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In Search of The Sacred Silk Cotton Tree

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The Sacred Silk-Cotton Tree

An Investigation into the Folklore, Origins, Biology and Distribution of the Silk-Cotton Tree

By Winston and Kofi Small September 2003; ISBN no: 976-8080-74-4 Published by Winston Small, #68 Welches Terrace, St Thomas, Barbados Email:
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2nd Printing 2003 Copyright Winston Small, 2003 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner. Printed in Barbados by Winston Small Covers printed by Dynamic Colour Imaging Inc., Barbados ISBN 976 8080 74-4

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Flowers of a typical Silk-Cotton tree in the Caribbean

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Introduction Chapter 1: Sacred Trees Chapter 2: Biology of the Silk-Cotton tree

Chapter 4: Inventory of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados Listing of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados Map of Silk-Cotton sites in Barbados Gully associations Wooded or former wooded areas Fortifications Plantations or Institutions with abolitionist or liberal associations Other Institutions Recently Planted Sites

Synonyms; Origins; General Biology; Types; Leaves; Flowers; Fruiting; Spines; Buttresses; Surface Roots; Seasonal appearance; Habit; Longevity of Trees; Comparison of form of typical SC trees in Ghana, Suriname and Barbados; Influence of Environment on Habit; The Silk-Cotton in Gullies; The Silk-Cotton Ecosystem Commercial uses; Medicinal uses

Statistics on Big Trees in Barbados

Chapter 5: The Association of Silk-Cotton trees with Religious sites

Barbados, The Caribbean, Central America and the Far East, West Africa

Chapter 6: The Distribution of Silk-Cotton trees Chapter 3: The Silk-Cotton and its folklore in the Diaspora

Barbados; Dominica Grenada Guyana Haiti Jamaica; St Lucia; Suriname; Trinidad and Tobago West Africa - Ghana, Nigeria, Benin, Togo

Chapter 7: Conclusion

Conclusion References Source of Pictures Glossary of terms used

Acknowledgements Index

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This book documents an investigation into the occurrence and biology of Silk-Cotton Trees in Barbados as well as the folklore surrounding this magnificent tree in some representative countries in the diaspora. This investigation started in West Africa in July 2002 when our family made a tour of Ghana that was organized by Travel House of Barbados. That tour was an excellent introduction to our motherland for most of the people who made the trip. During the tour, while viewing the countryside from the Tour Bus, we would often see a huge tree on the horizon dwarfing all others around it, including very tall Palm trees. Our knowledgeable tour guide identified the tree for us by its local and its Scientific name and gave us some background information on the tree and its position in Traditional African religious worship in Ghana. Only one member of our group recognized the tree as a Silk-Cotton tree and that there was one near where she used to work in Barbados. We eventually visited the Kakun Forest Reserve and the Aburi Botanic Gardens near Accra and were able to see the tree up close in all its magnificence. On returning to Barbados, memories of the tree continued to persist in my consciousness and I started to look for it wherever I travelled in Barbados. The first ones I found were at the Garrison

Savannah but I nearly missed them as, conditioned by the size of the Ghana trees, I was looking for some outstanding trees that would be somewhat bigger than the typical tree here. To my disappointment, the typical Bajan silk-cotton tree was fairly mundane in appearance and only faintly resembled its African cousins. I persisted in the search, however, and found some trees that, although they could not compare with the African trees in height, could almost do so, in terms of total biomass. The investigation started as an attempt to document the biology of this tree in Barbados because it soon became apparent that very few people here knew anything about the Tree. Available literature on it was rudimentary and the typical Barbados Silk-cotton tree looked somewhat different to the ones I had seen in Ghana. Indeed, they appeared to differ in several respects from the descriptions of the SilkCotton tree that I found in the literature. As the search continued, my son, Kofi, became fired with the same sort of enthusiasm that I had developed for collecting information on the tree and he vigorously helped me to search for further examples of SilkCotton trees in Barbados. Somewhere along the way the search progressed from documenting the biology of the tree to investigating an historical mystery. We discovered that the tree, which is not a
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very common tree in Barbados, could be fairly consistently found in a number of places of religious significance in Barbados. We started to try to identify the possible reasons why this should be so. Was this just happenstance? Was there some connection between the tree; the religion of the Amerindians who peopled Barbados before slavery; the religion of the imported West African slaves who found the tree here; and the protestant religion? Was there some true religious significance to the tree? The book attempts to assemble some facts that should allow the reader to form his or her own opinion on the connection between the silk-cotton tree and religion. We also discovered that the Silk cotton tree has taken on a kind of invisibility in Barbados over the years. While the folklore of neighbouring Islands abounds in tales of Silk-Cotton trees as the abode of duppies and other paranormal creatures, books on folklore in Barbados which we consulted made no mention of the Silk-Cotton tree. Similarly, the various histories of Barbados are generally silent on Silk-Cotton trees. The Justice Tree is a good example of the invisibility of Silk cotton trees in Barbados history. The story of Governor Sir William Tufton being executed by order of

Henry Hawley around 1630 is well documented. Reasonably well documented also is the claim that he was executed under the Justice Tree. However, the Histories generally make no mention of the tradition that the Justice tree was a Silk-Cotton tree which, it so happens, apparently survived in St Marys Churchyard until 1995 I spent many hours doing traditional searches at the library of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, the Barbados National Trust, the Public Library, the Barbados Archives Department and the UWI Library at Cave Hill for various aspects of the history of Barbados churches, forts, slave laws, freemasonry, etc. I also spent some time going through Newlands Greeenidges wide collection of Historical documents and found some references there that I had up to then been unable to find elsewhere. We also spoke with numerous persons living near to existing or recently standing silk-cotton trees. We also got pictures of the silk-cotton tree and information on its folklore in various Caribbean Islands from some members of the UWI, St Augustine Fellowes Yahoo Internet newsgroup. Towards the end of the Project we got invaluable information and assistance from Mr. Jeff Chandler, of the UWI Department of Biology who, we discovered, had been collecting information on the Silk-Cotton tree as well as other
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local trees for several years. Jeff kindly made his collection of reprints and references available to us. The Book draws on extensive research on the Internet with information from such diverse sources as travel brochures from Cambodia to tales of vacationers in various exotic places. We also used the Internet for searching aerial photos of Barbados to identify possible sites where we should search more thoroughly for Silk-Cotton trees on the ground. The site was especially useful in identifying areas on the West Coast where there might have been Silk-Cotton trees. I visited Suriname twice since we started this study and took a number of pictures of Silk-Cotton trees there and also gathered information on local folklore and uses of the tree from knowledgeable persons. I also collected information and took pictures of silk-cotton trees in St. Lucia, Jamaica, Trinidad and Grenada during visits I made to those countries. Our whole family was involved as my Wife, Jean, collected information, discussed the folklore of the Silk-Cotton and also took pictures of the tree in Grenada during a recent visit there. Similarly, my daughter, Oneka, had pictures of Silk-Cotton trees taken in Dominica during a recent visit she made there. She had earlier in 2002 spent a vacation and taken pictures in the Far East on

completion of her Masters Degree. Kofi returned to West Africa in July 2003 and took more pictures of the tree in Ghana, Benin, Nigeria and Togo. The Book documents the general biology of the Silk-cotton tree. We present information that allows the layman to reliably identify Silk-Cotton trees and we also clarify such aspects of the trees biology in Barbados as flowering, fruiting, habit, etc. These areas are generally not fully explored in the cameo descriptions of the tree in the typical text book. Indeed, most textbook descriptions of the biology of the Silk-Cotton tree are derived from earlier descriptions of the Cultivated pentandra types of the West African savannahs and the Far Eastern tropics and do not attempt to distinguish between those types and the predominant caribeae type of West Africa, the Caribbean and Meso-America. There is therefore some attention given to analyzing the types of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. We think that the information presented on the biology of the tree should be a valuable biological resource since so little has been published on the biology of this tree. The books main thrust, however, is the documentation of the folklore of the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados, Meso-America and the Black Diaspora and its reputation as a God tree on both sides of the Atlantic. The concept of the World Tree and Sacred

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Trees is therefore presented followed by a few examples of some outstanding tropical trees which are honoured in various countries. Following this the folklore, occurrence and use of the Silk-Cotton tree in various parts of the tropics is explored. The occurrence and distribution of SilkCotton trees at a number of religious sites in Barbados and some other Countries is explored and an hypothesis presented for this phenomenon. It is somewhat surprising that in many of the Caribbean Islands specific, well-known Silk-Cotton trees are proudly presented to Tourists as being many centuries old but there is nowhere on record any estimate of the ages of our outstanding Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. We present historical and pictorial evidence that some of our Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados may also be many centuries old. A major aspect of this book is our pictorial inventory of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. This is presented in the hope that it might stimulate further research and interest in this area and that it might even find some use as a reference point for the future determination of the ages of some of the trees identified here. There is a remote possibility that the Silk-Cotton tree might find some non-destructive commercial use here in the future or persons with a religious interest in the
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tree might wish to have access to such trees. Potential users or entrepreneurs could use our inventory data to identify where to find existing trees. In addition the book describes some aspects of the history of Barbados and the Silk-Cotton trees connection to them that is not easily accessible elsewhere and might be of interest to the History Student and Tourist. This book started out as a Powerpoint presentation, but, as we progressed, we thought that the Information we were gathering merited wider dissemination than to the small group which we first envisaged. We therefore decided to convert it into a book. Most of the pictures were taken by myself or by Kofi using either a Nikon Cool-Pix 880 or a Canon EOS 10D Digital Camera. Some excellent pictures were given to us by Dr Gene Pollard and Cecil Chin of Trinidad; Alies Van Sauers Muller of Suriname; Mawuli Djebu of Ghana; Andy Carvin and Don Porter of the USA; Joce of Cambodia; Vernon Beal of Puerto Rico; and by David Tindale, Lionel James and Sam Gittens of Barbados. Special mention must be made of Steve Bispham who took pictures and searched for Silk-Cotton trees in Cuba, Grand Cayman, Curacao and Tortola in addition to spending several hours, along with his wife Sally, helping us search for Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. Winston Small; November 17th, 2003

Sacred Trees

This Chapter outlines the concept of Sacred trees and shows that the Silk-Cotton tree is considered as a Sacred or special tree in several Tropical Countries.

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Chapter 1; Sacred Trees

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Sacred Trees

Certain trees have been considered Sacred by

ancient peoples in practically all parts of the world (33,70,109,110,128,144,145,148) . Ancient peoples saw trees as universally powerful symbols and as physical expressions of life, growth and vigour and symbols of the continuity of society and life over time. Some human societies saw trees as a link between Earth and Heaven; as the home to both good and bad spirits; and as the home of the souls of ancestors. Trees were also seen as providing protection from harm, curing diseases and increasing fertility. Trees in several societies were planted at the birth of a child and at burial sites. Even in Barbados today trees are planted to mark special occasions. They are still some parents in Barbados who bury the Navel String (umbilical cord) of their male babies under special trees, often the SilkCotton tree.

the Yew (which symbolized death and reincarnation) as their worldtrees (109) . The Druids of Ancient Britain considered a number of trees to be sacred. The Freemasons secret order is reported to claim some ancient connection with the Druids and they also venerate a number of special trees. Foremost amongst these trees is the Acacia, a sprig of which is associated with their funeral ceremonies (143) . Other trees such as the Cedar and the Apple have been said to be special trees for the Freemasons who, it is reported, consider trees to have a special significance. The Ancient Israelites revered the Asherah tree (128) Those special trees described by rabbis as being an asherah or part of an asherah include grapevines, pomegranates, walnuts, myrtles and willows. A short list of some of the sacred trees of the world include; The Baobab Tree - Some African countries; The Oak tree - The Celts; The Banyan tree - India; The Date Palm - Assyria; The Yew the Druids; and The SilkCotton Tree - Central America and some West African countries. While the Silk-Cotton tree is held to be Sacred in a number of West African countries, it is not the only Sacred tree in these countries. In Nigeria, Sacred trees also include the African camphor tree, Ocotea usambarensis along with a number of other trees. The sacred tree which was seen most often in and near the shrines which Kofi visited in Nigeria was the Peregun tree (Dracaena fragrans). See overleaf for pictures of this tree.
Chapter 1; Sacred Trees

In some societies it was believed that the First men and women were made of wood. Myths of many ancient peoples from various parts of the world speak of a World-Tree or sacred tree from which sprang all or most of life as we know it. The silkcotton tree, possibly because of its usual imposing appearance has been identified as that worldtree in many tropical cultures (29, 110) . The Cosmic Tree, or the Tree of Life, features in many of the worlds religions. In Central America the World Tree is usually identified with the Silk Cotton tree. Temperate cultures also venerated large trees like

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Fig 1:1The Sacred PeregunTree outside the National Museum, Oyo, Nigeria, next to a Shrine

Fig 1:2The Sacred Peregun Tree in the Shango Shrine, Oyo, Nigeria. Note also, on left, the Staff which is reputed to have been carried by Shango himself and the Bearded Fig tree behind it. Page 14

Fig 1:3Picture from Mayan vase that highlights the central role of the SilkCotton tree

The Maoris tell of a worldtree which was the first thing to be formed at the centre of the still void universe (144) . It sprouted from the cosmic navel and from its myriad buds all creation emerged. In Mayan cosmology the WorldTree was identified as the great SilkCotton tree which they believed supported the heavens (145) . The Mayans still offer incense and prayers to the ancestral spirits of the tree to ensure continued fertility of the land (29) . Prominent examples of these sacred trees can still be found at most ancient Mayan and Olmec sites (See Chapter 5). A Mayan piece of art depicting the creation story and that prominently features the SilkCotton tree is reproduced above. The Arawaks or Lokono peoples in Guyana tell the following Creation Story; In the beginning Aiomun Kondi, the Dweller in the Height, made the earth, but though the waves beat upon the shore, and the breezes sighed gently over the land , no life was to be seen. Then Aiomun Kondi caused the wonderful kumaka (silkcotton) tree to grow, whose

branches reached into the clouds. From this green throne, he scattered twigs and bark, some into the air, some onto the land, and some on the sparkling waters. Those which fell upon the waters became shining fishes darting hither and thither. Those which remained in the air became winged and feathered fowls, and those which fell on the ground turned into beasts and reptiles, men and women, spreading from thence to fill the whole earth (110 ) . Old Havana, Cuba, was founded when both a Catholic Mass and a Town Council meeting were held in 1519 under a large silkcotton tree ( 146 ) . The original tree fell in a hurricane in 1828 and a piece of it was replanted in the same area that year. A monument was built later in 1828 to commemorate the citys founding and the tree still stands on the southern side of Plaza de Armas in Old Havana. Santeria is a religion of AfroLatin Americans in Cuba, Brazil and other Latin American countries with substantial African populations. It is related to Voudoo and is mainly derived from Nigerian traditional religion
Chapter 1; Sacred Trees

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An extensive treatment of Santeria is given in Migene GonzalezWipplers book SanteriaAfrican magic in Latin America ( 35 ) . In the chapter on Natural magic, GonzalezWippler gives extensive information on the Silk cotton tree, the palm tree and the Cedar tree and their uses in the Santeria religion. The book also lists the uses of a number of plant species for medicines as well as magic rites since the practitioners of Santeria are known to be very skilled in the medicinal use of plants . Such plants include species of cassia, mora, lettuce, cinnamon, the castor oil tree, cotton, purslane, watercress, aniseed and calabash as well as the SilkCotton. GonzalezWippler informs us that the SilkCotton tree is the sacred tree of Santeria and the basis of some of the cults greatest magic and explains that according to legend the Silkcotton tree was the only tree that the waters of the universal Flood did not dare to cover and that all the people and animals that took refuge under the tree were able to escape and ensure the survival of life on the planet. Indeed the Santeros believe that even lightning

Fig 1:4Plaza de Armas, Old Havana. The Silk Cotton tree there is a scion of the original revered tree. Picture courtesy of Andy Carvin.

respects the SilkCotton as in the tropics the tree is very seldom struck by lightning. GonzalezWippler asserts that the ground around the SilkCotton tree in Cuba was often covered with offerings of various types and that the Ceiba (SilkCotton) is so highly respected by Santeria practitioners (santeros) that they never cross over the trees shadow without asking its permission. He describes a number of rituals which the Santeros do with the tree and the sacrifices that are made to the tree of such offerings as bulls, chickens, etc. According to GonzalezWippler, the SilkCotton tree is used in the following ways for magic by the Santeros;

The tree trunk is used to cast evil spells The bark is used for teas and other medicinal purposes The shade of the tree attracts spirits and gives its supernatural strength to all the spells buried underneath it blood of sacrificed animals
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The roots are used to place offerings and to receive the

The earth around the tree is

used in black magic

The leaves are used for medicinal purposes and love spells Outside of considerations of divinity or traditional worship of trees by ancient and modern societies, several other tropical trees are, even today, awe inspiring to many who see them for the first time. Some of these trees are honoured by being officially named as National Trees or being represented on National Crests or Flags. We picture here two trees that are honoured in Barbados. The Bearded Fig tree is the Unofficial National Tree of Barbados. It is a big, magnificent tree and was apparently a dominant species when the British came to the Island in 1605 (51) . Today it is relatively rare in Barbados as compared with several introduced trees but can be found in some Gullies or on the cut coralrock sides of roadways, particularly in North Western parishes.

Fig 1:5Very large Bearded Fig treein Barbados Dance Theatre Grounds.

Baobabs originated in Africa and have been recorded as living for well over 1000 years. The first Baobab in Barbados was imported in 1735 from Senegal and was planted at Warrens, St Michael, according to Schomburgk (84) . There is at least one other Baobab tree in Barbados, in Queens Park. The Baobab at Warrens has been given special protected status by the Barbados National Trust. At 268 years old, that tree, as seen in Fig 1:6, still has a youthful, healthy appearance. Strangely, the Baobab has not proliferated naturally from the two sites on
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which it was originally planted in Barbados despite the fact that its seed germinate quite easily and copious quantities of the seed are produced each year. It therefore appears to require the assistance of man for its dissemination. Fig 1:7 shows some Baobab trees in Senegal, note their different habit to the ones in Barbados. Some other tropical trees that feature on National or State Flags or Coats of Arms or are honoured in some other way as National Trees (139 are: Mahogany Belize Baobab Senegal Breadfruit Bolivia Palm tree Belize; Liberia Ivory Coast Gambia Zaire Mauritania Fiji Banyan tree India Bananas Cameroon Cocoa Ghana The SilkCotton tree, although considered a special tree in several tropical countries, is nevertheless not widely recognized in Barbados and its unorthodox history and mystique has been largely unrecorded here.
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Fig 1:6Baobab Tree Warrens

Fig 1:7Baobab Trees in Senegal

Biology of The Silk-Cotton Tree

We describe some aspects of the biology of the White Silk-Cotton tree. The topic is treated in a general way but specific examples and pictures are given, mostly related to Barbados. The chapter is mainly intended to assist readers to identify the Silk-Cotton tree.

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Claims have been made that the most massive tree in the world is the 2000 to 3000 year old Cypress tree in Mexico named Arbol del Tule ( 137 ) . However, perhaps the most impressive Tropical tree of all is the Silk-Cotton Tree which is claimed to be the tallest native forest tree of the Tropics (70,72) . However, it does not match the heights of the Giant Sequioas of temperate North America which may tower to nearly 400 feet and is not generally recognized as being a long-living tree despite its Congolese name Doum which means venerable or long living. The Silk-Cotton is also known as; The KanKantrie: Suriname Busi Gado - Bush God Suriname The Coomaka tree: Jamaica, Guyana The Kapok tree: various places The Forest Giant: Suriname The Jumbie tree: Guyana The God Tree; West Africa Onyina/Odum / Gunga; Ghana Marga / Okha / Araba Nigeria Ngwe / Banda; Sierra Leone Fromager: Dominica Soucouyan tree; Dominica Sumauma: Brazil Doum: The Congo Mapou: Haiti Ceiba: Latin America Pochote Mexico
Fig 2:1Flag of Equatorial Guinea

Fig 2:1bCoat of Arms of the Town of Ceiba, Puerto Rico

Above is a depiction of the flag of Equatorial Guinea and the Coat of Arms of Ceiba, Puerto Rico, both centrally featuring the Silk-Cotton tree. The Silk-Cotton is the National Tree of the following countries; Guatemala; Puerto Rico; Equatorial Guinea; Honduras; and The Central African Republic (139) . The Silk-Cotton Tree is considered sacred by native peoples in West Africa as well as by Mayans and Amerindians in Central America (33) . Some aspects of reverence, or fear, for this tree persists in the modern Caribbean but few Barbadians are aware of either the tree, its folklore, or its other attributes.
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The Silk-Cotton trees natural habitat in the Americas ranges from southern Mexico to the southern boundary of the Amazon basin. In Africa it stretches from Senegal to Angola and eastwards to the Great Rift Valley (72) . This spread roughly corresponds to a range of between 16 degrees North and 16 degrees South of the Equator. See Fig 2:2. The Silk-Cotton tree, according to most authorities, originated in Central America(72). According to others it originated in West Africa(24,106). However, it appears to be accepted by both camps that it was exported to Tropical South East Asia from Africa in Ancient times. The proponents of the Out of America theory base their arguments primarily on the fact that most genera of the Ceiba species are found in the Americas, not in Africa, and postulate that, in the remote past, either fruit or the small, water resistant

Silk-Cotton seed floated across the Atlantic from America and established themselves in Africa. This theory goes against the prevailing evidence that the direction of the main direct Atlantic currents linking Western Africa and Central America all go in the opposite direction i.e. from West Africa to the Americas. The currents near Western Africa are located under 100 miles off the coast. Fig 2:2 is a map we compiled from various sources, showing the prevailing currents in the Atlantic. The North Equatorial current moves from the vicinity of the Cape Verde Islands to the Northern Caribbean and the South Equatorial current moves from West Africa to the Southern Caribbean and the Caribbean Sea. The prevailing direction of the Gulf Stream, which is formed from the joining of the two Equatorial Currents, is from the Eastern seaboard of the USA and the Northern Caribbean to England and Europe, not to Africa.

Fig 2:2Map showing Atlantic Currents and Native areas of Silk-Cotton in Central America and West Page 22

The dominant theory also does not appear to adequately take into consideration the fact that the main variety of Silk-Cotton that is present in the Americas is the Caribeae variety. In Barbados, and perhaps most of Central America, this variety is predominantly dehiscent i.e. the pods open on the tree and the seed, enclosed in the cottony floss, are released to float by wind to receptive areas for germination. i.e. mature seed are not enclosed in protective pods. The pods therefore do not cover ripe seed and so would not be available to protect such seed during any extended transatlantic voyage. Thus it would only be the unprotected small seed, very small proportions of which survive even under optimal conditions, that would be available to travel eastward on the Atlantic, if this theory were correct. Other characteristics of the tree which also suggest that this theory might not hold water are that; a) the Caribeae variety is notably non-invasive and would thus be unlikely to establish itself and proliferate after a transatlantic trip as might be possible for seed of such plants as the Coconut and the Cultivated Cottons (Gossypium species) ; and b) man has traditionally been heavily involved in and may even be essential to the spread of the Silk-Cotton tree within and across countries. Wherever it originated, both Ancient Amerindians and West Africans worshipped the tree as an antenna to the Supreme Being in pre-historic times long before the slave trade began. It has been documented that when African slaves

were first brought to Jamaica they found thriving Silk-Cotton trees there(98) . It is also almost certain that the black slaves who were brought to Barbados also found Silk-Cotton trees here. It is theorised that Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados are ultimately derived from seed brought here by the Garifuna (Caribs) or Lokono (Arawaks) or even earlier Amerindian visitors from the Orinoco basin of South America. The map below shows the routes the pre-historic Amerindians are thought to have taken in their exploratory voyages. It is interesting that Silk-Cotton trees tend to be more prevalent in the western areas of the Islands.

Fig 2:2aMap showing Amerindian migration during the pre-historic period Page 23

Chapter 2: Biology

General Biology Overview

The trees Scientific name is Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. Ceiba being the Spanish name (derived from a Carib name) for the Genus and pentandra being the Latin for 5 stamens. Earlier synonyms by which it was called were; Ceiba casearia, Eriodendron anfractuosum and Bombax ceiba. It is a member of the Bombax family which also includes Balsa; the Red Silk cotton (Bombax malabaricum); the Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata); and the Floss silk tree (Chorisia sp). See (8,11,21,24,31,34,36,37, 46,51,69,71,72,73,97) The Silk-Cotton tree is a large, majestic tree. Under optimal conditions It may grow to over 200 feet high with widely spreading, largely horizontal branches. In Barbados it seldom exceeds 70 feet in height, except in gully or woodland environments, where some may exceed 100 feet. It is however, the tallest tree of the Amazon rainforest where the trunk can grow to over 10 feet in diameter and the buttresses over 30 feet, sometimes joining the trunk at over 40 feet from the ground. The canopy can extend over 140 feet in diameter. The Bark of seedlings in Barbados has a violet tinge similar to that of young mature trees while the bark of very old trees is greyish in colour. Silk cotton trees bear flowers that contain both male and female organs. Pollination is typically by Bats and when the fruit develop and open they expose a cotton-like material or floss called kapok. This floss is produced by the tree in copious quantities and is a

significant nuisance to people living downwind as the light floss is wafted slowly by the wind into peoples faces, food, etc. Fruit setting, in Barbados is discontinuous and unpredictable. It may be annually but up to eight years could elapse between bearings. The Silk-Cotton tree can grow on a variety of soils from sandy to clay provided they are well drained (22,24,72) . It prefers alluvial soils that are slightly acidic to neutral. It can tolerate drought or short periods of sub-zero weather. Low temperatures can however significantly and negatively affect fruit setting. Propagation is by seed or by cuttings. Seed germinate easily, without a significant dormant period, and may grow once they land in a suitable environment. However, there is significant wastage of seed as only a miniscule proportion of seeds develop into seedlings. Thus very few young seedlings or trees can normally be seen in Barbados despite the production and dissemination of huge quantities of seed in the Island. This may be related to the seed rapidly losing viability after dissemination (They have been reported to remain viable for only between 6 months to 1 year) and also partly because SC seedlings are usually destroyed if found near to homes in Barbados. Once established, the tree adapts to and can survive very rigorous environments for centuries. In Barbados the Sandbox tree is often mistaken for the Silk-Cotton tree and vice versa.
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There are however significant differences between the two. The Sandbox does not have prominent buttresses; The SilkCotton drops its leaves early in the dry season while the Sandbox remains green for most or all of the dry season; The leaves of the Sandbox are much larger, less waxy and do not resemble fingers on a palm; The Sandbox produces seed that are hard and disk shaped with no floss and totally unlike the distinctive, small, floss covered seed of the Silk-Cotton; Spines on both plants are similar but in mature Silk-Cotton trees spines are typically on the upper surface of branches only, while they cover the whole surface of sandbox trunks and branches. However, from a distance, the form or habit of the two trees appear to be quite similar. Sandbox trees are much more common in Barbados than Silk-Cotton trees. Sandbox trees generally do not grow as tall as Silk-Cotton trees. However, the Sandbox trees at the Garrison Savannah, Mullins, St Peter and St Marys Churchyard in Barbados are quite tall, very striking and closely resemble the habit of the typical SilkCotton tree. Some other trees that have a similar gross appearance to the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados are the Golden Apple tree (Spondias cytherea) and the uncommon Floss silk tree (Chorisia speciosa), with its beautiful large pink flowers. It is interesting that some agricultural workers at Easy Hall Plantation in St Joseph know

Fig 2:3a - Large Sandbox leaves on tree in Airy Hill Gully

Fig 2:3b - Sandbox Seed

Fig 2:4 - Silk-Cotton Leaves, Leaflets (6-8) about 6 inches long

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Chapter 2: Biology

the name of the Devil tree but have absolutely no knowledge of the true White Silk-cotton tree. The Easy Hall Devil tree is a member of the Bombax family but we have not yet identified it down to species. It has a number of characteristics that suggests that it might be closely related to the Red Silk Cotton tree, Bombax malabaricum.
Fig 2:5Sandbox tree in Harrison Colleges Quadrangle

Fig 2:6 -Chorisia floss silk tree

Fig 2:7Golden Apple Tree Page 26

Fig 2:8The Devil Tree Easy Hall Plantation

Silk-Cotton Types
Williams R.O. (97) observed that there were two varieties of Silk-Cotton in Trinidad. A tall variety, exceeding 100 ft. and a short one that grows to about 50 feet and was the source of the kapok industry in the near East. Purseglove (72) , however, has stated that there are three varieties: Var. Caribeae which occurs wild in the American tropics and in forest areas of West Africa. This variety can grow to over 200 feet tall, has massive buttresses, the trunk is unforked, it flowers irregularly, fruit pods dehisce and release the seed while on the tree and the kapok is white to gray coloured. Var. guineensis occurs in savannah woodlands of West Africa, has inconspicuous buttresses and grows to only about 50 ft tall, it flowers annually, trunks are spineless and are often forked, branches are predominantly diagonal, leaves are broad, fruits are elongated at both ends and pods dehisce on the tree and the kapok is grey. Var. pentandra, the cultivated kapok of West Africa and Asia, grows in forest and savannah regions to about 100 ft. It flowers annually, trunks are spineless, pods dont dehisce i.e. they drop to the ground with unreleased seed and the tree has small or no buttresses.

Fig 2:9Silk-Cotton tree near University of Kumasi, Ghana.

According to Purseglove, artificial hybridisation of Caribeae and guineensis has produced trees indistinguishable from var. pentandra. There appears to be two or possibly three types of Silk Cotton trees in Barbados.

Type #1, the most common type in Barbados, has buttresses that range from relatively small to relatively large but are always quite conspicuous. They usually have thick trunks. Branches are predominantly horizontal in orientation and may start relatively low on the trunk in uncompetitive situations. The typical height is around 70 feet but some can approach heights of 100 feet in gully situations. They bear irregularly and Pods are dehiscent. This type has many of the characteristics of Pursegloves Caribeae variety but there are some attributes which dont match as, for example, mature trees are spineless except on the top edges of branches and their height is quite short compared to Pursegloves Caribeae variety.
Chapter 2: Biology

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Some examples of the Type#1 Silk-Cotton Tree in Barbados

Fig 2:10aType #1 treeTwo year old

Fig 2:10bType #1 treeabout 5 years old

Fig 2:10cType #1 treeMature tree, probably around 100 years old.

A number of examples of the Type #1 Silk-Cotton tree can be found throughout Barbados. Indeed, this is the most common type of SilkCotton tree found here. Within this type there are some examples that show an extraordinary form. Typical of these is a tree at Codrington College and the trees at St Philip Parish Church. There are, however, some examples of Silk-Cotton trees in the wider Caribbean region which are similar in habit to the specimens alluded to above at the Codrington College lakeside pond and in the St Philips Church Graveyard. The Hofi Pastor tree in Curacao(116) (Fig 2:11) closely resembles the larger Codrington lakeside tree as well as a tree in Puerto Rico (132) pictured in Fig 2:14. It has been documented that the Hofi Pastor trees curious form is due to its Amerindian

caretakers careful pruning and maintenance over a long period of time predating and following colonization. The Ceiba Colon tree in Santo Domingo (113) (Fig:2:13) also has a similar appearance. These trees are all shown on the following page. It may be possible that judicious pruning over many decades might have contributed to all of these trees curious branching habit or form especially since they are all special trees and might have been carefully managed over many years.

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Fig 2:13 - Ceiba Colon tree in Santo Domingo

Fig 2:11 - Hofi Pastor SC tree in Cu-

Fig 2:12 - SC tree at Codrington College lakeside, Type #1

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Fig 2:14 - SC tree in Vieques, Puerto Rico Chapter 2: Biology

The Type #2 Tree has prominent finlike buttresses usually starting relatively high up the trunk. Branches also typically start higher than in the Type #1 trees and mature trunk and branch surfaces are practically spineless. This Barbados type also has more characteristics in common with Pursegloves caribeae variety than with his

guineensis and pentandra varieties. However, it appears to be a distinct type as compared to the Type #1 trees in Barbados. The mature tree in Fig 2:15 is of this type. It is around 80 feet tall, has very conspicuous buttresses and has few spines.

Some examples of the Type#2 Silk-Cotton Tree in Barbados

Fig 2:15aType #2 treeAbout 1 year

Fig 2:15bType #2 treeAbout 6

Fig 2:15cType #2 tree over 50 years

Thus Barbados has two types of Silk Cotton that appear to be related to Pursegloves caribeae variety. It is possible that the morphological differences noticed between the type #1 and type #2 varieties (See Figs 2:10 and 2:15) may result from the effects of environmental cues and judicious pruning rather than being expressions of true genetic differences. Thus there may be only one type which, if it is established

or establishes itself in a forest environment starts producing branches only when it nears the highest canopy while, if it grows in an uncompetitive situation, stays short and branches widely relatively near ground level. The flowers produced by the two types appear to be morphologically indistinguishable from one another.

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The Type #3 Tree

The lone example of this type has massive trunk-like branches starting low on the trunk. Buttresses are massive. Trunks and branches are also massive but are short and strongly ascending (diagonal). The trunk is conspicuously forked. The tree is relatively short. Its Canopy is quite extensive. Leaves are 7-9 lobed as compared with the 7 lobed leaves of the other types. This tree has some features in common with the guineensis variety as described by Purseglove. Only one tree of this type was found in Barbados at Codringtons lakeside.

Fig 2:18 - Type #3 Tree, Codrington College; Diagonal Branches start around 10 feet or less from

Fig 2:16- Trunk of Baobab Tree at Warrens

Fig 2:17 - Trunk of Codrington College Type #3 tree Fig 2:18b - Baobab in Benin Temple of Sacred Pythons Chapter 2: Biology

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The form of the type #3 tree seems to be distinctly different to the other types seen in Barbados. Indeed, It resembles the Baobab trees in Barbados in certain respects (See Figs 2:16 and 2:17). The form of the Codrington Type #3 tree also bears a very striking resemblance to a Baobab tree that Kofi photographed in Benin, Africa (See Fig:2:18b). That tree was on a Sacred Site in Ouidah, Benin. The Codrington Type #3 tree also possesses some of the characteristics of the Guineensis variety. However, unlike guineensis, it has large buttresses and is somewhat taller than the description of Guineensis given by Purseglove. Fig 2:18 shows the overall habit of the Type #3 tree. It is, however, possible that the Codrington College Type #3 Tree might actually be a Type #1 tree that has developed its unusual form as a result of strategic and artful pruning over several years. Its seed and flowers appear to be indistinguishable from those of its neighbour which is clearly a type #1 tree although one of somewhat unusual form. More research is needed to clarify the speciation of this tree.

Leaves of the Silk-Cotton Tree

Leaves are compound with 5-7 lobed leaflets (except for the Type #3 tree which has 7-9 leaflets) that bear some resemblance to a human palm. Leaflets are arrow shaped, 4-6 inches long and resemble mango leaves from a distance (Se Fig 2:19). Leaves are shed in the dry season. Shedding of leaves appears to be a response to localized microclimatic conditions as one tree may shed all its leaves on the windward side while retaining those on the other side for a large part or all of the dry season, or a tree might shed all its leaves while another one next to it may retain its leaves for a large part of the dry season. Some young trees that have not yet reached a reproductive age and are provided with adequate moisture may retain their leaves throughout much of the dry season. Generally, at the first onset of the wet season (May/June) Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados become fully clothed in leaves to renew the cycle.

Fig 2:19 - Leaves of a Silk-Cotton Tree in Barbados

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Flowers are White to orange-pink, and are copiously produced around February in Barbados but not necessarily on an annual basis. Some SilkCotton trees are reported to produce separate male and female flowers in Cuba (111). The report also claims that the male trees of such trees produce spines on the trunks while the female trees are relatively smooth. It is possible that the report is inaccurate as those characteristics certainly do not appear to be true for Barbados. All varieties are pollinated by Bats during dusk and night time (22) . Many flowers are produced. The tree produces several masses of flower buds from which a few flowers emerge. The buds are green with a reddish top from which the flower emerges. Flowers are small (about 1/2 inch long), whitish pink and have a milky smell. They have 5 stamens with large anthers. The petals are velvet-like in texture. Fig 2:20 is a close-up of a flower of the caribeae type SilkCotton in Barbados with its distinctive anthers and stigma and the velvet textured petals. The flowers of the Barbados types are much smaller than those of the Pentandra types which could be up to 4 times larger. The cultivated silk cottons (Pentandra types) start bearing at about 4 years. However, most of the literature suggests that first bearing for other Silk-Cotton trees is around 25 years. A SilkCotton tree that was planted 25 years ago at the QEH arboretum has already started flowering and fruiting.
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Fig 2:20 - Flower of a typical Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados

Fig 2:21 - Half-Flower drawing of an SC flower

Chapter 2: Biology

In Barbados, usually one fruit capsule is produced from one bunch of buds, i.e. it appears that generally only one flower from a bunch of pods develops to produce a fruit out of the several that are available for pollination. At maturity the capsules are between 4 to 5 inches in length (See Figs 2:22 and 2:23). The capsule initially has a very hard green surface or pericarp enclosing tightly packed seed covered with floss. The capsule is dehiscent and at maturity its pericarp becomes brown, degenerates, splits into five valves and drops to the ground leaving light violet balls of floss exposed on the tree. The small black seed covered with the very fine wispy floss are released by wind action (See Fig 2:41) and float far downwind. Often going very high in the air in eddy currents. Kapok is light (eight times as light as cotton) and fluffy and has a silken appearance. It is resistant to water damage and decay. It varies in colour between white to yellow to grey. In Barbados the floss is normally a light grey-violet colour. The Flowers and floss produced by the typical Silk-Cotton tree in Dominica appear to be indistinguishable from
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Fig 2:22 - Ripe and nearly ripe pods on tree

the ones in Barbados and the capsule is also dehiscent. The pictures on the following pages show details of the Capsule, the seed and the floss.

Fig 2:23 - Cross sections of Pods showing spaces in which seed are positioned. Upper pictures show floss balls and valves Page 35 Chapter 2: Biology

Fig 2:24b - One SC Seed with attached floss

Fig 2:24a - Seed (0.5mm x 0.4 mm). Seed are easy to germinate with no significant dormancy period

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Spines on Silk-Cotton Tree

The literature indicates that Silk-Cotton seedlings and young trees are almost totally covered in spines while older surfaces are generally smooth. This was very evident in the trees we observed in Suriname. The young tree trunks were totally covered with spines while the trunks of all the very old trees were quite smooth. In Barbados, however, while most SC trees (Type #1) retain spines for several years on the upper surfaces of branches, the type #2 trees can lose practically all their spines by five years of age or thereabouts. The spines on Type #1 and Type #2 seedlings are easily distinguished. The type #1 seedlings have large irregularly spaced spines as compared with the small, regular, densely packed ones of the type #2 seedlings. The colouration of the young trunks is also different, with that of the Type #1 saplings being predominantly greenish in colour while the Type #2 trunks have a distinct violet tinge. Mature trees of the Type #2 variety all appear to be predominantly smooth. The short sharp spines on the top surfaces of large branches of old type #1 Silk-Cotton trees are large, regular and quite similar to those on the sandbox tree. Figs 2:25 to 2:28 compares the spines on a young Suriname tree with those on young Silk-Cotton type #1 and type #2 trees and with spines on the branch of an old tree in Barbados.

Fig 2:25 - Spines on a young SC tree in suriname Fig 2:26 - Spines on seedling Type #2 SC tree in Barbados Fig 2:27 - Spines on a 2-yr old Type #1 SC, UWI Fig 2:28 - Spines on a branch of an old SC Type #1 tree

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Chapter 2: Biology

Large buttresses are the most striking characteristic of the mature Silk-Cotton Tree. However, the size and shape of buttresses may vary significantly. The pictures here illustrate some of these differences. While large buttresses is the

single most striking characteristic of mature Silk-Cotton Trees, One should be aware that similar buttresses that may approach the SilkCottons in size and resemble them in shape, are produced by a number of tall tropical trees. Some examples of these are ma

Fig 2:29b - Small buttresses on Type#1 tree, Bar-

Fig 2:29a - Buttresses on Ghana SC tree

Fig 2:29c - Thin narrow buttresses on a type #2 tree in Barbados

Fig 2:29e - Large, thick buttresses on Codrington College SC tree Fig 2:29d - SC at Alexandra School, Buttresses resemble Ghanian trees

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hogany trees, Casuarina trees, the Flamboyant tree (Delonix regia) and the Chorisia silk floss tree. An interesting tree with large buttresses is the KweeKwee tree of Suriname which, when struck, makes a loud distinctive noise that is

used for locating people lost in the marshes. The Silk-Cotton buttresses also make a distinctive noise when struck and is also used for locating people in the forests of Suriname.

Fig 2:31 - Flamboyant buttresses Fig 2:30 - Casuarina tree but-

Fig 2:32 - Bombax sp. tree, Telephone Company

Fig 2:33 - Kwee-Kwee tree in Mangrove, Suriname Page 39

Fig 2:34 - Mahogany tree Buttresses Chapter 2: Biology

Surface Roots
The Silk cotton tree may produce very extensive and large surface roots. The pictures of the trees roots engulfing a temple at Ta Phrom in Cambodia (127) and overgrowing the walls of a ruined Church in Yucatan (149) illustrates the great distances to which these large roots may extend (See Figs 5:26 and 2:35). It has been reported that roots tend to crack roads and buildings. In Barbados, Silk-Cotton roots may spread for considerable distances on the soil surface as illustrated in fig 2:36 at the lakeside at Codrington College. This is also evident for the roots of some Silk-Cotton trees in Porters Woods, Turners Hall Woods and several other locations. With roots as long and massive as these. It is no wonder that the typical householder would be loath to have such a tree near his home.

Fig 2:35 - SC Roots growing in ruined old cathedral - Kikil, Yucatan

Fig 2:36 - SC roots growing on surface at Codrington College, Barbados Page 40

Seasonal Appearance
The Tree differs considerably in appearance between the wet and the dry seasons. In the wet season the tree is fully clothed in waxy leaves and presents a very attractive appearance. In the dry season, leaves are dropped leaving bare distinctive branches that produce flowers then pods and then the floss. The tree is much easier to recognize in the Dry season than in the Wet Season as its distinctive habit stands out from the other trees around it, even when such trees may also be deciduous.

Fig 2:37 - early Dry Season; Leaves dropped, new Buds on tree

Fig 2:38 - SC tree in late wet season in St Lucia, Leaves still on tree

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When the trees are in full flowering during the dry season the soft muted pale colours of the flowers are quite plain on the stark leafless large branches, indeed from the standpoint of the flowers, the Silk-Cotton is not a particularly attractive tree. It is not uncommon in Barbados to see a Silk-Cotton tree in the dry season with leaves, flower buds, flowers and fruit on different parts of the foliage. The capsules are hard and at first green. They become brown as they dry and ripen and then open along longitudinal fissures (valves) which develop in the skin and these then separate and drop onto the ground. They look very much like empty pea shells on the ground under the canopy (Fig 2:43). The fallen capsule shells leave the violet-brown floss balls hanging on the branches (See Fig 2:41) to be dispersed by the wind. The appearance of the leafless tree, decorated in the cottony violet floss balls, is quite attractive as compared with the tree at the flowering stage. The floss balls, after some of the floss have been blown off, look like 5 fingers. (See Fig 2:23) If wind speeds are low, or there are obstacles to their dispersion, individual seeds with the floss attached may
Fig 2:40 - Dry Season, Fruiting, BPods on tree Page 42

Fig 2:39 - Dry Season, Flowering, Fairly unattractive violet-brown flowers

float down under the tree. Generally, however, Since the prevailing winds in Barbados are normally from east to west and are usually very high during the season when the floss is released (the kite season), the floss is blown by the wind in a westerly direction, perhaps for several miles and even uphill. The release of the floss generally takes place around Easter time in Barbados and the violet colour of the floss balls appear to be perfectly in tune with the solemnity of the season and could offer some insight into one aspect of the rationale for Churches being associated with the Silk-Cotton tree in the Diaspora.

Fig 2:41 - Dry Season, Very attractive floss balls on tree

Fig 2:42 - Light grey-violet silken floss on ground some distance from tree

Fig 2:43 - Degraded capsule skins and small black pods on ground Page 43

Chapter 2: Biology

The Silk-Cotton tree, as it is one of the largest and tallest trees in the tropics, usually overshadows most other tall trees in the upper forest canopy. In Ghana, it can typically be seen high above all other trees in the forests as viewed from the roadways. In Suriname it also overshadows other forest trees and is called the Forest Giant. In Barbados, Silk-Cotton trees are relatively short and are usually below the Cabbage palm trees in the upper Gully canopy. However, what some of the Barbados examples lack in height they

Fig 2:44 - A Silk-Cotton tree on the banks of the Saramacca river,

Fig 2:45 - Double trunk tree, Kakun, Ghana

make up for in the width of canopies, trunk and limbs. Thus, truly huge trees in terms of biomass can be seen at Codrington College, Monkey Business and St Philips Parish Church. (See Chapter 4) In our trip to Ghana we were told by the tour guide at Kakun National Park that occasionally some Silk cotton trees were forked and displayed double
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Fig 2:46 - Triple trunk tree, Monkey Business, Barbados

trunks. Such trees were accorded greater respect than the normal types. A number of forked double-trunk trees were found in Barbados as well as two triple-trunk trees. A double-trunk tree from Kankun National Park, Ghana, is pictured here and compared with the triple trunk tree at Monkey Business (Fig 2:45). In our survey in Barbados we came across a number of trees that appeared to be somewhat different

in form or habit to the typical Silk-Cotton tree which characteristically has a straight trunk. One example is the tree near the old Graveyard of Old Sharon Moravian Church which is heavily bent, presumably by the prevailing winds or by the effects of hurricanes. It was reportedly heavily damaged by Hurricane Janet in 1955 but has regenerated well. This tree would have been a quite tall one if it were not bent so severely.

Fig 2:47 - SC tree at Old Sharon bent away from prevailing winds, 18th Century Cemetery at bottom Page 45 Chapter 2: Biology

Longevity of Silk-Cotton Trees

Fig 2:48 - Detail from Schomburgk showing St Philips parish Church around 1847 compared with a picture of the church in 2003 with inset detail showing Silk-Cotton tree

No one questions the lifespan of the Oak tree under which we are told that the Magna Carta was signed in England in 1066. However, it is considered that, with the exception of the Baobab tree, tropical trees seldom reach or live past 100 years. This is despite the contrary evidence that the first Breadfruit tree brought to the Caribbean from the Far East by Captain Bligh of the Bounty was planted in 1792 in St Vincent and is still there. There are strong claims that a Silk-Cotton tree in Curacao is over 600 years old (116) ; one in Santo Domingo exceeds 500 years(113) ; one in Cuba 400 years(146) ;

at least two in Jamaica 300 years; one in Antigua 300 years(129) ; one in Veracruz, Mexico 400 years(147) ; and some in Cambodia 600 years(127). There are a number of Silk-Cotton trees in tenantry districts in Barbados where elderly residents are vehemently convinced that they are well over 100 and even perhaps 300 years old. In addition, there is a significant amount of pictorial evidence that some Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados are much older than 100 years.

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Fig 2:48 shows a detail of a Stonecut of St Philips Parish Church from Schomburgks 1848 History of Barbados (84) as compared with a present day picture of the Church at a similar orientation. The red arrow in the detail points to a tree at the Northwest of the Church which is likely to be the existing Silk Cotton tree, given that in 1869, Chester (23) was so impressed with its grandeur that he compared it with the grandest Oak trees in England (See Chapter 3). Note that in the 2003 picture the Silk-Cotton tree is

obscured by taller Casuarina trees at the front of the Church but the Inset shows the Silk-Cotton tree clearly. The next sequence, shown in Figs 2:49 and 2:50, highlights an old Silk-Cotton tree at Fort Denmark. That tree, as it stands today, appears largely unchanged as compared with the earlier picture of around 1911 which is taken from Sincklers Handbook of Barbados (85) .

Fig 2:49 - SC tree at Fort Denmark, From Sincklers Handbook of Barbados, 1912

Fig 2:50 - Same area in 2003, Same tree

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Chapter 2: Biology

A similar sequence of pictures is shown for Codrington College. A colourized postcard of Codrington College shows the buildings around 1908 (Fig 2.51a). The foliage of the tree at the top right of the picture corresponds with that of the larger SC tree on the lakeside. See the picture of the same area taken in February 2003 (Fig 2:51d) showing the foliage of the silk cotton tree on the top right of the foreground of the picture. The earliest picture of Codrington College that weve seen with a tree that might be one or more of the Silk-Cotton trees is an illustration in the article Codrington College fete (4) in the Illustrated London news of October 26th, 1850. This was found in the Edward Stoute collection in the Barbados National Trust. However, a picture of Codrington College taken in 1870 shows a clear area just beside the lake with a small sapling in the position that is now occupied by the Type #3 tree. If it is that tree, it may indicate that It was planted in 1870 and would now be 133 years old.

Fig 2:51b - Codrington College in 1900 from photo at BMHS

Fig 2:51c - Codrington College in 2003, SC with Palms

Fig 2:51a - Codrington College, 1908 - From Postcard Page 48

Fig 2:51d - Codrington College in 2003, view across lake

The next example is of the Silk-Cotton tree on the grounds of the former Clapham Plantation Greathouse, now the remodeled modern home of Mr. David Tindale of Harris Paints. The appearance of this tree in 2003 is shown in Fig 2:52b as compared with the same tree from a postcard of around 1900 (Fig 2:52a). Significant changes have taken place over the century or so that has elapsed between the taking of the pictures. There have been at least 2 large scale remodellings of the Great house and significant landscaping to develop the present lawn. There is no sign in the older picture of a large Evergreen tree that was to the right of the Silk-Cotton tree and which constrained its branching over the last few decades. The Evergreen Tree died about 2 years ago. Fig 2:52c is a recent Aerial photograph of the Silk-Cotton tree and the Great House kindly given to us by Mr. Tindale.

Fig 2:52a - Postcard picture of SC tree at Clapham Plantation around 1900, From BMHS collection

Fig 2:52b - SC tree at site of former Clapham Plantation, 2003

Fig 2:52c - Recent Aerial Photo of Area at Clapham with SC tree Page 49 Chapter 2: Biology

There are possibly other indicators of age in Silk-Cotton trees. We noticed that some presumably very old trees in Barbados and elsewhere exhibit outgrowths on their trunks or buttresses called Galls. Galls are usually produced by plants as a reaction to attacks by insects or microorganisms. In Silk-Cotton trees the galls weve seen superficially resemble termite nests. The tree at Old Sharon Graveyard has a gigantic Gall and residents there claim that it is over 300 years old. It is interesting that the tree (ceiba-colon) in the Dominican Republic, which is claimed to have been the one on which Christopher Columbus tied his caravel (113) , also has a gall. That tree would be over 500 years old. Similarly, an apparently very old tree in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Paramaribo has a number of large galls. Some other old SC trees in Barbados have galls, but none as large as the Old Sharon tree. Pictured here are galls on an old tree at the Garrison Savannah and one of the Porters woods tree which has large galls also. Old trees are also usually covered in epiphytes. Fig 2:55 shows this feature along with galls on a tree in Suriname. The Silk-Cotton tree appears to have a significant capacity for regeneration. Fig 2:56 shows the apparently dead stump of a Silk-Cotton tree at Porters from which a new shoot is emerging. This tree is one of a grove of Silk-Cotton trees in the Porters wooded area. The Old Fitts village tree stump (See Fig 4:38) might also be still alive. It may be possible that some genetic material could be recovered from its underground roots.
Fig 2:56 - Dead stump of SC tree at Porters with shoot emerging Page 50 Fig 2:54 - Gall on SC tree at the Garrison Fig 2:53 - Huge gall on SC tree at Old Sharon

Fig 2:55 - Gall 0n tree in Suriname Jewish cemetery

Comparison of Silk-Cotton tree sizes in the region

Fig 2:57 - Collage comparing Silk-Cotton tree size in Ghana, Suriname and two sites in Barbados

The collage here compares the sizes of two trees in the Aburi Botanic Gardens in Ghana (Caribeae variety) with two Barbados examples and an example in Suriname. The Ghanaian tree is the tallest of those compared (n.b. the whole canopy is not shown) followed by the tree from Suriname. The Barbados trees are the smallest of the lot. but the canopy of the St Philips Church tree is very wide and comparable with the Suriname tree shown above that, in itself, is wider than the Ghanaian tree. The buttresses of the typical Barbadian tree are significantly smaller than those of either the Ghanaian and

Surinamese trees except that the buttresses of the low branching Type #1 tree at Codrington Colleges lakeside (not shown here) are just slightly smaller in size than either of the above. The width of the trunks of the large Barbados trees, such as one at Porters, one at Warrens and the Codrington College lakeside treeType #1, is generally smaller than but comparable to the typical Ghana or Surinamese ones. At the end of Chapter 4 measurements of the height, canopy width and trunk girth are given for some big trees in Barbados.
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Influence of Environment on Habit

The Silk-Cotton tree has been classified as a sunloving plant (72) . It reportedly cannot tolerate shade. In forest situations the Silk cotton tree is reported to shoot up at an extremely high growth rate (up to 11 feet per year) and produces its first branches at several feet above ground when the opportunity arises for it to do so through the falling of a large tree, land clearing activities, etc. When it is above the forest canopy it develops its characteristic massive buttressed trunk. It can reach heights of near to 200 feet in such environments, hence its common name of The Forest Giant. We found an example of an exceptional rate of growth in Barbados where a young tree at Springvale Old time Museum had grown to around 30 feet in just about five years. However, that tree already has relatively large buttresses. In Barbados, in open, less competitive situations, the trees are usually shorter, limbs are produced closer to the ground and buttresses are often smaller. A tree that was recently planted at Farley Hill illustrates some of these characteristics as do the trees at St Philips Church Graveyard Gullies in Barbados, however, provide an environment that is similar in many respects to forest environments elsewhere with respect to competition for nutrients and light. In some gullies and in forest environments such as at Turners Hall Woods and Porters woods, Silk-Cotton trees tend to grow significantly taller than those found elsewhere on the Island and sometimes approach the size of the giants which we saw in Ghana and Suriname. Such trees tend to produce large buttresses. Fig 2:59 shows the effect of competition on growth. Pool Woods near to Four Roads, St John consists of a practically pure stand of very tall mahogany trees. However, a lone silk cotton there has outgrown its tall mahogany neighbours. Such a situation is commonplace in Ghana, Africa, where Silk-Cotton trees generally dwarf their competitors in the upper forest canopy (See

Fig 2:58 - Silk Cotton tree seen above other canopy trees in Ghana Page 52

Soil Physical and Chemical factors also influence the habit. Thus, where soils or nutrient availability is limiting, large silk-cotton roots may spread for very great distances above ground. We think that the comparatively short stature of SilkCotton trees in Barbados is most likely largely attributable to the tree being on the fringes of its environmental comfort zone here. Barbados soils are generally too thin, clayey and alkaline and soil moisure is generally too low for optimal growth of the Silk-Cotton tree.

Fig 2:59 - A lone SC rising above mahogany trees in Pool Woods

Silk-Cotton Trees in Gullies in Barbados

Silk cotton trees are found growing wild in or on the sides of a number of gullies in Barbados, including Springvale Gully, St Lukes Gully, the Gregg Farm Gully, the Whim Gully and Bridgefield Gully. Opposite is an example of a Silk-Cotton tree in a gully area in St Andrew, Barbados. The tree is over 100 feet tall, branching starts at around 50 feet and it has massive buttresses, reminiscent of the buttresses of the Silk-Cotton trees in Ghana. It should be recognized that there are several gullies in Barbados where we have not found any SilkCotton trees. These include the famous Jack-inthe-Box Gully and Gullies in St Lucy generally. Indeed, outside of St Andrew, St Thomas, St Peter and St Joseph, the typical gully in Barbados is more likely not to have Silk-Cotton trees than to have them.
Fig 2:60 - Large SC tree in Gully in Barbados Page 53 Chapter 2: Biology

The Silk-Cotton Ecosystem

The Silk-Cotton and its enormous branches, trunk and buttresses are themselves an entire ecosystem on mainland Central America and in West Africa. Bats pollinate them. Monkeys use them as aerial highways. Pools of water collect in aerial plants and provide homes for frogs, mosquitoes, etc., and a large variety of insects and animals interact in the Silk cotton canopy. Numerous Birds feed and nest in SC trees and, in the Americas, the branches are favourite roosting sites for the Harpie Eagle of South America, the largest eagle in mainland America (118) . The Harpie Eagle builds very large nests in the top branches and from there searches for such prey as large birds and even mature monkeys.

Fig 2:61a - The harpy Eagle

Fig 2:61b - Silk-Cotton in Suriname covered in Epiphytes, lianas, etc. Picture courtesy of Gene Pollard. Page 54

Commercial Uses
The wood of the Silk-Cotton tree is very light (Specific Gravity 0.24 gm/cm3). The dried wood varies in colour between grey, yellow and white. The grains texture is coarse and pores are diffuse and large. The wood has a high natural durability. The Bark yields a red fibre which is used for paper and ropes in India (24,133) . Hollowed-out trunks were used by locals in the Caribbean for making canoes, coffins, match sticks and more recently, cricket bats. In Ghana, several years ago the Tree was not used commercially, however, plywoods are now produced from the wood, which although light, is sturdy and is also used for making stools, domestic utensils, wooden figures, drums and coffins. It is also used there commercially for boxes, crates, pulp and paper products. Ghana now has a very active, ongoing programme of

Forestry Research on the tree at the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG). In various parts of West Africa the large flat buttresses are made into doors, tables and platters (56,72) . The tree is also used for soil erosion control and watershed protection. The production of Kapok as a stuffing for pillows, lifejackets, etc., was a significant industry in the East Indies in the early twentieth century but that industry has now declined. Kapok is more buoyant than cork as only 200 to 300 grams (1/2 pound) of kapok are needed to keep a grown man afloat (133) . Kapok also makes an excellent sound absorber for Hi-Fi sound studios and may still have some high-end commercial value in that area. Amerindians wrapped kapok around their poison darts to increase the force with which they were released from their blowguns.

Fig 2:62 - Branch of a young SC tree cut showing soft white wood and annual rings which are actually seasonal rings

Fig 2:63 - Traditional Coffins in Accra, Ghana are often made from Silk-Cotton wood or other soft woods

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In the 1960s a method was found for spinning kapok that would allow it to be used for yarn but the economics of its production negated any commercial exploition of this system (72) . However, we are told by Harold G. Lawrence in a chapter in Van Sertimas book (89) that the silk-cotton fibre was woven into fine expensive scarves and handkerchiefs, called Almaizar, by pre-Columbian West Africans. Lawrence claims that the West Africans directly passed on their technology to the Arawakan Guana tribes of South America. It is interesting that in the slave societies in the Caribbean Slaves were reported to use the kapok for pillows but the White Slave masters were said to have avoided its use because of a fear of hallucinations that were supposed to have been caused by sleeping on such pillows. The Taino Indians travelled routinely between the Caribbean Islands in large Canoes made from the trunks of single Silk-Cotton Trees. However their descendants in the Eastern Caribbean use another tree, the Gommier, for their canoes but the Silk-Cotton tree is still used for canoes in Jamaica. According to Amerindian legends, before a tree could be cut down and fashioned for canoe making or other use, the woodman had to wait for a sign from the tree giving permission for such use and even specifying how it would like to be carved or painted (132) . A modern-day use of the tree is as platforms for tourist-oriented forest canopy walks at heights

of over 100 feet. We went on one such tour at Kakun National Park in Ghana where Silk-cotton trees support the rope bridges that constitute the Canopy walk. The Silk-Cotton seed have a very high oil content (22-25% oil). They constitute the diet of some communities in West Africa where they are pounded and ground to a meal and used in soup or eaten after being roasted. The tree is also said to be an important source of honey. Oil from the seeds is used in edible products and also in lubricants and lamps or is processed into soaps and paints. Animal feed is produced from ground seed.

Fig 2:64 - Canoes built from SC tree in Jamaica at top and Gommier trees in St Lucia below Page 56

Medicinal Uses
The Silk-Cotton tree has been used for various medicinal purposes by local peoples wherever it is grown. In Ghana the sap is used to cure conjunctivitis. The bark water extract is diuretic and is used to cure abdominal complaints and malaria. Some chemical components obtained from the bark of the roots show moderate activity against two types of bacteria, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus and two fungi, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans (21,68) . In Ghana, also, the pulverized bark is mixed with the seed oil and used as a skin ointment. Also a Silk-Cotton leaf decoction is used in the bath to soften the skin. Ghanian peoples also use a leaf infusion to treat colic and a lotion, made from the leaf and fruit, is used to relieve headaches and migraines. An infusion made from the bark is used to treat fevers and as a medicine for wounds and the pounded bark is used to increase milk production in nursing mothers. A decoction of the flowers is used for constipation. The seed oil is used for rheumatism and the kapok is used for surgical purposes as a substitute for cotton wool. Weve been told that in Barbados some people used to smoke the dried skin of the silk-cotton pod as an alternative to cigarettes. In Surinames traditional medicine, the seeds, leaves, bark and resin from the Silk-Cotton tree are used for treating dysentery, fevers, venereal diseases, asthma, menstruation bleedings and
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kidney diseases. In Nevis it was used in baths to relieve fatigue and to counteract poisoning In Sierra Leone the bark extract is used as a general tonic. Penelope Honychurch, indicates that it was used in refreshing baths to relieve fatigue and also to counteract poisoning in Dominica (48) . It was also used in infusions in teas against colic and inflammation. In the French Caribbean Islands macerated leaves are reportedly used to stop hair loss. In some parts of Latin America (e.g. Cuba and Brazil) the bark is used in a special tea to make barren women conceive and roots and leaves are especially used to cure venereal diseases and diseases of the urinary tract (35) .

Chapter 2: Biology

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The Silk-Cotton and its folklore in the Diaspora

We outline various aspects of the incidence and folklore of the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados and a number of other Caribbean Islands as well as in Suriname and some West African countries.

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The Silk-Cotton tree figures prominently in the folklore and traditional religions of West Africa as well as of the Caribbean and Central America. Such trees were revered as Gods by both the original African and Amerindian societies in their respective homelands. The tree and its occult reputation is well known to many people in the Caribbean, except Barbados, but the reverence for the tree in most countries has now been corrupted to regarding it as being an abode of duppies and a primary icon of the occult rather than being a traditional deity. In the Caribbean Islands whose history includes Slavery and the importation of Slaves from West Africa the folklore surrounding the Silk-Cotton tree revolves around common occult themes such as: Duppies as well as loogaroo or soucouyan or aseyma live in the Silk-Cotton tree during the day and emerge at night to prey on the unwary. To protect oneself against these denizens of the Underworld, One has to place lots of grains of sand, or rice or other grain around the house. The soucouyant has to count all the grain before it can get in and as long as a large enough quantity is offered daylight catches it counting and it has to leave. In Haiti, Grenada and Trinidad the loogaroo is normally said to be an attractive female except for the fact that she has one good foot and one twisted cows foot and therefore wears a long dress to cover her bad foot. The loogaroo leaves

her Silk-Cotton tree home each night and waits for an unsuspecting person to entice or for a small child to steal. She drinks adult victims blood who then wakes up tired and dotish. This Chapter examines various aspects of the SilkCotton tree in the countries which we visited in the Caribbean and the larger African Diaspora. These aspects include interesting items of history as well as the folklore associated with the tree in the particular country. We start with Barbados. Ligon (62) in his True and exact history of Barbados does not report any Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. However, Schomburgk, Maycock, Watts and also Hughes list Silk-Cotton as one of the indigenous species growing here before the European settlement. Most Silk cotton trees were felled in the relatively indiscriminate clearing of land by the settlers between 1627 and 1665. However, it seems likely that, following this, specific orders might have been made here for the destruction of Silk-Cotton trees to deprogram slaves from expressing their traditional religion. Indeed, Chester in 1869 (23) stated in fact a Barbadian planter hates a tree as a bull does red rags and even though documentary proof of a specific policy for destruction of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados has not yet been found, numerous laws and customs were put in place in Barbados to wean slaves from traditional African religious practices as indicated by Karl Watson (92) who has written extensively on the creolization of slaves.
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Bats, its extensive roots, which could be a nuisance, the discomfiture caused by the dispersal of the floss and the fact that it had no commercial value to the Colonists and its flowers are not particularly attractive might also be some of the reasons for cutting down many of these trees. About a decade or so ago, a Lady from Paddock Road called Winston Small at the Ministry of Agriculture, Barbados, seeking unsuccessfully to have the Silk-Cotton trees there cut down because of the nuisance they created for her and her family through the wind borne floss. Two more recent examples of how the tree is often viewed as a nuisance have been related by Wayne Lewis (61) in the Daily Nation of Thursday 15th July 1999. He tells of a lady in Mellows, St Joseph who fell and broke her ankle after slipping on some Silk-Cotton blossoms. She then tried to get the Authorities to cut the tree down. Lewis, himself, also called on the Authorities to cut down another Silk-Cotton tree on Paddock Road (One of the Garrison trees) because Children have the dangerous habit of hiding in its shell. For a tree that is supposedly indigenous to the Island, relatively few examples survive today. Over the past 8 months weve catalogued less than 150 Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. This may be compared with the thousands of such trees as mahogany that were only relatively recently introduced into Barbados. The tree has strangely taken on an invisible character from the earliest Histories. Only two of the early Histories, Chesters(23) and Griffith Hughes (51) , mention the Silk-Cotton tree in

their text although most include them in their lists of indigenous trees. John Gilmore (39) has recently transcribed a 1789 journal of a visitor to the Island which mentions the very rapid growth of the Silk Cotton in passing. Hoyos, in Barbados our Island Home (49) , like Ligon, gives vignette descriptions of several of the trees of Barbados but does not even mention the Silk-Cotton. The Silk-Cotton trees at Codrington College, at St Philips Church and at Old Sharon must have been outstanding trees in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, yet old pictures or drawings showing the trees at the last two sites have so far been difficult to find. The angle at which pictures of historic sites with Silk-Cotton trees are taken, even in todays touristic environment, usually excludes the Silk-Cotton trees. One exception to this is in Jill Collett and Patrick Bowes book; Gardens of the Caribbean, published by Macmillan Caribbean, where an excellent picture of the two Silk-Cotton trees on Codringtons lakeside is presented, but they are strangely mis-identified as Old Cedar trees (Tabebuia pallida). One good example of the invisibility of the SilkCotton tree in present-day Barbados is seen in the planting of trees at the Delamere Land Arboretum which is now more popularly known as the QEH Arboretum. The Parks and Beaches Commission developed the Arboretum and organized the planting of 36 special trees on November 29th 1978. The Dignitaries planting the trees were headed by the Prime Minister of
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the heads of nearly all the important institutions in Barbados. The Parks and Beaches Commission has a list of the trees planted and by whom. The list, however, does not include the Silk-Cotton tree which, strangely enough, was indeed planted then and is now, arguably, the most outstanding of the trees in the Arboretum. There are some intriguing aspects of the history of the Island that might have involved the Silk-Cotton tree. E.g. Schomburgk (84) informs us that the leader of the first English expedition to the Island (1605) carved on a tree on the shore James K of E and of this Island and that 80 of the first Settlers (22 years later) carved their names on the tree. He reported that the tree survived until 1780 when it fell, perhaps as the result of the great hurricane of that year. If true, could that tree have been a Silk-Cotton tree? The Silk-Cotton certainly fits the most likely specifications for the Settlers tree. It had to be large and imposing and seen as likely to survive for a long time on the beach and it should have had a relatively smooth bark of sufficient surface area that could hold 80 names easily. In this latter regard

Fig 3:1Onekas depiction of the first settlers carving their names on a Silk-Cotton tree on the West coast, Barbados in 1605

the tree could not have been a Manchineel tree, a Sandbox, a Bearded Fig tree nor, indeed, any of the typical beach trees in Barbados except the Silk-Cotton tree or perhaps the Almond tree (Terminalia catappa). The Almond tree is unlikely to have been the Explorers tree as it is not particularly impressive nor noted for its longevity. The Silk-Cotton ideally fits all the requisites for the Settlers tree especially as they would have known that Amerindians revered the SC tree and were not
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trees. In addition, they are likely to have known of the tradition that Silk-Cotton trees were the ones on which Columbus and Cortez moored their ships in countries of the northern Caribbean roughly a century before the Barbados settlement. Amelia Culpeper, around 1887, made an interesting observation in her diary (26) which lends some credence to Ligons claim of extended survival of the tree and our hypothesis on its identity. She states In the NW corner of St James Churchyard there is ...the remains of Rowland Willey ..It used to be said in the family that he remembered the tree on which the sailors off the Olive Blossom (1605) cut James I, R of E. and of this Island. He said it was in what was afterwards the Church yard .. We would therefore not be surprised if this famous tree was indeed a Silk-Cotton tree given the association of Silk-Cotton trees with Church yards that we found and that is described later in this book. Perhaps the most magnificent Silk-Cotton specimens in Barbados are the ones in the St Philips Anglican Churchs Graveyard, where at least one of them could be over 200 years old. The literature indicates that Silk-Cotton trees reach maturity at about 65 years of age and one of these existing trees was mature 134 years ago as is evident from the following; The Reverend Greville John Chester (23) wrote the book Transatlantic Sketches in 1869, which contained a chapter on Barbados. That chapter was generally very uncomplimentary about practically all aspects of life in Barbados. However, he writes about the Silk-Cotton tree

perhaps the finest tree in the Island is the enormous silk cotton in St Philips Churchyard which vies in grandeur with the hugest oaks of Bagots Park or Beau Manor, Its immense spread of branches is indeed amazing The above sentiments exactly matched my own astonishment when I studied the trees in that Graveyard in 2002. The Silk-Cotton trees there were quite spectacular. Although the Silk-Cotton appears on early lists of indigenous plants of Barbados compiled by Schomburgk, Griffiths Hughes (51) and Poyer (69) , these authors do not mention any folkloric anecdotes about the tree. Sinckler, around 1905 does have a Silk-Cotton tale in his manuscript A collection of Legends of Barbados (86) but neither Addington Forde(30) nor Patrick Roach(78) makes any mention of Silk-Cotton superstition in Barbados in their books on Barbados folklore. Peter Laurie, however, does mention the Silk-Cotton tree in his tale of the Steel Donkey in Barbados (59) . Karl Watson in The Civilised Island- Barbados (92) makes the following reference to sandbox trees. The dead are fond of special places. In addition to the graveyard, it was thought that spirits like to secrete themselves in sandbox trees and for this reason they had to be propitiated before the tree was cut. Gifts of liquor were considered appropriate, and in Barbados today some people when opening a new bottle of rum, still pour a few drops on the doorstep or floor of the house as a gift for the spirits.
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If the above reference is correct it would suggest that Barbadian slaves and former slaves had replaced the veneration of the Silk-Cotton tree of their ancestors with similar regard for a local Barbadian tree which only superficially resembled it. However, we think that the allusion above is most likely incorrect in relation to sandbox trees and should have cited Silk-Cotton trees instead, given the documented history of the Silk-Cotton in Africa, Central America and the Caribbean and the fact that the Silk-Cotton tree existed in Barbados throughout slavery side by side with the Sandbox tree. No where else is there a similar tradition or attribution given for sandbox trees, indeed, sandbox trees are not common in Africa from whence the slaves came. Such a mistake is however understandable as the sandbox tree superficially resembles the Silk-Cotton in relation to its spines and is often mistaken, even by agriculturists, for the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados. The above example attests to the general lack of knowledge amongst Barbadians about the tree. Most present day Barbadians, including country dwellers in their eighties or nineties, have no knowledge of the tree itself or its reputation as a duppy tree or the Devil tree or as a sacred tree. However some former residents of Fitts village recall that the tree there was known as the devil tree and that there were tales of the Devil riding a white horse with one horn on his head around the tree. A variant of the devil tale was given by persons living next to the Old

Sharon Cemetery at Grand View where it was claimed that some people said that the Devil lived in the roots of that tree. We have been unable to discover stories of an unwillingness of Bajans, Unlike other Caribbean Islanders, to cut down Silk-cotton trees except tangentially in Sincklers Legends of Barbados. On the contrary, we understand that, even today, emerging SC seedlings are generally destroyed to ensure that none takes root near to houses. This appears to be another testimony to the eradication of African traditions in Barbados as compared to our Caribbean neighbours. It is claimed in the Leeward Islands that while Blacks generally used the kapok for pillows, Whites did not do so because of a fear that sleeping on such pillows would bring on hallucinations and cause duppies to ride them. We could find no references to White people in Barbados using silk-cotton pillows whereas there are several word-of-mouth accounts that black people living near such trees used the kapok for pillows. However, an interesting variant of this superstition is that some white people in Barbados are warned, up to the present day, that the kapok is poisonous and it should not be handled. A Silk-Cotton tree in the St Lukes area was viewed as supernatural as several attempts to fell it failed. A similar story was found in a Trinidad Guardian Newspaper about a Silk-Cotton tree in Belmont, Trinidad (107) .

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Sinckler, in his Legends of Barbados manuscript, tells the tale of Sir William Robinson, a Governor of Barbados between 1880 and 1885, who refused to listen to advice from his Staff and had a Silk-Cotton tree at Government House cut down. Retribution followed swiftly thereafter and his Wife died four weeks after the deed and was buried at St Leonards Church. Louis Lynch, in an article in the Barbados Advocate (64) , indicated that the shade of the Silk-Cotton tree was credited in some quarters in Barbados with possessing an intelligence which, if properly approached, may help supplicants in certain undertakings. He further stated that anyone who owns a piece of land with a Silk-Cotton tree on it can demand an inordinately high price for it from one of the locals (obeah men) We have been told that in the Old-days some enlightened parents would advise their Children not to sit under Silk-Cotton trees because sitting under such trees was reserved for Kings. This was because of a folk-memory that African Chiefs used to hold court under such trees. A neighbour of ours told us that as a young girl she personally witnessed a ball-of-fire flying out of the air, rolling on the ground and then burning her young cousins foot not too far from a Silk-Cotton tree in St Michael on a dark night many years ago. When her adult Uncles came to investigate after the two youngsters fled the scene they found no traces of the ball-

of-fire itself but her cousin carried the scar for a long time. Maurice Hutt (54,55) reported that the Fitts village tree was the last place Poor Millie of folksong fame, was seen before she gon to Brazil. Some former residents of Fitts village confirmed to us that the story was true and that Millie was a real live person who was rumoured to have been murdered nearby the Silk-Cotton tree. In Jamaican folklore it is claimed that the SC tree should not be planted too close to a house because the duppies who live in their roots will throw heat on people as they come and go. The Old Sharon residents in Barbados, who are not aware of the Jamaican belief and live literally under an old Silk-Cotton tree, categorically state that it gets strangely hot at night under that tree. I have personally observed that a mass of the floss, collected under a Silk-Cotton tree, had a temperature that was appreciably higher than the ambient temperature. Perhaps it is this trapped heat that is so noticeable at night under the typical Silk-Cotton tree. Perhaps one reason for the general lack of knowledge of the Silk-Cottons reputed psychic attributes in Barbados is that the typical Silk-Cotton tree here is certainly not as imposing as it is in West Africa or mainland Central America.

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Dominica, like all the other Caribbean islands, appears to be reasonably well populated with SilkCotton trees. The major variety there appears to be of the Caribeae type that is common to the rest of the Caribbean. Lennox Honychurch, the prolific Caribbean naturalist, has documented the following information on the Silk-Cotton in Dominica on the Internet web-page A-Z of Dominica heritage(114) The Creole name for the Silk-Cotton Tree or Kapok (Ceiba pentandra) is Fromager. The name originates from the French for cheese because the early French settlers found that the smell of the ripe seed pod reminded them of cheese. In Dominican folklore it was a tree frequented by Soucouyans who rested on the long angular branches. It grows mainly along the west-coast of Dominica where it dominates the Dry Scrub Woodland. Several villages, such as Massacre, have parts of the community called Fromaj, because a Silk-Cotton tree once grew there and usually still does. Penelope Honychurch recounts in her own book (48) that Caribs rarely used the floss in pillows because they believed their sleep would be haunted. She also recounts that they would not normally cut down a Silk-Cotton tree but considered that the trees could be cut between
Fig 3:2A Silk-Cotton tree in Dominica

March and May as the spirits were absent during that time. The picture above is of an old Silk-Cotton tree at the entrance of Cabrits National Park which was the site of a former Fort. The picture was taken by Sam Gittens.

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Chapter 3; Folklore

Jean Small visited Grenada in March 2003 and she and Winston also visited there in June 2003. They report that most of the Grenadians they spoke to about the Silk-Cotton Tree were aware of its reputation of being a home for Lajablesse, Soucouyants and such like denizens of the spirit world. It appears that this reputation was heightened when a man was killed a few years ago while he was cutting down a Silk-Cotton tree on River road, not too far from the new spanking International Cricket Grounds. There is still a Silk-Cotton tree on that Road side Silk-Cotton trees in Grenada appear to be of the Caribeae type that is common to the rest of the Caribbean. Fig 3:4 shows a Silk-Cotton tree dominating the mountain top at Old Fort George as viewed from Fort Rupert. We saw a very large Silk-Cotton tree in the process of being cut down on the road near to the former Botanic gardens and there are said to be particularly fine Silk-Cotton trees at Mt. Moritz which has a Barbadian enclave and an Anglican Church. A number of Silk-Cotton trees were seen somewhat sparsely distributed throughout the Island but with perhaps a higher concentration in the South Westerly portion of the Country. Jean also visited Grenadas sister-island of Carriacou and, although she didnt actually see them, was told that there were some Silk-Cotton trees in a churchyard on the Western side of that Island.
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Fig 3:4 -A Silk-Cotton tree at Old Fort, St Georges, Grenada

Fig 3:5 -A Silk-Cotton tree in the Willis district, St Georges, Grenada

SilkCotton trees are native to Guyana and its local name is the Jumbie tree or Kumaka tree, the latter being the same name it is known by in Jamaica. Like the other mainland Countries, the SilkCotton tree in forest situations grow to massive sizes and heights. As mentioned earlier in this book the Silk Cotton in Guyana is the favourite nesting site of the Harpie eagle. In Guyana, SilkCotton trees were regarded with awed reverence and fear. It is reputedly still very difficult to be able to find someone who would cut one down as they were said to be the home of spirits and duppies and cutting one down would free these spirits to roam the Earth. Where they had to be cut down, villagers would pour libations on the roots and make offerings of corn or sacrificial chickens. We have been told by a former resident there that Guyana had (or perhaps still has) a SilkCotton tree called Halfway Tree situated on the Highway between Georgetown and Berbice. The Highway was diverted around the SilkCotton tree to avoid cutting it down. Ataur Bacchus, an Engineer and member of the St. Augustine fellows Yahoo group, relates the following tale of his youth growing up in Guyana: In the countryside in Guyana, SilkCotton trees were known to be the preferred homebase of Dutchman. A Dutchman was the ghost of a Dutch sugar plantation owner or man-

Fig 3:6A SilkCotton tree in a forest environment in Guyana, only about 40 feet of the tree is shown. It could be over 175 feet tall

ager, predating his English counterpart. The Dutchman would leave homebase in the tree and hol (hol = possess) children who a) pass too close to the tree or b) act disrespectfully, like peeing (or worse) on the Dutchmans roots. Once Dutchman hol you, you became as addled as any graduate student in the social sciences at a modern university. We have seen some other variants of this tale on the habits of Dutchman and Silk-Cotton trees on the Internet but none so elegantly put.

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Chapter 3; Folklore

The SilkCotton tree is found in Haiti as it is in all other Islands of the Caribbean. The pictures that weve seen of the SilkCotton tree there suggests that the most common SilkCotton type present is also the caribeae type and that very large ones can be found. In Haiti the SilkCotton tree is called the mapou tree and it is considered to be a sacred tree. Like several other Islands, Haitian parents bury the umbilical cord of their newborn offspring under SilkCotton trees believing they will hold the babys soul. There has been significant deforestation of Haiti over the past several decades but mapou trees are often the only large trees left standing as they are only cut as firewood as a last resort by the impoverished Haitians. The 3 to 4 million Tainos Amerindian peoples whom the Spanish colonists found in the Island in the early 16th century were enslaved and mostly eliminated in acts of genocide by the Spanish by the early 17th century. Amerindian slaves were therefore replaced by importation of Slaves from Africa when the French took over the western part of the Island in 1697 (41,136) . The African Slaves brought their traditions with them, including a reverence for the SilkCotton tree which afterwards came to figure prominently in the Obeah or Voudon religious expressions of the Houngans or priests.

Fig 3:7 - Drawing of a Silk-Cotton tree in Haiti

There is a painting (90) by Ulrich Jean Pierre depicting the start of the Haitian revolution on August 14th, 1791, that now hangs in the National Haitian Museum. In that picture the voodoo ceremony that started the Haitian revolution is graphically depicted as taking place under a surrealistic SilkCotton tree. That Silk-Cotton tree still exists with a voodoo temple and a recently built Christian Church close by.

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Fig 3:8The Silk-Cotton tree under which it is reputed that the Ceremonie du Bois Caiman which started the Haitian Revolution was held in August 1791.

In that Ceremony, Boukman, a Houngan originating from Jamaica (or even perhaps Africa) organized a meeting of the slaves in the Caiman woods in the northern mountains of St Domingue (60,134,135,136) . A woman slit the throat of a black pig and served the blood to all participants who then took an oath to kill all whites on the island. Thus was started the first successful Black revolution in the Caribbean. This revolt sent shockwaves of fear of a similar uprising throughout the various colonies in the Caribbean and in America itself. It resulted in further repressive treatment of Slaves to ensure

that they did not follow suit. Thus Slave laws were upgraded (44, 102) and made more harsh, e.g. the frequency of mandatory searchings of all slave huts was increased and the Slave owners themselves could be punished if they did not scrupulously follow these draconian laws. In Barbados, the Obeah laws were promulgated in 1806 with amendments in 1818 and 1819. The latter amendments were connected to a fear of Obeah practitioners fomenting revolution following the 1816 Bussa Rebellion.

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Chapter 3; Folklore


Fig 3:9SilkCotton tree at Dunns River Falls, Jamaica

The Silk Cotton tree is a native tree of Jamaica but there appears to be relatively few trees in the Kingston area at the present time. The most common type that we found in Jamaica, during a short visit there in February 2003, also appears to be of the Caribeae variety. Fig 3:9 is the picture of a SilkCotton tree at the entrance of Dunns River Falls. The base of that tree shows a lack of large buttresses and the texture of the bark is relatively rough as compared to Barbados varieties and there is little evidence of spines on the tree.

The common Jamaican type differs somewhat from the Barbadian types. The older trees are spineless, often have no significant buttresses and have a striated rough bark that is greyish in colour as compared with ones in Barbados that often have a violet tinge. However, some examples were seen in forested areas that resembled the Barbados Type #2 ones. We found a few relatively young SilkCotton trees at the following sites; the Mona campus of UWI; Dunns River Falls and at Hope Gardens in the current IICA Headquarters compound.

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Fig 3:10A SilkCotton tree on bank of RioCobre , Jamaica. Picture taken from a speeding taxi.

Mature Silk-Cotton trees were seen at the entrance of Devon House; the Moneagues district which was a former Amerindian site; along the RioCobre river near Linstead; and along the Kingston to Spanish Town Highway. The SilkCotton tree has a rich folkloric history in Jamaica as is seen in the extract below. The slaves exported from Africa to the British possessions in the West Indies brought with them some of the seeds of African plants, especially those held by them as sacred to fetich in their tropical Africa. The .. silkcotton tree, at whose base I find in Africa so many votive offerings of

fetich worship, they found flourishing on Jamaica... (From Robert Hammill, Nassau quoted in Sacred texts URL) (115) It was also said that the Spanish (the first colonizers of the Island) would bury treasure under a SilkCotton tree, then kill the slave who buried it so that his spirit would guard the treasure. When slaves were ordered to cut down the islands gigantic silkcotton trees, they would sprinkle rum on the roots of the trunks and sing a sad song. This was done to assure the spirits living within the tree that this destruction was not the slaves idea, but rather the will of their masters.

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Fig 3:11An old SilkCotton tree in Halfway tree square near the site of the Tree from which the district got its name

Halfway Tree was named after a large SilkCotton Tree which survived for over 200 years. We found an old Silk-Cotton tree in Halfway Tree Square which we were told was near to the site of the one that gave Halfway Tree its name. A taximan told us that his grandmother often spoke of the Original Halfway Tree as a landmark which her friends used when they came to Kingston to sell their produce. Philip Sherlock, in his History of Jamaica , cites a Carib story which claims that mankinds first food was provided by the Coomaka tree.

So many people crashed cars into them, it helped to reinforce their reputation. .. As for trees in churchyards, I recall such trees in the Anglican parish churches in downtown (real) Kingston and Halfway Tree. Cotton trees featured in a lot of duppy stories and were the bane of a youngsters existence especially on dark nights in the country. In our trip to Jamaica We did not find the original Anglican Parish Church in Downtown Kingston that Trevor describes above but we did find an old SilkCotton tree in the Halfway Tree Churchyard and we can confirm that there are still some large SilkCotton trees on the main road from Kingston to Spanish Town although we were unable to get pictures of them.

From Trevor Ricketts, of the St. Augustine Fellowes, comes this information; There used to be several trees in the Ferry area on the main road from Kingston to Spanish Town.

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St Lucia
We took a short trip to St Lucia in late 2002. Relatively few SilkCotton trees were seen along the highways of St Lucia. As in the other Caribbean Countries visited, the Silk-Cotton trees seen appear to be of the Caribeae type. However, we did not visit any forested areas except the Botanic gardens in the South to see what the trees in a forest environment in St. Lucia looked like. Interestingly, the St Lucia Botanic Gardens does not have a specimen of the tree. In St Lucia the SilkCotton tree is considered an abode of spirits and duppies and is therefore respected by the older generation. Children used to be warned not to go under the tree branches at night many years ago however it does not appear as if that is common practice nowadays. In general it appeared to us that local lack of awareness of the tree and its history approaches that of Barbados except for some older folk.

Fig 3:12A grove of SilkCotton trees in the Bois dorange district,

Fig 3:13A SilkCotton tree near Vigie Airport , St Lucia

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Fig 3:14Silk cotton trees in a clearing in Suriname

Suriname is a part of mainland Central America and the Caribeae variety of the SilkCotton tree is indigenous and common. The SilkCotton tree (the Kankantrie) is still revered in Suriname by the Maroons (who are usually termed Bush Negroes there) as well as the Amerindians.

Caribbean weve visited. They are quite common sporadic features of the Landscape outside the city environs of Paramaribo. The picture following is courtesy of Dr Gene Pollard and shows Winston Small taking a picture of a SilkCotton tree near Kankantrie Street in Paramaribo.

Surinamese people told me that, even in these enlightened days, they cannot get a Maroon or an Amerindian to cut down a SilkCotton tree be- We were told that prior to the arrival of African Slaves in Suriname, Amerindians buried their cause of its religious significance. Hindustanis chiefs under a special Kankantrie and then are the only ones that will do this. In several moved on to another village where another areas Silk-Cotton trees can be seen standing kankantrie was adopted and the process was out on otherwise cleared land (see Fig 3:14). continued when the new chief died. We made two visits to Suriname and have found that SilkCotton trees are fairly common sights in Paramaribo, unlike the other Capitals of the
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The trees under which chiefs were buried were specially marked and treated as supersacred. No one dared desecrate a sacred tree. The Black Maroons who later entered Amerindian territory respected the Amerindian Sacred trees and continued the veneration of these trees in their own traditional way such as making sacrifices to the tree, forbidding any injury to them, etc. Bats pollinate the flowers of the SilkCotton tree and in Lowland SouthAmerican Amerindian mythology, as reported by Peter Drewett in Amerindian Stories: An archaeology of Early Barbados (28) , Bats were considered to move between the living and the dead by these peoples. We visited the Maroon village of Santigron which is quite near to Parimaribo and therefore closer to creolization than the much more distant maroon villages. However, even this maroon village has maintained old Ghanian Traditions in Religion and general aspects of living that are much closer to the Ancient African ways than currently exist even in Africa. Shown overleaf is a scene in Santigron village. In Santigron, we were shown a SilkCotton tree which was mature when the village was first settled in 1863 at the time of abolition of Slavery in the Dutch territories.

Fig 3:15Winston Small taking picture of an SC tree in Suriname

Silk cotton trees are generally considered to reach maturity at about 65 years of age. This tree could therefore be about 200 years old or more. The tree appears to be very healthy, massive, and looks as if it could easily live for a few more centuries.

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Fig 3:16An idyllic scene in Santigron Village, Suriname.

Fig 3:17Religious Objects in a Hut in Santigron maroon village.

Fig 3:18An old Silk cotton tree in Santigron maroon village, seen over the top of a village hut. It is sited next to the cemetery.

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Trinidad and Tobago

One of my lasting memories of Trinidad in the mid 1960s was of a very large SilkCotton tree whose immense buttresses were practically on the road in a corner of the Eastern Main Road near Mount Lambert. That tree was the site of many an accident, several of them fatal. The SilkCotton tree was the dominant tree in Port of Spain prior to French colonisation. Since then most SilkCotton trees there have been cut down and few can now be seen on Trinidad roadways. It is still, however, a dominant tree (in size but not in relative numbers) in Trinidads forest environments.

To weed out obeah, many of these ancient forest trees were cut down by the European Creole planters (104) . Cumucurapo the old name of Port of Spain is an Amerindian word for Place of the SilkCotton Trees, but the French Governor, Governor Picton (17971802) ordered most of these trees cut down because they were frequented by slaves of the Danballah cult practising obeah. It is noteworthy that this order took place just after the Haitian revolution and was evidently designed as a policy to reduce the possibility of a similar uprising in Trinidad since the Haitian revolution was rumoured to have started with a voodoo ceremony under a SilkCotton tree.

Fig 3:19An enormous SilkCotton tree in a Trinidad forest. This is probably the largest one in Trinidad. Over 184 feet tall, buttresses join the trunk at over 40 feet. The trunk is about 11 ft in diameter (Source - ; Trinidad Express) (100)

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Most Trinidadians Ive met know of the SilkCotton and its occult reputation. Silk cotton trees were seen as the abode of spirits in Trinidad and were revered by African slaves and there are several stories about the paranormal aspects of the SilkCotton tree published there (15, 18, 104, 107) . The Tree that features in many of these folktales was one that survived for centuries near the Savannah and the Upside down Hilton Hotel. In Tobago legend, it is said that Gang Gang Sara, an African slave and witch, climbed a SilkCotton tree in Les Coteaux, Tobago, to fly back to Africa, but died when she launched off because she had eaten salt. The place where she reputedly died is a Tourist Attraction (120) . In Tobago there are several SilkCotton trees of which at least one is associated with a former Fort. The deliberate cutting down of SilkCotton trees in the past and even in modern times appears to have been widespread in the Caribbean. For instance all SilkCotton trees in Montserrat were ordered to be cut down by law in 1939 to control insect pests which presumably attacked both SilkCotton and Sea Island Cotton trees. The scientific support for that Law is unclear. However, there was also widespread reluctance and resistance to cutting down such trees in most countries. Nowadays, It is still reputedly quite difficult to find someone in Trinidad to cut down a SilkCotton tree, as doing so is still considered as freeing spirits and duppies to roam the earth. An interesting example of surviving Trinidadian unwillingness to cut down a SilkCotton tree can be seen on the Beetham highway near Port of Spain where a young Silk Cotton tree is practically growing on the Highway and appears to be a menace to traffic. Unfortunately I was unable to get a picture of that tree.
Fig 3:20A Silk-Cotton tree in Tobago reputed to be the Gang Gang Sara tree.

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Fig 3:21SC tree on roadside near Aranguez, Trinidad.

Fig 3:23Photograph, by Cecil Chin, of a 120 ft tall SilkCotton tree in SilkCotton Drive, Valley View, Maracas. Note small buttresses.

Fig 3:22Photograph from the Trinidad Guardian of the famous fallen SC tree in Belmont,

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West Africa - Ghana

Ghana is the country where we started this search for the Sacred Silk-Cotton tree. The Silk-Cotton tree is a very common sight in Ghana. We travelled over much of Ghana during our 2-week tour and found the Silk-Cotton tree almost everywhere, usually towering over all the other trees in the distance. The tree has a long history in Ghana, as in much of the rest of West Africa, and has an intimate relationship with man as most of the trees that are currently found in villages have been planted by man. The Silk-Cotton tree is called the Onyina tree or the God tree in the Twi-speaking regions of Ghana. It is considered, in Ghanian traditional religion, as one of the Lesser Gods and, as such, a conduit to the Supreme Being. Sir James Frazier wrote the Golden Bough (33) , the definitive book on Sacred trees and Obeah, in 1922. This book has been widely quoted by such authors as Louis Lynch in Barbados and is now obtainable as a free Internet book. Frazier in the Golden Bough gives the following information on the Silk-Cotton tree in West Africa: The silk-cotton trees, are regarded with reverence throughout West Africa, .. and are believed to be the abode of a god or spirit. Among the Ewe speaking peoples of the Slave Coast the indwelling god of this giant of the forest goes by the name of Huntin. Trees in which he specially dwells.are surrounded by a girdle of palm-leaves; and sacriFig 3:24Huge Silk-Cotton trees at Botanical Gardens, Ghana

fices of fowls, ., are fastened to the trunk or laid against the foot of the tree. ... (no) silk-cotton tree .. may.. be felled unless the woodman first offers a sacrifice of fowls and palm-oil to purge himself of the proposed sacrilege. Ghanaian children of 4-5 decades ago were told that the tops of Silk-Cotton trees were used at night as meeting places of witches and dwarfs who lived in the buttresses.

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Fig 3:25 shows a silk cotton tree that is an outstanding feature of the site memorializing Okomfo Anokye, a revered priest associated with the founding of the modern Asante Kingdom who is said to have materialized the famous Golden Stool of Asante from the air as well as planting a symbolic Copper Sword in the early 1800s on the site. The Sword has resisted all subsequent efforts to remove it. King Osei Tutu I, along with Okomfo Anokye, founded Kumasi as the capital of the Asante. It is said that he planted three Kum trees. Two died and at the site of the third one, which survived, Kumase (or Kumasi) was built. The name Kumasi is said to mean Under the Kum tree. We have checked all our sources to identify the Scientific name of the Kum tree but to no avail so far. Since Silk-Cotton trees are quite common in this region there is a good chance that they were Silk-Cotton trees.

Fig 3:25SC tree that resembles the Barbados Type 3 tree in the Okomfo Anokye hospital site, Kumasi, Ghana.

Fig 3:25bAncient wood carving of Okomfo Anokye

Fig 3:25c More recent painting of Okomfo Anokye conjuring the Golden Stool from the air. Note the Rasta style locks Page 83 Chapter 3; Folklore

Fig 3:26 is a relatively young Silk-Cotton tree at the University of Kumasi which also has a number of other Old and large Silk-Cotton trees. Fig 3:27b is another young Silk-Cotton tree near to the compound of the revered Queen Mother, Nana Yaa Asantewaa I, who led the Ashantis in the Yaa Asantewaa war against the British colonists in 1900. Nana Yaa Asentewaa is the acknowledged Heroine of the Ashantis and perhaps of all Ghanians. She led the resistance of the Ashantis to British rule in the period when King Prempeh was exiled and shamed the men on the council who were prepared to give up the Golden Stool, the symbol of Ashanti nationhood and valour, to the British interlopers without a fight. Her people eventually prevailed.

Fig 3:26SC tree at University of Kumasi, Ghana

Fig 3:27a Monument to Nana Yaa Asantewaa Fig 3:27b Young SC tree at site of home of Nana Yaa Asantewaa Page 84

West Africa - Benin, Togo and Nigeria

Fig 3:28Map of West Africa

In July 2003 Kofi made another trip to West Africa. This time, in addition to Ghana, he visited Togo, Benin and Nigeria. The map of West Africa above shows where these states are situated. Silk-Cotton trees were seen in each country but it seemed that they were not as common in the other countries as compared with Ghana and it was pointed out that the Silk-Cotton, although still considered a Sacred tree in Togo, Benin and Nigeria, ranks behind some other Sacred Trees. The Silk-Cotton trees seen in these countries appeared to be also of the Caribeae type (Similar to the Barbados Type #2 Silk-cotton tree). It was pointed out by some local people that SilkPage 85

Cotton trees are not generally propagated by chance dispersal by wind, bats, etc. as has been claimed in the literature, but that people usually have to plant them. Thus most of the trees seen in any of the countries have been planted for special occasions such as for the birth of a man-child or in special Groves. Silk-Cotton trees were quite sparse along the roadways of each of these countries as compared to Ghana but in Benin they were found in the compounds of some culturally important sites. Thus in Benin a Silk-Cotton tree dominated a site commemorating the abolition of Slavery.

Chapter 3; Folklore

Few Silk-Cotton trees were seen in Togo (formerly Dahomey) along the roadways. However Fig 3:29 shows one in Lome, Togo. The Pictures on this and the following pages illustrates some aspects of the Silk-Cotton trees seen in Togo, Benin and Nigeria or of Sacred trees in general. Fig 3:30 shows a prominent Silk-Cotton tree at the site of an important memorial to the abolition of Slavery in Benin. The site, in Ouidah, Benin,

Fig 3:29Silk-Cotton tree in Lome, Togo, Scooter taxis in foreground

Fig 3:30SC tree at Slave memorial in Ouidah, Benin

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is called the Port of No Return. The monument was built by the Benin Government to honour the Africans that were taken from the Dahomey Empire during the Slave trade Fig 3:31 shows a big Silk-Cotton tree on the road in Nigeria and Fig 3:32 shows the entrance to the Osun Shrine in Oshogbo, Nigeria. The large tree in front of the shrine is not a Silk-Cotton tree but is nevertheless an extremely tall and massive tree. Some other trees that looked like SilkCotton trees were also seen in the Shrine but we were unable to get pictures of them. There are also some Peregun trees in the Shrine which also contains several of the elements seen in Voodoo / Santeria worship in the New World that were derived from Nigerian and other West African traditional religious influences.
Fig 3:31An SC tree in Nigeria

Fig 3:33Voodoo paraphernalia for sale at the voodoo market, Lome,

Fig 3:32the Oshogbo Shrine, Nigeria

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The final pictures in this section were taken by a friend of Kofis while on a visit to Gambia. She emphasises that the Silk-Cotton tree is a common, outstanding tree in the more westerly countries of Gambia and Senegal.

Fig 3:34SC tree at Site of Independence Arch, Banjul - Gambia

Fig 3:35A grove of SC trees on the banks of the Gambia River, Gambia Page 88

Inventory of Silk-Cotton Trees in Barbados

We document the areas in Barbados where weve been able to locate the Silk-Cotton tree. The trees are catalogued under; Gully associations; Wooded areas; Fortifications; Plantations and other Institutions with abolitionist or liberal associations; Other Institutions and Recently Planted Ornamental Silk-Cotton Trees. The association of Silk-Cotton trees and

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Listing of Silk Cotton Trees found in Barbados

Since August 2002 we have scoured Barbados searching for Silk Cotton trees. We generally found them at more sites than we had initially expected but there were a number of sites where we had expected to find such trees where we found none. The largest trees found were at Monkey Business - St Andrew, Codrington College, St Philips Parish Church, Rock Hall Gully and the Whim Gully, St Peter. The tallest tree was probably in the Rock Hall Gully. The tree with the widest canopy was in the St Philips Parish Church graveyard. The following list details the areas where we found Silk Cotton trees and the number of trees found. This is followed by representative pictures of Silk-Cotton trees found in Gullies, Woods, Institutions, Forts, Plantations and other sites in Barbados. ABC Highway gully 1 Airy Hill, St Joseph 2 Alexandra School - 1 All Saints area - St Peter 2 Andromeda Gardens 1 Bridgefield Gully 3 Bridgefield Tenantry 1 Brittons Hill Area 2 Brydens Compound, Barbarees Hill 1 Bulkeley area 3 Cane garden gully, St Joseph 1 Clifton tenantry gully 1 Codrington College Lakeside 2 Codrington College woods 4 Edghill - Future Centre Trust 1 Ellerton wooded area 2 Fairview Nurseries 1 Farley Hill 1 Fort Denmark area- Speightstown 2 Francia Plantation Woods 2 Garrison Savannah 4 Grazettes woodland area 2 Hackletons Cliff (woods below) 2 Hopewell gully area 1 IICA Headquarters 1 Indian Ground 4 Jackson Area 1 Mile-and-a Quarter, north of 1 Ministry of Education compound 1 Monkey Business, St Andrew 1 Nicholas Abbey area 4 Observatory Rd (Clapham area) 3 Old Sharon Graveyard 1 Orange Hill Gully 1 Pool Woods near Four Roads 1 Porters Great House 2 Porters Woods* 3 Portvale (Gully east of ) 1 QEH Arboretum 1 Rock Hall Gully 2

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St James Cemetery (nearby) 2 St Lukes Gully area 2 St Peters Cemetery, opposite 2 St Philip Churchyard 2 St Saviours gully area 1 St Simons Gully 1 St. Lukes quarry 1 St Lukes gully area 1 Staple Grove Plantation 1 Sunset Crest area 4 Turners Hall Woods * 8 Upper Parks 1 UWI, Cave HillNear Law Faculty 1 Warrens, opposite Baobab tree 1 Welchman Hall Gully 4 Westmoreland Golf club area 3 Weymouth, St Michael 1 Whim Gully * 3

* This indicates that there might have been other Silk-Cotton trees in that area in addition to the ones we recorded.

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Silk cotton trees were found in all parishes with St James and St Thomas having the largest number of sites and trees. The lowest numbers were in the south and eastern parishes of Christ Church and St Philip and in the northernmost parish, St Lucy. The tallest tree in the Island might be in Rock Hall Gully. The next tallest was in the Whim gully where we estimated its height at around 120 ft; its trunk diameter above the

buttresses at 6ft; the diameter of its buttresses at 24 ft, and the diameter of its canopy at 97 ft. The tree at Codrington College was perhaps the biggest in biomass closely followed by the one at Monkey Business which had 3 trunks. Other Silk-Cotton trees of almost comparable biomass were found at St Philips Church, Nicholas Abbey, Indian Ground; Airy Hill and Turners Hall woods.
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Gully Associations
The majority of SC trees in Barbados are found in or near gullies from which some of the other Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados might have originated. The following pictures are of trees which have an obvious association with gullies as they are either in gullies, sited near to gullies or are downwind to gully sites that have recent or existing Silk-Cotton trees. We thought that it was quite surprising that we saw very few seedings or young SilkCotton trees in or near to the gullies. Fig 4:12 is a huge SC tree in the gully next to Monkey Business near to Gregg Farm, St Andrew. At close to 110 feet tall and with 3 trunks this is one of the biggest Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. The tallest tree is probably one in Rock Hall Gully (See Fig 4: 21). The sites are listed generally in Alphabetical order but with some modifications to facilitate the placement of the pictures on the pages
Fig 4:1 - ABC Highway gully

Fig 4:2 - Airy Hill

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Fig 4:3 - All Saints area

Fig 4:4 - Bridgefield Gully

Fig 4:6 - Cane garden Gully area

Fig 4:5 - Bridgefield tenantry

Fig 4:8 - Edghill area Fig 4:7 - Clifton Tenantry Gully Page 95

Chapter 4; Inventory

Fig 4:9 - Fairview Nurseries Gully Fig 4:10 - Greenwich Village gully area

Fig 4:11 - Hopewell Gully area Fig 4:12 - Monkey Businesss Gully

Fig 4:13 - Jackson

Fig 4:14 - Maycocks gully area Page 96

Fig 4:15 - Mile and a Quarter area

Fig 4:16 - Orange Hill Gully

Fig 4:17 - St Saviours Gully area

Fig 4:18 - St Lukes Gully area

Fig 4:19 - St Lukes Village area

Fig 4:20 - St Simons gully area Page 97

Fig 4:21 - Rock Hall gully Chapter 4; Inventory

Fig 4:22 - Upper Parks

Fig 4:23 - Welchman Hall Gully

Fig 4:24 - Westmoreland

Fig 4:25 - Whim gully

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Fig 4:26 - Sunset Crest area

Woodland or former Woodland areas

Silk cotton trees are found in some other wooded areas in Barbados in addition to the well-known Turners Halls woods. Outside of Turners Hall, the most magnificent ones are probably at Porters Woods. The pictures here show SilkCotton trees in various wooded sites. The trees on this page are from the Brittons Hill Area, Codrington College woods and the wooded areas below Hackletons Cliff where two Silk-Cotton trees are highlighted. The Brittons Hill trees have been reported to us by residents to have provided silk-cotton pillows for residents in the old-days. That cottage industry vanished several years ago and the trees are now primarily viewed as nuisances because of the wind blown floss. The trees at Observatory road in the vicinity of the old Clapham Plantation are shown on the next page. They appear to have been derived from a woody area. That page also shows the outstanding tree at Francia Plantation.
Fig 4:27 - Brittons Hill area

The following page shows the trees in Pool Woods, Porters Woods, the Springvale wooded area and Turners Hall woods.

Fig 4:28 - Codrington College Woods Fig 4:29 - below Hackletons Cliff

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Fig 4:30SC tree in Observatory Road wooded area

These trees are also relatively old. The trees in the Springvale eco-farm wooded area appear to have been derived from one old tree upwind of the others. The trees at Turners Hall woods, in the wood proper, are typically near 100 feet tall while there is one, just on the outskirts of the wood, that is quite short. Opposite is an old Silk-Cotton tree at Francia Plantation.
Fig 4:30bSC tree in wooded area at Francia Plantation

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Fig 4:32 - Porters Woods Fig 4: 31 - Pool Woods

Fig 4:33 - Springvale Wooded Area

Fig 4:34 - Turners Hall Woods

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As our research progressed we started to find SilkCotton trees at a number of sites which were formerly used as forts in Barbados. These were in the Garrison Savannah area; the former Fort Denmark which is now used as the Sanitary Department for Speightstown; the Fitts Village area near the site of the former Harris Fort; and the Porters area which housed a former battery. There was probably a Silk-Cotton tree at James Fort (aka Holetown Fort) up to the 1980s prior to the development of that area into a major Government agency as a picture taken around 1948 shows what appears to be a Silk-Cotton tree there. Several of the trees that are near forts in Barbados appear to be quite old, possibly over 100 years, and their survival would have depended on some measure of protection from the persons responsible for the specific areas over a relatively long period of time. There is also a young Silk-Cotton tree in the abandoned Central Foundry yard in Bridgetown. It appears to have sprung up fortuitously but it might have been planted or, though somewhat unlikely, might have been derived from an earlier Silk-Cotton tree in that vicinity. The Central Foundry has been listed as a former military site. There are a number of Silk-Cotton trees in Porters woods and near Porters great house. This area is close to the site of a former fort called Porters River where 4 guns were found in the 1910 His-

Fig 4:35SC tree in Garrison area, Barbados

toric site survey reported in BMHS Journal #1. The former Lascelles Hill Fort was in an area that coincides roughly with the present location of a number of Silk-cotton trees in the Sunset Crest area. The former Quakers Meeting fort was at the present site of St Peters cemetery where there are also Silk-Cotton trees. The Silk-Cotton tree in Fitts Village has for many years been a landmark of the West Coast of the Island. Indeed, much of the Barbadian folklore surrounding the Silk-Cotton is related to that tree. It fell in 2002 but its stump still remains on the site and the roots still appear to be alive as they continue to damage the nearby wall. Silk-Cotton trees also appear to be associated with a number of old forts in some other Islands of the Caribbean. These include Grenada, Tobago, Grand Cayman, the Bahamas and Dominica.

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Fig 4:37Military Cemetery entrance with one SC tree in background. The cemetery has several old SC trees.

Fig 4:36Old Fort Denmark SC tree

Fig 4:38Remains of SC tree at Fitts Village Fig 4:39The other old SC tree near Fort Denmark

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Plantations & Other Institutions with former abolitionist or liberal associations

Silk-Cotton trees were found in a number of areas that have been connected historically with persons or institutions who either resisted some aspect of Slavery or were former slaves or children of slaves. Such trees were often found in relatively prominent positions on the property and were apparently protected. Two such silk cotton trees existed in Kendal Plantation gully, right next to the Great House and not far from the apparently misnamed Yaricos pond up until at least the early 1900s. Fig 4:40 is a reproduction of a postcard from Judnick Postcards of the area around 1910. Kendal Plantation has an interesting History (7) . In the 1700s it was owned by the remarkable Irish Scientist, Joshua Steele, who unofficially freed all his slaves and bequeathed half the plantation to his two natural children born of a Slave at the adjacent Byde Mill Plantation which Steele also managed. It is possible that the liberal minded Joshua Steele might have maintained silk-cotton trees either for Scientific experimentation or out of an appreciation of the history and mystique of the tree. The Silk-Cotton tree at Old Sharon (66) is of interest because of two separate associations. Old Sharon is a place of religious interest dating back to the Eighteenth century and, as such, the siting of a Silk-Cotton tree there is noteworthy.
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Fig 4:41SC tree in Kendal Gully around 1910. Fig 4:40 - Judnick Postcard of SC trees at Kendal, around 1910

However, Sharon was also an institution of significance to the Slaves and Black Freedmen who were reasonably well treated and taught various skills by the Moravian Brethren in sharp contrast to the treatment of slaves by the dominant Anglican Church of that time. In 1985 the Reverent Mr Barker, a former Moravian Minister, had this to say of Sharon (9) For 34 years before slavery was abolished it was the only place that slaves could go.

Sharon Church is golden and there is no negro alive who does not owe Sharon a tremendous debt .... Sharon showed Barbados that the negro has a soul. The white people had said that the negro had neither brains nor soul. Sharon gave the lie to this. It is therefore quite possible that some element of protection of the tree might have been by those slaves who lived in close proximity to it as well as by the Moravian Clergy. Sharon Moravian Church was also intimately connected with Barbados first free black Village at Rock Hall, St Thomas. The gully in this village boasts at least 2 Silk-Cotton trees, one of which might be the tallest Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados. Both trees appear to be old and might have been in existence during slavery. The trees in the current Observatory Road area, formerly Clapham Plantation, appear to be quite old (See Figs 2:52a and 2:52b). The Abolitionist movement, familiarly known as the Clapham Sect, was headed by William Wilberforce and was based in Clapham, England. We have not yet clarified a connection, if any, between the Clapham Sect of England and Clapham Plantation in Barbados but if there is one it could perhaps explain the early nurture and care of the Silk-Cotton tree at Clapham plantation not far from the Greathouse. Mount Clapham Plantation was owned in the 1760s by Nathan Lucas, the father of the Author of the voluminous Lucas Manuscripts that are maintained in the Public Library. The Silk-Cotton tree that is sited at Warrens is another example of a tree that might have been maintained by persons with an appreciation for the trees mystique and folklore. Warrens is the site of a special Baobab tree. That tree would have been imported from Africa by the original owners in 1735. When the Silk-Cotton tree, which appears quite old, was planted is uncertain.
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Fig 4:41Old Sharon SC tree

Fig 4:42Rockhall Gully

Fig 4:43Warrens Area

Chapter 4; Inventory

However, the Plantation changed hands several times over the years and by 1814 it was owned by a George Hewitt, a flamboyant politician and champion of the underdog, who of ten represented the interests of Slaves and free coloured people (6) . When he died in 1854, he bequeathed the plantation to his outside coloured son, James Hewitt, who was educated at Oxford University and himself represented St Thomas in the House of Assembly. The liberal nature of some of the owners, over the years, might be associated with the protection of the Silk-Cotton tree there in their times. The Silk-Cotton trees in the wooded area of the former Grazette Plantation affords another example of a possible connection of the SilkCotton tree with an individual who might have been aware of its mystique and thus protected it. This Plantation was owned by the famous London Bourne in the early 1800s. London Bourne was a former slave who became a respected merchant and amassed considerable property in Bridgetown. But London Bourne was also a man with a great social conscience (57) . He was one of Barbados first Black Activists and was involved in a number of activities to assist freed blacks and slaves including serving on the Board of the Colonial Charity School (St Marys Boy School), working actively in the Society for the Education of the Coloured Poor and other Charitable relief causes and he was instrumental in the establishment of St Marys School, St Pauls School, an Almshouse and a Hospital. However, his activities of greatest

Fig 4:44Grazettes SC tree, former property of London Bourne

relevance here were related to his deep interest in Africa and significant contributions to the movement to repatriate former slaves to Liberia and the Rio Pongas, Gambia (where Silk-Cotton trees were revered). Such an interest in Africa suggests that the existence, care and protection of the Silk-Cotton trees on his Grazettes property might not have been happenstance. London Bournes other Plantation, Friendship Plantation, does not now have a Silk-Cotton tree but we have been told that there is an old one in the immediate vicinity in a gully close to St Matthews Church. It would be interesting to find out if the Plantation itself had one or more Silk-Cotton trees in the past.
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Fig 4:45Drawing of Ashford Plantation, St John, probably of the early 1800s. Note Slave Huts (red arrow) and what could be a SC tree in front of the Slave huts. Picture from BMHS Plantations folder.

The drawing of Ashford Plantation, St John, above appears to have been made in the early 19th Century or before. It shows what appears to be a working Windmill, the Factory Yard, the Great House, the Pond in the foreground and of greatest interest, the Slave Huts in the Nigger Yard. Standing before these huts is a large tree with distinctive buttresses and an unbranched thick trunk that resembles a Silk-Cotton tree. We visited Ashford on May 21st 2003. The Greathouse is there. The dried up pond site is there. The Windmill is no longer there. The Slave huts are also no longer there. But we were told by a worker that a Silk-Cotton tree was indeed sited in the general area given in the drawing and survived until some years ago. This has been denied by the current owner but there may yet be a possibility that an earlier Silk-Cotton tree stood in that general area in the Nigger yard during Slavery.

Fig 4:46Ashford Plantation,2003; in the area where a SC tree was said to have been sited

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Chapter 4; Inventory

Other Institutions
Some Silk-Cotton trees were found in situations in which there are no obvious present-day connections with gullies, religious sites, forts or current wooded areas. Weymouth formerly housed Combermere School. The old Silk-Cotton tree in the yard of the former Headmasters house there might have predated the establishment of the School on that site. It might even have been there when Weymouth was a small Plantation of 18 acres in 1870. The tree at the Alexandra School shows some characteristics of having been established in a woodland area and is growing on the North west of the Merton property which was adjacent to a former Wesleyan Mission House (87) .

Fig 4:48Weymouth, site of residence of former Headmaster of Combermere School

Fig 4:47SC tree at Alexandra School Page 108

Fig 4:49SC Tree behind ruins of Central Foundry

The Tree at Staplegrove might be a survivor from a former gully but its orientation in relation to the Great House suggests that it might have been on or near to a former Nigger Yard. The same is also probably true for the tree at Francia Plantation (Fig 4:30b). We are continuing our efforts to get hard data to confirm or reject this hypothesis. Sandy Lane was formerly an extensive Plantation and was only converted to a Hotel in the 1960s. The former Sandy Lane plantation

was heavily wooded and the Silk-Cotton trees there show some of the characteristics of having arisen in a woodland situation, or perhaps having been imported from elsewhere. It is to the credit of the developers that they retained these trees for their Hotel venture. The picture of a Silk-Cotton tree at Sandy lane (Fig 4:51) also shows in the foreground some plants resembling the Sacred Peregun tree of Nigeria.

Fig 4:50Old tree at Staple Grove Plantation

Fig 4:51Silk-Cotton tree at front of Sandy Lane Hotel

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Chapter 4; Inventory

The Silk-Cotton tree in Barbarees Hill is an outstanding old tree. There was a Barbarees Plantation around 1825 as a Plantation of that name is listed in Barralliers Map of 1825. However, the site of the former Plantation House and Nigger Yard is not clear. If they were near to the Silk-Cotton tree it would provide another link in our hypothesis of the associations of such trees with nigger yards. The trees at Bulkeley might have been derived from a tree upwind of it, perhaps from the St Lukes area, but they were most likely planted there. The Bulkeley Property was owned by only five families over the 265 years of its existence after settlement (50) . A 1794 survey map of Bulkeley (4) , then called Stepney Plantation, suggests that where the Silk-Cotton trees now stand was the site of a former Nigger Yard of that Plantation. There is a curious coincidence that links three of the plantations on which we have found existing Silk-Cotton trees in relatively prominent positions near the Great House. Mr Douglas Gay, a prominent Black Agriculturist of the early to mid 20th Century was involved in the management of each of these estates (Bulkeley Estate, Staplegrove Estate and Springvale Plantation) at different times in the early 1900s (95) .

Fig 4:52SC at Brydens Warehouse, Barbarees Hill

Fig 4:533 tall mature SC trees at Bulkeley compound

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Recently Planted Ornamental Silk-Cotton trees

The Silk-Cotton trees illustrated on this page were all that we found that were planted and maintained over the past 25 years by Institutions in Barbados. The tree in the QEH Arboretum is already bearing very heavily and the gently floating floss is said to be a great nuisance to the people using the parking area. The others are not yet bearing. Figs 4:58 and 4:59 show two trees planted about three years ago by the Biology Department of UWI. One is near the Law Faculty of UWI and the other is at IICA headquarters, Pine Gardens. The SilkCotton Tree at the Ministry of Education, the former site of the Queens College Secondary School, appears to have been planted about 15 or so years ago. The Silk-Cotton is obviously not a very popular Ornamental tree.

Fig 4:54young SC tree in Ministry of Education compound

Fig 4:5525 year old SC tree at QEH Arboretum, Delamere Land

Fig 4:56young SC tree at Farley Hill National Park

Fig 4:57Andromeda Gardens, tall SC tree not yet bearing.

Fig 4:58young SC tree at IICA Barbados Headquarters, the Pine. Page 111

Fig 4:59young SC tree at UWI, Cave Hill, near Law Faculty.

Chapter 4; Inventory

Statistics on some Big Trees in Barbados

The measurements below give some idea of the relative sizes of some big trees in Barbados. The same system was used to measure the biggest tree in USVI which is a Baobab Tree that amassed a score of 729 points. The biggest tree in Puerto Rico is a silk-cotton tree
Tree: Silk Cotton

with a score of 926 points. The biggest tree in the US is a Californian Giant Sequoia with a score of 1300 points.

Location: Codrington College Trunk Circumference (ins):420 Tree Height (ft): 77

Crown Diameter (ft): 98 Score (C+H+1/4D); 522 Tree: Baobab Location: Queens Park Tree: Silk-Cotton Location: St Philip Parish Church Trunk Circumference (ins):288 Tree Height (ft): 64 Trunk Circumference (ins):744 Tree Height (ft): 44

Crown Diameter (ft): 57 Score (C+H+1/4D); 803

Crown Diameter (ft): 150 Score (C+H+1/4D); 389 Tree: Ficus Tree: Silk-Cotton Location: Monkey Business Trunk Circumference (ins):355 Tree Height (ft): 111 Location: Thickett Plantation Trunk Circumference (ins): Tree Height (ft): 58

Crown Diameter (ft): 150 Score (C+H+1/4D); NA

Crown Diameter (ft): 94 Score (C+H+1/4D); 490

Tree: Silk-Cotton Location: The Whim Gully Trunk Circumference (ins):331 Tree Height (ft): 129


Bearded Fig Tree

Location: Bdos Dance Theatre Trunk Circumference (ins): Tree Height (ft): 90

Crown Diameter (ft): 97 Score (C+H+1/4D); 484 Page 112

Crown Diameter (ft): 133 Score (C+H+1/4D); NA

The association of Silk-Cotton Trees with Religious sites

Our search for Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados found a number of Silk-Cotton trees associated with Churches, Graveyards and other Religious sites. We also found that there were similar associations throughout the Caribbean and, indeed, the Tropics.

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

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Sites in Barbados
Silk cotton trees were found in Barbados at, or near to, the places connected to religion or religious practices below; St Philips Parish Church St Johns Parish Church Old Sharon Graveyard Grand View Codrington College St James Cemetery - vicinity St Peters Cemetery - vicinity The Military Cemetery, and The 7-days Adventist Church In addition, SC trees existed quite recently in St Marys Churchyard (1995) and also, we understand, at All Saints Church in St Peter and the Christ Church Parish Church Cemetery. There is a possibility that one or more Silk-Cotton trees existed at or near St Georges Churchyard as the gully nearby had a Silk-Cotton tree next to Gorings Shop where the new Post Office is sited. In addition, the Silk-Cotton tree at the Alexandra School was originally in or near to an Old Wesleyan Mission and Porters Mansion, where a number of Silk-Cotton trees still exist, is reputed to have been built by the Rev. Dudley Woodbridge, the first Rector of St James Church. Porters served as the Rectory for that Church. Other trees were found on sites at Indian Ground which is reputed to have been an Amerindian site as well as in the St Lukes gully area where Amerindian artifacts have been found.

Fig 5:1 - St Philip Parish Church, Gravestones framed by SC branches

Slaves have been reputed to have been often buried in Gullies as well as in Graveyards near to the slave compound Nigger Yards. There is one such field at Springvale Plantation, St Andrew, which has an old Silk-Cotton tree nearby. It appears that that tree might be the source of the seed which might have spread downwind to populate the Springvale gully area with a few Silk-Cotton trees. An article in Church of England News may shed some light on why trees that are sacred in other religions are often found on and carefully tended at Christian religious sites (109) . The Bishop of London and the environmentalist David Bellamy have launched a new millennium project designed to plant Yew Trees in every parish in the country. .. The evergreen yew was a sacred tree to the Druids and Celtic people. When St Augustine brought Christianity to England he was told not to destroy the pagan shrines and places of worship but to bring the Church there.
Chapter 5; Religious sites

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This explains why so many ancient yews predate the churches in whose churchyards they stand. Silk-Cotton trees were the sacred trees of the Amerindians in the New World and these trees were already here before settlement. Could the early Missionaries in the Caribbean have followed the above policy and sited their Churches on holy sites with existing SilkCotton trees? It is clear that there are many examples of European cathedrals built over Inca and other Amerindian sites in the Americas and these sites in Central America are also noted for Silk-Cotton trees. (See Fig 5:2) We will show that Silk-Cotton trees are found in many Christian Churchyards in the Caribbean and Central America. We suggest that the balance of the evidence indicates that the Silk-Cottons presence in these sites is a confirmation of the policy above. We think that there might also be a connection with Freemasonry. Sacred Trees are rumoured to be involved in the rituals of some pre-masonic groups such as the ancient Druids and the regalia of the Masons include a sprig of Acacia leaves. Freemasons and freemasonry have been documented in Barbados from the 18th Century (e.g. The Ancient Order of Foresters had a Chapter here since the early 1700s). In addition many senior clergymen were and are members of lodges such as the Albion Lodge in Barbados (10,27,143, ) .

Fig 5:2 - Spanish Cathedral built over Inca Pyramid at Cholula

Fig 5:3 - SC tree at Old Sharon

One of the most interesting Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados is the one at the Old Sharon site. This tree is evidently a very old one. The Old Sharon cemetery is less than 50 yards from the tree and there is no current Gully association, although 300 years ago there might have been such an association as a cultivated depression, that was probably a gully, now runs in front of the area.

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There is quite a large Silk-Cotton tree in the churchyard of St Johns Church. This trees appearance suggests that it might be of similar age to the apparently aged ones in the St Philip Church Cemetery or Old Sharon. The tree might therefore be old enough to have predated the reestablishment of the Church on that site (1835) following the great hurricane of 1831. Perhaps it might even go as far back as the 17th century establishment of the original Church. There is no gully associated with this area and there is no gully site upwind of the area. The location of the tree at the present time therefore suggests that the origin of the tree was probably by deliberate planting of a seed rather than by fortuitous growth of a stray seedling especially since the vast majority of Silk Cotton trees are planted by man. However, since Silk-Cotton Seed can float very high in the air there is therefore a very remote possibility that the tree might have originated from seed from below the cliff.

Fig 5:4 - St Johns Church with SC tree in Foreground

The stone drawing of the Church in Schomburghs history (1847) opposite, shows a tree that may be this one. However, we are continuing to try to locate clearer old pictures of the surroundings of the Church that might give us some better clue as to when the tree was planted or first noticed there.

Fig 5:4b - Stone drawing of St Johns Church, around 1846, from Schomburghk Page 117

Chapter 5; Religious sites

The large old Silk-Cotton tree in the graveyard of the St Philip Anglican Church appears to be hoary with age. Shilstone E.M., in BMHS Journal Vol. IV, indicates that it reputedly marked the site of the Old Church (built pre-1645) that was destroyed in the 1831 Hurricane (82) . The other early reference Ive found on the tree is in Chesters Barbados, first published in 1869 (23) . The tree could therefore be a relic of the Old Church. The form of the tree suggests that it was either planted in the Graveyard or fortuitously grew up there and was carefully tended to produce a canopy spread that is quite extraordinary (over 130 ft. in diameter) as this variety does not produce such massive wide spreading horizontal lower branches in a situation where it has to compete with other trees. Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados have long been subject to summary destruction once discovered. However, the trees in the St Philips Parish church graveyard have clearly been well protected over the years even though several parishioners complain up to now about the nuisance of the regular, copious production of floss. Moreover, the branches are very low and could easily injure anyone moving under them because of their sharp spines and brittle nature. Codrington College has two of the most interesting Silk-Cotton trees in the Island neat to the lake. These trees are each close

Fig 5:5 - SC tree in St Philip Church Graveyard

to 70 feet tall but a bit shorter than the other more typical Silk-Cotton trees in the nearby Codrington Woods. The growth habit of the Codrington lakeside SilkCotton tree illustrated here closely resembles some famous silk-cotton trees in other countries in the wider Caribbean region. These are the Ceiba-Colon tree in Santo Domingo(113) ; A hollow SC tree which is a major tourist attraction in Antigua (129) ; a tree in Curacao at a former church site called Hofi Pastor (116) and, at the wharf in La Antigua, Mexico (147), a tree onto which Cortez is claimed to have tied his Ship at the turn of the Sixteenth Century (See Figs 2:15 to 2:17). Claims of great ages have been made for all these trees. It is perhaps noteworthy that one of the Codrington College lakeside trees has a small gall which we consider might be a sign of old age.

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Fig 5:6 - One of the two Codrington College, Lakeside trees

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

St Marys Church was reputedly the site of the Justice Tree under which Governor Sir William Tufton was shot in1631 by order of Governor Henry Hawley. Canon Basil Ullyett(94) recounts the story and also indicates that Tufton was buried at St Marys. E.M. Shilstone in Old days and old ways in Bridgetown (83) tells us that the current St Marys Church was the site of the original Parish Church of St Michael but it fell into disrepair and its grounds were used for burials of coloured people. He also informs us that the Justice Tree in the churchyard was used for hangings as well as for public rejoicing The Justice Tree was a Silk-Cotton tree and it survived in the South East quadrant of St Marys Churchyard until July 1995 when it fell down. That same tree was referred to in the Lucas manuscripts around 1820 when Lucas poohpoohed the possibility that it could have been the one that was there in 1631 because the tree appeared to him to be only about 50 years old at the time of his writing (63) . However, Canon Goodridge points out in his booklet on St Marys (40) that a 1776 survey of the St Marys property showed the Justice tree as a prominent landmark. Lucas guesstimate of the age of the Justice tree in 1820 was therefore not accurate. Indeed the identification of the Silk Cotton tree as the Justice tree in the 1776 survey suggests that at that time the Justice tree tradition was taken seriously. What is quite clear, however, is that the tree lived for 219 years after that survey.

We show in another chapter of this report that a Silk-Cotton tree at Fort Denmark has remained virtually unchanged in appearance for over 89 years under harsh conditions and weve also shown that Silk Cotton trees in various parts of the tropics have been reported to live for several centuries. This includes one which we were told died just a few years ago but existed for over 339 years at St Andrews Parish Church, Halfway Tree, Jamaica. Fig 5:7 was taken from the article in the Barbados Sunday Advocate of July 23rd 1995 by Peter Campbell (20) which reported on the falling of the Justice tree in St. Marys Churchyard on 19th July 1995. Mr Campbells conclusion was that the legend of the tree being the one under which Sir William Tufton was executed was unlikely to be true. We however contend that it is quite possible that Campbell, Lucas and the other commentators, including Canon Sehon Goodridge (40) who, over the years wrote that the Justice Tree connection with Sir William Tufton was a myth, might well be wrong.

Fig 5:7 - Fallen SC tree at St Marys Church

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In our view, the contrary opinion is no less valid and it is not inconceivable that the tradition is correct and the Justice Tree existed for over 334 years in St Marys Churchyard. The Military Cemetery at Gravesend (2) has a number of old, well-maintained Silk-Cotton trees. This cemetery was established in 1820 and it is possible that the Silk-Cotton trees were there from before that time as Silk-Cotton trees appeared to have been common in that area in the past. It is also possible that they might have been planted at the time of establishment of the Graveyard. The placement of most of the gravestones in the cemetery, where no gravestone appears to have been disturbed by the extensive buttresses or roots of the trees suggests that the trees predated the gravestones. A number of Silk-Cotton trees were also found in the vicinity of the St James Cemetery. Those trees are most likely derived from a nearby gully . There is a large Silk-Cotton tree in the compound of the Seven-Days Adventist Church just opposite the Dalkeith Methodist Church in Brittons Hill. It could be amongst the oldest Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados if its size, condition, colour of bark and general appearance could be used as indicators of age.

There is a large, apparently old Silk-Cotton tree on the north western edge of the Alexandra School. That property formerly abutted a Wesleyan Mission as shown in the 1898 map of Speightstown (BMHS Church Folder) . Perhaps that tree could also be classified as a tree with a religious association. Bridgefield Tenantry was a former burial site as recorded in BMHS volume 1. Fig 5:8a shows the Silk-Cotton tree in Bridgefield Tenantry. This tree is also very old. An aged resident claims that it must be well over 200 years old. There are a number of Churchyards and Graveyards in Barbados which, although they do not now have Silk-Cotton trees, might have had such trees in the past. These trees would have died by natural causes or other means. For example, anecdotal evidence suggest that there were two Silk-Cotton trees in Christ Church graveyard up to the 1950s. Those trees are no longer there. We have also been told that there might have been at least one Silk-Cotton tree in the vicinity of the All Saints Church in St Peter until quite recently.

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

Fig 5:8 - SC tree at Military Cemetery

Fig 5:8a - SC tree in Bridgefield Tenantry

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Fig 5:11 - SC tree in yard near to St. James Cemetery

Fig 5:10 - SC tree on Seven Days Adventist Compound, opposite Dalkeith Methodist Church

Fig 5:9 - SC tree opposite St Peters Cemetery

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

In our visit to Suriname we were told that Amerindians there had a tradition of burying their Chiefs under special Silk-Cotton trees. It is likely that this habit would have been transferred to the Caribbean islands when small groups of these Amerindians explored and settled here. We therefore think that some of the former Amerindian settlement sites here might have had Silk-Cotton trees, some of which (or their offspring) probably persists until today. Indian Ground is reputed to have been an Amerindian site in Barbados. A grove of 4 SilkCotton trees, including one of the tallest in Barbados, was recorded in a gully there. Codrington College was also a site on which Amerindian burials have been documented. So too was the Indian river area not far from where St Marys Church, the original graveyard for Bridgetown, is situated. The St Marys graveyard is also possibly the earliest consecrated burial site in Barbados. The St Lukes gully area was also a site on which Amerindian relics were found. A number of Silk-Cotton trees were also found there. There was an amerindian settlement in the Clapham area and it may not be a coincidence that we found a grove of Silk-Cotton trees in that area. Three Silk-Cotton trees were found at St. Nicholas Abbey which is a Plantation and not a church. St Nicholas Abbey is situated next to a gully

Fig 5:12 - SC tree in Gully at Indian Ground

and it is likely that the trees there might have originated from that gully in the distant past. However, we would not be surprised if the St Nicholas Abbey area is discovered to have been a former Amerindian site. In summary, Silk-Cotton trees are relatively rare in Barbados but have been found at a number of sites that are currently or formerly associated with religious activity ranging from Amerindian burials to modern Christian burials. Many of these trees are aged and it is possible that some might have predated the establishment of Chrictian Churches on the sites.
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There appears to be a clear association between Silk-Cotton trees and religious sites in Barbados. This is unlikely to be a coincidence because the trees have survived at these sites while being generally absent from Lay institutional sites. Survival in the church-related sites must have either required a significant level of continuing protection by influential entities given the current and past predeliction of the populace for cutting down such trees or the current distribution pattern must have remained constant over several centuries.

Fig 5:13a - Back of St. Nicholas Abbey , SC trees behind shed

recently at Codrington College, St Philips Parish Church, St Johns Church, St Marys, etc., might have predated the establishment of those churches in the 17th Century or might be the direct progeny of trees that were originally growing there.

The occurrence of these trees at the Could it be that the Early English Religious planners carefully pre-nineteenth Century Anglican sited their Graveyards on Amerindian sacred sites in BarbaChurches is even more striking dos? If so, this could explain the occurrence and survival of when one recognizes that none Silk-Cotton trees on a number of these sites. of the more recently built Anglican churches have these trees. This Residents close to the former Moravian Cemetery at Old Sharon claim that people were buried under the tree several lends some support to our hyyears ago. They also claim that the Moravian priests in the pothesis that the trees currently or Eighteenth century used to sleep between the buttresses of the old tree there and displayed huge interest in that tree. It has been suggested by a Senior Cleric of the Anglican Church in Barbados that the main reason for the observed association between Silk-Cotton trees and Churchyards or Graveyards in Barbados is that the Church prefers to place their churches and graveyards on sites that are well shaded to ensure the comfort of users. This may be so. However there may well be other factors involved.
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Fig 5:13b - A large SC tree in Gully area behind Nicholas Abbey

Chapter 5; Religious sites

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Some of the observations that suggest that providing shade might not be the main reason for the occurrence of Silk-Cotton trees at churches and graveyards are:-1) the Silk cotton tree is bare, or partially bare of leaves for several months of the year; 2) It adds to, rather than lessens, the discomfort of parishioners through its irregular, copious and annoying production of floss; 3) The bats with which it is associated create a nuisance in nearby roofs or churches; 4) The Silk-Cotton tree is rarely found outside of gullies or wooded areas unless in association with churches, graveyards or forts. 5) Other Institutions, such as Schools, also have a preference for shade trees but the only School where we found a Silk-Cotton tree was at Alexandra School, St Peter and that tree has some characteristics that suggests that it initially grew in a forested environment and that it might have started its life at or very near to a 19th Century religious establishment; 6) Several alternative Shade trees exist that do not have the negative pagan image of the Silk-Cotton tree The Plantation is the other institution which is noted for having shade trees in the yard of the Great House but there are only four Plantations, out of the over 300 that existed in the Island, where we found Silk-Cotton trees in a relative position of prominence where they might have been used for shade. These were at Staple Grove Plantation, Bulkeley Plantation, Francia Plantation and at the former Clapham Plantation.

The Silk-Cotton tree that we found at the former Clapham Plantation seems to have been associated with or derived from a nearby grove of Silk-Cotton trees and was evidently not part of the Plantation Yard of the original Greathouse as is clear from a picture of the early 1900s that shows the tree in a pasture near the Greathouse which might have been originally a Nigger Yard area. See Fig 2:52a. The tree we found at Staple Grove plantation appears to be very old. It appears to be derived from a former gully. However, its current proximity to the Great House suggests that it would have been protected by entities at the Plantation over many years. We are trying to determine if the area where the tree is sited might have been a former Nigger yard. The Bulkeley Plantation trees might also have been protected by similar entities. The Silk-Cotton trees at Francia, Springvale Plantation, Fairview Plantation, Nicholas Abbey and Hopewell Plantation are clearly associated with gullies or wooded areas and were not used as shade trees in a position of pride in the compound of the respective Great Houses. Plantations and other Institutions therefore did not generally use the silk-cotton as an ornamental shade tree.

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

The following question might therefore be posed. If Plantations and other institutions such as schools did not generally use the Silk-Cotton tree for shade or as an ornamental tree, why would the Church do so, given the Trees obvious reputation of being an obeah tree and in spite of its other various attributes that might be considered a nuisance? We think that the Early Church in Barbados deliberately chose to associate its consecrated sites with Silk Cotton trees in the early years of settlement and that newer churches lost or generally did not follow that tradition. It would not be surprising to us if further research demonstrates that some of the trees currently found in or near current Churchyards and Graveyards in Barbados have existed in those spots prior to the churches being built there (some, perhaps prior to settlement) or are direct descendants of such trees. We think that such research might also substantiate our hypothesis that the early Church, for whatever reason, actively or passively, promoted the mystique and the superstitions surrounding the Silk-Cotton tree by maintaining such trees in prominent positions near or in their Graveyards. The research for this aspect of the study was mainly conducted at the Barbados Museum and Historical Society. However, documents such as surveys of the Churches and Graveyards, letters by various priests, etc., might exist that could allow us to more precisely date the trees and identify the factors surrounding their survival at the relevant sites. Such documents might

Other Caribbean Sites

Fig 5:16a - One of the Old SC trees in the Military Cemetery , Morne Fortune, St Lucia. Picture courtesy of Lionel James

The association between Silk-Cotton trees and Churches is a Caribbean phenomenon and is not unique to Barbados. We have also recorded Silk-Cotton trees associated with Churches or graveyards in St Lucia, Dominica, Curacao, Suriname and Jamaica and we think that it is quite possible that Silk-Cotton trees are or were associated with such sites in all the other Caribbean Countries. For example there was an outstanding Silk-Cotton tree in the Graveyard of the Catholic Church

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in St Georges, Grenada up to two years ago and we actually saw a Silk-Cotton tree next to Constantine Methodist Church in the Southwest of that Island. We have also been told that there are three old Silk Cotton trees in Buxton Cemetery in Guyana. Unfortunately we did not get pictures of those trees. Oneka visited Dominica in April. While on a tour of the Island she saw a number of Silk-Cotton trees including an old large one in a graveyard and got a picture of it taken by a friend. The picture opposite (Fig 5:16) is courtesy of Samuel Gittens and shows some tombstones in the foreground and the Old large Silk-Cotton tree in the background. Oneka and I also took the opportunity to search for Silk-Cotton trees in Suriname while on a visit there in January. We were especially interested in trees associated with Churches or Cemeteries. In general, Paramaribos churches and cemeteries do not typically have shade trees as is characteristic of the Caribbean Islands weve visited. However, despite this, some very interesting associations of Silk-Cotton trees and Cemeteries were found. We visited Santigron, a maroon village of 2000 inhabitants which was founded by former slaves at their emancipation in 1863. The villagers have retained all the original religious, lifestyle and other Ghanaian customs of their ancestors. We saw a bush bath being performed on a lady whose husband and another relative

Fig 5:16 - Old SC tree in Graveyard in Dominica

had recently died and the trappings of African Traditional worship were all around. We found a Silk-Cotton tree that was sited next to the village cemetery and the guide informed us that it was a mature tree prior to the establishment of the village in 1863. We also found a silk-cotton tree next to the main non-denominational cemetery in Paramaribo (See Fig 5:17).
Chapter 5; Religious sites

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The most interesting association in Suriname, however, was that of a grove of very large old Silk-Cotton trees with an old cemetery and a Masonic lodge (Loge Concordia) in Paramaribo. Pictures of these trees are shown in Figs 5:19 and 5:20. The area in which the Silk-Cotton trees and the Old Jewish Cemetery and the Masonic lodge is sited is called the Bloemendaal district. The Jewish cemetery covers both sides of the road and It appears that it occupied the whole of that area in the late 18th century, including the grounds of the current Masonic lodge on whose boundary the huge Silk cotton tree seen on the next page is sited. The walls of the Masonic lodge were deliberately realigned fairly recently to enclose the trees massive buttresses and gravestones can be clearly seen abutting the walls. It may be of some interest to note that the first permanent Plantation Settlement of New World Jews was in Suriname in a region called Jodensavanne. The leader of the Black Jews there in

Fig 5:17 - SC near a Paramaribo Cemetery. Picture courtesy of Gene Pollard

1790 was Joseph de David Cohen Nassy. There were significant interactions between the Black Jews and the European ones in Jodensavanne and indeed some features of the cemetery reveal the influence of Congreganten Jews of African descent. Jodensavanne today has a number of old Silk-Cotton trees at the Cemetery site which might be survivors or offspring of the original Silk-Cotton trees at that site.
Fig 5:18 - Old tree in Santigron Village near to Cemetery Page 130

Fig 5:19 - An old large SC tree in the Old Jewish Cemetery, Paramaribo

Fig 5:20 - SC in Old Jewish Cemetery near Masonic Lodge

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

Jean and Winston visited Jamaica in February 2003 and took the opportunity to explore the oldest Anglican Church in Kingston, the 339 year old St Andrews Parish Church. We were shown around by a Church Official who informed us that there was a very old Silk cotton tree in the Church yard there until very recently that had predated the Church on that site. We were quite excited to find that there was still a healthy, old, large SilkCotton tree in the Graveyard next to the Church (Fig; 5:22). The site of St Andrews Church was part of the original Devon Penn area which housed a succession of priests in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (80) . One of the few Silk-Cotton trees which we saw in Kingston proper was at the entrance of Devon House, a major tourist attraction, which was
Fig 5:21 - SC tree in St Andrews Parish Church, Jamaica

formerly the residence of those priests. It is interesting that George Steibel, the first Black multi-millionaire in the Anglophone Caribbean, who bought Devon House from the Church in the nineteenth century and maintained a large Silk-Cotton tree in a prominent place at the entrance of his property, was a prominent Freemason of his times in Jamaica.
Fig 5:22 - The former position of the 329 year old SC tree at St Andrews Church being pointed out by a a Church Official Page 132

Fig 5:22a - The Bois Caiman SC tree in September 2003, Courtesy of a friend of Kofis who visited from Barba-

The Haitian revolution started in 1791 with a Voodoo ceremony under a silk-cotton tree. That tree is reputed to be still standing today in Bois Caiman and the picture of it above, taken in September 2003, shows that it is now in very poor shape. The tree is likely to have survived for well over 200 years, given that it would have been a mature tree at the time of the Bois Caiman Ceremony.

act a perceived Satanic influence of the tree on Haitians. In response to the siting of the Church, two Houngans are said to have cast spells for the Church to be burnt down. However, the spells seem to have backfired. The Church was unaffected and the 2 houngans have since died. Moreover, Church members are reported to have cursed the Silk-cotton tree which gradually lost its leaves and bark and is now dead. It would be interesting to Near to the tree today is a Voodoo shrine (in determine scientifically if the tree is dying of old the shadows to the left of the picture). A Fundaage, the prayers of the Church members or some mentalist Christian Church built a new Church in other more mundane cause. the area just over 2 years ago in a bid to counterPage 133 Chapter 5; Religious sites

Mesoamerica and the Far East

It has been suggested that early Catholic priests in Central America associated the horizontal limbs of the Silk-cotton with Jesus Cross. The picture of the SC trees in St Philip Parish church below, with their horizontal branches spreading wide above the gravestone crosses makes that comparison understandable. The other pictures following show the Silk-Cotton tree in a number of religious compounds in Central America. The Virgin de Regla Church in Havana is of special interest as it is a Catholic church which has a largely black congregation. It also has a large Silk-Cotton tree next to it. There has been a significant synthesis of Catholic and Santeria rites in the Virgin de Regla Church and its Patron Saint is the Black Virgin of Regla. A Black Madonna is prominently displayed in the Church but She is also worshipped as the Santeria Goddess Yemaya who rules over Seas and Lakes.
Fig 5:24Silk cotton tree near Chiapa de Corzo Church, Santo Domingo; Courtesy of Don Porter. SC 5:23Note symbolic resemblance of SC branching with the crosses underneath the trees

Fig 5:25bBlack Madonna at Virgin de Regla Church, Havana, revered by Santeros as Yemaya

Fig 5:25Virgin de Regla Church, Cuba. SC tree is next to Church

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Further afield, in Cambodia, there is an interesting association of Silk cotton trees with at least one religious site. The Temple of Ta Phrom (also spelt Ta Prohm) is a major tourist attraction in Cambodia (127) mainly because of the bizarre, gigantic Silk-Cotton trees, sometimes intertwined with strangler figs, that have engulfed abandoned temples near the famous Angkor Wat. The roots of these trees have intertwined themselves amidst the crumbling walls of the temples and are thus also securing the walls from total collapse. In Guatemala and other countries in Central America the tree is often found besides churches and is also usually found in town squares or sacred ancient sites there today. See Figs 5:27 to 5:29. There is possibly an even earlier association of Silk-Cotton trees and Sacred sites in Latin America. Several pictures were seen on the Internet which showed Silk-Cotton trees at sacred Maya, Olmec and other sites. An Olmec association with Silk-Cotton

Fig 5:26Silk-Cotton tree growing over a temple at TaPhrom, Cambodia

trees is not beyond the realms of possibility. Fig 5:27 shows a huge Silk-Cotton tree standing above a Mayan stela on a step of the ruins of an ancient pyramid at an Olmec site. It is becoming increasingly recognized that the Ancient Olmecs were of Negroid extraction (17,89) . If they originally came from West or North-West Africa, as has been hypothesized, it is likely that Silk-Cotton trees featured in their religious practices. Such a link with the ancient Olmecs could help explain why the Silk-Cotton was revered as a God on both sides of the Atlantic. Could it be that the Ancient Olmecs transferred a reverence for Silk-Cotton trees to the Americas along with their megalithic Stone sculpture technology? Taken, in its totality, the existence of Silk-Cotton trees at religious sites throughout the Tropics but more specifically in the Americas, is not likely to be a chance occurrence given the reputation and folklore surrounding the Tree.

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

The pictures here were obtained on the internet from the Anthroarcheart site (157) and show Silk-Cotton trees at Cemeteries and other religious sites in Central America.

Fig 5:28Altar entwined with Ceiba roots, Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico.

Fig 5:29Ceiba tree in Palenque Pyramid site, Guatemala

Fig 5:27Huge Ceiba on top of the Copan pyramid site with Mayan

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West Africa

But, what about Africa? Is there a comparable situation there with respect to the occurrence of Silk Cotton trees at Sacred Sites? Silk-Cotton trees are indeed common trees in Native Sacred Groves and Shrines in much of West Africa (115), particularly in the most Westerly of the West African Nations. However, Silk-Cotton Trees do not appear to be associated with the European Churches in these Countries. Fig 5:30 shows a Catholic Church in Oudah, Benin, sited right opposite to the Indigenous Shrine, the Temple of Pythons. There is no Silk-Cotton tree at the site of the Catholic Church. We wonder if a comparative absence of Silk-Cotton trees from European Churches in West Africa might be related to a different pattern of European colonialization in Africa as compared to Central America and the Caribbean. Could it be that the Colonists in Africa were generally transient and were more concerned with exporting Slaves to the Americas than with settling in this part of Africa with its hostile peoples and climate. They therefore did not attempt to build their Churches over existing shrines with Sacred trees in West Africa. However, in the Americas, they were primarily Settlers and considered that they had to stamp their authority and that of their Church on what they expected to be their New World. The current situation in Haiti with the Bois Caiman Silk-cotton tree is illustrative of the attitudes which inform the clash of religions

Fig 5:30Cathedral in Oudah, Benin near Sacred Python Shrine.

South Africas climate is attractive to Europeans but it is generally outside the climatic range under which Silk-Cotton trees thrive. The Europeans did go to South Africa as conquerors and settlers, albiet much later than their forays in West Africa, and they subjugated the local populations and annexed their lands. It would be interesting to see if these Colonists built any of their Churches over Sacred Native Shrines in Southern Africa and if in such places the original Sacred trees, such as the Baobab, were allowed to stand.

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Chapter 5; Religious sites

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Distribution of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados

This Chapter summarizes our ideas on the distribution of Silk-Cotton trees found during our survey and suggests that the observed distribution supports the hypothesis that the Silk-Cotton plant might have been introduced to the Americas by pre-Columbian contacts between West Africa and the Central American mainland with subsequent spread throughout the Caribbean Islands by Amerindians.

Chapter 6; Distribution

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Distribution of Silk-Cotton Trees in Barbados

We have presented in Chapter 2 our hypothesis that the Silk-Cotton tree probably arose in West Africa in contradiction to the dominant current theory that its origin was in Central America. We also consider that the presence of the Silk-Cotton tree and its well-documented veneration in both West Africa and Central America might provide some evidence that there was significant pre-Columbian, non-European contact between the two continents despite the dominant myth that Columbus was the first person from the Old World to discover America. That myth flies in the face of such facts as; Columbus and his son, Diego, provided clues in their journals that Black men, probably from the Guinea coast, had left evidence of such contacts. There are many documented journeys in the 20th Century of small boats from the African Continent across the Atlantic from West Africa on the prevailing currents. The best known of these are perhaps the famous voyage in 1952 of Dr. Alain Bombard who sailed from Casablanca to Barbados in an African raft and that of Thor Heyderdahl who used a small traditional papyrus boat the RA-II to float from Morocco to Barbados in 1969/70. Van Sertima, in his seminal address to the Smithsonian Institute of November 1st 1991 (89) , outlines the various threads of evidence which leave little doubt that such contact existed. Leo Weiner(96) made a number of earlier etymological observations in this area as well, although he opined, with the political correctness of his times, that the data he had assembled suggested that early pre-Columbian African Slaves were responsible. Van Sertimas book (89) also contains a paper Mandinga voyages across the Atlantic by Harold G. Lawrence, which specifically details such contacts related to the Almaizar cloth that was reportedly manufactured by Mandinga craftsmen from Silk-Cotton floss and traded by preColumbian Mandinga traders to Amerindians in the Americas.
We think the balance of the evidence supports the claim of some African Scientists that the Silk-Cotton tree first evolved in West Africa and from there its seed spread to Central America carried by Man. It is quite unlikely that seed might have passively floated across the Atlantic Ocean in either direction on the prevailing Atlantic currents and became established in the opposite Continent. This is because the biology of the Caribeae variety that is common to both the Americas and West Africa negates this. We think that the current accepted hypothesis of passive dissemination of Silk-Cotton from Central America to West Africa must be discounted. Passive dissemination of the Silk-Cotton in the other direction is also unlikely and cannot explain the existence of the tree in every Caribbean Island; the apparent concentration of Silk-Cotton trees on western coasts; and also the lack of significant homogenous stands throughout the Islands.
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We think that it is likely that pre-historic African explorers sailing across the Atlantic from Africa, long before Columbus, brought SilkCotton seed with them and planted them in the Americas. Further spread would have been by Amerindians traveling along the Island chain. The maps and listings given in Chapter 4 indicate that we found Silk-Cotton trees in every parish in Barbados. These trees were predominantly of the caribeae type. The predominant type of Silk-Cotton tree that we observed in the other Caribbean Islands we visited also had many of the characteristics of the Caribeae type. Our observations in West Africa, Guyana and Suriname also suggest that the SC trees we saw there were also of the Caribeae type. Most of the early Histories of Barbados which dealt with aspects of natural history indicate that the Silk-Cotton tree is indigenous to Barbados. The Silk-Cotton is capable of establishing itself by seed and it can also be quite easily established by man from seed or cuttings; It can survive in any of the soil types or rainfall zones of the Island; Barbados earliest Amerindian Inhabitants revered the tree on the Mainland from whence they came in like manner to the later West African forced immigrants; and the tree produces large quantities of seed which are said to germinate easily. Taking the above factors into consideration it appears that the Silk-Cotton tree should be reasonably homogenously dispersed throughout the Island today if it were indeed indigenous and its distribution was not affected by the activities of post Columbus settlers.
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However it is certainly not homogeneously distributed. The tree is typically only found in rather specific areas in the Country with the highest concentrations being generally on the west coast and in north-central gullies of the Island. Indeed, we found very few sites with Silk-Cotton trees in the south easterly parishes of St John, Christ Church and St Philip. Even within gullies in those parishes there are relatively few SilkCotton trees to be found nowadays. We also found very few seedlings or young or immature Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. They were generally absent, even in Gullies and Woods, and it was quite surprising to us that this was so even downwind from trees that regularly produce large quantities of seed. This factor may have some influence on the future survival of the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados when one considers that generally there are no young Silk-Cotton trees now growing in the vicinity of the now departed Silk-Cotton trees that recently grew at Fitts Village; St Marys Church; the St George Parish Church area; the Christ Church Parish Church area; the Gully House area, Halls Road; on the Jackson main road; on Horse Hill in St Joseph; in Kendal Gully in St John and in several other areas throughout Barbados where Silk-Cotton trees previously grew. Our discussions on the occurrence of Silk-Cotton trees with a number of middle aged and elderly Barbadians suggest that there were significantly higher numbers of Silk-Cotton trees throughout Barbados in the middle years of the last century than currently exist now. There is also some evidence that the development of

the edges of former gullies and other sites throughout the Island has removed a number of these old Silk-Cotton trees in the relatively recent past. It is recognized that Silk-Cotton trees would have been cleared from all agricultural fields by the latter part of the seventeenth century (62) but there are several other areas of the Island where environmental conditions should have ensured that they would have survived and flourished. The widespread occurrence today of mahogany trees, which were first imported into Barbados between 1750 and 1780, as well as of Casuarina trees, first imported around the same time, gives some idea of what might be a potential distribution pattern for Silk-Cotton trees. However, the information weve collected on germination of the Silk-Cotton seed and their very time-limited viability, allied with the fact that a miniscule proportion of seed survive to grow into mature plants suggests that Man must play a very large role in the dissemination of the SilkCotton tree. It appears that the tree in the Far East, also does not spread significantly under natural conditions as it has been classified as a non-invasive species in the Pacific Islands(142). This important feature of the Biology of the Silk-Cotton is not highlighted in the Literature but has been corroborated by the observation in Ghana that most Silk-Cotton trees there have been planted by Man. The map (Fig 6:1) is drawn from data in Peter L Drewetts book Prehistoric Barbados (28) . The sites near to where, or on which, we found

Silk-Cotton trees are highlighted in yellow. We think it is noteworthy that there are a significant number of sites where we have found Silk-Cotton trees that correspond to former Amerindian settlements. This general correspondence between former Amerindian sites and present day Silk-Cotton groves, taken along with the relative scarcity of the tree in other areas of Barbados, is consistent with the hypothesis that Amerindians brought seed of the Silk-Cotton tree to Barbados from mainland South America. We think that they planted them on the West Coast and a few other Inland sites in Barbados. We therefore consider that the Silk-Cotton tree might not be indigenous to the Island as is generally claimed but might have been brought here relatively recently on the historical time scale. Indeed many of the settlement sites have been suggested to be related to the Suazoid culture that is dated to quite close to Columbus time. An interesting parallel is that the Hofi Pastor tree in Curacao is claimed to have been introduced to Curacao from the mainland by amerindians in a similar time frame There are several other Amerindian sites in Barbados listed by Drewett where we found no Silk-Cotton trees. Those sites are generally concentrated in the coastal areas of the relatively dry parishes of St Lucy, Christ Church and St Philip. We conjecture that Silk-Cotton trees may have been planted in these latter areas by the Amerindians but could have succumbed, over the centuries, to woodcutting colonists or to local environmental stress.
Chapter 6; Distribution

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apparently mirrored in Dominica where these trees are concentrated in Western Coastal areas. (47) This also suggests that Amerindians from South America might have planted them as they would most likely have landed and first settled on the western, calmer coasts of these Islands (See Fig 2:2a) Throughout the Colonial settlement of Barbados many mature SilkCotton trees would have been destroyed to clear land for housing or other economic developmental purpose or to remove a tree that many considered a nuisance because of its copious production of floss or because it presented a hazard because of dropping of buds, pod valves and floss on roadways or because of the danger posed by its extensive root system to house foundations. In addition, Silk Cotton trees figured prominently in the rituals used by Obeah, Danballah, Santeria or Voodoo practitioners in the Caribbean. Because of this these trees were specifically targeted for destruction in Trinidad in the late 18th Century

Fig 6:1 Distribution of Silk-Cotton trees and Amerindian Sites

in the aftermath of the Haitian revolution (104,107) to remove a major element of obeah symbolism and thereby to reduce the likelihood of the fomenting of insurrection by obeah men. The records do not show a similar occurrence in Barbados although an Act to punish Slaves found practicing Obeah was promulgated on 4th November 1806 with amendments on the 28th July 1818 and 26th May 1819, both entitled for the better prevention of Obeah. The 1806 Act generally was concerned with the prevention of poisonings by Obeah practitioners but the 1818 amendment provided specifically for the execution or transportation of practitioners of Obeah who used their powers to promote slave rebellion
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Beckles, quoted in Handler et al ( 44), indicates that there was no evidence that Obeah practitioners had leadership roles in the Bussa 1816 revolt and indeed the Report of the Standing Committee of the House of Assembly on its investigation into the causes of that rebellion supports this but it is clear from the boiler plate nature of practically every piece of testimony gathered by the Standing Committee, that the investigation was designed to convince the influential abolitionist lobby in England that Slaves were generally content with their extremely good and humane treatment in Barbados and only revolted because of a misunderstanding of the Registry Act. The Slaves were convinced that the Act mandated that they should have been freed in 1815 and that the Barbadian Authorities had maliciously refused to implement their freedom. The lie to the assertion of good treatment of Bajan Slaves and later Apprentices is given in a number of journals and writings by Individuals which point to the diametrically opposite fact that Bajan Slaves were perhaps the worse treated ones in the Caribbean (23,65,102). The 1816 report therefore appears to have been a whitewash job and we suspect that the full story has not been told. We suspect that there was some connection between the Bussa revolution and Obeah for why else would the authorities see fit to amend the Obeah Act in 1818 to control a situation that did not exist in the serious revolt of just two years previously. It is clearly documented that the Slave leaders of the Barbados revolt were well aware of the Haitian revolution

and even expected assistance from the former Haitian slaves (13,58) . They and the Authorities must have been also aware of the Obeah connections to the start of the Haitian Revolution and therefore the connection of Silk-Cotton tree symbolism with it as well. Despite our being unable to find specific references to officially mandated destruction of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados during this period we think that it is logical to consider that the evident fear of Obeah and its possible linkages with rebellion would have caused the Barbadian authorities to institute measures similar to Trinidads to remove the trappings of Obeah men even if they might not have been specifically spelt out in legislation or extended to all Silk-Cotton trees. We hypothesize that while Silk-Cotton trees were generally at risk of being cut down in Barbados throughout its colonization, those trees which were sited in graveyards, churches, some properties of progressive individuals, some Forts and perhaps some Nigger Yards also, were carefully tended and allowed to remain unscathed for very long time periods. It is clear that Silk-Cotton trees were not in general use as ornamental trees for private houses in Barbados but were prominent features of churches and graveyards. Hutchinson, in his paper on the Old Churches of Barbados (52) indicated that there are only six Churches in Barbados that are still located on the same sites they occupied in pre-Cromwellian days. These
Chapter 6; Distribution

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are St James, St Peter, St John, St Andrew, St George and St. Marys churches. We found old Silk Cotton trees on or near four of these sites and there is a possibility that there was another Silk-Cotton tree at or near St. Georges Parish Church up to the mid 20th century. Two other Churches date to the 17th Century. These are All Saints, St Peter and St Michaels Cathedral There were apparently some Silk-Cotton trees near All Saints until recently and I have been informed that there also was one in the vicinity of St Michaels Cathedral. Hutchinson also indicates that there are three (3) churches on sites going back to the 18th Century. These are the Codrington College Chapel, Old Sharon and the James Street Methodist Church. Silk Cotton trees were found at two of these sites. Thus, of the 11 Church sites that date from the Eighteenth century or before, more than half still have or had Silk-Cotton trees on or in proximity to their lands up to recent times but no Silk-Cotton trees have been found in or near any of the several other Churches built after the Eighteenth Century. Outside of Churchyards, the next most popular site for ornamental Silk-Cotton trees appears to be Old Forts or Military sites. Silk Cotton trees were found at four such areas. The Garrison area, the Military Cemetery, Fort Denmark and Fitts Village which was the site of a small Fort, Harris Fort (n.b. The St Marys Church tree was also close to James Fort). This association of Silk-Cotton trees with forts is mirrored in several of the other Caribbean islands, e.g. Grenada, St Lucia, Tobago, the Bahamas and Puerto Rico.

Fort George, in Grand Cayman whose highest bluff is just about 14 feet above sea level, had a very old Silk-Cotton tree on whose branches was sited a lookout post for spotting German submarines during the second World war. That tree died some time ago and was recently replaced with a young Silk-Cotton sapling which itself succumbed to the onslaught of a Hurricane a couple of years ago. Forest dwellers in West Africa have also been recorded as traditionally using the high branches of the tree as lookout posts for spotting enemy approaches. In addition to their possible use as lookout posts, we conjecture that any protection of SilkCotton trees at Forts might have also been originally rooted in some influential elements of the Military adopting an alien sacred tree to demonstrate to the slaves that their power was greater than that of the slaves African Traditional Gods. There may also be a linkage between the protection of some Silk-Cotton trees and Freemasonry. Atwell N.G.D, in his book on the history of the Albion Lodge 196 E.R. in Barbados (10) , indicates that several Clergymen were members of that Lodge. Similarly, more than one Governor and several Top Military men were also members of that and other Barbados Lodges. A Headmaster of Combermere School in the 1950s and 60s, in whose compound at the Old Combermere School at Weymouth stood a Silk Cotton tree, was a Past Master of the Albion Lodge.

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We have also indicated that in Paramaribo, Suriname there might be a link between the Concordia Lodge there and some Silk-Cotton trees. It may be that some aspect of the protection of the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados was derived from freemasonry and its linkages to some Clergy and the higher echelons of the Military. Sincklers tale of Governor William Robinson ordering the felling of a Silk-Cotton tree in Government house (See Chapter 3) offers some clues as to how Silk-Cotton trees were viewed by the Islands population around 1880. The Governor (A Britisher) considered the tree on the Government House grounds to be a nuisance and decided to have it cut down but was advised by his senior creolized staff not to do so because of its supposed supernatural properties. We can draw a number of conclusions from that story The Silk-Cottons supernatural reputation was alive and well in the Barbados of 1880. The SC trees reputation for causing harm, if cut down, was taken very seriously by White as well as by Black members of the Governors staff. The SC tree had been allowed to exist for some time at Government House by the earlier Governor or Governors as it was mature and producing kapok. There was no Official campaign for cutting down Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados in the 1880s and perhaps even earlier as it is somewhat unlikely that Government House would harbour a tree which was proscribed elsewhere in the Island.

The information we collected however indicates that in the space of less than 120 years practically all knowledge of the esoteric nature of the Silk-Cotton tree was lost by ordinary Barbadians although it is likely that practitioners of Obeah still retained that knowledge. Louis Lynch, writing in 1961, indicated that SilkCotton trees were being widely used by the practitioners of Obeah at that time (64) . However, if his story of the high value of house spots with such trees is true, there should be significant evidence of such trees in the yards of some ordinary houses throughout Barbados even today but this is not so. It appears that few Obeah practitioners had the presence of mind to plant a Silk-Cotton tree in their yards. I lived in the same gap as a reputed Obeah practitioner in the Halls Road area in the 1950s and as far as I am aware, the only Silk-Cotton trees near her house was the one in the yard of the Headmasters House at the old Combermere site at Weymouth and the other one near the Gully House in the gully from which flood waters often flowed to wreak havoc on Halls Road, Delamere Land and the Queens Park area in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s. I dont think any of those Silk-Cotton trees would have been available for obeah rites. The typical Nigger Yard at plantations was an area that was noted to have a number of fruit as well as other well tended trees (43) . The old Tree at Springvale was apparently near to one such Site.
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The Old Ashford Plantation drawing (Fig 4:45) shows one such Nigger Yard during the days of Slavery. There was a tree there that looked very much like a Silk-Cotton tree. It is possible that other Nigger Yards might have had such trees and that most of the Silk-Cotton trees which survive today on Plantations, not far from the Greathouse, might have originally stood near Nigger yards. In this regard, the Staplegrove tree site, the Francia site and the Clapham tree site might offer some interesting possibilities for further research. There are only a few Silk-Cotton trees in present-day Barbados that appear to have been deliberately planted or tended close to private dwelling houses of the lower or middle classes although we have found Silk-Cotton trees at Weymouth, Barbarees Hill, Staplegrove and Bulkeley near Middle Class sites. The trees at Monkey Business, Jackson, Grazettes, Bridgefield Gully and Clifton Gully that are relatively close to houses all appear to be derived from gullies or other wooded areas. It is possible that a few properties, whose yards are now graced with Old Silk-Cotton trees, might have been originally plantation compounds. Such trees include the ones at Weymouth and the current Brydens Compound, Barbarees Hill. We would propose that general knowledge of the occult attributes of the Silk-Cotton tree waned in Barbados soon after the period when the importation of African or Salt-water slaves into Barbados slowed down and stopped (late 18th

and early 19th centuries). The mystique of the Silk Cotton appears to have gradually disappeared in the general population. Thus newer churches and graveyards were developed with no association with Silk-Cotton trees and only obeah practitioners and people who lived close to outstanding ones would have had any knowledge of the esoteric reputation of the Silk-Cotton tree and its history in Barbados or elsewhere. In our trips to Grenada, St Lucia, Trinidad and Jamaica, we conducted an informal assessment of the prevalence of Silk Cotton trees along the roadsides of these countries as compared with a similar sample from our evaluation of the occurrence of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados. This assessment was a rapid and by no means a rigorous one. However, it appears that Barbados might have a slightly higher density of Silk-Cotton trees in built-up areas ( nonforested areas ) than either of its four Caribbean neighbours above. This might be because some of these Islands maintained an active campaign of destruction of Silk-Cotton trees in built-up areas later than Barbados did. Such destruction might have been partially carried out in those countries because the authorities might have considered it necessary to have a prolonged campaign to combat the obeah influences in their Slave populations whose African belief systems would have been continually reinforced by new arrivals of Slaves from Africa. Barbados, however, had a Slave

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population that was creolized and largely self perpetuating from the late eighteenth century and would therefore have lost touch with the religions and rituals of West Africa and it might not have been considered necessary to continue the destruction of such trees for that purpose well past emancipation. It should also be recognized in this context that, after 1807 and the abolition of slavery, significant importation of indentured workers from West Africa, primarily Nigeria, continued into Trinidad, Guyana and several of the other Caribbean Countries while there were negligible numbers of such imports into Barbados. These workers brought their religious practices with them to Trinidad (91) and aspects of their Yoruban or Congalese languages and folklore have survived to the present day in many communities in those countries. This would have led to the perpetuation of knowledge of the Silk-Cotton tree in those countries. It is therefore quite understandable that, for example, most Trinidadians are aware of the Silk-Cotton tree and have some knowledge of its folklore and reputation of being a host for duppies, soucouyants, etc., while few Barbadians have such knowledge, even though there may be more Silk-Cotton trees per unit area in built up areas in Barbados than in similar areas in Trinidad. In summary, Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados do not cover the range of habitats that the tree is biologically capable of exploiting. We consider that the current distribution of Silk-Cotton trees in
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Barbados may be a resultant of an intermingling of the following factors; Amerindians planting Silk-Cotton seed primarily in western and central areas where they would not naturally have spread upwind to other parts of the Island and would have remained in the general area of the original plantings; The apparent non-invasive character of the dispersal of the Caribeae variety of the Silk-Cotton tree in nature which does not lead to its spreading significantly nor aggressively from the areas in which it has been planted; Little input by man in extending the dissemination of Silk-Cotton trees through planting of the seed in new areas; This situation is somewhat similar for the two Baobab trees in Barbados which also show extremely low invasiveness (8) and have not spread significantly from the sites on which they were planted despite production of significant quantities of viable seed on an annual basis over more than two centuries growth. An inherent relatively low survivability of SilkCotton seedlings in Barbados; drastic early unselective destruction of trees soon after the colonization of Barbados; An early aversion of slaves to cutting down the tree due to the reverence with which it was held in their homeland; Protection in Graveyards, Forts and perhaps former Nigger Yards by various entities.
Chapter 6; Distribution

Selective destruction of the Silk-Cotton tree because of its negative attributes which caused it to be viewed as a nuisance by the White population; Transference of a tree-cutting culture to the Slaves and former Slaves who after a time forgot their traditional reverence for the SilkCotton Tree and were no longer reluctant to cut it down; Continuing uprooting of any new seedlings found in their yards by the general populace up to the present time. Ongoing maintenance and protection of some Old Silk-Cotton trees in some Church Yards, Silk-Cotton trees throughout the region are quite sparsely dispersed in every Country. They are considered by the authorities to be indigenous trees but they cannot match the sheer numbers of such trees as the Flamboyant, Palm trees and a number of introduced species such as Casuarina, Mahogany, Neem trees, etc. in any of the Countries. The relative scarcity of Silk-Cotton trees may well be one of the characteristics which elevated them to the rank of a Sacred Icon by pre-historic societies. The current very low incidence of young trees and seedlings in Barbados is a cause for concern and could lead to a significant endangerment of the Species here if counter-measures are not taken in the near future. Mankind has been

heavily involved in the dissemination of SilkCotton trees wherever they are found and we consider that there is a need for Barbadians to now start some strategic planting of this tree to ensure its continuing survival in areas of high visibility.

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We summarize the main conclusions we have drawn from the data on our investigation of the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados. We then suggests lines for further research. This chapter also contains references, a glossary of terms used,

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Chapter 7; Conclusion

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Our book is about an unusual icon, the Silk-Cotton tree. This Tree plays a significant role in traditional West African religions and it is also used in the derivative rituals of Obeah, Voodoo and Santeria Practitioners in the Caribbean Islands, yet we have not been able to find official documentation of this connection in any of the main stream histories of Barbados even though such documentation exists in articles written by amateur historians or journalists in Barbados and by several sources in other Islands of the Caribbean. The Silk-Cotton was also a key icon in the successful Haitian revolution and it is clear that interests in at least one other Caribbean Island systematically cut them down after the Boukman inspired revolt in Haiti. Here in Barbados, after the Bussa led rebellion of 1816, the Obeah laws were amended to provide, inter alia, for the execution or transportation of practitioners of Obeah who used their powers to promote slave rebellion. However, strangely enough, the historical record is silent on any involvement of obeah practitioners in the revolution and has been interpreted to indicate that there was no such influence in the Bussa rebellion. The consensus of the typical Barbadians understanding on ancient Amerindian settlements in Barbados could be summarized as Barbados was basically unoccupied and was only sporadically visited by Amerindians prior to the English Settlement of 1627. However, increasing archaeological evidence suggests

that this view is inaccurate (28,49,77,131) . The early English Colonists found Amerindian artifacts over much of the Island and the early existence of an almost pristine Indian Bridge (located near the current Swing Bridge in Bridgetown) provide evidence of earlier extended settlements in Barbados by Amerindians. Indeed, it is now becoming clear that there were fairly significant Amerindian settlements on the Island up to and including the period of predatory pre-colonial visits by the Portuguese and Spanish. It now seems likely that the majority of the Amerindian natives were initially abducted, killed, scared off or enslaved by these marauders while a few survivors might have been mopped up by the later Settlers. There may be some interesting parallels of such activities in other parts of the world. Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean was also found conveniently abandoned before its settlement and it has been theorized that the original inhabitants (for whom they are significant archaeological traces) committed ecological self-genocide by destroying the forests of Easter Island. That land was therefore unable to support the native population and, somewhat surprisingly, all the population perished (67) . It is likely that Amerindians had ongoing settlements in Barbados until the period predating the English settlement of the Island. Indeed, a Lokono Chief who visited Barbados some years ago has indicated that he was happy to be returning to his ancestral homeland, Barbados, which he called Ichirigounaim.

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Chapter 7; Conclusion

We hypothesize that Amerindians were significant agents in the distribution of Silk-Cotton trees throughout the Islands of the Caribbean including Barbados. Our visits to Suriname revealed that Amerindian chiefs there were traditionally buried beneath special Silk-Cotton trees. Since it is considered that the early Amerindians who populated Barbados came here from that general area of South America and that Silk-Cotton trees predating the English settlement were found here, the same tradition was probably practiced by the early Amerindians living in Barbados. The finding that Silk-Cotton trees can be found in greatest concentrations on the Western sides of many of the Eastern Caribbean Islands and that they tend not to spread significantly from where they originally took root or were planted also lends some credence to the hypothesis that the Silk-cotton tree was introduced to these Islands by the Amerindians in recent pre-historic times. But the Silk-Cotton tree was also revered by our Black Ancestors, the African survivors of the trans-atlantic Slave Trade, the Maafa, the Great Disaster. We propose that the strange coincidence that the Silk-Cotton tree was worshipped by natives on both sides of the Atlantic might be related to a possible Olmec link with the tree and with Africa. Thus these Africans, who might have constituted a small superior caste in MesoAmerica, might have introduced the worship of Silk-Cotton to American Natives long before Columbus visited these shores.

Fig 7:1Giant Olmec Head from La Venta, Mexico. Note vandalized nose and upper lip.

None of the Silk-Cotton trees that we found in Barbados have the imposing stature of the true forest-giants of Ghana, Trinidad, Guyana or Suriname. The enormous stature of those trees must have been a primary element in their being viewed as Gods in West African and Amerindian societies. However, their relatively inconspicuous nature in present day Barbados makes it easy to see why succeeding generations of slaves and former slaves might have lost their esoteric connections to the tree. It appears, on the surface, that the sacred SilkCotton no longer exists in this country and that it was probably killed by colonists whose actions resulted in an environment that did not allow surviving trees to reach their full genetic potential. However, it does appear possible that mainstream Churches might have assisted in ensuring that the Sacred Silk-Cotton Tree survived because of a policy of appropriating pagan sacred sites for Christian use.

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We think that the God Tree has evolved and lives on in Barbados in the massive, but relatively short Silk cotton trees found at St Philips Parish Church and at Codrington College. It also lives on in Old Sharon and in the relatively tall trees still found in the Whim gully and at Nicholas Abbey, Indian Ground, Monkey Business, Turners Hall Woods and Rockhall Gully, which may all be survivors or descendants of groves of sacred trees that were brought here, tended and venerated by our Amerindian ancestors. We found one old Silk-Cotton tree that might be a direct survivor or descendent of one of the Sacred trees of our African forbears. This is the old tree that is sited next to the old Nigger Yard field of Springvale Plantation. Our study suggests that there are several details of the biology of the local trees that still need clarification in addition to various aspects of its folklore and history in Barbados and the wider Caribbean. The Silk-Cotton tree thus offers possibilities for research in the following areas, inter alia; A clarification of the characteristics of Silk Cotton bio-types (varieties) in Barbados using Cytology and modern genetic research tools to map the chromosomes and DNA. The Barbados types or varieties should also be compared genetically with their cousins in the Western and Eastern Caribbean, Central and South America and West Africa. Such research could help to resolve the question of where the Silk-Cotton tree originated and its speciation.

An historical study of the age of some of the trees, especially those associated with older churches or graveyards. This study should use dendrology, Carbon dating and modern non-destructive techniques as well as archival studies of old drawings, paintings and pictures and Journal entries. The relationship, if any, between current Silk-Cotton groves and ancient Amerindian sites and the value of using groves of existing Silk-Cotton trees as predictors of the possible existence of signs of Amerindian habitation in the past. This might be done through the conduct of Archaeological digs in the vicinity of concentrations or groves of Silk-Cotton trees in such areas as Porters, Sunset Crest, Bridgefield Tenantry, St Nicholas Abbey and the Garrison area, to investigate if artifacts could be found related to the burial of Amerindian chiefs in those areas.

Fig 7:2SC tree near Nigger Yard of Springvale Plantation.

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Chapter 7; Conclusion

Specific searches for Silk-Cotton pollen and/or seed in future Archaeological digs in Barbados. It is not clear if current and past archaeological studies have done this. Such digs should include Nigger Yard sites at plantations which currently have or recently had Silk-Cotton trees at or near to these sites. A clarification of the association of the Olmec culture of Mexico with the tree. Since the ancient gigantic Olmec statues in Mexico and other countries in Central America (See Illustration) are now widely accepted as being Negroid, and not a nebulous Jaguar cult as was the dominant theory in the past, such research may help to clarify the origins of the common worship of the Silk-Cotton in both West Africa and Central America. The feasibility of commercialization of kapok for cottage industry use in such areas as felt production and high end filling of Speaker enclosures. Purseglove indicates that Research in the 50s and 60s had succeeded in developing a process for spinning the kapok while claims have been made that Mandingo Africans had perfected such an art in the distant past in making the very expensive Almaizar scarves and loin-cloths from Silk-Cotton. The nature of the relationship, if any, between the Old Anglican, Moravian and 7-Day Adventist Churches and the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados and the wider Caribbean.

The decline of African religion and folklore in the Slave and post-emancipation Afro-Barbadian communities in Barbados as compared with the other Caribbean Islands and also the crossinfluences of African religion and mainstream Church culture in Barbados. The parameters surrounding the natural dissemination and spread of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados to elucidate the importance (even perhaps necessity) of mans role in spreading the tree. In the past few decades some important SilkCotton trees have been lost at St Marys and Fitts Village. Others have been destroyed at Grazettes and others might have been destroyed at Indian Ground, the St Michaels Cathedral area, All Saints-St Peter and perhaps other sites. We recently found a Land Development operation in progress in Grazettes (The Birnam woods area) which had already removed one Old SilkCotton tree. However, two old Silk-Cotton trees remain there and do not currently appear to be threatened by the land development activities. There may well be some interesting stories about those trees and the original owner of the property, the famous London Bourne. We would really appreciate if any reader would pass on any such folklore to us. It is an intriguing fact that the first two substantial Black men of property of both Barbados and Jamaica each had Silk-Cotton trees on their properties.

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One of the lakeside trees at Codrington College might be the only tree of its kind in Barbados. If it is established that this tree is a distinct variety or biotype its germplasm should be preserved as its habit and form appears to be unique in Barbados and perhaps the Caribbean as well. The ongoing destruction of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados does not yet threaten the existence of the species here and it does not qualify as an endangered species. However, the situation should be monitored closely as few young trees can be found today and there is a continuing loss of old mature trees through land development activities. We consider that there are a number of existing individual trees that are probably of significant historical interest and should be protected. We think that the ages and other attributes of these trees should be thoroughly researched by the History and Biology Departments of the UWI, Cave Hill with a view to establishing their ages and any possible connection with important historical events in Barbados. The Silk-Cotton trees which we think might qualify for such special attention are:The trees in the St Philips Churchyard The Old tree near the Nigger Yard field of Springvale Plantation The tree at Francia Plantation The tree at the Old Sharon Cemetery The trees at Codrington Colleges lakeside The tree at St. Johns Church The tree at Fort Denmark

The tree at Alexandra School The trees at Porters Great House. The tree on the Seven-Days Adventist Church site in Brittons Hill The trees at the Military Cemetery, and The tree at Staple Grove We think that if extraordinary age and significant historical connections can be established for any of these trees their germplasm should be preserved and such trees should be marked with an appropriate plaque and protected by the Barbados National Trust in similar manner to the Boabab tree at Warrens. Some genetic material may still be available from the tree stump at Fitts village. Such material should be collected, tissue cultures made and the tree replanted in the same area to extend the life of the original tree which appears to have been almost as much an icon of early 20th century Barbadian life as the Halfway Tree Silk Cotton tree was to folklore in Jamaica. The Biology department of UWI could well take on such a task for that tree as well as the Codrington College Type #3 tree or the St Philip Church tree and plant some of their progeny in prominent places at the Cave Hill Campus. Kumasi University and Legon University, Ghana and the Mona Campus of UWI have Silk-Cotton trees planted in prominent sites on their campuses and Mr. Jeff Chandler of UWI, Cave Hill has recently planted a Silk-Cotton tree near the Law Library.
Chapter 7; Conclusion

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However, we think this approach should be extended at the UWI into a specific project for the retrieval of germplasm from one or more Silk-Cotton trees of historic interest and the conservation of such germplasm at a prominent site at UWI, Cave Hill. A culturally appropriate site could be near the Sir Frank Worrell Grave and Memorial. There is a very interesting exercise in the British Vir gin Islands and Puerto Rico that could be emulated in Barbados (121) . Groups there are maintaining pictorial archives of the biggest trees in those countries. Measurements are taken of the circumference at breast height, the height of the tree and the average width of the canopy. These measurements are then accumulated to give a bigness index for the tree. The biggest tree overall in the two islands is a Silk-Cotton in Puerto Rico while the biggest tree in USVI is a Baobab tree. Our measurements of some big trees in Barbados in Chapter 4 indicate that the biggest Silk-Cotton tree here is at Codrington College, while the biggest tree overall is the Baobab in Queens Park. We hope that this book will be used as a reference to gauge the ages of a number of specific Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados in the future and thus help to elucidate the longevity of these trees in Barbados and the Caribbean. One of our major objectives in producing this document was to start the process of enlightening

Barbadians about the lost folklore surrounding the Silk-Cotton tree in Barbados and thereby to restore some measure of knowledge, respect and protection for this largely forgotten tree in Barbados. This effort is only the first small step in that process for Barbados and and, to a lesser extent, for the Caribbean Region and the Diaspora. We have searched all over Barbados for Silk-Cotton trees over the past year but there may still be some outstanding old Silk-Cotton trees that we have not seen. We would be grateful if any reader would contact us with the details if he/ she spots such a Silk-Cotton tree in an area or district that is not documented here. The process of putting this book together has given us an opportunity to meet and interact with some very interesting and helpful people in Barbados and the other Countries we visited. They are too numerous to individually identify by name. We especially appreciate the input of those older folk who freely gave of their time to regale us with stories of the Old days and who guided us to Silk-Cotton trees that we might otherwise have missed.

Fig 7:3Silk-Cotton trees at entrance of Legon University, Ghana; at UWI, Mona, Jamaica and at UWI, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados Page 158

1. Alleyne Warren Historic Bridgetown Barbados National Trust 1978 2. Alleyne Warren and Jill Shepherd The Barbados Garrison and its Buildings - 1990 3. AnonCodrington College feteAn article with a drawing of Codrington College in the Illustrated London news, October 26th 1850 4. AnonymousAn accurate survey of the estate of William D. Battyn Esq., called StepneySurvey of 1794, Plan copied in 1875. 5. AnonymousAshford Plantation, St John in BMHS folio on PlantationsUndated 6. AnonymousWarrens Industrial parkHistory dating back to the 1600sBarbados Sunday Advocate, July 26th 1992 7. AnonymousKendal, Clipping in BMHS Plantation Folder, Undated 8. Allsopp Jeannette - The Caribbean Multilingual Dictionary of Flora, Fauna and Foods -2003, Arawak Publications, Kingston, Jamaica. 9. AnonymousSharon: The Slave Church, the Birthplace of our freedomWeekend Nation, May 15th 1985 10. Atwell N.G.D.Albion Lodge 196 E.R. A History 1790-1976, Cot Printery 1976 11. Baker, H. G. (1965). The evolution of the cultivated Kapok tree: A probable West African Product. In Ecology and Economic development in Tropical Africa, 185-216, ed. D. Brokensha, Berkeley:California. 12. Beckles H. A History of Barbados; From
Page 159 Chapter 7; Conclusion

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26. Culpeper AmeliaExcerpts from Amelia Culpepers diary c.1887 BMHS Journal XLVII 27. Downes AvistonThe limits of brotherhood: Colour, Class and Gender in Freemasonry in Barbados 1880-1914 The History Forum UWI Cave Hill Campus, 1998 28. Drewett Peter L. Amerindian Stories: An Archaelogy of Early Barbados 2002, Coles Printery 29. Farmer Kevin - Pre-Historic Bridgetown - The Barbados Advocate Newspaper, Sunday July 6th, 2003 30. Forde Addington Folk beliefs of Barbados 31. Fraser Henry, Sean Carrington, Addinton Forde, John Gilmore A-Z of Barbadian Heritage 1990 32. Fraser Henry and Warren AlleyneHistoric Buildings reborn-46; AbingdonSeventh day Adventist SchoolBarbados Sunday Advocate, June 22, 1986 33. Frazier Sir James George(18541941).Golden Bough.. 34. Garden Book of Barbados published by the Department of Science and Agriculture, Barbados, 1953 35. Gonzalez-Wippler MigeneSanteria; African Magic in Latin AmericaOriginal Publications, New York, 2nd edition 1992 36. Gooding Graham Wayside trees and shrubs of Barbados Macmillan Caribbean 37. Gooding, E. G. B. Flora of Barbados 38. Gooding E.G.B.Historic relics in the flora of BarbadosJournal BMHS 33, 101-108 39. Gilmore John A 1789 description of Barbados- BMHS Journal XLIII

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40. Goodridge Canon Sehon S St. Marys- Booklet of the Anglican Church 52. 41. Greenidge C.W.W.The French West IndiesBMHS Journal Vol. 26, 3-9 42. Grime, W.E. 1979. Ethno-botany of the Black Americans. Algonac, Mich: Reference Publications. 43. Handler Jerome S Plantation Slave Settlements in Barbados, 1650 to 1834; in In the Shadow of the Plantation, Caribbean History and legacy, 123-162 edited by Alvin O. Thompson, 2003 44. Handler Jerome S Slave medicine and Obeah in Barbados circa 1650 to 1834; New West Indian Guide 2000, 57-90 45. Handler Jerome S and Kenneth M. Bilby On the early use and origin of the term Obeah in Barbados and the Anglophone CaribbeanSlavery and Abolition. Vol 22 (2) 2001, PP 87-100 46. Hargreaves Dorothy and Bob Tropical Trees found in the Caribbean, South America, Central America and Mexico 1965, Hargreaves Company, Hawaii 47. Honychurch Lennox A-Z of Dominica Heritage Preliminary Internet Publication 48. Honychurch Penelope N.Caribbean Wild Plants and their UsesMacmillan Caribbean, 1980 49. Hoyos E. A Barbados our Island Home; 1979, Macmillan Publishers 50. Hoyos PatrickRestoring Bulkeley, A labour of love for Geoff and Helen ParrisThe Broad Street JournalWed march 22, 2000 51. Hughes, Griffiths (1750) The Natural his53. 54. 55.


57. 58.





tory of Barbados. Arno Press a NY Times Company 1972 reprint Hutchinson H.G.The old Churches of BarbadosBMHS Journal Vol V; 180-184 Hutt Maurice BOccult traces in Bajan folkloreAdvocate-News, June 18th 1978 Hutt Maurice Bateman - Barbadian Nature Diary The Layne Company, Canada, 1979 Hutt Maurice Bateman A Naturalists year in Barbados The Layne Company, Canada, c. 1979 Irvine FR (1961) Woody Plants of Ghana. With special reference to their uses. London: Oxford University Press. Karch. A. CeciliaA man for all seasons; London BourneBMHS Journal Vol;XLV Lambert David Competing Discourses of Whiteness in the 1816 Barbados Enslaved revolt: Theoretical Possibilities and Ethical DilemmasThe Society for Caribbean Studies Annual Conference Papers Vol.2, 2001. Laurie PeterThe Steel Donkey revealed The Laurie Files; Barbados Advocate, June 16th, 1999 Law Robin On the African background to the slave insurrection in Saint-Domingue (Hati) in 1791: The Bois Caiman ceremony and the Dahomian blood pact; Harriett Tubman Seminar, department of History, York University; 8th November 1999 Lewis Wayne The Nations Action Line; Trouble tree in St. Joseph district.- Daily Nation, Thursday, July 15th 1999 Ligon Richard A true and exact History of Barbados Cass publishers, 1657 reprinted 1998
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63. Lucas N The Lucas manuscript volumes in the Barbados Public Library BMHS; Vol XIII; 161 64. Lynch LouisObeah still has believers in our Island Article in the Barbados Advocate, 25th March 1961 65. Marshall Woodville K.The Colthurst Journal, of a special magistrate in the islands of barbados and St Vincent, July 1835September 1838 KTO Press, Millwood, NY; 1977 66. McClellan George H (1909) Some phases of Barbados life (Tropical scenes and studies) printed by the Argosy Co. Ltd, Demerara. 67. Orliac Catherine and MichelEaster Island, Mystery of the Stone Giants142 pages, Discoveries, Harry N. Abrams Inc. Publishers, 1995 68. Ouensanga, C. (1983) Plantes medicinales et remedes creoles. Tome I. Plantes medicinales, Emile Desormeaux, Paris 69. Poyer John The history of Barbados from the discovery of the Island in the year 1605 till the accession of Lord Seafort in 1801; London , J Mawman 1808 70. Menninger EA (1967) Fantastic Trees. New York: Viking Press. 71. Maycock J. D. (1830) Flora Barbadensis James Ridgeway, London 72. Purseglove J.W.- Tropical Crops, Dicots. 1965 73. Quesnel Victor C. and T. Francis Farrell Native trees of Trinidad and Tobago The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists Club, 2000 74. Raupach KirstenBlack magic and diasporic imaginationCopas e-Journal Vol 3, Sept 2002

75. Raymond Judy From the roots of legend and lore a Belmont tree stands tall famed and feared, the silk-cotton tree defies a sentence of death Trinidad Sunday Guardian, Dec 19th 1999 76. Reece Canon J.E. and Clark-Hunt Canon C.G. Barbados Diocesan History London West India Committee 77. Roach C.N.COld Barbados , Arawak or CaribJournal of BMHS Vol II #3 and #4 78. Roach Patrick The Bridge Barbados Coles Printery, Barbados - Undated 79. Sampiao Barbosa Paulo de Tarso. 1999. Sumama, Ceiba pentandra. In: Jason W. Clay, Paulo de Tarso Barbosa Sampaio, Charles R. Clement (Eds.). Biodiversidade Amaznica. Exemplos e estratgias de utilizao. Servio Brasileiro de Apoio Pequena e Mdia Empresa-SEBRAE, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil 80. Shields Enid Devon House Families Ian Randle Publishers Ltd, Jamaica - 1991 81. Sherlock Philip and Hazel Bennett The Story of the Jamaican people Ian Randle Publishers 1998 82. Shilstone E. M.Parish churches in Barbados-rebuilt after hurricane of 1831Journal of BMHS Vol IV, 1936 83. Shilstone E. M.Old days and old ways in BridgetownJournal of BMHS Vol V, 1937, 169-179 84. Shomburgk Robert H History of Barbados Cass Publishers, 1848 85. Sinckler E Gouldbourne The Barbados Handbook 1914

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86. Sinckler E Gouldbourne Legends of Barbados Manuscript at Barbados Museum, Undated 87. Stoute Edward A; - Glimpses of Old Barbados Barbados National Trust; 1986 88. Tudor J. Cameron St Marys reaches 150 years mark. - Article in The Nation Newspaper 1977 89. Van Sertima IvanAfrican presence in early AmericaTransaction Publishers, New Brunswick, USA and London, UK 1986 90. Van Sertima IvanEgypt child of Africa Transaction PublishersNew Brunswick, USA and London, UK, undated 91. Warner-Lewis Maureen Guineas Other SunsThe Majority press, Dover, Massachussetts, 1991 92. Watson Karl The Civilised Island, Barbados, a social history 1750-1816, Caribbean Graphics, Barbados 1979 93. Watts David Mans influence on the vegetation of Barbados 1627-1800. University of Hull Occasional papers in Geography #4 94. Ullyett Canon BasilThe Church in the Early Years Sunday Sun, Jan 24th 1982 95. Wickham John The Wickham Interview, Douglas Gay- the Missing papers; Daily Nation 4, 1989 96. Wiener LeoAfrica and the Discovery of America1922 97. Williams R.O and Williams R. O. Useful and ornamental plants of Trinidad and Tobago, 1969 98. Williams Joseph S. J. Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica New York, 1934

99. Williams Joseph S. J.Voodoos and Obeahs New York, 1932 100. Wilson Fulton Secret Rendezvous with Madame Trinidad Express, August 11, 2002 101. Wright RonaldStolen ContinentsThe New World through Indian Eyes Houghton Mifflin, 1992 102. Zacharias Liqua-Maermiram and Ruth McAfeeLets save the Children1999, E.O.C. press, Bridgetown, Barbados; INTERNET REFERENCES 104. [The Silk-Cotton Tree] 105. [ Caribbean Archaelogy at the Florida Museum of Natural History - Silk Cotton Tree, Home to the Spirits of the Forest ] http:// htm 106. [ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Conservatory, Ceiba Pentandra (L.) Gaertn ] num/198500310.html 107. [ Famed and Feared, the Silk Cotton tree defies a sentence of deathJudy Raymond ] 108. [ History and Culture of the Dominican Republic ] 109. [ EnglandYew trees for the MIllenium ] acnsarchive/acns1000/acns1055.html

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110. [ Legends of Guyanas Amerindians, The Arawaks, The creation ] http://www.geocities. com/TheTropics/Shores/9253/ 111. [ The ceiba Tree ] http://www.geocities. com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/3388/ new_page_23.htm 112. [ Coat of ArmsCeiba, Puerto Rico ] http:// 113. [ Dominican RepublicThe Spanish Island, Ceiba Colon ] http://www.romartraveler. com/New_Pages/DomRep.html 114. [ A-Z of Dominica heritage by Lennox Honychurch ] heritage.htm 115. [ Voodoos and Obeahs, Phases of West India Witchcraft ] afr/vao/index.htm 116. [ Friends of the EarthSacred ground; a place called Hofi Pastor ] http://www. 117. [ Chiapas de Corzo, Don and Lois Porter ] ChiapaDeCorzo 118. [ Harpy Eagle in Guyana and Silk-Cotton tree] nc105066.htm 119. [ CopasBlack magic and Diasporic imaginationKirsten Raupach ] Anglistik/Amerikanistik/copas/index.htm 120. [ Calabash Skyviews Ltd.Places to see in Tobago ] sight.html 121. [ State and Private ForestryChampion Trees of Puerto Rico ] global/iitf/champlst.html

122. [ Barbados Photo GalleryAerial photography 1 ] 123. [ A survey of the Impact events and the Coastal peoples of SE North America, the Caribbean and Central America ] http:// 124. [ Book Review: Quick, Abdullah Hakim. Deeper Roots, Muslims in the Americas and the Caribbean from before Columbus to the present. ] 125. [ Islam in Latin America ] 126. [ Global Newsletter on Underutilized Crops Baobab ] newsletter99x.pdf 127. [ Temples of Angkor ] http://www.asianexp. net/cambodia/angkor.html 128. [ The Asherah tree ] http://www.therain. org/appendixes/app42.html 129. [ Tropikelly Trails tours, Antigua ] http:// 130. [ Pan-Tribal Confederacy of Mongoloid Tribal Nations ] http://www.pantribalconfederacy. com/confederacy/history.php 131. [, Black World News and Views (Amerindian History in Barbados] http:// 132. [ St John Beach GuideJumbie Tree ] Tree.htm 133. [ Transport Information Service, Kapok table of Contents ] ware/fasern/kapok/kapok.htm

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134. [ A brief History of an Important Event, BoukmanA spiritual battle ] http://www. 135. [ The Haitian revolution, The Slave rebellion of 1791 ] 136. [ Synopsis of Haitian History ] http://www. 137. [ Best Arbol del Tule, Mexico Digital Travel Pictures and Photos ] http://www.delange. org/Tule/Tule.htm 138. [ Obeah the Ultimate resistance by Alexander Giraldo ] slaves/Religion/religion.html 139. [ National TreesGeobopological Survey ] http://www/ Trees/National/ 140. [ African Religions in Jamaica and Cuba Brian Siegel ] http://facweb.furman. edu/~dstanford/jc/africanreligions.htm 141. [ The kapok Tree and Haiku ] http://www. 142. [ Pacific Islands Ecosystems at RiskCeiba pentandra ] cepen.htm 143. [ Freemasonry Information ] http://www. 144. [ The Tree in Creation Stories ] http://www. 145. [ Mayan Civilization ] http://almuhit.phys. html 146. [ Columbus Monuments in Cuba pages ] wi/habana_templete.html

147. [La Antigua, A Town immersed in its Conquistador past ] xalapalc/frames/la_antigua.htm 148. [The Tree of life III, The Ceiba Tree of the Mayans ] ceiba.htm 149. [Ruined Spanish Colonial Cathedral, Yucatan, Mexico] tblt55.htm 150. [ Silk Cotton tree at Virgin de regal Church ] cubaphoto2jp2.html 151. [ Ta prohm tree]

152. [ Silk-Cottons at Suriname Jodensavanne Cemetery ] http://www.jodensavanne. 153. [ Virgin of Regla, Santeria ceremony ] http:// fervor.htm 154. [ SanteriaBlack virgin of Regla ] http:// 155. [ Belmont SC tree falls in Trinidad ] http:// 156. [USVI Big Tree Register ] http:// 157. [Digital pictures of Archaeology sites ] http:// 158. [Santeria ] lucumi-online/message/1571

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Source of Illustrations
The majority of the pictures in this book were taken by Winston and Kofi Small. Steve Bispham also took a number of pictures of Silk-Cotton trees in Barbados and in his travels around the wider Caribbean. The other pictures that are reproduced and used herein are with the permission and kind courtesy of the persons or agencies indicated below -: Fig 1:4 Plaza de Armas, Old Havana
Courtesy of Andy Carvin <> Fig 2:14 SC in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Courtesy of Fig 2:49 SC tree at Fort Denmark, 1912; From BMHS, Sincklers Barbados Handbook - 1912 Fig 2:51b Codrington College in 1900; from Barbados Museum and Historical Society Fig 2:51a Codrington College in 1908; from Judnick Postcards; Fig 2:52aPostcard of SC at Clapham Plantation; from BMHS postcard collection Fig 2:52c Aerial Photo of Clapham House Courtesy of David Tindale Fig 2:58 Silk Cotton tree in Ghana Courtesy of Mawuli Dzebu Fig 2:61b SC tree with epiphytes; Courtesy of Dr Gene Pollard, FAO, Barbados Fig 3:2 SC tree in Dominica Courtesy of Sam Gittens, Barbados Fig 3:24 SC in Accra Ghana Courtesy of Mawuli Dzebu, Landtours, Ghana

Fig 3:20 Gang Gang Sara Tree, Tobago; from Picture is courtesy of Fig 3:22 Fallen SC Tree in Belmont, Trinidad; From Trinidad Internet Express; http:// feb15/general.htm Fig 3:23 SC, Valley View, Maracas, Trinidad Courtesy of Cecil Chin, UWI, Trinidad Fig 5:2 Spanish Cathedral at Cholula; From; copyright Philip Baird Fig 5:4b Stone drawing of St Johns Church; From Schomburghks History of Barbados Fig 5:7 Fallen Silk Cotton tree at St Marys Church From Barbados Sunday Advocate, July 23rd 1995 Fig 5:16 Old SC tree in Graveyard in Dominica Courtesy of Sam Gittens Fig 5:16a Old SC tree in Military Cemetery, St Lucia Courtesy of Lionel James Figs 5:19 and 20; SC in old Jewish cemetery, Suriname Courtesy of Dr Gene Pollard Fig 5:24 SC at Chiapa de Corzo Church; From Don Porter; ChiapaDeCorzo Fig 5:26 SC tree at Ta Prohm, Cambodia Courtesy of Fig 5:27 SC tree at Copan, Honduras; Fig 5:28 SC tree at Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico; Fig 7:1 Giant Olmec Head at Tres Zapotes, Mexico From;; copyright Philip Baird

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Chapter 7; Conclusion

Anther; Lobed end of stamen where pollen is produced Bajan; Of Barbados, same as Barbadian Biotype; A group of organisms within a species having similar genetic characteristics BMHS; Barbados Museum and Historical Society Bush Negroes; Term used in Suriname for the maroon slaves who fled into the interior during slavery and successfuly defended their way of life against the colonial powers. The term is still used in Suriname for their descendants. Buttress; Extensions at the base of the trunk that provide enhanced support for the tall Silk-Cotton tree Canopy; The overall spread of the leaves and branches of a tree Capsule; Seed case that opens when ripe by parting of valves Dehisce; Open(pods open while on tree releasing seed) Diaspora; (For Black people) The countries in which there are significant populations of peoples originally from Africa. Floss; Fine silken-like hairs around seed of SilkCotton, also called kapok Gall; Outgrowth produced by a plant as a reaction to infection by a bacterium, a fungus or an insect

Genotype; The internally coded, inheritable information carried by all living organisms used as a blueprint or set of instructions for building and maintaining a living creature. Genus; A unit of taxonomy consisting of a group of species with common characteristics Germplasm; Any plant material, such as seed or other living tissue that is capable of regenerating Habit; General growth pattern of a plant Invasive; A plant species which is very competitive and tends to dominate the vegetation in an area. Monecious; Stamens and Ovary on same plant Nigger Yard; Area on plantation in Barbados where Slaves lived. The term is used only for historical accuracy Pericarp; Fruit Coat formed from ovary wall Phenotype; The outward, physical manifestation of an organism. ; anything that is part of the observable structure, function or behavior of a living organism. QEH; Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Barbados SC; Silk-Cotton Species; Group of genetically similar organisms that can mate and produce offspring Stamen; male, pollen producing organ of flower-

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Chapter 7; Conclusion

The assistance of the following persons on various aspects of the development of this book is specially and gratefully acknowledged.

Steve and Sally Bispham Tricica Boyce Jean and Oneka Small Deborah Burroughes Selwyn Small Winston Mottley Newlands Greenidge Mawuli Djebu of Ghana Jeff Chandler of UWI, Cave Hill, Barbados Cecil Chin, Trevor Ricketts and Ataur Bacchus of the St Augustine Fellowes web group Sharon Crawford at UWI Library Mrs Betty Shannon and the Staff of the library of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society Katherine Burke of Suriname Remy Grauwde of Suriname Dr. Gene Pollard of Trinidad Mr. William Gollop, Bdos National Trust Mr. David Tindale of Observatory Road, Barbados Ms. Alies Van Sauers Muller of Suriname Lionel James of St Lucia / Barbados

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abdominal complaints 57 Aburi Botanic Gardens in Ghana 51 Acacia 13, 116 Act to punish Slaves found practicing Obeah 144 Adansonia digitata 24 Aerial photograph 49 African camphor tree 13 African Traditional worship 129 age 155 Albion Lodge 116, 146 Alexandra School 108, 115 All Saints 95 Almaizar 56 Amelia Culpeper 64 Amerindian 115, 116, 124 Ancient Order of Foresters 116 Andromeda Gardens 111 Anthroarcheart 136 Araba 21 Archaeological 155 aseyma 61 Ashantis 84 Asherah 13 Ashford Plantation 107 Atwell N.G.D 146

Beckles 144 Belmont 81 Benin 85 Biology department of UWI 157 Black Madonna 134 Black Virgin of Regla 134 Bois Caiman 133 Bombax ceiba 24 Bombax malabaricum 26 Boukman 70 Breadfruit 46 Bridgefield 95, 121, 122 Brittons Hill 99 Bulkeley 110, 127 Bush God 21 Bussa led rebellion of 1816 153 Buttress 38 Buxton Cemetery 129 Byde Mill Plantation 104

Cabrits National Park 67 Calakmul 136 Cane garden 95 canoes 55 Canon Goodridge 120 capsule 34, 42 Captain Bligh of the Bounty 46 Caribeae 85 Cayman woods 70 Cedar 13 Ceiba 21 Ceiba casearia 24 Ceiba Colon 28 Ceiba pentandra 24, 67 Central Foundry 108 Ceremonie du Bois Caiman 71 Chester 47,61,62,64,118 Chiapa de Corzo 134 Cholula 116 Church of England News 115 Clapham 105,124,127,147 Clapham Sect 105

Bajan Slaves were perhaps the worse treated 145 Balsa 24 Banyan 13 Baobab 13 Barbados 61 Barbados National Trust 157 Barbarees 110 Bark 24, 55 Barralliers Map 110 Bats 33 Bearded Fig tree 17

Clifton Tenantry 95 Codrington College 40, 48, 115, 118 Codrington College Woods 99 colic 57 Columbus 50, 141 Combermere School 108 Commercial 55 Concordia Lodge 146 Congreganten 130 constipation 57 Coomaka 21, 74 copan 136 Cortez 118 Cosmic Tree 13 cotton wool 57 cricket bats 55 Cumucurapo 79 Curacao 28, 118, 128

Edghill 95 Edward Stoute 48 emancipation 148 English expedition to the Island (1605) 63 Environment 52 epiphytes 50 Eriodendron anfractuosum 24

Fairview 96 Farley Hill 111 first Baobab in Barbados 17 Fitts Village 50 Fitts Village 65, 103 floss 42, 43 Floss silk tree 24 Flowers 33 Forest Giant 21, 44 Forestry Research Institute of Ghana 55 Fort Denmark 47, 103 Fort George, in Grand Cayman 146 Francia Plantation 91, 100, 109 Freemason 13,116,132,146 Friendship Plantation 106 Fromager 21, 67 Fruit setting 24 Fruiting 34

Dahomey 86 Dalkeith Methodist Church 121 Danballah 79, 144 dehiscent 23 Delamere Land 62, 111 Devil tree 26 Devon House 73 Devon House, 132 dissemination of the Silk-Cotton tree 143 Dominica 34, 67, 143 double-trunk tree 45 Douglas Gay 110 Doum 21 Dr. Alain Bombard 141 Druids 13 Dry season 41 Dunns River Falls 72 duppies 61 Dutchman 69

Galls 50 Gang Gang Sara 80 Garrison 102 George Hewitt 105 George Steibel 132 Ghana 82, 129 God Tree 21, 154 Golden Apple 25 Golden Bough 82 Golden Stool 83 Gommier 56 GonzalezWippler 16 Gossypium 23 Governor Henry Hawley 120

E.M. Shilstone 120 Early Church in Barbados 128 Easter Island 153 Ecosystem 54

Governor Picton 79 Graveyard 128, 129 Greenwich Village 96 Grenada 68 Gulf Stream 22 Gullies 53 Gully 94 Gunga 21 Guyana 69

Kendal, 104 kidney diseases 57 Kum tree 83 Kumaka 69 Kumasi 84 KweeKwee 39

La Antigua, Mexico 118 Lajablesse 68 Leaves 32 Legends of Barbados 64 Legon University, Accra, Ghana 157 Lennox Honychurch 67 Leo Weiner 141 Ligon 61 Lokono 15 Lome 86 London Bourne 106, 156 Longevity 46 loogaroo 61 Louis Lynch 66, 147 Lucas 120 Lucas Manuscripts 105

Habit 44 Hackletons Cliff 99 hair loss. 57 Haiti 70 Halfway Tree 69, 74, 120 Harold G. Lawrence 56 Harpie Eagle 54, 69 Hofi Pastor 28, 118 Hopewell 96 Hoyos 62 Huntin 82 Hutchinson 145

Ichirigounaim 153 IICA 111 Indian Ground 115, 124

magic 16 malaria 57 Mandinga voyages across the Atlantic 141 Maoris 15 Mapou 21 Maroon 129 Masonic lodge 130 Maurice Hutt 66 Mayan 21 Maycocks gully 96 Medicinal Uses 57 Mellows 62 menstruation bleedings 57 Merton 108 Migene GonzalezWippler 16 Military Cemetery 103,115,121,122,128 Monkey Business 93, 96 Montserrat 80

Jackson 96 Jamaica 128, 132 Jodensavanne 130 Joseph de David Cohen Nassy 130 Joshua Steele 104 Jumbie tree 21 Justice Tree 120

Kakun National Park 44 Kankantrie 21, 76, 77 Kapok 21,34,55,156 Karl Watson 61, 64

Moravian 104 Mt. Moritz 68

Nana Yaa Asantewaa I 84 Nathan Lucas 105 National Tree of Barbados 17 National Trees 18 Navel String 13 Nigeria 85, 87 Nigger Yard 147

Pool Woods 52, 101 Porters 115 Porters Woods 101 pre-Columbian, non-European contact 141 prevailing currents in the Atlantic 22 Propagation 24 Purseglove 27

QEH Arboretum 62, 111

Obeah 70, 144, 145 Obeah laws 71, 153 Observatory Road 100 Odum 21 Oil 56 Okomfo Anokye 83 Old Forts or Military sites 146 Old Jewish Cemetery 130, 131 Old Sharon 45,62,65,104,105,115,116,125 Olmec 15,135,154,156 Oneka 63 Onyina 21, 82 Orange Hill Gully 97 Orinoco 23 Ornamental 111 Oshogo Shrine 87 Ouidah, Benin 86

Red Silk cotton 24 regeneration 50 Rio Pongas 106 RioCobre 73 Rock Hall 94, 97, 105 roots 40

Sacred 13, 116 Sandbox 24, 25 Sandy Lane Hotel 109 Santeria 15, 134 Santeros 16 Santigron 77, 129, 130 Schomburgk 17 Seed 36 Settlers tree 63 Seven Days Adventist 123 Seven-Days Adventist Church 121 Shilstone E.M 118 Silk-Cotton tree is indigenous to Barbados 142 Silk-Cotton tree probably arose in West Africa 141 Sinckler 146 Sincklers Handbook of Barbados 47 Sir James Frazier 82 Sir William Robinson 65 Sir William Tufton 120 skin ointment 57 Slave laws 71 Slaves 115

Palenque 136 Palenque Pyramid site 136 Paramaribo 129, 130, 146 Penelope Honychurch 57 Peter Campbell 120 Peter L Drewett 143 pillows 56, 65 Plantation 127 platforms 56 Plaza de Armas 15 pollinated 33 Pollination 24

soils 24, 53 soucouyan 61 Soucouyan tree 21 Spanish Cathedral 116 spines 37 spinning kapok 56 Springvale 101, 110, 155 St Andrews Parish Church 120 St Andrews Parish Church 132 St James Cemetery 115 St Johns Church 117 St Johns Parish Church 115 St Lucia 75 St Lucia Botanic Gardens 75 St Lukes Gully 97 St Lukes gully 124 St Marys Church 120 St Marys Churchyard 115 St Peters Cemetery 115, 123 St Philip Church 118 St Philip Parish Church 115 St Saviours 97 St Simons 97 St Vincent 46 St. James Cemetery 123 St. Nicholas Abbey 124, 125 Staplegrove 109,110,127,147 Stepney 110 Sumauma 21 Sunset Crest 98 Suriname 76, 129, 154

Type #3 31

Upper Parks 98 UWI, Cave Hill 111

Valley View, Maracas 81 Van Sertima 56, 141 Var. Caribeae 27 Var. guineensis 27 Var. pentandra 27 varieties 27 venereal diseases 57 Veracruz, Mexico 46 viability 24 Vieques 29 Virgin de Regla Church 134 Voodoo 144 Voudon 70

Warrens 105 Wayne Lewis 62 Welchman Hall Gully 98 Westmoreland 98 wet season 41 Weymouth 108, 147 Whim gully 93, 98 William Wilberforce 105 wood of the Silk-Cotton tree 55 World-Tree 13

Ta Phrom 40, 135 Taino 56, 70 Thor Heyderdahl 141 throw heat 66 Tobago 80 Togo 85 Tree of Life 13 Trinidad and Tobago 79 Turners Hall Woods 101 Type #1 27 Type #2 30

Yaricos pond 104 Yemaya 134 Yew Trees 115 Yucatan 40


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