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Earthquake Resistant Structures and Ductile Detailing Concepts of RCC Elements

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Earthquake Resistant Structures and Ductile Detailing Concepts of RCC Elements

1. Introduction
Earthquake is a natural phenomenon occurring with all uncertainties. Engineering design aims to link economics, social, environmental and safety factor to produce the best solution. India is a large country. Nearly two thirds of its area is earthquake prone. A large part of rural and urban buildings are low-rise buildings of one, two, three storey. Many of them may not be adequately designed from engineers trained in earthquake engineering. Most loss of life and property due to earthquakes occur due to collapse of buildings. The number of dwelling units and other related small-scale constructions might double in the next two decades in India and other developing countries of the world. This amplifies the need for a simple engineering approach to make such buildings earthquake resistant at a reasonably low cost. The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry, in addition to how the earthquake forces are carried to the ground. Hence, at the planning stage itself, architects and structural engineers must work together to ensure that the unfavorable features are avoided and a good building configuration is chosen. The main objective of seismic resistant construction is that the structure does not collapse during mild earthquakes. This also helps in preventing catastrophic failure of the structure giving sufficient warning during severe earthquakes thereby saving precious lives. In this presentation emphasis will be given to the performance of RCC buildings during earthquake and ductile design & detailing of buildings to reduce the damages during earthquake.

2. The Seismic effects on structures

A typical RC building is made of horizontal members (beams and slabs) and vertical members (columns and walls), and supported by foundations that rest on ground. The system comprising of RC columns and connecting beams is called a RC Frame. The RC frame participates in resisting the earthquake forces. Earthquake shaking generates inertia forces in the building, which are proportional to the building mass. Since most of the building mass is present at floor levels, earthquake-induced inertia forces primarily develop at the floor levels. These forces travel downwards - through slab and beams to columns and walls, and then to the foundations from where they are dispersed to the ground. As inertia forces accumulate downwards from the top of the building, the columns and walls at lower storeys experience higher earthquake-induced forces (Figure 1) and are therefore designed to be stronger than those in storeys above.

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Earthquake Resistant Structures and Ductile Detailing Concepts of RCC Elements Fig 1: Total horizontal earthquake force in a building increases downwards along its height.

Inertia Forces in Structures

Earthquake causes shaking of the ground. So a building resting on it will experience motion at its base. From Newtons First Law of Motion, even though the base of the building moves with the ground, the roof has a tendency to stay in its original position. But since the walls and columns are connected to it, they drag the roof along with them. This is much like the situation that you are faced with when the bus you are standing in suddenly starts; your feet move with the bus, but your upper body tends to stay back making you fall backwards!! This tendency to continue to remain in the previous position is known as inertia.

Flow of seismic inertia forces through all structural components

Under horizontal shaking of the ground, horizontal inertia forces are generated at level of
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the mass of the structure (usually situated at the floor levels). These lateral inertia forces are transferred by the floor slab to the walls or columns, to the foundations, and finally to the soil system underneath . So, each of these structural elements (floor slabs, walls, columns, and foundations) and the connections between them must be designed to safely transfer these inertia forces through them. Walls or columns are the most critical elements in transferring the inertia forces .

3. Importance of Architectural Features

The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry, in addition to how the earthquake forces are carried to the ground. Hence, at the planning stage itself, architects and structural engineers must work together to ensure that the unfavorable features are avoided and a good building configuration is chosen. The importance of the configuration of a building was summarized by Late Henry Degenkolb, a noted Earthquake Engineer of USA, as: If we have a poor configuration to start with, all the engineer can do is to provide a band-aid - improve a basically poor solution as best as he can. Conversely, if we startoff with a good configuration and reasonable framing system, even a poor engineer cannot harm its ultimate performance too much. Size of Buildings. Horizontal Layout of Buildings. Vertical Layout of Buildings. Adjacency of Buildings.

I. Size of Buildings In tall buildings with large height-to-base size ratio (Figure 2a), the horizontal movement of the floors during ground shaking is large. In short but very long buildings (Figure 2b), the damaging effects during earthquake shaking are many. And, in buildings with large plan area like warehouses (Figure 2c), the horizontal seismic forces can be excessive to be carried by columns and walls.

Fig 2: Different sizes of buildings.


Horizontal layout of Buildings

In general, buildings with simple geometry in plan (Figure 3a) have performed well during
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strong earthquakes. Buildings with re-entrant corners, like those U, V, H and + shaped in plan (Figure 3b), have sustained significant damage. Many times, the bad effects of these interior corners in the plan of buildings are avoided by making the buildings in two parts. For example, an L-shaped plan can be broken up into two rectangular plan shapes using a separation joint at the junction (Figure 3c). Often, the plan is simple, but the columns/walls are not equally distributed in plan. Buildings with such features tend to twist during earthquake shaking.

Fig 3: Horizontal layout of buildings.


Vertical layout of Buildings

The earthquake forces developed at different floor levels in a building need to be brought down along the height to the ground by the shortest path; any deviation or discontinuity in this load transfer path results in poor performance of the building. Buildings with vertical setbacks (like the hotel buildings with a few storeys wider than the rest) cause a sudden jump in earthquake forces at the level of discontinuity (Figure 4a). Buildings that have fewer columns or walls in a particular storey or with unusually tall storey (Figure 4b), tend to damage or collapse which is initiated in that storey. Many buildings with an open ground storey intended for parking collapsed or were severely damaged in Gujarat during the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. Buildings on sloppy ground have unequal height columns along the slope, which causes ill effects like twisting and damage in shorter columns (Figure 4c). Buildings with columns that hang or float on beams at an intermediate storey and do not go all the way to the foundation, have discontinuities in the load transfer path (Figure 4d). Some buildings have reinforced concrete walls to carry the earthquake loads to the foundation. Buildings, in which these walls do not go all the way to the ground but stop at an upper level, are liable to get severely damaged during earthquakes.

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Fig 4: Vertical layout of buildings.

IV. Adjacency of Buildings When two buildings are too close to each other, they may pound on each other during strong shaking. With increase in building height, this collision can be a greater problem. When building heights do not match (Figure 5), the roof of the shorter building may pound at the mid-height of the column of the taller one; this can be very dangerous.

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Fig 5: Adjacency of buildings.

4. Earthquake-Resistant Design of Buildings

The engineers do not attempt to make earthquake proof buildings that will not get damaged even during the rare but strong earthquake; such buildings will be too robust and also too expensive. Instead, the engineering intention is to make buildings earthquake resistant; such buildings resist the effects of ground shaking, although they may get damaged severely but would not collapse during the strong earthquake. Thus, safety of people and contents is assured in earthquake-resistant buildings, and thereby a disaster is avoided. This is a major objective of seismic design codes throughout the world. Earthquake Design Philosophy The earthquake design philosophy may be summarized as follows (Figure 5a): (a) Under minor but frequent shaking, the main members of the building that carry vertical and horizontal forces should not be damaged; however building parts that do not carry load may sustain repairable damage. (b) Under moderate but occasional shaking, the main members may sustain repairable damage, while the other parts of the building may be damaged such that they may even have to be replaced after the earthquake; and (c) Under strong but rare shaking, the main members may sustain severe (even irreparable) damage, but the building should not collapse.

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4.1 Need of Ductile material in Buildings Ductility is defined as the capacity of the building materials, systems or structures to absorb energy by deforming in the elastic range. Therefore ductility of a structure in fact is one of the most important factors affecting its earthquake performance. The ductility of a structure depends upon type of material used and also the structural characteristics of the assembly. Ductility is an essential attribute of an earthquake resistant design of structure that servers as shock absorbers in a structure and reduces the transmitted force to one that is sustainable. Steel is used in masonry and concrete buildings as reinforcement bars of diameter ranging from 6mm to 40mm. Reinforcing steel can carry both tensile and compressive loads. Moreover, steel is a ductile material. This important property of ductility enables steel bars to undergo large elongation before breaking. Concrete is used in buildings along with steel reinforcement bars. This composite material is called reinforced cement concrete or simply reinforced concrete (RC). The amount and location of steel in a member should be such that the failure of the member is by steel reaching its strength in tension before concrete reaches its strength in compression. This type of failure is ductile failure, and hence is preferred over a failure where concrete fails first in compression. Therefore, contrary to common thinking, providing too much steel in RC buildings can be harmful even!!

4.2 How to make Buildings ductile for Good Seismic Performance?

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Now, let us make a chain with links made of brittle and ductile materials (Figure 7). Each of these links will fail just like the bars shown in Figure 6. Now, hold the last link at either end of the chain and apply a force F. Since the same force F is being transferred through all the links, the force in each link is the same, i.e., F. As more and more force is applied, eventually the chain will break when the weakest link in it breaks. If the ductile link is the weak one (i.e., its capacity to take load is less), then the chain will show large final elongation. Instead, if the brittle link is the weak one, then the chain will fail suddenly and show small final elongation. Therefore, if we want to have such a ductile chain, we have to make the ductile link to be the weakest link. Buildings should be designed like the ductile chain. For example, consider the common urban residential apartment construction - the multi-storey building made of reinforced concrete. It consists of horizontal and vertical members, namely beams and columns. The seismic inertia forces generated at its floor levels are transferred through the various beams and columns to the ground. The correct building components need to be made ductile. The failure of a column can affect the stability of the whole building, but the failure of a beam causes localized effect. Therefore, it is better to make beams to be the ductile weak links than columns. This method of designing RC buildings is called the strong-column weak-beam design method (Figure 8). By using the routine design codes (meant for design against non-earthquake effects), designers may not be able to achieve a ductile structure. Special design provisions are required to help designers improve the ductility of the structure. Such provisions are usually put together in the form of a special seismic design code, e.g., IS:13920-1993 for RC structures. These codes also ensure that adequate ductility is provided in the members where damage is expected.

Figure 7: Ductile chain design 4.3 Capacity Design Concept

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Figure 8: Reinforced concrete building design

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Let us take two bars of same length and cross sectional area - one made of a ductile material and another of a brittle material. Now, pull these two bars until they break!! You will notice that the ductile bar elongates by a large amount before it breaks, while the brittle bar breaks suddenly on reaching its maximum strength at a relatively small elongation (Figure 6). Amongst the materials used in building construction, steel is ductile, while masonry and concrete are brittle.

5. How do Columns in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes?

Columns, the vertical members in RC buildings, contain two types of steel reinforcement, namely: (a) long straight bars (called longitudinal bars) placed vertically along the length, and (b) closed loops of smaller diameter steel bars (called transverse ties) laced horizontally at regular intervals along its full length (Figure 9). Columns can sustain two types of damage, namely axial-flexural (or combined compression- bending) failure and shear failure. Shear damage is brittle and must be avoided in columns by providing transverse ties at close spacing.

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Figure 9 : Reinforcement details in Columns. 5.1 Design Strategy Designing a column involves selection of materials to be used (i.e, grades of concrete and steel bars), choosing shape and size of the cross-section, and calculating amount and distribution of steel reinforcement. The first two aspects are part of the overall design strategy of the whole building. The Indian Ductile Detailing Code IS:13920-1993 requires columns to be at least 300mm wide. A column width of up to 200mm is allowed if unsupported length is less than 4m and beam length is less than 5m. Columns that are required to resist earthquake forces must be designed to prevent shear failure by a skillful selection of reinforcement. 5.2 Vertical Bars tied together with Closed Ties Closely spaced horizontal closed ties help in three ways, namely
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(i) They carry the horizontal shear forces induced by earthquakes, and thereby resist diagonal shear cracks, (ii) They hold together the vertical bars and prevent them from excessively bending outwards (in technical terms, this bending phenomenon is called buckling), and (iii) They contain the concrete in the column within the closed loops. The ends of the ties must be bent as 135 hooks (Figure 10). Such hook ends prevent opening of loops and consequently bulging of concrete and buckling of vertical bars. The Indian Standard IS13920-1993 prescribes following details for earthquake-resistant columns: (a) Closely spaced ties must be provided at the two ends of the column over a length not less than larger dimension of the column, one-sixth the column height or 450mm. (b) Over the distance specified in item (a) above and below a beam-column junction, the vertical spacing of ties in columns should not exceed D/4 for where D is the smallest dimension of the column (e.g., in a rectangular column, D is the length of the small side). This spacing need not be less than 75mm nor more than 100mm. At other locations, ties are spaced as per calculations but not more than D/2. (c) The length of tie beyond the 135 bends must be at least 10 times diameter of steel bar used to make the closed tie; this extension beyond the bend should not be less than 75mm. In columns where the spacing between the corner bars exceeds 300mm, the Indian Standard prescribes additional links with 180 hook ends for ties to be effective in holding the concrete in its place and to prevent the buckling of vertical bars. These links need to go around both vertical bars and horizontal closed ties (Figure 9); special care is required to implement this properly at site 5.3 Lapping Vertical Bars In the construction of RC buildings, due to the limitations in available length of bars and due to constraints in construction, there are numerous occasions when column bars have to be joined. A simple way of achieving this is by overlapping the two bars over at least a minimum specified length, called lap length. The lap length depends on types of reinforcement and concrete. For ordinary situations, it is about 50 times bar diameter. Further, IS:13920-1993 prescribes that the lap length be provided ONLY in the middle half of column and not near its top or bottom ends (Figure 11). Also, only half the vertical bars in the column are to be lapped at a time in any storey. Further, when laps are provided, ties must be provided along the length of the lap at a spacing not more than 150mm.

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Figure 10: Shear Failure of Columns


Figure 11 : Reinforcement details in

6. How do Beams in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes?

In RC buildings, the vertical and horizontal members (i.e., the columns and beams) are built integrally with each other. Thus, under the action of loads, they act together as a frame transferring forces from one to another. This Tip is meant for beams that are part of a building frame and carry earthquake induced forces. Beams in RC buildings have two sets of steel reinforcement, namely: (a) long straight bars (called longitudinal bars) placed along its length, and (b) closed loops of small diameter steel bars (called stirrups) placed vertically at regular intervals along its full length (Figure 12).

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Figure 12 : Reinforcement in Beams.

Figure 13 : Failures in Beams.

Beams sustain two basic types of failures, namely: (a) Flexural (or Bending) Failure: As the beam sags under increased loading, it can fail in two possible ways. If relatively more steel is present on the tension face, concrete crushes in compression; this is a brittle failure and is therefore undesirable. If relatively less steel is present on the tension face, the steel yields first (it keeps elongating but does not snap, as steel has ability to stretch large amounts before it snaps) and redistribution occurs in the beam until eventually the concrete crushes in compression; this is a ductile failure and hence is desirable. Thus, more steel on tension face is not necessarily desirable! The ductile failure is characterized with many vertical cracks starting from the stretched beam face, and going towards its mid-depth (Figure 13a). (b) Shear Failure: A beam may also fail due to shearing action. A shear crack is inclined at 45 to the horizontal; it develops at mid-depth near the support and grows towards the top and bottom faces (Figure 13b). Closed loop stirrups are provided to avoid such shearing action. Shear damage occurs when the area of these stirrups is insufficient. Shear failure is brittle, and therefore, shear failure must be avoided in the design of RC beams. 6.1 Design Strategy Designing a beam involves the selection of its material properties (i.e, grades of steel bars and concrete) and shape and size; these are usually selected as a part of an overall design strategy of the whole building. And, the amount and distribution of steel to be provided in the beam must be determined by performing design calculations as per is:456-2000 and IS13920-1993. Longitudinal bars are provided to resist flexural cracking on the side of the beam that stretches. Since both top and bottom faces stretch during strong earthquake shaking longitudinal steel bars are required on both faces at the ends and on the bottom face at mid-length (Figure 14). The Indian Ductile Detailing Code IS13920-1993 prescribes that:
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(a) At least two bars go through the full length of the beam at the top as well as the bottom of the beam. (b) At the ends of beams, the amount of steel provided at the bottom is at least half that at top.

Figure 14 : Reinforcement Details in Beams.

Stirrups in RC beams help in three ways, namely (i) they carry the vertical shear force and thereby resist diagonal shear cracks (Figure 13b), (ii) they protect the concrete from bulging outwards due to flexure, and (iii) they prevent the buckling of the compressed longitudinal bars due to flexure. In moderate to severe seismic zones, the Indian Standard IS13920-1993 prescribes the following requirements related to stirrups in reinforced concrete beams: (a) The diameter of stirrup must be at least 6mm; in beams more than 5m long, it must be at least 8mm. (b) Both ends of the vertical stirrups should be bent into a 135 hook (Figure 15) and extended sufficiently beyond this hook to ensure that the stirrup does not open out in an earthquake. (c) The spacing of vertical stirrups in any portion of the beam should be determined from calculations (d) The maximum spacing of stirrups is less than half the depth of the beam (Figure 16). (e) For a length of twice the depth of the beam from the face of the column, an even more stringent spacing of stirrups is specified, namely half the spacing mentioned in (c) above (Figure 16).

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Figure 15 : Reinforcement Details in Beams.

Figure 16 : Reinforcement Details in Beams.

Steel reinforcement bars are available usually in lengths of 12-14m. Thus, it becomes necessary to overlap bars when beams of longer lengths are to be made. At the location of the lap, the bars transfer large forces from one to another. Thus, the Indian Standard IS:13920-1993 prescribes that such laps of longitudinal bars are (a) made away from the face of the column, and (b) not made at locations where they are likely to stretch by large amounts and yield (e.g., bottom bars at mid-length of the beam). Moreover, at the locations of laps, vertical stirrups should be provided at a closer spacing (Figure 17). Construction drawings with clear details of closed ties are helpful in the effective implementation at construction site.

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Figure 17 : Reinforcement Details in Beams.

7. How do Beam-Column Joints in RC Buildings resist Earthquakes?

In RC buildings, portions of columns that are common to beams at their intersections are called beam-column joints (Figure 18). Since their constituent materials have limited strengths, the joints have limited force carrying capacity. When forces larger than these are applied during earthquakes, joints are severely damaged. Repairing damaged joints is difficult, and so damage must be avoided. Thus, beam-column joints must be designed to resist earthquake effects.

Figure 18: Beam-Column Joints are critical parts of a building

7.1 Earthquake Behaviour of Joints Under earthquake shaking, the beams adjoining a joint are subjected to moments in the
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same (clockwise or counter-clockwise) direction (Figure 18). Under these moments, the top bars in the beam-column joint are pulled in one direction and the bottom ones in the opposite direction (Figure 19a). These forces are balanced by bond stress developed between concrete and steel in the joint region. If the column is not wide enough or if the strength of concrete in the joint is low, there is insufficient grip of concrete on the steel bars. In such circumstances, the bar slips inside the joint region, and beams loose their capacity to carry load.

Figure 19 : Pull-push forces on joints cause two problems Further, under the action of the above pull-push forces at top and bottom ends, joints undergo geometric distortion; one diagonal length of the joint elongates and the other compresses (Figure 19b). If the column cross-sectional size is insufficient, the concrete in the joint develops diagonal cracks. 7.2 Reinforcing the Beam-Column Joint Diagonal cracking & crushing of concrete in joint region should be prevented to ensure good earthquake performance of RC frame buildings. Using large column sizes is the most effective way of achieving this. In addition, closely spaced closed-loop steel ties are required around column bars (Figure 20) to hold together concrete in joint region and to resist shear forces. Intermediate column bars also are effective in confining the joint concrete and resisting horizontal shear forces. Providing closed-loop ties in the joint requires some extra effort. Indian Standard IS:13920-1993 recommends continuing the transverse loops around the column bars through the joint region. In practice, this is achieved by preparing the cage of the reinforcement (both longitudinal bars and stirrups) of all beams at a floor level to be prepared on top of the beam formwork of that level and lowered into the cage (Figures 21a and 21b). However, this may not always be possible particularly when the beams are long and the entire reinforcement cage becomes heavy.

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Figure 20 : Reinforcement at Beam-Column Joint

Figure 21 : Reinforcement at Beam-Column Joint

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7.3 Anchoring Beam Bars The gripping of beam bars in the joint region is improved first by using columns of reasonably large cross-sectional size.The Indian Standard IS:13920-1993 requires building columns in seismic zones III, IV and V to be at least 300mm wide in each direction of the cross-section when they support beams that are longer than 5m or when these columns are taller than 4m between floors (or beams). The American Concrete Institute recommends a column width of at least 20 times the diameter of largest longitudinal bar used in adjoining beam. In exterior joints where beams terminate at columns (Figure 22), longitudinal beam bars need to be anchored into the column to ensure proper gripping of bar in joint. The length of anchorage for a bar of grade Fe415 (characteristic tensile strength of 415MPa) is about 50 times its diameter. This length is measured from the face of the column to the end of the bar anchored in the column. In columns of small widths and when beam bars are of large diameter (Figure 22a), a portion of beam top bar is embedded in the column that is cast up to the soffit of the beam, and a part of it overhangs. It is difficult to hold such an overhanging beam top bar in position while casting the column up to the soffit of the beam. Moreover, the vertical distance beyond the 90 bend in beam bars is not very effective in providing anchorage. On the other hand, if column width is large, beam bars may not extend below soffit of the beam (Figure 22b). Thus, it is preferable to have columns with sufficient width. Such an approach is used in many codes [e.g., ACI318, 2005]. In interior joints, the beam bars (both top and bottom) need to go through the joint without any cut in the joint region. Also, these bars must be placed within the column bars and with no bends (Figure 23).

Figure 22 : Reinforcement at Beam-Column Joint

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Figure 23 : Reinforcement at Beam-Column Joint

8. Structural Design:
3Ds to be considered in the design of earthquake resistant structures are given below: Ductility : The structure should be ductile, like the use of steel in concrete buildings. For these ductile materials to have an effect, they should be placed where they undergo tension and thus are able to yield. Deformability : Apart from ductility, Deformability of structures is also essential. Deformability refers to the ability of a structure to dispel or deform to a significant degree without collapsing. For this to happen, the structure should be well- proportioned, regular and tied together in such a way that there are no area of excessive stress concentration and forces can be transmitted from one section to another despite large deformations. For this to happen, components must be linked to resisting elements Damageability : The another aspect to be taken into consideration. This means the ability of a structure to withstand substantial damage without collapsing. To achieve this objective Minimum area which shall be damaged in case a member of the structure is
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collapsed is to be kept in view while planning. Columns shall be stronger than beams for that purpose and it is known as Strong column and weak beam concept.

9. Conclusion:
Earthquakes are not preventable.

Earthquake resistant construction is important in earthquake prone area.

In areas where earthquake are frequent and large, the buildings should be constructed with light and economical materials like wood.

If properly designed as per codes the building shall not collapse or harm human lives during severe earthquake motions

However these structures will be uneconomical

10. References:
Murthy, C.V.R. (2003): IITK-BMTPC Earthquake Tips, Indian Concrete Institute Journal,Vol.4, Oct.-Dec. 2003 No., pp.31-34. Pankaj Agarwal & Manish Shrikhande Earthquake Resistant design of structures IS 13920, (1993), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi www.nicee.EQTips

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