan, Re-establishment of National Standards of Mass at NPL India, MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 23 (2008) 139-158. Kamlesh K. Jain, S.K. Jain, J.K. Dhawan and Anil Kumar, Realization of Force Scale upto 50kN through Dead Weight Force Machines at NPL, India, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 20 (2005) 249-257. Guidelines for Estimation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, Document No. NABL 141 (2000). Indian Standard Specification, ac static Watthour meter, class 1 and 2, (IS 13779 : 1999). Indian Standard Specification, ac static transformer operational Watthour and var-hour meters, class 0.2S and 0.5S, (IS 14697 : 1999). International Standard, Electricity metering equipment (AC) General requirements, tests and test conditions, IEC 62052-11 (2003-02). International standard, Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)-particular requirements. Part 21: static meter for active energy (classes 1 and 2), IEC 62053-21 (2003-01). International Standard, Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) particular requirements- Part 22, static meter for active energy (class 0.2S and 0.5S), IEC 62053-22 (2003-01). International Standard, Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) particular requirement-Part 23: static meter for reactive error (classes 2 and 3) IEC 62053-23 (2003-01). Manual on Standardization of ac static electricity energy meter (Publication No. 304) July (2008).



[9] [10]











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