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Contract I

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Jaipur School of Law

Maharaj Vinayak Global University

(Session 2013-14)
Paper I
Contract -I
Time: 3:00 Hour
Maximum Marks -70
General Instructions : 1. Question paper consists of 21 questions.
2. Question paper is divided into 3 parts.
3. Part A consists of 02 Multiple choice, 03 Fill in the Blanks, 03 True/False, 02 Match the following questions.
Each question carries 2 mark. All question are compulsory
4. Part B consist of 06 Short answer type questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Attempt any Four questions.
5. Part C consist of 05 Essay type questions. Each question carries 10 marks. Attempt any Three questions.

Q.1. Which of the following is not a source of Indian Mercantile Law ?
(a) English Law

(b) Custom & Wage

(c) Roman Law

(d) Precedents

Q.2. The law of contract covers the enforcement of :(a) Voluntarily created civil obligations
(c) Obligations imposed by law

(b) All obligations of civil nature

(d) Whole range of agreements

Q.3. The doctrine of privity of contract means

(A Stranger to a contract cannot sue/ A contract without


Q.4. .. said that it is an agreement creating and defining obligation between the parties.
(Austin / Salmond)
Q.5. The latest theory of contract is .

( Fides Ficta/ Theory of enforceability)

Q.6. Trust is an exception to the Privity Rule.

(True/ False)

Q.7 According to Austin Every agreement and promise enforceable at law is a contract.


Q.8. An agreement to share the benefits of a public office is void.


Match the followings

(Q.9 & Q.10)


List- II



(i) Section 17 (d)


Promisor & Promisee

(ii) Section 16


Undue influence

(iii) Section 2d (a)



(iv) Section 2c (b)



List- I

List- II


Lalman Shukla V Gauri Dutt

(i) Term fraud is defined in House of Lords (d)


Askari Mirza V Jai Kishori

(ii) Minors contract is void (c)


Mohori Bibee V Dharmodas

(iii) Acceptance cannot be given without knowledge of the offer (a)


Derry V Peek

(iv) Coercion


Q.11. What is proposal ?
Q.12. Define contingent contract ?
Q.13. All contract are agreements but all agreement are not contract Do you agree if yes give reason ?
Q.14. What is novation of contract ?
Q.15. Define the terms Void, Voidable and Valid contracts ?
Q.16. Why Minors contract are not voidable but are void ab initio ?


Q.17. What are the essential elements of a valid acceptance ? When is the communication of acceptance completed and
when can it be revoked ?
Q.18. What do you understand by undue influence ? How undue influence differs from coercion ?
Q.19. What is Quasi contract ? Discuss in detail the quasi contract dealt under the Indian contract Act 1872 ?
Q.20. No consideration, no contract What are the exceptions to this rule ?
Q.21. Explain the Doctrine of Frustration of contract ?

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