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One Way Solid Slab

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A) One way solid slab with beams and girders


1-m slab strip

For each panel the aspect ratio is greater or equal to two:

Long span 2.0 Short span

The slab is therefore supported by the beams which are supported by columns or by girders. Analysis and design of 1-m slab strip is then performed in the main direction and the design results are generalized all over the slab. Minimum shrinkage (temperature) steel is provided in the other direction. The slab strip model is a continuous beam where the supports are beams. Coefficient method of analysis is used if its conditions are satisfied. Standard flexural RC design methods are used to determine the required reinforcement. Concrete cover is equal to 20 mm, and stirrups are not used in slabs. Design results are expressed in terms of bar spacing. Minimum steel and maximum bar spacing requirements must be met.

Steps for the analysis and design of one-way solid slab (1-m slab strip): (1) Thickness: Determine minimum thickness using ACI/SBC Table and: In a continuous beam or slab strip, the minimum thickness must be determined for each span and the final value is the greatest of them:
hmin = Max (hmin 1 , hmin 2 , hmin 3 ,..., hmin, n )

If the thickness is unknown choose a value greater or equal to the minimum value If the thickness is given, check that it is greater or equal to the minimum value If actual thickness is greater or equal to minimum thickness, no deflection check is required. A thickness less than the minimum may be used but the deflections must then be computed and checked. (2) Loading: Determine the dead and live uniform loading on the slab-strip (kN/m) using the given area loads (kN/m2) for live load and super imposed dead load as well as the slab self weight: w D = ( SDL + g c hs ) x 1 m

w L = LL x 1 m
wu = 1.4 wD + 1.7 wL

The ultimate factored load on the slab strip is:

(3) Flexural analysis: Determine the values of ultimate moments at major locations (exterior negative moment, interior negative moment and positive span moment) using the appropriate clear lengths and moment coefficients (4) Flexural RC design: Perform RC design using standard methods of CE471 starting with the maximum moment value. Determine the required steel area and compare with code minimum steel area. Determine the bar spacing and compare with code maximum spacing (5) Shrinkage reinforcement: Determine shrinkage (temperature) reinforcement and the corresponding spacing (6) Shear check: Perform shear check that is, check that: fVc Vu If it is not checked, the thickness must be increased and repeat steps from (2) (7) Detailing: Draw execution plans Table 9.5(a): Minimum thickness for beams (ribs) and one-way slabs unless deflections are computed and checked Simply supported Solid oneway slab Beams or ribs L / 20 L / 16 One end continuous L / 24 L / 18.5 Both ends continuous L / 28 L / 21

Cantilever L / 10 L/8

One way solid slab example

8.2 m E 4.0 m D 4.0 m C 4.0 m B 4.0 m A 8.1 m

1-m slab strip The above figure shows a one-way slab with beams and girders. Beams are in X-direction (perpendicular to slab strip) and girders are in Y-direction (parallel to slab strip). The panel ratio is either 8.1/4 or 8.2/4 and is always greater than 2 (one way action). Concrete: f c' = 25 MPa
g c = 24 kN / m 3

Steel: f y = 420 MPa

All beams and girders have the same section 300 x 600 mm. All columns have the same square section 300 x 300 mm. Superimposed dead load SDL = 1.5 kN/m2 Live load LL = 3.0 kN/m2 All external beams and girders as well as the internal beam along C-line support a wall of 0.3 m thickness and 4 m height with a density g wall = 12 kN / m 3 Wall loading is a line load (kN/m) and is part of dead load. The wall line load is: wwall = g wall x Thickness x Height = 12 x 0.3 x 4 = 14.4 kN / m

Solution of one way solid slab example: The slab strip is modeled as a continuous beam with four equal spans

Step 1: Thickness

use Table 9.5(a) for hmin

Spans 1 and 4: One end continuous

hmin =

L 4000 = = 166 .67 mm 24 24 L 4000 = = 142.86 mm 28 28

Spans 2 and 3: Both ends continuous Thus

hmin =

hmin = 166.67 mm

Use h = 170.0 mm (No deflection check required)

Step 2: Loading Area loading (SDL and LL) is assumed to be applied on all floor area. Strip load (kN/m) = Slab load (kN/m2) x 1 m (Use consistent units) Dead load on strip: w D = (g c h s + SDL ) x 1 m = ( 24 x 0.170 + 1.5) x1 = 5.58 kN / m Live load on strip: wL = LL x 1 m = 3.0 x1 = 3.0 kN / m Ultimate strip uniform load:

wu = 1.4 wD + 1.7 wL = 12.912 kN / m

Step 3: Flexural analysis All conditions of ACI/SBC coefficient method are satisfied. So

M u = C m wu (l n ) 2

l Vu = C v wu n 2

ln is the clear length wu is the factored uniform load

l n = 4.0 -

0.3 0.3 = 3. 7 m 2 2

for all spans

For shear force, span positive moment and external negative moment, ln is the clear length of the span For internal negative moment, ln is the average of clear lengths of the adjacent spans.

Cm and Cv are the moment and shear coefficients given by ACI tables The moment coefficients and values are given below:

2 The moments are obtained by: M u = C m wu (l n )

The resulting moments are as shown:

RC-SLAB1 software output is:

Step 4: Flexural RC design Recall RC design of a rectangular section with tension steel only:

As 0.85 f c' = The solution of the steel ratio is: r = bd fy

Compute a =

4 Ru 1 - 1 1.7 f c'


Ru =

Mu fbd 2

As f y 0.85 f c'b

and check the section is tension-controlled (steel strain greater or equal to 0.005).

b =1000 mm, h = 170 mm. Assume db = 12 mm Thus

Steel depth

d = h - cover -

db (No stirrups) 2

cover = 20 mm

d = 170 - 20 -

12 = 144 mm 2

One bar area is Ab = p

d b2 = 113.1mm 2 4

It is always better to start RC design with maximum moment. a) RC design for interior negative moment Mu = 17.68 kN.m We find: Ru = 0.9473594 and

r = 0.0023083


As = 332.39 mm2

Check: a =

As f y 0.85 f c'b

= 6.5696 mm


a 6.5696 = = 7.728 9 mm b1 0.85

So OK Tension-control

Steel strain e st = 0.003

d -c 144 - 7.7289 = 0.003 = 0.05289 0.005 c 7.7289

Minimum steel in slabs:

As min

0.020 bh = 0.0018 bh 0.0018 bh 420 fy

if f y = 300 to 350 MPa if f y = 420 MPa if f y > 420 MPa

We thus use As = 332.39 mm2

f y = 420 MPa


As min = 0.0018 x 1000 x 170 = 306.0 mm 2

S= bAb 1000 x 113.1 = = 340.3 mm As 332.39

Bar spacing is given by:

Maximum spacing for main steel in slabs according to SBC / ACI is:

S max = Min ( 2h , 300 mm) = Min ( 2 x 170 , 300) = 300 mm

That is: F12 @300 mm (Top steel at internal supports) (Discuss spacing and bar diameter,

We must then use S = 300 mm

if S >> Smax then bar diameter may be reduced).

b) RC design for positive span moment Mu = 12.63 kN.m We find As = 235.85 mm2 which is less than the minimum value We thus use
As min = 306.0 mm 2

As = As min = 306.0 mm 2

with 300 mm spacing (Controlled by Smax)

(we find S = 369.6 mm).

So we use F12 @300 mm (bottom steel)

c) RC design for exterior negative moment Mu = 7.37 kN.m Since minimum steel controlled the previous moment value of 12.63 kN.m, it certainly controls a smaller value. So we use F12 @300 mm (top steel at external supports)

Step 5: Shrinkage reinforcement Shrinkage steel (in secondary slab direction) is equal to minimum steel. Ashr = Asmin = 306 mm2 The spacing is S = We use a smaller diameter of 10 mm Thus Ab = 78.5 mm2

bAb 1000 x 78.5 = = 256.5 mm As 306.0

Maximum spacing for shrinkage steel in slabs according to SBC / ACI is:

S max = Min (4h , 300 mm) = Min ( 4 x 170 , 300) = 300 mm

Step 6: Shear check We must check that

we use

F10 @250 mm

fVc Vu

The ultimate shear force determined in the analysis is We use the largest value

l Vu = C v wu n 2

Where Cv is either 1.0 or 1.15.

Vu = 27.47 kN (see previous diagram SFD)

The nominal concrete shear strength is given by: Vc =

f c' 6

bd =

25 1000 x 144 = 120000 N = 120.0 kN 6

fVc = 0.75 x 120 = 90.0 kN Vu

Shear is OK

If fVc < Vu , we do not provide stirrups (as in beams). We increase slab thickness and repeat from step 2 Step 7: Detailing The design results must be presented in appropriate execution plans providing all information about various reinforcements as well as the development lengths. ACI and SBC provisions must be used.
Top steel f12@300 Ln1 /4 Max (0.3Ln1 ,0.3Ln2) Max (0.3Ln2 ,0.3Ln3)

Ln1 Bottom steel f12@300



Min. 150 mm

Shrinkage steel f10@250

Use RC-SLAB1 Software The software performs all checks, analysis and design. The final design output is:

Transfer of loading from slab to beams Beam load is uniform and is transferred from the slab according to the beam tributary width lt. The tributary width is computed using mid-lines between beams. For edge beams lt must include all the beam width and any slab offset.
E 4.0 m D 4.0 m C 4.0 m lt B 4.0 m A 8.2 m 8.1 m

The tributary width for the internal beams along lines B, C or D is: For edge beams A and E it is: lt =

lt =

4 4 + = 4.0 m 2 2

4 0. 3 + = 2.15 m 2 2

The beam dead load must include the beam web weight and any possible wall load. Dead wbD = ( SDL + g c hs ) x l t + g c bbw hbw + wwall Live wbL = LL x l t

The five beams have two spans each and are supported either by girders (beams B, D) or by columns (beams A, C, E). Beams A, C and E are subjected to a wall load of 14.4 kN/m. The thickness of the beam web is: For beam B, the loading is:

hbw = hb - hs = 600 - 170 = 430 mm = 0.43 m

wbD = (1.5 + 24 x 0.17) x 4 + 24 x 0.3 x 0.43 = 25.416 kN / m

(No wall)

wbL = 3 x 4 = 12 kN / m
For beam along line C with the same tributary width, the wall load must be added to the dead load part. The five beams have two spans each (8.2 m and 8.1 m)

Effective beam section Because of the interaction between the beam and the slab, the effective beam section is a T-section for internal beams and an L-section for edge beams.
bw = b hw = h - hf hf = hs bf

ln 4 (shortest span) The effective flange width bf is determined as follows: b f = Min bw + 16 h f Beam tributary width
Analysis and design of internal beam B: The beam has two spans (8.2 m and 8.1 m), is supported by the girders and its loads are:

wbD = 25.416 kN / m
Step 1: Thickness

wbL = 12 kN / m

Both spans have one end continuous: The largest is hmin =

hmin =

L 18.5

8200 = 443.24 mm 18.5

The actual thickness of 600 mm is therefore OK. Step 2: Loading The loads determined earlier are: wbD = 25.416 kN / m The beam ultimate load is therefore: wbu = 55.9824 kN/m Step 3: Flexural analysis The conditions of the coefficient method are all satisfied. The clear lengths for the two spans are 7.9 m and 7.8 m respectively. For the internal negative moment the average clear length 7.85 m is used.

wbL = 12 kN / m

The coefficients and the moments are:

RC-SLAB1 software output is:

Figure generated by RC-SLAB1 software

Step 4: Flange width

The effective flange width is:

7800 ln 4 (shortest span) = 4 = 1950 mm b f = Min bw + 16 h f = 300 + 16 x 170 = 3020 mm Beam tributary width = 4 m = 4000 mm

Thus bf = 1950 mm

Step 5: Flexural RC design Compute required steel and compare to minimum steel.

f ' 1.4 c , bw d A = Max Accurate design: as a T-section s min 4f fy y

Approximate safe design: as a rectangular section (ignoring flange overhangs)

As min

f ' 1 .4 = Max c , bd 4f fy y

T-section design for a positive moment: Compression block is the flange or in the web.
' Calculate the full flange nominal capacity as M nff = 0.85 f c b f h f d -

hf 2

If fM nff M u : then the compression block is in the flange ( a h f ). Design as a rectangular section (bf , h). If fM nff < M u then the compression block is in the in the web ( a > h f ). Decompose as follows: T-section = W-section + F-section:

M n = M nw + M nf


As = Asw + Asf

Asf and Mnf are known

Asf =

0.85 f c' (b f - bw )h f fy


hf M nf = Asf f y d - 2

The web is then designed as rectangular section for a moment M wu = M u - fM nf The steel area component Asw is the solution of a quadratic equation and is given by:

0.85 f c' bw d 4 Rwu Asw = 1 - 1 fy 1.7 f c'


Rwu =

M wu 1 = 2 fbw d bw d 2

Mu f - M nf

The total steel area As = Asw + Asf must then be compared to the minimum value. Compute


Asw f y 0.85 f c'bw

and perform checks.

We assume a bar diameter of 16 mm and a stirrup diameter of 10 mm, for the beams. Cover = 40 mm Steel depth d = h - cover -

db 16 - d s = 600 - 40 - - 10 = 542 mm 2 2

Design for the interior negative moment Mu = 383.31 kN.m Rectangular and T-section designs give the same result: As = 2152.53 mm2 requiring 11 bars (one top layer in the flange)

Design for the positive span moment Mu = 249.56 kN.m Approximate rectangular section design: As = 1324.8 mm2 (7 bars) Accurate T-section design: As = 1232.3 mm2 (7 bars) The beam (web) width can only have 5 bars in one layer. Two steel layers are therefore required. RC design should be repeated by correcting the effective steel depth. RC-SLAB1 software performs all these successive design corrections by checking bar spacing and updating the number of layers. Two layers (5 bars in first and two bars in second) turn out to be OK. Step 6: Shear design

l Vu = C v wu n 2
Vc = f c' 6 bw d =

Vu = 254.3 kN (see previous SFD)

with Cv = 1.15

25 300 x 542 = 135500 N = 135.5 kN 6

fVc = 0.75Vc = 101.625 kN

Vu >

fVc 2

Then stirrups are required.

We assume using three legs for stirrups. So Av = 235.6 mm2 The corresponding spacing is S = 328.8 mm and maximum spacing is: Smax = 271 mm We adopt a final spacing S = 250 mm Step 7: Detailing It is similar to one way slab, except that there is no shrinkage steel, stirrups are present, bar number is given instead of bar spacing.

ACI / SBC guidelines for beams and ribs are:

Top steel Ln1 /4 Max (Ln1/3 ,Ln2/3) Max (Ln2/3 ,Ln3/3)

Ln1 Bottom steel



Min. 150 mm

Bar cutoff may be used.

RC-SLAB1 design output (as a T-section and as a rectangular section) is:

The software checks the layer number and performs several design iterations as required.

Analysis and design of other beams: a) Internal beam C : Same tributary width of 4 m, but supports are columns and dead load must include wall load of 14.4 kN/m. Moment coefficients at external supports are -1/16 instead of -1/24.

b) External beam A or E : Smaller tributary width of 2.15 m. Supports are columns and dead load must include wall load of 14.4 kN/m. Moment coefficients at external supports are -1/16 instead of -1/24. The effective section of the external beam is an L-section.

Girder loading (uniform and concentrated) Girders are subjected to uniform loading as well as concentrated forces transferred from supported beams. The concentrated force transferred by a beam to a girder depends on the girder tributary width, determined by mid-lines between the girders. In order to avoid duplication of the beam-girder joint weight, the clear tributary width ltn must be used. It is obtained by subtracting the girder width:
8.2 m E 4.0 m D 4.0 m C 4.0 m B 4.0 m A 8.1 m

ltn = l t - b g

Girders are supported by columns. The three girders (1, 2, 3) have therefore two equal spans each. Beams A, C and E are also supported by columns. So only beams B and D transfer concentrated forces to girders.

Girder concentrated force = beam uniform load x Clear tributary width

P = wbeam l tn = wbeam (l t - b g )
The concentrated force is: Dead

PD = wbD ltn


PL = wbL ltn

The uniform load includes the girder self weight, superimposed dead load and live load applied on the girder width, as well as any possible wall load. Dead wgD = SDL x bg + g c bg hg + wwall For the internal girder along line 2: Live

wgL = LL x bg
ltn = 8.15 - 0.3 = 7.85 m

lt =

8.2 8.1 + = 8.15 m 2 2

For the external girder 1:

lt =

8.2 0.3 + = 4.25 m 2 2

ltn = 4.25 - 0.3 = 3.95 m

The concentrated force transferred from beam B to girder 2 is: Dead: PD = 25.416 x 7.85 = 199.5156kN The uniform load on the girder is: Dead wgD = SDL x bg + g c bg hg + wwall Live Live:

PL = 12 x 7.85 = 94.2 kN

wgL = LL x bg

The uniform load on the girder (not supporting wall loading) is:

w gD = 1.5 x 0.3 + 24 x 0.3 x 0.6 = 4.77 kN / m

w gL = 3 x 0.3 = 0.9 kN / m

With the presence of concentrated forces, one of the conditions of the coefficient method is not satisfied. Girder analysis must therefore be performed using standard elastic analysis. Alternatively, concentrated forces may be transformed to equivalent uniform loading in order to use the coefficient method. This transformation may be performed on the basis of keeping the same maximum bending moment or the same maximum shear force.

Example: Simply supported beam subjected to concentrated mid-span force P. Maximum moment and shear force under this loading are: M P max = For the equivalent uniform load the maximum values are: M w max =
PL 4 V P max = V w max = P 2 wL 2

wL2 8

Equating maximum moments gives: w =

2P L P L

Equating maximum shear forces gives: w =

Transfer of loads to columns Loads are transferred to columns from the beams and girders connected to them. These loads cause axial compression forces as well as bending and shearing in both X-Z and Y-Z planes. These column internal forces may be determined by structural analysis. Column axial forces are cumulated through all floors. At each floor column axial force may be determined using tributary width or tributary area concept. Column moments may be determined by moment distribution method by isolating the column end with its connected members. Axial forces on columns The axial force in each floor may however be determined using the preceding load transfer mechanism. The total column force may be computed from the forces acting on the supported beams and girders using the tributary width concept for each beam and girder. It may also be determined using the column tributary area. The column tributary area At is determined using mid-lines between column lines only (not beam lines).

8.2 m E

8.1 m

4.0 m D 4.0 m C 4.0 m B 4.0 m A

The dead force includes area loading as well the self weight of the webs of all beams and girders in the tributary area. It also includes possible wall loads. Dead
PD = ( SDL + g c hs ) At + g c ( a i bwi hwi lti ) + a i wwall ,i lti

Live PL = LL x At

For beams / girders inside the tributary area, the total web self weight and total wall load is considered ( a i = 1) . For beams / girders on the border of the tributary area, only half is considered ( a i = 0.5) . lti is the member length inside the tributary area. In order to avoid duplication of beam-girder joint weights, clear lengths must be used for the beams and full lengths for the girders.

8.2 8.1 8 8 2 The tributary area for the internal column C2 is: At = + + = 8.15 x 8.0 = 65.2 m 2 2 2 2
Column C2 supports Beam C over a clear distance of 8.15 - 0.3 = 7.85 m, girder 2 over a distance of 8 m and half of the beams B and D over a clear distance of 7.85 m. Beam C supports also a wall over a distance of 8.15 m.

PD = (1.5 + 24 x 0.17) 65.2 + 24 x 0.30 x 0.43(7.85 + 8 + 0.5 x 7.85 + 0.5 x7.85) + 14.4 x 8.15

We find PD = 554.5512 kN

PL = 3 x 65.2 = 195.6 kN

These forces may also be obtained from beams and girders connected to the column using tributary widths. Column C2 is connected to beam C and girder 2. The concentrated force on the column is obtained from the uniform load on beam C and girder 2 as well as the concentrated forces on girder 2.

The dead concentrated force is:

C 2 PD = wD x ltn + wD x lt + Girder forces + walls

Wall load on beam C acts over a distance of 8.15m. 50 % of the concentrated forces transferred from beams B and D to the girder 2 are then transferred to column C2. Thus

PD = 25.416 x 7.85 + 4.77 x 8.0 + 199.5156 + 14.4 x 8.15 = 554.5512 kN

We obtain the same result as with the tributary area. As for edge and corner columns, the tributary area must include any floor offsets.

8.1 0.3 8 8 2 The tributary area for edge column C3 is At = + + = 4.20 x 8.0 = 33.6 m 2 2 2 2 8.2 0.3 8 0.3 2 The tributary area for corner column E1 is At = + + = 4.25 x 4.15 = 17.6375 m 2 2 2 2
The edge beams and girders are entirely included in the column tributary areas.

Computation of moments in columns using moment distribution method





Moments in columns may be determined in each direction using moment distribution method on a simplified model where the column joint (top or bottom) is isolated with all the members connected to it. The other ends of the members are assumed to be fixed. Four possible different cases can be met. Only beams (or girders) are loaded. The maximum moment in the column joint occurs when the unbalanced moment is maximum, that is when one beam is loaded by dead and live load whereas the other beam is loaded by dead load only. It is usually recommended to load the longest beam with dead and live load. Let us consider the more general case (d) with four members. The beams are subjected to two different uniform loads and two different concentrated forces at their mid-span. Considering the clockwize direction as positive, the fixed end moments at joint A resulting from span loads in beams AB and AC are:
P1 E P2 W2 A C

( FEM ) AB =

w1 L 12

2 AB

P1 L AB 8

( FEM ) AC = -

w2 L 12

2 AC

P2 L AC 8

W1 B

The total unbalanced moment at joint A is:

M A = ( FEM ) AB + ( FEM ) AC =

w1 L2AB P1 L AB w2 L2 PL AC + - 2 AC 12 8 12 8

It is clear that this moment will be maximum when one beam is fully loaded while the other is only subject to dead load. The case (a) is in fact the worst as the unbalanced moment is maximum with one beam fully loaded and the part going to the column is maximum since two members only are connected to the joint. To put joint A in equilibrium, an opposite moment (-MA) must be added. This moment must be distributed between all members connected to joint A according to their distribution factors defined as follows: The distribution factor of member m in a joint, is equal to the ratio of the member stiffness factor to the sum of all stiffness factors of all elements connected to the joint. It represents the part of the joint moment that the member supports. In any joint the sum of distribution factors of all elements connected to the joint, is equal to unity.

4 EI I L m L m DFm = = 4 EI I i L i i L i
I is the section moment of inertia while L is the span length. The moments in the columns at joint A (top of column AD and bottom of column AE) are therefore:

M AD = - M A


I L AD I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE

M AE = - M A


I L AE I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE

The total moments in the beams at joint A are obtained by superposing the fixed ends:

M AB = ( FEM ) AB - M A


I L AB I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE
I L AC I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE

M AC = ( FEM ) AC - M A


It remains finally to be reminded that for each span, 50 % of the moment at joint A is carried over to the opposite joint. For beams, total moments include fixed end moments. MDA = 0.5 MAD MBA = 0.5 MAB + (FEM)BA With MEA = 0.5 MAE MCA = 0.5 MAC + (FEM)CA

( FEM ) BA = -

w1 L2 PL AB - 1 AB 12 8

( FEM ) CA =

w2 L2 PL AC + 2 AC 12 8
E W1 B A W2 C

Numerical application: We consider column C2 in an intermediate floor in X-direction with loading coming from beam C. We load the longest span (8.2 m) with ultimate load while the shortest is loaded with factored dead load only. Thus w1 = 1.4(25.416 + 14.4) + 1.7 x 12.0 = 76.14 kN / m

w2 = 1.4(25.416 + 14.4) = 55.74 kN / m

The fixed end moments at the column joint are:

( FEM ) AB ( FEM ) AC

w1 L2 76.14 x 8.2 2 AB = = = 426.64 kN .m 12 12 w2 L2 - 55.74 x 8.12 AC == = -304.76 kN .m 12 12

The unbalanced moment at the column joint A is: M A = ( FEM ) AB + ( FEM ) AC = 426.64 - 304.76 = 121.88 kN .m The moments in the top and bottom columns are given by:

M AD = - M A


I L AD I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE

M AE = - M A


I L AE I I I + + + L AC L AD L AE

Assuming a column height of 3.5 m and recalling beam section (0.3 x 0.6 m) and column section 0.3 4 / 12 I I (0.3 x 0.3), the member stiffness factors are: = = = 1.92857 x 10 -4 m 3 3.5 L AD L AE 0.3 x 0.6 3 / 12 I = 6.585366 x 10 -4 m 3 = 8. 2 L AB The column moments are thus:
M AD = M AE = -121.88 1.92857 = -13.74 kN .m 1.92857 + 1.92857 + 6.585366 + 6.666667

0.3 x 0.6 3 / 12 I = 6.666667 x 10 - 4 m 3 = 8.1 L AC

If we load both beam spans with the same ultimate load, the out of balance moment would almost vanish and be caused by the minor difference in the span lengths. The resulting column moments would be equal to 1.17 kN.m only. We now consider column C1 in the roof in X-direction The out of balance moment is: M A = ( FEM ) AB = 426.64 kN .m
D B W1 A

The column moment will be: M AD = -426.64

1.92857 = -96.64 kN .m 1.92857 + 6.585366

This moment in an edge column in the roof, is seven times greater than the previous one in an internal column and intermediate floor. In general, edge and corner columns in the roof are subjected to higher moments than other columns.

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