Audition Form
Audition Form
Audition Form
The Diviners
Name______________________________ Phone (most used)__________________________
E-mail_____________________________ Major____________________________________
Audition Date and Time_________________________________________________________
Hair Color________________________________
Performance Experience: Please list your most recent experience (or attach a resume). Continue on
back if necessary.
Theatre Company/School
Actor Preferences:
Are you auditioning for a particular role/or Scene? Yes____ No____
If so, which role?_______________________
If you are not cast in your preferred role, will you accept another part? Yes____ No_____
Would you be interested in working on this show in any other capacity? Yes____ No_____
If so, what would be interested in? ___________________________________________________________
Do you have a makeup kit? Yes____
Rehearsal/Performance Conflicts: This production will begin rehearsing on March 4th-6th and March 18th
and will perform April 19th April 21st. Rehearsals will be scheduled Sundays thru Fridays 6:30-10:30 with
additional days and times during tech week. We will also rehearse during Block Break between Blocks 7-8. Please
list all conflicts that you foresee between March 4th and April 21st 2013. Continue on the Back if necessary.