This document is a compilation of authentic and weak hadiths regarding the virtues of reciting certain surahs from the Quran, as graded by Imam Al-Albani. It includes hadiths from sources like Bukhari and Muslim about the Fatiha being the greatest and most virtuous surah. The hadiths discuss how no prophet before Muhammad was given Fatiha or the end of Surah Baqarah and how reciting them brings rewards from Allah. The compilation aims to encourage focusing on and prioritizing the Quran above all else based on guidance from the Prophet.
This document is a compilation of authentic and weak hadiths regarding the virtues of reciting certain surahs from the Quran, as graded by Imam Al-Albani. It includes hadiths from sources like Bukhari and Muslim about the Fatiha being the greatest and most virtuous surah. The hadiths discuss how no prophet before Muhammad was given Fatiha or the end of Surah Baqarah and how reciting them brings rewards from Allah. The compilation aims to encourage focusing on and prioritizing the Quran above all else based on guidance from the Prophet.
This document is a compilation of authentic and weak hadiths regarding the virtues of reciting certain surahs from the Quran, as graded by Imam Al-Albani. It includes hadiths from sources like Bukhari and Muslim about the Fatiha being the greatest and most virtuous surah. The hadiths discuss how no prophet before Muhammad was given Fatiha or the end of Surah Baqarah and how reciting them brings rewards from Allah. The compilation aims to encourage focusing on and prioritizing the Quran above all else based on guidance from the Prophet.
This document is a compilation of authentic and weak hadiths regarding the virtues of reciting certain surahs from the Quran, as graded by Imam Al-Albani. It includes hadiths from sources like Bukhari and Muslim about the Fatiha being the greatest and most virtuous surah. The hadiths discuss how no prophet before Muhammad was given Fatiha or the end of Surah Baqarah and how reciting them brings rewards from Allah. The compilation aims to encourage focusing on and prioritizing the Quran above all else based on guidance from the Prophet.
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1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL All perfecL ralse ls for Allaah , we pralse Plm , seek Pls ald, and ask Pls forglveness. We seek refuge ln Allaah from Lhe evlls of ourselves and from our bad deeds. Pe whom Allah guldes , Lhere ls none Lo mlsgulde hlm, and Pe whom he leaves asLray, Lhere ls none Lo gulde hlm ! l bear wlLness LhaL none ls worLhy of Worshlp buL Allaah, who ls alone wlLhouL parLners, and l bear wlLness LhaL Muhammad (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) ls Pls slave and Messenger.
"0 you wbo believe! Ieor Allb {by Joinq oll tbot Ee bos orJereJ onJ by obstoininq from oll tbot Ee bos forbiJJen) os Ee sboulJ be feoreJ. [0bey Eim, be tbonkful to Eim, onJ remember Eim olwoys], onJ Jie not except in o stote of lslm {os Huslims) witb complete submission to Allb." [Al-lmraan : 102]
"0 monkinJ! Be Jutiful to your lorJ, Wbo creoteJ you from o sinqle person {AJom), onJ from bim {AJom) Ee creoteJ bis wife [Eowwo {Fve)], onJ from tbem botb Ee creoteJ mony men onJ women onJ feor Allb tbrouqb Wbom you JemonJ your mutuol {riqbts), onJ {Jo not cut tbe relotions of) tbe wombs {kinsbip)
"0 you wbo believe! Keep your Juty to Allb onJ feor Eim, onJ speok {olwoys) tbe trutb. Ee will Jirect you to Jo riqbteous qooJ JeeJs onJ will forqive you your sins. AnJ wbosoever obeys Allb onJ Eis Hessenqer be bos inJeeJ ocbieveJ o qreot ocbievement {i.e. be will be soveJ from tbe Eell-fire onJ moJe to enter PoroJise)." [Al-Ahzaab : 70-71]
To Proceed...... verlly the most truthful seech ls the 8ook of Alluuh, und the best guldunce ls the guldunce of Muhummud sulluhAlluuhu uluyhl wusullum. And the worst mutters ure the 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL newly lnvented mutters, und ALL new mutters ure lnnovutlons lnto the rellglon, und ull the lnnovutlons ure mlsguldunce, und ull the mlsguldunce leud to the flre. 1o Proceed...AfLer pralslng Allaah, Lhen l would llke Lo Lhank Lhe compller of Lhls beneflclal work. AlLhough l don'L know hlm, l pray Lo Allaah Lo bless hlm/her and make hlm/her beneflL Lhe Musllms wlLh more research llke Lhls. 1hls ls a compllaLlon of AuLhenLlc and weak ahadeeLh on Lhe vlrLues of some surahs from Lhe noble Cur'n, Laken from Lhe works of Lhe 8evlver, Lhe scholar of hadeeLh of Lhls era, Lhe shaykh, al-lmaam Muhammad naaslruddeen al-Albaanee. May Allaah have mercy on hlm and us. 1he maln polnL of LranslaLlng Lhls work ls Lo call people back Lo whaL Lhey need mosL, and whaL ls Lhe foundaLlon of all guldance, Lhe lncomparable and uncreaLed Poly Cur'n. lndeed 1he Clorlfled says: =`=\\ -='= _.`= `.`=\' _ '=\ .'= ',>`,` _`= -=='`= ,>..'= '. `_'.\' ',`,' ', _,. "0 monkinJ! Tbere bos come to you o qooJ oJvice from your lorJ, onJ o beolinq for tbot in your breosts, os quiJonce onJ o mercy for tbe believers." [Soorah ?unoos: 37]
So Lhen, how can one noL glve precedence Lo 1he Cur'n, and lnsLead delve lnLo oLher Lhan lL? And how do we forgeL Lhe greaLness of 1hls 8ook whlch has no crookedness? And why do we noL Lake Lhe facL -from all Lhe blographles we read - LhaL almosL all Lhe greaL scholars of 1he Sunnah began Lhelr seeklng knowledge by memorlzlng and sLudylng Lhe Cur'n? And how ls lL we forgeL whaL Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) wlll say on !udgmenL uay : '`=',= _''\' '.= '.=.' _=' `_ `, ', `=`\' ' AnJ tbe Hessenqer will soy: "0 my lorJ! verily, my people JeserteJ tbis ur'on {neitber listeneJ to it, nor octeJ on its lows onJ orJers). [Soorah al-lurqaan: 30] lndeed we have Lo re-Lhlnk. And lL ls as our shaykh Saaleh as-Saaleh (rahlmahullaah) used Lo say: 'a case of lnverLed prlorlLles..' l ask Allaah Lo make us amongsL Pls speclal people, 1he Ahlul Cur'n. 8eclLlng lL day and nlghL, llghLenlng our chesLs wlLh lL, undersLandlng our rellglon by lL and maklng lL our lmaam ln all affalrs. And Lo keep us flrm on Lhe meLhodology we are upon : a|-ur'n wa Sunnah 'ala fahml Salaful- ummah.
Abo wobeeJo os-solofee 2-jomoJo tbool 1429
Note : 1he reason of br|ng|ng the weak narrat|ons |n th|s work |s to c|ar|fy to the peop|e that these are weak and they shou|d not be ascr|bed to the rophet (sa||ahA||aahu a|ayh| wasa||am). Lven though some of them m|ght seem to have correct mean|ngs. 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL SURAATUL FAATIHA SURAATUL FAATIHA SURAATUL FAATIHA SURAATUL FAATIHA
Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Fuullhu :
lrom lbn 'Abbaas (radhlyaAllaahu anhuma) who sald : Whlle !lbreel (alayhls salaam) was slLLlng wlLh Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam), he heard a sound above hlm and ralsed hls head. Pe sald: '1hls ls a door ln Lhe heaven whlch has been opened Loday and whlch has never been opened before Loday.' An angel descended from lL. And he (!lbreel) sald: '1hls ls an angel who has descended Lo earLh, who has never descended before Loday.' Pe (LhaL angel) gave Lhe salaams (greeLlngs of peace) and sald: 'Clve Lhe good news of Lwo llghLs whlch you have been glven, of whlch no ropheL before you was glven: Lhe laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer) of Lhe 8ook and Lhe end of Surah al-8aqarah. ?ou wlll noL reclLe a leLLer of Lhem wlLhouL belng glven lL.'"
jNottoteJ by Mosllm, ooJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ot-1otqbeeb wo totbeeb. 1456]
'-, ,'= -' _'- -' .,- .' :
'+'`- '-'' `, ,-'' `, .,=-`' `, -',-'' -'-' '- . -'`-'' - _-- '+-', -,==' -'' ,='' '-'', .. | ,'= --- .. | 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL 1he ropheL (Allaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : noLhlng llke lL has been revealed ln Lhe 1owtot (1orah), nor ln Lhe lojeel (Lhe Cospel), nor ln Lhe 2obot (Lhe salms), or Lhe Cur'an. And lL ls Lhe seven of Lhe ofL-repeaLed verses, and Lhe MlghLy Cur'an whlch l have been glven." jAqteeJ opoo.]
1he ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) sald: "Allaah (1he LxalLed) sald: l have dlvlded Lhe prayer beLween Myself and My servanL lnLo Lwo halves, and My servanL shall have whaLever he has asked for. So when Lhe servanL says: 'All perfecL pralse belongs Lo Allaah Lhe Lord of all Lhe Worlds.' Allaah says: 'My servanL has pralsed Me.'
And when he says: '1he MosL Craclous Lhe MosL Merclful ' Allaah says: 'My servanL has exLolled Me', And when he says: 'MasLer of Lhe uay of !udgmenL..' Allah says: 'My servanL has glorlfled Me.'
And when he says: '?ou alone do we worshlp, and from ?ou alone we seek help.. .' Pe says: '1hls ls beLween Me and My servanL and My servanL shall have whaL he has asked for.'
1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL And when he says: 'Culde us Lo Lhe SLralghL aLh, Lhe aLh of Lhose whom you have favoured, noL of Lhose upon whom ls ?our anger, nor of Lhose who are asLray.'
Pe says: '1hls ls for My servanL, and My servanL shall have whaL he has asked for..."
jNottoteJ by Mosllm, ooJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ot-1otqbeeb wo totbeeb. 1455]
lrom Abu Sa'eed al-khudr'l (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) who sald : Whlle on a [ourney we halLed aL a place. A glrl came Lo us and sald: 1he chlef of Lhls Lrlbe has been sLung by a scorplon and our men are noL presenL, ls Lhere anybody amongsL you who can reclLe someLhlng upon hlm Lo LreaL hlm?" 1hen, one of our men wenL along wlLh her, alLhough we dld noL Lhlnk LhaL he knew any such LreaLmenL. Powever, our frlend wenL Lo Lhe chlef and reclLed someLhlng upon hlm and Lhe chlef was cured. 1hereupon, Lhe chlef gave hlm LhlrLy sheep and gave us all mllk Lo drlnk. When he reLurned, we asked our frlend: uld you know anyLhlng Lo reclLe upon hlm Lo cure hlm or dld you used Lo do Lhls?" Pe sald: no, l only reclLed umm ol-kltob (1he MoLher of 1he 8ook l.e. Surah al- laaLlhah) upon hlm." So, we sald LhaL do noL do anyLhlng unLll we reach Madlnah and ask Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) regardlng Lhls (pracLlce and -wheLher Lhe (reward) sheep were lawful or noL for us). 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL upon reachlng Madlnah, we narraLed Lhls Lo Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) whereupon he remarked: 'Pow dld he come Lo know LhaL Al-laaLlhah ls a cure?' ulsLrlbuLe your reward amongsL yourselves and alloL a share for me as well."
j5obeeb ol-8okbotl]
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Fuullhu : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Fuullhu :
1he laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer) of 1he 8ook ls above (ln merlL) Lo whaL no oLher parL of 1he 8ook can reach. And lf 1he laaLlha was Lo be placed on one scale and Lhe Cur'an on Lhe oLher scale, Lhen 1he laaLlha wlll ouLwelgh Lhe Cur'an seven Llmes." jvety weok. 5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . J996]
) -'' - -'-- -'-'' =-' .. ( | -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- 3997 .. | 1he laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer ) of 1he 8ook ls a cure of polson." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . J997]
-', '-'' _'= =--= --, '-' } -'-'' =-' , } -=' -' , . . - ---' -- -,-'' `' -- .. )) | -,- / (( -,-'' , -,=-'' -,- 347 .. | 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL When you lle your slde on your bed [geLLlng ready Lo sleep] and you reclLed [ 1he Cpenlng chapLer of 1he 8ook } and [Cul Puwallaahu Ahad [SuraLul lkhlaas] } : Lhen you have been secured from everyLhlng, excepL deaLh." jweok. ubolf ot-1otqbeeb wo totbeeb. J47]
) ,'' ='- +-,-, '- --= '-,-, ` -'' ,' , -'-'' =-' = , -' ,= , .. ( )) | -,- / (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- 3952 .. | 1he laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer ) of 1he 8ook and Lhe AyaaL ul kursl , no slave wlll ever reclLe Lhem ln a house , excepL LhaL no evll eye -from a !lnn or human - wlll ever affecL Lhem ln LhaL day." jweok. ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J952]
) -'- . - -'-- -'-'' =-' .. ( ) | -,- / (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- 3951 .. | 1he laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer ) of 1he 8ook ls a medlclne of all dlseases." jweok. ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J951]
) '-'' `'`- .-- -'-'' =-' .. ( )) -,- (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- 3949 1he laaLlha (Cpenlng chapLer ) of 1he 8ook ls equal Lo a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'n." jweok. ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J949]
Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul 8uq 8uq 8uq 8uqu uu uruh ruh ruh ruh : :: :
Abu umaamah (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) reporLed LhaL Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : 8eclLe Surah al-8aqarah for Lhere ls a blesslng ln Laklng lL [frequenLly reclLlng lL], and Lhere ls abandonlng lL ls a loss, and lL ls unbearable for Lhe wlLches /maglclans [evll people].' j5obeeb Mosllm]
Abu Purayrah (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) reporLed LhaL Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : uo noL Lurn your houses lnLo graves. lndeed ShalLan ls barred from any house ln whlch SuraLu al-8aqarah ls reclLed." j5obeeb Mosllm]
1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL lrom Abu Mas'ood (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) who sald : 1he ropheL (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : lf anyone reclLes Lhe Lwo verses aL Lhe end of SuraLul al-8aqarah aL nlghL, Lhey wlll sufflce hlm [as a reason of galnlng Allaah's proLecLlon]." j5obeeb ol-8okbotl]
lrom an-nu'maan lbn 8asheer (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) LhaL , 1he ropheL (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : verlly Allaah wroLe a book - a Lhousand years - before Pe creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh , and wlLhln lL (LhaL 8ook) Pe revealed from lL Lhe Lwo verses whlch are Lhe end of SuraaLul 8aqarah. And lndeed Lhey wlll never be reclLed ln a house -ln Lhree days- excepL LhaL Lhe shayLaan wlll never come close Lo LhaL house." jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 1799] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL Some Cf The Veuk And Fubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul 8uquruh : Some Cf The Veuk And Fubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul 8uquruh : Some Cf The Veuk And Fubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul 8uquruh : Some Cf The Veuk And Fubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul 8uquruh :
) ---'' -,- =' '-,`' -' '-+-=, '-- '- , '--, '- , ' '- '-,' ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 134 .. [ 1wo verses ln 1he Cur'an , Lhey are Lhe Cur'an , and Lhey are cures , and Lhey are from Lhose whlch Allaah loves : Lhese are Lhe lasL Lwo verses of SuraaLul 8aqarah." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 154]
Abu umaamah (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) reporLed LhaL Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL 8ead Lhe Cur'an for lL wlll be- on Lhe uay of 8esurrecLlon- an lnLercessor for lLs companlon. 8ead Lhe Lwo radlanL ones al-8aqarah and Al 'lmraan , for Lhey wlll come on Lhe uay of 8esurrecLlon llke Lwo clouds, or Lwo shades, or Lwo flocks of blrds, pleadlng for Lhelr companlons.' j5obeeb Mosllm]
Some Veuk Nurrullons C Some Veuk Nurrullons C Some Veuk Nurrullons C Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Aull 'Imruun n Suruulul Aull 'Imruun n Suruulul Aull 'Imruun n Suruulul Aull 'Imruun
--'' -=- _-= --`- , ,'= -' _'- -='' ,, '-= .' '+, -, -'' -,-'' ' - ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 413 .. [ Whoever reclLes Lhe durlng lrlday, Lhe Surah ln whlch Lhe famlly of 'lmraan ls menLloned, Lhen Allaah and Pls angels send Lhelr peace and blesslngs Lo Lhe person unLll Lhe sun [of LhaL lrlday] seLs. j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 415]
) '-= .' - ,`' -- -'=' - =- '-' -'' ==`' -' -' : ) -'-- - ='-'' -,- ='-'' =''- +''' . ( -=' _'' .. ( ] '-'- -,-'' -,-'=`' / 2772 .. [ 'Allah's mosL MagnlflcenL name, of whlch when used Lo lmplore Plm, Pe responds, ls found ln Lhls verse ln Surah aalu 'lmraan : 5oy . "O Allb! lossessot of tbe kloqJom, oo qlve tbe kloqJom to wbom oo wlll. jto tbe eoJ of tbe vetse]. j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 2772]
) =' ' - ) ',' ', ' -- ',' '-= .' .. ( ] _,-'--'' -'-- -,- / 2112 .. [ lf anyone reclLes Lhe end of Surah 'Al lmraan aL nlghL, Lhe reward for a nlghL spenL ln prayer wlll be recorded for hlm." jubolf Mlsbkoot ol-Mosooblb . 2112] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL ) .,''' _'' -`-'' ,'= -'- -='' ,, '-= .' -,- ' - .. ( ] _,-'--'' -'-- -,- / 2113 .. [
Whoever reclLes Surah 'Al lmraan durlng lrlday, Lhe angels lnvoke for blesslngs Lo Lhe person unLll nlghL Llme. jubolf Mlsbkoot ol-Mosooblb . 211J]
) '+--' .,-, -- -'- _'= ,, .= - '- : } - '-' ', ,-, -' ,- ,' ,=, ,'', ', '=,= `', -',--'' | '-= .' : 83 | _''- -' -` --, `' .. ( ] -,='' ''' -,- / 177 .. [ 1here ls no person who wlll be on a rldlng beasL and havlng problems , excepL LhaL when he says lnLo lLs ear : 'uo tbey seek otbet tboo tbe tellqloo of Allb (tbe ttoe lslmlc Moootbelsm wotsblpploq oooe bot Allb Alooe), wblle to nlm sobmltteJ oll cteototes lo tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb, wlllloqly ot oowlllloqly. AoJ to nlm sboll tbey oll be tetotoeJ. j5otob oolo lmtooo. 8J]: excepL LhaL Lhe anlmal wlll be calm by 1he Wlll of Allaah.' jubolf ol-koloom 1oyylbo . 177]
) -,- _--' .,''' -,= ' '--= _''- -' -,= '- ) ---'' ( , ) '-= .' ( ] ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3063 .. [ Allaah wlll never repulse a slave who sLood up aL nlghL and opened hls reclLaLlon wlLh SuraaLul al-8aqarah and Al 'lmraan. jweok. ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 506J]
Aboo 8akr (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) sald: '' C Messenger of Allah, your halr has Lurned grey." So he (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Pood, al-Waaql'ah, al-MursalaaL, 'Amma yaLsaa'loon, and ldha sh-'shamsu kuwwlraL have made my halr grey." jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J72J]
Pe (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Pood and lLs slsLers from among Lhe Mufassal, have made me grey." jlmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J722] -1he Mufassal are Lhe Surahs from SuraLu Caf Lo Lhe end of 1he Cur'n.
Some Cf The Veuk And F Some Cf The Veuk And F Some Cf The Veuk And F Some Cf The Veuk And Fubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hood : ubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hood : ubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hood : ubrlculed Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hood :
) -,- ',,' ) -='' ,, -, ( | ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 17 .. | 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL 8ead SuraaLul Pood on Lhe day of lrlday." j ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J421]
) ---,- ) -, ( '+-',=' , ) ','' ( , ) '='' ( , ) -, --'' '-' ( ( | ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3419 .. | Pood, and lLs slsLers: al-Waaql'ah, a|-naqqah, and ldha sh-'shamsu kuwwlraL have made my halr grey." jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J419]
) -,- ---,- '+-',=' , -, ','' ='-'' , , '='' -, --'' '-' , .-'- .'- , | ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3418 .. | SuraaLul Pood, and lLs slsLers: al-Waaql'ah, a|-qaar|ah, a|-naqqah, and ldha sh-'shamsu kuwwlraL, and sa-a|a saa'||: have made my halr grey." jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J418]
SuraaLul Pood, and lLs slsLers, and Lhe remembrance of Lhe uay of !udgmenL, and Lhe Lales of Lhe pasL naLlons: have made my halr grey." jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J420]
noLe : 1haL whlch ls ln bold ln Lhese weak narraLlons ls whaL ls dlfferenL from Lhe auLhenLlc narraLlons [Cn SuraaLul Pud]- whlch are almosL slmllar ln wordlng. 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL SURAATUL ISRAA : SURAATUL ISRAA : SURAATUL ISRAA : SURAATUL ISRAA :
Some Aulhenl Some Aulhenl Some Aulhenl Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Isru lc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Isru lc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Isru lc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Isruu : u : u : u :
narraLed 'Alsha (radhlyaAllaahu anha) : 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) never used Lo sleep unLll he reclLed: 'az- Zumar' and 'banl-lsraeel' [l.e. SuraaLul lsraa]." jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo. 641]
'-, ,'= -' _'- --'' ' -= -' - ,'- - '-'' = : ) -'' - ,= ,' '+, .,-,, -'=---'' '-, _-= '-, ` ' ,' ( ] -'-'`' ==-, ---'' -', / 2712 .. [ lrom 'lrbaadh lbn Saarlyah (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) LhaL : 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) never used Lo sleep unLll he reclLed: '1he MusabblhaaL.' And lL ls sald ln Lhem, Lhere ls a verse whlch ls beLLer Lhan a Lhousand verses." jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee ooJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2712]
1he MusabblhaaL are Lhe Surahs whlch began by 1he sLaLemenL of 1he LxalLed : " " C8 " : and Lhese are : SuraaLul 'lsraa , al-Padeed, al-Pashr, al-!umu'a, aL-1aghaboon, and al- A'laa.
lrom Aboo uardaa (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) LhaL : 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Whoever memorlzes Lhe flrsL 10 verses from Soorah al kahf, he wlll be secured from Lhe flLnah of da[[al." And ln anoLher narraLlon: .Lhe lasL 10 verses." jNottoteJ by lmoom Mosllm. AoJ olso lo 5llsllob os-5obeeb . 582]
'-, ,'= -' _'- .', : ) -+'' -,- ' - ] ( -'-' '- [ ' - , - _'' -'-- - -',-'' ,, ',- ' --' ' -= .'- '-,- - , --, ' .'=-'' _= ` '=' - -', : =--=- , +''' =-'=-- ] ' -+-' [ _'' -, ' _-'= .= ` -- =,'' -,-' , =---' --' `' '' ` -',-'' ,, ( ] =,=-'' -,-'=`' '-'- -'-'`' ==- / 2631 .. [ And he (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Whoever reclLed Surah al kahf ln Lhe same manner ln whlch lL was revealed, lL wlll serve for hlm as a llghL on Lhe uay of !udgmenL, from hls sLandlng place Lo Makkah. And whoever reclLed Lhe lasL Len verses, and lL happens LhaL Lhe ua[[al should appear afLer LhaL, Lhe ua[[al wlll noL be empowered over hlm.." jlmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.2651]
1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL `-'', -`-'' ,'= .', : ) -,- ' - ) -+'' ( ,-'' -,-'' ,-, -,- '- ,-'' - ' -'-' -='' ',' ( ] -,-'', -,=-'' _,=- -'-'`' ==- / 736 .. [ And he (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Whoever reclLed SuraLul kahf on Lhe nlghL of lrlday, he wlll be lllumlnaLed wlLh a llghL beLween hlm and Lhe AnclenL Pouse [Makkah]." jlmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ot-1otqbeeb wo totbeeb. 7J6]
'-, ,'= -' _'- .', : ) -,- ' - ) -+'' ( --='' ,- '- ,-'' - ' -'-' -='' ,, , ( ] -,-'', -,=-'' _,=- -'-'`' ==- / 736 .. [ And he (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Whoever reclLed Surah al kahf on Lhe day of lrlday, he wlll be lllumlnaLed wlLh a llghL beLween Lhe Lwo lrldays (Lhe lrlday on whlch Lhe reclLaLlon was made and Lhe nexL lrlday)." jlmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ot-1otqbeeb wo totbeeb. 7J6]
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Kuhf: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Kuhf: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Kuhf: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Kuhf:
) -',-'' _=-- -+'' -,- : '-'' ,-, '+-' ,- .,=- '-'='' ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 3239 .. [ SuraLul kahf ls called ln Lhe 1orah as 'Lhe barrler' : lL serves as a barrler Lo Lhe hell flre - for lLs reader-." j5llsllob oboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . J259] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL ) .'=-'' -- - -= -+'' .,' - -',' -`` ' - ( ] _,-'--'' -'-- -,- / 2088 .. [ Whoever reclLes Lhe flrsL 3 verses from Soorah al kahf, he wlll be secured from Lhe flLnah of da[[al." jubolf Mlsbkoot ol-Mosooblb . 2088]
) - , ='- .`- =`' - '+-'-' , `' , -'--'' ,- '- '+--== -`- -,-- -=' `' =`' -='' ,- , -,- '- ' -= '' ','' ',' ``` --',, , : _'- .' : -+'' -,- ] '-= -,- / ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 2160 .. [ Should l noL lnform you of a Surah whose greaLness fllls whaL lL ls beLween Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh? And for Whoever reclLes lL, he has a reward llke LhaL. And whoever reclLes lL, he ls forglven for whaL ls beLween Lwo lrldays and anoLher Lhree days? 1hey sald: 'Cf course [Lell us].' Pe sald: 'Soorah al kahf." jvety weok. ubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 2160]
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruu Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruu Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruu Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Yu Seen: lul Yu Seen: lul Yu Seen: lul Yu Seen:
) ' _''-, ='-- -' ' ) = ( , ) , ( -`-'' --- '-' '= -''- -' '=, ' .- ','' '-'' : = '- .-, -` _-,= '-+- '-- -'` _-,=, +,' '- .-=- -,=` _-,=, ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 1248 .. [ 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL verlly Allaah 1he MosL LxalLed reclLed Surah [1wa-ha] and [?a-Seen] a Lhousand years before Pe creaLed Adam. So when Lhe angels heard Lhe reclLaLlon Lhey sald : Clad Lldlngs for a naLlon who wlll be glven Lhls revelaLlon, and glad Lldlngs Lo a Longue whlch reclLes lL , and glad Lldlng for a chesL whlch carrles lL [memorlzes]." jlobtlcoteJ. 5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 1248]
) -,- '- -'--'' .=- - ) , ( -'--= '+, - --- ' ', ---,, +-= --= ( )) ] _,-,- / (( -'=`' '-'- -,-'' -, / 1246 .. [ Whoever enLers Lhe grave yard and reclLed 'SuraaLul ?a Seen', Lhe punlshmenL of Lhe dead wlll be reduced for LhaL day. And he [Lhe reclLer] wlll have Lhe same amounL of rewards equal Lo Lhe number of graves Lhere." jlobtlcoteJ. 5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 1246]
) '-'' -', '-' -- .' ' , ' -, -'- -= '-'' --' '+--'-- ' -' -- , ( )) ] _,-,- ( / ( -,-'' , -,=-'' -,- / 883 .. [ 'LveryLhlng has a hearL, and Lhe hearL of Lhe Cur'an ls ' ?a Seen'. Anyone who reads lL, Cod wlll wrlLe down for hlm -due Lo Lhls one readlng of hls- Len readlngs of Lhe [compleLe] Cur'an.' jlobtlcoteJ. ubolf 1otqbeeb wo totbeeb . 885]
- ) ' - ) , ( '-,- --= ',,' --- - --- '- ' -' -= -' =, -'--' ( )) -,- ] (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3783 . [ 'Whoever reads ?a Seen, seeklng Allah's pleasure , hls pasL slns wlll be forglven. So reclLe lL over Lhe dylng among you.' jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 5785] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL ) ' - } , { =-',= -,- '+-'' -- ( )) ] -,- / (( _,-'--'' -'-- -,- / 2118 .. [ 'Whoever reads ?a Seen, durlng Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe day, hls needs wlll be fulfllled.' jubolf Mlsbkoot ol-Mosooblb . 2118]
'Whosoever reclLes Surah ad-uukhaan all of lL, and beglnnlng of Pa meem Chaaflr [SuraaLul Chaaflr] Lo Lhe verse 'and to n|m |s the return.' And AayaLul kursl: [when he reclLes Lhese] ln Lhe evenlng, he ls proLecLed unLll he rlses ln Lhe mornlng, and whoever reclLes Lhem ln Lhe mornlng he ls proLecLed unLll Lhe evenlng.' jubolf 1otqbeeb wo totbeeb . J90]
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruh Ad Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruh Ad Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruh Ad Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruh Ad- -- -Dukhuun: Dukhuun: Dukhuun: Dukhuun:
) ' - } '=-'' = { '+- ' -' _-- -='' ,, ,' -='' ',' -='' '-,- ( )) ] '-= -,- / (( -,-'' , -,=-'' -,- / 449 .. [ 'Whosoever reclLes Surah ad-uukhaan on lrlday nlghL or dayLlme, Allaah bullds for hlm a house ln paradlse.' jubolf 1otqbeeb wo totbeeb . 449]
SURAATUL FATH : SURAATUL FATH : SURAATUL FATH : SURAATUL FATH : Some uulhenllc nurrullons Cn Some uulhenllc nurrullons Cn Some uulhenllc nurrullons Cn Some uulhenllc nurrullons Cn Surulul Fulh Surulul Fulh Surulul Fulh Surulul Fulh
) = ,-' --'' _'= -'- '+-' '-, ,'= ''' _'- - =- ,-,-='' ,=''=, -'=-', ',=-, +-'-- ,-, +-,- .,= -, -'', ='' -+'' ,-,-=''- ) '-,-- '=- =' '-=- '-' ', _'' '-,---- '='- ( .' : --' ',-= ',--'' - '' -=' '- '-,' '= -'-' ( ] _,=- -'-'`' ==-, --=' -', _-'='' / 3121 [ 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL lrom Anas (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) LhaL whlle Lhe ropheL (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) was reLurnlng from Pudalblyah and hls companlons were fllled wlLh sorrow and dlsLress.. As Lhey had been barred from reachlng Lhelr homes [ln Makkah] and Lhey also had Lo slaughLer Lhe sacrlflce of Lhe pllgrlmage Lhere [aL Pudalblyah lnsLead of Makkah] - Lhls was when Lhe [llrsL Lwo verses of] Lhe Surah was revealed: 'verlly we have glven you a manlfesL vlcLory'.Lo Pls sLaLemenL 'Lhe sLralghL paLh' [verse 1-2]. Pe (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: 'lndeed Lhere have been revealed Lo me Lwo verses whlch are more loved Lo me Lhan Lhe enLlre world.' jlmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb ol-Ioml. 5121]
And ln Lhe Lwo Saheehs : .LasL nlghL a verse whlch ls dearer Lo me Lhan all Lhe world and whaL lL conLalns , was revealed Lo me..' And he reclLed Lo Lhem Lhe verse -| - c,. - ;= - -| c| -,| ,,- c| , "Ver||y, We have g|ven you a man|fest v|ctory. 1hat A||ah may forg|ve you your s|ns of the past and the future."
1he companlons sald : 'CongraLulaLlons C Messenger of Allaah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) , Allaah has sLaLed whaL your end ls .. 8uL whaL ls for us ?' 1hus Lhe verse was revealed : _,|| , - =- =-| _-| -=,| ,=- _, " 1hat ne may adm|t the be||ev|ng men and the be||ev|ng women to Gardens under wh|ch r|vers f|ow (|.e. arad|se),'. to n|s statement. 'a supreme success.'
A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulur A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulur A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulur A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulur- -- -Ruhmuun: Ruhmuun: Ruhmuun: Ruhmuun:
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hushr : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hushr : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hushr : Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Hushr :
) -'- -`` _--, ,= .' - : -`` ' , ,='' '=,-'' - ,''' _,--'' -'- -,=' -,- =' - -',' ) -='' ( - - -' ., ' , --, ,= ,'= ,'-, ='- -'' ,- '--'' ='-- ' --, ,= '+'' - , '-,+- -'- ,,'' ='- -'- ( )) ] -,- / (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3732 .. [ 'Whoever says -Lhree Llmes-when he wakes up ln Lhe mornlng: 'l seek refuge wlLh Allaah -1he All-hearlng 1he All-knowlng - agalnsL Lhe accursed saLan, and Lhen reclLed Lhree verses from Lhe lasL parL of Surah al Pashr, he wlll be asslgned sevenLy Lhousand angels Lo pray for hlm unLll Lhe evenlng, and should he dle LhaL day, he would have dled a marLyr. And one who sald Lhls ls ln Lhe evenlng wlll also be ln Lhe same poslLlon.' jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 57J2]
) ,-',= ' - ) -='' ( -='' -=,' -- ',''' ,' ,,'' ='- -- '+- ,' .,' - ( )) ] -,- / (( ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 3770 .. [ 'Whoever reclLed Lhe end of SuraLul Pashr -ln Lhe day or nlghL- and Lhen dles on LhaL day or nlghL, paradlse becomes obllgaLory for hlm. ' jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 5770] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL ) -='' -,- =' - -',' -- ==`' -' -' ( . ] ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 833 [ 'Allaah's greaLesL names are ln Lhe lasL slx verses of SuraaLul Pashr.' jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 85J]
) '-,+- -- -- ' -='' -,- '' ==-- --=' '-' ( ] ,-'' _-'='' -,- / 307 .. [ 'When you lay down Lo sleep, reclLe SuraLul Pashr , lf you dle , you wlll dle as a shaheed (marLyr).' jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . J07]
SURAATUL MULK / TA8AARAKA: SURAATUL MULK / TA8AARAKA: SURAATUL MULK / TA8AARAKA: SURAATUL MULK / TA8AARAKA: Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Mulk: Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Mulk: Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Mulk: Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suruulul Mulk:
lrom Abu Purayrah (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) who reporLed LhaL Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: 1he Cur'an conLalns a surah of LhlrLy verses, whlch wlll lnLercede for a man unLll he ls forglven. lL ls Lhe Surah: '8|essed |s ne |n Whose nand |s the dom|n|on," jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. AoJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2J15] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL .' -'= = ) : '-, _-= '-, ` '-, ,'= -' _'- -' .,- ' " '' " -- , --=-'' ., " ='-'' --,- -'' ='-- ( " ] -'-'`' ==-, ---'' -', / 2316 .. [
narraLed !aablr (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) : 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) never used Lo sleep unLll he reclLed: Soorah (allf -lam- meem sa[da) & (Labaaraka ladhl blyadlhll mulk). jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. AoJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2J16]
--'' -'-= - -'-'' ='-- -,- .
1he Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: Surah al Mulk ls a prevenLlon of Lhe punlshmenL of Lhe grave." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.1140]
) -,-, `' ' - : } --'' ',' -'-'-' '-' '' - , ,-,--'' - ' --=', -- ,-- -',--`' -=- -' --= '``` '' - , -'-+-'' ',,- -- ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 1449 [ 'Whoever reclLes surah al Cadr afLer compleLlng hls abluLlon , one Llme , Lhe he wrlLLen Lo be among Lhe slncere once , and lf he reclLed lL Lwlce , he ls lncluded ln Lhe gardens of Lhe marLyrs , and lf he reclLed lL Lhrlce , he wlll be resurrecLed among Lhe resurrecLlon of Lhe propheLs.' j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 1449]
lrom lbn nawfal (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) who reporLed LhaL he wenL Lo Lhe ropheL of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) and sald : ' C Messenger of Allaah , Leach me someLhlng Lo say before l go Lo sleep.' So he (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: '8eclLe ' Say : C you who d|sbe||eve' [SuraLul kaaflrun] , for lndeed lL ls a barrler agalnsL shlrk." jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. AoJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2709]
'-, ,'= -' _'- -' .,- .' ) : '-'' _- .-- ,''' '+,' ', . ( ] =,=-'' -,-'=`' '-'- -'-'`' --= / 386 [ 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : ' Say : C you who d|sbe||eve' [SuraLul kaaflrun] , ls equlvalenL Lo a fourLh of Lhe Cur'an." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo. 586]
., ==-| c-=- - ,| || } | , ,,| .| { , , _- ,s- , , - ==| . When you prepare Lo sleep [and on your bed] : '8eclLe ' Say : C you who d|sbe||eve' [SuraLul kaaflrun] , and when you flnlsh lL , sleep. lor lndeed lL ls a barrler agalnsL shlrk." jlmoom Al-Alboooee solJ lt ls bosoo, lo 5obeeb ol-Ioml. 292]
narraLed 'Alsha (radhlyaAllaahu anha) : 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) used Lo say: Pow blessed are 2 surahs reclLed ln Lhe 2 raka'ahs before la[r: ' Say : ne |s A||aah , 1he Cne , [SuraaLul lkhlaas] & ' Say : C you who d|sbe||eve' [SuraLul kaaflrun]." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo. 646]
A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulul Kuuflrun: A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulul Kuuflrun: A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulul Kuuflrun: A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suruulul Kuuflrun:
- 1he hypocrlLe does noL pray Lhe dhuha prayer (fore-noon volunLary prayer) , and he does noL reclLe ' Say : C you who d|sbe||eve' [SuraLul kaaflrun]." jubolf ol Ioml os-5oqbeet . 5946]
Abu Sa'ld al-khudr'l (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) reporLed LhaL Lhe Messenger of Allah (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: Are any of you unable Lo reclLe a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an ln a nlghL?" 1hey sald: And how can one do LhaL!?" Pe (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: 'Say: ne |s A||ah 1he Cne' [SuraaLul lkhlaas] consLlLuLes a Lhlrd of Lhe Cur'an.'" j NottoteJ by lmoom Mosllm. Also lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt lo 5obeeb 1otqbeeb wo totbeeb . 1480]
= -' .' `= ' : -,-'' -- -=' -' -' .,- ', ) -=' -' , . ( .'- ) : '=-, '',' =-= ' -='' = ( ] -'-'`' ==-, ---'' -', / 2323 .. [ Anas (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) menLloned LhaL a man sald Lo Lhe ropheL (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam): 'l really love Lhls surah'. 1he ropheL replled, 'lndeed your love for lL wlll enable you Lo enLer paradlse.' jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2J2J] 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL '-, ,'= -' _'- -' .,- .' : ) ' - " -=' -' , . " -='' '- ' -' _-- -'- -= '+--=, _-= ( ] =,=-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 389 .. [ 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Whoever reclLes (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] Len Llmes, Allaah wlll bulld for hlm a palace ln aradlse." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.589]
Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Ikhluus: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Ikhluus: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Ikhluus: Some Veuk Nurrullons Cn Suruulul Ikhluus:
1 WhaL ls auLhenLlc ls whaL ls reporLed for Len Llmes. As has been shown [usL prevlously. 1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL ) ' - ,- ,'= ,, ' `' --= -'---= , '-'' ' -' -- -- --'- -=' -' , . ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 300 .. [ Whoever reclLes (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] 100 1lmes, Allaah wlll wrlLe for hlm 1300 good deeds, as long as he does noL have a debL." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo. J00]
) '- -'--''- - - ) -=' -' , . ( -',-' -=' -, ` -- --= ,-=' -',-`' --- =`' - ==' ( ] -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 1290 .. [ Whoever passes by a grave yard and reclLes (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] 11 1lmes, and gave Lhe rewards Lo Lhe dead, he wlll be rewarded wlLh rewards equal Lo Lhe number of how many dead people Lhey are Lhere." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo. 1290]
) ' ` _--'' _'- - ) -=' -' , . ( - -- -'- '-, ' . ' '-' ) -=' -' , . ( -- --- ' -= ] --~-' ~--'=V' -~-~ / 40S .. [ Whoever prays fa[r and Lhen reclLes (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] 100 1lmes: before he speaks [Lo anyone], Lhen for each (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] he reclLes, he ls forglven Lhe slns of a whole year." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo. 405]
Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Some Aulhenllc Hudeelhs Cn Suratu| Ia|aq And Suratu-N- Naas:
1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : Should l lnform you of Lhe besL refuge whlch Lhe person who seeks refuge Lakes?" Pe [Lhe companlon] sald: 'Cf course C messenger of Allaah.' Pe (sallaAllahu alayhl wasallam) sald: "Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of Daybreak,' [SuraaLul lalaq] and 'Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of mank|nd.' [SuraLun naas]. 1hese Lwo Surahs." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.1104]
'Say [reclLe] (Cul Puwallaahu Ahad) [SuraaLul lkhlaas] and al-Maw'ldhaLayn [SuraLul lalaq and SuraLun naas] Lhree Llme ln Lhe mornlng and Lhe evenlng, Lhey wlll sufflce you from everyLhlng.' jNottoteJ by ot-1ltmlJbee. AoJ lmoom Al-Alboooee ootbeotlcoteJ lt . 2829]
1nL VIk1ULS CI SCML SUkAnS : AS GkADLD 8 IMAAM AL-AL8AANLL '-, ,'= -' _'- -' .,- .' : ' --= ', '-'' ` , .,=-`' ` , ,-'' ` , -',-'' -'-' '- ',- =-'=' ` . '+, +-' `' =,'= ,-', ` +'`- } -=' -', { , } '-'' -- -,=' . { , } -,=' . '-'' -- { ] =,=-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 2861 [ uqba lbn 'Amlr reporLed LhaL , 1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : C , 'uqba , should l noL Leach you a Surah whlch Lhe llke of lL was noL senL ln Lhe 1awraL , nor ln Lhe Zabur, nor ln Lhe ln[eel , and even ln Lhe lurqaan -Lhere are no comparlsons for Lhem.. 'Say: ne |s A||aah 1he Cne' [SuraaLul lkhlaas] and 'Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of Daybreak,' [SuraaLul lalaq] and 'Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of mank|nd.' [SuraLun naas]." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.2861]
1he propheL (sallallaahu alayhl wasallam) sald : 8eclLe al-Maw'ldhaLa [SuraLul lalaq and SuraLun naas] afLer every prayer." j5llsllob oboJeetb 5obeebo.645]
A Veuk Nurrullon A Veuk Nurrullon A Veuk Nurrullon A Veuk Nurrullon Cn Suratu| Ia|aq And Suratu-N- Naas:
) -='' -`- -- ' - } -' , . -=' , } '-'' -- -,=' . , } '-'' -- -,=' . _-- -'- ,=`' -='' _'' -,-'' - '+- -' -'=' ( | -,-'' -,-'=`' '-'- / 4129 | Whoever reclLes -seven Llmes- afLer Lhe lrlday prayer: 'Say: ne |s A||aah 1he Cne' [SuraaLul lkhlaas] and 'Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of Daybreak,' [SuraaLul lalaq] and 'Say: I seek refuge w|th the Lord of mank|nd.' [SuraLun naas]: Allah wlll reward hlm for LhaL - such LhaL no evll wlll reach hlm unLll Lhe nexL lrlday." j5llsllob AboJeetb oJ-Jbolfo . 4129]