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Faulty Parallelism Worksheet 1 Key-1&2

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Faulty Parallelism Worksheet 1 Key Passage A

For the 10 percent of the American population that is left handed, life is not easy. Using a pair of scissors, or writing in a spiral notebook can be very difficult. The scissors and the notebook are t o items designed for right!handers. Also, have you even seen a "southpa # take notes or write an e$am at one of those right!handed half!desks% The poor "lefty# has to t ist like a yoga devotee or like a circus acrobat in order to reach the paper. &ut a recent study proves that being left!handed can be psychologically damaging as ell as physically taxing. A survey of ',(00 people sho ed that '0 percent more left!handers than right!handers smoked. )ould lefties smoke to relieve the tension or forget the problems of living in a right!handed orld%

Passage &
*ome people today are "survivalists.# These people, because they fear some great disaster in the near future +like economic collapse or nuclear ar,, are preparing for a catastrophe. -oarding food, stockpiling eapons, and achieving self!sufficiency are some of the activities of survivalists. .n Arkansas, for e$ample, one group has built a mountain fortress to defend its supplies and stay safe. Arkansas, the group feels, is the best place to be for several reasons/ it is an unlikely target for nuclear attacks0 it offers plentiful supplies of food and ater0 it has a good climate. *ome Americans feel that the attitude of survivalists is selfish and greedy. These people say that such a philosophy turns society into a "dog!eat!dog# race for life. 1ther people believe that after a nuclear ar, the orld, ith radiation and disease, ouldn2t be orth living in.

Faulty Parallel Sentence Construction Worksheet 2 Key

1. '. To design her o n clothes and make them are t o of 3ebecca2s goals. 4ot only are migrant orkers e$ploited in the *outh est, but they are also e$ploited

in other parts of the *unbelt. (. 5ack Paar, an early host of the 6Tonight *ho 6, as a da77ling intervie er and as

controversial. 8. 9. To complain is easy, but to find solutions is difficult. :ven at an early age, 3a;uel could alk on her hands, do for ard flips, and sho

e$cellent balance. <. Although modeling is often perceived as an easy =ob, it re;uires talent, patience, and

stamina. >. The annual report serves t o primary functions/ +1, The presentation of financial

data to stockholders, and +', building company public relations in the business community. ?. The accountant in this department has the responsibility for the formation of budget

procedures, maintenance of related records, rendering financial information, and submission of special reports. @. The success of a television program depends on ho ell the program has been

advertised, the actors taking part, and hether it is a comedy or a serious drama. 10. .t is hoped that this class ill succeed in sho ing its participants the e$tent of the

environmental crisis, presenting lifestyle alternatives to meet the crisis, and involving the class in pro=ects that ill accomplish significant improvement in the environment.

evising for Parallel Structure Worksheet ! Key

1. Ae ere dirty, hungry, and penniless. '. By roommate liked to repair things around the house and do his o n cooking. (. Curing the day, e ent on long hikes, ro ed around the lake, or =ust had leisure time. 8. *he returned to pay the rent and pick up some of her things she had left. 9. T o things that . found hard to learn as a freshman ere to get enough sleep and trim e$penses. <. -e asked me about my courses and asked here . as planning to be ne$t year. >. The doctor said that . should rest and not get e$cited or upset. ?. -itler2s follo ers considered other nations to be racially inferior and fit only for slave labor. @. The best ay to combat =uvenile delin;uency is not to set up more social agencies, but restore old!fashioned discipline in the home. 10. The book told ho to build a gun cabinet, ho to build a bookcase, and ho to make all types of furniture. 11. Ahen . as a member of the basketball team, everyone met me ith a happy smile, made lively conversation, and invited me to many parties. 1'. Fires, caused by unheeding persons, have destroyed valuable forests and have thereby decreased our lumber resources. 1(. .n basketball, there is never a dull moment, any team can in, and there is a fine display of team ork. 18. By parents likes peace and ;uiet and rela$ing in the evening at home. 19. :sther is a helpful person ho makes friends easily. 1<. Dosemite is a park ith spectacular scenery, and has half!tame bears. 1>. By friends ere al ays going off to =og in the park or to play a game of tennis. 1?. The manager asked me to file an application and leave my number. 1@. Ae ent to rallies to protest against pesticides, oppose nuclear ar, or support other current causes. '0. By roommate as a smart dresser, a good student, and a good talker.

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