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Essay 2013 8th Sample Sentences

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English Language Arts Essay

Name_____________________ Date___________

Use only your own text and notes; using others words or material from study guides (such as Spark Notes) is a violation of academic integrity. Initialing the honor code demonstrates your understanding of these guidelines and that you did your own work during the entire process. HONOR CODE ________________ (write your initials) Please select one of the following: 1. Do you think teens should be expected to pitch in by getting jobs or by doing chores or volunteer work? Why or why not? Support your opinion with specific examples from your observations, studies, personal experience, or the reading on pp. 12-13 (orange book). Try to use three or more words from your Unit 1 vocabulary (orange book) 2. Many people send texts or emails instead of speaking directly to others. Some people believe that, as a result, the art of conversation is declining. They fear people are losing their communication skills and replacing human interaction with superficial contacts through social media or by interacting with machines that have replaced human workers. Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion with specific examples from your observations, studies, personal experience, or the reading on pp. 22-23 (orange book). Try to use three or more words from your vocabulary units (unit 2 words are best suited for this topic) 3. Suppose a World Exposition for the 21st Century was held today. What kind of exhibits would reflect the ingenuity of the times? Write a brief essay in which you describe this event. In your conclusion, state whether you think such an event would help to bring unity to the world. Support your answer with spcific examples from the reading on pp. 32-33 (orange book) or from your observaitions. 4. In The Cub Pilot on the Mississippi, Mark Twain, a young man at the time, violently fights his boss over who is telling the truth. Do you think Twain should have hit Brown? Under what circumstances, if any, should force be used to solve a problem? Is the truth the same for everyone? How might someone who disagrees with your thesis see the situation differently? 5. In Gentleman of R o en Medio, compare and contrast the attitudes of Don Andelmo and the Americans towards money. Explain Don Anselmos reasoning for believing the trees still belong to him. What does his reasoning reveal about his attitude toward property ownership? How does Don Anselmos version of the truth about what it means to own propertyy differ from the truth held by Americans? Your essay should be around 2 pages in length, typed and double spaced, MLA format (1-inch margins, etc). Use the shaping sheet to organize your ideas. Be sure to embed your quotes and proofread. Please follow the structure provided below: A. Introductory Paragraph: Identify the story (underline the title), author. Give a brief (2-3 sentence) description of the plot that is relevant to the thesis. Introduce your thesis (main idea) in the last sentence. B. Body Paragraphs: Using at least 3 concrete details in each paragraph, prove your thesis by commenting on how these CDs (concrete details) support your idea. Use topic sentences that preview the main idea for each paragraph and concluding sentences that give each paragraph a finished feeling. You should have a minimum of two body paragraphs. These paragraphs will be at least 11 sentences long. C. Conclusion Paragraph: Complete your discussion by commenting on how the above have worked to uphold your position. A conclusion finishes the essay. It does not merely repeat the ideas, but it does summarize the argument and leave the reader feeling that you have concluded your discussion. The conclusion should be at least 4-5 sentences long.

STEPS OF THE PROCESS: Step One: Introductory paragraph with thesis sentence (4 sentences min.), plus 3 CDs (concrete details), due _______ Step Two: Shaping, You must have 6 concrete details/quotes (with page numbers) in this step of the process. due _________ Step Three: Typed 1st Draft AND and Essay Goals Checklist, due __________ Step Four: Peer Response you need to do one and receive one on __________ Step Five: Your answers to your peer and explanation of how your peer helped you to revise due ______ Step Six: Final Draft due __________ ****Submit your process packet in this order only shaping on the bottom, all other steps in order, final draft on top Type, double space and proofread your essay, or you will lose points. Grading: Your 50 pt. composition will be graded using the following rubric: 20 pts. for correctly completing all steps (especially the shaping) of the process on time, 10 pts. for organization and overall development, 10 pts. for logical support, 10 pts. for mechanics and proofreading. You are encouraged to meet with me outside of class if you would like more feedback on your drafts, so make an appointment or stop by on Monday during my tutoring period (3:00-4:00 pm).

Shaping the Essay Introductory Paragraph

Name _____________________________ Essay Question # _________


Paragraph 1: Intro (title and author, 2-4 sentences of plot summary relevant to your question):

People use social media for all types of conversation nowadays. We use it for entertainment purposes when we want to talk about a funny video sent to us. We use it to remind us of other people or to instantaneously upload pictures that we will then share with our facebook friends. We skype, we chat, we text, but are we really having meaningfulconversations? Thesis: In this essay I will argue that the use of social media helps the art of conversation despite the occasional superficiality of social media or the use of machines that have replaced humans in customer service.
Body Paragraphs Paragraph 2:

Social media helps us remember important dates and can lead to meaningful conversation after one appears thoughtful for remembering events.
sentence #1: Topic Sentence (all opinion):

For example, when Facebook reminded one of my sisters that it was my birthday, she texted me to wish me well and I called her right after that. sentence #3 (comm.): Had she not texted, I proabably would have felt somewhat forgotten and I dont think I would have called her. sentence #4 (comm.) Her text was kind of boring, but the conversation after the text was not.
sentence #2(CD): sentence #5 (CD):

It was a two hour conversation we had much catching up to do!

Id say the art of conversation thrived and was quite sparkly after I learned about her coworkers crazy antics
sentence #6 (comm.):

In fact, the conversation was even more meaningful because I could see her through Facetime on my phone, and seeing her face reminded me how much Ive missed her.
sentence #7 (comm.): sentence #8 (CD): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #9 (comm.): _________________________________________________________________________

sentence #10 (comm.): _________________________________________________________________________ sentence #11 (concluding sentence , all comm.): _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 3: sentence #1: Topic Sentence (all opinion):___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ sentence #2(CD):_______________________________________________________________________________ sentence #3 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #4 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #5 (CD): _______________________________________________________________________________ sentence #6 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #7 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #8 (CD): :_______________________________________________________________________________ sentence #9 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #10 (comm.): ____________________________________________________________________________ sentence #11 (concluding sentence , all comm.):________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Conclusion Paragraph 4: first sentence of concluding paragraph:____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ideas for conclusion: ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

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