Klesson 3
Klesson 3
Klesson 3
Greensburg, PA 15601
Stu$ents %ill be able t&' Sh&% a stea$y beat using their b&$ies ($enti)y $i))erent c&l&rs an$ change their m&*ements by l&&+ing at c&l&r cues Sing the ne% s&ngs ,G&&$ Day S&ng- an$ ,.unt the /&%s ($enti)y )ast an$ sl&% thr&ugh listening t& the music ($enti)y high an$ l&% s&un$s thr&ugh listening t& the music Dem&nstrate the c&rrect %ay t& play a han$ $rum Tar#et bjective: ( can0 sing, m&*e t& a beat, an$ play the $rum.
Pennsylvania State $cademic Standard!s": %&'&(&B: 1ec&gni2e, +n&%, use an$ $em&nstrate a *ariety &) appr&priate arts elements an$ principles t& pr&$uce, re*ie% an$ re*ise &riginal %&r+s in the arts. 3 sing 3 play an instrument %&'&(&): 1ec&gni2e an$ use )un$amental *&cabulary %ithin each &) the arts )&rms. *$f+, *ational Standard!s": 1. Singing, al&ne an$ %ith &thers, a *arie$ repert&ire &) music. 2. Per)&rming &n instruments, al&ne an$ %ith &thers, a *arie$ repert&ire &) music. 6. 4istening t&, analy2ing, an$ $escribing music. +aterials and-or ,.uipment: ,(5m S& Gla$ t& 6e .ere- &n cassette tape Game Plan 6&&+ 7GP8 Sp&tlight teacher b&&+ an$ /D 7SP8 ,Mil+ 6uc+et 6&&gie- rec&r$ing &n i9unes /&l&r car$s Game Plan chart %ith animal pieces .an$ $rums Pian& /D Player
+odifications for /ndividual Differences: Kin$ergarten stu$ents ha*e n&t yet been i$enti)ie$ 9he less&n uses multiple meth&$s &) instructi&n )&r $i))erent +in$s &) learners' aural, *isual, +inesthetic, musical
$ctivities and Procedures: $nticipatory Set: 1e*ie% ,(5m S& Gla$ t& 6e .ere- : K ; Maga2ine pg. ## singing %ith rec&r$ing 7&n cassette8 : re*ie% $i))erent b&$y parts use$ in the s&ng 1e*ie% target &b<ecti*e
Lesson Se.uence: Sing ,=e5re G&ing t& Ma+e a /ircle- t& transiti&n the stu$ents )r&m their seats t& a circle &n the )l&&r in the )r&nt &) the r&&m 1e*ie% that %e5*e been tal+ing ab&ut )arm animals. .a*e stu$ents raise their han$s t& say the animals %e5*e alrea$y sung ab&ut. 7$uc+, hen, lamb8 9ell the stu$ents %e5ll be learning ab&ut a ne% animal 7c&%8 Sing ,4isten t& the /&%s- : GP pg. 1# (ntr&$uce han$ $rums t& the stu$ents o Sh&% them %hat it l&&+s li+e an$ h&% t& h&l$ it an$ play it o Pass them &ut an$ ha*e the stu$ents play &n the ,m&& m&& m&&- in ,4isten t& the /&%s9each ,G&&$ Day S&ng- : SP 950 : /D 2'"0 o Sh&% an$ $em&nstrate high an$ l&% singing *&ice an$ han$ o P&int &ut the $i))erent high an$ l&% *&ices use$ t& ma+e the animal s&un$s Play the rec&r$ing 7i9unes8 &) ,Mil+ 6uc+et 6&&gie- )eeling the beat %ith $i))erent m&*ements o >erse : pat +nees o (nstrumental : tap sh&ul$ers o /h&rus : mil+ c&% ,=hy $i$ %e $& that m&ti&n 7mil+ing m&ti&n8 in that s&ng?- 7because y&u mil+ c&%s8 4et stu$ents suggest m&*ements the sec&n$ time thr&ugh +eeping the mil+ing m&ti&n )&r the ch&rus 9each ,.unt the /&%s- : GP pg. 16 an$ SP 92"6 : /D 10'"5 o .a*e stu$ents listen t& the s&ng )irst : ,=hat animal is missing?- 7c&%s8 o 9each the )irst part stressing the %&r$s ,cattle- an$ ,c&%s- : stu$ents sing a phrase a)ter the teacher o 9each the sec&n$ part singing )irst an$ then a$$ the m&ti&ns o Per)&rm the s&ng an$ m&ti&ns %ith the rec&r$ing o Assist the stu$ents %ith )in$ing the beat &) the )irst part an$ then the sec&n$ part &) the s&ng
o .a*e stu$ents i$enti)y %hich part is )aster an$ %hich is sl&%er 7the )irst part is )aster8
/f 0e have more time: 1e*ie% the ,/&l&r Game- : GP pg. 1! o 1e*ie% the )irst three c&l&rs 7green@%al+, yell&%@march, re$@st&p8 o 1e*ie% blue 7$ay # &nly8 : blue@tipt&e o (ntr&$uce blue@tipt&e t& $ays 2 an$ " o A$$ the ne% c&l&r purple@<ump
)losure and $ssessment: .a*e stu$ents line up at the $&&r by c&l&rs : stu$ents i$enti)y %hether &r n&t they are %earing the c&l&r ( say an$ i) they are %earing that c&l&r, they can line up As+ ,=hat animal $i$ y&u sing ab&ut t&$ay?- 7c&%8 an$ let the stu$ents ma+e the s&un$ a c&% ma+es .&l$ing a $rum, ha*e the stu$ents signal %hether &r n&t ( am h&l$ing it c&rrectly o Play t%& $i))erent beats o .a*e stu$ents signal %hich %as )ast an$ %hich %as sl&% As stu$ents are lea*ing, tell the stu$ents g&&$bye using my high *&ice an$ my l&% *&ice an$ ha*e them signal %hich &ne they hear