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The text discusses different family structures like single-parent families, blended families, and families headed by other relatives like grandparents. It also talks about challenges faced by these non-traditional families like emotional strain from divorce and behavior problems in blended families.

Examples of different family structures discussed include single-parent families, blended/stepfamilies, families headed by other relatives like grandparents, and binuclear families where children are part of two or more households.

Challenges discussed that non-traditional families may face include emotional strain from divorce, behavior problems in blended families with children from multiple previous relationships, unrealistic expectations of instant love in blended families, and role overload in dual-earner families.

Chapter 3Ecology of the Family

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Keishas family consists of her mother, her father, and Keisha. For Keisha, this is her family

a. Orientation. b. Extension. c. Procreation. d. Childbearing.

2. Great Britains royal family is an example of a/an _________. a. Transitional family c. Patriarchal family b. Matriarchal family d. Egalitarian family 3. Caring and involvement toward one another is an example of which function of the family? a. Nurturance/emotional support c. Assignment of social roles b. Economic support d. Authority 4. Which children are most likely to blame themselves for their parents divorce? a. Infants c. Adolescent children b. Preschool-aged children d. Adult children 5. One serious long-term effect of divorce is thought to be a. Too many role models for the children. b. Too many siblings and step-siblings. c. The lack of or removal of models showing what the marriage role is like. d. Too much time with either parent. 6. Jennifer just got a divorce. She is expected to experience a. Economic strain. c. Emotional strain. b. Physical strain. d. All of these. 7. Compared to research examining single parent mothers, _________ research has been done on

children being raised by single-parent fathers. a. Little b. More longitudinal (research over time) c. Much d. More comprehensive
8. Binuclear families differ from joint custody families in that a. Not all binuclear families have joint custody. b. In the binuclear family, children are always part of two or more households. c. Both answers are correct. d. No answers are correct; Binuclear and joint custody families are always the same


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9. An analysis of studies on children in joint physical or legal custody showed these children

were _________ adjusted than children in sole-custody settings. a. More poorly b. Better c. No answers are correct; children in joint custody and sole-custody were similar in terms of adjustment d. No answers are correct; Joint custody no longer exists in the U.S.
10. An increasing number of children are being raised by relatives other than their parents. The

most common of these arrangements is children being raised by a. Grandparents. c. Aunts and uncles. b. Older siblings. d. Neighbors.
11. Because of the changing nature of families, the U.S. Bureau of the Census no longer provides

statistics on the number of children residing in a. Single-parent families. c. Urban areas. b. Stepfamilies. d. Poverty.
12. One of the most common unrealistic expectations of blended families is a. Lack of love. c. Lack of jealously. b. Instant love. d. Changing their place of residence. 13. In which stepfamily would we expect to see children with the most behavior problems? a. Stepfamily with children from dads previous marriage b. Stepfamily with children from moms previous marriage c. Stepfamily with no children d. Stepfamily with children from both moms previous marriage and dads previous

14. The estimated divorce rate for second marriages is a. 10% c. 50% b. 25% d. 60% 15. According to your text, the technical definition of marriage is a. A legal contract with certain rights and obligations. b. A contract with certain rights and responsibilities that is not legally binding. c. A system of informal and formal social supports. d. A relationship between two consenting adults. 16. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends adoptive parents do what? a. Tell the adopted child about the adoption in a way the child can understand based

on age and maturity.

b. Keep the fact that the child was adopted a secret. c. At about age eighteen, initiate the first discussion of adoption with the adopted

d. Tell an adopted child everything they can as soon as possible after the adoption.

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17. Adoptive children may a. Create fantasies about their birth parents. b. Deny they were adopted. c. Believe they did something bad to be sent away from the biological parent. d. All answers are correct. 18. A common problem found in dual-earner families is a. Lack of spousal support. b. Role overload. c. Lack of multiple roles. d. Lack of role models for the children. 19. Research finds children who have mothers employed outside the home have a. Less stereotyped views of gender roles. b. Less disposable income. c. The same models for the mothering role as children whose mothers stay home. d. More stereotyped views of gender roles. 20. From an historical perspective (preindustrial times up to today), which of the following best

describes changes in the role of children? a. Economic asset to economic liability b. Economic liability to economic asset c. Pupils of school to pupils of life d. Cooperative to responsible
21. Which of the following best characterizes changes in the role of fatherhood over historical

time? a. Economic provider to carer/nurturer b. Patriarchal to matriarchal c. More involved to less involved d. Caregiver to worker
22. In Colonial times, families were a. Patriarchal and extended. b. Matriarchal and extended. c. Patriarchal and geographically separated. d. Egalitarian. 23. Social status that is determined by family lineage, gender, birth order or skin color is called a. Ascribed status. c. Traditional status. b. Achieved status. d. New status. 24. One difference between a traditional and modern societies is a. The traditional society looks to the past for ways to behave; a modern society

looks to the present.

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b. A modern society values its elders; the traditional society does not. c. Traditional societies tend to use achieved status; Modern societies do not. d. None; Traditional and modern societies are the same. 25. Which of the following is true? a. Social class membership begins exerting an influence only in the elementary

school years.
b. Social class membership begins exerting its influence before birth. c. Social class affects individual outcome(s) only during the adult working years. d. Social class has little effect on individual outcome(s). 26. Edwin and Lavonne area typical, hard-working family in the United States. Edwin owns a

small business and Lavonne stays home with the children. They both value achievement, respect, and having harmonious interpersonal relationships within their family. Based on this description, Edwin and Lavonne would be classified as a. Upper class. c. Lower class. b. Lower-middle class. d. Underclass.
27. Individuals at the bottom of the social structure who perceive themselves as having little

chance of ever escaping poverty would be classified as members of the a. Upper-middle class. c. Upper-working class. b. Lower-middle class. d. Underclass.
28. Upper-class parents tend to emphasize _________. a. Not being a nuisance b. Meeting the high expectations of past family achievements c. Reasoning d. All answers are correct 29. The structure and syntax of language used by the upper-middle class is _________ than that

used by the lower class. a. More simple b. More complex the following except: a. Material capital. b. Human capital.

c. More rigid d. No answers are correct

30. Oakes and Rossi (2003) proposed that socioeconomic status can be defined in terms of all of c. Cognitive capital. d. Social capital.

31. Youth Build, a program in which adolescents build and renovate low-cost housing, is thought

to be successful because of its a. Caring staff. b. Commitment of the staff. c. Sense of family and community among members. d. All answers are correct.

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32. The theory that supports that it is the parents genes rather than socioeconomic status that

ultimately influences the life experiences of the children is a. The Social Selection Theoretical Model of Socioeconomics. b. The Bioecological Theory. c. The Social Causation Theoretical Model of Socioeconomics d. Eriksons Psychosocial Theory.
33. The group that values associative, practical, objective and formal interpersonal relationships is a. Gesellchaft. c. Gemeinschaft. b. Collectivistic. d. Individualistic. 34. Rules, patterns, or standards that express cultural values and reflect how individuals are

supposed to behave are called a. Norms. b. Orientations.

c. Values. d. Skills.

35. Which of the following is not one of Kluckhohns (1961) five basic questions? a. How do humans relate to each other? b. What is the valued personality type? c. What is the relationship of humans to nature? d. What is the value of money? 36. The term religion refers to a. A unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things. b. A belief in individualism, thrift, self-sacrifice, and productivity. c. Any demand that exceeds a persons ability to cope. d. A group of individuals related by blood or marriage. 37. According to Fontana (2003), religion influences socialization by a. Motivating people to behave morally. b. Offering techniques through which individuals can find psychological comfort. c. Causing individuals to ponder lifes purpose. d. All answers are correct. 38. Disease, overexertion, allergies, and abuse are examples of _________ stressors. a. Physical c. Psychological b. Sociocultural d. Religious 39. Economic changes such as downsizing and layoffs are likely to result in a. More parental affection to children. b. More effective disciplinary interactions between parents and children. c. Increased parental stress. d. Better overall family relations. 40. Empowerment refers to a. Enabling individuals to have control over resources affecting them. b. Voting for one candidate over another.

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c. Any demand that exceeds a persons ability to cope. d. Taking control away from families.

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