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Congress has 2 types of representation, Senate has equal for every state, House his represented by population.


The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson


My government protects me and governs me so I can stay safe.

A group of people that governs a community or unit. It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state.


I am glad my government believes in Individualism.

A theory maintaining the political and economic independence of the individual and stressing individual initiative, action, and interests;


I saw the Constitution in D.C. and read about how my government works.

The basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it


They wrote the Bill of Rights when they discovered the constitution did not state the rights to the people.

Bill of Rights
A document containing a formal statement of rights, the first 10 amendments

Have you heard about the libel

proceedings against the daily telegraph?

A written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought


The federalists wanted a central power above the rest of the government.

A supporter or member of the Federalist Party; an advocate of federalism.


The Anti-Federalists did not want a central power and they wrote the constitution over based on this.

One of party opposed to a federative government; - applied particularly to the party which opposed the adoption of the constitution of the United States.


Each state has 2 senators and the Vote on legislation in the Senate.


An assembly or a council of citizens having the highest deliberative and legislative functions in a government, specifically: The upper house of the U.S. Congress, to which two members are elected from each state by popular vote for a six-year term.


Indiana has 9 representatives in the House of Representatives.

House of Representatives
The lower house of the U.S. Congress and of most state legislatures.

John Barrasso is the current republican committee chair. 11.

Committee chair
The presiding officer of an assembly, meeting, committee, or board.


The United States has a Bicameral legislature with the Senate and House of Representatives.

Bicameral legislature
Composed of or based on two legislative chambers or branches


Congress must have legislative oversight to properly do their job in the government.

Legislative oversight
The power of congress to oversee how laws are carried out


The National Security Council helps the president when carrying out the security of the United States.

National Security Council

A governmental body specifically designed to assist the President in integrating all spheres of national security policy.


The president can use a Pocket Veto to not let something he doesnt not agree with go through congress.

Pocket Veto
The action of the President in retaining unsigned a bill passed by Congress within the last ten days of a session and thus causing it to die


The War Powers Resolutions does not allow the president to send troops somewhere without congresss approval.

War Powers Resolutions

A United States Congress joint resolution providing that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by authorization of Congress or if the United States is already under attack or serious threat.


Only two presidents have gone under Impeachment, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton neither were found guilty.


To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.


Executive Branch

The Executive Branch is made up of the President, Vice President, and the Cabinet, and is mostly run out of the White House.

The branch of the United States government that is responsible for carrying out the laws


I learned about the Legislative Branch when I visited the capitol building in Washington DC.

Legislative Branch
The branch of the United States government that has the power of legislating


When I see a Supreme Court decision I see the Judiciary Branch in action.

Judiciary Branch
The branch of government that is endowed with the authority to interpret and apply the law, adjudicates legal disputes, and otherwise administers justice.


Did you hear about the latest Supreme Court decision they had to decide if something was constitutional or not.

Supreme Court

The highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation.


The United States adopted Common Law from England.

Common Law
the body of law developed in England primarily from judicial decisions based on custom and precedent, unwritten in statute or code, and constituting the basis of the English legal system and of the system in all of the United States except Louisiana


The question of product liability would be best left to civil law.

Civil Law
The system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs


I am glad I have the right to have my own opinion during elections.

A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


The problem turned out to be a Justiciable dispute.

Justiciable disputes

A requirement that to be heard in a case must be capable of being settled as a matter of law rather than on other grounds as is commonly the case in legislative.

Hey! Did you vote in the National Primary yet?


National Primary

is a proposed system for conducting the United States presidential primaries and caucuses, in which all of the primaries and caucuses would occur on the same day


One hundred and twenty-nine msps make up the parliament, which is elected by proportional representation.

Proportional representation
An electoral system in which parties gain seats in proportion to the number of votes cast for them.


Obama, our current president is part of the Democratic Party.

Democratic Party
one of the two major political parties in the U.S., dating from a split in the Democratic-Republican Party in 1828.


Indiana is a state the usally votes for the Republican Party.

Republican Party

the more conservative of the two major political parties in the US: established around 1854


The court case was taken to the district court in order to have a trial.

District courts

A state of federal trial court.


The government had to make a new navy unit through activation.


To organize or create (a military unit, for example):


Some believe it is your civic duty to raise your kids with the proper morals.

Civic duty
the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force;


The 3 branches that make up 1 government are Sub governments.

Sub governments
the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community


Did you hear about the new iniative to help get government to lower taxes?

The ability to assess and initiate things independently.


She filed a class action lawsuit when she sued the store for selling contaminated food.

Class action lawsuits

A lawsuit that allows a large number of people with a common interest in a matter to sue or be sued as a group.


The Iron Triangle is used by congress to form policies and laws.

The iron Triangle

is a term used by political scientists to describe the policy-making relationship among the congressional committees, the bureaucracy (executive) (sometimes called "government agencies"), and interest groups.


Congress has the Elastic Clause to help them do their job.

Elastic Clause
Grants congress ability to pass all necessary laws for carrying out their powers.


Congress used the summary clause to allow them to pass laws to further the treaty with Spain.

Summary Clause
Laws made furthering constitution and treaties made under US authority


The Supreme Court must use Judicial Review to define if something is constitutional or not.

Judicial review

Review by the Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.


The controversial decision was reviewed by the appellate court to make sure it was the correct decision.

Appellate Court
court whose jurisdiction is to review decisions of lower courts or agencies.

Others : writ of habeas corpes


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