Fs 2
Fs 2
Fs 2
[ Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process EPISODE1 LOOKING THROUGH THE MEANINGFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCES Target Observe at least three classes and describe the principles of teaching and learning used by the teacher.Observe the cognitive, Meta cognitive and motivational process in the classroom.List down the instructional materials used by the teacher to facilitate the learner.Reflect on your experience.OBSERVATION SHEETName of the school observed: _________________________________________School Address: _____________________________________________________D ate of Visit: ______________________________________________________ _Grade/year level: _______________________ Subject Area: _________________ What principle in teaching - learning were commonly applied?What instructional materials were used in teaching?Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, Meta cognitive and positive motivational process of learning?EPISODE2 LEARNERS CHARACTERISTICS AND NEEDS Step 1: Make a journal about the task perform teachers as they teach their lessons noting patterns and variety. Step2: Record and highlight observable and significant event (s) in such teachinglearning activities and events. Step 3: Confer with the teacher regarding observable and significant events. Step 4: Reflect on your experience. ] Expert answered|prettypinks|Points 10|
Field Study 2
Field Study 2
Table of Contents
I. II.
III. Statement of the Purpose of the Field Study II Tell something about.. Episode I. Principles of Teaching and Learning Episode Regarding II.Participation of the Learners
4.Instructional Materials Used by the Teacher C.Reflection on Each Episode D. Additional Entries V. VI. Clippings Letter of the Pupils Personal Reflection on the Portfolio Comments of the Resource Teacher
VIEWS ON FIELDS STUDY Field Study 1-6 aims to align teacher education with the CHED prescribed new teacher curriculum that is reflexive of the National Competency-Based Teacher standard. The activities experiences on the Field Study are intended not only for drill and evaluate purposes but also purposes of bridging the gap between theory and practice and advocacy for current trends in education such as reflexive education, multiple intelligence; and multicultural education, interactive and brain based teaching and authentic assessment. Field Study is a component of the new preservice teacher education curriculum that aims to expose of to student to actual field experience so that they can relate the theories learned inside the classroom classroom with those experience. would These off the
importance of understanding the complex work of the teacher in the era of globalization.
THROUGH FIELD STUDY COURSES: a.Students are encouraged to give meaning to the nature and context educational changes that have impact on teacher education. b.Pre-service student bring teacher education the experiences and belief that may influence the teaching and learning.
c.Students acquire knowledge and understanding in the process of learning to teach how they are acquired.
The Field Study should used the OAR approach to represent the general cycle pattern of the task that pre-service teachers are expected to do in the different learning episodes OAR represent as: vO-Observation makes the pre-service, teachers more keenly aware and sensitive to the learner and learning environment. Orchestrating plans that
create outputs uniquely their own taps problem solving skills and creatively. vA- Analyzing what you observe and do trains preservice teachers to become a critical thinker.
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Episode 1
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Name of FS student
FS 2
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Episode 1
Resource Teacher:
Your target
selected subjects.
Your Way