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Closure Properties of CFL's - Substitution Proof

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Closure Properties of CFL's | Substitution

If a substitution s assigns a CFL to every symbol

in the alphabet of a CFL L, then s(L) is a CFL.
 Take a grammar for L and a grammar for
each language La = s(a).
 Make sure all the variables of all these
grammars are di erent.
✦ We can always rename variables whatever
we like, so this step is easy.
 Replace each terminal a in the productions for
L by Sa , the start symbol of the grammar for
La .
 A proof that this construction works is in the
✦ Intuition: this replacement allows any
string in La to take the place of any
occurrence of a in any string of L.
 L = f0n1n j n  1g, generated by the
grammar S ! 0S1 j 01.
 s(0) = fanbm j m  ng, generated by the
grammar S ! aSb j A; A ! aA j ab.
 s(1) = fab; abcg, generated by the grammar
S ! abA; A ! c j .
1. Rename second and third S's to S0 and
S1 , respectively. Rename second A to B.
Resulting grammars are:
S ! 0S1 j 01
S0 ! aS0 b j A; A ! aA j ab
S1 ! abB; B ! c j 
2. In the rst grammar, replace 0 by S0 and 1 by
S1 . The combined grammar:
S ! S0 SS1 j S0 S1
S0 ! aS0 b j A; A ! aA j ab
S1 ! abB; B ! c j 
Consequences of Closure Under Substitution
1. Closed under union, concatenation, star.
✦ Proofs are the same as for regular
languages, e.g. for concatenation of CFL's
L1 , L2 , use L = fabg, s(a) = L1 , and
s(b) = L2 .
2. Closure of CFL's under homomorphism.
Nonclosure Under Intersection
 The reader shows the following language L =
f0i1j 2k 3l j i = k and j = lg not to be a CFL.
✦ Intuitively, you need a variable and
productions like A ! 0A2 j 02 to generate
the matching 0's and 2's, while you need
another variable to generate matching 1's
and 3's. But these variables would have
to generate strings that did not interleave.
 However, the simpler language f0i1j 2k 3l j i =
kg is a CFL.
✦ A grammar:
S ! S3 j A
A ! 0A2 j B
B ! 1B j 
 Likewise the CFL f0i 1j 2k 3l j j = lg.
 Their intersection is L.
Nonclosure of CFL's Under Complement
 Proof 1: Since CFL's are closed under union,
if they were also closed under complement,
they would be closed under intersection by
DeMorgan's law.
 Proof 2: The complement of L above is a
CFL. Here is a PDA P recognizing it:
✦ Guess whether to check i 6= k or j 6= l.
Say we want to check i 6= k.
✦ As long as 0's come in, count them on the
✦ Ignore 1's.
✦ Pop the stack for each 2.
✦ As long as we have not just exposed the
bottom-of-stack marker when the rst 3
comes in, accept, and keep accepting as
long as 3's come in.
✦ But we also have to accept, and keep
accepting, as soon as we see that the
input is not in L(0 1 2 3).
Closure of CFL's Under Reversal
Just reverse the body of every production.
Closure of CFL's Under Inverse
PDA-based construction.
 Keep a \bu er" in which we place h(a) for
some input symbol a.
 Read inputs from the front of the bu er (
 When the bu er is empty, it may be reloaded
with h(b) for the next input symbol b, or we
may continue making -moves.
Testing Emptiness of a CFL
As for regular languages, we really take a
representation of some language and ask whether
it represents ;.
 In this case, the representation can be a CFG
or PDA.
✦ Our choice, since there are algorithms to
convert one to the other.
 The test: Use a CFG; check if the start
symbol is useless?
Testing Finiteness of a CFL
 Let L be a CFL. Then there is some pumping-
lemma constant n for L.
 Test all strings of length between n and 2n , 1
for membership (as in next section).
 If there is any such string, it can be pumped,
and the language is in nite.
 If there is no such string, then n , 1 is an
upper limit on the length of strings, so the
language is nite.
✦ Trick: If there were a string z = uvwxy
of length 2n or longer, you can nd a
shorter string uwy in L, but it's at most
n shorter. Thus, if there are any strings
of length 2n or more, you can repeatedly
cut out vx to get, eventually, a string
whose length is in the range n to 2n , 1.
Testing Membership of a String in a CFL
Simulating a PDA for L on string w doesn't
quite work, because the PDA can grow its stack
inde nitely on  input, and we never nish, even if
the PDA is deterministic.

 There is an O(n3 ) algorithm (n = length
of w) that uses a \dynamic programming"
✦ Called Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK)
 Start with a CNF grammar for L.
 Build a two-dimensional table:
✦ Row = length of a substring of w.
✦ Column = beginning position of the
✦ Entry in row i and column j = set of
variables that generate the substring of
w beginning at position j and extending
for i positions.
✦ In reader, these entries are denoted
Xj;i+j ,1, i.e., the subscripts are
the rst and last positions of the
string represented, so the rst row is
X11 ; X22; : : :; Xnn, the second row is
X12 ; X23; : : :; Xn,1;n, and so on.
Basis : (row 1) Xii = the set of variables A such
that A ! a is a production, and a is the symbol at
position i of w.
Induction : Assume the rows for substrings of
length up to m , 1 have been computed, and
compute the row for substrings of length m.
 We can derive ai ai+1    aj from A if there is a
production A ! BC, B derives any pre x of
ai ai+1    aj , and C derives the rest.
 Thus, we must ask if there is any value of k
such that
✦ i  k < j.
✦ B is in Xik .
✦ C is in Xk+1;j .

In class, we'll work the table for the grammar:
S ! AS j SB j AB
and the string aabb.

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