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Artistic Reality Power

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Dark Waters

Artistic Reality Power (Skill Based)

Can be used to either manifest an item from a picture/image or to create a pocket reality out of it.

Manifest Item
It appears directly in front of the image. The quality of the item is limited by the artistic quality of the image. The item will only work if game physics/metaphysics allow it to.#

Pocket Reality
The user is shifted physically to the pocket reality regardless of distance from the image The pocket reality encompasses only the general vicinity of the picture and conspires to avoid the user escaping those confines. The user can bring items back with them from the reality

The user rolls their skill against a 0 difficulty with the following modifiers +2 difficulty for Pocket Reality +1 to take significant amount of stuff with them (a person, large suitcase etc) +1 if the image is in the same zone but not touched +2 if the image is in sight but out of the zone +1 for mediocre artwork +2 for poor artwork +2 to bring back/manifest items of significant complexity (mechanical or biological) -1 the art is personally created -1 the art has been invested magically or by significant attention over time -1 the artwork is a masterpiece -1 returning something to the picture it came from

If the rolls fails by more than 2 then it fails utterly. A tie or Failure by 1 or 2 means the power activates but at a cost of Essence stress equal to the amount by which the roll is failed plus 1.

The Darkness
Scenes access via the power often have an insidious darker side to them. Items that come back arent always entirely as expected (especially on failure/tie rolls). Sometimes things from the picture come through to reality on their own (especially on failure/ties rolls for Pocket Reality).

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